Business Insider’s Hit Piece On the Church

So, a man walks into a church and nearly 100 people instantly die of Chinavirus. Or something like that.

Nearly 100 people in Ohio got sick after one man infected with the coronavirus attended a church service

By Business Insider, 6 August 2020

Yahoo is a media whore but Business Insider limits article viewing. Getting around that is what media whores are for!

  • Ninety-one people caught COVID-19 after a man infected with the virus attended a church service in Ohio.

He must have been a kisser.

Wait, which is it? Did they get sick as in symptomatic or did they merely test positive one time?

  • Governor Mike DeWine tweeted a graphic from the Ohio Department of Health on Tuesday, which showed how the 56-year-old man was responsible for 91 infections.

Wait, that’s not the same thing. Did he intentionally infect 91 people at church or did he accidentally infect a few people who over time, infected others? Answer:

  • The man infected 53 people at the service, and 18 of them then passed the virus to at least one other person, the graphic said.

Better, but most church services today don’t have 50 people attending at all. Suspicion remains. Here’s DeWine’s graphic:

The graphic clearly shows that the one guy in the middle is not responsible for all subsequent infections. It is a common Socialist tactic to hold (ungood) people responsible for what they can’t possibly be responsible for.

  • Experts have previously warned that religious ceremonies are breeding grounds for the virus.

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Yeah, right. For me to believe this is anything but a false-flag hatchet job, I need the names of the church and the man who apparently showed up projectile-vomiting little spiky balls across the auditorium.

Segue to linked source, the Kansas City Star:

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A single person attending church with COVID-19 led to an outbreak of nearly 100 cases, showing the risk of group gatherings during the pandemic, Ohio officials say.

The 56-year-old man attended a church service on June 14 while infected with coronavirus, Gov. Mike DeWine says. By the Fourth of July, at least 91 people ranging in age from a 1-year-old girl to a 67-year-old woman had the virus.

No identification or other sources provided, excepting DeWine’s Twitter feed which also doesn’t name any names. Oh wait, it does name ONE and guess whose?

On Thursday, DeWine’s office announced he tested positive for COVID-19 just before a scheduled meeting with President Donald Trump, McClatchy News reported.

Was this a passive-aggressive assassination attempt? Regardless, no evidence was presented that this church even exists, let alone was the “superspreader” that Business Insider claims it was.

End segue

“It is vital that to control the spread of the virus that any time people gather together, including for religious services, that everyone wear masks, practice social distancing, wash hands, and also while indoors, making sure there is good ventilation and airflow,” he said, according to The Kansas City Star.

It is not clear whether anyone at the church service wore masks or practiced social distancing. Ohio’s mandatory face-mask only came into effect on July 23.

NOT ACCEPTABLE. They know he infected exactly 91 people but don’t know if he ever went within six feet of them? They were able to rule out all other possible sources of infection for those 91 people spread across four counties?

In late May, President Donald Trump declared religious institutions “essential” services and told state governors to let them start admitting people again.

But religious services have been identified as situations where the coronavirus can spread like wildfire.

Fortunately for atheists, BLM protests are not religious services. While it’s true that such gatherings also have a lot of yelling and chanting, it’s not SINGING which is somehow totally different. Also, the protests are all outdoors, excepting the indoor protests, and COVID-19 can’t spread outdoors. That’s why you can still attend a ball game without wearing a mask.

Experts have warned that loud talking and singing could spread the coronavirus further than six feet. When people give exhalations that require more energy, the droplets they emit can travel further. Some research has also suggested that louder speech produces more droplets.

It’s an ideal setting for transmission,” Carlos del Rio, an infectious-disease expert at Emory University, told The New York Times, referring to church services. “You have a lot of people in a closed space. And they’re speaking loudly, they’re singing. All those things are exactly what you don’t want.”


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Squish his face a little and he’d look exactly like Fauci. Very punchable smirk.

[Carlos del Rio] is … Professor of Global Health in the Department of Global Health and Professor of Epidemiology at the Rollins School of Public Health. He is also co-Director of the Emory Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) and co-PI of the Emory-CDC HIV Clinical Trials Unit and the Emory Vaccine and Treatment Evalaution Unit.

Another globalist, vaccinator and AIDS activist. The Chinavirus “response” is headed by a very small group of people and I don’t just mean epidemiologists.

Dr. del Rio is a native of Mexico where he attended medical school at Universidad La Salle, graduating in 1983.

Not my people.

End segue.

A number of churches have caught headlines after large chunks of their parishioners caught the coronavirus.

In March, 35 people at a church in Arkansas caught COVID-19 after attending a service. Three of them later died of the virus.


Among 92 attendees at a rural Arkansas church during March 6.11, 35 (38%) developed laboratory-confirmed COVID-19, and three persons died.

A five-day-long church service?

On March 16, 2020, the day that national social distancing guidelines were released…

Suspicious timing.

…The Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) was notified of two cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) from a rural county of approximately 25,000 persons; these cases were the first identified in this county. The two cases occurred in a husband and wife; the husband is the pastor at a local church (church A). The couple (the index cases) attended church-related events during March 6.8, and developed nonspecific respiratory symptoms and fever on March 10 (wife) and 11 (husband). Before his symptoms had developed, the husband attended a Bible study group on March 11. Including the index cases, 35 confirmed COVID-19 cases occurred among 92 (38%) persons who attended events held at church A during March 6.11; three patients died.

Okay, Wu Flu cropped up in a rural community… but the implication that a church service was driving the disease’s spread is an obviously inadequate explanation.

On March 10 and 11, the wife of the church pastor, aged 56 years, and the pastor, aged 57 years, developed fever and cough. On March 12, the pastor, after becoming aware of similar nonspecific respiratory symptoms among members of their congregation, closed church A indefinitely. Because of fever, cough, and increasing shortness of breath, the couple sought testing for SARS-CoV-2 on March 13; both were notified of positive results…

The same day, ADH staff members began an investigation to identify how the couple had been exposed and to trace persons with whom they had been in contact. Based on their activities and onset dates, they likely were infected at church A events during March 6.8 and the husband might have then exposed others while presymptomatic during a Bible study event held on March 11.

Contact tracing will never prove anything. It’s ridiculous to think that even perfect knowledge of a person’s movements is sufficient to track a virus spread, because the person is not the virus.

To facilitate the investigation, the pastor and his wife generated a list of 94 church members and guests who had registered for, or who, based on the couple’s recollection, might have attended these events.

So that’s where the number came from. “I think these people might have attended that day.” Color me skeptical that he had all 94 names in his head and didn’t just fax the church directory.

End segue.

In May, 107 people tested positive for coronavirus after attending a church service in Frankfurt, Germany.

They couldn’t find a second appropriate incident in North America? Come on, San Francisco spreads plagues for fun.

In June, 236 people in Oregon got the coronavirus after a church held multiple services during lockdown.

Ah, they could!


Union County in eastern Oregon is now battling the single largest outbreak of COVID-19 yet in Oregon, according to state public health officials.

The outbreak has spread among the congregation of the Lighthouse Pentecostal Church in Island City, just east of La Grande. Of 365 church members tested, 236 returned positive for COVID-19, according to Dr. Tom Jeanne, deputy state epidemiologist.

Jeanne suggested that the timeline of the outbreak . with so many people testing positive simultaneously . indicated that the primary transmission likely occurred between church members and not as part of broader community spread.

.It could have been one service or one event that was responsible for the majority of transmissions,. Jeanne said. .It’s a little early to tell..

He doesn’t know but speculates that “attending one church service” spread the virus from 1 to 236. That is not how viruses spread. Being a single event would mean that one or two people sneezed or sweated on nearly 400 people. I know Pentecostals lay hands on each other but not like that.

Local public health officials have offered a somewhat different explanation, downplaying the role of the church in the transmission of cases. …

[Mayor] Clements said he’s concerned about whether there’s a plan to get food and financial aid to families that need to quarantine to keep the virus from spreading. Complicating that effort, he said Union County has relatively few social service organizations and nonprofits, so churches often fill that role.

So, either one person walked into a church and infected 365 people within the hour by singing praises to Christ, or the church had stepped up to help their community and acquired COVID from many acts of charity work. Hmm.

Incidentally, Mayor Clements is a gutless coward:

.I.m scared. I’m concerned for my community. I’m concerned for my family, my friends. I feel helpless sometimes,. he said.

So stunning and brave! What a leader!

End segue.

During the early months of the pandemic, a secretive doomsday church in South Korea was accused of accelerating the outbreak in the city of Daegu. The city is now suing the church for endangering lives.

Business Insider finishes the hatchet job by comparing mainstream American Christianity to a Korean doomsday cult.

The idea that churches are “superspreading hot spots” flies in the face of how viruses actually get spread, which is mostly dirty hands touching your face. But why bother with medical arguments? It’s enough to notice that hundreds-strong, chanting BLM protests have never been described as a “superspreading hot spot”.

Don’t tell me that the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone was not a superspreading hot spot.

What a disease. The only ways to avoid getting C-virus are throwing bricks at cops, giving money to AIDS activists, walking counter-clockwise in the grocery store… and intentionally neglecting Christ Jesus, our Savior.


3 thoughts on “Business Insider’s Hit Piece On the Church

  1. I have heard way too many anecdotal reports of masses of people being tested and 100% of the entire bunch receiving back positive test results, and even of people who were not actually tested being notified that they have tested positive for this Kung-Flu. I no longer trust the “testing results” there is something more going on besides our ordinarily sloppy medical care. Much like forensic labs that fudge results for the state, These testing results seem falsified also, and I doubt there is any repercussion for issuing false positive results, whereas there is a financial incentive for the medical industry to create paying customers who will then thank them for healing them from a disease they never had.
    Yes, this is also religiously targeted persecution. The spoiled angry kids screaming their lungs out at Marxist/Atheist demonstrations of intimidation are continually given a pass by the MSM, while church gatherings are targeted for quelling as though they were one of society’s ills. Anyhow the cowardly cucks who run these churchian cunt-worship centers just grab their ankles in front of their Master Satan and they squeal on about whatever is still politically correct for them to squeal about. They’re utterly impotent and worthless, and won’t really be missed by anyone, good or bad.

  2. contact tracing seems rather pointless, due to incubation period and things like exponential growth. The only damn thing I wanted for the last 6 months was for people to just wear masks out in public, maybe cover their hands w/ gloves, and social distance. Way to big of an ask for a country where people still routinely flush paper towels down public toilets.

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