Health Clubs Threaten New World Order

As if being gaslighted over birdemic pecks and bizarre accusations of racism were not enough, now the Narrative is telling us how much better life is now that we don’t exercise.

Will gyms go the way of arcades and movie rental stores?

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By AP, 9 August 2021

Literally speaking, no. Arcades and rental stores went the way of tech-obsolescence whereas gyms went the way of bureaucratic dictates. Nobody wanted to use the latter; nobody is allowed to use the former.

Going to the gym was always part of Kari Hamra’s routine until last year’s government-ordered shutdowns forced her to replace the workouts with daily rides on her Peloton stationary bike.

That.s when she discovered something surprising . she did not miss the gym. At least not the driving back and forth, filling water bottles, changing clothes and most of all, taking time away from her husband and two boys.

The gaslighting begins. Life is so much better when you don’t go out of your way to exercise! Who needs healthy living when you have Doctor Fauci’s Miracle Cures?

Now that her gym in Springfield, Missouri, is open again, she’s slowly returning. But finding a more convenient exercise schedule at home and seeing a surge of COVID-19 cases in her hometown this summer have her questioning how much she needs the gym. She figures that if there never had been a coronavirus outbreak “I would still be a gym rat.”

And that would be a bad thing..?

The pandemic has reshaped how Americans exercise and upended the fitness industry, accelerating the growth of a new era of high-tech home workout equipment and virtual classes.

Thousands of small fitness centers and studios that were forced to close a year ago now are gone for good. Others are struggling to stay afloat and have redesigned their spaces, turned toward more personal workouts and added online training.

The question is can the they survive the onslaught from the apps and pricey bikes and treadmills or will they go the way of arcades, video rental shops and bookstores.

The question is, will they care enough for their own survival to disobey the State? The market is still there but the market doesn’t want to fast-walk on a treadmill in a plexiglass cage with every air hole stuffed with sweat-absorbing cotton.

News flash, gyms and other small businesses, the government wants your shop closed forever. They’re being smart about it, too. Instead of a one-and-done ban, they’re first bleeding off all your financial strength with false hope. Defy or die, that’s your choice.

Interactive fitness equipment maker Peloton is betting the workout-from-home trend is here to stay.

We won’t be discussing weights, classes, sports or other, actual gym functions today. We will only be discussing stationary bicycles and how it’s perfectly fine, and even cheaper in the long run, to ‘exercise’ in a spare room of your four-bedroom, no-children, remote-work home that has a giant television screen on every wall so you can chat with your friends while burning off the 80 calories from that last that-wasn’t-sugar-y cupcake you just ate. Just like in Fahrenheit 451.

But the men? Like Rodents Of Unusual Size, I don’t think they exist.

Demand surged so much during the pandemic that some Peloton customers had to wait months for their bikes. While the company said the backlog has waned, it reported that sales have continued to soar, up 141% in the first three months of this year.

Company founder and CEO John Foley thinks it’s inevitable that technology-driven home fitness will become dominant much like how streaming services have changed movie watching, calling the idea of going to a gym “a broken model of yesteryear.”

I miss my squat rack and bench press. Got no room in my apartment for that and can’t afford it, either. Everybody was happier when I paid $30/month for access to a power rack, the handball court and pool privileges.

Its next steps include bringing more of its equipment into gyms at hotels, apartment complexes, and college campuses and launching new workouts through its app. Late last year, it acquired Precor, a company with manufacturing and product development sites in the U.S.

“Fitness is one of the few remaining categories that is going to be massively disrupted by a digital experience,” Foley told The Associated Press.

That’s because YOU CANNOT DO FITNESS VIA INTERNET. And it’s hard to do fitness in isolation. Half of the reason for taking a health class is simply so the trainer forces you to do it. The other half is healthy socialization. Looking at YOU, all the girls who signed up for kickboxing class then giggled to each other while I pounded out my sweat on a heavy bag! Thanks for keeping my fees low!

During the early months of the pandemic, most small and independent gyms and studios turned to Zoom and other video platforms for yoga and Pilates classes and training sessions because it was the only way they could connect with their members.

“Now there’s an expectation for it,” said Michael Stack, CEO of Applied Fitness Solutions, which has three fitness centers in southeast Michigan.

No, there’s a NEW NORMAL for it. A very artificial New Normal created by sociopaths, child molesters and banksters who want to imprison us all in our homes, indefinitely, and control us via smartphone apps.

Not all gym operators are convinced virtual training will play a significant role in what they offer.

“We don’t have the budget to do it at the same price and the same quality,” said Jeff Sanders, CEO of Apex Athletic Health Club in Penfield, New York. “Digital is great, but we’ve seen surveys that show people want to stay active, but miss the interaction and being around others.”

His company is planning to open a third, smaller location near Orlando, Florida, that offers a more intimate experience. Those type of boutique studios could be the wave of the future, he said.

Florida is doing awesome because they had the innovative idea of allowing residents to live normal lives.

The pandemic has changed how the fitness industry evaluates itself and right now “everyone.s making decisions just to survive,” Sanders said.

Roughly 9,000 health clubs . 22% of the total nationwide . have closed since the beginning of the virus outbreak and 1.5 million workers lost their jobs, according to the International Health Racquet & Sportsclub Association.

The industry group is lobbying Congress to approve a $30 billion relief fund for the fitness industry because many clubs are struggling to recover from months of lost revenue and membership declines and still owe back rent.

Not only is such welfare immoral, it’s also useless. If the problem is you don’t have income then a one-time cash infusion won’t help.

While more closings are likely this year and could number in the thousands without government help, the emergence of the workout-from-home trend won’t spell doom for the fitness centers, said Helen Durkin, the association’s executive vice president of public policy.

Plenty of exercise fanatics, she said, will still do both . 40% of Peloton users have gym memberships, according to the company.

There’s no doubt digital fitness is here to stay, said Michelle Segar, director of the University of Michigan’s Sport, Health and Activity Research and Policy Center.

“People are integrating their lives with technology. This is where society is, and it’s just going to get more integrated,” she said.

The biggest positives with the virtual training sessions are that they offer more flexibility when it comes to staying with workout routines and can draw more people into fitness, including those who can’t follow a rigid schedule.

“That.s why people don’t stick with it,” she said.

Those are negatives, not positives. Look, I’m a realist. I know why Catholicism is more popular than Protestantism. Most people crave order and routine but at the same time, most need that order imposed upon them from outside. Thus, follow-the-ritual Catholicism is more popular than own-your-faith Protestantism. Similarly, most peoples’ fitness programs do best when the Temple Of Iron is part of their daily routine. A lack of structure is a hardship, not a “convenience”.

Banning people from developing an exercise routine and forcing them to become *more* dependent upon social media is how one destroys their health. People do not naturally behave this way. I would probably be fat and lazy by now, myself, except that my back hurts when I don’t do regular weights.

Pain is an excellent motivator and, I fear, the only thing that will convince Joe Normal to finally push back.

Cindy Cicchinelli, who’s become a dedicated Peloton user after going to her gym in Pittsburgh for years, said the convenience is what has sold her.

“I can roll out of bed and not worry about running to the gym,” she said. “And I don’t have to add an extra half-hour for my commute.”

Funny how life is most convenient when Big Tech can most monitor it.

Fitness industry leaders say research has shown that health clubs pose no more risk of spreading the virus than other public spaces. But San Francisco gym owner Dave Karraker thinks it will be a long time before many people are comfortable going into a big, tightly packed fitness center.

Highlighted the problem for you. Karraker needs to just quit already. SF was pushing injections before Fauci made it cool… banning police from arresting junkies for shooting up in the city parks then running needle-exchange programs pour encourager les autres.

“They are going to be thinking about ventilation and air purifiers and how long ago was this equipment sanitized,” he said.

I admit it! Gyms spread disease! If I wasn’t careful about hand-washing and touching my face then I would get gym crud. Guess how I handled it?

1. Quit exercising and stayed home.

2. Held a press conference to demand more government control of society.

3. Covered my face and didn’t talk to anybody.

4. Took responsibility for my own health and solved the problem with basic hygiene.

He reconfigured MX3 Fitness’s two small studios and created personal workout spaces. It has become so popular he’s looking for a third location.

He.s not surprised that people are coming back even though safety remains a concern.

They don’t want to live this solitary existence anymore,” he said. “There’s all kinds of motivations. Let’s face facts, gyms are great ways to meet new people, especially if you’re single.”

They WERE great ways to meet new booty calls, I mean, people. Gym bunnies were the only time I saw any woman between ages 18-30 but I could never simp enough to attract one. Too much resentment at them squatting 50lbs in the power rack just to make their butt bulge just right, for hours on end.

Those were the good old days before the government decided we’d be healthier if we didn’t exercise and didn’t have friends.

6 thoughts on “Health Clubs Threaten New World Order

  1. I bummed an old TotalGym from my father when the shutdowns started last year. Not a good replacement for free weights, but it kept me in shape. Now I’m stocking up on food and water purification for both of us, since this lunacy probably won’t stop anytime soon.

  2. I can attest to Florida doing decently. Masks are almost never required anywhere, except my college campus (go figure). I don’t even have to wear one at my job. I am also not aware of any businesses that have been shut down.

    There’s been a recent spike in cases among friends and family as well as my town at large, but most of us have made it just fine. I have a dumb theory that everybody who wants to be vaccinated has already been vaxxed and everyone who doesn’t won’t be getting it anyway, so our situation is beginning to sort itself out. No research and very little critical thinking went into that theory, but I’m tired and this is WordPress.

    A family friend from church has been freely training me in his garage gym, something that I am immensely grateful for.

    Most people I know haven’t been vaxxed, excepting college once again. Whether it be fear of side effects or general distrust of government shilling, most people around me don’t seem to be interested, with a few over-30 exceptions, usually parents/grandparents.

    The general sentiment towards vaxxed people is not negative; most people respect the decisions of others to get the shot, but of course some vaxxed people have a subtle air of superiority about them when they discuss the unvaxxed. It’s hilarious, like the damn Sneetches. There are of course some unvaxxed individuals who feel superior for NOT having stars upon thars. Fair enough I guess.

    DeSantis 2024!

  3. ‘During the early months of the pandemic, most small and independent gyms and studios turned to Zoom and other video platforms for yoga and Pilates classes and training sessions because it was the only way they could connect with their members.’

    Yoga is group therapy for aging women. Sad but predictable. The plague is everywhere.

    But what are Pilates classes? Is that where the empowered little darlings go to learn how to govern provinces of the New Roman Empire? A Nancy Pelosi crash course in hagdom?

  4. ‘Most people crave order and routine but at the same time, most need that order imposed upon them from outside. Thus, follow-the-ritual Catholicism is more popular than own-your-faith Protestantism.’

    Yup. Routine, order, understandable ritual.

    Toss in that the Marian component of Catholicism satisfies the ancient urge for the mother-goddess or female intercession, and you have an attractive product that will sell worldwide, because those urges are trans-cultural. The human body and the societal body want ritual and predictable repetition. A major reason why the Reset is being accepted by many so seamlessly, especially by women.

  5. News flash, gyms and other small businesses, the government wants your shop closed forever. being smart about it, too. Instead of a one-and-done ban, first bleeding off all your financial strength with false hope. Defy or die, that.s your choice.

    Among other things I’ve been warming up to over the last 18 months is the idea of Economic Darwinism. If you’re too blind and/or stupid to see a mortal threat to your livelihood and guard against or combat that threat, then you don’t deserve your livelihood. It’s that simple. It looks like gyms are going to be added to my list s that includes bars, restaurants, movie theaters, and grooming salons, among many others. That is, businesses either too stupid or too cowardly to stand up for themselves against the evil bureaucratic state that wants them dead, and thus businesses that have not one micro-ounce of my sympathy for having gone broke and out of business for good.

  6. The super rich can afford private gyms in their mansions, with all manner of equipment. And swimming pools and tennis courts. And personal trainers to come to their homes.

    They can also afford the most healthful diets or non-processed, fresh foods. And personal chefs and dieticians to assist in their eating habits.

    The poorer you are, the harder to eat healthy or stay fit. That’s why the poorest tend to be the fattest. And the richest tend to look 20 years younger than they are.

    Here in Los Angeles, the County has re-instituted mask mandates. My condo building has signs requiring masks in all common areas. And all the local stores require masks.

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