Anti-Militia Collusion At the Mexican Border

A recent arrest of a border militia leader uncovers a nest of Convergence snakes colluding against President Trump and working to discredit the Militia movement yet again. We start with my favorite tabloid, Heavy.

Larry Mitchell Hopkins: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

20 April 2019

The FBI has arrested Larry Mitchell Hopkins, the head of a militia group that has been detaining would-be migrants at the US-Mexico border. The FBI announced that Hopkins, 69, had been arrested on April 20 in Sunland Park, New Mexico on charges of being a felon in possession of a firearm and ammunition.

Sweet, Americans are doing the job that Congressmen don’t want to. We all know what comes next!

Hopkins, who often goes by the name of Johnny Horton, is the leader of a militia called the United Constitutional Patriots. The group says it has detained thousands migrants at the border in the last month alone, most of them children. United Constitutional Patriots regularly releases videos of their detentions; the videos show militia members wearing military fatigues and carrying guns. The militia members say they are fighting to defend their flag and their country, but human rights groups, like the American Civil Liberties Union, have denounced the group as a “fascist militia organization..

*checks* Hmm, the UCP is such a fascist militia that youTube doesn’t even have age restrictions on their publicly posted videos of human rights-violating terrorist militia actions. Their algorithm probably thought their balaclavas meant they were black supremacists instead of white supremacists. Seems a small organization, however. I would think that safely detaining large groups would require double-digit personnel.

They also have a radio program that makes frequent references to Qanon and… well, we’ll get there.

larry mitchell hopkins mugshot

Here’s Larry. His eyelids are heavily hooded, indicating longstanding emotional issues. Confirmed with a pessimistic mouth and sunken cheeks. Frizzy hair suggests emotional/mental instability. However, the right side of his face is the more guarded side, so his issues are directed more at the outside world than the inner world. Chin looks strong enough that he won’t be passive-aggressive about his issues, whatever they are.

Here.s what you need to know about Larry Hopkins:

1. Hopkins Has a Criminal Record Dating Back to at Least 1986 & Has Been Convicted of Impersonating a Police Officer

FBI agents arrested Hopkins on April 20 on charges of being a felon in possession of a firearm. He has a long arrest record, dating back to at least 1986, when he was arrested and convicted of the “felony of false pretenses,. or fraud, in Midland County, Michigan. Decades later, in 2006, Hopkins was arrested in Klamath County, Oregon on charges of impersonating a police officer and being a felon in possession of a firearm.

According to the arrest report filed in Klamath County, police found Hopkins at a gas station showing off a gun to a group of young people. The arrest report says that Hopkinns was also showing the group of juveniles a badge that said “special agent” and was telling them that he was a police officer. Hopkins pleaded guilty to impersonating a police officer and to one count of possessing a firearm.

Not a promising history for a militia type. He appears to be the leader of the UCP, which explains how he avoided a background check turning up “convicted felon”.

[Edit: As my research progressed, I reached an ENTIRELY different conclusion about Hopkins’ relationship with law enforcement, one which suggests a more ominous reason why no background check turned up a felonious background.]

2. Hopkins Says He Has a Long-Standing Relationship with President Trump & Claims His Militia Shares Information with the Government

Hopkins has repeatedly said that he has sources in the US government that pass along information to him. He told the Southern Poverty Law Center that he was getting tips “from the very top” of the government. He said he didn’t want to tell the SPLC where exactly he was getting his information.

There are many reasons why people impersonate police. Larry’s reason appears to be “attention whore”. Not only does he have delusions of significance in the halls of power, but he’s apparently willing to speak directly with the freakin’ SPLC about his militia activities to garner publicity. We already know how THAT turned out for him.

But later, in a radio interview posted by The Renegade Network, Horton said that he had a long-standing relationship with President Trump and that he and the president were in close touch. He said that the president listened to his radio show and that they were exchanging information about the US border . Horton said President Trump was especially interested in the northern border. Explaining where he first met the president, Horton said, .When I was doing music, I met Trump and his first wife when he had the casino in Las Vegas, and I played there numerous times. OK?. Hopkins said. .That’s how I knew him. And Trump and I have kept in touch ever since..

I doubt Trump befriends many of the folks who perform in his casinos, especially if they aren’t in the D-cup range. Sure, Larry probably got a handshake from the Don at some point. It may have gone to his head.

3. Hopkins Calls Himself an “Entertainer” & Uses the Name of Country Music Legend Johnny Horton

Both on social media and on his YouTube videos, Hopkins uses the name Johnny Horton Jr. It’s a reference to country music legend Johnny Horton, who died in a car crash in 1960. Hopkins describes himself as an “entertainer” and also performs music.

Per Wikipedia, Horton did honky-tonk country. My first though was that Larry had an exceptionally weak personality to coopt a successful guy’s identity but his chin didn’t look nearly that weak. On further reflection, I wonder if it wasn’t just a nom de plume. It’s not like my own name is… um… Q.

Anyway, I doubt Hopkins used the Horton Jr. name professionally. That would have been an easy lawsuit.

4. United Constitutional Patriots Says They Detained Over 3,500 People at the Border in March

Hopkins is the leader of a militia group called United Constitutional Patriots. On April 1, Hopkins wrote on his Facebook page about the group’s recent activities at the border. He said the militia had detained over 3,500 would-be migrants in the past month alone. He added that most of the detainees were children whom, he said, were being trafficked by adults. The April 1 Facebook post reads:

.i am off of the border until after the 11th , people need to see the truth of whats going on on our border please go to the united constitutional patriots new mexico border ops page on face book , live streamed videos of what we are up against and why we need your support, in the last month our group of patriots have stopped over 3500, mostly kids being trafficked by adults , plus a lot of young men that are wanted criminals, i will be going back to the border soon we need help, GOD BLESS YOU ALL..

Horton.s Facebook page includes photos and videos of heavily armed members of his militia standing beside American flags. Many of the men are wearing camouflage; others have bandannas tied around their faces.

This got me thinking on motive. A militia group stopping a couple migrants here and there, cooperating with the Border Patrol, nobody would care much, but if this group is actually reaching four-digit monthly interception rates then notice might be taken… and an example made.

5. New Mexico’s Attorney General Called Hopkins a “Dangerous Felon. Who Should not Have Weapons

After Hopkins. arrest, the attorney general of New Mexico, Hector Balderas, issued a statement praising his arrest. The statement said, .This is a dangerous felon who should not have weapons around children and families. Today’s arrest by the FBI indicates clearly that the rule of law should be in the hands of trained law enforcement officials, not armed vigilantes..

And with a name, I started digging deeper. There had to be more to this story because why did the FBI arrest Hopkins instead of state/local cops or the Border Patrol? The charge of “felon with a gun” strikes me as a jurisdiction-neutral accusation, not even a parole violation. Why didn’t the NM Attorney General issue his own warrant for Hopkins’ arrest?

I’ve assembled my results in chronological order. Hopkins’ arrest was in retaliation for a specific incident, for reasons that made the UCP uniquely vulnerable to Leftoid pressure.

Video: Hundreds of asylum seekers surrender to armed civilians at New Mexico border

By Oscar Margain, 16 April 2019

WESLACO, Texas . Hundreds of migrants were captured on camera walking in the middle of the night across the New Mexico-Chihuahua border.

The video was taken by Jim Benvie, a member of a volunteer group called United Constitutional Patriots. The group has been camping out in the Chihuahua desert for two months.

The video . streamed on Facebook Live . shows droves of asylum seekers comprised of men, women and children, walking up a dirt road just after midnight Tuesday. They crossed through a border fence gap in Sunland Park, New Mexico, to turn themselves in to Border Patrol, but they came across Benvie’s encampment instead.

The link is still live. Hopkins may have been an ex-con but his organization appears to have been professionally run. Aside from giving too many interviews to media types. No offense, Kens5 TV.

.I literally walked out and I looked, and all I saw was hundreds of people coming at us,. said Benvie.

Benvie and three other men had been scouting the area Monday night before encountering what the U.S. Border Patrol estimated was 300 migrants.

.We held them there until Border Patrol came,. said Benvie. “And once they came then we did what we do, and that’s to help Border Patrol get them to the processing van. So, everybody is safe..

The KENS 5 Border Team first met the UCP two weeks ago, and was shown what Benvie identified as gaps in border security at the corner where the borders of New Mexico, Texas, and Chihuahua, Mexico meet.

Benvie has documented their encounters with smugglers and asylum seekers for the last 60 days.

.We’re just Americans. We’re veterans, we’re ex-law enforcement, we’re people that care about our national security,. he said. .We’re people that care about our strained Border Patrol..

Border Patrol said it’s aware of the presence of the UCP but does not condone the group’s actions. Actions Benvie described as peaceful . and the guns they carry . purely for self-defense.

Never having been fired in fear or anger, to judge from the lack of media reports. No doubt whatever that the Leftoids looked.

.There’s danger that goes along with this,. admitted Benvie. .We do have the cartel here. We are interfering with their business. We don’t think that we can save the border, we’re down here because we want to show America the truth. That’s why we’re making these videos..

Next, the Leftoids appeal to amenable authority.

18 April 2019

SUNLAND PARK, NM – Today, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of New Mexico sent a letter to New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham and Attorney General Hector Balderas asking them to investigate an armed vigilante group currently engaged in the unlawful detention of hundreds of migrants near New Mexico’s southern border.

Excerpted from the letter:

.Two nights ago, on April 16, 2019, an armed fascist militia organization describing itself as the United Constitutional Patriots arrested nearly three hundred people seeking safety in the United States, including young children, near Sunland Park, New Mexico. Other videos appear to show arrests in the past few hours. The vigilante members of the organization, including Jim Benvie, who posted videos and photographs of the unlawful arrests to social media, are not police or law enforcement and they have no authority under New Mexico or federal law to detain or arrest migrants in the United States. Their actions undermine the legitimate efforts of our state’s law enforcement officials to keep New Mexico families safe and they erode community trust.

Reading between the lines and taking a lot at face value, the UCP intercepted a shipment of trafficked children headed to a high-level government/NGO “recipient”.

The Trump administration’s vile racism has emboldened white nationalists and fascists to flagrantly violate the law. This has no place in our state: we cannot allow racist and armed vigilantes to kidnap and detain people seeking asylum. We urge you to immediately investigate this atrocious and unlawful conduct..

Speaks for itself. The ACLU acted on behalf of foreign nationals attempting to bypass national border security as part of their personal hatred for the President. Interesting that they talk like they believed Hopkins’ statements about being close with Trump. They may have hoped that hurting Hopkins would also hurt President Trump.

Bad move, Larry. Claiming the association brought inevitable trouble, which was hard to endure because the association didn’t actually exist. The worst of both worlds.

“They Killed Us”: Crowdfunding Sites Have Cut Off An Armed Militia Detaining Migrants At The Border

By Salvador Hernandez & Adolfo Flores, 19 April 2019, Updated 22 April

A right-wing “patriot” group that detained hundreds of migrants at gunpoint at the southern border this week after raising thousands of dollars online was notified by crowdfunding giants PayPal and GoFundMe that its fundraising campaigns have been shut down, dealing a major blow to the militia’s operation.

Known as the United Constitutional Patriots, the militia has been patrolling a remote stretch of the New Mexico desert near the Mexican border for months with heavily armed members reportedly detaining dozens of migrants a day.

The group has used the thousands of dollars donated online to supply food, gasoline, propane, and a portable toilet at a camp in Sunland, New Mexico, but by Friday members of the militia learned they would no longer be able to use PayPal or GoFundMe to raise money.

“They killed us,” Mark Cheney, who described himself as the commander of the United Constitutional Patriots, told BuzzFeed News in a phone interview. “I have to find some other way for people to donate.”

This is at odds with Larry Hopkins being the UCP leader as reported by others.

On Friday [19 April], the militia was notified that both their PayPal and GoFundMe campaigns had been shut down for violating the crowdfunding sites’ policy on the promotion of hate or violence, and in at least one instance allegedly using the funds to buy firearms. Cheney denied that the group used donations to purchase weapons.

National border security is “hate”. Gotcha. And since when is legally purchasing firearms a crime?

“The account associated with United Constitutional Patriots has been closed due to a violation of our Acceptable Use Policy,” a PayPal spokesperson told BuzzFeed News in a statement. “We do not allow PayPal services to be used to promote hate, violence, or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory.”

That decision, Cheney said, dealt a significant blow to the group’s operations in a remote area near the southern border, where costs can quickly add up.

“As the commander, it’s my responsibility to find some way for people to donate,” he said.

On Monday [22 April] a third company, Cash App from Square, confirmed to BuzzFeed News that it too had shut down efforts by the group to raise money through its service.

Hence the article update.

“Square does not tolerate our products or our platform being used for hate,” the company said in a statement. “When we determine accounts violate our terms of service, we take swift action.”

Members of the group have been camped near the border since November, hoping to shut off the flow of people crossing the border they have called an “invasion,” echoing the hardline rhetoric by President Trump. Leaders say in that time they’ve detained more than 3,000 people, and members have posted dozens of videos online showing migrants, including young children, held in detention near the border.

Crowdfunding is, of course, a notoriously Converged sector of finance. God help us Christians when Visa & Mastercard gets Pozzed. One would like to believe somebody would always be willing to take our money.

An armed militia was “detaining” migrants at the border. The FBI arrested its leader.

By Kayla Epstein, Lindsey Bever and Eli Rosenberg, 22 April 2019

The leader of an armed militia that scours the southern border for undocumented migrants was arrested by the FBI on Saturday, days after a video of the group holding migrants against their will sparked outrage.

Larry Mitchell Hopkins, 69, was arrested in the New Mexico border city of Sunland Park on charges of being a felon in possession of firearms and ammunition, the FBI said.

The charges stem from the discovery of weapons at Hopkins’s residence in 2017, after the FBI received a tip about “alleged militia extremist activity” connected to Hopkins, according to a federal court complaint that was unsealed Monday. Elizabeth Martinez, a spokeswoman for the U.S. attorney’s office in New Mexico, declined to comment on the long delay in charging Hopkins.

Damn, that’s scary. The FBI held dirt on Hopkins for two years in case he became politically useful. One wonders if they tried to use him as an informant/mole in the militia movement. It’s not like the FBI has a second play in its playbook… assassinating a sitting President not having worked well the first time they tried it.

The FBI said it had found nine guns when it searched Hopkins’s home in November 2017, including a 12-gauge shotgun, long rifles and handguns. Hopkins told agents at the time that the woman with whom he was living owned the weapons.

Yeah, I can easily see Hopkins being honey-trapped into being a mole for the FBI. But I can also see him repeating the prior offense of con with gun. Speaking of that prior offense:

Hopkins was indicted on one count of impersonating a police officer and two counts of being a felon in possession of a firearm [in Klamath County] but, in the end, did not serve a sentence, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

That’s all kinds of interesting. Prosecution should have been a slam-dunk. Methinks there is much to be learned about Larry Hopkins.

The FBI said it had been given information that Hopkins had “allegedly made the statement that the United Constitutional Patriots were training to assassinate George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.”

Either the FBI is lying shamelessly… or Hopkins is an FBI mole.

The United Constitutional Patriots came to public attention this month after the emergence of videos that showed men stopping and detaining people crossing the border. In an April 16 video, posted to Facebook by a woman who goes by Debbie Collins Farnsworth, a large group of migrants, including several children, were seen sitting on the ground and huddled together in the darkness, some of their faces illuminated by flashlights.

.This is crazy, everybody, totally crazy,. a voice that appeared to be Farnsworth’s narrated as she walked the perimeter of the group, claiming that it consisted of “hundreds” of people. .I don’t know what to say about this, other than the fact it’s got to stop,. she said.

A few minutes into the 45-minute live video, Border Patrol officers arrived and ordered the migrants to sit down before telling them to begin walking. The migrants were shepherded through the night by Border Patrol officials while Farnsworth followed behind.

Adults walked past holding children’s hands. .See the way they hold their kids? I don’t think those are their kids, honestly,. she said. .They’ve got grips on their wrists. It’s crazy..

Farnsworth.s video had garnered more than 100,000 views and 2,700 shares as of Sunday afternoon.

Everything comes back to this incident. The fanciful part of me wonders if it was a “shipment” of trafficked children heading to somebody in particular, but more likely it was the cozy, effective relationship between these militias and the Border Patrol. A quick pic by the UCP via buzzfeed:

A member of the United Constitutional Patriots poses with two Border Patrol agents.

That’s a UCP member posing with Border Patrol agents. They seem happy to work together and that must burn in the SJW’s craw. SJWs normally love public/private partnerships.

.This is a dangerous felon who should not have weapons around children and families,. [New Mexico Attorney General] Balderas said in a statement after Hopkins’s arrest. .Today’s arrest by the FBI indicates clearly that the rule of law should be in the hands of trained law enforcement officials, not vigilantes.”

This statement of his was already mentioned above but either Balderas knew the arrest was actually a two year-old, sealed indictment or he was too happy to hear about the UCP looking bad to do his homework.

After Hopkins’s weekend arrest, one of the militia’s members, Jim Benvie, addressed the recent charges in a Facebook Live video, saying that the UCP was not breaking any laws and that Hopkins would be exonerated.

He asserted that Hopkins was “set up” by Grisham and Balderas based on the ACLU.s .false, baseless allegations against the group..

.This was their first attack,. Benvie said. .They want to create a narrative that there’s a bunch of reckless criminals out on the border..

He’s not wrong about the narrative but I fear he is wrong about Hopkins being set up. I would like to be wrong but Hopkins is most likely the UCP’s Judas.

On 16 April, UCP busted a large group in partnership with ICE. 19 April, the ACLU brings in its allies, the governor and AG of New Mexico. (Soros is well-known for preferring to fund lesser offices such as attorney general than top positions of governor and such. Remember it was a Soros fundee that let Jesse Smollet go free on hate crimes then lost his entire criminal file. I just checked if Balderas was a Soros fundee but the search engines are already clogging up with Hopkins claiming the UCP was training to murder Soros. However, the other recipient of the ACLU’s letter, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, has received at least $11k directly from Soros in 2018.)

Also on 19 April, UCP gets its funding deplatformed by multiple crowdfunding sites.

And on 20 April, the FBI arrests Hopkins, a leader of the UCP who apparently had an indictment of Damocles hanging over his head when he allegedly made claims of the UCP training to assassinate celebrities… when in truth, what they did was peacefully make the Border Patrol more effective.

That’s a lot of attacks in all of four days’ time. Collusion much?


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