The Christian Problem with Christian Women in STEM

In the wake of its departing editor’s screed against Trump supporters, the magazine continues going down the Convergence path. This is an old question but now that it’s being asked in a specifically Christian context, we can take the gloves off.

Why Do Fewer Christian Women Work in Science?

By Elaine Howard Ecklund and Robert A. Thomson Jr., 17 February 2020

In March of last year, NASA canceled a would-be all-woman spacewalk because it didn’t have enough suits to fit the female astronauts. (By October, it rectified the situation and completed the walk.)

Correction: It didn’t have enough suits THAT fit the female astronauts. Six suits and none of them fit! Even in the Space Age, nothing is different about women!

For many, the incident highlighted how women are often marginalized in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and are underrepresented in science careers.

Be sure you don’t miss the OTHER reason highlighting why women are often marginalized in science:

Not even freefall at geosynchronous altitude can stop their catty dramas.

National Institutes of Health director Francis Collins—an outspoken Christian—has also spoken out about science’s glaring need to be more inclusive, especially among leadership. He wrote an open letter stating, “It is time to end the tradition in science of all-male speaking panels, sometimes wryly referred to as ‘manels.’ ” He now plans to turn down speaking engagements that do not seriously consider other scientists of various backgrounds for the same opportunities.

Francis Collins is pure evil, not because he’s violent; because he’s sick with Original Sin. God made woman to serve her man, not to be a peer/competitor with her man. That was how Eve fell from grace. Adam, and Dr. Collins here, fell from grace by enabling her rebellion.

God made women inferior to men physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. That’s not because He wanted women to suffer. That’s because women, in their God-defined roles of wives and mothers, didn’t need those qualities. But Francis, instead of accepting this decision by the very God he claims to follow, wants more female peers… and he’s willing to deny biology and theology both to have a pretty girl to talk to.

Collins is not a creep. Every man has the sinful desire to give women what they want in defiance of all reason, history and prudence. Every guy who ever tried to talk a buddy away from a toxic girlfriend knows exactly what I’m talking about. Adam related to Almighty God as a personal friend and still turned his back on God rather than lose Eve.

His concern is backed by data.

Yes, yes, we can agree that Theoretical Physicist Barbie does not exist apart from show business and a couple circus freaks who are genuinely happy being unloved & childless.

We studied academic biologists and physicists in eight international contexts, conducted through Rice University’s Religion and Public Life Program, and found that women accounted for only 17 percent of US physicists. Biology tends to have better gender parity, and yet only 39 percent of US biologists in our sample were women, with most of these concentrated in lower ranks rather than full professorships. Christian women were particularly underrepresented, accounting for only 7 percent of scientists participating in our study, a finding discussed more in our book, Secularity and Science: What Scientists Around the World Really Think about Religion.

Were I speaking to a secular audience, I would point out that the careers women favor–nursing, food/agriculture, janitorial, retail– are the same skillsets they’d be using as homemakers. I would point out that they regularly drop out of the hard sciences to stay home and have kids. But speaking to a specifically Christian audience, I can point out that God designed women to be those homemakers; therefore, “freeing” women from the home to act like the men that God did not create them to be, is open rebellion against God’s will for humanity.

Francis Collins, who do you really worship? You claim to follow God then repeat the crime of Adam. Link here if you want to read all of what he wrote:

But continuing with the original article,

And when we look at other social groups that are deeply marginalized in science, the picture becomes even starker. Only 12 percent of US biologists and physicists in our sample were nonwhite women, and of them, only 14 percent were Christian. To make the point even sharper, in our pool of 1,989 US biologists and physicists, there were only 7 black Christian women.

Bringing ethnic minorities into the picture exposes this piece for what it is: yet another White Man Bad diatribe. If Dr. Collins had any integrity, he would resign in disgrace for being white & male like God intended him to be.

Christian women in science work in a multifaceted context, facing a world not only where they publish less and make less money than their male counterparts but also where religion and science exist in a complicated relationship. Yet their contributions are deeply needed: Solutions to problems we face today might not be solved if they don’t come from all sectors of society.

Yes, and the cure for cancer might never be discovered if I wash my underpants after a wet fart.

Contrary to the popular stereotype, not all scientists are atheists.

Stereotypes exist for a reason. Not all scientists are atheists but ALL atheists are scientists. Science, specifically evolution, is their excuse to not see God. Which explains a lot about why science now has so many reproduction difficulties. The job of modern science is no longer to explore reality. It’s to keep us ignorant of reality’s Creator.

Thus, getting better results from science doesn’t depend upon having more women. It depends upon fewer atheists using science as their security blanket for unbelief.

In fact, we found that nearly a quarter of our US scientists identified as Christian. But in contrast with other sectors of society where sociologists have found atheists to be marginalized, academic science seemingly privileges non-religion. Christians in science are substantially underrepresented in a nation where more than 70 percent of people identify as Christian, and they are particularly underrepresented in the most elite US research universities.

That’s partly the natural result of atheists needing science more than Christians need science, and partly atheists persecuting Christian scientists. See, the idea that science might confirm theology is an existential threat to atheism so they arrange the scientific world to be as hostile to Christ as possible. Other religions, too, but Christianity is particularly threatening to them because we’re the ones who invented modern science in the first place.

Most scientists do not believe science and religion are inherently in conflict.

Oh, she think so?

That said, scientists identifying as Christian report more discrimination than those with no religious affiliation. About 72 percent of Christians in our sample reported experiencing some form of discrimination, including 28 percent who have perceived the discrimination to be because of their religion, compared to 62 percent of unaffiliated scientists reporting some form of discrimination. A strong majority (65 %) of Christians report that their colleagues have negative attitudes about religion, and unaffiliated scientists don’t necessarily disagree—54 percent of them also say their scientist colleagues have negative attitudes about religion, often (as our research shows) for political rather than religious reasons.

QED. Q E Fricking D.

American Clergy have failed so badly that that cannot even recognize Christian persecution in their own society. They’ll sound the alarm over some Congolese believer getting whacked by bandits but not a peep about disgraced Dr. Larry who sits fifty feet away from the pulpit every Sunday.

But it’s not all their fault; the Christian scientists writing this article for a Christian publication prefaced this report on Christian persecution in our own backyard with “It doesn’t really mean what it says”!

Furthermore, Christian women face barriers in the workplace because of both gender and religion. While our data suggest that Christians actually tend to earn slightly more than non-Christians in science, the Christian advantage in pay for women is nullified by a gender penalty. Our data also reveal that women publish significantly less.

Christian women obey Titus 2 and Ephesians 5. They are not in graduate school. The Christian women are in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant and HAPPY. God smiles upon her because she keeps her home in order and reveres her husband, as He requested.

Christian women don’t get advanced degrees because they don’t need advanced degrees to do the Will of God. Christian Men don’t need to, either, come to think of it.

When talking about gender in the workplace, notions that women choose occupations that pay less or have lower status are popular. But that logic does not seem to apply in science. For one thing, according to 2018 data from the National Science Foundation, girls of a very young age tend to express interest in science at levels equal to those of boys, despite lingering social norms that may still reward boys for “science-mindedness” more than girls.

Daddy: “Snowflake, you should be a scientist when you grow up.”

Girl playing with dolls: “Okay, Daddy!”

Researcher: “She has demonstrated interest in science at a level equal to the boy over here… uh-oh… DO NOT MICROWAVE THAT COCKROACH!”


Boy: “Cool! So that’s what microwave radiation does to bugs!”

Once in school, however, women seem to drop out of science careers at higher rates than men—a phenomenon some refer to as the “leaky pipeline.” According to our data, women account for 20 percent of physicists and 47 percent of biologists in graduate school, but these figures drop to 10 percent and 27 percent, respectively, among scientists with tenure.

A phenomenon others refer to as pregnancy. What, did you think male scientists were going to have the babies? And you call yourself a biologist!

(The authors are actually sociologists, which is the scientific equivalent of gossiping over the backyard fence. NASA didn’t change female behavior and neither did the university.)

Indeed, we found that women in science are less likely than male scientists to be married with kids. Simply put, it is easier for men than for women to have a family and meet the career demands of an academic scientist. We also found that 47 percent of Christian women in science say they have had fewer children than they would have liked because of their career, compared to 37 percent of Christian men. And women who do marry and have children are at a disadvantage in elite science.

This is why Christian women, in devotion to God, don’t do science: because their husband and children need them. No scientific discovery they might make will be as important as the souls of their kids… which, if she behaves like a man… will be stunted from a latchkey childhood. Cruelly. Unnecessarily.

Healthy families are far, far more important to society than science ever will be. It doesn’t take a Christian to understand that. But it does, apparently, take Christ wagging his finger for humanity to recognize than abandoning one’s own children in the name of Progress is EVIL.

Animals behave better than modern women. Inanimate SEX DOLLS behave better than modern women. Seriously, they won’t bitch at you a single time. Manufacturer’s guarantee!

Nevertheless, many Christian women pursue careers in science motivated at least in part by their faith. One biologist told us, “My religion pushes me towards research of medical value because helping other people is important to me.”

So is there a way forward to greater inclusion of Christian women in science? Perhaps.

No, there isn’t. Her husband needs sex, her home needs maintenance and her children need their mother. That’s a full-time job and it’s the job God created her for. There is eternal glory in that which the scientific community cannot begin to offer.

But it may require substantial investment. The larger cultural issues related to how boys and girls are raised, what they grow up aspiring to do, how they are treated in the workplace, and how we divide household labor are daunting and will require awareness, motivation, and concerted efforts across society, including among Christians. But it doesn’t have to be a leap. For example, Christians have historically supported education around the world, including among girls, as CT reported in 2014.

The belief that “man is infinitely malleable” is pure humanism. It is also blasphemy against God who created us “male and female”.

Christians have not historically supported education for everybody. That was Protestants specifically, for the specific reason that Sola Scriptura doesn’t work if you’re illiterate. Education does not create faith. It can be one of many ways to worship God, yes, but one cannot worship God by disobeying Him first.

We already know from ‘scientific’ observation, what the proposed replacement for a mother and father will be for the average child. It will be the prison… carefully renamed “child care”, dispensing diapers and milk but no morality or father who might turn out to be a dissident. And then the State, with Lucifer at its helm, can twist those kids’ human nature into any and every shape except the single one that Father God decreed.

If you are Christian and you want more women in STEM then that is your crime: Original Sin, defiance of God, encouragement of female envy & rebellion against male authority, and ultimately, helping the devil himself poison marriage and the family away from God’s design.

The good news is that, in principle, diversity and inclusion are good for science and good for the church. For example, scholars have argued that diversity along race, gender, and ethnic lines increases creativity and problem-solving in science. …

There is a robust Christian theology arguing for the elevation of women’s voices in society, regardless of differing views on female ordination or women in church leadership.

The authors kept the skin suit of Convergence together almost to the end. But not quite. As God promises, your sins will find you out and your evil will be exposed.

Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Science is not.


The Left Can’t Game

The Left can’t meme and I missed it when they also tried to game. Turns out, the Pozzed journalist that lit off GamerGate, Leigh Alexander, consulted on a no-gamer game called Sunset (2015). The result was… well, you probably never heard of it, either.

Gaming without Gamers Doesn’t Work

Gaming without Gamers Doesn’t Work.

By Ian Miles Cheong, 10 March 2020

No one understands video games more than gamers. When a gamer picks up a game, he immediately knows how to play it—it’s what sets him apart from the social justice activist who sees the medium as a means to propagate an ideology.

Gamers just wanna have fun. SJWs just wanna share their misery.

Essentially, gameplay is an abstraction made up of loops and repetitions, delivered through the mechanics of a game (like shooting enemies or solving puzzles). In its most simple form, a video game can distribute gameplay in the form of a general loop: gameplay > cutscene > gameplay > cutscene.

On some level, the cutscenes are intended to serve as a reward mechanism, signaling to the player that they have achieved a desired outcome. More advanced games attempt to close the gap and minimize what game designer Clint Hocking calls “ludonarrative dissonance,” or the separation of gameplay from story. Criticizing the game Bioshock, Hocking writes that, “Bioshock seems to suffer from a powerful dissonance between what it is about as a game, and what it is about as a story. By throwing the narrative and ludic elements of the work into opposition, the game seems to openly mock the player for having believed in the fiction of the game at all.”

Generally speaking, however, gamers take very little issue with this dissonance because as a reward mechanism, cutscenes only matter in single-player campaigns. It’s like watching most movies—you’ll only really want to see it once. Gamers can spend thousands of hours in Call of Duty, without once giving a single thought as to whether the repeated rounds of battle on the same map is contextualized through a story.

No need for the fancy terms. There are two kinds of games: the kind you play with friends like Call of Duty, which have no storytelling need at all, and the kind that tell a story that you can be a participant in. Not necessarily one that you can affect the outcome of so long as the story is one you find interesting.

In her seminal piece—the one that launched GamerGate—journalist Leigh Alexander wrote: “‘Gamers’ are over, ‘gamers’ don’t have to be your audience.” Alexander’s treatise argued that it was high time game developers stopped catering to their traditional demographic, and instead, should shift their focus to the larger, non-gaming audience. “These obtuse shitslingers, these wailing hyper-consumers, these childish internet-arguers—they are not my audience. They don’t have to be yours. There is no ‘side’ to be on, there is no ‘debate’ to be had,” Alexander wrote.

She cried havoc and we let slip the Nerds of Hell!

But this isn’t a recap of history.

Alexander would later take this philosophy on the road to consult on a game called Sunset (2015), in which players take on the position of an African-American housekeeper named Angela, who works in a fictional South American country during a socialist revolution. In Sunset, players read books, push buttons, and interact with items within the confines of an apartment to learn about the civil war against the capitalist dictator who runs the [fictitious] country.

That sounds horrible. Worse than horrible. It sounds like something an SJW would force himself to do as penance for wanting to have fun. Any gamer would try to jump out the window, swan dive into a BASE jump and hope that impresses El Presidente enough to offer a mercenary contract.

Of course, it failed as a game. One, it’s not a game you can play with friends. Two, it’s not a story you can participate in. Sit inside an apartment doing menial labor while the cool NPCs fight a war without you? Talk about missing the Call of Duty.

Three, it’s not even edutainment. You roleplay a Marxist fantasizing about how a proletariat uprising SHOULD work because every real-life uprising ended with the capitalist winning. Hello, black market!

Even Commies can be fun to play… I enjoyed Red Faction, a fictitious proletariat uprising on Mars… if you include enough railguns and ICBMs instead of making the protagonist a vibrant janitor dusting the fricking bookshelves.

Which is reason #4 that the game failed: no conflict. I can only suppose that a Man vs Man narrative would have been as triggering as if Aunt Jemimah had come across an AK-74 behind the bookshelf.


Sunset is played from a first person perspective. Angela Burnes, an American citizen who is visiting the fictional country of Anchuria, has to perform numerous housekeeping tasks an hour before sunset. As she performs her tasks, the player finds out more about the Civil War and the dictator that currently leads Anchuria. As time goes by, changes occur both within the house and in the city which Angela can see through the windows.

Reason #5: When you do first-person perspective, the character should be either a blank slate (ex. System Shock) or somebody the player is likely to identify well with. A black woman on an American visa to a brown country being exploited for cheap labor is too overdeveloped in ways the game-buying demographic is not going to relate to.

Also, Reason #6… BORING.

Burnes was inspired by Angela Davis,

Pam Grier,

and Nina Simone.

Unite to form..!

[Developer] Tale of Tale’s Aureia Harvey’s experience as an American expatriate informed Burnes’ character. The choice of the 1970s setting drew from Tale of Tales’ belief that the period represented a shift, a time worth exploring when “Western culture morphed from an authoritarian civilization based on rules of decency and formal traditions to an egalitarian society that celebrates individual freedom above all“.

Translation, the Sexual Revolution.

Tale of Tales spoke of recapturing a spirit of innocence, where belief in social change through popular revolution was still alive.

Get real, Barbie. Convincing your father than a week in Dubai is missionary work for Jesus is no revolution. Missionary position, more like!

The game was part funded by the Flanders Audiovisual Fund, and further funding came from a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign which began in June 2014, it achieved its $25,000 goal and raised $67,636 in July 2014.

One thing about SJWs: they can find funding for ANYTHING.

The game received a score of 65/100 on reviews aggregation website Metacritic based on 33 reviews, indicating a mixed response. Michael Thomsen of The Washington Post wrote, “Sunset creates a beautiful and sometimes-unnervingly artificial platform for the alienating role-play bound up in employer-employee relationships, staged against a backdrop of historical revolution that threatens to spoil it.”

Edge awarded the game a score of 9/10, describing it as “an enormously affecting examination of the impact of war. Not on soldiers or politicians, but on everyone else – those who can only watch from the sidelines.”

…Like funding for positive reviews of shit games.

Taylor Wilde of PC Gamer rated it 68/100 and wrote, “Sunset’s themes, setting, and plot are plenty interesting, but the player’s interaction with them feels incongruous.” Writing for Game Informer, Kimberley Wallace rated it 5.75/10 and said, “The story is fascinating, but the gameplay quickly becomes humdrum and the technical problems are extremely frustrating”.

When even your cheerleaders say it’s kind of meh…

Tale of Tales characterized Sunset as a commercial failure, as it sold 4,000 copies in its first month of release, half of which were reserved for Kickstarter backers. Following this failure, Tale of Tales announced that they would no longer pursue commercial video game projects.

…that’s why. “Commercial failure” means they spent more making the game than selling it, which at the budgeted cost of $25k is pathetic. The SJWs didn’t want to purchase their own Narrative.

End segue.

I played it, and it was abysmal. Its best feature is that you can get a refund for it on Steam if you manage to beat it in under two hours.


To be fair, their goal was never to make money; it was to promote social justice. “Our desire to reach a wider audience was not motivated by a need for money but by a feeling of moral obligation. We felt we had to at least try to reach as many people as possible. To make the world a better place through the sharing of art as videogames, you know,” they wrote.

It wasn’t art, it wasn’t a videogame, and the developer didn’t have enough moral obligation to try a second time.

They wanted to make a game, they explained, that didn’t follow video game conventions—but still wanted it to be a “game for gamers.”

“[E]ven within Sunset’s carefully constructed context of conventional controls, three-act story and well defined activities, we deeply enjoyed the exploration of themes, the creation of atmosphere, the development of characters, and so on. Abandoning some of our more extreme artistic ambitions…

Per the wikipedia article, “The apartment in which the game is set is based upon a design for the “ideal bachelor pad” from a 1970 issue of Playboy”.

…actually made work easier and more enjoyable. And that’s when we should have realized that we were on the wrong path. Because whatever we enjoy is never, ever, what the gaming masses enjoy.”

Come on, SJWs. Even you don’t enjoy what you say you enjoy. Like vampires, you are creatures of darkness yet need a torch to not fall down your own stairs. Also, you suck.


New York Continues To Burn After Bail Ends

As if my last post on the topic wasn’t damning enough!

5 members of Chilean theft crew charged in North Shore burglaries, DA says

By Robert Brodsky, 6 March 2020

Five members of a Chilean theft crew, sent to Long Island by an organized crime syndicate, have been charged with burglarizing four homes on Nassau’s affluent North Shore — the third such crew busted since December, prosecutors said Friday.

The five men, who were arrested Thursday, targeted high-end homes in Glen Cove, Sands Point, Locust Valley and Great Neck Estates, stealing cash, watches and a safe, records show.

The suspects, who were arraigned in District Court in Hempstead, were in possession of fake Argentine visas at the time of their arrests, said Anne Donnelly, deputy bureau chief of the Nassau District Attorney’s Rackets Bureau.

The men, Donnelly said, brazenly told arresting officers that their handler recruited them to burglarize New York homes and that the risk of jail was low because of the state’s new bail reform laws, which requires no bail for misdemeanors and many nonviolent crimes.

Whoa! New York’s no-bail laws are attracting criminals from different continents!

“All of the defendants pose an especially strong risk of flight,” Donnelly said.

James Clark, the defendant’s court-appointed defense attorney, asked for the men to be released on their own recognizance. But District Court Judge Martin Massell ordered all five held without bail, even though only two were charged with bail-qualifying offenses.

That’s a second judge to openly defy the no-bail law! Well done, Judge Massell!

Juan Antonio Hernandez Rosas, 25; Bayron Felipe Cruz Palta, 26; Fabian Lopez Catalan, 20; William Jesus Mendel-Perez, 23; and Amaro Valentino Rosas, 23, were each charged with second-degree burglary and pleaded not guilty. Rosas and Perez were additionally charged with the attempted burglary of a home on Southfield Road in Glen Cove.

The crew is part of a cell that sends Chilean nationals to New York, California and other parts of the country on 90-day tourist visas to commit the burglaries, Donnelly said. The proceeds are then sent back to the group’s ringleader in Chile.

Hmm, California also has no-bail laws. Does “other parts of the country” mean similar Leftoid bastions with similar laws?

And this isn’t even immigration. It’s being done on tourist visas! Is this the beginning of… crime tourism???

Airport customs: “What brings you to America, sir, with all these burglar tools we found in your luggage?”

“I’m gonna rob your rich tyrants living fat off you in their fancy gated communities.”

*Low-level TSA officer thinks about it.* “Enjoy your stay, sir.” *stamps passport*


Physiognomy: Prosecutor Save-A-Ho

Why did Placer County prosecutor Timothy Delgado commit suicide after murdering his wife of four months? Answer: *pic*

Ouch. OUCH! Duuude, she got da crazy eyes! You know the frivorce court is out of control when even a Federal prosecutor chooses murder/suicide over wife-buyer’s remorse.

Some facts per

Who is Timothy Delgado? Wiki, Biography, Age, Wife, Cause of Death, Investigation Report

Timothy Delgado, age 43; wife Tamara Zars Delgado, age 45. An older woman.

Children: Tamara had an adult daughter and young son at time of marriage. So, a divorced single mom who wasn’t careful with birth control. (I don’t have an age for the son but doubt Tim was the father. Men don’t orphan their own kids.)

Tim was an ass’t U.S. attorney working narcotics & guns. He married her in November and four months later, capped both their asses.

The Red Pill is not a joke. The Red Pill can save your life. Women who choose careers over husbands end up in a very bad way. To say nothing of marrying a crazy-eyed, menopausal single mom who probably took delivery on more crazy pills than the gangs he prosecuted.


State Of the Church 2020: Five Trends

The Barna polling group recently released a “State of the Church 2020” report on Christian trends in worship. Ideal blog material! Let’s get fisky.

Five Trends Defining Americans’ Relationship to Churches

Five Trends Defining Americans’ Relationship to Churches

Churchgoing is a dynamic part of U.S. society. New research from Barna Group shows the ways in which Americans are maintaining—and renegotiating—their connections with the churches that they attend. The State of the Church 2020 study is a year-long examination of the spiritual and religious trends that define American life these days.

Link here but I’ll stay with this article:

State of the Church

Definitions first, always a good idea when dealing with polls.

Practicing Christians – A subset of all churched adults, are those who attend at least monthly and who say their faith is very important in their life today. This more committed group comprises about 25 percent and 63.5 million adults.

Churched adults – Those Americans who have attended a Christian church at least once in the last six months. This represents the broadest group of adults who have experienced a church service in recent months, representing about 49 percent or 124.4 million adults.

David Kinnaman, president of Barna, comments on the importance of these two groups: “In the first case, we’re talking about those who are the most church savvy adults. In the second, we’re looking at all of those adults who are reasonably familiar with the experience of churchgoing. To use a comparison from the world of sports, it’d be the difference between looking at the ardent supporters and the entire fan base, including the raving fans.”

In this article, we’ll examine five trends that are essential in understanding the Church’s place in the U.S. today.

1. Nearly two in five churchgoers report regularly attending multiple churches.

While a majority of churchgoers tends to stick with a single congregation (63% churched adults, 72% practicing Christians), a sizable minority is at least occasionally attending other churches, including nearly two in five churched adults (38%) and one-quarter of practicing Christians (27%).

Interestingly, church hoppers are just as likely as more loyal attenders to report weekly attendance. In other words, just because they select from a handful of different churches to attend doesn’t make them any less likely to actually attend church on any given weekend.

Also, those who “hop around” don’t do so as a routine part of their churchgoing in a given month, but typically attend another church occasionally.

Methinks broken families have a lot to do with this. Enough churches are online that one need not physically attend a favorite but more distant church if the closer one is sufficient.

2. Churchgoers are divided on the value of church.

Another element of the churchgoing landscape is the paradoxical perceptions that churchgoers hold of church itself. Kinnaman observes, “Those who frequent worship services do so largely because of personal enjoyment, but many churchgoers also readily admit that they believe people are tired of church as usual.”

Frustrated might be a better alternative to “tired”.

The chart leaves me indifferent. Meeting with fellow Christians is a duty but that doesn’t necessarily include physical-church attendance. It’s a good habit and should be enjoyable within reason. I would have liked to see a distinct “for the free child care” option.

3. Churchgoers largely experience—and have come to expect—positive emotions and outcomes by going to church.

Overall, churched adults say they leave worship services feeling inspired (37%), encouraged (37%), forgiven (34%), as though they have connected with God or experienced his presence (33%) and challenged to change something in their life (26%), every time. A plurality of churched adults also express always feeling like attending service was the most important experience they had all week (29%) and that they learned something new (28%). …

These findings ultimately reveal that attendees encounter and even anticipate a range of emotional connectivity during worship services—which can further complicate the job of those behind the pulpit. Kinnaman states, “We must emphasize the reality that, week in and week out, today’s church leaders are tasked with meeting a diverse set of emotional expectations.”

Leading by emotion has got to be the worst idea in management theory history. There are basically three Church functions: ritual, worship and teaching. Worship is the only one that really needs to concern itself with da feelz.

Ideally, devotion to God should lead to church attendance, not vice versa. In fact, that “vice versa” could explains much about modern church outreach efforts: getting warm bodies to attend in hopes that they’ll “feel the presence of God” when they look at the pastor’s trendy haircut. ‘You Are Welcome Here!’

Interesting that the “guilty” percentage corresponds nearly 1:1 with “forgiven”.

4. Church membership is still a common practice and is correlated with positive outcomes—but its importance is declining among younger churchgoers.

Church commitment extends beyond just finding your pew (or cushioned seat or folding chair). Further, plenty of congregations measure commitment beyond just a willingness to dress in Sunday best…

They wish.

…and greet the pastor outside the doors each week.

Methinks that the “pastor at the exit door” habit is one the Church really needs to move away from. It’s a terrible way for clergy to get to know the peanut gallery.

A common and more formal next step is church membership—and this new Barna study shows that many Christians are reluctant to embrace it. To what extent is membership relevant today?

Of those who attend church at least every six months, a little over half (54%) report being an official member at their place of worship, with just above one in three (37%) reporting they regularly attend but are not members. Practicing Christians, expectedly, show deeper commitment, with seven in 10 (71%) noting they are members and one in four (26%) claiming regular attendance without membership.

Surprisingly, no significant differences emerged in membership rates between denominations—whether mainline or non-mainline, Protestant or Catholic. However, a different story emerges when looking across the generations. Boomers are more likely than both Gen X and Millennials to be formal members of their congregation, with nearly seven in 10 churched Boomers (68% vs. 48% churched Millennials and 51% churched Gen X) confirming membership. Younger generations of churchgoers were also more likely to mention “not applicable,” which suggests that the category of membership isn’t even part of their church’s nomenclature.

Emphasis theirs. That’s the drum I keep beating on: the reason younger people, particular Gen X, aren’t participating more in church is because the Baby Boomers have a death grip on the reins of power. I’ve attended such geriatric churches that the sermon was interrupted out by the beeping of life support monitors.

No surprise if the Baby Boomers have finally dispensed with even pretenses of meaningful membership in the churches they run.

Kinnaman comments, “Americans aren’t joining much of anything these days and church membership is not as compelling as it once was. In a world of untethered commitments and free-for-all content, the positive correlations of church membership should not be overlooked. The form of membership may be undergoing change, but the function of generating a mutually committed group of people is still highly relevant to today’s Americans.”

Exactly what my perspective predicts. We still want to worship God but church is where we are permitted only to warm a pew and pay our dues. For some people, that’s enough, and the worship boy-band might easily be of professional skill.

5. The perception of the Church’s relevance to the community is under question—especially among non-Christians.

I’ll tell you what non-Christians think of the Church. I heard it fresh from a couple atheist friends just last week. They think Christians are such hypocrites that their God cannot possibly exist, because if Jesus was real then He wouldn’t tolerate the followers He’s attracted. But they still think there’s a God or God-like force out there.

I did not defend Christ’s honor. I did not know how to. Frankly, I mostly agreed with them… and I’m a Bible-thumping zealot for Jesus!

That’s why I have so much anger bottled up against the modern Church. People I care about can’t hear the Gospel because of the meaningless behavior of churches generally and the examples set by Christian leaders specifically. That is unacceptable.

No surprise that practicing Christians think the Church has an impact on their community, when the Church IS their community.

That non-Christians have a mildly negative view of Christianity is a very bad sign. It should be strongly negative. I long for the days when atheists everywhere sneer at Christ in frustration that His followers keep forcing God’s laws upon their bodies. No abortion for you!

There is no worse insult against the Church than unbelievers not caring what it does. I close with a picture of why that’s true.

Steep decline in practicing Christians will have major repercussions for church leaders: study

By Leah MarieAnn Klett, 8 March 2020

According to Barna, half of those who identified as practicing Christians in 2000 fell away from consistent faith engagement, essentially becoming non-practicing Christians (2000: 35 percent vs. 2020: 43 percent), while the other half moved into the non-Christian segment (2000: 20 percent vs. 2019: 30 percent).

David Kinnaman, president of Barna, said the findings indicate a “major reshuffling of Americans’ spiritual lives.”

“Monthly, committed churchgoers are now about half as common as they were two decades ago,” he said. “This shift has major repercussions for church leaders as there is increased struggle to attract and retain the active segment of churchgoers.”

The findings are part of the State of the Church 2020 study, a year-long examination of the spiritual and religious trends that define American life these days. …

“What redefines and what anchors the churchgoing, Bible reading and prayer of adults? Among the interesting stories in the data is that private practices of faith—such as prayer and Scripture intake—aren’t sliding as much as church attendance,” he said.

That’s Convergence in Church leadership. The Pope ain’t Catholic and the Baptists are getting in touch with their Muslim side.

Tim Lucas, pastor of Liquid Church in Parsippany, New Jersey, told The Christian Post that amid a “record rise” of the religious “nones,” the church would do well to rethink the way it presents the message of the Gospel.

One wonders how far out of her way the author of this piece went to find this pastor. No matter; I take all comers.

“I think the hand-wringing approach to millenials and Gen Z is an invitation for a wholesale reinvention of the methods by which we present Jesus to a new generation,” he said.

Our methods cannot be reinvented. Preach Christ crucified & resurrected. Teach one another His principles. Bear the burdens He has assigned you in life and follow His example. There is no other way to avoid eternal punishment for the evils you’ve done.

“There’s a cultural shift underway, where young people are extremely experientially oriented. They want to know, ‘What’s the social good in this before I buy it? So the church’s traditional message of evangelism was propositional truth: Here’s why Christianity is valid and a superior belief system. The Good News was proclaimed and explained.”

It worked for 2,000 years! Eh, well, maybe 1,965 years.

However, when Jesus shared the “Gospel of grace with truly hell-bent pagans,” He adopted a “double approach,” Lucas argued.

Yes. He took a whip to their backsides and insulted their parentage so effectively that history STILL echoes with the Son of Man’s disses. Whitewashed tombs! Pit of vipers! Ye be no sons of Abraham!

The Church should definitely be more like that. More like Him!

“There was a demonstration of grace: Be healed, serve the poor. And then there’s the proclamation of the Gospel: Your sins are forgiven,” he said. “Up and coming generations are concerned with biblical justice — how the church tangibly helps the poor and needy. It’s a reverse discipleship process. The church must reclaim its birthright of saying, ‘The message of the Gospel is good for both the soul and body.’”

“He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will receive life eternal.”-Jesus, John 12:25

That, folks, is why non-Christians don’t give a care about the Church. It’s reinvented itself as a social welfare NGO redundant with the Department of Health and Human Services. Because morbidly obese North America is overrun with starving children!

I can tell from his haircut alone that Tim Lucas knows less about morality than an inmate. Ye be no son of Abraham, Timmy Boy!


Imam Helps J.D. Greear Converge the Church

Making good on my predictions of Social Justice and Convergence, Greear has recently hosted a dialogue with an unrepentant Muslim to find common ground and encourage Christians to become comfortable accommodating the wishes of unbelievers. Since I didn’t have the transcript, I fisked two articles instead of one.

Infiltration and convergence often takes the form of a two-step con. Normalize evil and criminalize good. That is the form of Greear’s assault upon the Church. The criminalizing good is being done with his pogrom against church independence, in the guise of preventing more sexual assaults by clergy. This event is the former: normalizing evil.

Greear, Islamic leader discuss religious freedom, civility

By Seth Brown, 6 March 2020

RALEIGH, N.C. (BP) — More than 1,000 attendees gathered for an event Thursday (March 5) at North Carolina State University (NCSU) in Raleigh, N.C., to hear J.D. Greear and Omar Suleiman discuss current issues facing American culture related to Christianity and Islam.

Omar is an imam & activist who boasts of receiving invitations to public functions from Barack Obama & Nancy Pelosi and has a long history of anti-Semitism (including divestment) before he scrubbed it off the Internet around 2014.

Greear serves as pastor of The Summit Church in Durham, N.C., and president of the Southern Baptist Convention. Suleiman is a professor at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, and founder of the Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research.
The event, “Hope in the Current Age: A Conversation on Christianity and Islam,” was sponsored by a coalition of faith-based organizations, including The Veritas Forum and Neighborly Faith, along with NCSU’s Muslim Student Association, CRU and Intervarsity groups.

Greear and Suleiman covered topics such as religious freedom, civility amid religious differences and how to convey a message of hope in the current age.

Such a carefully neutral description. Fuck hope. Have some faith instead, Greear. Faith in Christ who had much to say about sheep and wolves.

“We need to be able to not only get along with, but to cherish, stand alongside and even fight for people that believe different things than we do,” Greear said.

Why? Why should a Christian risk as much as a hangnail for an unrepentant Muslim? Why should we Christians forward the agenda of international Islam? I’ll give just one reason in passing why we SHOULDN’T:

“It’s a lot harder to hate and stigmatize somebody when you’re looking people in the face that you call friends,” said Greear.

This is the “normalize evil” half of the Convergence two-step I mentioned. Pressure Christians to befriend Muslims, associate with them extensively, emotionally invest in them, and then when the Muzzies start broadcasting their calls to prayer at 50,000 watts across the community, Christians will feel bad about standing their ground and avoiding Europe’s fate.

He’s leveraging the preexisting Cult Of Nice. An example:

Talk of civility and compassion appeared to resonate with the crowd, as attendees nodded in agreement. Three Muslim students were murdered in nearby Chapel Hill almost five years ago. One of the victims was a student at NCSU. The killing sparked debate about anti-Muslim bigotry as prosecutors argued the shooter was a fueled by hate.

I looked it up. That was not a religious hate crime.


On February 10, 2015, local police in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, responded to a report of gunshots heard at 5:15 p.m. Upon arriving at the Finley Forest Condominiums, located on Summerwalk Circle at Chapel Hill, a woman told them a friend was bleeding, and directed them to a condominium. There, they found Barakat lying dead in the front doorway bleeding from the head. One of the Abu-Salha sisters was found dead in the kitchen, with the other lying in the doorway of that room. All three victims had been killed with gunshot wounds to the head, and were pronounced dead at the scene.

According to prosecutors, the suspect shot Barakat multiple times at the doorway after the latter opened the door in response to his knocking. He then allegedly entered the living room and shot the Abu-Salha sisters in the head, then shot Barakat again before leaving. According to autopsies, the Abu-Salha sisters were shot execution-style.

In June 2019 it was reported that Deah Barakat had recorded the encounter with Hicks on his cellphone camera. The recording shows Hicks complaining that Barakat and the Abu-Salha sisters were taking more parking spaces than the condo rules allow, before Hicks opens fire with his gun.

A hate crime? Okay, but not one that’s at all relevant to a discussion of religious freedom.

The victims’ neighbor, Craig Stephen Hicks, a 46-year-old former car parts salesman, turned himself in to sheriff’s deputies in nearby Pittsboro on the night of the shooting. He was in possession of a .357-caliber handgun at the time. Investigators later positively matched the handgun’s ballistics to the shell casings found in the apartment.

An open-and-shut case. Hicks had a long history of violence and was reportedly fascinated with the movie Falling Down. Synopsis, a divorced DOD contractor loses his job and has nothing left to live for except getting across Los Angeles to see his daughter on her birthday one last time, in violation of a restraining order. It’s a very dark comedy; think Office Space but with gang murders and no happy ending.

The guy had anger management issues for real. Why then, was the story presented as “anti-Muslim bigotry”? Because Christian America is such a kind, peaceful place that Omar could only find fault with us by lying.

So, he lied. Lies are just some words spoken to unlock victory, right? Islam granting its followers permission to lie and deceive in order to advance the cause of Islam is a great reason to not bother with events like this one.

End segue.

Suleiman talked about hopelessness and expressed concern for the coming months in U.S. politics.

“Things get really bad for Muslims in election years,” he said, lamenting that “cheap talking points are used against our community.”

I don’t wonder that a Muslim has Trump Derangement Syndrome, now that Trump has allied himself with the Orthodox Jews and garnered lots of support for throttling back on Muslim migration into USA.

God, I wish the whole “da J00z” thing would just go away. I want my country back! I do not want to expend valuable brain cells reprocessing ancient, unsolvable Gordian knots of Middle Eastern blood feuds. Which is another damn fine reason to not allow immigration, ESPECIALLY “refugee” immigration from regions that haven’t known peace or trust since before Mohammed raped a child.

Greear said a “posture of fear” may lead some Christians to look upon outsiders with suspicion and “rationalize the faults” of politicians offering political protection to the Christian community.

That “rationalize the faults” bit is, again, anti-Trumpism. The Democrats been trying to drive a wedge between POTUS and Christians so much that I hear their arguments verbatim from the guys I hang out with.

News flash, Greear, Christians aren’t “rationalizing Trump’s faults” when we support him. He is simply not hostile to us. He kinda likes America and is okay with its continued existence as a sovereign nation. I guess that counts as “offering political protection”? He’s better than what Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton would do to us. But the way Democrats talk, one would think Jesus mandated a theocracy!

Theocracy is what Islam does. The irony isn’t funny.

Kevin Singer, co-founder of Neighborly Faith, offered each speaker an opportunity to address the other’s religious community.

Greear referenced his time spent as a missionary in a Muslim-majority region and said, “We love you. We think you belong in this society and we want to stand beside you to be your friends.”

I hate Islam. God, I hate them. They flood into my country with the blessing of the globalists, at my taxpaying expense, and the both of them lust for my destruction. They lie to my face time and again about being nice and peaceful and loving and it’s a total coincidence that every God-damned single time Muzzies take control of the government, at any level, churches burn and Christians are butchered. How stupid do they think I am?

“We want you to be patient with us and help us learn what it looks like to look at life through your eyes,” said Greear. “Most of us have never had the experience of being in a place where we weren’t in the majority, and that’s a difficult transition for us to make.”

You will burn in Eternal Hell for your hatred of Christ, Greear. For your wish to make us Christians a minority in our own country. You scumbag! You agent of Islam!

Attendees were asked to participate in online surveys before and after the event. Prior to the discussion, 64 percent of Christian respondents said they had somewhat positive or very positive attitudes toward Islam and 91 percent said they were interested in friendship with Muslims. Likewise, 77 percent of Muslim respondents said they had somewhat positive or very positive attitudes toward Christianity and 85 percent said they were interested in friendship with Christians.

After the event, 76 percent of Christian respondents said their attitude toward Islam was more positive than before and 83 percent said they were more interested in friendships with Muslims. Similarly, 66 percent of Muslims said their attitude toward Christianity was more positive than before and 65 percent said they were more interested in friendships with Christians.

Zero respondents who identified with either faith group said they felt less positive about the other group or less interested in friendships across religious lines.

Singer told the Biblical Recorder the survey results were encouraging.

I see a lot of bias in that polling but note that increased acceptance of Muslims, and by extension Islam, was the official goal of this event.

Omar on the left, Reverend Andy Stoker of Dallas’ First Methodist Church on right. And if you thought that was scary…

That’s J.D. Greear himself with Omar. I don’t know if his eyes or his smile is more disturbing.

JD Greear, Omar Suleiman to discuss Christian-Muslim relations at NC college

JD Greear, Omar Suleiman to discuss Christian-Muslim relations at NC college

Most of the attendees will be deeply conservative evangelical students who likely have never held a conversation with a Muslim before and do not have Muslim friends, Singer noted.

“They probably don’t know how to have a mutually beneficial conversation with a Muslim in a way that feels faithful, so we’re hoping to show a model of charitable discourse that maintains conviction,” he said.

Being on a Southern campus, Singer said, the event may end up addressing some “cultural notions about Islam within the Christian faith and in this particular region.”

Yes, there aren’t many Muslims in the Carolinas yet, which is why they’ve focused on colonizing the universities thus far… trying to win influence before the reality of having Muzzie neighbors sets in.

Suleiman told RNS he feels well-equipped to address such misconceptions: Having grown up in New Orleans and now living in Dallas, where he teaches Islamic studies at Southern Methodist University and often meets with evangelical leaders both in public and in private, Suleiman says he is intimately acquainted with Southern church life.

ISLAM HAS NOTHING TO TEACH US CHRISTIANS. NOTHING. The Prophet is the only religious leader I’ve ever heard of who could not be bothered to practice the very religion he preached. That’s pathetic. And his follower is teaching in a Christian seminary? Equally pathetic and for the same reason.

A prominent activist for civil rights and interfaith issues who is known for denouncing extremism, Suleiman has faced hostility from multiple sides, including threats from the Islamic State group. Commentators from the Christian right such as pastor Robert Jeffress have criticized him, as well.

The link to Jeffress didn’t actually contain his criticism of Omar. A cursory search only turned up the Jerusalem Post complaining of his anti-Semitism and I guess they’d be the ones to know. For myself, I’m satisfied that Omar is an activist for interfaith issues. There’s no chance that somebody fitting that term is an honorable, trustworthy guy.

Suleiman said he hopes the minority of Muslim students in the audience will glean something from the conversation, too.

“A lot of times we shy away from spaces where we think we won’t be welcomed in the fullness of ourselves as Muslims, but if we speak to the beautiful themes in our religion then that will resonate with people,” he said. “If we want to be bridge builders, we need to be consistent in our call for bridge building. We can’t only build bridges with people we’re comfortable with. We have to get over this apprehension that if we talk to people that we don’t agree with on everything, then we’ll lose what makes us unique as Muslims.”

So far as I’ve been able to read, Omar never talked about Muslims acting on behalf on Team Jesus. “If we speak to the beautiful themes in our religion then they’ll let their guard down.”

If we Christians do not act like we believe that only Christ is God, then why should anybody else believe that only Christ is God? Preaching that is the very Great Commission that J.D. Greear boasts about, but then he gives legitimacy to a false religion as if it deserves equal time, and equal respect, with the True and Living God.


Student Terrorism at Syracuse U

Terrorism, back before it meant white men voting for Trump, was defined as the use of violence or intimidation to advance a political agenda. It almost goes without saying that the Left relies heavily upon terrorism, from Students For A Democratic Society to today’s BernieBros, but a drama unfolding at Syracuse University provides an excellent object lesson in why you should never, ever, negotiate with terrorists.

Beginning around Nov. 4, 2019, there were a series of hate crimes beginning with “Nigger” graffiti’d in one of the dormitories and culminating with a swastika that was accidentally spray-painted outside the school grounds (thereby falling under city police jurisdiction rather than school police jurisdiction). No arrests have been made but blacks African-Americans, yellows Asians (curiously not hyphenated as Americans) and Jews (curiously NEVER hyphenated as Americans) have suffered greatly under this monstrous barrage of torture and cruelty.

What was NOT reported as a hate crime at Syracuse University:

EXCLUSIVE: Michael Moore’s ‘Kill Whitey’ book chapter is required reading for Syracuse course

By Justine Murray, 23 September 2019

Six weeks prior to the “beginning” of the hate crime wave.

Syracuse University is requiring students enrolled in one course to buy a book by leftist filmmaker Michael Moore called “Stupid White Men” and read the chapter, titled, “Kill Whitey.”

Syracuse Professor S.N. Sangmpam teaches the “African American Politics” course requiring the book. Moore calls black conservatives “Uncle Toms” and “sellouts” in the book chapter, a copy of which Campus Reform obtained.

“Are white people’s brains hardwired to see one thing but believe the opposite because of race?” Moore asks in the chapter. “Do all white people suffer from some shared low-grade of mental illness?”

Yes, actually. Our mental illness is called altruism.

The filmmaker lists stats comparing white and black childbirth deaths, unemployment, and more before asking why white people have “been able to get away with this without all ending up like Reginald Denny,” a white truck driver who was almost beaten to death by black men.

Context for that was the Rodney King riots. The “innocent” black man got millions of dollars to spend on hookers and crack while the innocent white man was mutilated by the 83 Gangster Crips.

Thank you, Latinos, for ethnically cleansing that neighborhood after the blacks themselves burned & looted it down. Doing the jobs that white Americans won’t!

Syracuse Professor S.N. Sangmpam, who teaches the course that requires “Stupid White Men,” told Campus Reform that he does not know what is controversial about the book or the chapter: “Ask those who object to read[ing] the chapter,” he said, “and evaluate it in light of one of the class topics in the syllabus, ‘Politics and the Socioeconomic Status of African Americans.’”

Campus Reform spoke with #BLEXIT Activist Chandler Crump, a young conservative who does not see how the contents of the required chapter relate to the class topic being evaluated.

“I believe having a chapter titled ‘Kill Whitey’ in a course for African American Politics isn’t exactly wrong,” he states. “Throughout the history of African American Politics, there have been many movements that have had the idea to ‘Kill Whitey.’ However, the contents of the chapter do not discuss actual political movements and instead displays the author’s disdain for black conservatives.”

The lesson here is that scrawling a crude swastika on the ground is a hate crime against Jews but forcing them to purchase Mein Kampf if they want to graduate is not.

Anyway, the Students of Color complained that the administration took a full week before releasing culturally appropriate statements. They began staging protests.

Syracuse students walk out in protest as chancellor vows action after racist incidents

By Doha Madani and Erik Ortiz, 20 November 2019

Dozens of Syracuse University students walked out of a forum attended by the school’s chancellor on Wednesday night, demanding he endorse all of their requests after a series of racist incidents on campus or resign.

They demanded requests, heh.

The students held fists in the air and shouted “sign or resign!” as they filed out of a campus auditorium before Chancellor Kent Syverud spoke. Syverud said he would be unable to commit to all of the demands on the spot, then briefly met with some of the student protesters saying he hoped to come to an agreement by Thursday, reported NBC affiliate WSTM.

Fists in the air is a Black Power salute and thus, a hate crime against the Chancellor. He took it well, perhaps because he identifies as a Jesuit rather than a cracker.

“I do not agree with everything I’ve heard,” Syverud said in response. “I do not agree with all the facts said.”

The forum capped a tumultuous day at the private university in Syracuse, New York, which has been roiled by a string of recent incidents on the campus that have targeted marginalized groups, including Jewish, Asian and black community members. There have been at least 12 episodes since Nov. 6, including anti-Asian and anti-black slurs graffitied in residence halls and a swastika drawn in a snowbank near an apartment complex where students live.

Sounds to me like Chinamen vs Negroes. Isn’t it interesting how, when White Man disappears, all the races left behind go for each other’s throats? They should be thanking us for existing in positions of power, not resenting our existence.

But if they don’t want us around acting altruistic than that’s less work for us. I got fifty bucks says the Chinaman wins this race war. *GQ sits poolside*

Angered over the perceived inaction by university officials to protect students and get a handle on the hate speech, which included the alleged sharing of a white supremacist manifesto, members of the student movement Not Again SU said in a social media post that they wanted the resignation of Syverud as well as the campus chief of police and others if their full demands aren’t met.

That’s Brenton Tarrant’s Manifesto, which was shared online at the university. I wondered why my blog traffic was up. Kidding, but…

Click to access brenton-tarrant.-2019.-_the-great-replacement_.pdf

Anyway, the students staged a sit-in then fell asleep when the coffee ran out. That was enough to force Chancellor Syverud’s surrender:

Early Thursday, the chancellor said he signed on to nearly all of the 19 recommendations made by students; 16 were approved as written, and Syverud suggested minor revisions for three others that he said were necessary to comply with the law or because they need the Board of Trustees’ approval.

The school on Tuesday had released a summary for a proposed action plan based on the student’s demands, including that any student involved with the recent hate crimes be expelled, the school’s current anti-harassment policy be revised, new staff and faculty undergo mandatory diversity training, and newly hired counselors should better represent “all marginalized identities on campus.”

Stop the presses.

If Severud gave in that easily to demands that the entire university leadership be indoctrinated into weaponized racism, it might be because he’s driving this whole incident. It’s time for a bio.


Nice brainpan for intelligence. Eyebrows are thickest at the outside, so managerial not visionary. The lower eyelids are raised, an indicator of deception, but otherwise he doesn’t have as forceful a personality as one might expect for an executive officer. My read is he’s a middleman and low-level deceiver.

Syverud earned a bachelor’s degree magna cum laude from Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in 1977…

Deep State, right there. Jesuit faction.

a law degree magna cum laude from the University of Michigan Law School in 1981, and a master’s degree in economics from the University of Michigan in 1983.

Zero private-sector experience.

After graduating from law school, Syverud clerked for U.S. District Judge Louis F. Oberdorfer. Syverud counts among his closest mentors retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, for whom he clerked shortly after she became the first woman named to the Supreme Court bench.

I can’t usually puzzle out the maze of judicial clerkships that serve as the recruiting grounds for the Deep State. Here, however, Oberdorfer was a Yale Jew who was an ally, family friend and the only law clerk of the notorious Judge Hugo Black. Black was a New Dealer and Franklin Roosevelt ally who was anti-Catholic and KKK until he decided to become a U.S. Senator. His most infamous achievement as a judge was writing the majority opinion upholding the WW2 Japanese internment.

Thus, Kent Syverud is at least third-generation Deep State.

End segue.

In the wake of some of the incidents, the school has taken action, including suspending fraternity social activities after one chapter’s members and their guests allegedly subjected a black student to a “verbal racial epithet” on Saturday night.

Oh my gawd, somebody claimed they were subjected to a deplorable word! Notify the State governor! (Which Syverud did, and Gov. Cuomo responded to.)

Getting rid of fraternities has become a very common theme in the Convergence of higher education. Partly inevitable due to feminism but when the administration goes after frats, it’s because they represent a threat to consolidation of power.

Let’s hear more about this.

Syracuse University suspends fraternity activities after latest racist incident

By Doha Madani, 18 November 2019

Syracuse University has suspended all fraternity social activities Sunday after members of one chapter were connected to an alleged racial epithet, only the latest incident in a string of racist episodes at the New York state college.

A group of fraternity members and their guests allegedly subjected a black student to a “verbal racial epithet” Saturday night, according to a statement from Syracuse University Chancellor Kent Syverud. The incident is among several attacks on marginalized communities at the school, including other racial slurs spoken and in graffiti around campus.

“You stand accused of somebody at Saturday’s party, who may or may not actually be affiliated with your fraternity, saying an unidentified word to an unidentified victim. How do you plead?”

“To what, your honor?”


Syverud said that while it was only one fraternity connected to the incident Saturday, he ordered all fraternity social activities to be suspended for the rest of the semester.

While only one fraternity may have been involved in this particular incident, given recent history, all fraternities must come together with the University community to reflect upon how to prevent recurrence of such seriously troubling behavior,” the chancellor said in his statement.

Whoa. Power tripping much, Chancellor? Put down that match before you start a Reichstag Fire.

A Chinese student filed a report saying he’d been called a racial slur as he exited a residence hall on Friday night. And an anti-Asian slur and a swastika were found in separate occurrences at a different campus residence, Haven Hall, according to the Daily Orange.

That explains a lot. And to think, I was being tongue-in-chink when I used the term Chinaman.

And now, his response to the first wave of demands, archived here:

Click to access summary_university_response1.pdf

I will paraphrase for brevity. The Chancellor agreed to everything except as noted.

1. Zero tolerance for hate crimes as defined by the code of conduct but with differing punishments for different levels of involvement.

2. Mandatory racial grievances class for all students.

3. Mandatory staff & faculty diversity training, to include non-tenured positions.

4. More diverse foods in the student dining hall.

No food for you, white boy!

5. No punishment for students engaging in anti-racism crimes.

Textbook anarcho-tyranny. It’s a crime for them to hit you but not for you to hit them.

6. Criminalize the “targeted use” of hate speech.

I think that means jokes?

7. Increase site security in the dorms.

8. More ethnic minorities in dorm hall authority.

In keeping with #1, whoever proposed #8 should be expelled.

9. Allow voluntary race segregation in the dorm halls.

ARE YOU FRACKING KIDDING ME?!? You blacks owe us whites an apology for all that grief you gave us over segregation in the South. Reparation$ could start the healing.

Although it IS a good idea for reducing ethnic tensions. Ask a jailer. Hell, ask a Southerner.

10. Minority scholarships for international students.

That locks in the Chinese vote.

11. Another official forum for grievances.

12. More money for multicultural affairs.

13a. Hire more staff Persons of Color.

It’s okay to discriminate against white men because they’re racist and we aren’t!

13b. More mental health counselors counselors to help students overcome the trauma of somebody spraypainting the N-word somewhere on the planet.

I was this close to supporting 13b. And to think, they call themselves niggas with nary a vapor.

14. A new building to serve as the headquarters for a new Ministry Of Multicultural Affairs.

Is it true that all electricity in England comes from George Orwell spinning in his grave?

15. Fuck it, just gibmedat.

16. Student admission should be based primarily on diversity.

This is the only one the Chancellor was vague about accepting.


18. Public, monthly updates of cooperation with these demands. Er, concerns.

19. Mandatory diversity training material shall be made public for review.

20. Force fraternities to become multicultural.

Methinks the Chancellor himself wrote that one.

21. All hate incidents must be reported and denounced within 48 hours.

22. Provide an online, ANONYMOUS reporting system for hate crimes.

You stupid, stupid Syracuse blacks. You make all these demands in order to easily accuse/get rid of the white men that you’ve been taught to believe are the single cause of all your primarily self-inflicted problems. But it takes only one single redefinition of “rayciss” to legalize anything and everything the Chinese care to do to your ungrateful Punk-American asses. And the Latinos, and the Rooftop Koreans, and the Armenians, and you really haven’t made any friends for yourselves at all in your 250-year-long stay in North America, have you?

You know what makes #22 even more stupid? That “hate crime” of Tarrant’s manifesto being anonymously uploaded to the university file-sharing app! I bet that one really was an alt-Righter and he was simply trolling you with your own infrastructure.

Now, it goes without saying that if Chancellor Syverud has the slightest bit of interest in preserving Syracuse University as any kind of higher learning facility, he would have publicly spat on these demands and personally unleashed the first fire hose on the protesting squatters.

Whether the Chancellor orchestrated the spike in hate crimes or it came as a total surprise, his giving in to every demand of the student terrorists had the inevitable consequence of MORE demands! MORE civil unrest!

#NotAgainSU prepares to negotiate, occupy building until demands are met

By Julie McMahon, 26 February 2020

Syracuse University students protesting racism and prejudice on campus continue to occupy an administrative building for the 11th day in a row.

Organizers say they are ready to negotiate, but prepared to remain at Crouse-Hinds Hall, [administration headquarters] including sleeping overnight, until their demands are met by administrators.

#NotAgainSU, which formed after a rash of racist, anti-Semitic graffiti was found on campus last semester, set up camp in the building Feb. 17. Administrators and campus police initially attempted to shut down the protest, suspending around 30 students. Officials for two days locked the building to outsiders and refused to let food or other items in, encouraging the protesters to leave.

That’s the gentle way to handle such protests. As mentioned above, I’m more of a fire hose kind of man. Which is why I won’t be hired to run campus security anytime soon… I only care for results.

Since then, the university has hired former U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch to review the campus police department.

This entire, extended protest has Deep State fingerprints everywhere. Not sure what their agenda is, except maybe to incorporate Syracuse into their Ivy League system. Maybe they’re losing control of Harvard to the Asians?

#NotAgainSU has had visits from legal counsel, concerned parents and students from other colleges including SUNY Binghamton who have expressed solidarity.

Chancellor Kent Syverud, urged by faculty, lifted protesters’ suspensions and directed staff to stand down in efforts to stop the protest.

That was either cowardice or collusion. He publicly undermined the efforts of school police to maintain order… unforgivable during a crisis.

Now campus officials are treating the protest like the eight-day sit-in at the Barnes Center in November. Supporters drop off food, between 30 and 50 protesters freely move in and out of the building, and the schedule includes events like open mic nights and teach-ins about institutional racism with professors.

Those demands include resignations from top campus officials including Syverud and two leaders of the Department of Public Safety, which administrators have previously signaled are not negotiable.

I predict Syverud will survive this.

A list of 18 demands, originally formed during last semester’s protests, has grown to 34.

Boom, there it is. How is appeasement working for you college officials? About as well as appeasement worked on YOU when you were students in the Seventies! How do you not know how this game is played?

Organizers say that’s partly because administrators have not genuinely delivered on promises they’ve made. For example, protesters say the hiring of four new mental health counselors is not adequate, when they demanded the school bring its ratio of counselors to students in line with the national average of one per 500. Organizers say administrator’s declaration that this demand has been “met” is a “blatant lie.”

Never give in to student terrorists. The only message it sends is that terrorism works.

Because of examples like this, #NotAgainSU organizers say they amended demands to include deadlines, specific requests for money to be allocated to various causes, and the formation of paid student oversight committees.

At least six new demands are directly in response to the university’s handling of this round of protests, organizers say in documents spelling out their concerns.

Chancellor Syverud appeared to acknowledge the university flubbed its initial response to protests this semester. He reversed suspensions and apologized for the way some students were treated.

“I am not proud of how last week’s events involving student protesters in Crouse-Hinds Hall were handled,” Syverud said in a message to the campus community.

Like the Republican Party, Syverud is fake opposition.

#NotAgainSU in its communications on social media and online has said that lackluster responses are a big part of why they have continued to protest.

That is correct. Forcefully shutting down their protests and expelling them would have prevented this second incident. But because leadership refused to condemn their discivic actions and the Chancellor himself undermined the ability of campus police to do their job, to say nothing of giving in to their demands against the threat of a sleepover, the Vibrants Of Color have literally no reason not to escalate.

Chancellor and Friends have no excuse to not know that… and when they give in so easily, one must wonder to what extent they are accomplices of the protesters.

I can answer that, in part, because Syverud pre-hated on Syracuse fraternities.

Syracuse law prof helping Theta Tau: ‘I don’t think these kids have a real chance’

By Julie McMahon, 8 May 2018 (Updated 30 January 2019)

SYRACUSE, N.Y. — The Syracuse University chancellor’s blistering remarks about the Theta Tau fraternity videos have made it nearly impossible for its members to get a fair shake at a hearing that will decide their academic futures.

Theta Tau is primarily engineering students, I’m led to understand.

That’s the belief of a law professor who is assisting three of the 18 accused students fighting against possible expulsions.

This is a political case,” said Gregory Germain. “The university has taken a position on the outcome. The penalty was meted out before the process began.

Since mid-April when the videos first surfaced, Chancellor Kent Syverud has repeatedly called them “disgusting” and “unacceptable.”

The videos show pledges acting out a racist, anti-Semitic “parody” oath: “I solemnly swear to have hatred in my heart for n*ggers, sp*cs and most importantly the f*ckin’ k*kes.” A second video shows fraternity pledges miming the sexual assault of a person with disabilities.

Syverud chastised the students’ behavior in written and video messages, a press conference and at forums.

So, Syverud is every bit as anti-white racist as those Vibrant sit-ins. Despite his being white himself.

“There is absolutely no place at Syracuse University for behavior or language that degrades any individual or group’s race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender identity, disability or religious beliefs,” Syverud said in the university’s first public statement. “What happened at Theta Tau serves as a reminder that violations of codes of honor, behavior and values will be met with swift and appropriate consequences.”

Goodbye, Departments of History and Social Studies. Hello, Ministry of Truth.

On one side, protesters have criticized the chancellor for not speaking out enough, and for not expelling the students immediately.

But Germain, who is urging the administration to value due process and the fraternity pledges’ free speech, said remarks by the chancellor and other officials “made it clear” that the university intends to expel the students.

That’s why Germain proposed an “independent” hearing panel made up of tenured professors, whose jobs wouldn’t be at stake for rendering a decision that isn’t favorable to the administration. The university said no, according to Germain.

Germain, who has taught at SU since 2002, said he believes administrators, nontenured professors and anyone who reports to Syverud could feel pressured to reach a verdict of expulsion or suspension, or face repercussions.

“I don’t think these kids have a real chance,” he said.

Germain is serving as a “procedural advisor” to three of the 18 students who were charged as a result of the Theta Tau videos.

He discussed his role and his proposals for a fairer process during a wide-ranging interview with Here’s what he said about the upcoming disciplinary hearings.

I must admit, that’s not a face I would initially think well of. But Germain’s conduct as described in this article is admirable and faultless. Physiognomy must always take a backseat to observed behavior. Anybody can be a saint or a devil no matter their personality or history.

Germain said he is concerned the fraternity brothers are being “railroaded” and used as “scapegoats” for the school’s historical problems with fraternities and its poor track record of welcoming minorities on campus.

The students who do not accept punishments proposed by the university will face a disciplinary panel on Wednesday, according to Germain.

Germain echoes many of the criticisms in the lawsuit filed by a handful of the accused students last week. He shares their concerns about the process being rushed, and about the university being quick to “brand them” as racists and bigots, without viewing the videos in context — as a parody that was never intended for public viewing.

According to Germain, most of the 18 students are freshmen. The three he is working with are either 18 or 19 years old. He and the lawsuit both note it’s a diverse group of young men, who represent many of the minority groups lampooned in the videos.

So, Syverud’s hatred of the fraternity had nothing to do with their being actually racist, and he intentionally mischaracterized a video of their private LARPing. Dishonest from start to finish.

If Chancellor Syverud wanted to Converge Syracuse University from an institution of higher learning into a finishing school for Socialism’s useful idiots, he would do exactly what he’s doing. But I’m not accusing him of it. Stupidity is hard to rule out, especially for somebody who has never worked one day outside the Education-Industrial Complex.


Confessions Of A Silicon Valley Office Manager

Move over, Canterbury Tales! I’ve found a new source of debauched entertainment: San Francisco Confessions!

A couple are NSFW such as “I Lie About Being Monogamous” but this one is okay and full of “learning experiences”:

The Horrifying Things I’ve Seen as an Office Manager in Silicon Valley

Anonymous, 27 February 2020

I received the Slack message at 10 p.m., right before jumping into bed to watch an episode, or three, of The Office. I know I should snooze my notifications, but I never do — the anxiety that comes with a later barrage of messages at once is too much.

Dude, unplug. Seriously. Being on-call 24-7 is more stressful than anything in the workplace short of a female employee claiming you’re the daddy when filing for maternity leave.

This message was from a salesperson at the startup where I work, a guy we can call Greg. Greg could be described as a kvetch; something is always irritating him, and he is not shy about letting me know. You see, as an office manager, it’s my job to grit my teeth, listen, fulfill every last request he — or any other employee — has while being grateful for the stock options and health insurance.

Thanks, Bob. Can I call you Bob? I feel much better about crippling my career advancement in order to enjoy the beaches of California while young enough that I actually can. Instead of encasing my bad back in a cubicle for twelve hours a day like go-getters such as you, I exercise it daily in hikes and kayaks. I am going nowhere in life with more peace in my heart than a Zen Buddhist in a massage parlor.

Less, of course, the government’s efforts to kill me. Which is why I have a blog.

Maybe one day, you’ll be ready to enjoy life, too, Bob, in those golden years… er, moments… between “stock options vest” and “stress-induced heart attack”.

Maybe not.

Greg’s requests are usually for the specific whey protein that he’d like in the office…

Tell him No. “No” is a magical word. Used correctly, it magically inspires employees to not confuse their personal responsibilities with yours.

…but this one was different. This message was a picture of a toilet clogged with shit.

You might be wondering how I responded to Greg. The answer is that I popped a Klonopin, started a free trial of Headspace, and made plans to deal with the situation in the morning.

Had you not answered the phone, you would still have dealt with the situation in the morning… after a good night’s sleep with no clogged toilets named Greg in your dreams.

Just ‘cuz your office is wireless don’t mean you can’t unplug. For real, dude!

While shocking in visuals and time of day, this was not an isolated incident — in fact, shit is a common motif in my story. I’m frequently torn from my desk—where I might be doing $250,000 in expense reports, planning office events I’ll be forced to attend, dealing with building management, or a wide variety of other tasks—to flush people’s poop for them.

What did you expect when you hired Ganges monkeys? In fact, that might be a big part of the problem here.

Bob, do you have hiring/firing authority as the office manager? If you do then fucking fire Greg yesterday. But I’m guessing you don’t. Senior management hires vibrant wage slaves then tasks you, the office manager, to make them as productive as Real Americans. You are stressed because that’s impossible. You’re trying to make useless people useful without the power to either terminate the problem cases or punish the disobedient. Or, very likely, the ability to reward the competent, who are overwhelmingly white, male nerds.

If you don’t have firing authority then quit and find a better job, because some turds don’t want to be polished, like Michelle “The Man” Obama.

To be clear, people don’t walk by my desk and say, “Hey, I just left a floater in the men’s room, would you mind taking care of that for me?” but they might as well. A helpful hint for people in the tech world (and beyond): Pressure-assisted toilets, the kind we environmentalist Silicon Valley types love, need some time for their tanks to fill up. So, if you’ve gone into the stall after someone has just left and it’s now not flushing, chances are the toilet is not broken, it’s just not ready for your massive Sweetgreen dump yet.

Seriously, bro. Terminate EVERYBODY who lacks the ability to operate indoor plumbing. You will lose nothing of importance. Harambe is not going to write the next killer app.

Being an office manager in Silicon Valley is a difficult and thankless job that’s lowered my self worth more than anything I can think of. But the larger takeaway is that the tech industry’s culture of providing abundant perks has cultivated a level of employee entitlement that I find shocking. It can be so extreme that it isn’t sustainable for facilities staff to cater to effectively.

I’ve already taught you the magic word.

The infantilization of tech workers that I witness on a day-to-day basis is alarming but inevitable when everything is taken care of for them: Meals and snacks are prepared to their requests, dishes they throw in the sink will magically disappear, and their free kombucha spilled all over the floor will be cleaned up by someone else. It’s this very environment that leads people to believe that it’s appropriate to send a picture of human shit via Slack at 10 p.m. to the office manager, effectively ruining the one thing that relaxes them: reruns of The Office.

I never intended to become an office manager, much like Pam Beasley. I don’t see it as my career, or at least I hope to God it isn’t. In a past life, I was an academic, a broke and jaded “intellectual” barely treading water in an American Studies doctoral program in the epicenter of coastal liberalism.

After four years of sitting through seminars in which people snapped in agreement with one another and where prefixes like “post-post-” were common, I decided to pursue more creative endeavors. Of course, I needed a 9-to-5 to support this lavish lifestyle of sitting in front of my laptop writing painfully Sarah Vowell-esque essays. I applied for this job at a startup and somehow convinced them I was up to the challenge. And just like that, here I am.

They were looking for a doormat. Somebody so insecure and desperate for money that they could use him as a safety fuse between themselves and the consequences of their bad decisions. They found… you.

Welcome to the Hell you deserve, Bob. You hid in the overpriced university system because the real world of independence and consequences scared you, which is also why you neglected to develop any marketable skills by the time you ran out of money while working on the next Great American novel. Which, let the record show, was No More Mister Nice Guy. Not whatever psychosexual bromance your professors convinced you was art.

Prove them wrong. Go ahead. Take a risk, learn a practical skill and quit accepting maltreatment just because you’re desperate for cash. Tip: Your stock options will NEVER vest. It’s just a mind trick to make you work for free.

God help me, I love giving that advice to Leftoids because I know they’ll never take it. They’ll sneer at me for trying to sabotage their lives, then their smartphone will ding with Greg’s latest, unsolicited report on office hygiene.

At first, I enjoyed the job. I was nearing my late twenties, and I’d never made more than my $24,000 a year stipend, and I was now making significantly more to order snacks, accept packages, and leave at 5 p.m. sharp every day. My boss was cool, we liked the same music, and during our interview, he told me that this job was his day job until his band hit it big, so we were on the same page. But the honeymoon period only lasted a month or so, and soon I realized the job was not just ordering snacks and accepting packages, but also managing calendars, planning events, dealing with vendors, basically making sure anything anybody wanted was given to them, regardless of if they were capable of doing it themselves. I had become as jaded about the tech world as I had been about academia.

Unless there was dramatic turnover, that one-month period was the transition to Bob’s regime. Which means Bob is 100% to blame for this outcome.

The requests I receive daily and the way I’m expected to handle them creates an overall hostile work environment where I’m disrespected and made to feel less than on a regular basis. Over time, demand after demand, I’ve come to resent the employees in my office, which is a shame since many of them are perfectly nice people whom I’d have no problem with under normal circumstances. If you work at a startup, consider this a wake-up call in how you treat people in my position at your company. You might end up relieving them of their daily Ativan binge on their morning BART ride.

Come on, Bob. Who’s the common denominator? I assume mirrors can reflect your image.

Nowhere is the entitlement in my office more evident than in the realm of office temperature. In my office, there is a Slack channel dedicated to the temperature where “team members” can engage in lively discourse about how cold or hot it is in their respective sections, with the expectation that no matter how they are feeling, I will rush to adjust according to their individual preferences. How do they go about asking me to adjust the temperature? Politely, you might think. But unless you consider nothing but a snowflake emoji or a flame emoji, or even nothing but the words “hot” or “cold” polite, you would be wrong. In other words, I am expected to drop everything at the sight of an emoji to adjust the office temperature any time any single individual feels slightly uncomfortable.

A case in point. What temperature do YOU want the thermostat at, Bob? Set it there and the next person who complains, tell them it’s at the level you want. End of topic. They can wear a sweater or shorts, as they please.

This is a perfect example of a manager afraid to lead.

I keep the office between 71 and 73 degrees, yet on numerous occasions, I’ve seen one person post a snowflake and the person directly next to them post a flame. So, as it turns out, the folks in my office not only seem to have no respect for my time, they seem to have very little consideration for the preferences of the people around them.

Your perception is correct. They have no respect for your time.

In an office of close to 300 people, catering to individual needs such as this is impossible, yet when I bravely approached the executives about my struggles, I was told to continue doing it. Apparently, it is more important for twentysomethings to feel babied than it is for them to put on the goddamn free hoodie I put on their desk the night before they arrive on their first day of work.

One manager, 300 people? That’s not doable. Thus, Bob, you must delegate authority. The men you see being social instead of working? That means they’re available to be “floor sergeants” or something. Task them with the distracting petty issues in their assigned work “sector” then support their decisions within all possible reason.

Do not, repeat, do not form a committee.

Now, instead of actually adjusting the thermostat, I simply walk to it, pretend to push some buttons, and go back to my seat.

Managers can’t be passive-aggressive like that. Just say No!

Lighting is another major source of drama. Ideally, we would all work and live in inviting, open spaces bathed in natural light. Unfortunately, we don’t all have the privilege of living and working in a Dwell magazine spread, and artificial light is a necessary evil. In my office, employees will stop at nothing to mitigate the effects of the evils of lightbulbs, and by that, I mean that they constantly demand different ones.

Set a policy and enforce it. Any policy. Consistency matters more than what you actually decide.

I can’t fault my co-workers entirely for the way I feel. Part of the reason they have become so brazen in their requests and their behavior is because of how we interact. I’m overly friendly and overly accommodating. When faced with the daily passive-aggressive comments and inane requests, I try to summon the courage deep within me to set boundaries and set the precedent that while I’m happy to satisfy reasonable requests, my top priority is to ensure the day-to-day operations of the office — but I fail. In other words, I’m a friendly doormat who resents that part of my job is to reinforce this industry’s culture of prioritizing the comfort and feelings of others over people in my type of position.

That’s good, Bob. Truly. Recognizing the problem in yourself is the first step in improving yourself.

But here’s the cold, hard truth: Either you change and learn to be a hard-ass, or you are not competent as a manager. You can’t stay where you are. The situation will not magically improve, except by using the magic word, “No”.

I was there myself, a nerdy bookworm and martyr-on-demand. I also saw the need to grow out of that and I boot-strapped myself. It took some time, I made some mistakes, but I like myself better as a hard-edged leader than a human toilet to be fed other peoples’… problems.

That’s something you were probably never told in all those ego-fluffing leadership classes you were given: being the leader means you can’t be friends with your subordinates. It might be why you subconsciously refuse to improve even when you realize you need to. If you take the job of leadership, however, then understand, it’s more important for you to be a sturdy brick than an emotional tampon.

It’s harsh. It’s true. Join us and you’ll lead a thousand instead of three hundred, with a lighter heart than you have right now.

The culture my company and Silicon Valley at large supports turns otherwise decent people into demanding individuals who believe their comfort and convenience is more important than anyone else’s. My hope is that, if you’re reading this and work in tech, you’ll better understand that office administration is an underappreciated yet integral part of the industry’s success.

No, Bob. Nobody can fix you but you.


Bubble Boy Batman!

I’m trying hard to not notice the Kung Flu but a comic book crossover did the trick. Bonus, I give the Bat-finger to an architect!

Chinese architect unveils a personal bubble that heats up to temperatures high enough to KILL the coronavirus

Your first red flag is its being designed by an architect, not an engineer. I don’t often get to indulge in workplace rivalries! Your second red flag is the implication that this “personal bubble” is actually intended to heat YOU up to temperatures high enough to KILL!

And that’s just the headline.

The coronavirus spreading across the globe may have originated from bats and a Chinese architect is pulling inspiration from these creatures’ ability to stay immune in order to protect the public from the illness.

Specifically, gay bats. There are HIV genes found in the virus according to other sources. Eh, who knows? My respect for atheists attempting !science! continues regressing to a very mean attitude.

Designed by Dayong Sun, the Be a Batman wearable consists of a fiber frame shaped like bat wings that is worn like a backpack.

I compare his concept to the leading brand of physical safety isolation: the Zorb ball!

World leader in motion sickness research!

Pro: He remembered leg holes.

Con: He forgot arm holes. Dirty doorknobs notwithstanding, people do occasionally need to operate simple machinery like that. At least include a “gunport” for a grabber stick.

A thermoplastic material stretches between the supports and encases the wearer in a personal bubble to protect them from contracting the coronavirus.

Was that inspired by Batman or the sneeze shield at the salad bar? Answer:

Ah, I see. The panels fold back “bat-like” for storage. So, will there be a gap in microbe coverage at the user’s 12 o’clock high or will it interfere with vision by overlapping and securing in the middle of the user’s visual arc?

An engineering solution would be to cover only the head and shoulders. Then, it could simply fold over the head poncho-style; plenty of room for that outdoors. This is for outdoor use only, right? Because I don’t see it fitting in the cube farm.

The contraption is fitted with UV lights that heat up to temperatures high enough to kill any pathogens in the air, resulting in an enclosed sterilized environment.

UV can sterilize pathogens, yes, but heat is generally produced with heat lamps..? And UV radiation strong enough to sterilize your immediate vicinity sounds like a hellish sunburn risk.

However, the World Health Organization has noted that UV lamps should not be used on areas of skin as this type of radiation can cause skin irritation.

“Skin irritation”. Yep, sunburn. Also, intense UV can damage thin plastics of the sort light enough for folding, depending on material.

‘The coronavirus will be killed by temperatures of 56 degrees Celsius,’ (133 degrees Fahrenheit) Dayong told Dezeen.

‘The PVC film [the thermoplastic material] cover is like our car windshields – there are heater wire in between the glass for heat the ice and snow in the winter.’

Maybe there’s a reason those heater wires are found in rigid, glass applications rather than flexible, thin plastic applications? To say nothing of the poor human inside that electrically heated greenhouse.

Dayong pulled inspiration from the fictional superhero Batman for this project and the animal itself – he said the ‘superhero pushes the limits of human capabilities, and the fact that bats are one of the wild animals that could be the source of Covid-19 (coronavirus).’

Which of those was supposed to be the selling point?

Although Be a Batman is designed for an outbreak, it could be used as a ‘unique private mobile space for people’ once the coronavirus is contained.

It would need a cup holder just to BEGIN competition against coffee houses.

Experts have yet to pinpoint exactly how coronavirus spreads, but the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) believes it is done ‘person-to-person’.

Ah, my tax dollars at work!

Dayong is currently looking for an investor to take this concept into the real world and he also shared that he will offer his services free of charge to make it happen.

‘But sure we still need to do lot of work with engineers for the real production.’

YOU MOTHERFRACKING ARCHITECT! You got international recognition for designing an industrial hygiene product with inspiration from a 1970s childrens’ toy! After you’ve milked the award-show-and-lecture-circuit for all it’s worth (here, thankfully not much), you’ll casually toss the idea to some hapless engineer and pretend to be shocked when he tells you the idea won’t work. How does it come as a surprise, that the Batman logo is not a disinfectant?

No! See this, architect? This is No! Bad product design!

And don’t get me started on how this is INTENDED to double as a 133-Fahrenheit tanning booth.


Experts have recently noted that the current strain of the coronavirus may have originated from a bat cave 16 years ago.

The exact location of the cave in the 2004 study has been kept under wraps, but it’s said to be somewhere in Yunnan, at least 1,000miles (1,700km) from Wuhan.

This explanation is as obviously bogus as Dayong’s Bat-sneeze guard. I don’t know the truth but for my money, it’s the report that one of the Wuhan Biolab technicians was discovered selling “used” lab monkeys for food in the local market that was ground zero. Sounds right for a state-of-the-art biowarfare lab operated by Third World communists.

Sixteen years ago in a bat-cave 1,000 miles away? That sounds like Disney re-rebooting the Star Wars franchise with a DC Comics crossover.


Awesome Principal Kip Motta

If I had a dollar for every middle school principal in America that recognized hypergamy in girls, opposed that hypergamy AND stuck to his guns when REEE’d at, then I would have… one dollar. With Utah’s Rich Middle School Principal Kip Motta’s name on it. Even his name is badass!

Utah School Policy Bans Girls From Rejecting Boys’ Offer To Dance

Utah school policy bans girls from rejecting boys' offer to dance

28 February 2020

An 11-year-old girl who was asked to dance by a boy she didn’t like at her middle school’s Valentine’s Day ball turned him down – only to be told by the principal that she could not say no to him.

Azlyn Hobson, a student at the Rich Middle School in Laketown, Utah, came home angry after the principal, Kip Motta, told her that saying no was against the rules.

According to her mother, Azlyn was so excited for the dance that she put on a red-and-pink floral sundress over a long-sleeve T-shirt and leggings.

She also carefully arranged her hair because she was anticipating dancing with a boy she liked.

‘She was so excited in the morning when she left,’ Alicia Hobson told The Washington Post.

Alicia Hobson of Rich County, Utah, was outraged after her 11-year-old daughter, Azlyn, was told by her middle school principal that she could not reject a boy’s invitation to dance at a Valentine’s Day event.

Yes Means Yes! Hahahaaaaa!

From Mommy Hobson’s Facebook, now deleted:

19 February 2020 at 2:34PM


A kid at school that makes my daughter uncomfortable asked her to dance at the school dance on Valentine’s Day. She tried to say no thank you, and the principal overheard and intervened and told her she’s not allowed to say no and that she has to dance with him.

For the record, one single dance.

This boy has been quoted as publicly saying something very disturbing of a sexual nature. It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not. It doesn’t matter if rumors are terrible and should be dismissed. That’s irrelevant. The point is that this kid makes my daughter feel uncomfortable. She should not have to stand close to him with his hands on her if she doesn’t want to. She has the right to say no to anyone for any reason or no reason. Her body is her body and if she doesn’t want to dance with someone, that’s her prerogative.

I understand that the spirit of the rule is give the kids the confidence to ask other kids to dance without the risk of rejection, but guess what? In life, you get rejected all the time. They need to get used to it and learn how to cope with their frustration. Girls HAVE to learn that they have the right to say no and that those around them have to respect that. I’m not going to quietly stand by while my daughter and all of her classmates are being wrapped up in rape culture. No way.

I’ve told her over and over, since her school started having dances that she has the right to say no, and if she gets in trouble for it, I’ll fight like hell for her. Well, here we go.

Her complaint was rejected by not-Amenable Authority. Guess what, Alicia, you hypergamous hamster-bitch? In life, you get rejected all the time. You need to get used to it and learn how to cope with your frustrations.

I have reached out to the principal. He told me that he is not changing the policy. He said my opinion is to either accept this policy, or keep my daughter home from school when they have a dance.

Translation: “Either she learns to tolerate the unsexy boys or she doesn’t get to be around the sexy boys.” I salute you, Principal Kip!

I emailed the superintendent and told him the response I got from the principal and asked him if he had anything to add to that, but he has not responded. He has been copied on all emails since this incident happened and is well aware of the situation, but has not said a word so far.

The coward. All he needs to say is the magic three words: “What Motta said.”

My next step will be to contact the Utah Board of Education. I appreciate the support I’ve gotten from everyone. I’m so angry right now for all the kids in that school. Why can’t they just have a fun school dance and not be forced to dance with kids they don’t want to dance with? What if my daughter doesn’t feel safe with the boy who asks her?

Considering that the principal himself was personally supervising your daughter, she had no reason… no right… to not feel safe.

This policy makes a lot of kids uncomfortable.

Not the boys, I’m sure.

The principal stated to me multiple times that my family is not the first to complain and that many kids have felt uncomfortable with it, but they just checked their kids out of school or submitted to the policy.

I’ll guess the latter much more than the former, since the girls who don’t like ANY of the boys wouldn’t have gone to the dance in the first place.

That’s unacceptable. Do better Rich Middle School.

You’re awesome, Principal Motta. They should have cloned you instead of Jango Fett and won a galactic war that was worth fighting. The war of the sexes!

End Facebook rant.

Kip Motta, the school principal, defended the policy, saying it was used so that kids would not feel left out.

Looky, looky, ugly harpies! Motta can play the pronoun game, too.

Motta told the Salt Lake Tribune that students who have concerns about dancing with certain classmates should raise the issue with him beforehand so that he could intervene.

‘We want to protect every child’s right to be safe and comfortable at school,’ Motta said.

‘We believe in that 100 per cent.

‘We also believe that all children should be included in activities.

‘The reason for the policy as we have had it (in the) past is to make sure no kids feel like they get left out.’

The principal denied that students were forced to dance with partners they didn’t want.

‘No one was forced to do anything,’ he told Fox 13 TV.

‘All they had to do was communicate with me. That’s what we tell the kids all the time.’

Motta told the Tribune that he and the school superintendent were reviewing the policy this week.

He said that the school hosts three dances a year as part of the physical education curriculum.

‘We teach them how to ask someone to dance, we teach them how to accept dancing, we ask all students to ask someone and we change it up sometimes it’s girls choice, boys choice, kids wearing red tennis shoes, it doesn’t matter, we mix it all up,’ he said.

Motta acknowledged that students are asked to agree to dance with whoever asks them to.

‘They ask each other to dance and we ask them to say “yes” and the reason behind this policy or philosophy is to ensure that no kid is, no children at all are feel like they are left out,’ he said.

Did I just hear a scream of pain from “No Child Left Behind”? Shiv, shiv!

In 2018, the Weber School District in Utah ordered its school to do away with the policy requiring students to accept dance partners after a parent complained that her daughter was told she could not decline a boy’s invitation.

Female hatred for unsexy men is deep and instinctive. As is the pressure men feel to aid and abet that hatred even to their own destruction. Original sin in microcosm.

Not the easiest face to read thanks to premature hair loss and no prominent features. Lots of flat lines and right angles indicates a very logical, orderly personality. Women like the cleft chin so he’s probably experienced with female antics, not just meaning marriage, and having that strong jaw/chin suggests he did well at handling them.

To judge by the way his neck flesh fills out that collar, he’s an athlete gone to seed. I predict his career was professional athlete->phys. ed. teacher->school admin.

I was lucky enough to have a father who coached basketball, and after his coaching years at Weber State in Ogden, we moved to Chicago where Dad and the family started a 25-year N.B.A. career. We lived in the suburbs of Chicago for eight years before we moved to the Washington D.C. area. I finished high school in Maryland in 1977 and started my own life.

I pursue several personal hobbies and interests now I am grown and in the midst of my career and life. The one interest that seems to drive all I do is learning new things. I am a firm believer learning never stops and is only limited by your interests, imagination, and motivation. I learned how to fly airplanes in 1994, and I am now a commercial/instrument rated pilot who enjoys flying for the fun and the love of it.

Other interests I have include fishing, camping, officiating high school basketball, and most other outdoor activities. I also like to watch and attend NASCAR races, N.F.L. football, tennis, and the Yankees. Yes I am a Yankees fan from about birth, so just deal with it!! I enjoy staying fit so I participate in cardio activities such as running, stationary bike, elliptical, and the stair stepper.

1983-84 Teacher (p.e./health) and coach (basketball and cross country) Fairlawn High School

1984-87 Teacher (developmental math, technical math and college algebra); assistant basketball coach Trinity Valley Junior College

1987-90 Assistant coach (basketball) Washington State University

1990-92 Assistant coach and scout Seattle SuperSonics

1992-94 Assistant coach and scout Portland Trailblazers

1994-96 Assistant coach and scout Dallas Mavericks

1996-97 Assistant coach and scout Denver Nuggets

1997-2000 Teacher (mathematics, computer, web page, CCW) Rich Middle School

1998-2000 Assistant principal and teacher (mathematics, web page) Rich Middle School
2000-Present Principal, teacher (mathematics, web page), and coach Rich Middle School and North Rich Elementary

I missed on his being a pro athlete but as you can see, not by much. Strong confirmation of “logical, orderly” personality.


The Wages of AMOG

Meaning, Alpha Males Of God! I do love to sharpen my claws on entitled, ivory tower clergy who complain about how hard they have it in modern America. No sooner did I warm up on the usual Christian scratching posts than the Associated Press tried to generate sympathy for the devil, too! Catharsis for everybody!

Stresses multiply for many US clergy: ‘We need help too’

By David Crary, 18 February 2020

NEW YORK (AP) — Greg Laurie is among America’s most successful clergymen — senior pastor at a California megachurch, prolific author, host of a global radio program. Yet after a youthful colleague’s suicide, his view of his vocation is unsparing.

“Pastors are people, just like everyone else,” Laurie said by email. “We are broken people who live in a broken world. Sometimes, we need help too.”

Then ask for help… from your congregation. Look at you, Greg. Megachurch pastor AND prolific author AND running a radio show? You’re like Moses, who burned out because he refused to delegate authority.

What the Hell are you teaching if, after your mega-congregation “receives your wisdom” in sermon and print and audio combined, you don’t trust ANY of them to help you out? Because they listened to you?

Laurie’s 15,000-member Harvest Christian Fellowship, based in Riverside, California, was jolted in September by the death of 30-year-old associate pastor Jarrid Wilson. He and his wife had founded an outreach group to help people coping with depression and suicidal thoughts.

Jarrid’s problem was not burnout. It was being raised as a feminized man. My post on his suicide is my #2 most-read, between Epstein’s cellmate and Eddie Gallagher’s accusers.

“People may think that as pastors or spiritual leaders we are somehow above the pain and struggles of everyday people,” Laurie wrote after Wilson’s death. “We are the ones who are supposed to have all the answers. But we do not.”

Then. Act. Like. It. Step down a little. Allow laymen to guest-sermon. Bring a co-host onto your radio show. But no, Greg Laurie is an over-accomplished Baby Boomer too busy being awesome to share his success. For his kind, the key to winning at life isn’t just dying with the most toys. It’s making sure the world lies rudderless the day after his death.

This demand for sympathy to burned-out clergy is in truth, a demand that we overlook their refusal to treat us as equals before God. It’s tragic because many of us, me included, would be happy to help them share the load. Alas. They hog the pulpit then complain about its weight. You want sympathy for that, priest? Here’s a dictionary. You’ll find sympathy in it somewhere.

There is similar introspection among clergy of many faiths across the United States as the age-old challenges of their ministries are deepened by many newly evolving stresses. Rabbis worry about protecting their congregations from anti-Semitic violence.

No, they worry about goyim uprisings should we ever find out, as a society, how they’ve repaid us evil for good since WW2.

Whoa, hang on. Don’t warm me up with a pastor-bashing spree then offer up da J00z for the next target! People will think I go out of my way to find them and that’s simply not true. I keep talking about them because they won’t leave me alone, like women.

Islamic chaplains counsel college students unnerved by anti-Muslim sentiments.

No, they plot how to murder Christians and colonize the West with our leaders’ black-hearted collusion.

…Heh. Also a bad choice of alternative target but whatever. All targets are worthy! Full speed!

A shortage of Catholic priests creates burdens for those who remain, even as their church’s sex-abuse crisis lowers morale.

That’s a symptom. The cause is the pope ain’t Catholic no more. Who would shame himself by voluntary association with Pope Pachemama?

Worries for Protestant pastors range from crime and drug addiction in their communities to financial insecurity for their own families to social media invective that targets them personally.

Attention dumbitch Protestant clergy, dissent against clergy is at the heart of Protestantism! Protest-ant-ism! You don’t get to be above suspicion when you’re the top dog in the church for all kind of good, historically-validated reasons. And the ones of you who complain most about dissidents, tend to be the ones most in need of scrutiny.

You want more money? A job in the private sector can pay better than social work. Many of you clergy might not know that, never having worked a single private-sector job in your entire, sheltered lives.

Adam Hertzman, who works for the Jewish Federation of Pittsburgh, witnessed the emotional toll on local rabbis after the October 2018 massacre that killed 11 Jews at the Tree of Life synagogue.

The Poway shooting had an amazingly oversized reaction upon the Jewish psyche. They must fear us as much as they hate us… a complete surprise to the many Christians who think Jews are great and God-blessed.

“Somehow in the U.S. we expect our clergy to be superhuman when it comes to these things,” he said. “They’re human beings who are going to feel the same kind of fear and numbness and depression that other people do.”


It’s difficult to quantify the extent of clergy stress, nationwide or denominationally. But a 2018 Gallup poll bears out a common impression that clergy no longer enjoy the same public esteem as in the past. Only 37% of American rate members of the clergy highly for honesty and ethics, the lowest rating in the 40 years Gallup has asked that question.

If clergy are no longer respected then it’s obviously because the little people have too high expectations of them? Or because clergy cling to institutional power with such desperation that the men all leave in despair of ever being allowed to participate in church functions? I will never forget the shame of being put on the slide projector rotation with junior-high kids, time and again, despite being a skilled professional in the working world.

“Not very long ago, they were seen as one of the pillars of the community,” said Carl Weisner, senior director of Duke Divinity School’s Clergy Health Initiative. “There has been some loss of status… and that does add to stress.”

It shouldn’t. Clergy get judged more harshly than non-clergy so one should have a better motivation for taking the job than improved social status. That’s a tool of the job, not a perk.

Any pastor too thin-skinned to handle anklebiters on Twitter is unfit for the job of defending his flock from the wolves.

Stress — and rewards — come in many forms for Rodney McNeal, 54, an Army veteran and social worker who has pastored Second Bethlehem Baptist Church in Alexandria, Louisiana, for nearly eight years.

Officially, the African American church has 300 members but only about 130 attend a typical service, he said.

“They don’t understand that I get tired like they get tired,” he said. ”They want you to be at their constant beck and call.”

You could train lay assistants to help you out. You could set guidelines for non-emergencies. Or, you could bitch to the Associated Press.

He has attended five seminaries but never completed them. The courses, he said, didn’t cover all he sees on the job.

Talk about wasting time and money! Dude, you don’t need a seminary degree at all, to say nothing of the value of an attempt #6.

“The preaching part is the easy part,” he said. “Had I known the ugly side of ministry — the hospital visits, burying the dead, being in the room when someone is dying and trying to comfort their family… Had I known all that, I don’t think I would have accepted being a pastor.”

Have you considered resignation? You stepped up and found out you aren’t a good fit to the job. It happens. Why persist in being miserable?

What keeps him going?

“I will be out in the community and somebody will say ‘Hey man, you changed my life,”’ he said.

Ditch that savior complex. You SAY that it’s God who saves, then you ACT like the world will stop if it’s not all about you.


Episcopal Bishop Chilton Knudsen, from the vantage of a nearly 40-year career, cites several factors affecting the clergy’s morale — including sex-abuse scandals that have rocked several Protestant denominations as well as the Catholic church.

“As the scandals became public, the public trust of clergy has dropped a little notch with each revelation,” said Knudsen, 73. “Even if you never had a scandal, there’s still a taint by association.”

Why does that taint linger? Because no church, in any denomination, teaches that unrepentant homosexuals are evil people that should not be tolerated in society. No church makes a point of alienating the LGBT crowd. No church criticizes secular leaders for endorsing or tolerating sodomy. And thus, the laity have every reason to believe that the next homo termite discovered infesting the Church won’t be publicly shamed into oblivion then handed over to law enforcement.

It’s not that some of you clergy did bad. It’s that the rest of you aren’t setting it right.

“At the same time, the clergy has more complicated situations come across their doorstep,” she said. “There’s a wearing-down effect… they’re thinking, ‘I’ve spent all these hours with people trying to do good things, and I’m just getting nowhere.’”

Another challenge, she said, is the willingness of some churchgoers to engage in “clergy bashing.”

“Sometimes your congregation is polarized — a group who wants you gone and believes another priest will be so much better, and a group who are supportive,” she said. “People are acting out, circulating rumors about you in email chains — it’s traumatic.”

Not traumatic. Female. Start saying “No” to women or reap the gossip whirlwind.

The National Association of Evangelicals, which represents more than 45,000 churches in the U.S., published research in 2016 detailing pervasive financial stress among its pastors. Of more than 4,200 pastors surveyed, half earned less than $50,000 a year; 90% worried about insufficient retirement savings.

Kiss my ass. I have NO retirement savings because I couldn’t find full-time work until my mid-thirties and then the Second Depression hit me hard. If I’m not incarcerated for peaceful homophobia then I expect to work until my body breaks and then eat a gun because I’d rather die than justify the welfare-industrial complex with my cooperation. The Church has until then to start caring about its vulnerable men.

At this point, the article diverges fully to the plight of Muslims not getting everything they want and Jews with comically overblown persecution complexes.


For Muslim clergy in America, the stresses of their jobs are often magnified by awareness that their communities face prejudice and suspicion.

“We’re framed in this idea that somehow we’re a fifth column trying to take the country down,” said James Jones, a Manhattan College religion professor and vice chair of the board of the Islamic Seminary of America. “We’re asked to prove ourselves — that we are patriotic — in ways that other people aren’t.”

Your beliefs DEFINE you Muslims as a Fifth Column against both Christianity and the US Constitution. Not to mention what your Muzzie brothers are doing in Europe right now. Lorries for peace, driving on the sidewalks!

But seriously: USA is a Christian nation, no matter what our leaders say. Get out, Mohammed. Make your pilgrimage and stay there.

Adeel Zeb encountered anti-Muslim sentiment head-on as Islamic chaplain at Duke University in 2015. The school invited Muslim students to give their call to prayer from the bell tower of the campus chapel, only to withdraw the invitation — citing safety concerns — amid a backlash that included death threats and outraged criticism from prominent Christian figures such as evangelist Franklin Graham.

A case in point. They coopted the Christian chapel to blare their obnoxious prayer summons and astonishingly, people didn’t like either the noise pollution nor the symbology.

I like how author David Crary phrased that last sentence to imply that Mr. Graham, of all Evangelical voices, was making death threats against Muzzies. You can’t claim to be persecuted in a country whose media, government and even other-religious leaders are lockstep determined to see you thrive at literally all costs.


In September 2017, on the first day of Rosh Hoshana — the Jewish new year — a security guard found a hateful anti-Semitic message scrawled outside Temple Sinai — home to the oldest Jewish congregation in Oakland, California.

Why are liberal strongholds STILL such hate-filled, intolerant communities? Haven’t they chased out all the intolerant Christians and dissidents yet? Nobody is left but the Left itself!

Rabbi Jacqueline Mates-Muchin rushed to the synagogue and devised a plan before worshippers gathered for morning services. As they arrived, she encouraged them to write positive messages on sheets of butcher paper, which then covered the graffiti until workers could paint over it. …

Mates-Muchin says her congregation was heartened by an outpouring of support from civic and religious leaders. But the incident — and the subsequent deadly attacks on synagogues in Pittsburgh and Poway, California — took a toll.

…And why is an account like that in an article on clergy burnout? I am only a man but in her place, I would have kept a few cans of color-matched spray paint in the janitorial closet for the inevitable vandalisms by Jew-hating atheists. As easy as stocking butcher paper, plus the job is done immediately instead of after a team of (male) workers can get to it on a workday.

Which gives me an idea why Rabbi BARBIE might not feel welcome in her position. Wikipedia partially confirms!


Jacqueline Mates-Muchin, a San Francisco native, is the first Chinese-American rabbi in the world. Her mother was second-generation Chinese-American and her father was the son of Austrian Jewish immigrants. … After serving as an assistant rabbi in Buffalo, New York, she joined Temple Sinai in 2005. She was chosen as the first female senior rabbi of Temple Sinai in January 2015

Being a Chinese Jew could easily make her feel uncomfortable among the notoriously clannish Jews. And being the first woman to rule over them? The Jewish God never appointed female leadership any more than Jesus did. Those ‘oldest’ denominations can be sooo traditional!

But of course, the AP can’t report on Jews being racist against a half-Chinese or toxic patriarchy in the synagogue. She must have been traumatized by… by… some asshole in San Diego! And a crude swash-tika three years ago.

End segue

Since the Pittsburgh massacre, she said, “I don’t begin a service without having a rough plan of where I’d direct people if someone came in with a gun.”

Rough plan: lock the door.

During that span, her synagogue has beefed up security measures — more lighting, security cameras and guards. For the most recent High Holy Days, synagogue leaders deployed armed off-duty police officers.

Rabbi Amy Bardack, director of Jewish Life and Learning at the Jewish Federation of Pittsburgh, helped coordinate support for local rabbis after the Tree of Life massacre.

“No one learns about this in rabbinical school,” she said.

Faced with such deliberate anti-Semitic attacks, Bardack said, the rabbis “are both the wounded and the healers.”

Possibly the vandals, too, knowing Oakland. There are so few Neo-Not-Sees left in the Gay Area that sometimes, the people have to victimize themselves!

Back in the day, clergy didn’t have to stress about such things.


Eustachio Gallese Got His Needs Met

Women don’t want men to use porn? Okay, the Canadian prison system said. We’ll go old-fashioned and let the inmates use whores.

Canada grants day pass to convicted murderer to visit brothel where he kills prostitute

By Anthony Murdoch, 24 February 2020

Porn doesn’t kill people. Convicted murderers kill people!

February 24, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — The recent murder of a Quebec prostitute by a convicted murderer who was allowed day parole to satisfy his “sexual needs” is an example of the consequences of disregarding the law when it comes to dangerous convicted murderers in Canada, says Canada’s largest Evangelical Christian organization.

No, it’s evidence that our society’s leaders are demon-worshiping morons.

Earlier this year, 22-year-old Marylène Lévesque was found dead in a Quebec City hotel room with stab wounds and signs of injuries caused by fighting back. A convicted murderer on day parole, Eustachio Gallese, turned himself into Quebec City police later in the day, telling them where to find the body.

He was then charged with the second-degree murder of Lévesque. He is due to make a court appearance on February 26.

A flat, straight nose in line with the forehead suggests a forceful personality. Not the best picture, though.

Gallese was allowed to meet with women while on day parole, “only for the purpose of responding to [his] sexual needs,” said parole board documents. A federal investigation being conducted by Corrections Canada and the parole board was ordered by Public Safety Minister Bill Blair in late January as a result of the murder.

At least he didn’t use porn, which can lead to violence!

While I am pleased to see a Western government seriously consider the sexual needs of its male citizens, I did not realize at the time of my demand that it was necessary to specify “law-abiding” male citizens.

In 1997, according to the Daily Mail, Gallese was found guilty of domestic violence against the woman he was seeing at the time and also “assaulted his ex-wife.” In 2004, reports the Vancouver Sun, he was convicted of murdering his wife, Chantale Deschênes, in a brutal assault that involved a hammer and knife.

He was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole for at least 15 years. He was also deemed to be a high-risk offender who would be likely to commit violence again.

He did the fifteen and then was transferred to a halfway house. Smells like the brain fart of a bean counter.

At the September meeting, the parole board noted that they were alarmed that he was allowed to have interactions with women since being placed in the halfway house. Despite this, they allowed his day parole to be increased so long as he reported any relationships (sexual ones included) with women and did not use drugs or alcohol.

It’d be difficult to reintegrate into modern society, which is the purpose of a halfway house, without being allowed relationships with women.

The board also asked for his term to be re-evaluated in six months, which would have been this March.

They will ask him one question: did she formally give consent?

Gallese: “Uh… sure. Yeah.”

Parole Board: “To be stabbed repeatedly with a knife?”

Gallese: “She charged extra for kinky.”

Julia Beazley, the director of public policy for Canada’s largest group of Evangelical Christians, the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC), said Lévesque “was killed because a parole officer tacitly condoned Gallese breaking Canada’s prostitution laws,” Beazley said.

Now that’s an interesting statement that I’ll come back to. One might say the parole system shouldn’t allow its convicted murderers parole… okay. One might say that the parole system aided & abetted this murder… okay. But a specific parole officer condoned Gallese breaking… prostitution law??? By savagely murdering the whore?

What are we not being told?

Gwen Landolt, national vice president of Real Women of Canada…

Is that like Real Women of Walmart?

Yep. That’s Gwen.

…Condemned the parole board’s decision. “It is unforgivable that the parole board let this man out, this man who had murdered his own wife, and saying that he was not a threat to national security and then incredibly going onto say, however, his sexual needs can be satisfied with prostitutes,” said Landolt to LifeSiteNews.

I failed to source the parole board actually making those statements.

The horrendous crime committed against Lévesque shows a complete lack of regard for public safety from government officials, added Landolt.

Some in the mainstream media have spoken out about the case. Vancouver Sun columnist Daphne Bramham (linked above) concluded: “Why this tragedy happened is simple: The people responsible for keeping the public safe failed.”

And public safety begins with… YOU, the victim! That is what we aren’t being told.

Daphne Bramham: Allowing paroled murderers to visit brothels isn't just stupid, it's illegal and deadly

It is unbelievable that men who have killed their intimate partners would not only be allowed, but encouraged, to go to brothels while they are on parole and out on day passes.

But that’s exactly what Canada’s parole board agreed to last September for Eustachio Gallese, 51, who had brutally murdered his wife in 2004.

He had sexual needs, his caseworker told the board. But because Gallese wasn’t deemed ready to have relationships with a woman, buying sexual services was the solution to satisfying his “sexual needs.”

It’s a solution that blatantly disregards the fact that buying sexual services is a criminal offence, as is operating a brothel.

But, more tragically, the order was approved with cruel disregard for the unsuspecting women on whom Gallese was set loose.

Unsuspecting women? I think not…

Lévesque had defensive wounds and had been stabbed, according to Le Journal de Quebec. The newspaper also reported that Lévesque had worked in a massage parlour and that Gallese was a regular customer, and had bought her gifts including a television for Christmas.

But both the Montreal Gazette and Le Soleil reported that Gallese had been banned from the brothel because he had been violent with several others who worked there.

Lévesque made the mistake of meeting him at a hotel.

HER mistake, not his. She knew he was violent and chose to go freelance after he got banned from visiting her at the brothel.

So, the parole board sanctioned a regulated form of prostitution… making it comparable to America’s conjugal visits, I suppose… and it worked, as Gallese was kicked out after getting violent with no blood spilled. At which time, the victim knowingly endangered her life to continue fucking him.

In 1997, Gallese was convicted for conjugal violence. Seven years later, Gallese murdered his 32-year-old partner, Chantal Deschênes, beating her first with a hammer and then repeatedly stabbing her.

We need to lock up murderers just to prevent attractive women from trying to have their babies. “Judge, I request that you deny parole for my client, “Iron Maiden” Manson, on the grounds that he is sexually irresistible to young women. Specifically, my legal-age daughter.”

And now you, “Evangelical” Julia Beazley! I return to your interesting comment: “Lévesque “was killed because a parole officer tacitly condoned Gallese breaking Canada’s prostitution laws,” Beazley said.”

Hmm, how many virgins… or happily married Christian wives… have nose rings? At least that suggests she’s an expert on her chosen specialties:


Julia Beazley has been with the EFC since 1999, working mainly on issues of domestic and global poverty, homelessness, prostitution, pornography and human trafficking. She moved from her previous position as policy analyst to director of public policy in January 2016.

That reads like a globalist infiltrator, not a Christian. Which is it, Julia? Are you against prostitution or porn? Ignoring how men should behave for the moment, we’re going to get our itch scratched somehow. You Churchian wimminz don’t want to be frisky wives so pick your poison.

I would think the better fate is pin-ups of you being used by Gallese for prison currency than letting him sheath ALL his blades into your corpse but hey, I’m not female. Your body, your choice.

Julia Beazley: Don’t ignore the real issue on prostitution

htt ps://

17 June 2013

Last week, an article in these pages (Legalize the Sex Trade, Kate Shannon and Sandra Ka Hon Chu, June 11), saw the authors declare that “the science is unequivocal: criminalization of sex work in Canada, and globally, has been an abject failure in protecting sex workers from violence, predation and murder.” While I might question which particular scientific studies the authors were referring to, I don’t disagree that the laws have failed to protect. The criminalization of sex work — more specifically, of people who are being prostituted — has indeed failed.

Again, Julia is the director of public policy for Canada’s largest group of Evangelical Christians, the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC). And here, she complains that prostitution is a crime.

The case, brought forward by three sex workers — Terry-Jean Bedford, Amy Lebovitch, and Valerie Scott — is a direct result of the refusal of consecutive federal governments to respond to enormous volumes of evidence that these laws do more harm than they prevent.

The science is unequivocal: criminalization of sex work in Canada, and globally, has been an abject failure in protecting sex workers from violence, predation and murder, and has exacerbated vulnerability to HIV and other health inequities among sex workers.

While the buying and selling of sex between consensual adults has never been illegal in Canada, criminal laws prohibit working together indoors, owning or renting an indoor place for sex work, living off the avails of prostitution, or communicating in public spaces for the purposes of sex work by sex workers, clients or third parties. Together, these laws make it virtually impossible for a sex worker to work legally, even though the act itself is not forbidden.

Canada’s existing laws have proven ineffective at discouraging prostitution and protecting women. But the evidence is unequivocal that decriminalization or legalization of prostitution has been a greater failure. Countries that have legalized prostitution have found it neither provides more control over criminal behaviour nor offers greater protection for women from violence. It has also led to increased rates of sex trafficking.

In this case, it *did* offer control over Gallese. All the brothel workers who didn’t “fly solo” are alive today.

The only model of law that has proven effective is the so-called “Nordic” model, first enacted in Sweden more than a decade ago. This model recognizes the vast majority of prostituted persons are not for sale by choice. Sweden’s law focuses its punitive powers on the johns, the pimps and the traffickers.

The men.

Swedish legislators started from the premise that prostitution is only and ever a form of sexual violence and exploitation of vulnerable women, men and children. Rather than try to manage or control prostitution, they determined to abolish it, establishing legal and social measures that take aim at the roots of sexual exploitation. Under this model, prostituted persons are decriminalized and those who purchase sexual services are criminalized; with fines geared to income and possible imprisonment. It has proven to be the most successful prostitution policy developed in a democratic society; and has been replicated in Norway, Iceland and is in various stages of consideration in France, Israel and Ireland. Targeting the demand has been demonstrated to be the most effective means of reducing rates of prostitution and sex trafficking.

Translation, Barbie gets to rent her ass out and STILL cry rape against the man. What a great way to stop men from becoming violent: use their sex drives as bait for officially sanctioned entrapment!

Why is this? Because the violence experienced by women in prostitution is not rooted in the laws on paper, or in how they stand up to a Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The violence directed at women in prostitution is rooted in the demand for paid access to women’s bodies — and the fundamental inequality that underlies this sense of entitlement.

Charter of Rights and Freedoms? What about God, Julia? Christ Jesus? Oh, that’s right… He’s a MAN intending to marriage-rape His followers from a position of authority! Eeevil patriarchy personified!

Why was this witch allowed one more day in a purportedly Christian organization? We’re now seven years after this article was published!

The reality too often ignored in debate over which laws are best is that prostitution itself is inherently dangerous. It’s not the laws that endanger women in prostitution. It’s not the street corners or the alleyways that prey on, rape, assault and murder women. It’s the pimps, traffickers and buyers [men] whose disrespect and devaluation of those women goes unchecked. To suggest that if prostituted women had time to make better choices about which customers to accept, or to negotiate the price and acts they will perform, they would be less subject to violence, is to put the responsibility for reducing violence squarely on the wrong shoulders.

In this case, she WOULD have been less subject to violence! The victim was dangerously, stupidly irresponsible.

The violence is rooted in the underlying view among the people, mostly men, that purchase them that women in prostitution are somehow fundamentally different from their mothers, sisters, girlfriends, wives and daughters.

Here, Julia tries to invoke incest taboos to stop men for wanting sex. Yet another man-shaming tactic that isn’t going to have a happy ending.

This misperception justifies treatment of women as objects to be bought and sold. The very existence of prostitution requires a subclass of people who are available to be bought, sold and rented; people understood to be somehow just a little less equal than everyone else. The Netherlands, New Zealand and Australia have discovered that legalizing prostitution does not change this.

You see that feminist over there, Julia? SHE said that sex work was empowering.

A key to the success experienced in Sweden is a public awareness campaign that accompanied the change in law. Children are taught in school from a young age that the purchase of sex is not just illegal, it’s unacceptable; it’s violence against women, and contrary to gender equality. This may be the most effective in the long run, because children are growing up with a different understanding of what respect between the sexes means.

That’s right, Sweden! What’s legal and acceptable for you is getting ass-raped by Muslim invaders, because they do it for FREE!!! Those white men keep trying to give you money and gifts in return for sex… that’s disgusting!

Gallese is going to be your future, Julia. If women can do no wrong and men can do no right, sexually speaking, then Gallese is going to be EXACTLY the result. A violent man who punctuates his prison sentences with dead lovers. Not dead whores… he murdered a wife and a girlfriend.

If we truly want to stop the violence experienced by women in prostitution — and I believe we all agree at least on that point — let’s do as Sweden did, and tackle the problem at its roots.

By criminalizing male sexuality. The mind boggles at how incredibly stupid wimminz can be. I’m not trying to defend porn or prostitution in this article… God hates both… but females, what’s it going to be? Healthy, frisky marriage? Legal prostitution? Let men do their porn in peace?

Or, are you not going to stop until all men are declared violent rapists by the State just because testosterone? You wimminz will deserve what (who) happens after that.

Julia Beazley is a Policy Analyst with The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada.

In the time since Julia wrote this article, she has been promoted to Director of Public Policy with the EFC.


Physiognomy: Tenant From Hell!

Could the art of face-reading have prevented this triple murder?

On the left is Jordan Guzman, age 20. Problem glasses, right off the bat. I believe thick, dark frames, especially when wing-tipped at the upper outer corners, serve as a psychological barrier between themselves and the outside world. Not always; one must account for style and it’s possible their eyesight is bad enough to warrant heavy corrective lenses that need such a frame; but on Jordan’s face, they stand out almost painfully. In fact, I can’t read her eyes because of them.

Angled eyebrows for conflict. That’s a remarkably sharp chin, which also indicates conflict-seeking.

Her nose is narrow, suggesting limited social energy, and significantly upturned for an impetuous attitude… opposite of the downward-pointing shrewd nose.

Hair seems carefully styled yet remains frizzy. Disorderly thoughts, with attempts at fitting in.

The Chinese believe earlobes that poke out like hers are bad luck.

I haven’t reached a strong conclusion about wide mouths with narrow lips like hers. They might signal deception/treachery; I first became aware of them on Jeffrey Epstein

..and have been curious to confirm whether they indicate antisocial personality. When I practice that face in the mirror, I feel like I’m keeping secrets. (Feel free to comment on this. I’m still indecisive.)

Conclusion: Do not accept as a tenant! Many conflict/disorderly indicators.

On the right is Anthony McCloud, age 18. Poofy, curly hair… probably at least half-black, but the hair seems orderly. Also curly, indicating high libido.

His eyes are shaped that way because of lowered eye canthus (outside corners of the eyes). That indicates a slower, nonconfrontational personality that can be indecisive.

Wide nose & nostrils, probably an extrovert. But his mouth is narrow, meaning he doesn’t talk much, which indicates introvert. Hmm.

When the lower face is trapezoidal, it can indicate loyalty. Also, a solid chin with a neck that thick, he’s probably into sports. Perhaps team sports and he’s the quiet guy on the team.

Conclusion: Would accept as a tenant, but will probably throw the occasional loud party.

And what a party it was!

California woman, boyfriend kill roommates in rent dispute, flee to Vegas: Cops

California woman, boyfriend kill roommates in rent dispute, flee to Vegas: Cops

A 20-year-old woman and her 18-year-old boyfriend have been charged with the murders of the woman’s three roommates over a rental dispute, police said Friday.

Unusual for a woman that young to have an even younger boyfriend. The chick is normally the one who’s barely legal.

Jordan Guzman and Anthony McCloud were found in Las Vegas, 250 miles away from the scene of the crime in Hemet, California, according to police. They fled there in a Hyundai Sonata belonging to one of the victims; that vehicle was recovered.

The Hemet Police Department said officers responded to a home in San Jacinto Valley at about 9 p.m. Wednesday night after receiving a call about “a female in the home covered in blood.” The husband of one of the victims, 46-year-old Wendy Lopez-Araiza, made the 911 call after he arrived home from work. When officers and paramedics arrived, they found two more victims in the home.

Taking in boarders is becoming common in California. As the middle class is squeezed out, the ones who have homes start looking for extra income and the ones who don’t, are safer bets than used to be typical. I’m a boarder myself. Didn’t used to be the case that hardworking model citizens like me were still low-tier renters at middle age… and harlots in her mid-twenties were living in three-bedroom houses.

Also back in the day, renting a room to an unmarried young woman was asking for trouble. Why did she want to be away from male authority? Usually prostitution. Hemet is not a college town so even that excuse doesn’t fly.

The other victims were identified as Genesis Lopez-Araiza, 21 — Wendy Lopez-Araiza’s daughter — and Trinity Clyde, 18. All three were pronounced dead at the scene. Police said the Riverside County Coroner’s Office would provide a cause of death after autopsies were complete but noted that “injuries (were) consistent with murder by means other than a firearm.”

Hemet Police Chief Eddie Pust said during a Friday afternoon news conference that there was evidence the victims suffered blunt force trauma and strangulation.

Women don’t generally have the strength to kill like that. Firearms and poison are more their speed. And boyfriends, of course.

Guzman and McCloud were suspects almost immediately, police said, because Guzman had recently moved into the home, and investigators were told there had been a dispute about the rent. Both had reportedly been at the home earlier in the evening. Local media reported that family members said the Lopez-Araizas were trying to get Guzman to move out.

“I know they were trying to get her to move out, I believe,” family member Cheryl Mead told ABC7. “I guess that this is how she retaliated, which is pretty horrific.”

She was the tenant and he was the killer? This picture is taking shape fast. You probably THE BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER FOUND A WEAK MAN TO MANIPULATE are already thinking what I’m thinking.

Hello, matriarchy.

Tony had no personal beef with the landlady but when Guzman was ordered to leave, she told her boyfriend to murder three innocent people in cold blood… and he did it. They then robbed the dead and left for Las Vegas. Hemet is located north of San Diego so a smart man would have run for Mexico before the police inevitably connected the “crime scene fingerprints match boyfriend of psycho tenant getting evicted” dots. Fleeing to Vegas in the victim’s car sounds more like what a psycho bitch with stolen money would do.

But then, a smart man would have called the cops on his batshit-crazy girlfriend and grabbed a new one off the batshit-crazy-girl tree. Come on, Tony, even Tinder-sluts would be a step up! Not that you’ll be setting up a Tinder account while in San Quentin for a million years to life.

When detectives learned of a possible connection to Las Vegas, they contacted police there with descriptions of the suspects and the vehicle, which belonged to Clyde. Police there located the car early Thursday morning and took Guzman and McCloud into custody. Both have been charged with three counts of murder and are being held at the Clark County Detention Center on $2 million bond each pending extradition.

Fast work. Whether you trust physiognomy or not, it’s a very safe bet to not lease a room in your home to unmarried women of college age. Especially if she isn’t keeping busy by attending college.


Celebrity Daddy Issues: Mikaela Spielberg

This post is Safe For Work and it would be even if I wasn’t Christian, because Mikaela failed the boner test so badly that she reminded me of post-surgery Michael Jackson. It’s fascinating that I watched Stevie Spielberg’s movies for the adventure as a kid and now watch his personal life for the horror as an adult.

Never meet the celebrities who inspire you. The best of them are merely human.

Hat tip to horsemanbombadil on Spawney’s Space.

‘I’M A SEXUAL CREATURE’ Steven Spielberg’s daughter Mikaela is a porn star and aspiring erotic dancer – and says her dad supports her career

By Emma Parry, 19 February 2020

Englishmen have the best tabloids. I wonder what that implies about their culture.

STEVEN Spielberg’s daughter Mikaela has launched a new career as an adult entertainer, The Sun can reveal.

In an exclusive interview Mikaela Spielberg, 23, who was adopted as a baby by the legendary film director and his wife Kate Capshaw, told how she has already started self producing solo porn videos – and says she would love to land a job as a dancer in a strip club once she obtains her sex worker license.

And who wouldn’t, having an Atheist Jew Hollywood Elite with ties to a lot of high-level perverts for a surrogate father? Not to mention suspiciously blasphemous imagery… compare the famous “ET” poster to the Sistine Chapel and recall the introductory conversation between Indiana Jones and Miriam. Mikaela was doomed to be messed up and now, it seems, sadly, damned as well:

Mikaela, who speaks to her parents regularly, broke the news to them via FaceTime at the weekend and said they were “intrigued” but “not upset”.

That speaks very ill of Daddy’s teachings & guidance on sexuality.

Describing herself as a “sexual creature” she told The Sun: “I got really tired of not being able to capitalize on my body and frankly, I got really tired of being told to hate my body.

I believe the first and not the second. Nobody is telling her to hate her body. She isn’t even fat yet, although she does appear to have both hands on the fat grenade:

She was originally ethnic-black then bleached her skin a la Michael Jackson to appear as white as Daddy. (Not sure if permanent.) No way is my Winky coming out for a female that looks like she should be wearing one white glove.

“And I also just got tired of working day to day in a way that wasn’t satisfying my soul.

Making up for missing out… at age 23 in a celebrity family?

“I feel like doing this kind of work, I’m able to ‘satisfy’ other people, but that feels good because it’s not in a way that makes me feel violated.”

Mikaela first revealed her new career on social media earlier this month.

I didn’t even know there were actual certifications for sex work… outside of Las Vegas but come on, they consider Elvis impersonators to be ordained priests. Mikaela lives in Nashville and even though all of America is going down the sewer, “licensed pole dancer” in the Bible Belt is still a stretch. Heh.

If she really does pull the pin on that fat grenade then she’ll be America’s first licensed utility pole dancer. Nothing less will handle the weight.

She wrote: “I just launched my self produced adult entertainment career. Safe, sane, consensual is the goal y’all.

“My body, my life, my income, my choice. I owe not a single person my autonomy or virtue just because of a name.”

Then change your name, SPIELBERG. Did you check that privilege before spouting off your feminist dogma? You’re 23 years old right now so you’re at that awkward age: after your feminist studies degree, currently in student debt and before your exotic dancing career ends on “Cops”.

Let me quote that again:

“My body, my life, my income, my choice. I owe not a single person my autonomy or virtue just because of a name.”

On that note, Mikaela is engaged to be married!

Mikaela told how it had been a huge confidence booster to show off her large natural breasts, which she describes as her “moneymaker” – and how she plans on producing more solo erotic videos to show off her curves.

And while she said she’d be happy at turning her hand to fetish videos – she draws the line at having sex with another person on camera, out of respect for her supportive fiancé Chuck Pankow, 47.

Run, Chuck, RUN!!!


Chuck Pankow is a former American professional dart player who currently plays in the British Darts Organisation tournaments. He attended and graduated high school in Ocala, Florida, and currently resides in Nashville, Tennessee. In addition to playing darts he is a professional exotic animal handler and trainer. He started his career in 1991 at Jungle Larry’s Caribbean Gardens in Naples, Florida, working with a variety of animals including big cats, elephants, reptiles and primates among others and is currently employed as an elephant trainer at the Nashville Zoo in Tennessee.

On second thought, this celebrity marriage might go the distance. He’s a pro!

End segue.

Now in her first interview, Mikaela, who lives in Nashville, Tennessee, told how she hopes her new career choice will help her become financially independent from her Hollywood parents.

“I’ve always been a very sexually natured person, which has gotten me in trouble before. Not in a predatory way, but just in the sense that people here in the South might not yet be comfortable with that,” she said.

“My main hope is just that I get somewhere lucrative enough to where I’m not tied down financially by things. And then I can really start saying to people there’s nothing wrong with me using my body in a way that feels comfortable to support myself.

“I can’t stay dependent on my parents or even the state for that matter – not that there’s anything wrong with that – it just doesn’t feel comfortable for me.

“This isn’t like an ‘end of the road’ or ‘I’ve hit bottom’ choice.

“This is a positive, empowering choice, I realized there is no shame in having a fascination with this industry and wanting to do something that is safe, sane, consensual.”

Translated from hamsterese: “I was repeatedly raped as a child and abused until I nearly died of underage alcoholism and drug use. Now I found a man willing to help me pull my life together and I’ll do it by using the only thing anybody ever wanted me for: my body.”

And sadly, this article verifies that translation’s accuracy:

While Mikaela is now excited and positive about the future and her new career, she also spoke out – for the first time – about her difficult past in which she says she suffered sexual abuse.

She says she was groomed and abused by “predators” growing up – although she is keen to point out these men were outsiders and not anyone from her family or their circle of friends.


She says that contributed to her suffering years of mental health issues including anorexia, borderline personality disorder and alcoholism.

I’m very open about my borderline personality disorder both publicly, with friends and online – because we’re portrayed as manipulative monsters a lot,” Mikaela said.

I was right the first time. Run, Chuck!!! What happened to Mikaela was inhuman but you can’t stop a train wreck by tying yourself to it.

Mikaela says her childhood problems were exacerbated when she was sent to a boarding school for troubled teens – which instead of improving her problems and behavior – actually had the opposite effect.

“I came out of there worst than I was going in – with more anxiety and more attachment issues, more depression and more hatred from my body. I actually developed an eating disorder while I was living there,” she said.

“It’s not my parents’ fault. They couldn’t have known.”

Then why did they send you to a boarding school for troubled teens? I have an idea why it made the problem worse instead of better and it doesn’t suggest that Daddy was unaware. But I have no info to go forward with.

Mikaela eventually turned to drinking to cope with her childhood trauma – and admits that some days she drank so much she almost died.

“I was really out of control from about the age of 11 years old, even to up up to two years ago,” she said.

“So that out of control-ness only stopped pretty recently. When I was 21, I used to drink every day and that went on for like two years until I almost died a couple of times.”

Somebody needs their neck stretched for what happened to Mikaela. Why no names? I bet many law enforcement officials, not to mention paparazzi, would be interested listeners.

And these days *GQ looks at the FBI leadership* I might trust the paparazzi first.

Thankfully after working through her issues with therapists and with the support of loyal fiance Chuck she says she is in a positive place.

Mikaela added: “I’m in a good place right now, but we all have relapses. Being open in this way and sharing my story and choosing this career is not a relapse for me. I actually feel very grounded and validated right now.”

She admitted that boyfriend Chuck took a while to accept her sex industry ambitions – but now is fully supportive of her choices.

It took him a long time to come around to it because obviously in the South there’s so much shame around that still,” Mikaela said.

Thank God for that, at least. When society loses the ability to feel guilt and shame is when the kiddie-diddlers come out to play. It’s a bad sign that Chuck didn’t quit Openly Borderline Mikaela the first few times she pushed him to accept her openly promiscuous lifestyle. They say that crazies give the best sex… I suspect Chuck is thinking with his little head.

Mikaela doesn’t realize, those Christian prohibitions against “sex work” are for the physical protection of women as much as public morality. One kink that you won’t find in any red-light district: a happy ending.

“Chuck’s been super supportive, but it took him a while to get to that spot because he wasn’t sure how his social group would react to it.

“And thus far, it hasn’t been the best, but that was expected because of the environment we live in right now.”

Your daddy is a piece of human shit, Mikaela. You say he never hurt you or did you wrong… but not only did he not protect you from those monsters, right now he’s neither trying to talk sense into you or simply disinheriting you as a shameless whore. At least he’s consistent in not protecting you from the dark side of human sexuality.

No pussy pass. The way to fight against and overcome your horrible childhood is not sex work monetizing your ta-tas. And it probably isn’t a man like Chuck, so weak-Framed that he’s willing to become a social outcast for the chance to marry an out-and-proud, insane Michael Jackson lookalike.


New York Begins To Burn After Bail Ends

New York has so many stories of pure, tragicomic horror exploding out of Pandora’s “bail reform” box that I had trouble finalizing this post!

Suspect deemed a ‘menace to society’ on the run thanks to New York bail reform law

htt ps://

By Talia Kaplan, 30 January 2020

“Everybody is frustrated” with New York’s newly enacted bail reform law, Nassau County Police Commissioner Patrick Ryder said Thursday on “Fox & Friends.”

Ryder said those frustrated include judges and officers because “we’re all trying to do what’s right in the criminal justice system, but they’re almost preparing us to fail.”

“We’re swimming upstream and nobody is helping,” he continued.

On Thursday, Ryder brought up a case in Nassau County involving alleged two-time bank robber, Romell Nellis.

“This guy, Romell Nellis, should have stayed in jail, he should not be out,” Ryder said.

He told host Brian Kilmeade that Nellis has a history with drugs, including arrests for sales and possession. Nellis, Ryder said, was arrested twice in December, about two weeks apart, for allegedly robbing banks.

Bank robbery is a nonviolent, victimless crime and therefore shouldn’t be punished harshly! Also, Nellis is not white and therefore shouldn’t be punished at all!

When Nellis appeared in court, Nassau County District Judge David McAndrews reportedly ignored the state’s controversial bail-reform law and refused to release him because he believed Nellis was a “menace to society.”

Boom, there it is. At long last, civil disobedience by the authorities! “This is what the law says, and I say the law is wrong, and the right thing to do is punish this evildoer.”

Thank you, Judge McAndrews for refusing to cooperate with those treacherous, quisling, social-engineering legislators!

“When we arrest him, we get him in front of the district court judge. He decides — and kudos to him for trying — he turns around and says, ‘Hey, we’re going to hold him on bail,’” Ryder told Kilmeade.

Judge McAndrews admitted in court that Nellis wasn’t charged with a “bondable or bail offense,” however still ordered him held on bond, The New York Post reported.

Seriously, that takes a couple stones. Thank you again, McAndrews!

A higher-level judge reversed the order and released Nellis with an ankle monitor. Nellis then reportedly cut the ankle bracelet off.

But but but Nellis wasn’t supposed to do that! We have a law here that says he shouldn’t! Perhaps if we had demanded some form of surety, he would have kept his court date and not gotten into new trouble in the meantime… nah, that would be rayciss!

“The higher court judge, which is the right call because of the new rule, dismissed it and said, ‘No we got to let him out, but we’ll put an ankle bracelet on him,” Ryder told Kilmeade. “Two days later he cuts it off and he’s out there.”

No, it was the WRONG call. It was merely the “legal” call. What is righteous and what is legal are two different concepts… even in good times, when the gap is minimized.

Under previous New York law, prosecutors would determine whether to make a bail recommendation or agree to have the defendant released on their own recognizance. The case judge would then make a determination. Defense attorneys would typically make arguments that bail would be inappropriate, or should be set at a low amount, which judges would take into consideration.

Under the new law, courts are now prohibited from setting any monetary bail or keeping defendants in custody before trial in almost every type of misdemeanor case, and for a long list of felonies as well.

“You can’t make sense of it, it doesn’t make sense,” Ryder said on Thursday. “Bail reform was meant to be fair for all, not to take away discretion from judges looking at criminal history.”

It WAS fair for all and that was the problem. “Fair” got too many vibrants convicted. “Fair” gave white people a stable, prosperous nation. ((Some people)) didn’t like that.

On Thursday, Kilmeade listed crimes that no longer require bail in New York including, criminally negligent homicide, second-degree manslaughter, third-degree assault, burglary and stalking.

YES! Voluntary manslaughter is finally legal! I got this long list of arrogant pricks that… aww, shiiiit, that’s the wrong coast for this Californian. *puts list away*

And it isn’t really legal, anyway. You just can’t be imprisoned for killing until the jury reaches a verdict. To hell with the ankle monitor, Officer, just tap my smartphone like the NSA does!

But still… it’s one step closer to the re-legalization of dueling. Which I think would be a good thing.

Other people approve of de Blasio’s light-handed approach, too.


Convict Who Thanked New York Democrats for Abolishing Bail Arrested for 140th Time

By John Binder, 19 February 2020

Triangular nostrils are an indicator of social hostility, although I can’t quite confirm it with this camera angle. Moderately wide (nonconformist) ears and the inner ear cup extends beyond the outer; he may have a tendency to project his inner life upon his outer life. His mouth has large nasolabial lines that indicate a past of disappointment or privation. A passionate talker to judge from thick lips.

His eyes give the impression of not pointing in the same direction. I wonder if he’s shifty-eyed in real life… and you’ve already heard about shifty-eyed scoundrels.

A convicted felon who thanked New York Democrats this week for eliminating bail for a series of crimes deemed “non-violent” was arrested for the 140th time, just days after he was released from New York City Police Department (NYPD) custody.

Career criminal Charles Barry, 56-years-old, was arrested Tuesday evening by NYPD for allegedly scamming a Belgian tourist on the New York City subway, provoking his 140th arrest, as the New York Daily News noted.

Barry is likely to be released from jail almost immediately, yet again, thanks to New York’s new bail reform — signed into law by Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) — that frees suspects back into the public almost immediately following their arrest. NYPD told the Daily News that Barry will be charged with fraudulent accosting, a charge where he will pay no bail to get out of jail.

The crimes for which bail has been eliminated include second-degree manslaughter, aggravated vehicular assault, third-degree assault, promoting an obscene sexual performance by a child, criminally negligent homicide, or aggravated vehicular homicide.

Barry had just been arrested for the 139th time earlier this week, as Breitbart News reported, and thanked elected Democrats in New York for passing the bail reform law that allows him to be released every time he is arrested for a crime considered “non-violent.”

“I’m famous! I take $200, $300 a day of your money, cracker! You can’t stop me!” Barry told a Daily News reporter. “Bail reform, it’s lit! It’s the Democrats! The Democrats know me and the Republicans fear me. You can’t touch me! I can’t be stopped!”

Passionate mouth confirmed. Preoccupation with money confirms the nasolabial lines, too. Isn’t it great how only white people are capable of racism? How you never find racist people in Africa or Asia?

“It’s a great thing. It’s a beautiful thing,” Barry said of the Democrats’ bail reform law. “They punk’d people out for bullshit crimes.”

Thus far, Barry has been arrested a total of seven times in New York City since Cuomo signed the bail reform law. Each time, he was almost immediately released from jail.

Barry’s criminal record includes six felony convictions, 87 misdemeanor convictions, and 21 skipped court hearings. Barry’s record also includes spending six criminal sentences in state prison, including stints for drug dealing and grand larceny.

In another case, six accused drug dealers — three of whom are illegal aliens — were freed by New York after their arrangement following their arrests for allegedly operating a $7 million heroin-fentanyl packaging ring in the Bronx. Likewise, an illegal alien now accused of murdering a 92-year-old elderly woman in Queens, New York, was set free from jail thanks to the bail reform law months before the alleged murder.

Good-bye, police, hello, Batman? That’s what society is going to be if police don’t start taking out some high-level trash. Just because a thug won an election doesn’t mean he’s not a thug anymore, although it often means he’s untouchable by “legal” methods. In fact, in a democracy winning an election is prima facie proof of conspiracy to steal tax revenue. Why else do candidates pay much more money to win office than the office actually pays? The noble goodness of their hearts? Then how can they afford to do that enough times to have an entire career in politics?

End segue.

“We have 15 days to turn over all your [our] evidence for the defense counsel to go prepare for his case, in that 15 days, if we don’t start to turn everything over and make the time period the cases get dismissed,” Ryder said, referring to another problem facing law enforcement. “So not only are they [criminals] getting out, but they’re setting us up for failure [in] that if we don’t get everything done in that 15 days, they’re going to start dismissing the cases.”

When Kilmeade asked if any help is on the way Ryder said, “I believe Albany is listening and I think there are some common sense decisions that have to be made. But they got to move quicker, that’s all we’re asking.”

The part I highlighted? That includes the personal identities of witnesses. Which has already seen witnesses murdered!

Witness Murdered After New York Law Revealed His Identity in MS-13 Trial

By John Binder, 6 February 2020

A violent crime victim ready to testify against MS-13 Gang members in Long Island, New York, has been murdered after Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s (D) latest jailbreak law forced witness names to be revealed to the defense in the criminal case.

Wilmer Maldonado Rodriguez, 36-years-old, who was set to testify against MS-13 Gang members who had allegedly beaten and stabbed him in October 2018, was found bludgeoned to death after Cuomo’s law forced his identity to be released to the defense in the ongoing pre-trial stage, according to Newsday.


Rodriguez was attacked when he intervened in October 2018 when two boys were allegedly threatened by MS-13 and was struck with a bat in the head and stabbed multiple times, authorities said.

Nassau Police Commissioner Patrick Ryder said even before Rodriguez was killed, he was assaulted and another victim was shot at — acts of intimidation that Ryder said began after the previously sealed evidence in the case was disclosed to defense attorneys.

If TWO witnesses were attacked after the defense lawyers were given the names then it’s time to provide the lawyers’ home addresses to local cops. But it’s even worse than that: Rodriguez was homeless. It had to have taken a manhunt by MS-13 to locate him.

Cause of death for Rodriguez was bludgeoning. No arrest yet. You did righteous, Wilmer. God grant you a home in heaven.

End Segue

“This courageous man was prepared to testify against his alleged assailants at an upcoming trial, but he was brutally beaten to death before he could,” Nassau County District Attorney Madeline Singas said in a statement to the media.

“This case underscores the importance of safeguarding the identities of witnesses and victims of crime and our hearts are with Mr. Maldonado’s family and friends as we grieve his loss,” Singas said.

The judge should have done what Judge McAndrews did and refused to comply with a law whose only possible purpose is helping the guilty escape justice. But no, the judge did the LEGAL thing instead and the witness got dirt-napped as a direct consequence.

Originally, Rodriguez’s identity was protected as a witness against the MS-13 Gang members in the alleged 2018 attack. As Breitbart News warned in December 2019, though, Rodriguez’s identity was released to the defense after elected New York Democrats and Cuomo passed a jailbreak law that mandates witnesses for the prosecution be turned over to the defense in criminal trials no later than 15 days after the defendants’ arraignment.

The judge in the trial told the defense not to reveal Rodriguez’s identity to their clients until the trial started.

Those scumbag lawyers have innocent blood on their hands. Frankly, so does the judge, but he at least didn’t tell the gangsters.

“I never gave him the name of those people. And he never asked me for it,” Greg Madey said Wednesday, the defense attorney for one of the defendants, Denis Pineda, 20. “I’m offended by the allegation that Denis Pineda had something to do with orchestrating this murder,” he added of Rodriguez’s slaying. [Emphasis added]

Justin Feinman, the defense attorney for Elian Ramos Velasquez, 19, said that the suggestion “at this point to say that it was a defense attorney that leaked without more information is completely inappropriate.”

Feinman gets my vote on who ratted out the witness because he lied with that statement. It is entirely appropriate, if perhaps “offensive”, to suspect that MS-13 was tipped off by its attorneys who will probably win the case now that the prosecution is down a witness. Not that Greg is a distant second in my suspicion. Pineda didn’t care to learn who the witness was? Hmm.

End segue.

The New York law, which went into effect this January, ensures that suspects accused of crimes deemed “non-violent” are not jailed before their trial dates and do not have to post bail. Instead, these suspects are released directly back into the public and expected to show up for their court dates.

Those so-called non-violent crimes include second-degree manslaughter, aggravated vehicular assault, promoting an obscene sexual performance by a child, possessing an obscene sexual performance by a child, criminally negligent homicide, and aggravated vehicular homicide.

Likewise, if suspects show up to their court dates after their release, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has started a program to gift them with prizes like Mets tickets, movie passes, and gift cards.


“Congratulations! You showed up for your bank robbery court date! You get a participation prize at taxpayer expense because poverty causes crime!”

Go Time is coming for police, when the legal thing to do is blatant injustice against the innocent.



Boy Scouts Went Woke, Got Broke

It finally happened. Under the crushing weight of oath-breaking, heresy and blasphemy er, tolerating alternative sexual identites and diversifying into womanhood, the BSA has filed for bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy Filed by Boy Scouts of America over Sex Abuse Lawsuits

By Simon Kent, 18 February 2020

The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) has sought bankruptcy protection in a move the group says will allow it to build a compensation fund for sex abuse victims and address hundreds of outstanding claims for redress.

The move follows a number of lawsuits filed against the organisation over claims of sexual abuse, alleging it failed to prevent hundreds of cases dating back over decades.

Most of the newly surfacing cases date to the 1960s, ’70s and ’80s; the organisation says there were only five known abuse victims in 2018.

For context, this from Wikipedia: “Boy Scouts of America et al. v. Dale, 530 U.S. 640, was a case of the Supreme Court of the United States, decided on June 28, 2000, that held that the constitutional right to freedom of association allowed the Boy Scouts of America to exclude a homosexual person from membership in spite of a state law requiring equal treatment of homosexuals in public accommodations.”

All civil lawsuits against it are now on hold as a result of the bankruptcy application as the group is struggling with declining membership as well as the abuse claims.

Why civil lawsuits instead of criminal charges? Because this:

“The BSA cares deeply about all victims of abuse and sincerely apologises to anyone who was harmed during their time in scouting. We are outraged that there have been times when individuals took advantage of our programs to harm innocent children,” chief executive Roger Mosby said in a statement.

No, Roger, you don’t care. You aren’t outraged. You filed no criminal charges, buried no kiddie-diddling bodies, nothing. The reason you got hit with these lawsuits is the same reason the Vatican did: you covered for monsters to protect your reputation. How’d that work out for you? About the same.

You should have introduced the hangman’s noose as part of the Rope merit badge when you had the chance. See, you’re a national organization whose mission statement is a couple men taking little kids into remote areas. You were Candyland for child molesters. That’s not a problem, men teaching outdoor skills to boys is important, but you should have understood that the molesters would besiege you. You should also have understood that being Nice isn’t the way to keep them away. Being Duterte is the way to keep them away.

Court papers filed in Delaware listed liabilities of up to $1bn and assets of as much as $10bn, reports say.

Among the matters to be addressed in the bankruptcy court are the fate of the Boy Scouts’ assets; the extent to which the organisation’s insurance will help cover compensation; and whether assets of the Scouts’ 261 local councils will be added to the fund.

Punishing the innocent for the crimes of the guilty? What a great way to win hearts and minds! Just like the Bush dynasty didn’t in the Mideast.

As Breitbart News reported, the Boy Scouts of America first mooted filing for bankruptcy back in 2018.

On that occasion leadership of the youth organization hired the law firm Sidley Austin LLP to explore a wide range of options, including petitioning for relief under Chapter 11.

Legal experts noted then that filing for bankruptcy would “stave off” at least 140 lawsuits filed against the organization alleging misconduct by scoutmasters.

Bankruptcy is only a formality. The BSA is already dead. Let the vultures feast, that they may die fat, happy and unrepentant for Judgment Day. We who follow the Creator will build something new.

The Boys Scouts of America has undertaken rebranding efforts since, with the nonprofit renaming itself “Scouts BSA” in 2019.

In May last year, BSA announced girls will be allowed to join the group in the future. “We wanted to land on something that evokes the past but also conveys the inclusive nature of the program going forward,” Surbaugh said at the time of the announcement.

“We’re trying to find the right way to say we’re here for both young men and young women.”

By seeking bankruptcy-protection relief from lawsuits seeking redress for tolerance of homosexual child molesters? Or by being ashamed of your purely-masculine heritage?

In the 14 months since then, the youth organization has allowed children who identify as girls to join the Scouts, a controversial move that was seen by some, including Girl Scouts of the USA President Kathy Hopinkah Hannan, as an attempt to raise their diminished enrollment numbers.

Die, converged BSA. For the literal love of God, die already! Shut down before you hurt any more kids!

The 100-year-old organization could now be forced to sell off some of its vast property holdings to raise money for a compensation fund that could surpass $1 billion.

If you would do one last service to the God you swore your Scouting Oath to, do not sell those properties to the environmentalists. That would make your treachery complete.


Stuntwoman Did It For Real

Against her ex-husband over child support, natch, and it didn’t end for her any better than her career did. A bonus for my readers who remember the movie Back To The Future II! You’ll never watch the movie with innocent eyes again. In a good way, I mean. I think.

Cheryl Wheeler-Sanders: The Life of a Hollywood Stuntwoman

Cheryl Wheeler Sanders: The Life of a Hollywood Stuntwoman

14 April 2015

At the time of the incident, her name was Cheryl Wheeler-Dixon. Yeah, you know where this is going to end up.

In 1985, I made a transition from martial arts and kickboxing to a full time career as a stuntwoman. In 1982, I had moved from Pensacola, Florida to Los Angeles, California for several reasons. One, my sanctioning body, the WKA (World Karate Association) based out of Westminster, CA was working hard to promote me as a fighter. They were getting me matches on the west coast and it was better if I was geographically closer to the action. Secondly, Gerry Blanck, my long time sensei, coach and sparring partner moved out to Los Angeles after being contacted by an agent to try and break in to the movie business. He encouraged me to come out as well, pointing out that there were few women in martial art action films, and there was great opportunity. I loved Los Angeles and settled on the west side of town, teaching karate and working as a personal trainer at a popular health club in the Pacific Palisades called La Sante, while taking acting lessons at night and training daily.

Ladies: moving to Los Angeles to pursue a film career is worse than suicide for you. Your soul can survive suicide. It can’t survive Hollywood.

I met lots of entertainment industry people working out at La Sante, and quickly had an opportunity to read for a part in a film called The Nightstalker (1986), doing a big fight scene with the lead actor Charles Napier. I auditioned and got the part. I had a blast working on the film and met a handful of stuntmen on set who were crucial to the fight scene. At the end of the day, the stuntmen I worked with enthusiastically encouraged me to work in the stunt industry full time, reassuring me that my world title in kickboxing, along with my natural athletic talents, would help me succeed in the industry.

I decided to take the plunge and enter the stunt business full time! I found that I had a natural talent for the stunt industry and the ability to adapt to any job. Physical challenges stimulated me, and I found that I welcomed the stress and adrenaline rush. In 1986, I was cast to stunt double lead actress Brooke Shields in a big budget action film called Brenda Starr (1989). While the film didn’t do well at the box office, it gave me the opportunity to work with dozens of talented stunt people who remembered me and started calling me to work for them. From there, the opportunities never stopped…

At 5’9” tall and 125 pounds…

And a world title in kickboxing? Featherweight?

I got the opportunity to double most of the tall A-list actresses, from Kathleen Turner and Darryl Hannah to Sharon Stone. I went on to establish a career doubling leading ladies such as Sandra Bullock, Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Garner, Rene Russo, Bridget Fonda, Jamie Lee Curtis, Ellen Barkin, Kelly Lynch, Kelly Preston, and more. I was at the top of my game, and had a reputation as an exceptional stuntwoman with talent behind the wheel of a car.

Compulsive name-dropping is a strong indicator of a fragile ego. Even in men.

In 1989, I was called to stunt double Darlene Vogel on Back to the Future Part II (1989). I was involved in a hoverboard sequence involving Michael J. Fox, Tom Wilson, and the “bad guys,” which included my actress Darlene Vogel. The job was a total blast! We spent our days chasing Michael J. Fox (and his stunt double) on piano wire supported hoverboards throughout this elaborate futuristic outdoor set.

Darlene Vogel’s stunt double was Lisa McCullough, not Cheryl.

The grand finale involved the bad guys (us) spinning out of control over a large pond, and crashing through a giant courthouse window. The grand finale was filmed separately and much time and planning had gone into the preparation of the stunt. There were four of us crashing through the window, and a cherry picker had pulled us back from the impact point approximately 50 or 60 feet. We were picked up at the hip, and our overhead wires were attached to a single arbor. When the cherry picker released us, we all swung towards the giant window with two white pillars on either side of it.

After two test runs proved deadly, Lisa exercised her contract’s escape clause for safety concerns. Cheryl “Eager-To-Please-Another-Celebrity” Wheeler-Dixon stepped up!

As we traveled towards the window, we started listing to the left. I was on the far left to begin with, so when we started listing to the left, I realized that I was going to hit the left pillar. Cabled, with no control and nowhere to go, I simply brought my knees and feet up and tried to soften the blow of the pillar when I hit it. As I slammed into the pillar, stopping all my forward momentum, I hoped and prayed that the special effects man with his finger on the release button saw what happened to me!

Unfortunately, all 4 of us were on the same release button, and as the other stunt people swung into the giant, candy-glass paned window, the special effects man didn’t see that I had hit the pillar and released all of us at the same time. Unfortunately, I was dangling next to the pillar outside, 20 feet above the concrete! As I dropped, my life flashed before my eyes. I just knew I was too high up to survive the fall…

They put this scene in the movie. Here’s the clip:

…and here’s a still image I pulled from it.

She’s on the left and was not supposed to hit that pillar. Bouncing off it meant she missed the airbag and hit the concrete from 20 feet up.

Miraculously, I woke up, still on the set and strapped to a board that immobilized my neck, back and legs. The talented on-set paramedics had revived me. I suffered a severe concussion and broke several bones in my face and right arm. My facial plate and brow bone were broken, as well as my right hand and wrist. The canvas flying harness custom made for Michael J. Fox saved me from breaking my back and/or hips. I was hospitalized for several weeks, and over the course of a year, endured four reconstructive surgeries to my face and arm. The following year I endured one more surgery to my jaw, an excruciating 8 hour surgery that ended with me having my jaw wired shut for 6 long weeks.

In 1991, at the end of all my surgeries and hospital visits, I was a mental, physical and emotional wreck. Months of drugs and pain killers, along with surgical anesthesia and other meds, had sapped my strength and wrecked my immune system. I was fatigued, sickly and tired all the time. Although I had started working again in the stunt industry, I was not in top form or anywhere near my pre-accident strong self!

With her career having hit a brick… floor, Cheryl fell back on the old-fashioned way to make a living: marrying up! To millionaire entrepreneur Robert Lindsey Duncan who, despite being very successful as a man, settled for her sloppy thirds with predictable results.

Genesis Founder Sues Stuntwoman, Nutrition Spokesperson Cheryl Sanders for Defamation

27 June 2016

AUSTIN, Texas–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Robert Lindsey Duncan, the founder of nutrition supplement companies Genesis Today, Inc. and Genesis Pure, Inc., recently filed a wide ranging civil lawsuit against celebrity spokesperson and stuntwoman Cheryl Sanders (a/k/a Cheryl Wheeler, Cheryl Duncan and Cheryl Dixon.)

As if being a washed-up Hollywood B-lister wasn’t enough of a red flag, that stuntwoman bride was a veteran of the EX Games! Cheryl’s twat has handled more traffic than the subway.

The lawsuit, filed in Texas state court by the Silva Law Firm, alleges among other counts that Sanders breached contracts and defamed Duncan by writing a malicious and disparaging letter about him and distributing it to the board members of two, well-respected and large supplement companies as well as employees and others.

The letter caused irreparable damage to Duncan’s reputation and negatively impacted the companies. The lawsuit alleges that Sanders was attempting to extort money from Duncan and states that Sanders made up the accusations because she was upset for personal reasons with Duncan, her former husband. Sanders later retracted her statement.

The lawsuit also alleges that Sanders willfully interfered with the board of Genesis Today by not only sending the letter but also visiting the company offices, verbally assaulting a secretary, threatening to disrupt board meetings and making abusive threats against Duncan.

God only knows how Cheryl expected Mr. Duncan to pay child support for the children from her previous marriages while she libels him in the press.

According to her LinkedIn profile, Sanders is a film producer with Traditionz Film, LLC in Los Angeles, co-owner of Genesis Today, Inc. and Genesis Pure, Inc., and a professional stuntwoman/actress. Sanders’ current husband Robert Reed Sanders of Lubbock, TX is also named in the lawsuit.

Husband Number Four? Maybe Wheeler was her original name. Sorry if I lose count.

The lawsuit further alleges that Sanders attempted to extort $1.5 million from Duncan via a nullified promissory note and on yet another occasion threatened to falsely allege that Duncan owed taxes to the IRS if he didn’t pay both defendants $8,000.

According to the lawsuit, in April of this year, both defendants tortuously interfered with an existing contract by stealing a new Audi Q-5 automobile owned by Duncan. The lawsuit further states that Duncan filed a claim for un-authorized use of a motor vehicle (UUMV-class C felony.)

A harbinger of how this story ended. It appears that Sanders was more Alpha Fux than Beta Bux, if you know what I mean.

The lawsuit alleges breach of contract, defamation, breach of fiduciary duty, civil theft, conversion, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. The plaintiff seeks damages in excess of $200,000.

Cheryl and Sanders at a distance.

…And a close-up. Yikes! Her career and skull weren’t the only parts of Cheryl to hit a Wall.

Sanders is good-looking enough that I suspect Cheryl looked up a former movie-industry lover after her meal-ticket divorce was secure. He has strong cheekbones & jaw so probably an athlete from youth, and is aging well so probably no drug use. Although I wouldn’t bet on that in a movie-industry context.

And now, our feature presentation:

Cheryl Sanders & Robert Reed Sanders: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

By Jessica McBride, 16 February 2020

Cheryl Sanders is a former Hollywood stuntwoman who was killed along with her husband Robert “Reed” Sanders by her former weight loss guru husband, who opened fire in his driveway during a bizarre shootout in Ohio.

The VICTIM’S driveway! Holy smokes, the stuntwoman did it for real!

Lindsey Duncan and his wife Molly say they were ambushed at gunpoint by Cheryl and Reed outside their Yellow Springs, Ohio home, and they maintain the shooting deaths were self defense. According to the Dayton Daily News, Lindsey Duncan shot and killed both Cheryl and Reed Sanders in the driveway of his “multi-million dollar luxury home.” He was described by the newspaper as the founder of a “health/weight-loss company.”

Both Cheryl Sanders and Lindsey Duncan have had brushes with celebrity; he as a weight loss founder who has appeared on television, and she as a former stuntwoman for well-known Hollywood stars. No charges have been filed in the deaths, which remain under investigation.

Calls made to 911 dispatch by the Duncans shed some light on the deaths.

“I shot them, they came up to our window and had a gun pointed at my wife’s head,” Lindsey told 911 dispatchers, according to the Dayton Daily News.

“Someone is shooting at my husband,” Molly Duncan told 911 dispatch.

In a press conference, the Greene County Sheriff said the deaths did appear to be an ambush, according to Xenia Gazette. He said that Cheryl and Reed had “counterfeit temporary tags” on the car they were driving and that Robert Reed Sanders displayed a gun. Witnesses heard shouting and then gunshots, he said, but it was not clear who fired first.

The sheriff said that Robert Sanders threatened to kill Molly Duncan, so Lindsey had to defend himself. Lindsey too was armed and had a concealed weapon permit.

He added that Cheryl and Reed had erected a camera system to a nearby stump, broadcasting a live feed to a cell phone inside their vehicle.

Actors gonna act, even when it’s not an act anymore.

The Daily News reported that the deaths have been listed as justifiable homicides. Both Cheryl and Reed died from multiple gunshot wounds, the newspaper reported.

Nice Shootin’, Tex! Looks like pretending to be a villain for the camera doesn’t translate into real-life skills. She didn’t just lose the gunfight, either; she lost her life to a banker in her own ambush.

What happened that day, he said, was that he and his wife went to a coffee shop like they did almost every morning. Then they went to get eggs, kale and toast, and then they went home “like we do every day.”

When they pulled up to their gate, there was an Amazon package by a pillar. He told his wife, get the Amazon package and I’ll get the mail. She got out of her car and got the package and he got the mail “just like every other day and then all of a sudden hell began. All I really remember is a 6-4 or 6-5 man, who was probably 230 pounds with a camo mask. A full camo mask and hoodie. Ran to my wife’s driver’s side with a gun, and held it it about 10 inches from her head.” He broke down emotionally.

A badly staged ambush. If you’re going to kill then use a rifle at a distance. If you’re going to kidnap then do it one at a time. What did Sanders do, put a gun to wifey’s literal head and MISS?

“I thought it was a bad nightmare. I didn’t know what to do. Whatever happened after that, it was instinct… I was just operating after pure instinct…. she (Molly Duncan) was in the middle of two separate gun battles of bullets flying by her head…not one time but two separate times, and her being alive today, I’ll never be able to explain that. And it wasn’t one or two shots, it seemed like 100 shots.” He said that he couldn’t say more so as not to compromise the investigation.

Separate gun battles? While the perps surely deserved their dirt naps, the incident’s play-by-play is not matching up. Cheryl’s behavior isn’t mentioned at all in the publicly-released account even though she was killed during it.

His wife, her voice breaking, said, “I’m extremely thankful to be alive, and I’m thankful my husband is alive. He’s my absolute hero. Thank God he knew how to respond and stayed calm and knew exactly what to do. And God was on our side that day, no question. God orchestrated everything perfectly so we would survive. I’m a mother, and I still get to see my kids grow up. I’m thankful, and that’s it.” She also praised the Greene County Sheriff’s Department.

The couple’s friend and business partner tried to cast doubt on the story.

“I’m still reeling from it,” Adrian King told WLOS-TV. “I can’t even conceive that they would do something like that even if they were desperate.”

I can’t even conceive that a woman would try to murder her second ex-husband for not forking over her fair share of his money after being told all her adult life that she’s a world-class martial artist. *eye roll* I suspect the problem with the trust fund was that Cheryl got locked out of it. “The girls are adults now, they can handle their own money.” “I WILL SCORCH YOUR EARTH!”

Aha! Segue!–law/couple-describe-deadly-shooting-ambush-all-sudden-hell-began/MbgcZnBmB7U3ka7Skz3ASL/

On Friday, Adrian King, a former business partner of Reed Sanders, said money was at the root of the dispute between Duncan and Cheryl Sanders, who was a former Hollywood stunt actor.

“Supposedly, both Cheryl and Lindsey had to sign off on any money that was taken out of the (college) fund for the girls,” said King, 81, of North Carolina. “But part of the trust was that Lindsey could withhold funds if the girls didn’t go to a school that he approved of, and that’s what they were fighting over.”

Oops, I was wrong.

King said with both girls currently in college, and without access to the educational trust fund, “Reed and Cheryl had been put in a financial crunch.” He said the couple had filed a lawsuit over access to the money, but the issue had not been resolved.

OR WAS I? Hah!

King said he is a former business partner of Reed Sanders and is a lay minister who performed Reed and Cheryl’s wedding ceremony. He called himself Reed Sanders’ “closest confidant.”

Hmm, Sander’s “closest confidant” is a “former” business partner… but the name is too common for my search skills to follow.

End segue.

King told the television station that he believed Cheryl and Reed were traveling to Ohio to “settle a dispute over a trust fund for Cheryl and Lindsey’s two adult daughters.” He described tensions as difficult between Cheryl and her ex after their divorce and said the Sanders were “a Christian couple who had acting careers in Hollywood.”

Reporters asked the Duncan’s lawyer about that claim. The lawyer said he wasn’t “familiar with those facts” about a claim that they were trying to talk to the couple about an educational trust fund. At that point, Lindsey interjected, telling reporters: “With two weapons? With multiple clips that were loaded? Ski mask. Yep. The details of the investigation will all come up.”

Excellent point! It’s generally a mistake for a man to hold a press conference about his ex-wife’s murderous conduct in the immediate aftermath but Lindsey might have had experience at working a crowd. Even so, he kept his lawyer handy. Good boy.

However, the couples had a troubled history.

Oh, really.

Cheryl Sanders and Lindsey Duncan divorced in 2009. Court records show Lindsey once sued Cheryl and Reed for “defamation, slander, libel and other accusations,” the Dayton Daily News reported.

Dayton 247 Now reported that Lindsey claimed Cheryl sent a “malicious” letter about him.

The newspaper added that the sheriff revealed that Lindsey had reported to police that he was worried Cheryl would hire someone to kill him five years ago.

Timing is consistent with that defamation lawsuit. I guess we know who won it, whatever the official verdict had been.

Millionaires, don’t stick your dick in crazy. But if you do, make like Lindsay: cut her off, show no mercy and keep your powder dry.


Bookburning At Georgetown University

This post is Safe For Work because I share Georgetown U’s Women’s Center For Social Justice’s hatred for public displays of naughty pictures. *Shakes head sadly* Also, anybody who hasn’t been offended by my language to date has nothing to fear.

Trigger warning, this turned out to be a nothingburger. First a bunch of student SJWs sounded the alarm over entire bookshelves full of 19th & 20th Century cheap novels, with all the hot chix and racist language typical of the era, then they sounded the alarm over the books’ mysteriously sudden disappearances.

If you need help connecting THOSE dots then I just don’t know what to say.

Georgetown U. Library Bans Books that Offend Students

By Tom Ciccotta, 14 February 2020

The library system at Georgetown University announced this week that it is banning several books that students have deemed “offensive.”

My original expectation was that somebody had found a copy of Trump’s “The Art Of the Deal” in the restricted-use, bourgeois-capitalist-economics section of the main library.

According to a report by the College Fix, Georgetown University officials have removed hundreds of books from campus libraries after students argued that they were riddled with bigotry.

Student Alexandra Bowman complained to administrators after noticing that a book in one campus library prominently featured a Native American on its cover. Shortly thereafter, Georgetown’s Reynolds and McCarthy libraries were almost cleared out.

Bigotry… or pornography? I can’t even tell.

“While some were simply raucous crime noir murder mysteries representative of the literary and cultural time in which they were written, other books included extremely problematic and damaging elements, including the glamorization of rape, including that of underage girls,” Bowman said in a short comment. “Completely naked women of all races were frequently featured on these books’ covers. Further, many books fetishized young nonwhite women.”

Seriously, kids? “Hey everybody, there’s entire bookshelves of sex with completely naked young women of all races over here! Hey, where’d the books all disappear to overnight? Why, it must be a sinister plot by those dried-up old Administration prudes!”

I think this will become a common occurrence as student bodies drop below 25% male. Women will be routinely surprised that men really like sex and will get it from books if they have to.

“Upon looking further at the collection of books in the library, we noticed other serialized books, most published in the mid-20th century, with similar pornographic, racially derogatory themes,” Bowman wrote during correspondence with a Georgetown student newspaper. “Ultimately, the removal of the books was what we expected to come as a result of our inquiry.”

The Georgetown Review, an independent student newspaper associated with Georgetown University, also contributed to the university’s decision to remove the books from the library. After hearing of Bowman’s complaint, the newspaper published a report detailing the most offensive books in the two campus libraries. Some of the books featured sexually provocative cover pictures. The seemingly innocuous book included in the report was Legion, William Peter Blatty’s sequel to The Exorcist was included in the list.

Sounds like a few Jesuits had some curious fetishes.

A Georgetown spokesperson told a student reporter that the decision to remove the books from the libraries was made out of concern for the sensitivity of the university’s students and staff.

That’s a blatant lie. Their students can get free Valentine-Day lube at the LGBT walk-in clinic but accidental exposure to 19th-Century penny dreadfuls is too much?

Administrators “led an investigation into the content of both libraries’ collections” following outreach from the crack research team at the Hilltop and Review. The Residential Life team removed books whose “titles, topics, and images … raised concerns for students and staff,” the spokesperson said.

So much bureaucratic, CYA doublespeak! I followed the link to the student-run campus newspaper to get the down-low.



By Editors-In-Chief, 1 February 2020


Don’t sweat the trigger warning. What Ivy League student feminists think is sexual/offensive is Chuck Norris rescuing a damsel in distress between witty one-liners.

Note on Contribution: Alexandra Bowman (COL ’22)—Cartoonist for The Georgetown Review and Founder, President, Lead Coordinator, Creative Director, and Researcher for The Hilltop Show—and Cheyenne Martin (COL ’21)—Performer, Research Writer, and Creative Writer for The Hilltop Show—contributed to this piece in outreach, research, and multimedia recording. Research for this piece was completed in conjunction with The Hilltop Show’s Research Team.

Speak of the student feminists.

On January 22, a few staff of The Georgetown Review attended a general body meeting of The Hilltop Show—a political satire group on campus—held in McCarthy Library, a study space in the Southwest Quad. On the way out of the room after the meeting concluded, one person noticed a book propped up on one of the shelves along the wall at the head of the conference table. The book was entitled Cherokee, and it contained blatantly racist language degrading Native Americans.

REEE! REEE! Red alert REEE! Narrative violation in progress, Aisle 15!

Looking up from this one problematic book, we noticed more offensive books. Thus, we examined every single book in the room.

Clearly, the bookcase had not been perused recently, if at all since the Southwest Quad’s construction in 2003, as thick layers of dust coated the shelves and books. We can only assume the books have gone unnoticed for nearly two decades, since even the most ardent conservative would take exception to the books’ contents, at least without historical or cultural context.

To be clear, The Georgetown Review does not support censorship in any form, since history is only useful if we learn from it, and learn from it all, unrestricted. However…

Get rid of that stinking skin suit, you prissy Leftoid! Nobody believes your lies anymore! Just demand our extermination like a Bernie Sanders supporter.

However, when providing access to historical texts—written during a different time in American history, during times of different moral and social standards—providing context is equally critical to the learning experience.

A large portion—at least half—of all the shelved books were similarly problematic, containing (one of, but in most cases, many) of the following characteristics: racism, sexism, misogyny, homophobia, fetishization, and pedophilia.

There is another library in Reynolds Hall, in which a staff member of The Hilltop Show found more problematic books, especially for a Jesuit university, portraying Christianity and the Priesthood as evil.

News flash: ‘Jesuit’ isn’t ‘Christian’.

Wow, they went on a good, old-fashioned PURGE of book-burning! I haven’t seen one of those since… since…

Ohhh yeeeah, baby! Punch a Not-See for me!

On January 25, The Hilltop Show reached out to the Center for Social Justice, the Women’s Center, the Center for Multicultural Equity and Access, Danielle Melidona (Community Director of McCarthy Hall), Katie Heather (Associate Director of Residential Education Office), Tom Mangano (Community Director of Kennedy and Reynolds Halls), and Bill Huff (Director of Residential Services) for comment on the origin and contents of the books, only hearing back from the CSJ, the Women’s Center, and Ms. Melidona as of this publication date. However, as disclosed below, only Ms. Melidona answered The Hilltop Show’s questions, while the CSJ and Women’s Center have received the questions, but have not yet responded.

Recap, some students did a Two Minutes Hate in one of the less-used libraries at Georgetown University. On the way out, a student saw a politically incorrect book poking out of the stacks and instantly triggered, calling out all the forces of Social Justice to purge a university of badthink.

Here is Danielle Melidona’s response. The others either had no idea those libraries existed or wisely had nothing to say.

Hi all, Here is what I’ve been able to gather:

1. How did the McCarthy and Reynolds libraries acquire their books? Was there a process for donations, or shopping for them?

The libraries were created as social and study spaces for students when the Southwest Quad was built and opened in 2003. The shelves were initially bare and there was no plan to fill them until an alum of Georgetown University donated the books to the libraries. Since then, students have contributed to the libraries by donating their old books for various classes or personal collections. I do not have the name of the alum, but am working to identify that information.

The students of yesteryear were the ones to introduce the badthink. Burn, Current Year students! Burn your own books!

2. When did the libraries acquire their books? Are the collections maintained, added to, and/or monitored?

Most of the books are from the initial donation by [name], but the current collections are not formally maintained, monitored, or added to. The spaces operate less as formal libraries and more like community libraries where members take and drop off books as they wish. There is a goal for creating a catalog in the future, but plans have not yet been finalized.

6. Are the libraries open to anyone in the Georgetown community?

Anyone who has access to the residence halls has access to the books.

Anybody in the residence halls? Well, that explains what proceeded to happen. We return to the main article:

However, before we could search all the books in Reynolds Library, both libraries had been cleared of all but a few books, all of which were written on innocuous topics, such as the European Union, and Railroad Wages from 1900-1952. At least they left a game of Clue. They even cleared books on ROTC programs in the 1940s, paralegal instructional guides, and golf puns, to name a few from memory. They took no chances.

With golf puns? I should hope not!

But upon first encountering the books, we documented nearly forty of the most problematic ones, predicting they would clear the library when questioned. Keep in mind, except for one book (the last in the series pictured at the end of this article—Death of an Informer), the offensive content was surmised from just the books’ front and back covers.

I think Breitbart must have reported this story without looking into the actual details. The deeper I go, the more comical it gets.

So, the books disappeared but the alarmed students are pretty sure that there were golf jokes on the back cover of at least one of them.

As of noon on January 31, both libraries were in the state we left them—fully stocked with smut. But, by 8:00 PM on January 31, they were nearly empty, as aforementioned and pictured. Clearly, some person or persons in some agency of the university heard of the books via our outreach emails and swept the books under the rug, or rather into oblivion. It is equally fascinating and reprehensible that the Georgetown bureaucracy can mobilize to remove hundreds of books that were sitting undetected for nearly twenty years in the span of an afternoon, but they turn a blind eye to other equally-real problems. Also, to note, they did not simply clear the shelves of all the books; they sorted through the books and only took the problematic ones, requiring more time, planning, and effort.

Bullshit, kids. Clearly, some of your cis-male peers in the residence halls overheard you talking about getting rid of a huge stash of just-discovered naughty books and helped themselves. Did the university authorities really go out of their way for

…Or did a local fraternity just discover the joy of reading in their new private library?

(Not an actual Georgetown fraternity.)

The point is, mobilize the bureaucracy for good, for student health and well-being and happiness! Do not act behind the scenes, be unresponsive, and sweep problems away as if they never existed. Own up to, and work to fix, your mistakes.

To conclude on a lighter note, it would be a shame if the university simply threw these books away. They are commanding respectable prices on eBay. Seems like a good opportunity to liquidate our assets and augment the endowment.

If there’a anything worse than SJWs triggering over harmless old books, it’s SJWs selling those badthink books for money. Bad principles are bad, but bad principles giving way to greed is… what students are learning in Ivy League universities these days.

This story was all ego from the beginning. Look at me, I’m smashing the patriarchy! Look at me, I’m mobilizing the bureaucracy to do my bidding! Look at me, I’m fundraising for the university! LOOK AT MEEEE!

And while all the attention was on them, a new generation of normal young men got resupplied with years’ worth of entertaining Red Pills! Happy Valentine’s Day, you gloriously feckless scoundrels.


Darth Vader Met Harley Quinn!

And Vader’s reaction was so casually PERFECT that it deserves to be remembered forever as the lone diamond in the Disney Star Whores rough. This happened a year ago but I didn’t notice, partly because of comic industry suckage and partly because it got memory-holed fast. This is the publicly released preview, sourced from

Marvel Preview: Star Wars: Vader – Dark Visions #3

Oh noes! Moonstruck Barbie has a sharp learning curve ahead! Like tentacle hentai, porking Darth Freaking Vader is a fantasy more fun in the head than in the flesh, assuming Mister Deaths-Head even has flesh remaining underneath that fuse box.

Now then, there’s the way this Harley Quinn fantasy SHOULD end and the way bitter, blue-haired, fat, feral feminists would want it to end.

Sourced from

You can tell just from the URL that it’s popcorn time for the 501st.

Darth Vader has more game than Battlefront 2!

Let’s fisk BIC for an encore!

Star Wars: Vader – Dark Visions #3 Accused of Misogyny For Depiction of Obsessive Imperial Nurse

htt ps://

By Spencer Baculi, 30 April 2019

A recent issue of a Star Wars mini-series revolving around Lord Vader which has some fans outraged over claims of abuse and misogyny may have been based on a script from a writer previously let go from the project.

Said writer, Chuck Wendig intended the nurse to be a male morgue attendant. He got himself fired for making threats on social media, or something to that effect. His replacement, Dennis “Hopeless” Hallum, (that’s his own nickname, not mine) apparently tried to protect the reputation of male necrophiliacs with a quick gender swap.

I was going to read his face but was distracted by his open fly plus his hand being in-pocket at a comics convention. Not a good look, Hand Solo, and this was on your Wikipedia page. Somebody made some enemies.

Star Wars: Vader – Dark Visions is an anthology miniseries which explores the unseen exploits of Darth Vader during his time in service of the Emperor and the Empire, as well as the impact his presence has on various peoples and events throughout the galaxy.

Kudos to Lucasfilm for exploring the psychology of Sith groupies! It was a question I’d never thought to ask.

The latest issue of Dark Visions, written by Dennis “Hopeless” Hallum, follows the story of an Imperial nurse who grows romantically obsessed with Darth Vader, taking her daydreams as reality, saving incidental debris from his armor as sentimental tokens…

Not all of the necrophilia left with Wendig. It’s not politics that makes me an angry man these days, it’s my love for reading being strangled by endless waves of necrobestiality and kung-fu princesses until I just can’t bring myself to buy another book.

Don’t retire, Larry Correia. You’re my only hope!

…and believing that the two had a deep, unspoken connection.

In the climax of the story, the unnamed nurse (who has since been named ‘Daaé’, after the female lead of The Phantom of the Opera, by fans who believe her depiction was misogynist), approaches an unmasked Darth Vader as he rests in the meditation chamber in his personal quarters and declares her undying love and devotion to him. In response, the Sith Lord unsheathes his lightsaber and stabs the woman through the heart, before requesting someone come “get this trash out of [his] quarters”:

MORE! I must have MORE!

Why This Week’s Darth Vader Comic Is Causing Controversy

By James Whitbrook, 25 April 2019

Where Darth Vader: Dark Visions has gone, controversy has followed—mainly thanks to its origins as a replacement for another Star Wars comic project scrapped almost immediately after its announcement. But this week, it found itself enmeshed in an altogether different controversy.

Each issue of Dark Visions, like the scrapped Shadow of Vader’s intent before it, has looked to portray Darth Vader through a series of lenses, cast in the eyes of the people in the galaxy around him—alien beings who glimpse him on the field of battle, Rebel fighters who see him as a grim specter stalking their very existence, officers of the Empire to whom he is the universe’s most petrifying boss. This week’s third issue, by Dennis “Hopeless” Hallum, David Lopez, Javi Pina, Muntsa Vicente, and Joe Caramagna—titled “Tall, Dark, and Handsome”—

SOOO not the way to cash in on “50 Shades of Grey”.

—casts the Dark Lord of the Sith not as an empowered foe or ghoulish reckoner, but as the object of affection of a low-ranking, unnamed female nurse aboard the Death Star.

“Women in the military” has been a bad idea since a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

Throughout the story, the nurse is looked on with a scornful attitude by not just the people around her—from Vader himself to her boss in the medbay—but also the narrative’s framing. She’s constantly given menial tasks to do, and dragged about and screamed at for failing to do them promptly by her superior.

Good fiction runs parallel to real life. This is very good fiction!

But we aren’t really invited to feel any sympathy for the nurse, because we don’t really learn anything about who she is as a person. We don’t even learn her name. But what we do learn, throughout her internal narration guiding “Tall, Dark, and Handsome,” is that she is desperately, madly in love with Darth Vader.

The name he’s looking for is Hybristophilia. Sounds like a Greek tragedy but no, this time she deserves her fate.

The nurse collects scraps of flesh and detritus from the medbay from Vader’s many visits, as trinkets of her affection. She shirks duties in the hopes she can catch a glimpse of him skulking down the battlestation’s many corridors. She fantasizes dancing with Vader, taking off his mask as the Christine to his Phantom. Eventually—after receiving another verbal dressing-down from the doctor for attempting to keep Vader’s cape for herself when he leaves it in the sickbay, leading to the discovery of her collection of Vader accoutrements—she fantasizes joining him as a Sith, clad in black and choking the life out of her boss when he throws her collection into the trash compactor.

The doctor tried to save her life… from herself…and she wanted him murdered for doing so. The endgame of hybristophilia played out as it must in real life, with the foolish woman destroying herself with uncontrolled lust for male power.

Post-script, try this video for the feminist reactions.