“Pull My Trigger” To A Liberal

He barely survived the meteor impact!

Shots Fired: A Reporter Visits Vermont’s First Indoor Gun Range

h ttps://www.sevendaysvt.com/vermont/shots-fired-a-reporter-visits-vermonts-first-indoor-gun-range/Content?oid=33532211

By Kevin McCallum, 4 August 2021

I’m not a gun guy. I haven’t handled a firearm since I squeezed off a few rounds from an old .22 rifle at summer camp more than 35 years ago.

You had balls back then.

Nor have I felt the impulse to own a gun for personal protection, whether due to privilege or delusion or both. I’ve also figured, rightly or wrongly, that owning a gun . statistically speaking . would tend to make my family’s home less safe, not more.

Yes. Please keep that attitude for just a few more years. If they kick me out of the grocery stores then I’ll have to ‘shop’ elsewhere. You’ll be in no danger unless you resist my victimhood.

So when Henry Parro opened the state’s first indoor shooting range in Waterbury in late June, I didn’t pay it much mind.

Then one novel feature caught my attention: firearms for rent. I’ve rented cars and skis and stand-up paddleboards . even a snowmobile once . but I’d never heard of a place where you could walk in, plunk down a credit card and minutes later be firing an assault rifle.

Dude, they rent space shuttles and the Presidency now.

That is, however, exactly what I found myself doing one morning last week.

If Parro’s grand business plans hit the mark, gun enthusiasts from around the region will soon be descending on Waterbury as well.

His new multimillion-dollar, 20,000- square-foot building resembles an elaborately refurbished dairy barn or tourist welcome center. Its cupolas, red wood siding and reclaimed barn timbers say traditional Vermont, while the sliding glass door at the entrance lends a modern feel.

“We’ve designed this to be a destination,” Parro said from a balcony high above the shop’s expansive retail floor. “We’re going to be drawing people from all over the Northeast. We already are.”

A wedding party from Brooklyn recently swung by on a lark to use the range…

Bad idea.

Once upon a time, a little kid’s parents made him go to a wedding. He was sitting bored in the pew. “Mommy, why does the bride wear white?”

“Because it’s the happiest day of her life.”

“Oh… Mommy, why does the groom wear black?”

Know what I mean? Letting a bachelor party use your range is like accepting a novice skydiver on his 40th birthday. You hesitate and ask him what he still has to live for.

…while a group of law enforcement officers from across the Northeast attended a training session put on by a major gun manufacturer, Parro said.

Paid conventions aren’t just for Big Pharma!

Most of those I met, however, were locals, including Barbara Walton of Waterbury, who toured the store with her 16-year-old grandson as she looked to sign him up for shooting classes. “I want a small gun for myself, too,” she said.

Parro, a former member of the Vermont National Guard and ex-police officer in South Burlington and Waterbury, has run a gun shop catering to sporting enthusiasts and law enforcement officers on Route 2 in Waterbury for nearly 40 years.

He first learned about gun safety as a kid hunting with his father, back when the frigid first day of deer season was “like a state holiday,” he said. As interest in hunting has waned and more people have moved to Vermont from other states, Parro has found that his customers are looking not just to buy guns but also for a convenient place to learn to use them safely and effectively.

“I’d tell them that there were no indoor ranges in Vermont, and they just couldn’t believe it,” he said.

There are gun clubs and shooting ranges around the state, but all are outdoors and typically require memberships. It’s also legal in most rural towns to fire guns “from your back porch,” Parro said, which could explain the absence of indoor ranges until now.

I’m surprised myself at such a cold climate having no indoor ranges. Didn’t realize that most Vermonters can shoot from their back porch. In turn, I didn’t realize they had back porches, those space-wasting lucky dogs. Provincial of me, I guess, but it’s a good feeling. Not all of USA has been homogenized into Big Box ‘Murica.

The environmental contamination that can occur from pumping so much lead into the ground, not to mention the dangers of unregulated outdoor shooting, all help explain the shift toward indoor shooting ranges, he said.

*shrug* 200 years of dakka and the grass still grows. Just chew slowly when you eat an endangered species.

Parro said he hopes his airy, open retail space, hands-on displays and try-before-you-buy opportunities will break through the fear factor surrounding guns, much of which he said is manufactured by the media.

I understand why he wants to sell to liberals but honestly, at this point it’s arming the enemy. Those who hate the 2A should not be allowed to benefit from it. They deserve, no, justice demands that they be helpless before the raging mob.

To experience the offerings of this temple to the Second Amendment, I paid for a lane for an hour ($18). I rented a Ruger 9mm pistol and a high-powered, semiautomatic AR-15-style rifle made by a company called Heckler & Koch ($35 each). (Parro and his staff reject the term “assault rifle” as inflammatory and imprecise and, in all cases, prefer the term “firearm” to “weapon.”) I also picked up 100 rounds of ammo ($25 for 50 pistol rounds and $59 for 50 rifle rounds) and chose the standard six-bullseye target ($1.99) over the zombie or the gun-wielding bad guy daring me to shoot him in various highlighted organs.

Seriously, this journo should not have been allowed in the building. “I’m a journalist who wants to rent a high-powered, semiautomatic AR-15-style rifle because… umm… I might change my mind and like it.”

“Okay. We’ve got a restroom, excuse me, range on the other side of this door. Mind the counter for me, Tom, I gotta hand out another swirly.”

After I reviewed three pages of range rules, watched a 10-minute safety video, took a short quiz, and donned eye and ear protection, range safety officer Josh Noble led me through two sets of bulletproof doors.

YOUR fault, journo. Not ours. I wish the range itself had been twenty bucks and the useless regulations a thousand bucks… just for you.

Inside one of the 10 available lanes, I stapled my target to the carrier, then tapped a touch screen that could send the target sliding out up to 25 yards. I started with five yards.

Noble showed me how to load the 9mm bullets into the magazine, shove the magazine into the grip, slide back the surprisingly stiff bolt, release the safety and prepare to fire. I lined up the sights as best I could, gently squeezed the trigger and . BAM!

I missed. A tiny hole appeared wide of the target. Even from that short distance, I found it surprisingly challenging to keep the sights centered on the bullseye. Round after round, magazine after magazine, however, I slowly improved my accuracy.

Once, having lost count of how many bullets were in the magazine, I put the pistol down with a live round in the chamber. Noble quickly spotted my error and cleared the chamber; the unfired bullet dropped to the floor where it fell into a grated collection channel.

That’s exactly how many firearms accidents happen, Noble said: when even experienced shooters don’t make sure the chamber is empty when cleaning or re-holstering their pistols.

He was only being nice to you, Kevin. It’s actually quite rare for a “gunman” to shoot his leg off. Even Dindus rarely have accidental discharges when shoving their pieces into their underpants. (Why do they loot guns but never holsters?) Although, gangsters shooting their wangs off could explain how transsexuality became trendy.

While the pistol was manageable, even comfortable to hold and fire, the rifle was a different beast altogether. Everything about it . its weight, tactical scope and overall lethality . was downright intimidating.

HOW many years of college to get that impression?

The fact that the first magazine refused to click into place didn’t help either, further unnerving me. What if I just broke a $3,500 rifle? A fresh magazine worked just fine, though, and after loading it, I sent the target out to 15 yards.

When ready, I lined up the target in the cross hairs, pulled the stock onto my shoulder, squeezed the trigger and . BA-BOOM!!!!!

It is difficult to describe the impact . physical and personal . of that first shot. It felt like a meteor had struck the earth in front of me. A deep shock wave coursed through my body, the recoil rippling through my arms and right shoulder with astounding power. Being that close to an explosion of such magnitude . controlled and focused as it was . rattled me.

“Next time, keep the stock pressed against your shoulder instead of an inch away. Even experienced shooters make that mistake.”

I composed myself and continued to fire round after concussive round, the puffs of acrid gunpowder smoke carried downrange by a powerful ventilation system. My accuracy gradually improved until it became easier to hit the target with the rifle from 25 yards than with the pistol from five.

It was exhilarating, but I never got comfortable firing it. I’m not sure what scared me more . the power of that weapon or the fact that I could have taken one home that day.

It’s the latter that scares ME more: that you would have taken a rifle home, kept it loaded and unlocked next to your bed, never practicing again, then fired it in a panic or blind rage… and then all the media, meaning your friends, would use the incident as an excuse to disarm the people who know what they’re doing with firearms, why they’re important to American society…

…and who know what a REAL gun feels like. You 5.56mm pussy.

Arthur Herman Proposes Looting the World Like a Viking

What I thought was a simple effort to polish the failed turd of Buckley Conservatism morphed into one of the most vile futures yet proposed for the Deep State Global Empire, Inc.

Arthur Herman: How to think like a Viking in the age of COVID

Failure only made the Vikings stronger and wiser

Pretty sure that was “sadder and wiser”. Once again, we couldn’t even get to the article before the facepalms began.

h ttps://www.foxnews.com/opinion/think-like-viking-age-covid-arthur-herman

By Arthur Herman, 4 August 2021

Who dis? Some pink-bottomed poli sci drone being given a tryout for controlled-opposition “influencer” of the 21st Century? *checks* Senior fellow at the Hudson Institute…. He’s a Jesuit-aligned, established academic.

The COVID pandemic has been the great tragedy of our time, not just for America but for the world. In America’s case, however, the pandemic’s wake has exposed a landscape overflowing with other toxins, from mindless lockdowns and defunding the police to Antifa, critical race theory, social media censorship, Big Lies, and fake news.

Americans are ready to hit the reset button. But how?

The Plandemic is not a tragedy, the tyranny of our rulers is not an environmental problem and I’ve never heard of lynching bioterrorists being called a reset button. I don’t believe he is speaking to Joe Normie.

We find ourselves in a chaotic and uncertain world from our city streets and schools to the Delta variant. The old rules no longer apply — the new rules have yet to be written. We navigate these dangerous and volatile seas at our own risk.

This is a Cuckservative speaking to his fellow Cucks about their existential threat: the ‘Murican Empire is failing!

It.s time to think like Vikings. Those formidable sea warriors from Scandinavia learned how to not only survive but thrive in the chaos of postmodern er, Dark Age Europe. They offer us some powerful lessons on how to navigate our post-COVID rapids, and how to renew the American experiment in a fast-moving high-tech age.

1. Learn to see chaos and disruption as opportunity. While Europe was dissolving into chaos after the death of the emperor Charlemagne in 814, the Vikings sought out their enemies. weaknesses and exploited them to the full.

Take a number and get in line, Herman. As in the days of Charlemagne, pirates, thieves and grifters are everywhere in modern life! I really don’t think there’s any room left for you at that table.

Their seaborne approach to warfare was entirely non-linear and seemingly random. This allowed them to take advantage of uncertainty in order to strike where they were least expected, with the force necessary to decide the issue.

In other words, the Vikings. shock and awe tactics relied on the volatility of the Dark Age ecosystem to generate opportunities: first to raid and plunder, eventually to trade and exchange goods with their former enemies.

Behold Magic Dirt! They set foot in the British Isles to loot the place and just like Jewish banksters, quickly become model citizens on their new land!

The relentless rollout of new technologies from AI and machine learning to quantum and nanotechnology, for example, offers myriad opportunities for today’s Viking-minded American entrepreneurs: but only if we give up thinking that stability is safety, or that uncertainty will be the exception not the rule.

All Progress Is Good Progress! You didn’t really want that quietly prosperous land of traditions and families! Embrace the New Normal of robbing the innocent in the dead of night!

2. Stop worrying about past mistakes and errors. It didn’t matter how many battles the Vikings lost, what mattered was winning the final one. Failure only made them stronger and wiser.

You can see how I first thought this was an effort to whitewash Buckley Conservatism.

The Norse sagas are filled with characters who make bad choices such as choosing the wrong spouse…

I was unable to verify if Herman is divorced.

…or antagonizing the wrong king or fighting on the losing side…Human beings are made to fail, and to learn from their mistakes. The secret is keeping the mistakes small and reversible; then opportunities to renew our fortunes present themselves as the tempting booty for the future.

“Present themselves as the tempting booty for the future”? Conservatism’s century-long unbroken losing streak was a disturbingly appropriate context for that sentiment.

3. Keep it small and agile: be “the tip of the spear.”

The disturbingly homoerotic images of conquest continue.

Probably no military in history had a shorter logistical chain; a longship with 20 or 40 warriors on board was all it took for a Danish or Norwegian or Swedish chieftain to “go Viking.”

That was piracy, not military.

The first significant Viking raid on the English coast at Portland in 783 consisted of only three ships. But because the Norsemen were non-linear in their planning and operations; and because they were free to appear suddenly wherever they pleased and where their opponents never imagined they could strike (like deep upriver from the sea) until it was too late; the Vikings were able to turn their relatively small numbers into a powerful advantage.

Sure, Goober. All you have to do is find an undefended New World ripe for the picking, and then you’ll be SMART and leave as many allies behind as possible.

Wait a minute, is… is Herman advocating for American foreign policy to LITERALLY practice piracy upon the world? Medical-lockdown everybody then raid the newly-isolated communities? Gather a trusted few of your Deep State cronies and loot some unsuspecting backwater of its last drop of wealth using insider information?

Say it ain’t so.

The same will be true in post-COVID America. We’ve learned “too big to fail” is the formula for catastrophic failure. The key to success is staying lean but scalable, so that a series of agile wins can open new opportunities and horizons.

“Too big to fail” means the ‘Murican Empire. The world has learned to hate us and as they adopted our telecommunications, we Normie Americans began to realize that the reason we couldn’t see that our government is a global rapist is because it kept two sets of books. The Deep State used our tax money to spy upon the world’s secrets, used our military as a private security force for top bidders, financial strip-miners and the all-important petrodollar and then kept all its plunder in offshore banking accounts.

USA never felt like an empire, not on the inside. We were neither its targets nor its beneficiaries. Foreign headlines just kinda happened. Then the Internet gave us unfiltered foreign perspectives and guess what, half the world’s problems… from expansionist China to ISIS to Afghan opium… are the direct, intended results of our own government meddling where it should not have ever been.

Herman wants Con-servatism to shift gears from imperialism to plain old smash & grabs. Like a Viking!

4. Build the team you can rely on and reward them accordingly. Viking raids were “friends and family” affairs, in which the chieftain loaded his long ships with kith and kin whose loyalty was unquestioned while both men and women shared the risks but also shared the plunder (recent DNA evidence shows that Viking women sometimes even led expeditions).

That.s why Vikings were willing to sail to the unknown corners of the earth including America: they were surrounded by people they knew they could count on.

If nobody but your family wants to work with you then maybe that’s because you murder your neighbors. Like a Viking!

Whether it’s founding a business, a restaurant, a church, or an advocacy group fighting CRT…

…or plundering natural resources via bribes to the local warlord, or drone-striking Iran because Israel said frog…

…find your own loyal and trustworthy team, people with whom you.d be ready to row across the Atlantic.and who understand there’s no real success unless everyone shares in the rewards.

So says the pirate code from the Golden Age of Sailing.

5. Leadership belongs to the strong. In the Viking world strong meant those who were proven in battle. Credentials and inherited status counted for little; big promises even less.

Loyalty devolved on those who were able to deliver tangible success whether it was on the battlefield, in trade deals with Greeks or Arabs or Frenchmen, or later replacing the discredited pagan gods of old with the new creed of Christianity.

Herman promises his loyalty to whoever will share their worldly success with him… together with an implicit offer of changing his religion in order to back the strong horse. Ah, loyalty, that greatest of virtues best found in others!

Leadership in our post-COVID world will likewise gravitate to those strong enough to point America in new directions, with proven results. Whether it’s politics or business or renewing our schools and our culture, the Vikings can put us on the right path to making America strong again, and ready for the next great venture into the unknown.

When Arson Is Not A Crime: MGTOW David Lidstone

No, this isn’t the latest Blacks Looting Minneapolis rally. It’s a Scrooge in need of karma.

After decades in woods, New Hampshire man forced from cabin

h ttps://www.foxnews.com/us/new-hampshire-man-forced-from-cabin-decades

By AP, 4 August 2021

CANTERBURY, N.H. . For almost three decades, 81-year-old David Lidstone has lived in the woods of New Hampshire along the Merrimack River in a small cabin adorned with solar panels. He has grown his own food, cut his own firewood, and tended to his cat and chickens.

But his off-the-grid existence appears to be at risk.

“River Dave,” as he’s known by boaters and kayakers, is behind bars after being accused of squatting for 27 years on private property in Canterbury.

The woodlot Lidstone calls home is just a few miles away from Interstate 93. But it’s hidden by the trees; it’s on 73 acres that’s been used for timber harvests. The property has been owned by the same family since 1963. There are no plans at this time to develop it.

Definitely a Man Going His Own way, although there’s no indication he ever used the term.

Lidstone has claimed that years ago, the owner gave his word . but nothing in writing . allowing him to live there. But in the eyes of the current owner, he’s a squatter and needs to go.

Either the property has been recently sold or inherited by a relative. Not sure.

Property owner Leonard Giles, 86, of South Burlington, Vermont, didn’t even know Lidstone was there…

An out-of-town owner of a lumber property. The stormclouds build.

…until the town administrator found out in 2015 and told him, expressing concern “with regard to the solid and septic waste disposal and the potential zoning violations created by the structure,” according to Giles. complaint in 2016.

“Hey, did you know there’s a guy keeping to himself on YOUR property? And if you don’t get rid of him, we can sue you for all kinds of bureaucratic violations?” I have trouble believing that he was not disposing of his waste properly… for three decades without anybody noticing.

As the owner of the land seeks to tear down the cabin, Lidstone has been jailed since July 15 on a civil contempt sanction.

And so wealthy Mr. Giles went to town, so to speak, on a nowhere man.

“You came with your guns, you arrested me, brought me in here, you’ve got all my possessions. You keep .em,” he told a judge at a hearing Wednesday. “I.ll sit here with your uniform on until I rot, sir.”

Well said, Nowhere Man. Although in his case, he’s literally got nowhere to go if they burn his home down.

Jodie Gedeon, an avid kayaker who befriended Lidstone about 20 years ago, is working with other supporters to help him, including organizing a petition drive and collecting money to cover property taxes.

“He.s just a really, really, big caring guy, and just chooses to live off the grid,” she said. “It really is about humanity, it really is about compassion, empathy … he’s not hurting anybody.”

Some additional info, Lidstone is an Air Force veteran with no criminal record until he was locked up on the contempt charge. While I love property rights as much as anybody, all indicators are that Lidstone should have been permitted an exception. But them’s not the RULES!

Merrimack County Superior Court Judge Andrew Schulman agreed that Lidstone isn’t hurting anyone, but said the law is clearly on the landowner’s side.

“You’re doing your own thing in the “Live Free or Die” state, so there’s a lot of sympathy to you for that,” he said. “But there’s a lot of weight on the other side of the balance sheet, and not just about what the (landowner) wants to do with the land, but the weight I feel to uphold the judgment of the court and the rule of law.”

I’m undecided how much of this is Giles being petty or uncaring bureaucrats threatpointing a conflict.

“We.ve got to recognize the fact that this was a managed woodlot, with income which is supposed to support my elderly client in his retirement. At some point, how far is he supposed to go in order to turn his woodlot into a habitable lot for somebody else who’s there trespassing?” said attorney Lisa Snow Wade. “He just wants his land back.”

Is this lawyered-up out-of-stater going to miss a meal if Lidstone gets to remain home a last few years? Have a heart, man.

Lidstone, who doesn’t have an attorney, insisted his cabin is a hunting and fishing camp, not a home.

Obviously not true, if he lives there 24-7 with no other established residence or even…

“Why do you need a road to it? Do you think I’m an idiot? You’re going to put a septic tank in for a hunting camp?” he said.

…access to the outside world.

While I don’t know New Hampshire law, he probably had a good case for squatter’s rights. Claiming it’s a camp not a home torpedoed that possibility, however.

He also argued that Giles doesn’t own the property but is being pressured by the town.

Also not true. If Giles didn’t own the property then how would that Vermonter’s name even come up?

“He.s a heck of a nice old man, I’ve talked with him a couple of times. This is not his fault, this is not my fault,” he said. “It.s lying, cheating corrupt judges like you that are stepping on little people like me. But I’m telling you, sir, you step on me, I’m going to bite your ankle.”

Hence the contempt charge. Definitely a Man Going His Own Way. Kudos to Lidstone for being a good sport towards Giles but hold that ‘nice old man’ thought. This goes ugly, fast.

Currently, Lidstone can be released if one of three things happen: he agrees to leave, the cabin is demolished by Giles, or 30 days have passed since he was jailed. Another hearing will be held next week.

Fire burns cabin of New Hampshire man jailed after nearly 3 decades in the woods

Blaze comes amid legal dispute between landowner and longtime squatter

h ttps://www.marketwatch.com/story/new-hampshire-man-forced-from-his-cabin-and-jailed-after-nearly-3-decades-in-the-woods-01628095121

Also 4 August 2021

[His] off-the-grid existence has been challenged in court by a property owner who says he’s been squatting for all those years. And to make Lidstone’s matters worse, his cabin was burned to the ground Wednesday in a blaze that local authorities are investigating.

No need to investigate. Giles arsoned Lidstone’s cabin while he was in jail for the first time in his life, to get rid of him permanently.

You may wonder why I was so bold with that accusation. Simple, Giles didn’t commit a crime. There was a building on his land and he torched it. That’s no crime. When you read about somebody getting arrested for burning their property down, that’s only because they endangered their neighbors or filed for insurance money. You are allowed to destroy what is yours and possession is 90% of the law.

Lidstone could attempt a civil case since he was the one who built the cabin but not when he’s essentially penniless with no record of ownership. Also, if his belongings had already been moved out and town officials were already breathing threats against him for crimes against The System.

If it wasn’t Giles then it WAS crime-arson and somebody will go to jail for a long time. Nobody else stands to benefit that much.

There’s a possibility… since we’re talking about a “nice old man”… that Giles even did it at Lidstone’s request so he could get out of jail before the 30 days were up and, well, move along. Lidstone doesn’t strike me as a quitter but he does have a brother and a couple sons, reportedly of modest means and understandably out of touch with him.

I can’t call Giles a black heart without knowing if Lidstone consented. There’s plenty enough hate to be directed at the petty, nameless bureaucrats who incited this conflict because they couldn’t leave a harmless old man alone.

At least he has family to fall back on. Regardless, it’s the end of an era for a self-made man.

Don’t Cut Your Hair, Male Christian Edition???

Behold yet another crybully of a fraud, but one who was too clever for his own good.

Army approves Christian soldier’s request to wear long hair for religious reasons

.I just felt utterly compelled that this is what I was being called to do..

h ttps://taskandpurpose.com/news/army-religious-exemption-hair-beard/

By Haley Britzky, 30 July 2021

Um… that’s exactly the opposite of what Christianity teaches. Specifically, Apostle Paul discussing head coverings. While I have every confidence that God will forgive that mullet you grew in the 80s, dear reader, it was still a sin.

Almost two years after making his first request for a religious accommodation to grow his hair and beard out while in uniform, an Army sergeant has officially received the green light.

Sgt. Jacob DiPietro, a cargo specialist with the Florida Army Reserve’s 489th Transportation Company (Seaport Operations), was approved for a religious exemption to the Army hair standards this week.

DiPietro, who observes the Nazarite vow from the Old Testament in the Bible, first applied for the religious exemption in November 2019. The Bible explains that while someone is observing the Nazarite vow, .no razor may be used on their head..

A Nazirite was a special, voluntary vow you could take in the Mosaic Law… NOT Christianity. While it’s (kinda) famous for its prohibition on grooming, it contains several other prohibitions that could make this situation VERY entertaining. Onward to Book of Numbers, Chapter 6!

“As long as they remain under their Nazirite vow, they must not eat anything that comes from the grapevine, not even the seeds or skins.” Say goodbye to alcohol, Sergeant DiPietro. Not even raisins!

..Throughout the period of their dedication to the Lord, the Nazirite must not go near a dead body.” That’s a bit problematic for a soldier. Did the Army realize they were exempting him from all combat duties? Did DiPietro realize it himself or did he just not care?

“Even if their own father or mother or brother or sister dies, they must not make themselves ceremonially unclean on account of them.” No bereavement leave for you!

And last is best….

..Now this is the law of the Nazirite when the period of their dedication is over. They are to be brought to the entrance to the tent of meeting. There they are to present their offerings to the Lord: a year-old male lamb without defect for a burnt offering, a year-old ewe lamb without defect for a sin offering, a ram without defect for a fellowship offering, together with their grain offerings and drink offerings, and a basket of bread made with the finest flour and without yeast.thick loaves with olive oil mixed in, and thin loaves brushed with olive oil.

DiPietro is now ORDERED BY GOD TO COMMIT ANIMAL SACRIFICE IN PUBLIC. His exemption didn’t say how long his so-called Nazirite vow lasts but at the end, he needs to find an Army chaplain to spill literal blood on a literal altar then set the poor thing on fire.

Sounds like bad ink in the personnel file to me. Then again, maybe the Army is kosher with animal sacrifice now.

DiPietro is one of the first known U.S. service members to receive a religious exemption from hair standards due to their Christian faith, although in recent years the various service branches have granted exemptions for Sikhs, Muslims, and even Norse pagans in the ranks.

Hello, carnivores! Heck, with Muslims in its ranks the Army might be okay with Christian sacrifices now. It’s legit Wahhabi!

No word yet on virgin sacrifices. *GQ glances at Mattress Girl.*

For years, DiPietro followed the Army standard. He joined the Army the same day he turned 18 years old in 2010, about seven years before the service allowed religious exemptions. At the time, he wasn’t observing the Nazarite vow like he is today; he just knew he wanted to be a soldier.

He.d known that much since he was in third grade when he saw the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, unfold on the television in real-time. His third grade teacher was in the Marine Corps Reserve and was quickly called away from teaching, DiPietro said. He never saw him again, but from that point on, he knew he wanted to serve.

.That seed was planted early in my life,. DiPietro said. .I knew what I was going to do..

Two old ladies were lying in bed
One rolled over to the other and said
“I wanna be an Airborne Ranger
Live the life of guts and danger”
Guts and danger
Airborne Ranger

DiPietro joined Junior ROTC in high school and enlisted into the Army after graduation as a Shower/Laundry and Clothing Repair Specialist. It wasn’t really what he wanted to do, he said, so he quickly moved into another job as a cargo specialist.

Aaaand reality. It made even warehouse work look good.

For the next several years, things were going well, until he returned home from a deployment to Kuwait in 2017 and began going through .a really dark time. in his personal life. He married a woman he’d been dating for years, but when she was pregnant with their first child, she left. He felt like his life was starting to crumble around him, so he decided to pray.

*moment of silence for a man who deserved better than that skank*

.I noticed that by praying, I found strength,. he explained. “By finding strength, I was able to keep fighting these personal battles of mine..

He said his quality of life was improving; he enrolled in school to get a degree in business administration and is planning to finish his bachelor’s degree this week. His life had been changed, and in the spring of 2019, he prayed to ask God what he could do to “recognize what you have done in my life..

.I want to show my love for you,. DiPietro recalled praying. .What can I do to do that?.


The answer came just days later. DiPietro, who was a specialist assigned to the 1186th Deployment and Distribution Support Battalion at the time, said he felt a need to read the book of Numbers in the Old Testament of the Bible, and in Numbers 6, he found the Nazarite vow.

.Speak to the Israelites and say to them: .If a man or woman wants to make a special vow, a vow of dedication to the Lord as a Nazirite . During the entire period of their Nazirite vow, no razor may be used on their head. They must be holy until the period of their dedication to the Lord is over; they must let their hair grow long,. the Bible says.

O.G. should maybe have kept reading.

.I said, .Oh, this is it,.. DiPietro recounted. .I just felt utterly compelled that this is what I was being called to do..

So DiPietro threw himself into research, reading and re-reading every applicable Army regulation before he submitted his request. He said he researched for six months because he knew if he was wrong “on anything, down to the periods at the ends of the sentences, the Army was going to use that as a reason to deny my request.” He finally spoke to his unit chaplain about his decision in November 2019.

He provided the chaplain with a memo he drafted in which he requested his religious accommodation. His chaplain then passed it to the company commander and first sergeant, who DiPietro said were “amazing” and supported the request. They then passed it up to the battalion level, which is when things got difficult.

Given that DiPietro’s career peaked at the forklift, I’m angrier at the chaplain than him for this fraudulent Christianity. That was the time & place for the “you mean well but this is the wrong path” talk.

DiPietro said his request was kicked back down to him from the battalion level because it hadn’t been formatted correctly. He re-formatted and re-submitted the request in December.

The request languished “in limbo” for months at the battalion level, he said, until he received a memo in June from Brig. Gen. Stephen Rutner, commander of the Army Reserve deployment support command. Rutner said DiPietro’s request “to wear a beard and uncut hair” was being approved and noted that there was no “specific hazard identified” by allowing it.

.Based on Spc. DiPietro’s request, the interviews with chaplains…

Not one of whom knew that the Nazirite vow was part of the OLD Covenant…

…coordinating agencies, and the chain of command recommendations, it appears that his request is based on a sincerely held religious belief,. Rutner’s memo said. .Despite the OCCH.s position that this accommodation lacks a “religious basis” and is not a required tenet of the soldier’s faith, there is every indication that this moral decision to adhere to the Nazarite vow is a large and important pillar to his spiritual health and well-being..

There’s a lot of military life-stuff that a Christian should have exemption from. The clot-shot made from aborted baby tissue and being led by women come to mind quickly, to say nothing of playing preggo dress-up or other transsexual humiliations.

Some broken Joe in the warehouse doesn’t want to shave anymore and they called it Christianity.

By March 2021, DiPietro still hadn’t heard anything from the Army. He was getting tired of waiting, so he contacted his local congressional office and asked for their help. He asked chaplains he knew who worked in the Pentagon if they knew anyone who might be able to do something, to help him move his request forward.

I’m not actual military but from all that I’ve been told, violating chain of command to invoke your Congressman is a DO NOT EVER. And to save your beard, of all possible motivations?

And finally, on July 25, he saw a memo in his email inbox signed by Lt. Gen. Gary Brito, the head of Army personnel, approving his request.

While that battle was won, and DiPietro said he was “sincerely” thankful for everyone who “helped me and counseled me throughout this process.” The experience has made him rethink his future in the Army. He.d originally planned to stay in for a full 20 years, but the difficulty he had in getting an exemption for a religious vow he takes very seriously, and the harassment he experienced from other soldiers about his beard, have motivated him to leave the service at the end of his contract next year.

He’s a crybully. Suffering for doing good is THE central tenet of Christianity. Our symbol is the bloodsoaked Cross, for pity’s sake. He was “broken” by having to fight for special treatment to take a voluntary, obsolete vow? Bah!

It’s not hard to imagine what kind of harassment that was. “Dude, that’s not Christianity… whatever, man, you’re still out of uniform… what do you mean, you wrote your Congressman to tell the Joint Chiefs that you want to grow a beard?”

As for other soldiers who are serious about their religious obligations but are scared to ask for an exception to policy, DiPietro urged them to do their research beforehand. The only way you.ll be successful, he said, is if “you know the regulations better than the Army itself..

.If you’re trying to fleece the system because you just don’t want to shave, or you just want to grow your hair out, I’m telling you now: It’s not gonna work..

Certainly didn’t for him even though he got the signed permission slip.

Now buy yourself some sheep, DiPietro, then consecrate an altar and call that first chaplain who didn’t stop you when he had the chance. There’s the REST of your vow to keep.

Financial Smackdown! Sexual Equality Vs Equity

First she wanted equality. Now she wants equity. Because what Bridezilla truly wanted… is the wallet without the hairy wrapper and his expectations for a lifetime together. Mr. Blue Pill, your margin is calling!

My girlfriend has $20 million. I’m worth $1 million. Should she pay for big-ticket items like her engagement ring and our honeymoon?

.While it’s obvious I’m the one with limited means, the norm is for me to pick up the tab on dates and weekend getaways.

h ttps://www.marketwatch.com/story/my-girlfriend-has-20-million-im-worth-1-million-should-she-pay-for-big-ticket-items-like-her-engagement-ring-and-our-honeymoon-11627863795?siteid=yhoof2

By Quentin Fottrell

Some moments in life are pass/fail. This is one of those.

Dear Quentin,

My girlfriend has a net worth of around $20 million and, well, let’s just say I don’t. Luckily for me, she truly loves me, and we hope to get married someday. Although we would have a prenup, she has concerns that I will limit our lifestyle in the future.

No-no-noooo!!! Men still fall for that?! “But she pwommished meeee!”

She makes about $350,000 a year . not including six-figure bonuses. I make $225,000 a year with bonuses and overtime. I have around $1 million in net worth including cash, retirement savings and home equity. Aside from separate mortgages, neither of us have any other real debts.

We both have teenage children. I am still trying to save for my two girls. future college expenses, and her son’s education will be paid by a family trust. Also, her son is accustomed to finer things, while I often buy used stuff for my kids and make them do chores to earn their small allowance.

We are both 50 years old and would like to retire by 60, if possible. Of course, she could easily retire now, but she actually enjoys her work. On the other hand, my job is stressful and exhausting, but I’m able to save about 20% of my gross each year.

Unfortunately, without a willingness to compromise on her part…

We could stop reading here but then we’d miss out on the fun.

…an unexpected windfall for me or some other unexpected change, I’m not sure how to navigate the situation. We are very transparent about our finances and, while it’s obvious I’m the one with limited means, the norm is for me to pick up the tab on dates and weekend getaways.

She wants a fancy wedding, and also thinks I should pay half as a symbol of my love and commitment to her. Between that, an expensive ring and the honeymoon, I will easily deplete my cash reserves if I say yes.

Go for it, dude, because half of those twenty million dollars will be yours in the inevitable divorce. Equality!

Finally, she says that she’s worked hard and saved all of her life and is no longer willing to sacrifice financially. That said, we always end our discussions with a reassuring statement that it’s not a dealbreaker, and that we are both committed to figuring it out.

I.m a bit old-fashioned and love the chivalrous position of picking up the tab, but shouldn’t she just plan to cover the big-ticket items like a plush wedding and honeymoon, extravagant retirement expenses and other posh desires? Or is our relationship just doomed?

The One Million-Dollar Man

The primary Christian answer is that she gives all $20M to her new husband along with the trust funds and all future paychecks, and he does whatever he wants with the money in perpetuity… treating her kindly as the weaker partner in the marriage.

The backup Christian answer is to not get in the way of that imminent train wreck and save yourself. He’s already decided to marry her and wrote for advice in order to have somebody-not-Mommy to blame… the one request he’s willing to honor from that whimpering dissident voice of sanity in the back of his little head.

But which answer will Mr. Fottrell choose? The Equality answer of “she has the money and wants it, so she pays for it” or the Equity answer of “it’s his fault”? (It’s no wonder that the Narrative has fully abandoned ‘equality’.)

Dear One Million,

Agree on a wedding and a honeymoon that you can both afford, and split the costs 50/50. If she would like to upgrade some aspects of the wedding or honeymoon, you can have separate discussions about that. Some of the least memorable weddings I have attended were in five-star hotel ballrooms. Hell is a champagne reception with awkward small talk and stuffy wait staff who smile like they want to be anywhere but there. I have also attended fun, beautiful and memorable weddings that cost just a few thousand dollars that were held in a town hall with long wooden tables, streamers, flowers, and drinks in the backyard with a mobile gin bar.

Excellent choice, Mister Fottrell! The backup Christian answer! There’s no way that Bridezilla would consent to don’t-do-Bridezilla advice so Mr. Fottrell will be officially off the hook when the who-did-this-divorce blame game goes around.

As no doubt you are aware, what we believe to be prerequisites for engagement rings today were spun by the marketing genius of jewelry and diamond companies in the first half of the 20th century. The popularity of diamond engagement rings is traced back to the .A Diamond is Forever. campaign by the DeBeers diamond company, who trademarked the sentiment. It was written by copywriter Frances Gerety in 1947. There are many other precious stones to choose from, including none at all. No marriage should founder on a rock.

EXCELLENT, Mr. Fottrell! “Dude, please wake up… you don’t really need all this expensive shit that she’s demanding… but I can’t say that out loud so here’s a totally unrelated history lesson…”

One word of warning. The bigger the wedding, the shorter the marriage, according to this study released by researchers at the Department of Economics at Emory University in Atlanta. They examined the association between wedding spending and marriage duration using data from a survey of over 3,000 people in the U.S. who got married. Couples who spent $20,000 on their wedding . excluding the cost of the ring . were 46% more likely than average to get divorced; that risk fell to 29% higher than average for those who spend $10,000 to $20,000.

I started this piece expecting to snark at the official answer but must give credit, Fottrell did very well indeed.

These are important conversations to be had now, and it’s a good sign that you are both open to having them.

AND he twisted the knife at the end! Haha!

Budget Season For .Gov: Incel Tres Genco

It’s fascinating to witness the depth of female scorn for male sexual have-nots. Equally fascinating to witness the FBI shamelessly politicize everything it does.

This guy Tres Genco was only recently arrested so normally, I would wait for the rest of the story to come out. Turns out, however, that the mass murder he was about to commit was back in March 2020 so there’s already been time for a picture to emerge!

Ohio man charged with hate crime related to alleged plot to commit mass shooting of women

h ttps://abcnews.go.com/US/ohio-man-charged-hate-crime-related-alleged-plot/story?id=78996529

By Haley Yamada, 22 July 2021

An Ohio man who is a self-proclaimed “incel” was charged by a grand jury for an alleged plot to conduct a mass shooting on a number of female university students, the Department of Justice announced on Wednesday.

Tres Genco, 21, is charged with one count of attempting to commit a hate crime, which is punishable by up to life in prison because it involved an alleged intent to kill. He is also charged with one count of illegally possessing a machine gun, which is punishable by up to 10 years, the DOJ said in a statement.

A 21yo purchased a machine gun, uploaded his manifesto and criminal confession to social media, prepared to slaughter thousands of women who refused to touch his wee-wee despite never actually meeting him and was caught just in the nick of time by the courageous and vigilant FBI! Yeah, no. This narrative is going to fall apart faster than a knit sweater from the dollar store.

Here’s the DOJ statement.

Ohio Man Charged with Hate Crime Related to Plot to Conduct Mass Shooting of Women, Illegal Possession of Machine Gun

h ttps://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/ohio-man-charged-hate-crime-related-plot-conduct-mass-shooting-women-illegal-possession

21 July 2021

A federal grand jury has charged a self-identified “incel” with attempting to conduct a mass shooting of women and with illegally possessing a machine gun.

Tres Genco, 21, of Hillsboro, Ohio, allegedly plotted to commit a hate crime, namely, a plan to shoot students in sororities at a university in Ohio. He was arrested by federal agents today.

Arrested in July 2021… but the grand jury charged him in June 2020.

Segue #1

Grand jury indicts 30

Panel convenes for first time since March 3

h ttps://www.timesgazette.com/news/48856/grand-jury-indicts-30

2 June 2020

A Highland County grand jury assembled for the first time in three months Tuesday, rendering indictments against 30 individuals with over half of the indictments being drug related.

Daniel L. Richards, 45, Leesburg, was indicted on a third-degree felony charge of gross sexual imposition. The indictment alleges that on or about Jan. 1, 2019 and continuing through March 19, 2020 he had sexual contact with an underage child.

Tres P. Genco, 20, Hillsboro, faces a charge of making a terroristic threat between Aug. 1, 2019 and March 25, 2020, and if convicted, would forfeit ownership of a 2009 Audi TT that the indictment alleged was instrumental in the commission of the crime.

I guess that was the local grand jury, not a Federal? But why would it take another year to take this case Federal? And what’s this about his car?

Segue #2

h ttps://www.10tv.com/article/news/local/ohio/report-reveals-more-details-about-ohio-mans-alleged-plot-to-conduct-mass-shooting-against-women/530-5c2ead81-eb71-4af3-ae6e-b60cf2260270

COLUMBUS, Ohio . When Tres Genco’s mother called sheriff’s deputies to her Highland County home last year . she told them her son was out of control.

On March 12, 2020, Highland County sheriff’s deputies responded to a Hillsboro home where Genco’s mother claimed her son had threatened to “take care of her” and heard him cock a gun.

Locked in his room, a sheriff’s report obtained by 10TV News details how deputies convinced Genco to come out of his home unarmed.

Well done, *LOCAL* law enforcement!

Through questioning him and conducting a search warrant, deputies later discovered an AR-15 with a bump-stock in Genco’s black Audi, along with additional items in his home . including firearms, ammo, body armor, and “disturbing writings that appeared to (be) plans Tres had of committing a mass shooting at OSU Medical in Columbus (sic) Ohio on May 23, 2020,. according to a sheriff’s report obtained by 10TV News.

The “machine gun” that you’ll hear about in every mainstream account of Genco… was a rifle with a bump stock.

Ironically, a Federal appeals court in Ohio ruled in March 2021 that Trump’s bump-stock ban is unlawful. This offense occurring a year earlier, however, means Genco can still be charged with “owning a machine gun”.

What local authorities discovered in March 2020 turned into a federal indictment this week – accusing of Tres Genco of plotting to conduct a mass shooting of women on a university campus in Ohio.

If the FBI did anything about Genco prior to last month’s bothering to arrest him, it was grooming him for use as a windup toy:

During his questioning by investigators with the Highland County Sheriff’s Office, Genco was questioned about a trip he took to Greece in August of 2019, his writings on hotel stationery, joining the Army months later and whether “joining the military was needed to carry out the attack on OSU..

According to a summary of the interview with investigators, Tres told deputies he was .F#$^ing stupid for talking. to authorities without a lawyer but claimed that he was not a terrorist and dismissed his writings as done out of “possible boredom or depression..

Greece? I couldn’t find anything more, alas, but this is sounding very much like the FBI trolled the Incel forums looking for a violent loser and upon finding one, began winding him up… until his mother involved local authorities before he could be popped.

End segues

Genco identified as an “incel” or “involuntary celibate.” The incel movement is an online community of predominantly men who harbor anger towards women. Incels seek to commit violence in support of their belief that women unjustly deny them sexual or romantic attention to which they believe they are entitled.

That is not an accurate or honest description of the incel community. The author can believe this if he wants but here, it’s a formal accusation of guilt-by-association.

According to the indictment, Genco maintained profiles on a popular incel website from at least July 2019 through mid-March 2020. Genco was a frequent poster on the site.

The boldfaced cannot be true because four months of that was Army basic training. I don’t think their standards have fallen enough for recruits to have unfiltered Internet access with which to publicly call themselves delusional murderers on FBI-monitored forums.

In one post, Genco allegedly detailed spraying “some foids and couples” with orange juice in a water gun. “Foids” is an incel term short for .femoids,. referring to women. According to the charging document, Genco compared his “extremely empowering action” to similar conduct by known incel, Elliot Rodger. In May 2014, Rodger killed six people and injured 14 others, including shooting individuals outside a University of California, Santa Barbara sorority house. Prior to his mass attack, Rodger shot a group of college students with orange juice from a water gun.

This was my first tip-off to check for false flagging. Nobody believes that Elliot Rodger was the Martin Luther of the Incel movement except the FBI. I maintain my theory, that Rodger was homosexual and did his killings in frustration that his would-be lovers preferred chicks to dicks. That would explain the Narrative’s need to reinvent him as not just an Incel but the King of Incels.

No accounts have yet surfaced of that alleged OJ squirting.

Genco also allegedly wrote a manifesto, stating he would “slaughter” women “out of hatred, jealousy and revenge.. and referring to death as the “great equalizer.” As part of this investigation, law enforcement agents discovered a note of Genco’s that indicated he hoped to “aim big” for a kill count of 3,000 people and intended to attend military training. Searches of Genco’s electronics revealed that the day he wrote his manifesto, he searched online for sororities and a university in Ohio.

It is alleged that in 2019, Genco purchased tactical gloves, a bulletproof vest, a hoodie bearing the word .revenge,. cargo pants, a bowie knife, a skull facemask, two Glock 17 magazines, a 9mm Glock 17 clip and a holster clip concealed carry for a Glock.

None of that is cause for alarm. Um… where’s the Glock? Didn’t he got a Glock at the same time as the rest of that stuff? Or was a ‘friend’ going to give him a special one?

Genco attended Army Basic Training at Ft. Benning, Georgia, from August through December 2019.

Genco publicly announces on social media, in a forum notoriously scrutinized by Feds, that he’s going to murder a bunch of women, then buys Glock stuff and joins the Army to get the sacred, secret ninja knowledge of how to kill people with a machine gun.

One thing I’ve picked up on, watching the lies and liars, is to pay attention to who the lie is being told to. The general public is supposed to hear “he was a sexless Incel loser”. The reason for the military training angle, however, is to convince Federal authorities who aren’t insiders. They have the preconceived notion of “bitter, armed veteran” and Genco having barely graduated from Basic under curious circumstances is enough to confirm that preconception.

The first rule of lying is to tell people what they want to hear.

It should go without saying that basic military training does little to make a man into a proficient killer. Frankly, it would be more plausible in today’s Army if Incels signed up hoping to get a turn with the Mattress Girls. The odds are excellent if you don’t mind being the fifth one in.

In January 2020, Genco allegedly wrote a document entitled “Isolated” that he described as “the writings of the deluded and homicidal.” Genco signed the document, .Your hopeful friend and murderer..

Sounds like the author of that manifesto wanted it to be as incriminating as possible.

The charging document claims Genco conducted surveillance at an Ohio university on Jan. 15, 2020. That same day, he allegedly searched online for topics including “how to plan a shooting crime” and “when does preparing for a crime become attempt?.

Seriously? “Alexa, help me plan a mass murder.” “The FBI suggests you be photographed wandering around the local college campus.”

On March 12, 2020, local police officers responded to Genco’s residence in Highland County. At the residence, in the trunk of Genco’s vehicle, police officers found, among other things, firearm with a bump stock attached, several loaded magazines, body armor and boxes of ammunition. Inside the residence, police officers found a Glock-style 9mm semiautomatic pistol, with no manufacturer’s marks or serial number, hidden in a heating vent in Genco’s bedroom.

I was right, he *did* get a special Glock from a friend! He was about to secretly acquire a ‘ghost gun’ then traceably purchased all the stuff that goes with it… Genco must be dumber than a sack of bricks.

Genco is charged with one count of attempting to commit a hate crime which, because it involved an attempt to kill, is punishable by up to life in prison and one count of illegally possessing a machine gun which is punishable by up to 10 years.

Let’s get into his biographical/social media history.

Who is Tres Genco? Ohio ‘incel’, 21, allegedly wanted to kill over 3,000 women in mass shooting

h ttps://meaww.com/tres-genco-ohio-incel-arrested-university-attack-manifesto

By Srivats Lakshman, 21 July 2021

The same day that the FBI arrested him? That’s too fast to be honest journalism.

The 21-year-old is a resident of Hillsboro, Ohio. Beyond the Department of Justice press release, little is known about Genco. The DoJ says he attended Army Basic Training in Georgia from August to December 2019 but was discharged for entry-level performance and conduct. He does have an Instagram and Twitter account, but they don’t appear to be frequently used. On Instagram for instance, Genco has only a handful of pictures.

Not suspicious at all, that his social media presence amounted to little more than self-incriminations of Federal-level hate crimes.

Can my veteran readers say what “entry-level performance and conduct” means?

Based on his Twitter account bio, Genco studied at Ohio University and appears to have an interest in computer science. His Twitter account is filled with retweets about computers linked to brain functions, a niche area of research recently made popular by Elon Musk’s company Neuralink. We found a Facebook page that belongs to Genco, which says he is originally from Santa Cruz, California. The account states he currently lives in Chillicothe and started studying at Ohio University in February 2021.



h ttps://www.ohio.edu/news/2021/07/statement-regarding-arrest-tres-genco

As has been widely reported in the media, on July 21, 2021 the FBI arrested an Ohio resident, Tres Genco, on federal charges stemming from an alleged plan to conduct a mass shooting at a university in Ohio. The Ohio University Police Department (OUPD) is also aware of posts on Genco’s social media sites asserting that he is a student at Ohio University; however, Genco is not now, nor ever has been, enrolled at OHIO.

OUPD conferred with the FBI prior to Genco’s arrest and despite his social media posts, there was no indication that Genco planned to target Ohio University.

End segue

The FBI found a note saying Genco hoped to “aim big” for a kill count of 3,000 people, and even referenced the same day as Rodger’s attack. He also wrote a chilling manifesto, claiming he would “slaughter” women “out of hatred, jealousy, and revenge” and referring to death as the “great equalizer.” The same day he wrote the manifesto, he allegedly searched for sororities and a university in Ohio.

A chilling manifesto that nobody is allowed to actually read. I hate that. It’s the legal equivalent of “Of course he’s guilty but you need to take my word for it”. On the occasions when my true-crime interest has gained access to such manifestos and writings, well, they don’t inspire copycats if you take my meaning.

Two chilling manifestos, apparently. This is the best I can do:

h ttps://www.stripes.com/branches/army/2021-07-22/tres-genco-army-recruit-incel-mass-shooting-2224693.html

In August 2019, Genco allegedly drafted a manifesto titled, .A Hideous Symphony a manifesto written by Tres Genco, the socially exiled Incel,” in which he detailed how his plans to join the military would contribute to his violent plans, according to the Justice Department.

.I would hope these words resonate in sweet familiarity to fellow incels, either cognizant of their situation or not,. Genco wrote. .I am already set to go into the U.S. Army. this training will be for the attainment of one reality, the death of what I have been deprived most, but also cherish and fantasize at the opportunity of having but has been neglected of; Women. I will slaughter out of jealousy, hatred, and revenge. I will take away the power of life that they withhold from me, by showing there is more than just happiness and fulfillment, there is all encompassing death, the great equalizer that will bear all of us into its seductively calm velvet of silence and serenity..

Either Genco is lacking in the IQ department or his FBI case officer didn’t bother to make it sound like something a functional person might say.

That same month, Genco began Army Basic Training in Georgia. However, he was discharged from the Army in December 2019 for poor performance and conduct, according to the indictment.

In January 2020, Genco allegedly wrote a another document entitled “Isolated” that he described as “the writings of the deluded and homicidal” and signed it as “Your hopeful friend and murderer,. authorities said.

Delusional people are not usually so careful to self-incriminate.

I can believe that Genco has severe personality defects that make him legitimately interesting to police. I cannot believe that the FBI acted in good faith. Timeline:

August 2019: “I’m a sexless loser and I’m gonna kill people!” written on hotel stationary in Greece.

August-Dec 2019 *military basic training*

January 2020: “I can’t wait to kill people now that the Army said I’m not soldier material! So angry!”

March 2020: Mother calls police on him for acting bizarre. Police talk him down and investigate.

June 2020: Grand jury indictment.

July 2021: FBI sounds the alarm and swoops in to stop the “terrorist”. Mainstream media outlets everywhere begin screaming about the barely averted bloodbath.

Everything about this is false-flag. Multiple manifestos offering lurid excerpts but with the full contents kept secret… bump-stock “machine guns” with a “ghost gun” chaser… a college student that the college never knew about… plotting a mass murder over a year old at the time of his arrest, with confusion about who exactly was targeted… perp is the barest definition of a “bitter veteran” possible… social media was almost nothing but easily accessible threats of violence… it’s like Trey Genco’s story was designed for maximum up-front emotional appeal. Somebody was working an audience.

Which leaves me with my final question: Why now? Why does the FBI want to be in the limelight now? This is always a difficult question because what I think is politically important, is rarely what the fart-sniffing, foreign-agent bureaucrats in Swampland think is important. Budget season is always a good guess… let’s see what Congress is about to vote on…

H.R.4505 – Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2022

Introduced 19 July 2021 so the timing is excellent… it addresses funding for the Justice Dept….

h ttps://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/4505/text

Federal Bureau Of Investigation, salaries and expenses

For necessary expenses of the Federal Bureau of Investigation for detection, investigation, and prosecution of crimes against the United States, $10,219,858,000, of which not to exceed $216,900,000 shall remain available until expended: Provided, That $5,000,000 shall be for the Corruption/Civil Rights Section for additional expenses relating to the enforcement of section 210401 of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (34 U.S.C. 12601), criminal enforcement under sections 241 and 242 of title 18, United States Code, and administrative enforcement by the Department of Justice, including compliance with consent decrees or judgements entered into under such section 210401: Provided further, That not to exceed $284,000 shall be available for official reception and representation expenses.

I guess five million bucks is a good reason… no, Section 210401 refers to juvenile crime and Genco was 19 when this story started.

State And Local Justice Activities: Office On Violence Against Women: violence against women prevention and prosecution programs

(including transfer of funds)

Hello, darling!

For grants, contracts, cooperative agreements, and other assistance for the prevention and prosecution of violence against women, as authorized by [redacted for brevity], and for related victims services, $753,800,000, to remain available until expended… That of the amount provided.

(1) $223,000,000 is for grants to combat violence against women, as authorized by part T of the 1968 Act;

(3) $2,500,000 is for the National Institute of Justice and the Bureau of Justice Statistics for research, evaluation, and statistics of violence against women and related issues addressed by grant programs of the Office on Violence Against Women, which shall be transferred to .Research, Evaluation and Statistics. for administration by the Office of Justice Programs;

(4) $22,000,000 is for a grant program to provide services to advocate for and respond to youth victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking; assistance to children and youth exposed to such violence; and assistance to middle and high school students through education and other services related to such violence, of which $5,000,000 is to engage men and youth in preventing domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking

(5) $70,000,000 is for grants to encourage arrest policies as authorized by part U of the 1968 Act, of which $4,000,000 is for a homicide reduction initiative, and up to $8,000,000 is for a domestic violence firearms lethality reduction initiative;

(8) $38,000,000 is for grants to reduce violent crimes against women on campus, as authorized by section 304 of the 2005 Act, of which $19,000,000 is for grants to Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic-Serving Institutions, and Tribal colleges, which shall not be subject to the restrictions of section 304(a)(2) of such Act;

(18) $20,300,000 is for a grant program to support restorative justice responses to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking, including evaluations of those responses: Provided, That the definitions and grant conditions in section 40002 of the 1994 Act shall apply to this program;

(24) $5,000,000 is to address emerging issues related to violence against women: Provided, That the grant conditions in section 40002(b) of the 1994 Act shall apply to this initiative…

$5M is good but >$360M is better. An incel plotting hate-motivated violence against a sorority of college women checks a lot of these funding boxes, now doesn’t he?

But I could easily be wrong. In this modern gynocracy, any excuse to hate unattractive men is valuable. And hard to honestly come by.

Czech Republic Defies European Union, Sanctions Armed Self-Defense

It’s funny how the nations most experienced with Socialism, are the nations most reluctant for a second go. It’s not funny how the first thing those “friends of the worker class” do is disarm the worker class. Everybody is most equal when the government agent is unstoppable!

Czech Senate Approves Right to Use Weapon in Self-Defense

h ttps://praguemorning.cz/czech-senate-approves-right-to-use-weapon-in-self-defense/

23 July 2021

The right to defend oneself and others with weapons under legal conditions will be enshrined in the Czech Constitution. It will become part of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms.

The adjustment is a response to disarmament trends within the EU. As expected, the Senate on Wednesday confirmed the approval of the amendment to the Charter. The change will now be signed by the president, who, unlike ordinary laws, cannot veto constitutional laws.

Per wikipedia, CZ already had some pretty lenient self-defense laws.


h ttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-defence_law_(Czech_Republic)

There are three main concepts in Czech law which exclude criminal & civil liability based on self-defense. “Utmost necessity” (krajn? nouze) may be invoked against a danger other than an attack by another person, such as a raging dog. “Necessary self defense” (nutn? obrana) may be invoked against attack by another person, be it a direct assault or a dog ordered to attack. The third concept is called “eligible use of a gun” (opr?vn.n? u.it? zbran.) and generally may not be invoked by civilians, but rather by police or other officers.

I understand that in places where firearms are hard to use legally, trained attack dogs become commonplace. Animal rights activists should totally be pro-gun for humanitarian reasons. Alas, they’re just another front for Globohomo.

When I was a utility worker in Los Angeles, I was given specific & comprehensive training, with refreshers, on how to handle violent dogs. Nothing said ‘crack house’ like a 2,500sf property hosting 500lbs of angry dog.

Only slightly more than 3% of Czech adult population have concealed carry licenses. This together with a generally low rate of violent crime makes defensive gun uses relatively rare. More common are defensive knife uses, as there are no limitations on carrying of weapons other than firearms. Even more common are defensive uses of pepper sprays, the carrying of which is officially recommended by Ministry of Interior to women, elderly and other vulnerable groups.

Which explains why this amendment was for general weapon use rather than firearm-specific. I also understand that the world thinks us ‘Muricans rather daft with our obsession on firepower. It’s true that a knife is almost as good as a firearm in urban self-defense environments, although with the increase of STDs I prefer a collapsing baton for my EDC, but like the song says, there’s no feeling any greater than to shoot first and ask questions later.

This might have been the only song that Weird Al never dared to make an official music video for. Grand Theft Auto will have to do.

End segue

The Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms will now contain a provision stating that “the right to defend one’s own life or the life of another person with a weapon is guaranteed under the conditions laid down by law..

According to the submitters, the constitutional change will prevent this right from being restricted by ordinary law. It will also strengthen the position of the Czech Republic in discussing other EU regulations.

.The proposal is not only symbolic in nature but can also serve as insurance for the future,. said Senator Martin .erv?.ek on behalf of the submitters.

.erv?.ek pointed to the tendency of some EU countries to ban carrying any objects that could be used as a weapon. According to .erv?.ek, the disarmament of the population will not bring greater security, as criminals will obtain weapons illegally.

More than a tendency, it’s a stated policy point… and in light of recorded history, a murderous threat. M.C. is smart to take this preventative step!

Overall, 54 of the 74 senators in the Senate voted in favor of amending the Charter. A three-fifths majority (45 votes) was needed. The proposal was enforced mainly by representatives of the Civic Democratic Party (ODS), the TOP 09 and ANO movements, and the Social Democratic Party (.SSD).

Governments that allow people the means to replace it, are paradoxically the least likely to be replaced. It’s the governments who remove ordinary people from participation that risk infiltration and subversion. (When I say ‘people’, I mean male taxpayers. Not women, not bums.)

The amendment to the Charter will take effect no earlier than August 1 and no later than September 1.

The amendment is based on a petition signed by 102,000 people, including many constitutional officials. The petition was prompted by hunters and other gun owners who opposed the European Commission’s efforts to limit ownership of weapons, including legally held ones.

Molon Labe, Czech Edition!

The Commission justified its stance, among other things, by pointing out the necessity to take measures against terrorism.

“We promise you safety! Now turn your guns in!” (The Kiwi version ends in “oops, we lost the guns that you just turned in.”):


However, critics of the EU measure argued that terrorists mostly use illegally obtained weapons. Czechia fought the controversial EU directive in a lawsuit at the Court of Justice of the European Union but failed.

The government thus had to make changes to the law on weapons, implementing the EU regulation. The newly approved amendment to the Constitution will, however, override this law.

CZ has a future while Europe does not. It’s that simple.

Don’t CYA For Chick Volleyball

Instead of discussing face coverings, let’s discuss… everything else she’s wearing!

Editorial: Stop dictating to women athletes what they should wear

Archaic rule requiring that women wear bikini bottoms shows need for culture change in the world of sports

h ttps://www.mercurynews.com/2021/07/29/editorial-stop-telling-women-athletes-what-they-should-wear/

By Mercury News & East Bay Times Editorial Boards, 29 July 2021

Nobody wanted to take personal credit for writing this. Dayumn, how many Socialists does it take to have a potentially unpopular opinion?

More than a century after the first women competed in the Olympics, sexism and sport continue to walk hand in hand, to the detriment of all. It begs the question of when men will stop trying to dictate to women what they should wear in athletic competitions.

Smarter atheists would recognize that statement as strong evidence that human nature cannot be changed, and despair of ever getting rid of the Creator.

For decades, men demanded that women cover up their bodies on the notion that they would be a distraction to the male athletes. Today’s policing of female athletes. bodies has gone to the opposite extreme, encouraging them to wear skimpy, revealing clothing, presumably to attract more male viewers. Never mind that rules requiring women wear revealing clothing may discourage young girls from wanting to participate and build the sport.

“Those poor young girls enjoying all that male attention! What a horrible fate!” says the combined effort of two hag-filled editorial boards.

On Monday, Norway’s women’s beach handball team was fined by the European Handball Federation because players wore shorts instead of the required bikini bottoms during a competition in Bulgaria. The International Handball Federation rules stipulate that female athletes must wear bikini bottoms “with a close fit and cut on an upward angle toward the top of the leg.” Each player was fined the equivalent of about $177.

To no one’s surprise, male beach handball players can pretty much wear what they want.

Male privilege! Also because men are judged by their performance, not their gently bouncing… um, brains.

The men’s rules state that players. shorts, .if not too baggy, can be longer but must remain 10 centimeters above the kneecap..

Everybody wins when male thongs are not mandated.

Beach handball isn’t an Olympic sport . yet. The International Handball Federation has requested that the International Olympic Committee include beach handball as a new event at the Paris 2024 Summer Games. A condition of approval should be the removal of the IHF.s archaic clothing rule.

Let’s pin you journos down right now: which do you want? Mandatory skimpy attire or mandatory modest attire? Which do you think will get you in less trouble with the whamminz? (The correct answer is ‘fried ice’.)

But don’t hold your breath waiting for Olympic officials to recognize how a sport’s culture leads to the objectification of young women and girls.

It took nearly two decades before the Olympics in 2012 dropped the requirement that women beach volleyball players wear tiny bikini bottoms during competitions. Meanwhile, their male counterparts have always worn tank tops and shorts.

At the Tokyo Games earlier this week, Germany’s women’s gymnastics team, saying they were tired of the sexualization of their sport, broke with tradition and wore unitards that stretched to their ankles during the team competition.

Did those Germans pray to Mecca, too? Maybe post-nationalism isn’t as hot an idea as mandatory bikinis for athletic young chicks.


CAMEL-TOE unitards!!! I can’t post that pic on my blog. Suffice to say, no clothing regulation can prevent sluts from being sluts.

Since the 1956 Games, female gymnasts have worn bikini-cut leotards, while their male counterparts wear shorts or long pants, based on what they feel will be most comfortable during competition.

The same sexist approach holds true for figure skating competitions during the Winter Games.

Kudos to the Norwegian Handball Federation for backing Norway’s women players. The organization said it would pay the players. fines and continue supporting the team’s 15-year effort to change the uniform rules.

“Why do men care so much about how we dress?” cries the female athletic team entering its 16th consecutive year of demanding changes to the dress code. You aren’t fooling anybody, ladies and Progs. How women dress is a very big deal to women and if men don’t regulate it… men who, as a rule, do not care to weaponize clothing… then you women will be at each other’s throats forever with no solution.

It’s up to men to put women in their place… and in their dress code. And if men want bikinis then dangit, we get bikinis!

Leave the Jab, Take the Cannoli

No masks needed but folks, put your face shields on. Cat puke INCOMING!!!

Southern California Restaurant Claims It Will Only Serve Unvaccinated People

When the catch of the day is COVID-19

h ttps://www.thewrap.com/southern-california-restaurant-claims-it-will-only-serve-unvaccinated-people/

By Ross A. Lincoln, 26 July 2021

Careful there, Mr. Lincoln. You wouldn’t want to mock yourself.

A restaurant in Huntington Beach, California has added a brand new catch of the day to its menu: COVID-19.

Huntington Beach regularly turns up as the dissident bastard of Los Angeles-area city governments. I’ll never live in L.A. again but if God disagrees, look for me there.

That’s thanks to an absurd, and highly dangerous new marketing gimmick the restaurant has adopted…

Meaning either dissent against the government or quoting the Godfather trilogy.

…the claim that all patrons must prove they have not been vaccinated against the illness that has killed more than 600,000 Americans.

No, it was six MILLION dead. Oops, wrong lockdown.

So, how do we vaxx-dissidents prove a negative to each other? Aside from acting healthy & nonmagnetic.

The restaurant, Basilico’s Pasta e Vino, has demonstrated a repeated opposition to public health during the pandemic. It declared itself a “mask-free zone” in 2020, wrapping the policy in patriotic imagery. But the restaurant is now expanding this trolling campaign with signs declaring that simply being vaccinated is “treasonous, anti-American stupidity.”

That’s not trolling, doofus. That’s a policy statement. Also, the truth.

According to the Los Angeles Times, the restaurant isn’t actually checking vaccination status…

“They aren’t letting us in! I guess they actually are but they’re still thought criminals!”

…but the owner, Tony Roman, is opposed to the idea of vaccine mandates or the possibility of more lockdowns to stop the spread of COVID-19. In a statement to the times, he insisted that resistance to life-saving vaccines is a “missile of defiance” in the name of “liberty.”

No misapplied scare quotes either, please. These lockdowns and social-distancing, Fascist “guidelines”… note the correct use of scare quotes… are putting restauranteurs out of business left and right. I am pleased to see at least one restaurant owner seeing the obvious and responding rationally.

Meanwhile, states with lower numbers of vaccinated citizens are seeing three times as many COVID-19 cases as states with higher vaccination numbers. And as of today, 611,000 people in the U.S. have died from the illness.

Because the CDC mandated falsifying PCR tests to make vaccines look healthy. The sensitivity is REQUIRED TO BE CRANKED UP if they know they’re testing a Morlock. Excuse me, an un-fully-not-a-vaccine-ated person. It doesn’t roll off the tongue.

The restaurant is also selling t-shirts that say “Leave the vax, take the cannoli,” a reference to a line from “The Godfather” in which the thing left behind — in that case, a gun — was a murder weapon. The metaphor makes little sense of course, since vaccines prevent death, rather than cause it.

Mr. Lincoln, you need the vaxx like you need a hole in your head. eh, never mind.

NPC Witch Hunt!

This may be the first time ever, that computer avatars have been targeted by self-described victims of sexual harassment.

California sued gaming giant Activision Blizzard, alleging widespread harassment of female staff. A male supervisor delegated his work to a female employee so he could play Call of Duty, the suit said.

h ttps://www.yahoo.com/news/california-sued-gaming-giant-activision-144939482.html

By, Anna Cooban, 22 July 2021

Heehee. Is there any other reason to be the boss at a computer game company?

California’s fair employment agency filed a lawsuit against gaming giant Activision Blizzard on Tuesday, accusing the Call of Duty publisher of a “pervasive frat boy” in which female employees were routinely harassed.

“He plays games while I have to do housework! I mean, officework.”

In one alleged incident, a “newly promoted male supervisor delegated his responsibilities to his now female subordinates in favor of playing Call of Duty,” the filing said.

I love you, man. Hermanos al fin!

The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) sued Activision Blizzard and two subsidiaries – Activision Publishing and World of Warcraft creator Blizzard Entertainment – after a two-year investigation into working conditions for female staff, Bloomberg Law first reported.

“Oh noes! I cut myself while breaking through the glass ceiling! This male space is full of men acting male! My coworkers resent me because the government forced them to hire me! Life is so unfair!”

DFEH said in Tuesday’s filing to the Los Angeles Supreme Court that MEN at the company were discriminated against, subjected to “constant sexual harassment,” groped, paid less for “substantially similar work,” and retaliated against by company HR when they complained.

The original said “women” but this would surely be more correct. Also, in a related court case a California judge ruled that it is legal to intentionally misgender people!


California court says it’s OK to intentionally misgender and deadname trans people

h ttps://www.yahoo.com/news/california-court-says-ok-intentionally-201040618.html

A California court struck down a 2017 anti-discrimination law protecting LGBTQ elders, making it legal for employees to intentionally misgender and deadname patients at long-term care facilities.

The Third District Court of Appeals ruled that forcing employees to refer to patients by their preferred pronouns and names would be a violation of their freedom of speech and ideology.

“We recognize that misgendering may be disrespectful, discourteous and insulting, and used as an inartful way to express an ideological disagreement with another person’s expressed gender identity,” Associate Justice Elena J. Duarte wrote for the court.

“But the First Amendment does not protect only speech that inoffensively and artfully articulates a person’s point of view.”

Hail to the King Of Internet Trolls, baby. We can now LITERALLY flip the script! (Although I will refrain from here on.)

End Segue

“Unsurprisingly, [the] Defendants’ ‘frat boy’ culture is a breeding ground for harassment and discrimination against women,” the lawsuit said.

A spokesperson for Activision Blizzard said in a statement that “the picture the DFEH paints is not the Blizzard workplace of today.”

“The DFEH includes distorted, and in many cases false, descriptions of Blizzard’s past. We have been extremely cooperative with the DFEH throughout their investigation, including providing them with extensive data and ample documentation, but they refused to inform us what issues they perceived,” the statement said.

Epic moronic fail, spokes-dude. How did your in-house legal team miss that assault?

“We want all your employment documentation since the beginning of time and we won’t say why.”

“Okay, here you go. This should prove that we’re innocent. Please don’t hurt us!”

*megabucks lawsuit*

“We value diversity and strive to foster a workplace that offers inclusivity for everyone. There is no place in our company or industry, or any industry, for sexual misconduct or harassment of any kind,” the spokesperson said.

“We take every allegation seriously and investigate all claims. In cases related to misconduct, action was taken to address the issue.”

I meant it as a rhetorical question but thanks for pointing out how taking all female accusations seriously, documenting them fully and then handing all that manufactured evidence over to government investigators did jack squat to protect you from a harassment lawsuit.

Hey, did xe just MANSPLAIN right in front of us?!

The lawsuit detailed claims that some male workers engaged in “cube crawls” where they would “drink copious amounts of alcohol” and move between cubicles in the office, often behaving inappropriately towards their female coworkers.

And male coworkers, if I know drunks. Thanks for noticing us. Not.

The agency said in the filing that one female Activision Blizzard worker died by suicide during a business trip. A male coworker she had previously had a sexual relationship with was also on the trip, the suit said. Police found that the male supervisor had brought a butt plug and lubricant on the trip, DFEH said.

The butt plug strongly suggests that she drove him gay.

Some male workers made sexual advances to female employees on the World of Warcraft team, and also made derogatory comments about rape, the lawsuit claimed.

On that note… the WoW connection!

Blizzard Harasser From Lawsuit Is Still All Over World of Warcraft, Fans Dismay

h ttps://news.yahoo.com/blizzard-harasser-lawsuit-still-over-203000691.html

By Ash Parrish, 22 July 2021

Yesterday, the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing filed a lawsuit against Activision Blizzard over the company’s allegedly pervasive culture of sexual harasment and discrimination.

As the horrific allegations against Activision Blizzard came to light, one portion of the lawsuit stood out as particularly egregious: Alex Afrasiabi.

One day later and he STILL hasn’t been unpersoned? REEEE!!!

Remember, it takes two days to unperson a life.

Alex Afrasiabi, a creative director on World of Warcraft, was allegedly so notorious with his behavior that his office was nicknamed the “Crosby Suite. .ostensibly a misspelling of “Cosby” in reference to alleged rapist Bill Cosby.

Not the Bing Crosby suite, perhaps? His office was allegedly named after an alleged rapist? Allegedly, Alex’s accusers have spelling problems. Also allegedly, they are lying weasels.

After all the accusations, criminal trials and even conviction & time served, it’s STILL ‘alleged rapist’. If Cosby isn’t innocent then at this point, he’s earned the right to be.

Afrasiabi worked for Blizzard as recently as June 2020…

And though Afrasiabi is gone, his presence still lingers in World of Warcraft. Kotaku was able to confirm the existence of at least two NPCs that continue to bear his name, in addition to a number of items that directly reference him.

Ahh, good! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! Parade the sacrificial victims!

Wait, what? They… the Woke are going after Alex’s NPCs? Because the NPCs are still employed at Activision?

This one is spreading SARS-Cov-2-Delta because he isn’t wearing a face mask. Or maybe it’s the lambda variant but either way, a suspiciously healthy man like that has got to be diseased! And locked down!

And punished for sexual harassment…

Since the news broke, fans on the World of Warcraft forums are advocating that Afrasiabi’s references be removed or renamed.

The NPCs in question, Field Marshal Afrasiabi and Lord Afrasastrasz, can be found in the capital city of Stormwind and in Wrymrest Temple, respectively. In addition to the NPCs, there are a number of items named for Afrasiabi, including Fras Siabi’s Cigar Cutter, a rare axe, and common quest items like Siabi.s Premium Tobacco. The degree to which a player might encounter these things varies: The Stormwind inclusion is out of the way, and while the Temple reference belongs to a quest-giver, it’s for older Wrath of the Lich King content.

The Problem With Modern College Is It’s Too Much Work To Get A Degree

A female postdoctorate at the University of Spoiled Children makes the case that instead of coursework, universities should simply cash those checks and tell her what to think.

College can still be rigorous without a lot of homework

h ttps://theconversation.com/college-can-still-be-rigorous-without-a-lot-of-homework-162225

By KC Culver, Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Southern California, 28 June 2021

How hard should it be to earn a college degree?

A good question, but also a wrong question. What matters is that you gain the skills and knowledge, not whether the process hurts like that one dentist who skimps on Novocain. I’ve seen good educations come out of Podunk Universities and I’ve also seen… Harvard.

When the book “Academically Adrift” appeared in 2011, it generated widespread concern that college was not effectively educating students and preparing them for today’s world. Among other things, authors Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa claimed that most colleges were not rigorous or demanding…


…in part because college students were not reading and writing enough in order to build their critical thinking skills. But is it really how much work students are assigned that makes college rigorous and helps them learn?

Oh, Barbie, the truth is worse.

[tangent] I was teaching math to a college kid a few years back; he was doing local community college for an Associate’s before transferring to a more expensive college for a Bachelor’s in Civil Engineering. I had him apply to the University of Southern California, aka the University of Spoiled Children, because they specialize in political dynasties and professional sports. Such universities have a problem: the kids of all those powerful donors, to say nothing of the jocks, are as stupid as bricks, which means the degrees they grant cannot be high-quality. Not unless ringers are brought in to up the IQ which, if it’s a private university, means giving huge scholarships to legitimately bright kids. Whatever it takes to make George Bush IV look smart.

My student got a full ride scholarship to USC… an ordinary kid from the backwaters of California… because he promised to make their “curriculum” look good. The curriculum that produced this very postdoctoral fellow writing to complain about too much paperwork! Try harder, my apprentice. [/tangent]

So, that’s where colleges are these days. They launder as many grants and loans as they can and if anybody gets edgy-crated in the process then kewl beans. There’s so much easy Fed money flying around that they don’t even compete for students… unless like USC, they’re so mind-numbingly expensive & exclusive that they need to rent their fresh blood.

As a scholar of higher education, I have taken a close look at college students. academic experiences and outcomes for several years. Some people define rigor as how many pages a student reads or how many pages a student writes. But in a 2021 peer-reviewed study that I published with colleagues John Braxton and Ernie Pascarella, I found that if they do that, they might miss key elements of what it takes to help students develop critical thinking skills and become lifelong learners. They also might create an unnecessary burden for students who have other demands on their time.

You’re missing the point of college, Barbie. It doesn’t matter what you do there. The college gets paid regardless. I don’t know who coined the phrase “lifelong learning” but my money is on a college loan officer.

In education, academic rigor tends to be defined in two different ways: as a workload that is demanding and difficult or as learning experiences that challenge and support students to think more deeply.

That.s why my study examines each definition of rigor . workload and academic challenge . in terms of helping students develop critical thinking skills. The study also looks at those definitions of rigor in relation to two related dimensions of lifelong learning. One is reading and writing for pleasure, and the other is the habit of thinking deeply and critically about things.

Barbie, nobody cares if your degree in whatever is rigorous. Neither would anybody care if your degree in civil engineering is rigorous. They only care if your bridge collapses.

Actually, that’s the exact point she’s making so I’ll be quiet and let her finish.

The study included about 2,800 students who attended one of 46 four-year colleges in the U.S. between 2006 and 2012. These students took part in the Wabash National Study of Liberal Arts Education, which was a large, longitudinal study of how college experiences affected outcomes associated with a liberal arts education. They completed surveys and tests at three different points during college: at the beginning of their first year, at the end of their first year and at the end of their fourth year.

In these surveys, students reported their course workload, including how many books they read, pages they wrote and hours they spent studying for class. They also reported how much their courses challenged them to engage in higher-order thinking. Faculty ask students to practice higher-order thinking when they ask challenging questions in class and give assignments that ask students to analyze information or form an argument.

Here.s what we found.

In the first year of college, higher-order thinking was related to an increase in both dimensions of lifelong learning: reading and writing for pleasure and the tendency to think deeply. Higher-order thinking was not related to development of critical thinking skills. Workload was not related to students. critical thinking or either dimension of lifelong learning.

Across four years of college, higher-order thinking was related to an increase in students. critical thinking skills and both dimensions of lifelong learning. Workload was related to only one dimension of lifelong learning: reading and writing for pleasure. This relationship was driven primarily by the amount of reading students did, rather than the amount of writing they did or the amount of time they spent studying.

Perhaps most importantly, my study suggests that students learn important critical thinking and lifelong learning skills because of challenging class experiences regardless of the workload. In other words, college can help students be better critical thinkers and lifelong learners without requiring them to spend a lot of time studying.

Not bad, not bad. She correctly discovered that a heavy workload is not needed for the average college experience. But neither is a light workload, or any workload, save for the need to look busy.

But… one problem, Barbie… I’m a math nerd.

Nobody learns math without lots of practice.

I haven’t looked at this Wabash study for the details. I don’t need to. I simply know that no amount of proper, guided thinking can turn a man into a mathematician. Or a coder. Or a chemist. Or a historian. Or a theologian. Or ANYTHING THAT MATTERS. You gotta earn it.

The proven-here theory that modern education is not hampered by a lack of study-time is proof that education is not happening in the modern college. Congratulations, Barbie, for being educated enough to prove that your education is not, in fact, any kind of education.

This study has implications for how courses and colleges are assessed as being rigorous. It also has implications for how faculty teach, as it suggests that they should create courses that engage students in higher-order thinking, rather than asking them to complete long reading and writing assignments.

These implications matter particularly for students from low-income backgrounds, who are more likely to work full-time during college. Low-income students are also more likely to commute to campus and have family responsibilities.

If you can’t keep up then don’t step up. You’ll just waste money.

Because of these responsibilities, students from low-income backgrounds often have less time to dedicate to homework compared to students from wealthier backgrounds who live on campus and who don’t work as many hours.

This could be easily tested by having no homework and only a couple tests. I’ve had classes like that. The vibrants didn’t do well then, either. Not that there were enough rising ghetto stars in differential equations for a properly scientific investigation. Science can’t test what isn’t detectable.

If campuses want students from low-income backgrounds to graduate at the same rate as their peers, then it is important that these students have a reasonable workload in their courses so that they don’t have to choose between college and their other responsibilities.

If colleges were smart, they’d do REAL apartheid with separate classes for unvaxxed white nerds and vibrantly pansexual, low-income Marxists. The nerds would happily accept cheaper tuition if, in return, they allowed the University to credit the tranny twinks in their curriculum statistics.

The Final Cash Grab

I don’t generally dump on the Boomer generation but this article is a worthy exception. The concept of reverse-mortgages instead of gifting the family home to one’s children is abominable… but this…

5 ways to cash in on your life insurance policy while you’re alive

h ttps://www.foxbusiness.com/personal-finance/use-life-insurance-cash-value-while-alive

By Erika Giovanetti, 20 July 2021

Sponsored by Credible – which is majority owned by our parent, Fox Corporation, and is solely responsible for its services.

They’re not trying to scam you. They’re Credible!

Life insurance provides your loved ones with financial security in the event of your death…

Man, that was a long time ago. When a man was the family breadwinner, life insurance made sense. In the modern age of easy, his-fault divorce and CEO Barbies, not so much, although I did have a dismemberment policy for a time. This advertisement’s target demographic is obvious.

…but you may be able to cash in on your policy while you’re still alive.

You can take it with you! Even your life insurance! Why should anybody benefit from your death except you?

Whether you need a lump sum of money to pay for college or you need money for a down payment on a house, tapping into your life insurance policy can help you meet your financial goals.

Disingenuous. College kids don’t have valuable life insurance policies but those snowbird homes don’t buy themselves.

If you’re in the market for life insurance with living benefits, it’s important to understand how it works. You can compare life insurance policies on Credible’s online financial product marketplace.

1. Tap into your policy’s living benefit riders

Some types of life insurance come with policy additions, referred to as “riders.” These riders may offer living benefits that apply if you meet certain criteria. Here are a few examples of living benefit riders:

    • You’re diagnosed with a chronic, terminal, or critical illness . You may be able to withdraw up to 80% of your policy proceeds to cover health care expenses through illness riders.
    • You need long-term care . Nursing homes, hospice care and end-of-life services are extremely costly. Long-term care riders can help you cover these expenses.

AKA dismemberment insurance against not being able to work anymore. If easy divorce didn’t ruin the material benefit of this then universal basic income is about to.

2. Take out a loan from the policy’s cash value

A life insurance policy loan uses the cash value of your plan as collateral. Since you’re borrowing money from yourself, life insurance loans:

Don’t require a credit check

Have relatively low interest rates

May offer flexible repayment terms

Plus, the loan isn’t technically income, so it’s tax-free.

Now we’re talking Boomer! It’s tax-free because you’ll be dead when the bill comes due!

3. Make a withdrawal from the policy

In addition to borrowing from your life insurance policy in the form of a loan, you may be able to simply withdraw from your policy’s cash value.

For reasonable, Credible fees.

4. Surrender the policy to receive the accrued value

5. Sell your life insurance policy to a third party

The biggest drawback, though, is that you won’t have life insurance coverage. This leaves your beneficiaries without a payout when you die.

We’re used to it. Generation X. The ‘X’ is for ‘latchkey’ but we’re too proud to complain, so Generation X we be.

Meanwhile, a company that calls itself Credible is standing by to help you screw your kids, er, ‘beneficiaries’, for the last time. You can’t make this up.

By all means, Boomers, activate your own life insurance policy and ensure that your only legacies are debt, abandonment and slavery. Brag to God In Heaven that if any of your children survive as free men in their own country, it will be no fault of yours. Let me watch.

Random Thoughts July 2021

If Churchians actually read their Bibles then they would have noticed that Moses wore a veil in order to comfort the people around him. Kinda humorous that it hasn’t happened yet. They would use that story to shame us the unmasked, then cry when we explained WHY Moses wore a veil. If they’re still capable of shame.

I don’t like following headlines anymore. It’s all Covid this and controlled opposition that, and the New World Order’s latest no-shots-fired victory. None of my blog readers are in a position to do anything of worldly significance and this more likely comes from God than any human agency. There’s a story that God wants to tell and if there be no other comfort, at least He’s telling it as quickly as He can.

How does one find the speakeasies? I got money for any businessman who likes income more than snitching for Science, but the question of how to advertise is a serious one. The college kids manage somehow but I can’t tolerate the Socialism long enough to blend in.

Remember those Dilbert cartoons in which Dogbert and the World’s Smartest Garbage Man (cartoonist Scott Adams’ self-cameo) discussed reality as a choice of perception? That never made sense to me. With gaslighting being the journalism profession’s New Normal, however, it makes more sense. All the available information is inconsistent and overwritten to the point at which your personal biases do as much to figure out truth as traditional methods such as predictive capability, pattern recognition and, well, tradition. That must be the point of all the misinformation; not merely to confuse, but to allow people to define “truth” for themselves.

Then again, when such confusion didn’t exist it was merely an existential justification for lying. Actually, it still is. Unless you have Father God for a North Star of Integrity.

One of my tricks for reading behind the headlines is when stories that shouldn’t be significant, are significant. Take that Surfside Condo collapse in Miami. Color me shocked that a shoddily-built apartment complex in a region notorious for real-estate corruption eventually collapsed from delayed maintenance. But not only has it been a news story for over a month, Israel flew in a damage-control team to “assist”. I suspect that a few of those apartments were safe houses for Epstein-type agents because no way do two nations care this much about that little.

Sooo, what IS up with the UFO reports? Don’t give me no Roswell aliens, they gotta obey the laws of physics just like everybody else. Either it’s the lamest headfake since tabloid Elvis (and I don’t know what they might have been distracting from) or waaay too many people at the Pentagon are diving into the occult. This story doesn’t help:

Policewoman Reported Being Chased by .Drone., Turned Out to Be Planet Jupiter

h ttps://www.breitbart.com/europe/2021/07/17/policewoman-reported-being-chased-drone-planet-jupiter/

By Jack Montgomery, 17 July 2021

A Scottish policewoman who believed she was being chased by a drone was left red-faced when she fled back to her station, where senior officers told her the pursuing object was in fact the planet Jupiter.

The Glasgow-based officer, who has not been named but has reportedly served with Police Scotland for two years, called law enforcement on the public 101 number while on duty to complain that an object in the sky was “following her” along the M8 motorway, and that, despite her best efforts, she .couldn.t lose it..

She didn’t even use her radio? She must have had one because she was on duty while driving on a motorway. This sounds like a serious break with reality. Cops routinely get fired for much less disturbing conduct than this.

The call handler advised the policewoman to return to her station… She was found standing in the police yard with her hood up trying to hide from the “drone” and pointed out the bright white dot in the sky. They told her it was Jupiter, which is often visible on a clear night.

Say hello to a drug test, Glasgow’s Finest.

.The story is the talk of the steamie at her station. Nobody can quite believe it. She was very alarmed and spooked that she was being followed by a drone,. said a police source quoted by the newspaper.

.Everyone was quite concerned so you can imagine the red face and embarrassment felt when it was pointed out that the bright light following her was a planet millions of miles away,. they added.

.This is going to haunt her for years..

What? NO!!! She’s still employed? They’re protecting her identity?!

Police Scotland appeared to confirm the incident in an official statement, with a spokesman explaining that “Officers quickly established there was no criminality and were able to reassure the woman involved..

They extended the pussy pass all the way to handwaving away a psychotic break with reality! In a cop! I know my ancestral homeland has been on the skids for a long time but dayumn….

The Fuhlendorf Exercise-Loss Plan

To celebrate this Friday, let’s do some fat shaming! (Read: eye bleach warning.)


h ttps://www.intheknow.com/post/hannah-fuhlendorf-separating-exercise-from-diet-culture/

By Alex Lasker

Had to fix the title for her. She’d accidentally called this an “eating disorder recovery” and as you will soon see, it’s nothing of the sort.

For Hannah Fuhlendorf, exercise used to be an excruciating endeavor.


For people of a certain size, breathing is an excruciating endeavor.

.[Exercise] was a tool that was used for self-punishment and bodily control,. the 29-year-old certified counselor, who has a master’s degree in clinical mental health counseling, told In The Know. .There was no pleasure or joy in any part of it, and yet, it occupied a huge amount of space in my life and took up a lot of my time, energy and resources..

Remember, kids, anything worth doing gives you a dopamine hit!

Fuhlendorf, who has struggled with eating disorders in “varying degrees of severity” from the time she was eight years old through the age of 25, says that for those 17 years of her life, exercise represented nothing to her “except a path to thinness..

Exercise leads to thinness.

Thinness leads to a good husband.

A good husband leads to healthy children, a happy family life and a meal ticket through the imminent apocalypse.

Exercise: JUST DO IT!

.Like a lot of people, I grew up in a home and in a culture that expected thinness from me,. she shared. “But when it became clear during my childhood that my body sits at a higher weight than was expected of me or acceptable to those around me, disordered behaviors began..

“Disordered behaviors began”? If the article hadn’t already admitted it, that phrase would be a smoking gun that Hannah got a psychology degree in making top-quality excuses for eating too much and exercising not enough. Look at her blue hair in that pic! She could be her own thesis!

Over the past four years, Fuhlendorf has been working toward recovery, which has allowed her to rediscover the joy in movement and to untangle exercise and its many benefits from toxic diet culture and the pursuit of thinness . and she has brought TikTok along for the journey, under the handle @hannahtalksbodies.

The relationship between diet culture and exercise is a notably complex one that can take those struggling with weight-loss-obsessed mindsets years to understand and break free from, even with the help of a medical professional.

Specifically, a medical professional with dyed-blue hair, an entitlement complex and Daddy issues that she manages with intentional morbid obesity.

I’d say that Hannah must have gotten that advanced degree in clinical mental health counseling from a box of Cracker Jacks but we all know that a quart of Haagen-Dazs is more likely.

Although a lot of people exercise for a multitude of positive reasons, some people, particularly those struggling with disordered eating habits, may use it as a means to punish themselves for eating “bad” or indulgent foods or as a potentially harmful bid to change their appearances, rather than a means to benefit their bodies, minds and overall health.

It’s true! I eat lots of pizza but stay thin via weight lifting, hiking, biking, swimming and more hiking. Okay, okay, ‘thin’ might be pushing it. I’m kinda ripped from all the weights.

Clearly, I am harming myself with body-image issues.

.People with eating disorders frequently only engage in the most exhausting, highest impact forms of exercise,. Fuhlendorf explained. .The word “exercise” may as well have been swapped with “torture” for me, and that’s true for a lot of folks in eating disorder recovery..

Hannah, you’d break a sweat just getting through your front door. And I do mean “through”. Turning sideways won’t help you.

Fuhlendorf.s view toward exercise and movement started to change in 2017 when she began seeing a therapist who practiced Health at Every Size (HAES), an approach that aims to eliminate stigmas against weight, respect size diversity and improve access to health care for everyone.

Fuhlendorf is a waddling example of why socialized health care is a bad idea. Why is my tax money comforting that lardball in all of her ovoid glory?

Her new therapist’s focus on the idea that health can be attained separately from thinness, was game-changing for Fuhlendorf.

.She was a major part of my recovery journey,. the TikToker said of her therapist. .She helped me understand the reality of my eating disorder and provided an alternative perspective that I didn’t even know was possible. A life at peace with my body, not pursuing thinness was something I didn’t even think was an option for a fat person..

Her therapist gave her permission to quit!

After discovering HAES, Fuhlendorf set out on the daunting path of mending her relationship with physical movement . a journey that began with a mental reset and some much-needed rest.

.What I knew for certain was that exercise, in the way I knew it, was not safe for me, and I needed to be very protective of my recovery,. she explained. .So for almost a year, I took a break; I abstained from doing anything I considered “formal exercise.’.

For Fuhlendorf, this meant canceling gym memberships, unfollowing nearly 100 fitness influencers on social media, and deleting diet and workout apps off of her phone. The experience, she says, was nothing short of liberating.

.For the first time in 17 years, I felt like I could breathe,. she recalled. .I felt like I was actually participating in my life rather than just enduring it..

Except for the gym memberships, that was good. Her smartphone and social media habits were only enabling her sedentary lifestyle so getting rid of them was smart.

She DID get rid of the smartphone and social media, right?


As her recovery [from exercise] progressed, Fuhlendorf says she began to discover the types of movement that made her feel joy rather than pain . she began to fill her time with things like stretching, swimming, dancing, yoga and boxing, instead of the punishingly difficult high-intensity workouts that had left her scarred.

Only two of the five are actual exercise and even then, I’m not sure about swimming. Is it still exercise when you can’t sink and can’t feel cold?

Is it still exercise when you’re too fat to move? Exactly what were those high-intensity exercises? Was boxing not high-intensity?

Four years after first entering a period of recovery from her eating disorder, Fuhlendorf has successfully been able to adapt her exercise routine to include whatever feels good to her body at the moment.

But she’s still fat.

.To this day, I swim and box and dance and move my body however and whenever feels best,. she explained.

But she’s still fat.

.I have zero rules for frequency or intensity. It is all about my enjoyment. Period. I have found that to be the most impactful change in my relationship with movement. If I don’t like it, I don’t do it..

Yo Mama’s so fat, there’s a half moon every night.

Fuhlendorf still finds herself staying out of conventional gyms as much as possible . finding that they tend to be “rife with fatphobia and disordered behaviors. . and avoiding workout machines that reveal the number of calories a user has burned, which can be triggering to those who are prone to feeling they need to earn their food by burning it off.

Fatphobia, yes. Disordered behavior, no. Gym rats aren’t the Fuhlendorfs who pay therapists to lie about the health benefits of bulging those bulging bulges of fatness. “You can be beautiful at any size!” no.

“The Peloton triggered me!”

.I don’t take classes where the instructors talk about weight loss or make fatphobic remarks,. she added. .I don’t put myself in any spaces in person or online where the intent is to change or shrink my body at all. I still have to be very protective of my mental health..

The truly fun part of mocking Social Justice Warriors is that they can’t help but to mock themselves at the same time.

To anyone looking to improve their own toxic or harmful mindset surrounding physical movement, Fuhlendorf recommends taking a break from exercise and consulting a trusted therapist or physician. Most importantly, listen to your body and what it needs before diving into any new type of regimen.

Regimens such as biodiesel rendering! America’s fat population is like a second Strategic Oil Reserve.

“Focus on doing what feels good, not what you think makes a workout a “good workout..

That’s what I just did. Shaming fat people feels good!

Only Guidelines Can Make Biolabs Safe

It’s been a longrunning debate whether Chinaballs was intentionally or accidentally released from the Wuhan lab. This astonishingly tone-deaf article by a credentialed expert suggests… BOTH!

We work with dangerous pathogens in a downtown Boston biocontainment lab . here’s why you can feel safe about our research

h ttps://theconversation.com/we-work-with-dangerous-pathogens-in-a-downtown-boston-biocontainment-lab-heres-why-you-can-feel-safe-about-our-research-163197

By Ronald Corley, Director of the National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories, 14 July 2021

With a title like that, somebody is playing life on hard mode today! Especially since this article was surely prompted by that biocontainment lab incident in downtown Wuhan.

Microbiologist Ronald Corley has gone to work every day throughout the pandemic as director of the National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories. Within this secure lab facility in Boston, scientists study pathogens as diverse as tuberculosis, Ebola virus, yellow fever virus and Zika virus.

Courageously risking his life for !science! from behind a desk at the top of the org chart.

A newly emerging or reemerging human pathogen is detected somewhere around the globe every 12 to 18 months.

Ohmigawd Coof is MUTATING!!!! just like every disease always does and always has.

Infectious diseases don’t respect borders. Because of the global economy and unprecedented mobility, everyone on the planet is vulnerable to potentially devastating infectious diseases that may have originated halfway across the world. In this age of high-speed travel, we are as little as 36 hours away from any outbreak.

Maybe we should close our borders, if only for the sake of medical quarantine? Especially with China and India, which are by far the most frequent sources of “newly emerging pathogens”? Maybe we should try avoiding diseases instead of learning all about them.

In the lab, researchers can safely test new diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines. The more scientists learn about these new diseases, the better prepared we are for the ones that will come after.

A better way to be prepared for an outbreak is to remove all women from positions of authority so they won’t freak out over the need to assume measured risks. Knowledge in the hands of government is like wisdom in the hands of a fool: a pretty thing to be flaunted but not used.

This is where labs like the NEIDL, and our stringent safety measures, are important. I feel safer from infection working in the NEIDL than I do in my apartment building.

That sounds like a roommate problem.

We know what we’re working with in the lab and how to keep ourselves and others safe. But outside, I don’t know who I might pass who could have a transmissible pathogen, including the coronavirus.

Definitely a roommate problem. Although I would hazard a guess, that he’d notice if the person next to him was hacking up tuberculosis or bleeding Ebola from the eyes.

This is not to say that there is no risk working within the laboratory . there is.


In California’s agricultural valleys, they have this concept of agricultural quarantine. Any disease that spreads to a new farm’s worth of livestock can do massive damage, so the farms are intentionally isolated, workers live on site and they go through cleaning regimens when they come back from vacation or supply runs.

Director Corley respects the health of his fellow humans less than a Mexican migrant respects the health of his chickens. But not to worry! Corley is CERTIFIED!

But we minimize it through a series of safety measures . including building systems, laboratory design, personal protective equipment, training and safety protocols . that have been tried and tested in laboratories across the world.

Except the safety measure of social distancing. Oopsie.

Our biosafety manual sets the standards for all work with biological material in the NEIDL….

Overview of biosafety rules omitted.

What does containment look like with these safety strategies in place?

Everyone undergoes annual background checks, medical clearances and training. Only cleared staff can enter the building alone.

None of that prevents the spread of disease. It doesn’t even prevent the spread of Chinese espionage.

There are limited ways into the space, one for pedestrians, and one for vehicles, like delivery trucks. Entry requires access via biometric or card access or both, and screening by security. Access controls limit staff members to entering spaces where they have permission to work, based on their training, clearances and biosafety protocols. A network of security systems and closed-circuit cameras monitors the facility.

Just like the Burger King across the street!

Entering laboratories requires that workers don the appropriate PPE for the area. Within the labs, we know what pathogen we are working with and how it is being used and are confident staff are following the safety measures required to keep them safe. This ensures the safety of others in the building as well as the surrounding community.

Importantly, the biosafety practices ensure that each pathogen we’re studying is restricted to the appropriate spaces. Researchers work at biosafety cabinets that sterile-filter the air before releasing it back into the lab.

Infrastructure is better than Burger King but none of it needs to be located in a dense urban center where a single failure can be catastrophic.

What kinds of regulation and oversight are there?

Synopsis of 574-page book of oversight regulations omitted.

What would happen if something went wrong?

An important aspect of safety is making sure everyone knows what to do in an emergency. Three trainings per year involve first responders from the city as well as from Boston University. These are done as either live drills or tabletop exercises with experts walking through what an emergency would look like. Afterward we review how we did and develop plans for improvement.

No, no, we aren’t talking about strokes or the Heimlich maneuver. We’re talking about you walking to work one morning and noticing that a rat on the sidewalk outside your lab is dead of hemorrhagic fever. What do you do? You file paperwork…?

At Boston University, we post all laboratory incidents, including those at the NEIDL, on a quarterly basis to ensure that we remain transparent in our activities. Depending on what went wrong, we may also report to the BPHC and the CDC.

That’s right. We can trust your biolab to operate inside a major city because you’ll tell everybody when you fuck up. Despite the obvious incentives to not tell everybody.

Look, when a plague escapes confinement in an urban center, there’s nothing that CAN be done. China was tyrannical enough to lock down entire cities and it didn’t help. But if your lab is physically isolated with a disciplined workforce then a lockdown can work.

Which brings us to the million-casualty question:

Why place these high-security labs in urban environments with lots of neighbors instead of the middle of nowhere?

Scientific research is a communal activity, and advances happen in places where diverse expertise is concentrated. It’s no different for research on emerging pathogens. Research on pathogens relies on faculty with expertise in not only the pathogens themselves but chemistry, engineering, stem cell biology, structural biology, immunology and more.

Biocontainment research also requires facilities engineers, safety professionals and security personnel. You can find personnel with diverse experience and expertise in metropolitan areas that are already home to biomedical research.

If they’re willing to come to USA all the way from Pajeet-istan to work in a biocontainment facility then they’re willing to travel twenty miles outside of urban centers and maybe live on campus, too. Behold, concentrated expertise! And frankly, if they’re coming from Pajeet-istan then they need to go through medical quarantine regardless. It would be awkward yet convenient, if your sparkly new diversity hire brought the next plague into your city.

Science can’t happen unless a Chicomm plant, an African bioterrorist and a Yankee politician collaborate at a wine-tasting next door to the BSL-3 biolab.

The original permitting process of the NEIDL mandated a comprehensive risk assessment [that] concluded that it’s as safe, or even safer, to have such a facility in an urban environment than in a rural or suburban environment.

You just lied to America, Director. Come to think of it, telling the truth was never one of your guidelines. Their purpose, as you stated in this article, was to reassure people. Truth is often NOT reassuring… therefore not a guideline.

.Near misses. have occurred at these kinds of labs within the U.S. and Europe. A near miss might, for example, involve glove tears and a potential exposure to a pathogen during laboratory work, but these have never resulted in any community infections. At the NEIDL, we intend to maintain this track record.

QED. His real concern is his own reputation. Not safety. Just the perception of safety.

Everything that Director Corley said in this article indicates he’s the kind of bureaucrat who would do that, to wit, violate the principle of safety with the justification that he followed all the safety rules.

That is why bureaucracy is evil. It offers a false morality, one that clumsy and careless humans can easily keep. It is good to follow safety procedures and better to know why those procedures exist. Not to protect your lab’s reputation; to protect the innocent. The principle says to house dangerous diseases where there are few people to be infected. But the rules don’t require it… so….

So long as Director Corley can’t be fired, it’s really not his problem if Bostonian Swine Flu becomes a thing. Thus, placing the biolab where it can function most cheaply (and importing diversity hires from around the globe) is worth the sacrifices that other people may have to make.

I tried to substantiate my suspicions of NEIDL being more concerned about the appearance of safety than actual safety. Guess who I found? Barbara “Doctor of Public Welfare” Ferrer, the health Nazi of Los Angeles.

h ttps://www.bumc.bu.edu/busm/2014/04/17/researchers-cite-experts-findings-of-neidl-safety/

In a discussion whose outcome may determine if Boston University’s National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories (NEIDL) will conduct research involving pathogens such as the Ebola and Marburg viruses, speakers for and against research at BioSafety Level 4 (BSL-4) faced off last night at a lengthy Boston City Council hearing on a proposed ordinance to ban that level of research in the city. The ordinance was put forth by Councilman Charles Yancey, who told the standing-room-only crowd that he feared that BSL-4 research could pose a serious risk to the health and safety of the community.

While Yancey and several opponents of BSL-4 research tried to persuade the city council to support the ban, proponents, including Barbara Ferrer (SPH.88), director of the Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC), and M. Anita Barry director of the BPHC Infectious Diseases Bureau, argued that reliable safety precautions have been put in place. Representatives of the biotech industry also spoke in favor of BSL-4 research, maintaining that banning BSL-4 research would inhibit the growth of life sciences research in Boston.

Ronald Corley, NEIDL associate director and a BU School of Medicine professor and chair of microbiology, emphasized the promise of a research lab that can bring together expertise in many disciplines, such as chemistry, microbiology, and engineering.

.The great discoveries in science these days are coming from these kinds of multidisciplinary efforts,. he said. .The University’s mission is educating the next generation of scientists.” Corley said the mission of NEIDL is to develop vaccines, diagnoses, and therapeutics for emerging infectious diseases. .The NEIDL is not going to produce biological weapons, and it is not going to do classified research,. he said.

No gain-of-function research? This article is dated April 2014. It was October 2014 that the CDC outlawed GoF research after multiple biolab screwups, which was considered technically not bioweapon research. Probably just as well that NEIDL never went level-4.

Opponents of BSL-4 research at the hearing argued that safety studies of the lab conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) were inadequate, and that NEIDL was constructed in “an environmental justice community” without sufficient dialogue with residents. …

Construction of the $200 million NEIDL facility was completed in September 2008, but controversy and litigation have kept much of the building’s 192,000 square feet of laboratory space closed.

So, they built the facility without asking the locals if they were comfortable living next to a biolab, then they tried to justify their fait accompli existence by claiming that their safety procedures guaranteed that nothing could go wrong.

I consider the point proven, that Director Corley is a bureaucrat with little concern for human life.

Worse Than Hitler’s Yearbook

Yay! Some true crime that doesn’t involve Hunter Biden continuing his bagman duties for his shameless-traitor father OR Fauci getting away with paying China to manufacture bioweapons with American technology & taxpayer money! This perp even got punished, although I fear his criminal journey has only just begun.

Hitler quote one of three offensive entries in recalled Glastonbury High School yearbook; responsible student “received consequences.

h ttps://www.courant.com/breaking-news/hc-br-glastonbury-yearbook-update-20210526-qbq42fdevzc6ljmeu7ualsvnaa-story.html

By Jesse Leavenworth, 21 May 2021

I added a couple sections from other sources for completeness. The virtue-signaling is so strong with this story that news outlets varied in how much information they were willing to give out!

A quote from Adolf Hitler that a student snuck into Glastonbury High School’s yearbook under the photo of an unsuspecting classmate was one of three offensive entries found in the yearbook, school leaders said Wednesday.

.Our school community is greatly distressed and disturbed by the anti-Semitic, racist and biased yearbook incident,. School Superintendent Alan Bookman and Principal Nancy Bean wrote to the school community.

One would think that Normie American would eventually clue in to the bleak terror that all (non-Muslim) American authorities have of ever permitting a Jew’s feelings to be offended. Almost as if we’re a satrapy of a racist foreign power, or something.

The quote from Hitler, a believer in the power of propaganda to deceive the masses, was, .It is a quite special secret pleasure how the people around us fail to realize what is really happening to them.. The quote was attributed in the yearbook to George Floyd, the Black man killed by a Minneapolis police officer last year. The quote by the Nazi dictator was attributed to George Floyd, the Minnesota man whose death under a police officer’s knee last year sparked nationwide outrage and calls for reform.

That’s a surprisingly appropriate quote for Current Year. Although not one that we dissidents would speak; it’s not fun watching society not even notice that it’s being taught to see us as subhuman disease vectors.

Another entry slipped in by the same student referenced the “Boston bomber. [Dzhokhar Tsarnaev] [and drugs] and a third entry found after scrutinizing the book glorified war, Bookman and Bean wrote. School officials were working with the yearbook publisher to replace the pages where the entries appeared.

The student responsible for the Hitler quote and Boston bomber entry “has received consequences” and is under investigation by local police, officials said. They did not describe the bomber or war glorification entries.

Tsarnaev’s was not a quotable kind of intellect. A brief perusal of his public statements makes me think it was a false reference.

.Our first priority was to support the students victimized by this act,. Bookman and Bean wrote. .We have been in regular contact with both the victims and the victims. families..

.We deeply regret not having caught the act of bigotry and vandalism before the yearbook was printed,. they wrote. .We are examining and will revise our yearbook procedures for collecting and reviewing future student submissions..

.There is no place for any of this anywhere in our school system,. the officials continued. .We recognize that racism and privilege exist in our society. As a district we have committed ourselves to examining our school system and our school culture and to dismantling any practices that support inequality, privilege, and racism.

.We made that commitment a year ago,. Bookman and Bean wrote. .These are NOT just words. We have begun this critical work this year and will continue the work for many years to come..

Hollister Tryon, 18, was a student at Glastonbury High School, where the quote appeared in May beneath the photo of an unsuspecting classmate, police said. [He has been charged with two counts of computer fraud.]

I’d expected a pasty white computer geek with a 4chan shirt. This is… a mestizo Fabio?! He looks more likely to have hacked a yearbook editor than a yearbook computer, if you know what I mean.

He has cutting-pupil eyelids indicating detachment from reality. That’s a bad sign and combined with his juvenile record… it wasn’t published but he’d already been prohibited from graduation ceremonies… and his quote about enjoying the spectacle of other people not noticing how they’re being manipulated, this guy isn’t the cheerfully insolent Based White Dude that one could have hoped for.

Congratulations, Principal Bean. Your obsession with total control over your student body has had the opposite effect of making society safer: you just graduated a low-functioning sociopath. Which is the only kind of male personality able to thrive in your Fascist pseudo-prison horror factory.

You’re worse than Hitler’s yearbook.

The Cuck And the Dyke

You may have seen in the headlines, that Rev. Dr. Bernard Randall of Trent College was reported to a counter-terrorist organization for peacefully speaking one time against the LGBT agenda in the name of Christ. You may not have heard, that he’d been reported two years ago and only found out when he discovered the memo in his file while preparing a lawsuit concerning his termination. Buckle up for the freakshow!

.My world fell apart.: School chaplain accused of terrorism over LGBT sermon says he won’t be silenced

h ttps://www.christianpost.com/news/my-world-fell-apart-british-chaplain-accused-of-terrorism-over-lgbt-sermon.html

By Anugrah Kumar, 5 June 2021

A school chaplain who was fired from his job and reported to the government’s counter-terrorism watchdog for delivering a sermon questioning the school’s LGBT policies says in a media interview that his world “fell apart” after he was accused of being a terrorist.

More specifically, after he LEARNED he’d been accused of being a terrorist:

The Rev. Bernard Randall, 48, told Premier Christian News that he discovered that he had been referred in 2019 to the counter-terrorism watchdog, Prevent, as he was going through the documentation related to the disciplinary action over his sermon at Trent College, a Church of England school.

Is that some kind of private-sector counterterror organization?


[link was lost]

The UK.s terror watchdog has called for an independent review of the government’s flagship anti-radicalisation strategy, Prevent, over concerns that it is sowing mistrust and fear in the Muslim community.

Okay, it’s a government program after all.

The programme, particularly its duty on schools to spot and report signs of radicalisation in pupils, has become a “significant source of grievance” among British Muslims, encouraging “mistrust to spread and to fester., said David Anderson QC, the independent reviewer of terrorism laws.

I’m warning up to this group.

In his written submission to the home affairs select committee inquiry into the government’s counter-terrorism strategy, he also raised concern that elements of Prevent were “ineffective or being applied in an insensitive or discriminatory manner..

An organization dedicated to early detection and neutralization of political threats is acting insensitive and discriminatory? Wouldn’t that be its job?

.It seems to me that Prevent could benefit from independent review,. wrote Anderson, who has no authority to conduct such a review.

He continued: .It is perverse that Prevent has become a more significant source of grievance in affected communities than the police and ministerial powers that are exercised … The lack of transparency in the operation of Prevent encourages rumour and mistrust to spread and to fester..

The watchdog’s concerns were echoed by expert witnesses who gave evidence to the select committee inquiry at the House of Commons on Tuesday.

Raheel Mohammed, the director of Maslaha, a social enterprise that works to improve conditions in Muslim communities, called for a review of Prevent in schools, warning of its stigmatising impact.

The programme was stifling schools from openly discussing and safely addressing issues around extremism, creating an atmosphere of fear, and failing to equip teachers with the skills and training to act on signs of radicalisation in pupils, he told the group of MPs.

.Prevent is seen by many educators . [and] by many in the [Muslim] community as being a blunt instrument,. said Mohammed. .What it’s doing is stigmatising whole communities.”

Well, well. Prevent, a UK government organ of all things, is actually doing its job of countering imported Islamic, excuse me, “home-grown” terrorism! Did somebody say “Never again, Rotherham”?

AND they did their job in regards to Dr. Randall, exonerating him in short order. Although sending him a celebratory fruit basket might have been in order, seeing as the memo wasn’t passed on:

End segue

.It.s not as if [school officials] sat me down and said, .This is what we feel we have to do.. I found that, as it were, by accident and all of a sudden, my world falls apart because I’m being accused of being a terrorist, which is just about the worst thing you can accuse anybody of in our society on the basis of I knew not what. It was just extraordinary,. Randall is quoted as saying.

What happened two years ago, to prompt this reporting? And why is he being fired by school officials now, two full years after they implicitly accused him of being a terrorist weaponizing the children at their boarding school?

He was dismissed from school for gross misconduct and reported to the counter-terrorism program after he told students, aged 11 to 17, that they were not compelled to “accept an ideology they disagree with.” He also told the students that they could make up their own minds about gender identity and sexuality.

In the 2019 sermon, he referred to a new LGBT-inclusive curriculum at the school because a student asked him to talk about it, he says.

The teaching material from the “Educate and Celebrate” curriculum was adopted after a visit by Elly Barnes, founder of Educate & Celebrate, an LGBT education charity. The material aims to “equip you and your communities with the knowledge, skills and confidence to embed gender, gender identity and sexual orientation into the fabric of your organization..

Sometimes you need special glasses to recognize a xeno in a skinsuit and sometimes, you don’t.

Making homophobia history

h ttps://www.theguardian.com/education/2010/oct/26/lgbt-history-homophobia-schools?INTCMP=SRCH

By Sue Learner, 26 October 2010

‘I’ve had pupils say ‘Miss, you are trying to turn us gay’ and I ask them, ‘do you turn black during Black History Month or Turkish during Turkish month?’” Elly Barnes, a music teacher at Stoke Newington school in north London, is used to tackling such questions. Prompted by seeing homophobia around her in school on many occasions, she now runs Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) History Month here every February.

“My focus is eradicating homophobia from all schools and educational establishments by giving staff the confidence and resources to do it, along with demonstrating good practice and changing opinions under the banner of ‘educate and celebrate’,” says Barnes, who is the diversity course leader.

At the first session, Barnes briefs teachers, PGCE students and an educational psychologist on current policy and equal opportunities. Then she moves on to the part many teachers dread and fear . teaching children about LGBT.

Florence, aged 12, tells the class about the first wedding she went to. “It was a gay wedding and they were called Andrew and Eric, and I wanted to be a bridesmaid, but I had only known them for two years.”

Barnes asks them what they know about the words lesbian, gay and bisexual. Josiah, aged 11, brings up the issue of religion, saying: “The pope opposes homosexuality, but I don’t know why, as I think everyone should have free will.”

Kids that age should not be taught anything about sexuality, let alone anti-Christian perversion.

Nine years later and being finished with London’s public education system, she moved on to Anglican boarding schools to corrupt the children there. Exactly one man opposed her efforts, not even harshly, and…

Over the five years, she has had only a handful of complaints. “A parent complained after her son told her he had seen a film at the school that showed two men kissing. I told her we are an inclusive school and it is part of the curriculum,” says Barnes.

I wonder if that parent was also reported to the authorities as a terrorist, the way she reported Rev. Randall.

What was it he said, anyway? That triggered her so hard?

A school sermon by Bernard Randall: Competing ideologies

h ttps://christianconcern.com/resource/a-school-sermon-by-bernard-randall-competing-ideologies/

By Rev. Randall, 10 May 2021

Despite the date of this article, this is reportedly the sermon Randall gave that prompted the terroristic investigation.

I have a theory about Brexit. It seems to me that people who voted to leave the European Union voted for largely political reasons . to do with democratic self-determination; and people who voted to remain did so for largely economic reasons . to do with prosperity and jobs. Of course I’m simplifying here…

No, you’re being wrong. Brexit is globalism vs. nationalism. Politically, economically, demographically, monetarily… it’s a decision of whether England should even exist in ten years.

…and both sides claim to consider both, but it seems to me that which set of ideas, which ideology, takes priority determines which way many people voted.

And so the problem with the often very heated and unpleasant debate ever since the referendum, is that people haven’t managed to cope with there being two competing sets of ideals . two ideologies. Now when ideologies compete, we should not descend into abuse, we should respect the beliefs of others, even where we disagree.

There has been another set of competing ideals in the news recently. You may have heard of the protests outside a Birmingham primary school over the teachings of an LGBT friendly “No Outsiders” programme. In a mostly Muslim community, this has been sensitive, because many parents feel that their children are being pushed to accept ideas which run counter to Islamic moral values. Many in that community are concerned, even angry, that their children are having an agenda, an ideology pushed on them, which is in conflict with their religion.

Dude… Revered… that’s exactly where the Muzzies would be with respect to Christianity if you clergy offered even a whiff of opposition.

And in our own school community, I have been asked about a similar thing . this is one of the requested topics, and the question was put to me in a very particular way . .How come we are told we have to accept all this LGBT stuff in a Christian school?. I thought that was a very intelligent and thoughtful way of asking about the conflict of values, rather than asking which is right, and which is wrong.

Epic Fail, especially for a clergy teacher of children at a boarding school. Disobedience against the True and Living God is not a “conflict of values”.

So my answer is this: there are some aspects of the Educate and Celebrate programme which are simply factual . there are same-sex attracted people in our society, there are people who experience gender dysphoria, and so on. There are some areas where the two sets of values overlap . no one should be discriminated against simply for who he or she is: that’s a Christian value, based in loving our neighbours as ourselves, and God making humankind in his image, male and female, and himself loving everyone equally. All these things should be accepted straightforwardly by all of us, and it’s right that equalities law reflects that.

Randall, why did you trying to find moral equivalence with the intentionally Satanic, child-corrupting programme founded and still operated by a militant, child-molesting dyke? Or maybe the better question, why were you surprised that she turned out to have a totalitarian streak in her?

But there are areas where the two sets of ideas are in conflict, and in these areas you do not have to accept the ideas and ideologies of LGBT activists. Indeed, since Trent exists “to educate boys and girls according to the Protestant and Evangelical principles of the Church of England,. anyone who tells you that you must accept contrary principles is jeopardizing the school’s charitable status, and therefore it’s very existence. You should no more be told you have to accept LGBT ideology, than you should be told you must be in favour of Brexit, or must be Muslim . to both of which I’m sure most of you would quite rightly object.

That sounds very familiar to an American Christian whose churches fear jeopardizing their tax-exempt status.

Now I don’t know about the faith of the person who asked me to talk about this topic. I don’t think he would say is religious, though I may be wrong, but I am aware that there will be a good few in our community who will have been struggling, if they feel they are being told that they must accept ideas which run counter to their faith . or indeed non-faith based reasoning about the world. So I want to say to everyone, but especially to those who have been troubled, that…

…You can be confident that we worship Father God of Truth, the Creator of Life. Thus, you should defy all who hate Him with joy in your heart and courage in your step. For you are the redeemed and righteous of mankind, and the wicked will surely be exposed and condemned.

…you are not obliged to accept someone else’s ideology. You are perfectly at liberty to hear ideas out, and then think, .No, not for me..

There are several areas where many or most Christians (and for that matter people of other faiths too), will be in disagreement with LGBT activists, and where you must make up your own mind.

What demon-sucking gutless cockroach made YOU a reverend, Randall?

So it is perfectly legitimate to think that marriage should only properly be understood as being a lifelong exclusive union of a man and a woman; indeed, that definition is written into English law.

Christ likes monogamy because English law says He should. But only as an ideal, of course… we wouldn’t want to offend the other faith groups, including the atheists:

You may perfectly properly believe that, as an ideal, sexual activity belongs only within such marriage, and that therefore any other kind is morally problematic. That is the position of all the major faith groups . though note that it doesn’t apply only to same-sex couples. And it is a belief based, not only on scripture, but on a highly positive view of marriage as the building block of a society where people of all kinds flourish, and on recognizing that there are many positive things in life more important than sex, if only we’d let them be. This viewpoint is recognized by many people as extremely liberating. And it’s an ethical position which could also be arrived at independently of any religious text, I think.

It is, actually. Broken families in general and fatherlessness in particular have been conclusively linked to all kinds of social ills, thus even a devout atheist can understand the critical importance of patriarchy. So then, you Anglicans rebelled against not just God but sanity and science too, when you let that depraved Jezebel wolf into the childrens’ henhouse.

You might be concerned that if you take the religious view on these matters you will be attacked, and accused of homophobia and the like. But remember that religious belief is just as protected in law as sexual orientation…

So that’s how Randall managed to be surprised at Barnes’ passive-aggressive attack. He thought they were peers, arguing philosophical points of no eternal significance. But no, the people who sanction sexual perversion never had the slightest intention of also protecting Christianity.

You can’t protect the darkness and the light at the same time.

…and [remember that] no one has the right to discriminate against you or be abusive towards you. Remember too that “phobia” words have a strict sense of extreme or irrational fear or dislike, like arachnophobia, fear of spiders, or triskaidekaphobia, fear of the number thirteen . well there’s nothing extreme about sharing your view with the Church of England, established by law, and of the majority of the world’s population who belong to these faiths.

A Christian, if he is attacked, can remember that this world hates him because it first hated his Savior. He can remember that he has a home in God’s Heaven where moth and rust and BLM do not destroy… and if God is very kind, he can look to his friends to support him through the hard times.

But Randall? We should’ve guessed from his being declared not-a-terrorist by this fallen world that he is no Christian.

So, all in all, if you are at ease with “all this LGBT stuff,. you’re entitled to keep to those ideas…

…and entitled to denounce even the weakest opposition as worse than Hitler!

That is how the child-grooming militant lesbian was able to vomit her lies and perversions directly into the Church: because leaders like Randall are groveling, quisling, “be true to yourself” morons.

Mission Accomplished: Feminist Indoctrination

Here’s another horror story, excuse me, success story of how education EMPOWERS women.

AITA for telling my sister not to bring her kids over so much?

h ttps://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/oawwkw/aita_for_telling_my_sister_not_to_bring_her_kids/

By Anonymous Bay Area feminist, 30 June 2021

I (25F) recently graduated. The city I live in has a shortage of apartments–I could technically afford an available one, but that would mean I would have no extra money for anything but the bare basics.

That rules out New York City. They have a surplus of apartments, albeit sill unaffordable. Thus, the Gay Area of Commiefornia. Nowhere else breeds feminists of this purity.

While waiting for a more reasonable place to open up, I have moved in with my parents, who own a house within reasonable commuting distance.

I know why she’s not eager to live with her parents: she’s in her prime skanking years.

My older sister (32F) has three children: 6M, 3F, 1F.

Probably got both a BA and MRS in college.

We aren’t very close, as her entire identity since her oldest was born is “SAHM.” She usually brings her kids over several times a week to visit and/or have my parents babysit while she goes grocery shopping or other errands. I’m not really a kid person–don’t plan on having any myself, and I can tolerate hers in small doses. Before, when I lived on campus, this wasn’t really an issue. Now, however, I feel like I never get a break from kids. My parents don’t allow them in my room, but when they’re here I can’t go out and relax in the living room since they’re in there. My room is fairly small, and I don’t like being cooped up in it all day when they visit. Yesterday, when my sister picked up the kids, they decided to stay for dinner, which meant I had even less time without them. I asked my sister if she would limit their visits to a max of twice a week while I’m here, in order to respect my needs. She got extremely angry at me and accused me of selfishly preventing her kids from seeing their grandparents. AITA?

You’re worse than an asshole, Skankie. You’re a success story.

That’s probably an advanced degree you got there, to judge from your age. For six years you attended Feminist U and here you are: strong, independent, wearing pants, ready for your man-career, emancipated like women rarely have been in human history…

And you’re completely unable to tolerate the existence of your nephew and nieces because they remind your biology of what you’re sacrificed for a life in the rat race.

I noticed that you never referred to them as family. They were always “the children of your older sister”.

I noticed that despite it being your parents’ home, you are giving them orders and venting angrily when said orders are not followed. Prepare to pay rent in the near future, ingrate!

I noticed you spitting through your teeth at your older sister being happy as a mother while you twerk your way through the local Tinder offerings. No chance you’re a virgin.

I noticed… that you are a SUCCESS STORY of everything degenerate about our society. Congratulations. You paid attention in school. It shows. It really does.

Now get a cat and die alone, unless it really would kill you to eat dinner with your extended family. Leave your parents to dote on their grandchildren in peace.

I bet that word stings.

An Epic Islamic Frivorce Fail

It only takes a single story of a feral woman cashing out a husband to inspire a thousand bored wives. Let’s see if the reverse is true, also!

Texas judge denies US citizen due process rights, sends her before Islamic Sharia tribunal instead

h ttps://www.theblaze.com/news/texas-judge-due-process-islamic-sharia-tribunal

By Phil Shiver, 7 July 2021

A judge in Texas earlier this year effectively denied a U.S. citizen her constitutionally protected due process rights, choosing instead to order her to appear before an Islamic tribunal where her testimony is considered inferior. And when her lawyers sounded the alarm . the judge doubled down.

Oh noes! Sharia law is making inroads even in Texas! How could this happen?

The woman, Mariam Ayad, was attempting to exercise her legal right to a divorce last year when her husband, Ayad Hashim Latif, revealed that on the day of their wedding in 2008, she had signed an Islamic prenuptial agreement to have all matters regarding the marriage and divorce be decided according to Sharia law.

Oh. That’s how. She’d agreed in writing to Sharia arbitration and the judge… that horrid, nasty judge… was forcing her to honor the agreement. Don’t judges know that it’s a woman’s prerogative to change her mind?

[Collin County District Judge Andrea Thompson] . in complete disregard of both federal and state law . ruled that the prenuptial agreement is binding, without taking testimony from the wife.

OUCH! A female judge ruled that a prenup is binding!

The strange case serves as an example of the incompatibility that exists between American law and Islamic Sharia law and the clash that can occur when the two systems are juxtaposed.

What’s especially unacceptable in this case, according to Mariam’s lawyers, is that a U.S. district judge would force an individual to undergo arbitration in accordance with a foreign legal system contrary to the laws of the country of which she is a citizen.

This article is as much author’s opinion as reporting, which I’m fine with. We’re all biased and I prefer that inevitable bias to be obvious. But Mr. Shiver is entirely wrong and it’s way past time for women who demand male privilege, to be held to male standards of conduct.

If you voluntarily agree to arbitration by a foreign power then it is proper that you not be allowed to use a more favorable system when the times comes.

Let me quote it again:

“The woman, Mariam Ayad, was attempting to exercise her legal right to a divorce last year…”

Wifey got bored, filed for divorce, expected to get that pesky prenup thrown out–always happens, right? Not this time!

Mizz Ayad is FUBAR.

In absence of relief, Mariam will now be required to settle her divorce matters with the Islamic Association of North Texas in front of the Muslim clerics who view her testimony and evidence as carrying half the weight as a man’s.

Schrodinger’s Pastor

The Christian Post is reaching Christianity Today-levels of apostasy and subversion. A couple recent articles underscore the total corruption of the organized Church, then I’ll demonstrate the consequences with a guest villainy from President Mark Tooley of the Institute on Religion and Democracy and a… spineless slug-ainy from megachurch pastor Bruce Wesley.

Why consumer church members leave your church

h ttps://www.christianpost.com/church-resource/why-consumer-church-members-leave-your-church.html

By Thom S. Rainer, 2 May 2021

.I.m not getting fed..

It.s one of the most common complaints of church members looking for excuses to leave a church. The gripe is that the pastor’s sermons are not providing the person adequate spiritual growth. And most of the time it’s baloney.

Baby talk aside, yes, it is the duty of the Church to benefit its members. Clergy are not to be like normal rulers, thinking it’s all about the fame and fortune and what they personally choose to do with it all. This teaching is straight-up Red-Letter Jesus:

“When the [other ten disciples] heard about [James and John fighting for the power seat], they became indignant with James and John. Jesus called them together and said, .You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many..

Note that Jesus was talking to his inner circle of Church-founding Apostles, not the crowds. Note also that this incident is recorded in Matthew 20, Mark 10 AND Luke 22.

For being experts in the Law, you clergy are surprisingly ignorant when it talks about you.

Proceeding upon this Scriptural instruction, that the purpose of Church leaders is to benefit the Normies in the pews…

Most of the time .I.m not getting fed. is a lame excuse to say the church is not catering to my desires and preferences. It’s a clear indicator of the growing trend of church member consumerism, and it has been exacerbated by the pandemic.

Self-centered, consumer-driven church members are leaving. Here are some reasons why:

1. Because they never get satisfied. That is the nature of consumerism. Desires are met only for a season. Then the church member wonders what you have done for them lately. And if the church members feel like he or she has gotten all they can get from the church, they will move on to another church or drop out altogether.

Man: “I need help.”

Pastor: “No, you need another sermon.”

Man: “I quit.”

Pastor: “Consumerist! You think it’s all about you, eh? I wasn’t going to bring it up but your tithing has really fallen off since you lost your job. If you give when it hurts then Jeebus will bless you!”

2. Because they have no greater purpose. We all know church members who are the pillars of the church in the best sense of the word. They are giving, serving, and sacrificial. They have a greater purpose than themselves. They seek to serve the Lord by serving others. They never ask, .What have you done for me lately?. because they are too busy doing for others. The consumer Christian has no purpose beyond his or her own preferences. And that’s really no purpose at all.

You are nothing to the organized Church but a paycheck… an ox in need of a harness.

3. Because they are often divisive. Consumer Christians seek for themselves. And if they don’t get what they want, they can be critical and divisive. They may leave when they sense the support for their negativity is waning. They will complain that other church members did not support them. And they are, thankfully, correct.

No organization can survive by cutting loose its membership at the moment they want membership to have a benefit. Least of all, an organization that prides itself on charity work.

4. Because they know better than everyone else. You can usually count on consumer church members to send the pastor an article or podcast link to demonstrate how other churches are doing things so much better. For the consumer church member, the grass is always greener . until they move to the greener grass of the next church. And then they see problems there.

The same problem, no less: We. Don’t. Matter. Our input isn’t wanted, our service only as the servants of the Godless and the screwup. A (male) congregant asking for help is asking for dismissal.

5. Because they don’t understand the meaning of biblical church membership. Check out the characteristic of a church member in 1 Corinthians 12. It’s all about how the members of the body are functioning for the greater good of that body.

I read that chapter. Guess what? The gift of leadership is mentioned separately from the gift of teaching. I am no leader but I can teach, and I have considerable knowledge of Scripture. Far more than even a professional PhD, if we’re talking about what Scripture means instead of what it says.

I am not allowed to teach in any church I’ve been to because pastor declared that’s his job. Maybe an Elder, when he needs a break.

And look at 1 Corinthians 13. We call it the “love chapter,. but it’s really how church members are to relate to one another and to the world. The consumer church members can’t relate to biblical church membership because it’s sacrificial and driven to serve others.

Not to tout my own horn but let me demonstrate my gift of knowledge. Notice how Chapters 12 and 14 discuss spiritual gifts but Chapter 13 talks about faith, hope and love instead? Paul was making the point, in the middle of his discussion on various supernatural empowerments, that what really counts is trusting God and being there for your neighbor. You don’t need to be a prophet, minister or surgeon. You simply need to care and try.

Which is exactly what this chucklehead is advising AGAINST. You hope to get help from Pastor? That he’ll love you enough to inconvenience himself and put your needs first? GTFO, consumerist!

So, pastor, know that you are not alone when you hear those dreaded words, .I.m not getting fed.” It has been said countless times by countless self-centered church members. Rejoice in your church members who serve, encourage, love, and sacrifice. They are God’s instruments in your church.

Yes, rejoice in the chumps who always give you stuff while demanding nothing in return. Chumps are getting hard to find.

The consumer church members are nothing but noisy gongs and clanging cymbals. When they leave, there is a lot more peace and God-given quiet in the church.

We close with a bit of ironic hypocrisy. That boldfaced about noise was said about members of the Church who don’t love their neighbor… and here is the former president and CEO of the SBC’s Lifeway Christian Resources calling for the removal of his Church neighbors who aren’t easily exploitable.

Can I be an effective pastor if I don’t like management?

h ttps://www.christianpost.com/voices/can-i-be-an-effective-pastor-if-i-dont-like-management.html

By Sam Rainer, 27 June 2021

Nota bene, Sam Rainer is a member of an organization called Church Answers that was founded by the preceding article’s author, Thom Rainer. Oh, hey, lookit that…

Pastors are not managers, at least in a corporate-business-world-publicly-traded-company-sort-of-way.

Um… your bylaws…

But pastors are shepherds. And shepherds manage sheep.

Pastors are shepherds… shepherds manage sheep… but pastors are NOT managers… pastors only manage sheep…

Leading a church involves management. A church hierarchy assumes management. And most churches.even smaller congregations.are not completely flat in structure. Even at the most basic level, churches require management. Who pays the bills? When does the meeting start? Who is responsible for snow removal? Who fills the baptistery? What is our policy? Those are basic managerial questions. Most churches are more complex.

The vast majority of pastoral roles include management.

The answer, of course, is Yes. You can be a pastor if you hate management. You’ll just have to hate your life. Every working moment of it. You will learn to hate every person who brings you another problem. You will remember lactating in the nursery as the good years of your career and secretly ponder the joys of working in a warehouse. On the night shift. Because there’d be NO PEOPLE TO MANAGE.

Feel free to skip a step and change your career right now. No, you were not ‘called by God’ to lead. Excuse me, to be a pastor. Because that’s totally not leadership, it just involves leading. There’s a difference. Shut up!

So, can church leaders be effective if they don’t like management? Yes, but they must compensate in these ways.

Be self-aware. One of the core problems of bad management is poor managers often do not recognize their weak managerial skills. When you’re self-aware about your weaknesses (and willing to admit them), then you’re more likely to receive help from others. No pastor can (nor should) do it all. And all pastors should be self-aware of what they can and cannot do.

QED. Be self-aware enough to know that you’re going to hate the job so you can find a more suitable career as quickly as possible.

Discern what to delegate. Just because you’re naturally good at doing something does not mean you are able to manage others doing the same thing. Some pastors delegate their responsibilities too quickly. Others delegate the wrong responsibilities. And some tasks should never be delegated. Delegation with discernment makes up for a lot of managerial weaknesses.

Delegation is a critical, fundamental aspect of management itself. Many people who hate management are the people who can’t/won’t trust other people to do a job, and that’s the exact reason they hate management.

Don’t fear being the doer. Some people prefer doing tasks. Others prefer managing people who do the tasks. If you cherish a few tasks, then don’t give them up. Keep doing them. For instance, a pastor might enjoy locking the church after the evening service as an opportunity to prayer walk. Or, if you’re an artistic type, there may be certain creative tasks that are difficult to manage. Good church leaders know what select tasks they enjoy most and keep doing them, sparing their followers the inevitable and overbearing micro-management that would accompany overseeing others doing them.

That’s delegation again. Look, you can’t delegate management WHEN YOU’RE THE MANAGER. You can’t delegate major decisions. You can’t delegate discipline. You can’t delegate hiring/firing. Yes, you can be a miserable manager but please don’t, for the sake of all the people who will need you to do your fucking job.

You don’t have to like management to be an effective pastor. But shepherding a congregation does involve managing others. …If you’re weaker at managing, then you can compensate through self-awareness, discernment, and doing the tasks you enjoy most.

Let’s be honest here. Why would somebody want to become a pastor knowing they’ll hate the duties of being a pastor? For the bennies. The prestige. The chance for a mediocre life of no accomplishments, no hardships, no trials, no changes, no life, just a quick slick chute from Now to the grave repeating fairly tales to the credulous.

But they are not fairy tales. God is real and He wrote many words about bad shepherds. That’s a good reason to say No to the pastor slot even for those who enjoy management.

All pastors should both teach and execute. Few master both.

Indeed, but as I touched on with the previous article, the portion of pastorhood which can (and should) be delegated is the teaching bit. No clergy today wrote Scripture so there’s nothing stopping a layman from being a better teacher of it than Pastor is… least of all, the lack a government-recognized credential.

But the pastor MUST lead because he is the leader. Look at the org chart. You can’t be on top and not be on top at the same time.

Schrodinger’s Pastor?

So then, what becomes of a church that has a leader who doesn’t want to lead and that treats its members as a flock of sheep to be regularly fleeced?

Well… somebody is going to lead it, by default. It won’t be the pastor. He’ll find some OTHER authority to absolve him of leadership’s heavy burden. An authority outside his church.

The happy ending to that is moralistic therapeutic deism:

Megachurch pastor heartbroken as 125 test positive for Delta variant of COVID-19 after camp

h ttps://www.christianpost.com/news/pastor-heartbroken-as-125-test-positive-for-delta-variant.html

By Leonardo Blair, 6 July 2021

Bruce Wesley, lead pastor of Clear Creek Community Church, a multi-campus megachurch headquartered in League City, Texas, says he’s heartbroken after more than 125 youth and adults who attended a student ministry camp tested positive for what health experts suspect is the Delta variant of COVID-19.

What a crock of lies. Remember in my previous post,


…The CDC runs Coof testing at 1,000 times higher sensitivity for the unvaxxed than the vaxxed. It’s safe to assume that most of those kids aren’t vaxxed, not that any of them should be. The IFR for kids is zero.

“Health experts suspect” it’s the eeeevil scary Delta variant! But so far as this article goes, none of those kids are even sick. I very much doubt that Pastor Wesley will have 125 funerals to perform.

.More than 125 people reported to the church that they tested positive for COVID-19 after camp. And all who were sick came home and exposed their families to COVID. I.m aware of a number of families where everyone got sick after camp and obviously, that’s horrible.

Suck it up, buttercup. That was normal life for 10,000 years until March 2020, when normal life was banned by the New World Order.

That breaks our hearts. We.ve been diligent to follow strict safety protocols for over a year as a way of loving our neighbors and loving one another,. Wesley said in a video statement posted on YouTube Sunday.

No, you gutless gizzard Wesley, ending civilization in general and Christianity in particular is no way to love your neighbors. You can’t handle risk. You can’t handle disapproval. You’re afraid to make a decision. You’re a coward and you don’t even care if people know because pastorhood gives you enough defenses to pretend that cowardice and caring are the same thing.

More than 400 people participated in the camp designed for youth between the sixth and 12th grades. Wesley explained in a letter to congregants that in consultation with the Galveston County Health District, the church canceled services for July 4 and again on July 7. They hope to reopen on July 11.

The same clergy who would complain that I don’t attend church, shut down church for the slightest whiff of Chinaballs. That’s the happy scenario of having a pastor who’s not a pastor: he does a minimal job, with minimal damage, and is generally too cautious to ever do anything. “Join me on my quiet slide into irrelevant mediocrity! Let me pillow your suffering so you can pillow mine, too!”

Then there’s the unhappy scenario of absentee leadership: a leader who lets the wolves in. Wolves such as Mark Tooley, president of the Institute on Religion and Democracy.

True rainbow culture

h ttps://www.christianpost.com/voices/true-rainbow-culture.html

By Mark Tooley, 5 July 2021

Pride Month has concluded with its profusion of rainbow flags celebrating sexual liberation and autonomous individualism. Corporate America was among its chief celebrants, with many rainbowing their logos. Government buildings, which should only showcase state emblems, went rainbow. And of course liberal Protestant churches further amplified their rainbow commitments. Many liberal Protestants complain of USA flags in or around sanctuaries as idolatry but affirm rainbow flags unironically. Look for annual July 4 sermons and blogs against American flags, just days after Pride Month hoopla.

You talk tough for a Methodist, Tooley.

Rainbow culture can be found almost exclusively in Christian-shaped societies throughout the West. Rainbow flags and logos aren’t common in historically Islamic lands, or in Hindu or Confucian or Buddhist shaped cultures.

That’s because LGBT is an attack against Christianity specifically. Once we Christians are persecuted, and it’s coming soon, it’ll be a bad day for the fags. The inner circle will have no further use for their cultural arsonists.

Sexual liberation and pride contravene historic Christian teaching of course. But Christianity teaches human equality and the importance of the individual. The Gospel proclaims freedom, rightly understood, against coercion. It also affirms human creativity. Rainbow and pride culture reject orthodox Christianity. But they are ungrateful descendants of it.

Tooley lies. Christ teaches that we are equal before God. Not that we are equal in any other way. Indeed, the abovementioned chapters of spiritual gifts and the metaphor of the Church as a body are counterexamples against the lie of equality.

Similarly, Christianity does not teach individuality. Goes deals with humanity at BOTH the macro and micro levels. Re-read the Old Testament, how God dealt with people by nation and tribe.

Tom Holland, author of Dominion, How the Christian Revolution Remade the World, notes that the “secular” West is suffused with Christian shaped assumptions. And the culture war is often a Christian debate over the meaning of human equality and freedom. The Christian-shaped West rejects state and religious coercion as found in Islamic and eastern societies.

Forty-eight hours later, that didn’t age well.

The imposition of rainbow ideology is often blamed by traditionalists on “elites.” Obviously there’s truth there on advocacy by corporations, universities, and government, amid efforts to stigmatize if not silent dissent. But it would be wrong exclusively to fault cultural elites while romanticizing the “populist” sentiment of the general population.

The boldfaced is intended to drive a wedge between you and “traditionalists”. There is no non-traditional Christianity. Our religion has not changed one jot or tiddle since first-century Anno Domini.

A teacher can teach how to recognize a lie but a pastor is needed to take action upon the discovery of a lie. Otherwise, we’re just arguing on a blog.

Polls show support for rainbow ideology is wider than just rich urbanites. Corporations would not tout it if not perceived to be in their commercial interest.


Universities would not tout if concerned parents of students and alumnae donors would object.

More shit.

Government would not tout if more concerned about voter reaction.

HAHAHAAAA!!! Actually no, this joke’s not funny.

Even much of flyover country including religious traditionalists have passively acceded to the rainbow even if not directly flying it themselves.

Sure, Tooley. Go fly your freak flag in backwoods Kentucky. Let me watch.

Pro-tip for liberals: Anybody who uses the phrase “flyover country” unironically knows nothing about said flyover country and should not attempt a visit. How close are we to civil war? Biden is threatening to go door-to-door with syringes… that close.

Choose life. Stay home. Oh, that’s right… you’d prefer an abortion. Well, God can’t say I didn’t warn you. Which was the only reason I warned you.

Yo’ mama should’ve had an abortion.

Some hardcore rainbow opponents have looked to authoritarian societies as the desired corrective. Orban’s regime in Hungary, recently downgraded by Freedom House’s ranking as only “partly free” after being “free” for 30 years, is often cited for its resistance to the rainbow. Russia, far more authoritarian, is sometimes often celebrated for its defiance of rainbow ideology.

Christianity shouldn’t be political except against the enemies of LGBT rainbow theology..?

The more effective antidote to rainbow ideology is remembrance of the original rainbow from the Book of Genesis: .Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.. After the Great Flood, God offered grace and mercy to Noah under a new covenant premised on faith and good living whose fruit would be human flourishing.

Grace and mercy was not the rainbow covenant. The boldfaced is only a partial quotation. Here’s the entirety of Genesis 9:15: “I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.

The rainbow promise was not grace and mercy. It was God promising to never again drown us all like rats In punishment for our wickedness, according to Genesis 6:5-6.

It’s Christ who offers grace and mercy. Not a covenant, even; an offer conditional upon repentance.

The rainbow has been adopted by the depraved because they mock God for promising to not destroy all life again. But they deliberately forget, that God only promised to not destroy all life with water again.

But Tooley does have a point, that this foul corruption has spread into many, many churches. How did that happen? Clergy didn’t want to lead, and didn’t care if their people suffered for their poor decisions. And so they threw open the doors of doctrine to personnel to funding… inviting in anybody who would supply what Pastor wanted, in return for access to entire congregations of chumps.

This is the Schrodinger’s pastor. He wants the perks of leadership without the burden that the perks are meant to bear, so he parades himself as somebody important while begging outside powers to absolve him of his responsibilities. He is simultaneously the leader and the servant, the middleman brokering the betrayal of the trust put in him.

Perhaps he leads by showing videos of leaders. I knew one of those. Wouldn’t let anybody else teach but didn’t want to bother teaching himself, so… video Bible study.

And then, when somebody within the organization begins to ask pointed questions about the lack of spiritual sustenance, that “consumerist” is lovingly escorted to the exit.