The Effect Of Having Too Much Money

Stuart Schneiderman raises a fascinating and incredibly relevant question on his blog, the answer to which is found in Christian theology. Why are the people who have the most money in society increasingly hostile to the concept of economic growth?

The War Against Economic Growth

13 January 2020

Here in the Western world, an unholy alliance of leftist billionaires and environmental zealots is doing everything in its power to ensure that the West loses out to Asia in the current clash of civilizations.

They have declared war on economic growth and aspire to lead their nations and the West to a period of lower economic growth. In order to save the environment they want us all to return to more feudal living conditions.

All of us except for them, that is.

Well, no, they will also participate in the coming feudalism. Probably with the titles of “Baron” and “Lord”.

Here’s a useful rule of thumb for macroeconomics: The upper class wants expensive land and cheap labor. The middle class wants expensive labor and cheap land. Nobody cares what the lower class wants.

Feudalism is the poster child for “expensive land and cheap labor”.

Those conditions require less energy and produce less environmental pollution. The great minds who concocted this road to misery neglect to point out that less economic growth, less wealth means less medical research. While proposing that everyone go back to living in mud huts, they ought, in their so-called minds, recall the plagues that characterized those periods.

Don’t listen to what they say. Look at what they do. Blah blah future for our children, and we need you disarmed for Phase Two. Both this and my feudalism comment are leading up to my answer.

Among the great human curiosities of our time is the presence of obscenely wealthy men like Michael Bloomberg and Tom Steyer, accompanied by their comrades in disarmament from Silicon Valley and other leftist redoubts, leading the march toward a no-growth economy.

They may not know it, but they are making a very good argument for wealth confiscation. If they cannot use their wealth responsibly to advance wealth creation for everyone else, why should they have it? Someone should do a study about the effects of having too much money. If you have billions of dollars in the bank you cannot, effectively spend money. No rational expense will cause your purchasing power to decline. And thus, you cannot really grow your own wealth. Does this cause them to imagine that no one should ever grow their own wealth?

As Schneiderman noticed, the super-rich are no longer being motivated by money. That explains why they are okay with a no-growth economy but the question of their current motivation remains unanswered.

Furthermore, these tech billionaires, having become masters of the marketplace of information seem to believe that they must now conquer the marketplace of ideas. They seem to imagine that their outsized wealth means that they are great thinkers. Some of them even mistake themselves for philosophers. They do not seem to understand that their anti-growth schemes will immiserate billions of people, while leaving them alone in their gated communities, with armed security, to enjoy their own infinite wealth.

Look. At. What. They. Do. They are fully, completely, one hundred percent, before-the-fact aware that their decisions will inflict needless suffering upon billions of innocents. THAT’S WHY THEY ARE DOING IT.

Living where I do, I’ve known some of those tech kerjillionaires. Their situation is that beyond a certain point, making money becomes an end in itself. You have to manage investments, track cash flows, consult with advisers and so on. Just being rich is a full-time job.

Many men, often the wiser ones, stop here. They retire, enjoy life, work for free, do charity, whatever. They rarely graduate from millionaire to billionaire because they aren’t greedy enough to seek wealth as an end in itself. Money is only a means to whatever they want from life.

Those who don’t stop become greedy. Wealth becomes the goal, not the tool. The push is always for more.

A greedy man wants a lot. A proud man wants more than you. A greedy man wants to live in a mansion. A proud man will live in a shack if, in return, he can force you to live in a ditch. As C.S. Lewis pointed out, pride is the competitive vice.

What happens when a greedy man becomes so wealthy that he becomes incapable of greed? When there’s no bigger mansion to buy? Does the devil stop tempting him?

No. He graduates from greed to pride.

When there’s no more “more” to be had, the greedy proceed to the next level of Evil: making YOU have LESS. Pride (competition) sets in. Especially if Mr. Jillions notices that ordinary Joes frequently enjoy life more than him because they have fewer responsibilities, more free time and aren’t constantly ass-kissed by parasites with sob stories. It’s a frustration that can easily metastasize.

This is what happens when you have too much money: You stop wanting more for yourself and start wanting less for everybody else. It’s the only way to continue widening the gulf between you and them.

This passage is obscure but a favorite of mine. Ezekiel 34:17-23 “As for you, my flock, this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I will judge between one sheep and another, and between rams and goats. Is it not enough for you to feed on the good pasture? Must you also trample the rest of your pasture with your feet? Is it not enough for you to drink clear water? Must you also muddy the rest with your feet? Must my flock feed on what you have trampled and drink what you have muddied with your feet?

“‘Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says to them: See, I myself will judge between the fat sheep and the lean sheep. Because you shove with flank and shoulder, butting all the weak sheep with your horns until you have driven them away, I will save my flock, and they will no longer be plundered. I will judge between one sheep and another. I will place over them one shepherd, [Christ], and he will tend them; he will tend them and be their shepherd.”

Anyway, the Western left has been taking a stand against economic growth. It seems to be suggesting that it cannot win out against the rising nations in the East. And thus that it must devote itself to higher ideals by saving the environment.

Environmental activism is not an effort to compete against foreign powers. Least of all China, which my eco-conscious California is whoring itself to like a prostitute attempting a baby trap.

Environmental activism is Marx’s current opiate of the masses. The greedy use it to devalue energy assets for cheap acquisition while selling overpriced crap like wind turbines. The proud use it to enslave the peasants in their own, all-organic filth. And the upper class use it to destroy their natural competitor, the middle class. They all work together to convince the spiritually empty that for the good of “humanity’s future”, suffering and austerity must be voluntarily imposed upon (the rest of) society.

(Nota bene, one of those tech kerjillionaires I met was a righteous man who helped me out when I needed it. I’m not a One Percenter hater because no poor man ever gave me a job.)

Joel Kotkin outlines this ominous turn toward self-deconstruction in a long and wise article. Everyone would do well to read it in its entirety.

Link below but I won’t get into it. TL;DR Kotkin compares the green agenda to “It’s the economy, stupid” Baby Boomerism while wondering why people are valuing an intentionally weakened economy. Every answer to his enquiries reduce to the simple fact that a strong economy is an insufficient replacement for religion. Man does not live by bread alone and will start doing foolish things like worshiping Nature or playing God in desperate and uninformed efforts to fill the soul’s need for meaning.

The Growth Dilemma

Thus, the new green left does not just want us to ration access to hamburgers, but it wants government to limit our ability to have children.

The works of the devil are to steal, kill and destroy. By their actions, you can recognize his followers.


New CT Editor Daniel Harrell

You CAN judge a book by its cover. It is necessary, efficient and reasonable to do so. Similarly, you can judge a man by the company he keeps. Daniel Harrell is Christianity Today’s new Editor-In-Chief.

As always, I’m suspicious about the emotional health of those with both baggy eyes and large crows-feet, unless they’re old enough to be wrinkly in general. His teeth seem way too small for his skull… I don’t know what to make of it, but baring the gums when smiling indicates either high ego or eagerness to please. Neither is promising in senior management.

Large upper third of his face indicates intellectual inclination, common in lifetime clergy. Rounded eyebrows for social focus so I wouldn’t have expected him to be a Unix guru.

Several months ago, Christianity Today’s past editor in chief Mark Galli announced his retirement, and Friday was his last day.

He also announced his seething, passive-aggressive hatred for Christianity Today readers who support Trump.

Christianity Today’s new editor in chief is Longtime pastor and writer Daniel Harrell, who most recently served as senior minister of Colonial Church in Edina, Minnesota. Harrell lost his wife Dawn unexpectedly last Easter and the aftermath of this death has been difficult.

“A big part of this next season of my life is devoted to her legacy and her love for words and theology and for Christ and wanting to live that well for her, for my daughter, and for myself,” said Harrell.

That’s a very not-promising indicator of future performance, if he’s so hung up on his wife’s death after 9 months as to offer it for his introductory biographical fact. Eh, I was going to look deeper anyway. Chronicling the collapse of American Christian institutions is a priority for me, as is chronicling how blindingly obvious the red flags tend to be.

Daniel M. Harrell is Editor-in-Chief of Christianity Today. Formerly, he served ten years as Senior Minister of Colonial Church, Edina, Minnesota, and for 23 years before that as preaching minister at Park Street Church, Boston, Massachusetts. Daniel holds a BA from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (Psychology and Religion), an MDiv from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and his PhD from Boston College (Developmental & Educational Psychology).

That’s a Congregational/Puritan background overall. UNC-Chapel Hill has become notorious for its socialist ideology and intolerance of American history even by the standards of our corrupted education system. Gordon-Conwell is an intentionally nondenominational seminary. I am suspicious of nondenominational churches generally because of accountability issues and that goes double for a seminary… the students aren’t there to scrutinize their professors’ theology, now are they?

I pulled up Colonial Church. Here’s the company that Harrell kept for ten years:



Jeff Lindsay, Acting Senior Minister. A lopsided face! His personal life is a mess. Thin lips indicate a lack of passion; lip corners are neutral-right, pessimist-left; he’s accustomed to keeping up appearances but without the skill of an actor or sociopath. Large nostrils indicate plenty of social energy so he probably thrives in his current situation.

He got an associate’s in law enforcement before going ministry-track at Bethel. I conjecture that he planned a police career but found his personality too soft for it

Sara Garbers, Acting Senior Associate Minister. Low-res picture. Eyes are recessed for defensiveness. Eyebrows are weird, I won’t opine on them. Her hair’s a bit crazy but maybe she’s old enough for it to have happened naturally. No, that’s such a bad job of hair dyeing that I’ll go with crazy hair.

Her linked bio confirms!

“I am passionate about matters of faith and justice, particularly focused on gender justice and issues of domestic & sexual violence. In addition to my work at the church, I serve the city of St. Louis Park as a human rights commissioner, my school as a sexual assault advocate, and am completing my doctorate in ethics at Loyola University Chicago.”

Sara received her Bachelor of Arts in Communications and Women’s Studies from the University of Minnesota Duluth.


She then completed a Master of Divinity from Bethel Seminary (MN).


She is currently a doctoral candidate at Loyola University Chicago. Her dissertation is entitled “Dangerous Memories”: Sexual Violence and Trauma- Towards a Feminist Political Theological Ethics of Memory.


Christian Winn, Interim Teaching Minister. Odd name. Curly hair denotes high sensuality but this is contradicted by passionless thin lips. I suspect vanity.

Dr. Christian T. Collins Winn…

With a bio intro like that, vanity sounds likely.

…is deeply passionate about helping others understand the gospel as it forms them into justice-seeking and mercy-loving people who walk in the world with humility. He completed a PhD in Theological and Religious Studies at Drew University and was Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology at Bethel University from 2005-2018.

Bethel Again.

He has a decorated academic record…

Which is NOT what you want in a teaching minister. You want a front-line veteran, not an Ivory tower egghead.

…and his research interests include the history of Pietism, ecumenism, theology of Karl Barth…

A pastor who hacked off Adolf Hitler under cover of Swiss citizenship. Old news.

political theology…

Good, the American Church can’t afford to ignore politics anymore.

problematics of race…


comparative theology, inter-faith dialogue…

False religions are false, “Minister”. Christ is not the equal of Mohammed, Buddha or Che Guevara.

…historiography of evangelicalism, and the theological significance of the Black Radical Tradition.

So, that’s Harrell’s peers.

End segue.

[Harrell] has taught at Gordon-Conwell, Fuller and Bethel seminaries, as well as at Boston University and Harvard University. He served for many years on the Community Ethics Committee of the Harvard University Hospitals and on the Advisory Council of Biologos.

Harvard Community Ethics for many years. No more need be said about his loyalty.

Daniel has written for Christianity Today and The Christian Century, appeared on PBS and regularly blogged for Cultivare at He is widowed (Dawn, 2019) and lives with his lovely daughter in Minneapolis and will be moving to Chicagoland.

Bad sign, that his grown daughter is still living with Daddy.

I used to ask my fellow Christians this ethical question. A church wants to help poor families survive a predicted-to-be-bad winter. They have enough money to help ten families. A bureaucrat hears of their effort and offers them enough taxpayer money to help one hundred poor families, on condition that they not talk about Christ.

What should the church do? Help ten families in the name of God or 100 families in the name of public service?

Guess what, Harrell answered that question… poorly.

Yes, Sometimes We Can Serve Both God and Mammon

by Daniel M. Harrell, 7 October 2013

I’ve always believed that the church exists on earth for the sake of mission—the tangible, embodied love of Christ. It’s the one thing we do on earth that we won’t do in heaven. More than well-done music and a well-honed sermon in a well-crafted building, the church is called to take up concrete things done with and for other people: feeding the hungry. Visiting the sick. Loving neighbors. Speaking truth. Loving enemies. Sharing the gospel.

Fatal error. The Church’s job in mortal life is threefold:

1. Proclaim the Gospel. Great Commission stuff.

2. Worship God.

3. Be the salt of the Earth, actively resisting the spread of evil.

Therefore, it is not acceptable for the Church to care for “society” except as a means of

1. Creating opportunities to proclaim the Gospel, ex. free meal to the homeless if they first listen to a sermon.

2. Worship God. A well-crafted building can sometimes do that better than humans. Europe is almost completely post-Christian yet the cathedrals still speak to God. Which is why the Muslims vandalize them so eagerly.

3. Fighting evil. Which is 180 degrees opposite from Harrell’s “loving enemies”. You love them by forcing them to face the evil they commit, not be seeking Unity with them.

You can do nice things for people if you want but being nice is not a teaching of either Christ or the Apostles.

And by the way, the one thing we Christians do on Earth that we won’t in Heaven is evil, from its beginning of facing temptation to its inevitable conclusion of suffering and death.

Given this, it seems odd that many churches treat mission with nickel-and-dime efforts: a few hundred dollars a year to this agency, another check to that, a short-term trip here and there. Churches outsource much of their mission work to specialized organizations. Though both efficient and expedient, doing this has a way of teaching us to be donors instead of doers.

There are valid reasons missionary work gets outsourced, from language barriers to effective financial oversight. At least, I assume he means “mission” as in “missionary”.

Arriving as the new minister at my church—a fairly affluent, Midwest, middle-aged, suburban church in the Congregational model—I became convinced that God was calling us to something we could we do together that none of us could do alone. Historically speaking, common mission boosts enthusiasm, deepens prayer, builds community, and bears fruit for the kingdom. While no single church can go to all ends of the earth (and should not aspire to), surely ours could marshal its ample resources for a bigger splash than we were making.

Mine was a bad assumption.

Unfortunately, my missions pitch sounded exhausting. Like many a mainline, our congregation has its share of gray hair. This means more wisdom and life experience than the hip churches that older congregations envy.

Okay, Boomer.

But wisdom without energy means that mission goes undone. We needed to integrate a younger demographic into our church. Regrettably, with the so-called “rise of the nones” (the population of adults indicating no religious affiliation), integrating younger people into our church was a challenge. Pop music worship and entertaining children’s programs no longer sufficed.

I give credit for him wanting to do more than cosmetic changes to address the problem of Christians no longer wanting to associate with a church. I then take back the credit because Harrell proceeded to double down.

At the same time, the decline in religiosity among younger people is not necessarily a decline in spirituality. Many young people are certainly religious about justice and social causes. And here was the mission tie: Instead of trying to attract younger people for the purpose of mission, perhaps doing mission on purpose could attract younger people.

He took the globalist ticket and transformed his church into a worldly NGO. Come, Social Justice Warriors! Help us help you!

As fortune came to pass, our church recently sold a piece of land for $2 million. Most of that went to retire a sizable debt and building repairs, but we knew that to spend the entire proceeds on ourselves was unfaithful. We voted to allocate 20 percent to serving outside our walls.

The sensible way to spend the 20 percent would have been to find a successful service agency and write the check. But I hated that idea. Surely we could leverage this money in a way that would let us get personally involved.

Here’s an idea: Commission some artwork. Modern churches are fucking pathetic, the spiritual version of soul-crushing cubicle farms. Wooden boxes that maybe have a cross hanging on a wall somewhere. The National Endowment for the Arts isn’t going to sponsor anything pro-Christian, that’s for damn sure.

Is God worthy of your praise? Then how about you Churchian churches ACT LIKE IT and spend money on what is useless except to glorify God?

Yet how to pick? We assessed. We discussed. We hired consultants. We prayed. The heavens stayed silent.

“I became convinced that God was calling us to hire consultants.” Specifically, Katherine Leary Alsdorf from Redeemer Presbyterian Church’s Center for Faith and Work and Dave Blanchard from Praxis Labs

We had the money. We had the wisdom and experience, especially in fields related to business. What we lacked was our particular calling (or the energy to follow it through). What if we challenged young adults in our church and wider community to generate an idea that could become our calling?

I proposed we take $250,000 and sponsor a social entrepreneurial competition. We could invite innovators ages 35 and younger to submit project proposals with gospel values of grace, justice, love, redemption, and reconciliation. We’d ask that applicants affirm the Apostles’ Creed, because we wanted our effort to promote Christian faith.

A checkbox is not how one tests for Christianity. The applicants’ devotion should have been obvious from their proposals.

Our church would provide funding and expertise, networking, creative community, and acceleration toward successful launches. We’d use business acumen to make the projects sustainable and stress measurable outcomes.

I’ve seen this before. Public-private partnerships. Convergence.

When I pitched the idea of a business-based social entrepreneurial competition to church leaders, some presumed I’d lost my mind. This was too large an amount of cash to risk on unproven ventures. Better to give it to a proven enterprise and maximize our return on investment. To put it in biblical parlance: Be a good steward. Church and business don’t mix. “You can’t serve both God and Mammon,” Jesus said (Luke 16:13).

They had a point. So many foundational business values run counter to the gospel, be it the primacy of shareholders over service, gluttonous profits, avaricious career ambition, or accumulating too much capital. To prosper financially may not be a biblical vice, but greed, injustice, and extravagance lurk in prosperity’s shadows.

On the other hand, Jesus also said, “all things are possible with God” (Matt 19:26).

THAT is Harrell’s excuse for ignoring Christ’s warning about mixing God with Profit? That’s pathetic. Should we care about any of Christ’s warnings or just assume He’ll declare us to be Special Snowflakes?

Mission can redeem the better aspects of the market to serve kingdom ends. Virtues of honesty and hard work, along with love and fairness, all improve the way we do business. To believe in Jesus is to value all these things. Granted, to believe in Jesus is also to embrace humiliation and loss, and loss is no way to profit—unless you buy the gospel. To take a providential windfall and risk it all on untested idealists sounded as ridiculous as changing the world through death on a cross. It takes faith for good business sense to make good mission sense.

What the Hell does “mission” mean? Certainly not “missionary”. I really hope his “buy the Gospel” comment wasn’t him showing his true colors.

Fairness isn’t even a Christian virtue. The last thing any believer should want is for God to deal with him in fairness. We follow Christ in order to NOT get what we deserve. The second commandment is to treat others like ourselves, not to treat others in fairness.

Fairness is government-enforced reparations from taxpayers who’ve never owned a slave to parasites who’ve never been one.

Proof of Convergence coming up:

Being the new minister, I had relational capital to spend. The congregation tentatively went along, walking by faith rather than sight. We named the initiative Innové, a French word meaning “breaking new ground”—or perhaps better, “digging a grave,” in keeping with the gospel’s promise of resurrection power.

“Dig a grave” and “buy the gospel”?

Per The Innové Project—a social enterprise competition that afforded Colonial the opportunity to connect the wisdom and experience of its Boomers to the vision and energy of local Millennials who wanted to influence the city for good.” OMG I can’t even.

We designed an evaluation process that maximized our business-minded congregation–from technology, marketing, assessment, and coaching to advising, planning, training, budgeting, execution and evaluation. More than 150 members volunteered their talents. We worried that after marshaling this wealth of resources we would fail to attract applicants. But worry has a beautiful way of converting to prayer.

Twenty applications came in as we approached the due date—a disappointing number, frankly. We’d prayed for more. Then, as the clock approached midnight, our online application portal lit up. Apparently young entrepreneurs like to take every minute they are given (either that, or they like to procrastinate). Suddenly our modest 20 applicants bloomed to 139.

The applications ran the gamut from laundro-daycaremats for underemployed mothers in the city, to concierge services for elderly people who wanted to stay in their homes, all the way to educational projects for children orphaned by conflict in Kenya. We scored according to uniqueness, feasibility, and fit with our congregation. We wanted not only to fund and launch new mission endeavors, but to participate in the work itself.

Harrell’s first action in his newly entrepreneurial church was funneling money to the Social Justice agenda.

We also trained 24 gifted church members to be Innové “navigators.” Each of them ushered through the process the semi-finalist projects. Our process entailed formulating business plans and budgets, as well as preparing a pitch for a panel of judges who determined which semi-finalists to fund.

Eventually, after much input and prayer, the semi-finalists submitted their business plans and pitched their ideas to our judges. They picked six to fund as “Protégés” (in keeping with Innové’s French milieu). The Protégés included a church-school partnership program that provides weekend meals to undernourished children, a nonprofit, non-predatory payday lender, a mobile food market that sells affordable fresh fruit and vegetables in urban “food deserts,” an educational initiative for men to combat sex trafficking, a college opportunity for post-secondary students with disabilities, and a for-profit printing business that directs profits toward clean water projects.

How is any of that a legitimate Church function? Did the school allow sermonizing during lunchtime in return for financial assistance? Were the vegans lectured about God eating fish while handed free veggies? I don’t even know where to begin with the concept of “nonprofit payday loans” Your pastor’s day job is loan shark?

You want to offer a college scholarship, pastors? Give the scholarship to a man willing to treat the university campus as a bona fide missionary field a la North Korea. Pay his bills so he can be there, then defend him when, not if, the Progs attack him for talking about Jesus to the lost and blind.

But no, Harrell gave the scholarship to a “disabled” student. How original. From each according to his ability, to each according to his need. That’s Marx, not Christ.

To further ensure project success, the Protégés embarked with us on an incubation period that provided further consulting, financial and professional planning assistance led by church members with strong nonprofit and new business experience. Church office space was also offered as needed.

Methinks Bethel Seminary misnamed its MBA program.

Innové brought together a vast array of gifts that comprised our church—human resources people, arts people, social services people, accountants, lawyers, managers, executives, marketers, technologists, organizational developers, and more. They all were finally getting to use what they did best for the sake of God’s work in the world. It was as good as we’d prayed it would be: good for the gospel, good for our congregation, good for our young entrepreneurs and good for the world. And having done it as unto the Lord meant our work now had an eternal lifetime guarantee.

Harrell turned his church into yet another Progtard nonprofit. If I ever run a church, I will not lift one finger to help the poor because people need to be culture-shocked into realizing that Christianity is not Mammon.

We’re not here to redeem the Earth for Christ. We’re here to become like Christ.


The Burning Of Asheen Phansey

The Left continues to eat its own. We continue to enjoy the spectacle. I was concerned that Iraq was about to blow up again… its national government has already resigned, albeit in the incomprehensible parliamentary fashion… but Trump seems to have the situation well in hand.

Which brings us to college professor Asheen Phansey who, as you might guess, is not quite as American as birthright citizenship would claim.

Asheen Phansey: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Asheen Phansey is the former Babson College professor who was fired after jokingly suggesting on Facebook that Iran’s leader should make a list of significant cultural sites in the United States to attack. Phansey wrote that Ayatollah Khamenei might target the “Kardashian residence” and the Mall of America.

He’s obviously joking with that Kardashian reference, not to mention that Khomeini reference. (He died in 1989.) Hell, I wouldn’t even object to anybody whacking a Kardashian, they’re that much of a national disgrace, although they’d probably just live on in the tabloids like Princess Diana so please don’t bother, paparazzi.

But the Emperor is less forgiving than I am.

Phansey [wrote it on January 7, 2020 and then] deleted the post, which was shared to his personal Facebook page, and apologized for it. He told local news stations in the Boston area that the post was a “bad attempt at humor” and that he had been joking about the lack of ancient cultural sites in America compared to Iran. The remark was in reaction to President Donald Trump’s threat to attack 52 cultural sites important to Iran.

Here is where I start to have a problem with him. He probably doesn’t consider himself an American if he can joke about America not having any cultural history compared to Iran. (He lived in MASSACHUSETTS when saying that, of all places.) But one tweet is not sufficient to make an accusation… a point upon which I disagree with Current Year’s college administration:

Leaders at Babson College did not view Phansey’s comment in a humorous light. He was suspended on January 8, 2020, before being officially terminated the following day.

Hmm, two days.

Babson College posted a statement on its website: “Babson College condemns any type of threatening words and/or actions condoning violence and/or hate. This particular post from a staff member on his personal Facebook page clearly does not represent the values and culture of Babson College. While we understand he has deleted the posts, we have immediately suspended him, with pay, pending the completion of our investigation. In addition, we are cooperating with local, state and federal authorities.”

Standard CYA boilerplate. As if the Feds could possibly care about an elitist college professor’s anti-Trump tweet.

Phansey released his own statement to local news outlets, insisting that his remark had not been intended as a call to violence. WCVB-TV published his apology, which he sent on January 8.

“I regret my bad attempt at humor. As an American, born and raised, I was trying to juxtapose our ‘cultural sites’ with ancient Iranian churches and mosques. I am completely opposed to violence and would never advocate it by anyone. I am sorry that my sloppy humor was read as a threat. I condemn all acts of violence. I am particularly sorry to cause any harm or alarm for my colleagues at Babson, my beloved alma mater, and the place where I have enjoyed teaching students and serving as its sustainability director.”

Standard mistake of apologizing to liberals. Although this gives him away as a liberal himself, with “I condemn all acts of violence”.

Phansey began a full-time job at Babson on February of 2019. He served as the Director of Sustainability. The department focuses on implementing campus-wide strategies to save the environment.

That is the point at which I become perfectly okay with his career being destroyed for no crime. God does not allow me to use Evil’s methods to destroy Evil but when they do it to themselves, I’m not going to play Captain Save-A-Whale.

Call me Ishmael.

For confirmation that Asheen is evil:

Asheen Phansey has his own consulting company that is registered with the state of Massachusetts. He launched Phansey Consulting LLC in October of 2018, according to state records. Phansey explained on LinkedIn that his goal is to assist “companies and nonprofits in Corporate Responsibility.”

Phansey is also involved with the Environmental League of Massachusetts Action Fund. The group works to promote policies to protect the environment. Phansey is listed as the group’s Treasurer.

ELM’s leadership is 80% female, not counting the Board of Directors with its usual ties to obscure finance & investment middlemen. Its primary function is funneling campaign money to politicians who push the Climate Change globalist agenda.

Thus, Asheen is an enemy of my country & people and therefore deserves to be treated as one. I would not use a false accusation like this joke-tweet, however. I would accuse him of what he’s actually done.

Corruption, sabotage and treason no longer being punishable crimes, we are forced to settle for watching the Left turn upon its own… and while doing so, we’re STILL being nicer to him than his own allies.


North Carolina’s Domestic Skank Protection Orders

To the surprise of everybody but the Red-Pilled, Domestic Violence Protection Orders (DVPOs) have failed to be magical force fields guaranteeing the safety of women who just can’t stay away from the thugboys. North Carolina reflects on its lack of success with a grim determination to avoid the obvious.

When domestic violence protective orders don’t protect. Is North Carolina doing enough?

By Tammy Grubb, 9 January 2020

The author might have a personal interest in the effectiveness of DVPOs as a method of “taming the unicorns” in her personal life.

Victoria St. Hillaire feared for her life.

She had been stalked and terrorized by an ex-boyfriend who had a court order to stay away from her and her family — and multiple charges for disobeying that order.

“I am afraid of what’s next and the safety for my family,” St. Hillaire wrote when she sought a third domestic violence protective order on Oct. 9, 2019.

In our current age of police getting Federal funding for making exactly that kind of arrest, their reported refusal to do so simply cannot be taken at face value. Something is going on to prevent police from taking these perps off the streets… but what could it be?

On Nov. 25, the 28-year-old mother and certified medical assistant was fatally shot by a former boyfriend as she arrived for work at UNC Family Medicine in Durham. The ex-boyfriend, 33-year-old Lequintin Ford, also shot and killed himself.

Yep, this would have been just another Ghetto Hood Rat story except for the failure of DVPOs. Most abusive boyfriends don’t go to the extreme of gunning down their skanks inside a major hospital, however. Not without working up to it. Most crooks start small-time and are thwarted by criminal justice long before the murder-suicide endgame.

It wasn’t the first time Ford had confronted St. Hillaire at her workplace or her Alamance County home. Court documents showed warning signs as early as 2015, when he assaulted her with a bat. Ford was arrested nearly two dozen times in the last two years, including for domestic incidents involving another woman.

Sheeet, mon. The cops were doing their jobs, making the arrests. The government, as represented by victocrat racist sphincter-judges, obviously weren’t. My race right or wrong, eh? It ain’t working out for them.

When he died, Ford faced three new felony stalking charges, misdemeanor stalking and harassing phone call charges, and three violations of his domestic violence protective order. He had been jailed at least twice — first under $100,00 bail and then $250,000 — but was able to get out when a judge reduced his bail in November.

The conditions put in place at that hearing — that he wear an ankle monitor, be home from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m., stay away from St. Hillaire’s home and work — didn’t protect St. Hillaire.

Lovely. Thanks to all the “restrictions” placed on Tyrone, the police were able to track his murder spree like a geocacher homing in on a trinket. Preventing the murder spree was, alas, not a permitted option.

Chicks like a little danger in their sperm banks.

I just got an awesome idea for a reality game show. Thanks to our Panopticon state, we can track the second-by-second movements of both Jerome and Jemimah, right? “We go live to the University of North Carolina, where Ford’s ankle monitor has just moved within 1500 feet of the iPhone of his baby-momma, Vickie. Our hacker, Dennis, is pulling up a security camera feed… SHIT HE’S GOT A GUN! Place you bets, folks! Who will live and who will die? The clock is ticking on this time bomb!” I’m gonna be rich!

Wait, they already did that in the book/movie “Running Man”. I’m gonna be sued!

Her story is not unusual.

While some studies indicate that protective orders can prevent or reduce the severity of future abuse, the U.S. Department of Justice has not definitively answered the question of how effective they are. A 2003 federal Office of Justice Programs report still cited today noted that nearly half of all abusers charged with killing their partners had previous arrests, and nearly a third of the victims previously had called police.

If criminals were properly punished, or at least locked up, then the need for DVROs would drop by half.

One in 4 women and 1 in 10 men will experience physical, sexual or psychological domestic violence in their lifetime, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The costs can be high, averaging $103,767 over a female survivor’s lifetime for medical care, lost productivity, legal fees and other costs and $23,414 for a male survivor, the CDC reported.

A difference factor of 4? No doubt because men are the less productive sex. All we make is clean water and electricity. And safe streets, when allowed. Nothing valuable.

The cost to society: An estimated $3.6 trillion, based on the lifetimes of 43 million male and female domestic violence victims studied for a 2014 National Institutes of Health report.

Then there is the loss of life.

Roughly half of the female homicide victims each year — 3,268 in 2018 — are killed by a former or current male partner, federal data showed. Available data for male victims showed nearly 5% were killed by an intimate partner.

Consistent with the rate of male homosexuality. The Sodomite lifestyle isn’t just unhealthy, it’s violent.

The N.C. Coalition Against Domestic Violence, which tracks the state’s domestic violence homicides, reported that 53 people were killed in 2019, including four people in Durham County, two in Wake County and one in Orange County. While the same number of people were killed in 2018, the coalition reported an increasing number of homicides — averaging 77 — each year between 2013 and 2017.

The numbers include homicides involving both same-sex and opposite-sex intimate partners, but not domestic violence between non-intimate family members.

The “non-intimate family member” being bio-dad?

Most protective orders do what they are designed to do, domestic violence advocates said, but the key is an abuser who will follow the rules.

How are you stupid dumb bitches smart enough to even keep breathing? Oh, right, you’re NOT. *Points at dead Vickie.*

“If this is an offender who doesn’t want to go to jail, who cares about their reputation and wants to look good in the community, it’s going to be a whole lot more meaningful for them than for someone who really doesn’t care if they get arrested,” said Kathy Hodges, deputy director of the Durham Crisis Response Center.

Sherry Honeycutt Everett, the coalition’s legal and policy director, noted protective orders have other benefits, including tougher penalties for low-level offenses such as stalking and harassment, and child-custody arrangements.

Boom, there it is. The purpose of DVROs is not to actually protect women. It’s leverage against law-abiding fathers.

Worse, DVROs help feral women live their peak sexual fantasy of fucking with the devil without getting burned. DVROs give her the illusion of safety as she places herself in harm’s way time and again.

Feral women don’t actually want to be protected from violent men. Get ready for the climax…

Judges awarded protective orders — also called 50B orders in North Carolina — to 33% of the men and women who sought them last year, data showed, while another 23% voluntarily dropped their protective order petitions. The rest of the petitions were denied or involuntarily dismissed because the person seeking the order didn’t show up for the hearing.

In North Carolina, 50B orders are only available to heterosexual couples who are living together, married, dating or divorced, or share a child. Same-sex couples can only get a 50B order if they live with their partner, leaving those who are only dating to seek a civil no-contact order, or 50C.

No “protective” order should ever be granted if the victim insists on cohabiting with the abuser.

A 50C order limits contact between the parties and makes some crimes, such as stalking, a felony. However, unlike with a 50B, the offender cannot be arrested for violating the order or have their guns seized.

Survivors can endure months and even years of abuse before going to court, multiple studies show. Over half of those who have suffered repeated assaults do not report them to police, the National Crime Victimization Survey found, often because the survivor is trying to protect the abuser, fears what the abuser might do if arrested, or considers the violence a private or family matter.

The abuse can escalate when victims finally decide to seek a protective order or leave the abuser.

One study reported in the 2003 National Institute of Justice Journal found that 75% of female domestic violence homicide victims and 85% of women who experienced severe violence had left or tried to leave an abuser. Women previously threatened or assaulted with a weapon were 20 times more likely to be murdered, according to a separate study cited.

Her partner was only verbally abusive at first, Durham resident Deborah Williams said. When he began getting in her face, assaulting her and using his body to keep her from leaving, it still wasn’t enough to make her give up the relationship.

Textbook hybristophilia.

That’s why she didn’t go to police, she said, when her partner approached her in the church parking lot after Bible study and grabbed her by the neck. A church deacon, hearing her scream, escorted her home that night and asked her partner to take his things and leave, she said.

It wasn’t the last incident, and over the five-year relationship, Williams sought four protective orders. Still, she sometimes met with her partner in violation of his no-contact order and skipped some of their domestic violence court hearings, Williams said.

Taming the unicorn… or bearding the lion?

“My weakness in wanting things to work out, listening to convincing reasons why we should stay together, believing no one else is going to want me — all of those things played into me participating in him violating the domestic violence protective order,” she said. “Then there were times that I tried to stay strong and … would call the police to have him removed. For me, it felt like I was putting holes in my own credibility and that no one is going to believe me.”

“wanting things to work out” = hybristophilia

“convincing reasons why we should stay together” = “I want my money”

“believing no one else is going to want me” = rationalizing self-destructive behavior

me participating in him violating the domestic violence protective order” = she deserved to have her brains splattered across the parking lot with a baseball bat. Police cannot, and should not try, to save feral women from themselves. They should stand back, ensure no bystanders get hurt (by playing White Knight like that church deacon did), let the inevitable happen and skip the crime scene investigation for the squeegee and bucket.

Survivors cannot be prosecuted for meeting or talking with an abuser under a protective order, but advocates agreed they can risk losing credibility with police and the court system. It also encourages some abusers to take protective orders less seriously, they said.

The turning point, Williams said, was when she saw the relationship affecting her son.

“Just knowing that the relationship that I was in was modeling an unhealthy model of what it means to date, what it means to be married, and that I could be setting my children up to repeat these habits,” Williams said.

Her son is lucky to be alive… Mommy wasn’t so far gone as to abandon her own children.

Williams has since moved, blocked her partner’s number, and started writing again, publishing a book of poems and essays about “regaining your power.” This year, she graduated with a master’s degree from the Duke University School of Divinity.


The emotional and mental wounds will take a long time to heal, Williams said, but she hopes her experience will lead her to a way to help others.

“The saying that we don’t go through what we go through just for our purposes, but to help other people, that would definitely be a true statement,” she said.

“I don’t fuck the bad boys anymore. I now teach empowerment to women in the name of Boyfriend Jesus.”

The DVPOs aren’t protecting women… because women don’t want to be protected, except from husbands who might restrain her hybristophilia.



THIS Is How You Handle A Disaster

In addition to being a fun-sounding story, this is excellent logistics for emergency services.

Australian Navy Delivers 800 Gallons of Emergency Beer to Bushfire-Hit Town

By Simon Kent, 10 January 2020

The Royal Australian Navy was applauded Friday after one of its ships completed an emergency beer run to help resupply a pub besieged by bushfires.

More than a thousand people have been evacuated from the small town of Mallacoota in the state of Victoria, with the military sending landing craft to collect families trapped there since New Year’s Eve.

But after several shuttle runs and with the immediate emergency ebbing the navy delivered much-needed supplies, including a precious cargo of beer to thirsty survivors and bushfire responders, a department of defense spokesperson confirmed to AFP.

“The beer is not occupying unnecessary space on HMAS Choules and essential supplies were not offloaded to accommodate the beer,” the spokesperson added.

The emergency delivery included 20 kegs and four pallets of beer and cider for a town that usually has a population of around 1,000.

“A pub with no beer is bad enough at the best of times,” said Carlton and United Breweries CEO Peter Filipovic. “After what Mallacoota residents and firies have been through the least we could do is make sure they could enjoy a beer.”

“We’re not sure if the Navy has ever shipped beer to civilians before but these fires are an extraordinary disaster,” he added.

There’s no need to apologize for the beer run. People who haven’t been through a for-real, extended emergency have NO IDEA how important the little rituals of life are to psychological health. If you normally start your day with coffee then be sure your go bag has some instant in it.

There’s more to surviving a crisis than calories-per-day and austere medical techniques. I would argue that the psych aspect is even more important than food because the real harm is when people panic. (Admittedly, full bellies is a good way to prevent desperation. But again, that’s more than calories-per-day thinking.)

The 16,000-tonne UK-built relief ship HMAS Choules has been a steady presence off the Australian coast since the bushfires started last November.

Not only has it been assisting humans in need, it has also been happy to rescue pets and associated wildlife and take them to safety along with human cargo.

Pet rescue is also helpful to human emotional survival. Less so wildlife, but I doubt they’re actually rounding up frightened wild animals to house offshore in confined quarters.


Paul Krugman’s Turn Comes

This is my shocked face, that child pornography was found on a computer belonging to a high-ranking Democrat celebrity.

New York Times Columnist Paul Krugman Says Hacker Used His IP Address to Download Child Porn

By John Carney, 8 January 2020

Paul Krugman said Wednesday that his IP address had been “compromised” and used to download “child pornography.”

It would be nice if this was Trump starting to drain the swamp; alas, the more likely explanation is that the law of averages finally kicked in.

Krugman, a New York Times columnist and economics professor at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, speculated in a tweet that it “could be an attempt to Qanon me,” referring to the movement popular on many online message boards that believes an anonymous government insider, known as Q, is secretly leaking details of an epic battle between President Trump and the Deep State.

Please present your evidence, Mr. Krugman, for making such a specific accusation.

“Well, I’m on the phone with my computer security service, and as I understand it someone compromised my IP address and is using it to download child pornography. I might just be a random target. But this could be an attempt to Qanon me.

“It’s an ugly world out there.”

— Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) January 8, 2020

Krugman was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2008.

“I don’t know who did it, but it’s wasn’t me and might have been the leader of Gamergate!”

Krug is a perfect example of a liberal projecting his crimes upon his enemies in order to both get away with evil and justify his preexisting hatred. One would think that such a powerful organization of investigative journalists as the NYT would be all over this incident to protect one of their own. They won’t investigate because they know what they’ll find.

I should check that. *checks*

Oh, look! Krug deleted the tweet already. Maybe he realized that normal people don’t talk like that. Normal people don’t publicly give the world a heads-up that kiddie porn was found on their computer so they don’t need to worry if the cops show up. Normal people quietly go to the cops and cooperate. Normal people want the perp caught, not scared into hiding.

What do criminal conspirators do? They warn their allies when the heat is coming, because once arrests happen they all start taking plea bargains.



Hanoi Jane Is Still…Sexy???

I thought the treasonous bitch was dead, or at least senile. But no, she’s now the high priestess of Original Sin!

I Got Arrested With Jane Fonda While Protesting Climate Change. Here’s What It Taught Me.

By Sohil Malik, 8 January 2020

Sohil, if getting arrested taught you anything other than ‘hanging out with “Hanoi” Jane Fonda is a bad idea’ then you validate India’s nickname of Cuckistan.

Growing up, I endured perpetual teasing for being a stickler for the rules. In high school, you would have never found me in a teacher’s classroom pleading for a confiscated phone or in the principal’s office profusely apologizing for cheating. Hell, I was the only student in my fifth grade classroom to have never received detention. So if you had told me I’d be sitting in the back of a paddy wagon with my hands cuffed behind my back, I would have either laughed or cried miserably.

Lightweight. I was a hall monitor who won every fight.

But after an exhausting first semester of college, I was thrilled to begin my winter break by embarking on a journey with my best friend, Kesha.

If Kesha is female then there’s our first clue that Sohil is a mentally disturbed beta orbiter. She’s not his girlfriend, fiance or bitch, no, she’s a “best friend”.

We had booked a bus ticket to Washington, D.C. to attend a Fire Drill Fridays demonstration on the Southeast Lawn of the United States Capitol. Fire Drill Fridays is an organization founded by actor Jane Fonda that is working to encourage action against climate change and to promote the adoption of the Green New Deal. Inspired by climate activist Greta Thunberg, Fonda had temporarily moved to D.C. to hold weekly demonstrations on topics pertaining to the climate emergency.

If Greta ever inspired anything, it was playing hooky from school… which Sohil didn’t do. Nobody sane spends winter break promoting globalist evil in a strange city in the company of a female who refuses to put out.

We had initially heard of the organization after Fonda was arrested while protesting on the steps of the Capitol Building. Inspired, we decided to join the demonstration.

Da fuq? He was inspired by the chance to go to jail like he never wanted to? Was Sohil trying to impress the women in his life by becoming a bad boy with a rap sheet? Shit test FAILED, with authority!

The theme for that particular week was the public health crisis caused by climate change ― a key issue discussed in an environmental class I had just taken.

“Today in meteorology, class, we’ll learn how anthropogenic climate change is why you can’t find an affordable doctor. As usual, white cis-males are forbidden to ask questions for the remainder of this lecture.”

The rally featured a number of speakers who provided their expertise on the subject, including political activists Gloria Steinem and Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II.

Barber was ordained by the NAACP at age 15. He met his wife while marching in Jesse Jackson’s presidential campaign and later began a series of protests called “Moral Mondays”. Looks like Jane Fonda is still sucking up to Marxists with her “Fire Drill Fridays”.

Following the speeches, Fonda led those in attendance on a march to the Hart Senate Office Building. While marching, we all shouted chants and proudly carried signs calling for an end to the fossil fuel industry.

You gonna march back home, too, you fuckwitted moron? Remember you TOOK THE BUS to this protest against cheap energy? I cannot believe the hypocrisy going on in the Left! I know Leftism leads to people living in mud huts but never realized that that was the intended goal from the beginning. I always thought the mud hutting came as a total surprise to its advocates.

The real story, of course, is that the globalists want to crash the value of fossil fuels so they can buy up the sources for cheap. This is such painfully obvious market manipulation that I’m at a loss for how these BRAINLESS FOOLS can advocate for it. Don’t they hate the One Percenters?

We eventually came to a stop at the entrance of the Hart Senate Office Building, where we patiently waited our turn to go through security and resume protesting on the other side of the wall. We could see a number of police officers standing in the center of the lobby. That’s when we started to hear the murmurs and whispers of the crowd.

“Isn’t it funny how we’re going through security just to get arrested later?”

“Guys, make sure to have $50 and ID on you for bail.”

“Look at the time! We probably won’t be released from custody until 10 p.m.!”

Kesha and I looked at each other. A prominent feature of Fonda’s weekly demonstrations is the arrest of several protesters during the period of civil disobedience. At the time, Fonda herself had been arrested four times during previous demonstrations.

Prior to the protest, I had absolutely no intention of getting arrested. The plan had always been to support the cause by joining the protest and marching in solidarity with everyone else. The police were a signal for us to wish everyone good luck and to finally step away. Getting arrested was simply not on our agenda.

And yet as we waited to go through security, I didn’t immediately tremble or cower at the idea of getting arrested. Maybe it was the rush of adrenaline pumping through my veins; maybe it was my desire to continue fighting for the cause. Perhaps it was a mix of both.

Maybe it was mob psychology. Maybe like Jane Fonda, he loved the idea of demanding that the American people who treated him kindly allow him to get away with disobedience. Maybe he’s such a mindless cucking simp that he thought his “best friend” would be impressed that he was willing to break the law to win her love. Like Adam did for Eve?

Maybe he’s just natural-born cannon fodder.

Kesha and I continued to stare at each other until it became clear we were thinking of the same thing. I asked her if we were really about to do this. A few people standing nearby could easily sense our frantic state of contemplation. “You guys got this! We promise it isn’t as bad as you think. You’re standing on the right side of history!”

“She’s going to respect me so much more in the morning!”

Feeling empowered by our fellow protesters, we made the last-minute decision to risk being arrested. We quickly scavenged through our pockets and backpacks to pool together the money needed for our bail. I never imagined myself in this situation, but somehow what we were doing felt right. We were fighting for a cause we wholeheartedly believed in. In doing so, we hoped to contribute to positive change.

This story should have ended with Sohil’s deportation hearing. “I thought you were only going to charge me a little bail and let me go! I’m a foreign student who overstayed his visa then failed to comply, so I have rights!”

[I don’t actually know Sohil’s immigration status.]

Everyone gathered on the floor of the lobby and sat around a large banner. Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II led us in chants and hymns as the police officers began to issue warnings.

A picture of Leftists at church. The First Rebel must be proud of them.

We were each given three warnings until we were officially arrested. During my first two warnings, I simply nodded and carried on chanting with everyone else.

Things quickly became real when plastic handcuffs were placed around Kesha’s wrists and an officer accompanied her toward a nearby processing area. An officer then tapped me on the shoulder and issued a final warning. He asked if I understood I’d be arrested if I refused to move. I said yes. And with that, I was taken to the processing room.

“We know that the law is good if one uses it properly. We also know that the law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels…” 1 Timothy 1:8-9. In a Christian nation, those lawbreakers and rebels, worshiping one of America’s most notorious rebels, would have been terrified of justice.

Looks like the DC riot cops are pussies.

After giving up our belongings and being searched, we were driven to a garage/warehouse instead of a standard prison or jail. Kesha and I were among the earlier arrests and waited as other protesters arrived in batches. A total of 138 protesters were arrested. Fonda was one of the last to be arrested and, because her birthday was the next day, everyone (excluding the police officers) sang “Happy Birthday” to her as she entered the holding area.

THAT story should have ended with the DC cops hanging Fonda by the neck until dead, right then, right there, in front of her supporters, for treason against her country in time of war, as a birthday present from the nation she hated and used. Anybody who doubts her guilt can look up the pictures.

Throughout the evening, I had the opportunity to get to know those sitting around me. Not only did they provide me with a considerable amount of support, but they also offered to share their past experiences with me. Many had been protesting since the civil rights movement and their stories were riveting. I walked away from the warehouse feeling more inspired than ever before.

Eventually, we were released and given back our belongings. Kesha jumped into the air as she shouted, ”Best day ever!” while making sure all her things were in order. I couldn’t help but agree.

Being Christian, I have never before given this advice… but Sohil needs to shag a prostitute, like, yesterday. This level of cucking is painful just to watch.

During the entire bus ride home, I feared how my parents would react. You can imagine how surprised I was when I learned upon telling them the news that they wanted to participate in an upcoming demonstration with me.


Paraphrasing a recent quote by Fonda, people have a responsibility to use their privilege for something good. It doesn’t require breaking the law or getting arrested to fight for a good cause. We must continue to organize and to write to our representatives to bring about and demand change. Today, I am proud to be standing on the right side of history.

You cuck-witted fool, you aren’t even on the right side of your not-a-girlfriend.

These people are soul-sick… worshipers of the First Rebel, the devil. Sohil is the very image of Adam in Eden, defying legitimate authority in the mind-blowingly stupid hope that Eve will love him after he martyrs his clean criminal record for her.


The Purity Movement In Review

One benefit to being a Christian in Current Year is easy access to what your enemies think of you. Here, a couple survivors of the Purity Movement weigh in. Female survivors, of course. Living in NYC.

How the ‘extreme abstinence’ of the purity movement created a sense of shame in evangelical women

10 December 2019

Millennial evangelicals are speaking out about the heightened emphasis on sexual purity that characterized their upbringing in that subculture.

Their link is to an NPR interview. Millennial, sure, but devout, hmm.

Joshua Harris, a former pastor who became one of the most public faces of the purity culture movement in the United States with his 1997 book “I Kissed Dating Goodbye,” recently renounced his views and very publicly left evangelicalism. When his book came out, it was widely read and led many evangelicals to believe that the best path through adolescence and to a fulfilling happy marriage was the embrace of purity culture.

So, what exactly is the purity movement all about?

It’s about Churchianity, specifically, the fear of Snowflake Daddies everywhere that no man is good enough for his empowered daughter. It’s taken forms from unsexy young Christian men being tricked into promising to wait potentially forever until Barbie is ready to settle, to father/daughter dating and dancing because no “boy” will ever be good enough.

Fortunately, this piece wasn’t a simple conflation of Josh Harris with Christianity.

Culture of abstinence

The label purity culture has a range of meanings. Many use it in its most literal form to refer to efforts, especially in conservative Protestant Christianity, to promote sexual abstinence prior to marriage.

But beginning in the 1990s some groups within conservative U.S. Protestantism began promoting an organized strategy to convince young people that the Bible requires a much more restrictive code, what one author has called “extreme abstinence.”

In 1993, for example, the Southern Baptist Convention launched its “True Love Waits” campaign, seeking to promote sexual abstinence among Christian youth with conferences, concerts and purity pledges. These are reminiscent of 19th-century evangelical temperance pledges, in which people signed a pledge to abstain from alcohol.

Advocates of extreme abstinence advise women to be appropriately submissive, not pursue leadership roles and not speak out too much in mixed company. That may mean avoiding mixed company except in tightly regulated circumstances, such as with parents present. All of these concerns become part of how “purity” is understood.

They were doing well until this latest paragraph. Seems like women are okay with being sexless (so far as polite society needs to know) in return for indulging other forms of penis envy.

In this view, purity is much more than just refraining from premarital sex and dressing modestly. As I write in my book, “Building God’s Kingdom,” they replace dating with “courtship” that is pursued under the direction of the young woman’s father. Courtship in this case means that all interaction between young men and women must be explicitly for the purpose of pursuing marriage and under the permission and oversight of the young woman’s father.

The expectation is that “pure” young women will remain under the authority of their fathers until they trade it for the authority of their husbands – in marriages arranged by their fathers.

Again, they’re crossing the streams of Biblical standards. The purity movement wasn’t about WOMEN being under fatherly authority, it’s about all their potential husbands being under her fatherly authority. Which is not Biblical patriarchy at all.

Both men and women are expected to remain sexually pure. This includes abstaining from sex, but it also extends to avoiding lustful thoughts. For the young women, being “pure” also means being responsible for the boys and men around them and comporting themselves in ways that do not “tempt” others to sin.

Only men were to avoid lustful thoughts. Women we presumed to not have any. Conversely, Christian women do have an explicit standard to be modest.

Purity balls and pledges

In purity culture, as I found in my research, a woman’s entire purpose is to appeal to a godly young man whom she can serve as a wife in whatever work God has called him to do. The woman’s sexual purity is what is of most value to the man.

These views are taught in many ways, but a common example comes from youth groups and summer camps where a pastor or camp director passes around a chewed piece of gum, telling the young women if they fail to protect their purity that is how they would appear to a Christian man looking for a godly wife.

I never heard that one but it sounds useful.

This exercise prompted condom manufacturer Trojan to launch a 2019 campaign called “You Are Not Chewed Gum.”

It WAS useful!

Other groups joined in marketing chastity throughout the 1990s with purity rings, books, concerts and father-daughter “purity balls.” A purity ball is a father-daughter formal dance in which the daughters make a commitment to purity culture and fathers vow to protect their daughters’ purity.

Typically by driving off all the nervous Bucky Beta suitors while Princess climbs over the back fence to sportfuck.

These activities in general, but purity balls in particular, were especially pervasive in Christian schools and the Christian home school movement and in the churches affiliated with them.

Shame and trauma
As the children raised in these evangelical communities have grown to adulthood, a dark picture has emerged of a movement that has promoted shame and sexual ignorance.

Unfortunately true, but let’s see if these folks fall into the same trap the Churchians did.

Evangelical women have shared their stories of being shamed. There has been a a television documentary, and a new book explores the impact of those teachings on the everyday lives of young women raised in the culture. Social media has been an important way of connecting with each other for support.

Author Linda Kay Klein, who grew up in this culture herself, interviewed women to document how these teachings led to guilt and shame as well as profound ignorance about sex and sexuality.

Not bad, allowing for age, so she was probably raised more right than she’d like to admit.


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Before Linda Kay Klein had a routine X-ray at the age of 23, she insisted the nurse gave her a pregnancy test so she would be “better safe than sorry.”

It was one of many such tests Klein had undergone over the previous few years because of her fear of having a baby out of wedlock.

Never mind that she was still a virgin.

That’s not purity movement. That’s public education in modern ‘Murica.

Now 39 and living in Manhattan, Klein has written “Pure: Inside the Evangelical Movement that Shamed a Generation of Young Women and How I Broke Free” (Touchstone, out now). Part memoir, part cultural commentary, it chronicles her complex relationship with religion and sex.

“The good girl/bad girl thing is our default way of thinking,” Klein said. “I want to draw attention to the dangers of sexual shaming and purity teachings.”

The writer, who works as a consultant in the nonprofit sector, became a born-again Christian at the age of 13, following in the footsteps of her mother. Klein signed her so-called “purity pledge” at a regional youth gathering in her native Wisconsin two years later, in 1994.

Growing up, she’d been told by pastors and church teachers that she was a “stumbling block” of temptation for boys and men. This was largely presented as her problem, not theirs: It was made clear that she would be cast as a Jezebel — with her character corrupted — if she had sex before marriage.

Women always blame the men. Rightfully in the context of father/daughter dances, wrongly in the case of men being easily aroused by hot young chicks.

These issues continued into her 20s when, still a virgin, she attended Sarah Lawrence College and, later, New York University. By then, she had turned her back on Evangelism after beginning to doubt aspects of its theology — and after a youth pastor at her old church was convicted of the sexual enticement of a 12-year-old girl.

Ah, Churchianity. “Girls should stay virgin for the husband she won’t need after completing her PhD.” Could they have been more stupid about human sexuality?

End segue

Many young adults raised in this subculture have said that they still battle shame and trauma as a result of these teachings, making it difficult to develop healthy adult sexual relations.

The trauma of rape and sexual assault are made worse when women are taught to blame themselves as a result of the crimes against them.

Nobody does that. Although it wouldn’t hurt to teach women to fear and avoid such threats instead of empowerment.

But these teachings serve important social functions in the context in which they persist. As I’ve written in my book “Evangelical Christian Women,” rigid gender norms characterized by women’s submission and male authority are at the very heart of the evangelical subculture. Purity culture reinforces that structure.

They learned that after moving to NYC, not before. There’s a difference between “enjoying sex” and “female rebellion”.

Moreover, in evangelicalism, what makes a person a Christian is having had a conversion experience, sometimes called being “born again” or saved. The conversion experience involves experiencing an overwhelming sense of guilt and a strong desire to seek forgiveness for sins.

Repentance, not forgiveness. You don’t have to beat yourself up over past evil, you just have to turn around and work against it.

Many evangelicals then want to protect their own children from the temptations that lead to that very experience of guilt necessary for conversion.

Purity culture encourages fundamentally unattainable gender norms and purity requirements: that is, not only must unmarried people abstain from sex, but that merely thinking about sex risks eternal damnation. These rules create a powerful sense of shame and failure by design, even when there is no other “sin” that would seem worthy of hell.

I suspect that Baby Boomers, after their generation threw off all sexual restraint, when they became parents themselves, overcompensated as an alternative to admitting their own misconduct. Particularly the first-generation-feral mothers resenting their more-attractive daughters.

Throw in a massive shipment of Marxist overlords who want America dead to spread additional squid ink on the topic.

That sense of shame and failure creates the need for exactly what the evangelical tradition provides: salvation.

No, shame and failure do not lead to salvation. Recognition of evil, both the concept and one’s personal contributions to it, lead to salvation… assuming one has a problem with the existence of evil.

That’s probably how the Churchians went wrong. Unwilling to condemn themselves for their own rebellious behavior, they over-controlled their children in fear that they would turn out the same rebellious way they did. For the same reason, they were vengefully suspicious of any young man showing interest in their daughter.

Overprotected daughters and sons presumed guilty until proven innocent. That’s what the purity movement was.

Epstein Files: Maren Costa, The Amazonian Climate Changer

Climate change is a globalist Trojan Horse. You knew that, but you didn’t know it’s being pushed by a second Epstein: Greg, Harvard’s chaplain of humanism.

Amazon employees who spoke out about climate change could be fired

By Justine Calma, 3 January 2020

At least two Amazon employees pushing for the company to take stronger action on climate change received notices from their employer warning that they could be fired for speaking to the press. The workers are part of the group Amazon Employees for Climate Justice, which published a letter last April calling on the e-commerce giant to adopt a company-wide plan to address climate change. The letter was signed by more than 8,700 employees.

The Washington Post reported on January 2nd that at least two employees who made comments to media criticizing Amazon’s environmental impact in October were told that they violated the company’s communications policy. One of those employees, Maren Costa, a user experience principal designer at Amazon, was active in Amazon Employees for Climate Justice and had spoken to the media before.

Thus far, I felt indifferent. “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you” is timeless advice. But then I looked up Maren Costa’s face.

Frizzy piebald NYC haircut, severe sampan eyes, jutting chin and the last time I saw those lips, they were on Jeffrey Epstein when he thought he was untouchable.

Things heated up in September when Amazon Employees for Climate Justice organized a walkout to pressure Amazon to eliminate its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, among other demands. One day before the walkout, Amazon announced a “Climate Pledge” to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. However, the company explicitly disagreed with another demand made by employees who wanted Amazon Web Services to end its contracts with fossil fuel companies. “We are going to work very hard to make sure that, as they transition, they have the best tools possible,” CEO Jeff Bezos said at the time. “To ask oil and energy companies to do this transition with bad tools is not a good idea.”

I still feel indifferent, albeit amused, because Bezos brought this on himself by pretending to embrace Leftoid beliefs.

That’s what Costa commented on in The Washington Post in October, telling the newspaper that “Amazon’s position is based on false premises and distracts from the fact that Amazon wants to profit in businesses that are directly contributing to climate catastrophe.”

Y’know, she’s right.

SJWs: “Promise to kill your company for us!”

Bezos: “Of course! I nobly announce that Amazon will be fully Climate-Change compliant the year after I cash out and retire!”

SJWs: “That’s not good enough! Shut down NOW, you electron addict!”

Bezos: *shrugs* Well, I tried to be nice. *Terminates all SJWs in the company.*

Whoa, he DIDN’T!

Soon after she was quoted by the Post, Costa was called into a meeting with human resources. She later received a letter and email from an attorney in the company’s employee relations group warning that breaking the communications policy again could result in her losing her job.

This when a white man can’t use the word nigger without getting blacklisted across the continent, pun intended. Jeff… hey, Jeff, a friendly word from the peanut gallery? SHE DEMANDED THE DESTRUCTION OF YOUR COMPANY AND YOU LET HER OFF WITH A WARNING. Watch her not learn her lesson:

“It was scary to be called into a meeting like that, and then to be given a follow-up email saying that if I continued to speak up, I could be fired,” Costa told the Post in an email. “But I spoke up because I’m terrified by the harm the climate crisis is already causing, and I fear for my children’s future,” she said.

That highlighted bit means she immediately talked to the press again. Now I’m interested: how did her ass not get insta-canned?

A spokesperson for Amazon told The Verge in an email, “As with any company policy, employees may receive a notification from our HR team if we learn of an instance where a policy is not being followed.”

The mind boggles at the double standard here. What’s going on? This was linked to the above article:

Climate change, AI and ethical leadership in ‘big tech’, with Amazon principal UX design lead Maren Costa

Climate change, AI and ethical leadership in ‘big tech’, with Amazon principal UX design lead Maren Costa

By Greg Epstein, 24 June 2019

Yes, the post author is a relative of Jeffrey Epstein. For a guy talking about tech and ethical leadership, he’s… well, here’s wikipedia:

Epstein grew up in Flushing, Queens, New York as an assimilated and disinterested Reform Jew. He studied Buddhism and Taoism while at Stuyvesant High School in New York City and in college went to Taiwan for a semester aiming to study Ch’an (Zen) Buddhism in its original language and context. Finding that Eastern religions do not necessarily have greater access to truth than Western ones, he returned to the US and shifted his focus to rock music, recording and singing professionally for a year after college. Soon thereafter, he learned of the movement of Humanism and the possibility of a career as a Humanist rabbi and chaplain.

Jeffrey Epstein also grew up in New York. I’m not sure of the exact relationship between them because such family links are ghosted off the Net so far as I can tell, but growing up in the same city with the same name is good enough for me. Age suggests he’s either a son or nephew. Also, his face:

And Jeffrey for comparison:

In 2005, Epstein received ordination as a Humanist Rabbi from the International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism, where he studied in Jerusalem and Michigan for five years. He holds a BA (Religion and Chinese) and an MA (Judaic Studies) from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and a Masters of Theological Studies from the Harvard Divinity School.

Atheist Jews’ attempt to colonize China probably had this guy at the speartip.

Epstein began serving as Humanist Chaplain at Harvard in fall 2005, when the Humanist Chaplaincy at Harvard’s total annual budget was $28,000. In the years since then, he has raised nearly three million in gifts and pledges to the organization, while organizing and launching a range of new programs and initiatives, including opening the Humanist Hub, a 3200 square foot “Center for Humanist Life” in Harvard Square, where members are encouraged to “connect with other people, act to make the world better, and evolve as human beings.”

It doesn’t need to be said, but Harvard is spiritual cancer. Especially under militant anti-priests like Greg Epstein.

While at Harvard, Epstein has blogged for CNN, Newsweek and The Washington Post; and his work as a Humanist rabbi and chaplain has been featured by ABC World News with Diane Sawyer. ABC News Network, Al Jazeera and others. He is an adviser to two student groups at Harvard College, the Secular Society and the Interfaith Council, and to the Harvard Humanist Graduate Community. From 2007-2010 he chaired the Advisory Board of the national umbrella organization the Secular Student Alliance, joining such renowned nonbelievers as Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens. In 2011 he lectured at the inaugural event of the group Agnostics, Atheists, Humanists, & Secularists in Santa Monica, California.

I’ve heard of Dawkins and Hitchens, but until this obscure article I’ve never heard of the head priest of Harvard.

In an interview, Epsteins says that being a Humanist Rabbi “means I combine Jewish culture with the belief that this world is all we have.” He is not anti-religious and “he is happy to work with the religious left (as he calls it) to help beat off the fundamentalist religious right.” The Guardian compares his influence in American humanism to Richard Dawkins influence in the UK.

God help us all, there’s still an Epstein highly placed in the American government!

So, what does a humanist-Jew chaplain have to say about climate change, artificial intelligence and an employee who loves to run her mouth?

Like many of her peers at Amazon, Costa has been experiencing a tension between work she loves and a company culture and community she in many ways admires deeply, and what she sees as the company’s dangerous failings, or “blind spots,” regarding critical ethical issues such as climate change and AI.

Another pic of Costa. This time, here’s Maxwell for comparison:

Hmm, chins, cheeks and eyebrows are similar. Not noses. Eyes almost are, except Costa’s are less hooded/defensive… her upper eyelids are visible, a generally good sign in women. Interesting that Maxwell didn’t rock the NYC haircut, come to think of it.

Indeed, [Costa’s] concerns are increasingly typical of employees not only at Amazon, but throughout big tech and beyond, which seems worth noting particularly because hers is not the typical image many call to mind when thinking of giant tech companies.

A Gen-X poet and former Women’s Studies major, Costa drops casual references to neoliberal capitalism running amok into discussions of multiple topics. She has a self-deprecating sense of humor and worries about the impact of her work on women, people of color, and the Earth.

A textbook education for the modern witch.

If such sentiments strike you as too idealistic to take seriously, it seems Glass Lewis and ISS, two of the world’s largest and most influential firms advising investors in such companies, would disagree. Both firms recently advised Amazon shareholders to vote in support of a resolution put forward by Amazon Employees for Climate Justice and its supporters, calling on Amazon to dramatically change its approach to climate issues.

I looked up Glass Lewis’ website and all I can tell you is they brag about something called Proxy Research and being transparent. ISS is ISS World Serviced A/S headquartered in the European Union, which is either Internet security or facilities management…not sure.

So, AECJ isn’t your typical group of Twitter activists. They’re partnered with mysterious front companies holding at least several of Jeff Bezos’ leashes.

That explains how Costa is still employed. She’s threatpointing Jeff with serious backing… just like a different Jeff we used to know did.

Glass Lewis’s statement urged Amazon to “provide reassurance” about its climate policies to employees like Ms. Costa, as “the Company’s apparent inaction on issues of climate change can present human capital risks, which have the potential to lead to the Company having problems attracting and retaining talented employees.” And in its similar report, ISS highlighted research reporting that 64 percent of millennials would be reluctant to work for a company “whose corporate social responsibility record does not align with their values.”

That would be the disposable 64%.

Amazon’s top leadership and shareholders ultimately voted down the measure, but the work of the Climate Justice Employees group continues unabated. And if you read the interview below, you might well join me in believing we’ll see many similar groups crop up at peer companies in the coming years, on a variety of issues. All of those groups will require many leaders — perhaps including you. After all, as Costa said, “leadership comes from everywhere.”

Maren Costa: (Apologizes for coughing as interview was about to start)

Greg Epstein: … Well, you could say the Earth is choking too.

Costa: Segue.

Epstein: Exactly. Thank you so much for taking the time, Maren. You are something of an insider at your company.

Costa: Yeah, I took two years off, so I’ve actually worked here for 15 years but started 17 years ago. I actually came back to Amazon, which is surprising to me.

Epstein: You’ve really seen the company evolve.

Costa: Yes.

Epstein: And, in fact, you’ve helped it to evolve — I wouldn’t call myself a big Amazon customer, but based on your online portfolio, you’ve even worked on projects I personally have used. Though find it hard to believe anyone can find jeans that actually fit them on Amazon, I must say.

Costa: [My work is actually] on every page. You can’t use Amazon without using the global navigation, and that was my main project for years, in addition to a lot of the apparel and sort of the softer side of Amazon. Because when I started, it was very super male-dominated.

I mean, still is, but much more so. Jeff literally thought by putting a search box that you could type in Boolean queries was a great homepage, you know? He didn’t have any need for sort of pictures and colors.

Epstein: My previous interview [for this TechCrunch series on tech ethics] was with Jessica Powell, who used to be PR director of Google and has written a satirical novel about Google . One of the huge themes in her work is the culture at these companies that are heavily male-dominated and engineer-dominated, where maybe there are blind spots or things that the-

Costa: Totally.

This is Jessica Powell on her personal web page.

This is Jessica Powell at a recent interview about quitting Google. I try to not cherry-pic but the temptation is certainly there… and women aren’t honest about their appearances anyway.

So, Epstein & Humanist Friends have much responsibility for pushing “men are evil”. That makes sense. Women are made by God to be servants, and I believe that holds true for even high-level female executives. Such feral women won’t serve God or husbands, which means companies led by them are de facto controlled by humanist monsters.

Eve likes listening to serpents.

A paywall stops further dissemination. The other links are paywalled, too, but we’ve gotten a glimpse behind why so many tech giants who have already adopted self-destructive levels of Climate Change compliance “still haven’t done enough”… because the Epsteins are using it to Converge male leadership into extinction.


Why Jews Are Being Attacked in New York

A thought I had while commenting at Soviet Men deserves expanding upon. I don’t have my usual hard proof of what I’m about to propose but it fits perfectly.

This story made the rounds last month:

Trump touts poll that shows him with massive Orthodox Jewish support

Trump touts poll that shows him with massive Orthodox Jewish support

By Ron Kampeas, 12 December 2019

WASHINGTON (JTA) — President Donald Trump posted on his Twitter feed a poll that purports to show overwhelming support for him among Orthodox Jews.

So he’s not just popular with them, but he values being popular with them. It’s a bad idea to court the approval of people who consider you a permanent Outsider.

“The Exclusive Ami Magazine Poll, What Orthodox Jews really think about President Trump,” said the tweet posted Wednesday, with a link to the poll.

The poll shows 91 percent of respondents oppose impeaching Trump and that 89 percent approve of how he is doing his job.

For context, 51% of Orthodox Jews reported voting for Trump in 2016. Statistically, that means complete indifference.

Ami said its polling company reached 723 Orthodox Jews in 15 states between Nov. 22 and Dec. 6 on cell phones and landlines. It did not name the polling company, nor did it say how the respondents were selected. It also did not provide the criteria Ami, a Haredi Orthodox publication, set for determining if someone was Orthodox, although it said both Modern and Haredi Orthodox Jews were canvassed; nor did it name a margin of error.

Trump has chafed at his lack of popularity among Jewish voters, who in polls have overwhelmingly disapproved of his job performance.

…And the Orthodox Jews publicly reported their people approving of Trump.

Now, let’s think about this. What would the atheist Jews do when they see the Other Team cozying up with the de facto kingmaker of the world? They would poison that friendly relationship.

New surveillance video appears to show 13th anti-Semitic attack in NYC in 10 days

2 January 2020

New surveillance video appears to show another anti-Semitic attack in New York City, at least the 13th since December 23. The footage shows a 22-year-old Hasidic Jewish man defending himself before a 24-year-old woman punched him in the neck.

Starting eleven days after the poll went public. The timing sounds right to organize this kind of thing.

One witness said the attacker yelled anti-Semitic slurs, CBS News correspondent Don Dahler reports. Two women were arrested in connection with the incident and one of them has been charged with assault.

The attack, which happened in Williamsburg, a Brooklyn neighborhood, on New Year’s Day, is being investigated as a hate crime.

“They took him and threw him down to the ground and broke his phone,” said Moses Weiser, a Williamsburg resident. “It’s unbelievable what’s going on. This is a shame.”

How’s that female empowerment working out?

The incident came on the same day that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo visited Brooklyn in a show of support for the Jewish community there and directed police across the state to increase patrols in Orthodox neighborhoods.

“Everybody stands in solidarity with you,” Cuomo said.

The NYPD on Wednesday released new surveillance video of another anti-Semitic attack in Brooklyn last week, which shows a group of people strike a 23-year-old Hasidic man over the head with a chair and punch him in the face. Police now believe the group may also be connected to an attack on a 56-year-old Hasidic man in the same neighborhood, which security cameras captured earlier that day.

It’s grainy. Not worth linking.

The latest attack also comes on the heels of the stabbing that wounded five people at a Hanukkah gathering in Monsey, New York, last week. The family of one of the victims, 71-year-old Josef Neumann, said he will likely have permanent brain damage, and if he recovers, he could be partially paralyzed for the rest of his life.

The recent violence did not stop celebrations at Brooklyn’s Barclays Center or MetLife Stadium in New Jersey Wednesday, where more than 90,000 people, including New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, gathered to finish a seven-and-a half-year study of the Talmud, a vast collection of writings which discuss and guide Jewish law.

Only the Orthodox Jews are being affected by this and only in NYC so far [okay, one case in Jersey City], which fits perfectly with atheist Jews wanting to demonstrate that Trump won’t protect his new Orthodox buddies. The attackers, at least initially, have been Black Hebrews or some such.

So, that’s my theory. The atheist Jews are going to war against the Orthodox to break the Trump-Orthodox axis of Orange Hair.

Of course, not all hate crimes against Jews are legit. Here’s one for the funny files… proof that Jews are their own worst enemy:

He told police he was stabbed for being Jewish. Then his Apple Watch caught him in a lie.

htt ps://

By Bisma Parvez, 2 January 2020

A 26-year-old man faked his own stabbing at the West Bloomfield synagogue where he worked and then reported he was attacked because of his Jewish faith, authorities say.

Now Sean Samitt is facing a felony charge of filing a false police report, according to West Bloomfield Police.

Police said Samitt’s Apple Watch helped them solve the case.

Samitt was arrested on Dec. 20 and arraigned the same day before Magistrate Julie Nelson-Klein at the 48th District Court in Oakland Country on one count of falsely reporting a felony, a crime punishable up to four years. According to authorities, his $7,500 bond was posted by Samitt’s mother.

Bail is typically 10% of the bond value. Samitt didn’t have $800 to his name at age 26? Somebody’s been bleeding his heart on Patreon too much.

On Thursday, he appeared at the 48th District Court for a probable cause hearing. He is expected to appear for the preliminary examination on Jan. 14.

Samit reported he was attacked and stabbed in the abdomen by an unknown man in the parking lot at the Temple Kol Ami, where he worked as a cantorial soloist, which is a music director.

He reported the crime on Dec. 15, telling police that he was confronted about 7 p.m. as he was leaving work by a white male in his late 30s to early 40s.

Samitt said that the alleged attacker shouted, “You Jews!” and said “too many immigrants are here,” according to the police report obtained by the Free Press through a Freedom of Information Act request.

Invoking the FOIA means Samitt’s (((peers))) tried to hush up the crime with the support of local police. Most ethnic groups don’t close ranks to protect their bad apples… that’s the real crime here.

Samitt told officers that he was punched in the chest and abdomen during the encounter and he feared for his life, the report said. He said he escaped by kneeing the attacker in the groin and pushing him away, then drove himself to Henry Ford Hospital where a security staff called local authorities about the attack.

Samitt fought off a ninja ambush unassisted!

Hmm… unlikely. Nice hashtag, Sean.

Police said officers searched the parking lot for a weapon, blood or any other piece of evidence but came back negative. K-9 officers were not able to locate a scent on the suspect.

While searching Temple Kol Ami, detectives found bloody tissues in Samitt’s office and the men’s bathroom. They also located a knife in the kitchen area with blood on the tip of the blade.

How deep did this SJW’s determination go? One-eighth of an inch.

Suspecting Samitt’s wounds were self-inflicted, officers obtained surveillance footage from a house across the street and confirmed that no assault took place.

Police said Samitt admitted to making up the attack and said he lost consciousness and accidentally stabbed himself while he was washing dishes at the synagogue. He said he lied about the incident because he was being harassed at work about his medical condition.

That’s what I would do if I unexpectedly blacked out while washing dishes. I would drive myself to the ER, hoping to not black out again while driving, and tell the cops a Nazi attacked me.

The second story also turned out to be fabricated, police said.

Officers were able to obtain information from Samitt’s cellphone health application that was synced to his Apple Watch, confirming he did not lose consciousness. Samitt then admitted to intentionally stabbing himself.

“I put the knife in to see like just how deep it went because I wasn’t really sure then in the process I probably dug it in a little more.”

Listen and believe! Third time’s the charm!

He told police he wanted out of his contract with Temple Kol Ami and this was his way out.

Then why did he let Mom make bail? Jail is the perfect excuse to skip work! You can sit back and watch television all day.

Temple Kol Ami Executive Director Cheryl Friendman told police that Samitt had been an employee for about 1½ years.

A member of the synagogue told the Free Press, “Sean resigned on Dec. 16 and there is no other information.”

When contacted by the Free Press, the Jewish Community Center of Metro Detroit would only say it takes these matters very seriously.

“We are so very grateful for our law enforcement in Detroit who takes every hate crime seriously,” Assistant Executive Director Heidi Budaj said. “We are fortunate to have a partnership with West Bloomfield Township Police who acts to keep our community safe.”

By hiding their people’s crimes until the Freedom Of Information Act gets invoked. And then they wonder why ever more people don’t trust them.

“We are very disturbed to hear of incidents like these. Not only is it a crime to file a false police report, but those who commit such acts take vital resources away from the folks who need help from law enforcement, said Carolyn Normandin, Regional Director of Anti Defamation League Michigan. “At a time when we are fighting real anti-Semitism, falsifying reports is destructive and we strongly condemn such acts.”

According to the ADL, a false case “could have a detrimental impact on those actual victims of bias crimes who seek justice in the future.”

Their motive for the attempted cover-up. This is exactly why I despise identity politics, because honesty becomes less valuable than solidarity.

Samitt’s false report occurred in the same month of two major anti-Semitic attacks in the U.S.


Eddie Gallagher In Retirement

After the fun fat-shaming of last post, I perused Teen Vogue Magazine for more blog material… and found out what Eddie’s been up to with his Presidential pardon in-hand. He’s a supermodel!


Yep, that’s our boy Eddie.

Nine Line SFG is a coastal lifestyle brand with an edge. SFG provides functional, versatile, and affordable apparel solutions for your next outdoor adventure with specialty garments flexible enough for a fishing trip at sea or a weekend afternoon on the range.

“I was afforded the opportunity to work with both NLA and BRCC to help promote our collaborative line with Nine Line “Salty Frog Gear”. These two veteran owned companies set the bar for brotherhood and showing the country it’s not just a statement but a way of life.” -Eddie Gallagher

BRCC is Black Rifle Coffee Company. I’ve been seeing their name come up, too. In the coming years, I hope the veteran community has room for a few good men who never enlisted.

EXCLUSIVE: Former Navy SEAL gives statement on Trump’s efforts to intervene in his case

5 November 2019

Former Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher has been out of combat for years but is still fighting to retain the honor and rank he earned during his decorated 20-year career in the elite fighting force.

Gallagher was charged with the murder of an ISIS fighter and unfairly singled out for the lesser charge of taking a photo with the body of the fighter, despite most of his platoon taking part as well. As a result of the charges, he was unlawfully detained, denied medical treatment for traumatic brain injury, saw his wife and family publicly ridiculed, and was spied on by corrupt attorneys.

In July, he was acquitted of murder, but the photo charge has remained, leaving Gallagher with a reduced rank, a criminal record, and a huge chunk missing from his lifetime pension as a result. …

The Gallaghers were amazed and honored that the commander in chief had taken such a personal interest in their case, and said they were aware he had taken a personal interest throughout the course of the trial.

Regarding his case, Eddie said he had been personally prosecuted because some of the guys in his platoon didn’t like his mission-focused, no “bullshit” style. The military “establishment” in the form of NCIS had a goal to take down a Navy SEAL, so they crafted a prosecution before the investigation had even begun.

Both Eddie and Andrea agreed there was an eerie similarity to the way President Trump has been treated by the Washington establishment, and perhaps that’s why President Trump took a particular interest in Gallagher’s case.

But Andrea noted the issue is greater than just one person or one case, and believes all of this is being directed by a much higher power.

Turns out to have been a slightly lower power, SECNAV Richard Spencer. Hmm, what’s HE been doing in retirement?


Richard Spencer: I was fired as Navy secretary. Here’s what I’ve learned because of it.

htt ps://

27 November 2019

Spencer is nursing his butthurt on WaPo while Gallagher teamed up with friends to make money and spend it! There is a God of justice after all!

The case of Chief Petty Officer Edward Gallagher, a Navy SEAL who was charged with multiple war crimes before being convicted of a single lesser charge earlier this year, was troubling enough before things became even more troubling over the past few weeks. The trail of events that led to me being fired as secretary of the Navy is marked with lessons for me and for the nation.

It is highly irregular for a secretary to become deeply involved in most personnel matters. Normally, military justice works best when senior leadership stays far away. A system that prevents command influence is what separates our armed forces from others. Our system of military justice has helped build the world’s most powerful navy; good leaders get promoted, bad ones get moved out, and criminals are punished.

[Editor’s note: Richard Spencer is the former secretary of the Navy.]

Seriously, that was the first line in the article. I don’t think WaPo will be picking up Spencer for a war correspondent.

Earlier this year, Gallagher was formally charged with more than a dozen criminal acts, including premeditated murder, which occurred during his eighth deployment overseas. He was tried in a military court in San Diego and acquitted in July of all charges, except one count of wrongfully posing for photographs with the body of a dead Islamic State fighter. The jury sentenced him to four months, the maximum possible; because he had served that amount of time waiting for trial, he was released.

President Trump involved himself in the case almost from the start. Before the trial began, in March, I received two calls from the president asking me to lift Gallagher’s confinement in a Navy brig; I pushed back twice, because the presiding judge, acting on information about the accused’s conduct, had decided that confinement was important. Eventually, the president ordered me to have him transferred to the equivalent of an enlisted barracks. I came to believe that Trump’s interest in the case stemmed partly from the way the defendant’s lawyers and others had worked to keep it front and center in the media.

Dumbass told his boss No twice.

After the verdict was delivered, the Navy’s normal process wasn’t finished. Gallagher had voluntarily submitted his request to retire. In his case, there were three questions: Would he be permitted to retire at the rank of chief, which is also known as an E-7? (The jury had said he should be busted to an E-6, a demotion.) The second was: Should he be allowed to leave the service with an “honorable” or “general under honorable” discharge? And a third: Should he be able to keep his Trident pin, the medal all SEALs wear and treasure as members of an elite force?

On Nov. 14, partly because the president had already contacted me twice, I sent him a note asking him not to get involved in these questions. The next day, White House Counsel Pat Cipollone called me and said the president would remain involved. Shortly thereafter, I received a second call from Cipollone, who said the president would order me to restore Gallagher to the rank of chief.

You preemptively told your boss to fuck off because you didn’t want him to overrule you again?

This was a shocking and unprecedented intervention in a low-level review. It was also a reminder that the president has very little understanding of what it means to be in the military, to fight ethically or to be governed by a uniform set of rules and practices.

DEEP STATE CONFIRMED! Spencer admits to having a problem with Constitution-mandated civilian oversight of the armed forces. This is the DEFINITION of a Deep State, bureaucrats trying to rule without the interference of lawful authority.

Given my desire to resolve a festering issue, I tried to find a way that would prevent the president from further involvement while trying all avenues to get Gallagher’s file in front of a peer-review board. Why? The Naval Special Warfare community owns the Trident pin, not the secretary of the Navy, not the defense secretary, not even the president. If the review board concluded that Gallagher deserved to keep it, so be it.

You cut your boss out of the loop in open defiance of his chief of staff’s repeated reminder that he wanted to remain involved?

I also began to work without personally consulting Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper on every step. That was, I see in retrospect, a mistake for which I am solely responsible.

You cut BOTH your bosses out of the loop because they didn’t like what you were doing? “In retrospect, I am responsible for that mistake.”

On Nov. 19, I briefed Esper’s chief of staff concerning my plan. I briefed acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney that evening.

The next day, the Navy established a review board to decide the status of Gallagher’s Trident pin. According to long-standing procedure, a group of four senior enlisted SEALs would rule on the question. This was critical: It would be Gallagher’s peers managing their own community. The senior enlisted ranks in our services are the foundation of good order and discipline.

The same peers that had accused him of serious crimes, of which Eddie had just been exonerated?

But the question was quickly made moot: On Nov. 21, the president tweeted that Gallagher would be allowed to keep his pin — Trump’s third intervention in the case. I recognized that the tweet revealed the president’s intent. But I did not believe it to be an official order, chiefly because every action taken by the president in the case so far had either been a verbal or written command.

How is a tweet neither verbal nor written? Oh, but it wasn’t a COMMAND, it’s was just Trump saying what he wanted his subordinates to do. “Sorry, Mister President, you didn’t say Simon Says! That means I get to defy you!”

I hope Spencer goes back to preschool for retirement. He deserves a second chance.

The rest is history.

He’s history.

We must now move on and learn from what has transpired.

Who is this “we”, Kemosabe?

The public should know that we have extensive screening procedures in place to assess the health and well-being of our forces. But we must keep fine-tuning those procedures to prevent a case such as this one from happening again.

More importantly, Americans need to know that 99.9 percent of our uniformed members always have, always are and always will make the right decision. Our allies need to know that we remain a force for good, and to please bear with us as we move through this moment in time.

Methinks his allies are not America’s allies.

End segue.

No matter what the president decides to do on Eddie’s behalf…

Which turned out to be a full pardon plus an ass-kicking of those reponsible.

…the Gallaghers are united behind a new mission to be advocates for veterans, and call on all patriots to strengthen their brotherhood and to always be their brother’s keeper.

They’ve formed a powerful collaboration with Nine Line Apparel, one of the fastest-growing veteran-owned brands in the nation.

Eddie had met Tyler Merritt, Nine Line’s CEO, in passing once on deployment, but had no idea how their lives would later become linked.

When Eddie’s case first became public, Andrea said Tyler and Nine Line showed up almost out of the blue to support him, and were with him every step of the way. Eddie said when his family was in distress, Nine Line was there to help, and speak up for him when no else would.

“They treated us like gold,” Eddie said, “and opened my eyes that the brotherhood goes on. Nine Line and Black Rifle are vets taking care of vets.”

“To top it off, they came up with the idea of a brand and to create a partnership,” Eddie added referring to Nine Line’s newest exclusive line of apparel, Salty Frog Gear (SFG).

The company describes Nine Line SFG as “a coastal lifestyle brand with an edge. With specialty garments flexible enough for a fishing trip at sea or a weekend afternoon on the range, SFG provides functional, versatile, and affordable apparel solutions for your next outdoor adventure.”

“I was afforded the opportunity to work with both Nine Line Apparel and Black Rifle Coffee Company to help promote our collaborative line with Nine Line “Salty Frog Gear.” These two veteran-owned companies set the bar for brotherhood.”

Pictured from left to right: Matthew Lyda, Zac Scalf, Scott Brown (of the Scooter Brown Band), Jeff Mueller, Tyler Merritt, Eddie Gallagher, Matt Best, Mark “Oz” Geist (Benghazi hero and survivor), James Taylor, Mark Calaway (The Undertaker), and Bobby V

Fat Chunky Admits the Truth!

“For me, fat is a way of saying f*ck you.” Yes, yes, we know but it’s good that you admit it, Ashleigh Shackelford of Teen Vogue Magazine… to help with the unplugging of blue-pilled men who want to think you’re just big-boned… but it’s on because your “you” meant “you white men”.

The article is a bit dated but came up recently on Instapundit. My brain would bleed if I made a habit of reading “Teen Vogue”.

Fat Is Not a Bad Word

By Ashleigh Shackelford, 26 August 2019

[Vogue Editor’s foreword: “The F Word is a series celebrating what it means to be fat, from destigmatizing the word to taking stock of the discrimination fat people face. In this op-ed, Ashleigh Shackelford explains why fat isn’t a bad word, and why they are reclaiming it.”]

What a promising start to this dumpster fire! I too am confident that the way to be both morbidly obese and respected in society is dropping F-bombs like the Allies over Dresden. But first, a picture of a pretty flower, so WordPress reader won’t be automatically sullied by Ashleigh’s corpulent corpse:

Fat. Many of us who are fat have different feelings about this word. For some, it’s merely a description of the size of our body. For others, it has become a weapon against us, used to incite shame and worthlessness. We hear, “Ugh, I ate so much! I feel so fat right now,” and “How can you be happy being fat? There’s no way you’re healthy.” When people say the word fat, sometimes they mean ugliness, failure, laziness, dirtiness, gluttony, lack of intelligence, and worthlessness. But that’s not what fat means.

Oh no, Ten-Ton Barbie, fat is all that and an entire category of jokes also! Haagen Daaz called, they’re threatening layoffs if you keep that New Year Resolution to try a diet.

No matter how people use it, fat is not a bad word. Fat is not an indication of value, health, beauty, or performance.

Denial is the first stage of grief.

Fat is a descriptor in the same way that black and queer are descriptors. And fat is somewhat similar to black and queer in more than just that way; it’s also a word that encompasses a marginalized identity. Yes, fat is a neutral and descriptive word, but when it’s an identity, it’s much more than that. To reclaim this word, or any word, is to lean into an identity as a form of revolution against fat phobia, racism, and so much more. For me, fat is a way of saying “f*ck you.

Anger is the second stage of grief.

“I reclaim the word fat in all spaces, formal and informal, because I get to,” says Brienne Colston, director of Brown Girl Recovery. “I get to shift what was once used as a mechanism to break my spirit into something that offers a source of power and pride. It’s a reminder of all that I’ve come from, and all that I will do.”

Don’t forget, being fat is also a reminder of what you are! Five hundred pounds overweight, to be approximate.

Do these pictures make my blog look fat?

It really will kill you fatties to spite us men, although the death certificate will charitably call it diabetes.

How fat is weaponized, and the reclamation of the word, goes beyond size.

Nothing goes beyond your size, Ashleigh.

Fat stigma is also tied to anti-blackness, in that being black is the abundance that white supremacy seeks to shrink.

Whoa, I just got whiplash from that sentence. WTF, Domes?

Blackness and its cultural markers are historically viewed through a lens of gluttony, abundance, and savagery, stereotypes that linger and impact us today. Because of this, black fat people are assumed to have it “easier” being fat, because it’s “normal” for our bodies to be bigger; because failing the societal standards white people set is the default for our black existence.

I know White Man is the world’s designated scapegoat but here, she’s out-stretching even her waistband.

But black people come in all shapes and sizes, just like anyone else.

Thanks for defeating your own argument. It would have failed anyway but you saying “calling me fat is raycisss because some black people are thin” means that like you in your wheelchair, I didn’t have to get up.

It’s the negative stereotypes created by white supremacy that reinforce the idea that we are naturally fat, and with that many of the negative associations tied to the word today. The more we call ourselves fat, and the more we realize that it’s not bad to be fat, the more we’re tearing down walls built by racism.

You mean walls built by Twinkies.

I won’t say it’s bad for you to be fat, Barbie, because then I wouldn’t have had joke material today. But I will say that I recently helped my local hospital install “Orca Lifts” in their ER for your eventual heart attack. It was civil engineering work, not contractor work, because the entire floor’s drop ceiling needed structural reinforcement. They now have 1,200lb-rated sliding cranes that can hoist your monstrously fat ass from intake to surgery to recovery like a truck on the assembly line.

You’re welcome.

In a world that seems to want to reaffirm that fat bodies are not worthy of love and joy, and that being fat means we are failures and should be ashamed of “choosing this lifestyle,” we can fight this by taking up space — I encourage you to do this, because demanding space is demanding to exist.

Who is manspreading on the subway NOW, bitch?

It’s not just physical space, but digital space too. Often I can’t post a picture of my black fat body or identify publicly as fat, regardless of my happiness, health, or motivation, without harassment.

There is hope for America!

But I stand firm in that fatness does not have to be fixed, eradicated, shrunk, hidden, silenced, or shamed.

Being fat is okay. I am okay. And I’m the only one who can define that.

We’re back to denial.

Through a strong community of other fat people, and the process of realizing that fat is not a bad word but a powerful one, I now see fat as not only my personal power, but one that can change the world for everybody. The reclamation of a word that sourced so much shame fueled the reclamation of my entire being; it fueled my commitment to community wellness and my passion to build liberation.

Those are bold words coming from somebody who can’t climb a staircase without gasping for breath, trapped inside her own prison of lard. So, this is the final stage of female hatred for men: women will intentionally kill themselves in the feeble, flabby hope of proving us wrong about something we men weren’t even arguing about.

Certainly fat people are not a monolith, and we do not all feel the same way about reclaiming fat. But to embody freeing ourselves from systems of shame that depict fatness as inherently nonhuman or as a failure is something many of us commit to, consciously and not.

My definition of fat is Black AF, multidimensional…

So true!

…and futuristic. Fat means I exist. Fat means taking up space and demanding more.


Fat means black. Fat means fuck you. Fat means human. Fat means creating a world full of possibility without shame. Fat means saying f*ck you.

Fat means you have more chins than Chinatown. Fat means you’ll never spread venereal disease, only body fungus. Fat means that if you get too unpleasant, I can walk away faster than you can drive. Fat means you’ll never spend a moment ruining my outdoor hobbies, although you might still cast a shadow over them. Fat means a well of comedy material as bottomless as your muumuu.

And most of all, fat means you’ll die young, unloved, unrepentant and UGLY.



The NRA Called Me Out

Not by name, of course.

Top 3 Terrible Pieces of Advice Women Get in Gun Stores

By Tamara Keel, 8 October 2019

Every now and again, you get a writing assignment that’s not even work. This is one of those. “Hey, Tamara, would you like to do a piece on some of the worst advice women get in gun stores?”

Oh, honey. Pull up a chair…

*Gunner Q bellies up with a beer.*

I wouldn’t have worked in the gun sales business as long as I did if I didn’t enjoy it, but like all career fields, you get a wide range of quality in employees. You know that one guy in your office who means well but still hasn’t figured out which part of the envelope he’s supposed to lick? Well, his cousin sells guns, and for some reason I have interacted with him from the customer side of the counter a bunch of times over the years. Let me tell you, he has some downright awful ideas about women and guns. Let me share a few of them with you.

So, Tamara isn’t the average woman buying a gun so she can murder all those evil yet strangely incompetent rapists running around just like a big boy. She’s a gun salesman, which makes her a curious choice for the topic of receiving bad gun sales advice.

1. The worst piece of advice I’ve gotten in a gun store…
…is hopefully an artifact of the past. I haven’t heard it in many years, but who knows? Maybe some dude working in a place out back of beyond is still handing it out. Basically, it’s the “What do you want a gun for? Let your man defend you.” The first time I heard this in a gun store I was dumbstruck. I am standing here trying to give a dude money for merchandise and he’s trying to talk me out of it. That was a unique retail experience.

That’s a rare kind of honesty. I also have had salesmen talk me out of purchases that I thought I wanted but would have been bad, and I always hit the tip jar on the way out. “He wouldn’t sell me a gun because he thought it wasn’t what I needed!” is a concept only a cuckservative can find offensive.

This isn’t even about male-female behavior. A salesman who cares more about his customer’s well-being than landing one more commission brings a smile to God’s face.

It didn’t happen often and, like I said, it hasn’t happened for years, but I swear it happened. There was this occasional guy behind the counter who thought I was intruding in his clubhouse, and told me that I didn’t have the defensive mindset or mechanical aptitude or whatever for a gun, because icky gurrrrl.

He should have punched you hard in the face. Would you have punched back (male), cried/ran (female) or simply stood there in disbelief? (sheltered life)

Closely related to this is the next piece of bad advice, usually delivered by a guy who is affecting the “veteran persona,” which is this: “Oh, what you need to do is load the first chamber with [a blank/snakeshot] because you don’t want to kill anyone. You don’t know how horrible it is…” At which point they gaze off at a far corner of the shop with a 10-yard version of a thousand-yard stare.

I mean, he’s sort of right, in that I don’t particularly want to kill anybody.

She just failed to qualify for a CCW. If you don’t want to kill when killing needs to happen then don’t carry a gun on your person.

But another thing I don’t want to be doing is explaining to a judge and jury why I blinded or maimed a person for life when I didn’t think they rated the use of deadly force. Because make no mistake about it, pointing a firearm at someone and pulling the trigger is deadly force, and “snake shot” or “rat shot” is not some kind of harmless stun ray. It’s perfectly capable of blinding and maiming at defensive distances.

Seriously, Barbie? You don’t want to answer to a jury for maiming somebody but are willing to answer to them for killing somebody? Besides, that likely-a-real-vet-who-did-it-for-real-in-Goat-Fuckistan probably wasn’t talking about how to win at trial when he gave advice that might keep a death off your conscience.

I agree it’s bad advice but only because of adrenaline. When your SHTF, adrenaline means you’ll be doing fight-or-flight, not deciding which barrel of your revolver should be discharged first. Anybody who’s been downrange enough times to not screw up stuff like that is beyond needing advice.

2. The second-worst piece of advice I’ve gotten in a gun store…
The second most common piece of bad advice I’ve gotten in gun stores is the “cute gun.” This is where the clerk steers you to the tiniest little nickel-plated, pearl-handled .25 or .32 in the case, apparently on autopilot. Apparently he has decided that those are girl guns, and you’re a girl, and so…Obviously a match made in heaven, right? It sometimes doesn’t even matter if you’re in there to get a trap shotgun or a long-range precision rifle, it can take a crowbar to pry the clerk off trying to sell you that little .25, because you’re fighting his automatic programming.

They’re cheap, light and concealable, which is what most women want when considering a firearm. Maybe if you told them you’re a firearm dealer yourself, they’d understand you aren’t like 90% of the other female customers?

3. The most common piece of advice women get in gun stores…
And this brings us to the most common piece of bad advice given to women in gun stores, and it’s one often given with the best of intentions: The lightweight .38 Special or .357 Magnum revolver. If there is a single firearm configuration that has put more novice women shooters off the idea of shooting as a hobby than the lightweight five-shot .38, I don’t know what it is.

Hmm, that’s advice I give to almost everybody entering gun ownership. Revolvers are simple to operate & maintain and reliable enough that a novice can purchase one used, to save on cost. The other good entry gun is a .22, also because it’s cheap, but most women only want to buy one gun, for self-defense, which makes the .357 the better choice.

Don’t get me wrong, the lightweight .38 snubbie has settled a lot of bad guys’ hash over the years, but it’s not really a beginner’s gun. The light weight amplifies recoil and it also hurts accuracy, in that a 12-pound trigger pull on a 1-pound gun will really test the shooter’s abilities to keep the sights aligned through the whole trigger press. The sight radius is short, the sights are minimalistic and low-contrast, and the grip is tiny.

No first-time gun purchaser cares about any of that. Unless a woman is interested in guns as a hobby, just tell her to get a one-size-fits-most revolver, shove it in the bad guy’s stomach and pull the trigger until the noise stops.

There’s better advice to be given, of course… to those who want to go farther.

In short, the little snub is an expert’s gun that gets foisted on novice women shooters because it’s small and light and has a reputation for being effective.


I think there’s also this idea that because it’s a revolver that it’s “simpler” and therefore easier for our lady-brains to understand or something.

QED, and “simple” in a firearm context is good for everybody. Simple is your friend.

Nothing is more discouraging than being handed a gun that’s unpleasant to shoot and challenging to fire accurately when you’re a novice, especially when you’ve been told it’s the perfect gun for you.

That’s a lie. Nothing is more discouraging then a newcomer being shown a .454, being told you can handle it and then being told about all the aftermarket upgrades you’ll need to pimp it out.

I had that trouble with a computer guru friend. “Nah, you don’t want an overpriced Wintel computer. I’ll help you build one from parts in order to save money! What’s your favorite flavor of Linux? You’ll want a motherboard with AGP port because PCI is obsolete for the latest graphics cards…” Credit to him, he at least waited until I had some computer background, but even so I came dangerously close to chucking it in the trash. Found out via trial and error that the reason Windows wouldn’t install outside of safe mode was the RAM chips were defective… and just this description of the problem is glazing eyeballs among my readership.

Eyeball-glazing is a bad sales tactic.

So there are a few of the worst pieces of advice I’ve been given in gun stores, but there’s plenty more where that came from. Hopefully this will become a quaint relic of the past as more and more women get involved in shooting.

Why do more women need to get involved in shooting? If they don’t want to, is that a bad thing?


New For Commieland 2020

The worst holiday tradition, by far, is reading up on all the new California laws that get enacted on January 1, nearly all of which were passed without my knowledge or approval and some of which required Google-fu just to learn of their existence. Democracy in action!

Every year, hundreds of new California laws take effect. Many of them won’t have much effect on your daily life, but here’s a closer look at some that might in 2020:

AB 375: Data privacy for consumers

Passed in 2018. Introduced by Asm. Ed Chau (D-Monterey Park).

Now that’s EVEN MORE democracy in action! Passing laws that only take effect after the next election cycle, in order to allow an adjustment period nobody believes that. It’s just so the peasants won’t notice until your reelection is in the bag.

The state’s sweeping new consumer data privacy law gives Californians the right to learn what companies like Facebook and Google know about them — and to stop the sharing or selling of their data. They will also be able to sue over data breaches if companies fail to adequately protect their data.

I despise this. On the surface, it sounds great. But then you think about how Silicon Valley and Sacramento are in bed together like two trannies that got stuck. No, this bill is “belling the cat”. You can’t go after Alphabet for selling your digital soul because that’s now the government’s job!

AB 539: Predatory lending

Passed in 2019. Introduced by Asm. Monique Limon (D-Santa Barbara).

Caps the interest that can be charged on loans between $2,500-$10,000.

Whoa. No, that sounds too good.

This bill, entitled the Fair Access to Credit Act, would authorize a finance lender, with respect to a loan of a bona fide principal amount of $2,500 or more but less than $10,000, to contract for or receive charges at a rate not exceeding an annual simple interest rate of 36% plus the Federal Funds Rate.

Oh, good. My credit card is now limited to DOUBLING its current rate. What else… mostly just massaging numbers around… you still can’t default on student debt… nothing here to give a bankster heartburn.

AB 218: Statute of limitations: Childhood sexual abuse
Passed in 2019. Introduced by Asm. Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego).
Extends statute of limitations for adult victims of childhood sexual abuse to report their abusers from age 26 to age 40.

Because some women don’t notice they’ve been raped for decades.

AB 602: Deepfake pornography
Passed in 2019. Introduced by Asm. Marc Berman (D-Palo Alto).
Allows a victim of nonconsensual deepfake pornography to sue for damages.

It’s now illegal to make fake porn about somebody you know unless they have 72 hours to review it.

SB 273: Statute of limitations: Domestic violence
Passed in 2019. Introduced by Sen. Susan Rubio (D-Baldwin Park).
Extends statute of limitations for domestic violence felonies from 3 years to 5.

Because some women don’t notice they’ve been raped for decades. Abused for years, I mean.

SB 310: Felons serving on juries
Passed in 2019. Introduced by Sen. Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley).
Convicted felons who have completed their sentences, parole, probation and supervision will no longer be disqualified from serving as jurors.

Can they also own firearms now?

SB 439: Prosecution of children under 12
Passed in 2018. Introduced by Sen. Holly Mitchell (D-Los Angeles).
Ends the prosecution of children under age 12 who commit crimes other than murder and forcible sexual assault.

HOLY SHIT! Only adults can commit crimes now?

On September 30th, Governor Brown signed a historic piece of legislation ending the prosecution of children under 12 in juvenile court. Senate Bill (SB) 439, authored by Senator Holly J. Mitchell, established, for the first time, a minimum age for the jurisdiction of juvenile courts in California. Twenty-one other US states have minimum age laws, but California now emerges as a national leader, joining Massachusetts in setting a minimum that complies with international human rights standards.

International human rights standards. That means this is a UN agenda item.

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

Click to access CRC.C.GC.10.pdf

32. Rule 4 of the Beijing Rules recommends that the beginning of MACR [minimum age of criminal responsibility] shall not be fixed at too low an age level, bearing in mind the facts of emotional, mental and intellectual maturity. In line with this rule the Committee has recommended States parties not to set a MACR at a too low level and to increase the existing low MACR to an internationally acceptable level. From these recommendations, it can be concluded that a minimum age of criminal responsibility below the age of 12 years is considered by the Committee not to be internationally acceptable. States parties are encouraged to increase their lower MACR to the age of 12 years as the absolute minimum age and to continue to increase it to a higher age level.


33. At the same time, the Committee urges States parties not to lower their MACR to the age of 12. A higher MACR, for instance 14 or 16 years of age, contributes to a juvenile justice system which, in accordance with article 40 (3) (b) of CRC, deals with children in conflict with the law without resorting to judicial proceedings, providing that the child’s human rights and legal safeguards are fully respected. In this regard, States parties should inform the Committee in their reports in specific detail how children below the MACR set in their laws are treated when they are recognized as having infringed the penal law, or are alleged as or accused of having done so, and what kinds of legal safeguards are in place to ensure that their treatment is as fair and just as that of children at or above MACR.

Resuming the new laws,

SB 30: Domestic partnership expansion
Passed in 2019. Introduced by Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco).
Opens up domestic partnerships to all Californians, regardless of age or sexual identity. Until now, they’ve been restricted to same-sex couples, or opposite-sex couples aged 62 and up (for social security reasons).

SB 47: Campaign finance disclosure: Ballot measure petitions
Passed in 2019. Introduced by Sen. Ben Allen (D-Santa Monica).
Requires signature petitions for initiatives, referenda and recalls to list their campaigns’ top contributors.

Pro-tip: don’t sign anything sponsored by the Cooperative Partnership of Kind, Generous and Noble People Who Believe Everybody Is A Human Being Worthy Of Love.

SB 1249: Animal testing ban: Cosmetic products
Passed in 2018. Introduced by Sen. Cathleen Galgiani (D-Stockton).
Bans sale of cosmetic products with ingredients that were tested on animals on or after January 1, 2020.

A few more jobs just left the state. I’m sure the Lesbian Origami Peyote Commune will be equal in economic output.

SB 8: Smoking ban: State parks and beaches
Passed in 2019. Introduced by Sen. Steve Glazer (D-Orinda).
Bans smoking at state parks and beaches. It comes with a caveat: people can still smoke on paved surfaces like parking lots.

AB 205: Definition of ‘beer’

Bullshit. San Franciscans are wussy wine drinkers.

Passed in 2019. Introduced by Asm. Tom Daly (D-Anaheim).
Expands the definition of beer to include alcoholic beverages fermented with fruit, honey, herbs and other newly approved ingredients.

AB 619: Reusable food containers
Passed in 2019. Introduced by Asm. David Chiu (D-San Francisco).
Allows restaurant customers to bring — and eat with/from — their own food containers and silverware. It also allows food vendors at fairs, festivals, and farmers markets to use reusable items, which has been against the code until now.

Go ahead and get a plate of Macarena

Eat it with the fork you borrowed from another fella

Believe the waiter when he says he washed with soap and

Heyyyy Salmonella!

AB 577: Maternal mental health coverage
Passed in 2019. Introduced by Asm. Susan Eggman (D-Stockton).
Ensures that mothers diagnosed with a maternal mental health disorder whose providers leave their insurance network can still see that provider and be fully covered for up to 12 months. A separate change in the budget extends Medi-Cal coverage to moms with mental health disorders to one year, up from the current 60 days.

Because Lorena Bobbit truly was the ‘cut felt around the world’.

State Budget: Health insurance mandate
Passed in 2019.
Californians who go without health insurance in 2020 will have to pay a penalty on their 2021 tax returns, under a new state-imposed mandate. Gov. Newsom has proposed using revenue from this mandate to fund premium assistance for low and middle income Covered California enrollees.

Obamacare is now Gavincare! I thank God I’m Christian because I can tell Newsom to GO TO HELL and know that he will.

State Budget: Medi-Cal benefits
Passed in 2019.
Allows adults enrolled in Medi-Cal to obtain several optional benefits that were eliminated during the recession. Among them: audiology, incontinence creams and washes, eyeglasses, podiatry, speech therapy.

The all-important Baby Boomer vote.

AB 1482: Rent cap and tenant protections
Passed in 2019. Introduced by Asm. David Chiu (D-San Francisco).
Caps annual rent increases at 5% plus inflation, and prohibits landlords from evicting tenants without just cause.

I looked at RVs the other day. Seriously. Because of laws like this one.

AB 68: Accessory dwelling units
Passed in 2019. Introduced by Asm. Phil Ting (D-San Francisco).
Makes it cheaper and faster for Californians to build granny-flats on their property, considered a way to address state’s housing crisis.

California’s Governor Mansion *GunnerQ checks* does NOT have a granny-flat available for use by the homeless.

SB 329: Housing voucher discrimination
Passed in 2019. Introduced by Sen. Holly Mitchell (D-Los Angeles).
Prohibits landlords from issuing blanket denials against the 300,000 low-income Californians who receive Section 8 housing vouchers.

The only group more privileged in California than “low-income residents” are the criminally insane.

AB 5: Independent contractor rules
Passed in 2019. Introduced by Asm. Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego).
Codifies California Supreme Court decision that established a new test for classifying workers as independent contractors, while providing exemptions for a number of industries.

This is a fun one because last I heard, companies like Uber are going to simply ignore the law and see what happens. FINALLY, some civil disobedience!

SB 142: Lactation rooms at work
Passed in 2019. Introduced by Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco).
Expands requirements for lactation rooms in workplaces and requires employers provide female workers a break each time they need to express milk.

Ladies, when male feminists who openly celebrate sexual perversion make laws encouraging the display and usage of your naughty bits, it’s a trap. Don’t take advantage of their “opportunities” to be videotaped.

SB 188: CROWN Act: Hair-based discrimination
Passed in 2019. Introduced by Sen. Holly Mitchell (D-Los Angeles).
Known as the CROWN Act, prevents discrimination in workplaces and schools based on traits historically associated with race, including certain hairstyles such as braids, twists and locks.

Already mocked.

No gun laws in that list. You know they’re real. I certainly do; they’ve already tightened up ammunition purchases to the point that police can’t buy ammo.

Thousands of lawful California gun owners are being denied ammunition purchases. Here’s why


By Ryan Sabalow, 9 December 2019

Zachary Berg usually buys guns and ammunition with relative ease. After all, he’s a Sutter County sheriff’s deputy and needs them for his job. California’s stringent gun laws usually don’t apply to him.

But Berg couldn’t buy shotgun shells at his local hardware store in Yuba City prior to a duck hunting trip last month. He was rejected under California’s stringent ammunition background check program that took effect July 1, because his personal information didn’t match what state officials had in their database.

Berg was one of tens of thousands of Californians who have been turned away from buying ammunition at firearms and sporting goods stores, even though they appear to be lawfully able to do so, a Sacramento Bee review of state data shows. Between July 1 and November, nearly one in every five ammunition purchases was rejected by the California Department of Justice, the figures show.

Of the 345,547 ammunition background checks performed, only 101 stopped the buyer because he or she was a “prohibited person” who can’t legally possess ammunition, according to state Department of Justice data.

The law is working as intended!


If you have a gun-violence restraining order, you’ll be prohibited from buying a firearm for up to five years, under AB 12 by Assemblywoman Jacqui Irwin, D-Thousand Oaks. It takes effect Sept. 1.

Previous versions took your guns away for 30 days and then you got a chance to prove your innocence. Now your guns are just gone. We knew it would come to this.

An employer, coworker, employee or teacher can seek a gun-violence restraining order from a court, allowing police to remove firearms from someone making threats, under AB 61 by Assemblyman Phil Ting, D-San Francisco. It takes effect Sept. 1.

Fucking God-Damned Sodom Francis-Is-A-Sicko.

You can’t buy guns in California if you are prohibited from buying guns in another state, under AB 164 by Assemblywoman Sabrina Cervantes, D-Corona. The bill takes effect Jan. 1.

California law enforcement agencies before Jan. 1, 2021 must develop and adopt written policies and standards regarding the use of gun violence restraining orders under Irwin’s AB 339.

This is a loyalty-enforcement mechanism. If police don’t have a set policy for enforcing red flag confiscation then they have an excuse to not carry out the judge’s order without any specific cop being blame-able. When a written policy is mandated, however, police leaders who don’t make the policy get punished while the line cops who refuse to follow the policy once created get fired for not doing their job.

Suicide warning labels must be on gun packages and in gun stores by June 1, under Irwin’s AB 645. The handgun safety certificate test also will cover the topic of suicide.

Why do so many gun-owning Californians contemplate suicide? *Gunner Q thinks about living in that RV he toured earlier today* Oh, right. Well, a five-minute lecture will surely fix that.

Certain gun “precursor” parts must be sold through a licensed vendor under AB 879 by Assemblyman Mike Gipson, D-Carson. Provisions of the bill begin to take effect Jan. 1, but others don’t until July 1, 2024 or 2025.

They want to ban ghost guns but are hampered by the fact that they don’t actually understand how guns work. I doubt my esteemed leaders even understand how hand tools work. Pro-tip to my elected officials, if you want to appear knowledgeable in the workshop then be sure to insert the flathead screwdriver into the electrical socket for several seconds before you use it. That will keep it charged!

No more firearms and ammunition can be sold at the Del Mar Fairgrounds in San Diego after Jan. 1, 2021, under AB 893 by Assemblyman Todd Gloria, D-San Diego.

Ending gun shows and related conventions has always been a top priority. Eh, so long as we’re welcome in Vegas and Reno. Just more jobs leaving the state.

The $100 cap on processing fees for concealed firearm licenses is going away with the passage of AB 1297 by Assemblyman Kevin McCarty, D-Sacramento. County sheriffs can now charge “an amount equal to the actual costs for processing the application,” according to the bill, which takes effect Jan. 1.

More taxes.

If you have a gun-violence restraining order against you, you can fill out a form that says you’re willing to relinquish your guns, under Ting’s AB 1493. The bill takes effect Sept. 1.

Should I tip the attending Commissar or will he be forging my signature?

Nonprofits “that are at high risk of terrorist attack due to ideology, beliefs, or mission” can apply for state grants of up to $200,000 from a newly formed State Nonprofit Security Grant Program to beef up their onsite security. The bill, AB 1548 by Assemblyman Jesse Gabriel, D-San Fernando Valley, was in response to mass shootings at mosques, churches and synagogues.

Did you catch that sleight of hand? This law is “in response to mass shootings at mosques, churches and synagogues” but gives free money “due to ideology, beliefs, or mission.”

Starting Jan. 1, the fees Californians pay the state when purchasing a firearm will climb to $38.19, with the passage of AB 1669 by Assemblyman Rob Bonta, D-Alameda. The bill also updated California’s legal code to reflect that gun show regulations apply to ammunition vendors.

Like I said, they hated gun shows for a long time.

If you’re younger than 21, you can’t buy a semiautomatic center-fire rifle starting Jan. 1. SB 61 by State Sen. Anthony Portantino, D-La Cañada Flintridge, also prohibits Californians from buying more than one semiautomatic center-fire rifle in a 30-day period beginning on July 1, 2021.

Because Dick’s Sporting Goods set such a profitable example?

Beginning Jan. 1, the owner of any unlocked gun taken out of a home by a child or a “prohibited person” can be charged with a crime and penalized with a 10-year ban on gun ownership under Portantino’s SB 172. The bill also set gun storage requirements for nursing homes.

Now that’s just paranoia.

And more from the dead-tree edition of today’s LA Slimes.

Women seeking birth control pills through apps such as one offered by Planned Parenthood will no longer have to participate in video conferencing with a health professional for a prescription.

I thought liberals were all about educating people?

Food handlers will be required to take training on major food-based allergens. THose who seek a state-issued food handler card will have until the end of 2020 to do so. The law was prompted by the case of a Sacramento-area girl whose peanut allergy led to her death at a summer camp in 2013.


Giorgi Family Reaches $15 Million Settlement in Peanut Allergy Tragedy

Giorgi Family Reaches $15 Million Settlement in Peanut Allergy Tragedy

By Gwen Smith, 6 October 2016

It was the case that broke the hearts of a family – and of an entire food allergy community. In July 2013, Natalie Giorgi had a severe allergic reaction after taking a bite of a Rice Krispie square that turned out to contain peanut butter.

She reportedly spat it out immediately.

At first the 13-year-old had no obvious reaction, but soon she was suffering severe breathing distress and other signs of anaphylaxis. Natalie then died in her mother’s arms.

After one dose of Benadryl (pre-symptomatic) followed by three shots of adrenaline. An allergy so strong that a lethal dose is one taste is a freak event that general society has no duty to accommodate.

The family had been vacationing at Camp Sacramento, a family camp run by the city of Sacramento, whose staff had been fully informed of the girl’s allergies.

On October 5, the lawsuit that Louis and Joanne Giorgi launched against the city was settled for $15 million as well as an agreement that Camp Sacramento will become accredited with the American Camping Association and implement full allergy training and accommodation protocols.

You know why the parents sued? Because the city has deep pockets. No other reason. I feel sorry for the kid yet hope her parents spend Hell in a hornet nest with a God-given bee allergy for their selfish crybullying of the entire state.

Natalie’s parents Louis and Joanne Giorgi said they had sued in part to ensure that what happened to Natalie would never happen again at the camp, and to raise awareness of the life-threatening nature of food allergies.

They lied. It was all about the money. Maybe a little revenge too but no, they were not doing any kind of “public service” by demanding $15M because the staff didn’t assign their daughter a culinary bodyguard.

“For us, it was about that Natalie mattered, and she did nothing wrong,” Louis Giorgi, who is a physician, said in an interview with KCRA-TV, the local NBC affiliate. “And it was important for our kids to know that we did nothing wrong. Then, more globally, it was important to make sure that no other family was having to deal with this situation.”

Guess what, Physician Giorgi? I once had a doctor do me wrong. That means YOU need to give me $1M, to ensure that what that other doctor did will never happen again.

He believes the high profile of Natalie’s tragedy and lawsuit have sparked greater awareness of food allergies in general, and especially among those preparing and serving meals. “For that, we find some solace in her loss, in that she will be there for others, and countless others.”

And to think, Liberals don’t call that attitude violence.

The lawsuit had accused the city of Sacramento and the camp of negligence in the hiring, training and supervising of staff who were to be serving campers with food allergies. In addition, after Natalie’s two epinephrine injections failed to stop her reaction from progressing, the camp’s staff were unable to locate the key to the storage cabinet that contained medicines including an epinephrine auto-injector. Louis Giorgi severed a tendon breaking into the cabinet, and the family’s suit said the missing key caused delay, which may have contributed to Natalie’s death.

Next time, try using a stick or rock instead of your hand, Doctor Moron. If that was any kind of a kid’s camp then it had sticks & rocks handy and to spare.

End segue.

School districts will have more power over the creation of new charter schools and new teachers at charter schools will be required to hold the same credentials as those in traditional public schools.

That will poison-pill the charter school alternatives to Leftoid U.

Minimum wage is now $13/hr for businesses with more than 25 employees. Scheduled to hit $15/hr in 2023. Because greedy capitalist overlords can just shit money whenever they feel like it.

I quote this verbatim from the Times: “New oil drilling in California will be prohibited from running pipelines across state-owned land–a strong push against any new drilling approved by the Trump administration.

Orange man bad, like plentiful cheap energy!

Any circus that uses animals other than dogs, cats or horses is banned from operating in California.

WOOHOO! The State government outlawed itself! Go home, pigs, you just voted yourselves out of your own circus!


The Pensacola Shooter’s Funny Manifesto

My apologies to Matt who already reblogged the original, but… well… the original name of this article was “The Porn Stash Manifesto” and it turns out that, uh, ‘porn stash’ is a… search term… that brings the wrong crowd. I had to fix that. Ahem.

I waited to cover the Pensacola shooter because it showed every indication of becoming a circus: other Arabs found behaving suspiciously, Saudi Arabia refusing to cooperate with investigations, the most powerful military in the world is so scared of its own troops that our domestic bases are frigging gun-free zones! And not even Trump cares to correct that!

Enough time has passed to conclude that this was a kookie run amok, and all the background scandals are just the screeching of social justice vampires being exposed to daylight. Fortunately, the kookie in question is interesting!

Presenting Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani:

Sampan eyes, white underneath. That and his nationality definitely make him the kind of foreigner I would bring into my country, hand a rifle to and teach the skills to reenact 9/11. The tops of his ears are turned out, suggesting he wears glasses a lot. Wide mouth means he likes to talk, consistent with slightly-rounded eyebrows indicating a balance between rational & social towards other people. The nose might suggest a poor general attitude but no pic had sufficient detail to be sure.

The mustache indicates he’s a pornography film actor. Okay, okay, that’s not true. OR IS IT? Because that’s where his nickname came from!

Recap from; dangit, the links didn’t get re-copied! I’m too lazy.

Pensacola NAS Active Shooter Was Saudi National: Reports

An active shooter who was a Saudi national opened fire in a classroom building at Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida, killing three people and wounding eight more. The gunman is now dead, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Department. Authorities described the horrific scene as looking “like a movie,” but it was all too real. The shooter was identified as Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani.

According to The New York Times, the gunman has been identified as a Saudi national. He was an aviation student, who served in the Saudi Air Force according to The Associated Press, which added that “military from around the globe” are at Pensacola NAS for training.

*twitch* A Saudi national came to America to practice aviation. *twitch* Nothing makes me think the post-9/11 Gulf Wars were worth fighting as much as watching my Air Force train the next generation of Saudi “Mohammed”s. /sarc

The shooting erupted in a classroom building, authorities said in a press conference. Alshamrani was a member of the Saudi Air Force and the Florida governor says the Saudi government now owes the victims in Pensacola a debt.

Two of the victims have been named: Mohammed Haitham and Joshua Watson. You can read about their lives here. The third victim has not yet been named.

Well, that’s a welcome change. It’s the fight of the century, Mohammed vs Mohammed! Speculation runs wild! Who will win?

Answer, America. HAH!

On a serious note, this was not a jihad attack if fellow Muslims were targeted. Although that’s not what M. Saeed said in his manifesto:

Did Pensacola Shooter Mohammed Alshamrani Have a Twitter Manifesto?

The alleged Twitter manifesto reads, “O American people, I’m not against you for just being American, I don’t hate you because your freedoms, I hate you because every day you supporting funding and committing crimes not only against Muslims but also humanity. I’m against evil, and America as a whole has turned into a nation of evil. What I see from America is the supporting of Israel which is invasion of Muslim countries, I see invasion of many countries by it’s (sic) troops, I see Guantanamo Bay. I see cruise missiles, cluster bombs, and UAV.” The tweet is dated the morning of the attack on December 6, 2019.

Sounds like he’s taking out his frustrations on the US military specifically rather than America generally, an improvement over 9/11. American servicemen are even legit targets for that kind of thing. (military targets instead of civilian targets) Alas, his noble-sounding words sounded a bit less noble after this incident came to national attention:

[from fox news, I think]

Pensacola Naval shooter was ‘infuriated’ after instructor nicknamed him ‘Porn Stash’: report

By Greg Norman, 9 December 2019

The Saudi national who killed three people during last week’s shooting spree at Naval Air Station Pensacola filed a complaint against one of his instructors earlier this year alleging that he had called him “Porn Stash” — a nickname that “infuriated” him, a report says.

Mohammed Alshamrani, who prepared the document with the help of two American classmates, according to The New York Times, claimed teacher James Day labeled him with the term at the end of a meteorology class in April.

In the complaint, Alshamrani wrote that Day was asking about 10 students around the room if they had any questions before dismissal. When he turned to Alshamrani, Day allegedly addressed him as “Porn Stash.”

“Laughing, he continued to ask, ‘What? Have you not seen a porn star before?’” Alshamrani reportedly wrote in the complaint. “After I did not respond, he just let go of the subject.”

A well-adjusted exchange student would have replied with a cameo appearance offer after a brief hesitation to think up a comeback.

The nickname is a reference to the stereotype that adult male film stars have mustaches. It was spelled “porn stash” as opposed to “porn ‘stache” in the official complaint.

You can’t intentionally sport a huge, identifying facial feature without this kind of teasing from peers who need something obvious with which to attempt a personal connection… seeing as they DON’T HAVE A COMMON CULTURE!

“I was infuriated as to why he would say that in front of the class,” the Times quoted Alshamrani as saying.

Day is employed by Delaware Resource Group of Oklahoma, a subcontractor to CAE USA, which offers instruction to aviation students in the civilian and military fields, according to the newspaper.

Contra popular entertainment, most mercenaries are training officers or glorified security rather than high-risk, deniable CIA operators.

Following the alleged incident, Alshamrani reported it to CAE USA’s managers, The New York Times says. The company offered to have Day apologize, but Alshamrani rejected that proposal and instead talked with an office in the Navy that handles international students, the newspaper added, citing a person who spoke with Alshamrani after he filed the complaint.

Little goat fucker couldn’t take a joke OR an apology.

That same person said numerous government employees believed Day should be disciplined, yet he continued to teach.

About a week after the alleged incident, Day was paired up with Alshamrani for simulated flight training, The New York Times reported. When the Saudi found out, he complained to CAE USA and got the session rescheduled with another instructor, it added.

Brian Busey, the president of Delaware Resource Group of Oklahoma, told the Times that his company is cooperating with the FBI’s investigation into Friday’s shooting and that it had taken care of the alleged classroom incident in April.

“Appropriate personnel action was taken regarding the incident in question, corrective action was taken, the matter was closed back in April, and we have no further comment,” Busey said.

I bet the discipline was one tweet. “Jim dont tease the sand rats k thx.”

There is no indication yet that it had any connection to the shooting spree, in which Alshamrani gunned down three fellow sailors before being taken out by responding police officers.

Yeah? Let’s recap that manifesto:

O American people, I’m not against you for just being American, I don’t hate you because your freedoms, I hate you because every day you supporting funding and committing crimes not only against Muslims but also humanity.

“…because he called me Porn Stash and you still give the guy a paycheck! It’s on, you fat lazy ‘Muricans! You are evil!”

I’m against evil, and America as a whole has turned into a nation of evil.

“…If this is your sense of humor!”

What I see from America is the supporting of Israel which is invasion of Muslim countries, I see invasion of many countries by it’s (sic) troops, I see Guantanamo Bay. I see cruise missiles, cluster bombs, and UAV.”

“Thank you for listening to my complaint. Have a nice day and death unto Israel. Sincerely, signed Mohammed.”

Context is everything.

Even the Inmates Of Colorado Are More Conservative Than the Colorado Gov’t

Politicians talk about being tough on crime during the “lie to the public” portion of office-seeking, but the felon currently eating a steak dinner while the police pay his bail walks the talk!

Little girl chloroformed, raped in ‘macabre’ house of death: Cops

Little girl chloroformed, raped in ‘macabre’ house of death: Cops

By KC Wildmoon, 21 December 2019

Eyes show too much white and I would guess him a loner from his thin nose and small mouth.

A Colorado man has been charged with killing a 9-year-old girl with chloroform while raping her, the Grand Junction Sentinel reported on Friday.

Jeffrey Beagley, 34, was arrested on December 13 and charged with first-degree murder, child abuse resulting in death, reckless manslaughter, attempted sex assault on a child by a person in a position of trust, sexual exploitation of children, and invasion of privacy for sexual gratification. The affidavit for his arrest, however, was sealed until Wednesday.

Indicating that the cops dotted every I and crossed every T on this one.

The affidavit said that investigators found an empty chloroform bottle with a rag in a shed behind the home where the little girl died on November 9. The chloroform had been delivered to Beagley the day before. Additionally, the Sentinel reported, the Mesa County Coroner ruled the girl’s death a homicide on December 13 saying she had extremely high levels of the drug in her system.

Beagley called emergency responders on the morning of November 9, saying he had found the girl unresponsive when he woke up. The girl’s mother told detectives she had seen Beagley asleep with the little girl and her sister when she came home the night before. She said she awoke to Beagley’s screams.

The girl’s mother needs to be publicly hanged. No chance, none, that she wasn’t knowingly pimping out her own children to a child molester. Where’s Daddy? Debtor’s prison in a different state, likely as not.

Detectives described a disturbing scene in and around the house when the girl died. In the shed, they found a “tent-like” structure with pillows and blankets that appeared to have been built for “privacy and seclusion,” KKCO reported.

They also found computers and other electronic devices with “a lot” of child pornography along with video showing the victim taken from a hidden camera in the house. Detectives said a thumb drive contained images of sex acts between adults and children that had been “digitally altered” to replace the adult’s face with Beagley’s.

Beagly doesn’t need to be charged. He needs to be released at the exact moment every cop in Denver takes his lunch break, if you catch my meaning.

And somebody did! A Happy New Year is upon us!

Alleged Pedophile Dies in Colorado Jail Days After Arrest

By Katherine Rodriguez, 28 December 2019

A Colorado man accused of murdering a nine-year-old with chloroform to sexually assault her in November died Monday after authorities found him unresponsive in his jail cell.

Officials found Jeffrey Beagley, 34, of Grand Junction, unresponsive in his jail cell, and he was officially declared dead at the hospital, the Daily Sentinel reported.

Authorities say that the cause of death for Jeffrey Beagley is yet to be determined, adding that the investigation is ongoing and contingent upon the results of toxicology tests.

Please be chloroform!

Beagley had been facing multiple charges, including first-degree murder, reckless manslaughter, child abuse resulting in death, and attempted sexual assault.

Autopsy results confirmed that the girl died of chloroform poisoning.

Investigators have not publicly released Beagley’s relationship with the girl.

During a search of the property in the shed where the girl was found, investigators found a tarp made into a privacy tent containing sex toys, a computer, pillows and blankets, and a bottle of chloroform, KKTV reported.

The investigation is ongoing so we don’t know who that masked man was. It would be very fitting if he was a Daddy in debtor’s prison.

Alas, Colorado’s governor… a homosexual Jew, Jared Polis… is very unlikely to issue the well-earned pardon.


Physiognomy: Child Maltreatment

This topic is by request but I put it off for a few days after Christmas because it didn’t fit the holiday mood.

21 December 2019

A Florida couple who told police they fed their children a vegan diet of only raw fruit and vegetables was charged with murder Wednesday months after their 18-month old son allegedly starved to death in their home.

Ryan Patrick O’Leary, 30, and Sheila O’Leary, 35, of Cape Coral, were indicted by a grand jury on charges of first-degree murder and other charges, State Attorney Amira Fox said.

The guy ‘s face is very neutral. Lots of right angles for rational thinking. Thick eyebrows and forehead lines indicate intelligence. Flat cheeks, modest chin/jaw and thin nose suggest a lack of dominance and social energy. The inner ear cup is larger than the outer ear cup, indicating strong separation of internal and external worlds. Knowing what we do about his family life, that suggests he was easily able to keep the maltreatment secret; but this is not confirmed by the left eye being more guarded than the right, which one would expect.

He looks like an ordinary guy, not given to emotion but perhaps lacking in motivation and confidence as well.

The wife has red flags, particularly frizzy hair for disorderly thoughts and borderline sampan eyes (a lot of white above/below iris). Angled eyebrows indicate conflict, as opposed to flat rational or curved social eyebrows. Also a thin nose for low social energy, so I’d expect the couple to not hold a lot of parties at the best of times.

It’s not hard to believe she was psycho enough to maltreat her kids, but it’s a mystery why he went along with it. Physiognomy doesn’t offer a reason but religion does.

The mother called police on Sept. 27 when police said she said she noticed her 18-month-old son had gone cold and stopped breathing. The father tried to resuscitate him, police said. Paramedics pronounced the boy dead at the home in Lee County when they arrived, Fort Myers News-Press reported.

He weighed 17 pounds, the average weight of a seven-month-old, according to the police report. Sheila O’Leary allegedly told officers the family eats a vegan diet and she fed her children raw fruits and vegetables – mostly mangoes, bananas, avocados, and rambutans.

I’ve seen similar behavior in the Church. A while back, some Charismatic types got the notion that going to a doctor proved a lack of faith in God. Their stories made the news when children began dying of easily treatable diseases and similar troubles.

They weren’t monsters. They prayed for miracles and when none happened, they grieved and buried their dead. They simply held their beliefs more strongly than reality.

Which brings us to veganism.

The human body needs animal protein to be healthy. Believing otherwise is a rejection of reality. But people are wired first to believe and only then to understand, if they even care to try. There are few damnations of atheism more effective than watching people who are well-fed and healthy, kill themselves from loneliness or throw themselves into extreme political movements for no personal gain.

This couple made a religion out of their diet. Every face shape is capable of that.

The parents were arrested last month after a medical examiner ruled that their child had died due to malnutrition, including dehydration. They turned themselves in on Nov. 6 and were initially charged with aggravated manslaughter. They were being held on a $250,000 bond each. They were arraigned in court on Monday. The charges against them were upgraded Wednesday.

The indictment related to three other children, ages 3, 5 and 11, who allegedly suffered from child abuse and extreme neglect at the same home, Fox said. Officers said the children appeared small for their ages and had a yellowish complexion. One child had blackened, decaying teeth, the Washington Examiner reported. Two of the children, ages 3 and 5, were placed in state custody. The 11-year-old is in the care of the child’s biological father in Virginia.

So, wifey divorced & remarried to a vegan supremacist? And Florida is a long way from Virginia. She took the kid and ran.

That’s how you can recognize Christianity as the correct religion. Children need their physical fathers and humanity needs its spiritual God the Father.


Mark Galli Burns His Readers, Er, Bridges

I finally got around to reading Christianity Today editor’s screed against Trump. It’s such a predictable narrative, it’s almost a mad lib.

  1. Claim the moral high ground.
  2. Claim to have been the target’s friend.
  3. Act shocked and hurt at the (often imaginary or unintended) offense by target.
  4. Sorrowfully conclude that you must do what you’ve been (not so) secretly lusting to do for a very long time.
  5. Optional, project like an Imax theater.

Trump Should Be Removed from Office

By Mark Galli, 19 December 2019

I’m not Trump’s fan but I also looked into the Ukraine scandal. It’s legit and I’m pissed beyond words, and if nobody hangs for it then I’ll be okay with removing Trump from office. But until then, he keeps both the bread and the circuses coming; the Pajeet Commu-nazis all promise only circuses.

In our founding documents, Billy Graham explains that Christianity Today will help evangelical Christians interpret the news in a manner that reflects their faith. The impeachment of Donald Trump is a significant event in the story of our republic. It requires comment.

Hmm. Segue:

In 1956 Billy Graham felt the urgent need for balanced reporting, biblical commentary, and a loving posture on the social, cultural and theological trends, issues, and opportunities facing Christians.

That’s why Billy founded Christianity Today.

Don’t give yourself airs, Mr. Galli. You’re a nominally Christian newzine, a less reputable position than my being a Christian nominal-newzine. See, I can Step One too.

End segue.

Our nonprofit, global media ministry has shaped the minds and hearts of pastors, thought leaders, and culture makers ever since.

Every devout reader of yours twitched at “nonprofit, global media”.

The typical CT approach is to stay above the fray and allow Christians with different political convictions to make their arguments in the public square, to encourage all to pursue justice according to their convictions and treat their political opposition as charitably as possible. We want CT to be a place that welcomes Christians from across the political spectrum, and reminds everyone that politics is not the end and purpose of our being. We take pride in the fact, for instance, that politics does not dominate our homepage.

Step 1: Claim the moral high ground, check.

That said, we do feel it necessary from time to time to make our own opinions on political matters clear—always, as Graham encouraged us, doing so with both conviction and love. We love and pray for our president, as we love and pray for leaders (as well as ordinary citizens) on both sides of the political aisle.

Let’s grant this to the president: The Democrats have had it out for him from day one, and therefore nearly everything they do is under a cloud of partisan suspicion. This has led many to suspect not only motives but facts in these recent impeachment hearings. And, no, Mr. Trump did not have a serious opportunity to offer his side of the story in the House hearings on impeachment.

Step 2: Claim to have been the target’s friend, check.

But the facts in this instance are unambiguous: The president of the United States attempted to use his political power to coerce a foreign leader to harass and discredit one of the president’s political opponents. That is not only a violation of the Constitution; more importantly, it is profoundly immoral.

As sins go, premeditated oath-breaking is far worse than an incident of immorality. Galli is also provably wrong about POTUS ordering the Ukraine to discredit Joe Biden. A casual observer would wonder how a tiny country on the far side of the planet COULD discredit Biden unless he was already doing dirty in their backyard.

Others have pointed that out, of course, but I’ll point out this: Galli doesn’t sound hurt by what Trump did. I’ve been through a few online letdowns myself, such as with Vox Day and Turd Flinging Monkey, documented on this blog. Emotions get raw and show through the writing.

None of this sterile “I join his enemies because he had a moral oopsie”.

The reason many are not shocked about this is that this president has dumbed down the idea of morality in his administration. He has hired and fired a number of people who are now convicted criminals. He himself has admitted to immoral actions in business and his relationship with women, about which he remains proud. His Twitter feed alone—with its habitual string of mischaracterizations, lies, and slanders—is a near perfect example of a human being who is morally lost and confused.

Blah, blah, blah. “He associated with people that he fired when he learned they were criminals!” Oh, please. These accusations are more canned than Spam.

Fine then, call him a bad Christian. I do. But being a good Christian is not a requirement for being a good President. Is America better off at the end of Trump 1.0 than it was at the beginning? Yes.

Trump’s evangelical supporters have pointed to his Supreme Court nominees, his defense of religious liberty, and his stewardship of the economy, among other things, as achievements that justify their support of the president. We believe the impeachment hearings have made it absolutely clear, in a way the Mueller investigation did not…

Did it hurt, little termite? Did it hurt when Mueller came back with nothing but Trump’s black book of hot 10 whores? It looked like it hurt. All you liberals were making permanent sneers and squeaking noises for weeks on CNN.

…that President Trump has abused his authority for personal gain and betrayed his constitutional oath. The impeachment hearings have illuminated the president’s moral deficiencies for all to see. This…

…is exactly the squeaking noises I was just talking about. It DID hurt, dinnit? Hell, I want Trump to stay in office just because you termites hate him so much. The floor show has been SPECTACULAR and yes, I WILL vote for another four years of him twisting your prickly panties.

This damages the institution of the presidency, damages the reputation of our country, and damages both the spirit and the future of our people. None of the president’s positives can balance the moral and political danger we face under a leader of such grossly immoral character.

Step 3, Act shocked and hurt, check.

This concern for the character of our national leader is not new in CT. In 1998, we wrote this:

He references an editorial criticizing Bill Clinton. Interesting thing, however: that old editorial has no byline. Apparently, nobody wanted to take credit for calling out Slick Willie. Galli himself didn’t write it, either, carefully using “we” instead of “I”.

Unfortunately, the words that we applied to Mr. Clinton 20 years ago apply almost perfectly to our current president. Whether Mr. Trump should be removed from office by the Senate or by popular vote next election—that is a matter of prudential judgment. That he should be removed, we believe, is not a matter of partisan loyalties but loyalty to the Creator of the Ten Commandments.

Now who’s breaking the Constitution, Mr. Galli? No religious test for office, remember? Heck, I violate the Ten Commandments at least weekly because Sunday is just another day to me. You don’t touch the pepperoni on my pizza, either!

We have reserved judgment on Mr. Trump for years now. Some have criticized us for our reserve. But when it comes to condemning the behavior of another, patient charity must come first. So we have done our best to give evangelical Trump supporters their due, to try to understand their point of view, to see the prudential nature of so many political decisions they have made regarding Mr. Trump.

Wait, Galli reserved judgment of Trump’s supporters instead of Trump? I must admit, that’s a bit off script. And anti-Christian. Christ would have had him speak up quickly, to prevent deception. Or at turns, to have his own doubts about Trump assured.

To use an old cliché, it’s time to call a spade a spade, to say that no matter how many hands we win in this political poker game, we are playing with a stacked deck of gross immorality and ethical incompetence. And just when we think it’s time to push all our chips to the center of the table, that’s when the whole game will come crashing down. It will crash down on the reputation of evangelical religion and on the world’s understanding of the gospel. And it will come crashing down on a nation of men and women whose welfare is also our concern.

Step 4, Sorrowfully conclude that you must do what you’ve been (not so) secretly lusting to do for a very long time, check… partially. Galli changed focus from attacking Trump to attacking his evangelical readership. That’s a terrible way to keep one’s job and explains much of the resulting furor.

To the many evangelicals who continue to support Mr. Trump in spite of his blackened moral record, we might say this: Remember who you are and whom you serve. Consider how your justification of Mr. Trump influences your witness to your Lord and Savior.

Okay, Mark Galli, you craven bitch of Satan, you’ll get it but you ain’t gonna like it. Calling out evil is Christ’s Step 1.

Consider what an unbelieving world will say if you continue to brush off Mr. Trump’s immoral words and behavior in the cause of political expediency.

Better idea. How about we Christians stop giving a fricking, flying God-damn for the world’s opinion and care exclusively about God’s opinion?

If we don’t reverse course now, will anyone take anything we say about justice and righteousness with any seriousness for decades to come?

Thirty years too late, you false Christian. Because of entryists and cuckolds like you, acting under your watch and leadership, the Church has already lost all credibility. Not most of it. All. You have been that faithless to God.

Can we say with a straight face that abortion is a great evil that cannot be tolerated and, with the same straight face, say that the bent and broken character of our nation’s leader doesn’t really matter in the end?

We’ll never know, because YOU cannot say with a straight face that if abortion is murder then the mother is the murderer and she should be put to death in accordance with God’s will. Trump’s character is solid, if admittedly imperfect: it doesn’t change. We know who he is. Which makes him infinitely more trustworthy to God and men than scum like you who hide your crimes and true beliefs until two holiday weeks before your retirement.

That’s right. Galli announced his resignation in October, effective 3 January 2019, so he threw this j’accuse out the window while driving into the sunset of retirement.

Because it wasn’t Trump he hated in this editorial. Editor Mark Galli hated on his own, evangelical readers for liking Trump, and sneered at them the moment his imminent retirement protected him from retaliation.

Galli, You. Craven. Bitch. Of. Satan. The greatest thrill is getting away with evil.

Bad Inmate! Have A Cookie!

No wonder patriarchy is so hated! We men have been doing criminal justice wrong for centuries! We’ve been using truncheons and manacles when the reason hardened felons were breaking the rules in the first place is because they needed a glass of warm milk and a playdate with the gang they testified against.

California jails use kinder approach to solitary confinement

By AP, 26 December 2019

Remember that word: “kinder”. There will be a quiz.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — An inmate in solitary confinement at a California jail was refusing to leave his cell. The jailers’ usual response: Send an “extraction team” of corrections officers to burst into the cell and drag him out.

But not in Contra Costa County, one of three in the state using a kinder, gentler approach in response to inmate lawsuits, a policy change that experts say could be a national model for reducing the use of isolation cells.

So the inmate was asked: “What if we gave you a couple extra cookies and another sandwich? Would you move?” recalled Don Specter, the nonprofit Prison Law Office director who negotiated the new policies. “He said yes. … They were like, ‘Wow.’”

Just when you think care-based morality can’t possibly be more cynically implemented.

Per 6 of 24 staff members are male. A special quote from the office manager’s bio: “Ashley also is the human guardian of Scout, the Golden Retriever who greets all visitors to our office.”

Don Specter. Not a good picture but the convex nose is an untrusting/shrewd nose. Triangular nostrils (which I suspect but can’t confirm) would add ill temper to that. Interestingly, the middle third of his face (status/ambition) is the smallest and the intellectual top would be the largest except for his adding the beard to the pragmatic bottom third, so he’s more interested in results than posturing. A true believer in Marxist socialism who likely feels guilt for being smart/white.

In other words, he wasn’t mocking the inmate.

More than a quarter of U.S. states and numerous smaller jurisdictions are looking for ways to reduce the use of solitary confinement, according to the Vera Institute of Justice, which encourages alternatives to a practice behavioral experts say is dehumanizing and can worsen mental illness.

17 of 58 staff are male. Yep, care-based morality.

This is vice-president Mary Crowley of Vera Institute of Justice. I couldn’t confirm if she’s related to Aleister Crowley. Unlikely since he was a European but she certainly resembles that family tree.

The Scarecrow is running Gotham Prison!

The new policies in California came after Specter’s firm sued seven of California’s 58 counties, alleging that conditions had grown inhumane as jails absorbed inmates who previously would have served their sentences in state prisons. The state in 2011 began sending less serious offenders to local jails for years at a time to ease crowding in state penitentiaries.

Specter should be forced to pay for a new prison if he doesn’t like the current solutions to overcrowding. No more of this point-and-shrieking without consequences; in fact, he probably doesn’t even want the problem solved. Like most SJWs, he justifies his existence and agenda by claiming to be the spokesman for a large group of victims. Never mind that the group in question usually didn’t choose him and might not even know he exists, and in this case are too convicted-felon to count as victims anyway. You should listen to him because he represents VICTIMS OF THE SYSTEM!

Tangible results would only reduce his bargaining power.

Some jurisdictions nationwide are banning isolation for young offenders, pregnant women or those with mental health diagnoses. The California counties’ approach of generally limiting it to those who engage in continued violent behavior has dramatically reduced the number of inmates in isolation and the length of time they stay there.

Nothing telegraphs the SJW’s intentions for society as clearly as their limitless excuses for the criminally insane.

Contra Costa started 2019 with about 100 people in solitary, most for more than a year. It had just three in isolation cells by December, after officials began using the new approach.

Come on, now. Don’t tell me that the inmates are better behaved now that they’re being given cookies instead of punishments. Don’t suggest to me that “solitary is a bad idea” is the same thing as “nobody is using solitary anymore”. I’m weary of being lied to.

Sacramento County also is following the policy pioneered by Santa Clara County, while Fresno County is considering it. Among other things, it encourages the use of low-cost incentives to reward good behavior, like the opportunity to listen to the radio, watch a movie or get an extra snack.

Good children get an extra milk carton! COME ON, ADMIT THE TRUTH!

Sacramento County has cut its isolated population roughly in half, to about 60 inmates, said Lt. Alex McCamy: “It’s a limited time frame and a limited group, but the initial impression is positive.”

Rick Raemisch, who restricted the use of solitary confinement when he headed Colorado’s prison system, said the violent, tense, dirty conditions in Santa Clara County’s jail improved markedly with the new policy.

“Think of yourself being in a cell the size of a parking space for 23 hours a day,” said Raemisch, who consulted with county officials. “At a minimum you’re going to get angry, and when you get angry you’re going to fight back.”

No, at a minimum I’d be desperate to get out of there and stretch my legs. Solitary is generally used as a punishment because people are social animals. This is a lie, that solitary confinement CREATES problems and most inmates just need a little positive encouragement to be helpful members of their artificial society.

If Breitbart doesn’t say it soon then I’ll grab some articles to prove this.

Inmates nationwide are most often segregated for nonviolent “nuisance infractions” like smoking, cursing, disobeying orders or having unauthorized items from the commissary, said the Vera Institute’s Sara Sullivan.

Disobedience is inherently violent. I doubt VERY much that smoking and cursing in a prison are punishable offenses.

Santa Clara County once locked a woman in solitary confinement for 2 1/2 years for talking back to correctional officers or yelling and banging on her cell door with other detainees, according to Specter’s lawsuit.

“She’s openly defying us and disturbing the entire cellblock with her insane shrieking and attempts to damage property.”

“Go in there and give her a hug and a snack! But no rough stuff, there’s been no violence yet!”

Seriously, open defiance to authority is NOT ACCEPTABLE. That way lies anarchy. Anybody who doesn’t understand this, is not emotionally healthy. “Spare the rod and the inmate will get the wrong idea.”

“There’s been a decades-long effort to reform solitary, especially in prisons. But what we haven’t seen is a paired reform effort for jails,” said Amy Fettig, director of the American Civil Liberty Union’s Stop Solitary campaign. “In Santa Clara what we’re seeing is an attempt to reform the whole process.”

Another witch. Or, maybe a commissar. Male privilege does nasty things to women!

Santa Clara County Sheriff Laurie Smith said she and many deputies were initially skeptical. “It has surprised me, and I think it’s very, very good for our inmates,” she said. “I think what we’re doing is correct, and I think it’s working.”

Less witch and more alcoholic, I’d guess.

Smith said she remains concerned that assaults on staff are up. She said the increase is logical, however, since inmates locked in their cells virtually around the clock have little opportunity to assault anyone.

THANK YOU! Ohmigawd, thank you finally! It’s like I can breathe again. At the end of the article it turns out that, yes, Evil White Men DID create solitary confinement for a purpose other than inciting prison riots!

What a stupid, bullshit lie. “If you punish convicted felons less then they’ll be nice and behave.” Yeah, no, that’s how the LAW-ABIDING behave.

Quiz time! Why are jails persisting in not punishing inmate conduct?

In order to be _______ to them. Not meaning the guards. Not meaning the abused inmates. Nooo, we must be kinder to the rebellious!

Fuck that noise. Bring back the whipping post and strap those devils in!

Sgt. Todd Kendrick, president of the county’s correctional officers association, attributed the increase to other less restrictive jail policies as well as the easing of solitary confinement. He and Smith both called for increased staffing.

You don’t need more guards. You need the guards you do have to stop begging the criminals to behave and start putting down the hurt when they don’t. A billion guards won’t help if none of them are allowed to use a stick.

WHY ARE PRISON OFFICIALS LISTENING TO THESE WITCHES AND MARXISTS?!? One, it defies all common sense, and two, after making the adjustments they demand you won’t ever enjoy your job again.

You wouldn’t even raise a child like this. Beg the kid to behave no matter how badly he behaves, until finally he goes violent and… and what then? Do you blame the neighbor or shoot him dead?

Baby Mommas aren’t just running the ghetto anymore.

Smith said the county fell into a pattern of protectively isolating inmates to separate purported gang members and those charged with murder and to safeguard jailhouse informants or sex offenders for fear they would be harmed. Officials sought to improve after several major incidents, including deaths in custody.

Oh, what a horrible pattern of injustice. I bet those “deaths in custody” didn’t happen in solitary; even Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself. And yes, now is a good time to discuss protective custody, which the Witches of Berkeley also want to do away with.

One inmate refused for 1½ years to leave solitary because he had testified against other gang members, recalled Capt. Thomas Duran, who coordinates the program.

But he saw other longtime inmates leaving segregation and eventually agreed to try it. Rather than put him immediately in with other inmates, deputies paired him with a single inmate — then two other inmates, then four and so on.

He spent more and more time out of his solitary cell until he was fully back into the general jail population.

“We’re trying to set the inmates up not to fail,” Duran said.

Yeah. You’re setting them up to get killed. Did that informant come out because he thought the threat was gone, or because he was pushed out by Nanny deputies who thought he needed a playdate with his old friends?