There ARE Three Genders? A Cold War Conspiracy!

Shifting to more lighthearted fare, Mel Magazine debunks the science of testosterone. One wouldn’t think the concept “there are only two genders” would be an unpopular view, on grounds that you can see the sex chromosomes under a microscope and everybody loves !science!.

Or so I thought. Turns out that female athletes have been forced to compete against Mutant Privilege since at least 1950, and yes indeed, there was a Russian conspiracy to steal the election Olympics.


Everything We Think We Know About Testosterone Is Pretty Much Wrong

By Tracy Moore, 16 September 2019.

The way we talk about testosterone, you.d think it was man juice in a bottle.


After all, it’s in the balls and the boner. It’s in the beard, and it’s in the balding. It’s in the rage, and it’s in the aggression.

Yes, and?

And it’s in the life force itself: Men who undergo testosterone replacement therapy espouse its magical powers in providing an indisputable rush of .energy, strength, clarity, ambition, drive, impatience…

Happy Birthday to You - Waddles the Hamster - YouTube

…and above all, horniness.. It’s what makes men men, and women not-men. We’re not from Mars and Venus; we’re from Planets Testosterone and Estrogen. Right?

Right! Good girl, you did science today! Now go put your hamster in its cage before…

Not exactly. Recent studies and closer scrutiny of old research has begun to find more and more proof that while testosterone works some of the ways we thought, it doesn’t function all the ways we thought. For example, a new study has found that one theory explaining autism . that it’s the result of “extreme male brain” more into building and machines and less into empathizing, due to overexposure of the hormone prenatally . has no legs to stand on. Meanwhile, other studies similarly contradict many implications pegged to T: that it makes men more violent, more hairy and more muscular, period.

…it gets loose. But she’s right, testosterone does NOT lobotomize men into social dysfunction. She’s still doing !science! although she’s lost the distinction between methamphetamine and testosterone.

.All you have to think of [to see it doesn’t work this way] is the people you know. Like men who are really big in the shoulders but can’t build up their legs,. explains Rebecca Jordan-Young, co-author of Testosterone: An Unauthorized Biography.

Hyphenated last name? I bet she’s co-author of My Abusive Ex-husband: An Unauthorized Libel. Let’s check.

Hormones don?t create ?male? and ?female? brains - Health & Science - Jerusalem Post

OMG. She began life female, now identifies as Harvard-sexual. Not reported as married? Huh. What this androgyne doesn’t know about sex hormones is EVERYTHING!

Wikipedia: “Rebecca M. Jordan-Young (born 1963), is an American sociomedical scientist whose research focuses on sex, gender and sexuality, as well as the epidemiology of HIV/AIDS. She is the Tow Associate Professor for Distinguished Scholars and the Chair of the Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies at Barnard College. Jordan-Young completed her undergraduate work at Bryn Mawr College.”

Pronounced “Burn More” College? She must be able to use her own blood for her HIV research.

.Some of that is just where the receptors are located in the body. In a lot of people, there’s a different density in the receptors in the lower and upper body. Think about someone with a whole lot of facial and arm hair, the guy who has to shave a ring around his neck to tell his chest hair from his beard. That guy is just as likely to be scrawny. You can’t predict testosterone based on one feature that somebody has, because how much the body will use testosterone for other things is also testosterone dependent. It’s confusing, because it’s not linear..

Translation, there’s a behavior component to the body acting on testosterone. You can’t muscle up just by injecting juice or going through puberty, which every gym rat and couch potato knew before this multi-degreed, lifetime professional did.

.Sex is a really interesting arena,. [the androgyne] continues. .Testosterone is important for sexual function, but at the same time, you don’t need very much at all. There is a very, very low threshold effect that, above that, more testosterone doesn’t do anything more for sexual function. You can have low testosterone below clinical thresholds and still have perfectly good sexual function, making sperm, having erections and all the tissue function can be fine. That’s been clear for a long time . more T doesn’t make you a better lover or more libidinous. It’s not a linear effect, there’s just a little bit that’s necessary..

Translation, ALL men need sex not just the gym rats. Did anybody ever claim horniness was measurable in ng/mL?

That exaggeration of the relationship between testosterone and male sexuality is complicated by our desire for testosterone and estrogen to explain male and female, end stop.

HER desire to reduce sexuality to mere hormones. If masculinity won’t go away even at T=0 then there’s more to killing all men than hormone blockers in our breakfast cereal.

.This whole idea of sex hormones is this binary,. Jordan-Young explains. .When the so-called sex hormones were discovered, it wasn’t that they were discovered and experiments were done and observations to see what they actually do, and it turned out that testosterone controlled masculinity and estrogen controlled femininity. It was the opposite; scientists were looking to find what substance in the body cause masculinity and femininity to develop, and approached it with a very binary ideal that when they found them, they.d be sex specific . only the male in male bodies, only the female in female bodies . and that they would cancel each other out, and be antagonistic..

Except those experiments have been done, thank you LGBT community and MISPWOSO. !Science! confirmed us, which is why our universities are now replacing physicists with homosexual witch doctors. Science just isn’t working out for the Godless anymore.

One clear place we haven’t been able to get past it is sports, particularly the idea that testosterone directly explains male superiority in sports performance over women, and is the key to athletic performance, which Jordan-Young and her co-author Katrina Karkazis recently addressed in a New York Times op-ed about the Court for Arbitration for Sport’s recent ruling that women with naturally high testosterone couldn’t compete as women.

We must allow male transgenders to compete with women! But now my Princess can’t win at football like I did when the Beatles were new… how can we square this circle? By banning man-juice!

And on that note, the proverbial light bulb turned on that this post isn’t talking about getting rid of men without getting rid of trannies. It’s talking about how to accept male transgenders as women in competitive sports despite the problem that they’re still biologically men.

Sheesh, First World Problems.

I’ll skip the path and give you the destination, a Soviet Russian conspiracy courtesy of the Wayback Machine.

Gender Verification No More?

Myron Genel, MD

[Medscape Women’s Health 5(3), 2000. Copyright 2000 Medscape, Inc.]

While there has been abundant publicity regarding the testing of Olympic athletes for use of prohibited performance-enhancing substances, [GQ: testosterone specifically] it is not well known that for more than 30 years the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has required all female competitors to undergo “gender verification.” The purported rationale is to detect male imposters who would have an unfair competitive advantage.

In point-of-fact, genuine imposters have not been uncovered [GQ: although a few athletes have been stripped of their awards]; however, gender verification procedures have resulted in substantial harm to a number of unassailable women athletes born with relatively rare genetic abnormalities that affect development of the gonads or the expression of secondary sexual characteristics.

That’s the first time I ever saw a sentence give equal time to “unassailable women athletes” and “rare genetic abnormalities”.

In part, the controversy over gender verification reflects the increasing popularity of women’s sports. The original Olympic Games in ancient Greece were limited to men, who competed in the nude. Women spectators were prohibited.

The obvious and original gender test. A side note of history, it also screened Jews out of the competitions because they were circumcised and you couldn’t hide that while “buff”. Many eventual-Christians approved of Jewish morality at the time but were unwilling to convert because of the circumcision requirement, which would have ostracized them from games, public baths and… well, the ancients weren’t too hung up on modesty. I read the Crucifixion story a thousand times before grokking the implications of the soldiers casting lots for God’s underpants.

Anyway, that’s why Scripture called those Gentiles God-fearers. They revered God but for various reasons, didn’t chop their dicks off. Which God was thankfully okay with.

When the Olympic Games were revived in 1896, the founder, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, was opposed to any women competing, reflecting general cultural attitudes about the “weaker sex” that prevailed at the sunset of the Victorian era.

That’s one theory. Another is that women shouldn’t be encouraged to act like men.

Nineteen women competed, however, in the 1900 Olympic Games, and 57 in 1912; by 1960, in Rome, there were 610 female competitors.

During the past 4 decades, the number of women competing has increased substantially in both the winter and summer games, so that by the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta there were 3800 women athletes.

This reflects not only increased interest but also the inclusion of additional events for women, as antiquated notions regarding the suitability of women to compete in more strenuous competitive events, such as the marathon, have dissipated. The recent phenomenal success of the US World Cup soccer team provides yet another example of the increasing acceptance and popularity of women’s sports.

Back in 2000 he probably had no idea where we’d be in just two more decades. I sure didn’t.

The sociologic changes, improved training, and the attraction of more women into sports have naturally led to some striking improvement in athletic achievements by women.[4] For example, Joan Benoit‘s time for the marathon at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, the first year this event was run for women, would have beaten all men’s times before the 1956 Olympics. Women’s times in the swimming events are even closer to those of men. The women’s Olympic record in the 100-meter freestyle, set in 1992, would have beaten all men’s times before the 1964 Olympics, including the 1924 time of the legendary Johnny Weissmuller, by almost 5 seconds. The 1988 Olympic record in the women’s 400-meter freestyle would have beaten all men’s times before the 1972 Olympics, including the 1924 time of Johnny Weissmuller, by over a minute. Even more striking is the comparison of men and women in cross-country skiing, arguably an event that puts greater premium on agility and coordination as well as endurance. In the 15-kilometer race, the women’s Olympic record of 1994 would have beaten all men’s before 1992; in the 30-kilometer race, the women’s time in 1992 would have beaten men’s in all previous Olympic events.

What caused such remarkable progress in female achievement?

1. Women have always been as strong as men but insecure weak men successfully oppressed them for thousands of years.

2. Most Olympians before 1960 were not trained-from-childhood professional athletes.

3. Those “women” were either men or hyper-masculine mutants.

The evidence says… well… this is Joan Benoit:

Fields Medal winner Manjul Bhargava to give 2015 Commencement address, joining honorands Mark ...

I’m thinking #3. Maybe #2 also, but seriously #3. And I’m not alone:

In a number of instances, questions were raised regarding the “femininity” of highly successful female competitors, in particular during the Cold War era of competition between the United States and the former Soviet Union. These rumors were abetted by anecdotal reports of recognized athletes who were found to have varying degrees of intersexuality. In 1 case, a Polish sprinter with an apparent chromosomal mosaicism was stripped of her medals.

Ohmigawd, the comic books were right! The Communists bred supersoldier mutants in underground laboratories!

“Herr Doktor Klinefelter, we require zooper-men to beat the capitalist men at the Olympics!”

“That will be very difficult. Success may not be possible.”

“Useless dummkopf! To Siberia vit zu!”

“…But meanwhile, I can create super-women who can beat the capitalist women. Right away, in fact.”

“Very goot, very goot. I vill spare you from Siberia… zis time.”

*Doctor loads an extra Y chromosome into the IVF machine and goes to lunch.*

Three track and field champions who competed as women before World War II subsequently underwent reconstructive surgery and sex reassignment. These cases led to efforts to ensure that women competing at international events were in fact women, initially with rather crude and demeaning efforts at physical examination. In 2 instances, women athletes were required to parade nude before a panel of female physicians, and at another event women athletes were required to undergo direct gynecologic examination.

That doesn’t sound so bad. You reach the top of competitive athletics, you must expect some intrusive anti-cheating measures.

These initial crude attempts at gender verification were soon replaced by less direct measures: first, the use of a buccal smear for sex chromatin, which was implemented at the 1968 winter games in Grenoble on an experimental basis and formally adopted at the 1968 summer games in Mexico City. Until the last decade, this remained the standard for gender verification, notwithstanding that by the mid-1970s, the test was discarded by medical professionals as technically unreliable. More importantly, the test detected athletes who were unassailably feminine but who happened to have an XY chromosomal pattern.

That is not feminine. That’s male DNA.

Many of these individuals had variants of androgen resistance, either complete or partial — in which case, they are naturally resistant to the strength-promoting qualities of testosterone. Others had variants of XY gonadal dysgenesis. Ironically, the sex chromatin test would have permitted recognized males with an XXY karyotype, or Klinefelter’s syndrome, and XX males, who have a portion of the testicular determining gene (SRY) transposed onto the X chromosome, to compete.

Again, that’s male DNA. This doesn’t seem hard. If you don’t want us to lift your skirt then we screen for male DNA.

Concerns regarding the appropriateness of sex chromatin for gender verification were voiced continuously in the 1970s and 1980s, but their impact was limited because of the absence of information regarding the frequency of positive results and the subsequent diagnoses and follow-up. At virtually every Olympic event, however, abundant rumors circulated; in one instance, this author was informed that women athletes who were detected as “positive” were instructed to feign injuries or in some cases were actually fitted with casts. In 1 celebrated case, a Spanish hurdler, Maria Patino, was publicly disclosed after failing her femininity test during an event in Tokyo, at the cost of public disgrace and loss of her athletic scholarship. It took 2 years and the active intercession of a number of medical authorities for Ms. Patino, who has androgen
resistance, to be reinstated.

Circumstances such as these and the efforts of a number of dedicated professionals resulted in some changes by the early 1990s. This author has had the privilege of working with an international group of professionals, some of whom were convened by the International Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF) for a Workshop on Methods of Femininity Verification held in late 1990 in Monte Carlo. Our group concluded that laboratory-based sex determination should be discontinued, a recommendation that was accepted shortly thereafter by the IAAF and subsequently by all but 4 of the international athletic federations. The IOC, however, instead replaced sex chromatin with DNA-based methods to detect Y chromosomal material, principally the SRY sex-determining locus on the Y chromosome, implementing this procedure at the 1992 winter games in Albertville.

Huh. I would’ve guessed the IOC would be the first to board the Tranny Train.

After the Atlanta Olympics, efforts continued to persuade the IOC to abandon gender verification. Indeed, by the time of the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta, essentially all of the relevant professional societies had endorsed resolutions that called for elimination of gender verification, including the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American College of Physicians, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the Endocrine Society, the Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society, and the American Society of Human Genetics. It was argued that the current clothing used in athletic competition, as well as the requirement that urine for doping control be voided under direct supervision, made it virtually certain that male impostors could not escape detection; furthermore, gender verification procedures are complex, expensive, and counterproductive.

Oh, look at that. We’re back to the old school of gender determination, with the benefit of Spandex for modesty’s sake.

Still, it was not until the IOC’s Athletes’ Commission called for discontinuation of the IOC system of gender verification that the IOC’s executive board, at its June 1999 meeting… I truly hope that the IOC’s decision will become permanent with the conclusion of the Sydney games and that laboratory verification of the gender of female athletes will reside in the historical chronicles of the Olympic Games together with competition in the nude of their ancient male predecessors.

Rebecca Jordan-Young is a successor of his in the field of debunking laboratory gender determination. Unlike Myron who (re-)reached a valid testing methodology, however, Becky has been wrong for thousands of years.

I once joked that I would accept a third gender of Mutant if wimminz had notes from their doctor. They called my bluff… I double down! There are THREE genders: male, female and mutant! Congratulations, you abnormal freaks, you are now abnormal freaks by definition!


How About You Try That, Beto?

I’ve been trying very hard to ignore the Democrat Presidential debates. I’d rather wear a sandpaper thong on a treadmill than watch sociopathic victims of affluenza debate the best, fastest way to murder me without leaving fingerprints. But sometimes, the clouds of indifference part and a ray of pure Derp shines through.

O’Rourke: Texans have told me they’re fine giving up their AR-15s

Asycthian, Christian Forums

By Jessica Campisi, 14 September 2019

Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke on Friday defended his call for mandatory gun buybacks for AR-15 rifles, saying Texans have told him they .don’t need. their AR-15s.

Exactly what New Zealand is claiming & doing. He’ll get elected, a mass shooting will eventually happen in Podunk and Beto will implement gun confiscation in the sudden realization that private ownership of firearms is a horrible idea despite all precedents and oaths. But oddly, he’ll never make reference to the fact that he’d been lusting to ban guns long before the “trigger event”.

We already have a world government. All these heads of State enacting the same globalist agenda at the same time freaks me out. Especially when, like Brexit or Beto vs. Texas, it won’t end well for them.

.Using guns to hunt or for self-defense makes a lot of sense to us here in Texas,. O.Rourke, a former three-term congressman from the state, said during an interview on MSNBC.

“But even from those Texans who own AR-15s, they’ve told me this themselves: ‘I don’t need this. I don’t need it to hunt. I don’t need it to protect myself. It was fun to use. I like taking it out to the range, but if giving this back or cutting it to pieces or selling it to the government helps to keep us safer, then by all means let’s do it,’” he said.

Um, no. FUCK, no. That is the one way shit AIN’T gonna go down. But Beto, I’d love to watch your body cash the checks that your mouth is writing.

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O.Rourke.s remarks come after the former congressman . who has pushed for a mandatory gun buyback program for assault-style weapons . defended his proposal during Thursday’s Democratic primary debate in Houston.

“Hell yes we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47. We’re not going to allow it to be used against our fellow Americans anymore,” he said, prompting loud cheers and applause from the audience.

Beto O’Rourke intends to enslave and kill us Heritage Americans. He is already at war with us, he seeks power over us so the war will be unilateral, yet none dare call it treason.

We Heritage Americans are no longer participants in our own government. Giving up our guns will be the last step before engineered famines and Siberian death camps.

The comment prompted GOP state Rep. Briscoe Cain to write in a tweet . which Twitter has since taken down . that his .AR is ready for. O.Rourke.

briscoe cain 2

Eww. Briscoe Cain looks like way too effeminate to mean what he Tweets. That’s the smile of a used car salesman.

Texas Lawmaker Dismisses Anti-Trans Violence As “Dudes Walking Around In Dresses Getting Beat Up”

A conservative Texas State Representative reduced anti-trans violence to nothing more than “dudes walking around in dresses getting beat up” in a recent panel discussion.

Rep. Briscoe Cain made the comments while in conversation with the Texas Tribune Tuesday when moderator Evan Smith asked him to defend Senate Bill 6, one of two new anti-trans bathroom bills currently proposed in the state legislature.

Like North Carolina’s HB2, SB6 would require people to use the restroom that matches the gender on their birth certificate, not their true gender identity.

.It wasn’t a problem when I was a child,. Cain explained. .Was it a problem when you were a kid? I don’t remember dudes walking around in dresses getting beat up. It wasn’t a thing, and now I think we’re encouraging it..

Oh, well, that’s a breath of fresh air. He sounds more outspoken than physiognomy would expect.

When asked what exact problem a bill like SB6 would alleviate, Cain said it all comes down to the issue of private businesses being forced to make accommodations for people who want to use restrooms that have “nothing to do with them..

.[SB6] is just to say, .Look, we’re not going to allow government funds or government buildings to be used for social engineering,’. Cain remarked. .Men need to use men’s restrooms..

Sigh, no, Briscoe. It’s not a question of private businesses being forced to obey an unnecessary law. It’s a question of sexual perversion. EVIL! Men and women are different, that’s why trans-bathrooms are a bad idea!

Cain added that he and fellow Republicans were “emboldened” to pursue SB6 after witnessing the defeat of the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO) in 2015. HERO would’ve protected LGBT people from discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity in both housing and employment.

Woe to those who call evil, good! Or in this case, call butt-fucking heroic.

.That.s really when we began to be emboldened,. he said. .We realized it wasn’t just a political thing. That parents, grandparents, everybody’s concerned about men and women’s bathrooms, shower rooms and locker rooms..

I was right the first time, he’s effeminate. Needing ’emboldening’ to do what is right. But at least he’s effeminate on the right side of history.

Unlike whatever poor sod tries to disarm Texas.


Magnus S?derlund: Cannibalism Is Our Future

This post is Not Safe For Lunch.

It’s no joke that our Elites hate us with a seething, black hatred born from their sexual attraction to the disgusting. I blogged previously on an Australian “food scientist” who thought tricking normies into eating cockroach protein was a great idea. Now a second corprophagist turns up in Sweden.

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He gives off a Jordan B. Peterson kind of vibe:

Jordan Peterson-izing The Ben Op | The American Conservative

The main article for this post is classified as a commentary but seems as authoritative as a non-Swedish speaker can expect to find.

Swedish Researcher Pushes Eating Human Flesh as Answer to Future Climate Change Food Shortages

By Celia Faber, 4 September 2019

Right off the bat, we can notice that they’re raising cannibalism as an “answer” to FUTURE food shortages. It’s solving a problem that doesn’t exist but the globalists are certain it will. How can they be confident in that prediction unless it’s the future they intend to create on purpose? And why, if they want to develop a preemptive solution, are they not considering ocean farming or something?

Climate Change alarmism has taken a macabre turn that will seem to be satire, but is not. It happened in Sweden.

At a summit for food of the future (the climate-ravaged future) called Gastro Summit, in Stockholm Sept 3-4, a professor held a powerpoint presentation asserting that we must “awaken the idea” of eating human flesh in the future, as a way of combatting the effects of climate change.

In the 1960s, humanity died to nuclear winter. In the ’70s, we died to overpopulation. In the ’80s, we were incinerated by holes in the ozone layer. In the ’90s, we drowned when the polar ice caps melted. In the ’00s, we actually were decimated by weaponized migration. And now in the ’10s, the globalists tell us deplorables to just die already.

New for the ’20s, we died to feed our new, vibrant neighbors with our flesh “just like Jesus did”. [Insert tasteless Eucharist joke.]

In a talk titled “Can you Imagine Eating Human Flesh?. behavioral scientist and marketing strategist Magnus S?derlund from .Handelsh?gskolan. (College of Commerce) argues for the breaking down of the ancient taboos against desecrating the human corpse and eating human flesh.

Magnus is a government-sponsored necrophile. There is no legitimate reason to break the very well-justified taboo of cannibalism for the sake of PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES. Is there a learning curve for “how to eat people instead of beef”? You chew, swallow and in 10-20 years, you get Mad Carl Disease.

They say it makes your brain spongy.

He refers to the taboos against it as .conservative,. and discusses people’s resistance to it as a problem that could be overcome, little by little, beginning with persuading people to just taste it. He can be seen in his video presentation and on State Swedish Television channel TV4 saying that since food sources will be scarce in the future, people must be introduced to eating things they have thus far considered disgusting.among them, human flesh.

Easier sells he suggests include: pets and insects.

Poodle, the other white meat. “Dad, will Lassie be with us in Heaven?” “No, son, Lassie will be with us in the supermarket, for sale by the pound.”

But human flesh was the central topic. In Swedish articles describing this new debate, the term .mannisko-k?tts branschen. is introduced. This means “the human flesh industry..

In his bio at the Stockholm School of Economics, S?derlund states that his research focus includes: .consumer behavior,. . marketing stimuli,. .loyalty, emotions, justice perceptions,. .psychological reactions,. a society increasingly obsessed with consumption..

People can be “tricked” Soderlund teases, into “making the right decisions..

These people are loathsome, freakish monsters. They intend to force us to eat our dead while they watch and masturbate from ivory towers. Conservatism didn’t conserve gendered bathrooms; soon, it will fail to conserve sliced bread.

Conflating resistance to eating human flesh with capitalist selfishness, the seminar’s talking points ask:

.Are we humans too selfish to live sustainably?”

Magnus, are you too selfish to fuck your mother? It might be considered taboo for the moment by overly conservative individuals but for most male feminists, Mom is the cheapest and most accessible source of erotic pleasure. And when you’re done with her, she’s a month’s worth of protein!

.Is Cannibalism the solution to food sustainability in the future? Does Generation Z have the answers to our food challenges? Can consumers be tricked into making the right decisions?At GastroSummit you will get some answers to these questions.and also partake in the latest scientific findings and get to meet the leading experts..

Experts like MEEE, who don’t have the first clue if what we preach is a good idea but we’re paid very well to preach it! And who believe “scientific” means “nobody pays you unlicensed peasants to think”.

In his talk, S?derlund asks the audience how many would be open to the idea. Not many hands go up. Some groaning is heard. When interviewed after his talk, he reports brightly that 8 percent of conference participants said they would be open to trying it. When asked if he himself would try it, he replies: .I feel somewhat hesitant but to not appear overly conservative.I.d have to say..I.d be open to at least tasting it..

I can’t say which is worse, the possibility that he’s a total hypocrite about cannibalism or the possibility that he already eats corpses for pleasure.

The logo for the talk, titled: .Food Of The Future: Worms, Grasshoppers, or Human Flesh,. features a splash of blood as part of the graphic design.

What S?derlund does not mention, curiously, is the long documented science.the biological effect of cannibalism.

Check your privilege, Celia! You can’t expect a totalitarian globalist raping your taboos to know literally everything. Who made you an expert, anyway? The government? No!

A tribe called the Fore lived isolated in Papua New Guinea until the 1930s. They believed in eating their dead rather than allowing them to be consumed by worms. This led to an epidemic of a disease called .kuru, or “the laughing death,. caused by ingestion of human meat. This disease was not caused by a pathogen, but rather, a “twisted protein,. (according to an NPR report) that tricks “other proteins in the brain to twist like it, damaging the brain’s cerebellum. Researchers compared it to Dr. Jekyll’s transformation. The last victim of kuru died in 2009.

Your word for the day: the word prion derives from “proteinaceous infectious particle”. As in Mad Cow Disease and kuru. They’re proteins misshapen in such a way as to cause more misshapen proteins. There’s no cure and it really does have a 10+ year onset.

There are a few cultures that eat insects; think Cameroon. But there’s not one society on Earth since PNG’s Fore that eats people. Magnus thinks we should change that for everybody because at some point in the future, somebody somewhere will be hungry.

Whoever is in charge of Sweden’s Public Relations is doing an abysmal job. Unless the new brand is that this small Northern country, obsessed with atheism and political correctness, is now cooler than ever for re-setting all previously known boundaries of “noir.” And madness.

Oh, they’re being smart about it. All slick sales and marketing professionals and starting early. It’s alarming that he’s still employed and wasn’t booed off the stage. Granted, Magnus is not the sanest economist available for rent but the others all surprised themselves by having principles.

According to the Eurpoean Marketing Confederation,,

Professor S?derlund is Professor of Marketing and Head of the Center for Consumer Marketing (CCM) at the Stockholm School of Economics. He received his PhD in 1993, became associate professor in 1998 and full professor in 2008.

His current research interests comprise customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and service encounters.

So, this guy advocating the consumption of insects and humans as food staples is not a nutritionist, biologist, anthropologist or medical expert. He’s an economist specializing in consumer behavior. His only professional interest in the topic is how people can be mindfucked into accepting it.

Who pays his bills?


Walter Mosley Was SJWd for Calling Himself A Nigger

Walter was a writer for STD (Star Trek: Discovery) until he was overheard using the dreaded N-word… in reference to himself.

'Charcoal Joe': Walter Mosley?s Easy Rawlins is on the ...

Overall, I’m not a fan of the Innsmouth look. Wide upper eyelids indicates a very social attitude. Midly Soros-style lower eyelids, still not sure but am leaning towards chronic pain or Pure Evil. Wide lips is a talker. Inner ear cup pokes out past the outer cup, so he listens more to himself than others. Very faint eyebrows suggests a chameleon personality. And yet, conformist-narrow ears indicating against all the internal/social motivations.

A pretty good read for a professional screenwriter.

Author Walter Mosley Quits ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ After Using N-Word in Writers Room

By Lesley Goldberg, September 2019

Author Walter Mosley penned an op-ed for The New York Times, published on Friday, in which he revealed that he quit his job as a writer on a television series after he was “chastised” by human resources for using the N-word on the job.

Join the club. Yes, yes, we know you’re innocent. So were we.

Although Mosley, who is black, did not reveal which show he departed, sources tell The Hollywood Reporter that it was CBS All Access’ Star Trek: Discovery. That series, renewed in February for its third season with its third showrunner, has experienced serious issues of abusive language in its writers room in the past.

He’s a very light-skinned black. This point-and-shriek might have been accidental. Or, he had an enemy. Or, STD attracts damaged people what can’t be happy unless they’re ruining life for someone else. The story arcs and production history of STD favor the latter. Nobody with options should swim in that shark tank.

Sources tell The Hollywood Reporter that season three showrunners Alex Kurtzman . who sources say personally recruited Mosley to the Discovery room . and Michelle Paradise were informed of the complaint via human resources but were not present for the incident in which Mosley allegedly used the N-word multiple times. Sources note that HR called Mosley to inform the acclaimed writer and novelist that typical use of that word was a fireable offense but there was to be no course of action taken against him. Instead, HR informed Mosley that a writer in the room was uncomfortable with it and effectively wanted to ensure he was aware of the studio’s policy.

That HR has waaay too much power. It was basically overriding the personnel decisions of the company officers. Which is almost the definition of a corporate “skin suit”. Shareholders obsess too much over profit margins to be woke.

“Earlier this year, I had just finished with the (FX channel’s) Snowfall writers. room for the season when I took a similar job on a different show at a different network. I’d been in the new room for a few weeks when I got the call from human resources. A pleasant-sounding young man said, ‘Mr. Mosley, it has been reported that you used the n-word in the writers. room,’” Mosley wrote in the Times. “I replied, ‘I am the N-word in the writers. room.’”


Mosley went on to explain that the individual in HR said that while he was free to use that word in a script, he “could not say it.” Mosley then clarified, “I hadn’t called anyone it. I just told a story about a cop who explained to me, on the streets of Los Angeles, that he stopped all n—ers in paddy neighborhoods and all paddies in n—er neighborhoods, because they were usually up to no good. I was telling a true story as I remembered it.”

In fairness to Mosley, he self-censored “paddies” for his NYT opinion piece. I had to do research to realize I’d been victimized by a deplorable word instead of a sexual reference.

Mosley wrote that he is unaware who complained about his use of the word. “There I was, a black man in America who shares with millions of others the history of racism. And more often than not, treated as subhuman,” he continued. “If addressed at all that history had to be rendered in words my employers regarded as acceptable.”

Mr. Mosley, an honest, soul-searching question: do you think your accuser voted for Trump? Why or why not?

“There I was being chastised for criticizing the word that oppressed me and mine for centuries. As far as I know the word is in the dictionary,” said Mosley. “As far as I know the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence assure me of both the freedom of speech and the pursuit of happiness.”

Well, there’s your mistake. America declared independence from Christianity and passed the Constitution to emancipate women, coloreds, women, Communists, women and the coal they burn from the oppressive slavery of white male privilege.

Which now includes you, Walter, because Communism doesn’t work if it don’t have somebody to blame. I’ll go out on a limb and guess there aren’t any white cis-men working on STD plots in the writers’ room right now. The light-skinned Negro will have to suffice.

I used to point out the hypocrisy of blacks calling each other nigger while going gangster on anybody else calling them nigger. (Insert Rush Hour clip here.) Guess I can’t do that anymore. The N-word is off-limits to EVERYBODY! Equality at last! Smells like… book-burning.

CBS TV Studios responded to Mosley’s op-ed on Friday in a statement provided to The Hollywood Reporter: “We have the greatest admiration for Mr. Mosley’s writing talents and were excited to have him join Star Trek: Discovery. While we cannot comment on the specifics of confidential employee matters, we are committed to supporting a workplace where employees feel free to express concerns and where they feel comfortable performing their best work. We wish Mr. Mosley much continued success.”

Careful, buddy. Twist the knife too much and it’ll fall out where everybody can see it.

While Mosley did not say he was immediately threatened with termination, he ultimately decided to leave the show. “My answer to HR was to resign and move on. I was in a writers. room trying to be creative while at the same time being surveilled by unknown critics who would snitch on me to a disembodied voice over the phone,” he wrote. “My every word would be scrutinized. Sooner or later I’d be fired or worse . silenced.”

Sources say Mosley . who had been on staff for three weeks . suddenly stopped coming in to the Santa Monica-based Secret Hideout offices that serve as the writers rooms for Discovery, Picard and multiple other Star Trek shows. Paradise and Kurtzman, who previously dismissed two Discovery showrunners after claims of abusive language and behavior, later learned that Mosley had quit the series without so much as a call to explain what happened. (It’s worth noting that Discovery has a particularly inclusive writers room that includes three African American scribes, two Asian American writers, a Native American and Latinx woman, among others.)

That limb I went out on is solid as an oak. What, no witch doctor?

Mosley ended his op-ed by saying, “The worst thing you can do to citizens of a democratic nation is to silence them.” He elaborated, “And the easiest way to silence a woman or a man is to threaten his or her livelihood. Let’s not accept the McCarthyism of secret condemnation. Instead let’s delve a little deeper, limiting the power that can be exerted over our citizens, their attempts to express their hearts and horrors, and their desire to speak their truths. Only this can open the dialogue of change.”

The worst thing you can do to the citizens of a nation is giving them democracy, which means the worst thing you can do to citizens of a democratic nation is to give them what they want. In this instance, they wanted to silence you. It was you against one nameless accuser; how fortunate that “nice, pleasant” HR microtyrant was available to break the tie. A 2-1 vote means you deserved it, Walter! Democracy in action!

Star Trek: Discovery showrunners Aaron Harberts and Gretchen Berg were fired ahead of season two in June 2018. At the time, sources told THR that the duo . who replaced original showrunner Bryan Fuller . had leadership and operational issues that led to their dismissal. Insiders stressed that Berg and Harberts became increasingly abusive to the Discovery writing staff, with Harberts said to have leaned across the writers room table while shouting an expletive at a member of the show’s staff. Multiple writers are said to have been uncomfortable working on the series and had threatened to file a complaint with HR or quit the series altogether before informing franchise captain and season two co-showrunner Kurtzman of the issues surrounding Berg and Harberts. After hearing rumors of HR complaints, Harberts is said to have made imposing remarks to the staff to keep concerns with the production an internal matter. Harberts and Berg declined comment at the time.

Maybe God didn’t make Hell. Maybe He let us use own own imagination and multiplied by forever.

Use of the N-word in Hollywood has been a recurring subject as other executives, including former Paramount TV president Amy Powell and Netflix PR chief Jonathan Friedland, have been dismissed over use of the term in the workplace.

The article ends here. Sure, let’s read more! Since we’re settled in for a Friday evening.

By Kim Masters, 19 July 2018

Five years after being tapped to lead the newly relaunched Paramount Television banner, [President] Amy Powell is out.

The news was announced Thursday via an internal memo from Paramount CEO Jim Gianopulos in which he outlined “multiple individuals” who raised “concerns around comments” made by the executive in a “professional setting, which they believed were inconsistent” with Viacom’s values. According to sources, the comments included racially charged language. Sources say the inciting incident occurred during a studio notes call for Paramount Network’s First Wives Club reboot, which is being penned by Girls Trip co-writer Tracy Oliver and will feature a predominantly black cast.

Powell was accused of racial insensitivity in the context of overseeing a predominately black soap opera? Is there any way she could possibly have avoided all those ray-ciss land mines?

Powell, who is said to have been a favorite of Viacom CEO Bob Bakish, allegedly made generalizations about black women that struck some on the call as offensive. A complaint was filed to human resources, who with the legal department, investigated the claims and those involved on the notes call. Sources say Paramount considered discipline but decided to fire Powell after she denied the allegations.

“Having spent the past several days conducting a thorough investigation into this matter and speaking to those who were present, our Human Resources and Legal teams came to the same conclusion, and we have made the decision to terminate Amy’s employment, effective immediately,” Gianopulos wrote.

Stinks of dirty politics.

Hours after Gianopulos’ memo to staff, Powell denied the allegations in a statement sent by her personal PR: .There is no truth to the allegation that I made insensitive comments in a professional setting . or in any setting,” she said. “The facts will come out and I will be vindicated.” Sources say Powell is considering taking legal action against the studio.

Given the sudden nature of her firing, a search for Powell’s replacement will begin shortly. In the interim, Paramount COO Andrew Gumpert will oversee operational support, while Mireille Soria, Brian Robbins and Wyck Godfrey . presidents of Paramount Animation, Paramount Players and Paramount Motion Picture Group, respectively . will help lead the studio’s team.

Harvey Weinstein's Most Notable Proteges (Photos) - The Hollywood Reporter

Gaydar! Gumpert is a known protege of Harvey Weinstein at Miramax. I checked the others for political loyalties but nothing turned up. Eh, I never do well at following boardroom politics… but if I ever do, I’ll be rich and famous. And sleeping with Jimmy Hoffa, most likely.

So, did Powell win?

Amy Powell Reaches Settlement Over Her Firing As Paramount Television President

A month and a half after Amy Powell’s surprising firing from her post as president of Paramount Television, she has reached a financial settlement with her former employer, Paramount Pictures.

While details of the settlement are confidential, Powell’s payout from Paramount is said to be in the $4 million range. No one’s really talking specifics right now, but with the deal and a possible messy trial avoided, an individual with knowledge of the situation told Deadline that Powell is “very happy” with the arrangement.

Yay! She triumphed over an anonymous accusation of unnamed civil rights violations! How did she manage to do that, and in only six weeks? We should take notes.

Soon after her exit, Powell retained attorney Bryan Freedman who started preparing a gender bias lawsuit against Paramount and engaged in settlement talks.

*Gunner Q scribbles notes* Cry… like… a… little… girl. Got it!

But Walter was probably better off to simply quit with his dignity intact.


Uniform Skirts Now Illegal

I bet the Founders of America had no idea the Constitution they’d just drafted had a clause liberating women from wearing skirts. Sounds like a Ben Franklin prank…. Fisking Working Mother Magazine is like getting dinner by shooting fish in a supermarket but this one is special, because it affects a charter school instead of the public schools. And involves the use of small children as puppets for litigation.

Judge Rules That It’s Unconstitutional to Make Girls Wear Skirts as Part of School Uniform

By Maricar Santos, 1 April 2019

He explained skirts pose a burden to girls, but not to boys.

Skirts are suddenly revealed to be oppressive and unfair after 6,000+ years of recorded history! What progress! What a marvelous judge, discovering what nobody else was able to notice!

Anyone who ever had to wear skirts as part of their school uniform, or has a child who had to, knows how much of a pain it can be. Not only does the wearer have to be mindful, at all times, that her butt isn’t hanging out while sitting down and walking up the stairs, but she also might have to figure out some type of shorts to wear underneath the skirt, in case there’s a breeze, and in the winter, possibly some leggings.or in my case, she doesn’t freeze to death on the way to and from school.

It’s a horrible fate for girls to be forced by patriarchal privilege to spend one more moment on clothing than they need to for survival. Never mind the five hours per day they voluntarily obsess over clothing regardless.

Even though it’s old-fashioned, unfair, and downright uncomfortable…

Since when does old-fashioned mean EVIL?

..there are still thousands of girls who are subjected to such a dress code. Rather than put up with it, three North Carolina students decided to take action, asking their school to end its policy of requiring girls to wear skirts or risk punishment. Their petition had garnered over 100 signatures when a teacher confiscated it.and never returned it.

Why would the girls have thought to complain at the age when boys are icky?

The students sought the help of the ACLU, who filed a lawsuit against the on their behalf back in 2016, when the girls were just 5, 10 and 14.

Bullshit. Five year-olds don’t seek the help of militant lawyers to litigate on their behalf just so they can dress like boys.

They sued K-8 Charter Day School in Leland which, according to CBS News, is a public school funded by state taxpayers, but is allowed to do things differently than a traditional public school. Even though Charter Day School is tuition-free, it “contracts with a for-profit company to run business and academic operations.”

I told you so, school voucher advocates. If you use taxpayer money in any form then the gov’t will still be able to put its hooks in, and your “charter school” will end up no better than the public school. But no, forcing us bachelors to underwrite your kids’ tuition is too important.

Now, three years later, a judge has ruled the school’s skirt requirement for girls to be unconstitutional, Buzzfeed reports.

In his ruling, U.S. District Judge Malcolm J. Howard wrote that making girls wear skirts as part of the uniform gives them a burden that their male counterparts do not have.

He also shot down an illegal gun ban in North Carolina, so he’s probably a guy who just enforces the rules without regard to why the rules exist.

Or worse, he can’t tell a little girl No even when she’s obviously being used as a cat’s-paw by Leftoid social engineers.

The girls’ lawsuit argued that the dress code for girls “forces them to wear clothing that is less warm and comfortable than the pants their male classmates are permitted to wear” and restricts girls’ physical activity. It also argued that the skirt requirement “distracts from their learning, and limits their educational opportunities,” and they claim the the uniform policy violates federal and state law, specifically protection against sex-based discrimination under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Can we drop the pretenses? The Fourteenth Amendment is “Penis Envy”.

As Keely Burks, the oldest student in the lawsuit, wrote on the ACLU website three years ago, she found wearing skirts to school was “distracting and uncomfortable,” and revealed that on the last day of school, she had to be sent home because she was wearing shorts, not a skirt. According to the lawsuit, the charter school requires boys to wear pants or knee-length shorts, but requires girls to wear only knee-length or longer jumpers, skirts or skorts, except on gym days. If the dress code isn’t followed, the school may call their parents, take them out of class or expel them.

I found it and will fisk her after this article. Never fisked an 8th-grader before but this one has it coming.

Meanwhile, the school claimed its uniform is meant “to instill discipline and keep order” so that “student learning is not impeded.” They also argued their uniform policy promoted “traditional values” and chivalry, saying that the skirts requirement helps students “act more appropriately” toward the opposite sex.

Yes. Men and women are different and should behave differently, even if only for the sake of being different. Unisex uniforms would send the wrong message, especially in Current Year.

However, in his ruling, Judge Howard did not find any connection between the school’s goals and the current dress code.

No connection between traditional values and traditional styles of clothing? You’re lying, Judge.

He wrote: “The girls are subject to a specific clothing requirement that renders them unable to play as freely during recess…


“…requires them to sit in an uncomfortable manner in the classroom…”

More shit.

“…causes them to be overly focused on how they are sitting…”

Skirts don’t have learning curves! They aren’t power tools!

“…distracts them from learning…”

Judge Howard is a shameless liar,

“…and subjects them to cold temperatures on their legs and/or uncomfortable layers of leggings under their knee-length skirts in order to stay warm, especially moving outside between classrooms at the School.”

Poor Olivia Twist, forced to suffer cruel hardships on her desolate journeys between heated classrooms.

Defendants have offered no evidence of any comparable burden on boys.”

Of course they didn’t. The judge had to lie the female “burdens” into existence in the first place!

In a statement posted to the ACLU North Carolina website, Bonnie Peltier, the mother of one of the daughters in the lawsuit, commented on the outcome: “All I wanted was for my daughter and every other girl at school to have the option to wear pants so she could play outside, sit comfortably and stay warm in the winter … We’re happy the court agrees, but it’s disappointing that it took a court order to force the school to accept the simple fact that, in 2019, girls should have the choice to wear pants.”

NYC haircut, jaw like a chisel, lips heavily unbalanced towards the masculine (fat lower, thin upper), disgustingly fat… Yes, I can imagine her using her own child as an involuntary proxy for an ACLU Convergence lawsuit.

Another litigant is named Erika Booth per

Although there’s no word yet on when exactly the skirt requirement will be nixed, Baker Mitchell, founder of the Roger Bacon Academy, which runs Charter Day School had a fairly ominous response to the ruling. He told the Washington Post that “the Charter Day School Board is analyzing the opinion and will be meeting with counsel in the very near future to discuss their options moving forward.”

Exxxcellent. He’s a fighter! What’s the clock at, three years already against the AC-LULU’s? Most respectable.

Baker is an electrical engineer, former university assistant professor, and entrepreneur. He has a number of peer-reviewed scientific publications and chapters in engineering texts and is the holder of two US patents.

Coming out of retirement in 1999, he founded The Roger Bacon Academy which manages four public charter schools in North Carolina that have a combined diverse enrollment of over 2,200 students.

This Leland charter school is one of four schools administered by the Roger Bacon Academy.

RBA?s slander lawsuit against ex-Brunswick Supt. Pruden to proceed to trial « The Roger Bacon ...

That’s what I expected Linus Torvalds to look like back when I read his face. Huge brainpan for intellectual orientation and the smallest third of his face is the ambition/status middle… very promising. That’s a brick wall of a chin; no wonder he didn’t roll over for the civil liberty crybullies. I bet he played rugby or American football in his college days. Pessimistic to judge from mouth corners. Still has a 1950s mindset to judge from that suit.

They don’t make Americans like Mitchell anymore. A quickie insight:

Baker Mitchell: “The Smear Campaign Against Charters”

In an op-ed published in the Wall Street Journal, Baker Mitchell, founder of the North Carolina-based Roger Bacon Academy charter schools, confronts charges that North Carolina charters are producing resegregation. Mitchell writes,

“Charges of racism are intended to divert attention from the failure of traditional public schools to educate minority children. According to the most recent Charter Schools Annual Report to the North Carolina General Assembly, published in February, charter-school students at virtually every grade level and in virtually all student subgroups.white, African-American, Hispanic, economically disadvantaged, students with disabilities, and students with limited English proficiency.outperformed traditional public-school students in English, math and science at the end of the school year. The sole exception was high-school math scores, where results were mixed.”

Mitchell.s four charter schools are top performers, despite the fact that 40 percent or more of the students come from lower-income households. He attributes those results to a “classical curriculum, direct-instruction methods, additional instructional hours, and focus on orderliness..

He’s got the Baby Boomer boner for diversity but is otherwise a staunch, results-oriented traditionalist. I got respect for people whose idea of retirement isn’t sitting down and waiting to die.

And now, let’s rip into the little girl who allegedly filed this lawsuit.

My School Requires All Girls to Wear Skirts. I’m Fighting for My Right to Wear Pants.

By Keely Burks, 1 March 2016

I am like a lot of eighth grade students. I try to do my best in class. I like sports and playing outside, and I regularly go to Bible classes, and I file lawsuits against the patriarchy every year just like Jesus did. I also believe in standing up for myself and others. So last year, along with some friends, I created a petition to ask my school to change its policy that says girls have to wear skirts to school or risk being punished.

She didn’t actually write the sentence fragment after “Bible classes”. That’s my addition. But she didn’t create that petition either. That’s her Trigglypuff mother’s addition.

I go to Charter Day School, a K-8 public charter school in Leland, North Carolina. Like a lot of schools, Charter Day has a uniform policy. That policy says that all female students have to wear skirts that are .knee-length or longer.…

God assures us that there’s a special place in Eternal Hell for everybody who wants little girls to wear miniskirts. Something about millstones, I recall.

…and that we can’t wear pants or shorts, except on gym days.

WTF??? The plaintiffs complained that girls couldn’t do athletics easily while wearing skirts, yet school policy already allowed them to wear shorts/pants on gym day!

Boys are able to wear pants and shorts every day. My friends and I got more than 100 signatures on our petition, but it was taken from us by a teacher and we never got it back. Some parents asked about changing the policy, but the school said that making girls wear skirts is supposed to promote “chivalry” and “traditional values..

No ten-year-old EVER talked like that.

Now we are turning to the ACLU for help. This week the ACLU of North Carolina and the ACLU Women’s Rights Project filed a lawsuit on behalf of me and two other students that says Charter Day’s uniform policy violates the law and discriminates against girls.

Those feminist bitch-lawyers were as heartless as pedophiles to these girls.

Personally, I hate wearing skirts.

Your personal whims are not grounds for a lawsuit.

Even with tights and leggings, skirts are cold to wear in the winter, and they’re not as comfortable as shorts in the summer.

I know from personal experience with kilts that the latter is a lie. If Commiefornia wasn’t the fag capital of the United States, I’d wear kilts for every day of the summer heat.

Do you know where Scotland is, Barbie? It’s the very northern tip of the United Kingdom. Very rainy, very cold. Kilts and skirts work just fine there.

I love playing outside, especially soccer and gymnastics. When we go outside for recess, the boys in my class will sometimes play soccer or do flips and cartwheels. But I feel like I can’t because I’m wearing a skirt.

I’ve seen cheerleaders do flips and cartwheels in skirts. You’re lying. And what’s this about not playing soccer because skirts?

guy wearing kilt playing soccer | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Boo-ya, Barbie. He didn’t even put his water bottle down.

And it’s not just when I go outside. When I’m sitting in class, I have to pay attention to the position of my legs when I’m in a skirt, and it can be very distracting and uncomfortable.

I have a denim work kilt. It doubles as both clothing and a work apron for when I do precision molding at a workbench. Catches all the little pieces I drop like pants never will. Very handy and comfy.

When I was in first grade and we sat on the floor, my teacher told all the girls that we couldn’t sit .criss-cross applesauce. like the boys in class. Instead, the teacher said we had to sit on the floor with our legs curled to the side because we were in skirts. When I said I didn’t want to sit that way, my teacher took me aside and put me in time out.

Lucky! I got a bar of soap.

And I was even punished on the last day of school one year for wearing shorts when I mistakenly thought it was permitted. I had to sit in the office all day and wasn’t allowed to go back to class until my mom could come pick me up . all because I wasn’t wearing a skirt.

I was a kid, too, Barbie. Kids always try to bend the rules on the last day of class.

In the year 2016, I don’t think anyone should have a problem with young women wearing pants.

That’s not your decision to make for all humanity. Some of us want to have standards. That’s what this lawsuit is about: forcing people who DO have standards to give them up.

There are so many professional women . businesswomen, doctors, and world leaders . who wear pants every day. If I had the choice, I would wear pants or shorts to school every day. Some of my classmates would probably still want to wear skirts . but that should be their decision, not the school.s. Either way, we should have a choice.

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. That’s the ACLU endgame.

I hope that by challenging my school’s policy, I can help other girls who want to go to school without being stereotyped or who just want to play outside or sit in class without feeling uncomfortable.

I’ve seen better tear-jerker scenes on the Syfy Channel, if that even still exists. This lawsuit has nothing to do with girls wanting to live free and everything to do with envy of men… even though the “plaintiffs” weren’t even old enough to be sexually aware.


I Warned Jarrid Wilson. Now He’s A Suicide

Question: Why did assistant megapastor Jarrid Wilson commit suicide? Answer: *pic*

He was visibly lied to and twisted away from God’s design for masculinity in every possible soyboy, nu-male, hipster, pseudo-gay way. Probably too weak to lift a Starbucks grande. Even his name was twisted away from the traditional, hetero-normative Jared.

In fact, I warned him about his name. Your identity as a human beings matters.

Color me shocked that he struggled against depression and suicide for his entire life. That’s because he was so mindfucked into the Narrative that he couldn’t see daylight… was kept so busy being awesome, making megachurch pastor by age frickin’ 29, that he couldn’t wall off from the distractions long enough to do a little soul-searching. Maybe listen to some critics. Maybe get some exercise.

This is how deep into the Narrative he was:

By Leonardo Blair, 29 August 2013

A Memphis, Tenn., pastor’s open letter of love to Miley Cyrus about her racy performance at the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards show on Sunday night, in which he expresses disappointment with her behavior but encourages her to reject pressure to be something she is not, has gone viral.

“I cannot say I enjoyed your performance, but I can say I (sic) my heart breaks for you, your future, and your identity as a woman,” wrote Pastor Jarrid Wilson, formerly of High Point Church, in the letter published by Fox 19.

“There are so many things I don’t know about you, but something tells me that you are going through more than you are willing to share with the people around you. I can’t imagine being surrounded by the paparazzi 24/7, living in the shadow of your dad, and constantly being asked, ‘What happened to that sweet girl from Hannah Montana?’” he continued.

Wilson pointed out that he understood that she was trying to shake off her Disney image for a more mature look but her current strategy isn’t the way to achieve it in a healthy way.

*IS* there a healthy way to reach her interpretation of “mature”?

“I get it, you’re an adult now. You don’t want to be forever viewed as the Child-Star from Disney Channel. But I can promise you that this isn’t the way to break that mold,” said Wilson.

“I’m not going throw any scripture at you. I’m not going to tell you how wrong you are. And I’m not going to tell you that you need Jesus. Why? Because frankly, I think you already know all of these things,” continued Wilson who argued that her potential to use her platform for good is “unmeasurable.”

If she’s made an informed decision to reject God then the Christian has no further obligation to her… and considering her conduct, excellent reason to sever all communications.

“You’re a smart girl who has found herself caught up in the world of entertainment. I assume it’s rough. I can’t imagine being constantly surrounded by drugs, sex and alcohol. And I can’t imagine the peer pressure you must feel from labels, managers, and other artists around the world pressuring you to be something you’re not,” he said.

“I’m here to tell you: YOU DON’T NEED TO LISTEN TO THEM. You are allowed to make your own decisions, and quite frankly this might be the first time anyone has ever told you that.

“Regardless of what the tabloids say, my wife and I still believe in you, and will always show an open hand of grace and second chances,” he ended.

Why would she want Jesus if Jesus offers nothing but grace and second chances? When I unjustly get caught after being tricked into robbing a bank, I’ll just order Jesus to wipe my record clean so I can try again, and that Heavenly chump will do it because He wuvs me.

Change my mind, modern clergy.

8 Things My Father Taught Me About Respecting Women

By Jarrid Wilson, 7 June 2014

1. .That’s someone’s daughter..

This is something I will always hold dear to my heart. My father has a great way of putting things into perspective for me. He made me realize that every girl in this world is not only someone’s daughter, but also a child of God. I should always treat women the same way I would hope someone to treat my future daughter.

How did he ever manage to breed? *checks* His children do look like him.

2. .Keep your hands to yourself..

If you’re not married to her, keep your hands off her. That was the broken record that constantly played within my head. I understood where my father was coming from, and our foundation of faith definitely played an important role in keeping this standard true. None of us are perfect, but the strive for purity is something my father would constantly embed into my brain. He understood the reality of sex in today’s culture, and encouraged me to always try and live above the world’s standard of what is normal.

Still good advice but for completely different reasons than in the Boomer days.

3. .Walk her to the door..

Chivalry 101. Walk your lady to her door, and then make sure she gets inside safe before you leave. From a very young age I remember both my father and grandfather drilling this into my brain. I guess you can say our family has always strived to be chivalrous, thoughtful, and kind. But while this may just seem like a silly gesture, the act can really showcase the honor and respect you have for a woman.

Not still good advice.

4. “Always pay for her dinner..

Many will claim that times are changing, but I still hold this standard pretty high, no matter how much a woman makes. It’s a simple gesture that showcases your willingness to provide and support. Pay for her dinner, even if she orders the $60.00 steak.

Jarrid’s dad never taught him what “shit test” meant.

5. .Offer your coat when it’s cold..

Sacrifice is key when it comes to any relationship. I learned this from watching the men in my family live this out on a daily basis. When it’s cold, offer your coat. When it’s hot, offer to buy a drink. When it’s raining, find anything you can to keep her hair from getting wet.

Do not protect women from their stupidity. Enduring the consequences is how stupid people learn. It’s not nice to deny them their right to an education.

Part of me pities Jarrid for having such a weak father. A greater part says the willful repeaters of lies do not deserve pity. Jarrid was raised to believe in the Original Sin fantasy and God only knows how much damage he’s done to others as a direct result.

Repentance forgives all but Jarrid chose suicide instead.

6. .Open the car door..

Another class from chivalry 101. It’s a simple act of kindness that shows any woman that you are thinking of her before yourself. If you have a motorcycle, pretend to open a car door for effect.

Is that a date or a LARP? Either way, Jarrid’s dad is selling a bigger fantasy than the Russians stealing the election.

In men, Original Sin can manifest as a romantic fantasy that the woman can be worshiped with none of the predictable consequences. That’s apparently what Jared’s father was encouraging.

7. .Respect her parents wishes..

No matter how crazy or loud, I encourage you to respect a woman’s parents to the highest degree. This might be tough for some of you, but I promise it will score you major points with both the family and your lady. The last thing you want is to be in a relationship with someone who’s parents do not like you. Do all you can to show them respect, even if it kills you.

Whoa… there IS such a thing as toxic masculinity! “It’s not enough to worship your wife. You must also worship her parents!” Sure, get her parents’ blessing before the marriage, but once Barbie is yours her father is no longer the ranking authority. HE must submit to HUSBAND on ALL matters concerning Princess.

8. .Make her feel protected and safe..

I know that not everyone is as buff as me (obviously joking), but there is still hope for anyone who is looking to make their lady feel protected an safe. You don’t need to have muscles on top of your muscles to make your lady feel protected. Just show that you are willing to do whatever it takes to protect her, her belongings, and your relationship.

It’s pathetic for a wimp to claim that vows of eternal slavery make a woman feel safe as much as her feeling up his biceps when he climbs into bed at night. I suppose Jarrid didn’t have anything else to offer. Which in a masculine man, would make him wonder what she DID marry him for….

Jarrid Wilson Dead: A Tribute to the Megachurch Pastor

Jarrid Wilson gushed about his family on social media, including his kids. .Happy first day of school little buddy! Your mommy (@itsjuliwilson) and I are so proud of you, and we cannot believe how quickly you are growing up,. he wrote with one photo of his son.

.You’re going to bring so much joy to world, and we’re so excited to watch you grow up into the man that God designed you to be. You.ll always be my little bird man. Love you, Finch!.

He posted pictures of his family, including at a trampoline park. Of his wife, he wrote, .There is no one more talented, more beautiful, and more godly than you sweetheart. I love you! I wouldn’t want to do life with anyone else. You’re the peanut butter to my jelly. And boy do I like peanut butter..

.She means everything to me,. he wrote with another post.

Max Cuck! I investigated his wife to see if she drove him to suicide but the answer is no. She actually looks decent and they married young. Considering how quickly Jarrid rose through the ranks was selected for being a broken sycophant, she probably had her sights set on the PastorWife trophy. And landed it!

Which means she truly mourns him. Her meal ticket to Queen Bee of a megachurch chose to eat a bullet instead of spending one more day with her.

His Amazon author bio describes him as .a husband, dad, pastor, author and founder of Anthem of Hope. His articles have been viewed by tens-of-millions, showcased on some of today’s hottest talk shows, and featured on national news stations worldwide. He is a dynamic speaker whose outside-the-box perspectives have gained him national recognition from some of today’s most influential Christian leaders and pastors..

Any modern man who openly adores his wife and dotes on his kids, almost surely has massive emasculation issues.

The biography continues: .His highly unconventional way of sharing faith takes a fresh look at the way Jesus would call individuals to live out their everyday lives. Unafraid to tackle tough and controversial topics, Jarrid is known for his refreshing perspectives on what others may view as set in black and white..

What exactly was his unconventional way of sharing faith? Seeing gray instead of Biblical black and white?

He wrote a lot about suicide recently on Twitter. September 9, 2019, he wrote, .Loving Jesus doesn’t always cure suicidal thoughts.

Loving Jesus doesn’t always cure depression.

Loving Jesus doesn’t always cure PTSD.

Loving Jesus doesn’t always cure anxiety.

But that doesn’t mean Jesus doesn’t offer us companionship and comfort.

He ALWAYS does that..

Two days later, obviously not. Jarrid suicided because he didn’t believe his own lies about Christ and suicide, which is why I’ve no sympathy at all.

.Officiating a funeral for a Jesus-loving woman who took her own life today. Your prayers are greatly appreciated for the family,. said another September 9 tweet. That same day he wrote, .Tomorrow is #WorldSuicidePreventionDay, and @anthemofhope wants you to know that #YourLifeMatters! 800,000 people love their life to suicide each year, and we want to do something about it..

One Hell of a Freudian Slip there, JARED. It’s one thing to help others succeed where you succeeded but another thing to expose yourself to temptations that you’re obviously weak towards. That’s why I’ll never run a boarding house for recovering nymphomaniac whores. It’s not a lack of interest, it’s an abundance of interest.

Had JARED any other job, he’d have my sympathy. If JARED had not been a false priest then I would believe he made it to Heaven despite suicide. But JARRID was first a weak vessel filled with the devil’s lies then a Judas goat to give hurting men false hope that the Narrative wasn’t a devil-spawned monstrosity.

Capping himself ended his usefulness to the devil and exposed the lies he told, so Jarrid’s suicide was the first righteous thing he ever did. It’s for the best, to be honest. Wifey would inevitably have found a ‘roided up Chad to supply her daily dose of masculine rough-housing. Boyfriend Jesus would have understood!


Checking the American Heritage Girls

The American Heritage Girls (AHG) has been recently slammed by Dalrock (Archive; PDF) and promoted by Boxer. Both have valid-sounding points so it’s time for my own look into the organization.

Believe it or not, I was an assistant leader in a Christian substitute for the Boy Scouts after they Converged, for a year or so. It wasn’t a natural fit. I don’t understand kids and am uncomfortable around them, but the local church had no other use for me and it’d have been hypocritical to refuse.

So I turned out for it, and it went tolerably well for the most part. The kids liked me more when I was my sarcastic normal self than the well-mannered role model I tried to be, and even more when I reluctantly let them play with matches. One kid was a bad apple and I tried to get him removed, only to be told by senior pastor (who himself had had enough encounters with the brat to roll his eyes at the name) that he needed our influence, being fatherless. My response that he needed a parole officer instead wasn’t well received. I wasn’t joking, either.

So, I had no actual authority with which to control the group, neither was the formal leader a strong authority, so it was just a hang-out group for the most part. Never more than 10 kids. The end came when the sponsoring church appointed female leadership and my frustrations with its blue-pill management became intolerable.

Anyhoo, the AHG was created specifically as a Christian alternative to the ultra-feminist Girl Scouts. That needed doing but that also probably means they’re Cuckservative, since I haven’t noticed any pogroms against healthy girls in the headlines. But let’s have a look, starting with their merit badges as a gauge of their priorities:

Together as a Family Badge

Together As A Family Badge. Sounds promising.

Sewing and puppetry, good. Robotics, that stinks of “Go into STEM!” manipulation. And I get grief everywhere for believing women shouldn’t train with weapons. They’re prey animals and need to behave accordingly.

Mostly okay. I’m uncomfortable with teaching leadership skills to girls but cannot deny that Scripture requires the older women to teach the younger. It’s a bit hypocritical to have physical fitness badges and social media badges simultaneously.

While I can’t give a specific objection, most of these sound more appropriate to boys’ curriculum.

Holy Fu-u-u-nk. That’s “holy smelly”, kids. Don’t curse like Uncle Q until you’re 18 and don’t make dick jokes until you’re 21. But Josh, can you teach me that naughty limerick first?

AHG doesn’t publish much material for the general public to view for free so let’s go to a devil’s advocate for a remarkably funny and complete overview of their basic program.

Fed Up With the Slutty Girl Scouts? Meet the Conservative Alternative.

By Kelly Faircloth, 6 March 2014

Kelly Faircloth, Jezebel

Yes, that Trigglypuff with optional Skrillex will make an ideal devil’s advocate.

Want your daughter to learn all about camping, sewing and car repair, but with a heaping helping of Jesus? You could try to find a local Girl Scout troop with an especially Bible-thumping troop leader. Or you could just skip straight to the American Heritage Girls, conservative Christianity’s very own copycat.

It’s a common trope on the far-right that the Girl Scouts have become an out-and-out liberal organization with ties to Planned Parenthood. (The national organization patiently continues to insist they have no formal relationship.)

There’s a difference between “having ties” and “having a formal relationship”. Click the following for more.

Girl Scouts Join Planned Parenthood at Huge Pro-Abortion Conference

This year, the barrage has intensified, thanks to a ginned-up controversy about the Girl Scouts of America supposedly tweeting support for Wendy Davis. (Not really true, but why let the facts get in the way of a boycott?)

Not REALLY true because they only discussed making her Woman of the Year.

And so, amid the bombardment, right-wing media outlets are trumpeting an alternative, called the American Heritage Girls. While much smaller.something like 30,000, compared to 2.3 million Girl Scouts.they’re held up as a competitor. A columnist at fire-breathingly conservative outlet Breitbart, recently cheered: “AMERICAN HERITAGE GIRLS OFFERS FAITH-BASED PATRIOTIC ALTERNATIVE TO DECAYING GIRL SCOUTS.” Glenn Beck’s site, The Blaze, did their second piece on the group, following a 2012 intro. The National Review ran a Q&A between founder Patti Garibay and Kathryn Lopez, carrying the headline, “Good American Girls.”

So what’s a gal gotta do to qualify as a “Good American Girl” these days? This video from September 2012 provides a nice introduction. The group paints itself as a force “countering the culture,” which “provides girls the necessary tools to defend their faith and to live righteously despite the mixed messages of a culture devoid of a moral code. …

The group was founded in 1995, when Girl Scouts began allowing members reciting the organization’s Promise to replace “in God” with alternatives like “Allah” or “my creator.” You know.dogs-and-cats-living-together level stuff.

The last time I saw a catty female make that much noise, her owner needed acetone to clean the furball off the carpet.

So: What does this “Christ-centered,” anti-abortion alternative to the Girl Scouts look like? I ordered a copy of the group’s handbook to find out. (You can’t order through AHG’s online story unless you’re a registered member, so I turned to Amazon’s marketplace.) And, well, imagine a bizarro version of the Girl Scouts from a parallel universe where Mike Huckabee got elected president in a landslide.

Their uniforms look like Girl Scout uniforms, complete with sashes, except they’re red, white and blue. Proper treatment of the flag gets 7 pages. Girl Scouts rise through the ranks as Daisies, Brownies, Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors and finally Ambassadors, while AHG goes a little more Captain America: Tenderheart, Explorer, Pioneer and Patriot. Each is associated with a person who’s “made a positive impact on our country.” Examples include Harriet Tubman and Dolley well as Eliza Shirley, who founded the first Salvation Army Corps in America.

I’m not pleased with those examples, either, TBH. Maybe they also reference Florence Nightingale but the reason I went to a devil’s advocate is to be confident she pulled the most devout and feminine role models in the handbook.

Compare the groups Oath to the Girl Scout Promise, which goes:

On my honor, I will try:
To serve God and my country,
To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

AHG’s update is damn near identical, except God is presumably obligatory: “I promise to love God, Cherish my family, Honor my country, And serve in my community.” And religiosity pops up constantly. The welcome letter of the group’s handbook sets the tone:

“Welcome to the American Heritage Girls! I hope that you find your time in AHG to be filled with adventure and fun. The AHG program will help you learn many things about yourself and about God’s purpose for your life. May your times be memorable and may you truly become a woman of integrity who loves God, cherishes her family, honors her country and consistently gives service to others.”

Like most of Cuckservatism, what it says is not as objectionable as what it doesn’t say. It’s not possible to be a woman of God without being under a man’s authority. It’s good to teach a mother to cherish her family now that they increasingly murder their own kids, but more important is that she honors and obeys her husband specifically… not “others” generally.

The American Heritage Girls’ Creed lists 10 “traits of a girl of integrity,” including:

Each is illustrated with a Bible verse. The badge program features lots of relentlessly practical skills that’ve got nothing to do with religion, like fire-building, cake-baking and money management. But they’re often illustrated with tangentially related Bible verses.

A good list. Christians don’t make a sharp distinction between religious and secular behavior. Most other religions don’t, either. But atheism does. “Believe whatever you want but do as you’re told.”

It’s the “Personal Well-Being” frontier that’ll really make you feel like Alice tumbling through the looking glass. Sure, there are badges about stamp collecting and personal style, for instance. “All God’s Children” teaches about the disabled, but it’s often through Bible verses. “Best Me I Can Be” crams in hand-washing and dentistry, plus manicures (“visit a nail salon”) and modesty (“Consider visiting a modesty website such as Pure Freedom to learn more about this important value”).

Described elsewhere as “head, shoulders, knees and toes.” A profitable message to all young ladies.

There’s a “Bible Basics” badge (“God has given us a wonderful gift . an instruction manual on how to live our life according to His will”). Girls are encouraged to read the books of Ruth and Esther, in particular.

Good as far as it goes. Did they read the part where Esther abandoned her people to die rather than risk her own safety? And do they read about Sarah’s loyalty to Abraham?

Perhaps the most fascinating is “Daughter of the King,” which delves into a personal relationship with God. Tasks include talking to a mom or mentor about what “purity and self-respect” mean to her and considering “what should you think about during your next shopping trip to make sure that your clothing is pleasing to God?”

Protestants take that “personal relationship” thing way too far even in the context of men. God is not your friend. He has sworn to kill you. You won’t go far into Christian mysticism before realizing that God is occasionally a real piece of work, able to help but not willing.

Scouts are encouraged to visit the Creation Museum to complete the badge. The group has also launched a “Respect Life” badge, the Blaze has reported, and according to their press releases, recently sponsored a Youth Rally at the March for Life. (It’s not strictly an evangelical group.there are largely Catholic troops, for instance.)

It’s natural for parents to want to raise their children in a way that reflects their own values. But it seems pretty obvious that the American Heritage Girls is pushing an agenda far harder than the Girl Scouts of America.

My stunt double drinks your salty tears, Trigglypuff. Your values can’t reflect a Stairmaster, let alone the God of Creation.

So, is AHG a beneficial organization? It’s obviously a Cucked organization, which makes it unreliable at the national level and unlikely to long endure. But local implementation can certainly be beneficial. Research for this post has found material ranging from outrageous “father-daughter” dances to much-needed teachings upon modest clothing.


DIY Rape Kits

For all your false accusation needs! The hardest burden upon the modern shank is that law enforcement is increasingly unwilling to believe her in a total absence of physical evidence. Solution: a rape kit that women can complete at her leisure and store until she decides she’s been rayyyped!


Sexual Assault Evidence Kit For At-Home Use

MeToo is founded on the principle that you should be able to take back control.

Your experience. Your kit. Your story. Your life. Your choice.

Every survivor has a story, every survivor has a voice.

Women say rape isn’t about pleasure, that it’s all about control. Looks like projection to me.

At MeToo Kit Company, we have designed the first at-home kit for commercial use. Evidence collection is administered within the confines of the survivor’s chosen place of safety. MeToo also provides additional means of support via our mobile application, eliminating the guesswork out of the documentation process, and allowing the survivor to focus on what matters most: their recovery.

That’s never going to fly in a court of law. Why would a rape victim not want police to collect the evidence that would result in a slam-dunk conviction? Why would she insist on providing all the evidence herself, at her expense? Hello, reasonable doubt. Goodbye, evidence chain of custody and independent investigation.

The MeToo Kit is designed to address the problem associated with traditional sexual assault kits available to survivors.

Making sworn statements under penalty of perjury?

Most importantly, our kit empowers survivors to accurately collect evidence in a setting and timing of their choice.

Aww, they didn’t answer my question.

Will this be admissible in court?

We have a multi-step plan so that the kit retains chain of custody.

No chain of custody permits a “we let the plaintiff handle the evidence unsupervised for a few days” step.

However, there is no guarantee that any of the evidence collected as a result of the use of this product will be admissible in court. We will be lobbying for support in the future, across multiple bodies of both federal and state jurisdictions.

*sniff* Goodbye, Fifth and Sixth Amendments. I only wish you’d died to a greater threat than feral sluts crying us a river. *Gunner Q blows his nose and immediately burns the tissue to destroy the DNA.*

Gawd, can you imagine college girls hanging around the gymnasium hoping to stab a sexy athlete with a pin to get a drop of his blood?

Slut: “Justin Bieber rayyped me! Here’s the rape kit!”

Medical Examiner: “The DNA results tested positive for… Procyon Lotor, the common raccoon. Did you get this DNA out of a dumpster?”

Slut: “…I was raped in a dumpster…”

Cop: “By a raccoon named Justin Bieber?”

Slut: “Shut up! Nobody is talking to you cops! Just get me a lawyer!”

Do I buy this before or after I’ve been sexually assaulted?

We create the analogy as follows — you do not buy a fire alarm for the 364 days you do not have a fire, you buy it for the one day you do. We trust this to be a deterrent for sexual assault. We also trust this to be so well received; that households across the world are buying these for themselves and loved ones, not only as a viable resource, but as a symbol of protection and hopeful deterrent to assault.

I don’t know where to begin with the idea of women stockpiling rape kits “just in case”.

Where do I take the kit after I’m done with it?

To the police or Title IX office, where you will need to file an official police report or Title IX report.

Ah, so they’re already cutting law enforcement out of the false accusation loop.

University Pilot Program

MeToo Kit is an empowering adjunct resource to any university’s sexual health and safety strategy on campus. Approximately 1 in 4 women and 4% of men experience some form of sexual assault while in college, with the risk of assault being highest during their first few months on campus.

Home |

We at MeToo Kit believe that the documentation process largely deters students from reporting these violent crimes. Documentation can be an arduous process, and some students may lack the proper transportation, financial resources, facilities and confidence required to move forward.

Facts and evidence are evil tools of the patriarchy! Unless she provides the evidence and everybody else just listens & believes.

The MeToo Kit empowers survivors of sexual assault to document crucial DNA evidence within their chosen space of safety and in a timely manner, thus preserving the documentation at the standard by which courts would deem admissible and allowing the survivor to quickly shift their focus to self care support and recovery.

Surely, this buzzword-loaded description of a female empowerment product doesn’t come with ulterior motives.

We all know what this is about. Any woman who has sex with anybody can go home, complete this DIY “rape kit” and take her sweet time deciding whether to blackmail her lover or force him into a marriage that she can then eject from with lifetime cash & prizes at will.

It’s an improvement over the baby trap. Fewer hostages.

But for once, the authorities aren’t tripping over each other to aid & abet false rape accusations.

How The MeToo Rape Kit Became So Controversial So Fast

By Tyler KingKade, 6 September 2019

Madison Campbell was surprised late last week when Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel put out a press release about her two-month-old company, the MeToo Kit.

Campbell, 23, created the MeToo Kit, which aimed to be the first at-home rape kit. It’s a box containing swabs for a sexual assault survivor to collect DNA evidence off their body, rather than going to a hospital for a full forensic examination. The MeToo Kit is not yet available for sale, but Nessel said the company violated Michigan’s Consumer Protection Act by deceiving people into thinking the at-home kits were viable replacements for one performed at a hospital.

Image: Dana Nessel announces her decision to run for Michigan Attorney General

Dana Nessel is a feminist, LGBT and possibly tanssexual. I’m surprised she opposes this.

.This company is shamelessly trying to take financial advantage of the “Me Too” movement by luring victims into thinking that an at-home-do-it-yourself sexual assault kit will stand up in court,. Nessel said in the release, pointing to a cease-and-desist letter she also sent to Campbell, demanding that the kits not be sold in Michigan. .There is absolutely no benefit here for victims,. Nessel added.

In a phone interview, Campbell tells Bustle, .We’re a small, two female company in Brooklyn, New York, and all we were trying to do is create a solution that would hopefully help survivors and this whole thing blew up..

Oh, you poor wamminz! Here, let me shred the Bill of Rights for you. I can’t bear to see a woman cry because she’s been oppressed for unlawful behavior.

The story was quickly picked up by local media outlets in Michigan, and began to spread. Within a week North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein similarly condemned the MeToo Kit as a “dangerous and misleading product.” The Manhattan District Attorney’s Office cautioned that “Material collected with this product would be inadmissible in court.” And survivors’ advocacy groups, from Oregon to Minnesota to Rhode Island, put out statements warning that no one should use the MeToo Kit.

Whoa, the entire feminist establishment is turning out against MeRapeKitToo!

Campbell still plans to move forward and says most of this has been a big misunderstanding. She tells Bustle that after she was sexually assaulted during her junior year in college on a study abroad trip, she, like the vast majority of survivors, didn’t report her attack to any authorities. She believed having the option of preserving evidence of a sexual assault at home, without having to tell anyone what happened, could help if a survivor decided later on to report it. She’s confident that her company can make an efficacious product.

“I bought my daughter a DIY rape kit because she’s going to study abroad for a year in the Congo and might get raped while she’s there. I’m so proud of her!”

.23andMe managed to make DNA collection foolproof for DNA testings,. Campbell says. .For women, we’ve been putting in tampons for ages, so sticking something inside our vaginas is pretty routine for us..

Too easy. I’m a sportsman… oh, okay! I get it! This is a FUN-TIME rape kit! Like handcuffs.

Yeah, I’m a lazy sportsman.

Campbell says she consulted with attorneys, academics, and forensic biologists on creating the product before making it public, but she declined to share their names with Bustle, saying she didn’t have permission from those individuals.

Like her product, she tells you everything she wants you to know and nothing additional.

The kit Campbell described isn’t as extensive as forensic exams done at a hospital, which are supposed to be free of charge to survivors under federal law. A typical sexual assault forensic examination at a hospital will also test for STIs and pregnancy, provide treatment options if needed, call in an advocate from a local crisis center, and document any bruising on the survivor.

.That could be internal bruising or internal damage, and I don’t know how an individual would do that for themselves,. Keri Moran-Kuhn, associate director of the Oregon Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence, tells Bustle.

News of the MeToo Kit quickly spread through a national listserv for advocacy groups after Nessel called attention to it. The National Alliance to End Sexual Violence, an umbrella group for survivors’ rights nonprofits, released a statement calling it an “obvious attempt to monetize the #MeToo movement, particularly in an irresponsible way that could have a disastrous impact on survivors of sexual assault..

The biggest point of contention for advocates and experts is the chain of custody. If someone tried to submit a MeToo Kit as evidence, there’s no way of telling whether the kit had been tampered with, so it’s unlikely that it would be admissible in court. Campbell says the company is working on fixes for that issue, such as potentially having a witness sign an affidavit. She also says she’s interested in sitting down with Nessel to discuss how to alleviate those concerns.

Ohhh, no, no, no, Barbie. Affidavits are DOCUMENTATION. You remember documentation? It’s the stuff police use to accuse you of filing false police reports… exactly what your product was trying to avoid.

So far, the MeToo Kit has been geared toward college students. In a video that was posted to YouTube and Twitter and was reviewed by Bustle, but has since been taken down, Campbell gave a brief pitch about the MeToo Kit to members of the Alchemist Accelerator, a venture-backed startup incubator. She said the company envisions having MeToo Kits included in welcome bags given out on college campuses.

I can’t think of a faster way to achieve a 0% male student population.

.Right now we’re already signing on universities,. Campbell says in the video. .We have NYU, University of Toronto, Syracuse, we’re working on University of Chicago, UC Berkeley..

However, New York University, the University of Toronto, and Syracuse University each tell Bustle they had no agreements in place to use or accept these kits. The University of Chicago and University of California, Berkeley did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Her documentation is not in working order.

But the MeToo Kit isn’t the only at-home sexual assault forensic examination out there. A product called the PreserveKit appears to have launched on Amazon on Aug. 29, the same day Nessel told Campbell not to sell the MeToo Kit in Michigan, selling for $29.95. The PreserveKit was created by Jane Mason, a 28-year veteran FBI agent who worked on white collar and environmental crimes and became a private investigator in 2014, according to her LinkedIn profile. Her website boasts endorsements from another former FBI agent and a sexual assault nurse examiner.

Nessel.s office said they learned about the PreserveKit after telling the MeToo Kit to stay out of their state, and aren’t as concerned with that product. The PreserveKit’s site includes language noting that its product doesn’t do everything that examination by forensic professionals would, and that there’s no guarantee that evidence collected with their product will be admissible in court.

I’m still surprised that feminists and the Marxist-education complex aren’t all over this MeToo 2.0. It’s not like the false accusation is an unfamiliar tactic to them. Either the MeToo rape kit is a threat to federal funding to established institutions, most likely, or the backlash against false accusations is strong enough that feminists aren’t yet ready to ditch the Bill of Rights completely.

Or… you don’t suppose a MAN could purchase those rape kits, too?


San Bernadino Deputy Is Strong & Independent

A Friday night quickie on San Bernadino County Deputy Meagan Forsberg, who is alive today thanks to moxie and bad aim… mostly bad aim… after losing a fight to a Dindu. Behold how effective our police forces are now that they’re diverse enough to not all be hulking white male knuckle-draggers!

Donut Operator’s analysis is spot on; I can only add that she “assumed the position” as the Dindu overpowered her. But you know me, I like to dig a little deeper.

Victorville deputy uses her social media influence to surprise boy with autism

Victorville deputy uses her social media influence to surprise boy with autism

11 April 2019

Deputy Forsberg from the Victorville Station went above her call of duty for a young boy with autism. (Victorville PD)

VICTORVILLE, Calif. ( . When Victorville Deputy Meagan Forsberg received a request for a San Bernardino County Sheriff’s patch, she happily obliged and then some.

14-year old Kenny, who lives in New Jersey, has a love for Law Enforcement and Military.

.Although his Autism may keep him from pursuing them as a career, it doesn’t keep him from volunteering at his local Police Department and collecting memorabilia,. stated Victorville sheriff’s spokeswoman Mara Rodriguez.

Now, thanks to Deputy Forsberg and hundreds of others, Kenny will soon have over 275 new patches to add to his collection.

In an email, Kenneth’s father told Forsberg his son loves sharing his collection and enjoys telling the story behind each patch, Letter from a Chief and ball cap that is sent.

.When he receives a letter or a package Kenny lights up with joy and excitement, the emotional expression he has is incredible,. stated Kenneth Laufer Sr.

Forsberg put out a call or an “all points bulletin” on her Instagram account and before she knew it she was receiving multiple patches and collectibles from all over the world for Kenny.

.Well I decided since I have a large following on social media I would reach out to my followers. Long story short, I’ve received hundreds of matches from federal, state and local agencies from overseas and west to east coast!,. Forsberg told Victor Valley News.

Who sent Deputy Charity on a domestic disturbance call? That’s REAL police work, not running a photo op for an autistic collector in New Jersey.

Five months after that photo op, she got her ass kicked by a midget.

Deputy Sheriff Meagan Forsberg and the suspect Ari Young, age 21,. (Gabriel D. Espinoza, Victor Valley News Group)

I couldn’t find a mugshot but yep, full Dindu there. He’ll live, sadly. reports he’s age 21, 5’3″ and 90 pounds. My punching bag is bigger!

Wimmin gonna wammin.



Fallen Christian McKrae Game Denounces Conversion Therapy

I expected this to be another false accuser against Christian efforts to rescue people from evil. It shouldn’t have been a surprise that all the journalists breathlessly covering his fall from Christ are too eagerly pushing the Narrative to notice his homosexuality was the product of divorce and child molestation, and he didn’t turn against God so much as quietly give up.

There’s no cure for homosexuality but there are vaccines: fatherhood and capital punishment.

Conversion therapy leader for 2 decades, McKrae Game disavows movement he helped fuel

By Michael Majchrowicz, 30 August 2019

SPARTANBURG . McKrae Game is gay.

He was gay when he received counseling from a therapist who assured him he could overcome his same-sex attractions.

He was gay when he married a woman and founded what would become one of the nation’s most expansive conversion therapy ministries.

He was gay when thousands of people just like him sought his organization’s counsel, all with the goal of erasing the part of themselves Game and his associates preached would send them to hell.

For two decades, he led Hope for Wholeness, a faith-based conversion therapy program in South Carolina’s Upstate. Conversion therapy is a discredited practice intended to suppress or eradicate a person’s LGBTQ identity through counseling or ministry.

Okay. I’m not surprised that an anti-homosexual organization was founded by a homo-leaning guy. It’s no different than a recovered alcoholic helping other drunks to kick the bottle. Neither am I surprised at the occasional backsliding. Perfection is inhuman.

But the group’s board of directors abruptly fired Game in November 2017.

In June, Game publicly announced…

Whoa, whoa, WHOA! McKrae got fired from the very organization he founded? And there’s a total news blackout about it. All I could find for that year is that HFW’s July 2017 national conference had seven attenders per Facebook.

You useless, worthless journalists! Every mainstream media outlet is reporting on McKrae’s apostasy and finger-pointing yet not one that I checked cared to look up how he got fired from his conversion therapy organization in the first place. Don’t any of them think that mayyybe that might have something to do with his newfound bitterness at conversion therapy?

In June, Game publicly announced he was gay and severed his ties with the organization.

A year and a half to finish severing ties? Come on, what’s the REAL story? (I failed to find out.)

Now, the man once billed as a leading voice in the conversion therapy movement is trying to come to terms with the harm he inflicted while also learning to embrace a world and community he assailed for most of his adult life. …

In 2014, nine founders and leaders from some of the country’s most prominent programs and ministries wrote an open letter calling for a nationwide ban on the practice. The letter was published online by the National Center for Lesbian Rights.

.As former ex-gay leaders, having witnessed the incredible harm done to those who attempted to change their sexual orientation or gender identity, we join together in calling for a ban on conversion therapy,. they wrote in the letter. .It is our firm belief that it is much more productive to support, counsel, and mentor LGBTQ individuals to embrace who they are in order to live happy, well-adjusted lives..

.Conversion therapy is not just a lie, but it’s very harmful,. Game told The Post and Courier. .Because it’s false advertising..

Because it’s false advertising? Very plausible. I’ve seen lots of clergy and organizations promise total freedom from sexual sin. A stupid promise to make when God promised us suffering, not good health or an easy life.

No, there’s no reliable cure for homosexuality. Yes, you should expect a lifetime struggle against your flesh. Welcome to the incel party, pal. Lest you homosexuals thinks that’s an unfair demand, take a moment to consider that we straight Christians would be able to have sex if only the very Cucks promising to save us from our sexual desires would give us their daughters. You get false hope of becoming normal, we get shame because we already are normal.

Ain’t that a shitbag full o’ FUBAR.

Nearly 700,000 LGBTQ-identifying adults have undergone conversion therapy treatments or counseling, according to a 2018 study by UCLA.s Williams Institute. The various forms of conversion have been tied to emotional and psychological trauma for many, including depression, anxiety and thoughts of suicide. It’s been condemned by virtually every major medical group in the United States, including the American Psychological Association and the American Medical Association.

The experts who disagreed with this were shamed, doxxed, de-certified, threatened and fired. The various forms of “cancel culture” have been tied to emotional and psychological trauma for many, including depression, anxiety and thoughts of suicide.

While Game’s coming out and condemnation of conversion therapy is important, he needs to take ownership of the role he played in others. pain and to be sensitive to their healing process and careful with how he chooses to interact with them, said Casey Pick, senior fellow for advocacy and government affairs at Trevor Project.

Sounds like McKrae’s new allies aren’t convinced that his turn against Christ is legit.

Trevor Project is a suicide help and advocacy group specifically for LGBTXYZ. Remind me which advocacy group serves the cis-male community?

Game recently published a written apology to his personal Facebook page in which he called for the dissolution of any conversion therapy practice or ex-gay ministry. Though he condemned the practices, Game also said a group like Hope for Wholeness could serve as a community for those that believe “homosexuality is incongruent with their faith..

Yeah, he does sound conflicted about this anti-gay thing. I’m not convinced it isn’t a personal spat with the board of directors. We’ll get to McKrae’s actual statement but this article has some background on him first.

Game was born and raised in a Southern Baptist household in Spartanburg.

He said he has never been particularly close with his family . his parents and an older sister. As a child, Game felt isolated from other boys his age. In secret, he wore his sister’s clothes. Looking at his own reflection in the mirror, he’d study the way her dresses draped his body. The way the fabric flared out when he twirled.

At school, he said, his classmates taunted his more feminine qualities, nicknaming him “McGay.”

By age 11, Game said he began to believe he may be attracted to other boys. Confused and ashamed, he kept his feelings to himself, he said, until he turned 18.

For the first time he was on his own. Game moved into a duplex just across the street from where his mother lived.

We can infer a divorce from that. I looked for confirmation and found this from the very same newspaper… pro journalists are SO useless!


By Michael Majchrowicz and Mary Katherine Wildeman, 2 October 2018

Heh, even the same author.

As a young man, [McKrae] Game began a relationship with a gay neighbor following his parents. divorce, but the experience left him a wreck, his biography on the group’s website stated.

End segue.

By chance, a gay man who was about 20 years older than Game moved into the adjoining apartment, and they became close.

The mutual attraction was undeniable, and, in secret, the two developed an intimate relationship.

Bullshit that happened by chance. As soon as he was legal, he moved into his lover’s house. McKrae was likely raped and sodomized by him, as a child, after his father could no longer protect him.

It was a kind of freedom Game had never known, but he also battled debilitating anxiety and insecurity, he said. …

At one point, Game said he experienced a nervous breakdown that lasted two weeks.

.My brain was telling me .you’re going in the wrong direction.,. he said. “But my body was telling me otherwise..

Then, in the summer of 1993, Game was attending a conference for Evangelical Christians when, during a church service, he felt compelled to approach the pulpit. There, he sobbed as he prayed for salvation.

A typical salvation story. He came to his senses and tried to escape the corruption.

When Game returned home to Spartanburg, he said, his mother footed the bill for a counselor who pledged he could get to the root of why Game had grown up to be gay. If Game worked hard enough, he was told, his attraction to men would lessen.

For the next six years, Game saw that counselor once a week.

.I guess my thought process was “this will become manageable.,. he said. .My hope was to get to the point where I could lay this down, meet a girl, fall in love and have a family..

At one point, the counselor reasoned Game was drawn to other men because his father had not been invested enough in him as a child, prompting Game to seek out male attention. As therapy, Game said, the counselor had him act out father-son role-playing scenarios where they played with toys on the floor.

You can’t go back to your childhood so that sounds like ineffective treatment. But the counselor’s reasoning was correct. Perhaps a better way would have been, in better times, to go to the cops and have that homosexual child molester publicly hanged.

I suspect it’s hard to overcome sexual trauma when the perp is living free and clear.

In 1995, Game met his wife through church. They married in 1996, have two grown children and remain together. Today, Game said, his wife knows he is gay. Julie Game did not want to participate in this story.

Game said he was honest about his same-sex attractions from the beginning of their relationship. He told her he was seeking help and had been told, if he stuck with counseling, his attractions would lessen.

They didn’t.

False hope. One of the Cult Of Nice’s worst offenses against the Cross.

On numerous occasions his wife confronted him about his consumption of gay pornography. Whenever she would catch him, Game said, he’d toss the magazines into the fire.

A decent wife, surprisingly, who knew to not speak to the press and understood that porn isn’t adultery.

The breaking point came after Game said he had an affair with a man.

Game.s counselor told him about a retreat in Virginia, led by group called Exodus, for people who were gay and didn’t want to be. They went.

After the retreat, Game told his wife about his affair.

That was quite the exposure to temptation: a long-distance trip to a sex-themed conference where nobody knows each other and your wife isn’t around to help against temptation. Perhaps national conferences and large-scale therapy programs aren’t the solution to unhealthy sexual attraction.

Also because unrepentant homosexuals love to corrupt and defile the innocent and those trying to escape. Two words: Boy Scouts. If I was an alcoholic, I wouldn’t go to a national meeting of AA if there was a large, organized and militant group of lawbreakers lusting to spike the punch bowl.

Back home in Spartanburg, Game wrote a letter to the owners of the shop where he purchased his magazines. In the envelope, he included a photo of him and his wife and implored them to never again do business with him.

He was honestly trying. Not afraid to burn bridges and ask for help. The Internet Age is the worst time in human history for sexual continence.

Game continued counseling, and during those sessions, he said, he developed his philosophy that would become the central tenet of his ministry: if you determined the cause of someone’s attractions, you could learn to repress them.

Alas, there are no shortcuts. We will never reach the point of an easy, trouble-free life on this side of eternity. We must worship God as living sacrifices, denying our impulses every day, and if your neighbor doesn’t have your problem then rest assured it’s only because he was given a different set.

Hope for Wholeness was Game’s life’s work. For years, he worked remotely with Exodus International, an Orlando, Fla.-based conversion therapy network that comprised more than 120 ministries across the United States and Canada.

Ending this article and proceeding to the next:

McKrae Game: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Game said on a Facebook Live video September 3, 2019, that he was indoctrinated by evangelical beliefs when he led gay conversion therapy groups. In his practice, he said he would ask a participant if they wanted to be gay. If they did not, he would attempt to counsel them through minimizing their same-sex attractions. People were only asked to participate if they wanted to minimize their attractions, he said. They could only participate under their own volition.

This is what’s being outlawed by the bans on conversion therapy. Homosexuals who voluntarily participate in order to reduce or end their unwanted, unnatural desires. This ain’t electroshock therapy by Pavlovian behaviorists with coke-bottle glasses.

And now, his viral Facebook post by way of Formatting partly mine because God gave us paragraph breaks in hopes that we would use them.

I WAS WRONG! Please forgive me!
Unpacking the memories. In the discussions leading up to The Post & Courier coming to interview me, I’d told the young reporter that I’d still not unpacked from my having been fired. .It was just too painful. I’ve just been putting it off. . It all had been stacked up in our home office, which is a wreck, thus taking it all up to the den. The young reporter asked, .Would u be willing to let us film you and me talk to u while u go through the boxes?. I said .I guess I could do that..

Even the timing of his firing is very curious, if it took two years to reach the “moving out” phase.

It was very cathartic going through the boxes, explaining each item, book, and pictures, including one of me and Joseph of Reparative Therapy and late director of NARTH, Joe Dallas, and my counselor Dan Garvin of Solid Rock. I went through each item, one at a time: my plaque from my 2010 marathon, ordination certificate, a toy Hummer I used to explain coveting, and garden gnome that was underneath one of my many plants that were in my office. Many books on understanding the roots of homosexuality, brokenness, sexual healing, Christianity, many Bibles, and my Hope for Wholeness badge I wore when displaying at conferences. Two cases of my book The Transparent Life. And my prize possession of my Promise Keepers hat that was signed by the men on the bus (to/from Bolder Colorado from Spartanburg, a 37 hr bus ride) that said me sharing changed their lives.

He asked me after we got done what I would do with it all. I said I’d donate the normal books, throw away the books on homosexuality, keep the personal items like the embroidered Truth Ministry podium swath that someone (I don’t remember who) made for me. He asked me why I’d keep the items. I said, .That was 20-26 years (20 in ministry leadership) of my life, it’s a large part of me (though its like a distant memory). I will want to keep them to remember..

The memories aren’t all bad. There’s many good memories. But I certainly regret where I caused harm. I know that creating the organization that still lives was in a large way causing harm. Creating a catchy slogan that put out a very misleading idea of “Freedom from homosexuality through Jesus Christ” was definitely harmful. Promoting the triadic model that blamed parents and conversion or prayer therapy, that made many people believe that their orientation was wrong, bad, sinful, evil, and worse that they could change was absolutely harmful.

Sodomy is all of that. It corrupts the body with disease, the soul with perversion and the mind with cognitive dissonance between how the human body is made versus how it is being used. No wonder homosexuals often have stress lines like gills on their faces.

And God’s opinion on Sodomy is not debatable. Eternal damnation awaits the unrepentant. As with every other type of evil.

People reported to attempt suicide because of me and these teachings and ideals. I told people they were going to Hell if they didn’t stop, and these were professing Christians! This was probably my worse wrongful act. At one time I was working with so many youth that I had a weekly youth group, where they.d share why they were there, and I would guide them in how to not be gay. What a sad commentary of my past verses today, or a bad joke as many may see it. I believe all of these young men are now out/gay and one that I worked with for many years is married to a man and living in San Francisco.

I hope God kills that city with fire, like He did with Sodom.

I hope to catch up with him. I believe I.ll message him today. Hopefully he.ll not be too angry with me. When the reporter asked me if I’d like to see Hope for Wholeness shut down, I said I’d like all exgay ministry and conversion therapy counselors and organizations shut down. I told him I believed the only positive and productive use for HFW and exgay ministry is for those that believe that homosexuality is incongruent with their faith, to receive and have a community of like minded people so that they can live healthy lives, and in the end that was what I was trying to do.

Those are mutually exclusive statements. One wonders about his emotional state; picking through the memories of a freshly lost career of 20 years is a terrible time to be interviewed about it by reporters sniffing at a Pulitzer Prize for Best Narrative.

Today, I’m thankful to have it all behind me. I plan to communicate with anyone, including media, that wants to speak with me. I.ll take advantage of any opportunity I get to share my experiences, and my belief that exgay ministry and conversion therapy IS HARMFUL. At some point I.ll write a book about my experiences and certainly a revision of my Transparent Life book, which I plan to offer the ones I have on Amazon soon. I.ll include a note with where I am today and my new beliefs and hope they do not take personally my words against homosexuality.

Largely the book is not about homosexuality, but how to live authenticly honest and open, though at the time I had not fully grasped this concept myself. It’s all in my past, but many, way TOO MANY continue believing that there is something wrong with themselves and wrong with people that choose to live their lives honestly and open as gay, lesbian, trans, etc. The very harmful cycle of self shame and condemnation has to stop. It’s literally killing people!! Learn to love. Learn to love yourself and others.

Even now with most of the facts in hand, I’m not sure what to make of McKrae’s apostasy. He’s not the Christ-hating demagogue that the headlines had me expecting. His story sounds like a typical one for homosexuals and he tried to go about handling it in a Christian way for many years, succeeding to the point of a successful marriage despite flawed theology and heavy spiritual opposition.

Best guess, he burned out on trying to do right and now is letting his worldly desires run the show. It takes effort to believe that our efforts will be worthwhile, to not grow weary in doing good, to not envy the wicked their many, easy successes.

These days, it’s an easy way to fall.


Not All Death Squads Are Evil

I never know where I’ll end up when running down the day’s stories. Today, we start with Pope Francis picking new Cardinals and end with an El Salvadoran death squad righteously slaughtering the enemies of God!

Act I

Pope Francis Raises Vatican Immigration Czar to Rank of Cardinal

By Thomas D. Williams, 3 Sep 2019

Pope Francis has announced his intention to elevate the head of the Vatican’s immigration department to the rank of cardinal.

In his weekly Angelus address in Saint Peter’s Square on Sunday, the pope said he will be creating 13 new cardinals in a special consistory this coming October and among them will be Jesuit Father Michael Czerny, who runs the Migrant and Refugee Department of the Vatican’s office for Promoting Integral Human Development.

None of these new cardinals are American, Canadian, English, French, German or Swedish, the nations most endangered by weaponized migration. He’s practicing the white replacement he preaches.

As veteran Vatican journalist John L. Allen notes, Father Czerny “has been the pope’s right-hand man on migrant and refugee issues. and is recognized by Vatican-watchers as a reward to a man who has understood the pope’s priorities and has made them his own.

Contrary to usual practice, the pope is naming Czerny to the college of cardinals despite the fact that Czerny is not a bishop, but merely a priest. Pope Francis . the first Jesuit pope . has also not been shy about elevating members of his own Jesuit order to positions of prominence and influence in the Church.

Violating precedents in order to maneuver his allies into high position is textbook Convergence. Cardinals are required to be bishops, although there is historical precedent for promoting non-bishops with some hand-waving.

Skoll | Michael Czerny

Czerny’s face looks pretty Pedo, although I scanned the other names and most weren’t as bad as this one. Also, only 10 of the 13 he’s promoting will be voters (Cardinals over the age of 80 don’t vote in Papal elections) so this isn’t an overt “stuffing the ballot” play.

I should check that. Passing up a chance to stuff the ballot box does not sound like something a Judas would do. Sigh, but it’s so hard to grok RCC internal politics…


Pope Francis firms up his legacy with appointment of new cardinals

Pope Francis firms up his legacy with appointment of new cardinals

By Thomas Reese, 2 September 2019

After six years as pope, Francis continues to remake the College of Cardinals in his own image, increasing the likelihood that his successor will continue on the same path as his papacy.

Ten new cardinal electors were announced on Sunday (Sept. 1) and will be “created” at a consistory on Oct. 5.

With the appointments, the college will grow to 128 cardinal electors, although within 10 days the number will drop to 124 as four cardinals turn 80, the age at which they can no longer vote in a papal conclave.

After Oct. 15, 53% of the cardinal electors will have been appointed by Francis. Though there are no guarantees how the cardinals will vote, the odds are that his legacy will be felt deeply under the next papacy.

Ballot box is confirmed stuffed.

In his selections, Francis has ignored many of the cardinalatial sees, such as Milan, Venice and Philadelphia, from which cardinals have traditionally been selected, because their current archbishops, such as Philadelphia’s Charles Chaput, are not in tune with Francis. style or policies. Instead he has chosen men who are in sync with him, like Joseph Tobin of Newark, N.J., who was made a cardinal in 2016 while serving as archbishop of Indianapolis.


This time, for example, Francis elevated the archbishop of Rabat, Morocco, which has never had a cardinal, and even promoted a simple bishop from the Diocese of Huehuetenango, Guatemala.

From the Roman Curia, Francis selected Jesuit priest Michael Czerny, a midlevel official who frequently meets with the pope on immigration issues.

The statutes for the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, in which Czerny’s section is housed, has a special clause indicating that the section will operate under the direction of the pope, .who will oversee it in the manner he deems appropriate.” In other words, although the section is in the dicastery headed by Cardinal Peter Turkson, Czerny has always reported directly to Francis.

Very suspicious, although Turkson is a globalist peer of Francis. He might just be preoccupied with the creation of a new World Bank, a priority of his.

The announcement of new cardinals caught most people by surprise, but clearly Francis wanted to have them in place before the Synod of Bishops on the Amazon, which begins the day after the consistory where the cardinals will be “created.”

MOST suspicious. I heard a lot of screeching about fires in the Amazon a week ago, which were not significantly bad. This might explain why, if Francis was ‘setting the stage’. A quick source:

The Amazon fires – morons gotta moron.

Adam also raised the interesting and relevant point that Brazil’s executive officer is not under globohomo control.

Only four cardinals will turn 80 in 2020, so unless there is a sudden dying off of cardinals, Francis will not have another chance to appoint new cardinals until at least 2021. The number of cardinal electors is not supposed to exceed 120, but the pope can go over the limit as John Paul did in 2003 when the number went to 135.

Ballot box now slightly overstuffed. Just in case a couple lickspittles croak early, one supposes.

Yep, I don’t call him Pope Judas for nothing.

End Segue.

Along with climate change and environmental issues, Pope Francis has made the immigration question a central plank in his pontifical platform.

For his part, Father Czerny has been a vigorous executor of the pope’s vision of immigration.

Last year, for instance, Czerny accused the Pope’s critics of being “obsessed” with national security and border control, which leads them to be overly fearful of migrants.

…Citing the Secretary General of the United Nations, Ant?nio Guterres, Czerny said that “the rise of nationalism and xenophobia must be counted among the new dangers for global peace and stability..

Yep, he’s totalitarian globalist. What else is new? What makes Czerny any different from a thousand other NPCs in starched collars?

Three Jesuits Among 13 New Cardinals Appointed by Pope Francis

1 September 2019

Co-founder and longtime director of the Jesuit Centre for Social Faith and Justice in Toronto, Fr. Czerny was one of several Jesuits who volunteered to replace the Jesuits murdered at the Jos? Simeon Ca?as Central American University in San Salvador, El Salvador, in 1989. He was director of the human rights institute there, along with teaching philosophy and sharing in parish ministry.

Ooh! With my interest in true crime, I can’t pass up a thread like that.

Act II

Twenty-Five Years After a Massacre, Jesuits Reflect on the Meaning and the Martyrdom

By William Bole, 5 November 2014

November 5, 2014 . It was one of the most glaring and brazen human-rights crimes of the late 20th century.

In the predawn hours of November 16, 1989, an elite battalion of El Salvador’s military forced its way into the Jesuit residence at the University of Central America, or UCA. The university, led by its president, Father Ignacio Ellacur?a, SJ, had become a stronghold of opposition to human rights abuses committed by the U.S.-backed military.

On that night, soldiers dragged five priests out of their beds and into a courtyard, made them lay facedown on the grass, and fired bullets into their heads. They went back inside and killed another Jesuit. Then, searching the residence further, they found a housekeeper and her teenage daughter crouching in the corner of a bedroom, holding each other. The gunmen shot them too.

Twenty-five years later, many are still waiting for justice in the case of the murdered Jesuits and women. None of the top military commanders who issued the orders to kill was ever prosecuted for the crimes. There is now, however, renewed interest in bringing them to trial. Ramping up the pressure are global human rights groups and Spain, which claims jurisdiction in the case because five of the six Jesuit victims were Spaniards.

Global human rights groups are pressuring for prosecutions? Not actual governments? Sounds like dirty politics.

Amid these stirrings, the Society of Jesus is seeking something larger than legal justice. Many members of the order are promoting the legacies of those who perished in the Jesuit massacre . the Fathers Ellacur?a, Ignacio Mart?n-Bar?, Segundo Montes, Amando L?pez, Joaquin L?pez y L?pez, and Juan Ram?n Moreno, as well as Julia Elba Ramos and her daughter, Celina Maricet Ramos. The eight are often referred to simply as “the martyrs..

“Larger than legal justice”? …Social Justice, perhaps? And are the Jesuits the “Global human rights group” in question, pressing for a prosecution now that they have a Jesuit Pope to shove the paperwork? That would help explain why Spain (still culturally Catholic, I think) is claiming criminal justice jurisdiction over members of the El Salvadoran army, which itself is a very disturbing and questionable precedent for national sovereignty.

U.S. Jesuits say they are striving for the kind of justice that brings out the truth, forges reconciliation and looks ultimately to the future. .It’s not about vengeance or punishment, but about letting all of the truth be known,. said Father Stephen A. Privett, SJ, former president of the University of San Francisco, a Jesuit institution.

Be careful what you wish for, Padre, lest you receive it.

The background to this massacre is the Monroe Doctrine. Originally meant to end European colonization of the Americas, after the Cuban Revolution in the 1950s turned that nation Communist the United States decided to apply the Doctrine to opposing International Communism in the Americas. The Commies decided to test our resolve, of course, and did their Convergence thing, which at the time meant inciting peasant uprisings in many countries, with the more qualified peasants being trained by “advisors” as guerrilla fighters. The U.S. kept to the Monroe Doctrine (even as the Communists in U.S. overran our government) by propping up some pretty ugly governments that we ordinarily wouldn’t say hello to. Some of the peasants’ complaints were legit, others not, but rather than allowing sovereign nations to wash their own laundry, the situations were literally weaponized out of all proportion into proxy wars between USSR and USA. America pumped over $4 billion of military aid into the El Salvadoran Civil War alone.

It was often difficult to tell who the good guys were.

(Not-a-fun fact, Trump has considered invoking the Monroe Doctrine if China & friends prop up Venezuela.)

Note: All descriptions of events are taken from the Truth Commission’s report and the summary of accusations admitted by the Spanish court against the members of the Salvadoran military who were sentenced for the crime.

The Salvadoran army considered the Pastoral Centre of UCA a “refuge of subversives”. Colonel Juan Orlando Zepeda, Vice-Minister for Defence, had publicly accused UCA of being the center of operations for FMLN terrorists. Colonel Inocente Montano, Vice-Minister for Public Security, said that the Jesuits were “fully identified with subversive movements.” In negotiations for a peaceful solution to the conflict, Ellacur?a had played a pivotal role. Many of the armed forces identified the Jesuit priests with the rebels, because of their special concern for those Salvadorians who were poorest and thus most affected by the war.

As matters turned out, the army was right and the murdered Jesuits were some of the Communist advisors inflaming the peasant uprising. Which made them legitimate military targets. The proof is their liberation theology and allies, coming up.

Members of the Atlacatl Battalion, an elite unit of the Salvadoran Army, a rapid-response, counter-insurgency battalion created in 1980 at the U.S. Army’s School of the Americas, then located in Panama. The unit was implicated in some of the most infamous incidents of the Salvadoran Civil War.

On the evening of 15 November, Colonel Guillermo Alfredo Benavides Moreno met with officers under his command at the Military College. He informed them that the General Staff considered the recent rebel offensive “critical”, to be met with full force, and that all “known subversive elements” were to be eliminated. He had been ordered to eliminate Ellacur?a, leaving no witnesses. The officers decided to disguise the operation as a rebel attack, using an AK-47 rifle that had been captured from the FMLN.

Like I said, sometimes hard to identify the good guys.

The soldiers first tried to force their way into the Jesuits’ residence, until the priests opened the doors to them.

A one-paragraph segue:

The presidential election of 1989 saw the victory of Arena candidate Alfredo Cristiani, who continued to enforce severe offences against the FMLN. In November 1989 the FMLN organized a major offensive against multiple urban cities, including the capital city.[6] The military was taken by surprise and had to fight vehemently for weeks before the guerrillas were forced to retreat. The battle employed egregious indiscriminate violence throughout San Salvador, leading to one of 16 November 1989 murder of six Jesuit priests and two women were executed by soldiers who entered their residence under the pretense that they were aiding leftist fighters.

Sounds like there was a reason the Salvadoran Army believed the Jesuits were allied with the leftist fighters and they leveraged the intel successfully. Are you sure you want the truth to come out, Father Privett?

After ordering the priests to lie on face-down in the back garden, the soldiers searched the residence. After lieutenant Guerra gave the order to kill the priests, Ellacur?a, Mart?n-Bar?, and Montes were shot and killed by Private Grimaldi, while Fathers L?pez and Moreno were killed by Deputy Sergeant Antonio Ramiro Avalos Vargas. The soldiers later discovered Father Joaqu?n L?pez y L?pez in the residence and killed him as well. Deputy sergeant Tom?s Zarpate Castillo shot Julia Elba Ramos and her 16-year-old daughter, Celina Mariceth Ramos. Private Jos? Alberto Sierra Ascencio then shot both women again.

The soldiers removed a small suitcase containing photographs, documents, and $5,000. They then directed machine gun fire at the fa?ade of the residence, as well as rockets and grenades. They left a cardboard sign that read “FMLN executed those who informed on it. Victory or death, FMLN”.

Orders were given to kill the witnesses, which is why non-Jesuits were also slain. You can’t blame FMLN, the Communist side of the civil war, if you leave witnesses behind.

Ignacio Ellacur?a, S.J.
Ignacio Mart?n-Bar?, S.J.
Segundo Montes, S.J.
Juan Ram?n Moreno, S.J.
Joaqu?n L?pez y L?pez, S.J.
Amando L?pez, S.J.
Elba Ramos, their housekeeper
Celina Ramos, her sixteen-year-old daughter

All but Celina Ramos were employees of UCA. Another Jesuit resident, Jon Sobrino, was delivering a lecture on liberation theology in Bangkok.

Thailand had defeated its own Communist insurgency around 1980. In 1988, its first Prime Minister was seated… the year before Sobrino traveled there to preach the gospel of Communism once again.

He said he had grown accustomed to living with death threats and commented: “We wanted to support dialogue and peace. We were against the war. But we have been considered Communists, Marxists, supporters of the rebels, all that type of thing.”

When you’re considered by the authorities to be Marxist, for valid reasons such as your liberation theology relying heavily upon the Hegelian dialetic, maybe a region you aren’t native to that is undergoing a Communist uprising is not the healthiest place to preach a heretical, Communist-leaning flavor of Christianity against the authorities.

Dying for God is one thing. Dying for Stupid is quite another.

When The New York Times described the murdered priests as “leftist intellectuals” in March 1991, Archbishop John R. Quinn of San Francisco objected to the use of that characterization “without qualification or nuance”. He offered the paper the words of Archbishop Helder Camara: “When I feed the hungry, they call me a saint. When I ask why they have no food, they call me a Communist.”

Liberation theology is Communism in Christian clothing. This death squad had every right to summarily execute those false Christians involving themselves in local politics and probably should have killed them a lot sooner. I’m not as happy about their killing witnesses but I’m often told I shouldn’t judge other cultures by the standard of my own. SJWs never lie!

The U.S. government, which had long provided military aid to the government, called on President Cristiani to initiate “the fullest inquiry and certainly a rapid one”. It condemned the murders “in the strongest possible terms”.[8] Senator Claiborne Pell, chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said: “I am devastated by these cold-blooded murders, which appear intended to silence human rights activity in El Salvador. I appeal most urgently for an end to the fighting and for a cease-fire … and ask that those responsible for these murders be brought to justice as swiftly as possible.”

Pell was a trust fund baby who championed Leftist causes… not exactly a Marxist, more like the late John “Songbird” McCain. Some of my American readers may have gone to college on a Pell grant? That was him.

So, the Commies twisted the massacre of their allies into a “they’re persecuting Christians!” sob story, at a moment when the government was weak from a hard push by the insurgents. That’s how Communists win: never on the battlefield, always in the media.

Hey, that explains everything about their social media shenanigans!

Nine members of the Salvadoran military were put on trial. Only Colonel Guillermo Benavides and Lieutenant Yusshy Ren? Mendoza were convicted. The others were either absolved or found guilty on lesser charges. Benavides and Mendoza were sentenced to thirty years in prison. Both were released from prison on 1 April 1993 following passage of the Salvadoran Amnesty Law by a legislature dominated by anti-guerilla and pro-military politicians. It was enacted to promote social and political reconciliation in the aftermath of the civil war…

A common way to end such Communist insurgencies was pardons for everybody after it became clear they were being used as puppets by superpowers who couldn’t care less about their cause.

…but its support came from the political factions most closely allied with the right-wing armed groups identified by the report as responsible for most wartime violations of human rights.

Translation, the Commies were bitter about how popular the government was with the people post-war. Probably the Jesuits, too. Did I repeat myself?

The Jesuits in El Salvador, led by Jos? Mar?a Tojeira, UCA’s former rector, continued to work with the UCA’s Institute of Human Rights, founded by Segundo Montes, to use the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, to bypass the Salvadoran Amnesty Law of 1993 and expose the role of higher military officers in the murders.

They claim to not be Communists, then when they encounter a law they don’t like, they appeal to Socialist world government to thwart the ruling of a legitimate authority. That is not Christian behavior. We aren’t supposed to hold grudges. We leave them for Judgment Day.

And Czerny publicly associated himself with this behavior. Not just with his Commie-preaching peers, either, but with the very notion that national sovereignty needs to die.

In July 2016, the Supreme Court of El Salvador found the Amnesty Law unconstitutional, citing international human rights law.

Why only now? Did Pope Judas have a hand in this? I couldn’t confirm or deny but it’s really, really suspicious, not to mention damning for El Salvador’s sovereignty, that its highest court decided international law trumped national law.

The ruling of the Spanish court [GQ: which somehow claims jurisdiction for all crimes against humanity] specifies that the Jesuits were murdered for their efforts to end the Salvadoran civil war peacefully. The planning of the murder started when peace negotiations between the Salvadoran government and the FMLN had broken down in 1988. The leadership of the Salvadoran military were convinced that they could win the war against the FMLN militarily. They interpreted Ignacio Ellacur?a’s efforts for peace negotiations as an inconvenience that had to be eliminated.

That’s a lie. Time for a Segue to liberation theology!

According to Ellacur?a, salvation is accomplished historically, not just individually, but collectively. It is not just about liberation from evil, guilt, personal or social offenses, pain, disease and fetichism. Those forms of liberation only start by liberation from unjust structures like slavery, political domination, psychological and social oppression. Besides the book of Exodus, the Bible also presents other such cases of liberation from oppression as the return from exile in Babylon in the books of Esdras and Nehemiah; the fight against Macedonian occupation in the book of Maccabees; the Beatitudes of Jesus; and the book of Apocalypse in the face of the persecution of Christians in Rome.

You can’t believe that and be politically neutral. Ignacio was preaching overthrow of a legitimate government, not advocating peace. What demands did Ignacio make of FMLN? None. In his twisted theology, the liberators (rebels) are by definition the good guys.

You can’t believe that and be Christian, either. The Jews were not slaves in Babylon and the Beatitudes taught “turn the other cheek” not “throw off your oppressors”.

End segue.

On the 20th anniversary of the massacre, President Mauricio Funes awarded the Order of Jos? Mat?as Delgado, Grand Cross with Gold Star, El Salvador’s highest civilian award, to the six murdered priests. Funes knew them personally, considered some of them friends, and credited their role in his professional and personal development.

That’s also damning, because Funes was the first FMLN party candidate to reach the Presidency on a Communist platform post-Civil War. Funes himself wasn’t a rebel but his brother was.

Since coming to power [June 2009 – June 2014], Funes’ administration has implemented a wide range of social reforms designed to combat poverty and inequality, including the institution of various poverty alleviation programs in the most impoverished communities, the abolition of public health care fees, the introduction of free shoes, meals and uniforms for schoolchildren, the distribution of property titles to hundreds of families, the introduction of monthly stipends and job training for those living in extreme poverty, and pensions for the elderly. In addition, investments have been made in improving school infrastructure, a presidential decree has been made against discrimination on the basis of gender and sexual orientation in the public services, two working groups on indigenous affairs have been created as a means of bringing about better representation of the interests of El Salvador’s indigenous communities, a community health plan has been introduced, improvements have been made in teacher’s salaries, and measures have been introduced to combat illiteracy.

Oh God, the Convergence is everywhere. Humanity is truly punked.

Upon his inauguration on 1 June 2009, Funes resumed Salvadoran diplomatic relations with Cuba. El Salvador previously suspended diplomatic relations with Cuba 50 years ago due to the Cuban Revolution.

The personal friends of hardline Communists aren’t likely to be McCarthy types.

On 10 February 2016, the El Salvador Supreme Court ruled that Funes would face a civil trial for charges of illegally laundering more than $700,000 in personal bank accounts. … On November 28, 2017, El Salvador’s second civil court found Funes guilty of illegal enrichment.

Commies gonna Commie. Nicaragua gave him political asylum, sadly, but at long last we know who the good guys were in the El Salvadoran Civil War. While FMLN stays true to its kleptocrat heritage, the death squad has mounted some impressive legal defenses:

El Salvador ex-colonel fights extradition for notorious murder of Jesuit priests

By Jonathan M. Katz, 20 August 2015

Inocente Orlando Montano sat in the sparsely filled courtroom, saying nothing, as two American lawyers and a federal judge argued his fate.

In court, the man who was once El Salvador’s vice-minister of defense and public safety wore an orange jumpsuit stamped with the initials of the North Carolina prison where he currently resides. A blue walker was parked behind him.

He was an illegal immigrant according to this article. How unfortunate (and cunning) that the Lefties aren’t prosecuting him for that. It would have been a beautiful judicial precedent.

Wednesday.s argument centred on whether Montano, 73 and an ex-colonel in the Salvadorian military, would be extradited from the United States to Spain, where a judge eagerly waits to prosecute him for one of the most notorious crimes of his country’s horrific 12-year civil war: the murders of six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper and the housekeeper’s teenage daughter, on a university campus in San Salvador in 1989.

There was no decision from the US magistrate judge on Wednesday, surprising many watching the case unfold in US district court who thought extradition would be quickly granted under the firm prodding of the State Department.

Huh. What would make a female judge unexpectedly decide to resist high-level pressure to push the paperwork through the system?

Instead, the federal public defender who has taken on Montano’s case, James E Todd, bombarded the court with 44 pieces of evidence . mostly declassified diplomatic cables from the time . all of which he slowly read aloud for several hours as the prosecutor openly fidgeted and rolled his eyes.

At the end of the hearing, Judge Kimberly Swank gave both sides until mid-September to submit written arguments, sometime after which, she would issue a written decision.

.Obviously it has taken me some time to digest this, and obviously it will take some more time,. Swank said.

Man, I’d love to read those cables. It was to no avail; she decided on 5 February 2016 to extradite him, but as a “terrorist” and not a murderer. Terrorism, of course, having been so redefined by the Left that it can be applied to any criminal and not just the Left’s Antifa dogs and ‘community organizers’.

Carolyn Patty Blum, a senior legal adviser with the Center for Justice and Accountability, which has taken a leading role in pushing the case, rejected that argument.

CJA is a San Francisco NGO dedicated to the use of lawfare on behalf of “crimes against humanity”. They have 12 members, 9 of which are female. Their current leader:

Staff | CJA

…has a face that gives me hope that his pushing for universal jurisdiction for international tribunals will come back to haunt him one day. And yes, he’s out & proud homosexual.

Montanto.s lawyer James Todd deployed a wide variety of arguments in his client’s defense, including impugning past informants and witnesses. Several times he mentioned that it would be better for Montano to face a Salvadorian court, though there is no indication that one would try him.

None of the other 19 “wanted” death squaddies were turned over to Spain… but they’re all still living in El Salvador AFAIK, so Montano’s illegal immigration to USA came back on him, albeit in a very unsatisfying way for all concerned.

That clears up some of the Cold War stories I’d heard about when I was becoming politically aware in the 1980s. It’s always interesting why stories that shouldn’t be a big deal explode and make a big difference, and you know there’s got to be more going on than is reported but nobody is talking.

This is why the deaths of six Jesuits was an international crisis while the other 74,994 people or so who died about the same time in the same situation were not. It was how the Communists pulled a delayed victory out of the jaws of defeat.

Someday I’ll learn why Kashoggi the Journalist’s death was an international scandal, too.


Cancerous Rotten Tomatoes

I didn’t catch Dave Chappelle’s reportedly amazing comedy routine because watching TV is just not something I do anymore. Interactive entertainment is more my thing. Even so, the headlines “Rotten Tomatoes Gives Chappelle 0% Rating” caught my eye.

What do you call a roomful of professional, gatekeeping critics, none of whom has a sense of humor? Woke!

The hunt for proof was brief.

Rotten Tomatoes Reports Adding 600 Critics To Tomatometer In Diversity Push

Rotten Tomatoes Reports Adding 600 Critics To Tomatometer In Diversity Push

By Dade Hayes, Finance Editor, 28 August 2019

Rotten Tomatoes said it has added 600 independently verified critics over the past year as part of an ongoing push to support under-represented voices in film and TV criticism.

Oh yeah, baby. Buckle up and pop the corn!

Of the new critics, 55% are women, 60% are freelancers and 10% publish reviews via YouTube, podcasts and other emerging avenues. The news comes a year after the digital brand said it was revamping its criteria for its “Tomatometer” gauge of sentiment in order to foster inclusion.

The inclusiveness objective had many checkboxes: queers, racists, single mothers as well as the platforms where their anti-Christian advocacy work appears, given the shift from newspapers and magazines to digital platforms.

Okay, fine, their actual words were “many facets: gender, race, ethnicity as well as the platforms where critics. work appears”.

A broader conversation has been unfolding across show business about establishment arenas such as criticism. In addition to critics, the composition of festival juries, awards voting blocs and other power positions has been questioned given the changes to modern society’s makeup.

Along with adding verified critics, Rotten Tomatoes also said it was renewing its annual $100,000 grant pledge to provide resources to reviewers at film festivals.

The Pedoface pushing this agenda will come out of the closet in 3… 2… 1…

Paul Yanover, president of NBCUniversal-owned Fandango, which acquired Rotten Tomatoes from Warner Bros. in 2016, said the efforts over the past year have borne fruit.

Fandango President Paul Yanover Bridges Technology and Entertainment ? Variety

Fandango Buys Quantum Rewards - Business Insider

.We are an aggregation platform, so we don’t have any control over who gets an assignment, who gets a byline,. Yanover told Deadline. “But we are trying to make sure our platform is as inclusive as possible..

Inclusive enough for Uruguayans and Filipinos, but not inclusive enough for Trump supporters. Just say No to national borders and Making America Great Again!

New critics are spotlighted on Rotten Tomatoes. Tomatometer Critics home page, giving users of the site the chance to discover new voices in criticism from a variety of backgrounds.

Sure, let’s segue and “discover”! Here’s the current four featured critics on

Nestor Bentancor (@NestorCine) is a Uruguayan film critic and entertainment journalist living in Los Angeles since 2002. In 2009 he founded the bilingual website, and in 2015 he launched the Spanish-language YouTube channel Nestor Cine Desde Hollywood. … Critics’ Group: Los Angeles Online Film Critics Society

Brittany Runs a Marathon Movie Poster (#3 of 3) - IMP Awards

Awards: Can Jillian Bell Snag Awards Attention for ...

Now that they mention it, I’ve never been curious what Uruguayans think about Hollyweird cinema.

Oggs Cruz is a corporate and maritime lawyer by profession. He has contributed articles and reviews to print publications such as Businessworld, The Philippine Star, Rogue Magazine, and the Philippine Free Press. He is currently reviewing films for Rappler. … He has also served as part of the jury for the Jogjakarta International Film Festival, QCinema International Film Festival, and Bangkok Short and Video Festival.

His top-rated movie is “Parasite”, which I thought at first was two hours of my life that I wanted back from the SyFy Channel. Alas:

Bong Joon-ho.s Parasite opens with the Kims. Son and daughter are scuttling around the apartment basement looking for the best spot to leech off free wi-fi, the mother is relentlessly nagging, and the father lazily wakes-up with nary an effort to better the life of his loved ones. It ends with the same family as tragic victims of their mission for a semblance of dignity in a society of glaring gaps and blatant inequities.

Nobody is entertained by your cries of victimhood, Oggs. Would you have upvoted Chappelle’s comedy had he screamed at his audience that they were victimizing him?

Hanna [Flint] is a film critic, journalist and interviewer based in London covering film and television for Yahoo Movies, Time Out, Guardian, Dazed, Glamour, Total Film and Syfy. She is the co-host of The TalkFilm Podcast and the host of the Official Film Chart.

Her top-rated movie is “Dirty God”:

Jade is a young single mum adjusting back to life on her Hackney council estate after spending months in hospital recovering from an [acid] attack carried out by her ex. Everywhere she turns there are often hostile reminders that she is not the vivacious young woman she once was, whether it’s her daughter recoiling tearfully at the sight of her disfigured face or the taunts of strangers. As she struggles to find ways to feel like herself again, through online sexual encounters and making plans to have plastic surgery abroad, she begins to accept the reality of this new life and not let old expectations hold her back.

I must give credit, they showcase Manosphere tropes without hesitation.

You know what none of these movies have? Good vs Evil. They’re all about empowerment, class warfare and explorations of victimhood.

[Shannon McGrew has] been reviewing films, with a focus on the horror genre, for the past four years. I own a horror website titled Nightmarish Conjurings and have written for genre sites such as Rue Morgue, Blumhouse, Bloody Disgusting, 1428 Elm, and more since. Being able to share my reviews with the world has been something that I absolutely love.

Really? Because you top-rated “Riot Girls”:

What I loved so much about this film was the immense amount of female badassery, especially from our leads, Scratch and Nat. This isn’t a story about damsels in distress, it’s about two women doing whatever it takes to save their friends in the face of imposing danger. Katherine Collins weaves a tightly knit narrative that fosters female empowerment while also shining a light on the dangers of classism. The film is also a study on how quickly people can turn when chaos rules, especially when an unknown apocalyptic occurrence occurs. [GQ: all the adult authority figures are killed by a plague.]

What really sells the movie, though, are the performances. Munro Chambers, a Canadian favorite, once again proves the depth of his talent in his performances. If anyone makes a good villain, it most certainly is that of Chambers whose character Jeremy is both delightfully charming and sadistically menacing.

The only thing grosser than hamsterbating in public is doing it for money.

Going back to the Dateline article,

In a survey of the 600 newbies about their experiences, a strong majority indicated that gaining approved status on Rotten Tomatoes helped their traffic numbers, social media metrics and industry access. But many identified a number of barriers that still exist, with 61% citing travel costs to festivals and 59% noting they still face a fight to prove their legitimacy as journalists. About 43% said they are unable to gain access to press preview screeenings.

Make up your twisty-pretzeled minds already! Are you empowered agents of a brave new world or oppressed minorities without a voice?

.We are encouraged by the progress we’re making towards creating a Tomatometer-approved critics pool that reflects the global entertainment audience and we will continue to build on our momentum,. said Jenny Jediny, Rotten Tomatoes Senior Manager, Critic Relations.

Her top-rated show: “Twin Peaks” Season 2.


Shayn Striegel Ruined By See Something, Say Something

I enjoyed the county fair this weekend, always a fun time, although predictably marred by heavily tightened security. No doubt a response to the Gilroy Garlic Festival Shooting but still, checkpoint searches and plastering “See Something, Say Something” signs all over the place and in the fair event flyers would not have stopped that incident and surely won’t stop the next. Which is more likely:

“Officer, I just saw a guy wearing military fatigues, a ski mask and carrying a rifle and shotgun wait in line, buy a ticket, enter the main gate and then head towards the children’s carnival while jacking shells into the 12-gauge. I wasn’t going to say anything except all these signs made me think I probably should.”

“Officer, I just saw a white man wearing a hat with the Confederate flag leave a suspicious package in the trash can. You should arrest him and make his life miserable just to be sure he’s not a Trump lover! Terrorist, I mean.”

View image on Twitter

A meme I’ve seen in the context of recent, thwarted school shootings. Speaking of, it wasn’t hard to find a example of how “see something, say something” can go wrong.

Shayn Striegel: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Shayn Striegel, 27, was arrested after police said he left a rifle and about 2,000 rounds of ammunition in his vehicle at the College of Southern Nevada in Henderson on August 28, 2019.

Finding an arsenal in a student’s dorm room is alarming. Finding a student left one long gun in the car trunk while attending class in Nevada, not so much.

Heck, I’ve bought two thousand rounds on a single trip to the gun store before. Unless the suspect has an automatic weapon, he could hoard a billion rounds and nobody but the fire department need care.

A witness told police that they had noticed firearm magazines inside a parked vehicle. Officers located the vehicle owner, Shayn Striegel, who was identified as a student on campus.

Uh-huh. Some passerby in the parking lot just happened to look inside a vehicle, notice a mag and think it was serious enough to alert campus police. Or, did Shayn’s vehicle have a Trump bumper sticker or NRA logo on it? News accounts don’t say but it’s very easy to imagine an SJW seeing Not-See indicators and doing a point-and-shriek.

We can be sure that no Normal American would freak out over a visible rifle mag.

Shayn Striegel was a registered business owner in Nevada. According to public records on the Nevada Secretary of State’s website, Striegel was listed as the registered agent for a company called .STC Firearms Training LLC..

The business was first registered with the state on January 17, 2014. But it appears the company is no longer in operation.

The company going out of business is probably the reason Shayn went back to school. If schools want to ban guns from their property then fine, but that shouldn’t be an arrestable crime. I don’t get to imprison coworkers I disapprove of in my personal jail.

Shayn Striegel’s arrest happened one day after [Paul Steber’s arrest] made headlines.

An East Coast student reported for making threats of mass murder and then found to be stockpiling guns & ammo in his dorm room. Okay, okay, you can “say something” about your roommate who said he brought a gun into the dorm to kill the fraternity that didn’t let him in.

View image on Twitter

What a babyface. Thin noses and upturned nose tips has been common, although not universal, among these thwarted shooters. We can ignore Steber, although looking him up was how I found that anti-white meme above.

It.s important to note that unlike Steber, Striegel was not accused of issuing any threats.

College president Zaragoza reiterated in his online statement that police “do not believe that an ongoing threat exists to Henderson or any of our other campuses as a result of this incident..

But he used the incident as an example of the importance of speaking up. Zaragoza stressed that students and others on the campus should report suspicious situations to police, even if they are not sure whether it’s truly a threat.

Sure, it’s harmless, except when it destroys a man’s life despite a total lack of criminal intent. Zaragoza is a Mexican national and once a low-level Obama appointee but otherwise uninteresting.

Weaponized point-and-shrieking.


Shayn Striebel. Showing white under the eyes indicates a state of fear, not surprising in a mugshot. The “lozenge” face shape is sometimes called the Venusian shape, a more emotionally balanced version of the Triangle’s nervous/passive-aggression. Hair hanging down over the eyes, if a habit, is a social-avoidant trait. He has an active mind to judge from long, thick eyebrows.

I think he tries to move beyond his passionate side with that pointy beard giving him a more assertive appearance. There’s some frizz in it but not enough to indicate psych problems. It probably means he’s rather careless with the details of daily life, which the hair grown down to start covering the ears would confirm.

Some more relevant info:

Police found, during a probable cause search of the vehicle, a gray ammo can with blue tape across the top with “Shayn” written across the top, which contained several hundred rounds of .22 ammunition; an unlocked rifle case in the trunk containing an unloaded, black, AK style weapon and a green ammo can filled with 7.62 ammunition.

I feel sick that Shayn got in trouble for such little threat. And this is happening in Nevada, supposedly one of the most pro-gun states in America! The campus cops should not have arrested him. Second Amendment, yo!

Striegel.s arrest report, first cited by Fox 5, indicates that the vehicle was registered to his brother.

As officers approached him, the 27-year-old reportedly began “making spotnatenous utterances: .I know what this is about, I’m so sorry. I forgot I had it in the car. I work for Rifle Dynamics..

According to the company’s Facebook page, Rifle Dynamics is a gun manufacturer specializing in custom-made, lightweight AK-style rifles. It also provides training services.

He’s even in the gun manufacturing business. Other sources describe him as a science major. Considering that his arrest happened about 6pm, Shayn was taking night classes after his day job to get ahead in life. An ordinary Joe who has more reason than most people to forget the occasional firearm in the trunk.

Striegel has a concealed carry permit, but firearms are prohibited on Nevada System of Higher Education campuses.

Your rights end where the Soviet indoctrination centers begin.

Dr. Federico Zaragoza Named President of CSN

Founded in 1971, the College of Southern Nevada is the state’s largest and most ethnically diverse higher education institution with about 34,000 students. CSN specializes in two-year degrees and workforce development that lead directly to high demand careers or transfer to a university. It also offers five bachelor’s degrees in specialized fields and is the state’s largest provider of adult basic education and literacy training. CSN is a Minority Serving institution and Nevada’s first Hispanic Serving Institution.

First the gov’t demands education and licensing for all areas of work, then it suspends your rights while you jump through their hoops. Here’s best wishes to a guy down on his luck who really, really didn’t need anybody to say something.


I Wasn’t Born This Way

Medical DNA research has proven that homosexual activists are wrong.

There Is No “Gay Gene,. Comprehensive Scientific Study Finds

By Matt Margolis, 29 August 2019

Recent polls have shown that most Americans believe that homosexuals are “born that way” rather than become gay as the result of environmental factors. In fact, perpetuating the belief that sexual orientation is innate has been crucial to the gay rights movement. According to the most recent Gallup Poll on the subject, 88 percent of people who believe homosexuals are “born that way” support the legality of same-sex marriage, while only 39 percent of those who believe homosexuality is the result of environmental factors support the legality of same-sex marriage.

A good overview of how important “I can’t help myself” is to the normalizing of sexual perversion.

So, what happens when science proves that homosexuals aren’t “born that way.?

Science begins looking for the real cause, which is mostly “homosexual child rape”, partly “heavy Soviet-style indoctrination of public schoolchildren” and partly “God is dead”.

Perhaps we’ll find out. A new comprehensive scientific study of the biological roots of sexual orientation released Thursday proved that there no “gay gene” and that genetic factors are insignificant in determining sexual orientation.

The following quoted from an omitted link to Yahoo News:

The research, which analyzed data on DNA and sexual experiences from almost half a million people, found there are thousands of genetic variants linked to same-sex sexual behavior, most with very small effects.

Five of the genetic markers were “significantly” associated with same-sex behavior, the researchers said, but even these are far from being predictive of a person’s sexual preferences.

Were they also linked to facial features, I wonder? Because pedoface is a thing.

“We scanned the entire human genome and found a handful – five to be precise – of locations that are clearly associated with whether a person reports in engaging in same-sex sexual behavior,” said Andrea Ganna, a biologist at the Institute of Molecular Medicine in Finland who co-led the research.

Back to the main article,

According to Ganna, these genetic variances have .a very small effect. on sexual behavior, and combined, only explain “considerably less than 1% of the variance in the self-reported same-sex sexual behavior.” This means that non-genetic factors, including environment, upbringing, personality, and nurture “are far more significant in influencing a person’s choice of sexual partner, just as with most other personality, behavioral and physical human traits,. according to the researchers.

Welcome to MISPWOSO, the Maximegalon Institute of Slowly and Painfully Working Out the Surprisingly Obvious. We Christians are at least 1,986 years ahead of cutting-edge scientific research… AD 33 to the present, when researchers discovered that homosexuality is not natural.


And Then They Came For Comm-Me

I’ve already documented the destruction of American icons such as the teardown of Silent Sam and the renaming of George Washington University’s Colonials to “Hippos”. (As of today, Breitbart announced it’s official that the Colonials and mascot George are officially about to be removed. Officially speaking. Ah, bureaucracy, not even the Socialists can overcome you.)

But all is not well in Commie-Land. They’ve succeeded so easily and quickly in killing our history that they’ve run out of targets. Time to eat their own!

San Francisco to paint over historic George Washington mural

By Samantha Maldonado, 4 July 2019

San Francisco will spend up to $600,000 to paint over historical artwork at a public school depicting the life of George Washington, a mural once seen as educational and innovative but now criticized as racist and degrading for its depiction of black and Native American people.

Double Derp in the first sentence! Part one, $600k to repaint a couple walls?

Most of the $600,000 earmarked for the project will go toward a required environmental review and to cover expected legal challenges.

Oh, right. $1k to paint the walls and $599k for bribes and lawsuits. Greed much?

Part two, “a mural once seen as educational and innovative but now criticized as racist and degrading for its depiction of black and Native American people”? Not hardly.

In addition to depicting Washington as a soldier, surveyor and statesman, the 13-panel, 1,600-sqaure foot mural at George Washington High School contains images of white pioneers standing over the body of a Native American and slaves working at Washington’s Mount Vernon estate in Virginia.

That’s right, folks, these murals were painted by card-carrying Soviet Russian Communist Victor Arnautoff who used the opportunity (and New Deal taxpayer money) to depict George Washington as an evil Native American-murdering slaver. And that’s patriarchy, yo! We can’t be saying nice things like that about old George.

Cali High School Considers Removing 'Triggering' George ...

That’s not woke enough? Seriously?

Bay Area art leaders on censorship of George Washington ...

STILL not woke enough?

San Francisco School Will Cover Controversial George ...

Depicting white men making purchases at a slave market is STILL, STILL not woke enough?

San Francisco to Paint Over Historic George Washington ...

It’s legit artwork but not pro-American. Y’know what, they can paint over this one. I’m okay with the loss of this totalitarian Marxist contribution to ‘Murica but only so long as they cover it up with

*drum roll*

White paint.

The “Life of Washington” was painted by Victor Arnautoff, one of the foremost muralists in the San Francisco area during the Depression. The San Francisco School Board’s decision to paint over the 83-year-old mural is prompting some to worry that other artwork from the so-called New Deal era could face a similar fate because of changing sensitivities.

The board’s decision last week comes at a time when the legacies of Washington and other historical figures who owned slaves are being re-examined. Some cities have changed the names of streets and buildings named after slave owners.

Either the race to the bottom of victimhood is nearing the ticker tape or some high-name eco-Nazi is retiring and wants his golden parachute.

Richard Walker, a professor emeritus of geography at the University of California, Berkeley and director of the history project, Living New Deal, said the Washington mural is meant to show the “uncomfortable facts” about America’s first president. For that, it was among many New Deal works of art considered radical when created.

.We on the left ought to welcome the honest portrayal,. Walker said, adding that destroying a piece of art “is the worst way we can deal with historic malfeasance, historic evils..

That’s right, Berkeley Boy! You can’t erase the memory of us existing without erasing the memory of why you hate us. Who will be the target of your Two Minute Hates if not us?

…You. #MGTOW

Mark Sanchez, vice president of the school board and a third-grade teacher, said students who must walk past the mural during the school day don’t have a choice about seeing the harmful images. .Painting it over represents not only a symbolic fresh start, but a real fresh start,. he said.

That should have worried you about the time “Heather Has Two Mommies” became required reading. Now is a bit late.

Walker suggested rather than destroying the Washington mural, school officials should simply cover it and require freshmen to take a course on slavery and California’s role in subjugating Native Americans.

Father God, do You see how much they hate us? What was our crime? Someone else’s ancestor 250 years ago buying a slave? The blacks still enslave each other TODAY.

To Sanchez, that’s not enough.

.I understand the importance of art, and it should be the last thing we do, to attempt to cover any kind of art up,. he said. .The starting point has to be from those who feel they are harmed and how that is unacceptable, especially given the history of this country. When we don’t listen, we don’t learn..

Go home, Sanchez. You are not an American and never were. You hate my country, you leave my country. GTFO.

George Washington High School has about 2,000 students. Nearly all are people of color and many come from low-income families.

Which means they’re very nearly as Special Snowflake as a cocaine-trafficking Public Defender. I doubt any additional indoctrination would make a difference.

Arnautoff, a Russian-born communist and social critic, was hired with Federal Art Project funds as part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal, a series of government programs meant to help lift the country out of the Great Depression of the 1930s.

He was one of a group of artists to paint murals at San Francisco’s Coit Tower that prompted anti-communists to delay the tower’s opening.

Good times, good times. Times when anti-communists existed and had a spine. It’s really not that long ago that California was staunchly conservative. *sigh*

Arnautoff.s piece, called “City Life,. shows urban workers crowding around a newsstand of socialist newspapers and magazines. The piece faced criticism for failing to include the conservative-leaning San Francisco Chronicle.

City Life | Nathaniel's Blog

Burn it with fire. It’s the only way to be sure. But I’m willing to settle for his work being plastered over and never seen again.

First we came for the Russians, and they cried as we crushed them.
Because we were Socialists.

Then we came for the Chinese, and they cried as we crushed them.
Because we were Socialists.

Then we came for the Americans, and they cried as we crushed them.
Because we were Socialists.

Then we came for me.and I cried as we crushed me.
Because we are Socialists.


Stick Your Adulting Up Your Trade School!

Shop class is dead because the Ivory Tower only wants to sell books.

UC Berkeley Students Create Their Own “Adulting” Course

By Alana Mastrangelo, 28 Aug 2019

It’s a good first step, making a class that teaches them what they want to learn. The second step will be asking why they pay tuition for the privilege of teaching themselves.

Students at UC Berkeley have taken responsibility into their own hands by creating a course focused on being a grown-up. The course, entitled, .Adulting,. will focus on improving practical life skills, such as resume building, and completing tax returns.
A new course at UC Berkeley called “Adulting” . a millennial term referring to when someone behaves like an adult by performing mundane, yet necessary tasks . will help improve students. life skills, by teaching them how to accomplish the tasks that they will likely encounter after they graduate college and are on their own.

Students are teaching themselves because professors don’t possess those skills. They’ve never written a resume–just stayed in college until granted tenure–and taxpaying is only for bourgeois capitalist pigs. But to their credit, they can totally teach you how to beg for money.

.The school system does not require a class for students to learn how to live in the real world and function as an adult,. reads the course description. .We often enter college unprepared to take care of ourselves..

That’s right, folks, liberals are full of shit only because nobody taught them to change a diaper.

.Many life skills, including how to develop good habits, manage stress, pay taxes, budget our spending/income, and to live a healthy lifestyle, are necessary, especially when college is the bridge to adulthood,. continues the description. .This course will explore the many dimensions of how to successfully adult..

It’s actually called Adult School and it’s been around for a long time. Really cheap, too, since it’s all REMEDIAL stuff. But now U of California students, ostensibly the state’s most promising young adults, are showing up without knowing how to…

budget… their… spending. Oh, that student debt bubble is totally coming into focus now. The Adulting Class graduation exercise must be demanding a refund from the bursar. “I paid you money and you abandoned me to teach myself, you frauds!”

The description reads as if it was written by students . because it was. The “Adulting” course is student-run, and will be taught by 20-year-old integrated biology student Belle Lau, and her friend Jenny Zhou, according to a report by SF Gate.

Let me guess: she’s running the class because she, personally, doesn’t know how to Adult. This predicts she’ll be relying on established, private-sector men to come in and teach her the alphabet, gratis, because forrrr the chilllldren!

.We realized the things we don’t learn in school are topics like taxes and just how to take care of yourself,. said Lau, who added that since she herself is not an expert in these topics, the course will rely on inviting outside professionals to come in and speak to the class.

BINGO! *victory lap*

.We don’t really know that much, so we’re all learning together,. said Lau. .We’re the middlemen trying to get professionals to talk about these topics to students..

Good morning, class. I am a licensed, private-sector professional named Gunner Q. I was brought here to teach you how to be functional adults because your regular professors cannot and are not. That means you already wasted one semester of tuition but you wasting your life is not my problem. Not anybody’s problem except yours. That should be your primary motivation in life, to do what’s best for you rather than suffering uselessly for some Elitist’s utopian vision. I am only here because my ultra-right-wing-super-racist-Christo-supremacist blog needs material, and because laughter is healthy. My co-teacher from Lyft is only here because several of you will need a ride home after class.

All women, stand up. Thank you. What you need to do is get thin, learn to cook, marry the men in this room and trust them to teach you everything you need to know forevermore. No back-talk. No man will ever love you for having a dissenting opinion. Now leave. We gots man-business to discuss and you are not men.

All non-binaries, stand up. Thank you and go to Hell. You don’t want to be functional members of society so you have no business being here, and because I’m not paid with your tuition money you literally have no business being here. Now leave. We gots man-business to discuss and you are not men.

Young men of California. Did you see what security did just now? They told the bitches No and made it stick. You do the same. That’s the wife-management module. Let’s move on to automotive maintenance… question?… that’s a stupid question. You need something to put on a resume before you worry about making a resume.

The report added that one guest speaker included a recruiter from the ride-sharing company Lyft, who came in to discuss resume building.

Another speaker was an economics professor, who advised students on how they can save 50 percent of the money they earn.

Switching to Geico could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance!

.The number one thing that everyone struggles with is taxes,. said Lau, who invited her mother to speak on the topic, as she is an accountant.

Mommy accountant is a parental failure. Probably a wifey failure, too.

Lau had also hoped to include a session on changing the oil in one’s own car, but the university’s administration reportedly said there wouldn’t be enough academic reading on the subject, which would make the topic more appropriate for a social club on campus, instead.

The Grease Monkey Club? Sounds like a civil rights lawsuit waiting to happen. Society for Polluting Devices? Can’t get funding. People for the Ethical Treatment of Internal Combustion Engines? Winner!

Nonetheless, students appear to be taking an interest in the concept of the course, as its debut spring semester has reportedly received 100 applicants, despite only having just 30 available seats.


Epstein Files: Harry Reems. Escape Story

I’m not forgetting Jeffrey Epstein. No wonder he’s been surrounded by conspiracy theories for years! Enough blog material for eternity, so “Epstein Files” will hopefully become a semiregular feature as I process the released material (hello, Lolita Express flight logs!) and find related stories.

Epstein’s lawyer, Alan Dershowitz is a anti-American Jew if there ever was one. One of his early success stories was Harry Reems, an early porn actor in an infamous Supreme Court case on obscenity.

Harry Reems, Pornographic Film Star of ?Deep Throat,? Dies - The New York Times

Very large irises denote a personality that loves to take in information, from books to pure novelty to extreme sports.


A post-recovery picture. Notice that vertical “determination” lines appeared between his eyebrows.

Reems was born Herbert John Streicher into a Jewish family. He attended the University of Pittsburgh for a year before briefly serving in the United States Marine Corps, from which he received an honorable discharge following hardship leave. He then elected to pursue an acting career, principally in off-Broadway theater for La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club, New York Theater Ensemble and National Shakespeare Company. …

Looking for ways to support himself, Streicher appeared in dozens of short silent stag films, often referred to as “loops,” during the early 1970s. He eventually went on to appear in approximately 140 feature-length sexploitation and hardcore films between 1971 and 1989, with Deep Throat (1972) and The Devil in Miss Jones (1973) being the best known, as well as grindhouse roughies like Forced Entry (1973) and Sex Wish (1976); in the former he plays a sadistic Vietnam veteran hellbent on rape and murder – later described by Streicher as the one film he regretted appearing in – while in the latter he plays a husband-turned-vigilante seeking revenge over the rape and murder of his wife.

Not a man I would ordinarily give a single thought to.

Reems’ appearance in Deep Throat led to his arrest by FBI agents in New York City in July 1974 and his indictment in Memphis, Tennessee, in June 1975 on federal charges of conspiracy to distribute obscenity across state lines. Reems called it forum shopping. He was convicted in April 1976 with 11 other individuals and four corporations.

His conviction was overturned on appeal in April 1977 because his activities in making the film occurred before a U.S. Supreme Court ruling on obscenity in 1973 (Miller v. California), and Reems was granted a new trial. The charges against Reems were dropped in August.

Per Wikipedia, Miller v. California, 413 U.S. 15 (1973), is a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court where the court redefined its definition of obscenity from that of “utterly without socially redeeming value” to that which lacks “serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value”.

Legislating from the bench is a criminal act and porn should have qualified by either definition anyway. Meanwhile, it’s still in living memory that California was a land of decency and good conduct.

The defense argued he was the first American actor to ever be prosecuted by the federal government merely for appearing in a film… His successful appeal was handled by Alan Dershowitz.

Himself an outspoken proponent of legalizing porn and other immoral media.

In 1982, after an 8-year hiatus from porn, Reems returned in the porn film Society Affairs, and reportedly received a six-figure salary for doing the film. He retired from performing in porn in 1985.

And to nobody’s surprise, became a coke-sniffing homeless loser wino bum.

After years of drug abuse, Reems began his recovery in 1989. He married and converted from Judaism to Christianity. “Being the low-bottom drunk that I was, I started going around to churches,” said Reems. “I called myself a church gypsy.” Reems credited his conversion to Reverend Mark Heiss, a former pastor with Park City Community Church in Park City, Utah.

NOW I’m interested.

Born-Again Porn Star

By Steve Dougherty, 13 May 1991

THE RENTED TRACT HOME IS LIKE many others in Park City, Utah. There are funny little magnets on the fridge, simple landscapes on the walls, a Jeep parked in the driveway outside. The gray-haired fellow parked in the living room seems unremarkable as well. Married for the first time last November, he is a trustee for his Methodist church and works locally selling houses. Just look at his business card: HARRY REEMS, REALTOR.

Despite the title, this is the only mention of Christianity in the entire article.

At 43, the former star of Deep Throat, The Devil in Miss Jones and countless grunt-and-grind porno films of the .70s has slipped off the big screen and into this little Utah town of 2,823. “As far as I’m concerned, Harry has become a pillar of the community,. says Park City police sergeant Bruce Bennion, who just two years ago threw Reems in the pokey for public drunkenness. For Reems, such praise is no small achievement after his long spiral from Deep Throat to deep, deep bottom.

Unable to make a transition into straight films, Reems sank from $30,000-a-week paychecks in his heyday into alcoholism and cocaine addiction. By 1985 he was sleeping behind a grocery-store Dumpster in Malibu, where he would “wake up in the morning and start drinking because I didn’t want to face the failure I felt I had become.” With his two-quart-a-day vodka habit spawning drunken brawls and blackouts, .I remember being in New York one day, and the next thing I knew, I was in jail in South Carolina,. he says. .I had no idea how I got there..

Chased by tax problems, bad debts and outstanding arrest warrants, Reems bounced in and out of detox centers, mental institutions and jails between 1983 and 1988. Looking for work, he moved to the ski-resort town of Park City that year, but his drinking continued, as did bouts of alcoholic hepatitis, pancreatitis and delirium tremens. .He was about as far down as anyone I’ve ever seen,. says Dr. Patrick Griffin, who treated him in New York City.

Finally, in 1989, after five days in an L.A. jail and another arrest in Park City, Reems sought help in a 12-step recovery program. .I knew that if I didn’t stop, I would die,. he says.

No, the 12-Step program did NOT save him. Double shame on People Magazine for click-bait and treacherous reporting! But fortunately, I was about to find an article written by the very pastor who saved a wretch like Reems.

Harry Reems. legacy far more than porn films, says UM pastor who saw him change

By Mark Heiss, Special Contributor, 23 March 2013

Reems died of pancreatic cancer on 13 March 2013. This article is his eulogy, written by the pastor who introduced Reems to Christ Jesus.

Most people over 50 probably recall the name Harry Reems, the movie he starred in, .Deep Throat,. and the numerous moral and legal battles surrounding issues of pornography and free speech in the early 1970s. Harry died the other day. From fame and celebrity, and $30,000-a-week paychecks making porn movies, Harry’s life took a steady nose dive over the years into alcohol addiction, cocaine abuse, blackouts and the destruction of his health. Legal battles, jail time, mental institutions, and major debt owed to the IRS, plagued his life and helped sustain thoughts of suicide.

In 1989, Harry was arrested for public drunkenness in Park City, Utah. His arresting officer gave him the opportunity to attend an AA meeting, and he took it. It changed him. Unable to manage his life, he gave it over to a .higher power..

I’ve never liked that phrase. If it’s Jesus then say so. If it isn’t then who are you giving your soul to?

AA met in our church basement and one day Harry said, .I knew what was going on downstairs. I decided to see what was going on upstairs.. He came to worship one Sunday morning. An excited usher came to me asking me, .Do you know who that is? Do you know who that is?. I said, .No.. He said, .It’s Harry Reems, the porn star.. I jokingly asked the usher how he recognized him.


That week Harry and I met and he told me his story. We talked about the power of God to change our lives. We talked about the “higher power” and the one called Jesus.

THANK YOU! Finally, a priest does the work of God.

Although raised an atheistic Jew, he wanted to learn more about this person called Jesus and the God he proclaimed. I gave him a Bible and pointed out some verses and sections he could read. We met several times after that over coffee. We discussed what it meant to be a Christian. One day, he called me on the phone and said he wanted to be baptized. And soon he was, in the creek behind the church.

Atheist Jews are, IMO, complete scum, mostly totalitarian Communists and generally infected with much blacker evil than is the human norm. Balancing that, however, are some very positive stories and personal experiences concerning Messianic Jews. Not least of which is harsh ostracism from their atheist/Orthodox brothers.

I can suspend my racial prejudices for any man that the devil spits on in disgust.

Harry joined our little United Methodist Church, was very active, and at one point was even a trustee. Some trivialized him and his experience as one more “born again” celebrity looking for personal redemption.

A healthy suspicion. How far the Church has fallen!

But Harry’s faith wasn’t that simplistic “me and Jesus” kind of experience. Harry’s new birth was more profound and his God more complex. He considered himself more spiritual than religious. God had changed his life, but it was not an end in itself. Harry’s changed life, sobriety, renewed health and new relationship with God could not be contained. He realized that God’s love had come to him on its way to others.

All positive developments that can confirm genuine repentance.

His new mission in life became helping other addicts and alcoholics. Much of his time, money and energy went toward those whose lives were being strangled by the addictions Harry was so familiar with. When Harry showed up in Park City in 1989, there were three recovery groups in town (including the one in the church basement). Today there are over 40. Harry started or was involved in starting every one of them! His ministry in helping others to find sobriety through .letting go and letting God,. has touched the lives of hundreds of people.

Eh, that’s also not a phrase I like. But he did change and much for the better.

No doubt history will remember him for his role in “Deep Throat.. I think his greater legacy is his faith and outreach to fellow addicts and alcoholics. His life was his message: .If God can change someone like me, what can he do with your life?.

The Rev. Mark Heiss was pastor of Park City Community (UMC) Church in Utah, and currently is pastor of United Methodist churches in Platteville and Meade, Co.

Bravo, Reverend Heiss! I can’t say that often these days.

And some confirmation that Reems left porn behind:

The one thing Harry Reems hasn’t changed from his seedy past is his stage name.

Most people who meet the white-haired Reems probably don’t know he starred in the controversial X-rated movie “Deep Throat” nearly 35 years ago. They don’t know he made hundreds of adult films spanning three decades. They don’t know he nearly drank himself to death.

And that’s fine with him. He’s not that way anymore.

“The only thing I had to change about myself was everything,” says Reems, 59.

Getting sober, finding God and marrying a good woman are the highlights of his transformation from a hard-living porn star to a mild-mannered real estate agent.

“Living the public life I had lived was my downfall,” he said. “I’m a private person now.”

In his heyday, Reems had black hair, a black mustache and tight abs. He hobnobbed with movie stars and partied in the Caribbean. That has given way to white hair, a clean-shaven face, the hint of a belly and quiet nights at home with his wife.

The marriage beat the odds. I found no mention of a divorce.

Reems was the first actor ever prosecuted for his work, due to his appearance in “Deep Throat,” which co-starred Linda Lovelace. The federal government in 1976 indicted him on charges of conspiracy to distribute obscenity across state lines. He was convicted, but the conviction was overturned on appeal a year later. During that time, alcohol became his escape.

Lovelace went on to become an anti-porn activist.

Reems made it clear during an interview in his Park City home, with its Currier & Ives view of a red barn in a snow-covered field, that he didn’t want to talk about his days in what he calls a “nefarious industry.” The only reason he said he agreed to an interview was to let alcoholics know that they can change.

“I literally should be dead. I know a lot of people who drank a lot less than me, and they are dead,” he said. “God has left me on this Earth for a reason, and I think it’s to save lives.” …

He [recalls] being a public menace over the next two years, urinating in the streets, fighting and breaking into houses. He also entered a 12-step alcohol recovery program. The police picked him up on the way to a meeting one day. While driving him to the Summit County Jail, a police sergeant told Reems he had no idea how useful he could be, that he could save lives if he gave up drinking and drugs.

“That was the first time anyone had ever said I have value,” Reems said.

Well done, sergeant. Well done.

Along with sobriety, Reems found God. An atheist who thought of religion as a crutch, he soon became a trustee in the local Methodist church. “I put God in first position, not me, because anything I had ever done almost killed me.”

Dershowitz can go to Hell for pushing smut and snuff upon the American people… and God only knows what else he pushed during his work as Epstein’s lawyer. But this one flew the devil’s coop.


For a postscript, here’s Dershowitz revealing his motivations for legalizing obscenity:

When it was my turn to speak [in a debate against feminist Andrea Dworkin], I tried to explain . over the booing and hissing . that what I support is freedom of choice about pornography. I informed the audience that a recent law in Iran prohibiting pornography also required all women to keep their faces covered.

They passed two different laws at the same time and Iranian standards of decency are not Christian standards. Or should I say, Moral Majority standards?

I reminded them that efforts by the Moral Majority to “clean up” television included feminist programs within the definition of pornography. I told them that the same district attorney who had attempted to ban Deep Throat had succeeded in censoring a beautiful film about lesbianism, by invoking the same anti-pornography statute. I quoted Gloria Steinem to the effect that “the long history of anti-obscenity laws makes it clear that such laws are most often invoked against political and lifestyle dissidents..

That’s what the feminists wanted to do, weaponize anti-obscenity laws against their enemies. But Dershowitz wanted obscenity legalized so Christians wouldn’t be able to use it against him. Unfortunately for him, he failed to legalize it to the point of raping children before justice caught up to Jeffrey Epstein, his close associate.

I cautioned that if any group of Americans could succeed in taking the law into its own hands it would be the Moral Majority, who far outnumber the radical feminists. They would destroy the presses that publish books they deem offensive: books advocating birth control, abortion, and sex outside of marriage. “Among the first books they would want to ban,. I warned, “are the writings of Andrea Dworkin.. Dworkin scoffed, and then gave me the finger in an obscene gesture.

Au contraire! We Christians don’t want to cover up the psychotic insanities of feminists. We want to expose them to the light of day. We want their lies remembered so they can be revealed as liars. Andrea Dworkin will be studied forever, that future generations might recognize evil when they encounter it. Or until future generations go blind:

Harvey Sweinstein and Hollywood's Hos, by Ilana Mercer ...

History has proved both Dworkin and Diamant wrong: there is now more porn than ever . much of it watched by women . and less rape than ever in the US.

That’s a lie. Child rape has skyrocketed as fathers have been hunted to extinction. We even have mothers sexually mutilating their kids’ bodies with drugs and surgery, at taxpayer expense even! Nobody is left to protect the innocent from… from Alan Dershowitz’s most recent client.


First Lesbian Divorce In SPAAAACE!

The Gorp (the technical term for trail mix, as in “mixed bag of fruits and nuts”) aboard the International Space Station are acting up again. Here comes another milestone for the Progress of the Human Race!

NASA astronaut accused of stealing identity, accessing bank account of estranged wife while in space

By Paulina Dedaj, 24 August 2019

A NASA astronaut has been accused of committing the first crime in outer space after her estranged wife alleged…

*Gunner Q stops. Blinks slowly. HER ESTRANGED WIFE?*

A NASA astronaut has been accused of committing the first crime in outer space after her estranged wife alleged she stole her identity and accessed her bank account without permission during a six-month mission aboard the International Space Station.

Former Air Force intelligence officer Summer Worden, from Kansas, has been involved in a bitter divorce with astronaut Anne McClain since 2018 but the battle heated up after Worden filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission and NASA.s Office of Inspector General accusing her wife of assuming her identity and gaining improper access to her private financial records while orbiting the earth, the New York Times reported.

At least she didn’t assume her gender.

Worden told the Times that she was tipped off when McClain somehow had knowledge about her private spending while on a mission with no way to know otherwise.

She contacted her bank and was informed that her sign-in credentials had been used on a computer registered to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

.I was pretty appalled that she would go that far. I knew it was not O.K.,. Worden said.

McClain has denied these allegations, telling the inspector general’s office in an interview last week that she was acting in routine by checking the family’s finances to make sure they had sufficient funds to pay bills for their son.

You know what makes this truly special? Anne McClain was the astronaut who got bumped from the Pages of History because she didn’t have anything to wear for outer space.

Astronaut Anne McClain was supposed to float out of the International Space Station this Friday with newly arrived Christina Koch, to replace old batteries. [Would have been the first all-female spacewalk in human history.] But McClain pulled herself from the lineup because there’s not enough time to get two medium suits ready for them. Koch will go out with a male crewmate, Nick Hague.

Anne, if you had lost those thirty pounds BEFORE lift-off then NASA would have saved $150k in propellant. But never mind, you just set a different First for Humanity’s Space Program: the first child custody spat in space is between lesbians.

I am sooo proud of my species. ET phoned and told us to go home. Back to the main article,

According to the Times report, Worden had a son about a year before she met McClain. After the couple wed in 2014, she refused McClain’s request to adopt the child.

That’s fucked up. It reminds one of that story about Solomon divining who the child’s rightful mother was, except Solomon’s solution didn’t call for burning two witches at the stake. “I don’t trust you around my son but we can still marry.” Oh right, married people get tax benefits. That was one of the original excuses for legalizing gay marriage, they wanted to duck the IRS too. Well, when the divorce courts are done with the Amazing Space Lesbo Team then Uncle Sam’s Vultures can take their turn.

Couldn’t happen to a more deserving man.

McClain took Worden to court in 2018 to get shared parenting rights after accusing the boy’s mother of having a temper and making poor financial decisions but Worden filed for divorce after now-deleted pictures of her son and McClain were posted to her Twitter.

A short time later, McClain went on mission.

Expedition 58 Flight Engineer Anne McClain of NASA speaks with friends and family after having her Russian Sokol suit pressure checked in preparation for her launch aboard the Soyuz MS-11 spacecraft on Monday, Dec. 3, 2018, at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. (NASA/Aubrey Gemignani)

Pageboy haircut… actually understandable in the context of living in a fancy dumpster with moving parts but still, not feminine. But notice the difference in the lower eyelids! That’s the deceptive “New Moon” eye shape on the left, compared to a neutral eye shape on her right side. (The crows-feet on a young face indicate marital/sexual stress, especially when they extend across the lower eyelid, which isn’t happening here. Older people develop crows-feet along with everything else getting wrinkly.)

NASA astronaut accused of identity theft, accessing bank account of estranged wife while in space

Evil Eye, baby.

For background on Summer Worden,

htt ps://

summer worden anne mcclain

Summer on the left. Extremely disorderly hair, unbuttoned shirt and way off-center necklace indicate an extremely disorderly mind. Combined with curved eyebrows, flat lower eyelids, prominent cheeks and masculine jaw, I suspect she’s the BPD emotion vampire of the two. Consistent with her being so egocentric as to either sperm-bank a baby or sperm-jack a man, then formalize a lesbian relationship about a year later.

Let’s verify.

Summer Worden is a former Air Force intelligence officer and the founder of a tech company who is accusing her estranged wife Anne McClain of hacking into her bank account while on the International Space Station as a NASA astronaut in what could be the first-ever “space crime” investigation. McClain has denied the accusations and says they are part of a bitter divorce and custody battle that has resulted in allegations of wrongdoing by both sides. …

At the center of the dispute is Worden’s 6-year-old son, who was born about a year before she met McClain. According to The Times, Worden resisted allowing McClain to adopt her son, even if they married in late 2014, and in early 2018, McClain filed for shared parenting rights in Harris County court.

According to The [New York] Times, experts and NASA officials are not aware of any previous accusations of criminal activity while in space. Mark Sundahl, of the Global Space Law Center at Cleveland State University, told the newspaper, .Just because it’s in space doesn’t mean it’s not subject to law. The more we go out there and spend time out there, all the things we do here are going to happen in space..

Lovely. We tasked a team of ivory-tower lawyers with a category of crime that had never been committed… and now that it has, is a standard case of identity fraud which Mark is almost certainly not an expert in.

Sic Semper Sinecures.

Summer Worden told The New York Times she became suspicious about Anne McClain’s activities when she realized her estranged wife knew details about her spending that she shouldn’t have. According to The Times, Worden figured out what computers had accessed her bank account and learned that one was registered to NASA. McClain admitted she accessed the bank account while in space, but, through her attorney, told the newspaper that she did so with consent.

It’s standard practice to allow spouses to monitor one another’s standard accounts. In fact, reluctance to share financial accounts is a big red flag for getting hitched in the first place. Anyway, I’m not interested in this crime. If there’s anything the American government can be counted on to do right and fast, it’s spying on its own citizens to find out where the child support payment went.

Summer Worden was arrested in Travis County, Texas, on September 17, 2018, on assault on a family member causing bodily injury charges after Anne McClain accused her of domestic violence. The case was dismissed on March 12, 2019. McClain filed for divorce in October 2018, according to court documents.

In the custody case, McClain claimed Worden has an “explosive temper” and makes poor financial decisions. McClain has asked a judge to give her the “exclusive right to designate the primary residence of the child” if she and Worden can not reach a co-parenting agreement. The case, in Harris County, Texas, family court, is still ongoing. A hearing is scheduled for August 27.

It’s hearsay from a biased source, yet consistent with my prediction that Worden is the relationship’s resident psycho.

Summer Worden is originally from Kansas, where she has been living with her son since her separation from McClain. Worden graduated from Canton Galva High School and then attended The University of Texas at San Antonio, graduating in 1999 with a business degree and aerospace science minor, according to her Linkedin profile. She was in the Air Force ROTC while in college.

Born female, raised male. Daddy’s fault, presuming his existence. But McClain is surely no better off.

After college, Worden served in the Air Force as an intelligence officer, from 1999 to 2006 and as intelligence operations and financial intelligence analyst from 2000 to 2012, leading a team of analysts tracking financial data and funds used by terrorists.

That is… a very relevant knowledge/experience base for exactly this sort of alleged identity fraud. McClain has got to be smart enough to not commit financial crimes via the International Space Station’s heavily monitored communication lines anyway. Sounds like Worden is playing to her strengths.

Worden also worked at the National Security Agency from 2006 to 2008 as an intelligence operations officer. She has a master’s in intelligence and analysis from the American Military University and completed her MBA in energy, systems technology and finance at Rice University in 2014.

According to Lesbians Who Tech, Worden took part in a White House LGBTQ Tech & Innovation Summit during the Obama administration. The website said Worden.s, “broader intelligence work includes serving in Special Access Programs for nuclear security and terrorist finance tracking, where she collaborated with the Department of Treasury, International Monetary Fund, and various IC agencies..

We’ve seen enough. If one of these wimminz is spying on their other and dealing shady with the online identities and finances, we know which one it is.

Worden, who is now working in real estate, founded Filly Intelligence LLC in 2012. She wrote on Linkedin, . private technology security firm that has been built upon the people, technologies, and best practices from the National Security Agency, Air Force Nuclear Security program, Defense Intelligence Agency, DARPA, and the U.S. Secret Service. We design and implement comprehensive security services to protect the operational, digital/IT/Cyber, and physical environments. We build a high level of security with a lower level of friction; our operational solutions strengthen national security and increase the economic business competitiveness of our clients. Filly Intel is a Woman-Owned and Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB)..

*angry sputtering* Summer Worden’s middle name must be “Entitlement Princess”. She got a free ride straight to the top of both the intelligence and finance communities, and by “top” I mean Sitting President Obama personally, yet her Full-Diversity-Approved, Top-Secret-Compartmented-Cleared, Woman Owned national security company is already dead and ghosted off the Net. God only knows if the cause was incompetence, a hushed-up incident or simple baby rabies.

God, I hate to think how many Defenders of the United States are diversity hires getting favorable treatment just because they aren’t white men.

Worden is bat-spit crazy. Never mind physiognomy, this is from the Hot-Crazy Matrix. She’s been given the Princess Treatment since college and looking back at her pic, yeah, I bet Worden used to be hawt also.

Truly, McClain is boldly going where no woman has gone before: finding out first-hand why men live and die by the Hot-Crazy Matrix.


Why Paul Harvey Was Anticommunist

Sigma Frame made an interesting post on the late, popular American commentator Paul Harvey. I didn’t have anything to offer directly but this linked account of Paul Harvey’s father piqued my fascination with true crime:

Officer Harry Aurandt died of wounds he sustained when he was shot while off duty as he was taking police action.

Officer Aurandt and a detective were rabbit hunting in a rural area of Tulsa on Federal Road. At about 9:00 pm the officers had returned to their car when they were approached by three armed men who exited a Buick touring car with the intent of robbing them. The detective attempted to fire his shotgun at them but it misfired. The three men started shooting at he officers while they were sitting in their car. Officer Aurandt, despite serious wounds in one lung, leg, and liver, drove one mile to a farmhouse where he collapsed.

That was not a robbery. Robbers do not ambush men wielding shotguns while hunting. And three (unrelated by family) robbers doing a drive-by? Were they hitting the payroll stagecoach? What wealth did they expect a pair of hunters to carry besides dead varmints and loaded firearms?

This was a failed assassination. And down the rabbit hole we go!

Officer Aurandt died from his wounds two days later. The detective was paralyzed for life from leg wounds just above the knees.

The three suspects were later apprehended. Two were convicted of murder and sentenced to life. One escaped from the Oklahoma Penitentiary in 1923. On May 17, 1931, he was captured in Los Angeles, California, following a spectacular gun battle with Los Angeles police officers.

Yep. This account doesn’t believe its own claim of a robbery.

Officer Aurandt was survived by his wife, daughter and two-year-old son. His son, Paul Harvey Aurandt , later known as just Paul Harvey became a famous commentator, author, and columnist. Officer Aurandt was buried at Rose Hill Memorial Park in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

A 98-year old murder mystery! Let’s see if this Information Age lives up to its hype.

Only in Oklahoma: Paul Harvey’s father shot by bandits

By Gene Curtis, 25 September 2007

Two off-duty Tulsa police officers who had been hunting rabbits east of Tulsa were shot — one fatally — by four hijackers who may have committed two other robberies a short time earlier.

The injured officers were Harry H. Aurandt, father of radio commentator Paul Harvey, and Detective Ike Wilkerson. Aurandt, 48, secretary to Police Commissioner J.H. Adkinson, died the next day, Dec. 20, 1921.

That could definitely be a motive for assassination. We’ll see.

The officers said they were shooting rabbits a mile east of the city on Federal Drive (now Admiral Place) when a car containing four gunmen wearing masks drove up and the gunmen ordered them to raise their hands. Wilkerson said his shotgun jammed when he tried to shoot at the gunmen but was able to fire at them as they drove away. The bandits shot Aurandt in the chest and leg and Wilkerson in both legs. Although mortally wounded, Aurandt drove himself and Wilkerson a mile to the nearest farm house, where an occupant called police and an ambulance.

Paul Harvey’s dad was hardcore! They don’t make cops like that anymore.

A manhunt was organized immediately by police, sheriff’s deputies and 400 deputized citizens.

Four hundred deputized citizens. We’ll see that number again.

The dragnet resulted in the wounding of two young couples who had been robbed earlier and were speeding toward Tulsa. Posse members at a roadblock shot into the car, injuring a young man and young woman, after it failed to stop when officers shined flashlights at them and held their badges up.

The number one cause of police shootings has always been “failure to comply”.

While the two couples were being questioned, a car containing the bandits sped past. Alvis Fears and Tom Cook were among four suspects who were arrested the next day after Wilkerson said he knew both men and could identify them in spite of the masks they wore. He said he could not identify the others.

Failed assassination confirmed. A third suspect’s name was Joe Creason but I couldn’t find more than that.

The suspects were moved outside the county by Sheriff W.M. McCullough to protect them from a mob of 1,000 men that congregated that night at the courthouse and was threatening to lynch them. “These are my prisoners, and I intend to protect them,” the sheriff told the mob. “They will not be taken from the jail by a mob without a fight.”

We’ll come back to this scene, too. McCullough was also hardcore.

Members of the mob didn’t believe the suspects had been moved until a committee searched the jail to ensure they were not there. One of the committee members was the Rev. C.W. Kerr, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, where Aurandt was a member. Wilkerson identified Cook as the man who fired one shot and Fears as the man who had fired five shots at the officers. Fears and Cook were convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison by a jury that deliberated for 50 hours in a trial in Pawnee County where the case was moved because of newspaper reports in Tulsa. After a surgeon at Tulsa Hospital told Aurandt that his wounds were critical, the officer said “the dirty sons of guns shot me with both hands in the air.” He told the doctor that he knew who the shooters were but did not identify them because he was interrupted by someone else.

Hella suspicious. If both victims were ranking cops and knew their attackers well enough to recognize them even wearing masks then it’s reasonable to assume they recognized the victims, too.

Cook’s conviction was reversed on appeal because hearsay testimony had been allowed in the trial. Before the appellate court ruled, Fears was given a leave from prison by Gov. Jack Walton, but didn’t return to prison at the end of his leave. No information could be found on whether he eventually was captured and whether Cook was tried again.

It’s not an accident that they went unpunished by Governor Jack Walton, an early Socialist. Read this link for a very entertaining biography:

…but here’s the highlights. Stop me if any sound familiar:

Walton accused his opponents of wanting martial law, then next year declared martial law over the entire State of Oklahoma; he offered State-backed monopolies to farming collectives and tried to nationalize the ownership of food-processing factories; swore to end and disobey the death penalty; created many new government jobs for no reason than to hire his cronies; attempted to seize control of the State’s education system via extensive firings and appointment of cronies; then threw said cronies under the bus when they objected to his newly acquired habit of accepting favors from wealthy businessmen; employed Red Flag legislation martial law to deny Bill of Rights protections to KKK members, often accusing them of terrorism; when state legislators began impeachment proceedings for wanton abuses of executive power, he declared martial law upon the state government; when the public finally voted by a margin of 3-1 to impeach him, Walton tried to nullify the vote by calling for a “special legislative session”;

“By October 16, 1923, the Oklahoma House of Representatives had passed twenty-two articles of impeachment, including accusations of improper pardons and paroles, failure to use the death penalty, the hiring of unnecessary employees, and putting Tulsa and Okmulgee under martial law. Walton claimed in the press that he would bring in witnesses to attest to Ku Klux Klan terrorism. The prosecution sidestepped this by focusing on Walton’s corruption in office and eventually dismissing the six articles that dealt with Klan activity. On November 19, the senate convicted Walton on eleven of the remaining articles and rejected five. The lawmakers then voted forty-one to zero to remove Walton.”

Oklahoma, you little minx! I had no idea you were such a party girl in your youth.

End segue.

Aurandt’s survivors included his wife, a daughter, 13, and a son, Paul Harvey Aurandt, 3, now known as Paul Harvey. Twelve members of the Ku Klux Klan added a mystery to Aurandt’s funeral. The Klansmen, wearing their white robes, showed up at the cemetery although there was no indication that Aurandt had been a Klansman. The casket had just been lowered into the grave and the minister had finished his prayer when the Klansmen walked past the open grave, each dropping a red rose onto the casket. They didn’t speak during their mysterious ceremony and disappeared immediately as others stared in surprise. No one had heard of such a ceremony previously.

Whoa! Now the KKK is involved in Aurandt’s death! I did a little Google-Fu to see what they had been doing in 1921 Oklahoma and discovered…

The Tulsa Race Riot!

How had I never heard of the second worst butchering of peaceful blacks in America by KKK-led whites before? Because it wasn’t that simple.

One of the worst race riots in the nation’s history occurred in Tulsa over a 14-hour period on May 31- June 1, 1921. Dozens of people were killed, hundreds were injured and thousands were left homeless. Most of the segregated black district, known as Greenwood, was destroyed. Although the riot itself lasted only a few hours, its repercussions are still felt today.

That was NOT a tornado.

The Tulsa of 1921 was a humming, bustling place that reveled in the title “Oil Capital of the World.. It had earned the name by making itself into the financial, manufacturing and transportation hub of the great Mid-Continent oilfields surrounding it. From barely 1,000 inhabitants in 1898, it had grown to more than 72,000.

Most Tulsans were native-born and white. A surprisingly small number . fewer than 1,000 . identified themselves as American Indians. About 9,000 were black, with most of them living in the community centered on Greenwood Avenue northeast of downtown Tulsa. Most black Tulsans worked as laborers and domestics, but a substantial number were teachers, lawyers, doctors and other professionals.

With World War I came a great surge in demand for petroleum products. As much as 20 percent of the oil powering the Allied armies passed through Tulsa’s pipeline terminals, refineries and rail yards. Some $36 million in building permits were issued from 1917 to 1921, with such lasting landmarks as Central High School, the Exchange National Bank, First National Bank, Cosden, City Hall, Mayo, McFarlin, Sinclair, U.S. Post Office and Atlas Life buildings completed or started.

Tulsa politics could be bumptious. The electorate was more or less evenly divided between Republican and Democrat, and with city elections held every two years, changes in administration were frequent. In 1920, real estate attorney and former municipal judge T.D. Evans, a Republican, was elected mayor on a single-plank platform: to push through a bond issue to pay for a reservoir on Spavinaw Creek, 90 miles away, and the pipeline to bring fresh water to Tulsa.

Drinking water FTW.

Three of the four city commissioners elected that year were also Republicans, as was City Auditor Mary Seaman, the first woman to hold municipal office in Tulsa. The recently hired police chief, John Gustafson, was a former railroad detective and private investigator whose appointment had been opposed by Tulsa County Sheriff Willard McCullough. A former cowboy with an elegant handlebar moustache, McCullough had served as Tulsa County sheriff off and on since statehood and had been returned to office in 1920 after the incumbent, Jim Woolley, failed to prevent the lynching of a suspected murderer.

That’s the same Sheriff McCullough that protected Arendt’s murderers from a vigilante mob. Turns out, he got the Sheriff job because his predecessor had failed to prevent exactly such a lynching.

Crime and law enforcement were important issues in Tulsa. Less than two weeks before the riot, Oklahoma Assistant Attorney General Katherine VanLeuven led an investigation of the Tulsa Police Department that revealed a poorly trained and sometimes corrupt force so ill-equipped it did not have a single reliable automobile. When officers need transportation to crime scenes, they were taken in private cars driven by volunteer citizens.

Which made them reliant on deputizing civilians for major events, which in turn is a great way to mismanage a race riot.

Knowing what we do today, it’s a bad sign that the men of Tulsa were willing, so early on, to be ruled by women. Which makes the igniting incident very easily understandable:

On Monday, May 30, 1921, a young black man named Dick Rowland got onto an elevator on the third floor of the Drexel Building at 319 S. Main St. For some reason, he came into contact with Sarah Page, the white elevator operator, and Page cried out. Her cry was heard by a store clerk, who called police.

The Drexel Building, at 319 S. Main St., was four stories tall. Renberg’s Department Store occupied the first two floors, with offices and small businesses upstairs.

The building was probably quiet that morning. It was Memorial Day and most downtown stores, including Renberg.s, were closed. Rain dampened the holiday activities, including a parade.

Definitely a factor. The men were off work with a lot of cancelled plans.

Although Dick Rowland seems to have been fairly well known, his true identity is a bit of a mystery. He is generally identified as the son of Dave and Alice “Ollie” Rowland, who operated a boarding house in the Piro Building on East Archer Street. Some sources, though, say his name was actually John or Johnny Rowland, and that he was the adopted son or even grandson of Dave Rowland. Damie Rowland, Dave and Alice’s daughter, said in a 1972 interview that she had taken in young Johnny while living in Vinita and that he had been born in Arkansas. The 1920 Census listing for the Rowland household includes an adopted son named John who had been born in Texas.

Other accounts describe Rowland as a shoe shiner.

Adding to the uncertainty is a slight age discrepancy. The Census recorded John Rowland’s age as 16 in 1920. Dick Rowland’s age, when he was arrested a year later, was given as 19.

Almost nothing is known of Sarah Page. Originally described as a 17-year-old orphan working her way through business college, it later developed that she may have been as young as 15 and had come to Tulsa from Kansas City while waiting for a divorce to be finalized.

Some, including Damie Rowland, have fostered the notion that Page and Rowland were romantically involved. Though possibly true, the story cannot be verified through contemporary accounts.

People who knew Rowland said the elevator did not stop level with the third-floor threshold, causing him to trip as he entered the car and fall against Page. Police later said that whatever happened, it was almost certainly not intentional. In any case, Page’s cry caught the attention of a Renberg’s employee, who apparently summoned police. Rowland fled, but Page and the clerk, if not actually naming the man she said attacked her, supplied enough of a description that authorities had no difficulty locating him.

Knowing what we do today about barely-sexually-mature daughters of divorce, the fact that Sarah knew Rowland is excellent circumstantial evidence. Either Rowland had knocked her up then refused to claim paternity or this was a Potiphar’s Wife situation. No way to be certain, sadly, but we can assume she didn’t scream rape for literally no reason.

Rowland.s arrest the next morning was reported in a front-page story in that afternoon’s Tulsa Tribune. Headlined “Nab Negro for Attacking Girl in Elevator,. the somewhat sensational account reported, accurately if perhaps imprudently, that Rowland was to be charged with attempted assault. It said Rowland scratched Page and tore her clothes.

This, in the parlance of the day, was tantamount to an accusation of attempted rape. The mere suggestion of attempted assault, when it involved a white woman, had in the past triggered gruesome lynchings from Duluth, Minn., to the Florida swamps.

“We shall defend muh’Lady’s virtuous honor! Because women never lie about sex!”

Page, who seems to have fled the city on June 1, subsequently wrote to the county attorney, asking that the charges against Rowland be dropped. The case was dismissed at the end of September.

They were ABSOLUTELY having consensual sex.

At 4 p.m., an anonymous caller told Police Commissioner J.M. Adkison, .We are going to lynch that negro, that black devil who assaulted that girl.” Adkison and Police Chief John Gustafson arranged to move Rowland from the city jail to the more secure county lockup on the top floor of the courthouse at Sixth Street and Boulder Avenue.

Recall that Aurandt was Adkison’s secretary.

Whites, attracted by the rumors, began gathering at the courthouse until they numbered an estimated 2,000.

Adkison and Gustafson wanted Sheriff Willard McCullough to take Rowland out of town, but McCullough refused. He reasoned that Rowland was safer in the jail than in a car on an open road somewhere. In this, McCullough was no doubt correct, but there is some indication that Adkison and Gustafson thought spiriting Rowland out of town would disperse the crowd. This was, in fact, a tactic that had worked elsewhere.

McCullough, though, was not about to make the same mistake his friend and rival Jim Woolley had the previous year, when Woolley had allowed a mob to take murder suspect Roy Belton from the jail. The lynching that ensued essentially ended Woolley’s career in elective office and led to McCullough’s election as sheriff in November 1920.

Rather than risk trying to sneak Rowland out of town, McCullough put him in a cell, ordered the only elevator to the jail disabled and had six of his deputies barricade themselves inside with the prisoner. McCullough, Deputy Barney Cleaver and County Commissioner Ira Short remained behind, with McCullough and Cleaver, a black man with a long career in Tulsa law enforcement, trying to disperse the crowd outside.

Interestingly, no police seem to have been in evidence at the courthouse. Some sources say bad relations between the sheriff’s and police departments contributed to the failure to control the situation before it got out of hand.

I’m inclined to doubt this. We’ve already seen McCullough protect both accused cop-killers and now an accused black rapist in the face of considerable opposition, which is not the act of a petty politician. There is little doubt that McCullough needed all of his available men to handle the 2,000-strong mob.

Responding to the growing crowd at the courthouse and fears, fanned by phone calls from unidentified sources, for Rowland’s safety, a group of black men assembled at the offices of A.J. Smitherman’s newspaper, the Tulsa Star, on North Greenwood Avenue. After arming themselves, they marched and drove to the courthouse.

Those sources are likely a black supremacist organization called the African Blood Brotherhood. Coming up.

Sheriff McCullough said Barney Cleaver, one of his black deputies, was the first to inform him of the threats on Rowland’s life. Cleaver, the sheriff said, had telephoned to tell him of a call, apparently similar to the one to Adkison, received at a north side motion picture theater.

This call was taken very seriously. Although Tulsa did not have a history of racial violence . the 1920 lynching victim, Roy Belton, was white . it did have more than its share of vigilantism. During World War I, citizens had been harassed and beaten in the name of patriotism, often under color of the local Council of Defense or the Home Guard, a local militia organized to replace National Guard units called into active duty.

Mary Jones Parrish, a young black woman who would record her recollections and those of others in a little book called “Events of the Tulsa Disaster,. said she went outside on the night of May 31 to find “that some of our group were going to give added protection to (Rowland)..

A professional journalist at the time, not a random bystander. A quick, telling excerpt from her book: “[Dick Rowland] was known as Diamond Dick because of his flamboyant behavior, flashy clothes and jewels”. And a feral white girl cried rape at him? Ah, the Red Pill continues to explain so much about human behavior.

At least two earlier contingents of concerned blacks had already visited the courthouse. McCullough and Cleaver assured them that Rowland was in good hands and persuaded them to return to Greenwood.

The intent of the white crowd is difficult to gauge. Not surprisingly, officials later described the white crowd, at least initially, as more curious than hostile. Without radio, much less television, the only way to see what was happening was to go in person.

Which explains why there were lots of little riots back in the day. People were desperate for entertainment. God only knows how many innocent lives have been saved by “Pong”.

But the crowd was not completely docile, either. McCullough was hooted down, the World reported, when he tried to disperse the whites. Shortly before the shooting started, a band of irate whites presented themselves at the National Guard Armory, about a mile east of the courthouse, demanding weapons and threatening to break in when they were denied.

In any event, McCullough said the only effort to get at Rowland occurred at 8:20 p.m., when three unidentified white men entered the courthouse.

.I . told them there had been some talk of a lynching and that they might as well get out for no one was going to get the negro,. McCullough said. .They went out and got into an auto on Boulder street and talked loudly and gesticulated and soon a crowd gathered..

It was at that point, McCullough said, that he ordered his men to run the building’s lone elevator to the top floor, disable it and barricade themselves inside the jail.

Over the next hour and a half, McCullough received several telephone calls from concerned black leaders as well as from Maj. James A. Bell of the local Oklahoma National Guard. McCullough assured all of them the situation was under control.

Gustafson was more concerned. But, instead of trying to break up the crowd at the courthouse, he focused his attention on the armed blacks. Eventually, he asked Bell for help “to clear the streets of negroes,. but Bell told him only the governor could call the local guardsmen into service.

Meanwhile, Maj. Bell secured the local NG armory, which proved a wise precaution.

At about 10 p.m., a former county investigator named E.S. MacQueen confronted a black man, sometimes identified as Johnny Cole, in front of the courthouse. As MacQueen and Cole wrestled over the latter’s gun, it discharged. As more than one person observed, “All hell broke loose..

The crowd scattered. McCullough, who had been trying to talk to the crowd, ran for cover in a nearby hotel. Walter Daggs, an oil company manager who lived near the courthouse was shot and killed, apparently by a stray bullet. Sixteen-year-old Homer Cline was killed as he left the bank where he worked. A.B. Stick, gunned down outside the Hotel Tulsa, was reported certain to die but somehow survived.

Some sources say a black man was killed at the courthouse, others say not. The World said an unidentified black man was chased down in an alley and killed . then said no black fatalities had been reported. News of fatalities and injuries was often fragmentary, second-hand and contradictory. Cleo Shumate, a white tool dresser, was reported to have been shot about 8 p.m., well before the riot began.

Denied weapons at the National Guard armory, whites . including some police . broke into Bardon’s Sporting Goods at 510 S. Main St., across the street from the courthouse, and began taking guns, ammunition and just about everything else in sight. Police involvement may be partially explained by the fact that Bardon’s seems to have sold ammunition to the department on a regular basis.

Looting, all of it by rampaging whites, was reported throughout downtown, as shots whizzed haphazardly. Gustafson called in his entire force . around 65 men . and Adkison began commissioning “special deputies. . perhaps as many as 400 of them.

That number again, 400. Flimsy evidence but it’s likely that Adkison called upon the KKK for deputies. Militant blacks were being as much of a problem as the whites (it was not an accident that armed groups of blacks were showing up at the courthouse before the riot broke out) (one such black refusing to disarm being the final trigger) and the military needed orders before deploying against civilians. Where else was he going to find 400 reliable, temporary deputies on a couple hours’ notice? The local bar?

I’ll finish this story and then cover the ABB.

According to the [newspaper] World, shooting continued for two hours “over the city and centered in the north part of the business district,. until the last of the blacks had retreated into Greenwood.

Restoring order along the Frisco tracks was not the only concern of the authorities. Rumors persisted throughout the night that hundreds of blacks were descending on Tulsa, reinforcing the notion of a “Negro uprising” and causing Rooney to stretch his men even thinner. Squads were sent to guard the city power plant and water works, while the police, ex-servicemen and the special deputies roamed the city in “auto patrols,. rounding up blacks living in servant quarters outside Greenwood and looking for the supposed invaders.

Rooney and about 30 men and officers established themselves along Detroit Avenue, on a rise called Standpipe Hill, where gunfire had been exchanged between adjoining white and black neighborhoods. The Guardsmen came under fire from both sides and an ex-serviceman named Wheeler, who had volunteered to join the Guard unit, was seriously wounded by a white gunman.

At dawn, a force of .citizens, police and members of the national guard,. numbering perhaps 1,500, moved into Greenwood from the south and west, under orders to take into protective custody unarmed blacks and to subdue any who resisted. To people in Greenwood, it looked more like an invading army.

Most Greenwood residents surrendered peacefully or fled northward. Many were hidden by employers or other acquaintances and sometimes even total strangers. The few who stayed behind to fight were overwhelmed.

You need an army to fight an army.

The National Guard reported engaging in several short skirmishes as it moved down from Standpipe Hill . the hill just west of the present Oklahoma State University-Tulsa campus . and one longer battle in which about 50 blacks “fought like tigers.” The last organized resistance came from gunmen in the Mount Zion Baptist Church tower. When they refused to come out, the new church, valued at $80,000, was set on fire.

So, what happened? Did bloodthirsty whites from multiple police and military jurisdictions decide to go on a killing spree for no reason? I believe this was basically a gang war between the KKK and ABB. Time to discuss the latter.

Begin segue:

The African Blood Brotherhood for African Liberation and Redemption (ABB) was a radical U.S. black liberation organization established in 1919 in New York City by journalist Cyril Briggs. The group was established as a propaganda organization built on the model of the secret society. The group’s socialist orientation caught the attention of the fledgling American communist movement and the ABB soon evolved into a propaganda arm of the Communist Party of America. The group was terminated in the early 1920s.

Which was when CPUSA switch its goal from race segregation to international unification.

The summer of 1919 in America was a time of racial rioting and violence, remembered retrospectively by historians as the “Red Summer.” Returning soldiers from European battlefields, including blacks with heightened expectations of freedom and equality and whites seeking a return to civilian employment and the status quo ante bellum, and new immigrant black workers from the rural South formed a volatile mixture which erupted in mob violence in Chicago, Omaha, and cities throughout the Midwest and South.

In response to these attacks, The Crusader [a pan-African nationalist newspaper] advocated armed self-defense. Politically, Briggs drew comparisons between government attacks on white and black radicals. He identified capitalism as the underlying cause of oppression of poor people of all races. While endorsing a Marxist analysis, The Crusader advocated a separate organization of African-Americans to defend against racist attacks in the United States, and likened this to Africans’ combating colonialism abroad.

In September 1919, The Crusader announced the formation of a new organization called the African Blood Brotherhood (ABB), to serve as a self-defense organization for blacks threatened by race riots and lynchings. This was accompanied by the re-publishing of Claude McKay’s poem If We Must Die.

Not long afterwards, Briggs began to forge connections with pioneer black American Communists such as the Surinam-born Otto Huiswoud and Jamaican poet and writer Claude McKay. These in turn connected Briggs and his publication with native-born white Communists including Robert Minor and Rose Pastor Stokes, who took a strong interest in the so-called “Negro Question.” Briggs would join the Communist Party himself in 1921.

The ABB enjoyed a period of notoriety following the Tulsa Riot of 1921. Tulsa had an ABB chapter and news reports credited the organization with inspiring resistance to racist attacks.

As the Communist Party developed, it regularized its structure along the lines called for by the Communist International (Comintern). Semi-independent organizations such as the African Blood Brotherhood with its divergent Afro-Marxist political theories were anathema to the Comintern and its Soviet leaders, who believed all communist and Marxist.Leninist organizations should be unified in a single communist party and platform in each nation under Moscow’s overall direction and control. In the early 1920s the African Blood Brotherhood was dissolved, with its members merged into the Workers Party of America and later into the American Negro Labor Congress. Many early ABB members, however, went on to be key CP cadres for decades.

The ABB had a total membership of fewer than 3,000 members at its peak.

End segue. With that small an organization, headquartered in NYC, its prominence in the Tulsa Riot strongly suggests instigation.

A grand jury convened the second week of June said the armed blacks at the courthouse were the direct cause of the riot, but said indirect causes were more to blame. Among the indirect causes cited were agitation for social equality and lax law enforcement. Eighty-eight indictments were issued, mostly for black men, but few seem to have been served. A few people arrested during and after the riot were convicted of or pleaded guilty to minor crimes such as possession of stolen property.

There were claims that the blacks who went to the courthouse wanted a fight. According to later testimony and notes found in the papers of Gov. J.B.A. Robertson, hotel owner John Stradford had exhorted the men at the Tulsa Star [a black-run newspaper] office with the promise to “send and get the Muskogee crowd. . that is, reinforcements from the nearby city of Muskogee. The African Blood Brotherhood, an arm of the Communist Party based in New York, claimed to have had a chapter in Tulsa organizing armed resistance to racial oppression.

Stradford and Smitherman [also of the Tulsa Star] were arrested after the riot, posted bail, and [jumped bail]. Stradford settled in Chicago, where his family became prominent. Smitherman opened a newspaper in Buffalo, N.Y.

Notoriously Socialist areas.

In July, a jury found Police Chief John Gustafson guilty of dereliction of duty and removed him from office. He resumed his career as a private investigator.

In September, a large Ku Klux Klan rally was held at Convention Hall. It was the Klan’s first public appearance in Tulsa, although many people believed it had a hand in the riot.

Quite possible but more importantly, Klan membership exploded in the aftermath of the riot. Seems the locals were very unhappy with the conduct of the blacks after the fact. State authorities were very unhappy with local loyalties.

In December, Atkison’s secretary was murdered along with a detective. I can find no mention of Adkison himself post-riot, sad to say.

In April 1922, more than 1,700 Klan members marched through downtown Tulsa while an airplane carrying an electrically lighted cross flew overhead. In that spring’s city elections, Klan candidates swept every office, and did the same when county elections came around in the fall. In August 1923, Gov. J.C. Walton declared martial law in Tulsa County because of Klan activity.

Those wanting a literal play-by-play can follow this link:

Suffice to say that many blacks were full participants in the riot. You’ll find accounts of carloads of blacks looking for trouble and a couple accounts of black snipers shooting unarmed whites.

With armed gangs of ABB militants looking for trouble as much as any of the whites, the Tulsa Race Riot was as much a battle against Communism as it was a race incident, which no doubt is why you didn’t hear about it. Very comparable to modern Antifa/Proud Boys demonstrations, albeit with more firepower.

Adkison was likely a KKK member given his ability to find hundreds of deputizable men at a moment’s notice. If Aurandt was killed in suspicion of being KKK by association then that explains the “honor guard” of a dozen Klansmen showing up unexpectedly at his funeral. They were apologizing for his being caught in the middle of a race war between the KKK and the African Blood Brotherhood.


Computer Game Professors Can’t Code

The ride never stops for GamerGaters. They’ve succeeded so well that only Trump Derangement Syndrome has a stronger hold upon the seared, tender amygdalas of Social Justice Warriors. Jeremy from the Quartering on YouTube turned me on to an astonishingly fiskable article from the Verge.

Alrightie, let’s do it!


By Megan Farokhmanesh, 21 August 2019

It was the phones that tipped off Bo Ruberg.

Ruberg, a UC Irvine assistant professor in the department of informatics, was teaching “Games & Society.” It was November 2017, and the course was a required class taught to 260 students, the majority of which are typically male freshmen.

SJWs are so freaked out over GamerGate that deprogramming male comp-sci students was made a mandatory class. I found the course description:

Click to access 2017-18.pdf 

I&C SCI 60. Computer Games and Society. 4 Units.
The study and critical analysis of computer games as art objects, cultural artifacts, gateways to virtual worlds, educational aids, and tools for persuasion
and social change. Emphasis on understanding games in their historical and cultural context.

A mandatory class for BS Computer Game Science and BA Education (Digital Media and Learning). Ruberg also taught

IN4MATX 295. Special Topics in Informatics. 4 Units.
Studies in selected areas of informatics. Topics addressed vary each quarter.
Restriction: Graduate students only.

…which in Fall 2017 was “Tech, Sex and Gender”. Who took on student debt for THAT?

Ruberg kept a strict no-screens policy in their classes . an easy enough ask to keep students from texting or scrolling through Instagram when they should be paying attention. But this was different: a dozen or so people holding up their phones, recording their lecture on gender without even the effort of hiding it. The class felt strangely fuller. Ruberg paused, reminded students of the policy, and assumed they would put them away. They kept their cameras trained on Ruberg.

On a hunch, Ruberg asked their TAs for a head count. The final number? Eleven extra bodies. The intruders had made that part easy, at least. They took the day’s pop quiz under fake names along with everyone else. Ruberg’s experience was unnerving for many reasons, but above all, one thing was clear: this was a coordinated effort.

Lies. No professor could possibly sense that his class of “260 students” had picked up a few extra bodies. Especially given the infamously erratic attendance patterns (and senses of humor) of incoming froshes.

In the five years following Gamergate, sites like YouTube, Reddit, and Twitter shifted the power dynamics between student and teacher. The harassment-campaign-turned-online-culture-war paved the way for how abusers coordinate and systematically target victims. Online harassment has moved from the web and into real life. Marginalized figures have always known harassment existed in digital spaces, but Gamergate honed these tactics and pushed them into mainstream awareness.

With projection like that, space aliens are lucky. They get a perfect view of the show on Earth while maintaining a safe distance.

New York Times writer Charlie Warzel sums it up succinctly: .Gamergate’s DNA is everywhere on the internet . its most powerful legacy is as proof of concept of how to wage a post-truth information war..

He didn’t make the Big Three cut at the end so… enjoy.

Prison » BuzzFeed Writer Admits Lobbying Twitter to Ban Alex Jones

Now educators face new challenges: teaching responsibly, while also safeguarding themselves from the very kids they hope to help.

You shouldn’t have weaponized the children against their parents, Commies. Didn’t you realize you were authority figures, too? LMAO.

.You develop this self-preservation intuition,. Ruberg tells The Verge. .You have to know what’s happening so that you know how to protect yourself.” As misinformation and hate continues to radicalize young people online, teachers are also grappling with helping their students unlearn incorrect, dangerous information. .It has made a lot of us teachers more cautious,. they say. .We want to challenge our students to explore new ways of thinking, to see the cultural meaning and power of video games, but we’re understandably anxious and even scared about the possible results..

It’s a Scooby-Doo mystery why students no longer trust teachers who spy on them while banning private recording devices from the lecture hall.

Ruberg.s teaching focuses largely on the intersection of technology and society with an eye on games. Part of the pushback, Ruberg believes, is because game dev students are resistant to the idea that cultural issues should have an impact on what some consider a very technical job. For some of the most problematic kids, however, the root cause is far worse. .These students have been radicalized,. they say.

After the gender lecture, Ruberg and their three TAs spent the next few days patrolling local campus Reddit communities for the material.

For Fuck’s Sake, what did I JUST say about students not trusting teachers who spy on them?

To Ruberg and their TAs. collective relief, nothing ever appeared . in their opinion, because there was nothing salacious: women in games have a hard time, and masculinity is constructed through gaming. But the experience left a mark on Ruberg, who says they’ve become more hesitant to include material about gender, sexuality, and race on their syllabuses. They’ve become wary, in some ways, of their students.

Re-read that paragraph. NOTHING HAPPENED. I even Googled for a 2017 scandal at UC Irvine and found nothing, but Ruberg was so paranoid that people were watching his gender screeds that he policed his own behavior.

The wicked flee though none pursue.

.I.m watching out for potential problems,. Ruberg says. .It makes me sad to say that, because I truly love teaching undergraduates, but it.s [hard] to tell when you’re teaching a student who is open to new perspectives and when you’re teaching someone who has the potential to do harm..

The internet as a whole opens up impressionable kids to toxic beliefs, whether it’s forum culture or online multiplayer. Radicalization is an ongoing problem on platforms like YouTube, where viewers can easily tumble down rabbit holes of far-right content thanks to the platform’s algorithm.

More lies. If YouTube tried any harder to silence the “far-right” then it would ban its own moderators for watching us. In fact, it’s already trying to make them quit:

But continuing with the article,

If there were any lessons to be learned from Gamergate . from how to recognize bad faith actors or steps on how to protect yourself, to failings in law enforcement or therapy focused on the internet . the education system doesn’t seem to have fully grasped these concepts.

Who involved the education system in a consumer revolt against skank-ho journalists sleeping with game designers in the first place, huh? Huh? Huh? Not us!


Steve Wilcox teaches game design and development at Wilfrid Laurier University. Several months ago, he spoke to the president of his union about how they were preparing to tackle topics like ideological radicalization and misinformation. His takeaway? .I do not think that we are really prepared..

A cis-male would recognize a lack of preparation as a signal to delay the battle. But Steve is no cis-male!

How we talk about these issues now, he adds, is often in the context of freedom of speech and expression. .The argument is that conservatives are being discriminated against, and people with these otherwise odious views about society and race and gender,. he says. .That fails to recognize that society is already kind of deplatforming people . women, people of color, and trans speakers, or people marginalized in society . despite the fact that our society is already predisposed to being prejudiced toward them in the first place..

Joseph Goebbels did the “big lie” thing much, oh so much better than this. We aren’t just losing to the SocJus monsters, we’re losing to incompetent SocJus monsters. Father God, what are you waiting for? A good punchline to this cosmic joke you’re enabling?

It.s a problem that goes beyond just topics specific to the gaming industry, extending to topics like feminism, politics, or philosophy. .Suddenly everyone who watches Jordan Peterson videos thinks they know what postmodernism is,. says Emma Vossen, a post doctoral fellow with a PhD in gender and games. These problems with students are not about disagreements or debates. It’s not even about kids acting out, but rather harassers in the classroom who have tapped into social media as a powerful weapon. Many educators can’t grasp that, says Vossen.

.This is about students who could potentially access this hate movement that’s circling around you and use it against you,. she says. .This is about being afraid to give bad marks to students because they might go to their favorite YouTuber with a little bit of personal information about you that could be used to dox you.. Every word you say can be taken out of context, twisted, and used against you.

Cry us a river, ya hypocrites, wide and deep.

.Education has no idea how to deal with this problem,. Vossen says. “And I think it’s only going to get worse.

The issue is not only with teacher safety…

…but points to a greater crisis in how the education system must fundamentally rethink how to instruct students. .How much of our classroom time do we dedicate to, rather teaching and learning, but unlearning?. Wilcox says. .Helping people unlearn the biases and prejudices that essentially that they’ve learned from the internet, all the way up to the age of 18, or whenever they enroll in university..

The conventional model has always been to treat students as a sort of blank slate, using education and information to inform them and teach from point zero.

Which is a major reason Socialism always fails. Reality and the conscience are not so easily dismissed.

The combination of Gamergate hubs like subreddit KotakuInAction and unchecked alt-right personalities preaching harmful ideologies have changed that. An educator’s job is no longer just about teaching, but helping students unlearn false or even harmful information they’ve picked up from the internet.

There’s so much material worth highlighting! The Farce is strong with this one.

Deradicalization is the common question on educators. minds, but some say steps need to be taken preemptively. It’s easier to circumvent poisonous thinking rather than scramble to find an antidote after the fact. .The issue is that they have a preconceived way of interpreting information, which then shapes how they interpret that data,. says Wilcox. You can’t just combat bigotry with stats or hard facts; you have to address the larger social and cultural factors that make them an issue in the first place.

Using hard facts has always been a losing proposition for you trans-genders. Have you found the Questioning sex chromosome yet? Little wanker never stays put, now does it?

.If we started teaching students the basics of feminism at a very young age,. Wilcox says, .they would have a far better appreciation for how different perspectives will lead to different outcomes, and how the distribution of power and privilege in society can influence who gets to speak in the first place..

Even at its worst, the educators The Verge spoke to believe change is possible. These are still young people they’re teaching, who deserve the chance to learn and grow. .The behavior and games culture is this sort of microcosm of behavioral and larger culture,. Vossen says. .Gamers are not inherently sexist. Gamers are not inherently racist.” But much of the issue as an educator comes from the battle with what she calls living in an anti-intellectual time. .People will say [education is] brainwashing,. she says.

Figures like Peterson or Lindsay Sheperd will pose human rights discussions as one with two sides, rather than accepting that all people deserve basic rights. To combat this, Vossen will play leftist videos in her class from channels like Innuendo Studios. .I think that sadly, at the end of the day, we can’t actually change anyone’s mind,. Vossen says. “But we can present alternative options..

Notice how they’re offering controlled opposition like Peterson as spokesmen for the hated GamerGaters. I’m afraid to look up Innuendo Studios. My spam/virus filter has limits.

Wilcox says that the overwhelmingly masculine, anti-political, anti-education tone common to some spaces in games already dissuades marginalized groups from entering the profession in the first place.

Relax. Barbie can’t do math, it’s that simple.

It.s a vicious cycle, in which the same hostile ideologies that make it difficult for other voices to enter the field continue to feed into each other and gatekeep. The problem ahead is a fickle one that requires a larger look at bias in culture and, more broadly, society.

.[That culture] is kind of already there, regardless of whether someone uses the talking points in my classroom,. Wilcox says.

Now then, let’s take a look at the people calling GamerGaters hateful, hostile, extremist people pushing unhealthy and marginalizing agendas.

Bonnie (Bo) Ruberg Ph.D.

The women who can code are the men who grew boobs.

Assistant Professor, Informatics
Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences

Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 2015, Comparative Literature; New Media; Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies
B.A., Bard College, 2007, Creative Writing; Gender & Sexuality Studies; Literature

Holy FORTRAN, Batman! Ruberg is in the Informatics Department yet his academic background is literature! Remember what I said at the beginning: he taught a GRADUATE-LEVEL-ONLY research class on Information and Computer Sciences titled “Tech, Sex and Gender”… because, apparently, this fake woman can’t code either. But he has tried out a lot of genders.

Research Interests
video games, game studies, digital media, technology, queer studies, LGBTQ studies, gender studies, feminism, digital humanities

Research Abstract
Bonnie Ruberg, Ph.D. is an assistant professor of digital games and interactive media in the Department of Informatics at the University of California, Irvine. Their [GQ: this is a ‘preferred pronoun’ thing] research explores gender and sexuality in digital media and digital cultures with a focus on queerness and video games. … Ruberg is also the co-founder and co-organizer of the annual Queerness and Games Conference. They received their Ph.D. with certification in New Media and Gender and Sexuality Studies from the University of California, Berkeley and served as a Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellow in the Interactive Media and Games Division at the University of Southern California.

Video Games Have Always Been Queer (2019), monograph, New York University Press

Queer Game Studies (2017), edited volume, University of Minnesota Press

The Queer Games Avant-Garde (forthcoming 2020), single-authored collection of artist profiles, Duke University Press

Not Gay as in Happy: Queer Resistance and Video Games” (2018) co-authored with Amanda Phillips, introduction to “Queerness and Video Games” special issue of Game Studies

You shameless homos were never happy. You never will be, either, because you perpetuate the sexual damage inflicted upon you by atheist perverts.

“Queerness and Video Games: Queer Game Studies and New Perspectives through Play” (2018), GLQ: Lesbian and Gay Studies

“Queer Indie Video Games as an Alternative Digital Humanities: Counterstrategies for Cultural Critique through Interactive Media” (2018), American Quarterly

Bonnie Ruberg

Professor Bonnie “Bo” Ruberg (they/them pronouns) is broadening the conversation around digital media, expanding our knowledge of the diverse cultures at the heart of technology and the individuals who use it. .Technology is inextricably linked to issues of gender, sexuality, and identity,. Ruberg says. .The ways that we design, use, and talk about technology are fundamentally political and potentially radical.. Drawing from intersectional feminist frameworks, Ruberg’s work promotes social justice in and through digital media. With a background in the humanities, technology reporting, and community activism, Ruberg is an interdisciplinary scholar who combines insight and inspiration from a variety of fields.such as media studies, queer studies, American studies, and the digital explore the cultural implications of technology.

One of Ruberg’s key areas of focus is diversity in video games. Ruberg is a leading figure in the emerging scholarly paradigm known as “queer game studies,. which argues that video games can (and should) be reconsidered through the lens of LGBTQ experience.

All must be made to Converge.

Ruberg.s scholarship is founded on the belief that research and activism go hand-in-hand. Though theory is important to their work, Ruberg sees their efforts to promote diversity in and through technology as directly related to pressing issues that surround computing today.

Steve Wilcox

Steve Wilcox Photo

It’s Butt-Plug Buttigieg! No additional analysis needed.

I received my PhD in English Language and Literature from the University of Waterloo in 2016.

ANOTHER non-programmer! A professor of game design and development at Wilfrid Laurier University is technologically illiterate! Learn to code, you fraud!

My thesis was argued, in part, through a videogame, a first for theses in the department. Prior to joining Laurier, I was a postdoctoral fellow at The Games Institute where I continued developing my unique approach to game design where I treat games themselves as tools for mobilizing knowledge across communities and cultures.

The Games Institute is one of two common factors between these “professors”, the other being the organization “First Person Scholar”. You can tell they’re entryist organizations because of the deceptive titling… just as “gay” no longer means “happy”, the Games Institute can’t make games and the initials of the other are meant to replace “first-person shooter”.

By their skin suits ye shall know them.

As a researcher my focus is on the intersection of media and learning. I’m interested in how we acquire new knowledge and, more specifically, how we might utilize games and game design to promote novel forms of learning. In “Illusions of space and time: An ethical approach to temporality in games. I focus on one particular concept in time, and what games can teach us about it. Historically, we typically view each moment in time as succeeding and, in a sense, surpassing the one that came before it. This gives the illusion of progress to the passage of time. We associate the past with ignorance and the future with insight. However, this illusion of progress can obscure patterns and cycles that are played and replayed throughout history such that conflicts and violence take on an almost predetermined quality.if time is inherently progressive, and if violent conflicts have brought us to the present moment in time, then perhaps violence is justified and conflict is necessary. This is often how games that play with time view the concept . as a means of replaying the past, oftentimes revelling in our most violent, combative moments.

An actually interesting idea. SJWs take the “newer is better” paradigm to the extreme of “the future is certain, the past is unknowable”. I don’t doubt that the idea of Converging the very concept of time excites them.

But games are capable of exploring other, non-linear forms of temporality… Games such as Her Story, Life is Strange, and Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, allow gamers to play with time in creative and emancipatory ways, freeing players from the illusion of time as linear progress and providing novel ways of thinking about where we’ve been, where we are and where we are going.

Yep. He wants to Converge time using video games as a proxy. Proof:

My research on temporality in games is part of a larger initiative to understand games as tools for helping us make sense of each other and the world around us. In this effort games bring together two related areas. The first is feminist epistemology which describes how certain forms of knowledge are situated within lived experiences; sharing that knowledge requires a degree of familiarity with that experience if it is to be accurately translated. The second area is cognitive science and the enactive theory of cognition which describes how our senses, bodies, and minds create or enact the world around us. Since our senses, bodies, and minds vary from person to person, we exist in and have knowledge of similar but distinct places or situations in the world. Games reside at the intersection of these two areas, providing us with unique tools for sharing these places and the knowledges situated within them.

Translation, he wants to make video games that are both feminist and postmodern, with no fixed definition of truth. It might be popular as a horror game but aside from that, his work is doomed to be intentional literary abortions… stories not meant to have a plot, climax or ending.

I can see it now! Legend of Zelda: Unassuming the Gender, in which you character alters his/her/hir/their gender as needed to repair/repeer/rep-hair the time stream that resulted in a second Christian Inquisition against “dog lovers”. With the optional DLC, you can also alter your pet’s fursuit at will!

Eh, Link has always been an androgynous faerie figure. No loss.

Okay, where’s my PhD? Come on, Marxist-indoctrination camp, I want my PhD! Not only did I provide resolution to Wilcox’s cutting-edge research in two minutes, I’ve forgotten five more computer languages than the last two Professors of Computer Game Science COMBINED ever knew! I’ve written computer games and animations since my parents bought me a VIC-20 at a yard sale and I couldn’t save my work because they didn’t realize the cassette player next to it was the disk drive! And I’m not even in the Gawddamned industry! Just like you experts!

Sinecure! I demand a sinecure on the basis of MERIT!

Emma Vossen

Emma Vossen ? Medium

Da fuq… I wrote what I did about Link without knowing about her preferred selfie pic. Trying again:


Physiognomists call that the Innsmouth eye shape. It’s caused by women suffering sexual exhaustion at the crotches of unnameable abominations. Don’t think I’m joking.

Methinks another non-coder.

Emma Vossen received her Ph.D. in English Language and Literature from the University of Waterloo in 2018 and is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at York University helping run the SSHRC funded Refiguring Innovation and Games (ReFiG) network.

Yep. Non-coder with an English PhD.

She is the co-author and co-editor of the anthology Feminism in Play (Palgrave 2018) and her dissertation examines the accessibility of games, gamer identity, and games culture. Her dissertation focuses specifically on women’s comfort and safety while playing games, making games, and participating in discourse about games in both physical and virtual spaces. Emma is the former commentaries editor, podcast host, and editor-in-chief of middle state games studies publication First Person Scholar (FPS). You can read various bits of Emma’s writing about academic publishing, online harassment, The Legend of Zelda, community organization, and The Walking Dead on FPS. She is also the co-founder of the Games Institute Janes (GI Janes) and during her PhD she organized monthly gaming events for women and non-binary people at the Games Institute.

Emma has published on a variety of topics including but not limited to: issues surrounding academic poverty and academic publishing in the Journal of Working-Class Studies, issues of consent and the contemporary magic circle in Feminism in Play, the accessibility of pornography for women and the Fifty Shades of Grey series in Sexual Fantasies, post-capitalist romance and domesticity in The Walking Dead comics in Zombies and Sexuality, and the fetish art of Superman’s co-creator Joe Shuster in Masked Mosaic.

Emma Vossen and Elise Vist made the Lady Hobbits video in Neil Randall’s Lord of the Rings class in the coursework year of their PhD. Because of the critiques they leveled at Jackson’s adaptation of LOTR, Emma and Elise decided to make their own adaptation, using the LOTRO game to make a machinima. Their adaptation gender-bends and (somewhat, due to the limitations of character creation) race-bends the main characters of the LOTR in order to show that the story is just as interesting and relevant if the characters are not white men. It was very important to us that the story was still recognizable as Frodo’s journey, even with female hobbits. They also wanted to have some fun with the book, bringing in their own politics and making a few jokes that point out odd moments in the narrative, but they took care not to make jokes about the hobbits being female characters.

“On the Cultural Inaccessibility of Gaming: Invading, Creating, and Reclaiming the Cultural Clubhouse”


My dissertation uses intersectional feminist theory to develop the concept of “cultural inaccessibility., a concept I’ve created to describe the ways that women are made to feel unwelcome in spaces of game play and games culture, both offline and online. At the same time, I also explore my own experiences as a female gamer and academic in the 2010s, using projects I have been a part of as a means of reflecting on developments in the broader culture.

Go away, you ugly feminist freak! Go make your own games! Oh, that right: you CAN’T. Can’t code, can’t level design, can’t 3D model, can’t storyboard. Can’t tell the difference between a variable and a vegetable. THAT is why computer games are inherently oppressive to you, because you can’t make your own.

Sucks to be you, condemned to enjoy White Man’s sloppy seconds.