Ted Hickman Shoots Straight

After years of searching, I have found a good politician in California! And he’s just been through the fire. h/t Spawney’s Space

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Ted Hickman is the Vice-Mayor of small-town Dixon located halfway between Berkeley and Sacramento. He moonlights as a humorist and wrote this in a local paper (I couldn’t find the original column):

.Last week I proclaimed the Month of July as SPAM .(Straight Pride American Month).(as Vice Mayor don’t know if I can, but what the heck). “Now hundreds of millions of the rest of us can celebrate our month, peaking on July 4th, as healthy, heterosexual, fairly monogamous, keep our kinky stuff to ourselves, Americans.

Thank God, that’s a politician wanting to make America great again. And even better,

.We are different from them. We work, have families, (and babies we make) enjoy and love the company (and marriage) of the opposite sex and don’t flaunt our differences dressing up like fairies and prancing by the thousands in a parade in nearby San Francisco to be televised all over the world”

So true, so true. We are different from them. Men are not women. Soy is not beef. Homos are not normal.

Naturally, the LGBTFAGZ crowd freaked.

Unnaturally, Ted Hickman refused to apologize.


Hickman defended the column Saturday in a phone interview with The Sacramento Bee, saying that he is entitled to express his opinions using humor.

“It was tongue-in-cheek and had nothing to do with my elected position,” Hickman said, and that “thin-skinned people took offense” to his column.

Speaking of his elected position, one of Dixon’s councilmen took this opportunity to tip his fedora. The article continues:

One of Hickman’s fellow city councilmembers, Devon Minnema, made an official statement on Facebook on Saturday harshly criticizing Hickman’s column as “deeply disturbing” and calling for action.

From Devon’s Facebook:

The positions of Councilman Hickman published in yesterday’s Independent Voice are deeply disturbing to me. I have known what kind of person he is for a long time, but have never garnered enough community or council support to take action. I hope that the other councilmen will see through the ideology of hate that they share with him, and do the right thing in coming weeks. There is no part of the community that is untouched by the venom that Councilman Hickman has spewed over the years, and that is the saddest part. A man of his age should know better, but perhaps even that is an excuse, because really a man of his age should BELIEVE better.
Still believing in a better Dixon,
City Councilman Devon Minnema

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Hey, that’s an interesting article this picture was attached to. Devon may hold his council seat fraudulently, not being a resident of Dixon. Daily Republic has a scoop:


Another possibility: Devon is butthurt from losing an election. From tedhickman.com the guy himself,

Dixon.s entrant in the [election] races, Devon Minnema, lost the Supervisor’s race in all Dixon precincts including his home district that elected him to the city council two years ago.

Sounds like a Convergence power play is happening. Fortunately, Ted Hickman also has allies. Mike Ceremello, a local journalist and former Vice-Mayor writes the following in Ted’s support on tedhickman.com. It’s awesome.

Mike. No soy detected.

As an observer and commentator on human behavior, the week leading up to July 4th has been beyond entertaining. Was it not former US attorney general Eric Holder who proclaimed America was to afraid to have a discussion on race? Evidently Holder’s idea of a discussion was only to hear from people who agreed with his party’s viewpoints. I find a great similarity between this and the uproar of a handful of people over Terrible Ted’s last column advocating a Straight Pride American Month.

Considering that I will be running for a council seat this November, I have been warned by many well wishing people to stay out of the fray. Like that will happen. When you have no principles, no strong beliefs, and simply are a politician, that is easy enough to do. In my case, I believe in the freedom to express ideas in print or any other format one would choose, no matter what position a person holds or what the idea is. …

Isn.t that what all parades are about, including the ones in which these haters choose to participate? Then we have the plainly ignorant whom I can attack from two directions. .Members of the City Council must faithfully represent ALL of their constituents, without favor or prejudice.. . Tim Goncharoff. Really?

Tell me Tim how the election process works. Do Democrats represent Republican views once elected? Hell, even Republicans rarely represent the base once elected. Ever hear of John McCain, Susan Collins, Jeff Flake, or Olympia Snowe? When you are elected to local office do you actually believe those people represent those who didn’t vote for them? Look at this logically.

If a highly contentious issue comes before the council and half the people are for it and half against, a council person can only represent half of his constituents. views at best. As most people coming before the council in Dixon don’t declare their sexuality or homosexuality, terrible Ted would not be acting prejudicially in making a decision. This brings up an interesting thought. It wasn’t long ago that I was in Cotati, home to typical Marin County liberal lunacy, where a racist, liberal professor had died and the council was considering a replacement for his position. One candidate got up and declared that “she was a lesbian and her partner was there to support her..

While she may have considered it a “qualification” or premium, the council did not. Did that make Cotati’s four council members judgemental, prejudicial, or showing some sort of favoritism? Let’s look at this from a different perspective, that of representing your constituents. views specifically on a gay rights issue. In 2008 Dixon voted FOR Proposition 8 . recognizing only monogamous heterosexual marriage . by 60.9% v 39.1%. The same vote countywide was 89,292 Yes = 55.82% versus 70,680 No = 44.18%. The Supreme Court nullified this vote of the People by claiming it violated homosexuals. civil rights.

The real result was altering of the Miriam Webster definition of the word marriage. Sort of like it depends what your definition of “is” is. Going on to the next point, it is being claimed that Ted “represents” the city as an elected councilman and its vice mayor. Considering Dixon’s political reputation of being anything but staid and people claiming there must be something in our water, Ted fits into the mold. I would contend that he no more represents the city than he represents every diverse view of our rather independent population. I could say the same thing about our mayor and the other three councilmen or any of their predecessors. …

So now a little insight from Mike. First, this has been blown way out of proportion by the ne.er-do-well posters on Dixon 411 Political and two opposition councilmen on the current council. Perhaps they need a lesson in basic free speech. If you take governmental action as retribution or a repercussion to a person in an attempt to silence him, you have just violated his free speech right and the freedom of the press. The same goes for a censure action from the council. Second, Ted can’t be recalled as it is too close to his seat coming up for re-election if he so chooses. Learn the law, folks, before you start spouting off. Third, having read Ted’s column a couple of times, most of it is statement of facts except for the symbol of barring the gay parade. No where in his column did Ted say he didn’t want it to occur or didn’t mind if it did. If a writer’s description of a group’s antics discomforts you because your mind comes to the conclusion that the description is .denigrating., aren’t you the one who is really in denial? I also found it fascinating how those who defend the parade want to claim it is about their struggles and the lives that were lost in gaining equality in some shape or form.

How exactly does the leather brigade of two men in the parade with one whipping the other honor anything but sexual deviance? Ever see the pictures of naked people on ten speed bikes at these parades? Somehow the struggle got confused with hedonism. Fourth, along with the spewing of hate, we have the Gaystapo going after the livelihood of not only Ted but this newspaper itself.

We have the emails attempting to induce advertisers to pull their ads. We have the emails threatening to destroy Ted financially. We have seen this kind of attempt before by the bad old boy group in town. For those of you advertisers who pull your ads, I intend to identify you and tell the real Americans who believe in the First Amendment to boycott your business. It is now a two way street. Fifth, I understand the three major networks were looking for interviews from Ted and hiding behind his truck looking to surprise him coming out of his house. Now that’s professionalism. You want an interview? I am available at [GQ: redacted on general principles]. You can call ahead so I can put on my suit. I know the wonders of Channel 3 letting Rick Fuller know ahead of time they were coming and then just storming my front door to catch me in less than official gear. Isn.t that right, Rich Ibarra? Sixth, if you think Anti-fa has a lock on thug cowardice, you didn’t hear about the Safeway firework’s booth. Seems like three vans of outraged potential criminals arrived to confront Ted. On Sunday, they ran into the American Legion Riders. Upon seeing what they viewed as stern opposition, they drove to Safeway. When several of the men decided to see if they could answer any potential question this caravan might have about fireworks, the vans promptly left, tires squealing as the men approached.

My conclusion to this whole mess? Sarcasm is a lost art. Humor is in the eye and mind of the beholder. You don’t get to dictate morals or immorality to others. Nothing has been gained by those spewing their hatred. In fact, much has been exposed about those people and the ones foolish enough to post on Facebook. Rather than dignity, the gay community condemned itself due to its blatant show of bigotry and venom. Just as much as some want to claim this is some “viral” response, I can only assume due to its low numbers that most of the LGBT community doesn’t give a damn what Ted wrote. Just as the cranks on the Left, in the media and certain vocal individuals, feel they speak for all on the Left, it must be somewhat disturbing that Trump’s popularity continues to rise including defections from within their own party, at least according to the latest Harris poll. Finally, don’t threaten one of Dixon’s own. Many of us don’t appreciate it. If you come for me holding a pipe, as I have now heard is Anti-fa.s MO, just remember. I might introduce you to a bat with your name on it …

*Gunner Q wipes a tear from his eye* God Bless America… with men like Ted and Mike.

I delayed posting the above because last night was the LGBTSJW protest at the scheduled bimonthly city council meeting. 200 protesters showed up per the Mercury News:


Hickman personally opened the meeting with guns blazing:

The council meeting began with a time for public comment, but first Hickman himself addressed the crowd.

.I didn’t give up my first amendment right when i became an elected official,. he began. .To the contrary, I swore like the rest of the council to uphold the Constitution which includes the first amendment..

He went on to say that he’s written more than 750 columns and it was this one . the 736th one . that seems to be getting the most attention.

.If I were to rewind time in order to write the column again, I would not use the words . sarcastically or not . of “vice mayor” because I see that that might be unacceptable to some..

He did not apologize for the words he wrote, however, which is what several people who spoke during the public comment portion suggested he do.

YES! Yesyesyes oh my Dog it feels so good to see a politician shoot straight instead of begging for mercy from emotionally stunted fudge-packers. This has driven me nuts since the Brendan Eich scandal, how leaders and entire institutions will laugh as they drive away profits and customers yet cringe in terror from one homosexual activist feeling butthurt that morning.

Speaking of the little devils…

Pastor Jeff Myers of the Living Hope Church said that the Independent Voice newspaper has been “littering our streets for as long as I’ve lived here,. and he asked that Hickman look within himself in the nature of the teachings of Christ and try to find redemption with the community. …

Solano County Supervisor Monica Brown came to the demonstration because she said the Vice Mayor’s words were unacceptable.

.How dare you?. she asked rhetorically. Brown said she and others were working hard to find someone to replace him when he goes up for re-election in November. He has yet to announce if he’s running for re-election.

Councilman Devon Minnema, who sported a rainbow necktie for the meeting, said the blow back that the Vice Mayor is facing “has been a long time coming..

The heat is on, baby. I got blog material for the rest of the week.

Yep, these midterm elections are going to be the stuff of legend.

6 thoughts on “Ted Hickman Shoots Straight

  1. After watching a website called ‘Church Militant’ which is Catholic…the gay mafia is not only in politics, it’s in the church too. They also use the same tactics.

  2. In fact with a lot of the higher church hiearchy either gay themselves, supporting gays, or silent about its evils…I fear the persecution from the globohomo complex they are trying to force upon us won’t come from the world as much as it will come from my own church clergy.

  3. More than likely. The devil will never reach world hegemony with either Catholic Rome or Protestant America in his path, which unfortunately implies America’s ruin and Rome’s convergence are forgone conclusions.

    But I think the persecution will be economic, not physical. There won’t be a second Thirty Years’ War. Have a post coming on this that got delayed by the Dixon Show.

  4. ‘But I think the persecution will be economic, not physical.’

    I think both are likely. There hasn’t ever been a time where persecution wasn’t physical.

  5. I just read the article on MSN.com about Mr. Hickman writing his article and then everyone calling for his resignation. I read it to my husband and we both are in support of Mr. Hickman. It seem that we are the minority and it continually gets worse by the day. We live in Virginia and it’s not too much better here. Just wanted to let you all know that they are Americans on the East Coast that are feeling the same way…keep up the good fight!!

  6. Thank you, Beth! Many Californians are not in lockstep with the clowns in Sacramento; there are more Ted Hickmans here than the mainstream media would have a person believe.

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