Drugs! Guns! Votes!

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Torrance police find more than 300 recall ballots in suspect’s car, along with gun, drugs

h ttps://www.yahoo.com/news/torrance-police-more-300-recall-005415905.html

By Gregory Yee, 23 August 2021

Officers responding to a call Aug. 16 about a man who was passed out in a vehicle found more than 300 ballots for the upcoming gubernatorial recall election, a loaded gun, drugs and other illicit materials, Torrance police said Monday.

The devil has two problems: him being on the wrong side of history, and his minions being on the wrong side of the bell curve.

Officers were called about 10:45 p.m. to a 7-Eleven parking lot at 3735 Emerald St. for a report of a man passed out in a vehicle, said Sgt. Mark Ponegalek, a spokesman for the Torrance Police Department.

When officers searched the vehicle, they found a 9-millimeter handgun and stolen mail, including more than 300 ballots, Ponegalek said. In addition, the man had methamphetamine, Xanax pills, a scale, multiple California driver’s licenses and credit cards in other people’s names, police said.

Torrance police are working with other law enforcement agencies, including the U.S. Postal Service and the Public Integrity Division of the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office, to determine how the man got the ballots and what he planned to do with them, Ponegalek said.

I’m sure he planned to burn them for warmth, which is why he didn’t steal any other mail.

Come on now! He planned to sell them to Democrat “community organizers” for drug money. Do you really think a lowlife meth head is also a news junkie? Meanwhile, how do I know it’s the Dems who are buying? Because the Cali Reps looked at all the Republican candidates on the ballot… and refused to support any of them because they all were MAGA. The Republican Party leadership believes that if they don’t lose then the terrorists will win. They also can’t be seen stuffing votes for Dems without giving the show away so they’ve simply quit the field.

Police are working with officials to ensure that all voters affected by the thefts get new ballots, he said. Ballots are mailed with unique barcodes assigned to each voter.

Why barcodes? They used to be numbers, just as easily scanned, that a voter could copy and maintain his own record of.


The suspect, whose name wasn’t released, was arrested on suspicion of “numerous weapons, narcotics and forgery charges,” police said.

But not vote fraud?

The incident isn’t tied to additional ballot thefts, police said.

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