Climate Change Demands We Desecrate Our Dead

A growing frustration inside me over recent years is how Progressives, they of the “newer is always better” faith, are ever less capable of behaving like human beings. When one must argue that smartphone texting cannot replace real-life friendships, for example, it leads to uncomfortable suspicions about extraterrestrial doppelgangers. “Why am I explaining to this human how humans naturally behave? Maybe he’s an honestly ignorant space alien here undercover in order to study us in the wild, like Zuckerberg is? Or, is he a fanatical death cultist of Gaia and I should compost him while I have the chance?”

California’s dead will have a new burial option: Human composting

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By Melody Gutierrez for the LA Times, 18 September 2022

Why do I have to explain the importance of respecting the dead? Why we don’t use their corpse-rottings for fertilizer? It was self-evident for millennia.

California will begin allowing an alternative burial method known as human composting in 2027, under a bill signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom on Sunday.

Nothing says “I’m proud to have authored this legislation” like backdating it to after the next major election or two. And nothing says “I’m proud to sign it” like signing it on a Sunday.

Assembly Bill 351 by Assemblymember Cristina Garcia (D-Bell Gardens) will create a state regulatory process for natural organic reduction, a method in which human remains naturally decompose over a 30-to-45-day period after being placed in a steel vessel and buried in wood chips, alfalfa and other biodegradable materials. The nutrient-dense soil created by the process can then be returned to families or donated to conservation land.

“Allowing your corpse to rot will honor Gaia!”

Supporters say it’s an eco-friendly alternative to traditional end-of-life options. Cremation, for example, is an energy-intense process that produces carbon dioxide emissions, while traditional burial uses chemicals to embalm bodies and a nonbiodegradable coffin to store them.

That’s Step One. Step Three: Newsom bans all internal-combustion funerals by 2035. Like he did for electric vehicles.

Step Two: Newsom’s cousin becomes president of the new human composting industry for California. Like he did for electric vehicles. That’s the real reason the law is backdated several years with details to be announced. It gives the government officials time to set up the grift for their profit, not the private sector’s profit.

California will join Washington, Colorado, Oregon and Vermont in allowing human composting.

“With climate change and sea-level rise as very real threats to our environment, this is an alternative method of final disposition that won’t contribute emissions into our atmosphere,” Garcia said in a statement.

It was Garcia’s third attempt to approve human composting in California after previous attempts failed in 2020 and 2021. Her office said for every person who is composted versus buried or cremated, the environmental impact is immediate. The companies that offer human composting say for every person who choses the option over burial or cremation it will save the equivalent of one metric ton of carbon from entering the environment.

I’m not sure why desecrating the dead was so important to Garcia, aside from, perhaps, her ghoulish Innsmouth parentage:

That is some seriously psychotic frizzy hair. Those lips must sneer a lot, to be bent in that shape. Wikipedia says she was a major proponent of the MeToo movement until she was accused of groping a male staffer while drunk. Upon investigation, the authorities concluded that the accusation was technically correct but she didn’t mean it.

Then she didn’t mean it a second time.

I must admit, the thought of abandoning her corpse to rot in a shallow grave is surprisingly appealing. Now that she mentions it.

The California Catholic Conference opposed the bill, saying the process “reduces the human body to simply a disposable commodity.”

“The practice of respectfully burying the bodies or the honoring the ashes of the deceased comports with the virtually universal norm of reverence and care towards the deceased,” said the group, which is the public policy voice of the Catholic Church in California.

BOOM! Thank you, Catholics! It can be hard to explain the painfully obvious.

I’ll go one better. The reason for respecting the dead via embalming, cremation etc. is that we aren’t supposed to die. Neither humans nor animals enjoy death, typically, but we humans have an additional aversion that comes of possessing an immortal soul. We are meant for immortality in ways that animals are not, which is why we either honor our dead or disappear them to rest until resurrection.

That also explains why Climate Change druids treat humans like roaches and roaches like humans. They deny the soul’s existence. Like the demons of Hell and the Zucker-Borg space aliens of Pluto, they believe there’s no fundamental difference between humans and roaches.

Newsom signed the bill without comment.

Human composting is slightly less expensive than a casket funeral, but at around $5,000 to $7,000, it is more costly than cremation. The soil created by the human composting process could be used on private land with permission and otherwise would be subject to the same restrictions as scattering cremated remains in the state.

Composting is more expensive, yes, but it’s also a selfie opportunity! Nothing maximizes your Social Credit score like feeding the worms instead of the capitalists evilly offering cheap energy.

And that is why punctuation is important.

This is a question of consumer choice, and Californians should have access to a deathcare option that is natural, carbon neutral, and a sustainable alternative to cremation or burial,” said Tom Harries, co-founder of Earth Funeral, which offers the burial option.

Honoring the dead is not a consumer choice. Not in a healthy society.

Looks like the entryists have identified the funerary-industrial complex, killed it, gutted it and now are wearing a skinsuit of Grandma, demanding respect.

2 thoughts on “Climate Change Demands We Desecrate Our Dead

  1. “BOOM! Thank you, Catholics! It can be hard to explain the painfully obvious.”

    I love Mother Church.

    For some reason I can’t quite put my finger on, the idea of human composting is literally nauseating. This was a tough read.

  2. Why not just burry in farmland without embalming and in a simple wood casket? (they didn’t have fermaldohyde and steel caskets in ancient times) It’d be too much dignity I guess. The point here is to turn human bodies into a mere product, composted in a factory and transported to the most inhuman of factory farms. Also less possible disease vector, as using human remains as mulch on top of the soil means more likely to contaminate the finished produce than composting deep under the soil naturally.

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