False Alarm: PSA Not Targeting Vaxx Objectors

Don’t panic like these people did. Just because it sounds like something Biden would do, doesn’t mean Biden is actually doing it. The Christian Post and Ted Cruz have already picked up the story without yet catching the… catch.

BREAKING: Biden Administration Making Lists of Religious Vaccine Objectors

h ttps://www.dailysignal.com/2022/01/11/breaking-biden-administration-making-lists-of-religious-vaccine-objectors/

Opinion By Sarah Parshall Perry & GianCarlo Canaparo, 11 January 2011

A tiny administrative agency in the District of Columbia announced a new policy Tuesday that will likely serve as a model for a whole-of-government push to assemble lists of Americans who object on religious grounds to a COVID-19 vaccine.

Ominous and shocking!

The Pretrial Services Agency for the District of Columbia—a federal independent entity that assists officers in the District of Columbia courts in formulating release recommendations and providing supervision and services to defendants awaiting trial—announced a new records system that will store the names and “personal religious information” of all employees who make “religious accommodation requests for religious exception from the federally mandated vaccination requirement.”

The announcement does not explain why the agency needs to create this list except to say that it will “assist the Agency in the collecting, storing, dissemination, and disposal of employee religious exemption request information collected and maintained by the Agency.” In other words, the list will help the agency make a list.

Actually, the announcement DID explain why the agency is creating the list.


h ttps://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2022/01/11/2021-28135/privacy-act-of-1974-system-of-records

Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency.

Notice of a new system of records.

Pursuant to the provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, the Pretrial Services Agency for the District of Columbia (an independent entity established within the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (hereafter “CSOSA” or “Agency”)) is issuing a public notice of its intent to create the Pretrial Services Agency for the District of Columbia Privacy Act system of records, the “Employee Religious Exception Request Information System.” This system of records maintains personal religious information collected in response to religious accommodation requests for religious exception from the federally mandated vaccination requirement in the context of a public health emergency or similar health and safety incident, such as a pandemic, epidemic, natural disaster or national or regional emergency; and/or any other lawful collection of employee information or data that is necessary to ensure a safe and healthy environment for individuals who are occupying PSA facilities, attending PSA-sponsored events, or otherwise engaged in official business on behalf of the Agency. The system of records will assist the Agency in the collection, storing, dissemination, and disposal of employee religious exemption request information collected and maintained by the Agency, as referenced above.

That last bold-faced is critical. PSA is compiling a list, yes, but only for the PSA’s internal use.

This new system will be effective upon publication. New or modified routine uses will be effective February 10, 2022. Submit comments on or before February 10, 2022.

The Privacy Act [of 1974] requires all federal Executive Branch agencies to publish in the Federal Register a description denoting the existence and character of each system of records that the agency maintains, and the routine uses of each system. The “Employee Religious Exception Request Information System” system of records notice is published in its entirety below.

This was NOT done at the command of either Biden or Congress. One can see how a keyword search would turn this up but the briefest investigation shows that it’s not a Deep State initiative.

End segue

The announcement also does not say what the agency will do with this information after it has decided an employee’s religious accommodation request.

Hmm, what DOES the PSA do?


h ttps://www.psa.gov

The Pretrial Services Agency for the District of Columbia is the Federal agency responsible for gathering information about newly arrested defendants and preparing the recommendations considered by the Court in deciding release options. We recommend the least restrictive conditions that promote public safety and return to court. Virtually no defendants currently are released on surety bonds.

PSA supervises defendants released to the community through a variety of programs that include drug treatment, mental health services and referral to a range of social services.

The PSA is an extrajudicial surveillance organization. While pretrial confinement is a legitimate law enforcement function, the PSA is 1. not a law enforcement agency or under Dept. of Justice authority, 2. an activist organization dedicated to the no-bail agenda and 3. a D.C. specific entity. It’s only “Federal” in the sense that the District of Columbia is a city governed directly by Congress. With all of the honesty and efficiency that that implies.

It’s dirty, obviously, but it’s locally dirty. It’s not indexing everybody everywhere who filed a religious objection.

End segue

And neither does the announcement explain why the Biden administration chose to test this policy in an agency with a majority-black staff, who are both more religious and less vaccinated than other groups. So much for the president’s commitment to “racial equity.”

That should have been a red flag, yes? As much as we mock the Left for its hysteria, there’s also plenty of hysteria to be found on the Right. I don’t normally post on the false trails that I go down. Suffice to say, there are over 100 posts in my “drafts” that started strong then hit a couple inconvenient facts when my research began.

What’s really going on with this announcement at this tiny agency? Likely, the Biden administration is using it to stealth test a policy it intends to roll out across the whole government.

Likely not. Do your homework!

Almost nobody has ever heard of the Pretrial Services Agency for the District of Columbia, and very few people pay close attention to it or are covered by its policies. Indeed, at of the time of publication of this article, the announcement has been viewed only 16 times.

Nobody reads the Federal Registry except FedGov drones, Spergs and the occasional keyboard commando. Hence my suspicion that this is a keyword search gone wrong.

However, had Biden announced, for example, that the Department of Labor intended to adopt this policy, it would be big news. The Federal Register where announcements like this are made would be flooded with comments that the department would have to address.

That would, of course, delay the policy’s rollout. With the Pretrial Services Agency, Biden likely expected that the policy would land quickly and without a splash. As it is, the notice of a new announcement provides less than 30 days for public comment.

Given the probable number of devout Christians employed at an SJW bureaucracy dedicated to “Justice 4 Joggerz”, the expected size of the database justifies a tiny window for comment.

Biden may not be winning points for transparency, but he’s doing his best to win first place in subjecting Americans with sincerely held religious beliefs to differential treatment.

Take the Department of Defense, for example—which has failed to grant a single religious exemption on behalf of any service members requesting one for the federal vaccine mandate. A group of Navy SEALS was recently successful in its federal lawsuit against the Biden administration on claims that its conscience rights under the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act were violated.

No doubt that the DOD already has compiled a list of military religious objectors. It’s a bureaucracy, this is what they do. I would be astonished if it didn’t keep track of the people requesting special accommodation. Ditto every bureaucracy, public and private, that chose to enforce the vaxx mandate.

But it’s not panic time.

That, at bottom, is what this policy is about.

3 thoughts on “False Alarm: PSA Not Targeting Vaxx Objectors

  1. If members of the Religion of Pieces had religious exemptions to getting the “vaccines,” they’d be granted in a New York minute.

  2. I don’t normally post on the false trails that I go down. Suffice to say, there are over 100 posts in my “drafts” that started strong then hit a couple inconvenient facts when my research began.

    What? A journalist with ethics? That can’t be. The sky is falling down! The sky is falling down!
    Oh wait. GunnerQ is an amateur journalist, not a professional journalist. The world makes sense again.

    Once George Soros or Rockefeller buys out GunnerQ, then we’ll get the incompetent, propaganda-flavour of journalism to which we are otherwise accustomed.
    I heard Mark Zuckerberg is related to the Rockefellers, which would explain some of his success and his deliberate distortion of public facts/opinions. No I have not researched his family tree.

    I don’t agree with all of GQ’s conclusions, but I agree he consistently demonstrates strong ethics in his work. Too bad he is an oddity in that respect.

  3. “Once George Soros or Rockefeller buys out GunnerQ”

    I’m holding out for a dozen pairs of socks, a puppy and the Governor’s head on a platter. Soros balked at the puppy. Haven’t heard back from Rockefeller yet. He might not believe in socks with wild animals.

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