Eat Pray Love Is Now… Colonial Oppression?

Western feminism has reached the point where not even Africa will tolerate it! The feminist response is… to blame their men.

[I’ve replaced sex with boink because it gets mentioned so many times.]

Gambian tourism board director tells Brits to stop coming to the country for boink with men

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By Jamie Micklethwaite, 18 August 2022

A tourism director of The Gambia has told British women to stop visiting the country to have boink with younger men.

The African country has become a popular destination for Brits ever since offering cheap package holidays in the 90s.

But the destination has also developed a seedy reputation.

The Eat Pray Love trend has had that effects on several equatorial nations. Gambia might just be the low-rent destination.

Young Gambian men have been known to offer boinking services to older women in exchange for money. The nation has even been referred to as “a real-life Tinder” for geriatrics.

Wait, what? Even Africa is discovering it has standards of cleanliness and propriety?

Gambia Tourism Board director Abubacarr Camara said: .What we want is quality tourists… Tourists that come to enjoy the country and the culture, but not tourists that come just for boink…

Wow. We just hit Peak Feminism! Not even Africa wants to tolerate the poor behavior of our women any longer!


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Hamat Bah, the nation’s minister for tourism and culture, told The Telegraph that Gambia wanted to shift the focus away from nightlife and towards nature, pointing out that there are over 300 different species of tropical birds in the country.

Bird tourism doesn’t sound as lucrative as boink tourism. Not that I’m complaining; I’d rather starve than boink a Brit MILF myself; but I hate to see them trying to escape Hell in a way that won’t work out long-term.

According to the outlet, the government is now looking to introduce new laws that could make it easier for law enforcement to arrest both local beach boys and older women engaged in “suspected relationships..

Top points for trying, however!

Boink tourism in Gambia took root in the 1990s after global travel agency Thomas Cook launched cheap flights and budget package holiday tours to the former British colony. Since then, the country has become known for having plenty of young black men who are ready to offer boinking services to older women in exchange for money.

Disturbing that RT knows the exact guy who started it.

End segue

But the reason this became a post, is because these particular British hags are trying to save face…

(GQ bites back a hundred puns)

…by blaming White Man’s history in Africa.

Speaking to Colin Brazier on GB News, journalist Caroline Farrow blamed British people for imposing their own values on boinking.

She said: “It’s up to Gambia what laws they want to set and they want to clean up their tourism industry.

“Boink tourism makes up 20% of their GDP…

No way!


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Tourism in Gambia has three major strands. There is the traditional sun seeking holiday making use of the hot climate and wonderful beaches. The Gambia is also usually the first African destination for many European birders, in view of its easily accessed and spectacular avian fauna. There are also a significant number of African Americans tracing their roots in this country, from which so many Africans were taken during the slave trade.

Okay, apparently the country is already established in the global birding community so they really are playing to their strengths. Also apparently, no reputable source of figures wants to admit how much of the “tourism is 65% of the economy” is boinking UK grannies.

End segue

“Boink tourism makes up 20% of their GDP and it’s very easy for us it’s very easy for us to titter and giggle at all the women going to have affairs with younger Gambian men but it’s not seen as so taboo or quite so exploitative.

Not as exploitative as… having affairs with local men?

“But it is because if you’re having to induce somebody to have boink with you because they wouldn’t do so otherwise it is a form of exploitation.”

She also said: “It says something for a society where people can only better themselves by selling themselves for boink.

Work ethic? IQ? Sociopolitical stability?

“In an age where we’re so sensitive about colonialism, we shouldn’t be going over there imposing our liberal progressive boinking values on them.”

She blamed Englishmen for skanky English feminists indulging in boink tourism? Disgusting. Especially since journalist Caroline Farrow was nearly a victim of ‘liberal progressive values’ herself.

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Caroline Farrow, a mother of five, faces questioning by police after allegedly using the wrong pronoun in a Twitter exchange with Susie Green after the pair appeared together on Good Morning Britain last year.

Mrs Farrow, a Catholic, believes that people cannot change sex and said on GMB that single sex spaces should be protected.

Mrs Green is the chair of trans campaign group Mermaids and mother of Jackie Green, who was born as a male called Jack before undergoing sex change surgery.

Mrs Farrow says Surrey Police told her that she had “misgendered Susie Green’s daughter” and that an investigation into her comments under the malicious communications act was “ongoing”. She also said she was asked to come in for a “taped interview” into the complaint. Mrs Farrow was invited to discuss the case with Green on the Victoria Derbyshire show on the BBC on Wednesday but said she declined because of the investigation.

Hate crimes carry a sentence of up to two years in prison.

The sad truth is that Gambia might be the more civilized nation at this point. They certainly are trying to be more moral than they were previously, while UK wimminz are blaming rejection of their EPL behavior on past Western colonialism.

These days, I find myself just waiting for it to happen. I don’t even know what “it” is, but GAE is terminally deranged and won’t stop until it wrecks.

Africa: “We won’t tolerate your boink tourism anymore.”

Feminist: “It’s because white men hurt you, isn’t it? We respect your culture more than they did!”

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