Contact Tracer Pants On Fire

Contact tracing is one of those hellishly Orwellian concepts that society somehow accepted as normal five minutes after its introduction. “Don’t worry, we only keep track of who your friends and associates are… and everywhere you’ve been… just in case you fail a purity test. You wouldn’t want to be a walking, breathing threat to society, now would you?”

Today is a twofer, mocking both contact tracers AND fact checkers for the lying shits they are!

EXCLUSIVE: Washington public school forces student athletes to wear ankle monitors for purposes of COVID segregation: parents

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By Ari Hoffman, 24 August 2021

One unnamed mother told the Post Millennial that her daughter had only just arrived at volleyball team practice when she received a text message revealing that the team coach was asking her child to put on an ankle monitor.

“The teen did not answer the mother’s follow up texts or calls,” the outlet’s Ari Hoffmann wrote. “The mother assumed she was playing during practice and attempted to contact the school via phone. No one at the school was able to answer her questions about the monitor, so she drove to the building.”

When she arrived at the school, the mother said that she encountered an employee in the school office, who reportedly told her that there was a meeting held the previous week discussing the “ankle monitoring program.”

The program, the staffer reportedly told the mother, was intended for contact tracing in the event of any student’s positive COVID-19 test.

The coach also reportedly told the mother that use of the device was intended to inform players when they were not distanced enough, and was only reportedly intended for use at indoor practice… The device, according to the outlet, provides a “visual and audible alarm” so that any individual, who may come into unnecessarily close contact with another person, will “know when to adjust their current distance to a proper social distance.”

That is child abuse, forcing them to wear tracking devices that warn them whenever they move within six feet of another human being.

The coach also added that the school reportedly handed out opt-out forms during the previous week’s meeting, but the unnamed mom said that she never received any such forms, nor was she ever made aware of such a program.

The devices, according to the outlet, were not mentioned in the school’s updated 2021-22 school year policies.

Parent Jason Ostendorf is also angry over the practice.

He told the News Tribune that students have enough to deal with these days amid a global pandemic.

“It’s just one more thing they’re doing to the kids through this whole COVID thing,” he insisted. “The vaccine, now be tracked when you’re at practice. Where does this end? I feel like this is an experiment on our kids to see how much we can put them through before they start breaking.”

Maybe because it is.

Ostendorf added that he was told if he refused to sign the permission slip, his children would not be permitted to play on team sports.

That means it’s “optional” and therefore, legal!

In a statement to the Post Millennial, school board director Matt Marshall told the outlet that the school has decided to stop using the devices “until proper procedures including community input and board approval process occur.”

Insufficient. They’re only sorry that they got caught. Justice demands punishment! Marshall is unfit to ever have authority over children again in his life. Treating children like paroled murderers was not an oopsie.

Eatonville School District Superintendent Gary Neal also spoke out about the controversy and said that the monitors were not intended to segregate the student population.

A second Child of the Devil, lying through his teeth. “They don’t segregate! They only isolate!”

“We received grant funding (known as ESSER III) that specifically included provisions to support higher-risk athletic programs, and we used some of those funds to pay for athletic proximity monitors,” Neal said.

How about we repurpose those to School District Superintendent proximity monitors? They can opt-out by quitting their cushy job.

“We are using these monitors for high contact and moderate indoor contact sports. The monitors are for both staff (coaches) and students on the field, regardless if they are vaccinated or unvaccinated. If a student or coach tests positive, we will have immediate information regarding athletes’ and coaches’ contacts, so we can more tightly determine who might need to quarantine,” he continued, sharing the same language posted on the school’s online FAQ page.

Get vaxxed, they said. We’ll let you live a normal life again if only you voluntarily consent to the vaxx, they said. Sorry, we changed our mind, no normal life for you ever again, they said.

Fortunately, the uproar over this was strong enough that fact-checkers were deployed to salvage the Narrative.

High school falsely accused by conservative outlet of forcing unvaccinated teens to wear ankle monitors

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By Mikael Thalen, 25 August 2021

An article from the Post Millennial asserted that unvaccinated teens at Eatonville High School had been singled out for electronic monitoring as part of a COVID-19 contact tracing program.

The article quickly gained widespread attention among opponents of coronavirus health measures and was even shared by Donald Trump Jr.

.Totally normal stuff guys,. the former president’s son tweeted. .People better start paying attention because this doesn’t end well in my opinion..

Yet the article’s own headline is contradicted in the very first paragraph, which notes that the program was aimed only at students involved in athletics regardless of vaccination status.

.A 15-year-old girl was allegedly forced to wear an ankle tracking monitor for volleyball practice at Eatonville High School in Washington state as a condition of participating in team sports,. the article begins. .This was required of both vaccinated and unvaccinated students..

Haha, Trump voters! We weren’t maltreating unvaxxed students! We were maltreating BOTH vaxxed AND unvaxxed students! The children we singled out were only the student athletes… and you didn’t accuse us of that! Suckers! And honestly, the program would have expanded to the entire school by now if you hadn’t complained about the pilot program.

Speaking over the phone with the Daily Dot, a representative for the Eatonville School District stated that the program is entirely opt-in and requires signed permission slips from parents. The school also says it held a meeting with parents to inform them about the program.

Update 11:12am CT: A spokesperson for Eatonville originally told the Daily Dot that trackers were entirely voluntary. But this morning, the school revised its statement to the Daily Dot to note that students could opt-out, but if they did they would not be allowed to participate in sports.

However, the Post Millennial’s framing that the school was forcing unvaccinated students to wear monitors, the basis of this article, remains untrue. The program was for everyone, not unvaccinated people. The Post Millennial has since updated its own headline to correct its inaccuracies [so it’s not just us who got caught in an easily disproven lie].

“You can trust our fact-checkers because our confessions of cover-up and error are referred to as ‘updates’.”

[Continuing original article]

The devices, known as TraceTags, are designed to monitor which students come into contact with one another only while playing sports. If a student at any point tests positive for COVID-19, the school can use the devices. data to alert other students who may have been exposed.

Alert them that they’re under house arrest for two weeks.

The TraceTags are not specifically designed to be worn on the ankle and, according to the device’s manufacturer Triax, can be “affixed to any hardhat or worn on the body for proximity detection and contact tracing..

We don’t force students to wear ankle monitors! We force them to wear ankle, wrist and/or headband monitors! Totally different!

The district representative noted that the controversy appears to have occurred after a new student attended a volleyball practice and was asked to wear one of the devices. The teen’s mother had reportedly not been made aware of the program and had not signed a permission slip either, signaling a possible oversight on behalf of the school.

This atrocity was neither an oversight nor a controversy. You don’t treat children like inmates!

On Tuesday, the Eatonville High School’s website published an FAQ section that answered questions about the program. The school referred to the devices as “proximity monitors for high contact and moderate indoor contact sports..

.The monitors are for both staff (coaches) and students on the field, regardless of vaccination status,. the statement reads.

Gary Neal, the superintendent for the Eatonville School District, also published a letter addressing the concerns. Neal stated that the sensors were “only worn during participation in the sport” and would allow the school to quickly find any students who may have been exposed.

Why would you need a monitor if the student was playing with a known group of teammates regardless? Answer: “pilot program”. Desensitization.

.This system prevents taking students out of school and athletics unnecessarily,. Neal added. .It allows us to keep more students engaged and involved in class as well as athletic activities. This is a top priority for staff and families here in Eatonville..

It remains unclear if any objections were made to the program by actual students or parents before its spread online this week.

Never mind that the Post Millennial gave the name of at least one parent.

Eatonville told the Daily Dot that it has now shelved the devices until further notice.

Homeschool Or Die has never been truer.

So, about those trackers…

In the Time of COVID-19 . How Will You Maintain Safe Working Distances?

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Businesses are facing significant challenges in maintaining social distancing guidelines and they lack real-time insight into whether these guidelines are being observed in their facilities.

Leveraging our commercial solution for workforce monitoring we have developed a proximity alert and contact tracing solution . Proximity Trace . to address two key areas of assistance:

    • Active feedback to the worker, in the form of a visual and audible alarm, so individuals know when to adjust their current distance to a proper social distance
    • Passive collection of worker interactions for contact tracing should an individual test positive

It’s an evolution of their flagship product: employee tracking IDs integrated into the Internet Of Things, so Director Pajeet can watch his drones take bathroom breaks in real-time. Valuable efficiency savings to the company!

Mandatory drug tests were only the beginning.

The main device of Proximity Trace, the TraceTag., is affixed to any hardhat or worn on the body for proximity detection and contact tracing. Together we can keep people safer by maintaining social distances in the workplace and help support organizations. strategies for getting back to work.

Being able to properly comply with social distancing guidelines is critical to containing and slowing the spread of COVID-19. Additionally, having a log of all worker interactions for contact tracing, in the event that a worker is diagnosed with COVID-19, will help to accelerate the process for further containment and isolation.

The trackers were originally intended for the workplace not the school. *sigh* I hope the Big Important Executive versions of them have built-in tasers, so the workers can at least enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of Director Pajeet breaking his own rules as a show of status.

Bidenreich Decides To Rule By Fear

I’m not even angry at the Pervert in Chief. It’s beyond obvious that the New World Order is here to stay, that Covid is their Trojan Horse of choice and they’re in a still-unexplained, desperate hurry to vaxx everybody before winter hits.

Methinks this winter is going to wake up a lot of people, one way or another. No, they aren’t awake right now. All the con-servatives losing their minds over Biden’s vaxx pronouncement will do is start some lawsuits that’ll slowly go through the courts like always. Staying inside the Republican Party’s OODA loop is as easy as doing TWO things per year.

Meanwhile, the truly interesting part of Biden’s pronouncement just today is that his faction has decided to rule by fear.

Path out of the Pandemic

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9 September 2021… not 9/11? Weird. Maybe Biden’s no longer available for weekend work… oh, snap! They themselves are scared of anniversary protests! I see a couple articles that they’re putting the Jan. 6 barricades back up….

The “six prongs”:

1. Vaccinating the Unvaccinated

The attention-grabber of the article. It’s fascinating that Bidenreich didn’t wait for the current crop of vaxx mandates to go into effect before demanding them for 90% of the entire workforce of the United States.

Which is the point. This is nationalization of the American economy… but NOT under the Federal government. Under the medical bureaucracies.

Something makes them want to vaxx-mandate everybody all at once because they didn’t wait for the first round to go into effect. My guess is they don’t want to allow people any perceived opportunities to escape a local or industry-specific one. It’s a fear tactic that could have worked if job vacancies weren’t skyrocketing, and if the kind of people who still refuse the vaxx weren’t the people keeping the factory running.

2. Further Protecting the Vaccinated

HAHAHAAAA! You suck, Fascist foreign Puritan pigs! “First, we must vaxx the doubters because the vaxx will keep us safe! Second, we must take extra measures because the vaxx is not enough!” No, no, let me quote them verbatim:

There are over 175 million fully vaccinated Americans who are largely protected from severe illness from COVID-19. While so-called “breakthrough infections” among this group do happen, they remain the exception: In fact, recent data indicates there is only 1 confirmed positive case per 5,000 fully vaccinated Americans per week.

But COVID-19 vaccination protection can be made even stronger.

The vaxx is 99.98% effective, which is why we still can’t allow you to live a normal life!

And it’s not actually funny because 60% of North America actually believes that… believes simultaneously that the vaxx is all you need and the vaxx will never be enough.

I keep expecting the Matrix to glitch, know what I mean? Life right now is surreal. Humans do not normally behave like this. “Get the vaxx or DIE! Okay, now get the NEXT vaxx or DIE! See you in another six months… or DIE! We validate parking… or DIE!” and people fall for this?!

3. Keeping Schools Safely Open

The easiest way to justify tyranny is to terrorize the population. Thus, forcing children to attend school (the last thing you’d do in a real pandemic) and terrorizing them with fear porn while dehumanizing & literally stifling them with masks. This.. the deliberate creation of emotionally stunted children who cannot survive outside a social context less structured than a Supermax prison… will ensure the continued survival of the New World Order better than any policy they could enact.

If the friendlier governments of America do not shut down public education completely, immediately and permanently, then it won’t matter what else they do. They even got the justification sitting in front of them: C-19. But they won’t and here’s the inevitable result:

President Biden’s plan supports the independent scientific review of a vaccine for those individuals under the age of 12 and will provide the FDA with any needed resources to support its ongoing efforts to do this safely and as quickly as possible.

They’re going to “vaxx” children as young as they can. It’s all about violating the children. Sodomized boys become homosexuals. Terrorized boys become slaves. Sick boys need lots of expensive health care. Why would Pfizer want you healthy? They’d lose a customer.

4. Increasing Testing & Requiring Masking

This is a shift away from the institutions of D.C. to the institutions of the Medical-Industrial Complex, the other MIC, and it’s probably not a coincidence that the original MIC just got cleaned out by the Afghanistan debacle. I would not be surprised if a “terrorist attack” literally nukes the Pentagon or Langley in a few months. The banksters are shifting the New World Order’s controls to their personal fiefs.

Part of this shift is money laundering. Taxpayer funds go into the Med-MIC’s “testing facilities” which can produce any results they need to, but they need to scale up the testing mandates or the con will be obvious. Mil-MIC is probably getting bled white by this redistribution… losing at the game they invented, which raises the possibility of “terrorist attacks” against NIH and OSHA. And if you think I’m joking about this, notice that Bidenreich and “Mil are fighting over the loyalties all those freshly imported mujahedeen.

5. Protecting Our Economic Recovery

A good economy prevents Covid…

The policies outlined throughout this plan will ensure that we do not return to lockdowns and shutdowns.

…by being held as a hostage! More rule by fear… but again, it’s not (should not be) very convincing. Bidenreich already plans to crash the economy regardless. Cyber Polygon, remember? There’s an Internet crash coming.

Additionally, we will offer new support to small businesses as they continue to weather the surge caused by the Delta variant.

The last help your small business needs is “assistance” from the “gov that created your problems in the first place. Much like taking the vaxx is a bad idea, do not take the Banker’s handout.

6. Improving Care for those with COVID-19

Because the vaxx kept you safe!

President Biden’s plan to continue to combat COVID-19 this fall is comprehensive, science-based and relies on the power of the federal government working hand-in-hand with states, local communities, the private sector, and all Americans to put this pandemic behind us.

Public-private corporatism. AKA Fascism.

So, the battle lines are being drawn for humanity’s final war. A war between literally the coward and the courageous. It is interesting that this coming war will be fought first in a man’s own heart… not by uniforms, blood or weight of duty, but by whether a man chooses to live in fear of death or in confidence that Christ has broken Death’s sting. Whether to live by emotions, lies or truth.

I close with a quote from Mike Tyson: “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.”

A Walmart Exec’s Idea Of Utopia

Playing God can be intoxicating. Alas, men playing God is like women playing at being men. The parts that God/men are appreciated for, are not what God/men need to actually do. Women create a nanny state that gives them lots of loot with no need to respect or trust a man. Similarly, men envisage a world in which they are celebrated for altering reality on a whim. If we only had the power of God then we wouldn’t need to be the servants of the unsexy Dirt People who actually work the dirt! Those damned end users! Those employees with their incessant whining about working conditions! In the city of MY dreams, there shall be no such things!

City planning is a good case study for this behavior. Good city planning predicts the needs of its members and works to provide them… sometimes inconveniencing those members with service interruptions and zoning ordinances but ultimately, the purpose of city planning is to create a place where the members want to live. Even if the resulting city is… perhaps… not to the tastes of city planners themselves.

Bad city planning is centralized city planning. When an overpowered mediocrity decides he knows what’s best, makes a perfect system for his imagined future peasants, er, migrants, that is, the Beautiful People that should populate his city instead of the malcontents that currently do, and then hates the world for inevitably failing him. For example, when the city tore up a major street near my home, they helpfully narrowed it to put in double bicycle lanes down the median with ugly brutalist guard rails and slowed the traffic light cycles by adding additional time segments for bicyclists and buses. Because fossil fuels hurt Gaia! and exercise is good for you! and you can’t be too careful when playing in traffic!

Nobody uses it, especially bicyclists like me who use the same old parallel alley to bypass a dozen traffic lights.

This is somehow my fault.

On that note, our feature presentation.

Billionaire wants to build woke ‘equitable’ utopia in the American desert

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By Phil Shivers, 8 September 2021

Billionaire Marc Lore unveiled plans last week to build a woke utopian city from scratch somewhere in the American desert.

The former Walmart executive and e-commerce tycoon told Bloomberg the new city . called Telosa, after the ancient Greek word, telos, meaning “highest purpose” . will aim to solve the growing wealth gap in America, which he says is the country’s biggest challenge.

“Most civilizations in history at some point fall, right?” he asked. “This is going to bring down America.”

That’s right, folks. A four-billionaire Chinamart executive and NYC bankster just bragged to you that America’s growing wealth gap will doom it. He’s talking about himself and his ambitions, of course, because the greatest thrill is getting away with committing evil in broad daylight.

But before it does, Lore is determined to try out his version of a solution: a 150,000-acre modern metropolis with eco-friendly architecture, sustainable energy production, and a drought-resistant water system.

This new project might have something to do with New Zealand no longer allowing foreigners into the country. Not even to visit the underground bunkers that Elites such as Lore have been building there for years. It might also be a simple scam; with this crowd, you can’t ever rule that out; it will probably end up a scam regardless. But let’s take this at face value and enjoy the spectacle of how NOT TO DO CITY PLANNING. How not to play God.

Jew-face with a strong chin. As lovely as his concept art of paradise. And just to be clear about that, transparent skyscrapers shaped like wine glasses is not a good look. Does he love little kids as much as the Talmud? *checks* YES, in fact, before his time at Walmart Lore was cofounder of… sold to Amazon in 2011 for $545 million.

“The mission of Telosa is to create a more equitable, sustainable future. That’s our North Star,” Lore said in a promotional video, according to CNN, describing his proposal as “the most open, the most fair, and the most inclusive city in the world.”

This is exactly how NOT to do city planning. “I will make this city into a monument to my personal beliefs!” build build build “Now come here and like it, you peasants! Everything is set up just the way *I* like it!”

Thank you, God, for having more compassion upon Your creation than that.

Planners are reportedly considering areas in Nevada…

Too cheap. You need some costs in order to drive the price up, otherwise the scam ain’t worth the effort.


Too Mormon.


Most likely, now that Lore and his cronies have turned the Sawtooth Mountains into Davos West.


Too pro-Israel, probably, but it also has lots of Chinamart warehouses and a plentiful, exploitable source of “Nuevo Americanos”. We can’t have white people in an inclusive society, now can we?


A good choice for building a military base disguised as an arcology. I hear China already has an airfield there so resupply will be no trouble.

…and the Appalachian region as potential sites for the city.

That last was thrown in because he hates the idea of bitter military veterans forming their own community, but in the fetid depths of his heart, he knows not to put a 230-square-mile target on their doorstep for the easy venting of all their frustrations.

According to Lore, the proposal is based on ideas espoused by American economist and social theorist Henry George. In his 1879 book, “Progress and Poverty,” George essentially argues that private land ownership is to blame for rising inequality.

That’s a curious choice of inspiration for a plutocrat building a private city.


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One day in 1871 George went for a horseback ride and stopped to rest while overlooking San Francisco Bay. He later wrote of the revelation that he had:

“I asked a passing teamster, for want of something better to say, what land was worth there. He pointed to some cows grazing so far off that they looked like mice, and said, “I don’t know exactly, but there is a man over there who will sell some land for a thousand dollars an acre.” Like a flash it came over me that there was the reason of advancing poverty with advancing wealth. With the growth of population, land grows in value, and the men who work it must pay more for the privilege.

What an interesting idea in the context of a kerjillionaire wanting to build a private city in Nowhere Land.

Furthermore, on a visit to New York City, he was struck by the apparent paradox that the poor in that long-established city were much worse off than the poor in less developed California. These observations supplied the theme and title for his 1879 book Progress and Poverty, which was a great success, selling over three million copies. In it George made the argument that a sizeable portion of the wealth created by social and technological advances in a free market economy is possessed by land owners and monopolists via economic rents, and that this concentration of unearned wealth is the main cause of poverty. George considered it a great injustice that private profit was being earned from restricting access to natural resources while productive activity was burdened with heavy taxes, and indicated that such a system was equivalent to slavery.a concept somewhat similar to wage slavery. This is also the work in which he made the case for a land value tax in which governments would tax the value of the land itself, thus preventing private interests from profiting upon its mere possession, but allowing the value of all improvements made to that land to remain with investors.

Bloody Hell! Lore was inspired to BECOME THE VILLAIN of Henry George’s writings! He proposes this city in order to profit in exactly the way George complained about!

Again, the greatest thrill is doing evil in broad daylight.

End segue

Along those lines, Lore claims that the current system of capitalism has “significant flaws,” many of them due to “the land ownership model that America was built on.”

“While the current economic system is a growth engine, it has led to increasing inequality,” the project’s website explains. Instead, it touts a new economic vision called “equitism” as a way to build “inclusive growth.”

“If you went into the desert where the land was worth nothing, or very little, and you created a foundation that owned the land, and people moved there and tax dollars built infrastructure and we built one of the greatest cities in the world, the foundation could be worth a trillion dollars,” Lore told Bloomberg.

Socialize the risk, privatize the profit. The oldest con in New York City. “Don’t worry, old George, I’m using YOUR money instead of mine! Just like you demanded!”

“And if the foundation’s mission was to take the appreciation of the land and give it back to the citizens in the form of medicine, education, affordable housing, social services: Wow, that’s it!” he added.

What, no culture? When you think about it, even livestock get medicine, education, affordable housing and social services. But meanwhile, they’re kept in pens, drugged and controlled until they become worth more dead than alive.

That’s no way to treat a human. That’s also my objection to STEM thinking. Art, music and architecture may not pay many bills but they’re essential to being human.

And circling back to city planning, this is the Concrete Jungle problem. You supply all the people’s material needs but neglect their spiritual needs because the value of a park can’t be quantified on a spreadsheet. A bankster who made a fortune off reducing retail to the international lowest common denominator does not know much about being human.

Bloomberg reported that the initial phase of the project would be built to accommodate 50,000 residents across roughly 1,500 acres by 2030 at a cost of $25 billion. But over 40 years, the city would eventually grow to house 5 million people across 150,000 acres at a cost of $400 billion.

An initial cost of five million dollars per person? To be housed in tenement-style projects on land chosen for its literal worthlessness? And what jobs would these people be working, in this middle of nowhere, to provide any kind of return on investment?

It’s very rare for a city to be created out of nothing. Las Vegas is the only such success that comes to mind and that was gambling and money laundering. It still wouldn’t be a place without that dam. If Lore really wanted to build a new city in the middle of nowhere then he’d create a power plant and water supply and let the inevitable happen.

Lore, who is reportedly worth $4 billion, hired Copenhagen-based architectural firm Bjarke Ingels Group to design the city.

Because there’s not one American architectural firm that could do the job? Or because Lore is rootless jet-set and giving a friend the business?

He’s worth $4b… his dream’s initial cost is $25b… it was always gonna be his dream at somebody else’s expense.

Renderings of Telosa displayed on the proposal’s website show pedestrians leisurely strolling in a futuristic city surrounded by greenery, with air taxi systems for transportation.

That is the least likely of all possible futures. Why would you have an air taxi system when the city can be preplanned for cheap, reliable, ground-based logistics? And you cannot sustainably create greenery in a desert. That’s why it’s a desert. They did it in places such as Scottsdale, Arizona, such beautiful golf courses, and guess what, spiking water usage created drought conditions. New water sources can be created but not always at a pace that meets demand and rarely in ways that an environmentalist would describe as “sustainable”.

In its writeup, Bloomberg notes that Lore is not the first ambitious entrepreneur to envision building a city from scratch, and he likely won’t be the last.

Sarah Moser, an associate professor of geography at Montreal’s McGill University who studies planned cities, told the outlet that she has identified at least 150 city-building projects backed by either governments or private groups. None of them have hit their population targets, she said.

None of them were intended to, not really. Detroit is a success by the reckoning of its government. Sodom Francisco is beautiful in the eyes of its creators. The people disagreed and were made unwelcome in their own homes, and so left to find new homes where city planners allow for their comfort and belonging instead of sky drones policing warehouses of human labor or choirs singing the praises of child molestation.

REAL cities have people. FAKE cities have ambitions.

Lore’s dream city is stillborn… strangled by the very wickedness that made its designer into a demigod.

Privacy Causes Crime

What do those young Socialists think? When they see that the first beneficiaries of the Universal Basic Income that they (are programmed to) call for, are murderers? Do they think that the most needy are being helped first, or do they realize that the game is behavior manipulation by the State?

San Francisco “Dream Keeper. Program Will Pay People to End Gun Violence

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By Andrea Cipriano, 31 August 2021

San Francisco authorities are debuting their latest attempt at combating the rise in gun violence in their city: paying at-risk individuals to not pull the trigger, and for completing life services programs, reports the San Francisco Examiner.

Help me! I’m about to end this effing bag of shit that stole muh fentanyl stash! Don’t make me do this! Oh wait, he already did. *bang* Crime is society’s fault, yo.

The program, called the Dream Keeper Fellowship, will launch as a pilot program in October with just 10 participants, acting as the city’s latest iteration of a guaranteed-income program designed to provide high-risk individuals with $300 a month as a start.

The program will expand to an additional 30 high-risk individuals by the end of the year, officials say.

Over time, as participants hit monthly milestones . like landing a job interview, complying with probation, or consistently meeting with a mentor . they will be able to earn up to $200 more a month. To help keep participants on track, the Dream Keeper Fellowship will pair individuals with newly hired life coaches from the Street Violence Intervention Program (SVIP).

Oh look, a new jobs program. Babysitting for murderers, because capital punishment would work too well. We’ll soon find out how many hybristophiliacs live in the Gay Area.

The theory backing this pilot program is simple, advocates say, noting that the stipend could be enough of an incentive to have someone join, and the change would help them stay engaged.

The theory has failed every time it’s been tried. This is not an anti-crime effort. It is a religious effort. Results are not even expected.

At worst, skeptics are comparing the program to its predecessors, deeming it “cash for criminals..


However, advocates anticipated pushback, and have been working hard to dispel stigma, arguing that this program will address the root cause of some criminality, the San Francisco Examiner detailed.

Oh, well, if it’s not stigmatized by similarities to past efforts then it has a chance.

Moreover, advocates note that the program would amount to $6,000 annually in stipends . which isn’t enough to live comfortably on, but it could be enough to help deter someone from criminal activity, kick start their life, and avoid incarceration.

.We know that $500 in San Francisco is not a significant amount of money,. said Sheryl Davis, a proponent of the program and executive director of the Human Rights Commission. “But if it’s enough to get you in to talk to folks, and be able to make a plan for your life, then that’s huge..

You can make that in a day as a drug dealer. Especially if you’re willing to off the competition. What’s really going on?

While the stipends won’t come with restrictions, officials aren’t concerned that the funds will be used nefariously by participants. The money received will be placed on a reloadable gift card, and all spending will be tracked by program managers.

This is an experiment in behavior modification via State control of one’s money. The theory they’re testing isn’t just “cash for criminals”, it’s “government control of your bank account for criminals”. One can reasonably expect that the program’s ‘at-risk participants’ will also have government allowances for housing, so the theory being tested here is this:

“Can we redeem a criminal by controlling his finances tightly enough? What if it’s privacy that causes crime, not poverty?”

.There have been studies of guaranteed-income programs in Stockton, and other places, that really track how [at-risk participants] were spending the money and showed that [nefarious spending] was not the case at all,. said David Muhammad, executive director of the National Institute for Criminal Justice Reform. .Folks spent it on transportation and food and bills..

The program is modeled, in part, after the nationally watched Operation Peacemaker Fellowship in Richmond, which offers similar stipends of up to $1,000, according to the San Francisco Examiner.

A 2019 study published in the American Journal of Public Health linked the program to a 55 percent decrease in gun homicides, and 43 percent decline in shootings since it began in 2010, giving San Francisco officials hope at the successes of this budding program.

If the drop wasn’t overnight then this is a very weak argument of correlation implying causation. Particularly since around 2016, blacks stopped committing any crimes at all.

This latest reform effort comes as gun violence rates have soared in San Francisco, after years of gun crimes being on the decline. Unfortunately, it’s a pattern being seen around the nation, even in cities like Oakland that already have cash incentive programs, the San Francisco Examiner details.

It doesn’t matter that it won’t work. The Original Murderer must be worshiped!

After years of gun crimes being on the decline, violent felons were released en masse from prisons because nobody deserves to risk a bad flu. How did mercy for murderers work? Not so well? Eh, we didn’t try hard enough.

According to ABC News, San Francisco police say the gun crimes they respond to are unlike crimes they’ve seen in decades, noting that the rising amount of assault rifles and shotguns dwarf the number of handguns and revolvers being seen on the streets.


Hayward Police Chief Toney Chaplin showed ABC News reporters a 100 round magazine clip the police department recently seized . but the gunman is still at large.

That must be a .22 magazine since it’s not a belt. Which as I just said, is neither an assault rifle nor a shotgun.

To that end, assault rifles are not the only weapons San Francisco police are struggling to combat and confiscate: ghost guns are on the rise.

Ghost guns, untraceable and unregulated firearms that anyone can buy and build without a background check, have become more popular among Bay Area criminals.

.Ghost guns are a massive problem in San Francisco . they are becoming increasingly involved in murders, attempted murders, and assaults with firearms,. District Attorney Chesa Boudin said earlier this month at a press conference.

Why the segue into ghost guns at the end of this article? The cashless society will not just be trackable money on a microchip. The government will be able to dictate what that money can be spent on. After all, you cannot become a “gunman” if the bank stops you from purchasing a gun. Thus, the need to end the existence of ghost guns.

Thus, this program to control murderers’ economic lives tightly enough to ensure that crime cannot happen. With government-agent supervision for their off-time.

Except government crime, of course. *Points at Weatherman Terrorist-spawn Chesa Boudin*

Texas Feminist Cat Puke!

I hear that Texas is going downhill politically… but then, I hear stories like this one.

Mess in Texas: A Theocracy That Enshrines White, Male Power

By John Casey, 2 September 2021

Sounds good to me.

What is going on in Texas has many likening it to a third-world country… Governor Greg Abbott, a Trump minion and prot?g?, is trampling over freedoms and laws in the state in an effort to pass legislation that makes Texas arguably less tolerant than North Korea or Iran, and that is saying an awful lot.

That DOES sound good. What’d they do to earn this cat puke… ban abortion or something?

Yesterday, Texas’s new abortion law went into effect, essentially making abortion illegal after six weeks.

They DID ban abortion!!!

Many women don’t even know they’re pregnant at six weeks, and the law makes zero exceptions in the cases of rape or incest. What makes this law even more warped and evil is that Texans are now charged with being abortion vigilantes. They can report anyone who is seeking an abortion, and with a cash reward of $10,000 if the person is convicted.

THEY CRIMINALIZED THE WOMEN SEEKING ABORTIONS!!! What I’ve been saying for years! Sweet!

And just in time for “Labor Day”, haha!

This is absolutely monstrous. And speaking of monsters, the Supreme Court in a midnight decision voted to uphold the law, predictably with Alito, Gorsuch, Coney-Barrett, Thomas, and Kavanaugh in the majority.

Aww, does poor widdle red diaper doper baby not like government happening in the middle of the night? Who did those conservatives get such an undemocratic idea from?

Trying to have the court appear somewhat even, anti-abortion Chief Justice John Roberts voted in the minority. This means, for all intents and purposes, that abortion is illegal in the state of Texas . the second largest state in our country. The implications of this, not just for Texas, but for abortion rights, will be catastrophic.

I.m not a lawyer, but I can differentiate between thoughtful and nonsensical writing. If you read the majority opinion, it blathers on like some irrational run-on sentence. If you’re interested, and you have a bucket and Pepto-Bismol nearby, you can read it here.

I’m not a lawyer but unlike a bureaucrat, I can understand concepts that I’m not professionally licensed to understand.


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The applicants now before us have raised serious questions regarding the constitutionality of the Texas law at issue. For example, federal courts enjoy the power to enjoin individuals tasked with enforcing laws, not the
laws themselves… it is unclear whether the named defendants in this lawsuit can or will seek to enforce the
Texas law against the applicants in a manner that might permit our intervention…

…Neither it nor its executive employees possess the authority to enforce the Texas law either directly or indirectly.
Nor is it clear whether, under existing precedent, this Court can issue an injunction against state judges asked to decide a lawsuit under Texas’s law… Finally, the sole private-citizen respondent before us has filed an affidavit stating that he has no present intention to enforce the law.

Translation from lawyer-ese, the plaintiffs demanding the law be stopped didn’t have standing before SCOTUS, also, SCOTUS can’t pronounce on state/local legislation.

The abortion ban is great and the precedent of federal courts not having authority over state courts could be earth-shattering.

More feminist cat puke, please!

End segue

In her dissenting opinion, Justice Sonia Sotomayor was ruthless, and rightfully so, in her dissent. .The court’s order is stunning,. she wrote. .Presented with an application to enjoin a flagrantly unconstitutional law engineered to prohibit women from exercising their constitutional rights and evade judicial scrutiny, a majority of justices have opted to bury their heads in the sand..

Where in the Constitution is abortion? Nowhere.

Abbott has done anything but bury his head in the sand. He has been flagrantly and sinisterly busy this summer doing his best impression of Kim Jung-un. Abbott has called special sessions of the state government throughout the summer in an effort to pass bills and proposals that severely erode freedoms in the state, trample on civil and LGBTQ+ rights, and ignore the protection of the state’s citizens from COVID-19 and the Delta variant.

Together, with the state’s authoritarian-friendly legislature, they passed restrictions on vaccine and face-mask requirements in schools. This as states around the country send more than 8,000 contract health care workers as hospitalizations from COVID-19 in Texas approach the record set last winter. This is all being paid for by the state’s taxpayers, who are ending up sick in record numbers. Wouldn’t it be cheaper to encourage people to get the vaccine and wear a mask?

Yay Texas! You did a thing! Now ban contact tracing, suspend elections and then make room for one last American fleeing Commieland!

And how is the no mask mandate working? Consider what’s going on at the Humble Independent School District in Texas, where masks are optional, and which violates a local mask ordinance. Instead, school officials told CNN the district is following Abbott’s pandemic-related executive order banning school mask mandates, and since the start of the school year, more than 1,800 Humble students and 350 staff have tested positive for the virus.

In related news, 2,150 more people are naturally immune to Covid.

If COVID doesn’t kill off half of Texas, the new voting rights laws will shut out the voices of many in the state. The new laws, which Democrats in the state’s lower house went to great lengths to scuttle, are considered the strictest in the country.

And we check off election de-frauding, too.


But don’t worry, feminists! Covid will kill them all! It’s already spreading, right? They’re all going to die within a month, wheezing their regrets on a ventilator, right?

Yeah, bitches, even you don’t believe that Covid is a killer. You’ll never admit it… but you aren’t laughing at them for not following “the science” either, now are you?

According to the Texas Tribune, once the bill is signed into law, there will be stricter rules for voting by mail, no drop off boxes, increased protections for partisan poll watchers, and a rollback of local voting initiatives meant to make it easier to vote. These are squarely aimed at abolishing rules implemented by Harris County, where the city of Houston is located, that made it easier for people of color to vote.

Future 2022 headline: “Alt-Right Not-Sees sweep Texas elections, hang Socialist traitors to America. Women most affected!”

The dogmatic Abbott also signed a divisive bill that advocates how Texas teachers can talk about current events and America’s history of racism. Texas is one of a few states across the country that have passed such legislation, which aims to ban the teaching of “critical race theory” in public school classrooms.

It’s like Christmas in September!

Finally, Texas is one of the least hospitable states for LGBTQ+ individuals. Gender identity is not included in the hate crime law, and even though federal law prohibits employment discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, there is no statewide law banning anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination.

And no law banning pro-LGBT discrimination… but liberals can’t be happy with coexistence… so they want to force the issue… might not go the way they want.

And while the state legislature failed to pass broad bans on trans-related medical care, they are still considering a bill to restrict transgender student athletes. In regard to the medical treatments, Abbott is brazenly working around the law. Last month, he asked a state agency to decide whether allowing transgender kids to have gender-confirmation surgeries is child abuse; a false flag since such surgeries are not performed on minors. Unbelievable.

It was barely a decade ago that you feminists were crying at the Taliban for child genital mutilation. Now it’s the latest trendy civil right to be discovered over Thomas Jefferson’s dead body.

Actually, all of this is unbelievable, unfathomable, unthinkable, and incomprehensible.

Mmm. Your whine is sweeter than strawberries on a summer afternoon slice of cheesecake.

According to Bloomberg, these new draconian laws have forced businesses and chambers of commerce to step up in protest, not only against the narrowing of voting rights and the anti-mask mandates, but also to demonstrate their inclusive values, and these include Hewlett Packard Inc., Microsoft Corp. and American Airlines Group Inc.

We.ll see how far corporate America goes to punish Texas for all their discriminatory work.

Wow. We Manosphere types have already been calling out the Fascism taking over the United States… but here’s a named feminist shill calling on his corporate lords TO OVERTHROW A STATE GOVERMENT. Texas, no less.

If you put all of what’s happening in Texas together, under Abbott’s leadership and the consent of the Republican legislators, it’s barbaric, anti-American, anti-Democratic, and anti-everything else.

Anti-New World Order. Anti-Great Reset. Anti-Lizard Queen. Anti-Satan. But pro-Christ!

The Texas governor and legislatures are taking the state back to the 1950s, when people of color were prevented from voting…


…when white history was indoctrinated…


…when LGBTQ+ people were forced to hide their sexuality and true gender…

Do they even know their true gender? That Q is for questioning.

…and when there was no treatment for an avian virus the killed millions worldwide.

Yeah, H1N1 was kinda bad. Oh, wait.

All of this is meant as a last gasp effort to keep the white man in control of a populous that they prefer to be in ill-health, ill-informed, and ill-equipped. The recent Census data about the diminutive growth of whites, and the increase in Latinos and people of color have scared the bejesus out of the white angry men in charge of the state.

So they admit it. In a fit of rage at one state out fifty slipping their noose just for an hour, they spill the beans.

Liberals Can’t Meme: Ford Raptor

Today, SJWs have a massive overreaction to a critic and declare a meme-victory… in the process, proving the critic’s point with authority!

Ford Rolls Out ‘Very Gay’ Truck in Response to Homophobic Troll

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By Rachel Shatto, 31 August 2021

When Ford Germany recently unveiled its new blue Ford Ranger Raptor, it got plenty of praise, but there was one piece of feedback the company said “stopped us in our tracks.. A commenter on social media wasn’t a fan of the blue color choice, saying, .Well, that’s a cool car! . But that blue color is very Gay!! Hey Ford! Paint it in BlackNGold or camo!.

They freaked out over one comment about the paint color? Was it the only comment they got?

What happened next was a masterclass in shutting down homophobic trolls.

Hee hee. ‘Dis gonna be good!

In a video released on Twitter by Ford Europe, the automaker revealed its new and improved “Very Gay Raptor” decked out in rainbows and gold glitter. In a statement, the company said it wanted to make its position as an LGBTQ+ ally that stands up to discriminatory speech “very clear..

Whoa, wait… you changed the ‘gay’ paint scheme exactly the way the ‘homophobe’ suggested, then added a rainbow? Which is it? Are you trying to be more gay or less?

In the video, the truck gets a digital remake with a gold glitter paint job and rainbow decal, and the whole thing ends with the statement “Happy Pride.. But the company took it one step further and gave the truck a real-life makeover. A 60-hour process saw the vehicle draped in rainbow and gold glitter Alpha foil, then topped with rainbow and heart decals.

This is exactly what Internet trolls try to accomplish: provoking massive, hilarious and/or public overreactions. They feed on attention and the intolerant, seared, pinkish amygdalas of Social Justice Warriors are the perfect target.

This isn’t even the first time that Ford has decked out a Gay Pride vehicle. In 1998, the company wrapped a Ford KA in rainbows in commemoration of the first time it participated in Cologne Pride. This year, both vehicles were in attendance for Pride over the weekend.

BOTH vehicles? So, they only had the one previously? This isn’t the first time that Ford Germany has spent money on pandering to pervs. It’s the second time… in 23 years.

Maybe the Rainbow Community is looking for homophobic trolls in the wrong place.

The Comirnaty Code

I knew the instant I saw Pfizer’s chosen name for their vaxx, Comirnaty, that it was a coded message of some kind. Hat tip to Dollar Vigilante on Bitchute for solving it!

If you remove the term “RNA” from Comirnaty then you get Comity. What’s that?

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Courtesy; respect; a disposition to perform some official act out of goodwill and tradition rather than obligation or law. The acceptance or Adoption of decisions or laws by a court of another jurisdiction, either foreign or domestic, based on public policy rather than legal mandate.

Comity of nations is a recognition of fundamental legal concepts that nations share. It stems from mutual convenience as well as respect and is essential to the success of international relations. This body of rules does not form part of International Law; however, it is important for public policy reasons.

Judicial comity is the granting of reciprocity to decisions or laws by one state or jurisdiction to another. Since it is based upon respect and deference rather than strict legal principles, it does not require that any state or jurisdiction adopt a law or decision by another state or jurisdiction that is in contradiction, or repugnant, to its own law.

Comity of states is the voluntary acceptance by courts of one state of the decision of a sister state on a similar issue or question.

The purpose of the vaxxes is to unify the judicial systems of the world in preparation for Mark of Beast. Without necessarily involving the local legislatures.

Comirnaty’s secret message is “RNA Comity”.

That boot fits like a glove.

(Postscript, I don’t necessarily endorse Dollar Vigilante but give credit where it’s due.)

I Would Guess Looting

No crime of the Feminized Church is more textbook than accepting the destruction of the innocent so the Church can brag about gluing their lives back together. The Good Samaritan healed the hurting but the Better Samaritan packed heat and planted those robbers!

What Happens When the Church Looks More Like a CVS in Philadelphia?

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By Marlaina Centeno, 26 August 2021

I would guess looting. For my international readers, CVS is just another Walmart.

My hometown of Philadelphia has recently seen a new, inspiring trend in helping people overcome the psychological consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic: walk-in mental health counseling services have opened in several CVS MinuteClinics across my beloved city.

“Wait in the car, son. Mommy needs some shampoo, a gallon of milk and two therapies.”

The better way to overcome the social isolation, hopelessness and despair caused by the Communist Red Dawn er, Plandemic, is to STOP COOPERATING WITH IT. Not by placing psychiatrists between the bread isle and the trash bags.

I am deeply encouraged that CVS, in addition to online resources provided by entities across the nation, is taking a step toward providing mental health care in communities where it hasn’t been readily available. This new initiative stands to provide access to diverse communities where this kind of care is desperately needed. While I am excited about this being a valuable clinical tool for helping address the nation’s current mental health crisis, it’s not enough on its own. People need community around them for holistic healing. and that’s where the church can step in.

So, “What Happens When the Church Looks More Like a CVS in Philadelphia?” The correct answer is a suicide watch.

COVID-19 will continue to impact Americans. mental health long after the immediate pandemic is over. We’ve seen the beginnings of physical healing. But the lasting mental and psychological effects become clearer every day. In fact, American Bible Society’s (ABS) newest State of the Bible report found that every root byproduct of Americans. stress. including feelings of restlessness, fear, anger and hopelessness. has increased since this same time last year.

What are you churches doing about that? Poker clubs for shut-ins? Maybe a designated, in-church area where quarantined people can hang out with each other while waiting the ridiculously long two weeks? Free massage parlors? I’m not even joking with that last one. Human touch is important.

Problem: government banned healthy human behavior. Solution: deploying psychologists everywhere with Cop Karens on speed-dial! Because there’s nothing the Matriarchy fears more than angry men acting independently.

But there’s hope. I’ve personally seen people find healing through church communities as they’ve implemented a Bible-based trauma healing ministry. At the heart of this program is a book called Healing the Wounds of Trauma, which encompasses a set of practical lessons that lead people on a journey of healing. The book. which includes 270 Bible references from 217 passages. uses biblical truths that highlight the power of Jesus to heal hurting minds, bodies, and spirits, and provides a strong foundation for restored lives and relationships. More than 1.3 million people around the world have already embarked on a healing journey through this ministry.

If you have any problem in your life, any kind of problem at all, then there’s a Bible Study for that. Which is not at all what was meant by “Sola Scriptura”.

Most importantly, the program’s train-the-trainer model allows lay church leaders and members to quickly learn how to facilitate it, meaning we could see rapid healing in the lives of millions of hurting people around the globe in the next few years. I hope to see this vision of healing realized in Philadelphia, and I pray its reality comes to your city and neighborhood too.

Okay, I do want to be surrounded by lots of Social Justice Warriors skin-suiting as both Christians and mental health experts, but please bring extra rope if you do this. While some of us believe in the Nanny State, others of us believe in lasting solutions.

It.s also important to note that the very definition of “community” has shifted over the past year and half.

It’s now a television show. Change my mind, Zoom.

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused each of us to consider new ways to stay connected to one another. This new paradigm has led many of us online in search of the authentic community connection we once had in person. I was one of the biggest skeptics that mental and emotional health care can be effective online.until I saw healing happening online with my own eyes. I co-led ABS.s Trauma Healing Ministry’s first online trauma healing group back in February 2020.

Sure, Barbie. They tapped a skeptic to co-lead their first effort.

Right now, CVS stepping up to offer resources for walk-in patients is a fantastic program. But we still need more. More people need help than there are mental health professionals, and CVS clinics and online resources aren’t substitutes for healing communities.

“We need the Church because Walmart can’t save everybody.”

While our State of the Bible 2021 report shows that every root byproduct of stress has increased during COVID-19, it also shows us that more Americans than ever before are turning to the Bible. The church must use this moment to come alongside people and show them the true healing and hope found within the pages of Scripture.

LIES! God made us human beings! We’re supposed to act like human beings! Handshakes! Hugs! Facial expressions!

The Bible is nothing but a book that contains knowledge. Very important and trustworthy knowledge, yes, but DOING good is what counts. Knowing what’s good is just a prerequisite. The demons of Hell have the Bible memorized yet it doesn’t help them.

The incontinent need wives. The lonely need friends. The dissidents need organization. The robbers need dirt naps. This isn’t hard but waving a textbook is easier than doing a thing.

Since when does the Church rely on government-licensed experts in mental health, anyway? They don’t even believe that women are different from men.

I see a huge potential for the church to implement clinically and biblically informed trauma healing groups to convene small groups of people in safe places where they can help each other heal.

An Homage To Dalrock

Sometimes I come across a story that Dalrock would have loved. His time came too soon.

Why marriage is still a sexist institution . and what we can do about it

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By Sara M Moniuszko, USA Today, 24 August 2021

Marriage is dead… and it’s STILL SEXIST!

Though the pandemic cast a shadow over weddings, it shone a light on a major issue with the institution of marriage.

While marriage is a joyous milestone for many, experts say there is no denying the institution has a history of sexism that, in many cases, can still be felt today. That doesn’t mean forward-thinking young people need to shun marriage . though some are doing just that. The experts agree awareness is an important first step toward progress.

Jocelyn Olcott, the director of gender, sexuality and feminist studies at Duke University…

New for Christmas, the Innsmouth Bobblehead!

…says we’ve made strides in recent years, but marriage’s sexist history is still seen in how heterosexual couples divide household labor and child care responsibilities. That became especially evident during the pandemic, when many women abandoned their jobs in order to care for and home-school kids.

Breaking news, COVID lockdowns cause mass unemployment! Women most affected, forced to spend time with her children!

“COVID really was like a blacklight on how precarious that progress was because as soon as the crisis hit, that maldistribution reasserted itself,” Olcott says.

Dalrock could have had so much fun with that.

Marriage before the 1970s was “legally structured as a sexist institution,” says Juliet A. Williams, a professor at the University of California, Los Angeles’ Department of Gender Studies. Upon marriage in the 19th century, Williams explains, a woman and all of her property become the property of her husband, including her body, as evidenced by the fact that marital rape was not recognized in many places.

Still Isn’t. As for her pic, just look up Phoebe “Fleabag” Waller-Bridge, the feminist who finally took out James Bond.

The eye bleach BURNS! My eyes!

In some cases, women were required to take their husband’s last name unless their husband gave them permission not to, and banks would require the permission of husbands for wives to set up accounts.

She can’t handle the truth!

These days, there is “no legal difference between being a husband and a wife,” Williams says, but sexism still creeps through. This is the case with financial stability, she says.

“It remains the case that married women are financially, on average, better off than unmarried women,” Williams says.

We “live in a society where women are still incentivized to tie their fortunes to men, as opposed to being independent from them,” Williams adds, and “that really is the essence of sexism. Even though we think of marriage as an individual choice rooted in romance. The reality, at least at the level of structural incentives, has to be accounted for.”

Wives looting their husbands is SEXIST?! Never-married wine aunts deserve their share of hubby’s money, too!

Marya T. Mtshali, a lecturer in women’s studies, gender and sexuality at Harvard University and a research fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School…

A diversity hire who puts superglue in her hair.

…agrees that there are “a number of ways” in which sexism is present in the institution of marriage today for heterosexual couples, including the “assumption and societal pressure that women and any subsequent children have the surname of the husband.”

This is observably not true. First we had hyphenated Americans, now we have hyphenated families.

Williams says the recent and fundamental changes in marriage laws are thanks in part to the activism of feminists and members of the LGBTQ community. And while it’s important to appreciate the progress, there’s still more to be done.

We shouldn’t mistake equality within a problematic institution with actual equality,” she says.

Fried fricking ice.

While it’s been “difficult to shake” the “deeply sexist history” of marriage in our society, Olcott says that doesn’t mean the answer has to be to never marry, though some may choose to go that route.

“I think it’s interesting how many younger people are just opting out of marriage and don’t see it as relevant to their happiness,” she notes.

Instead, Williams suggests there are changes that need to be made on both a societal and individual level.

“The goal is more thoughtfulness around the consequences of giving weddings and marriage a pass as we try to untangle all the knots that continue to constrain women and men in their full flourishing and that maintain the overall inequality of women compared to men,” she says.

Williams recognizes that it’s difficult to push back against division of labor in the household, but says it can be helpful to start by recognizing how much stigma there is against women who don’t love taking care of the kids, for example.

Which just happens to be stigma against her, specifically. But why is she upset about being shamed for rejecting family life? All Williams needs to do is list what she accomplished instead of landing a husband.


“We don’t want to deny that there’s agency at play in people’s replicating traditional division of labor in the household, but I also think we want to be honest that our desires are conditioned by the incredibly fierce judgment and condemnation that even in 2021 bears down on anybody who’s in any way gender non-conforming,” she says.

Ah, the true debate take shape. On one side are the Bridezillas who loot their husbands. On the other side are the militant feminists who never married and resent missing out on the attention and wealth transfers!

Meanwhile, a department head at a nationally famous university bitches about how oppressed she is.

Olcott says that in a household setting, keeping track of chores is a way to work toward equality.

People can also disrupt traditions rooted in sexism during marriage-related events, from the expectation that the man will be the one to propose, to asking a woman’s father for her hand in marriage.

Olcott notes people have turned away from traditional wedding vows that included the language of “obeying” your spouse by writing their own vows.

Others are opting to skip white dresses, which Williams says historically were meant to symbolize virginity.

While we men approve this statement, the underlying motive is complaining that Bridezilla gets to wear a white dress and the Harvard feminist doesn’t.

However, Mtshali believes “gender equality within marriage cannot be achieved without other institutions in our society changing as well.”

This includes the workplace, she says, with needed progress that includes eliminating the wage gap, increasing the minimum wage and guaranteeing paid parental leave.

Mtshali’s proposed replacements for marriage are money, money and money. Go away, husbands everywhere, but leave your lifeblood on the altar!

On an individual level, Indiana University sociology professor Jessica Calarco says we can also ask men to “step up more.” But she feels we need either “a massive cultural shift” or “big changes in policy” to help propel change forward.

As a society, we can put greater pressure on men to do more, but I think as long as those structures are in place, it’s going to be hard for men to make decisions that aren’t in their own financial interests,” she says.

How original. “We made marriage all about us! We made marriage toxic to men! Now men don’t want to marry anymore and it’s SEXIST! I… want… my… WEDDINGS!!!”

It’s an epic showdown between feral wives and feral wine aunts! They agree that men must pay for everything… but should men be forced to go through a wedding, or should the concept be scrapped forever?

The USA-Taliban Alliance

A few days ago, I made a wild-ass, fairy-tale guess about USA’s “failure” in Afghanistan actually being one domestic Deep State faction pushing a competing Deep State faction out of business. At the time, it was a guess because I only had cynicism and Cui Bono. But now… I gots da headlines. Hat tip to Peter Grant for several of these links.

Planes, guns, night-vision goggles: The Taliban’s new U.S.-made war chest

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WASHINGTON, Aug 19 (Reuters) – About a month ago, Afghanistan’s ministry of defense posted on social media photographs of seven brand new helicopters arriving in Kabul delivered by the United States.

“They’ll continue to see a steady drumbeat of that kind of support, going forward,” U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told reporters a few days later at the Pentagon.

That didn’t age well.

In a matter of weeks, however, the Taliban had seized most of the country, as well as any weapons and equipment left behind by fleeing Afghan forces. Video showed the advancing insurgents inspecting long lines of vehicles and opening crates of new firearms, communications gear and even military drones.

“Everything that hasn’t been destroyed is the Taliban’s now,” one U.S. official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, told Reuters.

Current and former U.S. officials say there is concern those weapons could be used to kill civilians, be seized by other militant groups such as Islamic State to attack U.S.-interests in the region, or even potentially be handed over to adversaries including China and Russia.

A very credible threat. It’s time for some decisive Pentagon action!

President Joe Biden’s administration is so concerned about the weapons that it is considering a number of options to pursue.

Bomb it. We know where it is and it’s our stuff anyway. A couple drone strikes and some artillery practice and call it a day. I’m angry it got left behind but shit happens when shitheads run the shitshow.

The officials said launching airstrikes against the larger equipment, such as helicopters, has not been ruled out, but there is concern that would antagonize the Taliban at a time the United States’ main goal is evacuating people.


It looks like weakness. It sounds like weakness. But it’s actually Brutus vaxxing Caesar. jab jab jab

U.S. officials provided Taliban with names of Americans, Afghan allies to evacuate

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By Lara Seligman, Alexander Ward and Andrew Desiderio, 26 August 2021

U.S. officials in Kabul gave the Taliban a list of names of American citizens, green card holders and Afghan allies to grant entry into the militant-controlled outer perimeter of the city’s airport, a choice that’s prompted outrage behind the scenes from lawmakers and military officials.

The move, detailed to POLITICO by three U.S. and congressional officials, was designed to expedite the evacuation of tens of thousands of people from Afghanistan as chaos erupted in Afghanistan’s capital city last week after the Taliban seized control of the country. It also came as the Biden administration has been relying on the Taliban for security outside the airport.

Nice partnership. But, uh, don’t we have troops sitting inside that very airport for that kind of job?

The list issue came up during a classified briefing on Capitol Hill this week, which turned contentious after top Biden administration officials defended their close coordination with the Taliban. Biden officials contended that it was the best way to keep Americans and Afghans safe and prevent a shooting war between Taliban fighters and the thousands of U.S. troops stationed at the airport.

Yeah, we wouldn’t want a shooting war between American soldiers and the hostile army murdering Americans. Not if we were secretly allies.

After the fall of Kabul, in the earliest days of the evacuation, the joint U.S. military and diplomatic coordination team at the airport provided the Taliban with a list of people the U.S. aimed to evacuate. Those names included Afghans who served alongside the U.S. during the 20-year war and sought special immigrant visas to America. U.S. citizens, dual nationals and lawful permanent residents were also listed.

This isn’t even the first time they’re giving actionable intel to the Taliban so it’s not a political derp. Team Biden is feeding intelligence to the Taliban in order to utterly ruin the operation of a different faction of the US gov’t. The one that’s been running not-Taliban-gistan for two decades, presumably.

Kabul: US Government is Stopping Civilian Op Dunkirk Attempts

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By Michael Yon, 22 August 2021

The failing United States military and civilian government are not letting us land to rescue Americans. Many groups have aircraft waiting to fly. Serious people with serious means.

We can get people out but the United States government is so draconian that we are being held back NOT by the Taliban, but by the US Government who created the problem.

The US government has lost legitimacy. It’s getting in the way.

United States will be busy now arming Taliban with money, credibility, and at this moment is facilitating Taliban control.

Civilian-run evacuation efforts? In a FUBAR crisis under martial law on the planet’s backside? Uh-huh, sure. Let’s nail down this “Dunkirk” operation.

‘Digital Dunkirk’ needs more time to help get Americans and Afghan allies out

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By Jerry Dunleavy, 26 August 2021

The Digital Dunkirk volunteer effort to get stranded American citizens and Afghan allies out of Afghanistan needs more time, as the collaborative effort by military veterans and others faces challenges posed by government bureaucracy, a Taliban takeover, and a Biden administration deadline.

The mammoth effort includes hundreds of military veterans working with the Pentagon, the State Department, and other officials in Washington, D.C., and Kabul. A host of military contractors, retired spies, Pentagon veterans, international aid workers, journalists, activists, and others have also joined in the disparate efforts.

Yeah, that a Deep State faction. The CIA community, for want of a better term.

Alex Plitsas, a U.S. Army veteran of the Iraq War who worked as a defense civilian intelligence officer in Afghanistan, told the Washington Examiner: .Digital Dunkirk is one of several groups that have popped up since Kabul fell. It is a confederation of former national security professionals from the Department of Defense, Department of State, and intelligence community.

That’s a straight-up confession that this is factional infighting! We even get a name!

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FAIRFIELD, CT . A Fairfield resident and U.S. Army veteran has joined “digital Dunkirk,” an independent effort by national security experts to help American citizens and allies escape Afghanistan after it was recently taken by the Taliban, according to the Hartford Courant.

Alex Plitsas served in Iraq and Afghanistan [about 9 years ago] and is currently the chair of the Fairfield Republican Town Committee. He is working with fellow veterans to use their military knowledge and experience . as well as social media . to aid Americans, some of whom were stranded after traveling to Afghanistan to visit family, the Courant reported.

“Americans”. Yeah, sure. Were there mujahidin on the Mayflower?

They say when you get out of the military or the intelligence community that you never really get out,” Plitsas said Thursday on Twitter. “I never understood what that meant until this week. That network is still able to move heaven and earth when needed. I’m thankful beyond words.”

There was a time I would’ve seen a hero here. Now I see a swamp creature caught with his hand in the cookie jar. The more I learn about those “Americans left behind”, the more I want them to stay there.

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For Mike Jason, it began as an effort to help a senior officer in the Afghan army flee the Taliban.

A retired U.S. Army colonel, Jason had attended the Institute for Higher Defense Studies in Rome with the Afghan officer years ago. This week, when the Taliban completed a dramatic takeover of the country, he received word that the officer had gone into hiding.

Jason quickly activated his network of former army pals over email and social media to make sure the officer would be allowed to get through the gates of Hamid Karzai International Airport (HKIA) in Kabul.

How could he possibly make contact with a foreign military officer he met years ago, briefly in neutral territory, after the guy went dark in a hostile country undergoing a purge following the collapse of his military chain of command? Why would he even care to? Unless he was still in contact with that officer and doing “stuff” in Afghanistan even in so-called retirement.

Since then, he and hundreds of other U.S. veterans, including West Point graduates, have been mobilizing on behalf of vulnerable Afghans in a kind of “digital Dunkirk,. as some are calling it, after the World War II effort by private vessels to evacuate British and other Allied forces from the embattled French port.

The network has quickly grown to include others who worked with Afghans over the years and now find themselves agonizing over the risk of retribution posed to their friends and former colleagues across Afghanistan.

.It spans everything from former policymakers to NGO workers to academics to personnel on the ground at HKIA,. said Nick Calbos, a West Point graduate who served in Afghanistan in 2012 and 2013. A network of West Point graduates has set up a website called Allied Airlift 21 with step-by-step guidance for Afghans looking to get out.

Eight years after he last saw them? Or did he remain in communication with them?

.We just built this network to figure out who’s going to get my buddy through the gate [at the Kabul airport],. Jason told Foreign Policy. “And we just realized, there are a ton of other people doing it too..

That’s an interesting statement, that the Dunkirkers are trying to get their buddies though the gate into the airport. It strongly implies that they have in-service allies already downrange. Is Biden partnering with the Taliban for outside security because he cannot trust the military inside?

.It spans everything from former policymakers to NGO workers to academics to personnel on the ground at HKIA,. said Nick Calbos, a West Point graduate who served in Afghanistan in 2012 and 2013. A network of West Point graduates has set up a website called Allied Airlift 21 with step-by-step guidance for Afghans looking to get out.

Specifically, the West Pointers inside?

Team Biden intentionally armed the Taliban, after the fact if not before, then put them in charge of airport security with lists of who to watch for so his domestic rivals can’t reach their allies on the inside. It’s not incompetence, it’s actually being rather well executed. Which means Biden’s just the fall guy… but we knew that already.

We are not participants in our government. They don’t even notice us except as livestock to be controlled and consumed… too preoccupied with their reindeer games of power, vying for the Throne of Satan.

Why Johnny Can’t Breed

Shoulda been sexist when you had the chance, boy!

We Need More Kids, but Not the Way the GOP.s Talking About It

Going on about “barren cat ladies” may rile up the base, but it’s just crude insult comedy to anyone else.

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By Matt Lewis, 23 August 2021

I doubt there’s a second way to make a baby but let’s not be hasty. Pfizer is incredibly well-funded at the moment.

Let.s talk about sex, baby. The long-simmering debate in American politics about babies and whether people should have more of them is flaring up again.

LEGALIZE SEX! I cannot believe I even had to say that! But we are now in year two of “Fourteen Days to Flatten the Fertility Curve”. Stay socially distant, peeps! Mother Earth cries when a second mother comes along!

It seems self-evident that an aging society unable to reach a replacement-level birth rate has problems.that the choice to be child-free (at the macro level) is a bad sign for a civilization.

Whew, they finally noticed the inevitable consequences of their beliefs!



But the question of what to do about that is being litigated in our political realm in increasingly unhealthy ways, even as birth rates are well below the replacement level of about 2.1 not just in the United States but across the developed world.

Litigating reproduction is not only the problem, it’s undeniable proof that our government is guilty of war crimes against us. No government was ever created to bring about the extinction of its own people.

No, Barbie, the government will never INCREASE the fertility rate. You can’t hug a child with nuclear arms, remember? Government produces coercion, not fathers, and if Government wasn’t totally fucking up society then there’s wouldn’t be a fertility problem in the first place. People naturally want to have kids. It takes a lot of GOVERNMENT to beat that out of ’em.

Some members of the “life of Julia” left view children as either expensive baggage (because “the United States is hell for mothers.) or a moot point (since climate change will kill us all and more people would only expedite the process). In the center are people on both sides of the aisle who want to make parenthood more affordable.a shift that might (on the margins) help increase birth rates.

Meanwhile, some on the right are so pro-natalist that they are on the verge of shaming families that don’t procreate enough to field a baseball team each (never mind whether those people want kids or even can have them). Whether this is because they want to win the culture war or (more problematically) fend off “the great replacement” demographic time bomb is open to debate. Maybe they are simply God-fearing family-values conservatives who want to give us more babies to love. In any event, this incipient worldview is gaining political traction and deserves more attention.

Which is it? Do we need more babies or do we need to accept that demographic time bomb? This besotted author wants new Progtards to emerge from nowhere so they can die already. He wants to preserve the status quo forever, like the first generation of a Communist revolution that’s all loot and no bills due.

Why do you care if they shame you for the life you’ve voluntarily chosen? Serious question.

Take J.D. Vance, the Hillbilly Elegy author running for the U.S. Senate in Ohio, who recently floated the idea of letting parents cast additional votes for their underage children in elections.

Why stop there? One sperm, one vote! Make America Christian Again!

During a speech to a conservative think tank last month, he attacked the “childless left” who have no “physical commitment to the future of this country” but still represent an “elite model” for America. He also “spoke fondly of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s pro-natal policies, explaining that “they offer loans to newly married couples that are forgiven at some point later if those couples have actually stayed together and had kids… Vance later went on Fox News and added: .You look at Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, AOC.the entire future of the Democrats is controlled by people without children.. (Note: Harris has two stepchildren and Buttigieg recently announced that he and his husband Chasten have become parents.)

Neither adoption nor, God help us, purchasing a baby for use as a campaign prop is a replacement for sex between man and wife.

.We are effectively run in the country, via the Democrats, via our corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made, and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too,. he continued.

THAT is why you Wokes care about being shamed for the life you voluntarily chose. You know the bitter cat ladies need to be told to FOAD but you’ll just… never… do it.

Trump had the guts to grab ’em by the pussy. You Wokes, though? You ARE the pussy.

The notion that parenthood is a prerequisite to political insight or patriotic devotion is not new. Back in 2013, Harvard historian Niall Ferguson sparked controversy when he made a similar argument, suggesting that economist John Maynard Keynes. famous line, .In the long run we are all dead,. was the product of a childless worldview. Ferguson compared this supposedly nihilistic philosophy to that of conservative Edmund Burke, who conversely argued that there is a partnership “between those who are living, those who are dead, and those who are to be born..

I always thought Ferguson had a point.even if he badly botched the details. Being a father has most certainly changed my perspective, including giving me more “skin in the game.” But that’s me admitting that I wouldn’t care quite as much about the rest of you if the fruit of my loins weren’t going to (I hope) be here long after I’m gone.

But it strikes me as politically unwise for a movement to alienate potential or current allies who either cannot have children or have chosen not to have children. Take, for example, columnist Kurt Schlicther, who recently said we should “Penalize barren, non-familial lifestyles through taxes and disqualification from political participation.” If you want to win hearts and minds (and elections), it’s unhelpful to issue such threats or to throw around insulting terms like “barren” and “cat ladies.” This is especially true at a time when this cohort of childless adults is growing.

Liberals are constantly surprised when their enemies do what they do. First they passed laws celebrating homosexuality, now they’re scared that laws might be passed celebrating heterosexuality.

And I’m still waiting to hear where babies come from, other than a drunken night of fun after a MAGA rally.

The crux of the problem is this: government incentives are about as good at getting people to start having kids as they are at stopping teens from engaging in the act that leads to kids. That hasn’t stopped them from trying. Stalin gave out “maternity medals.; Putin’s Russia now offers “maternity capital.” Japan offers cash incentives, which has delivered (no pun intended) a slight increase. Singapore has a “Baby Support Grant.” The aforementioned Hungary is offering tax exemption and interest-free loans for mothers who have large families.

Government cannot make babies. Homosexual government officials cannot make babies. Oh, where DO those smelly, noisy things come from? It’s a Scooby-Doo mystery, or possibly a Fred and Daphne mystery.

Here, [Ann] Coulter offers a valid, if elusive, solution: “As a matter of psychology, it’s probably true that a people who are pessimistic about the future of their country won’t be keen on having a lot of kids. But the solution to that is to fix the country, not to pay people to simulate one single behavioral characteristic of optimists..

That’s well put. But “fixing the country” means throwing the Rainbow Party in the dustbin of history. It means confronting those childless crones in high office before it’s too late. The reason kids aren’t happening has nothing to do with recombinant DNA efforts or bricks of cash. The reason is our rulers liberated themselves from being human then began lashing out at those of us who still are.

Overcoming our biology is turning out to be a horrible idea.

Johnny can’t breed because the government wants to help.

The Biomorality Of Christ

Zman has been writing about the possibility of having stable ethnostates via Christianity. Excerpt:

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“This has always been the failing of the Right. They have always assumed that once they proved their case, the other side would have no choice but to throw down their weapons and embrace them as brothers. This is not reality. Unless one can connect biological reality with morality, they exist in two separate domains. The race realists have yet to attempt this connection. This should be where the militant Christians step into the breech, but people like Jones make that difficult. …It would be interesting to see someone approach this topic from traditional Christian ethics.”

Challenge accepted. This is an easy and natural connection for Christianity because we believe humans are a created species… created not just for God’s amusement, but to mature us into direct participation with God. We start at the beginning.

Genesis 1:27

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

You may have heard a lot from the Churchians about “being made in God’s image”. I recommend discarding it for today. Whatever baby-talk they fed you, it probably does not include the fact that human sexuality is to demonstrate our relationship to God.

Right away, we have made a profound moral statement. Our governments teach that you can have any gender, any sexual attraction, any permutation of human gonads EXCEPT MAN AND WIFE. Anybody should be able to recognize that what we’re being taught about our own sexuality is not what our sexuality is or should be. Our birth rates are cratering as a direct result of believing that humanity is not sexually dimorphic.

We now have the most basic form of biological reality-based morality (hereinafter biomorality): the dick goes in the chick. That should not be a profound statement upon the human condition yet it undeniably is. Sexual perversion has increased in pace with our society’s collapse and history confirms the correlation.

The next step in biomorality is, of course, marriage. The institution of marriage is not arbitrary or standalone. It’s a direct analogy. Christianity teaches that husband is to wife as God is to humanity.

Ephesians 5:22-33

Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church.for we are members of his body. .For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” This is a profound mystery.but I am talking about Christ and the church. However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.

Like sexual dimorphism, this too should be very simple. Women being less capable and independent than men, need a man to get them through life… especially once she gets busy with kids.

Meanwhile, the husband’s job is to overlook his wife’s shortcomings, teach her what she can’t figure out for herself and provide for her.

This is the same situation as between humanity and God.

God wants our company. He wants to spend time with us and do stuff with us. Big problem, however: we are not equals. Not peers. There can be only one Almighty. We have the soul of God but not the strength of God just as woman has the shape of man but not his intelligence, muscle, wisdom, courage, inventiveness or… you get the idea.

Fortunately, both women and humans are incredibly desirable to the other side. No usefulness required.

By practicing marriage as demanded by our biology, we learn to become participants with the divine.

So then, why is the concept of marriage so completely desecrated, undermined and straight-out banned?

Original Sin. Genesis 3:1-7

Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, .Did God really say, .You must not eat from any tree in the garden [of Eden]’?.

The woman said to the serpent, .We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, .You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die…

.You will not certainly die,. the serpent said to the woman. .For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil..

When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.

Eve/humanity envied God His male privilege and disobeyed. Adam, the first simp, was standing right there… refused to tell her No then knowingly followed her into evil so he wouldn’t lose her.

Her envy and his abdication. Feminism. This is also part of our natural, biological impulses. It can be a nervous thing for a woman to depend on somebody she doesn’t control for her survival, especially if she resents how much better he is at everything. That is an instinct than God does not tolerate–humanity resenting Him and searching for alternative spirituality–and men must not tolerate. You don’t let the lesser rule over the greater or allow the envious to handle your possessions. No matter that strong impulse to make Momma happy.

Marriage fell apart because humanity divorced God. Not by replacing Him with other gods… not at first… but by empowering wives to rule over her husbands and trade him in if, in her limited capacity, she judged him unworthy.

In violation of our biology.

Of course, that created the need for a replacement deity/husband/wallet. Cue the welfare state, boldly stepping in to be the no-questions-asked paycheck that her hubby refused to be. And the government administering that welfare state is a strong-horse replacement for ol’ Bucky Beta!

I just created a biomorality argument that state-sponsored welfare is evil. You can skip every reference to God and reach the same conclusion that Scripture does. There are similar arguments to be made about all kinds of family-life issues from child-rearing (kids, obey your parents; parents, don’t push them too hard) to euthanasia (don’t kill the helpless just because they’re inconvenient).

That’s great, but Zman was also interested in biomorality as a building block for politics, not just family structure. First off, there’s a reason I began where I did. Once we accept that our biology demands we behave in some ways but not others, we gain a foundation for government–a reason why people should be forced against their will to do this but not that.

Second, we have targets for that government to face off against: the queers, the abortionists, the oathbreakers, the thieves and rebels. (Not meaning violence, understand. If one government is not substantially different from another then do you really have a choice? Vive la difference.) This can be the big-tent unifier that a lot of dissidents are searching for. IIRC, the early Romans were patriarchal but (of course) not Christian, and they were able to build an empire on the strength of biomorality.

Third, we men are in a spiritually awkward position. Nobody can be God’s equal but we are equals to each other… better/worse at specific tasks, but essentially peers.

Ephesians 5:21

Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.

Philemon 8-14

…Although in Christ I could be bold and order you to do what you ought to do, yet I prefer to appeal to you on the basis of love. It is as none other than old man and now also a prisoner of Christ Jesus.that I appeal to you for my son [and your runaway slave] Onesimus, who became my son while I was in chains. Formerly he was useless to you, but now he has become useful both to you and to me.

I am sending him.who is my very heart.back to you. I would have liked to keep him with me so that he could take your place in helping me while I am in chains for the gospel. But I did not want to do anything without your consent, so that any favor you do would not seem forced but would be voluntary.

This was more or less the American experiment, freedom of association for men on equal legal/spiritual standing. Obviously, not all men or races are equal in ability or temperament, hence allowing men to group and sort out their issues as best they can… remembering their spiritual reality as wives/servants of God.

What are the race-realist implications of this? Most people do best while living among people who look and act like them. If ethnostates help then go for it. If outright xenophobia helps then go for it. But never treat outsiders as less than human.

I am sorry that Christianity does not give a more strongly worded guidance. The reason we can have so many nations in the first place is that wiggle room is granted to men in order to experiment and build. God is the Creator and He wants the men to practice at being creators in turn. Giving us a magic formula would ensure that only one kind of nation would exist… and when God did exactly that and called it Israel, results were not promising.

But this is more than enough for current politics. The biomorality of male peerage is diametrically opposed to the massive consolidations of wealth and power that we see happening. “You will own nothing and be happy” but how can you create without tools? WHY would you create without ownership? Just as God owns the reality He created, a man should own what he builds.

(That’s not Marxism. Marx taught, so far as I can grok his rantings, that while the proletariat owns what he makes it’s the helpful Socialist bureaucrat who gets to redistribute it. He gave ordinary men the ‘means of production’ just so he knew who to rob, much as an expansionist empire might declare all members of a rival nation to be its brand-new citizens. Don’t be a traitor in the coming war of annexation!)

But that gets into the spiritual morality established by our biology rather than direct biological reasoning. Although I could point out that our opposable thumbs and weak bodies make us natural tool users, thus man is meant to be a creator.

So, this is the biomorality of Christ. The nuclear family as decreed by Him and the flesh He gave us, followed by working with whatever other men we get along with to build and maintain a civilization. If the former be inviolate than the latter will not go far wrong. To secure these ends, governments are established among men.

Romans 13:1-7

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.

This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.

One final point. While it’s clear what behaviors are best for our reproductive biology, it is equally clear that humanity frequently, obscenely and violently rejects those best behaviors. We must be taught how to be human! If you cannot believe in a God who doesn’t show himself then please, at least acknowledge that humanity exists in a state of rebellion against its own best, biological interests.

The magic of our Earthly bodies is that in learning how to be human, we learn how to be gods. That is how Zman might adopt Christianity as an official religion with which to stabilize the West’s demographic implosion.

Just don’t try to conquer by that sign.

Drugs! Guns! Votes!

Welcome to the jungle, we got fun and games
We got everything you want, honey, we know the names
We are the people that can find whatever you may need
If you got the money, honey, we got your disease

Torrance police find more than 300 recall ballots in suspect’s car, along with gun, drugs

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By Gregory Yee, 23 August 2021

Officers responding to a call Aug. 16 about a man who was passed out in a vehicle found more than 300 ballots for the upcoming gubernatorial recall election, a loaded gun, drugs and other illicit materials, Torrance police said Monday.

The devil has two problems: him being on the wrong side of history, and his minions being on the wrong side of the bell curve.

Officers were called about 10:45 p.m. to a 7-Eleven parking lot at 3735 Emerald St. for a report of a man passed out in a vehicle, said Sgt. Mark Ponegalek, a spokesman for the Torrance Police Department.

When officers searched the vehicle, they found a 9-millimeter handgun and stolen mail, including more than 300 ballots, Ponegalek said. In addition, the man had methamphetamine, Xanax pills, a scale, multiple California driver’s licenses and credit cards in other people’s names, police said.

Torrance police are working with other law enforcement agencies, including the U.S. Postal Service and the Public Integrity Division of the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office, to determine how the man got the ballots and what he planned to do with them, Ponegalek said.

I’m sure he planned to burn them for warmth, which is why he didn’t steal any other mail.

Come on now! He planned to sell them to Democrat “community organizers” for drug money. Do you really think a lowlife meth head is also a news junkie? Meanwhile, how do I know it’s the Dems who are buying? Because the Cali Reps looked at all the Republican candidates on the ballot… and refused to support any of them because they all were MAGA. The Republican Party leadership believes that if they don’t lose then the terrorists will win. They also can’t be seen stuffing votes for Dems without giving the show away so they’ve simply quit the field.

Police are working with officials to ensure that all voters affected by the thefts get new ballots, he said. Ballots are mailed with unique barcodes assigned to each voter.

Why barcodes? They used to be numbers, just as easily scanned, that a voter could copy and maintain his own record of.


The suspect, whose name wasn’t released, was arrested on suspicion of “numerous weapons, narcotics and forgery charges,” police said.

But not vote fraud?

The incident isn’t tied to additional ballot thefts, police said.

Ahnold Get Canceled!

There is one reason for hope in our current situation. Thus far, the Woke have dealt either with loyal opposition or people whose paychecks they control, which has given them the appearance of invulnerability. Not without reason. However, those easy victories are over. Much like the Taliban testing that newfangled Afghan Army, our Elites now begin to reach the diehards who not only have no interest in their agenda, we’ve been told to our faces that we’re marked for death… and we diehards are prepared to be reasonable about that.

Arnold Schwarzenegger loses corporate sponsor of bodybuilding event for ‘dangerous, anti-American’ comment

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By Melissa Roberto, 20 August 2021

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s rant about the importance of wearing face masks has landed him in hot water.

Fox News can confirm the former governor of California has lost a sponsor for his annual bodybuilding event known as the Arnold Classic due to controversial comments he made last week. The former governor of California riled up citizens when he called mask-averse Americans “schmucks” and said, “screw your freedom,” to those seeking to terminate COVID-19 mandates.

In a statement to Fox News on Friday, REDCON1, a sports nutrition brand, confirmed they’ve pulled out from Schwarzenegger’s event as well as any others he’s involved in.

*tune of Jingle Bells*

Cancel their culture,
run it over with a bus,
O what fun it is to play
the games the Woke taught us!

“To be clear we did not pull out of the event because of a mask issue. We understand the importance of public safety as well as the responsibilities all event organizers. These are unprecedented times and we’re aligned with public safety for all. We elected to discontinue support due to Arnold’s comment, .Screw Your Freedoms,.” a spokesperson for the company said.

Whatever. It ain’t the words that matter anymore, it’s the action. PIMP SLAP!

“With the global influence Arnold personally possesses we find that ideology dangerous and anti-American,” the company continued.

“REDCON1 is a patriotic pro-freedom brand rooted in the uncompromising unapologetic belief that you, as an American, are entitled to your freedoms and opinion and should not be insulted or persecuted for having a varying view. We support everyone’s individual freedoms,” the statement concludes.

REDCON1 founder Aaron Singerman also voiced his opposition to Schwarzenegger’s comments on his personal Instagram…

…writing, “For the last 15 years I’ve been attending the Arnold Classic, and for at least a decade I’ve been a sponsor of the contest. I’ve loved Arnold as long as I remember, and credit him for my initial interest in bodybuilding and fitness. I’ve looked at him as a role model.

“A guy who had nothing and no advantages, who never made an excuse, and created tremendous success. He became an icon based on his work ethic, his charisma, and his grit. It’s with a heavy heart and some genuine sadness, that REDCON1 has decided to discontinue any and all support for the Arnold Classic and the other Arnold related events around the world,” Singerman’s post continues.

“We’ve spent hundreds of thousands of dollars being a top sponsor of the event, and this year the exclusive sponsor of the webcast, but we can’t in good Conscience continue to support & be involved with someone who has such diametrically opposed beliefs.”

I’ve heard that exact speech from all kinds of SJWs sick with the vapors that “their hero” turned out to be MAGA or something. In this case, however, it’s true that Singerman was a longtime supporter of Ahnold.

In a controversial interview, Schwarzenegger had a message for those arguing that “freedom” is more important than wearing masks amid the coronavirus pandemic.

“No, screw your freedom, because with freedom comes obligations and responsibilities. We cannot just say, .I have the right to do X, Y and Z.. When you infect other people, that is when it gets serious,” he added, publicly admonishing those who aren’t subscribing to the practice of masking up and getting the shot.”

The actor’s daughter Katherine, 31, took to her own social media account to support her father’s message.

Later, in an op-ed for The Atlantic, Schwarzenegger addressed some of the criticism he received over the comments, writing, “I.ll admit, calling people schmucks and saying “Screw your freedom” was a little much,” though he still stood by the statement.

Days later, Schwarzenegger was spotted in public without a mask as he walked outside and puffed on a cigar.

We could let that pass… it would be the nice thing to do… but Governator, your freedom required you to smoke that cigar by shoving it up yo’ ass so your face can stay diapered forever. Arnold killed my Grandma!

I perused REDCON1’s website to see if there’s anything I might like… I used to buy shirts or whatever at pretty much every venue I go to, just to support small business… and I found this wonderful T-shirt that now has a brand new meaning. $24.99.

A Fairy Tale About Afghanistan

The shock and awe over USA’s failure in the Graveyard of Empires puzzles me. After all, it doesn’t have that nickname for nothing. Every military guy I talked to, for twenty years, knew that USA’s Forever War there was bullshit. So then, why all the heartburn and politicians swooning over the Second Fall of Saigon?

I got no evidence for the story I’m about to tell. No articles. It is a brain fart born of Cui Bono, “all politics is local” and the on-target insight of Mogadishu Matt.

Everyone is sunny side up when watching a division in boot camp march or do drills, but when they are thrown into actual conflict, it is a different story. The ANA always had either a NATO/ISAF adviser around the corner or a convenient airstrike when things got hairy. (Or even embedded with US military led operations). The sunk cost/time element skewed our ability to be honest..after 20 years, I figured you could handle it…

It was also noted that even when the ISAF/NATO forces were around, people wouldn’t show up for musters or movements. Many would disappear after a short period, just to re-appear when they needed money. The appeal of the jobs program was more appealing than fighting for the community, or any sense of .patriotism./esprit de corps.

I observe that, outside of people who were employed by the government/money, no one really cared enough to do anything.

Well, that IS the kind of army that one would expect an international banking cartel to create.

Diehard Islamists in the front, NATO pulling out behind and they’d been promised this wouldn’t happen… flop.

But that doesn’t explain the system shock to the ‘Murican Empire. Here’s a wild sea tale:

When the MIC/CIA realized that Trump was serious about ending the Forever Wars, they put in place a contingency plan. Pull all the uniformed troops out of Afghanistan but install more contractors and off-the-books assets to continue the money laundering and opium harvesting from inside the Afghan Army. The plan was far enough along that even after Trump left, the MIC didn’t object to proceeding. Fewer international observers that way, y’know?

Just to mock the American people, they planned the handoff for the 9/11 anniversary.

But then China partnered with the Taliban to strike just as the handoff was beginning to happen… between the black-baggers arriving and their taking delivery on the Afghan Army. Now, those unofficial assets are trapped and being hunted down.

The reason the US government is destabilizing over this is because the CIA just lost its meal ticket. Its men, money and secrets are now being collected by helpful Chicomm advisors. If this is not immediately corrected then the intelligence community will be ruined and vulnerable.

The intel community screams at Biden to send the troops back in but the Bidenreich is owned by China. Thus, Biden disappears with all the statesmanship and panache of a pervert caught in the ladies’ room. By the time China turns their Resident’s teleprompter back on, the CIA will be crippled.

The New Governor Of California

No sooner do I swear off ever voting again than a saucy special “Get Rid Of Governor Gruesome Newscum” election arrives to test my resolve! The media may be under orders to not announce the winner until the votes are counted but I am not.

First thing you need to know about the Newsom Recall Election is that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans have endorsed a candidate. Dems told their people to vote against recall but not to choose a replacement ‘just in case’. Reps told their people to vote for the recall but decided they didn’t care who’s next. This is astonishing because the winner of the popular vote was talk radio host Larry Elder of Los Angeles, a Talented Tenth negro of reliably trad-conservative loyalties. They could not have asked for a better candidate. And yet, they spurned him given the chance.

That is why you don’t hear about the California Republican Party anymore. They sold out everything and elected a woman to mind the shop in case they ever need to reopen. Which will be never, post-January Protest election re-form.



.With just 24 percent of voters in California now registering as Republicans, the party is No. 3 in the state, trailing Democrats and No Party Preference.. -Orange County Register

End segue

The second thing you need to know is the first question on the ballot. Quote: “Shall GAVIN NEWSOM be recalled (removed) from the office of Governor?” Notice that Newsom was not referred to as a Democrat. This was an actual lawsuit he filed against his own Secretary Shirley Webber. She dropped his political affiliation off the paperwork then won a court case to keep it off, that’s how much Newsom is hated even by his own party. Which is how I know he’ll be replaced.

Next agenda item is… the clown show of FORTY-SIX contestants! Let’s bypass the gubernatorial all-stars such as porn star Angelyne…

Actual campaign promise. Segue

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What would you do if you won the election?

Remember, I got a lot of votes last time, but I was fortunate that I didn’t have to become governor and sit in an office. If I win I promise that I will not sit in an office, I.ll still drive my car as the governor’s office on wheels. People will be appointed to do things like put gas in my car. We’ll have a party and make a pretend governor and give everybody the option of being in power. It is for the people, isn’t it?

What are your hot button issues?

Hot button?! Ooh! (squeals)

I mean, what would you tackle first?

I.m getting fresh squeezed celery juice right now. Once I’m in office, I’d like everybody to write me with their ideas. If they have a good solution I would hire them to fix it. Isn.t that brilliant? There are so many people out there with inventions who don’t have the money to put them into force. I would allocate a budget for it of course.

End segue

And bypassing the porn star Mary Carey…


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Mary Carey, a former adult actress whose real name is Mary Cook, said she has “big plans for California,. the LA Times reported.

.It is time for someone with a new attitude from outside of mainstream politics to lead,. the busty blonde said in a statement his week. .I can promise you . it won’t take long before all Californians will be satisfied with my job performance..

The former VH1 reality TV star . who said she has retired from the porn business . has launched a campaign website that features merchandise and links to her personal site, where people can see her OnlyFans profile and pay to chat with her, the paper reported.

I actually approve of that as an alternative to high taxes. Apparently, the only men who still have money are the simps.

.Finally a politician you want to be screwed by!. she says with a wink on her site.

Carey, who starred in flicks such as “Dirty Angels: Welcome to Lust Angeles,. previously ran in the 2003 recall election to replace then-Gov. Gray Davis . but insisted that her inspiration at that time was .a publicity gag..

She didn’t even make the ballot.

End Segue

And bypassing the porn star Caitlyn Jenner…

I laugh because I can’t cry anymore.

Anyway, who should I vote for? If I was going to vote, I mean. Dang, old habits are hard to break. The unfortunately named Denver Stoner, deputy Sheriff? *checks* Tradcon. Fiscally conservative but wants to “fix” abortion via education.

Let’s be more random. Eenie… meenie… miney… whoa.

CHAUNCEY “SLIM” KILLENS, retired corrections officer.

I don’t know who he is but his name is badass and the Governor’s Office sure needs a jailer.

A black jailer turned chaplain and high-energy, anti-abortion activist… this could be a live one, folks…

Killens said he got the idea to run for governor while visiting the State Capitol, he says a group of soldiers told him to run for office. Killens says he has high morals and that career politicians are corrupt and they have abused, victimized and oppressed the people of California.

Yeah, well, I’ll be the Russian Judge of that. Let’s pull up his candidate website.

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I support “All Lives Matter. – Black, White, Hispanic, Asian and Blue lives matter.

Of course he backs the blue, but he’s also willing to dis on Billionaires Living Majestically.

I support The Constitutional Rights of Religious Freedom for individuals and churches, using real medical science and common sense in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, to regularly assemble and worship God as they see fit.

Nice! Minimally acceptable thus far, but nice.

I support The Parents Right to remove their children from failing public (Socialist/Marxist Camp) schools and to enroll their children in a school of their choice. Teaching Reading, Arithmetic, Writing!

HE CALLED OUT THE TEACHERS’ UNION! But no points because he wants school vouchers instead. News flash, if the government still handles the money then nothing will change.

I support Traditional Family Values and will work with local leaders in the inner cities to help ALL youth take steps to successfully improve their lives through education and employment. I will work to close down Planned Parenthood which has murdered tens of millions of minority babies since 1973 Roe V Wade decision.

Good that he wants to, better that he’s not promising success, but I score this a fail because he didn’t blame the women. There is exactly one way to end abortion: punish the woulda-been mothers as the murderers they are. It’s that simple. Don’t go after the docs. Don’t waste time on Planned Organ Harvesting. Every abortion that ends a human life, had the mother’s written authorization and payment before the fact.

I support The End of Sanctuary Cities. Nobody is above the law. I will work to overturn any legislation that supports the Early Release of inmates with serious criminal records.

He devolves into standard Trump doctrine, mentioning Trump by name just like all the other candidates with an R. Meanwhile, no explanation of how he might punish corrupt officials or even dropping any names. I’m depressed again. Let’s meet the new governor…

…same as the old governor…

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Kevin Paffrath, better known by his YouTube handle, Meet Kevin, sort of fell into the career he has today. A native Floridian, Paffrath didn’t grow up wealthy. According to CNBC, Paffrath was actually born in Germany and lived there until he was 18 months old. His parents divorced when he was 6 years old and his father struggled to make ends meet. Paffrath recalled a time when his father told him he only had “11 [$20 bills] left,” a situation that definitely seemed to shape Paffrath’s life.

He tried to run as “Meet Kevin” but the judge ruled it was a marketing brand, not a name.

Originally, Paffrath stated he wanted to work in law enforcement, and in high school, he “participated in a law enforcement explorer program,” according to CNBC. During that time, he “spent over 3,000 hours riding along with local police” and learned what it took to become a police officer. Paffrath stated he assumed he would become a cop, but one officer he rode along with told him about his side gig as a realtor, which caught Paffrath’s interest. His future mother-in-law worked in real estate, and Paffrath got his real estate license when he was just 18 years old. Knowing that no one would take an 18-year-old seriously when buying or selling their home, Paffrath and his future wife bought a condemned home and fixed it up, flipping it for a profit. That then became their business model, buying and renovating houses, then renting them out. They currently own 22 properties in southern California, per CNBC.

That’s bullshit from “didn’t grow up wealthy but his parents had money to move halfway across the planet while he was in diapers” to “bought property in California at age 18”.

While Kevin Paffrath got his start in real estate and has become a teacher to other potential realtors, the majority of his money comes from his popular YouTube channel, Meet Kevin. As reported by CNBC, he and his wife earned $1.075 million in May 2020, although the publication pointed out they don’t always make seven figures each month. They only made around $720,000 in September 2020. Still, it’s safe to say that Paffrath’s YouTube channel and its affiliate links bring in a significant amount of cash for him.

Nobody makes that kind of money off youTube… not honestly… as a solo investment advisor with no connections or experience or even reaching age 30.

He started the channel in 2018 but, according to him, he would not have been nearly as successful if he had not met fellow personal investment and real estate YouTuber, Graham Stephan. Stephan has his own YouTube channel focused on similar content to Paffrath’s, but he reportedly convinced Paffrath to double-down on his channel, to great success. In his video announcing his run for governor, Paffrath said he met Stephan for lunch in Beverly Hills. During that meeting, Paffrath mentioned he was making content once a week, at which point Stephan told him to up that to multiple videos a day and to put most of his effort into content creation. At over 1.6 million followers, it’s safe to say that Stephan’s advice to Paffrath paid off.

The advice came just in time for the Plandemic which hobbled real estate rentals and spiked online entertainment consumption.

Stephan got his real estate license at age 18 in 2009 and became a real estate multimillionaire DURING THE HOUSING BUBBLE CRASH. That’s also bullshit. And Kevin, his friend… got his real estate license at age 18 in 2010 and became a real estate multimillionaire during the same crisis. That’s not just bullshit, that’s lightning striking twice in the same place.

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Paffrath was born in Germany. His parents immigrated to the United States when he was 18 months old, and his parents divorced when he was six years old. As a teenager, Paffrath initially wanted to work in law enforcement, and participated in a law enforcement explorer program, in which he rode along with police officers and learned about the career.

For 3,000 hours? While in high school? That’s two years of a 30hr per week commitment.

While on a high school trip to Paris, Paffrath met his future wife, Lauren. In the summer before his senior year of high school, Paffrath moved to California to live with Lauren and her family while finishing high school at Buena High School. Lauren’s parents worked in real estate, and Paffrath became interested in the field.

“I didn’t come from wealth, son. But I met your mother during a high school field trip to Paris and moved in with her before I turned 18.”

Does Lauren’s maiden name end in -stein or -berg? Unable to confirm but it would explain much about their swift success.

Steven T. Wright publishing in the real estate website Curbed about “landlord influencers” included a profile of Paffrath. In the article, he described some of Paffrath’s “arguably incendiary opinions on landlord-tenant relations”, including Paffrath’s requirement that his tenants have a credit score of 700 or higher, and his advice that property owners should mislead tenants by concealing the fact that they own the property, or are the sole owner.

While I don’t object to cherrypicking renters, it’s frequently illegal in California to do so. No flash mobs vandalizing his properties? Hmm.

In November 2020, Paffrath’s channel and real estate career were featured on CNBC’s Millennial Money, which publishes profiles of millennials and how they earn and spend their money. CNBC found that Paffrath earns most of his income from YouTube advertising revenue and affiliate programs, not real estate or stock market investing.

His wife wears the pants in the family, running their real estate investments while Kevin plays at youTube marketing. Excuse me, ‘influencing’.

Paffrath was among a group of finance YouTubers profiled by Adlan Jackson in a March 2021 New York Times Magazine article, which discussed their shift during the COVID-19 pandemic from offering advice on becoming multimillionaires towards creating videos to provide “any little update” on stimulus payments. In the article, Jackson said that Paffrath was “exceptionally talented at talking to a camera, a natural salesman”, but later wrote that he was “a multimillionaire landlord who once extolled the virtues of misleading tenants and vigorously refusing to rent to people with suboptimal credit scores”.

Favorable coverage by network media, to say nothing of thriving on ban-happy youTube, is strong proof that he’s approved by the Establishment. His “wealth from nowhere” proves he’s connected because that doesn’t happen innocently in a kleptocracy.

Ramsey Solutions, a media company owned by finance personality Dave Ramsey, sued Paffrath in 2018 for alleged breach of contract, stealing trade secrets, and disparaging the company. Paffrath allegedly made videos mocking Dave Ramsey and criticizing his business practices, including one video entitled “Dave Ramsey: Exposed” where Paffrath asserted Ramsey’s business provided “cold-as-ice leads” and collected a fee for “doing nothing”. Paffrath stated that he had ended his relationship with Ramsey Solutions before making the videos, and therefore did not violate a contract. Paffrath also claimed the lawsuit was an attempt at censorship which violated his right to free speech. The case moved to federal court in 2019, and was settled privately out of court later that year.

Shoving old colleagues under the bus, always a sign of leadership material! I know *of* Dave Ramsey; a couple churches I once attended hosted his “get out of debt” assistance programs. Never did them myself but the people who did spoke favorably.

Paffrath is an empty shell. His parents-in-law, highly connected friends and easy money/publicity from nowhere made him everything that he is today. You can practically see the puppet strings on his wrists and Ticket stub in his pocket.

And if you still aren’t certain he’s the winner, he’s leading in the polls by a small but comfortable margin. Can’t let a faked election have a surprise result, now can we? Powerful people might ask questions if Slim Killens won.

On May 17, 2021, Paffrath announced his candidacy as a Democrat in the 2021 California gubernatorial recall election, which is scheduled for September 14, 2021. If elected, he would be the youngest California governor. At the time of his announcement, he was one of six Democrats who had joined the race… Paffrath’s platform includes deploying the National Guard to move homeless people.

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I propose building 80 emergency housing facilities, each capable of housing 2,000 individuals, across the state of California utilizing the National Guard’s resources. Think Javits Center-style emergency facilities, with centralized services providing people with three meals a days, showers, hygiene supplies and coordinated/central services for mental health care, detox facilities, educational facilities and medical support.

After 60 days, no one is allowed to sleep on our streets (already law). However, emergency facilities will be optional (no one is forced to stay at an emergency facility; however no one may sleep on our streets). In practicality, if someone falls asleep on our street, we may bring them to an emergency facility, provide them care, and they can leave anytime they.d like . they can even take food and fresh clothing with them.

Use the National Guard to build camps for political undesirables. To educate them in. With all the money that doesn’t exist. Yeah, he’s governor material for the 21st Century.

Ah, politics. You’ve taught me so much over the years.


You taught me to look closer at what I’m shown. This mail-in ballot doesn’t even have a serial number like it used to. No security features at all.

*rip rip rip*

You taught me that we ain’t voting our way out of this mess. Democracy is a sham, my rulers are not my people and evil must be punished, not merely replaced.

*shred burn*

You taught me that what matters is the quality of a man’s soul, not the quantity of his bank account. Kevin was fed his every success in life and that makes him controllable.

I pass the test and will never participate in a fraudulent election.

Is Cardinal Raymond Burke Being Arkancided?

I haven’t paid much attention to all the “I laughed at STUPID-19 but now I’m dying and my last words are to beg the government to forcibly vaxx everybody and their dog before it’s too late” stories. They’re fake because 1. my people never spend their last moments being hypocrites and 2. the stories never mention the cures. Seriously, I can just about paralyze a Baby Boomer’s lungs with this exchange:

Me: “I’m never getting vaxxed.”

Them: “What if you get sick?”

Me: “I’ll use the cure. There are several.”

Them: *stare in horrified disbelief then swoon into a faceplant*

Me: “That looked like a cytokine storm. Would you like some horse paste?”

Okay, okay, he didn’t pass out but neither could he acknowledge that there was anything to do about Coof other than Pfizer/Moderna. God, I hate Covidians. Demons crawl up their noses and take a shit in their brains, and suddenly, they feel smart.

Point being, the Covidians are incapable of admitting the existence of cures for fear of destroying their own Narrative. Not even in a “didn’t work” context because the vaxxes aren’t working, either. It’s why they’re still wearing face diapers and hiding under the bed.

But this story caught my eye… because it gloated just a wee bit too much…

The Pope’s No. 1 American Nemesis.a COVID Skeptic.Is Now Fighting for His Life

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By Barbie Latza Nadeau, 16 August 2021

Huh, Barbie has a last name. I bet it ain’t Ken’s.

ROME.American Cardinal Raymond Burke, who staunch conservatives in the Catholic Church view as something of an anti-Pope Francis, is fighting for his life on a ventilator in a Wisconsin hospital after contracting what he often referred to as the “Wuhan Virus.” The prelate was on a vacation from Rome, where he lives.

One, ventilators are typically an unnecessary death sentence. Two, where’s the ivermectin? A high-ranking Cardinal doesn’t have a doc who knows not to step in Cuomo’s derp?

The 73-year-old cardinal has shown himself to be a COVID-19 denier, publicly scoffing at Italy’s strict lockdown measures during the height of the pandemic and was even seen strolling around Rome mask-free even when face coverings were mandated outside. He was the subject of a brief Italian news report that showcased Americans defying Italy’s anti-COVID measures, telling the newspaper that closing Catholic churches and social outdistancing was .un-Godly..

Better yet, a high-ranking Cardinal who openly rejected the vaxx didn’t insist on trying the curatives?

Burke has been one of Pope Francis. harshest critics, teaming up with Stever Bannon and conservative Italian politician Matteo Salvini to condemn Francis on issues such as immigration and homosexuality. He was also tapped to be the spiritual director of a failed venture by Bannon to develop an alt-right academy in an ancient monastery in the foothills of Rome, which has been curtailed by the Italian government.


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April 13, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) . The Italian Senate has voted almost unanimously in favor of early outpatient treatment therapies for COVID, accepting a motion introduced by Senator Massimiliano Romeo, a member of Matteo Salvini’s Lega.

Even though the motion will need to go through further parliamentary process, the decision is a breakthrough. Without defining actual protocols and medicines, the Senate put the subject squarely on the table and answers will need to be given.

Dr. Andrea Stramezzi, a prominent Italian doctor, told Xavier Azalbert of the only consistently anti-sanitary dictatorship national daily in France, FranceSoir: .The issue is to treat COVID, not to wait (until) it’s already reached a situation of cytokine storms where you cannot save the patient without hospitals, without ICU. So we are very, very happy..

It’s pathetic if that qualifies as a breakthrough: politicians ordering doctors to stop playing politics.

The objective is to define a protocol for early treatment and roll it out to all medical centers and doctors in Italy, Dr. Stramezzi confirmed. He noted that in Italy, as in France, the same “virus stars. . virologists using the same approach . appear every evening on television to say that “only the vaccination campaign” will make it possible to move out of the pandemic, “and they also say: .We don’t have any treatment…

.That is not true,. Stramezzi insisted. He suggested that either these media doctors have connections with “Big Pharma” or they don’t know what COVID actually is, because they don’t see outpatients at the beginning of the infection but only in-patients who are already experiencing a cytokine storm and not breathing anymore. .So they haven’t understood, in my opinion, how to treat COVID,. he said.

So, Burke’s ally tried to force the health Nazis to do an honest job… are they doing one for him right now?

End segue

Pope Benedict XVI, himself a conservative, tapped Burke to be a cardinal in 2010, but Francis almost immediately demoted him from his high-ranking Vatican position as head of the justice department in 2014. He has since rallied conservatives to question the legitimacy of Francis. papacy through the publication of dubia, or doubts, about what the pope has preached.

Burke sounds like a top-level Good Guy who is saying the things that need to be said about Pope Pachemama. And then he gets sick with Coof and the hospital staff jams a breathing tube into him, the most discredited treatment known for Coof and not at all what Salvini’s government was trying to correct four months ago?

This could be an assassination in progress.

Burke also famously refused to grant Holy Communion to former Secretary of State John Kerry over his stance on abortion rights and actively campaigned against the election of Catholic Joe Biden, warning voters that he is “not a Catholic in good standing.” In a statement on his website ahead of the 2020 election, Burke wrote that voters should stick with Donald Trump because .a Catholic may not support abortion in any shape or form because it is one of the most grievous sins against human life and intrinsically evil, and therefore to in any way support the act is a mortal sin..

Yeah, there are means, motive and opportunity for an assassination. Or at least, medical malpractice.

The American prelate had recently scoffed at continuing COVID-19 precautions and scorned vaccine mandates in both the U.S. and Europe. It is not known if he was vaccinated before contracting the virus, which would have helped him comply with Italy’s increasingly harsh regulations that require vaccination proof to anyone who wants to dine in a restaurant or go to a movie. Pope Francis has also required Vatican employees to be inoculated and called getting the vaccine an “ethical obligation..

The vaxx doesn’t prevent you from getting Covid. It prevents the government from starving you to death. Trust the Science!

Burke.s press team tweeted last Wednesday that the cardinal had been admitted to a hospital after several conservative Catholic websites started prayer circles for him. “Cardinal Burke has been admitted to the hospital with COVID-19 and is being assisted by a ventilator,. according the tweet. .Doctors are encouraged by his progress. H.E. faithfully prayed the Rosary for those suffering from the virus. On this Vigil of the Assumption, let us now pray the Rosary for him..

Neither the Vatican or Burke’s assistant returned requests for comment for this report.

So again, what about the cure? Any treatment besides a last-stop ventilator?


Nothing has been made public except two tweets from Burke requesting prayer. That and HCQ does a body good. He is being treated in a Wisconsin hospital rather than a Vatican facility. That argues against my suspicion.

I pray Burke makes a full recovery. Not only because he’s one of the few respectable leaders of the Catholic Church left, but so all the Covidian abortionists cheering his suffering will be put to righteous shame.

If God should choose otherwise then so be it. Burke was going to die someday, anyway, just like everybody else, and I note he risked his health on international travel to his diocese instead of “social-distancing” like a coward at Vatican City. He would not have been a man of God had he not put his work ahead of his safety.

Kristine Stolakis’ Jihad Against Christ

For years now, the sworn enemies of Christ have been banning Christian efforts to help homosexuals. The low-information voting public went along with the banning, when the Elites bothered to give them the opportunity, because if there’s anything worse than condemning homosexuals to a life of disease, degeneracy and child molestation, it must surely be offering them a way out.

“Pray Away” Shows How Conversion Therapy Preys On The Queer Community

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By Amber Leventry, 13 August 2021

Pray Away, the Netflix documentary directed by Kristine Stolakis, takes us behind the curtain and pulpit of conversion therapy detailing how the practice started and then grew to dangerous heights before being denounced as abusive and ineffective.

An unqualified act of libel and propaganda even before we get into the meat of it, just by looking at Stolakis’ biography.


Her face matches her intentionally misspelled name. Misspelled by who, I don’t know, but somebody literally took the Christ out of Kristine.

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Kristine Stolakis is a director whose films examine how power, politics, and prejudice unfold in real people’s lives. She is the director of Lamplighter Films.

She’s not a film maker. She’s a political activist who makes films.

Her debut feature PRAY AWAY is an unflinching look at the history and legacy of the “pray the gay away” or ex-gay movement, and is a Multitude Films production in association with Blumhouse. It was invited to premiere in competition at the 2020 Tribeca Film Festival, and to screen at the Telluride Film Festival and Hot Docs before the festivals. cancellation due to COVID-19. PRAY AWAY is supported by the Catapult Film Fund, Tribeca Film Institute, Hartley Film Foundation, Chicken and Egg Pictures, Sundance Institute, SFFilm, and Cinereach. In 2020, Kristine was named one of DOC NYC.s .40 Under 40..

Her directorial debut THE TYPIST (Hot Docs 2015) cracks open the untold story of a closeted Korean War veteran tasked with writing the military dishonorable discharges of outed LGBTQ seamen. It was released by KQED and is currently a Vimeo Staff Pick. WHERE WE STAND (DOC NYC 2015) chronicles a group of Mormon women fighting for equal rights [read: ordination as clergy] inside their church, and was released by The Atlantic and nominated for a Student BAFTA. She also produced ATTLA (Independent Lens 2019), a co-production of ITVS and Vision Maker Media.

There you have it. Her entire history as a film maker is as an anti-Christ activist championing what we Jesus Freaks would call Original Sin. Meanwhile, she has nothing negative to say about the disastrously unhealthy and unnatural lifestyle known as homosexuality. Choosing a gender has consequences somewhat more severe than choosing a sports team… but why let facts intrude where they are not welcome?

Her filmmaking approach is shaped by her background in anthropology, journalism, politics, and community art. She holds an MFA in Documentary Film from Stanford University and a BA in Cultural Anthropology from New York University, and has received further training at UC Berkley’s Investigative Reporting Program. She has taught film production at Stanford University and University of San Francisco.

Sounds like an impartial discoverer of timeless truth, yessir! Also sounds like about $200k in student debt but she did get several big grants, too.

End segue

Pray Away, as in “pray the gay away,. highlights the former leaders of the movement who were the faces of Living Hope Ministries and Exodus International. The documentary also follows a person who claims to have detransitioned after finding faith and God. He is now on a mission to convert and “save” other queer people. Pray Away was laughable at times (not because of the content, but because of how hard people were working to fool themselves and others) but heartbreaking from start to end. The hurt was palpable, and the pain opened old wounds in me I thought had healed.

On that note, her other biography.

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.Pray Away. is a new Netflix documentary from director Kristine Stolakis that covers the subject of conversion therapy. Specifically, the movie features former leaders from organizations like Exodus International and Living Hope who have renounced their past efforts, after realizing the harm that conversion therapy causes. Kristine Stolakis recently sat down with us to talk about her movie.

Moviefone: The movie’s very powerful. What inspired you to tackle this subject?

Kristine Stolakis: Yeah, my uncle went through conversion therapy, actually, after he came out as trans as a child. So, he went through conversion therapy during a time when every therapist was a conversion therapist. This is in the ’60s, before being queer had been declassified as some kind of mental disorder. What followed his time in conversion therapy was really poor mental health. So, he struggled with anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, addiction, obsessive compulsive disorder, all things I’ve learned are very common for people who go through this world. And he passed away unexpectedly before I went to film school, actually. So, I decided that my first feature would be about the conversion therapy movement, more broadly.

Sounds more like a victim of homosexual child molestation trying to process the abuse than a “coming out” followed by harmful, religious-sexual indoctrination, which is this movie’s accusation towards Christ.

Stolakis demonstrates a reason why women make bad leaders. She used her debut to wash family laundry in the public eye. There was no chance that she honestly investigated the pros and cons of conversion therapy… here’s the QED:

I started to do research and what I found that really surprised me is that the vast majority of conversion therapy organizations are actually run by LGBTQ individuals themselves who claim that they have changed, and they know how to teach others to do the same. And it was understanding that this is really a movement of hurt people hurting other people, internalized hatred, internalized homophobia, internalized transphobia wielded outward, that really helped me understand my uncle’s hope. It was a very dark hope. It was a misguided hope, but it was hope nonetheless, that change was possible and that it was around the corner. And then, of course, his devastation when he could not change.

And then as I went on to make the film, we also weaved in the story of a survivor, of someone who primarily experienced conversion therapy from the point of view of a participant to ground the movie. And what is undeniable, which is the movement, deep harm, and trauma. So, that’s the genesis for how the film came to be. And a bit about how we approached the subject matter.

She made this movie to champion her uncle overcoming Christianity to live a celebrated life of unrepentant sodomy. It’s good that she wishes her uncle well… but becoming a lesbian feminist Christ-hater was not the way to do that.

MF: I saw that you have a background studying cultural anthropology. It seems like that really works to your advantage, because you hear, for instance, from Julie Rodgers, “This is where I went to meet other people like me.”

Stolakis: Yes, yes. So, my undergraduate degree was in cultural anthropology and I definitely flirted with going down the route of becoming an anthropologist and getting my PhD and writing books. And I decided that I could make more of an impact through working in media.

But what I took with me was a real belief in a core concept of anthropology, which is called deep hanging out, the idea of really spending time in the world that you are filming. And when I spent a lot of time in this world, something that was very clear is that, and this might sound confusing if you are not familiar with this world, but for a lot of people, initially joining an ex-LGBTQ group, or participating in, you might not call it a conversion therapy peer support group, but some sort of conversion therapy peer support group at your church that might be called a Bible study on homosexuality, can actually provide a sense of community and belonging. And as time goes on, you learn that that belonging comes at a cost. And that is the dark part of this, is that you actually are not being fully accepted. You’re being accepted on the condition that you will believe that being queer is a sickness and a sin, and that you will commit to changing in some way.

Yes, that’s Christianity. That’s Christianity for EVERYBODY. Evil is like ice cream, we all have a favorite flavor. If your problem isn’t sodomy then it’s greed or addiction or impulse control or narcissism or SOMETHING.

This might be a good point to say this: I don’t like the conversion therapy approach, either. The best way to break a habit is to replace it with a new habit. The best way to break alcoholism is to stop hanging around the bar and your drinking buddies, not going to Al-Anon. The best way to break a habit of sodomy is to stop obsessing over it, stop being around men that you know are attracted to you, and immerse yourself in other interests.

You will probably never be healed, of sodomy or anything else, on this side of Eternity. Becoming perfect is not the point of Christianity. The goal is to confront the evil inside you, learn to resist it, learn to trust upon God to make perfect what is lacking in your life. It is a hard road but God promised the trip will be worth it.

Stolakis’ uncle is in a good place if he kept up the fight to the end. But Kristin being atheist, can see only the mortal struggle and not the spiritual reward.

While I disapprove the conversion therapies of the 20th Century, I acknowledge that their hearts were in the right place. The homosexual community demanding therapy bans does not. They seek to ban the concept, not just the current effort, because homosexuals don’t reproduce. They recruit. Which means they dare not allow Christians to recruit their members back to the narrow path of self-discipline.

Let me say that again for the slow class: once you identify as homosexual the first time, even if you’re a prepubescent child saying what his mother told him to say, THEY WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO CHANGE YOUR MIND LATER.

End segue

Conversion therapy grew out of church basements. Gay congregation members found community with others struggling with their sexuality. The struggle existed because their church and people they loved told them they were living in sin and needed to change. They didn’t have the internal and external resources needed to look around and say,” Hey, how about we accept each other and ourselves because clearly we’re not alone. Instead they resigned themselves to a truth and a lie they were telling themselves. I was ostracized and rejected too. We can help each other “get better” through prayer and Jesus Christ.”

Hence my objection to conversion therapy. Being put in the homo class is a terrible way to stop identifying as homo. Instead, be around normal men with normal sexualities, and allow yourselves to be influenced into normal behaviors.

But most Protestant churches have decades-long, ingrained ideas that all you need are Bible Studies emphasizing the relevant Scriptures. That’s not a Sola Scriptura trap… that’s a “pastor knows all, can’t trust ordinary men to be around ordinary men without his supervision” trap. I swear, half of a typical church’s problems would disappear if it hosted a weekly poker night with no women allowed.

Try it, you pastors who read my blog. Weekly… poker… night. In this era of lockdowns and mask mandates, that would really help out us ordinary, isolated, unwanted, humiliated laymen.

The saddest and most frustrating piece of Pray Away, and by extension conversion therapy, was the exploitation of people’s basic desire to be accepted and loved. The fear of Christ, of being alone, and then finding community through the church so you wouldn’t be alone even though it meant you.d still be still closeted and in pain is the awful cycle that so many people experienced and are still being subjected to through conversion therapy.

Will her next movie be the suffering and loss of community caused by lockdown mandates?

Conversion therapy isn’t just believing God can and will make you straight and cisgender. It’s based on the idea that someone who identifies as queer or transgender has a mental illness that can be cured. Neither is true.

That was Science, not Christianity.

Conversion therapy doesn’t work, but it does cause harm. A peer-reviewed study published in the American Journal of Public Health and reported by The Trevor Project found that queer youth who were subjected to conversion were two times as likely to attempt suicide and 2.5 times as likely to attempt suicide multiple times over the last year.

She says “subjected to conversion” as if we Christians incarcerated them in a reeducation gulag. That’s what our enemies do, not us.

This is what finally caused Exodus to close its doors. In 2013, leaders of the group apologized to the LGBTQ community . a community that they were a part of. In what should be a shock to no one, many of the leaders of the group were queer and eventually came out (for a second time, in most cases) and have tried to make amends for perpetuating a myth that has killed too many people.

It was difficult to watch the former leaders tell their stories in Pray Away; they were victims too, but their tears felt too little, too late.

I fault them for giving up but not failing. Backsliding was inevitable. A comparable example is the anti-porn movement. While I agree that porn isn’t healthy, I disagree that it’s a lethal evil and descent into serial killing (a position of James Dobson’s). The way to end porn addiction is fathers raising their daughters to be young wives, not haranguing the young men every day that 1. Porn is lots of fun and 2. Never Never Never!!!! That just ain’t how humans work. Without a healthy habit to replace the unhealthy habit, any progress will be limited at best.

But Stolakis would not be happy with the Christian conclusion of “okay, let’s try again and something else this time”.

I was visiting my mother and her live-in boyfriend the summer between my junior and senior year of college. She and I were on the front porch, and her boyfriend and the girl I was dating at the time were inside. My mother used the opportunity to harass me about my need for a boyfriend and her hopes for me to find a good Christian man. She wanted me to find a better man than my father was to her, and hoped I knew there were better relationship models than the one I witnessed between herself and my father. She badgered and pushed until I told her I was gay. I didn’t want or need a man or husband. I liked (and still do like) women. .I know. Bobby knew. He used to be gay too and told me you’re gay..

Dayumn, that paragraph is a month’s worth of Red Pills! Like a mosquito at a nudist colony, I don’t know where to begin.

I knew from a very early age that being gay was “wrong.” I heard it from my church and family before I came out. And when I was dragged out of the closet, the people who were supposed to love me the most rejected me in the name of Christianity and an unseen figure in the sky.

My partner is right; I have managed it well, but I have a lot of anger that needs to be let out or converted to something else.

No surprise here. Her education had “Fuck you, Jesus!” written all over it. While she’s upfront about pressure from Christian demands of normality, methinks that the real damage was the hypocrisy of a mother with a live-in boyfriend telling Stolakis that she needed to do the Christian thing. I cannot explore her Daddy Issues without more info but Mommy openly slandering Daddy like she reportedly did was quite suggestive, too.

I think I have unresolved anger issues.

Now a jihad masquerading as entertainment on Netflix. But your fatal mistake, Solakis, was that in the midst of all your roiling feelings, you forgot to ask if God actually does exist. You merely concluded that you don’t like Him.

A Sermon From the Church Of Evil

My early life’s context was much different from today’s. Example, religion was not that big of a deal in the 80s and 90s. Believe or not, go to church or not, it was simply one of many unforced choices that people made.

The horrible reality of Current Year makes a twisted kind of sense. Now that the Church has completed the Great Commission and end-of-lifed, the logical next step is the Great Divide between believers and Marxists. The latter, in between their ranting threats against us and their cheap-ass bribes (“give us control of your body and you’ll be entered into a raffle for a toaster!”), sometimes have an introspective moment about what makes Us so dramatically different from Them.

Let’s listen in.

Op-Ed: Why vaccination hesitancy runs deep among the religious . and what we can do to reach them

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By J.M. Opal, An American-Born History Teacher in Canada. 11 August 2021

.Don’t come knocking on my door with your Fauci ouchi!. Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) yelled at last month’s Conservative Political Action Conference. .You leave us the hell alone!. Boebert has described her election to Congress as .a sign and a wonder, just like God promised..

We open with a Rorschach test. The Christian sees a professional liar mugging for the camera. The atheist sees an Establishment Conservative ‘influencer’ recruiting support from ‘faith communities’. Truth means nothing to the atheist and popularity means nothing to the Christian, thus we often talk past each other.

She.s a moderate in some circles. One Florida pastor hears parishioners call the vaccination the “sign of the beast,. a biblical reference to the apocalypse. A Tennessee pastor who threatens to expel anyone who wears a mask to his church also discourages people from getting the vaccination, which he falsely claims contains aborted fetal tissue.

No wonder that white evangelicals are among the least vaccinated Americans.

Say what? Two no-name pastors and a B-list politician hate the jab, and “it’s no wonder”? It’s like Chuckles is playing a video game in which zapping the Borg Queen will force all the drones to fall in line. I wonder if, when he asks us why we don’t submit, when he hears us give the same reasons as Pastor Greg Locke (the abovementioned-but-not-named Tennessee Man Of God), if he thinks we’re giving the same reason because we’re obeying him.

As I said above, atheists don’t do truth so the idea that we believe what we say doesn’t occur to him. What DOES occur to him is that Pastor Locke must have a secret fan base in the millions because he and we agree. Never mind that Christians don’t do popularity… he does, so he calls it like he sees it.

Similarly, he doesn’t realize how much he discredited himself with that little lie of “it’s not made of aborted baby”.

And no wonder that many in the vaccinated majority, increasingly angry with their unprotected fellow citizens, conclude that anti-vaccination evangelicals are just tools in the right-wing war on common sense and basic decency.

QED. The rabbits see us giving the same reasons as a guy with the title “leader” and conclude that we’re a competing rabbit warren.

Yet the roots of vaccination hesitancy are much older and more interesting than that. Indeed, American skepticism of expert knowledge reaches back nearly three centuries, to a rebellion against religious authority.

Wouldn’t that be five hundred years ago? Martin Luther, hello?

That you did, mi’Lord. Credit where it’s due!

During the first century of English settlement in North America, most colonists listened to college-educated pastors. Whether Congregationalist in Massachusetts or Anglican in Virginia, those pastors based their authority on their knowledge of Latin and Greek as well as of theology. Many dabbled in medicine. They were the experts.

Wow, it’s like nothing ever changes.

But in the mid-1730s, charismatic preachers without college degrees suddenly drew huge crowds with harrowing tales of a furious God and wayward flocks. Embracing these revivals, the Rev. Jonathan Edwards of Massachusetts delivered one of the most famous sermons in American history, .Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.. (The title pretty much sums it up.)

The revivalists also denounced educated ministers as “unconverted” impostors whose book learning led people away from real piety. One likened the regular clergy’s sermons to “rat poison.” Distressed by such attacks, Edwards pulled back from the fires he had stoked, calling for “humility and modesty” in the face of conflicting views.

Seriously, it’s like nothing ever changes. So, Mister Historian, why is our refusal to trust college experts dabbling in medicine any kind of surprise to you, if this is what we’ve been doing for 300 years… by your own admission? Why have you not simply given up yet?

But the wounds of this religious revolution never healed. Unlike in crowded European countries, where congregants had to coexist, Americans kept spreading apart, moving west after 1800 and forming new churches that reproduced rather than resolved the bitter divisions that had begun back East.

As moderate Protestants began to stress the human capacity for progress with or without God’s help, wave after wave of revivals cast fresh doubt on anyone who claimed expert knowledge without divine inspiration.

Atheist: “You’re a bad Christian because you rely too much on Christ.”

Me: “Since when does an enemy of God get to judge God’s servant?”

New forms of fundamentalism emerged in the 1920s in response to Darwinian science and again in the 1970s in reaction to the women’s liberation and civil rights movements.

Both doctrines… God being the Creator of Life and women being created to serve men… predate written history, to say nothing of the last 300 years.

There I go again, confronting lies like a Christian. Our purpose here is to get inside Professor Opal’s brain bucket and he thinks in terms of popularity, not truth. American churches kept the old, traditional ideas popular… ideas threating to Opal… thus, he hates those pastors who reject the lies, thinking that converting or exterminating them is the key to ending all holdouts.

It feels strange to be thinking in terms of leadership. I have not known a trustworthy leader since childhood. Modern “leaders” wouldn’t want me even if I offered to follow because I ask questions and insist on being paid for my work.

In fact, this “influencer” concept of leadership doesn’t pass the smell test. Leadership is way more than dictating what other people believe. I didn’t even hear that term until just a couple years ago, when the New World Order ascended.

While many Americans and Europeans drifted away from religion, except as a guide to moral conduct or a source of community, religious conservatives sustained the belief in God as an imminent presence in daily life . a power vastly superior to any kind of research or learning.

Here, Opal is correct. The ultimate reason why we refuse the jab is because we remain loyal to the Creator… not because He’s useful or even because we understand His ways, but simply because we belong to Him.

As Boebert says, .The wisdom of the world is foolishness in God’s sight..

That was badly phrased.

Segue: 1 Corinthians 1:18-25

For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who [m]are perishing, but to us who [n]are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written,

.I will destroy the wisdom of the wise,
And the cleverness of the clever I will set aside..

Where is the wise man? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not come to know God, God was well-pleased through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe. For indeed Jews ask for [p]signs and Greeks search for wisdom; but we preach Christ crucified, to Jews a stumbling block and to Gentiles foolishness, but to those who are the called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

End segue

Professor Opal rejects God by the strength of… popularity. He has a planet-sized rabbit warren to hide in and clever arguments going back centuries to when Aristotle first gave up on reasoning with his kind. What does it matter if you can be proven wrong, when everybody wants you to be right?

And on that note, his doxology:

Some faith communities have embraced vaccinations and other medical breakthroughs, citing God’s benevolence and the golden rule. Yet modern evangelicals often see God as more stern than kind, encouraging a sense of epic conflict between the pious and the profane. And over the past few decades, evangelicals. deep-seated distrust of society’s experts has merged with the increasingly nihilistic themes of the far right, creating a toxic disdain for science in general and public health in particular.

Projection much?

Which brings us back to our troubled present. COVID-19 surges again due to vaccination hesitancy and growing hostility to basic safety precautions, while the experts . and the Americans who listen to them . throw up their hands. How can understanding the long history of anti-expertise help us overcome this deadly impasse?

To start, those of us who are vaccinated must accept that the non-vaccinated aren’t just political pawns for the Lauren Boeberts and Tucker Carlsons of the world. Rather, they are bearers of a long and complicated history, one that has often enlivened American culture.

After all, the mid-18th century revivals that tore apart so many communities also helped prepare the colonists to defy the Church of England, and thus the British Empire during the American Revolution. The revivalism of the 19th century often inspired anti-slavery activism.

In non-pandemic times, a healthy skepticism of expertise has made the U.S. a nation of free-thinkers and rule-breakers.

In Totalist theology, that is called a thought-ending cliche: “that was then and this is now”.

On that note, public health officials should more directly address faith communities, making clear that each church has a right to worship God according to its traditions and to question science when people’s lives are not in immediate danger.

Unable to resort to arguments of truth and understanding, and having just convinced himself of the futility of tricking Protestants into blindly trusting Latin-speaking worldly authorities, Opal advocates informing us that our inalienable right to believe in fairy tales ends wherever the government says it ends.

Awesome sauce. We’ve already won. The Enemy has no argument left with which to justify their evil except “there is no God”. We would have been happy to let you believe that for a long, full life, Mister Opal, but you were not willing.

By taking that vital step across the great cultural divide, the experts can more effectively dispel the wild conspiracy theories swirling around the vaccines. They might even make the case that getting vaccinated is the moral choice, the kind, caring and Christian thing to do.

Many won’t listen. But some will, and fewer people will die.

In the end, we can all learn something from the Rev. Edwards, who had the wisdom to step back from his deepest longings for spiritual revival and speak instead to the simpler, humbler virtues of coming together in dark times.

The guy who wrote “Sinners In the Hands Of An Angry God?” Did Opal ever even read it?

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Natural men’s prudence and care to preserve their own lives, or the care of others to preserve them, do not secure them a moment. To this, divine providence and universal experience do also bear testimony. There is this clear evidence that men’s own wisdom is no security to them from death; that if it were otherwise we should see some difference between the wise and politic men of the world, and others, with regard to their liableness to early and unexpected death: but how is it in fact? .How dieth the wise man? even as the fool..

Stick that in your vaccination record.

Health Clubs Threaten New World Order

As if being gaslighted over birdemic pecks and bizarre accusations of racism were not enough, now the Narrative is telling us how much better life is now that we don’t exercise.

Will gyms go the way of arcades and movie rental stores?

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By AP, 9 August 2021

Literally speaking, no. Arcades and rental stores went the way of tech-obsolescence whereas gyms went the way of bureaucratic dictates. Nobody wanted to use the latter; nobody is allowed to use the former.

Going to the gym was always part of Kari Hamra’s routine until last year’s government-ordered shutdowns forced her to replace the workouts with daily rides on her Peloton stationary bike.

That.s when she discovered something surprising . she did not miss the gym. At least not the driving back and forth, filling water bottles, changing clothes and most of all, taking time away from her husband and two boys.

The gaslighting begins. Life is so much better when you don’t go out of your way to exercise! Who needs healthy living when you have Doctor Fauci’s Miracle Cures?

Now that her gym in Springfield, Missouri, is open again, she’s slowly returning. But finding a more convenient exercise schedule at home and seeing a surge of COVID-19 cases in her hometown this summer have her questioning how much she needs the gym. She figures that if there never had been a coronavirus outbreak “I would still be a gym rat.”

And that would be a bad thing..?

The pandemic has reshaped how Americans exercise and upended the fitness industry, accelerating the growth of a new era of high-tech home workout equipment and virtual classes.

Thousands of small fitness centers and studios that were forced to close a year ago now are gone for good. Others are struggling to stay afloat and have redesigned their spaces, turned toward more personal workouts and added online training.

The question is can the they survive the onslaught from the apps and pricey bikes and treadmills or will they go the way of arcades, video rental shops and bookstores.

The question is, will they care enough for their own survival to disobey the State? The market is still there but the market doesn’t want to fast-walk on a treadmill in a plexiglass cage with every air hole stuffed with sweat-absorbing cotton.

News flash, gyms and other small businesses, the government wants your shop closed forever. They’re being smart about it, too. Instead of a one-and-done ban, they’re first bleeding off all your financial strength with false hope. Defy or die, that’s your choice.

Interactive fitness equipment maker Peloton is betting the workout-from-home trend is here to stay.

We won’t be discussing weights, classes, sports or other, actual gym functions today. We will only be discussing stationary bicycles and how it’s perfectly fine, and even cheaper in the long run, to ‘exercise’ in a spare room of your four-bedroom, no-children, remote-work home that has a giant television screen on every wall so you can chat with your friends while burning off the 80 calories from that last that-wasn’t-sugar-y cupcake you just ate. Just like in Fahrenheit 451.

But the men? Like Rodents Of Unusual Size, I don’t think they exist.

Demand surged so much during the pandemic that some Peloton customers had to wait months for their bikes. While the company said the backlog has waned, it reported that sales have continued to soar, up 141% in the first three months of this year.

Company founder and CEO John Foley thinks it’s inevitable that technology-driven home fitness will become dominant much like how streaming services have changed movie watching, calling the idea of going to a gym “a broken model of yesteryear.”

I miss my squat rack and bench press. Got no room in my apartment for that and can’t afford it, either. Everybody was happier when I paid $30/month for access to a power rack, the handball court and pool privileges.

Its next steps include bringing more of its equipment into gyms at hotels, apartment complexes, and college campuses and launching new workouts through its app. Late last year, it acquired Precor, a company with manufacturing and product development sites in the U.S.

“Fitness is one of the few remaining categories that is going to be massively disrupted by a digital experience,” Foley told The Associated Press.

That’s because YOU CANNOT DO FITNESS VIA INTERNET. And it’s hard to do fitness in isolation. Half of the reason for taking a health class is simply so the trainer forces you to do it. The other half is healthy socialization. Looking at YOU, all the girls who signed up for kickboxing class then giggled to each other while I pounded out my sweat on a heavy bag! Thanks for keeping my fees low!

During the early months of the pandemic, most small and independent gyms and studios turned to Zoom and other video platforms for yoga and Pilates classes and training sessions because it was the only way they could connect with their members.

“Now there’s an expectation for it,” said Michael Stack, CEO of Applied Fitness Solutions, which has three fitness centers in southeast Michigan.

No, there’s a NEW NORMAL for it. A very artificial New Normal created by sociopaths, child molesters and banksters who want to imprison us all in our homes, indefinitely, and control us via smartphone apps.

Not all gym operators are convinced virtual training will play a significant role in what they offer.

“We don’t have the budget to do it at the same price and the same quality,” said Jeff Sanders, CEO of Apex Athletic Health Club in Penfield, New York. “Digital is great, but we’ve seen surveys that show people want to stay active, but miss the interaction and being around others.”

His company is planning to open a third, smaller location near Orlando, Florida, that offers a more intimate experience. Those type of boutique studios could be the wave of the future, he said.

Florida is doing awesome because they had the innovative idea of allowing residents to live normal lives.

The pandemic has changed how the fitness industry evaluates itself and right now “everyone.s making decisions just to survive,” Sanders said.

Roughly 9,000 health clubs . 22% of the total nationwide . have closed since the beginning of the virus outbreak and 1.5 million workers lost their jobs, according to the International Health Racquet & Sportsclub Association.

The industry group is lobbying Congress to approve a $30 billion relief fund for the fitness industry because many clubs are struggling to recover from months of lost revenue and membership declines and still owe back rent.

Not only is such welfare immoral, it’s also useless. If the problem is you don’t have income then a one-time cash infusion won’t help.

While more closings are likely this year and could number in the thousands without government help, the emergence of the workout-from-home trend won’t spell doom for the fitness centers, said Helen Durkin, the association’s executive vice president of public policy.

Plenty of exercise fanatics, she said, will still do both . 40% of Peloton users have gym memberships, according to the company.

There’s no doubt digital fitness is here to stay, said Michelle Segar, director of the University of Michigan’s Sport, Health and Activity Research and Policy Center.

“People are integrating their lives with technology. This is where society is, and it’s just going to get more integrated,” she said.

The biggest positives with the virtual training sessions are that they offer more flexibility when it comes to staying with workout routines and can draw more people into fitness, including those who can’t follow a rigid schedule.

“That.s why people don’t stick with it,” she said.

Those are negatives, not positives. Look, I’m a realist. I know why Catholicism is more popular than Protestantism. Most people crave order and routine but at the same time, most need that order imposed upon them from outside. Thus, follow-the-ritual Catholicism is more popular than own-your-faith Protestantism. Similarly, most peoples’ fitness programs do best when the Temple Of Iron is part of their daily routine. A lack of structure is a hardship, not a “convenience”.

Banning people from developing an exercise routine and forcing them to become *more* dependent upon social media is how one destroys their health. People do not naturally behave this way. I would probably be fat and lazy by now, myself, except that my back hurts when I don’t do regular weights.

Pain is an excellent motivator and, I fear, the only thing that will convince Joe Normal to finally push back.

Cindy Cicchinelli, who’s become a dedicated Peloton user after going to her gym in Pittsburgh for years, said the convenience is what has sold her.

“I can roll out of bed and not worry about running to the gym,” she said. “And I don’t have to add an extra half-hour for my commute.”

Funny how life is most convenient when Big Tech can most monitor it.

Fitness industry leaders say research has shown that health clubs pose no more risk of spreading the virus than other public spaces. But San Francisco gym owner Dave Karraker thinks it will be a long time before many people are comfortable going into a big, tightly packed fitness center.

Highlighted the problem for you. Karraker needs to just quit already. SF was pushing injections before Fauci made it cool… banning police from arresting junkies for shooting up in the city parks then running needle-exchange programs pour encourager les autres.

“They are going to be thinking about ventilation and air purifiers and how long ago was this equipment sanitized,” he said.

I admit it! Gyms spread disease! If I wasn’t careful about hand-washing and touching my face then I would get gym crud. Guess how I handled it?

1. Quit exercising and stayed home.

2. Held a press conference to demand more government control of society.

3. Covered my face and didn’t talk to anybody.

4. Took responsibility for my own health and solved the problem with basic hygiene.

He reconfigured MX3 Fitness’s two small studios and created personal workout spaces. It has become so popular he’s looking for a third location.

He.s not surprised that people are coming back even though safety remains a concern.

They don’t want to live this solitary existence anymore,” he said. “There’s all kinds of motivations. Let’s face facts, gyms are great ways to meet new people, especially if you’re single.”

They WERE great ways to meet new booty calls, I mean, people. Gym bunnies were the only time I saw any woman between ages 18-30 but I could never simp enough to attract one. Too much resentment at them squatting 50lbs in the power rack just to make their butt bulge just right, for hours on end.

Those were the good old days before the government decided we’d be healthier if we didn’t exercise and didn’t have friends.