Frank Ghinassi and the Winter Elephant Of Mental Health

Truly, it astonishes how much professional, credentialed experts will sabotage themselves and the people who trust them in their desperate worship of the Narrative from which all sinecures flow. Compare this Behavioral Health CEO’s advice to amateur-anonymous-mine.

How to Manage Mental Health in Cold Weather during the Pandemic

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By Ravi Maharajh, 5 November 2020

As the colder weather forces more people indoors . where public health officials warn there is increased risk of transmission of the coronavirus . concern is growing over the mental health implications of isolation.

Could it be possible that a nonspecific, context-free ‘increase’ in Chinaball bounciness might be less important to a person’s health than behaving like a human being? Let’s find out from a PRO!

Frank Ghinassi, president and CEO of Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care discusses ways people can stay socially connected and when they should seek professional help for mental health concerns.

The leader of a literal medical-industrial complex. Curiously, he’s never described as a doctor… neither am I but I don’t provide mental health care for a career.

How can people combat isolation as cooler weather drives them indoors?

GQ: The same way they’ve been ‘combating’ isolation over the summer: civil disobedience against State lockdown mandates in the name of acting human. Meanwhile, the main problem with winter, in the context of mental health, is the lack of sunlight, not being indoors. Humans aren’t designed to live without shelter even at the warmest of times.

Frank Ghinassi: Maintaining a level of social contact is going to be critical. People who live alone, regardless of whether they are young or old, are at particular risk. One solution is to stay in touch with family and friends, whether it is over social media, through video or over the phone. Maybe share a cup of coffee with someone over the phone in the morning.

Man, that’s… that’s depressing. Whose side is Frank on?

Write letters: Sending and receiving them can be very rewarding.

That is no replacement for being social. That is merely the ALLOWED replacement for being social, which is straight-up malpractice coming from a mental health expert.

If you live with your family, do activities, such as board games or listen to audio broadcasts, as a family rather than watch TV.

Okay, one point for Frank: watching TV is bad for your health. Although methinks he’s Boomering with ‘listen to audio broadcasts as a family’.

Take a walk in the cold with others.

Wear masks at all time. Maintain six-foot social distancing at all times. No hugs. No handshakes. Do not share articles of clothing. Do not sing or speak in a loud voice. Assume all members of other households are contagious with a deadly disease, including their pets. Report all violators to the Ministry Of Health for contact-tracing. And remember to eat your meals while you’re outside in the cold with others! Because eating indoors in climate-controlled comfort is UNHEALTHY!!!

The people I worry about the most are those who live in unsafe environments or where there is domestic violence. I encourage people in these situations to reach out to agencies or their case managers.

Ohhh, that’s right! We men can’t beat our wives during the Superbowl anymore! Guess we’ll have to beat our wives during Thanksgiving dinner instead! Gotta make quota! “That was a great meal, honey!” *whack whack whack* “Unggh, I’m too full to… continue…” *tryptophan claims another victim*

Are we talking DV as in “he beats me because he loves me” or DV as in “hubby touched my body because I haven’t put out since LAST winter”?

Should people anticipate . and prepare for . a “grieving” period for the lifestyle they enjoyed in the warmer months?

GQ: Grow up already. It’s winter, it happens every year.

FG: This is an appropriate term. Missing things that made our lives pleasurable is normal, natural and to be expected. Suppressing or ignoring the fact that we are grieving could make the situation worse. Acknowledging that grieving activities we loved, such as going to theaters, parties and restaurants, is legitimate, expected and . here’s the key word . normal.

Fuck your Normal. There is nothing normal about the government playing God… um… sigh, that’s a second point for Frank. I should’ve said there is nothing legitimate about government playing God.

This is a process. We need to accept that we are in a highly unusual time; a pandemic is something that people haven’t dealt with on this level for a century.

“The first step in good mental health is accepting that no matter what, Big Brother loves you and must be obeyed.”

People should realize that grieving ebbs and flows and other circumstances such as fatigue, work stress, family conflict and illness could exacerbate it.

But not lockdowns?

They should seek out the support of family and friends and, if necessary professionals or religious officials, if they feel their grieving is sustained without seeing any reduction after four to six weeks. Like echoes on a wall of a canyon, grief should get a little softer over time.

That advice fails epically at every level.

A man telling his wife he’s emotionally hurting? Bad idea to show weakness.

A man telling his friends he’s emotionally hurting? Okay, but men naturally don’t like to show weakness like that and there’s no response his friends can do that’s lockdown-obedient. Just quit the lockdown and be done with it, you’ll feel better once you start to act normal again.

A man telling “professionals” that he’s emotionally hurting? Goodbye firearm ownership, hello suicide-watch incarceration and a “medical history of instability”.

Don’t even get me started about “religious officials”. Frank refusing to mention Christianity by name says everything about his own belief in the regenerative properties of religion.

Seriously, how much more cynical can the Establishment become towards Christ? “If you have mental health issues then speak with a representative of your preferred faith tradition, who is a mandatory reporter of everything we want to hear.” “Come to Jesus but don’t go inside His church. The government said it’s not safe to worship Jesus indoors. Big Brother loves us while Jesus abandoned us to die of plague.”

How can people prepare mentally for a change in the upcoming holidays?

GQ: By resolving, now and forevermore, that Christ and country and family and friends are what make life worth living… not unquestioning obedience to a death cult of a government obsessed with “radically transforming” how humans behave.

FG: The traditions of the holiday season are going to be radically altered. This time is associated with gathering . people travel to see family, host family in their homes, something that will be dramatically reduced.

Frank is a New Normal spokesman, soul pre-purchased by The Powers That Be.

This is a time to take refuge in whatever customs and cultures associated with that. People do not have to break those food and gathering traditions. They can prepare food in smaller quantities for their immediate household, even if it is just themselves, and join others through technology as they prepare.

“The lockdown must be obeyed. The lockdown is more important than family. Good mental health comes from obeying the lockdown. Big Brother loves you. The computer is your friend.”

Every Easter, my family’s tradition is to have up to 50 family members gather at one house and make frittatas, an egg-cheese-and-pepperoni dish that is traditional in Italian-American culture. This year, we kept the tradition alive through a Zoom call during which about 30 of us prepared the meal and then ate it together.

“I don’t just tell you to love Big Brother. I love Big Brother myself! Big Brother is better than family to me so listen when I tell you about what’s important for your mental health!”

What self-care measures do you recommend?

GQ: Celebrate the holidays. Keep your family traditions alive for another year. Humans are creatures of habit so keep to your habits for best mental health. Take Vitamin D supplements, it’s a natural mood enhancer and compensates for lack of sunlight. Get lots of hugs from family. Have weekly game nights with friends in-person. Accept that a bug or two is going to be passed around; if that bothers you then keep your hands washed.

FG: Return to the basics: Drink five to six glasses of water a day to stay hydrated as the heat can dry your house, eat healthy foods like fruits and vegetables and maintain a consistent sleep/wake cycle, which is essential for sustaining mood and physical health. Your Monday through Friday sleep cycle schedule should not differ much from your Saturday/Sunday sleep cycle schedule.

None of that is winter-specific. None of that is directly relevant to mental health.

Reduce the urge to drink alcohol. Although a glass of wine with dinner four to five nights a week is not something to worry about, resist the temptation to have a glass of wine at 3:30 because you can. Increased use of alcohol can creep up on you, especially if there is no one else in the house to check on you. Do a self-check: Are you using more alcohol than you were a year ago? If you are concerned, you can call support lines anonymously.

SOMEBODY loves Big Brother so much that alcoholism is a constant temptation!

This Frank Ghinassi disgusts me. He sees that the lockdowns are hurting people and inevitably leading to self-medications such as increased drug abuse, yet he likes his comfortable position as President & CEO of a Big Brother agency too much to admit the blindingly obvious truth.

He will not be pleased to discover that Christ is real and pissed about his treacheries.

Plan for regular physical activity. If you are not comfortable going to a gym and do not have equipment, you can used canned goods as weights, use YouTube videos to guide you in exercises or meditation. Build in a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week.

How female. No man can use canned food for weight unless he’s barely starting out–I’m not a great bodybuilder anymore yet I can’t even feel any dumbbell smaller than 10lbs. “30 minutes of exercise”? He’s preaching cardio exclusively.

Finally, make a list of things that give you pleasure . movies, crafts, reading, puzzles, exercise, cooking, board games, listening to music, social calls . and do at least two things every day.

But no hugs. Hugs are forbidden by law.

When should you seek professional [mental] help?

GQ: Never. The professionals are not your friends. They are government drones who first got into psychology to figure out what THEIR OWN problem was. Nothing they tell you will be more than you can read in a book and meanwhile, they’ll report to Big Tech everything about your mental and emotional vulnerabilities. That WILL come back on you in ways such as loss of firearm ownership, voiding of security clearances and harsher judgments in Family Court.

FG: This is a matter of time and severity. If you get into what feels like a slump and that lasts more than four weeks without a lot of relief, it’s a signal you are not snapping out of it. Look for disruptions in your life. Are you finding it difficult to get and stay asleep? Are there changes in your eating habits? Have you lost your feeling of hopefulness for the future? Are you disinterested in things that used to bring you joy?

In more severe cases: Do you have feelings that “it wouldn’t be the worst thing if I didn’t wake up tomorrow?. or do you have thoughts of harming yourself or other people?

Those questions are straight from the DSM-5 manual for diagnosing clinical depression. As I just said, nothing they tell you will be more than you can read in a book.

Bad news: depression is very hard to treat. That’s because our society is being intentionally and maliciously dismantled by depraved sociopaths with delusions of godhood. That is something a person will naturally be depressed by. If you reach the point of wanting pills then a doctor will prescribe them but that’s all they’ll do because honesty about the root causes of your depression would get them fired.

The government wants you miserable, alone and broken this winter. Set your face against that. Do not cooperate. Do not ask the government for help. Look to God in Heaven and the people who still care about you after the State told them not to.

That is a sign to contact a professional whether at one of the Rutgers support helplines or elsewhere, such as through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Association’s helpline…

“Big Brother loves you. Big Brother cares about your mental health. Unless you play with friends and visit family. Then Big Brother must reeducate you about the dangers of Winnie the Flu. The lockdowns do not cause suicide and despair. Your inappropriate responses to the lockdowns cause suicide and despair.”

How Feminism Affects Wimmin

It’s like jamming a screwdriver into an electrical socket. It hurts the male part, the socket isn’t haaaapy either and no actual screws get turned. And then, everybody watching the incident does a facepalm.

I had to dig this one out of the archive. H/T Better Bachelor on youTube but I just couldn’t resist giving it my own go.

I.m All For Feminism, But It’s Kinda Making It Harder To Date

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By some blonde without a boy toy in 2019

I consider myself a feminist, but I can’t lie.I.m starting to notice its effects on my dating life.

And so it begins. *popcorn*

This doesn’t change my belief in equality, I just hope that men and women can eventually learn to date in harmony because it’s pretty messy right now.

And to help men learn harmony, here’s her 10-step process on how men can get over her hatred of us long enough to pay attention to… uh… whats-her-name. No pic this time.

1. I.M HYPER AWARE OF EVERY SEXIST THING A GUY DOES NOW. It doesn’t take much for me to overanalyze a guy’s intentions nowadays. I used to see a guy opening a door for me as nice and polite, but lately, gestures like this have been making me angry. I know the guys offering these acts of chivalry have no intention to make me feel small or lesser than, but now that my eyes have been opened to feminist theory, it’s all I’m able to think about.

If holding the door open makes her angry and slamming the door in her face makes her angry… then all I can do is make ME happy!

2. GUYS ARE STARTED TO THINK WE DON’T NEED THEM ANYMORE. Even though the feminist movement is pretty much the best thing to happen to this world since sliced bread, it’s taking its toll in the dating scene. The thing is, I’m starting to get a bit of a stand-offish vibe from guys, like they’re afraid to make a move, and I think it’s because they think that we don’t need them anymore.

Bitch, it’s because you’re watching for us to set you off.

I.m not gonna go and cry a river for them because that’s something they’re gonna have to figure out within their own psyches. It’s just something I’ve noticed and it’s a bit of a shame.



Starfleet Facepalm.

All it takes is one quick scroll down my newsfeed and I have enough feminist rants to last me several winters. I think I’ve almost trained my brain to assume ALL men are here to try to put me down and dominate me when that’s far from the truth. I’ve made it kind of an automatic reflex at this point, though.

Yes. Yes, you have.


“I’ve been brainwashed! Please help me *whirr-click* pay for dinner dates.”

6. THE DEBATE ON WHO SHOULD PAY HAS NEVER BEEN MORE ALIVE. I.m on the side that believes whoever does the asking should also do the paying. If I ask a guy out on a date, I would expect to pay, absolutely. If a guy asks me, I would expect that he shells out the money for the evening. It’s just the way it should be. However, due to the recent boost in feminism, a guy paying the bill could be seen as anti-feminist and no guy wants to be considered a misogynist in this day and age. The song and dance of who’s gonna pay has never been more awkward and it’s making dating that much more difficult to maneuver.

“How DARE you give me free money! See you next week?”

The same way I’m hyper-aware of when guys are being insulting towards women, I’m also afraid that I’m gonna come off as too harsh and dominant, which could easily scare guys away. Feminism is something I’m passionate about, but I also know how guys can get insecure when I talk about it. I don’t know what to do anymore.

You could try being kind and submissive to men instead of “too” harsh and dominant.

…or not. *ducks*

8. IT.S MADE US MORE SEPARATE FROM EACH OTHER THAN EVER BEFORE. Men and women ALREADY have so much trouble trying to understand each other, but feminism has turned our society into a bit of a battle of the sexes. I.m not on their side or anything, I’m just pointing out that we’re currently in a sort of “us against them” mentality and it’s gonna take a while until it all smooths out.

Quote from #2: “the feminist movement is pretty much the best thing to happen to this world since sliced bread.” Sheesh, Blondie, even our bread is divided these days.

9. EVERY FIRST DATE I GO ON, THERE’S AN ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM. It.s weird because we’re doing the whole “man seeking woman” act when we got on dates, but we both know that this old way of seeing each other is on its way out. I.m not saying dating is dead, but I think we’ll need to find a new way to be in relationships without falling into any sort of forced gender roles. I just don’t think we know how to do it yet.

Insert Masculine-Presenting-Lesbian probe into Questioning Allied Gay Child Lover socket. Electrify until chemistry happens. Smoking permitted even where banned by law. Justify with the phrase “New Normal”.

Also, dating is dead and Blondie here killed it.



Is it just me or are guys doing a lot more looking around than actually approaching? Times are a little weird right now and I guess guys are afraid that the way they approach women might offend us or give us the wrong impression. I guess this is a good thing in a way because now guys have to wrack their brain and kinda figure out how to treat women with respect and see us as whole people. That’s a good thing, but it.ll be awhile until we’ll see that as a dating trend.

Respect isn’t given, Blondie. It’s earned and you are not a whole person, lacking a brain.

Chicken Soup For the Trump Voter’s Soul

I see that a lot of people are taking Trump’s reelection troubles hard. Doomsday condolences abound! While I’m not one to give false hope… we were screwed long before this… I AM one to give legit hope. Let’s dig in.

COVID-19 Didn’t Break the Public School System. It Was Already Broken.

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By Corey A. Deangelis, December 2020 Issue of Reason Magazine

The reason I periodically cover what happens in the school system is because it’s the trailer hitch of Socialism. It cannot move on its own power. People must be forced to believe in it, which means the Socialist must indoctrinate the young at all costs in order to survive.

When “public education” breaks and the State no longer controls the curriculum, will be the killshot to modern Socialism. That Death Cult baggage will fall back behind us and eventually fireball at a hopefully safe distance. And wow, do the Socialists know it:

We are witnessing an exodus from public schools that’s unprecedented in modern U.S. history. Families are fleeing the traditional system and turning to homeschooling, virtual charters, microschools, and.more controversially.”pandemic pods,” in which families band together to help small groups of kids learn at home.

The result has been an enormous backlash. A recent New York Times opinion article claimed that families forming pods is “the latest in school segregation.” Denver Public Schools issued a formal statement in August urging parents not to unenroll their children.even though the district is not reopening its schools in person.because it is “deeply concerned about the pods’ long-term negative implications for public education and social justice.” Falls Church City Public Schools in Virginia issued a similar statement the next day, pressuring families not to withdraw their children. Administrators were concerned about “pandemic flight” and worried that “an exodus of students” would cause schools to lose money.

Listen to their REEEEs of terror!


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(The Center Square) . The Denver Public Schools Board of Education is urging parents not to unenroll their children in favor of private teaching or “pod” learning, citing segregation and potential revenue losses.

In a statement, board members said the school district loses $10,600 in per pupil funding from the state for each student who’s unenrolled.

Such pure motivations!

The board also criticized the practice of “pandemic pods” or .micro-schooling,. which have gained some traction as alternatives to in-person or remote public schooling.

Denver Public Schools will start the school year on Aug. 24 without in-person classes, instead opting for online instruction until at least Oct. 16.

“We won’t allow you to do things the old way and beg you to not find a new way that replaces us!” Heehee, SOMEBODY didn’t learn about Newton’s Third Law in physics class. We won’t point any fingers at public education administrators but here’s a link to some gun-friendly remedials.

.We are deeply concerned about the pods. long-term negative implications for public education and social justice,. the board members said, citing the district’s history of segregation.

Like I said, the end of public education is a killshot to their beliefs.

.While today our student body is as diverse as ever, our schools and communities suffer from segregation,. board members wrote. .We fear that further flight will exacerbate academic and opportunity gaps among our children..

Pods would need to have “three students-of-color for every one white student, two students who qualify for free-and-reduced price lunch for everyone who does not, at least one student who receives Special Education services and at least one student who receives English Language Acquisition services. in order to be inline with the district’s demographics, the letter said.

And the fact they don’t, is the reason they work.

I couldn’t find the Falls Church announcement. Governor Northam announced so may Covid closures and reopenings of Virginia schools that my search engines choked.

End segue

While the direct cause of this wave of departures is the pandemic, the exodus didn’t come out of nowhere. Many families simply realized the school system wasn’t going to be there for them. Some expected the remote learning disaster from the spring to repeat itself. Others didn’t like what they saw going on when they got a closer look at their child’s curriculum at the end of last year. And being offered slightly less poorly choreographed Zoom lessons.or nothing at all.wasn’t enough to keep the skeptics around. For many, COVID-19 was the final push they needed to leave a system that was already barely meeting their needs.

The education establishment is panicked, but there is little it can do to stem the flow once families determine to take matters into their own hands. What remains is the task of restructuring the underlying funding mechanisms to attach money to students instead of institutions, so that more families are empowered to escape a system that isn’t working for them.

The old “school voucher” deceit, as we Californians have come to know it. Attach government money to each student and then it doesn’t matter which institution the student attends. If the school taps the money then the government gets its hooks in.

The permanent fix is to stop using tax money to pay for child education at all, but there’s no support for this because it means single men like me wouldn’t have to pay “our fair share” of our neighbors’ parental expenses.

Regardless, the Public Education Establishment self-destructing is a very solid step forward.

As COVID-19 started to spread domestically and schools began to close in the spring, many families struggled. But some discovered that they really liked homeschooling. The pandemic-induced test drive of home-based education gave millions of parents a chance to reassess the factory model. Some families reported that their children were less anxious, more engaged with learning materials, and learning more in a fraction of the time. Other families realized that they could actually make homeschooling work.and decided never to turn back.

Lookit that, Leftoids! It’s one of them New Normals that you keep giggling about!

In fact, national polling from EdChoice has found each month since March that families are growing more positive about homeschooling as a result of COVID-19. A survey from July found that 74 percent of parents reported having a more favorable view of homeschooling, whereas only 15 percent reported having a less favorable view.

These indications aren’t limited to surveys. We also now have hard evidence of actual public school enrollment declines across the country. Arizona’s largest school district reported a 5.6 percent decrease in enrollment from last year. Clark County, Nevada, reported a 3.4 percent drop. In Florida’s Orange County, enrollment is down about 9 percent from projections. In Nashville, it’s down 4.5 percent from projections. And as of August 28, over 3,000 students.about 1.6 percent of total enrollment.had filed to withdraw from Virginia’s Fairfax County Public Schools and switch to homeschooling or a private school.

Each of the reported enrollment reductions has been larger for elementary students than for higher grade levels. The drop in Mesa Public Schools in Arizona is around 10 percent for elementary schools and 17 percent for kindergartens. The drop in Dallas Independent School District is about 8 percent for elementary schools. Each of these districts reporting enrollment reductions has announced that they do not plan to reopen with any in-person instruction.

Homeschool filings are also through the roof in many states. Nebraska reported a 21 percent increase from the same time last year. In Vermont the rise is 75 percent; in Wisconsin it’s 128 percent. These spikes have been as large as 175 percent in the biggest school district in Utah, 229 percent in Maricopa County, Arizona, and 288 percent in the state of Texas. So many families filed to homeschool in North Carolina that they crashed the government website.

That is what winning looks like. Finally, FINALLY, parents are taking their children away from the Commies! And because the Commies ordered them to, no less… let it not be said that God doesn’t have a sense of humor.

Given that the U.S. spends about $15,000 per public school student per year.and given that districts are partly funded based on enrollment counts.the departure of 3.5 million kids could drain up to $52 billion from the public school system.

The public school monopoly is afraid of this exodus.and for good reason. Arizona’s Chandler Unified School District, for example, already estimated that its expected loss of 1,656 students would lead to a funding shortfall of around $21 million.

Aww, the poor Socialists are running out of other peoples’ money ahead of schedule.

A coalition of 10 teachers unions and the Democratic Socialists of America called for a ban on new charter schools and private school voucher programs, and the Los Angeles teachers union called for a ban on all charter schools.

Perhaps I was too harsh on voucher programs.

Families are hitting other government-imposed roadblocks as well. Officials in Montgomery County, Maryland; Dane County, Wisconsin; Sacramento County, California; and Oregon have ordered private schools not to reopen in person, even though day care centers are permissible in each of those places.

Totally not a feminism-motivated attack.

A private school in Sacramento rebranded as a day care, going so far as to retrain its teachers as child care workers, in an attempt to get around the regulation, but the county ordered it to close anyway.

Massachusetts now requires pandemic pods with more than five unrelated students to be licensed.and paying a private instructor is forbidden.

Protect the Narrative!

New Mexico is currently under pressure from the U.S. Department of Justice for unconstitutionally limiting private schools to 25 percent capacity while public schools are limited to 50 percent capacity and day cares are permitted to operate at 100 percent capacity.

The masks are coming off and that is always a good sign… a sign that the lies are failing and the dawn of truth approaches.

UK’s NHS Makes Suicide the Easy Way Out

In the worst case I’ve yet heard of refusing to tell a woman “No”, UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock made an exception to his “Lockdowns Save Lives” decrees for customers of foreign-based assisted suicide clinics.

Take a moment. Let the derp of that one wash over you.

UK: People can travel for assisted suicide, but not the holidays

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By Michael Haynes, 6 November 2020

LONDON, England, November 6, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) . Despite not being allowed to leave England for the holidays as part of new lockdown measures to “to protect the NHS and save lives,. residents are still permitted to travel abroad for assisted suicide.

The revelation came yesterday as members of parliament in the United Kingdom questioned Health Secretary Matt Hancock on the implications of the travel ban.

Conservative MP Andrew Mitchell asked Hancock to clarify “the impact of new coronavirus regulations on the ability of terminally ill adults to travel abroad for an assisted death..

Hancock gave a lengthy reply, explaining that despite the new lockdown restrictions that prohibit travel unless for a reasonable excuse, one could still travel abroad to die. He said “traveling abroad for the purpose of assisted dying is a reasonable excuse, so anyone doing so would not be breaking the law..

So, the lockdowns are NOT about saving lives. They’re about killing lives, whether slowly or quickly… by locking the elderly into isolated wards and letting them out only after they despair.

The issue was raised in parliament due to a recent case in which a 45-year-old woman accelerated her plans to travel to Switzerland to die before she would be prevented from leaving England in the impending lockdown.

British woman, 45, with terminal breast cancer fast-tracks plan to die at Dignitas due to looming lockdown as she slams UK’s cruel assisted dying laws for forcing her to end her life alone

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By Shari Miller, 1 November 2020

A 45-year-old British woman with terminal breast cancer has fast-tracked plans to end her life at a Swiss euthanasia clinic this week, fearing she will otherwise be forced to endure ‘an agonising, protracted death’ due to the UK’s ban on assisted dying and impending lockdown.

Looks like the NHS is too cheap for palliative care.

The woman, who until her diagnosis was a senior mental health professional in the NHS, has been granted a special waiver by the Swiss government allowing her to travel to her hotel and on to her final appointment at Dignitas, near Z?rich, without having to self-isolate for 10 days.

Getting the government to okay suicide over palliative care gives me all kinds of confidence in Barbie’s skill as a mental health professional. But really, selling Boxer the Horse to the Glue Farm as a ‘retirement package’ is textbook socialized medicine.

In the UK, assisted suicide is illegal and punishable by up to 14 years in prison.

One supposes that the Health Secretary doesn’t have to obey his own government’s laws. That would be fair.

Revealing her heartbreaking plight in The Sunday Times today, she said that she feared delaying any further would ‘jeopardise’ her intentions and that due to Coronavirus restrictions her plans had been brought forward earlier than anticipated.

Cue the entrance of…

Less than a 72-hour response time from not fewer than two Members of Parliament. Mental Health Barbie won’t miss her flight!

Hmm, why am I happy about that? *soul search*

The woman acknowleged that she would eventually die from blood poisoning, suffocation or, her greatest fear, from strokes due to cancerous tumours in her brain, a scenario that she said ‘tormented’ her.

She added that she is not suicidal, rather she ‘desperately wants to live’, but as this is not an option she is seeking a death that is ‘peaceful’, albeit one that will separate her from loved ones due to the UK’s ban on assisted dying.

She is by definition suicidal, thus a lying fraud of a mental health professional. If she truly ‘desperately wanted to live’ then she could, oh, I don’t know, NOT GET SPECIAL PERMISSION FROM TWO NATIONAL GOVERNMENTS TO PAY FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF OFFING HERSELF. If she wanted to die among her ‘loved ones’, presumably meaning her family not her favorite makers of boxed wine, then she could stay home in UK and enjoy the many benefits of the health care system she was a proud member of…

The woman described the ‘cruelty’ of the situation and said that within the medical profession the issue is considered taboo.

She said: ‘When I have attempted to speak openly about what I feel is a perfectly rational desire to avoid a traumatic death, I have been met by a wall of silence from doctors. To go from being a senior clinical leader to feeling silenced and patronised by people who were once my peers has hurt me deeply.’

…or not.

Yeah, I’m happy about her slitting her own throat in terror of being a patient in the very medical system that she was a leader of. Sic Semper Tyrannis and all that.

The woman’s experience emerged as nearly 50 senior doctors are today calling for an inquiry into the ban on assisted dying in Britain.

The move comes just days after New Zealand voted to make assisted dying legal for terminally ill people.

Other countries passing similar laws include Switzerland, Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Luxembourg, Holland and parts of the US and Australia.

Last month, a survey also found that 50 per cent of British doctors believe there should be a change in the law to allow helping patients to die.

First our governments enact lockdowns that isolate us from friends and family and church while destroying entire industries’ worth of jobs, then our governments “charitably” start a one-sided “conversation” about whether to grease our slide into the grave.

That would never sell on its own merits. So instead, the Powers That Be parade a sick “but brave” woman and dare us to tell her No.

Not only do I say No, I want to watch her endure the fate she’s forced upon the innocent for years. It apparently makes suicide look like the easy way out.

Lust Conquers All; the Manosphere For Newcomers

With any luck, the election shenanigans have broken a few more people loose from the zeitgeist, but I suspect most guys who come to the Red Pill do so the old-fashioned way, by thinking with their dicks. Which is awesome, healthy and nearly impossible to thwart, as this poor male feminist demonstrates:

Do men really hate women?

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By James Bloodworth, 15 October 2020

No. In fact, men are hardwired to need sex and like women. When you find a man who genuinely wants nothing to do with women under any circumstances, you have found a man severely damaged by a man-hating society. He’s had his natural instincts beaten or twisted clean out of him. He didn’t wake up and decide “womyn sux” apropos of nothing or to fit in with the cool kids.

But that’s just my answer. Let’s hear James’.

Feminism is frequently described as arriving in “waves.” With each successive wave comes an embittered backlash. There was still a strong stigma attached to women giving birth out of wedlock when I was born to a single mother in the 1980s. A few years later, when I started school, my mum lost out on a promotion at work to a man who was significantly less qualified than her for the role.

Vastly more likely: his mother with her “I gotta be there for my kid” attitude couldn’t make the time commitment that the promotion required. Blah blah qualifications but if one candidate can promise he’ll show up every day and the other one can’t then guess who is more valuable to the company?

I could go a step further and bet that the qualification in question was an academic credential not actual work experience, but we’ll never know.

Yet even back then there were audible rumblings of discontent from men who believed that feminism had “gone too far.” Shortly after my mum had been stitched up at work (an experience depressingly common to many women) the men’s rights activist Warren Farrell published The Myth of Male Power (1993), in which he argued that men . not women . were being systematically disadvantaged by a female-centric conspiracy.

James is personalizing a culture-wide trend. He is taking the “men are the real victims” general statement and comparing it unfavorably to what his single mother taught him to believe. “It cannot be true if it isn’t true for me specifically” is an excellent example of solipsism.

James, your mother deserved to live in poverty because she chose to raise you herself, without a father, knowing she didn’t have the money or time to be both a mother and a breadwinner. Actions have consequences and most of feminism is avoiding the natural consequences of matriarchy.

In her latest book, Men Who Hate Women, the feminist writer Laura Bates…

She could have been pretty but now, her hair is going premature Bag Lady Grey.

…has delved into the stomping grounds of the latest backlash, immersing herself in the manosphere, an internet subculture where “the hatred of women is actively encouraged, with sprawling, purpose-built communities of men dedicated to fuelling and inflaming the cause..

Are we sure the title shouldn’t have been “Women Who Hate Men?” And have women done anything that might justify men having such an attitude?

The manosphere is made up of pickup artists (PUAs), involuntary celibates (incels), men’s rights activists as well as “Men Going Their Own Way. (MGTOW). PUAs try to lure women into bed with tactics and manipulation, whereas incels blame women’s sexual liberation for their failure to find a partner. Men’s rights activists express what Bates calls a “nostalgic yearning for ancient societal rules and stereotypes., while MGTOW aim to live their lives free from female contact, though whether this is a conscious choice on the part of the men involved is a matter for debate. According to Bates, these movements form .an interconnected spectrum of different but related groups, each with their own rigid belief systems, lexicons and forms of indoctrination..

No surprise that Bates will be last to admit what women have done to bring this about. Let me break down the Manosphere for a new generation:

PUAs are the men still actively trying to have sex with women. Many of them would do monogamous marriage if it was still a thing but because it isn’t, well, the itch has no off switch.

Incels are the men realizing they’ll never be able to act safely or consistently upon their natural instincts. They’re the ones most angry at women because 1. they haven’t yet given up and 2. they correctly realize that the problem is the women.

MGTOWs are the men who give up. No more anger, only indifference, but feminists claim we’re angry because their brains can’t handle the concept of male indifference. For some MGTOWs it’s an intentional decision, for others it’s simply the realization that tempus fugit.

So, she’s right that the Manosphere is an interconnected spectrum of related groups but there’s no beliefs or indoctrination. It’s just the male sex drive: Want it, Need It and Ain’t Gonna Happen.

Incel forums drip with misogyny [meaning Elliot Rodger of PUAhate specifically and exclusively]…

Pro-tip, anybody who equates Elliot Rodger to the Incel community can be safely ignored.

…and Bates provides copious examples: women are blamed for denying men sex while threads speculate on “the mandated redistribution of sex, the keeping of women as sex slaves or the widespread massacre of women and girls.” Furthermore, Bates takes aim at conservative commentators such as the New York Times columnist Ross Douthat for indulging the incel narrative: Douthat has speculated about a potential “redistribution of sex..

When even the NY Times editors wonder if you’re too far Leftist, it’s time to sit down and listen to your critics.

Bates has been sexually assaulted in the past and she relays in horrific detail how she has been subjected to a daily barrage of hate mail (including threats of rape and murder) from enraged men aggrieved at her feminist activism. .For nearly a decade, men have sent me daily messages, often in their hundreds, outlining their hatred of me, fantasising about my brutal rape and murder, detailing which weapons they would use to slice my body open and disembowel,. she writes.

She lied. UK police would eat that raw and/or she wouldn’t still be on social media.

Why, Bates asks, are these men so angry? Partly because we are living through yet another anti-feminist backlash. Manosphere communities assiduously peddle the myth of the bogus rape allegation “when in reality the average adult man in England and Wales has just a 0.0002 per cent chance of being falsely accused of rape in a year. Moreover, many men resent women’s sexual freedom as well as the entrance of women into the labour force.

That’s 1 in 500,000. Current UK population, 68 million, so 35 million men… James claims there are only seventy PROVEN false rapes accusations per year. That sounds high, actually. This being UK, even true rapes are often not reported. It would cause badthink towards their New Musloid Citizens!

Bates has visited British schools nearly every week since founding the Everyday Sexism Project in 2012, and rather disconcertingly has noticed of late that some boys have begun to espouse Red Pill ideas gleaned from the manosphere.

Would that be because Adolf Hitler lured them into a panel van, or because they’re newly interested in how women work and the Manosphere is their only option for learning?

Can't stop the signal, Mal. Everything goes somewhere. And i go everywhere - Mr Universe ...

Even the communities that make up the manosphere appear to have grown more extreme in recent years. There was always a dark side to the “seduction community.” It came marinated in assumptions that women were overly emotional and naturally duplicitous.

If that wasn’t true then why would women care? If somebody accused me of being emotional then I’d probably ignore him.

But geeky men venturing out onto Sunset Boulevard in top hats and feather boas (peacocking) with pocketbooks full of canned conversation starters . .Who lies more, men or women?. . seems quaint compared to what came later. Today the pickup community is marinated in Red Pill ideology, partly as a result of YouTube and its polarising algorithm. In the years after The Game was published,

YouBoob putting its multi-billion-dollar fat thumb on the scales of Internet discourse proves us right. “You’re wrong but we still don’t want anybody to notice you because… shut up.”

Erik Von Markovic (AKA Mystery) with his cheesy magic tricks was replaced by characters like Roosh V (real name Daryush Valizadeh) who writes that “My default opinion of any girl I meet is “worthless dirty whore until proven otherwise…

Doxxer-come-lately should have a look at where Roosh V is right now. The truth about women leads into the truth about Christianity. Turns out that God the FATHER wasn’t just a job title.

Similarly, it is important to ask why young men are being drawn to incel ideology.

Frustrated hormones.

The internet is one reason…

Yeah, because hormones…

…aren’t often seen at the grocery store these days. H/T Kentucky Head Hunter.

…as is the lingering societal assumption that men have a God-given right to sex.

Men have a God-given NEED for sex. But James is still right if he means husbands.

Yet paradoxically for someone of the Left, Bates echoes uncompromising War on Terror rhetoric when she writes about incel radicalisation. .I am not particularly interested in a “redemptive” narrative for incels,. Bates writes. .What incel beliefs. are actually about is terrorism..

Good call, James. But that’s “hypocritically”, not “paradoxically”. Terrorism is the tool of Socialists and tyrants, not men inconvenienced by virginity.

But surely it’s pertinent to ask why there has been a rapid rise in the number of angry, sexless men in the early twenty-first century?

Since 2008 the number of American men under 30 reporting no sex has nearly tripled. Bates makes no mention of this, nor of the increasingly winner-takes-all sexual marketplace generated by the retreat of monogamous norms and an increasingly polygynous, app-dominated hookup culture. While it’s important not to slip into victim-blaming rhetoric that sees the problem as women’s sexual freedom, the challenges facing unattractive, low-status men seem hardly to register on Bates’s radar.

As I said at the very beginning of this, the Manosphere exists because men… all men… including JAMES, heh heh… need sex. He was indoctrinated feminist by a single mother, then indoctrinated again in college, then indoctrinated again as a journalist… but the male sex drive can bust through feminist lies like nothing else.

Similarly, there is little examination of what drew men to the “seduction community” in its heyday. Misogynists who wished to assert tyrannical power over women were certainly ubiquitous in the genre, as Bates makes clear. .Instead of being open to women’s feelings and needs, acolytes are taught to ignore and deny them,. she writes.

That’s his feminist mother talking. This is an experiment that the early Manosphere guys ran. They tried being nice to women and they tried being jerks to women, and then they compared notes.

Spoiler: Chicks dig jerks.

The manosphere encourages men to be uncompromising emotional robots. As Bates convincingly demonstrates, this is immensely damaging to women.

Hahaha! “Men refuse to act normal… women most affected!”

It also produces emotionally stunted men. .When feminists talk about “toxic masculinity” we mean the enormous potential damage posed by an outdated version of what it means to be a man,. writes Bates. Those attempting to reanimate a rigid, dogmatic version of manhood for the 21st century confuse force with strength.

Toxic masculinity is the idea that a woman’s place is at her husband’s feet. The very purpose of feminism is woman ruling over men, or as we Christians call it, Original Sin. The servant rebelling against her God-ordained master.

Yet Bates seems to approach the topic of masculinity from an assumption that gender is entirely socially constructed. I’m not sure this . sometimes referred to as the blank slate . is helpful. Bewilderingly, she lists .strength., .physical prowess. and the pursuit of “money and status” as examples of “toxic masculinity..

As any red-blooded young man knows, gender is not a social construct because testosterone doesn’t have an off switch.

There are certainly toxic incarnations of all of the above. However, it seems unlikely that men try to cultivate athletic physiques and pursue power and status entirely as a result of brainwashing by western capitalist patriarchy. Every man from high school age up knows that masculine, high-status men receive the greater share of attention from women. Moreover, outside of the rarefied ideological bubble of the social sciences it is widely accepted that this is partly a product of millions of years of evolution and sexual selection.

Humans are a created species but regardless, James is right to notice that feminists are pushing something that did not exist before feminism and is not natural.

Harmful gender stereotypes abound and it is important to combat them. But assuming masculinity will fade away . to be replaced by some genderless utopia . is no more plausible than the Marxist belief that greed and avarice will vanish once the state takes over the means of production. It simply flies in the face of masses of empirical, cross-cultural evidence. Perhaps more pertinently, it also contradicts the lived experience of the majority of men, which in turn helps fuel the resentful grievances of the manosphere.

Poor James is buried in a web of lies dating back to a single-mother family. But he made it this far, to notice that what feminism teaches is not natural and what women say is not what women want. If he goes one more step, he’ll recognize that there are healthy gender stereotypes as well as unhealthy ones, and the feminists hate hate HATE the healthy. If he goes two more steps then he’ll notice that how women relate to men is how humanity relates to God.

And so the underlying order of the cosmos is discovered, that men should have dicks and women should serve them. For the women who do, they actually have a lot of fun. For the women who don’t, we have gender stereotypes like “spinster” and “crazy cat lady” and “feminist”.

They hurt because they’re true.

Fur Trade Spreads Coof!

The Covid-1984 Lockdowns have never been about medicine. They’ve always been about population control. Already, we’re seeing the lockdowns mutate into the more virulent disease of Socialism….

Mink virus might jeopardise vaccines

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By BBC Environment correspondent Helen Briggs, 5 Nov 2020

More than 50 million mink a year are bred for their fur, mainly in China, Denmark, the Netherlands and Poland. Outbreaks have been reported in fur farms in the Netherlands, Denmark, Spain, Sweden and the US, and millions of animals have had to be culled.

Denmark will cull all its mink – as many as 17 million – after a mutated form of coronavirus that can spread to humans was found on mink farms.

Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said the mutated virus posed a “risk to the effectiveness” of a future Covid-19 vaccine.

What a bald-faced lie.

Denmark is the world’s biggest producer of mink fur and its main export markets are China and Hong Kong.

The culling began late last month, after many mink cases were detected.

Before the announcement? Eh, we don’t need no stinkin’ government transparency!

Mink, like their close relatives ferrets, are known to be susceptible to coronavirus, and like humans, they can show a range of symptoms, from no signs of illness at all, to severe problems, such as pneumonia.

Mink become infected through catching the virus from humans. But genetic detective work has shown that in a small number of cases, in the Netherlands and now Denmark, the virus seems to have passed the other way, from mink to humans.

The big public health concern is that any mutation to the coronavirus as it passes between mink and humans might be enough to stop human vaccines working, if and when they become available. Some scientists are now calling for a complete ban on mink production, saying it impedes our response and recovery from the pandemic.

Whoa. We just blew past tinfoil-hat paranoia into six-foot-pool-noodle-hat paranoia. Minks “might be” incubating a variant of Coof capable of defeating a vaccine that doesn’t even exist yet, thus all captive minks must be eradicated AND all their farmers put out of business PERMANENTLY?

What’s REALLY going on?

PETA Calls For Emergency Fur-Farm Shutdown Because of COVID-19 Outbreak

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9 October 2020

First place I looked. PETA has hated the use of animals for fur since its beginning.

PETA warned Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers in April of the prospect of an outbreak of COVID-19 on Wisconsin mink farms and is now renewing its call to close all fur farms immediately following a confirmed outbreak in the state and the deaths of at least 8,000 minks on farms in Utah because of the disease.which the animals contracted from workers. PETA says that the shutdown is necessary to protect both humans and other animals. Wisconsin is the largest mink fur.producing state in the U.S., with more than 50 mink factory farms that produce over 1 million pelts per year, representing more than a third of the annual national total, which is thankfully fast declining as designers and consumers reject fur. PETA is also reiterating its offer to help retrain employees to grow snap beans, sweet corn, cranberries, cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, and other crops found in the state.and we’ll even help pay for the start-up seeds.

I wonder who finances that retraining? While PETA members do tend to be hoes, I don’t mean agriculture.

Below, please find a statement from PETA President Ingrid Newkirk:

“PETA is calling on Wisconsin officials to follow the lead of France, the Netherlands, and Poland [and Denmark] by shutting down the state’s filthy fur farms now. COVID-19 is a deadly airborne and contact disease that spreads from cage to cage, and no one, including minks, deserves to die from it.and animals definitely don’t deserve to live in filth and be gassed, bludgeoned, or skinned for hideous garments that no one wants anymore.

Who would ever have guessed that the proper response to a temporary health crisis would be permanently enacting the Utopian Socialist agenda?

PETA.s motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to wear,. and the group opposes speciesism, which is a human-supremacist worldview.

I proudly identify as both a human supremacist and well-fed member of People Eating Tasty Animals.

I Called It: Active Shooter Stupidity

As I’d feared in a previous thread, “active shooter” training has jumped the shark into police terrorizing children so terrorists won’t have to. Bonus: the idiot gave his own statement! Texas wasn’t where I was expecting it to happen, however.

The context:

And the New Normal:

School security test in Buna goes horribly wrong, officer involved makes a statement

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By Steve W Stewart, 27 October 2020

A school security test in Buna on Tuesday morning went horribly wrong. Buna Independent School District Superintendent Donny Lee said that without notifying administration or staff, School Resource Officers Mark McKinley and Mike Henderson took it upon themselves to conduct the drill, with Henderson dressed in camouflage with his face covered, running around Buna Elementary School trying to break in through doors and windows.

Jasper County Sheriff Mitchel Newman and Chief Deputy Scotty Duncan said that their department wasn’t notified of this happening either, so when terrified teachers began calling 911, every law enforcement officer in the county began running wide-open to Buna.

Duncan said officers arrived and with guns drawn began looking for the mock intruders on the campus, and finally learned that it was a drill when they encountered the camouflaged officers.

Henderson is lucky he wasn’t shot on sight by his peers.

Duncan said “They could have easily been shot and killed by one of our guys, and that’s after we risked our lives driving as fast as these patrol cars can go just to get there. If it’s a real situation, yeah we’ll risk killing ourselves wrapping a patrol car around a pine tree to protect a child, but doing this without notifying anyone that it was just a drill, that don’t work..

Duncan said he had a very stern conversation with those involved.

Meanwhile, Buna ISD Superintendent Donny Lee was equally upset. Lee said “Our school resource officers decided it would be a good idea to just go ahead and do this thing LIVE where nobody knew, so that, according to their story, .we would get the realest reaction. out of the deal..

Somebody was playing a movie in his head. That’s a bad personality trait for cop work.

We asked Lee if that was a good idea, to which he responded “Well hell no it wasn’t a good idea! That was the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard! I mean, my goodness. So, yeah, there’s been some crucial conversations already had this morning. When we have to lock down our school and, you know, parents are wanting to know what’s going on, Jasper County Sheriff’s Office shows up and wastes time and resources, it scares everybody for no reason, everything fell through..

You know what else isn’t a good idea? Talking to the media without a lawyer after pulling a stunt like that. Popcorn time!

Late Tuesday afternoon, one of the school resource officers, Michael Henderson, posted the following statement on the KJAS Facebook page:

“I’ve been called a lot of things in my life. Some bad, some good, some true, some not. I take exception to the untruths, addressing some and ignoring others. It comes with the job. When it comes to my integrity and my reputation, I draw the line there.

“Regarding the situation at Buna Elementary this morning, there are a number of outright lies being circulated. Since some who were involved won’t do the right thing, I’m more than happy to. The chips will fall where they may, but truth is truth and I while I can abide a great many things, having my reputation tarnished by those seeking to shield themselves from the fallout is something I can’t abide. Not one dang bit.

1. This was a PLANNED EVENT. I was notified by a school administrator LAST WEEK that it would be taking place some time THIS WEEK. I wasn’t aware of the date or time, only that I was asked by this administrator to “show up in plain clothes” and check the exterior doors of the Elementary and High Schools.

An unnamed administrator told him to dress like a civilian trying to break into an elementary school then gave himself a week to cover his tracks? Then didn’t tell anybody else, and Henderson didn’t think to tell anybody else either? That’s less likely than Joe Biden remembering his own birthday.

In related news stories, Superintendent Lee also refused to name the administrator who requested this drill. The lesson has not been learned, that people need to know what’s going on.

If you have an understanding of school security and basic common sense you’ll also understand that in order to test the effectiveness of any system, you need natural reactions. In other words, don’t warn people ahead of time. So, this wasn’t spontaneous.

After a county-wide demonstration of excellent trigger discipline, Henderson resorted to shooting himself in the foot. Which is it? Were staff supposed to have been informed or not? If not then what exactly went wrong with your plan that nearly got you shot on sight?

Seriously, what part of any “active shooter” drill is improved by not telling the people involved that it’s only a drill?

We did NOT “Take it upon ourselves” to conduct the drill. This was a SCHOOL SANCTIONED AND REQUIRED EVENT and I was TOLD to do it by ADMINISTRATION. I have good reason to believe that I know why these lies were told and it’s unfortunate. However, regardless of their source or intent, they are still outright LIES. Given the nature of the “exercise” and the response it could potentially generate, once at the Elementary School I removed my duty weapon and magazines and left them in my patrol car. Which, I might add, was parked prominently in the FRONT of the Elementary AND High Schools.

How is that supposed to be fair warning? “911? Help! There’s a man in a mask and camouflage trying to break into my classroom! Oh wait, I see there’s an empty police car parked across the street. We cool.”

Additionally, I waited as long as possible for as many little kids to be inside so as not to scare them from any possible response from staff.

He expected the staff to be afraid.

2. Mark McKinley did not participate, other than to monitor my actions on video. Contrary to what was reported on the apparent fake news website, KJAS, and what was also reported by a member of Jasper County Sheriff’s Department administration, there were NOT camouflaged “officers”. There was just ONE officer and that was me. I wasn’t even “camouflaged”, I had been wearing a camo jacket which was over my district-issued blue polo shirt which says, in large letters on the back, “POLICE” and has a small BUNA ISD POLICE logo on the left front breast. Once I made my way back to the front of the school it was removed. KJAS also contradicted itself in its biased and misleading article, as it states one time there were camouflaged officers then another time states that I was the only one dressed in camo. Let’s not let the facts stand in the way of a good story though.

Fact, there were 911 calls reporting somebody dressed in camo who was not obviously a police officer. Maybe if face diapers hadn’t been mandatory, his coworkers would have recognized his face.

3. I was NOT trying to “break in through doors and windows”. I was tasked with checking to see if the exterior doors were locked or not. Nothing was mentioned to me about windows, I did not touch any windows. I did not even attempt to “break in” period, merely check to see if the doors were locked.

Which is it, Henderson? Were you just checking whether the doors worked or were you trying to incite a “natural reaction”?

4. To those saying I should have notified someone, that’s not how things work. I’m not running or in charge of anything and it’s my job, especially as low man on the totem pole, to do as I’m asked and not question if the proper plans or steps have been taken. My assumption was that since this was a SCHOOL SANCTIONED EVENT, those steps had been taken prior to me being involved in this. My fault lies in believing that had been done.

The old “it’s not my fault, I just work here” excuse.

5. To those who have chosen to believe the lies being perpetuated by some on KJAS and other sites, I’m curious to know how you view CNN, MSNBC, and other mainstream media sources in their treatment of our President. I’d be willing to bet a very large percentage of you call them for what they are-fake news-yet here you all are, shoveling in more lies without even stopping to think that there is ALWAYS more to the story.

Now that’s an interesting wrinkle, appealing to Trump as if CNN’s lies have anything to do with being a mindless police drone in Texas. A(nother) mark of immaturity.

6. Some have called for Mark and I to be fired. I say if you can do this better, feel free. Come on out, lend your expertise. With all the law enforcement experts there should be no shortage of willing volunteers. Just don’t try your hand at investigations because based on what I’ve seen just from this one incident, most would do a piss poor job at gathering facts before pronouncing guilt.

Dude, don’t dress like a terrorist without telling anybody just to check if the staff have “natural reactions” then defy your critics to outperform you.

7. To those who know me (and those who don’t) and have offered words of encouragement, it is more appreciated than you know. To those who don’t know me yet still feel somehow qualified to weigh in on something you didn’t witness nor have reliable information about, your opinion and 99 cents will get you a cup of coffee anywhere in town. God knows the truth and that’s all I’m concerned with..

I don’t know him yet still feel somehow qualified to explain the necessity of being easily identifiable while behaving suspiciously. Probably because as a utility worker, I was in the habit of being rather casual about going through peoples’ properties, which is why I wore a very obvious company uniform, announced myself and made noise while I worked for no reason than to ensure that I wouldn’t accidentally scare anybody into calling 911 and describing me as a home invasion in progress. Never happened once, I’m glad to say.

While it’s nice that Henderson didn’t grovel, the militarization of police will continue to intersect poorly with the government inciting a permanent state of fear in the general public.

Choose the Form Of the Destructor: Election 2020

I had successfully volunteered to be a poll worker for today. This election promises to be historic and I wanted an inside seat. Because nothing can be easy in 2020, however, I was subsequently summoned for jury duty beginning yesterday.

Got that postponed but was also put on reserve status for the election just in case–California doesn’t tell you if your request for jury postponement is granted, it just threatens you if it’s denied. Polls have been open for three hours now so my apologies, readers, the planned fresh, insider content didn’t happen.

A weekday off work felt good, though. Seems that anybody who has a job at all, is working overtime.

I voted American Independent, not Trump, because I simply won’t tolerate my country being ruled by the Jews anymore. Besides Trump/Pence, however, every other candidate but AI had a woman on the team and while voting for a traitor is a bad idea, voting for female leadership is straight-up criminal in God’s eyes.

The fact that the AI VP was rapper Kayne “Kardashian’s Wife” West made me hesitate all the way to election day. I finally decided that giving the nuclear football to a Kardashian could be funny. YOLO!

The Republicans ran a nearly-100% female ticket for the lesser offices. I ended up voting almost the entire Democrat party line in response. Pussies all but none identifying as cis-female. Also, a lot of them are white men and it’ll be fun to watch them implement self-genocide, aka Proposition 16.

That was a lie. They’ll enslave their own kids with a smile on their faces because Progress! I will never understand, sympathize or forgive.

Another ballot proposition gives the Boomers yet another tax break. Another re-funds (fetal) stem cell research, something I’ve read is the basis for several of the Coof vaccines being developed. It was funded the first time because fetal stem cells, the first profitable by-product of the abortion-industrial complex, was guaranteed to cure all human ills and therefore needed massive government support to compensate for the reluctance of private investors asking questions about exotic cancers… imagine your liver growing itself a dozen new kidneys.

Then a couple scientists figured out to how to make adult stem cells behave like fetal stem cells and the Narrative quietly forgot it ever preached abortion for the sake of dead babies being a miracle cure.

Another Proposition repeals California’s outlawing independent contractors but only for Uber/Lyft specifically. Public/private “pay to play” cronyism isn’t usually that blatant.

So, we’re still fucked but it’s now a more honest fucked. Whites are officially second-class citizens, Cyberpunk-esque megacorps are passing their own new laws and…

Collision in Oakland: Move to defund police meets homicide spike

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By Rachel Swan, 1 November 2020

…the popcorn continues to flow!

Heeding the urgency of the Black Lives Matter movement, Oakland leaders committed over the summer to ultimately slash the Police Department’s budget in half, by about $150 million. The City Council created the 17-member Reimagining Public Safety Task Force to figure out how to meet this lofty goal to “defund the police.” They would write a draft proposal by December and present it to the council in March.

Then a wave of gun violence engulfed the flatlands in East Oakland, home to the city’s most impoverished neighborhoods. Homicides spiked. Policymakers . and even the most devoted reformers . had to confront a paradox: that the Black and Latino neighborhoods most threatened by police violence are also the ones demanding better and more consistent law enforcement.

That’s not a paradox. That’s death-cult Utopianism choking on its own lies.

Gonna be a lot of that in the next few years. The lies won’t stop but fortunately, some of the liars will.

.Oakland is very unique . we made the pledge, and then we created a process,. said Councilwoman Nikki Fortunato Bas, who co-chairs the task force and supports efforts to defund the police.

While cities throughout the country were forming similar groups, Oakland’s task force would be more rigorous and thoughtful, Bas said. She’s confident the city can meet its goal.

It just has to devise a plan to get there.

A perfect summation of Election 2020. All these pie-in-the-sky waves of Progtardness gonna crash on the rocks of reality. What I couldn’t do with my vote, consequences will do with the same uncaring inevitability of gravity.

Freaky Hoodie And the Kiddies

For your Halloween enjoyment!

Man covered in tattoos with eyes surgically turned black upset he can’t teach kindergartners any more

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By Phil Shiver, 29 September 2020

A schoolteacher in France was upset after he was told he could not teach kindergarten any more because children under six years of age “could be frightened by his appearance.”

Sylvain Helaine, 35, reportedly known in the tattoo world as “Freaky Hoodie”…

That’s called a red flag.

…has had his body, face, and tongue completely covered in tattoos and even had his eyes surgically turned black.

Yet he told Reuters the school’s decision to remove him from his previous post was “quite sad.” Most of his students are “cool” with his appearance and are able to see past it, he argued.

His previous post being an elementary schoolteacher.

“All of my students and their parents were always cool with me because basically they knew me,” said Helaine, who has spent an estimated 460 hours under the tattooists’ needles. “It’s only when people see me from far away that they can assume the worst.”

Yes. Exposure to evil leads to acceptance of evil. That’s why letting freaks teach kids is a bad idea.

Helaine was reportedly teaching kindergarten at the Docteur Morere Elementary School in the Paris suburb of Palaiseau when the parents of a three-year-old child complained to school authorities that their son had nightmares after seeing him. The child was not a student of Helaine’s.

According to the Reuters report, a couple of months later, the school informed Helaine that he would no longer be able to teach kindergartners due to his appearance. A spokesman for the local education authority expressed that children under six years of age “could be frightened by his appearance.”

“I think the decision they took was quite sad,” he said.

Nevertheless, Helaine is determined to continue teaching, and an agreement made with the school allowed him to stay on as a teacher for children over six years old.

France almost impressed me by recognizing evil as swiftly & accurately as a three-year-old. Alas, that bar was too high.

“I’m a primary school teacher … I love my job,” he told Reuters.

Not as much as extreme body modification in order to look demonic.

He has no plans to stop tattooing himself, either. Helaine said he started getting tattoos when he was 27 after he went through what he called an “existential crisis.” And since then, it has become his “passion.”

Now he hopes that his students will be inspired because of him to be more accepting of those who are different.

“Maybe when they are adults they will be less racist and less homophobic and more open-minded,” he said.

The last two sentences, possibly the last four, are what made this a post. I fully admit that circus freaks are people too and can be fun to stare at…

…but they are simply not normal people. We can have sympathy for Pepper here because, unlike Freaky Hoodie, Pepper didn’t hit himself with the ugly stick after an “existential crisis” made self-mutilation into his “passion”.

Maybe he’s not fully demon-possessed but frankly, do we need a scientific, repeatable blood test before deciding? He’s a walking catalog of psychiatric problems who wants to be around children in order to teach them that his sicknesses are normal. That’s good enough.

Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections Julie Marcus False-Flags At Trump

Trump hired a security company to station armed guards are voting places to threaten and intimidate voters! Actually no, that was a lie vomited by Julie Marcus, this week’s Florida Woman of Interest to law enforcement.

She’s a temporary appointment as of May 2020 with her replacement to be determined in next week’s election.

Armed security guards spark concerns of voter intimidation in St. Pete

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By: Lisette Lopez & Ryan Smith, 21 October 2020

PINELLAS COUNTY, Fla. . The Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a report of possible armed voter intimidation at a downtown St. Petersburg voting location, the Pinellas Supervisor of Elections said.

According to the Pinellas SOE Julie Marcus, two people suspected of voter intimidation were wearing security uniforms at the downtown St. Petersburg early voting location at 501 First Ave N.

According to Marcus, the pair told a responding law enforcement officer that they are with a private security company. She says a concerned staff member reported at least one of them was armed.

A uniformed security guard with a holstered firearm was seen cooperating with a deputy? What’s the real story here?

The pair set up a tent and claimed to be working for the Trump campaign, Marcus said.

These persons claimed or said that they were hired by the Trump campaign, again I’m not going to speculate to that. This was a licensed security company and they were licensed security officers,” Marcus said.

YOU JUST DID SPECULATE that they were HIRED AGENTS OF THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN INTIMIDATING VOTERS WITH FIREARMS. You don’t get to lob an accusation like that then say “but I won’t confirm”. Not when you’re the County Election Supervisor!

The Deputy National Press Secretary for the Trump campaign issued a statement to ABC Action News denying the campaign hired the pair.

Well, of COURSE the Trumpists denied sending armed thugs to tamper with the election! We all know that Biden is so popular, he’s being hidden in a basement to keep him safe from the screaming fangirls!

They sent a black to do a white man’s job? Is Team Trump allying with BLM? (Yes, because Biden’s Laptop Matters.) And what about that black woman electioneering for Trump next to him? She wasn’t breaking the law by standing there but he was?

“There are very specific laws to prevent voter intimidation and it will not be tolerated,” Marcus said. “This is unacceptable. I have been here for 17 years and I have never seen this happen before.”

In politics for seventeen years, her current position for this one election.

Voter Ben Pereira said his early voting excitement quickly soured to concern.

.I noticed his gun, that was the first thing that I noticed as a voter was that this man was carrying a weapon,” said Pereira. .He wasn’t there to vote, he was standing there to make his presence known..

The first thing Pereira noticed was the gun? Liberal. Maybe he should have noticed the rest of the guy at some point. “OH MY GAWD HE’S GOT A GUN! HE’S GOT A GUN! Oops, sorry officer. I didn’t see that you were in uniform.”

Notice also that Pereira assumed the motive was voter intimidation with no information except they were uniformed security guards. Unlike the “unlicensed, non-uniformed not-a-real security guard” that committed actual murder on camera who worked for the Biden Campaign (by way of the mainstream media).

Pereira tells ABC Action News, one of the guards offered him a Trump sticker while standing with a Trump-decorated tent.

On Thursday, Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri said since the two guards remained outside the 150-foot no-solicitation zone, they did nothing wrong.

Ah, the best laid plans of mice and men and FBI wannabes. You don’t suppose Pereira has an established history as a Leftist agitator?


After coming out, gay professional has sights set on sports administration

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By Ben Pereira, 8 May 2018

In 2009 my teacher announced to our eighth-grade class that for our final project we’d be required to create a poster about what our dream job was. I knew almost instantly that being a general manager of a professional baseball team was my aspirational job of choice.

Fine, but most kids want to be the sports hero not the sports hero’s paper-pusher. always had a complicated relationship with sports. Growing up, I was a mediocre athlete who loved to play, and I maintained a strong passion for the organizational prowl that took place behind the scenes of professional sports franchises. My favorite day of year growing up was July 31, because it was the MLB trade deadline.

Bullshit. Had he said “owner of a baseball team”, that would be plausible. But he wanted to be a hidden string-puller because he was a bad athlete? Either he was quite the Gamma in grade school or this entire article is a lie from the get-go. Both are plausible.

I never felt truly recognized as an athlete, as a sports fan and certainly not as an aspiring sports professional. I always felt a heightened sense to prove myself, I still do to an extent today. Because I am gay.

Because you were a bad athlete. That’s why you were never “truly recognized”.

I knew I was different and I grew up surrounded by a culture and society that made it seem that the gay community had no place in sports. As a Little Leaguer I remember hearing gay slurs used by my peers and they stung. I felt ostracized and uncomfortable.

As a Little Leaguer, he should not have had any sexual interests at all. Either he was sodomized young or again, this entire bio is a lie.

As much as I knew that my passion and knowledge of the game was unrivaled I never felt equal to my peers. I had a preconceived idea of what it meant to be gay and I knew that sports were not something gay people “liked” or participated in. I grew up so badly wanting a career in sports and for a while denied my sexuality because I couldn’t possibly wrap my head around being both a sports aficionado and a gay man.

My personal conclusion is that this is all a lie, because homosexual tendencies never prevented someone from liking sports or being known for mastering sports trivia. He’s trying to sell us a sob story, plain and simple.

Sports was not an industry that welcomed the LGBT community.

Two years after he wrote this, pro sports is not an industry that welcome anybody except the LGBT community. Equality achieved?

I graduated from UMass Amherst with my undergraduate degree in Sport Management before enrolling in Florida State’s master’s program for the same field of study, on a full ride no less.

Because he thought he wouldn’t be welcome in that career? Or because he wanted to infiltrate that male space and sodomize it?

While there, I decided I would step up and create a forum for minority students to connect and learn from industry leaders and for my peers who were in the non-marginalized groups to learn about the struggles their friends faced.

For too long, regressive norms in the sports industry have held back students of color, females, and members of the LGBT community from pursuing a career. The industry is still faced with racism, sexism, and homophobia.

Sodomy it is. We’ve heard enough. He’s a Leftist agitator who got suspicious when he saw a GUN GUN GUN in the holster of a uniformed security guard talking to a friend… standing around the Trump booth.

End segue

“The mere presence of uniformed, licensed Florida-authorized security personnel does not violate the law,” said Sheriff Gualtieri.

Mayor Rick Kriseman calls it unacceptable.

The existence of uniformed, licensed, private security guards?

Per wikipedia, “Kriseman received media attention after he tweeted about “barring” Donald Trump from entering St. Petersburg, which he did in response to Trump’s earlier controversial comment on banning all Muslims from entering the U.S. in the wake of deadly terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, California.”

What started out as a false police report threatens to go full conspiracy. If anybody in authority is going to bother.

“There’s zero reason for anyone to be armed, openly armed, out in front of a polling place,” said Kriseman. “I can’t think of any justification for that..

That’s quite the failure of imagination, Kriseman. Oh right, you probably want the police unarmed these days too.

UPDATE: Pinellas Sheriff says armed security outside early voting site not hired by Trump campaign

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By 10 Tamps Bay, 21 October 2020

Less than one single day after Marcus alerted the media that Trump was sending hired goons to intimidate voters, the county sheriff announced it’s all okay.

Here’s what happened:

On Wednesday, Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections Julie Marcus suggested two security guards hired by the Trump campaign were outside an early voting site located on First Avenue North. Then, on Thursday, Sheriff Gualtieri clarified the two men were not associated with the president’s reelection campaign. A few hours later, a security contracting company said it was all a big misunderstanding and suggested there were not two guards . but rather just one off-duty security guard.

In Gualtieri’s version of events, there were two licensed security guards from Syotos LLC who reportedly told deputies they had been hired to provide security. But, Gualtieri said there was no evidence they had been hired by the Trump campaign.

“The Campaign did not hire these individuals nor did the Campaign direct them to go to the voting location,” Trump Campaign Deputy National Press Secretary Thea McDonald wrote in a statement.

The owner of Syotos LLC described the whole situation as a “huge misunderstanding.”

No, not a misunderstanding. A false flagging. Notice the County Election Supervisor talked to the media before the police had one single day for an investigation. If she saw something suspicious and involved the police, fine. If she magically knew they were paid subcontractors of Donald Trump (which turned out to not be true) there to intimidate voters with firearms (the worst intimidation, as reported by a militant homosexual, being the offer of a free Trump sticker) and proceeded to alert the media before hearing from the investigating deputy… then that’s terrorism: advancing a political ideology using threats or intimidation, or inciting a state of fear.

“We do not have any employees engaging in poll watching,” the company wrote in an email to 10 Tampa Bay. “We had an off duty employee who was picking up a family member who happened to be in the vicinity of a polling location. The employee saw someone they knew near the polling location and had a short conversation. Again, this employee was off duty and was in no way engaging in poll watching. The employee was [stopped] by a local deputy that had every right to ask what was happening. The employee made it clear that they were not affiliated with the polling [booth]. A change of information from the officer to the deputy happened and all information came back valid and true. The officer just had on their gear from leaving work and that was taken out of context.”

Sheriff Gualtieri says he doesn’t believe this is a case of voter intimidation. Nobody was unlawfully carrying, and everyone involved remained outside the polling location, so they didn’t violate Florida laws, he said.

What about false accusations? Was Marcus ever able to give a reason for believing that they were employees of Trump?

Marcus stressed that voters should feel safe and that “physical security” and “cybersecurity” procedures are in place at voting locations.

.Know that our office is working with law enforcement to ensure if there are any perceived or actual threats of intimidation, deterring voters from voting, impeding voters to vote, anything that would involve a person’s ability to cast a ballot in this election, know that our office and the sheriff’s office will take this very seriously . are taking this very seriously. It will not be tolerated,. she said.

Nice gaslighting, Karen.

Hultgreen-Curie Syndrome: The Elevator Incident

Ah, Hultgreen-Curie Syndrome. Women killing themselves by entering situations requiring either a male temperament or a male understanding of technology. This one is both!

Carrie O’Conner, deceased at age 38, professor of business, French language and at Boston University, “French culture through gastronomy”. To her credit, she doesn’t look the part.

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Carrie O.Connor, a 38-year-old Boston University professor, died on Monday at around 5:15 p.m. when she was crushed in an elevator accident in her apartment building. Boston police released the victim’s identity on Tuesday and said O.Connor died of traumatic asphyxiation, ruling her death accidental, NBC Boston reported.

According to the Journal of Emergency Medical Services, traumatic asphyxia is usually caused when a person is crushed “by an object that compresses the chest or upper abdomen..

O.Connor.s death was also confirmed by Boston University, where she worked as a French lecturer at the College of Arts & Sciences. She was described as adventurous, a traveler who had a “commitment to community and learning.” She is survived by her parents, her brother and sister-in-law, and .two cats that she loved . Artemis and Apollo,. according to her father.

It may be best that she died young & fast because she was right on schedule for Feminist Life Path/Train Wreck.

O.Connor had moved into the Commonwealth Avenue building in the Allston neighborhood of Boston only a few weeks before her death, neighbors said. One of O.Connor.s neighbors, Leanne Scorzino, described the incident to NBC Boston: .It was horrifying. It wasn’t a cry. I can’t even describe what it was. I went out in the hall because I genuinely thought someone was being murdered..

She said when she got to the hallway, a neighbor told her that O.Connor had been trying to load a large, heavy package into the elevator and he’d warned her that it wouldn’t fit. She said all she could see was the open elevator door and the top of the car and cables.

Yeah, girl, what does the Patriarchy know! Down with mansplaining! Way down, way fast.

Package played role in Boston University professor’s elevator death, state says

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By Peter Aitken, 25 October 2020

Massachusetts inspectors found that a professor crushed to death by an elevator last month may have met her fate because of a large package she was carrying at the time.

Boston University professor Carrie O’Connor was seen in video carrying a 7-and-a-half-foot-tall box, which appeared to hit a switch that sent the elevator into free-fall while the door was open, according to a report by the Massachusetts Office of Public Safety and Inspections.

O’Connor was later found pinned between the elevator and the wall of the shaft.

The “birdcage” style elevator requires the occupant to close the gate manually, which O’Connor did not have a chance to secure before the package hit the gate switch – mistakenly indicating that the door was closed, the New York Post reported.

A maintenance person in the basement pressed the call button while O’Connor was getting into the elevator, which caused the elevator to drop before O’Connor was safely inside and the door secured, Inspector Martin Guiod said in his report on the Sept. 14 incident.

That was not Hultgreen-Curie.

O.Connor briefly halted the elevator’s descent when the box slipped from the switch and braced against the shaft wall, but when she lifted the package again, according to the video, it hit the switch once more.

THAT was Hultgreen-Curie. Also, a Darwin Award.

She then disappeared from view on the footage, indicating “that she had fallen backwards into the hoistway between the 1st floor and basement floor,. the report said.

“That won’t fit,” he said.

“I’ll make it fit,” she said.

An autopsy showed that O.Connor died of “traumatic asphyxiation..

Coof Ends Civilization, Women Most Affected

This review of a paper by the National Academy of Sciences started out as a hilarious “women most affected” article then floated the idea that the only reason people refuse to Social Distance is BECAUSE they’re contagious. No joke.

Birth rates will drop, people will stay single for longer and women will sexualise themselves more: Scientists predict how society will change in a post-COVID world

  • A multidisciplinary team of experts reviewed 90 studies to make their forecasts
  • The team predict various social impacts . even among those not infected
  • Gender inequality could rise due to lockdown, as could social conservatism
  • The ongoing pandemic is a ‘worldwide social experiment’, the researchers said

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By Ian Randall, 23 October 2020

With bullet points like those, you can see the brewing of the coming fisk-storm!

Psychological fallout from the pandemic will cause birth rates to drop, people to stay single for longer and women to sexualise themselves more, experts have predicted.

Experts, they say.

Experts from the US reviewed 90 studies to help them predict how COVID-19 could shift social behaviours and gender norms . even among those not infected.

Experts, they repeat. I’m gonna quote them on that.

They expect planned pregnancies to decrease in response to the global health crisis as people defer marriage and kids, leading some nations’ populations to shrink.

In sane times, low fertility WOULD be the global health crisis, and experts would be horrified that families are being torn apart by government policy.

Drops in birth-rates will have cascading impacts on society and economics, affecting such things as job opportunities and support for elderly populations.

Those two ships have sailed. I don’t know that we could support the elderly population any less, now that they prefer death to continued solitary confinement.

Furthermore, the unequal division of the extra household labour brought by lockdown could see gender inequality rise and foster more social conservatism.

Women most affected!

In many ways, the researchers noted, ‘the pandemic has become a worldwide social experiment’ . the results of which have yet to finish playing out.

But that hasn’t stopped them from celebrating the (continued) decline in birth rates, nor making more wild guesses about global conditions like they should have learned not to since December, nor championing the plight of women who can’t park their kids in day care. No, the real problem is that women might go back to cooking dinner while pesky MEN keep the world spinning!

However can we put women in charge of the world without them suffering the same hardships as not-women? By tapping the wealth of knowledge offered us by EXPERTS!

The researchers applied their varied expertise to predicting the future . which included backgrounds in behavioural science, economics, evolutionary biology, medicine and neuroscience.

‘The psychological, social and societal consequences of COVID-19 will be very long-lasting,’ said paper author and psychologist Martie Haselton of the University of California Los Angeles.


Martie G. Haselton is a Professor in the Departments of Psychology and Communication Studies as well as ISG. Haselton’s research focuses on evolution and human behavior, social psychology, interpersonal communication, social endocrinology. Empirical work explores intimate relationships, sexuality, olfactory communication, psychological sex differences, social inference, evolution and health, and the effects of reproductive hormones on human behavior.

She’s an expert in “what women smell like when they’re ovulating”. Move over, Pavlov.

Furthermore, she added, ‘the longer COVID-19 continues, the more entrenched these changes are likely to be.’

Comments like that make me think Martie is Presidential material. “Fox News Channel correspondent Doug McKelway asked Biden if he has taken a cognitive test in June and he said he takes them all the time.” That actually happened.

Prospective couples who met video-dating amid lockdown could find themselves disappointed when they finally meet up in the outside world, the team warned.

‘Does a couple have chemistry? You can’t tell over Zoom,’ Professor Haselton said.

If Haselton actually understood human sexuality, she’d know that you could. Ten million camgirls have figured it out. But I understand what this expert in “olfactory sexual communication” has issues.

The missing of cues in new, digitally-forged relationships will likely lead to the over-idealization of potential partners . a misapprehension which may mean the coupling might not survive meeting reality.

She doesn’t know how right she is.

This . and missed opportunities for social meetings . could result in people remaining single for longer.

Unlike past crises, the team noted, the pandemic is not bringing people together and . for the most part . is not fostering an increase in compassion or empathy.

Banning all social behavior with exceptions for race riots can do that. Maybe these experts could have taken this opportunity to decry the lockdowns?

The team noted that the pandemic has heaped more onto the plates of women . who were, even before the pandemic, typically more stressed by the marriage of career and family obligations.

Lockdown and school closures, for example, have burdened women with more extensive responsibilities in the realms of childcare and education.

According to Professor Haselton, the impacts of this are already being felt. For example, she said, in the realm of academia women scholars already appear to publishing less amid the pandemic . the reverse of their male counterparts.

They used this exact picture, with that exact caption.

The roots of this inequality are not only bound up in traditional gender roles, the researchers argued.

‘Throughout evolutionary history, a woman’s reproductive fitness hinged on the success of each individual offspring to a greater extent than a man.s,’ they wrote.

Women evolved stronger motivations to attend to the details of childcare and may feel pressured to accept more childcare and homemaking responsibility when others, such as teachers and childcare workers [.] cannot.’

I haven’t shredded on evopsych in a while! If women evolved to be housewives then why does society force women to go against their naturally evolved instincts? Is there something wrong with being a housewife if that is what Jesus, oops, Evo has decreed?

‘A consequence of the pandemic, therefore, could be a reduction in tolerance across a range of issues,’ the researchers wrote.

These could include, they added, less acceptance for ‘non-monogamous mating arrangements, legal abortion, and rights for sexual minorities “who violate traditional gender roles and are also stereotyped as promiscuous.’

That’s not going to happen, of course. The lockdowns are breaking down marriage EVEN MORE, which means that marriage alternatives will increase. Camgirls are already complaining on Twitter that they can’t dildo themselves for entire months at a time. (No link.)

Furthermore, Professor Haselton said, economic inequality could see many women sexualise themselves more in order to compete with each other for desirable men.

That is fun but difficult to imagine. Better start losing weight NOW, Barbie! Uh-oh, the gyms are closed….

The team also used an evolutionary perspective to to examine the way in which the virus has evolved to attack us . alongside the strategies that we can, and should, employ to fight back against it.

According to the researchers, much of our inadequate response to the global health crisis is a result of humanity having evolved . both genetically and socially . in an environment that has little in common with today’s word.

“Today’s world” came into existence in a single month by government dictat. Perhaps a strategy to fight back against it would be to end government overreach and go back to 2019? When Trump was solidly in power? Oh.

This, they added, leads to ‘evolutionary mismatches’ with the present circumstances . such as, for example, how Americans typically value individuality and the ability to challenge authority.

‘This combination does not work especially well in a pandemic,’ said paper author and psychologist Benjamin Seitz, also of the University of California Los Angeles.

What they didn’t say is that Seitz is still a PhD student. Fine, but calling him an “expert” is inaccurate. His psych focuses are eating and learning, like most graduate students. And snowboarding.

‘This virus is exposing us and our weaknesses,’ he added.

Alongside this, the team wrote, ‘our species is not wired for seeking a precise understanding of the world as it actually is’ . with tribalism and groupthink leading to widespread misinformation and distrust of experts at a time such is needed.

We evolved to distrust government-funded experts? If only!

According to Professor Haselton, the virus is ‘wily’ for having the ability to infect us through our contact with others . especially loved ones . who seem healthy.

“Experts” is REALLY not the right word.

‘Our social features that define much of what it is to be human make us a prime target for viral exploitation,’ she commented.

‘Policies asking us to isolate and distance profoundly affect our families, work lives, relationships and gender roles.’

Yes, which is why those policies are evil… no?

Like all viruses, SARS-CoV-2 experiences an evolutionary pressure to manipulate the behaviour and physiology of its hosts in such a way to ensure its transmission and continued existence.

No… wait, what? Sheet, mon, that’s not how disease spreads AT ALL. That’s how bad Netflix movies spread.

Coronavirus may be altering our neural tissue to influence our behaviour, the researchers propose . such as by supressing unwell feelings and enhancing social impulses in the infectious peak before symptoms appear.

In this way, recently infected individuals would be more likely to come into contact with others and spread the virus before they were aware they had contracted it.

Have you psychology “experts” ever studied the concept of paranoia?

This isn’t funny anymore. Do these people really think the reason dissidents don’t want to wear masks is because their brains have been infected with mind-altering coronaviruses and been programmed to infect the still-living? Serious question.

Similarly, suppressing outward appearances of illness would enable SARS-CoV-2 to bypass the useful ‘disgust’ response that we have evolved to avoid catching disease.

Symptoms of disease are generally the body’s efforts to repel the disease… fever, runny nose, vomiting etc. It’s not even theoretically possible for a harmful disease to suppress symptoms because by definition, it does harm.

This does mean that your body quietly hosts quadrillions of harmless viruses and bacteria.

It also means, as we have seen with Sars-n-Cov-1984 itself, that diseases mutate over time into less harmful variants that the body attacks less energetically.

This ends the article but let’s hear more about the actual paper. Do these “experts” really believe that Wuhan Whoop is a mind-controlling parasite programming men to distrust the government and women to stay at home with her kids?

I can’t believe that’s even a serious inquiry.

The pandemic exposes human nature: 10 evolutionary insights

By Benjamin M. Seitz, Athena Aktipis, David M. Buss, Joe Alcock, Paul Bloom, Michele Gelfand, Sam Harris, Debra Lieberman, Barbara N. Horowitz, Steven Pinker, David Sloan Wilson, and Martie G. Haselton

More experts to review.

Photo of C Athena Aktipis

Athena Aktipis of Arizona State U, associate professor in “Evolution and Medicine”, psych and something called the GIOS Sustainability Initiative.

David Buss

David M. Buss of U Texas Austin, PhD from UC Berkeley, past President of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, “Current research: women’s sexual strategies, conflict between the sexes, stalking, sexual victimization, the psychology of status, prestige, and reputation, and the psychology of homicide. The research is guided by the conceptual frameworks anchored in evolutionary psychology.” per

Joe Alcock… umm… segue:

ZAMM 2020

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By Joe Alcock, October 15, 2020

This week the Zombie Apocalypse Medicine Medicine biannual conference is taking place online.

This wildly multidisciplinary conference uses a zombie lens to explore topics in medicine, social science, art and popular culture. I am Dr. Zed this week, broadcasting the apocalypse every day on a variety of streaming platforms.

I may have found the source of “Chinaballs are zombifying people!”. Alcock is the author of Evolutionary Medicine blog and is reportedly a practicing emergency doctor. I might have to look at that conference, seeing as Halloween is this week.

End segue.

Michele Gelfand, University of Maryland . American Regionalism

Per wikipedia, “[Michele] Gelfand is considered a pioneering researcher on the concept of tightness.looseness… which assesses how much a culture adheres to social norms and tolerates deviance. Tight cultures are more restrictive, with stricter disciplinary measures for norm violations while loose cultures have weaker social norms and a higher tolerance for deviant behavior. …Her research has shown that tightness allows cultures to coordinate more effectively to survive threats.

A totalitarian globalist at U Maryland.

Photo of Debra Lieberman

Debra Lieberman, Ph.D., is a media researcher at UC Santa Barbara’s Institute for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research, where she directs the Center for Digital Games Research. Her research interests focus on processes of learning and behavior change with interactive media and games, with a special interest in the research and design of digital games for health.

This androgyne’s life’s work is ensuring Gamergate never happens again. She is not a psychologist.

Barbara N. Horowitz is a Harvard professor of Evolutionary Biology.

David Sloan Wilson is co-founder of the Evolution Institute.

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Steven Pinker is an evolutionary & cognitive psychologist associated with the American Humanist Association.

So, a couple actual doctors, mostly evopsych prophets, and my best guess, 42% Jewish.

Let’s dig in.

Humans and viruses have been coevolving for millennia. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19) has been particularly successful in evading our evolved defenses. The outcome has been tragic.across the globe, millions have been sickened and hundreds of thousands have died. Moreover, the quarantine has radically changed the structure of our lives, with devastating social and economic consequences that are likely to unfold for years. An evolutionary perspective can help us understand the progression and consequences of the pandemic. Here, a diverse group of scientists, with expertise from evolutionary medicine to cultural evolution, provide insights about the pandemic and its aftermath. At the most granular level, we consider how viruses might affect social behavior, and how quarantine, ironically, could make us susceptible to other maladies, due to a lack of microbial exposure.

.Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution., and nothing about the human response to COVID-19 will either.

Starting off with a “There is no God” quote is an excellent way to bias all future thought. Not only does evolution explains everything, it is continually updated to ensure that remains the case.

Because its explanations keep failing.

Furthermore, the “human response to COVID-19” has nothing to do with evolution, except that evolution is a religion whose tenets must be upheld (read: worshiped) by society at all times.

We asked 10 evolutionary scientists, including evolutionary medicine researchers, theoretical evolutionary biologists, and evolutionary psychologists, to share their insights about the evolutionary pressures on the virus, our human response to the pandemic, and how an evolutionary approach can help us cope with COVID-19.

Everything about this paper is updating evolutionary psychology to justify government lockdown behavior.

Insight 1: The Virus Might Alter Host Sociability

There are two possibilities for how SARS-CoV-2 might be altering human behavior. First, it may be suppressing feelings of sickness during times of peak transmissibility. SARS-CoV-2 is characterized by a high rate of viral shedding, and the peak of viral shedding.and therefore transmissibility.occurs 1 d to 2 d before the onset of symptoms (5). It is possible that SARS-CoV-2 has been particularly successful because it is highly infectious before symptoms appear.

That is normal for contagious diseases. It is most virulent right before the body begins fighting it off… for painfully obvious reasons. Their mastery of evolution has not prevented them from forgetting the basics of how disease works.

The second possibility of how SARS-CoV-2 could affect host behavior is by contributing to mood disorders, such as mania, that could increase activity levels and decrease feelings of sickness, at least temporarily, during times of peak transmissibility. This could potentially lead to a .tug-of-war. over host behavior, with the virus “pulling for” greater host activity and sociability and the host fighting against this to reduce activity and instead prioritize healing.

“People who don’t want to social distance may be vampires trying to spread the disease. While we don’t QUITE have 100.0% confirmation of this YET, we must enact totalitarian mandatory rules to end all unapproved social contact indefinitely!”

No studies have yet looked at changes in social behavior with exposure to SARS-CoV-2. However, there is ample evidence that [blah blah blah]


Insight 2: .Generation Quarantine. May Lack Critical Microbial Exposures

Duh. Let’s skip to their proposed solution to this. I’ll guess a broad-spectrum mandatory vaccination program.

Predispersal exposures to microbes prime developing immune systems for anticipated novel microbial threats. This is why adolescents leaving for college receive vaccinations to prime their immune systems for pathogens they may encounter for the first time. Similarly, the immune systems of adolescent animals are primed by low-level exposures to microbes from the outside world through brief forays, practice dispersals, into the outside world, including play with conspecifics and other social activities…

Uh… sounds like I’m right. The babbling is getting thick.

But the risk-taking, neophilia, and drive to be sexual and socialize that characterize adolescence and promote dispersal are influenced by microbiota now fundamentally altered for many millions of adolescents around the world. COVID-19 has temporarily ended practice dispersals, physical peer-to-peer play, sexual activity, and other activities which would otherwise bring millions of adolescents into contact with novel microbes.

A pack of seething, State-imposed lies, but it does sound like I’m right. “The New Normal for children is they won’t be exposed to microbes naturally, which is why we vaccinate them when we send them out into the world.”

Might just be me, but necrophilia did not characterize the adolescence of anybody I ever knew.

Insight 3: Activating Disgust Can Help Combat Disease Spread

Disgust is a physical and social protective system that is a product of, and sheds light on, our evolutionary past. Disgust protects across three domains, all of which relate to pathogen exposure. First, disgust is part of our food psychology and motivates avoidance of foods harboring, for instance, signs of toxins and microorganisms.

Food tasting bad is not the disgust reflex.

Second, disgust is part of our sexual psychology and motivates avoidance of sexual partners (e.g., family members)…

What? Man, you Jewish evopsych people are freaks. I don’t need a PhD in the disgust reflex to know what I just felt. What makes you think about adolescent necrophilia and sex with family members… in public, no less?

…judged to potentially risk the immunocompetence and, hence, health and viability of offspring. Last, and most pertinent, disgust is part of our physical contact psychology and motivates avoidance of individuals displaying signs of infection, surfaces revealing microbial infestation, and the skin, mouth, anus, and bodily fluids of unknown others.

While I agree that disease is disgusting, they’re trying to stretch the definition to include socializing and eating… which are topics sensitive to mask-wearing dictats.

They hope to “evolve” people into feeling disgust at dissidents who don’t wear masks.

Motivations to physically distance and to cleanse after contact with potentially contaminated surfaces are native to the contact disgust system but are strongest when there are clear signs of disease.blood, guts, bodily fluids, yellow eyes, pale skin, lesions, or a runny nose. In the COVID-19 pandemic, this is not what most people see. Family, friends, coworkers, and strangers look they can be asymptomatic for days, not knowing they are infected. Without ecologically valid cues to infection, the contact avoidance function of disgust remains idle, posing an acute challenge to lawmakers enacting rules enforcing distancing. Given that valued relationships are often marked by gentle physical contact (e.g., hugs, handshakes, kisses), it is difficult to dissuade people from reaffirming their “close relationships,. especially during a time when such relationships are sorely needed. Disgust might therefore be important, although sometimes less potent than other emotions, such as empathy, to persuade people to distance.

QED. Not wearing a mask is going to be the new visual cue of “you’re contagious!”

Insight 4: The Mating Landscape Is Changing, and There Will Be Economic Consequences from a Decrease in Birth Rates


Insight 5: Gender Norms Are Backsliding, and Gender Inequality Is Increasing

With schools shut down, families have unanticipated needs for childcare. Who is picking up this slack? In April of 2020, women lost more jobs than men, in part because more women than men are employed in hospitality and service industries that lost customers.

Women can now be anything they want, yet they still choose overwhelmingly to cook food and clean laundry.

However, at that same time, women more than men felt more pressured to quit their jobs in order to manage added household responsibilities of childcare and education, and worried more that declines in their productivity during the pandemic would negatively impact their careers.

A direct result of women being awarded child custody in divorces… 85% of the time, as a ballpark statistic.

Before the pandemic, women already felt more stressed than men by competing family and job roles (36). With children at home, that stress seems to lead women to become homemakers and makeshift teachers.

Confirming that the primary purpose of K-12 education is daycare.

Evolutionary reasoning predicts women will leave the workplace or sacrifice their productivity more than men will. This could result in a large-scale backslide toward “traditional” gender norms. With the loss of their own economic autonomy, many women will come to rely on male partners as breadwinners, exacerbating the structural problems underlying gender inequality. This may shift families toward traditional structures and conceptions of gender.a shift toward social conservatism, which might have consequences for attitudes about premarital and extramarital sex

But but but didn’t women evolve to be like that?

Feminism has always been a massive, unsustainable pumping operation. Now that the pumps are beginning to fail, normality will reassert itself. Unless the State decides to kill us instead. Oh look, the fertility rate is down!

Insight 6: An Increase in Empathy and Compassion Is Not Guaranteed

With respect to the current crisis, some psychologists are optimistic (e.g., ref. 50), seeing an outburst of prosocial and altruistic behavior..catastrophe compassion,. as one scholar puts it. Among other considerations, the adoption of social distancing practices by billions of individuals is interpreted as “perhaps the most populous act of cooperation in history.” This interpretation is said to be supported by recent studies suggesting that the motivation to engage in these practices is increased by appeals to public health, more so than appeals to personal health, and increased, as well, by empathy inductions.

“Empathy inductions” = “emotional terrorism”. “If you don’t wear a mask then you killed Grandma!”

This is all consistent with a Rousseauian perspective: Human nature is fundamentally kind, and, stripped of the constraints of civilization, we are more equal, more generous, and mentally healthier.

That is pure, humanist evil. Nobody sane wants to see their neighbor be stripped of all civilizing influences and encouraged to act directly upon his “evolved” animal urges.

It’s called civilization for a reason, you “expert” psychologists. Look it up. Or be lazy and JUST KEEP READING!

But there are also reasons to favor a less rosy view… In fact, there is no evidence, to our knowledge, for any overall increase in kindness, empathy, and compassion right now relative to nonpandemic times.

Gosh, really? I…

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At least in the United States.although less so in countries such as Canada.this pandemic is not bringing people together; rather, responses reflect the partisan divide that so characterizes recent times, with conservatives and liberals having different views about wearing masks, the wisdom of a continuing lockdown, and much else.

As much as I detest the Baby Boomer generation, my people aren’t the ones forcing them to die alone in neighborhoods besieged by racist anarchists, now are we, you disciples of Rousseau?

Insight 7: We Have Not Evolved to Seek the Truth

HAHAHAAAAA! Which headline finally convinced you of that?

Humans evolved in small groups under threat of starvation, predation, and exploitation by outsiders.and generally lived brief lives, favoring short-term strategies for consuming resources that could support successful reproduction.

No, we did not live brief lives. In fact, human life expectancy has not increased much because of modern medicine. Allow enough food and don’t die in early childhood, and most people get their “threescore and ten”.

We have not evolved to think clearly about long-term threats like pandemics.which are statistically abstract and global. And yet, for at least a century, we’ve understood that the threat of a deadly pandemic is real and ever present. How should we have responded to this knowledge?

Strong borders would have been a good start. Like my people were calling for decades before Coof came along. But hey, it’s not too late to ban all high-speed travel between nations.

We should have prepared for the next pandemic in advance. But, to do this, we would have had to feel the need to prepare.and been willing to incur actual costs in the face of what could have seemed, in the absence of dead and dying people, like nothing more than morbid speculation.

Sigh, I should have known that humanists would have a different definition of truth than Christ Jesus. “We should have socially isolated everybody in perpetuity even before the plandemic hit but we we too short-sighted on living our normal lives. Maybe now people will obey their authorities without questions of whether there’s a reason to.”

Insight 8: Combating the Pandemic Requires Its Own Evolutionary Process

This duality is captured by the label dual inheritance theory, which posits both a genetic stream and a cultural stream of inheritance that have been coevolving with each other for as long as we have been a species. The slower process of genetic evolution often follows where the faster process of cultural evolution leads, as we know from classic examples such as lactose tolerance in adults (a genetic adaptation) in cultures that keep livestock (a cultural adaptation).

It’s not government manipulation of a captive population, it’s Cultural Evolution!

Insight 9: Cultural Evolutionary Forces Impact COVID-19 Severity

Evolutionary principles can be applied to understand cultural adaptations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Human groups under collective threat experience evolutionary pressures to tighten social norms and punish people who deviate from norms.

That’s not Darwin. That’s Orwell.

Insight 10: Human Progress Continues

Evolutionary reasoning makes several predictions about the future humans will face in the wake of the pandemic..from shifts away from economic independence for women to birth rates dipping below thresholds needed to maintain some human populations.

IT’S THE SAME PROBLEM! When women work instead of breed, the birth rate drops! How is that hard?

These are some depressing possibilities that invite a conclusion that humanity is spiraling downward to a new low point. Those who deny the possibility of social progress might feel vindicated by the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020, because it shows that life has gotten worse rather than better. But has it?

Suicide is way up. Old folks are dying at home of preventable problems because they’re too scared to visit the hospital when the chest pains started. Children put duct tape over their computer’s built-in cameras to stop their teachers from spying on them. And I’ve begun to “find some new friends”. Friends that don’t think it’s Chinaballs making me not want to wear a mask around them.

Many people have trouble reconciling the demonstrable fact of human progress.that, over time, we have become healthier, better fed, richer, safer, and better educated.with the constraints of human biology. Some fear that, if the mind has evolved as a complex structure, then progress would be impossible, because “you can’t change human nature.” Therefore, either there cannot be such a thing as progress or there cannot be such a thing as human nature.

There cannot be such a thing as progress. Not in the sense they mean. Over the ten thousand years of documented history, humanity has improved in every way except morally.

Which is why these fools STILL claim there is no God.

Good news: they aren’t claiming that Wu Flu mutates the brain into political dissidence. Bad news: they claim that resisting the lockdowns is resisting evolution and such resisters are in need of… reeducation.

Because we’re SO MUCH SMARTER now than the last time we tried that!

Evolution Of the Man Box

Snake Plisskin to the white courtesy phone, please. Having escaped New York, Los Angeles and now Milwaukee, it’s time for your greatest breakout ever.

Feminists have built a Man Box meme, challenged men to escape it and continually tried to tighten it up when we did. And when I say “feminists”, I mean “Scientific American”, “Journal of Preventative Medicine” and “University of Pittsburgh”.

I miss the ’80s action flicks.

Study: Men Scoring Higher on “Man Box. Scale are Prone to Violence, Mental Illness

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Uncertain Authorship, 5 August 2020

Researchers at UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh and Promundo-US found that men who harbor more harmful attitudes about masculinity.including beliefs about aggression and homophobia.also tend toward bullying, sexual harassment, depression and suicidal thoughts.

The study, published today in Preventive Medicine, is based on the “Man Box. Scale developed by Promundo-US, the U.S. member of a global consortium dedicated to promoting gender equality and ending violence, as a way to measure harmful norms and stereotypes about masculinity. The 15-item scale encompasses themes such as self-sufficiency, acting tough, physical attractiveness, rigid masculine gender roles, hypersexuality, and control.

Already you can read through the lines. Real men aren’t self-sufficient? Are ugly? Think fags aren’t masculine? That says more about the male whores, strike that, Y-chromosome-present gender-nonconformists who wrote this than anything about masculinity.

.While there has been a lot of discussion around harmful masculinities in the media and in the research community, no one has agreed on a standardized way to measure the concept,. explains Elizabeth Miller, chief of adolescent and young adult medicine at UPMC Children’s Hospital.

I suggest dick length.

Aaaand, my dick just shriveled. Elizabeth Miller, folks. She’s replacing the wrong hormones to judge by those sideburns.

The idea of the Man Box originated in the 1980s. Paul Kivel and his colleagues at the Oakland Men’s Project developed the “Act Like a Man Box” activity as a way to discuss how society tells men they ought to be. Since then, activist Tony Porter helped popularize the term in a TEDWomen Talk and his book “Breaking Out of the “Man Box.: The Next Generation of Manhood..

Here is Paul Kivel’s Man Box Mk 1:

Obviously a male feminist’s effort to be seen appeasing women while turning his tiny dick into a virtue. “I’m a good man because I cry and don’t understand sex and do as I’m told! That’s why I don’t feel ashamed of myself anymore.” Believe it or not, that is what they actually tell themselves.

When Man Box Mk 1 inevitably proved too complex, crude and mock-able, the cuckolds–the Good Men Project, specifically–stepped in to assist with their own humiliation. Because real men are neither tough nor successful!


Escape the “Act Like a Man. Box

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By Charlie Glickman, 27 February 2012

One of the primary reasons that boys and men gay bash and bully queers is that they need to perform masculinity in order to show the world that they’re in the Box.

Another primary reason is that’s what Jesus would do. Yet another primary reason is that sodomy evokes within the male heart the same repulsive disrespect we normally reserve for people hammering a nail with a multimeter. YOU ARE USING IT WRONG! been teaching workshops on male gender socialization for about 15 years or so. The foundation of my presentation is the Act Like a Man Box, which I learned about from Paul Kivel’s book, Men’s Work: How to Stop the Violence That Tears Our Lives Apart. I like calling it the “Act Like a Man Box,. rather than “The Man Box. (which is a title I’ve also seen used for the basic idea) because it highlights how masculinity is a performance.When I do this exercise, I ask the group to brainstorm words that describe “real men.” And while I influence the responses by asking leading questions like “what does he do for a living?.

Productive work? Whoops, that was trick question.

…or “what does he do for fun?.

“the responses have been pretty consistent, regardless of the age, gender mix, sexual orientation, or racial makeup of the group. As long as the participants grew up in or have spent significant time in the US, they know what this guy looks like:

Mk 2 is not much of an improvement. No healthy male describes himself as cisgender and it’s still clunky to apply. Thankfully, Chuck proceeded straight to Mk 3:

After we come up with this list, I ask the group to name the things that men are called if we’re not all of these things. Here are some of the more common responses:

Much better, if from a negative perspective, because being masculine means NOT ACTING FEMININE.

Since the logic of the box is an either/or, you’re either all the way in or you’re all the way out.

Binary thinking is Social Justice thinking. “If you disagree with ANYTHING I SAY, or don’t agree STRONGLY ENOUGH, then YOU’RE A NAZI!”

On the other hand, all of the words on the outside fit into one of three groups: gay, female, loser. I think that says pretty interesting things about homophobia and sexism.

It says that humans are sexually dimorphic. If you won’t believe God when He says that then at least believe science when it says that. If you won’t believe that, either, then believe your focus group.

Oh, you think you believe in science? Show me the “Questioning” sex chromosome. How about that Gay Gene that “scientists” suddenly stopped talking about once women got upset about transsexual men overrunning womens’ sports?

Begin Segue #2

How to Fight Toxic Masculinity

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By Savvy Psychologist Ellen Hendriksen, 26 July 2019

That byline is not a mockery, it’s what SciAm actually printed.

Toxic masculinity is best described as a box. It’s narrow, rigid, and men have to contort themselves to fit inside it.

It’s better described as an 80’s action flick, less Steven Seagal. Being strong feels GOOD, the world is a little smaller every day and most social problems can be solved with a smokepiece and a pithy one-liner.

To fit in the man box of toxic masculinity, a man must live by a particular set of beliefs and behaviors:

Suffer pain in silence
Have no needs
Never lose
Show no emotions other than bravado or rage
Don’t depend on anyone
Don’t do anything that could be construed as weakness
Never snitch.

Man Box Mk 4. That’s clearly the female “strong & silent” idealization of masculinity. We’re getting closer.

Now, there is a difference between traditional masculinity and toxic masculinity: There is nothing toxic about working hard, providing for one’s family, winning at sports, or being loyal to friends.

ABSOLUTELY a female idealization of masculinity. Real men pay Barbie’s bills while being a winning hunk that she can tolerate touching at bedtime.

End segues

Recently, the issue of harmful masculinities received widespread attention in response to the 2018 American Psychological Association’s (APA) Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Boys and Men, which presented a series of steps health care practitioners should take to improve the psychological care of boys and men.

TL;DR ban fathers, porn and homophobia.

I didn’t savage that APA article in order to prove I was a man. I savaged it BECAUSE I was a man.

Using 2016 data from more than 3,600 men ages 18-30 across three countries, this study found that higher Man Box Scale scores were associated with up to five times higher rates of verbal, online or physical bullying, as well as sexual harassment. Men with higher scores were also about twice as likely to experience depression or suicidal ideation.

.These findings highlight how detrimental harmful masculinities can be to the people who endorse them, as well as their peers, families, and communities at large,. said lead author Amber Hill, Ph.D., fourth-year medical student at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. .It’s important to remember that individuals of all genders are influenced and impacted by the heteronormative society that we live in..

Amber Hill is why masculine men experience more depression or suicidal ideation, because we’re hated by our society ruled by toxic, man-hating radical atheist dykes like her.

To help clinicians more efficiently monitor their male patients. attitudes, the researchers developed a shorter version of the survey

Man Box Mk 5!

…including only the five items that had the strongest associations with violence and poor mental health:

1. A man shouldn’t have to do household chores.

2. Men should use violence to get respect if necessary.

3. A real man should have as many sexual partners as he can.

4. A man who talks a lot about his worries, fears, and problems shouldn’t really get respect.

5. A gay guy is not a “real man..

Real men are kitchen bitches who bitch!

.We have found a way to measure the concept of the “Man Box,. which allows us to clearly see that when men embrace stereotypical ideas about manhood, they’re also more likely to harm the well-being of others, as well as impact their own health in adverse ways,. said Gary Barker, Ph.D., president and C.E.O. of Promundo-US.

.As health care providers, researchers and public health workers, we now have a valid tool in our pockets to help us measure progress toward changing harmful stereotypes and advancing both gender equality and healthier versions of masculinity..

Promundo is, paraphrasing, “an international organization of socially like-minded people that helps them coordinate actions while having different employers”. Not hard to read between those lines.

Penis envy is a jealous god. And like God Himself, we men are not so easily put inside a metaphorical box.

Actually, we are. Show up naked and bring beer, Barbie, and we’ll even forgive you messing up dinner. Also like God Himself, we get mystified at why people try to control our behavior with words when making us happy is so dang easy.

Christian Pundit Defends the Honor Of Kali

The Christian Post weighs in: Hindu deities must not be mocked during anti-Drumpf rallies!

When Antifa’s barbarism offends worshipers of the Hindu god Kali

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By Michael Brown, 21 October 2020

For months we have been saying that the spirit behind the violent protests and riots is not from above but from below. It is the spirit of chaos. Of lawlessness. Of destruction. Of murder. It is the spirit that motivates a grown man to kneel down on a burning American flag, hold a heart over his face, and then rip it apart as the blood drips down into his mouth and onto his face.

This a picture of the spirit of Antifa. This is straight from the pit.

Actually, Christian ol’ me is an ever-greater fan of lawlessness and destruction. Even homicide, in the form of dirt naps for looters and the Soros agents who love them.

As for the heart, it was intended to signify the heart of President Trump.

There was a second actor playing the part of murdered Trump so this is not guesswork.

Watch the video for yourself (viewer discretion advised) and tell me if this is anything but satanic. It was filmed at a protest in Boston this past weekend, and it doesn’t get much uglier than this.

*GunnerQ watches* Meh. Not Satanic. Brown must have never found himself in the middle of a Gay Pride parade after walking out of a bicycle shop in Sacramento.

Yet there’s more.

The crazed protester (really, worshiper), with blood splattered on his face and clothes, then shouts out repeatedly, .I.m on fire!. before rolling to his back.

Then, with his right hand clutched, he begins to yell (along with others), .Kali ma! Kali ma!. (They also yell out, .[Expletive] Trump!.)

This perverse video has even come to the attention of the people of India, with a headline in OpIndia reading: .Watch: Antifa anti-Trump protesters spread Hinduphobia, eat US President’s heart in symbolic ritual while chanting “Kali Maa…

Oh noes! The virtuous and equal Hindus of India think we Christians don’t respect their deities! …because Antifa disrespects them?

Indeed, .The whole incident appears to be a remarkable demonstration of Hinduphobia and the individuals here do not come across as people with control of their mental faculties. They are clearly using Goddess Kali to justify their own antisocial behaviour. In the process, they are insulting the faith and religious sentiments of Hindus with impunity..

Per wikipedia, this is the goddess Kali being used to “justify antisocial behavior” that she presumably wouldn’t normally tolerate. The man she’s trampling on the ground is her husband/consort, Shiva.

Hmm, horns but no hooves.

Mr. Brown, why do you give a single care about the opinions of the most literally idolatrous major religion on Earth? That is not what Jesus would do.

And where, pray tell, did these demonized protesters get the idea of ripping out someone’s heart while shouting, .Kali Ma.?

The answer is obvious. It is from the movie Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Specifically, it is from the horribly famous scene where the priest “Mola Ram performs the ancient ritual of removing the still beating heart of a [living human!] sacrifice. before lowering that human sacrifice into the fire.

If you watch the video from that scene (viewer discretion is again advised), you will see something that really parallels the Antifa ritual.

It is reassuring and funny that while Antifa is eager to worship the devil, they don’t actually know how to do that. In the immortal words of Dogbert, they would have to be smarter in order to be stupid.

In the movie, it is clear that the people are under a spell. In the video, it is also clear that the people are under a spell.

Or, that the people have a smaller special effects budget.

All of this should be branded and exposed as demonic, plain and simple. It is way beyond politics. It is unrelated to righteous protests. It is a crazed bloodlust in the name of a Hindu deity.

I don’t see why this particular Hindu deity would object. She wears a necklace of skulls and needs four arms just to have a bloodsoaked hand free… and again, she’s trampling poor Mr. Shiva.

It glorifies ripping out and eating the heart of the president of the United States.

To repeat: this is from below, not from above.

Stop hyperventilating, Mr. Brown. You’ll lose your head.

Even if some of the participants were simply trying to get attention and put on a show, it takes a special kind of sick to do something like that. And every person of conscience should call out this evil for what it is.

Me with my lifetime enjoyment of gamer culture, I truly understand the situation. He’s acting out what his head had been filled with. Have you ever wondered why modern movies have so much CGI and shaky-cam techniques?

Bad story-telling, right, but besides that, the people now making movies grew up on video games and that’s how they think stories are told. Tell them that story conflict doesn’t have to involve cataclysm-sized armies clashing to the tune of Carmina Burana soundtracks and their eyes glaze over because it’s outside their experience as human beings.

The Kali-heart-sucking Antifa goon who wanted to sacrifice Trump to the devil? The only way he’s seen that actually happen is an Indiana Jones flick so that’s what he imitated. If you asked him to test whether a woman is a witch, he’d probably look for a duck.

As for the president, I understand that he provokes lots of hatred.

Speaking of small minds, let’s indulge Brown’s own, anti-Drumpf rant.

I stand against his referring to CNN as “dumb [expletives]. for the network’s constant reporting on COVID-19. (The crowd at his rally in Arizona certainly enjoyed the moment.)

I stand against him responding positively to the “Lock her up!. chant directed at Michigan governor Whitmer at a Michigan rally over the weekend. (Yes, that’s the same governor who was the target of a kidnapping and assassination plot just days ago.)

I stand against his ruthless trashing of members even of his own team, most recently calling Dr. Anthony Fauci “an idiot” who “gets more airtime than anybody since Bob Hope..

“I agree that Trump is evil but we must be careful not to offend the Goddess Kali while we’re about it!” White knight much, Mikey?

None of this good. None of this is necessary. And none of this is helpful. To the contrary, it is ugly and it is unjustifiable. Not only so, but it stirs up even more animosity and, with so many Americans stretched to their emotional limits, some of this rhetoric is downright dangerous.

Don’t make us play the pronoun game, Mikey. Tell us how you REALLY feel!

If I could, I would plead with the president to watch his words, remembering that life and death are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21).

But Trump’s unfortunate rhetoric is still a far cry from the satanic madness that works through Antifa. And it reminds us that, while Donald Trump certainly does not personify the forces of light, Antifa members certainly personify the forces of darkness.

Let us expose them and resist them, in Jesus. name.

Are you sure you wouldn’t be happier doing it in Kali’s name, Mikey? Because you showed up with this article to defend her reputation, not Christ’s.

An SJW Test-Drives A Land Yacht

At first, I thought this would be yet another salvo in my distrust of the driverless technology being forced upon male America. It soon morphed into a perfect example of virtue-signaling gone wrong!

Driving the 2021 Cadillac Escalade was one of the most stressful experiences of my life: High anxiety with the king of oversized SUVs

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By Andrew J. Hawkins, transportation reporter, 19 October 2020

When Cadillac reached out recently with an offer to test out the new 2021 Escalade for a day, I eagerly responded in the affirmative. I wanted to try out the latest version of the automaker’s partially autonomous driver assist system, Super Cruise, as well as all the other high-tech bells and whistles (augmented reality? 38 inches of OLED screen?) that Cadillac was stuffing into its flagship SUV.

Oh yeah, baby, smoking gun! “This thing is like a cruise missile that thinks it knows where it should go but wants a driver to blame just in case!”

Instead, I got one of the most stressful driving experiences I’ve ever had. I don’t consider myself a timid driver, but being behind the wheel of this 6,000-lb behemoth gave me high-grade, flop-sweat-inducing anxiety. I’ve never ridden on the back of an elephant before, but driving the 2021 Escalade may be as close as I.ll get.

Wait, what? A news outlet’s designated transportation reporter got scared because a massive SUV turned out to be massive?

Words cannot describe how gargantuan the new Escalade is, so numbers will have to suffice. The 2021 Escalade is nearly 18 feet long bumper to bumper, and almost six-and-a-half feet tall. This represents a growth spurt from the previous model year, including an additional four inches to the wheelbase (the distance between the front and rear wheels), 2.6 inches to the overall length, and 2.4 inches taller in terms of overall height. Or, as Cadillac’s own marketing materials boast, .the largest and longest Escalade ever..

Why would driving that be stressful? Like driving an Abrams tank, it’s not YOU who’s going to get hurt by your driving.

Oh, right. Insurance. A legit concern for the law-abiding and honestly employed, which explains Andrew never bringing it up.

Sitting in the driver’s seat, it’s easy to feel disconnected from the outside world . mostly because you can’t see a lot of it. The grille was like a sheer cliffside, obstructing my view several feet out in front of the wheels. An entire kindergarten class could be lined up in front of this vehicle and I wouldn’t see them.

This is not hyperbole. Last year, a local television station measured the front blind zones of many popular vehicles, from family sedans and minivans to large SUVs and full-size pickup trucks. The Escalade had the largest front blind spot of 10 feet, two inches, with the driver sitting in a natural, relaxed position. It took 13 children seated in a line in front of the Escalade before the driver could see the tops of their heads.

Andrew has a curiously specific fear of running over little kids. Also, a curious assumption that kids like to play in the blind spots of moving vehicles. It’ll happen by freak chance but come on, nobody is going to accidentally speedbump over a kindergarten class.

I tweeted out a picture of my three-year-old son standing next to the Escalade to illustrate how dangerous this blind spot could be. Reactions ranged from flabbergasted (.That ratio of grill height to windshield height is insane,. one tweet read. .Made to kill..) to people sharing their own dangerous close encounters with oblivious Escalade drivers.

Do you have any intention of actually driving the vehicle you were tasked to test-drive, Andrew?

And by the way, 9 out of 9 Internet security experts recommend you not post pictures of your little kids on social media. The best way to protect them from Internet predators is to conceal their existence, not announce it unsolicited. Since we’re acting concerned about little kids and all.

What a hypocrite.

My initial interest in test driving the new Escalade was to try out the latest version of Super Cruise, the partially autonomous, .hands free. driver assist system. Cadillac has recently rolled out an enhanced version of Super Cruise that includes automatic lane changing, and I was eager to see how it has improved and how it measured up against Tesla’s Autopilot and other advanced driver assist systems.

But the Enhanced Super Cruise won’t be showing up in the Escalade until 2021. And my colleague Sean O.Kane has already gone over the Escalade’s 38-inch OLED display with a fine-toothed comb. So that leaves me to write about the driving experience . and that is tied inextricably to the bloated size of this vehicle.

Quelle surprise that their super-safe automated driving system still has a few bugs and has been briefly delayed. Again.

But it’s too late. My attention is now focused on this reviewer and his obsession with the vehicle’s “bloated size”.

I don’t mean to pick on Cadillac here, because this is a problem that is endemic to the entire auto industry. This trend in colossal vehicle sizes . particularly the very tall, square front end found on most large SUVs and trucks . is testing the limitations of our infrastructure. While driving the Escalade, I felt as if I could barely stay in my own lane. The massive width (6.75 feet, not including the mirrors) had me in a cold sweat while driving on narrow, two-lane suburban roads. The Escalade also could barely fit in my driveway, which wasn’t a total shock. As USA Today recently reported, SUVs and pickups are getting so large that they’re struggling to fit into some home and parking garages and public parking spaces.

So he did drive it around the block, at least. How’d it corner? Were all the gadgets distracting or well-integrated? Was the cargo area easy to access? Did you take it off-road and get some mud on the tires?

“It barely fit in my driveway.”

You whiny, useless wanker!

There is a clear correlation between vehicle design and the recent spike in pedestrian deaths. While the people driving SUVs are slightly safer (1.6 percent decrease in SUV occupant deaths in 2018, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), the number of pedestrians killed by those drivers has skyrocketed by 81 percent in the last decade, according to a report released last year by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

That.s mostly because of the way SUVs are designed: larger bodies and higher carriages mean pedestrians are more likely to suffer deadly blows to the head and torso.

And totally not because of the way SJWs choose to protest: in traffic.

Higher clearances mean victims are more likely to get trapped underneath a speeding SUV instead of pushed onto the hood or off to the side.

You protesters are not victims.

Meanwhile, if you want high clearances and all-wheel drives to decline in popularity then feel free to fix the roads.

Speed is also a factor because SUVs have more horsepower than a typical sedan.

That’s not how horsepower works, Mister Transportation Reporter.

A recent investigation by USA Today and the Detroit Free Press found that the growing popularity of SUVs accounts for the alarming rise in pedestrian deaths.

If he was correct in this then there would be an alarming DECREASE in pedestrian INJURIES. Since they’re now being run over instead of tossed to the side.

To Cadillac’s credit, the Escalade is stuffed with the latest in safety technology. Multiple cameras embedded around the vehicle are used to create a digital overhead image of the Escalade when either in drive or reverse at low speeds. This view is projected onto the screen in the center console, giving the driver a more complete picture of their surroundings than what is actually available from the front seat. Haptic sensors in the driver’s seat will vibrate when there is a pedestrian crossing in front or behind the vehicle, or if there is a car behind you when you’re pulling out of a parking spot.

These are important features to have in a vehicle this large, but they’re also just workarounds. … Manufacturers know that these types of vehicles are more dangerous to pedestrians and cyclists, but they keep making them because people keep buying them.

Capitalists are EVIL! because they make unsafe cars that are only safe to drive because they have safety features.

Maybe if your efficiency-sized electric car has windshield wipers then it hasn’t been designed well, either?

Cadillac says it is responding to customer demands for more interior space and cargo room.

Does Cadillac feel stupid yet for, as mentioned at this article’s beginning, reaching out to a known Social Justice Warrior with an offer to test-drive the new 2021 Escalade for a day?

I asked David Schiavone, Cadillac Escalade product manager, why the Escalade’s front blind spot in particular was so egregious. .For me, this is new,. he responded. .Your comment catches me a little off guard. Is it because they’re so tall in the front?. After I defined what I meant by front blind spot, Schiavone replied by ticking through a list of all the alert systems and safety cameras, including front pedestrian braking, 360-degree cameras, and night vision. Again, these are all commendable features, but they wouldn’t be necessary in a vehicle with a safer overall design.

Nope, they don’t feel stupid. They feel surprised that an SJW attacked them in response to their offer of a free test drive.

The 2021 Cadillac Escalade is likely to win accolades for its “luxury” and “swagger.” It will be praised for its .world-class interior. and commitment to providing its customers with the most cargo space in its class. But beneath all that, the Escalade is still an oversized, gas-guzzling SUV in a country with far too many of those on the road already.

Andrew is so virtuous that he barely even drove the Escalade, so far as he’s willing to admit. Everything he said could have been said from the far side of the dealership. Through a microphone. While standing in traffic.

Will Cadillac learn the lesson and begin offering free test drives to potential customers instead of “you’re a Nazi because your SUVs are too big!” politically-vetted allies?

Pastor Keith Mannes Comes Full Political Circle

Imagine my surprise when after doping up on Sunday Morning espresso and logging into my blog, the most-viewed post was an oldie about a small-town pastor who decided the world needed more justice and went looking for a politician to bestow it.

To the surprise of nobody who read that link, Mannes has since contracted a wicked case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Shoulda listened to me, Keith. I told you to not see government as your Savior. The cost will be your soul.

Michigan pastor leaves ministry over church’s broad support of Trump

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By Mitchell Boatman, 18 October 2020

HOLLAND . Keith Mannes has given his life to the Christian Reformed Church, serving as a pastor for more than 30 years. He’s done so happily and thankfully.

But on Oct. 11, Mannes gave his last sermon and walked away from ministry among increasing political tension and divisiveness.

Yeah, um… which is it? Did he love the laity of his church or did he quit them in political disgust?

Put simply, he stepped away due to the church’s broad support of President Donald Trump.

Political disgust it is.

While Mannes loves the congregation he served at East Saugatuck CRC for the past four years, he says the church as a whole has “abandoned its role” as the conscience of the state in support of Trump, leading Mannes to step away.

“There’s a quote from Martin Luther King where he said, .The church must be reminded that it is not the master or the servant of the state, but rather the conscience of the state,.” Mannes said. “That just hit me hard because I think, broadly, the white evangelical community in our country has abandoned that role.

Keith, do you remember a privileged white boi, back in the day, who said something about logs in your eye? You clergy have failed as completely as you possibly could to be the conscience of society. Fatherlessness, all-time high. Feral women in authority over men, everywhere. Abortion everywhere. Anarcho-tyranny everywhere. Usury everywhere. Socialism everywhere. Sodomy everywhere. Hundreds of priests deploring the existence of the white men who built this very country, on behalf of racist human parasite welfare addicts. That’s your idea of being a “conscience”: projecting your crimes upon the innocent!

And then Trump got elected, and then the people of Christ that you were trying to quietly smother found a new source of hope and began to struggle.

Go fuck your mother and get bent by the devil, your Father. Call it a family affair then book your ass on Oprah to talk about what a victim you are. You never knew Christ, Pastor Mannes.

“The question of the church largely and how it’s functioned in this moment has been really disturbing. That’s been troubling enough that I need to lay it all down.”

Don’t let the door hit you where the Good Lord split you.

Mannes is not the only Christian feeling the strain. He said he knows several other pastors who are feeling the same things.

Additionally, polls show that while white Christians still favor Trump, that support has decreased.

In a poll conducted by Pew Research Center from Sept. 30 to Oct. 5, Christian support for Trump had dipped since August.

“…Since August, when the Democrat political machine went into overdrive to discourage white Christians from supporting Trump. It’s been an uphill battle ever since unelected Democrat health directors broke the law to ban Christianity as a health risk. If only we could have stopped them from noticing how much we hate their guts!”

Ironically, I probably did more to undermine that support than Keith. The Bride of Cain is your spiritual advisor, Mr. President? Seriously?

George Lundskow, a sociology professor [Marxist agitator] at Grand Valley State University who studies the sociology of religion, said support from the religious community is tied to how people view God.

Fixed it. There is not one sociology professor in modern academia who hasn’t taken the Ticket.

Lundskow said that while some of the president’s actions may not align with Christian values, he has aligned himself with conservative Christians by acting similar to how they see God . judgmental and punitive.

What a putrid hypocrite this Lundskow is. Christians support Trump because unlike the Left, he’s not actively banning our existence. Attention, all Commies: we noticed.

“(His actions) don’t seem very Christian, much less conservative Christian,” Lundskow said. “I don’t think it’s about that. It’s something else about religion . whether you see God as punitive and judgmental or the loving, forgiving version of God. That definitely shapes political views as well.”

Yo, George. The Christians didn’t believe their own pastor when he vomited your party line. You aren’t vomiting it any better than he did.

Lundskow said this divide between conservative and progressive Christians based on their view of God is a point of division within the faith in terms of political support.

The professor explained that those who see God as punitive tend to support Trump, saying they see him as strong-willed for the way he attacks opponents and “punishes” people for being poor. Lundskow added that Christians who view God as loving and forgiving tend to be more liberal and progressive, welcoming immigrants and “seeking social justice” for the poor.

Last time I discussed you, Keith, you were just dipping your toe into politics. I thought it was a good sign. You were starting to care about the outside world. I even ruled out TDS at the time.

But now, I can see that what was happening was you looking for political allies to enlist against your own churchmen. You were an EARLY ADOPTER of TDS.

I sincerely hope you enjoy your mortal life, Keith. Be a shame if you went 0 for 2. You have not BEGUN to see Christ the Coming King in His judgmental and punitive mode.

Mannes has been feeling a disconnect between the teachings of the church and the actions of the political candidate it largely supports for years. It started when Trump announced his campaign in June 2015 while descending down an escalator at Trump Tower.

“From the time he came down the escalator,” Mannes said of when he began to feel an internal struggle. “It.s only been building ever since. From the beginning I thought there’s something about this man and the instrument that he is for a lot of things that are just very not Jesus.”

He said the congregation at his church has “saved (his) faith in many ways,” but what he’s seen from Christians nationally has challenged it.

That includes when white supremacists gathered for a rally in Charlottesville, Va., in 2017 which led to three deaths and dozens of injuries, after which Trump said there were “very fine people on both sides.”

Trump occasionally says nice things about his enemies. Said enemies constantly complain that Trump is judgmental and punitive. Hmm.

Mannes was part of a group of pastors that walked 130 miles from Charlottesville to Washington, D.C., in August, hearing the stories of people there during the 2017 events.

That march was reportedly organized by Al Sharpton. One of many priests who will not be seeing the inside of Heaven.

He called Trump’s photo holding a Bible in front of St. John’s Church in Washington in June, following the use of tear gas and riot control to clear protesters from the area, a “tremendous violation of something deep and holy,” and said it was a key moment in his views.

“It just floors me how church-going people who read the Bible and sing the hymns can show up at a (Trump) rally and just do that deep bellow like an angry mob supporting these horrible things that come out of his heart and his mind. It just began to trouble me so much that I am a pastor in this big enterprise.”

While some, like Mannes, may be turned off by Trump’s actions, Lundskow said many look past them because they believe Trump was sent to be a representative of God.

No. Well, okay, there’s a few goobers on the fringes more interested in results than faith. Get persecuted long enough and even Pontius Pilate begins to look like a savior.

As the tension in his heart and the world around him continued to grow, Mannes said his feelings began to show in his sermons, causing discomfort for some parishioners.

Trying to keep his thoughts internalized became more and more difficult as time went on.

Binary thinking is a trademark problem for Lefties. Christ with His parable of “let the weeds and the wheat grow together until harvest time” didn’t suffer from that.

I dunno, Pastor, but maybe the answer is inside this Book. It’s a bestseller!

“What it was really doing was tearing me up,” he said. “ had to be very careful to not speak about these things directly with members of the church.

“It.s not only me, but quite a number of pastors I know are just like, .This is it? All this preaching we did about Jesus and there’s this big of a disconnect?.

HAHAHA! See what happens when you don’t care about our opinions? No wonder you “loved your people” when they just kept quiet in the pews.

I think that’s a real burden on a lot of pastors. hearts. I love these people, I love God, I love Jesus, I love the church, but there’s something happening here.”

And he “just happened” to meet all those like-minded pastors on his pilgrimage to worship the Globalist Narrative of Charlottesville.

Mannes sat down with the elders of his church in September to express the tensions he had been feeling. After a long and emotional meeting, they agreed it was time to part ways.

Ah, to have been a fly on that wall. “You want our church to side with the Christ-banners?”

Mannes says he understands many Christians will vote for Trump, and he will still love those who do, but implores them to think about what it means to be a Christian before making their choice.

That’s a passive-aggressive way of denouncing the laity as false Christians.

He calls on his fellow Christians to be the conscience of the president, whoever it is, and force them to be better than the division that has become common.

A plea for Unity? Pastor must be new to Protestantism.

But good news for Mr. Mannes, I’m right here on WordPress serving as a conscience for society’s leaders great and small, just like you want. It really is what Jesus would do!

“We’re supposed to be the conscience of the president and we have refused to do that,” Mannes said. “I don’t know that a church who believes in Jesus as we do, can abandon its conscience and not say, “Mr. President we’re calling you to better than that and you need to call our nation to better than that.””

A few weeks prior to his last sermon, Mannes spoke with a member of the church, who asked him to reconsider his decision. The person asked him about his plans once he walked away, with no guarantee that the issue will even persist after Election Day.

“He said, .What are you going to do? What are you going to have?. ” Mannes recalled. “Well, at least my conscience.”

His conscience, and many highly placed allies with an established history of rewarding those who take the Ticket. Mannes isn’t going to end up homeless or even worse *gasp* in manual labor. He’s a goodwhite Churchian in a sellout’s market, who has been making friends in the correct places for years.

The Two Americas continues to take shape. Coexistence is increasingly not an option.

Grokking New Normality

Check my math on this one. I’m still working through some very unconventional ideas with the help of a textbook available herein.

We dissident Christians and fellow Red Pillers have grossly underestimated the appeal of the phrase “New Normal”. We thought at the time, and rightly so, that the “New Normal” offered by government tyranny’s Covidiocy acceleration would be an oppressive world government inevitably led by Satan’s inner circle, if not the fallen angel himself. We thought that the Elites crowing “it’s a New Normal” were thinking “this is total bullshit so let’s come up with a non-phrase to shut down dissent before it’s even spoken”.

What we didn’t think was that Ordinary Joe wanted a New Normal. That Ol’ Joe found the Old Normal so unsatisfying that not even truth was valuable.

Masks don’t work for blocking disease and can cause problems of their own making. Ordinary Joe doesn’t care.

The death rate from Chinaballs is now the size of a rounding error. A dozen reliable treatments exist. President Trump with his age, one of the most stressful jobs on the planet and a habit of eating Big Macs for breakfast, blew through COVID in four days. But Ordinary Joe doesn’t care. He still demands a vaccine.

Businesses, particularly non-chains, are dropping like flies in a bug zapper and for the same reason. Their owners are unrepentant for destroying their own businesses! They followed their government’s blatantly insane, triumphantly anti-capitalist guidelines until they couldn’t afford to stay in business anymore, and their response is at most, “I wish the government had been a little nicer to me. But they did what they had to.”

Churches traded in Christ for COVID lockdowns without hesitation.

I wanted to play with my friends. They said, “okay but only if you wear a mask.” “I’m not sick. I haven’t been sick and am so healthy, wouldn’t even notice if I’d been exposed.” “That’s not the point. I know you aren’t sick. But maybe you could be and if you are then masks might help while I’m around you indoors shaking hands for the next several hours. So we need to wear masks at all times.”

Yeah, that was a kicker.

This post asks the obvious question: What the HELL are we looking at?

We’re looking at people who don’t want the truth. The truth could be beneficial, even reassuring, and most people today still would NOT want it. “These guidelines will put you out of business.” “But it’s the right thing to do.” “You don’t have to worry about getting Coof anymore. We can safely end the lockdowns!” “I don’t want to end the lockdowns.”

I watched a conversation last week between two coworkers talking about how COVID was resurging on the East Coast, how we’d need to close ranks and reimpose more drastic measures… how people were going to suffer, surely… and I could tell from their voices and body language, they were happy about it. Happy about the idea that a magical new wave of Coof was just happening to show for the final election cycle, happy that they’d need to follow guidelines more rigorously, happy that society would have to face this threat as a united entity… and they were excited about those ideas…

Dayumn. I’m looking at a cult.

Group loyalty distorting their perception of reality… solidarity against a (largely imaginary) outside threat… distinctive behaviors and clothing to distinguish the faithful from the outsider… doomsday predictions for they who heed not the prophets… all that’s missing is the charismatic leader with a Messianic complex, and Fauci, Gates & Soros are only lacking the charismatic bit of that. They’re already leaders with Messianic complexes.

For the record, my coworkers in question are not blue-haired Feminazi journalists. They certainly aren’t sadists or nihilists. One is old enough to at least have a mildly legitimate concern about getting Coof. But what I saw was them bonding together over a shared Narrative against a perceived outside threat.

Putting aside what the Elites intend for us, the Chinaball narrative is giving a large cross-section of modern America something that they’ve been lacking. Truth is less desirable than… brotherhood? Religion? Being part of history? A sense of purpose?

Last month, I thought that people were going along with the lockdowns out of fear, either of the unknown or of death or of simply standing out from the crowd. My efforts at reassurance via observable reality failed. Now, I think people find a sense of belonging by wearing masks, find a feeling of togetherness and (dare I say it) moral superiority over outsiders who don’t appreciate the “threat that only a united humanity can overcome”.

So… are we looking at the largest cult in Western Civilization? The Branch Covidians?

If you think I’m on to something then have a free book. This is one of the most foundational textbooks on Communist thought control. I’m reading through it while thinking about what’s going on.

Click to access thought_reform_and_the_psychology_of_totalism.pdf

LAPD Acknowledges White Men Are Better Behaved

It took the end of their world before they said so but this bodes well for us… and promises some quality entertainment in our near future.

Los Angeles City Council unanimously votes to create ‘unarmed response’ teams to answer ‘nonviolent’ 911 calls instead of cops

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By Dave Urbanski, 16 October 2020

The Los Angeles City Council voted 14-0 Wednesday to establish unarmed crisis response teams that would answer nonviolent 911 calls instead of police, KTTV-TV reported.

Gosh, why haven’t the regular cops tried this before? Because they can’t magically know in advance that guns will not be needed.

“Today marks a seminal moment in our City’s history in our efforts to reimagine public safety,” Council President Nury Martinez said in a press release, according to the station. “Through this unarmed response pilot for non-violent calls, we will help Angelenos get the mental health and other support services they need from trained professionals. We will also free up police officers to do the work they are trained to do. Ultimately, this will also allow us to provide our Black and Brown communities with the resources they deserve.”

Send deliberately unarmed, vulnerable cops to “service” the ethnic groups most notorious for mob violence and gang warfare? More popcorn, please.

The vote comes in response to the “defund the police” movement sparked by George Floyd’s death in May.


“Calling the police on George Floyd about an alleged counterfeit $20 bill ended his life,” longtime Councilmember Herb J. Wesson, Jr. said, according to KTTV. “If George Floyd had been met with unarmed, trained specialists for the nonviolent crime he was accused of, he would be turning 47 years old today. This plan will save lives, and I’m so proud of my colleagues on the Council for voting to move this forward.”

…the vote was in response to George Floyd’s birthday.

And for the record, resisting arrest for a nonviolent crime is not itself a nonviolent crime. Why, here’s a video of a gorilla who resisted NOT being arrested, complete with flash mob:

The station, citing the press release, said the kinds of calls the unarmed response team would answer include mental health, substance abuse, suicide threats, behavioral distress, conflict resolution, and welfare checks.

None of those are 911-level calls. Of course, people are notorious for calling 911 to report porch piracy and similar nonviolent calls so there’ll be a lot of “120% of 911 calls are handled nonviolently!”

Go run your victory lap, Officer Barbie, then march into that housing project and stop that psychotic tweaker who’s got nothing left to live for. Like this cop did:

Donut has been on a roll lately. Maybe even a croissant.

Sgt. Jeretta Sandoz of the Los Angeles Police Protective League told KTTV that she’s skeptical of the idea, since it’s based on a program in Eugene, Oregon . and Eugene is not Los Angeles.

Sandoz told the station that the Eugene program “serves a population of under 250,000, and that includes 83 percent white and almost all English-speaking.”

SHE SAID IT! SHE SAID IT! WHITE PEOPLE ARE BETTER BEHAVED THAN VIBRANTS! It’s nice to finally get some recognition instead of being picked on because we’re the ethnic group that doesn’t hit back.

And notice, even Officer Barbie wasn’t happy about this idea of going unarmed where angels fear to tread.

KTTV also said it isn’t clear how much the unarmed response teams program would cost or who would be in charge.

It will cost a large fortune in diversity seminars. Come on, now, LA City isn’t doing this to be more efficient or effective. They’re doing it BECAUSE THEY HATE COPS.

It’s a good time to be a spectator.

Heartfelt Advice for Law Enforcement Today

We’ve come a long way in the Manosphere. The greats of our founding have worked out the theory and principles; the task of us today is application to a society gone more feral than a transsexual with too many body piercings to pass airport security.

While I’m more police-friendly than most Manospherians, even I’ve been frustrated by their reluctance to believe that the Left’s “I want you pigs gone” agitprop means the Left actually wants the police gone. Well… Boba Fett’s breaking point was two days ago.

America.s largest police-owned media outlet hit with Twitter ban days after endorsing President Trump

By Kyle S. Reyes, 12 October 2020

And I’m sure that was a total, well-intentioned coincidence.

[Prologue:] This editorial is brought to you by Kyle S. Reyes, the National Spokesman for Law Enforcement Today. If you want to join us in the fight, visit

We’ll get there.

We knew there.d be fallout for taking a stance. Because let’s be honest . the “loving and tolerant” left believes in free speech, as long as you’re saying what they want you to say.

It took four years of Trump Derangement Syndrome for you to notice? Well, better late than never.

Last week, Law Enforcement Today announced that we were endorsing Donald J. Trump for President of the United States. We’ve never endorsed a candidate before . but as far as we’re concerned, there’s no choice. America is sitting on a powder keg as the left releases inmates, protects criminals and is doing everything in their power to destroy law and order.

I understand the police’s situation. They’ve been indoctrinated as hard as schoolteachers to be Godless. To believe that the law must be enforced because the alternative is chaos, whereas the true reason is because the law was based upon God’s morality and God must be respected.

Police now realize the “law” hates them and loves the rebel. But they lack a moral code apart from that which legislators decree, that would allow them to act in a principled yet… outlaw fashion.

None of us here are lawbreakers but when God’s law conflicts with Man’s law, we’re going to be inside the one code and… outside the other.

Moments after President Trump shared our article, we were inundated with hate messages.

You police aren’t the first group to face leadership that now acts in defiance of its critically important, founding principles. I hope we dissident Christians & cops can work together in the coming days. Especially since Christianity is now being outlawed as a “health measure”.

To be clear, we’re not talking about people who disagreed with us. We’re talking about people who called for the torture and death of people who work for us . most of whom are active or retired police officers and their families.

Baby steps, I guess. But Kyle, you must eventually understand that 1. this is a religious war you’re getting into, 2. the good old days ain’t coming back and 3. everybody is now a legitimate target. Read what you just wrote: your enemies are targeting FORMER police officers AND THEIR FAMILIES.

Lex talionis. It’s not my rule. It’s not your rule. It’s their rule and they play it ruthlessly. The moral high ground is nothing but an airstrike target.

Then today, the staff alerted me that we’ve been slapped with a ban from Twitter. Why? Because we shared an article about liberal college professors attacking Vice President Pence after the debates.

That.s right . less than a month before the election, one of the three social media giants has shut down our voice.

Fight back. Land those punches! BOUNCE THE RUBBLE!

If you think they’re the only ones, they’re not. Law Enforcement Today . like at least one other major police-owned news outlet . has been massively throttled on Facebook in the weeks leading up to the election. No explanation. No violations. Simply highly targeted censorship.

Same thing goes for our Instagram page (note: FB owns IG).

No responses from the company. No explanation.

“FB owns IG” is explanation enough.

Let.s not forget LinkedIn. That’s the social media giant that many people don’t realize is about as biased as they come.

Dude… please… you’re SOOO late to this party.

Just a few months before the election, LinkedIn made the arbitrary decision to permanently deplatform myself and Captain Robert Greenberg, our founder.

Here are the details on that, in case you missed it, as written by Pat Droney, a retired police chief:

“Law Enforcement Today is the largest police-owned media company dedicated to law enforcement and those issues which impact the over 800,000 police officers across the country.

“As such, we report on stories in the areas of law enforcement, public policy and politics because in one way or the other, these issues all impact the law enforcement community.

“So what has that gotten us? Our founder, Robert Greenberg, a respected active law enforcement officer, and Kyle Reyes, our highly-regarded national spokesman, have both been permanently banned from LinkedIn, a platform on which they were both premium members.

“In addition, we have previously seen our content throttled, or restricted if you will, on both Facebook and Twitter.

Why? Because our content skews conservative.”

No. Because you police are what the Rebel fears, the righteous sword of Good against Evil. God gave government the authority to punish evil and you are the agents of that.

Come on, guys. They CONTROL you, they even SIGN YOUR PAYCHECKS and that’s STILL not enough for them to tolerate your continued existence. Please connect the dots. It’s not what you DO that makes them hate you. It’s WHO YOU ARE. You’re the Badge. The God-appointed symbol of Criminal Justice.

Let.s take the case of Robert Greenberg. On August 24, 2020, Robert received communication from LinkedIn, advising him that his account had been “restricted due to a violation of LinkedIn’s User Agreement,. and then referred to the specific content in question which had apparently been deemed false by the 20-something year old liberal .fact-checkers. at LinkedIn.

And understand least Facebook gives the “appearance” of using a third-party to .fact-check. their content.

At LinkedIn, it’s merely, .If we think it’s fake, it’s fake,. with absolutely no basis for determining that.

That’s some industrial-grade denial there, Mr. Droney. You’re trying to hold on to at least the fantasy that our rulers mean well. That fantasy will destroy you as completely as it destroyed the organized Church. LinkedIn is the one that did you the tiny favor… of not lying to you.

So, let’s go through the content that was flagged as false…

Skip. TL;DR: What Robert & Kyle wrote was provably correct but nobody cared. Neither truth nor innocence will protect you police from your persecutors.

Again, welcome to the party, pal. Listen to us, learn from us and you’ll save yourselves a lot of grief.

Robert of course appealed his initial restriction to LinkedIn. Some no doubt soy milk-swilling millennial named Wyatt…

Hee, hee. I like you guys. Seriously, I hope we can cooperate in the future.

…who works as a “LinkedIn Member Safety and Recovery Consultant” responded to him and said that the appeal was denied and they were maintaining their original decision.

Been there, Damore’d that.

When asked to clarify, “Wyatt” advised Robert that the account was “restricted permanently..

Now, let’s take a look at our National Spokesman, Kyle Reyes. …

Reyes noted that we started getting “throttled” (in other words, our articles. reach was restricted). For example, an article that was sent out from the New York City Police Department about death threats being levied against officers reached almost nobody as did another article.

In essence, Law Enforcement Today, Reyes and Greenberg were all being “shadow banned..

Been there, Gamergate’d that.

Reyes messaged LinkedIn asking for an explanation of why the articles were throttled after receiving an email from LinkedIn that they had in fact done exactly that. Once Reyes sent the message, they removed the throttling.

Passive-aggression is textbook Social Justice.

Reyes said that under the Communications Decency Act of 1996, protection is granted to third parties such as LinkedIn, Facebook, etc., under section 230, which means that such platforms are not “publishers” and therefore granted immunity from lawsuits since they don’t “control” the content from authors.

Si, Si. Eez called the publisher/platform dance. Bienvenido a la fiesta, amigo.

Reyes contends, and I agree, that by manipulating access to the post, they ceased acting outside the scope of merely a platform (prioritizing, extent of reach) and even acknowledged in writing they had done it, that removed their so-called third-party status and they therefore became publishers.

Did the content violate their standards of service? Nope. They claimed that the “content was not relevant to their audience.” Had it violated their terms of service; they could have removed it. However, that was not the case.

That.s called a breach of contract by LinkedIn, folks.

There’s a guy you should meet, calls himself Vox Day. What’s happening to you for the first time, has been happening to him for over a decade. He’s a bit jaded now but if you read up on his Indiegogo lawsuit, you may find some inspiration.

As stated, our content is designed for police officers, retired police officers, people who work in the criminal justice system, military both active and retired, law enforcement supporters and those who are interested in law enforcement and crime.

I do like me some true crime, which is why I pass through Law Enforcement Today semi-regularly.

People who follow Kyle, Robert, and Law Enforcement Today should expect that their content will be largely reflective of law enforcement, which sadly includes crime. We also talk about politics because that is something, as we have seen over the past 3-1/2 months that greatly affects crime and law enforcement.

Everything is now political whether we want it to be or not. Whether it should be or not. That was their doing, not ours, but meanwhile it is what it is. We can’t be apolitical anymore. I suggest allying with the groups who hate the livid, soy-ful guts of the scum-people who forced this upon you. Yo!

The fact of the matter is people decide to follow Law Enforcement Today. They are clearly able to scroll on by if they do not want to hear about criminal justice. The content of our page is deemed relevant by whomever chooses to follow us.or Kyle, or Robert.

Let me make this clear. We are not afraid to report the truth. Our writers take great pains, as do our editors to ensure that the content we post is sourced. Content that contains opinions is correctly tagged as just editorial.

That’s good but learn to hit back while you’re about it. That “Wyatt” guy at LinkedIn? Look him up. I daresay that most of the people calling for your deaths have criminal records and those are public information, now aren’t they? Be a shame if Wyatt’s convictions got sent to his manager and, oh, maybe he didn’t mention all of them at hiring time?

You police can’t be apolitical anymore. I will miss those days, too, of police not taking sides, but the simple truth is that America’s governments have chosen to oppose the American people. You can’t stay neutral in that situation any more than We the People could.

Choose your master. I pray it is not the powers of this world.

While researching for this article, I came across numerous posts on LinkedIn whereby the poster cited the Atlantic article (I won’t do it justice by even linking to it) which suggested President Trump had made disparaging remarks against World War I veterans, an article which cited “unnamed sources..

Yet, those posts still appear on LinkedIn and apparently those who posted clearly false information (the Atlantic article has been widely debunked by numerous people who were actually present) are still on the platform.

The powers of this world are the Children of the Lie. That is Christ’s term for them, not ours. They lie because lies give them power. We dissident Christians can offer you truth but not power.

Clearly if we were pro-Marxist revolutionaries, LinkedIn and other social media companies would not have an issue with us.

Time was you could disagree in this country and not risk your life in doing so. That time appears to be coming to an end and faster than any of us realized it would.

Finally, FINALLY, some police leadership admits that we’re in a Marxist revolution.

Now what are we going to do about that, Kyle?

Dear Officers . Backup Has Arrived

.Evil triumphs when good men do nothing..

As things turned out, the corrected quote is “Evil triumphs when your women vote.” That probably means we aren’t the allies that Law Enforcement Today wants.

We have reached a tipping point in society. Let’s call it what it is . there is a full-blown war on law enforcement.

FINALLY! No more denial!

There are rising calls to defund the police.abolish the police. kill the police. And we’ve all been sitting here silently, trying to figure out what happened. and how it happened so quickly.

August 2017 (“Unite the Right” rally) was not “so quickly”.

Officers signed up to serve and protect. They didn’t sign up to be attacked day after day. And it’s not just the criminals who are attacking them . it’s mayors who are handcuffing them and targeting them for doing their jobs.

YES! You noticed that your government wants you gone! What was your first clue–their saying so for months on end?

There are approximately 850,000 sworn law enforcement officers in America who right now feel alone and under full-scale assault.

850,000 of your feel alone? Don’t look for pity parties here.

How We’re Fighting Back hired dozens of new writers at Law Enforcement Today. Most of them are active, retired or wounded police officers or family members. Their sole job is to bring you the stories of what’s really happening in America.

And we’re putting a team of cinematographers on the road to capture the stories of police officers and patriotic Americans. The stories that the mainstream media often refuses to show you.

Okay. Counter-propaganda is useful. It IS going to be propaganda, right? Because your own experiences, as described above, have demonstrated the limitations of being merely correct.

No less than Aristotle recognized that there is a personality immune to reasoned arguments.

Pick your gifts below. Sign up for a membership. Perhaps even just get a lawn sign for your house to show your support.

The proceeds will go into expanding our staff of police officers, their families and cinematographers to bring you those untold stories.

We’re also going to start listing all of the Back the Blue Rallies across America for you to attend.

Standard, obsolete fundraising efforts. The lessons of the MAGA hat have not been learned here. We civilians who publicly identify with you–while our governments openly hate you, defund you and empty the prisons in order to create street mobs for destabilizing society–well, it frequently doesn’t end well for us.

I might pick up the “thin blue line” face mask but only because malicious compliance with petty tyrants makes New Normal life worth living.

Stop being the silent majority . and be a part of the army that will help save America. You are not alone. but right now, our officers are.

Stop trying to work within the system. Arrest the rebels. Today, the rebels have titles like “Governor” and “Senator” but that does not change the facts that they are rebels, their government is illegitimate and they intend the destruction of our shared society.

Play to your strengths, officers: your handcuffs and powers of arrest. Not your fundraising outreach events to offset your Marxist overlords reducing you to minimum wage and commanding you to go fuck yourselves during declared emergencies. “No tear gas for you!”

Backup has arrived . and this time, it’s all of us.

How can we dissident Christians help you? Other than by giving you money that will never be enough and publicly identifying ourselves as soft targets to the raging mobs you are frequently ordered to tolerate.

One way is legitimacy. Taking actions against child molesters in high office is daunting. You don’t want to be lawbreakers when your career is going after lawbreakers, but Christianity explains how you can uphold the law by punishing those who intentionally misuse it. America’s laws have never been arbitrary. They have always been human implementations of divine morality. “In God We Trust.”

This is America, after all, and State power is derived from the consent of the governed. None of us “governed” think highly about the Marxist tyrants in power. We have a Constitution, not a Manifesto, and it would be great if we could work together on keeping our country that way.

COVID-19 compliant regional summits in Democrat-controlled cities with Deep State cameras everywhere is not going to do that.

They are only beginning to learn the lessons that we’ve gathered for over a decade.

Let Them Eat Therapy

Continuing the theme of “We have forgotten how to be human,” today’s college students with severe, government-inflicted problems are being treated by Churchians with coupons for mental-health therapy.

Black Christian college offers students free online therapy amid rise in lockdown stress

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By Samuel Smith, 14 September 2020

Students at a historically black Christian college in Texas, as well as several other colleges across the nation, will have access to free mental health therapy for one year as many struggle during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Problem: loss of human contact. Solution: no-human-contact mental health therapy.

As students are now forced into a period of remote learning during the fall semester, Charles Smith, vice president of Student Services at Jarvis Christian College, explained that the school is seeing that some “students are really dealing with some mental health problems..

.They are just going through stress and all kinds of things with parents losing jobs and them not being able to return to school,. he told The Christian Post. .We have students who rely on us as a place for them to live. We have some students who have also been homeless and they are not able to return to residence halls. A lot of them are dealing with other issues of mental health..

Residence halls were reduced to half or even quarter capacity by government edict. Problem: some students are left homeless as a direct result. Solution?

A. Increase residence hall occupation beyond CDC guidelines enough to prevent student homelessness, because that’s a much bigger problem than Coof.

B. Set up cots in the now-unused ginormous lecture halls.

C. Adopt a student.

D. Boot them off campus then give them a phone number to an atheist-funded organization they can call if their mental health deteriorates as a direct result.

Jarvis Christian College, which is affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in East Texas, announced this month that it received a grant from the Thurgood Marshall College Fund allowing it to give students struggling mentally during the pandemic access to licensed therapists through META Teletherapy.

Choice “D” for Dumbass.

META describes itself as an “online wellness platform built specifically for students to connect with counselors for private and secure counseling via mobile platform..

.The [United Negro College Fund] did a survey for schools that are part of UNCF. When we got our data back, our data indicated that 68% of our students had indicated that there had been a significant decline in their mental health and financial well-being,. Smith said.

Man: “I lost my job.”

Professional: “You need free therapy!”

Man: “No, I need a new job.”

Professional: “I can’t give you one. But I can keep MY job by helping you feel better about losing yours!”

Man: “Whose side are you on?”

Jarvis Christian College was contacted by the Thurgood Marshall College Fund, a nonprofit organization that serves historically black colleges and universities. Smith said the organization provided a grant for the college to be able to partner with META to offer anonymous therapy for students.

.For a year, they told us that this service would be free for our students until September 2021,. Smith said. .This service is 24 hours a day, seven days a week. META has put together a group of licensed therapists who are certified. They also have an app that students can download, allowing them to select a counselor that they feel comfortable with based on their background..

The students will be able to contact the counselors and make appointments through the video-based telemedicine app.

Unlike the previous system which was based on contacting counselors and making appointments through the phone? All these “advantages” he touts are gaslighting.

Look here, ye credentialed experts in psycho-quackery, if videophones were sufficient for socializing then my Spock meme above is a valid replacement for your best friend because both of them are now pictures on a screen.

.They are also taking care of the cost for the therapists. time,. the college’s vice president said of the grant. .In addition to us using META through their platform, they are also paying for the time that the students spend with the therapist. They can have up to, I think, about five sessions..

Pubs can improve people’s mental health with one session. I understand that’s why there were allowed to stay open in USA. Wait, my bad. Only liquor stores were allowed open. No socializing. Socializing causes DISEASE! At least until the plutocrats’ Brave New “Vaccine” is ready.

Smith assured CP that “all the costs have been taken care of through the grant.” According to Smith, the grant from Thurgood Marshall College Fund was $50,000. He added that there are a total of eight HBCUs participating in the initiative.

The new partnership is expected to take a large load off the college’s lone counselor.

.We have one counselor trying to service our 700-plus students,. Smith explained. .So we see this is another resource to where, if they can’t get ahold of [the counselor], they can at least get online and find someone they can talk with..

The administration and staff were concerned about the escalation of suicide attempts and homelessness, Smith said, in addition to challenges faced by students who are having to get jobs to support themselves and their families.

.During this time, mental health issues have just escalated. . We just felt that our counselor was just having a full caseload,. he added. .So META offered this opportunity for us and we just jumped at it..

That says EVERYTHING about Mister Smith’s priorities. “Our one counselor was overwhelmed so we got funding for a bunch more counselors.”

Smith, who is trained as a counselor…

His linkedin says he’s been in senior college administration since 1998. Trained as a counselor maybe, but his career is “empty suit”.

…appreciates that the META mobile app is available for students late at night since many people that age stay up late. He also likes that it offers an additional layer of confidentiality not available in the traditional in-person counseling setting.

None of that matters. What does matter is whether the counseling is effective. It won’t be because the problems these students are facing have nothing to do with mental health and everything to do with economic and social collapse. As intended and decreed by the State.

.A lot of students today are private and they have issues they are dealing with and they don’t want to talk to mom or dad about it or their friends,. he said. .A lot of times, walking into the counselor’s office on campus is scary for some students. But now, they can talk to someone who may be on the other side of the country and they don’t have to worry about seeing the person the next day..

That’s. The. Problem! They aren’t going to see anybody the next day, or today, or even next week, and when their money runs out, they’ll be living on the street in front of an empty dormitory.