The TRiUMPh Troll

The Trump Show is now slotted into prime time, as they say in show biz. At first, I thought 19-year old “Felisrae” of TikTok fame was a magnificent black knight troll. It would simply never have occurred to me that…

…that worked?!

Actually, no. Felisrae wasn’t a black knight, just a black idiot. True credit goes to Brendan Lantry who organized the event.

Staten Island GOP hoodwinks Trump rally saboteurs into donating thousands to Republican Party

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By Paul Sacca, 11 October 2020

The Staten Island Republican Party organized the “TRiUMPh Rally,” billed as the “largest pro-Trump, pro-Republican, pro-Law and Order rally in New York City this year.” Originally, the event was free to all, as long as they RSVP’d before the Oct. 3 event.

At one point before the rally, the organizers noticed that the RSVPs skyrocketed suddenly, and tens of thousands of people were responding and asking to attend the pro-Trump rally.

“We had about 1,500 RSVPs from Staten Islanders. Then all of a sudden we started seeing the numbers tick up to 10,000, 15,000, 75,000,” Staten Island GOP chairman Brendan Lantry told The New York Post. “We knew something was not right.”

The organizers spotted that the uptick of activity started on Sept, 19. Most noticeably, the purported rally-goers were from out-of-state. Not to mention that they had some questionable names, such as “Ivana Punchyou,” “F**kyou Trump,” and “Grabemby DePussay.” Is that last name French?


Lantry’s wife Jessica did some investigating and found the source for the fake rally participants . TikTok. A 19-year-old TikTok user who goes by the name of “Felisrae” posted a video on Sept. 19, subtly hinting for her followers to claim tickets to the Trump rally.

FBI Director Wray: Antifa doesn’t exist. Maybe it’s just an idea.

Brendan’s wife: Honey, I found them!

The 51-second video is captioned, “if you’re from new york or just HATE this idiot.”

“Do you hate this orange b**** as much as I do? It turns out that Trump is having a rally in Staten Island,” the teen says on the TikTok video. “So what I did was, I reserved myself two seats. But I’m pretty sure that I have something to do that day. So, do what you want with this information.”

The video racked up over 550,000 views and more than 154,000 likes on TikTok.

Thus proving that China does not like Trump AT ALL.

The goal of the video is to cause Trump supporters not be able to attend because the tickets will be gobbled up by people who had no intentions of attending. This troll tactic was employed in June for a Trump rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

There’s even a Wikipedia page gloating over it. Me like gloating, too!


On June 20, 2020, Donald Trump held a rally for his 2020 presidential re-election campaign at the BOK Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the event marked his first public campaign event since March 2020.

Critics and health officials warned that as a large public gathering in a confined indoor space, there was a high probability that new COVID-19 infections could occur at the event due to the lack of social distancing, amidst a recent spike in cases in Oklahoma; attendees were required to not hold the Trump campaign responsible for any COVID-19 exposure at the event.

YES! Please God, yes. Just let me sign a waiver and move along with my life.

The original scheduling of the rally on June 19 was considered insensitive due to the Black Lives Matter movement, as it is a day of celebration honoring the emancipation of African Americans, and Tulsa was the site of a race massacre in 1921. Citing these concerns, the Trump campaign later delayed the rally to June 20.

That was stupid. What were Trump’s supporters going to do, attend a BLM rally? Care about the racial sensitivities of I-Hate-Whiteys?

The rally attracted a smaller audience than projected by the Trump campaign, with an estimate of 6,200 by Tulsa’s fire comparison to the arena’s capacity of around 19,000. An outdoor overflow stage (where Trump and Vice President Mike Pence were also to make appearances) was scrapped due to the lack of turnout. President Trump and other campaign officials alleged that disruptions by “radical” protesters and negative coverage of the rally by news outlets had deterred attendance, although the former claim was disputed by CNN reporters on-scene.

At least eight positive cases of COVID-19 have been reported among campaign staff who worked the rally…

Oh noes!

…with six of them reported prior to the event.

False alarm.

The total attendance of the rally would be lower than was expected by the Trump campaign; roughly a week prior, Trump claimed that “almost one million” people had requested tickets.

Turning a negative into a positive!

It was reported that TikTok users and members of K-pop fandoms had credited themselves with falsely requesting tickets for the rally, as part of a coordinated effort to “troll” Trump; earlier, Mary Jo Laupp (who had worked for Pete Buttigieg’s campaign for Democratic candidacy in the 2020 presidential election) uploaded a video on TikTok which encouraged viewers to request the Trump camp a ticket and not show up.

No doubt, she was inspired by those same people buying tickets to Butt-Plug’s rally and not showing up. “It cost me my job! Now do it to Trump.”

Trump was reportedly “furious” over the low attendance of the rally; campaign manager Brad Parscale argued that “a week’s worth of the fake news media warning people away from the rally because of COVID and protesters” had deterred attendance…

Hold Brad’s thought for an upcoming blab.

End segue.

That campaign event was not as popular as other Trump events, and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) celebrated the lower-than-expected turnout. “Y’all make me so proud,” she said.

Fine, fine. Do your victory lap. Just don’t blab your secret master plan to…

“Actually you just got ROCKED by teens on TikTok who flooded the Trump campaign w/ fake ticket reservations & tricked you into believing a million people wanted your white supremacist open mic enough to pack an arena during COVID,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted at former Trump campaign senior advisor Brad Parscale.

…your enemies.

We don’t call her Occasional Cortex for nothing. Ah, well, if “Mr. FuckDrumph and his thousand trannie friends” wasn’t enough of a tell then nothing is.

To deter the anti-Trump saboteurs from influencing the rally, Lantry added a non-refundable $5 fee to the online sign-up form. But the army of trolls were unflinching in their attempt to affect the rally.

“But they kept coming,” Lantry said. “From Colorado and California and Chicago and Houston, all over the country.”

The Staten Island GOP said that the organization sold more than 3,000 vouchers and collected $15,785 from people who had no intention of attending the rally.

To make matters worse for the Trump-hating trolls, the rally was attended by 2,500 people to deliver well-wishes to President Donald Trump. No seats were sold since it was an open-air rally. The attempted sabotage didn’t affect attendance whatsoever.

“They hate this president so much that they’re willing to donate to the Republican Party to troll him,” Lantry gloated. “Thank you, progressives, for helping us put on a successful rally.”

Lady Justice Bares All, Scalps Men

Now that statues of American culture have been torn down, it’s time for the Left to raise new statues in their place. Remember Lady Justice?

She’s blind to emphasize our justice system’s impartiality. With one hand she weighs the evidence, with the other she executes the wicked, standing upon our nation’s foundation of Scripture. And she is beautiful to behold.

But that was the patriarchal Then. Now means NOW!

Edited by me to be safe for work.

The new Lady Justice is casually sexual without regard for the innocence of her beholder. With one hand she cuts down men and with the other she displays her conquests. There’s no need to weigh evidence because she is Strong&Independent with a huge, chunky ass! And of course, Medusa wouldn’t be ghastly to behold without a Skrillex haircut.

That face almost looks like Greta Thunberg.

‘Empowered Medusa’ to Stand Outside Courthouse Where Harvey Weinstein Was Sentenced

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By Marina Watts, 21 August 2020

Those entering the Manhattan Criminal Courthouse: beware. A seven-foot-tall statue of Greek mythological Gorgon, Medusa, will be greeting you. Twitter user Marlene Bonnelly shared the exciting news of the statue’s home on Thursday evening. Manhattan Criminal Courthouse has seen many trials over the years, including the sentencing of Harvey Weinstein.

Interesting that they mention Weinstein specifically, repeatedly and prominently.

“Luciano Garbati, the sculptor behind quite possibly my favorite piece of art ever (Medusa with the head of Perseus) just announced that he received permission from the City of NY to install a bronze version of her for the public to enjoy!” she announced. “I AM SO EXCITED.”

Someone asked her where the Medusa statue would be erected. “She’ll be 7 feet tall and stand in the park across from the New York County Criminal Courthouse, which is where Harvey Weinstein was tried,” Bonnelly responded.

Which is it? Do you wimminz want to ban pornography or do you want anatomically correct, larger-than-life statues of women intimidating men by letting it all hang out?

Replace the cane with a sword and squint until you can believe she’s good with it… and… Lady Justice 2020!

Medusa is notorious in Greek mythology for having a head of venomous snakes for hair. Anyone who looked into her eyes was turned to stone. As per Greek mythology, she was beheaded by Perseus, and her head was used as a weapon. The image of Medusa’s head has been used in art for centuries. More recently, she became a feminist symbol.

I… I’m okay with this re-imagination of Medusa. Da wimminz ain’t exactly complimenting themselves, now are they? Girl power = ugly beyond tolerance?

Elizabeth Johnston explained Medusa’s significance in 2016 for The Atlantic: “Medusa is widely known as a monstrous creature with snakes in her hair whose gaze turns men to stone. Through the lens of theology, film, art, and feminist literature, my students and I map how her meaning has shifted over time and across cultures. In so doing, we unravel a familiar narrative thread: In Western culture, strong women have historically been imagined as threats requiring male conquest and control, and Medusa herself has long been the go-to figure for those seeking to demonize female authority.

Wasn’t Lady Justice already a female empowerment figure? No, because she would have given Weinstein a FAIR trial! “You jumped onto his casting couch in order to get his backing, heh, for your career. That’s not rape.”

The location of the statue is the perfect spot, with this message in mind. Following the highly publicized trial of Weinstein, the empowering Medusa statue will serve as a social justice symbol for those who have been silenced in the past.

On February 24, disgraced movie mogul Weinstein was found guilty on two sex abuse charges. Weeks later, he was sentenced to 23 years in jail for the crimes he was found guilty of. He is serving his time at Wende Correctional Facility near Buffalo in upstate New York.

Bitches be vindictive. I’m surprised they didn’t cast Weinstein’s head in place of Perseus’. *checks* WHAT THE…

Did sculptor Garbati use HIS OWN head as a model for Perseus? He worships the feminism that HE KNOWS will destroy him as a man? White knight to the max!

Americans Have Forgotten How To Be Human

Ye who demand others wear masks to protect the health of the vulnerable, be ashamed of yourselves:

Greeley nursing home residents protest pandemic lockdown: .I.d rather die of COVID than loneliness.

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8 October 2020

GREELEY . Waving signs that read such things as .I.d rather die of COVID than loneliness,. and “We are prisoners in our home,. residents of one nursing facility staged their own anti-lockdown protest along one of the busiest streets in Greeley, directly across the street from the city’s largest and longest operating hospital.

.Freedom, freedom, freedom,. one lady chanted while waving a sign that read “we want our families back..

The protest against the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and Gov. Jared Polis. mandates that do not allow nursing home residents to see their loved ones, was thought up, organized and carried out by the residents, with oversight from their nurses and other staff members, said the Assistant Administrator of Fairacres Manor Ben Gonzales.

Gonzales said the facility has a resident council that meets monthly to discuss things that are on residents. minds. They usually discuss caregivers, things they.d like to do, or offer suggestions, among other things.

However, recently, they brought up the idea of protesting the lockdown as they enter their eighth month of no hugs, no smiles, no kisses from their loved ones.

.We are here to support our residents,. Gonzales said. .If they want to get their voices heard, they have rights just like we should have rights as well. We wanted to make sure that they were able to express those..

Gonzales said the staff made sure the residents were all placed six feet apart on the grass across from the entrance to North Colorado Medical Center, along a busy 16th Street in the center of town. They were wearing masks and each one had their own member of the staff nearby. The nurses and other personnel were also in all the appropriate personal protection equipment required for their jobs.

I found the problem. The government told them to stop treating the elderly like human beings so guess what happened: they stopped treating the elderly like human beings.

The least they could have done is created an “opt-out” group of elderly who’d rather have family than sterile isolation.

Hospital administration who happened to hear of the protest, applauded their efforts and took time to go across the street as well.

One woman, who was not from Greeley, but happened to be at the hospital during the protest yelled across the street “tell them to let you out of jail..

She identified herself only as a nursing home administrator in another community. She said has seen more deaths due to depression among her residents since the pandemic than she has COVID itself, blaming mandates and restrictions more than the virus.

The legislative bureaucrats can’t help themselves. They’re soulless abominations who hate God & fear reality. But for the staff of those nursing homes to look people in the eye and deny them the most basic of human kindnesses because soulless abominations demanded it, is inexcusable.

.The isolation is what kills these people,. she said. .It’s just incredibly sad that they can’t live out the last part of their lives with their family surrounding them..

Gonzales agreed. He said although the homes are now preparing for indoor visits as the weather gets colder, residents will still not be able to touch or hug their loved ones.

.But that’s what they need,. Gonzales said. .They need that physical contact, to hug their grandchildren..

Gonzales agreed some of the signs they created were tough to read.

So, help them with that, Gonzales. Helping them is your job… well, apparently not.

.We as staff members get to go see our family and our loved ones,. Gonzales said. .So, it’s tough when they don’t get to do that.”

You hypocrite, Gonzales. You look them in the eye every day to deny them what you enjoy and know they need.

“We are held to standards by the government and the state health department. But it’s very understandable. I feel for them. I can’t imagine what they are going through. So, it’s nice to be able to support them in this way. We are here to come together and to support each other..

So, YOU DISOBEY THE GOVERNMENT. We aren’t talking about politics. We’re talking about letting Grandpa hug his grandkids.

Truth: COVID-19 lockdowns are 0% medicine and 100% population control.

Weld County Commissioner Scott James stopped by the facility to lend his support for the protest as well. He said his heart breaks for all the residents of Fairacres and every other facility like it in Colorado.

.They are members of the greatest generation,. James said. .The very generation who fought to overturn tyranny and protect our freedoms. Now these members of that generation have had their freedom taken away via a tyrannous act by unelected bureaucrats. The governor and the CDPHE should immediately work with these facilities to give them a way by which they may hug their loved ones..

But not the Weld County Commissioners? James, your governor wants you dead and your society “fundamentally transformed” into totalitarian Communism. And the bureaucrats who created this lockdown, well, they knew what they were doing when they wrote these tyrannies in the first place.

Stop. Obeying. The soulless abominations, James. You’re in a position to actually do something about that.

False Flag Gretchen

I was saddened but not surprised that Michigan Gov. Gretchen’s tyranny being declared illegal ultimately resulted in jack diddly. But there is yet hope because Gretchen is hanging on so delicately that the FBI has resorted to false flagging their own allies to give her some sympathy.

Oops, did I say the FBI has allies?

6 men arrested in plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer

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8 October 2020

DETROIT (FOX 2) – Federal authorities have arrested six men who they said were conspiring to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

Right from sentence one, that doesn’t sound like the proverbial white supremacist. What good would kidnapping her do?

In a complaint filed in federal court, authorities announced the charges against six men, Adam Fox, Barry Croft, Ty Garbin, Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris, and Brandon Caserta, all are accused of conspiring to kidnap Whitmer.

I’ll show one picture to explode this whole case but let’s build up to it.

All men with the exception of Croft are residents of Michigan. Croft lives in Delaware.

Federal authorities and Michigan Attorney General held a press conference at 1 p.m. on Thursday to discuss the operation and arrests of seven other men connected to a Michigan militia group, Wolverine Watchmen.

According to the complaint, Croft, Fox, and about 13 other men gathered in Dublin, Ohio, on June 6 to form a society that followed the U.S. Bill of Rights in an effort to be self-sufficient.

That makes no sense at all.

The group discussed ways to achieve this through violent means, the complaint says, and discussed plans.

My first thought upon hearing that there were 13 Right-Wing Terrorists of whom only six were charged is that the seven were all FBI informants. It wouldn’t be the first time that ratio was achieved but the previous paragraph makes this sound like the six troublemakers tried to lure in a real militia who recognized crazy when they saw & heard it and quit on the spot.

When that picture comes, you too will take one look and opt out of ANY future association.

“Several members talked about murdering ‘tyrants’ or ‘taking’ a sitting governor,” the FBI wrote. “The group decided they needed to increase their numbers and encouraged each other to talk to their neighbors and spread their message. “

The FBI said Fox then reached out to a Michigan-based militia group and was focusing on Governor Whitmer.

Yep. They tried to lure in a real militia that wanted none of… eh, here he is.

Kudos to this Robby Starbuck guy, of course. A tatted yet scrawny loser with big ear gauges posting on social media in front of a Pantifa flag? Not. My. People. There’s no way this really is a vast, right-wing conspiracy.

Here’s the video for the curious, although I suspect it’ll go down before long.

Maybe there actually weren’t any FBI informants this time. Maybe their super-secret Echelon Five Eyes program is just a Twitter account.

“Fox said he needed ‘200 men’ to storm the Capitol building in Lansing, Michigan, and take hostages, including the Governor. Fox explained they would try the Governor of Michigan for ‘treason,’ and he said they would execute the plan before the November 2020 elections,” according to federal officials.

Which is it, hostage or execution?

According to the FBI, it learned of the plan through confidential sources and undercover agents over several months who attended militia group meetings.

And social media. Likely as not, they were monitoring their ‘protesters’ for signs that any of them were going off the plantation of acceptable targets. Blaming them for being right-wingers would turn that negative into a positive.

The FBI said the militia group would hold field training exercises on private property in remote areas of Michigan, where they would engage in firearm training and tactical drills.

At one point, the FBI said the group had a meeting in Grand Rapids in the basement of a shop that was accessed through a trap door hidden under a rug on the main floor.

Seriously? Somebody was living a movie inside his head.

At that business, the FBI said they discussed the plan for the Capitol and planned to use “Molotov cocktails” to destroy police cars.

1. That doesn’t work well.

2. That’s what Antifa does.

The FBI said Fox called Whitmer a “tyrant b****”…

Who hasn’t?

…and asked the group to be linked with other systems and asked for ideas of what they can do.

“Let’s overthrow the government. Step 1, publicly announce the conspiracy on Twitter. Step 2, recruit some people who know what they’re doing because this IED I made with black powder and a used condom don’t work.”

The militia group also met in Ohio and Wisconsin, the FBI reported, and on July 11 in Wisconsin, Croft and another member tried to make an improvised explosive device using black powder, balloons, a fuse, and BBs for shrapnel.


According to the FBI, there are recordings of a discussion to attack a Michigan State Police facility and shooting up the Governor’s vacation home. Fox said in a recording that the best opportunity was to “kidnap her outside her vacation home”, the FBI said.

That’s why they planned to assault the Capitol with 200 men, because her vacation home was the best opportunity? All these plans got spitballed around… it’s hard to believe it’s more than an antifascist trying to impress a girl.

“Snatch and grab, man. Grab the f*****. Governor. Just grab the b****. Because at that point, we do that, dude — it’s over,. the FBI quoted Fox as saying.

The FBI also said they would take her somewhere in Wisconsin for a “trial.”

The FBI added that to ensure they could retain jurisdiction over their own false flag. Crossing interstate lines during the commission of a felony, y’know. They surely wouldn’t have held her trial in, oh, the remote Michigan training facility they reportedly had.

On July 27, 2020 Fox asked in an encrypted group chat, which included Garbin, Harris and Franks .Okay, well how’s everyone feel about kidnapping?. No one responded to the question.


On July 28, 2020, Fox told CHS-2 over the phone that he had narrowed down his attack targets to the vacation home and the summer residence. The call was not recorded. The same day, Fox posted the following to a private Facebook page: .We about to be busy ladies and gentlemen . . . This is where the Patriot shows up. Sacrifices his time, money, blood sweat and tears . . . it starts now so get f—ing prepared!!.

According to the FBI, the group found her vacation home in late August, took pictures and video as they drove by, and found out how close police were to the home.

How did they find it? None of them sound like private detectives. Although the FBI would have had access to that info… gotta make the threat look credible….

In a mid-September meeting, the group met, made, and detonated an IED that was surrounded by human silhouette targets, the FBI said, and planned to put an IED under an overpass to divert police from the vacation home along M-31.

According to documents, Fox wondered whether the group just needed to “party it out, make a cake and send it,. in what CHS-2 believed was a coded reference to sending a bomb to the Governor.

There’s every chance he did mean cake, if his latest drug of choice was weed.

Fox spoke about explosives, saying “In all honesty right now . . . I just wanna make the world glow, dude. I’m not even f—ing kidding. I just wanna make it all glow dude. I don’t f—ing care anymore, I’m just so sick of it. That’s what it’s gonna take for us to take it back, we’re just gonna have to everything’s gonna have to be annihilated man.

“We’re gonna topple it all, dude. It’s what great frickin. conquerors, man, we’re just gonna conquer every f—ing thing man.” Fox and Garbin further discussed the need for the government to collapse because it has become so tyrannical.”

That’s not the motivation of any right-winger. Any of us who want to watch the world burn, can sit down in front of Portland TV and eat a sandwich.

During the planning, the group had a conversation with an undercover officer that it would cost about $4,000 to get the explosives they want to blow up the bridge leading to the vacation home and they agreed to use the next few weeks to raise money, the FBI said.

In a recorded call, Fox told an FBI source that he bought an 800,000-volt taser that he was planning to use in the kidnapping, the FBI said.

*snort* Try this link:

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A one hundred-million-volt taser, totally legal and currently 10% off. A gentle reminder that there are only 76 shopping days left until Christmas!

The FBI is corrupt to its core but accusing its own Antifa “assets” of being right-wingers is a new low.

When There’s No More Whitey To Hate

The Coalition Of the Anti-White Willing is collapsing faster than Michigan Gretchen’s reign of terror (now ended). First we had Adel Enayat’s lawyer mouthing off to a sitting white judge in a previous post, now we have Sodom Fransico coming out of the closet playing race favorites. Sodom is low-hanging fruit for blogging but also a good bellwether because the crazy train will stop at neither “no more white people” nor “San Jose”.

Mayor London Breed Announces Launch of Pilot Program to Provide Basic Income to Black and Pacific Islander Women During Pregnancy

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By Mayor London N. Breed, 16 September 2020

There was a time, as I look at that headline, when it would have read “free gibs for wimminz”. That was followed by a time when it would have read “free gibs for minority wimminz”. Now that there are no more white men in San Francisco, homosexuals and terrorists not counting as “white” by mutual agreement, it’s just “gibs for my people” as a black woman mayor triumphantly announces special treatment for her people only.

(I don’t know if she has any Pacific Islander blood; it’s definitely possible, looking at her, but her father was never publicly identified AFAIK.)

San Francisco, CA . Mayor London N. Breed, in partnership with Expecting Justice, today announced the launch of the Abundant Birth Project, a pilot program that provides targeted basic income to women during pregnancy and after giving birth. The pilot will provide an unconditional monthly income supplement of $1,000 to approximately 150 Black and Pacific Islander women in San Francisco for the duration of their pregnancy and for the first six months of their baby’s life, with a goal of eventually providing a supplement for up to two years post-pregnancy. Expecting Justice, a collective impact initiative led by Dr. Zea Malawa at the San Francisco Department of Public Health and supported by the Hellman Foundation and the UCSF California Preterm Birth Initiative, will study the resulting health impacts of the pilot program, which is the first of its kind in the United States.

Warren Hellman was a Jewish bankster and the youngest partner that Lehman Brothers ever had.

Segue for Zea Malawa, our Anointed African Ambassador du jour.

Could San Francisco, capital of anti-Blackness, become a sanctuary city for Black lives?

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by Zea Malawa, 6 July 2020

Visions of ethnic purity!

Dear San Francisco,

I write to you as your Black daughter, one who is three generations rooted in this city, and one who had all but given up on you. Today, however, in the spirit of Juneteenth, I am thinking I can feel the fresh breath of something new in the air. Is it hope? Should I trust it? I want to.

But, San Francisco, you have near broken me with the profundity of your anti-Black racism. You have excluded us completely from the richness that has become emblematic of our city.

But but but the Mayor herself is black!

Your police department has been abusing us for decades, as has your justice system, your health care systems, and your school district…

Blah blah lies thinly veiled as grievances.

Should I trust you with something precious, SF? (I guess I already trusted you enough to stand shoulder to shoulder with you, 10,000 people deep, and share your air, masked of course).

Black Barbie complains about poor health care by marching 10,000-strong with no social distancing in a city with both a violent homeless population and a tetanus outbreak, upon disturbing ratios of crap to sidewalk, thinking that magic face masks knitted from old socks will keep the spirits away. Yep, sounds like Africa.


I have a fantasy that I can stay in San Francisco and finish raising my son here. As it stands now, I cannot, because in order for me to raise a happy, healthy, self-actualized Black child here, Black lives would have to really matter here.

And nothing says “black lives matter” like incentivizing their skank-hos to shit more ghetto rats. They could at least have demanded a father in the household for this little project. I won’t say “black lives matter” but I will say that all black children deserve a father.

Stick fatherhood in your “basic income”, Commies.

And even though this abuse literally robs years from our lives, you don’t feel you owe us anything, not even an apology.

You have all but cheered our disappearance from your neighborhoods over these last decades; it’s like you can’t even see what you have lost. Hardest of all, perhaps, is seeing how you treat Black children. I am a pediatrician and a mother . and the racism I have to watch our children endure steals my breath. San Francisco, do you even know how you are tearing our babies apart?

Bitch, it ain’t the cops who sell your chopped up babies for $2/lb. It’s Planned Parenthood.

Anyway, the context of this initiative is Mayor & Black Friends turning SF into Wakanda which, now that I think about it, didn’t have any Latinos or Asians living in it.

End segue

Mayor London Breed announced the city’s new Abundant Birth Project on Monday, the Miami Herald reported.

The public-private partnership will give $1,000 per month during a woman’s pregnancy and for the first six months after the baby is born.

But the city is limiting the monies to only 150 black and Pacific Islander women who, the city said, have been on the wrong side of a “longstanding racial gap in birthing outcomes,” the Herald said.

The mayor said hopes that so-called “basic income supplement” will be much bigger in the long term for the women who are able to secure it. She does not want them limited to just six months of post-birth help. The mayor has much more in mind: Two years of giving money to a group of moms selected by race.

It warms my heart to watch self-proclaimed anti-racists immediately throw up racist barriers and play overt favorites the moment White Man is gone. Such hypocrisy guarantees the scum will never see Heaven. If only I could figure out a way to show this to Cuckservatives, force them to see the Brave New World of turbo-charged identity politics they’ve created, then they’d be able to repent.

There’s going to be huge amounts of ethnic strife in America’s near future but I begin to suspect a lot of it won’t be aimed at white people. We won’t even be there to be attacked.

Attention all Rooftop Koreans and Latino gangs: if you can ethnic-cleanse San Francisco then you can keep San Francisco. Bon appetit, because I’d rather have you for a neighbor than China, Wakanda or…

.Despite decades of research and investment in clinical and behavioral interventions, the racial inequities in preterm birth persist, with Black and PI pregnant people the most affected in San Francisco,. said Dr. Larry Rand, Principal Investigator of the UCSF Preterm Birth Initiative, funded by Marc and Lynne Benioff.

…Israel. Now that’s interesting. Both of the foundations supporting this Black-and-Pacific-Islander-only eugenics program are specifically Jewish foundations.

“A Few Good Womyn”

The original title was going to be “SEAL Adel Enayat and the Accuser Who Shall Not Be Named” but as the story unfolded the parallels with the movie “A Few Good Men” became inescapable.

The Gallagher saga is a gold mine of Social Justice activism in action. I wove the following three threads together to minimize segues.

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U.S. Navy intelligence specialist Colleen Grace was asleep on a remote air base in Anbar Province, Iraq when she was woken up by knocking on the door next to her room, and then a voice she recognized [as Hospitalman First Class Gustavo Llerenes].

The voice belonged to a Navy corpsman she knew. He was upset and speaking loudly to the Army colonel who lived next door. Grace heard the corpsman say that a sailor who attended a Fourth of July barbecue had just been raped by a Navy SEAL on base. The corpsman asked the colonel what to do because the victim was afraid that if she reported the incident, retribution would follow.

A dramatic and very suspicious beginning. “WAKE UP, COLONEL! THIS IS CORPSMAN GUSTAV REPORTING A VIOLENT RAPE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT! AND THE VICTIM DOESN’T WANT TO REPORT IT! Oh, sorry. Did I wake everybody up? These walls are so thin.”

Grace looked down at her phone to check the time and saw a missed text from a friend asking her to come over. .Urgent,. the message read.

When Grace got to her friend’s room around 1:50 a.m., she found her friend in bed with a bruised face and realized she was the person who said she’d been raped. She told Grace that she and the SEAL started out having consensual sex but then he started choking her and at one point she thought “what is he going to do with my body when he kills me?.

As mentioned farther down, it would not have been considered rape without the incident being life-threatening.

Grace photographed her injuries, then hugged her and cried, unsure of what would happen next.

That was a gross mishandling of evidence. Court-admissible pictures of injuries must come from designated, impartial crime techs… not your friend the spook.

Even worse than Intelligence Specialist Grace’s crime scene skills were…

But she and her friend would not stay silent.

Grace later sent information about what happened to U.S. Rep. Mark Takano, chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee, according to the Associated Press.

Chain of command, VIOLATED TO HELL. Per wikipedia, Takano is “the first openly gay member of the House who is not white”. (Third-generation Japanese.)

Within weeks, the entire Foxtrot platoon of SEAL Team 7, known as Trident 1726, was sent home early. It was an extremely rare move to cut short the mission of a unit that was there to combat remnants of ISIS. Navy officials have given few details other than to say there was an alleged sexual assault and drinking at a Fourth of July barbecue in Iraq in 2019 in violation of Navy rules barring deployed troops from consuming alcohol.

The entire platoon was brought back from a remote, frontline base on the far side of the planet to address a single rape accusation during a liquored-up Fourth of July party? Was the accused a flight risk or something? Were their presence and combat duties in that region not important for national security?

Records obtained by the AP from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service also reveal a previously unknown reported allegation of sexual misconduct against the SEAL platoon chief, Special Warfare Operator Chief Nicholas Olson, two days before the barbecue. Olson denies any wrongdoing.

What an unlikely pair of events… or, did the first j’accuse fail and a second one attempted at the earliest possible opportunity?

The platoon was withdrawn after the Navy made an unusually public push to strengthen order and discipline in its secretive elite force amid a series of scandals.

While drinking in a combat situation is obviously a bad idea, drinking at a Fourth of July BBQ for young men far from home doesn’t sound like an atrocity that merits either public scrutiny or an international recall. Boys will be boys.

The Navy fired three SEAL leaders in the aftermath of the alleged rape and charged Special Warfare Operator First Class Adel A. Enayat with sexual assault, aggravated assault via strangulation and assault by battery for allegedly biting the victim on the face, among other counts. He faces a court-martial in November.

Is Admiral Green intentionally exposing his sevicemen to humiliation and disgrace in a Gramscian attempt to destabilize the SEALs? “Never let a crisis go to waste” and after all these NCOs were forced out in the last couple years, it just happened last month that Green rewrote the SEAL creed to be gender-neutral. Because God forbid that any woman tough enough to qualify as a SEAL have to endure the psychic trauma of calling her SOCOM organization a brotherhood.

Good question.

About a dozen female service members were attached to the SEAL platoon during a six-month deployment to Iraq that began in March 2019, the AP said. On the air base, Grace and the other service members supported Special Operations Task Force-West, which included the SEALs.

The intelligence unit was all-female?

On the air base, Grace and the other service members who supported Special Operations Task Force-West, the unit responsible for missions inside Anbar Province, Iraq, lived at Camp Fenin while the SEALs stayed at Camp Freiwald, about a 10-minute walk away.

Boy Town was a ten-minute walk from Girl Town. Either that was a big military base or somebody sane did the best he could to keep them separate.

The deployment . Grace’s first with the SEALs . was slow, she said. Others who had deployed previously to Iraq told her they had never seen it so quiet. She was asked to identify ISIS targets for the SEALs in an area that had been largely untouched for the past nine months.

Horny young men plus horny young women plus close quarters in stressful situations… plus BOREDOM… equals…

Two days before the Fourth of July party, Grace said, one of her friends knocked on her door crying and said Olson exposed himself to her after they met at a makeshift lounge on Camp Freiwald.

…frat parties.

Oh, look at that. Grace fielded the previous anonymous sexual assault allegation, too. And only two days previous.

Grace said the women worked hard to earn the respect of the SEALs. .We’re in there 18 hours a day. We wanted their respect. We were doing good work for these guys,. she said.

That’s Colleen per

OK, Mattress Girl. You were totally a work-a-holic with no time to fool around with muscular young men… wait… you were bored AND working 18 hours a day? Which is it?

But Grace said the intelligence staff was under a lot of pressure from the SEALs to do more. .People were itching to get outside the wire at every opportunity,. but not a lot of information was coming in that they could act on, Grace said.

Then she said she started receiving text messages from Olson, the platoon chief, late at night that were not work-related. At first, she thought it was because he thought highly of her work.

Dayumn, Starfish girl, put some effort into your lying! Maybe Olson really did like your work but from your perspective, he was the highest-ranked male on the Camp Freiwald market. There’s no way that YOU would have kept that platonic… until…

.After I’d been invited over to that side of the camp to have drinks on multiple occasions, I was like this is inappropriate, and that’s kind of when he and I stopped speaking,. Grace said.

“We dated some and Olson turned out to be a creep.”

Timothy Parlatore, a civilian attorney representing Olsen, said his client denies making any inappropriate comments. He told the AP that the July 2 allegation is false and was made by an intelligence specialist who held back information necessary to kill ISIS.

.These individuals have the motivation to lie about my client,. Parlatore said.

Gallagher’s snake-eater of an attorney is here?! There’s more that isn’t being said here than is.

Olson was reprimanded and has since lost his Trident pin, the symbol of his membership in the SEALs. Parlatore said the Navy cited his platoon’s drinking and the July 2 allegation. He is appealing the decision.

The case [against Olson] was closed after the victim signed a statement on July 13, 2019, saying she did not wish to participate in the investigation.

No conviction, no trial, the victim didn’t even cooperate, but Olson was punished regardless.

The woman told Grace she was concerned reporting Olson would hurt her career.

Incorrect. Grace said the woman told Grace that she was concerned for her career. Big difference. All of this information… of these accusations… are coming through Commissar Grace.

As if bypassing both military police and the chain of command wasn’t enough damage, Grace proceeded to TALK TO THE MEDIA.

Grace is the first service member to come forward to talk about what happened at Ain al-Asad air base in western Iraq. She spoke to the AP in an exclusive interview, detailing what she witnessed that night, describing what she said were attempts by Olson, the platoon chief, to stop the alleged sexual assault from being reported, and revealing other misconduct towards another female sailor working with the SEAL platoon during the 2019 deployment to Anbar Province.

AP spoke to other service members on the deployment who asked not to be named or quoted for fear it could jeopardize their military careers. The sailor who reported being sexually assaulted on July 4, 2019, declined to be interviewed. Llerenes, the Navy corpsman, also declined to be interviewed for this story. Multiple attempts were made to connect with Col. Collins but were unsuccessful.

Men: we ain’t that stupid!

Women: #METOO!!!

The drinking at the Fourth of July barbecue in Iraq and the alleged sexual assault that same night came only two days after the acquittal of Special Warfare Operator Chief Edward Gallagher, who was accused by his platoon members of killing a captive Islamic State fighter and shooting civilians during a deployment to Iraq in 2017. Gallagher was also a member of SEAL Team 7 in Iraq but with a different platoon and under different leadership.

That there is some suspicious timing.

The Fourth of July incident led to a second ethics review of America’s commando forces in a year. The review by the Special Operations Command found a problematic culture that overemphasized combat and put troops at times far from supervision, opening the door to inappropriate behavior.

That’s the problem with SOCOM these days. They’re all about combat in Shittistan instead of paperwork in their carefully monitored cubicles.

Navy SEAL Capt. Todd Perry, the commander of the Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force-Iraq in 2019, blamed the .Gallagher Effect,. a term coined by leadership to denote the corrosive influence on a platoon such as the one Gallagher’s behavior had on order and discipline.

.It only took one bad platoon chief to influence the entire platoon,. that the no-drinking rule did not apply to them and that the “brotherhood” was more important than the Navy . .just as Gallagher was able to do with the dishonorable members of his platoon. during his deployment in 2017, Capt. Perry stated in an interview with an Army officer investigating the Fourth of July incident, according to military records obtained by AP.

That is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what happened: Gallagher being falsely accused by his discipline-challenged, “Sewing Circle” subordinates who then either testified on his behalf or suffered severe and comically specific memory lapses.

The rape accusations eventually settled upon Adel Enayat. I’ll guess he’s Norwegian instead of a recent Arab immigrant sent to Arabia to fight Arabs. Because that would be rather stupid. (I don’t actually know Enayat’s background.)

At Friday’s hearing, a judge heard motions involving Special Warfare Operator 1st Class Adel Enayat, who is charged with sexual assault, battery and aggravated assault, according to a Navy charge sheet obtained by the Union-Tribune.

Although the charges include an accusation of intercourse without consent, under the military justice system the assault has to rise to the level of life threatening for the victim in order to become a charge of rape, said Brian O.Rourke, a Navy spokesman.

[Enayat]’s lawyer, Jeremiah Sullivan, said his client is innocent. Enayat, who was charged Dec. 30, filed a counter claim in February against the sailor alleging she sexually assaulted him.

Smart move. No white-knight martyrdom and bounce that rubble!

AP originally did not name Enayat because of the counter claim. But the Naval Criminal Investigative Service on Friday confirmed that it closed the investigation into that allegation after his lawyer declined to have him talk to investigators. AP has a policy of not identifying victims unless they choose to be named.

The reverse-victimhood move didn’t work perfectly but still, that’s a much better outcome than a preemptive apology.

At a hearing at Naval Base San Diego on Friday, Sullivan also said he was concerned Enayat, who identifies as .non-white,. cannot get a fair trial because of systemic racism in the military justice system, pointing out that there are no Black judges on the Navy bench.

.I’m not asserting your honor is racist,” Sullivan said of the judge, Cmdr. Chad Temple, who is white. “But institutional racism exists so the courts can’t be impartial and therefore I’m challenging you and the system.”


If Sullivan didn’t say hello to the brig after playing the “I’m not saying you’re racist, Judge, but you’re too white to suspect my non-white client of committing a violent felony” then the US Navy is beyond salvation.

During the hearing, Sullivan told the judge that other witnesses will testify that the alleged victim was sitting on Enayat’s lap and licking his neck during the Fourth of July party. Prosecutors said the alleged victim will testify that she was under the influence of alcohol at the time.

Sullivan also said that a witness in an adjacent room to Enayat.s, where the alleged assault occurred, will testify they didn’t hear any disturbances that night.

Trial is scheduled to begin Nov. 16.

The SEALS were deliberately turned into a downrange frat party by SJW brass who hadn’t yet managed to push some wimmin through SEAL training, then the party was used to slander Gallagher post-retirement while providing another pretext for Admiral Green to “fundamentally transform” SOCOM culture.

When their first accusation against Gallagher’s ally Olson didn’t pan out because the designated victim refused to play along, they tried a second time with Enayat and succeeded well enough to secure a court date.

Whoever loses this trial, America will win because it’s a contest of Slutwalk Barbie versus Mister “Not-An-American”.

“A Few Good Men” was not really about the Code Red. “A Few Good Womyn” is not really about the rape.

Change Afoot

I was set to blog on all kinds of interesting stuff when my friends finally agreed to get together in-person for a game night on Friday! At last, after six months!

I got there, wore my mask until I was inside so the cops & Karens wouldn’t trigger, then we started tossing our masks aside and getting on with a grand old time. Then the host came by and politely asked us to put our masks back on. I froze in disbelief… while my friends all quickly masked back up.

The rest of the night, my friends didn’t feel like my friends. They were the same guys talking the same guy talk but there was no emotional connection, like I was talking to them over Discord again.

Something inside me broke when even my friends treated me like a disease. I’ve spent the weekend in a fog trying to figure out what it was and still don’t have words. Without realizing it, I had been holding out hope that being with them meant people would accept me again. Treat me like a human being again.

Change is in the air and I don’t mean the election.

Deep State Adm. Collin Green Neuters the Navy SEALS

The Eddie Gallagher saga reignites! Admiral Collin Green, who conspired against Eddie alongside now-disgraced SECNAV Richard Spencer, has salved the butthurt of his defeat by literally neutering the Navy SEALS.

This new chapter begins in February.

Top Navy SEAL admiral who clashed with president over Gallagher case will reportedly retire early

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By David Roza, 4 February 2020

The head of Naval Special Warfare Command, who challenged President Donald Trump over stripping retired SEAL Chief Eddie Gallagher of his SEAL status last year, will step down from his post in September, according to a report published by The Intercept on Saturday.

Rear Adm. Collin Green, who took the helm of NSW in 2018, made headlines in November when he and Navy Secretary Richard Spencer reportedly vowed to resign or be fired rather than follow Trump’s instructions to not revoke Gallagher of his SEAL Trident, the symbol of his SEAL status, after a high-profile court martial acquitted Gallagher of murder charges while finding him guilty of posing for a picture with a corpse.

This tactic–throw in a tiny, surefire conviction to avoid the humiliation of the accused being fully vindicated–is happening again with Kyle Rittenhouse. Recall that Kyle has been charged with three counts of murder, two counts of felony reckless endangerment… and one count of possessing a firearm under age 18.

One of those charges is not like the others.

According to The Intercept, Green’s time as NSW commander had been extended from two years to three, but his decision to step down from the post means he will decline the third year.

He kept his vow to resign in lieu of being fired. Surprisingly honorable.

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He will likely be replaced by another two-star SEAL admiral, H. Wyman Howard III, a former commander of SEAL Team 6, according to two people familiar with the Navy’s pick. Howard is currently in command of Special Operations Command Central.

H. Wyman Howard III? Sounds like a whiny trust-fund brat who got sent to military school.

Howard has his own questionable past. When he was a squadron commander at SEAL Team 6, Howard solicited donations to procure expensive, hand-made hatchets for his operators, and encouraged them to “bloody the hatchet” on operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, The Intercept previously reported. Later, SEAL Team 6 commanders received internal reports that Howard’s men were using the hatchets to hack dead and dying militants. SEAL Team 6 did not conduct any investigations based on the allegations.

Okay, maybe he’s not a whiny trusta-fundie. Anyway, what a difference seven months can make:

Admiral who led the SEALs during the Eddie Gallagher case headed to Special Operations Command

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By Andrew Dyer, San Diego Union-Tribune, 27 September 2020

Oh, okay. He resigned because termination would have prevented his remaining an insider in the bureaucracy with help from his highly placed friends. I take back that “surprisingly honorable”.

An East Coast cocaine scandal. Sexual assault allegations in Iraq. A war crimes prosecution that earned the ire of the president and brought down the Navy secretary.

All those came to light under the tenure of Rear Adm. Collin Green, the commander of the Navy’s elite SEALs, who left his job this month in a lateral move to Special Operations Command in Florida. He will be chief of staff there.

Though Green’s departure was premature . he had about a year left to go in the SEALs position . the fact that he’s remaining in the special operations community is noteworthy given storm of controversy he oversaw, and tried to correct, while in command.

The Deep State protects its own. I’m surprised that SOCOM hasn’t tragically reported his unexpected demise in a training accident at the top of a staircase. Perhaps Gallagher was the last of his breed.

Then, several SEALs from San Diego’s SEAL Team 7 told their superiors that their platoon chief, Edward Gallagher, stabbed and killed a wounded teenage ISIS fighter and shot civilians during their 2017 deployment in Iraq. In September 2018, Navy SEAL Chief Edward Gallagher was arrested by Naval Criminal Investigative Service agents and ordered confined until trial by Green.

A Navy judge later upheld that order, only to be overruled by President Donald Trump…

Trump freed Gallagher from pretrial confinement but Judge Capt. Aaron Rugh ordered Gallagher freed from restricted quarters after sacking the prosecutor for illegally spying on the defense via malware.

…who, over the next several months, stepped in repeatedly on Gallagher’s behalf, frustrating Navy brass unaccustomed to their commanders-in-chief meddling in disciplinary procedures.

If we’re going to discuss meddling in judicial affairs, I have questions about Green ordering Eddie’s confinement instead of a judge.

Kudos to Trump for helping Eddie survive this SJW attack, but he left this swamp operational.

Gallagher denied the charges against him and was acquitted of all charges except one . that he posed for a photo with the fighter’s corpse. When Green sought to boot Gallagher from the SEALs as a result, Trump stepped in and expunged his record.

Gallagher went on Fox and Friends days later, where he complained about Green’s efforts.

“I get a feeling of embarrassment for my community that Adm. Green is letting ego get the best of him at this point,” Gallagher told Fox and Friends host Pete Hegseth, who himself reportedly personally lobbied Trump to intervene on Gallagher’s behalf. Later that day, Nov. 24, Navy Secretary Richard Spencer resigned in the fallout from the clash between Navy leadership and Trump.

Gallagher, however, wasn’t finished with Green.

Kick his two-star-rated ass, Eddie!

In May, Gallagher sued the current Navy secretary, Kenneth Braithwaite, and Dave Philipps, a New York Times reporter, alleging the Navy conspired with Philipps by providing private documents to him that ended up in the pages of the Times. In the complaint, Gallagher alleges Green was one of Philipps’ sources, saying the admiral “huddled with Defendant Philipps to ensure that he was provided with full access to (Gallagher’s) private information…”

The lawsuit, filed in the Southern District of California in San Diego, is ongoing.

Two-star-rated-ass kicking is now in progress! Eddie is The Man!

At a change of command ceremony on Sept. 11 . two years to the day after Gallagher’s arrest . Green handed the reins of the SEALs over to Rear Adm. Hugh Howard III. Howard takes over as yet another SEAL Team 7 member . Petty Officer 1st Class Adel Enayat . is set to stand trial on charges he sexually assaulted a fellow sailor during a booze-fueled 4th of July party in Iraq.

Enayat’s platoon was recalled from Iraq by Green in July 2019 after the alleged victim, a woman, reported the assault. Enayat denies wrongdoing.

Juicy enough to deserve its own post! We’ll skip for now.

After the incident Green told his subordinates “we have a problem” with good order and discipline in the ranks. A subsequent review of Special Operations Command found no cultural problem but said that aspects of the culture, such as its focus on operations, “set conditions favorable for inappropriate behavior.”

Operations aren’t part of SOCOM culture?

Take a guess, how long it took Adm. Green to find a cultural problem. From Eddie “The Man” Gallagher’s Instagram:

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Green neutered the SEAL Ethos and Creed thirteen months after announcing “no cultural problem”. Manhood isn’t part of SOCOM culture, either? Well, not anymore.

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This news website linked directly to Eddie Gallagher’s social media. Methinks he still has friends on the inside. *salute*

The U.S. Navy SEALs and the Navy Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewmen (SWCC) recently changed their ethos and creed statements to reflect a gender-neutral presentation of the elite Navy outfits, doing away with gendered terms like “brotherhood.”

I’m honestly shocked. I had expected SOCOM to be kept fighting-functional for all the shadow wars between Deep State cliques while the official, nation-defending armed forces would be permitted to wither.

One change to the SEAL ethos was to alter a sentence in the first paragraph of the ethos to say, “Common citizens with uncommon desire to succeed” instead of the original, .A common man with uncommon desire to succeed..

Naval Special Warfare spokesman Lt. Cmdr. Matthew Stroup confirmed the changes to the ethos and creed statements in an emailed statement to American Military News.

.Naval Special Warfare continues to deliberately develop a culture of tactical and ethical excellence that reflects the nation we represent, and that draws upon the talents of the all-volunteer force who meet the standards of qualification as a SEAL or SWCC,. Stroup said.

Stroup said the changes to the ethos and creed statements were made to comply with changes in law opening the potential for women to join the elite military units…

Stroup confirmed, .To date, no women completed the SEAL or SWCC qualification training pipelines..

And they never will so long as merit stands in the path of Prog-tard-ress. Who will take my bet, that the first female SEAL will happen on Adm. Green’s watch?

.The previous versions of the SEAL Ethos and SWCC Creed were written prior to the law allowing women to serve as operators in Naval Special Warfare. The changes do not in any way reflect lowering standards of entry…


…rather they ensure that all those who meet the requirements to train to become a SEAL or SWCC are represented in the ethos or creed they live out. This improves the posture of the NSW force by ensuring we draw from the greatest pool of talent available.

The current version of the SEAL ethos, shared on the Naval Special Warfare Command’s official website, reflects the gender-neutral changes. An archived version of the same link shows an older version ethos statement without the new gender-neutral phrasing.

Another alteration to the first paragraph changes the phrase .I am that man. to .I am that warrior..

To learn more about this New Normal Warrior, stay tuned for the story of Adel Enayat and the Rape Accuser Who Shall Not Be Named.

The Customer Is Always Right, COVID-1984 Edition

I’ve said before that I stop wanting to put the fire out once it reaches the arsonist’s house. Similarly, I get happy when I see the “for sale” signs sprout in the business windows that yesterday displayed “STAY HOME IF YOU ARE SICK MAINTAIN SOCIAL DISTANCING AT ALL TIMES YOU MUST WEAR A MASK AT ALL TIMES AND TO ENTER THIS PROPERTY” in huge fonts with custom graphics.

I understand that people won’t fight the government when they have something to lose. But when they no longer have anything to lose yet still obey the ones who took it all from them… burn, you lackwits. Seriously, if Governor Newsom banned food then people would starve their own children before they would dare to even think about disobedience to the StateEmpire.

Did I say “would”? I meant “WILL”:

Voices from the Pandemic: .It’s like Trump said: The cure has been worse than the disease..

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By Mike Fratantuono, 26 September 2020

He told you so! And right from the beginning!

I grew up inside this restaurant, and now my wife’s helping out in the dining room and my daughter’s working at the hostess stand. This is a family place . four generations and counting. I know every inch of pipe and wire we have running through here. I’ve been the plumber, the busboy, the handyman, the butcher, the bartender, the prep cook, the manager. I’ve done every job there is in this restaurant, and now I’m the one who has to shut us down.

It kills me. We were supposed to be getting ready to celebrate our 60th anniversary this year, and instead we’re packing up and closing at the end of this month. I.ll find another job, but it’s more than that. It’s home. These walls are like a family photo album. I try not to get too sentimental about it, because it won’t change a damn thing, but sometimes the stress hits me and my heart starts going like crazy. I get frustrated. It makes me angry. How does this whole situation make any sense? I don’t know a single person that’s gotten covid, and I know that’s probably lucky, but right now I can tell you about at least a dozen businesses going under and a few hundred people going broke.

What happened? Competition? Famine? Health inspector found the meth lab?

I know this virus is real, okay? It’s real and it’s awful. I’m not disputing any of that. But our national hysteria is worse. We allowed the virus to take over our economy, our small businesses, our schools, our social lives, our whole quality of life. We surrendered, and now everything’s infected.

Good, good. You take responsibility, Mike. YOU closed your restaurant for longer than it could survive in a shut-down status. The government told you to but whose fingerprints are on the kill switch? Yours.

Let’s review his self-inflicted failure.

I like to believe this restaurant is resilient. We tried to outlast it. My father worked here five days a week until he died at age 82, so that’s in our DNA. When the governor first shut us down in March, I got together with my brother and my cousin, and we agreed to think of this as an opportunity. The restaurant was doing pretty good at that point. We had a little money to spend. We said: .Let’s reinvest back in the business like it’s supposed to be done.” We remodeled the entire bar. We put in new bathrooms and new draft lines. We gave a tour to a few of our loyal customers, and they said: “Wow” When this place opens up, you’re going to fill it every day. You.ll be back bigger than ever..

Good thinking. Mike couldn’t stop the hysteria so he got some maintenance done.

At first the state was only allowing us do carryout. So, okay. We’ve got five dining rooms, 85 employees, and 13,000 square feet of space, and now you want us to operate like your regular old burger shack? How many people do you know who are willing to spend $40 on a lukewarm steak that’s traveled halfway across town? That’s not our typical business. We’re old school. We don’t have frozen hot wings that we heat up and toss in a cardboard box in five minutes. We buy the chicken fresh, cut off the fat, pound it out and bread it. Your wings take 25 minutes while you’re enjoying a conversation and a cocktail or two. But that’s the old world, right? What choice did we have?

1. Remain closed until the lockdown lifts completely rather than try to reinvent your job to comply with arbitrary, illegal and subject-to-change rules.

2. Reinvent your business as a burger shack.

3. Do the speakeasy thing and re-open on the sly, at least for a core of loyal customers.

4. Re-open on the old business model in order to scrape a quick buck with lukewarm $40 steaks and hope the government has mercy for little people.

I understand why #3 wasn’t his first choice but as things dragged on…

We redid our carryout menu to cut the prices down and teamed up with DoorDash and Grubhub. We created themed menus for Mother’s Day and Easter. We delivered charity meals out to the hospitals and opened up a crab trailer out front so we could sell by the bushel. We were spending $800 a week on carryout containers, and there’s no real profit in any of it. You lose out on booze. You don’t get the same tips.

#4 was not the right choice. There wasn’t a good one but #4 was wrong.

We kept hanging on through March, April and May, but our revenue was down more than 80 percent. We had to lay off 75 people. That’s 75 families dealing with unemployment and financial hardships, and not because a virus made any of them sick.

When the state opened up for outdoor dining, I ran out to every Costco in the area and bought any picnic table I could find. We got 20 for $150 a piece. We roped off the parking lot and put out buckets of cold beer. We tried to make it look nice, but it’s summer in Baltimore, and it’s 90-some degrees outside and you’re selling cream of crab soup to people who are sweating on the asphalt. Nobody really came. Why would they come? We stood out there for nine hours each day and we waited.

Mike, the government was TRYING to kill your business. Once “Fifteen Days to Flatten the Curve” because “Three Months And Counting”, you should have realized that City Hall’s actions were not matching City Hall’s words. As soon as the state government released its five-plus-phase to end the lockdown, with promises up front that permissions would be unpredictably granted then denied then granted then denied once again, you should have realized the practical impossibility of meeting all the standards of all the layers of government, all the time.

And then, you should have remembered why your restaurant existed. To service CUSTOMERS! Not to follow COVID-19 guidelines.

We got more creative. We kept on trying. We opened up at 50 percent capacity and had live music, themed dinners, mystery nights and a meal with a psychic. We reinvented this restaurant a dozen times, but none of it worked.

QED. A dozen times wasn’t enough to keep up with THE GOVERNMENT CHANGING THE RULES. In California, Gavin Newscum even bragged that he was playing the lockdown recovery like a dimmer switch at a rave.

What Mike didn’t do was what the customers wanted: a fancy meal with their friends.

Segue #1

Health secretary explains when California will use ‘dimmer switch’ to close more businesses

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21 July 2020

Gov. Gavin Newsom has announced several waves of mandatory closings over the past month as California continues to fight a surge in coronavirus cases.

It’s a tactic the state isn’t afraid to pursue even further if necessary, said Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly Tuesday.

“We will always have that finger on the dimmer switch. We are not afraid to use it,” said Ghaly.

Mark Ghaly. I’ve grown frustrated with physiognomy… either I suck at it or it really is just a pseudoscience… but then I see faces like this one.

Gov. Newsom has used the “dimmer switch” metaphor to describe the state’s plan to toggle back reopening in areas where we’re seeing increased COVID-19 transmission.

“We continue to watch the data very closely, and if we need to do even more with our strategies of closing, you know, changing and modifying further and maybe even considering other closures, we will do that,” said Ghaly. “But I think it is really kind of reaching this equilibrium.”.

“I will underscore, if the data trends turn to such a place where we aren’t confident we will get there, there will be potential for further dimming in parts of the state,” Ghaly reiterated.

When that’s the official government statement, you don’t retool your business for the moment’s New Normal. Either you stay closed and bide your time or defy the rules that you couldn’t keep if you wanted to.

Segue #2

Newsom Puts Brakes on COVID .Dimmer Switch.

Governor Unveils Four-Colored System for Turning Lights Back on in Time of COVID-19

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29 September 2020

The big news of the day was the four-colored, tiered system just announced by Governor Gavin Newsom that afternoon for re-restarting the economy. The new system, to use Newsom’s language, will be more “stubborn” and “stringent” than the system in effect since earlier this summer when he gave all 58 counties the authority to individually determine whether they had the capacity to do enough testing and tracking and tracing to keep COVID under wraps.

The new color-codes tier system goes from purple to red to orange to yellow, purple being the most restrictive in terms of what’s allowed and yellow being the most wide open. Santa Barbara, Ventura, and San Luis Obispo counties are all purple. In fact, 87 percent of the state residents, said Supervisor Gregg Hart, live in purple counties. Only 12 percent live in red counties, one percent in orange and one-tenth of one percent in yellow.

They already redesigned the entire bureaucracy! Forget about giving your family-owned business a consistent answer on what will make them happy.

Translated into simplified terms, in purple counties, there is no indoor restaurant dining. In red counties, restaurants will be allowed to provide 25 percent of its service indoors.

How is that supposed to work, restaurants operating at 25% capacity? Simple, it’s not supposed to work. Profit margins for restaurants are so thin that 50% can’t work, either, but I see businesses rushing (to Costco, a company that never had to close in the first place!) to square that impossible circle.

Why? Because Big Brother said 50%, or 25%, or outdoor only, so that is what the proles do. The proles trust Big Brother because Big Brother loves them!

As a practical matter, the new color-coded system will not cause any businesses currently operating . at least legally . to scale back. It will, however, put a significant brake on their ability to expand.

And it’s subject to replacement, just like the last system was. Am I belaboring this enough? Do you see the game? Government wants people jobless and begging for welfare this election cycle because welfare is the fat teat of Socialism.

End segues.

And what kind of support did we get? More rules. More restrictions. More regulations, mandates and curfews. We have to close at 10 p.m., because I guess maybe covid comes out at 10:01 . except apparently not at the casino down the road, because they have political leverage, and they get to stay open as long as they want.

With sarcasm like that, Mike and I could have been friends.

You can sit at our bar and have a drink, but you can’t get up and mingle, because that’s considered a health violation, so now I’m trying to serve you and police you at the same time. .Thanks for coming! We really need your business. Now put on your mask or sit the hell back down!. I have to buy disinfectants, individual ketchups, paper menus, and personal salt-and-pepper shakers or else I might get fined. My employees have to wear their masks all the time, even when they’re alone in an office, but meanwhile we have a group of 40 people in the dining room with no masks on, and that’s deemed safe because they’re drinking water? None of it makes any sense.

Decision time for Mike. Will he give the customer what the customer wants, or will he tell them ‘Government Guidelines, it’s not my choice’?

We had a customer come in the other day, and she couldn’t get seated because we had a few other tables, and we’d hit our 50 percent capacity in the one dining room she likes. I had to ask her to wait. I’d rather sit her down and take her money. I hate this rule, but now I have to enforce it.

Mike chose… poorly.

But she could see all the empty tables, and she didn’t understand it. She got mad and decided to call 911 and tell them we were over capacity. Two armed police officers came through here. The whole foyer was empty. There was nobody at the bar. I’ve got a max fire rating on the wall for 323 people, and they couldn’t count up to 100. I told them: .I dream about being over capacity, but I doubt it will happen again..

We went to see our accountant at the end of the summer. He looked over the numbers but he didn’t say much, and that’s not like him. I said: .What would you do?. He said the way things were going, we’d have nothing left to lose within a few months.

We made the decision right then. There wasn’t much to discuss.

“Let’s make our restaurant a speakeasy.”

Our last day is September 30th, and then we’re done.

Quitter. Mike did this to himself. He ignored the warning signs, he burned out his seed corn trying to please the bureaucrats who wanted him gone and finally, he closed up the family shop because he loved Big Brother more than Customer.

Maybe the government would have shut him down had he rebelled but that would have been on them, not him. I end with a clue for the clueless:


Hippie People Of Praise

Trump wouldn’t be a Republican if he was anything but the drag on the Feminazi agenda that stabilizes its flight to glory. But as always, the floor show is spectacular.

The floor show du jour is his appointment of a woman to SCOTUS. The Left is frustrated that she hasn’t already soul her soul to the devil, neglecting the obvious fact that she remains a woman ruling over men in open defiance of God. I cared barely long enough to learn that she adopted foreign black children in order to miscegenate her marriage for Jesus, although the hilarious side effect consumed much popcorn:

Ibram Kendi: .Too Many White People. Believe They Can’t Be Racist if They Adopt Black Children

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Ibram X. Kendi, director of Boston University’s Center for Antiracist Research, wrote on Saturday that white people who adopt black children may be .racist,. joining a growing group of Democrats and leftists commenting on Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Haitian son and daughter.

Kendi wrote on social media: .Some White colonizers “adopted” Black children. They “civilized” these “savage” children in the “superior” ways of White people, while using them as props in their lifelong pictures of denial, while cutting the biological parents of these children out of the picture of humanity..

Fine, I’ll demonstrate I’m not racist by refusing to adopt any non-white kids. But what caught my attention is her membership in the organization “People Of Praise”. A joint Protestant-Catholic venture into charismatic… patriarchy?! That’s the accusation I’m hearing from Leftoid media.

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People of Praise is a charismatic Christian community. We admire the first Christians who were led by the Holy Spirit to form a community. Those early believers put their lives and their possessions in common, and “there were no needy persons among them..

Christian Socialism is sourced from a descriptive (as opposed to prescriptive) reference in the Bible. Acts 2:43-47 “Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”

In their defense, those earliest Christians were expecting Christ to return literally any day, and not without reason. That was WHY they sold their belongings, because there wasn’t any point in holding property if Christ was about to whisk them over the sunset. In fact… why bother showing up to work? Money doesn’t spend in Heaven and miracles are so much more fun!

Paul wrote 2 Thessalonians to stop to that nonsense. “Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers and sisters, not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by the teaching allegedly from us.whether by a prophecy or by word of mouth or by letter.asserting that the day of the Lord has already come. Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs…” 2 Thess. 2:1-3 and it goes on about how to recognize the End Times. (Hint: Revelation.)

Next is 2 Thess. 3:6-15. “In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we command you, brothers and sisters, to keep away from every believer who is idle and disruptive and does not live according to the teaching you received from us. For you yourselves know how you ought to follow our example. We were not idle when we were with you, nor did we eat anyone’s food without paying for it. On the contrary, we worked night and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you. We did this, not because we do not have the right to such help, but in order to offer ourselves as a model for you to imitate. For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: .The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat..

“We hear that some among you are idle and disruptive. They are not busy; they are busybodies. Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the food they eat. And as for you, brothers and sisters, never tire of doing what is good.

“Take special note of anyone who does not obey our instruction in this letter. Do not associate with them, in order that they may feel ashamed. Yet do not regard them as an enemy, but warn them as you would a fellow believer.”

There you have it. Every now and then, a group of Christians gets carried away, reads about how the Acts 2 church got to enjoy prophecies, miracles & super recruitment and tries to force God’s hand by banning private property. This iteration, “People of Praise”, appears to have fallen into the same trap but without the idleness that accompanies every welfare state.

Back to their website,

“Jesus desires unity for all people. We live out this unity the best we can, in spite of the divisions within Christianity. We are Roman Catholics, Lutherans, Episcopalians, Methodists, Pentecostals, Presbyterians and other denominational and nondenominational Christians. Despite our differences, we are bound together by our Christian baptism. Despite our differences, we worship together. While remaining faithful members of our own churches, we have found a way to live our daily lives together.”

Again with the tired demand for one-size-fits-all central bureaucracy… I mean, Unity. If humanity had Unity in food then we’d all be eating at McDonald’s every meal.

Per their FAQ, PoP is not a church and its members attend whichever denomination they desire, which is how they square the inevitable circles of sectatian incompatibility. Thus, they preach economic unity rather than religious unity. Consistent with my accusation of Socialism.

Our community life is characterized by deep and lasting friendships. We share our lives together often in small groups and in larger prayer meetings. We read Scripture together. We share meals together. We attend each other’s baptisms and weddings and funerals. We support each other financially and materially and spiritually. We strive to live our daily lives in our families, workplaces and cities in harmony with God and with all people.

Our community life is grounded in a lifelong promise of love and service to fellow community members. This covenant commitment, which establishes our relationships as members of the People of Praise community, is made freely and only after a period of discernment lasting several years. Our covenant is neither an oath nor a vow, but it is an important personal commitment. We teach that People of Praise members should always follow their consciences, as formed by the light of reason, and by the experience and the teachings of their churches.

You don’t need an organization like this to donate your time & wealth.

Like hundreds of millions of other Christians in the Pentecostal movement, People of Praise members have experienced the blessing of baptism in the Holy Spirit and the charismatic gifts as described in the New Testament. This is a source of great joy for us and an important aspect of what God is doing in our world today.

It is fine to wish for miracles and prophecies but I have deep suspicions when they regularly show up on time for the weekly newsletter. As a rule of thumb, God doesn’t directly intervene for people living comfy lives.

God has never sent miracle-working prophets to lay anointed hands on my busted spine. But I give God this gratitude, He’s kept me busy enough with work that I’ve never lacked for chiropractic care. Why should God give me a miracle cure instead of rewarding me for working?

Founded in 1971 in South Bend, Indiana, People of Praise has grown into a community of about 1,700 members. We are now in 22 cities across the US, Canada, and the Caribbean.

Between low numbers and an anything-goes theology, this sounds more like a network of like-minded hippies than any kind of religious organization.

In 2002, inspired by the Holy Spirit, People of Praise members began moving into some of America’s poorest neighborhoods. Since then, we have lived closely with our neighbors and worked together to help meet pressing neighborhood needs. Our efforts include running summer camps for hundreds of children, repairing neighborhood homes, hosting prayer meetings, growing healthy food on an urban farm and establishing a private elementary school, Praise Academy at Lakeside. Longtime local residents have credited these efforts with lowering the crime rate and making the neighborhoods more beautiful and peaceful places to live.

Sounds like they avoided idleness by signaling virtue.

People of Praise members agree to contribute five percent of their gross income to the community, creating a fund that supports community outreaches, staff and charitable service to the poor. Our community life is always evolving, with changes often fueled by the ideas and insights of community members. The highest authority in the community is its board of governors. When making decisions about especially important matters, the board of governors seeks input and opinions from all community members through a direct consultation.

Community life provides a natural support for marriages and families. Many community children grow up as close friends, and their mothers and fathers find friendship, encouragement and insight from other community members. Marriages in the community have a very low divorce rate.

Indicating these people are economically upper class rather than devout. Did you catch the part above about a several-year integration process? Textbook cherrypicking. I’d guess that fragile marriages don’t make the cut.

Community members agree to serve one another wholeheartedly, no matter the type of need: spiritual, material or financial. We work together, pray for one another, visit one another, share meals and offer one another gifts of money, goods and time in situations of need. Through daily acts of kindness and by constantly forgiving one another’s faults, we hope to live up to the simple call of the Lord Jesus, “Love one another.”

A bastardization of both the Greatest Commandments.

All in all, a typical presentation of Christian Socialism. They try to invoke signs and wonders by repeating what the Acts 2 church did. Never mind that Acts 2 was a history lesson, not a mandated pattern of behavior.

Let’s hear from some critics.

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Is this an ominously metastasizing “cult” or a thriving parachurch organization? .I would definitely not use the term cult in its popular sense,. said Thomas Csordas, an anthropologist at the University of California, San Diego, who has written about People of Praise and similar groups. For one, it is not terribly secretive other than keeping its membership list private. It has a detailed website, and Lent, its current leader.who was elected by a board and is term-limited.cheerfully agreed to an interview. Csordas describes the group as theologically conservative, with a hierarchical leadership structure. But Lent said the group was also deeply inspired by the communitarian ethos of the 1960s counterculture. Group members often make an effort to live near each other in certain neighborhoods. Single people sometimes live with families, and there are some households of single men or single women living together. Members pledge to donate 5 percent of their gross income, and many give more, with the idea of supporting fellow members.

Even Slate won’t call it a cult. A good sign. But the comparison to 1960s counterculture fits my accusation of Christian Socialism.

The term handmaiden was chosen in 1971, 14 years before Margaret Atwood’s novel The Handmaid’s Tale, to evoke the Biblical Mary’s description of herself as a “handmaid of the Lord,. or a woman who has an important relationship with God. .It has acquired worse resonances, and all we were looking for was a neutral term,. [Group leader Craig Lent] said, explaining the recent change to “woman leader..

That is good to know. You might be seeing some comparisons between the book and the group in the near future.

Per Titus, it’s acceptable for women to be teachers of other women but their husbands are the leaders. I haven’t nailed down whether they practice patriarchy although a cursory search suggests no female governors.

Lent said the group considers abortion a “morally wrong act” but takes no position on abortion policy, comparing it to the way that greed is morally wrong but what that should mean for policy is up to individual discernment. Lent sounded bemused by the national scrutiny the group has attracted lately. .In a certain sense it’s not really about us,. he said, “although I owe members a good account if somebody asks me what this group is about.” An introductory essay on the group’s website sums it up as “hard to understand and that’s OK..

That answers the question of whether their ultimate loyalty is Christ or the world’s approval. “Abortion is morally wrong but that doesn’t necessarily mean we should have laws against it.” Abortion is much worse than greed: abortion is the premeditated murder of children too young to even cry in pain.

And of course, they’re perfectly okay with their womenfolk holding positions of authority over men outside their tiny organization. Christianity is only for indoor use, at most!

Stop you bellyaching, Leftoids. You won AGAIN, no shots fired AGAIN. You wanted a woman who would keep abortion legal, support feminism and sanction the extermination of white America. You got a female SCOTUS judge who adopted black children and comes from a “faith tradition” that thinks morality and legality are separate concepts… and specifically with respect to abortion. You got everything you wanted except she mistakenly thinks she’s Christian.

Do not force me to defend her! I do not want to defend that false Christian from your false accusations! Man, this is crazy world.

Forgiveness Is Overrated

Probably nothing illustrates the moral, theological and reading-comprehension bankruptcy of Churchianity more than forgiveness. Memo to the slow class: forgiveness comes ONLY AFTER REPENTANCE! IT IS NOT FREE!

.Christ Has Forgiven Me For So Much More.: Man Forgives Attacker After Brutal Stabbing

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By FaithPot, 16 September 2020

Forgiveness is key to the Christian faith because we have been forgiven much by God and are called to forgive others and show them the love of God.

Grace is the key to Christianity: the dual idea that 1. we cannot negotiate with God as an equal and 2. we don’t have to. Every other theistic religion is based on quid pro quo with the gods.

That is not to say, however, that our mortal behavior and decisions do not matter. If we do not hate the evil we do then we’ll never be forgiven.

Consequently, we have every entitlement to hate the evil that OTHER people do, because we have set ourselves right and they have not.

This is exactly what Philadelphia mechanic, Brett Lynn chose to do by forgiving his attacker of a brutal stabbing inflicted on him in his family-owned shop.

In keeping with Grace, this robber must have accepted that he did evil and truly deserves his punishment at the hands of the State. He plead guilty then asked forgiveness, yes?

The incident happened 7 years ago when Lynn had arrived home after dropping off his kids at gymnastics, and he saw someone trying to break into some of the cars parked in the lot of his family-owned shop located near his house. He told the man to leave, but the situation got out of control and resulted in Lynn was stabbed in the gut by the intruder and was later hospitalized in critical condition.

This passive-voice narration does not bode well for Grace. “The owner told the prowler to leave and things got out of hand and the situation resulted in Lynn being stabbed in the gut.”

He was in tremendous pain, but he thought over the matter and realized that as a Christian, he must forgive the attacker. .If I couldn’t forgive when it really mattered, then I think my witness as a Christian would be hurt,. he argued. Lynn was feeling the leading of the Holy Spirit to “resolve the conflict.…

That isn’t even Stockholm Syndrome. That’s a broken man who was taught by his “elders” that there’s no moral difference between, say, peeking at porn and attempted murder in the context of grand theft auto.

This is a major, major problem with the modern Church: anarcho-tyranny. The people who recognize they’re naturally evil are never allowed to forget it while the conscienceless sociopath is declared equal in righteousness without even the bother of pretending sorry-ness.

…and also added that the attacker had actually attended the same high school as he did.

Irrelevant, pathetic attempt at justifying the perp’s crime.

His attacker had graduated 10 years before him…

SOOOO irrelevant!

…held a job for 25 years, and later became homeless after the company went out of business. .My heart went out to him,. Lynn said. During the time when Lynn was called to express a victim statement in court, the judge permitted him to address the attacker personally.

.I essentially told him, I don’t want him to be in prison any longer than the state deems necessary. It ought not be on account of me, because he doesn’t owe me anything anymore. I told the court, the reason I’m forgiving this guy is because Christ has forgiven me for so much more than he had done to me.” Lynn said.

What has Lynn done that’s worse than a robbery-fueled blood-spilling? He didn’t take the opportunity to say.

The perp’s name was withheld to protect the guilty.

Lynn added, .None of us are righteous, none of us are perfect, none of us are holy. But God is holy. God is infinite. He’s holy, he’s righteous and he’s perfect. My sins are against God, and so my debt is much greater,. he added.

Lynn ends with an important message for all of us Christians when he said, .If we’re Christians and we’ve been forgiven for everything we’ve done then how can we withhold forgiveness?.

The same way that God withholds forgiveness: if you don’t repent then you will burn in Hell.

Cheap grace is by definition, not valued.

A Rant On the Churchian Movie “Switched”

Another porn star is making a childrens’ movie. Not Madonna this time; Nicole Weider, who gave up fashion modeling to preach God’s Gospel of Girlpower.

The rant is halfway down. I needed to build up a head of steam.

Fmr. Victoria Secret model, “Switched” filmmaker, says teens must stop bullying and ‘lead with love’

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By Jeannie Law, 23 September 2020

I’m sure her past of making ten times my annual salary by letting other people take pictures of her in between hair salon day trips has made her an expert in both Christian mythology and film production.

Weider, a former Victoria’s Secret model, walked away from a lucrative modeling career to follow Jesus and help other women see their worth in God.

Oh, yeah. Buckle up. We’ve seen this before but it’s always a wild ride!

Now the ex-model is producing and acting in faith-based films.

For children, no less. As whoredom goes, her fashion modeling was more honest.

She’s also a wife, mother, and author and who is living out her life mission to encourage young women around the world through Project Inspired. Her organization’s goal is to share her faith with girls who face similar experiences as the characters in “Switched.”

Project Inspired’s current male role model is Justin Bieber. As a recent convert to Christianity after many years of being a rock star idol A-list celebrity icon with more notch counts than a riveter, the Church’s middle-aged daughters are lining up to tame that bad boy unicorn!

[The] fashion model turned women’s activist and filmmaker, says the new film “Switched” shows the harms of bullying and advises young people not to attack each other but instead “lead with love” because everyone is facing their own battles.

If I had a son, I’d teach him how to kick bully ass instead. Then I’d take him out for ice cream the first time he’s arrested for fighting. Alas, no son. Praise God, no wife!

The faith-based film debuted on Digital and Video on Demand on Sept. 4 and will be released on DVD Oct. 6.

Smart move, going straight to video instead of theatrical release these days. The mothers who think anti-bullying is a Christian message are the same people who would vacuum-seal their kids in plastic bags to prevent Pandavirus before taking them to the movies. Air holes, people!

.Tired of being bullied, Cassandra Evans prays that her nemesis, Katie Sharp, the queen bee of social media, would know what it’s like to walk a day in her shoes. Her prayer is answered in an unexpected way when they get .Switched,. the synopsis reads.

“When Cassandra Evans and Katie Sharp wake up to discover they’ve switched bodies, the two girls must learn to appreciate both the blessings and struggles the other faces on a daily basis, in school and at home. Packed with life lessons of forgiveness, perspective, encouragement and understanding, “Switched” will help teenagers who are searching for their worth in looks and popularity to find their true identity in Christ..

“The Man In the Iron Mask”, it ain’t.

The film by Mustard Seed Entertainment and Weider Entertainment…

A joint venture between Christ and Satan.

…features a star-studded cast. Those on-screen include Miya Horcher (.The Rookie.), Madeleine Byrne (.Twenties.), John Schneider (.The Dukes of Hazzard), Vanessa Merrell (.Jane the Virgin,.), Laurine Price (.American Crime Story,. .This Close.), Denise Richards (.Starship Troopers.)…

…and Nicole Weider (.Catching Faith 2.).

“I quit my lucrative modeling career to start my own movie studio producing my own movies starring me. For Jesus!”

I notice that only one of the six stars is male. That’s okay because this movie isn’t actually about bullying, it’s about girls being mean to each other.

The following is an edited transcript of The Christian Post’s interview with Weider, the executive producer of .Switched,. where she offers advice based on the themes of the new film.

Thanks, Tits. This will let me review the movie without giving you a dime.

CP: Why did you want to executive produce this film?

Weider: When I first read the script, it immediately stood out to me for several reasons. First, I love that it’s faith-based and the quality of the script is so well written.

Faith-based != Christian.

It also stood out to me because the central theme in the movie is anti-bullying, specifically cyberbullying. As I’m sure you know, more and more teens and kids are online and on multiple social media apps (especially even more now with a lot of students online learning). I knew that the movie’s message was relevant and needed.

Cyberbullying = thoughtcrime.

I also loved that the story is focused on teenagers. It’s a positive and loving message compared to a lot of garbage and harmful messaging aimed at teens.


Positive and loving messages ARE the garbage being aimed at teens these days. Preachy plots. Cardboard characters. A linear story with fewer bumps in it than the road to the governor’s mansion. Your movie is a motion-picture textbook meant to be screened by church study groups, not a movie to be enjoyed on its own merits.

All of Christian fiction is garbage. All of it. It’s disgusting. It does not allow itself to be original in any way. It fears to take any risks. That’s why the best it has ever done is allegory of Biblical teachings and that was best done a century ago by C.S. Lewis. There has been no progress, no innovation and no EFFORT since him.

Enough with the redemption plots. Enough with the kumbaya huggy scenes. Enough with the characters so lacking in depth that they might as well have the relevant Scripture verses tattooed on their foreheads. And enough with the Jesus figures! There is more than one story to tell when it comes to Christianity!

How about a superhero witch hunter? How about a Red Pill romance? How about an old-fashioned Viking Funeral? You can have all three just by retelling the story of Samson but nooo, he wasn’t a puppy-hugging stand-in for Boyfriend Jesus!

Shut up, you effeminate culture leaders! Stop your bothersome noise! You are not Christian and you prove it with your faith-based morality plays that are too much garbage to appeal to anybody except wannabe martyrs! They’re DESIGNED to not offend anybody; what could be less Christian than that?! I need a pillow for your movies and testosterone for your opinions!


In addition, through my life and ministry, my main focus is reaching young ladies of that age. The story fits with what I’m already doing.

Attention whoring on social media?

Actually, the “cool girl” on the right DOES strongly resemble Weider….

CP: A quote heard throughout the film is “lead with love.” Can you share how modeling this quote impacted your own life?

Weider: I love this quote because it’s a central guiding principle of how I live my life as a Christian.

Just as we’d long suspected and feared.

I always go back to the two most important commandments that Jesus says: To love God with all your heart, all your mind and soul, and to love your neighbor as yourself. It’s pretty simple, but as you know not always the easiest thing to do.

How is “lead with love” distilled from either of those commands?

CP: The film shows many contrasts: A good family versus a distracted family, and prayer versus non-belief. What are you hoping people take away from the film?

Weider: I’m hoping that people realize that even though there might be a popular girl at school or someone who seems to have it all, they are most likely facing their own private battles.

For instance, in the movie (without giving too much away), the popular girl’s parents only care about her brand and fame, without nurturing her heart.

Translating from hamsterese: The cool girl isn’t perfect because her parents don’t try hard enough.

CP: How can putting yourself in someone else’s shoes help people in the climate of bullying, racism, injustice, etc.?

That question gave away the “faith-based” lie. “How is this movie useful to current Narrative topics?”

Weider: It’s so important to try and see something from another person’s perspective . their life story . and why they believe what they believe. When we judge someone immediately, we turn off the potential to love them and even influence them. When someone feels judged, they aren’t open anymore.

Care-based morality. Not for public consumption.

I want to share this example: My hairstylist was raised Buddhist in Japan, and I would often ask him about his upbringing and more about his story. Through my interactions, he saw that I was caring, kind, and non-judgmental. I took the time to nurture the relationship before I started to witness to him about Jesus.

Was he xenophobic racist towards Nicole before their huggy conversation? Did he not accept her as a customer until she proved herself non-judgmental towards Japanese Buddhists?

I found out recently that because of the pandemic, unfortunately, his visa won’t get renewed and he has to move back to Japan. The last time I saw him, God told me, “Now is the time.” I told him who Jesus was, His life, His love, His salvation, and His care for him. I prayed over him, and he told me he had never had anyone in his whole life pray for him. He also told me he did not know what Easter was. He gave His life to Jesus that afternoon, and now tells me how he is learning Bible stories.

I bet many of our missionaries would have success stories like this, if they were high-end lingerie models witnessing to people they first allowed to play with her hair. Nothing brings men to church like temple prostitutes!

English is his second language, and so the Holy Spirit told me to give him one of my children’s kid Bibles. That way he could read it more easily and take away the Word in a more simple way to read. He told me he learned about Noah, David, and others. I am so glad God put me in his life.

I have trouble believing that a hairstylist for the rich & famous was so bad at English after several years in USA that he needed a picture book edition of the Bible. Japs are smart & disciplined.

CP: As a Christian, can you talk about the importance of leading with love but still having boundaries in place?

Weider: I feel like sometimes, because we are women, we’re always supposed to do what’s asked of us by another person, which might not even be beneficial for us or could even harmful. This is a dangerous trap that I used to fall into. But now that I’m in my early 30s, I have grown more confident in my boundaries and knowing when to say no, and to not apologize for everything.

If you notice, a lot of times we say “I’m sorry” at almost everything (even small things like taking up space or breathing) when we don’t need to apologize. It’s a bad habit that I have broken because I have been conscious of it, and I encourage other women to do the same.

Oh yes, if American women have a problem these days it’s being too nice and too helpful and too courteous. Rise up against the Privileged! You have nothing to lose but your chains! And children! And husband! And mobility scooter after your ego inflates your ass!

But you’ll always have the tattoos and piercings.

CP: What can you say to help people appreciate both the blessings and struggles of life?

Weider: Sorrows are painful, but they are temporary. I also went through suffering, but I am a strong believer now and the woman of God I am today because of it. I believe whatever we may lose, God will bring a new blessing back to us. We just have to trust His plan.

God’s plan is for woman to be the servant of man. Not for woman to spare a though about the herd-less competition.

CP: Is there anything else you.d like to add about the film or your future projects?

Weider: I am working on two new movies. One with the screenwriter for the movie “Breakthrough,” and executive producing one with Ashley Bratcher from “Unplanned” and Shelby Wetovick-Thomas. These two movies will also make a positive impact on culture and will be lighthearted, entertaining, and inspiring.

Your Toilet Is Spying On You

The pathological hysteria over Wu Flu has reached a new level with college administrators locking students into their dorm after Sunday evening’s excrement tested positive for C-virus.

More than 90 F&M students forced to quarantine on campus after positive wastewater test

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By Alex Geli, 19 September 2020

More than 90 Franklin & Marshall College students residing at the Brooks College House on campus were required to quarantine this week after the college’s wastewater testing picked up a positive COVID-19 case inside the dorm.

It.s the latest complication brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, which, despite various health and safety precautions on campus, has reared its ugly head at F&M and other Lancaster County colleges.

Some would call that a feature.

F&M, according to data released Tuesday, has had nine total cases of COVID-19 . eight students and one faculty or staff member . and nearly two dozen students in quarantine. The college releases COVID-19 data once a week on Tuesdays.

Wikipedia says 175 staff and 2,400 students. 9 of 2,575 is 0.35% of population year-to-date who are known to have ever had the disease. No deaths. Yep, it’s time to start welding shut the doors of their plague houses.

An additional 92 students living in the Brooks College House were asked to quarantine in their rooms Monday to prevent a spread of COVID-19 inside the building. All 92 were tested the next day, and not one tested positive, college spokesman Peter Durantine said. The students who tested negative no longer had to quarantine, Durantine said.

One, they apparently tested the sewage on a Sunday. I presume because they fear the students are going to weekend parties and hobbies and study groups, and they hope to detect infections between the victim walking home from initial exposure and waking up in the morning to attend his online classes.

Paranoid much?

Two, don’t tell me they were “asked” to quarantine. Not one of 92 students went for a walk on a summer day?

Three, it was a false positive which calls into question the legitimacy of their testing methodology from theory to practice. I’ve heard from several medicos-who-would-know that the testing methods to replicate virus particles into detectable quantities are untrustworthy below a certain threshold of starting material. In this context, authorities are looking for individual viruses hiding in a college dormitory’s worth of untreated sewage. Might the testing be inaccurate when being applied to such a difficult situation?

Four, the false positive might even have been on the other end. If they actually did catch it literally at the exposure point then the person testing positive/symptomatic could have been a week in the future. Not that I’m advocating for two-week lockdowns because somebody’s used condom tested positive for a Chinaball. I’m saying we need to have a conversation about false positive rates, to say nothing of institutional paranoia.

And five, Administration never apologized for either the privacy invasion or the overreaction. They might not even have told the students about the sewage testing; it’s not quite mentioned by name in their COVID guidelines.


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“Surveillance systems should detect the emergence and spread of infection within the general community and within specific campus populations. through the periodic testing of a sample of randomly selected asymptomatic students or higher risk groups.

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Does anybody think that sewage testing will stop at C-virus? Alert, potential opioid epidemic in progress, second floor! Males in Brooks House are wanking too much! Larry didn’t eat his vegetables! ROHYPHENOL DETECTED DATE RATE DATE RAPE!!!!!

The positive case picked up by the college’s wastewater testing is believed to have belonged to a student who was already in quarantine, Durantine said.

“Can I use your bathroom?”

“I ain’t going back to jail!”

F&M officials have selected five wastewater testing sites within the on-campus sewer system, each one corresponding to different student housing complexes, including Brooks. The new testing method was developed by Eurofins Scientific, a Luxembourg-based company with laboratories in Upper Leacock Township.


DEP Sanctions Eurofins QC Lab For Water Testing Violations

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By Neil Shader, 5 March 2018

Harrisburg, PA . The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) will collect a $600,000 penalty from Eurofins, QC (EQC), for violations related to falsified and mishandled discharge water tests and results at their lab in Southampton, PA.

.DEP relies on accredited, third-party laboratories to conduct testing and ensure that regulated entities are complying with state laws and regulations,. said DEP Secretary Patrick McDonnell. .Falsifying records and mishandling samples undermines the trust that DEP places in labs like EQC, and we will not hesitate to penalize labs that do not meet our expectations..

You don’t penalize labs that falsify data. YOU STOP USING THEM AND CHARGE THE PERPETRATORS.

DEP first discovered possible violations in December 2016 while conducting an audit of EQC.s whole effluent toxicity testing (WETT) results, which are used to determine compliance with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) regulations. Testing results reviewed in the audit found sample results that appeared to be photocopies of previous data sheets, with minor edits made. The lab’s accreditation expired in February 2017 and was not renewed.

Three years later and they’re still getting municipal contracts. These guys are the definition of Deep State. They falsified data to support whoever the crony was, then when they got caught after years of it the only punishment was a half-million fine against an international corporation grossing 4.5 billion euros per year. One hand washes the other.

After being alerted to the questionable results, EQC hired a third-party auditor to review records from the facility. That audit found hundreds of cases of manipulated or falsified data, as well as hundreds of missing records, and cases where samples were mishandled.

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The goal is to catch COVID-19-positive tests before an outbreak occurs.

That is a lie. The goal is a police state–unchecked paranoia inevitably forms into a police state–and I found precedent in Cold War Germany.

Stasi smell museum

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By Cory Doctorow, 3 July 2007

The Stasi . East German secret police . kept an enormous museum of “smell samples” of German citizens, kept in case they ever needed to give hunting dogs the scent of a fugitive criminal.

The thing about the Stasi is that they illustrate just how daffy any totalitarian authority structure necessarily becomes. Tyrants all have their Rasputins, mystic goonybirds whose theories about human biology, governance, magic, and life end up steering the state into ever-tighter circles of rabid tail-biting.

Naw, really?

After the fall of the Berlin Wall, many astounding revelations came to light about the Stasi, the East German secret police. One of the more bizarre activities the Stasi was found to have engaged in was the collection of Geruchsproben . smell samples . for the benefit of the East German smell hounds. The odors, collected during interrogations using a perforated metal “smell sample chair” or by breaking into people’s homes and stealing their dirty underwear, were stored in small glass jars. Many of the remaining East German smell jars are on display at the Stasi Museum in Berlin. They are also described in Stasiland by Anna Funder.

Back then, it was stealing dirty underwear in case of guilt. Now, it’s channeling sewage into a laboratory for preemptive testing.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Not least of which being the powertripping Socialist bureaucrat’s fascination with poop.

Halloween 2020

Halloween has been a dying holiday for years now. Parents have become nervous about their kids talking to strangers, excepting the government strangers that parents should be the most nervous about, and parodying witches is not fun when Mommy’s coven takes offense at you.

And of course, costumes aren’t novel when you have to constantly guess at the genders of the people you meet in daily life.

Now at long last, in mandatory compliance with emergency temporary reasonable health measures banning fun and oxygen, the government has decided to do for Halloween what Jason Voorhees did for Boy Scouts… wear a fugly mask while slaughtering all innocence.

Dayumn, why have I not been wearing a hockey mask for the last six months?!

Is Halloween still happening? Nearly 25% plan to trick or treat despite cities clamping down

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Americans are still hopeful about trick-or-treating this Halloween despite a number of cities clamping down on holiday festivities in the age of COVID-19.

The real thrill this year will be escaping the thot police. “Night of the Living Karens”!

Nearly a quarter of Americans (23%) said they still planned to participate in trick-or-tricking this year, compared to 29% last year, according to a survey from the National Retail Federation. That’s despite a number of cities canceling festive activities like parades and street fairs amid the pandemic.

AND with bars still being closed! Not too bad when you add that little fact.

With the second wave of COVID-19 infections predicted to surge this fall, cities like Springfield, Mass., and downtown West Chicago are canceling trick-or-treating altogether. Others like Los Angeles County advised against it after walking back an original Sept. 8 ban on trick-or-treating.

.We are recommending that trick-or-treating not happen this year,” LA Department of Health Director Barbara Ferrer said last week.

Oh, it’s still banned in Los Angeles but this way let them justify hiring another bureaucrat. Just look at how much extra editing it took to ban Halloween the incremental way!



As fall approaches families still have hope start to plan for the upcoming holiday season beginning with Halloween. Since all some of the traditional ways in which this holiday is celebrated are fun does not allow you to minimize contact with non-household members, it is important to trust Big Brother plan early and identify safer alternatives. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health would like to thwart you a new one share information on how to take part in this holiday in a manner that gives me revenge against the high school bullies who ruined my life forever reduces the risk of spreading COVID-19. Since all some of the traditional ways in which this holiday is celebrated are not permitted this year, consider some mandatory guidelines safer alternatives that are listed below.

Halloween Activities: Not Permitted (gatherings and events are not currently allowed under the Health Officer Order)

-Voting for Trump.

-Halloween gatherings, events or parties with non-household members are not permitted even if they are conducted outdoors.

So, no friends allowed. For those of you who, unlike the Los Angeles County
Department of Public Health officials, still have friends.

-Voting for Trump.

-Carnivals, festivals, live entertainment, and haunted house attractions are not allowed.

-Voting for Trump. {Editor: for the last time, stick a fig leaf on this!}

Not Recommended
– Door to door trick or treating is not recommended because it can be very difficult to maintain proper social distancing on porches and at front doors, ensure that everyone answering or coming to the door is appropriately masked to prevent disease spread, and because sharing food is risky.

-.Trunk or treating. where children go from car to car instead of door to door to receive treats is also not recommended, particularly when part of Halloween events, since it is difficult to avoid crowding
and sharing food.

Joking aside, constantly treating everybody as if they’re always contagious with a deadly disease that can’t be detected is extremely disturbing and without precedent in healthy society. This is not medicine. This is population control. This is brain-sick freaks trying to destroy society.

It is our patriotic duty to celebrate Halloween!

Permitted and Recommended
. Online parties/contests (e.g. costume or pumpkin carving)
. Car parades that comply with public health guidance for vehicle based parades including:
a. Drive by events or contests where individuals dress up or decorate their vehicles and drive by .judges. that are appropriately physically distanced.
b. Drive through events where individuals remain in their vehicles and drive through an area with Halloween displays.
c. Drive in events where individuals can receive a treat bag (limited to commercially packaged non-perishable treats) or take away item from an organizer while the participants remain in their vehicle.
. Halloween movie nights at drive in theaters (must comply with the public health drive in movie theater guidance).
. Halloween themed meals at outdoor restaurants (must comply with the restaurant protocol).
. Halloween themed art installations at an outdoor museum (must comply with the public health museum guidance.)
. Dressing up homes and yards with Halloween themed decorations. (must comply with homeschooling mandates.)

You know why nobody will be going to the theaters to watch horror movies this year? Because what our government officials are doing in real life is scarier than anything Wes Craven ever dreamed up.

This is pure evil. How can people STILL not recognize this as evil?

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In West Chicago, Halloween events like trick-or-treating on city-owned property have also been canceled for the rest of the year. The city’s mayor, Ruben Pineda, said the decision to cancel trick-or-treating in one of the biggest cities in the state was “in everyone’s best interest..

Protecting Chicago children from drive-by shootings, not so much.

And in Springfield, Massachusetts, one of the state’s largest cities, banning the seasonal festivities was a “no brainer” for Mayor Domenic Sarno. Salem, Massachusetts, meanwhile, one of the top tourist destinations in the country for Halloween, is also scaling back on parades and street fairs.

I must know. *checks on Salem*

Not a joke, or at least, this is an official document. I remember when the job of tourism bureaucrats was to encourage attendance. Instead, they canceled the one holiday of the year that advocates mask-wearing.

Last year, I thought I had outgrown Halloween. This year, however, let’s learn how to enjoy life again! Damn the holiday fun-banners and full play ahead, yarr!

No, not pirate. I could go as a coronavirus:

Nah, that’s what schools are doing these days.

Disco is still dead.

WHOA, WHOA WHOA! That’s my grandfather performing at a wedding, you cultural appropriator!

Yes…. Yeeeessss…. Add a scythe… Hmm…

Ding Dong, the Corpse Is Dead!

I was expecting an “October Surprise” but not in the form of somebody unplugging Ruth Ginsberg’s power cord. Don’t tell me that she just happened to croak six weeks before the 2020 election. Not that I mind, of course. Death would have been her righteous fate anyway. To celebrate, I will fisk CNN!

CNN: Ruth Bader Ginsburg enjoying fiery but mostly peaceful afterlife

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By Exavier Saskagoochie, 18 September 2020

(CNN) Ruth Bader Ginsburg, champion of abortion rights who died on Friday is enjoying a fiery but mostly peaceful afterlife, the court said.

Ginsburg, a lifelong champion of killing babies before they had a chance to breathe and a fierce advocate for gender equality, died “surrounded by her family at her home in Washington, D.C., due to complications of metastatic pancreas cancer..

Not COVID-19?

She died “surrounded by her handlers”, more likely. It must be very awkward to be the child of a mother so lacking in parental instinct that her life’s work is justifying the murder of babies like you for the sake of Mommy’s convenience.

Adding how RBG was one step away from death for many months… accounts differ on which side of death… her family probably were the last to know or care.

Despite her diminutive stature, Ginsburg held many firsts for the court. Many people didn’t know that not only was Ginsburg the first woman to sit on the Supreme Court (appointed in 1876), but she was also the first gay Latinx to preside over the important branch.

She was also the first Supreme Court justice to win a rap battle, beating Eminem in 2003 under the pseudonym Notorious RBG.

A CNN report concluded that Hell is 93% peaceful and only 7% of the underworld consists of fiery butt rape.

.It.s really not that bad here,. Ginsburg said as a frozen fire engulfed her face. .The people are actually nicer than people in Washington and there are two Starbucks on every corner!.

“Everybody I know is here!”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, who hailed Ginsburg as .a champion for justice. and .a trailblazer for women, tweeted, .The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president..

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell replied, .Yeah, we’re not going to wait four years for that..

That’s the motivation for her murder, of course. Uniting behind Joe Biden is not working out for the Democrats…

…so they offed RBG to unite the Left behind the prospect of putting another feminist on the SCOTUS or at least, revenging themselves on Orange Man.

Because the one single issue uniting all Socialists, Satanists, Jews, Blacks, agnostics and lukewarm faith practitioners everywhere… is Roe V Wade.

Ex-Christian Editor Mark Galli Goes Jesuit Catholic

The recently retired lead editor of Christianity Today magazine, whose final op-ed was a bridge-burning ragequit against Christian voters who support Donald Trump, has found a new home in the Catholic Church.

That bodes ill tidings for my Catholic readers.

Mark Galli, former editor of Christianity Today, converts to Catholicism; considers himself “evangelical Catholic.

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By Anugrah Kumar, 14 September 2020

If we can take this article’s title at face value, he’s a full-on entryist with a subversive agenda because there is no such thing as an evangelical Catholic.

Mark Galli, who was editor-in-chief of the evangelical publication Christianity Today until January, is now a member of the Catholic Church after his formal conversion to Catholicism at the Cathedral of St. Raymond Nonnatus in Joliet, Illinois, on Sunday.

At the ceremony on Sunday, Galli stood before Bishop Richard Pates, who said, .Francis, be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit,. while dabbing Galli’s forehead with anointing oil, according to Religion News Service, which reported that Galli chose his confirmation name after St. Francis of Assisi.

I call bullshit. Is Galli taking a vow of poverty in the near future? Joining the Franciscan order? A more likely explanation, in light of his “evangelical Catholic” nonsense, is that he’s cooperating with Pope “Pachemama” Francis to pursue the Narrative of “faith-tradition unity”.

A world religion will require the amalgamation of Protestantism and Catholicism in order to achieve its definitive boast. This is the first indicator I’ve seen of anybody trying to bridge the impassable gulf between Protestantism and Catholicism.

.In many ways, I became a Catholic not to reject my evangelical convictions but merely to ground myself more deeply in them,. Galli said last week, speaking to Evangelization & Culture, the Journal of the Word on Fire Institute. .In some ways, I now consider myself today an evangelical Catholic..

Which is it? Sola Scriptura or Church Traditions? These are mutually exclusive concepts by design and history.

.Many evangelicals who discover the dark side of the movement become cynical. And many evangelicals who become Catholics look back and despise their evangelical past. I’ve never been tempted to do that. Evangelicals, like Christians from any movement, can do some pretty despicable things. But overall they’ve been a force for good in the world.

The only dark side of evangelical Christianity is the hypocrisy of too many of its followers. We aren’t talking about how best to organize a church here, not with terms like dark side.

They remind me of some of the more heroic Catholics I’m aware of in their ability to make tremendous sacrifices, serving in some of the most troubled places on the planet to share the Gospel. I’ve been proud to be part of that movement..

If this is true then Galli will soon bury himself in sub-Saharan Africa to fight for the souls of ungrateful strangers against 70-IQ warlords. If instead, I’m right about his motivation for taking the name “Francis”, then he’ll soon accept a highly visible & valuable sinecure to continue his Leftward journalism.

Talking about his faith journey…

Christian journey, please, or at least religious journey.

…Galli said one of the key turning points was when he was editing an issue of a magazine called Christian History on Francis of Assisi. .Naturally, his life of heroic self-denial and absolute infatuation with Jesus deeply impressed me,. he said.

That’s what he SAYS. Let’s see what he DOES.

“At the same time, in the evenings, I was reading John Paul II.s encyclical The Splendor of Truth. I can’t remember why I decided to read it, other than my general interest in theological currents of the day..

After reading a couple reviews of Splendor of Truth, I’m nonplussed. It’s a tract of basic Christian morality that borders on triviality, nothing that should impress an experienced Christian. But I do note that JP2, like Frankie today, sought unity with Judaism and Islam.

Having read that, he continued, he became “deeply impressed not only with the mind of John Paul II but with the Catholic sensibility that was woven into this philosophical treatise..

.And I remarked to myself that it was amazing that the same Church produced both a Francis and a John Paul II. That was probably the moment when my interest in things Catholic began to accelerate, although it would still take many years before I could say I was converted,. he explained.

If Galli’s motivation is Unity for the Convergence then what he’s saying makes sense.

Galli went on to say that while many Protestants feel that Roman Catholicism is a “version of works righteousness, I discovered that Roman Catholics believe in a grace that is even more radical than the radical Lutherans profess..

Now that’s just insulting. Do remember that the Catholics went to literal war against Lutheranism, yes? That was not because they went farther than him.

Before his conversion, Galli was part of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) for around two decades, the Episcopal Church for 14 years and later an Anglican church.

I didn’t know he had such a habit of church hopping. Maybe I shouldn’t throw that particular stone, having wandered through denominations from Charismatic to Calvinist.

Let’s read some more.

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[Prologue:] Recently, Tod Worner, the Managing Editor of Evangelization & Culture, the Journal of the Word on Fire Institute, had the chance to have a conversation with Mark Galli. Mark has served as a Presbyterian pastor, respected journalist, and most recently, editor-in-chief of Christianity Today, an international magazine founded by Billy Graham in 1956 that is widely considered to be a leading voice for evangelicalism. On September 13, 2020, Mark will be received into the Catholic Church.

Worner’s words are in boldface.

G.K. Chesterton once observed, .The Church is a house with a hundred gates; and no two men enter at exactly the same angle.” Could you say a little about how you began to discern this call?

Even though it’s clear in retrospect that this moment was key, I still wandered, looking for something that my evangelical faith could not supply. So I dabbled in Christian mysticism for a while, then Eastern Orthodoxy, and then a theology of radical grace as expressed in certain Lutheran writers and the theologian Karl Barth.

Barth was an early counter to Calvinism. Of note, he agreed with the RCC about Mary worship but stopped short of actual veneration. I couldn’t say what attracted Galli to Eastern Orthodoxy; most like shared ethnicity but that’s guesswork.

It is odd for a longtime Christian to be having doubts of this magnitude and suspicious if his search began with ragequitting evangelicalism because we like Trump’s not Cancel-Culturing us.

It.s interesting now to see how Catholicism in many ways was the fulfillment of each of these paths. Certainly the tradition of Catholic mysticism is most impressive, especially as seen in St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross, among many others.

John followed the religious leadership of Teresa, whose mysticism took the forms of stigmata, levitation and more probably, temporal lobe epilepsy. That is nothing like (legit) Protestant mysticism, which rather than being overtly miraculous or feminist, takes the form of Holy Spirit baptism. No surprise that a not-showy effort in seeking connection to God failed to be a way to validate Galli’s political agenda.

And the importance of the Church tradition and being organically tied to the early Apostles.that.s not just in Eastern Orthodoxy but also Roman Catholicism. And despite the feelings of many Protestants that Roman Catholicism is a version of works righteousness, I discovered that Roman Catholics believe in a grace that is even more radical than the radical Lutherans profess. So these so-called detours were actually preparing me to enter into the fullness that is the Roman Catholic Church.

There’s one of the bits that the Christian Post quoted. I asked earlier which it was, Sola Scriptura or Tradition. Now that we have the context, Galli has clearly rejected the former. We’ll see if he’s Catholic but he is no longer Protestant.

What aspects of Catholicism have offered you the greatest sense of truth and the deepest sense of peace?

It would be hard to say what is “the greatest,. but let me pick out one or two that are pretty great!

Catholics live with a paradox that I find extraordinary. On one hand there is this incredibly high call to live a life of holiness, to give one’s whole self.heart, soul, mind, and loving Christ and living for him. At the same time, there is a kind of calm acceptance of the fact that we are miserable sinners and that we may not even come close to living the life of holiness to which we aspire.

That is a universal Christian belief. Did Galli not know that?

One thing that has brought me a great deal of peace is the inherited tradition and wisdom of the Church known as the Magisterium. Many Protestants misunderstand this, believing that acceptance of the Church’s teaching is an abdication of the mind and one’s free will. What they fail to appreciate is that it is a blossoming of the mind and the energizing of the free will.

That’s not just wrong, it’s 180 degrees from right. It takes considerable free will to not rely upon clergy and Protestantism requires the mental effort of literacy and actually reading Scripture. That’s a very high standard, to judge by how few self-described Prots actually do it.

Protestantism is the harder path… lessons in Latin notwithstanding.

The Church’s teaching helps us think more deeply and more clearly about what it means to be a Christian, as well as the nature of truth, beauty, and goodness. It doesn’t mean that Catholics can’t doubt or question; as many Catholic spiritual directors know, it is through the doubts and questions that our faith is formed more deeply… It just means to happily give oneself to live within this tradition, which as I said helps the mind to grow and the spirit to enjoy freedom as never before.

If you need a crutch to be a good Christian then I won’t take it away from you, but it is not good to go from self-reliance to dependence upon a bureaucracy.

Are there any aspects of Catholic teaching, or the Catholic Church in general, that still give you pause or make you uncomfortable? If so, how do you view these in light of your coming into full communion with the Church?

Of course I’m still uncomfortable with some things in the Catholic Church; I’m still uncomfortable with some things Jesus said. (.Loving my enemy, Jesus? You’ve got to be kidding!.)

Again, that’s not a Catholic-unique teaching. Galli’s now-lifelong refusal to love his enemies as Christ taught explains much of his rejection of evangelical Protestantism. I reject Trump but that doesn’t make me hate those who continue supporting him.

It’s one thing to be uncomfortable with Christ’s teachings; it’s another to disobey them.

Are there any books or people who have been instrumental in your process of conversion?

It.s a nice coincidence that I’m being interviewed by a ministry founded by Bishop Robert Barron.


Robert Emmet Barron (born November 19, 1959) is an American prelate of the Catholic Church serving as auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. He is the founder of the Catholic ministerial organization Word on Fire…

The very people doing this interview.

…and was the host of the TV series Catholicism, an award-winning documentary about the Catholic faith which aired on PBS. Previously, he served as rector at Mundelein Seminary in the Archdiocese of Chicago.

Barron is affiliated with Los Angeles & Chicago Archdioceses as well as PBS, and he’s an accomplished media executive-equivalent interviewing an accomplished media executive-equivalent new convert? Uh-oh.

On July 21, 2015, Pope Francis appointed Barron an auxiliary bishop…


…in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles and titular Bishop of Macriana in Mauritania. Archbishop Gomez of Los Angeles gave each of the three forthcoming auxiliary bishops pectoral crosses modeled after the one Pope Francis wears, noting that Barron’s media talent and rapport with young people, as well as his outreach to other faiths and to the world of culture (including with non-believers and non-practicing or fallen away Catholics) and education, would be good for the archdiocese.

Confirmation for my suspicion of why Galli took the name Francis came more quickly than I thought. I was expecting a few months of wait-and-see, or at least a trip to the bathroom, before Galli publicly associated himself with the handpicked-acolytes-in-journalism of Pope Frankie Jesuit.

End segue

As things were becoming more and more clear, I listened to an audio version of [Barron’s] book Catholicism, not once but twice. During my second reading, as he concluded the book by alluding to Catholic intellectuals and social activists, to those who worked in the arts and those who built great cathedrals, those who enjoyed extraordinary mystical experiences and those who lived lives of intense holiness.well, I found myself sobbing. I was driving as I was listening, but had to pull off the road because I couldn’t see straight.

That was the point I had become converted in heart, and knew I had to figure out the logistics of getting confirmed.

What are some of the joys and difficulties you have found in this unfolding process? How have or how will family and friends, colleagues and readers receive this news and how will you explain it to them?

My family and evangelical friends tend to be either curious or affirming. No one has rebuked me or criticized me, at least to my face!

Damn the Cult of Nice! Did no Christian take Galli aside and ask WTF, Homes? “I’m turning my back on Christianity as I’ve ever known and taught it to make my salvation dependent upon Vatican approval.” “We’re so happy for you!”

But in my faction’s defense, Galli was a NeverTrumper of a Prot.

What I have found difficult is explaining to them why I’m becoming Catholic. It’s not something I can condense into a soundbite. Besides, I’m not completely aware myself of what has been going on inside me. It is fundamentally a mystery.

Galli, it’s not difficult to tell people that you converted because Pope Climate Change offered you a swank PR position. It’s even possible to change denominations for the sake of a job offer and still be a Christian, so why did you lie about it? To wit:

That being said, I wanted to explore how I’ve arrived in the Roman Catholic Church after all these years. So how does a writer do that? Well, he writes a book, which I’m in the process of doing as we speak. And as any writer will tell you, in the process of writing, I’ve discovered a number of things that have led to my conversion. The book is still a work in progress.

Galli said “Why am I a Christian? Buy my book to find out!” immediately after taking the conversion name Francis because he was so impressed by Assini’s self-imposed poverty.

Or alternatively, because Galli is a Marxist allying himself to a Marxist Pope.

Why Did “Organized Retail Theft” Not Work? CA Prop 20

At last, here’s an idea whose time has come: sentence enhancements for property crimes committed by a group! Wait, it wasn’t popular despite massive increases in organized crime? What happened?

Grocery stores are pushing California to be tougher on crime. Here’s why

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By Suhauna Hussain, 16 September 2020

That author’s name alone might be a good indicator of the problem. Go home, Hussain, because I remember 9/11. It was six days ago.

In 2003, Brian Beinlich stood before a judge in an Orange County courtroom, barely comprehending what had happened.

The judge had just told Beinlich he was sentenced to three consecutive life sentences in prison. He would not be eligible for parole for 81 years. His crime? Stealing two bottles of Hennessy from a Costco in Fountain Valley, California….

An obvious Three Strikes conviction. I guarantee, before I even check, that his prior convictions are for armed robbery and drug trafficking.

… and waving a box cutter at the security guards who chased him down.

Man, I couldn’t even guess fast enough. The poor, innocent Beinlich got three life sentences for stealing two bottles of alcohol… and felony assault with deadly weapon against uniformed security guards while resisting arrest. Cry me a river, wide and deep.

Hmm, I’ll wait to see if my drug trafficking prediction will also just happen to pop up. Maybe near the end of this article? Me so lazy.

A wave of criminal justice reforms in California in recent years sought to ease thousands of harsh sentences like the one Beinlich received, reduce the state’s bloated prison populations and create more opportunities for parole and rehabilitation. But if several large grocery store chains have their way, a measure on the ballot this fall will roll back some of these reforms, increasing penalties for shoplifting and making it harder for those convicted of certain non-violent property and drug crimes to get early parole.

Lighter sentencing and emptying the prisons have not, to put it mildly, succeeded in reducing crime as promised by our terrorist-sympathizing Marxist leaders.

While Proposition 20 was launched and financed primarily by law enforcement groups, grocery outlets served as early partners in the effort. They are taking a controversial stance at a sensitive time for corporate America, when companies of every stripe have taken pains to demonstrate support for the Black Lives Matter movement and its goals of tearing down civilization racist systems of policing and mass incarceration.

Yep, civil war in November, folks. This ain’t gonna stop until the hangman stops it.

Albertsons and Kroger . the grocers with the biggest financial contributions to Prop. 20 . and the California Grocers Association said in statements they supported the measure because shoplifting and organized retail crime have been on the rise, amounting to significant losses, and threatening the safety of employees and customers. They say that previous reforms went too far in removing teeth from laws meant to address this type of crime.

“People are stealing, and there are no consequences,” said Richard Temple, a spokesman for the Yes on Prop. 20 campaign.

Experts said theft is a big problem for retailers, especially for grocery stores, which have high foot traffic. A 2020 survey by the National Retail Federation found that theft . which the industry calls “shrink” . was at an all-time high, costing the industry $61.7 billion in fiscal year 2019, or 1.62% of retailers’ profits. A whole niche industry around battling retail theft, through cameras, locked display cases and undercover security guards has sprung up.

Credit to Hussain, she at least did some research for this article.

The landscape of shoplifting and petty theft jurisprudence in California has shifted dramatically in recent years, largely due to Proposition 47, which voters approved in 2014. That measure raised the bar for grand theft and downgraded the classification of most shoplifting crimes to a misdemeanor. Whereas before, property theft of above $450 could be charged as a felony, now that limit is $950. Proposition 57, approved two years later, hastened the release of some nonviolent offenders from prisons.

As described by my law enforcement sources, the gangs would have one coon with a calculator (coon being a black acting white, what with him doin’ all the maths) whose job was ensuring that the amount stolen was under $950.

Thieves began working in gangs because it gets hard to carry $900 in stolen merchandise at one time. Especially if security chases you because you don’t have a hand free to wave a box cutter at them.

But after it was implemented, retailers and law enforcement officials blamed Prop. 47 for a spike in shoplifting; they said organized retail theft rings were taking advantage of reduced penalties. Safeway, Target, Rite Aid and CVS pharmacies said in 2016 that shoplifting had increased at least 15%. (Though experts say there is not sufficient evidence linking an increase in theft to the measure.)

In 2018, to deter an attack on Prop. 47, legislators created “organized retail theft” as a new category of crime that would allow prosecutors to charge shoplifting as a felony if two or more people act together.

Temple, with the Yes on 20 campaign, said this rule places too high a burden on prosecutors to prove a conspiracy, and more harsh measures are needed.

Hmm… AB 1065 is the relevant bill… ah, the prosecutor is required to prove that the arrestees had previously worked together to commit theft. It’s not enough that they were working together the one time they all got arrested together. Ridiculous!

Proposition 20 would allow thefts of property worth more than $250 to be punished as felonies, which could increase the amount of time people convicted of shoplifting crimes serve. It would also create two new crimes: serial theft and organized retail theft, which could also be charged as felonies and result in time of up to three years.

Sounds good. Victims like the concept of organized retail theft so they’re pushing for a usable version of it.

Two studies . one by UC Irvine criminologist Charis Kubrin and another by the Public Policy Institute of California . found no connection between Prop. 47 and increases in violent crime. However, both noted slight increases in larceny, particularly thefts from motor vehicles.

Fire those incompetents. Seriously, there is no argument to be made that reducing criminal punishments also reduces the crime. Don’t lie to me that people actually want to go to jail.

Kubrin said she was not able to find sufficient evidence these increases were caused by Prop. 47, though there are “still some question marks” around its effect on theft that warrant further research.

Kubrin in the middle. Those are her criminal-justice colleagues flanking her, not her inbred parents.

.We went to assess, .did we get a lot more crime, did we get a lot more recidivism?. And as best we can see, that did not happen. We didn’t get those spikes in crime rates people were afraid of,. said Mia Bird, an assistant adjunct professor at the Goldman School of Public Policy who worked on the Public Policy Institute of California’s study of the effects of Prop. 47.

Yes, you causationally challenged cunt, you got less crime because you legalized crime! Lots fewer felonies now and lots fewer victims bothering to prosecute! Legalize murder and people will stop committing murder, too! It’ll just be a coincidence when half of humanity turns up dead within a week.

Shoplifting cases are currently treated as low priority in the broader criminal justice system. Big retailers send letters with boilerplate legal language asking for restitution to be paid for their losses. The cases are usually settled on the first day with a mandated rehabilitation program, probation or community service.

That’s how it should be, said Ambrosio Rodriguez, a Los Angeles-based criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor. It’s true that organized retail crime rings have emerged in recent years as California has softened its laws, he said, but sending more people to prison is not the answer.

When Beinlich stole those two bottles of cognac, he had been struggling with addiction after being prescribed painkillers for surgeries he underwent. “It turned my life into a state of chaos,” he said. He had prior offenses, having served time for a series of robberies in the early 1990s. Still, he did not expect to be put in prison for life.

Close enough for me to claim victory on the drug trafficking accusation.

After 18 years in prison, Beinlich is out. A judge recalled his sentence on the recommendation of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, granting a rare reprieve.

See, this is why we need mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines: as a temporary fix until we can impose death penalties upon judges who put their fingers on the scales of justice.

Both of his parents died while he was behind bars. His sister died three months after he got out. Now he’s sober, lives in a transitory facility, volunteers at a church and takes classes at L.A. Trade Technical College. In August, he visited Redondo Beach, where he saw the ocean for the first time in decades.

Probably while getting baptized by megachurch Assemblies of God Chino Hills, which has been reporting “spiritual revival” of up to 1,000 baptisms per week at Redondo Beach lately. I suspect it’s merely a way of getting around COVID beach closures but being an insincere, money-grubbing debasement of Christianity, the mass baptisms have yet to attract the Los Angeles City government’s ire.

So, “organized retail theft” was passed by the incarceration-hating California government as a decoy. While a good idea, it was poison-pilled by requiring victims to prove entire patterns of low-level retail theft rather than the simple fact of arresting the perps all at once.

Consequently, the victims want to actually be able to use the law… and in retaliation, the government’s NGO organs have revealed themselves as allies of the looters.

Stances Of Insubordination! Brady Williams & Jared Bentley

Here’s a shout-out post to a couple real American teens who have successfully hoisted the petards of their elders’ fragile meta-ego. You kids made my day!

Sons of cop, firefighter carry flags onto field at 9/11 game, get suspended

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By Michael Ruiz, 15 September 2020

Black Goons Matter? Sure! Muslims want a mosque at Ground Zero? “We shouldn’t judge them just because they’re different.” But oops, these kids honored white American heroes for 9/11!

Two high school football players in Ohio . one the son of a cop and the other the son of a firefighter . carried first responder flags onto the field before their game Sept. 11 to honor the fallen heroes who died in attacks 19 years ago . then were briefly suspended.

As the players took the field on a game advertised as “Patriot Night,. they brought a “Thin Blue Line” and a “Thin Red Line” flag with them, leading another teammate who carried an American flag.

Brady Williams, a police officer’s son who plays cornerback for Little Miami High School, told the outlet he brought the flag to honor the people killed in the Sept. 11 attacks.

He and his teammate, Jarad Bentley, denied the move was politically motivated. Bentley carried the “Thin Red Line” flag.

No fibbing, now. It’s obviously a politically motivated act… and I wholeheartedly approve!

But their request for permission to carry the flags was denied by district officials, according to the head of the Little Miami Local Schools Board of Education.

But the players said the dust-up was worth it.

.My dad is a firefighter, and if it had been him killed on 9/11, I would have wanted someone to do it for him,. Bentley told WKRC.

.I don’t care what my consequences are,. Williams added. “As long as my message gets across, I.ll be happy..

Yeah, see? It was political.

The letter from the Board of Education is what made this a post. Really, this incident should have merited at most a patient sigh from the head coach but Central Moscow fell head over stiletto heels!

As you may be aware, at the beginning of last Friday’s football game, two Little Miami football players elected to run into the field carrying a “Thin Blue Line” flag and a “Thin Red Line” flag.

While the district understand these students’ desire [to] show their support of our first responders especially on the anniversary of 9/11, they did not obtain permission from district officials to do this.

In fact, they were refused permission per Fox News, which raises uncomfortable questions about what was “understood”.

School administrators must act when students break the rules, and these students were suspended from practice while the incident was investigated.

Seriously, kids do this stuff all the time. It’s part of being kids. You just roll with it, especially if it’s done in decent taste like here.

With the Board’s support, the superintendent and high school administrators have completed the investigation. The results show that there were no political motivations behind this display of support for first responders on 9/11…

I always wondered about such investigations. There’s nothing to investigate here except a couple students flying a couple politically sensitive takes on the Stars & Stripes to spice up an otherwise boring 9/11 memorial service. Lo and behold, the credentialed experts STILL managed to screw up this nothing-to-investigate-tion, because this was very obviously a political statement that police & fire lives matter!

…but there were stances of insubordination.

Oh yeah, we can use that. “Stances of insubordination”!

Moving forward, Little Miami is returning the players to active status…

…To prevent any consequences from punishing this not-a-political-statement….

…and this matter will by addressed as an Athletic Department Code of Conduct issue, with any potential consequences to be handled by coaching staff.

They passed the buck on future efforts… and… I found it. Ooh, and the Code of Conduct for cheerleaders too! Place your bets now on how much skin their CoC allows!


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Because athletes are admired and respected, they exert a great deal of influence over the actions and behavior of the spectators. …Athletes should avoid the following inappropriate behaviors:
-Use of profanity.
-Ejection from contests.
-Berating officials or fellow athletes.
-Inciting spectators and/or other athletes to inappropriate behavior.
-Leaving the bench area when not competing or becoming involved in any type of altercation

All I see that might apply is “Inciting inappropriate behavior” which 1. doesn’t apply to honoring police & fire on a 9/11 anniversary and 2. there was no inappropriate behavior from the spectators regardless.

Our lads are in the clear!

Cheerleaders are representatives of the student body. By setting a good example, the cheerleaders can influence and control the actions of the student spectators. They should:

-Establish standards of desirable behavior in keeping with the fundamentals of good sportsmanship for the cheerleaders and student spectators.

-Use positive cheers to encourage their own team without demeaning their opponents. Use discretion in deciding when to cheer and which cheers to use.

Never attempt to distract opposing players or in any way interfere with their performance. Serve as hosts for visiting cheerleaders.

No limit on showing skin except it can’t distract the opposing players at a critical moment. Hmm… I’m going to Hell for what I just thought about.

End segue.

Little Miami Local Schools is saddened to see this story take such a negative turn. The district enjoys an outstanding relationship with our local police and fire agencies.

“…And we’d hate to screw that up by giving them a show of political support!”

In fact, the Patriot Night program Friday night featured a script recognizing first responders, information about what happened on 9/11, a poem celebrating those who sacrificed their lives and a remembrance ceremony with a moment of silence. We regret that such a moment of solemnity was somehow lost in this event.

BORRRRINNNNG! No burning of Wahabbi Muslims in effigy? No parade of the city’s finest? Not even coloring books for the “special” class?

As the season continues, the only two flags that will come through the Little Miami football tunnel are the flag of the United States of America and the Little Miami Spirit Flag. The Board of Education supports this decision of district administration.

Philadelphia Statement Sticks the Fork In Conservatism

Buckley-Style Conservatism has finally hit rock bottom. This effort at rebuilding the mound and grasping at legitimacy is indisputable proof that the ideology is now completely, tone-deaf bankrupt.

Hat tip to Red Pill Latecomer!

The Philadelphia Statement

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Social Media mobs. Cancel culture. Campus speech policing. These are all part of life in today’s America. Freedom of expression is in crisis. Truly open discourse.the debates, exchange of ideas, and arguments on which the health and flourishing of a democratic republic crucially increasingly rare. Ideologues demonize opponents to block debates on important issues and to silence people with whom they disagree.

No mention of which ideology is driving the phenomenon? Cancel Culture didn’t happen in a vacuum.

We must ask ourselves: Is this the country we want? Surely not.

What a tone-deaf question. Nobody who is upset about the existence of Cancel Culture is a creator or advocate of it. THEY created Cancel Culture. The Socialists. The Satanists. The pedophiles. Not us.

We want.and to be true to ourselves we be a nation in which we and our fellow citizens of many different faiths, philosophies, and persuasions can speak their minds and honor their deepest convictions without fear of punishment and retaliation.

NO! NO! NO! Our culture is Christ and Western Civilization! We do *not* need more Chicomm professors and mystery-meat refugees sharing their ‘cultures’ of lies and gibs with us!

THEY ARE NOT OUR PEOPLE! Neither ethnically nor ideologically nor religiously!

If we seek a brighter future, we must relearn a fundamental truth: Our liberty and our happiness depend upon the maintenance of a public culture in which freedom and civility coexist.where people can disagree robustly, even fiercely, yet treat each other as human beings.and, indeed, as fellow citizens.not mortal enemies. .Liberty is meaningless where the right to utter one’s thoughts and opinions has ceased to exist,. Frederick Douglass declared in 1860. Indeed, our liberal democracy is rooted in and dependent upon the shared understanding that all people have inherent dignity and worth, and that they must be treated accordingly.

Cult of Nice. “Yes, Jesus, Satan disagrees fiercely with you but you must learn to coexist with him in freedom and civility… not as mortal enemies.”

I was not being trivial with that. The Marxists are murdering police officers right now, in America. It’s time to fight, not remember that civility with mortal enemies is the greatest virtue.

And look, the authors of this statement reached for Frederick Douglass for legitimacy. While I’m glad to see the Cucks expanding their stable of role models beyond William Wilburforce, they still haven’t morally advanced beyond dependence on Negro approval. That’s a problem now that BLM is a full-on, cop-killing, interstate terrorist organization.

As Americans, we desire a flourishing, open marketplace of ideas, knowing that it is the fairest and most effective way to separate falsehood from truth.

Skip 465 words of Cuck verbiage. If you can’t make your point in less than half a novella then your reader can be forgiven his inadequate attention span.

To be sure, our free speech tradition is not absolutist. It does not embrace certain, limited categories of speech, such as defamation, obscenity, intimidation and threats, and incitement to violence.

If the authors of this piece believed these two sentences, they would be advocating the criminal punishment of Lefty Cancel Culture behavior instead of begging them to stop and play nice.




Seriously, people, don’t sign this statement. The Marxist Revolution is NOW and they are guaranteed to win because of three generations’ total control of our schools. Not to mention the total, nay calculated uselessness of Cuckservatives. This statement will be nothing but a convenient list of dissidents available for the amusement of interstate terrorist organizations.

If the Marxists even bother using terrorists. Angry blacks whining about Tyrone getting shot have been sufficient thus far to cow Republican politicians into submission. Frederick Douglass would not ignore any black grievances!

Who wrote this bone-headed, tone-deaf and naval-gazing piece of trash that will inevitably serve to benefit our enemies? The search was brief.

Thought control and cancel culture overtakes colleges and universities

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By Peter Wood and Pete Peterson, 10 August 2020

Peter Wood is president of the National Association of Scholars and Pete Peterson is dean of Pepperdine University’s School of Public Policy.

The authors are Establishment Cuckservatives trying to maintain their seats in the inner circles of power. They have a serious problem: Cancel culture is removing them from the Left-Right two-step that has run the American Empire since the civil rights era in American politics pushed Southerners into the Republican camp. It’s now the Left-Terror two-step, to use the French Revolution’s precedent.

The people being canceled are now the heads of think tanks and school administrators–read, Pete & Peter–who dare to be white but not proud to be white, and they want that nonsense to stop without them taking the obviously necessary & dangerous steps of either Lex Talionis or caring back when we little people were getting Cancel Cultured.

They did not become heads of prestigious organizations in order to solve society’s problems!

.Cancel culture. has taken a toll on newspaper editors, actors, CEOs and professors, with no real sign of stopping anytime soon. If there are encouraging signs, it is that there has been a recent flurry of public declarations about the importance of freedom of expression and speech to the flourishing of our civic institutions following each successful dethronement. In no sphere have these statements come more fast or so furiously as academia.

No. There has been a recent flurry of white and/or conservative men trying to protect their jobs, their lives and their families from the braying mobs of YOUR STUDENTS, Dean Peterson. Few of the bourgeois will deserve their fate as much as you.

That is because academia’s proudest boast for the last hundred years has been its devotion to free inquiry.

For the last hundred years, academia has been devoted to the destruction of Christianity. Hello Enlightenment, evolution, Marxism and worst of all, female empowerment.

Exhibit A: The “Faculty Letter” to the president of Princeton University from some 250 faculty members and students demanding a committee to preview all faculty research and publication to ensure that it comports with their ideas about how to fight racism. The Princeton letter has attracted a lot of attention, but it has counterparts at many colleges and universities where a vocal minority has summoned the spirit of collective control over what can be thought and said.

Again, that didn’t happen in a vacuum. That “vocal minority” is not trying to play fair.

The voices of censorship often have an echo in the university’s top leadership. In the wake of the death of George Floyd while in Minneapolis police custody, many college and university presidents issued statements elevating “antiracism” over every other aspect of higher education. Proposals for new curricula proliferated along with calls for research reviews, new hiring processes and staff training . all with little to no deliberation.

Aww, nobody is seeking Dean White Boy’s input anymore.

Few care to examine whether these directives will cure the alleged problems. They just might, like an ill-advised surgery, make the patient worse.

Evil. The word for their behavior is EVIL, not “ill-advised”.

It is a short step from “antiracism” to using any accusation of racism . however unfounded and unfair . to silence and ostracize anyone who dissents from a currently popular opinion.

Not just anyone. White Christian men specifically. This article is a study in not seeing the Pink Jewish Elephant spraying chunky black diarrhea all over the glass-paneled living room while screaming Die, Whitey, Die!

Many of the critical responses to the new calls for censorship have been thoughtful. They are grounded in the timeless qualities that have made American universities such important learning communities that, to borrow from Harvard’s “Mission Statement,. prepare “citizens and citizen-leaders for our society..

I suspect Harvard will not be accepting this olive branch to resume the Left-Right ballet. Harvard has its hands full with the Jews fighting off the Chicomms to remain America’s secret, xenophobic ruling class of choice.

At Brown University, the president issued a “Letter from Brown’s senior leaders: Confronting racial injustice,. which included this line describing the signers. feelings regarding current events: .The anger comes from knowing that we have been here before, and in fact have never left..

This is, indeed, the time when academia could and should be playing its centuries-old role to convene civic and open dialogue about the challenges confronting our nation . from race relations to the public policies that best respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

You can see how the “Philadelphia Statement” was derived from this article.

Unfortunately, many American colleges and universities have instead helped to shut down debate in the classroom. They have also chilled research and discouraged professors from presenting dissenting ideas to the general public. A blanket of ideological conformity now covers most campuses.

A WRONG KIND of blanket of ideological conformity of academia. Fixed it for you.

As two people engaged in the defense of the basic principles of Western civilization in higher education . one through a national organization, and the other at a graduate policy school . we are signatories to a new declaration of the importance of robust but civilized debate in our society: the “Philadelphia Statement: On Civil Discourse and the Strengthening of Liberal Democracy..

…And there it is.

We support this statement because we believe that, despite its faults, American higher education can still help to restore America’s center of gravity.

Pete Peterson and Peter Wood, you are criminally stupid, willfully blind and incompetently treacherous. You ARE the faults in America’s higher education system. You deserve to bleed out your last drop in the concentration camps occupying your near future. You deserve to have your voices silenced, your wealth confiscated, your homes burned out and your children raised to hate you.

No, no, don’t blame me for saying that. I won’t be doing it. The people you should blame, the people who will do it, are the ones you pointedly refused to blame in these very two articles.

Now tell the world that I have the right to wish that harm upon you because viewpoints you don’t like should be tolerated.

As a nation we need to re-learn how to tolerate views we dislike and how to debate people with whom we disagree. The “Philadelphia Statement” points the way.

QED, motherCuckers!

Cosigned by academics…




…and faith leaders…


…this nonpartisan declaration warns, .A society that lacks comity and allows people to be shamed or intimidated into self-censorship of their ideas and considered judgments will not survive for long.. Threats to free and civil discourse now mar almost every American institution.

We believe that by returning to its foundational commitments, higher education can change our culture for the better. The Constitutional Convention of 1787 was memorably described by Catherine Drinker Bowen as the “Miracle in Philadelphia.. Nearly two-and-a-half centuries later, we’d settle for this “Signal on the Schuylkill” to reaffirm our national commitment to viewpoint diversity and civic dialogue.

Stick a fork in Conservatism. It’s done. The barbarians have finally reached their gates and their Plan A is to beg for the equality they were promised.

Do not sign the Philadelphia Statement.

The Satanist Sheriff

You probably heard that an openly transsexual demon-worshiper has won the Republican endorsement for Sheriff in New Hampshire. You probably didn’t hear hir’s acceptance speech.

It’s hard to believe anybody of either gender would want sex with that thing. My preferred pronouns for Aria DiMezzio will be male because I guess that’s what the DNA would say.

Well… yeah… WTF, New Hampshire? I was expecting Aria to be a black woman and this post would be about white NH voters having that much race guilt stinking up their head spaces. But whatever gender Aria identifies as, that’s a whitey, baby!

How could this have happened?

First-in-History Transgender Candidate Enters Race for Cheshire Sheriff as Libertarian

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By Ian, 15 September 2018

In what appears to be a historic first, the Libertarian Party of Western NH has nominated Aria DiMezzo as their candidate for Cheshire County Sheriff. DiMezzo says that her research shows that she may be the first-ever transgender candidate for Sheriff in United States history.

Year 2020 is her second run at Sheriff.

The last-minute filing was thanks to the Libertarian Party of NH re-attaining major party ballot access on the level of the republicans and democrats for the first time in over two decades. That means that the party executive committee has the ability to appoint a slate of candidates to fill any races for which no one had yet filed or won enough write-in votes in the primary election. Parties have one week from the primary date to file such a slate.

The Free State Project was a Libertarian effort to self-relocate en masse into New Hampshire in order to create a truly Libertarian state by weight of numbers. It amounted to fewer than 5k people actually relocating, an interesting and cautionary example to the Benedict Option types in the Manosphere.


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With the largest state legislature in the nation, New Hampshire offers the highest ratio of representation and easy access to politics. There are currently more than 20 Free Staters in the legislature, with more than 45 having served as Democrats, Republicans, and Libertarians. About 100 liberty-minded individuals who aren’t affiliated with the FSP serve in state government.

New Hampshire has small, easy-to-canvass voting districts, with each member of the House of Representatives representing about 3,300 people. Local, nonpartisan elections are ubiquitous. The state has a long tradition of local control through town meetings, where town citizens vote on their budgets line-by-line.

Independent voters comprise about 42% of the New Hampshire electorate, attesting to the citizens. spirit of independence and dissatisfaction with major parties. A number of Free Staters are involved with the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance (NHLA), a non-partisan coalition working to increase personal freedom through education, political action, and charity.

It sounds like winning the Republican nomination in NH is less a statement of ideology or insider status than it is elsewhere in the Union.

End segue

It.s an interesting approach and throws a surprise libertarian challenger into a long-stale county sheriff’s race that has been a re-match for several terms between incumbent democrat Eli Rivera and longtime republican challenger Earl Nelson.

Earl Nelson ran in 2018 but not 2020. That opened the door for her to run as a Republican against Eli Rivera.

My best answer about how this came to pass is the Republican Party is so insular and Establishment that it didn’t bother to disciple any replacements. DiMezzo was the only Not-the-Democrat in town. Boomers gonna Boom.

For the consequences, we proceed to

‘Transexual Satanist anarchist’ wins GOP nomination for sheriff NH

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By Adam Shaw, 12 September 2020

Marilyn Huston, the chair of the Cheshire County GOP, congratulated DiMezzo for the victory and said she “did very well with the primary and that was wonderful.” However, Huston said DiMezzo never showed up to GOP meetings and events, despite being invited.

Female leadership. What a pity for Marilyn that DiMezzo has no intention of winning:

Inside Sources reports that she will not campaign against popular incumbent Democrat Eli Rivera, who is seeking a fifth term.

I checked why a self-described transsexual Satanist would be okay with Rivera for a Sheriff.

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Cheshire County Sheriff Eliezer “Eli” Rivera will be one of four New Hampshire co-chairs for Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg’s campaign going into the primary on Feb. 11.

Rivera, a Democrat, endorsed Buttigieg last year and has even appeared in a campaign ad.

Rivera joins three women also named to the prestigious post: Maura Sullivan, a former assistant secretary of Veteran Affairs under then-President Barack Obama; former Lebanon Mayor Suzanne Prentiss; and Jennifer Frizzell, former vice president of policy at Planned Parenthood New England.

Nothing that an abortion-loving homopedo male feminist Jew will do as Sheriff is likely to upset a Satanist.

And now, DiMezzo’s acceptance speech.

A Time of Self-Reflection

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Hate mail is really coming in now, although most of it is just passive aggressive nonsense that says what it means to say without explicitly saying it. C.est la vie. I’m used to receptions that aren’t exactly warm. In fact, I’m used to quite a bit worse. Let’s face it: I do a nationally-syndicated radio show that streams to the Internet, where I have my own Youtube channel, and where I do my own gaming streams. Rarely does any stream go by without someone coming along just to talk about me being a freak. Again: c.est la vie. I’m quite happy with things.

Of course he is. You can’t call somebody a freak when they live in Freakton. I would be the freak in DiMezzo’s circle:

Left, DiMezzo. Middle, LPNH Chairman Chip Spangler protecting his manhood while accidentally displaying bigger manboobs than the tranny’s. Right, programmer and former Mayoral candidate Robert Call who in 2018 lost against former NSA agent Sparky von Plinsky for US Representative.

Sparky, because I knew you’d be curious.

As of late, I’ve been called a “wolf in sheepskin.” First of all, it’s worth pointing out that a libertarian anarchist who runs as a Republican isn’t a wolf in sheepskin; they’re a sheep in wolfskin. The Republicans and Democrats are the parties of hostility, aggression, taxation, military-style policing, unconstitutional mandates, states of emergencies, unending war, and murdering children around the globe. As of yet, no elected libertarian anarchist has done any of those things.

No elected libertarian anarchist has yet existed but he’s right that our leaders are not our people.

So you’re mad. I get it. I promise you: I get it. You feel betrayed. You may even be wondering how the party that you so believed in could do something like this. But, odds are, you’re blaming me. Most people are probably angry at me, and blaming me for all this. That’s silly. I was always upfront about who I am. The good man in Rindge who looked into me found out everything he needed to know with a simple Google search. There it was, plain as day:

Anarchist. Shemale. Tranny. Libertarian. .Fuck the police.” Free Talk Live. Bitcoin. Reformed Satanic Church. Black Lives Matter.

It.s all there. None of it is a secret. I couldn’t possibly have been more upfront about who I am, or my position on things. Did none of you pay attention to the election two years ago, when I criticized Eli Rivera for not going far enough with his sanctuary policy? Did none of you remember the six foot tall tranny who ran for sheriff and then city council?

Emphasis his. Nobody cares who wins elections because of a toxic combination of stupidity, apathy and most of all, NO LONGER BEING INVOLVED IN THE ELECTION PROCESS.

I used to care who my candidates were. Here’s an experiment I did with voting randomly:

Because the fact is that you didn’t bother. You trusted the system. You trusted the establishment. You trusted the party. You felt safe. You were sure that there must be some mechanisms in place to prevent from occurring exactly what just occurred. Your anger is misplaced if you direct it at me. Please listen. Your anger is with the system that has lied to you. Your anger is with the system that convinced you to believe in it, trust in it, and have faith in it, when it is completely and utterly broken.

Well… yeah.

More than 4,000 people went into the voting booth on September 8 this week, and they all filled in the circle by my name despite knowing absolutely nothing about the person they were nominating to the most powerful law enforcement position in the county. That’s a level of recklessness of which any decent human being should be ashamed.

Emphases his again. Why is this Satanist making sense?

Really, whose fault is all this? You don’t know anything about the people you’re voting for. You’re just blindly voting for them because you trust in the party, you trust in the system. Well, the party is broken, and the system is broken. It’s all broken.

False guilt. The fault is Marilyn Huston’s for accepting DiMezzo as a Republican candidate despite his being a walking abomination to everything the Republican Party pretends to care about.

I.m running for sheriff because I oppose that very system, and the sheriff has the most hands-on ability in Cheshire County to oppose that system. The system that let you down by allowing me.the freaking transsexual Satanist your sheriff candidate is the same system I’m attacking. I’m sorry, and I know it hurts to hear, but that system is a lie. The entire thing is a lie. It’s broken from beginning to end, and my existence as your sheriff candidate is merely how this reality was thrown into your face.

I cannot say he’s wrong… especially about his being part of the problem.

I hope that I’ve convinced you that your anger is misplaced if you are angry at me. I didn’t do this. I didn’t ask you to trust me.

He solicited votes knowing he was untrustworthy.

I didn’t ask you to “vote blue no matter who” or whatever equivalent slogan Republicans use. The system did. You should be angry. You should be practically foaming-at-the-mouth in rage, livid at what has happened.

I already am, DiMezzo, but when Normie Americans reach where I am today then it’ll be a dark time for you Satanists. Maybe instead of mocking us you could help? Other than letting your Jewish handler win? Because Jewish subversion is a major, MAJOR part of how American Government went evil in the first place.

First DiMezzo rails against the system being broken, then she refuses in advance to run against (((those most responsible))).

The state failed you. Not me. The party, the Republicans, the State of New Hampshire, the United States. The entire apparatus that you believe in. That failed you. I was honest. They weren.t.

“Knowledge is the greatest gift”, eh? No. Christ’s Grace is the greatest gift. Knowledge only made us aware of our need for it and Him. Yes, our society is totally corrupt. No, there is no mortal solution; everything we build from the ashes will be corrupted once again. But Christ has given us this: you scum ain’t gonna have the final word.

Keep your knowledge, Aria. I have faith.

If you agree, know this: the first step to fixing this mess, where we have a system where more than 90% of .highly-connected. and .politically-aware. primary voters don’t actually have any idea who they are voting for, is to secede from the United States. Limit the damage that other ignorant people can do to you.

I’ve heard similar thoughts in the Manosphere. The common thread to all of it is “other people are the enemy”. That’s not going to work in either the short term or the long term. Organization is how the problem will be solved, not in further atomization which was the devil’s plan from the beginning.

Imagine a person in California, Mississipp, Colorado, Washington, or Oregon voting for who is going to decide what you can and can’t do, when they don’t know the very first thing about that person. Imagine the millions upon millions of votes being cast each year in abject, complete, and total ignorance of the people who are being voted for. I don’t know how you can see me become the Republican nominee for sheriff and not become an anarchist, to be honest. Look how clueless the average voter is!

I’m looking at how impotent the average voter is. Look at all those activist judges sticking their gavels into policy decisions, look at all the legislators and executives telling us how they know how we should live, then tell me the problem is the average voter.

Sweet Satan, how can you not be an anarchist?! Between 75 and 80% of the primary voters.the ones alleged to be more politically aware than the average voter.were completely and totally ignorant of who they were voting for! What is the percentage with the average voter? 90%? 95%? These people are deciding who gets to rule you.

Nope. If we were a democracy then Orlando Bloom or his A-list celebrity equivalent would be our President. Instead, we’re being offered “Creepy Joe” Biden.

The game’s up, DiMezzo. You should have stayed at “the system is broken” which it truly is. But no, you had to go one further and invite us to join you in smashing the system.

There is an authority beyond all human ones. I find myself freed from the laws of men because they destroyed their own legitimacy but that does not make me an anarchist. I remain constrained by the law of God, by His morality and conscience, and in those restrictions I find a comfort, nobility and DECENCY that you, DiMezzo, in your shock-jock transsexual brick-throwing will never know.

The law was not made for the lawful, but the lawbreakers. Man’s law may fail but you, Dimezzo are still a lawbreaker. You know that there are only two genders yet have chosen to live as a rebel against that knowledge… and you now call for others to join you in your eternal rebellion.

How about instead of secession, we start some criminal justice…Sheriff?