The Concierge Of Covid

New York City got its recent outbreak from the Mexican Burning Man festival! And I thought Coof was just the flu.

Oh, wait. There are some “details” in the story that paint a different picture. First among them, that 70% of sick New Yorkers attended the festival..?

Burning Man-style Art with Me festival in Tulum is blamed for 70% of positive COVID tests at NYC private clinic as hundreds of sick hipsters spread the virus far and wide

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7 December 2020

A private COVID-19 testing company says about 70 percent of its positive tests in New York City over a one-week period were from people who had attended or came into close contact with someone at a Burning Man style event in Mexico.

Eleonora Walczak, the founder of private testing company Checkmate Health Strategies, told that she carried out 179 tests in the seven days after the event.

I’ve been sensitive to “hiding in plain sight” behavior since before ‘Dominion’ Voting Systems secured Clinton Foundation endorsement. ‘Checkmate’ COVID testing, eh? *checks* It’s a “concierge” testing company, apparently for NYC Elites who don’t want to stand in line with proles. (Their website is sparse to non-existent.)


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Screw the CIA, I have access to linkedin.

Eleonora Walczak, MPH, RPA-C

Eleonora Walczak, MPH, RPA-C

I see about a pound of fakeup on this one… probably covering up a Wall-splat. Her approximate age is 40.

Eleonora Walczak is a Board Certified RPA-C Surgeon in NY, NJ, CA, FL, & UT. Ms. Walczak specializes in Orthopedic Surgery & Sports Medicine. She performs complex Multiligament Reconstruction, Fracture Fixation & Robotic Assisted Partial Joint Replacement.

That’s “Registered Physician Assistant”. She never attended med school. Just a Bachelor’s in biology.

Ms. Walczak also treats patients outside the operating room with minimally invasive procedures in Regenerative Medicine, Biologic Therapeutics, and Intra-articular Injectables.

Sounds like vocational training for glorified phlebotomy work.

She is a graduate of the Sophie Davis Biomedical Program in and completed her training at Columbia University & Harlem Hospital. Ms. Walczak is on staff for Mount Sinai Hospital, NYC.

Columbia is where she get an advanced degree in emergency management. Not hard to see why she wanted a career change from “RPA-C Surgeon” to “Contact Tracer to the Stars”.

Where did she get the funding to start this company? Not from her documented work experience.

Ms. Walczak is a member of the AAOS and is an active volunteer who has traveled to countries like Haiti & Nepal to treat underserved communities.

Stella got her groove back! This woman Biblically knows her infectious diseases.

End segue

The Art With Me festival in Tulum, which was held over four days from November 11-15, has now been described as a superspreader event after dozens of positive COVID-19 tests have been tied to the event.

Tulum is the sort of event for which you check in and check out but can’t remember anything in between. Then a week later, it hurts to pee. Contra my original suspicion of false flagging a harmless Spring Break-style party, yes, Tulum has been a notorious superspreader event for YEARS.

She said between 60 to 70 percent of the positive tests were from those who attended the Tulum event or people who had become exposed to someone who did.

179 tests in the seven days after the event. Assuming daily testing, that’s 20-30 clients total. She wouldn’t be able to detect a “superspreader” thingamajig with that level of resolution. If every test was a different person then not enough time would have passed for 2/3rs of them to be positive. So, I have serious doubts whether her clientele are reflective of anything except the party crowd that she wasted her youth on.

‘I would say that it was a superspreader event,’ she said.

I would say that most of her wealthy, homopedo NYC clients had itches that couldn’t be scratched in American legal jurisdictions despite their recent successes in legalizing hallucinogenic drugs and sexualizing children.

Thanks, Walczak! Had you been just another for-profit testing company then I’d never have been able to see the perverted hypocrisy of NYC’s ruling elites. Besides Cuomo, of course, that man has selfies instead of friends. But no, you failed to land a physician husband until you hit the Wall then went into business to… track the movements and friends of the men who pumped & dumped you.

Oh, that is not going to end well for her clients.

One woman who attended the festival and later tested positive told the Daily Beast that she was the sickest she had ever been in the aftermath.

‘I have nothing good to say about this event,’ the unnamed woman said.

‘All I will say is that there was not one mask and I got more sick than I ever did in my entire life after that party.

Sure, Barbie, you got sick because you didn’t wear a mask. Not because you did drugs and “immersive art” at the Baja Dirty-Bird Campout at the start of flu season.

Big Tech Sponsors A Hundred Thieves

The Woke have never forgotten nor forgiven the defeat of Gamergate. Now they’re gearing up for yet another effort at entryism… and being incompetent at video games themselves, are hiring ringers and mercenaries to serve as their e-team footsoldiers.

I’ll set the context with this EA/ADL team-up.

Electronic Arts teams up with the ADL to enforce social justice in gaming

By Peter Pischke, 20 October 2020

The games industry is being pushed by Germany and Electronic Arts in a direction that, if successful, would mean the mass de-platforming of right-wingers and free speech in gaming. The Anti-Defamation League and the big names in Silicon Valley have already signed on to similar projects in the US. All of which, if successful, will mean the inevitable control of gaining by the woke.

Remember the boldfaced for later reference.

This is no surprise to anybody familiar with Electronic Arts. They were gutting acquisitions into skin suits before it was the socially just thing to do. I remember playing Bioshock for the first time when it became available on Good Old Games and uninstalling it because it celebrated Original Sin, that’s how long the rot has been in their corporate woodwork.

It starts with Germany. Martin Lorber, Electronic Arts Public Relations Director for German-speaking countries, announced in April a dual project between itself, the German government, and two new organizations: Good Gaming . Well Played Democracy and Keinen Pixel den Faschisten (No Pixels for Fascists). Their stated goal is to make sure gamers do not become radicalized into neo-Nazis.

“We must have total control of society with endless pogroms against dissidents in order to ensure that nobody behaves like a Nazi!” Even the smallest bit of digging reveals that this project is, in truth, nothing more than yet another attempt to force the games industry and social media platforms to bow down before social justice.

The two organizations joining this collaboration contain some of the most radical activists for social justice inside Germany. The organization behind Good Gaming are the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, a left-wing activist group headed by former frequent Stasi informant Anette Kahane. Kahane’s foundation got in trouble last year when a brochure sent to German schools suggested you could recognize a girl’s family as far-right if a girl wears dresses and does chores.

That leaves less to the imagination than Pornhub does.

While I’ve mostly abandoned physiognomy, Anette Kahane’s mug shot supports… extensively… my “frizzy hair = disorderly mind” hypothesis.

No Pixels co-founders are Pascal Wagner, a left-wing German journalist, and Aurelia Brandenberg, a lefty historian/blogger. Their organization harbors a deep hatred for gamers and is a proponent of the games’ right-wing radicalization myth.

According to Brandenburg, gamers are actively anti-diversity and right-wing. They are full of “toxic nerd masculinity in their treehouse” as they actively fight to make sure nobody except cis white males can play video games.

Anybody can play video games, of course, but if cis white men are gonna code them then their games should have cis white male protagonists. Don’t like us liking ourselves? Then learn to code!

Man, they don’t even leave us alone in our treehouses.

So anyway, the Usual Suspects are partnering up for an international, full-court press to exterminate cis white men from the computer game industry. Let’s get to the main attraction.


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By Andrew Webster, 5 September 2019

During a recent online merchandise drop, gaming fans eagerly refreshed a page waiting for access to a small range of limited edition sweatshirts, T-shirts, and hoodies. The prices were high, but the apparel didn’t last long: more than $500,000 worth of gear sold out in just five minutes. It’s the kind of thing that calls to mind established streetwear brands like Supreme. But in this case, the clothing was branded with a very different logo: 100 Thieves, one of the hottest names in competitive gaming.

E-sports is a burgeoning business, but it’s also an uncertain one. While it’s been around for decades and spawned ambitious projects like the global Overwatch League, it’s still largely unclear whether competitive gaming is, or ever will be, as big as many have predicted. Amid this constantly shifting climate, several e-sports organizations are attempting to hedge their bets by depending less on only winning tournaments. 100 Thieves is among the most successful to date.

Overwatch League is sponsored by Blizzard Entertainment and is an organized tournament for Blizzard’s FPS Overwatch. It’s a common arrangement for game companies to sponsor tournament of this sort, often with considerable swag and prize money.

The company was founded in 2017 by Matt “Nadeshot” Haag who started his career as a teenage Call of Duty star before eventually retiring and becoming a YouTube celebrity. With 100 Thieves, he’s attempting to bring the worlds of e-sports, YouTube, and streaming together, while adding in a successful apparel business to create a uniquely modern entertainment company.

The apparel side-business is NOT a common arrangement for game companies. Somebody is trying to apply the NFL/MLB/NBA template to e-sports. That might be difficult when most e-athletes don’t exactly have impressive bodies.

[100 Thieves president and COO John Robinson] previously worked at major game publishers EA and Nexon and also ran his own mobile game studio for a time.

He worked at EA? He’s either an embittered refugee or a soulless corporate drone.

Robinson on the left.

He says that this multiprong approach to building 100 Thieves is what attracted him to the company in the first place. .Everyone else was trying to apply the Utah Jazz business model to e-sports,. Robinson explains. ..Oh, we’re going to be a professional sports team, and we’re going to sign a lot of players, and hopefully, if we win, we’ll get some sponsorships.” And Matt was like, .No, we’re going to reinvent this thing. We’re going to build a huge fan base on top of not just winning, but also people coming to our content and social channels.” It seemed like such an obvious answer, but Matt had the credibility to actually pull it off..

Robinson’s method of buying established successes then using them to promote Management’s social agendas is exactly the Electronics Arts corporate strategy of vulture capitalism. Soulless corporate drone he is, then.

The company made its first splash in late 2017. It was one of 10 teams to join the newly franchised League of Legends Championship Series where it sat alongside entrenched e-sports organizations like Cloud9 and Team Liquid and others backed by NBA squads like the Houston Rockets and Golden State Warriors. Since then, it has continued to expand into other games . including titles like Fortnite and Call of Duty . while also structuring its business around those three core pillars of competitive gaming, content, and apparel.

The ambitions at 100 Thieves weren’t necessarily apparent from the beginning. When the company entered League of Legends, it seemed mostly in-line with other e-sports organizations, albeit with slightly better jerseys.

If you say so.

The same was true of its video content; it was tense, documentary-style filmmaking but nothing that felt especially new. “At first, it was just getting up to the baseline of the best teams in e-sports, and they’re really making high-quality narrative content,. says Dahl. .From there, and what we really started to think about after those first couple of months, was what type of content does the gaming audience care about, and how e-sports-focused do we need to be?.

Uh-oh. In Current Year, we all know where THAT line of thinking is going to lead. Notice the entryism in that they first, literally, gained entry to the e-sports world and then began discussing what their customers REALLY wanted.

Since 100 Thieves started with a big personality in Haag, Dahl says it only made sense to continue to expand in that direction. .If personality-driven content is king, how do we build a cast of characters or a universe around Nadeshot? We have our Howard Stern or our Tony Stark or our Bill Simmons, and I want to fill in other characters,. he explains. Think of it like the MCU, but for streamers.

Globocorp fingerprints everywhere.

Given that early success, Barber was brought on board to solidify the apparel business, though he says his role encompasses much more than just designing clothes. .I.m overseeing the entire 100 Thieves brand,. he says. .That can mean many different things. But basically, the way we walk, the way we talk, the way we appear visually.” Barber previously worked at streetwear brand Reigning Champ where he helped design apparel, managed the company’s brand, and oversaw a number of retail locations. His goal is to turn the 100 Thieves apparel phenomenon into something both bigger and more sustainable.

Globocorp fingerprints everywhere.

Outside of apparel, the main revenue-driver for 100 Thieves is sponsorships. Brands are everywhere. There’s the Rocket Mortgage Team House that’s home to the League of Legends team, and team jerseys that are covered in corporate logos from Cash App and Red Bull. Watch a 100 Thieves podcast, and you.ll see carefully placed cans of Red Bull, while a tour of the Fortnite team house might include a freezer full of Totino’s pizza rolls.

Globocorp fingerprints everywhere. Here’s a short list of co-founders per wikipedia:

Dan Gilbert, co-founder of Quicken Loans and owner of several sports franchises.

Marc Benioff, co-founder/CEO of Salesforce. There’s a red flag.

Drew Houston, co-founder Dropbox and member of Facebook Board of Directors

Scooter Braun, Jewish bankster & known anti-gun activist who managed to hitch his wagon to Marvel Studios in 2018.

Sequoia Capital located in Menlo Park.

Big Tech everywhere. I guess we know how 100 Thieves got its name.

And Globocorp didn’t fund them to play games.

Nadeshot On Activision Rejecting 100 Thieves. Call of Duty tournament

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By Hrithik Unnikrishnan, 18 June 2020

100 Thieves planned on organizing a $100,000 Gamers for Equality tournament. Things got shot down when Activision denied their request to use Call of Duty: Warzone for their tournament.

The tournament was originally set to take place from June 18, 2020, and was planned for a four-week run. CashApp and JBL were also announced as sponsors of the tournament.

FYI, 100T’s headquarters is named the CashApp Compound.

Nadeshot, who is fond of Call of Duty and its tournaments, wanted to organize one of their own. They approached their partnership team to arrange funds for the prize money. They found CashApp who proposed another idea. CashApp was willing to fund the money but they wanted to do it for charity and social justice, mainly for the BLM movement.

100 Thieves apparently made the announcements without consulting Activision. Activision reached out to them stating they can’t run the tournament with sponsors or to monetize. Nadeshot makes it clear that they weren’t planning the tournament for the money. Activision asked 100 Thieves to cut off the money, but they refused.

They tried to converge Activision’s tournament for their own purposes are were kicked out for breaking the rules.

100 Thieves is turning its LA headquarters into a voting center

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By Andrew Webster, 22 October 2020

100 Thieves is following in the footsteps of the NBA and turning its home base into a voting center. The gaming and lifestyle company announced today that the 100 Thieves Cash App Compound . a 15,000-square-foot building that officially opened earlier this year . will serve as an official LA County Voting Center, which will be open for early voters from October 30th to November 2nd, as well as on Election Day on November 3rd.

Holy kneepads, Batman, they’re following in the footsteps of post-Floyd NBA?!

Complete with trendy vandalism.

Nadeshot has promised the fans that they would be finding another game and another publisher that would allow them to run the tournament. He also assures that the funding will reach the hands of people they were meant for.

There is no clue on which game the organization might host the tournament. Activision denying the request is a bit of a downer, but Nadeshot has mentioned how he understands the developers. stance. They are unwilling to let others come in and host sponsored tournaments. However, given the cause, they could have been permitted.

Nadeshot and co will probably find a new alternative and inform the fans soon. The BLM movement has urged many to come forward and it’s heartwarming to see eSports organizations come in with support.

Not even e-sports is safe from heavy-handed, top-down efforts at Converging ordinary male gamers into supporting Big Fascism, excuse me, Big Tech.

Their e-team is named One Hundred Thieves? Hiding in plain sight.

Pastor Rob McCoy Profanes Imago Dei

In a desperate bid for legitimacy, San Diego churches have begun to re-brand themselves as strip clubs because sex work is legal and religion is not. A textbook example of doing evil so that good may result!

Why a California Pastor Converted his Church into a “Strip Club.

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By Staff, 1 December 2020

Rob McCoy, a senior pastor at the Godspeak Calvary Chapel, recently garnered attention through a ridiculous and satirical act, turning his church into a “strip club” to remain open.

No actual striptease was performed inside the church . the pastor merely danced to a song and took off his tie.

That did NOT NOT NOT honor God. That was NOT what Jesus would have done.

The reason McCoy was forced to stage such a performance has to do with the strict COVID-19 rules in the state of California.

I am told this link has the tie-removing and subsequent dancing. I did not look for myself because porn is evil! Or at least, it WAS evil. Yesterday.


In California, churches are classified as “nonessential” and have been asked to shut down their services to stem the spread of the pandemic. However, several churches have challenged the injunction, arguing that it violates their First Amendment. Interestingly, strip club owners challenged the lockdown order slapped on them, saying that the First Amendment gives them the right to continue doing business.

Don’t challenge it, clergy. Defy it publicly, defiantly and deputize all the men in your congregation with sticks for when the bureaucrats show up. Go Time was March 2020. Why bother amassing the resources of a megachurch if you’re just going to roll over every time a Christ-hating judge orders you to?

On Nov. 12, a judge from the San Diego Superior Court instructed the county to reopen strip clubs. The fact that the state allowed strip clubs to open but placed restrictions on churches seemed to many a blatant repudiation of common sense.

It makes perfect sense if government leaders hate Christ and COVID is a phantom menace.

McCoy saw an interview of former governor Mike Huckabee that gave him an idea of how to circumvent the law. .I don’t have a lot of experience with the strip clubs. I do have quite a bit of experience with churches. Generally, they’re a fairly safe place, and I would think it’s ridiculous to say that people are safer in a strip club than they are at church. [churches should] announce their pastor will remove his tie during the sermon, and therefore he will take off an article of clothing making it a temporary strip club so that people will be able to go to church,. Huckabee said in the interview with Fox News.

Such inspiring leadership. The men of God never once having faced government persecution in Scripture, Pastor McCoy was forced to solicit a Godly example to follow from a washed-up televangelist making a joke on Faux News.

The Church’s moral authority, cobwebbed old lace that it was, has now been completely ripped apart now that pastors are removing articles of clothing IN ORDER TO LEGALLY QUALIFY AS STRIPPERS!!

This is why McCoy did his little striptease at his church . to highlight the absurdity of the current rules against church gatherings.

No. McCoy did his little striptease because that’s what whores do. They parade their shameless skank-ho asses around on a stage for the amusement of an audience that proceeds to tuck dollars into his “buckets”.

The pastor noted that his church has been “wide open” since May 31 and yet no one in the congregation has contracted COVID-19 through the church. He called out the hypocrisy of classifying cannabis stores and liquor stores in California as “essential.”

That’s phase two: McCoy replacing the in-church bookstore with an in-church liquor store. But he doesn’t need zoning approval to undress in public so that was phase one.

The fight between the church and COVID-19 state rules has resulted in numerous lawsuits. California’s Harvest Church has petitioned the Supreme Court for enacting an emergency injunction against the COVID-19 laws active in the state.

The law prohibits in-person services in counties designated as “purple tier,. a classification under which almost 94 percent of the population of the state lives. In its filing, the Harvest Church stated that Californian governor Gavin Newsom has been discriminating against the Church’s right to religious worship for more than nine months while himself encouraging mass protests and gatherings without any numerical restrictions.

Karen approves!

BRAVO to Pastor Rob McCoy of Godspeak Calvary Chapel

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By Karen Kataline, 25 November 2020

Now we’ve seen everything. Pastors stripping in church? You bet!

Bravo to Godspeak Calvary Chapel in Ventura County, CA and Pastor Rob McCoy!

Some of us thought the ability to laugh at ourselves, and stand up with courage in the name of Liberty was dead. Nope!

It is not “standing up with courage in the name of Liberty” to debase yourself on stage in order to take advantage of a sex work loophole allowing your church to exist without having to take a risk in the name of Christ.

Also, McCoy committed adultery by the standards of modern Churchianity. Just sayin’.

You don’t have to be a Christian to appreciate his words. If you are, that’s okay too. Our brilliant Constitution stands for religious pluralism and religious freedom. So do we.

I… I…

After his wonderful dance, is an even more wonderful sermon. Pastor McCoy: .Mankind seeks to enslave others and destroy what’s been created in the image of God..

“With my wholehearted participation as their dhimmi bitch!”

A second pastor has already joined McCoy.

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By RT, 27 November 2020

.Strip clubs (Not Churches) are exempt from the Covid lockdowns, and are deemed essential by our governor!. said senior pastor of Awaken Church Jurgen Matthesius on Instagram. .So we decided we are NOW Awaken family friendly strip club!. he quipped.

Not funny.

The pastor then rolled with the joke, clarifying, .we strip the devil of his hold, power & authority over people’s lives!.

NOT FUNNY. You never knew Christ!

How To Say “White People” In Negro-Talk

I am probably the very last person that clickbaiters should try to attract. Today, I learned fifty-five synonyms for White People. Number 48 will shock you!

55 Ways White People Say “White People. Without Actually Saying “White People. (Updated)

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By Damon Young, 18 November 2020

1. Americans

After 250 years, even they don’t think they belong here.

2. Real Americans

3. Middle America

Don’t cry for me, Minneapolis!

4. Working-class Americans

See that white trash over there? HE has a JOB! Don’t be like that, Tyrone. “But that’s Uncle Leroy and he makes good money!”

5. Patriots

6. Europeans

7. Southerners

8. Midwesterners

9. Millennials

Come on, that’s an age category!

10. Christians

Brothas be Satanists?

11. Evangelicals

Glad we cleared that up. Brothas be non-evangelical Christians, like Charismatics full of Holy Spirits!

12. Red-state voters

13. Rust Belt voters

Those are voters in Blue states. Leftism is why those states rusted, remember?

14. Conservatives

15. Republicans

16. Suburbanites

17. Gentrifiers

18. Families

All our hoes be Ratchets!

19. Veterans

20. Soccer moms

They be not Ratchets!

21. Management

22. Law enforcement

23. Hardworking Americans

We all saw that one coming.

24. The middle class

25. The upper middle class

26. The upper class

These three might have something to do with “Hardworking Americans”.

27. Citizens

28. Taxpayers

Seriously, go home to Africa.

29. Hipsters

30. Baby boomers

31. Homeowners

32. The military

33. The troops

34. Yinzers (for Pittsburgh)

35. Steel/coal/plant workers

See “Hardworking Americans”, #23.

36. Legal/documented immigrants

37. Regular/simple/decent/rural/normal Americans

38. Voters

39. Victims

No, that one is wrong. White men are the oppressors! Even that homeless cracker whose wife cleaned him out over chilamony, even he doesn’t get to be a victim! Blacks are the real victims!

40. People

41. Legal voters

Also wrong. Dead people are legal voters! If my vote ever counts then a Community Organizer didn’t do his job.

42. Sports fans

43. State electors

44. Trump supporters

45. Moms

46. Stay-at-home protestors

I took that one personally.

47. The silent majority

48. Law-abiding citizens

HAHAHAAAAA!!!!! It’s funny because it’s true!

49. Small business owners

50. Blue-collar workers

51. White-collar workers

You aren’t leaving a lot of room by taking those two out. Oh, right. “Hardworking Americans.”

52. Essential workers

Once again, “hardworking Americans”. You claim to be victims but all I see you doing is watching B.E.T. on satellite TV in low-income housing projects. You didn’t build that!

53. Gun owners

I’m not complaining, but what’s up with the antigun attitude? You haven’t gotten over your ancestors’ fear of thundersticks yet?

54. Bernie Bro(s)

Because some white people are victims of the system, too. Especially associate college professors who can’t make tenure OR pay off their college loans! They got no choice but to hit Trump supporters in the head with bike locks. Which makes them black people because they aren’t hardworking, essential, middle-class, legal-immigrant homeowners.

55. Constitutional originalist

What a lazy blog post this was. Let me spice it up with a case study of black people versus middle-class taxpaying sports fans.

2 protesters attacked with hockey stick following Black and Indigenous Lives Matter rally in Winnipeg

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7 July 2020

The Winnipeg Police Service is investigating after two protesters were attacked with a hockey stick following a Black and Indigenous Lives Matter rally in Winnipeg.

Video of the incident, which was reported to police just after 8 p.m. on Saturday, July 4, is circulating widely on social media.

In one video, a woman can be seen getting out of a sedan on Broadway at Hargrave Street and charging toward the pair of protesters with a hockey stick. A second video shows the hockey stick change hands with a second woman from the vehicle . before a second protester is hit in the head.

They got beaten up by women?

Theo Landry, 29, who is African-Canadian, was struck first. “I was very much scared for my life,” he said. “I’m lucky it was a hockey stick because I don’t know what they could have come out with.”

Reminds me of the old saying, “I went to the fight and a hockey game broke out.” Except no game this day.

Landry said the incident started a short time after the #AreYouListeningMB rally for Black and Indigenous Lives at the Manitoba Legislature came to an end. He said he and his friend were marching east down Broadway toward the Canadian Museum For Human Rights, where a round dance was set to take place.

The rally was over but they were still marching in traffic? That’s not what a BernieBro would do.

On the way, in what he describes as an act of peaceful protest, Landry decided to lie down on Broadway for a moment in front of cars to draw attention to the cause and rally. That’s when a woman and three other people inside the car began shouting at him, he said. “[She] started yelling slurs, racial slurs, spitting insults and saying our protests didn’t mean much,” Landry said. “She was very much offended by me stalling her time.

Those stupid families! Moms got no respect for black people!

Landry got up off of the road and said the car moved aggressively past him, so he tossed some water from his water bottle onto the vehicle, he said.

“Black” means “not a law-abiding citizen”. Credit to Theo for not appropriating white culture by quietly suffering an insult!

After that, the vehicle stops and the video recording of the incident starts, he said. A woman can be seen getting out of the car, with a hockey stick in her hand and moving toward Landry and his friend.

Theo got beaten up by a girl! Who’s protesting NOW, baby?

“You can see in the video there’s a lot of anger driving her forward,” he said. Landry was struck twice in the arm and was not badly injured, he said. However, his friend, who tried to intervene, was eventually hit in the head, he said. A second witness video, shot from a different angle, shows the hockey stick changes hands to another woman in the group who was in the vehicle and strikes Landry’s friend, who declined to be interviewed.

“It’s my turn to smash patriarchy, Amy!”

Landry, who is a registered nurse, said his friend suffered a gash to the right side of her head and was bleeding. At that point, Landry said the group hopped in their vehicle and took off. The witness who captured the video recorded the suspects’ licence plate and gave it to police.

CBC News has concealed the suspects’ faces in the videos because it’s not confirmed whether they are minors and they are not currently facing criminal charges.

CBC News has reached out to three of four people believed to be involved for comment. Jylah George-Marie Shallcross, organizer of the event and founder and co-head of Are You Listening Manitoba, did not witness the incident, but called the videotaped attack heartbreaking.

“Overall, I feel horrible,” they said. “I also feel very concerned for the safety of not just my friends, but for all of the Black and Indigenous youth and the rest of the BIPOC community in Winnipeg.”

How exactly was she involved? The rally was over, remember?

Shallcross, who supports the movement to defund police, believes the kind of violence portrayed in the video is what police should be dealing with, instead of wellness checks, for example.

And by “police”, she means “all the white people who are supposed to be keeping my law-breaking foreign ass safe”.

Shallcross believes the attack was an act of racially motivated violence and said Winnipeggers need to know racism is real and rampant in the city and around the world.

Rather than a “blocking traffic”-motivated act of violence? Eh, could’ve been a coincidence.

“This is why we’re fighting. This is what we’re protesting against,” they said. “Seeing that one act, that is one of many acts that are not getting out there.”

In an email, a spokesperson for the Winnipeg Police Service said officers responded to the report of an assault involving two victims and said the investigation is ongoing. There is no word on charges.

“Members of the major crimes unit are investigating,” the statement read. “Anyone who witnessed the incident is asked to contact police.”

“Our work is very stressful. We could use another laugh as good as this one.”

Landry, who has filed a statement with police, said he’s not calling the attack an act of racism, but he is not ruling out that it may have been racially motivated.

He said he hopes there will be some kind of restorative justice for those involved. “The whole point of this is to create a world of peace and not to instigate and to create more damage,” Landry said.

Let’s make #56 “not a hypocrite”.

Nixon Aide Wallace B. Henley Makes A Case For Tighter Control Of Christian Dissidents

God has a very strong distrust of human institutions. He started with Moses and soon was unleashing Phinehas upon disobedient leaders. Life did not improve. He set up the Levite priesthood but soon was working through Samuel. He liked running Israel via the Judges… persons not chosen by any human standard… then humored us briefly with kings until resorting to the Prophets. Then Christ arrived, a man of no human validation, refused to become a king at all and was succeeded by amateur apostles. The only two government agents were a tax collector for Rome and the murderous Saul.

Some might call that a pattern.

To this day, one is far more likely to hear God’s true opinions from principled dissidents than seminary graduates and White House Cabinet officials. Thus, when a twenty-year-experienced Important Pastor, so delusional as to still be proud of serving President Nixon, calls for tighter regulation of “prophets”, what he’s actually calling for is silencing the dissidents of Christ.

Wallace B. Henley… a pretentious Yankee Goodwhite name if ever I heard one… wrote a two-part opinion piece to explain the threat of unregulated prophecy.

The 2020 election and untethered prophets (pt 1)

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25 November 2020

Fake news and false prophecies boiled around the 2020 presidential race like tempests stoking a hurricane.

There were no spiritual prophecies concerning the election. I pay enough attention to the Pentecostal/Charismatic crowd that I would’ve noticed. Perhaps he meant “predictions”?

From the perspective of Donald Trump and his associates, establishment media pumped hefty currents of disinformation and misinformation into the political cyclone through fake news. Many observers on both sides noted the “failed prophecies” that Trump would be re-elected in a landslide.

Had there been such a prophecy, it would have been true. Trump WAS re-elected in a landslide. There’s credible, if merely statistical evidence that he even carried California. Also, this isn’t about anybody’s “perspective”. We Christians deal only in hard truth.

When that did not happen, skeptics derided, and many people, even among the faithful, wondered what went wrong.


The problem, however, is not with prophecy but with untethered prophets.


These would-be foretellers herald predictions they claim God gave them, but their pronouncements are untested, and they really issue them under their own authority. They are “untethered” in the sense they have little or no relational connection to godly authorities to whom they can submit their message before they trumpet it under the claim, .Thus saith the Lord…!.

So then, he does mean “predictions”… yet he’s calling them “prophecies”. Why? Because Establishment clergymen like him cannot claim to gatekeep spiritual “predictions”.

I can see where this is headed and predict er, “prophesy” that he’s going for “propriety in worship” as his excuse to police Christian opinions regarding politics.

False prophets are lone-wolf seers rather than spiritually sensitive men and women tethered to a doctrinally sound church and submitted to spiritually mature elders. Such elders are biblically informed leaders who know the prophetic person relationally and biblical doctrine by which they can help assess the purported prophecy.

Henley is calling for clergy to act as gatekeepers for all future Christian demonstrations of support for Trump.

Thus, a primary characteristic of authentic prophecy is that it is given in the context of a biblically based church. This is Paul’s point in 1 Corinthians 12-14: The “trumpet” should be sounded and judged in a smaller group-setting before it is blasted to the globe.

Yep, I got it in one. Chapter 14 discusses propriety in worship as it pertains to spiritual gifts. What a good prophet, er, predictor I am!

That being said, I have no idea where he’s getting that last verse from. There’s no precedent for prophecies to be tested by a priesthood before being allowed to enter the public sphere. In fact, Scripture makes the exact opposite case. Was Christ Himself accepted and pronounced worthy by the Sanhedrin before speaking his opinions to the masses?

Jesus said of the “end times.: .Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many… false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.. (Matthew 24:11, 24)

Trump’s election issues are no kind of “great signs and wonders”. Those will be actual demonic conduct and we aren’t there yet on the Doomsday Clock.

Prophecy and other spiritual manifestations were a major concern of the Apostle Paul as he and his colleagues planted churches across the Roman Empire. The new believers continued to live in chaotic, sensate, idolatrous cultures. False prophets picked up on waves of public opinion and fashioned messages and mystical moods.

Sorcery was real back then. It wasn’t mere idolatry. There IS an alternate reality beyond science and it sometimes affects this one directly.

Corinth was of special concern to Paul. The church there was made up of people zealous for their new faith. As they broke out of the rigid form of legalism some of the people bolted into the frenzy of spiritual antinomianism. They saw little or no doctrinal boundaries, especially regarding the use of the sign gifts. The balance that produced healthy, authentic New Testament ministry was lost.

That’s why they asked for Paul’s advice (implied by 1 Cor 7:1), because they’d thrown off all restraint, each free to act as he wished? Or, is that why Paul encouraged them by writing 2 Corinthians?

Form people believed the frenzy segment had even exceeded the boundaries of Scripture. The frenzy side accused the form faction of quenching the Holy Spirit.

Paul confronted this head-on in 1 Corinthians 14, intensely relevant for our age.

Because we don’t respect how much President Nixon tried to do for us! How much our Elites suffer and sacrifice to honor America’s founding principles! We ungrateful peasants rooting in the dirt with our vile freedoms and personal opinions, why will we not shut up and obey our betters!

The Apostle affirms all the gifts as being given by God for the sake of building up the church and the advance of Christ’s Kingdom in the world. Jesus had told His core followers to make “disciples” in all the nations, and to instruct them in everything He had taught them. According to Matthew 10, that meant among other things, casting out demons and healing the sick.

Sign gifts are prominent in authenticating the Gospel to pagan societies. Paul’s letters seek to bring order to the use of spiritual gifts. And that includes “prophecy.”

I like my prediction prophecy above even more.

Paul maintains the careful balance between “form and frenzy” when he writes, .desire earnestly to prophesy, and do not forbid to speak in tongues. But all things must be done properly and in an orderly manner.. (1 Corinthians 14:40)

There is a great struggle between cosmos and chaos in the fallen world. It is tragic when gifts are distorted to become instruments of chaos. That.s what Paul was battling at Corinth.

That’s what Jordan B. Peterson was battling in drug rehab.

.Order. is not rigid legalisms, but structural coherence to which careful thought has been given. Such “order” is not reactive authoritarianism but mature leadership.

Reminder, this is being said by a card-carrying ally of Richard “Tricky Dick” Nixon.

There are important differences between the “prophetic ministry” of the church, and “prophecy.” The prophetic ministry is, as some have called it, .forth-telling,. while “prophecy” is .fore-telling.. .Prophecy. is prediction, whereas the “prophetic” is proclamation.

This hairsplitting logic is how he is justifies this theological trainwreck. “All predictions are prophecies. Prophecies can be fact-checked by clergy. Clergy like me.”

Whether cessationist (those who believe the sign gifts ended with the passing of the Apostles) or non-cessationist (those who believe the sign gifts continue), there would be wide agreement among Christians that the work of the prophetic ministry is a continuing and urgently needed ministry now whereby the church confronts its culture and its institutions with biblical truth.

The Cessationist is DEFINED by NOT agreeing to that. Henley is a Baptist, however, and Baptists believe there are no more miraculous signs. Including prophecies. If Henley can’t make a case for prophecies existing inside that Cessationist worldview, however, then he can’t demand to have regulatory authority over what his pension requires him to believe doesn’t exist.

Many contemporary followers of Christ continue to believe that the Holy Spirit gives some people remarkable insight into currents of time and history, and that such individuals will sometimes “prophesy” by telling what they are seeing or sensing.

“I bet the Democrats will try to rig the election against Trump because they’ve tried to thwart him at every step for years and they surely wouldn’t stop now.”

“Sounds like you’re prophesying in the Name of the Lord! You better check in with your Credentialed Leadership before somebody overhears you! There could be IMPROPRIETIES!!!”

Paul indicated in 1 Corinthians 14 that sign gifts were best manifest in small groups as they had been in the early house churches.

*checks* Nope.

Biblical order could be maintained. It was possible to follow the admonition to “know those who labor among you.… (1 Thessalonians 5:12)

The “prophetic” ministry of the church is primarily the task of the larger gathering we might call the “great congregation,. while “prophecy” is most effective in small groups. There the would-be prophet can be in close relationship with others who can “inspect” the fruit of his or her life, and where utterances in tongues as well as known languages can be evaluated and interpreted by elders and other mature Christians.

Textbook gatekeeping… of God!

Let’s discuss what Paul actually taught in 1 Cor 14. Beginning with verse 29, “Two or three prophets should speak, and the others should weigh carefully what is said. And if a revelation comes to someone who is sitting down, the first speaker should stop. For you can all prophesy in turn so that everyone may be instructed and encouraged.”

The pastor doesn’t weigh what’s said before it’s released into public. The prophet speaks his piece and others consider what he said. No gatekeeper. And the order God wanted was “wait for the other guy to finish”.

Verse 32: “The spirits of prophets are subject to the control of prophets.”

Not the pastor.

Verse 33: “For God is not a God of disorder but of in all the congregations of the Lord’s people.”

The way things were done then, remains mandatory for now. The situation has not changed.

Verse 34: “Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says.”

Now I’m just being nasty.

We need the prophetic word now more than ever. However, we need to be able to trust it as coming from God. This requires both mature individuals and biblically solid churches and their leaders.

One of these things is not like the others. Do remember, Mister Baptist, that nobody was as Biblically solid as the Pharisees… and they couldn’t recognize their own god when He stood in front of them and did tricks on command.

In that context true prophecy and powerful prophetic ministry can grow and be useful to bless the nations. In Part II we examine principles of well-tethered prophecy.


The 2020 election, untethered prophets: What does healthy prophetic ‘reflection’ look like? (pt 2)

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By Wallace B. Henley, 2 December 2020

Woe to the prophetless nation!

.Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint but blessed is he who keeps the law.. (Proverbs 29:18 ESV)

The purpose of prophecy is communicating God’s will. That’s not so amazing as one might think. Time and again in Scripture and history both, whenever God is absent believers start wandering off. Every new generation needs to realize for themselves that Christ is real. If we were perfectly rational creatures then Scripture is all we’d ever need. God wrote a book, look it up.

But humans do not behave rationally. Most people need some level of personal encounter with God for Christianity to be anything more than a stodgy old book of fairy tales. Some directed encouragement along the way would be helpful, too. That is the purpose of prophecy. It’s not about predicting the future or summoning fireballs of doom and it’s certainly not about giving orders to the rich and powerful. It’s about being the middleman, or mailman, for God to affect people in such a way that they can relate to Him correctly.

(That means that gifts of prophecy are never given for the prophet’s benefit. Looking at YOU, Charismatics!)

Charles (Chuck) Colson spoke prophetically to nations. Chuck arose from the ashes of the Watergate-sparked collapse of the Nixon presidency when he gave his life to Christ.

In 1973, after three years as a junior aide in the Nixon White House I had become a pastor near Mobile, Alabama. A Washington friend phoned and told me Colson, whom I had known at a distance in the White House, had turned to Christ. Like Jesus’s disciples when they heard of the resurrection, I .disbelieved for joy.. (Luke 24:41)

SHEEE-IT! Is there ANYTHING this Nixon drone could have said to be more theologically tone-deaf and out-of-touch than mentioning his Nixon Administration ally Charles Colson is a “prophet to the nations”?

Does Henley realize that people have been born, lived a normal life and died of natural causes since his world ended with the Watergate Scandal of 1972?

Serious question: is Henley mentally competent enough to recognize that this is not year Nineteen Seventy-Fifty? Your world is DEAD, Baby Boomer. Nobody cares about life back then.

In other words, it was just too good to be true. I had assumed tough, cynical Colson was an agnostic, or maybe even an atheist.

My Washington friend confirmed Chuck’s conversion as genuine. But I could see for myself. Chuck had been sentenced for Watergate-related infractions to a federal prison at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama . three hours from my home.

Prison can help a man find God, too. Especially if faith in Christ brings early parole.

Two days later, I was on my way. I had been at the bottom rung of the White House staff and Chuck had been in Nixon’s inner circle, so I did not know how he would receive me . or if he would. Pecking order is a big deal in the White House.

I was amazed when Chuck greeted me with a powerful bear hug. Almost immediately I asked: .Chuck, how did the Watergate scandal happen?.

.We didn’t take time to reflect,. he replied.

A real Christian would have said, “I committed breaking and entering.” A very, very lucky Christian would have said, “I was hailing a taxi and this dude walks up out of nowhere and told me every last detail of the Watergate heist, stuff that nobody knew but me. Then he told me my sins would find me out, so I turned myself in and prayed God to forgive me. I never got his name.” THAT is what prophecy looks like.

Whoa, wait a second. Was Chuck saying, “We didn’t take time to consult the prophets on whether to raid the Watergate?” Is Henley thinking about how a prophet could have helped them do Nixon’s dirty work without getting caught?

Now, amid the chaos of the 2020 election, America is in a period calling for deep reflection. Allied soldiers marching into Germany in the aftermath of the Second World War called the bombed ruins the “rubble world.” Spiritually, ethically, politically, culturally, socially, we now gaze on a “rubble world” because so many of our key institutions . church, family, education, governance, businesses . lie in smoldering ruin.

No. America spiritually resembles a river with no landmarks… only a distant light and anybody who swims towards it, feels a powerful current and a compulsion to relax and stop trying and drift with all the other people floating in the river. No need to splash. No need to resist.

.Prophetic vision. is essential for deep reflection that takes in the “heights” as well as the .depths.” When John is about to receive the Revelation visions he sees .a door standing open in heaven,. and hears a voice: “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place….

One gets the most comprehensive view of the whole landscape from “up here. . God’s perspective. And the higher the position the more profound the view . like the stunning “Earthrise” photo of the “blue marble. Earth taken by the 1968 Apollo 8 crew 175,000 miles away.

Y’know… I don’t think Henley IS mentally competent. His generation is long past yet he demonstrates no awareness of current events. I would not be surprised if he says “Nixon never did like Trump!” in this article. (I only skimmed it before this fisking. I like to be surprised.)

To see things as they “truly are” requires prophetically gifted people, well-tethered to a local church which is itself tethered to biblical authority and order.

That means the New Testament church, far from being .non-essential,. is crucial in this reflective hour, along with spiritually mature leaders who can discern the prophets and the messages. (1 Corinthians 14:29)

Okay. I’ll give it a shot. *ahem* Your daughter needs to marry young to a young man who hasn’t made it yet in the world. Women should cover their heads, not participate directly in church functions and teach each other how to serve their husband in their “Bible studies”. Their husbands, not the pastor, are the legitimate leaders of the household… spiritually and otherwise. Children belong to their father. The government was tasked by God to be a servant of the people, not a master, and specifically to punish all the evildoers currently being released from prison en masse.

Are we feeling prophetish visions yet?

Without the prophetic vision, the people of the nation “cast off restraint.” The default of a fallen world is always downward. The powers of darkness seek fragmentation rather than unity. Entropy takes down and apart people and their institutions. As I put it in Part 1, the fundamental struggle in the fallen world is between cosmos (order) and chaos (disorder). Without vision that lifts us upward we descend into the ultimate chaos . Hell itself.

A favorite strategy of the adversary is to try to twist God’s good gifts into instruments of more disorder. This is the problem the Apostle Paul addresses in 1 Corinthians 14.

No! No! No! The fundamental struggle is rebellion against or loyalty to our Creator! Good vs evil! Heaven or Hell! Not “Cosmos or Hell”, what the heck is that?!

So, Henley has one sign of awareness of current events but it’s Jordan B. Peterson. I hope the prophesied “signs and wonders” that will deceive the nations, will be something more impressive than JBP’s “Maps Of Meaning”. I’ve had better word salad from a blender.

There is a direct ratio between the health of a nation and the health of the church within the nation.

On that, I suppose he is correct.

What, then, does clear and healthy prophetic “reflection” look like? Here are some principles of well-tethered prophetic ministry:

  • We inhabit the age when the Canon of Holy Scripture has been proven and settled; therefore, the standard for measuring the authenticity of any purported prophecy must be Canonical Scripture.
  • A prophetic word given in this present age does not carry the weight of Canonical Scripture.

Okay, actually. Heeding Scripture first and foremost helps prophets keep on the right paths.

  • A contemporary prophetic message affirmed by the leadership of a New Testament church may contain truth, yet is not necessarily universal, but given for a particular season or moment in finite time.
    Therefore, a prophetic word given in this present age of the established Canon of Scripture does not carry the weight of biblical prophecy.

Hello, Gatekeeping.

  • A prophetic word given in this present age of the confirmed Canon may be given by the Holy Spirit to bring the ancient Word of God into focus and application in contemporary situations and events.
    Thus, a prophetic word in this age helps identify the kairos (the “opportune moment” for intervention of God and His purpose in and for the existential world) happening midst the kronos (finite time) moment we inhabit.

God does not care about your material toys like national crises and White House appointments. God cares about people. One soul is more valuable than an empire because only the soul is eternal. Only in the Old Testament did prophets give advice to President Nixon… excuse me, the kings… on when & how to wage war against Nixon’s, er, the king’s enemies.

And frankly, it didn’t work well then, either. Too many false prophets came along saying what the king wanted to hear even when “prophets to the stars” were a real thing.

A great danger of untethered or poorly tethered prophecy is that people begin living based on feeling and impressions rather than solid biblical revelation. This means a dependence on the body and its sensate functions and the soul and its illusory emotions rather than the Spirit of God interacting with the human spirit.

Can the Spirit of God not interact with the human spirit without Sanhedrin approval? Remember when that issue actually came up with Priest Zechariah in Luke 1? It didn’t end well for the Responsible Adult in the room.

That prophetic word, submitted by a person under the lordship of Christ, and tested by godly elders and other leaders in a local New Testament church, can be, as the Apostle Peter put it, as .a lamp shining in a dark place until the day dawns and the morning star arises in (our) hearts.. (2 Peter 1:19)

Die, Baby Boomer! Die like the Seventies! The Church died on your watch and your only regret is watching us survivors support a playboy celebrity because the alternative is Creepy Joe finishing the job you started!

But credit: he never talked about Nixon’s opinion of Trump. That and not sniffing little kids puts Henley two steps above Creepy Joe.

The Slippery Jew Behind Oregon’s Drug Legalization

I came across the backstory of Oregon’s record- and soon-sanity-breaking legalization of hard drugs. I’d thought to merely find Soros money funneled through some hippie-NGOs and while I wasn’t wrong, I discovered an early example of how Judeo-Christ came into existence!

How COVID-19 Is Helping Bankroll Magic Mushroom Legalization

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By Chris Roberts, 22 November 2020

Election Day saw a string of huge wins for drug policy reform across the country, but nowhere went further than Oregon. Along with decriminalizing possession of small amounts of drugs.all drugs, across the board.voters there became the first to legalize adult access to psilocybin mushrooms.

I’ll just say that there were reasons those drugs were banned in the first place. What was old will soon be new again.

In a very direct way, the COVID-19 pandemic helped make all this happen.

Despair and friendlessness leading people to want to “experience new realities” during house arrest?

Polling repeatedly shows the drug war is vastly unpopular. And drug reform is a rare example of a true bipartisan issue. But so far in the U.S., most actual policy change on drugs has come at the ballot box.

Winning over voters requires huge sums of money.

Because the Drug War is vastly unpopular with voters of both parties. Got it.

And David Bronner, the ponytailed, vegan chief executive of his family business, Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps, says he was able to write checks totaling more than $6.4 million towards drug-war reform campaigns in three states and Washington, D.C., this year because the pandemic has been very good for the soap business.

On the one hand, their product is soap, a hygiene product, so this is plausible. On the other hand, the company has had implausibly fast growth over the last two decades, which is nearly unique for an honest business… let alone one located in California. And now that I think about it, West Coast hippies don’t use much soap. I’ll get into this later on.

Specifically, according to Bronner, the cash influx meant much bigger than anticipated checks for medical psilocybin legalization ($3.4 million) and drug-decriminalization ($1 million) campaigns in Oregon. Also part of his spending spree: a mushroom decriminalization measure in D.C. ($650,000), and cannabis legalization efforts in Montana and South Dakota ($1.4 million total).

.Obviously, it sucks overall, but in this regard, it was good timing,. Bronner told The Daily Beast of the pandemic-legalization link. .We would at most be spending half that, ordinarily..

Legalizing drugs in your home society is one thing. Legalizing drugs in other people’s societies is quite another. Bonner is unquestionably a globalist.

I checked the labels. He uses hemp in his soaps but not bath salts. He’s got no existing professional interest in mind-altering drug legalization.

In all, Dr. Bronner’s made $6.685 million in political donations this year, all funneled through New Approach PAC, a D.C.-based 527 nonprofit that’s been bankrolling drug reform efforts for years, according to IRS filings. (Bronner gives so much money that he briefly lost count; in an earlier conversation, he said he’d only given $5 million, underestimating his own efforts by more than 20 percent. .I guess it was that much!. Bronner said Friday. .Hard to keep track..)

It will be some time before Oregonians can legally use mushrooms, of course. Measure 109, the successful ballot initiative on that front, requires the Oregon Health Authority to regulate growers as well as therapists, who would provide psilocybin during licensed therapy sessions, but not before a two-year planning process is over.

By that time, more states may be joining the party.

Next up for psilocybin legalization, Bronner says, is Washington state in 2022. Then, in 2024, maybe California and Colorado, cash willing.

.We’re at an inflection point in the culture. but really, it’s a function of the firepower available,. Bronner said.

Does that sound like democracy to you? People in faraway places deciding what laws you get to live under. Sure, they’re “only” donating lots of money to legalize it, not actually voting for it, but the fact that lots of advertising works to sway voters means that still doesn’t sound like democracy.

Why did Oregon legalize magic mushrooms? Because a California Jew paid for it!

As an activist political bankroller, Bronner is something like a Charles Koch or a Robert Mercer, but for drug policy reform. And in this pantheon, he sticks out. Drug legalization has always relied on the generosity of a select few, but until now, they have largely been besuited tycoons: financier and far-right target George Soros, .Prince of the Pit. Richard Dennis, the late Progressive Auto Insurance founder Peter Lewis, and the late University of Phoenix founder John Sperling.

Lewis and Soros are Jews. Not Sperling and I couldn’t even find a bio of Dennis, for whom that nickname is real. All of them appear to have been working together to legalize drugs since 2004 per


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John Sperling was also an opponent of drug prohibition and was financing initiatives to decriminalize medical marijuana in the United States. According to Time magazine, Sperling used marijuana to combat pain caused by the cancer he fought during the 1960s.[dead link] Together with George Soros, and Peter Lewis of Progressive Insurance, Sperling raised considerable amounts of money for drug and other related causes, especially during the 2004 presidential campaign.

End segue.

Bronner doesn’t look like them. Nor does he act like them: In 2012, he was arrested for protesting Barack Obama, locking himself in a cage with some illegal hemp plants in front of the White House.

Mental health: questionable.

Drug Policy Alliance, which draws much of its funding from Soros’s Open Society Foundation, is still arguably the major player in the drug-reform and legalization space. But Bronner was the chief backer of Measure 109, the mushroom initiative, which raised north of $3 million total, $2.75 million from Bronner-backed New Approach PAC, as the most recent campaign finance filings show. (The rest of the $3.4 million he contributed to that effort came in after the most recent disclosure deadlines, according to Graham Boyd, New Approach’s political director.)

While Bronner’s $1 million check to Measure 110, the across-the-board drug decriminalization effort, shamed Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg.whose Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative gave “only” $500,000.DPA.s political arm, Drug Policy Action, was the main bankroller there, records show.

In the future, Bronner wants closer coordination with legalization’s other funders. .If we all line up as one grand coalition, we can run twice as many ballot measures in any given cycle,. he said. .We’re working hard on figuring that out..

But for now, this is where we are: Soros, Zuck, and the weirdo hippie soap-maker from San Diego. This is who’s paying to end the drug war. And it’s working.

In related news, the maker of an upcoming documentary about George Soros gave an interview wondering why Real Americans hate the guy so much and concluded we must be anti-Semites because Soros is really a nice guy who’s very nice and polite and only wants to help the world.

Me, I didn’t go looking for a Jew to bash. I saw a headline about COVID funding drug legalization in Oregon and clicked, and found a (((weirdo))) with a family business wanting to reeducate the world. And down the soapy German Juden rabbit hole we go….

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We are excited to share how hard we rocked 2014 in our first official “corporate social responsibility” report, as well as introduce deeper background into our company and family history. We have the responsibility to boldly and wisely use this amazing engine our grandfather built to drive positive social and environmental change, as well as hook people up with the best soap in the world.

Textbook Convergence. Nothing new.

Our grandfather ran the family enterprise as a non-profit religious organization, using the soaps to promote his All-One vision of peace and unity.

This is new! Grandpa who founded the company had a political agenda from the beginning? And what’s this about a religious organization? Please tell me Grandpa isn’t a Jewish refugee from the Nazis like Soros and friends.

Along with this first CSR report, we’re publishing the collected writings of our grandfather, what he called the “The Moral ABC” of the great All-OneGod-Faith he espoused. We recommend checking that out…

I will.

…and our introduction there gives further insight into the man and his vision. Like many, as young children we were a bit mystified by the intensity of our granddad’s trip. He was 24-7 bringing his message of All-One unity and love hard from the mountaintop and a lot of it sailed over our heads. But as we matured and came to terms with a world filled with tragedy and hate along with love and kindness, we increasingly got down with his All-One One-Love vision of breaking down the barriers that separate humanity across ethnic and religious divides.

By Jove, this could be the Rosetta Stone of Churchianity!



Dr. Emanuel (or Emil) Bronner was a third-generation master soapmaker born into a German-Jewish soapmaking family that had been making soap since 1858. By the turn of the century the family enterprise had expanded to three factories, the largest of which was in Heilbronn, where Dr. Bronner was born in 1909. He was trained in the guild system of the time and received a degree in chemistry.

Our grandfather was pretty intense from day one, and in his early 20s repeatedly clashed with his strict orthodox father and two uncles over his Zionist beliefs and new-fangled soapmaking ideas. His parents, like many bourgeois Jews in the late .20s and early .30s, expected the madness of the rising tide of fascist hate to blow over and didn’t want Emil rocking the boat. Our grandfather eventually got fed up and immigrated to the U.S. in 1929, where he became a consultant to the U.S. soap industry, helping to design factories and
launch products.

A Zionist kicked out by his family for rocking the Jew-controlled Weimar Republic that fed upon the German people until Hitler looked like a good idea. This put Heilbronner (later just Bronner) in a good position to influence subsequent waves of Jewish refugees.

Increasingly alarmed by the rise of Hitler, he repeatedly tried to get his family to leave Nazi Germany. His younger sisters got out, but his parents stayed until it was too late. The Nazis nationalized the factory in 1940 and Emil’s parents were deported and killed in the camps.

They might have deserved the camps.

By this time our grandfather had fallen in love and in 1934 married our grandmother, Paula. They had three children: Ellen, Ralph, and our dad Jim. Paula was often sick and in and out of hospitals, and died too young in 1944. Somehow in the midst of this massive personal tragedy, our grandfather experienced intense mystical love and the oneness of humanity. That we are all children of one everloving divine source.

Sounds familiar. Sounds… Judeo-Christ?

That in our ignorant blindness we’ll destroy ourselves, especially in a nuclear-armed world. He felt urgently called to his All-One mission to convince the public and world leaders alike that we must recognize our transcendent unity across ethnic and religious divides or we will perish. We’re All-One or None! All-One!

In the postwar era, diverse industries were using petrochemicals in everything from plastics to agriculture to personal care. Synthetic detergents were rapidly replacing natural soaps. With my grandfather’s quality soap recipes no longer in vogue, he started to manufacture them himself, selling his soaps on the side after lectures as he toured the country pumping people up on his All-One peace plan. He soon realized, though, that people were coming to his lectures for the soap more than to hear what he had to say, so he started putting his message on the labels. Pretty genius move to communicate with people in their intimate bathing space.


With the rise of the counterculture, people increasingly rejected mainstream faceless polluting corporate America, and embraced our grandfather’s soap for its simplicity, versatility and biodegradability, and grooved on the message of peace and love. You could wash your dog, dishes, body and clothes by the river and not worry about it, and the soap became the iconic soap of the era. Dr. Bronner ran his company, All-One-God-Faith, Inc., as a nonprofit religious organization, and he dreamed of the day when humanity would lightning-like realize our transcendent unity and awaken in a new birth, catalyzed in part by the message on his soap labels. Dr. Bronner used all of his profits to further his mission and support various sustainable projects and causes.

An early priest, possibly even the founder, of Judeo-Christianity and the concept of Convergence.

But the IRS disagreed with his self-designated tax-exempt status…


…and in the late .80s forced the company into bankruptcy. Due to Dr. Bronner’s failing health, our dad Jim, along with our mom Trudy and Uncle Ralph, stepped in to right the ship and exit bankruptcy as a for-profit company, but they held true to the non-profit DNA and vision that informed everything our grandfather did.

I’ll cover today’s David Bronner then dig into this One World religion his grandfather preached.

He graduated from Harvard University in 1995 with a degree in biology…

Nobody who ever attended Harvard should be allowed to participate in American politics at any level, ever.

In 1997 [approx. age 24] David Bronner began working for the family business, which was then under the leadership of his father. Following his father’s death in 1998, David became the company’s president…

That’s not a little suspicious. Pro-tip for (((nepotists))), don’t give your kids early access to the family business’ leadership then expect them to nurse you back to health should you fall down the stairs. Hmm, that could explain a lot of that ethnic group’s infamously paranoid-neurotic behavior.

…and, working with his brother Michael, grew the company from $4 million in annual revenue in 1998 to $120 million in 2017.

Three thousand percent growth in nineteen years, including the Second Great Depression in 2010, despite the handicaps of championing & financing Socialist causes and competition from Chinese manufacturing.

In 1999, he joined the small handful of top U.S. executives who voluntarily capped their salaries out of commitment to fair labor principles; Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps still has its top salary capped at five times that of the company’s lowest-paid workers.

Which didn’t stop him from using $6M of company profits for his personal political agenda this year alone.

In 2015, David moved into the newly created position of Cosmic Engagement Officer (CEO)…

Best incorporation strategy ever!

…while Michael took over as president. In 2019 Bronner founded the company Brother David’s to produce organic sun-grown cannabis in partnership with the supply chain company Flow Kana and independent small farmers.

First he worked to legalize marijuana in California, now he’s selling it. Clearly, he wants us to be free from government regulation and is totally not a thieving Jew wanting to sell addictive products! Dude, ask a Chinaman about their Opium Wars.

What’s his criminal background? It can’t be clean.

Bronner has been arrested twice for civil disobedience while protesting limitations on the domestic production of hemp. In 2009, he was arrested for planting hemp seeds on the lawn at DEA headquarters. In 2012, he was arrested after harvesting hemp and milling hemp oil while locked in a metal cage in front of the White House. In 2015 he was named Cannabis Activist of the Year by the Seattle Hempfest.

Entertaining but I suspect… incomplete. I must go to a hippie source for the real story, one that must describe the perversions of its heroes in order to give them credibility with its core audience.

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[Emanuel] Bronner.who wasn’t really a doctor.invented a Judeo-Unitarian pop religious philosophy, publicizing its tenets on the labels of the soap bottles that he gave away at his lectures. He became so obsessed with spreading his All-One faith that he and his sickly wife put their three children in foster homes for long stretches so he’d have more time to travel and speak. In 1945, he was arrested after a particularly fervent speech at the University of Chicago and committed to a mental hospital for two months.

Per his wikipedia entry, “In 1946, while promoting his “Moral ABC” at the University of Chicago, Bronner was arrested for refusing to leave the dean’s office, despite the fact he was invited to the campus to lecture by a local student group, and then committed to the Elgin Mental Health Center, a mental hospital in Elgin, Illinois, from which he escaped after shock treatments. Bronner believed those shock treatments brought about his eventual blindness.”

Shock therapy doesn’t cause blindness, especially years after treatment. “Bronner accidentally drank methanol while on a bender” sounds closer to the truth.

This delusional Zionist was literally an escapee from a mental hospital. Of course he settled in my California. *sigh*

Dr Bronner family

.The soap was there to sell his message,. David Bronner tells me, “and if you didn’t want to hear it, he didn’t want to sell to you.” Emanuel Bronner’s cosmic ideals and his soap’s 18 suggested uses (contraceptive douche!) found a following among hikers and commune dwellers, even though he was hardly a flower child; he hated communists and never smoked pot.

Uh-huh, sure.

His son Jim rejected his father’s mystical ramblings and went to work for a chemical company, where he developed a firefighting foam for Monsanto that still doubles as fake snow on movie sets.

Monsanto is the lawsuit-happy Godfather of the GMO industry. Jim working for them in any capacity was a rebellion against the family business. In this case, Daddy Issues are perfectly understandable.

.I have no in-principle objection to genetic engineering or synthetic biology,. Bronner insists, citing his biology background and his dad’s work for Monsanto. His real problem with GMOs has less to do with Frankenfood fears than with the documented effects of herbicide- and pest-resistant GM crops, which were sold as a way to reduce harmful spraying.

Worm-tonguing. I bet we’ll soon discover that Bronner’s Soaps isn’t as anti-corporate as it claims to be.

But in 1988, he stepped in to rescue Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps after it lost its nonprofit status and declared bankruptcy, recapitalizing it as a for-profit company.

They forget to mention “IRS intervention for never having had nonprofit status”. Ah, here we go… THE SORDID TRUTH BEHIND DRUG LEGALIZATION:

David Bronner, Jim’s son, wasn’t sure he wanted to become the next standard-bearer for a soap-making dynasty. After graduating from Harvard in 1995 with a biology degree, he immersed himself in Amsterdam’s drug culture. .I just had my life explode on many levels of identity,. he recalls of a late-night ecstasy and acid trip at a gay trance club. These experiences, as well as the writings of authors such as Noam Chomsky and Paul Hawken, eventually opened his eyes to the value of his grandfather’s All-One philosophy and the power of the soap company as a vehicle for change. In 1997, he let his dad know that he was ready to work for the family business, but only “on activist terms..

Thesis: “I don’t want to make money with the family business. I just want to legalize my psychedelic glory-hole perversions.”

Antithesis: *Family business grows three thousand percent during his tenure.*

Synthesis: Money laundering for fellow (((activists))).

[…The] minuscule ad budget and cap on executive pay leave the company with plenty of cash to improve its products and fund social campaigns.goals that, as luck or savvy would have it, often go hand in hand.

A minimal ad budget is not how you grow a business by three thousand percent. Not honestly.

In the 15 years since he took over, annual sales have grown 1,300 percent, from $5 million to $64 million. Along the way, the company’s castile soaps have gone from hippie niche products to staples on the aisles at Target.

Letting big-box stores advertise your product while bragging that you don’t advertise yourself? As honest as his making $200,000 per year as “Cosmic Engagement Officer” then writing million-dollar checks to sway elections where he doesn’t live.

And yet Bronner says he has twice refused offers from Walmart to carry his soaps, even at the undiscounted wholesale price, because he can’t stomach the chain’s politics and crummy worker pay. The best way to go mainstream, he has found, is to be as unapologetically countercultural as possible.

So countercultural! “Walmart is too corporate! We’ll do business with Target instead.” Sounds like he’s waging a perennial bidding war between the two.

When Bronner couldn’t find certified-organic and fair-trade sources for palm, coconut, and olive oil, he grew his own in Ghana and Sri Lanka, and scaled up existing projects in Israel and the West Bank.

A third-generation American yet he maintains close ties to Israel. Would rather buy from foreign lands than raise crops in California, home of (currently) the most productive cropland in the world.

Bertine Kabellis, his spunky, Haitian-born factory manager…

And he doesn’t like to hire White Americans. He’d rather import a Squatemalan.

…details what they’re doing to turn the bland corporate space into something more homey. The factory store will include a “fragrance bar,. a soap-bottle refill station, and a hemp activism diorama featuring a Bronner look-alike mannequin sorting through cannabis plants in a cage. The store, Kabellis enthuses, will also carry Dr. Bronner-branded pinhole glasses.which create strange visual effects.

.Leopard-print Speedos?. Bronner asks, out of the blue. .Which I have to get for Palm Springs Pride. I’m gonna rock “em.”

Still a flaming Sodomite and it’s a bad sign he brings up sodomy apropos of nothing. Truly, Mother Jones outdid herself with this article validating every hateful stereotype about the little hats.

I close with the Moral ABCs that Emanuel Bronner got kicked out of Weimar Germany for preaching.

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Dr. Bronner’s Label Summary & Moral ABCs

At first glance, you may not think much has changed with the label in decades. And, in terms of content, you would be right. The Bronner family that continues to run the business today has made a commitment to continue sharing Emanuel Bronner’s message.

Sloww Dr. Bronner's Soap Label Evolution

The first thing to note is that Dr. Bronner is often remembered for his Moral ABCs, or more specifically, .The Moral ABC of Astonomy’s Eternal All-One-God-Faith Unites the Human Race!.

Here are the highlights that jumped out at me when reading the Dr. Bronner’s labels:

  • .When we teach the Moral ABC all mankind is united brave-strong-just-free! For the future will be better when we are better; times will change when we change; conditions will improve when we improve if you & I cooperate by full truth to accomplish them!.
  • .We’re all sisters & brothers!.
  • .You & I, Here & Now, Today! Not them nor they! You & I Today!.
  • .1st: If I’m not for me, who am I? Nobody!.
  • .2nd: Yet if I’m only for me, what am I? Nothing!.
  • .3rd: If not now, when???!!!.
  • .Unite we must!.
  • .Have courage and smile, my friend. Think and act 10 years ahead!.
  • .Teach the Moral ABC that unites all mankind free, instantly 6 billion strong & we’re All-One..
  • .Balanced food for body-mind-soul-spirit is our medicine!.
  • .Self-discipline the key to freedom..
  • .Breathe deeply!.
  • .Repetition is the key to knowledge!.
  • Interestingly, the Lavender label includes .Life’s Goal.: .To keep my health, to do my work, to love, to live. To see to it, I gain and grow and give and give. Never to look behind me for an hour. Never to wait in weakness nor walk in power. Always working, searching for more truth, more light. Always speaking, fighting for what I found good and right!. (it goes on.)

Hmm, so not the Rosetta Stone of Judeo-Christ that I’d hoped it would be. The sentiments he espoused have definitely become dominant today but I think it’s more because his ideals were very feminist… experiential and emotional rather than practical and true.

Sometimes I feel that if I had a perfect knowledge of human history, I would see the exact same ideas played out in the exact same formats over and over again, with ALL of the variations coming only from outside forces such as geography, technology and ethnicity.

History doesn’t just repeat. History is a factory for teaching the same principles over and over, generation after generation, stamping out the causes and effects endlessly, in hopes of producing the occasional saint who Understands.

A Zionist double-speaker trying to reinvent Christian America into the drug-fueled homosexual experiments of his youth in Amsterdam’s red light districts isn’t doing anything that the Jews have not already been hated for a hundred times. Either they can’t see it coming or they can’t stop themselves.

If it was the Oregon people wanting to legalize mind-altering drugs then that would be acceptable, if stupid. But this? It’s threatening to become the Opium Wars all over again… foreign globalists selling us the poisons that we can’t… are not allowed… to stop using.


It’s been fun hating on Dick’s Sporting Goods and its NeverTrumper gun banner of a CEO, Ed Stack. Good news, the ride isn’t stopping just because Stack announced his resignation!

We begin with Ed Stack trying to do a Ross Perot against Trump last year. I missed the headline at the time, or possibly I just blinked. Let’s make up for missing out!

Dick.s Sporting Goods CEO seeks to trade in gun activism for third-party 2020 bid

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By Caitlin Yilek, 23 October 2019

The CEO of Dick’s Sporting Goods is quietly exploring whether to launch a third-party presidential bid after he gained national attention for banning assault-style weapons at his stores.

At least one focus group in southern Wisconsin was presented with various messages centering on Ed Stack, a longtime Republican donor, according to Politico. The group was presented with possible three-way matchups that included the billionaire businessman, President Trump, and former Vice President Joe Biden or Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

No, I don’t see how that could ever have been seriously considered, even in political theory. The only way to be a viable third-party candidate is for the Republicans to run an unpopular candidate and then, only if the third-party dude has politics that somehow differ from Democrat.

As for the Democrats, the last third-party candidate on their side was Ralph Nader, that perennial “I invented the seat belt” gadfly who was politically assassinated by his own supporters when he tried to run against Obama. I’m not even sure why they bothered; Obama was running against “Songbird” McCain. Maybe they thought Republicans would have voted Green Party instead of Deep State Turd-lick-can.

Stack, who has taken a stand on gun control by eliminating the sales of assault-style rifles from his stores in the wake of the 2018 Parkland, Florida, school shooting, criticized Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell this week for failing to bring to a vote a bill that would require universal background checks for gun sales.

“I wish he’d have the guts to bring it to a vote,” Stack said.

I’m surprised that Cocaine Mitch had the guts to NOT. Must’ve been a Thursday. He never did get the hang of Thursdays.

A person who took part in the message testing said the themes around Stack were heavily focused on his “showing leadership” with the ban on sales of assault-style rifles at all Dick’s Sporting Goods stores.

The suspected gunman in the Parkland massacre bought a shotgun at Dick’s Sporting Goods two months before the shooting, though it was not used in the attack, and a majority of Dick’s locations continue to sell shotguns.

“I will never again allow what didn’t happen at Parkland to not happen again! Because I am a LEADER who can keep his job after pissing away $250M in merchandise plus half our customer base!” Hmm, that actually IS impressive.

Stack also released a book, It’s How We Play the Game, this month . another indicator that he could be weighing a White House bid. But a person familiar with Stack’s thinking said the CEO has no intention of running for office.

“Mr. Stack enjoys running Dick’s Sporting Goods and has no plans to run for any elected office,” the person said.

Easy to read between those lines. Stack wanted to get into politics and postured himself to be a reach-across-the-aisle RINO to the Democrats. He didn’t want to win elected office, he wanted to win “selected office”… a Cabinet member of the winner.

DICK.s Sporting Goods CEO Ed Stack Stepping Down After 36 Years

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25 November 2020

(CNN) . Dick’s Sporting Goods CEO Ed Stack is stepping down after 36 years, a tenure in which he transformed his family’s small business into a national presence, took the company public, and enacted a strong stance on the US gun debate.

Stack, 65 years old, will take on the role of executive chairman and continue as a chief merchant, the company announced Tuesday. Dick’s President Lauren Hobart will ascend to the CEO role on February 1, becoming the company’s first female chief executive.

Stack.s father founded the company in 1948, and Stack has served as chairman and CEO of Dick’s since 1984 when he and his siblings bought his father’s two small sporting goods stores in upstate New York. Under Stack’s leadership, the company now has more than 850 stores and nearly $9 billion in annual revenue. …

Stack, a gun owner who believes in the Second Amendment…

*GunnerQ kicks away the journalist peeing on his leg before it can proceed to the weather forecast.*

…said he decided to make the changes after he learned the teen charged with the shooting had bought a shotgun at a Dick’s store, though that gun wasn’t used in the attack. Dick’s had sold guns since long before Stack started working there in 1977.

Now he will pass the reins to Hobart. .She has proven herself to be a capable, innovative and respected leader who has helped drive our business and our culture,. Stack said in a press release.

Hobart will inherit the company in a strong position: Even during the pandemic, Dick’s stock is up nearly 19% from this time last year. .There has been a greater shift toward athletic apparel and active lifestyle [products] with people spending more time working and exercising at home,. Stack said on a call with analysts in August.

Thanks to no foresight or planning of Dick’s management, the Socialists outlawing the entire gym industry indefinitely gave them record profits. Meanwhile, they went far out of their way to miss out on record gun sales.

So, Stack stuck his Dick into politics and now that Trump permitted Team Biden to start the transition process, has decided he doesn’t want to run the family business anymore. I predict that Biden will make Ed Stack his Gun Buyback Czar, or something.

Because Trump lost, right? Riiight? All the cool journalists said so! Stack better hope there’s no substance to the rumor that Biden quietly offered to cede the election in return for a full pardon.

In his wake, Dick’s will become Cock’s:

Lauren Hobart. She has the best thousand-cock stare I’ve seen in a long time! Also, a smile that is both too high to be natural and completely lacking in warmth. Hoop earrings. Somebody rode the Cock Carousel all the way to CEO!

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Following stints at PepsiCo, Wells Fargo and JPMorgan…

She’s been as politically promiscuous as physically.

…Hobart joined Dick’s in February 2011 as senior vice president and chief marketing officer, where she played a key role in helping develop and launch one of the retailer’s top private labels, CALIA by Carrie Underwood. In 2015, she was promoted to executive vice president and CMO, and then chief customer and digital officer. She was named president in May 2017, and has served on the board since January 2018.

Hobart also earlier this year joined the board of Yum Brands.

She’s really good at networking with a significant bankster background. She’s either Deep State or Humanity’s Oldest Profession.

Hobart has made the women’s athletic apparel and footwear market a bigger focus at Dick’s Sporting Goods, helping to drive the launch of additional private labels.

Ah, female territory marking. We can rule out Deep State. They don’t paint their toenails.

She has helped Dick’s refocus its strategy to compete against Amazon and Walmart, as a number of its sporting goods rivals . such as Sports Authority, Sport Chalet and City Sports . have filed for bankruptcy and shuttered stores in recent years.

She has helped the company refocus its inventories on key categories like youth sports, improve customer service and add in-store experiences like batting cages, to offer shoppers something they cannot find on the internet.

Youth sports?! Like I said, the hounds of bankruptcy. The birth rate is collapsing hard and if she hasn’t noticed yet, youth sports have been outlawed by the government in order to promote social distancing. I don’t see a profit to be made there in the next couple years.

I also don’t see in-store experiences making the difference when going inside the store will be unpredictably banned, once again, by the government.

She’s got nothing but Barbie dolls to offer Dick’s Sporting Goods. That will be a problem for her because if I guess right about Stack’s gubernatorial ambitions, he’ll soon be wanting his old job back.

Cuck Of the Year 2020

An exceptional year deserves an exceptional submission! What’s a man to do when he’s forced to choose between telling his wife No and telling a random server girl No? It’s an inverted love triangle between the wife of his dreams and the waitress whose name he can’t remember!

AITA for telling our server she had a beautiful scalp at my wife’s birthday dinner?

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By Asshole, 24 November 2020

Let’s call him “Bub”.

This happened before the coronavirus was a thing in case you’re wondering. Obviously right now we’re staying in as much as possible and supporting local business through take out and delivery.

He’s off to a strong start by signaling irrelevant virtues!

So this was over a year ago and my wife won’t let it go. I’m looking for some external input. I took my wife to our favorite local spot for her birthday. Everything was good as usual, but we had a server neither of us had seen before with a somewhat striking appearance: she was completely bald. Normally I wouldn’t say anything about something like that because I’m afraid of being rude, but toward the end of the dinner the server made a joke about she and I having the same haircut (I.m bald).

Motivation by fear. I wouldn’t have said anything in that situation because I don’t want fugly feminists spitting in my food. Motivation by hygiene.

I said something along the lines of, .I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m curious. Are you bald by choice?. It turns out she was, which was a great relief to me since I didn’t want to pry into it if she was sick or involuntary bald for some reason.

Cuck confirmed! If she’d been “involuntarily bald” then noticing would have been an insult, but “voluntary bald” is beautiful!

She was more than happy to talk about it and told me all about how she.d always loved bald heads and wanted to try it. She said she got positive feedback and just kept her head shaved. I told her I loved that and I thought women could look very beautiful bald even though it’s not something you see often. I told her she had a great head shape for it…

“Head shape”? Seriously?

…and joked about offering razor recommendations. It was light conversation and that was the end of it.

The waitress shaved her head because she’s past the Slut Event Horizon and possibly a transsexual. She brought it up because she wanted validation that cutting her hair off had been a good idea, which it NEVER IS!! Women, DO NOT CUT YOUR HAIR! Any man who says the chemotherapy look is good for women is a lying pussy-beggar.

For the rest of the meal my wife was silent. I could tell something was wrong. When we got to the car, there was a moment of pause between us and I asked if something was wrong. She replied, “Are we going to stop at Walgreens and pick up some clippers?. I asked her what she meant and she said obviously since I was enthralled with our server’s shaved head she had to do something to win her husbands attention back. I was “blatantly” flirting with our server, apparently. It spiraled into a huge fight with my wife accusing me of wanting to experiment with an exotic-looking woman because I was tired of my boring old wife.

For once, I totally understand a woman’s side of the argument. She works on her hair, tries to be pretty, then THIS shows up…

…and gets a compliment & flirting from him!

I can’t deny that in the moment, I probably looked like I was flirting with our server. It was not intentional, but I guess I realize how it could’ve seemed inappropriate at my wife’s birthday dinner. I did find her attractive…

No. NO, Bub. She was NOT attractive. She was BALD.

…but my wife will always come first. I’m attracted to her and I love her. That’s why I married her. Even now she makes little references like .I guess I’m not as interesting as a bald goddess. or “Does this look good on me or do I need to show some scalp?.

So am I the asshole for this? I just want things to be okay. I’ve tried apologizing but nothing will stop it.

That’s the problem, Bub. You wanted to be nice to everybody. When a waitress tried to fish a compliment out of you for the way she mutilated her natural beauty, you gave it while your wife glared in fully justified frustration. The proper response was, “You look ugly. Baldness is only for men. Do you even try anymore?” But that required telling a woman No, now didn’t it?

(Pro-tip, it also requires your food to be delivered first. For hygiene’s sake, y’know.)

And that’s why Bub’s marriage has been rocky for a year now. He hasn’t found a way to validate his wife caring about her appearance that doesn’t in-validate his validation of a waitress who defiantly did NOT care about her appearance. We must defend muh’Lady’s honor! but which Lady? My wife or that one waitress from last year? Don’t make me choose!

But wait, there’s more!

EDIT: I’m starting to see people making comments that seem to indicate it is never okay to talk about balding in public. I reject this completely. I did not bring this up out of nowhere; the topic came up when the server pointed out (in a jovial fashion) that she and I had the same haircut. It was a brief conversation with zero negative or uncomfortable vibes, and when we left I said bye to the server and she pointed at her head and gave me a little thumbs up. I get the feeling we would’ve got along well as friends. So this isn’t the issue.

“I love you AND I want to be friends with her!”

EDIT 2: Good grief you guys, let me clear something up. My wife is 25 and I am 24. The server looked older than both of us, probably early 30s.

Right on schedule for the Epiphany phase.

So anything saying in flirting with a younger woman is wrong. Also my wife suggested I don’t find her attractive anymore which is completely wrong. Why would I marry someone I didn’t think was capital H O T?? She’s plenty attractive.

Is female baldness attractive to men, yes or no? Yes: your wife shaves herself bald for you. Cue impotence in the marriage bed. No: That waitress you saw one time last year will be sad when she reaches Heaven and finds out you didn’t mean it.

I.m reading everything you’re sending and it’s split down the middle as far as I can tell. All I can tell you is please read carefully. No one was trapped in a conversation with me they didn’t want. As I said the server got my attention as we were leaving. Do you get the attention of people you’re glad are almost out the door? Also I don’t remember the conversation down to the last detail but it was maybe a minute tops. Hope this gives things a little more clarity.

EDIT 3: Lmao yall I see my post got tagged. I don’t know if that means they counted or what but I guess what I.ll do is apologize to my wife in a more formal way and see if she.ll tell me why she’s been bringing this up over and over.

Train wrecks are not salvaged with flowers.

She doesn’t even seem mad anymore really, it’s just coming up every time she talks to me it seems like. And I never addressed it but I already apologized sincerely right after this happened last year. And again numerous times. I don’t know how I can do it any better.

Also yall are ridiculous! I got two messages saying I should get divorced by her immediately and one person said it was evidence of some kind of crime and I should be in jail! Yall I can’t with that one, but thanks to everyone who gave me reasonable input. I guess when this many people see a post I’m gonna get a few unhinged people. I will make a update if I ever get to a solution if this sub is okay with that.

Can anybody propose a solution for Bub? One that won’t require him to be honest or tell a woman No?

Happy Turkey Slaughter Day 2020

To all my readers, a happy Thanksgiving! May this weekend give you the opportunity to enjoy what our struggles are all about: family, friends, good food and a release from our labors in a home where we’re welcome.

And also, if you live in Los Angeles, the opportunity to enjoy the sight outside your window of the neighborhood Karen eating a cold vegan sandwich alone in the winter dark, consoling her own rejection of family with the hope that Winnie the Flu will punish our joy. “Where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth,” as Scripture put it.

I saw a lot of RVs while coming down to stay with family. Way more than usual. Maybe they’re doing that to social distance but I don’t see people buying such expensive, high-maintenance toys for one-time use. Since sales have been high for months, I’m more inclined to believe people are going off-grid before Governor Gavin Gruesome beats them to the goal.

I looked into purchasing one myself. Seems like a useful thing to have when the end of the world is not only nigh but public policy. During the due-diligence research, however, I was advised they’re best for handymen who can make their own small repairs. That would be hard for me so maybe I’ll upgrade my camping gear instead.

The rest stops along California highways are open which surprised me. I ate a sandwich at one for lunch, no hope of dine-in so why not do a picnic? About 2/3 of the people wore masks. I traded a few knowing nods with the men who didn’t. Interesting times are coming.

But first, the holidays. I’m not as fat as I’m going to be!

Manufacturing Cop Crime

As Instapundit often says, the demand for hate crimes outstrips the supply. While everybody knows that cops routinely hunt & murder innocent blacks for sport in broad daylight, details of such behavior are so inexplicably hard to find that Netflix has begun producing them.

Directors Say Their Netflix Movie “Cops and Robbers. Made for Black Victims of Police Violence “Just for Being Themselves.

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By Alana Mastrangelo, 24 November 2020

And just in time for Christmas, too! Move over, Charlie Brown!

Netflix is releasing an animated movie called Cops and Robbers, which it’s directors say was made for all of the black people who’ve been “victims of police violence and other injustices just for being themselves..

The animated short was directed by Arnon Manor and Timothy Ware-Hill, who say that they made the film .for all the Black men, women and children who have been victims of racial profiling, police violence, loss of life and other injustices just for being themselves..

…yet can’t find the evidence to prove it actually happened.

The animated movie was inspired by the death of Ahmaud Arbery, who was shot and killed in Brunswick, Georgia, in February. Gregory McMichael and his son, Travis, were arrested in May and charged with the murder of Arbery.

.You do not see [black vulnerability] a lot…


…and that for me was important because it humanizes black men. It also humanizes black people and marginalized communities,. said actress Jada Pinkett Smith of Cops and Robbers. .We can talk about the issues, but if you don’t feel, if you don’t really see and understand that and see that there’s nothing to fear . we are human and we bleed just like you,. said Pinkett Smith, who interviewed Manor and Ware-Hill.

Wanna see some black vulnerabilities? Of course you do.


Jada Pinkett Smith Says She ‘Often’ Considered Suicide: ‘Mental Health Is a Daily Practice’

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By Stephanie Petit, 12 June 2018

The star has often spoken about her life as a drug dealer after growing up in the tough area of Cherry Hill in Baltimore.

.I grew up in a drug-infested neighborhood where you walk out each day and you just hope that you make it. I came from a war zone,. she told the Mail on Sunday in 2012. .I.ll never forget seeing a friend of mine on the street in Cherry Hill and him calling my name, .Jada!. And I’m like, “All right, Meaty.. I go and see my other friend and then hear .phat, phat, phat. and I come out and he’s dead in the street..

Her first Alpha ghost actually was a ghost.

She added, .There was a possibility that I wouldn’t make it past 21 . that was the reality. When I turned 40, it was a surreal moment because I had never imagined reaching 40..

How did she get that messed up?

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Regarding Jada’s response to all of this, she said she remembered some of those abusive moments. .I knew that my mother and my father had a very violent relationship early on,. the actress explained.

According to Banfield, he was never violent like that when he was sober. He had to be in an “altered state,. as she put it. And the culprit was alcoholism. Jones described her mindset at the time, stating that she believed it was love.

I heard NO excuse for drug-dealing.

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Jada Pinkett Smith has revealed she’s battled several vices in her life . like an addiction to sex. Smith, 46, opened up about her issues during her latest Red Table Talk on Facebook.

“I had a sex addiction of some kind, yes, that everything could be fixed by sex. You know what I’m saying?. she asked the roundtable guests, which included her mom, Adrienne Banfield Norris, husband Will Smith’s youngest sister, Ashley Marie, and special guest August Alsina.

She talked about her sex addictions in public while seated next to her mother? This time, I am NOT asking “where’s Daddy”.

This isn’t the first time Smith has been open about her sex life. In a 2017 interview on Andy Cohen’s Watch What Happens Live, The Girls Trip actress addressed rumours she and Will are swingers.

.Yo, I wish!. that were true, she joked at the time.

You now know why she liked this “Cops and Robbers” movie.

End segue

The Matrix 4 star, who noted that she helped get the short onto Netflix, talked about Brittany Howard of Alabama Shakes. contribution to the film with her performance of the song, .Soon I Will Be Done,. claiming that the song helps people feel compassion for black people that are dying.

Dying over turf wars in the street.

.Having her amazing voice and contribution solidifies and amplifies the messaging I was talking about before with emotion,. said Pinkett Smith. .It’s like there’s a splitting headache heart that hammers down any walls around a person’s heart and pride and ignorance..

.There’s that extra component to help whatever the wall or the block might be that stops somebody from understanding or relating or having compassion around the idea that African American people are dying at the hands of cops,. she added. .The song and Brittany just added that component to help pierce and get to the deeper compassion of the issue..

“She sings so well that lil’ Dewon must be innocent! Does she dance?” “She deals drugs in Baltimore.”

Pinkett Smith added that while “police brutality is nothing new,. Americans are now “watching executions on television” because people are taking videos with their cellphones and posting them to social media.

.We are watching executions on television, which is mind blowing. We are watching young men and young women gunned down on live TV and people are in the streets recording it,. the Gotham star said. .We’ve heard about it before and it would get written up, but now you have the visuals that make it real. We get to see it and that’s the difference. You can look at it and see for yourself what’s happening..

Now that Netflix is literally manufacturing outrage over how cops treat blacks… yes, I suppose you can.

On that note, the synopsis!

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Judging by Ilinca Calugareanu’s .A Cops and Robbers Story,. the NYPD wouldn’t know a good PR move if it shot them in the back.

You want a mulligan to rephrase that with?

No, Illinca does not want a mulligan. I will assume the gender “female”.

Calugareanu.s follow-up to “Chuck Norris vs Communism” introduces us to retired NYPD Commander Corey Pegues, whose biography should be a testament to what’s possible in this country, and not a shameful illustration of why so many American lives don’t get the second acts they deserve. The long and short of it is that Pegues grew up on the mean streets of South Queens during the crack boom of the 1980s, and found himself slinging rock on the corner outside of the neighborhood bodega by the time he was a teenager.

INNOCENTLY slinging crack cocaine! It could have happened to anybody, really.

But that was never really his scene. Raised in a family of strong women who nicknamed him “Booby” and gave him shit whenever he tried to deny his inner softness, Pegues just did what he had to do in order to survive.

Well, the black community is writing what they know. That’s good as far as it goes.

That meant acting hard, joining up with the Supreme Team . the notorious gang that ran the neighborhood drug trade at the time . and ultimately risking his freedom for a little street cred after some other hood muscled him off his spot. Pegues went to kill the guy, but he didn’t know how to rack the slide of his stolen pistol, and the gun jammed. Twice.

Speaking of writing screenplays, blacktivists, it’s traditional to use the introduction of the protagonist to make him appear sympathetic, somebody that the audience can identify with… oh.

Carry on.

So he ran. First he ran off the block, and when he got to the end of the street he just kept running until he found himself in the military. By the time he made his way back to Queens a few years later, he wasn’t running from the police; he was wearing their uniform.

You’re welcome, Pegasus… Pegues? You fucked up your life then Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children put you back on the straight & narrow with an honorable discharge and legit street rep. Let’s hope it took.

But none of Pegues. fellow officers knew how strange it must have been for him to put on the blue every morning, and throughout his illustrious 21 years of public service, Pegues never told them. He kept his criminal past secret, as he had every right to do.

Um, no. That’s employment under false pretenses, an instant termination even in the civilian world. Why would he even hide it? “I did some drugs as a kid then got my act together and served in the military.” That’s respectable.

He put his head down, rose up the ranks in spite of undisguised racism at every turn, and used his personal experience to help make policing more humane.

Which is it? Did white man keep a brutha down or did they give him the promotions he deserved?

To judge by Calugareanu’s film, which runs 77 minutes without credits and doesn’t leave enough room for the nuance this story needs…

The entire Star Whores trilogy didn’t have enough room for the nuance to polish turds of this magnitude.

…Pegues never abused his power. The guy is a noble character, but he might be the first to admit that cops . even retired ones who shared their life stories after leaving the force and made enemies of their former colleagues in the process . have a greater burden of proof these days, and that onus extends to any filmmakers who strive to paint them in a positive light.

Police already wear bodycameras for their every waking moment. We see that Netflix is manufacturing the Narrative that they mysteriously can’t justify in real life, that police deserve to be defunded etc.

Let me say that a different way, just for comparison: Netflix is manufacturing false memories with which to justify the SJWs’ preexisting hate. And the SJWs are okay with intentionally adopting false memories if the Narrative requires it.

I hope I’m wrong… but then, why did they make this movie?

One of the film’s more effusive passages finds its subject recounting the day when, having been promoted to an instructor, he showed a training video about local crime to a class of rookie cops. His heart skipped a beat when his old friends started appearing on screen, and Pegues started to panic that someone might see him in the background.

HAHAHA! Let’s save that one for the inevitable Police Academy remake!

Oh wait, this IS the remake. Fracking year 2020, I tell ya.

His residual fear remains palpable, and we can understand how frustrating it must have been to feel like he couldn’t discuss a part of his life that civilians would understand as the first act of an inspirational trajectory (even Pegues. childhood friends are proud of him to some degree, which is all the more affecting given that some of them never managed to get out of the game). And yet even with all we’ve come to know about police culture, it’s still jarring to see the world of shit that Pegues stepped into when he finally spoke his truth.

That he’s a drug dealer wanted for attempted murder, a past he’s never been honest about nor left behind? …No, he wrote a book. “My Struggle”?

Calugareanu is broadly able to convey the extent of the NYPD.s response . the anger, the misplaced feelings of betrayal, the refusal to learn from Pegues. empathic approach to policework . but .A Cops and Robbers Story. is so eager to get to the part where Pegues starts promoting his book that it skitters over how it felt to have his decades of suspicions come true as the system crashed down around him.

Whistleblowing is one thing. Publishing a book complaining about your coworkers’ behavior is another. Especially if you still have the job. Especially if you’re their supervisor.

Some local news footage and a belligerent letter from the police union fail to provide sufficient dimension for the danger that Pegues invited upon himself, and Calugareanu seems uninterested in probing him for how the NYPD.s response may have complicated his thoughts on the corrupt law enforcement agency that gave him a lifeline when he needed it most.

Even when the blacktivists hate on us, they admit that we treat them better than they deserve. I was not expecting to say anything positive about Madame SocJus’ propaganda.

That Pegues. daughter became a cop is only mentioned in passing at the very end of the film, as is his mantra that he “loves police, but just hates bad police.” The agonized inner conflict that shapes his perspective is worthy of a documentary of its own, but .A Cops and Robbers Story. remains on the outside looking in. The dramatizations that Calugareanu uses to bring Pegues. teen years to life are erratic, and even stranger for how strong, vivid, and well-acted they are . think Sundance breakthrough, not The History Channel.

Eww. Sundance is Perv Row for NAMBLA.

Perhaps if she had taken the same approach to Pegues. adult years, her film would have amounted to something more honest than just a good story well told. But it’s also a story that the NYPD doesn’t want you to see, and at the end of the day that’s enough to make it worth watching.

Methinks it’s a story that the NYPD wants a jury to see. This sounds like a slam-dunk defamation case.

Let’s see if a protest chants “Justice for Pegues!” in 2021. Whoa, Gunner, hold on there! Year 2020 ain’t over yet.

Senator Feinstein Gets Punished For Barrett Confirmation

She’s not dead yet, merely embalmed a la Ginsberg, but the end of Diane Feinstein’s twenty-eight-year reign of Marxist Feminism is approaching.

After criticism, Sen. Feinstein will not seek leadership role on Judiciary Committee

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By AP, 23 November 2020

California Sen. Dianne Feinstein said Monday she will step down from her role as the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, giving up the powerful spot after public criticism of her bipartisan outreach and her handling of Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation hearings.

Notice the headline of this article was, shall we say, “gently phrased”.

Feinstein, 87, said in a statement that she would not seek the position in the next Congress. She did not say why, but said she would instead focus on wildfire and drought issues and the effects of climate change, which are important in her home state.

“I’m leaving to spend more time with my family,” is what Republicans say in this situation.

She plans to continue to serve on the Judiciary, Appropriations and intelligence panels, but said she will not seek the role of top Democrat on any of those committees.

.I will continue to do my utmost to bring about positive change in the coming years,. she said in the statement. She has held the post since 2017.

Feinstein, first elected in 1992, has been a powerful force in the Democratic Party and is the former chairwoman of the intelligence panel. She has not shied from bipartisanship even as both parties have become increasingly polarized.

Oh, come on. That “bipartisanship” only ever went one way.


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Amy Coney Barrett, President Donald Trump’s nominee to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the U.S. Supreme Court, is already under attack by left-wing politicians and activists, but the outpouring of support for Barrett is also surfacing, including a professor of law at her alma mater, the University of Notre Dame.

O. Carter Snead wrote an oped in the Washington Post on Saturday titled, .I’ve known Amy Coney Barrett for 15 years. Liberals Have Nothing to Fear..

You might notice that Snead was discussed in my previous post, advocating a new bioethics for making the totalitarian Plandemic permanent despite whether it’s technically justifiable.

In his op-ed, Snead shared his experience with Barrett’s humanity, including while she was a professor at Notre Dame:

“A few years ago, a blind student matriculated as a first-year law student at Notre Dame. Upon arrival, she encountered delays in getting the technological support she needed to carry out her studies. After only a few days in Barrett’s class, the student asked her for advice. Barrett’s response was “This is no longer your problem. It is my problem.” Barrett followed up with university administration herself, got the student what she needed, and then mentored her for three years. That student just completed her service as the first blind female Supreme Court clerk in U.S. history.”

. Matt Mackowiak (@MattMackowiak) September 26, 2020

Care-based morality. Virtue-signaling.

Snead began his commentary by noting that many of his “progressive friends” are undone by having a conservative woman replace a revered liberal judge.

“She was appointed by DRUMPF!!!!”

.But I have known Barrett as a friend and colleague for more than 15 years,. Snead wrote. “And I can assure worried liberals that there is nothing about the prospect of a Justice Barrett that should cause them to fear..

Snead then detailed the things liberals should not fear, including her intellect: .She has an incandescent mind that has won the admiration of colleagues across the ideological spectrum..

Moreover, Snead cited Barrett’s “remarkable” humility. Snead wrote:

Time and again, I have seen her gently reframe a colleague’s arguments to make them stronger, even when she disagreed with them. And she is not afraid to change her own mind in the search for the truth, as I have seen in several of our faculty seminars. Such open-mindedness is exactly what we want of our judges . and what we can expect Barrett to bring to the Supreme Court, because that is who she has always been.

Snead also claimed . despite the attacks by some, including members of the U.S. Senate . that there is “no need to fear Barrett’s faith..

.To the contrary, her commitment to treating others with respect grows directly out of her religious convictions,. Snead wrote.

And Snead noted a remark about Barrett by someone from Ginsburg’s chamber.

[They] affirmed that Barrett is “not at all ideological” and believes that she will “try as hard as anyone can to bracket the views she has as she decides cases,.. Snead wrote.

That’s a lot of red flags for ACB. So, the insiders vetted her and decided that she’d be acceptable for Team Feminist. Feinstein proceeded to pretend bipartisanship. But in the process, she got viewed by her people’s extremists as

TRUMP SUPPORTER! Swarm swarm swarm!

End segue

That tension came to a head at the hearings for Barrett, when Feinstein closed out the proceedings with an embrace for Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., publicly thanking the chairman for a job well done. Democrats had fiercely opposed Barrett’s nomination to replace the late liberal icon Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Democrats not including Feinstein.

Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin, the Senate’s No. 2 Democrat, has expressed interest in the Judiciary post. Durbin is third in seniority after Feinstein and Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy, who is expected to remain as top Democrat on the powerful Appropriations committee.

A spokeswoman for Durbin did not have immediate comment. But his office has said there is nothing in Democratic caucus rules that blocks him form serving in his leadership post and also as the top Democrat on Judiciary.


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Judge Amy Coney Barrett stood up to hostile questioning on Wednesday morning by Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) about her dissent in the Kanter v. Barr case last year, after he falsely claimed that she had described the right to vote as “secondary.”

Durbin began by challenging Barrett’s claim to follow the text of the law and the Constitution. .You style yourself an originalist, textualist, factualist, whatever the term is,. he said, before asking her if the president could, theoretically, delay the election.

Barrett cited the 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution, but said that she could not answer hypothetical questions.

Durbin then tried turning to Barrett’s dissent in Kanter. He implied that Barrett had done a poor job the day before in explaining her opinion, referring to her responses to questions from Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) about her view of voting rights . .in an attempt to rehabilitate the witness,. Durbin sneered.

Kanter was a case involving a convicted non-violent felon challenging a law that prevented him from owning a firearm.

As Breitbart News has previously explained in a fact check, while both the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms and the Fourteenth Amendment right to vote are fundamental, the text of the latter explicitly allows states to limit the right.

In her dissent in Kanter, Barrett cited existing precedents . including D.C. v. Heller (2008) . that define the right to keep and bear arms as an “individual” right, while the right to vote or to serve on a jury is a “civic” right.

So, Durbin is “considering” the role with the approval of the Trump Derangement crowd.

End segue

.This has been one of the best set of hearings that I’ve participated in,. Feinstein said at the end of the hearing.

Those actions put her immediately in the crosshairs of some influential liberals who had been questioning for some time whether she was right for the job.

.It.s time for Sen. Feinstein to step down from her leadership position on the Senate Judiciary Committee,. said Brian Fallon, the executive director of Demand Justice, which opposes conservative nominees to the courts. .If she won’t, her colleagues need to intervene..

ACB isn’t conservative even by the Left’s own people so this is totally about TDS.

Feinstein also irked some of her fellow Democrats at Barrett’s first confirmation hearing, in 2017 for an appeals court, when she said that Barrett’s opposition to abortion must be rooted in her religion and questioned if it would influence her rulings on the bench, saying the “dogma lives loudly within you..

Republicans seized on the phrase, saying it was offensive to Catholics. The backlash helped Barrett rise in the ranks of Supreme Court hopefuls.

Some Leftists still consider themselves Catholic. Well, Protestantism isn’t hurrying to clean up its own messes, either.

In a statement, Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said he was “grateful for Senator Feinstein’s leadership and contributions to our caucus and country. in the Judiciary post.

Feinstein.s .experience, decades-long relationship with President-elect Biden, and leadership on so many issues will continue to be an asset for our caucus, California, and the country as we begin a new term with the new president,. said Schumer, D-N.Y.

And the horse you rode in on. I don’t fancy Feinstein’s reelection chances the next time around.

Doesn’t it suck to have your name on a list, Diane? Especially when you’ve done nothing to deserve being on the list in the first place?

Theologians Don’t Know What It Means To Be Human

It was my coworker’s turn to spin the radio dial. He chose NPR as always. It was a segment on science’s progress to reproduce humans without the need for sex. Conversation ensued.

Me: “Trust a scientist to take the fun out of sex. Why would anybody want to do that?”

Him: “Look at it this way. Science can already create an egg from your skin cells. With this, you could have your own baby!”

Me: “NO, I could NOT EVER.”

Him: *silent shrug*

I may not be much of a Red Pill-dispensing evangelist but I know True Evil when I see it. It looks like Elites literally breeding themselves because they are THAT full of hateful, arrogant scorn for Normies.

And when the Normies fail to connect dots this obvious… “we can now ban sex entirely because self-reproduction is available to the superwealthy!”… a nasty part of me wonders if the Elites have a valid point. I don’t let it out because the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.

The lack of fear of God is the beginning of… bioethics?

The problem with talking about right and wrong

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By John Stonestreet and Roberto Rivera, 23 November 2020

The problem with talking about right and wrong is that it’s time not spent talking about good and evil.

Perhaps the most helpful framework I know of in wrestling with moral issues comes from T.S. Eliot. Before we can know what to do with something, we must know what that something is for. For example, before we decide what we should do with human life (whether we should take it, make it, or remake it), we should know what human life is for.

A regularly featured poster on a Christian news website just said WHAT? Me, I use Genesis 1:1a for a moral framework: “In the beginning, God CREATED…”

The opposing sides of contemporary debates around bioethics, i.e. abortion, doctor-assisted suicide, in-vitro fertilization, and other assisted reproductive technologies, often proceed from very different beliefs about what it means to be human and, therefore, what it means for humans to flourish.

There are two such beliefs. The humanists believe that human life is a freak accident that means nothing, a question asked by birth and answered by death, valuable only for the wealth and spawn it produces. The devout believe that God created humanity to behave in certain ways that would honor Him as Our Father.

There is no debate about abortion. It is capital murder. There is no debate about doctor-assisted suicide. It is the purest violation possible of the Hippocratic Oath. Pick a second and seppuku if you must, but don’t task the maintainers of human life with culling it. In-vitro is no problem unless you create multiple embryos expecting to kill the ‘surplus’, at which point you’re back at abortion.

That took me one paragraph. This upcoming hack needed a book just to begin:

That, in essence, is the very important argument made by Notre Dame Professor O. Carter Snead in his new book What It Means to Be Human, which was recently called “the most important book of moral philosophy so far this century” by public intellectual Yuval Levin.

Israeli-born Jew with a PhD in Social Thought.

Snead is a bioethicist and professor of Political Science. No Christian background in either of them.

It’s obvious this post is an op-ad rather than an op-ed. Regardless, the concept of bioethics has been on my mind since that conversation with a coworker who can’t tell his left hand from his right, morally speaking.

I’m making progress, however. When we first met, he thought he was a Catholic. He is now more honest in his unbelief.

Our laws and policies and debates about beginning and end-of-life technologies are proceeding these days, says Snead, without a shared or articulated vision of “what it means to be human.” Or, to use T.S. Eliot’s framework, we are greenlighting incredible technologies and freedoms about how to begin life and how to end life without a foundation for understanding what humans are for.

Oh, no no no. We aren’t charting new territory here. Only new tools. The hubris that goes into violating the natural order to secure immortality has been around since the Pharaohs were entombed with their retainers and wealth.

Absent any official conversation, contemporary bioethics merely assumes the dominant cultural narrative about human existence: That we are autonomous individuals living in moral isolation from everything and everyone. As Snead profoundly argues, “everything” includes our own bodies.

Food for the stomach and the stomach for food… God had something to say about that two thousand years ago.

In other words, some of the most profound moral decisions are made as if people are “disembodied wills.” Philosopher Alasdair McIntyre put it simply, .We have forgotten our bodies..

Um… where’s God in all that? His apostles? Every theologian since then?

Here.s why that matters. If we aren’t bound by our bodies, then we aren’t bound by the bodies of others, which means we have no responsibility for anyone or for any obligations that are not chosen. No relationship, not with fellow citizens, not with family members or friends, not with tradition or religion, can define for us who we are or how we live.

And that would be a bad thing? Is my life not mine to live?

This view of what humans are for, or perhaps what humans are not for, has been dubbed .expressive individualism,. and is the dominant worldview shaping our laws and our cultural imagination when it comes to what humans should do, and what we should be able to do with humans (including those not yet born, or who are infirmed and elderly, or who perceive themselves to be “born in the wrong body,. or who are fertile or infertile when they don’t want to be).

Expressive individualism, AKA radical individualism, AKA freedom, AKA self-determination, AKA civil-rights-before-they-meant-White-Man-Bad.

This is a Social Justice argument for justifying the Plandemic. Sure, YOU might be perfectly healthy and not afraid of the Black Coof, but if you don’t take every possible precaution including the end of civilization as you knew it, then SOMEBODY ELSE might TEST POSITIVE because of YOU!

And so we find Stonestreet’s answer to his original question:

“We should know what human life is for.” It’s for OBEYING THE STATE FOR THE BENEFIT OF OTHERS.

Stonestreet & Rivera stopped here but you know me, I went one step further.

In “What It Means to Be Human,. Carter Snead Challenges Our View of Culture, Law

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By Maureen Ferguson, 10 November 2020

In “What It Means to Be Human: The Case for the Body in Public Bioethics,. published by Harvard University Press, O. Carter Snead lays out an inspiring and integrated vision of the human person and proposes a new methodological approach to lawmaking based on this deeper understanding of our embodied humanity.

Snead is one of the world’s leading bioethicists and director of Notre Dame’s de Nicola Center for Ethics and Culture. He has served on numerous governmental commissions and advised all three branches of the federal government on bioethics and human rights.

“I am Big Important Bioethicist with all the Proper Credentials and Friends!”

.What It Means to Be Human. builds on his wide experience across the disciplines of philosophy, science, medicine, and public policy to advance a rounded vision of the human person and human freedom.

None of that is religion. Snead doesn’t even claim to be Christian.

Snead incisively argues that our culture’s current understanding of the human person is fundamentally flawed. As a result, our nation’s laws fall tragically short in protecting persons and in promoting human flourishing.

Nothing that follows from that paragraph will resemble Christ, the Constitution or rule of law.

Echoing the work of sociologist Robert Bellah…

UC Berkeley professor, Harvard graduate and proud member of the Communist Party USA.

…Snead critiques .expressive individualism,. the regnant ideology reflected in current American law. This anthropology assumes an unfettered right to translate one’s desires into reality in an entirely self-autonomous manner. Such an approach treats people as mere products of the mind, not products of the mind and body.

Yes. You ARE a soul and HAVE a body.

We fail to acknowledge the limits of our biological constitution, which is not free to assert itself to whatever end it pleases. Rather, we are embodied and, therefore, finite, vulnerable, dependent creatures. The human body gets tired, gets sick, and can become disabled. It needs replenishing, it ages, and ultimately, ceases to function when we die.

Building on the thought of philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre, Snead reminds us that we are rational creatures, yes, but dependent rational creatures bound to one another for support and care. From infancy to old age, nature.our bodies.dictate our dependency in innumerable ways.

His book was written to justify the Covidian Cult.

By reminding us of the limits of “expressive individualism” and proposing to resituate public bioethics around a more fully human understanding of the person, Snead reminds us that we belong to each other in a web of unchosen familial and societal obligations.

QED. UNCHOSEN societal obligations, he says. Coercion.

Modern expressive individualism demands freedom from pain, suffering, and unwanted death, a demand completely alien to the lived human experience, and in doing so only inflicts more of it. Only by remembering the body and building laws anew upon a fuller notion of the human person can these laws become more humane.

Anybody who says your life is not yours to live, is a modern-day slave trader.

So, how does this relate to “fertilizing your skin cells and gestating your clone in a vat of goo”? It never got discussed. How does it relate to abortion? Nobody discussed that, either, but Snead needed a full chapter in his book. That was surely not to bring moral clarity to the topic. And doctor-assisted suicide? Notice in that last quoted paragraph, “unwanted death”. Classic humanist moralizing: never say DON’T, except to individuality and freedom and Christ from whom the first two flow.

There’s lots of hot air about Snead’s new book but none of his fans can quite explain what Snead’s Brave New Bioethics are about. Our only clues are 1. he’s still welcome in the halls of power, 2. he’s selling his bioethics for profit, 3. he seeks to impose “unchosen obligations” upon you and 4. there’s an increasingly unjustifiable Plandemic going around. Now in Month Nine of “14 days to flatten the curve”!

Ouroboros Steak: You Eat What You Are

Elites are having a lot of fun behind the scenes, imagining the grossest food possible to mix into our diet after they take beef out. First it was soyburger so thick with estrogens that it feminizes men… now on sale… then it was maggots, now it’s your own human flesh raised on a diet of medical waste products.

Ouroboros Steak grow-your-own human meat kit is “technically” not cannibalism

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By Jennifer Hahn, 13 November 2020

A group of American scientists and designers have developed a concept for a grow-your-own steak kit using human cells and blood to question the ethics of the cultured meat industry.

To STRETCH the ethics of the meat industry.

Ouroboros Steak could be grown by the diner at home using their own cells, which are harvested from the inside of their cheek and fed serum derived from expired, donated blood.

This post is Not Safe For Stomach.

The resulting bite-sized pieces of meat, currently on display as prototypes at the Beazley Designs of the Year exhibition, are created entirely without causing harm to animals. The creators argued this cannot be said about the growing selection of cultured meat made from animal cells.

Eating your own flesh is more ethical than eating animals?! One part of me wants to dare PETA to set that example, another part thinks they’d actually do it.

The steak grown from human cells by Andrew Pelling, Orkan Telhan and Grace Knight on display as part of Designs of the Year

Despite the lab-grown meat industry claiming to offer a more sustainable, cruelty-free alternative to factory farming, the process still relies on fetal bovine serum (FBS) as a protein-rich growth supplement for animal cell cultures.

FBS, which costs around ?300 to ?700 per litre, is derived from the blood of calf fetuses after their pregnant mothers are slaughtered by the meat or dairy industry. So lab-grown meat remains a byproduct of polluting agricultural practices, much like regular meat.

Forget Frankenfood, this is Abortionfood.

“Fetal bovine serum costs significant amounts of money and the lives of animals,” said scientist Andrew Pelling, who developed the Ouroboros Steak with industrial designer Grace Knight and artist and researcher Orkan Telhan.

Andrew Pelling of the University of Ottawa, gives a lot of TED talks.

Faculty - IPD: Integrated Product Design

Orkan Telhan has an architecture PhD from MIT but curiously, is only an associate professor of fine arts at U Ottawa. He’s a cofounder of Biorealize, a company making “fashionable” biomedical laboratory tools. I don’t know where he gets his money from, or how he ended up in biology.

Ouroboros Steak, named after the ancient symbol of the snake eating its own tail, cuts out the need for other animals by drawing exclusively on human blood and cells.

The version on display at London’s Design Museum was made using human cell cultures, which can be purchased for research and development purposes from the American Tissue Culture Collection (ATCC). They were fed with human serum derived from expired blood donations that would otherwise have been discarded or incinerated.

The idea of eating human flesh grown from THAT is beyond disgusting. Not to mention, the idea of that being what they might use the blood I donate to charity for.

Amuse-bouche-sized steaks are preserved in resin and laid out on a plate complete with a placemat and silverware as a tongue-in-cheek nod to American diner culture.

No. They’re telegraphing. They’re showing us what they intend to do. That was not an innocent commentary on the ethics of vat-grown protein. This is pure diabolism from men with dead consciences and no disgust reflex.

“Expired human blood is a waste material in the medical system and is cheaper and more sustainable than FBS, but culturally less-accepted. People think that eating oneself is cannibalism, which technically this is not,” said Knight.

How is this not human consumption of human flesh? She didn’t explain.

“Our design is scientifically and economically feasible but also ironic in many ways,” Telhan added.

“We are not promoting ‘eating ourselves’ as a realistic solution that will fix humans’ protein needs. We rather ask a question: what would be the sacrifices we need to make to be able to keep consuming meat at the pace that we are? In the future, who will be able to afford animal meat and who may have no other option than culturing meat from themselves?”

Never in any possible future, will we have no option but to cultivate our own flesh for food. Unless that future is forced upon us by the State.

If I hold my nose enough to be “scientific” about this, losing several pints of blood, cooking the blood in a vat for several months and then eating the results will not be a net gain of protein. Perhaps our “biological designers” should have focused instead on making better ways to store donated blood so less of it will be need to be collected? Or better ways to harvest fish?

Or perhaps in their New World Order, they expect a huge surplus of expired human blood? Because if there’s one thing Communists do better than anybody else, it’s mass butchery of humans.

But no, instead they assume for no (admitted) reason that there are going to be no more livestock in our future so they’re helpfully finding ways to recycle infectious medical waste into “I must believe it’s not cannibalism” butter.

Although no lab-grown meat has so far [been] approved for sale in any part of the world, the market is estimated to be worth $206 million and expected to grow to $572 million by 2025, largely due to the increasing environmental and ethical concerns about the mass rearing of livestock for human consumption.

They intend to starve us. And feed us shit like this in place of healthy meals.

Among the companies hoping to bring cultured meat to market are Aleph Farms, which claims to have been the first company to make a lab-grown steak. Others have focused on substituting meat entirely, with Novameat creating a 3D-printed steak from vegetable proteins.

Novameat uses peas, seaweed and beetroot juice. It’s a step up from pure soy but I still have a question for them:

Does that Vegan look healthy to you?

True Crime: Lying To Contact Tracers

What do you do if telling the truth will hurt innocent people? In Australia, one guy simply lied… and accidentally justified martial law.

South Australia Ends Lockdown Early Because Pizzeria Worker Lied to Contact Tracers

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By John Hayward, 20 November 2020

South Australia imposed an extremely strict coronavirus lockdown on Wednesday, attracting international attention when residents complained they were denied permission to walk their dogs.

On Friday, embarrassed officials said they would lift the restrictions two days early because they discovered the entire panicked .circuit-breaker. lockdown was triggered by false statements made to contact tracers.

No. Hell, no.

One guy who tested positive… not coughing up his lungs in an oxygen tent… said he’d been out and about town, and the government incarcerated two million people in their own homes? That one guy didn’t do that. That one petty dictator wanting to fap to human suffering found an excuse and did that.

South Australia’s two million residents said they were “shocked” and “angry” when the harsh new lockdown was abruptly imposed after months of zero coronavirus transmissions. A “cluster” of 36 coronavirus infections linked to a returning traveler from the United Kingdom raised concerns from local health officials.

From what I’ve been hearing about Australian travel restrictions, that “returning traveler” must have been the Aussie ambassador to England, to have been allowed back into the country without even a 2-week quarantine… probably fresh from an international orgy, too, if I know ambassadors.

The state went into panic mode when a man who tested positive for Chinese coronavirus told contact tracers he got sick after stopping to buy a pizza at the Woodville Pizza Bar in Adelaide, where several workers had become infected.

There’s no way he could have been that specific. Either that wasn’t what he actually told the State or those professional, highly-trained, completely trustworthy, life-saving contact tracers were credulous idiots.

Concluding that a highly contagious strain of the virus was leaping from pizzeria employees to their customers, officials declared a six-day lockdown and very literally placed the entire population under house arrest.

That was not an overreaction. That was a drill.

Only a single person from each household was permitted to leave home and only for a very narrow list of purposes, such as buying groceries. Weddings and funerals were canceled as virtually every business was shut down.

Residents were told they should ask the government for permission to go outside so they could exercise, get a little fresh air, or walk their dogs. To the amazement of both South Australians and observers around the world, the government started telling them “no.”

Normies never learn, that the ultimate aphrodisiac is power and the ultimate temptation is arrogance. This kind of behavior is not random. It is not “misinformed”. Although officials tried to claim exactly that:

On Friday, state health officials revealed they had investigated the man whose testimony triggered this draconian reaction, and discovered he lied to the contact tracers. He was actually an employee at the restaurant, not one of the customers, which meant he spends significant amounts of time in the indoor establishment, rather than passing by quickly for a purchase.

.Had this person been truthful to the contact tracing teams, we would not have gone into a six-day lockdown. To say I am fuming is an understatement. The selfish actions of this individual have put our whole state in a very difficult situation,. South Australian Premier Steven Marshall said at a press conference on Friday after the deception was discovered.

Is poor little baby Marshall upset that somebody didn’t play by the rules?


SA premier Steven Marshall defends Queensland trip amid coronavirus restrictions

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By AAP, 8 November 2020

One week before declaring martial law upon two million people because a single pizza customer tested positive.

Premier Steven Marshall has defended his recent trip to Queensland to attend his son’s university graduation despite authorities still urging South Australians to rethink leaving the state.

Marshall took four days off from Saturday for the self-funded trip, which he says was perfectly acceptable under current coronavirus travel restrictions.

Marshall said that advice came amid the concerns raised by two women who travelled to Victoria and then returned, bringing the virus back with them.

But he said since then Queensland had done “extraordinarily well” with very low virus infections in the past two weeks.

Methinks we have our petty tyrant fapper. If these scumbags at least lived in mortal terror of getting sick themselves the one could at least feel sad while putting two in their chest and one in their face, but this kind of blatant hypocrisy means he’s pure, irredeemable evil.

End segue

.We are absolutely livid with the actions of this individual and we will be looking very carefully at what consequences there [are] going to be,. he added.

What’s the point of having contact tracers if you’re going to shut down half the country anyway? Did you even try to “trace this contact” before you chose to end civilization for another week?

Police Commissioner Grant Stevens promptly deflated Marshall’s rage by observing that citizens are legally required to provide information upon request to health officials, but “there is no penalty for failing to answer truthfully those questions..

The saddest part of the Plandemic is that the pushers are only now bothering to criminalize dissent. That’s how eagerly the entire West accepted the first wave of total government control.

Stevens later amended his comments by saying a task force would be established to examine the situation and determine if the dishonest pizzeria employee could be prosecuted for any legal infractions. He also said the police are looking at providing extra security for the Woodville Pizza Bar.

We got TWO power-tripping self-lovers here!

Officials said the six-day lockdown would be terminated two days early, with most restrictions eased by Saturday evening, although they insisted it was still a prudent measure and encouraged patrons of the “hot spot” restaurant to come forward for testing immediately.

Tens of thousands of tests were reportedly performed after the South Australia “outbreak” was declared, but a grand total of only 25 coronavirus cases have been concerned.

Powerful, arrogant, stupid and USELESS.

Now, let’s think about this. Why did Pizza Boy lie to the authorities? This is pure speculation, admittedly, but here’s my answer:

He didn’t want to lose his job.

A government like this would not have hesitated to shut down the pizzeria for two weeks of quarantine while giving all his coworkers PCR suppositories and terrorizing all the customers they could find with the idea that that wasn’t pepperoni they just ate. Thus, he said that he’d just stopped by for a quick slice and that’s why his shirt has the pizzeria’s logo on it, or something.

I discounted the alternative hypothesis, that he was taking revenge on the pizzeria for some fault, because Marshall ended the lockdown early. He wouldn’t have done that unless he was afraid the truth would come out and make him look bad.

Alas for Pizza Boy, Marshall was itching for a scratching that day and went Hitler on the pizzeria regardless. And on the rest of the planet, too, for good measure. Which is surely how they found out Pizza Boy had lied about not being an employee there in the first place.

COVID-19 health experts disagree on whether to issue fines for lying to contact tracers

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By Bellinda Kontominas, 20 November 2020

As South Australian police investigate a pizza worker accused of lying to contact tracers, leading disease experts are at odds over whether penalties should be imposed for deceiving health authorities.

The discovery of the man’s lie prompted South Australian authorities to cut short the state’s lockdown by three days and Premier Steven Marshall vowed to “throw the book” at him.

But there is no specific penalty in South Australia, or anywhere else in the country, for lying to contact tracers.

Epidemiologist Mary-Louise McLaws, [an advisor to the World Health Organisation (WHO) on the response to COVID-19,] says that should change immediately.

She said emergency public health orders should be imposed as soon as possible to penalise people for wasting contact tracers’ precious time.

But University of Queensland epidemiologist and public health physician Linda Selvey said penalising people was “not the best approach”.

I guess asking for a male physician is too much to hope for anymore.

“If you impose a criminal penalty, then people are potentially less likely to come forward and be tested,” she said.

Associate Professor Selvey said good public health practice was to focus less on penalties and more on building relationships and trust with people.

It means that people are less likely to go to ground.

Selvey is right but we know who will win this debate: the power-tripping microtyrant globalist bureaucrat. Nobody obsesses over loyalty as much as the betrayer.

Atticus Finch, Apologist For Marxism?

This post took a fun detour from mourning a literary Goodwhite to warning us that “understanding black grievances” should NOT result in “I understand they’re Marxists!”

We ignore Atticus Finch at our own risk

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By Cap Stewart, Op-ed Contributor, 19 November 2020

If you want to learn more about current race relations in our country, it would be beneficial to learn about race relations in decades . and even centuries . past.

That has been my perspective, at least. Reading modern-day books on race is fine, but one of my goals is to have a more historically-cognizant perspective on the problem of racism in the United States.

Does Cap realize, I wonder, that blacks were better behaved in the Antebellum South than today? That’s not my opinion, that’s recorded history.

As is often stated, those who fail to learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. Ignorance of past errors can easily lead to misdiagnoses of, and erroneous remedies to, current societal ills. Because of this problem, I have, over the past several months, been reading the works of abolitionists and civil rights leaders from times past . people like Frederick Douglas, Charles W. Chesnutt, Martin Luther King, Jr., and John Howard Griffin.

“I want to educate myself about the history of race relations in USA.”

*Reads only abolitionist dogma.*

Sheesh. Is there an argument to be made that segregation might have been a good thing? Cap will never know because when he sat down to consider “the problem of race”, he intentionally excluded every suggested solution in history except the Marxist-driven 1960s demand of total equality. Not to be confused with the Marxist-driven 2020s demand of total equity.

Bad historian! No sinecure!

In so doing, I am reminded of the advice Atticus Finch gave in Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird: .You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” In that same spirit, John Howard Griffin writes, “Black men told me that the only way a white man could hope to understand anything about [the practice of racism against black Americans] was to wake up some morning in a black man’s skin..

Griffin took the counsel of these black men, and of Atticus Finch, quite literally: he underwent a medical procedure to darken his pigmentation so he could pass as a black man on the streets of the segregated South. His documented experiences, published in the book Black Like Me, are both fascinating and sobering.

Griffin is a fascinating example… of goodwhite self-delusion. He started out with the assumption that the only difference between white and black is skin pigmentation and then changed his skin pigmentation in order to learn what life was like as an African. “Black people are white people who don’t sunburn!” As foolish a presumption as “Women are men who lactate!”

Griffin then went looking for trouble in the South and spoiler alert, found it. He said he didn’t deserve to be treated the way he was by white people and I agree, because he was still a white not a black. How he reacted to the behavior of white treatment of blacks is not necessarily how a black man would have reacted.

We. Are. Different. In. Ways. That. Matter.

Not to say the 21st century is identical to the late 1900s. It most certainly is not. We have made advancements and genuine progress as a nation since then. But we ignore lingering racial problems to our own detriment.

Year 2020 was the WRONG YEAR to say all that, Cap.

Below [is an] excerpt from the epilogue of Black Like Me, [demonstrating] how these excerpts relate to our own current cultural climate…

.People like Martin Luther King, they [white men] said, were just troublemakers and subversives. Whites told their black employees, and really believed it, that the NAACP and Martin Luther King were the black man’s greatest enemies. They were offended by any suggestion of injustice. . . . How easy it was to destroy a man’s good name and reputation by suggesting he was in some way subversive or by calling him a communist. (167, 169).

These days, if you express concern over existing racial disparities in the justice system in particular or society in general, you are likely to be accused of Marxism.

They *were* Communists. The Sixties radicals are now known to be Communists. The Commies tried to start a proletariat uprising but failed because America’s proletariats knew they had life pretty good already. So, the Commies switched tactics to race-mongering. The same old politics of envy but now based on ethnic group rather than social class.

Hello, NAACP!

Modern-day civil rights activists and organizations are also quickly labeled as either Marxist, or subversive to the American way of life, or the real enemies of racial peace . or all of the above.

First Cap says we should understand them, then he says we should stop calling them Marxists after we DO understand.

How can you Cuckservatives be this stupid and still be able to breathe? We are IN THE MIDDLE of a Communist revolution RIGHT FRACKING NOW!!! Would you even recognize a Communist if you saw one say so?

People are still astounded at how George Floyd’s death has sparked such a large public outcry against racism.

I feel a facepalm coming.

After all, the video footage of Floyd’s last moments appears to show no blatant form of racial animus. However, an analogous situation might be a simmering conflict between a husband and wife that slowly escalates with subtle verbal jabs over a period of several days, finally erupting into a shouting match when the husband makes one particularly snide comment. It isn’t just one isolated insult from the husband that causes an avalanche of emotion from the wife. Similarly, civil rights activists have pointed out that the George Floyd situation was simply the last straw in a huge pile of straws.

Thus proving that the civil rights activists lied to you, Cap. The Floyd incident, as you yourself noted, was not about race but the blacktivists staging riots claimed it was. The problem here is not a lack of “understanding” on our part, it’s police not shooting the looters dead on sight.

How did you end up this delusional about identity politics and their underlying motivations? Answer: you fantasize about being Atticus Finch in a courtroom, defending the Noble Negro farmworker/proletariat from the White/bourgeois class because they’re always innocent and pure of heart:

Without this understanding, many Americans have interpreted the national riots as evidence of a massive and subversive plot against our nation. And if a civil rights activist today tries to explain the catalyst of the riots (even while condemning the riots), they are told, .You’re blaming everyone for the riots except the rioters.. It’s the same back-and-forth that took place during the days of Martin Luther King and John Howard Griffin.

Cap might be the Cuckiest Cuckservative that I’ve ever seen Cuck a Cuckolding. I looked at his blog to see if he’s for real and found this:


A Public Plea to the Director of CUTIES

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By Cap Stewart, 22 September 2020

Ms. Doucour?:
Even though I have grave concerns over your feature-length debut, I am also troubled by the overt hatred you have received since Netflix picked up Cuties for mass distribution. The uncharitable names you’ve been given, the perverted motives imputed to you, and the death threats you have received are wholly inappropriate. They are tantamount to violence against both your humanity and the God who created you with dignity and value.

Da Fuq?

I recently discovered an interview in which you shared from your heart the catalyst for writing and directing Cuties. Several things you said resonated with me:

  • .Our girls see that the more a woman is overly sexualized on social media, the more she’s successful. And the children just imitate what they see trying to achieve the same result without understanding the meaning. And yeah, it’s dangerous..

Right, so you made a movie sexualizing children that got lots of attention in order to demotivate girls from sexualizing themselves to get attention… to discourage them from imitating exactly what you successfully did… and us recognizing that hypocrisy “does violence against God” who made wimminz such beautiful, innocent creatures. /facepalm

  • ..isn.t the objectification of a woman’s body that we often see in our Western culture not another kind of oppression?.

Textbook feminism. Women parade their bodies on stage then vilify every man who reacts.

  • .I think all together we have to fix what’s gone wrong so we can give the most beautiful space to our girls and boys to grow up safely..

That’s like funding breast cancer research by renting the movie “Boobzilla”.

Based on this and other interviews, it seems your intention in producing Cuties is to critique our culture’s abundant use of sexual objectification.

It seems her intention was to normalize child sexuality with the fig leaf of “you shouldn’t be enjoying this!”

You even say as much in your interview with Indiewire, in which you address those upset with your film: .[W] both on the same side of this fight against young children’s hypersexualization..

Cap, the last man I saw this delusional about female nature was Jarrid Wilson and he killed himself when the pain of living the feminist lie became too much. He once warned Miley Twerking Cyrus about how men were only using her for her body and she should feel safe to respect herself more than that…does that sounds familiar?

Cap is at risk of suicide just like Jarrid was. He might not even know it.

Ironically enough, the reason why I have decided I cannot watch your film is the same reason why you decided to make it. Because we are, as you put it, .on the same side of this fight,. I hope you can accept the following as a form of constructive criticism.

The same side of female empowerment or the same side of normalizing child sex performers?

To be clear, I will not critique your film as a whole. How could I judge the quality of a work of art I have not seen in its entirety? To do so would be dishonest and uncharitable.

With that said, the method by which a visual story is told is just as important as its message. And my concern is that your film’s central message has been hijacked by your transgressive method.

“Hijacked”? They CHOSE to make this movie the way they did! But we shouldn’t judge too hard if we haven’t viewed the kiddie porn for ourselves…

That many of your critics are mislabeling your film as blatant pornography is no excuse for you to mislabel your film as being free of pornographic content. With the visual material you’ve included in your film, your defense of it (based on intent and context) serves only as a smokescreen from legitimate and warranted scrutiny.

Which is it? Porn or not-porn?

End segue and back to Atticus Finch!

Suffice it to say, Griffin’s experience illustrates how right Atticus Finch was: sometimes it is impossible to understand a person until you climb inside his skin and walk around in it. We may not be in a position to take Griffin’s literal approach.

That is not possible. Not even in Griffin’s extreme case. God can see the heart but we can only see the behavior. Neither should “understanding” be a one-way street. If I cannot “understand” a BLM terrorist until I’m able find a justification for his firebombings then he should cooperate when we Americans ship his violent, parasitic ass back to the Turd World. He’ll “understand” eventually, yes?

Nevertheless, we can . and should . more diligently consider things from other points of view . including those who speak to us from times, places, and experiences different from our own.

“We should always consider how our enemies’ accusations might possibly be true and never consider whether the white men of America’s history might have had valid reasons for treating the Negro like they did. And no matter what, blacktivists today are absolutely NOT Marxists! When we told you to understand them, that’s not what we meant!”

California Legislature Advocates Civil Disobedience Against California Governor

I did some work at a hospice last week, one of those no-visitor, max-quarantine penitentiaries for old folks. At least, that’s what all the outdoor signage said. Me being me, I showed up with a cheerful attitude, no mask (oopsie!) and an offered handshake.

The hospice supervisor shook my hand, never asked about a mask and didn’t wear one himself. He went on to complain about the mask mandate and when I peeked inside, the old folks were playing games and watching TV with each other like life was normal!

Little incidents like that tell me the people are sick & tired of da Coof. Of course, SJWs always double down so Governor Gavin Newscum is expected to announce a statewide curfew for all of California soon, to prevent us from enjoying the holidays unmolested.

This time around, it’s not just me advocating civil disobedience. It’s the California State Legislature advocating civil disobedience… against itself!

California legislators advocate civil disobedience following new state COVID-19 restrictions

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By Brandon Showaiter, 18 November 2020

Republican lawmakers in the California state legislature are advocating for people to engage in civil disobedience and are pushing back against new COVID-19 lockdown restrictions.

The new regulations, which went into effect Tuesday, place 94% of Golden State residents under serious restrictions. Forty-one of the state’s 58 counties are now in purple tier status, the most stringent category. The state uses a color-coded system to indicate levels of restrictions.

What a coincidence that every region in California, larger than most nations, is experiencing COVID synchronicity. Like the Man said, don’t tell me the odds.

State Assemblyman James Gallagher, a Republican from Yuba City, is urging citizens to ignore the new rules.

James Gallagher

He’s one of them Northerners that keeps trying to secede from the rest of Commiefornia but can’t because the parasites won’t vote to let their food leave.

.The Governor and state bureaucrats can color code counties and change rules as they go, but the basics remain the same: We are all free people who can exercise our freedom responsibly,. Gallagher said in a released statement shared with The Christian Post.

.The Government can only take what you let them. I don’t think you should close your business, church, or school. I would encourage you to keep them open. I don’t think you need to cancel Thanksgiving..

Can I hear a Hell-Raising YEAH!!!!

The new regulations disallow restaurants, gyms, movie theaters, and churches from meeting indoors. Newsom is also pondering implementing a statewide curfew.

Honestly, I didn’t even notice we were back in lockdown. I already paid the penalty to break my gym contract, wasn’t going to eat out in the winter cold & rain anyway and Hollyweird can suck reboots & die for all I’ll notice or care.

I got $$$ in my pocket for the first steakhouse to feature normal-life dining, however. I’m just sayin’, restauranteurs, the customers are here… you’re serving one Governor Noisome instead of all your paying clientele.

Gallagher added: .You are all responsible adults and you can decide what risks are acceptable for you and your family. Be considerate. Recognize that we are seeing another increase in cases. It is not because some restaurants have been open, it’s because that is what viruses do.”

Mein Gott! A Commiefornia politician just called me a responsible adult! I never thought to see the day.

The Yuba City politician is not the only one decrying the restrictions.

Writing on her personal Facebook page Monday, California Senate Minority Leader Shannon Grove noted that the public is not being informed that the disease has an over 98% survival rate or the other mental health repercussions and other ills that lockdowns have brought about.

“We desperately need the Church to stay open !!! Suicide, depression, child abuse, isolation, domestic violence, business closures, the Church is needed and essential, especially in this hour !!! May God raise up is people,” she said.

Shannon Grove.jpg

Now we’re getting serious. A NorCal perennial dissident is one thing but a high-level senator and feminist is another! Lots of people don’t like the idea of Cancel-Culturing Christmas!

Newsom has come under criticism for attending a birthday party dinner for his longtime adviser and lobbyist Jason Kinney at the French Laundry . an exclusive restaurant in Napa County . while the rest of the state was being put under restrictions. A typical meal at the restaurant costs around $350 per person, not including wine. Meals at the French Laundry usually include nine courses.

Newsom did that intending to be noticed. He’s telegraphing to the world that Gavin Incorporated, the dictatorship formerly known as the State of California, is open for pay-to-play business. Kinney might already be a billionaire now that the world has proof he’s got special access to Newsom.

“Newsom is considering a statewide curfew. Unless you’re going to a birthday party for a lobbyist at an expensive restaurant like French Laundry. Then you can go and just say ‘I made a bad mistake’ and just like that, all is forgiven,” quipped Melissa Melendez on Twitter Monday.

Melendez is a Republican state senator from southern California who represents portions of Riverside County.

All Republicans, sadly. But wait, what’s this?!

The Sacramento Bee editorial board said the move was bad judgment.

“If Newsom can’t get his head into the game, perhaps he should make this governor thing a one-term affair and leave the job open for someone with a desire to lead,” the editors opined in a Nov. 13 editorial.

The journalists are turning against Gov. Newsom too?!

Newsom said in response to the controversy: “I want to apologize to you because I need to preach and practice, not just preach and not practice, and I’ve done my best to do that.

“We’re all human. We all fall short sometimes.”

No repentance, eh? Newsom flagrantly violated his own lockdown to prove 1. that he’s the boss of California and 2. he’ll bend the rules for people bringing him money.

Let’s check if any other California politicians are flagrantly violating the rules to meet with wealthy lobbyists… ah, fresh off the presses:

Aloha! Several California lawmakers emerge as apparent attendees of Maui excursion

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By Jeremy B. White and Katy Murphy, 17 November 2020

SACRAMENTO . The names of four California lawmakers surfaced Tuesday as apparent attendees of a Maui resort conference that has come under fire because of California’s coronavirus surge and official warnings not to travel out of state.

Assemblymembers Jordan Cunningham (R-Templeton) and Blanca Rubio (D-Baldwin Park) reported buying plane tickets on their late October campaign finance filings. Neither has responded to phone inquiries about whether they are attending the 100-person, four-day legislative conference at the Fairmont Kea Lani in Maui.

Cunningham is a UC Berkeley-trained lawyer and professional bureaucrat. Rubio is a Mexican who illegally immigrated twice… deported the first time.

Assemblymember Chad Mayes (I-Yucca Valley) is in attendance, according to spokesperson Joe Justin, the first to confirm his boss traveled to Hawaii. Justin had no comment beyond confirming Mayes was there.

He tried to make a new holiday to honor the infamous homosexual activist Harvey Milk.

Assemblymember Wendy Carrillo (D-Boyle Heights) went last year and appears to have returned: Carrillo sent a tweet on Sunday that was marked as having been sent from Kihei, Hawaii . right near the conference resort. Carrillo’s office did not respond to a request for confirmation.

An El Salvadoran migrant and environmental activist.

The event run by the Independent Voter Project has brought together lobbyists and lawmakers from California, Texas and Washington, according to organizers. California lawmakers and lobbyists have been venturing to Hawaii each November to soak up the sun, socialize and attend panels, but never before during a worldwide pandemic.

What’s the Independent Voter Project? From Wikipedia:

The Independent Voter Project (IVP) is a 501(c)(4) United States nonprofit organization. It launched in 2006 with a $1 million grant from John Moores. IVP seeks to re-engage nonpartisan voters and promote nonpartisan election reform through initiatives, litigation, and voter education.

IVP was founded by former California State Senator and Assemblymember Steve Peace, a registered Democrat, former California Assemblymember Jeff Marston, a Republican, and Dan Howle. Howle and Marston are the current co-chairs. Peace is no longer a board member but is still a financial contributor.

Moores is the winner of the Peregrine Systems bankruptcy. Per Wikipedia, he cashed out $630M of investor money then the company went bankrupt one year later. He has numerous Leftist ties ranging from UC Berkeley to his Jewish (second) wife.

Peace was a registered lobbyist for Moores. Possibly his employee at the same time.

Now we know who the inner circle of Post-Coof Commiefornia is… for as long as it lasts. A state government divided against itself cannot stand.

To Kill A MAGAbird

Yes! YesyesyesYES! The Tradcon Textbook, “To Kill A Mockingbird” has begun to be banned! And in my childhood stomping grounds too, no less!

By Jove, I despised that book. Even as a child I knew the plot was ridiculous: an obviously innocent black man is condemned by an all-white jury just because he’s black, and even more ridiculous than that, the good guy was a LAWYER! And then I got creeped out by the little girl’s interest in the strange Boo Ridley that I later came to understand as the Noble Savage female imperative.

Worse than the book being less interesting and less moral than my Iron Man comics (his suit was originally transistor-powered with a built-in slide rule! Stark’s first arch-nemesis was the Communist named Mandarin!) was the fact that I had to read TKAM FOUR YEARS IN A ROW, that’s how obsessed the Los Angeles School District was with the idea of goodwhites championing one-armed laborers against their own people. I learned more about healthy white/black interactions from Bill Cosby and Mr. T.

The Eighties were great. Sorry you missed them, kids.

Seriously, after three years of reading the same lame book, I didn’t even crack TKAM the fourth time. I just took the tests and aced them. That was good, I was in high school by then and busy with learning my second computer programming language.

Thus, it is with great personal pleasure that I report:

‘To Kill a Mockingbird,’ Other Books Banned From California Schools Over Racism Concerns

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By Samantha Lock, 13 November 2020

Schools in Burbank,[California] will no longer be able to teach a handful of classic novels, including Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, following concerns raised by parents over racism.

Middle and high school English teachers in the Burbank Unified School District received the news during a virtual meeting on September 9.

Until further notice, teachers in the area will not be able to include on their curriculum Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird…


…Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn…

I didn’t even know it was still legal to print that. Fun tip for the holidays: when your Antifa cousin comes to visit, put Huck Finn on the dining table. Tell him you’ll set the table if he clears it first.

John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men…

A boring paperweight, but contains the Red Pill character of (IIRC) Rose playing “let’s you and him fight” between her effeminate yet violent boyfriend and a skull-crushingly powerful simpleton. Spoiler: her skull gets crushed.

…Theodore Taylor’s The Cay and Mildred D. Taylor’s Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry.

Never read. Never missed. Never cared.

So, what brought administrators to the realization that these books contain the dreaded N-word? Were they so bored with the plandemic that they began reading the books they taught?

Four parents, three of whom are Black, challenged the classic novels for alleged potential harm to the district’s roughly 400 Black students.

Man, I gotta stop being so optimistic about school administrators. A couple NEGROES, to use the ancient (1960s) term, bitched to Admin. Admin promptly caved like good little cucks who don’t actually care about teaching the classics:

All but Huckleberry Finn have been required reading for students in the district.

Hey!! When *I* complained about TKAM, they told me to suck it up! Three years in a row! Where’s this white privilege I’m supposed to have?!

Carmenita Helligar said her daughter, Destiny, was approached by a white student in math class using a racial taunt including the N-word, which he’d learned from reading Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry while both attended the David Starr Jordan Middle School.

“My family used to own your family and now I want a dollar from each of you for the week,” another boy is said to have told Destiny.

No. No way that happened. Burbank is one of the better (more white, more expensive) neighborhoods of LA but that kind of cracker arrogance didn’t happen even in my day when we could get away with it.

Helligar, who is one of the parents who filed a complaint in the case, claimed the boy’s excuse was that he had read it in class and the principal had been dismissive of the incident.

My daughter was literally traumatized,” Helligar said. “These books are problematic … you feel helpless because you can’t even protect your child from the hurt that she’s going through.”

You daughter is literally a bastard. Where’s Daddy?

Nadra Ostrom, another Black parent who filed a complaint, argued that the portrayal of Black people is mostly from a white perspective.

“There’s no counter-narrative to this Black person dealing with racism and a white person saving them,” she said.

Ostrom added that the current education given to students assumes “that racism is something in the past.”

Sorry that meme isn’t properly COLORED.

However, other teachers, organizations and students have argued that the books’ inclusion in teaching material is essential for supporting a conversation about contemporary racism and framing class discussions about race.

They’re also windows into America’s soul and past… yes? Hello? Bueller?

The National Coalition Against Censorship (NCAC) sent a letter to BUSD urging the district to allow teaching of the books while the challenges are under review.

“[W]e believe that the books… have a great pedagogical value and should be retained in the curriculum,” read the letter from the NCAC, as cited by the LA Times.

PEN America (an acronym for Poets, Essayists, Novelists) also released a petition calling to reinstate the banned books.

“Each of the books in question deal with difficult subject matter from our country’s complicated and painful history, including systemic racism,” an excerpt from the petition reads. “Blocking engagement with these important books is also avoiding the important role that schools can and should play in providing context for why these books inspire and challenge us still today.”

Fascinating that none of the books’ defenders cited cultural relevance, inspiration or simple quality as reasons for keeping Huck Finn and Lenny around. There’s no America anymore, just competing identity factions cheerleading for their favored Narrative. With one exception. One hate… to rule them all… one hate to bind them, one hate to bring them all and in the darkness bind them, in the land of Mordor where white men aren’t allowed to maintain the power grid. Stupid orcs.

Which brings me to the sweet, schadenfreudic reason why the Left is banning TKAM after decades of constant usage for indoctrination: the Narrative has shifted.

The Negro in TKAM needed a white man’s help. Atticus Finch the White Knight Lawyer was his only chance at a fair trial, remember? But this year, the Narrative has shifted from ‘blacks need our support’ to ‘white man bad’! We need new Narratives to justify the persecution of White America into oblivion. Narratives like the 1619 Project or… or…

*GunnerQ checks what’s trending in race-conscious teen books.*


Feminists aren’t writing ANY new books for teens. Lots and lots of books for children up through age 12 or so but nothing after that. The Woke alternatives are so lacking that Hunger Games appears to be seriously taught in some educational circles. Nothing like I’d expected to find… “To Kill A MAGAbird” or “Fat Rolls of Thunder” or “The Gay” or ANYTHING.

I’d suggest writing new teen books to fill the gap but honestly, Mark Twain and Tolkien have it covered already. Classics be classic, yo.

But sure, you stupid loud fat vibrant Dindu POC Orcs, go ahead and burn the books that taught White Man to champion your self-inflicted plight. You’ll never need those again! because we have always been at war with Eastasia.

Electing Terrorists Is Hard

Here’s a primer for the confused on what the hey is going on with the elections. We start with the Clinton Machine playing Illuminati and end with CBS News making statements that possibly could, from perspectives they might not have considered, be terrorist threats against Trump administration officials.

I wanted to ignore this whole mess, securely knowing that Trump is in it to win it, but noooo, Democrats wouldn’t stop monopolizing the headlines. Fine then, let’s read some headlines!

1. Dominion Voting Machines is part of the Clinton Foundation.

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In 2014, Dominion Voting committed to providing emerging and post-conflict democracies with access to voting technology through its philanthropic support to the DELIAN Project, as many emerging democracies suffer from post-electoral violence due to the delay in the publishing of election results. Over the next three years, Dominion Voting will support election technology pilots with donated Automated Voting Machines (AVM), providing an improved electoral process, and therefore safer elections [for African and Latin American countries]. As a large number of election staff are women, there will be an emphasis on training women, who will be the first to benefit from the skills transfer training and use of AVMs. It is estimated that 100 women will directly benefit from election technology skills training per pilot election.

What is the Delian Project?

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Enabled by local and international funding models, the Delian Project brings together various stakeholders from the electoral technology sector in order to support emerging democracies, with a particular focus on physically disabled and special needs voters. The use of donated electoral technology and expertise assists voters in exercising their democratic franchise by bringing consistency, transparency, and speed to the voting process.

The plot was “he who counts the votes, decides the elections” for every so-called democratic nation in Africa and Latin America. But hey, let’s try it out in USA first! What could go wrong?

2. State-level Democrats gave Dominion a huge percentage of the voting machine market, about 40%.

Dominion is second from bottom. Sourced from

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3. Repaying the favor without actually throwing money around, Dominion programmed its machines to give Biden an extra percentage of votes in key states.

4. Most Republicans put off voting until voting day.

5. Democrats realized at the last moment that the extra percentage wasn’t going to be enough (Trumpslide). It was too late to reprogram the machines so they stopped the vote.

And that was the moment it all went FUBAR.

6. The stop allowed community organizers to pump out Biden votes in such a hurry that often, all the other selections on the ballots were left blank.

7. Democrats forced the election observers away then tried to mix fake votes into the system. Some were backdated by the post office while others just showed up in panel vans at four in the morning.

8. The panic reactions–stopping the votes, kicking out the observers, early-AM delivery of mystery ballots, election workers ordered to commit fraud without being vetted for loyalty first–made vote fraud easy to prove.

9. Having lost control of the election process, the Democrat-controlled media tried a “fait accompli” tactic. They declared victory for the Democrats and now talk endlessly about Biden’s new appointments, plans for the transition etc. even as their allies have begun to be arrested for election fraud.

10. Trump didn’t play ball with the people obsessed with murdering him. I am honestly shocked. Every single other sitting Republican would have rolled over for the trouble of asking.

11. Now in desperation, the Democrats are publishing hit lists of Trump supporters who aren’t playing along with the fait accompli tactic. A naked terror tactic. Although CBS surely, surely didn’t intend it as such:

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12 November 2020

“The peaceful transfer of power from one administration to another is one of the cornerstones of American democracy. But officials from the transition team of President-elect Joe Biden are accusing the federal agency which oversees the transition of stalling by refusing to formally kick off the process.

“That agency, known as the General Services Administration (GSA), is a sprawling bureaucracy established in 1949 that now has 12,000 employees and a $21 billion budget. It works largely behind the scenes to support other federal entities, with responsibility for managing federal office space, procuring supplies and improving the use of technology across the government. …

In order to start this process, however, federal law states the GSA administrator must first issue a letter of “ascertainment” determining the likely winner of the race. The move is essentially a formal recognition by the current administration that a new president has been elected and a transition will occur.”

So, the news media doesn’t declare the victor. The electors do but in the meantime, the GSA head can “assume” the winner.

President Trump has so far declined to concede the election, even though Mr. Biden is projected to win a comfortable majority of electoral votes. His campaign has launched lawsuits in several states to discount votes which it considers to be disputed, although these efforts have so far been unsuccessful.

CBS waited a full week to announce that a flotilla of lawsuits and criminal investigations across the entire eastern half of the country was “unsuccessful”.

Emily Murphy, the GSA administrator, has declined to determine Mr. Biden is the likely next president and begin the transition process. Biden officials say that they are considering pursuing legal action if Murphy does not act in the coming days. Murphy is a Trump appointee and former Republican staffer on Capitol Hill, and has a reputation as a “diligent professional,” according to The New York Times.

Well, there it is. “If you don’t act against Trump, your boss, and concede us the election then we’re going to sue you.” How is that not intimidation in pursuit of a political objective?

“We believe that the time has come for the GSA administrator to promptly ascertain Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as president-elect and vice president-elect,” a Biden-Harris transition official said Monday night during a briefing with reporters. …

[In] a tweet on Monday, Biden transition official Jen Psaki urged Murphy and the GSA to formally accept the inevitable.

Now that the election has been independently called for Joe Biden, we look forward to the GSA Administrator quickly ascertaining Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as the President-elect and Vice President-elect,” Psaki said. “America’s national security and economic interests depend on the federal government signaling clearly and swiftly that the United States government will respect the will of the American people and engage in a smooth and peaceful transfer of power.”

“Independent” means “not official”. Suck it, Barbie!

Psaki is one of Joseph Crowley’s former minions. He was the New York Representative who got shanked by his own party to inaugurate Occasional Cortex.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) confirmed on Tuesday that it has not begun high-level briefings for Mr. Biden. he has been receiving a lower-level briefing since he was formally nominated, but is not receiving the Presidential Daily Brief, the crown jewel of intelligence products. In a statement, an ODNI spokesperson said that the agency would not act until the GSA makes a move.

You don’t suppose they talk about the sitting President in that Daily Brief, do you?

“ODNI follows the statutory direction provided in the Presidential Transition Act, which requires ascertainment of the candidate by the administrator of GSA prior to supporting a potential presidential transition. ODNI would not have contact with any transition team until notified by the GSA Administrator,” the spokesperson said.

Lest you think this is a one-off case, here’s a link to the hit list of 1,202 names before it was made private.

And here’s the source website for that:

Biden’s America: Leftists Compile Massive Enemies List

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As Joe Biden appealed the nation for unity on Friday, members of his party were busy compiling an enemies list.

Yay Unity!

Bronson already reported that people like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and WaPo’s fake conservative Jennifer Rubin were calling for the blacklisting of Republicans concerned with election integrity. But some TDS-afflicted liberals have been quite busy on their Trump Accountability Project.

.Remember what they did,. the website’s homepage reads, vowing to “never forget” those who helped push the Trump agenda.

That sounds like a threat.

.We should welcome in our fellow Americans with whom we differ politically,. the site says.


.But those who took a paycheck from the Trump Administration should not profit from their efforts to tear our democracy apart. The world should never forget those who, when faced with a decision, chose to put their money, their time, and their reputations behind separating children from their families, encouraging racism and anti-Semitism, and negligently causing the unnecessary loss of life and economic devastation from our country’s failed response to the COVID-19 pandemic..


While the actual list is not publicly accessible anymore, lawyer Leslie McAdoo Gordon took screenshots of everything and published them here and on Twitter.

Link above.

Those targeted are people who served in the Trump administration, donors, and individuals and PACs who helped get Trump elected, such as members of his campaign and the Republican National Committee. A previous version of the site also included appointees (plus to the judiciary), donors contributing $1,000 or more, and law firms representing him. According to Gordon, the list of administration officials numbered 1,202 and includes assistants and stenographers. A sitting U.S. senator even made the list (Lindsey Graham).

She discovered the three people behind the project were Pete Buttigieg campaign staffers and a former Obama official. One of them threatened “consequences” for any employer that hired people on their list.

Sounds like a threat.

@kaitlancollins just reported WH staff are starting to look for jobs. Employers considering them should know there are consequences for hiring anyone who helped Trump attack American values. Find out how at the Trump Accountability Project.

Sounds like a… botched election grab.

And a threat.

And that is what the 2020 election has been reduced to, open acts of threats and/or intimidation directed against high-level government officials in order to advance the political agenda of Totalitarian Global Socialism. Textbook terrorism.

To close, Trump Derangement Syndrome did this. If the Left had simply accepted defeat when they saw the voting machines weren’t cheating enough, Trump wouldn’t even have gone after them. He would have declared victory, enjoyed another four years and then America would drown in Marxism as they’d always planned. Just a four-year delay, tops, because Drumpf hasn’t exactly gone after Commiefornia for spitting in his face, now has he?

But no, they just couldn’t accept Orange Man for one single more day. So they committed those acts of total desperation, which blew the lid off everything, and now their only hope is to literally terrorize enough of Trump’s Cabinet into joining them in election fraud that there’s nobody left to call them guilty.

More popcorn, please.

Dr. Doug Weiss Believes Hosea’s Wife Was Hosea’s Fault

It’s not news anymore when a PhD Christian is wrong about human sexuality, but it takes a special kind of stupid to call out Biblical passages that prove the expert wrong while doing so.

One of the Biggest Lies Christian Men Believe About Sexual Sin

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By Dr. Doug Weiss, 15 November 2020

Picture taken from his own website.

The biggest lie I have heard among Christian men about their [online] sexual addiction is that “it’s not hurting anybody else.” Nothing could be further from the truth of God’s word or His heart.

Actually, there’s a LOT of truth to that. No women are being harmed besides the legal-age participants. No bastards are being made, no diseases are being spread and no marriage vows are being broken.

Your choices when it comes to sexuality affect everybody in your life, either for good or bad.

Fact, they don’t. Ask my coworkers how scandalized they’ve been with my porn habits that they never knew about.

How many of us have felt pain or sadness over our Christian leaders, singers and speakers when they went sexually astray? They damaged not only their lives, but also the lives of their spouses, their children and those with whom they involved themselves.

Not me. When I see a pastor resorting to porn, I feel pity that he suffers the predations of his Arctic shrike of a fishwife together with schadenfreude that he deserves it after choosing to make reenactment of Original Sin his life’s work.

Sometimes I even see it coming. But what can I do, warn Pastor to strengthen his pimp hand before the thirst gets intolerable?

I want to show you how your sex affects others to a deeper level. I believe within every man is a God-given disposition to protect. A man cannot stand by and allow an outsider to hurt anyone he truly loves. This is exemplified in the relationship between a man and his daughter.

Excellent. Doug didn’t waste my time, he went straight for the Electra complex! And in Churchianity, Electra is a “do” rather than a “do not”.

He will protect her above all, and he will protect her intuitively and valiantly. He will be her hero. It’s in all of us men to be this for her.

Biblically speaking, he will trade her away for a son because sons are valuable. *Points at Mosaic Law*

Your daughters will be directly affected by your personal sex life. This effect can be for the good if you have sexual integrity. Her mother needs to have the appropriate conversations with her regarding her sexual development so that she can understand the changes taking place in her life and the boundaries that God has for her sexuality.

Get real, Doug. Modern women are too busy teaching Scripture to men to also teach the Biblical boundaries of “respect and obey your husband and enjoy him in your youth”. To say nothing of her own youthful harlotry and poor marital example.

But if you are not keeping God’s boundaries for your own sexuality, I doubt that these conversations will have much depth, integrity or conviction. Guilt over your private sex life with yourself or others will prevent you from being an optimal father. For those who find themselves addicted to porn or the Internet, these issues are of grave importance.

Men disobey God… women most affected!

Your daughter might not see you check out that waitress or jogger in an inappropriate manner.

*giggle* Sorry. Inside joke that won’t age well.

On a serious note, we see here that Doug’s problem with male sexuality is that it persists in ways that aren’t useful to Mommy. Normal men, an increasingly rare breed, understand that checking out the occasional ass is a hardwired reaction and not at all on the same level of serial adultery.

Indeed, throughout this article Doug refuses to make a distinction between a frustrated husband resorting to porn, an innocent catcall at a chick walking by and a pastor committing adultery for all to see. Men without a woman in their lives at all?

She might never come across your secret porn stash. She might never see you spend hours upon hours every week flipping thru channels so you can ogle women.

She might never notice the lack of affection you give your wife because she is not like the pinup girl you’ve seen, although she may be.

Cucks do enjoy arguing against themselves. “You sin affects everybody! even though they might never notice it.”

Wake up, Christian men! God Himself addressed the issue of our sexuality and the effects on our daughters in Hosea 4:10-14 (NIV), ” Because they … give themselves to prostitution … a spirit of prostitution leads them….astray; they are unfaithful to their God…Therefore your daughters turn to prostitution and your daughters-in-law to adultery.

He goes on to say that God will not punish the daughters because it’s the men who have committed the sexual sin of prostitution. (see vs. 14)

Wow. The bitch is strong with this one. “I slept around, Daddy, and my bad behavior is so much your fault that God Himself won’t even punish me!” This while quoting from a book about a prophet of God forced to marry a shameless prostitute for his wife, to represent the nation’s unfaithfulness to Father God.

That’s not just wrong, that’s 180 degrees from right.

Let’s start with that hideously cut & pasted Bible quotation. Chapter 4 is a charge against the nation Israel, as noted in verses 1-2: “Hear the word of the Lord, you Israelites, because the Lord has a charge to bring against you who live in the land: .There is no faithfulness, no love, no acknowledgment of God in the land. There is only cursing, lying and murder, stealing and adultery; they break all bounds, and bloodshed follows bloodshed.

Let’s begin.

Verses 10-12:.They will eat but not have enough;
they will engage in prostitution but not flourish,
because they have deserted the Lord
to give themselves to prostitution;
old wine and new wine
take away their understanding.
My people consult a wooden idol,
and a diviner’s rod speaks to them.
A spirit of prostitution leads them astray;
they are unfaithful to their God.”

As with the early chapters of Hosea, prostitution is used here as a metaphor for Israel’s unfaithfulness to God. Prostitution itself is not the topic. Unfaithfulness to God is the topic.

Verse 13:”They sacrifice on the mountaintops
and burn offerings on the hills,
under oak, poplar and terebinth,
where the shade is pleasant.
Therefore your daughters turn to prostitution
and your daughters-in-law to adultery.

We have seen the truth of this in recent decades. Frauds like Doug Weiss worship false gods (in his case, Feminism… or Jezebel if you prefer) and as a direct result, the next generations of women run feral.

Verse 14: “I will not punish your daughters
when they turn to prostitution,
nor your daughters-in-law
when they commit adultery,
because the men themselves consort with harlots
and sacrifice with shrine prostitutes.
a people without understanding will come to ruin!

You can see why Doug was excited to find this verse. Applied literally, however, this violates the entire rest of Scripture’s teachings about guilt as well as condemns Hosea for consorting with a harlot as ordered by God.

Because the context is the nation Israel’s disobedience, we can see in history that God eventually restored them from punishments such as the Babylonian exile. That’s all that this is… God rejecting the concept of generational guilt. Jeremiah 31:29-30 “[Declares the Lord,] .In those days people will no longer say, .The parents have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on edge.” Instead, everyone will die for their own sin; whoever eats sour grapes.their own teeth will be set on edge.

Dough Weiss, PhD is a lying fraud of a Christian. He used the picture of Gomer’s unfaithfulness to Hosea as an example of Hosea being a bad man! Which was the total opposite of the message God was trying to get across when He ordered a righteous man to marry a skank-whore in the first place!

Back in Hosea’s day, they didn’t have Playboy magazine, the Internet or chat rooms. They only had prostitutes. These modern-day sexual sins are of the same spirit.

Doug, you JUST quoted from a chapter of Hosea that discussed idol worship! And men have been drawing bawdy pictures since the day we learned to draw. First we drew a stick figure, then we drew him with a big-ass spear, then we drew him humping the ugly stick girl, then we threw rocks at each other.

I wasn’t there but tell me I’m wrong.

They suck the spiritual life and power right out of men. So many men I know personally did not reach their destiny in Christ because of engaging in this modern spirit of prostitution.

So many clergy think God has a special love for them because they draw a paycheck in His name. “I used to be a no-name dirt farmer like you. Then GOD CALLED ME to attend seminary instead of being drafted for Vietnam!”

We need to rise up as New Testament saints and realize our sexuality is the issue. You don’t get away with a secret addiction to Internet porn, self-sex or adultery.

As I said, Doug refuses to distinguish between appreciating a hot chick and breaking a marriage vow.

What you do with your sexuality can create havoc in your children’s lives. You don’t get away with sexual sin.

That is not men’s motivation for using porn. Their motivation is either wifey refusing to put out or increasingly, no chance for a wifey at all.

If you’re struggling with sexual sin or addiction, get accountable. Start walking in God’s truth in your sexuality. If you won’t do it for yourself, do it for your daughter.

If a sexual temptation comes toward you, picture your precious little daughter crying because you let her and her mother down. That picture is stronger than any list could ever be.

Ohhh, Doug wants to compare pictures? Eye bleach warning! Here’s a picture of the Modern Woman let down by her husband being more attracted to an inanimate picture than her body:

I made a covenant with my God when I held my daughter as a baby not only to protect her with all my being and strength, but also never to shame her. I promised God that the spirit of adultery and divorce that goes up my family tree for as far as I can see stops here with me. In Christ, with accountability (see James 5:16), you can get and stay free.

I pray that you will see the damage your private actions can have on those you love most.

I close with a special hate for Doug Weiss invoking the taboo of child sex against the entire male sex drive. There is a special curse upon people who call something good, evil, and male sexuality was created by God. Instead of trying to suffocate masculinity with every tool of shame that can be grasped, the Church should be training its “somebody’s daughters” to be the loyal young wives of young men.

Alabama’s Potatoman Versus the Deep State

Our Elites aren’t even pretending that white Christians are anything but marked for extermination. I rolled my eyes at “yet another senator who doesn’t know the three branches of the Federal Government” then got whiplash when I noticed that criticism came from Al Franken. How would HE know?

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Tommy Tuberville is Alabama’s U.S. senator-elect and former NCAA football coach who is going viral after claiming the three government branches are “the House, the Senate and Executive..

Tuberville, who defeated Democratic Senator Doug Jones on November 3, made the mistake during a November 12 interview with the Alabama Daily News.

His first mistake was talking to the press at all.

When reporter Todd Stacy asked the senator-elect whether he believed that Democrats would have to work with Republicans and vice versa to achieve progress moving forward, Tuberville said the “government was set up” to operate that way.

.Our government wasn’t set up for one group to have all three of branches of government,. he expressed. .It wasn’t set up that way, our three branches, the House, the Senate and Executive..

Sigh, well, I’ll go ahead and nickname him ‘Potatoman’ Tuberville for Cucking like that, yet as with Trump I find myself forced to defend somebody I don’t like because his accusers are so much more vile. Tuberville was obviously not being quizzed on the three ACTUAL branches of the government, just the ones he thought Democrats would have to cooperate with Republicans in.

I talked with @TTuberville about his next steps, including hiring top staff, getting on committees and the prospects of working with razor-thin majorities in the House and Senate. Listen and read to our “In the Weeds” discussion here: #alsen

. Todd Stacy (@toddcstacy) November 12, 2020

Turns out former Auburn f-ball coach, AL Sen-elect Tommy Tuberville doesn’t know the 3 branches, why we fought WWII, & that you can’t fundraise from your Senate office. What a surprise!

. Al Franken (@alfranken) November 13, 2020

What a surprise that of all the politicians in Congress to get called out for not knowing the basics of American government, the lucky winner of national attention is…

Tuberville, a “Christian conservative,. highlights several key areas of interest on his website, including gun rights, immigration and border security, lower taxes and “protecting life..

On abortion, he says, .I will fight to protect the sanctity of every human life because future generations may very well look back at the current wave of infanticide sweeping across our nation as this generation’s holocaust..

Heavy was never the Cuckservative pretender that Fox News was, yet this article is a shameless hatchet job. All the chips are getting thrown down in a desperate, all-out bid to destroy…

President Donald Trump expressed his support for Tuberville following Alabama’s March primary.

Tuberville isn’t really an ally of Trump if Trump didn’t help him win the primary against… JEFF SESSIONS?!

The president said in May that Tuberville is a “true supporter,. adding that former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions “let our country down” by recusing himself during the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign.

Sessions later told Fox News that he did not regret his decision.

.You never regret doing what you believe is the right thing, Neil,. he said to the station. .I was convinced I had to do that, I was required to do that. My faith and my commitment to law is such that I would never fail to do my duty under those circumstances and I did what I felt I had to do..

Sessions ran as a Republican against Tuberville. The Deep State tried to cover its bets by running Sessions as a Republican against incumbent Democrat Doug Jones who per wikipedia, was the only Democrat currently in Alabama politics.

Also per wikipedia, Jones is now being considered for Biden’s US Attorney General, he’s that much of a Deep Stater. The Swamp thought it had both sides covered to marginalize the Republican State of Alabama, then Tuberville came along and upset its surefire plan.

That was depressingly easy to figure out.

h/t Dark Brightness.

It was a good day when the folks of Alabama elected Tuberville. That being said, Potatoman doesn’t know even the first rule of good government: