Now Carlsbad

Carlsbad, CA joins the White House’s lawsuit against California’s treason against border security.

Carlsbad has just become the latest city to revolt against California’s so-called “sanctuary state” laws.

In a special meeting Monday night [GQ: May 21, 2018], council members voted 4 to 1 to support the Trump Administration’s lawsuit against the California Values Act. Councilmember Cori Schumacher was the dissenting vote.

…Councilwoman Cori Schumacher noted there are dozens of misdemeanors and felony criminal acts that allow local and federal agencies to communicate.

This is becoming a common pattern. Illegal immigrants are afraid to cooperate with police because they afraid of being arrested & deported for being illegal immigrants. Criminals won’t be good citizens so long as they’re treated like criminals. Never mind that criminals, by definition, have already chosen to not be good citizens.

Carlsbad will have to wait until a pending case reaches the appellate level to join the federal government’s lawsuit. That could take at least a year.

In the meantime, within the next month, the council is scheduled to approve a resolution supporting the federal government’s lawsuit.

The San Diego County Board of Supervisors voted to join the lawsuit in April, and the San Diego City Council voted last week to join an amicus brief opposing the Trump administration’s lawsuit.

Ah, both city & county of San Diego are now on board.

3 thoughts on “Now Carlsbad

  1. ‘Illegal immigrants are afraid to cooperate with police because they afraid of being arrested & deported for being illegal immigrants. ‘

    Seems to me that would make them easy targets for other criminals too. Things like this happen in a John Lennon “Imagine” socialist utopia.

  2. “Seems to me that would make them easy targets for other criminals too.”

    It would if they had much to steal. More commonly, if your presence in a country is a crime then you have no reason to obey the other laws, either. Illegals can literally get away with murder because the worst punishment they’re likely to face is a bus ticket home. Last I checked in Los Angeles, 90% of homicides there were committed by illegals. You’d hire a Mexican hitman, he’d come over the border, whack the target and go back. If the police arrested him for murder before he left than the overworked DA would usually turn him over to the Feds for deportation instead of wading through the cost of a murder trial & life sentence for one druggie offing another… what’s called a ‘self-cleaning oven’.

    “Let’s forgive the illegals for trespassing and reward them with welfare if they stay. This will encourage them to oppose lawbreaking,” what a joke. Refusing to enforce the law breeds contempt for the law, not enthusiasm for the law.

    And to put the cherry on top, leftoid moralists like Schumacher forget that most police departments already have anonymous tip lines for exactly this reason. She’s lying about her motivation for not supporting the vote.

  3. They prey on each other constantly

    Not far back we had a taco bender get beat to death by some other taco benders. The dead dude spoke English and was running a crew of beaners. He lies to the other wetbacks about how much things cost, what they were getting kid etc etc and pocketing the cash.

    Come to find out it’s a common scam

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