Director Riggio Explains How Trump Is A Bad Leader

The psychiatric field has been quiet since being Converged into believing patriarchy is a mental disorder. Time to check on them! Ronald Riggio isn’t just a licensed shrink writing for Psychology Today; he’s also Director of the Kravis Leadership Institute at Claremont McKenna College in California, a high-status private college, and associate editor of Leadership Quarterly, so when he called Trump a bad leader I took notice. And made popcorn.

Ronald Riggio: Leadership Development - YouTube

The standout feature is that vertical line between his eyebrows, the determination line. Interestingly, the top “intellectual” third of his face is the smallest; the “ambitious” middle and “pragmatic” bottom are matched for size. Hooded and baggy eyes indicate a long history of pain and defensiveness. Flared nostrils can indicate a tendency to hoard wealth. Mouth is small with this lips, so he’s lacking in passion; the quiet type. His red nose suggests he spends leisure time outdoors. Some pessimism in the mouth corners. Flat eyebrows thicker on the inside for a “visionary” approach to work rather than “managerial”.

My read is personal issues prompted his choice of the psychology field. He then went into the “show business” side of the work (low intellectual interest, high routine/ambition interest, not a passive personality) rather than the clinical side (doesn’t talk or smile much). His life story confirms this, although I would not have predicted his focus on the topic of leadership. Natural leaders tend to have strong cheekbones. But not always:

Donald Trump doesn't know the difference between climate ...

Riggio doesn’t have a triangular face shape so I wouldn’t have predicted him to have Trump Derangement Syndrome, either. Perhaps his unknown internal problem incited that? Peer pressure?

9 Terrible Leadership Lessons From Donald Trump

By Ronald Riggio, PhD, 18 October 2019

As a psychologist, and a parent, I am always concerned about the lessons that young people learn from observing our nation’s and world’s leaders. Leaders who are ethical, honest, inspirational, and accomplish great things are positive role models. Leaders who are self-serving, dishonest, lack empathy and blame others for failure send a negative message to young people.

I’m neither a psychologist nor a parent, yet I still value competent leadership. Thus, I will helpfully correct his upcoming mistakes for posterity.

What about leaders that fit both categories? You can be ethical and honest for purely selfish reasons… because there is a God in Heaven who rewards that kind behavior. Similarly, cruel tyrants sometimes have impressive accomplishments. Those Pharaohs built some damn fine pyramids. actually been thinking about the lessons that Donald Trump teaches young people for some time. Although I was vaguely aware of “the Donald” from news about his real estate dealings and seeing him on TV and in movie cameos, he first got my serious attention with his television show, The Apprentice. Students in my class seemed to be taken with the show and his catchphrase, .You’re fired!.

Little-known fact, Trump tried to copyright that phrase and failed.

Having never seen the show, I decided to watch it. As an organizational psychologist, I was worried about the message it was sending, and that led me to the first of the 9 terrible lessons that Donald Trump has taught young people.

*checks* Yes, this is a recent article. Why is Riggio wasting our time with old news? Nobody watched that reality show for leadership principles.

1. Competition and Elimination of Opponents Leads to Business Success. The reason I was concerned about my students watching The Apprentice was that it emphasized competition over collaboration, which ended in the elimination of team members. Although I understand that this was a competitive game show, I was concerned that it promoted lots of bad behaviors . finger-pointing, scapegoating, backstabbing . and ended with team members being fired for relatively minor problems/issues.

Um, yeah. I was ready to snark this but he’s right even though he doesn’t want to be. How can an organizational psychologist and expert in leadership think competition is a bad thing? That’s like a mathematician who can’t make change.

As Donald Trump became Presidential Candidate Trump, I learned more about him and started to find out about other bad lessons that he was imparting to our youth by virtue of his celebrity status and the amount of media attention he was getting.

2. Throw Money at Problems to Make Them Go Away. Presidential Candidate Trump allegedly paid off a woman with whom he had an extramarital affair so that it would not tarnish his image during the election campaign. This suggests that, rather than facing the consequences, wealthy individuals can get away with bad behavior and less fortunate people cannot.

Allegedly? This is a nothingburger. Ronnie, the incompetent socialists you vote for are the people who throw money at problems to make them go away. Titans of the construction industry, not so much.

Real 2. People think positively of you when they see you with big-chested escorts.

When I run for office, my “running mates” will be Sugar Trixie and Danielle Outlaw. Prostitution will be a legit business expense! California!

Oh wait, Danielle Outlaw is the police chief of Portland. I shit you not. Nice rack, though. She keeps her radio in it.

3. Loyalty Is Overrated. If a subordinate disagrees with Trump, he/she is often fired. When investigations are underway, Trump’s associates and underlings take the criticism and blame. A good leader takes responsibility for the actions of team members (think of Harry Truman’s slogan “the buck stops here.).

Trump is the executive officer. His subordinates exist only to assist him. Career bureaucrats acting independently of official leadership is the very definition of a Deep State.

Real 3. There’s no “I” in team. There is only “meat”.

4. Creating Enemies Can Solidify Your Support. A well-known psychological finding is that having a common “enemy” or “threat” can increase in-group solidarity. Donald Trump points out to his supporters a long list of enemies (e.g., Muslims, immigrants, political adversaries, etc.). But this .we-they. effect can fuel divisiveness. a critical problem in our country right now that is getting worse, not better.

I would’ve accepted this one except Trump didn’t do anything to create enemies other than win a big election and boink hot-10 whores. By the way, Ronnie, all those enemies of Trump have a list with two names on it: “white male Christians” followed by “everybody else”. We didn’t select them as enemies; they selected us because we were wealthy and altruistic. Two problems that white America is swiftly being cured of.

Real 4. Organizing against enemies is why we have government in the first place.

5. You Can Lie Without Repercussions. This one is quite puzzling . and I’m an expert on deception.

Oh, really? Then you know what projection looks like:

Where other presidents and government officials are condemned when they lie and often face the consequences, President Trump seems to get away with bald-faced lies with little pushback. At this point, there are so many lies that another obvious lie doesn’t get much notice. This sends the message to young people that it is okay to lie if you can get away with it.

Everything he accuses Trump of is what the Clinton/Obama Machine has actually been doing for years, not to mention most politicians from the beginning of history. In fact, many atheists don’t believe the concept of lying even exists. Ref. postmodernism.

He cited no examples of Trump lying. I know that Trump frequently does lie, but usually as a tactic to smoke out his enemies. It works very well because despite all the accusations of Trump being a liar, Leftoids are continually surprised when he actually does lie.

Real 5. Words are weapons.

6. Opinions Are Just as Good as Facts. When making decisions, President Trump often seems to go with his gut rather than relying on data. As a social scientist, one of the prime lessons that I try to teach students is that opinions and observations are biased (by your own experiences/orientation) and that good decision making should be based on objectively collected data. Trump also seems to eschew the recommendations of experts in favor of like-minded friends and relatives, who provide opinions.

Did Trump ever go wrong with his gut? Has he made obviously bad decisions by trusting his instincts over his advisers? *crickets*

Riggio can’t be a competent researcher with that attitude. There’s no such thing as objectively collected data. Wasn’t he required to design a double-blind study at some point in his academic youth? When I was in college doing my general ed, the grad students practiced research methods on us Psych 101 students. A good learning experience for everybody.

Conversely, opinions don’t come out of nowhere. Trump’s instincts and personal judgment have built him a real estate empire. That sort of thing is so valuable that it’s why we elect our executive officer instead of promoting the oldest bureaucrat in the Redundant Ministry of Redundancy.

Lastly, my blog is chock full of times I outperformed nationally recognized experts… typically by looking to God or remembering “that didn’t work last time”.

You academic cogs are all the same, Riggio. You think that because many smart people have told you what to believe, your beliefs correspond to reality more closely than the people who experience reality for themselves. Like yesterday’s three Nobel Prize-winning economists, none of whom had ever run even a lemonade stand.

Real 6. Don’t trust the Ivory Tower.

7. The Best Defense Is a Strong (Legal) Offense. In many ways, Donald Trump acts like a bully . belittling opponents or those who disagree with him, turning his supporters against his enemies, threatening people who criticize him with lawsuits. The fact that he so often gets away with this behavior sends a terrible message to our young people.

Riggio, are you accusing Trump of doing evil… or of his being able to get away with it while you are not? Seeing as you self-identify as an expert on deception.

Trump doesn’t even have time to file lawsuits; meanwhile, treasonous judges trip over each other to thwart his every attempt at reducing illegal immigration WHICH IS HIS JOB while his on-paper allies stand with the Democrats until Trump stops rocking their boat, the SS Sinecure.

Real 7. Crush you enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentations of women like Ronald Riggio.

Image tagged in dont punch - Imgflip

8. Others Are a Means to an End. Donald Trump has burned through more cabinet members and advisors than his predecessors and has a tendency to hire and then discard and disparage people. Good leaders value team members, support them and work to develop them and their capacity as team members and future leaders.

Riggio is showing his reality-bubble limitations here. “Member of Trump’s Cabinet” is not a lifetime appointment that needs to offer growth opportunities. At the high levels, you’re supposed to already be expert, and when your specific skillset is no longer needed… to say nothing of attempts to backstab the boss… it’s perfectly normal to be scooted out the door at the executive officer’s convenience.

Trump isn’t running a kindergarten for precious snowflakes and thank God, he doesn’t act like it either.

Real 8. Mission focus is essential to good leadership.

9. If You Are Famous/Powerful/Rich, You Can Get Away with Anything. I am almost quoting Donald Trump here. Philosopher and leadership scholar Terry Price talks about how power is associated with .exception-making. . believing, because of your status/power, that the rules that apply to everyone else don’t apply to you. This is the main reason why leaders willfully engage in unethical, and sometimes illegal, behaviors . believing that they are the exception.

Very true in the mortal life, and it is what Trump lives… his spiritual adviser was the Bride of Cain, last I checked… but there is a God in Heaven who has appointed Judgment Day so that nobody will get away with anything.

Real 9. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.

What, no #10?

Riggio has obviously never been a leader, despite holding the title of Director, and his apparent allergies to competition and expectations of performance explain much about his choice of career.

Real 10. Don’t expect Bubble Boy to run with the wolves.

So, if these are 9 bad lessons from a powerful leader, what defines a good leader?

Good leaders:

1. Unify and Don’t Divide.

Good leaders do not create divisions in their constituents.

Trump didn’t create division. He wanted to preserve the existing division between USA and the rest of the world. By definition, unity is a globalist priority, not a nationalist priority.

2. Achieve Results, But Limit Collateral Damage.

A good leader is effective, but not at the cost of hurting the well-being of followers, or harming the environment, or turning friends into foes.

Translation, a good leader’s first priority is upholding the Narrative.

3. Share the Leadership With Followers.

They work with followers, consulting with them, caring for them, and developing their shared leadership capacity.

Frustrated Boromir Meme - Imgflip

4. Leave the Team, Organization, or Nation Better Off Than They Found It.

Oh, like whores!

That ends the article but let’s go back to #3 with Boromir’s facepalm. That’s care-based morality. Practical leadership, what Riggio has been refuting all through this article, is a hierarchy. Leaders lead, followers follow. The leader provides the resources but he’s not their mother. He’s got a job to do in the face of problems and/or opposition and anybody not useful for that job is off the team. That’s masculine.

Riggio’s conception of leadership is feminine. Why the team exists is less important than everybody playing nice with each other, helping each other’s career, taking turns planning the bake sale, cooperating and sharing. Neither winners nor losers. Unity uber alles.

We see how women can contribute to the family and other organizations. They keep it running smoothly, make it a pleasant place, alleviate the burdens. But they don’t LEAD. They don’t call the shots and don’t honestly want to. The mantle of authority is too heavy for them even though they lust for it. The work is too hard and injurious.

There are no leaders except male leaders willing… and permitted… to kick ass when asses need kicking. I bet that’s why Riggio has that strong determination line on his forehead. He wants to be a leader but for whatever reason, failed or wouldn’t try. Or was filled with too many lies, too soon.

So he ended up a kitchen bitch, a man acting like a woman, a male feminist, repeating Adam’s sin of accepting female leadership. That way lies ruin for him and everybody.


Extinct THIS!

It’s been a long time since I’ve wanted to ride the bus, but damn if this didn’t get me grinning and pumped for battle. Context: a British subway train got delayed by an Extinction Rebellion protest. It took awhile but a couple commuters finally noticed that the perps were unarmed and scrawny.

I love how the first Real Englishman didn’t even slow down when he got kicked.


A Nobel Anti-Poverty Effort

This will bow the O-ring out of any remaining respect you might have for the Nobel Prize. O-Ring referring to the winner’s economic model, of course, and totally not to sodomy. So we are assured.

Esther Duflo: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Esther Duflo is the youngest person to ever receive the Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences and only the second woman. Duflo is a native of France and has been teaching economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology since 1999.

Duflo was awarded the Nobel Prize on October 14, 2019, along with her husband, fellow MIT professor Abhijit Banerjee. Michael Kremer from Harvard University also shared the award.

That’s nice. Why should we care?

esther duflo

Whoa, that’s an amazing pedoface on… Ab.. Abhijit… Banarjoy Banerjee. A French chick and a pedo-dot-Indian? Are there no American economists worthy of teaching young Americans anymore?

Duflo, of course, set off the usual alarms for female privilege.

The three researchers are known for their anti-poverty research. They have conducted experiments in African nations and in India to determine how various factors, such as health care and education, could be improved to combat poverty. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences noted during the award ceremony that Duflo and the other two economists “have played key roles in transforming research on global poverty alleviation..

Here.s what you need to know.

What you need to know is that poverty has two causes: stupidity and government. Stupid people don’t clean their homes, live frugal and stay sober. Government either robs you of your property or prevents you from working.

See, poverty isn’t scarcity. A bad crop season or played-out mine is scarcity. But poverty is a lack of money, the medium of exchange. They’re related but not synonymous, which is why half the world survives on wages that would kill a Westerner. Also why, as in Venezuela, people can be destitute while squatting on an ocean of oil.

I just outperformed three nations’ worth of top experts on poverty, who think the cause is not enough government intervention. So has every counter monkey at McDonalds whose till balanced at the end of the day, because all three co-winners are lifetime residents of the academic Ivory Tower.

Esther Duflo was asked about how it felt to be the second woman to win the Nobel Prize for Economics during a phone call with the Academy shortly after she was announced as a winner. She said she felt “humbled” upon being selected for the reward and hopes to represent “all of the women in economics..

Duflo said she hopes that her win can inspire other women to continue their research. She added that she hopes professionals in the economics profession will treat women with more respect.

.We are a time when we are starting to realize in the profession that the way we conduct each other privately and publicly, is not conducive all the time to a very good environment for women. Showing that it is possible for a woman to succeed, and to be recognized for success, I hope is going to inspire many, many other women to continue working, and many other men to give them the respect they deserve, like every single human being..

Was she given the award specifically because she was not male, or was she given the award for achievements that have nothing to do with her gender and that she didn’t want to talk about?

Before getting Duflo on the phone, the representatives from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences discussed Duflo and her team’s research. The committee noted that more than 700 million people live in extreme poverty around the world and that a large portion of children in poverty leaves school without basic skills.

Michael Kremer found in his research that simply providing additional tools such as textbooks did not improve results. Duflo and Banerjee then conducted field experiments that found that matching the teaching to the children’s learning levels led to improved results; to explain, children should be taught .based on learning levels rather than age or grade.. This research, called “Teaching at the Right Level,. is now used in India to benefit more than 60 million students.

That’s an obvious, old educational principle. It’s also not economics. To answer my previous question, Duflo didn’t have any accomplishments to brag about, so she felt “humbled” to represent “all women” instead.

Esther Duflo and her husband, Abhijit Banerjee…

No sharing last names? Top billing to wifey?

…have collaborated multiple times in the course of their research. In 2011, they published “Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty.. The book has been translated into 17 languages and won the Financial Times and Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year Award.

Duflo and Banerjee used the book to explain the results of their “hundreds of randomized control trials” analyzing why impoverished people make certain decisions and how those choices impacted the trajectory of their lives. A summary included on Duflo’s bio page on MIT explains:

.Through their work, Banerjee and Duflo look at some of the most surprising facets of poverty: why the poor need to borrow in order to save, why they miss out on free life-saving immunizations but pay for drugs that they do not need, why they start many businesses but do not grow any of them, and many other puzzling facts about living with less than 99 cents per day. POOR ECONOMICS argues that so much of anti-poverty policy has failed over the years because of an inadequate understanding of poverty..

Why the poor need to borrow in order to save” because government permits usury against them. Also, stupid.

Why they miss out on free life-saving immunizations but pay for drugs that they do not need” could be either stupidity or government wondering why normies don’t trust Socialist medicine.

Why they start many businesses but do not grow any of them“, government again. Those free, life-saving immunizations aren’t actually free, y’know.

POOR ECONOMICS argues that so much of anti-poverty policy has failed over the years because of an inadequate understanding of poverty.” The solution to government micromanagement is not government indoctrination. These chuckleheads won the Nobel Prize for discovering that the solution to poverty is reeducation camps for underperforming fools!

Smelling many rats in this, I dove deeper.

While [Duflo] believed [gender imbalances in Nobel Prize winners] was starting to change with a younger cohort of economists, it was “not happening fast enough,. and the field needed to make more progress in showing younger people that it was relevant to the problems they cared about.

The economist also said her profession lacked ethnic diversity.

Then quit your job, Duflo you Western European. Pajeet will happily import his cousin to replace you with.

The French-American Nobel laureate received the MacArthur “genius” Fellowship in 2009 and was named as one of the “forty under forty” most influential business leaders by Fortune magazine in 2010.

MacArthur Foundation is notoriously globalist. She certainly hasn’t missed any Narrative talking points in her acceptance rant.

Abhijit Vinayak Banerjee (born 21 February 1961) is an Indian-born American economist, who is the Ford Foundation International Professor of Economics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Ford Foundation is another major Swamp funder. Magic dirt didn’t change Abhijit into Arthur.

He received his school education in South Point High School, a renowned educational institution in Kolkata. After his schooling, he took admission in the University of Calcutta in Presidency College, Kolkata where he completed his B.Sc.(H) degree in economics in 1981. Later, he completed his M.A. in economics at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi in 1983. During his JNU days, he was arrested and jailed in Tihar Jail during a protest after students ‘gheraoed’ the then Vice Chancellor PN Srivastava of JNU . He was released on bail and charges were dropped against the students. Later, he went on to obtain a Ph.D. in Economics at Harvard University in 1988.

“Gheraoed” is a form of picketing that Americans would call unlawful confinement. Bit of a rabble-rouser, was he? *follows Wiki links* Banerjee was incarcerated on charges equivalent to sedition but was released on bail after ten days. Charges were dropped after a year. He claims he was protesting Leftists but seeing as he’s a hardline Leftist now, that dog doesn’t hunt. *GQ digs deeper*

Guess who else was arrested at that 1983 incident? India’s Defense Minister and current Minister of Finance & Corporate Affairs, Nirmala Sitharaman.

Sitharaman had studied economics at JNU in the 80s, and gheraoed then vice-chancellor P.N. Shrivastava in 1983 as an activist of the Free Thinkers to protest disciplinary action against a student. The university had been temporarily closed because of the agitation.

That school closure for riot wasn’t mentioned in any bio of our Nobel Prize winner. The Free Thinkers, as far as I can determine, was/is a loosely organized yet vocal atheist organization. Although Nirmala went on to become a politician for the Hindu nationalists.

It is likely that Banerjee’s award-winning research on poverty in India is closely connected to his fellow detainee from university, India’s Minister of Finance.

Sigh, I thought I was going to plumb MIT’s Deep State with this post. Now I’m doing India’s instead.

Let’s move on to the third guy, the actual economics researcher, Michael Kremer.

Michael Kremer | Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University

Kremer, the Gates Professor of Developing Societies in the Department of Economics, shared the honor with Abhijit Banerjee, Ph.D. .88, and Esther Duflo of MIT. The award recognizes their work on reducing poverty by breaking down larger problems, such as deficiencies in education and child health, into component pieces, then designing targeted field experiments to determine the most effective solutions.

Breaking big problems into small problems? Is this a joke?

Kremer received both his 1985 undergraduate degree in social studies and 1992 Ph.D. in economics from Harvard. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a recipient of a MacArthur Fellowship and a Presidential Faculty Fellowship. In 2010, he was named the Scientific Director of Development Innovation Ventures for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and in 2013-2014, a fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study.

A career student, he has no idea how the real world works. That’s beneficial for the globalist designing a new economy for the world’s poor to “enjoy”. MacArthur Fellowship association confirms him for a globalist.

Duflo is also MacArthur Fellowship. Probably how they met.

.It can often seem like the problems of global poverty are intractable, but over the course of my lifetime and career, the fraction of the world’s people living in poverty has dropped dramatically,. said Kremer. .Over the years, we have learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t work, and why. Governments and nonprofit organizations have become much more effective in addressing [poverty], and there is much wider recognition of how researchers and policymakers can work together in the fight against poverty..

As I mentioned at this post’s beginning, government is often the source of poverty, so we need a closer look at Kremer’s research. And what I found was remarkable.

O-ring theory of economic development

The O-ring theory of economic development is a model of economic development put forward by Michael Kremer in 1993, which proposes that tasks of production must be executed proficiently together in order for any of them to be of high value. The key feature of this model is positive assortative matching, whereby people with similar skill levels work together.

The name comes from the 1986 Challenger shuttle disaster, a catastrophe caused by the failure of a single O-ring.

Plausible but it’s also a sodomy reference, even back in 1993. Considering the source, a professional student funded by globalists and a policy designer for the world government, we can rule out the innocent explanation.

This is exactly the sort of confession that wicked men are compelled to make. They need to show the world how evil they are, in a way that the world won’t believe or will convince itself isn’t what it looks like.

Kremer thinks that the O-ring development theory explains why rich countries produce more complicated products, have larger firms and much higher worker productivity than poor countries.

Rich countries have people that are well-behaved under a government that doesn’t rob them blind. It’s that simple.

I won’t cover the actual model. It’s a lot of math that this trained mathematician can’t understand, probably because he isn’t supposed to understand it. My default position with any new economic model is that it exists only to make a simple situation difficult to prosecute, er, explain.

I’ll try to prove that by reviewing the summary.

There are several implications one can derive from this model:

1. Workers performing the same task earn higher wages in a high-skill firm than in a low-skill firm.

That sounds fishy. When I get paid a lot to do something routine, it’s usually incidental to what I’m actually paid to do. Hiring a day worker to keep my timesheet would be much more expensive than me doing it myself.

2. Wages will be more than proportionately higher in developed countries than would be assumed by measurements of skill levels;

Had he said “disposable income” then I’d be inclined to agree. The suck part of being poor is that most of your time gets spent treading water. As it stands, he sounds like he’s trying to justify the command-economy wet dream of dictating lawful wages from Moscow.

3. Workers will consider human capital investments in light of similar investments by those around them;

He’s making up new terms. Never a good sign in economics.

4. This model magnifies the effect of local bottlenecks which also reduce the expected returns to skill;

He keeps going back and forth between “skills” and “wages”. This really does sound like a command economy pig wearing a new, capitalist tutu. Skill X returning Z wages/returns on investment? That’s a uselessly massive oversimplification of workforce education. Any PhD who had to work a McJob as a graduate student should know this.

5. O-ring effects across firms can create national low-production traps.

If he means a local market failure, well, that’s the bane of command economies. It’s hard to see disaster coming when your only source of info is complaints from distant proletariats.

Capitalist economies correct themselves; socialist economies screw themselves.

You want to know how to prevent “O-Ring blowouts”, Kremer? Let the normal people rule themselves. A poor man, even a stupid man, is better off ignored by the government than micromanaged by the government.

But nothing I might say will convince this Ivy League Elite, who spent his entire life in a university bubble because he didn’t want to live an independent life, that leaving people free to fend for themselves is a successful economic model… one that doesn’t require a PhD making veiled jokes about anal sex to comprehend.

His more recent work is in vaccinations, which is curious behavior for an economist.

The World’s First Hookworm Vaccine

The Sabin Vaccine Institute’s Product Development Partnership is developing the world’s first hookworm vaccine for human use. The Sabin Institute was established in 2000 with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and is the only Product Development Partnership in the world working to develop a vaccine for human hookworm infections.

The institute is receiving support from the European Commission FP7 program and uniting professionals from around the world to build research. This global consortium has been coined HOOKVAC and includes members from the Netherlands, the United States, Belgium, England, Germany and Gabon. This project aims not only to perfect the manufacturing process of the vaccine, but also to increase and share research on NTDs [Neglected Tropical Diseases].

That doesn’t sound ominous. I didn’t even know a vaccine could kill an invasive organism.

Children and pregnant women are by far the most drastically affected by this disease. Children with long-standing blood loss from hookworm often experience sufficient mental and motor development delays. They can actually lose IQ points as well. These detrimental effects undoubtedly follow them into adulthood, making productivity more difficult.

We don’t need no stinkin’ men! There’s the first red flag that all is not well in Charity Town. “Sick children become unproductive adults” is perhaps more revealing of their motivations than this author intended.

The first clinical testing of the vaccine will take place in Sub-Saharan Africa once it is ready. Gabon’s Lamberene Research Centre will lead clinical testing in adults and children in Gabon, a region plagued with hookworm.

Punking Gawddamned Africa! You know what the Africans want? White Man to leave them alone! Let’s quarantine the continent and pretend it doesn’t exist for a thousand years. We’ve already dumped resources into Africa for centuries with nothing to show for it.

Do these people want to save millions of lives? Legalize DDT! Kill the mosquitoes and other parasites, don’t immunize the people so they can coexist.

The vaccine is being called the .anti-poverty. vaccine due to its vast potential to lower child mortality rates, save mothers in labor and improve health conditions for agricultural workers, who are the backbone of many poorer economies.

Children, women and… “agricultural workers” instead of men. These people aren’t trying to make Africa a better place, they’re trying to inoculate their would-be livestock against local pests.

That’s why a high-level economist is involved, to determine potential returns on investment.

Watch me outperform a Nobel Prize winner again: Give it up, Mike. Africa always wins and need I bring up the last time whites tried to make Negroes into a slave class? Bad idea, then and now.

Africa is a poor place because the people there are stupid and the governments are thieves. That doesn’t mean resources are scarce. Half the world lives on two cents a day, yet they live and occasionally thrive… because poverty is not necessarily a lack of life’s necessities.


Indigenous Ingrates

I celebrated Columbus Day by traveling for an extended weekend holiday. Got back to discover the anklebiting I knew was waiting for me. An Amerind professor at UNC-Chapel Hill is offered for my fisking.

Here’s the TL;DR on America’s indigenous peoples: they are ungrateful losers. They got a gold-plated opportunity to be part of the greatest nation ever in human history and instead of trading tepees for indoor plumbing, whined that their literally Stone Age non-civilization is no more. We gave them horses; no thanks. Metal goods; no thanks. Free, dual citizenship; no thanks. Christianity; ooh, they’re still hissy about that one. And when all that wasn’t enough, we gave them Indian casinos. Zero thanks.

Now, they want Christopher Columbus’ metaphorical scalp.

Why more places are abandoning Columbus Day in favor of Indigenous Peoples Day

By Malinda Maynor Lowery, Professor of History and Director, Center for the Study of the American South, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

No surprise that the university leading the charge (heh) to tear down Southern memorials believes that book-burning the 1860s is not enough. Although the real credit for starting this cultural arson probably belongs to my California. I’ll guess Berkeley just because reputation.

Increasingly, Columbus Day is giving people pause.

More and more towns and cities across the country are electing to celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day as an alternative to . or in addition to . the day intended to honor Columbus. voyages.

Critics of the change see it as just another example of political correctness run amok . another flash point of the culture wars.

As a scholar of Native American history . and a member of the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina . I know the story is more complex than that.

The growing recognition and celebration of Indigenous Peoples Day actually represents the fruits of a concerted, decades-long effort to recognize the role of indigenous people in the nation’s history.

Which is it, Malinda (correct name: Melinda)? Do you want to celebrate your people or do you want to remove Columbus from prominence? These don’t have to be exclusive goals. Had you declared Tuesday to be “Indigenous People Day” while keeping Monday “Columbus Day” then I wouldn’t care enough to fisk your article.

There’s room for both of us to have a day in the sun… unless you’re obsessed with identity politics and religiously committed to zero-sum methodologies, in which case you can’t boost “your people” without slandering and silencing “my people”.

That being the case, I opened up with my “ungrateful loser” broadside. Your rules are stupid, Malinda, but you run society and I don’t. These are the rules you wrote; feel free to have second thoughts.

Why Columbus?

Columbus Day is a relatively new federal holiday.

If we should get rid of Columbus Day because it’s relatively new then say goodbye to Indignant Parasites Day.

In 1892, a joint congressional resolution prompted President Benjamin Harrison to mark the “discovery of America by Columbus,. in part because of “the devout faith of the discoverer and for the divine care and guidance which has directed our history and so abundantly blessed our people..

You may have already noted that 1892 is the 400th anniversary of Columbus’ first voyage. That might be another part of the motivation for this pronouncement.

I give Malinda credit for providing many links in this article. Let’s follow this one down memory lane, to when our leaders were trustworthy servants of men and God.

Proclamation on the 400th Anniversary of the Discovery of America by Columbus

Whereas by a joint resolution approved June 29, 1892, it was resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled.

That the President of the United States be authorized and directed to issue a proclamation recommending to the people the observance in all their localities of the four hundredth anniversary of the discovery of America, on the 21st of October, 1892, by public demonstrations and by suitable exercises in their schools and other places of assembly.

Not actually enforced until 1934.

Now, therefore, I, Benjamin Harrison, President of the United States of America, in pursuance of the aforesaid joint resolution, do hereby appoint Friday, October 21, 1892, the four hundredth anniversary of the discovery of America by Columbus, as a general holiday for the people of the United States. On that day let the people, so far as possible, cease from toil and devote themselves to such exercises as may best express honor to the discoverer and their appreciation of the great achievements of the four completed centuries of American life.

Not uniquely of Columbus, then. I hadn’t known that.

Columbus stood in his age as the pioneer of progress and enlightenment. The system of universal education is in our age the most prominent and salutary feature of the spirit of enlightenment, and it is peculiarly appropriate that the schools be made by the people the center of the day’s demonstration. Let the national flag float over every schoolhouse in the country and the exercises be such as shall impress upon our youth the patriotic duties of American citizenship.

Universal education… you’re losing me, President Harrison. WAS there ever a time when politicians were trustworthy servants of men and God?

In the churches and in the other places of assembly of the people let there be expressions of gratitude to Divine Providence for the devout faith of the discoverer and for the divine care and guidance which has directed our history and so abundantly blessed our people.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States to be affixed.

Done at the city of Washington, this 21st day of July, A.D. 1892, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and seventeenth.

Back to main article.

Europeans invoked God’s will to impose their will on indigenous people. So it seemed logical to call on God when establishing a holiday celebrating that conquest, too.

It was indeed God’s will to impose Christian morality upon you, both to rescue your souls and end your loathsome immoralities. You’re welcome. But if Christ had wanted you conquered and enslaved, your history in USA would have been much, MUCH different.

Of course, not all Americans considered themselves blessed in 1892. That same year, a lynching forced black journalist Ida B. Wells to flee her home town of Memphis.

A feminist agitator and pioneer of false rape accusations, to judge from her wikipedia profile. Even today, I have zero sympathy or patience for outspoken black women complaining about white man’s brutality. They all get treated worse by their boyfriends and love it.

And while Ellis Island had opened in January of that year, welcoming European immigrants, Congress had already banned Chinese immigration a decade prior, subjecting Chinese people living in the U.S. to widespread persecution.

Shut your hypocritical mouth, Malinda the Lumbee Tribe Amerind writing this article to justify replacing Columbus with her own people.

And then there was the government’s philosophy towards the country’s Native Americans, which Army Colonel Richard Henry Pratt so unforgettably articulated in 1892: “All the Indian there is in the race should be dead. Kill the Indian in him, and save the man..

Who? *Checks wikipedia* Oh, wow. Colonel Pratt was a VERY interesting and relevant figure. Postscript at the end! For now, that quote of Pratt’s was NOT a call for genocide. It was a call for forcibly uplifting Amerinds out of their codependent squalor.

It took another 42 years for Columbus Day to formally become a federal holiday, thanks to a 1934 decree by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

He was responding, in part, to a campaign by the Knights of Columbus, a national Catholic charity founded to provide services to Catholic immigrants. Over time, its agenda expanded to include advocacy for Catholic social values and education.

When Italians first arrived in the United States, they were targets of marginalization and discrimination. Officially celebrating Christopher Columbus . an Italian Catholic . became one way to affirm the new racial order that would emerge in the U.S. in the 20th century, one in which the descendants of diverse ethnic European immigrants became “white” Americans.

I sometimes wonder if bringing Catholicism into an openly Protestant nation was an intentional act of destabilization on par with modern immivasion strategies. Glory to Christ, the attempt backfired hard with Joe McCarthy. Prots and Cats might not agree on the best way to run a government but we’re both enemies of the devil.

Indigenous people power

But some Americans started to question why Indigenous people . who.d been in the country all along . didn’t have their own holiday.

They had done nothing to celebrate. No great voyages, no achievements, no insights. We whites are willing to celebrate South American peoples such as the ancient Mayans with their remarkable stonework and mathematics/astronomy. But the Pueblos who painted with mud on the walls of their cave-homes? Not so much.

You want white man’s respect? Then DO SOMETHING.

In the 1980s, Colorado’s American Indian Movement chapter began protesting the celebration of Columbus Day. In 1989, activists in South Dakota persuaded the state to replace Columbus Day with Native American Day. Both states have large Native populations that played active roles in the Red Power Movement in the 1960s and 1970s, which sought to make American Indian people more politically visible.

Besides that!

As an aside, check out the official symbol of Red Power: bunny ears!

Or is it the Playboy symbol?

Then, in 1992, at the 500th anniversary of Columbus. first voyage, American Indians in Berkeley, California, organized the first “Indigenous Peoples. Day,. a holiday the city council soon formally adopted. Berkeley has since replaced its commemoration of Columbus with a celebration of indigenous people.

Heh, I wasn’t far wrong with my assumption of Berkeley kicking off this nonsense.

The holiday can also trace its origins to the United Nations. In 1977, indigenous leaders from around the world organized a United Nations conference in Geneva to promote indigenous sovereignty and self-determination. Their first recommendation was “to observe October 12, the day of so-called “discovery” of America, as an International Day of Solidarity with the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas.. It took another 30 years for their work to be formally recognized in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which was adopted in September 2007.

Oh, look at that. The world government weaponized a pack of dissidents into agitating for what the world government just happened to already want. Viva la Prole!

Unexpected allies

Today, cities with significant native populations, like Seattle, Portland and Los Angeles, now celebrate either Native American Day or Indigenous Peoples Day.

That’s a lie. I know from personal history that there are no “significant native populations” in Los Angeles. Malinda is virtue-signaling to her REAL tribe, the International Communists.

And states like Hawaii, Nevada, Minnesota, Alaska and Maine have also formally recognized their Native populations with similar holidays. Many Native governments, like the Cherokee and Osage in Oklahoma, either don’t observe Columbus Day or have replaced it with their own holiday.

Like I said, they’re ingrates. If Europeans had never discovered the New World the Amerinds would be speaking Chinese right now… the ones left after multiple ethnic cleansings. Or perhaps the South Americans would have migrated north to win their hearts and minds.

Just last year, the town of Carrboro, North Carolina…

Near UNC-Chapel Hill, in fact.

…issued a resolution to celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day. The resolution noted the fact that the town of 21,000 had been built on indigenous land and that it was committed to .protect, respect and fulfill the full range of inherent human rights,. including those of indigenous people.

Shrug, okay. Send in the National Guard to imprison all city aldermen and government officials who ever served in the town government for massive violations of human rights.

Of course, that wasn’t what they meant. Here’s a group photo of the Carrboro, NC alder-“men”:

They’re so obsessed with feelings and care-based morality that they didn’t notice they signed a confession to receiving stolen goods.

While Columbus Day affirms the story of a nation created by Europeans for Europeans, Indigenous Peoples Day emphasizes Native histories and Native people . an important addition to the country’s ever-evolving understanding of what it means to be American.

And that’s what this is all about. Fools like Malinda fantasize about a world in which the United States, and the Christian nations that led to its creation, never existed, and dream of the day when our skulls pave the road to victory for the World Government.


Richard Henry Pratt as a lieutenant. Wikipedia gives his history:

At the outbreak of the American Civil War Pratt enlisted in the 9th Indiana Infantry Regiment. After his first three-month term expired he re-enlisted as a sergeant with the 2nd Regiment Indiana Cavalry and saw action at the Battle of Chickamauga. While on a recruiting detail in Indiana during the winter of 1863-1864 Pratt met Anna Mason. They were married on April 12, 1864. Eight days later he was commissioned as a first lieutenant with the 11th Regiment Indiana Cavalry. He served in administrative roles for the remainder of the war and was mustered out of the Volunteer Service on May 29, 1865 at the rank of captain. He became a companion of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States – a military society for officers who had served the Union during the Civil War.

Pratt returned to Logansport, Indiana to be reunited with Anna and ran a hardware store. After two years in the hardware business, he re-entered the Army in March 1867 as Second Lieutenant in the 10th United States Cavalry, an African-American regiment composed of black men, including some who were recently freed from slavery famously known as the “Buffalo Soldiers” at Fort Sill in the Oklahoma Territory.

Pratt’s long and active military career included eight years in the great plains, which involved participation in some of the signal conflicts with Native Americans of the southern plains, including the Washita campaign of 1868.1869 and the Red River War of 1874.1875. The winter of 1874-1875 caused many hostiles to surrender to their Indian Agents and Pratt was responsible for gathering testimony for and against the worst offenders. He worked directly with interpreters and prisoners to clear as many charges as possible.

This is the man Malinda quoted as a hate-spewing racist. That’s not just wrong, it’s 180 degrees from right.

After the Indian wars subsided President Grant’s Attorney General concluded that a state of war could not exist between a nation and its wards therefore the prisoners would be sent as prisoners of war for permanent imprisonment at Fort Marion. Pratt was chosen to lead the prisoners because he had much experience with Indians and interpreters from working on their cases. His orders were extremely vague so after he requested further authority over the prisoners he began to experiment with education. In the 1870s at Fort Marion, Florida, he introduced classes in the English language, art, guard duty, and craftsmanship to several dozen prisoners who had been chosen from among those who had surrendered in the Indian Territory at the end of the Red River War.

On November 1, 1879, he founded the Carlisle Indian Industrial School at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, the first of many nonreservation boarding schools for Native Americans.

His signature achievement.

Pratt’s practice of Americanization of Native Americans by cultural assimilation, which he effected both at Fort Marion and Carlisle, was later regarded by some as a form of cultural genocide. He believed that to claim their rightful place as American citizens, Native Americans needed to renounce their tribal way of life, convert to Christianity, abandon their reservations, and seek education and employment among the “best classes” of Americans. In his writings he described his belief that the government must “kill the Indian…to save the man”.

…Pratt became an outspoken opponent of tribal segregation on reservations. He believed the system as administered and encouraged by the Bureau of Indian Affairs was hindering the education and civilization of Native Americans and creating helpless wards of the state. These views led to conflicts with the Indian Bureau and the government officials who supported the reservation system. In May 1904, Pratt denounced the Indian Bureau and the reservation system as a hindrance to the civilization and assimilation of Native Americans. This controversy, coupled with earlier disputes with the government over civil service reform, led to Pratt’s forced retirement as superintendent of the Carlisle School on June 30, 1904.

Analysis: true. It’s always a mistake to create a new government agency with wide-ranging powers, and task it to preserve the status quo forever.

But Pratt was also disastrously wrong. We didn’t owe the Amerinds anything but the opportunity to be Americans. Like Christianity, that isn’t something that can be forced, excuse me, “educated” upon a person.

The races of men are fundamentally different. Pratt’s own Carlisle School gave the proof of it.

The Carlisle Indian School was a well-spring for the Society of American Indians, the first Indian rights organization created by and for Indians. The Society was a group of about fifty prominent Native American intelligentsia who exchanged views collectively confronting their tribes and gave birth to Pan-Indianism. The organization was influenced by the Carlisle experience and dedicated to self-determination and preserving Native American culture. From 1911 to 1923, the Society was forefront in the fight for Indian citizenship and the passage of the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924.

That Act is what granted automatic dual citizenship for Amerinds. They learned our system then used our system to agitate for gimmiedats.

Carlisle was created with the explicit goal of assimilating Native Americans into mainstream European-American culture. “The goal of acculturation was to be accomplished by “total immersion” in the white man’s world.” Pratt founded Carlisle to immerse Native American children in mainstream culture and teach them English, new skills, and customs. Pratt’s slogan was “to civilize the Indian, get him into civilization. To keep him civilized, let him stay.“[citation needed] Pratt’s approach was harsh but an alternative to the commonly-held goal of extermination of Native Americans. A positive outcome of a Carlisle education was the student’s increased multilingualism.

The boldfaced is the fire in which America burns. We let all these people in and they hang us with our own rope, as predicted by a very evil yet very smart person.

While assimilation was a crucial part of the Carlisle School’s plan, it was also looked at controversially by some Native Americans who felt they were pushed to marry interracially. As Katherine Ellinghaus notes in her book, “There was considerable resistance to the school’s unspoken policy regarding interracial marriage.”

A reasonable complaint. I wouldn’t enjoy that situation, either.

Exterminating the other races is wrong and presuming them to be equals is stupid. It’s a thorny problem that even God pointed out with the metaphor of mixed iron and clay.

All children who attended Carlisle were subjected to “militaristic regimentation and disciplines,” such as cutting of their hair, changing their dress, diets, names, and learning unfamiliar conceptions of space and time. They were also forced to let go of their cultural gender roles, and assimilate to what white men believed they should do in society. Native women traditionally held important political, social and economic power within their communities, as most Native cultures promoted gender equality, and this was disrupted at Carlisle.

News flash, my headdress homies: your gender equality was why you were living in mud huts while we conquered oceans. It’s hard to believe that gender equality was accepted in a society that depended daily on male strength to lift rocks and hunt meat, but the Amerinds handled female inferiority the same way we “Euros” handle it today: by promoting women to the top as quickly as possible:

Some Cherokee women also attained the rank of chief. “They were not, as Euro-Americans imagine, merely chattel, servants to man, wives, and mothers.” It wasn’t uncommon for Native women to be warriors, statesmen, religious leaders, and shamans (the equivalent of doctors). Carlisle instructors forced the women to learn the industrial and domestic skills appropriate to European American gender roles. For many of them, this cultural assault led to confusion, alienation, homesickness and resentment.

They meant “resentment, resentment, resentment and penis envy”. Cultures can vary but Original Sin unites us all.

During the first few weeks at Carlisle, when the Lakota and Dakota greatly outnumbered all other tribes, it was discovered that Cheyennes and Kiowas were learning to speak Lakota and Dakota. After that, English was the only language permitted on the campus. Dormitory rooms held three or four each, and no two students from the same tribe were permitted to room together. The plan helped in the rapid acquisition of English, and although some were hereditary foes, Pratt believed the Indian students to be less inclined to quarrel than most white children. However, there were consequences.

Aww, the entry doesn’t elaborate on those “consequences”. Although we can easily guess at the gaps between “we forced hereditary foes to bunk together” and “they united against us when we gave them the chance”.

It’s funny except these Progressives were honestly surprised at that outcome. To this day, and every day they ever tried, despite every precedent lining up the exact same way like lodestone, they’ve always been surprised to discover that human nature cannot be freely altered by Ivory Tower eggheads and their jackbooted thugs.

Luther Standing Bear was called to the superintendent’s office and asked him if it was a good idea to get some Indian boys from the reservation and put them in school with white boys, expecting that the Indian boys would learn faster by such an association. Luther agreed that it might be a good plan, so a permit was received from Washington. Sixty boys from Pine Ridge were mixed with 60 European-American boys. Teachers had hoped the Indians would learn the English language faster by this arrangement. “But lo and behold, the white boys began learning the Sioux language.” The program was discontinued.

White men lack the “my race right or wrong” gene. That plus enough intelligence to be curious… and self-delusional… can become an existential problem.

Luther Standing Bear got a mixed reception at home on the reservation. Some were proud of his achievements while others did not like that he had “become a white man.”

Even when the State succeeded in reprogramming an individual, that didn’t guarantee a happy life.

Exposure to “white men’s diseases”, especially tuberculosis, was a major health problem on the reservation as well as the East. During the years of operation, hundreds of children died at Carlisle. Most died from infectious diseases common in the early 20th Century that killed many children. More than 180 students were buried in the Carlisle Indian School Cemetery.

Disease is another reason to not race-mix. Only by grace of God has there not yet been a super-plague in this era of aviation.

Beginning in the early 1900s, the Carlisle Indian Industrial School began to diminish in relevance. With growth of more localized private and government reservation schools in the West, children no longer needed to travel to a distant Eastern school in Pennsylvania. … In 1914, a Congressional investigation focused on management at the School and the out-sized role played by athletics.

Some things never change.

On the morning of September 1, 1918, a transfer ceremony took place. The American flag was lowered for the last time at the Carlisle Indian School and presented to Major A.C. Backmeyer, who raised it again over the new U.S. Army Base Hospital Number 31.

Today, instead of enjoying the choice of living in self-sufficient communities or being participants in the United States, the welfare-dependent Amerinds work the system Pratt taught them to use for all it’s worth… hating us for all the good we ever did them.

Particularly their women, who hated being taught to respect and honor men.

Which explains Malinda’s disgust for the Colonel who gave her people the keys to the kingdom.


Hooray! Power Outages!

Great news for liberty: California’s Pacific Gas & Electric Company is voluntarily shutting off power to upwards of a million people. This is the one step that tyrannical government must not take: “you are on your own even though you pay the highest tax rate in the nation”. They are literally forcing huge numbers of people to become independent of their control, forcing hundreds of thousands to accept that Big Brother is a tax-thieving bully.

They are wising up the chumps against the chumps’ own will. The first step of victory! I’ve been waiting a very long time to see civil disobedience begin in Commiefornia.

The cause of this “precautionary” power shutoff is easy to explain. PG&E is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy because of punitive lawsuits over recent major fires such as the one that destroyed Paradise. (Never mind that the access road to Paradise had been intentionally narrowed by Sacramento to discourage driving, which was the main factor in the evacuation’s failure.)

PG&E is turning off the power because if their equipment sparks one more fire then they will be sued into literal oblivion whether or not they’re liable. It’s that simple. Between the gov’t taxing people into poverty and the gov’t refusing to provide infrastructure at their personal convenience, it’s a good day to be a scofflaw prepper.

Of course, SJWs always lie, double down and project. A threefer just in the title:

Editorial: Don’t just blame PG&E for the Northern California blackouts. It’s everyone’s fault

10 October 2018

Millions of Californians lost power Wednesday in the first large-scale exercise of one of the state’s new wildfire-fighting tools: allowing utilities to shut down power lines proactively so they can’t spark fires.

Most of the people affected by the blackouts are in Northern California, where strong Diablo winds have been forecast, raising the threat of wildfires from downed or malfunctioning Pacific Gas & Electric lines. But Southern California Edison warned that some customers in its Southern California services areas, including Los Angeles County, might have their power cut as well. And about 30,000 customers were without power in San Diego County.

The blackouts have been challenging, to be sure, disrupting lives, snarling traffic, making communications more difficult and potentially endangering vulnerable Californians. Public schools and universities in affected areas shut down for the day. Anxieties have been exacerbated by the lack of concrete details about when and where the blackouts will occur, and when the power might return. And things might get worse before they get better.

The experience has many people shaking their fists at PG&E, the utility that Californians love to hate.

That was a tie between Comcast and Verizon, last I checked. But this is Los Angeles. A little-known fact: for many years, the LA City Council has tried to extort money from its Department of Water & Power, an astonishingly well-run utility company. More here:

…but suffice to say, the SJWs writing this article love to hate their home version of PG&E for not cosigning the next $50b of LA City loans. Projection.

The way many people see it, this is a crisis created entirely by a financially and morally bankrupt utility whose penny-pinching on maintenance opened the door to the catastrophic fires that razed neighborhoods and killed dozens of people. And now the utility, it seems, is inflicting misery on millions of Californians just to avoid incurring more fire liability.

Fire liability that the State saddled them with, our noble legislators having fatal allergies to being held responsible. One of the ACTUAL causes of these fires is that California has too many trees–roughly double what it had in 1850. Are more trees and fewer fires ALWAYS a good idea? Well, no. But the eco-Nazis won’t hear a word.

Certainly, the state’s largest utility must be held to account for its negligence and its failure to maintain the far-flung lines that have sparked so many fires.

Because the alternative is holding the micromanaging eco-Nazis to account and we can’t have that. See, LA Mayor Eric Garcetti just got elected (yesterday, in fact) to the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, “a network of the world’s largest cities committed to acting on climate change” per

so his political career would suffer a major setback if he was forced, as Climate Change Chairman, to cut down and burn California’s forests back to historically sustainable levels. Only humans can be cut down and burned!

So, too, can it be faulted for giving customers in the blackout areas insufficient notice and shutting off power well before the big winds blew in.

That’s a lie. Weather is not that easily predicted and it’s the State (and journalists, hint hint, LA Times) that didn’t tell people that their utilities can now be shut off at any time for lawsuit liability avoidance.

We have lies and projection. We only need doubling down to make the SJW trifecta!

But it’s not fair to lay our current predicament entirely at its feet. This bitter meal has been years in the making by many cooks.

It wasn’t PG&E officials who approved housing developments in high-risk areas. In fact, the utility can’t say no to serving those homes, no matter how great the fire risk. The utility also doesn’t make decisions about how the vegetation around their customers. houses and the forests nearby are managed. Nor is it the utility’s fault that human-caused climate change has created conditions that fuel massive wildfires. That’s a disgrace we all own.

Do you know why they live far away, Costal Elites? Because your urban planning thwarted their efforts to live near. You won’t let them live in rural areas and drive up the costs in urban areas. I think you just don’t like people.

Besides, as disruptive as these outages are, they may save lives. Gov. Gavin Newsom acknowledged as much, even as he said Californians “should be outraged” by them.

Saving lives is outrageous!

Of course Californians must not accept blackouts as the new normal every time the winds blow. But until we make the changes in land use and fire safety needed to ensure that utility lines won’t trigger the sort of devastation that leveled the town of Paradise last year, power shutdowns will be our collective cross to bear.

Their word, not mine! We MUST not accept blackouts as the new normal because if we do, then we’ll be motivated to become independent of Commiefornia overlords. The real problem here is not that hundreds of thousands of voters are suffering–their votes don’t count for jack–it’s that hundreds of thousands of slaves might decide to learn independent living methods.

And that is an endgame defeat scenario for parasitic homosexual micro-tyrants.


Baptist ERLC Solicits A New Christian Theology From A Jesuit

At their recent conference, the Southern Baptists’ Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission’s executive committee produced a report on civility, or more specifically, how evangelical Christians can use their faith to make democracy work. It is hard to imagine a more clear usurpation of the Church’s function, which is to glorify God… not to create or support a specific type of society. Chinese, Indians, Italians and Americans can all make Christian societies that retain major cultural differences from each other.

But “Democracy” is so special that supporting it is a major goal of SBC leaders. Let’s dig into the report, archived here for your convenience and because I don’t expect the Cloudfront server I found it at will be accessible long-term. It’s rather long so the excerpts I select for fisking will include page numbers.

Faith and Healthy Democracy

Click to access ERL9025_CivilityReport_092619.pdf

Click to access erl9025_civilityreport_092619.pdf

by Paul D. Miller, lead researcher

Paul D. Miller (@PaulDMiller2) | Twitter

I see warning signs, especially in the eyes. His background is… huh, he’s a professor of international affairs at Georgetown University. The Jesuits have been coming up in the news a lot lately, and not in Christ-friendly contexts.

That’s a huge red flag: a non-Christian studying how Christians should behave… for the benefit of democracy? On behalf of the Southern Baptist leadership?


In June 2017 a gunman opened fire on a group of Republican Congressman, nearly killing one. Just over a year later, several pipe bombs were mailed to prominent Democratic officials, including former President Barack Obama. In recent years Americans have attacked and killed fellow Americans at synagogues in Pittsburgh and Poway, a gay nightclub in Orlando, and a church in Charleston because of political, religious, or ethnic differences. In June 2018, 31 percent of respondents in a Rasmussen poll believed civil war was likely to break out within the next five years.

One of these is not like the others. One of these involves ordinary Americans AND is peaceful AND a polite yet justified complaint of pessimism about the future… AND is what the ERLC has a problem with. It wouldn’t do to condemn all Muslims for one guy shooting up a gay bar, now would it?

Some observers warn that democracy cannot survive a wholesale loss of faith in one another, in public persuasion, and in the rules of democratic politics.

Yes. They are absolutely correct for obvious reasons. ALL group interactions become hostile, if not impossible, in the absence of mutual trust.

That conclusion might be overdrawn.the United States did, in fact, survive the 1790s and 1960s (and, barely, the 1860s).but it is also unnecessary. We do not have to believe that democracy is on its last legs to want it to see better days.

Don’t change the subject and don’t claim an answer to an existential criticism is unnecessary. Are those “some observers” right or wrong, Miller?

Waiting for an apocalyptic crisis is a dereliction of the duties of citizenship, a form of national procrastination that is both cause and evidence of the state of the public square. Christians can and should desire a better public square, and we can and should bear public witness for that goal. Christians are called to love our neighbors; we are called to “seek the peace and prosperity of the city” in which we sojourn (Jeremiah 29:7) [similar verses omitted]

Dumbass. The reason anybody looks forward to a civil war at all is because we have become non-participants in our society. We have no say in the government, in the corporate-dominated marketplace and our SJW-infested church who thinks it’s a Christian problem that our society might not continue its democracy-fueled death spiral.

I think this was JFK: “Those who make peaceful revolt impossible make violent revolt inevitable.”

[p2]This report was supported by the Fetzer Institute to contribute to a healthy democracy in America. The Fetzer Institute is devoted to “helping build the spiritual foundation for a loving world.” It is not a Christian organization, but it shares with the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) a concern for a healthy public square, which we both believe is informed by the unique resources of faith communities.

Why did this ERLC production partner with a non-Christian organization to research a new Christian policy? No God-fearing Christian ever uses the phrase “faith communities”.

The Fetzer Institute is…

Holy Shit.

…a Satanic organization dedicated to the creation of the World Religion. Zero hyperbole in that statement. Let’s segue to their brochure on Theory of Change:

Click to access Fetzer%20Theory%20of%20Change%201.14.19.pdf

The bottom sentences read “aligned narratives grounded in particular paths” and “building blocks of the New Narrative”

By providing a rationally and emotionally compelling personal and global vision, the New Narrative will become a powerful force drawing new members into the global
movement. …


“Faith traditions” meaning currently existing religions.

The global movement’s strategy for engaging the faith traditions must be informed by three realities of our current world. First, each of the traditions provides practices and paths that lead to profound life-affirming personal transformation. Second, each of the traditions also contains extremist, dogmatic, and life-denying paths that contribute to many of the world’s most intractable problems and conflicts. And third, for the foreseeable future, a solid majority of people in the world will be on spiritual paths within one of the traditions. Two key conclusions follow:

. The movement will never reach critical mass to drive significant global transformation without broad participation from within the traditions. Thus, the movement must have an energetic and effective strategy to engage large numbers of people within the traditions.

I’ve never heard Convergence stated so clearly.

. To increase the traditions. positive contribution to life-affirming personal and
societal transformation, the movement must support those within each tradition, and particularly those leaders within each tradition, who are trying to shift the tradition.s
center of gravity away from extremist and life-denying dogma toward the direct,
transformative experience of Spirit.

I hadn’t yet found the words to explain Greear’s Gospel heresy. Any path to God’s power that doesn’t go through Christ is an obvious heresy but the details escaped me… there were threads I wasn’t holding. But using ‘Gospel’ as a synonym for the Fetzer Institute’s global narrative of “Spirit” explains the heresy perfectly. Greear is not just a resource-sucking parasite, he’s twisting the work of God into the New Narrative, the work of Spirit.

The ERLC is devoted to, .engaging the culture with the gospel of Jesus Christ and speaking to issues in the public square for the protection of religious liberty and human flourishing.” The Fetzer Institute sought to learn more about how American evangelical Christians might contribute to healing political and cultural divides in America. Secondly, and relatedly, this initiative also aims to identify gaps in Americans. civic education and civic practice and to suggest ways to fill that gap. We hope to engage Christians on what healthy democratic participation looks like: how do we love our neighbors politically, and how might our faith lead us to advocate for human flourishing in the public square?

Our “faith” is going to get a lot of people killed in the near future. Us Christians first, for rejecting Satan, and then the rest of humanity for rejecting Christ.

The ERLC commissioned a public opinion poll (see Appendix B). A team of researchers conducted several dozen interviews with evangelical thought leaders (see Appendix C) and consulted academic and historical work on evangelicals and American politics (see Appendix D). This team talked and debated amongst one another. And we prayed for wisdom.

Again, one of those things is not like the others.

“Thought leaders” is a phrase straight from the Fetzer Institute literature.

[p7]Civility is not the most important virtue of public life: justice has a good claim to that. As several of our interviewees told us, there is a time and place for incivility when fighting injustice (war is uncivil yet, sometimes, just).

That’s right, you bitch. Sometimes justice is more important than being civil.

But civility is a proxy variable, an indicator of the health or illness of the body politic. .The essence of civility is not spinelessness but self-control,. according to Bruce Ashford, professor, dean, and provost at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, .it is the capacity to show love and grace particularly when we disagree with others and even when we dislike them..

A proxy variable? So, not a virtue at all, just an indicator of mob psychology? Then you should not be trying to affect civility directly at all. That ruins its value as an indicator as surely as wiping your fingerprints off a knife ruins its value as evidence in a criminal trial.

And civility not being a virtue, is not a Christian priority.

I checked on Bruce Ashford. He writes very Tradcon; hates Marxism, which is good, but at best he doesn’t understand what’s going on.

Civility is especially important because we live in a pluralistic democracy: we share government with people with whom we disagree. In normal times, we can and should expect civility from our fellow citizens. The absence of it is a warning, a symptom of some broader and deeper ailment. Civility is the proverbial canary in the coalmine: when it dies, we know there is poison in the air. The point is not the canary, but what its demise tells us. The goal of this report is not to perform CPR on a dead canary, but an autopsy. What killed American public discourse?

Elites locking us normies out of the halls of power killed American discourse. When our opinions, votes and donations ceased to influence the behavior of our institutions and leaders, we got cranky about it and started wishing for an alternative. Seriously, Miller, you wonder why the little people are pissed these days while authoring a paper on how to manipulate our political behavior?

Another worrying feature of today’s public square is evangelicals. felt need to mask or disguise their beliefs in public. Over half of evangelicals report that they do not reveal their political beliefs in environments where those beliefs are unpopular. Over a third said they simply ignore disagreeable political comments in conversation rather than engaging them. David Kinnaman, President of the Barna Group, shared that his own research found that evangelicals are “least likely to say that they could have a natural, normal conversation with someone who is different than they are,. compared to other religious groups. Interestingly, hiding one’s political beliefs was associated with higher levels of incivility in LifeWay’s civility index (see below), suggesting that evangelicals. habit of hiding their beliefs actively harms their public witness and the public square.

…Incidents such as Brendan Eich’s resignation as CEO of Mozilla in 2014 after a public pressure campaign highlighted his views against gay marriage likely shape evangelicals. perception of the dangers of expressing their beliefs.

Blatant indicators of Christian persecution in USA flew straight over the head of this mouthpiece for the freakin’ Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission.

[p13]One reason we so readily immerse ourselves in our media bubbles is to find reassurance amidst a morally confusing world, which points to another major factor in the breakdown of the American public square: the loss of moral consensus in American society. The United States has experienced a profound religious and cultural shift in the past century or so. Earlier in American history, the United States could be seen as a kind of Christendom, broadly understood as a civilization shaped by the norms, symbols, and rhetoric of Christianity. That is not to claim all or most people were Christians, that official Christianity was necessarily correct or heartfelt, or that Christianity superseded secular cultural sources (like the Enlightenment). We simply recognize that Protestantism used to have an undisputed place as the privileged religion in the United States and that it provided much of the framework for moral and political discourse. (This raises the fraught question of whether the United States is or ever could be usefully described as a “Christian nation,. which we address in the closing pages of this report).

A Christian would not write that. There is ONE standard of morality, written by God our Creator. All others are fabrications or approximations.

The Constitution was written by God-fearing men to implement Christ’s teachings upon the limited roles of government and sanction for men to worship Christ (not all religions) free of government interference. This very paper turns that on its head.

Whether or not the American version of Christendom was good, bad, or a hypocritical fa?ade is beside the point.

I can’t believe this paper is written by and for the Southern Baptist leadership.

Some celebrated the ways that a Christianized public culture helped create a presumption against some forms of injustice. Others argued that it just as often functioned to excuse or bless other kinds of injustice (especially slavery and racism).and, besides, confused the gospel with political theory. For our purposes, we note that public Christianity played an important social function: It provided a point of moral consensus. It contributed to the public a common language with shared meanings (alongside secular sources, such as Enlightenment thought).

Good luck creating a pan-religious world government that offers anything like a moral consensus. On second thought, we already know what this looks like. For the atheist, moral consensus is twofold:

  1. Whatever the government says you should do. (Applies to other people.)
  2. Whatever you can get away with. (Applies to you.)

Scholars and statesmen could debate justice because they had a common heritage defining what the word meant, or at least offering a shared history of a debate about its meaning. No longer: today, neither Christianity nor the Enlightenment provides a common frame of moral reference for public discussion. As Michael Wear, a former Obama administration official and Founder of Public Square Strategies, told us, .we don’t even share a common moral language anymore.” We not only disagree on which immigration policy is most just; we cannot agree on what “justice” means, or even if there is such a thing.

Yes, because we have abandoned God. So much for secular Enlightenment principles.

[p18]Human beings are social and political animals. We are made for community. When we lose one kind of community, we invent others to take its place.

Yes, and…

[p19]Polarization in voting behavior and among elected officials is only one part of the tribalization of American politics. More worrying is our tendency to sift ourselves into geographically-distinct, politically- and culturally-homogenous neighborhoods and even states in what amounts to “the Big Sort,. as journalist Bill Bishop dubbed it.16 It is good civic hygiene to know and befriend people of a different race, religion, and income level, but Americans are increasingly choosing to live in neighborhoods and go to schools and churches where we never have to meet them. Such homogenization has political consequences.

…no? Dumbass, that’s normal human behavior BY YOUR OWN OBSERVATION! We want to live among people we have common ground with, in order to have nice things like moral consensus.

Miller outlined the globalist agenda of miscegenating humanity physically, politically and culturally, so that we’ll be at each other’s throats unless Big Brother tells us how we should live. He agrees with the social experimenters who are INTENTIONALLY destabilizing societies across the world… mass migration is a major step in that plan.

In this report, we want to discern how evangelicals can help improve the public square. Before we can do that, we need to take the temperature of American evangelicals, to put our finger on the pulse of our community, especially regarding our political beliefs and behavior. We need to establish a baseline of what our co-religionists feel and believe about politics and religion and what sort of behavior these beliefs foster.

Evangelicals are comfortable with the idea that their faith informs their politics. Between 75 and 85 percent said the Bible informed their political views; that they look for biblical principles to apply in political issues; and that their faith influences how they engage others politically. Over half said that the teachings of their local church or a prominent Christian leader influenced their political views. But these are, again, self-reported figures. Some of our interviewees suggested they saw little evidence that we evangelicals are truly or rightly influenced by our faith in the public square.

Again, I can’t believe what I’m reading in this official Baptist publication. Since when did Bible-Belt Christians, of all people, ever prohibit God’s will from influencing their politics?

The Fetzer Institute believes the purpose of religion is self-actualization and positive vibes. Father God has a rather different opinion.

[p27]In this section, we begin to sketch out the outlines of an approach to politics that we hope can appeal across these divides. What should a Christian public witness look like? How can evangelicals work to improve our public witness, love our neighbors politically, and seek the prosperity of our city? …

First, it is extremely difficult to forge a consensus among evangelicals on specific political issues. It is not terribly difficult to find consensus among white Christians, or among black Christians.but it is extraordinarily difficult to find consensus across racial and ethnic lines.

Miller, do you even read what you write? You have discovered that the most natural way for people to live is among the like-minded and genetically similar. Yes, it will be very hard to impose unnatural behaviors upon people… by definition. But hope for twisting human nature into arbitrary shapes springs eternal!

[P30]Third, the problem is not that we lack a proper political theology, or that we need more academic theological work done. Theologians and Christian scholars have done an extraordinary job of exploring the intersection of Christianity and politics (see Appendix D). But the lived political theology in the pews does not reflect the academic theology taught in our seminaries and published by our presses. There is a disconnect between what scholars and theologians are writing about politics and what is practiced in the pews. Evangelicals are taking their political cue from elsewhere.


Our interviewees regularly returned to the idea that human dignity and human flourishing should be the central organizing concept for Christian politics.

That is blasphemy. More than that, it’s the Fetzer Institute again. The resources of Christianity must be Converged away from worship of God to the self-actualization of humanity.

About 90 percent of the survey respondents agreed that their political views are informed by the idea that every human being has equal and inherent dignity. God made humanity uniquely in his image. He desires our life and our flourishing; and so should we. The biblical idea of love (agape) means working for the good and flourishing of another.

No. Being made in God’s image does not give us dignity. In fact, nowhere in Scripture is dignity a virtue. And don’t get me started on ANY kind of suggestion that God wants us to think highly of ourselves.

God does not even desire our life. He has sworn to kill us: “It is appointed to men once to die and then to face Judgment.”

[p32]Centering our political thought on justice understood as human flourishing helps us guard against the political idolatries of the left and right, for whom equality and liberty are the central organizing principles, respectively.

That’s Phase 1 of the Revolution. I quote Robespierre for Phase 2: “If the basis of popular government in peacetime is virtue, the basis of popular government during a revolution is both virtue and terror; virtue, without which terror is baneful; terror, without which virtue is powerless. Terror is nothing more than speedy, severe and inflexible justice; it is thus an emanation of virtue; it is less a principle in itself, than a consequence of the general principle of democracy, applied to the most pressing needs of the patrie [homeland, fatherland].” Or the democracy, one supposes.

Miller has abandoned Christ for a 200 year-old abomination of Enlightenment humanism. But he’ll succeed where his predecessors failed because THEY didn’t believe enough! Didn’t try hard enough!

Daisy Dukes: Superman: Billion Dollar Limited (1942) | On Falcons:

[p47]The institutions of democracy depend on certain social, cultural, and economic conditions to thrive, like respect for the rule of law, honesty, an ethic of voter participation, and more. Unfortunately, American Christians have often operated under a misguided theory of what those preconditions are. This is where the second issue comes in. There is a long tradition of American Christian thought that argues the preconditions of democracy are either British culture or Protestant Christianity, or both. That viewpoint confuses the origins of liberal democracy (in 18th century Protestant Britain) with its necessary preconditions. Neither Britishness nor Protestantism are necessary for democracy to exist, to which a widespread and robust tradition of non-western democracy attests. And the viewpoint is not only wrong, it is damaging: at its worst, this line of thinking exaggerates the importance of (white) British culture and can lead to white supremacy, as we’ve already discussed.

Et tu, Protestant? I notice Miller said Protestantism wasn’t necessary for democracy but stopped just a little shy of saying we’d be better off without it… while saying we WOULD be better off without white people culture.

Our own people hate us whites. Why? What was our crime?

I agree that democracy is not a Western Protestant invention; it began in ancient Greece for us and was surely practiced earlier. And it failed, every single time. As soon as the people begin voting themselves money out of the tax revenue, kaboom.

[p47 cont.]But even the more benign form of this argument, emphasizing Christianity rather than British culture, results in a kind of Christian nationalism that ends up harming, not helping, democracy in America. It is harmful in several ways. This viewpoint can end up harming the principle of religious freedom by trying to give Christianity a legal preference.which is helpful for neither the church nor the state. This view can also devolve into a form of identity politics for Christians, which is a fundamentally selfish form of politics: if Christians should be known for loving their neighbors and working for the common flourishing of all, asking for privileged status for ourselves does the opposite.

Unbelievable. Christianity MUST be given a privileged status in society because we are correct and all other religions are wrong! If we do not insist upon the truth then we will get nothing but lies! We can tolerate the existence of those other religions, at least to a point, but the very first Commandment is that Christ comes FIRST! No other gods are His equal and we shall never claim so, on pain of divine Treason!

[p48]Setting history aside, a political agenda of making America into a Christian nation is politically counterproductive. It is simplistic to assume that our various political issues would be easily or smoothly resolved following a revival of Christianity in America, especially considering how rarely Christians agree among ourselves about politics. There are far more, and more complex, dynamics at work (as covered in this report) that have brought our current political crisis about than a simple tale of America’s spiritual decline and fall.


In the meantime, trying to root American democracy in one particular identity, even a Christian identity, fundamentally misunderstands the ideals of the American experiment.

YOU have misunderstood that experiment, Miller. It was never about democracy. Mob rule. The lowest common denominator of the human soul’s corrupted urges.

It would serve to undermine, not strengthen, democracy in America by exacerbating our culture war and trying, fruitlessly, to work against the established pluralism of American life in favor of an illiberal, “Christian” solution. A healthy culture for democracy in American will include Christians who are comfortable with and supportive of “confident pluralism,. and “faithful presence..

Nobody who talks like this can possibly believe that Christ Jesus is the Son of God.

Initial Recommendations


1. Get news from print media.

It is good civic hygiene to stay informed about current events. TV and social media are very bad at this. They seem better suited to entertainment and superficial connection with friends, respectively. Avoid TV news and talk shows, subscribe to a newspaper or news magazine, and do not debate politics over Facebook or Twitter. Do not use late-night comedy or YouTube shows as your primary sources of news. Print media do not avoid bias, but they do engage our minds more actively, helping us to assess and filter out bias.


Text is also less emotional and less sensational than the image-based media of TV and most social media. Debate politics with passion, but do so face-to-face with your friends, colleagues, and neighbors, not over the internet.

Because people have appropriate politics when they can be punished for what they say.

2. Put down your smart phone, and don’t give them to kids.

While good advice on its own, in the context of “don’t listen to alternative media” it gets sinister quickly.

3. Teach your children the importance of gracious social interaction, even if it seems old-fashioned.

Lessons such as “remember your manners,. “be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. (James 1:19), .a gentle answer turns away wrath. (Proverbs 15:1), and “be kind. (Ephesians 4:32) are preparing children not just for kindergarten but for interacting with social media and for Christian political engagement.

Standard Cult of Nice thinking. I used to be like that. Then I got tired of being easily and constantly ignored.

4. Get involved locally, and drop roots, for however long you can.

Shall I pay off the national debt while I’m about it, milord?

Go to your local parent-teacher association, city council, or home owner’s association. Join a veteran’s group, a bird-watching club, or a neighborhood chess night. Join or coach a sports team.

Join and pay your dues and be very nice to everybody and be played for a chump forever.

Do something that physically gets you out of your house and into face-to-face contact with people who live in your immediate vicinity.

Well, if I learn Spanish, Chinese, Portuguese and Vietnamese then I can actually do that. That’s another reason people prefer homogeneous communities. You don’t have to research how to say hello.

5. Seek out difference.

If your friends are of the same race or ethnicity, the same political party, or the same income and education level as you are, you live in a bubble and are depriving yourself of the opportunity to grow. Go make friends and seek out those from whom you might learn something new.

Which is it? Does God believe we’re all exactly equal, or is there value in “seeking out difference”?

6. Try not to have opinions about everything.

We are blessed to live in a country where we can believe and say anything. That doesn’t mean we should. Nor does it mean that whatever we say or believe has automatic validity. Learn and study before forming an opinion; if someone disagrees, ask why and listen. Do not rush to ascribe malice, foolishness, or stupidity to someone just because they disagree with you.

I don’t. Thanks for asking, you stupid, blasphemous, humanist fool. I rush to ascribe malice and stupidity on the basis of your own words, aired publicly.

7. Join a church, pray for the nation, and remember they are different.

Our churches are our most important communities outside of our families because they are the company of saints helping us along our pilgrim path to the Celestial City.

The workplace does that much better than your banal, obsolete lectures in a giant wooden box. And unless you’re an intern, you don’t have to pay for the privilege!


1. Seek out difference.

If your church members or seminary students are all of the same race or ethnicity, the same political party, or the same income and education level.and especially if your demographic makeup is disproportionate to your neighborhood or your have created a bubble and are depriving yourself and your members of the opportunity to grow.

That’s what the Lutherans in Minnesota did. Result: Mogadishu-on-the-Mississippi. Any church that follows this advice will be repeating their mistake and advancing the globalist agenda of destroying all natural human ties to their fellow man.

2. Talk about politics.but talk about it holistically.

The gospel has political implications. Do not avoid politics and do not avoid controversy. Doing so only cedes the ground to secular sources of commentary.

Translation, “only talk about politics because if you don’t then the Little People will get badthinks”.

When you address controversial issues, you are likely to be the only or the best place that models to your congregation how to talk about such issues with truth, grace, wisdom, and compassion.

Because like God, pastors should never share the reins of power. It’s the example Christ set when He sent out the Seventy disciples to preach in His name… oops.

Be especially attentive to teaching about human dignity and human flourishing. Teach
a full, complete political theology, one that reminds us that we will never achieve complete or perfect justice in this world.

Teach a political theology? Shameless, just shameless. If identity politics is a bad idea then why is the SBC now recommending specific political positions to its churches? Isn’t being different important?

Why preach that perfect justice cannot be achieved, except to discourage efforts to pursue that perfect justice?

3. Don’t just talk about politics.

The mission of the church is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, to reflect the character of God, and to carry out his mission of reconciliation and renewal to the world.

Not anymore in the SBC. And for the record, it never was. We preach Christ crucified and resurrected, not Greear’s “the Gospel of Jesus”. If you don’t believe that a dead man came back to life by His own power then you are not a Christian, whatever else you might believe.

4. Experiment with different methods of teaching.

Skip. Any pastor who needs to be taught that, needs to be defrocked in shame.

5. Foster civil society in and around the church, but don’t let it replace the gospel.

Form partnerships with local organizations, or create your own, like veteran’s groups, scouting organizations, neighborhood schools, tutoring programs, prison ministries, homeless shelters, and others.

As Miller himself mentioned earlier, the state of Christianity in the United States is such that we’re increasingly afraid to be publicly identified as Christians… and for good reasons. But that’s not a concern of Greear’s New Baptists. No, his leadership wants us to serve the very “civil society” that has hated Christ Our Savior since the Johnson Amendment.

How about defending the next Brendan Eich, Miller? Maybe something like that would promote a civil society, instead of something safe like letting the Boy Scouts sodomize each other in your spare cathedral?

6. Model the life of the mind.

Teach your members what it means to love God with our minds. Preach against anti-intellectualism. Hold up wisdom as a model and an aspiration. Have a bookstall or library stocked with quality books. If you have the resources, consider programs to fund seminary studies for your members. Invite members in your congregation whom God has gifted in this area to speak or to organize an event.

Education is always a top Socialist/humanist priority. Let me close, at the end of all this talk about leadership and civil service, by remembering that Christ ordered his disciples to SERVE the people in His Church, not to lord their authority over us for selfish gain. And then He demonstrated it with foot-washing, a dirty job for slaves and toe-headed stepchildren.

That was the exact moment when Judas, the false shepherd, decided to betray our Savior.

Because if there’s one thought these Ivory Tower SJWs can’t stand, it’s the idea that after all their rent-seeking and jockeying for status and power, they’re supposed to give a damn about the people of God sitting in the pews.



J.D. Greear: the Seven Deadly Myths

The Southern Baptists’ Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission just had its sixth national conference last week. This story came out of it and there’ll probably be more. TL;DR Greear wants to end church independence by invoking “sex abuse”.

‘Caring Well’: Sex abuse ‘a Gospel issue,’ Greear says

By Tom Strode, 4 October 2019

GRAPEVINE, Texas (BP) — The Gospel cannot be separated from how the church deals with sexual abuse, Southern Baptist leaders J.D. Greear and Russell Moore said Thursday (Oct. 3) on the first day of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission’s sixth annual national conference.

Greear, SBC president, and Moore, ERLC president, spoke to a sellout audience of more than 1,650 registrants at the conference, “Caring Well: Equipping the Church to Confront the Abuse Crisis,” in Grapevine, Texas. The gathering — hosted by the ERLC in partnership with the SBC Sexual Abuse Advisory Group, which Greear convened last year — is designed to educate churches about abuse prevention and ministering to survivors of such abuse.

Right off the bat, I have a huge issue against Greear: THIS ISN’T THAT HARD! Per Romans 13:1-5, God gave government the duty of punishing evil. Therefore, anybody in the church who detects sex abuse should report to the police and follow their instructions. Even in today’s Clown World, that system still works very well. We don’t need a national committee holding a national conference to figure out what God has already decreed.

But SJWs never waste a crisis. As we get into the Seven Deadly Myths, notice that Greear’s advice is less about preventing and punishing child molestation–which he refuses to even name, opting for generic “sex abuse”–and more about him being ten years late to #ListenAndBelieve.

“This is a Gospel issue,” Greear told the capacity crowd in a convention center ballroom. “The credibility of our witness and, even more importantly, the souls of our people are at stake.”

Caring for those whom God has entrusted to the church “is a way that we can, and we must, put the trustworthiness of the Gospel on display,” he said.

Moore said, “Sexual abuse is awful in any context in any place, but church sexual abuse adds” Jesus to the predatory act and trauma, “and that is a perversion of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

That’s the capital-G Gospel, the other path to divine power. Greear teaches a heresy that the Church wields God’s authority (“the Gospel”) separate from the person and teachings of Christ. More here for the interested:

Greear — pastor of The Summit Church in the Raleigh-Durham, N.C., area — opened his address with an apology to sexual abuse survivors.

“I cannot speak for every Southern Baptist in America, but I can speak for myself and say that I’m sorry, truly sorry. As a pastor and as a dad, I’m sorry,” Greear said.

“Your church leaders should be the first to rush to your defense,” he told survivors, “and when we don’t do that, we dishonor the name of Christ, we betray the Gospel that has been committed to us.

“We have to learn from our past,” he noted, “and we have to change our future.”

That apology is indefensible by Christian moral standards. Greear is signaling that henceforth, Listen And Believe shall be the church’s new standard of “fighting sex abuse”.

In his message, Greear named and answered seven myths regarding sex abuse that prevent churches from combating it and caring for survivors as they should:

— Myth No. 1: “Sexual abuse in the church is not really a problem but simply the latest leftist attack on the church.”

He didn’t wait to punch a Nazi, now did he? What are we talking about, anyway? What is “sexual abuse”? Is it rape-rape specifically? Not a systematic problem. Is it “the creep asked me out on a date”? That’s Barbie’s problem. But homosexual child molestation is absolutely a Leftist attack upon the church by false priests.

“Survivors and advocates have been calling our attention to this for years,” he said in response to the myth. Believing this myth has caused many to “miscategorize the words of people like Christa Brown, Tiffany Thigpen, Mary DeMuth, and Anne Marie Miller, Dave Pittman, Jules Woodson, Megan Lively and so many other victims as attacks from adversaries instead of warnings from friends.”

I arbitrarily picked Christa Brown for a closer look. She claims to have been raped at the age of 16, which is a really suspicious age for claiming it was 100% the man’s fault. Especially since she didn’t come forward right away to either church authority or the police. But I can’t be certain of my facts because I haven’t bought her book… there wasn’t a full account available for free.

Not that I doubt that sex predators have been making inroads into all branches of Christendom after our leaders became reluctant to confront evil in any form, but a 16yo losing her virginity to a probable sex-starved minister is not the kind of sex abuse that requires systemic changes.

— Myth No. 2: “Abuse only happens in Catholic or liberal or complementarian or you-fill-in-the-blank churches.”

Nobody believes that.

This myth “is naive: It relegates abuse to an ideological problem, when it should be most properly seen as a depravity problem,” Greear said.

It’s a criminal justice problem, Greear. Like I said at the beginning.

— Myth No. 3: “The church is best equipped to handle this internally.”

“Some things … are not only immoral, they are illegal, and criminally so,” he told the audience.

Oh, so Greear agrees! Why then, does he keep talking about increased vigilance and increased oversight and sweeping policy changes?

Because he’s only talking about the LOCAL church “not being equiped to handle this internally”. He wants the national organization to intervene when a woman makes an accusation… the religious version of frivorce courts.

Greear doesn’t mean law enforcement should get involved, otherwise he’d say so and be done.

— Myth No. 4: “A posture of grace requires giving the benefit of the doubt to those accused and offering the convicted a second chance.”

Yes to the first. Clergy get special respects for the position they occupy and not entertaining poorly-documented accusations against them is a relevant one. Even apart from American standards of due process and presumption of innocence.

And yes to the second. Notice Greear’s wording of it. Offering the CONVICTED a second chance. That’s a separate issue from covering up child abuse, which is what most people are thinking when they hear “sex abuse in the Church”.

“Christian teachings on grace and forgiveness never mean covering up sin in ways that expose others to harm,” Greear said. “And someone that has abused another should never be in a position in our churches where they can do it a second time.”

They probably should not have been in that position a first time. Going back to Christa Brown’s case, whose bright idea was it to put a man in authority over impressionable young women?

Men and women are different, and pretending otherwise is how a lot of such problems come to pass.

— Myth No. 5: “Enduring abuse in marriage is part of learning to love like Jesus.”

“We say, ‘God hates divorce.’ Yes, but God also hates abuse. And we don’t enable one thing God hates to try and prevent another,” he said.

That’s the big one. Sex abuse can happen in marriage!

Greear, you Christ-hating fucker. You only mouth the words ‘God hates divorce’. Maybe if you ACTED like it and punished women for divorcing their husbands, we wouldn’t have so many sexually starved men causing trouble.

— Myth No. 6: “We would know an abuser if one was in our church.”

Nobody believes that.

Abusers “can be disarming and downright charming,” Greear said. “And they thrive in environments of naive assumptions and no accountability, where stereotypes, rather than sober thinking, control the day.”

On this, Greear is right. But his solution is the Catholic one of centralizing authority, which would be fine if Baptists were Catholic. But they’re Protestant, which brings up the problem that laymen are locked out of criticizing or monitoring our clergy entirely… on all issues, so when Pastor gets frisky with the cute girls there’s nobody present to raise suspicions.

Greear wants the reins of power over all the SBC churches. An honest Protestant would instead be calling for local laymen to be allowed more involvement in Church authority.

— Myth No. 7: “Updating our policies will take care of the problem.”

Updated policies are “essential steps,” but they must be combined in local churches with “changes in attitude and culture,” he said.

Aaand there it is. He wants to “change the attitude and culture” of the SBC and that can’t happen until he’s dictating policy to all those currently-independent churches. Leveraging the child abuse “sex abuse” scandals with the help of false accusers and feminists is allowing him to set the necessary precedents for dictating feminism from Central Planning.

And the churches are cooperating because their Cucked clergy would rather be ruled by Moscow than share their local authority with capable laymen. Incompetent leaders hate and fear competent followers.

Recap of the Seven Deadly Myths:

  1. Sex abuse is a Leftist attack against the Church
  2. It can’t happen here
  3. We can handle it ourselves
  4. The accused deserve the benefit of the doubt
  5. Sex abuse can’t happen within marriage
  6. We can police ourselves
  7. All we need is a procedure for handling accusations

Greear’s agenda is an ugly one. We’ve seen it elsewhere. Fortunately, it will kill an organization that has already become so feeble that it cannot recognize Evil when he writes a book and keynotes their national conference.

I only regret that those about to be screwed cannot be convinced to take the Red Pill.

Let me close with this article I found while researching Christa Brown. It shows how the focus of these SBC “sex abuses” is church independence rather than church coverups.

SBC Officials Criticize “Predator Preacher. Report on .20/20.

SBC Officials Criticize ‘Predator Preacher’ Report on ’20/20′

By Bob Allen, 18 April 2007

Southern Baptist Convention President Frank Page called last week’s .20/20. story on predatory preachers “yellow journalism” and a .slice-and-dice. piece to make it appear Southern Baptists aren’t doing enough to combat sexual abuse by clergy.

Page appeared on Friday’s program, saying he agreed to an interview to provide balance to a story he expected to be “overwhelmingly negative..

After seeing the program, Page, pastor of First Baptist Church in Taylors, S.C., complained Monday in Baptist Press that ABC News used just a few seconds of his two-hour interview, leaving out his comments about what the nation’s largest Protestant faith group is doing to address the problem.

.Much is being done right now and much is being done on the local level,. Page said. .They did not want to include that because it would have tainted their piece..

Never talk to the media. Although, I suppose that was part of Page’s job.

.I felt that it was an intentional slice-and-dice effort to portray the SBC and its president as uncaring and uninformed,. he said. .It was more than a two-hour interview reduced to less than 60 seconds of choppy response. It was a prime example of yellow journalism, in which a broad brush was used and the whole truth was denied a fair hearing..

August Boto, general counsel and vice president for convention policy with the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee, issued a statement criticizing what he said were inaccuracies in the report.

.Unfortunately, the .20/20. report last Friday had the effect of misleading at least some of its viewers to believe that the Southern Baptist Convention somehow condones, hides or denies sexual offenses committed by ministers in SBC-affiliated churches,. Boto said. .The convention does none of those things. Quite the contrary..

Christa Brown of Stop Baptist Predators and the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) said the Southern Baptist leaders. response to the .20/20. program was “both revealing and disheartening,. because it “reflects institutional denial..

.Most ordinary, decent people might expect that religious leaders would immediately take action, on learning that their ministerial registry included convicted child molesters,. Brown said. .They might expect that someone would be held accountable, that someone would be instructed to get the convicted child molesters off the list, and that someone would be told to do it NOW!

No examples given of such “convicted child molesters”. Perhaps she meant suspected molesters, or perhaps the SBC didn’t regard sex with an almost-legal girl as the unforgivable sin.

.Decent people might even expect that religious leaders would make a public apology to the families who long endured the salt in the wound of seeing men who molested their kids continue to be publicly held forth as Southern Baptist ministers..

Why? Did these religious leaders were not directly involved then they have no guilt. Nobody taking Ditsy Barbie seriously is not the same thing as condoning child abuse.

Robert Parham of the Baptist Center for Ethics said, .Rather than attack ABC News, SBC leaders should atone for the lack of accountability for predator preachers..

FYI, the Baptist Center for Ethics operates Parham is basically quoting himself.

.Fundamentalists always assault the messenger, instead of hearing the truth of the message,. Parham said. .ABC News and have told an inconvenient truth that children need protection from preacher predators, and that too many predators take advantage of a system that hides behind local church autonomy..

I saw that attitude also come up in a review of the actual 20/20 interview, that the problem of sex abuse in the SBC is due to church autonomy rather than concealing child molestation as happened in the RCC. Even though neither is what apparently happened in Brown’s case.

Baptist Press said .20/20. did not report that the SBC adopted a resolution in 2002 on the sexual integrity of ministers. BP also listed five books on the topic available from LifeWay Christian Resources, along with an arrangement allowing churches to do criminal background checks on prospective ministers at a discounted rate.


Brazilian Dumpster Fires Unite Prots and Cats

Brazil has been enjoying a respite from the globalist agenda in the person of President Jair Bolsonaro. They wasted no time drowning him in accusations that improving the welfare of ordinary Brazilians is a crime against humanity. Or as the gobalists say, “he’s making climate change”!

Heck, the climate is changing right now in Commiefornia. I can feel it in my sinuses. That means Gavin Newsom needs to leave, right?

Anyway, you gotta like Jair. A quick excerpt from his Wikipedia page:

Bolsonaro provoked controversy for a series of remarks made to and about Federal Deputy and former Human Rights Minister Maria do Ros?rio. During a Congressional debate, Bolsonaro said that minors should be treated as adults if they commit heinous crimes such as murder or rape, to which Maria do Ros?rio responded by calling him a “rapist”. Bolsonaro then stated that Congresswoman Ros?rio was “not worth raping; she is very ugly”. The remarks drew considerable condemnation throughout Brazil.

It eventually got Jair convicted of inciting rape and defaming a wimminz. He beat the rap by getting elected President; apparently, the position comes with official legal immunity for hurting the feelings of Social Justice Warriors.

We've got 99 problems and a witch aint one - Misc - quickmeme

And so the holy war began, to remove Jair from office by changing the political climate.

For Catholics and Protestants, Amazon Fires Fan Partisan Flames

Fires in the Amazon come every year during dry season, but reports indicated that this year’s were particularly severe, some saying the worst in a decade.

“This is the hottest day we’ve ever had this year!”

While international attention turned toward the burning rainforest in August, the Christian community in Brazil was divided in its reaction.

The Catholics will hold a high-level conference this weekend to blame Jair for scorching the planet while the Protestants already released a manifesto of grievances against the bourgeoisie.

Now, the Catholic Church will revisit its environmental concerns in the region as 100 bishops meet at the Vatican’s Synod for the Amazon, starting Sunday.

Amid rising global climate concerns, the fires have drawn scrutiny toward Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro, whose pro-business policies were said to be responsible for spurring an uptick in farmers. and loggers. slash-and-burn efforts across the world’s largest rainforest.

The economy is improving! What a horrible fate! We Americans will probably hear that one the moment the last Baby Boomer dies.

The conservative, populist politician initially dismissed the outcry before political pressure led him to declare a 60-day ban on land-clearing fires in late August.but not before Catholic authorities in Brazil criticized Bolsonaro’s leadership on the issue, and the Ecumenical Forum ACT Brazil, a blend of Protestant and Catholic leaders, blamed the administration’s policies for .a surge in devastation of the environment..

Yet many evangelicals, who make up about a quarter of the country’s population, have come to the president’s defense, dismissing the fires as normal rather than the crisis international officials and media have made them out to be. (Bolsonaro, a Catholic, is married to an evangelical and attended a Baptist church for a decade.)

That must be why the Vatican chose the more ad hominem strategy. They don’t like non-Cat leaders of predominately Cat countries.

While Catholic leaders assert pressure on Bolsonaro’s regime to bolster protections of the Amazon archbishop called the scorching a “true apocalypse..and the papal synod is expected to denounce the situation, many evangelicals and Pentecostals said the fires had been hyped to target the president. …

The evangelical outcry has not come from church leaders in the Amazon or among indigenous pastors. Instead, they say the fires in their area are no larger than before. Speaking with the Religion News Service, Leonardo Cortez, an Assemblies of God pastor in Cacoal, a city in the Amazon state of Rond?nia, attributed the blazes to natural causes and the crises to political clashes.

.The environmental activists don’t understand that we take from the Earth a great part of our livelihood and of the commodities Brazil exports,. he said. .So it’s necessary for us to achieve a balance..

The upcoming Vatican synod approaches the environmental concerns around the fires as a major part of the sustainability of the Catholic Church in the Amazon and among indigenous communities, as the National Catholic Reporter noted. The gathering will focus “first on lifting up the voices of the people of the Amazon, then on the need for a new, integral ecology in the face of so much environmental destruction, and finally on the challenges the church in the region faces in being more prophetic.” Meanwhile, Bolsonaro reportedly dismissed the synod’s “leftist agenda..

A vocal minority of Brazilian evangelicals have joined Catholic leaders who have spoken up in favor of stricter environment protections and in opposition to some of the president’s policies.

The Brazilian Evangelical Christian Alliance released a manifesto in defense of the environment and affirming a rooted creation theology, expressing hope that the government would listen.

That dumpster fire of a manifesto will be fisked at the end.

Perhaps the most prominent evangelical voice speaking for the protection of the Amazon and condemning the policies of the Bolsonaro administration is that of former Brazilian environment minister and one-time presidential hopeful Marina Silva.

.The fires in the Amazon are a crime against humanity,. said Silva, a member of the Assemblies of God. .The Brazilian government is undoing all the environmental policies that previously existed..

Silva has called Bolsonaro’s environment minister, Ricardo Salles, “an anti-environment minister.. had fires and deforestation under every government, but with the difference that [before] you had environment ministers. who were genuinely committed to protecting the forests, biodiversity, and our water resources,. she stated.

Here’s the meat behind Marina Silva’s bitching. Two Presidents back, Dilma Rousseff, a feminist and the only female to hold the position, created a Ministry of women, racial equality and human rights. This included indigenous people, which in turn included the rainforest conservation efforts, which meant the Amazon basin was completely in control of the globalists.

When Rousseff was impeached and convicted for corruption during her time as chairwoman of Petrobas, the state-run oil company, her successor Michael Temer downgraded the Ministry to a secretariat under the Justice Ministry. (Dilma’s creation of it had been unpopular.)

One of Jair’s first acts as President was transferring the secretariat again, this time to the Agriculture Ministry, which means all the Woke LGBT feminazis now answer to ministers primarily concerned with business and profit. And then, Jair appointed a pro-life zealot to run the secretariat just to twist the knife.

Abortion was shadowbanned! The rainforests are now being used for the good of humanity! The Vatican is deploying 100 high-level white knights just to BEGIN to control the Narrative damage! Jair Bolsonaro is my hero!!!

But I can’t dump too hard on the Catholics. The local Prots may be fighting the good fight (“We didn’t notice that we all burned to death last month”) but their leadership is every bit as Converged as in the States.

Manifesto in defense of the Environment

[Translated from original Spanish]

By Brazilian Evangelical Christian Alliance, 28 August 2019

Due to severe climate and environmental events unequivocally caused by burning and deforestation. We reiterate our commitment to responsible Christian participation in the care of our home.

There is no such consensus. Nothing in Christianity make caring for the environment a moral priority except to the degree it affects humans. Christ did not die to protect Amazonian mosquitoes from pesticide.

We affirm that:

In the original plan of creation, God instructed humanity to exploit natural resources in order to conserve and care for them.

The original plan was tending a garden. We are now banned from that garden on pain of death. It is not relevant to our current situation.

Furthermore, the nation God created ex nihilo, Israel, was not given any orders concerning the environment… except, again, as is relevant to humanity. Bury your shit. Kill your food animals a certain way. Here’s a procedure for mildew.

Furthermore, Christ cursed a fig tree. Remember that? He did it for an object lesson but that doesn’t change the fact that God, on a whim, murdered a helpless, innocent plant that didn’t do nuthin’ and surely would have gone to college.

The fall brings with it the conflicts between alterities: the Creator and the creation, being humanity part and responsible of the latter. Nature becomes “hostile” because of human sin (thorns and thistles) and challenging for human sustenance (struggling bread). Human sin becomes indirectly responsible for cataclysms and direct for environmental depredation.

It’s better fiction than most of what the bookstore offers but I must ask, did these chuckleheads EVER read the Bible? Because they’re so far away from the concept of Original Sin that criticism is meaningless.

Look at that last sentence, blaming all humanity for… for what? Animals eaten to extinction by other animals? Is Donald Trump responsible for the Dodo going extinct? And what “cataclysm” is not a natural event? Hurricanes? Volcanoes? Some trees can’t even reproduce without brush fires!

Nature awaits her release and groans as parturient for the manifestation of God’s children. There is a promise of a new heaven and a new earth where communion between God and His creation, man and a new restored nature will reign.
But between now and not yet, it remains for the Christian (saved and redeemed by Jesus Christ) to live the values ..of the Kingdom of God in the present, including the manifestation of God’s love for the essential goodness of His creation.

But… look… you even CITED the fact that God is going to nuke and replace reality! This world is the diaper of our spiritual infancy. It’s all going to burn except for human souls. ALL of it. Yo, Eco-Nazis, you’re trying to conserve tinder in a firepit.

Citation needed for caring about the environment AT ALL. Another citation needed for caring about the environment more than our fellow man.

Love is the strongest characteristic of God-reborn man and woman. Love to God, love to neighbor, love to creation. By the cross we are reconciled, we and the creation, with Christ, and thus with each other. Our relationship with God drives us to care for others through caring for the environment.

Love for God is the first commandment. Love for one’s fellow man as much as your love yourself is the second commandment.

…There is no third commandment. I shall cease asking for a citation that I know does not exist. They’re lying, skin-suited traitors against Christ, it’s that simple.

But if these traitors keep this up, I’m sure an atheist will happily cap a few to feed the maggots and fertilize the lawn.

Therefore, as Christians responsible for “caring for the garden,. we expect from our rulers a consistent environmental policy.

Christianity is not a religion for RULERS to obey. It’s for THE CHRISTIAN to obey. If you truly believe that stopping brush fires in the Amazon Basin is God’s work then it’s YOUR duty, on pain of damnation, to quit your job and become a swamp firefighter.

Don’t just make payments to the right organization. Don’t pat yourself on the back after voting a party ticket. YOU do the job with your own two hands or by your own argument, you’re an enemy of God.

Without going into the similar behaviors of previous governments, because none of them were threats to our hidden Satanic agenda, Jair Bolnsonaro delenda est!

Okay, I made that up.

Without going into the merits of the debatable actions of previous governments, which did not prioritize the protection of the environment in their public policies, with regret we are currently witnessing governmental demonstrations that minimize the destruction of our ecosystem with visible consequences for the climate and survival of the planet.

Probably a translation error and they meant ‘maximize’.

We also warn that science should not be viewed as an enemy in the process of protecting the environment.

Nobody views science as an enemy. But Satanists love to wear lab coats for their infomercials and public service announcements.

There is almost worldwide unanimity…


…about the importance of preserving the Amazon for the balance of the world’s climate.


And Brazilian scientists have already highlighted the richness of biodiversity…


…and “flying rivers” coming from the rainforest.

Huh? *checks* A fancy name for fog.

Making the forest unfeasible by deforestation and burning…

That’s not what is happening.

…is decreeing the death penalty for various ecosystems of our country and the planet.


It is time for unity.


More than political ideologies and economic interests, we need to defend life.

Stupid peasants want a comfortable life with plentiful food. Smart peasants understand they deserve to starve under the boot heels of fat tyrants. And dangerous peasants think Christ died to redeem humanity from a fallen reality instead of damning humanity to preserve it forever.


John Wayne’s Last Fight

I went into this originally thinking it’d be a great way to remember how Wayne, among many of his peers, stood against the Communist Convergence of Hollywood. As sometimes happens, my post veered in a different direction during its making… this time into a nightmare of an SJW attack intended to dishonor the Duke forever.

SCA responds to students. protest against John Wayne exhibit

SCA responds to students. protest against John Wayne exhibit

By Summer Dahlquist-Tookey, 29 September 2019

The School of Cinematic Arts will talk with students in the coming days about how to address the school’s exhibit honoring controversial film star John Wayne, Interim Assistant Dean of Diversity and Inclusion Evan Hughes wrote in a statement to the Daily Trojan Sunday.

The decision follows a protest Friday in which two students held up a banner in front of the SCA asking for the removal of The Wayne Collection and accusing the school of “endorsing white supremacy” for honoring the actor.

Contextual Fact 1: John Wayne is one of USC’s most famous alumni.

Contextual Fact 2: This exhibit was installed in 2012, seven years ago.

Contextual Fact 3: One day’s protest by two homos was enough to imperil this homage to one of America’s greatest actors who popularized the only uniquely American cinematic culture, the Western.

.Our values as an inclusive community are predicated on the idea that our student population needs to be heard and have a say about our SCA environment, especially when information comes to light that changes how we relate to it,. Hughes said.

If you’re curious about the Left’s new obsession for child leaders, it’s because the devil is the First Rebel and nobody is more rebellious than brainwashed kids programmed with goodthinks and given power beyond their wit. Brain-damaged, ignorant, ego-driven arsonists are to Hell what paladins are to Heaven: paragons of the most important virtues, who go farther for their spiritual Father than normal people can imagine.

Eric Plant, a junior majoring in fine arts, said they created the banner because of Wayne’s controversial stances and portrayal of Native Americans in film. The banner calls Wayne .a blatant racist. and states that the actor promoted the genocide of indigenous Americans in his films.

.By keeping Wayne’s legacy alive, SCA is endorsing white supremacy,. the banner read.

I can’t find a pic of Eric; however, his ally Saul Singleton is already a published moviemaker, thanks only to his intense LGBT activism. Saul:

He appears to have… a pierced brain. A metal rebar rammed between his ears and crimped to not fall out. Must be one mother of an ice cream headache in the winter. Moving on, pencil neck and sharply triangular face are indicators toward an SJW mindset, confirmed by his choice of pursuing a fine arts degree at >$40,000 per year. Can’t confirm whether his lip corners point down to indicate general pessimism.

Segue to

Saul Singleton’s Since the First Day We Met is a film about a deaf boy’s crush on a fellow student. In the end, the two boys share a quick kiss between them before the credits roll. Harmless right? …

Singleton, currently a senior at Walt Whitman High School in Bethesda, Maryland, was told that because of the Golden Lion Film Festival’s .PG-comparable rating system,. they were “unable to accept any films with clearly illustrated LGBQT+ themes..

He refused to compete according to the rules and was disqualified according to the rules. Anybody but a paladin of Hell would have taken his Certificate of Loser home and re-thought his life. But why lose when you can cry like a spoiled brat instead?

Originally, the Golden Lion Awards stuck to their guns and continued to bar Singleton’s film. However, five days after his initial tweet, they revoked that decision and decided to allow his film and two others with LGBTQ themes into the festival, calling their initial response “insensitive and not well articulated..

While Singleton’s film was accepted, it was only brought to the judging phase. Though happy that his film was allowed entry, he is worried that the awards only accepted it due to bad publicity, and still will not move it forward in the process due to the kiss.

.I appreciate that they tried to show [acceptance] by reversing the decision, but I still think there’s a lot of steps to go towards being more progressive,. Singleton says, adding, .If it gets rejected from the showing at the festival, the only thing that goes through my mind is .Yeah, they still aren’t being the LGBTQ-inclusive that they said they would be.’.

Never give in. Never apologize. Do not feed the animals. It’s not even you they’re screeching at. They’re trying to silence their inner conscience by forcing all outside voices to tell them it’s okay to be Sicko. That’s why their amygdalas squeal when outside voices say the same thing their conscience does.

End segue.

Wayne attended and played football for USC before becoming an actor but is controversial for his stance on the treatment of people of color and indigenous people throughout history.

The Wayne Collection exhibit, which features a statue of Wayne along with several of his personal items in glass cases, was dedicated in June 2012. The collection contains a variety of Wayne film posters, memorabilia, awards and letters.

.I.m going to go every minute that I have and stand there,. Plant said. .I had conversations while I was standing there, and I was getting people to support it. I would like to keep being there and keep having a presence there..

I’ve come to understand that protesting is an actual hobby for a certain mindset. Is it like a Confucian experience? The drop of rational individuality becoming one with the ocean of braying useful idiots?

Plant said they hope to create larger banners and rally people to protest in front of SCA.

.If we can get enough students and if we can get enough faculty to say that this exhibit bothers them, they either have to take the choice of the people that they’re supposed to be representing, or they take the choice of John Wayne and all that terrible white supremacy,. Plant said.

Until Eric does find allies other than his probable butt-buddy, the administration should tell him to pick a mountain and take a hike.

Plant cited a 1971 Playboy interview with John Wayne in which the star expressed support for white supremacy and the removal of indigenous Americans from their land when discussing their reason for protesting the exhibit.

Eric is such a fag, he really does read Playboy for the articles! Wait… my research for this post turned up the fact that this interview went viral in February 2019 and was occasionally popular before then, too. Even covered it; guess I missed the story the first time around.

.I believe in white supremacy,. Wayne said during the 1971 interview, which resurfaced earlier this year. .We can’t all of a sudden get down on our knees and turn everything over to the leadership of the Blacks..

Later in the interview, Wayne said that he didn’t feel bad for the treatment of indigenous people throughout America’s history.

.I don’t feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from them,. Wayne said then. .Our so-called stealing of this country from them was a matter of survival. There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves..

Plant said they had been working with the Diversity and Inclusion Office at SCA to get the exhibit removed, but believe that protesting will be the most effective means of creating change. SCA has hosted multiple events related to Wayne, and during a 2008 celebration for what would have been his 100th birthday, the school organized an event called “John Wayne: Actor, Star, Icon, Trojan..

Plant added that SCA removed nine items from the exhibit in an attempt to more accurately reflect Wayne’s legacy, but Plant believes the exhibit is still problematic.

…According to Plant, the SCA Diversity and Inclusion Board suggested placing a plaque in the exhibit in order to contextualize and critique Wayne’s legacy. But some students feel that this action does not go far enough to address the injustice.

.That.s not enough,. said Saul Singleton, a sophomore majoring in cinematic arts, film and television production. .I feel like SCA.s trying to give a quick solution that won’t resolve the problem by putting a small section of indigenous point of view..

Nothing will make them happy so let’s not try. Instead, let’s read Playboy Magazine 1971!

This is only an excerpt and I switched to indenting my comments because this is so long. The parts Eric quoted are in underline. It’s worth your time to read the whole thing, it’s an eyewitness account of Communist infiltration.

Click to access John_Wayne_Playboy_Int2.pdf

PLAYBOY: How do you feel about the state of the motion-picture business today?

WAYNE: I’m glad I won’t be around much longer to see what they do with it. The men who control the big studios today are stock manipulators and bankers. They know nothing about our business. They’re in it for the buck. The only thing they can do is say, “Jeez, that picture with what’s-her-name running around the park naked made money, so let’s make another one. If that’s what they want, let’s give it to them.” Some of these guys remind me of high-class whores. Look at 20th Century-Fox, where they’re making movies like Myra Breckinridge. Why doesn’t that son of a bitch Darryl Zanuck get himself a striped silk shirt and learn how to play the piano? Then he could work in any room in the house. As much as I couldn’t stand some of the old-time moguls.especially Harry Cohn.these men took an interest in the future of their business. They had integrity.

Why ever did they stop? Why do few current business leaders care if their company and work endures longer than their pension payouts?

There was a stretch when they realized that they’d made a hero out of the goddamn gangster heavy in crime movies, that they were doing a discredit to our country. So the moguls voluntarily took it upon themselves to stop making gangster pictures. No censorship from the outside. They were responsible to the public. But today’s executives don’t give a damn. In their efforts to grab the box office that these sex pictures are attracting, they’re producing garbage. They’re taking advantage of the fact that nobody wants to be called a bluenose. But they’re going to reach the point where the American people will say, “The hell with this!” And once they do, we’ll have censorship in every state, in every city, and there’ll be no way you can make even a worthwhile picture for adults and have it acceptable for national release.

Foolishly optimistic in hindsight but wow. This is gonna be good.

PLAYBOY: Won’t the present rating system prevent that from happening?

WAYNE: No. Every time they rate a picture, they let a little more go. Ratings are ridiculous to begin with. There was no need for rated pictures when the major studios were in control. Movies were once made for the whole family. Now, with the kind of junk the studios are cranking out.and the jacked-up prices they’re charging for the privilege of seeing it.the average family is staying home and watching television. I’m quite sure that within two or three years, Americans will be completely fed up with these perverted films.

PLAYBOY: What kind of films do you consider perverted?

WAYNE: Oh, Easy Rider, Midnight Cowboy.that kind of thing. Wouldn’t you say that the wonderful love of those two men in Midnight Cowboy, a story about two fags, qualifies? But don’t get me wrong. As far as a man and a woman is concerned, I’m awfully happy there’s a thing called sex. It’s an extra something God gave us. I see no reason why it shouldn’t be in pictures. Healthy, lusty sex is wonderful.

Odd that Eric didn’t bring THIS comment up. “If he was alive today, John Wayne would call me a pervert and a fag!”

PLAYBOY: At what point in your career were you nicknamed Duke?

WAYNE: That goes back to my childhood. I was called Duke after a dog.a very good
Airedale out of the Baldwin Kennels. Republic Pictures gave me a screen credit on one of
the early pictures and called me Michael Burn. On another one, they called me Duke
Morrison. Then they decided Duke Morrison didn’t have enough prestige. My real name,
Marion Michael Morrison, didn’t sound American enough for them. So they came up
with John Wayne, I didn’t have any say in it, but I think it’s a great name. It’s short and
strong and to the point. It took me a long time to get used to it, though. I still don’t
recognize it when somebody calls me John.

It matters, the name you are known by.

PLAYBOY: After giving you a new name, did the studio decide on any particular screen image for you?

WAYNE: They made me a singing cowboy. The fact that I couldn’t sing.or play the guitar.became terribly embarrassing to me, especially on personal appearances. Every time I made a public appearance, the kids insisted that I sing The Desert Song or something. But I couldn’t take along the fella who played the guitar out on one side of the camera and the fella who sang on the other side of the camera. So finally I went to the head of the studio and said. “Screw this, I can’t handle it.” And I quit doing those kind of pictures. They went out and brought the best hillbilly recording artist in the country to Hollywood to take my place. For the first couple of pictures, they had a hard time selling him, but he finally caught on. His name was Gene Autry. It was 1939 before I made Stagecoach.the picture that really made me a star.

This is the only account I’ve ever read about an actor who gave up paying work because he was too ashamed to live a false life.

PLAYBOY: Do you think young people still feel strongly about you?

Ohhh, do they.

WAYNE: Luckily so far, it seems they kind of consider me an older friend, somebody
believable and down-to-earth. I’ve avoided being mean or petty, but I’ve never avoided
being rough or tough. I’ve only played one cautious part in my life, in Allegheny
Uprising. My parts have ranged from that rather dull character to Ralls in Wake of the
Red Witch, who was a nice enough fella sober, but bestial when he was drunk, and
certainly a rebel. I was also a rebel in Reap the Wild Wind with De Mille. I’ve played
many parts in which I’ve rebelled against something in society. I was never much of a
joiner. Kids do join things, but they also like to consider themselves individuals capable
of thinking for themselves. So do I.

PLAYBOY: But isn’t your kind of screen rebellion very different from that of today’s
young people?

WAYNE: Sure. Mine is a personal rebellion against the monotony of life, against the
status quo. The rebellion in these kids.especially in the SDSers and those groups.
seems to be a kind of dissension by rote.

He didn’t have computers to know what an NPC is. Makes me sad, like the knowledge that I get to eat bacon and Almighty God didn’t.

PLAYBOY: Meaning what?

WAYNE: Just this: The articulate liberal group has caused certain things in our country, and I wonder how long the young people who read Playboy are going to allow these things to go on. George Putnam, the Los Angeles news analyst, put it quite succinctly when he said, “What kind of a nation is it that fails to understand that freedom of speech and assembly are one thing, and anarchy and treason are quite another, that allows known Communists to serve as teachers to pervert the natural loyalties and ideals of our kids, filling them with fear and doubt and hate and down-grading patriotism and all our heroes of the past?”

Damn. Good. Point. From possibly the last sane pundit to ever emerge from Irangeles, no less. To this very second, neither the Conservatives nor even most Manospherians dare to so much as advocate for the destruction of our misnamed “education” system.

PLAYBOY: You blame all this on liberals?

This was the first comment from the interviewer that pinged my SJW detector. John Wayne was talking about a specific group, not all liberals generally, and what’s this about blame?

WAYNE: Well, the liberals seem to be quite willing to have Communists teach their kids in school. The Communists realized that they couldn’t start a workers’ revolution in the United States, since the workers were too affluent and too progressive. So the Commies decided on the next-best thing, and that’s to start on the schools, start on the kids. And they’ve managed to do it. They’re already in colleges; now they’re getting into high schools. I wouldn’t mind if they taught my children the basic philosophy of communism, in theory and how it works in actuality.

That would be quite embarrassing for Commies. They always try to burn the past because they fear people remembering it.

But I don’t want somebody like Angela Davis inculcating an enemy doctrine in my kids’ minds.

PLAYBOY: Angela Davis claims that those who would revoke her teaching credentials on ideological grounds are actually discriminating against her because she’s black. Do you think there’s any truth in that?

WAYNE: With a lot of blacks, there’s quite a bit of resentment along with their dissent, and possibly rightfully so. But we can’t all of a sudden get down on our knees and turn everything over to the leadership of the blacks. I believe in white supremacy until the blacks are educated to a point of responsibility. I don’t believe in giving authority and positions of leadership and judgment to irresponsible people.

Eric cut off the “until the blacks are educated to a point of responsibility” bit. SJWs always lie.

PLAYBOY: Are you equipped to judge which blacks are irresponsible and which of their leaders inexperienced?

Ping-ping-ping! SJW detected!

WAYNE: It’s not my judgment. The academic community has developed certain tests that determine whether the blacks are sufficiently equipped scholastically. But some blacks have tried to force the issue and enter college when they haven’t passed the tests and don’t have the requisite background.

I presume he refers to the use of IQ tests in testing potential employees. Indeed, SCOTUS ruled on Griggs v. Duke Power Co. (Griggs being a black man) in March 1971.

PLAYBOY: How do they get that background?

WAYNE: By going to school. I don’t know why people insist that blacks have been forbidden their right to go to school. They were allowed in public schools wherever I’ve been. Even if they don’t have the proper credentials for college, there are courses to help them become eligible. But if they aren’t academically ready for that step, I don’t think they should be allowed in. Otherwise, the academic society is brought down to the lowest common denominator.

That was a wrong answer, Mr. Wayne. Just half a dozen paragraphs back you mentioned that the Commies had already infiltrated the colleges and were working on the high schools, now you say that school is the way to get the requisite background for civic leadership.

When their background reflects wisdom and maturity, is when blacks can be trusted with authority. Just like everybody else. Not when their background reflects ghetto rat life and gimmiedat victimhood. Looking at you, Mayor London Breed.

PLAYBOY: But isn’t it true that we’re never likely to rectify the inequities in our
educational system until some sort of remedial education is given to disadvantaged minority groups?

WAYNE: What good would it do to register anybody in a class of higher algebra or calculus if they haven’t learned to count? There has to be a standard. I don’t feel guilty about the fact that five or 10 generations ago these people were slaves. Now, I’m not condoning slavery. It’s just a fact of life, like the kid who gets infantile paralysis and has to wear braces so he can’t play football with the rest of us. I will say this, though: I think any black who can compete with a white today can get a better break than a white man. I wish they’d tell me where in the world they have it better than right here in America.

PLAYBOY: That’s hardly the point, but let’s change the subject. For years American
Indians have played an important.if subordinate.role in your Westerns. Do you feel any empathy with them?


Full stop. This interview was a Communist hatchet job to coax incriminating statements out of Mr. Wayne. The poor sod stood high against Communism yet didn’t recognize their agent while taking advantage of Wayne’s hospitality. Get him a little drunk, start off with some innocuous questions and jokes about the good old days, and before Wayne knew it, the interviewer was bouncing from one Leftoid cause to another, trying to pin him down on something his peers could exploit.

In perpetuity.

The interviewer was Richard Warren Lewis, a journalist with almost no Internet presence. Here’s his obituary from the LA Times:

Richard Warren Lewis, 65, prolific author and journalist who wrote for several newspapers and magazines including The Times and its now-defunct West magazine. Lewis studied political science at the University of Michigan and served in the Army before beginning his career as a writer. Based for many years in Los Angeles, he wrote more than 200 articles for such publications as TV Guide, Playboy, Playgirl, People, Life and Saturday Evening Post. Among Lewis. books were several anthologies and nonfiction works such as “The Scavengers and Critics of the Warren Report,. published in 1967. On Thursday (March 1998) in Hancock, N.H., of Lou Gehrig’s disease.

Rot In Perdition, Lewis. A cowboy’s last fight should be with a gun, not a devil’s advocate pretending friendship. Back to the interview,

WAYNE: I don’t feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from them, if that’s
what you’re asking. Our so-called stealing of this country from them was just a matter of
survival. There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves.

“If that’s what you’re asking”. Wayne’s subconscious was also sounding the alarm. Alas, it went unheeded.

PLAYBOY: Weren’t the virtue of prior possession.the rightful owners of the land?

WAYNE: Look, I’m sure there have been inequalities. If those inequalities are presently
affecting any of the Indians now alive, they have a right to a court hearing. But what
happened 100 years ago in our country can’t be blamed on us today.

PLAYBOY: Indians today are still being dehumanized on reservations.

Oh, yeah. Gloves-off SJW feeding frenzy.

WAYNE: I’m quite sure that the concept of a government-run reservation would have an
ill effect on anyone. But that seems to be what the socialists are working for
have everyone cared for from cradle to grave.

Nice comeback, but one shouldn’t continue engaging an SJW when caught off-guard. Only fight the battles you’re prepared for.

PLAYBOY: Indians on reservations are more neglected than cared for. Even if you
accept the principle of expropriation, don’t you think a more humane solution to the Indian problem could have been devised?

WAYNE: This may come as a surprise to you, but I wasn’t alive when reservations were
created.even if I do look that old. I have no idea what the best method of dealing with
the Indians in the 1800s would have been. Our forefathers evidently thought they were
doing the right thing.

I skip sections discussing the Vietnam war and Lewis’ accusations projections of Wayne’s blacklisting.

PLAYBOY: What sort of [violent] activists?

WAYNE: A lot of Communist-activated people. I know communism’s a horrible word to
some people. They laugh and say, “He’ll be finding them under his bed tomorrow.”

Or be interviewed by them on his yacht.

But perhaps that’s because their kid hasn’t been inculcated yet. Dr. Herbert Marcuse, the
political philosopher at the University of California at San Diego, who is quite obviously
a Marxist, put it very succinctly when he said, “We will use the anarchists.”

PLAYBOY: Why do you think leftist ideologues such as Marcuse have become heroes on so many of the nation’s campuses?

WAYNE: Marcuse has become a hero only for an articulate clique. The men that give me faith in my country are fellas like Spiro Agnew, not the Marcuses. They’ve attempted in every way to humiliate Agnew. They’ve tried the old Rooseveltian thing of trying to laugh him out of political value of his party. Every comedian’s taken a crack at him. But I bet if you took a poll today, he’d probably be one of the most popular men in the United States. Nobody likes Spiro Agnew but the people. Yet he and other responsible government leaders are booed and pelted when they speak on college campuses.

PLAYBOY: Beyond the anti-administration demonstrations on campuses, do you think there’s any justification for such tactics as student occupation of college administrative offices?

What a stupid question.

WAYNE: One or two percent of the kids is involved in things like that. But they get away with it because 10 percent of the teaching community is behind them. I see on TV how, when the police are trying to keep the kids in line, like up at the University of California at Berkeley, all of a sudden there’s a bunch of martyr-professors trying to egg the police into violent action.

Today it’s Bike Lock Man, yeah. Wayne had these guys pegged.

PLAYBOY: If you were faced with such a confrontation, how would you handle it?

“I’m asking for a friend.”

WAYNE: Well, when I went to USC, if anybody had gone into the president’s office and
shit in his wastepaper basket and used the dirt to write vulgar words on the wall, not only the football team but the average kid on campus would have gone to work on the guy. There doesn’t seem to be respect for authority anymore; these student dissenters act like children who have to have their own way on everything. They’re immature and living in a little world all their own. Just like hippie dropouts, they’re afraid to face the real competitive world.

Ah, so that’s why Eric spends mega-$$$ for an obviously useless college degree. I hope he feels the burn of guilt as he tears down men whose every movie flop is a healthier, more enjoyable achievement than anything crybullies like him can ever hope to achieve.

Man, I didn’t want to end a reminiscence on John Wayne with how he got pwned at the end of his life by the very enemies he fought against off-camera. This was supposed to be a happy post. But it does serve as a cautionary tale for us Red-Pilled today and I can give the Duke the last word:

Although he enrolled in a cancer vaccine study in an attempt to ward off the disease, Wayne died of stomach cancer on June 11, 1979, at the UCLA Medical Center. His body was buried in the Pacific View Memorial Park Cemetery in Corona del Mar, Newport Beach. According to his son Patrick and his grandson Matthew Mu?oz, who was a priest in the California Diocese of Orange, Wayne converted to Roman Catholicism shortly before his death.

He requested that his tombstone read “Feo, Fuerte y Formal”, a Spanish epitaph Wayne described as meaning “ugly, strong, and dignified”. His grave, which was unmarked for 20 years, has been marked since 1999 with a quotation from his controversial 1971 Playboy interview:

“Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It’s perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we’ve learned something from yesterday.”



MGTOW Life: Homecoming

I have found a picture that perfectly captures the modern sexual marketplace. Behold the homecoming king & queen for a small high school in Texas:

Homecoming queen gives crown to friend with Down syndrome

By Caitlin O’Kane, 30 September 2019

When the S&S High School homecoming queen winner was announced, Trinity Arrington was shocked to hear her name. Arrington, a senior at the Sadler, Texas school, walked across the field to get her crown . but she decided it actually belonged to someone else. So, she handed it to another girl: her classmate, Emily Petty, who has Down syndrome.

“I didn’t think I was going to win. I told everyone that asked me if I wanted to win that I wanted Emily to win, so I told them to vote for her,” Arrington told KXII. Both girls were nominated for the high school honor, but Arrington ultimately won.


That’s a woman on the right, Petty. I’ll guess that the special needs class was allowed to nominate a candidate for homecoming queen.

A trip through the high school website was useless despite this story going viral.

However, she wanted Petty to share the spotlight. “I decided to give my crown to my sweet friend Emily because she’s always wanted to be a princess. So I decided she deserved it,” Arrington said.

Video from the homecoming game shows the two girls walking hand-in-hand down the field . the glittering crown sits atop Petty’s head. The teens met a year ago, when Arrington started eating lunch in the special education classroom and befriended Petty.

Question: why would a hot chick refuse to eat with the normal students? Why did she prefer the company of the barely-functional crowd? A year is too long to do it as a class project.

Either Trinity was trying to look good by comparison or she was sick of constant attention from “creepy” boys. Clue: she’s already hawt by the standards of a rural high school.

“I love her every day,” Petty said, holding her friends hands as they spoke with KXII after their homecoming win.

Arrington said she cried when she handed her friend the crown. And Petty assured her she shouldn’t cry.

“We got to be it together. I think that was the best part for me,” Arrington said. For both of these girls, winning homecoming queen is a day they will never forget . but it’s about more than a high school title.

Arrington’s kindness means the world to Petty. And Petty inspires Arrington right back. “She’s always been my queen, she deserved it. It made her happy,” Arrington said.

On the left, Trinity got to virtue-signal while looking extra-pretty by comparison while not having to touch the homecoming king.

In the middle, Petty is too brain-damaged to be blamed for accepting an award she didn’t earn.

On the right…

Um, on the right…

I don’t know his name.

No story and no Internet search I did turned up Homecoming King 2019’s name. Only one version of the posted video was un-edited enough to call him Elijah, first name only.

On the right, Elijah was forced to walk with a butterball of a fraud while the real Queen practically sneered in this photo, this despite him being athletically muscled and even posing with a football.

And my last note on the picture, look at their hands. Ignored Elijah was gracious enough to hold Petty’s hand and walk at her pace. (Notice head positions.) Trinity her “friend” pulled her along by the arm for the victory walk and abandoned her entirely at the end. (Apologies for not linking the video, CBS is keeping it locked down.)

Welcome, future MGTOW! Pull up a chair, Elijah, you are among friends in this club.

Meanwhile, even in small-town America (Sadler, TX population: 360), girls are getting so drunk on online attention, and at such a young age, that they snub even the local Alphas.


California Helps Frivorced Men Paying Child Support

Hell just froze over this weekend. In the summer. Along with Montana.

Eh, they aren’t helping frivorced men so much as persecuting them less. But it’s still a step in the right direction. As the deep well of child $upport dries up in the Golden Lucre State, wimminz have taken note how much of those kiddie payments have been garnished by Sacramento.

California lawmakers take aim at “punitive” child support system for low-income families

California lawmakers take aim at “punitive” child support system for low-income families

By Erica Hellerstein, 30 September 2019

When Ronnell Hampton was growing up, his father wrote a $600 check every month to pay his child support.

But only $50 of that amount actually made it to Hampton’s family; the rest was sent back to the government to repay the cost of public assistance.

Those numbers seem off; women didn’t cash in hubby for $50/month; but my bitter heart laughs at the wimminz noticing how heavily Pimp Daddy has been garnishing her wages of sin.

That answers the old, feminist dilemma of “is prostitution slavery or liberation”, when she factors in her pimp’s take.

The family could have used the extra cash, Hampton said. He recalled days with the electricity turned off, selling candy and pumping gas to make ends meet, and school outings he couldn’t go to because they didn’t have enough money.

Ronnell is older than Strom Thurmond if he ever pumped gas for a living.

.I wasn’t aware that my father was contributing that $600 because that money wasn’t coming to the household,. Hampton, now 31, said. .When I think of $600 additional into my household growing up, that would have helped out so much..

Did you ever ask him, Ronnell? Or did you just take Mommy’s word that he was a no-good alley cat who couldn’t bother to care for his son the only way he was allowed to?

Sit down with your father, Ronnell. Just you and him. Get the real story on why you grew up fatherless. Father God would like that.

Critics have long argued that California’s child support payback system for families using public assistance is overly punitive, disproportionately affects low-income families, and can drive a wedge between children and their parents.

YA THINK?!? Barbie kicks her husband to the curb for nonspecific abuuuse, takes his children away from him and asks the government to suck on his future earnings like a vampire on a Twinkie, yeah, that JUST MIGHT drive a wedge between children and their parents while those $600/mo payments “perpetuate the cycle of poverty”.

Now, two bills on Governor Gavin Newsom’s desk could change the system for families like Hampton.s, ensuring that more money passes through to families using benefits, and that noncustodial parents aren’t charged interest on government-owed debt.

The bills, currently awaiting Gov. Newsom’s signature, would send more child support money to families receiving public benefits and eliminate interest on overdue child support payments owed to the government. They do this by taking aim at the way child support payments are collected from noncustodial parents and distributed to families using public assistance such as MediCal and CalWORKs.

Somebody, somewhere, in some dark basement in Sacramento, noticed that incarcerating men who can’t pay does not generate new revenue streams.

Under California law, families using public assistance only receive the first $50 of child support payments, even if the noncustodial parent pays hundreds more each month. The rest of the money is sent to the government to reimburse it for the cost of benefits. This practice earns the state hundreds of millions of dollars each year: In 2018, the state collected nearly $370 million from parents. child support payments to pay back the government for the cost of public assistance, according to the California Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO).

It was never forrrr the chillldren. It was always about the green. The State raked in those child $upport payments while sticking the Feds (or at least other departments) with the costs of single motherhood. Privatized profit, socialized risk… I’ve read about that somewhere….

Daddy giving the money straight to Mommy was the original problem, solved with no-fault divorce. Now the taxman gets to take a cut.

Current policy also penalizes noncustodial parents who miss child support payments that are owed to the government. Late payments incur a penalty of 10% interest, one of the highest rates in the nation. Parents who miss them can have their driver’s licenses suspended, their wages garnished, and can be sent to jail.

But the median income of parents with child support debt owed to the government is less than $15,000 a year, according to a report from the San Francisco-based nonprofit Tipping Point. The report also concluded that most of the debt owed to the state is not collectable, often because the noncustodial parent can’t pay or lives out of state.

So, it’s not a question about mercy for the masculine. It’s the realization by parasites that the misandrists have a private agenda. But morality is still nowhere to be found.

Proponents of the bills say the interest rate, penalties, and the limited amount of money that families on assistance receive, can end up reinforcing the cycle of poverty.

.Once it becomes a debt owed to the government, that money never gets sent to the child,. says Jessica Bartholow, a policy advocate with the Western Center on Law and Poverty, which co-sponsored the bills. .It’s kind of the original sin of the child support system we have in place today, which is, how do we call it a child support system where none of that money goes back to the child?.

We. Told. You. So. For. Decades.

The two bills lawmakers recently sent to Gov. Newsom’s desk intend to change that.

SB 337, introduced by state Sen. Nancy Skinner, D-Berkeley, would increase the amount of money families on public assistance receive in monthly child support payments and eliminate child support debt the state determines is not collectable. Under Skinner’s bill, families on public assistance with one child will receive $100 a month instead of the current $50 and families with two or more children will get $200.

I’m not a fan of debt forgiveness but this is a case of not collecting illegal taxes punishing a not-crime, so it’s good.

Another bill, AB 1092 from Assemblyman Reggie Jones-Sawyer, D-Los Angeles, would end the practice of charging 10% interest on child support debt owed to the state as repayment for public assistance.

An earlier version of Skinner’s bill would have gone even further, directing 100% of child support payments to the family. That provision was ultimately removed amid concerns it would be too costly for the state…

It’s never too costly to eliminate the middleman. Except for the middleman.

…but Skinner says even the increase they did manage to get through . from $50 to $100 . can make a huge difference for families living in deep poverty.

.The cost of living in California is so high that while to many families something like $50 sounds like hardly a drop in the bucket, for a family that is counting every penny, $50 can mean a lot,. she says. .Fifty dollars can mean whether you eat, $50 can mean whether you’re on time with your rent. $50 can mean you’re paying off any type of bill that if you don’t pay, then starts to accumulate penalties or fines..

I sometimes work around those poverty-stricken Section 8 neighborhoods. You never saw so many SUVs and chrome rims.

The impact of debt can extend beyond finances. Researchers have found that the system can create friction between families, with noncustodial parents frustrated that more of their payments aren’t going towards their children, and custodial parents and kids confused and hurt about why they are receiving so little.

Talk about missing the forest for the trees.

Other studies have indicate that relieving parents of their payback debt for public assistance can strengthen their relationship with their children and improve their lives.

A recent study from the Urban Institute, for example, tracked 32 parents participating in a San Francisco pilot project that paid off their government-owed child support debt. Researchers determined that the debt relief led to more consistent child support payments, with an 18-28 percent increase in payments among participants in the pilot project. Parents whose debt was paid off also reported reduced levels of stress and anxiety and had better credit scores, housing opportunities and employment outcomes, the researchers found, as well as improved relationships with their children and even their co-parents, after the debt was eliminated.

After years of painstaking research, properly credentialed think tanks have discovered that men are more likely to pay child support when they aren’t incarcerated.

.It.s always been a question. If you get rid of debt, will people pay? And that’s what happened,. says Jamie Austin, senior director of insights and analytics at Tipping Point, which helped fund the Urban Institute study. “And I think for the insiders of child support, that was kind of proof or evidence that this kind of program relieving debt can work and it can establish a closer relationship between mother and father..

Only repentance can establish that closer relationship, and probably not even then.

Hampton, who advocated for Skinner’s bill and testified at one of its hearings, didn’t learn that his dad paid hundreds in child support each month until years after the fact, when the payback policy came up at a conference he attended. He was shocked. Then he called his dad, who confirmed it.

.Growing up, I just thought it was my dad not wanting to help,. he says, .versus not having the capacity to help. So for me It’s important to make sure that families that don’t have those kinds of experiences..

Dear Ronnell: never, not ever, not even on Christmas, say a single word to your shameless, man-hating BITCH of a mother ever again. Give her the silent treatment because God does not permit you to lie to her as she lied to you, and when it hurts because you have a conscience, remember that your father was innocent.

Frivorce and chilamony was never about helping people. It was about killing fatherhood and looting the men who work for a living. As the pie of middle class wealth shrinks, the factions begin warring against each other for bigger pie slices…

And none of them remember Father God In Heaven, who sees what they do.


The Persecution of Hairdos Intensifies

Gunner Q does a face reveal! *pic*

Okay, it’s not MY face, but that’s still the face of a white nationalist claiming white power before going on a shooting spree. Also known as Eddie Murphy.

In related news… VERY related news… the Anti-Defamation League has just added bowl haircuts to its “hate symbol” list of burning crosses, white sheets and parodies of the Antifa logo. It wasn’t enough that California declared Afros and dreadlocks to be symbols of black pride and therefore protected by anti-racist legis…

Hang on, I need a drink. Thank God it’s Friday.

Funny Fox Beer Drinking Party - Fox Beer - Sticker | TeePublic

I’m back. *hic* Where was I?

Seriously, that’s why the ADL declared bowl cuts to be hate symbols, because Dylan Roof has no sense of style.

This has dangerous, wide-reaching implications! THE BEATLES ARE NOW A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION! Suck on that one, Baby Boomers! And for the first time in eight hundred years, Franciscan monks are mobilizing for war.

Seriously, even the Beatles couldn’t make the bowl haircut cool.

To ensure this isn’t a hoax, let’s go straight to the source.

htt ps://

White Power (hand sign)

Some white supremacists, particularly in California, may use a two-handed handsign in which one hand forms the letter “W” and the other hand forms the letter “P,” to represent WP or “White Power.”

YOU CAN’T PROVE THAT WAS ME! I’LL SUE YOU INTO… oh wait *hic*, nobody was asking.

htt ps://

Bowlcut/Dylann Roof

Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, has ever or ever will carry that shield into battle.

After white supremacist Dylann Roof’s 2015 attack at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, many white supremacists tried to distance themselves from the attack or to claim it was a “false flag” operation designed to enable a crackdown on white supremacists. Since 2017, however, an increasing number of mostly younger white supremacists have not only applauded Roof’s attack but have openly promoted him as a hero, or even as a “saint.”

Yeah, the alt-Right does claim false flags a lot. Enough to lose credibility with me. They can’t keep beating the war drums while acting surprised when some of their number go “live”.

Roof venerators…

Not to be confused with Roof ventilators.

…often use Roof’s distinctive bowl-shaped haircut to refer to themselves and like-minded fans. This includes using word “bowl” as part of a screen name such as “Bowltrash” or “The Final Bowlution,. or collectively referring to themselves using terms such as the “Bowl Gang” or “Bowlwaffen Division.. They may also use slang terms such as “Take the bowl pill” or “disrespect the bowl, pay the toll.” Some use phrases such as “take me to church” or “take them to church” as coded references for violence.

No. No way. Murdering innocent pseudo-Christians is horrible but adopting a bowl cut is unthinkable. Let’s google those terms and I bet another shot of whiskey the ADL is lying.

Bowlution… nothing. *GQ drinks*

Bowlwaffen… nothing. *GQ drinks*

Bowltrash… did you know the Superbowl generates 40 tons of *hic* trash? Wait, was I supposed to be drinking if I’m right?

Take the bowl pill… oh yeah? Well, booze keeps ME regular! *GQ drinks*

Roof promoters also create and share Roof-related memes across the Internet, including depictions of Roof as a saintly figure with a halo around his head. Even more common are memes featuring Roof’s bowl haircut, either by itself or digitally affixed to other people’s heads. In one shared image, Roof’s haircut has been superimposed on a shield designed to resemble the divisional insignia of Waffen SS military units of Nazi Germany.

The only such pics I can find are on the ADL’s website. Perhaps they would have more credibility if they hadn’t forced the Daily Stormer into the Dark Net, or if they didn’t unperson every Not-see they can accuse.

More recent white supremacist killers such as Robert Bowers, who conducted a shooting spree at a Pittsburgh synagogue in October 2018, and, especially, Brenton Tarrant, the Australian white supremacist who launched a shooting spree targeting mosques in New Zealand in March 2019, have similarly attracted the attention of white supremacist meme propagators.

Neither of whom had bowl cuts, although Tarrant did signal that everything was “OK”.

Wait, he’s flashing “MP”, not “WP”. Yes, there are two MPs with him. False alarm.

Aha, I found those Roof-hair-related memes. All of them were made by one brain-damaged fruit basket named Jeffrey Clark of D.C., already in custody for a couple years.

Jeffrey Clark . the 30-year-old man federal agents arrested here Friday after he said the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting victims “deserved exactly what happened to them and so much worse” and his relatives worried he might try to launch a race war . wasn’t shy about being a neo-Nazi.

In April 2017, when someone asked Clark at a White House rally organized by .alt-right. coiner Richard Spencer whether he considered himself a fascist, he said no . he considered himself a Nazi. Antifa activists photographed him at the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August 2017. He has posed for pictures in front of Nazi symbols and holding Nazi memorabilia. …

This April, Clark threatened a HuffPost reporter, warning that the reporter would be going “feet first into a woodchipper.” The reporter told police about the threat in August. They did nothing at the time. In late October, D.C. police did come to Clark’s house in the Bloomingdale neighborhood after the death by suicide of his brother, Edward, but did not arrest him.

Good thing the ADL noticed the secret double meaning of the bowl haircut or he might never have been detected. Sleeper agents can be anybody, anywhere!

Believe it or not, the guy who made this pic is a Nazi! Notice the bowl haircut on the avatar, a secret identifying mark hidden in plain sight indicating sympathy for church shooter Dylan Roof….

I need a drink.


Physiognomy: Greta Thunberg

It’s usually a mistake to face-read a child. Features aren’t well-defined because the personality isn’t well-defined, and there’s a risk of self-fulfilling prophecy if a kid thinks he should behave a certain way. But Greta’s been denied any chance for a normal life, is 16 and is the child soldier of choice for today’s globalist slavers, so let’s do it. Some raw data:

A couple pics show her with cutting pupils (sociopathy) and a couple don’t. Such inconsistency is exactly why today’s results aren’t guaranteed. But the way she’s being used for political theater is an excellent way to foster sociopathic thought patterns that would not have formed in a normal childhood.

People with flat cheeks are normally polite. Not the case here.

Her chin isn’t YET prominent but certainly looks to be developing that way.

Eyebrows are moderately thicker on the inside. More visionary than managerial in her approach to tasks. They could be forming either rounded (social) or angled (conflict-seeking). They’re already very low, an indicator of impulsive behavior instead of patient behavior.

A lot of upper eyelid shows and the nose is concave, good indicators of a social outlook as opposed to rational. Common in women.

The left side of her face is significantly more guarded than the right, to the point of twisting her lips out of symmetry. Her inner/family life is much more adversarial than her outside life.

Her nose is concave for social energy. A concave nose that’s also turned upward is a very confrontational nose.

She had the potential for a typical, socially-oriented personality but her cheeks and chin have begun masculinization, consistent with her being put in high-pressure environments and under heavy performance burdens.

A couple pics, such as #4 here, show her with extremely dilated pupils. It’s possible the pictures were taken in the dark. More often, I would suspect drugs or mental problems, but here… let’s discuss Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

She has the philtrum, nose and lips. Not the skin folds and the head size is uncertain because she’s a dwarf.

Yeah, that’s Obama she’s shaking hands with. But at age 16, that is not a normal height for a Nordic woman. Slow physical growth is a non-physiognomy indicator of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, sufficient confirmation for me.

Greta has FAS. And if you look at her parents, it’s very plausible that Mommy had a gestational drug habit.

Lastly, if Greta continues her life as a professional agitator then Siang Mien predicts she will develop a mole around, but not on, her lips. That’s typical of people who argue points until they’re beating a dead horse.


While researching the above, I came across an astrological reading of Greta Thunberg. More discerning viewers may wish to skip this section but the curious and the lovers of freak shows… I have few illusions about my audience… may find this juxtaposition insightful.

No, I’m not about to become an astrologist.

The astrology of Greta Thunberg

I am often asked to profile good people for a change, instead of the mass murderers and psychologically unbalanced individuals that fascinate me.

Whoa… I feel twu wuv for a woman at last! Is she hawt, too?

Lynn Hayes

Um… no. Moving on.

So I picked Greta Thunberg, the young Swedish woman who at age 15 has become an internationally known climate activist. Greta has been diagnosed with Asperger’s and, curiously in light of her subsequent emergence as an outspoken activist, something called “selective mutism” in which a child is unable to speak under certain circumstances.

I saw those claims, OCD also, and still don’t know if they’re legit or a token claim of victimhood status. All are consistent with FAS.

Greta.s astrological birth chart shows that she has the both the Sun and Moon in the practical sign of Capricorn. Capricorn people like to Get Things Done, and Greta was born just after the Capricorn New Moon so there is a sense of beginning something new. The New Moon personality has a quality of innocence combined with an intense energy to begin something new and create sweeping change. Her Mars (depicting her drive and the way she asserts herself) is in the intense and powerful sign of Scorpio, and it is aligned with Venus which shows she is intense and independent in all of her interpersonal dealings.

Greta isn’t innocent. Per wikipedia, “Thunberg says she first heard about climate change in 2011, when she was 8 years old, and could not understand why so little was being done about it.” That’s a total lie. Kids that young are too immature for that kind of thinking, and her parents pushing… weaponizing… her into that role means she is neither innocent nor independent.

She has yet to take a position that any globalist would object to. Is that because she’s too Strong&Independent to think for herself?

Greta.s Sun is conjunct Chiron, the dwarf planet of wounding and healing. This alignment signifies an individual who came into this world with a deep soul wound that she will be faced with throughout her life so that it can eventually be healed.

Consistent with her parentage.

The Chiron archetype is that of the mentor . having healed our own wounds we then can choose to become a healer of others and a mentor to those who share our own affliction. Saturn, planet of tests and challenges, faces off in a stressful opposition to Pluto, adding more stress to this dynamic. It’s not surprising that Greta suffered from OCD.

This connection seems forced.

At the age of 11 transiting Pluto, the planet of deep transformation, triggered this deep soul wound of the Sun/Chiron and Saturn which coincides with a deep depression that caused her to stop speaking. Often when we go into the underworld of a Pluto cycle, even at such a young age, we can re-emerge with renewed resolve and empowerment which seems to be what happened to Greta.

Physiognomy only predicts who you ARE. Attempts like this to predict future events are an important factor in why physio is respectable and astrology is not. Granted, this particular event had already happened but regardless.

There are only four ways to predict the future:

  1. Make it happen the way you predicted. (The most popular method)
  2. Recognizing patterns from history. (The most practical method)
  3. Wishful thinking. (The most common method)
  4. Occult (hidden) knowledge provided by an outside intelligence. (Don’t do this)

Mercury in her chart, the planet of thought and communication, is also in Capricorn, suggesting that her thinking tends towards the practical . not just ideas, but how to turn them into something solid.

That’s ridiculous. Accomplishment is something separate from being either idealistic or practical.

Her Mercury is retrograde in the chart, which is interesting in light of the mutism, and harmonizes with both Mars and Venus which sometimes denotes an individual who enjoys debate. Uranus, the planet of rebellion and social justice, is in a powerful square to both Mars and Venus . she is a radical at heart (Mars/Uranus) and likely finds personal relationships a challenge because she is so independent (Venus/Uranus).

But Greta doesn’t enjoy debate. She’s on record being proud of how Asperger’s gives her a direct, forced personality. Neither is she radically independent, being a total ideological conformist in public.

We would likely not have heard anything from Greta had it not been for the fact that her Jupiter (confidence, search for meaning) is in the sign of Leo, the sign that celebrates the Self. Those with Jupiter in Leo feel an inward push towards recognition from the outer world and the need to do something important. That Jupiter conflicts with Mars in a challenging square which amplifies any frustration or anger that arises in her and creates the need for an outlet of some kind. That Jupiter is also harmonizing in a trine to Pluto, bestowing on her the power of personality to effect transformation through destruction of the old way and renewal.

Huh, bookburning has a Zodiac sign. There’s a lot of eisegesis, “reading into the material”, here. (My Christian readers are familiar with exegesis, deriving principles from Scriptural accounts.) I like Western Physiognomy because it’s a collection of individual indicators that one then assembles into a gestalt image. For example, impatiently low brows and flat, polite cheeks can indicate someone with high verbal skills because they simultaneously want to disagree and avoid conflict… impatient plus polite.

When that proves to not be the case, one is prompted to look further… here, it’s her Asperger’s driving her aggressive language. I like how physio is disprovable and when disproven, gives a direction for further inquiry.

Contrastingly, the Chinese Siang Mien is concerned mostly with indicators of luck, family stability, wealth and food abundance. They were less interested in understanding personality than predicting how well their life would turn out if Bob married Sally. Not unrelated, obviously, but how does one prove/disprove luck?

Here, we have “Confidence in Self conflicts with Drive/War” which is very nebulous material to work with.

Greta is of the Pluto in Sagittarius generation born between 1995-2008, the generation that the media calls Generation Z. This is the generation that grew up in the media age (Sagittarius rules media, of course) and their obsession with media is both their superpower and their undoing (as described by Pluto). I am so excited about these young people like Greta, who have big ideas (also Sagittarius) to hopefully fix this world that has been so damaged by previous generations.

Generation PIS? That’s a new one… I can use that… but maybe I shouldn’t.

I had fun but am not overly impressed.


Livin. That Irrelevant Life!

A couple priests of the Cult of Nice tried very hard to find out why the laity act as though God is irrelevant, and embarrass themselves in a most spectacular fashion!

Practical Atheists: Living as if God Is Irrelevant

John Stonestreet and G. Shane Morris

John Stonestreet photographed in his home office, Colorado Springs, CO, for World Magazine ...

John Stonestreet. More guarded on the left side than the right, always a negative indicator in somebody giving advice. I’ve concluded that my information on lower-eyelid stress lines is partially obsolete. So many men have stress lines like that these days, and from such a young age, that no meaning should be attached unless it’s quite pronounced.

Broad noses with big nostrils are a good indicator for family life. Intoverts tend to have narrower noses.

Having Pets Instead Of Kids Should Be Considered A Psychiatric Disorder

G. Shane. On the one hand, there’s not enough testosterone for him to even be shaving yet. On the other hand, in 2013 he was a quarterback for the Michigan Wolverines.

The Kid is in at No. 2. (Photo: Hoke's Mad Magicians)

I fear church life has neutered him! His skin has paled, meaning he doesn’t go outside like he used to. Married life can do horrible things like that to a man. Anyway, neither of these guys appears to have had much life experiences. There’s a reason ‘babyface’ is pejorative.

If a time-traveler from the Early Church secretly followed you from Monday till Saturday evening, would they be able to tell you’re a Christian?

I hope not. The government’s cameras secretly follow me, too, and they are no friends of Christ. I’m never more than one twerk-shaming away from a prison sentence.

The answer for many of us just isn’t very clear . and that’s no accident. Many Christians live lives indistinguishable from secularists. The reason? Well, quite simply, secularism is the default state of our culture. It’s the water we swim in.the air we all breathe.

They have a valid point. When you’re floating with the current of modern culture, you don’t feel anything. Only when you swim against the current do you realize what’s happening.

Or, as author Craig Gay put it in his book, .The Way of the Modern World,. the problem isn’t atheism. In fact, a red-blooded atheist is hard to find.

Bullshit. Look for the moron who thinks government is the solution. There’s your atheist.

The problem, he said, is “practical atheism.” It’s not that people do not believe in God, it’s that they live as if God is largely irrelevant. That’s what secularism does to us. It doesn’t disprove our faith, it dismisses it. It makes faith an issue of personal, private belief, disconnected from the outside world.

That’s the carrot. The stick is punishing the people who violate secularism and that’s where the Church falls apart. Husbands ruined by frivorce? Not Pastor’s problem. Wicked judges issuing dictats from the bench? Not his problem. Teaching sexual perversion to schoolchildren? “Kids these days.”

When our leaders act as though matters of conscience and morality are irrelevant, how does one expect the followers to act?

Catholic philosopher Charles Taylor has written the monumental work on the subject called “A Secular Age.” The marginalization of religious belief in our world, Taylor argues, has led to .disenchantment.” While God’s revelation in creation was obvious to prior generations, we completely miss the sacred things revealed in the way the world is made and ordered.

Scripture.s metaphors make no sense in a disenchanted culture. As practical atheists, we are deaf to the heavens. loud proclamation of the glory of God. Stars and rainbows remind us more of human achievement and self-determination than they do of God’s promises.

THAT’S what rainbows remind him of? Nobody uses the rainbow to remind anybody of human achievement and self-determination. Either you recognize the rainbow as a symbol of God’s mercy, a symbol of homosexual rebellion against God or you don’t think symbology is important in Current Year.

In other words, we live in a world where the assumptions that govern how we think and what we do are almost always secular ones. Whatever people may say on surveys about their religious beliefs, the fact is that modern, Western life is overwhelmingly lived without even considering God.

No, they’re ATHEIST ones. Secular is “non-religious”, atheist is “anti-religious”.

Living as a six-day secularist, shaped by secular assumptions and rituals, has very serious and practical consequences. Good things result from our hard work and planning, we think, not from the gracious hands of our loving Father.

Also, because God is not easily replaced as an organizing principle for life itself, many of us today find ourselves living lives of fragmentation.our thoughts, emotions, and desires constantly pulling us in opposite directions; the changing values all around us giving us worldview-whiplash.

Still, worst of all, practical atheists are always subject to idolatry. As John Calvin said, humans are incurably religious creatures, and our secular age offers all kinds of God-replacements: sex, self, stuff, state, science. Ironically, a secular age is still filled with faith.just in all the wrong gods. These gods mark us in their images in profoundly dehumanizing ways.

Shane in particular is an anti-porn advocate, per some brief research. Neither the self nor material wealth are inherently idolatrous. Government is, however, so again they’re not all wrong. But they’re connecting the dots all wrong and working their prejudices into the analysis.

The only way to be distinctly Christian in today’s culture is to consciously and intentionally swim against the secular currents. First, we need to recognize them, as well as how they sweep us away.

Thank God this is not only possible; it’s been done before. Christians throughout history have had to swim against cultural currents opposed to their beliefs. Many not only succeeded in keeping their faith but in transforming the surrounding culture.

Preach, brothers! We must resist this tide of secular materialism and be different from the fallen world around us!

That.s why I think our next Colson Center Short Course is one of our most important. It’s a crash course in understanding and countering practical atheism. It’s called How Not to Be A Secularist. Beginning on October 1st and continuing for four consecutive Tuesday nights, this webinar series will equip you to recognize secularism in all of its forms and assumptions, and will help you keep a firm grasp on your Christian identity in this secular age, even while the culture tries to sweep it away.

We only have a limited number of spaces, so please sign up today.

Preach… uh… are… are you FREAKIN’ KIDDING ME? *checks* Registration cost: $49. You pious hypocrites! You write a long-winded article complaining Christians have absorbed too much of modern, Godless culture… and your solution… is a webinar costing fifty bucks a head! DO YOU NOT HAVE A SINGLE FRICKING CLUE?


The Gebert Brothers, A Study In Realpolitik

America has already fallen to Socialism but the question remains open which flavor of Socialism it will be. This seems to be a pattern first established by the Trotskyites of Russia, repeated with France’s Reign of Terror and today, with the alt-Right. I’ve been hopeful but suspicious about them, the Church having burned me too badly with good words and evil actions to take them at face value, and suspicion is winning out. The white nationalists, still for want of a better term, are not anti-Communist anymore than the fascists were in the interwar years. Communists freak out about them not because WNs are their enemy, but because WNs are their rival. And possibly a natural consequence of their group identity politics and quasi-religious need for a scapegoat.

We Christians, their true enemy, are no longer a threat. Hell, we aren’t even players anymore.

Which brings me to a recently unmasked leader (or at least, member of significance) of the alt-Right and a Charlottesville participant, Matt Gebert, whose rise and fall perfectly captures the times we are living in.

White Nationalist State Department Official Surfaces in Photographs | Southern Poverty Law Center

A color-altered pic of Charlottesville. This is long so I broke it up. Act I is who Matt is, Act II is how he was betrayed and Act III is why he’s not the good guy, either.


The State Department Just Suspended an Alleged White Nationalist Who Attended Charlottesville

By Tess Owen, 8 August 2019

A U.S. State Department official was moonlighting as a white nationalist leader in Washington, D.C. As part of that role, he hosted prominent racists and Holocaust deniers at his home in Virginia, attended the violent Charlottesville rally, and spread Nazi propaganda online, according to a new report by Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hatewatch.

Matthew Q. Gebert joined the State Department in 2013 and currently works as a foreign affairs officer in the department’s Bureau of Energy Resources, a State Department spokesperson confirmed to VICE News. In that position, Gebert is considered a civil servant rather than a political appointee.

Hatewatch found that Gebert had been operating in his role as a white nationalist under the pseudonym “Coach Finstock” and helped lead the D.C. Helicopter Pilots, the organizing chapter of Mike Peinovich’s white nationalist organization “The Right Stuff.” Peinovich, also known as Mike Enoch, is best known for his role organizing the 2017 .Unite the Right. rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, which left one dead, and his blog and podcast, which he uses to peddle anti-Semitism and racist pseudo-science.

Charlottesville was the first public showing of the alt-Right, and its coming out of mostly nowhere… and enduring significance… suggests the alt-Right is far better organized than most suspect. It was definitely a show of force, although the Left has successfully maintained control of the Narrative.

…Until the 2018 election? I wonder if Trump actually is one of the alt-Right’s leaders. It would explain much about his consistently and inexplicably Deep State-friendly staff selections.

Gebert reportedly discussed attending the Charlottesville rally himself during an appearance on “Fatherland,” a neo-Nazi podcast, according to Hatewatch. He said he disguised himself wearing a hat and sunglasses and boasted about returning in “one piece.” Twitter accounts that Hatewatch linked to Gebert shared anti-Semitic memes about Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg as well as swastikas and other Nazi imagery.

When it comes to RBG, I prefer necromancy memes.

So Ruth Bader Ginsburg Walked Into a Bar With Abraham Lincoln?? - RightWisconsin

Later on Wednesday, leftist media collective Union Riot revealed that Gebert was a member of two far-right Discord servers: .Vibrant Diversity,. which has been described as the most elite discord server in the alt-right, and “Charlottesville 2.0,. which was used to organize Unite the Right. Prominent members of Vibrant Diversity include neo-Nazi fugitive Andrew Anglin, Peinovich, and former Identity Evropa leader Elliot Kline (also known as Eli Moseley).

No wonder the leaderless Gamergate movement drove the Left nuts.

Gebert and his wife hosted Peinovich and other white nationalists numerous times at their home in [censored], Virginia, according to the report. Hatewatch estimated that Gebert’s official involvement in white nationalism started around 2015. His most recent involvement in white nationalism was this past spring.

Gebert.s alleged participation in white nationalist activities could be a violation of the Hatch Act, which prohibits federal employees from engaging in outside political activity while on duty. Penalties for violating the Hatch Act range from removal or suspension from federal service, to official reprimand, to a fine of up to $1,000.

Ooh, what an interesting-sounding law! Segue:

The Hatch Act was passed in 1939 to ensure that federal programs “are administered in a nonpartisan fashion, to protect federal employees from political coercion in the workplace, and to ensure that federal employees are advanced based on merit and not based on political affiliation,” according to the U.S. Office of Special Counsel.

Sounds like a leftover law from the salad days of Big Labor Unions, before the globalists shoved then under a Chinese bus. The relevant bit:

These employees may not engage in political activity while: on duty, in a government office, wearing an official uniform, [or] using a government vehicle.

I don’t see any way that Matt violated the Hatch Act. But wow, Russiagate violated the stinkin’ beans out of it!… uh-oh:

In 1993, a Republican Congress substantially relaxed the Hatch Act to permit most federal employees to take an active part in partisan management and partisan political campaigns in their own free time. The ban on political activity remains in effect when those employees are on duty.

Are you fricking oh come on cotton-pickin’ DERP!!!! Republicans relaxed the “no political activity with government resources” just in time for Slick Willie Clinton’s midterm election cycle. That and the FBI leak began the Clinton Machine.

Meanwhile, no, Matt didn’t violate the Hatch Act by talking smack about Jooz in his spare time. But he posted under pseudonyms on anonymous/secure servers. How did the Left manage to doxx him? The old-school way: Judas.


The brother of white nationalist U.S. State Department Official Matthew Q. Gebert reported him to the FBI in July over concerns about his radicalization, he told Hatewatch.

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15 August 2019

The SPLC curiously repeats “Matthew Q. Gebert” like a mantra. Does he like to have his full name spelled like that? A search ranking trick? Do they think he’s the alt-Right mastermind?

Michael Gebert, 30, told Hatewatch that he reported his older brother through the electronic tip form on the FBI.s website on July 2, 2019, over concerns about his role in the State Department . relative to what he believes to be his brother’s white nationalist ideology.

.I saw so much evil in my brother, I could not fucking deal with it,. Michael Gebert told Hatewatch. Michael Gebert detailed, from his apartment, what led him to contact authorities.

Hatewatch reported on Aug. 7, 2019, that Matthew Q. Gebert, 38, a foreign affairs officer in the U.S. State Department, first radicalized to white nationalism in 2015, according to his own words on a white nationalist forum. He led the Washington, D.C.-area chapter of a white nationalist organization called “The Right Stuff,. according to sources who spoke to Hatewatch and archived posts from a white nationalist forum. He hosted other white nationalists at his home and produced racist and antisemitic propaganda on social media and podcasts through the pseudonym “Coach Finstock..

One month after he told the FBI, the SPLC was all over him. I assume the FBI tried to find dirt on Matt for a month, failed and passed the football to the irregular forces of SocJus.

The State Department suspended Gebert on Aug. 7, in the immediate aftermath of the publication of Hatewatch’s investigation. The State Department confirmed to Hatewatch that he is under investigation.

He was suspended within eight hours of Hatewatch denouncing his politics. NOW can we talk about Hatch Act violations?

Michael Gebert said the depths of Matthew Q. Gebert’s radicalization became apparent in a confrontation they had in the summer of 2018 at a family gathering hosted in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania. There, the two brothers consumed alcohol, he said, and Matthew Q. Gebert spoke about Jews, immigrants and other minorities in terms that frightened him.

.I ran crying into the darkness,. Michael Gebert said of the 2018 confrontation.

Matt got drunk and bared his soul to such a pussy of a kid brother that he surely would never have done it while sober. But wait! This was summer 2018 and Mikey ratted his brother out in July 2019. This article doesn’t explain the discrepancy.

Michael Gebert told Hatewatch that he drank .20 ounces of St. Ides. malt liquor to find the courage to submit the tip to the FBI.

One beer. One single fricking beer before he was ‘drunk’ enough to betray a brother. You must be so proud of yourself, Mikey, courageously stabbing family in the back for hating on immigration like that.

.I love my brother,. Michael Gebert told Hatewatch, underscoring his internal conflict in reporting him to the FBI. .My brother will make it through this..

“Hello, World, I’m live with the SPLC today to tell you how I’m so internally conflicted about reporting my bro to the Commissariat. Power to the People!”

Hatewatch reached out to Matthew Q. Gebert by email for a comment on this story, and he did not immediately reply.

Oh, I bet a little birdie replied.

Michael Gebert confirmed the photo of a man participating at a white nationalist event in Charlottesville, Virginia, in May of 2017 published by Hatewatch on Aug. 9, 2019, was of his brother. He also listened to “Coach Finstock” talking about his views on a podcast recorded with .alt-right. internet personality “Ricky Vaughn” in February 2018 and provided additional verification of his voice.

The opening pic of this post.

.I take these risks [with my life] because I have a grave sense of foreboding that this country and all the white countries on earth are on a collision course with perdition,. Matthew Q. Gebert said as “Coach Finstock” on that show. .The only reason I am taking this risk is so that my kids can grow up in a whiter country if not an actual explicit white exclusionary country at some point in their lives..

My sympathies, Matt. Although I care less about the racial makeup of my country than limited gov’t and private property because, as you’ve just noticed yourself, we whites were betrayed first by our own people.

Gebert went on to say that the options to achieve that goal were to enact what he called a “slow cleanse” or wait for social collapse.

Michael Gebert described these views as being .stupid,. as he listened to his brother’s voice. …

Michael Gebert described his brother as a liberal-minded student with one of the most promising minds at [censored] High School in New Jersey. The account of his brother’s intelligence, open-mindedness and aptitude for accumulating knowledge about world affairs is backed up by at least one other graduate of Sterling High School, who spoke to Hatewatch but asked not to be named.

Michael Gebert said his brother listened to hip-hop in high school. Most notably, Matthew Gebert enjoyed the music of the New York-based rap group Wu-Tang Clan, he said. His taste in music at that time is notable in part because all the members of Wu-Tang Clan are black.

.Matt turned me on to so many good musicians,. Michael Gebert told Hatewatch.

Less than two decades later, Matthew Q. Gebert said through his “Coach Finstock” persona on a May 2018 white nationalist podcast called “The Fatherland” that black people “do not belong around [white people] for an ocean at least..

In college, Matt traveled repeatedly to Russia and Serbia, where he began associating with the alt-Right per this article. (Omitted for brevity.)

A neighbor contacted Hatewatch to say they saw Matthew Q. Gebert in his driveway with a gun on his waist on Aug. 7, 2019, immediately following the publication of the Hatewatch investigation. The neighbor provided a photograph to Hatewatch of a man carrying what looks like a gun on his waist at the house Hatewatch visited in June for this investigation. Gebert is entitled to carry a legally purchased gun openly in [censored] where he lives, according to Virginia state laws, but the neighbor told Hatewatch that the neighborhood is concerned about an armed white nationalist living nearby.

Sounds like the Second Amendment prevented yet another act of domestic terrorism.

Another neighbor of Matthew Q. Gebert said that the State Department official served as vice president of his local homeowners. association. The neighbor said the homeowners. association asked him to step down, and he refused. The website for the homeowners’ group states that as of Aug. 12, Gebert has resigned from the HOA board.

The neighbor sent a screenshot of a notice from the homeowners. association calling for a meeting on Aug. 27, 2019. The notice lists “Removal of Matthew Gebert” as the purpose for the meeting.

So, Matt’s career is punked and his reputation is punked and he’ll probably be forced out of his own home, which is just as well because the neighbors now hate and spy on him, and the Senate Armed Forces Committee has been briefed on the threat he poses to the USA (seriously) and the SPLC complains that Matt legally carries a gun when they monitor him in public, all within five days of being outed despite no documented criminal activity after a month of investigation by the FBI, but his brother has every confidence that Matt will be fine.

Mikey, I shit more honor after a Taco Bell lunch than you will ever know in your entire life. Do yourself a favor: never sober up. You might realize what you did.

This is an ugly, despicable, cruel, evil and TYPICAL example of Social Justice in modern America. That being said, as much as I want to like and defend Matt… I read what he wrote.


By Robert Finstock, [and per] Greg Johnson, John Morgan, Michael Polignano

I looked for something more current and other than “recommended by the SPLC”, but everything’s been memoryholed. This seems adequate for our purposes.

Since it burst onto the scene, most of the Alternative Right’s energies have rightfully focused on metapolitics, networking, and domestic agitation. So far as international politics is concerned, there is a broad Alt Right consensus that globalism is the enemy, rapprochement with Russia is critical, and we must end and reverse the dark invasion of our countries. Yet these are easy calls; if our success continues and we eventually see white governments proliferate across North America and Europe, how would we achieve our objectives, consolidate our gains, and increase our strength? To ensure the long-term flourishing of our race, we should ultimately pursue an explicitly pro-white Northern Alliance of North America, Europe, and Russia, acting in strictly enforced cohesion on matters of immigration, defense, and foreign policy. Absent this, our prospects in this century are almost certainly doomed.

That’s extremely hypocritical. Globalism is the problem; the solution is a pan-continental alliance of nations? But it makes sense if “globalism” indicates Communists specifically.

Sovereign Ethnostates vs. Pan-Europeanism

If we succeed beyond our wildest dreams and achieve the proliferation of white ethnostates across the northern hemisphere, the choice between preserving sovereign nations versus building a pan-European superstate will seem like a luxury after all we have accomplished. This need not be an either/or question, however.

It’s absolutely an either/or dilemma. Weak, distributed gov’t or strong, centralized gov’t. What’s your endgame? Assigning me to the Tribe of Americanized Scotsmen whether I want to live there or not? Sounds like the latter.

Creating exclusionary white countries is our Herculean task; how we choose to associate after that will be comparatively easy. The Northern Alliance could be a type of aggrandized and rational NATO . or an uncucked EU . in that member states would retain sovereignty, yet commit to collective immigration, defense, and foreign policy administrations. Member states would preserve domestic imperatives and cultural identities while being bound by oath to support their blood allies in the most critical issues facing the Alliance.

*Gunner Q looks at the history of Scotland* No, that is not how things will play out. When my people had Scotland all to themselves, their clannishness and identity politics merely turned inward. As always happens. The Scots didn’t like the Irish, united they opposed the American colonies, together we opposed Italy and Germany in the World Wars.

It is a hopeless utopia, that a race-pure nation would be automatically unified in purpose. Even Israel couldn’t manage that with a gov’t designed, implemented, managed and pedigreed by God Himself.

If such an arrangement proves its merits, the .ever-closer union. of deracinated EU bureaucrat fantasy will develop naturally: liberal migration within the Alliance, free trade across it, and a common currency could be considered. If such increased cohesion proves impossible, a loose confederation would be maintained to avoid the pitfalls of the European Union. We are prickly, individualistic peoples with proud histories, but the tribal instinct that saved us at Tours and Vienna is being awakened, and can guide our cooperation for survival again.

But only while Eurasia is at war with Eastasia will that tribal instinct unite us. He claims to be on the Right but talks a lot like a Socialist. Especially the talk about unity.

You know why I hate the concept of political or religious unity? Because the definition of unity is “you don’t have an alternative”.

The Russian Question

The Alternative Right takes a generally positive view toward Russia, if for no other reason than that it is the most powerful European country on Earth, and Jews are hell-bent on breaking it to their will.

Russia isn’t that powerful of a nation these days. It’s doing fine, all things considered, but I heard a lot of wishful thinking in Matt’s sentiment.

Regardless of whether Vladimir Putin is foremost Russian Orthodox, Russian nationalist, or neo-imperialist, the fact remains that he nearly single-handedly saved his people from post-Yeltsin perdition, and persists as the single greatest impediment to what the geopolitical analyst known as The Saker calls the .Anglo-Zionist Empire.. Put simply, the white race will be dealt a death-blow if the Jews puppeteering U.S. foreign policy succeed in provoking NATO and Russia into all-out war. Yes, Russians seem alien to most Westerners, as if they are long-lost cousins exiled from our tribe to survive in frozen wastelands. But their conquest of the northern Asian land mass is one of the great achievements of European man, and Russian ferocity, intellect, and loyalty will be invaluable in the new order, to say nothing of their increasingly formidable nuclear and conventional forces.

A LOT of wishful thinking.

Crucially, Russia’s influential Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin provided remarks to Russia Today in 2008 which indicate that Russia comprehends the stakes at the highest levels of its government:

“There is a new civilization emerging in the Third World that thinks that the white, northern hemisphere has always oppressed it and must therefore fall at its feet now. This is very serious. If the northern civilization wants to protect itself, it must be united: America, the European Union, and Russia. If they are not together, they will be defeated one by one.”

Putin has also consistently offered conciliatory remarks toward the West, despite the constant, unhinged invective lobbed at him from Western politicians and the L?genpresse. Western Europeans and Russians share the same enemies and a close racial heritage. The Russians are open to rapprochement, and Western leaders liberated from the Jewish yoke can bury the hatchet with Russia in the coming years.

Russia is in this for Russia. Any other belief is not merely delusional, it’s intentionally rebuilding the very empire that America got suckered (or blackmailed) into operating. We have common interests today, for example not allowing USA to wage war against Russia, but that is an alliance of convenience.

Stanch the Bleeding, Reverse the Rot: Common Immigration Policy

No reader of Counter-Currents will be unfamiliar with the demographic daggers already sunken into our national breasts, sinking deeper every year. Much of the Alt Right’s success, particularly in the past year, can be attributed to the shocking imagery of military-aged Muslim males pouring into Europe en masse and at the invitation of many of Europe’s leaders.

Translation, the alt-Right wants to recruit us before the Left destroys us. But both sides envision a unified global empire.

Americans watching their once-great national experiment run off the tracks is one thing; seeing their ancestral homelands being lost is entirely another.

It doesn’t matter what race our betrayers are. If you don’t want limited gov’t, private property and Christianity then you aren’t an American. If you do then you are. A sentiment the “race realist” alt-Right cannot accept.

The atrocities now regularly committed on both sides of the Atlantic by the imported pets of liberalism are finally jolting our people awake in ever-larger numbers. It is thus now possible to envision a transcontinental policy to ban Muslim immigration and gradually eradicate Islam from the entirety of North America, Europe, and Russia. Trump has already proposed an immigration hiatus, many European states are moving in that direction, and Russians will never forget the gruesome lessons of Chechnya, Nord-Ost, and Beslan. It only requires the right stuff.

Immediate bans on new Muslim immigration need not await any formal alliance; all Western countries already have the means, and many have the popular support, to implement policies to halt the invasion and stanch the bleeding. With nearly fifty majority-Muslim nations on Earth, many of them fabulously wealthy…


…and sparsely populated, a properly-resourced Northern Alliance Deportation Force could progressively and humanely relocate those Muslims who chose to remain in North America, Europe, and Russia despite exclusion from all rights of citizenship and public benefits. With at least fifty million Muslims residing in Europe and the Americas in 2010, immigration bans are simply inadequate; the rot must be reversed by mass physical removal.

Yep, they’ve got to go. Even Muslims can’t live in peace with Muslims.

Collective Defense: Make NATO Great Again

Skip fantasy of a world government ever being a good idea.

White Realpolitik: Northern Alliance Foreign Policy

The guiding principle of a common Northern Alliance foreign policy would borrow from the unabashed ethnic chauvinists of the National Council of La Raza: .For the race, everything, outside the race, nothing..

I got a problem with that: Christ Jesus, who provided salvation to all non-Jews. I’m really, really glad He did that, so I’m really, really not going to blame ‘outsiders’ for crimes of birth.

You anti-Semites drive me crazy. First you convinced me that there really are Jewish conspiracies to kill Christianity and Western Civilization, then you convinced me (inadvertently) that you aren’t Jew-haters, you’re Jew-copycats.

Unbelievable. You really take the cake.

Matt, I want the Jews gone every bit as much as you do… because I want my country back. You, you want some White Israel with a divine mandate to maltreat Hasidic goyim while assigning power and land by genetic purity, or something. It didn’t work for ancient Israel and no alt-Righter has explained how it could work today, but they want it badly enough to shred the Constitution before the Commies can.

Please do not imitate the butchers of Christ. They are a stiff-necked people.

Finally, if there is one foreign aid program a Northern Alliance considers, it would be a continent-wide sterilization campaign in Africa, if only to make Mediterranean Sea interdictions less numerous.

Matt and I both hate people but only one of us WANTS to hate people. Leave Africa to the Africans? Sure, that’s even what the Africans want! Then cull them to ensure they never outbreed the superior races? That would be an abomination against Father God.

But the only reason one would want to do that is if there was no God. Only Evolution. The alt-Right talks a good game about restoring Christianity but then acts like God isn’t around and only a Nietzschean will to power can set the world right.


The creation of a white nationalist movement was an inevitable result of the Left using whites as scapegoats for its race identity politics. However, because “white people” is itself a race identity, it has organized along the same socialist principles to become a reflection of the very evil it claims to fight.

The alt-Right as represented by Matt is every bit as globalist and Utopian as the Left currently in power. On the one hand, the Left has proven itself far more cruel and sadistic. On the other hand, we have excellent reason to believe that’s only because the alt-Right is not in power, and would be equally cruel and sadistic given the chance.

Whichever side wins, we Christians lose.

I’ve said it before, white America was betrayed first by white Americans. As Matt has experienced for himself.


Darth Vaper

Some things don’t change, like people getting addicted to recreational drugs. Some things do change, like which drugs are most appealing to stupid people. And some things REALLY change, like Disney’s attempt to salvage Star Wars with product placement targeted at stoners:

darth vader, fashion, smoking, star wars, style - image #168025 on

Okay, that was a lie (or a prophecy). But seriously, the new habit of e-cigarettes made smoking nicotine much healthier for addicts and more pleasant for everybody else until Vapers began suffering sudden lung failure. The news media claims that vaping itself is dangerously unhealthy. But if that’s true then why is the death toll six and not a more likely fifty thousand? Occam’s Razor says these end-user geniuses had discovered you can load other fluids into an E-cig.

Like the Colorado hippies who discovered, I assume by trial and error, that licking a certain species of frog provided a hallucinogenic experience, the E-cigarette community is entering its uncomfortable and inevitable adolescence. “Duuude, try this antifreeze mixed with Drano and banana peel! I call it the Tunnel Vision mix.”

vader kush | Tumblr

We begin with this innocent bystander:

This is Simah Herman, a perfectly normal and healthy girl who totally didn’t start doing drugs underage until it ruined her health even before she loaded that free sample of Mother Trucker CBD.

Teen who was put on life-support for vaping says .I didn’t think of myself as a smoker.

Funny headline!

By Sally Hawkins, Knex Walker, Ashley Riegle and Anthony Rivas, 11 September 2019

(LOS ANGELES) — Though she might not look like it today, Simah Herman said she was sure she was going to die last month as she sat in the car unable to breathe, her father racing her to the hospital.

Ambulances can reach you faster, and safer, than you can reach the hospital. Just sayin’, it CAN be money well spent when breathing is really hard.

.I just remember feeling like absolute…nothing. Like I just couldn’t do anything,. Herman, 18, said. .I couldn’t drink water. I couldn’t move. Like, I literally just wanted to crawl out of my skin..

The doctors looking after Herman at Los Angeles. Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center were also stumped. On that day, Aug. 15, a chest X-ray showed white hazy areas at the bottom of her lungs, which her pulmonologist, Dr. Kathryn Melamed, said could potentially be pneumonia. Less than 48 hours later, chest X-rays showed that her lungs were filled with white . they were inflamed and full of fluid, Melamed said.

Pneumonia occurs most often after an initial infection, so I understand, and very rarely in a healthy young adult. Barring disease and congenital issues, the most likely cause would be chemical irritation. I suspect the pulmonologist also knew this and the “they didn’t know” idea is being played for drama.

.My best guess since we’re still learning about what is really going on in the lungs is [it.s a] profound inflammatory reaction to the vape products or some…component of the vape products,. Melamed said.

Translation, that wasn’t nicotine you were smoking, Barbie.

Still unable to breathe after two days, Herman had to be put on a ventilator, and shortly afterward, a medically induced coma. It was while she was in the coma that her cousin revealed a secret that Simah had been keeping from her parents that helped lead to some answers.

.She said, .You know she smokes every day?.. said Stacy Herman, Simah Herman’s mother. .I said, .What? What are you talking about?. And she said, .She smokes every day. She smokes that vape.. I said, .You tell the doctors right now. You go tell the doctors right now…

Ooh, even saucier than my “playing it for the drama” suspicion! Her parents didn’t know she was a smoker… because she “didn’t think of herself as a smoker”? But she did think to keep her not-smoking a secret from them.

By the time that Simah Herman had emerged from her coma, she had been in the hospital for five days. With a ventilator still pumping oxygen into her failing lungs, the teen who said she would vape every 10 to 15 minutes decided to become an advocate against vaping.

Every 10-15 minutes. USA has 20 cigs in a pack… 15min=5 hours per pack… Simah “I don’t think of myself as a smoker” Herman had the equivalent of a two-pack-a-day habit.

.I asked for, like, a pen and paper because that was the only way I could communicate,. Simah Herman said. “And I wrote, .I want to start a no-vaping campaign.” That was the first thing I did when I opened my eyes..

“Darth Vaper hurt me, Daddy! It was Darth Vaper!”

Simah Herman’s story is one of the latest in a string of cases of serious . sometimes even life-threatening . illnesses linked to vaping.

As of Sept. 10, there have been six confirmed deaths and over 450 possible cases of lung illness in 33 states associated with e-cigarette products, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which noted that in addition to nicotine, patients also reported using e-cigarette products with liquids containing cannabinoids like THC, the active compound in marijuana.

The truth comes out. They were vaping the Drano.

Many of the cases involve teens.

Because good judgment usually comes after bad judgment. The process takes time.

Simah Herman said she first started vaping at age 15, and that she.d buy the cartridges from a smoke shop despite being a minor.

.I went in and I was like, “Can I get a pack of Juul pods?. And they were like, .How old are you?. And I said, .22,. and they were just like, .OK,.. Simah Herman said.

This is my shocked face that cannabis dealers aren’t paragons of Lawful Good.

Just this week, the FDA sent a warning letter to Juul, the industry leader for vape products, accusing it of illegally marketing its nicotine vape products as safer than traditional cigarettes without proof.

That doesn’t sound right. Vaping is obviously safer… not safe, of course… simply because customers aren’t inhaling smoke with its zillions of toxic chemicals. Also, said customers are no longer playing with matches.

Found the letter:

It’s just the FDA complaining about an overzealous tobacco lobbyist selling schoolkids on vaping. Not a peep about the military recruiter standing next to him offering free gender reassignments.

The more I look at this vaping scandal, the more it looks like the unholy union of a bureaucratic witch hunt with a street gang scouting new markets.

In a statement to ABC News, Juul said it was reviewing the FDA letter and that it would “fully cooperate.”

“We share these concerns about youth vaping, which is why we have taken the most aggressive actions of anyone in the industry to combat youth usage,” Juul said. “We strongly advocate for Tobacco 21 legislation, we stopped the sale of non-tobacco and non-menthol-based flavored JUULpods to our traditional retail store partners, enhanced our online age-verification process, strengthened our retailer compliance program with over 2,000 secret shopper visits per month and shut down our Facebook and Instagram accounts while working constantly to remove inappropriate social media content generated by others on those platforms. …

In most of the cases I reviewed, it was cannabis oil being vaped not mere nicotine. Turns out that the pneumonia in question is “lipoid pneumonia” which is a non-disease form of pneumonia caused primarily by inhaling oils and related aerosols into one’s lungs. I learned something new today! I learned what happens if you inhale oven cleaner.

Truly, the Internet is a fount of useful knowledge.

Simah Herman was healthy and active when she first started drugs vaping underage. She had been a dancer for years, even making the dance team during her freshman year of college. But she said her abilities started to diminish as her vaping habit increased and she began vaping cannabis as well.

Eventually, she was vaping a nicotine cartridge a day, with the total amount of nicotine in one cartridge the same as that in a pack of cigarettes.

The witness, her cousin reported two packs a day. My money says ‘Cuz is closer to the truth.

.I didn’t think of myself as a smoker. Like, it’s just a different kind of smoke,. Simah Herman said. .The vaping just makes it seem like nothing. Like you’re doing nothing wrong..

In the two years that she had been vaping, Simah Herman said she lost 50 pounds “without trying” because she felt sick all the time. She said she often felt nauseous and dizzy, too, and that she didn’t notice how her appearance had changed.

You weren’t a smoker, Drug Addled Barbie, you were just another self-destructing addict who refused to ask for help because you didn’t want help. God only knows how you kept such a weight loss hidden from your parents.

Oh yeah, you went to college. Which means your starting at age 15 is not matching up to your two years of self-reported side effects.

As her health issues worsened, she also stopped going to classes. Doctors, meanwhile, weren’t able to offer any solid answers, even though she would tell them that she vaped, she said.

.I told every doctor that I went to just because I had such severe issues,. she said. .I wanted to make sure that…wasn.t making anything worse, but no doctor ever said, like, .Maybe you should stop vaping…

Was there a reason they should have? Nicotine doesn’t normally cause digestive troubles, neither do lung troubles. I suspect she was “recreating” with something else at the time. Wild guess here, she changed dealers boyfriends just before the two years of side effects started.

Melamed said there is a lot that’s still unknown about the consequences of vaping. .We don’t know which components . if it’s a certain component or certain product [or] certain brand that is responsible for both the short- and long-term effects of vaping,. she said.

Stacy Herman, however, believes the whole industry . not just Juul . markets to minors purposely. After she discovered that her daughter was hiding her vape addiction, she said she “ransacked her room” and “found all the vapes..

.The fact that they market this crap to children, and they turn it into pink, pretty purple packaging [kind of] pisses me off,. Stacy Herman said. .I.m so angry that [Simah] can get a hold of this thinking it’s nothing wrong with it because everyone’s doing it. . It looks and smells like mango, and it looks and smells like bubblegum and her room smells delicious. I smell[ed] the packages. They smell great..

Although Simah Herman has stopped vaping, she said she still feels compelled to pick one up.

.Now I don’t necessarily crave the nicotine. I don’t necessarily crave the weed. It’s just craving, like, the act of smoking,. she said. .So that’s been the hardest thing…staying away from it..

Hoping that her story going public will help to discourage e-cigarette use, she said that she.d tell teens who want to try vaping that she once wanted to try it just once, too.

Guess what, Mommy, the advertising worked so well that even now, both you and your druggie daughter are blaming the medium for the message. It’s nicotine and marijuana that should be avoided. Smoke it, suck it, vape it, the method changes but chemistry is forever.


Turning Point: the Iowa Hog Farm Murder

A comment on Dalrock’s by Warthog turned me on to the in-progress Iowa Hog Farm Murder Trial. Men are finally beginning to respond rationally, if not morally, to the atrocities of the frivorce-industrial complex.

An Affair, Then Murder on an Iowa Hog Farm

By Kate Seamons, 19 September 2019

On Nov. 10 of last year, an Iowa man called 911 around noon. Todd Mullis said he sent his 13-year-old son to check on his wife, and the boy found Amy Mullis in a shed at their Earlville hog farm with a corn rake impaled in her back. She was pronounced dead at a local medical center, and Todd told investigators that she must have fallen onto the rake. Two days later, Amy’s death was recorded as a homicide.

Hold up, Fargo, you just got competition for my afternoon entertainment.

In a February article on Todd’s subsequent arrest, the Des Moines Register reported that the Iowa Medical Examiner’s Office noted that while the rake had four prongs, there were six puncture wounds in the 39-year-old’s back. Todd, 43, went on trial this week in Dubuque for first-degree murder and faces up to life if convicted. The latest:

The Register cited charging documents that showed investigators discovered a series of searches on an iPad Todd owned made four days before Amy died. Among them: “organs in the body,” “killing unfaithful women,” and “what happened to cheating spouses in historic Aztec tribes.”

HAHAHA! One would think a hog farmer would already know how to butcher a… pig.

On a related note, maybe I should start using an Internet privacy company. Some of my blog-related search queries might give the wrong impression in a criminal court. Example, I collect selfies of famous murderers but not because I’m a fan of their work.

On that note,

Family photos from Facebook show what appears to be a happy family, doting over their children as they showed off hunting trophies and awards for gymnastics and 4-H club

Perp on the left, vic on the right. There’s not much to say about him; he looks like your typical corn-fed Midwesterner. Works outdoors a lot but doesn’t wear sunglasses, to judge from cheek color and ears. I do note his left eye is more guarded than his right, indicating personal life problems. Ditto wifey.

As for the unfaithful part, Amy had been having an affair since late spring of 2018. Jerry Frasher, the 49-year-old field manager for the Mullis’ farm, on Wednesday testified that he had limited communication with Amy over the seven years he oversaw the farm, but that changed by early June. It was then that they engaged in a sexual relationship, seeing each other about once a week, reports the Telegraph Herald.

That’s what “fucking the pool boy” looks like when there’s no pool.

But a month later, Frasher says Todd questioned him over a phone bill that showed 100-plus texts between Frasher and Amy. He assured Todd they were just talking about farm logistics…

Without CC’ing the boss?

…and Todd spoke with Frasher’s wife as well. “Two days later, he called us both back and apologized,” said Frasher, who added that Todd asked that he stop texting Amy. The two switched to email, says Frasher, and last messaged at 10:14am on the day she died.

Frasher’s wife covered for his infidelity and the lovebirds didn’t take either the hint or the second chance.

A typical murder story thus far. Coroner ruled homicide when he found six puncture wounds but the corn rake had only four tines.

Prosecutors say Todd didn’t just kill out of jealousy and anger over the affair, but had a financial motive, too: If she left him, he could lose half the farm and millions in a divorce settlement.


Big uh-oh.

The threatpoint backfired. Killing wifey for something like insurance money is evil, but killing to keep what you already lawfully own is self defense against a robber.

Patricia Christopherson, a friend of Amy’s, testified that Amy confided in her that she wanted to leave Todd but was scared of him, “and if he found out about the affair, he would kill her,” per the Telegraph Herald. The Post reports some friends referred to Amy as “POT”: that’s “Prisoner of Todd.” And Amy’s brother on Tuesday testified that she told him a few months before her death she intended to file for divorce once the season’s crop had been harvested.

You lying bitches. Tears do not move us MGTOWs.

Barbie: “I need a divorce because I’m scared he’ll kill me!”

Judge: “Why would he want to kill you?”

Barbie: “Because I’m having a torrid affair with his business manager that he just found out about and I promised to stop but he also found out I didn’t and I’ll get at least half of everything he ever earned when I leave him the moment his next payday rolls in. Oh, and I’d like full child custody. For my son’s safety, of course. Hubby is a very angry man these days.”

In better times, adulterers were righteously executed. What was Todd supposed to do in this situation? Wifey was holding all the cards: she’d laid down precedents of abuuuse with a sympathetic Sisterhood and he couldn’t even fire her lover without risking sabotage and/or lawsuits. Both his professional and personal trusts were violated and the clock was ticking.

But if she conveniently died… then no divorce, he gets to stay on the family farm and keep doing the only work he’s ever known, he gets to stay in his son’s life and one knowing look at the farm manager will convince him to leave quietly.

If Momma ain’t happy, Momma gets a dirt nap? Is that the future our rulers want?

Here’s a prayer for jury nullification.


The 1619 Project Says Yo Mama To Phillip Magness

A historian raising questions about the New York Times’ 1619 Project got his answers in the form of a Yo Mama joke from a lead researcher.

How Twitter is Corrupting the History Profession

By Phillip W. Magness, 29 August 2019

He blamed Twitter instead of the researcher, NY Times or other guilty party, so I’ll guess he’s a doughy, shame-saddled white guy with libertophobia, the fear of living a self-directed life outside a structured environment. (I made it up but it’s a term we need.)

About as bad as I’d expected. Side note, I’ve quit smiling for my official pictures. Current Year is a bad time to intentionally give the impression that you’re nice and emotionally open.

About a week ago I began scrutinizing how the New York Times. 1619 Project relied upon the work of the controversial “New History of Capitalism” genre of historical scholarship to advance a sweeping indictment of free markets over the historical evils of slavery.

That was everybody’s first and only guess.

The problems with this literature are many, and prominent among them is its use of shoddy statistical work by Cornell University historian Ed Baptist to grossly exaggerate the historical effect of slave-produced cotton on American economic development. Baptist’s unusual rehabilitation of the old Confederacy-linked “King Cotton” thesis is unsupported by evidence and widely rejected by economic historians. His book The Half Has Never Been Told has nonetheless acquired a vocal following among historians and journalists, including providing the basis of a feature article in the Times series on slavery.

Once again, the trustworthiness of America’s Newspaper Of Record ranks below the Babylon Bee.

Phil, you DO know why he gained a following, yes? And therefore weren’t surprised when said followers went Rabid Chihuahua on your ankles?

Curious about the following Baptist’s work had acquired despite its clear problems, I presented several questions on Twitter for its enthusiasts in the academy.

Were they aware that Baptist’s statistics, including his estimate of slavery’s share of the antebellum economy, arose from a documented mathematical error? Did they know his thesis had been scrutinized by leading economic historians, who found problems of misrepresented evidence and citations to documents that did not support what Baptist claimed? Had Baptist made any effort to respond to his critics? Or, more importantly, had he corrected his statistical mistakes, which continue to be cited in the press, in academic works, and even in congressional hearings on the legacy of slavery despite their inaccuracy?

Nope, Phil did NOT know why Ed Baptist is a popular guy despite massive problems with his work proving white men and capitalism are ohmigawd-ungood.

These should be obvious questions for historians to ask each other, given the profession’s oft-touted commitment to informing the public about the past with factually accurate and rigorous scholarly expertise.

Cuckservatives are so cute in that last moment before the learning curve hits.

Instead of an answer though, I received the following comment:

A tweet citing the work of Ed Baptist is alarming for whom troll? For you and your mom perhaps?

Yo Mama’s so fat, she’s on both sides of the family!

Abrasive remarks of this type, and worse, are an all-too-familiar norm in the sewers of social media, but the author of this one was not some random internet troll. It was Ana Lucia Araujo, professor of history at Howard University, director of its graduate-studies program, and a widely published historian of the slave trade.

Aww, he’s SOOO adorable! Thinking Internet trolls are losers in their parents’ basement, and surely not tenured department heads of prestigious universities.

Araujo is a Brazilian national, Canadian PhD, ranking member of UNESCO and American professor of history. Her research specialized in “public memory of slavery”. That is exactly what it sounds like: ARAUJO IS A BRAZILIAN NATIONAL WHO TEACHES AMERICAN STUDENTS WHAT WE SHOULD BELIEVE ABOUT OUR OWN HISTORY.

Araujo is one of the many academics who makes use of Baptist’s faulty scholarship, and she was singing praises of his book at the time I posed my questions about its use as a source. Considering the issues of historical accuracy that they brought up and the direct relevance to her own areas of expertise, questions of this sort should form the basis of a rational scholarly exchange, including challenges over controversial ideas. Instead, Professor Araujo offered only a juvenile “your mom” retort more suited for a third-grade schoolyard taunt than the halls of a leading research university.

How Pepe the frog and Dilbert explain the culture wars of the 2016 election, in one comic - Vox

It was not her only quip to that effect. When other academics chimed in on the thread, she continued. .CATO Institute boy, I called his mom, not his puppy,. Araujo answered a political scientist who pointed out the unscholarly demeanor of her first comment. As other scholars took notice, she unleashed a flurry of similar insults. Araujo’s continued tweeting employed intentionally demeaning references to her adult interlocutors as “boy” and “young man,. and singled out the gender in particular of anyone who questioned the unprofessionalism of her tone. In a matter of moments a tenured full professor at a major university adopted a style of language and attack usually found in the anonymous ranks of the internet’s underbelly . and all of it was precipitated by a substantive set of questions about problems in a published scholarly work that she was citing and recommending to the public on her authority as a scholar.

For a little perspective, imagine if a presenter at the American Historical Association conference or a similar venue responded to a question from another scholar in the audience about a source used in his or her presentation by shouting, .your mom,. or by unleashing a string of gender-based insults directed at the person who raised the question. Imagine if an academic dismissively referred to a PhD-holding peer as “boy” when that person spoke up against the unprofessional and derogatory tone of such remarks. It’s not improbable that such a person would be asked to leave the conference.

That was us who spoke up, and we WERE asked to leave the conference. And convention hall. And our workplace. And the local park. And Planet Earth.

Academia.s Social Media Problem

Social media brings with it a mixed bag of everything from intellectual exchange to juvenile antics to a corrosive undermining of basic discourse, as my colleague Max Gulker recently catalogued. But there also seems to be something about Twitter that brings out the very worst in academics.

Nyet, my good academic! Twitter brings out WHO THEY REALLY ARE! We now understand who our Elites are much better than they would ever have wanted. If only we had a dueling code with which to act on that knowledge, academia would be completely free of maggots and termites.

You don’t need a research grant, Phil, You need to challenge “Yo Mama” Barbie to a fistfight on pay-per-view. To the winner goes the syndication contract! I’ll pay double if you upgrade to literal mud wrestling but understand if you can’t bring yourself to hug a feminist.

A quick foray onto the site and a few minutes of reading will provide ample evidence that Araujo’s outburst is not atypical among the regulars of History Twitter. Or Econ Twitter. Or English, Philosophy, and Sociology Twitter. Politics are often, though not always, the occasion, which in practice translates into distinguished professors at elite institutions striving their hardest to reduce themselves to intellectual parity with a certain presidential account’s own notorious stream of insults and derision.

Charlie Brown is still trying to kick the football.

Araujo HATES white Americans like you, Phil. She HATES you because of WHO YOU ARE, an American of European descent living in a much nicer country than hers. When you pointed out that the reasons she HATES you are fraudulent, what were you expecting? Racial reconciliation with a professional race-baiter? Of course she spat venom at you.

Phil, the reason they slander you is not because Twitter mindfucks them into doing what they normally wouldn’t. This is who they are as human beings. If anything, writing a book adds enough time and editing to properly conceal their lies and feuds.

Yes, that means humanity is disgusting. Welcome to the Christianity that you were never told about. Although seeing as you’re a HISTORIAN, the pettiness of human evil should not have been a surprise.

At its worst moments, Twitter has effectively converted Ivy League scholarly discourse into the comments section on YouTube. It has turned academic engagement with the public into an army of pedants more interested in hectoring or . worse . “owning” them with derisive insults than disseminating knowledge or fostering education. And strangely, the very same academics are often at a loss to explain why the public is turning its back on academic history despite persistent popular enthusiasm for historical content.

A closing word of advice to Phil: tell Araujo “You are not my people. You have to go back.” You’ll be famous and see with your own eyes the truth of what I’m saying:



Abolish God By Abolishing Prison

The California government is getting scary. They’re outlawing entire industries and all forms of punishment. This coming Op-Ed I found is a fascinating, hamster-based insight into the connections between care-based morality, totalitarian socialism, hatred of God and Daddy Issues.

Op-Ed: A Christian Case for Prison Abolition

Op-Ed: A Christian Case for Prison Abolition

By Catharine Grainge, 5 September 2019

Editor.s Note: The following is an op-ed from Catharine Grainge, a graduate from Drexel University’s Thomas R. Kline School of Law and a public defender at with the Defenders Association of Philadelphia.

Cassie Grainge, '19

I am a pastor’s kid, raised in the Church. My parents are the true-believer type.showing us how to live out our faith in every aspect of our lives. Not only were we taught the Bible in church on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings, but our dinner table conversations were full of catechism questions, dogma, and philosophical theology. After we were homeschooled, we were sent to private Christian schools. No dating, no secular music, no cable; modest clothing and modest lifestyles; bible study, youth group, Summer VBS; and missions trips to share the love of Jesus. You get it.

Annoyingly overbearing as they might have been, Catharine, you were very fortunate to have parents who cared that much about you… enough to insist upon modest clothing and homeschooling.

I don’t believe all that I once did. While many.have had to find healing from the legalism and self-righteousness that can run deep in the Church, my understanding of grace, mercy and redemption first came from Jesus on the cross. And I believe that it was those concepts that gave me the framework to understand and to join the ranks of some of the most amazing people.prison abolitionists.

So, what is prison abolition? Surely, I do not mean to say that we should abolish all prisons.

Actually, I do. But I.ll tell you a little bit about how I got here.

Daddy overcontrolled her in childhood, now she’s getting back at him by exonerating all the sexy bad boys with whom she’s making up for lost fuck-time. I think it’s VERY telling that she responded to her structured childhood by becoming a defense lawyer. But sure, let’s hear the official story while the popcorn cooks.

My journey toward becoming a prison abolitionist began with an understanding of how slavery is connected to the criminal legal system. After slavery was abolished in 1865, we see an uptick in the number of prisons in this country. Some plantations turned directly into prisons (google .Angola, Louisiana.) and people incarcerated there, often in the form of convict-leasing, were forced to pick cotton, again. Explicitly racist laws referred to as “Black Codes” and the rise of Jim Crow segregation created a world where black people were hyper-criminalized and where process in the courts was just a superficial display.if they made it that far (lynching by white mobs was a prevalent form of racial terror between 1877 and 1950).

Sigh, yet another fembot thinks the American Revolution was Rosa Parks riding the bus. An alternative theory is that blacks do better with adult supervision and were given more freedom by carpetbagging Northerners than they could handle. And isn’t that about the time said carpetbaggers began forced race mixing?

I’d bet money that she regards her religiously uptight childhood as her own form of Jim Crow segregation, and “white lynch mob” is a strawman for “Daddy said no smartphone”.

Starting in the 1960s, tough-on-crime rhetoric was utilized by Republican and Democratic politicians alike. In 1971, our own president declared a war on drugs.survivors of which still fill our jails and prisons.

Those poor, innocent crackheads! Barbie, you haven’t seen the gov’t wage war on drugs unless you’ve been to the Philippines in recent years. You can’t spell “war on drugs” without Duterte.

After 9/11, police departments became more militarized than ever, often receiving funding or weaponry based upon the number of arrests made.

…Of fathers falsely accused by their wives of abuuuse. Oops, that started before 9/11. But the ‘drug war’ started before 9/11, too.

Today, we have the world’s highest rate of incarceration: 716 per 100,000, 2.3 million people. Our probation and parole numbers are far greater. Black people are incarcerated at a rate five times that of white people. Racist laws and systems (and the racism written on our hearts) have worked in a plethora of ways to dehumanize, segregate, disenfranchise, criminalize, and otherwise oppress black people.

She’s really pushing the “plight of black people”. She’s probably black herself to judge from the misspelled name but can’t confirm. I’m impressed by her father if he not only controlled his Snowflake but did so amidst the corruption of modern black family life.

That could explain his overreligiousness, if he depended upon the Church for support in leading his family. As I mentioned in a previous post, there’s no shame in needing a crutch to accomplish a good life. God didn’t make everybody strong&independent, heh.

My friend Jose, who is serving a life sentence in California…

BWAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA *gasp* HAHAHAHA! *wheeze* *wheeze* She wants prison abolished so she can *snort* be with “Jose” once again….

How does a Philly defense attorney have a male ‘friend’ in California’s prisons?

…explained it like this: the 13th Amendment, which was passed at the end of the Civil War, was enacted to abolish slavery. But there is a catch literally written into the amendment: slavery is permitted in prison. Jose recently reasoned: .I guess that’s what they mean when they say “orange is the new black…

Prison IS slavery, just not slavery for economic reasons, hence the exception. I don’t hear you complaining about white slaves so FOAD, Altar Girl Barbie. I got no time for Tyrone’s hybristophiliac girlfriends.

Enslaved people were kidnapped from their country and culture; the growing number of immigrants in our prisons (.detention centers.) were not kidnapped.although we can point to US intervention in their home-countries as one of the reasons for their need to flee.

To the US which persecuted them? Her care-based morality and Daddy Issues have morphed into the globalist agenda. America is evil but the world needs our mothering! It’s Dalrock’s Law on political crack.

I could go on: it’s different. But my point is to show that the dehumanization and profit practices so prevalent in the slavery era have been manifested in this era of mass incarceration.

The slaves were innocent. The prisoners are not. Big difference, unless you’re in twu wuv with Jose.

I really wish I had a picture of her. I bet her lower eyelids are so raised that her eyes look like crescents. And assuming she’s black, her hair is braided into dreadlocks that resemble earthworms.

Another part of this journey has been my growth in understanding why people commit crimes, and thus better understanding what we need to do in order to prevent them. Angela Davis talks about prison abolition in her book Are Prisons Obsolete?. Her argument largely focuses on what prisons cannot do for us.

I may not have Catherine’s pic but I do have Angels Davis’.

PHOTO GALLERY: Angela Davis visits MU | Photos ...

Them’s the eyes I’m talking about! But I biffed on the hair. No, wait…

Angela Davis - Wikipedia

Sigh, okay, 1 for 2. A quick Wikipedia quote: “Angela Yvonne Davis… co-founded Critical Resistance, an organization working to abolish the prison.industrial complex. Davis’s membership in the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) led California Governor Ronald Reagan in 1969 to attempt to have her barred from teaching at any California university. She supported the governments of the Soviet Bloc for several decades. During the 1980s, she was twice a candidate for Vice President on the CPUSA ticket. She left the party in 1991.”

She said: “The prison.functions ideologically as an abstract site into which undesirables are deposited, relieving us of the responsibility of thinking about the real issues afflicting those communities from which prisoners are drawn in such disproportionate numbers. This is the ideological work that the prison relieves us of the responsibility of seriously engaging with the problems of our society, especially those produced by racism and, increasingly, global capitalism.”

Believe it or not, the American Psychological Association has a term for what she’s describing: psychopolitical dehumanization.

If you can understand crime not as an issue of evil people doing evil things, but rather people going through life with a lack of support, a lack of resources, systemic oppression, etc., it becomes easier to recognize that prison is where we throw away the people we have failed.

If you can understand crime like that, you’re female. And not Christian.

I have had enough of these conversations to know what you might be itching to ask me at this point.but what about the serial killers, psychopaths, rapists, and child molesters? For one, look at the President, look at Congress, look at the Supreme Court, look at our college campuses; hopefully, I am not the first to point out to you that we already live in a world where people who have committed that sort of harm are not locked away in prison.

Wow, she shot her own argument in the foot with a freakin’ cannon! Yes, Grainge, Congress is a great example of why “no prisons for crooks” is a bad, awful, horrible idea.

More importantly, there are other ways to hold accountable people who cause horrible harm; and there are ways to prevent that harm from happening in the first place. Ways that might get us closer to justice for the people who have been harmed and ways that might better “reform” or heal the people who have done the harming. The radical act of imagining a criminal justice system without prisons cannot be severed from a movement to create systemic change in our education, healthcare, policing, economic, and political systems.

This idea is from the Humanist Manifesto, the idea that humans are infinitely malleable and with proper… guidance, can be made to behave any way their rulers want.

It.s hard to imagine what this might look like because we have never lived in a world without prison.

Cain & Abel. When there was no criminal justice system, God punished Cain directly.

I have some ideas, but let’s just get through the rest of this and then we can dream it up together.

Disclaimer: This was not an extensive explanation of prison abolition at all. It was an overview of the arguments that I find most convincing. If you need/want more, take a look at this guide my friend created.


Okay, so let’s get into the Jesus stuff. heard of Jonah, I assume? Thanks to some deep sea transportation, Jonah eventually made it to Nineveh and delivered this message: if the people of Nineveh do not turn from their evil ways, destruction will come quickly. And it worked! Jonah 3 tells us that when the king of Nineveh heard Jonah’s message, he repented and told his people to do the same.

That’s the worst, least Biblical summary of Jonah EVER. God told Jonah to go East to Nineveh, capital of the Assyrian Empire, to warn them away from their justly deserved doom. Jonah immediately got on a ship heading West so he could watch Israel’s enemy get what they deserved from a safe distance.

Jonah sitting in fish barf for the return journey was not a beautiful expression of how God lovingly helps his servants to do His will. Crime, meet punishment. You might even call that fish ride… an imprisonment.

Then when Jonah saved Nineveh as requested, despite minimal effort (per Scripture, all he cared to preach was a countdown), he was bitter at God for showing kindness to people who in Jonah’s opinion, didn’t deserve it. An incredibly relevant morality play normally buried under “he got swallowed by a whale!”

But here, Grainge skips the “evil Assyrian empire” and “enemy of God’s people” and “deserve to be destroyed unless they repent” concepts to “God wuvs you!”

But in a chapter titled .Jonah’s Anger and the Lord’s Compassion. (Jonah 4), Jonah has a really funny and melodramatic conversation with God.

Jonah: did I not tell you this would happen? You are so darn gracious and forgiving, I knew you would save them. Just kill me now. …

God: You feel upset because you lost a thing that you can neither take credit for creating, nor were you able to preserve it. How can you argue that I should not spare this great city and all of its people and livestock.that I created!?

Church, this is us! How easy it has been to sit in our pews and to sink deeply into our self-righteousness as we see the “fallen” world around us. How easy it is to take our sobriety, our support, our resources, our faith, for if something we earned. How easy it is to throw up our hands and say .I told them they were wrong, it’s on them if they miss it.” We did not get here on our own, nor do we have the power to stay here.

Giving up was not Jonah’s crime.

Thankfully, God is still the God who shelters us from the sun, then moves nature to rid us of it so that we can see the error in our ways. Thankfully, God is still the God that is full of more mercy and more grace than any of us could muster.

Yo, Pastorette, saving Nineveh was not the point. Showing mercy was not the point. Jonah is not a story that social engineers can comprehend because they start with the assumption that there is no God. Certainly, not one able to have opinions about our conduct.

That’s how we got 32 flavors of gender-bending. What deity said there were only supposed to be two gender? Well, we killed that one so HA!

Remember the story of the prodigal son? … The older son, at this point, was pretty pissed. He had done all that was required of him; he had remained faithful to his father, and he had stayed while his brother had left. So, he refused to go to the party. He said to his father: .I have been here this whole time. I have never left you and yet you never celebrated me. My brother comes home from wasting your money and you throw a party for him!. The father replied: .Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours. It was fitting to celebrate and be glad..

In other words, .show some grace!.

Read it again, Barbie. The loyal son was upset that his father showed great kindness to somebody who did not deserve it. The father’s reply was a reminder that the loyal son was heir to everything the father owned, whereas the prodigal was a penniless charity case in the father’s home.

Why, if God is willing to forgive us so much, should we make every effort to live holy? Because the opportunities we have in this life will not be repeated in all eternity. Never shall we have the chance to worship and glorify God as we do today. To become who we want to be for eternity.

If all Slutwalk Barbie gets out of Christianity is “God forgives everything!” then she won’t even have that. Nobody plays God for a chump and gets away with it.

Thankfully, God is still the God who runs to embrace us when we run away and the God who loves us through our jealousy and self-righteousness. God is still the God that shows us more mercy and more grace than we deserve.and the type of father who lovingly nudges us to do the same.

She ran away from Daddy yet expects him to keep picking up the bill for her squalid behavior. Both her physical and spiritual Daddies. And the existence of prison is a reminder of truths… and moral requirements… that she’d rather ignore.

There are a lot of other stories of mercy and grace, I’m sure you are familiar with them:

She describes the woman caught in adultery, Zacchaeus, and Road to Damascus. Skipped, but I’ll say in passing that she portrays Zack’s repentance as the result of forgiveness, but the Biblical account puts his repentance first.

You probably already knew about all of this grace and mercy. But you might be asking “how will we maintain order?.

Not a Christian concern. You can’t both be right with God and a murderous thieving terror to society. But atheists have constant trouble squaring the circle of “*WE* are free to do as *I* wish.”

It is true that society needs to have rules in order to function well. But it is also true that we need to lead with grace. We can still have laws and we can still have order without throwing people away, without locking people in cages, without forgetting about our need for redemption and mercy.

Nineteen Eighty-four’s O’Brien said it better: “First we said thou shalt not. Then we said thou shalt. Now we say, thou art.” We will not need prisons when disobedience, like thoughtcrime, is rendered impossible by our masters.

One more story.

I think it is fair to say that the moment where we get the clearest view of Jesus’s mercy and grace is when He is hanging on the cross. Many have explained it this way: knowing that we were separated from God because of our sin, Jesus decided to come to us. He decided to live the perfect life that God requires, the life none of us can live, and then die the death we all deserve to order to save us from it! In a world so tainted by greed and harm, Jesus pushed aside all that distracts us and pulled us in. When we had no way of saving ourselves, He showed us some ridiculous.amazing.grace and brought us close.

Which is it, Grainge? Are our prisons full of innocents or do they need God’s forgiveness?

Why, if our prisons are full of people who belong there, should the Christian let them out? God did not forgive us. God did not forgive us. He butchered Christ in our place BECAUSE He could not simply forgive us. The bloodguilt of our evil was not waived. It was paid. But this is the spiritual side of evil.

On the mortal side of evil, we who follow God’s example CANNOT let the guilty go free because God didn’t, either. Jonah was punished. Zacchaeus was punished. Paul was punished. Christ’s offer of forgiveness is only valid for escaping damnation. It does NOT include escaping the consequences of our decisions. For that, God demands everything from spanking children to a final Judgment Day.

Christ’s offer is also conditional on repentance. Again, Jonah, Zacchaeus and Paul all repented of the evils they did. Nowhere in all her talk about forgiveness did she mention repentance. But she did imagine the future day that government makes disobedience impossible via mind control.

Hanging next to Jesus were two .criminals.” The Bible says they were thieves; we don’t really know much else.

We know enough that “criminals” shouldn’t have been put in quotes.

One thief ridiculed Jesus, and the other asked for forgiveness. Jesus said: .Truly, I say to you, today, you will be with me in paradise.. (Luke 23). Jesus also looked around him and down below and had mercy on those who he saw. “And when they came to the place that is called The Skull, there they crucified Him, and the criminals, one on His right and one on His left. And Jesus said, .Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” And they cast lots to divide his garments.. (Luke 23).

Jesus forgave the Roman soldiers who did the deed because they honestly didn’t know He was God. No criminal intent, to use the jargon. Jesus did not forgive Judas or the criminal on His OTHER side.

My favorite theologian, Rachel Held Evans…

An Episcopalian, journalist and NeverTrumper associated with Zondervan. Died recently. Here’s a quote from an opinion she wrote on “Voting pro-choice is not the same as voting for abortion”.

…once said this about that night: Perhaps we’re afraid that if we get out of the way, this grace thing might get out of hand. Well, guess what? It already has. Grace got out of hand the moment the God of the universe hung on a Roman cross and with outstretched hands looked out upon those who had hung him there and declared, .Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do..

But you DO know the evil you do, Grainge. You hate your father because he kept you from twerking like a pro. You want your thugboy friend to escape justice. You want government to be your God while twisting the real God into a galactic dupe.

And just to make sure you know the evil you do, God made dissidents like me to helpfully point it out for the world to see. I’m sure you will cheerfully forgive any resulting embarrassment.

But why is it so radical, so great, so amazing that Jesus chose mercy over retribution? Over punishment? As creator of the world, as knower of all things, Jesus understood something we often miss about moves us in ways that punishment, that getting what we deserve, cannot.

Examples needed.

“I can tame the unicorn with my feminine wiles!”

I’m sorry I asked.

Bryan Stevenson, my favorite lawyer, put it this way in his book Just Mercy: .When you experience mercy, you learn things that are hard to learn otherwise. You see things you can’t otherwise see; you hear things you can’t otherwise hear. You begin to recognize the humanity that resides in each of us..

Mercy is why the Christian punishes evil in the first place, to convince the wicked to repent. It worked on Jonah. If the evil is too great then we show mercy to society instead and hang the wicked to Judgment Day.

The worst possible fate for the wicked, in the long run, is to die fat and happy.

If we have claimed to follow Jesus, we need to actually follow Jesus. We will never be perfect at it, but here is an area where we need to do better. When our system of incarceration and policing is so biased and harsh that one in three black baby boys will end up in jail, that is on us. When society decides to lock someone in a cage for the rest of their life, that is on us. When our government decides to repay murder with murder, that is on us.

Per Genesis 9:6, God requires that murderers be put to death because human life is sacred.

If Jesus were alive today, I think He would be a prison abolitionist. I think he would hold close every survivor and every person who has been harmed.including those who’s harm and pain brought on convictions and incarceration rather than the healing they needed. I think He would spend His weekends in the visiting rooms of all the local prisons. And I think He would do other radical things and love and show grace in ways that I can’t even imagine because He would be a better prison abolitionist than all of us.

If Jesus were alive today, I also think He’d be a prison abolitionist. He will “rule with a rod of iron” which suggests He’s a whipping post kind of ruler. Send you to your room for a few years? Three-fourths of humanity will die just to pave the road for His return.

So let’s stop getting in the way. Let’s show grace, have mercy, and cherish redemption in the ways that Jesus taught us.

Conjugal visits with Jose?

Grainge started out by explaining where her Daddy Issues came from, justified her subsequent career and politics by identifying with unjustly punished criminals (not an oxymoron to her) and wrapped it together by claiming God would let murderers go free because He’s a forgiving sort of person. But the Crucifixion happened BECAUSE God cannot forgive evil. Especially unrepentant evil.

Christ’s story didn’t end at the Cross, Grainge. It’s fascinating how you Godless types never mention His resurrection, the other half of the Crucifixion story. Why not?

Because God didn’t stay dead like His enemies wanted Him to. You don’t love God, Grainge. You hate him and thus, love to celebrate His death. And ONLY His death.

By freeing Barabbas.


Tom Giovanetti: The Would-Be Italian Job

Building on a previous post comment that teaching women to wield weapons is a Cuckservative behavior, I found this Op-Ed that explains how “that’s ironic” became a Generation X neologism: because all of our leaders kept doubling down on the very behaviors that were causing social collapse, in the name of preventing social collapse. Then they swore to fight all enemies outside America while giving them free reign inside America. And lastly, they swore “from my cold, dead fingers” then complied with the illegal restraining order.

One might call that ironic.

But as always, I don’t know where I’ll end up. Turns out, this op-ed’s purpose is floating the idea of a Deep State coup. Dallas would be a good test market for that kind of thinking.

We can stop mass shootings without restricting Second Amendment liberties

By Tom Giovanetti, 8 September 2019

We cannot stop mass shootings, period. They’re a symptom, not the problem.

It is often said by people of all political persuasions, and certainly by my fellow conservatives, that the primary duty of the federal government is to keep us safe.

The problem is, that’s not true. The founding documents, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and especially the Federalist Papers, make it clear that the primary duty of the federal government is the preservation of liberty, not safety.

Wrong. The Federal gov’t’s job is internationally representing and defending the Union of generrally sovereign States. You’re off to a great start, Defender of the Constitution I Didn’t Read.

I weary of retreading history to people who won’t learn. Skipping ahead,

Confronted with the horror of repeated mass shootings, proposed solutions have rushed toward restricting Second Amendment rights. But an American solution for reducing mass shootings should not focus on erosions of liberty.

On the other hand, when defenders of Second Amendment rights offer no practical solutions, they leave open the implication that liberty requires us to tolerate the occasional (or not-so-occasional) mass shooting. Not only is that a losing argument with the public in the long run, it’s also not true. Americans are entitled to both liberty and safety.

If you give people freedom then some of them will misuse that freedom. It is logically impossible to let someone choose while preventing them from choosing wrongly or selfishly.

You can instead give them motivation to choose good, like Christianity.

And let’s not get distracted by discussions about root causes. That might strike you as peculiar, but root causes are notoriously difficult to address, and government is particularly ill-equipped to do so. So what can we organize to do now to increase safety without eroding liberty?

The root cause is fatherlessness imposed by atheist government tyranny. Guess what, gun nuts, the Red Dawn happened twenty years ago, when Hillary Clinton stole the FBI blackmail files, and you missed it.

Travel almost anywhere else in the world and you will commonly encounter armed security in public places. Somehow, uniquely in America, we see this as a bad thing. That needs to change.

Uniquely in America, we don’t see government as our God & Savior.

In the church my family attends, we adapted after a threat. There is now armed security scattered throughout the congregation, in the sanctuary, in the lobby, and even on the platform.

Air transportation obviously adapted after 9/11, with added airport security and air marshals on flights.

The only needed adaptations were armed pilots and cockpit door locks. Everything else was a tyrannical abomination… looking at you, TSA. Homeland Security. Patriot Act. Gulf Wars. Mein Gott, Orwell was an optimist.

It’s time to adapt to the era of mass shootings. Every school, every church, every large retailer and every government facility should have armed, obvious guards at all entrances. We don’t need to force teachers to take up arms, we simply need ever-present, trained, armed security in schools. This is now the cost of protecting our children and of protecting the public.

He means “government licensed” security, of course.

It would take some getting used to, but seeing an armed guard at the entrance to Wal-Mart would not be a sign of a totalitarian police state.

This is hilarious(When Airsofters take things too seriously) | SpaceBattles Forums

It would be an example of free people self-organizing to create new institutions to protect public safety.

It’s come to this: Cuckservatives want to finish building the panopticon surveillance state that was first demanded by Socialists.

A larger armed security profession would also create career opportunities for young professionals answering the call to protect their fellow citizens as well as for retired military and law enforcement.

Jobs! Guns! Waving the flag! Fatherless young men in dead-end jobs lined up to die for his precious Snowflakes! Everything a Baby Boomer could ask for except self-destructing his legacy on the way to his dirt nap.

And for those who might balk at the expense of additional security, try getting into an office building on K Street in Washington without running a gauntlet of security. We’ve already decided that our elites and lobbyists’ lives are worth protecting. Why haven’t we made the same choice for students in schools and shoppers in department stores?

Who is this WE, Kemosabe? The greatest national security threat to the United States is the government of the United States. It’s a BAD sign that they try so hard to protect themselves from us ordinary citizens, as if we were one-tenth as treacherously murderous as the Jews they love and Muslims they import.

Once we have secured our public and private spaces against the deranged, we can start trying to address root causes.

He has no interest in root causes. He’s been selling us the idea that new, paramilitary government agencies are the key to keeping the American Dream. Hmm… never let a crisis go to waste?

Every civilization has developed means and institutions for reining in the impulses of boys and disciplining them into responsible men, but we’ve lost ours. The traditional family, especially fathers, used to play a critical role, as did the military. And there are clear gaps in our mental health systems to be addressed. If we can build a consensus to do so, we can re-create and restore the institutions we’ve lost.

You unAmerican sack of fucked shit, Tom! YOU EVEN NAMED THE VERY ROOT CAUSE OF MASS SHOOTINGS IMMEDIATELY AFTER DISMISSING ANY INTEREST IN WHAT THE ROOT CAUSE IS! Not a coincidence. This is how the wicked sneer at their victims.

We don’t want to “restore” our government, Tom. We want to REDUCE our government.

But in the meantime, let’s stop the mayhem while retaining our Second Amendment liberties.

Tom Giovanetti is president of the Institute for Policy Innovation in Irving. He wrote this column for The Dallas Morning News.

Sounds like a Deep State shell corporation, the kind of “policy research” company politicians set up to employ cronies and justify the agenda they want enacted. Per its website, “The Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI) is a free-market policy think tank that focuses on issues related to economic growth, innovation, limited government and individual liberty.” Yep, hole in one.

Which means Giovanetti isn’t Cuckservative. He’s Deep State, possibly pushing back against the Demonrat gun ban proposals the only way he knows how: creating government jobs that exist for no reason than allowing men to enjoy the Second Amendment under Big Brother’s benevolent watch. It’s not a bad way to stage a coup: hiring military vets, arming them and getting the (female) public to seem them as Good Guys before imposing martial law.

That’s not how us Heritage American men would see gov’t-licensed enforcers on every street corner, of course. But I can certainly imagine a John McCain clone enjoying that fantasy on lonely nights, with hand lotion and Kleenex.

And floating these ideas with plausible deniability is the very purpose of a “think tank”. Tell your handlers it won’t work, Tom. We don’t want ANY tyrant.

Tom Giovanetti

I get a Mark Zuckerberg vibe from him… a more square face shape than the Zuck marks him as more pragmatic, if no less ambitious. He’s also affiliated with the Grassroots Institute in Hawaii, a Chicomm front organization to judge from its President and CEO.

His hair is TOO orderly. I wonder if it’s a hairpiece. I think he usually wears glasses, too. Thin eyebrows are chameleonic. Generally rational with straight eyelids and thin lips. He looks like a good yes-man.

Who pays Giovanetti’s salary? Not for a moment can I believe he’s pushing his own, personal agenda here.