Pregnant Terrorist Targets Pickle & Chocolate Factories? M.O. Says No

Long lists of suspicious fires and related crimes against food processors have been making the rounds. On the one hand, suspecting a campaign of arson & sabotage is reasonable because

  1. Our rulers complain that there are seven billion useless food-eaters still alive;
  2. Our rulers told us they were going to destroy our food supply until we’re forced to eat bugs;
  3. They’re already trying to feed us bugs; and
  4. They’re already destroying our food supply.

Thus, we can reasonably suspect them of destroying our food supply.

On the other hand, no evidence has emerged in dozens of suspected incidents, of State-sponsored paramilitary terrorists blowing up food processing facilities across the length of North America. There should be security-camera footage by now. Eyewitness. Blue-haired Twitter termites bragging how MAGA people are gonna starve because hir is such a badass.

The chocolate-pickle incidents made me throw in the towel.

Pickle factory goes up in flames the day after a deadly chocolate factory explosion

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By Michele Blood, 26 March 2023

A pickle factory in New Jersey was destroyed in a fire Saturday morning that also threatened two nearby schools, WNBC reported.

“Thankfully, our firefighters were able to stop the blaze from spreading to PANTHER Academy,” Paterson’s Mayor Andr? Sayegh said in an Instagram post.

No one was working inside the factory at time the fire broke out, WLNY reports. One firefighter was injured, but “will be ok,” the outlet also reported.

Fire fighters and police responded to a call around 6 a.m. to the 220 Ellison Street location, Paterson’s head of public safety, Jerry Speziale said, according to WNBC.

The fire, which took hours to extinguish, caused the building’s roof to collapse, according to WLNY.

The three-alarm blaze took out much of the Ellison Street factory. Thanks to firefighters’ efforts, neither the high school nor a nearby community college were damaged, WNBC reported.

Pickle factory explodes… pregnant women most affected! Why else would they bother saying that boldfaced? “We had an industrial three-alarm fire but all the schools in the zip code are safe.”

The cause of the fire was not immediately known, the outlet also reported.

Dun and Bradstreet list the employee count of Pickle King as 8, with an annual revenue estimate of $1,716,681. According to their data, the company was founded in 1982. The company reportedly provides pickles, preserves, jellies, and jams.

Pickles are not flammable… I checked… you can find literally anything on the Internet… but sugar can be, and God only knows what qualifies as a preservative these days.

The fire at Pickle King comes the day after an explosion at a chocolate factory in West Reading, Pennsylvania . about 125 miles west of Paterson, New Jersey . left at least two dead and five missing, as TheBlaze reported.

Close enough that a relationship is possible, but the only common factor is the fact of combustion AFAICT.

Lists of “suspicious” fires at food plants claiming our “food supply is under attack” began circulating on social media in 2022. City Journal reports that the posts fail to provide crucial context.

“In many cases, fires were related to construction, welding mishaps, a malfunctioning heater, and other quotidian problems. In other words, these were typical industrial accidents. Among the incidents commonly circulated on lists of suspicious fires, I couldn’t find any in which authorities said they believed the cause was arson,” James B. Meigs says in his reporting for CJ.

City Journal is more reputable than fact-checkers but still located in NYC. They do have occasional articles of interest to me.

It happens that I agree here. It’s not just the total lack of supporting evidence; the modus operandi doesn’t fit, either. In fact, a puzzling aspect of Cultural Marxism is the fact it’s the first iteration of Marxism/Totalism to NOT feature gangs of jackbooted thugs.

Police are increasingly Woke yet remain reactive, not proactive. Antifa and BLM have been deployed, primarily, only against either police or property. (In the wake of the 2020 riots, many affected businesses sold out cheap to the Usual Suspects. A profitable way to gain downtown properties that you were going to rebuild anyway.)

A special exception, and shout-out, to the Kenosha Kid.

(And no, the authorities STILL haven’t investigated who placed all those pallets of bricks in advance of the riots.)

My sense is that American mass gun ownership has forced Marxism to mutate into a form that can control people at a distance, because that’s the only way it CAN win. How suspiciously fortunate that the technology to accomplish that, the smartphone, came into existence at the perfect moment in time. I am glancing at the spirit world when I say that, not the Beltway.

I say it again: no human is in control of world events at this stage in history. Spiritual authorities have taken direct control and are setting the stage for a great spectacle, in which we shall be the gladiators. Nothing is happening by chance at this point.

That is not to say, that these small destructions mean anything beyond the general decay of America.

Which brings me to the food-banning modus operandi of GAE. They’ve been remarkably open about it. Top-down bans on agriculture (Dutch farmers), finance games of devaluing property in order to seize it (Farmer Bill Gates), and the newly weaponized Medical-Industrial Complex poisoning livestock. That’s how GAE is doing it. I’ve found multiple accounts of up to a million chickens killed at a time, just because a few were found infected.

One social-media source says the trick to preventing the spread of bird flu is simply to ease the overcrowding; chickens cannot maintain a social order above population 1,000 anyway; which sounds sensible to me. But no… mandatory inspections followed by mandatory all-kill culls followed by mandatory injections.

Here’s another example of GAE chicken terrorism:

PSYOP-23 Bird Flu Edition: Here They Go Again!

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26 March 2023

Geert Vanden Bossche, who predicted antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), turbo cancers and surging mortality from the C19 DEATHVAX., has also been warning about the leaky “vaccines” incessently administered to chickens such that they would develop a super strain H5N1 (SS-H5N1).

These One World Government criminals and their partners in crime like the WHO, UN, WEF, CIA, DoD, Pentagon, Gates, et al. want to induce SS-H5N1 not only as justification to destroy millions upon millions of chickens, thus putting further pressure on food supply chains (PSYOP-FAMINE and PSYOP-HYPERINFLATION), but to have SS-H5N1 transmit more efficiently to humans.

And what better environment to introduce SS-H5N1 then one where the humans are genetically modified, and as such are struggling with compromised immune systems?

Marek’s Disease was an accident that provided inspiration. I have independent confirmation that HIV was spliced into the C19 vexx, ostensibly to help the RNA invade cells, but what a coincidence that AIDS is no longer just for Sodomites.

A linked news article:

Vaccine makers prep bird flu shot for humans ‘just in case’

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By Jennifer Rigby, Reuters, 20 March 2023

LONDON . Some of the world’s leading makers of flu vaccines say they could make hundreds of millions of bird flu shots for humans within months if a new strain of avian influenza ever jumps across the species divide.

One current outbreak of avian flu known as H5N1 clade has killed record numbers of birds and infected mammals. Human cases, however, remain very rare, and global health officials have said the risk of transmission between humans is still low.

No, the government-mandated culls in the wake of confirmed infections are what killed those record numbers. This is exactly Regime m.o.: telegraph the threat, create the problem, then ‘solve’ it for maximum destruction. Nordstream and East Palestine say hey.

How do you know that derailment was sabotage and not faulty equipment? Because ((Hollywood)) made a movie about it a few months in advance, then the CDC preemptively covered up the toxicity of vinyl chloride, then they had to puncture the storage tanks to release the VC after the crash didn’t do it for them. Then the original team of investigators died in a freak plane crash en route to the site, then FEMA refused to help with the aftermath… that last was jumping the shark, so it eventually sent somebody to look around. Expect a report in a year or two.

Executives at three vaccine manufacturers . GSK Plc Moderna and CSL Seqirus, owned by CSL Ltd . told Reuters they are already developing or about to test sample human vaccines that better match the circulating subtype, as a precautionary measure against a future pandemic.

Others, like Sanofi, said they “stand ready” to begin production if needed, with existing H5N1 vaccine strains in stock.

The U.N. agency said it has signed legally binding agreements with 14 manufacturers for 10% of their pandemic flu vaccine “as it comes off the production line,” in a mix of donated doses and doses to be bought by the agency at an affordable price. The agreements include six of the largest seasonal flu manufacturers, such as GSK, Sanofi and CSL Seqirus, the WHO said.

“We don’t know that it will happen, it never has before, but we already signed contracts and are discussing distribution.” I note that just as with Covid, they have prejudicially rejected any possible response or treatment EXCEPT “a vaccine that doesn’t exist yet”.

That’s why the concept modus operandi exists. People are creatures of habit.

Less reassuring, however, is that most of the potential human doses are earmarked for wealthy countries in long-standing preparedness contracts, global health experts and the companies said.

Many countries’ pandemic plans say flu shots should go first to the most vulnerable while supply is limited. But during COVID-19, many vaccine-rich countries inoculated large proportions of their populations before considering sharing doses.

That’s not profit-seeking behavior. That’s “kill Western Civilization” behavior. Nothing is stopping the ruling class from vexxing the Third World first, at First World expense, as a show of piety to diversity & victimhood. I suspect the reason they’re preemptively floating the concept of hoarding is simply because they’ve drunk that much of the Entitlement Complex Kool-Aid. Gotta virtue-signal somehow! but not hard enough to insist that white man die last.

I badly want to believe that people won’t be so self-destructively stupid the second time… but few have repented of the first time.

Anyway, the good news is that most of these food-supplier incidents are not centrally organized sabotages. It’s not the current Regime’s style to bring the fight to us, as if small-scale operations such as Pickle King would be worth their time, and if they were doing it, there would have been at least anecdotal evidence by now. No Spec-op ghost operators are this clean.

The bad news, is they’re going to crop-dust us with plague after plague until we beg them for salvation. Or supplement with vitamins and daily exercise.

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