South Dakota’s China Problem

How the heck did South Dakota get a bunch of Chinavirus victims? The same way Italy did.

South Dakota meat plant’s outbreak linked to more than half coronavirus cases in state, spurring food shortage fears

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By Danielle Wallace, 15 April 2020

A single South Dakota meat plant – one on the country’s largest pork processing facilities – is now linked to more than half of the state’s total confirmed coronavirus cases, an outbreak that’s left industry experts fearing food shortages.

At least 438 employees at the Sioux Falls Smithfield Foods plant tested positive for COVID-19. Another 107 people tested positive after coming into close contact with Smithfield workers. The plant accounts for between 4 to 5 percent of U.S.’s pork production, according to the company.

Muh bacon! Muh pepperoni!

The 545 confirmed cases directly linked to the pork processing plant account for about 55 percent of infections in the state, with the surrounding Minnehaha and Lincoln counties most heavily affected. Out of the total 988 confirmed cases in South Dakota recorded by Wednesday, 768 cases are in Minnehaha County, where the Sioux Falls plant is located.

Three-quarters of the infected are linked to this plant. Only six dead of 1,000, meaning six people died who were reported to have Wu Flu.

On Sunday, the president and CEO of Smithfield Foods, one of the nation’s largest meat-processing companies, warned of “severe, perhaps disastrous” consequences for the country’s meat supply chain following the closure of its Sioux Falls plant.

“The closure of this facility, combined with a growing list of other protein plants that have shuttered across our industry, is pushing our country perilously close to the edge in terms of our meat supply,” Kenneth M. Sullivan, Smithfield’s CEO, said.

Gah, that boldfaced is freakish coming from a meat packing executive. Does cockroach count as “protein”?

Speaking of the leadership, guess who owns Smithfield Foods?

Smithfield Foods Shareholders Approve $4.7 Billion Acquisition By China’s Shuanghui

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By Amrutha Gayathri, 25 September 2013

Shareholders of Smithfield Foods Inc. (NYSE:SFD) approved the proposed $4.7 billion sale of the Smithfield, Va.-based company to China’s largest pork producer, Shuanghui International Holdings, sealing the biggest acquisition of an American company by a Chinese firm, Smithfield said in a statement on Tuesday. More than 96 percent of the votes were in favor of the transaction, which is valued at $7.1 billion including debt, and the merger will be complete by Sept. 26.

The purchase of Smithfield, the world’s largest pork producer by Shuanghui had stirred concerns about Chinese access to U.S. intellectual property such as agricultural technology and the long-term effect of U.S. agribusiness coming under foreign control. The deal had also sparked doubts about the deal’s impact on the safety and availability of heparin — an anticoagulant derived from pig intestines — and lawmakers had expressed concerns that Smithfield, under Shuanghui’s control, may be pressured to export its crude heparin product to China instead of supplying it to U.S. companies.

“This is a great transaction for all Smithfield stakeholders, as well as for American farmers and U.S. agriculture,” Larry Pope, president and CEO of Smithfield, said in a statement.

I don’t have the demographics of the infected; more likely Latino migrant labor than Chinese; but neither do I think it’s a coincidence that a China-operated meat packing plant turned out to be a hotbed of China-spawned disease.

But the real crime here is me, a white man, being rayciss and ultra-nationalist.

Smithfield’s association with Spanish packaged meat company Campofrio, in which Smithfield holds a 37 percent stake, remains undecided, as Shuanghui can either buy the remaining stake in Campofrio or reduce its stake to less than 30 percent, Reuters reported.

The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, an executive panel that examines foreign investment for potential threats to national security and clears investment proposals within 30 days, approved the deal on Sept. 6 after subjecting it to an additional 45-day scrutiny.

Per Wikipedia, Shanghui Group, aka Shineway Group and WH Group, is currently the largest pork producer in the world. That probably does not include America’s Congress but since it signed off on this blatantly anti-American business deal, maybe it does.



It’s Official: Your Smartphone Is Now Your Leash

You smartphone dings. It’s an alert from the government: somebody flagged with Chinavirus passed within six feet of you. You are now required on penalty of law to be imprisoned, er, isolated for two weeks.

Apple and Google team up in bid to use smartphones to track coronavirus spread

By Alex Hern & Kari Paul, 10 April 2020

They’re not tracking you, they’re just tracking your phone! That means your privacy hasn’t been attacked!

Apple and Google announced on Friday an unprecedented collaboration to leverage smartphone technology to help trace and contain the spread of coronavirus.

Convergence uber alles! Just so you know, tech giants, serving the devil is like being a Highlander. There can be only one and despite that tattoo on your forehead, your name isn’t Satan.

The collaboration will open up their mobile operating systems to allow for the creation of advanced “contact-tracing” apps, which will run on iPhones and Android phones alike.

The apps would work by using the Bluetooth technology in mobile phones to keep track of every other phone a person comes into close contact with over the course of a day; if that person later finds out they have Covid-19, they can use the same system to alert all those people, dating back to before they would have become infectious.

No need to get up. The government will surely handle the notifications for you as a “convenience”.

The idea is to help national governments roll out these contact-tracing apps to allow lockdowns to be lifted earlier, by letting authorities much more readily identify new clusters of infection. The technology would also help those who have been exposed to a person with Covid-19 self-isolate before they themselves become infectious.

If you want to see your normal life again then give up your privacy!

Concerns are already being raised about the effectiveness of such technology and privacy concerns surrounding its implementation. The companies are opting to use Bluetooth to track who has been in contact with Covid-19 cases rather than location services to protect some user privacy, but advocacy groups are still wary.

Don’t get scared. Get a lead-lined carrying case.

“No contact-tracing app can be fully effective until there is widespread, free and quick testing and equitable access to healthcare,” Jennifer Granick, the surveillance and cybersecurity counsel at the ACLU said. “People will only trust these systems if they protect privacy, remain voluntary, and store data on an individual’s device, not a centralized repository.”

Translation, people will only trust these tracking devices if they don’t work.

Similar apps have already been trialled in nations including Singapore and China. In Europe, the Czech Republic says it will release such an app this month. Britain, Germany and Italy are also developing their own tracing tools.

But the apps have been held back by a combination of reduced uptake – the Singaporean app is used by 12% of the city, limiting its effectiveness – and difficulties in working around privacy protections built into the iOS and Android operating systems. It is those limits that Apple and Google will be lifting, the companies announced today.

Privacy and civil liberties activists have warned that such apps need to be designed so governments cannot abuse them to track their citizens. Apple and Google said in a joint announcement that user privacy and security are baked into the design of their plan.

With a CIA backdoor, using Chinese data infrastructure, written with astonishingly exploitable bugs and probably named “Zoom”.

Pam Dixon, executive director of the World Privacy Forum, said she will be looking closely at the companies’ privacy assurances and for evidence that any health data they collect will be deleted once the emergency is over.

“People are dying. We have to save lives. Everyone understands that,” she said. “But at some point, we’re going to have to understand the privacy consequences of this.”

Mizz Dixon demonstrates why women shouldn’t have authority over men when she refuses to directly confront this blatantly tyrannical agenda. She’s an “advocate of privacy” but still female & risk-averse in her hardwiring, so you can count on her until you need to count on her. Blah blah privacy, but “now people are dying!”

News flash, the Founders didn’t put restrictions on government so that government would be MORE effective.

Security experts also note that technology alone cannot effectively track down and identify people who may have been infected by Covid-19 carriers. Such efforts will require other tools and teams of public healthcare workers to track people in the physical world, they say. In South Korea and China, such efforts have included the use of credit card and public transit records.

God bless the civilly disobedient. It’s amazing what one can accomplish just by refusing to voluntarily comply with Evil, Inc.

Given the great need for effective contact tracing, the companies will roll out their changes in two phases. In the first, they will release software in May that lets public health authorities release apps for both Android and iOS phones. In the coming months, they will also build this functionality directly into the underlying operating systems.

On Friday, the companies released preliminary technical specifications for the effort, which they called Privacy-Preserving Contact Tracing.


Glenn Fine: A Fistful Of Dollars

California’s governor just unofficially announced the state’s secession from Orange Man, er, the United States of America. Why? For the love of money. Specifically, two trillion dollars of COVID-19 bailout pork.

Gavin Newsom Declares California a ‘Nation-State’

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By Francis Wilkinson, 9 April 2020

Note this is an opinion piece, not a press release. On that note, here’s the author’s face:

The lower eyelids and crows-feet suggest sexual problems. The bulbous nose is thought to indicate an obsession with money. Associating with Bloomberg news isn’t breaking that one. Disorderly hair for disorderly thoughts. The mouth has those “gab lines” along the outside of the mouth area.

California this week declared its independence from the federal government’s feeble efforts to fight Covid-19 — and perhaps from a bit more. The consequences for the fight against the pandemic are almost certainly positive. The implications for the brewing civil war between Trumpism and America’s budding 21st-century majority, embodied by California’s multiracial liberal electorate, are less clear.

Seeing as Trump controls the military, I don’t fancy the chances of the Sodomite “budding majority”. Seeing how dependent the Left is upon welfare money, I don’t believe they can survive on their own… and unusually, I know that they know it. When your continued existence depends upon money to the parasites, you can’t risk cutting them off in order to set up independently.

Until, of course, one gets a better offer. But China has recently found itself short on bribe money thanks to certain trade wars followed by a certain oopsie in their biowarfare labs.

Speaking on MSNBC, Governor Gavin Newsom said that he would use the bulk purchasing power of California “as a nation-state” to acquire the hospital supplies that the federal government has failed to provide. If all goes according to plan, Newsom said, California might even “export some of those supplies to states in need.”

This is not new. California’s state government already has a blacklist of states in USA that employees are required to boycott. They say Texas is on it three separate times and Alabama, five.

“Nation-state.” “Export.”

Newsom is accomplishing a few things here, with what can only be a deliberate lack of subtlety.

Yes, most infantile tantrums lack subtlety. As do most Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers, the true epidemic in which America burns.

First and foremost, he is trying to relieve the shortage of personal protective equipment — a crisis the White House has proved incapable of remedying. Details are a little fuzzy, but Newsom, according to news reports, has organized multiple suppliers to deliver roughly 200 million masks monthly.

For a population of 50 million, that seems excessive. He mentioned exporting the surplus masks in the interview with Rachel Maddow but news flash, selling the remainder of a large order you purchased means you purchased too many.

Alternatively, it means all the price-gouging morons who got caught hoarding were only guilty of thinking too small.

Second, Newsom is kicking sand in the face of President Donald Trump after Newsom’s previous flattery — the coin of the White House realm — failed to produce results. If Trump can’t manage to deliver supplies, there’s no point in Newsom continuing the charade.

There’s only one reason a shark will cozy up to another shark, and that’s when there’s plenty of food to share. We already know what that “food” was that they cooperated on: the two trillion-dollar COVID-19 bailout bill.

Why did the Newscum shark have a falling out with the Trumpian shark so soon after that monster of a pork barrel was confirmed?


Trump removes watchdog tapped for $2T virus rescue oversight

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump has removed the inspector general tapped to chair a special oversight board for the $2.2 trillion economic relief package on the coronavirus, the latest in a series of steps Trump has taken to confront government watchdogs tasked with oversight of the executive branch.

In the past four days, Trump has fired one inspector general tied to his impeachment, castigated another he felt was overly critical of the coronavirus response and sidelined a third meant to safeguard against wasteful spending of funds for businesses in economic distress.

“We’re seeing since Friday a wrecking ball across the IG community,” said Danielle Brian, executive director of the Project on Government Oversight, a watchdog group. On Friday, Trump fired Michael Atkinson, the inspector general of the intelligence community, and on Monday assailed a health and human services official who criticized the administration’s response to the coronavirus crisis.

Atkinson was the IG who triggered Russiagate in partnership with Colonel Vindeman and the FBI leadership. The guy’s career had been on borrowed time ever since Barr’s final report exonerated Trump.

On Tuesday, Trump removed Glenn Fine, the acting Defense Department inspector general and a veteran watchdog who had been selected by peers last month to oversee the economic aid package. Now it’s unclear who will oversee the rescue law.

Here are a few facts about Glenn Fine besides his being a peer-approved veteran watchdog:

-Harvard-educated lawyer

-Rhodes scholar

-Wife is Jewish

-Wife clerked for Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun, best known for writing the majority opinion in Roe v Wade.

What a small world it is at the top. Everybody attended Harvard, has a Jew in the family and half the inner circle are Rhodes scholars.

There is no chance that Glenn Fine isn’t Deep State. There is also no chance that he’s on Team Trump. Looks like POTUS didn’t want to give up his trillions that easily.

Trump’s latest move threatens to upend the rigorous oversight that Democrats in Congress demanded for the huge sums of money being pumped into the American economy because of the virus.

Hold that thought. We’ll be discussing the “Democrats’ rigorous oversight” of ballot harvesting in a moment.

It’s also part of a broader conflict between Trump, a president averse to outside criticism, and the watchdog community tasked with identifying mismanagement and problems inside government agencies.

Trump’s actions “only undermine the effectiveness of the pandemic response” legislation and the ability of inspectors general to do their job, Brian said.

Translation, Trump intends to control the purse strings instead of the other factions such as the Clinton Machine. That’s why Newscum and Trump had a falling-out as sudden as their falling in love.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi criticized Trump’s removal of Fine, saying he is moving to “undermine oversight.” And Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer swiftly condemned Trump’s action.

“President Trump is abusing the coronavirus pandemic to eliminate honest and independent public servants because they are willing to speak truth to power and because he is so clearly afraid of strong oversight,” Schumer said in a statement.

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., who led Trump’s impeachment and subsequent Senate prosecution, told The Associated Press that Trump’s actions were “designed to neuter any kind of oversight of his actions and that of the administration during a time of national crisis, when trillions of dollars are being allocated to help the American people.”

Their cries prove that Glenn Fine was an agent of the Democrat Party Machine… the Biden faction, at least, not the Bernie faction.

Trump’s removal of Fine follows his late-night firing on Friday of Michael Atkinson, the intelligence community inspector general who forwarded to Congress a whistleblower complaint that ultimately led to the president’s impeachment in the House.

On Monday, the president also publicly condemned the acting Health and Human Services watchdog over a survey of hospitals about the coronavirus response.

Trump has bristled at the oversight of the coronavirus law, suggesting in a statement last month that some of the mandates from Congress were unconstitutional.

“I’ll be the oversight,” Trump declared as lawmakers were finalizing the rescue plan.

He has also drawn criticism for naming a White House lawyer to a new Treasury Department position overseeing $500 billion in coronavirus aid to industry.

On one hand, it’s Congress’ job to control the purse strings. On the other hand, I don’t see Congress appointing any of these people in the first place and the concept has been a dead letter since the Federal Reserve Act.

Your Congressperson’s itchy rash isn’t COVID-19. It’s accountability.

Michael Horowitz, the Justice Department inspector general and chair of a council of watchdogs, had moved quickly last month to appoint Fine the head of the new coronavirus oversight board.

An Obama-administration holdover. Trump’s primary failing as POTUS is his unwillingness to go scorched-earth upon the bureaucracy.

But Fine will no longer be able to serve in the role because Trump has nominated a replacement inspector general at the Pentagon and appointed an acting one to serve in Fine’s place, according to an email from an assistant Defense Department inspector general that was obtained by The Associated Press.

By way of scorched-earth example, Trump shouldn’t plug that leak. Instead, he should fire every single inspector general in the entire Federal Government then replace them with private-sector amateurs… CPAs and second-tier business executives so unqualified and untrustworthy that they didn’t spend ONE DAY at Harvard Law!

Don’t threaten to do it, Trump. Just do it. Then do it again. Maybe don’t appoint ANY replacements.

The demotion disqualifies Fine from serving on the oversight board, which was created by Congress to be the nexus of oversight for coronavirus funding. He will instead revert to the position of principal deputy inspector general.

See that? The termite is still there, chewing away. The problem is solved only for today.

House Oversight and Reform Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., said Trump’s actions are a “direct insult” to American taxpayers.

She’s right, although she thinks she’s lying. I don’t care who gets to spend that $2T, it shouldn’t exist at all. They joined forces to make it then fell apart over how to slice it up. Whoever wins, we Real Americans lose.

End segue.

Third, and this may be the most enduring effect, Newsom is sending a powerful message to both political parties. So far, the Republican Party’s war on democratic values, institutions and laws has been a largely one-sided affair, with the GOP assaulting and the Democratic Party defending. The lethal ruling this week by the U.S. Supreme Court’s Republican bloc, which required Wisconsin residents to vote in person during a pandemic that shut down polling stations, is a preview of the fall campaign. The GOP intends to restrict vote-by-mail and other legitimate enfranchisement to suppress turnout amid fear, uncertainty and disease.

One of the $2T bill’s earmarks was converting the entire nation over to voting by mail for the November election. The lack of witnesses and participation to the voting process guarantee easy vote fraud. That is probably the Democrats’ panic. They cooperated with the Trillion Pork Project thinking to rig the November election with the money, then Trump took control of the money and is now in position to “oversee” his own reelection.

Not that Trump would engage in vote fraud. If he’s up against Biden then he won’t need to.

In fact, I can prove the Democrats intended to commit vote fraud with the pork bill… by pointing out that they don’t want THEIR OWN votes counted remotely. Why not, if the system is reliable?


Pelosi reluctant to embrace remote voting in House: ‘We aren’t there yet’

By Marisa Schultz & Chad Pergram, 9 April 2020

Vote-by-mail for thee but not for me!

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday the House of Representatives won’t implement remote voting anytime soon despite growing concern from bipartisan members that in-person voting is dangerous given the deadly coronavirus pandemic.

“Our rules are our best protection,” Pelosi told reporters Thursday when asked about modifying how the House votes. “… If the rules need to be changed, that has to be done carefully.”

Currently, there’s no method in place for lawmakers to vote from home or to conduct official business electronically.

Remote voting is touted by Democrats as a safe, reliable and convenient way to vote. In fact, the Wisconsin voting debacle was about Democrats wanting to extend the mail-voting period for six days “because Chinavirus”. But here, Pelosi doesn’t want remote voting implemented for herself EVEN WHEN SHE CLAIMED THAT HER LIFE WOULD BE ENDANGERED BY FLYING TO CONGRESS TO CAST THE VOTE!

Here’s that story but I won’t get into it:

A bipartisan group of moderate lawmakers known as the Problem Solvers Caucus called on House leadership in a letter this week to develop alternative voting methods. They pitched voting by phone, voting through video teleconference or installing voting machines in members’ district offices.

“We’re not there yet,” Pelosi said Thursday when asked about the proposal. “And we’re not going to be there no matter how many letters somebody sends — with all the respect in the world for that. And it won’t happen unless we can do it in a bipartisan way.”

“In a bipartisan way” means “under our control”.

Given the public safety risks of large gatherings, the House and Senate have sought to minimize the number of lawmakers needed in Washington by approving legislation through a voice vote and unanimous consent, which doesn’t require full attendance or a roll call vote.

But there are serious drawbacks to this approach. It only takes one dissenter to block a unanimous consent vote– as evidenced Thursday when Democrats blocked Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s effort for $250 billion in new small business funding.

Article I, Section 5 of the Constitution also mandates that the House and Senate have a quorum to conduct business. A quorum is at least half of the current membership present on the floor.

It’s usually not an issue, unless someone makes it one.

Rep. Thomas Massie, R-K.Y., was dubbed the “most hated” man in Washington when he required the majority of the lawmakers to fly back to D.C. last month to pass the $2 trillion CARES Act, the massive coronavirus stimulus relief bill that leadership wanted to pass by a barebones voice vote for public health reasons.

Yay! It’s Massie again! It’s an honor to be hated by the “bipartisan” crowd.

Massie has called for remote voting. And until that’s in place, he’s determined to again prevent the House from taking votes without a quorum present.

Nooo, Massie! No remote voting ever! You know a Democrat is running an election when the rules do not allow for witnesses.

End segue.

At some point this civil war by other means, with the goal of enshrining GOP minority rule, will provoke a Democratic counteroffensive. Newsom, leader of the nation’s largest state, is perhaps accelerating that response, shaking Democrats out of denial and putting Republicans on notice. California, an economic behemoth whose taxpayers account for 15% of individual contributions to the U.S. Treasury, is now toning up at muscle beach.

I’m sure that when the time comes, the Potomac will cheerfully allow 15% of its annual tax receipts to walk away without interference. Although the way Newscum’s regime is running things, it might be closer to 10% by then. Proudly changing the economy’s climate!

What that means, of course, is left to the imagination. But not much is required to envision what might evolve.

True. No government in history ever quietly let its tax base wander off. This won’t be the exception.

Newsom, a former lieutenant governor who won [GQ: inherited] the top job in 2018, has used the “nation-state” phrase before. It’s a very odd thing to say. California, like its 49 smaller siblings, qualifies only as the second half. But it’s obviously no slip of the tongue. Democratic state Senator Scott Wiener, a leader in California’s cumbersome efforts to produce more housing, said soon after Newsom took office in 2019 that reorienting the state’s relationship to Washington is a necessity, not a choice.

“The federal government is no longer a reliable partner in delivering health care, in supporting immigrants, supporting LGBT people, in protecting the environment, so we need to forge our own path,” Wiener said. “We can do everything in our power to protect our state, but we need a reliable federal partner. And right now we don’t have that.”

I’ll just say that Wiener is even more aptly named than London Breed.

The statement appears prescient in light of the Trump administration’s failure to protect against a pandemic. Newsom was the first governor to issue a stay-at-home order, on March 19. Though his state is chock-full of cosmopolitan centers, and rural threats loom as well, California is weathering the virus in far better shape than New York, which has many fewer people and many more deaths.

I would not be surprised to learn the author of this piece is a child molester, if promoting sodomy is important enough to him to justify a civil war.

From Fort Sumter to Little Rock to Montgomery, the blueprint for states opposing federal control has a recurring theme. But there is no reason that states can’t adopt a racist playbook for other ends. If California and other 21st-century polities withhold revenue, or otherwise distance themselves from Washington’s control, legal and political battles will escalate. Republicans will have a legitimate constitutional argument — but it will be a morally tainted and politically illegitimate one so long as they continue to subvert majority rule.

A friendly reminder that the Constitution does not call for majority rule. The Founders hated the concept of democracy. But rules are for Dirt People! The Anointed shall reign free of obsolete patriarchy’s interference!

The central conceit of fallen human nature is that “we shall be as gods”. It’s not enough for the pedofeminist crowd to have control of California’s government. They lust for total control and their getting away with the lesser evils has only led them to look at greater evils.

Ah, if only those greater evils were affordable.



Mommy Health Czar Knows Best

Day by day, this quarantine looks less like a countermeasure against a lethal disease and more like a social engineering pet project for the Cloud People to amuse themselves with.

Would Elderly Be Safer At Home?

Los Angeles Times Dead Tree Edition

By Maura Dolan, 8 April 2020

With coronavirus sweeping though mursing homes at a deadly pace, Los Angeles County’s public health director on Tuesday took the extraordinary step of telling families it would be “perfectly appropriate” to pull loved ones out of long-term facilities for their safety.

More Than 120 nursing facilities and other communal living institutions in Los Angeles County alone are suspected of having coronavirus infections, including a home in Redondo Beach where four people have died and 38 others have confirmed cases.

What a pathetic attempt at wagging the dog. “More than 120 nursing facilities are SUSPECTED of C-virus infection and we know of one for sure.” Also, “four people out of 44 high-risk cases proved fatal.” Seems the lethality of C-virus is peaking around 1 in 10… in the worst-case scenarios.

Do you know why the government is trying to increase the rate of testing for C-virus? Because so few of the people who get it even have symptoms, the only way they can produce the needed hysteria for keeping the quarantine going is to report on the number infected, not the number who are actually sick.

I’ll never forget the headline “Number of People Infected With Coronavirus in the World Surpasses One Million”. That was the number infected, not the number sick and certainly not the number dead.

For posterity, here it is… from Bloomberg by way of MSN:

1 Million People Infected: How Coronavirus Spread Around the World

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(Bloomberg) — The new coronavirus has now infected more than 1 million people across the world, a milestone reached just four months after it first surfaced in the Chinese city of Wuhan. More than 53,000 have died and 211,000 recovered in what has become the biggest global public health crisis of our time.

Even at Ground Zero, the rate of people getting sick from C-virus was 1 in 4.

Back to the LA Slimes,

Outbreaks have also been reported at homes across California, alarming officials because the residents there are at high risk of serious health problems or death.

Considering that the people in those nursing homes are put there specifically because they’re nearing death and therefore need specialized and/or 24-hour care in the first place, their concern is both legitimate and unworthy of being categorized as a concern.

I didn’t think I could get angrier about losing my job… but the thought that they cancel-cultured the entire economy so that dementia patients could enjoy their internal torment for a few extra months did the trick.

Maybe this isn’t just about the Baby Boomers. Atheists everywhere have a terror about confronting death. It’s why banning the death penalty is one of the first things they do.

Barbara Ferrer, the Los Angeles County public health director who offered the advice, said some families are able to care for an infirm loved one now because so many people are working from home. But she acknowledged the “horrible choice” faced by families who cannot care for their love ones at home.

I don’t know whether to laugh at Director Barbie’s independent rediscovery of society’s need for housewives, cry at her demand for us men to start doing the single-mom balancing act between work & high-needs family members or spit fire at her efforts to disemploy nursing home workers, too.

A spokeswoman for the Kensington in Redondo Beach, the facility whose outbreak sparked Ferrer’s comments, agreed tht some residents could go home with families, but others are better off staying put.

“In some instances, where an older adult is relatively independent and just needs help with meals and medications, it would be perfectly appropriate to bring them home, and we would welcome that decision,” said Andrea Obston. “In other instances, where the person is in need of professional care, it may not be appropriate, and it carries significant risks.”

That, coming from one of the few retirement homes to actually be hosting a C-virus outbreak.

[At] the Life Care Cener nursing home in Kirkland, Washington, site of one of the first COVID-19 outbreaks in the U.S., two-thirds of the residents and 47 workers fell ill, and 37 died.

From Wikipedia: 120 Total residents, 101 known infected, 34 dead.

180 Employees total, 70 had symptoms of any kind, 3 hospitalized, no deaths.

Dr. Edward Schneider, the former dean of the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology, said he was reluctant to advise family members to bring a loved one home. People are typically in a nursing facility because they have complicated health issues, including dementia in many cases, which is what made it so difficult for their families to care for them in the first place.

“There are a lot of questions to ask,” SChneider said. “Are you equipped? Do you have the ability to do that?”

Even the reporter for this article went out of her way to find a man willing to mansplain why Mother Hen is not a one-size-is-ordered-by-the-health-director-to-fit-you-all solution.

There’s also the question of whether every family member is willing and able to rigorously follow social distancing recommendations, so they won’t be just a likely to infect their at-risk loved ones.

A good point. It’s going to happen inevitably so the smart move is let the disease run its course. Yes, there’ll be deaths, but if those deaths are going to happen anyway then better faster than eternally dragged out to the misfortune of the healthy.

[Charlene Harrington, professor emeritus at UC San Francisco’s School of Nursing] acknowledged that many nursing home residents are too impaired to be cared for by family even on a temporary basis, and many others have no family at all. So their have no choice but to stay where they are.

But that isn’t stopping her from playing Mommy Knows Best.

Wasserman, who is lobbying state officials to set up isolated facilities – empty htels, dormitories, cruse ships – for nursing home patients who test positive for COVID-19, agreed that pulling a loved one out of a facility is an option only for the lucky few.

“I would estimate that somewhere between 10% and 20% of nursing home residents could be cared for by their families at home,” Wasserman said.

Why, Wasserman? Do professional nursing facilities not have in-house methods for handling disease? The flu comes around every year, you know, and C-virus spreads in the same ways. But no, even “Professor Emeritus” Wasserman’s first instinct on seeing people suffer is begging her husband… here, the California State Government… to “do something” in order to nurture them.

No matter how useless or expensive “doing something” turns out to be.

Wimminz gonna wimmin not matter how many certifications and titles get stuffed into her head.

How Stella Didn’t Get Her Groove Back

Bonus: A snowflake explains why feminists hoarded toilet paper for the Wuhan Whoop!

What Living In A Buddhist Monastery Taught Me About Getting Through Quarantine

By Liana Gergely, 4 April 2020

A monastery taught her the importance of toilet paper? Seriously?

The monastery is in India… oh. Ohhhh.

When I told my Jewish, slightly over-protective, hyper-logical mother that I had decided to spend my college semester abroad learning to meditate at a Buddhist monastery in India, her concerns, comments and questions were as follows ― numerically ordered to indicate her level of worry:

What if you decide to convert to Buddhism and stop being a Jew?

What if my grandchildren aren’t Jewish because you’re now a Buddhist and no longer a Jew?

If your beliefs can’t survive contact with foreign beliefs then you’re less a believer than a hostage with Stockholm Syndrome.

How are you going to manage your anxiety?

Why wouldn’t you just go to France, where you speak the language?

Why can’t you meditate in America?

What will you do if you get sick?

Is it like Eat Pray Love?

Remember that one.

Is this really necessary?

How often can you call home?

And most importantly, do they have toilet paper?

A father would have asked: why are you paying college tuition to be voluntarily locked inside a jail cell in one of the most unhygenic nations on Earth? You threw a fit the last time I sent you to your room.

My reasoning behind the choice to spend my semester abroad this way had been less linear ― more driven by gut and curiosity than by the constant ping-pong of “what ifs” that lives inside my brain during most waking hours.

Female confirmed.

As I sat in the dean’s office finishing my final registration papers and second-guessing myself into going to Paris or Dublin instead, something in me signed on the dotted line faster than my brain could tell my pen to halt. When else am I going to get a chance to live in a Buddhist monastery in the northeast of India with 36 other college kids trying to figure out what life is all about?

I’ll guess her life was about getting lots and lots of exotic dick at her trust fund’s expense. What was her degree in, anyway? Womens’ Studies? That explains a semester in a monastery even less. Maybe if it had been a convent… OUCH! My brain blew a fuse imagining that one!

I wish I could tell you that it proved the most magical three months of my life. That I came back glowing, lighter, relieved of my neuroses and a fan of curry. That I ate and that I prayed and that I loved. That meditation stilled me and cleared the gunk. But that isn’t the truth.

Hmm. Eat… Pray… Love… where have I seen that before?

Instead, I found myself face-to-face with my own anxiety ― with my fear of uncertainty, with my attachment to material comfort, with my shaky sense of self, with my inability to sit still, and with the ways I didn’t like myself.

Yes, Stella, that’s what meditation in a remote location is supposed to do: force you to confront yourself with no escape. Force you to face and overcome your flesh. Even Scripture teaches that a man who controls his emotions is stronger than a king who conquers a city.

The months I spent in India left me unhinged and dismantled.

She means “unchanged”.

So much so that I had to come back to the U.S. three weeks earlier than the rest of the group, my insomnia and panic attacks making it impossible for me to continue to the independent study part of the program.

She means “solitary confinement”.

It turns out, as many have said, this is exactly what’s supposed to happen on a spiritual pilgrimage to India.

Here’s a big salute to those Indian Buddhists. They locked down that shipment of Spring Breakers so hard that Slutwalk Stella couldn’t get her groove on.

Your states of mind are reflected back to you more loudly than you can bear to see them. And you can’t look away. It makes you raw, pulls off a layer of your skin. The impulse to let the layer grow back is almost a compulsive urge. But they tell you not to let it grow back. They tell you to let yourself stay exposed and vulnerable. They say this is how you learn to tolerate yourself. And then eventually, love yourself.

“Clearly,” I thought, “these people have never suffered from an anxiety disorder.”

Clearly, Stella didn’t understand Buddhism any more than she understood the concept of “monastery”.

At the monastery, we lived like monks ― no phone, no computer, no TV. We were each given one plate, one spoon, one fork and one knife, which we had to wash after every meal and bring with us to the next one. We followed the five Buddhist precepts, which I am certain were not created with angsty college kids in mind ― no alcohol, no sex, no gossip, no stealing and no killing (this one was the least difficult to abide by, though the mosquitos were incessant).

Slutwalk Stella going to a remote monastery in a foreign land was surprised that drunken sex is not permitted and the Wi-fi is horrible. Shoulda done Paris instead!

Wait, was she not allowed to kill the mosquitoes?

Despite the early bedtime, the days felt endless. Aside from the basic tasks of daily living, there was nothing to really do at the monastery. Nothing to plan or schedule or scroll through ― the concept of productivity rendered almost entirely obsolete. The days seemed tranquil and cozy and pleasant. My brain, on the other hand? Not so much.

Do not speak of productivity, feral female. You are not worthy.

I can’t help but see parallels between my time in the monastery and the quarantine we find ourselves in now ― the toilet paper is scarce, it’s unclear when one day ends and another begins, and my anxiety is once again by my side, begging for attention.

Feminists hoarded toilet paper for Kung Flu because the last time she went through quarantine, it was in a cesspit Third World country during an attempt at the Eat Pray Love lifestyle!

This time is not voluntary, but in many ways, it is an opening. For those of us who are being forced to spend more time alone, this is an opportunity to go inward, to get quiet, to get intimate with our own, often unruly, minds.

Although I am living at home with my mom…

Where’s Daddy?

…being with my own thoughts this closely, for this many days, can be excruciatingly uncomfortable. In some moments of antsiness and boredom and low self-esteem, I would rather do anything other than sit here. I want to grab for things I am convinced can make the loneliness better ― productivity which leads to validation from others, busyness which keeps me moving just fast enough so I don’t have to acknowledge that I feel sad, scheduling back-to-back virtual hangouts so I can quell the small voice inside that tells me that people don’t like me.

Nobody likes you, Liana, especially the Buddhist monks when they realized you thought their monastery was Motel Sex As Seen On TV. If there’s one person this world doesn’t need, it’s a Jewish princess raised by a single mother to whine about her insecurities on HuffPo.

But thanks for the freak show. As you’ve discovered, entertainment helps make quarantine bearable.

When I left India, I had a sense that it was a gift that my crutches and coping mechanisms were not available to me. Even in these difficult moments, I feel the same gratitude for this quarantine. I have no choice but to self-soothe instead of relying on external fixes. I am infusing my heart with courage as I practice tolerating my uncomfortable and unpleasant emotions without numbing them, escaping from them or distracting myself.

The women who submit to a husband don’t have to self-soothe. They have a man who will care for them in hard times. I might be out of work but here’s a fact, I have no intention of starving.

Every morning, I’ve been rereading something one of the monks told me after evening meditation ― “Hardship is the greater of the two blessings. The purifying rather than the blissful, insightful ones that we all like. The ones that make it so hard you want to run away are perhaps the blessings we are all waiting for ― the ones we don’t want, but really need.”

Christians have a high regard for Buddhists because we both agree that controlling oneself is of great importance, as is patient endurance in suffering. Unlike Buddhism, we do it to resist a world that has gone wrong rather than to make peace with it.

At the monastery, the idea that there was nowhere to go completely terrified me. In quarantine, I am working to see it as a gentle reminder that I am good enough as I am, that this moment is good enough as it is, and that I am right where I am supposed to be. “There’s no rush, sweetheart. You’re OK and safe right here,” I whisper to myself when the restlessness overtakes me.

Dorothy did it better in the Wizard of Oz. “There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home.” Except it’s not a home without a father, now is it? It’s a welfare statistic.

Liana has all the money that money can buy, but she can’t be complete on her own because God did not design her for that.


The Pastors Who Defy Church Shutdown Orders

It shouldn’t escape anybody’s attention that unlike Costco and the liquor store, churches have been universally declared “non-essential businesses” for the Wu Flu Season. Me, I’ve noticed personality changes in myself as a consequence of not having ANY social contact for too long. Texting and Skype do not count as social contact.

Straight-up truth: the American GOVERNMENT has no authority whatsoever to order CHURCHES how to do their business of worshiping God. Separation of Church and State, remember? Remember it’s unacceptable for a Christian to so much as pray in public or erect a memorial cross on State property? How is it, then, that the State is ordering churches to stop congregating in the name of God on THEIR own property?

The lies get dropped so quickly when they’re no longer useful, one must train himself to notice the sudden silences.

Anyway, here’s a selection of the pastors defying quarantine orders and their motivations for doing so.

FULL INTERVIEW: Central Pastor hosts more than 1,800 at Sunday service amid pandemic

FULL INTERVIEW: Central Pastor hosts more than 1,800 at Sunday service amid pandemic

By Abbi Rocha, 24 March 2020

CENTRAL, La. (FOX 44) (LOCAL 33) The Life Tabernacle Church in Central hosted 1,825 people at their March 22 Sunday service.

Despite government mandated “stay at home orders” Pastor Spell says it is crucial the church stays open.

[This interview] was conducted by Fox 44/Local 33’s Abbi Rocha after Spell’s Tuesday night service on March 17th.

Why are you continuing to stay open?

TS: “We continue to stay open we have our doors open as a church as a right to assemble. We reserve the right to worship God. We take all the necessary precautions of disinfecting our building, keeping people at a distance. These are our religious convictions and this is why we continue to operate as a church.”

That’s exactly right. We DO reserve the right to worship God.

After last night (March 18, 2020) there were 100 people in the same room many people consider that to be irresponsible, what is your response to that?

TS: “Is it any more irresponsible than people going to costco where there’s a thousand people? Or walmart where there’s a thousand people? I’m not posing any more of a threat than the people who are at the mall right now. Or any place of business. It seems to me the church is being persecuted because we are an easier target than those major companies who are keeping their lights on and still operating. We operate strictly by tithing and offering, support of our parishioners. We do not have the luxury of businesses who can operate by any other means of sales. If we don’t keep our lights on we are not operating financially.”

I’m sympathetic to staying open because of financial need. If cooperating with State decrees will destroy one’s livelihood then one should disobey the State.

Remember why you exist, American governments: as a servant of the people.

Tell me about the faith and beliefs of your church?

TS: “So as a church we are apostolic in doctrine, Pentecostal in spirits. So Pentecostal is known for lively worship, lively preaching prophesying, laying hands on the sick, people receiving healings in miracles.

Stop it, Pastor Tony. Just stop it. If your beliefs were legit then you Pentecostals would have put hospitals out of business a long time ago.

In fact, if God provided you with miraculous healings on demand like a Dungeons & Dragons cleric, there would be no atheists. Everybody would be lining up to worship God… in return for gibmedats.

That is why God DOES NOT do what you believe He does. He doesn’t want to be the Cosmic Vending Machine. He doesn’t want followers who require regular paychecks to sustain their “faith”.

Did He do miracles through the Apostles? Yes, but spare a moment to notice that Saint Paul was beaten like a pinata in between the times he was curing plague just by walking down the street. You sitting in your air-conditioned wooden box invoking divine favors like magic spells, are no Saint Paul.

We are Pentecostal in our experience. We are apostolic in our doctrine, and we are a basic new testament church. We are the first new testament church from the book of acts. We are also christian in faith, we relate more with people.”

How does your faith apply to this virus and what’s going on right now?

TS: “To the virus, like any other virus, influenza, human immunodeficiency virus, We are not going to live in fear. We are not going to seclude ourselves or go into reclusivity. Right now the majority of my church have been sent home for 30 days. Restaurants have closed, waiters and waitresses don’t have an income and are living in fear and torment right now because they don’t know how they are going to make ends meet. We are the last strong hold in society that’s giving some sanity to the insanity that’s around us. So that’s where we stand on that issue. We are in hospital, we pray for people that are sick, we go into hospitals, psychiatric wards on a daily basis, praying for people, laying hands on people, that’s what the church’s mission is in this time of peril.”

Reasonably said. Deep Staters like Fauci have so little regard for the fact that humans are a social species that one wonders if they’re skin suits or hypocrites.

The police and National Guard have threatened to stop your services, what is your response to that?

TS: “The police did come to my service last night, he did not come into my service, an usher summoned me outside to talk to him. He was kind, he was respectful as we were to him, he was doing his job, we were doing our job, he said the National Guard would be deployed to break up groups of 50 or more. That was as of up to an hour ago, I received a call from the Governor’s Office and the National Guard, a representative who said that is not their job. To cause panic with our parishioners, they will not disperse groups of 50 or more. There’s more to be said on that subject but that is the truth. That was the news up until about an hour ago. But we received assurance that we are not being persecuted for gathering and the National Guard would not be deployed to us to break up our gathering. That may have been the case last night, but not today.”

He’s been charged with six misdemeanors thus far. Also, Tony has a reputation as an anti-LGBT activist strong enough that my research came across a hatchet job from a Sodomite news site.

Do you believe the virus is politically motivated?

TS: “It’s a real virus. People are dying with the virus. People are dying with influenza. People are dying with cancer every day, all that is real. We don’t go into hiding because people have cancer. We don’t go into hiding because people have influenza. Which is probably more contagious than covid-19 which has been around longer than the past three weeks, whenever it has been politicized, so that was my statement. It shouldn’t be taken out of context that it isn’t real. It is real, but we pray for people that have the virus. Annoint them will oil, pray for them we believe in God to give them recovery, and healing. That’s the churches mission. That’s our purpose in the Earth to give calm, where there is no calm and be overcomers when there is no overcome.

Hehheh, there’s some works of God. Calming people down from the media-induced hyperfrenzy? Certain important people aren’t going to like that.

I recently tried to calm down an elderly Chinese couple in my neighborhood. They were freaked out that Chinavirus could be spread by a stranger brushing past you. They thought the C-virus would hop onto your clothes, then crawl up to your face and squirm into your nasal passages like in a bad Syfy Channel movie. I don’t think I reached them but at least I tried. Methinks the neighborhood porch curmudgeon has less credibility with them than press releases from the White House, which is a tragedy.

Incidentally, sitting on your porch watching the neighborhood go by is a way you can make yourself available to do this kind of reassurance without breaking quarantine.

No matter what happens in the coming week, will you still hold services as normal?

TS: “We are going to continue to have services, our doors are open, we take the necessary precautions of disinfecting, If you don’t want to come to church, you don’t have to come. We are not mandating anybody, Everybody that’s here is here on their own free will. They know the risks, there’s a society that is up in arms, they are out of school right now, there’s nobody feeding their children. They are not being educated. That’s unrest. They’re losing their jobs. They have no income. Nobody can sustain that for a 30 day period. There may be a stimulus package i’ve heard that’s going to be sent out to those people. The church doesn’t get stimulus packages, We are 501C3, Federal exempt. We operate strictly on our own accord with no help from the goverment. So we have to keep our lights on. We have to keep finances coming in.”

Is there anything else you would like to add?

TS: “I want to let our law enforcement know that we are praying for them. Our government officials know that we are praying for them, we are behind them 100 percent. We are not going to crater to any spirits of fear, or torment.”

Pastor Tony is solid. His heart is exactly where it should be. He’s defying the quarantine orders with eyes open and making informed decisions, to care for the spiritual aspect of human life that our Cloud People rulers have completely neglected.

Tony Spell is good people.

The Americans defying Palm Sunday quarantines: ‘Satan’s trying to keep us apart’

By Michelle Conlin & Rich McKay, 4 April 2020

“Satan’s trying to keep us apart, he’s trying to keep us from worshipping together. But we’re not going to let him win,” Kelly Burton, pastor at Lone Star Baptist Church in Lone Star, Texas, wrote in a post on Facebook.

Lone Star has been holding services in the parking lot – what it calls “Church on the Lot” – and will do so on Palm Sunday.

When I tried to source this, the pastor of LSBC, Lone Star, TX is Rick Monds. Not sure what’s up with that, but this from their Facebook puts an entertaining light on their meeting in the parking lot.

One supposes they’re technically complying with the order by not meeting indoors while disobeying the spirit of “no more church” by inviting a Christian biker gang to join them outside. I approve!

Continuing with Reuters,

Rob McCoy [is] the mayor of Thousand Oaks, in the Los Angeles area, but also the pastor of Godspeak Calvary Chapel, where he will offer communion on Palm Sunday – though encouraging worshipers to stand six feet apart.

“It’s very important theologically that communion not be taken alone,” said McCoy. “What we are doing is exercising our inalienable rights. Communion is non-negotiable for us.”

Hmm, I don’t like his eyes… guarded on the left side, with lowered upper eyelids, plus a dispassionate, crooked mouth… and I’d be half-right because he’s a politician. But the good kind of politician, apparently. Physiognomy isn’t destiny.

I’ve said it before, California is a huge state. Not all of our bureaucrats are Communist perverts.

“Communion is non-negotiable”, what a different attitude from “do-it-yourself”.

McCoy resigns from City Council

McCoy resigns from City Council

By Kyle Jorrey, 5 April 2020

Rob McCoy is stepping down from the Thousand Oaks City Council.

The pastor, who caused a wave of consternation and anger Saturday when his intentions to host communion at his Newbury Park church on Palm Sunday in defiance of state and county orders related to the coronavirus went public, tendered his resignation sometime after 10 last night, according to city officials.

“Councilmember Rob McCoy has resigned his seat on the Thousand Oaks City Council effective immediately,” the city said in a statement released this morning.

Thousand Oaks does not directly elect its mayor. Councilmen take turns on a rotating basis, which explains the swiftness with which the mayor’s role was re-filled:

In an interview with the Acorn following McCoy’s announcement, Mayor Al Adam said McCoy told the council he needed to step down because his religious beliefs were in conflict with his sworn oath to uphold state and local law and he didn’t want the council to have to deal with the fallout. McCoy has served as pastor at Calvary Chapel Thousand Oaks (now Godspeak Calvary Chapel) since 2001.


Seriously, that is most impressive.

A man with status in both the church and the government found his two positions in conflict. Instead of riding both sides of the fence, he resigned his worldly power rather than compromise on his belief that communion is non-negotiable even in times of crisis… which will likely see him arrested in a week by the very government whose leadership he just resigned for conscience’s sake.

“He believes what he believes. He’s got his conviction,” Adam said of McCoy, who was first elected to the council in 2015 in a special election to fill a vacancy. He was reelected in 2016.

Adam said he felt McCoy’s decision to resign was the right thing to do.

“He can’t be an elected official and at the same time go forward with this (in-person communion in defiance of state/county orders),” said Adam, who for the past two weeks has been urging Thousand Oaks residents to stay home and cease all non-essential travel. “Now he’s a private citizen.”

During his Sunday sermon, which was live-streamed on Youtube (the sanctuary remained closed ahead of the planned 1 p.m. start of communion), McCoy said the church had taken all precautions to ensure the safety of people coming to take the sacrament, including putting up markers to enforce strict social distancing, limiting the number of chairs in the 400-seat church to 10 and cleaning the sanctuary. The communal elements (bread and grape juice) were to be set up on a table so visitors could take the items themselves without having to make physical contact with anyone, according to a message on the church website.

“In no way do I want to endanger anyone in this community—to the contrary,” he said. “I believe man to be a spiritual being.

He already bet his job as a senior government official on that. He might soon be betting his very freedom.

McCoy is good people.

McCoy said the U.S. was founded on the idea of religious freedom and that he was choosing to exercise that liberty.

“I am in compliance and respect of authority. I will honor all (Centers for Disease Control) requirements, but I cannot submit to the authority that declares the church to be nonessential. It’s that simple,” he said.

OHHHH YEAAAAAH BAY-BEE! This is the Christianity that I’ve been looking for!

Of stepping down from the council, the pastor said: “I didn’t desire to resign from the council. I love serving the city. I’ve tried to do my best but this comes into conflict and I completely understand and I don’t want to burden the other council members. But this calling is critical and I believe this to be of utmost importance.

I firmly believe if rights aren’t exercised, they’re lost.”

Some other local elected officials didn’t see it that way.

“Bringing large groups together is wrong,” County Supervisor Linda Parks said. “It endangers lives, including our brave deputies and healthcare workers.”

So many people called the county’s COVID compliance hotline Saturday and Sunday to report the church that a new message was recorded.

“If you are calling in reference to the planned activities at Godspeak Calvary Chapel church today, thank you, we are aware and we are investigating,” the message stated as of 12 p.m. Sunday. “County administration, public health and the public information officer will address the situation as needed.”

HAHAHAAAA! Satan had to leave a message on his anonymous-tips hotline! “We know about him already.”

In the city’s official press release announcing McCoy’s resignation, Adam praises McCoy for his leadership following the Borderline mass shooting and Woolsey fire in 2018.

“Rob was a voice of strength and healing as the city recovered from the two simultaneous tragedies,” the statement says. “I appreciate his contributions and wish him and his family well. While these circumstances are unfortunate, the remaining members of the council and I are very much focused on moving on.”

Despite the praise, Adam said neither he nor the City of Thousand Oaks condone McCoy’s decision to host the communion, which is set to take place today from 1 to 4 p.m. after the church’s 11 a.m. Palm Sunday services are live-streamed.

“My messaging has been clear,” the mayor said. “My desire is for residents to stay safe and stay at home.”

In a Youtube video posted Saturday, McCoy said the church planned to adhere to strict CDC guidelines.

To make that possible, members said, the church building on Via Las Brisas in Dos Vientos will be open for three hours so worshipers can filter through the church one by one, 6 feet apart. After taking communion, they can either exit out the side of the sanctuary or sit briefly in one of the chairs (each one 6 feet apart). Members who are sick or at-risk have been asked to stay home.

McCoy said it will be no different than people waiting in line at the grocery store.

Several members of McCoy’s congregation told the Acorn they supported their pastor’s decision.

“In Scripture it says there’s healing in communion and I think we all need that, body, soul and spirit, at this time because a lot of people are experiencing depression,” said Carol Roberg, 77, of Camarillo.

“This is a chance to come together and be responsible and use common sense,” said Tom Bennett, a retired Ventura County sheriff’s sergeant. “We don’t want to get anybody sick, but the ability to come together and celebrate and honor God is so vital for our mental well being.”

Because of the timing, McCoy’s seat is expected to remain vacant until after the November election, the city said in its statement.

Back to the Reuters article,

About 400 miles (644 km) north of Thousand Oaks, police in Lodi, California, interrupted a service late last month at the Cross Culture Christian Center, an evangelical church with about 80 regular attendees, to tell members they were violating stay-at-home orders.

“Last month” counting back from this article’s date of 4 April? San Joaquin County didn’t ratify the emergency order until 17 March. That is suspiciously fast police work.

They have since been given a warning posted on the church door, a “Notice of Public Nuisance,” demanding the center stop holding services, according to local officials.

“This is a serious public health threat,” said city spokesman Jeff Hood.

So why was the church called a public nuisance, not a public health threat?

Still, the pastor plans to hold services on Palm Sunday, said the church’s attorney, Dean Broyles.

“Simply put, no, we’re not going to obey it,” Broyles told Reuters. “The virus does not suspend our constitutional rights, the right to assemble, freedom of religion and freedom of speech.”

Broyles said the church is taking steps to mitigate risks, including sanitizing the building before services and asking that the elderly or those with health problems remain at home.

“We’re much safer than a Walmart or grocery store,” said Broyles, who is also president of the National Center for Law & Policy, a legal advocacy group based in San Diego. “Think about it, you’re crammed into (store) aisles inches apart from other shoppers. Here we’re sitting six feet apart.”

That could explain a lot about the government cracking down hard & fast on this little church, if they had already been fighting the government to the point of having a national legal foundation on speed-dial.


Lodi church defying stay-at-home order receives notice from county, officials say

LODI, Calif. (KTXL) — San Joaquin County’s interim public health officer issued an order prohibiting public assembly at a Lodi church after officials say church members defied a previous request.

According to the city of Lodi, the police department had previously requested that Cross Culture Christian Center members suspend their meetings since it “violated the County’s public health order prohibiting gatherings.”

“It’s unfortunate we have to go to these lengths when the threat of COVID-19 is so clear,” said City Attorney Janic Magich in Friday’s press release. “It is gratifying, however, to see other churches in Lodi understand the responsibility to protect public health by suspending in-person gatherings.”

The new order was issued Friday and applies to Bethel Open Bible Church, which is where the Cross Culture Christian Center had continued to hold meetings, according to officials.

The Cross Culture Christian Center leases its gathering space from the Bethel Open Bible Church, which the city says has been cooperating with the city and county’s efforts.

Mystery solved. It’s not an ongoing Church-State feud. Bethel Church called in the police because it obeyed the order and their tenant-church didn’t.

We believers are not supposed to call in the secular authorities to judge one another on matters of conscience!

Police first noticed the members meeting on March 25 and approached them to inform them they were violating the stay-at-home order. On March 29, the city says officers noticed they were still meeting.

Either the Lodi police were bored as puck or the landlord kept calling them in. It’s hard to “notice” a church of eighty people… many of whom, I suspect, have not been attending lately.

“We hold truly to the belief that the church should be meeting as much as possible,” Pastor Jon Duncan told FOX40.

The church’s attorney sent the city of Lodi and the Lodi Police Department a cease and desist letter citing their religious freedom had been violated.

“We simply believe that constitutional rights are not suspended by a virus,” said attorney Dean Broyles.

Duncan said his church had already implemented safety measures such as hand-washing stations and spacing out seating.

Bethel OBC has now been ordered to close entirely as a result of Duncan’s refusal to obey the order.

Feeriker, you’ll like this. I checked their website:

…and it’s a temporary website with only two items on it: an invitation to the online service and as you predicted, directions on how to continue tithing while they’re closed.

There’s a video of Pastor John Duncan for the interested in the following link, although the article itself discusses our next example:

Renegade Sacramento-area church services: One goes ahead with a crowd, second parish cancels

By Sam Stanton and Dale Kasler

Defying orders from public health officials and California Gov. Gavin Newsom to avoid large gatherings during the coronavirus pandemic, a church in Roseville held a two-hour service Sunday morning attended by dozens of parishioners.

Abundant Life Fellowship Church went ahead as promised, blocking outsiders and media from coming inside or interviewing attendees, but allowing parishioners to file in from more than 40 vehicles that were in the parking lot near downtown Roseville.

Pastor Doug Bird had not been available for an interview since Friday, but posted a vow to continue on the church Facebook page.

“If you are a visitor (not a part of ALF) and plan on traveling here to ‘shame’ us, SHAME ON YOU!” he wrote. “In these dangerous times you will be putting our church community at GREAT risk! YOU ARE NOT WELCOMED AT THIS CHURCH.”

Sweet. None dare call THIS church seeker-friendly! That’s a compliment. Nothing cheapens the Gospel more than those dying-gasp church marquees “Come as you are! You are welcome here!” except maybe not displaying the Cross because it can be offensive.

Order him to apologize, Governor Newscum. I dare you!

Pastors, PLEASE stop posing with your wives. She is not your “better half” as either a priest of God or a man who still wears pants.

…Uh-oh. She already holds the title of Pastor. Indeed, it’s a fully cucked Church with multiple female “assistant pastors”. Sad that a clergyman can stand against the world yet not against Original Sin itself.

When God gave Eve a chunk of Adam’s rib cage, the symbology is that women will always be a weak point in a man’s armor.

I don’t mind if a church chooses to close. That’s between its leadership and God. But the principle must be upheld, that the government has no authority to command the churches on how they worship. Like Peter before the Sanhedrin, we must obey God rather than men.

No church should be punished for violating this quarantine. If clergy allow this for “sensible reasons” then it’ll set the precedent we’ll choke on. Notice that our rulers don’t even consider Christianity a religion anymore. It’s a “faith tradition”. And sometimes, traditions need to be modernized….


Reviewing Matt Walsh’s Book “Church Of Cowards”

I’d do more book reviews if I didn’t have to purchase the books. So few of them live up to my unreasonably high standards of “no feminism, moral relativity or necrophilia” that I only want to buy it after I’ve proofed it like a commissar. Obviously not an effective business model.

Thus, I’ll review a review of Walsh’s new book.

Provocative. Accurate, as far as the title goes. But Walsh is one of those pundits who like a groundhog, notices the problems in modern society then retreats into his Narrative-approved burrow. Which makes him either a very bad choice or a very good choice for writing a book on cowardice.

Matt Walsh warns complacent Christians: Tolerance and acceptance are not biblical virtues

By Samuel Smith, 23 March 2020

Ahh, a journalist with a name that sounds Norte Americano. He even spells it correctly! There’s my unreasonably high standards again.

Conservative Christian commentator Matt Walsh is condemning complacent Christians in America, saying that, in some cases, Christians are called to be intolerant.

Nothing is more intolerant than truth. This world offers ten million lies but only one truth. We’ll tolerantly let you go to Hell if you reject the truth of Christ, up to the point where you do evil upon innocents. Ideally speaking.

Walsh, a nationally known podcast host and writer for the conservative online website The Daily Wire, is warning that many Christians in America today are constructing their own religion based on cherrypicked ideas from the Bible that support their agenda of tolerance and inclusion.

The last thousand warnings didn’t work but this time, the warning is being given by a pundit with a beard! You know his advice is valuable because you have to buy his book to get it!

Walsh released his second book earlier this month titled Church of Cowards: A Wake-Up Call to Complacent Christians.

He told The Christian Post that the book offers his “diagnosis of the problem that most Christians recognize in our culture.”

“If you look at the statistics, we know that the number of Christians is declining while the number of secular atheists is going up,” Walsh told CP in a recent phone interview.

“I think we also know that the problem is even worse than the numbers suggest. If you were to talk to the professed Christians [in the U.S.], a startling percentage of them don’t actually believe in some of the essential doctrines of the Christian faith.”

Chino isn’t just a backwater city in California. “CHristians In Name Only”.

A 2017 survey from the American Culture and Faith Institute shows that only about one in 10 Americans hold a biblical worldview even though nearly half of them claim to lead a Christian life. Among millennials, only four percent have a biblical worldview.

Thus far, preaching to the choir. But it’s not enough to talk about statistics and concepts. Does Walsh dare to use the deplorable word, “Evil”?

Various factors can play a role in a person’s faith and worldview formation. According to Walsh, those include parents, the church, education and culture.

Christians do not have a worldview. We have a God, a real one. THE real one.

“And that’s a problem because the culture itself is so aggressively hostile to Christian faith and very determined to, especially with kids, convert them into secularism and relativism,” Walsh argued.

Evil, Walsh. The word you’re reaching for is EVIL. Our culture is evil because it is willfully disobedient to God.

“That’s an enormous problem because you’ve got so many Christians who don’t really know what their faith professes or what their faith even is. And if you don’t know what you believe in, exactly, then you’re not going to be able to maintain those beliefs.”

There’s a term for them. FALSE CHRISTIANS. Call them false Christians because that is who they are. They are not “Christians who don’t know what their faith is.”

Walsh is talking about false Christians like a Cuckservative talks about his politician. “He shouldn’t be doing this. We warn him repeatedly of what’s going to happen to society but he keeps doing it. I wonder why he can’t see what we do?”

Answer is, Mister Politician knows perfectly well that he’s doing evil. He loves to do evil because evil is fun and profitable!

(For the curious, that’s James Martin, a Jesuit currently preaching sodomy with the Church’s blessing.…out-of-context-on-homosexuality

February 8, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – The Bible’s condemnation of homosexual acts should be taken in “context” with Biblical times, Jesuit Father James Martin told Georgetown University students recently.

Martin said as well that Catholics who support gay “marriage” should have no problem considering themselves Catholic, despite having chosen to reject Church teaching.

He could as easily be a Baptist as a Catholic these days.


Similarly, false Christians go to church because they benefit from Sunday Morning Group Therapy. Why would they learn Scripture when they’re already getting what they want from their “faith tradition”?

At a time when there is increasing societal and political pressure for people to be accepting of Evil the same-sex relationships and LGBT lifestyles, Walsh said that Christians with a superficial understanding of the Gospel are picking out things from the Bible that they like and “confirm what they already want to believe.”

“They kind of construct their own religion for themselves based on this amalgamation of out-of-context verses. And that’s a big problem because the Bible is so long and vast and diverse,” he explained.

“It’s not even really a book. It’s a library of books. And there’s so much in it, that if you’re going to go in and throw context to the wind, you can find anything you want. You can find justification for anything. I think that’s how a lot of people are approaching the Bible.”

No, you cannot find justification for anything in Scripture. That’s such a stupid belief that it disqualifies Walsh from speaking about Scripture entirely, if he thinks it really does mean whatever the reader wants it to mean.

Those “LGBT lifestyles” he mentioned, for example? Sexual perversion is not a context-sensitive topic in Scripture. There is no argument to be made that God will not butcher their unrepentant souls for eternity. And yet, all those Chinos believe it’s just something that makes God sad on occasion. That is not “subjectively interpreting the Bible”. That is “lying about the Bible”.

Walsh contended that Christians are not “forfeiting love” by confronting sin.

“It’s not that we’re confronting and fighting back against evil in spite of the fact that we’re supposed to be loving; it’s because we love that we do those things,” he said.

The groundhog is retreating to his Narrative hidey-hole. “We love you, Father Martin! That’s why you teaching people to disobey God by committing abominations with their bodies makes us feel sad!”

As some denominations over the past decade have affirmed homosexuality, Walsh believes that it is impossible to defend homosexuality in Scripture.

“The greater issue is just the misrepresentation of what you find in the Gospel. A good example would be things like ‘tolerance and acceptance’ are now presented in the church as virtues, even biblical virtues,” Walsh warned. “They’re not virtues at all. There’s nothing wrong necessarily with tolerating. It depends on what you’re tolerating. But there is nothing virtuous about it.”

Walsh exhibits the primary moral failure of the Cuckservative. He assumes, prima facie and against all evidence, that the determined enemies of God are kindhearted people with good intentions. They just need a little more education! That only works for socialists… because they beat you with bike locks if “education” doesn’t take hold.

He warned that some churches are teaching that tolerance is the “ultimate virtue” and synonymous with “compassion” and “love.”

“To be intolerant of something is thought of automatically as bigotry,” he noted. “The worst thing you can ever be is intolerant. But it’s just not the case. We should be intolerant of bad things and intolerant of things that harm people. We should be intolerant with children in our culture. We should be intolerant of sin within ourselves and in the world.”

Maybe we should also be intolerant of the people who harm people? Or should we fight against what they do while providing endless opportunities for them to do it again? Looking at YOU, Second Amendment advocates! Stop focusing on the legislation and start focusing on the politicians who author it! Even if you defeat a bill, they’ll just try again next year at your tax-funded expense.

“So I think we think we’re called to intolerance in many cases. Compassion is virtuous, but the version of compassion that is preached so often is something synonymous with acceptance and tolerance. Compassion actually means co-suffering. That’s the etymology of the world of the word, which means that you’re suffering alongside somebody and taking on their sufferings to alleviate that burden. Christ is the ultimate example of that. [Compassion] is a much more active and sacrificial thing than how it is often portrayed.”

Do Cuckservatives show off how book-smart they are so that the devil’s children will find their arguments more convincing? “Oh, okay, I’ll stop cashing my chilamony checks because you know the correct etymologies of the words I use to justify it.”

According to Walsh, churches need to be bolder in addressing the problems in the culture today and need to focus more on calling people to repentance and self-sacrifice.

No Cucking is complete without an altar call to navel-gaze. Hmm, yes, that IS a leech upon my navel, sucking out my lifeblood. Perhaps I should repent of my selfishness.

“We have to stop being afraid of preaching that message,” he said. “It may scare some people away. But the people who are scared away aren’t really Christian anyway. If they don’t want to hear the Christian message, they are not Christian. But for everybody else, this is what they want. This is what they are searching for. I think we have to provide that in the Church.”

If Jesus had preached with Walsh’s level of conviction then nobody would have bothered to crucify Him. Similarly, Walsh’s new book is no threat to the status quo.


Breitbart Asks the Trillion-Dollar Question

“Why did your computer model vastly overestimate the number of hospitalizations that Chinavirus would cause?”

Actual Hospitalizations for Coronavirus Significantly Lower than Projections in Model

By Michael Patrick Leahy, 3 April 2020

The Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) model cited by White House Coronavirus Task Force officials appears to dramatically overstate the hospitalization of patients with coronavirus in the United States when the model’s projections are compared to actual data, a Breitbart News analysis finds.

Breitbart News compared projections of the number of regular hospital beds needed to treat coronavirus patients made in the Friday, April 3 iteration of the IHME model for nine states to the actual number of cumulative hospitalizations (a number that includes current regular bed hospitalizations, current ICU hospitalizations, previously hospitalized and released patients, and previously hospitalized and deceased patients) reported by the respective health departments in those states as of Thursday, April 2.

The results showed that the actual number of cumulative hospitalizations as a percentage of regular hospital beds needed projected by the IHME model ranged from nine percent in Tennessee to 47 percent in Florida.

Even in New York State, the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic, the actual number of cumulative hospitalizations as a percentage of regular hospital beds needed projected by the IHME model was only 37 percent.

These numbers, however, actually understate the degree to which the IHME model overestimates the number of hospital beds currently needed for coronavirus patients because the numerator–cumulative hospitalizations–includes data well in addition to the actual number of current regular hospital beds in use for coronavirus patients, since it also includes current ICU hospital beds in use for coronavirus patients as well as previously hospitalized coronavirus patients either released or deceased.

The Department of Public Health in Minnesota, for instance, reported as of April 2 that 46 out of the 156 reported cumulative hospitalizations in the state for coronavirus are patients currently in regular hospital beds, while 40 are patients in ICU hospital beds and 70 are formerly hospitalized patients who have been released or are deceased.

Over half. That alone is proof they’re cooking the books… intentionally including old or irrelevant data.

Here is a breakdown of the actual number of cumulative hospitalizations reported by these nine states as of April 2, as compared to the number of regular hospital beds projected for coronavirus patients in those states on April 2 by the IHME model:

Colorado: Cumulative hospitalizations of 710 divided by regular hospital bed projections of 3,141 = 23 percent.
Ohio: Cumulative hospitalizations of 802 divided by regular hospital bed projections of 2,436 = 33 percent
Tennessee: Cumulative hospitalizations of 263 divided by regular hospital bed projections of 2,741 = 9 percent
Texas: Cumulative hospitalizations of 196 divided by regular hospital bed projections of 1,968 = 10 percent
New York: Cumulative hospitalizations of 20,817 divided by regular hospital bed projections of 56,183 = 37 percent
Florida: Cumulative hospitalizations of 1,215 divided by regular hospital bed projections of 2,612 = 47 percent
Georgia: Cumulative hospitalizations of 1,158 divided by regular hospital bed projections of 3,089 = 37 percent
Iowa: Cumulative hospitalizations of 138 divided by regular hospital bed projections of 384 = 36 percent
Minnesota: Cumulative hospitalizations of 156 divided by regular hospital bed projections of 823 = 19 percent

Notably, the IHME model’s current projections of COVID-19 deaths as of April 2 is in line with the actual number of reported deaths on that date.

That is suspicious in a different way. Hospitalization predictions are wildly wrong while deaths, a subset of hospitalizations, are accurately predicted? Are we talking about completely separate models or is the most headline-catching statistic being doctored more heavily than an elderly, diabetic, Chinese owner of a bat cave?

We don’t even know if these are produced by separate models. The modeling code has reportedly not been released for public scrutiny.

Already I’ve heard from other sources that “deaths from COVID-19” are deaths of people who tested positive for it, not people who died as a result of it. This is important because most of the dead have additional problems from AIDS to brain tumors. If you have Chinavirus and die of cirrhosis of the liver then good news! Your liver was fine!

Caveat, there’s a lot of contradicting information out there. Which is a third reason to be vengefully suspicious, when the people whose job is to report on this are going out of their way to confuse the sense out of anybody listening to them.

Breitbart News provided this data to the media spokesperson for the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation on Friday and asked if they could explained why the IHME model’s projections of regular hospital beds needed is so badly off the mark from actual beds required for COVID-19 patients up to April 2 but has not yet received a response.

Don’t hold your breath, Breitbart, or you might die of COVID-19.


Stop The Nag-A-Virus!

Now THIS is a quarantine that I can support!

Malaysian Government Advises Women Not to Nag Husbands During Lockdown

By Nate Church, 1 April 2020

Uh-oh. This was published on April Fool’s Day. But NPR confirms!

A government advisory in Malaysia is facing widespread backlash after instructing women to dress up, wear makeup, and not nag their husbands during quarantine.

In the wake of the southeast Asian country’s lockdown, Malaysia’s Ministry for Women, Family and Community Development published a series of posters to Facebook and Instagram, under the hashtag “WomenPreventCOVID19.” The posters urged women not to nag their husbands and to avoid being “sarcastic” when asking for help with household chores. It also encouraged working women to dress up and wear makeup, avoiding “home clothes.”


Translation: Don’t wear sweat pants. Do wear makeup. And behave professionally. I assume the bun is optional, however.

The Malasyian government clearly did not anticipate the overwhelmingly negative response to the bizarre initiative. “How did we go from preventing baby dumping, fighting domestic violence to some variant of the Obedient Wives Club?” one person asked.

“Avoid wearing home clothes. Dress up as usual, put on make-up and dress neatly. OMG! This is what Rina, our Minister of Women, Family & Community Development thinks is important during the #COVID19 lockdown?” complained another.

You have NO IDEA, female!

Advocacy groups see a larger societal problem with messaging like this during a time when all of humanity is trying to unite against our common, invisible foe: “[It] is extremely condescending both to women and men,” All Women’s Action Society manager Nisha Sabanayagam told Reuters. “These posters promote the concept of gender inequality and perpetuate the concept of patriarchy.”

By Tuesday, the Ministry relented, taking down the posts and claiming that they were simply an effort at encouraging people in “maintaining positive relationships among family members during the period they are working from home.” Nevertheless, they also pledged to “remain cautious in the future.”

We don’t need a military. We need to draft America’s feminists into a Biddy Brigade. No government can stand against weaponized female whining!

But there’s a legitimate question of whether we could maintain control of it.

Meanwhile, governments and advocacy groups around the world are looking toward a problem that is all too real: The dangerous risks of increased domestic violence when abusive partners are trapped at home with their victims. Or, as one such group tweeted in response to the absurdity, “Where is the one telling men to not beat your partners at this difficult time?”

The Super Bowl Lie resurrects! Remember that one, when feminist groups claimed that domestic violence rates peaked during Super Bowl commercial breaks? When men got up, stretched their legs, bashed their wife’s face into an omelet, then sat back down to holler at the referee?

Our leaders have stupid levels of foolish. The workplace was one of the few places for henpecked men to escape the extreme stress of feral wives. Confining them to wifey’s incessant nagging…

“When are you going to get a job and support me?”

“When the quarantine ends, dear.”


…may indeed increase the rate of domestic violence of men against the women…

…who overwhelmingly deserve it.


The Quarantined Mercenary Rant

Now that the quarantines are being extended until May… I expect they will be extended until Election Day in November so politicians can make full use of confused, panicked voters… the Man-Up shaming has begun. I want to work and play and get fresh air, and that’s crazy talk according to the properly credentialed experts!

This plague marks the first time I’ve ever been called selfish for wanting to do my job. It’s not selfish for the elderly to shut down the entire economy for their personal safety. It’s not selfish for the banksters to get trillions in bailout money because the stock market stopped going up. It’s not selfish for the politicians to claim that their refusal to take preventative measures is irrelevant to their demands that I take drastic measures. But it IS selfish for me to continue earning money & paying taxes by keeping society’s infrastructure intact for another year.

And yes, it’s drastic for me to go without my conveniences. They’re my only reward for cooperating with society at all. See, the Roman Empire didn’t give its people bread and circuses to distract them. The Empire locked its own people out of the halls of power while still being dependent upon their cooperation. In that situation, the people became mercenaries rather than citizens. Citizens will occasionally suffer for the good of their society because they’re a part of that society, but mercenaries? Mercenaries just get paid. You don’t want to be around a mercenary whose monthly check bounced. Ordering him to suck it up for the good of YOUR society (not his society) will make that situation even worse.

Give me my Danegeld, ye who despise my existence yet need my services!

I have no representation in my government. Unwelcome at every church I’ve attended. No woman wanted me. Can’t afford a home because the banksters keep the market values inflated and the immigration spigot wide open. I’m a second-class citizen in my own country by the decree of the State and the voluntary cooperation of every leader in every sector of society. And now, they all want me to confine myself to my room like an inmate, at my expense unlike an inmate, until they say otherwise, for THEIR safety, while I selfishly insist upon earning the food I eat.

I’ve never been so tempted to play with matches.

What’s the big deal, anyway? What makes the Chinavirus any different from the typhus they have in their own City Hall, or the hepatitis rampant in the slums, or the dozens of incurable, disgusting diseases they voluntarily ejaculate into each other’s assholes? I laugh at Jew York having a full one-third of North America’s Chinavirus victims. Look who’s been in bed with the Commie Chinks! California’s Bay Area has way more Chinese people and is half the distance to China yet our troubles are trivial by comparison. (Currently, the score is NYC’s 1,046 deaths [population 8.5M] to Santa Clara County’s 30 [pop. 2M].)

Self-cleaning oven!

What are the conveniences I demand for my continued participation in society? A paycheck, obviously. Evenings spent with friends over board games. Weekends at the beach getting fresh air and exercise. A gym to keep healthy with. Events like the Scottish Festival and demolition derbies. Tasty food. So unreasonable! If a few hundreds of thousands of old farts need to risk death so I can keep getting those conveniences then… now that I think about it… I am perfectly okay with that. Knowing that that “hundreds of thousands” figure is almost certainly a lie spewed by that Jesuit, Fauci, is mere sauce on my schadenfreude.

I could have been a part of society. I wanted to be part of society. I had much to offer society. But they did not want me and there was nowhere I could go that did want me. Fine, then. I’ll default to being a mercenary.

But mercenaries get paid, Mister Powers That Be, and not in sob stories. Don’t take my conveniences away and don’t expect me to care about YOUR survival beyond the point that I, personally, deem appropriate for my own purposes.

Thank You, Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie

I read with discouragement that Trump signed the $2,200,000,000,000 “Your Politician CARES About You Reelecting Him In Six Months” Act. It’s loaded with so much pork that Trump and Pelosi cooperated on it!

But then I saw a little side comment… about a no-name Representative from Kentucky who nearly derailed the bill single-handedly, and possibly killed his career trying to stop this monetary atrocity.

Who was that masked man?

Thomas Massie. Knowing he’s a politician, what strikes me first about his face is that the skin color is patchy. That’s the skin of a man who 1. gets a lot of outdoors sun and 2. is not obsessed with his appearance. Two facts making him very unlike the average politician. Bonus for not having thick-framed Problem Glasses.

A narrow nose suggests a lack of social energy. Lots of right angles to his face on top of the rest of my observations makes me peg him as a high-functioning nerd.

Sourced from his political homepage. This pic is not going to age well and you’ll read why in a minute. Notice he was amateur enough at having his picture taken for glasses-glare to ruin this otherwise plaque-worthy photo… and uncaring enough to publicly post it regardless. Yep, he’s got to be a nerd.

U.S. Representative Thomas Massie entered Congress in November 2012 after serving as Lewis County Judge Executive. He represents Kentucky’s 4th Congressional District which stretches across Northern Kentucky and 280 miles of the Ohio River.

U.S. Representative Massie attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he earned a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering and a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering.


During school, he invented a technology that enabled people to interact with computers using their sense of touch, and leveraged that technology to found SensAble Technologies, Inc., which raised over $32 million of venture capital, created 70 jobs, and obtained 29 patents. The hardware and software he developed is now used to design automobiles, jewelry, shoes, dental prosthetics, and even reconstructive implants for wounded soldiers.

In Congress, Thomas serves on two committees: the House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure and the Committee on Oversight and Reform. The House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure has jurisdiction over roads, bridges, mass transit, railroads, aviation, maritime and waterborne transit. Thomas’s selection to the Oversight and Reform Committee puts him in a position to hold the federal government accountable to taxpayers.

A humble posting until Chinavirus hit.

Thomas lives on a cattle farm in Kentucky with his wife and high school sweetheart, Rhonda, and their four children. He’s honored to be able to serve the citizens of Kentucky’s 4th District.

A nerd who managed to breed. Some guys have all the luck.

“Weapons bans and gun-free zones are unconstitutional. In speeches, legislation, and through my votes in Congress I continuously make the point that gun-free zones make law-abiding citizens less safe.

“I support President Trump’s efforts to stop illegal immigration and voted to fund the wall for the full amount requested by the President.”


“The Government has no right to be snooping without a warrant through your digital records and communications any more than they do through your filing cabinet at home. I’ve also sought to protect American technology companies from being forced to create “backdoors” or introduce vulnerabilities to their security systems.”

Better! He’s going a bit further than the usual talking points AND he notices the Deep State!

“Congress has recklessly given up its Constitutionally delegated “power of the purse.” I’ve urged Speakers Boehner, Ryan, and Pelosi to return to regular order, and I have voted against every single one of their Omnibus funding bills they have passed.”

That’s not even a talking point. Calling out how Congress shirks its Constitutional responsibilities is going off the plantation of Business As Usual!

Dear God, please clone Massie. But maybe that’s why You gave him a young wife?

I enthusiastically supported and voted for President Trump in 2016, I have vigorously defended him against the impeachment sham, and I will be working to re-elect him in 2020 as an Honorary State Chair of the 2020 Kentucky Trump Victory team.

Um, about that…

Donald Trump: Throw Thomas Massie out of Republican Party

By Charlie Spiering, 27 March 2020

President Donald Trump berated Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) on Friday, demanding the Republicans throw him out of the party for obstructing the massive coronavirus rescue package.

[From Trumps’s Twitter account on 27 March]

“Looks like a third rate Grandstander named @RepThomasMassie, a Congressman from, unfortunately, a truly GREAT State, Kentucky, wants to vote against the new Save Our Workers Bill in Congress. He just wants the publicity. He can’t stop it, only delay, which is both dangerous & costly. Workers & small businesses need money now in order to survive. Virus wasn’t their fault. It is “HELL” dealing with the Dems, had to give up some stupid things in order to get the “big picture” done. 90% GREAT! WIN BACK HOUSE, but throw Massie out of Republican Party!”

Oh, yes, however could we benighted Dirt People survive without our Ivory Tower leaders ruling us from Moscow for their own benefit?

“By empowering the Radical Left Democrats, do nothing Kentucky politician @RepThomasMassie is making their War on the 2nd Amendment more and more difficult to win (But don’t worry, we will win anyway!). He is a disaster for America, and for the Great State of Kentucky!”

Yes, please. Do nothing. In the hard calculus of survival, letting the elderly take the bad end of an Act of God originating in their Most Favored Nation would have been a much better fate for America than mortgaging the future of everybody but the elderly in America.

Doing nothing is exactly what Congress, and President Trump, should have done after not caring to take any preventative measures. Chinavirus isn’t hemorrhagic fever or drug-resistant Bubonic Plague. Everybody sane who watched America’s industrial muscle get siphoned off to the Third World saw this plague coming from upwards of fifty years ago. We just didn’t know which plague it would be. Turned out to be Bat Chink Soup.

Calling Massie a Do-Nothing because he refused to support a cosmically unbalanced overreaction to a minor national crisis is high praise to Massie. Few politicians are so worthy… even fewer want to be.

Massie is expected to force a roll call vote in Congress on the $2 trillion emergency funding bill, requiring members of Congress to rush back to Washington instead of passing the bill unanimously by a voice vote.

In a voice vote, no names go on the official record as supporting or rejecting the bill. The cowards in the House didn’t want to leave fingerprints on their crime… not that a unanimous voice vote gives them much wiggle room.

If Massie demands a quorum, 216 members of Congress are needed to return to Washington to pass the bill.

The Kentucky congressman shared an image of text from the Constitution on Thursday, suggesting that he would demand a quorum.

It appears that Massie believes that members of Congress should be required to record a vote on one of the biggest spending bills in the history of the country.

Makes sense to me, when passing one single bill will double the government’s annual budget. Especially when we didn’t have $2.2T sitting around for a rainy day.

But Trump described him as a “disaster for America” for holding up the vote.

It’s not like Trump to be so nervous about delivering on the pork. His (((allies))) must have been yanking hard on his leash.

Massie also reportedly called the White House on Friday morning to discuss his position but it is unclear whether they spoke.

The associated link was dead; happens a lot with articles that quote heavily from social media. Whoever said “the Internet never forgets” was not a well-connected Congressman. But seeing as Massie didn’t convince Trump of anything, it was probably a falling-out kind of conversation.

Massie isn’t the only man who was hopeful then disappointed by Trump’s Presidency.

Most members of the House of Representatives left town last week after passing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s $150 billion spending bill to help fight the coronavirus.

Oops, that should have been “$2.4T sitting around for a rainy day”. And check back tomorrow for the revised revised figure!

The Washington political establishment was sharply critical of Massie’s threatened political stance.

“It is quite the statement of his character that Thomas Massie is legitimately threatening the health of his colleagues, many in their 60s or 70s even 80s, for a stunt on a bill he knows is going to pass,” wrote Brendan Buck on Twitter, a former aide for Speaker John Boehner and Speaker Paul Ryan. “I hope no one forgets what he’s done here.”

“Risk of infection and risk of legislation being delayed. Disgraceful. Irresponsible,” wrote an angry Rep. Peter King on Friday morning.

Full tweet: “Heading to Washington to vote on pandemic legislation. Because of one Member of Congress refusing to allow emergency action entire Congress must be called back to vote in House. Risk of infection and risk of legislation being delayed. Disgraceful. Irresponsible.”

Nothing, but nothing scares a Real American like the government taking emergency action. Massie is Good People.

An early response to the full tweet: “I’m an essential teacher who has to go to work today. So if I can do it, you Ivory Tower occupants can do it. My son is still working, my husband is still working, my brothers, sisters-in-law, my dad, my cousins, my friends are still working in harms way, so do you job.” Barbie has more courage than Rep. King!

Even Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told reporters she would probably not demand a recorded vote on the stimulus

”There’s just a lot of members whose lives are at risk right now,” she said.

Yeah, at risk of missing out on the biggest barrel of free bacon since the previous bank bailout in 2010.

Former Secretary of State John Kerry called Massie an “asshole.”

“Congressman Massie has tested positive for being an asshole,” he wrote on Twitter. “He must be quarantined to prevent the spread of his massive stupidity. He’s given new meaning to the term #Masshole.”

Again, let’s hear the whole tweet:

“Breaking news: Congressman Massie has tested positive for being an asshole. He must be quarantined to prevent the spread of his massive stupidity. He’s given new meaning to the term #Masshole. (Finally, something the president and I can agree on!)”

Left and Right both hated, HATED Massie for blocking their reelection gravy train. They’re all the same, they’re all parasites at heart. Some don’t want to kill the host, is all.

Except for Massie. Thank you, Tom!

‘Frankly, he should resign.’ NKY congressman Massie’s coronavirus comments receive backlash from primary challengers

By Julia Fair, 16 March 2020

Northern Kentucky U.S. congressman Thomas Massie blasted novel coronavirus precautions taken by governments on his social media platforms this week.

His posts from Facebook and Twitter knocked the cautionary steps governments took to slow the spread of the pandemic. He called for the private sector to solve testing issues, said eliminating dine-in options at restaurants would “lead to worse public health outcomes than if they had remained open,” and was one of the 17 Republicans who didn’t vote on the Coronavirus Relief Bill.

“When this is over, I fear FDR’s internment of Japanese-Americans is going to look like a ‘light touch.’” he wrote on Facebook Monday morning. President Trump announced at a press conference later in the afternoon that people should avoid crowds larger than 10 people.

The candidates who want to unseat Massie denounced his comments as the number of confirmed novel coronavirus cases in Kentucky rose to a total to 25, as of Monday evening.

25 Cases and zero deaths is clearly a pandemic! And Julia, it’s CHINAvirus not “novel coronavirus”. We see you kowtowing to Beijing.

Todd McMurtry, a Republican running against Massie in the rescheduled June 23 primary election, called his actions “shameful,” in a statement sent to The Enquirer and added “Frankly, he should resign.”

A Harvard-educated trial attorney. Not my people.

“I stand by all of my social media posts,” Massie told The Enquirer.

Massie said McMurtry’s comment was “laughable,” defended his comments and pointed to the thousands of likes and shares the posts got as a sign that they were well received.

Yes! Exactly! Stand your ground and don’t apologize to the anklebiters!

McMurtry said Massie’s posts weren’t appropriate for a crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic.

“He brags about his ‘sass,’ calling himself ‘Sassy Massie,’ but these times and our current needs demand someone who is serious,” McMurtry said. “What we need from our representative is competence and hard work.

And trillions of free dollars!

“Massie has failed us. It’s time for a change.”

The two Democrats vying for the Democratic party nomination for the congressional seat, Alexandra Owesnby and Shannon Fabert, also criticized Massie.

“I’m Dr. Alexandra Owensby. I’m running for US Congress against Thomas Massie in Kentucky District 4. As a single mom and a nurse, I will fight to make sure we get affordable healthcare and fight for rights of the middle and working classes! Get on Board!” -from her Twitter

A nurse, not a doctor. Her degree is “Doctor of Nursing Practice”. As a single mom, she’s a worthless piece of skank-ho shit.


‘We need representation that looks and feels like us,’ Candidate vies for Dem nomination to unseat Rep. Thomas Massie in 2020

Heavy makeup and borderline sampan eyes.

Shannon Fabert likes to keep a close eye on Northern Kentucky politics. She’s watched the election cycles heat up and cool down, observed candidates and took notes. This time she decided it was time to stop observing campaign herself. Fabert, 41, of Burlington, threw herself into the Democratic primary for the 4th Congressional District to unseat incumbent Republican Rep. Thomas Massie. Start the day smarter. Get all the news you need in your inbox each morning. “Congress belongs to the people and I think we need representation that looks and feels like us,” Fabert told The Enquirer.

Hmm, she doesn’t look brown or black. That heavy makeup at work? Massie looks like me and has a background like mine, so that must be why I like him so much. It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with him taking his oath of office seriously enough that this feral bitch has a chance to unseat him because Kentucky’s parasites want my their money.

Fabert, a newcomer to politics, described herself as a moderate with a few progressive ideas.

She’s a hardline Marxist but still wants a man to fight her battles.

Her background is rooted in business consulting, which included a stint at Jack Casino when it was named Horseshoe Casino.

A hooker with a heart of gold?

Fabert will face Democratic candidate Alexandra Owensby of Fort Thomas in the May primary election. Both woman want to unseat conservative Massie who has represented the district for seven years. The district covers Boone, Campbell, Kenton, Pendleton and Gallatin, stretching into into 15 more counties. Previous Democrats haven’t gotten close to beating Massie. In 2018, Democratic candidate Seth Hall got about 34% of the vote when he ran against Massie. Fabert grew up in Memphis, Tennessee. Her work brought her to Pennsylvania until she and her husband moved to Northern Kentucky 10 years ago. The Burlington residents like to play golf and typically cook meals at home with their 9-year-old Old English Sheepdog, Hines. When they do […]

End segue. That background doesn’t sound right. It’s a two-working-parent household that typically cooks meals at home?


Meet Shannon

Born in San Francisco, California, I moved around with my parents to various states in the South until they settled in Memphis when I was nine.

Aha! A lot of fat, woke wimminz in politics with kitchen-bitch husbands come from my Commiefornia.

Growing up in my house, I’ve always been politically aware with a uniquely inclusive perspective. I am the child of an immigrant and veteran who as a child was thrust into the Civil Rights Movement. I grew up with stories of activism as a family history.

Translation: ghetto rat. Hmm, she does look like London Breed.

I grew up believing that our best leaders worked hard and respectfully to represent all of their constituents, not just the ones that voted for them nor for special interests.

That’s how stupid she is. She “grew up believing that our best leaders worked hard and respectfully to represent all of their constituents”. As opposed to actual acts of leadership and stewardship, like Massie.

“I believed that these elected officials rose up from humble beginnings with altruistic intentions.”

She has retarded levels of stupid.

I don’t mind that the effort to delay or derail the bill failed. Massie tried hard enough that he might lose reelection as a direct result. Every saint of Christ understands what it’s like to suffer for doing good.

You did right by America, Representative Massie!


Baby Boomer Tipping Point

One wonders how the Baby Boomers are reacting to Chinavirus, if they really are driving it as frantically as indicated by groceries dedicating their opening hours to BBs getting first pick of the restock. This article is part Boomer Bashing and part examination of their curiously apocalyptic pseudo-Christianity.

Wallace Henley started out as a journalist in the 1960s, then did 22 years in Congress and the Nixon Presidency, becoming a Christian partway through that, and is now the middle management senior associate pastor at Second Baptist Church in Houston. Sounds like a good pick to hear the Boomer perspective from.

Eyebrows thick at the outside but not inside signal a managerial mindset, as opposed to “visionary” mindset. He definitely looks like a Baby Boomer in that picture, especially with that head tilt.

Wait, if he’s a Boomer then shouldn’t he be much more geriatric than that?

Ahh, there we go. A screen shot from one of his youTube videos. SOMEBODY isn’t facing old age with grace and acceptance.

Perfect for today’s purposes.

The tipping point for churches: The strategic remnant (pt. 2)

By Wallace Henley, 25 March 2020

Don’t sweat Part I.

When the accumulation of sin brings nations to the tipping point of judgment, who is there to stabilize them and bring them back from the precipice?

Your kids smothering you with a pillow? Because those sins didn’t accumulate on their own. Henley opens up with a plea for somebody to wash his sins away. This could have been a “come to Jesus” moment for him except Jesus’ price is repentance. Exactly which sins have brought America to the tipping point of judgment and who committed them?

That might have been the most-asked question in ancient Amorite society when it reached that critical fourth generation when its sins became “full” and caused God to remove His shielding hand. (Genesis 15:16)

Even though I rate myself as a theologian, that was such an obscure reference that I had to look it up. Context is God’s prediction of the Egyptian captivity. Gen. 15:16 “In the fourth generation your descendants will come back here, for the sin of the Amorites has not yet reached its full measure.”

One, there’s no mention of a “shielding hand” of God. That image is not in Scripture. Two, God didn’t remove His protection from the Amorites. He took personal credit for butchering them. Exodus 33:2 “I will send an angel before you and drive out the Canaanites, Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites.

If, as you say, Wally, your ‘nation’s’ sins have reached the tipping point then it’s too late to beg for mercy. The fourth generation from yours would be… Generation Z. Z for Zyklon. Sounds right.

Now, millions every morning scan their news feeds for some sign of deliverance from a ravaging virus and a collapsing global economic system. It seems to an apocalyptic moment has come upon us when the global order is shattering before our eyes. Civilizations appear to be disintegrating as described in Revelation 18.

Let’s see… for California thus far, this “ravaging virus” has killed… 11 people out of fifty million or so. Wally thinks the Rapture is at hand because of it? More Boomers than that have died by volunteering with “Habitats for Humanity”. Or is he thinking of the poor Communist Chinese? The downtrodden overseas that you’ll never meet are far more worthy of your concern than your State kidnapping your son’s children because he got angry at his feral wife!

The level of solipsism required to believe the End of Reality is upon us because Grandpa’s Generation is on the cusp of dying off is astonishing. I blame television. Everybody getting their perspective of the outside world fed to them by the same Big Three Commie networks did a lot to promote an in-group culture more powerful than the bonds of family.

Not that I’m looking to excuse the unrepentant. I just don’t want to see it happen again. Subsequent generations… X, Millennial, Z… are indeed splitting into distinct halves, defined by acceptance or rejection of the mainstream Narrative. Which is still a single-sourced document despite having many mouthpieces.

The haunting question underlying all our anxieties is this: What lies beyond the tipping point?

Instead of big-butt useless churches like yours, Wally, we’ll have real-deal Christians showing the world by personal example what it means to follow Christ the True. Probably by dying in the Coliseum for its entertainment and risking plague to defend the innocent.

Genesis and Isaiah give the answer — tohu (formless chaos) and bohu (desolate emptiness). (Genesis 1:1-2) Apollyon — the destroyer — aims to weaken the nations, shake kingdoms, make the world a wilderness, overthrow its cities, and entrap people in dark addictions, suffocating sins, terror and hopelessness. (Isaiah 14:12-23)

That sounds EXACTLY like what you Boomers did to the entire world. Or if you prefer, you Boo-hoo Troopers? …nah, forget it. The Left still can’t meme.

When Sodom and Gomorrah came finally to the tipping point, God gave Abraham a key that could have also saved the Amorites in their day, and us in ours. “Lord… suppose there are only ten righteous people there,” asked Abraham. “Then I will not destroy it for the sake of ten,” God replied. (Genesis 18:32 NLT)

Suddenly we are face-to-face with the answer. When our nations are at the tipping point there is a strategic remnant that has the authority to pull whole societies back from the precipice and release the blessings of God upon suffering people.

Okay, enough Boomer Bashing. Time for serious theology. Jesus is New Testament, not Old Testament. “God punishing the nations” is Old Testament. New Testament is every man standing before God individually. No more tribe, no more corporate identity.

Corporate identity being the Baby Boomers’ central fault, they naturally gravitate to an Old Testament understanding of God. But they do that in defiance of Christ, not in acceptance.

God toys with nations as He wishes. Some He elevates, some He tears down and rarely because they deserve it. The idea that God stands by to smite the peasants if the barons choose to disobey Him is completely unChristian. That’s the concept of “whipping boy” and it’s pure arrogance for Wally to demand salvation for himself by the efforts of third parties.

The innocent and righteous suffer because of how our (Boomer) leaders maltreat us, not because God is punishing us for “the nation’s” crimes. Thus, Wally can stuff the point of his tipping up his wrinkly, diapered ass.

By the way, God debating with Abraham over Sodom’s fate? That wasn’t God sparing the wicked because they had ten hostages. That was God rubbing in how depraved San Francisco was. Sodom, I mean.

God to Abraham: “Okay, fine, if there’s just one single righteous man in the city then I’ll spare them all.”

Abraham: “Thanks, God! That’ll be enough.”

God to Lot: “Flee the city and don’t look back.”

The strategic remnant principle is found in every historic season revealed in the Bible. Noah was a remnant man in his age, one we should study intensely. In Noah’s time God stopped the frenetic dash to the tipping point through the Flood. There is a sense in which we are again under a global deluge.

Jesus said that a time would come “as it was in the days of Noah” when the people “did not understand until the flood came and took them all away…” (Matthew 24:39). We seem to be in such a moment when the flood is upon us, and suddenly has taken much away.

That was a tipping point? God regretting He ever made humanity and drowning us all like rats? Something He promised not to do a second time?

The Lord said there would be “many tribulations” mounting to a great tribulation before His return to restore the world to its original mint condition, and establish the manifest rule of His kingdom of righteousness, peace, and Spirit-given joy in the earth. (Romans 14:17)

Original mint condition? God’s depiction of His remaking the Earth was the first literary description of atom-smashing. “The elements will burn in fire.” This current reality is the diaper of our spiritual infancy. It will not be renewed because it will not be needed, and humanity’s crusty old turds like “Stairway to Heaven” will not be remembered.

We are certainly living in one of the “many tribulations” periods. Jesus also gave a vital promise to nations living in such a time. Speaking of the ultimate tribulation, the Lord says that “unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.” (Matthew 24:22)

It doesn’t count as a “tribulation” unless you end up skipping a meal. *GunnerQ looks at groceries with their Boomers-only hours* Yeah, no. We working stiffs who lost our work in order to guarantee you an ICU bed should you get a sore throat? That’s more what a tribulation is.

Does Wally think his generation is “the elect” of the End Times? What God was saying in that verse is that absent Christ’s return, humanity will exterminate itself down to the last human being. He was not saying that there was a special group of humans deserving of His protection.

Jesus gave the “keys of the kingdom” to the church, not the White House, Whitehall, Kremlin, Beijing, or any other human institution of power. (Matthew 16:13-20)

You arrogant piece of pastor shit. Did you not notice that your wooden box is itself a human institution of power?

But what is the real church?

The frivorced husbands. The women staying loyal to their men against all whispers. The children who refuse to grow bitter and feral after the devil rips their family apart. The unwanted men keeping society running, the wives despised for being happy at home. The people who instead of demanding Sky God make their problems go away, endure unjust suffering because that’s the example Christ set.

The real Church is the people you forgot about, Pastor Wally.

The authentic church is Jesus-centered (carrying on His incarnational ministry in the world), Spirit-energized (producing the fruit of God rather than human imitations), Word-anchored (not tossed about by every “wind of doctrine”) and Kingdom-envisioning (not focused merely on its narrow interests and preferences).

Wally’s “authentic church” is a State-compliant NGO with authentic mission statements shat by authentic boards of directors. Meanwhile, real churches order women to cover their heads and obey their husbands without qualification.

Such churches are made up of remnant people. Jesus Himself, in His great prayer for His disciples in John 17, indirectly reveals their characteristics:

Jesus has manifested the name of the Father to remnant men and women so they don’t know Him merely in a generic sense, but in personal relationship

Christianity is personal only in the sense of personal salvation, which puts the lie to “sins of the nations”. We could go Charismatic at this point but instead, notice Pastor Wally isn’t Charismatic. He’s just babbling about “Real Christians” versus mere Bible-thumpers with their Bible hangups.

Not an attitude one would historically expect from a Baptist church; however, a clear distinction has grown between “do what the Bible says” Christians versus the “personal relationship” Christians.

They are people to whom He entrusts the Word that the Father entrusted to Him

Credentialed clergy.

Remnant people are hated by the world because of their identification with Christ and His message

Piece of shit Senior Associate Pastor Henley doesn’t notice how much the world DOESN’T hate him. How many campuses does Second Baptist have? Six? Heavily persecuted, they are! He’s not even banned off youTube!

Remnant individuals are not “of” this world in the sense of their identification, nor do they belong to the world system that wants their allegiance

Remember that the next time you make use of Boomer Hours at the grocery, Wally. Also, remember that donations to your church are tax-deductible.

The remnant is not taken out of the world because the world is the place for their ministry. They are, however, pulled out of the “lump” that is the world to undergo transformation so they can be put back into the world to be catalysts of Christ’s transforming work.

No. Christianity is not something Christians do to not-Christians. It’s not even something Christ does to Christians. He wants us to become a certain type of person. That’s why “Christian” means “Christ-like”. Many of us are not in any position to “redeem the lost” or make disciples of Ethiopians or whatever the dreck du jour is. What, did Christ leave us here to suffer because His plans will fail without us?

Remnant men and women are commissioned by Christ to work under His authority in making disciples, baptizing people, and teaching them everything Christ teaches them, as they are going into the world

Credentialed clergy again. Wally, how many laymen perform baptisms at your Second Best Baptist? I’ll guess zero. How many laymen are allowed to teach in your church? I’ll guess zero. And if you attended seminary yourself then stop running your mouth about making disciples.

*checks* He’s worse than a seminary student. Wally is a seminary founder per this article!He is the founder of Belhaven University’s Master of Ministry Leadership Degree”. Memo to all prospective students, you can’t learn leadership of men from a college class any more than you can learn animal handling from National Geographic. Go manage a Burger King instead. Seriously!

Note carefully that while God created a professional clergy in the Old Testament, He did NOT in the New Testament. The example Christ set was apprenticeship, not institutionalization. Note also that the Levites were a complete failure as a loyal priesthood leading the nation to God.

Therefore, remnant people are set apart, dedicated for the continuation of the ministry of Jesus wherever they go in the world. So, as in the days of Noah there is a strategic remnant… with the authority (keys of the Kingdom) to yank us back from the edge.

Noah didn’t yank anybody back from the edge. God hated the wicked and killed them off. The Christian concept of “remnant” is simply the believers who survive the devil’s various pogroms. Often not without being badly affected by it, either. The first thing Noah did when he got off the Ark was plant a vineyard in order to get wasted drunk. Lot impregnated his daughters. And that prodigal son? The last word of that story was the patriarch reminding his loyal, eldest son that he would inherit everything… the prodigal would not.

Wally obviously flatters himself as the “strategic remnant” with this screeching about how everything is wrong with everybody else and God will protect the people exactly like him because he’s special.

God gave a reset, a system reboot, in Noah’s day. The worldwide Flood was a great instrument of redefinition. Our current global “flood” is also. God has allowed a sweeping planet-encompassing pause. The Lord of history will bring a new world, a new order out of the tohu-bohu…

Seriously, Pastor Wally? You end this article with a call for a New World Order? It is little wonder that apocalyptic “only God’s special chosen will survive unharmed” theology fascinates the insular, self-absorbed Boomers. Most of us legit Christians have enough trouble just treading water these days and not because the Boomer Remover is menacing every gas pump handle.

We have trouble because we ACTUALLY aren’t of this world. Meaning in part, that we aren’t among the fools looking up to Wally for salvation.

We have trouble because we believe good & evil exist and alter our behavior accordingly. In all of Pastor Wally’s rantings, he never brought up the concept of evil and God punishing the wicked. Just “God removing the shielding hand from the Amorites when their tipping point came”.

Those of us that God does consider special, He treats us cruelly. He send us through the Valley of Death because He believes we can make it through. He’s not here to win hearts and minds like the Bush Dynasty. God is here to see if we will still love Him when He costs us everything.

By contrast, the Amorites that Wally brought up went unpunished until the very end.

Most of all, we have trouble because the Baby Boomers hogging the reins of power don’t even think of their own descendants as human beings worthy of their concern. Will their successors be Squatemalan parasites, H1b Hindus or their own children? Meh, whichever. We’re all just the grease that keeps their stock investments up.

Screw your “strategic remnant”, Pastor Wally. Screw your “everybody jump into Noah’s Ark” delusions of escaping mortality and screw your New World Order. I would not want your escape even if the offer was real. We can take nothing from this world except our honor and our devotion; should we leave this mortal world untested?


The Nuclear Family’s Replacement

While I doubt the Chinavirus will fully convince Normals of globalism’s evil, the sight of families spending time together has triggered at least one globalist pundit into honesty.

The Nuclear Family Was a Mistake

By David Brooks, March 2020 issue

The scene is one many of us have somewhere in our family history: Dozens of people celebrating Thanksgiving or some other holiday around a makeshift stretch of family tables—siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, great-aunts. The grandparents are telling the old family stories for the 37th time. “It was the most beautiful place you’ve ever seen in your life,” says one, remembering his first day in America. “There were lights everywhere … It was a celebration of light! I thought they were for me.”

The oldsters start squabbling about whose memory is better. “It was cold that day,” one says about some faraway memory. “What are you talking about? It was May, late May,” says another. The young children sit wide-eyed, absorbing family lore and trying to piece together the plotline of the generations.

After the meal, there are piles of plates in the sink, squads of children conspiring mischievously in the basement. Groups of young parents huddle in a hallway, making plans. The old men nap on couches, waiting for dessert. It’s the extended family in all its tangled, loving, exhausting glory.

As visions of Heaven go, that one comes closer than most.

This particular family is the one depicted in Barry Levinson’s 1990 film, Avalon, based on his own childhood in Baltimore. Five brothers came to America from Eastern Europe around the time of World War I and built a wallpaper business. For a while they did everything together, like in the old country. But as the movie goes along, the extended family begins to split apart. Some members move to the suburbs for more privacy and space. One leaves for a job in a different state. The big blowup comes over something that seems trivial but isn’t: The eldest of the brothers arrives late to a Thanksgiving dinner to find that the family has begun the meal without him.

“You cut the turkey without me?” he cries. “Your own flesh and blood! … You cut the turkey?” The pace of life is speeding up. Convenience, privacy, and mobility are more important than family loyalty. “The idea that they would eat before the brother arrived was a sign of disrespect,” Levinson told me recently when I asked him about that scene. “That was the real crack in the family. When you violate the protocol, the whole family structure begins to collapse.”

What a selfish, arrogant prick, to demand that all should suffer for his whimsy…. but the author said the family did wrong? I don’t see that story’s relevance to how families break up, which today is typically variations on “wifey got bored”. Not because the eldest son wasn’t properly kowtowed to.

As the years go by in the movie, the extended family plays a smaller and smaller role. By the 1960s, there’s no extended family at Thanksgiving. It’s just a young father and mother and their son and daughter, eating turkey off trays in front of the television. In the final scene, the main character is living alone in a nursing home, wondering what happened. “In the end, you spend everything you’ve ever saved, sell everything you’ve ever owned, just to exist in a place like this.”

A place like… America? If David doesn’t like living here then there are six other continents. I recommend Central Africa for its total lack of white, male Christians.

This is the story of our times—the story of the family, once a dense cluster of many siblings and extended kin, fragmenting into ever smaller and more fragile forms. The initial result of that fragmentation, the nuclear family, didn’t seem so bad. But then, because the nuclear family is so brittle, the fragmentation continued. In many sectors of society, nuclear families fragmented into single-parent families, single-parent families into chaotic families or no families.

By design. We all can point to the laws and NGOs whose stated purpose was making that fragmentation happen. The nuclear family did not fall; it was pushed. Betrayed.

If you want to summarize the changes in family structure over the past century, the truest thing to say is this: We’ve made life freer for individuals and more unstable for families. We’ve made life better for adults but worse for children. We’ve moved from big, interconnected, and extended families, which helped protect the most vulnerable people in society from the shocks of life, to smaller, detached nuclear families (a married couple and their children), which give the most privileged people in society room to maximize their talents and expand their options. The shift from bigger and interconnected extended families to smaller and detached nuclear families ultimately led to a familial system that liberates the rich and ravages the working-class and the poor.

Yes, yes, congratulations on the success of your Long March. Problem, however: extended families are made up of nuclear families. How is it that Brooks can champion the one against the other?

This article is about that process, and the devastation it has wrought—and about how Americans are now groping to build new kinds of family and find better ways to live.

Buckle up for his vision of Brave New World!

Part I: The Era of Extended Clans

Through the early parts of American history, most people lived in what, by today’s standards, were big, sprawling households. In 1800, three-quarters of American workers were farmers. Most of the other quarter worked in small family businesses, like dry-goods stores. People needed a lot of labor to run these enterprises. It was not uncommon for married couples to have seven or eight children. In addition, there might be stray aunts, uncles, and cousins, as well as unrelated servants, apprentices, and farmhands. (On some southern farms, of course, enslaved African Americans were also an integral part of production and work life.)

That was a frontier situation… not something that was going to last and certainly not the One True Way to raise a family.

Steven Ruggles, a professor of history and population studies at the University of Minnesota, calls these “corporate families”—social units organized around a family business. According to Ruggles, in 1800, 90 percent of American families were corporate families. Until 1850, roughly three-quarters of Americans older than 65 lived with their kids and grandkids. Nuclear families existed, but they were surrounded by extended or corporate families.

It took a village to raise a child!

Are we talking about Baby Boomers not being cared for by their kids, David? Open THAT can of whoop-ass, I dare you.

Extended families have two great strengths. The first is resilience. An extended family is one or more families in a supporting web. Your spouse and children come first, but there are also cousins, in-laws, grandparents—a complex web of relationships among, say, seven, 10, or 20 people. If a mother dies, siblings, uncles, aunts, and grandparents are there to step in. If a relationship between a father and a child ruptures, others can fill the breach. Extended families have more people to share the unexpected burdens—when a kid gets sick in the middle of the day or when an adult unexpectedly loses a job.

A detached nuclear family, by contrast, is an intense set of relationships among, say, four people. If one relationship breaks, there are no shock absorbers. In a nuclear family, the end of the marriage means the end of the family as it was previously understood.

That is not true at all. Brothers are still brothers. Nephews still have uncles. If you lose one parent then you still have the other.

The second great strength of extended families is their socializing force. Multiple adults teach children right from wrong, how to behave toward others, how to be kind. Over the course of the 18th and 19th centuries, industrialization and cultural change began to threaten traditional ways of life. Many people in Britain and the United States doubled down on the extended family in order to create a moral haven in a heartless world. According to Ruggles, the prevalence of extended families living together roughly doubled from 1750 to 1900, and this way of life was more common than at any time before or since.

Bullshit. We colonial Americans/Englishmen did not look to the family for a moral haven. We looked to Christ Jesus, our Creator. Accept no substitute deity!

You want to see extended family, check out the clans of Scotland. Early America was nowhere close to that level of extended family.

During the Victorian era, the idea of “hearth and home” became a cultural ideal.

No. The nuclear family was created by God Himself, from the beginning. Genesis 2:24 “For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.” Grandpa is not a factor in that. The clan chief is not a factor in that. The husband symbolizes Christ and the wife symbolizes humanity.

Does Brooks reject the father’s leadership of his family as a symbol of rejecting Christ’s leadership of humanity?

The home “is a sacred place, a vestal temple, a temple of the hearth watched over by Household Gods, before whose faces none may come but those whom they can receive with love,” the great Victorian social critic John Ruskin wrote. This shift was led by the upper-middle class, which was coming to see the family less as an economic unit and more as an emotional and moral unit, a rectory for the formation of hearts and souls.

But while extended families have strengths, they can also be exhausting and stifling. They allow little privacy; you are forced to be in daily intimate contact with people you didn’t choose. There’s more stability but less mobility. Family bonds are thicker, but individual choice is diminished. You have less space to make your own way in life. In the Victorian era, families were patriarchal, favoring men in general and first-born sons in particular.

Victorian England did a lot of things wrong but household idols wasn’t one of them. Did Brooks really quote a social critic to describe Victorianism? *Checks* Ruskin was involved in a famous love triangle when his wife fell in love with another man and sought an annulment on grounds that Ruskin had, after years, never consummated their marriage. Ruskin even confirmed it! I would not trust his perspective on Victorian family life.

As factories opened in the big U.S. cities, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, young men and women left their extended families to chase the American dream. These young people married as soon as they could. A young man on a farm might wait until 26 to get married; in the lonely city, men married at 22 or 23. From 1890 to 1960, the average age of first marriage dropped by 3.6 years for men and 2.2 years for women.

That’s not family breakup. It’s simple math: if a man has many sons and divides his farmland equally between them, then in only a couple generations his descendants will own uselessly tiny acreage.

Thus, all of the farm is given to just one of the sons, typically the firstborn. The other sons either leave the farm or work for their brother.

One reason for the marriage age dropping was because young men had more money because of factory work. That’s why they went to the city in the first place, for well-paying jobs. Henry Ford didn’t send press gangs into the countryside.

The families they started were nuclear families. The decline of multigenerational cohabiting families exactly mirrors the decline in farm employment. Children were no longer raised to assume economic roles—they were raised so that at adolescence they could fly from the nest, become independent, and seek partners of their own. They were raised not for embeddedness but for autonomy.

This is a recurring point that Brooks makes. He doesn’t like men having independence.

By the 1920s, the nuclear family with a male breadwinner had replaced the corporate family as the dominant family form. By 1960, 77.5 percent of all children were living with their two parents, who were married, and apart from their extended family.

The Short, Happy Life of the Nuclear Family

For a time, it all seemed to work. From 1950 to 1965, divorce rates dropped, fertility rates rose, and the American nuclear family seemed to be in wonderful shape. And most people seemed prosperous and happy. In these years, a kind of cult formed around this type of family—what McCall’s, the leading women’s magazine of the day, called “togetherness.” Healthy people lived in two-parent families. In a 1957 survey, more than half of the respondents said that unmarried people were “sick,” “immoral,” or “neurotic.”

Because sex. We were a Christian nation and God says no sex except in marriage. Marital status was thus a proxy for sexuality. They took it too far, of course, and hated bachelors as well as homosexuals.

During this period, a certain family ideal became engraved in our minds: a married couple with 2.5 kids.

A stereotype, not an ideal. Planned Parenthood wasn’t yet around to provide that half of a kid.

When we think of the American family, many of us still revert to this ideal. When we have debates about how to strengthen the family, we are thinking of the two-parent nuclear family, with one or two kids, probably living in some detached family home on some suburban street. We take it as the norm, even though this wasn’t the way most humans lived during the tens of thousands of years before 1950, and it isn’t the way most humans have lived during the 55 years since 1965.

Today, only a minority of American households are traditional two-parent nuclear families and only one-third of American individuals live in this kind of family. That 1950–65 window was not normal. It was a freakish historical moment when all of society conspired, wittingly and not, to obscure the essential fragility of the nuclear family.

Unlike today when all of society conspires, wittingly and not, to sabotage the nuclear family? Since 1965, coincidentally? How can Brooks claim the nuclear family was essentially fragile when the government had to make hideously expensive efforts (read: the welfare system) to replace it?

Here’s a Ward Cleaver family ideal that Brooks didn’t bring up: a man’s home is his castle. That concept isn’t just gone, it was criminalized.

How like a Socialist to create the very problems he then uses to justify Socialism! First, scum like Brooks outlawed fatherhood, now he says fatherhood doesn’t work because there aren’t any fathers left. What we need is more government in the families! It takes a village to raise a child! We can’t trust a father to stick around for his kids, not when we destroy every one we find!

For one thing, most women were relegated to the home. Many corporations, well into the mid-20th century, barred married women from employment: Companies would hire single women, but if those women got married, they would have to quit. Demeaning and disempowering treatment of women was rampant. Women spent enormous numbers of hours trapped inside the home under the headship of their husband, raising children.

For another thing, nuclear families in this era were much more connected to other nuclear families than they are today—constituting a “modified extended family,” as the sociologist Eugene Litwak calls it, “a coalition of nuclear families in a state of mutual dependence.” Even as late as the 1950s, before television and air-conditioning had fully caught on, people continued to live on one another’s front porches and were part of one another’s lives. Friends felt free to discipline one another’s children.

No. Men disciplined their own children and unless you were exceptionally tight with him, taking that duty upon yourself was a gross violation of… paternal rights.

Yeah, I’m picking up LOTS of hostility for the concept of a man raising his own children as he sees fit.

In short, the period from 1950 to 1965 demonstrated that a stable society can be built around nuclear families—so long as women are relegated to the household…


…nuclear families are so intertwined that they are basically extended families by another name…

That’s oxymoronic. “Nuclear families can work when they’re basically extended families.” And again, extended families are made up of nuclear families. This is like arguing that steel is good because it doesn’t contain iron.

and every economic and sociological condition in society is working together to support the institution.

Fuck your whore-mother, David, and fuck your “every economic and sociological condition in society” Convergence. That’s what YOU do, not US.

Brooks, you aren’t even talking about extended families, are you? You’re talking about government services that replace the father’s position in a nuclear family, that’s what your “extended family” is all about.


But these conditions did not last. The constellation of forces that had briefly shored up the nuclear family began to fall away, and the sheltered family of the 1950s was supplanted by the stressed family of every decade since. Some of the strains were economic. Starting in the mid-’70s, young men’s wages declined, putting pressure on working-class families in particular. The major strains were cultural. Society became more individualistic and more self-oriented.

If being individualistic and self-oriented a bad thing then get back in the kitchen, Barbie, and prepare for Nookie Night!

Ohh, I see. “Society” only means men. Women didn’t abandon their families for the Eat, Pray, Love life in the Seventies, they were… liberated, or something.

People put greater value on privacy and autonomy. A rising feminist movement helped endow women with greater freedom to live and work as they chose.

QED! “Society became self-oriented” but “women were endowed with greater freedom”.

A study of women’s magazines by the sociologists Francesca Cancian and Steven L. Gordon found that…

Skip. A study of womens’ magazines informed Brooks’ beliefs that fatherhood is bad? I know he’s a pathological liar for the New York Slimes but that’s just sad.

Eli Finkel, a psychologist and marriage scholar at Northwestern University, has argued that since the 1960s, the dominant family culture has been the “self-expressive marriage.” “Americans,” he has written, “now look to marriage increasingly for self-discovery, self-esteem and personal growth.” Marriage, according to the sociologists Kathryn Edin and Maria Kefalas, “is no longer primarily about childbearing and childrearing. Now marriage is primarily about adult fulfillment.”

David Brooks, can you PLEASE cite a non-Jew? Besides a Victorian freak and Cosmo magazine? I’ve been biting my tongue at how you approach American family life from, apparently, the inside of a kibbutz. You even started this article with a depiction of Russian Jewish family life made by a Jewish film director about how terrible life among the Gentiles is. It’s so horrible that you keep staying here! You care nothing about the Christians whose nation you live in, whose nation your people have repaid evil for good, whose beliefs you killed and now fault for being killable.

Go home, you xenophobic Christ-killer. Go home to HELL and take your feminists with you!

This cultural shift was very good for some adults, but it was not so good for families generally.

It was good for nobody, not even the feminists who dare not admit they were wrong.

Over the past 50 years, federal and state governments have tried to mitigate the deleterious effects of these trends. They’ve tried to increase marriage rates, push down divorce rates, boost fertility, and all the rest. The focus has always been on strengthening the nuclear family, not the extended family. Occasionally, a discrete program will yield some positive results, but the widening of family inequality continues unabated.

Over the past 50 years, the problem got worse while the government ‘tried to help’. Hmm.

Skipping ahead to what Brooks proposes by way of solution,

The most interesting extended families are those that stretch across kinship lines. The past several years have seen the rise of new living arrangements that bring nonbiological kin into family or familylike relationships. On the website CoAbode, single mothers can find other single mothers interested in sharing a home. All across the country, you can find co-housing projects, in which groups of adults live as members of an extended family, with separate sleeping quarters and shared communal areas. Common, a real-estate-development company that launched in 2015, operates more than 25 co-housing communities, in six cities, where young singles can live this way. Common also recently teamed up with another developer, Tishman Speyer, to launch Kin, a co-housing community for young parents. Each young family has its own living quarters, but the facilities also have shared play spaces, child-care services, and family-oriented events and outings.

The kibbutz. Holy sheet, he wants to re-model American family life into the freaking kibbutz. I didn’t know how right I was when I made that slur.

Courtney E. Martin, a writer who focuses on how people are redefining the American dream, is a Temescal Commons resident. “I really love that our kids grow up with different versions of adulthood all around, especially different versions of masculinity,” she told me. “We consider all of our kids all of our kids.” Martin has a 3-year-old daughter, Stella, who has a special bond with a young man in his 20s that never would have taken root outside this extended-family structure. “Stella makes him laugh, and David feels awesome that this 3-year-old adores him,” Martin said. This is the kind of magic, she concluded, that wealth can’t buy. You can only have it through time and commitment, by joining an extended family. This kind of community would fall apart if residents moved in and out. But at least in this case, they don’t.

Pedophile Central!

As Martin was talking, I was struck by one crucial difference between the old extended families like those in Avalon and the new ones of today: the role of women. The extended family in Avalon thrived because all the women in the family were locked in the kitchen, feeding 25 people at a time. In 2008, a team of American and Japanese researchers found that women in multigenerational households in Japan were at greater risk of heart disease than women living with spouses only, likely because of stress. But today’s extended-family living arrangements have much more diverse gender roles.

THAT *IS* THE STRESS!!!! “Women who live our Brave New lifestyles die younger of heart attacks, true, but the living arrangements have much more diverse gender roles!”

The modern chosen-family movement came to prominence in San Francisco in the 1980s among gay men and lesbians, many of whom had become estranged from their biological families and had only one another for support in coping with the trauma of the AIDS crisis. In her book, Families We Choose: Lesbians, Gays, Kinship, the anthropologist Kath Weston writes, “The families I saw gay men and lesbians creating in the Bay Area tended to have extremely fluid boundaries, not unlike kinship organization among sectors of the African-American, American Indian, and white working class.”

Disgusting, loathsome mockeries of God’s work! This is wrong, evil, pure evil. Sodomy has never defined a relationship. It’s an abomination specifically because it’s a perversion of the natural order.

And QED again, Brooks’ “new families” will be Pedophile Central.

Over the past several decades, the decline of the nuclear family has created an epidemic of trauma—millions have been set adrift because what should have been the most loving and secure relationship in their life broke. Slowly, but with increasing frequency, these drifting individuals are coming together to create forged families. These forged families have a feeling of determined commitment. The members of your chosen family are the people who will show up for you no matter what. On Pinterest you can find placards to hang on the kitchen wall where forged families gather: “Family isn’t always blood. It’s the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile & who love you no matter what.”

Behold Satan’s endgame for us.

Brooks believes that nuclear families are bad because the father leads them. Extended families, and forged/chosen/homopedosexual families, are ‘good’ because fathers are either controlled by third parties or nonexistent. Typical for both a Socialist and an atheist Jew, David Brooks’ fundamental problem with family life is God the FATHER.


No-Bail Release for Medical Supplies Grand Theft

Forcing medical personnel to go without safety masks during a national crisis is a non-violent crime!

Vladislav Drozdek

Meet Vladislav Drozdek. That’s not frizzy hair, that’s untrimmed hair. He lacks social skills & awareness. He’s not antisocial nor a loner, necessarily, but a guy who simply doesn’t care about others’ perception of him. That’s commonly associated with high intelligence but his eyebrows are either rounded for social or angled for conflict. Eyes aren’t hooded, either.

Vladislav Drozdek: Oregon Man Stole Thousands of N95 Masks, Cops Say

On March 6, 2020, workers at The Rebuilding Center at 3625 North Mississippi Avenue noticed that about 25 cases of N95 respirator masks were missing and called the police. The Rebuilding Center is a non-profit organization that salvages reusable building materials for sale at massive discounts and teaches classes on carpentry, plumbing and electrical.

Each case contained about 400 N95 masks. The 25 cases were valued at about $2,500, the Portland Police Bureau explained in a news release. The day after reporting the theft to police, a worker at The Rebuilding Center spotted the stolen masks for sale on Craigslist. She arranged a meet-up with the seller in Beaverton, Oregon, and alerted the police. Officers with the Beaverton Police Department were the ones who arrived at the meet-up and arrested Vladislav V. Drozdek on March 7 without incident.

His victims found him in the first place they looked. Not smart is confirmed.

Drozek has been charged with one felony count of “Theft in the First Degree by receiving.” He was booked into the Washington County Jail, but released two days later on his own recognizance. Public records with the Oregon Judicial Department do not list an attorney for Drozdek.

He walked free after being charged with grand theft? Of medical supplies during a medical quarantine? At this rate, when the Left Coast goes full Venezuela the black market won’t even be a criminal operation.

I feel vaguely cheated, somehow.

Vladislav Drozdek has been accused of stealing medical supplies that were not meant for public use. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, surgical N95 respirators are meant for medical professionals in order to protect them from “high velocity splashes, sprays, or splatters of blood or body fluids.”

The N95 respirators have a much tighter fit than regular face masks and filter out at least 95 percent of particles in the air. By comparison, a face mask guards the wearer against “large droplets.” If the person wearing the face mask is sick, the mask protects others from the wearer’s “respiratory emissions.”

Huh, so that’s what the jargon means. One would think more journalists would care to explain the occasional buzzword. Nah, that would involve asking questions… and we all know what happens to Party Members who ask questions.

Vladislav Drozdek has been charged multiple times in Washington County for traffic violations dating back to 1996, according to the Oregon Judicial Department. His citations include instances of failing to wear a seat belt, failing to obey a traffic control device, and speeding. In a 1998 case, court records show Drozdek did not show up to a scheduled court hearing but ultimately paid a fine of just $150.

In 2007, Drozdek pleaded “not guilty” to charges of reckless driving and recklessly endangering another person. He was convicted and ordered to complete 40 hours of community service. He was also placed on probation for 18 months and his driver’s license was suspended.

Based on a search of online records, it is unclear whether Drozdek may have had a financial motive for selling the N95 respirator masks. There are no bankruptcy cases, evictions or liens against any properties he may own. Heavy has requested a copy of the arrest report, which may indicate whether Drozek is employed.

“He just doesn’t care about society” is confirmed.

Highway patrol: “Are those $70k in medical supplies in your backseat?”

Drozdek: “I got lucky at Costco. No receipt, sorry.”

Patrol: “Wow. Anyway, the reason I pulled you over is because your registration is expired, your license is suspended and you have multiple outstanding warrants for traffic offenses.”

Drozdek: “Yep. I’m guilty as sin. So, what’s my bail going to be set at?”

Patrol: “… … …Please slow down. Your driving is reckless.”


Blasphemy: the Darius Tarver Shooting

Clergy have a real hard time being loyal to Truth over Lies. Sometimes, that’s important. And sometimes, that’s VERY important.

This story begins very man-bites-dog.

RIP Darius Tarver: Bodycam Of Police Shooting ‘Sharply Contradicts’ Cops’ Account

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By Adrian Moore, 11 February 2020

According to CBSDFW.COM, Tarver was shot and killed by Denton, Texas, police during an early morning confrontation at an apartment complex back on Jan. 21. Tarver was a University of North Texas student and according to the cops, he was approached by responding officers around 3 a.m. at The Forum at Denton Station apartments after residents called 911 about a guy who was banging on doors and yelling for someone to let him in. Occupants also said the man was breaking light fixtures with a frying pan in the breezeway.

He wuz goot boy, gwan to college. Sounds more like a tweaker on a bender.

Police say Tarver was holding a cleaver and frying pan once they arrived and they claim he ignored commands to drop the items and instead started advancing towards the cops. Police said they tasered Tarver but he was able to rise back up. “Then he charged full-on, at some point stabbing an officer in the shoulder,” Denton Police Chief Frank Dixon said.

A cop then fired his gun multiple times, hitting Tarver at least once. Tarver was taken to the hospital where he passed away. Meanwhile, the officer who was reportedly stabbed was taken to the hospital and treated for non-life-threatening injuries.

Cause of death, failure to comply, sentence enhancements for holding a weapon and the taser not working.

Despite the police report, Tarver’s father isn’t buying the officers’ full stories, according to lawyer S. Lee Merritt. “Tarver’s father, a McKinney Police Department chaplain was allowed to see the bodycam from the shooting and believes it sharply contradicts official narratives,” explained Merritt in a tweet.

Da cops shot him cuz he was frying bacon while black!

Wait, Tarver had a father in his life?

And Daddy was a police chaplain who said the cops lied?


According to WFAA, Tarver survived a terrible car accident just a week earlier when the roads were icy that day, according to family. The accident put him in the ICU and he was released from the hospital the following day. His family shared concerns that Darius might’ve been released too early and the accident might’ve changed him.

The car was totaled and Darius took a selfie of himself in the ICU.

An overnight stay in the hospital is common practice for head injuries, to make sure there’s no sudden personality changes or internal bleeding. So yes, this attorney’s story might well be true.

The story of him being honestly brain-damaged, mind you, not the story of police murdering him in cold blood. Get your stories straight, peeps. Was he shot because he acted crazy or because the cops were trigger-happy?

“Police were called when Tarver was observed breaking overhead lightbulbs with a skillet,” Merritt continued in his tweet.

One emergency call was from Daruis’ roommate, complaining that Darius had barricaded him inside his bedroom while babbling Christian gibberish.

“This behavior was consistent with the extreme sensitivity to light and difficulty with impulse control resulting from a severe impact to the brain. Police encountered Tarver muttering to himself while carrying a frying pan. Tarver did not immediately comply to commands to drop the pan. Denton PD officers responded by firing a taser that caused Tarver to writhe in pain. When the taser failed to take Tarver to the ground he was instead shot several times by a responding officer.”

Writhing in pain is when the taser works… not the situation here. He left out “Darius charged the cops” between the taser deployment and the gun deployment.

Tarver family is set to hold a press conference on Tuesday where Tarver’s father will “describe the body cam and outline false statements given by police in the official narrative,” according to Merritt. Other members of law enforcement, local government, clergy and the UNT student body is also set to speak and condemn the shooting.

Darius was a tragedy but his priest-father committed blasphemy when he made a false accusation against the group he shepherded, after watching the bodycam that proved his words would be lies. “My race right or wrong” strikes again.

The tilt of his eyelids makes me a little suspicious but their heaviness is typical for blacks. He is definitely his son’s father, however, which is a refreshing novelty.

Daddy citing bodycam footage motivated the police chief (also black) to call his lie out.

Climax begins at the five-minute mark. The play-by-play:

Darius comes down the stairs holding frying pan but not the reported meat cleaver. Acts odd but nonviolent. Refuses to drop the frying pan.

*Taser doesn’t work*

Enraged, Darius draws the cleaver and charges at cops. One shot puts him down screaming. Butcher knife falls to the side, easily visible.

Police stop shooting and begin securing the scene.

Darius gets up, charges cops again.

More shots. KIA.

There’s nothing different the police could have done within the constraints of standard procedures.

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Denton Police Chief Frank Dixon said Thursday at a news conference that after listening to residents call the officers involved in a Jan. 21 shooting death “murderers” and “suspects” at Tuesday’s City Council meeting, he felt it was time to provide the facts to prevent further civil unrest or violence.

Dixon showed body camera footage during the news conference Thursday at the Denton Public Safety Training Center. The chief said he wanted to present the facts to the public because he couldn’t let false and inaccurate information continue to spread, of which he said citizen commentary at Tuesday’s City Council meeting was the tipping point.

“This is simply the right thing to do at the right time,” Dixon said, adding that police aren’t releasing the video to cater to anyone. “But it’s been suggested that we’ve been delaying the release of this video because we have something to hide. That’s absolutely not the case.”

Although the police would prefer to not release the video yet to avoid disrupting their process — where a Denton County grand jury would hear the Texas Rangers’ investigation before the video was released to the public — Dixon said he can no longer stand by and allow inaccurate information to spread.

We’re not going to allow people, no matter if it’s for your personal agenda or your political aspirations and agenda, or even if you’re grieving, to say hateful things about our cops,” Dixon said. “It’s time for people to stop with the rhetoric, look at what happened and come together and make us a better community for it.”

A thumbs-up to Chief Dixon, who made the correct decision to break standard procedures in order to protect his men from false accusations… from a police chaplain!

Chaplain Kevin Tarver blasphemed against God. Hypocrites like him are why non-believers think Christ is a meaningless joke.


DC Snipers: The Consequences Of No Fathers

My older readers will remember the DC snipers, John Allen Muhammed and Lee Boyd Malvo, who in 2002 put the nation’s capitol on lockdown with a crime spree of 17 murders and 10 attempts. Today, you get to learn the rest of that incredibly Red Pill story.

Let’s start with a recap.

The D.C. sniper attacks (also known as the Beltway sniper attacks) were a series of coordinated shootings that occurred during three weeks in October 2002 in the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia. Ten people were killed and three others were critically wounded in the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Area and along Interstate 95 in Virginia.

The snipers were John Allen Muhammad (aged 41 at the time) and Lee Boyd Malvo (aged 17 at the time), who traveled in a blue 1990 Chevrolet Caprice sedan. Their crime spree, begun in February 2002, included murders and robberies in the states of Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, and Washington, which resulted in seven deaths and seven wounded people; in ten months, the snipers killed 17 people and wounded 10 others.

In September 2003, Muhammad was sentenced to death, and in October, the juvenile, Malvo, was sentenced to six consecutive life sentences without parole. In November 2009, Muhammad was put to death by lethal injection.

In 2017, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit vacated Malvo’s three life sentences without parole in Virginia on appeal, with re-sentencing ordered pursuant to the Supreme Court’s ruling in the case of Miller v. Alabama, 567 U.S. 460, 132 S.Ct. 2455 (2012), which held that mandatory life sentences for juvenile criminals without possibility of parole violated the Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Fortunately, the fact that life sentences can still be applied to juveniles when not mandated by law means Malvo is still serving multiple lifes.

Investigators and the prosecution suggested during pre-trial motions that Muhammad intended to kill his second ex-wife Mildred, who he felt had estranged him from his children.

SECOND ex-wife?

Muhammed’s crime spree began with wifey taking his kids away. One of two stories I’ll be covering in a moment.

According to this theory, the other shootings were intended to cover up the motive for the crime. Muhammad believed that the police would not focus on an estranged ex-husband as a suspect if Mildred appeared to be a random victim of a serial killer. During the attacks, Muhammad frequented the neighborhood where she lived, and some of the incidents occurred nearby. Additionally, he had earlier made threats against her. Mildred herself said that she was his intended target. However, Judge LeRoy Millette Jr. prevented prosecutors from presenting that theory during the trial, saying that a link had not been firmly established.

If the judge hadn’t silenced the angle then the media surely would have.

While imprisoned, Malvo wrote a number of erratic diatribes about what he termed “jihad” against the United States. “I have been accused on my mission. Allah knows I’m gonna suffer now,” he wrote. Because his rants and drawings featured not only such figures as Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, but also characters from the film series The Matrix, these musings were dismissed as immaterial. Some investigators reportedly said they had all but eliminated terrorist ties or political ideologies as a motive.

I doubt it’s a coincidence that Muhammed migrated north to the Beltway after giving up on murdering his ex. When he couldn’t revenge himself against his ex, he revenged himself against the System. Which might explain Malvo’s Matrix scribbles, if Muhammed had used it as a metaphor.

Nonetheless, in at least one of the ensuing murder trials, a Virginia court found Muhammad guilty of killing “pursuant to the direction or order” of terrorism.

At the 2006 trial of Muhammad, Malvo testified that the aim of the killing spree was to kidnap children for the purpose of extorting money from the government and to “set up a camp to train children how to terrorize cities,” with the ultimate goal being to “shut things down” across the United States.

Unlikely because no effort to kidnap children was actually committed. But one can see how Malvo might have got that idea, with Muhammed being “activated” by the loss of his kids.

We’re done with the recap. Let’s do Muhammed’s story first.

Ex-wife of D.C. sniper details abuse

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By Jerry Mitchell, 10 February 2017

I can’t say much about her physiognomy because she uses too many cosmetics. Eyelids, nose and mouth seem very typical for her ethnic group.

Mildred Muhammad still bears the spiritual scars from her days she spent married to John Allen Muhammad, otherwise known as the “D.C. sniper,” who along with Lee Boyd Malvo killed at least 17 people.

She spoke Friday at Jackson State University about the abuse she suffered in her marriage and the events leading to his killing spree, which she documents in her “Scared Silent” book.

Her husband was a happy person, but when he returned from the 1991 Gulf War, his personality changed, she said. “He was angry all the time, and he was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder.”

Could be either legit PTSD or coming home to find Tyrone in his bed.

Strife entered their marriage and the business they ran together, she said. “He would pick everything apart that I did and said that I wasn’t smart. Nothing I did was good enough. Everybody was more important than me.”

Occam’s Razor, she got accustomed to running the business in his absence and didn’t want to hand it over upon his return.

At a party, where people discussed marriages, he announced he never would have gotten married if he had it to do over again.

When she asked why, she said he replied, “It’s mind over matter. I don’t mind because you don’t matter.”

In 1999, she and her children separated from him. Although she received a restraining order against him, he still had weekend visitations with the children.

He obviously wasn’t a threat to his kids.

In March 2000, he was scheduled to bring the children back to her after a weekend visit. Instead, he abducted the children and left for Antigua, where they interacted with Malvo, then 14.

Arrested for fraudulent immigration, Muhammad, the children and Malvo went back to the U.S., where she received custody of the children.

This time, she changed her name and clothes and went into hiding.

Months after that hearing, people began to die across the U.S. in random, unexplained shootings.

A year after that hearing, she watched television and saw the shootings that began to take place in the D.C. metro area.

She was horrified, but she was more worried about what her ex-husband might do to her.

She received a call from an official from the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, informing her that her ex-husband was the D.C. sniper and that a man had been killed right down the street.

Federal authorities asked if she realized she was the target — a thought that chilled her.

Muhammad had tried to attack her at the courthouse, and she said he had told her that she was his enemy and that “as my enemy, he would kill me.”

In 2009, Muhammad was executed, and Malvo is now serving six life sentences without parole.

Judge Millett was a feminist piece of lying shit to not allow that timeline of events at trial. This was not Sudden Jihad Syndrome. This was a father driven mad by his children being taken away from him.

Maybe the typically-fatherless Left doesn’t understand what that can do to a father. Maybe they’re too concerned with how White veterans might react to their children being kidnapped under color of law to remember the Black veteran who actually did react.

Interesting that while his natural kids were seized, Malvo was left to him. Per

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they met while Muhammed had an affair with Malvo’s mother, who had apparently moved to Antigua in her own grab-the-kids-and-run. One thing about fathers, they get addicted to being married. Even after nasty divorces, they often go wife-hunting yet again.

Mildred said she has learned many lessons through the experience, including that “you have to love yourself more than you love your abuser. It is that emotional attachment that keeps you there.”

With a bitch-wife holding THAT attitude, any husband would have chronic anger.

She learned, too, that if women need to leave, they should tell only one trusted friend, she said. “Any more than one will get back to the abuser.”

Mildred had been talking shit against her husband behind his back. NO WONDER he was chronically angry and regretted ever marrying.

Many people fail to take domestic violence seriously, she said, because they believe “what goes on at home stays at home.”

The truth is, she said, the violence doesn’t stay at home.

Violence doesn’t happen at all if the children stay home. Female empowerment to seize children away from their father will incite wrath in Daddy like little else can. All those protective instincts get fired up then pushed against each other when it’s the wife he wants to protect harming the children he wants to protect. The stress of that has pushed many men into violence that they wouldn’t otherwise do, from the Beltway Sniper to the hog farms of Iowa.

Speaking of pigs from Iowa…

DC sniper Lee Malvo gets married in prison

By Louis Casiano, 10 March 2020

The Red Pill hits just keep coming!

Lee Boyd Malvo, who is serving life in a Virginia prison for his role in a 2002 sniper spree that left 10 people dead in the Washington, D.C., area, got married earlier this month.

The ceremony between Malvo, 35, and an unidentified woman took place at Red Onion State Prison, said Carmeta Albarus, who has served as an adviser and mentor for Malvo.

Her inner face (nose, mouth, eyes) is almost the same size as her outer face shape. That suggests a thin-skinned, reactive personality. Frizzy hair even by Negro standards (indicating disorderly thoughts) suggests that psychological counseling in a Supermax prison is probably the last thing she should be allowed to do.

(Frizzy hair can mean creativity instead of crazy. Albert Einstein had frizzy hair, for example. But I doubt Carmeta is a talented artist in her spare time.)


Carmeta Albarus, a former school teacher in Jamaica, is the President and Founder of CVA Consulting Services Inc., a forensic social work firm based in Harlem, New York. Ms. Albarus has, since 1989, worked as a consultant within the criminal justice system gaining national prominence as a death penalty mitigation expert. Within this framework, she has been qualified as an expert in social history investigations and psychosocial assessments in both state and federal court. Her work has resulted in hundreds of clients being spared the death penalty, most notably that of the ‘Washington D.C. sniper’ case of Lee Boyd Malvo. She has appeared on CNN, BET, Larry King Live, E!T V, MSNBC, the History Channel, and other television stations. Ms. Albarus is the author of ‘The Making of Lee Boyd Malvo, The DC Sniper’. Published by Columbia University Press, the book was named as one of the top books on justice for 2012 by the Atlantic. In addition, she is the co-author, along with Joan Pinnock, Esq. and Alvin McLean of the “Handbook for Jamaicans Coming to the United States: A Key to a Successful Future” published in 2017.

Translation, Carmeta is an expert in sparing the lives of Jamaican murderers. Malvo was himself born in Jamaica. A disaffected, unwanted white man might call that racism. A pundit might wonder if she’s in New York because her work made her unwelcome in Jamaica.

“Over the past 17 years, he has grown despite his conditions of confinement,” she said in a phone interview. “He has grown into an adult, and has found love with a wonderful young lady. … It was a beautiful ceremony.”

God bless the paparazzi, they cracked her identity within 72 hours. Fuck the CIA!

D.C. Sniper’s Jailhouse Bride Is a ‘Trust Fund Baby’ Turned Activist

13 March 2020

Lee Boyd Malvo, half of the two-man D.C. sniper team that killed 10 people in 2002, has found his “soul mate” in a wealthy political activist who spent a short amount of time in jail herself following a Black Lives Matter protest.

Malvo, 35, married Sable Noel Knapp, 30, in a low-key civil ceremony in Virginia’s Red Onion State Prison on March 6, according to a marriage certificate filed in the Wise County Circuit Court.

Twu wuv… to an androgyne! After 17 years of incarceration, even mystery meat starts looking good. I’ll say it again, execution is a kindness. The guilty don’t have to live without hope, the innocent don’t have to live with unnecessary expenses and professional victicrat SJWs like Carmeta have to get honest work.

Knapp, part of a prominent Iowa family of property developers and power brokers, has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to political causes. However, the self-described “trust fund baby” has spent her adult years passionately advocating for social equality, wealth redistribution, and racial justice.


Knapp with her witch-faced mother. Where’s Daddy?

Knapp lists her profession as a writer’s assistant living in Portland, Maine. Her grandfather, Bill Knapp, runs one of Iowa’s biggest real-estate companies and is responsible for building some of Des Moines’ most iconic buildings. Her late father, Roger, was a professional tennis player in the 1980s.

I’ve seen this before, most recently with Mikaela Spielberg’s engagement to a professional darts player (and professional elephant trainer, which I’d thought had given the celebrity matchup hope. Alas, she’s already been arrested for domestic violence against him. BPDs are so misunderstood!). The pattern is that young women who are both wealthy and feral intentionally marry poor providers of minor status. Usually after having whored herself out to the poor providers of major status, the ones sexy enough that they either don’t have to settle for wedlock or know better than to settle for wedlock.

Roger died from complications of an aortic aneurysm. She’s legit fatherless but to judge from the face, her mother didn’t waste time accruing sexual mileage post-marriage.

Several buildings in Des Moines are named after the family, including the Knapp Center at Drake University, the Susan Knapp Amphitheater at the Iowa fairgrounds, and the William C. Knapp Emergency Department & Trauma Center at Iowa Methodist Medical Center.

Knapp, however, appears to have rejected much of her family’s lavish lifestyle and instead involved herself in grassroots activism. She did not respond to The Daily Beast’s requests for comment.

On Thursday, Roger Knapp’s widow, Kem, told The Daily Beast: “I’m just gonna remain silent about the whole [marriage] thing.”

A sane, caring mother would have vocally opposed Sable’s hybristophiliac marriage to a convicted murderer, done specifically because she was raised to champion non-whites such as herself. Kem is a total failure as a parent.

The Washington Post first reported on the marriage but did not identify Knapp. Craig S. Cooley, one of Malvo’s attorneys, told the Post the bride was “a very impressive young lady. Educated. Her eyes are wide open.”

Yes, very educated. So educated that she is not even female. So educated that she’ll throw away the family fortune to help a celebrity mass murderer escape justice. So educated that she hates her own people. So educated that she can’t even enjoy the comfortable life that fate has given her. Only modern education can create such a miserable, genderless, self-destructive sack of eyes-wide-shut, useless meat.

Attend, ye Baby Boomers! Sable is living proof that a good economy is NOT the definition of a happy, stable, successful society. She is YOUR success story, not mine and not God’s. She is disgusting.

[Cooley] said she started writing to Malvo about two years ago and began visiting him soon after that.

“She sees the good and sees Lee as I’ve always seen him, and I think the world would have seen him had Muhammad not taken over his life,” he said.

Let’s check on that “good” she sees.

I was born into wealth, and I benefit from government handouts

By Sable Knapp, 12 October 2017

Oh good, she’s confessing her crimes! Sort of. That IS why she wrote this, to confess her crimes… of white privilege.

When I was 18, I worked at a restaurant in Valley Junction and attended Des Moines Area Community College. It was a nice period of time. I had a steady routine and the elements of my life felt balanced.

If I did the math right, her father died within a couple months of this event. Not sure if before or after.

I was washing dishes at the restaurant one afternoon when a regular customer stopped in to eat lunch and vent his frustrations with the government.

He complained that lazy, undeserving college kids such as myself were squandering his tax dollars. I listened intently to his rant, curious about the rationale of a man who called me lazy while I was at work.

His anger was palpable and I was shaken by his words. He made the types of disparaging remarks that are often aimed at the working class. When he berated others for their use of government assistance programs, my heart hurt as a trust fund baby, the real welfare queen.

Worthless Baby Boomers can’t see past their own navels. Unfortunately, the story doesn’t continue to give us any context. Sable only reported it as an example of the guilt she feels for being wealthy, which is misplaced guilt because she was still willing to do honest work.

Poverty is not a virtue. Wealth is not a crime. Laziness is a sin whether it’s inheritance or welfare enabling it. But none dare call it sin.

I am grateful for my family and the access I experience, while simultaneously feeling the magnitude of societal dysfunction and widening inequality. As someone who receives portions of a real estate development fortune, I benefit from the kinds of government handouts that make such substantial private profit possible.

That statement says a lot about her “education”.

Meanwhile, I see the way people I love are perpetually pushed back into the cycle of poverty even though they work hard, often at multiple jobs. I am not more deserving than others just because of the circumstances of my birth. There is no good reason I should benefit so excessively. I sure as hell don’t need a tax break.

Was she actually benefiting from a tax break at the time? I don’t know but can’t imagine it. As usual, women talk to experience emotions more than communicate facts.

What is behind America’s compulsory habit of demonizing the poor and praising the rich? This question requires a combination of soul searching and examining the structure of our economy. For America to have a healthy future, the American dream cannot continue to rest on the ability to take advantage of others in the name of profit.

Nobody demonizes the poor. Our government can’t empower the poor against the productive fast enough or far enough. Somebody is pumping lies into her head and probably not her father.

Oh, that’s right. She was attending community college at the time… her first steps into the world of Marxist indoctrination.

The economic strain on the working class and the middle class is the result of decisions made by the owning class. Traditional charity is not the solution to this issue. Charity is often dehumanizing and ineffective in the long term. Resources need to be directed toward eradicating the roots of injustice. When a pipe is leaking, a bucket can be helpful temporarily, but it is the pipe that needs to be repaired.

The transfer of resources by the resources’ owner, sure. Sable can use her inheritance to help those in need as much as she wants. But the transfer of resources by a central authority against the owner’s wishes is armed robbery. Even if it’s just taxation, it’s armed robbery unless the productive people who pay it are the ones who benefit from it.

Government is supposed to be a two-way street. It benefits the persons who pay into it. Government that benefits non-supporters at the expense of its supporters is perfect anarcho-tyranny.

In “Class Lives: Stories From Across Our Economic Divide,” Anne Ellinger writes, “Over time I developed this philosophy, which I found clarifying. There are aspects of ‘class privilege’ that really should be the rights of all: clean air and water, economic security, self-determination, meaningful work, good health care and education, to name just a few. When I’m ashamed of those privileges or hold back from enjoying them, I don’t help anyone; only working to assure their broader access helps. Other aspects of ‘class privilege’ really should be allowed to no one: the power to exploit others, to destroy natural resources, to waste, to assume your way is the only or best way, to be oblivious and arrogant. To call these very different things by the simple name ‘privilege’ obscures their profound difference and frequently stirs up paralyzing shame instead of motivating action.”

Ellinger is, per LinkedIn, a teacher for West Des Moines Community Schools… and therefore, almost certainly the Communist filling Sable’s head with these lies. Sable is not the brightest bulb in the office park to mindlessly believe what she’s told like that.

But that’s why she went to college, right? To be taught what’s important? If she went to find a husband then epic fail.

Class is not an easy topic to discuss, but by bringing it out into the open we can bridge the divide. By letting go of force and control, we can see a larger picture. With compassion, we can recognize that all of us have unique experiences and shared needs. Slowing down to connect on a human level, complete with our flaws and awkwardness, is a vital step in our healing and growth.

The article’s pic of Sable. Only a fag or a lifer would put a ring on THAT. Anne clearly doesn’t deserve all the blame for Sable being raised wrong.

Malvo is not a lucky guy. But if he makes parole in 2024, his first chance for it, then he’ll walk out of prison as a millionaire.

Matriarchy isn’t literal rule by women. It’s anti-patriarchy, the separation of power from responsibility, the servant ruling over her master. The hopelessly-deceived, arrested-development child leading the nation. (Looking at YOU, Greta Thunberg!)

Mildred took her husband’s children away from their father because she refused to submit when her husband returned from war.

Uma, Malvo’s mother, fled Jamaica to take Malvo away from a no-doubt “abuuusive” father. Forrr the chillldren! except for how it turned out.

The authorities covered up the Daddy issues, no doubt fearing that people would connect the dots between Toxic Masculinity and the authorities’ twisting the natural instincts of fatherhood.

Sable was raised by a vile mother and malignant college system after losing her father, and possibly before if he’d been chosen by wifey specifically because he was controllable… not to speak ill of the dead, but it’s an observable pattern. When she ended up with a criminal record for participating with a black extremist group (BLM at a protest in Portland, Maine), everybody praised her for her foolishness.

Malvo was taught, in prison no less, that he was being victimized by the System because it arrested him at too young of a young age and because he was black Jamaican… and furthermore, that murdering 17 innocents was bad but him being put to death in consequence would be completely unacceptable.

Is there one single way in which the saga of the DC Snipers is NOT a postcard of America’s matriarchy-fueled future? Money grossly misspent on sympathy for the devil while decent men are driven to desperate, violent action.

And driving it all, is fathers being torn away from their children.


Obey Your Teacher But Don’t Quote Her

I’ve sneaked back online for at least one posting. Permissions have been modified so people who have posted before can skip moderation.

It’s always fun, watching SJWs react to being held to their own standards after the utility to the Narrative has ended. They truly believe that rules don’t apply to them; reason #1 that I hope God serves popcorn on Judgment Day. Yesterday, they believed that exposing Badthink People with their Badthink beliefs was righteous. Today, they fear that quarantine-imposed distance education will force them to speak on the record about what they preach.

Professors worried students will share lectures with ‘right wing sites’

By Jon Street, 19 March 2019

Heheh. Luke 4:21 “And He began to say to them, “Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.””

Professors across the country are taking to social media to express their concern over being forced to deliver their course lectures online amid the coronavirus outbreak, sharing with each other tips on how to limit the number of people who are able to see what they’re teaching students, and criticizing “right wing sites” and even Campus Reform, specifically.

Texas Christian University Associate Professor of Political Science Emily Farris tweeted Thursday, “if you are recording a lecture on anything controversial, be prepared for right wing sites to ask students to share it.” Campus Reform reached out to Farris via Twitter Direct Messaging to allow her the opportunity to further explain her comments or to clarify. She later blocked the author of this article on Twitter.

What was not a controversial belief, from Emily Farris’ perspective, was her latest suicide attempt.


I’m not ‘mentally ill.’ I’m a student with depression.

By Emily Farris May 30, 2016

My best friend saved my life.

He didn’t push me out of the way of a car or jump in front of a bullet. It was much simpler than that. He saved me with his words.

Wow … just wow,” with a photo from the front page of a newspaper. He was making fun of a hideous newspaper cover. I was a newspaper designer. We shared photos of pages all the time.

Five hundred previous generations of men: “I love you.”

Millennial: “Wow… just wow.”

The words weren’t profound or groundbreaking, but I’ll never forget them. What they were was a reminder. Most importantly, they were an interruption.

I had the stash of pills. I had been storing them for awhile, but March 11 was the first time I had seriously thought about taking them. The round, white pills felt small in my hand, but I knew the damage they could do. I felt alone and dark, and in that moment, nothing could have been worse than the sharp edge of that pain.

But that message, three words that would seem insignificant to anyone else, including him, made me think twice. It reminded me of just how much I’d be leaving behind.

I threw the pills away. I didn’t want to be tempted to use them again.

When men commit suicide, they eat a gun. When women commit suicide, they eat half a bottle of aspirin and alert the media.

End segue

LaSalle University Assistant Professor of Public Health Christen Rexing replied to Farris’ tweet, asking why others could find topics such as “gun safety, women’s health, elections, etc.” to be “controversial, as they are “evidence-based.”

Reading the actual twit… tweet?… it’s what the right-wingers might find controversial that she’s worried about. And yes, there will be “controversy” and “discussion” about their disarming us and murdering babies. Possibly about witch-burnings, too.

“Seems like the flood gates could open,” Rexing commented in response to courses moving online.

Columbia University political science professor Jeffrey Lax said he has been “thinking about” how students would be able to record classes.

Actually, he pointed out that students can record their profs regardless. I’m not impressed with this author’s paraphrasing.

One would think Lax was a fan of recording what people say:


University administrator recorded saying there were ‘too many Jews’ on his staff – even though he himself is Jewish

By Ariel Zilber, 27 February 2017

A senior administrator at New York City’s public university system allegedly complained about ‘too many Jews’ on the faculty of one of the schools – even though he himself is Jewish.

Stuart Suss, a former interim president at Brooklyn’s Kingsborough Community College, was said to have made the remark to one of his professors, who then told a colleague while secretly recording the conversation, according to the New York Post.

On April 4, Jeffrey Lax, the chairman of Kingsborough’s Business Department, had a conversation with math professor Ronald Forman.

‘What did you hear him say?’ Lax asked Forman.

‘Oh, that there are too many Jews,’ Forman is said to have replied.

The revelations surfaced during litigation of a civil suit filed by Lax against Suss in Brooklyn federal court.

Suss serves as the vice president of academic affairs at the City University of New York’s (CUNY) Guttman Community College.

Lax is suing because he alleges that Suss made anti-Semitic remarks and cut down the number of Jews on the Kingsborough faculty.

Recap: Lax was the one making the secret recording when he asked Forman what the third party, Suss, had said in a different conversation… and then entered that secret recording as evidence against Suss in a civil rights lawsuit.

Now, Lax doesn’t want his statements to be recorded because third-party right wingers might get their hands on it. That is some very Lax projection.

End segue

Trinity College Associate Professor of Political Science Isaac Kamola who, as Campus Reform previously reported sought to hire a “Campus Reform Early Responder,” specifically mentioned Campus Reform in his reply to Farris.

“If Campus Reform harasses you or someone you know, the best response is to ‘follow the money.’ Campus Reform receives $1.4 million from the Leadership Institute, a Koch-funded organization designed to delegitimize academics they consider too left. They are not a new [sic] source,” Kamola tweeted.

You haven’t truly arrived as an agent of Good until Evil has called you out specifically. The Kochs haven’t pinged my radar yet because they’re simply that unimportant to the Manosphere. Methinks the Lefties need to believe that we’re a pack of weak men ruled by uncaring overlords just like them.

Their comical desperation to identify the Leader Of Gamergate lends credence, as did the efforts of France’s Macron to create tame “leaders” of the Yellow Vests.

[Rachel Michelle Gunter] whose website says they are a history professor at a “community college in North Texas” wrote, “I’m taking steps to limit this but nothing is foolproof.

Professor Trannie preaches, er, teaches voting advocacy for not-White Men.

Farris asked how Gunter was working to ensure her lectures are not made public, to which Gunter responded with one tip for her colleague.

“Instead of posting videos direct to LMS (which would then own them) I’m posting links to the videos on youtube. The videos themselves are ‘unlisted’ meaning you can’t find them in a search or if you go to my page-only if you have the direct link. Doesn’t stop link sharing though,” Gunter said.

I use the 4K Video Downloader program. Works great on youTube but not always with other sources such as Big Three network media.

Bonus tweet!

Someone mentioned here on Twitter having Disney soundtrack on their videos because then Disney would end up taking them down for copyright infringement.

-Leila Vieiera (couldn’t source her employment)

She must have been joking. Pirating Disneycorp IP in hopes that Disneycorp will take down us right-wingers for pirating their IP is so stupi*hic* We’re in trouble, guys. This devilishly simple plan will hurt us so much that God-Emperor Trump Himself might lose the November election! This will break the Internet!

[Shh, let’s see if they fall for it.]


Might Be Going Dark

California governments are locking down We the People Neither Chinese Nor Boomer and I don’t have Internet at home, so there’s a chance my blog will go dark for a couple weeks at no notice. Nothing to worry about; I went to the grocery yesterday hoping to watch a couple fights and they didn’t even have lines at checkout; but FYI.

Not looking forward to a month locked in my room. At least my wargame miniatures will get painted. Might have to break technically-not-a-quarantine a few times just to show how little I care about the governments that never cared about me. But sanity still might prevail.


Nachos, Rifles, Alcohol!

Homer Simpson’s spoof on the National Rifle Association’s acronym just became real per Breitbart.

Gun Sales Surging as Citizens React to Possibility of Civil Unrest over Coronavirus

The Los Angeles Times reports that gun stores are one aspect of the economy seeing a surge in business as Californians react to coronavirus news.

I’m shocked… that there are still gun stores in Los Angeles. It says so much that even the Woke don’t trust their God-Governments enough to face an uncertain future unarmed, to the point that gun sellers can remain profitable in the face of criminally malevolent regulation.

According to the LA Times, the line of customers at the Martin B. Retting Gun Shop in Culver City stretched out the front door and around the block on Saturday. Many of those in line waited five hours for their opportunity to buy a gun.

Snicker, suck on those waiting periods, morons! Those “them”-type problems keep turning into “our”-type problems at the most inconvenient moments, don’t they, ya low-information voters?

A doctor who wanted to buy a gun at the store said, “I want to buy a handgun, I think they call it a Glock, but I’m not sure. I have a house and a family, and they’ll need protection if things get worse. The fear is that civil services will break down.”

That’s right, Doc, you’re a low-information voter. Lots of education is not common sense so your M.D. is only worth a front-row seat to the Chinavirus Circus. The gun stores should voluntarily close because panic-buyers are the last people who should be allowed weapons but I understand why they don’t: malevolent regulation isn’t cheap and turning liberals into gun-owners is politically critical. For the latter, more here:

There’s also a self-cleaning oven effect. You thought TP hoarding was bad? Wait until the vibrants kill each other for a roll of TP!

(From Spawneyspace.)

One supposes they might turn on us afterward but hey, we’re the people who know the difference between a Glock and a Colt… and have visited a firing range before Go Time happened.

Another customer, 39-year-old John Grove, said, “Politicians and anti-gun people have been telling us for the longest time that we don’t need guns. But right now, a lot of people are truly scared, and they can make that decision themselves.”

And John Grove believed the politicians’ promises right up to the moment that he would suffer if he continued believing them. Like an atheist on his deathbed admitting he’d always known God was real.

Ironically, scared people are the ones who CAN’T make decisions for themselves.

California has universal background checks, gun registration requirements, and a 10-day waiting period for completion of all gun purchases. So those who were successful in their search for a self-defense handgun Saturday will have to wait over a week to take possession of the firearm.

The owner of Laguna Guns & Accessories in Elk Grove, California, told the LA Times he has not seen guns sell at this pace since just after the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.

Marijuana dispensary and liquor store sales are also surging.

BWAHAHA! The article’s last line is how this became a blog post. What could go wrong with people calming their thin-skinned nerves with both drugs AND guns? Booze is obvious but what about weed?

Cannabis Sales and Delivery Boosted in L.A. to “Ease Minds” About Coronavirus

By Lindsay Weinberg, 12 March 2020

As the coronavirus spreads in California, cannabis businesses including Lowell Farms, Caliva, Sweet Flower and Sherbinskis say the demand is high: “People are stocking up.”
Tensions are running high in Los Angeles over coronavirus-related health concerns, the cancelation of numerous public events and the new normal of working from home. Local cannabis companies and delivery services say they’re seeing an uptick in business in these trying times. Angelenos are turning to CBD and THC products to combat anxieties and stocking up like they are with bottled water and toilet paper.

“People are in scarcity mode. The streets are emptier, but specific businesses like grocery stores and dispensaries are seeing more people than usual — and people are stocking up and purchasing in bulk,” says Steve Lilak, the head of sales for California cannabis company NUG. “I’ve seen regular customers buying three or four of what they normally buy just one of in L.A. dispensaries.” He adds that one Hollywood shop he spoke with saw 1,000 customers on Wednesday when they usually see that amount on a Saturday.

Dude, you told us you could quit anytime you wanted to.

A rep for Lowell Farms — the Miley Cyrus-loved label that’s behind L.A.’s Cannabis Cafe — tells The Hollywood Reporter pre-roll sales have seen “a slight uptick, potentially due to calming effect of cannabis and benefits of assisting anxiety.”

If there’s anything that could make me want to dank even less, it’s Miley Cyrus telling me it’ll be fun.

As for Caliva (Jay-Z is its chief brand strategist), its delivery business is seeing double-digit growth in March so far. “We have seen an increase in our delivery services across all of our locations, with record-breaking sales over the past two weeks,” says president Steve Allan. Sales have increased for the most popular products, including the Dogwalkers, Reef Leaf and Deli by Caliva Ounces and Quarters.

That reminds me. As a Public Service Announcement (and part of my court-ordered community service for claiming that a Jabbazilla photomorph is a legitimate composite of three black female socialists in a previous post), cannabis is bad for pets. Do not feed weed to Fifi. See how sad it makes Fifi?

Calexo, a newly launched line of sparkling cannabis beverages with each $20 bottle offering 10 mg of “nano-emulsified” THC, is expecting a rise in sales this week, too.

“Hey, Bob, I think this water you stockpiled is already going… oooh, butterflies!”

Its CEO Brandon Andrew tells THR he does “anticipate sales to be swift, especially as people look for ways to cope with fear of the pandemic.” He notes, “people can adhere to social distancing by ordering through delivery from a dispensary like Sweet Flower on Melrose.”

[Sweet Flower] dispensary, with locations on Melrose, downtown and in Studio City, has noticed an increase in delivery orders, “which likely results from consumers avoiding contact within physical retail locations.” Sweet Flower is taking “necessary precautions and measures” to ensure a clean environment. (Fans include Sarah Hyland as well as Hollywood stylists Tara Swennen, Jessica Paster and duo Jill Lincoln and Jordan Johnson).

I don’t figure Chinese to be big toker-smokers so this must be how low-information voters (like your doctor) cope with media-overhyped reality.

And yes, pot shops boasting A-List celebrity endorsements is entirely consistent with how many recreational drugs get used in show business. Sometimes their egos don’t inflate themselves.

This week, California governor Gavin Newsom called for all gatherings of more than 250 people to be canceled, while New York governor Andrew Cuomo banned events attracting more than 500 people. On Thursday, L.A. mayor Eric Garcetti lowered the count to 50 people maximum.

Fifty is unbelievably stupid. Close Burger King at the same time marijuana sales are quadrupling? That’s a riot gonna happen.


The Endgame of Christian Convergence

The Upper Class wants expensive land and cheap labor. The Middle Class wants expensive labor and cheap land. Nobody cares what the Lower Class wants.

Reason Magazine reports on an effort by California’s most hardline atheists to transform churches into low-income housing. That’s probably how the organized Church in California is going to end… toxic leadership hollows out the church until the leadership formally turns their property over to the hordes of migrants trespassing into America… leaving un-helped, as they do now, the responsible adults most in need of advocacy.

California Wants To Carve Out Religious Exemptions to Its Insane Housing Laws

California Wants To Carve Out Religious Exemptions to Its Insane Housing Laws

By Christian Britschgi, 9 March 2020

That would be good news if true. It isn’t.

California’s housing crisis has gotten so bad that state lawmakers are considering a little divine preemption.

Translation, the sexually deranged tyrants who created the housing crisis are now proposing a solution that takes land away from churches. How consistent.

Last Friday, state Sen. Scott Wiener (D–San Francisco) introduced Senate Bill (S.B.) 899, which would allow religious institutions—as well as nonprofit hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and nursing homes—to build affordable housing “by right” on land they own.

The aptly named Wiener is the sort of person that the Center for Disease Control should keep a deathwatch on, because homosexuals as active as him will be where the next GRIDS turns up.

That means that local planners wouldn’t have the discretion to deny these housing projects, and third parties would lose the ability to hold them up with interminable environmental appeals and lawsuits.

That is insanely criminal in the context of city planning. No matter how low the water supply is, no matter how bad traffic is, no matter the current capacity of the sewage plant and electrical grid, no matter how burdened police and fire are, local governments would be coerced by the state government into allowing swaths of high-density housing reserved for the zero-tax-paying demographic.

Look at how Sacramento simply waves away its eco-Nazi dogs when doing so suits their purposes! Pure anarcho-tyranny.

The poor of California do not need housing. The middle class of California need housing. What is happening here is that California’s Elites, deranged and proud as the devil himself, are building labor camps for the poor at middle-class (read: taxpayer) expense. When the middle class is finally gone, the Elites will start paying for their plantations themselves, but until then why not bankrupt their enemies?

The poor of California need either 1. to go back home to Squatemala or 2. be given the chance to join the middle class. But the latter requires the existence of accessible, well-paid jobs. Far be it for the Church to help a man make a buck! He might feed himself!

“Churches and other religious and charitable institutions often have land to spare, and they should be able to use that land to build affordable housing and thus further their mission,” said Wiener in a press release. “SB 899 ensures that affordable housing can be built and removes local zoning and approval obstacles in order to do so.”

Wiener’s bill would let qualifying nonprofit institutions build housing projects containing at least 40 units on their own land. If that land is located in an area already zoned for commercial or residential use, these nonprofits could build up to 150 units.

If you figure 15 units per floor, which would be a large apartment building, that’s a ten floor facility that could be built with near-total exemption from local control. The minimum would be a three floor facility. Zoning codes can be abused but trust me, they’re the difference between a city and a slum.

If Sacramento truly wanted to help then they could 1. get rid of environmentalist barriers universally, 2. develop more infrastructure and 3. stop demanding bribes. Looking at YOU, school districts!

Any organizations that take advantage of SB 899 would have to guarantee that the new housing they produce is 100 percent affordable (meaning it’s offered at below-market rates to low-income people). That affordability requirement would expire after 45 years for for-sale housing, and after 55 years for rental housing.

No housing for the middle class allowed. Tell me that’s not class warfare, and not a three-way class war either. It’s the nobles versus the merchants.

On the bright side, it won’t pass (or *sigh* be enforced) because every local government that values its continued existence will fight this law to death. They’re corrupt but not actively self-destructive.

Because, apparently, they aren’t clergy.

S.B. 899 comes on the heels of another piece of legislation—Assembly Bill (A.B.) 1851, sponsored by Assemblymember Buffy Wicks (D–Oakland)—which would eliminate parking requirements for housing projects being built on church land.

As Wiener notes, churches often have spare land in prime locations that would make excellent sites for new housing. Many are also already involved in providing temporary shelter to the homeless. But thanks to zoning restrictions, parking requirements, and lengthy approval processes, many religious institutions are kept out of the housing development business.

One prominent example is the Clairemont Lutheran Church in San Diego, which has been trying to include an affordable housing component to the redevelopment of a dilapidated fellowship hall on its property since 2015. Their plans required building over existing spaces in the church’s underutilized parking lot, and that ran afoul of a city code that ties parking requirements for churches to the square inches of pew space that they have.

I looked them up and they’re an unremarkable church. No female/vibrant pastor. No LGBT flag draped over the Cross. Most of the officers are female and child care is all the church does besides the weekly sermon. Seems every church is like that.

“Two weeks of the year that parking lot is utilized to the full extent. 50 weeks of the year it’s not,” says Eddie McCoven, a spokesperson for the Clairemont Lutheran Church.

“We drove all the men away and now can’t afford to stay open. We could repent of female empowerment but instead, we’ll let militant atheists house illegal immigrants on our land. Section 8 housing forced upon our neighbors is how God loves humanity!”

Eddie McCoven. Half-problem glasses, neckbeard and a career journalist. The physiognomy interpretation of neckbeards is that they outline the jaw & chin. Occam’s razor: neckbeards don’t want to look like the chinless fat kid that they probably are. But it might also be cultural. Facial hair goes in and out of style. Eddie doesn’t look like a lumbersexual, however.

Thanks to lobbying by Clairemont and other faith-based nonprofits, the San Diego City Council voted in December 2019 to scrap the pew-space-to-parking-space formula and reduce church parking minimums overall.

The Church died and was reanimated as a faith-based nonprofit corpse.

These local efforts are now being mirrored at the state level with the legislation being introduced by Wiener and Wicks.

I must… resist… naughty puns…

McCoven says his church is still in the development process, and he predicts that breaking ground for the housing component of their project is still a couple of years away. The plan, he says, is eventually to build somewhere between a dozen and 20 new affordable units.

Better make it 40 new units. The devil wants his due.

McCoven says bills such as S.B. 899 and A.B. 1851 will help other congregations interested in developing affordable housing to spend less time and money on the planning process, and more on actually building homes.

“If this type of legislation was already in place when we were starting this project, we would be a lot further along than we are,” he tells Reason. “Any congregation that decides this is something they want to pursue, would probably make it a whole lot easier and a much more streamlined.”

Any congregation that partners with the homophilic tyrants of the California government is dead to Christ. Christianity was never meant to be politically neutral any more than the Church was meant to be a faith-based nonprofit corporation. As you believe, so you will behave.