I Don’t Buy The Bryan Kohberger Narrative

How do they find each other? A pedophile wanders into a new city, doesn’t know anybody. Knows that if the normal people he walks past ever learn about his “hobby” then he’s seen his last sunrise. How does he identify his fellow pedos and network with them?

They obviously do, with high accuracy, and not just pedos. The Deep State, for example. If you’re the sociopathic head of Three-Letter Agency, how do you figure out which of your minions will follow “the important orders”?

It’s not a question to be answered by guessing.

Which brings me to the quadruple murder a couple months ago in Moscow, Idaho. There was always a lot that didn’t add up in the story, and now that it’s rushing to a conclusion, it’s REALLY not adding up. I don’t have any hard evidence; I do have observations; and I reach a theory at the end that if true, explains everything and more.

The crime scene was, of course, the first puzzle.

Blood-soaked Idaho crime scene ‘major challenge’ for investigators: expert

h ttps://www.foxnews.com/us/blood-soaked-idaho-idaho-crime-scene-major-challenge-investigators-expert

By Rebecca Rosenberg, 23 November 2022

The blood-soaked crime scene where four University of Idaho students were brutally murdered more than one week ago is a “major challenge” for investigators, an expert told Fox News Digital.

“From a blood evidence standpoint, this is a profoundly bloody scene,” said Joseph Scott Morgan, distinguished scholar of applied forensics at Jacksonville State University. “It’s going to be a very complicated case when you go through blood evidence, when you go to do DNA typing. It’s a major challenge.”

Ethan Chapin, 20, Xana Kernodle, 20, Madison Mogen, 21, and Kaylee Goncalves, 21, were stabbed to death Nov. 13 between 3 and 4 a.m. in a rental house near campus in Moscow, Idaho.

Police believe the victims, who were found on the second and third floors, were ambushed in their sleep.

The Moscow Police Department has yet to identify a suspect in the horrific crime or determine whether there was more than one assailant.

Of course there was more than one assailant. One cannot reliably murder another with a knife, without a real risk of their waking up and getting a scream off or some other noise that would wake a housemate. No lone wolf deliberately chooses to be outnumbered by his victims, expecting to messily kill them one at a time, and then expect to escape safely.

The choice of weapon (knife) and target (college girls) would normally make this a textbook crime of passion. But that doesn’t fit, either. One perp is the jilted lover of three chicks and a dude? This is Idaho, not Oakland.

Was the killer known to his victim? If so then he killed three additional people at great risk for no gain. If he didn’t know any of the victims then the lone wolf could have picked a much easier target. Neither shoe fits. For a solo killer known to the victim or not, amateur or experienced, passionate or deliberate, this is not a reasonable crime scene.

Thus, multiple attackers. Had this happened in an inner city, “gang hit” would have been everybody’s first thought.

Each of the students was stabbed multiple times in the chest area, likely by the same weapon, and at least one victim had defensive wounds, according to Latah County Coroner Cathy Mabbutt.

The perps weren’t even trying for a quiet kill.

In stabbing cases, perpetrators often injure themselves, said Joseph Giacalone, an adjunct professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice and a retired NYPD sergeant.

“If you’re stabbing and hit the bone, the knife kicks back, and your hand gets sliced,” he said. Morgan added that it could be very difficult to isolate a sample of the killer’s DNA if he left one behind.

About that DNA sample…

h ttps://apnews.com/article/idaho-pennsylvania-indiana-education-homicide-9051569249b988b5afaa2414aa3f9bc8?utm_source=homepage&utm_medium=TopNews&utm_campaign=position_06

5 January 2023

BOISE, Idaho (AP) . The DNA of the man accused of killing four University of Idaho students was found on a knife sheath recovered at the crime scene, and cellphone data shows that he was in the area of the victims. home multiple times in the months before the November attack, an investigator said in court documents unsealed Thursday.

They found the sheath but not the knife? How were there no fingerprints on it, it obviously being left by accident? How did they know it belonged to the perp? Maybe because no victim had a knife… but that’s still guesswork.

According to the newly unsealed court documents, traces of DNA from a lone male later determined to be Kohberger were found on the button of a leather knife sheath found in the rental home where the victims were killed. Investigators later closely matched the DNA on the sheath to DNA found in trash taken from Kohberger’s parents. home in Pennsylvania, where he was arrested last week.

Of all the places to find DNA at THAT crime scene, a knife sheath tossed aside before the stabby started is the least plausible. But if somebody wanted to plant the murder weapon at the scene… but not the ACTUAL murder weapon… the sheath would be a logical choice.

There’s been enough time, the crime scene has been released for cleanup, that any DNA there to be found, has been found. And all they have is the perp’s blood on an empty sheath that they somehow know beyond reasonable doubt was brought in by the killer? No second source from a hand cut? Was the perp wearing gloves to prevent fingerprints, and if so, what part of him might have dripped that blood?

The court documents also detail a surviving roommate’s chilling encounter with a masked intruder the night of the stabbings. But the documents still leave many questions unanswered, including whether Kohberger and the victims knew each other and why police weren’t called to the home until nearly eight hours after the killings likely occurred.

Two other housemates were at home during the Nov. 13 killings, but were not physically harmed, according to the affidavit written by Brett Payne, a police corporal in Moscow, Idaho.

  1. They were there.

  2. They weren’t harmed.

  3. They didn’t call the cops.

They either knew the perps or were hiding crimes of their own.

Investigators recently made a breakthrough, however, after analyzing DNA evidence and searching for a white sedan that was seen around the time of the killings.

Investigators recently made a breakthrough after Anonymous Conservative made a post, which went viral, describing how two of the girls were being professionally surveilled in the hours preceding their murders. I don’t know if he’s right but the timing stinks.

Surveillance footage captured near the home showed a white sedan . later identified as a Hyundai Elantra . drove by the home three times in the early morning hours of Nov. 13, returning a fourth time at about 4:04 a.m. The car was next spotted on surveillance cameras leaving the victims home 16 minutes later “at a high rate of speed,. according to the affidavit. The same car was later spotted on a different camera headed toward Pullman, Washington . the town where Washington State University and Kohberger’s apartment are located.

Two thoughts. One, a car can have multiple occupants as easily as one.


h ttps://www.kxly.com/moscow-police-looking-for-occupants-of-car-near-king-street-on-nov-13/

7 December 2022

The Moscow Police Department is asking for the public’s help to identify people who were inside a white car around the time when four University of Idaho students were killed.

Police say based on tips and leads investigators have received, a white 2013 Hyundai Elantra was in the area of the home on King Street in the early morning of November 13.

Investigators believe the occupants of the car may have critical information to share in the murder case.

Plural, occupants. This could explain why law enforcement released two bodycam videos of Kohberger being pulled over on the long drive to his parents’ home with his father in the passenger seat, to provide a false herring with which to bury this lead.

End segue

And two, I am dubious that none of those surveillance cameras could grab the license plate… assuming they were traffic cameras not peoples’ doorbells, of course.

One of the uninjured housemates told investigators that she was woken by noises at about 4 a.m., and thought she heard another housemate say something like, .there’s someone here.” She looked outside her bedroom and didn’t see anything. Later she thought she heard crying coming from Kernodle’s room and looked outside again. That’s when she said she heard a male voice say something to the effect of, .it’s OK, I’m going to help you,. Payne wrote in the affidavit.

She later opened her door a third time and saw a masked man in black clothing whom she did not recognize walking toward her and stood in “frozen shock” as he walked past her toward a sliding glass door, the affidavit said. She went back in her room and locked the door.

Investigators believe the suspect then left the home. The document does not say what happened next at the home, or why police were not alerted for several more hours.

That’s not the truth. I don’t know what the truth is, but “Jason Voorhees saw me and left a witness alive instead of another kill” ain’t it.

Mental health experts say common physiological responses to frightening or traumatic experiences include an urge to fight, an urge to flee, or an urge to freeze.

Not for eight hours. The media is burying something BIG. I already knew that from the FBI’s early involvement, before there was any indicator of interstate activity, but this is confirmation, and I’ve already voiced what I think the big secret is.

There were more than one assailants.

h ttps://heavy.com/news/bryan-kohberger/

Bryan Kohberger posted on a Reddit thread about a research project that was studying the minds and feelings of criminals. The post was made to a subreddit on ex-cons.

In the now-deleted Reddit post, Kohberger wrote, in part, .My name is Bryan, and I am inviting you to participate in a research project that seeks to understand how emotions and psychological traits influence decision-making when committing a crime. In particular, this study seems to understand the story behind your most recent criminal offense, with an emphasis on your thoughts and feelings throughout your experience..

Questions in the survey dig into whether a person committed their first crime when they were alone, whether they were employed, whether they were under the influence of drugs and alcohol, and more.

Other questions in the survey include, .How was your life right before the crime occurred?. and “Did you prepare for the crime before leaving your home? Please detail what you were thinking and feeling at this point. and “How did you travel to and enter the location that the crime occurred?. and “After arriving, what steps did you take prior to locating the victim or target (i.e., person or object)? Please detail your thoughts and feelings..

“My knife sheath slipped off my belt even though I didn’t rape anybody. It made me feel guilty.”

He was getting a PhD in criminal psychology, worked as a security guard, had applied for police positions… nothing unusual in that. But that’s a disciplined mind, not a deranged mind to take risks like lone-wolfing 2/3 of a sorority house.

Kohberger is on record RECRUITING CRIMINALS for a ‘survey’. And then he committed a quadruple murder that no lone wolf type would have dared, for a reason that no police agency has attempted to give.

The following is my personal analysis and opinion. I surely have at least some parts wrong so none of it is meant as an accusation.

Really, I’m just for entertainment purposes.

The FBI is famous for its psychological profiling of criminals. The Deep State generally, is a state sponsor of terrorism in a very bullish market for such services. That means it needs quality recruits, and the average college grad can’t be trusted to obey quality orders such as “plant evidence” and “plug the leak”.

That was the real purpose of Kohberger’s study. Identifying recruits. Also, the real purpose of Kohberger. His background as provided, (read more of the Heavy link for details,) is pretty good for sociopathy.

The FBI having thus made a list of potential wetworkers, it came time to audition them. They arranged for four potentials to each commit one murder under controlled circumstances. Result, the FBI would both know that they would obey orders and possess damning evidence against them should they ever grow a conscience.

One or both of the surviving roommates arranged the crime scene & victims. Kohberger insisted on participating, drove the team to the house and they committed the murders with similar equipment in order to make it look like a single killer had done it. Running in a pack gave them the courage to enjoy the moment, hence why the scene looked like a crime of passion.

In the wake of the murders, local police were stymied (possibly because they had no reason to consider FOUR suspects) and the FBI came in quickly to ensure the investigation would fail.

h ttps://www.express.co.uk/news/us/1712858/idaho-murders-moscow-police-rumours-university-of-idaho-students-conspiracy-theories-dxus

Moscow Police knew immediately they needed help, so they called Idaho State Police and requested the investigation team.

The FBI got involved almost immediately and have set up a command post in the parking lot of the Moscow Police Department.

But then the investigation got the 4chan crowdfunding treatment.

h ttps://www.spokesman.com/stories/2022/dec/09/people-could-be-charged-social-media-rumors-about-/

Investigators have continued to urge people to refrain from spreading rumors and speculation online, saying the Moscow Police Department is the only source of official information.

.Investigators have been monitoring online activity related to this ongoing and active case and are aware of the large amount of rumors and misinformation being shared as well as harassing and threating behavior toward potentially involved parties,. a Friday news release reads. “Anyone engaging in threats or harassment whether in person, online or otherwise needs to understand that they could be subjecting themselves to criminal charges..

While not releasing much information on the investigation, the department has debunked dozens of rumors related to the case in news releases over the last month. The Moscow Police Department website has multiple sections dedicated to rumor control.

The misinformation, accusations and rumors are a “major disservice” to the Moscow community, victims. families and the people consuming them, said Aaron Snell, communications director of the Idaho State Patrol.

Some of Moscow Rumor Control’s efforts were reasonable… an Internet psychic fingered a college professor and didn’t read the resulting cease & desist mailings… but others were not. Pro-tip to Idaho law enforcement, if you want your investigation to be credible then don’t let the FBI in right at the start. Remember the Steele Dossier? Hunter Biden’s laptop? Epstein Island? NASCAR nooses? One news source said there were more FBI agents than cops & state troopers combined, working this case. But the police chief insists that this was ‘his’ investigation.


The FBI’s pre-event surveillance being found out, however, they feared the whole thing would unravel and improvised a contingency plan. Kohberger volunteered (probably with considerable promises & threats) to be fingered. Not only was he the most obvious member of the team, owning the car that was used, he could continue his recruitment work from inside the prison system, so it wouldn’t be a complete loss of talent.

FBI planted the sheath at the scene, retaining the bloody knife itself in order to ensure Kohberger’s loyalty. Perhaps they intend to invalidate the sheath as evidence later on. Kohberger did not resist extradition and is going through the motions. The media is loudly pointing out Kohberger’s character flaws. And three murderers are now made men in the Deep State, with more ‘recommendations’ to come.

The defenders of the innocent have grown so thin that we’re now being hunted by packs of predators.

h ttps://www.westernjournal.com/moscow-idaho-police-chief-reveals-believes-murder-suspect-acted-alone-not-truly-believe/

Although there are gaps in what police know about the day four University of Idaho students were murdered in November, they are confident of one major detail.

.We truly believe we have the individual that committed these crimes,. Moscow Police Department Chief James Fry said Friday, according to Fox News, after he was asked Friday whether there were any possible accomplices to the crime.

There’s a lot they don’t know from the motive to the weapon(s) to why the survivors didn’t call the cops, but they’re CERTAIN that there was only one perp who acted completely alone.

3 thoughts on “I Don’t Buy The Bryan Kohberger Narrative

  1. Kohberger didn’t kill himself. (honk!)
    Did he really go on Deep State social media discussion forums about the serial murder or was that the handler?
    They need recruits for the normal Americans Patriot purge that is coming before the decade is out.
    How about the getting pulled over twice in the same county of a Red State that is fundamentally transforming for following too closely?
    Making sure he makes it back to swamp central maybe and there was a passenger.

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