SPARS: the Plague Of Dissent

Today is a deep dive into the Deep State’s plan for the Plandemic and specifically, its use of magic spells. Magic as in, choosing one’s words in order to force one’s will upon reality. Johns Hopkins University wrote a paper discussing a theoretical “SPARS plague” set in 2025. While the conspiracy-theory site that I got this from believes SPARS is going to be the next plague, methinks that’s crediting the authors with too much wisdom. I think it’s better considered as a reflection on lessons (not) learned from Chinaballs.

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Project Team
Monica Schoch-Spana, PhD, Senior Associate, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
Emily K. Brunson, PhD, MPH, Associate Professor, Texas State University
Tara Kirk Sell, PhD, MA, Senior Associate, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
Gigi Kwik Gronvall, PhD, Senior Associate, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
Matthew P. Shearer, MPH, Senior Analyst, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
Sanjana Ravi, MPH, Senior Analyst, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
Hannah Chandler, MPH Candidate, Columbia University

Only one of seven is likely to be white male. I see that the demand for tenure still dramatically outstrips the supply.

This is a hypothetical scenario designed to illustrate the public health risk communication challenges that could potentially emerge during a naturally occurring infectious disease outbreak requiring development and distribution of novel and/or investigational drugs, vaccines, therapeutics, or other medical countermeasures.

Given the gender makeup of the authors, let’s see how long it takes for the scenario to begin talking about its feelings.

The timeframe for the scenario (the years 2025-2028) was selected first, and then major socioeconomic, demographic, technological, and environmental trends likely to have emerged by that period were identified. Specifically, two dominant trends likely to influence regulatory and public responses to future public health emergencies were selected: one, varying degrees of access to information technology; and two, varying levels of fragmentation among populations along social, political, religious, ideological, and cultural lines.

Cultural balkanization remains a top priority of our rulers. Provided that none of those fragments is Christian, of course.

In the year 2025, the world has become simultaneously more connected, yet more divided. Nearly universal access to wireless internet and new technology.including internet accessing technology (IAT): thin, flexible screens that can be temporarily attached to briefcases, backpacks, or clothing and used to stream content from the internet.has provided the means for readily sharing news and information. However, many have chosen to self-restrict the sources they turn to for information, often electing to interact only with those with whom they agree. This trend has increasingly isolated cliques from one another, making communication across and between these groups more and more difficult.

This emphasis upon universal connectivity is in line with the Elites’ push for Internet Of Things as a surveillance tool. They make a fatal mistake here, however, in assuming that everybody is still a participant in social media despite the Elites’ banning of dissidents.

Putting aside the impossible possibility of people simply unplugging from the New World Order,

From a government standpoint, the current administration is led by President Randall Archer, who took office in January 2025. Archer served as Vice President under President Jaclyn Bennett (2020-2024), who did not seek a second term due to health concerns. The two remain close and Bennett acts as a close confidante and unofficial advisor to President Archer.

It was four paragraphs until the scenario began discussing its feelings.

The majority of President Archer’s senior staff, including Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Cindra Nagel, are carryovers from Bennett’s administration. At the time of the initial SPARS outbreak Nagel has served in this position for just over three years.

In mid-October 2025, three deaths were reported among members of the First Baptist Church of St. Paul, Minnesota. Two of the church members had recently returned from a missionary trip to the Philippines, where they provided relief to victims of regional floods. The third was the mother of a church member who had also traveled to the Philippines with the church group but who had been only mildly sick himself.

The Narrative of Christianity spreading disease. While this specific case is easily possible, short-term missionary trips are not the work of God. They’re Stella getting her groove. SPARS should be an STD!

Based on the patients. reported symptoms, healthcare providers initially guessed that they had died from seasonal influenza, which health officials predicted would be particularly virulent and widespread that fall. However, laboratory tests were negative for influenza. Unable to identify the causative agent, officials at the Minnesota Department of Health’s Public Health Laboratory sent the patients. clinical specimens to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), where scientists confirmed that the patients did not have influenza. One CDC scientist recalled reading a recent ProMed dispatch describing the emergence of a novel coronavirus in Southeast Asia, and ran a pancoronavirus RT-PCR test.

The PCR was never meant to be a diagnostic test. If we’re going to pretend that the 2025 US pResident isn’t Camel-Toe Harris then maybe we could pretend that an accurate test will exist by then? One capable of discriminating between the annual flu and China Pox, like the real-life one didn’t this past winter?

A week later, the CDC team confirmed that the three patients were, in fact, infected with a novel coronavirus, which was dubbed the St. Paul Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SPARS-CoV, or SPARS), after the city where the first cluster of cases had been identified.

Standard naming procedure. Remember why the medical community didn’t name Wuhan the WURS or whatever? Because Daddy China said no.

I also notice that in their scenario, SPARS is something that just happens. In real life, the Wuhan biolab origin of Coof is already being scrubbed out of existence. First it was a known fact, now it’s “however the disease happened….”

Concern among many Americans about the severity of SPARS at this point in the outbreak was moderately high. The public’s concern was compounded by the apparent virulence of the pathogen. At the outset of the SPARS outbreak, physicians. understanding of the disease stemmed primarily from extremely severe cases resulting in pneumonia or hypoxia that required hospitalization and extensive medical treatment.

Yep, that’s COVID.

Mild cases of the disease, which produced symptoms including cough, fever, headaches, and malaise, were often perceived as the flu by the people who had them and consequently often went untreated and undiagnosed by medical personnel.

Yep, that’s COVID.

As a result, early case fatality estimates were inflated.

Early statistics were wildly inaccurate because most people got better without expert help while those who did die were about to die of something else soon anyway?

That. Is. COVID.

Two additional features of the SPARS virus that were not appreciated at the beginning of the pandemic, but that impacted how the outbreak played out, are also important to consider in a review of this event. First, the virus had an extended incubation period (seven to ten days) compared to its latent period (four to five days). Thus, infected persons could spread the virus for up to nearly a week before showing symptoms of the disease themselves. As a result, isolating sick SPARS patients proved to be less effective than isolating patients infected by other, better-characterized respiratory diseases.

In that scenario, you’re screwed. An airborne disease that makes people undetectably highly contagious for a full week? No containment is possible. Grin and bear it.

One notices that such a disease would be the only possible justification for the civilization-ending lockdowns we actually had. Also, such a disease would be 100% certain to have come from a “gain of function” bioweapon research program. Tip: Check for HIV spliced into it.

Second, morbidity and mortality from SPARS were both significantly higher in children than adults. Pregnant women and those with chronic respiratory conditions like asthma and emphysema were also at a higher risk for both disease complications and death.

SPARS ends civilization, women most affected! The pdf has ‘food for thought’ questions scattered throughout:

1) How can health authorities best meet public demands for critical information, such as, .What is the health threat?. and “What do I know about it?. when the crisis is still unfolding and not all the facts are known?

Use the phrase “I don’t know”. Also, do not permanently end all human civilization as a precautionary tactic.

2) What benefits does monitoring trends in social media postings confer on efforts to meet people’s information needs during an evolving health crisis?

Now we’re getting into the meat of this scenario’s accidental purpose,. It’s not actually a discussion of the next Coof-Coof, which if we were serious about, could be prevented by banning high-speed air travel and securing the national border. This is a discussion of how to control society via social media during the continuation of the current Plandemic.

To answer the question, Barbie, if you don’t have anything to say then don’t say anything. I know you females need to express emotion for the sake of it but please, recognize that it’s the verbal version of breathing into a paper bag.

[Early-mid pandemic], no treatment or vaccine for SPARS was approved for use in humans. The antiviral Kalocivir, [an obvious standing for HCQ,] was already a part of the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) in anticipation of FDA approval, despite some concerns about potential adverse side effects. The lack of concrete information regarding potential treatments in the face of the increasingly rapid spread of SPARS prompted demands from the media, the public, and political leaders for the FDA to be more forthcoming with information on potential treatment options.

An excellent case study in totalitarian government. Having eliminated all the independent-minded dissidents, the government now finds itself in a situation in which it needs to pacify the screaming mobs. The correct answer of “we don’t know, we’re working on it, it’ll be ready when it’s ready” is not going to work because it encourages people to work out the problem for themselves. That’s how dissent happens.

When the truth doesn’t work, you tell the lies that will keep the situation under control. Not the disease situation: your centralized dominion over society. Hence these questions:

1) What risks do public health agencies face if the public, media, and/or political leaders feel that information about potential treatment options is being withheld?

You risk losing your grip on power. You must be perceived as taking action! Operation Warp Speed!

2) What kinds of outreach could public health agencies perform in advance of a crisis to mitigate any perceived lack of transparency? If such a perception emerges in the crisis, then how might it be defused?

“What lies can be prepared in advance?” That’s the one single question that “Doctor Fauci” DID answer. You prop up a grandfatherly-looking puppet who mutters vague platitudes that help the hysterical population believe whatever comforts them.

Shortly after authorizing expanded access to Kalocivir for select patients…

Why select patients? It’s a treatment not a vaccine. If it’s needed then you use it.

…the FDA received reports of an animal vaccine developed by GMI, a multinational livestock conglomerate operating cattle and pig farms in, among other places, Southeast Asia. Since 2021, ranchers had been using the vaccine to prevent a SPARS-like respiratory coronavirus disease in cows and pigs in the Philippines and other Southeast Asian countries. Data provided by GMI suggested that the vaccine was effective at preventing SPARS-like illnesses in cows, pigs, and other hooved mammals, but internal trials revealed several worrisome side effects, including swollen legs, severe joint pain, and encephalitis leading to seizures or death. Because any animals experiencing these side effects were immediately killed, and because animals were typically slaughtered within a year of vaccination, further information regarding the short- and long-term effects of the GMI vaccine was unavailable.

Man, that’s way more optimistic than reality’s “the government offered $500b to the first biotech company that could plausibly claim to have something that worked, and the first company to do so had mutual financial interests with senior government health officials.”

Lacking a viable alternative.and considering the potentially high morbidity and mortality associated with SPARS (at the time the case fatality rate was still considered to be 4.7%).the United States government contacted GMI in regards to the vaccine.

Injecting livestock medicine that’s known for neurological side effects into humans is also more optimistic than reality’s aborted-baby tissue. “Don’t worry, it’s been cloned and washed and we never gave it a name anyway.”

…HHS Secretary Nagel agreed in principle to invoke the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act), thereby providing liability protection for CynBio and future vaccine providers in the event that vaccine recipients experienced any adverse effects.

2) How might federal health authorities respond to critics who propose that liability protection for SPARS vaccine manufacturers jeopardizes individual freedom and wellbeing?

If the vaccine is optional then the critics shouldn’t have a problem. If the vaccine is mandatory on threat of house imprisonment without due process, with government raising the possibility of forever revoking basic freedoms for those who refuse, then the critics need to be silenced. Fortunately, we’re Progressive enough now that that means losing social media privileges rather than the traditional bullet to the back of the skull.

3) Once the vaccine becomes broadly available (see the chapter, .Head of the Line Privileges.), how might public health communicators implement the “best practices” principle of enabling people to make their own informed decisions about whether to accept the novel SPARS vaccine?

4) What are the potential consequences of health officials overreassuring the public about the potential risks of a novel SPARS vaccine when long-term effects are not yet known?

Notice they’re talking about using words as spells, invocations to achieve desired results. “What should sorcerers er, communicators say to calm the public about the unknown? What are likely side effects of reassurance versus noncommittal statements?”

Small groups of individuals spread throughout the country for example, who felt that natural cures such as garlic and vitamins would be more effective at treating SPARS than an .untested. drug, were much less likely to accept Kalocivir as a treatment option or even seek medical attention for SPARS-like symptoms.

Why should they be forced to get a treatment that wasn’t intended for human use in the first place? Because the alternative, the unthinkable, for a government that lusts for total control, is to be seen as not in control.

One of the best examples of this occurred among the Navajo tribe in the southwestern United States. In early February 2026, the newly instated director of the Navajo Area Indian Health Service (NAIHS) took messaging provided by the CDC and modified this so it was more fear-based. His methods included taking the tagline from a CDC message . .See your health care provider if you experience SPARS-like symptoms..and adding the phrase .SPARS can kill you. at the end.

While the intent of the director was to increase the number of Navajo seeking treatment for SPARS, the modified message, which was widely distributed throughout tribal areas, backfired. Fewer Navajo came forward in the following weeks for treatment from the NAIHS for SPARS-like symptoms. Sensing a mistake had been made, the director reached out to tribal leadership. After intensive dialog the messaging of the NAIHS was changed to reflect Navajo beliefs in sustaining life and eschewing a focus on death. Specifically, the fear-based messaging was replaced with positive messages including “Seeing health care providers for SPARS-like symptoms can help you and your family members live long and happy lives..

There it is. This hypothetical director tried one set of words after another in order to get the effect he wanted, which was to control the behavior of the Navajo against their better judgment.

Due to the variation in local responses to Kalocivir and persisting anxiety around the outbreak itself, local public health agencies actively tried to address controversies and coordinate public health outreach with local populations. While many of these local public health outreach efforts successfully increased compliance with recommended health actions…

…they were not effective at reaching some special interest groups, including the growing national anti-Kalocivir/natural medicine movement…

Let’s call them Christians because I can’t tolerate the fig leaf that they aren’t discussing right-now WuFlu.

Reports of negative side effects associated with Kalocivir began gaining traction in February 2026. Despite the negative response, public health agencies continued to make progress until February, when a video of a three-year-old boy in North Carolina . who was hospitalized with SPARS and began projectile vomiting immediately after taking a dose of Kalocivir . went viral. In the video clip, the boy’s physician administers a pediatric dose of liquid Kalocivir; a few moments later, the boy begins vomiting profusely, chokes, and then faints while his mother shrieks in the background.

Oh no! A counter-spell!

The social media groundswell quickly overwhelmed the capacity of local, state, and federal agencies to respond, and compliance with public health and medical recommendations dropped considerably.

Red alert! Red alert! Narrative failure in progress! The other kind of progress!

FDA and other government agencies quickly attempted to remind the public that correlation does not equate to causation, and that vomiting was not a known side effect of Kalocivir. This message, while scientifically accurate, lacked appropriate empathy and failed to assuage the public’s mounting fears. As a result, it was largely ignored, and public concern continued to grow.

The truth didn’t work! What can they try next, other than truth?

In the following weeks, officials from the FDA, CDC, and other government organizations attempted to promote positive, accurate information about Kalocivir on several traditional and social media platforms in order to quell public fear.

Lying, of course. But for a good cause!

This messaging, however, was less than optimal both in terms of timing and dissemination. While the government took several days to provide an emotionally appropriate message, the spread of the viral video on social media was exponentially faster.

Yay 4chan!

By the time the government responded, most people across the country had already seen the vomiting video and formed their own conclusions.

Additionally, in their responses, governmental organizations were not able to effectively access all social media platforms. ZapQ groups, for example, had closed memberships and typically could only be accessed via invitations
from group members.

Yay 4chan! Oops, yay ZapQ! And I’m totally, totally certain that they didn’t intend a Q reference.

I am suddenly very interested in how “medical experts” might react to people forming their own opinions in unsupervised corners of the Internet.

Both of these issues prompted government organizations to improve the timing and impact of their social media responses. While most government agencies including the CDC and HHS had long established offices that were directed to coordinate social media and other communication efforts… Compounding this situation was the social media outreach conducted by individual members of the government. Several members of Congress were very active on sites like Twitter where they could leverage their office to spread their own personal beliefs under the guise of public positions.

When you don’t know what to do… find somebody to blame! Witch hunt, ho!

In late May, one of these individuals, a former doctor and current Senator from Iowa, responded to a second vomiting video by tweeting, .Don’t be buffoons! Kalocivir is 100% safe and 100% effective. Correlation does NOT equal Causation!. After being shared tens of thousands of times, the tweet waspicked up by traditional media outlets. This led to multiple awkward news interviews with FDA and CDC officials who had to clarify… the sentiment of the message was correct, Kalocivir did have potential side effects and was not completely effective at treating SPARS.

OUCH! Even in their dreams, the Socialists’ greatest enemy is the truth!

By May 2026, public interest in SPARS had begun to wane. In late April the CDC had publicized an updated case fatality rate estimate, suggesting the SPARS was only fatal in 0.6% of cases in the United States (where access to medical treatment was available). This figure matched public sentiment, widely expressed on social media, that SPARS was not as dangerous as initially thought. Combined with persisting doubts about Kalocivir and the lack of a commercially available SPARS vaccine, the new, lower case fatality rate estimate led the public to grow increasingly hostile toward continued SPARS messaging.

That’s about where we are right now. Great job guys, now make like Iraq: declare victory and GTFO.


In order to overcome the public’s disinterest, the CDC and FDA, in concert with other government agencies and their social media experts, began developing a new public health messaging campaign about SPARS, Kalocivir, and the forthcoming vaccine, Corovax.

I would trust Judas with my money before trusting a bureaucrat with my government.

The purpose of this campaign was to create a core set of messages that could be shared by all public health and government agencies over the next several months during which time the SPARS vaccine would be introduced. Even though the disease was less fatal than initially thought, it remained expensive to treat in its severe form and even mild cases had substantial impacts on economic productivity across the country.

In late May, three messages were approved by the cross-agency committee established to produce the messaging campaign: one addressing the nature and risks of SPARS, one regarding the effectiveness of Kalocivir, and one about the anticipated release of Corovax. These messages were broadly shared via all relevant government agencies. internet and social media accounts. In an effort to further reach certain population subgroups, agency officials enlisted the help of well-known scientists, celebrities, and government officials to make short videos and Zap clips and, in a few cases, give interviews to major media outlets. Among those chosen were former President Jaclyn Bennett; BZee, a popular hiphop star; and Paul Farmer, co-founder of Partners in Health and a renowned global health expert.

“Spells work better when they’re spoken by trusted people!”

This is 1985:

This is 2021:

BZee.s original Zap clip was widely shared, particularly among African American and urban populations; however, in an interview aired on Access Hollywood during which he was asked about the accelerated clinical trials for Corovax, BZee noted his admiration for those who volunteered to participate in the trials, and then compared these recent volunteers to volunteers in previous healthrelated studies “including the men who volunteered at Tuskegee.. The resulting backlash, particularly from African Americans, undermined the effectiveness of BZee’s efforts.

*GunnerQ literally rolls on floor laughing* But… but… noggers wuz kangs an sheet! Wakanda!

I must admit, they’re keeping this much more real than I’d expected at the start.

Not long after, 60 Minutes aired a live, nationally broadcast interview with former President Bennett. When asked if she would want her new grandson to receive Kalocivir, Bennett, caught off-guard, paused and eventually gave a hesitant, somewhat contradictory response: .Well, I . experts say the drug is safe. And it’s not easy, but I think.Everyone should make the decision that’s best for their family.” Video clips from this interview were shared widely on social media and by traditional media outlets, leading many healthcare professionals and members of the public to criticize Bennett for not taking a strong stance in support of Kalocivir.

Speaking of kangs an sheet, do we have a black knight ally in Johns Hopkins? I can write off the first derp-story as humor… no… no, these days in a major institution, it’s a risk to tell ANY kind of a nogger joke.

But yeah, this is exactly what happens when one relies on spells woven of words to control the behaviors of others. Jesus the White eventually shows up to evict Saruman’s bony ass from his Tower of Power. Using hip-hop artists only speeds up the process.

The aftermath of the interview, however, did galvanize many House and Senate Republicans to support Kalocivir use in earnest in an effort to demonstrate their opposition to from the former Democratic President.

Exposed to the light of truth, cockroaches run and hide behind their loyal-opposition Republicans. We always knew there was a reason they kept the Federalist solvent.

Given the ability of powerful, popular figures to reinforce or to undermine public health messages, what steps might health either national or local levels.take to reverse the negative effects of BZee’s unintended linkage of Tuskegee and Corovax, or Bennett’s tepid, uncertain support for Kalocivir?

“As a thought experiment, how would you have handled Bzee’s miscast spell? Put your hand down, Weird Al Yankovic.”

While government agencies were spreading the newly tooled public health messages about SPARS, Kalocivir, and Corovax through a variety of traditional and social media outlets, several popular platforms were overlooked. A notable example was UNEQL, a social media interface used at the time almost exclusively by college students. UNEQL was designed and first used at the University of California Berkeley in 2023.

They really are taking this scenario into spellcasting and Narrative control seriously. I had expected only to hit the highlights but they keep coming, and we’re only a third of the way through the PDF!

The initial purpose of the interface was to provide undergraduate college students with a common forum to collectively critique local, national, and international social and economic policies such as anti-immigration laws and drug policies.

Good citizens have goodthinks!

By 2026, the interface still maintained a critical focus but had expanded to include an underground news reporting system, led by seven primary “reporters” across the country; a satirical news feed that could be streamed as a caption on any program running on IAT; and special interest message boards accessible to anyone. While UNEQL was the primary news source of many college students on the east and west coasts, its existence and particularly its prominence was largely unknown outside of college communities and completely ignored by most public health agencies.

1) [Why] are the roles of a media-literate staff and organizational capacity to communicate via both social and traditional media platforms critical to understanding and influencing public debates about an MCM like Kalocivir?

This is how the Left sees education. They educate you again and again until you agree with them.


I haven’t given chapter headers before but now we’re heading into what’s about to happen rather than recapping the past.

In mid-June 2026, Laso Therapeutics, the sponsor for Kalocivir’s clinical trials, released data from a large randomized controlled trial (RCT). The new data suggested that Kalocivir was less effective at treating SPARS than initially thought and was, in fact, on par with [european rivals] Ribavirin and VMax, both of which showed low efficacy as SPARS treatments.

There it is. A smoking gun that this entirely, entirely fictitious medical community might have been so eager to be seen in control of the situation, that they didn’t actually do their jobs.

Sic semper bureaucrat.

These results led the FDA to conclude that all currently available drugs were only minimally effective at treating SPARS. In response, the CDC suggested that healthcare providers continue to provide palliative care to SPARS patients and that, if necessary, patients with more mild cases could use over-the-counter medications to alleviate symptoms. Ultimately, this left providers to address patient concerns and demands on their own, which proved frustrating for them and many of their patients.

That describes sooo many of modern society’s mask zombies. Everybody wants the respect of being a super-surgeon-scientist and they don’t really care if they have the skill to justify that respect. It’s Eve envying Adam his male privilege all over again. What solution will be attempted for when the vaccines inexplicably turn out to not be vaccines?

Immediately following the release of the RCT data, current US President Archer, HHS Secretary Nagel, officials from other government organizations, and scientists across the country publicly praised the FDA and CDC for their responses and updated guidelines.

I said it first! Make like Iraq: declare victory and GTFO.

The response on social media, however, was largely negative.

At about this point, you would not have negative social media. You would have open revolt. Everything about the plandemic thus far has carefully avoided those troublesome dissidents and assumed that the jabs will have no future consequences beyond a quick buck for Big Pharma.

Citing the vomiting video, reports about VMax from Europe, and the communication blunders made by President Bennett and BZee, citizens across the country took to Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Vine, and ZapQ to assert that the changing messages merely proved that scientists knew very little about how to deal with SPARS. Common social media messages shared during this time included #FakeScience and #GoNatural. The response was particularly vitriolic from the burgeoning natural medicine movement.

Those damn Christians! What can we do about them?

Step one: target and track.

To determine how to best distribute limited doses of Corovax to members of priority groups across the country, the US government resorted to new, controversial tactics; notably, having healthcare providers access patients. electronic health records (EHRs) to determine the number of individuals in high-risk populations receiving care in particular areas. Due to widespread increases in EHR use since 2020, this method proved to be highly effective, enabling providers to quickly tabulate the number of pregnant women and young adults 19-22 with chronic respiratory conditions.

And immediately place them in lockdown quarantine until they can be forcibly vaccinated for the new bug-of-the-month. With the push of a button and not their consent.

In some communities, like Los Angeles County, California, this method also identified neighborhoods with limited access to primary care.

COVID passports were never just about COVID. They’re here to stay.

Based on this data, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health began intensive public vaccination campaigns in those areas. The use of EHRs was not without controversy, however. Some US citizens were upset because they believed the federal government was accessing private patient data. This stemmed from a misunderstanding on the citizens. part: the federal government was not accessing patients. EHRs directly, but rather was relying on healthcare organizations and providers to access patients. EHR and then report summary information (specifically, the number of people in the targeted groups) to the CDC, FDA, and other government agencies.

Segue 1

Why Google Health failed: Too little, too soon

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28 June 2011

Google’s online personal health record (PHR) service failed because of its relative obscurity and lack of capabilities, according to health care industry experts. Google said late last week it would shutter Google Health on Jan. 1, 2012, since the PHR service has failed to gain widespread adoption.

While it offered people a way to store health information in a centralized online location, Google Health was mainly an aggregation service with little to offer mainstream consumers other than an online scrapbook of medical information. Google itself admitted that adoption was mainly among tech-savvy patients and fitness enthusiasts.

“We haven’t found a way to translate that limited usage into widespread adoption in the daily health routines of millions of people,” Google said in its blog post about the service.

Google launched a beta of Google Health in mid-2008 as a rival to Microsoft’s HealthVault personal health record service.

IDC Health Insights analyst Lynne Dunbrack said Google Health failed for a number of reasons, though the biggest was that people were unaware that it even existed because of ineffective marketing.

No, it failed because it was an opt-in system. Google Health only had the data that users wanted it to have: not much.

“Many PHRs have been nothing more than medical scrapbooks, and the biggest challenge for Google Health is they had a fairly limited number of data sources,” she said.

Government gave you your privacy rights so Government can take them away, too!

Segue 2

California Bill AB 2004

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Existing law, the Confidentiality of Medical Information Act, prohibits providers of health care, health care service plans, contractors, employers, and third party administrators, among others, from disclosing medical information, as defined, without the patient’s written authorization, subject to certain exceptions, as specified.

This bill would require the Government Operations Agency, on or before July 1, 2021, to appoint a working group, consisting of representatives from the public and private sectors, as specified, to explore the use of verifiable health credentials for communication of COVID-19 test results or other medical test results in this state. The bill would require the working group to report its recommendations to the Legislature on or before July 1, 2022. The bill would require the Department of Consumer Affairs to, among other things, in consultation with the working group, develop and maintain a verifiable issuer registry, as defined.

…The working group shall consist of representatives from the public and private sectors, including state health-related agencies, health care providers, privacy and civil liberties groups, independent nonprofit or not-for-profit information technology groups with specific expertise in the development and use of verifiable credentials, and a business based in California that offers services centered on the provision and authentication of verifiable credentials.

End segues

Step 2 for handling “those damn Christians”: Converge the leadership.


Early on in the Corovax vaccination campaign, anti-vaccination groups began emerging on social media platforms. These groups initially came from four primary sources: Muslim groups across the country, who opposed the vaccine on the basis that the original formulation was used to treat pigs; African Americans, who refused vaccination based on continued fear of governmental experimentation on African American populations; alternative medicine proponents, who had also been active in campaigning against Kalocivir; and anti-vaccination activists, who were galvanized by the anti-antivaccination sentiment associated with the nationwide measles outbreak in 2015.

With the exception of this last group, none of the anti-vaccination movements were cohesively organized initially, existing primarily in small, isolated pockets across the country. The general antivaccination proponents, however, existed as a core, national group long before the SPARS pandemic.

It’s not just anti-vaxxers this time. Just sayin’, when the government puts a gun to my head and tell me Jesus is a disease, my response will be heartfelt.

Acknowledging the authority held by local imams, these officials held community meetings with local Somali leaders to engage the local community and posted culturally relevant information on a website specifically designed for their Somali Muslim constituents. By enlisting the support of local Muslim leadership, these efforts ultimately led to high levels of Corovax acceptance among Somali Muslims in King County.

The arrogance of All Progress Is Good Progress thinking is breathtaking.

The concerns of African Americans were very different. Distrust of new treatments, including vaccines, was not a new phenomenon among African American communities. The legacy of the Tuskegee syphilis experiments and the fact that during the 2014 Ebola outbreak, experimental therapeutics were not made available to Thomas Eric Duncan (a Liberian traveler who had died of Ebola in Dallas, Texas)…

I still remember the furor when the CDC deliberately shipped Africans so sick with Ebola that they were vomiting blood into the heartland of the United States for “testing”. I do not know the names of the people who thwarted the release of Ebola at the time, but thank you.

…nor to many West African communities struck by Ebola, meant that many African Americans . particularly those living in communities consuming media through local, traditional media platforms . feared the possibility of being subjected to scientific experimentation. These fears worsened during healthcare providers. analysis of EHRs in Los Angeles County, which identified many African American communities (as well as other minority populations) as lacking access to primary care. In some areas, aggressive public health vaccination campaigns were locally interpreted as direct examples of experimentation. Repurposing hashtags like #BlackLivesMatter, some African Americans in these communities began to actively campaign against Corovax.

CORRECTLY interpreted as direct examples!

These protests, along with the anti-vaccine messages shared by the supergroup, subsequently received wide, national coverage through traditional media outlets, including local and national television news channels. While the US government attempted to respond to claims raised by the anti-vaccination super-group, their messages did not reach many members of the anti-vaccination groups because they had already tailored their social media and news feeds to reflect only the opinions of those with whom they agreed.

I have been trying SO hard to not curse at the hypocrisy and inhumanity on display here…

On the other hand, the government messages were effective among some segments of the general US population who had not limited their news feeds, and more importantly, they served to galvanize a burgeoning pro-vaccination campaign.

…but they keep provoking me! I don’t even know what it’s like to have a limited news feed! I couldn’t avoid the Socialists by hiding under a rock in the wilderness because Wi-Fi!

Paul Farmer, the renowned global health expert, provided the dialogue for the first of these, wherein he lauded the safety and efficacy of Corovax and underscored the dangers of SPARS. His only regret, he said, was that the vaccine could not yet be made available to everyone on the planet. In the second message, former President Bennett redeemed herself by televising her vaccination as well as the vaccination of two of her granddaughters.

One last try of the early methods. More education. More ‘Trusted Leaders’. More ‘Mommy Cares!’

And then, Step 3 of handling “those damn Christians!”, after tracking us and coopting our leaders failed:

As time passed and more people across the United States were vaccinated, claims of adverse side effects began to emerge. Several parents claimed that their children were experiencing neurological symptoms similar to those seen among livestock exposed to the GMI vaccine. By May 2027, parental anxiety around this claim had intensified to the point of lawsuits. That month, a group of parents whose children developed mental retardation as a result of encephalitis in the wake of Corovax vaccination sued the federal government, demanding removal of the liability shield protecting the pharmaceutical companies responsible for developing and manufacturing Corovax.

TOTALLY a hypothetical situation. Couldn’t happen in real life. Just because your symptoms match the fate of Doctor Feelgood’s pig means NOTHING!!! You ignorant peasant!

The growing plaintiff cohort quickly withdrew their suit upon learning that the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund (NVICTF) and an emergency appropriation of funds authorized by Congress under the PREP Act existed to provide financial reimbursement to those who were adversely affected by the Corovax vaccine in order to cover healthcare costs and other related expenses.

Pay them hush money, how original.

The focus on adverse side effects, however, resulted in a considerable increase in the number of compensation claims filed, and many grew concerned about the long-term effects that Corovax could have on their health. This concern was particularly high among some African American parents who continued to question the government’s motives regarding the Corovax vaccination campaign.

“Big Brother lied to us AGAIN!” That totally won’t happen with real COVID, either.

While the FDA, CDC, and other agencies were busy researching possible connections between Corovax and the reported neurological side effects, their efforts were continually undermined by epidemiological analyses produced by various non-governmental individuals and groups. A popular science blogger EpiGirl, for example, began posting interactive maps of the incidence of Corovax side effects in April 2027. To create the maps, EpiGirl collected anecdotes of adverse Corovax side effects using Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and combined them with data downloaded from the HHS Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a national vaccine safety surveillance program maintained by the CDC and FDA. EpiGirl also encouraged those among her subscribers who were Apple product users to share health data with her via Apple’s ResearchKit and HealthKit applications. EpiGirl’s maps were consequently shared widely in social media circles and even included in local and national news reports.

The federal government became concerned about the validity of EpiGirl’s anecdotal data and the widespread sharing of patient information via the internet.

“Yes, you conclusively proved that we’re evil scumbags who are exclusively responsible for the failing health of the entire global population of humanity, an act of genocidal treachery so big that it’ll never be repeated for eternity, but you also shared patient info without our permission so your results aren’t valid.”

Even in their daydreams, SJWs always lie and double down.

EpiGirl’s data showed a significantly higher incidence rate of nearly every reported side effect; however, federal officials believed that this was largely due to duplicate entries resulting from compiling data from multiple sources. Additionally, EpiGirl.s data did not seek to address the cause of the reported side effects, only the incidence rate.

Rebuilding the mound of a failed Narrative!

I am astonished that these authors are lying to themselves and the world even as a theoretical exercise. But then, my thesis from the beginning is that this SPARS scenario is *not* theoretical.

Publication of similar results from organizations such as Patients-Like-Me, a group closely associated
with the natural medicine movement…

Yay Christians!

…further legitimized these independent reports. The government attempted to respond to these claims through formal press releases, but these were neither as visually appealing nor as interactive as EpiGirl’s maps and were, therefore, largely ignored.

What happens when there are no spells left to cast, no leaders still Trusted and hush money doesn’t work?

As these cases emerged, patients began filing for compensation under the PREP Act. Due to lingering uncertainties over possible links between vaccination and reported neurological symptoms, their compensation requests were placed on indefinite hold, pending further data analysis.

Wait for the crisis to blow over, eh? Worth a try but unlikely when “Our flesh is rotting off our bones because we trusted you!” The scenario doesn’t say the answer but history does. If your government is totalitarian, and you’re too sick to be productive, and nobody will hear you scream if your social media account is deleted… then those contact tracers will trace you down for one last contact and Big Brother will save a buck, less the cost of a bullet.

So, there’s how the Deep State views this Plandemic. Its top priority is appearing wise and informative even if it’s actually making the problem worse. Anybody who points that out will be in dire need of more education. Its primary vehicle for controlling the population is first magic words on social media, then Trusted Leader convergence, and then by tracking us, marginalizing us and finally… we Christians know what’s coming… locking us out of the global economy to starve in the outer darkness of extreme self-reliance. As if we would want to stay for the inevitable!

The Day the Thinking Stopped

Bruce Charlton asks an important, deep, philosophical question: “Why did so many people take stupid pills last year?” He phrased it more kindly:

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Modern totalitarianism is, therefore, so effective because modern people have outsourced their thinking to The System.

If modern people were to think, really to think; then the current totalitarianism would not be possible; because people would observe for themselves, evaluate for themselves, would notice.

The kind part is he believes that people are still thinking in any factual capacity. The sad truth is that people have been trying very hard for years now, to NOT think about what they do because the correct answers honor Christ. That is why the totalitarians have been so effective… because people know they’re lying and don’t care.

In hindsight, this has been a long time in coming. Women being placed in authority and government/Church leaders reducing Christianity (and all religions generally) into pick-your-own faith traditions happened only by many people consciously rejecting the correct way of doing things, while assuming they’ll still be able to achieve the desirable results of a society worth living in.

When wicked men swapped out the last vestiges of normal life, the belief continued that results were separate from behavior. There was the initial fear-mongering, true, but what I’ve seen in urban Commiefornia since Christmas is that people have come to accept face diapers and social distancing as normal.

Romans Chapter 1 spells out what is happening.

v. 18-20 “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities.his eternal power and divine nature.have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.”

Hebrews 11:1 says it differently: “Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see”. How were Christians such capable scientists while the East languished? We both had observable reality but Christians believed there was something unseen behind it all… consequences, patterns, a CREATOR.

It did not take long for science to reduce itself to the visible, of course. Observation and experimentation, testing and refinement of theories. A process so inhuman that many futurists expect it to be done entirely by computer algorithm in the near future.

It never will be, because computers cannot glorify God.

v. 21-23 “For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.”

Images such as Chinaballs and Dr. Fauci, who does an amazingly good job of being a blank slate for whatever lie concerning COVID that you favor. The only thing he’s consistent and certain about is that no longer needing him will destroy all humanity.

That’s not science, that’s the court astrologer bluffing his employer. Also, idolatry.

Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator.who is forever praised. Amen.

And there it is. The thinking of the people has become futile because they consciously abandoned God. Demonstrated most spectacularly by “male and female” being turned into “anything butt!”

Enough theory, let’s have an example!

Scientists Are Reporting Hostility From Their Own Churches. Why?

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By Drew Rick-Miller, 1 April 2020

April Fool’s Day is cancelled because how does one mock Current Year? Here, look at this graph of perennial influenza outbreaks then tell me we have a pandemic:

When I say people took stupid pills, this is exactly what I’m talking about. They think that graph is reality instead of the CDC rebranding the flu as Coof-Coof. They celebrate the end of annual influenza while simultaneously abandoning all social behavior in terror, because face diapers are simultaneously perfect and useless.

And then I’m supposed to do something funny for April Fool’s Day? Our fools are EVERY day!

Anyway. Scientists.

The author, Drew. Kinda pudgy, doesn’t get much sunlight. I expect a sheltered life.

Drew Rick-Miller is Co-Director of Science for the Church, a ministry that seeks to strengthen the church by engaging science. Previously, he spent over a decade as a grants officer at the John Templeton Foundation. Drew studied literature and physics at Northwestern University before attending Princeton Theological Seminary (M.Div.) where he met his wife, a Presbyterian pastor.

I’m sure Drew is very smart, which means he understands his Bible, which means he rejected God in order to marry that rebellious woman. This is a good example of how rejecting God can start a downward trend. Drew can’t be too logical or consistent in his theology without recognizing what a mistake he made!

.How was I treated in the church as a scientist? Man, that’s a trigger question for me. The simple answer is, not very well. Sadly, our long history of often experiencing rejection or simply being ignored is disillusioning for me..

.I have encountered more hostility as a scientist in a world of Christians, than I have as a Christian in a world of scientists..

Two scientists, two replies to how they are received in our churches, and neither reflects well on the Body of Christ. It is no wonder that many scientists keep their heads down and don’t draw attention to their day jobs. But that does not mean they are absent in our churches.

The only way Drew can believe those sentiments are genuine is that his job requires such beliefs to exist. A director of “Science for the Church”, remember? I’ve been a lifelong Christian and I’ve never seen anti-science attitudes in any church of any denomination, ever. What might be the situation here?

  1. The scientists were upset that their evolution and related Godless beliefs were not accepted.
  2. The narrow-minded Bible-thumpers couldn’t handle alternative viewpoints.
  3. The scientists were hated for being men, not for being scientists.

The winner is… Number 3!

My father is one such scientist, a traffic engineer whose job it is to make sure you can get in and out of the parking lots of shopping malls. My mother recounts the story.I was quite young at the time.of his offering of time and talent. Our church was renovating their parking lot. Dad was not particularly active in the church at the time, but he willingly offered to help. His offer was met with silence. No matter the intent, the silence communicated that his vocation, his offer of ministry, did not matter to the church.

It wasn’t his vocation that was rejected… it was him, an ordinary man, trying to muscle into the spotlight! I do not doubt that the pastor would have happily hired Drew’s father as a laborer because hired help are not family and therefore, no threat to his position as Anointed Leader of God’s Church.

This bears repeating: the church turned down free, professional-level assistance because accepting it would have shown respect to a layman. That’s another example of how rejecting God leads to stupidity.

That happened to me also. It happened that my church at the time wanted to do something that was exactly my career field. I offered help and in return, not even a smile from the church elder I approached. And I was a tithe-paying regular!

Pew estimates that nearly 13% of the American workforce is found in one of 74 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) professions. Sociologists Elaine Howard Ecklund and Christopher Scheitle have found that about 12.4% of evangelicals and 11.9% of mainline Protestants claim that their occupation is science-related.

The number of STEM professionals in the church could grow, significantly. Barna found that over 50% of youth group teens “aspire to science-related careers..

Because they seek to find God in the equations? No, because girls are being pushed into STEM. Intentionally recruiting women because “throw rocks at boys” is not a derp happening in a vacuum. It’s Original Sin. The STEM-pushers reject how God created us and as a direct consequence, became foolish in their thinking. They’ll end up with untrained men and single-mother-medical-doctors.

The question, then, is how do we treat the scientists, both current and aspiring, in our pews? And why do so many report hostility or rejection?

You will not answer that question without first asking, why does the Church hate men unless they’re in the band Pastor Limelight and the Elders? And asking second, “why are you raising your daughter to be a scientist instead of a mother?”

Biology says men can’t have babies and old women can’t have healthy babies, if any. That means society’s women needs to marry young and get busy. Where’s your love for science NOW, Dads of Daughters?

The Priesthood of all Scientists
Martin Luther laid the foundation for how many Protestant churches understand ministry. It is the entire body of Christ.not just the work of the professional clergy.that composes the “priesthood of all believers.” This includes the farmer and barber as well as the teacher, engineer, and the neuroscientist. They all do ministry, but that may not always be obvious. It might take a little imagination to understand the priestly work of the STEM professionals within our churches.

That’s not Protestantism. Laymen can do the work of priests, yes, but that does not mean all work is priest-work.

A good number of them seek to read the book of nature, the other book that God the Creator has written for us. They stand in the lineage of Christians in the sciences who have sought to understand God through both Scripture and the natural world. They study God’s handiwork in biochemical processes and in how stars form and in the laws govern the smallest imaginable particles. They seek to understand how life works and how nature interacts with nurture. In a paraphrase of 17th century astronomer, Johannes Kepler, they think God’s thoughts after him.

None of that is ministry. None of that is priestly work. None of those examples, frankly, challenge the human soul. Our sciences are very precise when it comes to subatomic particles in other galaxies… but as soon as you approach the human condition, you get lies like “birthing person”.

That is where science fails. It cannot make moral judgments. Most people today love science and reject God because science tells us how while God tells us No.

There are inevitable consequences for doing what ought not be done.

Another portion of these STEM professionals teach what those investigations into the book of nature have revealed. They inspire our children (and us) with the magnificence of the created order, nurture our curiosity, and make space for inquisitive minds to learn more about the God who created and continues to create. Their images and narratives can inspire us to worship.

STEM itself is a trap of Godlessness. It is a reduction of science to exploitable and marketable skillsets. EVERY career honors God… how much honor depends on your attitude, not “discovering the secrets of the cosmos”. Attitude becomes very important when your career’s only moral principle is “I must know”.

Probably the largest number of them seek to glorify God by applying science to address real needs.

Probably the largest number of them want a paycheck. That, too, is Godly. Earn your food!

They play major roles in the effort to heal the sick, provide food for the hungry, build shelter for the stranger, and fix broken things. They create the technologies, energy solutions, materials, and medicines that have helped improve the quality of life for the Earth’s 7.8 billion people. They also help identify where technological progress is misaligned with human well-being.

So we see here that the ministry of the scientist is in discovery and teaching about the glories of God’s handiwork and in the ways they use their God given talents to contribute to human flourishing.

Drew, that’s the problem. Our society no longer seeks God unless God is useful toward the end product. We wants results, not methods! That’s why science is failing right now, because its practitioners threw out God to focus on results. We are warned against that. Matthew 6:31-33 “…Do not worry, saying, .What shall we eat?. or “What shall we drink?. or “What shall we wear?. For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

We can have all the science and engineering in the world and still lose the material progress we’ve made since our caveman days. Exhibit “A”: Amazon warehouse workers.


Amazon denies stories of workers peeing in bottles, receives a flood of evidence in return

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Amazon is trying a new tactic in its endless PR battle against stories of its exhausting and exploitative working conditions: outright denial. It’s not working.

When replying to a tweet from Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI) complaining about the company’s union-busting tactics and the fact that some of its workers are forced to “urinate in water bottles,. Amazon’s official Twitter account responded: .You don’t really believe the peeing in bottles thing, do you? If that were true, nobody would work for us..

..after Amazon sent out its ill-judged tweet, reporters who cover the company’s labor practices practically lined up to soak the firm with evidence. These included English journalist James Bloodworth, whose 2018 book Hired: Six Months Undercover in Low-Wage Britain documented his experience of low-paid work for companies including Amazon:

I was the person who found the pee in the bottle. Trust me, it happened.

. James Bloodworth (@J_Bloodworth) March 25, 2021

Here.s Will Evans from The Center of Investigative Reporting:

Peeing at Amazon – or not being able to – is an actual thing. Here’s what workers told me.

. Will Evans (@willCIR) March 25, 2021

And Lauren Kaori Gurley from Motherboard. (Gurley also wrote a story with photographic evidence, including numerous examples from the subreddit for Amazon delivery drivers.)

As a labor reporter who covers Amazon extensively…I can say Amazon delivery drivers not having a time or place to pee is one of the most universal concerns I hear about

. Lauren Kaori Gurley (@LaurenKGurley) March 25, 2021

And Ken Bensinger from BuzzFeed News:

Amazon claims its workers don’t pee in bottles; defenders say it’s an urban legend. But these photos sent to me by a former driver for a former @amazon contractor called Synctruck in a California facility suggest strongly otherwise.

. Ken Bensinger (@kenbensinger) March 25, 2021

And Alex Press from Jacobin, who shares a much grimmer anecdote of an Amazon worker who suffered a seizure in one of the company’s facilities:

my first response to this was to laugh because it’s such a ridiculous tweet but honestly, this is infuriating. here are the type of texts Amazon workers send me

. Alex Press (@alexnpress) March 25, 2021

The Intercept added yet more evidence to the mounting case against Amazon with a new report published on Thursday detailing not only more cases of drivers urinating into bottles, but also resorting to defecating into bags. And the most damning reveal is that Amazon was made aware of this because it began reprimanding employees for the behavior when the bottles and bags were left inside Amazon delivery vehicles…

Hiring Pajeet and Harambe undid about four centuries’ worth of Progress in sanitation science. The problem, sir, is not in the pipes.

Other evidence includes the high injury rates in Amazon warehouses (7.7 serious injuries per 100 employees); employees dying from COVID-19 after complaints the company wasn’t doing enough to mitigate risks from the virus; widespread union-busting; production targets that treat humans like robots; and gruesome anecdotes like the story of the Amazon worker who died from a heart attack and who, say colleagues, was left on the work floor for 20 minutes before receiving treatment.

The largest, most impressive logistics chain in human history… and you’d have a better life by swimming in the Ganges River.

End segue

But I don’t think the pandemic has changed much for how our churches engage all of the others who read the book of nature and try to apply that knowledge to every aspect of God’s majestic creation. If anything, the pandemic has occupied so much of our attention, they have simply been ignored.

Which is a shame because these STEM professionals among us bring a plethora of knowledge and skills and kingdom-oriented intent to church. They seek to be good Samaritans with their God-given abilities. How can we undo the past hostility and rejection? How do we flip the script and tell them they matter to the church?

The congregation of my early childhood did not convey to my father that his engineering talents mattered. And in my lifetime, he has never been active in church. I can’t help but wonder how different it could have been if they had asked him to help with that parking lot.

People have taken stupid pills because they have consciously rejected the God of Truth. Until society recognizes both the concept of Eternal Truth and how we tend to live in rebellion against it, society is trying to do calculus while assuming 2+3=23.

They say they want science. Like God, however, good science requires behavior modification from valuable lies to unpleasant truths. As scientific knowledge continues to grow and confirm the rightness of God’s decrees, humanity discovers that it would rather be lied to by devils.

For a closing example, Zman did a Sunday post about dissident Christians and dissident atheists coming together:

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That is the main point of [my] show this week. Secular people need to get more comfortable talking about religion, but dissident Christians need to reexamine their hostility to certain dissident topics. The fact is a large majority of white people consider themselves Christians. On the other hand, a large majority of dissidents long for a return to tradition. There is no reason why religion should not be an integral part of dissident politics, even if many dissidents are not religious.

“We can have religion without being religious.” Zman is normally a better thinker than that. Certainly, we Christians are not going to change God’s hostility to ‘certain dissident topics’.

This exchange from the comments drives the point home:

.While I disagree with him on several things, notably the possibility of political ethnostates in the current era (which, admittedly, could change due to events), but Greg Johnson has made the best argument yet in this area. The case for White nationalism/identity is a MORAL one. This is how to bridge the gap between Christians and secularists, I think, and is happening to some degree..

“Greg the Sodomite makes the case for morality . great, just great. Surely there must be non-degenerate writers and intellectuals making the moral case for Whites, if in fact we need a moral case to exist and have preferences. If it’s difficult enough to form an alliance with race-conscious Christians as it is, how much harder will it be when we’re offering a buggerer as our moral guide.”

“I do not have a clue as to whether Johnson is homosexual or not. Regardless, the morality of White identity/nationalism is an excellent and persuasive argument to reach people. No, we do not need a moral argument to exist but it is certainly there and a way to span the gap.”

Tolerate sodomy in order to cooperate on white nationalism? That’s stupid. How does one build a strong ethnostate without insisting on the father-led nuclear family for a building block? The result may be desirable but forcing the result without the correct methods… here, enforcing healthy sexual norms… is a blind staggering from one tyranny to another.

Archegos, the Prince Of Hedge Funds

Again, I’m not any kind of economist. I understand that an international racketeering cartel, often abbreviated “hedge fund”, is imploding because of reality intruding into the private banks of our foreign rulers. Analysts are predicting the end of civilization.

One of the first groups predicted to be ruined are Christian missionary outreach organizations.

Wall Street Crisis Could Cost Evangelical Orgs

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By Kate Shellnut, 31 March 2021

It.s not often that a Wall Street Journal article on the latest stock market shakeup includes a line describing a Greek reference to Jesus from the New Testament.

The hedge fund at the center of massive selloffs in the market last week was the Christian-owned Archegos Capital Management.named for ……., the Greek word used to describe Christ as the “author” of our salvation (Heb. 2:10) and the “prince” of life (Acts 3:15).

I did not know that Archegos was a Biblical reference. That is a VERY BAD SIGN. Gilead Sciences, hello? Dominion Voting Systems? *GunnerQ checks*


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1. the chief leader, prince, [ex. Christ]
2. one that takes the lead in any thing and thus affords an example, a predecessor in a matter, pioneer
3. the author

The Prince Of Hedge Funds, Exemplar Of the Financial Hosts, just imploded? Maybe I *don’t* need to be an economist to understand what is happening!

End segue

Archegos has dominated the financial headlines over the past few days. The fund placed outsized bets on media stocks using money borrowed from banks, and when the lenders put a check on its high-risk trading, it had to sell off huge blocks of shares, sending the market into a frenzy.

Number of lessons learned from GamerGameStopGate: ZEEE-RO!

Major corporations and banks lost billions, enough to “impact everyday Americans” retirement accounts,. CNN Business reported. While investors and shareholders are bracing for the damage, the move could potentially impact evangelical ministries as well.

Oh, those poor Baby Boomers! *sniff* But why would evangelical ministries be heavily leveraged in hedge funds? I can only think of pension plans, the collapse of which shouldn’t threaten the ministries themselves. Our retirement plan has always been Jesus, right?

. . .


. . .

Archegos CEO Bill Hwang is also the co-founder of the Grace and Mercy Foundation, which shares an office with his New York-based firm and distributes millions in grants to Christian nonprofits every year. So far, it’s unclear how much the financial situation will affect the foundation and its beneficiaries.

Oh, so it’s just his personal foundation that we’re talking about. Listening to Christian organizations worry that their friendly NYC bankster might not be giving them more Benjamins is quite the red flag concerning their spiritual loyalties.

A descendant of German immigrants to America in the 18th Century, I’ll guess, and totally not a foreigner parachuted into NYC to run some scams on behalf of the economic Asian Tigers.

Those are a good example of problem glasses. Thick-framed glasses are sometimes used as a psychological barrier between a person and the outside world. Not always true; some people have a strong eyeglass prescription and some faces simply look good with thick frames. Not here. Those glasses are dominating the appearance of his face.

Conclusion: Hwang feels defensive against the world… a curious position for the leader of a major financial institution.

Grace and Mercy’s 2018 tax filing (the most recent year available) listed $5.5 million to the Fuller Foundation, $2 million to Fuller Theological Seminary, where Hwang is a trustee, and $1.2 million to the Museum of the Bible, in addition to six-figure donations to A Rocha, International Justice Mission, Luis Palau Association, Prison Fellowship, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, The King’s College, and Young Life.

The trustee of a major seminary is an NYC bankster? Did that not set off any red flags? Do not tell me that Hwang is a Christian. I’ve learned too much about Jew York City to believe that. My prayer is that Lot would GTFO so God can nuke that place already.

Annual giving totaled $16.6 million over 63 organizations, including many New York churches and ministries… Though giving by individuals remains the largest source of funding for charities overall, foundations are becoming a bigger player in the landscape. seen a consistent and growing trend in giving by foundations comprising a larger share of total giving than it did 15 years ago,. Amir Pasic, dean of Indiana University’s Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, told Ministry Watch last year. .This change may reflect larger trends such as in the distribution of wealth and in asset growth across a decade of stock market expansion..

This change also explains much about the reluctance of Church organizations to oppose America’s fascist government.

Grant-giving private foundations is also subject to market forces. As Giving USA researcher Anna Pruitt explained:

Private foundations are required by law to give 5% of the average value of their assets, often held in an endowment. When the financial markets fare well, the assets foundations hold grow.and that 5% of their total value gets larger too. The opposite happens during downturns.

The Grace and Mercy Foundation distributed $79 million over a 10-year span, with its grant amounts increasing in recent years, and the highest levels given in 2017 and 2018. Forbes wrote, .It’s hard to know for sure to what extent Hwang’s hidden fortune was battered last week, though his charity’s filings in future years will show how much the crisis impacts his generosity..

Cry me a river, ye Merchants of Babylon. Your foundation stinks of corruption.

Hwang is part of a new “evangelical donor-class,. who are less concerned with using their wealth to advance political causes, as covered in The Atlantic in 2019. These newer players in the giving landscape include Asian American Christians who .aren.t necessarily beholden to the culture wars of the past,. Josh Kwan, president of the Christian philanthropic network called The Gathering, told the magazine.

Less concerned with political causes? Not interested in identity politics?

Beyond his $500-million foundation’s investments in American ministries, Hwang sees his career in finance as led by God, saying, .I invest with God’s perspective, according to his timing,. when talking to a Korean audience about faith and work.

This is not Hwang’s first time at the center of a controversy over his financial strategy. Back in 2012, when he ran Tiger Asia Management, he was penalized by regulators in the US and Asia and ultimately had to shut down his firm, pleading guilty to wire fraud and fined over charges of insider trading.

When he shares his story, Hwang points to this time as a period where “money and connection couldn’t really help. and he had to turn to Scripture.

Or Jews. Because he left Asia for New York City, where his past as a convicted felon was apparently considered an asset. But let me wrap up this article first:

Hwang has also spoken of how he sees his investment activity as a way to further God’s work in the world, both by serving as a Christian witness in Wall Street…

There is nothing Christian about Hwang. Least of all, the concepts of repentance and avoiding temptation.

…and supporting companies that build God-honoring culture and help human society advance.

Ah, there we go. “Helping human society advance” is not a Christian priority in any way. God does not have a social agenda beyond basic morality. It seems that “do not lie”, “do not steal” and “do not rape children” are difficult enough for humans.

But it is the definitive globalist priority.

Hedge Fund Manager to Pay $44 Million for Illegal Trading in Chinese Bank Stocks

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12 December 2012

The SEC alleges that Sung Kook “Bill” Hwang…

“Some Crook Hanged”? I’d call myself “Bill”, too.

…the founder and portfolio manager of Tiger Asia Management and Tiger Asia Partners, committed insider trading by short selling three Chinese bank stocks based on confidential information they received in private placement offerings. Hwang and his advisory firms then covered the short positions with private placement shares purchased at a significant discount to the stocks. market price. They separately attempted to manipulate the prices of publicly traded Chinese bank stocks in which Hwang’s hedge funds had substantial short positions by placing losing trades in an attempt to lower the price of the stocks and increase the value of the short positions. This enabled Hwang and Tiger Asia Management to illicitly collect higher management fees from investors.

In a parallel action, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of New Jersey today announced criminal charges against Tiger Asia Management.

The SEC also charged Raymond Y.H. Park for his roles in both schemes as the head trader of the two hedge funds involved . Tiger Asia Fund and Tiger Asia Overseas Fund. Park, who lives in Riverdale, N.Y., also agreed to settle the SEC.s charges. Hwang lives in Tenafly, N.J.

According to the SEC.s complaint filed in federal court in Newark, N.J., from December 2008 to January 2009, Hwang and his advisory firms participated in two private placements for Bank of China stock and one private placement for China Construction Bank stock.

I steal $10, I go to jail. Hwang and Park steal $100M, they move up to the big leagues. Per

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Hwang was also banned from trading Hong Kong securities for four years as of 2014. Less than three years later, guess what? Hwang’s hedge fund bungled the trading of Chinese stocks registered in Hong Kong AGAIN. If only we could somehow have seen this coming!

Chinese Tech Stocks Sell Off After ‘Missed’ Archegos Margin Calls

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By Alex Frew McMillan, 29 March 2021

Chinese tech stocks sold off on Monday due to follow-on selling attributed to block sales by Archegos Capital Management, the family office of former Tiger Management manager Bill Hwang. The selling is likely to continue into the U.S. trading day.

Nomura and Credit Suisse warned on Monday that they face substantial losses after a U.S. hedge fund defaulted on margin calls. Neither investment bank named the fund in question.

Japan and Switzerland, taking it in the shorts!

Archegos is thought to be highly leveraged, likely around a 5:1 ratio on its capital. The trading has infected many tech stocks in Hong Kong.

Hwang got his start as an equity analyst at Tiger Management, learning under the guidance of legendary hedge-fund investor Julian Robertson. Hwang then went on to set up and run the New York-based hedge fund Tiger Asia.

I don’t think Robertson is Jewish but he’s every bit as corrupt as the likes of Soros. Example, when the housing bubble popped in 2008-2009, his betting against subprime mortgages grew his personal fortune by 150% in one year per wikipedia. That stinks of insider trading. He also personally knows a large number of high-end hedge fund managers and signed Buffet’s and Gates’ “giving pledge”. About $4.5b in his case.

Hwang’s fellow “Tiger cub” manager at Tiger Asia, Tao Li, has also been battered in the selloff, according to Institutional Investor, in his Teng Yue Partners fund. Teng Yue had more than US$10 billion in assets under management as of the end of 2020, including leverage.

Tiger Asia managed as much as US$3 billion in assets after founding in 2001. But it returned US$2 billion to investors at the end of 2012 and stopped managing money for outside investors. At that point, it changed its name to Archegos Capital Management and became Hwang’s family office.

Hwang’s partner, Park, had a “severe and debilitating brain injury” before this transition to Archegos.

The hedge fund was convicted in a case first brought in 2009 by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission that it committed insider trades in the shares of the Chinese “Big Four” banks Bank of China (BACHF) and China Construction Bank (CICHF) in December 2008 and January 2009.

In three instances, an investment banks (UBS twice and Morgan Stanley once) contacted Tiger Asia head of trading Raymond Park about selling blocks of shares in one of the banks for big investors. Hwang then told Park that Tiger Asia should buy some of the shares it was being offered at a discount – while also shorting the shares of the banks.

Bill Hwang was given a “cold shoulder” order banning him from trading securities in Hong Kong for four years at a market misconduct tribunal. The tribunal findings, with a brief summary here, showed that “little trust can be placed in Bill Hwang’s integrity,” and that he was guilty of “serious misconduct.”

Tiger Asia also got a Hong Kong trading ban of four years. Court administrators returned HK$43.7 million (US$5.6 million) to 1,591 investors affected by the insider trading.

No surprise that this isn’t CEO Hwang’s first rodeo. Turns out, however, that this extremely corrupt man has been funneling money and influence into Christian charities, specifically Fuller Seminary.

I was not able to learn much about his Grace and Mercy Foundation. It apparently has offices in Japan and Korea but its website is just a shell. I did find this blurb from an online aggregator:

The foundation believes in helping the under-served and empowering individuals to impact the world around them. Its focus areas include: social justice, faith, education, and leadership development. The foundation works to support and equip people and organizations that are making an impact on and changes to their local communities.

Social justice is of course a red flag and faith is a worse one. Christianity is a religion, not a faith tradition! And Christians don’t get second chances from banksters at making shady deals from the heights of worldly power.

Post-script, if anybody is curious what’s been happening at Fuller Seminary while they’ve been receiving funds from Hwang then they can check out this heretic I covered in 2018. But I couldn’t link him directly to Hwang.


Freeze-Dried Food Advice?

I need to purchase more emergency food, given what’s happening these days. My current supply is mostly Mountain House with some MREs that I cycle through with camping trips (pre-lockdown). Do you guys know any cheaper sources? Maybe Wise Foods or Honeyville? I noticed the latter has freeze-dried vegetables and will probably try them regardless but anyway, my one-month reserve needs beefing up after my volunteer firefighting went Chinaballs Cray-zee.

I don’t want to rescue people anymore, anyway. They believe the lamest lies, don’t want maskless me in their society and are never, ever going to have my back.

A Murder Weapon In Search Of A Crime

They say guns don’t kill people… that people kill people. But here’s a firearm in “protective custody” just begging to take the witness stand! You’ve probably seen a few headlines on this but none of them quite do the story credit.

Did Hunter Biden try to kill himself? The curious case of his ‘missing’ gun and Secret Service involvement

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By Sayantani Nath, 25 March 2021

A startling report by Politico has revealed a bizarre incident from 2018 involving Hunter Biden, Hallie Biden, and a missing gun. Reportedly, President Biden’s son owned a 0.38 revolver, which was discovered in his car by Hallie Biden, his then-girlfriend and the widow of his brother Beau Biden. Hallie later threw away the gun in the trash, following which something even stranger happened.

Yeah, Hunter was having sex with his brother’s widow. And her sister too, if certain “sexts” are legit. And you thought the Clinton Machine was sleazy!

Already I have a question: Hallie found a gun in his car, then “later” threw the gun away?

According to a receipt and Firearms Transaction Record obtained by Politico, Hunter Biden purchased the gun on October 12, 2018, from StarQuest Shooters in Delaware. At that time, he was dating his brother’s widow Hallie Biden, who was reportedly suspicious about him.

Well, was Hunter doing anything suspicious or scandalous at the time? /sarc

Suddenly, I want to know the cause of Beau Biden’s death.


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According to his obituary, Beau died of brain cancer in 2015. .It is with broken hearts that Hallie, Hunter, Ashley, Jill and I announce the passing of our husband, brother and son, Beau, after he battled brain cancer with the same integrity, courage and strength he demonstrated every day of his life,. Joe Biden said.

Senator Ted Kennedy, Senator John McCain and Beau Biden were afflicted with the same form of often deadly brain cancer.

Is somebody inducing brain cancer as a form of assassination?

.A glioblastoma is the most common brain tumor that affects adults. It is also the most rapidly growing malignant tumor of the brain, with the shortest survival rate,. NBC reported. .Death may occur within months..

In 2014, USA Today noted that Biden’s health was causing concerns due to his “visible weight loss, head scar, buzz cut and low public profile.” In 2010, Beau Biden suffered a stroke from which he recovered.

Probably not, then. Five years is too long.

Joe Biden has brought up his son’s military service in Iraq and questioned whether it could have played a role in his fatal illness. He stopped short of saying there was a firm or scientifically proven link. However, he told PBS, .a lot higher incidence of cancer [is] coming from Iraq now and Afghanistan than in other wars. and .a lot of work is being done. to research it. He expressed concern about toxins in smoke that emanates from U.S. military bases overseas.

Joe Biden pointed out that a book on the topic indicated his son served at locations with burn pits. He said the author “went back and looked at Beau’s tenure as a civilian with the U.S. attorney’s office [in Kosovo] and then his year in Iraq. And he was co-located in both times near these burn pits..

This isn’t the first time I’ve heard rumors about such Gulf War syndromes. That might account for Songbird McCain but not Teddy Kennedy. Anyway, Beau didn’t suicide by a .38 doubletap to the back of his head.

End segue

At her home in Wilmington, Hallie thoroughly searched Hunter’s pick-up truck because of her ‘suspicions’ and found the gun inside. Later, during a police interrogation, Hunter mentioned that Hallie thought he was going to kill himself. “I think she believes I was gonna kill myself,” he revealed to the Delaware State Police while explaining his motive behind possessing the gun.

There is no record in the reports of Hallie saying she believed that.

Soon after finding the gun in Hunter’s truck, Hallie drove to the nearby high-end grocery store Janssen’s Market, where the Bidens had been longtime customers. She took the gun along with her to the store. Then, she wrapped the gun in a black shopping bag before tossing it into a trash bin, placed outside the store.

When Hallie returned from the store after disposing of the firearm, she openly stated everything to Hunter. He ordered her to go back to the store and retrieve the gun. But, by the time she reached the store and searched again, the gun was gone.


The official story: Hunter was behaving suicidally at Hallie’s house. Instead of calling the police, she searched his truck, found a handgun, and left Hunter alone to dispose of the gun in a very irresponsible manner.

A conspiracy theory: Hallie wanted somebody dead, possibly a drug dealer since she was dating “Crack Pipe” Hunter. Hunter told her to use the handgun in his car… a cheap .38 is a good choice for casual murder. She did and got rid of the murder weapon in the Hollywood movie fashion of tossing it in a dumpster.

Hunter being either sober or more experienced at foul play, realized the utter stupidity of using a grocery dumpster. Homeless people routinely go through grocery dumpsters for food. He sent her back to retrieve it for better disposal but when she arrived, too late.

I’ve no proof. Everybody is lawyered up. Even Freedom Of Information Act requests are being denied.

Hallie then informed the store manager about the incident, who placed a call to the police. Soon, the FBI arrived at the scene, and both Hunter and Hallie were interrogated about the incident. Delaware State Police promptly opened an investigation fearing that the trash can was right across from a high school and the missing gun might end up being used in a crime.

Ironically, that might have been how it ended up missing in the first place. I don’t need to point out how suspicious it is that the FBI was immediately involved in what was very obviously a local crime.

Hunter reportedly got ‘very agitated’ when a police officer inquired whether his gun had been used in any crime. He responded by asking the cop whether he was intentionally trying to make him angry.

That’s called a DARVO. Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender. A common form of projection and/or ego defense. In fact, Hunter lied when purchasing the firearm… more in a moment.

When the officer also asked if he had been drinking or using drugs, Hunter clarified, “‘Listen, it isn’t like that. I think she (Hallie) believes I was gonna kill myself,” states Politico.

Sounds like Hunter felt better quickly. Drug abuse can be like that. One minute you just want to die, the next minute you’re screaming at the cops because they want to know why a convicted crack addict with a dishonorable owns a gun in the first place.

While Hallie and Hunter were being questioned by the police…

So, this happened within MINUTES of the local police being contacted?

…Secret Service agents reportedly paid a visit to the store where Hunter bought the gun – StarQuest Troopers. The agents asked owner Ron Palmieri to give the paperwork involving the gun sale. Two persons were witnesses to the incident, one of whom directly knew about Hunter Biden buying the gun while a Secret Service agent briefed the other after the fact.

Two points. One, Hunter was not under Secret Service protection at the time. And two:


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Politico said it obtained copies of the Firearms Transaction Record and a receipt for the gun dated Oct. 12, 2018 . and that Hunter Biden responded “no” to a question on the transaction record that asks, “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?”

The outlet noted that five years earlier he had been discharged from the Navy Reserve after testing positive for cocaine, and he and family members have spoken about his history of drug use. Lying on the form is a felony, Politico added, although prosecutions very rare. It isn’t clear how Hunter Biden’s “no” answer could be proven true or untrue at this point.

Hunter told his Feeb friends that there was incriminating paperwork at the store that needed to disappear?

Politico reported that the Secret Service said it has no record of its agents investigating the incident, and Joe Biden, who was not under protection at the time, said through a spokesperson he has no knowledge of any Secret Service involvement.

They don’t have paperwork but we have eyewitnesses and almost certainly security footage. The gun store owner has not released everything into the public domain… he probably doesn’t want his kids orphaned. But he wasn’t stupid, either:

…Palmieri refused to give the agents the document as it’s the business of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, which oversees federal gun laws . and the Secret Service agents left without the records, according to the people familiar with the case. Politico added that Palmieri declined to comment.

One law enforcement official said that at the time of the incident, individual Secret Service agents at the agency’s offices in Wilmington, Del., and Philadelphia kept an informal hand in maintaining the former vice president’s security. The person cited an instance in 2019 when the Wilmington office of the Secret Service called the Delaware State Police to arrange security for a public appearance by Biden.

Despite no official protection, friends in high places were still looking out for the Biden family. To the extent that when Hunter’s illegally purchased gun went for a road trip after being illegally disposed of by his incestuous lover, the FBI and SS both showed up within the day.

End segue

The missing gun mysteriously reappeared within a few days. An older man who collected recyclable items from the grocery store’s trash returned the firearm.

And that, my friends, is why you don’t toss used murder weapons in grocery store dumpsters.

This incident happened in 2018 before the election fever heated up. Blaze News covered this story just before the November 2020 election… you might have missed it because Hunter’s laptop was busy being its own meme at the time. The story wasn’t circulated much.

But now Politico went live with it.

Methinks the Biden Administration is stepping on a lot of peoples’ toes. See, they’re VERY allergic to scrutiny, and while the American media are the tamest lapdogs that Joseph Stalin could ever have hoped for, the Bidens are dealing so much pure evil that they don’t even trust their own protectors. First they hated the National Guardsmen garrisoning D.C., now they want their journalist allies to go away and stop talking. Remember their charging journalists heavy fees for press access, including blood donation?


And perhaps journalists don’t appreciate the total news blackout about the border situation:

There’s a five-alarm crisis on the border . and Team Biden imposes a media blackout

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By Joe Concha, Opinion Contributor, 21 March 2021

Note the Politico story ran on 25 March.

“Our entire administration will always be honest and transparent with the good news and the bad. We’ll level with you when we make a mistake. We’ll straight up say what happened.”

That was President Biden on Jan. 21, a day after being sworn into office.

Today, two months and zero solo press conferences later, the Biden administration is on track to be the least transparent administration in the TV era. Another example of shutting out the press is underway at the U.S.-Mexico border, where said administration has imposed a media blackout on its migrant holding facilities, formerly known as “kids in cages” under the previous administration before the term apparently was retired by most of the media and by Democratic politicians out of courtesy to Team Biden.

Some journalists REALLY DO care about “kids in cages”? It wasn’t just Trump-bashing for them? I am pleasantly surprised and give credit where it’s due!

“…We remain committed to sharing with all of you data on the number of kids crossing the border, the steps we’re taking, the work we’re doing to open up facilities, our own bar we’re setting for ourselves, improving the and expediting the timeline and the treatment of these children,” Psaki explained in another non-answer before audaciously making this claim: “We remain committed to transparency. I don’t have an update for you on the timeline for access, but it’s certainly something we support.”

Yup. Team Biden is committed to transparency.

The same team that has kept the president from giving his first formal press conference more than nine weeks after taking office, or six weeks later than his old boss, Barack Obama.

The same team that hasn’t even scheduled a date for Biden’s address to a joint session of Congress, an address given in February by predecessors Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush and Reagan.

The same team that won’t allow the press to see the five-alarm humanitarian crisis at the border amid a pandemic . because they know it just created what will be the dominant story outside of COVID-19 for the foreseeable future, as the situation continues to deteriorate.

The Biden Administration is its own worst enemy. They’re doing so much wickedness, and they’re so paranoid-hateful about their wickedness being found out, that they can’t even tolerate their allies. But the journalists that have been covering for Team Biden Obama for a decade now? They know where the bodies are buried and they’re plugging a LOT of alternative-media Narrative holes. If they don’t get treated like allies then they could run a LOT of stories just like this one on Primetime BoomerTV. This was a shot across the bow.

That is why the story of Hunter’s gun wandering around… is still wandering around.

Let’s see if the Biden Administration opens up or calls Big Media’s bluff.

Churchian Grifter Os Hillman

The founder of “Marketplace Leaders” Ministry advises Christians facing increasing persecution in the workplace to… make yourselves a more visible target.

Christians should ‘reveal character of Christ’ in workplace despite societal hostility, author says

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By Ryan Foley, 21 March 2021

Although there is more opposition to Christian beliefs in today’s mainstream society, one author argues that Christians can still be witnesses for Christ in the workplace and be assets to their companies.

The very first sentence proves my thesis.

Os Hillman, the author of the recently released 31 Decrees of Blessing for Your Work Life and founder of the Marketplace Leaders ministry, discussed how Christians can live out their faith at work and support others who seek to do the same in an interview with The Christian Post.

He’s a career advertising executive turned motivational speaker. Did college on a golf scholarship.

An author and founder of a ministry advising people on how to live out their faith at work, Hillman stresses the importance of Christians serving as both “witnesses” and “problem solvers” in their workplaces.

Considering many Christians hold secular jobs outside of ministry, Hillman believes how Christ’s followers conduct themselves in the workplace will “reveal the character of Christ. since most people spend the majority of their waking hours at work.

Wow! Amazing! Until this moment, I always thought that how I conducted myself in the bathroom would reveal the character of Christ!

In his new book, Hillman encourages believers to “bring the power of God” to their workplace.

Hillman frequently referenced “cancel culture” throughout the interview, referring to the phenomenon in which influential voices in American culture seek to silence or punish those with unfashionable views, including Christians.

Sure, if “influential voices” means “every level of American government”.

Hillman offered some advice on how Christians can live out their faith at work while ensuring that they “don’t become victims to this whole cultural attack on believers.”

Have an exit plan? Secretly favor white Christians in defiance of government mandates? Blackmail the boss into tolerating his best-performing cis-males? Form an Anti-Cracker Defamation League?

“The first thing we need to understand is that you as a follower of Christ are the witness, whether you say anything or not, it’s … how you conduct yourself in your workplace that’s going to reveal the character of Christ,” Hillman said. “The second thing is that we need to be praying for our co-workers and those above us so that God can work through … you in their lives.”

His answer is a non sequitur.

“How should Christians respond to employers threating them for not endorsing sodomy?”

“The first thing we need to understand is that you as a follower of Christ are the witness, whether you say anything or not.”

Hillman urged believers to not only be problem solvers but to be “a valuable employee to your company.”

“That’s what Jesus did. He was a problem solver,” the author stated. “Every time he met somebody, he solved a problem first. And when we solve problems, we have influence.”

Nothing Jesus did was motivated by a desire to live up to corporate jargon. He redeemed humanity; He did not “influence humanity by solving the problem of returning from the dead”.

He said Christians should “stand firm” and use the “legal rights” to ensure that they are “free to be able to exercise” their voice.

“[D]on’t use company time to discuss faith issues,” he advised. “[Use] your coffee breaks or [free time] before or after work so that you’re not accused of stealing time from your employer. And you … want to honor the company that you work for.”

Ozzie is dangerously out of touch. Perhaps his next grift should be a continuing-education seminar.

Hillman told CP that he began Marketplace Leaders in the mid-1990s. At the time, he began to see that “many Christians had a difficult time understanding how to integrate their faith life in their work life..

.So I realized that there wasn’t a lot of training for that, and I began sharing through … a devotional called TGIF . Today God is First . that helps people understand how to integrate their faith life into their work life. And it caught along,. he said.

I’m sure his cutesy spoof on “thank God it’s Friday” was the breakthrough advance in evangelism that the Church has been looking for. Bosses everywhere will now relax when their top performers mutter “TGIF”.

.Certainly, in the last 15 years, we’ve had much more awareness among believers to understand the value of … bringing Christ to our work [and] life call..

Hillman believes that many Christians remain unaware of their rights to share their faith with colleagues.

GunnerQ believes that Hillman’s workplace ministry has done sod all good for fifteen years.

“We’re entering a time of great persecution for those in the faith. We need to stand and understand our Second … Amendment Rights and we also need to understand our religious liberties,. he added. .We are protected by that free speech. But many believers are ignorant about what their protections are. And so we try to help them understand that as well.”

Here comes the money shot!

Should Christians find themselves in a hostile work environment where they frequently face pushback for trying to live out their faith on the job, Hillman advises they stand their ground “as much as possible..

.[B]ut if the situation becomes untenable to where you are unable to function or to do your job and you’re constantly being derided by people for … your values and your belief system, you could be forced into … making a stand legally for that,. he argued. .Or if you’re not a person willing to do that, then you’re forced to leave.”

“Sometimes, I’ll have people say to me, .you just don’t know what kind of boss I have.” And I say, .Well, I can’t imagine that your boss is more difficult than Joseph’s boss or Daniel’s boss or Nehemiah’s boss,.. he added. “I mean, they lived … under some very difficult circumstances where they were persecuted for their faith and persecuted for what they believed in … at the cost of the potential loss of life had God not intervened and done a miracle in those cases.”

Hillman, you have chosen the hill you want to die on, man. The bosses of Joseph, Daniel and Nehemiah.

Joseph was falsely accused of sexual assault by his boss Potiphar’s wife. Listen and believe! Boss believed the skank-ho accuser and threw Joseph into prison. Yeah, Ozzie, tell us about how our bosses today are NOTHING like that!

Daniel’s boss LIKED Daniel and had no problem with Daniel worshiping God. That turned out to be the problem. Babylon’s Deep State hated an incorruptible outsider being put in authority over them and twisted the legislative process to produce a non-crime that Daniel couldn’t avoid committing.

That sounds familiar, too. Trump… homophobia… misogyny… nothing is new under the sun. That means we could follow Daniel’s example and be fed to the mobs, er, lions, too! Perhaps Ozzie would claim that not taking the risk is a lack of faith in God. Perhaps I would point out that Ozzie is writing checks that he expects somebody else to honor.

Nehemiah? Nehemiah WAS the boss.

You’re 0 for 3, Hillman! Thank you for playing

When asked how Christians can support faith-based and Christian-owned businesses that frequently become the target of criticism in “cancel culture,” Hillman maintained that the Body of Christ “must rally around those who are taking a stand.”

He specifically cited Christians flocking to the fast-food chain Chick-fil-A as an example. He recalled the time LGBT advocates were pushing a boycott against Chick-fil-A over their objection to CEO Dan Cathy’s biblical beliefs on sexuality.

.But instead, the Christian community came out and supported them in incredible ways, and it was one of the largest sales … days they’ve ever had in the history of their company,” he stated.

And then an infiltrator got promoted and put a stop to that resistance. Could a “Marketplace Leaders” ministry help businesses identify such entryists? No, what businessmen need today is a book about ’31 Blessings’!

Hillman also praised Hobby Lobby for taking a stand against an Obamacare Health and Human Services mandate requiring businesses to provide employee healthcare plans that cover abortion-inducing drugs.

According to Hillman, believers “need to remove their support” from companies that “stand for unrighteousness.” He urged the faithful to “vote with our pocketbook to be able to influence the activities of companies.”

That didn’t last, either. Ozzie contributed to neither of those situations so far as he’s admitted.

Like many other Christians, Hillman expressed concerns about the implications that the Equality Act will have for Christians seeking to live out their faith at work or business owners who incorporate their religious beliefs in their business practices.

The Equality Act would codify discrimination protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity into federal law.

“This legislation certainly will remove some of the protections Christians have to be able to refuse employment to those that may be … involved in a lifestyle that would be contrary to the Christian value system,. he said.

Describing the Equality Act as “one of the biggest things that’s going to impact Christians,” he warned that it “could ultimately lead to the removal of tax deductions to churches. that don’t embrace same-sex marriage.

Behold the color of Ozzie’s heart: cash green.

Feminist Monopoly

Now Monopoly has been targeted for destruction… by a battleaxe of a cat-lady attorney!

Goodbye Second Place in A Beauty Contest, Hello Shopping Local! Monopoly Is (Finally) Updating the Community Chest Cards . and You Get to Decide How

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By Jen DeAngelis, 18 March 2021

Hasbro, Inc. (NASDAQ: HAS) announced today that for the first time in its 85+ years, Monopoly will be changing all 16 of its Community Chest Cards. True to its longstanding history of inviting its fans to help make changes to the game, and during a time when community means more than ever before, Monopoly is asking consumers worldwide to determine the new cards by voting at

While soliciting customer feedback is legitimate, no actual customers wanted this revision… not edition… of Monopoly. So what we have here, is a feminist gutting the game and then not caring overmuch about what replaces it. The beauty contests must go! and I dunno, what would YOU like to see in its place from this short list of Agenda 21-approved action items?

Covering topics like beauty contests, holiday funds, and life insurance, there is no denying the Monopoly game’s Community Chest Cards are long overdue for a refresh.

I would certainly not get into the life insurance business in Current Year! And who celebrates holidays anymore? Holidays are illegal.

And, coming out of the tumultuous year of 2020, the term “community” has taken on a whole new meaning. Hasbro is counting on their fans to help reflect what community means in their real lives, into the Monopoly game, by voting for new cards like “Shop Local., .Rescue A Puppy. or “Help Your Neighbors..

The person pushing this change… I are not allowed to assume her gender, although “ovoid” would be a good guess… will have blue hair in a NYC pixie haircut, a nose ring and a chest flatter than Potato Joe Biden’s new stairwell.

Does “help your neighbors” mean you’re forced to pay for the exit of whoever is in jail at the moment?

When you think about it, the entire concept of “community chest” is outdated. Monopoly should be revised to rely on Universal Basic Income.

Oh, that’s right! Pass Go and Collect $200. That didn’t prevent wealth accumulation in-game but real life will surely be different! Billionaires will own nothing and be happy!

Let’s pay a little visit. Hmm, the voting is either/or rather than “none of the above!”

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Which do you prefer?

“You donate your birthday money to a community center. Keep a little for yourself. $10” OR “You donate blood. There were free cookies! $10”

Punk you, beech! I keep ALL of my birthday money because it’s MINE! Similarly, I’m keeping all of my blood. Although I voted for the latter because I like the idea of finding ten bucks in a fortune cookie.

“You set aside time every week to talk hang out with your elderly neighbor neighbor–you’ve heard some amazing stories! $100” OR “You volunteer to run the social media accounts for a non-profit art center, and you meet some pretty talented people! $100”

Why does the “volunteer” card pay you $100? That is not the definition of volunteer. But the other card has the same problem. So the real question is, which mindless fool would you prefer to steal $100 from? The Baby Boomer, of course, because the CIA takes it personal when you dip in their money laundering.

“Your cousin forgot their wallet! You happily pay for dinner. $-50” OR “Your fuzzy friends at the animal shelter will be thankful for your donation. $-50”

Hmm, they both have typos. The former should read “your girlfriend forgot her wallet” and the latter, “Your girlfriend at the animal shelter will be thankful for you donation.” Yeah… I guess they’re both the same card, aren’t they?

“You volunteer your art skills and paint a mural at the local school. $50” OR “You organize a group to clean up your town’s walking path.”

I would happily accept $50 in return for creating a school art installation:

School be like |  School is just a children's prison. | image tagged in memes,change my mind | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Much safer than picking up dirty syringes and puddled feces!

Speaking of, what kind of unholy rotting bullshit is this?!

“You help your neighbors clean up their yards after a big storm. $200” OR “You organize a family reunion! $200”

It’s obviously a woman making these cards because she’s constantly trying to monetize her social relationships. Old Monopoly did it better:

Seriously, Hasbro is replacing “win a beauty contest” with “meet your in-laws”?

“Just when you think you can’t go another step, you finish that foot race–and raise money for your local hospital! Advance to Go, $200” OR “You shopped local ALL WEEK! Advance to Go, $200

“You rescue a puppy–and you feel rescued, too!” Get out of jail free” OR “Your friends video chat with you after a tough day. Get out of jail free”

Exactly how is only being allowed to see your friends via video NOT being in jail?

“You organize a block party so people on your street can get to know each other. $10 from every player” OR “You pass out umbrellas to people standing at a bus stop on a rainy morning. $10 from every player”

Double fail. The people on my street don’t even share a common language and a couple of them would have hysterics if exposed to maskless me. I’m a hugger! Meanwhile, why would I donate umbrellas to people too stupid to know when it’s raining, while they’re standing at bus stops intentionally oversized enough to impede traffic flow?

You didn’t shop local! $-50″ OR “You buy a few bags of cookies from that school bake sale! Yum! $-50”

Monopoly used to be about paying bills and building improvements, now it’s about sustainable consumerism.

“Blasting music late at night? Your neighbors do not approve. Go to jail” OR…

*click* Hey, these aren’t ALL bad. (The other was not returning a wallet,)

“You volunteer as a homework helper and learn stuff, too! $100” OR “You spend the day playing games with kids at a local children’s hospital $100”

I wonder what women would do if they got that Universal Basic Income that they keep demanding. It’s so hard to guess! I mean, they could do ANYTHING, like make babies, or play with kids, or volunteer with kids, or play games with babies… or cook meals at home, or gardening at home, or have a party at home, or… anything, really.

“Build a new school playground and test the slide. $100” OR “volunteer at a local literacy center…”

It’s a library, not a ‘local literacy center’. Ungood, female citizen! Ungood!

“You go to the local school’s carwash fundraiser–but you forgot to raise the windows! $-100” OR “You held a neighborhood party–but didn’t recycle the trash!” $100

Eww, female insecurities!

“Host international students for a home-cooked meal” OR “didn’t volunteer for home improvement”

These are all about women. What would community cards for men look like, I wonder?

“Your wife ‘found herself’ in Vegas. $-100” OR “You mate-guarded against Bruno. Pay dentist $-100”

Real Community 2021!

“You weed the community college and discover a new bug!”…

…OR “You organize a bake sale $25”.

Yes, it’s a $25 bug. Somehow.

“You help your neighbor bring in groceries” OR…






Boxed wine optional, BWA HA HAAAA!!!

Whew, the road was long but the end was worth it!

Now then, where was I?

To further show the Monopoly brand’s commitment to community, they will be hosting the first ever Monopoly Charity Classic with a $350,000 Community Chest fund up for grabs. Fans can tune in to this celebrity-filled game of Monopoly, being played in the spirit of helping communities, this Spring on YouTube. Four celebrities will play to win a portion of the Community Chest to be donated to the charity of their choice, empowering them to make a positive impact within their own community. During the game, players and viewers will be among the first to see some of the new Community Chest Cards voted into the game by fans.

The celebrities have either not been chosen yet or are paywalled on Twitter.

.The world has changed a lot since Monopoly became a household name more than 85 years ago, and clearly today community is more important than ever,. said Eric Nyman, Chief Consumer Officer at Hasbro. .We felt like 2021 was the perfect time to give fans the opportunity to show the world what community means to them through voting on new Community Chest Cards. We’re really excited to see what new cards get voted in!.

Ah, the man of the hour!

He’s more masculine than I’d expected. If Nyman really is responsible for this then I’ve grossly lost my opening bet that “she” would be a flat-chested ovoid NYC feminist. But no… Surely no man could be so feminized as to write THOSE cards?

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As president of Hasbro North America, Nyman is responsible for sales and marketing for the entire U.S. market. Prior to his role as president, he served as general manager and senior vice president of marketing at Hasbro, and also worked in brand management roles for Timberland and LEGO.

Nyman earned a bachelor’s degree in history from Virginia Wesleyan in 1994. While at Wesleyan, he played basketball and tennis for the Marlins and completed an internship at the Virginia Beach Surf & Rescue Museum. He was the first Virginia Wesleyan student to apply for a Rhodes Scholarship…

I don’t think he got it, which is good news for his soul.

…and went on to earn an MBA from the Boston College Carrol School of Management. He lives with his wife and two daughters in Providence, Rhode Island, and currently serves as a member of the Virginia Wesleyan University Board of Trustees.

DODO! Dad Of Daughters Only! It’s hard to resist the feminist tide and exceptionally hard when you’re the only man in the house.

Not looking good for my prediction. But wait, there’s another possibility!

Hasbro Announces New Global Purpose Organization Will Be Led by Kathrin Belliveau

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January 2021, so the date matches up with some investor reports I found announcing this change.

Hasbro has formed a new Global Purpose Organization, which aims to improve the world for children and families. The company has appointed Kathrin Belliveau as Chief Purpose Officer, where she will oversee efforts among Global Government Relations, Global Communications, Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability, Ethical Sourcing and Philanthropy and Social Impact to enhance the company’s global impacts.

Holy GloboCorp, Batman! The only way she could be more monstrous is… if she was…

Kathrin will report to Brian Goldner, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. Kathrin has served Hasbro in several capacities since joining the company in 1997. She began her career with the company as an Attorney, and most recently served as Senior Vice President of Global Government, Regulatory Affairs and CSR.

Textbook feminist physiognomy! NYC haircut confirmed but no nose ring or blue hair. Not ovoid but definitely flat-chested. Thousand-cock stare. Hmm, alcoholism typically gives the face a flushed look, not present here, but makeup can do a lot. (She’s a high-powered corporate lawyer, ergo alcoholic, don’t tell me otherwise.) And speaking of Batman, that’s one heck of a manjaw.

That’s a reeeally long neck. Huh.

So, she got to about age 50 as a high-level attorney and then convinced the Powers That Be… specifically Nyman, if I read the org charts correctly, Hasbro leadership seems top-heavy… to transfer her from global regulations to a specially created position of hating the pretty young women that her career never allowed her to be. A bitter cat lady eliminating the girl-ness that she never got to enjoy for herself.

And Nyman can’t see the massive losses about to hit his company because of his unwillingness to tell hags that beauty contests are normal, healthy and for most people, fun. Not that Hasbro isn’t already doomed; from my first article,

Hasbro is committed to making the world a better place for all children and all families through corporate social responsibility and philanthropy. Hasbro ranked among the 2020 100 Best Corporate Citizens by 3BL Media, has been named one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies? by Ethisphere Institute for the past ten years, and one of America’s Most JUST Companies by Forbes and JUST Capital for the past four years.

And that, folks, is why we can’t keep our happy childhood memories.

If the Jab Doesn’t Kill You, This Will

If you refuse to get vaxxed because you don’t care enough about your health or the health of people who made it to age 70 without making peace with their mortality, then please… think of the FREE DONUTS!

Krispy Kreme offers free glazed donut to those who show Covid vaccine card

It isn’t just a one-time offer . those with vaccine cards can return every single day for free donuts through the end of 2021.

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Starting Monday, Krispy Kreme is offering customers an extra incentive to get vaccinated . a free Original Glazed doughnut to those who present their vaccine card at any Krispy Kreme store in the U.S.

And it isn’t just a one-time offer . those with vaccine cards can return every single day for free donuts through the end of 2021.

You know what one of the biggest fatality predictors for COVID is? Type 2 diabetes.

On its website, the company says those who want the free treat must present a Covid-19 vaccination record card indicating that they have received at least one shot of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccines, or the single shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine. The company will not honor vaccine stickers.

.Providing free Original Glazed doughnuts to those who get vaccinated is just another gesture that we hope sweetens people’s lives as the country accelerates to put this virus behind us,. the company said in a statement to NBC News.

Nobody believes the lockdowns will lift in the near future. Half the population doesn’t even WANT them to lift. Bat Chink Soup is a free, paid two-week vacation every time you test positive! Free donuts doesn’t begin to compare to a giveaway like that.

Krispy Kreme offers up to four hours of paid time off to its employees to facilitate them getting vaccinated. The company is also planning on sending free donuts to select vaccination centers throughout the country in the coming weeks to “support health care workers and volunteers who are helping administer vaccines..

This is like a vascular surgeon opening a McDonald’s franchise next to his medical practice. I can’t tell if the intent is to cover up vaxx deaths with autopsy findings of insulin shock, or vice versa.

The Juan Jimenez-Salas Story

I miss doing true crime. Ever since Chinaballs started bouncing, it’s been all illegal immigrant this and elected official that and Joker memes everywhere. Man bites dog, coyote sells kids into sex slavery, etc. Crime just isn’t what it used to be…. it used to be illegal.

While this story doesn’t break the trend, it’s an excellent postcard of the state of modern law enforcement plus a happy ending.

Illegal immigrant from Mexico wanted for raping two young girls shot, killed by police in Texas

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By Paul Sacca, 20 March 2021

A previously deported illegal immigrant who was a wanted man for felony charges of rape involving two young children was reportedly shot and killed by police in Texas this week.

Yet another repeat criminal turned out to be a criminal. Why is that not a tautology? Back in my college days, I rolled my eyes when the logic professor taught the axiom “A implies A”. Now I know that he was protecting us from ending up at Harvard.

Juan Jimenez-Salas, 46, was accused of repeatedly molesting the two young daughters of his Arkansas girlfriend, authorities said. The father of the girls, both under the age of 10, informed authorities in November that he suspected that Jimenez-Salas was sexually abusing the girls, who are 6 years old and 8 years old. The young sisters allegedly told their father that while traveling with their mother they were raped at a hotel room in McKinney, Texas, Captain Scott Harwell with the El Dorado Police Department in Arkansas told KDFW-TV.

Oh come on, I can SEE the whiteout on that. Even in the Digital Age!

Segue 1

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Authorities had been searching for Jimenez-Salas since November, when the girls. father in North Texas told police he believed Jimenez-Salas had been raping the Texas man’s children. The girls had reportedly told their father they were raped in a McKinney, Texas, hotel room while traveling with their mother and the suspect, Harwell told FOX 4.

Segue 2

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Harwell says their investigation began a few days after Thanksgiving 2020 when a Grayson County father reported that Salas had been sexually abusing his 6- and 8-year-old daughters in both Collin County and El Dorado. He says Jimenez-Salas was the boyfriend of the girl’s mother and had been living with her in El Dorado.

Exactly what I suspected. How do these bad actors get access to little kids? Mommy kicks Daddy out of the house, 9 times out of 10. One notices that Daddy was in Texas while Mommy was in Arkansas… that was not an intact family.

End segues

A U.S. Marshals task force got involved with the investigation of Jimenez-Salas, who was wanted on 11 felony charges, including five counts of rape and six counts of indecency with a child.

“Approximately 20 years ago, he was arrested on felony charges similar to that on what we have on him in this case now,” Capt. Harwell said. “And he was deported back to Mexico.”

We’re a nation of immigrants! They only come here seeking a better life! And free treatment for exotic, contagious diseases! And drug trafficking! And voting for more welfare! And child molestation with hybristophiliac feral skanks!

On Friday, law enforcement used the GPS on the phone of Jimenez-Salas to track down the illegal alien from Mexico in Tarrant County, Texas. Capt. Harwell said, “We lucked up and had a phone number that we were able to track and in that lead gave us information tying us to Arlington, Texas.”

Hello, surveillance state. I finally broke down and got a smartphone during the Commiefornia lockdowns so I could talk to my friends but I gotta say, stories like this give me severe buyer’s remorse. Although my flip phone was probably equally trackable.

At least police need a warrant to GPS-triangulate him… or did they?

Local police officers in Arlington who were assigned to the U.S. Marshals North Texas Fugitive Task Force conducted a traffic stop on Jimenez-Salas after he purportedly committed a traffic violation.

A standard, longstanding police procedure… but how is it, I wonder, that they could legally track his phone but not legally search his vehicle? I don’t know but there are laws being passed right now in California and surely elsewhere, granting automatic access to Big Tech data for various, sometimes unnamed government and corporate agencies.

Then again, if Barbie gave Salas her smartphone then not-yet-an-ex-Husband would have been the account holder of it.

Then again, it might have simply been a question of jurisdiction.

People not knowing this kind of thing is why our society is devolving into conspiracy theories and paranoia. The complexity of our modern world, not just technology but law and culture and medicine and finance also, is impossible for any one man to comprehend. Often intentionally so. Cockroaches need their dark corners in order to thrive.

Jimenez-Salas allegedly pointed a handgun at an Arlington police officer, who reacted by shooting and killing the armed man.

I do love a happy ending but that strikes me as too convenient. Eh, I don’t care. There are the rules and there are the reasons the rules exist, and the reason we have a criminal justice system is to ensure that hardened criminals like Jimenez-Salas end up dead as quickly as possible.

If only the mother could be next. She is also a hardened criminal.

Both girls were reportedly safe with their father in North Texas. The whereabouts of their mother are unknown, but authorities said she was notified of her boyfriend’s death.

Mommy is on the run! Yet no article I perused dared to mention that she was an accomplice to the raping of her own children.

Learn To Code, Trump Edition

I could find it in my heart to pity the Trump Administration ex-staffers except for what the success stories look like.

Trump aides seeking jobs ‘blocked everywhere’

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By Paul Bedard, 19 March 2021

You can count on two hands the number of top aides to former President Donald Trump who have landed new jobs.

Former spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany is at Fox. Trump communicators Julia Hahn and Judd Deere joined newly elected Tennessee Sen. Bill Hagerty. The Heritage Foundation expanded its immigration team by giving fellowships to former acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf, his deputy Ken Cuccinelli, and former border boss Mark Morgan.

It’s like recycling garbage. Check that, it IS recycling garbage. Protecting Deep State bureaucrats from spending one single day the dreaded private sector.

But for most others, resumes are gathering dust, book manuscripts are being rejected, and corporations are being threatened with boycotts if they hire members of Trump’s team.

.They are being blocked everywhere,. said Matt Schlapp, chairman of the American Conservative Union.

On the one hand, they don’t deserve to be blacklisted like this, least of all by the people who whined about blacklisting when it was being done to them. On the other hand, watching Deep State roaches fail to find the usual comfortable sinecures in the Alternative Ivory Towers of D.C. and have no actually marketable skills to fall back on, gives me a savage joy.

Time to be a small fish in a large pond, ye former Masters Of the Universe! Learn to code!

It.s “natural for the party that lost the White House, just as we saw after the Bush and Obama administrations, to spend a few months in the wilderness, so to speak,. added Brian Walsh, a partner at PLUS Communications.

But this time feels different, and many critics have said it is deserved.

.They took a wrecking ball to the ‘swamp.’ Why would the ‘swamp’ want them back?. a top K Street lobbyist asked.

There was no wrecking ball. Some regulations got lifted and for a couple weeks, it looked like Trump might have been serious about downsizing the bureaucracy. I suppose to the Perfumed Princes, that was a living hell.

Eric Dezenhall, an author and Washington communications adviser, said it is going to be hard for Trump staffers to land jobs quickly, especially with corporations, due to concerns that the White House played fast and loose with the truth.

He’s got a new book coming out on the topic so I infer he’s not a Trump staffer. Seeing as somebody is willing to publish him.

.I had one client say to me that they’re avoiding people from ‘Trumpworld’ because they are afraid that hiring from somebody from that world right out of the gate will provoke somebody into accusing them of lying,. Dezenhall said.

.The Trump crowd was able to traffic in dubious information, but they could do that as long as he was in power. When he loses that power, they’re now victims of the same character assassination,. said Dezenhall, whose new book False Light tackles that issue.

Mmm, sweet schadenfreude! The Republican Party loved to play the game of noble defeat right up to the end… the end of letting the Democrats steal the election in broad daylight. Now they’re no longer needed because they couldn’t recognize a killshot when it slapped them in the face.

He added that Trump staffers have another strike against them. Republicans are not what corporations want because most have liberal management.

That’s the price of four years spent doing NOTHING about the Fascist state. This didn’t happen in a day. Neither was Trump Derangement Syndrome a problem that snuck up on these people.

.The people who worked for Republican presidents have always had baggage that others have not had, and because corporations are desperate to be loved by people who don’t like them, they’re well known to recruit more heavily from Democrats,” Dezenhall said.

Analysis: true!

His advice was for Trump administration staffers to avoid attention, take any job in their issue lane, and try again in a year.

Analysis: stupid! Because Drumpf will still be hated next year. He’s not leaving politics behind, right?

Longtime Washington communicator Ron Bonjean, a partner at ROKK Solutions, agreed.

.For those who want to stay in the Washington area, finding jobs with corporate offices and high-profile trade associations are probably going to be difficult to land,” he said. “However, there are a number of right-of-center consulting firms along with new and existing policy campaigns that are going to be much more welcoming.”

If they actually want to stay in Pyongyang-On-the-Potomac then I hope they suffer in every way possible. They’re power-hungry pansies who cling so desperately to the halls and trappings of power, that they’d rather die as untouchables in a police state than reinvent themselves as ordinary Americans in flyover country. They deserve this fate.

Those who realize they’ve lost power for the final time, can take a hard look at their own beliefs and realize they’re been serving an Evil Empire for far too long. I don’t mean the Socialists: I mean the entire American system of government going back to the disenfranchisement of ordinary American men.

Next up: the Democrat staffers learn how much fun it is to work for Satan’s inner circle. If these Republicucks try VERY hard then they might get to experience that, too! While pitying their former peers who escape to the private sector to live free.

Some crimes punish themselves.

Epstein Files: Judge Nathan

I’ve only been skimming the headlines of the Ghislane Maxwell trial. It’s been one delaying tactic after another with little activity to report. Then I saw this article about both the prosecution and defense agreeing to not release info, clicked and whoa… presiding Judge Nathan is not a man. Not at ALL.

Judge: Certain Ghislaine Maxwell Details Too “Sensational and Impure” for Public Release

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By Joshua Caplan, 18 March 2021

A federal judge in New York City ruled Thursday that various redactions sought by both alleged Jeffrey Epstein madame, Ghislaine Maxwell, and prosecutors should remain in place.

U.S. District Judge Alison Nathan agreed to multiple redactions proposed by Maxwell, while okaying a majority of the redactions requested by government lawyers.

When both sides of the trial request that the details of “blackmailing senior government officials by encouraging them to rape children on camera” be kept secret because the public would be TOO interested in them, it’s a dirty trial. Not that I expected clean but here’s the smoking gun.

Law & Crime reports: Judge Nathan did side with Maxwell on several additional redactions proposed to transcripts submitted as part of the government’s filing, finding that to make those details public would only tend to cater to an appetite for the “sensational and impure.. …

In February, Maxwell lost a bid to keep secret an excerpt from a 2016 deposition regarding sex toys.

I don’t recall great scandal happening as a result of that.

Maxwell, 58, is in a federal lockup in Brooklyn awaiting a July trial on charges that she recruited three teenage girls in the 1990s for Epstein to sexually abuse.

In December 2020, Maxwell was once against denied bail, citing her status as a serious flight risk.

Judge Nathan said Maxwell poses a serious flight risk due to her wealth and holding citizenship in more than one country.

Ouch! Judge Nathan played the “You’re a Jew!” card on Maxwell and got away with it! How did she manage that?

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words.

Alas poor Smeagol, Judge Nathan is an outspoken Jewish lesbian who lives ‘married’ with her lover and two adopted boys. Which raises the question of whether she’s a Minor-Attracted Person. I can’t answer that but here’s some hard stuff:

Congratulations Judge Nathan


13 October 2011

Congratulations to Alison Nathan, an openly lesbian former Associate White House Counsel, whom right-wingers almost scared the Senate into failing to confirm. The bad guys failed, and the confirmation succeeded by a 48 to 44 vote. Ali will join the Southern District of New York, where she will sit alongside (figuratively) openly gay judges Deborah Batts and Paul Oetken. Nathan and Batts are the only two openly lesbian federal district court judges; Oetken is the one and only openly gay male federal district court judge.

The most heavily invoked reason for conservative opposition during the debate over Nathan was not her sexual orientation or even the code word fear of “judicial activism.” Instead, bizarrely enough, Sen. Jeffrey Sessions spoke for 18 minutes mostly about her openness to considering law from outside the U.S. in her rulings.

There is nothing bizarre about denouncing a judge (with dual citizenship, no less) for invoking foreign laws. The legal term is treason, I believe.

Conservatives seized on a book chapter that Nathan wrote about international human rights issues: “Arresting Juxtapositions: The Story of Roper v. Simmons. in Human Rights Advocacy Stories. Conservative legal commentator Ed Whelan condemned the chapter’s endorsement of the ..internalization. of international human rights law arguments. into Supreme Court decisionmaking on constitutional issues.

Nathan is a confirmed globohomo.

Prior to her White House work, Nathan clerked for Justice Stevens, worked at Wilmer Cutler, and taught for brief stints at Fordham and NYU Law Schools.

The Fordham stint establishes a connection between Nathan and the Jesuits.

Now we know why Maxwell is still breathing. The judge is a high-level agent of the New World Order and in perfect position to limit any damage that could result from the trial. It’s a little surprising that Nathan didn’t let her relative escape on bail, but the atheist Jews are well-known to hate the Zionists. I suspect there’s some internecine feuding going on… flipping Maxwell from Mossad to ((CIA)) would be a strong intelligence coup, but at the same time it’s obvious why Maxwell would be reluctant to flip.

Because Epstein didn’t kill himself.

Potato Joe Is A Double Entendre!

Resident Joe “Blow” Biden is sometimes called Potato Joe for his advanced mental decline, which has become so severe that people are starting to wonder about stunt doubles and deepfakes. (With the mask mandate, I find the former more likely.)

But Biden accidentally let slip a second reason for the nickname when he celebrated St. Patrick’s Day by wishing the holiday had never come into existence. The double mask slips again!

Joe Biden Jokes He Wishes His Ancestors Stayed in Ireland

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By Charlie Spiering, 17 Mar 2021

President Joe Biden joked Wednesday at the White House he wished his Irish ancestors had stayed in Ireland.

The president commented as he recalled his visits to his ancestral homeland at a St. Patrick’s Day in a video conference with Irish Prime Minister Miche?l Martin.

.I joked at the time, after I left, I wondered why the hell we left in the first place; it’s beautiful,. he said.

Is that so, Potato Joe? You had many opportunities to gone back to your ancestral homeland and no shortage of Americans willing to pay for your exit. Like the Coloreds who complain about white privilege then refuse to get on a boat back to Africa, you slander the land and people who gave you your comfortable lives because the alternative is acknowledging our kindness and generosity.

With a bunch of clovers in his pocket, Biden acknowledged the celebrations this year were virtual due to the coronavirus pandemic and accepted a bowl of clovers from the prime minister.

The most powerful man in the world celebrates holidays in isolation… in solidarity with the inmates of San Quentin State Prison, perhaps? For the same reason that his handlers want to keep their potential problems on lockdown?

He recalled that his grandfather, Ambrose Finnegan, would always celebrate the family’s Irish heritage.

.[Grandpa Ambrose] would say “Joey remember, the best drop of blood in you is Irish,’. he said.

Joe should have listened. Instead, Resident Biden is Hell-bent on exterminating the white Christian population of the nation who gave his ancestors a new home.

Ireland has their own auto-genocide program. I understand it’s called “Ireland 2040”. Zman has a post up that is insightful about how the Irish hated the English so much for so long, that it became a negative identity and they no longer know what it means to be Irish. Link but no segue:

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Whatever being Irish means, it’s probably not about drinking green water:

Biden also noted he followed the tradition of dying the White House fountain green for St. Patrick’s Day.


Biden.s great-grandfather, Patrick Blewitt, emigrated from Ireland in 1850 and his other great-great-grandfather, Owen Finnegan, moved from Ireland in 1849.

The Irish Potato Famine was 1845-1852.

Potato Joe.


This being [a day after] St. Patrick’s Day, please select your definition of what it means to be Irish:

1. Wear two face diapers and cower in your bedroom, hoping that the gunshots are BIPOC terrorists and not the National Guard you forced to live in an unheated parking garage for three months of winter because some of them voted for Trump.

2. Get drunk and start a pub brawl. *GunnerQ ducks.*

3. Appreciate and celebrate the myths, songs, architecture and history of your unique people, remembering your ancestors and way of life a little more accurately than a dementia patient regretting his bloodline choosing food over beauty.

The Christian Alternative To Sperm Banks

What’s a Christian woman to do when she wants a baby without submitting to a husband, but is “devout enough” (whatever that means in Current Year) to not go skanking or sperm banking? Adoption! Cut the man out ENTIRELY! God’s only objection to making bastards is having sex during the process!

Christian Singles Aren’t Waiting for Marriage to Become Parents

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By Kara Bettis, 16 March 2021

Heather Creed grew up in suburban Indiana and attended Taylor University, expecting her life trajectory to be similar to that of many of her friends. .I always thought I would marry and have seven kids and be a stay-at-home, homeschool mom,. Creed said. .That’s clearly not what happened..

Odd. That’s almost always what happens when a woman marries young and rides hubby until he walks funny.

Creed, 45, is now an attorney who settled in Columbus, Ohio, after stints in Waco, Texas, and New York City.

BWAHAHAHAA!!! “I wanted a big, conservative family, so I went to college and became a lawyer in NYC. I have no idea how my dream failed!” Maybe you don’t find Canada by traveling south, Tits.

Her family isn’t the traditional midwestern one of her childhood. She never married. But that didn’t stop her from adopting two boys and recently becoming licensed, for the second time, to foster children in her home.

.I don’t have to worry about the health of my marriage and myself and my husband and any biological children,. she said. .I can give so much more focus to the healing and restoration of the child..

Creed, a white woman, feels she has stepped into the pain of broken families in new ways as she parents 13- and 5-year-old fatherless black boys. It’s part of the reason she moved to New York City from Texas.

She be rayciss!

Andy Jackson, 33, was single when he started fostering a decade ago while working as a special education teacher in Pell City, Alabama. He adopted his first child when he was 23 and went on to adopt two more children, one with special needs.

He gave up on both marriage and fertility at age 23? Especially for teachers for which a degree is often a prerequisite, that’s their first year out of college. Something stinks.

Now married, he and his wife have eight children.including a toddler they are in the process of adopting together, three biological children from his wife’s previous marriage, and one she adopted with her deceased husband. Collectively, they estimate, they have fostered more than 50 children through foster and respite care.

He should have waited until marriage before fostering.

Angelle Jones, 64, was one of the first in her community to foster or adopt when she took in a five-year-old girl in Cincinnati in 1978. She was 21 then and hadn’t met another single African American adoptive parent like her.or even a black couple who had adopted from an agency. (Kinship adoption was more common, she said.) More recently, she’s had multiple conversations with single women around her who are considering adoption.

I suspect welfare fraud by an infertile skank. She grew up watching the ghetto mamas work the system and as soon as she legally could (age 21), she grabbed a meal ticket for herself and followed their parasitic examples.

[Jones] was raised without the picture-perfect nuclear family, and she didn’t see that as a barrier to her own desire to provide a home for children.

.I grew up with a single mom. She made it look easy. I realize in my community and context there were more single parents than married. It was a norm for me,. said Jones, who never married and who adopted her daughter in 1984 after two years of fostering. Sixteen years later, she also raised her granddaughter. .For years I didn’t meet any single African American women who adopted..

Yep. Welfare fraud and multigenerational bastardy.

By the way, this article isn’t just a one-off story from Christianity Today. It’s the cover article for their current-issue magazine. Neither the author nor the editors and proofreaders were willing & able to read between the lines.

The modern Church has a seething pathological hatred of fatherhood disguised as female empowerment.

While adoption and orphan care have long been core causes for evangelicals, they have largely had the nuclear family at their center. In his 2010 case for “Why Every Christian Is Called to Support Adoption,. Russell Moore wrote in CT that “the fatherhood of God is better understood in a culture where children know what it means to say “Daddy” and .Mommy…

When he’s right, he’s right. God intended children to have BOTH a mother AND a father. Adopting children as a single parent is child abuse… guaranteeing them a broken, empty home. Nobody doing this cares about the kid.

Creed, Jackson, and Jones represent a small but significant number of Christian women and men pursuing foster care and adoption while single. Like other single parents, these single parents by choice often face immense financial and lifestyle challenges.

QED. It would be parent abuse, too, except Parent volunteered.

But in evangelical churches, such parents also have to swim against the current of long-held norms around family.

God’s design for humanity has been reduced to a “long-held norm”?

As many Christians remain single longer and later, however, advocates say that singles who foster and adopt are finding increased acceptance and support among their fellow conservative Christians.

NO. THEY. ARE. NOT. They are not conservatives unless they conserve something! The concept of the nuclear family would be a great start.

Singles.mostly women.accounted for nearly 30 percent of all public adoptions in 2019, taking in more than 19,000 children.

Nearly all women, I should say, and specifically the Original Sin-sick wimminz who would rather torture somebody else’s child than submit to a man. I went looking for statistics on male vs female and only found LGBT shills. It says much about human nature that the two groups most interested in adopting are devout Christians and pedophiles. It says much about our government that the latter is preferred.

The Department of Health and Human Services doesn’t track adoptive parents by religion and doesn’t distinguish between never-married and divorced individuals, but limited data from the National Survey of Family Growth shows that unmarried evangelical and nonevangelical women express similar levels of interest in adopting.

As atheists love to point out, the gulf in behavior between believers and unbelievers is nonexistent. That’s because both groups of women are encouraged and subsidized to rebel against men. I remain furiously mystified that the entire Christian Church across the world chokes on just the first three chapters of Scripture!

Jedd Medefind, president of the advocacy and support group Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO), said he has seen singles involved in foster care and adoption throughout his career, but he’s noticed it a lot more in the past five to seven years, as foster care and adoption in general have surged in the church.

.It.s been a steady increase in both interest and engagement by singles in every facet of working with vulnerable children.foster care, adoption, mentoring,. Medefind said. .There is a desire to live out God’s call in practical ways, for their faith to not just be theoretical but to serve in hands-on ways..

She doesn’t want to be feminine.

She doesn’t want to submit to a man as God intended.

She doesn’t want to be denied her “right” to have a baby just because her career allows no time for motherhood.

She wants the taxpayer to backfill every anti-natalist decision she ever made in life.

And the organized Church prides itself on going out of its way to enable those attitudes. “Our faith is not merely theoretical! We’re with HER!”

And the Father Of All does a divine facepalm.

Atlanta.s North Point Community Church is one place where that desire is evident. More than 100 families are involved in its Fostering Together ministry, which supports foster and adoptive families across the multisite church’s seven locations. At the Buckhead campus alone, nearly half of the 13 families with foster children are parented by single adults.

Alison Feyereisen, who helps lead the ministry, hasn’t seen any recent surge in singles taking in children, but she has noticed that “the church seems to be more welcoming and supporting it better than [in] years before.” Fostering Together aims to bolster that support.for singles and providing both adults and children with what Feyereisen calls “wraparound care” that is holistic and practical and by engaging in churchwide activism and prayer.

.Psalm 68 says that God puts the lonely in families. And that’s not primarily just talking about a biological nuclear family; it’s talking about the people of God,. said pastor and The Gospel Coalition editor Sam Allberry in a TGC video in early 2019. .A single person may be thinking, .I.m just a mum or just a dad and I can’t do the role of both parents,. but actually, with the support of a wider church family, that child should be growing up in a very, very healthy family context. I think it’s a great thing for singles to adopt..

Burn in Eternal Hell, Sam Allberry, for your encouragement of bastardy and female rebellion against men. At least we have a face for the heretics pushing these anti-family teachings.

Helping singles who are already caring for vulnerable children seems like a natural role for churches. But how much they should encourage singles to pursue foster care.and especially far less clear.

Historically, married couples have been upheld as the ideal family model, including for foster care and adoption. The Child Welfare League of America standardized its commitment in 1958, stating that adoptive families should include both a mother and a father. Efforts to recruit single adults to adopt began in the 1960s, according to the University of Oregon’s Adoption History Project, when the Los Angeles Bureau of Adoptions tapped single African Americans to help place black children.

The church, in particular, has had a “high view of the nuclear family and a hesitancy about intentionally forming families that are something other than a traditional, two-parent home,. according to Jonathan Reid, the founder of Fostering Hope, a New England.based group that supports local churches in foster care and adoption.

Steve Roach, the executive director of Catholic Charities of Springfield, Illinois, told The Heritage Foundation in 2018 that “our preference for non-relative foster placements was with married couples to give children the opportunity for a mother and a father figure in their lives. We would work with single parents as long as they were not cohabitating with another adult..

While most states allow for adoption by an unmarried person, in Arizona and Utah, married couples are explicitly preferred over single-parent households. Individual agencies have their own preferences, which often stem from religious objections to cohabiting or same-sex parenting and have been challenged in court. Policies at some faith-based agencies that prohibit placement with LGBT couples, for instance, are at the center of a case currently before the Supreme Court.

I hope the D.C. StateEmpire gives us permission to obey God, else I’ll have to become a Musselman. Child adoption by Sodomites is a hill that the Church absolutely should die on! And while we’re at it, child adoption by NYC lawyers and ghetto rats for the exact same reason.

Many studies have shown detrimental effects on children who grow up in single-parent households instead of two-parent households. And children who are adopted or fostered are more likely to struggle socially, emotionally, and academically, said sociologist and National Marriage Project director W. Bradford Wilcox.

.Single parents and single mothers may struggle with the challenges of raising a kid in foster care without having a second parent to support them and support the child,. he said.

I note with great displeasure that Wilcox did NOT say “don’t do it”.

In some situations, that could be dangerous, he said, putting the parent, the child, or both at risk. Foster children especially are already in a difficult situation, and Wilcox believes that in most cases, agencies should prioritize placements with married, two-parent households for the sake of stability and support for the children.

But for singles like Clarise Cannings, running up against the traditional agency preference for married parents can feel like a personal rejection. The 42-year-old originally applied to a private Christian agency when she was pursuing foster care in Bowie, Maryland.

.They were looking for a certain type of person to be an adoptive parent,. she said. When the agency found out that she was single and worked full-time (even though she worked from home and her company was supportive of foster care), Cannings said they told her they “have moms we use..

.It hurt a lot,. she said. .Maybe they didn’t think I was motherly enough..

You were not motherly enough, Clarise. You had no use or place in your life for a child except as a feminist merit badge. Credit to that agency, they recognized you for who you are: not motherhood material. Just like all the men in your life did.

That agency referred Cannings to a public agency…

Sigh. I take back that credit.

…and she has since fostered eight different children from newborn to 19 years old over the past two years. The only time she declined a placement was when the agency asked if she could take both a one-year-old and a three-year-old. Despite her desire, she felt that wasn’t wise as a single person.

.I had a yearning to be a mother. I recognized that there were children who need a mother. The Lord allowed me to have these rooms, this space, and allowed me to have room in my heart,. she said.

Inquiring minds want to know, did she also hire a nanny to be the mother her full-time job didn’t allow her to be, or did she get passed over for promotion because of “the glass ceiling” of not prioritizing her work over family?


Advocates like Reid think evangelical attitudes toward single parenting by choice are shifting. One reason could be reduced stigma toward single parenting generally, given the prevalence of divorce within the church and the desire among Christians to support mothers who otherwise might choose an abortion, said R. Marie Griffith, a professor of humanities at Washington University in St. Louis who has studied trends among evangelical women.


Marriage rates, too, are declining inside and outside the church…

Again, atheists think that means we don’t believe what we preach. They’re right and the Church should be ashamed of itself.

…leaving more single women childless.

Marriage rates fall, women most affected!

Reid, who said his own views on the issue have evolved, noted that singles have other entry points beyond fostering and adoption: There is respite care (a trained position to aid foster families), or working with emergency placements that are as temporary as a day or a weekend.

.Is it ideal for a kid to be in foster care with two parents? Yes, of course,. Reid said. But there are so many kids and the need is so urgent that there is “absolutely a place” for singles to provide direct care for at-risk children.

That is a fatal trap for Christians: “the needs of the moment outweigh the long-held norms mandated by God” argument.

For a child coming from an unstable background, living with just one stable parent can be a huge improvement.

That *IS* the unstable background!

And in some cases, singleness can be an advantage: Children with a history of sexual or physical abuse, refugee children, or teen boys with a violent history toward men (for instance, protecting their mother from her batterer) might benefit from placement with a single woman, said Cheri Williams, who oversees Bethany Christian Services. domestic programs.

This isn’t funny. This is child abuse on steroids with a Jesus tattoo.

.There’s the myth of the perfect family or stay-at-home mom,. Williams said. .There is no perfect family, but there can be a “just right fit.” You’re not meeting family’s needs; you’re meeting the kid’s needs..

Forrr the chilllldreeeen! As decreed by Mommy.

Bethany estimates that about 20 percent of its foster parents are unmarried. The agency saw a 3 percent increase in single foster parents from 2019 to 2020, according to a spokesperson. There are more than 400,000 children in foster care nationwide, with 120,000 of them eligible for adoption right now.

In March, Bethany announced it would allow LGBT couples to foster and adopt nationwide, in a move to be inclusive toward different arrangements of parents (it was already allowing such foster placements in some states).

Williams.s team watches for certain red flags…

Not including the foster parent being sexually attracted to teenage boys while cross-dressing as a made-up gender?

…when they consider placements with single people. They try to weed out those who may be motivated by the financial “benefits” of foster care (which is a myth, Williams added) or by overly strong maternal instincts, which she calls the “motherhood motivation..

It’s a myth that welfare fraud can be a motive? Here, have a brochure… quoting from page six:


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A Note About Finances and Adoption Costs
One common myth about adoption is that only wealthy parents can adopt and successfully raise healthy, happy
children. First and foremost, children need loving families. But the costs associated with adoptions may be
particularly relevant to single parents, who typically rely on one income.

Adoption costs can vary widely depending on the type of adoption you choose. In general, if you adopt from
foster care, adoption costs will be low or even free. If you choose private domestic or intercountry adoption,
costs, such as agency or adoption services provider fees, will be considerably more expensive.

Government-sanctioned adoption is shamelessly subsidized.

Each State’s adoption assistance policy varies, so you should review what subsidies and other supports your State offers. For State-by-State information on adoption assistance, visit the Information Gateway webpage, Adoption Assistance by State (

To help further offset adoption costs, Federal or State tax credits, loans, grants, or employer-provided adoption
benefits may also be available to you.

If you need help reading through those lines then, well, you must not have noticed that fifth-generation ghetto queens are a normal sight in the projects.

End segue

Single parenting by choice is a calling. It’s not for people who simply want to “experience having kids,. said Robin Gerardi, head of WeFoster, a ministry of First Baptist Church Woodstock in Georgia. WeFoster provides extra support for single foster moms.who make up 12 of the 60 foster families at the church.including laundry services, handyman volunteers, and meal trains when a family receives a placement. proven that single moms are some of our best foster moms. They get it, they focus on the kids,. Gerardi said.

You lie, Gerardi. You defame the very concept of fatherhood, in the name of Father God no less, and call it “some of our best”. You have no use for Christ except to the extent He enables you to do what you would be doing regardless.

If your beliefs don’t change your behavior then you don’t have any beliefs. Did God intend children to be raised by mother AND father or not? If so then why do you not act like it? Because children do better with a single mother who puts them in child care because she has no time to raise them, than they would being put in child care?

The stink of Feminist Merit Badge is everywhere on this. Women want children. Women don’t want to serve a husband. How fortunate that “some of our best foster families are single mothers”!!!

Heather Creed agrees. .I don’t have to worry about the health of my marriage and myself and my husband and any biological children,. she said. .I can give so much more focus to the healing and restoration of the child..


Cristen Simcox, 31, also believes that singles don’t have to adopt. There’s a waiting list for adoption, she said, but not for foster care and “in the gap” care.

Simcox felt led to foster while a pediatric emergency room nurse in Temple, Texas, after seeing the awful circumstances her young patients faced. She and a friend.also a single Christian and an ER nurse.had wanted to house children in need but felt their unpredictable schedules would make it too difficult.

.Logistically, neither of us could do it alone, but maybe we could together,. she said. So, they moved in together. Though their parenting styles were different, Simcox said, they were able to support each other and lean on the wraparound care of their community.

.I really wanted to show [the kids] the love that God has for them for whatever period I had with them in my home.” Simcox ultimately adopted her first two placements before meeting her future husband, Stephen. They met on a dating app, and she wasn’t able to hide the fact that she was a single mom.

.I had baby clothes in a bag on our first date,. Simcox said. .So, I told him right away. He was surprised but was attracted to my heart for the Lord..

The image of Original Sin is complete. Barbie wanted babies without the effort of caring for a husband, and “Stephen the Martyr” stepped up to make her feral dream a reality.

He didn’t even get screwed. That’s sad, man.

With widespread evangelical enthusiasm for adoption and foster care, it can be easy to forget those institutions only exist because of widespread brokenness.

In some ways, singles are catching the sharpest pieces when families and communities break.

In other ways, if the church hated masculine men any more then it would celebrate Father’s Day by literally crucifying some fathers.

I had some family relations living in a distant state. The parents had three daughters. The first daughter got pregnant out of wedlock in high school. The parents were very upset but then they did everything they could to help Snowflake keep the baby and not suffer the typical consequences of single motherhood because they loved her.

The other two daughters watched single motherhood become the fast track to money and empowerment and special attention, and both got their asses knocked up in high school, too.

If my relatives had truly loved their daughters, they would have ruined their eldest’s life in order to teach the correct lessons to their other daughters. They would have made her suffer because what she did was evil.

Single motherhood is a plague of wickedness upon our land. It doesn’t matter if a woman gets there by paperwork or turkey baster. What does matter is that she hated the very concept of serving a husband.

She hated Christ, the husband of loyal humanity.

NBC’s Convergence Of Emergency Temporary Measures and. Shopping

I always wondered about how in Genesis 3, Eve got the command about fruit-touching wrong. Gen. 3:13 “Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, .Did God really say, .You must not eat from any tree in the garden.?. The woman said to the serpent, .We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, .You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die…

There was no command against touching it. My takeaway was that women are more interested in pleasing her master than following (or remembering) the rules. Which brings us to an entertaining “wife” of NBC-FAUCI News.

Entertaining as in “world-sized dumpster fire of total bullshit now made mandatory”.

CDC updates: Wear a mask while exercising indoors at gyms

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By Zoe Malin, Shop TODAY, 9 March 2021

Exciting news! I had no idea that I was supposed to wear a face diaper for the last year of “fifteen days” while grunting out sets in the gym, indoors like a cave-man! /sarc /sarc /SARC

…Wait… *checks byline and url* What is going on here?

Our editors independently selected these items because we think you will enjoy them and might like them at these prices. If you purchase something through our links, we may earn a commission. Pricing and availability are accurate as of publish time. Learn more about Shop TODAY.

Whaaat? Is this the news channel or the shopping channel?

Zoe Malin is a digital editorial intern for NBC News Shopping.

70 Memes That Are So Stupid

And I thought the Jesuit midget was scary. So, what does Mizz Shopping Intern have to say about medical quarantine guidelines?

The face masks from brand HALOLIFE just became some of the first to get certified, proven to meet the first ever standard for reusable face masks from ASTM International, which released those specifications last month. The standard established best practices for manufacturing face masks, a dire need in the face mask space, according to experts we consulted throughout 2020 and into 2021.

Oh, thank heaven er, Science! They finally figured out the correct kind of mask for us to wear only a year after we were ordered to wear masks that work, and DID work per medical bureaucrats at the time. I realize that face mask technology is a !SCIENCE! less than a year old, asbestos safety and clean rooms not being “sciences”, but if Marxist bureaucrats aren’t telling us what the latest fashions are then the intern reading Cosmo at her desk is.



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When artist and entrepreneur Zen Player first visited Bali in 1996, he fell in love with its people and their vibrant creativity. Inspired by this spirit, he started a business there, designing clothing and carry-packs with traditional batik and ikat woven fabrics. Ten years later, he partnered with his good friend and angel investor, Roger Davis, to create the world’s first organic fashion facemask to help tourists and expats look cool…

So yeah, this company’s product is designer trendy facewear. Zoe is just shilling for them.

…and be protected from Bali’s pervasive pollution.

The next time somebody points out that Asians wear masks all the time voluntarily, you should point out why.

Originally hand-made with organic cotton, modal, bamboo and other fabrics, the masks were instantly popular with the “yoga jet-set crowd,. known for riding scooters, which exposed them to exhaust, smoke, dust, and odors. But it took the eruption of Mt. Agung in 2017 sending a plume of toxic silica ash over Bali, and subsequent choking forest fires in Australia and California, to prove the mask’s effectiveness.

Speaking for California, we didn’t notice. Nothing Bali does to us will matter in comparison with the brute squad out of Berkeley.

Zen followed Jason back to California in early February as the deadly [chinaballs] spread into Italy and greater Europe. Together with Roger they invited two other trusted former colleagues, Christapher C. Cogswell and Keith N. Anderson . both seasoned entrepreneurs with crucial, complimentary skills and successful track records . to join their bid to secure investment in launching a bold new company, HALOLIFE.

Keith was originally brought on as CFO originally to specifically drive the fundraising efforts. He was able to secure an investment from a long time friend, Bill Allen, co-owner of i-team Global The I stands for “Inquire – Inspire . Innovate. and TEAM stands for . .Together Everybody Achieves More.” Keith was later made CEO to steer the company in launching commercially with the new ShopifyPlus eCommerce platform being developed with the funding.

HALOLIFE’s owner is an anagram of buzzwords? The red flags just keep getting bigger.

The masks costs $30 each. Mine were a three-pack for $10.

End segue.

Researchers urged gyms to require patrons wear masks during exercise and…

SHUT UP! Your kind have only been constantly screaming these exact warnings at me for a year and a half! If you don’t have anything new to say then just shut up!

It.s best to avoid the showers if possible, since you can’t get masks wet . otherwise they lose their efficacy. If you need to shower at the gym, shower as quickly as possible and only remove your mask when your face and head is going to get wet.

That’s… new. It’s certainly not official guidelines, and it better not. The “keep your face covered in between bites of food” was adopted by the TSA but civil disobedience against it was so severe that when I traveled by air last week, nobody did it while the PA system looped through a long litany of threats for noncompliance.

So, there you have it. NBC’s interns are now giving medical advice mixed in with their infomercials.  Place your bets: next week, will the CDC require face masks in the shower in between mouth-washings?

Saint Milo’s Confessions?

I knew that Milo Yiannopoulos would crack. He identified as both conservative and Sodomite; obviously, one of those was going to lose out to the other. This just in: he reportedly went Christian?

We’ve seen what genuine conversion looks like, for example Roosh V. He had a “what am I doing?” epiphany, dropped out of the fast lane for a time, unpublished his racy books and cleaned up his act before rebooting into primetime at a reduced level. True repentance in midlife is punishingly difficult and often involves the loss of friends, wealth and prestige.

We’ve also seen what fake conversion looks like, for example Kayne “Kardashian” West.

5 Things Christians Should Know about the Faith of Kanye West

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By Amanda Casanova, 7 August 2020

I’ll make it six things.

Rap singer and presidential candidate Kanye West has faced both criticism and praise as he continues his run for the presidential seat. In many states, West has filed petitions and paid fees to be placed on the ballot as an independent candidate in November. West is running under the BDY, The Birthday Party.

Oh, this is going to end SO well.

Most notably, West’s latest campaign event and his 2019 album, Jesus Is King, have shown West’s complex relationship with religion. Here are five things to know about West’s faith.

West has told reporters that he is a Christian. .I.m definitely born again,. he told GQ earlier this year.

According to The Cut, As part of his conversion, West launched weekly gatherings, dubbed “Sunday Service.. The gatherings are part-church choir, part-concert, and drew in other Christian celebrities, such as Justin Bieber. The services were invite-only.

He didn’t leave his bad influences behind.

.This was a place, contrary to popular belief about Christianity, of no judgment. I feel that the church that most people grew up on as kids had a negative environment,” he said. “The greatest thing for me, as someone who’s given their life to Christ, is knowing that other people have that as an anchor and a form of healing, because you’re talking to a person that went to the hospital and back..

He was never a Christian even from the beginning. I note he didn’t credit any longstanding Christian with assisting his change in belief. Oh, wait:

In his run for the highest office in the nation, West announced this month that his running mate on the ballot would be Michelle Tidball, a self-proclaimed “biblical life coach..


Most recently, West drew headlines for his first campaign event in South Carolina in July. According to ABC News, during the rally, he told attendees that his father wanted his mother to have an abortion and West, himself, also struggled with the choice of abortion when his wife became pregnant.

“I almost killed my daughter. I love my daughter. . God wants us to create,” said West, who has four children with Kim Kardashian West.

He added that he wants abortion to be legal, but that “everybody that has a baby gets a million dollars or something in that range..

Using religion as a political prop… can be awkward.

Last year, West was met with both praise and criticism about his album, Jesus Is King. The album marked a hardflip from his original style of rap and is gospel-centered.

“From rap to gospel” is not a working definition of repentance.

Before the campaign event, West had been open about his faith and beliefs. At an appearance in 2019 at Joel Osteen’s Houston megachurch, West said strip clubs were a form of sex trafficking and that he was “the greatest artist that God has ever created” and now working for God.

That is not what rejecting worldly ways looks like, either.

And my Number Six:

Kim Kardashian, Kanye West’s divorce details revealed

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By Nate Day, 26 February 2021

Six months after the previous article.

Docs were filled on Monday, Feb. 22, and the Skims creator is being represented by famed divorce attorney of the stars, Laura Wasser, dubbed the “Disso Queen.” Last week, it was revealed that Kardashian, 40, is also seeking joint and legal custody of the four children she shares with West, 43: North, 7, Saint, 5, Chicago, 3, and Psalm, 1.

The split is said to be perfectly amicable.

Epic Fail Christianity. The kids weren’t aborted so I guess Kim gets $4M of Kayne West’s money? He isn’t even trying to stick around to raise his kids.

The two began dating in 2012 and confirmed their relationship by appearing at public events together. They married on May 24, 2014, in a ceremony at a Renaissance fortress in Florence, Italy.

Seven years isn’t bad for celebrity marriages–Kim’s personal record is 76 days–but this end was inevitable and predictable. No break from his past life, no healthy Christian influences, but at least Hay-Soos supported his Presidential ambitions.

When the reports initially surfaced in January, E! News reported that Kardashian had not yet filed divorce paperwork because she wanted to ensure that she was “making the right decision for the kids,” according to an insider.

Heartless bitch.

Let’s proceed to Milo. Did he unplug from fame? Seek devout mentors? Repent of his old ways? What tipped him over the edge? While it’s not mandatory for conversion to follow from a trauma, people are rarely reasoned into conversion during good times.

This is prelude to his eventual decision:


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11 October 2017

Milo Yiannopoulos is best known as a conservative provocateur, famous for making statements like “Feminism is cancer,” “Birth control makes women unattractive and crazy,” and “Islam is cancer,” among others. His talks are routinely interrupted by leftist protestors, most notably at Berkeley in February, which ended up cancelling Yiannopoulos’ talk after Antifa members smashed windows, overturned barricades, set fire to property and attacked police.

Must’ve been a Friday. Try Tuesday next time, that’s poetry night, but not good poetry.

Although Church Militant does not endorse everything Yiannopoulis says and does, we are on the same page with regard to the unchanging teachings of the Church and opposing Catholics who would try to change Christ’s teachings to make them more comfortable. Church Militant reproduces here what America magazine refuses to publish.

Why did the Jesuits interview Milo and then trash the interview? Knowing what I do, they might have been sounding him out for use as an infiltrator.

By Milo Yiannopoulos
Over five weeks ago, I sent the following answers to questions I was asked by America magazine, a journal run by Jesuits. They have chosen not to publish it, perhaps out of compassion, fearing too many of their aging readers would suffer heart failure. Or perhaps they couldn’t stand my tweaking of their most famous contributor, Fr. James Martin, notorious for equivocating over any Church teaching that might cause a stir at an Anglican garden party.

That’s another, more mundane reason they might not have published.

Although you grew up Catholic, you now say and do many shocking things in your public career which seem to be at odds with your childhood faith. In what sense do you still consider yourself a Catholic?

Plenty of saints were shocking, to say nothing of our Lord, who got in a spot of trouble for His shocking claims, as you might recall.

Shocking claims is not the same as shocking behavior.

I am certainly no saint, but I don’t think “shocking” is a helpful way of approaching the question of Catholics in public life. It doesn’t settle much to say that the current Pope is shocking to many Catholics, including me. Or to note that I’m shocked by supposedly Catholic politicians who make laws in flat contradiction to the natural law, which you need no faith to grasp. …Frankly, what’s really shocking is that a poor sinner like me has spoken out more on contraception than 99% of our bishops, who seem too preoccupied with diversity and climate change to talk about God.

Valid point.

Maybe you mean it’s shocking that I’m always joking about my lack of chastity and my fondness for black dudes, but I still call myself Catholic. And I don’t see what’s so shocking about that, either. One of the most famous saints of all time, sixteen centuries ago, prayed, .Lord, make me chaste, but not yet..

He was not a Catholic, not in any legitimate sense of the term. Did not obey Christ OR Rome with that attitude. And Augustine didn’t write that sentence as an encouragement.

In life, I believe in aspiration. If you’re a poor kid, aspire to rise economically. If you’re shy, aspire to confidence, so you can defend your views in public. And if you’re a wretched sinner like me, aspire to end up better than you are now. Miracles do happen!

That’s the question of the day.

What was the best thing about your Catholic upbringing?

One good thing was hearing Mary praised for her motherhood. Whatever my own mother’s shortcomings, I learned that motherhood is the greatest vocation, and one that God banned all men from. That’s why I think it’s sad that today’s feminists, as Chesterton observed, despise motherhood and all the other chief feminine characteristics. The idea that men and women shouldn’t be different . shouldn’t have different interests, strengths, and ways of relating to Creation . is insane, and it’s empirical fact that trying to deny these differences makes all of us less happy.

Could have been phrased better but yes, motherhood is a good thing. Interesting that Milo does NOT proceed to mention fatherhood, although masculinity will be discussed in a minute.

Growing up Catholic also taught me the value of humility, even if that’s not exactly a forte of mine. This virtue is important for society, because it teaches us to be tolerant of a diversity of opinions, rather than arrogantly trying to silence people we disagree with. And it’s important for me personally, because despite my vanity, I know I’m not as smart as Thomas Aquinas or as good as St. Francis.

Who are your role models, either living or dead, in the Catholic faith?

Pope Benedict XVI is still the wisest and most erudite man in Europe, though I’m sure he doesn’t deserve to have me hung around his neck as an admirer. He was also brave enough to declare publicly that Islam’s irrationalism is one of the world’s great problems.
By the way, in the same Regensburg lecture he pointed out that secularists in the West are also dangerously unbalanced, because they’re as hostile to religion as Muslims are to rationality. I note that he credits my wild pagan ancestors in Greece for the West’s deepest rational roots.
My personal motto, .laughter and war,. comes from a passage in Chesterton’s Heretics. He should be the patron saint of Catholic journalists. And of course Hilaire Belloc was brilliant as a defender of the West. In the 1930s, when the Caliphate had collapsed and no one imagined Islam would ever come back, he prophesied that the West would again be threatened, because our superior money and technology can’t take the place of a devotion to your civilization. already quoted St. Augustine, who had his own pelvic issues. I once tweeted out an illustrated page from his Confessions that began, .I will now recall my past foulnesses.” That.ll work for my memoirs someday, too.

I get the impression that Milo was raised Catholic, was hurt by the Church (probably sexually) and while he finds much to admire about what Christianity is, he loves to flaunt open misconduct against the false piety of insiders.

What does masculinity mean to you?

It means a willingness to expose yourself to enemy fire, whether or not you wear a uniform, in order to defend the good . your family, your church, your country, your civilization. Now the men in uniform are much better men than I, but even I can do a bit to defend those things with the gifts God gave me.

Seeing himself as an (un)holy crusader supports my impression. Honesty about his being damaged is a good sign.

Our Lord, as always, showed the way: He endured the horrors of the Passion to defend and redeem the whole world. I’m with Rod Dreher: Anybody who only preaches a namby-pamby God, and not the highly masculine God of Scripture, is leaving young men vulnerable to the monstrous false gods of race and ideology.
Boys struggling to become men are always potential barbarians, because they hunger for masculinity but aren’t sure where to find it or how to productively express it. Our Lord revealed it to them, but too many in the Church keep masculinity hidden or the subject of shame.

The Vatican has launched a commission to examine and overhaul the Holy See’s media communications strategy. If you could give any advice to Pope Francis about how to do journalism today, what would it be?

Stop talking.

Always a good decision.

Any final thoughts?

Pray for me. I need it.

Now we come to Current Year.

Activist Milo Yiannopoulos is now .Ex-Gay,. consecrating his life to St. Joseph

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9 March 2021

March 9, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) . Milo Yiannopoulos, the gay man whose conservative messaging and willingness to speak the truth sparked riots on university campuses may well trigger more outrage now that he describes himself as .Ex-Gay. and “sodomy free,. and is leading a daily consecration to St. Joseph online.

Right off the bat, it is not good for new believers to be leaders.

Two years ago, when Church Militant’s Michael Voris famously challenged Yiannopoulos to live a chaste life, Yiannopoulos was not defensive. Instead, he acquiesced, and humbly admitted his human weakness.

.I know everything you’re saying, and I’m just not there yet. And I don’t know if I.ll get there,. Yiannopoulos told Voris at the time.

It seems that he has now arrived “there.”

One could make the case that he was never quite an unbeliever, having a religious upbringing. But the harm from that upbringing will need to be confronted at some point.

LifeSite: I imagine that to many who follow you, your recent decision to publicly identify as .Milo, Ex-Gay. may seem like a 180-degree turn. Are you also surprised that your life has taken this turn? Or is it unsurprising, a natural and perhaps inevitable progression in your life? I ask this because over the last few years things that you’ve said have hinted at being drawn in this direction.

Milo: When I used to kid that I only became gay to torment my mother, I wasn’t entirely joking. Of course, I was never wholly at home in the gay lifestyle . Who is? Who could be? . and only leaned heavily into it in public because it drove liberals crazy to see a handsome, charismatic, intelligent gay man riotously celebrating conservative principles.

There’s several celebrities existing in that “identity Narrative violation” space. Thomas Sowell comes to mind; although he speaks what he would speak had he been white, the fact of his blackness did much to make him famous.

Fame can be fickle like that.

That.s not to say I didn’t throw myself enthusiastically into degeneracy of all kinds in my private life. I suppose I felt that’s all I deserved. I’d love to say it was all an act, and I’ve been straight this whole time, but even I don’t have that kind of commitment to performance art. Talk about method acting .

LifeSite: Was there any event, or series of events, that triggered your decision to become “sodomy free,. and to do so publicly? Did God knock you off your horse as he did Saul; or did it come about some other way? Please explain.

Milo: Four years ago, I gave an interview to America magazine which they declined to print. It’s taken me a long time to live up to the claims I made in that interview, but I am finally doing it.

Anyone who’s read me closely over the past decade must surely have seen this coming. I wasn’t shy about dropping hints. In my New York Times-bestselling book Dangerous, I heavily hinted I might be “coming out” as straight in the future. And in my recent stream-of-consciousness Telegram feed, I’ve been even more explicit . stomach-churningly so, if the comments under my .x days without sodomy. posts are anything to go by. always thought of myself as a Jack Bauer sort of figure . the guy who does the hideous, inexcusable things no one else can stomach, without which the Republic will fall. I know that means my name will always be cursed, and I.ll always be a scorned outsider, so the temptation is to throw out any consideration of living well or truthfully. But even Jack Bauer has to confront his maker sooner or later.

I can accept that his flamboyant sodomy was a combination of acting out combined with an easy path to fame. That paints the picture of what repentance would look like for him: a sharp break from all his old friends with loose pants and quitting the limelight at least for a season. Popularity is a good test of convictions but a terrible creator of convictions.

LifeSite: Last summer you posted on Parler pictures of members of the CHANGED movement, with the caption, .Look at these beautiful souls, rid of their demons and cured of their sinful urges. Can’t you tell they’ve been saved? I can.” Are you now able to add your picture to theirs, with that same caption?

Milo: No, and I don’t suppose I.ll ever be brave enough to declare it a thing of the past. I treat it like an addiction. You never stop being an alcoholic. As for the CHANGED movement, I guess because they’re Californian they don’t see how funny their website is, or maybe they’re dirty non-doms who think God loves you more the gayer you act, but I was slightly making fun of them with that caption. (Walker Percy was right: Modern man has two choices . Rome or California.)

Someone really ought to tell them to use more heterosexual-looking photos on their website. I can share some tips! My followers have been giving me a crash course in all-American straight guy aesthetics, which apparently include growing a mullet and learning to drive stick.

This doesn’t look like repentance. While he’s right that like any other sin, breaking sodomy is often a journey not a switch, maintaining the old contacts and lifestyle makes the journey insanely difficult… and as Milo freely admitted, he’s no ascetic.

LifeSite: In what ways has this impacted your personal and social life?

Milo: Well, the guy I live with has been demoted to housemate, which hasn’t been easy for either of us. It helps that I can still just about afford to keep him in Givenchy and a new Porsche every year. Could be worse for him, I guess.

That is exactly what I’m talking about. This is not what repentance looks like. He’s keeping the old friends, the door open for easy backsliding.

My own life has changed dramatically, though it crept up on me while I wasn’t paying attention. I’m someone who responds to micromanagement and accountability, so I’ve found counting days an effective bulwark against sin. In the last 250 days I’ve only slipped once, which is a lot better than I predicted I would do.

It feels as though a veil has been lifted in my house . like there’s something more real and honest going on than before. It’s been a gradual uncovering, rather than a dramatic reveal. Maybe that lack of theater or spectacle is a sign the gay impulses truly are receding?

Milo is age 36 per wikipedia. Starting around that age, the sex drive naturally slows down. This might be nothing more than getting old.

LifeSite: What drew you to consecrate your life to St. Joseph?

Milo: Secular attempts at recovery from sin are either temporary or completely ineffective. Salvation can only be achieved through devotion to Christ and the works of the Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. St. Joseph is the spiritual father figure of the Holy Family. In this time of gender madness, devoting myself to the male protector of the infant Jesus is an act of faith in God’s Holy Patriarch, and a rejection of the Terror of transsexuals. Trannies are demonic: They are the Galli, the castrated priests of Cybele, the Magna mater, whom Augustine saw dancing in the streets of Carthage dressed like women.

Don’t even get me started on Drag Queen Story Hour. I only have to see those four words to be overwhelmed by the urge to buy rope.

It’s common enough in true-crime accounts for homosexuals to attack others for being homosexual, which makes sense when one reflects that sex abuse as children is often what starts a homosexual impulse in the first place.

Meanwhile, we see another child looking for a father. This account doesn’t give enough detail for me to know if St. Joseph is an association of convenience or if Milo is genuinely being tutored by wiser heads.

LifeSite: Anything else you would like to add?

Milo: I have enjoyed a lifelong affection for the absurd and the outrageous, so part of me gleefully anticipates the day I can seize the moral high ground, however briefly, to denounce others for failures of piety and sobriety. I hope people will support and pray for me, if for no other reason than they share my delight at the prospect of Milo Yiannopoulos furiously and indignantly railing against homosexuals for sins of the flesh.

As you might expect, my professional priorities are shifting somewhat, given my new spiritual preoccupations. Over the next decade, I would like to help rehabilitate what the media calls “conversion therapy.. It does work, albeit not for everybody. As for my other aspirations and plans, well, no change: I’ve always considered abortion to be the pre-eminent moral horror of human history. I.ll keep saying so . even more loudly than before.

The two boldfaced statements are foolish. A recovering homosexual should not surround himself with daily reminders of what he left behind. Milo would be well advised to quit with ALL public forms of sexuality, ditch his ex-lover roommate post-haste and proceed to live as normal a life as he can manage. Should a newcomer to the no-fap movement leave his pinups on the wall in plain sight? Should he go out of his way to protest at beauty pageants?

They say if you let one sin in, others will follow, and now I truly know what that means: As I’ve begun to resist sinful sexual urges, I’ve found myself drinking less, smoking less . you name it. I confess my weakness for designer shoes and handbags is yet to dissipate. But I am coming to realize, however slowly, that lust . per Augustine . is disordered desire for all sorts of things, not just NFL players.

God judges the heart and man judges the action. It is for God to decide if this is genuine repentance and devotion. But what I see, is Milo not acting like anything is different. Same homo-roommate. Same social circles. Still giving high-profile interviews about his personal love life. Intending to use his shock-jock shtick to continue to be a mouthpiece for conservative politics. I see a man who is trying, yes, but in the Augustinian sense of not yet wanting to succeed.

Anti-Maskers In Santa Cruz

From the dissident perspective, there are right ways and wrong ways to protest government policies. Right ways include malicious compliance and civil disobedience… driving up the costs of enforcement and nudging the Overton windows of acceptance. Wrong ways include public defiance and one-time dramas that can be neither tolerated nor maintained. Such in-your-face tactics work for anarchists only because they’re sponsored by the State. One glance at how much catch-and-release goes on for BLM terrorists makes it obvious how long such organizations will persist once their inside handlers decide to close the ‘release’ spigot. They’re tools, not success stories, and don’t you try to be a tool just because they’re “winning”.

Which brings us to Surf City.

Santa Cruz Police Department responds to Sunday’s anti-mask protest

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By Ryan Stuart, 2 March 2021

SANTA CRUZ . The Santa Cruz Police Department responded on Tuesday evening to the group of anti-mask protesters that on Sunday night took to the streets of downtown Santa Cruz.

.We are getting a lot of messages from community that Santa Cruz is fed up with anti-maskers,. the department stated in a Facebook post. .We hear you..

The group of roughly 20 protesters marched through the downtown sector and returned to Trader Joe.s, the site of a previous protest two weeks prior. Police were present at the scene but did not cite or arrest any of the protestors despite a city and county mandate that requires masks to be worn in public places. Non compliers can be fined $100 for a first offense, which will increase to $200 and $500 on subsequent offenses.

At first I thought this was cowardice but upon reflection, it’s a credit to law enforcement when they can tell the difference between serious crimes and “why did you interrupt my coffee?” The protesting group forced police involvement when they didn’t have to.

How do I know they didn’t have to? Because I’ve gone maskless in that very downtown. I ignored the glares but masked-up when I went into businesses because those were lines that I knew I couldn’t cross. Yet. But when I could get away with disobedience, I did. Eventually, other people began following my example. I doubt they would have had I gotten myself arrested every time I broke the rules.

Also, Trader Joe’s is Ground Zero for the Whores of Fricking Babylon. Karens, feminists and the most toxic/diabetic forms of Wokeness that you would not believe exist. The protesters didn’t choose a neutral site; they marched into the teeth of the dragon. That was stupidity bordering on false-flag operation.

…I see in their video, already gone, that they proceeded to demonstrate in front of the police station itself. I guess because cops didn’t arrest them like they’d wanted the first time around?

SCPD planned ahead for the protests after hearing rumors of “National Maskless Day.. They increased the number of staff on duty to keep the peace. The hope was to ensure the safety of businesses and customers while protecting the protesters. First Amendment rights, the post reads.

AND they protested on such a reliable schedule that the cops were waiting? I want to say that this really was false-flag but as of this writing, police haven’t been able to identify any of them despite their protesting maskless in both downtown and the police station itself.

In order to arrest maskless protesters in the future, police will need the targeted business to file a complaint. The department will then need to file charges against the protesters. SCPD advises business owners not to in a verbal or physical altercation with unruly patrons if the situation escalates.

.Private businesses can decide whether to allow customers or visitors onto a property if they are not wearing a mask,. the post reads. “Companies can tell patrons ” either wear a mask, or you’re not allowed inside. A mask situation is like the no shirt, no shoes, no service policy..

Translating the boldface, “we don’t want to waste our time on harmless dissidents but if there’s paperwork then we’ll be forced to get involved.”

Since the incident on Sunday, police have been working to identify the protesters, write case reports, and send them to the prosecutor, according to the post. Protesters involved will be summoned to court if there is sufficient evidence against them.

While crowdsourcing criminal investigations is the latest trend in police work, this here is a lot of work to punish an infraction that could have been punished much more easily when the infraction was being committed on their literal doorstep. Hmm…

The Santa Cruz Police Department is also asking for the help of the community. It is asking for community members to help identify the maskless protesters who have been staging demonstration within Santa Cruz.

SCPD will accept tips, photos, videos or any other relevant information. Those who wish to help the police department can contact Detective Sergeant Greg…

Methinks that this is simply the lowest-cost effort they can make to appease the Trader Joe Karens. I credit SCPD with knowing, even in Current Year with all the hostile pressures upon them, when to be lazy about enforcement.

I do not credit the protesters with anything but imbecility. I want the mask mandates to end as badly as anybody but my form of protest works because I get most of what I want without forcing local authorities to react. I don’t want them to react. But this kind of marching-through-downtown-ending-at-Karen-Central is exactly the sort of conduct that forces authorities to double down on those same mandates.

How many times must it be said? DO NOT STAGE ORGANIZED, HIGH-PROFILE PROTESTS IN LEFTIST STRONGHOLDS! Keep to yourself, know your limits and let the sheeple get used to the idea that the world won’t end if they get a breath of fresh air, too.

.SCPD takes this issue seriously and will seek the appropriate legal action through the justice system,. the post reads.

Thankfully not so much, but if I knew who these protesters were I’d turn them in myself. They must learn the lesson, that brute-force protests only work if the government is secretly on your side in the first place. What were they expecting, that Trader Joe’s would end their mask policy because of a one-time event?

Travelogue: Alexander Springs, Florida

When Commiefornia gets tough, the tough go to Texas. Or Florida. I was the latter.

Daytona Motorcycle Rally Goes On Despite Pandemic

Dallas Morning News
By Associated Press, 7 March 2021

Daytona Beach, FL-despite the coronavirus pandemic, Daytona Beach ‘s annual Bike Week has brought tens of thousands of motorcyclists to the city and its neighbors this weekend… and few of them are wearing masks.


About 1/3 of the population was still wearing masks voluntarily despite Florida being formally mask-free. Depressing but when you think about it being the retirement destination of USA, actually not that bad. Lots of businesses still had mask-up signs in their windows, chains and holes-in-the-wall both, but enforcement was deliciously lacking.

The city made a bargain with its bars: 60% capacity indoors in return for the permits necessary for temporary outdoor sales and entertainment.

I heard “badly needed tax revenue”. Who could have guessed that the secret to stopping a pandemic is the government going bankrupt!

The Daytona Regional Chamber of Commerce, which organizes the event, estimates 300,000 to 400,000 motorcyclists will attend. It typically draws 500,000.

Ah, the old normal is reasserting itself despite the New Normal’s $15,000,000,000,000.00 in campaign fundraising. I’m not the only man who likes his oxygen the way he likes his wheels: unfiltered and unsupervised!

At John’s Rock N Ride souvenir store, owner Johnny Sanchez was selling a lot more $3 beers than the designer masks he offered for $7. Almost no one is wearing them.

Just so this reporter knows, it’s hard to drink beer through a mask.

“As far as masks are concerned, they are paying little attention to that,” Sanchez said with a shrug. It’s just the way it is. What can you do?”

I suppose you could drink beer through a straw… except that straws have already been banned. Hi, I’m from California and I don’t want to go back! just like every other occupant of Florida. It says something when living in a literal swamp is preferable to a merely political one. Even the mosquitoes suck less.

On that note, my vacation wasn’t all Baby Boomers trying to be bad boys on rides that’ll look great going for 90% off in their estate sale. I did some quality snorkeling with a groupie, too!

Who knew that running a blog about patriarchy was even better than being a rock star? Okay, fine, that’s blatantly not true. But yes, some of us are doing more than merely talking about meeting new people and building new communities.

Anyway, I did some quality snorkeling in Alexander Springs in the Ocala National Forest.

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Only 27 first-magnitude springs exist in Florida, and Alexander Springs is by far one of the easiest to enjoy. A broad and naturally gently sloped spring pool is a constant 72?F and extraordinarily clear. Ripples play across the sand bottom as small fish dart about. Surrounded by a floodplain forest of maples, sweetgum and cabbage palms, this recreation area feels almost tropical.

A small wooden observation deck pokes out of the infamously thick Floridian underbrush.

…But I was not interested in solid ground today.

The difference between the last pic and this one is three feet. Underwater is an incredibly different world! Alexander Springs must be packed with tourists during the summer season. There were people here even during Bike Week.

The fish had no fear of humans despite the place being used to train toddlers how to swim. Water temperature was indeed low-70s and as a primarily Pacific Ocean diver, I cannot communicate how much like heaven that is. Suffice to say, my wetsuit is up to 9mm thick in places, semi-dry, with integrated hood and a special thermal liner. On this day, I wore a shirt only to prevent sunburn.

Nobody was more surprised at how clear the water was than my Floridian friend. This is reportedly not supposed to happen in the Bilge State.

Heading into the dark. What lurks beyond?

The lighting worked with the friendly fish and rafts of lily pads to create the impression of a surreal fantasy world. We approach the source of this artisanal spring…

Most of Alexander Springs was not deeper than five feet, ideal for snorkeling. But as you see here, as one approached the underwater cave-source, the cliffs appeared suddenly. This is looking back at the previous picture.

This fellow snorkeler gives a sense of scale. The spring water comes from underneath the rock outcropping in the lower right. The current was too strong (and deep) to proceed further.

Heading back to civilization….

It probably didn’t mean anything, but I surfaced to find a flock of buzzards circling over me. Excuse me, a wake of buzzards. Oddly appropriate, that.

Most parks like this have crows or pigeons. Not this one! It had buzzards. Maybe you shouldn’t teach your kid to swim here.

This small hawk found something to dine on. It was remarkable how simultaneously wild and tame the animal life was.

It was a great trip and just what I needed after a miserable winter of lockdowns, stay-at-home orders and morons cheating each other to be first in line for medical experimentation. As we go through this hard year beset by apostasy, heresy and mostly-peaceful protests, always remember that Creation itself testifies to the truth of our Creator. Go outside! Breathe free! Get dirty with a groupie!

What Do You Call A Cyber-Attack With COVID-like Characteristics?

Humanity is ready for the New World Order. All organized resistance has been crushed, the Dirt People happily wear slave masks made in the latest styles and Elon Musk reports good progress on the space habitats for noveau quadrillionaires. The next step is to Take Back the Internet! with, of course, a Great Reset. Because this is the World Economic Forum trying to talk shop:

A cyber-attack with COVID-like characteristics?

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By World Economic Forum, 18 January 2021

Is this a joke? “A cyber-attack with COVID-like characteristics”? Is that like… I don’t know… a computer virus? I know money never conferred brains on anybody but an ultrawealthy bankster this tech-illiterate must surely have trouble remembering how to breathe.

I fisk the full transcript. You aren’t missing anything in the visuals in case the link stops working.

The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken our economies and societies to the core, and shown us how vulnerable we are to biological threats.

No, the COVID-19 pandemic has a death rate of only 0.02%. It’s the GOVERNMENT COERCION IN RESPONSE that’s shaken us to our core.

Notice that the author’s first concern was for economies, not human welfare. That’ll be a trend.

In the digital world, similar risks are being overlooked right now. A cyberattack with COVID-like characteristics would spread faster and further than any biological virus.

Its reproductive rate would be around 10 times greater than what we’ve experienced with the coronavirus.

More like ten trillion times greater. Meh. My blog reproduces itself in hundreds of new machines every day without even trying.

Seriously, “computer viruses are around 10 times faster than human viruses” is a statement indicating that somebody very highly placed in the WEF has no idea how computers work, or perhaps is speaking to demons who witnessed the sixth day of Creation but not Charles Babbage playing with gears.

To give you an idea, one of the fastest worms in history, the 2003 slammer/Sapphire worm, doubles in size every 8.5 seconds, infecting over 75,000 devices in 10 minutes and almost 11 million devises in 24 hours.


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The Sapphire Worm was the fastest computer worm in history. As it began spreading throughout the Internet, it doubled in size every 8.5 seconds. It infected more than 90 percent of vulnerable hosts within 10 minutes.

The worm (also called Slammer) began to infect hosts slightly before 05:30 UTC on Saturday, January 25. Sapphire exploited a buffer overflow vulnerability in computers on the Internet running Microsoft’s SQL Server or MSDE 2000 (Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine). This weakness in an underlying indexing service was discovered in July 2002; Microsoft released a patch for the vulnerability before it was announced. The worm infected at least 75,000 hosts, perhaps considerably more, and caused network outages and such unforeseen consequences as canceled airline flights, interference with elections, and ATM failures.

I’m no Unix guru myself but the worst worms seem to be the ones exploiting already-known security gaps. Just as the way to avoid Kung Flu is to wash your hands and get your daily Vitamin D, the way to avoid a cyber-plague is to keep your antivirus up to date.

And don’t stick your dick in crazy. I’m old enough to remember the “I Love You” virus. Let’s just say that it spread by email attachments.

Propagation speed was Sapphire’s novel feature: in the first minute, the infected population doubled in size every 8.5 (?1) seconds. The worm achieved its full scanning rate (over 55 million scans per second) after approximately three minutes, after which the rate of growth slowed down somewhat because significant portions of the network did not have enough bandwidth to allow it to operate unhindered. Most vulnerable machines were infected within 10-minutes of the worm’s release.

Also much like COVID, Sapphire hit hard at the beginning then quickly petered out. Much more for the interested at the link.

End segue

Fortunately–at least until now–cyber-attacks have not impacted our health the way pandemics have. But the economic damages and therefore the impact they have on our daily lives have been equal and sometimes even greater.

Again with the focus on the economy. Something that needs to be said about the Mark of the Beast now that it’s imminent: the reason wicked men will do it is because they cannot conceive of economic activity as being separate from human activity. They’ve worked rather hard to destroy the concept of family and friendship, after all.

We will survive the Mark the way we survived the Roman Empire, by caring for each other while the StateEmpire denies us our very humanity.

The only ways to stop the exponential propagation of a COVID-like cyber threat…

…are to purchase a commercially-available antivirus package or uninstall Microsoft Outlook.

My bad, that was wrong. Correction:

The only way to stop the exponential propagation of a COVID-like cyber threat is to fully disconnect the millions of vulnerable devices from one another and from the Internet.

All of this in a matter of days.

Um… you can disconnect most of them by pushing a button. And unless the device is intentionally gimped, it can function just fine while offline. Good thing we don’t have any Internet-enabled self-driving electric cars!

Seriously, learn to code. Your lack of education, experience, knowledge and non-vibrant staff is embarrassing you.

A single day without the Internet would cost our economies more than 50 billion US dollars, and that is before considering the economic and societal damages should these devices be linked to essential services, such as transports or healthcare.

A single day without the Internet would end the Chinavirus lockdowns forever. You aren’t thinking this through, anonymous moron, but I’m happy to call your bluff. You don’t have the guts to crash the Internet!

As the digital realm increasingly merges with our physical world, the ripple effects of cyber-attacks on our safety just keep on expanding and at a faster pace than what we are preparing for.

Stupidity of the magnitude demonstrated by this WEF infomercial explains why plutocrats hire people to chew their food: Idiocracy! All those recent “math is white supremacy” memes are SERIOUSLY coming into focus.

Debate emerges over racism and white supremacy in Oregon math instruction | News Break

Brooklyn College Math Professor: 2+2=4 'Reeks of White Supremacist Patriarchy' | Opinion ...

This Doesn't Add Up: Liberals Think Math Is Racist - Def-Con News

Uplifting those drooling savages was wasted effort. Looking at YOU, President Biden!

COVID-19 was known as an anticipated risk. So is the digital equivalent. Let’s be better prepared for that one. The time is now.

COVID was anticipated by Event 201. Now we get a white paper predicting a computer virus crashing the Internet. Why might the WEF want to do that? I don’t have an answer but here’s some food for thought.

Bokhari: Microsoft and Friends Want to Destroy Online Privacy

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Microsoft has teamed up with a number of tech and media companies to create a system of tracing content around the internet that could destroy online privacy and anonymity, radically transforming the nature of the web.

According to Microsoft’s press release, it has partnered with several other organizations to form the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA).

Adobe, Truepic and Intel.

Put simply, the purpose of this organization is to devise a system whereby all content on the internet can be traced back to its author.

The press release states that it will develop these specifications for “common asset types and formats,. meaning videos, documents, audio, and images. Whether it’s a meme, an audio remix, or a written article, the goal is to ensure that when content reaches the internet, it will come attached with a set of signals allowing its provenance . meaning authorship . can be detected.

The combination of these forces creates the potential to track and de-anonymize information from the moment it is created on a computer. Signals could be attached to information to ensure it is censored and suppressed wherever it travels online. Even if someone else is sharing the information, it could be suppressed simply because of its point of origin. And, of course, the signals could be used to identify the creators of dissident content.

This is hardly the first effort to lockdown the entire Internet. Previous measures have failed, perhaps because most of them also partnered with the BBC, notably absent in this attempt. (Yes, yes, correlation implying causation… but the boot fits.)

It does paint a nightmare scenario, however. Crash the Internet and use the crash to convince the government to spend megabucks on malware-firmware upgrades that implement this kind of data tracking at the router/server level. That would be, dare we say, a very COVID-like move. (GunnerQ points at Pfizer demanding military bases from Latin American countries as collateral against quaccine lawsuits.)

Of course, if such an attempt is as tech-literate as this warning that was probably forced by God to give the world a heads-up then we’re worried about nothing. Regardless, if there IS a massive Internet powerdown then I might wait an extra week before logging into my blog, just to see if the wizards find any such hanky-pank. Just FYI.

Smoking Gun: Pope Frankie Is Not A Christian

I try to avoid the Catholics’ problems. God know the Protestant world has enough to keep me in content. But this smoking gun that Pope Francis is not a Christian, indeed, is not even competent in Scripture, is too good to pass up.

Pope Francis Warns of Second “Great Flood” from Global Warming

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ROME . Pope Francis has warned of the possibility of a second great flood, like that of Noah’s time, if humanity fails to address global warming.

Genesis 9:12-17 “And God said, .This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. 14 Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth..

There will never be a flood like the one Noah endured. We have not only God’s promise on that but a visible sign of it. In fact, this is why the Sodomites have coopted the rainbow as their symbol, to mock God promising to never punish the wicked. Revelation is hard to understand but even a casual reading indicates that God is way more imaginative in punishing the wicked than just drowning them. But if Sodomites were smart then they wouldn’t be Sodomite.

.God.s wrath is directed against injustice, against Satan,. the pope states in a book titled Of Vices and Virtues due for release Tuesday. .It is directed against evil, not that which derives from human weakness, but evil of Satanic inspiration: the corruption generated by Satan..

God does not allow Satan to directly corrupt the world. Old Scratch is required to use human intermediaries, therefore it makes no sense to talk about “evil not derived from human weakness” (or wickedness, Pope Pachemama didn’t mention).

.God.s wrath is meant to bring justice, to “clean up,.. the pontiff declares in an advance excerpt of the book published by the Italian daily Corriere della Sera Sunday.

.The Bible says that the flood is the result of God’s wrath,. Francis continues. .It is a figure of God’s wrath, who according to the Bible has seen too many bad things and decides to obliterate humanity..

No, the Bible says that the Flood *WAS* the *PUNISHMENT* motivated by God’s wrath. A one-time event, as quoted above. Humanity couldn’t drown the world if we tried because God said No.

.The biblical flood, according to experts, is a mythical tale,. the pope states, parenthetically adding his hope that no one writes that “the pope says the Bible is a myth..

Because the pope is not an expert!

.But myth is a form of knowledge,. he says. .The flood is a historical tale, archaeologists say, because they found traces of a flood in their excavations..

The Flood is historical and mythical. But is it true, Mister “Vicar of Christ”?

.A great flood, perhaps due to a rise in temperature and the melting of the glaciers, is what will happen now if we continue along the same path,. the pope warns.

That didn’t quite answer my question. So then, the wickedness of Noah’s generation was causing ‘climate change’ by driving SUVs and eating beef, and it could happen again even if God explicitly said it wouldn’t.

.God unleashed his wrath, but he saw a righteous one, took him and saved him,. he says. .The story of Noah demonstrates that God’s wrath is also salvific..

The story of Noah demonstrates that if climate change flooded the world then God would save His people from it. Thus, believers have nothing to fear about global warming. (Unbelievers don’t either because it’s all a lie but no, they’d rather believe those experts.)

The pope’s new book recounts conversations between the pontiff and Father Marco Pozza, chaplain of the prison of Padua in the north of Italy.

I found an unconfirmed online rumor that Pozza is also the patron saint of fallen Italian bicycling stars. He looks familiar, somehow.

Francis has made care for the environment and opposition to climate change a hallmark of his almost eight-year pontificate, taking to task world leaders who have shown too little resolve in their battle against global warming.

He said last year that it is “evident” that climate change is to blame for a number of humanity’s social ills, as well as disrupting the balance of nature.

.It is evident that climate change not only upsets the balance of nature, but causes poverty and hunger, affects the most vulnerable, and sometimes forces them to leave their land,. the pope told a group gathered in the Vatican.

Government causes more poverty, hunger and dispossession than anthropogenic climate variation ever could. Something to think about when you’re the head of the largest bureaucracy in the world with no respect for its founding documents. I know most Christians haven’t made it through Genesis chapter three but one would hope an EXPERT would at least have made it through chapter nine.