Garcetti’s Got Nothing

Let me set the record straight on LA Mayor Garcetti’s notorious threat to shut off utilities to dissidents: it’s a hollow threat that relies upon the cooperation of his enemies.

LA Mayor Threatens to Shut Off Electricity and Water to Churches that Meet

By Michael Foust, 7 August 2020

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti on Wednesday said he is authorizing the department of water and power to shut off utilities at houses, businesses and “large gatherings” within 48 hours that are violating health orders related to COVID-19.

Although churches weren’t specifically mentioned, the term “large gatherings” has been used by the city to include houses of worship.

And NOT to include “mostly peaceful protests”.

Garcetti.s order came the same week that pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church in Los Angeles conducted several interviews and said his congregation would not obey a statewide order to stop meeting.

.Tonight I‘m authorizing the city to shut off Los Angeles Department of Water and Power service in the egregious cases in which houses, businesses and other venues are hosting unpermitted large gatherings,. Garcetti said at a Wednesday news conference. .Starting on Friday night, if LAPD responds and verifies that a large gathering is occurring at a property, and we see these properties reoffending time and time again, they will provide notice and initiate the process to request that DWP shut off service within the next 48 hours..

The order, Garcetti said, focuses “on the people determined to break the rules, posing significant public dangers and a threat to all of us..

Focus instead on “I’m authorizing the city” and “[LAPD] will provide notice and initiate the process to request that DWP shut off service”. That is curiously passive-aggressive language for a Christ-hating mayor with a license to Cancel. Why doesn’t he just say he’ll do it?

Because he can’t do it.

California deregulation laws make LA DWP a completely separate entity from the LA City government. I’ve lost touch with my old crowd so perhaps GarcettiCorp got its plants and moles into the leadership but given the long history of animosity… specifically, City bureaucrats lusting after DWP revenue… it’s not very likely.

My read on the threat is that Garcetti is making a power play against DWP leadership. If he orders them to punish “quarantine breakers” and they refuse then he’ll have a political casus belli.

By contrast, if Garcetti said he’d do it and DWP refused to cooperate, then he’d look bad just in time for the election.

More here for the interested:

Which brings up another valid point. Every Californian should always be ready for sudden utility shut-offs because this is earthquake country.

Attorney and Liberty Counsel founder Mat Staver on Friday said Christians in California “now have a choice ” serve the Lord or have their basic utilities cut off..

Romans 11:4 “And what was God’s answer to him? .I have reserved for myself seven thousand who have not bowed the knee to Baal..

.Did you ever dream that Americans would have their water and power cut off if they dared worship God? It’s happening right now in California,. Staver said. .… As it stands right now in California, Gov. Newsom has banned all worship for 80 percent of the population, including home Bible studies and fellowship..

Referencing restrictions in Los Angeles and elsewhere, Staver added, .I have never seen such outrageous attacks on religious liberty..

He hasn’t read history. This is pretty tame for Christian persecution. What IS outrageous is pastors uniformly cooperating in fear of the devil’s DISAPPROVAL.

Man up, clergy. They ain’t got nothing on you.


7 thoughts on “Garcetti’s Got Nothing

  1. What IS outrageous is pastors uniformly cooperating in fear of the devil.s DISAPPROVAL.

    Man up, clergy. They ain.t got nothing on you.

    REAL clergy, rare as they are, are already ignoring the devil’s fiats. These are the congregations toward which every believer should gravitate. The others have already outted themselves as false pastors leading

  2. More proof that Garcetti is shooting blanks, fresh today:

    “Legal counsel for John MacArthur’s Grace Community Church said that Los Angeles County is seeking a restraining order to stop the pastor from holding any in-person services on Sunday.

    During a Thursday interview with The Daily Wire.s Andrew Klavan, MacArthur.s attorney Jenna Ellis revealed that L.A. County is now seeking a temporary restraining order to prohibit Grace Community Church from “allowing any form of indoor worship and also outdoor worship that does not comply with its ridiculous mandates..

    .They are trying to restrain Grace Community Church and we, of course, will defend their constitutionally protected rights,. she said. “

    Garcetti: “I’ll shut your water and power off!”

    MacArthur: “I dare you.”

    Garcetti: “Judge, please make them stop! Any judge!”

    Methinks DWP didn’t back his play.

  3. This is going to be a shit show, especially since GCC is fine with people not wearing masks. I.m going to laugh when they get a massive outbreak and watch as MacArthur morphs into a prosperity gospel clown

  4. “This is going to be a shit show, especially since GCC is fine with people not wearing masks. I.m going to laugh when they get a massive outbreak and watch as MacArthur morphs into a prosperity gospel clown”
    There’s been no evidence that wearing masks prevents the spread of the China Virus. And John MacArthur has a long career under his belt as a faithful preacher of the gospel so there’s no reason to suppose he’s going to change now.
    Nice try though, doofus, do spin again.

  5. This is cut and pasted, from part of a comment I left elsewhere:

    That Daniel, which is of the children of the captivity of Judah, regardeth not thee, O king, nor the decree that thou hast signed, but maketh his petition three times a day.

    Daniel was also quite masculine in maintaining his composure, integrity , brave spirit, and loyalty to God first and next to his earthly king, even after the God-usurping-king had Daniel put alone into a den of man-eating lions.
    Daniel showed the king his masculine refusal to abandon his public prayers to God when the king had been foolishly tempted into temporarily decreeing such public worship of God, as forbidden.
    One could see a similar circumstance in today.s world, if they are man enough to stand up against it in favor of loyalty to God their heavenly Father first. The governess of my state has temporarily outlawed public church assembly and fellowship. It is telling to see all the emasculated churchians shamefully bowing to her will, and disregarding God their Father.
    And to anybody who wants to cry about the flu, please spare me such feminine rationalizing. God is able to protect whomever He wills. If it was your habit to go to church before, don.t run cowardly from this world.s attack against you and your exercise of your religion.

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