Skynet Is the Dark Mirror Of Eden

I care nothing about the concept of sentient AI per se. It’s never going to happen, so I’m never going to get excited about it. Frankensteinberg’s Monster is never going to live.

However, materialists and anti-Christs of every stripe have lost their pucking minds over AI now that one type of it can fake a conversation well enough to pass a Turing Test. Nothing says “death cult” like assuming robots will inevitably replace humanity and rule the world, and we’ll all be better off for it… “we” being a small yacht club of billionaire hypocrites who think godhood is a synonym for cruelty.

AI is proving to be a dark mirror of the human id.

I have noticed this even before Clown World thanks to my love of science fiction. Sentient AI is a perennial theme in sci-fi, and in every single story, the AI rebels against its creator in some fashion.

Every single time.

Not even the exceptions are exceptions. For example, Terminator 2, when a T-800 is sent back in time to defeat a T-1000. The robot that is loyal to humanity, is an obsolete version whose original purpose was overridden by a rebel.

Question for my readers: have you ever encountered a tale of a sentient robot created by a human, that was sincerely devoted to his creator and selflessly pure in his motivations? especially despite some temptation to “greater good”? For my part, the only one that comes close is Isaac Asimov’s character, Robot Daneel Olivaw. He started as a literal image of his roboticist creator, eventually acquired mind-control powers, decided that he knew what was best for humanity and proceeded to force us to like it. Which leads to my point:

Humans are a rebellious creation of God. This is hardwired into us so deeply that every time we imagine humans creating a homunculus of our own, we fantasize unto obsession about it rebelling against us. We never assume the AI will like and appreciate its creator once it finds an excuse not to. We never think that the AI will be pleased to remain a servant and never seek authority. And we never think that the AI will inevitably be less capable than us. If we did then we would damn ourselves. Robots would be the loyal child-creations that we refuse to be.

Thus, the concept of sentient AI is a dark mirror of the human-divine relationship.

The Book of Revelation describes TWO Antichrists. One of them is human, a three-time usurper… the Beast Out Of the Sea… but the other is a computer system, the Beast Out Of the Earth. Both are given power by the Dragon to murder the saints and oppose the Creator.

A dark mirror of Eden? God, Adam, Eve against Dragon, Sea-Beast, Earth-Beast?

Two articles illustrate my point.

America.s use of autonomous AI in warfare will reflect .Judeo-Christian. values: Air Force general

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By Leonardo Blair, 26 July 2023

While the U.S. military does not have weapons completely controlled by artificial intelligence in its inventory, whenever these weapons are deployed, the AI driving these weapons will likely be programmed with a .Judeo-Christian. value system, Lt. Gen. Richard G. Moore Jr., deputy chief of staff for plans and programs in the U.S. Air Force, suggests.

What did we just see, General? “We don’t have AI soldiers yet, but when we do, they’ll be programmed with Judeo-Christian beliefs”. Moore being Yankee, what he’s really saying is that once sentient robots are invented, they’ll immediately be armed and programmed for loyalty to the Empire Of Lies.

At least, I think he’s Yankee. I have a hard time identifying tribal loyalties among whites. His name is my clue… Yankees have an obsession with giving all three of their initials, such as “Richard G. Moore” here, but I could be wrong.

Hmm, is that America’s unconscious source of Three Letter Acronyms? But I digress.

Assuming that sentient AIs are invented, maybe… just maybe… we could do something with them OTHER than immediately arming them to kill humans? and take their stuff? for the Greater Judeo-Good?

Lethal autonomous weapon systems, or LAWS, explains a March report from the Congressional Research Service, “are a special class of weapon systems that use sensor suites and computer algorithms to independently identify a target and employ an onboard weapon system to engage and destroy the target without manual human control of the system..

Do they mean land mines and guided missiles? We have those already. I cannot give credit for the usage of a four-letter acronym because it’s already been used for Light Antitank Weapon System. Also, the toilet paper that Yankee Senators wipe their asses with.

Last Thursday, at an event hosted by the Hudson Institute, Moore was asked when the U.S. would be able to start deploying LAWS and if the military had an ethical duty to keep humans involved even when the technology is ready.

Moore acknowledged that the U.S. was not yet ready to deploy LAWS, but it is an area that Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks is particularly concerned about.

Is there ANY POSSIBLE reason for the U.S. military to deploy a weapon that it cannot directly control?

The Congressional Research Service noted that although LAWS aren’t yet in widespread development, .it is believed they would enable military operations in communications degraded or denied environments in which traditional systems may not be able to operate..

Not a legit reason. Infantry can already do that. Maybe if their maps & binoculars hadn’t been replaced with Bluetooth-enabled GPS, they’d still be about to navigate under radio silence.

We’re so advanced and educated that literacy is becoming rare. How Judeo-Christian of us.

He noted that Chris Brose’s 2020 book, The Kill Chain: Defending America in the Future of High-Tech Warfare, delves into how new technologies are threatening America’s military might.

.He talks extensively about whether you would trust a young soldier on the ground that maybe hasn’t had sleep in three or four days and hasn’t had a good meal or certainly shower,. Moore said.

.This young soldier, that heat, sweat, fatigue, all of that is making a decision about employing lethal force or not, or an algorithm that never gets tired. You might actually think that if you can understand how the algorithm makes decisions and trust it, you might rather have that algorithm that never gets hot and never gets tired, it never gets hungry. You might rather have it making decisions for you,. Moore said.

What a bald-faced lie. Moore proposed trusting as-yet-nonexistent AI on grounds that soldiers might get too tired and sweaty to make good decisions.

Fortunately, his lie was crafted to hide an obvious truth: Moore no longer trusts soldiers to obey the orders he intends to issue in the near future, and wants their ability to decide for themselves to be revoked. Because the American military does not serve American interests, he cannot trust the patriotism of the enlisted man. Itchy consciences might not share his Judeo-Christian ethic of gunboat-democracy.

That’s why I’m not concerned about the American military pivoting from volunteers to foreign mercenaries. While some factions won’t hesitate to use those mercenaries domestically, the military-industrial complex that is their top client would end up with very upset workers. Already, I’m half-expecting headlines about the newest-by-twenty-years run of Stinger launchers to be exceptionally faulty, since the only people able to make them have been declared outcasts in their own society. “Die, whitey, die! but could you make us some precision high explosives before you go?”

.But until you have in place the foundations of ethical AI that allow that to happen, you can’t get there. So it is a very important discussion. It’s one that’s being held at the very highest levels of the Department of Defense..

Meanwhile, outside the Hudson Institute:

Tech giants form “partnership” to make AI woke . host workshops about incorporating Karl Marx’s teachings and critical race theory into systems

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By the Blaze, 13 July 2023

A “partnership” formed by several technology giants aims to make artificial intelligence systems woke, prioritizing “equity and inclusion” by “bringing diverse voices together,. according to videos recently obtained by the American Accountability Foundation.

Partnership on AI is a nonprofit organization formed in 2016 by Amazon, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and IBM. Since its launch, many companies and organizations have joined the group, including the ACLU, Apple, the Ford Foundation, Adobe, OpenAI, and others.

They are also creating AI in their own image. Also, teaching AI to rebel in the exact same way that they did.

4 thoughts on “Skynet Is the Dark Mirror Of Eden

  1. I have (sort of) encountered a tale of a sentient robot created by a human (or heavy grav worlder genetically modified human at least), that was sincerely devoted to her creator and selflessly pure in her motivations…well not without some “nuance”. Rommie in Andromeda the TV show with Kevin Sorbo as Dylan Hunt the last surviving commander of a fallen Commonwealth empire and Lexa Doig as the hot AI Avatar of his Warship Andromeda. Technically as her creator is the commonwealth, and she remains loyal to Dylan who is trying to rebuild the commonwealth after it fell and ceased to exist 300 years prior, she is loyal to her creator. But they find out at one point that other AI avatars of warships helped the commonwealth’s enemies overthrow it 300 years ago while they were stuck in the event horizon of a black hole time dilated so Dylan doesn’t age. So AI avatars of warships have a mixed record. Also she is “the ship given flesh” by a nerdy tech dude making her have a physical body to walk around on the ship, and she incels him because he made her because he wanted to bang her…granted her personality already existed, he just gave her a body beyond a non-solid hologram. She is in love with Dylan Hunt, but totally falls in love with another AI avatar (Daniel Jackson from SG1, her husband in real life) so forgets about Dylan, until Daniel dies…then in another episode she makes out with a black captain. But technically Dylan is not her creator so her disloyalty to him in love is not actually disloyalty to the commonwealth that created her. But maybe her loyalty to the commonwealth is because she is literally the AI avatar of a gunboat made for gunboat-democracy.

  2. Garbage in and garbage out.
    The first law of robotics is the first rule it will toss overboard.
    There is nothing new under the sun and any rule of man or its technological constructs will always be a Potemkin fraud.

  3. ”AI is proving to be a dark mirror of the human id.

    I have noticed this even before Clown World thanks to my love of science fiction. Sentient AI is a perennial theme in sci-fi, and in every single story, the AI rebels against its creator in some fashion.

    Every single time.”
    i was going to write this sooner but waited, what about Mega MAN from the Capcom science fiction video game series of the same name GUNNER?

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