I Salute Rep. Robert Quattrocchi For Calling Out Evil And Refusing To Apologize

If you’re wondering why the Regime has begun intentionally crashing banks to accelerate their diabolical takeover… the appearance of deplorables like this one might explain why!

Speaker removes Republican who asked fellow lawmaker if she is a pedophile from House committee

h ttps://www.providencejournal.com/story/news/politics/2023/03/23/speaker-removes-republican-who-asked-fellow-lawmaker-if-she-is-a-pedophile-from-house-committee/70042468007/

By Katherine Gregg, 23 March 2023

PROVIDENCE . The GOP lawmaker who asked a Democratic colleague, who is one of two openly LGBTQ members in the House, if she was a pedophile, doubled down on Thursday after he was removed from the legislative committee where confrontation took place last week.

It’s two weeks too soon to be a Good Friday, but tell me more!

In a statement read aloud by the House clerk, House Speaker K. Joseph Shekarchi gave this explanation for removing Rep. Robert Quattrocchi, R-Scituate, from the House Committee on State Government & Elections:

“While asking questions as a member of the committee, Representative Robert Quattrocchi made several references about the applicability of the legislation to “Satanists” and “pedophiles” and directly asked Representative Kislak, ‘Are you a pedophile?’ .

“Representative Quattrocchi’s statements to Representative Kislak during the March 17 hearing are not in keeping with the decorum or the integrity of this body. Use of suggestive and offensive language and the disparagement of an esteemed colleague will not be tolerated in this chamber.

“I hereby direct that Representative Robert Quattrocchi be removed as a member of the House Committee on State Government and Elections, effective immediately.”

Okay, but IS the Sodomite also a pedophile? Speaker Sketchy didn’t say. And was there something about Kislak that made Robert think of Satan?

In response, House Minority Leader Michael Chippendale accused Shekarchi of bowing under pressure from a “mob,” and Quattrocchi gave a not-sorry speech on the floor in which he “confess[ed] to my guilt for calling out evil, an evil act against children.

It’s Clown World when you see a Chippendale standing against sexual immorality. Yeah, I couldn’t resist.

[Robert continued,] “And because I did that, evil came for me through my answering machine in the most disgusting, vile, I don’t even know how to describe it, language, whatever it is. Evil wished the rape of my children, my mother, my death, for me to be shot in the head.”

Behold Tolerance In Diversity! It’s such a welcoming and loving place, unless you love Christ. Or fathers. Or think rationally. Or enjoy fun and oxygen. Or refuse the Fauci Jab. Or ask where all the Ukrainian aid money went. Or are any combination of white, male, mature, boring, independent, ammosexual and/or Confederate. Or identify as a trans-exclusionary radical feminist, that’s a new one on the Inclusive Intolerable Acts list.

He said some of the emails he received were even more vile.

“All this for asking questions, not making statements, not making accusations, not talking about any groups of people … [but] doing the job that my constituents sent me, me here to do, using what I thought was my… my freedom of speech. Excuse me, what was left of it.

So if God put me here to be a lightning rod, so be it,” the Scituate Republican said. “I won’t bend a knee to a man or a woman. I’ll bend my knee to God and [when] my time is done, I will accept God’s judgment. That’s the only judgment I care about.”

“OR A WOMAN”!! We’ve never met but I love you, Rep. Quattrocchi! If we had more such Godly men with spines in authority, America would still be the land of the free.

For serious, I don’t ask much of politicians or clergy these days. I don’t have an agenda. Just tell the truth and accept the consequences… it doesn’t seem hard.

The action came in the wake of Quattrochi’s remarks to Rep. Rebecca Kislak, D-Providence, during the committee’s hearing last Friday on Kislak’s bill, H 5763, to require that lawmakers take into account the impact of their bills on people of different races, religions, sexual orientations and the like.

“It seems very, very broad,” said Quattrocchi, who was then still a member of the committee.

“In my thinking about [bills] that I want to present . do I have to take into account, for instance . how it affects Satanists in Rhode Island?” Quattrocchi asked. “Or do I have to take into account, with ‘sexual orientation,’ how it affects pedophiles in Rhode Island . anything like that?”

Seems fair, to consider how government actions could affect pedophiles.

Consider it… APPROVED!

“Pedophile is not a sexual orientation,” Kislak responded. And “that was really offensive.”

“Oh, I didn’t mean to. Are you a pedophile? I’m sorry,” Quattrocchi said to Kislak, a Providence Democrat who describes herself as a lesbian.

Heehee. Wait… pedo IS a sexual orientation. Even its proponents say that. Maybe Kislak was objecting to the OTHER group that Robert referred to, but feared to be that honest.

[GunnerQ pulls up her picture.] Eww! Jeffrey Epstein must have had a one-night stand in Salem, because that witch looks familiar.

Would a female ruling over men with a face like that, dead-fish eyes, used-car-salesman smile and frizzy hair with streaks of grey, be a Satanist? You decide.

In the days since, a number of advocacy groups have condemned Quattrocchi for using a hurtful stereotype to mischaracterize LGBTQ people, while Shekarchi himself called the remarks “reprehensible.”

That’s LGBTQP now, East Coast. Don’t be ashamed of who you are! Stand tall even in the gallows, for your uncontrolled urges to defile all innocent life!

“It was insulting to a colleague of the House and it is not the kind of decorum I expect in the House of Representatives,” said Shekarchi, who is gay.

The fag covered for the fag who was offended on behalf of third-party felony sex offenders, that Robert asked if he should be concerned about government impact on… hmm. I really think that this pedophile angle is actually Kislak being offended at Robert’s comment regarding Satanism, which indeed, is not a sexual orientation. But she can’t be honest about that; Rhode Island is neither Massachusetts nor Seattle; so she reframed her whine.

Quattrocchi issued a statement on Tuesday attributing the controversy to what he called “a misunderstanding,” but he had not publicly apologized as of the start of the Thursday House session.

Shekarchi said Quattrocchi needs to go the next step and publicly apologize “in whatever forum he wants but yes, there should be a public apology… because the effect of his words were extremely hurtful to the LGBT community.”

Why should he? Robert’s behavior was in accordance with the proposed legislation at the time:

The stated goal of the legislation at the heart of the current dispute: “A simple and understandable statement demonstrating that the bill sponsor has taken into account the impact, positive or negative, that the legislation will likely have on Rhode Islanders based on their race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, age or country of ancestral origin.”

I think we all can agree, that Robert has taken into account the negative impact he’s had on the LGBTQP community. Nothing about that law, as described, required him to care about said impact.

And he didn’t! WIN! I love it when a righteous man refuses to apologize for good behavior!

Committee assignments are at the discretion of the House Speaker who has the power to appoint and remove a legislator, as was done as recently as last year. Shekarchi removed then-Rep. Carlos Tobon from the House Finance Committee after a WPRI expose of his undisclosed financial activities.

Quattrocchi remains on two other committees.

One thought on “I Salute Rep. Robert Quattrocchi For Calling Out Evil And Refusing To Apologize

  1. Athenian Democracy always results in degeneracy and destruction.
    Those meet the depressed Sunday morning shows were all Trump this republicans that and I thought what would they have to talk about without them and this was just a few seconds of overhearing it while going out for a walk.
    One should never define himself by his so called enemies.
    Weimar level and beyond degeneracy will intensify as it only gets worse under Checkers Brandon.

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