Three Female Entitlement Stories For the Price Of Two

My previous post was my shock & awe about literary-employed people using AI chat programs to do their jobs. Today, we remember that that’s the job of Reddit!

I do not know who Maureen Mackey of Fox News is… but I do know that her idea of finding national-news-level content is scouring Reddit’s “Am I the Asshole” forum. But I forgive her because she’s noticing how badly men are being treated.

Yes, yes, I’m doing the exact same thing right now… but my blog ain’t my job!

Man in wheelchair on bus refuses to move for mother and young daughter

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By Maureen Mackey, 25 February 2023

Move over, Rosa Parks!

A Reddit writer has shared a stressful and upsetting situation involving commuter travel and her young daughter.

A woman who described herself as a 32-year-old female wrote on the platform that she and her five-year-old daughter boarded a commuter bus “at a busy stop.”

The woman, who did not share her location, added that once they were on the bus, she saw that “there were no empty seats available, except for one [seat] near a person using a wheelchair” . a person whom she described as a 40-year-old male.

Either 1. a disabled military veteran, 2. a fugly fat piece of lard or 3. the vaxx wasn’t safe and effective. I rule out #2 on the basis that he was taking up only two seats.

The mother went on, “I asked the person if [he] could move [his] wheelchair to another spot so that my daughter and I could sit together, but the person declined.”

The man in the wheelchair, she went on, said he needed the space for his “mobility device.”

The mother wrote, “I was taken aback and frustrated by this response.”

She told the man that her daughter “was very young and needed to sit next to me for safety reasons” . yet still the person “refused to move.”

The woman shared that she “ended up having to stand for the entire ride with my daughter in tow, which was uncomfortable and tiring for both of us.”

The horror! The horror!

The mother wrote that when she told a friend about the incident, her friend told her she was “being insensitive and ableist.”


The woman’s friend, the original Reddit poster continued, told her “that the person in the wheelchair had a right to the space” he needed . and “that it was unfair of me” to ask the man in the wheelchair to move a bit to accommodate her.

She received a lot of grief on the platform from others. The mother continued, “Now, I’m questioning whether or not I was in the wrong for asking the person to move.”

She asked the Reddit community about it . and for their thoughts on whether she was wrong “for asking a disabled person to move seats on the bus for my child.”

Welp… we know this didn’t happen in Texas, because she didn’t eat a .45 bon-bon with the justification “she needed killin’.” Texans are known to roll (heh) like that.

Predictable outrage ensued, but the takeaway here is crippled male > single mother on the victim totem pole. A good sign for civilization!

Man yells at girlfriend to ‘stop f—ing eating,’ she then charges him with ‘fat-shaming’

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By Maureen Mackey, 26 February 2023

Hmm. Same author, same source, one day later. Her editor better run a chatbot detector on her next submission.

A dramatic relationship upset connected to food has shown up on Reddit, the social media site . and it has prompted the age-old question: “Can this relationship be saved?”

TL;DR no.

A man describing himself as a 26-year-old male explained that his sister, who is 23, runs a bakery . “and she’s been struggling lately to keep up with orders because she’s short-staffed.”

The man, who did not share his location, said his sister “does a lot of orders for wedding cakes that require custard or marmalade fillings . and I offered to help her out by making these fillings at home and bringing them to her so [that] she has less work to do,” he added.

However, there’s been a huge problem.

“Unfortunately, the past four times I’ve made these fillings,” the man wrote on Reddit, “my girlfriend has literally dipped her fingers into the filling jars and contaminated them because, in her words, she “just wanted to try some..”

“ tried explaining to her,” the man wrote on Reddit about his girlfriend, “that she can’t dip her fingers in and contaminate the entire batch, because then I have to remake it.”

The man’s girlfriend is 24 years old, he said.

He said he told her “she should use a spoon and take some out if she wants to try [it] so badly, but she just pouts and says that she likes using her fingers because it takes her back to her childhood.”

Dude, that there is a legitimate sign from Heaven Itself. DITCH THE WITCH WHILE YOU STILL CAN!

He went on to say that recently, he’d been “trying to finish some chocolate custard to send it over to my sister really fast because she was running late on a wedding cake order for an important client.”

So he told his girlfriend, as he shared with others, “to not eat the custard, and if she really wanted to, to please use a spoon.”

He’s not disciplining her.

The man said he stepped “out of the shower, and what do I see? She has her fingers in it again!”

He said he “totally lost it because this is the fifth time she blatantly disregarded what I said.”

Once is a mistake. Twice is disobedience. Five times is an ex-wife even before the wedding vows.

He said that he “yelled at her,” he shared, “and told her to “stop f—ing eating. the food I’m making, because it’s not for her, and she’s contaminating it.”

The girlfriend broke into tears, he said.

“She got mad at me,” the man revealed, “for .fat-shaming. her, even though I made no comment on her weight, and she has no history of weight issues or eating disorders.”

He added, “I know I was harsh, but she kept pushing my limits.”

Bad, bad, BAD SIGN!!!

That’s not harsh. That’s Cuck behavior. This guy is not ready to have a serious girlfriend, let alone wife.

The professional paid advice:

Fox News Digital reached out to a clinical psychologist for professional insights into the relationship drama.

Said Dr. Jayme Albin, Ph.D., of New York City, “The girlfriend is acting and thinking In a very self-centered way. Not only is she disregarding her boyfriend’s request, but he’s brought her attention to the fact that people in the community will be affected by her actions . and still she continues it.”

Compare to the very first, unpaid comment on Yahoo:

Classic – my ex did this to me all the time – keep pushing a button you’ve asker her not to push – and when you finally reach your limit and yell at her – she gets to point you out to everyone -as being the problem person who is angry all the time.

The winner is obvious.

2 thoughts on “Three Female Entitlement Stories For the Price Of Two

  1. These could just as easily be retitled “Millennial and GenZ Snowflakettes Being Snowflakettes.” Subtitle could be “Yet More Evidence Of Why Our Civilization Is Doomed.”

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