Hultgreen-Curie Syndrome: The Elevator Incident

Ah, Hultgreen-Curie Syndrome. Women killing themselves by entering situations requiring either a male temperament or a male understanding of technology. This one is both!

Carrie O’Conner, deceased at age 38, professor of business, French language and at Boston University, “French culture through gastronomy”. To her credit, she doesn’t look the part.

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Carrie O.Connor, a 38-year-old Boston University professor, died on Monday at around 5:15 p.m. when she was crushed in an elevator accident in her apartment building. Boston police released the victim’s identity on Tuesday and said O.Connor died of traumatic asphyxiation, ruling her death accidental, NBC Boston reported.

According to the Journal of Emergency Medical Services, traumatic asphyxia is usually caused when a person is crushed “by an object that compresses the chest or upper abdomen..

O.Connor.s death was also confirmed by Boston University, where she worked as a French lecturer at the College of Arts & Sciences. She was described as adventurous, a traveler who had a “commitment to community and learning.” She is survived by her parents, her brother and sister-in-law, and .two cats that she loved . Artemis and Apollo,. according to her father.

It may be best that she died young & fast because she was right on schedule for Feminist Life Path/Train Wreck.

O.Connor had moved into the Commonwealth Avenue building in the Allston neighborhood of Boston only a few weeks before her death, neighbors said. One of O.Connor.s neighbors, Leanne Scorzino, described the incident to NBC Boston: .It was horrifying. It wasn’t a cry. I can’t even describe what it was. I went out in the hall because I genuinely thought someone was being murdered..

She said when she got to the hallway, a neighbor told her that O.Connor had been trying to load a large, heavy package into the elevator and he’d warned her that it wouldn’t fit. She said all she could see was the open elevator door and the top of the car and cables.

Yeah, girl, what does the Patriarchy know! Down with mansplaining! Way down, way fast.

Package played role in Boston University professor’s elevator death, state says

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By Peter Aitken, 25 October 2020

Massachusetts inspectors found that a professor crushed to death by an elevator last month may have met her fate because of a large package she was carrying at the time.

Boston University professor Carrie O’Connor was seen in video carrying a 7-and-a-half-foot-tall box, which appeared to hit a switch that sent the elevator into free-fall while the door was open, according to a report by the Massachusetts Office of Public Safety and Inspections.

O’Connor was later found pinned between the elevator and the wall of the shaft.

The “birdcage” style elevator requires the occupant to close the gate manually, which O’Connor did not have a chance to secure before the package hit the gate switch – mistakenly indicating that the door was closed, the New York Post reported.

A maintenance person in the basement pressed the call button while O’Connor was getting into the elevator, which caused the elevator to drop before O’Connor was safely inside and the door secured, Inspector Martin Guiod said in his report on the Sept. 14 incident.

That was not Hultgreen-Curie.

O.Connor briefly halted the elevator’s descent when the box slipped from the switch and braced against the shaft wall, but when she lifted the package again, according to the video, it hit the switch once more.

THAT was Hultgreen-Curie. Also, a Darwin Award.

She then disappeared from view on the footage, indicating “that she had fallen backwards into the hoistway between the 1st floor and basement floor,. the report said.

“That won’t fit,” he said.

“I’ll make it fit,” she said.

An autopsy showed that O.Connor died of “traumatic asphyxiation..

4 thoughts on “Hultgreen-Curie Syndrome: The Elevator Incident

  1. Well, OK I guess. Have it your way. ‘You Go Girl’ and all that noise.
    Maybe they should have had female investigators so that a man wouldn’t have had to tell ’em what’s what.

  2. theconvertblog —

    In the course of examining and reproducing the evidence, the female investigators likewise would have triggered the same sequence, and met the same fate.

    Coroner’s Report on all three: Death by Matriarchy.

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