A Self-Vaxxing Oven

Police have a term for neighborhoods in which criminals kill each other faster than the cops can arrest them: self-cleaning ovens. Today with its new breed of criminal, we need a new term: self-vaxxing ovens are the sick, paranoid shut-ins who won’t call 911 to save their own lives because paramedics might be secretly contagious!

Letters to the [Los Angeles Times] Editor: Unvaccinated cops and firefighters make me hesitant to call 911 for help

h ttps://www.yahoo.com/news/letters-editor-unvaccinated-cops-firefighters-100056635.html

28 September 2021

To the editor: I am retired and 79 years old. I have multiple medical problems, including heart disease. Because I have a high risk of dying if I get COVID-19, I have carefully kept myself in a protective bubble for the last 18 months.

A side effect of Christianity is my total inability to respect this behavior. Why protect your body so zealously while stuffing your brain full of the Los Angeles Times? You won’t get Coof but you will get Socialism. Guess which one is the better killer.

It is unconscionable that if I call the police or the fire department in a medical emergency, there is a substantial risk that the first responders would be unvaccinated and more likely to expose me to COVID-19.

Dude, if you have advanced heart disease at age 79 with a sedentary lifestyle then the last thing you should be worried about is getting Chinaballs from the paramedic after he reboots those chest pains.

Vaccination for fire and police personnel must be mandated for their continued employment now.

Jeoffry Gordon, Venice

3 of 5 pillows. Would snuff again!

To the editor: It is outrageous that our “heroic” first responders in the police and fire departments are among the strongest opponents of COVID-19 vaccines.

Yeah! What information could first responders possibly have about this health emergency that would justify them disobeying Big Pharma executives?

Indeed, as reported by The Times, this refusal to become vaccinated and “protect and serve” the citizens is partially attributable to the plague of toxic masculinity that had surfaced because of our polarized politics and the sentiment that “real men don’t need vaccinations.” It’s shameful and sad.

It’s sad that society is so polarized that you won’t obey my every demand and whim. Reach across the aisle already, Cuckservative!

As a progressive, I have always been against the notion of “defunding” the police. However, if our public servants refuse to engage in and demonstrate health safety in a leadership role, I would no doubt support defunding those who threaten our collective health and safety.

Michael Schneider, Irvine

If these are the people whose lives you’d be saving if you got vaxxed… then why get vaxxed?

To the editor: Fire these first responders. I don’t want someone who’s carrying a deadly and transmissible disease to come “help” me.

Barbara Schiffler, Encinitas

It’s time for the West to have a real-deal die-off if we’ve reached the point of “Save me, 911! But only if you have a rescuer in my area who’s fully documented… but it would *ow… the pain!* be okay if he’s not immigration-documented, but just so you know, my preferred language is English… and *owww* you will address me by my preferred pronouns of hir/their… why are you making this hard? Can I speak to… ugh… chest pains… to your manager-*gack*”

13 thoughts on “A Self-Vaxxing Oven

  1. ‘I am retired and 79 years old. I have multiple medical problems, including heart disease. Because I have a high risk of dying if I get COVID-19, I have carefully kept myself in a protective bubble for the last 18 months.’

    A REAL Progressive in your position — someone that REALLY cared — would self-euthanize. If you keep whining about how unsafe you feel, I might be inspired to help.

    I also am old and I tick off all the coofid danger boxes and some they forgot to include. I do not live in a bubble nor in fear, seeing as how my God hates that. Instead I make my enemies fear me, speaking of which . . .

    ‘Indeed, as reported by The Times, this refusal to become vaccinated and .protect and serve. the citizens is partially attributable to the PLAGUE OF TOXIC MASCULINITY that had surfaced because of our polarized politics’

    . . . I see that my enemies and their (atrophied) organs are afraid of me and mine. They should be too.

  2. “and the sentiment that .real men don.t need vaccinations.. It.s shameful and sad….

    Michael Schneider, Irvine”

    How clueless can people get? .real men don.t need vaccinations.. is a sentiment I’ve heard from literally no one.

    Usually I hear something which I will paraphrase as “That Satan Serum will eff you up!”

  3. I find myself wanting a massive percentage of the population to be talked into an annual triple-vaxx

    My objection is that I have to pay for their vaccines through my taxes. But otherwise, sure, they can stab themselves with chemicals as often as they want. Their body, their authority. But my body is under my authority, so keep your chemicals away from me.

  4. My objection is that I have to pay for their vaccines through my taxes.

    I hear ya, but if I’m going to be forced to pay taxes, I can think of many more objectionable and offensive ways to spend the money than on helping the people who’ve destroyed my society remove themselves from it.

  5. Tuscon, an Arizona genre convention, is requiring that everyone be masked, even infants: https://tusconscificon.com/covid-19-protocols-for-tuscon-48/

    In addition, all children attending must be masked, NO EXCEPTIONS. If your child is unable to wear a face mask for any reason, we ask that you do not bring them to the convention. This is especially true of infants and toddlers. We apologize for the inconvenience, but this is for their health and well-being as well as that of the other attendees.

  6. I am one of those FF/EMT’s that absolutely refuses to be jabbed. I am 98% positive I had the Chink-Bug in early March 2020 before it was supposedly in the U.S. With minimal PPE, I have been repeated exposed to numerous Chink-Bug positive people. Since I had it, I have not even had a minor head cold. I’ll take natural immunity any day over a jab of poison.

  7. It looks like the “no jab, no job” policy is inevitable now. I’m legit worried about my future employment. A friend who works in healthcare sent me one of those religious exemption notes, but I don’t know if it will hold water.

    Pray for me, friends.

  8. I don’t know how realistic this is, but what if you organized with your coworkers, and enough of you refused the jab and called their bluff?

  9. RPL – I’d love to see tens of millions of truebloods stick to their guns so that the ensuing economic ripples would cause Abidin’ to backtrack. We’ll see.

  10. It’s official, my company is officially forcing the jab now. I will be unemployed at the end of the year. The Lord Giveth and the Lord Taketh Away.

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