UWE James Knight, Fake MRA

Many Manospherians, particularly Mens’ Rights Activists, want to fix social problems from the inside. That’s a bad idea and the U of West England is the latest example.

University students set to elect first officer to represent men


By Eleanor Busby 23 October 2018

A students’ union in Bristol is introducing a men’s officer for the first time.

Representatives for women are common at campuses across the country, but now students at the University of the West of England (UWE) will also have a separate officer to represent men.

The role has been brought in to ensure that men.s’ perspective is taken into consideration and to ensure issues that are important to male students are raised, James Knight, the only candidate running for the role, told The Independent.

It has been introduced at UWE students. union despite opposition to the proposal from the student body last year.

The roles of trans, black and minority ethnic (BME) and women’s officers have also been brought in.

Mr Knight said he wanted to stand in light of the mental health issues facing male students.

He added: “Statistically male students are much more likely to not talk about their mental health issues. They are much more likely to follow through and take their lives.”

Ten students from the University of Bristol and two from UWE, which is also based in the city, have died in the past two years. A number have been confirmed as suicides.

This guy is MRA crack. He’s definitely correct that male needs are less valued than male tears.

But the new role was criticised by some on social media.

.Can someone explain to me why a men’s officer is necessary please,” student Rebecca Sheeres asked on Twitter. “Especially when UWE students actually voted against such position. Men are not a minority at university and surely appointing a wellbeing officer would cover men’s mental health..

But Mr Knight, who is a third-year politics and international relations student, said: “It is equally important to have a part-time officer that can concentrate a lot more of their time and effort on male mental health and male suicide rates. I don’t think the necessity of a men’s officer is surrounding male liberation at all.”

From https://www1.uwe.ac.uk/about/factsandfigures/studentdemographics.aspx

Gender Number
Male 13,494
Indeterminate 3
Female 17,235

He missed the opportunity to expose Sheeres as a liar. Meanwhile, 3 of 30,732 is about right for normal human mutation rates but does this necessitate a fully funded LGBT department? Maybe we could just pay a doctor to normalize their hormones.

Sarah Lasoye, NUS UK women’s officer, said: .NUS will always seek to champion the voices of the most marginalised students, which includes women, black, LGBT+ and disabled students. These groups of students face systematic oppression across society, and the discrimination they face can affect their participation, achievement, retention and progression in education..

It’s okay to be white, male and sexually normal. Just saying.

She added: .Student mental health continues to be a growing crisis, and men’s mental health has become a particular focus in recent years. This has opened up a much-needed discussion on the influence of toxic masculinity and societal pressures faced by men.

Bitch got no idea. “Mens’ mental health is suffering because we haven’t yet had a needed discussion about the many ways men oppress us!”

.However, when one in seven women experience a serious physical or sexual assault in their time as a student, and when 68 per cent have experienced some kind of verbal or non-verbal harassment, we must recognise that it is women, trans and gender non-conforming people bear the brunt of gender-based oppression..

Hold that thought for a few seconds.

A UWE Students. Union spokesperson said: .We have introduced three new part-time officer positions in this year’s October By-election. The three roles are women’s officer, men’s officer and trans officer. The women’s officer started as a student idea during the academic year 17-18, which was passed through student council and the trustee board, before being implemented for the October election cycle.

.The men’s and trans officer roles were brought through from our trustees who felt that there were other groups who would benefit from having a part-time officer campaigning and raising awareness for their communities. The two roles will require final ratification as per our constitution..

Okay, everybody, if we’re going to do this then let’s be fair about it! ONE DAY LATER:

Only university in UK with men’s officer scraps role after its sole candidate ‘suffers harassment’


By Helena Horton, 24 October 2018

That held thought about men not suffering harassment? You may enjoy it now.

The only university in the UK with a men’s officer has scrapped the role after the candidate withdrew due to “harassment.”

James Knight put his name forward to be men’s officer at the University of the West of England, but claims he was harassed, and has withdrawn. He was the only candidate in the race.

The University of the West of England told The Telegraph that the position has now been suspended pending review.

The roles of transgender and women’s officers have also been brought in this month.

…Mr Knight said the negative response to his campaign, coupled with alleged harassment, caused him to step down. He said in a statement: .Due to the negative reaction to the men’s officer position and continued external harassment, I have taken the difficult decision to stand down as a candidate..

A spokesman from the students. union at UWE said: .Following the withdrawal of the candidate from the Men’s Officer Role, the election for that position is no longer running. As per our previous statements, we will be seeking ratification of the role at the next Student Council. We will look to move this forward based on their decision..

James Knight said that 'with a heavy heart' he was standing down

James Knight. He… he tried & failed to grow a neckbeard to disguise his lack of a chin. Damn, just tattoo “pajama boy toy” on that forehead! This faguette was never going to champion the return of patriarchy. He was either controlled opposition or simply had a personal interest in male mental health services. Likely both.

Don’t try to reform a Converged institution. Hold the line until ejection time, then stay clear of that burning wreckage.


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