“A Few Good Womyn”

The original title was going to be “SEAL Adel Enayat and the Accuser Who Shall Not Be Named” but as the story unfolded the parallels with the movie “A Few Good Men” became inescapable.

The Gallagher saga is a gold mine of Social Justice activism in action. I wove the following three threads together to minimize segues.

htt ps://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/national-international/former-sailor-details-misconduct-by-seals-pulled-from-iraq-in-ap-exclusive/2390043/

htt ps://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/military/story/2020-08-21/navy-seal-charged-with-sexually-assaulting-fellow-sailor-in-iraq-to-appear

htt ps://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/nation-world/story/2020-08-20/former-sailor-details-misconduct-by-seals-pulled-from-iraq

U.S. Navy intelligence specialist Colleen Grace was asleep on a remote air base in Anbar Province, Iraq when she was woken up by knocking on the door next to her room, and then a voice she recognized [as Hospitalman First Class Gustavo Llerenes].

The voice belonged to a Navy corpsman she knew. He was upset and speaking loudly to the Army colonel who lived next door. Grace heard the corpsman say that a sailor who attended a Fourth of July barbecue had just been raped by a Navy SEAL on base. The corpsman asked the colonel what to do because the victim was afraid that if she reported the incident, retribution would follow.

A dramatic and very suspicious beginning. “WAKE UP, COLONEL! THIS IS CORPSMAN GUSTAV REPORTING A VIOLENT RAPE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT! AND THE VICTIM DOESN’T WANT TO REPORT IT! Oh, sorry. Did I wake everybody up? These walls are so thin.”

Grace looked down at her phone to check the time and saw a missed text from a friend asking her to come over. .Urgent,. the message read.

When Grace got to her friend’s room around 1:50 a.m., she found her friend in bed with a bruised face and realized she was the person who said she’d been raped. She told Grace that she and the SEAL started out having consensual sex but then he started choking her and at one point she thought “what is he going to do with my body when he kills me?.

As mentioned farther down, it would not have been considered rape without the incident being life-threatening.

Grace photographed her injuries, then hugged her and cried, unsure of what would happen next.

That was a gross mishandling of evidence. Court-admissible pictures of injuries must come from designated, impartial crime techs… not your friend the spook.


Even worse than Intelligence Specialist Grace’s crime scene skills were…

But she and her friend would not stay silent.

Grace later sent information about what happened to U.S. Rep. Mark Takano, chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee, according to the Associated Press.

Chain of command, VIOLATED TO HELL. Per wikipedia, Takano is “the first openly gay member of the House who is not white”. (Third-generation Japanese.)

Within weeks, the entire Foxtrot platoon of SEAL Team 7, known as Trident 1726, was sent home early. It was an extremely rare move to cut short the mission of a unit that was there to combat remnants of ISIS. Navy officials have given few details other than to say there was an alleged sexual assault and drinking at a Fourth of July barbecue in Iraq in 2019 in violation of Navy rules barring deployed troops from consuming alcohol.

The entire platoon was brought back from a remote, frontline base on the far side of the planet to address a single rape accusation during a liquored-up Fourth of July party? Was the accused a flight risk or something? Were their presence and combat duties in that region not important for national security?

Records obtained by the AP from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service also reveal a previously unknown reported allegation of sexual misconduct against the SEAL platoon chief, Special Warfare Operator Chief Nicholas Olson, two days before the barbecue. Olson denies any wrongdoing.

What an unlikely pair of events… or, did the first j’accuse fail and a second one attempted at the earliest possible opportunity?

The platoon was withdrawn after the Navy made an unusually public push to strengthen order and discipline in its secretive elite force amid a series of scandals.

While drinking in a combat situation is obviously a bad idea, drinking at a Fourth of July BBQ for young men far from home doesn’t sound like an atrocity that merits either public scrutiny or an international recall. Boys will be boys.

The Navy fired three SEAL leaders in the aftermath of the alleged rape and charged Special Warfare Operator First Class Adel A. Enayat with sexual assault, aggravated assault via strangulation and assault by battery for allegedly biting the victim on the face, among other counts. He faces a court-martial in November.

Is Admiral Green intentionally exposing his sevicemen to humiliation and disgrace in a Gramscian attempt to destabilize the SEALs? “Never let a crisis go to waste” and after all these NCOs were forced out in the last couple years, it just happened last month that Green rewrote the SEAL creed to be gender-neutral. Because God forbid that any woman tough enough to qualify as a SEAL have to endure the psychic trauma of calling her SOCOM organization a brotherhood.

Good question.

About a dozen female service members were attached to the SEAL platoon during a six-month deployment to Iraq that began in March 2019, the AP said. On the air base, Grace and the other service members supported Special Operations Task Force-West, which included the SEALs.

The intelligence unit was all-female?

On the air base, Grace and the other service members who supported Special Operations Task Force-West, the unit responsible for missions inside Anbar Province, Iraq, lived at Camp Fenin while the SEALs stayed at Camp Freiwald, about a 10-minute walk away.

Boy Town was a ten-minute walk from Girl Town. Either that was a big military base or somebody sane did the best he could to keep them separate.

The deployment . Grace’s first with the SEALs . was slow, she said. Others who had deployed previously to Iraq told her they had never seen it so quiet. She was asked to identify ISIS targets for the SEALs in an area that had been largely untouched for the past nine months.

Horny young men plus horny young women plus close quarters in stressful situations… plus BOREDOM… equals…

Two days before the Fourth of July party, Grace said, one of her friends knocked on her door crying and said Olson exposed himself to her after they met at a makeshift lounge on Camp Freiwald.

…frat parties.

Oh, look at that. Grace fielded the previous anonymous sexual assault allegation, too. And only two days previous.

Grace said the women worked hard to earn the respect of the SEALs. .We’re in there 18 hours a day. We wanted their respect. We were doing good work for these guys,. she said.

That’s Colleen per stationgossip.com.

OK, Mattress Girl. You were totally a work-a-holic with no time to fool around with muscular young men… wait… you were bored AND working 18 hours a day? Which is it?

But Grace said the intelligence staff was under a lot of pressure from the SEALs to do more. .People were itching to get outside the wire at every opportunity,. but not a lot of information was coming in that they could act on, Grace said.

Then she said she started receiving text messages from Olson, the platoon chief, late at night that were not work-related. At first, she thought it was because he thought highly of her work.

Dayumn, Starfish girl, put some effort into your lying! Maybe Olson really did like your work but from your perspective, he was the highest-ranked male on the Camp Freiwald market. There’s no way that YOU would have kept that platonic… until…

.After I’d been invited over to that side of the camp to have drinks on multiple occasions, I was like this is inappropriate, and that’s kind of when he and I stopped speaking,. Grace said.

“We dated some and Olson turned out to be a creep.”

Timothy Parlatore, a civilian attorney representing Olsen, said his client denies making any inappropriate comments. He told the AP that the July 2 allegation is false and was made by an intelligence specialist who held back information necessary to kill ISIS.

.These individuals have the motivation to lie about my client,. Parlatore said.

Gallagher’s snake-eater of an attorney is here?! There’s more that isn’t being said here than is.

Olson was reprimanded and has since lost his Trident pin, the symbol of his membership in the SEALs. Parlatore said the Navy cited his platoon’s drinking and the July 2 allegation. He is appealing the decision.

The case [against Olson] was closed after the victim signed a statement on July 13, 2019, saying she did not wish to participate in the investigation.

No conviction, no trial, the victim didn’t even cooperate, but Olson was punished regardless.

The woman told Grace she was concerned reporting Olson would hurt her career.

Incorrect. Grace said the woman told Grace that she was concerned for her career. Big difference. All of this information… of these accusations… are coming through Commissar Grace.

As if bypassing both military police and the chain of command wasn’t enough damage, Grace proceeded to TALK TO THE MEDIA.

Grace is the first service member to come forward to talk about what happened at Ain al-Asad air base in western Iraq. She spoke to the AP in an exclusive interview, detailing what she witnessed that night, describing what she said were attempts by Olson, the platoon chief, to stop the alleged sexual assault from being reported, and revealing other misconduct towards another female sailor working with the SEAL platoon during the 2019 deployment to Anbar Province.

AP spoke to other service members on the deployment who asked not to be named or quoted for fear it could jeopardize their military careers. The sailor who reported being sexually assaulted on July 4, 2019, declined to be interviewed. Llerenes, the Navy corpsman, also declined to be interviewed for this story. Multiple attempts were made to connect with Col. Collins but were unsuccessful.

Men: we ain’t that stupid!

Women: #METOO!!!

The drinking at the Fourth of July barbecue in Iraq and the alleged sexual assault that same night came only two days after the acquittal of Special Warfare Operator Chief Edward Gallagher, who was accused by his platoon members of killing a captive Islamic State fighter and shooting civilians during a deployment to Iraq in 2017. Gallagher was also a member of SEAL Team 7 in Iraq but with a different platoon and under different leadership.

That there is some suspicious timing.

The Fourth of July incident led to a second ethics review of America’s commando forces in a year. The review by the Special Operations Command found a problematic culture that overemphasized combat and put troops at times far from supervision, opening the door to inappropriate behavior.

That’s the problem with SOCOM these days. They’re all about combat in Shittistan instead of paperwork in their carefully monitored cubicles.

Navy SEAL Capt. Todd Perry, the commander of the Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force-Iraq in 2019, blamed the .Gallagher Effect,. a term coined by leadership to denote the corrosive influence on a platoon such as the one Gallagher’s behavior had on order and discipline.

.It only took one bad platoon chief to influence the entire platoon,. that the no-drinking rule did not apply to them and that the “brotherhood” was more important than the Navy . .just as Gallagher was able to do with the dishonorable members of his platoon. during his deployment in 2017, Capt. Perry stated in an interview with an Army officer investigating the Fourth of July incident, according to military records obtained by AP.

That is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what happened: Gallagher being falsely accused by his discipline-challenged, “Sewing Circle” subordinates who then either testified on his behalf or suffered severe and comically specific memory lapses.

The rape accusations eventually settled upon Adel Enayat. I’ll guess he’s Norwegian instead of a recent Arab immigrant sent to Arabia to fight Arabs. Because that would be rather stupid. (I don’t actually know Enayat’s background.)

At Friday’s hearing, a judge heard motions involving Special Warfare Operator 1st Class Adel Enayat, who is charged with sexual assault, battery and aggravated assault, according to a Navy charge sheet obtained by the Union-Tribune.

Although the charges include an accusation of intercourse without consent, under the military justice system the assault has to rise to the level of life threatening for the victim in order to become a charge of rape, said Brian O.Rourke, a Navy spokesman.

[Enayat]’s lawyer, Jeremiah Sullivan, said his client is innocent. Enayat, who was charged Dec. 30, filed a counter claim in February against the sailor alleging she sexually assaulted him.

Smart move. No white-knight martyrdom and bounce that rubble!

AP originally did not name Enayat because of the counter claim. But the Naval Criminal Investigative Service on Friday confirmed that it closed the investigation into that allegation after his lawyer declined to have him talk to investigators. AP has a policy of not identifying victims unless they choose to be named.

The reverse-victimhood move didn’t work perfectly but still, that’s a much better outcome than a preemptive apology.

At a hearing at Naval Base San Diego on Friday, Sullivan also said he was concerned Enayat, who identifies as .non-white,. cannot get a fair trial because of systemic racism in the military justice system, pointing out that there are no Black judges on the Navy bench.

.I’m not asserting your honor is racist,” Sullivan said of the judge, Cmdr. Chad Temple, who is white. “But institutional racism exists so the courts can’t be impartial and therefore I’m challenging you and the system.”


If Sullivan didn’t say hello to the brig after playing the “I’m not saying you’re racist, Judge, but you’re too white to suspect my non-white client of committing a violent felony” then the US Navy is beyond salvation.

During the hearing, Sullivan told the judge that other witnesses will testify that the alleged victim was sitting on Enayat’s lap and licking his neck during the Fourth of July party. Prosecutors said the alleged victim will testify that she was under the influence of alcohol at the time.

Sullivan also said that a witness in an adjacent room to Enayat.s, where the alleged assault occurred, will testify they didn’t hear any disturbances that night.

Trial is scheduled to begin Nov. 16.

The SEALS were deliberately turned into a downrange frat party by SJW brass who hadn’t yet managed to push some wimmin through SEAL training, then the party was used to slander Gallagher post-retirement while providing another pretext for Admiral Green to “fundamentally transform” SOCOM culture.

When their first accusation against Gallagher’s ally Olson didn’t pan out because the designated victim refused to play along, they tried a second time with Enayat and succeeded well enough to secure a court date.

Whoever loses this trial, America will win because it’s a contest of Slutwalk Barbie versus Mister “Not-An-American”.

“A Few Good Men” was not really about the Code Red. “A Few Good Womyn” is not really about the rape.

4 thoughts on ““A Few Good Womyn”

  1. ISIS must be laughing their arses off at this.

    “Leave the SEALs alone, Muhammad. They are busy destroying themselves and we would not want to obstruct Allah’s will be stopping them.”

    The intelligence unit was all-female?

    Might as well be. The military human and physical intelligence (PHYSINT) apparatus has always been hopelessly incompetent, no matter which sex it’s filled with.

  2. I fear for the day the US fights a war against an advanced opponent. Winning conflicts seems to be the last priority of the military.
    This nonsense has implications across the American Empire with client states like Australia and Japan dependent upon the US alliance now feeling very exposed in the face of rising Chinese belligerence.

  3. The U.S. is using its power (economic, military, political) to pressure our allies to open borders to migrants and adopt the gay agenda. I’ve come across internet rumors that some people in the U.S. govt are pushing for regime change in Hungary, and possibly some other nations that rufuse to admit Muslims or Celebrate LGBTQ+ Pride.

    So I have mixed feelings when I hear about American decline.

  4. “So I have mixed feelings when I hear about American decline.”

    Same here. I’ll be sorry to see America die but not to see the American government die.

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