Homeschool Or THIS

A high school girl in Stockton gets interviewed by her school paper, the Bruin Voice, about her decision to go into the “adult entertainment industry” within days of turning 18. The interview ignited a controversy over child pornography/corruption which in turn, exposes what kind of feminist battleaxe is teaching the children these days.

Caitlin Fink: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Caitlin Fink, a Bear Creek High School student, told her school newspaper that she was in the process of entering the porn industry. The publication of the interview is the source of huge controversy in the Lodi Unified School District in Stockton, California, reports the San Francisco Chronicle.

Caitlin Fink

Nose booger means she’s a slut. It would be illegal to test that many cosmetics simultaneously on a lab animal but I’d guess the bags under her eyelids are much bigger than that. I’m still not decided on the physiognometric implication but am leading towards “chronic pain”. Which would be very plausible in Fink’s case.

Caitlin Fink

She tramp-stamped her TONGUE? Was it an 18th birthday gift? Where have I seen that rainbow hoodie before?

Flipboard: Video: Why Arundhati Katju, one of รข??Time ...

This is Nigel Shelby, a child who suicided as a direct result of LGBT-motivated child molestation forced upon him by his single mother.

The controversy was over whether or not the interview, which was done by junior Bailey Kirkeby, should be published at all. It could also result in the firing of the Bruin Voice’s faculty advisor, Kathi Duffel. The issue is due to be published on May 3. Kirkeby told the Chronicle that the interview is not really about sex but is about Caitlin “as a person.” Kirkeby added that the story focuses on Fink’s struggles and that criticism of the piece goes against the newspaper’s first amendment rights.

A barely-wimmin slut was interviewed about porn by an underage wimmin journalist under the supervision of a wimmin faculty advisor. Look at this crack team of journalists investigating the “other” Deep Throat:

A story on a teen porn worker could cost a high school journalism teacher her job - Alton Telegraph

An all-female school journalist team. Kirkeby is second from right.

I will fisk the issue at the end of this.

The controversy over publication exist primarily because Kirkeby won’t submit her interview for parental, er, district review prior to publication. She claims it’s a First Amendment issue but more likely, it’s a criminal justice issue because she’s underage for learning about the porn industry. If the contents were made known to authorities then faculty advisor Duffel would face prosecution for contributing to the delinquency of a child.

Kathi Duffel. Not a good picture but safe bets are thousand cock stare, heavy lower eyelids, manjaw and disorderly hair. Botox would be a reasonable guess.

Fink, 18, told the San Francisco Chronicle regarding the scandal, .People see the porn world as taboo. But I see it as a natural thing. You’re just taking off your clothes. It’s the human body. I’m 18, what I’m doing is legal, and I don’t see why everyone is making such a big deal out of it..

Classic hamster spin.

The Chronicle report also mentions that in the midst of the controversy surrounding the article, a police officer came to Bear Creek High to ask Duffel questions about sex trafficking.

Good to see law enforcement taking an interest. I don’t think Duffel has a bright future ahead of her. A faculty advisor who encourages her kids to learn about the porn industry? From a sex freak classmate?

2. Fink Has Signed a Contract With PornHub: It’s Unclear if She Will Adopt a “Porn Name.

Caitlin Fink is fine.

Fink went on to tell the newspaper that she has sold naked videos on Snapchat and PornHub and is in the process of trying to become a stripper in San Fransico.


Fink is reported to have signed a contract with PornHub. It is unclear if Fink, given her notoriety already, will adopt a pseudonym for her porn career. Fink said that she has not been yet by PornHub as she hasn’t hit the viewing figure necessary to qualify for compensation. Fink went on to say that her first official porn shoot was canceled after the filmmakers asked her to get rid of her body acne.

Great way to kick your viewership stats in the moneymaker, Barbie, telling the world about your body acne the moment you became (in)famous. You may already be selling nudie videos but you obviously don’t know jack about show business.

In her interview with the Bruin Voice…

The interview was approved for publication after an independent lawyer reviewed it for compliance with child abuse legislation. Repeat: a high school newspaper got pro bono legal assistance with skirting child abuse laws. No wonder that cop was nosing around.

…Fink said she began in porn by selling photos on Kik and Tinder. At one point, Fink said she made $475 in three hours. From there, Fink said that she auditioned at a strip club in San Francisco and subsequently began working there. Fink says, .The only hard thing so far is making sure I have enough money. Other than that, I’ve honestly been doing really good with myself..

The slutwalk life must be very addictive for women. This is a good point to ask, Where Is Daddy?

3. Fink Is Estranged From Her Family

Shocker. Wait, is that even legal? Did her family literally shove her out the door on her 18th birthday? No info was offered and no way am I Googling “Fink family”.

Fink told the Stockton Record in an interview that she is estranged from her family. … In the same article, Bailey Kirkeby is quoted as saying that Fink began associating with the “wrong group of people” in her freshman year. Kirkeby also said that Fink now “has a successful career and is living on her own money ” she is self-reliant..

She got away from the “wrong group of people” to make a successful career in porn? Were those people Christians or a street gang that lost a turf war?

Fink has numerous posts on her Twitter page that see her asking money from “Sugar Daddy.s. who will support her. In another tweet, from March 2019, Fink asks if Pornhub or Brazzers, another porn company, would be interested in signing her. On another social media profile, a user seemed surprised saying, .i.d thought you.d be more sexual?. Fink responded by saying, .I see it as strictly business.” Posts on that page also indicate that Fink is a lesbian but that she plans to perform in straight pornography after she leaves high school.

Wow, at age 18 she’s already into Starfish Sex and going Lesbo out of total disgust for her male customers. Yep, she knows NOTHING about show business.

Speaking to the Columbia Journalism Review, Kathi Duffel said that Fink told her, .Everyday on this campus, people say things about me, sometimes very hurtful things and I would really welcome the opportunity so that people understand that I’m not just the girl who does porn, but that I’m a real person..

Kathi is lying. What hurtful things? How could such thoughtcrime exist in the quasi-police state of a California high school? WHERE ARE THE BULLIES?

Duffel also told the publication’s website that Fink and Bailey Kirkeby share a class together. Duffel added that she hoped the story would result in “maybe every boy who reads the story is going to think the next time they’re on one of those sites like Pornhub, that the woman he is viewing is a person. She has bills to pay, she has rent, she has utilities, and she’s not just some object for their pleasure. She’s a real person..

I’ve heard those same words even from Christian mothers. How dare you young men be sexually attracted to a woman! She’s a real person! Now pay her $500 to drop her panties but don’t you dare treat her like meat!

Time for a closer look at Kathi Duffel.

Unsung Hero: Kathi Duffel

By Elizabeth Roberts, 11 April 2015

STOCKTON . Kathi Duffel is sort of the Norma Rae of newspapers.

Norma Rae is a fictitious union activist. Think Leftoid Oliver Twist.

She led the way as her staffers at Bear Creek High’s Bruin Voice made headlines around the world, battling for the right to report controversial news and clinching the high school equivalent of the Pulitzer Prize along the way.

Her students have landed jobs all over the country in journalism, public relations and law . four-year alum Shani Hilton is now executive editor at BuzzFeed, among the Web’s most clickable sites.

For shame! Buzzfeed is not serious journalism and the only way a woman reaches the top of a big company at age 22 is sex & blackmail.

A latecomer to the world of the press, it wasn’t until joining the Pacifican at University of the Pacific at her roommate’s urging that Duffel split her major between English and journalism. She never looked back. Now in her 23rd year as the Voice’s adviser, she was honored in March with the 2015 James Madison Freedom of Information Award by the Northern California Society of Professional Journalists for her work educating the next generation of news gatherers.

.When I first learned about it, I emailed the former editor, Mikala Bussey, and I told her I really shared this award with her because it was her story,. said Duffel, who teaches Advanced Placement and pre-AP English as well. Bussey’s front-page 2013 story on the school’s outdated safety plan led then-Principal Shirley McNichols to confiscate the issue until Lodi Unified officials directed her to release it. The story made headlines as far away as Australia, and McNichols banned the newspaper’s staff from interviewing any of the school’s administrators .ever,. Duffel said. McNichols and her vice principal were asked to resign later that month.

Recap, Principal McNichols held a post-9/11 school safety drill that gave extremely negative results. The school itself was a hotbed of black street gang violence in the ’90s so lockdown drills were not as hypothetical as is generally the case. Before she could address the results, Duffel’s newspaper did a full expose on the negative report. Claiming security issues, McNichols confiscated the newspaper. Then she and her vice principal were forced to resign.

I couldn’t find the Bruin Voice article itself; in fact, Principal McNichols has apparently been scrubbed from their archives, which itself is suspicious; but this is a reasonably obvious smear campaign, if not a simple cat fight. Naming security vulnerabilities before they’re fixed, in a school with a history of violent gang activity, is unethical conduct. Had any bad guy taken advantage of the info, Duffel could have been regarded as an accomplice in the eyes of the law.

“Because you can’t stop me” is the most suspicious answer a journalist can give for publishing something that gets somebody fired. At least say that somebody needed to be fired, yes? Honest motivations don’t hide behind “the people need to know”.

In fact, this could have been a copycat crime. Remember the New York newspaper that outed all firearm owners in two counties, including addresses? That was just a few months prior.

Begin segue.

Where the Journal News Went Wrong in Mapping Gun Owners

In the wake of the mass shooting at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Conn., the Journal News in Westchester County, New York, made freedom of information requests for pistol permit holders in its home county and neighboring Rockland County. The paper published the permit information, including the names and addresses of the permit holders, in an interactive map Dec. 22 [GQ: 2012].

Publisher Janet Hasson [was unrepentant].

The ethical concerns are apparent, and the Journal News could have done many things to mitigate problems presented by publishing the data.


According to the Rockland Times, a competitor to the Gannett-owned Rockland County Journal News, editor Caryn McBride is among the casualties of a recent purge at the Journal News.

The report said 17 journalists were among a total of 26 staff members at the Journal News who were let go.

End segue. So, Duffel got this James Madison award for either a hatchet job on her boss or copycatting the unethical release of information valuable to criminals. Yessiree, this is why the Founders allowed freedom of the press!

It wasn’t the first battle for Duffel and her staff. A previous principal, Daryl Camp, resigned in 2011 after a run-in with the Voice, a battle prompted by a request Camp made for prior review of the paper when he learned the staff was pursuing a story about master keys he lost that cost the district thousands of dollars in rekeying costs.

Embarrassing, but this is a story that should have been kept quiet at least until the locks were rekeyed. I don’t know if this was the case. The Bruin Voice doesn’t index records this far back.

.Then we had the kids fighting the social media policy,. she said of a district contract athletes and club members were being asked to sign beginning in fall 2013. Students and parents took little notice of the new policy until a Bruin Voice story spelled out potential penalties; it was subsequently rescinded. .I think all of the kids in the district are indebted to the journalism students for standing up for their First Amendment rights..

Let’s check on that social policy. Begin segue:

The social media policy of the Lodi Unified School District is eliciting strong protests from students at Bear Creek High School in Stockton, some of whom voiced their concerns at the board meeting Tuesday night.

The students represent more than 300 students who signed a petition against the district-wide policy on social media for high school students participating in extracurricular activities.

“This is important to me because it’s a matter of protecting the First Amendment right to free speech,” student Jacob Williams said. “We are outraged the district is attempting to do what they’re trying to do.”

According to the contract, the district is trying to “foster good sportsmanship” and deter the need to suspend students from games and practices.

Bear Creek Principal Bill Atterberry told KCRA 3 the policy combats cyber-bullying.

“Online bullying is a problem, and we are looking to safeguard our students, because it is rampant,” he said.

Online bullying is a stupid concept. Just unplug. We aren’t talking about determined efforts to get a man fired or doxxed, we’re talking about the cool kids talking smack about the ugly kid.

Students must sign a contract if they want to join clubs or sports. Among other things, it forbids unprofessional public profiles, posting illegal activities and making threats.

Zachary Denney, another student who organized protests, said he was concerned about the “vagueness of the wording, and the idea that anybody who likes, retweets, and subtweets anything can get in trouble..

Some students wonder why this policy only applies to students in extracurricular activities.

Wild guess here, because extracurricular activities are opt-in. Requiring students to sign this kind of agreement just to continue attending law-mandated classes would be clearly unenforceable. Apparently, they couldn’t make this an official policy, perhaps because of the punishments:

As it stands, if a student signs a contract and behaves inappropriately, he or she could get benched or suspended on the first offense. On the second offense, the student could get removed from the team or activity for the season.

Unenforceable policies are stupid policies so opposing this doesn’t reflect badly on the Voice as I’d expected it to. Huh. Wait a minute… the Bruin Voice student newspaper, which is led by a feminist, opposed the feminist priority of anti-bullying legislation. Hmm. And the paper had an online presence by this time.

Is… Is the Bruin Voice an extracurricular activity that would have fallen under this policy? And risked punishment for online bullying-style behavior as a result?

Duffel opposed this policy to protect herself. She manufactured the opposition.

End segue.

That year, the National Scholastic Press Association named the Bruin Voice the top high school paper in the nation, honoring staff with the elite Pacemaker Award for overall excellence and a Best of Show for an issue that reported on how student protests led to the social media policy being rescinded.

She got a medal for it, too!

.She doesn’t believe in allowing anyone to stifle freedom of speech,. said Bear Creek grad Trishna Chandarana, whose story “Fight over Plan B.s availability for teens turns political. took first place in The Record’s annual High School Journalism Contest in 2013 and counts Duffel among her all-time favorite teachers. .In that sense, she tries to help her writers fight through censorship when necessary. She is a firm believer in the freedom of speech and freedom of the press and pushes students to get the truth out of every story . the real truth..

Abortion for underage girls is not a free speech/press issue. It’s a parental rights issue. Scratch that. Abortion is homicide.

Speaking of parental rights, I lost the reference but this controversy began when a school administrator informed Caitlin’s family of the interview. Her parent(s) raised the alarm. So, Caitlin is probably a runaway, which implies a bad boy, which implies gang activity.

.It makes me feel good,. Duffel said. .I.m just really lucky to have been able to work with some really incredible students..

Students who believe everything Duffel is teaching them about porn being a legitimate career, chemical abortion being a civil rights issues and using one’s “freedom of the press” as a weapon to humiliate and undermine people you don’t like.

On that note, our feature presentation.

Risky business: starting a career in the adult entertainment industry

Risky business: starting a career in the adult entertainment industry

Bailey Kirkeby, Managing Editor, News Editor
May 3, 2019

Throughout their high school years, students are often told to follow their dreams and pursue what they love. Despite encountering obstacles . such as a difficult freshman year and leaving her house . Caitlin Fink, an 18-year-old senior at Bear Creek who recently started a career in adult entertainment, is doing just that.

Stupid Baby Boomers still push that rot. Instead, find something profitable & moral to do that you’re naturally good at. Following your dreams is easier when you can afford them.

Fink had a rough start to high school, admitting that she had a low GPA and associated with students who were poor influences on her.

.I didn’t start high school the way I wanted to,. Fink said. .I didn’t take the right classes I needed to take to get in the university I wanted to, I hung around the wrong people, [my GPA was around] 2.6 or 2.8 and I wasn’t really trying that much..

Occam’s Razor, Fink ran away from home to fuck the bad boy that Daddy, if Daddy exists, didn’t approve of. Then the bad boy dumped her. Pity there’s no journalist available to investigate this kind of thing. Inquiring minds want to know!

If Fink is already selling her body for food then she doesn’t need to worry about attending university. As she’s already discovered, you don’t need caw-widge to make a buck.

Unfortunately, Fink’s struggles did not end in her freshman year. On New Year’s Eve 2018, Fink left her house and is now living with her friend’s family and paying them approximately $300 a month for her food, utilities and rent.

That’s all kinds of wrong. On one hand, her original home may have been abusive. On the other hand, she openly associates with LGBT sex freaks. Either way, friends don’t charge friends rent when they’re 18, on the skids and trying to just finish high school.

.The only hard thing so far is making sure I have enough money,. Fink said. .Other than that, I’ve honestly been doing really good with myself..

Fink.s career in the adult entertainment industry started when she began selling erotic photographs of herself on the instant messaging application Kik. She then expanded to selling photographs on Tinder and other applications used for communication.

.When I first started selling, it was just for money,. Fink said. “But then I liked the attention I got, [such as] being called beautiful. I enjoyed it because it made me feel good about myself..

Fink says she generated a substantial amount of money doing this, once making $475 in three hours.

In Hell, they call that bait.

However, Fink also admits that she has made plenty of mistakes throughout her career that have helped her grow, such as dealing with scammers and not understanding how Paypal . an online money transfer service . works.

.I used to sell my content first before receiving any sort of payment, and when I asked for the payment, [buyers would] save my content and block me,. Fink said. .I’ve also had to put my name on pictures sometimes because people would try and sell them, claiming them as theirs..

More recently, Fink became a verified member of Pornhub, a pornographic website in which members can post erotic videos for others to view. After becoming a member, she signed a contract with an agency so she is able to partake in professional pornographic scenes.

Fink says the industry has policies in place . such as mandatory two-week sexually-transmitted disease (STD) tests typically paid for by agencies . to prevent workers with STDs from performing in scenes while infected.

.I still have the scars on my arm [from getting blood tested],. Fink said. .[The phlebotomist] poked me four times in one arm, and she couldn’t get any blood out of it, so she poked my wrist for the blood. Four [phlebotomists] tried to get blood from me, and they were like .I don’t know what’s wrong; it’s not working. I swear I had it!..

No, that’s not why she has needle tracks on her arm.

Fink was scheduled to shoot her first professional pornography scene in March, but the scene was canceled at the last minute when the company that booked her saw her body acne.

.[The company] has 4K camera quality that is crisp and clear, so they wanted me to get my body acne cleared before they shot a scene with me,. Fink said. .[My agent] told me the scenes I was going to be doing, too. I was so excited..

If they can hide the needle marks then they can hide the acne. Does Fink already have a disease?

Fink says she has not made money from Pornhub yet because members have to hit a certain view count before receiving compensation. However, she provides insight into how members are paid.

.You can choose how you get paid,. Fink said. .It usually goes by view count, or you can sell your videos if [users] want to download them. There is also a tip option on [member.s] profiles. Pornhub sends money to your PayPal..

On April 10, Fink had her first audition at a strip club in San Francisco, another path in the adult entertainment career that she hopes to pursue.

.When I auditioned at a strip club, I made $80 in what felt like five or six minutes,. Fink said.

Although Fink makes a livable income through her adult entertainment career, as well as her second job as a dish washer…

That is not the definition of a livable income. Why does somebody making $475 in three hours with $300/month rent need a second job? Drug addiction.

Oh, that’s right. She also got that tattoo on her tongue.

…she admits the industry is not always glamorous; workers are constantly at risk of being taken advantage of due to their occupation.

.People assume that just because you’re in the industry, you would do sexual things with anyone, and that isn’t true,. Fink said. “Adult entertainment is a job just like any other job. There’s always that risk of getting kidnapped or possibly not even knowing what to do after your career is over and trying to find work after that..

In fact, Fink says she has had people threaten her if she did not do something they wanted, such as send them provocative photographs.

Fink says that people often view pornography as a taboo topic that should be pushed under the rug, leading people to make assumptions about her and other adult entertainers.

.I.m a lovey-dovey, old school romantic, and people just assume things about me,. Fink said. .They don’t really know me or take the time to know me. I’m extremely nice. I won’t even say anything if people cut in front of me in line..

You’re a shameless, feral skank-whore. There have never been more safety nets for women down on their luck than in modern California, never. You ran past them all to sell your ass to everybody with a buck. When I come across your rotting corpse in the back alley of a red-light district, I’ll phone it in to roadkill abatement, that’s what a useless hominid meat sack you are. Either you permanently give control of your life over to a husband or it’s all your fault.

Fink also says that failure to openly talk about pornography . especially between parents and children . gives children and teens an unrealistic expectation of sex.

Wrong. The unrealistic expectation is that any man’s son will ever get licit sex from a woman who’s never bartered her ass on Pornhub. You shameless, feral whores punish good men and reward evil men.

.When kids watch porn, they think that’s how you have sex,. Fink said, referring to unrealistic and sometimes outlandish activities depicted in pornography. .That’s not how it works!.

Fink.s main goal is to start modeling, which has always been her dream. She plans to move to Los Angeles . where her agency is based . and eventually stay primarily in Florida, where her friends live. In the meantime, Fink stays busy while establishing her career.

.I travel to San Francisco a lot, and I don’t have to pay anything because someone pays for the expenses, which I’m grateful for,. Fink said. .I’ve been trying new things, going out of my comfort zone and meeting new people..

She’s a zombie. Already dead but still moving, her body rotting even as she lurches towards her fate. This is not legitimate journalism. Kathi Duffel’s student has not demonstrated any awareness of the purpose of journalism, which is to serve as a social conscience and exposer of evil. Instead, she explored the fatal life decisions that a damaged freak-girl is making as quickly as she can with no commentary on how the situation came about or where it will likely lead. (Aside from the one paragraph on constant STD testing, which itself was a coverup.) No hard questions asked.

The Voice could have discussed how she ended up this way. Fatherless? Daddy issues? A bad boy that broke her heart (and hymen)? How did you really get needle tracks on your arms? But one thing the Voice should not have done, something entirely immoral and unethical, was present sex work as a valid, normal career choice to impressionable high school girls still underage. We do not allow freedom of the press for the amusement and schemes of journalists.

Duffel has failed Caitlin Fink. She didn’t help the principal who lost the master keys, she didn’t help the principal who sensibly reviewed school security, she didn’t help expose any bullying until the district reached for additional rules and now she isn’t helping a days-legal, drugged-up prostitute escape Hell. She’s too busy being awesome to be useful.


2 thoughts on “Homeschool Or THIS

  1. .maybe every boy who reads the story is going to think the next time on one of those sites like Pornhub, that the woman he is viewing is a person. She has bills to pay, she has rent, she has utilities, and she.s not just some object for their pleasure. She.s a real person..

    I’ve also heard the rationalization from modern women…’well since men view women as objects, I can do any sinful thing I want without consequence’. It’s a jungle out there.

    I think deep down some women know they can entice lust out of men for profit/attention/Instagram likes. They just don’t like it when men start calling out their sexual immorality because it takes away their source of income. Even when guys on the internet were calling the tax man on the e-thots or getting the Instagram models accounts banned because of nudity you could see them wailing and gnashing teeth.

  2. More than proving (as if any more proof is needed) that publik skoolz are cesspools, this proves in even starker terms (again, as if any more proof is needed) that very near all western women today are moral sewage.

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