The Vaxxed Aren’t Landing On Their Feet

The signs were there. Been there for decades, in many cases. In plain sight. I just didn’t notice them, or maybe I didn’t care, or… just maybe… my faith in human goodness, despite a solid Christian upbringing, had misled me to believe that people couldn’t possibly be that stupid. Not even Englishmen.

The signs like this one.

Fearful London: Falls Soar as People Scared of Catching Covid from Handrails

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By Victoria Friedman, 20 September 2021

Okay, okay, I walk back that dig on Englishmen. We’re talking about London which has long gone the way of Rhodesia: overrun by savages so mindless that these safety warnings could have been useful had they included pictures.

Escalator falls at tube stations have increased because Britons are frightened of catching coronavirus if they hold onto the handrails, a London Underground official has said.

Managing Director of London Underground Andy Lord told a Transport for London (TfL) safety panel said the underground railway’s biggest risk of harm is: “falls on escalators caused by people who don’t hold the handrail. There is an issue with the perception that the handrail is not clean because of the pandemic.”

This is what happens with hysteria: people lose the ability to weigh one risk against another. “I might die if I stabilize myself! *slip* *snap* owww… oh God, oh God… please tell me that’s not Covid I feel….”

Mr Lord also said that the second most significant factor to blame for the injuries was drunkenness, saying in comments reported by The Telegraph on Thursday: “The other bigger issue is actually intoxication. We have seen a significant spike as the various stages of lockdown have been reduced, with particular spikes initially on Thursday and Friday evenings and then weekends.”

Don’t blame the pubs reopening. Government bans fun and oxygen along with friends and exercise, and what are men supposed to do to blow off steam?

The reluctance to touch handrails comes despite an Imperial College London study finding in February no traces of the Chinese virus in air samples or on shared surfaces on several of London’s trains, buses, Tube stations, or bus depots that researchers had tested.

Londoners’ fear of catching the virus appears to be part of a wider culture of fear that has gripped the nation. A poll from July, taken less than two weeks before the end of the majority of restrictions, found that a combined 79 per cent of Britons felt some level of nervousness over the end of lockdown. More than one-in-five (21 per cent) said they felt “very nervous”, 34 per cent “fairly nervous”, and 24 per cent “not very nervous”. Just 21 per cent said they did not feel nervous “at all”.

Take your victory lap, government! You’ve punished your loyal, trusting supporters far more effectively than we Purebloods ever could have. In fact, your fear-mongering is so effective that when we offer to help people unplug, we’re fighting back a grin at the antics that often follow their panicked refusal to rethink their new Normal.

What antics? Mostly passing out from a toxic combination of indignation, multiple face diapers and no cardio for two years. But we’ll happily add oopsies in the Tube to the list.

You Londoners have until 4chan discovers banana peels to stop participating with the Plandemic.

However, Britons were not always so fearful, with the heightened concern of catching coronavirus appearing to be by government design.

A March 13th, 2020, YouGov poll found that most people were not worried about Covid-19, and it was an attitude that had not escaped the attention of government advisors in the early months of the pandemic reaching Europe.

A paper entitled, “Options for increasing adherence to social distancing measures”, dated March 22nd, 2020, published by the government on May 5th was discussed at a meeting of the influential Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) meeting on March 23rd of that year.

Under a section entitled “Persuasion”, the advisors from SAGE’s behavioural science sub-group the Scientific Pandemic Insights Group on Behaviours (SPI-B) noted that “a substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened” by the Chinese virus.

SPI-B went on to advise: “The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent, using hard-hitting emotional messaging. To be effective this must also empower people by making clear the actions they can take to reduce the threat.”

9 thoughts on “The Vaxxed Aren’t Landing On Their Feet

  1. “people couldn’t possibly be that stupid”

    In the same collection with:

    “they’re fighting for our freedom”
    “it’s only a temporary tax”
    “Mr. Hitler desires no more territory”
    “I only want a temporary separation”
    “Biden doesn’t stand a chance of winning the White House”

  2. I also want to point out that the average person has the lower portion of their field of view obstructed by the face diaper, which means that you cannot see your feet or where your steps fall on stairs. It’s worse going down than going up too. So people are so terrified of catching covid that they diaper up, which partially blinds them (worse if you wear glasses) and then don’t use the hand rail: it’s a recipe for a swan dive in the stairwell!
    On the plus side, the Authorities have determined that there is no covid in public transit! (magic, eh?)

  3. “a substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened” by the Chinese virus.”

    Tacit admission that controlling the populace through fear mongering is the actual goal of government.

  4. Tacit admission that controlling the populace through fear mongering is the actual goal of government.

    There can’t possibly be any thrill in that for them, as the speedbump-with-a-pulse that is the average citizen is the easiest creature in the world manipulate and control.

  5. “the speedbump-with-a-pulse that is the average citizen is the easiest creature in the world manipulate and control.”

    So your point is that government-operated public education is also working as planned?

  6. There can’t possibly be any thrill in that for them, as the speedbump-with-a-pulse that is the average citizen is the easiest creature in the world manipulate and control.

    They don´t care about him, they care about you.

  7. Yes, I don’t know when we’ll get to the bottom depths of the stupidity of which the public is capable. Surely there is a lower limit…

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