The Nancy Mace Quote

Nancy Mace is a rising star in Republican circles. Women can do as well as a man if only she gets the chance! But the truth is tragic. Nancy Mace’s father, a decorated war hero, wanted a son, didn’t get one, and dirtied his reputation, as well as America’s military traditions, to enact that very belief that there’s no difference between a woman and a man.

This is a comment Nancy recently made in reference to Trump’s SOTU speech and related feminist theatrics. I’ll give the comment in its entirely then go through it again to roast the beans out of it.

https://www facebook com/photo.php?fbid=10155852898697019&set=a.382904607018&type=3&theater

I.m a mom, a businesswoman and a state legislator serving South Carolina. At a young age, I was determined to forge my own path through life. And nearly 20 years ago I became the first female graduate of The Citadel after following in my father’s footsteps. I also have experience starting my own business and in 2017 ran for – and won – a seat in the state legislature, on my own terms.

As women we make a fundamental mistake when we make our identity as women the WHOLE story.

The point of breaking glass ceilings is so that, after they’re broken, it doesn’t matter anymore. The American experiment is built on the premise that if you set a goal, show up on time and work hard, then success is within reach. We can ALL achieve the American dream regardless of our gender.

The identity politics being overplayed by liberal women in Washington, on display last night during the president’s State of the Union last night, further sets women back rather than advancing our futures. Acting like we just earned the right to vote and are held back strictly because of our gender is an enormous disservice to women everywhere.

We don’t need to dress alike.

We don’t need to think alike.

We don’t need to act alike.

We simply need to be present and be working for ALL of the people who elected us.

To business. *GQ dons surgical gloves*

I.m a mom,

The first way you describe yourself is as a mother, to convince other people that you’re someone worth listening to. That’s good. Women being mothers is why the species still exists, not to mention the deep personal satisfaction motherhood gives women. What a waste of resources, however, that motherhood wasn’t enough for you. You had to achieve secondary, workplace accomplishments at the cost of a man having those positions to provide for his family. YuGo girls want to do it all so they don’t have to submit to a husband. YuGos like Nancy.

a businesswoman and a state legislator serving South Carolina.

No submissive woman seeks authority over men. Looking at her busy schedule of graduate school, gossip-startup company and multi-term State official, it’s obvious she’s a mother only in the biological sense. Kids need their mothers but “mom” Nancy had a career to nurture instead.

I presume hubby stayed home with the kids. That’s getting to be a pattern of the New World Order.

At a young age, I was determined to forge my own path through life.

No, you were taught that by your father… wrongly and in violation of your own biology. See, your father, Brig. Gen. Mace, wanted a son and so far as I can tell, you’re his only child, Nancy. No problem, he thought. If he couldn’t have a son then he’d just make one out of you. What could go wrong?

And nearly 20 years ago I became the first female graduate of The Citadel after following in my father’s footsteps.

Care to guess how Nancy broke through the glass ceiling at the Citadel? How she managed to be the first female graduate from a proudly and historically all-male institution? HER FATHER WAS THE COMMANDANT OF THE CITADEL AT THAT TIME!!! No man gave her grief because she were the Boss’ special snowflake, that’s how she broke through the “glass ceiling”!

More than that, the first class of women had four members. How did Nancy manage to be the first of them? By graduating a year early. Magna Cum Laude, no less. That was shameless, blatant nepotism on her father’s part and it was well-known, too.

Photo Archive | The Citadel External Affairs Office

“Tomboy” doesn’t begin to describe Cadet Nancy. She was essentially a transsexual.

Here’s an excerpt from Brig. Gen. Mace’s retirement honorarium:

Whereas, Brigadier General J. Emory Mace was appointed commandant of The Citadel in 1997 several months after The Citadel admitted its first class of women cadets; and

Begging the question of whether Mace took the job specifically to push his daughter through.

Whereas, his leadership during a dramatic period of transition from an all-male to a coeducational Corps of Cadets proved invaluable to the school as it adjusted to the change; and

I detect an undercurrent of sarcasm here.

Whereas, Brigadier General Mace’s own beloved daughter, Nancy Mace, became The Citadel’s first female graduate in 1999; and

Everybody knew Nancy was Commandant’s little girl.

Whereas, under his able leadership and watchful eye, ninety-five women have graduated from the cadet program and currently the 1900-member Corps of Cadets includes about one hundred twenty women; and

After refusing to tell his own daughter NO, Commandant had no grounds to tell any other man’s daughter NO.

Whereas, in addition to spearheading the evolution of The Citadel, he also managed to strengthen and improve military training at the institution; and

Is there precedent for giving backhanded honorariums to brass who royally screw up?

Whereas, he instituted tougher physical fitness requirements of the Corps resulting in ninety-seven percent of all cadets passing the Army Physical Fitness Test; and

I ask because a military prep academy should have this level of basic military fitness from its founding. The Army PFT is a minimum standard, yes?

Daddy ruined Nancy’s life and the institution of the Citadel by pushing her though so fast and “honored” that she’s either Cadet America or a fraud perpetrated by the highest military rank. Had Daddy given her the chance and then washed her out, however, then everybody would have known that women don’t belong in the military.

But even giving her the chance ruined the Citadel’s reputation forever. “The first female cadet was the Commandant’s daughter! Favoritism!”

Because of an entire generation of such fathers, young men today have no place in their own society and as a direct result, are hated by the young women who whore themselves to “noble savages” out of disgust at the men who did not succeed because they were not allowed to try. The seat Nancy took at the Citadel was one that a man didn’t have, and when men aren’t allowed a chance to participate in society, they tend to… not participate in society.

Speaking of men, here’s Nancy’s husband:

Those haunted eyes! Deep, lidded eyes and crows-feet are becoming common on the faces on men these days. I wouldn’t describe any of them as high-SMV. Meanwhile, Nancy is developing that “Mommy Frog-Lips” look of women who don’t raise their own kids. Notice she’s posed higher than her husband, dominating this family portrait.

I also have experience starting my own business and in 2017 ran for – and won – a seat in the state legislature, on my own terms.

First you displace men, then you take power over men… so you can fix the social problems created by your refusal to submit in the first place. Before society pretended men & women were the same and babies came from India & Mexico, we didn’t have so many social ills that most schools now have a permanent law enforcement presence.

Her business was a gossip/marketing/networking setup like every other empowered businesswoman without an in-house male nerd. Coincidentally, several politicians made use of it prior to Nancy stepping into politics herself in 2013.

As women we make a fundamental mistake when we make our identity as women the WHOLE story.

It’s not a mistake. Women need to be victims of “the system” because women can’t survive in a merit system. Nancy herself couldn’t survive except for Commandant Daddy’s support. This is something cuckservatives can’t accept: women can’t survive without men. That is the WHOLE story of what’s wrong with modern society.

A kind man will not give women even the chance to prove her merit because 1. she is almost certainly inferior to a man, 2. men are tempted to rig the system for woman’s benefit, 3. the number of women who can compete against men is so small that gender integration isn’t worth the effort and 4. men can’t have babies.

The point of breaking glass ceilings is so that, after they’re broken, it doesn’t matter anymore.

The point of breaking glass ceilings is to force your way into male spaces, Nancy, to usurp male authority. Having done so yourself, you don’t want anybody to follow you and dilute your glory & status. Male Privilege much?

The American experiment is built on the premise that if you set a goal, show up on time and work hard, then success is within reach.

The American experiment is not showing up on time for gender-confused nepotism. It is 1. the freedom to worship Christ as a man sees fit, 2. liberty, the combination of authority with responsibility and 3. small, weak, local government.

You, Nancy, are disobedient to Christ (if you even claim to follow him) because you seized authority in defiance of your responsibilities as a mother and don’t tell us you became a legislator to shrink budgets and fire headcount. That’s not what you have been doing.

We can ALL achieve the American dream regardless of our gender.

Gender is a part of your identity and capability. You might as well claim that the America dream can be achieved regardless of our species. Meanwhile, if your “gender” is neither cis-male nor cis-female then I hope your version of the American Dream includes growing warts on your privates.

Speaking of, the American dream is not the American experiment. The American dream is a man keeping HIS family in HIS home and none shall make him afraid. Wow, we’ve come a long way, baby.

The identity politics being overplayed by liberal women in Washington, on display last night during the president’s State of the Union last night, further sets women back rather than advancing our futures.

Overplayed? Identity politics was never supposed to be how America did government in the first place. Given the chance, I would set you women back to 1780 Colonial and you would like it because as much as you envy us men our “privilege”, what will give you lasting happiness is keeping our homes in good order. That, or a bottle of cheap wine a day. Your choice. For now.

Cuckservatives are not helping women by helping women act like men. They are not men.

Acting like we just earned the right to vote and are held back strictly because of our gender is an enormous disservice to women everywhere.

You women NEVER earned the right to vote. You were given power far in excess of your responsibility because Adam chose to encourage Eve’s rebellion instead of remaining loyal to God his Creator and Benefactor… but the Church forgot to teach that for a generation.

We don’t need to dress alike.

But you women do anyway.

We don’t need to think alike.

But you women do anyway.

We don’t need to act alike.

But you women do anyway. It’s who you are. You are women, not men. Heck, you women even LOOK alike, especially you feminists.

Nancy Mace Gets Tea Party Nod | FITSNews

5 Questions: Senate primary candidate Nancy Mace - South ...

She could have passed for Nancy Pelosi before that witch went liche. The flat, dead eyes, jutting chin, thin lips, high cheeks. It’s like both Nancies were pressed from the same mold, or at least, the same graduate school of political science before taking the same path into politics. (Okay, Pelosi’s eyes are much worse.)

Nancy Mace, Cindy Boatwright duel in S.C. District 99 ...

For comparison, on the left is Cindy Boatwright, Nancy’s recent election challenger. Freaky how their physiognomies agree.

Celebrating Citadel Diversity Milestones in the 50th and ...

Since I’m showing pictures, here’s Nancy Mace’s cadet photo. It’s painfully obvious that her father had wanted a son. But she tried to please Daddy and now, she has as little femininity as the average reptile… referring to gender dimorphism, not cold-bloodedness. The latter is just testosterone.

We simply need to be present and be working for ALL of the people who elected us.

You don’t work for us, Legislator. You work for Christ first and the American experiment second. The “people” don’t need a State-powered mother figure… least of all the people who actually want one.

Because, you see, the people often want what isn’t good for them, just like your father. He twisted you into a parody of a son while the modern voter twists government into a parody of a god. It is the job of healthy government, and healthy manhood, more often than not, to tell the people NO. No, God doesn’t want that. No, this isn’t healthy. No, we can’t afford that.

No, Nancy, you are not a man and never were. But because you tried, you weren’t much of a woman, either.


12 thoughts on “The Nancy Mace Quote

  1. I just realized the fact that all those women were dressing in white now that you mentioned it. You’ll see that same thing at Charity Walks, for example, when every woman is wearing the same shirt that says something like “Walking for a Cure” or some such thing.

    Women are irony in motion. They merge together as a group to make a point. And yet, they are completely solipsistic by nature.

  2. Awesome Gunner, thank you. You brought to light a couple of good points I missed – talking about earning the right to vote, and overplaying their hand. And those pictures you found, such a man face and the boyishness of the grad photo is telling.
    She is a R Mom from the Carolinas, no way she isn’t a regular churchgoer, probably Baptist.
    So how many Christian Fathers want this for their daughter? I’d guess at least 75%.
    I hope you get lots of comments for this, because I want to know what other brothers think. Her quote is so obviously perfectly churchian and a reflection of our times. She is a living example of what believers think a Proverbs 31 women looks like.

  3. I found a local paper profiling her and her competition and each person had a sentence or two about church affiliation and she didn’t have anything listed. So maybe she isn’t a churchgoer. The article said her Mom has a PhD. Nancy had no chance, both parents hated her femininity probably and bred her for works and relentless ambition. I will give this to them, they wildly succeeded. If I could raise my son to trust Jesus like they raised her for worldly accomplishments, then I would be grateful.

  4. ‘It.s painfully obvious that her father had wanted a son.’

    Do we know if he’s a DODO? If so it’s becoming quite clear they are as much a threat as any feminist…maybe even more so.

    I’d almost bet you any girl that’s playing football…her dad is a DODO.

  5. Ill read this over the weekend, but trump’s pandering to the women who rejected their God-given role to play men made me throw up. Plus, the female centric parental leave policy is economic waste. Do it for the government, but dont force it down the throat of the private sector. And dont be sexist against men. (My prediction is that it wont last long anyways- sterile people will come along and use logic: we pay into the same funds, or work just as much, but I dont receive an equal benefit, etc., or “my robot waifu had a robot child, and it identifies as human, so I want leave.”)

  6. “Do we know if he.s a DODO? If so it.s becoming quite clear they are as much a threat as any feminist.maybe even more so.”

    I couldn’t find a declarative statement but Nancy appears to be an only child. The Citadel website still has pictures of Daddy Mace’s retirement ceremony, that’s where I got the Father & Daughter pic, and there were pics only of his wife & daughter.

    “Do it for the government, but dont force it down the throat of the private sector.”

    Anything that distracts the gov’t from oppressing us is a good policy!

  7. Solid write-up, man. And shows that any “Conservative” woman in politics will sell us out. Stopping women going to the Citadel and VMI was a basic conservative point when I was a young teenager.

    Now they wouldn’t dare say so.

  8. Looking at the photo of the husband can often tell you how good of a wife he has (and vice versa). He’s smiling and calm, but his microexpressions indicate that he’s resentful and feeling hopeless – the smirky grin, the clenched jaw, and as you pointed out, the crows feet, which are commonly associated with low marital satisfaction. He knows he’ll always take a back seat to “the gen’rals daughter”, and she’ll never have any interest in changing that.

    The world may have become a better place today if she had met a sh!tlord cad in college who did her dirty, and thereby introduced her to the inner world of humility and desire which would have brought her heart and soul to life.

  9. Notice how Nancy did not shift into lower gear once she got married. It does not look like she stopped the social/career climbing and switched to become a helpmeet to her husband.

    Woman are not designed to work outside the home for 40 hours per week for 45 years. A married woman can not do all the things Nancy is doing unless her husband become her helpmeet.

    A recently widowed man that was a Christian and married to a Christian woman told me that he never really felt like he had a wife. The first three decades of their marriage she was focused on their children; he had a mom for their kids. Once the last child left the nest she focused on volunteering and spent all her time and energy on that.

    Gunner Q – good insight and good write up.

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