Planet Fatness Signals Virtue

Like Crossfit, I’ve waited a long time to slam on Planet Fitness, aka Planet Fatness. It’s hard to mock a fitness chain that prides itself on humiliating anybody who lifts over 75lbs but waiting for them to virtue-signal during a crisis did the trick.

Planet Fitness uses ‘Pizza Monday’ to donate food to hospitals

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By Michael Hollan, 7 May 2020

Nothing can stop “Pizza Monday.”

The coronavirus pandemic has forced gyms across the country to temporarily close their doors. But some of these fitness chains are figuring out new ways of keeping people active, even from home.

Planet Fitness, meanwhile, is working on keeping people fit and fed at the same time.

Worst slogan for a gym EVER.

At Planet Fitness, the first Monday of every month is known as Pizza Monday, and it’s exactly what it sounds like: Members of the gym can grab a slice before or after their workout (depending on their preference).

What happened to Bagel Tuesdays?

Now, the chain is using its popular “Pizza Monday” tradition to help feed frontline workers at hospitals and care facilities. A spokesperson for Planet Fitness confirmed to Fox News that the company has teamed up with Slice Out Hunger to help donate pizzas to workers helping in the fight against the virus.

1. I’d love to watch these virtue-signaling dolts do real fighting on the front line of a real war somewhere. Preferably one incited by U.S. meddling. Our former allies will hate us less if we provide the needed cannon fodder.

2. Doing the job you’re paid to do is insufficient to claim hero-status. Doubly so if you’re a government employee.

3. Nobody starves in America. Full stop, nobody starves. Our hospitals have 99 problems but a lack of finger food during a plague ain’t one.

There are two divergent ways to help your local hospital: either get fit in a REAL gym or binge on fast food for years then sign up for gastric bypass. Planet Fitness can help! with one of those.

Fitness buffs can get in on the action too, according to Planet Fitness. On Monday, the chain plans to donate a single slice of pizza — up to 10,000 — for every person who signs up for its “Home Work-in” initiative to take part in an online workout that Planet Fitness has opened to “anyone and everyone.”

Home Work-In? *checks* a Facebook channel with a couple colored fitness gurus going through the motions. As useless as an online church and for similar reasons of poor motivation, brotherhood and haptic feedback. As a reason to keep paying monthly dues, it’s lacking. Was at least hoping for a progress tracker… oh, right. Planet Fitness’ motto is “Judgment-Free Zone”.

Me, I still pay my gym membership because if I don’t then they won’t open ever again. It’s not charity. It’s sticker shock from pricing home gym setups. Five grand for a power cage with cable row? Nuts!

“These Pizza Monday orders also aim to provide much-needed support to the small businesses serving the local community,” a spokesperson for the gym said.

Pizzerias are not the small businesses hurting for money. You want to help small business? Now is a good time to make those structural improvements to the stairwell that you’ve always wanted after achieving your “body-by-Planet” fitness goal.

Planet Fitness should donate Orca-class patient lifts to local hospitals. It’s their fault in the first place! For proof of that, let’s discuss their business model.

Besides, you want to know where Pizza Monday came from. Why a fitness chain can’t stop making pizza even when their doors are welded shut.

Planet Fitness is America’s fastest-growing health club company with gyms in all 50 states and a foothold in Canada, Mexico, the Dominican Republic and Panama.

Its global membership is approaching 12m, but purists have been less than impressed, with one critic scathingly dismissing it as the fitness industry’s answer to Walmart.

Judge for yourself:

Heavy-duty grunting powerlifters – known locally as lunks – are not welcome and gyms are fitted with alarms which ring when somebody drops a massive barbell. Perfectly formed goddesses who make other women feel uncomfortable as they flaunt their beach-ready bodies while working out wearing the skimpiest of outfits are also out.

They admitted it! They admitted it!


Tiffany Austin was feeling pretty good on Monday. It was her first day at the gym since recovering from a car accident, and the Bay Area native was amped to get back in shape. She wore a neon pink crop top and matching spandex capris, and she had just begun to power walk when a Planet Fitness employee approached her.

That’s not Daddy-approved but she doesn’t have either abs or boobs to show off. Most gym thots do something with their hair.

Austin was being accused of “gymtimidation,” a cardinal sin at Planet Fitness, the national chain known for its hideous purple-and-yellow color scheme and equally jarring policies, such as “no grunting,” “no deadweights” and no “hardcore look-at-me-attitudes.” At Planet Fitness, such offenses trigger a gym-wide siren called “The Lunk Alarm”—“lunk” being the company’s term for “meathead”—complete with flashing blue lights and an ear-splitting noise that sounds disconcertingly similar to a firetruck.

You know your gym is Converged when everybody says they want to get fit & thin but anybody who actually does is kicked out for bad conduct.

The point, according to CEO Mike Grondahl, is to create a more humble, “light-hearted” atmosphere where everyone from your arthritic grandmother to your beer-bellied brother-in-law can feel comfortable working out. To emphasize this, Planet Fitness prints the words “no judgment” on every single machine, and has even trademarked the phrase “The Judgment Free Zone.”

But they seem to have a problem following their own marketing-scheme-cum-philosophy.

Specifically Red Pill philosophy, thank you. And there was a lot of it in those last couple sentences. Look up “chick gym” in the dictionary and you’ll see this:

All social media and the laziest get-off-the-sofa exercise in existence, walking. With friends. And more friends. With another row of friends. And cupholders for smartphones.

Aside from Austin, who felt justifiably “intimidated and harassed,” a number of other members have come forward with complaints in recent years about the gym’s oppressive micromanaging (which may or may not be some kind of elaborate, ongoing Andy Kauffman-style publicity stunt—we just can’t tell).

In the Nineties, such ignorance would have been plausible. Today, just imagine “Planet Karen”. Complete with a similarly jarring purple-and-yellow paint scheme.

In 2006, a correctional officer from upstate New York had his membership revoked for “breathing heavy,” and in 2011, this guy was kicked out for videotaping himself flexing in the locker room (though that may have been deserved). Nationally, the chain banishes about two members monthly, often for such shocking offenses as grunting, looking too hot or dropping one’s weights on the ground.

Ironically, Planet is also the national brand partner for The Biggest Loser, a show that’s pretty much all about grunting and groaning your way through grueling boot-camp routines led by intimidatingly fit people.

I did not know that. One would think that people with such dismal self-image would try to have a better sense of humor.

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[Planet Fitness’] target market is not the body beautiful, but the ordinary person who wants to get fitter and is put off going to the gym by hard-core devotees. It is a formula which has been spectacularly successful. At the last count, about four per cent of the US population belongs to a Planet Fitness gym.

No, Planet Fatness is for people who want to pretend they’re fitness gurus, while banning actual fitness gurus to prevent merit-based comparisons, then signal virtue by going to the gym… but only on Pizza Monday and Bagel Tuesday which is when they actually want to.

Go back to the early Nineties and the story was very different. Planet Fitness was started in Dover, New Hampshire, by Michael and Marc Grondahl who bought a failing Gold’s Gym in 1992. There was little to distinguish it from its rivals, with every gym playing “tug of war” for the same customers and offering the conventional array of free heavy weights, fitness classes and healthy juice bars.

Yes, there’s a limited number of customers in a given area. If enough places are providing the basics then there’s not much to be done, other than specializing in something regional or attracting sponsors for a sports team.

One of its early members was Chris Rondeau, a student at the University of New Hampshire whose business experience had been limited to helping out at his father’s chain of New England drug stores. Chief executive since 2013, he joined the company working at the club’s front desk in 1993 and has stayed with it ever since, rising through the ranks, as Planet Fitness ripped up the industry’s rule book.

His face is stretched really wide. I don’t have that in my reference books.

Rondeau gets up at 4.30am every day, wolfing down three cups of coffee and three egg whites before hitting the gym at 5am and then driving to work – arriving by 7.30am at the company’s headquarters in New Hampshire.

Ah, the joys of retail… are still non-existent.

“Starting in New Hampshire was a godsend,” he says. “It’s so rural around here we had to get really good at what we did. We had to cater to the masses because there wasn’t enough population around here to cater to the powerlifters, bodybuilders and serious athletes.

“Our first town of Dover was 28,000 people and we had competition. Back then only 15pc of the population belonged to a gym. “If you think about the industry it almost started backwards. It started with Joe Gold bringing Arnold Schwarzenegger over from Austria starting Gold’s Gym, selling that and starting World Gym.

“It should have started with us and Curves gym probably, getting first-timers acclimated to fitness. Since the inception of the industry, it is almost like the majority – the vast majority – of the population was neglected.”

The challenge was to persuade the rest of the population to give fitness a go. Initially, Planet Fitness thought the easiest way to do this was to slash the price of membership to $10 a month. It worked up to a point.

“We still had the old model, we still had the bodybuilders, the powerlifters, the heavy dumbbells, Olympic benches,” Rondeau added. “The problem is that we had more of the opposition’s lunkheads coming in than we had beginners coming in trying to give it a shot.

“It was like putting all the animals in the same cage at the zoo, it wasn’t going to work.”

I suspect Rondeau is not being entirely honest about his motivations and inspirations. Notice his own body isn’t fit plus his hostile language towards muscled men. Rondeau wanted to make a gym where people like him felt comfortable… being… LAZY.

All gyms are notorious for offering a basic membership that assumes you’ll rarely show up between January 10 and December 24. I approve because it keeps fees low for the real gym rats like me. But Planet Fitness was different. They sold respectability to those lazy gits!

Come to the gym (for free food)! If people ask why you’re still fat at the gym, tell them it’s an exclusive gym for special people and they’re not allowed! Get that hoity-toity in-group feeling without the long years of melting belly fat with sweat and tears! Feel smug as we embarrass and remove the occasional hunk lunk who thinks he’s better than you! We’re available for birthday parties, too!

So in 1998, the heavy weights were removed as the company opened new premises in its native New Hampshire. But in many other ways, it was a conventional gym where the fit got fitter. Group classes remained as did the obligatory juice bar and child care facilities. The next big change came when Planet Fitness opened its fourth premises in Portsmouth, which was more of a bare-bones operation with nothing but equipment.

“We realised my pager was going off for the first three stores which had all these moving parts and pieces with things that were going wrong.

“In the day care, you would have one kid bit another kid, or they had run out of protein drinks and the blender is broken, or the aerobics instructor has not shown up and people are going mad.

“In that fourth store, our members were happier because we couldn’t disappoint them. We were open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and the product runs no matter what.”

This is not the secret to PF’s success. There are a kerjillion minimally-staffed, 24-7 gyms with nothing but giant chunks of metal and PF would have failed had it been just another one of those. Heck, I used to attend one that didn’t even lock its doors at night because the local thieves were too out-of-shape to carry off the gear. Go, ghetto!

The Portsmouth club has been the template for the company which at the last count has 1,565 outlets. Most are now franchises, but the branding is consistent across the empire.

One thing we wanted to have with Planet Fitness is what I call the Big Mac, so it tastes the same wherever you go,” Rondeau added.

Rondeau is not as fat as I might have expected.

All have the same purple and yellow machinery and all are branded as a “Judgment Free Zone” – a slogan which has been registered as a trademark. The “We’re not a gym we’re Planet Fitness” message has been rammed home by a series of TV ads ridiculing folk who want to “feel the burn”. Its approach is certainly unconventional.

Yes, THAT is the secret to Planet Fitness’ success. Branding. A social club. Exclusivity (from the healthy, an admittedly novel concept for a gym).

On the first Monday of the month, clubs dish out free pizzas and on the second Tuesday, bagels. There are sweets at the check-in desk. The pizza idea dates back 20 years, when a gym ran out of hot water – much to the annoyance of members.

Admit it. You thought I was joking about Bagel Tuesdays.

So, lack of hot water caused such an uproar that the staff made peace offerings? Of pizza to fitness-minded folks? Was staff not planning on washing the grease off the handlebars after closing, with no hot water?



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Unlike traditional gyms, Planet Fitness has always believed that fitness can be fun, realistic and judgement free. Planet Fitness’ pizza history dates back to 1999 when a day-long shortage of hot water in its Concord, N.H., club – the company’s third location – prompted its staff to order pizza for members in appreciation of their patience and understanding. The gesture was so well received and fostered such a strong sense of gathering and community that Planet Fitness implemented a monthly free pizza giveaway in all clubs shortly thereafter – and the tradition continues today more than 20 years later. “Pizza Monday” now takes place on the first Monday of every month with, on average, each club serving more than 5,500 slices of pizza per year – more than nine million slices annually. For morning workout goers, every Planet Fitness location also serves bagels on the second Tuesday of every month; each club serves its members more than 2,600 bagels per year (equating to more than four million bagels enjoyed annually).

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“We decided on pizzas to say we were sorry and people liked it so much we decided first Monday night of every month was pizza night,” Rondeau recalled. “The reason we started bagels was because the morning crowd was upset because they didn’t have any pizzas. So we said we would give them bagels the second Tuesday of every month.”

Entitlement complexes detected.

Purists might object, but the small gift is part of the company’s philosophy that the occasional treat is not something to be frowned upon. Inevitably the rather more laid-back culture has had its critics. There is the odd YouTube video excoriating the company for its frivolous approach to fitness and complaining at the absence of massive barbells. But Rondeau remains unapologetic.

“Like every industry, you have to have a niche. The industry has been trying to be everything to everybody. No business is good at that.”

It’s a model that has worked, with the chain more than quadrupling the number of outlets since the beginning of the decade. There have been some smart sponsorships along the way including the NBC reality show The Biggest Loser, in which contestants work out on Planet Fitness’s distinctive – some might say lurid – purple equipment. It is also a major sponsor of the Times Square New Year’s Eve celebrations, ensuring its branding is seen by more than a billion people across the globe.

The relentless expansion has included the company moving into shopping malls, often taking over premises of struggling stores. Prior to the economic crash Planet Fitness was competing with big retailers for space. However, the picture has changed radically.

“We had to take the ‘C-sites’. Landlords wouldn’t even talk to us. Fast forward to today, they are on our doorstep every day.

“Every month there is a new set of stores closing – Toys R Us, Circuit City. It’s a perfect storm for us.

“The retailers themselves want us next to them, they are downsizing and putting us next to them to drive traffic.

Other gyms are moving into big-box retail spaces, too. I now work out at the mall which is a very awkward place full of tempting treats, but it’s the place that had the space for a large, indoor gym.

“We are taking larger sites for cheaper rates, we are getting the A-plus sites. We are getting the cream of the crop.”

The company’s success has not been lost on market experts.

“I think Planet Fitness gyms are doing very well,” said Matthew Brook, a senior analyst at Macquarie.

“Many listed gyms in the past have made little money or even gone bankrupt. Planet Fitness has been able to carve out a niche for itself, and with high margins.

“It is a low-cost gym and its similar to other low-cost business models in Europe like Ryanair or Aldi in terms of the impact it has had on the gym industry.

“They have succeeded in building a moat for themselves due to their scale and ad spending, which gives them an advantage over their rivals.

They don’t have or need an advantage over their rivals because they aren’t competing for the same group of customers. Healthy people go to the gym and self-righteous yet insecure women go to Planet Fitness.

“Planet Fitness is already expanding into Canada and now Mexico. We think it could work almost anywhere where people need to get fit and want to save money.”

It can work anywhere where women are allowed to run feral and eating food counts as going to the gym. Another win for the business plan of selling junk to idiots.


A Baptist Vampire Discusses Ahmaud Arbery

I’ve been waiting to cover the Ahmaud Arbery shooting for the other shoe to drop. The facts so far: Ahmaud was happily jogging down the road on a sunny Georgia Day when three evil white men drove up and shotgunned him in cold blood… because he was black and the whiteys thought a black man had burglarized their home a while ago.

Context, please. Because Klansmen lynching random bruthas doesn’t happen anymore. One of the killers was even a retired, high-level cop, so I don’t believe he would indulge in a random murdering while videotaped by his friend.

*checks* Ahh, the context just arrived. Included at the end!

Anyway, I was going to wait for the whole story when a Baptist vampire joined the REAL lynch mob of blacks and TDS victims:

Nice eyeteeth, Vlad. (Actually John Mark Yeats, Dean of Students at Midwestern Baptist Seminary.) Also, heavy-framed glasses (putting a psychological barrier between himself and the outside world) and insincere Epstein lips. Also called lotus mouth in my Chinese sources, they’re lips that are dull red, long and thin to the point that the corners of the mouth extend past the actual lips.

Rounding it off is vertical determination lines between the eyebrows and heavy crows-feet suggesting marital/sexual stress. About what I’d expect for a winner of the Southern Baptist denomination’s Red Dawn. Along with articles like this one:

FIRST-PERSON: Ahmaud Arbery and the image of God

By John Mark Yeats, 7 May 2020

KANSAS CITY (BP) — I watched the video. I shouldn’t have. But I did.

And it broke me.

Gonna quote you on that because I watched the video, too. You can find it here:

Ahmaud Arbery Shooting: Video of Georgia Man’s Death Leaks on YouTube

Pretty wild. White thugs surrounded an innocent, unarmed Negro enjoying some healthy exercise, then waved a shotgun in his face at point-blank and po’ nigga panicked. Or so it looks like.

A young man, the same age as many of my students, shot in the street because neighbors thought he might be a person who matched a vague description of a reported thief.

He wasn’t armed. Nor was he carrying anything. He wasn’t even running at a pace to get away from anyone. He was simply jogging.

As he approached the truck parked in the middle of the street, he simply went around the truck and they shot at him. The altercation that followed could have been any man fighting for his very life. But there, on the video, Ahmaud Arbery is shot at point-blank range, and crumbles to the ground.


No, that could NOT not been “any man”. Incidents like this do not happen spontaneously.

No take-backs. No post-movie resurrection stories. Just the reality of a life ended. The reality of the utter disregard for a man’s life.

You should not say such things without the all-important context.

It’s hard not to read this event in light of the last few weeks. We saw viral videos of high schoolers joking, laughing and making denigrating claims about our black brothers and sisters. We saw images of a man in a KKK hood shopping in a grocery store. We watched armed men overrun the capitol building in Michigan to forcefully express their demands to re-open the economy while carrying nooses, swastikas and rebel flags.

Yeats is making much hay out of multiple false-flaggings of upset conservatives.

And on a street in Brunswick, Ga. — even before the quarantine began — a young man was shot while jogging.

A full month before the quarantine began, in fact. That’s an indicator that this is Fake News, when it’s held back for a politically opportune time. Heck, I was expecting a “Trayvon Martin” incident for this election cycle, and at about this time. It’s like the media has a playbook. It’s like the media has a timetable:

Trayvon Martin shooting: 26 February 2012

Ahmaud Arbery shooting: 23 February 2020

And for the curious, February 2016 didn’t have a comparable black shooting, which forced Hillary Clinton to reach back to April 2014 during the relevant election debate with Bernie Sanders:

Which is it, Hillary? Do white men kill too many unarmed blacks or not enough?

All of these events send unbelievable signals to minority communities. Are they men and women created in the image of God? Do their lives truly matter? Does justice matter? Do rule of law and common respect for fellow humans matter?

Jesuit Palpatine has taught him well. This is classic liberation theology: identity politics spliced into Christianity.

The entire Scripture upholds a fundamental truth — humanity is formed in the image of God. That very nature as image bearers brings us to a place where life is valued from conception to grave. There is no person who is “less than” or “unworthy.” The entire moral code of Scripture is built from the standpoint of honoring God and therefore, honoring one another who are made in the image of God. We do not lie, we don’t take things that belong to others, and we do not kill.

John Mark Yeats is a lying anti-Christ and I can prove it by quoting the very verse he’s referring to here.

Genesis 9:6 “Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made mankind.”

Being made in the image of God is WHY IT’S NECESSARY TO KILL.

The question in this incident is whether the killing was justified, not the mere fact of a killing taking place. Genesis 9:5 for the curious.

That’s an inexcusably fundamental mistake for an experienced pastor, published Christian author and Dean of Students at a seminary.

We don’t have to be reminded we live in a fallen and broken world. We work for justice, however imperfect this side of eternity. We work to uphold the law, however much it is a shadow of true ideals. We uplift the downtrodden, the weak and the poor because the Scriptures show us how Jesus did the same. And we do all this while understanding that the ultimate answer for brokenness of this world is found is the healing balm of the Gospel.

The Southern Baptist leadership has an entire heretical theology that J.D. Greear calls the “Gospel of Jesus”. He created it with help from Jesuits and an evil organization called the Fetzer Institute.

Read it again from that paragraph: We work for justice, however imperfect this side of eternity. We work to uphold the law, however much it is a shadow of true ideals.

It goes without saying that Christians are NOT to uphold any laws that interfere with God’s will. Furthermore, justice is not a concept that exists on its own. It must be in the context of God’s instructions to humanity.

Thus, Yeats called for twisting Christianity to the worship of “imperfect justice”. No. We Christians are called upon to pursue perfection per Matt 5:48.

So we wait, clutch our sons and daughters closer to us and with broken hearts pray, “Come quickly, Lord Jesus.”

Yeats asked the God of Truth to come quickly. God sent His prophets, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and the Star, with some truth for him.

Georgia shooter’s father previously investigated victim Ahmaud Arbery

By Christian Boone, 7 May 2020

ATLANTA—Greg McMichael, who provided gun cover for his son as he fought and eventually shot a young Black jogger, may have known the victim long before their encounter in a subdivision just south of Brunswick, Ga., The Atlanta Journal-Constitution has learned.

In his letter of recusal to Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr, Waycross Judicial Circuit District Attorney Roger Barnhill wrote that his son, a prosecutor in the Brunswick DA’s office, and McMichael, then an investigator in that same office, “both helped with the previous prosecution of (Ahmaud) Arbery.”

If McMichael and Arbery knew each other from previous criminal-justice prosecutions then that would explain much about McMichael making a citizen’s arrest at gunpoint like he did. He knew the “victim” would recognize him.

You know what they say about those small-town communities: everybody knows everybody.

McMichael, a former Glynn County cop, told Glynn police he recognized Arbery, 25, from surveillance video that captured a recent burglary in his mostly white neighbourhood. He said he planned to make a citizen’s arrest.

Previous stories had claimed McMichael had seen “a black man” on the video. Turns out, McMichael recognized the specific perp.

When he was in high school, Arbery was sentenced to five years probation as a first offender on charges of carrying a weapon on campus and several counts of obstructing a law enforcement officer. He was convicted of probation violation in 2018 after he was charged with shoplifting, court documents show.

McMichael, who retired from the DA’s office in April 2019, made no mention of his work on that investigation to police, though it’s unknown whether he remembered it at the time.

Me, I wonder the converse. Did Arbery know whose house he was burglarizing? Was this an act of revenge?

Barnhill wrote that he learned about his son and McMichael’s ties to Arbery “three or four weeks” earlier.

He didn’t say why he waited so long to recuse himself, but claimed “a local ‘rabble rouser’ has taken up this cause and begun publishing wild and factually incorrect and legally wrong accusations on Facebook and other social media formats calling for marches and physical affronts (to) be made against the McMichaels at their homes, and my son’s home in Brunswick etc.”

Yeeep. It’s like the media has a playbook. Here, the point-and-shriek.

In a letter to Glynn County police, Barnhill wrote that criminal charges were unwarranted against Greg McMichael, his son Travis McMichael, who appeared to fire all three shots, and a third man, William Bryan, who helped them corner Arbery on Feb. 23 inside their neighbourhood just south of Brunswick.

The prosecutor said Arbery, who was unarmed, initiated contact with Travis McMichael.

This family are not strangers to the local criminal justice system,” Barnhill wrote in his letter to Carr. “From best we can tell, Ahmaud’s older brother has gone to prison in the past and is currently in the Glynn jail, without bond, awaiting new felony prosecution. It also appears a cousin has been prosecuted by DA Johnson’s office.”

It’s okay to kill unrepentant repeat offenders when they decide, during their arrest, that they ain’t going back to jail… because they’re made in the image of God and God gets mighty offended at their vibrantly unjust conduct.


Cuckoldavirus Hits Open Texas

The following is not a meme:

Except it was a bar. The hair salon was in Dallas.

Texas cops in tense standoff with six heavily armed men who were protecting a bar owner as she reopened her business in defiance of the state’s stay-at-home orders

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By Andrew Court, 5 May 2020

Texas police have arrested a bar owner and six armed men who were protesting lockdown orders issued amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Cops were called to Big Daddy Zane’s Bar in West Odessa Monday evening after owner Gabrielle Ellison, 47, re-opened the establishment, violating laws put into place by Gov. Greg Abbott.

Upon arrival, cops were met by a group of men who said they were there to support and defend Ellison as she opened the premises back up. Six of the men were wearing armor and were armed with guns.

According to OA Online, the men belong to a group named Open Texas. Members travels around the state ‘with weapons’ and try to help businesses reopen their doors’.

First rule of carrying guns in public spaces: don’t do it unless you’re willing to use them. It’s why I don’t carry concealed even though I could, in California no less. I’m simply not going to risk my life on behalf of a total stranger on zero notice these days.

Outside Ellison’s bar on Monday, police became involved in a standoff with the armed protesters.

Dramatic photos taken outside the venue show local sheriff’s pointing their weapons at the armed protesters as they order them to put their hands into the air.

Ellison was arrested and charged with Violations of Emergency Management Plan Class B. She was released on a $500 bond.

The six armed men were all taken into custody and charged with Places Weapons Prohibited. It is unlawful to carry any firearm in a bar in Texas, either openly or concealed. They are each being held on a $5,000 bond.

First rule: broken. They could have left their guns at home for this protest. That would have been smart. They could have used their guns on the police that they knew were going to show up. That would have been… consistent. But instead, they showed up with guns to defy the government then went quietly to jail, which was the worst of both worlds.

Where’s your balls OR your brains, Open Texas?

Fifteen white knights guarding one woman in the center. Lovely. Antifa soyboys aren’t the only goons confused about healthy manhood. Fortunately, right-wingers are more prone to avoid vandalism and obey authority figures.

Oh my Dog. Bar owner Ellison is on the right.

What kind of trailer-park trash kind of bar is THAT?! I wouldn’t risk my freedom and life for a bar that the health department was going to shut down before C-virus.

“We the People of Odessa, Texas, in order to justify our Sheriff’s purchase of an armored vehicle with turret, do hereby swear to heroically show up at an illegal bar with enough firepower to overthrow an island nation with no intention of actually using it.”

It’s good they didn’t open fire. It would have cost them their lives and Zane’s Floozy would not even bother to remember their names. News flash, if your .25 holdout is longer than your dick then the way to compensate isn’t by posing with a tricked-out AR-15 on social media. I say that as one of the more vocal advocates of civil disobedience.

Open Texas fancied itself a right-wing terrorist organization then acted like a comedy troupe. The cops had nothing to fear… just look at the deputy with the cowboy hat:

Not a Weaver stance, now is it?

Don’t white-knight for women. Do consider the optics of your protest. If Open Texas had done this on behalf of surgeons defying quarantine to perform elective surgeries for hurting people, their protest would perhaps have been received more sympathetically than their protest on behalf of a double-wide drinking hole.

You know that she was going to pay them in cheap beer. That’s how much their lives were worth to her.


When the Cult Of Nice Breaks

Sharkly decided to go public with his perfectly reasonable frustrations at being sold down the River Chilamony by the local clergy that he should have been able to trust. Let’s dig in to what happens when the Cult of Nice is forced to take a side.

Whitewater Cunt-Immunity Church

30 April 2020

Whitewater Community Church has been instrumental in trying to invert God’s patriarchal design for my home by empowering my wife to defy my authority while disempowering me as a husband, God’s ordained head for the home. They practice Feminism and are completely ashamed of God’s word and how God prescribes patriarchy instead. God is, in fact, a Father turning power over to his Son, a Holy patriarchal kingdom.

An excellent, no-bullshit, provable accusation. And a very common one, alas.

I was referred by a cousin to Whitewater Community Churches former pastor Jared Verwiel when Pam was planning to move out. During our first meeting Pam kept threatening to walk out of the meeting if things didn’t go how she directed, and so she immediately took control from Jared Verwiel in that way. Jared did however tell Pam not to move out. But of course she defied God, me, and the pastor, and moved out with the help of others in the church. Jared gave us each a section out of a book he intended to counsel us from and asked us to read it. Part of what it said was that that the Bible was not good for overcoming strongholds built up in marriage, but that the author’s book was much better than God’s for that.

The reasons clergy write so many books is 1. it’s the alternative to messy, real-life experience and 2. the Bible isn’t reliable when you only want to apply part of it.

It had already become clear that Jared was unwilling to just ask my wife to submit and quit her rebellion, Like Pastor Bill Riffee had earlier done so successfully. And He didn’t want to use the Bible which would have told her to do exactly that. It went against his Feminism. He also had a mental block to the possibility that there could be any problem in a marriage that wasn’t at least partly the husband’s fault.

Original Sin. It’s not only about the husband wanting to please his wife, it’s other men also wanting to please his wife. Every man’s wife, in fact, and not even sexually. Getting her approval is enough to warrant denouncing God Himself, a fact proven by Adam himself. It is a gaping hole in the male psyche.

Whitewater Community Church refused to give my wife and I Bible based counselling, I believe for a number of reasons. Perhaps partly because their leadership didn’t know the Bible well enough to do that, but mainly because of their Feminism, they are actually ashamed of what the Bible says with regard to marriage, and don’t want it applied.

It’s a huge mental leap from “the Bible is useful” to “the Bible is correct”. WW used the Bible as much as suited their purposes but when Sharkly began making demands that went beyond their comfort zone, they had trouble believing that a “loving God” meant ALL of what He wrote.

Later shortly after moving out, in contradiction to what the pastor had told her, Pam filed for divorce on January 5, 2018.

Whose fingerprints were on the marriage’s death? Hers. Ostracism unto repentance is called for.

She then actually chose to go to Whitewater Community Church while going through our protracted divorce, just because she had clearly seen that nobody there would ever have the balls to stand up to a woman frivolously divorcing, and destroying our sons’ home. She literally chose them as the best church from which to frivolously divorce her husband. And I think it was a good choice on her part. She has been absolutely right in that there are no men at her church with the balls or the knowledge of the Bible to ever ask her to follow God’s word. They have all refused when I asked them to speak God’s truth to her.

Ostracism to the white courtesy phone, please. Ostracism? Bueller? Hello?

I asked the entirety of Pam’s churches elder board, in the name of Jesus Christ, to help by performing church discipline, in accordance with Matthew 18:15-17, but those worthless elders refused stating that I should get some other church, that she isn’t going to, to perform the duty of her church. They were just being Feminist cowards who worship women above God.

Like electricity, Nice People take the path of least resistance. So when one solo man forces them to take a side, the side they will reliably take is anti-“the dude wanting me to hurt people’s feelings”.

I cornered one of their deacons shown above, a cousin in law of mine, Ron Gallegos and finally cajoled him into agreeing to come over to my house and talk with me about the situation. I had hoped I might be able to make some progress with that godless church if I could just explain the situation. LOL Ron, like his church is unable to fathom that a woman could sin all on her own.

Ron. A nerd, to judge from both the glasses and his wearing them so unselfconsciously. Confirmed by the 1980s haircut and a poorly-worn polo shirt. This is a cog in somebody’s machine. But a nerd with a tan, so some kind of technical yet outdoors work. Construction is a good guess. I wouldn’t rule out the pro sports industry seeing as he has a strong chin.

I wasn’t there for any of this but I can make a very educated guess. Ron went in thinking he’d be able to soothe Sharkly’s hurt feelings (“Blessed are the peacemakers”, etc) but when Sharkly provided evidence and demanded action, Ron proved unwilling to change:

Anyhow, every time I told Ron about some awful thing my wife had done or was doing, Ron would try to come up with some way to blame it back on me. And when I confronted him on why his church had done absolutely nothing to help, and was in fact helping her to divorce me, he made excuse after excuse after excuse. And when I confronted him on why he was operating entirely on evil speculations against me and excuses instead of following God’s word, he confided that unfortunately “the church has no leadership”. Of course I told Ron, “You’re a deacon, Man up! You are part of the leadership of that church.” Anyhow, Their elder board seems to be operated like a musical chairs game, and they haven’t been able to keep a pastor, so their church has apparently lacked leadership for a long time, and isn’t likely to show any real leadership considering the worthless character of the emasculated cowards they continually rotate through as their elders and deacons now. Anyhow Ron told me that he wouldn’t tell my wife to get back with me because I swore. And to Ron that showed “I was out of control”.

The only shocking part of this is that Ron was a part of the now-sundered family and had most likely heard the tremors of marital unfaithfulness coming.

He then went on later to describe how if his daughter got married and her husband ever swore at her, he would go over and beat him up.

This is a very telling comment by Ron. He was warning Sharkly… passive-aggressively… that he would champion Sharkly’s ex-wife against ANYTHING Sharkly might say against her, true or not, and if he ever ran out of words to justify the witch, he’d proceed to violence.

And he nearly did:

I then pointed out to Ron that he would be usurping the son in law’s headship in his home, and becoming a brawler, all because he was worshipping his own daughter above God’s word and assuming she could never be at fault for driving her husband to curse at her. Anyhow, the next thing I knew Ron was screaming and cursing the F-word out repeatedly as loud as he could at me, and I was not sure what was his purpose. At first I assumed he was trying to give me some object lesson about cursing, but as he settled down and we talked further, I came to realize that Ron had just lost his temper and gone to cursing the F-word at the top of his lungs.

Classic white knighting. Nuthin’ else to say.

Apparently God allowed Ron to prove his hypocrisy right there in front of me.

Okay. Learn to enjoy the show. NOW, nuthin’ else to say.

And I pointed out to Ron that My wife has been taunting me with her unfaithfulness for 18 years straight to get me to the point of cursing, whereas he was cursing his head off after just two hours of talking to somebody who wasn’t going to be converted back to Ron’s idolatrous woman worship.

My record was nine years out of college before I abandoned the Cult of Nice to its heretical irrelevance. I don’t know how you married guys manage it. Bitches don’t know how lucky they are, that murder-suicide isn’t an everyday occurrence.

However as it turned out, Ron called my wife and talked with her for a long time, but completely forgot to mention that she should attend counselling with me, which was the only reason I had asked him to call her. She and he both verified that he hadn’t even mentioned it. None of the men at that church have the balls to tell a frivolously divorcing woman anything but what they want to hear! And they will reflexively believe any slander against a husband. My wife filed false charges against me which have been doubly disproven, but Feminism says all women are to be believed, so, as always, Whitewater Community Church will hold every lie of an unrepentant whore above the words of God.

That is still Original Sin but Ron went beyond playing the part of white-knight Adam to playing the part of the devil, putting desirable whispers into Eve’s ear and undermining her loyalty to her man.

I dare not give advice on how husbands should manage such situations, never having been one. The advice I will give is that whenever any man threatens to commit violence on behalf of someone else’s wife against her husband, to categorize him as unquestionably Evil.


Physiognomy: Professor Lockdown

What a coincidence that the alarmist advisor to the UK government, whose work justified the subsequent Wu Flu Lockdown, is not only a male feminist but a hypocrite, too.

Professor Lockdown Resigns After Breaking Own Lockdown Rules to Meet Lover: Report

By Oliver JJ Lane, 5 May 2020

The UK scientist whose doomsday predictions triggered a massive lockdown on both sides of the Atlantic has resigned his government advisory position, amid claims he broke the strict lockdown rules he pushed to meet his married lover.

Professor Neil Ferguson, an epidemiologist of Imperial College, London resigned from his role as a senior scientific advisor to the British government Tuesday evening.

He became known as professor lockdown after his alarming data modelling predicted huge casualties for the populations of the United Kingdom and the United States unless they enacted severe curbs on individual freedoms to lock the nations down. While the moves were criticised by senior legal figures as approaching a police state, Professor Ferguson’s advice was nevertheless heeded by the government in March.

While Professor Ferguson frequently appeared in the media to defend his work and to tell the public not to break the lockdown rules, he was himself spectacularly breaking them in secret, according to a report in Britain’s Daily Telegraph, which claims the hard-line scientist was meeting his married lover.

The paper names Antonia Staats, a married mother, who was quarantined with her family at a separate address to the professor. Breaching the terms of the lockdown — as enforced by police — she travelled to Ferguson’s own home on at least two occasions, the paper claims.

Staats, who is identified as a “left-wing activist”, was said to be in an “open marriage”, The Telegraph claimed. Posts on Staat’s public Facebook page show strong left-wing themes, including paid activism as an employee of a campaign group, encouraging tactical voting in the last general election to oppose the Conservative party, and hard green activism.

Oooh, pretty. They must have compatible strains of HIV, to achieve that sickly, melted-wax look and scrawny body weights. (To judge from their necks.) Neil is interesting for having the uncommon upward-triangle face shape: square base, narrowing to a pointy head. Sometimes called the Fire face shape. Their personalities tend to be excitable and artistic.

His eyes has the deceptive, New Moon crescent shape. Not a good choice for a level-headed advisor.

Antonia is wearing so much makeup that I’m not sure what to say. If the root of her nose really is flat with her brow–and especially if there’s a pad of flesh there also–then she is exceptionally stubborn.

Both of them, I suspect, have pessimistic mouths. But they might not be trying to smile in these pics.

Admitting his error, Professor Ferguson told the paper: “I accept I made an error of judgment and took the wrong course of action. I have therefore stepped back from my involvement in Sage [the government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies].

“I acted in the belief that I was immune, having tested positive for coronavirus, and completely isolated myself for almost two weeks after developing symptoms.

“I deeply regret any undermining of the clear messages around the continued need for social distancing to control this devastating epidemic. The Government guidance is unequivocal, and is there to protect all of us.”

Notice his refusal to say he did anything wrong.

The professor is not the first government scientific figure forced to resign after taking a do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do posture to the general public. Breitbart London reported in April when the chief scientific advisor for Scotland [Dr Catherine Calderwood] resigned her position after ordering citizens to obey the lockdown measures while breaking them herself in public. …

In New Zealand, the government’s health minister was demoted after ignoring his own advice. Dr David Clark was photographed going for a country bike ride, and subsequently drove his family to the beach to go surfing. Reflecting on his breaking the advice of his own department, Dr Clark noted: “I’ve been an idiot”.

Senior government officials don’t get to use the excuse of “I’m an idiot”. Least of all to excuse shameless hypocrisy.


The Future Is Certain. The Past Is Unknown!

On my quarantine-breaking ramblings across north Los Angeles… insofar as I can break quarantine by myself… I came across a “public service” billboard that perfectly illustrates the Socialist thought process.

That is one arrogant attitude on display. Two or three, possibly. “Don’t vape because soon, science will know what a bad idea it is!” A sane person would not oppose vaping for scientific reasons until science actually does find reasons to oppose vaping. An insane person would “just know” that it’s only a matter of time until the world realizes how smart he is.

Considering how much healthier inhaling water vapor is to inhaling that car exhaust of burning vegetation, it might be a long wait for science to confirm. Science has already investigated vaping for a rash of lung failures and concluded… contra all critics… that the real cause was cannabis illegally cut with skin lotion:

In fact, those “polluting” smokestacks in the background appear to be releasing water vapor rather than toxic smudge. It warms my heart to see a functioning factory these days.

Liberals just can’t meme.

Speaking of “these days”, the C-Virus lockdown is also a perfect example of this “future is certain, past is unknown” attitude. There wasn’t a lot of data on what C-Virus did at the early planning stage. What were society’s leaders supposed to do?

A. Nothing.

B. Recommend the people most at risk for most diseases take the usual precautions.

C. Outlaw nose-picking.

D. Destroy the economy, ban exercise and empty the prisons.

Call me crazy, but starting with D was not “the only way to be sure”. Our leaders KNEW that Chinavirus was going to be a world-ending plague with half a million deaths per month of the strong & healthy, because they’re SMART and can predict the future.

(Graph courtesy of Elon Musk, of all people, who is very upset about his Tesla Factory being permanently closed for no good reason.)

Now that we see in hindsight that C-virus is less lethal than binging on Twinkies, we shouldn’t blame politicians for being disastrously wrong. How were they to know? Never mind that they claimed to have reliable models at the time!

Socialism depends absolutely upon this “future is certain, past is unknown” ideology because socialism doesn’t work. Hence the furious insistence of socialists everywhere that “it’s never actually been tried yet”.

Going back even farther, this attitude is born of the Lie. Lies cannot coexist with truth and truth is much more easily seen in the past than the future. Rational people doing what previously worked would re-implement patriarchy, individualism and self-responsibility… fatal blows to Leftists imagining brave new worlds with themselves as new gods.


Skydiving Florida Man Dies of Coronavirus

Genesius Times, welcome to my blogroll! The world premier source of news you can TRUST!

BREAKING: Skydiver who forgot parachute dies from coronavirus

BREAKING: Skydiver who forgot parachute dies from coronavirus

By Exavier Saskagoochie, 9 April 2020

Evidence is beginning to mount that young and healthy people can contract COVID-19 and die from the horrifying disease. Florida health officials reported that a 32-year-old Daytona resident, Carl Junior, with no preexisting conditions has died from coronavirus after jumping out of an airplane without a parachute.

“It’s true that most people who are at serious risk of dying from COVID-19 are those who are about to die from other diseases, but young and healthy people are dropping dead left and right too!” Florida coronavirus Czar Jed Goebbels said.

The Daytona man was not officially tested for coronavirus, but the doctor was pretty sure he had it and that a coughing fit was what caused him to forget his parachute and jump out of the airplane with only his Speedos.

The hospital will receive approximately $1.3 million for each COVID death but administrators assure us that this has nothing to do with the way the death was coded.

There’s a tiny, outside chance that this is fake news; however, it confirms all my preexisting prejudices so it must be TRUE!



Zak the Florida Rape Man

Let’s read the title and just drink it in for a moment:

Florida Man Accused of Raping a Woman He Picked Up in a Van Driven by His Mom

In the Manosphere, “Alpha” means you’re sexy to women. It does not mean you’re a decent human being, in fact, there’s a strongly negative correlation. Just from the headline, I’ll guess that 1. the perp has a suspended driving license, 2. does not use his father’s last name and 3. has prior arrests for hard drugs.

htt ps://

By Amy Beeman, 1 May 2020

Florida man is accused of drugging and raping a woman, burning her hair and holding scissors to her throat after picking her up in a van that his mom was driving.

According to the Marion County Sheriff’s Office, 29-year-old Efthimios Michael Zachary Mikedis, known as Zak, was arrested on April 29 and charged with crimes that happened on January 5.

WHAT THE HELL?! It’s not often that a physiognomist can literally read a man’s face. I’m not up-to-speed on tattoo symbology but the two teardrops next to the canthus of his left eye indicate he’s killed two people. He needs a dermatologist, not a physiognomist. One with a very powerful laser.

Addendum: The tat on the right cheek, “51-50”, is police code for “72 hour psychiatric hold”.

Incels rage because Zak is what qualifies as sexy in modern ‘Murica.

On January 10 Orlando police responded to a local emergency room, where the victim reported the crime. According to a Facebook post by the Marion County Sheriff’s Office in Central Florida, the woman said Mikedis offered her a ride from Orlando to her aunt’s house in nearby Marion County. The arrest report says that Mikedis and the woman met on Facebook after the woman’s aunt introduced them via the social media network.

It’s hard to believe the victim was never shown a selfie of Zak. He looks like trouble from EVERY angle! But sadly, it is very easy to believe that the victim saw no problem with climbing into the vehicle of total strangers.

I am very curious about the unnamed woman’s aunt, who sent Zak to pick her up. No info to be found, of course, but this was betrayal by a family member… much worse than a “Titanic” romance.

Mikedis arrived in a van with a friend, and Mikedis’ mother, Shannon James, was driving. The woman told deputies that when Mikedis showed up he had a gun in his waistband and described him as “someone you would instantly be scared of.” She said she changed her mind and didn’t want to go, but according the sheriff’s office, he said she had to. She says Mikedis “forced and unknown substance into her mouth” and she was made to stay down between seats as they drove.

I like the Mosaic Law’s standard of determining whether rape was rape-rape. If she screamed and resisted then it was legit rape; if she went quietly then it was regret rape.

Lots-of-regret rape, in this care.

Instead of going to her aunt’s house, they ended up at James’ residence. Mikedis took the victim out back to a camper, and when she asked if they were going to her aunt’s house, he said, “Why don’t you just stay here?” according to deputies. At that point the woman said she started blacking out but remembers being raped by Mikedis and that a secondary object was used to violate her. She also told deputies that she remembers hearing Mikedis say, “Go, go,” and then a second person raped her.

When she came to, she tried to call an Uber, she said, but Mikedis put another unknown substance in her mouth before burning her hair with a cigarette and holding scissors to her throat, according to the Marion County Sheriff’s Office. They say he then dragged the woman across the property by her hair and punched her in the back of the head. He reportedly grabbed her hair again and forced her into a vehicle. Mikedis’ mother, James, was the driver again, and they took the woman to a Winn-Dixie supermarket, where she was made to get out of the car.

I have one problem with this story: the two teardrops by Zak’s eye. He is not the kind of guy who would torture a victim in a remote area–remote enough for nobody to hear her scream–and then release her. He’s the kind of guy who would simply add a third teardrop.

But he’s certifiably crazy so who knows. Maybe he didn’t think far enough ahead, about how recognizable his face would be in a lineup.

Marion County Court records show Mikedis has a criminal history going back to 2009 including burglaries, grand theft, dealing in stolen property and possession of methamphetamine.

I got a win on the drug-history prediction and a lose on the no-Daddy-name prediction. In fact, he does not use the name of his mother whom he lives with. Very curious.

In 2017 he was found guilty of domestic violence with strangulation. The arrest affidavit from August 2016, when the incident took place, says his on-and-off girlfriend told deputies he had been violent and controlling, but she was giving him another chance.


The girlfriend told deputies on the day of the arrest that they had been riding in a car when his roommate called and said the sheriff’s office had been at their house to do a wellness check on the girlfriend. She’d called her family for help. He pulled the car over and started beating her, according to the arrest affidavit. The beating escalated into him strangling her. She broke free and ran to a nearby motel for help. The affidavit says her injuries and bruises were consistent with her story.

When deputies caught up with Mikedis back at his home, he told them, “the victim suffered her injuries because of the lifestyle she chose,” according to the arrest report.

Sociopaths blame the victim. An unsexy man, in that situation, would have ended up a lifer in prison. Zak made parole for attempted murder in less than four years.

The Marion County Sheriff’s Office is still looking for the other man, Robert McDaniel, who was in the van when Mikedis and his mom initially picked up the victim.

Paul Bloom, the Marion County sheriff’s spokesperson, told Heavy that more charges are pending as the investigation continues. He said there isn’t enough evidence to suggest the mother had knowledge of the battery, which he said happened on the property where she lives, but since the alleged crime happened in the camper and not in the main residence it’s possible she would not have known.

Pussy pass. The mother had knowledge of her son’s felony conviction for strangling the 2016 girlfriend, yes? Then why was she driving him around to pick up more girls? Watching his 2020 girlfriend stagger out of the camper van drugged and bruised with burnt hair should have fit a very obvious pattern.

These are the voyages of the Starship Matriarchy.


But WHY is Ken Turnage Wrong?

A local politician in California’s city of Antioch (east of San Francisco along the waterways) said in his personal social media account that maybe letting Chinavirus do its thing would be the appropriate thing to do. Ken Turnage has now been fired by the City Council (he worked in city planning; was not an elected official).

And it got me thinking, why was he opposed so strongly?

He has a more masculine face than a lot of Gay Area bureaucrats. Not fat, either. Determination lines between the brow. Lots of right angles in the face so a very rational mindset. He’s a native of his city and owned a construction business prior to public service, a promising background for a Planning Department drone. No drug-fueled psychosis or passive-aggressive delusion here.

East Bay politician under fire for saying let coronavirus kill the elderly, weak and homeless

East Bay politician under fire for saying let coronavirus kill the elderly, weak and homeless

By Judith Prieve, 29 April 2020

He was fired on 1 May, probably a local record. But this article documents what I found interesting, which was peoples’ responses to his comments.

The chairman of Antioch’s planning commission is catching a lot of scorn for suggesting in a Facebook post that society should adopt a herd mentality by letting the coronavirus take nature’s course and kill the weak, elderly, homeless and others.

In a long post April 23 on Facebook, commission Chairman Ken Turnage II compared the spread of COVID-19 to a forest fire that burns off all the “old trees, fallen brush and scrub-shrub sucklings” that drain resources. The nation and planet “would strengthen when this is all settled,” he surmised.

“We would have significant loss of life, we would lose many elderly, that would reduce burdens in our defunct Social Security System, health care cost (once the wave subsided), make jobs available for others and it would also free up housing in which we are in dire need of,” Turnage wrote. “We would lose a large portion of the people with immune and other health complications. I know it would be loved ones as well. But that would once again reduce our impact on medical, jobs, and housing.”

Typical “survival of the fittest” philosophy. I’m not a fan because I’m Christian, but it’s what he was taught in school so not a surprise. What was surprising was his fellow atheists opposing him so harshly. They can’t be doing it for moral reasons..?

The comments offended many people, including City Councilwoman Monica Wilson, who along with several residents called for Turnage’s resignation during Tuesday’s City Council meeting. They also drew some support.

“Except we are not trees, and dead human beings do not fertilize the living,” one person commented on Turnage’s Facebook post. “This is very callous and sad. Even still, I hope you and yours survive this, just as I hope we all do.”

Absent a soul, dead humans really are fertilizer in the cycle of life, with a utilitarian value to society comparable to that of a tree. Ashes to ashes and all that. Why should we go to heroic efforts to extend the lives of the useless? As every socialized-medicine administrator knows, most of the health care a person consumes after infancy is in the last three years of his life.

This objection has no merit.

“This was a favored position of the Nazis,” another wrote. “Getting rid of the ‘useless eaters’ they called it. Before the Nazis went after the Jews and Gypsies and the Polish they decided it would be a good idea to get rid of the useless eaters: the old, demented, disabled, mentally ill, physically ill and institutionalized.”

Hindbrain-reflex thinking. Somebody should point out to social justice warriors that Nazis breathed oxygen… and you don’t want to act like a Nazi, do you?

Councilwoman Wilson said Turnage’s comments “undermine the great work our city is doing to protect our citizens,” noting that lifting shelter-in-place orders just for the benefit of the economy is “contrary to our shared values.”

Fuck you, Wilson. Leadership decisions are not automatically good decisions and it goes without saying here that not everybody shares your values. That male-based economy that you’re so eager to be rid of might become important, come the day the Federal Reserve can’t print money fast enough.

Ken is smart enough, and male enough, to know that a government should cultivate a tax base just in case something happens to Moscow.

“My ancestors already died for the sake of our economy through a marked period in our time called slavery,” said Wilson, who is black. “He is entitled to his opinion as I am to mine. However, as a member of the Planning Commission, his words are merely not consistent with what we are doing and how we are caring for our citizens.”

And that was a good thing, right? Enslaving the blacks for the good of the economy? Because now she’s enslaving everybody! To not do productive work.

Either she’s not giving a reason at all or she’s claiming that not opposing Chinavirus is rayciss. Which… is actually possible:


Black People Are Dying From COVID-19 at Higher Rates Because Racism Is a Preexisting Condition

Black People Are Dying From COVID-19 at Higher Rates Because Racism Is a Preexisting Condition

By Edwin Ross, 9 April 2020

Please be joking, please be joking, please be joking…

A few weeks ago, a thought woke Camara Jones up in the middle of the night. It was about the coronavirus. That’s commonplace these days, but Jones is a family physician and epidemiologist who worked at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where among other things she studied racial bias in the medical system. Her thoughts on a pandemic are anything but commonplace.

The coronavirus had revealed something essential about the workings of race in America. “The thought that woke me up,” she told me over the weekend, “is that the most profound aspects of racism operate without bias and without stigma.” What she means is that racism in its most pernicious form slides by on deniability, without any of the telltale oafishness with which more ordinary forms of prejudice announce themselves. Left in its wake are lopsided outcomes that are made to look like the natural order of things.

Nothing illustrates that dynamic better than a pandemic that is wrongly said to be “the great equalizer.”

Nobody calls it that. Some call it the “Boomer Remover” but grievances over ageism instead of racism won’t put green in the black wallet.

“This disease,” she says, “is not an equal-opportunity disease.” Black people are contracting the coronavirus and dying from the disease at higher rates than other people. This disproportionate effect is a social issue in the guise of an epidemiological one.

Surprisingly, she’s right. The ethnic groups that live in their own filth are clearly more affected by plague than German National Socialists with their penchant for tidiness and order, which makes the spread of any disease a (partly) social issue.

Fight the Power of Clorox!

Black Americans, particularly in the Southern states that have not expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, are more likely to be uninsured. They’re more likely to work a low-paying job. They’re more likely to suffer from heart disease, asthma, cancer, and other conditions, not—as Jones takes pains to emphasize—because of biology. It’s because of straightforward social choices such as where toxic dumps get sited, where new highways get built, and where Black people have historically been permitted to live.

I take it back. She’s not right at all, especially in the head.

End segue.

Reached after the meeting, Turnage, 47, said he has no intention of stepping down. The Antioch native is a general contractor who owns K2GC Inc. and ran unsuccessfully for City Council in 2016, finishing fourth. He was Antioch’s 2015 “Citizen of the Year with Most Impact.”

He said his post was “not malicious, or racist” and had “nothing to do with money or business.” Rather, he was simply stating what he believed was happening to the Earth through the global pandemic.

Councilman Lamar Thorpe meanwhile said he shared Wilson’s concerns and called Turnage’s comments “inexcusable.”

Why were Ken’s comments inexcusable? Why would he need forgiveness for posting a “maybe this isn’t the right thing to do” argument?

Mayor Sean Wright, who appointed Turnage in 2017, called the commissioner’s comments “abhorrent,” though he noted everyone has a right to speak his mind.

Wright then called a special meaning of the City Council at which he voted to fire Ken for having wrongthink opinions off-duty. (Vote was unanimous.)

Sean, American rights are restrictions on government authority. Not statements of obvious fact. People in Communist East Germany had the same “right” to speak their minds, after which they disappeared in the dead of night.

Lardball. Weak chin (low testosterone?). Pale skin from too much indoor life. Quite the contrast to Ken’s tanned visage.

“We do and need to hold ourselves to high standards as councilmen and commissioners who represent the city, so there is a discussion to be had as far as that goes,” he added.

Mayor Pro Tem Joy Motts agreed that city leaders need to “act with professionalism.”

Why is it unprofessional and “low standards” to propose NOT destroying the healthy in order to protect the sick?

“It’s absurd to think that one person’s life is more valuable than another’s,” she said. “I am sure this staff and this City Council is doing everything it can do to save as many lives as it possibly can.”

That’s not absurd. Absurd is my government prioritizing disease-spreading hobos over tax-paying citizens.

Motts says Ken is wrong because all human life is equally valuable… but he says nothing to support his claim. Ken did:

Turnage later said his comments were misunderstood.

“I believe in ecological balance,” he said. “Our species is out of symbiosis with the rest of the planet. We have a disease … a virus, that if it ran its course, it would bring us back into a closer balance. I didn’t say people should go out and get infected.

“It’s our world’s way of balancing itself. It’s like a volcano going off,” he added. “It brings the temperature of the Earth down.”

Turnage also said that while he does value life, he does not do so over the greater good of the planet, country and species. He noted that if unchecked, the virus would run rampant through the homeless community.

“I’m not saying let’s kill the homeless, but because of what this virus is attacking, these are the sectors that it would affect the most. … I’m sorry but that would be one of the side effects,” he said. “Yes, that’s a harsh way of looking at it — I know people aren’t going to like this — but this is just reality.”

Interesting that I can reach his same conclusion by a very different path. The phrase was “acts of God” before it was “natural disasters”. Chinavirus being artificial doesn’t change that calculus. High-speed international travel meant we were inevitably going to suffer some kind of a plague. C-Virus was as tame a wake-up plague as we could have hoped for.

Although he disagrees with the need for sheltering in place, Turnage said he is honoring the order and does not encourage people to disobey the rules.

“People need to protect themselves,” he said. “… (But) it is my belief that when something is out of balance, there will be something that brings the balance back (possibly a virus) or the scales may tip and then there is no return.”

Reached Wednesday, Wilson said she stands by her call for Turnage to resign or for the council to consider ousting him.

“I am looking out for the best interests of everyone in my community,” she said. “Who is he to decide who lives or dies? “All of us are vulnerable at this time. We all need to look out for each other.

That’s not what he said and not what you said, you racist black fraud.

“You have a right to post, but sometimes there are consequences to what you post.”

Thus disproving the notion of a “right to post”, if one can be punished by the State at will for posting.

I give big credit to Ken, he knew to NEVER APOLOGIZE.

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In an email to the Daily News, Turnage doubled down on his position and shared the comments he planned to submit for the special meeting.

“It is disheartening that I am being removed due to a personal opinion that has nothing to do with the city or my position on the planning commission. My opinion that I opened for debate is based on the theory of Ecological Balance which is science,” he wrote.

“Yes, I do understand that it is a difficult topic and even prefaced that if people are unable to handle an alternate opinion don’t read any further,” he said.

Eh, mostly-big credit to Ken. “Don’t read further if you don’t want to be offended”, really? The smart move, as usual, would have been to post anonymously.

“The idea of letting nature run its course was practiced by Sweden and at first The World Health Organization was strictly against it! Now as of yesterday, The World Health Organization says we should learn from Sweden! Ironic isn’t it?” he wrote.

“This virus is targeting certain sectors of the World. I did not decide these sectors or create this virus. I merely spoke on what could potentially happen to those sectors plus others including myself,” he said. “Yes my analogies in hindsight could have been different to make the same point, for that I am sorry but hindsight is 20/20.”

Well spoken. Unlike his opponents who punished him for badthink. Which tells us what their motive truly was.

Protecting the frickin’ Narrative.

For all their claims of loving science and living in balance with the environment, what most atheists desire more than any of that is a government that will keep them safe at all costs… even the costs of repeating its self-serving lies.

Honest men with independent opinions are hard to find. Most people just want a deity to care for them and will invent that deity if they don’t think one exists. Ken would have made a much better Councilman than the current asses in those seats.


Another Mouse Takes the Feminist Cheese

I haven’t been doing well during this Chinavirus lockdown. I miss my friends. I miss my work. I miss the gym and the beach and more every day as summer approaches, while my “leaders” debate whether I can ever be trusted to live a normal life again. One can only do things he doesn’t really want to do, for the reason that he isn’t allowed to do what he does want, before the black dog of depression starts tugging.

Even my blogging began to slack off. It took me days to write my last post.

I asked God for help.

Next day, a new commenter and career feminist named Mary shows up, who believes I’m an ignorant, entitled sexist because I know that God wants Christian women to be pleasant, frisky housewives instead of welfare-sucking academics like her.


Praise the Lord and shred the feminist!

I’m so disgusted and sad to see something so sexist written by a fellow “Christian.” God created men and women equal. It says so right in Galatians 3:28, I Corinthians 11:12, Genesis 1:27, and Ephesians 5:31. Do women have roles different from men within the confines of marriage? Yes, BUT God does NOT say women are to be submissive outside of marriage and to ALL men. NOWHERE does God say that. There are so many women who are leaders in the Bible, some that Jesus even uses as an example! There is NOTHING wrong with women being in leadership positions. And women are NOT created only to be wives and mothers. This is truly, truly ignorant. And I can’t believe you would infer that women are inferior to men, when, like I said, God created us EQUALLY. We have different strengths and weaknesses, different roles, but we are NOT inferior to you. What an entitled mindset to have. I’m going to gladly take my advanced degrees and serve God and live out His will in the way He has called me to, married or not, a mother or not.

First, let me set the mood with an appropriate music video.

…And let’s take her from the top. Trigger warning: mansplaining, patriarchy and male privilege ahead.

“God created men and women equal. It says so right in Galatians 3:28, I Corinthians 11:12, Genesis 1:27, and Ephesians 5:31.”

You fool, Mary. How could that opening sentence NOT result in… a man giving context?

Galatians 3:26-29: “So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”

That is not a statement of Equality. God has never treated humans Equally ever since He preferred Abel’s sacrifices to Cain’s. Men and women are both co-heirs of Christ’s promises, that is all that Galatians is saying.

1 Corinthians 11:7-12: “A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man. For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; neither was man created for woman, but woman for man. It is for this reason that a woman ought to have authority over her own head, because of the angels. Nevertheless, in the Lord woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of woman. For as woman came from man, so also man is born of woman. But everything comes from God.For as woman came from man, so also man is born of woman. But everything comes from God.”

There it is, just a couple verses back from what you quoted. You women were created to be used and enjoyed by men, and to have male authority over you. But we aren’t to treat you women as subhuman as a consequence.

Of course, if you try to usurp and replace us then that deal is OFF.

Genesis 1:27: So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

If men are not women then we are different, and different means unEqual. You quoted verses that undermine your own claim.

Yes, I’m fully aware that I’m capitalizing Equality. That’s because Equality is one of the idolatrous lies of Current Year that you worship. You women are not equal to men, something I am proving right now. You women don’t have to be equal… but penis envy, that Original Sin for Women, has turned you against God’s plan.

Ephesians 5:31: “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”

What does that have to with Equality? Nothing. Meanwhile, it heavily suggests that women are supposed to be wives. Frisky wives.

Do women have roles different from men within the confines of marriage? Yes, BUT God does NOT say women are to be submissive outside of marriage and to ALL men.

I Corinthians 11:9 &10, paraphrased from above: “Woman was created for man… a woman ought to have authority over her”. You rebellious women read the Bible the way a lawyer reads a contract: checking for loopholes!

There are so many women who are leaders in the Bible, some that Jesus even uses as an example!

The same Jesus who wrote 1 Timothy 2:12? “I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.”

Or, were we talking about Jezebel? One of the loopholes I alluded to is, here, that you didn’t rule out BAD examples of women ruling over men in Scripture. How well did Abraham obeying Sarah work out? Not as well as Abraham ordering Sarah to lie. Twice. Combined.

But if you really want to be a boss then you can teach other women to OBEY THEIR MEN:

Titus 2:3: “Teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. hen they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.”

Burn, Mary! Burn, and notice Father God’s open favoritism for PATRIARCHY:

No female priests in the Old Testament.

No significant female prophets. Deborah is an example of how badly Israel was doing in her day: a prophet of the people’s choosing, not of God’s choosing, and Barak was punished by God for relying upon her.

Jesus was male. All of his disciples were male. The twelve apostles were all male. Paul’s proteges Titus and Timothy were both male. How random, for a deity that loves Equality!

There is NOTHING wrong with women being in leadership positions. And women are NOT created only to be wives and mothers. This is truly, truly ignorant.

I’m tired of quoting Scripture at a female that has already been shown to use Scripture dishonestly. Instead, I will quote REALITY: when you women leave your father’s home and live without a husband, that’s when you jump on the Cock Carousel and ride it until everything feminine about you is burned out forever while you spew bastards and abortions everywhere.

Mary, you are not feminine.

And I can’t believe you would infer that women are inferior to men…

Infer, hell. It’s called Testosterone, the Hormone of the Gods!

…when, like I said, God created us EQUALLY.

We have different strengths and weaknesses…

That’s not Equality.

…different roles…

That’s not Equality.

…but we are NOT inferior to you.

You spent lots of time and money earning advanced college degrees instead of getting a free ride though life by rubbing your boobs on a rich nerd. That’s how stupid you are.

Strike that. It’s how much YOU ENVY MEN, exactly what God warned you about when He described Original Sin in Genesis 3:16. “Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.”

What an entitled mindset to have. I’m going to gladly take my advanced degrees and serve God and live out His will in the way He has called me to, married or not, a mother or not.

That is not God you are serving. It’s the devil.

Look at your ta-tas. Look at your naughty bits. God gave them to you so you could attract a husband and be a mother. God did not give you intelligence because you didn’t need intelligence. Just appreciate your husband and he’ll give you the world! But no, you worked yourself bitter in a hopeless effort to become his competitor. Did you think men would respect you for that? Only the creeps.

I’m running theological rings around you for fun on a Thursday night, Mary, while you repeat Equality like a mantra. That’s how superior I am to you… and I love every moment of my superiority.

That is what you meant by “entitled mindset”, yes?

Let’s talk about YOUR entitled mindset. You refused to be sexually loyal to a husband because you’re “entitled” to only the best of men. You refused to be a mother because you’re “entitled” to live a long, full life that’s all about you. You spent too much money buying participation trophies from Marxist college professors and now, you think you’re “entitled” to my respect.

I do not respect you, Mary. You are a rebellious witch against Father God, claiming to “serve him” but not in the Biblical sense of Eve serving her husband.

You’re fucked, Mary, and not by a loving husband. Pick your favorite boxed wine, adopt a cat and spend the rest of your life being bitter at a male Internet ghost for not giving you the respect that your own hindbrain knows you don’t deserve.



Yet Another FBI False Flag Against Christians

I don’t know much about improvised explosives but I do know there’s more to destroying an occupied building than cramming your mother’s newsletter into a jerry can. A Jewish cabal in the FBI Counterterrorism Task Force claims otherwise!

I pieced together the following from multiple sources to give a single account. No one site cared to include all the information that I was able to find. Quotations were made by the paragraph from:

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On [15 April 2020], federal agents [in Massachusetts] arrested 36-year-old John Michael Rathbun for allegedly attempting to blow up a nursing home he thought was Jewish. Authorities claim they discovered his DNA on a failed explosive, NBC News reported. The attack came on April 3, as the coronavirus pandemic raged across America, acutely threatening the elderly and senior living homes.

Rathbun was charged with two counts of attempted arson after local police found a 5-gallon plastic gasoline container with a burned paper placed in the nozzle, left outside an assisted living home on April 2. The paper appears to have been a Christian pamphlet.

[Longmeadow, Massachusettes] police officers found the homemade bomb around 10 a.m. April 2, the criminal complaint alleges. It was feet away from a high-traffic walkway along Converse Street, a busy roadway in the city.

The device consisted of a 5-gallon plastic fuel container filled with what authorities allege was gasoline, the document says. A Christian religious pamphlet jutted from the nozzle of the canister.

Interesting that police found the gas can and recognized it for a terrorist threat before nursing home staff could find it and recognize it as something the gardener might have left behind.

“A portion of the pamphlet was charred and appeared to have been lit on fire in an attempt to ignite the gas,” the criminal complaint says. “The LPD observed what appeared to be bloodstains on both the canister handle and on the pamphlet.”

So… this guy Rathbun decided to blow up a Jewish nursing home… by sticking a Christian pamphlet in the spigot of a jerry can, cutting his hands badly in the process and bleeding all over it during the assembly and transport, then abandoning it in a highly accessible, highly visible location in full daylight and not even next to the target.

You have got to be kidding me.

It is alleged that the incendiary device consisted of a five-gallon plastic Scepter gas canister, filled with liquid believed to be flammable gasoline, with burnt paper (later identified as a Christian religious pamphlet) placed in the nozzle of the canister. A portion of the pamphlet was charred and appeared to have been lit on fire in an attempt to ignite the gas. Law enforcement observed what appeared to be blood stains on the canister handle and on the pamphlet. On or about April 9, 2020, it was determined that samples of the stains on the canister and the pamphlet were linked to Rathbun’s DNA profile.

One word: FINGERPRINTS. There is no mention in any of the dozen articles I looked over, including the original criminal complaint, saying his fingerprints were on the gas can. And why would a bombmaker leave obvious bloodstains on his work? The dumbest thug in the projects knows about DNA.

This is the retirement home he tried to destroy with a five-gallon gas can.

Rathbun. No visible gang/prison tattoos. He’s mentally stable enough for good grooming. Physiognomy can’t say anything about specific incidents but he doesn’t present as the overly violent imbecile who would do this kind of stupid. His eyes might be a little wider than normal but not enough to qualify as disturbing.

In March 2020, a white supremacist organization that operated on two social media platforms was identified by law enforcement.

On these platforms, users promoted mass killings in the United States and elsewhere directed against religious, racial and ethnic minorities; discussed plans to engage in these crimes themselves; discussed using various explosive and incendiary devices, including improvised devices commonly known as “Molotov cocktails”; and identified targets, such as mosques and synagogues.

“These platforms” were not identified. None of the users were identified. Quote from NBC News: “The FBI didn’t name Rathburn specifically as the person who made the posts.”

Did those instructions for Molotov cocktails include “don’t use a fragile container” and “bigger is always better”? They actually might have, if the poster was an informant trying to trick morons into performing incriminating behavior. But we have laws against entrapment.

On or about March 4, 2020, a user on the first social media platform specified two choices for mass killings, including “that jew nursing home in longmeadow massachusetts.” The organization’s form on the second platform included a calendar in which users could create events that listed the dates, times, and locations; invite other users to attend the event; and communicate concerning the event. The calendar listed the following entries: April 2, 2020 – “hating niggers day”; and April 3, 2020 – “jew killing day.” The calendar entry for “jew killing day” listed the event location as “Jew Nursery Home” without a specifying address. It is alleged that the user who identified the Jewish nursing home in Longmeadow, and the user who created the April 3 calendar entry, are likely the same individual.

Likely the same FBI agent. “Alert to all white nationalists! Attack this specific location at this specific time! That will make it really hard for the police to catch you and determine a motive! Unless they’re reading this unencrypted post, which they never do, but I’m posting anonymous just in case. Good luck!”

Based upon my training, experience and knowledge of the case, I believe “that Jew nursing home in Longmeadow” refers to Ruth’s House, which is a Jewish-sponsored assisted living residential facility for seniors of all faiths located at 780 Converse St., Longmeadow, Massachusetts,” FBI Special Agent Ryan McGonigle wrote in the criminal complaint.

He was trained to know that militant white Christian terrorists would attack the all-faiths nursing home instead of the exclusively Jewish nursing home in the same town? That is not what a Christian terrorist would do, postulating his existence.

“As alleged, John Rathbun placed a homemade incendiary device near the entrance of a Jewish assisted living facility, located within a short distance of three Jewish temples, a Jewish private school, and a Jewish Community Center,” said Joseph R. Bonavolonta, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI Boston Division. “This case highlights the very real threat posed by racially motivated violent extremists and make no mistake, the FBI will use every investigative tool available, along with the expertise and skills of our partners on our Joint Terrorism Task Forces, to identify, assess and disrupt threats like this one to keep our communities safe.”

No way McGonigle’s “training and experience” could interpret a vague threat into pinpoint accuracy with at least six other plausible spots in easy walking distance. Are all these Jewish institutions recent additions to the community?

“Based upon the FBI’s preliminary investigation, I believe that User 1 on Platform 1 and User 2 on Platform 2 are likely the same individual,” McGonigle wrote.

The FBI agent described the user’s entry for “Jew Killing Day” as a “call to action that sought to incite users to target Ruth’s House with violence on or about April 3, 2020.”

The person who responded to that call was Rathbun, McGonigle wrote.


The FBI has not yet determined whether Rathbun has been involved in any way with the organization or in any other white supremacist activities,” a footnote in the criminal complaint says. The FBI’s investigation is ongoing.”

Was Rathbun idly surfing the Internet one evening when QAnon activated the microchips in his brain to go forth and kill? People don’t attempt mass murder just because an Internet ghost picked a random date for them to do it.

And then Rathbun set the “bomb” on the nigger-killing day instead of the Jew-killing day. I just can’t even.

Police reportedly found blood matching Rathbun’s DNA on the pamphlet.

The gas canister and pamphlet were sent to the Massachusetts State Police crime lab, where technicians found the blood to be human.

The DNA was matched on April 6 to Rathbun, whose genetic profile was already stored in the FBI’s Consolidated DNA Index System, or CODIS, due to his criminal record.

This was surprising. If Rathbun really was a white supremacist with a criminal record then why wasn’t he being tailed by cops? They don’t need a warrant for that and Agent McGonigle even knew the where & when.

FBI agents executed a search warrant April 15 at Rathbun’s home, where they found him, his 18-year-old daughter and his parents, the complaint says. Rathbun was taken into custody.

“Now that you’re all grown up, Princess, Daddy is going to murder Jooz and spend the rest of his life in jail.” …No, that is simply not credible.

“I observed that Rathbun’s hands had numerous cuts or wounds in various states of freshness, including an open wound on his right thumb,” McGonigle wrote.

Remember I mentioned no talk about fingerprints? I’d originally wondered if him being a heroin addict would have been a way for an informant to get samples of his blood. That seems to not have been the case, but now I wonder what he’d repeatedly cut his hands open with. Not on a plastic gas can, for sure, and a paper cut would have had two weeks to heal before his arrest.

The agent wrote that Rathbun agreed to talk. He reportedly told McGonigle that he is a heroin addict and would drive down Converse Street every morning on his way to a methadone clinic. Each morning, he would pass the Jewish school near Ruth’s House.

Rathbun denied anti-Semitic or racist sentiments and denied accessing the white supremacist group online, telling McGonigle he “only uses the internet to access a dating site and pornography.”

Irrelevant, but I cannot help but wonder if Mike has enjoyed a surge of romantic success now that the FBI has promoted him from “washed-up heroin addict” to “the Longmeadow Arsonist”.

Rathbun denied his family had ever owned a yellow gas container like the one found at the crime scene and denied involvement in placing the makeshift bomb.

“When informed that his blood was found on the gas can found at Ruth’s House, he could not explain how this was possible,” McGonigle wrote.

He initially denied having any personal interest in religion but said his mother distributed Christian pamphlets, the document says. Rathbun’s mother told agents she printed her own pamphlets and said she did not recognize the one found in the gas can at Ruth’s House.

Impressive screw-up, FBI. You framed an atheist for Christian terrorism.

“When agents presented him with photographs of the bloodstained Christian pamphlet that had been used to light the incendiary device at Ruth’s House and informed him that his DNA matched the blood, Rathbun’s demeanor visibly changed, and a short while later, he stated that he did not know what he was going to do and that he wanted to cry,” the complaint states.

The investigation was led by the FBI’s Western Massachusetts Joint Terrorism Task Force with assistance from the Longmeadow and East Longmeadow police departments and the Massachusetts State Police.

I feel bad for Rathbun. He wrecked his life on heroin but pulled himself back together well enough to have custody of his daughter, and now is being framed by a cabal in the FBI for hate crimes in the name of a religion that he’d already abandoned. My suspicion is that his mother angered the (((locals))) with her proselytizing and when it came time to false-flag Jesus, they used him as a way to hurt her.

And now, the funny part:

Massachusetts Judge Criticized for Releasing Man Charged With Attempted Arson Attack on Jewish Assisted-Living Home

Massachusetts Judge Criticized for Releasing Man Charged With Attempted Arson Attack on Jewish Assisted-Living Home

By Ben Cohen, 17 April 2020

A prominent US Jewish civil rights group criticized a judge’s decision on Friday to release a man accused of attempting to burn down a Jewish community-run assisted living facility into the custody of his mother.

John Michael Rathbun, 36, was charged on Wednesday in a criminal complaint in a federal court in Springfield, Massachusetts, with two counts of attempted arson. Rathbun is alleged to have ignited a five-gallon plastic gas canister outside Ruth’s House, an assisted-living home in Longmeadow, on the morning of April 2.

Federal prosecutors said that Rathbun’s DNA matched bloodstains that were found on the handle of the canister and on a partly-charred Christian religious pamphlet that had been stuffed in the nozzle as a fuse. Rathbun’s mother told federal agents that she prints and distributes Christian pamphlets, but did not recognize the one in the gas canister found outside Ruth’s House.

Amateur hour. The FBI used a fake pamphlet, or at least, not one that the suspect’s mother made and littered the house the suspect lived in? How is the jury not going to notice that? This horrific incident of Antisemitism falls apart the moment you look at it wrong.

Magistrate Judge Katherine Robertson’s decision to return Rathbun to his mother’s home was strongly criticized by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which pointed out that she resided within a five-minute drive of Ruth’s Place, in addition to three synagogues and a Jewish community center.

*Slow applause* Judge Barbie is so not afraid of Rathbun that she released him while knowing they resided in the same neighborhood.

Whoa, wait a sec. The ADL knew where the judge lived? That’s not info you get from a phone book. That’s info you get from an FBI agent.

Calling Robertson’s decision “irresponsible,” the ADL said that the allegations against Rathbun meant that he remained a “clear and present danger to the community.”

“Releasing this individual whose DNA-evidence was found at the scene, and who allegedly engaged in on-line platforms that included antisemitic and racial threats of violence, undermines the safety and security of the entire community,” the ADL’s New England office said in a statement.

Again, where are the fingerprints? The guy cut his hands open then carried the can, right? There should have been visible, bloody fingerprints all over that thing. Gloves would mean no blood, either.

To close, let me go back to why Special Agent McGonigle was so confident that Ruth’s was the only viable nursing-home target for a terrorist attack: because all the others was already taken!

21 residents dead from COVID-19 at JGS Lifecare in Longmeadow

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By Nancy Asiamah, 11 April 2020

LONGMEADOW, Mass. (WWLP) – Multiple residents at JGS Lifecare in Longmeadow have passed away from COVID-19 or tested positive for the virus, according to a letter addressed to family members on Friday.

In the letter, JGS Lifecare President Adam Berman and CEO Barry Berman said 21 residents had died from the virus. JGS Lifecare runs the Leavitt Family Jewish Home and the Sosin Center for Rehabilitation (JNH).

“The loss of so many of our loved ones is reflective of the severity of some manifestations of this terrible disease. We offer our sincere condolences to their families and share in their grief. We plan to honor and celebrate the lives of those we lost once this crisis passes.”

Over 180 residents have since been tested for COVID-19 and 93 residents at the JNH have tested positive. Also, 84 staff members were tested for the virus and 43 had positive results. Out of caution, all residents at JNH have been quarantined in their rooms, regardless of their status.

“Why don’t we attack the all-Jewish nursing home instead?”

“Because the Health Department already welded their doors shut to contain the plague.”

“Oh… I thought that was our B Team.”

Most of the residents who tested positive are said to be in stable condition, with many asymptomatic, and some already showing signs of recovery,” the facility said.

There are no confirmed or suspected COVID-19 cases at Ruth’s House, another JGS Lifecare building.

Maybe the reason Judge Robertson did not allow Rathbun to be incarcerated is because the FBI claimed he’d been on the grounds of JGS Lifecare facilities and was therefore a COVID-19 risk to the jail system.


I am left feeling unsatisfied. Why would Jews in the FBI terrorize their own people in the name of Jesus? Especially with such incompetence? Are their religious objections to Jesus not enough? This excerpt of an opinion piece seems legit:

Mossad False Flag Attacks on Jews

By Philip Giraldo, 14 April 2020

…Nothing is quite so simple as such a black and white portrayal where there are evil Nazis and Jewish victims who are always justified when they seek revenge. First of all, as has been demonstrated, many recent so-called anti-Semitic attacks on Jews involve easily recognizable Hasidic Jews and are actually based on community tensions as established neighborhoods are experiencing dramatic changes with the newcomers using pressure tactics to force out existing residents. And after the Hasidim take over a town or neighborhood, they defund local schools to support their own private academies and frequently engage in large scale welfare and other social services fraud to permit them to spend all their days studying the Talmud, which, inter alia teaches that gentiles are no better than beasts fit only to serve Jews.

Longsmeadow has a huge Jewish institutional footprint right now… and this false flag was directed at a nursing home that was NOT exclusively Jews. That makes it a very plausible motive.

The recent concentration of coronavirus in Orthodox neighborhoods in New York as well as the eruption of measles cases last year have been attributed to the unwillingness of some conservative Jews to submit to vaccinations and normal hygienic practices. They also have persisted in illegal large gatherings at weddings and religious ceremonies, spreading the coronavirus within their own communities and also to outsiders with whom they have contact.

Consistent with Ruth’s Home being both disease-free and mixed-ethnic.

Regularly exposing anti-Semitism is regarded as a good thing by many Jewish groups because the state of perpetual victimization that it supports enables them to obtain special benefits that might otherwise be considered excessive in a pluralistic democracy. Holocaust education in schools is now mandatory in many jurisdictions and more than 90% of discretionary Department of Homeland Security funding goes to Jewish organizations. Jewish organizations are now lining up to get what they choose to believe is their share of Coronavirus emergency funding.

They would already be getting that funding in the Longmeadow situation, however.

Claims of increasing anti-Semitism, and the citation of the so-called holocaust, are like having a perpetual money machine that regularly disgorges reparations from the Europeans as well as billions of dollars per year from the U.S. Treasury. Holocaust and anti-Semitism manufactured guilt are undoubtedly contributing factors to the subservient relationship that the United States enjoys with the state of Israel, most recently manifested in the U.S. Department of Defense’s gift of one million surgical masks to the Israel Defense Force in spite of there being a shortage of the masks in the United States (note how the story was edited after it first appeared by the Jerusalem Post to conceal the U.S. role but it still has the original email address and the photo cites the Department of Defense).

A story probably worth covering but it’s redundant with, on my West Coast, politicians sending medical aid to China despite American shortages. All our leaders are treasonous weasels.

And then there is the issue of Jewish power, which is discussed regularly by Jews themselves but is verboten to gentiles. Jews wield hugely disproportionate power in all the Anglophone states as well as in France and parts of Eastern Europe and even in Latin America. If anti-Semitism is as rampant as has often been claimed it is odd that there are so many Jews prominent in politics and the professions, most especially financial services and the media. Either anti-Semitism is not really “surging” or the actual anti-Semities have proven to be particularly incompetent in making their case.

Boldfaced for simple truth. There is no such thing as a Christian terrorist and if there was right now, he’d be murdering the Christians like me who don’t worship Judeo-Christ. That’s how much philosemitic sentiment there is in the Church these days.

Further muddying the waters, there have been a number of instances in which Jews have themselves been responsible for what have been claimed to be anti-Semitic incidents. There has also been credible speculation that some of the incidents have been false flags staged by the Israeli government itself, presumably acting through its intelligence services. The objective would be to create sympathy among the public in Europe and the U.S. for Israel and to encourage diaspora emigration to the Jewish state. The recent tale of Israeli-American Michael Kadar, who has been credited with many of early 2017’s nearly two thousand bomb scares targeting Jewish community centers and synagogues worldwide, is illustrative.

The “sympathy among the public” idea has times out. America now has too many xenophobic immigrants.

Encouraging emigration doesn’t work here, either, although the attitude would explain why so many (((American government leaders))), want to punish China for not allowing themselves to be colonized by the Jews producing yet another predictable plague born of Chinese pollution and lack of sanitation.

Like their nursing homes.


Doctor Commissar: Vanessa Moulton

I don’t wanna talk about Chinavirus for awhile. *heads to the tabloids* Oh my, guess what Not-Prince Harry has been doing to keep busy? Micromanaging the mental health of the English military!

Prince Harry reveals he stays ‘fit and strong’ by training ‘mind and body as one’ as he launches an online mental health tool for military personnel that has taken three years to build

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Offhand, I cannot think of any man less qualified to lecture his ex-fellow soldiers about mental health than the man formerly known as Prince. Wait, was Heath Ledger English? *checks* Australian.

The Duke of Sussex has spearheaded a new mental fitness tool aimed at helping the military with their well-being.

Former soldier Prince Harry, 35, appears in a video on, which has been designed to offer round-the-clock access to self-help tools to enhance mood, drive and confidence.

“Suicides among servicemen are up because the government isn’t doing enough about their mental health. Hello, I’m Prince Kitchen-Bitch and you should do what I do!”

In a clip shared online, the Queen’s grandson, who is now living in Los Angeles after quitting as a working royal, urges members of the armed forces to train their ‘mind and body as one’.

He didn’t quit as a working royal, he tried to merchandise his title and got shown the door. I didn’t call him the man formerly known as Prince for nothing.

In fact, if he’s trying to influence military fitness without the government’s permission then his behavior could be construed as an attempted coup.

Speaking about the project, which he has been working on for three years, the Duke explains: ‘We need you to be able to access that ten or fifteen per cent, something which can only be attained when you adopt a regular routine for training the mind and the body as a single unit. I know this to be true. It works for me.’

Is this the old “you only use ten percent of your brain” canard? It’s true that only a tenth of your brain is used for high-level cognition–the prefrontal cortex–but the rest of your brain doesn’t just sit on the sofa like an American slut-wife. One-third of the brain is vision processing, another tenth is processing your other senses, the limbic system is maybe a quarter of the brain and then you’ve got stuff like memory and motor skills.

The project, led by Harry, was due to be unveiled in June but its launch was brought forward to help service personnal tackle new challenges during the coronavirus pandemic.

‘Today, when we talk about fitness, we don’t just mean how fast you can run or how much weight you can carry,’ Harry says in the footage.

‘This is about mental fitness, strength and resilience, not just while wearing a uniform, but for the rest of your life.

‘If you want to be truly fit, strong and healthy, you need to train your mind and body as one. Some people run, others swim, cycle or lift weights in order to be physically fit.

‘But what do you do to stay mentally fit? Think about what you can do to unlock your potential, and to perform at the highest level.’

Not marry Meghan?

HeadFIT has been developed in partnership with The Royal Foundation’s Heads Together campaign, the Ministry of Defence and King’s College London, with clinical advice from psychologist Dr Vanessa Moulton.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex left the joint Royal Foundation with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge last year, but it was said at the time that there would be future collaboration on Heads Together.

Why are they playing such softball with Harry’s ex-royalty status? Am I committing some kind of thoughtcrime?

Prince Harry and Meghan have since stepped away from the monarchy to pursue a life of personal and financial freedom in the US.

The American variant is “he left to spend more time with his family” but that would sound very wrong in Harry’s context.

So, what’s HeadFIT? And then we’ll dig into who Vanessa is.

*GunnerQ pulls up*


Some HeadFIT tools involve going outside or spending time with other people but, for now, please use the tools in line with the latest Government guidelines on the Coronavirus.

Hahaha! The truth about mental health hurts, doesn’t it? The truth that going outside and spending time socializing is a better path to mental health than following government guidelines that exist in opposition to that.

Proceeding, all I’m seeing is the usual self-help drivel. Time to consider the author of this recycled garbage: Vanessa Moulton. Per her LinkedIn, she graduated in psychology in 1997 which would put her current age at 44. That makes me very suspicious of the few pics I’ve found of her:

She has surely hit the wall by now.

Dr Vanessa Moulton, CPsychol, AFBPsS
I am the founder of Mindflex…

Website looks like a one-person company.

…and bring a down-to-earth and open approach to all aspects of my work. I have extensive experience in the area of developing ‘Psychological Fitness’ and working with the psychological aspects associated with mental health and performance both in and out of the workplace.

I am a Chartered Psychologist and have worked across private, public and charity sectors, and have extensive experience in one-to-one therapy, coaching, psychological consulting and organisation performance delivery. Having worked as the Head of Psychological Services at the charity “Help for Heroes” (which supports those with injuries and illnesses sustained while serving in the British Armed Forces), I also have in-depth experience of setting up and running Psychological Services.

She was trained to run PTSD therapy sessions by the military before opting for a more charity-based career. Typical female.

Additional experience includes being a key member of the MoD’s mental health team at their primary Rehabilitation Centre during the peak of the Afghanistan conflict, and being the Expedition Consulting Psychologist for ‘Walking with the Wounded’s’ South Pole challenge with HRH Prince Harry.

“Expedition Consulting Psychologist”? I see a lot of resume padding. She is currently “Mental Health Consultant for the Invictus Games Foundation”, Harry’s version of the Special Olympics.

I also have 15yrs Director level experience in a commercial setting (London marketing agencies), and as Head of People (Human Resources).

By age 44? Shenanigans. *checks LinkedIn* She does not have 15 years experience in senior management unless her first reported job out of college–“Senior Account Manager” at the Marketing Store–was much more than it sounds like. She is also including her directorship of Mindflex, which doesn’t have much in the way of staff.

I use evidence based models within all aspects of my work to ensure outcomes are effective and measurable.

Standard ditsy airhead. While looking into her, I found this article that says much about why Globalist Ex-Prince Harry recruited her.

How to protect your child from radicalisation

By Dr Vanessa Moulton, 22 February 2019

Radicalisation is a daunting concept; especially if you think it might be happening to your child or someone you know. But what exactly is it, what are the warning signs and how should you respond if you think someone close to you is being radicalised?

You should alert your child’s schoolteachers so they can invoke the proper authorities to root out the badthink? Yay, I get a cookie!

Chartered psychologist Dr Vanessa Moulton explains how to safeguard your children:

What is radicalisation?

Radicalisation is when someone starts to believe and support extreme aspirations around terrorism, political, social or religious ideals.

Whew! I only distrust MOST Jews, which is not an extreme position.

This can lead to participation in extremist groups, vocally or actively.

Because of the potential increase in radicalisation, there has understandably been a more direct focus on how we safeguard our children against it, just as we safeguard children against other risk factors.

On a serious note: radicalisation is literally Orwellian badthink.

Why does radicalisation occur?

Because the government defines “normal” as an extremist position.

Research shows that children have a robust bias to trust and therefore with the huge daily influence and ease of access to the internet and social media, children are easily exposed to extremism ideologies and views which can end up being normalised. Children and young people can of course also be exposed to the influence of extremism by family and friends.

The Soviet Union called to say they ain’t dead yet.

Radicalisation can also be more prevalent with children who are more vulnerable to being influenced. There are certain indicators that would make a child or young person more vulnerable which include:

– Struggling with a sense of identity, low self-esteem, being bullied, feeling isolated and lonely and struggling to interact socially.

“Where’s Daddy?”

– Lacking a sense of belonging; feeling judged about their culture, gender, race or religion and therefore questioning their place in society or British culture.

“Why is the government replacing us with African Muslims?”

– Feeling confused about a complex world and how to interpret their thought processes. Exposure to traumatic events will also exacerbate this.

“Look at that, another Muzzie sand rat driving on the sidewalk. Must be Thursday.”

Radicalisation warning signs

There are several general indicators to look out for. But it is also really important to point out that each of these in their own right would not necessarily suggest radicalisation; it could be normal child or teenage behaviour. These can include the following:

– Isolating themselves: cutting themselves off from others. This can be the family and friends they normally hang out with, as well as hanging out with new friends. This could be because they are being secretive with how they are spending their time, but also potentially because the radicalisation is making them feel like they ‘belong’ to something which may be really important to them right now.

The globalists have a terror of “loners”, which is yet another reason their Chinavirus lockdowns are a bad move.

– Getting defensive: becoming protective of the views they have and therefore becoming anxious or angry easily. This is because they are seeing you and others as a ‘threat’ to the beliefs they are harbouring.

Unlike the Narrative, which never sees alternative beliefs as a threat. Unless they exist.

– Sounding different: you might recognise that the words they are using don’t sound like theirs and they belong to someone else or demonstrate extremist views.

– Mood changes: they may be getting stressed or anxious, or advocating violent actions.

– Narrow-mindedness: they have rigid extremist views and refuse to be flexible in their attitudes.

Vanessa is pure Globalist Communism. “We must not tolerate people who are intolerant!”

How to talk about radicalisation

First of all, it is important to talk to your child about your concerns. You can also talk to their teachers to see if they have noticed any changes in their behaviour or are concerned at all. Schools will have a safeguarding lead due to the government’s ‘Prevent’ duty so set up a meeting with them as they will be able to provide some really good advice. There are organisations who are really supportive of helping parents work through concerns that they have, such as the NSPCC, which is confidential and anonymous.

Protecting your child from radicalisation

Helping your child feel heard is one of the most important steps to prevent your child from being radicalised. You can do this through providing a safe environment for your children to express their views to you. Also make sure they are aware of support services such as Childline where they talk about their opinions and feelings.

In a matriarchy, Daddy Government always knows best. You see this from advice columns to child “services”, that if you have any questions about proper behavior then you need to consult with the State-Designated Experts. Remember, independent thought is extremist thought!

Talk to your child about online safety, making sure they understand the dangers or ‘grooming’ and extreme views online, and ensure you have parental controls of their online usage and check their privacy settings. Take an interest in their online usage and make sure you talk to them regularly about the sites they are using.

For young kids, okay. For older kids, they need to be taught Why along with the What. That means religion.

Protection advice from the NSPCC

Sigh. Vanessa is a credentialed expert claiming fifteen years’ experience as Director Of Something. What’s her advice? “Carefully follow these government guidelines!” If she was talking about her husband then the attitude would have been endearing. Either way, she didn’t need a doctorate for this.

Protecting children from radicalisation is similar to keeping them safe from other harms such as being involved in a gang or being sexually exploited. It is vital that parents talk to their children, openly and regularly, about their lives (both offline and online) to help keep them safe. It is also important that parents help their children explore their identity by reassuring them if they are struggling that it is fine to be confused and they can always come to you for advice. You should also agree rules together about what behaviour is ok and what’s not.

Many parents wonder if they should snoop on their children’s devices or social media accounts. We wouldn’t advise this approach as it could make young people feel their privacy has been invaded, and might make them less likely to come to you if there is a problem.

Which is it? “Take an interest in their online usage and make sure you talk to them regularly about the sites they are using” or “We wouldn’t advise this approach as it could make young people feel their privacy has been invaded”?

If you notice any change in a child’s behaviour and you’re worried, you can call the NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 5000. These signs don’t necessarily mean a child is being radicalised – it may be normal teenage behaviour or a sign that something else is wrong, but don’t wait until you’re certain.

Because thought criminals are everywhere! Like the thought criminals who think Prince Harry is no longer a member of the Royal Family.


Was Gary Lenius Murdered?

I’ll say straight off, I don’t have hard evidence. What I do have is a pattern that fits like Michael Jackson’s glove. We’re talking about Fisk Tank Cleaner Woman, now… at long last… identified as Wanda Lenius. Only now do I even have a picture of her.

Gary and Wanda Lenius. This is the ONLY picture of the couple released into the mainstream by anybody thus far. My first “disturbance in the Force” was that her headline-grabbing stunt came with total identity protection from the media, so much so that I actually wondered if she existed at all. Her name was withheld for weeks by the very media desperate to accuse Trump of every crime in human history and that just ain’t natural behavior for them.

Gary on the left looks like he lives in pain, to judge from the bags under his eyes. Body is very thin but being a retired Arizona snowbird, a common condition. He was still high-functioning when this pic was taken to judge from his well-maintained goatee. His skin tone says he gets much more sun than his wife.

Wanda’s hair is not just frizzy, it’s frizzy-Skrillex. She also colors it at an age well past reasonable. Maybe her husband likes blondes… could be nothing, could be an indicator of attention-seeking. Methinks she has an extremely pessimistic mouth (downturned corners when not smiling.)

We start with a brief recap.

Man dies after taking chloroquine in an attempt to prevent coronavirus

By Erika Edwards and Vaughn Hillyard, 23 March 2020

An Arizona man has died after ingesting chloroquine phosphate — believing it would protect him from becoming infected with the coronavirus. The man’s wife also ingested the substance and is under critical care.

The toxic ingredient they consumed was not the medication form of chloroquine, used to treat malaria in humans. Instead, it was an ingredient listed on a parasite treatment for fish.

The man’s wife told NBC News she’d watched televised briefings during which President Trump talked about the potential benefits of chloroquine. Even though no drugs are approved to prevent or treat COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, some early research suggests it may be useful as a therapy.

The name “chloroquine” resonated with the man’s wife, who asked that her name not be used to protect the family’s privacy. She’d used it previously to treat her koi fish.

“I saw it sitting on the back shelf and thought, ‘Hey, isn’t that the stuff they’re talking about on TV?’”

Unbelievably stupid. On one hand, USA is a big country with lots of room for fools and this was at a time that many people were feeling panicky. On the other hand, Gary is a mechanical engineer who worked for John Deere. I can credit Batty Betty with thinking this was the chemical Trump was talking about but not an engineer who worked with farm equipment for his career.

Did Gary know that his drink had fish tank cleaner in it? He would certainly know that cures don’t work BEFORE you get sick. Nobody ever claimed the hydro variant was a vaccine.

The couple — both in their 60s and potentially at higher risk for complications of the virus — decided to mix a small amount of the substance with a liquid and drink it as a way to prevent the coronavirus.

“We were afraid of getting sick,” she said.

Within 20 minutes, both became extremely ill, at first feeling “dizzy and hot.”

“I started vomiting,” the woman told NBC News. “My husband started developing respiratory problems and wanted to hold my hand.”

She called 911. The emergency responders “were asking a lot of questions” about what they’d consumed. “I was having a hard time talking, falling down.”

Shortly after he arrived at the hospital, her husband died.

The fact that she also drank it argues against this being homicide. But it’s also possible that she hated both Trump and her husband enough to take a much smaller dose of it to establish an alibi.

Obviously, I’ve got work to do to make that a credible theory.

Woman Who Tried Fish Tank Cleaner for Virus Protection Is Dem Donor

The woman whose husband died after they took a substance used to clean fish tanks in an effort to prevent contracting the coronavirus is a Democratic donor who supports a “pro-science” group.

According to The Washington Free Beacon, the woman — identified only as 61-year-old Wanda to protect her identity — has given several thousand dollars to left-leaning organizations and candidates in the last two years. In February, she donated to the 314 Action Fund, which according to its website advocates “for real solutions to climate change and elect more STEM trained candidates to public office.”

I love the irony that a woman who contributed to “science-based political opposition to Trump” is the same woman who drank fish tank cleaner because Trump told her to. Or at least, I loved the irony until it occurred to me that this might have been a way to murder her husband and blame Trump for it.

Wanda and her husband, 68-year-old Gary, ingested the chemical earlier this month because it contained chloroquine phosphate. Both fell ill, and Gary died.

President Donald Trump and others, including Dr. Mehmet Oz, have touted the potential benefits of using hydroxychloroquine, a different form of the substance that’s used to treat malaria, for patients sickened with the COVID-19 virus.

Ingesting the poisonous chloroquine phosphate, Wanda told the Free Beacon, was a “spur of the moment” decision.

“We weren’t big supporters of [Trump], but we did see that they were using it in China and stuff,” Wanda said. “And we just made a horrible, tragic mistake. It was stupid, and it was horrible, and we should have never done it. But it’s done and now I’ve lost my husband. And my whole life was my husband.”

“We didn’t think it would kill us. We thought if anything it would help us ‘cus that’s what we’ve been hearing on the news.”

I’ll come back to those boldfaced comments she made.

Man Who Died Ingesting Fish Tank Cleaner Remembered as Intelligent, Levelheaded Engineer

By Alana Goodman, 24 April 2020

In death, he has become famous as a cautionary tale about the risks of mindlessly following the armchair medical advice President Donald Trump has dispensed from the White House podium.

But friends of 68-year-old Gary Lenius, the Arizona man who passed away last month from drinking a fish tank cleaner that contained an ingredient, chloroquine phosphate, that Trump had touted as a potential coronavirus cure, say they are still struggling to understand what drove an engineer with an extensive science background to do something so wildly out of character.

This article is why I’m going on the record with my doubts: because the people who knew Gary in real life are having the exact same doubts.

These people describe Lenius as intelligent and levelheaded, not prone to the sort of reckless and impulsive behavior he reportedly engaged in on the day he died. This account is based on interviews with three people who knew Lenius well and paints a picture of a troubled marriage characterized by Wanda Lenius’s explosive anger.

Wanda “my whole life was my husband” Lenius.

“What bothers me about this is that Gary was a very intelligent man, a retired [mechanical] engineer who designed systems for John Deere in Waterloo, Iowa, and I really can’t see the scenario where Gary would say, ‘Yes, please, I would love to drink some of that Koi fish tank cleaner,’” one of his close friends told the Washington Free Beacon. “It just doesn’t make any sense.”

Lenius passed away on March 22 after he and his wife, Wanda Lenius, drank sodas that she had mixed with a fish tank cleaner not intended for human consumption, Wanda Lenius told the Free Beacon.

Trump critics and the news media have held up his death as a warning against following the president’s amateur medical advice, with some claiming that Trump is “lethal,” has “blood on his hands,” and should be tried at the Hague for “crimes against humanity.”

Those who know Gary Lenius, however, say they are troubled by how he has been portrayed in the media and can’t imagine him agreeing to drink an aquarium treatment. “I would like people to know that Gary was not the fool that some of the media stories and comments are depicting him to be,” said the same friend. “I really don’t think Gary knew what he was taking.”

If true, that means homicide. Maybe just involuntary manslaughter if wifey meant well… but wait, we ain’t done:

Lenius spent over three decades as a senior engineer at John Deere in Waterloo, Iowa. He met Wanda in 2000. In 2012, he purchased a home in a gated mountain community in Mesa, Ariz. After he retired, the couple moved southwest full time.

“Immediately he just fell in love with Arizona,” Wanda Lenius told the Free Beacon in an interview last month. “He would say every day, ‘Isn’t my mountain beautiful? Isn’t it gorgeous out here? Boy, it’s nice out here. I wish I lived here my whole life.’ Every day,” she continued, adding, “He would go on, and on, and on, to the point where I was, like, ‘You’re starting to sound a little weird.’” …

Wanda Lenius would often take her terrier dogs and meet her husband at the airpark, and the couple would go for a walk in the nearby desert. Those who knew the couple said they sensed tension in the marriage.

Wanda would constantly berate Gary in public,” said a source who asked that all identifying information be withheld. “Everyone was embarrassed for him, but he outwardly did not seem to care much.”

“In our opinion, their marriage was seen outwardly to be as one-sided as a marriage possibly could be: Gary worshiped Wanda,” this person said, adding that his wife “would routinely call him a ‘doofus’” and humiliate him in public.

Lenius’s friend recalled Wanda Lenius destroying her husband’s aircraft model collection after he returned home late for a meal.

“These planes take many dozens and sometimes hundreds of hours to complete,” said the friend. “Gary did not get angry, he simply junked the planes that were not repairable and fixed the rest. That is the Gary I knew, he would never get upset, he just accepted what happened and carried on.”

Gary didn’t know how to handle women. A common trait of the “Mr. Fix-It” male personality. Managing women is a completely different skillset from designing tractors.

In another recent instance, the same friend said Wanda Lenius broke her husband’s laptop screen, allegedly because she was angry he had updated the Windows software on her computer.

“Gary just ordered up a new LCD screen from Dell and took it apart and replaced the screen himself,” said the friend. “He knew nothing about repairing laptops, but he was a smart guy, he learned how.”

Wanda hated her husband. Wanda hated Trump. Wanda saw “chloroquinone” on the fish tank cleaner while her husband with out playing with friends and got an idea? Quote: “Ingesting the poisonous chloroquine phosphate, Wanda told the Free Beacon, was a “spur of the moment” decision.”

The couple met while working at John Deere in Waterloo in 2000, according to Wanda Lenius. Gary Lenius was a longtime senior engineer at the company and Wanda Halverson had recently started as a temp worker. Both were divorced. They married by the end of the year, and Wanda Lenius was hired full time in the company’s supply management division.

No, Gary! Noooo!

Seven months after their wedding, the Waterloo Police Department responded to a domestic incident at their home. The couple had gotten into an argument “concerning counseling and a possible divorce” during which Wanda allegedly hit her husband in the chest and swung a mounted birdhouse at him, according to a court affidavit from the responding officer, William Sauerbrei.

Modern marriage: a long ceremony and a short honeymoon.

The state attorney’s office charged Wanda Lenius with misdemeanor domestic abuse assault. But the couple reconciled and Gary Lenius testified in support of his wife at the trial, saying he was not hurt or put in fear of injury. The judge found Wanda not guilty.

Gary, man, I’m sorry, but you deserved your fate after forgiving her first attempts to whack you.

In the verdict, Judge Nathan Callahan wrote that the “911 tape certainly contains sufficient evidence to establish probable cause for [Wanda Lenius’s] arrest, and the observations of the officers were consistent with a finding of probable cause for arrest of the Defendant.” But due to Gary Lenius’s trial testimony, the judge said he was unable to find “proof beyond a reasonable doubt that Defendant either placed her husband in fear, injured him, or that she had the intent to do so.”

In 2005, after working full time at John Deere for four years, Wanda Lenius went on long-term disability after developing debilitating mental and physical health problems from gender and age discrimination she faced at the company, according to court records in a 2012 lawsuit she filed against John Deere.

What a BITCH!

Wanda Lenius told the court that she faced “gender-based harassment” and age discrimination, including getting passed over for promotions because she was a woman in her 40s. The litigation was similar to a lawsuit she had filed in 1997 against her former employer, the Cedar Valley Medical Clinic, although in that case, she said the company discriminated against her because she was viewed as a “young, single girl.” That case was dismissed in 1999.

Dr. James Harding, Wanda’s psychologist at the Black Hawk-Grundy Mental Health Center in Waterloo, told the court in the John Deere lawsuit that Wanda had post-traumatic stress disorder and anger issues due to her experience at the company.

Is this a woman who would poison the husband she hated and already repeatedly attacked in a way that makes Orange Man look bad? Yes. Yes, this is exactly such a woman.

“In the process of externalizing her stress, she remains very angry and full of adrenaline much of the time which has been very hard on her health,” he said in a July 31, 2013, letter. “Anything related to John Deere such as signs, colors, even former friends there can be powerful triggers to flashbacks, causing rage and a desire to attack back.”

Wanda Lenius said during a deposition in the case that she was “furious all the time” and that the stress had taken a toll on her marriage.

“I’m just mad,” she said. “I want my husband to retire even though he doesn’t want to because I do not want to ever hear [those] two words again: ‘John Deere.‘ I never want to hear that again in my life when this is over with. Ever. And I am moving as far away as I can get without leaving the United States of America.”

Wanda “my whole life was my husband” Lenius.

In a phone interview with the Free Beacon, Wanda said she and her husband had seen President Trump praise a drug called chloroquine on the news, citing preliminary studies that showed it could be a promising treatment for coronavirus. She said she remembered purchasing a jar of “chloroquine phosphate” years before to clean a fish tank.

A woman who once claimed the insanity-by-PTSD defense in a courtroom randomly remembered the term “chloroquine phosphate” for years?

Or, did she watch Trump’s report then get an idea the next time she saw the bottle?

The powder form of the drug is sold by aquarium suppliers and is used to treat viral outbreaks in large fish tanks. She told the Free Beacon she had mentioned this to her husband “and he kind of laughed at me, you know. It was just a regular conversation.”

She asked her husband questions about the CP. He “kind of laughed” at her. Then she mixed it into a drink and fed it to him. He died as a direct result.


She said she didn’t think about chloroquine again until a few days later, March 22, when Lenius confessed to her that he had hurt his leg while riding his new dirt bike and might have to go see a doctor.

Gary might have loved Wanda but one notices that all of his hobbies got him out of the house.

“I’d already stocked the house with groceries and extra dog food and everything was set. We were ready to self-isolate,” said Wanda. “He didn’t want to tell me that he got hurt bad because he knew I was upset. I didn’t want him to ride a motorcycle, he was 68 and I didn’t want him getting hurt.”

Wanda Lenius said her husband was planning to schedule a doctor’s appointment to have his leg looked at and the couple worried he might pick up coronavirus at the clinic. That’s when, she said, she reached for the fish tank cleaner in her pantry.

Asked if she and Lenius had a conversation about taking the chloroquine at that time, she told the Free Beacon: “No. I mean, it was really kind of a spur of the moment thing,” adding that the couple ingested “one teaspoon and some soda” each—at least four times the lethal limit.

How did Wanda survive a self-poisoning at four times the lethal dose? Occam’s Razor, she didn’t take that size of a dose.

A friend of Lenius’s said that Wanda Lenius “often made a cocktail of vitamins for Gary.”

Those who knew Gary said he was in “good spirits” and seemed “normal” in the days before he died. One source said that Gary had recently started undergoing chelation therapy, a medical procedure that is typically used to treat people who have abnormally high levels of heavy metals in their blood, such as lead, mercury, or arsenic. It is sometimes also used as a homeopathic remedy for heart disease, autism, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Bloody Hell, was Wanda ALREADY poisoning him???

About a week before he passed away, a friend said Lenius told him “that he would never remarry if something happened with him and Wanda.”

“Gary loved Wanda,” said the friend. “He trusted her to do the right thing for him, I doubt that he second-guessed when she gave him the chloroquine.”

Maybe he didn’t guess the first time.

I can’t prove it in a court… but I think Gary Lenius was murdered by Wanda.

The Fish Tank Cleaner Murder.

The Wu Flu Lockdown in Microcosm

Mogadishu Matt turned me on to advice column commentary once again.

Let it not be said that my friends are good influences upon me! This upcoming dingbat perfectly captures the sociosexual issues of the Made-In-Chinavirus Lockdown.

Exposure Worries Mother


“Ask Amy”, Page E4 of Dead Tree Edition, Los Angeles Slimes, 23 April 2020

Dear Amy: I have a 3-year-old son. His father and I separated when he was a baby but we have a good co-parenting relationship.

No, you don’t, Dingbat. Daddy is not, repeat not a fan of being half-removed from his child’s life. You don’t care about your son because he is only a meal ticket to ride the chilamony train… but Daddy cares enough to accept visitation in fear of no visitation.

The son is three and Daddy works. How is co-parenting is even a thing for these people? I assume Daddy has a caregiver lined up.

We’ve never had any problems with this arrangement. My son sees his father nearly every day.

I have an immune deficiency and mild asthma.

We’ll assume this is true. On the one hand, it easily could be. On the other hand, it came immediately after her self-serving lies about her marriage-no-more.

Worrying about the COVID-19 pandemic, I do not want to leave my young son without a mother.

Relax, he’ll still have a father. One who is already trained to be a single parent. Who’s the breadwinner and who’s the expendable, sickly, ungrateful deadweight here?

Kids don’t need both parents anyway. Remember telling yourself that during the divorce, Dingbat?

I’m trying to take every precaution against contracting the virus, including using lots of hand sanitizer, and cleaning anything (like groceries) that comes into my house.

My ex has a robust immune system. He is not worried about the coronavirus. He is working and going out for groceries.

We have a breadwinner!

He is not using hand sanitizer or cleaning frequently touched surfaces. While he is physically distancing and washing his hands a bit more than usual, I don’t feel like this is enough, given my immune-compromised situation.

Methinks there’s a lot he does that does not meet with her approval. Exhibit ‘A’: their divorce.

If he gets the virus, he is likely to have mild symptoms or be asymptomatic. I’m afraid he will catch the virus and give it to my son, who will pass it to me. I’ve tried talking to him about this, but he is not receptive. What is your advice? -Worried Mom

That right there is a microcosm of the national temper. How do we force the strong and healthy to protect the old and sickly from what does not threaten the strong and healthy?

The correct answer is, you don’t. The health of the old or sickly is a problem for the old and/or sickly. Here, the man she wants involuntarily locked up is doing productive work (she is presumably not) and errands such as grocery shopping.

I have two pieces of advice for Dingbat. One, give up your son to his father’s exclusive custody for the duration of the lockdown. You get along, right? That means he’s a good, trustworthy father, right? Then trust him with Son in order to safeguard your health… from your son.

Number Two: prepare for Kung Flu! You are going to get it, whether from your husband or another source. The purpose of the lockdown is to prevent our hospitals from ever exceeding capacity… not to prevent you from ever getting sick at all. The lockdown WILL end and you WILL get sick then if not earlier. Sucks to be you.

If our hospitals get any more “not overwhelmed” then they’ll go out of business for lack of work.

Frankly, Dingbat, you needing a week’s stay in the Respiratory Ward would be good for the economy right now. Maybe a gastric bypass surgery while you’re catheterized? But I digress.

If I seem a bit cold-hearted then it’s because I need my gym to have a healthy, pain-free spine. You damned Karens took away what I need to be healthy and justified it by you not wanting to risk being unhealthy. If the worst that happens to you out of this debacle is Daddy getting full custody because you selfishly put your son away then you’re lucky. I already made the sacrifice of my health, now it’s your turn, you uncaring solipsistic dingbat.

For the record, the official response:

Dear Worried: Parents are supposed to have the capacity to forgo their immediate impulses for the sake of their children. The best way to prevent this illness is to avoid exposure. The best way for your son to have both parents in his life, long into the future…

Assuming he will still want to associate with a mother who considered him a disease vector…

…is to avoid exposure. You and your ex should connect with your son’s pediatrician — together, and immediately (though video conferencing) — to ask for a physician’s advice.

This was a very wordy “I don’t know”.

Your boy travels between parents nearly every day. One obvious idea would be for these visits to be temporarily stopped, or cut down — temporarily, for everyone’s safety (including his, of course).

That was my advice, except I said Daddy who still keeps society working should get custody. Who does Dear Amy think should get custody, and why? Place your bets!

By the way, kids don’t die from Chinavirus. They barely even get sick. His safety is not at risk here.

If your ex would agree to cut these visits to even three times a week, this would limit the number of possible exposures between households. You should also seriously discuss the reality and possibility of one parent (you or him) NOT having your son with you, perhaps for the next month, and then negotiating ways to make up the difference after the risk has passed.

Amy WANTS to says what I said, but she can’t bring herself to say it.

The CDC suggests that children over age 2 should wear a cloth face covering when in a “community setting.” When your son is delivered to you, you should wear a mask, he should put on a mask, and be taken directly to the bathroom for some healthy handwashing and to take his temperature. There are many examples online of cloth masks made for kids.

If you continue visits, don’t let him bring toys or books between households.

Daddy: “Hey, son, good to see you!”



And that’s how the government is treating us men, too. They took our jobs away. They took our exercise and friends away. They’re running the money printing presses so hot that they smell like Hell from the far side of the continent while not allowing us to shop in “unnecessary” stores for toys to play with.

Because our dickless micro-tyrants grown fat on our money love us that much.


Jesus Bans Christianity

Has allowing government “emergency powers” EVER been a good idea?

US judge denies bid to open California churches in pandemic

By Don Thompson, 22 April 2020

SACRAMENTO — A federal judge on Wednesday said he will deny a bid by three Southern California churches to hold in-person church services during the pandemic, saying that government’s emergency powers trump what in normal times would be fundamental constitutional rights.

Newsom has no timeline for giving up those emergency powers. Just sayin’.

U.S. District Judge Jesus Bernal in Los Angeles said he will reject the temporary restraining order the churches sought against Gov. Gavin Newsom and other officials. They argued that the state’s stay-at-home orders violate the First Amendment right to freedom of religion and assembly.

Stanford Law, Obama appointee, proved his Socialist chops litigating in Los Angeles prior to nomination as a judge.

“During the state of emergency the executive powers are in effect, in that they are empowered to provide for emergency remedies which may infringe on fundamental constitutional rights,” Bernal said the the end of the hour-long hearing. He said he will soon issue a formal ruling.

If restrictions on government power can be removed if government singlehandedly issues a decree then it’s not a restriction on government power, now is it?

Many churches have been holding online services. California officials on Friday said religious organizations can have drive-in services so long as congregants don’t have personal contact.

That’s not enough for God. God requires Communion and meeting together. Only fraudulent pastors think drive-in theater or a youTube channel is sufficient for practicing Christianity.

This is not something that atheist government leaders are permitted to determine.

Attorney Harmeet Dhillon, a Republican Party official and chief executive of the nonprofit Center for American Liberty, argued that it is unfair for the state to allow people to attend to other needs that have been deemed essential, like going to the grocery store or picking up meals, while blocking religious services that she said for many believers are as important as eating.

But state Deputy Attorney General Todd Grabarsky said during the hearing held by teleconference that religious organizations are not being singled out by rules that similarly restrict gatherings at concerts, nightclubs, schools — even in-person court hearings.

Translation, “We categorized churches as nonessential instead of essential, therefore we get to shut them down in violation of the Constitution we swore to uphold.” And Judge Hay-Soos agreed.


Sarah Walton Brady Fails At Civil Disobedience

Don’t get me wrong, I like the idea of telling the Cloud People where to stick their God Complexes more every day. But there are good ways to do civil disobedience, there are bad ways… and then there’s the way Sarah Walton Brady of Meridian, Idaho did civil disobedience. The UGLY way! has the one-stop scoop for us.

My readers already know my opinion of disorderly hair. Beyond that, she isn’t herself ugly. The narrow, upturned nose seems common in excitable people.

Sarah Brady: Idaho Woman Arrested Over ‘Playdate’ Coronavirus Protest

Sara Walton Brady is the Idaho mother arrested after police said she and others refused to leave a playground that had been closed to the public as part of the state’s efforts to combat the spread of the coronavirus.

Sounds like the Gestapo are alive and well in Idaho! But when I read further, the story came out different.

Brady was arrested on April 21 for trespassing and violating city orders, according to a news release from the Meridian Police Department. She was booked into the Ada County Jail but posted bond within a couple of hours.

The Idaho Freedom Foundation explained on its website that Brady and other parents had been participating in a “playdate protest” against Governor Brad Little’s stay-at-home. The statewide order went into effect on March 25 and is currently expected to last through April 30.

I don’t object to planned protests… but don’t expect me to cry when the handcuffs come out. Occupational hazard, y’know.

Here’s what you need to know.

1. An Officer Asked Sarah Brady Multiple Times to Leave the Playground Before Placing Her In Handcuffs, Police Say

Sarah Brady and other parents gathered at Kleiner Park in Ada County, Idaho on April 21. The playground area had been closed to the public due to coronavirus concerns. According to the Meridian Police Department, the playground had been cordoned off with caution tape and there were signs instructing people not to use the equipment. But police said they observed that the signs and the tape had been taken down. Officers responded to the park after receiving “several calls to Ada County Dispatch,” according to the news release.

Brady’s arrest was recorded on a cellphone and posted to Facebook Live but the full video has since been deleted. KTVB-TV reported that on the original video, the officers were recorded telling Brady and others that they were allowed on the grass and sidewalks but that the playground set was closed. Brady repeatedly asked why they weren’t allowed to be there.

When the cops give you an easy out like that, take it. You made your point. Tomorrow, somebody else brings their kids to the playground and gets the warning. And the next day, somebody else, until the cops get tired and give up. Do NOT throw a fit, create a scene and give the cops no option but to arrest you. Unnecessary arrests are unnecessary.

In a shorter clip that has circulated on social media, which is embedded above, an officer was seen asking Brady to leave the playground area as she insisted they were not trespassing. The officer said, “Exit the playground area now. I’m really trying to be nice about this.” Brady eventually turned her back to the officer and said, “Arrest me for being difficult. Do it! Record it!”

Stupidity like hers should be a crime. This time, it was!

2. Sarah Brady Says She Never Touched the Playground Equipment & Felt ‘Singled Out’

Sarah Brady said she felt her arrest was unfair because she never actually touched the playground equipment at Kleiner Park. She told CBS affiliate KBOI-TV, “I feel like I was singled out because I was the only person that was arrested. I definitely wasn’t playing on the playground equipment. I wasn’t swinging, never touched them. But yeah, I do feel like I was singled out and maybe it was because I asked too many questions.”

Maybe you’re crossing the streams of “I’m just a mom” with “I’m a political activist asking for trouble”. Which is it, Sarah? Your answering a question that wasn’t asked indicates the latter. The cops said “you are trespassing” and you replied “but I’m not touching the playground”? Note that the cops weren’t asking a question at all.

The point of civil disobedience is to make useless laws too burdensome to enforce. Not to defy their enforcement after the enforcers show up. That’s criminal disobedience, not civil disobedience. There’s a difference.

Speaking of the fuzz, here’s their take. Boldfaces mine as usual.


After receiving several calls to Ada County Dispatch, Meridian Police responded to Kleiner Park on April 21 2020 at around 3:50PM. Upon arrival, officers saw that metal signage and caution tape announcing the playground closure due to COVID-19, was removed. Additionally, officers observed numerous individuals gathered on the closed playground area. Officers informed those gathered several times that the play structure was closed, and that they were welcome to utilize other areas of the park if they chose. After being told to leave the playground multiple times, forty (40) year old Sarah BRADY of Meridian refused to leave and was arrested for one (1) count misdemeanor trespassing.

Meridian officers made several attempts to help BRADY adhere to the rules. She was non-compliant and forced officers to place her under arrest to resolve the issue. She was arrested for trespassing.

These are very trying times and the Meridian Police Department supports the public’s right to assemble for peaceful protest, however the right does not include damaging public property or ignoring closures of City property and facilities.

End segue.

3. Brady Protested at Meridian City Hall After Posting Bail

Sarah Brady was arrested around 4 p.m. on April 21. Inmate records show she was booked into jail around 5 p.m. and released two hours later. Records indicate she posted a bond.

The Idaho Freedom Foundation wrote on its website that Brady had been participating in a “playdate protest at Kleiner Park in Meridian.” The organization did not explicitly state whether the protest had been planned by a specific group or whether it was more spontaneous.

The organization also stated that after posting bond, Brady went to Meridian City Hall to continue protesting against the governor’s stay-at-home order. KBOI-TV reported that hundreds of people began demonstrating outside city hall following Brady’s arrest.

It was obviously not a spontaneous protest. One should not react too quickly to upsetting news these days because people like Brady will seek to take advantage of you that way.

The Idaho Freedom Foundation claimed Brady had been charged with a misdemeanor, faced up to six months in jail if convicted and planned to fight the charge. Heavy is working to confirm whether prosecutors plan to file a formal charge.

Six months for trespass would suggest a prior criminal record. Indeed, documents her previous brush with law enforcement… as unnecessarily confrontational as this one was.

4. Sarah Brady Has Spoken Out Against State Immunization Requirements & Founded the Group ‘Idahoans For Vaccine Freedom’

Sarah Brady is a well-known figure in the Meridian community. She runs the Facebook group Idahoans for Vaccine Freedom and is associated with Health Freedom Idaho, which is a group that advocates for greater choice over medical decisions, including vaccines.

Brady made headlines in 2017 in a dispute related to her decision not to vaccinate her own children. She enrolled her son at a private kindergarten that year after he was denied entry into a public school.

Brady explained to the Idaho Statesman that she did not want to fill out the exemption form the school required because it asked for information not required by state law. Instead, Brady wrote a statement explaining why she did not vaccinate her child. Her statement was written on a copy of the Idaho immunization statute. The school district initially insisted Brady fill put the provided exemption form before eventually reversing its decision. Brady asked for a public apology and decided to keep her son at the private school.

This woman creates her own problems. Stay away!

In August 2019, Brady spoke during a public hearing at the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. She claimed that Idaho parents who chose not to vaccinate their children had been “marginalized” for their decision and called on state officials to consider feedback from all of its citizens. During the hearing, Brady told the story of a mother who said her baby girl died 48 hours after receiving vaccinations.

The plural of “story” is not “data”.

5. Idaho’s Stay-at-Home Order Prohibits Gatherings Of Any Size Unless For Essential Work

Sarah Brady has not posted about her arrest on Facebook. But she expressed her opinion about the stay-at-home order imposed in Idaho with her profile photo: It reads “Disobey Idaho” and includes an image of a snake.

According to the Idaho state government, there were 1,766 confirmed and probable coronavirus cases in the state as of April 21. 51 people have died.

Even with all the number-cooking, the fatality rate for Chinavirus is well under 5% even with the high-risk crowd… the first group to be tested, naturally.

Families in Idaho were ordered to self-isolate on March 25. The order was extended until April 30. The director of the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare explained that “gatherings of individuals outside the home are prohibited.” The only exceptions were for “essential activities or essential travel or to perform work for essential businesses and government agencies or perform essential infrastructure work.”

A very foolish, very stupid decree that should be casually violated until the State quits playing God. However, directly and publicly antagonizing the authorities then claiming victimhood is not civil disobedience. It’s the behavior that put Cloud People in authority over us in the first place.


Old Harvard Biddy Wants Homeschooling Banned

Harvard Law School has a “conference” on homeschooling (should it be allowed to exist?) scheduled for June 2020. One expects it’ll run along the lines of the UN Declaration of Human Rights, part of which emancipates children from their parents… with the assistance of benevolent, disinterested government, of course.

Warming up the crowd for that three-ring circus of Hell is Benevolent, Disinterested Professor Of Law Elizabeth Bartholet.

We got a live one today, boys! At least, I think that bitter, childless spinster is still alive. She looks like Jordan Peterson with a frizzy white Afro and more determination lines between the eyes.

Bartholet is an outspoken opponent of the homeschooling movement and has urged governments to implement policies to make it more difficult or impossible for parents to educate their children at home. Bartholet characterizes homeschooling parents as ‘extreme religious ideologues’ who question science (i.e. adopt a skeptical approach to questions of evolution and human impact on climate).

A large majority of homeschooling families are conservative Christians who hold to a traditional, biblically-informed view of morality. Many homeschooling parents consequently attempt to shield their children from what they see as amoral, relativistic, or degenerate contemporary moral philosophy, and because of this alleged insularity Bartholet advocates forced assimilation of this population into what she calls “mainstream culture”.

She sounds worse than a child rapist. They only work “one kid at a time”.

Bartholet was an organizer of the Harvard Summit to Discuss Regulating Homeschooling to be held at the Harvard Law School on June 18-19, 2020. Her co-organizer, William and Mary law professor James Dwyer,

A Conversation with Professor James Dwyer | William & Mary Law School

is the author of a 1994 law review article entitled “Parents’ Religion and Children’s Welfare: Debunking the Doctrine of Parents’ Rights” (82 Calif. L. Rev. 1371), claiming that the fundamental civic relationship is not that between parents and children (the nuclear family) but between the individual and the state.

Behold the endgame of civic nationalism.

The Risks of Homeschooling

htt ps://

By Erin O’Donnell, May-June 2020 issue of Harvard Magazine

A rapidly increasing number of American families are opting out of sending their children to school, choosing instead to educate them at home. Homeschooled kids now account for roughly 3 percent to 4 percent of school-age children in the United States, a number equivalent to those attending charter schools, and larger than the number currently in parochial schools.

Now at 99% of school-age children, thank you Wu Flu.

Yet Elizabeth Bartholet, Wasserstein public interest professor of law and faculty director of the Law School’s Child Advocacy Program, sees risks for children—and society—in homeschooling, and recommends a presumptive ban on the practice. Homeschooling, she says, not only violates children’s right to a “meaningful education” and their right to be protected from potential child abuse, but may keep them from contributing positively to a democratic society.

Presumptive ban means no due process and no presumtion of innocence.

“We have an essentially unregulated regime in the area of homeschooling,” Bartholet asserts. All 50 states have laws that make education compulsory, and state constitutions ensure a right to education, “but if you look at the legal regime governing homeschooling, there are very few requirements that parents do anything.”

That doesn’t sound “unregulated”.

Even apparent requirements such as submitting curricula, or providing evidence that teaching and learning are taking place, she says, aren’t necessarily enforced. Only about a dozen states have rules about the level of education needed by parents who homeschool, she adds. “That means, effectively, that people can homeschool who’ve never gone to school themselves, who don’t read or write themselves.” In another handful of states, parents are not required to register their children as homeschooled; they can simply keep their kids at home.

That REALLY doesn’t sound “unregulated”. Poor enforcement of existing rules is the worst excuse ever for creating new rules.

But I admit, the United States is enduring a plague of illiteracy. Pull out the earbuds, crack a Bible and COOL IT WITH THE EMOJIS! >:O

This practice, Bartholet says, can isolate children.

Sending kids to State schools can radicalize children. We shouldn’t risk that.

She argues that one benefit of sending children to school at age four or five is that teachers are “mandated reporters,” required to alert authorities to evidence of child abuse or neglect. “Teachers and other school personnel constitute the largest percentage of people who report to Child Protective Services,” she explains, whereas not one of the 50 states requires that homeschooling parents be checked for prior reports of child abuse. Even those convicted of child abuse, she adds, could “still just decide, ‘I’m going to take my kids out of school and keep them at home.’”

I love an honest atheist. “Children should be sent to State schools because government experts can monitor their parents for dissident behavior by proxy!” What a pity, however, that the sheep can’t see what the sheepdogs do.

Prior reports of child abuse? I bet all fifty states check for prior CONVICTIONS of child abuse. #MeLieToo!

As an example, she points to the memoir Educated, by Tara Westover, the daughter of Idaho survivalists who never sent their children to school. Although Westover learned to read, she writes that she received no other formal education at home, but instead spent her teenage years working in her father’s scrap business, where severe injuries were common, and endured abuse by an older brother. Bartholet doesn’t see the book as an isolated case of a family that slipped through the cracks: “That’s what can happen under the system in effect in most of the nation.”

That book, Educated, was #1 on the NY Times’ bestseller list in 2018, also NY Times’ 10 Best Books of 2018 and has sold more than 4 million copies. Tara turned out fine, all ten fingers and no vibrantly savage boy-toy, at least until Brigham Young University accepted her without a high school diploma and began turning her into a bitter feminist.

Her family has retained legal representation against her, claiming misrepresentation. I’m inclined to believe the family because Tara openly despises her father for not raising her in a State-regulated institution. Forcing kids to help with the family business, how cruel!

Do scrapyards have dangerous working conditions? Welcome to equality, sister! It’s that male privilege you’ve always wanted.

Turned out that what she really wanted was to be accepted by the Christ-hating Jews of Harvard, who now parade her controversial autobiography as casus belli for tearing all children away form their parents… presumptively.

In a paper published recently in the Arizona Law Review, she notes that parents choose homeschooling for an array of reasons. Some find local schools lacking or want to protect their child from bullying. Others do it to give their children the flexibility to pursue sports or other activities at a high level. But surveys of homeschoolers show that a majority of such families (by some estimates, up to 90 percent) are driven by conservative Christian beliefs, and seek to remove their children from mainstream culture. Bartholet notes that some of these parents are “extreme religious ideologues” who question science and promote female subservience and white supremacy.

That’s the Christ-hating bit. The Jew bit, of course, is Harvard & Friends leading this anti-homeschooling movement. Nice hawknose, Professor ((Dwyer)).

She views the absence of regulations ensuring that homeschooled children receive a meaningful education equivalent to that required in public schools as a threat to U.S. democracy. “From the beginning of compulsory education in this country, we have thought of the government as having some right to educate children so that they become active, productive participants in the larger society,” she says. This involves in part giving children the knowledge to eventually get jobs and support themselves. “But it’s also important that children grow up exposed to community values, social values, democratic values, ideas about nondiscrimination and tolerance of other people’s viewpoints,” she says, noting that European countries such as Germany ban homeschooling entirely and that countries such as France require home visits and annual tests.

Democracy only works if everybody is educated by the same, centralized authority! There is NO PLACE in Democracy for dissent! Oops.

In the United States, Bartholet says, state legislators have been hesitant to restrict the practice because of the Home Schooling Legal Defense Association, a conservative Christian homeschool advocacy group, which she describes as small, well-organized, and “overwhelmingly powerful politically.” During the last 30 years, activists have worked to dismantle many states’ homeschooling restrictions and have opposed new regulatory efforts. “There’s really no organized political opposition, so they basically get their way,” Bartholet says. A central tenet of this lobby is that parents have absolute rights that prevent the state from intervening to try to safeguard the child’s right to education and protection.

GUNS, Old Maid. Guns are why American socialists are reluctant to go door-to-door confiscating children from their fathers, while they’re bold to do so in France and Germany.

Now that fathers are mostly gone, betrayed by their wives for thirty pieces of silver, Harvard thinks it’s time for a “conversation”. In June. Will the Home Schooling Legal Defense Association be invited to speak, being the ideal voice for the opposition? No bet.

Bartholet maintains that parents should have “very significant rights to raise their children with the beliefs and religious convictions that the parents hold.” But requiring children to attend schools outside the home for six or seven hours a day, she argues, does not unduly limit parents’ influence on a child’s views and ideas. “The issue is, do we think that parents should have 24/7, essentially authoritarian control over their children from ages zero to 18? I think that’s dangerous,” Bartholet says. “I think it’s always dangerous to put powerful people in charge of the powerless, and to give the powerful ones total authority.

Can we quote you on that. Bartholet?



Defiance Of the Lambs

We are not a people given to fear… We the Skateboarding People Of California! Admiring these folks’ grit will give you hope for the future.

City Fills Skate Park with Sand to Deter Skaters

City Fills Skate Park with Sand to Deter Skaters

By Shawn Ray Raymundo, 16 April 2020

Amid pleas for residents to stay home during the coronavirus pandemic, the city took additional steps this week to keep skaters out of San Clemente’s skate park by pouring 37 tons of sand onto the concrete surface.

Samantha Wylie, the city’s recreation manager for the Beaches, Parks and Recreation Department, explained that since closing access to all parks on April 1, skaters continued to visit Ralphs Skate Court despite posted signage warning against trespassing.

“On April 1, we kind of let it play out to see if users would abide by the closure,” Wylie said. “During that (two-week period), we saw people…

Translation, “I saw people…”

…continue to skate the park, groups would gather, kids with their parents…

SOMEBODY is childless and bitter!

…it became a regular (occurrence). It appeared the closure was not being abided by.”

You useless, micromanaging MORON, Samantha Wylie! Did you really think that Californian outdoors enthusiasts like THIS:

…would give up and go home if you turned their SKATE PARK into a BEACH?

This is before…

…and this is after. Smooth move, Karen!


From the instagram of mayhemsurfboards_matt

We’d like to thank @cityofsanclemente, who after over-reacting and irrationally shuttering all our beaches and trails, came to the brilliant conclusion to use tax payers dwindling dollars to at least create for us a new beach, up in the Ralph’s Skatepark. Now we have an all new beautiful beach to kick back and enjoy a few #Coronas on, while we wait out the #WuhanFlu. Then, when it’s over, we can use even more tax payer dollars to clean all the sand out and carry it back to #NorthBeach, where it’s so badly needed.

I salute you, my main man Matt!

End segue

She also noted that the Orange County Sheriff’s Department had been patrolling the area as well, prompting several contacts to let skaters know the park was closed. On Monday, April 13, she said, the decision was made to take action similar to those of other cities.

The female herd instinct at work. “I must kill all joy in the world because that’s what the people I most admire would do!”

Kudos to the cops, they didn’t ticket or arrest anybody. “Hey, kids, just so you know, Killjoy Wylie’s job starts at 10am and ends at 2pm. Lie low while she’s commuting, okay?”

“The sand was what other agencies were doing. We’re doing what other parks have done to enforce that message of social distancing,” she said, noting that some cities have used mulch, hay or sand to fill in their skate parks.

SOME cities don’t have California surfer bums with cheerfully insolent attitudes about bureaucracy. I know my state has become known for queers and baby mommas but do try to remember that before Satan’s hordes moved in, we were a bit, what’s the word, anti-authoritarian?

According to Wylie, the parking lot to the Richard T. Steed Memorial Park and the adjacent skate park on Avenida la Pata was closed. But that didn’t stop visitors from parking their cars at the dog park down the road and walking up to the skate park, which wasn’t blocked off with any tall fencing.

“We did consider fencing. Fencing is really difficult to get right now, and we know we’ve done fencing at the skate park before, and it just gets hopped over,” Wylie said, later adding: “We also considered security, but there’s a cost to that. The sand, it cost us nothing to put it in, (and) it’ll cost us nothing to remove it. So that’s why we went with that decision.”

It’s just as well she didn’t try private security. As in “private-sector security”.

Whoa… “it’ll cost us nothing to remove [the sand]”???

The action, however, has raised concerns among those within the skateboard community, according to Stephanie Aguilar, president of the San Clemente Skatepark Coalition. Over the years, the nonprofit group has raised money to support the park.

While the Coalition understands the need for social distancing, Aguilar said the city could have done more to better communicate the problem with the community, such as reaching out to the nonprofit for help with messaging or using its own social channels to warn skaters that drastic steps would be taken if they didn’t abide by the closure.

“It just seems there could have been better communication, which could have helped with the response to everybody,” Aguilar said.

“There’s a lot of people within our community who have put a lot of time and money, personal money . . . to the skate park,” she said, also noting, “That visual representation of the city dumping sand into the skate park, it almost feels like, when you look at it, the city vandalized its own park, and I think it pains people to see it.”

I couldn’t find a pic of Wylie but here’s surfer girl Stephanie Aguilar:

Chamber Celebrates Citizens | San Clemente Journal

San Clemente Citizen of the Year, 2017.

The Coalition and local skateboarders are also questioning whether the sand, by trapping in moisture from potential rains and causing mildew or mold, would permanently harm the surface of the concrete.

Responding to that concern, Wylie said the city doesn’t anticipate finding any damage to the park after the sand is eventually removed. If there is damage, she added, the city would repair the concrete.

“We’re very confident that the removal of the sand will not damage the concrete surface. . . . If there is any damage to the concrete, it will be fixed,” she said. “The concrete gets damaged during normal use, and our maintenance is quick to fix it whenever things come up.”

I’m very confident that government-issued promises to clean up after itself are worth less than saltwater along the coast. Was going to say “toilet paper” but, y’know….

For the Coalition, Aguilar said, the endeavor reinforces the skateboard community’s belief of a double standard the city has had for skateboarders in San Clemente.

“Social distancing hasn’t been followed in a lot of different areas, whether it’s on our trails, tennis courts, the basketball courts, the walking paths; we didn’t see the city dump sand on the walking trail,” Aguilar said. “We didn’t see them dump sand onto any other sport area that’s being used. It just plays into, kind of feeds into that double standard the skate community has been treated with.”

In recent weeks, the city has taken drastic measures to limit the spread of the virus by closing the beaches and San Clemente Pier, as well as cutting off access to the coastal trails, including the Beach Trail and Sea Summit/Marblehead Coastal Trail.

According to Wylie, the tennis courts, which are surrounded by 12-foot fencing, have been closed, while the nets and rims have been removed from the basketball courts.

Stopping the Little People from having fun is a job that just never ends, does it, Commissar Karen?

Easter Hike 2020

This year, I didn’t even have the option to celebrate Easter in a church. While I’m more than ready to violate this stupid lockdown, I can’t because every single one of my friends and family is religiously (heh) obeying the government’s ever-more-obviously uninformed decrees. It takes two to break social distancing!

So, I decided to hike up to a cross on a remote ridge in order to celebrate Easter. It was a big, locally famous cross until it was torn down sometime around 2000. (Nobody cared enough to note exactly when.) I replaced it with a tiny little cross made at home in civil disobedience but haven’t been back in years to see how it was doing. Why not check up on it?

Oh, right. That’s why.

It’s a hard hike even by my standards. Notice the slope is steep enough that the topsoil slides off. This is northern Los Angeles, a great place for building world-class rock gardens. The low, dense brush is called chaparral, which I think is Spanish for either “tinder” or “no shade”, and is the very definition of drought-resistant. I’ve lost entire socks to weeds like these.

Here’s the trailhead, branching off the firebreak road! (Fifty yards later) That was not the trailhead. It was a dry creekbed too new to sprout flora.

Ah, here it is. Note the remains of the trail marker on the right. Seems the trail has not been maintained in recent years. There was a prison camp nearby that used inmate labor to keep the roads and trails maintained. The camp has been closed for many years now… consistent with Los Angeles gov’t championing the plight of nice people whose lives were unfairly ruined because they made a single mistake or two. Mistakes such as carjacking, robbery and cooking meth. Things that could happen to anybody, y’know.

And yes, this is where a couple of those big fires raged out of control in recent years. Hmm. Perhaps maintaining these firebreak roads & access trails was important after all.

This picture was taken with the camera tilted about twenty degrees off vertical. Only a hundred yards left to go! as the rock falls. There’s no oxygen up here!

This is where I gave up. The trail petered out and my back isn’t up to scrabbling over old avalanches to get around impenetrable, tick-infested itchy brush, but I took the opportunity to snap a couple pictures of the view.

Los Angeles as seen from the Northeast. That’s not out of focus, that’s the famous Los Angeles smog. Much better than it used to be. And this is only 2/3 up the ridge! The view is definitely worthy of a cross for honoring God.

Maybe I should put a cross on that ridge instead, on the far side of the homeless-infested alluvial plain. A much gentler slope. Burns about once a year now because homeless campfires, which means much less brush to push through!

As I headed back, I passed half a dozen fellow quarantine-breakers. Every single one had a mask, turned away at my approach and did not return my greeting. It’s worrisome how completely social cohesion has broken down here. Los Angelenos are such State sheep, they wear their Chinavirus masks while driving! Because the government said to always wear a mask “outside the home”.

Screw the fatties, they don’t even want to be human beings, but it hurt to see my outdoors-loving peers have the same attitude.

If I’d worn my State-mandated cloth mask on this hike then I would have aspirated it along with all that trail dust.

Worst. Easter. Ever.



You Lost Your Chance And Your State, Virginians

I warned you! Stop going after Governor Ralph “Blackface” Northam’s deeds and go after Northam! Don’t waste time protesting bad laws while letting the bad people keep their job of passing more laws! Here are my exact words:

“…Northam will enact gun control anyway. Methinks your “lobbying” is less about results than excuses. You “heroic, law-abiding Americans” won’t do anything to remove your evil governor. Not even a recall petition.”

Now, guess what Northam & cronies have been doing to keep busy during Easter weekend?

And this is a PARTIAL listing of what he’s been up to since the Chinavirus Quarantine started.

Governor Northam Signs Historic Gun Safety Legislation into Law

10 April 2020

RICHMOND—Governor Ralph Northam today announced he has signed several landmark gun violence prevention measures into law, including legislation to enact an Extreme Risk Protective Order, require background checks on all gun sales, mandate reporting of lost and stolen firearms, prevent children from accessing firearms, and reinstate Virginia’s successful one-handgun-a-month policy.

“We lose too many Virginians to gun violence, and it is past time we took bold, meaningful action to make our communities safer,” said Governor Northam. “I was proud to work with legislators and advocates on these measures, and I am proud to sign them into law. These commonsense laws will save lives.”

More than 1,000 Virginians die from gun-related incidents each year. Governor Northam has been a fierce and consistent advocate for gun safety measures in the Commonwealth and following the tragic May 2019 mass shooting in Virginia Beach, he immediately called a special session of the General Assembly to address the gun violence emergency in Virginia.

Guns don’t kill people. Democrats kill people while Republicans courageously attempt CPR in furious response.

Senate Bill 70 and House Bill 2 require background checks on all firearm sales in Virginia, which will prevent guns from ending up in dangerous hands.

Senate Bill 240 and House Bill 674 establish an Extreme Risk Protective Order, which creates a legal mechanism for law enforcement to temporarily separate a person from their firearms when they represent a danger to themselves or others. Virginia is now among 19 other states and the District of Columbia in enacting this type of law.

Correction, “temporarily separate a person from their firearms WITHOUT DUE PROCESS OF LAW”.

Senate Bill 69 and House Bill 812 reinstate Virginia’s one-handgun-a-month rule to help curtail stockpiling of firearms and trafficking.

House Bill 9 requires gun owners to report their lost or stolen firearms to law enforcement within 48 hours or face a civil penalty.

House Bill 1083 prevents children from accessing firearms by increasing the penalty for recklessly leaving firearms in their presence.

Governor Northam proposed amendments to these bills:

Senate Bill 35 and House Bill 421 allow localities to regulate firearms in public buildings, parks, recreation centers, and during permitted events. Amendments clarify the exemption for institutions of higher education.

Senate Bill 479 and House Bill 1004 prohibit individuals subject to protective orders from possessing firearms, require them to turn over their firearms within 24 hours, and certify to the court that they have turned over their weapons. Governor Northam amended this legislation at the request of the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance. This will enhance safety for victims by allowing judges to hold the respondent in contempt of court if they fail to comply with the certification requirements.

Noncompliance with Virginia’s Red Flag law can result in incarceration without due process of law, too.

Welcome to the Hotel California, Virginians. You can check out any time you want… but you can never leave.

Governor Northam Signs Landmark Legislation on Historic Justice, Equity

11 April 2020

RICHMOND—Governor Ralph Northam today signed new laws that repeal racist and discriminatory language from Virginia’s Acts of Assembly, give localities the ability to remove or alter Confederate monuments in their communities, and begin the process of replacing Virginia’s statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee in the United States Capitol.

The history of the Confederacy just got Cancel-Cultured.

“Racial discrimination is rooted in many of the choices we have made about who and what to honor, and in many of the laws that have historically governed this Commonwealth,” said Governor Northam. These new laws make Virginia more equitable, just, and inclusive, and I am proud to sign them.”

Senate Bill 183 and House Bill 1537, sponsored by Senator Mamie Locke and Delegate Delores McQuinn, respectively, overturn the Commonwealth’s prohibition on the removal of Confederate war memorials. Starting July 1, localities will have the ability to remove, relocate, or contextualize the monuments in their communities. Virginia is home to more than 220 public memorials to the Confederacy.

Senate Bill 612 and House Bill 1406, sponsored by Senator Louise Lucas and Delegate Jeion Ward, respectively, create a commission to recommend a replacement for the Robert E. Lee statue in the United States Capitol. To date, eight statues in the National Statuary Hall have been replaced, and seven additional states are working through a similar process to replace statues.

Of all the celebrities of the Confederacy, Lee is probably the least racist.

These monuments tell a particular version of history that doesn’t include everyone,” Governor Northam said. “In Virginia, that version of history has been given prominence and authority for far too long.”

Governor Northam also signed new laws to strike discriminatory language from Virginia’s Acts of Assembly. In June 2019, Governor Northam established the Commission to Examine Racial Inequity in Virginia Law, which subsequently identified 98 instances of overtly discriminatory language still on the Commonwealth’s books. This includes laws that banned interracial marriage, blocked school integration, and prohibited black and white Virginians from living in the same neighborhoods. While many of these Acts of Assembly have been overturned by court decisions or subsequent legislation, they had remained enshrined in law.

The Acts of Assembly were part of Jim Crow legislation. This is not even about ending discrimination. It’s about unpersoning and virtue-signaling.

Senate Bill 600 and House Bill 973 repeal discriminatory language related to education

Senate Bill 636 and House Bill 1325 repeal language related to criminal law

Senate Bill 850 and House Bill 1521 relate to health laws

Senate Bill 874 and House Bill 857 relate to housing laws

Senate Bill 722 and House Bill 1638 relate to matters of General Application

Senate Bill 896 and House Bill 914 relate to transportation laws

Senate Bill 555 and House Bill 1086 repeal discriminatory language related to voting. Exact language can be viewed in the Commission’s full Interim Report.

Governor Northam also signed House Bill 1519, sponsored by Delegate Delores McQuinn, establishing a commission to study slavery in Virginia and subsequent racial and economic discrimination.

Reparations to gibmedat blacks were shot down previously but Republicans left those responsible for the effort in power… and look where we are today. When the wicked aren’t punished, they don’t stop.

Governor Northam Signs Sweeping New Laws to Expand Access to Voting

12 April 2020

RICHMOND—Governor Ralph Northam has signed landmark new laws to repeal Virginia’s voter ID law, make Election Day a state holiday in Virginia, and expand access to early voting.

“Voting is a fundamental right, and these new laws strengthen our democracy by making it easier to cast a ballot, not harder,” said Governor Northam. “No matter who you are or where you live in Virginia, your voice deserves to be heard. I’m proud to sign these bills into law.”

Governor Northam signed these bills:

House Bill 1 and Senate Bill 111, sponsored by House Majority Leader Charniele Herring and Senator Janet Howell, respectively, allow early voting 45 days prior to an election without a stated excuse.

House Bill 19 and Senate Bill 65, sponsored by Delegate Joe Lindsey and Senator Mamie Locke, respectively, remove the requirement that voters show a photo ID prior to casting a ballot. Voter ID laws disenfranchise individuals who may not have access to photo identification, and disproportionately impact low-income individuals, racial and ethnic minorities, the elderly, and individuals with disabilities.

Bullshit. Just suspend elections entirely, Democrats. The Republicans won’t do jack to stop you.

House Bill 108 and Senate Bill 601, sponsored by Delegate Joe Lindsey and Senator Louise Lucas, respectively, make Election Day a state holiday, which will help ensure every Virginian has the time and opportunity to cast their ballot. In order to maintain the same number of state holidays, this measure repeals the current Lee-Jackson Day holiday, established over 100 years ago to honor Confederate generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.

Lamest excuse ever to repeal a holiday. Everybody knows they’re lying.

House Bill 235 and Senate Bill 219, sponsored by Delegate Joshua Cole and Senator David Marsden, respectively, implement automatic voter registration for individuals accessing service at a Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) office or the DMV website.

House Bill 238 and House Bill 239, sponsored by Delegate Mark Sickles, and Senate Bill 455, sponsored by Senator Bryce Reeves, expand absentee voting timelines to ensure access to the polls.

House Bill 1678, sponsored by Delegate Joe Lindsey, extends in-person polling hours from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

Virginia’s photo ID law was designed to make it more difficult to vote,” said Delegate Joe Lindsey. “It is past time we repealed this law, and I’m grateful to the Governor for helping us get it done.”

The following was Northam’s test-run for the preceding:

Governor Northam Signs 32 Bills into Law

4 March 2020

Felony Larceny Threshold

Governor Northam signed House Bill 995, sponsored by Delegate Joe Lindsey, which raises the felony larceny threshold from $500 to $1,000. In 2018, Governor Northam negotiated a compromise that raised the threshold raised from $200, the first time it had been adjusted in over three decades. Thirty-five other states and Washington, D.C. have felony thresholds at or above $1,000. This measure will lead to fewer Virginians with felony convictions on their records. This bill incorporates House Bill 263 and is identical to Senate Bill 788.

“While we will continue to hold people accountable for their actions, it’s important that the punishment fit the crime,” said Governor Northam. “This bill will bring Virginia in line with the majority of states in our country, modernizing our law to ensure that one mistake does not define a person’s entire life.”

The criminal’s only mistake is believing he won’t be held to account… by Father God, if not by government.

Banning Racial Discrimination on the Basis of Hair

Governor Northam signed House Bill 1514, sponsored by Delegate Delores McQuinn…

Yep, I had to check her hair. It’s not even frizzy-suck like I expected.

…which bans discrimination on the basis of hair. The bill clarifies that when the law bans racial discrimination “on the basis of race,” that includes “traits historically associated with race, including hair texture, hair type, and protective hairstyles such as braids, locks, and twists.” This bill is identical to Senate Bill 50.

“It’s pretty simple—if we send children home from school because their hair looks a certain way, or otherwise ban certain hairstyles associated with a particular race—that is discrimination,” said Governor Northam. “This is not only unacceptable and wrong, it is not what we stand for in Virginia. This bill will make our Commonwealth more equitable and welcoming for all.”

The epidemic of black children forced to stay home from school because they had Afros is so horrible that nobody has even noticed it yet!

Legal protection for bad haircuts is a surprisingly important “civil right” for blacks…

…But not for whites…

The article ends with a couple dozen other bills, the most interesting of which is HB 639, which specifies that misdemeanor defendants found not guilty by reason of insanity cannot be punished with more than a year of incarceration. It seems fitting.

Arkham Asylum has taken over the streets, and governments, of Virginia.

Who’s next?