Why Markey Is Acting Like A Crybully about the Twitter Takeover

It was hard to be certain because Twitter was Social Justice social media Central, but the uproar over Musk’s takeover was too loud to not have been coming from the hidden powers ruling over GAE. Massachusetts’ Senator Ed Markey, for example, is taking it personal.

As in, making personal threats.

After victimizing himself.

With a parody of himself. “That’s not me! That’s the other me and how could you let me do this to myself, Elon?! I DEMAND ANSWERS!”

Oh, I got answers.

Democratic senator doubles down on threat against Elon Musk: ‘Will pay a price’

h ttps://www.theblaze.com/news/markey-doubles-down-threat-elon-musk

By Chris Enloen, 17 November 2022

Markey is upset that Musk’s acquisition of Twitter resulted in a wave of impersonations on the platform, beginning when Musk allowed users to purchase a blue “verified” check marks.

Specifically, Markey colluded with a Washington Post writer to create an account impersonating him.

So far, seems legit, if ill-mannered. Impersonating a politician or celebrity can lead to serious problems.

Markey then sent Musk an angry letter demanding answers, but failed to disclose that he gave the journalist permission to create the false account.


The reporter’s name is Geoffrey Fowler, who claimed he did it to show how easy a fake ‘verified’ account could be made. That doesn’t hold up because Twitter was already dealing (very publicly) with a torrent of parody accounts. I’m surprised that there hasn’t been a worse sabotage, frankly.

Analysis: Markey wants to attack Musk but is afraid to do so except as a victim. So, he manufactured his victimhood then started up with the threats. This is odd behavior for one of the Congressmen overseeing Musk’s industry. He already has as much leverage as any one man can have.

Musk responded to Markey’s initial outrage by mocking him, causing Markey to threaten Musk that Congress will “fix” his companies.


h ttps://news.yahoo.com/ed-markey-elon-musk-tweet-201857838.html

.A @washingtonpost reporter was able to create a verified account impersonating me.I.m asking for answers from @elonmusk who is putting profits over people and his debt over stopping disinformation. Twitter must explain how this happened and how to prevent it from happening again,. Markey said in a tweet on Friday.

At 10:20 a.m. Sunday, Musk responded in a tweet to Markey: .Perhaps it is because your real account sounds like a parody?.

A few minutes later, at 10:36 a.m., in referring to Markey’s Twitter profile photo in which the senator is wearing a blue surgical mask, Musk tweeted again to Markey: “And why does your pp have a mask!?.

I understand why people want to like Musk. Like Darth Vader, he’s a bad guy who makes the other bad guys cry.

At 11:16 a.m., Markey retweeted Musk’s tweet referring to Markey’s account as .a parody,. with a stern warning.

.One of your companies is under an FTC consent decree,. Markey tweeted to Musk. .Auto safety watchdog NHTSA is investigating another for killing people. And you’re spending your time picking fights online. Fix your companies. Or Congress will..

The boldfaced must be yet another self-driving-car incident. Move over Skynet, the real threat to humanity is Tesla.

Markey, a Democrat who is also on the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee…

…Was too scared to act in his oversight capacity except as a victim. That’s not how men do business.

Masculine: “Please address this problem before I have to get involved.”

Feminine: “Stop victimizing me or ‘Congress’ will make you stop! I don’t have to whitewash that last homicide by your self-driving cars, just so you know!”

It’s hard to call them “Elites” when they’re on a perpetual quest for innocence. I wake up innocent but they have to bleach their souls for an hour just to manage the daily stink. Forget about the bloodstains.

End segue

During an interview Thursday on MSNBC, Markey was asked how specifically Congress can “fix” Musk’s companies.

The Massachusetts Democrat, however, failed to provide a substantive answer, other than responding that he sits on congressional committees that provide oversight of government agencies that are scrutinizing Twitter and Tesla.

Heh, that’s exactly why reporters aren’t allowed to ask questions anymore.

But I am not a reporter. And I asked, why might Markey be taking this so personally?

Massachusetts Department of Public Health coordinated with Google to secretly install COVID ‘spyware’ onto 1 million phones, lawsuits says

h ttps://www.theblaze.com/news/massachusetts-department-health-google-spyware-phones

By Paul Sacca, 17 November 2022

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health coordinated with Google to covertly install tracking apps on more than a million Android phones, a class-action lawsuit alleges. Google was allegedly urged by the government to install spyware on cell phones during the COVID-19 pandemic as a method of contract tracing.

Have they done any public-private partnering with Twitter also, one wonders?

The New Civil Liberties Alliance launched a lawsuit on Monday that claimed the Massachusetts Department of Public Health worked with Google to develop a contract tracing app in April 2021. The lawsuit . filed in the U.S. District Court of Massachusetts . accuses the DPH of installing “spyware that deliberately tracks and records movement and personal contacts onto over a million mobile devices without their owners’ permission and awareness.”

The lawsuit claims that the mobile app was not voluntarily downloaded by very many people.

However, the Massachusetts Public Health Department is accused of collaborating with Google to secretly auto-install COVID spyware onto over a million phones without anyone’s knowledge or consent.

“To increase adoption, starting on June 15, 2021, DPH worked with Google to secretly install the Contact Tracing App onto over one million Android mobile devices located in Massachusetts without the device owners. knowledge or permission,” NCLA claimed in the lawsuit.

The NCLA press release declared, “DPH.s contact tracing app does not appear alongside other apps on the Android device’s home screen. The app can be found only by opening ‘settings’ and using the ‘view all apps’ feature.”

“According to the claims in the lawsuit, the app causes an Android cellphone to constantly connect and exchange data with other nearby devices via Bluetooth and create a record of those connections,” Fox Business reported. “This exchange process, the lawsuit explained, can make the time-stamped, stored data in person’s Android phone available to DPH, Google and application developers.”

The lawsuit claimed that the app could obtain data from the mobile device, such as phone numbers, personal emails, locations visited, and movement.

The lawsuit claims that if the smartphone owners deleted the app, the DPH “simply re-installs it.”

Well, well. If Mass. government has already been using social media to illegally spy on the people of Mass., then it makes sense both that

1. Markey is very upset that Musk now has archival access to any such shenanigans, and

2. Markey does not want anybody to make the connection between his committee assignment and his government committing illegal cybersurveillance against its residents. He’s in a perfect position to suppress and silence organized dissent against his peers’ crimes. Hence his posturing as a victim.

Of course, the lawsuit is still in progress and Musk is not a white hat. It’s possible that Markey is just afraid that people might mistakenly believe he’s a normal politician instead of a WEF Climate Change-loving crybully sucking on his face diaper for the third year in a row:

Seriously, that parody Markey is an improvement. Visible face, no incriminating background, no guilt by association with the Huffington Post.

One thought on “Why Markey Is Acting Like A Crybully about the Twitter Takeover

  1. WEF Elon way overpayed and how about DJT staying off of Twit.
    Some say it is due to contract obligations with Truth Social.
    It will take millions of eight dollar subscribers for comrade Elon to recoup.
    Maybe Bwarney Fwanks could come out of mothballs for the glorious peoples republic of Massachusetts.
    Elon’s loyalty is to ca$h and nothing else, a technocratic huckster is the term used by an online pundit.

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