Brenda Snipes Didn’t Do No Vote Fraud

In Current Year America, certain crimes seem to no longer exist. Treason and vote fraud top the list. Today, Broward County’s Election Supervisor, Brenda Snipes, just took back her resignation in the face of criminal investigations. But not only was she appointed by Republican Jeb Bush, the charges she faces do not include vote fraud.

(CNN) ? Brenda Snipes has submitted her resignation as the supervisor of elections for Broward County, Florida, after the completion of a recount that brought renewed scrutiny of her tenure.

Such pretty cutting eyelids, a truly excellent example, indicating high narcissism and deceptive behavior. Fully half the pupils & iris are covered. Wild hair indicates disorderly thoughts, although black women generally have more hair trouble than porcupines. The rest of her face… no, let’s talk about her clothes. She has an elephant on a pink background. Should we interpret that as the feminization of Republican cuckservatives or go straight to the traditional definition of pink elephants?

“Seeing pink elephants” is a euphemism for drunken hallucination caused by alcoholic hallucinosis or delirium tremens. The term dates back to at least the early 20th century, emerging from earlier idioms about snakes and other creatures. An alcoholic character in Jack London’s 1913 novel John Barleycorn is said to hallucinate “blue mice and pink elephants”.

Either shoe fits.

By Katherine Rodriguez, 2 December 2018

Disgraced Broward County Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes took back her decision to resign as the county’s elections chief on Saturday after Gov. Rick Scott suspended her from her duties.
Snipes. attorney announced at a Saturday press conference that her client would be rescinding her decision to resign from the post in January and vowed she would be “fighting this to the very end..

.We believe these actions are malicious,. said Snipes. attorney, Burnadette Norris-Weeks, telling Broward County voters that Scott’s appointment to the post could affect the predominantly Democratic county in the 2020 elections.

The List: Meet Our #WLPower15 Miami Honorees รข?? Walker's Legacy

Burnadette looks exactly like what Brenda Snipes probably did in her youth. Diversity is our strength!

Scott suspended Snipes via executive order on Friday, appointing his former general counsel, Peter Antonacci, to the post to serve out the rest of her term. Antonacci would serve until November 2020, when voters will choose Snipes. replacement.

State law requires the Florida Senate to vote on removing or reinstating county officials if the governor decides to suspend them.

She decided not to wait, then her cronies rallied to her defense in order to keep Broward County in the Leftoid family, now she’s demanding due process despite having already quit and been replaced.

The outgoing Florida Republican governor cited her .misfeasance, incompetence, and neglect of duty. during the recount for the 2018 U.S. Senate and gubernatorial races.

Say it with me, Republican Gov. Scott: The Democrat committed VOTE FRAUD. Which is a crime. The punishment for vote fraud is not allowing them to walk away unpunished.

The 75-year-old Broward County elections supervisor initially resigned from her position after her office came under fire for botching the vote count in the November 6 elections, specifically the recount of a tight Senate race between Scott, a Republican, and incumbent Democrat Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL).

She didn’t “botch” the vote count. She falsified it:

Broward County failed to meet the state’s deadline for turning in recount results in the midterms, misplaced thousands of ballots, and opened 205 provisional ballots before they were determined to be valid or invalid.

The disgraced elections supervisor also had a history of illegally destroying voter ballots in a 2016 Democratic primary for a congressional race between Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL) and Democratic challenger Tim Canova and had been accused of not removing dead voters from voter rolls.

The following is sourced from wikipedia and breitbart for Snipes’ professional history:

On November 20, 2003, Snipes was appointed supervisor of elections for Broward County by Governor Jeb Bush to take over for her predecessor, Miriam Oliphant, after Oliphant was removed from office for irregularities and fraud in the handling of ballots in the 2000 United States presidential election in that county.

Sounds familiar.

Miriam Oliphant | South Florida Times

Another black. Wikipedia says Broward County is 12% and we’re looking at the black replacement for a black employee being represented by a black lawyer. Black privilege!

Identity politics is mind-numbingly stupid but if that’s the game they want to play then fine, let’s play. Alex, I’ll take “What are the odds?” for a one-in-a-thousand bucks.

2004 General Election: Loss of 58,000 ballots

In the 2004 general election, thousands of absentee ballots were lost in Broward County. County election officials said that approximately 58,000 absentee ballots were delivered to the Postal Service to be mailed to voters, but the Post Office claimed to have never received them.

2012 General Election

Close to 1,000 uncounted ballots were discovered a week after the election.

2016 General Elections

The election results were released 30 minutes before the polls closed. Florida State Law says “any supervisor of elections, deputy supervisor of elections, canvassing board member, election board member or election employee who releases the results of any election prior to the closing of the polls in that county on election day commits a felony of the third degree.. The law does not address the issue of intent, one way or the other. However, Broward County prosecutors declined to process, stating, “There is insufficient evidence that anyone purposely intended to post any elections results prior to the closing of the polls.”

In May [2018], a judge ruled that Snipes had violated state and federal law after she destroyed voter ballots in the state’s 2016 congressional election. In the race, former Democratic National Convention (DNC) Chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz won re-election by less than 7,000 votes against Democrat primary challenger Tim Canova.

The next year, when Canova asked to review the paper ballots in the race, it was revealed that Snipes destroyed the ballots only 12 months after the primary. Federal and state law mandates that ballots not be destroyed until 22 months after an election.


Snipes. office was taken to federal court by the American Civil Rights Union, represented by the Public Interest Legal Foundation, after being accused of keeping felons, noncitizens, and dead voters on the voter rolls in Broward County and at one point allegedly having more voters on the rolls than actual voters in the county.

2018 General Election

Prior to the 2018 primary elections, a public polling location was moved inside a gated community. Voters complained that they were required to show their ID to security guards to get through the gates, despite that ID is not required to vote in Florida. Voters were questioned, and some turned away. Complaints were lodged with Snipes’ office at the time of the primary elections, but the situation was not resolved before the general elections. Snipes’ assistant told a reporter that she (the assistant) was not aware of any complaints.

What a good idea for covert ID checks! Maybe California would pass a law saying you have to drink beer while voting, without noticing you need ID to buy beer.

Florida Law states that county election departments must release the total number of ballots counted within 30 minutes of poll closings to facilitate accountability and oversight. Six days after the election, the total number of ballots had not been reported. The Election Department is also expected to post the current tallies every 45 minutes after the polls close.

By the Friday after the election, there was still no declared winner in the U.S. Senate race and votes were still being counted. As more votes were counted, they seemed to favor the Democratic nominee. Scott filed suit the Friday after the election, claiming that Broward County was violating the law. The judge ruled in Scott’s favor, ordering Snipes to disclose the number of ballots cast in Tuesday’s midterm elections, broken down by absentee, early, and election day votes, as well as the number of ballots still to be counted by 7:00 p.m. that day. Snipes did not comply.

Why did the judge not order her arrest? The election overseer is not allowed to be ignorant of election procedure.


After the election current Governor and U.S. Senate candidate Rick Scott has asked the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to investigate and that no evidence of fraud was found. While it is true that Scott asked for the investigation, he did so verbally. Because there was no formal written request filed, as of November 9, 2018, no investigation was initiated.

We didn’t obey the governor because he didn’t file the correct form? Florida’s problems go deeper than Broward County.

Almost two weeks after election day, Scott was declared the winner, officially becoming Senator-elect after Bill Nelson’s concession.

On November 19, 2018, Snipes submitted her resignation effective January 4, 2019 after Senator Bill Nelson conceded the highly contested Senate race the day before.


2 thoughts on “Brenda Snipes Didn’t Do No Vote Fraud

  1. Update: She’s hosed!

    Florida.s Republican state Senate president told colleagues Thursday that embattled Broward County elections supervisor Brenda Snipes cannot rescind her previously announced resignation in order to contest her suspension by Governor Rick Scott.

    Snipes, whose office missed a crucial recount deadline and misplaced 2,000 ballots in the recent midterm elections, immediately tendered her resignation, effective January 4, once the elections. recounts were concluded. She subsequently rescinded her resignation after Scott issued an executive order in which he argued she deserved to be suspended due to misfeasance, incompetence, and neglect of duty.

    In a memo sent to his colleagues Thursday morning, Senate president Bill Galvano said Snipes.s resignation would take effect before the legislature had time to investigate the circumstances behind her suspension and determine if it was justified. As a result, Galvano said, the Senate would not allow her resignation to be rescinded.

    …Prior to the recent election, Snipes had twice been found guilty of violating election law, which bolstered her critics. allegations of corruption.

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