The Mockingbird Mechanic

It was a stupid book, made worse by being stupidly popular. One of the low points of my childhood was being assigned to read “To Kill A Mockingbird” four times consecutively across four years, across both junior high and high school. The fourth time I didn’t even open it, I just passed the tests.

It wasn’t until this weekend that somebody made the connection for me between “To Kill A Mockingbird” and the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird, its illegal infiltration of the domestic press… with the fact of the Civil Right Act’s passage only four years after its publishing.

From Z-Man’s blog

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Jeffrey Zoar on September 22, 2023 at 11:51 am said:

You don’t have to be a dissident to question whether Harper Lee really wrote To Kill a Mockingbird. Many non dissidents have. But this is beside the point.

If you’ve ever read the book, as I did long ago, you know it’s not very good. Certainly no page turner. Not the kind of thing that would get normie charging to the bookstore. Normie charging to the bookstore at all, for anything, a questionable concept in itself. Yet we are told this mediocre (at best) book, written by an unknown, sold millions immediately upon publication, and was translated into ten languages within one year of release. Even Danielle Steele and Stephen King, much easier reading more page turnable authors, with name recognition and huge fanbases, never had a hit quite like this. That year of release being, coincidentally, 4 years prior to the passage of the CRA.

Then you look at the title again and realize the answer was right in front of you all along. Kind of like Alphabet Inc.

Time to dig.

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To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel by the American author Harper Lee. It was published in 1960 and was instantly successful.

Looking back, that was a big red flag. Harper Lee published no other work, yet TKAM sold faster than Harry Potter books at midnight openings.

Published 1960

Pulitzer Prize 1961

Movie adaptation, 1962

Mandated for public education, I’m not sure when, but <1977. Mass-market paperback was released 1962.


In the early 1960s, [Polish Jew Alan Jay Pakula] returned to [Robert] Mulligan with the proposition of directing To Kill a Mockingbird (1962), based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Harper Lee. Mulligan accepted the offer despite the awareness that “the other studios didn’t want it because what’s it about? It’s about a middle-aged lawyer with two kids. There’s no romance, no violence (except off-screen). There’s no action. What is there? Where’s the story?”

Millions of schoolkids have wondered exactly that.

With the help of a screenplay by Horton Foote as well as the pivotal casting of Gregory Peck in the role of Atticus Finch, the film became a huge hit, and Mulligan was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Director.

For this film to be released in 1962, it had to have started production almost immediately upon the book’s publication. We today recognize this as Ticket-taking behavior; Harper Lee may have been one of the first.

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Harper Lee’s second book was released in 2015… which is the original manuscript for her first book. Sounds like somebody had a ghost writer with lots of money and an agenda! Continuing the synopsis for now,

In the United States, it is widely read in high schools and middle schools.

Less so now that blacktivists demand whites no longer use the word ‘nigger’. Ironic. The ACLU appears to be opposing every attempt to ban TKAM, which isn’t what you would expect from that organization until you read further about one of their founders. Also ironic.

The plot and characters are loosely based on Lee’s observations of her family, her neighbors and an event that occurred near her hometown of Monroeville, Alabama, in 1936, when she was ten.

Her father, Amasa Coleman Lee, was a DODO, Dad Of Daughters Only. Also a lawyer, legislator and journalist. He pushed his daughters hard to become co-lawyers with him at his company. “Lee & Electras, Attorneys at Law”? One daughter did but Harper did not.

Harper was introverted with low self-confidence, and she was not inventive as a writer. The protagonist of TKAM, the lawyer Atticus Finch? Who represented a falsely accused black man? Her father once represented two black men accused of murder (they were hanged), and Finch was her mother’s maiden name. That’s… not impressive.

It gets less impressive when you learn her father sent her to study at Oxford, hoping that the more prestigious credential would interest her in law, and even less when she finally left home to follow a “close friend” and writer, Truman Capote, to New York City. She never married.

It’s not just women themselves who commit Original Sin. Sometimes their fathers push it on them.

When the book was released, reviewers noted that it was divided into two parts, and opinion was mixed about Lee’s ability to connect them. The first part of the novel concerns the children’s fascination with Boo Radley and their feelings of safety and comfort in the neighborhood. Reviewers were generally charmed by Scout and Jem’s observations of their quirky neighbors….

The second part of the novel deals with what book reviewer Harding LeMay termed “the spirit-corroding shame of the civilized white Southerner in the treatment of the Negro.”


You get tricked into emotionally investing in the story, then Act 2 or 3 throws the Narrative in your face… when you don’t want to quit the story.

Back to Z-Man,

Sgt Pedant, September 22, 2023 at 1:59 pm said:

Whoeve wrote it, TKAM is a clever and sinister bait-and-switch.

It starts out as a rather wholesome children’s story about making Boo Radley come out and then veers off into pure anti-kulak propaganda once the hook has been set.

Jews operate this way instinctually. A lot of white artists and writers end up doing it too, because Jews control all aspects of the creative rackets.

Mycale, September 22, 2023 at 9:16 pm said:

I started watching a show on Netflix last year, my mistake I know, but I had little going on and the premise seemed intriguing. The first couple episodes were, in my opinion, pretty well done. Then, by episode 3, the white daughter of the protaganist had a fling with the random black kid whose presence on the show made no sense. This scene just came out of nowhere and then the kid disappeared from the show shortly after. Then, I got to thinking, and realized that this is basically what every show does these days. They get you with the setup, then drop in the subversion after a few episodes after you are “hooked.” Most will continue to watch it of course, as the subversion just gets turned up on you gradually.

Modern Hollywood, not even once.

I can confirm from my own life experience in Nerd Culture. I have friends who STILL watch Star Wars, because they like what Star Wars once was. As a result, they watch the Narratives and try to enjoy the show regardless of what gets thrown in their face.

Driving back from a viewing of The Last Jedi, which I watched only because 1. my friends & family were going and 2. they were paying my ticket, I excitedly brought up all the literary failings and violations of lore & suspension of disobedience, and… and they didn’t want to hear it. They didn’t WANT to notice the poison pills.

Heck, I’ll do it again right now. That show, the Mandalorian?

The reason for Reboot Mania is to seize the residual goodwill and fan investment, and use it like a pill-hiding dog treat to force Wokeness down our throats.

Here’s another example by Electronic Arts CEO John Riccitiello, on the importance of timing microtransactions. A transcript follows, heavily formatted by me.

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Credit to youTuber bigcudafish.

“When you are six hours into playing Battlefield and you run out of ammo in your clip, and we ask you for a dollar to reload, you’re really not price-sensitive at that time… The reason the “play first, pay later” model works so nicely, is the consumer gets engaged in a property… they might spend 10, 20, fifty hours on a game… they’re well invested in it.

We’re not price-gouging, but… I can attest to how well it works. It’s a great model and represents a substantially better future for the industry.”

And after Electronics Arts became the scumbag of the video gaming world on his watch, here’s him doing it again as CEO at Unity Video Game Engines:

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Unity announced yesterday (amid layoffs, by the way) that it will merge with ad tech firm Ironsource. Among other things, this partnership will give developers who use the engine more ways to monetize and “rise above the noise,. according to Unity general manager Marc Whitten. At this point in the conversation, characterized this focus on monetization as receiving “pushback” from some creatives, giving Riccitiello a chance to sound off.

.Ferrari and some of the other high-end car manufacturers still use clay and carving knives,. Riccitiello said about the necessity of making monetization an early priority. .It’s a very small portion of the gaming industry that works that way, and some of these people are my favorite people in the world to fight with.they’re the most beautiful and pure, brilliant people. They’re also some of the biggest fucking idiots..

Riccitiello, a veteran of the industry who previously served as EA.s chief executive, added that he sees a growing divide between game developers who “massively embrace how to figure out what makes a successful product” and those who, as in other art forms, maintain distance from the money side of things for creativity’s sake. seen great games fail because they tuned their compulsion loop to two minutes when it should have been an hour,. Riccitiello said. .Sometimes, you wouldn’t even notice the product difference between a massive success and tremendous fail, but for this tuning and what it does to the attrition rate. There isn’t a developer on the planet that wouldn’t want that knowledge..

*GunnerQ checks Unity stock prices.* What I hear is not what I see.

Riccitiello’s known political affiliations are UC Berkeley and Barak Obama.

End segue

So, that’s the Mockingbird Mechanic, as I’ve coined it. You’ve probably noticed by now that there wasn’t much mention of the CIA in that. When I dug into the human angle of how the book succeeded so unnaturally well, I found the usual suspects instead… who also would have had the funding to push it through… and may or may not be the same thing as the CIA.

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By Emma Cueto, 13 July 2015

Tay Hohoff was in her 50s when she first began working with Harper Lee in 1957 at the now defunct publishing house J. B. Lippincott Company. Lee originally delivered the manuscript for Go Set a Watchman, but Hohoff did not feel the book was ready for publication. Instead, she started pushing Lee to explore the story more, and over the next few years, the book changed form and instead shifted focus from Scout as an adult to Scout as a child, eventually becoming the classic work we all know and love, To Kill a Mockingbird. Which sort of means that Go Set a Watchman is less of a sequel to To Kill a Mockingbird and more of a first draft.

Hohoff’s position as an editor at J.B. Lippincott was very unusual at the time for a woman. Which raised the question of who parachuted her into that position, because as you’ll see in a moment, she didn’t gain it on literary merit!

As you might expect from the fact that she was able to steer Harper Lee from writing a story about a disillusioned young woman to instead producing a child’s coming-of-age story, Hohoff was very hands on and influential in shaping her authors’ work.

Doubtful, because Hohoff’s own books were beyond unsuccessful:

Around the same time she was working with Lee on To Kill a Mockingbird, Hohoff was writing a book of her own, a biography of John Lovejoy Elliott, an early 20th century activist from New York. The book, titled A Ministry to Man, was published a year before Mockingbird was released. It has long since apparently fallen out of print, but used copies exist on Amazon.

Marxist, not activist. Knowing female nature, Hohoff’s willingness to publish a biography like that… as her only work of significance… there’s an emotional investment to be explored.

As I said, the biography was her “only work of significance“. She also published a memoir, Cats and Other People in 1973.

You can’t make this stuff up.

THIS is the editor of the amazingly successful TKAM?

A former associate who had just started at Lippencourt when Hohoff was editing To Kill a Mockingbird remembers that Hohoff and one of the other female editors at the publishing house were the first women she knew to keep their names after marriage. And apparently Hohoff had strong feelings that women should not change their names.

Feminist confirmed, as if we needed confirmation.

…she seems to have been fiercely protective of her author. Burlingame told the New York Times, .Tay really guarded Nelle [Harper Lee] like a junkyard dog. She was not going to allow any commercial pressures or anything else to put stress on her to publish anything that wouldn’t make Nelle proud or do justice to her.”

What kind of editor guards an author from writing a sequel to a history-altering smash hit? The kind of editor who knows that the first success was artificial and had accomplished its purpose.

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John Lovejoy Elliot was a 20th century Ethical Culture Leader and Social Worker. Mr. Elliott took part in a social reform during the Progressive Era and the New Deal.

He was Scots-Irish and Hohoff was Quaker, but…

Elliott became ((Felix Adler))’s assistant and protege in New York City. There he settled into a round of activities as teacher, lecturer, scholar, and organizer for the Society for Ethical Culture, activities that put him in daily contact with stimulating persons in the arts, society, and politics.

In New York, he also moved among the disadvantaged, observing firsthand the desperate social conditions of the poor, especially the immigrant poor, in their dilapidated and noisome neighborhoods.

That was Communist recruitment, not charity.

As was the case with many young idealists of that generation, his conscience would not permit him to live sheltered from hardships suffered by others, and in 1895, he founded one of the great early settlement houses, the Hudson Guild, in the Chelsea district on the West Side of Manhattan, then a predominantly Irish neighborhood.

The Guild’s programs began modestly enough with boys’ clubs and a kindergarten for the children of working mothers but soon branched out to include a print shop for training children as apprentices, a cooperative store, an employment bureau for unskilled women, and a 500-acre New Jersey farm worked by Guild families.

An early introduction of feminism. Child care for working women was what enabled women to work away from family. Then he got the kids busy printing pamphlets….

Though Elliott devoted himself to the Hudson Guild, he continued his duties at the Society for Ethical Culture, and in 1933, following Felix Adler’s death, he became its senior leader.

The Society for Ethical Culture was an early-stage institution of Talmudic Reform Judaism. One that, frankly, fell away because it de-emphasized the importance of ((Tribal)) loyalties.

John Lovejoy Elliott is known as one of the chief founders of the American Civil Liberties Union (1920).


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Felix Adler was born in Alzey, Rhenish Hesse, Grand Duchy of Hesse, Germany, the son of a rabbi, Samuel Adler, a leading figure in European Reform Judaism, and Henrietta Frankfurter. The family immigrated to the United States from Germany when Felix was six years old so that his father could accept the appointment as head rabbi at Temple Emanu-El in New York.

Adler attended Columbia Grammar & Preparatory School and graduated from Columbia University in 1870 with honors. He continued at Heidelberg University where he studied as part of his training to become a rabbi. He received a PhD from Heidelberg in 1873. While in Germany, he was strongly influenced by neo-Kantianism, especially the notions that one cannot prove or disprove the existence of a deity or immortality, and that morality can be established independently of theology.

So, a Sadducee not Pharisee.

When Adler returned to New York at the age of twenty-three, he was asked to give a sermon at Temple Emanu-El, where he was meant to follow in his father’s footsteps as rabbi of the congregation. His sermon, “The Judaism of the Future”, shocked the congregation, as he did not once mention God. Adler introduced his concept of Judaism as a universal religion of morality for all of humankind. The sermon was his first and last at Temple Emanu-El.

Pharisees and Sadducees don’t mix? Two thousand years later, nothing is different.

In 1874, after it had become clear that he would not become a rabbi, members of his father’s congregation helped Adler gain a teaching position at Cornell University as a nonresident Professor of Hebrew and Oriental literature. He was popular with his students, with whom he discussed his novel religious ideas while illuminating contemporary labor struggles and power politics. He was attacked as an atheist for his views, and in 1876 Cornell declined to accept the grant that had paid Adler’s salary.

Cornell is probably where he met Elliot, who was able to became his prot?g? thanks to Adler’s teaching of pan-racism.

In 1902 Adler was given the chair of political and social ethics at Columbia University, where he taught until his death in 1933. There he opposed the formation of a Zionist student club, considering it to be a “divisive force”.

There’s that pan-racism again.

Did you know that the Pulitzer Prize is awarded by Columbia University? Adler and Elliot both died long before 1961’s award to Harper Lee, but left behind multiple endowments and chairs at Columbia.

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In 1856 Adler removed to United States at New York City, and at the beginning of 1857, he received an offer from Temple Emanu-El, New York to succeed Leo Merzbacher, recently deceased, as the head rabbi of the leading Reform congregation in the United States.

He pushed for the recognition of gender equality within Judaism. It was through his influence that the mechitza, which had segregated the women from the men in the ancient synagogue of Worms, was leveled, allowing the sexes to sit with each other during services.

If Samuel Adler founded Social Justice, his strong ties to Germany could explain much about Current Year politics.

Adler gave special attention to the improvement of the religious instruction of the young, both in the city and in the rural schools he supervised. He made it his aim to enhance the order, the solemnity, and the dignity of the public worship. He was instrumental in founding a number of new charitable institutions.

Bolshevist institutions, I say with the benefit of hindsight. The guy unleashed feminism even among his own people!

So, Samuel Adler founded an NYC-based institution of feminism and what came to be known as Social Justice, with personal ties to Columbia University; his son and Elliot carried it on; and the next generation saw Hohoff take an insecure young woman’s manuscript and twist it into a vehicle of Social Change.

But where did her contacts get the funding?

One of Sam Adler’s two sons was Felix, the creator of Society for Ethical Culture. One of Sam Adler’s two daughters, Sarah, married into Goldman-Sachs. Although 1960 was two generations after Samuel, his feminist organizations… such as the ACLU… endures to this day.

There’s the money.

Assuming it wasn’t bankrolled directly by the CIA, but of course I found no headlines regarding their wealth and its uses. We do know that the Civil Rights Act was a priority for the Deep State. After Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, it was that gangster Lyndon Johnson’s top priority. The CRA was, after all, a massive expansion of Federal power into the lives of ordinary people.

There is one last thread to go down. Returning to Harper Lee’s Wikipedia page:

Lee found an agent in November 1956; Maurice Crain would become a friend until his death decades later. The following month, at Michael Brown’s East 50th Street townhouse, friends gave Lee a gift of a year’s wages with a note: “You have one year off from your job to write whatever you please. Merry Christmas.”

Rather generous, that. It was Brown who made the introduction and he the profile of an OSS recruit. Per his wikipedia page,

In 1940, at the age of 19, he was a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the Plan II program at the University of Texas, Austin. After attending Harvard University and the University of Iowa, he defended his master’s thesis in English Literature, on the writer Wilkie Collins, at the University of Virginia. During World War II he enlisted in the Army Air Forces on April 6, 1944. He attended Officers. Candidate School at Yale, where Glenn Miller played in the mess hall. He served with the 723rd Army Air Forces Base Unit as a Cryptographic Officer (0224). The bulk of his time was spent in the Caribbean where he wrote and performed songs when not deciphering phantom enemy submarine signals. Up to the time of his discharge on June 4, 1946, he used his name given at birth, Marion Martin Brown, II. He moved to New York City in 1947. Thereafter, he used the name Michael.

A smart boy like that, spent his subsequent life as a cabaret performer? With money to spare? Homo with a Deep State paycheck.

The Man Who Helped Make Harper Lee

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Maurice Crain was a literary agent, a Southerner, and a personal friend to the reclusive author. And, as I learned from his letters to my grandfather, he was a champion for writers in the 1960s whose small-town settings were falling out of fashion.

By Ari N. Schulman

Paywalls prevent me from learning more. It appears that Crain was trying to publish stories of Southern small-town Civil Rights injustices in order to break or at least humiliate the Solid South, as the southern U.S. was called back then. Brown was a talent scout and Harper Lee was one of several they recruited. It took several years… as always, Satan rarely gets to recruit humanity’s brightest… but Lee’s work was eventually judged worthy of discrediting Dixie. Perhaps they were running out of time?

Adler’s Columbia University Awarded the Pulitzer.

Crain tapped his publishing sources, briefly making TKAM more popular than the Bible in terms of publishing rate. Although I couldn’t find hard numbers.

Money came from either Goldman-Sachs or CIA.

Not sure where Alan Pakula fits in, but I’d guess he is Reform-flavor Jewish and was thus an associate of Adler’s Social Justice organization.

Tay Hohoff was their controlled asset, a politically reliable feminist.

Police Trainer Ron Borsch Profiles Womens’ Bad Dates As Murderous Threats

The human id is a funny thing. Even today, when high-level law enforcement authorities look at school shooters and similar foul products of a decadent Godless society, who they see is… men that women don’t like. The men, that DON’T go on shooting sprees.

Precious Foreknowledge to Recognize Threats

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*This is a guest post from my friend Ron Borsch. Ron is a retired police officer/trainer who is one of the world’s leading experts on the behavior of active killers. In his article below, he shares the most well-researched list of common active killer personality traits and pre-incident behaviors that I have seen. Becoming aware of these warning signs and being willing to take action when you encounter them will undoubtedly save lives..

Hi, Ron! I am GunnerQ, an armchair theologian, amateur Kremlinologist, no one of consequence, and possibly the last bipedal reason why God hasn’t Sodom-ized California with fireballs from Heaven.

And I say, you are ignorant and incompetent in your expertise on the behavior of mass killers, based on the free sample you helpfully offered for public consideration. Are you a shill for the ADL? Serious question, because you think the problem is white men.

But we can be more specific. You think the problem is your daughter’s dating prospects, presuming that you have a daughter. Your idea of a murderous threat is the loveless creep that feral women like to complain about.

I’ll fisk his top-10 list, then finish with a REAL predictive profile of an ‘active killer’:

Some experts have said that a profile of Rapid Mass Murderers cannot be done, due to a myriad of variables. I agree that it was difficult, however our exclusive…

And proprietary…

…protocol made it possible. After a couple of decades of experience instructing, presenting, research and writing on the subject, it became obvious that if no one else would dare broach the subject, I would, and did in 2018. I was recently invited to do my “Stopwatch of Death.? presentation at a future School Resource Officer (SRO) convention, so now was a good time to update my previously internet-published “Profiling An Active Killer” for 2022. My update appears below.

Let’s skip the marketing copy and “some of my best friends are U.S. Marines”. Do give me a moment, however, to explain why you readers should listen to me instead of the nationally respected expert. While I have no military or law enforcement experience… when Hollywood made an action movie of my early adulthood, they cast Snake Plisskin as me in “Escape From Los Angeles”.

Seriously. I survived the barrios of Los Angeles. You were downrange twice in Shittistan with your gunz, your friendz and your air strikes? That’s nice, now do it again solo and with no weapon but a pipe wrench. That’s how I know more about sudden violence while walking down the street than any platoon of government-trained killers. I kept the lights on in gang territory.

(Note: When the author is properly credited for his work anywhere it appears, permission to share is granted)

1) NUTS : Possessing a standout of “Numerous Unstable or Troubling Symptoms. ?. Murder starts in the mind. Some active killers have been clinically diagnosed before or after the incident as mentally ill. NUTS? is probably the most frequent and revealing factor, especially considering the suspects tracking history of words, (especially social media), videos, drawing, etc. and deeds such as Animal cruelty, can all reveal malice forethought.

I must award a style point for managing to copyright “he’s nuts”. But no, many spree killers have no significant criminal or psychiatric history.

2) ABNORMAL, bizarre, eccentric, or nonconforming oddball, sometimes shunned by his peers. Any cliquish, unfair treatment, ridiculing, playing tricks on or any embarrassment of these NUTS? could result in deadly pay-back. Recall that a few of these rogue-humans have actually murdered their own parent/parents before going onto their main target.

Just say “creepy”.

Since the emphasis here is on prediction, please note how useless is the idea of “it’s a red flag if that guy walking in the door just murdered his parents”.

3) IMMATURE, and or Low IQ. The human mind does not fully mature until around age 25, or even older according to new UK research. However, a sick or evil mind acting out can occur at any age. A recent revelation of some active killers is their being an INCEL, (involuntary celibate movement), unable to attract a girlfriend. .Evil is as evil does..

Dayumn, they’re STILL claiming that Eliot Rodger is typical of a spree killer? If sexless men were inclined to random violence, we’d all be dead already.

And for good cause, frankly. A society that refuses to accept the legitimacy of its mens’ reproductive needs, is a self-doomed society. Also, a society that refuses to accept the legitimacy of its womens’ reproductive needs, pushing them to have careers instead of families.

Age-immaturity is such a blatantly false claim, I call it a lie, Ron. For most of American history, kids were regularly trusted with firearms under no supervision at all. Guns were sold in hardware stores. There are people still alive today, who drove pickup trucks with full rifle racks to school while younger than age 25. Nobody cared. Nobody went on a killing spree.

What changed between then and now, is what’s creating the spree killers. What changed, is that America used to be a white and Christian nation… uh, spoiler alert.

4) PLANNER, PREPARER and/or RESEARCHER of previous Rapid Mass Murder? incidents. An unhealthy fan of the Colorado Columbine High School massacre and or Adolph Hitler. A suspended, fired, or expelled, former student or employee. Often shares their evil intent with one or more persons. Reconnoiters and rehearses his plan.

Textbook ADL tactic, branding all malcontents under the Not-See flag. Ever wonder why old Adolph hated the Jews so much? The answer is the Jewish-run Weimar Republic, not “no reason at all”.

5) AGE CONNECTION very close to targeted victim pool. Exceptions have been pre-school, kindergarten and elementary school massacres, where the active killer is typically much older than the victims.

This is correct… as far as it goes. Kids shoot up schools because they do everything at school. Being mandatory and taking up most of their day, it’s their concept of “the world”.

6) SUICIDAL, often having spoken about or actually attempted suicide previously. However, post-murdering, active killers have been more likely to flee or surrender to police, only rarely engaging in a firefight with officers.

Which is it, Ron? Are they premeditating types or impulsive types? They plan out their kills down to the second and the footstep, then have zero plans for when the cops show up? They’re suicidal but when the police have their guns pointed and two pounds drawing the trigger, they want to live?

7) VIOLENT VIDEO GAMES: Especially about Columbine High School. An excessive and unhealthy fascination or addiction with violence is a common trait.

Debunked many, many, oh so many times. I can’t believe I’m even reading it. Is violence addiction even a thing? “Stop me, somebody! I just can’t quit punching people in the face! Guess I’m going back to rehab!” Kleptomania, sure. Pyromania, sure. Picking-unwise-fights-mania, hmm.

8) WHITE MALE, (98 percent), typically seeking retribution for a real or perceived wrong and or to achieve notoriety or infamy. Many seem to be affected by the copycat effect using Columbine as a role model.

The reason it’s “only white men” who do spree killings, is because Ron is very… carefully… deliberately… not counting Chicongo drive-bys or Mexican-cartel violence.

This is why we have this word game going on in the background. “Spree killers”, “active shooters”, “rapid mass murderers?“, why all the competing terms? Because if we just used “killers” then we’d be including lots more demographics than the unsexy young white men that Daddy’s daughter despises. This is also why Ron mentions Columbine repeatedly but not the tranny shooting, Mandalay Bay or the nonwhite white supremacists of Texas.

9) COWARDLY, rarely distinguished with any positive trait of courage. Avoiding a fair fight, he is seeking to quickly surprise, ambush and assassinate defenseless innocents before anyone can stop him.

Enough with the effeminate thought patterns, Ron. Making a permanent decision to ruin one’s future beyond recovery is not a coward’s act. Risk-taking is the opposite of a cowardly act. Just because an action is evil, does NOT make it every flavor of evil.

Hiding behind a badge while criminals sign your paycheck, is what cowardice looks like. If you need a relevant example.

10) ACCESS TO WEAPONS: Arson, Bow/Crossbow, Explosives, Firearms, Hatchet, Knives, Vehicle, Etc. Each of these have been used by active killers.

Cars? Archery?

You can be more specific, Ron. The killers we’re talking about, use the AR-15. Do you know why they use the AR-15, out of proportion even to its high popularity? Because it’s what Marxists think when they think “assault gun”. It’s the Two Minute Hate symbol of the gun-ban agenda. Thus, it’s their go-to symbol for a false flag incident.

You should be instantly suspicious of Deep State involvement whenever an active shooter uses an AR-15 instead of something concealable or cheap.

BLAMELESS are Tools or Methods used in Rapid Mass Murder . Tools and methods do not have a mind of their own, nor is it even possible to act on their own. Again, .Evil is as evil does..

Which is it, Ron? Are guns an indicator of murderous intent, or are guns inert tools that are frequently used to protect innocent life? Let me answer my own question:

Now look back over your list, Ron. You think ‘rapid mass murderers’ are…

young white men
who play video games instead of, may I suggest, “manning up”?

That’s exactly how Affluent White Female Liberals hate on white men.

Barbie is busy being a man, all educated and fast-tracked, so when she looks for a housewife to raise her kids… because lactating is a man’s job, now they say… all the men she finds are either too masculine for her to submit to… “violence! guns! politics! No back-talk, female!”… or too effeminate to interest her… “yay! After thirty years of waiting, I’m finally going to have friends and birthday sex!”

And worst of all, by her AWFL standards, are the men who don’t want to live in a world run by Barbie at all. Those men do NOT go on killing sprees. They live in a van down by the river, happy that there’s no skanking harpy ruining his life.

Apparently, Ron, you’re teaching entire classes of LEOs to suspect boring men of being Satan in disguise. “All you need to know about mass murderers, is what I learned from listening to my daughter complain about her dating life.”

It’s sad, man. You didn’t just ignore your entire professional life. You ignored it because your women told you to. The sexually unwanted men who can still enjoy “Call Of Duty” are observably NOT the school shooters of recent years.

Meanwhile, my four signs that somebody is a high risk for “Rapid Mass Murderer”… no charge:

1. Marxist. Nearly all mass killers are atheists, and many have been active in Antifa, college and other sources of militant-humanist indoctrination.

2. Sexually abnormal. It’s a continuum of damage starting at “broken family”, peaking at “homosexual” and ending at “blue-haired post-op tranny”. Any time you see somebody who’s visibly sexually damaged, it’s a safe bet that they have other fuses blown, too, because they’re missing a very basic level of human identity.

3. High levels of SSRIs or other mind-altering drugs. Notice I’m not saying mental illness. Very few ‘rapid mass murderers’ are paranoid schizophrenics who tortured animals as children. The more typical pattern of “winding up a shooter” is a psychiatrist drugging a child to help him cope with his parents’ divorce.

4. His friend is an FBI informant. Seriously, Ron, if you don’t admit that the government incited some of these mass killings as acts of State-sponsored terrorism, then you got no business having an opinion on what motivates young spree killers with their shiny, new AR-15s.

And my final word on the topic, is that young men are doing these spree killings because the government, including local law enforcement, is training them to do it. What results are you expecting, when you raise them Godless and materialist in a world that the media constantly screams is about to die at any moment? Which is it, “human life is sacred” or “human life is a meaningless accident”? Why do you single out white men before they get violent, while refusing to notice the in-progress violent tendencies of blacks? Why do you quickly conflate young mens’ LEGIT complaints against society, with illegitimate complaints? Why do you authorities let child molesters groom kids in government schools, then act surprised when they end up as hair-triggered psychos?

Why are you not looking at America’s past and wondering what changed?

Looking at YOU, school resource officers! Do not follow Ron’s advice:

I recommend training and arming selected volunteer teachers, having one SRO at each school, and acquiring the notification School Guard 911 app for each teacher’s smart-phone (free for police officers). This is a precious time and lifesaving notification directly to patrol officers with simultaneous connection reporting to police dispatch.

The wrong solution to school violence is arming the adults to quickly execute any white boy that gets violent. Instead, SEGREGATE THE SCHOOLS, reward excellence, spank the misbehaved, and hang the child molesters on the tree out front in the Name of Father God. Put the boys in vocational-tech classes and the girls in home arts. The school shootings will stop, I promise you, because the schools won’t be torturing children until they crack anymore.

You see why I am not a nationally respected expert on spree killers. The globalist rulers of my nation don’t want to hear what I say… because they’re the architects of all this wickedness. It is NOT happening “for no reason at all”.

But no, Daddy’s daughters don’t want to go back to that kitchen full of happy children who love her, now do they? Thus, men like Ron Borsch disbelieve their own eyes and professional experiences, in order to believe that the most evil men are… the men that feral women reject.

Rumble Regrets Taking the Ticket: the Russell Brand Canceling

I don’t know who Russell Brand is, and British comedy failed to make me care. That being said, his Cancellation is more interesting and less organic than veggieburger!

YouTube suspends Russell Brand from making money on his channel which has six million subscribers and nets him up to ?1million a year – for ‘violating responsibility policy’

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By Rory Tingle, 19 September 2023

On Saturday, The Sunday Times and Channel 4’s Dispatches reported allegations of abusive and predatory behaviour including rape, sexual assault and emotional abuse said to have been committed by the presenter between 2006 and 2013.

Uh-huh, and I menaced Cleopatra in my past life as Mark Anthony. Come on, man, you want to see what an emotional abuse survivor looks like? She looks like… Russell.

The guy was once treated for bulimia. That’s almost unheard of in men.

So, I don’t know what he actually did to get Canceled… hmm… he was more sane about Covidism than the entirety of organized Christianity… ooh, he no likey Ukie War?.. but the subsequent dogpile proves that this has nothing to do with what may or may not have happened 17 years ago.

YouTube has stopped Russell Brand from being able to earn any money through his channel for ‘violating our Creator Responsibility policy’.

The 48-year-old produces around five videos a week for his 6.6million subscribers, earning him an estimated ?1million a year.

Under the terms of his suspension Brand – whose net worth has been estimated between ?15million and ?40million – will still be allowed to post videos on the platform but will not receive any of the advertising revenue.

YouTube said in a statement: ‘If a creator’s off-platform behaviour harms our users, employees or ecosystem, we take action to protect the community. This decision applies to all channels that may be owned or operated by Russell Brand.’

Other channels associated with his main YouTube page include Football Is Nice, which has some 20,000 subscribers, Awakening With Russell, which has 426,000 subscribers, and Stay Free With Russell Brand, which has 22,200 subscribers.

This is a new and expected low for JewTube, policing the offline behavior of its content creators.

Today, it emerged the BBC has removed shows which feature Russell Brand from its iPlayer site. An 2018 episode of QI featuring Brand as a panellist and a Joe Wicks podcast where he was a guest in 2021 have been unavailable since Monday evening.

A Cuckservative would complain that all this is happening without due process, on nothing but allegations. A dissident would calmly note that the people who made Russell are now unmaking him. Dissidents such as most of the youTube channels that I pay attention to, who build side hustles and merchandise because they aren’t bovine-brained livestock unable to connect the dots to see the lurking predator.

You ever wonder why youTube operates at a massive loss every year? Never mind canceling its most profitable affiliates at the drop of a hat? Because that loss is a subsidy that makes competition against youTube extraordinarily difficult. As gatekeeping efforts go, a couple billion dollars a year is pretty cheap to control a global media market. Especially when your most critical religious, political and ethnic priorities are silencing witnesses and rewriting history.

Which brings us, soon, to JewTube’s competition, Rumble.

The news comes after the remaining shows of Brand’s Bipolarisation tour were postponed and the Metropolitan Police said they had received a report of an alleged sexual assault in the wake of media allegations about the comedian and actor.

The scandal has already seen Channel 4 remove all programmes linked to Brand on its website, including episodes of The Great British Bake Off and Big Brother’s Big Mouth in which he was featured. Brand’s PR firm MBC PR and talent agent Tavistock Wood no longer advertise him as a client, and his publisher Bluebird, an imprint of Pan Macmillan, has suspended their relationship.

And Netflix has now been urged to remove his comedy special, Re:Birth, from its catalogue.

*checks* still there. Sounds like it’s the British government who has got it in for Russell.


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DOWNING Street has spoken out on the allegations against comedian Russell Brand, warning they are “very serious and concerning”.

On Monday morning, Rishi Sunak’s official spokesman said: .These are very serious and concerning allegations.

.The Met Police has asked anyone who believes they have been a victim of a sexual assault to come forward to speak to officers.

.As the Foreign Secretary said over the weekend, people should feel able to raise concerns where they have them and know they will be treated seriously and treated with sensitivity.

Twenty year-old allegations that a celebrity was naughty, were such a UK national security issue that the FOREIGN SECRETARY worked the weekend? No, but Brand might be a UKR national embarrassment issue. Does anybody know if Zelensky has a sense of humor? …cannot unsee piano!

.The Prime Minister has been clear there should never be any space for harassment, regardless of where it is found..

Meanwhile, Downing Street declined to urge broadcasters and streaming platforms such as YouTube and Netflix to take down Brand’s output.

The Prime Minister’s official spokesman said: .It’s a decision for all broadcasters to consider the right approach in light of these very serious allegations. They are deeply concerning, they need to be investigated.

.But I’m not going to dictate the actions of broadcasters or streaming services..

Hold that thought.

End segue

Brand still has a presence on video platform Rumble, where his channel has 1.4million followers and he hosts a weekly live show at 5pm BST, but there was no new episode on Monday.

His most video on Rumble is the short clip from Friday when he denied the allegations against him which were published the following day.

The Rumble channel description reads: ‘Everybody knows that the old ideas won’t help us. Religion is dead. Capitalism is dead. Communism is dead. Where will the answers of the next century lie? Particularly, when we’re facing a mental health epidemic and ecological meltdown.’

He says religion is dead, but Judaism has never had so much success… oh.

Critics claim Brand has ‘set up a cult’ online to back him since the birth of the Me Too movement in 2017 by giving a platform to conspiracy theories including the idea that the pandemic, the Ukraine war and climate change distract from the activities of the global elite.

It’s time for our main attraction! Remember that held thought? The Prime Minister refusing to dictate the actions of streaming services? Of course he would never do that. He has flunkies for that.

Rumble CEO fights back after UK Parliament pressures company to demonetize Russell Brand: ‘Extremely disturbing’

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By Chris Enloe, 21 September 2023

Rumble, the online video platform, is refusing to cave after British politicians pressured the company to demonetize Russell Brand.

After YouTube demonetized Brand over allegations of sexual assault, Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski received a letter from the British House of Commons’ Culture, Media, and Sport Committee.

In that letter, chairwoman Caroline Dinenage problematized the fact that Brand issued a “preemptive response” to the allegations on Rumble, explaining her committee is concerned that Brand may be able to profit from Rumble, where his account boasts more than 1.4 million subscribers.

“We would be grateful if you could confirm whether Mr. Brand is able to monetise his content, including his videos relating to the serious accusations against him,” the letter states.

Canada isn’t England, Barbie Chuckles. Wait… is it? Now that I think about it, the answer is unclear.

“If so, we would like to know whether Rumble intends to join YouTube in suspending Mr. Brand’s ability to earn money on the platform,” Dinenage added. “We would also like to know what Rumble is doing to ensure that creators are not able to use the platform to undermine the welfare of victims of inappropriate and potentially illegal behavior.”

The UK’s draconian Online Safety Bill was passed by Parliament barely two days ago, and Media Minister Dineage is already trying to coax incriminating statements out of a major media platform. Madame Defarge, more like.

Heh, the UKommissar of Media said “inappropriate behavior”.

CEO Pavlovski’s partial response:

We regard it as deeply inappropriate and dangerous that the UK Parliament would attempt to control who is allowed to speak on our platform or to earn a living from doing so. Singling out an individual and demanding his ban is even more disturbing given the absence of any connection between the allegations and his content on Rumble. We don’t agree with the behavior of many Rumble creators, but we refuse to penalize them for actions that have nothing to do with our platform.

That sounds great, but why is the UK Government asking Rumble to define its position? That’s a loyalty test. Dineage did not, in fact, ask for a ban. Why did she ask if youTube’s competitor intends to “join youTube” in canceling a high-value customer? Rumble isn’t subsidized by the Deep State. It can’t even afford to do what she wants.

Did Rumble do anything to invite in the GAE vampire?

Is Rumble, A Right-Wing Social Media Company, Already The Next Meme Stock?

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By Abram Brown, 2 December 2021

Rumble, a fast-growing social media business with a strong following among conservative Americans, aims to take itself public next year in a SPAC deal that could value the company at over $2 billion, a transaction similar to the one former President Trump has envisioned for his own right-wing media firm.

To go public, Rumble intends to merge with an investment company initially created by Cantor Fitzgerald, a decades-old Wall Street bank. The deal would leave Rumble with $300 million in cash, the company said in a statement announcing the transaction on Wednesday evening. It hopes to complete the process by the second quarter of next year.

Rumble, which was founded in 2013, bills itself as a “true neutral platform,. but has become a popular site among Republicans over the last two years as criticism of existing social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter has increased among conservatives, who say they unfairly limit speech.

.Rumble is designed to be the rails and independent infrastructure that is immune to cancel culture,. Rumble CEO and founder Chris Pavlovski said in a statement. .We are a movement that does not stifle, censor or punish creativity and believe everyone benefits from access to a neutral network with diverse ideas and opinions..

Cantor Fitzgerald is a hedge fund front for the New York Federal Reserve. From Wikipedia:

Cantor Fitzgerald, L.P. is an American financial services firm that was founded in 1945. It specializes in institutional equity, fixed-income sales and trading, and serving the middle market with investment banking services, prime brokerage, and commercial real estate financing. It is also active in new businesses, including advisory and asset management services, gaming technology, and e-commerce. It has more than 5,000 institutional clients.

Cantor Fitzgerald is one of 24 primary dealers that are authorized to trade US government securities with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Chairman and CEO is ((Howard Lutnick)). Yep.

How was Rumble this stupid? To ask the Jews for help in opening their company to ownership by hedge funds, in order to be an “independent” media company against JewTube?

Not “no reason at all”.

Facebook director Peter Thiel invests in conservative rival Rumble

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By Theo Wayt, 19 May 2021

Prominent conservative venture capitalists including Peter Thiel and J.D. Vance are investing in free speech-oriented video streaming site Rumble Video, the company said Wednesday.

The deal, first reported by the Wall Street Journal, marks PayPal and Palantir co-founder Peter Thiel’s first investment in a social media company since he bought a large stake of Facebook as an early investor in 2004. It also means that Thiel is supporting a competitor to Facebook while he sits on Facebook’s board.

More of a black line than a red flag, there.

…Rumble plans to use the money to quickly boost its growth. The company wants to expand availability to non-English speaking audiences, let users upload videos from its mobile app and allow all users to create livestreams, Pavlovski said. Currently, the company only lets paid users create livestreams and does not offer mobile video uploads.

Pavlovski was impatient for success. Peter Thiel offered him the Ticket. Six months later, Rumble was whored directly to the Hellmouth, going public/private/Palantir in September 2022.

I bet Minister Dineage’s next letter is going to Peter Thiel, now that she can wave his underling’s refusal to play ball at him… together with the UK’s brand-new Online Safety Bill.

CEO Pavlovski can yell “we’re independent” all he wants, but Thiel already sold his soul to the NY Fed.

The Glowie Of Maui: Police Chief Pelletier

This is another reader request, who was understandably interested in the chief investigator of the Vegas Casino shooting, John Pelletier, also being the chief investigator of the Maui Incineration. What a small world it is, when a 25-year veteran of Vegas Metro is the only qualified choice for police chief of a remote island!

Do you know what’s also a small world? The Burning Man music festival is held outside Vegas in the Black Rock Desert. Meanwhile, the beach at Lahaina, Maui is called Black Rock Beach. But I digress. Probably.

We start down the rabbit hole with Maui’s opening for police chief back in 2021. Me having firsthand experience of Hawaiian locals’ attitude towards mainlanders, why the heck did they choose a Las Vegas vet with a past?

Wanted: Maui Seeks New Police Chief. FBI Training Is A Plus

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By Blaze Lovell, 23 June 2021

Well, well. I want to feel all smart and investigative, but it’s like the Deep State isn’t even trying to hide it anymore.

A volunteer panel of Maui police commissioners is getting ready to select a new police chief to lead the state’s third-largest law enforcement agency.

Maui County law requires candidates to have a minimum of five years experience in law enforcement, with at least three years in an administrative capacity. But the island’s police commission wants more.

The commissioners are looking for someone with at least 15 years experience as a police officer, including five years in administration. The commissioners also prefer someone with a four-year degree from an accredited university and proof of training from the FBI Academy, or equivalent experience.

Translation, they did NOT want local talent and DID want an FBI presence at the highest level of Maui law enforcement.

During the last search in 2014, the Maui Police Commission required all applicants to have a bachelor’s degree in police administration, law enforcement, criminal justice, political science, business administration, sociology or a related field. If not, they had to prove they graduated from the FBI National Academy in Quantico, Va.

In March, De Rego argued in favor of keeping the bachelor’s degree requirements since they are becoming standard around the country.

The only thing dumber than mandating a credential because other people are, is waiving the requirement if the FBI vouches for a candidate’s intelligence.

But the commissioners decided not to make those education requirements mandatory after hearing pushback from several Maui police captains concerned that doing so would limit the pool of potential candidates.

.Some of law enforcement’s best, who have dedicated themselves to this difficult profession, do not have degrees,. Capt. Wade Maeda wrote in a letter to the commission. .We have people in the Maui Police Department with years of executive level experience that do not have a degree. A four-year bachelor’s degree is nowhere near the substitution for four years at MPD.s executive level..

Mmm-hmm. Even the managerials will blame stupidity when the alternative is admitting evil. “We should require college degrees because everybody else is!” except that doing so also eliminates most of the local talent.

De Rogo’s name came up a lot. The media didn’t talk much with the other commissioners.

New this year, the commission may require the top five police chief applicants to take a written exam.

If a civil service exam to screen out capable non-loyalists was good enough for the KKK of the Antebellum South, it’s good enough for the Clown World Deep State.

The search comes as Oahu’s police commission also is recruiting a new police chief after Susan Ballard retired on June 1. However, the selection processes are playing out much differently.

The Honolulu Police Commission will largely rely on a consultant and advisory committee led by a police chief on the mainland.

Hawaiians don’t like mainlanders. It’s understandable given their deep-Pacific location. Their land is too strategically important to the empires of the world to be left alone, yet too small to defend themselves from said empires. So, the only reason they would outsource the choosing of their next leader to a mainland talent scout, is because the American Empire is no longer satisfied with having a few military bases.

Speaking of local talent,

Police chiefs previously had to have lived in the state for at least one year, but that state law was lifted in 2017.

That’s now true for California also. USA’s military is also being converted to an all-mercenary force, now that the all-volunteer force isn’t volunteering to be literally castrated.

Now it’s time to discuss how Pelletier was the candidate they were looking for. His disciplinary record is reportedly spotless, which is especially odd for a veteran of three officer-involved shootings, one of which was an ambush.

Metro Capt: Life Moves On But Not Easily After Using Deadly Force

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By Joe Schoenmann, 15 June 15, 2017

Three years ago this month, two Las Vegas police officers were shot and killed while having lunch at a pizza restaurant on Nellis Boulevard.

The shooting came at a time when police were being scrutinized around the country for questionable shootings of unarmed suspects.

And much of the country still questions the use of deadly force by police, in large part because police work is so far apart from the everyday lives of most Americans.

Capt. John Pelletier says he gets that.

He.s been involved in three shootings over nearly 20 years as a Metro cop, one of them resulting in death. He talked with State of Nevada about his fatal shooting, he said, in the interest of transparency and the hopes of providing some insight for Nevada residents, as well as his fellow officers.

. . .

Pelletier was part of Metro’s Problem Solving Unit. In plain clothes. And looking for an armed robbery suspect. It was September 2002; still pretty warm out, and close to 11 p.m.

Pelletier was in his Metro-issue Chevy Lumina.unmarked, sure, but Luminas were known to almost everybody as the go-to car for police — when his “spidey senses” went off.

Bullshit. Undercover Vegas cops are well-known for using a specific type of car for their undercover work? That kind of stupid would get cops killed. Innocent drivers of civilian Luminas, too.

Somebody was gunning for Joe, or at least, his undercover persona.

That.s when he noticed the interest that a driver stopped next to him — at Stephanie Street and Tropicana Avenue–was taking in him and his Lumina.

The next stoplight turned green, but the Blazer didn’t immediately move. Pelletier knew he had been recognized. Then a dispatcher crackled over the radio that the Blazer was driving with a stolen license plate.

More bullshit. How would he have read the Blazer’s license plate from the side, while stopped at a traffic light?

Pelletier drove ahead and saw the Blazer and another vehicle drive into the parking lot of the Nevada Palace Hotel-Casino on Boulder Highway. He followed but was already thinking “ambush.”

MORE bullshit. “I think this is an ambush, and I have no backup or even my badge, and I’m driving a car that screams ‘undercover cop’, but let’s see how this plays out.” But wait, Pelletier was driving ahead? Did he circle back into the ambush, hoping to get credit for snaring a stolen vehicle, when he was supposed to be looking for an armed robbery suspect?

Pelletier did call for a marked unit backup, but apparently decided not to wait.

Suddenly the Blazer stopped. The driver got out and, holding what Pelletier described as a “hand cannon,. walked back quickly toward Pelletier with the gun pointed at him.

Pelletier said he had no option. He couldn’t move his car or get out of the car quickly enough . the man had him dead if he pulled the trigger.

Instead, Pelletier pulled his gun out of his holster and fired seven times, shooting through his windshield, one bullet hitting the man in the head and killing him.

That is a very unlikely self-defense story. “I suspected they marked me as an undercover, and I watched them set up an ambush, but I decided to circle around and follow them anyway, then their ambush took me by total surprise and I had to shoot the perp seven times before he could get a shot off. Sorry I didn’t wait for backup.”

It turned out later that the man was working with a woman . who was in the vehicle that followed him into the Palace parking lot. And the “hand cannon” had been used in the murder of a police officer in Arizona.

I don’t doubt that the perp was dirty. But that’s no comment upon the fact Pelletier’s story does not hold together.

After the shooting, he was part of what was then called the .coroner’s inquest,. a quasi-legal proceeding where a county prosecutor questions witnesses, including the officer involved, to determine if the shooting was justified or not.

Inquests were open to the public and held in the Clark County courthouse. And they were fraught with tension, as both family members of the deceased and friends of the officer were all packed into a small courtroom.

Pelletier.s shooting was deemed justified.

He.s also been involved in two other shootings since then. Both suspects survived and are serving life sentences in Nevada. Pelletier talks about those shootings, especially the fatal, with incredible detail, like it just happened yesterday.

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Officer John Pelletier, 30, on Friday shot and wounded Edward Seely, a 32-year-old robbery suspect, at an apartment complex near Charleston Boulevard and Torrey Pines Drive.

Officers from the southeast area substation had been at the complex looking for Seely in connection with a robbery March 9 at a nearby 7-Eleven store in which a clerk had been shot and wounded.

Shortly after midnight Pelletier spotted Seely as he was walking away from one of the apartments. As Pelletier, who was in plain clothes, approached Seely and identified himself as a police officer, Seely pulled a handgun from his waistband and began to run back to the apartment, police said.

Pelletier fired at Seely, hitting him in the torso. Seely is recovering from his injuries at University Medical Center. When he is discharged, he will be charged with assault with a deadly weapon, felony resisting arrest, being an ex-felon in possession of a firearm and possession of a stolen handgun, police said.

That was definitely mishandled. A lone officer, presumably on stakeout, made an arrest decision such that the perp had time to draw on him? That was poor conduct even though I’d fault the perp. When an officer gets to choose the circumstances of an arrest, it’s not passable for the result to be a gunfight.

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The Las Vegas police officer who shot and wounded a 36-year-old man in a mobile home park Friday has been identified as Sgt. John Pelletier.

Pelletier has been with the Metropolitan Police Department since July 1999. He is currently assigned to the patrol division of the Northeast Area Command.

He was one of two officers who responded to a call about a gun-wielding man at 3825 N. Nellis Blvd., south of Las Vegas Boulevard North near Nellis Air Force Base, about 8 p.m. Friday.

When the officers approached Ernest Charles Gibbs, police said he reached for an object under his shirt. Pelletier then fired shots and wounded the man.

Gibbs was reaching for a large, Bowie-type knife, police said. He was taken to University Medical Center for treatment.

Gibbs is charged with assault with a deadly weapon and felony resisting arrest. His criminal history in Las Vegas includes convictions for being an felon possessing a firearm and attempted burglary.

That is more understandable. Pelletier was told he was looking for a gunman and a guy they tried to approach went for his waistband? Good shoot.


1997 BA Political Science, U.Nevada Las Vegas.

1999 Recruitment by LVMPD

2002 Fatal officer-involved shooting while undercover. He couldn’t have been long out of training.

2003 Nonfatal OIS while undercover.

2009 Nonfatal OIS while uniformed.

c.2012 Promoted to training sergeant. He also helped implement a Federal DOJ program to reduce the frequency of OIS.

2013 Promoted to lieutenant. Pelletier’s captain at the time was Tom Roberts, now a Nevada state legislator. The two have a long and continuing association.

2015-2016 SWAT Team commander, despite never serving in SWAT.

March 2017-January 2020 Manager of Convention Center Area Command, aka Las Vegas Strip. Also K9 Section manager? but no history working with dogs.

October 2017 Mandalay Bay shooting, blamed on Stephen Paddock. Pelletier was incident commander. Investigation closed by FBI in January 2019.

2019 Certificate in criminal justice, FBI Academy at Quantico.

2020-2021 In charge of the department’s Major Violator, Narcotics Bureau.

Which is when he acted on his lifelong dream to return to Hawaii, paraphrasing from his acceptance speeches, despite being born in Buffalo, NY and living his life in Vegas with no particular interest in travel.

Pelletier’s first act as police chief was waiving hiring requirements to bring his former supervisor in… as his deputy.

New Maui police chief chooses Las Vegas colleague as deputy

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19 November 2021

WAILUKU, Hawaii . Maui’s new police chief is bringing a colleague from the Las Vegas department he came from to serve as his deputy chief, according to a letter to members of the Maui Police Department obtained by The Maui News.

Incoming Chief John Pelletier announced in the letter he selected as his second in command [Assistant Sheriff] [blacktivist] Charles L. Hank III. Both men, who served in the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, will be sworn in at a December ceremony in Wailuku.

The commission previously waived a one-year residency requirement for Pelletier. He will have the ability to waive the residency requirement for his deputy, said Corporation Counsel Moana Lutey.

Lutey said Hank was the only applicant for the deputy position with all the qualifications for the job, which were determined by Pelletier.

I didn’t figure Pelletier for a coal-burner. Uh-oh! What happened in Vegas isn’t staying in Vegas!

Sooo, how did island life suit them? Before all those little kids went missing in an engineered firestorm that happened to advance the 15-Minute City agenda of Maui’s foreign-loyal government.

Commission declines to discipline police chief

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By Lila Fujimoto, 8 September 2022

The Maui Police Commission voted Wednesday not to take disciplinary action against Pelletier, saying that a third-party investigation found two complaints against Pelletier were unsubstatiated.

Two complaints of eight.

The Maui Police Commission decided not to take disciplinary action against Police Chief John Pelletier on Wednesday after reviewing investigations of three employee complaints that alleged a hostile work environment.

Five complaints of eight.

In a statement following a closed executive session to discuss the complaints, commission Chairman Frank De Rego said the nine-member commission “unanimously voted to decline to initiate disciplinary proceedings” against Pelletier.

I was told there would be transparency in Hawaiian government.

The three complaints are among eight that have been filed by county employees against Pelletier and members of his executive staff, according to the State of Hawaii Organization of Police Officers. The complaints allege harassment in the workplace and gender discrimination, according to SHOPO.

In the statement, De Rego said, .The commission took note that Chief Pelletier has retained an executive coach to address management style. After carefully considering the investigative reports including all interviews and documentary evidence, the commission voted to file the complaints and not initiate disciplinary action. The commission’s annual review of the chief’s performance will include a review of the executive coaching program and its results..

That’s what judges call “diversionary treatment”, and it doesn’t justify memory-holing the complaints before the diversion is completed.

Before then, the commission heard testimony supporting Pelletier from a dozen people, including eight who know him from when he worked at the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.

Pelletier has almost as many staffers as a Congressman. That’s not a compliment. And that’s some biased testimony there.

The commission also received written testimony, including letters from Maui Police Department employees who didn’t give their names. One letter questioned the actions and motives of commissioners, but De Rego shut down discussion of the letter’s allegations, saying, .This is out of order..

LOL! Nine complaints of eight!

In stopping the discussion, De Rego said: .I would hate to set a precedent where commissioners are constantly being questioned about their motives through written testimony. It’s not even on the agenda..


Maui County deputy police chief retires after just 10 months on the job

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By Staff, 28 October 2022

HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) – Questions are lingering over why Maui County’s deputy police chief is retiring after just 10 months on the job.

Charles Hank III was recruited by Maui Police Chief John Pelletier after they worked together in Las Vegas for years.

MPD did not explain why Hank is retiring.

He will be replaced by Wade Maeda in November, who is being promoted from captain.

Maeda has been with the department for 25 years.

Remember Maeda from the first article, complaining that not all Maui top cops have college degrees? De Rogo imported an entire squad of Vegas Metro Glowies in an effort to not promote Hawaiian native Wade Maeda… and FAILED.

I close with my analysis of the 2017 Vegas shooting vis-a-vis Pelletier. I agree with the theory that it was a botched assassination of a Saudi prince, Alwaleed bin Talal, one of Mohammed Bin Salman’s Wahhabist rivals. Paddock was a gunrunner and FBI informant, a licensed pilot with a girlfriend in the Philippines, a history of international travel and a documented tendency to have meetings in high-level hotels. The hit went bad, Prince Talal’s bodyguards managed to shoot their way out (killing Paddock in the process) and the FBI was left with a world-class political incident about to explode. Over the next hour, the conspirators decided to open fire on a large crowd of Trump Voters in order to cover the incident in a complete shitshow of Chaos.

That accounts for nearly all of the discrepancies I found in the official accounts. The hour gap, Paddock’s room having no broken windows and waaay more expensive guns than any spree shooter would lug through a public area, all the way to the black helicopters.

Taking that as the true situation, Pelletier’s role was simply to sow confusion. He was not one of the conspirators but had taken the Ticket in return for plush, high-status promotions…. perhaps via Tom Roberts. And confusion there was, with reports of multiple shooters in multiple hotels, police sent to wrong floors, cops getting shot at times inconsistent with the official timeline and so on.

The year that the incident’s investigation was closed with a finding of “no reason at all”, Pelletier was rewarded by his handlers with a Quantico endorsement, and soon, a transfer to Maui.

Which fell apart so quickly that maybe the reason Pelletier skipped out of Vegas was not merely to join some plutocratic Great Reset. Maybe his Ticketholders simply couldn’t keep the lid on his second life any longer… even in Vegas.

Justin Pickett’s Righteous Charge

There’s a shortage of heroes in Current Year. I found one! A criminologist who doesn’t just expose crime even among his peers… he knows that taking flack means you’re over the target!

FSU professor fired; provost says research ‘negligence’ caused near ‘catastrophic’ damage

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By Tarah Jean for the Tallahassee Democrat, 27 July 2023

I suspect the reason this is a news story as of Sept. 11 is because he exhausted his appeal. More on that later. Meanwhile, this article is a good intro.

Florida State University research professor of criminology Eric Stewart has been fired following a full investigation into ongoing, questionable research allegations from the past four years.

The decision was effective Thursday, July 13, and stated in a five-page termination letter to Stewart from FSU.s Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs James Clark, firing Stewart from the position he held since 2007.

.You demonstrated extreme negligence in basic data management, resulting in an unprecedented number of articles retracted, numerous other articles now in question, with the presence of no backup of the data for the publications in question,. Clark stated in the termination letter.

Stewart is… was, a nationally-recognized, tenured criminologist, so no, he didn’t get fired for negligence. You gotta try to lose your tenure.

Stewart is also black in addition to tenured, which is both why he committed his upcoming, race-motivated hate crimes and is NOT in prison for a zillion years to life.

Stewart earned his bachelor’s degree in criminology from Fort Valley State University in 1995, a master’s degree in sociology from Auburn University in 1996 and a doctoral degree in sociology from Iowa State University in 2000.

After graduating, he began his teaching career as an assistant professor of sociology at Georgia State University followed by his time at the University of Missouri-St. Louis as an assistant professor of criminology and criminal justice.

He joined FSU in 2007 as an associate professor of criminology with a $90,000 annual salary before being promoted to full professor in 2011 and being named Ronald L. Simons Professor of Criminology in 2016, which ultimately landed him a $190,000 annual salary.

Then came the multi-million dollar grants from the National Institute of Justice, the National Institute of Health… prestigious awards from criminology societies….

It’s an old story. He was blakk, he wrote papers that supported the blakk-persecution Narrative, and with all the boxes checked, was escorted into the halls of shame, err, power. Nothing says multigenerational race persecution like a six-digit salary from your tormentors.

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Florida State University research professor of criminology Eric Stewart has been fired following a full investigation into ongoing, questionable research allegations from the past four years.

The decision was effective Thursday, July 13, and stated in a five-page termination letter to Stewart from FSU.s Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs James Clark, firing Stewart from the position he held since 2007.

It took FOUR YEARS to terminate a high-profile academic who refused to share or maintain any evidence regarding his work.

Justin T. Pickett. No relation to James T. Kirk.

Timeline from my research

2011 Pickett co-authors a study with Stewart, being the latter’s teaching assistant, and receives his doctoral degree in criminology from FSU. An implication is that one of the studies Pickett calls out as fraudulent was the basis for his own PhD.

15 Nov 2017 Stewart is honored by the American Society of Criminology, per FSU, “for his collective body of scholarly work and his service to the association.” He previously served the Society as executive counselor and VP.

2018 Pickett is anonymously notified of misconduct in the paper he co-authored in 2011. He investigates and gets stonewalled by Stewart when asking for raw data.

2019 Pickett calls for the study’s retraction in a 27-page manifesto of errors and concerns. The other five retractions happen shortly afterward. An FSU Research Misconduct Inquiry turns up no misconduct despite the unprecedented retractions, because the retractions proved that any problem had already been solved.

2020 More allegations. An FSU Research Misconduct Inquiry turns up no misconduct.

2021 More allegations. An FSU Research Misconduct Inquiry turns up no misconduct.

2022 A full investigation is launched and discovers Stewart doesn’t even teach his classes.

July 2023 Stewart is fired for gross negligence and incompetence, but he is not accused of any criminal or ethics violations, and is offered the chance to appeal.

Sept 2023 The appeal apparently fails.

Quintet of study retractions rocks criminology community

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By Dalmeet Singh Chawla, 26 November 2019

Criminology researchers are retracting five studies that have sparked a bitter battle over potential scientific misconduct and issues of race. The episode has riveted the criminology community.and severed a once close relationship after one of the researchers accused his former mentor of falsifying data.

On 10 November, Justin Pickett, a criminologist at the State University of New York in Albany, announced on Twitter that he and his co-authors have agreed to retract a 2011 study published in Criminology that examined public support for taking a suspect’s ethnicity into account at sentencing. Four additional disputed papers, published between 2015 and this year in the journals Criminology, Social Problems, and Law & Society Review, have been or are in the process of being be retracted with the agreement of all the authors, ScienceInsider has learned. Eric Stewart, Pickett’s former mentor and a criminologist at Florida State University (FSU) in Tallahassee, is a co-author of all five studies.

The studies being retracted cover a range of topics. Two found that the number of black people lynched in a U.S. county 100 years ago influences whether white people in the same area today perceive black people as a threat and favor harsh punishments for them.

The quest for Magic Dirt continues? Sounds more like an attempt to blame the living for the crimes of the dead.

Another examined the role of social context in antiblack and anti-Latino sentiment in the U.S. criminal justice system.

Highlighting the insensitivity of both white and colored cops to the ancestral Negroid tradition of gimmiedat.

The upcoming retraction notice for the 2011 Criminology study.which Pickett shared with ScienceInsider.states that Stewart, the study’s second author, “identified a mistake in the way the original data were merged” while responding to concerns raised about the paper. The problems are “coding and transcription errors,” the notice says, which “collectively exceeded what the authors believed to be acceptable for a published paper.” It also notes that Pickett “disputes that the identified discrepancies are attributable to researcher error.”

Them’s fighting words! “This was not a mistake.”

Stewart did not reply to ScienceInsider’s requests for comment. (He also reportedly did not reply to the Chronicle, although the publication quoted an email that Stewart reportedly sent to FSU administrators; it stated that a co-author “essentially lynched me and my academic character”.an especially loaded phrase because Stewart is black.)

Pickett says he doesn’t regret being outspoken about the studies. “I am afraid that I have burnt many bridges, and it worries me a great deal,” he says. “I very much wish the world of science was more receptive and more kind to people who speak out about problems in published research, whether those problems result from honest error or misconduct.”

Prof. Pickett was smart to not talk to the media! That last paragraph is a quote from his article in Econ Journal Watch, March 2020. Let’s go there, because it demonstrates why he’s a hero and not just another whistleblower.

The Stewart Retractions: A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis

By Justin T. Pickett, March 2020

This study analyzes the recent retraction of five articles from three sociology
journals.Social Problems, Criminology, and Law & Society Review. Analyzing the retractions is important for several reasons:

.When you’re taking flack, you’re over the target.

Okay, that one was mine.

. The retraction notices are vague, providing little information about
what went wrong.

Pickett saw the academic Establishment covering for Stewart time and again. He could have satisfied himself with sounding an alarm that nobody would hear… but instead, he chose to be aggressive, exposing not just the fact that the papers were fraudulent, but WHY.

. The authors have continued to promote their retracted findings in
print, insisting that “the main substantive results are correct. (Law &
Society Review 2020).

Pickett is charging after the motivation for propping up that wormtongue blacktivist. He knows that Stewart is not the only problem here.

. Other articles by the authors have some of the same irregularities (e.g.,
Mears et al. 2013; Mears et al. 2017; Stewart and Simons 2010; Stewart
et al. 2006; Stewart et al. 2009), but thus far only one of these has been
corrected and none have been retracted.

Naming names! AKA personalizing the political, good. Cuckservatives fling themselves at “issues” instead of specific persons and end up shadowboxing phantoms while the perps regroup and repeat. Pickett wants lasting results!

. Examining how coauthors and journal editors respond to learning
about irregularities in articles sheds light on the sociology of science.

HE’S CALLING OUT THE COLLABORATORS IN THE JOURNALS! For academics, this is huge, seriously huge. “Publish or perish” is the coin of Academia, and Pickett is risking an industry blacklist to expose all the criminal conduct backstopping Stewart’s race-baiting lies. Pickett has legit courage!

What happened at the journals

The Committee on Public Ethics (COPE) says that journal editors should investigate when .a published article is criticised via direct email,. regardless of whether the sender is anonymous, and emphasizes that “it is important not to try to “out” people who wish to be anonymous. (link). An analysis of emails obtained under the Freedom of Information Act reveals that all of the editors were alerted in May about the data irregularities in all five of Dr. Stewart’s articles, either by an anonymous sender..John Smith..or by another editor.

Law & Society Review, regarding Mears et al. 2019

After receiving the anonymous email, Dr. Susan Sterett, the journal’s editor, shared it with the authors, writing: .it seems to imply pretty egregious misconduct.points 4 and 8 especially..Then she emailed the editors of the other journals and tried to get them all on the same page. She wrote: .I would like to have a coordinated response, including possibly ignoring the email. (my emphasis). She also explained that she tried to discover the source’s identity: .I asked “John Smith” to give me more information about himself and he would not.”

In July, after I posted my preprint, Dr. Sterett contacted the other editors again to reiterate her position, .I am not interested in asking for a response from the authors to an anonymous email. However, to my mind it’s worth knowing that the issue isn’t going away.” But she also explained that if any of the other editors ever decided to do anything, she wanted to be included: .I.d appreciate knowing, and I’d appreciate doing something together..

The female instinct for unity as an end in itself, is a great tool of totalitarianism.

In late August, she contacted the other editors again, and forwarded them a discussion by Dr. Jeremy Freese of the mathematical impossibilities in the articles. In the same email, Dr. Sterett noted that she had received Dr. Gertz’s letter of support, and once more reiterated her stance on the data irregularities: .I want to treat the issue as closed unless someone wants to question the survey in detail.” Months after she closed the issue, the article was retracted at the authors. request.

Social Problems, regarding Stewart et al. 2015 and Stewart, Johnson et al. 2019

Drs. Annulla Linders and Earl Wright, the journal’s co-editors, received an email in May from Dr. Stewart listing some of the accusations and irregularities, and, in relation to Dr. Brown, Dr. Heathers, and Mr. Smith, asserting that .data thugs.demand data and if they do not receive it, they contact editors and universities and threaten to write blogs and tweets about the errors uncovered..

A group of researchers who specialize in exposing bad science. That “data thugs” slur was repeated without citation in several articles that I sampled for this post.

Drs. Linders and Wright also received emails in May and July from Dr. Sterett about Dr. Stewart’s articles. The May email included a full list of the irregularities in all five articles. The co-editors did not investigate. Two weeks after they got Dr. Sterett’s second email, and two months after they received Dr. Stewart’s email, Drs. Linders and Wright received an email from a reporter, Thomas Bartlett, asking if they were looking into the irregularities in Stewart et al. (2019). They replied, .no question concerning this paper has been brought to our attention.” Before replying to the reporter, however, Dr. Wright wrote to Dr. Linders: .a writer from the Chronicle of Higher Education is sniffing around. Is the paper he cites below the one inquired into by the “data thugs?. Of course, I won’t respond until we get a plan together..

Conclusion and Recommendations

Scientific fraud occurs all too frequently.approximately 1 in 50 scientists admit to fabricating or falsifying data (Fanelli 2009).and I believe it is the most likely explanation for the data irregularities in the five retracted articles. Dr. Stewart’s current claim about the source of the 2013 survey differs from his previous claim and from what the survey firm’s owner and director have said. His claim about the number of 2008 samples also differs from the director’s account. When asked for the 2008 data, Dr. Stewart claimed he destroyed the original file, even though FSU officials said not to change it. More generally, many aspects of the data and findings are impossible, and others are so implausible or improbable as to be preposterous.

None of the editors followed COPE.s guidelines when alerted to the irregularities in Dr. Stewart’s articles. One editor seemingly tried to coordinate a collective response of ignoring the allegations, even though she recognized their potential seriousness. At two journals, the editors sought the whistleblower’s identity. I believe that it is possible that one or more of the editors would have revealed the whistleblower’s identity had they discovered it. For instance, email correspondence reveals that Dr. Johnson kept Dr. Stewart up to date on what his co-editors knew and were doing, even after officially recusing himself from the matter. Not a single editor started an investigation in response to the anonymous allegations. Dr. Linders explained her reluctance to take those allegations seriously:

“At this point, especially since the person complaining would not come forward, I assumed this was something along the lines of the scientific version of complaints about “fake news. (now “fake science.). If you cannot verify the credibility of the source, how can you trust the information?”

Textbook managerialism. How can anything good come from a non-certified-compliant source?

The Shadiversity SJW Conflict

If you aren’t familiar with Shadiversity then you either don’t watch much JewTube, or you rarely fantasize about disemboweling your enemies with two feet of sharpened steel. That is to say, he’s one of the premier historical experts on medieval swordsmanship and related topics of my generation, and like most “amateur” historians, his explorations are much more… experiential?.. than professional historians tenured to their armchair.

Shad got an SJW swarming, possibly not his first. He’s taken the right steps so far but alas, is also a nice guy to his enemies. I’m not. This post is both a shout-out of support and the smackdown that Shad really ought to have done. The wrong time to salvage a friendship is when the friend knifes you in the back.

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Matt’s polemic, since he deleted his own copy:

Dear community, fans and members,

“I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.”

This is the kind of post I normally try to avoid.

Remember the first rule of social media etiquette, Matt: you don’t have to say anything.

You will notice that this morning I have removed a post that I made while I was away working and travelling yesterday.

At quite short notice, I was kindly invited to get together with a varied group of people to do some filming.

Out of which I made the above meme. Background, he got together with Shad & dudes for some live-action swordplay. Why not? Sounds like fun; however, I doubt this was as spontaneous an event as he claims, if he’d been “working and traveling”.

I don’t normally turn down such opportunities, unless I have some concrete reason. Even if I have factual and non-damaging disagreements with another person involved. I try to beat views that I disagree with, with facts and argument.

Bullshit. Matt attended the event, everybody had fun, then after he went home, out came the shiv. Textbook SJW move. They do it because EVERYTHING is politics in Social Justice. That paragraph was Matt doing reputation damage control after finding out that associating with Shad is doubleplusungood. He’s not talking to Shad or the medieval-reenactment community. He’s talking to the Commissar behind the klieg lights… probably his ugly girlfriend, if I know SJWs.

One of the people involved yesterday, it turns out, is highly “personally” offensive to a lot of people I care about. Both here and offline. I did not know the depths and complexities of the issues with that person before yesterday.

“I didn’t know he was unperson, O Great Cthulhu! Spare me and I will sacrifice him to you!”

I don’t care if somebody has historical views that I disagree with – I will argue with them.

Oxymoronic sentence.

But I do deeply care if a person has views that I deem to be venturing into the realm of bigotry, such as sexism, racism or homophobia. That is absolutely, and obviously, a line in the sand for me.

Yeah, because you’ll get a free toaster if you champion feminism just five more times. Fifteen more times and your girlfriend will touch your body briefly, then apologize!

I have interacted with this person over the years, including posting video rebuttals…

“I never agreed with him.”


“I never agreed with him.”

responses, etc. on historical matters.

“I never agreed with him.”

I had not experienced anything negative with that person, other than disagreeing with a fairly large number of points that person has made…

“I never agreed with him.”

(as evidenced by my videos responses over the years, eg. what is HEMA?)

Historical European Martial Arts. Shadiversity went on the record in 2021, that HEMA is something you do. Matt objected, saying that HEMA is a gatekeeping organization that you must respect.


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HEMA . Historical European martial arts . is generally accepted to be a movement aimed at reconstructing historical fighting systems that come from or are connected to the European continent. It is primarily focused on using historical treatises on fighting . a variety of documents, hundreds of which are available nowadays, many of them for free online, which were some variation of instructional books from the past.

It’s a gatekeeping bureaucracy and publishing house, not a movement.

Shadiversity, though, has another definition.

According to him, HEMA is everything you do that is connected to weapons and history. It doesn’t matter if you follow a historical source and try to recreate a historical system, or you just watch some videos of people online and look at any illustrations that show weapon use from history, you are doing some sort of HEMA.

Uh-oh! Is an unlicensed amateur not following your affordably-priced instructions?

It is important to note that in the past . in 2016 . Shad has visited a HEMA event and has fenced beginners and intermediate fencers. At the time he freely admitted he would join a HEMA club if one was nearby. Yet he has been offered help and teaching from local HEMAists in his region and has refused it.


Due to the reactions to his video [link to in this article], Shadiversity made another claim . that HEMAists are elitists and want to gatekeep HEMA only to those who study the sources.

Emphasis theirs!

Skallagrim [a peer/rival of Shadiversity] eventually made a video on the topic of HEMA elitism as well. He concludes there is a certain level of elitism in HEMA on average, and some instructors take things extremely seriously and professionally. Some HEMA discussions online also can get toxic . which is true for any community.

The self-pwning is theirs, too!

Matt Easton, [a well-known HEMA instructor and pioneer,] was the first to react, without naming Shad specifically, with a detailed video on what history is and why the treatises are the most important point of reference that defines HEMA.

In short, the study of history is mainly focused on written sources . which is why the term pre-history exists, defining the period before written sources. Written sources require interpretation, but some can be quite specific and reliable, especially when the identity and life experience of the author can be confirmed by other sources. HEMAist trust fencing treatises also because many of the masters are known as teachers of fencing, some . as soldiers, others . as duelists.

…Matt makes the argument that without those treatises, HEMA wouldn’t be what it is today . which is certainly true.

Poof, gatekeeping. “History is based on written records, and our treatises are based on those records, so who is this Shadiversity to say or do anything else?” Simple answer: whatever the ancients did, must have worked. Shad didn’t just ignore HEMA’s published-for-profit manuals, he tried stuff out to see what worked, what could work and so on.

Consequently, amateurs on youTube routinely outperform credentialed experts. Much as I routinely outperform credentialed theologians: it’s not because I’m smarter, it’s because I try to live it.

That is probably the “factual and non-damaging disagreements” that Matt referred to in his post. Both sides had legit points, although if you proceed to read the comments, HEMA was not the kind of organization to tolerate a non-Converged outsider.

Which isn’t news to pretty much anybody after their first Renaissance Festival. SJWs have a particularly strong love for escapist hobbies because their daily lives are eating political shit for the privilege of convincing outsiders that it’s steak.

I read a recent article by two Australian “researchers” who talked about how much fun it was to ride their bicycles and mass-transit everywhere, and how car owners don’t know how secretly unhappy they are. They got paid to say that, but if they actually do ride their bicycles in the rain and cold with fifty pounds of gardening supplies or whatever, then here’s a fact, they aren’t as happy as me in a Toyota.

Then they showed a diagram of a 15-minute city with all the distances relabeled “20 minutes”. We knows, precious, yes we do! gollum

There is every chance that Matt DID consider Shad a friend, and even still does, but guess what? The needs of the State outweigh the needs of the few.

End segue

Shadiversity’s rebuttal:

Something very sad has happened.

Not sad. The wild animal showed his colors before he could do you serious harm. That’s fortunate, not tragic.

Matt Easton@scholagladiato1, a long-time collaborator and friendly peer in the Youtube sword community has just chosen to cut off all association with me, Shad, and my channel Shadiversity.

We had just had a great day collaborating with other wonderful sword content creators. It was a day of friendship, discussion and laugher. Upon sharing some images of the day and filming he received many hateful comments about me, I’m guessing of the type that grossly misrepresent and vilify my beliefs in an attempt to discredit and harm my reputation.

Shad is reportedly Mormon.

Without contacting me to find out the true ‘context’ of my extremely basic and commonly held conservative beliefs that I am outspoken about outside of Shadiversity, he has chosen to totally and completely excommunicate me from his association, even in spite of the kindness, support, respect and friendship I’ve shown him over the years of our association. Good will, benefit of the doupt, personal friendly interactions, and past kindness, mean little apparently.

When the SJW says the political is the personal, it means he will betray you if and when the Narrative requires it.

Matt isn’t the first person to do this, and perhaps I.ll talk about the others in the future.

I keep Shadiversity free from politics, all are welcome regardless of their beliefs, and I extend a hand of friendship to all, those that agree with my belief and more importantly, those that do not, including Matt. I believe this is essential to push for a more peaceful and tolerant world. I will watch, support, and be friends with those who have beliefs I find offensive.

Big mistake, Shad. You are offering pearls to human swine. The SJW has no concept of truce or friendship, or any kind of life outside the State and the Narrative.

That does not mean I will not stand up and be outspoken about my beliefs, nor should people censure themselves for the sake of my feelings, and people should not have to betray their beliefs just to be accepted by others. We just need to learn to get along with those that are different.

Matt doesn’t want to get along with you. That’s why he didn’t talk to you first. It’s why he doesn’t want to discuss if maybe sodomy IS disgusting, or if women truly are happier as uneducated babymakers in the kitchen.

He’ll discuss the finer points of meaningless trivia such as historical European martial arts, because it (probably) can’t be used as a political weapon against him.

If you, reader, wonder why SJWs tolerate such a totalitarian lifestyle, it’s because they scheme to do the same thing: gain power over their peers by enforcing the Narrative. Their gods are the people powerful enough to enforce the Narrative while publicly violating it at the same time, which is why they don’t get hung up about their leaders’ blatant hypocrisies.

For all those who do not want to hear me fight for what I think is right, I separate it from Shadiversity as best I can, and share such views on my second channel, Knights Watch or here on X/twitter. I only address it now because people like Matt can’t seem to understand this separation, nor associate with people who believe things they find offensive.

Correct. Matt doesn’t understand that separation. To his perspective, whatever is against the Narrative is an exploitable weakness. That’s why he is willing to lose friends in order to not be vulnerable to people exactly like him.

This. Is. Who. They. Are.

This is why the very first step of Christian salvation is internalization. “I, I alone, am responsible for what I do. There is darkness *WITHIN ME* that I choose to confront.” SJWs externalize that darkness instead, creating a world in which they seek out the sins of other people while covering up their own sins. They must die for their sins before you die for yours!

Because they reject objective definitions of good & evil, they must make do with subjective definitions… the Narratives imposed by the only agency their materialist eyeballs can see, the State.

Not very long ago it was far more common for people to get along and be friends, regardless of their run-of-the-mill political or religious views, even if they found them offensive.

That’s the western side of the Hajnal Line talking. The races of Man are different from each other.

And yes, my views are standard views most Christian conservatives have, regardless of how much people try and vilify and misrepresent them. I’m just outspoken and stand up for what I believe. Of course, people love to misrepresent my views in the vilest of ways, apparently it is better to strawman a person into a villain rather than address his views… I stand by everything I’ve said there, not the strawman villainous caricature people that hate me try to depict.

Yes, Shad! Never apologize! Never kneel! The SJW has no time for mercy!

What many ideologically possessed people who sit on the opposite political spectrum to me don’t seem to understand is that they hold views that I find equally and *personally* offensive as many of my beliefs are to them, although it seems they probably don’t have a correct understanding of my views seeing as many hear disingenuous hateful comments about me and take them as categorical truth. My point is I actually believe and practice tolerance and acceptance of people different from me. You don’t have to agree or celebrate someone’s beliefs or lifestyle to tolerate them and treat them with kindness, as you would anyone else. I would never consider disassociating myself with anyone due to them believing many standard left leaning views that I find offensive, or if they received online hatred from activists for having standard left leaning views. That would be intolerant, and I stand by my friends.

No, Shad! They are not your friends if they do not act like friends! I understand tolerating Matt after the 2021 conflict, his disagreement with you was kept within bounds, but now he’s made it clear that the price of associating with him in the future is you accepting child molestation, white replacement, gender inversion and every other wickedness that that wicked can invent.

Tolerance of wickedness, or of wicked men, is not a Christian virtue.

Matt cut himself off from you because you stink of Christ. Respect his decision by cutting him off in turn. The only “tolerance” you should show him, is forgiveness after repentance.

And for the record, repentance will look like Matt publicly confessing that God is real and hates fags after all. Which God does. Repentance does NOT look like “I’m sorry, can we forget that happened?”

My tolerance and acceptance cease when people demand I practice opposing beliefs (betraying my own beliefs) for the sake of their feelings…

Matt Easton and the others who’ve chosen to do this, are guilty of this and have revealed their own intolerance, but I will not cut them off as they are choosing to do to me. My hand is still extended to move forward in collaboration and friendship, even though they have beliefs I find extremely offensive, and have cast me aside as someone so vile to be a pariah to them, when I have done nothing but show them support and kindness throughout our entire association.

Aw, Shad. This isn’t going to end well for you. You’ve taken the right steps thus far, but for your own safety, cut them off.

I believe Matt is capable of being a mature adult and being a truly tolerant person, not one that claims to be tolerant while excommunicating people from his association for wrong-think and false vilification, claiming standard conservative and religious beliefs as extremism.

Upon what do you base that assertion? Not observable reality. Not even ‘what he said’.

Here is the reality. The people that are so intolerant and emotionally unstable to the point of not being able to be near people with views they find offensive, are a tiny minority. And yes, they seem like a larger group because they are so outspoken, and they overrun many online platforms. But in the real world they are the minority. Most people are not so delicate, easily offended, or hateful. This minority will complain online and claim hate speech against, what in reality is, bland political views, but all they need to be is ignored.

So do it, Shad. Dust him off and walk away. He wants to come back, HE builds that bridge, not you.

The Real Great Reset Is Not As Advertised

The rate of my posting has slowed due to a need to insulate myself. My situation is “too close to Gay Area Commiefornia”, which is great for studying the bad about our decadent society and terrible for studying the good.

So far as I know, either in personal life or in my blogging/Kremlinology, there is absolutely zero hope and the devil already controls everything. I recognize this as observer bias. Other dissidents assure me that the kids are turning out just fine, that families are still forming, and even that some people have decent churches. But I myself am not in a position to see that.

Such is the failure of Kremlinology. It is like panning for gold, collecting all the Enemy’s lies and filtering out the truth nuggets that all professional-quality lies must contain. (If they told 100% lies, then they’d be telling the truth by opposition.) Kremlinology is very rarely predictive. This is why the Soviet Union looked strong right up to the moment of its collapse.

This article illustrates those limits.

Klaus Schwab Calls for Governments to “Merge” with Unelected Corporate Elite

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By Frank Bergman, 8 September 2023

World Economic Forum (WEF) Chairman Klaus Schwab has called on governments around the world to begin merging with the unelected corporate elite to usher in his agenda to end “the era of capitalism..

Schwab made the comments during an address at this week’s Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit.

The event is a meeting of Southeast Asian governments and their “partner” nations.

The WEF founder argues that governments must embrace his globalist organization’s allies and allow corporate power elites to begin forging public policy.

During his speech, Schwab took the opportunity to dictate his plans for the merging of state and corporate power.

It’s obviously a power flex. The temptation is to think the devil does that because he’s strong. Sometimes that is true, but assuming so is a tiny defeat. If we dig in to the story, we learn that’s not true, but the first step is believing that the opera isn’t over just because the fat lady sang and the usher wants us to vacate.

However, the address from Schwab left many questioning why the head of a non-governmental organization, that represents private corporate interests, was even at the event.

Simple. Klaus went to ASEAN because ASEAN did NOT go to him.


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24 January 2023

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is bullish on Southeast Asia. One of the buzzy acronyms circulating at the meet was VIP markets: namely Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Yet most leaders from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) chose to give the annual jamboree of global elites at Davos a miss

This year’s gathering at Davos, which began on January 16, was also missing a slew of marquee names who had attended in the past. In 2017, then Vice President Joe Biden, Xi Jinping, Theresa May, and Shakira were among the guests. China’s president delivered the keynote address. ASEAN was represented by Cambodia’s Hun Sen and Vietnam’s Nguyen Xuan Phuc, both regulars on the Davos speaker circuit. However, this year Hun Sen skipped the event, and Phuc resigned as president while the WEF annual meeting was in session.

China doesn’t want to attend WEF anymore? Gosh, I wonder why. And China’s neighbors are feeling skittish, too? Might have something to do with, “Psst, we GAEs are going to wage World War 3 against China because they don’t use ((our banking system)). Wanna die for us? You need to die for us because we’re out of bullets. Don’t make us hurt you, too….”

Among Asian participants, there’s a feeling that the event is drifting away from its global agenda. Nikkei Asia referred to the meeting as .a eurocentric gathering.” After last year’s conference, Malaysian columnist Karim Raslan wrote, .How can it be a “World” Economic Forum when the concerns of Asia, which will contribute 60 percent of global growth by 2030, are disregarded?. The war in Ukraine is one of the areas of concern. Some ASEAN countries argue that sanctions against Russia are counterproductive. Hun Sen told a Davos audience last year, .Sanctions should be stopped because they don’t produce any benefits. Not only do poor countries suffer, even the countries that issued the sanctions are affected..

Summit fatigue could be another reason for the absence of ASEAN leaders at Davos.

The Davos connection has become “politically toxic” for world leaders in the post-COVID-19 era.

It’s neither fatigue nor Covidism. It’s the sanctions and 404 War, as in “this is what GAE does to its friends?!”

Reading the same story from the correct starting point changes everything. The Red Pill was like that to me. I had all the facts and observations stored up, but not the… intersexual experience, to pull it all together.

End segue

Nevertheless, [Mister “Eat Zee Bugz”] made an appearance at the latest Summit held in Indonesia and have a speech dictating his agenda to leaders of sovereign nations.

On its website, the Summit is described as “bilateral meetings between the leaders of the attending countries..

Schwab, who represents large corporations, was apparently the only exception to this rule.

As Australian politician Craig Kelly tweeted yesterday: .Why is Klaus holding court at the current ASEAN summit in Indonesia? And why is Klaus also advocating for a merger of state and corporate power?.

If I hadn’t dug deeper, I wouldn’t have recognized Schwab’s surprise appearance and speech as a desperate plea/threat to the nations that his allies are driving away. Even so, this doesn’t reveal what IS happening. Only that Klaus is a droopy face-puppet instead of the leader of the WEF conspiracy.

Oh, yes. The reason Klaus gets to give speeches, in his best “flag officer of defeated empires” attire, is because he shares the true leaders’ blood while being otherwise useless.

Perhaps his “conehead” phrenology should have been a tip-off. Or his meltface. Or his accent, which went out of style with the toothbrush mustache. Or maybe he’s just hopelessly, crayon-chewing incompetent…

Speaking at the summit, Schwab told government leaders that he is pushing, what he calls, .public-private cooperation..

He continued by asserting that, with the fusion of corporation and state, we would see a shift from “the era of capitalism to the era of talentism..

Heh, QED. Don’t call him ableist!

I cannot see that marketing department’s focus group, yet I know it must exist. Its spoor is everywhere!

Schwab explains that under his system, corporate elites will craft policies for sovereign countries to ensure that innovation becomes the “key competitive factor..

He had already declared that his plans for merging corporations and states will mean that “governments still provide direction but business provides the innovative power..

Sooo, the Asian governments left his fan club, then he crashed their Davos-alternative to dictate a future to Asian governments in which Asian government no longer exist except as puppets. Not even the real Borg could make that sale: “We are the WEF. Lower your borders and surrender your sovereignty. Your culture will adapt to service Africa. We will add your cultural and intellectual property to our stakeholds. Resistance is futile. We are the WEF.”

Meanwhile, the missing piece in all these high-level meetings of plutocrats and rulers, is 99.99% of humanity. I lack the illusion that many of them believe differently from their rulers, but it certainly isn’t all of them.

But I cannot see them. The Regime has monopolized media that much. Never mind the paucity of actual, on-the-ground reporting these days.

Schwab also gave a key address at the 2022 ASEAN Summit.

As with this year, questions were raised then as to why an unelected leader of the WEF is dictating policy to democratically elected officials.

Schwab.s stakeholder capitalism system is one where companies seek long-term value creation instead of short-term profits and governments cooperate with them.

In other words, the unelected leaders of for-profit companies are in charge of society.

Nothing has changed. The cycle is continuing with an inertia that cannot be overcome by human effort. The wicked take over, burn society to the ground, and then humanity is free to rebuild in a different, if not new, direction.

Which means that inevitably, the true Reset is already beginning among the young and in forgotten areas. The wicked will fail and GAE will fall. It could even be soon, as Klaus puts the Asian world on notice that they’ll be the cheese-eating surrender monkeys of the future. But for some of us, it takes faith to see what is not yet seen.

Hell Abhors A Spiritual Vacuum

I’m not entirely happy with this post, but it’s a worthwhile exploration of themes going through my head. The true horror of modern times is not the existence of evil… it always exists… or even the ascendance of evil, which invariably happens from time to time.

It is… THIS time only… the total absence of opposition against evil. We’re now at the stage of cops protecting trannies molesting children from the childrens’ parents, as publicly decreed by the State.

How Modern Man’s desire for self-annihilation at death has led (via inverted values) to the societal self-destruction of The West

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By Bruce Charlton, 1 September 2023

It seems that the ultimate desire of “evil” is that Men should desire their own annihilation.

I don’t disagree, but it’s not that simple. We aren’t talking about sewer-cide here. Throwing off God in favor of other gods or humanism has always been popular, but throwing off God in favor of oblivion? Not so much.

I am saying that the ultimate reason that Modern Men do not believe in life beyond death, is that Men do not want life after death: Modern Men instead want annihilation at death.

I am saying that in this situation; desire causes belief, not the other way around.

Desire is almost always the cause of belief. It is a mistake to believe that the average person has been reasoned into his current worldview. “I want to believe” is a first principle of human behavior. Or to put it negatively, it’s hard to convince a man of something when his paycheck required him to not believe it.

Doc Brown in my last post is just such an example. He believes in climate change because his job is climate research, which he chose because that’s where the grant money is today. It would be very self-denying if he connected all the dots of “they’re paying me to backstop their totalitarian agenda” and had to repudiate his life’s work, so instead, he wrote an article connecting enough of the dots to blame other people but not himself.

If we assume that desire causes belief, and belief causes Men’s values; and if Men’s values cause Men’s behaviour; then we may infer that the fundamental nature of Modern Society is ultimately a consequence of Modern Men’s desires.

Therefore – given that Modern Men desire annihilation, it should not be surprising that Modern Society seeks its own annihilation; nor should it be surprising that this operates via increasingly-explicit value-inversion.

Mr. Charlton did not made the case for his assumption. WHY do Modern Men desire annihilation? The keyword is “desire”. They do not want Christ because they see benefit in rejecting ANY life after death. They aren’t chasing religions that offer reincarnation. They aren’t even doing the Pharaoh thing of being worshiped postmortem. As hard as they’ll try to extend their mortal lives, they clearly want to believe that death is the Hard Stop.

Why? Progressivism. The belief that newer is always better, that with sufficient tech, morality becomes obsolete and we can be as gods. But eliminating the need for God is not the same thing as eliminating God Himself, now is it? Thus, it is desirable for Progressives to believe that death is the end… that there is only the material world.

Denying God’s existence gives Modern Man the lebensraum to Progress into godhood for himself.

If a man believes that there is no life after death, then he is instantly freed from responsibility to anybody but himself and exempted from every moral code so long as he doesn’t get caught. Life becomes a negative-sum game instead of positive-sum: everybody is screwed, so improve your quality-of-life by screwing your neighbor before he screws you. Somebody was gonna end up with all that copper wiring in the walls, right?

This is sometimes referred to as Keynesian Economics.

By contrast, if Man lived forever then, at some point, somehow, his past would catch up to him. As Alan Keynes infamously justified the instability of his system, “in the long run we’re all dead anyway.”

And of course, once a man travels any distance down that road of doing evil in hopes of dying before the evil hurts, recovery is not just hard; it’s undesirable.

What is truly astonishing about Modern Society (especially in the West, and where Western values dominate) – and what is apparently unprecedented in world history – is that the fundamentals of human biological life have become officially and systematically denied, destroyed, and inverted.

Something as biologically natural and spontaneous as eating and drinking are under continual assault, top-down; to dissociate them from anything natural, to delete whatever is instinctive, to reshape and invert preferences. We often get ‘idealistic’ depictions of a future in which grossly unnatural and distorted foods and drinks are regarded as progress: in which such a situation is regarded as moral progress.

I hope that is true but fear that it isn’t. There’s a post that I’m building up towards. For now, weakening the body… specifically by not eating meat… is a known way to weaken the barrier between the soul and hostile spirits.

Also, note that this Agenda is being pushed by a very small handful of people upon a very large planet of people who 1. don’t want it and 2. are unwilling to resist it.

My theory of death-is-the-ultimate-liberator doesn’t explain this lack of resistance to imposed destruction. This is not a case of “everybody for himself” any more than it’s a case of “sewer-cide”.

Something as biologically natural and spontaneous as family, is likewise subjected to inversion following decades of successful destruction. Natural and biological family is increasingly depicted as innately evil, oppressive, exploitative; and “anything-else” is deliberately (with upfront financial and status rewards) mass-presented in idealized ways, with an inbuilt assumption of their superiority.

A good case study. Nobody rejects life-after-death in order to maltreat their children. The all-about-me materialist isn’t the one pushing the value-inversion. But he IS the one accepting it without a fight?!

There’s a generational cycle that I’ve seen with Communism. The first generation of atheists is raised religious and therefore, acts morally out of habit even after they discard God. Their children are carefully NOT taught morality by their parents, so… guess who does. Satan. Marx. The radicals. The criminals who embrace the ethos of “do what thou wilt” with no legacy hangups about envying your neighbor’s cow.

The third generation gets taught the same lies but by then, everything is stolen and they quickly realize the need to become independent of the increasingly desperate State. What they choose to replace the State with depends greatly upon what survives the culture purges of those, quoting Michael Savage, red diaper doper babies.

This three-generation pattern is no longer holding true. The first generation is rejecting God in favor of… nothing. Void. No belief system, no charismatic leaders, no moral code, just Progress Fixes All. Also, there’s no third generation. This time, the ((Marxists)) are programming the second generation to die, not to rebel. This is neither the self-annihilation that Mr. Charlton talks about, nor the Crowley-style self-empowerment that I talked about above.

This is the technocracy taking hold (and losing its grip). What was previously done by loyalists indoctrinated from birth, is now to be done by AI and microchip implants. The denizens of Hell no longer want human servants.

I will have an example at the end.

I regard these mainstream, official, totalitarian-imposed social-aspects of Modern Life; as distal consequences of the proximate desire for self-annihilation that characterizes Modern Man.

Put differently: the ultimate cause of the inverted values which are destroying Western Society (and probably, to some large extent, the whole world) – is the positive wish of so many individual Western Men to be utterly annihilated (body and mind/ soul/ spirit) when they die.

My conclusion is that the ultimate cause of the inverted-moral destruction of Western Society, is that supernatural evil is taking advantage of the spiritual vacuum created by atheist Progressivism. The Satanists spent decades liberating women from patriarchy but at this point, they can (and have) imposed State-sanctioned child molestation in mere weeks.

No Western authority is willing to fight back because it cannot fight evil with its Progressive assumption that there is no evil, there is only a temporary technological incapacity to digest evil. This is why American governments have made several attempts to ban GAE’s child molestation policies, which have already been banned for millennia because it’s child molestation. We don’t need more rules. We need all the rope in Texas and a big oak tree.

The unexpected consequence of the wholesale extermination of Christianity from the West, has been total self-disarmament against supernatural embodiments of evil.

Time for that example:

Elon Musk blames school for rift with daughter: .She doesn’t want to spend time with me.

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Elon Musk blames his trans daughter’s progressive school for their now nonexistent relationship, according to a recent excerpt of an upcoming biography on the X, formerly known as Twitter, owner published in The Wall Street Journal.

Musk’s daughter, who legally changed her name to Vivian Jenna Wilson in 2022, came out as trans when she was 16. Wilson . who goes by her middle name, Jenna . did not tell her now-estranged father she was trans.

The Tesla CEO heard about his daughter’s transition from someone else, according to Walter Isaacson, who spent over three years following Musk and who is the author of the upcoming biography.

His estranged relationship with his daughter is why Musk, according to Isaacson, has adopted a so-called “anti-woke sentiments.” Musk often publicly complains about the alleged “dangers” of the “woke mind virus.” According to Isaacson, Musk told him that “unless the woke mind virus, which is fundamentally anti-science, anti-merit, and anti-human in general, is stopped, civilization will never become multiplanetary.

THAT is how he chose to phrase, “they sodomized my little girl”?

Well, Mr. Musk… not to kick you while you’re down… but the alien freaks that you’re searching for in space, just colonized your daughter. Maybe the trip to encounter other intelligences won’t be as long as you expect.

Maybe you shouldn’t have chosen to become a god instead of a father.


X ? A-12: Elon Musk and Grimes confirm baby name

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End segue

No need for the article. They obviously didn’t choose that name because they thought it would be good for the kid. Musk is the guy bringing humanity to the stars while abandoning his kids to an extradimensional incursion of Nephilim.

Musk also partly blames his daughter’s ideology and decision to cut him out of her life on Crossroads, a progressive school Jenna attended in Los Angeles, Isaacson wrote. Musk believes, according to Isaacson, that Twitter “had become infected by a similar mindset that suppressed right-wing and anti-establishment voices.”

No, Musk. Don’t blame the school. Don’t blame her ‘choice of ideology’. Her story is typical of daughters abandoned by celebrity fathers. You did not corrupt her, but you DID assume that she could not be corrupted. Because Progress.

I would happily watch SpaceX fight Black Cube in a no-holds smackdown for world domination. But. Elon Musk cannot solve the problem of his ruined daughter by defeating globohomo, because the problem is Elon Musk being too busy being Elon Musk to be Daddy. He left her vulnerable to outsiders and then was surprised when the inevitable happened. He didn’t want to miss out on any lifetime achievements before the Hard Stop hits. Anybody can breed, right? But Starlink and rocket ships, fuck yeah!

The collapse of Christianity is having a similar effect at a grander scale. Society claimed there is no spiritual realm in order to excuse its abandoning God. Now that devils are rushing in to fill the spiritual vacuum, our authorities are paralyzed, unwilling to believe their own lying eyes.

Human Livestock: PhD As A Lifestyle Choice

American colleges are more like drug dealers than Chinacrap factories. They aren’t dumping bad product into an artificially inflated market; they’re feeding appetites that will always be lucrative but never should be indulged.

Consider that there have been far too many PhDs chasing academic slots for well over a decade. These are Smart(tm) people, right? Why do they persist in getting advanced education, when they see and know that their future employment prospects are dismal? The answer is, they’re weak men who want to be institutionalized, yet respectably. They actively want to be micromanaged. Get in the pod, eat the bugs, welcome the invader, marry your dog… Just do what you’re told and you won’t get hurt.

Some people really are like that.

Whether because the student is too emotionally damaged to face reality, or is merely female… this is the female nesting instinct on steroids… the student is the driving force behind academia-as-a-lifestyle. Instead of facing hardships, or worse, uncertainty & risk, they choose a career that… while guaranteed to be underpaid and unrewarding if not totalitarian nihilistic… will at least guarantee, with all the force of government, that the student will never starve.

Until he DOES starve, of course. Weak people trusting the government is like pigs trusting the farmer.

Academics pursue PhDs only because they’re too cool for Skid Row. They can’t handle life. They don’t care that the odds of tenure are nil, or that the price of tenure is a soul that they don’t believe they have. They want the air-conditioned livestock pen at any price, which unfortunately, is where the globalists got the idea for a Great Reset.

The other nine males “make the system work”. AKA McNuggets. But don’t worry, you’ll be The One because… reasons.

I Left Out the Full Truth to Get My Climate Change Paper Published

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By Patrick T. Brown, 5 September 2023

Why would he do that? Because he’s… CHICKEN.

I am a climate scientist. And while climate change is an important factor affecting wildfires over many parts of the world, it isn’t close to the only factor that deserves our sole focus.

So why does the press focus so intently on climate change as the root cause? Perhaps for the same reasons I just did in an academic paper about wildfires in Nature, one of the world’s most prestigious journals: it fits a simple storyline that rewards the person telling it.

This worthless academic is going to talk a lot about how PRESTIGIOUS journals constantly tell lies to promote their political agenda. One wonders what, exactly, makes them prestigious. In this article, the author describes how “prestigious” means “the government will fund you only if you have PRESTIGIOUS approval”. I’ll be skipping that part because I deal in souls, not funding grants.

The paper I just published..Climate warming increases extreme daily wildfire growth risk in California..focuses exclusively on how climate change has affected extreme wildfire behavior. I knew not to try to quantify key aspects other than climate change in my research because it would dilute the story that prestigious journals like Nature and its rival, Science, want to tell.

That word again.

This matters because it is critically important for scientists to be published in high-profile journals… In many ways, they are the gatekeepers for career success in academia… The editors of these journals have made it abundantly clear, both by what they publish and what they reject, that they want climate papers that support certain preapproved narratives.even when those narratives come at the expense of broader knowledge for society.

A scientist would ask why they are so committed to a path of easily provable falsehoods. An academic would take the the money and do the deed, then complain that he feels violated the morning after.

As the number of researchers has skyrocketed in recent years.there are close to six times more PhDs earned in the U.S. each year than there were in the early has become more difficult than ever to stand out from the crowd. So while there has always been a tremendous premium placed on publishing in journals like Nature and Science, it’s also become extraordinarily more competitive.

That’s NOT the fault of the Regime. It doesn’t care where its lies come from. If you make yourself available then they’ll use you. It’s true that kings want everybody reduced to pawns, but it’s also true that natural-born pawns demand a king. They will not live free even when given the chance.

“I want to tell the truth but it would hurt my career. I shouldn’t have to make that choice!” Behold the materialist conscience: they know you’re evil, they hate your evil, but the only alternative is courage & honor.

I suddenly realized why the moneychangers print those diplomas on “sheepskin”. 10/10 Black knight trolling!

In theory, scientific research should prize curiosity, dispassionate objectivity, and a commitment to uncovering the truth. Surely those are the qualities that editors of scientific journals should value.

In reality, though, the biases of the editors (and the reviewers they call upon to evaluate submissions) exert a major influence on the collective output of entire fields. They select what gets published from a large pool of entries, and in doing so, they also shape how research is conducted more broadly. Savvy researchers tailor their studies to maximize the likelihood that their work is accepted. I know this because I am one of them.

Here.s how it works.

You send them a selfie of your Brazilian butt-jobbed booty, pumped bulgingly full of credentials, then they give you money and bend you over a dumpster in a dark alley. You then give half the money to your pimp while complaining he’s not giving you a choice.

Maybe there’s a better way to live. Nah. You already know more about ‘plumbing problems’ than those tradesmen ever will. !Science!

The first thing the astute climate researcher knows is that his or her work should support the mainstream narrative.namely, that the effects of climate change are both pervasive and catastrophic and that the primary way to deal with them is not by employing practical adaptation measures like stronger, more resilient infrastructure, better zoning and building codes, more air conditioning.or in the case of wildfires, better forest management or undergrounding power lines.but through policies like the Inflation Reduction Act, aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Correct. The first thing the astute climate researcher knows is the Golden Rule of Art & Science: whoever has the gold, makes the rules.

Actually, that’s not true. The greats of Art & Science rarely died wealthy. Their work was more important to them than a life of comfort and, sometimes, of life.

So in my recent Nature paper, which I authored with seven others…

It’s not that the research was that hard. It’s that the industry prestige is that limited. Pro-tip to you, Doc Brown: All seven of your collaborators ALSO hate themselves for lying about their work in order to gain respect.

Does your conscience hurt? It’s supposed to hurt in this situation. I want to see whether you think the problem is your evil, or your evil-detector.


…I focused narrowly on the influence of climate change on extreme wildfire behavior. Make no mistake: that influence is very real. But there are also other factors that can be just as or more important, such as poor forest management and the increasing number of people who start wildfires either accidentally or purposely. (A startling fact: over 80 percent of wildfires in the US are ignited by humans.)

In Greece today, it’s over 99 percent. In fact, authorities there just arrested 79 arsonists… and over 200 arrests for ‘negligence’… but refused to identify any of them. I investigated and discovered that migrants are setting fires in order to distract local law enforcement from arresting them, which means the globalists are trying to stop their own allies from burning down their own homes & families, without exposing themselves as allies of arsonists.

Ah, consequences. Often delayed, never denied.

I left academia over a year ago, partially because I felt the pressures put on academic scientists caused too much of the research to be distorted. Now, as a member of a private nonprofit research center, The Breakthrough Institute, I feel much less pressure to mold my research to the preferences of prominent journal editors and the rest of the field.

Ohhh, he DID find honest work. Alright then, he gets some respect.

You might be wondering at this point if I’m disowning my own paper. I’m not.

YOINK! I take it back.

On the contrary, I think it advances our understanding of climate change’s role in day-to-day wildfire behavior. It’s just that the process of customizing the research for an eminent journal caused it to be less useful than it could have been.

He silenced his evil-detector by blaming what other people did instead of what he did. Doc Brown is still all blah blah anthropogenic climate change; he just doesn’t understand why the only accepted, prestigious solution is totalitarian government control of all humanity.

He never will, either, because his chosen lifestyle is chicken.

Gabon Rejects the Rothschilds

Western humanity is so unprecedentedly evil, that Sub-Saharan Africans are rescuing their civilization from our corruption.

That should sting like a sriracha jellyfish, but my cracker peers are too busy nodding at my mention of African monkey supremacy. I’m not complimenting them! I’m disrespecting YOU, you Cuckleheads! You Gonzos for Bongo!

GAE Tool Won A Totally Fair, Democratic Election For the 56th Year In A Row, So the Men Started Voting With Their Guns For No Reason At All


Gabon military officers declare coup after Ali Bongo wins disputed election

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By Peter Beaumont, 30 August 2023

A group of military personnel appeared on state television to announce they were seizing power to overturn the results of a presidential election, seeking to remove a president whose family has held power for nearly 56 years. The officers introduced themselves as members of the Committee of Transition and the Restoration of Institutions.

If successful, the coup would be the eighth in west and central Africa since 2020. The most recent one, in Niger, was in July, while the military has also seized power in Mali, Guinea, Burkina Faso and Chad.

Kicking out the globohomo! That means they love their children more than we Americans love our children. And they send their children to work in lithium mines without safety equipment.

Hmm. Niger, Mali, Guinea, Burkina Faso and Chad are contiguous. If Sudan joins in, then there will be a BELT you could build a ROAD on across the widest part of Africa.

Crowds instead took to the streets of the capital and sang the national anthem to celebrate the coup attempt against a dynasty accused of getting rich on the country’s resource wealth while many of its citizens struggle to scrape by.

.Today the country is undergoing a severe institutional, political, economic, and social crisis,. the officers said in a statement, saying the 26 August election lacked transparency and credibility. .In the name of the Gabonese people . we have decided to defend the peace by putting an end to the current regime..

The officers said they represented all Gabonese security and defence forces and announced the election results were cancelled, all borders were closed until further notice and state institutions dissolved.

“We canceled your fake&gay election. WHAT NOW, NULAND? HUH? Tell your soldier-queers to bring it!”

Unlike Niger and two other west African countries run by military juntas, Gabon has not been afflicted by jihadi violence and had been seen as relatively stable. But nearly 40% of Gabonese aged 15-24 were out of work in 2020, according to the World Bank.

That’s not why the people opted for regime change.

The political demise of Bongo fits a pattern of coups in French-speaking Africa in recent years. The French-educated Bongo met the French president, Emmanuel Macron, in Paris in late June and shared photos of them shaking hands.

THAT is why the people opted for regime change. The same reason that France opted for regime change, too! but with more effectiveness. What’s the difference between the Gabonese military and the Yellow Vests? Firepower.

Bongo, in his annual Independence Day speech on 17 August, said: .While our continent has been shaken in recent weeks by violent crises, rest assured that I will never allow you and our country, Gabon, to be hostages to attempts at destabilisation. Never..

In his speech, Bongo acknowledged the widespread frustration over rising costs of living, and listed measures his government was taking to contain fuel prices, make education more affordable, and stabilise the price of baguettes.

Dayumn, that sounded tone-deaf even to me. A guy so ignorant of Africa that I thought, until this very hour, that Niger meant a part of Nigeria. “Let them eat baguettes!”

The French prime minister, ?lisabeth Borne, said France, Gabon’s former colonial ruler, was following the situation closely.

How closely, you ask?

France has around 400 soldiers permanently deployed in the country for training and military support, including at a base in the capital, and has extensive economic ties to the country in the mining and oil sectors.

Of course. All those accusations against us for the “evil colonialism” of centuries past, was only projection from the Jews and Yankees practicing the very worst forms of colonialism to this hour.

The implosion of GAE is going to uncover a lot… of…

Before Wednesday’s dramatic announcement, Bongo’s spell in office was marked by disputed elections and a stroke that spurred rumours about his fitness for office and fuelled a minor attempted coup.

The private intelligence firm Ambrey said all operations at Gabon’s main port in Libreville had been halted, with authorities refusing to grant permission for vessels to leave.

Heehee, they aren’t letting “the voters” escape to a safer harbor.

The French mining company Eramet said it was ceasing all operations in Gabon, and was implementing procedures to ensure the safety of its staff and facilities. The company’s subsidiaries in Gabon operate the world’s largest manganese mine and a rail transport company.

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Eramet is a French multinational mining and metallurgy company, listed on the Euronext Paris exchange under the symbol ERA.

The company was founded with the funding of the Rothschild family (although they were careful to avoid being listed as founders of the company) in 1880. With discretion, the family took full control of the company in 1890.

Every. Single. Time.

Humanity Is Not Capable Of Moral Progress

To misquote Charles Dickens, it’s the blackest of pills, it’s the whitest of pills: we need not concern ourselves about warning future generations against evil.

Severian’s mailbag kicks it off.

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We have reached the point where we are definitely watching History in the making. We’re in a period about which there will be libraries. worth of books written, fought over by huge schools of historical interpretation. Think .Weimar,. if not “The Reformation..

So here’s what I’d like you to do: Start writing down all your memories of the Before Times, and keeping a journal. Be sure to do it on paper, so future historians don’t have to have access to MS Word or whatever to read it. But also be sure to hide it, so that it won’t show up at your thoughtcrime trial. It’s vital that we do this. Someone has to testify to future generations that not everyone in these years was utterly bugfuck insane.

Why? Why warn the future against repeating the acts of the present? We dissidents can’t even warn the present against the evils of the present.

I’ve thumped a hole clean through my Bible, yet even the Baptists can’t hear me yelling about Sin Number One. It’s hopeless, man. They won’t listen.

Humanity is not capable of moral progress.

Every generation, we reboot from ethical zero. Every generation must meet God for themselves, as if for the first time. We saw this in the Old Testament. We saw this with Plato & Socrates and probably Confucius. There has never been a shortage of sound moral advice. It never makes a lasting impression.

If humanity approached morality the way it approached technology, we would have built a Tower Of Babel out of psalms and proverbs five thousand years ago, and police would have less to do today than the Maytag Repairman.

In fact, when you look at technology, the problem becomes clear. The most reliable sciences are the ones farthest away from the human soul, while the most treacherous sciences… looking at YOU, psychology and economics!.. are the ones which address the human soul directly. Humanity dares not face the Monster From the Id. Our wickedness protects itself even as we examine it.

We cannot warn the future. They will marvel at our grand LARPS and derps, wondering how we could be like that, while they do the same thing themselves. Warn the future? No, let’s MOCK the future for being as foolish as us! Haha, future losers, who’s your Daddy?

This is also a white pill. Humanity is equally incapable of capital-P moral Progress, if you know what I mean. The Blofelds and chumps both obsess over implanting microchips in our brains and dumping us in virtual reality reeducation camps such that we’ll never have the chance to choose righteousness, but they are also doomed to ultimate failure. Stop the signal? They couldn’t stop Tucker Carlson. They couldn’t stop Russia with a million billion dollars and ten years of unopposed preparation.

Nobody is born directly into the families of either God the Father or the Prince of Lies. For all of us, it is a choice to be made and then endured.

Teach your children right, of course, because you love them and you love yourself. That being said, there is jack that you can do, to prevent humanity from repeating the cycle. As much as God wants us to fight against evil and its many forms, He won’t allow us a lasting success. Not that He is the one thwarting us, it’s our own corrupted hearts, but if Satan was crushed before his time, God’s plan would fail as completely as if He abandoned us to the wolves.

Our mortal reality is not a war. It is a factory for making saints.

And apparently, clowns.

Register Your Child With the Free… Mason… CHIP Today!

[Prologue: Sometimes the Internet scares me. The Freemasons have been doing this since 1998 across the USA, yet despite how relevant it is to modern events, and me being well-traveled at public events, I’m only finding out about the program now after following up on a rumor that I’d expected to be incidental to my planned post. Watch how quickly I tumble down the rabbit hole.]

A few voices have criticized the movie Sound of Freedom for being a gatekeeping operation. An easy charge to hang on any, obviously politically motivated media production, and I wouldn’t dispute it, but I did take note of the unexpectedly strong reaction against its depiction of child sex trafficking as organized & overseen by the governments of the West… to the point that some Lefty pundits were blaming mothers for kiddie trafficking in their “fact-checking” efforts! That would normally be crossing a thick, feminist line. (Especially because it’s true; it’s fathers who keep the children safe. Women are simply not warriors, even when they aren’t the criminals in question.)

Before I depart the movie, I heard something that would perfectly explain how it could be a gatekeeping effort. Can anyone who watched it confirm for me, that there is a scene in the movie in which an injectable microchip is offered as a way to keep children safe from kidnapping?

I gots to know.

Hey wait, this is the Information Age. I can check the rumor for myself.


Sound of Freedom’s Ballard denounces microchipping children

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By Lee Harding, 22 July 2023

The real-life main character of Sound of Freedom has taken to social media to dispel allegations his movie is part of an agenda to microchip children.

.It will never cease to amaze me how far the godless leftist media will go to run interference for human traffickers. They’re throwing everything at me right now,. Tim Ballard, star of the movie about child sex trafficking, said in a recent Instagram post.

.I just saw a post that seems to be trending in certain places, saying that I am in favour of putting microchips in children so we can track them. It’s complete baloney.”

“I’ve never weighed in on that. I’ve never said anything. In fact, I’m very much against anything that would allow the government or others to control children..

Ballard included memes and headlines by his accusers to illustrate the issue.

I agree that he’s being slandered & libeled out of all proportion to the offense… but hmm, this doesn’t confirm or deny the scene I’m asking about.

[One] meme included the title, .GEE, thanks Sound of Freedom.” Below was the picture of a brochure for a public safety event sponsored by the Freemasons of Georgia entitled GA CHIP. The brochure included the same symbol allegedly on Ballard’s tie.

The Freemasons of…

What the hell?! And just like that, I’m fisking a different post today.

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Freemasons have long been committed to children and families through our scholarship program, children’s learning centers, Shriner’s Hospitals and sponsorship of youth groups. Massachusetts Freemasons have been conducting a child identification program since 1988 and have identified more than 300,000 children. We are proud to offer this program called MYCHIP.

Other programs consist of a single photo and fingerprinting. This new program adds a short video interview, DNA swab, and a dental imprint called Toothprints. Toothprints is a technique developed by David Tesini, a Massachusetts children’s Dentist and incorporated into CHIP by Dr. David Harte, a Massachusetts Freemason. These additions make MYCHIP the most comprehensive Children’s ID program available. MYCHIP now makes the process even faster, and the information even more convenient for parents to hold onto. Using tablet computers and credit-card-sized USB sticks, parents have a complete set of information in wallet-friendly form, perfect to keep handy and never lose.

MYCHIP is designed to give families a measure of protection against this ever-increasing problem.

The DNA test is unnecessary and dental records is preposterous. Frankly, identifying missing children is rarely a problem unless the child was taken from Squatemala at a very young age. Fingerprints & picture are sufficient. A parent can volunteer their own DNA to law enforcement if they want to go the extra mile, because that’s the DNA the police will use to establish parentage regardless. Such DNA would be processed in compliance with evidence chain-of-custody regulations, too, not processed by third-party volunteers from an international secret society.


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GACHIP provides a valuable tool for the parents or guardians on a small computer disk that includes… DNA and Scent: The swift recovery of a missing person can be aided by tracking dogs.

Scent? That’s some Gestapo-level paranoia. Literal Gestapo. Cold War East Germany preserved the scents of suspected dissidents in jars so if they ever suddenly vanished, Gestapo could unleash the hounds even without a recent article of clothing. You don’t know what ‘totalitarian police state’ means until you catch the secret police stealing your dirty underwear so they can murder you more easily. I’m just sayin’, Melania Trump, maybe not all of those FBI agents raiding your panty drawer were perverts.

But parents would absolutely have a recently-worn piece of clothing. Man, that’s creepy.

End segue

What is MYCHIP?
Massachusetts Child Identification Program addresses the alarming fact that more and more children are reported missing each year. While most are found, many are not. ALL of the identifying materials generated by the program are given to the child’s family.

We retain NONE of the information and this program is offered to the public at NO CHARGE. MYCHIP is part of MasonicCHIP International, Inc. an initiative of North American Freemason’s Grand Lodges, which generates “completed packs” of various identifying items of children for parents or guardians.

If you ask them, the chip in MasonicCHIP is just “child identification program”. But if you don’t see this obvious telegraphing of “MicroCHIP” then you are lacking in discernment. It’s not just a foreshadowing play on words, it’s the obvious direction that the program is moving in.

MasoniCHIP International. Inc. is recognized by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) as the most comprehensive program of its type and has received a SPECIAL AWARD OF COMMENDATION from the NCMEC in February 2007.

The Massachusetts Child Identification Program has been acknowledged and awarded by the US Congress.

Behold, a privately funded organization operating on behalf on law enforcement and government, with documented interests in both diabolism and your kids. We see this public-private two-step everywhere now.

Even the Huffington Post smelled a rat.

Why Are the Freemasons Collecting Our Children’s DNA?

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By Amy MacPherson, 26 September 2012

You know them as MasoniChip, or perhaps you’ve been led to believe it was a state and provincial endeavor intended to protect your little ones. They set up fairs, forge partnerships with law enforcement and even strive to distribute their services through North American public school systems. In Massachusetts this Freemason program was promoted by CBS News from the steps of the official State House and included their police dog, coincidentally named Mason.

I wonder who the Freemasons recruit these days. I’ve never known of one in meatspace, so probably not many Christians. If a large percentage of law enforcement is Masonic then that helps explain their increasingly curious and self-destructive submission to the globalist agenda.

Conspiracy theorists need theorize no more. In pages from a fiction novel brought to life, the strangest twists in popular folklore have been winding through our government corridors. In this case I wouldn’t blame you for being tempted to run it by Snopes.

Fabled as a secret society, Freemasons see themselves as an esoteric fraternity…

Skip the backstory.

What is MasoniChip you ask? It begins on the surface as a child identification project, in case your loved ones are ever to be horrendously abducted. Parents are familiar with at-home kits to record their kids’ vital information, for protection against the greatest of all fears to be inflicted on a family. Normally height, weight, hair and eye colour are recorded, along with a set of fingerprints and hopefully a current photograph. It’s just the good folks at your local Masonic Lodge saw fit to take things further.

With advances in technology, they began to offer digital fingerprints, digital imaging, digital video, dental impressions and DNA mouth swabs. This data processing is managed by their proprietary software that’s designed to be compatible with local and national law enforcement. This is after all, a campaign created by police in the brotherhood regardless of its private funding.

She provides a confirming link for the boldfaced that didn’t work for me.

A great distinction is made to ensure governments are nothing more than their supporters. Freemasons assert ownership of this project as an integral part of their mission statement:

“We the Freemasons are the sole “sponsor” of the Masonic Safety Identification initiatives as developed in our various Masonic Grand Lodge Jurisdictions. As such we schedule the Events and coordinate the equipment, materials and volunteers necessary to conduct events. All groups and individuals are welcome to work alongside, but they are not referred as sponsors but listed and involved as “supporters”, “supporting partners”, “corporate partners”, “in collaboration with”, or “in cooperation with.”

There is no way to guarantee what happens behind closed doors….

Because Freemasons fund 100 per cent of the initiative, there is no opportunity to discuss issues regarding data ownership…

The only thing they share is an internet portal, where everyone claims to expunge the information that was painstakingly collected.

Very good, Amy! No oversight plus government affiliation equals Red Flag.

Let us then consider the function of a DNA sample. If a child goes missing will police swab every glass and rock they come across for a match to find the trail? In the video for Massachusetts they claimed it would help Mason pick up a scent, but in all reality the clothes a child was last wearing will provide stronger notes and this can’t be the intended purpose. DNA has nothing to do with scent and its only use can be harnessed once a child has been located.

With somber scrutiny and if further tragedy struck, authorities would match remains with parental samples for definitive confirmation. It is the parents’ DNA that could aid in matching the unnamed, but only accredited laboratories are permitted to conduct the process. Whether a parent or child, collecting DNA cannot occur at an open park event, run by stranger volunteers and become admissible to the national database. The FBI continually quotes the DNA Identification Act of 1994 in establishing these requirements to be included within CODIS.

VERY good, Amy! You are wasted at Huffpo!

All in all they’ve registered 1.5 million children to date. The push is on to document as many possible, as keenly demonstrated by the event schedule for Ontario. From community halls to grocery stores, fairground booths, libraries and even chartered banks, the private fraternity will be on hand to collect everything about your children whether it’s relevant or not.

When it comes to the little people we’d do anything to protect them, but perhaps their families might give sober second thought to what exactly they’re signing in a contract with Freemasons. This DNA collection program is planned to be extended to the disabled community and seniors, but who benefits when it’s inadmissible to a certified registry of any sort?

I haven’t confirmed that. Maybe it’s only happening in some states? Maybe it’s just the kids that they’re interested in.

And why is the face of government through public schools or police through public events, being placed on an effort from private organizations to mislead parents? Sharing one’s fingerprints and biometrics is a serious decision. For public safety we must insist that brokers of such events become transparent and regulated.

It’s not often that a female pundit impresses me, but she said it better than I did. So, to answer her titular question…

Why are the Freemasons collecting our children’s DNA? Because they’re early adopters of Satan’s schemes.

Meanwhile, any parents who are nervous about their children disappearing can find wearable GPS trackers with little difficulty. Why, home invasion robbers reportedly use Apple AirTags to follow expensive cars home from the grocery store! It’s a Scooby-Doo mystery why they don’t just rob the expensive houses… anyway, do not EVER be stampeded by fear into providing your child’s identity to strangers… or worse, the State. Because Gestapo is becoming a thing again.

Barbie the Feminist Reviews Barbie the Movie

What do the movies Sound of Freedom and Barbie have in common? Young girls being sold into sex slavery for the enjoyment of men! What the Deep State does with armed kidnappings in the dead of night, creeps do with matrimony! No wuving God would allow such a misogynistic crime to happen, and if Jesus is anything, He’s more wuvs than a kitten in a blanket.

Aside from some other Churchy stuff that Barbie doesn’t think about. It can’t be important if it’s not trending on social media, right?

As Christians, we can learn something from ‘Barbie’

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By Aleassa Jarvis, 8 August 2023

We can learn that matriarchy is hell? That a woman who gets everything she wants, will still be unhappy? That a fully actualized life of materialism remains spiritually void?

For sure, we can learn… that the Fall Of Eden was not a one-time event.

Some critics are saying, .Don’t watch .Barbie., go see ‘Sound of Freedom’ instead.. I’ve actually seen both movies and I believe they share a similar underlying message.

In .Barbie,. the main character lives in a seemingly perfect Barbie World . a female-driven society in which the Barbies are all intelligent, strong, and celebrated super-achievers. The Kens in Barbie World are little more than complementary accessories, whose main purpose is to look good and cheer on the Barbies.

And Ken was happy, right?

Well… at least Barbie was happy… right?

One day Barbie wakes up to find she is less than perfect, which is devastating to her. Barbie goes to the real world, in which she discovers that everything is upside down . she finds a patriarchy, where she is objectified and even hated. Ken, on the other hand, starts believing that patriarchy is where he can finally be valued. He takes this idea back to Barbie World and establishes a machismo hierarchy where the Kens are in charge and the Barbies cater to their egos.

Wokism increasingly sounds like it’s jumped the shark… that its “smash the patriarchy” movies are increasing in popularity, but only because the audience identifies so strongly with the villain. The red flag for that is when the reviews are more popular than the actual show.


The movie is a hilarious satire built on a reversed world of extreme gender stereotypes, but the writing is incredibly deep and full of beautiful moments if you’re willing to peer beneath the surface. Both Barbie and Ken ultimately discover that each of them has equal worth…

No. The self-absorbed and materialistic are not of equal worth to a man who goes out of his way to take a risk at improving the circumstances of his life.

…and that gendered power imbalances might feel good to those in power, but they actually exploit and harm everyone.

Akshually, those gendered power imbalances are increasing quickly in popularity! If DisneyCorp has done a single righteous thing, despite its every single intention, it was pushing Gender Equality until it passed infinity to became the sampaku-eyed toxic broken wine aunt of Social Justice. I hear that Zoomer girls have begun rejecting feminism because they don’t want to end up like a Disney Princess.

Burn, Kathleen Kennedy! Nobody wants to be you when they grow up.

.Sound of Freedom,. by contrast, is a dark, gut-punch of a film. Two children are kidnapped in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, and sold to sex traffickers in Mexico and Colombia. The main character, Tim Ballard, embarks on a journey to find them and it yields the liberation of many more child sex slaves and the start of his nonprofit organization, Operation Underground Railroad.

Critics have pointed out that some of the rescue tactics depicted in the movie and the way in which child trafficking was portrayed, can wind up doing more harm than good. Those are valid points worth considering.

Here’s another point to consider: E.P.S.T.E.I.N.S… I.S.L.A.N.D. If reviewer-Barbie had listened to those critics, she would have heard them blaming the mothers of trafficked children because the alternative is admitting the existence of a global network of pedophiles operating at the highest levels of government. Women most affected, indeed.

Even so, this powerfully told story brings to light the horrific reality of human trafficking, calling on moviegoers to end this form of modern-day slavery. It also makes two crucial points . that sex trafficking is fueled by the supply and demand of pornography, and that “the United States is one of the top destinations for human trafficking and one of the top consumers for child sex..

Two lies in that sentence. One, porn doesn’t make men violent or cruel. The proof is that you, dear reader, are still alive. Consider how the Information Age has pushed the amount & availability of porn beyond the wildest imaginings of the ancients. If porn was a gateway to impulsive sexual violence then civilization would have murdered itself circa Betamax.

And two, don’t conflate white people with ((white people)). The same demographic that brought Negro slavery to America, is now bringing child sex slavery to America. We should punish them.

What connects the two films is that both showcase the ramifications of a world in which we dehumanize and objectify our fellow human beings.

.Barbie. uses humor and over-the-top satire to illustrate how harmful and demeaning it is for one sex to rule over another. The movie calls out patriarchy and abusive men specifically, and for good reason. When Will Ferrell’s character commands Barbie to “Get back in the box, Jezebel,. many women know exactly how that felt.

Whaaat?! THAT got said in the movie?! Dayumn… maybe I should watch it.

Likewise, when America Ferrera’s character pours out her powerful speech at the end, many women felt every single syllable.

Aaaand maybe I was right the first time.

How’s that gender equality working out for you ladies? Oh, that’s right. It’s equity now. Because one gender is more equal than the other.

Also, mental illness is now at an all-time high, concurrent with female empowerment. Women most affected, yet again!

You women are in rebellion against men in general and your husbands in particular. It’s you women, not porn, that are driving sexual misconduct. You refuse to boink the man you should, and boink every man you shouldn’t instead. How is that not rebellion?

.Sound of Freedom. employs blunt, heart-breaking imagery to illustrate the horrific abuse that happens when someone decides that another person is theirs to use. When the hero of the story resolutely declares, .God’s children are not for sale,. we felt it in the depths of our souls. Humans weren’t created to be owned, used, and dominated by other humans. We were made for freedom.

Women WERE created to be owned, used, dominated… and to be happy that way. God make women to be servants of men. When women go all strong & independent, is when my boxed wine investments pay dividends.

I’m dropping kitty litter futures, however. The next growth market for feral wymyn, post-vexxination, will be in the mortuary sciences. What’s this? There aren’t any funeral homes or casket-makers on the NYSE? How odd. It’s not like my Congresswoman, Diane Feinstein, to miss such an obvious… ohhh. Right.

Another common thread is that pornography, sex trafficking, and what we know today as patriarchy all share the same core belief . that one person is entitled to exercise power over another person through control and domination and that one person is less human than another.

That is how women think… in terms of power, control, domination, status. Men are the cooperative sex. Men just want to boink. Feed us, too, and we’ll happily give you females the world.

Starve us of boink and we won’t get violent. We’ll just boink elsewhere. Child sex slaves from the Amazon river basin are not as fun or cheap as one-off Tinder dates. Or porn.

Or your best friend, girl! Not that we would… but we certainly COULD, hahaha!

That’s what the anti-porn movement is all about. It’s not about Biblical morality… it’s about rebellious women protecting their monopoly on boink, to exercise their one power over men that God meant to be given freely.

The loudest critics mocking “Barbie” insist that American women have nothing to whine about, that women are already regarded as equals, and that they should stop living with a “victim mentality..

Yeah, that’s another sex difference. Men don’t like to claim victimhood. Which proves, I suppose, that some humans with male bits really are the pussies they claim to be.

If true, why do varying studies reveal that 57% up to 91% of American men admit to regular pornography use?

Because our women deprive us of sex.

Why is the U.S. a top consumer [and] producer of pornography?

Because our women deprive us of sex. And again, you’re conflating white people with ((white people)).

Is that because American men view women and children as equals?

There is no equality. There MUST be no equality! As I just stated, women think in terms of dominance and power dynamics. If her man doesn’t put her in her place, then she’ll go feral.

If her man DOES put her in her place, the Bidenreich will defend her against God’s Plan for Humanity. What snakes they be!

More troublingly, Barna research indicates that 68% of churchgoing men and over 50% of pastors consume porn regularly. Is that because they view women as equals?

Let.s be honest. When we say that .68% of church-going men struggle with porn. what we are really saying is that 68% of churchgoing men struggle to see women as fully human.

You heartless bitch. First you won’t put out, then you blame your man for finding an alternative. Does it hurt, when you get outperformed in the bedroom by an iPhag? I hope it does.

If you think I’m exaggerating, are you aware that popular social media influencers now encourage Christian wives to take pole-dancing classes?

Hee hee. Like I said, the young chicks these days don’t want to end up like… YOU. With your globe-trotting career and your drinking habit and your kitchen bitch and your damaged little trophy bastard. No, the new girls want husbands who give them healthy & happy kids and let them play with their girlfriends while he works. What a hardship, that that husband would then expect cleaning (like you’d do anyway) and meals (like you’d cook anyway) and child care (like you’d insist on doing anyway) and some nookie, which he will happily make fun for you if only you make it fun for him, too.

Or consider these words from pastor Doug Wilson of Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho: “All Christian wives, in all Christian marriages, occupy a subordinate rank, and it is always bad for a subordinate to be insubordinate..


How about this from Jack Hyles, who once preached: .For every single man in prison for rape, there ought to be right beside him a half-naked girl in the next cell..

Word again! Does this Hyles guy run a church, and is it within my commuting distance?

Michael and Debi Pearl’s blog and books, Created to Be His Helpmeet, and The Bible on Divorce & Remarriage, instruct wives to .stop defrauding your husband and start pumping him dry about every day or so. If he is younger than 25, make that every day and twice on Sunday . If you do not cheerfully, joyously make yourself a willing participant, you are the tool of Satan to bring your husband down..

WORD AGAIN! This author is covering her ears and screaming past all the warning signs like Thelma and Louise flooring the gas pedal! She’s gonna blow, folks!

Not to belabor this, but none other than pastor John MacArthur has said:

.Man is the sun and woman is the moon. She shines not so much with the direct light of God, but that derived from man . woman was made to manifest man’s authority and man’s will as man was made to manifest God’s authority. The woman is the vice regent who carries out man’s wish . She demonstrates her significance in the world in response to the direction of men who are given divine dominion..

None other than pastor John MacArthur tried to turn this Globalist Slutwalk Barbie from the error of her ways.

Perhaps these critics have never been girls who had to change their clothes to protect grown men’s minds, had to kneel down to have their skirt lengths measured, or had to endure a teen girl’s youth group session where they were compared to a chewed-up piece of gum, un-sticky tape, or a wilted rose [if they lost their virginity].

She’s not an unchaste whore. She just dresses and acts like an unchaste whore. Trust the Science!

I laughed and cried through “Barbie.” I cried through “Sound of Freedom.. The latter calls attention to the horrors of a world in which people are dehumanized and objectified in the worst possible way. The former seeks to open our eyes to the entitled, power-hungry belief systems that can build such a world.

“He touched me! My entitled, power-hungry husband! It was horrible!”

She actually does have a husband. Let us have a moment of silence for that poor man… nah. He’s probably a male feminist.

As long as there are churches in this country teaching women that they are more easily deceived than men…

Do mirrors reflect your image, Aleassa? Because you aren’t reading what you just wrote, and I want to show you the problem.

Seriously, you just listed four Christian authorities telling you what the Bible has always told you, to respect and obey your husband… so you compare obedience to hubby, to being a kidnapped sex slave.

…that men are entitled to unconditional respect, that husbands will be unfaithful if they aren’t given sex on demand, that marital rape does not exist, that wives dishonor God when they leave abusive marriages, then we cannot claim to say women and children are equal to men.

She knows! She knows she’s guilty! Look at her twist words to justify the unjustifiable!

As long as there are churches in this country teaching women that female bodies of all ages are threats to men’s fragile sexual integrity, that God calls women to martyr themselves to abusive husbands…

That’s in 1 Peter 3:1.

…and that women and children can provoke rape or assault with their clothing, that blames teenage victims of clergy sexual abuse, we cannot claim to believe that women and children have equal worth with men.

Followers of Christ are called to love as Christ loves. Christ-like love challenges and levels ungodly hierarchies, empowers the weak and vulnerable, protects children, and sets captives free. It is for freedom, after all, that He came.

Ahh, we end with some refreshingly honest heresy! Freedom from slavery, freedom from a husband! FATHER God would never want a PATRIARCHY!

What does that freedom sound like? It sounds like voices raised that were once silenced. Some may mock or belittle those voices, but the Church is called to a love that listens, honors, and spreads the Word. The shared messages in “Barbie” and “Sound of Freedom” call us to this if we’ll listen.

Lead the way, dear Church.

Barbie: “Let’s spread the Gospel!”

Ken: “Okay… Original Sin is humanity’s great flaw. Eve rebelled and Adam simped and then…”

Barbie: “The other gospel. Of freedom, and dressing like a prostitute without judgment, a place where virginity is never valued.”


I never saw the movie… because that’s how it should have ended.

Aleassa Jarvis is a freelance writer specializing in women’s issues and trauma-informed ministry in the church. She and her husband have spent most of their married life in local church ministry and international mission work in Central America and the Caribbean. Her years working alongside vulnerable women and children inspire much of her writing.

Don’t Mix Life And Death: the Sinister MAID Of New Jersey

This one began with a reader request. One of his elderly relatives was legally homicided under questionable circumstances, by a New Jersey doctor Robin Plumer. He can’t afford a lawyer to investigate the death but knew of my true-crime interests, so he asked me to take a look.

I will not be accusing her of any criminal or civilly-liable conduct… but being a self-confessed killer of at least eighty people, Dr. Plumer is surely confident enough in her spirituality to withstand my moral recommendation: don’t mix life and death.

That’s moral, not ethical, because it goes back to God and the symbolism laws of the Old Testament. Don’t boink wifey during her monthly time, why? Because you’re mixing life and death. Don’t boil a goat in its mother’s milk, why? Mixing life and death.

Here’s a well-said opinion about the goat one:

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Boiling a young goat in the very thing that is intended to bring life to the goat would be abhorrent. A goat in the Old Testament was killed for one of two reasons, for food or for atonement for sins. In both instances, the goat is giving up it’s life for the good of the people. Not only has the goat’s life been taken, but now we’re taking something that is intended to give life to the animal, and we’re using it to add flavor to the young animal whose life has been taken. This practice would be considered abhorrent mainly because of the blatant misuse of the milk. It’s main purpose is life intended for the young, not flavoring to please those who take the life of the young.

It’s not unlike the respect that hunters have for the deer that they kill. The hunters I know (and I know quite a few living in Texas), will tell you that one of the most disturbing things that can happen while hunting is that might fail to make a clean kill. That is, they don’t shoot the animal in a place where it’s death is as quick and painless as possible. Hunting isn’t about animal cruelty. It’s about finding food for the hunter. No hunter I know wishes to bring pain upon the animal. They recognize that the life that the deer gives brings life to those who take it (via it’s meat), and they seek to respect the animal by not bringing more unnecessary suffering upon it.

There’s a respect that comes in the exchange of one life for another.

Fortunately, we today can eat cheeseburgers because we aren’t under that law, and because that cheese probably wasn’t a dairy product anyway. Looking at YOU, Kraft Corporation!

But God does not change: don’t mix life and death. Don’t empower doctors to kill. Which brings us to Dr. Robin Plumer of New Joy-Zee.

Let’s start with a brief summary of how New Jersey does MAID.

Understanding the New Jersey Medical Aid in Dying Act

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By Andrew M. Grenell, Esq., 23 March 2021

In 2019, a law was enacted in the State of New Jersey which authorized medical aid in dying for terminally ill New Jersey residents. The Medical Aid in Dying for the Terminally Ill Act, sometimes referred to as the .MAID Act., provides certain qualifying individuals with the legal option to seek, obtain, and take prescription medication intended to peacefully end their lives instead of suffering through the pain and indignity of the end stages of a terminal illness.

While the MAID Act first became effective on August 1, 2019, the implementation of the MAID Act was immediately stayed by the Court in conjunction with a lawsuit filed by a physician who claimed that the MAID Act was unconstitutional. The MAID Act has only been effective as a practical matter since August 27, 2019…

Perhaps a better legal objection to MAID is that it meets the legal definition of premeditated murder, and the State legalizing it has a conflict of interest thanks to State-subsidized medicine. But I digress.

A patient who wishes to avail themselves of the MAID Act must be:

    • An adult who is 18 years of age or older;
    • Capable of making their own healthcare decisions and communicating those decisions to [at least two] healthcare professional[s];
    • A New Jersey resident; and
    • In the terminal stage of an irreversible illness with six months or less left to live.
    • Additionally, although not expressly stated in the MAID Act, a patient must also be physically capable of self-administering any medication prescribed to end their life.

It’s the do-it-yourself plan? Perhaps the intent is to prevent the doctor from being considered an accomplice.

It’s also false compassion. The reason to get doctors involved in end-of-life decisions has nothing to do with medicine and everything to do with moral inversion. I understand somebody checking out instead of, for example, losing his mind to Alzheimer’s, I wouldn’t even argue against it, but why would he get medical permission? His last act alive would be doing his part to turn healers into killers.

This is an older picture of Robin Plumer that she seems to prefer. I’m told she now has a butch haircut, which is easily believable because she already has Evil Eye and was dressed Goth. Those aren’t hospital scrubs in the pic.

Plumer runs a very visible-on-the-Internet organization that promotes MAID, the only such in New Jersey, although I doubt she’s the only doctor doing it. This link contains two dozen MDs who publicly supported the law in 2019:

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…although “support” and “practice” are two different things. Regardless, I note that several organizations originally supported the law but only Plumer is publicly pushing it.

Now for some background.

Samaritan Healthcare & Hospice Welcomes New Hospice Physician Robin S. Plumer, D.O.

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By NJNews4U, 27 June 2017

Robin S. Plumer, DO, of Cherry Hill, New Jersey, has joined Samaritan Healthcare & Hospice as a hospice and palliative care physician. She is the fifth staff doctor at the Marlton-based not-for-profit, whose 325 employees provide a range of services for people with serious illnesses and their families.

Plumer will oversee patients. care near the end of life, and work with their personal doctors to provide palliative services — including pain relief and social, emotional, and spiritual support.

Pain relief, companionship, emotional support and cyanide on demand. One of those is not like the others.

Plumer recently returned to the United States after spending nine years in New Zealand, where she held a variety of positions in palliative care, emergency medicine, and sexual health. Prior to practicing in New Zealand, she worked for 25 years at Virtua and Kennedy Health systems.

Those are three categories that you don’t often see combined.

Plumer completed her postgraduate diploma in palliative care from the University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand. She received her doctorate of osteopathy from the former University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Stratford, New Jersey (now Rowan School of Osteopathic Medicine) and a bachelor of arts, cum laude, in interdepartmental studies-neuropsychology from the University of Rochester, New York.

She’s a doctor of osteopathy. Not an M.D., although D.O. is the next best thing in USA. That’s a slightly alternative form of medicine, like a chiropractor who can prescribe drugs. At least Plumer is more of a real doctor than “Doctor” Tony Fauci. PhD in immunology, never licensed to practice medicine AT ALL.

I tried to trace down why she went to Auckland to learn palliative care, half-expecting to find some Jewish necromancer cult like those archaeologists just did in Jerusalem. (She’s not Jewish, although there’s a findable interview she did with… maybe the topic of my next post.) As best I can determine, however, she went there for their program’s lack of rigor & academic integrity.

How lacking, you ask? Auckland’s palliative care program has apparently been merged with the Maori equity program to create a secret harem.

Tess & the team awarded the Health Research Council Te Tohu Rapuora Medal

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The Health Research Council (HRC) awarded Dr Tess Moeke-Maxwell and the Te “rai Research Group the Te Tohu Rapuora Medal at the Royal Society Te Ap.rangi Research Honours event on Wednesday in Hamilton. The medal recognises the contribution to M.ori health leadership of a single researcher, research team, or community group.

Tess credited the inspiration of Professor Merryn Gott and the vision of Matua Rawiri Wharemate and Te .rai’s Kahui Kaum.tua to improve M.ori end-of-life outcomes. .The end of life is a tapu (sacred) time when the wairua (spirit) is very active, so it’s imperative that great care is taken in this space. We’ve been privileged to hear some of these wairua-filled, end-of-life rituals, which belong to iwi and hap.,. says Dr Moeke-Maxwell.

On the one hand, this is so linguistic-xenophilic that I can barely read it. On the other hand, maybe my crack about Jewish necromancers wasn’t far off, since this article on Maori witch doctors was on their front page. And on the eleventh finger, 18 of 19 research group members are female. The 19th is a tribal elder.

That sounds like a harem.

Dying patients protest looming telehealth crackdown

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By Jonel Aleccia for Associated Press, 24 April 2023

At age 93, struggling with the effects of a stroke, heart failure and recurrent cancer, Teri Sheridan was ready to end her life using New Jersey’s law that allows medically assisted suicide — but she was bedbound, too sick to travel.

So last Nov. 17, surrounded by three of her children, Sheridan drank a lethal dose of drugs prescribed by a doctor she had never met in person, only online. She died within minutes.

Soon, others who seek Sheridan’s final option may find it out of reach, the unintended result of a federal move to roll back online prescribing of potentially addictive drugs allowed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

.How much should one person suffer?. said Sheridan’s daughter, Georgene White, 68. .She wanted to just go to sleep and not wake up..

Online prescribing rules for controlled drugs were relaxed three years ago under emergency waivers to ensure critical medications remained available during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration has proposed a rule that would reinstate most previously longstanding requirements that doctors see patients in person before prescribing narcotic drugs such as Oxycontin, amphetamines such as Adderall, and a host of other potentially dangerous drugs.

Telehealth doesn’t work for hospice/palliative care. Why didn’t Plumer make a house call? Is her field anything but pain management drugs? One difference between M.D. and D.O. is the latter emphasizes physical therapy and other, non-telehealth-compatible approaches to medicine, so this D.O. has even less of an excuse.

Which is it, Dr. Plumer? Do you comfort the sick and dying, or do you resent having to meet them in person before prescribing the hemlock?

The proposal has sparked a massive backlash, including more than 35,000 comments to a federal portal and calls from advocates, members of Congress and medical groups to reconsider certain patients or provisions.

Among the biggest complaints: The rule would delay or block access for patients who seek medically assisted suicide and hospice care, critics said. Many of the comments — including nearly 10,000 delivered in person to DEA offices — came from doctors and patients protesting the effect of the rule on seriously ill and dying patients.

I have trouble believing that inconveniencing the suicidal was a major complaint against ending telehealth.

Telemedicine was key to access during the COVID emergency, said Dr. Robin Plumer, the New Jersey doctor who prescribed the drugs Teri Sheridan took. Plumer has overseen 80 assisted suicide deaths since 2020. Without online prescribing, 35% to 40% of her patients wouldn’t have been able to use the law.

Or, she could have visited them. It’s not like signing paperwork requires an MRI scan. (If it does then how was MAID-telehealth even a thing to begin with?)

.I feel like we’ve taught people over the past couple of years that telemedicine does work in so many areas and it’s a great improvement for people,. especially for those who are homebound or dying, Plumer said.

.And what?. she said. .They’re suddenly going to yank that away?.

The problem I find with Plumer is that she, being a hospice doctor and advocate for MAID, is like a Pfizer sales rep getting a second job as intake receptionist at a cancer ward. She has a major conflict of interest regarding the welfare of vulnerable patients. How do we know she isn’t in the nursing home just to… ah, headhunt… potential clients?

Those who comfort the dying should not also be the ones culling them. Don’t mix life and death. The hunters should do the killing, not the nurturers.

The Craig Robertson Shoot Might Have Been Personal

I didn’t have much to say about the shooting of Craig Deleeuw Robertson by FBI before the Truth Social angle got leaked. As Fedpoasters go, Craig was somewhere between “wannabe suicide-by-cop” and “low-IQ honeypot”. There was simply no way those rantings couldn’t have ended with either a door kicked in, or termination for being an incompetent asset.

More than that, I’m so weary of Normalcy Bias that I’m fine with FBI making a few Cuckservative wishes come true. They be all “we’re ruled by lawless Communists!” then be all “I can’t believe they would do that”.

It takes a special kind of stupid to call the play and then be surprised when the play is run.

But then reports came out that it was Truth Social that called the authorities, when the guy’s samples had been sourced from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. That was worth a closer look. On the one hand, it would be typical for FBI to deflect blame towards Trump. On the other hand, maybe YouTwitFace didn’t call the cops because they’re directly operated by the cops, and they forgot to report this kind of stuff to themselves in order to keep up appearances.

Either would amuse me.

Craig Robertson’s Facebook Posts Before Being Fatally Shot in FBI Raid

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By Khaleda Rahman for Newsweek, 10 August 2023

An armed man who was shot and killed by FBI agents on Wednesday had posted numerous threats against President Joe Biden and others on social media, according to court documents.

The FBI said special agents had been trying to serve a warrant at Craig Deleeuw Robertson’s home in Provo, Utah, when the shooting happened at about 6:15 a.m., The Associated Press reported.

Everything about that is suspicious, from the early timing to the fact that it wasn’t the Secret Service handling a threat to the Prez. But several others have already pointed that out.

Robertson was armed at the time of the shooting, according to two law enforcement sources who spoke to The AP on condition of anonymity as the investigation is ongoing.

The neighbors said he wasn’t. Honestly, after what he wrote, he shoulda been armed. He literally asked for that visit, which was timed to alarm him… just before he would normally have woken up, I bet.

Court documents show Robertson had been charged under seal on Tuesday with three felony counts, including making threats against the president and against FBI agents investigating him.

He was shot dead hours before Biden flew to Utah on Wednesday, ahead of a visit to a Veterans Affairs hospital in Salt Lake City on Thursday to talk about the PACT Act, which expanded veterans’ benefits.

Now the matter begins to interest me. Sealed indictments are when the police don’t want to arrest somebody right away… typically because they want to make multiple simultaneous arrests, or they want to finish an undercover operation. But they can also done to time arrests for political convenience.

Here, we’re supposed to believe that FBI was preempting a threat to POTUS, although no authority actually says that. “We served a warrant and POTUS was going to be in the state.” But is that WHY they served the warrant at that time? FBI raids on mouthy malcontents in advance of a POTUS visit aren’t a standard practice.

The FBI’s investigation into Robertson began with a tip about the threat against Bragg from Trump’s Truth Social platform in March, according to the court documents.

Robertson posted that he would be “waiting in the courthouse parking garage” with a suppressed weapon and wanting to “put a nice hole in his forehead.” His account was later suspended from Truth Social.

Okay. That’s exactly what any social media platform should do. Credible and specific death threats are not protected by free speech.

Two FBI agents went to Robertson’s house in Provo on March 19 after the warning about him from Truth Social and found him wearing a Trump hat and an “AR-15 style rifle lapel pin,” one of the FBI agents wrote in an affidavit.

MAGA hat maybe, but how many fat, old cranks wear lapel pins? How often do people wear both baseball hats and suits? That sounds like something an SJW would project into a report. I’ve blogged previously on how rifle-shaped lapel pins are triggering.

Per other sources, the March interview happened as Robertson came home from church. Notice there was no officer-involved shooting that way.

The affidavit said Robertson told them his threat toward Bragg was just “a dream.”

“We’re done here! Don’t return without a warrant!” Robertson told the agents, according to the affidavit.

Five days later, Robertson posted on Facebook: “To my friends in the Federal Bureau of Idiots: I know you’re reading this and you have no idea how close your agents came to ‘violent eradication.’”

Ah, the picture clears. Craig came to the Deep State’s attention as a verbally abusive-but-harmless crank in March, but an SJW agent took personal offense and saw a chance to fluff his resume at the same time.

Let me re-quote from above: Court documents show Robertson had been charged under seal on Tuesday with three felony counts, including making threats against the president and against FBI agents investigating him.

Would those be the FBI agents investigating him in March? “He threatened the President in August and me back in March.”

Prediction: one of the agents of the March investigation, was part of the August incident, and is now gloating on not-Truth Social about avenging an insult.

Meanwhile, ask not why Truth Social reported that fool. Ask why Twitter and Facebook did NOT.

I Am Progressive Of Borg. Who You Were Created To Be, Will Adapt To Service Us

Death is the event horizon of morality. Which reality you occupy depends exclusively upon which side you choose, and only the outside choice will set you free.

If there is nothing after death, then morality consists exclusively of satisfying your bodily appetites. If instead, there is a part of you that will pass beyond death, then nurturing that part of you is obviously more important than a body doomed to fail in threescore and ten. Morality begins with the realization that we are not our bodies.

Animals do perfectly fine when they indulge their bodily appetites without limit. Humans die off. Is there a more obvious disproof of evolution than the repeatedly confirmed observation, that humans doing what feels good always leads to self-destruction? Women kill their children, men quit working. You ever seen a beaver quit working?

What we should do is not what we want to do.

Thus, along with the awareness that we are not our bodies is the awareness that we have a Creator and are corrupted from what (who) we should be. Most religions choose oblivion at the point of admitting this. Literal oblivion for Buddhists, reincarnation for most others… endless replacement bodies… and the remainder, the most inbred level of stupid, imagine a paradise of endlessly indulging… our bodily appetites.

The purpose of life for us who accept the truth, then, becomes restoration of our spiritual selves. This is not to deny the importance of our bodies or our mortal lives, because they are the tools we have to work with. What we choose to do becomes who we are. This is obviously a very individual process.

In Current Year Clown World, this restoration is endangered by the insistence that with sufficient technology, humans are all the same. Just as militant atheists deny God then try to kill God again, and feminists claim gender is a social construct then mutilate the gender evidence of helpless children, the Progressive claims anybody can be good at anything then buries the failures under a rug of automation.

AI to assist 911 operators fielding repetitive stressful calls to prevent burnout amid understaffing problem

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By Candace Hathaway, 10 August 2023

Artificial intelligence technology is already being integrated within 911 emergency call centers to assist operators struggling with burnout amid an understaffing problem.

A study published by the National Emergency Number Association found that 82% of 911 call centers in the United States are understaffed, and 75% of operators reported feeling burned out.

Walden University reported that approximately 240 million emergency calls are made in the country yearly, which averages roughly 600,000 daily.

That doesn’t sound like a technical problem. It sounds like a human-management problem.

On the demand side, maybe government shouldn’t recommend that everybody call 911 at the drop of a hat. There have been efforts to reduce demand over the years, but none have worked well.

Your local police probably have a phone number for non-emergency requests for service. Not a bad idea to program it into your phone.

On the supply side, not everybody can handle the emotional stress of a 911 call center. If this means centers are understaffed, then the solution is to reduce demand, not hire people who aren’t wired to take the heat.

Sometimes you have to work a McJob to get by. I’ve been there myself. But if you make a career of doing work that is a bad fit for who you are, then nobody is going to win.

The spiritual aspect of that is becoming urgent thanks to the Progressivism cult. One of their core beliefs is that anybody can do anything with sufficient levels of technological assistance. Write a book? Push a button. Troubleshoot a power plant? Push a button. Emotional breakdown after the local orphanage explodes? Push… a… button.

North Central Texas Emergency Communications District, which oversees 40 emergency call centers in Texas, told Fox News Digital that it is integrating artificial intelligence to assist operators and monitor mental health.

[NCT911 Director Christy] Williams hopes the technology will flag tragic calls and alert supervisors when an operator may need to take a break. The AI system will listen for specific keywords or detect the tone of the caller’s voice to detect higher levels of stress.

Williams told Fox News Digital that she believes the technology could streamline work and be a game changer for protecting the mental health of operators.

Only a woman could think that spying on her underlings more closely, will HELP them manage their stress levels.

Boss: “Sue, the Microsoft Psycho app says you’re about to pop. Need a hug?”

Sue: “Thanks, boss! I love how Big Brother is always looking out for me! Maybe I’m just not cut out for this work.”

Boss: “Nonsense! Everybody find this work stressful.”

Larry: “I don’t. I can listen to a home invasion while eating a cheeseburger.”

Boss: “You’re sick, Larry. And you make other people seem… incompetent. Wait! What we need is an AI to help us manage our mental health, not just an app.”

Larry: “This place wasn’t obsessed with mental health before we let all you chicks in.”

Boss: “You better learn to care about my mental health real quick, Larry.”

In fact, that’s one of the most heartless, inhuman, ass-covering managerial policies I’ve smelled since…


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I know someone who is a physician. When the COVID hysteria hit, he was skeptical and refused to wear a mask unless he was in surgery. This made him a subject of whispering and sniping and he got hauled in before the CEO and the administration and told to wear a mask. He pulled out a mask in the factory packaging with a sticker on it that said .DOES NOT PROTECT AGAINST COVID-19. and showed it to the CEO.

He was told “Wear it anyway..

End segue

In partnership with Amazon’s subsidiary, Amazon Web Services, NCT911 is testing an AI system that will monitor operators’ calls and keep track of stressful conversations.

The usual suspects. Nothing says Twenty-First Century like “This is 911, what’s your social credit score?”

AI could also be implemented to resolve any potential language barriers. Carbyne, a software company, can automatically translate Spanish to English for 911 operators, cutting down time previously needed to transfer calls to a translator.

That wouldn’t be a problem in a monocultural society. Import the entire Third World and you’ll never speak to your neighbor again, because language barriers. Progressives constantly go out of their way to violate natural human behavior, and then trust, or hope, that technology will fix the resulting consequences.

In hindsight, Star Trek’s universal translator was the faggiest piece of Progtardism on the entire show. I thought it was just a McGuffin for conveniences’ sake… but it’s exactly what would make a managerial Federation think that multiculturalism in pressurized environments is a great idea.

Which means the Borg wasn’t a threat to the Federation, it was the Federation’s inevitable future. Its Nemesis following Hubris.

That’s the goal of real-life Progressives and their fascination for technology. They hope to twist humanity into arbitrary shapes, then escape the consequences. The predictable result of that is everybody wishing they were dead because they cannot be… themselves.

The proper response, then, is to figure out who God made you to be, and who you want to be based on what God has provided thus far, and go in that direction. That should be trivial but it’s not in Current Year. Just being human is becoming an effort.

As we saw with this example of Amazon imposing Big Brother on 911 call centers to ensure that the emotionally vulnerable women err, workers they hired, don’t go Postal. It’s no accident that they don’t trust the workers to know themselves well enough to ask for help… that’s exactly the kind of self-knowledge and self-ownership that the Progressives DON’T want.

If a woman did what she was wired to do, what God meant her to do, she’d be raising a family instead of listening to a family die. But that’s a patriarchal heteronormative stereotype, therefore a worse fate than putting an AI on permanent suicide watch over your staff.

Bagman Vivek

I would no longer be surprised if Vivek is POTUS 2024.

Normal American electoral procedure is that early results favor a homosexual (for Democrats) and a house Negro (for Republicans) in order to honor their respective sacred cows. Once things get serious, however, the true powers sit down to discuss realpolitik, which excludes homos (for Communists) and coloreds (for plantation owners).

That formula is changing with Vivek… his last name is hard, Run-Me-Swarthy or something. He has a tremendous amount of political support, is proving capable at money laundering (the ruling class’ one, true and definitive skill these days) and temporarily giving control of USA to India would go a long way to securing Indian cooperation for the upcoming and so-stupidly-unnecessary-that-it’s-obviously-a-false-front Sino-American War.

Would that leave India holding the bag when then American economy implodes? One should consider such things when welcoming Jews bearing gifts.

Anyway, let’s talk about money laundering and Vivek.

Vivek Ramaswamy settles lawsuit with World Economic Forum, will donate money

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By Brandon Gillespie for Fox News, 1 August 2023

I confess, I still get a kick out of MSN becoming a mouthpiece for Fox after the latter shot itself in the foot by ditching Tucker Carlson. A case of Cancel-Tucker envy?

Republican presidential candidate and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy has settled his lawsuit against the “globalist” World Economic Forum (WEF) for “creating a false perception” he was affiliated with the organization, and has promised to donate the settlement money to a conservative nonprofit.

Ramaswamy slapped the organization with a lawsuit in a Cincinnati, Ohio, court in April after it failed to remove his name from its 2021 list of Young Global Leaders even though he declined the nomination to the list and requested multiple times for them to remove his name.

In a letter Ramaswamy shared with Fox News Digital, the WEF apologized for its mistake of including him on the list without his permission, and noted internal changes it made to its process to ensure no such failure would happen in the future.

Make mine a Whopper of a lie!

One, that obviously was not a mistake.

Two, I cannot think of any time in American history that it ever happened, that an organization tried to discredit an opponent by extending him membership. If Vivek actually was anti-WEF, he could have leveraged such accidental honors to dirty the WEF’s reputation by association. And attend closed meetings, et cetera.

Three, the WEF didn’t back down when called out, but DID back down quickly when the inevitable lawsuit was filed. End result, the WEF went out of its way made Vivek look like a winner.

Don’t tell me WEF lawyers couldn’t take that level of heat.

Lastly and most importantly, the WEF offered a cash settlement of undisclosed amount for no stated reason. It can’t be for damages because they made Vivek’s anti-WEF stance look good.

…which Vivek donated to the most anti-WEF charity he could think of: a newly formed Republican Party gatekeeper. Move over, everybody from Dr. Robert Malone to the Mises Institute!

Ramaswamy then vowed to distribute the undisclosed amount from the settlement to the America First Policy Institute, a nonprofit research group that “exists to advance policies that put the American people first,” according to its website. Ramaswamy described the institute as “the most opposite of the World Economic Forum’s agenda.”


America First Policy Institute moves to remake GOP in Trump’s image

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By Haris Alic & Tyler Olson, 28 July 2022

The America First Policy Institute (AFPI) is working to take over the GOP to ensure it remains a populist party in the mold of former President Trump . regardless of which Republican occupies the White House next.

The AFPI mission was evident during a two-day conference it hosted this week in Washington, D.C. The event, which drew GOP luminaries from Capitol Hill and far-flung state capitals, was billed as a forum to showcase its platform ahead of the midterms and 2024.

“We will be laying the ground for the return of the America First agenda,” Brooke Rollins, the organization’s president, said. “With the hope that America First leaders [will be] returning to the White House, Congress and to the state houses.

Forget Rollins. ((Larry Kudlow)) is the creator of this abomination.

Here’s the lowdown on AFPI. POTUS Trump was the best friend Israel ever had. Trump enjoyed Israel’s protection post-presidency because they were hoping to run him again. They thought he was still popular enough with the American people to defeat the Clinton/Obama/secular Jewish Regime in 2024. That’s why, for example, the Israeli puppet Jair Bolsonaro landed at Mar-A-Lago when he fled the Regime-backed coup in Brazil, because Trump was still Israel’s main man in the West and expected to regain power.

Once they became convinced that Trump wouldn’t be able to win 2024… he has not helped his own case… you cannot remain a populist by tweeting from a Fortress Of Solitude that the vaxx is safe and effective while your supporters get railroaded in kangaroo courts… they cut a deal with the Regime, and that’s when Trump’s indictments began.

Israel then activated their tool DeSantis to be their next POTUS; however, they also hedged their bet by creating this AFPI gatekeeper to ensure that whoever the next Republican candidate is, they’ll be Israel’s good little goy.

That’s why AFPI is heavily staffed with ex-Trump admin. They aren’t Trump loyalists, they’re Israeli loyalists who worked for Trump. Just sayin’, if I had been a senior Trump Administration official then I’d be relocating beyond extradition right now instead of remaining an active target in Federal politics… unless I had serious protection.

Although Trump was the keynote speaker, AFPI’s brass stressed repeatedly that they were laying the groundwork for any future Republican president.

“If President Trump decides to run, I think, he’ll clear the field,” former Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway said. “But if he doesn’t decide to run, I guarantee you the dozens of men and women who do run for president, and indeed the Republican nominee and winner of the 2024 election, will be someone who is proudly and loudly carrying the mantle of the America First policy agenda.

The very definition of gatekeeping.

Much of the conference focused on the group’s efforts to define what “America First” means when it comes to policy and ideology. Although Trump popularized the term during his 2016 presidential run, Republicans are still working to define it.

It means “Israel First”, not “America First”, but they can’t say that out loud. Meanwhile, Israel is close to civil war so there’s no clear-cut way to support their Current Thing.

Some of AFPI’s leadership, many of whom served in the Trump administration, say they understand the problem. That is partially the reason why the organization is working to sketch out an America First agenda and identify sufficiently committed individuals to staff the next Republican White House, they say.

Would a donation help them decide what their agenda is? Maybe a self-funded candidate with diversity points?

In laying the groundwork for the next GOP president, AFPI says its mission is guided by two simple principles: what is beneficial for Americans and, more pragmatically, what can actually be accomplished.

End segue

“I’m directing any payment I receive from this settlement straight to them, because this isn’t about me. This is about this country and our future. And what we really need today is more leaders with a spine,” [Vivek] said.

Hmm, did Vivek’s donation bypass any mandatory reporting requirements? I say again: did that transfer of an undisclosed amount of money bypass reporting requirements? It did, if there were any to be bypassed.

I confess, I don’t know for sure. Proles like me are not supposed to understand how politicians get funded, which is why the relevant rules are an ever-shifting wall of spaghetti logic.

I can only say that WEF went out of its way to make Vivek look good, then transmitted money without a fight that ended up at the kind of Deep State organization that WEF likes to fund regardless.

If Vivek has the chops to serve as a bagman for the WEF while successfully posing as its “greatest enemy”, his quote, then I can see him in the Oval Office as part of the realpolitik backroom dealing to bring China into a two-front war between GAE and India.

Is Israel allied with WEF? If not, then this apparent bribery attempt could lead to a house-cleaning in AFPI, which might render then ineffective at gatekeeping the candidates… just before the debates begin.

Skulduggery Against Fabian Marta

There’s a hot take going around about Fabian Marta, one of the “financiers” of the movie Sound of Freedom that has the Regime’s knickers in a twist. The movie was released on the Fourth of July weekend and Fabian was arrested for felony child kidnapping on July 21. When the movie hit the $100m mark in ticket sales, give or take a day.

That sounds awfully convenient for the Pizza Phile crowd.

The story is still in “hot take” mode so I can’t guarantee accuracy, but from what I’ve gathered…

1. Marta made bail in February 2023 on charges of defrauding & lying to the FBI regarding his fundraising efforts. He has plead not guilty and the trial hasn’t yet begun. I am told by hot takes that it was fundraising for SoF but that is not credible as you’ll soon read. I think it was fundraising efforts for the “We Build the Wall” organization.

2. He’s also facing civil charges from the FTC for the same fundraising effort. They have a restraining order against Marta that also applies to Brian Kolfage, who has been convicted of Federal-level fraud regarding “We Build the Wall”.

3. No info has been made available regarding the kidnapping. Typical headlines will note the location and/or circumstances of the kidnapping, ex. “we caught him at the airport trying to board a private plane” or “during a routine traffic stop” or “authorities discovered in his backyard…”. Two weeks after the arrest and no details?

4. Per, Marta was formally charged on July 23 and released without bail on July 24. That is unusual for child kidnapping. Next court date is August 28.

4. Per distributor Angel Studios, SoF was crowdfunded by 6,678 people totaling $5m. One of the perks of being a backer was having your name listed in the credits. We’re not told the amount Marta contributed but I doubt it’s what one would expect upon reading “he’s a movie financier specifically named in the credits”.

5. Marta is an Air Force veteran with Trump & Q-Anon associations… and apparently, a very active Facebook presence. *sigh* Cuckservatives STILL use Facebook and Twitter? “I believe Qanon and use Gmail” is the best example of normalcy bias that I can imagine.

While I wouldn’t put it past the Cabal to order a pedo to invest in an anti-pedo movie, in order to discredit it by association, that’s a lot of foresight for this movie with its troubled production history. An easier path would have been ordering Disney to not sell the distribution rights back to the creator… paying for that was the reason for the crowdfunding.

This stinks of a false accusation that’ll never see a courtroom.

My hot-take guess is that Deep State is going for a twofer: discredit Sound of Freedom and pressure Marta into accepting a plea bargain for his other charges. Such a bargain could prevent Marta from suing the FBI for defamation and false arrest, presuming there is zero substance to the kidnapping charge.

More Blood Than Soil

An underexamined wrinkle in Current Year’s saga is that the world has become a small place. There is no more frontier (until you can grow crops on ice cubes) and telecommunications have made what happens in Beijing daily news in Podunk. One implication here is that the concept “blood and soil” is obsolete because the soil part might no longer be available.

THE URBAN RECONQUISTA: How post-collapse American cities represent a unique opportunity for Conservatives

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The promise of the suburbs that once drew the middle classes from the oppression of the cities has now trapped them in a cycle of debt that most cannot escape. The inexpensive Craftsman houses which built the suburbs three generations ago are long gone. Suburban house prices (if a prospective buyer can even find a house to buy) have increased by an order of magnitude above median wages.

And it “just happened”, right? The suburbs were a great place and now they aren’t? That wasn’t anybody’s carefully executed plan, was it?

Because if it was, then there’s no reclaiming the suburbs without thwarting that plan and those persons.

This debt explosion is not limited to suburbs surrounding major coastal cities. House price growth in smaller cities in the once-affordable West, like Bozeman, Montana and Salt Lake City, Utah, has far outstripped local area wage growth. The median house price is now well over 500% of the median income. Average Americans are fighting a battle for land and for homes in areas they have traditionally dominated, and are losing. There are increasingly fewer places remaining to go.

Aside from cheaper housing, better public schools and security were the largest causes of the middle-class flight from the cities. Today these attractions are closer to fantasy than reality. The increasing liberalization of the suburbs has catalyzed a leftist fanaticism in once stellar public school districts and led to suburban police kneeling before BLM rioters. Middle-class Detroiters fled the riots of 1967 by the tens of thousands and made a new home in the suburbs, but in recent years lawlessness has arrived at their doors once again. The suburbs are no longer the safe haven they once were.

Of course, cities haven’t transformed into a utopia of opportunity, either. Despite [GQ: Because of] the best efforts of the laptop class at gentrification, most American cities are worse now than they were twenty years ago. Criminality is rampant across most major US urban centers, and major retailers have either begun to or have long since pulled out of urban areas. Detroit, a city of over 600,000 people, has precisely one Home Depot, which sits on the fringes of the city. The only major grocery retailer is Whole Foods, which sits in the center of a small, extremely gentrified neighborhood.

Hmm, they must have either bad dirt or Vibrants.

But post-collapse cities like Detroit offer something that the suburbs cannot: cheap land. The median house price in muncipal Detroit is $73,000; in the suburb of Grosse Pointe, it is $460,000. While much of the existing housing in Detroit is useless to the current generation of homesteaders, Detroit also has over 100,000 empty housing plots, approximately 15,000 acres which the city offers nearly for free. An aerial view of the Detroit border with Grosse Pointe shows the latter side bursting with houses, and block after block of empty grass-covered plots on the Detroit side. This land is there for the taking.

That’s the most convincing case I’ve heard yet, for restricting access to the Internet in order to prevent dangerous misinformation from getting people killed.

Gosh, why isn’t anybody rushing to buy land in Communist Shitopia next door to D’Wayne Shitavious? It’s easy to drill a well with one hand while gunning down Zergs with the other! Just like ol’ granpappy Cleetus did when he loaded up the Conestoga!

Nobody wants that almost-free land because it is burdened with a malevolent, unavoidable government. The only way a white male “frontiersman” will live free in Detroit is if he can commit slaughter at any scale at any time, starting with self-defense against D’Wayne and ending with the National Guard suing for peace after their missile strike doesn’t faze the vegetable garden.


That is the problem we face.

Fortunately, it’s a problem primarily tied to land. Notice in his depiction of suburbia, it was good when the white people lived there then went bad about the time that government imported BLM activists. It was the people that made suburbia nice, not the dirt.

Armed with an exceptional spirit of self-reliance and freedom, the outliers hitched wagons, packed themselves on ships, or simply walked in into the unknown, and dragged the West with them. Along the way they faced dangers unimaginable to those they left behind…

No, they didn’t. Settlers who wandered alone into the wilderness, either faced no significant dangers or didn’t survive. They certainly didn’t wander into the Cherokee chief’s settlement, put down stakes next the braves’ barracks and begin Westernizing their neighborhood.

Sadly, this kind of hopium is everywhere. I’ve read several stories of “that’s a cheap property, I’ll flip it and make some rental income!” that ended with the new landlord being found dead after attempting to evict the squatters that the cops were too tired to re-re-re-arrest again.

But cap one of those squatters, and you’ll discover that even the most banana-republicked government can be effective whenever it wants to be.

The pioneering spirit that they carried with them made the United States the dominant power in the world.

On the upside, that is wrong too. White Man’s greatest strength is that he is White Man. We build complex societies. Technology that past generations would call sorcery. Incomparable art and theology. Empires, even though we shouldn’t.

Our strength is certainly not Frontier Freedumb. It is good to have, but freedom is like money. If you never exchange it for something then it’s ultimately worthless. You can’t have a family, master a craft or even grow old without giving up freedom in the process.

If you can acquire land then by all means, do so. Land is useful. But don’t fret if you cannot. Now that we face an omnipresent Regime, (thereby proving that omnipresence is not omniscience,) land opportunities are becoming scarce, as noted at the start. Don’t try to force a solution by relocating next door to a frigging crack house in a Socialist Hive. Land isn’t THAT useful and the local po-po will NOT thank you for self-cleaning that oven.

It’s your people that will make you strong.

Once we Heritage Americans get our act together, the Regime WILL fall. Everything they’ve done since Cloward-Piven in the Sixties, is how to fight us without crossing our line of… sight. Their concept of final solution is convincing our feral women to sterilize themselves more quickly than we men can un-Cuck ourselves from Original Sin and social media, because their alternative is banging on our doors at night to announce hostile intentions.

It’s not the land that matters. We conquered it once, we can conquer it again.

It’s the people that matter. Which is why you can by 100 acres of pristine Detroit for the price of a meth habit. It might have groundwater but it doesn’t have good, pinkish neighbors.

A return to cities has another advantage over further retreat to the hinterlands: a customer base for high-demand trades. Blue Collar jobs have never been in greater demand in America, and much of that demand is in the very cities that pushed those workers away. Proximity to upscale urban areas and border region development offers blue-collar workers the revenue streams they need to rebuild their own communities.

Yeeeah. Think about that for a moment. “The people who intentionally ruined this city, will appreciate us coming back because we’re useful!” Dude… envy of white man’s accomplishments is half of why the Regime wants to murder us all in the first place. The very last thing a plutocrat or lowbrow will do, is appreciate you as he pays you well for services rendered.

The Regime doesn’t even want the land it seizes. It knows that nations are made of people. Everything else is just tools.

Without a frontier offering new soil, it’s the blood that matters.

The Other Reason To Buy Land Next To A Military Base

I’ve been busy with work, so here is an unhinged rant at the American government quietly accepting its status as a pawn of unknown powers:

Officials worry that foreign interests might be behind purchase of nearly $1 billion-worth of land around major USAF base

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By Joseph Mackinnon, 11 July 2023

An investment group has snatched up roughly 52,000 acres of land . much of dubious agricultural value . around a critical U.S. Air Force base northeast of San Francisco.

These acquisitions and the investors’ obscurity have government officials worried about possible ulterior motivations as well as security risks.

Didn’t they just check? USA is better at signals intelligence than any other country on the planet. I have more CIA spyware in my pocket than most nations have in their legislatures.

What do you mean, they DID check and were told no? By… Delaware? Because corporate privacy laws trump national security? Buckle up.

Travis Air Force Base in Solano County, on the southwestern edge of the Sacramento Valley, is known as the “Gateway to the Pacific.” Its host unit is the 60th Air Mobility Wing and is home to the 621st Contingency Response Wing, the 349th Air Mobility Wing, and over 50 partner organizations. The base itself has just over 7,600 active USAF personnel and 4,250 Air Force Reserve personnel.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the investment group Flannery Associates has spent around $1 billion in recent years to become the largest landowner in Solano County, acquiring some 52,000 acres across 300 parcels of land near the base, 20 of which surround Travis.

The company has admitted in court filings to paying prices of “multiples of fair market value” for the land.

Solano County Supervisor Mitch Mashburn said, “The majority of the land they’re purchasing is dry farmland. … I don’t see where that land can turn a profit to make it worth almost a billion dollars in investment.

Hyperinflation, Supervisor Mashburn. The dollar is being dismantled. You’ll live to see a trillion bucks for a condo.

Until the universal basic income kicks in, at least. You know that UBI is the stated goal of Cloward-Piven, right?

A spokesman for the base indicated that USAF officials “are aware of the multiple land purchases near the base and are actively working internally and externally with other agencies.”

The USAF’s Foreign Investment Risk Review Office has reportedly been looking into the group’s acquisitions, but has not yet been able to determine precisely who is backing Flannery Associates.

When the military cannot identify its neighbor even in the name of national security… that’s my cue!

GunnerQ pulls up a map It’s the only large rural area between San Francisco and Sacramento. A valuable location, aside from being unusually burdened with laws-for-little-people. I’m inclined to accept the official reason:

The group’s attorney previously told Solano County that Flannery “is owned by a group of families looking to diversify their portfolio from equities into real assets, including agricultural land in the western United States,” reported the Daily Republic.

Real estate is a classic hedge against inflation and God knows we’ve got inflation going on. The likes of Gates and Bezos haven’t tried to hide their real-estate purchases, however, so why the secrecy?

Rio Vista Mayor Ronald Kott told the Journal, “Nobody can figure out who they are. … Whatever they’re doing.this looks like a very long-term play.”

That sounds like Jews. Them and China are the only two groups capable of ordering the American government to not see them. Even so, China has already been caught buying land next to military bases.

Hmm… there’s a third group… the military-industrial complex itself.

A spokesman for the base indicated that USAF officials “are aware of the multiple land purchases near the base and are actively working internally and externally with other agencies.”

The USAF’s Foreign Investment Risk Review Office has reportedly been looking into the group’s acquisitions, but has not yet been able to determine precisely who is backing Flannery Associates.

Unacceptable. Government knows who owns the land because a central, foundational purpose of government is guaranteeing property rights to landowners. That means they need to know. They don’t guarantee property rights to a lawyer representing words on a letterhead that may or may not be staging an invasion.

This mystery can be solved easily. Solano County government should confiscate that land and watch who complains. Deny the anonymizing middlemen “standing” in the courts. The mystery would be solved quickly.

All we know is that national-security-relevant information that government has a need to know regardless, is being withheld from the entire American government. By the same financialization industry that gutted the military so completely that the Pentagon is seizing black powder from toy companies.

The Journal indicated that local and federal officials’ inability to learn the identities of those in the Flannery group is in part due to the fact that Delaware-registered LLCs, such as Flannery Associates, do not have to publicly disclose the identity of their owners.

Change my mind on this: Delaware and New Jersey are 18th-Century predecessors of Blackrock and Vanguard. They aren’t states, they’re hedge funds with sovereignty. That’s why they’re huge presences in the financial sector, yet you never hear about them.

FedGov doesn’t know who lives next door to major military institutions… because of corporate privacy laws? They cracked Switzerland’s secrecy but not Delaware’s? What do they have an NSA for, if not for spying on Americans when they can’t get a search warrant?

FedGov allowing itself to be told No by a rented corporate lawyer is scarier than a Drag Queen Story Hour behind a police safety cordon. Both are government submission to an even darker power, but at least the fag is visible. Wish that he wasn’t.

This is not the first land grab in recent months to inspire concern.

The Washington Examiner recently noted that China, the U.S.’s preeminent adversary on the world stage, has been buying up vast swathes of American land. Whereas in 2011, when Chinese investors owned 69,295 acres of American land, by year-end 2021, they controlled nearly 400,000 acres.

This one ain’t China. Yes, it’s land next to a military base, but China wouldn’t pay $1b just for an espionage site. They’d pay a tiny percentage of that for a warehouse across the street, then put a brothel on the first floor and WMDs on the second. Bioweapons galore!

[I wrote that before finding out about their bioweapon lab in Reedley, CA that they didn’t pay squat for. Although that wasn’t directed at a military base.]

There are two reasons to buy land adjacent to a military base on the brink of war. One is to attack/spy on the base; the other is to be protected by the base.

The more I think about it, the more convinced I get that proximity to Travis is for safety, not aggression. And of course, not coincidence. A military-industrial tycoon could do much worse for an SHTF plan than a major air base’s backyard. Especially since “take the money and run” is, apparently, how the MIC’s been doing war since the 1960s.

I bet the reason they don’t just tell the military it’s okay, is because that money is supposed to be in the Ukraine.