College Sportsball Debates Seppuku

One the one hand, professional sports needs a hard reset. On the other hand, a world without ANY sports would be the poorer. For better or worse, pro athletics has long been a cultural staple of American life and I’m not eager to see it get Cancel Cultured at the same time as the entire rest of American history.

Why COVID -19 Outbreaks in College Sports Are Scary as Hell

By Emily Shugerman, Gender Reporter, 12 July 2020

Like I said, HARD RESET.

“COVID-19 outbreaks in college sports are scary as Hell” because for the first time in their sheltered, overpaid, unproductive lives, the cost of their next meal is telling overprotective, hysterical Karens to sod off. As predicted by Christianity, most men would rather die.

Gene Taylor thought he was playing it safe when he allowed preseason football practices at Kansas State University to start on June 15. It was two weeks later than some other teams had started practicing.a significant setback in the hyper-competitive Big 12 conference. Every athlete was quarantined for at least a week after they arrived, then tested for the virus. Those who tested negative underwent daily temperature checks and questioning before they could work out. For the first week, it looked like the team had pulled off the impossible: Not one player tested positive.

But a few players showed up late, either because they were freshmen or transfer students, and weren’t tested until the Friday before. The athletics department told them to isolate themselves until the following Monday, when they would get their results back. But college students are college students, and two of them didn’t listen. One player went to a birthday party over the weekend; another went to play video games in an apartment with eight to 10 other people.

Good for them. They aren’t putting their lives on hold for a do-nothing disease.

.That’s when it started to spread,. Taylor told The Daily Beast in an interview this week..We had two more, and then we had six, and then we had eight..

On June 20, after 14 student-athletes tested positive for the coronavirus, the school suspended football practice until at least July 14.

That’s “tested positive”. Not “symptomatic”, “sick” or least of all “dying on a respirator”.

.The worry for everybody is, how do you protect these kids?. Taylor said. .We can’t put them in a bubble, they are going to go back to their apartments and dorm rooms..

He added: .It’s going to be a bumpy road for college football..

“If it save JUST ONE LIFE from testing positive for a disease so deadly that it INFECTS MILLIONS OF PEOPLE then we must exterminate all fun in the world!”

In many ways, it already has been. In the six weeks since the NCAA allowed colleges to start preseason training, at least nine schools have suspended practices because of virus outbreaks on their teams. More than 50 schools have reported one or more cases in the athletics department, and over a dozen have reported more than 30. The Big 10, Pac-12, Atlantic Coast, and Patriots League conferences have all made significant changes to their season schedules, and 14 schools have cancelled them altogether.

Of course, sports teams aren’t the only places on campus where coronavirus can spread. (The University of Washington was recently commended for “staying ahead of the coronavirus” after no new athletes tested positive for a week, despite the fact that at least 117 people living in the school’s frat house had tested positive days earlier.)

That’s the smart move. Spread the virus now, college kids, or you’ll be locked down and quarantined indefinitely “for your safety”.

But experts say the results of preseason training contain clues about what we can expect when hundreds of thousands of students return to the 60 percent of U.S. campuses that are restarting in-person education this fall.

These athletes, some experts say, are essentially canaries in a very contagious coal mine.

I think [these outbreaks] tell us more about what may happen when we get thousands of students back on campus than just what’s happening on athletic teams,. said Zachary O. Binney, an epidemiologist at the Oxford College of Emory University.

Specifically, NOTHING. A mild bug running through a very healthy population… less the grievance studies department… oh, okay, I understand now and their worry is legitimate. If severe lockdowns and behavior modification tricks can’t protect healthy athletes from exposure then they can’t protect the morbidly obese vegans with Human Immunodeficiency Virus, either.

Good news, feminists! You’re about to become a REAL victim! How fortunate that you have trained your lives for this moment!

.In a group that is interacting a lot with one another, this virus spreads quietly,. he added. .We’ve seen this happen on college campuses with summer sports workouts, and I think there is reason to believe that we may see something similar in the fall..

George Floyd protests = summer sports workouts?

The first team to suspend practice this summer was the University of Houston, which temporarily paused workouts on June 12 after six students on various sports teams tested positive for the virus. (Players at Arkansas State University, Auburn, Texas Tech, Boise State, Florida State, the University of Central Florida, the University of Alabama, and Clemson University others had already tested positive, but the teams elected to continue practicing without them.) Taylor’s team at Kansas State was next, followed by Austin Peay and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.all before the beginning of July.

Then, on June 20, at least a quarter of Louisiana State’s football team was quarantined after being potentially exposed to the virus. According to Sports Illustrated, 30 of the team’s 115 players either tested positive for the virus or were found to have been in contact with someone who had. Some of the players were quarantined after going out to nearby nightclubs, where more than 100 patrons had tested positive.

The contact tracers have apparently been starting with the colleges. Baby steps, I guess. It would be a sharp learning curve to start with the Bundy Ranch bunch.

Still, the NCAA continued with its plan to let schools start mandatory workouts as early as July 6. (At the time the plan was announced, NCAA Football Oversight Committee Chairman Shane Lyons said he thought the association had “landed in a very good spot..) By July 8.two days after mandatory workouts were allowed to start.three more schools had suspended practice.

The NCAA correctly realizes that the cost of preventing the spread of C-Virus will be its continued existence.

One of the schools, the University of North Carolina, reported 37 positive cases in its athletics department in less than a month. In an interview with the News and Observer weeks earlier, head football coach Mack Brown had hinted that the team was having trouble, and seemed to question whether the game could be played safely.

.The young players had a player-led practice the other day and I asked, .how did it go?. he said. .One of them said, .Not very good.. Nobody knew how to social distance and play..

Which is it? Risk a few small boils or live in a HEPA-filtered basement for the rest of your life? I’m having flashbacks to the media crying over Death Row inmates dying of COVID. What part of “natural causes” do you not understand? The “nobody gets out of life alive” part?

.We’re all trying to do what’s right [by the government], we’re trying to be safe [from the government], but we’re trying to [keep our jobs] get our questions answered,. he added.

It.s not that sports are necessarily more dangerous for the spread of the virus than other on-campus activities. In fact, many athletic departments are taking more precautions than will be in place for the general student population.including weekly testing, daily temperature checks, and regular symptom screening. It’s just that the athletes were the first to confront the inherent safety risks of coming back to campus.

Dean L. Winslow, an infectious disease expert at the Stanford University School of Medicine, noted that the LSU players appear to have contracted the virus at bars in town, not at practice.

In this grand contest between Nanny-state tyranny and young adult hormones, my money is on the latter.

He emphasized that the most important factor in virus spread is not cleaning or hand washing, but the small particles that linger in the air when people congregate indoors.

That’s yet another lie from yet another infectious disease “expert”. Cleanliness in general and hand-washing in particular is THE PRIMARY way to prevent the spread of ALL diseases.


On August 12, 2013, Dr. Dean Winslow, a respected Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases physician, Stanford Affiliated Clinical Professor and U.S. Air Force colonel was abruptly fired and escorted from Santa Clara Valley Medical Center. Although there was no official reason given for his termination, Dr. Winslow had spoken out against recent management decisions that negatively impacted patient care and work conditions. We believe he was fired for exercising his right to free speech in his efforts to advocate for our patients and the staff who care for them.

You don’t have a right to free speech against your employer.

Dr. Winslow has dedicated his life to serving the poor and disenfrancished and to training the next generation of doctors. He started the first AIDS clinic in Delaware shortly after the start of the epidemic. For nine years, he served as the Chief of the Division of AIDS medicine and director of the PACE (HIV) Clinic at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, a public teaching hospital, before being elected as Chair of the Department of Medicine.

Most of the infectious disease experts pushing the Chinavirus narrative are longtime AIDS activists. I want to give them a pass because AIDS was where all the infectious-disease money was in the Eighties and Nineties but it’s getting hard to believe they aren’t Sodomite activists working together. Especially with pictures like this one:

I don’t mind him posing with young Afghan boys in his medical office… except one of them has his hand on Winslow’s lap and very close to that sidearm, too. Not a pic I would use for a petition to reinstate me after telling off the hospital director.

Note that Santa Clara is in the California Gay Area.

Dr. Winslow is also an Air Force flight surgeon who has received numerous medals for flying combat missions in Afghanistan and Iraq during 6 operational deployments since 9/11.

End segue.

“It’s nothing specific to sports or sports facilities,. he said. .It’s really just the amount of time spent indoors with large numbers of people..

But sports teams do provide one of the most clear-cut examples of what’s pushing colleges to rapidly reopen: political considerations and financial concerns. Republican governors eager to reopen their states have egged on athletics, allowing stadiums to open up as early as last month and declaring that all professional sports teams are welcome in their states. In Georgia, Gov. Brian Kemp has been pilloried in the press for saying residents should wear masks so they can have a football season.

Problem: COVID-19. Solution: quarantine Republicans. Hmm.

And while Trump has yet to speak out about college sports, some of his most ardent supporters are demanding the season move forward.

Pre-crime is the law enforcement tool of the future.

In an interview on Fox News, former Notre Dame coach Lou early and vocal Trump supporter.compared playing sports in the pandemic to the storming of Normandy: .[The soldiers] knew there was going to be casualties, they knew there was going to be risk, but it was a way of life,. he said.

At the same time, colleges are bleeding money due to the pandemic. For larger institutions, a canceled or even reduced sports season could be a significant blow to their bottom line. According to the U.S. Department of Education, colleges made $14.8 billion off of athletics in 2018, the last year for which data is available.

Texas A&M, one of the top-earning schools, made $192.6 million from its teams in 2013 alone. (Head football coach Jimbo Fisher recently praised Gov. Greg Abbott’s decision to reopen stadiums, telling a local radio station he thought the school’s season would be “pretty close to normal..)

Perhaps because of this, some student-athletes have started advocating for their own protection. In mid-June, as UCLA athletes started pre-season practice, 30 football players signed onto a document saying they did not trust the school to act in their best interest. Among other things, they requested the presence of a third-party health official, protections for anonymous whistleblowers, and a guarantee that each player could decide whether or not to play without fear of losing their scholarship.

Come on, dude. You already made the decision to sacrifice your long-term health to be a chemically-fueled sports god for a decade.

.The decision to return to training amidst a global pandemic has put us, the student-athletes, on the frontlines of a battle that we as a nation have not yet been able to win,. the players wrote, in a letter obtained by the Los Angeles Times. .We feel that as some of the first members of the community to attempt a return to normalcy, we must have assurances that allow us to make informed decisions and be protected regardless of our decision..

Cowards. You don’t get assurances. We do not live in a reality of assurances.

Their concerns may not be too far off base. While many schools have promised not to revoke students. scholarships if they don’t participate this season, several have also required them to sign a waiver releasing the school from liability if they choose to play. A Southern Methodist University waiver obtained by the Dallas Morning News requires players to sign 11 different times, agreeing to “voluntarily assume all risks related to the COVID-19 virus. and waiving their right to litigation.

Ohio State University has asked players to sign a similar document, called “The Buckeye Pledge,. requiring them to adhere to safety protocols but also to acknowledge that they may be exposed to the coronavirus during play. (Gene Smith, Ohio’s athletic director, told ESPN the pledge was more of an educational document than a legal one.) Just this week, the school announced that it was pausing voluntary workouts due to a virus outbreak among student athletes.

It can be an educational document without a legally binding signature… yes?

Rather than have players assume this risk, or assume it themselves, some schools have elected to cancel their seasons altogether. Bowdoin College and the University of Massachusetts Boston were among the first to cancel their seasons in June, followed by the College of New Jersey, Pratt Institute, Williams College, and Morehouse. In the largest such announcement to date, the presidents of all eight Ivy League schools said this week that they would be cancelling their seasons, too.

The presidents of all eight Ivy League schools kept their jobs after this announcement. Victory!

Also this week, the Big Ten and Pac-12 conferences announced that they will allow only in-conference games this fall, reducing the need for long-distance travel and helping to promote more universal testing. The Atlantic Coast Conference is reportedly considering a similar move, while the Patriot League, a conference of smaller Northeast schools, has shortened its season and put restrictions on travel.

In a video for the NCAA released last week, PAC-12 commissioner Larry Scott sounded anxious about what the season would hold.

.I think what we’ve seen over the last few weeks gives us reason to be concerned that when campuses open up, there could be real spikes and pressures on the health-care system,. he said, noting the rising case counts across the country. .From my perspective, that’s really the biggest risk to college sports in the fall.”

And yet, like the soldiers at the Battle of Normandy, some teams are still charging ahead.

Author Emily dishonored those soldiers by comparing the Normandy invasion to contracting a generally asymptomatic virus.

After a 14-day pause, Kansas State athletes have arrived back on campus, in hopes of starting up practice once again.

Asked why it was so important for college athletics to continue, Taylor said the question was better suited for the student athletes.

.When I talk to our athletes, these guys have been dying to get back and working out and preparing,. he said. .These kids just want to play..

He added, .They love the game of football..

*GQ collects his bet on young adult hormones.*

Product Review: Plastic Face Shields!

Do you resent every moment spent wearing a face diaper? Do you sympathize with George Floyd’s “I Can’t Breathe” for all the wrong reasons? Does blocking out human facial expressions make you feel emotionally disconnected from your fellow man? Good news! There is an alternative!

I’ve been field-testing some plastic face shields that finally arrived in the mail.

Protective Plastic Splash Face Shield – Assembled – REUSABLE

This company makes name tags but when Chinavirus lockdowns hit, retooled to make these plastic face shields. That’s the kind of initiative I like to see in a business. I got a couple and spent the weekend wearing them on errands in urban Commiefornia to test both their effectiveness and acceptance. Where I live, there’s not a single business that does not religiously enforce WHO restrictions, complete with Commissar Karens at the grocery entrance, so the testing has been thorough politically as well as practically.

Unlike the above picture, I did NOT wear a cloth mask underneath the shield. A couple commissars stared at me a little but none complained. I wore the mask to my local gym, the hardware store, the grocery, a couple fast-food restaurants (for take-out) and a trip to the beach.

Good points: YOU CAN BREATHE IN THIS! There is no feeling of suffocation at all. Nothing touches your face except the headband. It will fog a little, down where your breath hits it (there was considerable humidity) but it never reached the point of obscuring vision.

Face coverage was excellent. I’d worried that they would be either too open to the sides to count as a face covering or too enclosed for easy breathing, yet both concerns proved to be unfounded.

The headband is surprisingly comfortable. I have little head hair yet it never slipped, not even when I was grunting out sets of heavy weights at the gym! I pushed myself until the condensation from my breath was raining down this sucker, yet never felt like I was short of breath and it never slipped.

You can also wear glasses with this. My cloth mask makes my glasses fog up.

A surprise bonus is I wasn’t able to touch my face while wearing the shield. That’s how disease really gets spread, y’know, and most people touch their faces many times without even noticing. Face shields prevent that entirely! Be sure to use this as a selling point if/when a Karen calls you out for not wearing a CLOTH mask.

Bad points: The plastic material is the same stuff as the stiff, clear name tags that you wore at large conventions and similar occasions in your past life of America as a free country. No surprise, given the company’s heritage. Thus, it’s not the ideal material for this application. It will blur your vision a little (lots of tiny scratches) and it’s not durable enough to handle wind or mishandling, but honestly you aren’t paying enough for that (current price is $18). Polycarbonate face visors will set you back several hundred dollars.

They are reusable and easily cleaned, however, so with a little care they should last until the plastic roughs up too much for good vision. Probably a month or two of regular use.

Conclusion, for indoor work, running errands and visits to the gym, this allows you to comply with quarantine guidelines* without having to spend your summer filtering oxygen through sweat-soaked bacteria gardens. For outdoors work, however, they lack the sturdiness to survive rough handling and the elements.


*Quarantine guidelines subject to change hourly with no notice or relationship to reality. Plastic face shields prevent kissing political ass.


John Stonestreet Parrots the Party Line

Amid rising frustration with middle-manager-for-the-State clergy, the Colson Center helpfully reminds Protestants that their pastor has a Divine Right to Rule.

Pastor or Parrot? Lessons from the Coronavirus Pt. 11

By John Stonestreet and Maria Baer, 7 July 2020

Because Christian theology is best served under female oversight.

Pastoring is always a difficult job. I can’t think of another job, in fact, in which someone is hired to do one thing (typically, lead and disciple God’s people) but evaluated on a completely different thing (namely, growing the audience and the budget).

That should have been John’s first clue that pastors aren’t doing their job.

Pastoring would not be difficult if pastors practiced discipleship, that is, training their replacements. When I train a new guy at work, I want him to eventually not need me anymore so I can play video games and Internet porn while he makes me a bushel of money. Something like that, anyway. I train new guys to do my work, not to cheerlead while I martyr myself at 80 hours per workweek.

But pastors, they insist on doing it all from the Sunday sermon to marriage counseling to visiting the sick to defying unlawful government. If they would simply teach a layman to help with the hard tasks then their stress levels would drop considerably.

That’s layMAN, nota bene, not co-author Maria Baer. Seeking help from female clergy/theologians will make the pastor’s job much harder than simply taking a hit for God’s “no wimminz in pulpits” rule.

Pastoring during coronavirus seems even more unenviable. Zoom stock might be way up as the new preferred platform for corporations and schools, but there is no digital substitute for the sort of face-to-face work pastoring requires.

Masks are anti-Christian because they interfere with how God made us. Our faces are the primary method by which we express emotions (hence my interest in physiognomy as a predictor of emotional states). It’s possible to show emotion by voice or pantomine but it’s much harder, less efficient and it’s simply not how God wired us.

If masks were medically necessary then wouldn’t people wear them voluntarily? Why not just let the people who want to risk getting sick, risk get sick? The reason opposition to mask-wearing is a thing is because Normies are getting upset with having to wear masks EVEN WHEN STANDING IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE. They ask if masks actually work for blocking viruses and get told “Maybe they do, now obey your New Normal masters!”

That is not hygiene. That is social engineering. Effort to twist human nature into a shape not Created by Our Creator.

When to close down was a tough decision. When to reopen is even more difficult. If pastors choose to strictly adhere to state guidelines, they will upset people. If they ignore or relax those guidelines, they upset others.

They upset anti-Christian government officials to whom pastors have no loyalty. Separation of Church and State, remember?

Also, the Karens who love them.

In almost every church I know of, pastors face a no-win proposition right now.

The siren song of incompetent leaders is that nobody cares about them. It’s true! A real leader would solve the problem instead of wishing for an easy out.

That plus their enthusiasm for wearing face diapers makes it easy for me to see Church leaders as faceless, subhuman cogs in the New World Order. Not caring about them has never been so easy!

But perhaps I’m being unfair. After having chased off everybody but geriatric Baby Boomers, modern churches are basically day trips for nursing home invalids who expect to die at any moment. I cannot dispute that the strict nursing home guidelines would be appropriate… guidelines such as “forced acceptance of confirmed disease carriers” a la New York City.

That’s the kind of scum you pastors are now taking orders from.

In addition to navigating a global pandemic, pastors must also deal with our already intense and only intensifying cultural firestorms.

Poor clergy. They thought they’d found the perfect sinecure then once installed in the seats of power, unexpected events demanded real acts of leadership & courage from them. Small wonder that they can’t obey the China Health Organization quickly enough.

While we all must navigate the issues of race, sexuality & gender, criminal justice, political divisions, and other markers of our fallen human nature that dominate this cultural moment, pastors face expectations that many of us don’t. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen this phrase on social media recently: .If your pastor doesn’t preach about X from the pulpit this Sunday, it’s time to find a new church.” Same phrase, but the X changes with the headlines.

Don’t get me wrong. As the true account of the human condition, the Bible has this quality of universal relevance. Pastors should make the connection between the timeless truths of Scripture and our particular context, both in their preaching and in their leading. There are times that to not address something from the pulpit is to be louder than addressing it, and churches that never address controversial issues risk giving their people the impression that the Bible is our own personal, private collection of encouragements rather than the personal, public and true account of the human condition.

It is a poor shepherd who blames his flock. Where did the little people acquire this “my way or the highway” attitude? From the pastor. Here’s a thought: ALLOW DISSENT IN YOUR CHURCH. Give some pulpit time to competing ideas and philosophies. Don’t smack them down afterwards, either, just allow people to speak their mind when they have something to say and let people decide for themselves. Maybe then your church won’t split every time somebody gets a funny idea.

At the same time, the loud demands placed today on pastors to not only hold but to articulate our approved opinions reveals more about us than about our pastors. After all, if we are confident our pastor is called by God and entrusted by Him to lead us into His Word and His will, that leaves little room for making demands on what he teaches.

Why is Protestant Stonestreet spouting a Vatican belief? Is this not exactly what the Reformation was all about?

The average pastor can’t lead the way out of a paper sack, to say nothing of being supernaturally appointed an infallible Priest-King by God Himself because congregants are too stupid to live by their own wits.

Also, our loud demands that a pastor “talk about subject X,. almost always means “say specifically what I want him to say about subject X.. But that also means we’re not really looking for a pastor or a teacher anymore. We’re looking for a parrot.

To misquote Jesus, “They want you to be a parrot because you first wanted them to be parrots.”

Now we get to the crux of Stonestreet’s complaint:

The demands pastors face can range from mountains to molehills, but, in too many cases, they are treated the same. To bring up the most common elephant in the sanctuary today, everyone has strong feelings about masks. I do too. But being asked to wear a mask in church by pastors seeking to comply with civic authorities or protect the health of parishioners is not a matter of orthodoxy. This is not a sufficient cause of outrage or of making demands for our pastor’s compliance. And it’s certainly not worth leaving a church over.

John, if you loved God then you wouldn’t fear death. You would let the congregants decide for themselves what health measures they should take. But no, Pastor gets to make health decisions for everybody… and what a coincidence that our Dear Leaders courageously decided to tiptoe the Christ-hating, Christ-banning government guidelines!!!

“No more singing hymns until the government gives permission” IS ABSOLUTELY A MATTER OF ORTHODOXY! No more Communion, the State says! No more baptisms! This is NOT OKAY!

Keep in mind that pastors are called to shepherd specific congregations. Though the big cultural issues are always relevant, each community and each congregation find themselves in a specific time and place (as Paul told the Athenians) with specific people and circumstances all orchestrated by God. For example, a church connected to an addiction recovery center, as is the home church of a colleague, will be made of people with specific needs and challenges that others may not have.

And a church connected to Planet Earth has the specific need of obeying the World Government, er, World Health Organization, in all matters religious?

What is really at stake here is that we all need to foster a proper ecclesiology, (that.s a $.50 word for the doctrine of the church). When we view church like we do so much of 21st-century Western life, as consumers, we’ll see church as a place to be entertained or affirmed, in our feelings and in our views. That, rather than a fidelity to Christ and His Gospel, is what’s driving so much of the entitlement we feel, and pastors face.

For two full generations now, the organized Church has refused to be a benefit to the people of God. We are “consumers” only in the sense that some of us think church participation should benefit us, not merely the credentialed inner circle and the NGO charities they approve of.

I predict Stonestreet will find his new ecclesiology in Rome. He already floated the concept of Divine Right to Rule.

Every church and every Christian, of course, ought to expect and demand that pastors preach the true Word of God with passion and courage. We ought never allow a pastor to abuse his power or his position in exploiting the congregation.

Still, we ought never demand that our pastor never disagree with us.

Strawman. Nobody demands that his pastor NEVER disagree with him.

The holy willingness of a pastor to say what’s true is only matched by the holy willingness of Christ followers to hear what we may not like. And again, don’t leave a church over a mask.

The holy willingness of a modern pastor to preach the Gospel is totally eclipsed by his loyalty to the Christ-hating American governments.

And thank God, even the remainders in the pews are noticing “I Can’t Breathe”.


Carsyn Davis Died of Church-Borne COVID?

The Leftist media is on the warpath against churches reopening. Here’s their latest faulty accusation:

Medical examiner: Teen who died from COVID-19 attended large church event days before death

“Carsyn Davis, who died on June 23, is one of the youngest people in Florida to die from the virus.”

By Evan Dean, 6 July 2020

LEE COUNTY, Fla. – The 17-year-old Lee County girl who died from complications of coronavirus was at a church event with 100 other kids two weeks before she died, according to the medical examiner’s investigative report into her death.


Carsyn Davis, who died on June 23, is one of the youngest people in Florida to die from the virus.

Physiognomy: genus Social Justice Warrior, species Trigglypuff.

The Miami-Dade County Medical Examiner Department, which put together the report, said Davis had a “complex medical history” with a number of health problems. In a GoFundMe page for Carsyn’s family, her mother wrote that Carsyn battled cancer and a rare autoimmune disorder from an early age.

Slow yer hyperventilation. Like most non-elderly victims, this young girl had enough preexisting conditions to disqualify her from ever purchasing life insurance.

The ME.s report said on June 10, Carsyn attended a “church function.. NBC2 has confirmed it was a youth church event hosted by First Assembly of God in Fort Myers. The medical examiner reported Carsyn was “with 100 other children. She did not wear a mask. Social distancing not followed..

Hard truth: everybody is going to get this disease. There will be no vaccine and frankly, no vaccine is needed now that the disease is well-understood and treatable.

Assuming you aren’t a cancer survivor with an autoimmune disorder.

From June 10 through June 15, the report said Carsyn’s mother, a nurse, and her stepfather, a physician’s assistant, prophylactically treated her with azithromycin, an antibiotic.

Don’t blame the church because it let kids play. Blame the parents’ medical malpractice of using an antibiotic to treat a viral infection. Their jobs mean they should have known better.

Did you catch “stepfather” in that? Carsyn is a child of divorce. That’s a risk factor, too, for just about everything.

But on June 13, she developed symptoms: a headache, sinus pressure, and a mild cough. The report said her family thought she had a sinus infection.

I’m now confused. Which is it? Did they start treating her the same day for exposure to Wuhan Whoop or did they think it was a sinus infection while all the headlines talked endlessly about SARS-Cov-2? Or were they already treating her for a bacterial infection when Chinavirus came along?

Carsyn.s symptoms persisted, and on June 19, the medical examiner reported Carsyn’s mother noted she looked “gray” while sleeping. Her mother discovered her oxygen levels were low, so she gave Carsyn some of her grandfather’s oxygen.

Supporting the medical malpractice idea.

The report said her parents also gave her hydroxychloroquine. In June, it was revoked for emergency use by the FDA, after being touted earlier in the pandemic.

That’s news to me. So, the only permitted treatment in USA will cost $3k per treatment from Gilead BigCorp. instead of $3 like everywhere else in the world.

*checks* The HCQ was “unlikely to be effective” and “had serious side effects”. I heard “we canceled President Trump’s recommendation now that he’s busy with reelection”. And yes, I fully believe that Federal health officials would endanger the lives of every human being in North America in order to make somebody they didn’t like look bad. That’s why they wanted power in the first place.

If they administered HCQ as competently as they did antibiotics… *shrug*

Carsyn was then admitted to the pediatric ICU at Golisano Children’s Hospital, the report said, and she tested positive for COVID-19. Her parents declined intubation.

On June 20th and June 21, she was given plasma therapy. A day later on June 22, she was intubated — but serious problems persisted.

Carsyn was taken to a children’s hospital in Miami for more extreme measures, but ultimately — on the afternoon of June 23– she was pronounced dead.

An autoimmune disorder made that fate nearly certain anyway. She was probably lucky to get 17 years of life.

NBC2 spoke with Pastor David Thomas at the First Assembly of God Church on Monday. He said the church did take precautions to keep kids safe during the June 10 event. Thomas said if kids weren’t practicing social distancing, that was their decision. He said the church wasn’t going to be policing the event.

A valid point. What are we going to do, imprison children in solitary confinement out of fear that they’ll play with each other? Some of the school reopening plans I’ve seen are exactly that.

NBC2 tried asking the church more questions, but we’re still waiting for a response. We stopped by the Davis family home Monday to ask about the report, but we were asked to leave the property.

Smart moves on both sides. Pastor Thomas would have done even smarter to NEVER talk to the media.

First Carsyn had bad parents–note they intentionally misspelled the name “Carson”–then she had an autoimmune disorder, then cancer, then apparently an eating disorder, then she played with other kids at church, then she died of a disease that almost no children have yet died of.

Obviously, all church activities must be permanently banned for the health of humanity. We sicko Christians let our children play without masks!


Full Metal Jacket Jesuit

Buckle up for weirdness. This one starts with some Prot vs Cat but don’t get distracted by it. Once the segue hits, things go screwball.

[Prologue:] The American Mind frequently hosts voices that you will not hear in “mainstream” discourse. We do so in order to reveal the full panoply of the American mind, especially among the young, to our readers. As what was once considered “mainstream” rapidly hollows out, we publish writers representative of often-conflicting subgroups notable for their role in, and reflection of, the intellectual ferment of our era. This essay, presented pseudonymously by an author otherwise unknown to us…

Doubtful, but I must take them at their word for now.

…Is representative of a growing strain of searching, if often reactionary, thought among young religious conservatives. Considered thoughts and arguments in reply are always welcome..Eds.

My considered thought is you editors are being epically trolled because this author called for courage and devotion in an article that he submitted anonymously. Think on that one for a moment. Also, that you posted this because you agree with it and want to steer those “young religious conservatives” but deniably so because you all are damnable cowards.

Corona and the Crown

Corona and the Crown

By “Hugo Thomas”, 30 March 2020

Three’s Company Man, made in the image of the Triune God, has been considered by philosophers and theologians for millennia to be tripartite in nature. In the era before Christ, Plato wrote that man’s soul is composed of reason, spirit, and appetite. Drawing from that theory of the soul, Plato further identified society itself as having three classes corresponding to those parts of the soul: the philosopher, the warrior, and the worker. Since then, Greco-Roman and Christian man has developed a relentless yet salutary obsession with identifying tripartitions in himself and in his world.

The Trinity concept is number 3 in my Top Ten List Of Fun Facts About Biblical Numerology. Seriously, though, invoking Plato is not a good start to a discussion of Christianity.

This litany of threes includes: the division of man’s goods into the spiritual, bodily, and external; of his psychic faculties into intellect, will, and memory; of his moral virtues into prudence, fortitude, and temperance (with justice to balance them); of his spiritual virtues into faith, hope, and charity. Understanding, wisdom, and knowledge; intellectual, irascible, and concupiscible appetites; the devil, the flesh, and the world; obedience, chastity, and poverty; those who pray, those who fight, those who work…

…Huckabee, McCain, and Romney…


Of the aforementioned triads, though, it is the institutions of church, military, and business which will concern us most going forward. Broadly understood, these are the bulwarks underlying political power, the institutions which rule in the spheres of culture, security, and the economy. It is therefore worthwhile to draw out how similar they are in constitution.

As in, not at all? A gentle reminder to clergy that Jesus’ Last Supper sermon was how church leaders are to be the servants of the people, not the masters. A gentle reminder to laity, that was the moment Judas cashed out for 30 pieces of silver.

Is YOUR priest in it for the meal ticket?

Each tends to organize according to Dunbar’s number, a unit of 150 people.the maximum among which a stable social network can be maintained. We’ll call this group of 150 a Dunbar going forward. Our institutions generally start with a Dunbar of commoner men (laymen, enlisted, simple workers) united under a first-level leader (pastor, captain, manager), into a basic unit (parish, company, office). A Dunbar of first-level leaders are united under a primary leader (bishop, general, CEO) to form the principal group (diocese, division, corporation), which is more or less independent. A Dunbar.or more if the country is larger.of these primary leaders may be further grouped under a bishops. conference, high command, or stock exchange. At the absolute summit, a Dunbar of these are headed by the pope of the Universal Church, or, theoretically, can be under an emperor or part of a world-wide exchange system.

This is NOT AT ALL how Christ’s Church operates. It’s how Judas’ Church operates. The little people obey the big people who obey the Important Special People Such As Me.

The other notable class, which can exist in every level of each institution’s hierarchy, is the specialist. These specialists are the monks or religious, knights or special operations soldiers, and merchants or bankers. They will be of particular interest for us later.

This is historically false. The monks, as in monasteries, were outside the system described here. The merchants were also outside the system because they were independently wealthy… and therefore hated bitterly by the authorities.

You will notice that the above is only a loose and semi-idealized description of the important societal institutions, and that it has two large deviations from current reality. For one, the Church has been replaced as the cultural hegemon by the media-educational complex.the educational hierarchy being roughly analogous to the ordinary church hierarchy, and the mass media being analogous to the religious orders. For another, the generals of today have been completely subordinated to the central government in a way that the feudal warlords of the past weren.t. In many countries, they have also been separated from domestic law enforcement and the degenerate counterpart of the knights.the secret policemen.

A paragraph of bafflegarble. Translation: we went wrong because we stopped being a feudal civilization centrally controlled by the Vatican.

If it’s not already obvious, you won’t be seeing any new ideas today. Edit, I should not say things like that.

These changes bring us to our next section. Economies of Skill Right-wing commentators.those who wish to preserve the vestiges of, or restore, Christendom.have been lamenting the decline of the West for years and even centuries. This civilizational decline has been formulated in a multitude of ways: the descent from Catholicism to Protestantism to liberalism to communism to cultural Marxism; from 1517 to 1789 to 1917 to 1968; from feudalism to mercantilism to capitalism to socialism to the welfare state in economics; from Catholicism to Protestantism to deism to atheism to nihilistic relativism in religion; from imperialism to colonialism to nationalism to internationalism to xenophilia in foreign policy; from limited monarchy to absolutism to republicanism to dictatorship to democracy in government.

Ah, Church-limited monarchy, the high point of murdering Christians in the name of Christ. To hear some say it, the good old days.

The drivers of moral customs were learned clergy and theologians backed by the institutional might of the Church; the coercive apparatus was shaped by knights trained from childhood in the art of war; and contractual relations were set by guilds whose members had to go through years of apprenticeship.

This brings us to the real point of the article: now that these Tradcons see the Great Reset coming, they want to peddle their in-house vision of utopia like every other pack of Christ-hating rebels. Just like Communism, totalitarian feudalism has never been tried before! because it failed every time.

It’s a joke, all the modern competing visions of utopia from Papism to LGBT to science-ism to workers-paradise-ism. Humanity will only ever and has only ever known one form of utopia. It is shaped like George Orwell’s boot heel.

In the early 21st Century, new technologies began to allow the ostensibly-dead authentic Right to rise again in the digital age, and history resumed, drawing us swiftly into its throes.

The mass media, over-politicized and aimed at audiences too broad, is declining, and a coterie of content creators with loyal niche audiences.whether they be YouTubers, podcasters, Twitter trolls, bloggers, or cartoon frogs on the internet are filling the void with their own narratives.

They think we’re offering a competing utopia. Ah, well. The truth would only make them attack us while calling us Hitler Luther.

The finances of governments are in shambles, and corporations are getting woke and going broke. While cryptocurrencies and smaller independent businesses have not disrupted these two yet, they are certainly chomping on the bit to do so. In each of these arenas, the mass institutions of the Left are ailing, and the new technologies of the digital age are permitting skilled operators on the Right to fight them.

Time to carpe diem! Never mind that these pundits are the very old guard whose current death throes are lies and cowardice and a total lack of introspection.

You may ask, though, .Isn.t the Left using those technologies just as much as the Right is?. True enough, but to use these technologies well, one must live in accord with reality. The Left Can’t Meme, because its ideas are risible.

The Left can’t meme because it can’t see its own reflection. It can’t see the truth. It can’t understand beauty. It can’t laugh. And it has *ahem* a total lack of introspection.

Their men can’t fight as elite soldiers, because they do not have the required discipline or fortitude. They won’t be able to take advantage of the emerging economic order, because their businesses and gibs machines will fail without having monopoly statuses or governments to bail them out.

These Tradcons think the collapse is “just happening”. Such ignorance would be cute if we right-wingers weren’t actually living through the consequences so these cloistered geriatric fools don’t have to.

As long the Right plays its cards right, with prudence and courage, it will eventually win due to the fact that its political philosophy and its attendant lifestyle are in accord with reality as God made it.

You Papists should try reading Scripture. It’s great and even says how this story will end. Spoiler: you join the devil.

[This] is where the coronavirus pandemic comes in. Instead of being the Great Chastisement itself, we can think of the pandemic as the Little Chastisement, or the Chastisement Before the Chastisement. While chastisements can be truly terrible in their effects, God mercifully bestows them upon those whom he loves for good reasons. In this case one of them, we can believe, is to give breathing room for the emerging Restoration. On the negatory level, we can see this Restoration’s chief opponent.the Establishment.being waylaid right now. Stock markets are wrecked, economies are paralyzed, sportsball is canceled, juvenile jails are closed, healthcare systems are swamped above capacity, and porous borders are tightened. There’s no telling right now just how low the Establishment will be brought.

It appears, then, that now is the Right’s time to rebuild in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, much as the Holy Pope and Great Monarch will, it is said, reconstruct civilization in the aftershocks of the Great Chastisement.

Hm? Scripture says Christ will personally reconstruct civilization.

This is hopefully the moment to lay fertile soil for the coming of those two epochal men. What Is to Be Done? What precisely can we do? If you’re the Holy Pope, you might want to start drafting your edicts.

Your Holy Pope is a totalitarian Jesuit friend of child rapists. I don’t hold it against you, my own branch of Christianity is faring no better, but you keep looking to him as Christ’s Perfect Replacement.

If you’re the Great Monarch, you.ll probably want to gather your court. Chances are, if you’re reading this, though, you’re neither of them. So let’s start with what the least exalted of us can do. If you’re a child, obey your parents in their legitimate commands, ignore everything you are taught in school, and prepare for your adulthood to the extent that is reasonable.

That Commandment does not include a legitimacy qualifier. These religious fools really, really need to read Scripture.

If you’re a woman, aspire to tradwifehood.

Hah, they even said it!

Continuing our fixation with threes, the life of a tradwife boils down to being a trusted spiritual counselor for your husband…


…managing your outward comportment with feminine aplomb, and being the headmistress of your children’s education. The archetypes for those roles are the virgin, the lover, and the mother. Since you can see those roles are contradictory if taken literally, there’s no need to try being all three in actuality. Holding them as ideals is sufficient.

Women are to literally be their husband’s slave, per Scripture. Take your place at Joseph’s feet, Mary!

If you’re a man, do your best to become a patriarch [GQ: like Ward Cleaver]. The essential duties of the patriarch are to lead his household spiritually, protect his family, and provide his dependents with the necessary material goods. Prayer, training, work, and reading are the ordinary ways one improves his ability to do each. Becoming active in, and possibly ascending the ladder of, the Church, the military, and the business world are the usual ways you can fan out and contribute to society. Your archetypes to strive for are the cleric, the warrior, and the merchant.

But not the Pope or Monarch, of course. Ordinary men must revere and obey their betters but with no hope of ever actually becoming one! That would lead to competition! Dissent! LUTHER!

All of the above advice is clich? throughout right-wing internet thought. That’s because it’s correct.

Clich?, yes, so very, very clich?… but then they had to sniff their own brain farts.

Also common among the right-wing web is the exhortation to get together a community of like-minded virtuous men and form a Mannerbund.

No. I want to join a community of righteous, Heritage American bastards who need a politically reliable peer to help guard their redoubt because you Tradcons have not only fucked up so badly that I wonder if your brains are implanted with microchips, you think the problem with me is I have too much free time because God recommended a rest-day. To wit:

What is novel in my essay will be my propositions on how to form two particular types of Mannerbund. First, I.ll sketch out a modest group which most of us are capable of forming. We can call it the Saturday Society, although the “society” part makes it sound more formal than it really is. Basically, it would be a group composed of young men intent on bettering themselves spiritually, physically, and materially through prayer, exercise, and work. But where does “Saturday” come in? … Saturday, as a day when most do not work, would be an ideal time for that.

These editors really take the cake. “Since you aren’t expected to grow my wheat or attend my church on Saturday, here are some activities to keep you from thinking about life too hard.” They would deny us God’s own Sabbath in the name of God.

So what exactly would they be doing together on these Saturdays? The first thing they would do, and the other main reason Saturday was chosen, is the First Saturday Devotion. This would be done because it is an especially powerful devotion and because Our Lady specifically asked us to do it. On the second Saturday of the month, a group work-out, training session, or sports game would be conducted. On the third Saturday, they can do charitable work together. Thus, by doing those three, they can bond together through the application of their habits of prayer, exercise, and work in a way that benefits not just them, but the community and even the world.

God forbid a man ever do anything that benefits himself alone. That would be disgusting!

Now, here are some suggestions on how to recruit for this Society. If you are reading this and interested in forming a local version of this Society…

I quit attending church entirely because it’s infested with Tradcons like these. The demands never stop and the rewards never come. Just sayin’.

…it.s likely that you have friends who would also be interested. Start with them.

Because multi-level marketing is the best way to grow God’s church!

Beyond friends and their networks, I’d suggest going to the Catholic young adult events which most dioceses have. There, talk and befriend people (they’re usually nice and the type of people you.d want to befriend anyway)…

Insultingly patronizing.

…and once you get a handle on that scene, throw out the idea of the Society to the guys who you think would be good fits. Do the same in the gyms you work out at or in your professional circles, although in those places you.ll likely find it harder to get prospects to join a Society so explicitly Catholic. If you can’t find many takers, it’s no problem. There’s no inherent reason why this group would need to have a multitude of members.

In contrast, my second proposed Mannerbund will need to be organized more thoughtfully. This group is much more ambitious in scope, and its creation will require the expertise of a relatively accomplished person. I trust that one of the American Mind’s august readers, or someone that they know, will be up to the task.

Not one of the Anointed leaders of the American Mind wants to volunteer his own effort? Ah, right, feudalism. Nobility still doesn’t want to break bread with the peasants.

Drawing on the demonstrated importance of and need for influence in cultural, security, and economic matters, this Mannerbund will be composed of the men… most capable of operating the levers of power in those zones.the specialists, who are the lifeblood of the bodies which they serve. In short, this dedicated brotherhood will be a religious order, chivalric legion, and banking guild all rolled into one.

Did somebody say “Jew”? No, but calling for a secret society of influential and manipulative insiders is not far off that mark.

It sounds wildly ambitious, but it’s been done before; see one Knights Templar. However, I’m not proposing the revival of the Templars. Instead, this will be a new brotherhood, one that has actually been described by visionaries as an indispensable aid to the Holy Pope and Great Monarch.

“I want the Templars back but I don’t want the consequences of being seen wishing the Templars were back”.

Memo to the American Mind editors: STOP SNIFFING EACH OTHER’S BRAIN FARTS YOU PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE QUISLING COWARD-LEADERS. Nobody is going to do what you say. Everybody is going to look at you demanding powerful heroes spontaneously rise up and then kneel at your feet, you who were too scared to even sign your name to wishing they existed, and everybody will recognize you COWARDS as the one single reason the modern Church is D.E.A.D.

And to receive the added graces which it will need for the upcoming Age of Mary, it will be dedicated to her Immaculate Heart. We shall therefore call it the Brotherhood of the Immaculate Heart, and it will intend to be the lifeblood flowing from her heart, acting as her instrument in spreading her ever-abundant graces throughout the world.

To see how it should be organized, we will first have to describe what ends it will be ordered toward. In an ultimate sense, it will be, as all things should be, for the greater glory of God. More particularly, it will do so by aiming to assist in establishing the social reign of Christ the King and the queenship of His Holy Mother. Even more specifically, it will do it by aiding authorities in the cultural, military, and economic aspects of political life.

Is that the new word for it? “Aiding” authorities in making correct political decisions?

So here is how it will operate in those three spheres. First, the religious aspect of the Brotherhood will naturally take the lead in cultural affairs. As this brotherhood will be comprised of skilled, properly-formed friars, it will be well-suited to take advantage of the previously mentioned Economies of Skill in the media landscape.

Blogs, podcasts, web-courses, online comments, and low-production videos will be its bread and butter at first. If it expands to the size needed to publish traditional mass media and run schools, it may consider doing that as well. This will all, of course, be in support of reverent liturgies and the appropriate art and architecture that go with them.

All must be made to Converge.

And while this cultural engagement will take place wherever the Brotherhood is stationed, we may anticipate that its primary field of action will be in Asia, where the brothers would be missionaries to the great pagan nations.

Where the heck did China come from? That’s a Jewish priority… was I accidentally right about them? Who wrote this Woke garbage? I was going to give the editors a pass but not now.


James Poulos

Last post’s Mexican Reptiloid. The jaw, the eyes, the nose, the ears… not the forehead or hair, however. Hmm.

James Poulos is the Executive Editor of The American Mind, the Claremont Institute’s online publication devoted to driving the conversation about the ideas and principles that drive American political life.

Dr. Poulos graduated from Duke University with distinction in Political Science and received his Ph.D. in Government from Georgetown University.

Jesuit. The executive editor of American Minds is a Jesuit educated in political science and straight-up government, of all the possible alternatives to seminary. This explains SO MUCH of this article from his approval of Pope Pachemama to the idea of the Templars as a secret society pulling strings for humanity’s true masters. Even the Papists are being infiltrated and Converged. A pity they won’t shut up about the Reformation. It prevents us from being allies against the devil.

The author of The Art of Being Free (St. Martin’s Press, 2017), a study of Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, he is also the contributing editor of American Affairs and a fellow at the Center for the Study of Digital Life.

A frequent commentator on technology and the American character, his writing has been featured in publications from National Affairs to National Review and Foreign Affairs to Foreign Policy, and praised at The New York Times, The Washington Post, The New Yorker, and many more. Dr. Poulos has appeared on numerous television and radio programs and delivered remarks before audiences at organizations and campuses across the country. He lives in Los Angeles.

End segue.

Poulos is not just a coward, he’s an infiltrator and subversive. It’s a good sign that he doesn’t (yet) want to be closely associated with the evil he’s pushing. I can make a good guess who wrote this article.

The chivalric element of the Brotherhood would be much the same as the religious. Its occupation will be security concerns; and it will also leverage Economies of Skill by being special operations soldiers, which are so crucial in today’s battlefields, themselves; by being proficient in 4th-Generation Warfare; by using cheap, easily obtainable weapons; and possibly by integrating drones into their arsenals. Its primary burden will assuredly be in protecting innocents from radical Islam.

4GW is all about subversion, not about holding ground or regime change.

Again, the banking facet of the Brotherhood will have parallels to the other two. It will have its proper subject (economics); its particular skills (business expertise and perhaps the pioneering of cryptocurrency usage); its primary field of action (the lands which formerly comprised Christendom). Its members would investigate and do due diligence on whether clients are worthy of transacting with.whether, in particular, they are sufficiently pious and upright.

This… this is a blueprint for the Great Reset.

A question arises as to whether the Brotherhood should have a female branch. Maybe. But the Sisterhood, in keeping with its feminine nature, would have to be a bit different from the Brotherhood. Its nuns would best be more contemplative than the brothers.

Women will be the priests and prophets, not the ditch-diggers.

Instead of protecting others. bodily goods through soldierly means, its nurses would do so through medical care. And, avoiding the high-stakes world of finance, its charitable organization would focus on the simpler methods of giving alms.

“Brides of the State Empire”.

If the Sisterhood will be optional, though, auxiliaries will be integral. First: these oblates, reservists, and part-timers will be needed to enhance numbers. Second, the Brotherhood’s mission will involve engaging with the outside world, which is where these auxiliaries spend their daily lives. Third, auxiliary membership will be a boon for those who are unable to commit to the full life of the Brotherhood, yet would like to do their most for society.

A common pattern of Communist insurgency as perfected by the Jesuits in Central America. For the interested:

Fourth, since birth-rates are in a catastrophic state throughout the world, it will be best to have affiliates who are able to marry and rectify our deficiency of descendants.


Fifth, it is often joked that religious life is the final true solution to the incel and cat-lady questions; if persons of those two groups are not fit for complete membership in the Brotherhood or Sisterhood, they can at least find refuge and purpose as auxiliaries.

Hey, lookit that. American Mind proposed a final solution to the incel question. It’s not going to work because cat ladies would rather die alone than sleep with an incel, and in fact are far along that road.

With these basic functions and classes listed, we may now give a more concrete outline of the organization. Like most specialist groups, it will be on the smaller side in numbers. Each site.which will simultaneously be a monastery, a fortress, and a bank branch.will be staffed by between nine and 18 full brothers, who all manage to live as religious, knights, and bankers.

They will be headed by a superior, who will be flanked by a brother priest to be chaplain of religious affairs, an officer-knight to be captain of security matters, and a managing banker to chair the business operations. Associated with this small group of brothers there would hopefully be scores of auxiliaries and even more clients from the surrounding community.

Once a site reaches more than 18 brothers, it will spin off nine of them and establish a new site. Due to there then being multiple sites, one will have to be designated as the head site. If the Brotherhood grows to be large enough, this cathedral, castle, and corporate headquarters with its grand superior may require the expertise of a bishop, a general, and a CEO.

Revelation 16:13 “I saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs; for they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them together for the war of the great day of God, the Almighty.”

The bishop is the false prophet; the general is the dragon; and the CEO is the beast “that came out of the earth”, sometimes interpreted as a supercomputer for that reason and the reason of “the mark of the beast” being needed for commerce.

Any more precise plans than these can be decided when the time comes.

So, how could such a grandiose organization be formed in today’s world? In short, it won’t be created by no-names like me (who can, though, create local Saturday Societies, which could become bountiful sources of recruits) scribbling on the internet; it instead will be made with the backing of a multitude of experienced and powerful men. Basically, we will need guys like Fr. Chad Ripperger, Erik Prince, and Peter Thiel to sit down and hammer out a plan.

A quick survey: Ripperger is the founder of an exorcist society dedicated to Mary. Erik Prince is the sole proprietor of the mercenary company Blackwater, ex-CIA and private security for the crown prince of Abu Dhabi. Peter Thiel is co-founder of Paypal.

Otherwise, it will become a bunch of eccentric randos LARPing as Templars. This brings up two other obvious difficulties: will the Establishment allow such an organization to exist? And how will weirdos and feds be kept out? These are interrelated. First, we should note that the Establishment isn’t omnipotent and that it already allows churches, private military companies, and dissident businesses to exist.

That didn’t age well.

The principle of religious liberty should shield the Brotherhood from some of the Establishment’s heat. And with the current crisis, Trump in the White House, and potential allies in power, the demand for its suppression is even less likely right now.

Second, and more importantly, it won’t directly oppose the Establishment, but actually cooperate with it in its legitimate exercises of authority.


Third, it won’t do anything illegal or displeasing to the feds. You can’t be entrapped if you refuse to do anything illegal.

Fourth, membership would require great commitment and competency. Weirdos and feds can’t hack that level of dedication; for the same reason, they haven’t been able to penetrate groups like the FSSP.

So, with the Establishment now stretched thin and fearful due to the coronavirus crisis, it may welcome or at least reluctantly accept any help it can get from the Brotherhood in sustaining civilization. The plan is that, when the Establishment inevitably fails, the Brotherhood will be around to aid the Holy Pope and Great Monarch in restoring civilization anew and better than ever.

That sounds a lot darker now than earlier in this post.

We on the Right will succeed in doing this.

No definition of “right” is applicable to what he proposes.

We are the only ones remaining with a true understanding of the tripartite nature of society. We have been gifted by God with the technological means needed for our glorious undertaking. We have been granted the necessary opening for action via the virus. The steps which we must now take are manifest. With the grace of God and the sacrifices of the Brotherhood of the Immaculate Heart, we are guaranteed to slash the standard of Satan, restore Christendom, and crown Christ as King of All Nations. After all, we have been promised, .In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph..

“We are the only ones remaining with a true understanding of the tripartite nature of society. We have been gifted by God with the technological means needed for our glorious undertaking. We have been granted the necessary opening for action via the virus. The steps which we must now take are manifest. With the grace of God and the sacrifices of the Brotherhood of the Immaculate Heart, we are guaranteed to slash the standard of Satan, restore Christendom, and crown Christ as King of All Nations. After all, we have been promised, .In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph..”

That promise is not from Scripture.

Because WE read Scripture, we know that Christ will not be restored to authority by terrorist cells operating in secrecy to bring the priests of Queen Mary into power.

Poulos is a Satanist.

This is what happen when you go full retard.



Physiognomy: Mexican Reptiloid

I’ve been busy at work so this is a quick one. This guy’s story is nothing special but his appearance is… fascinating.

Hate Hoax: Oregon Politico Jonathan Lopez Admits He Wrote Racist Letter to Himself

Jonathan Lopez, an unsuccessful local candidate in Umatilla County, Oregon, has confessed to penning an anonymous racist letter to himself last month, police revealed this weekend.

Lopez, who is of Latino heritage, claimed to have discovered a letter addressed to him filled with racist slurs on June 23, which reportedly included the warning that he and other “Mexicans” were “not welcome here,. according to KEPR-TV. However, he has now fessed up to being the author of the hateful message, the East Oregonian reports.

.The time spent on this fictitious claim means time lost on other matters, not to mention it needlessly adds to the incredible tension that exists in our nation today,. Hermiston Police Chief Jason Edmiston told the newspaper.

.Our investigation has shown that Mr. Lopez wrote the letter himself and made false statements to the police and on social media,. Edmiston wrote. .The end result is a verbal and written admission by Mr. Lopez that the letter was fabricated..

It’s a legitimate hate crime and I think he should be hanged for it together with all the other Not-Sees. Or in his case, Cannot-Unsee-s.

He said the case would be forwarded to the Umatilla County District Attorney’s office for review for initiating a false report, a Class A misdemeanor in Oregon.

Lopez shared a picture of the letter to his Facebook page and has since deleted it. .Don’t waste your time trying to become anything in this county,. it said. .[W]e will make sure you never win and your family suffers along with all the other f.king Mexicans in the area!.

In his comments on the purported hate mail, Lopez claimed that he “holds no resentment for whomever wrote this..

It’s true!

.I.m just simply heartbroken for the lack of knowledge, education, and respect missing,. he stated. .I pray for you and wish you prosperity in your life..

Sounds legit. If I had his level of self-respect… falsifying a hate crime against myself because nobody liked me enough to give me the worldly power I deserve more than the natives… I’d be heartbroken, too. Not to mention his “knowledge” suggesting he could possibly get away with this.

Lopez lost a primary election for a seat on the Umatilla County Board of Commissioners in May 2020.

Attempts by The Associated Press to reach Lopez were not successful. He told the East Oregonian that he meant to speak with Edmiston about racism in Umatilla County and use the letter as an example of the type of racism people experience.

Pathological liar confirmed, no need for face reading.


Metrolink Catfight Exposes A Taulby Roach

Behold Missouri’s first post-police application of law enforcement! *popcorn*

19-Year-Old Allegedly Beaten at St. Louis MetroLink Station While Unarmed Guards Watched

By Katherine Rodriguez, 4 July 2020

Breitbart, I know you’re all lawyered up for obvious reasons but when the beating was captured on camera you can drop the “alleged”.

A 19-year-old woman was allegedly assaulted and beaten by another woman at the Forest Park-DeBaliviere MetroLink Station in St. Louis, Missouri, on Thursday.

CATFIGHT!!! Yee-haw!

Not only did bystanders refuse to intervene during the attack; two unarmed security guards patrolling the area did nothing to help the situation either, KTVI reported.

The incident is under investigation by the Bi-State Development Agency, but an early conclusion from the investigation was that the guards should have done more to help.

Dalrock’s Law: “Feminism is the assertion that men are evil and naturally want to harm women, followed by pleas to men to solve all of women’s problems.”

Yes, the guards being paid minimum wage to be bored, legally neutered crime deterrents should have risked their lives during a POC-alypse to interrupt what, for all they knew, was a civil-rights-protected expression of love between two POC lesbians.

Metro President and CEO Taulby Roach said the guards, who are not armed, should have de-escalated the situation and will likely need further training.

There is no evil in socialism. There is only “insufficient education”.

Bi-State Commissioner Derrick Keith Cox said the problem is the agency paid a million dollars to receive bad advice on how to make the public transportation system safer.

After this story will be the corruption story that is motivating Cox to say what he just did in that paragraph.

Meanwhile, choose your doom, President “Roach”:

A. Replace the guards with small, female, nonthreatening counselors who update their Woke psychological theories more frequently than Windows 10. Watch in horror as they “present themselves” to avoid getting killed like women have done since cavemen were grabbing ponytails.

B. Allow all white men to carry firearms and redefine manslaughter to “post-natal abortion”.

C. Train & equip the guards to actually fight crime and pay them enough to risk their lives on behalf of ungrateful random strangers. Maybe give them badges after they swear oaths to protect and defend.

One of the suggestions they received from that study was to take away guns from security guards and only arm police officers.

Might as well, if they won’t be allowed to use them. It’s the same reason that I 1. don’t carry concealed and 2. intend to watch passively the next time Diversity climbs up somebody’s vulnerable ass.

Cox said with that put into practice, the gun ban leaves guards with very little to protect themselves or anyone else. Roach, however, said that guns in a situation like this would have made it worse.

Pay a gorilla like me $50 per hour and let us use batons carte-blanche, and we will be like a cleansing wave of crime-Febreze over your transportation network.

Gun-free zones or areas where there is no armed law enforcement in place can cause a spike in violent crime. Orlando’s “Pulse” gay bar was a mandated gun-free zone by state law, yet it was home to one of the deadliest mass shootings in this country’s history.

A 2019 study from the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) showed that 89 percent of mass shootings in the 21st century took place in gun-free zones.

Interesting that they pulled the Pulse shooting out of thin air. The link that probably motivated that is coming up.

Meanwhile, I’m hearing a lot of support for my Plan “B”.

Here are the guards. Stock uniforms costing $15 apiece at:

It seems that St Louis Metrolink has implement new security arrangements and/or leaderships in August 2018, August 2019, December 2019 and March 2020. Here’s a pic; you get one guess who is the constant between all the transition teams.

Physiognomy first impressions: The white-shirts are smiling only because they’re supposed to, Grey Suit is out of his depth and Meltface in the black suit is the CEO and a male feminist.

Seriously, look at Grey Suit. His coat isn’t even buttoned right. Who wears a suit without a tie? I once wore socks with sandals and I know better than to wear a suit with no tie.

*checks* I’m having trouble identifying most of them, high turnover in Metrolink management doesn’t help, but “Meltface” Taulby Roach is indeed President and CEO of Bi-State Development.

Let’s look at the context of Metro security.

‘We Had To Do Better’: Metro Transit Leaders Discuss New Security Strategy

By Evie Hemphill, 4 March 2020

Ideally dated.

Taulby Roach has made the safety of the St. Louis region’s transit system a major focus since becoming president and CEO of Bi-State Development 14 months ago. Just last week, he and other area leaders gathered to mark the culmination of two years of study and planning aimed at improving safety on buses and light rail lines. They touted the creation of a four-prong “systemwide security strategy” aimed at reducing “the rate and perception of crime” on transit, among other commitments.

Bi-State also recently selected private security firm GS4 for a three-year contract, and has a new plan in place for a bigger police presence on MetroLink, as reported by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

There’s no question that in a public asset like this, what I need is engagement and people who care about it, and what we’d been hearing for months is that we had to do better,. Roach said. .So really, the tasking was clear [when I took over]. And so I tried to bring some clarity to that tasking and [to] rally our forces and work with, of course, our colleagues and to do a better job. We’re on the precipice of that, and I’m really excited about it..

Roach is undoubtedly a male feminist. Mass transit is not a public asset, particularly when people are afraid to use it for good & structural reasons, except to utopians who think heaven is forcing all the tribes and races of men into close proximity until they joyfully miscegenate into a brown goo with no history, culture or even identity to call their own.

Kevin Scott, director of public safety for Metro Transit, also participated in the conversation. He outlined the planned changes, which he summed up as a strategy of “staunch collaboration.. taken a look along with our partners . police partners and all of our stakeholders . at what can we do to make the system better. And what people really want to see on our system is a visible security component that positively engages our ridership to ensure the quality of that ride..

Security guard concierges? Okay but then they won’t be bouncers or coolers.

When Fenske asked what that will look like, Scott described it as .a layered approach, where you have a solid visible layer of contract security..

.The Metro Transit security specialists will be the core of that layer and represent the brand and corporate interests,. he said. “And then you have the law enforcement component.

.And so what we’ve done in devising this new deployment is we’ve focused on what our clear roles and responsibilities are. So everybody’s not going to be policing the system. The two major visible components of the layered security approach will be securing the system, and we’ll work more collaboratively with the police to actually police that system when we need to bring them in..

Roach got his “visible security component”, trained to “positively engage our ridership” despite the handicap of face masks blocking the expression of emotion… and now they’re complaining that that their carnival-style “ride quality” operators weren’t operators in the paramilitary sense.

G4S Secure Solutions is based in Florida but owned by a Danish company… your basic globocorp conglomerate setup. Interesting, the Pulse Shooter mentioned above was a G4S security guard whose company had falsified his psychiatric records.

Omar Mateen’s driver license photo. An excellent example of sanpaku eyes indicating derangement.


Under Florida state law, for him to work as an armed guard the company was required either to make a full psychiatric evaluation of Mateen, or to administer a “validated written psychological test”. The test administered was the updated Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2), a test used for job screenings and court cases requiring those subjected to it to agree or disagree with statements such as “My soul sometimes leaves my body” and “Once in a while I think of things too bad to talk about.” Carol Nudelman, the psychologist listed on the character certification submitted by G4S to the state said she stopped working for the company in 2005 and denies ever having met him.

G4S said Mateen was not interviewed by a psychologist, but rather, a psychologist evaluated the results of a standard test used in job screenings, and his test was evaluated by the firm that bought Nudelman’s practice: Headquarters for Psychological Evaluation, owned by Dr Joanne Bauling. G4S said this was a “clerical error.”

On September 10, 2016, the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services fined G4S $151,400 for providing inaccurate psychological testing information after it found the psychologist whose opinion was necessary to permit Mateen to carry a weapon was not practicing as a screener. Between 2006 and 2016, 1,514 forms were submitted erroneously listing Nudelman’s name. Mateen’s form was among those investigated.

The company was unaware of Mateen’s sealed and expunged juvenile arrest record for misdemeanor battery. Although they verified his employment they took Mateen at his word that he was fired as a Florida corrections trainee for failing to report due to a fever. He was actually dismissed for skipping classes, falling asleep in class, and asking two days after the Virginia Tech shooting if a classmate would tell if he brought a gun to class. Also during his time as a trainee, a fellow trainee said he threatened to kill everyone at a barbecue after his hamburger touched a piece of pork, and he was escorted from the property.

I did not know that about the Pulse shooter. Anyway, this has nothing to do with the St. Louis guards who prudently did nothing while enjoying two black chicks fighting to exhaustion for the amusement of all.

End segue.

On to the corruption backstory.

Despite opposition, Bi-State CEO gets OK to negotiate a possible takeover of troubled Loop Trolley

By Nassim Benchaabane, 11 December 2019

ST. LOUIS . The executive board of Bi-State Development voted Tuesday, despite fierce opposition, to negotiate a possible takeover of the financially strapped Loop Trolley.

The trolley opened in November 2018 after years of construction and delays. Since then, ticket sales and farebox revenue have lagged significantly as the line operated on a limited-hours, four-day-a-week schedule with just two of its three cars in service.

The 2.2-mile streetcar line… is set to close Dec. 29 after a series of operational and financial setbacks. Operators say more funding is needed to keep the trolley open until spring, when they hope all three cars could provide full seven-day service.

This has every sign of a pork-barrel project. Government-orchestrated “community infrastructure” built too slowly after extensive cost overruns requiring even more money… usually debt instruments and/or earmarked Federal funds… and once it’s built and opened, nobody wants it. The smart move is to shut it down but that would be unacceptable because:

CEO Taulby Roach pitched operating the trolley for the next four years with nearly $1.1 million left over from federal grants, and said he had preliminary approval from federal transit officials.

Closure could mean defaulting on some of the $36 million in federal aid that was part of the $51 million needed to build the line and make related street improvements. Roach said default would jeopardize Bi-State.s ability to secure federal transit dollars in the future.

.Being known as a region that does not have the political will to complete projects is a very damaging assessment,. Roach told the board.

Such pure motivations. This is all about milking public funds to the maximum extent possible.

The Bi-State board, which governs MetroLink and Metro buses, voted 6-3 to approve Roach’s request and have him return to the board by February with a more detailed proposal to take over the trolley from its nonprofit operator, the Loop Trolley Co.

Roach had planned to submit the preliminary report to the board in a closed session, following advice from the board’s legal counsel, but the board voted to keep the discussion open to the public after fervent opposition from board members Justin Zimmerman and Derrick Cox.

I like Bi-State Commissioner Derrick Cox. He started out a local radio personality.

The pair, two of the board’s five members representing Illinois, and board Vice Chairwoman Aliah Holman, of St. Louis, voted against the takeover. They said Bi-State should focus on MetroLink security, route expansions, staff pay and other issues.

.This is not something that we have been asked for by the general public and yet there are so many things we have been asked for by the general public,. Holman said.

Cox said St. Clair County residents wouldn’t want Bi-State tax dollars to go toward a project in University City, and doubted a trolley shutdown would affect Bi-State.s federal funding.

.That.s just a hypothetical out there to get us to say yes,. he said.

Roach said St. Louis County Executive Sam Page, St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson and St. Clair County Board Chairman Mark Kern asked him to examine a takeover, if it could be done without additional local funding.

Translation, it’s an excuse to import earmark Federal dollars.

.I think it really deserves close study,. Kern said. .We are a region and while we certainly expect our friends in Missouri to think regionally when they look at issues, we must do the same things for them..

Page said he would keep an eye on the negotiations. Krewson, through a spokesman, called it a “positive step..

Remember that Roach’s allies are Mayor Krewson and Executive Page. Note that Krewson is mayor of St. Louis, Missouri, but Kern’s county is in Illinois. This is hella suspicious. This corruption could go Federal.

On Tuesday, Roach said the Loop Trolley needed about $240,000 more a year to operate. The estimate included conservative predictions about Loop Trolley ridership and a full service schedule that would help integrate it into the region’s transit system. He said he hoped more funding for the trolley would be generated over time from increased tickets, fares and revenues from the special sales tax district that helped fund the line’s construction.

No, no, no! Shut ‘er down, Clancy, she’s pumping mud!

Roach, Krewson, Page, businessman Joe Edwards and University City Mayor Terry Crow comprise the sales tax district’s board. Roach said Tuesday that he would resign from the board if Bi-State takes over the Loop Trolley.

And on THAT final note… one month later…

You Paid For It: Bi-State CEO discusses allegation of conflict of interest over bail out of Loop Trolley

You Paid For It: Bi-State CEO discusses allegation of conflict of interest over bail out of Loop Trolley

By Elliot Davis, 21 January 2020

ST. LOUIS . You Paid For It Investigator Elliott Davis catches up with Bi-State President/CEO Taulby Roach to question him about accusations of conflict of interest [in his negotiations over the Delmar Loop Trolley].

Roach is advocating bailing out the Loop Trolley that’s stopped running because of money woes and because of low ridership.

But some Bi-State Commissioners didn’t learn until a recent meet that the CEO not only runs Bi-State but he also sits on the Loop Trolley Board of Directors. Mayor Lyda Krewson and County Executive Sam Page are also on the Trolley Board and have advocated saving it.

Remember Roach’s allies? The members of the Trolley Board are trying to steal, er, “appropriate” funds from other budgets to finance their brand-new-yet-failed side project.

CEO Roach says he recuses himself when it comes to voting on issues involving the Trolley. He also says he’s checked with lawyers and they’ve given him the all-clear.

If you need lawyers to review your behavior for criminal activity…

But St. Louis County Councilman Ernie Trakas says he doesn’t like the looks of this deal where Taulby Roach is wearing two hats, one as head of Bi-State and the other as a board member of the Loop Trolley.

He says it looks like a conflict of interest.

It *is* a conflict of interest. Who is Roach’s lawyer, Saul Goodman?

Roach had a new announcement about his new plan for the Loop Trolley. His first plan called for Bi-State to take over, own and run the Loop Trolley. Now he says Bi-State would just manage the trolley for 4 years.

“I didn’t do anything wrong but now that you noticed, I’ll scale back my plans.”

Bi-State Commissioner Derrick Keith Cox who didn’t like the first plan texted Elliott tonight saying he didn’t like the second one either.

The Bi-State Board of Directors will meet Friday morning to talk about whether to bail out the Delmar Loop Trolley.

Definitely some friction between Cox and Roach. Good on Cox!

The ultimate fate of the Trolley hasn’t been determined. No doubt that the Wuhan Whoop lockdowns put it on indefinite hold.

Okay, fine, it’s yet another portrait of Democrat corruption. Why care? If you listen to the linked video, after the attack video is played Cox is shown demanding answers from G4S and… from Roach. It was real quick, at the 1:33 mark. He’s leveraging the incident against a known Corruptocrat.

I am not amused. Glad I am that Cox is fighting corruption but blaming security guards for not doing what they were told to not do is also dishonest. They’re going to get fired for being put in a no-win scenario. Were they supposed to be nice or violent?

This is what happens when you do evil that good may result.


Scottsdale’s Guy Phillips: I Can’t Breathe, Either

Exhibit #32,768 in Liberals Can’t Meme:

Bonus point for my reaction being pre-displayed on his hoodie!

Arizona City Councilman Quotes George Floyd to Protest Masks: .I Can’t Breathe.

By Blake Montgomery, 24 June 2020

A Scottsdale, Arizona city councilman quoted George Floyd’s last words to protest against his state’s requirement to wear a mask to slow the spread of the new coronavirus. At a Wednesday rally of roughly 200 people, Guy Phillips said, .I can’t breathe,. the same words that Floyd, an unarmed black man, uttered while dying in the custody of Minneapolis police officers [of a fentanyl overdose].

That reminds me, I need to start attending political rallies in case I get Wuhan Whoop. It’s going to happen eventually because I don’t live in solitary confinement… hello, squat rack at a public gym… and I suppose the contact tracers will pounce on me to document every work site and business I’ve ever frequented. I hate to think what’ll happen when the inevitable hits and all the pre-frightened people at my work get a target for their anxieties… unless, of course, I casually mention attending that George Floyd rally….

The slogan has been common at Black Lives Matter protests for several years, as Eric Garner, choked by New York City police officers, also said it on camera before he died in 2014.

Nobody cares. Memo, Dindus say “I can’t breathe” every single time they notice people are watching their asses get tossed into the meat wagon. It’s a tactic to weaponize the cops’ bodycams against them. It never works… if you can’t breathe then you can’t say “I can’t breathe”… but they try anyway because victim status is desirable.

Arizona has become a coronavirus hotspot in recent weeks, with cases spiking so quickly that hospitals are running out of beds. Scottsdale Mayor Jim Lane called Phillips. remarks “callous and insensitive,. and the councilman apologized to the Floyd family late Wednesday. He said he did not intend to invoke Floyd’s killing.

That stupid dumb fuck! I was all set to praise him for returning the Left’s narrative but then he went and apologized! Now I wonder if he actually can’t breathe in a mask, which is possible but astonishingly ignorant of what’s going in in society right now.

Why don’t they learn? Why do they never learn? It’s like watching mice climb over their dead to be next into the mousetrap.


Golightly’s Going Lightly

It took less than a month for the “unpersoned because of a 16-year-old comment” record to be doubled to “33-year old comment”… not counting Civil War generals or Mount Rushmore… but I am not sure it should be counted because this time, the target is a career PR expert. I smell a rat when somebody whose job is fending off exactly this sort of thing goes down without a fight. “Taking a dive”, as it’s called in the boxing ring.

Part of me really, really wants to understand boardroom politics. Another part thinks it’s work best left to incest-crazed narcissists.

Boeing Executive Resigns Over 1987 Op-Ed Opposing Women in Combat

By John Carney, 3 July 2020

The head of communications at Boeing has resigned his post after an employee complained about a 33-year-old article he wrote arguing against putting women in combat roles in the military.

Nobody named that employee. Her identity would be interesting and normally I’d wait until it’s available… you know “Karen” isn’t going to keep her mouth shut about taking a scalp that big… but I’d rather make a prediction that she was recently booted off the Boardroom Fast Track and is in her early 30s.

Niel Golightly penned the op-ed when he was a 29-year-old lieutenant in the U.S. Navy. It appeared in a magazine published by the U.S. Naval Institute, an outfit which describes itself as “an independent forum for those who dare to read, think, speak, and write to advance the professional, literary, and scientific understanding of sea power and other issues critical to global security.

.At issue is not whether women can fire M-60s, dogfight MiGs, or drive tanks. Introducing women into combat would destroy the exclusively male intangibles of war fighting and the feminine images of what men fight for.peace, home, family,. Golightly wrote, according to an excerpt published on the U.S. Naval Institute’s website.

That impresses me. Golightly was wise enough to object to women in military on philosophical grounds, not merely competence. The competence argument still requires the military male space to be violated, only by a few women instead of many. Until, of course, the Amenable Authorities inevitably put their thumbs on the scales of competence because they can’t stand to see a woman cry.

Women should not be allowed to act like men even if they can do so convincingly. Why is that hard? Original sin.

Women were barred from combat roles throughout American history, including the first term of Barack Obama’s presidency, until the policy was changed in 2013. In 2015, Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced that all combat jobs would open to women and the following year a handful of women passed combat training courses.

Correction, “were passed through” combat training courses, like diarrhea. Exactly like diarrhea, in fact: irritating the bowels of the host organism.

Yet Golightly has resigned over advocating the long-running policy back in 1987 and has now apologized.

.My article was a 29-year-old Cold War navy pilot’s misguided contribution to a debate that was live at the time,. Golightly said in a statement included in Boeing’s announcement. .My argument was embarrassingly wrong and offensive. The article is not a reflection of who I am; but nonetheless I have decided that in the interest of the company I will step down..

.Boeing does not agree with the views expressed in the article, and it does not reflect Niel’s views today,. the company said.

In the unlikely event that I end up a Fortune 500 executive, I will be much more loyal to my employees than this. Even if this is mere corporate kabuki, getting shoved under the bus by your employer is not how a Christian executive would do business.

.Niel and I discussed at length the article and its implications for his role as the Company’s lead spokesman,. said David Calhoun, President and CEO. .I want to emphasize our Company’s unrelenting commitment to diversity and inclusion in all its dimensions, and to ensuring that all of our employees have an equal opportunity to contribute and excel..

What was policy five years ago is now ground for purging.

Niel Golightly. A good executive face: very squarish with a strong chin, prominent cheekbones and wispy (chameleonic) eyebrows. (Because eyebrows move dynamically with one’s emotions, having faint eyebrows helps one keep a poker face.)

The asymmetry of his mouth suggests a divide between his public and private behavior. Not necessarily indicating dishonesty.

David Calhoun. A comparable face but more rounded-off. Probably had less testosterone than Niel going back to his teenage years. That’s fine, fighter-pilot egos can be hard for anybody to keep up with. I would expect Niel’s personality to be more even-tempered but less focused & innovative. Not a bad corporate plan to use the jock for a media sponge instead of actual policy.

I am left unsatisfied with why Niel got canned so swiftly, so unreasonably and in defiance of his considerable social skills & SMV. The most likely answer is that he boinked the intern and the intern MeToo-ed him when the promotion didn’t come through. He wouldn’t be the first ex-military pilot to seppuku like that. For a fact, nobody gives a damn about the opinion of an oversexed, under-rested pilot circa 1985.

While poking for background info, I found an article he wrote on PR leadership.

The corporate revolution and the role of the CCO

By Niel Golightly, 1 February 2018

The role of big business is undergoing a quiet revolution, and the way corporations communicate with society is at the heart of it.

BCG.s Rich Lesser calls 2018 a “moment of truth for CEOs” facing a range of societal challenges. Blackrock’s Larry Fink’s annual letter to CEOs promotes long-term strategies that integrate environmental and social issues. And Edelman’s 2018 Trust Barometer sees publics turning to CEOs for leadership amidst the rubble of collapsed trust in institutions.

Either he’s bloviating or he’s pushing the Narrative. We must continue…

For companies as varied as Unilever, Shell, Walmart, AECOM, Bloom Energy, Ford, Google and Schneider Electric, “purpose” and “shared value” have entered the boardroom vernacular. Environmental and social externalities are problems to be solved, not simply risks to be avoided. CEOs who once studiously avoided public positions on social issues are stepping out and drawing moral lines in the sand.

The latest moral line ironically running through Niel. His Linkedin confirms that he was previously an executive at both Shell and Ford so he’s talking about companies he influenced.

The profit motive still fuels the corporate engine; but business leaders seeking to create sustained profit are turning away from scorched earth capitalism in favor of a deep understanding and embrace of society’s expectations.

Pushing the Narrative it is, then. Niel is a Deep State swamp creature.

So what does this renaissance mean for corporate communications professionals? In a word, everything.

In a meme about your “deep understandings”, this:

That.s because no other corporate function is charged exclusively with interpreting the public’s mood and shaping the company’s response to it. The role of chief communications officers must these days be to help C-suites navigate through radical change. Bj?rn Edlund, my former Shell boss and dean of corporate communicators everywhere, calls this societal intelligence, or SQ . .the ability to see and act on a company’s challenges and opportunities in their broader economic, political, social and cultural context..

Which is why companies and communicators alike sell themselves short when they focus on the transactional, the tactical, the quantifiable and the mechanical aspects of corporate communications. Commercial acumen is a necessary but not sufficient attribute of communication. Digital skills are vital, but only as a means to understand and participate in the right conversations. Measurement is important, but mainly as a way to generate meaningful insights for better decisions. Media reach is valuable, but only as a vehicle for relevant, coherent and credible narratives.

He even used the word! Move over ya “true” because “credible” is now in da house!

Companies looking to navigate safely the corporate revolution therefore need their Chief Communications Officers to do five things really well:

1. Communicate. This may seem obvious, but sometimes C-suite commitment to the verb lacks conviction. Communicating is not just getting the word out. It is learning, resolving conflicts, identifying opportunities, anticipating problems . and most of all knowing when to shut up and listen. And yes, it’s also the liberal art of crafting a story. The story has to be credible and true. It has to be simple enough to win hearts and complete enough to win minds. And it has to be delivered through the right channels at the right time with the right language to influence the right audiences in the right way.

I heard “Dubya Bush was my frat brother.” *checks* Niel once was a speechwriter for General Colin Powell as Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff per his Linkedin. Score!

2. Lead. Good CCOs lead from the front. They know first-hand what it means to be in the trenches with media, stakeholders and business leaders. They’ve done the tactics, which gives them the nous to craft strategy. They know how to build teams with the right skills in the right places with the right resources and right mandate to deliver. They inspire and teach. They protect creative risk-takers.

That’s fighter-pilot thinking, that officers should be the ones on the front line. The duty of an executive is to organize, train and equip people for their tasks, not to do the tasks himself. It helps but is not necessary for an executive to know how to do the actual job.

3. Engage. The best corporate communicators are diplomats.

Duh. Skip.

4. Advise. Trusted CCOs are honest brokers. They speak up when the emperor is naked. They help mediate internal differences and external dilemmas. They intervene to protect the company’s reputation and its shareholders from intangible risks. They test evolving business decisions and policy positions against the litmus of company values, purpose, and social license. And they help their business colleagues communicate with impact and credibility.

Meaning, trusted CCOs accept when their turn comes to be shoved under the bus? I can’t accuse Niel of hypocrisy.

5. Reflect. Strategic communicators are thinkers as well as practitioners. Systems thinkers. Lateral thinkers. They see and synthesize what’s happening in the world “out there. and how social, political and cultural megatrends converge . or conflict . with the fortunes of the company.

I didn’t see that in his face. CEO David’s yes, but not CCO Niel’s.

They use SQ to create and protect value, to convert issues into opportunities, to keep the business relevant and competitive.

Executives don’t keep a business relevant and competitive. The keep the business focused on making good products, which in turn *does* keep a business relevant and competitive.

Reality has not changed. Current Year thinking that we’re in a Brave New World of relationships and pussy soldiers is bullshit. Which is impacting the health of Boeing more, its “Max Crater” plane going down in flames or its CCO going down in flames? You need to answer this question correctly, CEO David Calhoun.

Big business is at a watershed moment, and the role of the Chief Communications Officer may never have been so pivotal as now. Immeasurable long-term value is at stake as CEOs shoulder accountabilities that extend beyond quarterly financial results. They need professionals on their team that can help them make sense of . and engage with . the anxious, turbulent and demanding society “out there..

Niel engaging society: successful. Outcome: defeat. They call it Progress because the engagement was successful!


Don’t Fear the Covid-19 Reaper

I just had an argument with a coworker about new health restrictions for the upcoming Fourth of July weekend. He’s scared of the disease and not my only such coworker. He has no reason to be. Young enough, healthy, but terrified of death. So, I write this to explain the tyranny behind it.

Notice the government is constantly changing the rules. This increases anxiety and trains people to pay close attention to government dictats. Until very recently in American history, people went weeks without wondering what the Federal government was doing because it wasn’t relevant to their daily lives.

Notice the government is holding Peter responsible for Paul’s welfare. If you’re old then sure, take precautions for yourself. What we’re seeing instead with the social distancing and mask decrees is that the healthy are being held responsible for the safety of the vulnerable. “Do it for your family” is a sign I’ve seen about town recently.

This has never been done before. Ten thousand years and nobody ever responded to disease with house arrest of the entire population. It’s not because we got that much smarter about disease in the last couple decades. Bird flus, swine flus, other exotic diseases have come and gone and nobody ever even thought to collapse all of society as a response. I mean that literally: not one pundit or Director of Important Bureau demanded such drastic measures.

And now, nobody in the media says anything but that. A foreigner could be forgiven for believing that Fauci won a coup against Trump.

They ask me how I know the government statistics are wrong. Answer, from various news sites that I piece together. They find that less convincing than official government statistics and I have trouble explaining how the gov’t is wrong because their numbers aren’t sourced. Nobody wants to hear the minutiae of, for example, hospitals being paid emergency-relief money for every death they code as COVID-19. They don’t want to hear how the recent spike in infection rates is due primarily to the recent spike in testing rates. They simply trust the government because math doesn’t lie.

News flash: statistics lie more than a rug even on a good day.

They ask me why I think the government is evil for trying to save people. I tell them that Evil is sentient and plots our destruction and the collapse of fatherhood is a smoking gun that the government serves Evil, and they just stare at me. I must be a terrible evangelist.

They think evil doesn’t exist. They think I just disagree with State policies and a disagreement isn’t worth risking Grandma for.

They ask me how I know suicide rates are going up. I must admit, nobody is publishing numbers yet that I can find. I simply read reports from the people working in those lines of work.

No offense to my elderly parents but instead of showing I care about their health by voluntarily dis-employing myself, I’d rather have my friends back. I haven’t seen my friends in three months. That’s another reason I know the suicide rate is spiking, because banning friendship and exercise is cruelty.

That’s news to my coworkers, that people need people. I’ve been told repeatedly to just add a camera to my computer and use Zoom. Look, a social life! they say.

They ask me why I don’t like to wear a mask. I tell them that cloth masks can’t have a weave tight enough to block a virus, thus there’s no point, also I like fresh air. The response has been uniformly “okay, you can believe that but you need to wear a mask or we’ll all get into trouble”. Which is a truly disturbing idea. Punish me for not wearing a mask is one thing, but government readiness to punish a business for a customer not wearing a mask is tyranny.

But none dare call it evil.

The reason the government is teaching my fellows to live in fear and uncertainty is because the November elections are coming up and totalitarian socialism is on the menu. Socialism appeals most to people who are scared and want a Savior, and the only savior available is the State.

So far as the State is willing to admit.

People are scared, they want a god to follow and it’s not going to be God they choose this time. I can’t even blame them because I’m the only Christian they’ve ever met who doesn’t feel fear when he’s told to supposed to. Wu Flu could be Bubonic Plague 2.0 and I wouldn’t feel fear. To live is Christ, to die is gain, but people today love life because they don’t think there’s anything after it.

What I do feel is anger. Anger that the people around me are being intentionally and unnecessarily frightened until they can’t sleep because of fear. Anger that I’m being forced to do dehumanizing behaviors like mask-wearing even when I know it’s useless and am willing to accept the consequences (aside from being welded into my apartment by Karen).

I would save people from this State-sponsored state of fear if I could, but I can’t because it comes from the fact that my soul is immortal and my flesh can’t be. In Christ I find hope, in !science! they find an empty, uncaring universe and decide to make their own god out of their all-too-human leaders. Never mind what happened the last time they did that. Or the time before that. Humanity is SMART now!

Well done, Churchians. You failed this completely to preach the Gospel! I may be a terrible evangelist but at least people point & stare at me for being different!


Floyd’s Other Shoe

Browsing today’s true-crime headlines pinged my pattern detector.

Texas clerk dodges bullet, fatally shoots robbery suspect trying to pass counterfeit bill: police

htt ps://

By Danielle Wallace, 30 June 2020

A Texas corner store clerk shot and killed a robbery suspect Monday night who allegedly first fired at him after trying to pass a counterfeit $20 bill, according to reports.

I love a story with a happy ending!

The Houston Police Department responded to calls about a robbery taking place at the Super Qwik Food Store off Fulton Street and Julia near the North Freeway around 10 p.m.

By the time officers arrived at the scene, a man had been shot and was transported to the hospital, where he later died.

.Luckily and fortunately for the convenience store clerk, he had a gun with him. He was able to return fire,. Houston Police Sgt. J. Horn told KHOU. .The suspect or the robber collapsed here at the store. He was transported to the hospital where he died later..

The man, who has not been identified by authorities, allegedly tried to use a counterfeit $20 to make a purchase, but the clerk told him he could not accept the bill, KTRK reported.

Another Knee-grow. He wasn’t identified because the blacks are rioting in the streets demanding the defunding of police everywhere. Fingerprints alone would have confirmed his identity because this wasn’t his first rodeo.

Police said the robbery suspect then made his way into the clerk’s secured area, pulled out a gun and fired at him at least once within close range, narrowly missing him.

Open-and-shut attempted murder.

The clerk then pulled out a gun of his own and fired at the man, striking him multiple times.

.He.s very fortunate to be alive right now. We’re thinking that the bullet that the robber or suspect fired was only a few inches away from him,. Horn said.

Horn said the clerk was not harmed in the incident. No charges have been brought against him.

The suspect had a criminal record and was released on parole for a similar alleged robbery incident that happened last summer, KHOU reported, citing police records.

All’s well that ends with dirt naps for Dindus but what’s this about passing counterfeit money? I remember ol’ George Floyd first attracted the attention of police when he tried to pass fake money, too.

That’s a rather high-IQ crime for this crowd.

I found this:

Counterfeit Money Is The Motive Behind Gangland’s George Floyd Arson And Looting Riots

By Yoichi Shimatsu, 2 June 2020

Friends of the rioters and supporters of gangsters are now threatening the Cup Foods store, whose owner is an Arab American, Apparently brown skin isn’t enough if you run an honest business serving a poor community, and he was expected to subsidize George Floyd’s cigarette habit. Many of the new liberal friends of George are the same people who are offended by smokers inside bars or on the sidewalk, hypocritically defending a smoker’s right to defraud a local small business with a counterfeit 20-dollar bill.

I’d never heard the circumstances of Floyd’s arrest before. Had the impression that the counterfeit-passing was during his nightclub-bouncer job.

Most people have never had to deal with gangs, the way I did in placing immigrant teens saved from gang leaders and released out of New York City’s juvenile detention center, thanks to the police officers and the warden’s program who tried to save them from damnation. Of course the Chinatown gangs wanted the youths back to gun down their rival criminal bosses, but my program would not allow those teenagers to drift back to criminal activity and spend the rest of their lives in prison.

Glorifying street violence and looting today are beyond ridiculous, it’s nothing less than advocacy of crimes against society and encouragement of a warped mind-set among the younger generation glorifying anti-social violence.

Hence my last post’s utter hatred of Churchian leaders taking a knee in their honor.

Even more hypocritical are the feminist protesters who make a lot of noise about women’s sexual rights. It so happens that George Floyd was a performer in the black porn industry in his home state of Texas violating African American women. Where is all the outrage that was directed at Harvey Weinstein or Jeffrey Epstein who at least paid the female talent a high-end salary, up in the 90 percentile bracket? Before going to burn down a mom-and-pop shop, do your research, you irresponsible fools.

That would also explain Officer Chauvin quitting the nightclub when he did, above and beyond its favoring a black clientele over the previously Latino.

Counterfeit from China

Now let’s deal with what’s behind the police’s harsh dealings with George Floyd, basically the question of. fake money flooding Minnesota. In mid-December, during the Christmas rush, U.S. Customs officials seized $900,000 in fake one-dollar bills printed in China , rolling into the USA inside a cargo train at the Canada-Minnesota border crossing at International Falls. Obviously customs officers had been tipped off by state troopers and local police that cities like St. Paul-Minneapolis were being overwhelmed with counterfeit, affecting especially the poorer neighborhoods. The employee at Cup Foods obviously has since then been trained to use a counterfeit detector at the cash register.

Floyd was at the receiving end of that shipment? Hmm.

Nearly a million in fake dollars is just the tip of the iceberg floating onto American shores. Over the past five years, there’s been a spectacular rise in counterfeit of low denomination, especially $20 bills now that C-notes are routinely checked by cashiers. At any given time, there’s more than $70 million in circulation across the USA, nearly all of that being newly smuggled notes, following routine detection at currency exchanges and banks sending bundles to the U.S. Treasury for inspection.

Modern counterfeiting of US currency is done mostly by foreign governments. It shores up their own finances at the expense of ours, a double win for them.

Counterfeit harms poorer families the most, because whenever a cashier rejects payment, some child is not getting their birthday present or new clothing as planned and saved for. If you happen to be traveling, fake bills can be a major headache. When I was reporting on the Kashmir conflict, on the Indian border following the Battle of Kargil, I received a couple hundred dollars’ worth of rupees in counterfeit from a Citibank money exchange machine. The bank refused to admit liability, and so I had to move out of my hotel pronto and find cheaper accommodations in a cold water inn, plus curtailing some of my travel plans. I had come thousands of miles from Japan for the story, but some bank employee replaced real rupees with fake notes at my expense doing harm to the only reporter then dealing with human rights in that troubled zone.

Therefore, any defenders of George Floyd are, to me, nothing but apologists for robbery, and all I can say is to the protesters is this. May it happen to each one of you, and remember to feel sorry for the thief who defrauds you.” Give him the rest of your savings, be kind to pickpockets.

After defending the circulation of Made-in-China counterfeit dollars, which may be just a criminal enterprise and hopefully not strategic financial warfare against the American economy…

More than likely, I’d say. The CCP is awash in dollars from trade surpluses. Counterfeiting more dollars would devalue what they’re already holding.

…these supporters of George went on to torch local businesses, exactly when employees were expecting to go back to work towards the tapering off of the lock-down. Trashing strip malls, torching mom-and-pop shops and restaurants is reckless vandalism, an evil assault on the U.S. economy at a most crucial moment, dashing hopes of recovery. Every rioter who’s not shot on sight during curfew should be thrown into prison for many decades for their own good, and hopefully do some hard labor to teach them the virtue of word instead of theft.

Ineffective mayors and governors should not only be dumped at the polls, but investigated and prosecuted for dereliction of public duty and as accomplices to murder and mayhem. These sorts of political criminals are worse, and stern punishment is necessary to re-instill a sense of public duty and respect for law. There is no compelling arguments at this time of an unjust major war or mass oppression of minorities as there were during the Vietnam era and during the Civil Rights movement. Minorities have never had it better than now, and some individuals are actually super-privileged beyond the bounds of sensible generosity and decency toward our fellow citizens.

George Floyd was in bad health due to his drug addictions. He knew his condition and all he was expected to do was agree to turn over a list of names involved in distribution of fake money. Most grown men can handle being wrestled down to the pavement. The four police officers had no reason to kill him but to the contrary needed to keep him alive as a witness in the counterfeit racket. Reading him his rights and calling in a lawyer makes for good legal theory by the book, but in reality tough methods are the only way to bust large-scale criminal operations. If Floyd has one iota of respect for his society, he would have confessed the names of his criminal associates preying on the poorer communities of Minnesota, and he’d be alive today under a witness protection program.

The police are not sadists who enjoy violence but must be tough to break the code of silence enforced by murderous gangsters. It’s a civil war and getting worse due to liberal judges and wide-open immigration for foreign thugs. Adding to their urgency in first-target Minneapolis was the need to crack the international mafia and interstate criminal ring undermining the American currency, in what could be a secret state-sponsored operation representing a major national security threat, related to trade conflicts and in preparation for social destabilization prior to military clashes. So let’s not be naive about the big picture. Precaution is necessary to prevent another world war, this time around with nuclear warheads and biological warfare. Deterrence of economic warfare is a means to extend the peace and prevent bloodshed.

I respect tough cops in times like these, when we are starting to face all sorts of emerging threats, because these officers are the honest ones, unlike the smug smooth-talking captains on the take from crime bosses, put there to keep the gangsters safe from arrest and the corrupt politicians happy on the payroll, the California Democrat model of treasonous governance.Those police officers who are being unjustly vilified are on the front-line defending honest folks who suffer the humiliation of poverty in silence without any help from the liberals and the entitlement minorities. Poverty creates criminality, but criminals reinforce poverty with their predatory destruction of neighborhood economies.

Now, after the politically correct arsonists torched businesses, jobless employees are in even deeper financial trouble than ever, just so some thieving punks can wear new Nikes to show off their crimes against society. Can you see the injustice here brought on by that irresponsible and dishonest fool George Floyd? Strong mothers and fathers should bawl out their sons and daughters who participated in the protest and looted stores, and drag them down to juvenile court with the evidence in hand where they need to learn some lessons about life and liberty.


Brian Jordan Bartels, a 20-year-old man who Pittsburgh police said is suspected of inciting violence during a protest, was escorted by his parents as he turned himself in Monday.

Local law enforcement were investigating the destruction of a police SUV when they received an anonymous tip from a co-worker at Amazon who recognized Bartels at the scene of the crime, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported. The vehicle was set on fire after being tagged with spray paint Saturday, although police officers eventually arrived on horseback to disperse the rioters.

According to a criminal complaint and eyewitness accounts, a woman tried to stop Bartels from damaging the SUV, but he gave her the finger and proceeded to break the car’s windows.

The 20-year-old turned himself in Monday and was escorted by his parents and an attorney. Local news reporters attempted to ask him questions but Bartels ignored them as he walked into the station. He was referred to as “antifa kid” in a Monday tweet by Jason Howerton, but any affiliation with antifa is unclear.

Bartels faces multiple felony charges including criminal mischief, institutional vandalism and riot.

End segue. Also, this:

Ah, more stories with happy endings!

My childhood was spent in the black-majority Compton area, where I was picked on and drawn into a fight nearly on many a school day. I had friends among by black schoolmates, but some of them had to be helped out of trouble with fisticuffs against the bullies, of which there were no shortage. I was involved in at least 50 bloody battles and won them all, or would have been killed before becoming a teenager. The children influenced by gangsters do not quit or apologize until you are bashing their heads on the pavement, when they then come to the realization they will be killed unless they grovel and apologize. On the other hand, they would have just killed me ruthlessly, so I can say is that liberalism gets nowhere in the concrete jungle whenever taming the beast in men.

Compton in the 80s was no joke. Being a Japanese kid in Compton? Dear God, he lived a nightmare. Once vibrants fall below a certain intellect threshold, you just can’t reason with them. It’s law of the jungle all the way back to Africa. Easy money from drug dealing only made it worse.

That’s why if a cop’s not tough, he’s not enforcing the law by teaching outlaws that a life of crime shall not pay. The policeman defending social order is your savior not an oppressor. Having been there in the Hell of poverty and violence, I sincerely hope that the jury understands what this nation is up against now and let the police officers off with a light sentence. Sure, I feel sorry for George as low life damned since youth, but share a lot more sorrow for his many victims. A man must not pass the harm he’s endured onto others. Let’s just hope the final lesson is for young people to take the straight and narrow path instead of wandering off toward the fires of midnight.

Police need to be thugs because the bad guys aren’t holding out for warm milk and cookies and reparations. They want gimmedats and need the whipping post.

I doubted that George Floyd had moved to Minnesota to put his Texas life of crime behind him. This clinches it.


The Evangelical Statement of False Guilt

How typical… so tiresomely typical… that modern Christianity can’t pass up any chance for a guilt trip. I’ll spice it up by channeling George Orwell. To misquote a truism, 1984 is now.

Evangelical scholars sign statement condemning racism as ‘contrary to Scripture’

Two dozen evangelical scholars have released a joint statement condemning racism as “contrary to the evangelical Gospel” and acknowledging the realities of racism that existed throughout evangelical history.

Racism meaning white privilege or racism meaning the idea that God made different races of men with different capabilities and tendencies? Were two dozen scholars insufficient to clarify this?

The new “Evangelical Statement on the Gospel and Racism” was released Monday as nationwide protests continue in the wake of the killing of African American George Floyd in Minnesota and just days after the controversial killing of Rayshard Brooks in Atlanta, Georgia, by a police officer.

.Today.s situation requires more than a statement, but certainly no less than a statement,. the document reads. “As evangelical academic voices, we condemn racism as contrary to Scripture and to the evangelical gospel..

I’ve said it before, these people have found a new Gospel and it isn’t Christ’s.

The statement originates from members of the Evangelical Theological Society’s executive committee, according to David Dockery, president of the International Alliance for Christian Education.

He has that nervous smile common to Churchian leaders, less “I’m feeling well” and more “please don’t hurt me”. Dockery has also been affiliated with the Gospel Coalition.

ETS was founded in 1949 and serves as a professional association of scholars, teachers, pastors and students dedicated to the written expression of theological thought and research.

“In general, the greater the understanding, the greater the delusion; the more intelligent, the less sane.” -Orwell

The statement explains that while evangelical history includes “many positive voices for justice,. such as slave trade abolitionist William Wilberforce, the history also includes “negatively those who assimilated the values of their surrounding unjust culture..

Wilberforce is the patron saint of Churchianity, a white man who stood up for Negro empowerment before doing so was cool. Anytime you hear an “evangelical scholar” mention Wilberforce, know that accusing him of being racist will make him cry.

According to organizers, the effort’s mission is to .listen, mourn, speak, and act in accordance with the gospel in our own lives, in our institutions, in our churches, and in our communities..

“We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it.” -Orwell

.As we grieved over recent events in our communities, we realized that although a statement is insufficient, it is necessary,. a website created to host the statement online, which went live on Monday, reads. .We are compelled to declare that the Gospel stands opposed to racism, and so, too, must people of the Gospel..

“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.” -Orwell

The statement was signed by Evangelical Theological Society President and Asbury Theological Seminary Biblical Studies Professor Craig Keener, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Theology Professor Gregg Allison and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President Al Mohler, who also serves as ETS president-elect and program chair.

The usual suspects.

SBC.s flagship seminary, SBTS in Louisville, Kentucky, released a report in 2018 detailing the school’s history of racism and past support for slavery. At the time, Mohler called for the institution to “repent of our own sins” and offer “full lament” for the inherited legacy.

Other signatories include Paul W. Powell, the endowed chair in preaching at Truett Theological Seminary at Baylor University; Vincent Bacote, associate professor of theology at Wheaton College; and Darrell Bock, a senior research professor of New Testament studies at Dallas Theological Seminary.

As of Tuesday, over 150 people have signed on to the statement.

Thus proving that the organized Church is dead… but you already knew this.

The document declares that the Gospel calls on everyone to “come to God on the same terms” and “and become one body in Christ..

.In reconciling, Jew and Gentile in Christ (Eph 2:16), surmounting a barrier that God himself once established, God in Christ summons us to surmount every barrier erected merely by human sinfulness,. the statement explains.

What the…


Feckless hypocrites!

.Scripture does not discriminate by color, and, on the most common understanding of Acts 8, the first Gentile convert may have been Black and from Africa..

Snicker. “Scripture doesn’t see color and Scripture says the first convert was a Black!”

“Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.” -Orwell

The statement adds that Jesus was, both by His example and His teaching, summoning Christians to “serve and love fellow believers to the point of laying down our lives for them” and “to love all our neighbors as ourselves..

Double miss. The Christian’s goal is Christ, not his “community of fellow believers”, and how I wish the police would let me love others as much as myself. For example, I have no fear of COVID-19.

.This invites us to be swifter to listen to others than to speak (Eph 4:29; Jms 1:19), to mourn with those who suffer (Rom 12:15), and to join them in acting for justice on their behalf (Isa 1:17; Luke 11:42; Jms 1:27),. the statement concludes.

You ivory tower navel-gazers don’t have shit to say because you failed to notice that Black Looters Mobbing is a terrorist group destroying America’s past in the name of an unrepentant drug dealer. You’re the scum who STILL want Barabbas freed even before the mob demanded your cooperation.

According to Dockery, Keener did most of the “heavy lifting” when it came to creating the statement. However, he stressed that the rest of the signatories “offered suggestions and encouragement..

I posted the full, intact statement at the end. Feel free to notice all the “heavy lifting” that went into it.

.We believe the statement is timely and important, expressing our longing and hope for racial reconciliation in the church and in society,. Dockery, who also serves as chancellor of Trinity International University in Illinois, wrote in an email to The Christian Post. .We trust the statement will be helpful in that regard in the days to come..

The best path to reconciliation is “good fences make good neighbors” not “all whites must wash the feet of all blacks because some of their ancestors mistreated other peoples’ ancestors”.

The new statement comes as several church bodies have issued statements on race in the U.S. in the last several weeks following the controversial deaths of Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and most recently, Brooks.

Additionally, several well-known Christian pastors and speakers have participated in demonstrations following the death of Floyd.

Two Sundays ago, Texas megachurch pastor Matt Chandler issued harsh words for the Church during his sermon. After the civil rights movement of the 1960s, Chandler argues that the Church has largely “refused to participate” when it comes to speaking out about racial issues.

It was called Separation of Church and State. Matt’s predecessors couldn’t abdicate their Christian responsibilities to the State fast enough.

Are empty pews emboldening Woke clergy to drop their masks?

.[N]ow one of the things that has happened is the Church, by and large, has refused to participate, which means that we have turned over . God help us . we have turned over what is our inheritance to dark ideologies,. Chandler argued.

.You don’t just preach the Gospel on sex trafficking. You don’t just preach the Gospel on the issue of life and abortion. No, you act,. Chandler added. .It’s like this brain-broke disjoint that’s got us acting absurd and then critiquing this [racial justice] movement as being evil and dark when we have given up our inheritance!.

Chandler doesn’t ACT hard enough to put hats on the church ladies. He chose instead to courageously appease the braying mobs.

I excrete more nobility after Chili Night than these perfumed princes have ever known.

Southern Baptist Convention President J.D. Greear recently called on the denomination to stop opening its annual meetings with a gavel that carries the name of John Broadus, a 19th-century Southern Baptist leader who was a slaveholder.

“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” -Orwell

On that note, Broadus wasn’t just a leader, he was a co-founder of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Also a chaplain in the Confederate Army, he owned two slaves then repudiated slavery in 1882 per wikipedia. Hardly a plantation owner with a whip.

Greear.s North Carolina-based Summit Church recently released a statement lamenting the death of Arbery, a 25-year-old African American shot by a white man in Georgia while on a jog.

Correction, a 25-year-old Dindu Muffin shot while resisting arrest by the ex-cop who prosecuted him for previous crimes prior to retirement. Did Greear look into the case at all before jumping in?

How is Greear going to stop being racist when he constantly raises awareness of peoples’ races?

.The fight for racial justice is one God himself began as far back as Genesis 12 when he promised to reunite the ethnically diverse and contentious world through Abraham,. the Summit Church Committee on Oneness and Reconciliation said. .It is a fight whose victory is promised in Scripture’s final chapters, where we see the multiethnic restoration of all nations, tribes, peoples, and languages (Revelation 7:9.10). Most importantly, it is a fight made possible by the gospel: Racial reconciliation is an inevitable fruit of the gospel of reconciliation..

Abraham? Racial reconciliation? Genesis 24:3-4, Abraham speaks to his chief of staff: “I want you to swear by the Lord, the God of heaven and the God of earth, that you will not get a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I am living, but will go to my country and my own relatives and get a wife for my son Isaac..

Abraham was the first recorded failure of Magic Dirt in written history.

The National Association of Evangelicals, a network with over 40,000 member churches worldwide, released a statement on May 29 lamenting “the recurring trauma experienced by African Americans..

.We condemn racism and the violent abuse of power, call for justice for victims and their families, and exhort churches to combat attitudes and systems that perpetuate racism,. the NAE stressed. .We are grateful for law enforcement officers who honorably serve and protect our communities, and urge our members to uphold them in prayer..

“People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.” -Orwell

Lastly, here’s the promised statement in full. Behold heavy lifting!

A Statement on Racism and the Gospel

Today.s situation requires more than a statement, but certainly no less than a statement. As evangelical academic voices, we condemn racism as contrary to Scripture and to the evangelical gospel. Evangelical history includes positively many voices for justice and pioneers of abolitionism, such as William Wilberforce, but also negatively those who assimilated the values of their surrounding unjust culture. Yet the basis of evangelical faith is Scripture, climaxing in the good news of Jesus Christ.

In this gospel, everyone must come to God on the same terms (Rom 1:16; 3:22-24; 10:12-13; Gal 3:28; Rev 5:9; 7:9), and become one body in Christ (Rom 12:4-5; 1 Cor 12:12-13; Eph 4:4; Col 3:15).

In reconciling Jew and Gentile in Christ (Eph 2:16), surmounting a barrier that God himself once established, God in Christ summons us to surmount every barrier erected merely by human sinfulness.

Scripture does not discriminate by color, and, on the most common understanding of Acts 8, the first Gentile convert may have been Black and from Africa.

Jesus, both by his example and by his teaching, summons us to serve and love fellow believers to the point of laying down our lives for them (John 13:14-17, 34-35; 1 John 3:16-18), and to love all our neighbors as ourselves (Lev 19:18; Mark 12:31; Rom 13:8-10; Gal 5:14).

This invites us to be swifter to listen to others than to speak (Eph 4:29; Jms 1:19), to mourn with those who suffer (Rom 12:15), and to join them in acting for justice on their behalf (Isa 1:17; Luke 11:42; Jms 1:27).


Grandma Likes Her New Gun

Many people have recently purchased their first firearm. Welcome into the fold! but for the love of your souls and your insurance premiums, spend a day or two at the range as quickly as you can before carrying a firearm into high-risk situations. This tale of a Nashville liquor store owner is full of learning experiences.

htt ps://

A Southern lady to judge from the hair and eyeglass style, although I knew that before the reading. Bulbous nose can indicate interest in wealth. I’m not sure about the rest of her face because of her advanced age. Ashes to ashes and faces to raisins.

May Bell Boyce is the 88-year-old Tennessee liquor store owner charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after police said she shot a man she believed was trying to rob the store. The man, identified as Ramon Fisher, was hit in the back but was expected to recover, Nashville Police said.

According to the criminal affidavit obtained by Heavy, Fisher initially admitted to police that he had intended to steal liquor from Murfreesboro Road Liquor and Wines on June 16. But he changed his statement the following day and insisted that he was going to pay for the alcohol.

Black Losers don’t Matter.

Boyce was released on a $10,000 bond and was due back in court on June 29.

The confrontation at Boyce’s liquor store happened around 8:30 p.m. on June 16. According to the affidavit, Boyce told investigators that two Black men entered the store and first walked to the back of the store where the vodka was stored. She said one of the men then approached her at the counter “in such a manner that she felt they were going to steal from her.” The report does not provide additional details about why Boyce arrived at that conclusion.

Boyce said she grabbed her gun, which was wrapped in cloth, and placed it next to the register.

Get a holster, new handgun owners. If you are going to use your handgun from any position except the marital bed then a holster is really, really nice. It also protects against the temptation to stick a handgun in the waistband of your underwear. If you aren’t already female then that’s a good way to become one. Also, femoral artery so ladies aren’t off the hook, either.

May is lucky she had a sales counter to stash the gun. Even so, having it lie around where it could conceivably be grabbed by an attacker is not optimal.

She told police one of the men, who has not been identified, asked her for brown liquor. The shooting victim, identified as Ramon Fisher, picked up two bottles. Boyce explained that Fisher’s demeanor led her to believe he was going to steal the two liquor bottles.

She moved to the opening of the counter to face Fisher. Boyce claimed Fisher then “lunged towards her in a manner that made her think that he might push her down” before running toward the store’s exit.

Boyce told police that as Fisher moved toward the exit, she picked up her gun and stepped out from the counter. According to the affidavit, she thinks she yelled at him to “Stop” but she wasn’t positive about that.

Boyce said she aimed the gun at the floor in his direction and pulled the trigger. But instead of shooting the ground, Fisher was hit in the back. The affidavit states Fisher yelled out that he had been shot and fell into a stack of bottles. The second man grabbed Fisher and helped him out the door.

The gun Boyce used was a .38 Smith & Wesson snub-nose revolver, Fox News reported. She told the New York Post she hadn’t meant to shoot Fisher but wanted only to scare him. She added that she had never fired a weapon before.

That’s the worst mistake a new gun owner can make. No experienced owner would use a firearm for self-defense that he’d never test-fired at the range. A gun owner who had NEVER fired ANY firearm before using it for armed self-defense? She literally didn’t know what she was doing. I believe her story but accidentally shooting him in the back while he ran away is how May got charged for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

I think she’ll be fine; no jury will put Grandma in the slammer for a decade. Probably she’ll be charged with misdemeanor assault and pay a fine. What a surprise that a warning shot didn’t work out the way she intended.

Which is another learning experience. Don’t fire warning shots. Ever. If bad guys aren’t scared by the mere sight of your revolver then it’s killing time, not “endangering the general public” time.

Boyce did not express remorse for shooting Fisher in an interview with the New York Post and insisted that she simply did what she “had to do.” She told the newspaper her store has been robbed several times in the past few years and she is “fed up” with feeling afraid.

But she *did* talk to the media in the aftermath. Don’t EVER do that. The media are not your friends, now that you’re a gun-carrying member of the Deplorables. The police are entitled to a statement, at least after you’ve calmed down and ideally have a lawyer present, but media are not.

She explained to the Post: “I hope word gets out on the street that I’m fed up and I’m not taking it anymore. You’ve got to stick up for yourself sometimes. After you’ve been played for a fool by people stealin. from you for years, you get fed up. And don’t put me in the category of a little old lady. I know how to take care of myself.”


A friend of Boyce’s named Carson Burch defended her on Facebook as a “sweet old lady who minds her own business.” Burch claimed Boyce was assaulted when her store was robbed two months prior and that she wears a brace on her wrist as a result of the injury.

Another reason I expect she’ll be okay.

Ramon Fisher admitted that he was under the influence of drugs and alcohol when he entered Boyce’s liquor store on June 16, according to the criminal affidavit. He was taken to Vanderbilt Hospital after the shooting and that’s where detectives interviewed him. The affidavit notes that Fisher “was already on medications” when police arrived to get his statement.

Yet another reason I expect she’ll be okay.

Fisher told the investigators he had been using cocaine and alcohol that day. He also confessed that he and his friends entered Boyce’s store with the goal of stealing liquor. .He stated that in the attempt to steal from Mrs. Boyce, she shot him once in the back..

But Fisher provided a different account when detectives followed up with him the next day. In the second interview, Fisher denied planning to steal the alcohol and insisted that he and his friend were going to pay for it. He identified the second man only by a nickname, .One Eye.. Fisher also denied running toward the exit.

One-Eye: “Hey, um, how about you steal the beer this time?”

Ramon: “Sure. What could go wrong?”

One-Eye: “Yeah, man, that’s what I said.”


Your Gun-Toting Math Teacher Is Not Impressed

This isn’t the day that basic math will save your life, but it is a day that basic math will explain the otherwise curious behavior of Los Angeles’ Sheriff Villanueva.

LA County Sheriff to Increase Concealed Permit Issuance by 400 Percent

By Awr Hawkins, 24 June 2020

Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva revealed Wednesday his plans to increase the issuance of concealed carry permits by 400 percent.

Wow! 400 Percent! That’s a lot! I would not have expected that from a hardline liberal who’d just freed a lot of inmates… to get shot en flagrante? Is he black-knighting or something?

Getting a concealed carry permit in L.A. County has been difficult in past years, regardless of the sheriff in charge.

On February 14, 2013, Breitbart News reported that the carry permits may have been disproportionately given to friends and donors of Sheriff Lee Baca.

LA Weekly noted that people securing the hard-to-come-by permits included:

Emerson Glazer: the son of the man who developed the Del Amo Fashion Center mall in Torrance, gave Baca “basketball tickets and gift baskets..
Stan Shuster: the owner of a cigar room, gave Baca “shirts and golf balls..
Michael Yamaki: .is among Baca’s best friends..
George Chilingar: gave Baca $750 worth of Persian rugs.
Hollywood producer Arnold Kopelson: .gave Baca ballet tickets in 2004.
Singer James Darren: .gave Baca some CDs and a photograph..
Jeweler Nagapet Boyadgian: .gave Baca a $500 contribution in 2010..
Arthur Kassel: .hosted a birthday party for Baca..

On December 26, 2017, Breitbart News reported that an audit by the California State Auditor showed there were only 197 concealed carry permit holders in Los Angeles county. At that time the county had a population of 10.2 million, and only 197 of those residents were permitted to carry a handgun for self-defense.

I remember Baca as being pay-to-play corrupt but not actively treasonous.

Wait a minute. 197 CCW permits… 400 percent more… is… 985 CCW permits in a city of 10,200,000. That’s not enough permits even for all the atheist Jew Hollywood millionaires in Los Angeles. Bodyguard Lives Matter!

But in the current climate, where residents feel endangered in their neighborhoods and where rioters set fire to police vehicles in the street, Sheriff Villanueva is making clear he plans on increasing the issuance of concealed carry permits.

The current climate of lawlessness has nothing to do with his decision. Make it 500,000% more CCW permits (total of 985k) and then we’ll be talking.

Fox LA.s Bill Melugin tweeted: .L.A. County Sheriff Alex Villanueva said he expects to begin increasing the amount of concealed carry permits he issues by as much as 400%. CCWs are notoriously difficult to obtain in LA..

Return to your lives, citizens. Nothing has changed.


Into the CHAZ

Andy Ngo is the only journalist that I can respect, for the simple reason that he risks his neck for a scoop. His experience infiltrating Seattle’s devil-worshiping experiment called the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone confirms our preconceived notions… first among them, that hypocrisy smells like shit.

My terrifying five-day stay inside Seattle’s cop-free CHAZ

htt ps://

By Andy Ngo, 20 June 2020

SEATTLE . On June 8, Seattle police frantically loaded what they could from the east precinct onto trucks and cars. Within hours, they boarded up and abandoned the station.

Police don’t do that without orders in triplicate. The responsible one is Seattle police chief Carmen Best:

…although she passed the buck to Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan on the left:

…with her lesbian partner on the right. And I thought Portland was weird!

Portland: “We have the most awesome free-love homeless camp in USA!”

Seattle: “Hold my street taco.”

That explains the CHAZ so very well.

That night, left-wing protesters from Black Lives Matter and Antifa declared ownership of the six-block neighborhood in the middle of the Pacific Northwest’s largest city. They named their new territory the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,. or CHAZ. No laws or rules applied here except for one: .No cops allowed..


During five undercover days and nights in the zone, I witnessed a continuing experiment in anarchy, chaos and brute-force criminality.

It’s not an experiment. It’s an act of worship to the Rebel. But I wouldn’t expect a homosexual journalist to recognize a six-city-block-sized altar to the fallen angel even when Antifa’s symbol is but a poorly-scrawled COPY of Old Scratch’s.

In order to avoid being exposed as a journalist . several reporters have been barred or expelled . I slept and showered outside the zone. (Those inside have no showers but they do have portable bathrooms.)

Behold the stench of hypocrisy meeting the stench of poor hygiene. Note to self, stop bathing while going undercover in Antifa territory. Physical cleanliness is as much a giveaway as moral cleanliness. Off-topic, did you know that Che Guevara’s nickname was The Pig?


Top 10 Things You didn’t Know About Che Guevara

“Che Guevara as a youth was nicknamed “Chancho” (pig) because of his bathing habits (or lack thereof) and the fact that he proudly wore a “weekly shirt. . ie, a shirt he changed once a week. All through his life people commented on his smelliness (though obviously not to his face once he had the power to execute people on a whim).

End segue

So, if you ever wondered why anarchists call law-and-order types pigs… it’s projection. What a surprise.

I took meals, and most of my water breaks, elsewhere because I was reluctant to remove my mask and risk being recognized. Every day I entered the zone twice through its semi-porous borders . once in the early afternoon, and again after sundown, staying until the wee hours.

Crime has surged inside and outside the zone.

(For reference, police pulled out of their precinct on June 8. It took them one day to realize that they can’t be a government without the tools of force.)

On Saturday morning, a shooting erupted that left at least one person dead and another injured near a border checkpoint. Police were reportedly met with resistance when they tried to get to the victims, who apparently were then taken in private cars to the hospital. Cops made it into the zone to gather shell casings and evidence, some reports said, as police in riot gear stood at the border.

Which is it, Police Chief “Best”? Are they your problem or are they not your problem? Either leave them to kill & die in their No Pig Zone or reopen the precinct.

On Thursday, police arrested Robert James after he left the CHAZ. He is accused of sexually assaulting a deaf woman who was lured inside a tent. The same day, former city council candidate Isaiah Willoughby was arrested on suspicion of starting the arson attack on the East Precinct June 12.

He’ll probably win his next bid for office.

Police Chief Carmen Best has stated that police response times to 911 calls in the surrounding area have “more than tripled” because they are down a station.

.Emergency calls, which often means somebody’s being assaulted, sometimes it’s a rape, sometimes it’s a robbery, but something bad is happening if it’s a top priority call, and we’re not able to get there,. she has said.

Various .Occupy.-type protests have occurred across the US since the original occupation near Wall Street in 2011. But CHAZ is nothing like the mostly peaceful tent city in privately-owned Zuccotti Park that was corralled and closely monitored by the NYPD.

Do people need a sign to inform them that capitalism is good and socialism is bad? If so then here it is:

People’s Republic of Silent Hill, more like. Send in Pyramid Head!

CHAZ occupants, ranging from several hundred to 10,000 depending on the day, with many openly armed, control all of the Capitol Hill neighborhood near downtown.


The neighborhood is the heart of Seattle.s gay and counter-culture district, and is densely filled with businesses and apartment buildings. CHAZ now claims all of it.

I had wondered why the police quietly cooperated with that precinct evacuation order. The term is “self-cleaning oven”. But it was still treachery to the innocent who lived and worked there.

Before the takeover, violent clashes between rioters and police defending the east precinct resulted in dozens of officers injured by rocks and other projectiles. Protesters and rioters complained of police brutality, leading Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan and Chief Best to ban cops from using tear gas, pepper spray and flash-bangs for 30 days.

I miss the lynch mobs of history. They were much more honest than the lynch mobs of Current Year.

CHAZ is having reverberating effects elsewhere. In the early hours of Thursday morning, Antifa and other left-wing protesters established an “autonomous zone” in downtown Portland, Ore. They stole city and business property to build a wall. At least one protester was seen carrying a rifle. The area was later cleared by police but far-left activists are determined to try again.


Protesters in Nashville and other cities have attempted to recreate their own “autonomous zones” modeled after CHAZ but have so far been stopped by law enforcement.

In Seattle, as soon as police evacuated from the station nearly two weeks ago, masked protesters stole city property . barricades, fencing and more . to create makeshift barriers. These barriers became the official border checkpoints in and out of CHAZ. They were later fortified with additional layers of security: more blockades and 24-hour guards.

They Built the Wall.

A large team of volunteers assembled to designate themselves “security” for CHAZ. Many of them wear patches signaling they’re part of the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club, a far-left militia-type organization named after the radical abolitionist. Last year, one of the group’s members carried out an armed attack on an Immigration, Customs and Enforcement facility in Tacoma, Wash. Police said that Willem van Spronsen tried to ignite the 500-gallon propane tank attached to the facility. He was killed by police.

I love a story with a happy ending. Ooh, Spork-son left a manifesto behind! Quote: “Don Pritts, my spiritual guide. “Love without action is just a word.” John Brown, my moral guide. “What is needed is action!” Emma Goldman, my political guide. “If I can’t dance, I don’t want to be in your revolution.” I’m a head in the clouds dreamer, I believe in love and redemption. I believe we’re going to win.”

Yet another Christ-hating Jew preaching rebellion as an end in itself. “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Addendum, kill the pigs that Christ appointed to bear the sword of justice. Free love!”

Despite the group’s link to violent extremism, its armed members were celebrated in the CHAZ for “protecting” the new denizens. The head of CHAZ.s security is a short female named “Creature.”

Greta Thunberg? Is that you?

She and the rest of her team communicate with walkie-talkie devices and earpieces. Some of them openly carry rifles, handguns, batons or knives. Their operating base is in the open-air eating section of the Ranchos Tacos Mexican restaurant. Signs posted all over their base declares: .NO PHOTOS. NO VIDEOS.” Another sign lists Venmo names for donations.

What, no bodycams? How do they expect their enemies to ruin their lives and threaten their children? Not that forcing bodycams on police worked out well for them.

Though CHAZ claims to have no rules, it quickly developed a complex code of conduct that varied from zone to zone and even the time of the day. For example, those in the garden area, who are mostly white, need to make sure they do not “recolonize” the space.

I suppose if Antifa weren’t hypocrites, they’d kill themselves for being white.

Mainstream media reports have focused on the “block party” atmosphere of the occupation, repeating a talking point from the Seattle mayor.

This is all planned. All intentional. The CHAZ is an extended worship service to the devil by Seattle’s government leaders.

She, along with fellow Democrat, Gov. Jay Inslee, have gone to great lengths to emphasize the “peaceful” nature of the occupation. For media crews that arrive during the day, that is certainly what they will see. People have barbecues in the street. Many bring their children to make street art. People walk their dogs.

But at night, a whole different side of CHAZ emerges.

Lacking agreed-upon leadership, those who have naturally risen to the top have done so with force or intimidation. For example, rapper Raz Simone, real name Solomon Simone, patrols CHAZ on some nights with an armed entourage. Simone, originally from Georgia, has an arrest record for child cruelty and other charges. He usually conducts his patrols carrying a long semi-auto rifle and sidearm. Last weekend, a live stream recorded Simone handing another man a rifle from the trunk of a car.

I couldn’t find his rap sheet but last year, the City of Seattle gave him $80k to build a recording studio. He’s connected at the top levels of the city government that pulled its police force out so he could become a warlord.

Not everyone in CHAZ recognizes Simone’s police-like presence, but no one is willing to stand up to him and his group. There have been consequences to those perceived as challengers or threats. Independent Los Angeles-based journalist Kalen D.Ameida recorded Simone and his crew in the early hours of Monday morning. He was spotted by one of Simone’s men, who manhandled him and demanded he turn over his mobile device. Simone’s team chased D.Ameida and tried to drag him to the security tent. He escaped by hiding in a construction site outside CHAZ until police responded to his 911 call.

There’s no difference between defunding the police and opening the Gates of Hell.

Those unfortunate enough to have homes or businesses within CHAZ . an estimated 30,000 residents . have no say over their new overlords. Residents have discreetly voiced their concerns to local media. Gunshots and “screams of terror” at night have been reported. A resident of an apartment building came out twice to ask protesters to leave the alley where the entrance is. They brushed him off.

The devil is surely pleased at the violent lawlessness being conducted under the protection of a child abuser.

Every business and property inside CHAZ has been vandalized with graffiti. Most messages say some variation of “Black Lives Matter” or “George Floyd,. but other messages call for the murder of police. Most businesses are boarded up. .ACAB. . all cops are bastards, an Antifa slogan . is written over them.

Businesses outside CHAZ are also suffering. Last week, the Trader Joe’s in Capitol Hill announced it was closing immediately and indefinitely because of “safety and security concerns.” Then last Sunday night, around 100 angry protesters sprinted toward a nearby auto repair shop to “rescue” a comrade who had been detained. All it took to sic the mob on the business was one man yelling into a microphone inside CHAZ. According to the police report, the store’s owner, John McDermott, stopped Richard Hanks after he allegedly broke into the business, stole property and tried to start a fire. The owner and his son said they called police “multiple times” but cops and firefighters never responded.

Rioters from CHAZ broke down the gate to the business lot and began rushing the owner. A large team of CHAZ volunteers successfully de-escalated the situation by forming a human chain where the fence once stood. It was one of the rare occasions the community was able to police itself. Private security for the business said they found a cache of weapons, including a rifle, hidden in a nearby bush.

In the midst of the restlessness and drug abuse that arises in and around CHAZ, acts of kindness and community support also flourish. Donations from outside have poured in every day, supplying the camp with multiple food and supply stations. The “No Cop Co-Op,. the largest supply booth, distributes raw meat and fresh vegetables.


H/T Spawneyspace for this and the first memes.

Next to the tents in Cal Anderson Park, denizens have started rudimentary “farms” to grow lettuce and herbs. One farm is only for “black and indigenous folks..

Those looking to make new friends can sit on one of the many sofas at the “Decolonization Conversation Cafe.. Free coffee is served.

Down with capitalism… but the coffee must flow!

Left-wing political groups have capitalized on the opportunity to recruit new members. The Democratic Socialists of America features prominently in addition to the Seattle Revolutionary Socialists. But in the absence of any vetting, perhaps intentionally, extremists have also set up shop. One station that operates off-and-on distributes extremist anarchist-communist agitprop . the political ideology of Antifa. In one manual titled, .Blockade, Occupy, Strike Back,. instructions show how to use human shields against police, and make rudimentary “bombs” using light bulbs and paint.

Another booklet is titled “Against the Police and the Prison World They Maintain.. It features short essays on why police, capitalism and the state must be destroyed by any means necessary, including through violence. One section explains how the media are enemies used to “pacify” revolutionaries.

That’s the problem with preaching rebellion as a virtue. Your attack dogs just don’t stay on their leash.

.Our contempt for the media is inextricable from our hatred of this entire world,. the booklet reads. Attacks on journalists who are accused of not toeing the line have become commonplace. On Monday, a masked Antifa militant pointed me out to her comrades and tried to assemble a mob. I left before I could be injured. The following day, a Fox News crew was forced out of the zone.

It’s a rough life, Ngo trying to benefit from the homo part of the Narrative without buying in all the way to hating Christ.

Knowing the danger journalists faced in CHAZ, I tried to blend in by dressing in the “black bloc” uniform popularized by Antifa. I avoided speaking to people on the chance they would recognize my voice. When they viewed me as one of their own, they were incredibly kind. They offered me water and snacks throughout the day. Suspicious .outsiders,. on the other hand, were immediately tailed by security.

Also, a rough life being a celebrity trying to go unnoticed.

Despite the pleas from those who live and work inside Capitol Hill for law and order to be restored, Seattle’s city council has determined that CHAZ should continue. On Tuesday, the city even provided upgrades to CHAZ, including street blockades that double as graffiti canvases, along with cleaning services and porta-potties.

Never listen to what they say. Look at what they do. Seattle’s leadership intends to remake all of Seattle into CHAZ. I had thought that Los Angeles would be the first major city past the indoor plumbing event horizon but maybe not.

It is difficult to decipher what CHAZ occupants want. Each faction, whether liberal, Marxist or anarchist, has their own agenda. But one online manifesto posted on Medium demands no less than the abolishment of the criminal justice system.

They all want to worship the devil, the first rebel, the Father of Lies whose work is to steal, kill and destroy. It should have been a giveaway that they all hate the cops. You see, this reality has many lies but only one truth. The devil is not FOR anything. He is AGAINST Christ. He doesn’t care which lie you choose to believe… pick your favorite… so long as you DON’T believe the truth.

Andy Ngo himself has chosen the lie of sodomy. God made us male and female. The devil made us LGBTQQIP2SAA+… anything you want, really, EXCEPT MAN AND WIFE.

What will happen if demands aren’t met? Jaiden Grayson, a young black woman who has developed a large following in CHAZ, told a filmmaker: .Respond to the demands of the people or prepare to be met with any means necessary. . It’s not even a warning. I’m letting people know what comes next..

It doesn’t matter if their demands are met. They would just make more demands because that’s what parasites do. They demand *more*, never *enough*. They aren’t pursuing a new utopia because they’re already living in it… people nervously pretending that life is great during the day then living in terror of slashing knives in the dark and looters eating their fill of stolen food with no plan or even concern what they’ll eat tomorrow… brazenly committing evil knowing that innocence has finally been outlawed along with the innocent’s defenders.


Love Your Father More Than This

Social distancing is inhuman. It’s the malicious banning of all human contact by government edict, and the quiet acceptance of it probably did much to embolden America’s current Red Dawn. Here’s your checklist for determining whether you can dare to risk giving your father a hug on Father’s Day:

Can you visit your dad safely on Father’s Day? A doctor gives you a checklist

By Lynne Anderson, 17 June 2020

[EDIT: actually by Claudia Finkelstein. Lynne’s picture remains below for continuity with comments.]

I bet she was pretty before the stresses of med school got to her.

As a physician, daughter and socially responsible human, I’m finding Father’s Day to be complicated for me this year, as it is for millions.

It’s not complicated. He’s your father and you, “as a physician”, surely know how to not spread disease during a visit.

Questions of whether and how to see my adult children and my own elderly father present medical and ethical quandaries. As an associate professor of family medicine with a focus on wellness, I’d like to share with you my thinking about this using some tools to aid discernment as Father’s Day approaches.

Wouldn.t it be great if choosing time with parents or offspring were ever an easy decision to make?

Good news! It is! And if the government decrees differently then it still is!

However, the answer is rarely that simple. This year, in the midst of a global pandemic and the need to continue to practice social distancing as states loosen stay-at-home guidelines, the decision is even more complex than usual.


Is there any science behind two-metre social distancing rule.? Government adviser says guidelines on keeping apart was ‘conjured out of nowhere’

Social distancing orders for people to keep two metres apart to stop the spread of coronavirus is not based on any scientific research, a government adviser has said.

Robert Dingwall, from the New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group (Nervtag), said the rule was ‘conjured up out of nowhere’. …

Mr Dingwall told Radio 4’s Today: ‘We cannot sustain [social distancing measures] without causing serious damage to society, to the economy and to the physical and mental health of the population.

‘I think it will be much harder to get compliance with some of the measures that really do not have an evidence base. I mean the two-metre rule was conjured up out of nowhere.’

He added: ‘Well there is a certain amount of scientific evidence for a one-metre distance which comes out of indoor studies in clinical and experimental settings.

‘There’s never been a scientific basis for two metres, it’s kind of a rule of thumb. But it’s not like there is a whole kind of rigorous scientific literature that it is founded upon.’

The government put the UK on lockdown on March 23 and enforced social distancing to try to combat the spread of the virus which has killed nearly 20,000.

End segue

I have come up with a matrix to help you decide how to safely celebrate in a fact-based and safe manner. This matrix weighs the many factors to consider, specifically related to the pandemic.

Personal risk
Assessing your personal risk is one aspect of the matrix. Are you or is your father in a high-risk group? Presence of chronic disease or age over 65 are two major risks. You can check this Centers for Disease Control and Prevention chart for more specific details.

“Get away from me, Daddy! You’re too OLD!”

Besides your specific personal risks, are either of you in repeated contact with the public through your job? Did you participate in the protests or spend time in other crowded public events?

Even then, just wash your hands and don’t French-kiss him.

Are you symptomatic?


Have you been exposed to a carrier? Are young children, who can be asymptomatic carriers, in the picture?

How do women end up like this? Acting as if kindness to family was a limited amount of currency to be hoarded?

If any of these questions is answered with a yes, it is certainly wise to forgo any thought of an in-person visit. If all are no, you can proceed to the next part of the matrix.

Where you live matters
Are you in a high-prevalence area for coronavirus or in a state with rising rates? If you are in a sparsely populated area with low regional prevalence, it makes more sense to consider an in-person visit than if you (or he) live in a place with a high number of cases or rising numbers of cases. Check your local prevalence here.

Your zip code doesn’t determine risk levels unless it’s a special case like NYC or SF. Those people don’t do anything without government approval anyway.

If neither of you is at elevated risk and you are not in an extremely high-prevalence area, the next question is: Can you see each other in person without violating any orders? Consult this link for reopening plans affecting your state.

This author is definitely a natural-born slave.

Remember that the U.S. borders with Canada and Mexico also have restrictions, including a self-quarantine for 14 days after arriving in Canada. Obviously, any need to travel and ability to quarantine must enter the matrix calculation.

That’s an entirely different checklist: “international travel restrictions”. Is this woman searching for reasons to avoid family?

Finally, can your in-person visit follow social distancing recommendations? Can you be six feet apart . ideally, outdoors . wash hands frequently and avoid physical contact? Remember, it may be tough not to hug, especially if you do decide to bring children.

If so, finally, you need to examine your own and your father’s risk tolerance. If either of you is extremely anxious, stick to virtual connection.

Love and gratitude, while ideally communicated in person, can still be expressed virtually or by phone.

Humans are a social species. We need to be around each other. America’s MDs are highly educated yet dangerously ignorant, if they don’t respect non-scientific matters such as the importance of human touch.

I cannot believe how many people can be told to end all human contact indefinitely and they not only do it, they go Karen on the people who insist on hugs and handshakes.

You may overtly acknowledge that the greater act of love for each other, as well as your community, is to stay home.

These days we have been asked to reexamine what “normal” looks like in so many ways.


The belief that human nature is “infinitely malleable” has been in the Communist Manifesto since its first edition. The core of every Communist revolution has been reinventing default human behavior away from Christ and towards the State.

As we see happening right now. Consult this checklist of government regulations for whether you can safely pay a visit to Dad on Father’s Day! “No symptoms” is no excuse!

Perhaps the increased opportunity for reflection afforded by the pandemic, as well as the restrictions imposed, will teach us to honor our loved ones in many small ways throughout the year. The gift of attention . by phone, email or snail mail . is always possible.

Translation, “you could just forget about Father’s Day entirely.” Sure, let’s make our holidays go away together with the statues marking our history. Everything but the globalist agenda is racist!

And remember that another holiday . July 4 . is just around the corner, and you will need to think about safety then, too.

She didn’t even try to call it “Independence Day”. That’s fine. She doesn’t know the meaning of the word.

The best way to say you care about your father is to say it in person.

Happy Father’s Day to all who are!


The Wrong Way To Ask

I got a takedown request the other day. On the one hand, I know the importance of not needlessly offending an endless conga line of random people. On the other hand, I do not respond well to veiled threats of false accusations.

Mr. Gunner Q,

I discovered my church and myself are the subject of one of your recent blog posts.

Your blog, however, contains an inaccurate statement about the ministries of the congregation, remarks which I deem defamatory and slanderous to my personal and professional character, and a quote without attribution, making it misleading.

I kindly request that you remove my photo, your defamatory remarks against me and your inaccurate statements about the congregation’s ministries.


Eddie McCoven
Communication & Media Specialist
Clairemont Lutheran Church / Iglesia Luterana

I would be sympathetic to setting the record straight but alas, Eddie didn’t mention what exactly I was wrong about. I am not sympathetic to “shut up because you’re wrong”.

Who is Eddie, anyway? I can’t recall offhand.

From the above link:

One prominent example is the Clairemont Lutheran Church in San Diego, which has been trying to include an affordable housing component to the redevelopment of a dilapidated fellowship hall on its property since 2015. Their plans required building over existing spaces in the church’s underutilized parking lot, and that ran afoul of a city code that ties parking requirements for churches to the square inches of pew space that they have.

I looked them up and they’re an unremarkable church. No female/vibrant pastor. No LGBT flag draped over the Cross. Most of the officers are female and child care is all the church does besides the weekly sermon. Seems every church is like that.

.Two weeks of the year that parking lot is utilized to the full extent. 50 weeks of the year it’s not,. says Eddie McCoven, a spokesperson for the Clairemont Lutheran Church.

.We drove all the men away and now can’t afford to stay open. We could repent of female empowerment but instead, we’ll let militant atheists house illegal immigrants on our land. Section 8 housing forced upon our neighbors is how God loves humanity!.

Eddie McCoven. Half-problem glasses, neckbeard and a career journalist. The physiognomy interpretation of neckbeards is that they outline the jaw & chin. Occam’s razor: neckbeards don’t want to look like the chinless fat kid that they probably are. But it might also be cultural. Facial hair goes in and out of style. Eddie doesn’t look like a lumbersexual, however.

I’m surprised that Eddie has issues with what I’ve written. Did I slander Eddie by suspecting that he WASN’T a lumbersexual or that he chose his grooming to appear more respectable? Should I assume he has six-pack abs like no neckbeard or photographer I’ve ever met?

Did I slander his church for thinking they DON’T fly the rainbow freak flag? I honestly don’t knew because he didn’t say.

I kindly request that you remove my photo, your defamatory remarks against me and your inaccurate statements about the congregation’s ministries.

No, no and blasphemy.

No, Eddie, I will not remove your photo. You do not get to put a selfie in the public domain while prohibiting people from looking at it and sharing potentially unflattering conclusions. I used it, unaltered, according to Fair Use laws for my research in physiognomy. Had you read my blog for longer than it took to get offended, you would know that such brief critiques are how I treat everybody I come across in the headlines.

Had you simply requested a removal then I would have done so because it wasn’t important to the post. Because you “deemed” that my sharing one publicly available picture and writing one paragraph musing about your facial hair and choice of glasses was tantamount to a campaign of slander and defamation, however, doing so could be construed as an admission of guilt. My best defense from your slanderous suspicions is refusing to act as if I have anything to hide.

TL;DR The next time you ask somebody to kindly do something for you, don’t talk as if you’re planning a lawsuit against them.

No, I will not remove the public statements you made to news media about the political activities of your church. Neither will I remove the opinions that as both a California taxpayer and a Christian, I am fully entitled to.

Lastly, your church is reported-by-you-Eddie to be housing homeless in its facilities in partnership with California’s anti-Christian state government. The problem of homelessness is not a lack of housing. Most homeless are either crazy or drug addicts. The temporary homeless, the guys living in his car until the first couple paychecks add up to a housing deposit? Those guys don’t even appear in your Social Justice system because they have self-respect and want to rejoin society faster than it takes to process the paperwork.

Your church helps Sacramento in its efforts to introduce druggies, crazies and trash-spewers into previously safe neighborhoods. Furthermore, your church’s efforts are being made in defiance of local government that is tasked with providing utilities and emergency services to its residents. That is betrayal of your neighbors, not hospitality to your neighbors, and is therefore blasphemy against Christ when you do it in His name.

State Senator Scott Wiener, the government official heading this housing-for-homeless program, is possibly the most active, most unrepentant and most outspoken homosexual activist in all of North America. Christ does not permit us to associate with the unrepentant and degenerate! And yet, your church follows Scott’s direction? Again, blasphemy!

If I’m wrong about any of this then you are welcome to correct me… but you are not welcome to SILENCE me.

You have three options now, Eddie. One, you can follow Christ’s advice to turn the other cheek. Just shrug and ignore that unpleasant fellow and move along with your life. I’ll go back to forgetting you exist and you’ll be a better human being for demonstrating patience.

Two, you can criticize me right back. It’s the Protestant way of settling disputes, after all. I don’t mind but use your own social media.

Three, you can disobey Christ AGAIN by involving secular third parties in a dispute between believers over matters of conscience.

Your choice. Have a kindly day.



Like many people, the Socialists’ demands to eliminate police entirely have made me curious what they intend to replace them with. The 20th Century answer was “People’s Liberation Citizen Militia” but that obviously won’t be the fate of a society whose ‘firearms per household’ average can easily hit double digits.

It.s Time To Defund The Police And Start Funding Social Workers

.So far there have been zero deaths at the hands of social workers..

htt ps://

By Sharon Kwon, 11 June 2020

Oh, the insolent ignorance of that tagline! This should be good.

Cries of “defund the police” and “invest in Black communities” have been heard throughout the nation, and most members of the Minneapolis City Council announced plans to defund that city’s police department over the weekend.

Many cities are following suit. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti cut $150 million . a relatively small amount . from the L.A. Police Department’s whopping $1.86 billion budget. The New York City Council is calling for a $1 billion cut to that city’s astronomical $6 billion police department budget.

I sense a trend.

But many advocates of the Black Lives Matter movement argue that this is not enough and that the goal is to abolish the police completely.

H/T Spawneyspace for those last two.

This raises the question of who would take their place. Activists have called for expanding initiatives to have mental health professionals and social workers respond to emergency calls instead of the police. For those who are completely oblivious to the public mental health system, this might sound like a radical concept.

We don’t have a public mental health system. All the insane asylums are closed. You liberals thought that would be a good idea. Now that even you have finally given up on it, you want to punish the sane people who’ve been holding back the tide of crazy.

Maybe people worship the devil because the only alternative is admitting their own screw-ups. The emphasis Christ places on confession and repentance gives that suggestion a lot of credibility.

But it’s actually not, given that social workers such as me are already doing this kind of work out in the field. We are on the front lines dealing with the homeless population, people suffering from substance abuse, clients who are predisposed to violence because of trauma histories, adolescents and young adults trapped in the criminal justice system, domestic violence victims and perpetrators, veterans with PTSD and more. These vulnerable people are arguably perceived as the most dangerous individuals in America . and social workers do this all without guns.

Um… none of that is POLICE WORK. Law enforcement, savvy? But all of it is care-based morality. Mommy caring for the kids, Mommy caring for hurting people, Mommy twerking for the drug dealer who keeps her safe and supplied in between the beatings that get her excited.

I’m a fan of this idea! It’s time to replace our SWAT teams with TWAT teams. Female social workers like Kwon should serve the next warrant on an MS-13 meth lab worker. No police backup. No right to self-defense. And if she comes out pregnant a couple days later, she gets imprisoned for raping the vibrant.

But we Red-Pilled know that that isn’t how it’s going to work. The likes of “Karen” Kwon here will snark arrogantly about how they can do law enforcement so much better, then they’ll cry for help because bad men are being mean to her!

Their replacement for police will be the White Knight Brigade.

I only recently began my career as a social worker…

…but already I know how the world should be run differently from the previous fifteen thousand years!

…but in the past two years, I’ve already worked with some of Los Angeles County’s most marginalized and disadvantaged folks of all ages, ethnicities and races.

In the first year of my field internship for my master’s degree program, I worked in the field and conducted home visits for homebound clients such as seniors and those who are physically or mentally disabled. I visited them in their homes in predominantly Black neighborhoods and investigated abuse allegations from Adult Protective Services by assessing them for signs of abuse and determining the safety of their environment.


I helped them access resources such as food stamps, utilities assistance, rent assistance, employment, housing, mental health help . basically anything they needed to make their difficult lives just a little more comfortable.

Handing out taxpayer money, with the sole exception of getting a job. If God designed women to spend her man’s money then He did a truly awesome job of it!

I met my homeless clients on the streets or in coffee shops to help link them with housing and resources.

This is why I never use the bathrooms of coffee shops. Washing hands does nothing to prevent needle-stick incidents.

In California, social workers need 1,000 clinical field internship hours in order to graduate from a two-year master’s program. Then they need to complete 3,000 supervised clinical hours over the course of 104 weeks in order to test for their license.

By contrast, a prospective police officer in California needs just 664 hours of academy training (or roughly 16 40-hour weeks) and 14 weeks of field training.

Barbers, cosmetologists, interior designers, refrigeration technicians, electrical sign specialists and manicurists all require more hours of training than the police, according to CNN.

Liberals don’t want people to ever be fully trained because then the education-industrial complex can’t scam money off of them for training. Even worse, once graduates get into the real world they begin realizing that six years of post-high school education plus two full years of underpaid internships did nothing to prepare them for the actual job.

The basic police duty is restraining someone and hauling their meatsack to jail, plus filing the relevant paperwork. How much training does it really take to do that? Add in a fat book of what-if procedures, some First Responder training and How To Drive It Like You Stole It, and four months sounds about right.

Behold the glory of no rent-seeking middle management.

It’s a crime against the economy that jobs from barber to fridge tech need ANY licensing AT ALL. The ones who suck will simply go out of business… but the ones who don’t will be competition against the established outfits.

I learned to cut my own hair because a simple trim is now $25 in California. Bitter bitches finally achieved gender-equality in cosmetology without once realizing that I was going to go bald anyway. *bzzzt* I don’t need a beautician anymore.

In my role as a social worker, I’ve done things such as pick up and deliver furniture, clothes and medical supplies to homebound clients; drive clients to necessary appointments; mediate conflict among family members; diagnose and treat clients for mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, gender dysphoria or disruptive behavior; provide individual and family psychotherapy in English and Korean; develop individualized education plans with school administration; and collaborate with an interdisciplinary team of medical professionals, mental health practitioners, law enforcement, lawyers, court officials, schools and community resources.

All pussy work. We liberated women to be anything they ever wanted to be, and they all want to care for the sick and keep a home in order.

Five minutes of trying to restrain George Floyd on his coke bender will shatter Kwon’s illusions AND her collarbones. It would be the righteous work of God to send her, unprotected, to die in the projects for what she believes.

I can’t believe what a sheltered life this twat is speaking from.

Social workers are already using “smart policing” techniques and providing preventive evidence-based interventions in marginalized communities . and all this with a fraction of the budget of the New York Police Department. We conduct regular home visits for homebound or high-needs clients to ensure they have the resources and services they need to survive and become contributing members of society.

AGAIN, police work is not about elderly shut-ins who need a ride to their job as a traumatized Walmart greeter.

The goal is to address the underlying cause of crime and violence before it becomes a bigger issue. This kind of evidence-based policing combines the science of controlling crime and disorder with the principles of community policing and problem-solving. Based on a social worker’s job description, we’re basically community police officers without guns.

This ignorant arrogance is going to get a lot of people killed.

But what if you find yourself in a dangerous situation and fear for your safety? Wouldn’t you want to call the cops? If the person that I’m fearing has a weapon, sure, I would want to call the cops. But if he’s unarmed (as were George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Michael Brown, Eric Garner . the list goes on), you.d be surprised at how many crises can be de-escalated without the use of guns or violence.

STOP RIGHT THERE, BARBIE! You don’t get to know in advance whether there’ll be a gun involved. You don’t get to pick and choose which emergency calls you answer. If you replace the police then YOU will go out there, without a gun… because guns kill people, sez you… and if the bad guy is armed then you ARE NOT ALLOWED TO GIVE UP. You will correct his behavior, on site and in real time, and if a warm glass of milk doesn’t convince the armed robber to play nice then I’ll laugh at you suffering whatever he does to you. If it’s especially nasty then I’ll also upload it to youTube.

I had to de-escalate a crisis situation in my first few months as an intern at a community mental health agency. My client was erratic, emotionally unstable and expressed suicidal and homicidal ideation. I was scared, but I didn’t have to call the police. Instead, my supervisor came for back-up, and we calmly helped my client come to the realization that it would be in the client’s and family’s best interests if my client were to go to the hospital that night. My client ended up getting the medication that they needed at the hospital and has been doing great ever since.

HER SUPERVISOR de-escalated the situation and she claimed credit for it. Let’s see her try, own her own, with a “client” in the process of stealing her car.

In addition, I have colleagues who have experienced physical altercations out in the field, such as being placed in a brief chokehold by a homeless person on substances. I know applied behavior analyst therapists who have grown accustomed to getting objects thrown at them and getting bit by their young autistic clients.

She avoids the rough stuff then brags she don’t need no cops to protect her from the rough stuff.

So far there have been zero deaths at the hands of social workers. According to the numbers, social workers cause fewer deaths than cops, are less likely to exacerbate crisis situations with violence and do all of this work for way less pay than police.

Evil must be punished. She doesn’t grok that at all, either because she’s female and wired to care or because she was raised by atheists who believe there is no evil. With enough drugs, everybody will be happy!

I.m an immigrant, and a few years ago I officially got naturalized.

Go home, you foreigner. We got more than enough Commies already.

I raised my right hand and swore an oath that .I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic.. I’ve been living and breathing this oath in my daily work as a social worker, advocating for America’s most vulnerable and neglected souls.

You broke your oath, bitch. You are an ally of the people destabilizing my society so they can get rid of the Constitution entirely. What, you thought those were empty words to be spoken like a magic spell? I doubt you ever respected the Constitution, let alone ever read it.

We need to change the way we think about mental health so that instead of just seeing a “crazy person” out on the street, we see a fellow American reaching out for help.

That “crazy person” just stole your bicycle and smartphone. What now, Barbie? Who you gonna call?



Warlock Timothy Dalrymple: “Repentance Is Not Enough”

At long last, the rotting skin suit of Christianity Today Magazine has sloughed off the heretic prancing around in it. Stick a pitchfork in CT, it’s done and Damned.

Justice Too Long Delayed

Editorial by Timothy Dalrymple, 10 June 2020

Two original sins have plagued this nation from its inception: the destruction of its native inhabitants and the institution of slavery. Both sprang from a failure to see an equal in the racial other. As Bishop Claude Alexander has said, racism was in the amniotic fluid out of which our nation was born. There was a virus present in the very environment that nurtured the development of our country, our culture, and our people. The virus of racism infected our church, our Constitution and laws, our attitudes and ideologies. We have never fully defeated it.

There is, of course, only one Original Sin and it didn’t start at 17th-Century Jamestown.

“Bishop” Claude. I don’t like his crescent-shaped eyes.

The first slaves arrived upon these shores before the Pilgrims, before there was a Massachusetts or Connecticut. Slavery had been established for 113 years when George Washington was born and 157 years when the Declaration of Independence was written.

Thanks for pointing out that America inherited the institution of slavery instead of creating it. Said thanks being withdrawn for not noticing that most of those early slaves were whites.

We shudder when we think not only of the physical torment but of the social suffering.the sense of humiliation and abandonment, that the white society around the slaves was often deaf to their cries and did not view them as human and worthy of love.and we wonder at the profound wound it would leave in the collective consciousness of a people. Slavery in the antebellum economy was one of the most powerful engines of wealth creation in the history of our people. It generated economic and cultural capital that flowed downstream into affluent communities, as well as opportunity for labor and investment and educational institutions that supported research, innovation, and quality of life. Yet it left African Americans utterly desolate.

Standard NY Times 1619 Project copypasta. To hear those Jews tell it, blacks’ ancestors were beaten 16 hours a day, every day for no reason at all, and White Man somehow made a lot of money off them by doing so. Perhaps gold came out of the Negro when Mario & Luigi jumped on his head because normally, it’s very hard to torture somebody into profitable labor. God knows enough tyrants have tried.

Only about 42 percent of white Christians believe the history of slavery continues to impact African Americans today.

Timmy complains that ONLY a near-majority of whites believe his lies. News flash: nobody today is 400 years old. Or 150 years old, for that matter. The last person to draw a Civil War pension died just last week, in fact. Link to Irene Triplett for the curious:

htt ps://

Yet slavery was a symptom of the virus, not the virus itself. Even after the abolition of slavery, the ideology that had supported and formed around slavery endured. The symptom passed. The virus persisted by mutating.

Do you get the sense that Dalrymple is scanning words off of headlines to justify what he already believes? He’s a warlock, using words as spells to control human behavior, and I’ll give the proof later with his bio.

So fine, Timmy Dumpy is just another race-grifter a la Jesse Jackson. Why is that important? Because he’s infecting Christianity with Social Justice.

What role did the church play?

Of course, some white Christians strove at great length and great risk to abolish slavery, and many shed their blood in the war that emancipated slaves in the Southern states. Rightly interpreted, the Bible at the center of the church has been an enormous force not only for the redemption of sinners but for the advancement of justice and charity. But the exceptions were far too few. A multitude of Christian communities, including evangelical communities, were silent in the face of slavery or even complicit in it.

So, no role at all, if some churches opposed slavery and other churches tolerated it.

I could play the same game, and better, by noticing how many black churches are silent or complicit in the arsoning & looting of white businesses today, but fidelity to the God of Truth prevents me from blaming 17th-Century Somalia.

In fact, complicity is not a strong enough term. Much though it grieves us as people who love the church, it may be that the most monstrous sin of the white church in America was shaping a theology of racial superiority in order to legitimize and even encourage the institution of slavery. Slavery was not only permissible, many white Christians argued, but beneficial insofar as it brought gospel and culture to a benighted people.

This accusation is true except there was no sin in it. Christianity, at no point going back to Paul’s letter to Philemon, prohibited slavery of any race. What Christianity did do was grant full status as human beings to slaves with the gentle reminder that the slave owner is himself a slave to God.

Funny how THAT is not something the modern Church teaches, that we are slaves to God’s will and have no choice whether to obey His commands. It’s all love and freedom and equality in God, which is not at all what God taught. His burden is much lighter than the devil’s, yes, but it’s still a burden. We aren’t told to carry our Cross and offer ourselves as living sacrifices for the shits and giggles.

The name of Phalaris is not much remembered in the 21st century, but in classical antiquity it was infamous. The tyrant of Agrigentum on the island of Sicily, Phalaris is known for a gruesome instrument of torture: a hulking bronze bull, hollowed on the inside, set over a fire. As victims were forced into the bull and roasted alive, the nostrils of the bull rendered the screams of the dying into a sonorous groaning that filled the palace with music. You might be a guest at the feast, unaware that your entertainment came through the agony of others.

Today.s generations may say we did not invent the bull of racial injustice. But we have benefited from it.

Where did THIS come from? Why did Dalrymple bring up a forgotten way to worship demons an a slavery analogy? It’s no American cultural reference. It doesn’t even work because anybody attending such a ceremony would obviously have recognized the screaming of the suffering.

…The American church has advanced the cause of the gospel of Jesus Christ in countless ways, from sending missionaries to translating the Bible to supporting and staffing ministries that bring light and life to every corner of the world. And yet, historically, far too often, American evangelicalism has been silent on, complicit in, or an apologist for racial inequality.

All must be made to Converge.

…It.s time for white evangelicals to confess that we have not taken the sin of racism with the gravity and seriousness it deserves. The deep grief and anger over the death of George Floyd is about more than police brutality.

No, I’m pretty sure it’s exactly about police brutality. For the record, Officer Chauvin could have garroted that muscled-up thugbait and I would have approved. Aggravated armed robbery convictions wreck my Christian sense of compassion.

It.s about a society and culture that allowed for the abuse and oppression of African Americans over and over and over again.

Do the crime, do the time. Or do the Danny Deever. Over and over and over again.

Neo-evangelicals generally believed it was enough to preach the message of salvation and trust that justice would follow as a matter of course. It hasn.t. What we thought righteous was unrighteous. We repent of our sin.

But repentance is not enough.

A blatant heresy.

The other biblical narrative that comes to mind is the story of a tax collector in Jericho. Zacchaeus was a collaborator with the occupying Roman authority, and by adding his own extortionary fees, he plundered the wealth of his neighbors and enriched himself. Jesus encountered him and shocked the crowd by going to his home. Salvation came to the house of Zacchaeus on that day. He proclaimed, .Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will give back four times the amount. (Luke 19:8).

That IS repentance. He undid his past evil and put his greedy ways away. ZACCHAEUS WAS NOT PURCHASING HIS SALVATION!

The president & CEO of a major Christian media organization has no excuse to be this wrong about Scripture.

He set up what we might call a “Zacchaeus fund” in order to restore what belonged to his neighbors. Are we willing to do the same? Black lives matter. They matter so much that Jesus sacrificed everything for them. Are we willing to sacrifice as well?

Timmy isn’t even twisting Scripture at this point. He’s straight-up lying. Zaccharus undid the evil that he personally did; he did not pay restitution for what his tax-collecting peers were still doing, let alone what his ancestors didn’t do to the Romans who didn’t exist as such back then.

Dalrymple ignores this lesson in personal responsibility to embrace the concept of racial guilt. One wonders how he squares that with “In Christ, there is neither Jew nor Greek”.

I am aware of one “Zacchaeus fund” in Atlanta, where Christians who believe that African Americans have been subjected to four centuries of injustice and plunder are beginning to do their humble part to make it right. A majority-black committee assigns the funds to support rising black leaders in the church and in the marketplace. It will not be enough, but it will be something. What if there were Zacchaeus funds in every city and believers gave sacrificially, so our brothers and sisters could be restored and so our neighbors could see once again the Christlike love that overcame the world?

Whites would be functionally enslaved by the Church for crimes they didn’t commit and their ancestors didn’t commit, either. For a man who believes that enslaving the blacks was evil, Timmy is remarkably eager to enslave his own white people.

His motivation is obvious, of course. This isn’t about race. Dalrymple wants to gut the Church of all its material wealth in support of Social Justice, just like he did to Christianity Today Magazine.

The bride of Christ is beautiful. She can overcome this plague. Let us all do our part.

By rewarding the blacks torching our cities with more gibs? That’s not even Danegeld. The Christian path is to let the dead bury the dead.

How did Dalrymple end up this evil? My most charitable hypothesis is that he was dropped on his head.

Christianity Today Appoints Timothy Dalrymple as New President/CEO

The Christianity Today Board of Directors has unanimously elected Dr. Timothy Dalrymple as its next president and CEO. He will begin his new role May 1, 2019.

Dalrymple.s selection follows a nine-month nationwide search led by the firm of CarterBaldwin and involving over 150 potential candidates. The Board made their decision on February 19 at a meeting in Dallas.

The president-elect was raised in California…

First red flag.

…where his father served in several pastoral roles.

Second red flag. There will be many of these.

He began to preach and teach at a young age.


He was also a national champion gymnast and saw God’s faithfulness in victory and defeat alike. He took his passions for ministry, learning, and athletic achievement with him to Stanford University.

When his gymnastics career ended in a broken neck…

Dropped on his head.

…he plunged into campus ministry and overseas missions trips.

Flag #4, high-visibility yet low-impact missionary work.

He became president of Stanford’s Campus Crusade (Cru) chapter.

It was also at Stanford where he met his wife, Joyce. Both helped to lead a Christian unity movement on campus that brought together students from all the university’s Christian fellowships to worship God with one another.

#5, his wife was a peer in his Christian leadership work.

After graduating from Stanford with a double major in in philosophy and religious studies…

#6: religious education at a secular campus. #7: training in philosophy. A very sheltered, very irrelevant life.

Philosophy is the art of questioning answers. Specifically, the answers grounded in theology.

…Tim earned an M.Div. at Princeton Theological Seminary…


…and a Ph.D. in modern western religious thought at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

#666. This is where Dalrymple learned to use words as spells, an Ivy league education in Christianity reinvented as “modern western religious thought”.

Who paid his student bills? Stanford, Princeton then Harvard is at least half a million dollars’ worth of useless education. We’ll make that #667, trust fund baby, and I won’t change it if it turns out the universities gave him scholarships. Whatever those institutions saw in him was not Christ.

Along the way he also served in youth ministry…


…prison chaplaincy, and graduate and faculty ministry with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship.

Tim.s desire to thoughtfully engage the public square and to find creative ways of sharing the gospel in the new media marketplace…

#669, fascination with social media instead of actual social skills.

…found expression after Harvard in his work with the multi-religious website Patheos (2008-2014). First he was managing editor of Patheos. evangelical channel, then director of content and vice-president of business development.

#670, a history of making alliances with false religions.

In 2013 Dalrymple founded Polymath, a creative agency that helps clients with branding, design, web, video, marketing and communications, and content development. Its clients have included the Museum of the Bible, International Justice Mission, the American Enterprise Institute, and Indiana Wesleyan University.

Today, after 18 years of marriage, Tim and Joyce have three daughters; the family is currently active at Perimeter Church in Johns Creek, Georgia.

#671 DODO, Dad Of Daughters Only.

*checks website* #672, his Perimeter Church does not display the Cross.

Dalrymple will succeed Harold B. Smith upon his retirement on May 1. Harold has served the ministry for 35 years, including the last 12 as president and chief executive officer. …

Christianity Today was set into motion by evangelist Billy Graham over 60 years ago and today offers a variety of websites and publications, the most prominent being Christianity Todaymagazine. The ministry’s cause is summed up in the phrase Beautiful Orthodoxy: .In a world in desperate need of truth, goodness, and beauty, Christianity Today strengthens the church by richly communicating the breadth of the true, good, and beautiful gospel..

Dalrymple looks forward to the new opportunity.

.The legacy of Christianity Today is extraordinary . but the future is even more exciting,. he said. .Christianity Today possesses the legacy, the credibility, the resources, and the worldwide reach to tell the story of the global church in ways it has never been told before. I’m honored and humbled to be asked to lead it in the years ahead..

#673 Christianity Today’s primary appeal to him was its legitimacy followed by its resources… making it an ideal skin suit for him to wear. Timmy didn’t want to make CT better; he didn’t offer any new directions; but he sure liked the idea of what he could accomplish with its contents.

Sixteen red flags, after which he was unanimously chosen after a nine-month search process. That’s pathetic and the consequences are now obvious & predictable.


Crossfit’s Greg Glassman Killed by FLOYD-19 Virus

Crossfit CEO’s Greg Glassman ended his career, his franchise and his brand almost overnight by tweeting the deplorable words: “I’m sorry!”

Reebok Ends CrossFit Partnership After CEO Mocks ‘Racism Is a Public Health Issue’ Tweet

By Robert Kraychik, 7 June 2020

Good for Greg; that was absolutely mock-able.


Reebok, an apparel brand owned by Adidas, ended its business partnership with CrossFit following the fitness company’s CEO mocking a declaration of “racism” as “a public health issue.”

The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, an organization located at the University of Washington and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, tweeted on Saturday that “racism is a public health issue.”

Fuck Reebok. They have no sense of humor and support filthy-rich morons who can’t tell the difference between a disease and a drug dealer… Okay, I must admit to having trouble with that as well. #DuterteIsTheCure

After Glassman’s tweet, Business Insider sought a response from Reebok. Business Insider described the tweet as “controversial,” “tone-deaf,” “racist,” and “insensitive.”

Whaa? BI asked Reebok if they hated that tweet as much as they themselves did? Wag-the-dog journalism at its finest.

Business Insider obtained a response from Reebok via a statement: “Recently, we have been in discussions regarding a new agreement, however, in light of recent events, we have made the decision to end our partnership with CrossFit HQ. We will fulfill our remaining contractual obligations in 2020. We owe this to the CrossFit Games competitors, fans and the community.”

Glassman could have had so much fun with those “remaining contractual obligations”. Bounce that rubble!

In other news, the 2021 CrossFit Games will be sponsored by the Oregon OrthoPedic Surgeons’ Association, aka OOPS.

Reebok aligned itself with the Black Lives Matter campaign. Its website currently has an animated banner with the following message: “Without the Black community, Reebok would not exist. America would not exist. …

The Reebok Cardi B Aztrek line of footwear would not exist.

We are not asking you to buy our shoes. We are asking you to walk in someone else’s. To Stand in solidarity. To find our common ground of HUMANITY.

How is Reebok still in business? Answer, African factory slave labor.

In May of 2019, CrossFit criticized Facebook’s arbitrary censorship practices. The company declared it would “no longer support or use Facebook’s services until further notice.” The company also stopped using Facebook-owned Instagram and WhatsApp platforms.

Smart move, Greg. Continuing to use Twitter: dumb move.

Greg is absolutely right but those Blue Check Marks are like Lovecraftian squid necklaces: if you ever try to leave the cult then they strangle you. CHINA-19 lockdowns killing his Crossfit empire was no excuse to violate the Narrative!

*squid squeeze*

CrossFit CEO resigns over insensitive George Floyd tweet

By AP, 10 June 2020

The CEO of CrossFit is stepping down after his tweet about George Floyd sparked a social media backlash and led to affiliated gyms and Reebok cutting ties with the exercise brand.

Greg Glassman said in a statement posted on CrossFit Inc.’s website late Tuesday that he decided to retire. Glassman had apologized earlier for tweets that sparked online outrage by connecting Floyd, a black man who died at the hands of Minneapolis police, and the coronavirus pandemic. He said he had made a mistake and should have been more sensitive, but denied being racist.

Never. Apologize. But that advice is not for the likes of Glassman. I’ll explain in a minute why I’m in such a good mood about him getting Cancel-Culture’d.

“On Saturday I created a rift in the CrossFit community and unintentionally hurt many of its members,” he said. “I cannot let my behavior stand in the way of HQ’s or affiliates’ missions.”

Glassman had angered many with his glib response to a tweet by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, a health research group, which said, “Racism is a public health issue.”

“It’s FLOYD-19,” he replied on Saturday, and in a second tweet criticized the group’s “failed” quarantine model and accused it of attempting to “model a solution to racism.”

Some 1,250 gyms have now severed links with CrossFit, according to industry blog Morning Chalk Up.

The hard numbers I can find add up to about 200 gyms breaking off, which is closer to what one would expect for only two days’ notice that we are now at war with Eastasia. But I must also say that associate gym membership has been in decline lately, due in part to the lockdown making orthopedic surgery unavailable.

Goodbye, Glassman. And lest we forget, this is why I’m happy to see Reebok’s boot helping your ass out the door:

CrossFit Just Fired Its Spokesperson Who Said LGBT Pride Is A “Sin”

htt ps://

By Stephanie M. Lee, 6 June 2018

A high-ranking CrossFit employee was fired after tweeting his support for a CrossFit gym’s cancellation of a Pride event, citing his belief that celebrating LGBT pride is a “sin.”

Russell Berger was the mega-successful fitness company’s chief knowledge officer, often de facto spokesperson, and a co-author of the Russells, a blog about scientific misconduct that he maintained with colleague Russell Greene.

But Berger got into hot water Wednesday afternoon when he tweeted about a CrossFit gym in Indianapolis, Indiana, where owners canceled a workout in honor of Pride Month. Many of the coaches and employees quit in protest, according to WTTV TV in Indianapolis. On Wednesday, the gym posted notices that it was shutting down.


Canceled workout supporting Indy Pride stokes controversy at Indy CrossFit gym


INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. — A downtown CrossFit gym is facing backlash after members say management discriminated against the LGBTQ community.

Members say the controversy started when a special workout planned by coaches at CrossFit Infiltrate in support of Indy Pride was cancelled by gym ownership. In an email sent to members by gym management, it was explained that the event was cancelled because “the owners of the gym value health and wellness, and they believe that this event does not.”

“I didn’t know what to think, because like I said everyone was so friendly and welcoming,” former member Dan Mendoza said.

Mendoza said he reached out to gym management for clarification of their position and was sent an email that read:

“Our underlying goal for the staff and members at CrossFit Infiltrate and our other gyms CrossFit White River and University Ave CrossFit, is total health and well-being for the individual and the community. Total health involves the body, the emotions, relationships, and the spirit. At the foundational detractor from health, as we believe God sets the parameters for, is pride. We believe that true health forever can only be found within humility, not pride. Humility is seeing oneself as they truly are, and as God truly defines them to be. As a business we will choose to deploy our resources towards those efforts and causes that line up with our own values and beliefs.”

Genesis 1:27 “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” No homo!

“I didn’t feel welcome, you know, I didn’t feel the way I did when I first started,” Mendoza said.

Mendoza said he and his partner decided to cancel their memberships to the gym after reading the email.

An employee of CrossFit Infiltrate confirmed that Mendoza and his partner were part of a large contingent of members who decided to leave the gym. The employee said as a result, many of the coaches and staff also quit. The concern now is the exits may cause the gym to shut down.

Mendoza didn’t just quit, he let slip the dogs of Buzzfeed.

End segue.

[Berger wrote,] “As someone who personally believes celebrating ‘pride’ is a sin, I’d like to personally encourage #CrossFitInfiltrate for standing by their convictions and refusing to host an @indypride workout,” Berger wrote. “The intolerance of the LGBTQ ideology toward any alternative views is mind-blowing.”

Indeed! A little correction, however: sodomy being a sin is not a personal belief for us. The objective TRUTH is that sodomy is EVIL. Sin is when you want to do right but fall short, not when you mock God’s rainbow into a celebration of depravity.

Berger had also said, “The tactics of some in the LGBTQ movement toward dissent is an existential threat to freedom of expression.” In response to a Twitter user who pushed back, he wrote, “Thankfully I work for a company that tolerates disagreement. I have homosexual coworkers who I love and respect, and as far as I am aware, they aren’t demanding I be punished for my views.”


Ain’t no shame in getting terminated for Jesus, Russell. Quite the opposite, in fact, but next time maybe don’t cite the homosexuals you believe you get along with as evidence that you aren’t an Evil White Christian. Just stand your ground and let the inevitable happen.

Two years later, nearly to the day, as Our Lord has correctly written: the wicked man has fallen into the pit he dug for another. Greg Glassman couldn’t be bothered to be as Tolerant as he claimed to be, now his friends can’t be bothered to be as Tolerant as they claim to be.

Russell Berger. That’s not a face that I would expect to oppose sodomy but as always, actions speak louder than faces.