USA’s Breakup Will Be ESG-Fueled

I am honestly surprised, and pleased, that American states whose economies depend upon fossil fuels are willing to act in self-defense.

In related news, California is slowly going back into Covid lockdown for flu season. This hasn’t made the headlines yet because it’s being done voluntarily by individual organizations acting on their own.

As others have put it, the game of musical chairs is in progress.

Louisiana divests from BlackRock over ESG policies: ‘Would destroy Louisiana’s economy’

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By Thomas Catenacci, 5 October 2022

Louisiana’s government doesn’t want to sabotage itself and die? That’s almost unprecedented in modern American politics. I would sooner expect politicians to swan-dive into wood chippers than defend their people from financial rapists. Most American politicians don’t even acknowledge the concept “my people”.

Louisiana Treasurer John Schroder penned a letter to BlackRock CEO Larry Fink, explaining the state would liquidate all BlackRock investments within three months and, over a period of time, divest nearly $800 million from the bank’s money market funds, mutual funds or exchange-traded funds. The state treasurer blasted Fink’s pursuit of so-called environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards that promote green energy over traditional fossil fuels.

“Your blatantly anti-fossil fuel policies would destroy Louisiana’s economy,” Schroder wrote to Fink in the letter first obtained by FOX Business.

“This divestment is necessary to protect Louisiana from actions and policies that would actively seek to hamstring our fossil fuel sector. In my opinion, your support of ESG investing is inconsistent with the best economic interests and values of Louisiana,” he continued. “I cannot support an institution that would deny our state the benefit of one of its most robust assets.”

Where did this pleasant surprise come from?!


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Louisiana Treasurer John Schroder, a Republican, says he is running for governor in 2023.

In a text to his supporters obtained by USA Today Network, Schroder writes, .Just wanted to let you know that the Schroder family has met, and we will be entering the governor’s race. Timeline for announcement is not set yet, but I wanted to let you know..

Schroder has long been considered likely to run, telling USA Today Network last spring, .I love being a public servant and working to instill faith in the government process is my No. 1. If you want to fix things and help people, (governor is) certainly the best position to be in..

Oh. It’s just election season. Then again, if he’s willing to kick the banksters out then Louisiana could do much, much worse for a governor. Also, a finance guy who cares about his state is good raw material for somebody capable of meaningful opposition against the globo-banks. The timeline I boldfaced above means he’s going to divest regardless of election outcome. I would not have believed him, had he done the usual Republicuck tactic of making it a campaign promise.

End segue

The treasurer noted in the letter that the state has already removed $560 million from BlackRock investments, a figure that will swell to $794 million by year’s end under his agency’s plan.

Schroder is a go-getter!

BlackRock and several other major financial institutions have spearheaded an effort to promote ESG standards over the last several years. A chief pillar of the ESG movement is to utilize publicly-traded funds to incentivize a “net-zero” transition from fossil fuels to clean energy alternatives like wind and solar.

But the firms have recently faced increased pressure from Republican-led states and groups like the State Financial Officers Foundation which have criticized ESG policies as anti-democratic and, in some cases, illegal.

“Consumers’ Research applauds Treasurer Schroder’s commendable decision to withdraw the state’s assets from BlackRock’s misuse,” Will Hild, the executive director of Consumer’s Research, told FOX Business in a statement. “As noted in his letter, BlackRock is using the people of Louisiana’s money to advance a destructive agenda that raises costs for consumers in the state and across the country.”

“The seeds of today’s energy crisis were planted by BlackRock and others in their reckless abandonment of their fiduciary duty to cozy up to radical, woke politicians,” he continued. “We are glad to see the Treasurer working to put an end to their economic vandalism.”

Economic vandalism… an excellent description of Climate Change. Will use myself!

In late July, West Virginia became the first state to punish banks that pursue ESG standards. Several other states including Louisiana, Texas, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Florida, South Carolina, Arizona, Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Arkansas and North Dakota told FOX Business at the time that they were prepared to take similar actions.

Texas and Louisiana have already pulled the trigger. Florida and Wyoming are surely only a matter of time. California has significant oil reserves but they’ve been all but confiscated by Sacramento already.

BlackRock declined to comment on Schroder’s letter, but pointed FOX Business back to a letter it sent to 19 Republican attorneys general in September.

“We are disturbed by the emerging trend of political initiatives that sacrifice pension plans. access to high-quality investments . and thereby jeopardize pensioners. financial returns,” the firm wrote to the state officials on Sept. 7.

Behold the true Utopia of Marxism: a government-backed sinecure ripening into a government-backed pension! Too bad for Blackrock, that threating to revoke government pensions is less of a threatpoint than crashing the state’s economy in the first place.

Barring U.S. Army intervention… which is on the table… the states with energy reserves have every motivation to oppose ESG, while the states without have every motive to betray their people.

I suspect that the driver behind ESG is Great Resetting from soon-to-collapse fiat currency to an energy-backed currency. The only way this can happen is if the globalists can somehow purchase the world’s energy resources at heavily discounted prices… and if there’s one thing that ESG will achieve, it’s devaluing hydrocarbon-based energy assets.

Everything about GAE’s activity makes sense from that perspective, from using domestic national reserves to manipulate our gas prices to all the foreign reindeer games over oil pipelines that have been going on for many years. Cornering the global energy market would make the petrodollar bulletproof… but to corner the market, it must first be devalued… by making everybody stop using gas, if only briefly. Or at least, everybody’s gas except GAE’s.

4 thoughts on “USA’s Breakup Will Be ESG-Fueled

  1. ”Oh. It.s just election season. Then again, if he.s willing to kick the banksters out then Louisiana could do much, much worse for a governor. Also, a finance guy who cares about his state is good raw material for somebody capable of meaningful opposition against the globo-banks.”
    Anything about the fed reserve or Bernanke, GUNNER!?

  2. There are 5 primary resources:
    1. Energy: mans labor chief among them all, followed by external material in decreasing value directly related to its energy density (eg, BTU/gr)
    2. Water
    3. Air
    4. (Arable) land: one must exist within space, and use water+air to provide his sustenance
    5. Women. Unique in their ability to procreate.

    They took out women from being an available resource with feminism mind-pollution.
    They can’t control air, but eco-terrorists and their legal thugs keep tightening access to water.
    Financial systems making every man a wage slave limits access to (arable) land.
    Last pillar to fall is energy

    They want control, the means be damned. They will try any method, and shown here briefly no single resource is unique. ESG is just another theorized way to achieve resource control.

  3. BlackRock and CIA are the government now.
    The big Kroger/Albertsons merger is BR and all of those seemingly personal letters with the local stores and addresses in the text that lead into we want to buy your property comes from them.

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