Intelligent Design For The Win

I occasionally read the Z-Man, who recently posted on Intelligent Design. Fun! I advocated ID a lot in college and even had the pleasure of meeting Michael Behe while he was promoting the foundational ID book, Darwin’s Black Box. His objections two decades ago have never been answered by evolutionists. Or have they? Let’s find out!

The Problems Of Design

The Problems Of Design

21 August 2019

Whenever the subject of Intelligent Design turns up, it is always in the context of believers in ID attacking evolutionary biology. The ID.ers have a list of claims about “Darwinism” that they insist make evolution impossible. A popular one now, for example, is that there is not enough time for natural selection to produce enough gene mutations to explain the fossil record. A fair description of ID is that it is a list of arguments and assertions about evolution wrapped around a set of central claims.

ID is a disproof by counterexample of evolution by natural selection. Nothing more. (Sometimes referred to as the irreducible complexity argument.) It does not disprove, for example, the “hopeful monster” hypothesis of a lizard egg hatching a bird, and it doesn’t care about elapsed time.

Example, blood clotting in humans. There is no “one step simpler” blood clotting mechanism. If you take out or modify any part of the process, blood doesn’t clot at all, or doesn’t stop clotting, or clots in the wrong place, etc. You don’t get a simpler clotting system. You get a dead organism.

ID’s demand here is that TENS scientists provide a possible step-by-step chain by which blood clotting could have come into existence. Because if there is no incrementally beneficial path then we know that MULTIPLE, SIMULTANEOUS and INHERITABLE mutations WORKING TOGETHER needs to have happened… which is so unlikely that the original answer to ID was the unproveable idea that we live in the one best of an infinite number of realities.

Another example is vision. Not only is it an incredibly complicated system, and similarly useless below a certain level of complexity, but there’s no possible stimulus that would direct an organism to create it. If a blind organism needs to see in order to reproduce then it’s dead.

And so on. There’s a variant ID argument called specified complexity which goes into whether DNA is so complicated that it couldn’t have been written piecemeal. But I’ll skip that to focus on the irreducible complexity, since that’s what I’m most familiar with.

One of those claims is that creation, as we observe it, must be the result of design and therefore a designer. They never describe the designer, as most people just assume they mean God, but the designer could be space aliens, in theory. A certain type of self-described Christian finds this appealing. They assume the designer is God, as they have an understanding of God that is much more personal. They believe God is highly involved in the granular details of human existence.

Not just God. A God who claims to be our Creator. ID would disprove the Greek, Hindu and Shinto deities as effectively as atheism. We duck the “who is the Creator” issue to focus on evolution being falsified. Yes, we have an ulterior motive. No, that doesn’t change the legitimacy of the counterexamples.

Now, it should be pointed out that this understanding of God is outside Christian tradition and perhaps even anti-Christian. Early Christians, like the Jews of the period, were highly influenced by the Greek understanding of the world. For them, the universe was an orderly place operating by fixed rules. You can’t have a covenant with God, after all, if the universe is a lawless place controlled by a fickle creator. That would make God’s covenant with man just another trick played by him on mankind.

Speak of the pantheon. Greek deities were anything but orderly and law-abiding. Nothing in Christianity is comparable to Platonic forms unless one counts human beings made in God’s image, which is not a topic here; we’re discussing the natural world and Christianity has relatively little to say about it.

Intelligent Design is occasionalism. While the natural world seems to operate along a set of knowable rules, God often intervenes to change results. He is always in that space between cause and effect, ready to alter the relationship according to his design. God created the platypus for reasons only known to God. If he chooses, he can make the Nile flow south or the sky turn pink. The proof of this, according to Intelligent Design, is the variety of species alive today, as well those no longer in existence.

Again, ID is a disproof by counterexample, not any kind of -ism. It’s not even a scientific theory; it’s an argument.

I looked up occasionalism because I’m not familiar with it despite counting myself a theologian.

The doctrine that God is the sole causal actor and that all events are merely occasions on which God brings about what are normally thought of as their effects.

That is not something Christianity teaches. In fact, it’s the exact opposite of the Fall of Eden, which clearly showed the first humans acting against God’s stated command.

A doctrine held by the Cartesian philosophers Geulincx and Malebranche that mind and matter are inherently incapable of affecting each other and that their apparent reciprocal action must therefore be due to the intervention of God who on the occasion of a change in one produces a corresponding change in the other.

Who? *checks* Geulincx was a disciple of Descartes who worked on the mind-body problem, which AFAIK is “how do souls interact with the physical world”? Descartes wrote Cogito ergo sum, “I think, therefore I am” while Geulincx wrote Ita est, ergo ita sit, “it exists, therefore it is so”. Not quite as catchy as Rene’s witticism.

We’re not talking philosophy here. We’re talking scientific method. A disproof of a theory is simply not philosophy.

In fairness to the ID.ers, occasionalism did creep into Christian theology in the Middle Ages, as the Christian West came into contact with Islam. Nicholas of Autrecourt was a 14th century French theologian, who was a critic of the orderly view of the natural world and a proto-occasionalist. David Hume dabbled in the ideas, but stopped short of claiming a creator or designer. Modern ID.ers can therefore claim they are not way outside Christian tradition, but they would have to defend against it.

Christianity is the same today as in the first century AD. Any sincere investigation will confirm that.

Let me say in passing that Christianity is not an agricultural religion, which is a claim I’ve seen repeatedly on Z-Man’s blog. Christianity does not resemble the pagan (translatable here as “heartland”) religions of the time. It doesn’t even have a fertility or water deity. And please note that Christianity came into existence in the context of the Roman Empire, as urban and cosmopolitan a society as history had yet seen.

It is a religion relevant to modern, urban life.

Another central claim of Intelligent Design is that the natural world is either the result of chance or design. This is the keystone of their theory, as Intelligent Design is not an affirmative argument in favor of a designer. Instead, they frame the debate as between two competing theories. Therefore, if one is shown to be invalid, by default the other must be true. It is a bit of rhetorical sleight of hand to avoid the central problems of Intelligent Design, which of course is that it can never be proven.

That’s an axiom, not an ID claim, that [fill-in-the-blank] happened either randomly or not-randomly. Although I can guess where he’s going.

This aspect of Intelligent Design relies on a characterization of natural selection as random chance, like rolling of dice. It’s the claim that a football game is either the result of random chance or the game is fixed by the officials, either in advance or as the game proceeds to its conclusion. Obviously, this is ridiculous. The result of a sports match is not random and it is not predetermined or fixed. The result of a sportsball game, is the result of the players acting and reacting to one another, within a known set of rules.

That.s the case with evolutionary biology. Random mutations in the genome are one aspect of the evolutionary process. Environment obviously plays a role here. Sexual selection is another. Human intervention is another. After all, people have killed off whole species. People have killed off whole groups of people. Like the sportsball game, there are multiple actors, acting and reacting, within a set of rules that science does not fully understand. Evolution is not an argument in favor of chance.

As expected. He’s conflating the randomness (uncertain outcome) of a sports game with the randomness (undirected outcome) of mutation and natural selection. The former exists because we have imperfect knowledge but the latter exists as a “no deliberate intervention” situation. Specifically, nothing to tamper with the TENS process.

The point here is Intelligent Design is built, in part, on a false dichotomy. Natural selection is not random chance, at least not how most people understand what random chance means. Further, even if natural selection is unable to explain everything, there are other forces, like sexual selection, that come into play.

ID does not care about sexual selection, mutation rates or other forces. The claim it makes is that there is no POSSIBLE path by which various existing biological systems could have incrementally come into existence. Take all the time you want, it’s never going to happen.

If an evolutionist could, via selective breeding and random mutation only, give functional and usable eyes to a species of earthworm, then ID would be a failed argument.

Even if everything about evolutionary biology is wrong, it does not make Intelligent Design true. It simply means we have no good answer understanding the natural world.

The only reason you atheists have to believe in evolution is that it gives you an excuse to deny God’s existence. You will, as you just stated, believe in Ignorance before you believe in a transcendent Creator. That’s what this debate is really about.

This again comes back to the question as to whether Intelligent Design is at odds with Christian theology. The Sphynx cat exists and we know why. The ID.ers would argue that it is an example of design, but that presupposes the breeders were either directed by God or compelled by God to create the breed. That means man has no agency and that sin cannot truly exist. This argument for Intelligent Design comes dangerously close to the argument that man has no free will, which is heretical on its face.

ID makes no such claim. A bulldog, dachshund and Husky are all dogs. To disprove ID, one would have to breed a dog into a horse, or at least show how it might be done in a stepwise fashion. Nobody cares if you can breed a dog into a dog.

This is why focus all of their energy on the negative argument, making various claims about evolutionary science. That way, the discussion is always on the science, rather than the theology.

Again, there’s no reason to turn ID, a scientific argument, into an -ism.

This rhetorical sleight of hand is also dishonest, which raises another theological problem for ID.ers. How can something be in line with Biblical teaching if it is based on a falsehood? Maybe the have a way to explain this, but it is not something they choose to address in their books and articles.

You’re welcome.

The most serious issue with Intelligent Design is what it implies about God. A designer that is endlessly tinkering with his creation is not a designer with foresight. Alternatively, it is a designer that is a fickle trickster, tinkering with his creation for his own amusement, without regard for his creation. It is a designer that purposely makes flawed creations that harm his other creations. This is a designer burning army men with a magnifying glass and blowing up the model train trestle. That’s not God. That’s the Devil.

You aren’t describing God. He famously claimed to have built the natural world in as little as five days. (Humans taking a sixth day and being a special Creation.) Since then, no tinkering worth noting.

No Christian claims that creating a new breed of dog, cat, horse or whatever is a divine act of Creation.

From a mainstream Christian perspective, Intelligent Design has some serious theological problems, with occasionalism being the main one. The one way to solve the theological problems is to move the designer back to the beginning, where the Bible writers preferred to place him. The classic watchmaker model, where God sets the universe in motion, according to a fixed set of rules, with evolution possibly being one of them. That leaves room to debate evolution, but does not make God a villain.

The Christian God never used evolution. Churchians (false Christians whose real deity is Be Nice, not Jesus) wanted to believe He futzed around with trial and error because they wanted common ground with their atheist neighbors. It was a lie then and is a lie now, and I can only apologize if false Christians gave you the idea that God claimed to have evolved life instead of creating it. The two are not the same thing.

Meanwhile, the only new argument against ID presented here is that animals randomly having sex should be counted as Intelligent Design. Evolution is such a fatally flawed theory that it must be annually updated to account for new information coming in, yet none of those updates is capable of answering twenty year-old objections to the basic theory.


She Didn’t Betray Antifa

This is an account I came across which helps explain my respect for Police Lieutenant Jeff Niiya. I split it off from the previous post for brevity’s sake. Also, because this is more an illustration of how damaged Antifa types are as human beings than a conspiracy to get a good white cop fired.

What It’s Like to Betray Antifa to the Cops.and Get Caught

Tan became an informant for the Portland police, then was completely ostracized by a community.

By Katie Shepherd, 26 December 2017

In 24 hours, Tan lost every friend made during 11 months of protesting on Portland’s streets.

An exuberant 20-year-old with short, dyed-blue hair, Tan, whose legal name is June Davies…

Daddy issues detected.

…and who identifies as gender non-binary, felt a magnetic pull to the left-wing protests in Portland that followed Donald Trump’s election.

A sexually damaged fugly sought her own level, like water. But y’know, she’s actually rocking the Biker Chick look. Maybe it’s her puppy.

Two days after the 2016 election, Tan, a manager at Baja Fresh in Lake Oswego, marched in the head-to-toe black uniform of antifascist protesters, better known as Antifa. It was Tan’s first protest.

“When I saw that Trump just got elected,” Tan recalls, “I was saying this is going to be a police state, there’s going to be violence against people of color, there are going to be mass deportations.”

Tan soon started working in the medic tents at Portland protests, bandaging cuts, washing pepper spray from protesters’ eyes and treating minor burns from fireworks thrown at police.

Tan also became a police informant.

In June, Tan met Portland police Sgt. Jeff Niiya at a small protest. Niiya frequently patrols protests. They started chatting, and Niiya gave Tan his business card.

Niiya was a police sergeant who didn’t hide behind a desk.

He seems camera-shy and I can respect that. No pic.

It took only a day for Tan to become an informant. Tan texted Niiya.and began sharing details of Antifa’s marching routes during protests. For Tan, it made sense to work with police, to make sure Antifa medics weren’t arrested, swept up in kettles or moved by officers. At the same time, Tan never told other protesters about the conversations with Niiya.

On Oct. 18, Tan’s double identity was exposed.

One of Tan’s friends found four months of texts between Tan and the cops. The friend took screen shots.which were plastered across Facebook alongside warnings to stay away from the police informant.

Friends don’t denounce friends for the sake of the Narrative. I’ve read many accounts of Proud Boys, Patriot Prayer and such attacking you but not one account of them attacking their own.

It became, within the Antifa community in Portland, a scandal. And while the contents of the text messages didn’t reveal any closely held secrets of Antifa, the act of reaching out to police was viewed by many as traitorous to the cause. Tan watched onetime leftist comrades close ranks. Rose City Antifa called Tan an “infiltrator.” No one would return Tan’s calls or texts. Tan received death threats on social media and was frightened enough to stay at home for weeks.

This time, I believe the female.

While Tan endured criticism, many Antifa organizers claimed Tan’s mental health made Tan vulnerable to manipulation by the police, and implied Niiya had flirted with Tan to entice the would-be informant to share information.

Tan says those allegations are false.and insulting.

“I knew what I was doing,” Tan says, expressing some bitterness at fellow protesters. “It was probably naive of me to think that I could change people’s mindsets. I saw the Portland police actually try. I never saw Antifa try.”

Tan broke the first rule of activism and street life: Don’t snitch.

No, she didn’t. She coordinated with police so they’d know she was medical services not a rioter. And this is the thanks she gets? Kewl. I hope Antifa chases away ALL their medical support staff in paranoia that they’re snitches.

Snitching about… what? The locations of their public demonstrations? Or the identities of who they heal?

Tan talked with WW about what it’s like to be completely ostracized by a community.

WW: Why did you join antifascist protesters?

Tan: Election night happened, and then that next night [protesters] started going out. They claimed the highway. I saw it on the news and thought, “That’s pretty intense.” I went out the second night, Nov. 9, by myself.

There were so many people there. I think they said 5,000 people were there, but it felt like so many more. I was exhilarated.and then the police showed up.

I realized that people were willing to get hurt because this was something they never wanted to happen and they were willing to risk their lives to have it end. I was there until [tear] gas was flowing. I knew the next day I was going to go back.

Why did you start talking with a police officer?

I saw what everybody else was doing, basically being enemies with the Portland police. And I thought, “This isn’t working at all.”

I admired [Sgt. Niiya] because he was another person like myself who was doing a job that isn’t super-common.there’s not a lot of Asian cops. I admired him for it.

But the thing is, [the cops] are so unapproachable. For whatever reason, [Portland Mayor] Ted Wheeler doesn’t get that if you show up with a bunch of riot cops at these events that you’re going to expect people to get violent. They look like soldiers or weird robots only meant to follow orders, because they don’t really talk.

Yep, nothing makes people violent as much as the certainty of harsh punishment for violence. Every time I got to this one bar and encounter this huge, nasty bouncer with an attitude, I’m forced to punch him in the face because I feel scared, like a victim. That wouldn’t happen if the bar got rid of him. /sarc

Seriously, these losers have a psychic compulsion to get beaten. It’s a cry for help. They can’t stop themselves from doing evil so they seek out people who CAN stop them. No joke, this is something predicted by Christianity. We have consciences and when we flagrantly disobey them, that inner voice… if it isn’t dead… tells us that justice demands we get spanked.

While gratitude for hippie-beatings is typically lacking, I wonder if these riot cops ever get anonymous thank-you notes from Antifa types whose consciences feel better after a well-deserved caning. Eh, probably not. But it’s why they repeatedly fling themselves at visibly armed authority figures.

You knew Antifa was against talking to the cops. Why betray the rules?

I watched my friends do May Day, and I thought what they were doing wasn’t 100 percent acceptable. They were just doing stuff to break stuff and wreck stuff.
It’s only certain people, hardcore anarchists, who have totally negative opinions toward the police and government. I’m more willing to try to find a way that’s not always so aggressive.

There’s no peace between police and protesters. I don’t think there’s ever going to be a peace. But I was trying to make it just a little bit easier so that the police would ease up on their tactics and then also see Antifa ease up on their tactics as well.

Fence-sitting is never a comfortable position.

If you thought you were doing a good thing, why keep it a secret from your fellow activists?

I knew they had their superstitions about the cops. I knew if they found out, it would end up exactly how it did.

No, Tan. They had reasons for hating cops… and thus, reasons to fear you talking to the cops.

What do you think about the reaction your talking to police evoked in Antifa?

Let’s play devil’s advocate: Maybe I did deserve not to be part of activism anymore because I did talk to police officers.


But I thought I was doing something that could benefit everybody. I never had any thought that I was doing this just because I want to be chummy with the police. I was naive, which is hard to admit because it’s really hard to admit when you’re wrong about something.

You say the allegations that Sgt. Niiya took advantage of you because of your youth and mental health are simply false.

This sounds like a fairy tale. They think I was taken advantage of for my disability. But he didn’t even know!

I’ve had depression since I was a kid. I’ve had anxiety since I was in seventh grade. [But] I think those allegations victimize me. I’m not a victim.

Always claiming victimho… WTF?

It sounds exactly like the slander that they’ve done over and over and over again. An accusation comes out of nowhere and picks up steam and takes everybody on this whirlwind around town. It makes everybody more paranoid and more anxious. I mean, activists are anxious, paranoid people.

Alcoholics call that a moment of clarity. Sadly, it didn’t last.

What was it like for you to be exposed?

It was awful. I woke up and half of my friends were just gone. Everybody was talking about me. I got threats, I got told that I had to leave the city. It wasn’t exactly explicit, but it was implied that bad things would happen to me if I showed up at certain places.

I didn’t leave my house for like a month. I was afraid. The night that everything happened and the next morning, I was suicidal. I’ve had mental problems for a while, but I haven’t had suicidal thoughts that strong since I was 16.

Daddy issues confirmed.

How did your banishment change your views on Antifa?

I still have the same views as them. I hate the government. I hate how our society is run. It’s not that I don’t have the same views as them. It’s just that I’m not as aggressive. I’m an anarcho-pacifist. I’m like a diplomat.

Is Antifa a force for good?

They like to think so. And honestly, I’m not sure.

I would say they’re more leaning toward the interests of themselves rather than the interests of the whole Portland community. I only see in-fighting and negativity and trying to tear people down that they don’t like.

Tan, you aren’t sure if the people who, by your own admission, drove you to the brink of suicide with slanderous accusations and repeatedly threatened to murder you, are Evil? You must be female. And no, that was NOT assuming your gender. That was deducing your gender. Because men aren’t women.

What will you do now that you can’t go back to the Portland protest scene?

If I ever do activism again, maybe I’ll go to Berkeley. I have been thinking about trying to go down there and see what the activism is like there, because that’s where all the activism started pretty much. Or even Seattle.and Seattle is not that far away from here.

Facepalm ? Kill the Hydra

If we don’t find Tan’s corpse in a cheap motel in a couple years, it’ll only be because there aren’t any cheap motels left in Berkeley.

But Jeff tried to prevent that from happening, according to this (supposedly damning) communication:

In other emails, Niiya expressed concerns about the safety of a left-wing protester, June Davies, who was outed by other activists for sharing information with Niiya. Some accused Davies, known as .Gia,.. of being an informant for the police.

Their text exchanges spanned months, often discussing police presence at protests, how activists might respond and Davies inquiring if certain people had been arrested during marches, with Niiya providing what information he could.

In October 2017, police received an email from,.. which said, .RCA and PNWAFWC are aware you have had conversations with Tan/June they are likely to socially, economically or physically hurt her in retaliation. Would Portland Police like to know who are the top people of Rose City Antifa and Pacific Northwest Anti-Fascist Workers Collective? What could Portland Police do with that kind of information? It is the leadership that calls shots and often sits back from the frontlines making decisions and telling younger activists who you arrest what to do and getting them into trouble they might not have done on their own and without the peer pressure…

So that’s what Antifa was frightened about. They were frightened their upper leadership had been outed, as if Police Chief D. Outlaw coming in by way of Oakland isn’t sufficient proof that the leadership of Pozzed governments cooperate extensively and can’t meme. Evil is always terrified of entryism because that’s been their favorite technique since the snake walked into Eden. Hence the Left’s endless loyalty tests, conducted by people who gained power through malicious disloyalty. It would be funny if it wasn’t literally Hellish.

My analysis: some of the people that paramedic Tan treated were the professional organizers, dare I say conspirators, overseeing the criminal activities of Antifa’s disposable goons. They were afraid Tan had recognized them and given their names to non-Pozzed law enforcement. Specifically, Jeff Niiya.

And he was first on the attack list when, per my previous post, Portland City Council declared war against Antifa’s enemies.

In response, Niiya wrote:

From: Niiya, Jeffrey

Subject: RE: Tan/June


Sent: October 21, 2017 5:58 PM

I apologize for taking so long to respond back as I have been trying to process what has occurred. I am very concerned for June’s welfare after learning some in the community have taken offense to our communications. I hope people can see in the messages she tried helping those protesting be safe by making requests of us and gathering information from me as well.

My role as a liaison to multiple people and groups has the intentions to allow people to have their first amendment rights while be considerate of everyone’s safety.

In response to your questions, we are always interested if individuals are committing crimes, asking others to commit crimes, or placing people’s safety into question. In the case of June, if she is in danger because someone has asked others to harm her we would like to know this and understand why.

If you have any information on June’s well-being I would like to know she is ok. I would hate to see someone get hurt or self-harm over some protests or these political issues.

This clearly proved that Jeff was more interested in helping ultra-hardline-extremist-white organizations than in helping Antifa plug a leak.

The correspondences released [recently] also revealed that Niiya fielded emails from different interest groups, including a business owner getting harassed online because she asked for more police presence in Northwest Portland to a rabbi offering police ways to help “change the narrative of police collusion.. with white nationalist groups.

He colluded with business owners and presumably rejected “advice” from an Elite Jew. Horrifying!

Shared among police working on crowd control was a redacted .ANTIFA Tactics.. memo, from the San Francisco Fusion Center and sent to Portland police by the Oregon Department of Justice. Police also distributed an advisory bulletin from the Northern California Regional Intelligence Center titled “Violent Tactics Showcased at Berkeley Riots Likely To Be Used at Future Demonstrations…

How dare Niiya make preparations to fight Antifa!

There are two takeaways here. One, our mundane enemies are ruined, dangerously unstable people. We cannot coexist any more than a mugger can coexist with his victims. And two, this war isn’t one of geography or genetic identity. It’s one of beliefs. There are saints in the darkest holes and sinners in the fanciest cathedrals. Even in a place as sucky-Leftoid as Portland, PPB’s Jeff Niiya is trying to hold it together.

Don’t write off cities or regions to Evil in the mistaken belief that “it’s what the people there want” or “if we draw the line again then they won’t dare to cross it”. They cannot stop attacking you. They will only ever regroup and attack again, hoping endlessly to provoke from you the punishment their damaged consciences demand.


Police Lt. Jeff Niiya Faces the Portland Pozz, Text PDF Archived

My 500th post! For something special, there’s a police lieutenant in Portland who is not only doing his thankless job of policing protests, he’s sicced the police union on the mayor and his castrati Narrative chorus for slandering him for doing his job well. Give ’em Hell, Jeff!

Here’s an archive of the texts for the interested.

Click to access text-messages-released-part-1.pdf

Click to access text-messages-released-part-2.pdf

Texts Between Portland Police and Patriot Prayer Ringleader Joey Gibson Show Warm Exchange

By Katie Shepherd, 14 February 2019

The texts show that Lt. Jeff Niiya had a friendly rapport with far-right organizer Joey Gibson.

This subtitle warns us right away that this is a hard-left newsrag. Not that Portland has a hard-right newsrag to offer, and not that hard-lefties aren’t incredibly entertaining once you put The Glasses on.

Hundreds of texts between Portland police and right-wing organizer Joey Gibson reveal the extent to which law enforcement officers talked to and even coordinated with right-wing activists in order to police protests in 2017 and 2018.

The texts, obtained by WW through a public records request, show that Portland Police Lt. Jeff Niiya had a friendly rapport with Gibson, frequently discussing Gibson’s plans to demonstrate in Portland and even joking at times.

Gibson’s events, occurring regularly in the Pacific Northwest since President Donald Trump’s election…

Trump Derangement Syndrome. Maybe it really is in the groundwater.

…have alarmed and enraged Portlanders.even prompting the mayor to propose new rules restricting protests. That’s because the rallies have attracted white supremacists and other extremists, and are often thinly veiled pretexts for Gibson’s group, the Vancouver-Wash-based Patriot Prayer, to wage violent street fights with masked antifascists.

These rallies attract white supremacists, white nationalists, white extremists, white race-baiters, white fascists, white men, white gourmet chefs and white spaces. If you sense a trend then you’re RAYYCISS! Unless you don’t like whites, of course.

I’m undecided whether Patriot Prayer is a legit organization, controlled opposition or Joey’s Fan Club. My normal standard, check if my enemies hate them, has been mooted by the fact that my enemies are no longer tethered to reality. I increasingly sense they’re trying to silence us only as a proxy for silencing the voices in their echoing skulls.

Niiya is the commanding officer for the Portland Police Bureau rapid response team that patrols protests. That makes him one of the primary officers collecting intelligence about protest groups in Portland.

He’s the top riot cop for Portland! A thankless job if there ever was one.

Niiya and the Portland Police Bureau have good reason to collect intelligence from right-wing organizers. Yet some of Niiya’s texts raise questions about whether Portland Police help Patriot Prayer supporters to evade arrest during events.

Several texts involve Gibson’s longtime adjunct, Tusitala “Tiny” Toese, who often brawls with antifascist protesters, has allegedly assaulted people who were not protesting, and has been arrested multiple times in Portland.

I’m not sure about the”multiple times”. Arrested isn’t charged, you see. Per

htt ps://

…the only filed charge I know of is fourth degree assault against Portland native Tim Ledwith, who “was not protesting” yet cursed Tiny while the latter was cheering while driving past… affiliated at the time with Proud Boys not Patriot Prayer. His fellow passenger, Donovon Flippo, already pled guilty to 4th assault and got eight days, adequate punishment methinks. A brief segue on accuser Mr. Ledwith is worth our time:

Every now and then, Tim Ledwith gets what he calls “the skitch.”

“It’s like a sketchy itch,” says the 34-year-old comic. “I would go down 82nd, I’d pick up some crack, or let somebody get into my car.”

Even dressed in a simple sweatshirt and jeans, the Boston-area native is the kind of guy strangers on the street are convinced they recognize from prison.

Stereotypes exist for a reason.

He seems to wear chaos like an undershirt. Though he’s physically small.a stocky 5-foot-6 Irish Italian with soft features and innocent eyes.Ledwith’s presence onstage is near-intimidating in its unpredictability.

After jostling against the bar stool on the stage at a recent Helium open mic, Ledwith touched it gently. “I’m not going to fuck this stool!” he yelled suddenly, scaring a woman into moving her seat away from the stage. He then confessed to the audience that his idea of sex was formed by the 3D Pipes screen saver on Windows 95. He moved his arm, snakelike, to demonstrate.

Ledwith moved to Portland in 2009, happy to escape the violence of his hometown. “No one in Portland ever stabbed me for having eyes,” he says. “That’s how Boston is. You’re scared people are out to harm you. You don’t look in their eyes.”

He came to humor, he says, almost as a reflex.forced to come to grips far too early with the darkness in the world as a survivor of childhood sexual trauma.

“I make people laugh in jail. I make people laugh in shitty jobs, in drug deals.but that’s a necessity,” he says, not only as a means of warding off violence but of dealing with trauma. “I was trying to make sense of it all by the time I was 10.”

Ledwith describes the life that followed his abuse as “criminal,” saying he did so many drugs they “damaged my brain.” He was sent to juvenile hall at the age of 13 for the premeditated attempted murder of a bully.

“I was having problems with this kid. He was like 6 feet tall, I was tiny,” he says. “Yeah, I brought a ratchet to school and split his head open. I guess it was premeditated, but I wasn’t trying to kill him.”

Lack of remorse.

In juvie, he was constantly terrified, carrying a tattered Howard Zinn book around as a totem.and when he returned to the outside world, he fell into a life as a teenage sex worker. Once, he says, he unsuccessfully tried to extort money from a Plymouth city official who’d found him in an AOL chatroom.

The town I grew up in is so fucked,” he says. “They probably had the same number of child molesters as any town. But they all happened to be in the leadership of the town.

Laughter was a survival mechanism, enough of a constant that his friends pushed him toward comedy for years before he finally took the stage six years ago in Portland. In the beginning, his material dove headlong into the darkest parts of his past.

Ledwith is neither emotionally stable nor a nonparticipant in Leftoid politics. He is also a textbook example of why child molesters must be put to death swiftly, violently and publicly.

Like I mentioned above, his lashing out at “Tiny” Toese sound more like an attack on his personal demons than self-defense against a provoked aggressor. Too bad for Tiny that he was the recipient of that projection. Too bad for Ledwith that Tiny has the typical physique of an American Samoan.

End segue.

On Dec. 8, 2017, Niiya asks Gibson if Toese had “his court stuff taken care of,” referring to an active warrant for Toese’s arrest. Niiya goes on to say officers ignored the warrant at a past protest and tells Gibson that he doesn’t see a need to arrest Toese even if he has a warrant, unless Toese commits a new crime.

Oh noes! “Bring your violent friend, we promise we won’t arrest him.” That’s serious misconduct coming from a cop!

“Just make sure he doesn’t do anything which may draw our attention,” Niiya texted on Dec. 9. “If he still has the warrant in the system (I don’t run you guys so I don’t personally know) the officers could arrest him. I don’t see a need to arrest on the warrant unless there is a reason.”

Wait, that’s not at all the same thing. “If we find him and he’s wanted, then we can arrest him… if we aren’t too busy suppressing a riot.”

A spokeswoman for the Police Bureau says it is not unusual for officers to suggest people turn themselves in to avoid being arrested on a warrant.

“It is not uncommon for officers to provide guidance for someone to turn themselves in on a warrant if the subject is not present,” says Lt. Tina Jones. “In crowd management situations, it may not be safe or prudent to arrest a person right at that time, so the arrest may be delayed or followed up on later. There is no way of knowing how often this happens, as it is not something we track.”

WW asked Gibson for comment on his relationship with Niiya and the texts. His response was brief: “Sweet,” he texted.

He did not apologize. Sweet! I still don’t know if Joey’s on my team but I like his style.

The texts also show that Niiya at times told Gibson where leftist protests were taking place, including unrelated protests as well as antifascist marches with people in black bloc intent on protesting Patriot Prayer. At least once, Niiya told Gibson that Portland police were not monitoring a protest hosted by the Queer Liberation Front in an attempt to dissuade Gibson’s right-wing group from showing up.

Which possibility is more likely?

1. “We can’t guarantee your safety if you go to this because we won’t have any officers there. Maybe you should stay away.”

2. “Psst, if you really wanna jack up some fags then be at the intersection of Main and Elm Street on Saturday for the secret QLF pride protest that they’ve been advertising.”

SJWs always project. If they’re this paranoid about the police colluding with anti-anti-fascists then it’s because of jealousy. “Our turf is assholes in uniforms and assholes in bath houses. Stay off our turf!”

Portland police officers attempt to reach out to all groups the bureau knows plan to demonstrate in Portland.

It.s unclear whether Niiya and PPB were also communicating with antifascist organizers, though Portland Police officials have said the bureau struggles to get information from some leftist protest groups. A story by WW in 2017 showed Niiya had texted extensively with at least one antifa protester.

Antifa doesn’t volunteer information to authority figures?

Portland Police have taken criticism from left-leaning activists for appearing to favor right-wing protesters in the past. Drafts of an Independent Police Review analysis of police actions at a June 4, 2017 protest noted that at least one officer viewed the right-wing protesters affiliated with Gibson’s Vancouver, Wash. group, Patriot Prayer, as “much more mainstream” than left-wing antifascist groups.

Thus proving that in Commieland, the only crime is truth.

Gibson and Niiya discussed those Antifa activists in their written exchanges.

In one exchange, it appears that Niiya and Gibson were discussing reporting by The Oregonian. They both mention organizer Luis Enrique Marquez, who has been a target of the far-right activists and has been arrested several times in Portland at protests.

“Wow, when will others realize Luis is [.] involved in so much,” Niiya texted on Jan. 2, 2018, in response to Gibson complaining about the activist.

“I am going to screen shot our conversations and send it to Oregonian now,” Gibson replies.

Niiya texts back: “Wonder if they will pick it up. They didn’t even mention Luis in the story about June (Gia) and I even though he again was the one putting it out on FB.”

“He’s a bad dude,” Gibson texts. “He threw Gia under the bus while at the same time claiming PPD is taking advantage of minorities. Every single problem we run into it goes back to him.”

(June Davies, who has also gone by the names Gia and Tan, is a former antifascist protester and street medic who was run out of leftist organizing groups after their texts with Niiya became public. Both The Oregonian and WW covered the fallout from the leaked messages.)

“Covered the fallout?” More like “pointed and shrieked”. In my next post!

Gibson also told Niiya over text that he was planning to run for U.S. Congress in January 2018, before he formally announced his campaign. He said he would intentionally “use” protesters in Portland and Seattle to promote his run for office. From the outset, Gibson doubted his chances to win the election.

“The hate against me will multiply because I am running for office, so when I come into Portland and Seattle the energy will be high,” Gibson wrote. “I know it’s a pain in the ass for you guys, but I will do the best I can to work with you.”

Niiya responded: “Your [sic] running for office?!! Good for you. County level?”

“Running for US senate,” Gibson said. “Will take a miracle for me to win but people are backing me so we will see what happens. I will be using Portland and Seattle protesters as a part of the campaign so it will impact you guys unfortunately, so I appologize [sic] now ahead of time.”

If this is Joey’s idea of an election campaign then I approve. I’m sick of the current crop of Made-In-China plastic politicians that melt or break whenever they’re exposed to a little heat & pressure. Perhaps my dead grandfather will vote for him. Repeatedly.

So, a cop is outed for doing his job. What’s the big deal?

Wheeler calls for investigation into texts between Portland police and Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson

By KGW Staff, AP, 14 February 2019

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler said a Willamette Week report detailing friendly text messages between the commander of the police rapid response team and Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson is “disturbing.”

Wheeler said he has directed Portland Police Chief Danielle Outlaw to conduct a thorough investigation.

What the hell? Is that her porn name?

Awesome! The most visually unfit police chief EVER! An entitled black woman-turned-trannie with a nonregulation Skrillex-bun crossover hairdo and her radio stuffed into her cleavage, with a name tag proudly reading “Outlaw”. You go, girl! You go keep Portland weird.

Live Civil - by Karen Civil

This was Police Chief Outlaw–snicker, her name tag reads D. Outlaw–back in her Oakland, CA PD days. Why is that not a surprise? No wonder Lt. Niiya would rather pull riot duty than share an office building with her.

Willamette Week obtained the text messages between Lt. Jeff Niiya and Gibson, whose right-wing group has been involved in several violent clashes in Portland with left-wing anti-fascists since President Donald Trump was elected. The texts show Niiya had a friendly rapport with Gibson, frequently discussing Gibson’s plans to demonstrate.

.It is imperative for law enforcement to remain objective and professional, and in my opinion, these text messages appear to cross several boundaries,. Wheeler said in a statement on Thursday.

.Moreover, the texts appear to unnecessarily encourage Joey Gibson, the leader of a group that perpetrates hate speech and violence,. Wheeler said.

I interrupt for one quick quote of the released texts.

From: 9718063043 <>
Sent: Thu, 1 Jun 2017 18:39:49 +0000
To: 3606353081 <3606353081@verizon>
Subject: ExA Message|Thread ID 2796558233
Joey it’s Jeff Niiya from PPB. I was just told by Brian from Oath Keepers you
are not going to march. Is this correct? If so, man I we really appreciate
June 01, 2017 06:39 PM (UTC)

Boldface mine. Such encouragement of hate speech and violence!

Portland City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty said Willamette Week’s reporting confirms some Portland police work in collusion with right-wing extremists. Hardesty asked for an independent investigation led by an investigator chosen by community groups.

Why do only Marxist Leftoids get to have witch hunts? We’re the ones who have actual witches to hunt!

JoAnn Hardesty.jpg

Jo Ann is also black. I thought Portland was a white city? How is it that its leaders no longer resemble its people? Are the people that stupid… or the voting that rigged?

FWIW, she’s ex-Navy.

Portland police were accused at a protest last August of being heavy-handed against people, injuring some, who were protesting a rally of extreme-right demonstrators organized by Gibson.

Community members have long expressed concerns about police bias during demonstrations. Incidents like this contribute to the distrust that so many people have about the Portland Police Bureau,” Wheeler said of the text messages.

I twitch at any mention of community organizers. Every last one is a disciple of Saul Alinsky.

Late Thursday night, Portland police released the following statement:

“The Portland Police Bureau has strong organizational values that encompass integrity and accountability. We have also pledged transparency to our community,” said Chief Danielle Outlaw. “I have directed an internal investigation to review the context of these communications and determine if any Bureau directives were violated. If anything is identified that is deemed outside of our values and directives, it will be addressed.”

Cuck-mayor and his tame quislings want to ruin Niiya for coordinating between opposing protestors in order to maintain law & order. Fortunately, Niiya did not apologize and has allies of his own.

Portland Commanding Officers Union Files Complaint Against Mayor, Commissioners

The union representing commanding officers at the Portland Police Bureau has filed a complaint with the city’s human resources officer against city commissioners following public comments they.d made about Portland Police Bureau Lt. Jeff Niiya.

The Portland Police Commanding Officers Association (PPCOA) alleges Mayor Ted Wheeler, Commissioners Jo Ann Hardesty and Chloe Eudaly made public statements that violate a city administrative rule prohibiting workplace harassment, discrimination and retaliation.

YES! YES! Swing for the fence, brother! Hoist the wicked upon their own petards! Although I’m worried that this didn’t turn into an actual lawsuit. He totally has a case.

Can Chloe Eudaly Sneak Into the Runoff Against Steve Novick? - Willamette Week

I expected Chloe to be a third negress but found a Trigglypuff instead. A full-size chain around her neck? Chloe must be kinky off duty. Goth, if I was a betting man. Nothing hides the fatness like wearing black in a dark room at 2am on a moonless night.

In an email to Serilda Summers-McGee, Lt. Craig Morgan with PPCOA said the union believes all three commissioners. comments “were derogatory and hostile and damaged Lieutenant Niiya’s professional work environment..

My faith in public service unions just went up a notch! That hasn’t happened since Charles Starks in Little Rock.

Last week, Willamette Week and the Portland Mercury broke news of text messages between Niiya and Joey Gibson, the leader of the group Patriot Prayer. The text messages added to an existing sense among some Portland activists that Portland police are more sympathetic to far-right groups such as Patriot Prayer than left-wing groups like Antifa.

Maybe the cops would like you more if you didn’t hate, fear and lie about them?

Gibson is the organizer of rallies that have brought white supremacists to Portland. Those rallies often end in violence between opposing groups.

Wheeler, Eudaly and Hardesty have all called for an independent investigation into the messages. Wheeler has said he is disturbed by the text messages which appear to “unnecessarily encourage. Gibson. The three have also said the bureau should implement training on identifying white supremacy.

.Mayor Ted Wheeler’s statement about our communications with Patriot Prayer organizers is either disingenuous or shows willful ignorance of the situation,. Lt. Craig Morgan said in a release about the filed complaint. .Either way it shows that during his two years as Portland Police Commissioner he has failed to develop an understanding of even basic police work..

In a press conference, Wheeler defended his statements about Niiya as appropriate, given the content of the text messages published last week.

.On the whole, I’ve had . I believe . a very positive and a professional relationship with not only the leadership in the police bureau but the rank and file,. Wheeler said. “Are we going to disagree from time to time? Sure we are. This is obviously one of those times..

Fucker, you didn’t DISAGREE with Niiya. You DEMANDED AN INVESTIGATION into Niiya in response to an SJW point-and-shriek. No way is your reputation among the rank and file as “very positive” as you believe.

PPCOA is also preparing to file a grievance against the city for allegedly violating the city’s labor agreement with the union, which says that if the city has reason to reprimand or discipline a commanding officer, .it shall be done in a manner that is least likely to embarrass the commanding officer before other employees or the public..

Getting that in the union contract was a stroke of farsighted genius. No wonder Mayor “Wheeler” is already living up to his name.

The union previously said it was disappointed in what it called Wheeler and Hardesty’s rush to judgment against Niiya. PPCOA has said Niiya was acting under direction from his managers, who told him to establish relationships with people who regularly plan demonstrations in Portland.

The union said Niiya’s communications with Gibson were within the bureau’s policy.

A note on the timing. Portland’s current city commissioners were sworn in in January 2019. Wheeler’s call for persecution of Jeff Niiya was reported on 14 February 2019. Additionally, on 13 February 2019 Portland ended its participation in the Joint FBI Terrorism Task Force on grounds that Portland radicals were being unfairly represented in the anti-terrorist investigations:

And on 8 February 2019,

The Portland City Council passed a resolution Thursday that condemns white supremacists and alt-right hate groups.

The hearing started with testimony from a senior policy advisor to Mayor Ted Wheeler.

Nicole Grant spoke about how the resolution came to be and her own experiences with prejudice and hate as a black woman in Portland.

“Being pro-white is evil because I’m proud to be black and feel I have no place in this predominately white yet black-led city,” said the senior policy advisor to the mayor.

Grant said the resolution speaks to the need for a cultural shift in Portland so white supremacists will no longer view the city as their playground and hurl threats at its residents and mayor.

A declaration of war.

Bobbin Singh, director of the Oregon Justice Resource Center, presented a list of actions for the city to take. The most significant action was trainings on white supremacy for city employees, elected officials, law enforcement and mayors from across the Pacific Northwest.

Following the passage of the resolution, CAIR Oregon, Western States Center and Oregon Justice Resource held a press conference at the Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education, affirming their commitment to work with the city to implement change.

The blacks, Muslims, Communists and Jews celebrated their declaration against white Americans. Could the optics possibly have been worse?

Commissioner Chole Eudaly addressed the elephant in the room, a controversial item commissioners passed the day before . against Hardesty’s objection . to approve a settlement with a police officer who made a racist remark about killing black people.

.I want to take a moment to talk about white silence,. Eudaly said. .I want to give a lot of white people the benefit of the doubt. They don’t want to misspeak, they don’t want to speak on behalf of community members they do not represent . But silence isn’t neutral. Silence makes us complicit,. Eudaly said before acknowledging the controversial settlement agreement.

The racist remarks made by the police officer were brought forth by four fellow white officers. Eudaly celebrated them for not staying silent about what she called “unforgivable racist remarks..

The deplorable quote: “[During a morning briefing,] an Officer mentioned he had read an Oregonian article about the Andrew Hearst shooting. The Officer stated he had read the comments section of the article and was dismayed because a citizen had written, .PPB kills black people, but only injures white people.” Officers began talking amongst themselves about this statement and then I heard Sergeant Lewis state, .well, let’s just go out and kill all the black people..”

An expression of frustration at endless false accusations, now turned into an attack on a police officer’s career. Lewis stuck to his guns–it’s reportedly very hard to fire Portland cops, which explains the existence of so many good apples still among them–to the extent that the City Commissioners were debating whether to offer him $100k to quietly go away.

Lewis punked them, then they turned around and declared war on law enforcement the moment elections were out of the way. Jeff Niiya was the first target of their anti-white pogrom. This is speculation on my part, but I think the reason they’re targeting Jeff first is because as the top riot cop, he’s ideally situated to impose martial law upon Portland.

Since February, there’s only one article from OregonLive dated 20 June 2019 that mentions the investigation is ongoing, so no closure. But I wanted to get this said because Jeff deserves respect.


A Story Of Chinese Colonization Of Africa

While I recognize that the plural of “story” is not “data”, this settler’s account I randomly came by confirms a couple suspicions I’ve held about the Han Chinese colonization of Africa, a popular topic in alt-Right circles. By way of Oscar posting at Dalrock’s.

Why 1 million Chinese migrants are building a new empire in Africa

By Howard French, 10 June 2014

So, a bit dated but still relevant. And the title should start “How”, methinks.

After days of coordinating with me over patchy cell phone connections, Hao Shengli arrived in Mozambique’s capital city of Maputo. He’d come to load up on supplies and to collect me for the long ride back to the farmland he owned in a remote southern part of the country.

When his white Toyota pickup stopped in front of my hotel, Hao was barking into his phone. He was in a hurry, and he was angry. There was a brisk handshake, followed by a lot more shouting in salty Chinese as he struggled to make himself understood by a country man from whom, I could grasp, he wanted to buy goods.

He didn’t put the phone down before closing a sale? Hao might be a real-deal entrepreneur.

.China is a big fucking mess with all of its “fucking dialects,.. Hao said to me in English after hanging up.

.You, cabe?a n?o bom, motherfucker,. he said. The final curse came in Chinese: he’d employed three languages in one short and brutal sentence.

Fuckin’ A, G! You fuck those fucking dialects! That’s the other reason so many people in the world speak English. Fuck is the only verb and shit, the only noun. I went though junior high in Los Angeles with everybody talking like that.

To avoid remembering my junior high days, I shall now censor all profanity for the remainder of this post.

Having overheard me speaking Spanish to the driver and assumed it to be Portuguese, he pleaded with me to help him translate. .Could you please explain to this [person] where we need to go? We’ve got to get out of here. We need to be on the road..

For more than a decade, the Chinese government has invested hugely in Africa. The foundation for this partnership was laid in 1996, when President Jiang Zemin proposed the creation of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in a speech at the Organization of African Unity headquarters in Addis Ababa. Four years later, FOCAC convened triumphantly for the first time, gathering leaders from forty-four African countries in Beijing. China pledged, among other things, to double assistant to the continent, create a $5 billion African development fund, cancel outstanding debt, build new facilities to house the OAU (later replaced by the AfricanUnion), create “trade and economic zones” around the continent, build 30 hospitals and 100 rural schools, and train 15,000 African professionals. Fitch Ratings estimated that China’s Export-Import Bank extended $67.2 billion in loans to sub-Saharan African countries between 2001 and 2010.$12.5 billion more than the World Bank.

Out of the goodness of their hearts, of course. *snicker* No, it’s the old game of intentionally making loans the recipients won’t be able to repay so you can lawfully seize the collateral for cents on the dollar. A full-scale invasion would be more honest.

Even so, my money is on Africa winning.

Although there are no official figures, evidence suggests that at least a million private Chinese citizens have arrived on African soil since 2001, many entirely of their own initiative, not by way of any state plan. This “human factor” has done as much as any government action to shape China’s image in Africa and condition its tics to the continent. By the timeI met Hao, in early 2011, merchants in Malawi, Namibia, Senegal, and Tanzania were protesting the influx of Chinese traders. In the gold-producing regions of southern Ghana, government officials were expelling Chinese wildcat miners. And in Zambia, where recent Chinese arrivals had established themselves in almost every lucrative sector of the economy, their presence had become a contentious issue in national elections.

Considering the Chicomms’ desperation for stability… which is not entirely ethnic, them being the only 20th Century Commie nation that hasn’t yet self-destructed in debt and stupidity… the independent-minded Chinaman probably doesn’t need much in the way of (additional) State pressure to seek his fortunes elsewhere.

As we left the capital, we passed the new national stadium, nearing completion by Chinese work crews at the edge of town. Built to support the country’s bid to host the 2013 continent-wide Africa Cup of Nations, it was a showcase gift from the Chinese government, intended as a statement of generosity and solidarity. China has become an avid practitioner of this kind of prestige-project diplomacy.

Sounds like money laundering.

I asked Hao whether a $65 million stadium was the best sort of gift for Mozambique, one of the ten poorest countries in the world.

.Chinese government projects in Mozambique have all failed,. he said. .That’s because the Chinese ganbu [bureaucrats] don’t know how to communicate on the same level with the blacks.” He shook his head and wagged a stubby index finger excitedly.

Yeah, money laundering. Lots of Chinese are eager to stick their personal wealth where the Party doesn’t shine. That says most of what I need to know about the stability of the Chinese economy: that if their allies the American Elites hadn’t betrayed their own country for free, the PRC would have imploded shortly after the Soviet Union.

I asked him about his early days in the country. A prior attempt to do business overseas, in Dubai, had gone bad.

Expensive market. Very cutthroat.

Chinese agricultural experts there who had been on African aid missions planted a very powerful idea in his mind: Go to Africa, where you can acquire good land cheaply. He had flown to Maputo alone, and no one had greeted him at the airport. .I didn’t understand a fucking word that was being said to me.” On his own, he made his way into town and found a flophouse. Making little headway.he spoke neither Portuguese nor English.he soon gave in to the temptation to call up some fellow Chinese he had found online while still in China.

.I thought if I met a few people I could distract myself a bit, learn about the situation from them, and then figure out how to get some land. But I quickly discovered that not all Chinese people are your friends. The Chinese folks here, or at least a portion of them, a big portion of them, are really bad characters. They are looking for a way to get hold of your money. Yeah, they.ll do anything for you, but they won’t do anything for free. It’s all about money..

See, this is why you can’t derive a nation exclusively from race-based citizenship. Racial homogenity is always a stabilizing force but greed and treachery are eternal. Social trust is what’s needed and homogenity is only one of several sources… rarely sufficient.

A brief digression, I’m coming around to the idea that fascism (national socialism) is a natural, Godless response to (International) Communism. It’s a way for people to hold onto their identities without abandoning the Commie principles of greed, envy and zero-sum beliefs. This explains why globalists are so obsessed with ARE-Y’AN NOT-SEES!!!!. Having unleashed the people from the chains of religion and morality, they’re afraid that they still won’t abandon the bonds of family and tradition. People have as much trouble being Pure Evil as they do being Pure Good. Beyond a point, it takes serious effort.

Hao had naively loaned money to various Chinese people he met who seemed to have fallen on hard times and offered to help guide him. A few months later, having been burned by several such encounters, he left for the countryside, following the very route we were taking northward.

When he reached the southern part of Inhambane province, he said, he contacted the provincial government about acquiring land, and they directed him to local officials. He found some who were receptive, and he set about ingratiating himself by helping on road and bridge-repair projects.

.I took charge of the work all by myself,. he said proudly. .In the end, I was able to secure a piece of land..

Hao had scored big, but before long there were other things to worry about. He hadn’t thought much about the people who lived on the land or controlled it before he came along, or even who his neighbors were. After a period of warm enough hospitality, people from nearby villages began to ask him how he had gotten the land and to demand compensation, with some of them, claiming the area was an ancestral holding.

.The local people are really not friendly. They arc peasants, and they resent the idea that the government took their land and gave it to us. They have no land for themselves. They’re not comfortable. They are working for us, and they are not comfortable with it. In fact, the Mozambique government has given us land, but it’s not forever.

One of government’s most important duties is guaranteeing land ownership. Counter-claims like this are incredibly destructive to the formation of infrastructure of any kind. I bet Hao will live in a shack until he can clear title to his land, even if it be by direct violence. Why build a fortress if he might lose ownership of it tomorrow?

After a few years, once we’ve put the land to good use, perhaps they will take another tack and try to reclaim it from us. But we’ve got our own ideas. We’re also making plans..

The first-person plural had been creeping into his banter, but only now did its significance become clear.

.I have been bringing my children here,. he said. .My older son, my younger son, eventually my daughter. I’m taking them out of school in China and bringing them all here.

He’s not just bringing his children over. He’s specifically taking them out of school in China. Sounds very familiar to this American.

Within the next ten or so years we need to raise enough money, and then if my son has a lot of offspring with local two sons, in fact, if they’ve had lots of children.well, what do the children become! Are they Chinese or Mozambicans?.

Dude, no. Race mixing is asking for trouble. Your grandkids shouldn’t be tools to secure your personal future. Although I understand that’s a very Asian way of looking at matters.

Doesn’t history have enough examples of this kind of thing yet?

Hao told me his older son already had a live-in African girlfriend. Then he proceeded to answer his own question. .The mothers are Mozambicans, but the land will be within our family. Do you get it! This means that because the children will be Mozambicans they can’t treat us as foreigners. If need be we can even put the property in their name, protectively, but it will remain ours. It will be in my clan..

Your grandkids are more likely to be treated by both the locals and the Chinese as foreigners. Brazil’s experiences seems relevant here. Mulatto, yes?

Hao said that his older son had been with him on his newly acquired land for about half a year now. His younger son, who was 14, had joined them a few weeks earlier. .The older boy is doing fine already,. he said, with evident pride. .He’s doing a lot of training..


.I.m guiding him,. he said. .It’s not hard physical labor. I have to encourage him, have him fool around a bit, catch some fish, shoot a gun, hunt some birds. Boom, boom! That way he.ll be happy. He already shoots well..

Race-bending aside, he’s being raised right. A necessity in Africa, of course.

I told him that his son’s experience seemed to mirror the way youth were treated in the Cultural Revolution, when schools were closed and young people were “sent down” by the millions to work alongside peasants in the countryside.

Learning to hunt & fish is NOTHING like surviving a Communist uprising. I recall the colleges were closed because the non-Commie intellectuals were murdered wholesale by their students… a lesson completely lost on modern academia. If I was a modern dean of the Math Department, there’d be bars on the windows yesterday… and no ground-level entrance that wasn’t a sally port.

Seriously, any academic types reading this should think about making a “Student Uprising” SHTF plan.

.That.s how I was raised. Young people in China today no longer learn bow to chi ku,.he said. The expression means to “eat bitterness,. to endure great hardship. .I want my son to become a real man, a worthy person..

“When I was your age, kid, 100 million of us were murdered and starved by the government because we weren’t victims. I survived by eating bugs and literally playing dumb.”

“Okay, Grandpa, okay.” Kid goes out to fish some dinner.

After a couple hours. on the road, we dropped John off at the main square of Maxixe, a snoozy little drive-through town that nonetheless enjoys the status of economic capital of Inhambane. John, who was from Maxixe, spoke happily about being able to sleep at home with his family after several days away. His main employers, a group of road builders from Hao’s home province of Henan, shared a house just off the narrow main road. When Hao invited me into their home, he introduced them as lao xiang, people from his hometown or region, a connection that resonates deeply for many overseas Chinese. Hao’s friends lived in a modern, one-story villa with a large living room and a kitchen in the back, from which emanated the very distinctive aromas of a home-cooked Chinese dinner. In the living room, which had the feel of a frat house, two men and a woman were hunched in nearly identical poses over laptops, each at a separate cheap desk, connecting with friends in China.

Better housing than I predicted, although not by much.

I secretly hoped that we would be asked to stay for dinner. The traditionally generous hospitality I was accustomed to from traveling in China seemed to make this a safe bet, but no invitation came, Hao talked business with one of the Henan road men in an adjacent bedroom and then we were on our way, with Hao at the wheel. His banter picked up again as he spoke of the utility of having friends, especially laoxiang like this, living nearby.

Very low social trust on all sides. only gotten sick once since I’ve been here, but it was malaria, and it was a very bad case,. he told me. .I.m lucky that they came looking for me. I was laid out flat on my back at my farm, all alone, sweating and shivering there in my own vomit, They took me right away to the hospital, and I’m told that this saved my life..

Africa! Come for the diversity, stay for the medical quarantine.

San Francisco! Come for the diversity….

The full moon had risen high in the sky, and we had begun slicing through little townships every few minutes as the population density of the area increased. There were glimpses of prayer vigils in clapboard churches; smoky, ramshackle saloons filled with garrulous drinkers; women sitting by the roadside wrapped in printed shawls, hunched, half asleep over storm lanterns as they awaited night time buyers. All this activity signaled a city was nearby. Hao announced with relief that we were about to enter Massinga, the city nearest to his farm. I asked him how he had come to settle in Mozambique.

.I went to an African trade fair in Fujian province and there were lots of Chinese business people there,. he said. .I got excited by all the talk of business opportunities in Africa. Later I figured my English is no good, though, so I got the idea that if I went to an English-speaking country, English being a popular language, Chinese people would be everywhere..

.I.ll be damned if I understood Portuguese, but damn it, I figured, neither do most Chinese people in general, so [why not]? There must be great undiscovered opportunities there, and I won’t have to be constantly looking over my shoulder for other Chinese coming to compete with me, cheat me out of my money, or steal my ideas..

I always suspected the Han weren’t lockstep racially loyal. It’s one thing for an authoritarian government to decree a genocide, another for the people to voluntarily engage in such behavior.

As we pulled into Massinga, Hao announced, almost sheepishly, a major change of plans, He had decided to have me sleep at a cheap hotel rather than host me himself. He had been unable to reach his son, he said, to make sure there was dinner waiting for us, and this way I’d be sure to have an evening meal.

Maybe I wasn’t wrong about Hao living in a shack after all.

In the courtyard of the roadside hotel, we sat at a plastic table with an exposed bulb above us and ordered a late dinner. While we waited for the food, Hao asked me for the third time that day about my itinerary. I told him I’d just been in Ethiopia and that the next country on my itinerary was Namibia.

.What is Namibia?. he asked.

I drew him a crude map in my spiral note; book. .Ethiopia is up here,. I said, pointing to the continent’s northeastern shoulder. .Mozambique is here. And Namibia is over here. It’s on the Atlantic coast.” Hao wanted to know how far away that placed Namibia from where we were. Several hundred miles, I said.

I started to fill in the map to show him some of the other countries I planned to visit.

When I sketched Senegal’s position, at the continent’s westernmost point, I added Europe, tracing its downward slope toward Africa.

.Here is Portugal,. I said, which produced a look of confusion. He asked me what Portugal was exactly. It was the colonial power that once controlled Mozambique, I told him. As he nodded, still looking uncertain, I added that it was the place where the Portuguese language came from.

And they say we Americans are ignorant of the outside world.

He knew that Mozambique had been a European colony, a zhimindi, but he had not known it had been Portugal’s colony. .I thought Portuguese came from Brazil,. he explained.

I drew South America on the map for him and told him that Brazil, too, had been a Portuguese colony. Hao began making some connections, thinking of Macau, the tiny formerly Portuguese enclave near Hong Kong.

.[That’s amazing!],. he exclaimed. .You [have to] wonder how … little countries like Portugal controlled so many big, faraway countries.

The Maxim gun. Next question, why did we bother.

It’s just like the way the Europeans carved up China, I suppose.” After a pause, he asked: .Where is America?.

Dude… East. Of China. And you’re killing me.

I sketched North America onto my crude and now crowded map. Hao had always assumed that it was part of Europe.

Hao.s geographic curiosity waned and the conversation shifted back to his African ambitions, which apparently went far beyond his farm. .I’ve got lots of other plans, lots of projects,. he said. .I want to open a beverage factory. I want to produce tea for sale and for export that will be grown on our own land.” There was talk about building a charcoal-processing factory, for which he had already broken ground, 120 miles to the north. It would produce honeycombed braziers for cooking. At first, he said, these would be sold only in Mozambique. but later the export potential back to China, and perhaps around the world, would be very great.

Meh, education is overrated anyway. Hao has vision and the [stubborn tenacity] to make his dreams happen. But it doesn’t sound like much of a colonization effort, particularly with the intentional miscegenation. What’s China going to do, come back in a century and grant involuntary citizenship to all the Halfrican half-Hans?

As we drove northward out of Massinga the next morning, Hao became reticent, and he offered only clipped, almost grudging answers to my questions. After we were waved through a roadblock at the edge of town, he pulled over suddenly. He said he didn’t enjoy driving, and asked if I would take over. With me at the wheel, we proceeded in a vaguely eastward direction down a graded trunk road, which soon led us past a tiny settlement where a cluster of people by the roadside gave us a halfhearted wave. Beyond this dusty outpost lay dense, tangled bush punctuated now and then by a neatly swept clearing with a solitary aluminum shack.

The road had narrowed considerably and the smoothness of its first leg had given way to an obstacle course of divots and tree stumps and the occasional peasant balancing huge loads of scavenged wood atop his head. Hao instructed me to stop up ahead, where I could see the road cresting beneath a stand of oil palms in the distance. When I reached that point, we came upon a group of men sitting and standing in conversation at the edge of a cleared field. Hao stuck his head out the window and began calling out in his unique and polyglot pidgin: .Ganma, ganma, zheli, trabalho, ganma? Wei shenme? What are you doing? What are you doing? Here, work. What are you doing? Why?.

The local men gestured off into the distance and answered that someone else was paying better now. This was a showdown over wages, a walkout. .Why should you pay us differently?. one of the Mozambican men asked.

Hao grew excited and started to curse. He was saying, mostly in Chinese, that he was not going to raise their pay. The two sides went back and forth like this for a few minutes. Hao was sweating profusely, wiping his brow with a hand towel. .Forget it. I don’t need you,. he said. .I.ll find other workers.” With that, the men picked up their belongings and trudged off in the direction we had just come from.

Hao laughed even as he continued to swear. “Africans like nothing better than to get together and complain,. he said. .My son told me we don’t need these people any longer, though. Why should we pay them more?.

Within a few minutes, Hao’s homestead appeared around a bend. There were two shacks thrown together roughly with poles, canvas, straw mats, and whatever other cheap materials were at hand. We climbed out of the vehicle into the heat and light.

HAH! I was right! Uncertain land ownership made him unwilling to improve his land. For some things, reliable local government is critical.

Hao was eager to show me the place. Beyond the huts lay his experimental garden, a handful of acres where he was already growing stevia, tea, and a variety of Chinese vegetables.

He plucked some of the stevia leaves and crumpled them in his hand, urging: me to taste them, which I did; they produced an instant and overpowering sweetness.

We circled back around the huts and wandered into a large, open plain. The dark, pliant soil was crisscrossed with irrigation canals. Hao pointed out the concrete blocks here and there, sunk in the muck of the channels. He explained that they were the remnants of a system of locks that had been built by the Portuguese.

.They built all of this and then they left it,. he said, evidently bewildered. .When we first arrived, even our tractors had trouble passing here. I had to employ a lot of blacks to dear the fields, and I had to clear them three times before the bush would finally yield.” He fixed me with a fierce expression and offered his best measure of himself. .Some of the Chinese who have come to work the land in this country under sun this strong have failed,. he said. .Others before them have failed, too. But for me, there is no such thing as failure. I am no ordinary man..

I give him that.

So, Chinese colonization of Africa is doomed to fail because of the usual suspects: miscegenation, no social trust and unworkable local government. They would have to perform wholesale, preemptive population replacement just to give it as good a go as the South Africans did. I bet even the high-collateral loans being offered to China this week won’t be honored by next week’s new regime. “Yellow man, this our land because we’re sitting on it right now. You could send your military to sit on it, I guess, between monsoon season and malaria season, but you are weak like white man. Always antibiotics this and indoor plumbing that.”

Africa always wins.


How “The Hunt” Went Wrong

You’ve probably heard that Hollyweird had a movie “The Hunt” in the works about Democrats murdering Trump supporters. It got canceled and it’s just as well, to judge from the leaked script. The only conservatives who would have been attracted to yet another Captain Marvel Mary Sue Jedi protagonist would have been put off by the gore.

Report: .The Hunt. Script Targets “Social Justice Warriors, Trump Supporters, Outrage Culture.

16 August 2019

A script, believed to be for canceled Universal Pictures movie The Hunt has reportedly leaked and appears to show that outrage over the film and its politically charged plot was misplaced.

This was their first mistake. “Dude, imagine how much free publicity we’ll get if we piss off everybody during an election year! There’s no such thing as bad publicity!” Thanks for settling the science on that perspective.

Act one of the film depicts liberal elites using social media posts by Trump supporters as a means to target them for kidnapping. The pro-Trump people are taken away to an enclosed preserve where elites begin to systematically murdering the Trump people in a human hunting campaign. But act two reportedly features one of the Trumpers (actress Betty Gilpin) turning the tables on the liberals and hunting and killing them, instead.

Act one was completely implausible. Since when do the likes of banksters, media executives and college administrators go hunting? Sniping victims chained in a dungeon, sure, but exercise and fresh air aren’t gloating and humiliation. We know from Antifa incidents that the Left prefer sucker punches to sporting chances.

Essentially the trailer released by the studio seemed to show that the film turned into a revenge film where the pro-Trump people became the heroes.

The film quickly sparked controversy, and some of its ads were pulled. ESPN, for instance, rushed to cancel all the TV spots it had planned for the film. President Trump even appeared to slam the movie.

.The movie coming out is made in order to inflame and cause chaos,. Trump said. .They create their own violence, and then try to blame others.” An administration aide confirmed to Breitbart News that the president was likely referring to The Hunt.

In fact, the film even had a hard time getting produced in the first place, as several studios reportedly turned it down as being far too radical. But it was eventually picked up by Jason Blum’s Blumhouse Films to be distributed by Universal. Blumhouse is also responsible for other recent lurid fare such as The Purge, Paranormal Activity, and Get Out.

A brief review of Blumhouse Films productions confirms that Jason is heavy into horror and occult. Sponsoring this movie must have elevated his fetish giggles above his atheist-Jewish loyalties, which itself would make a terrifying movie plot. You COULD cure him… but then he wouldn’t toy with you anymore….

With all the controversy, Universal ultimately decided to pull The Hunt from distribution.

Now, a leaked script for the film, originally entitled Red State Vs. Blue State, seems to confirm that the assessment of the movie as an attack solely on conservatives is a bit shy of the mark.

According to District Herald, the purported script slams everyone and “mocks political violence, social justice warriors, Trump supporters, vegans, and just about everyone and everything else.” The film is also apparently very gory.

.There is a lot of gore. Seriously,. the report notes. .Think of a really gory film and then imagine even more blood and guts . then double it. This film pretty much sounds like Hostel on steroids. People are impaled, have their heads run over and “flattened like pancakes,. get blown up like .gut-filled pi?atas. and worse . and that is only in the first 20 pages..

Probably unnecessarily gory, seeing as it was being produced by a horror specialist. Which is always a downer. I recently re-watched Aliens and outside of about two scenes–the colonist and Bishop’s death–it was surprisingly not-gory.

.While some shocking violence ensues, it’s not glorifying political violence, it’s very clearly mocking it,. the District Herald adds.

That would be what the trailer didn’t convey: the fact of its being satire. It should have included some funny scenes.

Another scene of the film depicts a leftist who is more dedicated to political correctness than to her own survival as she gets killed by the film’s pro-Trump hero.

Monty Python could have saved this movie.

.This film mocks everyone and doesn’t hold back,. the Herald concludes. .It’s certainly not made for those with queasy stomachs or who are easily offended, but what fun movies are?.

Pixar answered THAT question for many years, until the Devil Mouse got its hooks in. Hollyweird just doesn’t comprehend fun anymore; a curse from God, in my opinion.

But… I’m still curious, so I found a little more.

The Hunt Script Has Leaked and the Right Was Wrong (WARNING, CONTAINS SPOILERS)

Yay spoilers! Do they count as spoilers when the movie was cancelled?

The script starts us off with a text exchange in which a group of friends are trying to decide on a restaurant. Soon, a character named Martin asks if anyone saw what the .ratf*cker-in-chief just did..

A character named Richard responds saying it was “infuriating” and another named Athena chimes in to say “at least the hunt’s coming up. Nothing better than going out to The Manor and slaughtering a dozen inbred rednecks..

Dude, the rednecks themselves joke about getting dates at family reunions. Insult harder! Maybe avoid rednecks altogether, because rounding up a bunch, threatening to kill them and then setting them loose to be hunted in backwoods like what they probably grew up in is such a hilariously bad idea that it ruins my suspension of disbelief. Does Alvin York ring a bell?

The next scene takes us on a plane, presumably private, where we meet Richard. He’s described as a .middle-aged man in trendy glasses and a scarf he doesn’t need.” He’s annoyed, rude to the flight attendant, deeply unlikable and blatantly liberal. He’s also a vegan.

Make that an emaciated middle-aged man. “Your motivation is you’re angry at the world because your body needs animal protein to be healthy but consuming it would prove that those high school jocks who tormented you twenty years ago were right.”

It is also during this flight that we are introduced to some of the “deplorables” who are scheduled to be hunted, and the writers wasted no time before diving into the gore. Yes, a “deplorable” gets stabbed in the neck with a pen for waking up from being drugged before the hunt actually started . but you can already sense that the liberals are the bad guys in this dark satire and the “deplorables” are not.

The deplorable lives through the pen attack, but Athena, who is clearly in charge of the operation, ends up finishing him off with a stiletto in his eye.

This scene should have been played for laughs. Not gore.

There is a lot of gore. Seriously. Think of a really gory film and then imagine even more blood and guts . then double it. This film pretty much sounds like Hostel on steroids. People are impaled, have their heads run over and “flattened like pancakes,. get blown up like .gut-filled pi?atas. and worse . and that is only in the first 20 pages.

Sounds like the one time I watched “Final Destination”, God only knows why. Maybe it was an in-flight movie. A bunch of teenagers get snuffed in increasingly inventive ways. Good if you’re inclined towards feeling emotions instead of RPG-gaming the Grim Reaper, I guess.

The script is deeply reminiscent of The Purge franchise, which was made by the same producers, but with some very b-movie style satire. The deplorables find weapons that were left for them, learn they’re in a hunting scenario and have to fight to stay alive.

“Aw shucks, ain’t no use for a dull dagger like this. Gimmie yer bra, little miss. You’ll get it back… I just need put this rock in to make a sling… now you see that crow flying 622 yards thataway, give or take a skosh? *WHIP WHIP WHIP FLING!* Just like Memaw taught me about Goliath.” *Sound of rock hitting bird echoes back to protagonists.*

“Shit, man, gimmie that knife. A little chest hair will sharpen it right up.”

Yeah, this movie should have been made by comedians.

As the group attempts to figure out what’s going on they refer to it as “Manorgate” and express shock that the conspiracy theory that they read about online was real. It’s a clear nod to “Pizzagate.”

Now that’s what I’m talking about!

For example, when one of the hunters began to express remorse after realizing a man he killed was married and might have had a family, his wife comforts him by asserting he was the enemy. “Honey” Twelve arrests for drunk and disorderly. Five for domestic abuse. and he uses the N-word on Twitter,. she says to calm him.

Thank God I only call them niggers on WordPress or that would’ve stung. Aren’t you Jews supposed to be good at making money? This was SUCH a wasted opportunity.

Sure, the film doesn’t just mock social justice warriors, it mocks Trump supporters too . at one point even landing Crystal and her sidekick in a train full of Arab refugees. To see if they’re real or actually secret liberal killers, Crystal tells the refugees that she has a photo of the prophet sucking himself off in her pocket. It’s ridiculous, but funny. Tweeting portions of this script would absolutely get you banned on social media.

Wouldn’t that have made then all murderous?

Ultimately the refugees die too, except a mother and baby that our MAGA babe Crystal saves. Would a liberal propaganda film have a scene like this?

Sounds like a “tear-jerker” scene. A clumsy ploy to invoke audience sympathy.

Okay, that is sincerely funny. But not if played for gore.

Like guns and ideas, movies don’t kill people. Crazy people kill people. Censoring art and media won’t change that . especially when you make assumptions and get it this wrong.

It is good this particular art was censored. A good idea in the hands of a man obsessed with blood, horror and the occult is not likely to survive the baggage. Much as a 300lb Trigglypuff would not have survived hunting a redneck who’s been killing his own food since age 8.

Zondervan Exploits the Cult Of Nice

Zondervan, the publisher that though the world needed a gender-neutral Jesus, has joined with the American Psychological Association to push for Christian acceptance of the “celibate gay Christian”. As opposed to “repentant Christian”.

Though we often hear about the “gay problem” today, there is an even deeper problem in the church today–one that we often overlook. The call to follow Christ is a call to costly obedience for all, not just for gay Christians. Far too often, the church has elevated homosexuality above other sins and required a costly obedience from gays that it is unwilling to demand of others. And yet, the answer is not to weaken the demands of obedience. Instead, gay Christians who make the difficult choice to align their lives with the biblical view of sexuality are a gift to the church, reminding all of us that spiritual growth and maturity is costly. There is a price to pay in following Christ and devoting our lives to the call of the gospel, and it is one that we all must pay–gay and straight Christians alike.

Through the stories and struggles of gay Christians who are reorienting their lives around the costly obedience required to follow Christ, Mark Yarhouse and Olya Zaporozhets call the church to reorient as well, leaving behind the casual morality that is widespread today to pursue the path of radical discipleship. Unlike any other book on homosexuality and the church, this is a call to examine your life and consider what God is asking you to lay down to take up your cross and follow him.

That sounds harmless. Just one nagging question: if these Christians are trying to get past their homosexuality then why do they still identify as gay? “I’m a bestial Christian. Please don’t persecute me, I’m normal like you! Let me help with the flock! I promise to not bugger the sheep even though I tell the world I want to and know you’ll forgive me if I accidentally do!”

Tell me that’s not a big step towards acceptance of sodomy.

Dr Mark Yarhouse

Homosexuality: A Christian View ? Dr. Mark Yarhouse Interview - YouTube

Mark A. Yarhouse, Psy.D., is the Hughes Endowed Chair and Professor of Psychology at Regent University in Virginia Beach, Virginia, where he is a core faculty member in the Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology.

Dr. Yarhouse has spent several years promoting dialogue between people who view the topic of sexual identity differently. Fifteen years ago he chaired a groundbreaking symposium at the American Psychological Association’s annual convention that brought together gay psychologists and Christian psychologists to discuss common ground in treatment options for those who experience sexual and religious identity conflicts. He chaired similar dialogues at the APA on the many meanings of marriage (among different religions and among various groups within the gay community), services for adolescents experiencing sexual identity concerns, and an approach to services referred to as the sexual identity therapy framework.

Dr. Yarhouse is the past recipient of the Gary R. Collins Award for Excellence in Christian Counseling (American Association of Christian Counselors) and the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence at Regent University. He was a past participant with the Ethics and Public Policy Center think tank in Washington, DC, and he was named Senior Fellow with the Council of Christian Colleges and Universities to conduct a study of students navigating sexual identity concerns at Christian colleges and universities. He has been a consultant to the National Institute of Corrections under the Department of Justice to address issues facing sexual minorities in corrections…

The best argument I’ve heard in a long time to not bother paying taxes.

…and he was part of a consensus panel from the American Psychological Association on sexual orientation and gender identity change efforts that convened to provide input to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) in Washington, DC. Dr. Yarhouse is currently the Chair of the task force on LGBT issues for Division 36 (Psychology of Religion and Spirituality) of the American Psychological Association. He was recently invited to write the featured white paper on sexual identity for the Christ on Campus Initiative edited by Don A. Carson for The Gospel Coalition.

Mark Yarhouse is a great find, linking the converged APA directly to the converged Gospel Coalition. He’s one of the Cathedral’s queen termites. You can trust that any book written by the Chairman of the LGBT taskforce for the American Psychological Association is not going to condemn sodomy as an unnatural act.

Similarly, you can trust that anybody who talks about sexual perversion as an identity does not regard it as a perversion.

Frankly, if the APA hasn’t run this high-profile member out on a rail yet then that’s sufficient cause to dump him in the Treachery bin. “I host dialogues with the devil!” said no Christian ever.

Mister Yarhouse, let’s NOT have a dialogue about the many meanings of marriage. Let’s have enforcement of God’s meaning of marriage, seeing as you identify as a Christian.

And Zondervan is publishing this book, the company that tried to queer the New International Version of the Bible. That’s a red flag by itself.

For confirmation, let’s go to this review I found.

Celibate Gay Christians: Neither Shockingly Conservative nor Worryingly Liberal

By Ed Shaw, 21 June 2019

Being a celibate gay Christian means being an object of suspicion. The wider LGBTQ community sees you as shockingly conservative (.You think gay sex is wrong?.), while the wider evangelical community sees you as worryingly liberal (.You call yourself gay?.).

That sounds right. The queers hate any suggestion that their depravities are evil, while Christians wonder how somebody who rejects sodomy still accepts it as their core identity as a human being. It’s hypocrisy.

There are no gay Christians. Only Christians. When believers have trouble with Internet porn, do they call themselves Porn Christian?

One day, someone will be expressing disgust toward your “fundamentalist” beliefs. On the next, someone else is targeting your “perverted” sexual orientation. Disparate groups see you as an existential threat, and their attacks can be fierce, as recent online responses to conferences like Revoice and ministries like Spiritual Friendship and Living Out would attest.

Why would this person be hanging out with both unrepentant homosexuals and Christians? Pick a team, kid. Christ and Satan ain’t gonna share the trophy.

Researchers Mark Yarhouse and Olya Zaporozhets step bravely (foolishly?) into this battleground with their comprehensive study of people like me: Costly Obedience: What We Can Learn from the Celibate Gay Christian Community. It’s an important book with an academic feel that grows more pastoral as you read on. Yarhouse has written multiple volumes on LGBTQ experience based on careful research from the Institute for the Study of Sexual Identity at Regent University in Virginia, where both of the authors teach. I wouldn’t agree with everything he’s ever written, but I thank God for the gracious tenor of his contributions.

I notice he didn’t get fired by the LGBTQs for what he’s written and refuse to bother reading his work for myself. No need to purchase this book.

If you’re curious, Olya is a Ukranian diversity hire. She isn’t worth these two sentences.

This newest book is essentially a listening exercise, based on an in-depth survey of celibate gay Christians. You hear their stories of milestone events and experiences in church life and well as research that maps their mental health outcomes and relational challenges. But they are not the only voices recorded: There’s also input from friends, along with some fascinating insights into the perspectives of some evangelical pastors. The authors helpfully add their own measured reflections.

Fostering sympathy for gay Christians is definitely a step towards gay acceptance. They’re preying on the Niceness of Churchians, getting them to lower their guard.

Certain conversation topics could prove controversial. We hear differing thoughts, for instance, on such questions as the origins of same-sex attraction, the correct labels to use (is it .gay,. .same-sex attracted,. or something else?)…

EVIL! Call it what it is!

…the possibility of same-sex desires that aren’t wholly sinful…

There it is. Their goal.

and the prospect of changing one’s sexual orientation.

That’s like saying thievery is an economic orientation. There are two genders, male and female, and they are not interchangeable. But in the interests of hilarious dialogue, a third gender, mutant, will be made available to those with a doctor’s note explaining how their DNA is busted.

But one of the authors. strongest points is the need to discuss these issues more carefully. They write, .Some church leaders and some celibate gay Christians seem to us, at times, to be describing two different things, rather than disagreeing on precisely the same thing..

This appeal for a better conversation within evangelicalism couldn’t be timelier. The danger today is that some celibate gay Christians who appear to be drifting away from orthodoxy will make a clean break, precisely because of the lack of understanding (at best) and hatred (at worse) coming from more conservative voices. The book provides stories and statistics that help evangelicals appreciate where celibate gay Christians are coming from. Too much miscommunication is happening via angry tweets and polemical blog posts, and the careful research presented here could help set things right.

The carrot of more butts in seats. Never mind the failures of previous seeker-friendy fads. But yes, Mister Shaw, by all means, direct their attention to our angry tweets and polemical blog posts. A little adversity will help them to shit or get off the pot.

The standout chapters of Costly Obedience come toward the end. Chapter 5 contains excellent advice on how churches can better care for celibate gay Christians, including a moving and persuasive plea to “drop the language war” around sexual identity labels.

This is not a language war. A turd by any other name would stink as much.

As a pastor, I heartily second the authors. request to “maintain a consistent standard” when it comes to challenging any sexual sin: It is amazing how blind we can be to our double standards.

There is only ever one standard, God’s. Neither is all sexual sin equal. Flogging the bishop because marriage is not an option is much different than deceiving one’s way into a church so he can sodomize children.

I most appreciated chapter 7, .How Celibate Gay Christians Could Strengthen the Church,. which offers a wonderful counter-narrative to the fear that gay people only ever pose a threat. I wanted to cheer out loud when I read passages like this:

“What we are suggesting is that the costly obedience of celibate gay Christians should impact the full church by being a model of what we are all called to live into: a life of sacrifice in which the hardships we face are given meaning and significance in relation to the passion of Christ. And the church needs to consider what it means to share in that cost.”

They’re trying to guilt us into giving special status to unrepentant homosexuals. Secret kings can’t wait!

In God’s providence, I ended up reading this book during Holy Week and writing this review the morning of Good Friday itself. Costly Obedience has encouraged me to continue taking up my cross and following Jesus. And it has given me a renewed hope that my lived experience will benefit not just myself but the wider church that Christ has bought through his own, infinitely costlier obedience.

Ed Shaw is the pastor of Emmanuel City Centre in Bristol (UK) and author of Same-Sex Attraction and the Church: The Surprising Plausibility of the Celibate Life (InterVarsity Press).

Review ends.

Ed Shaw is Associate Pastor at Emmanuel Bristol. He talks about the reasons people come up with to explain his same-sex attraction, and the good that God has brought into his life and friendships because of his openness about his sexuality.

Yeah, see, that doesn’t compute. He openly declares himself homosexual and in the next breath, claims to follow a religion whose God hates homosexuality. What are we supposed to believe, that he’s honest?

Serving two masters like that can’t last and is a good example of how Cult of Nice serves as the Trojan horse of Social Justice. I hope that Ed soon realizes that ‘homosexual’ is simply not who he is in Christ and puts even the existence of his personal evil to death.

And instead of complaining about suspicion, I hope he realizes that the people who look like him, talk like him and define their human identity in the same perverted way, are legendary for treachery and deceit… and thus, our suspicions of such people are fully justified.

This book, written by the APA’s corruption-agent-in-place and published by the pushers of the Feminist Bible, is exactly such treachery and deceit. And the most charitable we can be towards Ed is that he didn’t notice.


Baptist SJWs Freak Out Over Upcoming SBC Convergence Documentary

“I hope my brothers will reconsider their strategy for communicating our deeply held Southern Baptist conviction that the Bible is our sole foundation and authority for all of life and faith” says Danny Akin, president of the [Converged] Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in North Carolina.

Start by watching the trailer. Sorry I can’t embed it but I’ll add some choice quotes. This be YUUUGE, mon:

By What Standard? A Founders Cinedoc

“I see Godless ideologies that have spread over Western Civilization over the last several decades with a vengeance… to tell us what we are supposed to be seeing.”

“Many of these ideologies have been snuggled into the Church in the Trojan Horse of Social Justice.”

“So, if we can take a clear passage of Scripture, that says ‘I do not permit a woman to teach or exercise authority’, when we’re finished with it, it now says ‘I do permit a woman in some cases’… then there’s no stopping, nowhere you can’t go.”

“This insidious stuff, inside our church… uses our guilt and shame against us, to get us to do self-destructive things.”

“It’s at this point that I think we’re being played.” -Tom Ascol

SHOCKED MEMES image memes at

YES! OMIGAWD, YES! Coming from the mouths of elders, babe.

And now:

About that Trailer

About that Trailer

By Tom Ascol, 29 July 2019

On Tuesday, July 23, 2019, we released a trailer to a film we are working on called, By What Standard? God’s World.God.s Rules. It appears that more than a few people watched it, or at least heard about it enough to comment on it. The trailer is 4 minutes long and is designed to encourage people to see the film when it is released. Some people appreciated the trailer. Some were intrigued, and some put it mildly.not pleased. The uproar about the trailer further confirms how important this project is. received many texts, messages & phone calls from people wanting to engage me about or inform me of responses to the trailer. I have not seen all of them, much less been able to respond to all of them, but I was grateful to have a few, brotherly exchanges with several, including some who were concerned by the trailer. Two of those conversations were with Danny Akin, President of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Al Mohler, President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, both of whom have been interviewed for the film. I greatly appreciate their willingness to talk to me directly.

Dr. Akin texted his disappointment with the trailer, asking that his interview not be used in the full cinedoc. I called him and we had a cordial, pointed conversation. I offered to interview him again, giving him opportunity to pushback, criticize or say anything he wanted. He appreciated the offer but later texted to say he still wanted to disassociate from the project.

Dr. Mohler called me to express his concern. I was surprised since his previous response to the trailer (when I sent it to him 8 days earlier) had been a simple expression of looking forward to seeing the whole film. He told me that he would be issuing a statement about it later that day.

In Mohler’s defense, 15 July appears to have been his marriage’s 30th anniversary.

[Mohler on his Twitter, 23 July]: “Yes, folks, I have now seen the @FoundersMin video trailer and I am alarmed at how some respected SBC leaders are represented. Southern Baptists expect and deserve a respectful and honest exchange of ideas. I am convinced we are all capable of this.”

The first that I heard concern expressed by Dr. Jason Allen, President of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary was in a tweet [calling it clickbait]. The same is true for Dr. Adam Greenway, the new President of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary:

“Re: the @FoundersMin trailer.@tomascol asked me to join other seminary leaders I respect like @albertmohler @DannyAkin in being interviewed on the SBC Conservative Resurgence’s legacy. I will not, however, be part of any agenda seeking to divide Southern Baptists unnecessarily.”

Greenway thought he was spiking the football on Patterson’s corpse, instead he discovered there remain Bible-Thumpers in the SBC!

Some other men have also asked that their interviews not be used, including Mark Dever

Our Team : 9Marks and Jonathan Leeman.

Our Team : 9Marks

I’ll come back to these two.

Others have been pressured to withdraw. We will, of course, honor these requests.

Sigh. You don’t expose evil by allowing evil to cover up once it realizes it’s about to be exposed. Please start playing to win.

In fact, out of fairness to them, we are willing to release complete, unedited footage of their interviews apart from the cinedoc. That will allow them (and others) to consider their words with the assurance that they have not been edited in ways in which they do not approve.

Oh! Maybe I spoke too soon. Maybe.

Some have accused us of misrepresenting the words spoken by certain people who appear in the trailer. We do not believe we misrepresented anyone’s words. I have two encouragements to anyone concerned that we have misrepresented them or taken them out of context: 1) Go listen to the full, unedited, interviews that are available online here, here and here; 2) Remember that this is merely a trailer.there is not time for presentation of the full context to every clip. We love our brothers and sisters in the SBC and rejoice that we can discuss and debate critical matters of Christian doctrine and practice.

Some expressed concerns about a 1-2 second clip of Rachael Denhollander, accusing us of presenting her as demonic. Certainly, no one at Founders Ministries believes that and we did not foresee people taking it that way. That was not our intention and, admittedly, not our wisest editing moment. We regret the pain and confusion we caused by this unwise alignment of image and idea. We have removed the clip and have reached out to her and to her husband, Jacob. We are grateful for so many of Mrs. Denhollander’s efforts to serve victims of abuse.

Tom is making a dangerous mistake: allowing Denhollander authority for no reason than to show sympathy. That is not merit and it doesn’t change the problem of a woman in senior leadership.

Her rapist, Larry Nassar, will be eligible for parole twenty years after the Sun burns out so the matter is closed. Today, Rachel can either live a sheltered life under her husband’s protection or she can be expected to take as much criticism and hostility as a man. Not both. No more “I get to be leader because I’m a victim”. That is Social Justice thinking.

I suppose at this point I should reiterate the concerns that have given rise to this project. Founders Ministries has always been about contending for the gospel and working for healthy churches. Foundational to that work is a full commitment to the authority and sufficiency of the written Word of God. We fear that such commitment is wavering among some evangelical and, more particularly, Southern Baptist, churches and entities.

The one thing that can make a Cuck Christian find his spine: you aren’t using the Bible correctly!

If you have never watched The Battle for the Minds, a 1997 PBS documentary, made available online by “Baptizing Feminism” earlier this year, please do so post haste. Consider carefully this posted description of that film:

The documentary focuses on the early days of the Southern Baptist Convention’s conservative resurgence where women suddenly could no longer be preachers, and emphases was placed [sic] on women’s need to submit to their husbands..

Battle for the Minds profiles key leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention, most still leaders in SBC today.

That explains why all these big-name anti-Pattersons were initially willing to be interviewed, if Tom likened this new documentary to a favorable old one.

In part, our in-progress documentary, Baptizing Feminism, explores Christian feminist activists on the front lines challenging some of the same leaders featured in Battle for the Minds, and the male-headship theologies they believe contribute to the culture of abuse, sexism and abuse cover-ups in SBC churches and related networks.

The postmodern, deconstructionist worldview (which Josh Harris recently invoked as an explanation for why he walked away from biblical Christianity) has given rise to godless ideologies like radical feminism, Critical Race Theory, and Intersectionality. These ideologies are being smuggled into conservative Christian churches and entities (see Resolution 9 from SBC19) often by well-meaning but misguided teachers.

NO! NO! NO! FUCK, NO! THEY ARE NOT WELL-MEANING! THEY ARE NOT MISGUIDED! THEY HATE GOD AND LOVE TO SPREAD LIES IN HIS NAME! If female clergy aren’t proof enough then look at recent attempts to decriminalize sodomy in the Church. God put the death penalty on sodomy yet these people claim one can praise Jesus while packing the fudge, a TOTAL and BLATANT violation of God making us male and female.

If they are not identified and repudiated, they will have disastrous consequences for the spread of the gospel and the faith of millions of people.

You ain’t wrong there. Tom, you’re going in the right direction, but you don’t truly understand what’s going on, which is why you were unprepared for the shock of early criticism.

These ideologies are not merely opposed but are actually antithetical to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Where the gospel unites people of all races, sexes and nationalities in gratitude for grace, these alien frameworks intentionally divide, rejecting mercy in favor of endless recrimination and resentment.

Some have claimed that the trailer shows a disregard for those who have suffered sexual abuse. That is not what we wished to communicate at all. We grieve the very real oppression, and abuse that occurs far too often in our day. We are thankful that this evil is being exposed. It needs to be faithfully and biblically confronted and addressed by pastors. Indeed, most of our board members have extensive experience in counseling individuals and churches that have been devastated by sexual abuse. We don’t just tweet about it. We also try to help churches serve survivors of abuse.

We know that many people.including some friends.find our present stand divisive, and we are genuinely sorrowful for that.

That was not what Christ did. When He saw people choosing to abandon Him because they didn’t like His teachings, He shrugged and asked the Twelve if they wanted to go, too.

Pragmatically, it is not possible to find unity even with fellow believers, let alone with people who push subversive dogmas and false teachings.

But we have taken this stand to avoid, not to encourage, a far greater division that will surely be the inevitable result of the spread of what can only be called a false gospel.

Someone suggested, tongue-in-cheek, that the trailer created such a stir that there is no need to release the film. If “creating a stir” were our goal, then I would agree. But the purpose of this project is not simply to make noise. It is to educate believers and alert them to serious threats coming into Christian churches today.threats that, if left unaddressed, will undermine commitment to the authority and sufficiency of God’s Word.

We have enough education. Education is not the problem. Unpunished rebellion is the problem.

It is obvious that faithful brothers and sisters can and do disagree on the issues involved. Some who agree on the issues disagree on the strategies for addressing them. I have friends in both categories who disagree with me. But I must respectfully disagree with those who say we are “stirring up division” by addressing these issues. Southern Baptists are already discussing these issues, and have been for some time. We do them a great disservice by pretending they are not, or that they do not deserve this discussion.

Props to Tom, he’s learning to Never Apologize.

Finally, my hope and prayer are that this film will bring desperately needed attention to teachings and practices that need to be reevaluated in the light of God’s Word. He has spoken. We live under the authority of His Word. It is imperative that we take Him at His Word and trust Him to guide us in His ways as we joyfully and confidently submit ourselves to it.

Tom, the Bible has no authority. Zero. It’s just a book. Scratches on parchment. A collection of ideas. It is an incredibly valuable book but it is not our leader. It does not cast out the false shepherd. It does not discipline us. It does not regulate our behavior.

Let me show you what I mean.

Those two guys I pictured above? Dever and Leeman? They run a heavily monetized ministry called 9Marks, which promotes “Biblical” methodologies in organized Church operations. These are the 9Marks:

1. Expositional preaching
2. Biblical theology
3. Biblical understanding of the Gospel
4. Biblical understanding of conversion
5. Biblical understanding of evangelism
6. Biblical understanding of membership
7. Biblical church discipline
8. Promotion of Christian discipleship and growth
9. Biblical understanding of church leadership

Sounds very Biblical, yes? But there’s no mention of God in that. The Wikipedia entry continues:

Dever has written about the adjective “biblical”: “I try to use ‘biblical’ as an adjective. And I do so not to say less than ‘Reformed’ to my Arminian friend, but to say more. I do so to get in what they perceive to be their territory. If I say that our position is ‘Reformed,’ Arminian or Wesleyan friends can simply dismiss me, thinking that I’m on the other side in an ancient battle, and am about to do no more than rehearse old disagreements. But if I call freshly on that which claims the allegiance of all evangelical parties.the Bible.and I work from there, I require their attention. [From his book “9 Marks of a Healthy Church”]

To Mark Dever, “Biblical” does not mean “pertaining to God’s Word”. “Biblical” means “I tricked you into taking me seriously”. “MY theology, MY understanding of the Gospel, but first, I want to make you uncertain about your own beliefs.”

These are the people who are abandoning your project, Tom. The children of the Devil Himself, who is real and not merely the villain of a really good book. Do not consider them peers. Do not seek unity with them. Do not assume they are disagreeing with you in good faith. Praise God, thump the Bible and denounce the Social Justice that has overtaken the SBC!

People will buy tickets to a show like that.


Epstein’s Cellmate Nicholas Tartaglione

I’m waiting until the autopsy and a couple other things to discuss Jeffrey Epstein’s not-a-suicide. But enough facts have gathered to describe the first attempt to murder Epstein while in prison… what got him put on “suicide watch” in the first place.

htt ps://

A retired police officer turned drug dealer is accused of killing four men in a .gangland-style. quadruple murder in a New York bar as part of a conspiracy to sell more than five kilograms of cocaine, federal authorities say.

Nicholas Tartaglione, 49, has been charged in federal court with the murders of Martin Luna, Urbano Santiago, Miguel Luna and Hector Gutierrez, who were last seen in Chester, New York, in April.

Tartaglione, a former officer in Briarcliff Manor, was arrested Monday on murder charges, and also for his role in a conspiracy to distribute cocaine, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Preet Bharara said in a press release.

.While all murders tear at the fabric of our communities, when the alleged perpetrator of a gangland-style, quadruple homicide is a former police officer, that strikes at the heart of civilized society,. Bharara said in a statement. “As alleged, Nicholas Tartaglione, a former Briarcliff Manor police officer, participated in the senseless murder of four people in a bar in Chester, New York.

Not senseless. Drug trafficking. Briafcliff Manor and Chester are just north of NYC, so a likely drug corridor. Learn the trade on the job, practice it after retiring?

In July 2019, Tartaglione was questioned as part of an investigation into Jeffrey Epstein’s “suicide attempt” inside of a Manhattan jail.

This is appearing in several of these old accounts I look at. A gentle reminder of how not-permanent online information can be. The Internet is a step backward in archival methodologies because having to find & burn the book is much harder than editing a text file.

Nick Tartaglione, of Otisville, is accused of murdering the four men at a bar in Chester, New York, called the Likquid Lounge [owned by brother Michael Tartaglione], according to court documents.

Hello, Mafia! I thought you were extinct. God knows you face enough competition these days.

Prosecutors say Tartaglione and others, who are not named, were involved in a conspiracy to sell five kilograms or more of cocaine from June 2015 to April 2016. Prosecutors say the murders were in “furtherance” of that conspiracy.

That story is next!

Police found the bodies of the four men at a home in Otisville, which is in Orange County, New York, where Tartaglione previously lived with his girlfriend, the New York Daily News reports.

A source told the Daily News that Tartaglione bought the property, called the Eleazer Harding Farm, about a year ago for more than $500,000. The source told the newspaper Tartaglione and his girlfriend moved out suddenly about two months ago.

Here’s a map so you have the locations straight. Briarcliff Manor is southeast maybe 100 miles, so Nick chose to live outside the area he was directly familiar with but close enough, apparently, for him to know the Middletown hustlers.

.Basically, he was here and all of a sudden he was gone,. the source told the Daily News. .Now this is going on and it all makes sense..

The source told the Daily News he noticed something odd a few months ago.

.It really smelled of death, but then it disappeared after a couple of days,. the source said.

.I am grateful for the hard work everyone put into this case and the cooperation of the agencies involved. This unspeakable crime shows how destructive the drug trade is and why we must all endeavor to continue the fight,. Chester Police Chief Peter Graziano Jr. said in a statement. .This scourge is not limited to large urban areas, but small rural ones as well. I hope the victims. families can find some peace and closure as a result of this arrest..

Tartaglione appeared in federal court in White Plains, New York, on Monday for the first time. He is being held in custody, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said in a press release.

The judge ordered that Tartaglione be given suboxone to help him deal with his prescription painkiller addiction while in jail, the New York Daily News reports.

As an aside, do you know where the phrase “quitting cold turkey” came from? Stopping an opioid addiction suddenly can provoke life-threatening body reactions, including severe goosebumps, which makes you look like a plucked turkey. Fun! Not.

Tartaglione.s career with the Briarcliff Manor Police Department was filled with controversies. He eventually retired in 2008 on disability and receives an annual tax-free pension of $64,000, The Journal News reports.

WTF! $64k tax-free pension, and he then went into the drug trade? I follow the link.

4 bodies found at home of ex-Briarcliff Manor cop Nick Tartaglione

By Jonathan Bandler and Matt Spillane, 20 December 2016

Four bodies believed to be the missing men allegedly killed by retired Briarcliff Manor cop Nicholas Tartaglione during a busted drug deal in April were recovered Tuesday on property he rented in Orange County.

Chester police Chief Peter Graziano confirmed the recovery and said the bodies were being taken to the county medical examiner’s office for positive identification.

Tartaglione, 49, was arrested Monday on drug conspiracy charges accusing him of killing the four in April. On Tuesday, state police and the FBI converged on the property on Old Mountain Road in Otisville to search for their remains.

Tartaglione is charged in a five-count indictment for a conspiracy to distribute at least 5 kilograms of cocaine and “the senseless murder” of the four men, which was part of that conspiracy, U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said in a statement. The former cop pleaded not guilty to the charges at his arraignment Monday.

“While all murders tear at the fabric of our communities, when the alleged perpetrator of a gangland-style, quadruple homicide is a former police officer, that strikes at the heart of civilized society,” Bharara said.

Tartaglione and others had allegedly conspired to sell cocaine from June 2015 to April 2016, prosecutors said.

Martin Luna, Urbano Santiago, Miguel Luna and Hector Gutierrez were killed in and around a bar called the Likquid Lounge in Chester as part of that drug activity, officials said. Some of them were merely in the wrong place at the wrong time, officials said.

The bar is run by Tartaglione’s brother, Graziano said.

Graziano, the Chester chief, said that it is believed one or two of the victims had been involved in drug activity. He said Tartaglione had come to the attention of authorities in recent weeks and had been interviewed by federal agents.

Tartaglione was a cop in Mount Vernon and Pawling before joining the Briarcliff Manor department in 1996. He receives an annual tax-free pension of $65,000 after retiring on disability in 2008 . but he was planning to give up the pension after applying this year for a job with the Mount Vernon Police Department.

He had a checkered career in Briarcliff Manor. He was suspended in 1999 following his arrest on perjury charges after Westchester prosecutors accused him of lying at a Department of Motor Vehicles hearing regarding a drunk-driving arrest he had made. Tartaglione was acquitted at trial but the village fired him on departmental charges.

Tartaglione successfully sued to get his job back in 2003 with $320,000 in back pay. He claimed that authorities concocted the perjury allegation as a way to remove him from the force, but his wrongful arrest lawsuit against the village and District Attorney’s Office was dismissed.

He worked as a cop for eight years between 1996-2008 then retired on full pension. That’s a crime of its own.

He also had a longstanding feud with Clay Tiffany, a cable television host and gadfly who accused Tartaglione of beating and harassing him on numerous occasions. Tiffany, who died last year, settled a federal lawsuit against the village and Tartaglione, receiving more than $1.1 million.

Phil Reisman: There is no dirge for Clay Tiffany

Clay. Who says crackers can’t do afros? Everybody.

In addition to his law enforcement career, Tartaglione was involved for years in animal rescue efforts, helping his parents who ran a dog-grooming business, Dapper Dog, in Nyack. He was rescuing horses and dogs on a 65-acre property he recently bought in Orange County.

I wondered if he was involved in other organized crime like cockfighting but Nick was a K9 cop so seems legit.

Tartaglione faces a minimum of 10 years and a maximum of life on the drug conspiracy charge. He faces a minimum of 20 years and the possibility of the death penalty or life in prison on each of the charges accusing him of murder in furtherance of the drug conspiracy. Federal prosecutors will determine whether to seek the death penalty in the case.

They chose to seek the death penalty, which would have (and still might) make Tartaglioni the first New Yorker executed by the Federal gov’t since Julius & Ethel Rosenberg.

Graziano, the Chester chief, said he doesn’t believe the department had ever investigated a quadruple homicide before. He was struggling with the idea that someone with a law enforcement background was involved.

Welcome to the 21st Century, Graziano.

“He took an oath. He was a police officer,” the chief said. “This is incomprehensible … What happened that made him turn to this kind of activity I don’t know.”

Now, a story about his accomplice to show you how deep this crooked-cop cocaine trafficking runs.

New Details Emerge in Murder Case After Ex-Officer.s Suicide

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By Eli Rosenberg and William K. Rashbaum, 9 March 2017

Gerard Benderoth, a retired New York City police officer and bodybuilder, was pulled over by F.B.I. agents and local police officers on Wednesday morning in a small town near the Hudson River just a short drive from his home. The agents and officers, who were investigating Mr. Benderoth’s links to a case involving a drug conspiracy and four murders, hoped to get him to cooperate with their inquiry, according to three people with knowledge of the matter.

But they could tell something was wrong as soon as they pulled him over in Haverstraw, about an hour north of Manhattan, said one of the people, who all requested anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the matter.

Mr. Benderoth called the town’s police department . from which he retired as an officer in 2015 . to say that he had been pulled over, the person said. He then shot himself with a handgun before investigators reached the car, officials said.

He was so dirty that he didn’t wait to see what they wanted, but he called the office first to warn his peers before sucking on his duty pistol.

The suicide has drawn wide attention from the news media, which has focused on the contours of Mr. Benderoth’s life as a bodybuilder and questions about his purported connection to Nicholas Tartaglione.

But it has also drawn renewed focus on the murders of four men. Mr. Tartaglione, a retired police officer from Briarcliff Manor in Westchester County, was charged by federal prosecutors in Manhattan in December in the quadruple homicide and drug conspiracy. Mr. Tartaglione is being held without bail in federal jail in Brooklyn.

One of the people with knowledge of the matter said that the murders, which took place near a bar in Chester, a town about 30 minutes northwest of Haverstraw, resulted from a cocaine selling operation that had gone awry. One of the men, a landscaper, had been dispatched to Mexico to buy some cocaine that was then sold successfully by the operation upon his return.

But after a second trip, the man, who had been given a larger sum of money to buy a larger quantity of cocaine, returned from Mexico with neither the money nor the drugs, having apparently been robbed, the person said.

The men who had sent the landscaper to Mexico eventually concocted a scheme to lure him to the Likquid Lounge, a bar in Chester, the person said. The man believed he was going to meet someone who wanted to hire him for construction work, so he brought along two relatives and a friend, the person said. But the promise of day labor was just part of the plot to kill him, the person said, and the other three men were simply collateral damage.

It was unclear precisely what role the federal agents and police officers, as well as the prosecutors overseeing the case, believed that Mr. Benderoth had in the case, but they were investigating his involvement, the person said. And while they hoped to win his cooperation, they were prepared to arrest him if need be, the person said, though there were no sealed or unsealed charges against him.

Bruce Barket, one of Mr. Tartaglione’s lawyers, said that he didn’t know exactly how Mr. Benderoth was connected to his client.

.He was on a long list of people we want to talk to,. Mr. Barket said. “Mr. Benderoth’s death was a horrible tragedy. One has to wonder what was weighing on his mind to lead him to such an act.”

Mr. Benderoth had previously drawn news coverage for his weight-lifting prowess. A former aspiring World’s Strongest Man whose muscled physique once earned him the nickname White Rhino, Mr. Benderoth could reportedly bench press 625 pounds and squat 800 pounds.

Gerard Benderoth, a former police officer under investigation by the F.B.I., shot and killed himself on Wednesday.

That’s not fat.

Huh, we might be distantly related. What a disgraceful end to a life. And here’s his third partner in crime, Joseph Briggs, a school security guard.

Westchester school security guard helped former cop execute four men in drug deal: prosecutors

This suggests the group was organized around the gym rather than the precinct, although there is still Gerard’s phone call to wonder about.

Enough foreplay. What does Tartaglione have to do with Jeffrey Epstein?

Lawyer for Nicholas Tartaglione denies client involved in Jeffrey Epstein’s jail injuries

25 July 2019

Speculation that accused child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein may have been assaulted in his Manhattan jail cell by a former Briarcliff Manor police officer awaiting trial in a quadruple homicide is false, the lawyer for ex-cop Nicholas Tartaglione said Thursday afternoon.

“Any suggestion that Mr. Tartaglione assaulted anyone is a complete fabrication,” the lawyer, Bruce Barket, said in a statement. “This story is being leaked to retaliate against Mr. Tartaglione for complaining to the court about the deplorable conditions at the MCC. We made those complaints on Monday in open court. We warned the judge that officials at the jail would retaliate against Nick because we have been exposing the inhumane conditions at the facility..

He couldn’t be more wrong about those suggestion motivations.

Epstein, a wealthy financier, has been held at the federal Metropolitan Correctional Center since his arrest July 6. He was found this week in his cell, lying in a fetal position, semi-conscious, with marks on his neck, reported Wednesday night.

Investigators are looking into the possibility that Epstein might have tried to hang himself, or that it might have been a ruse to try to get transferred, according to NBC, which also reported Epstein is on suicide watch. …

Tartaglione made headlines recently after correction officers confiscated an illicit cell phone that was found in his cell on July 3, according to court records. He claimed his cellmate had tossed it to him as correction officers approached the cell, prosecutors said.

So, timeline time.

Feb. 11, 2018: Tartaglione was assaulted at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan, where he has been held since his arrest, his lawyer said in court documents. Barket said Tartaglione needed reconstructive surgery for a fractured eye-socket bone.

That happens when you do business against the Mexican drug cartels. Even in high security.

March 19, 2019: Prosecutors announce they will seek the death penalty against Tartaglione, a decision that had lingered since his arrest.

July 3, 2019: Correction officers at MCC confiscate an illicit cellphone from Tartaglione’s jail cell, according to court records. Prosecutors said Tartaglione claimed that his cellmate had tossed the phone to him as officers approached.

July 24, 2019: WNBC reports that Tartaglione was questioned about how financier and accused child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein was found injured at MCC. Epstein was reportedly found semi-conscious on the ground with marks on his neck in his cell, according to WNBC, and Tartaglione denied having anything to do with it when questioned by investigators.

That episode of Alt-Q comic wrote itself. Three weeks after Tartaglioni had unmonitored contact with the outside world, Epstein was found with his throat nearly crushed. And… the last piece… I’ve been holding this back… this is Tartaglioni:

I doubt they were literal roommates but a quadruple murderer looking at the death sentence, with the physique to bend steel with bare hands, would be my first choice for an in-prison hitman.

But here’s the thing, I don’t think Tartaglioni could have done it without the guards’ cooperation.

Epstein Suicide Attempt? . Or Was It an Attempt to Suicide Him?

Epstein was being housed in MCC.s 10 South Unit, a block of six cells known as the “terror wing” because it’s where the city’s most dangerous federal inmates, including alleged terrorists, are held (El Chapo was held there until he was transferred to the federal supermax prison in Colorado). All the prisoners in that unit are housed separately . and they’re in their cells 23 hours per day.

This is not the most reputable source; conspiracy sites rarely do well at documentation and analysis; but this much makes sense. There’s no biological need for prisoners to leave their cells, after all.

Indeed, why do I even doubt the official account? Because 1. Epstein had agreed to a plea bargain, 2. where did his suicide rope come from? He wasn’t straitjacketed but it was still max security and 3. the simple act of testifying is all the suicide attempt he really needed to make. Was anybody betting he’d die in bed after a long, full life at Club Fed?

And 4. he successfully “suicided” immediately upon release from a brief suicide watch. That’s dirty. That can’t NOT be dirty. So, while I normally prefer to avoid speculation and theorizing., Epstein’s fate gets a pass.

I believe a guard opened the gates and let Nick go for the proverbial throat, but something happened to force an abort. What reason do I have to believe a guard was in on that? Because that cell phone didn’t come from a visiting girlfriend.

Killing with one’s bare hands isn’t easy, which is why a guard would recruit bodybuilder Nick to do the throat squeeze instead of himself. It also prevented any lucky defensive wounds… “how did you get a black eye while the prisoner you were watching hanged himself with toilet paper?” sort of thing. Nick was already facing four death sentences, why not five? The guard would open a couple locks, maybe get fired and then “win the lottery”. Nick would gamble on his new allies keeping their deal.


Into the Devil’s Insane Asylum

Discovering that MK-ULTRA is still being used on people was not my expected destination when I mentioned a conspiracy theory involving El Paso Shooter Patrick Crusius’ father, Bryan Crusius, in a recent post. At the time, I didn’t even care to cover the theory, just posted a link in a comment for the curious and went home. And a brain fart happened halfway there.

Bryan Crusius worked at Timberlawn Mental Health. But…

…He wasn’t a psychiatrist.

…He wasn’t an MD.

…He wasn’t a registered or vocational nurse.

…He had no relevant college background that I knew of.

…and he self-admitted to half a lifetime of hallucinogenic drug abuse before being miraculously cured by the multiple disembodied voices in his brain.

Why was a man like that working as STAFF in a MENTAL HOSPITAL?

Even on the face of it, that’s criminal negligence, to hire somebody with that background for ANY job involving mentally ill people at a company dispensing mind-altering medications on a daily basis. Did the background check miss his AUTOBIOGRAPHY when he applied to be an orderly or something?

So I checked.

And this LSD-tripping schizo…

…was the INTAKE PROJECT DIRECTOR for Timberlawn Mental Health Systems located in Dallas. The doctor who reviewed incoming patients and developed initial treatment plans for them. Only he wasn’t a doctor, Bryan was a New Age holistic therapy hippie.

Let’s look at his private practice.

Bryan Crusius, LPC

John “Bryan” Crusius, LPC, LPC-S

M.A. Professional Counseling; May 2006 with 3.94 GPA
B.S. Management; University of Houston, Houston, TX

LPC is licensed professional counselor so okay, he’s not without qualification. But that’s way more college than one would expect for a student addicted to happy pills. And a top GPA, too? I’m suspicious but degree verification is $15 I don’t want to spend.

Yay, Internet. So much knowledge at my fingertips behind a paywall. And his book is another $15 I don’t want to spend. Well, if there’s one thing journalists are good for… ah, this is why I like to wait a few days before posting on current events. I’m a cheapskate.


The father of the 21-year-old man arrested for the El Paso shooting massacre was a drug addict for almost 40 years and is now an energy healer who claims to have had visions of Jesus Christ and his dead grandmother, can reveal.

Meaning his book finally crossed the Atlantic into their hands. They include pics of the very web page we’re discussing so I assume they verified his college enrollment. That’s not a guarantee, of course. Journalists are factual Pharisees, scouring the ends of the Earth for the last puzzle piece then shelving the puzzle unsolved. But it’s the best I’m gonna get for free.

But here’s a few highlights before we go back.

.I lived a life of pretense in a kind of dream, alternating between the lows of apathy and hopelessness and the highs of material success,. he wrote. .I have quit and relapsed countless times..

The therapist revealed that his drinking and drug-taking led his second wife initially to banish him to a separate quarter of the family home in Allen, Texas, and finally to divorce and kick him out the house when Patrick was 12-years-old.

So, Patrick did watch his parents go through a divorce. He was born after Bryan’s first divorce but previous articles didn’t mention his second. Perhaps they remarried.

.In the last quarter of 2011, after many months of living alone upstairs my spouse of eighteen years knocked on the door and handed me divorce papers,. Crusius Sr wrote.

Shit test epically failed.

.Every time I thought of living apart from my three children I would break down into total misery. I wondered why the world was so unfair. What events could justify separation of a father from his children?.

The therapist detailed how he was a veteran user of hallucinogens by age 16, and progressed to benzodiazepines, anti-depressants – including Vicodin – and prescription drugs commonly prescribed for people with ADHD.

Yeah, that could justify separating a father from his kids.

Even as a father of young children and a practicing therapist counselling patients on their addiction problems, Crusius Sr admitted he continued to abuse drugs himself.

Can you say “malpractice”? “Hypocrisy”? I sympathize with needing to make a living but physician, heal thyself. He should never have gotten into counseling in the first place if his drug problems started by age 16.

Crusius Sr wrote that on December 23 he was driving to work to give a patient a mental health assessment when he got a call from his teenage daughter Emily, multiple murderer Patrick’s twin sister, telling him the news [of his second divorce].

.It was my daughter wanting to know when I would be home because she needed a ride to a friend’s house.

.I asked, .Where’s your mom? Can she take you?. An uncomfortable silence filled the air and finally she replied. .She left this morning for Oklahoma..

..What?. I said, feeling quite surprised. She had not told me of any trip or advised me that she was leaving.

.What was shocking on the surface was to realize that my spouse had taken off without leaving an adult in charge..

The father reacted bizarrely to the news, immediately pulling into a “major warehouse store” and attempting to steal a computer hard drive.

He was apprehended by security guards and spent several days in county jail, leaving his three children to fend for themselves on Christmas Day.

Wow. That’s a fucked-up couple.

When he eventually returned home, Crusius Sr wrote how his eldest son Blake was shocked at his appearance.

.My seventeen year old son stared at me in disbelief. I sheepishly went up the stairs in a cloud of shame. My behavior of the last few years had placed him in a state of fear and uncertainty. He was the oldest and had taken on responsibility by default as the man of the house,. the father wrote.

The majority of the father’s memoir is a rambling account of his various hallucinations and “visions” while meditating with other spiritualists and “energy healers..

I’m tempted to buy the book just to exercise my dream interpretation skills but fear what might be found. Like I found with Jordan Peterson. It’s always a good idea to NOT expose oneself to the occult.

In one bizarre session, he recounts speaking with Jesus.

.Christ greeted me with a smile. He pulled his robe aside again with his right hand to reveal the flaming heart of love and compassion. He addressed me thus: .Bryan, you have chosen the Path of the Heart,.. the licensed therapist wrote.

That’s not much to work with. I don’t care for the imagery of God exposing Himself or a heart being burned but without context, there’s just nothing to say. One wonders if this vision inspired his book’s artwork:

His 2014 memoir Life Enthusiasm: A Path to Purpose Beyond Recovery pictured above

On Sunday, the alleged El Paso Walmart shooter’s grandfather got into an altercation with an FBI agent who showed up at his home, where Patrick Crusius lived for at least two years.

Larry Brown, 77, shouted “get the hell out of here” at an FBI agent who approached his Allen, Texas home on Sunday morning.

Brown? Not Crusius? Since the initial shooting, I’ve been mentally stumbling over the similarity between “Crusius” and “cruciferous”, meaning Cross-like. Kept telling myself that nah, he wouldn’t have renamed himself to something pseudo-religious. But why does his father have a different name? Adoption? Divorce? Journalists have no curiosity these days.

Bryan is 63 per the Daily Mail and his father is 77. I don’t like that math.

Residents of the former Crusius family home, where the alleged shooter lived with his twin sister, older brother and parents before they divorced, said they bought the house from the family about 18 months ago, but had no personal contact with them. Property records show the house was sold in March 2018 for $385,000.

The journalists are trying that hard for a scoop, yet missing the pieces they already have? Disney isn’t the only Converged organization short on creativity.

End segue.

So, what more on this page?

My mission is to bring the highest level of care possible to any who wish to be free from addictions, codependence, PTSD and trauma.

Treating the Whole Person
I believe in treating the “whole” person: Body, Mind and Spirit. My practice is ecumenical with regard to .Spirit.” I agree with AA (Alcoholics Anonymous): Recovery from addiction is difficult to impossible without reliance on a Higher Power.

That’s creepy. The definition of ecumenical per thefreedictionary is 1. Of worldwide scope or applicability; universal. 2. a. Of or relating to the worldwide Christian church.
b. Concerned with establishing or promoting unity among churches or religions.

So, Bryan is saying his practice is either universal or religious. And that reference to a ‘Higher Power’ rules out both ‘universal’ and ‘Christianity’.

Yeah, creepy.

Infused Being Therapy and Counseling
I call my practice Infused Being Therapy. I strongly believe that recovery from addiction and trauma is a process. For successful recovery and healing . clients have to be willing to “let go and let their Higher Power” guide and heal them. This is the basic process; there are many details, much understanding and deeper self-knowledge to be attained along the way. This is the process of Infused Being Therapy.

I never liked that principle of AA. Do these Higher Powers not have names? If it’s Jesus then say so. If it isn’t then who exactly are you giving access to?

Supportive Energy Therapies: Integrated Healing
I use various Energy Therapies as an adjunct to traditional cognitive talk therapy. Much research has been done on acupuncture and related energy healing methodologies. Many believe (and I agree) that it is possible to support intellectual talk therapy with energy healing. In my experience, energy healing treats more of the whole person; including Body and Spirit.

Treatment Philosophy
I call my treatment philosophy Infused Being Therapy. I could have called it .Spirit-Infused. Recovery Therapy.

Maybe ‘Spirits-Infused’? And i don’t mean booze.

It has been my experience that Recovery Therapy is most effective in individuals who:

1. Are willing to be ruthlessly honest with themselves
2. Allow the possibility of the existence of a Higher Power, Universal Intelligence, or a Source
3. Embrace comprehensive change

Without these basic qualities present . there is no need to waste my time and yours. Family members often bring in addicted loved ones, hoping for recovery and change through counseling therapy; but the addict remains hostile and/or in denial.

The Addict or Trauma Sufferer MUST Be Willing to Change
This is the basic “agreement” needed for successful therapy or counseling. Without an honest inventory of “where you are now. . and a willingness to be ruthlessly honest with oneself in the pursuit of positive change . the chances of successful recovery are non-existent.

Yes: It is possible that an addict can stop . for a while . alcohol or substance abuse without a deep self-examination and spiritual growth. But without a deep self-examination, connection to spirit and the willingness to change . what remains is rage, self-hatred and negativity. Chances of relapse in these cases is almost 100%.

Methinks Bryan is talking more about himself than the prospective patient here.

Recovery is Possible: I Can Assist You in Finding Your Way
Ready to Begin YOUR Journey to Recovery and Wholeness? Welcome!

I’m inclined to believe Bryan has spiritual corruption via embracing his inner darkness. I’ve never heard of a schizophrenic trying to market the voices in his head. Easy to believe unclean spirits are hitching a ride on him, however. (Full possession is extremely rare.)

Ooh, his website has customer reviews!

Bryan Crusius is an amazingly gifted therapist with vast knowledge of the psychological and metaphysical and how to work with them to aid recovery. I highly recommend his services and literature!

Not improving my opinion.

Bryan.s healing sessions takes me into deep states of well-being. The sounds, scents and energy invite my soul to let go and touch my true authentic self. Being in the proximity of your heartbeat signals my brain waves to openly receive healing and realize the exquisite healthy and whole being we each are. The sessions empower my heart to merge thought and emotions to realize miraculous peace, wholeness and compassion which starts for myself and expands to an ocean of compassion for all others. Through your sessions I feel pure calm, acceptance and positive focus. I thank you for the gift and have deep gratitude for your healings sessions. My wish is for others to treat themselves to such richness.

Sounds like an acid trip.

I was referred to Bryan by a close friend of mine [after SSRIs didn’t work for chronic anxiety] who also suffers from anxiety and had good results from energy therapy so I thought I’d try it out. I went to the clinic and was quickly led into a dark, tranquil room. The mood in the room was quite peaceful and as the treatment began I felt relaxed. I must also add the rain and thunder sounds were quite relaxing. As my treatment started I fell into a deep relaxation. I imagined myself on a relative’s patio while it was raining. I began to think about many aspects of my life, aspects in life that I could improve on. This relaxed state of mind got me past my anxiety disorder long enough to realize obvious ways I could improve upon my profession and social life in general. I also felt a tingling sensation in my legs and part of my head during parts of it. Before I knew it, Bryan woke me up and the treatment was over.

Not sure how or when I fell asleep but this energy treatment was helpful for my anxiety. I have never felt so relaxed and my mind was never so clear as it was right after. There is no doubt that I would recommend Bryan to anyone suffering from chronic anxiety!

He unexpectedly blacked out during treatment.

Cinical and Therapy Experience
Timberlawn Mental Health System (UHS Inc.) Dallas, TX
Mobile Crisis Team (on call) Counselor, Admissions Counselor
? Fulfill hospital requests for psychological evaluations for patients who may be a danger to themselves or others, psychotic, in need of supervised detoxification or other acute symptoms.

DAPA Psychiatric Programs Dallas, TX
Facility Director (in process of Medicare certification)
? Design of intensive outpatient PHP program for co-occuring disorders; extensive case management and group therapy experience.
? Hiring & supervision of counselors, MHT.s, and all other personnel.
? Ongoing writing, implementation, & efficacy review of new modules.

Timberlawn Mental Health System (UHS Inc.) Dallas, TX
Program Manager- Dual Diagnosis
? Redesigned Dual Diagnosis program to include a flow of programming that included an Individualized Relapse Prevention Plan for each patient.
? Hands-on position included case management duties, including discharge planning and aftercare scheduling in addition to management duties.
? Wrote new capsules for group psycho-education, including comprehensive handouts illustrating the electro-biochemical component of cravings (revealing the unseen).
? The Dual Diagnosis unit consistently earned the highest patient satisfaction level in the system-wide Gallup surveys during my tenure.
? Performed initial intake assessments and determined proper level of care from clinical observation both in Timberlawn ER and in other facilities (mobile assessments).
? Initialized and/or coordinated MOT.s, transfers, OPC.s, etc. with hospitals, doctors, & other mental health professionals.

This sounds like stuff a psychiatrist should be doing. Diagnosis? Treatment plans?Supervision of staff?

Life Enthusiasm: A Path to Purpose Beyond Recovery ...

Bryan’s body looks emaciated, typical for long-term drug users. I note no needle tracks on his arms, consistent with the Daily Mail’s report of oral drug abuse. He seems to have large irises, ears and mouth, typical for people open/susceptible to new experiences or novelty. His right eye might have the New Moon shape of deception towards the outside world but the angle makes me unsure. Orderly hair for an orderly mind, that’s a bit surprising.

So, he got to work in a mental hospital despite his criminal background, mental health and family life. Time for Timberlawn.

Timberlawn psychiatric hospital to close Feb. 16 after safety violations

By Sue Ambrose, Sarah Mervosh and Miles Moffeit, Jan 2018

Timberlawn psychiatric hospital says it is voluntarily closing its doors, just a week after state officials threatened to shut down the century-old treatment center because it was too dangerous for patients.

.Our intention to close Timberlawn comes after completing a comprehensive, careful review,. chief executive James Miller wrote Thursday in a letter to staff obtained by The Dallas Morning News.

He later issued a similar statement to The News, saying that the hospital’s owners had decided to shutter it in December, before the state threatened to yank its license and fine it $600,000. Timberlawn is appealing those sanctions.

It.s unclear exactly when the last patient will leave Timberlawn, which was once a premier mental health facility but in recent years has had safety problems, including sexual assaults.

Miller told federal health officials that the hospital will close on Feb. 1, or as soon after that as possible, said Bob Moos, a Dallas spokesman for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Timberlawn is responsible for transferring patients to other hospitals, according to Carrie Williams, spokeswoman for the Texas Health and Human Services Commission.

Miller cited a decreased patient population as one reason for the hospital’s closure, along with the increasing availability of beds at other facilities and the cost to refurbish aging buildings on the Timberlawn campus, most of which are vacant.

In 2014, a suicidal woman was left alone and killed herself. In 2015, a woman reported she was raped by another patient. And last fall, a 13-year-old girl who was a victim of past sexual abuse reported that a another teen patient came into her room one night and raped her.

Inspectors found that on a night when there was just one mental health aide to watch 16 kids, the 17-year-old boy slipped into the girl’s room unnoticed. The two were placed in rooms next to each other, despite the fact that a doctor had warned the boy needed to be watched for sexual aggression.

So, the rapes didn’t directly involve staff. Still unacceptable but not conspiracy-level material.

At the time, the hospital was on probation with state health officials for its previous breakdowns in care.

The company that owns Timberlawn, Universal Health Services Inc., is the largest operator of mental health facilities in the country — and is facing a slew of government investigations, including a federal criminal fraud probe. Since 2012, the company has closed two residential treatment centers for adolescents, in Virginia and Illinois, that faced regulatory sanctions.

A 2016 data analysis by The News found that of 154 Universal Health hospitals, more than a quarter were plagued by serious safety problems.

Welcome to the new normal. Our government leaders are so sick, they don’t trust any organization that isn’t a little dirty themselves. I’ve seen this in civil engineering: municipalities intentionally award bids to companies they know are lowballing or otherwise gaming the system over more reputable choices.

As Timberlawn’s safety problems have worsened over the last three years, its role in the Dallas-area mental health network has faded. It had been one of the few hospitals to treat large numbers of children and teenagers, but other facilities with a broader range of medical services are now taking in more of those patients, Dallas mental health experts say.

“Timberlawn represented a century-and-a-half-old model of care that we really don’t need,” said Andy Keller, chief executive officer of the Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute in Dallas.

Colette Riel, whose sister committed suicide at Timberlawn in 2014, said she was glad that the hospital’s closure means no one else will get hurt at Timberlawn. Her sister, 37-year-old Brittney Bennetts, was known to be suicidal when staff left her alone; she hanged herself on doorknobs that the hospital knew posed a risk.

But Timberlawn’s closure is just .a drop in the bucket,. Riel said. .What about the parent company that owns all of these hospitals nationwide and their record and recklessness?.

Universal Health Services, one of those Fortune 500 companies that prefers to not announce their presence. So, who hired Bryan Crusius? The CEO?

James Miller

James Miller looks like the proverbial fair-haired boy in a suit. With a chin like that, I’d wager he played football in college. Which was BA Psychology from U of Memphis, class of 2000 per his social media.

CEO – Rolling Hills Hospital
July 2019 . Present 2 months
Franklin, TN

CEO – Glen Oaks Hospital
March 2018 . July 2019 1 year 5 months
Greenville, Texas

CEO – Timberlawn Behavioral Health System
November 2015 . March 2018 2 years 5 months
Dallas, Texas

CEO – Alliance Health Center
January 2013 . November 2015 2 years 11 months
Meridian, Mississippi

COO – Parkwood Behavioral Health System
2012 . 2013 1 year
Olive Branch, Mississippi

COO – Lakeside Behavioral Health System
2002 . 2012 10 years
Memphis, Tennessee

A UHS company man. Two years from college grad to chief operating officer; ain’t nepotism great? The timing of his position at Timberlawn suggests he was brought in to fix the problems that eventually got the place shut down. I couldn’t find whether Bryan Casius lost his job before the closure or not, but Miller was not the guy who caused the problems.

The only other candidate for “I hired Bryan” available to me is Colin A. Ross, who came to my attention by way of the online conspiracy community. I don’t trust them. I don’t believe any conspiracy theory I can’t verify for myself; that leaves plenty to occupy my sleepless nights, hello Gavin Newsom; but let’s see how far we can go.

Colin Ross. Very heavy eyelids suggesting emotional defensiveness/poor temper, perhaps not surprising for someone whose life work is extreme psychiatric trauma. Angled eyebrows for conflict-seeking, chin confirms. Concave nose for social energy.

If his hair is typical of this pic (I did find a confirming second) then he’s a terrible listener. Notice the ears are fully half-covered by his hair, and not because it’s a natural feature of his hair style. The hair is generally disorderly enough to be worth noticing but not whackjob frizzy. We may have a winner.

This interview gives some interesting background.

Dr. Colin Ross Discusses Counseling Methods With Kathleen

Dr. Colin Ross Discusses Counseling Methods With Kathleen

By Kathleen Mills, 11 September 2014

So, this is contemporary with Timberlawn’s early safety violations.

Kathleen Mills: Tell the listeners a little bit about you, then we’re going to segue what your expertise is.

Colin Ross: Like you pointed out there, I grew up in Canada, was a high school dropout for six or seven years, living up in the Canadian Arctic, which is where I got into the anthropology side of things that I’m interested in. I decided that I’d better get down south and go to college. I went down to Edmonton, did my pre-med and medical school always intending to be a psychiatrist. Worked as an academic psychiatrist in Winnepeg for six years, .85 to .91, and then moved down to Dallas, where I’ve been ever since. Initially at a hospital called Charter Dallas, moved over to Timberlawn in .97, and the same parent corporation owns the programs I consult to in Michigan and California.

That’s an interesting background and red flag. Ross wasn’t interested in academics until he spent years in isolation. Then he came back fascinated about people who hear voices in their head. Hmm.

CR: One cool feature we have, and the reason we have this . it’s called the Visiting Professionals Program . is that, when I was in medical school, in one day, the coolest rotation I had . of course, I liked psychiatry the best . but the coolest rotation as the surgery rotation. The surgeon was this Scotsman with a very thick Scottish accent. He was always ranting on about nursing had just gone all to pieces because these crazy holistic nurses wanted to take over. Medical students had gone down the tubes because they didn’t wear ties anymore. But he was the most amazing clinician that I ever met. His surgical technique was so fantastic. On one day, it was in a smaller hospital. If you’re in the main teaching hospital, there’s a crowd of 2000 in the OR and the medical student can’t see anything. But here, there’s just me, the intern, and the anesthetist, and the nurses and the surgeon. I’m standing right there for six-and-a-half hours in one procedure. So in one day, I got to watch a surgeon at work for six and a half hours. That’s more than the total time watching psychiatrists at work in four years in residency.
KM: Interesting.
CR: That’s because the psychiatrist never let you watch what they’re doing. You’re supposed to somehow absorb it from the walls or something. I said to myself, .That doesn’t make any sense.. I thought, .I.m not going to do it that way.” We have interns all the time working in the program who are providing service but also learning and getting trained.

I sympathize with this criticism of medical education. It’s a green flag that Ross takes an interest in training the next generation to the point of opening himself up to scrutiny.

Let’s go to the Colin A. Ross Institute for info.

Dr. Ross obtained his M.D. from the University of Alberta in 1981 and completed his training in psychiatry at the University of Manitoba in 1985. He has been running a hospital-based Trauma Program in Dallas, Texas since 1991.

Initally Charter Dallas until 1997, when he moved to Timberlake. His exact slot in the hierarchy is vague but as a real psychiatrist, it’s reasonable to believe he was Bryan’s immediate superior. One can only assume that an expert in people hearing voices would recognize the behavior in a coworker, and that if the company is only going to shell out for one egghead then it’ll at least put him at the top.

He’s given no reason for moving to USA to practice. Most docs who did that were escaping the Canadian hellhole of socialized medicine, which is totally understandable. Then we got Obamacare because socialized medicine works but has never been tried anywhere yet and we already enacted it while you were sleeping because we didn’t think you’d fall for something that lame. Ha, ha, bourgeois pigs!

I even found an audio interview in which Ross talks about the CIA experiments. It’s relevant to his chosen line of work so not TOO big a red flag. In the interview, half of those “mind control” experiments were along the lines of “let’s inject Fidel Castro with LSD so he’ll make a fool of himself”. The other half was hypnosis, which they tested mostly on their secretaries. Our tax money, spent to prove women are gullible and some men think like women.

Ross studied MK-ULTRA enough to write a book on it. It’s hard to believe that he did so with no intention of finding salvageable inspiration. Which explains keeping a high-functioning druggie like Bryan around. Having a heavily “experienced” staffer could have been useful to him as a test subject as much as an assistant.


At times the traumatic origins of an individual’s problems may be difficult to ascertain. At the Ross Institute, an experienced staff of clinicians [GQ: Bryan Casius] provides psychiatric and behavioral evaluation to ascertain the presence of trauma-related problems as well as to determine the presence of other treatable medical or psychiatric disorders.


The treatment of trauma disorder patients requires special care and presents special challenges. Often these patients have a wide range of deficits that impair their ability to form healing relationships or make informed treatment decisions on their own behalf. A wide range of treatment modalities is offered to address these deficits.

A variety of cognitive therapies is offered to assist patients in correcting their general cognitive deficits as well as specific cognitive distortions related to anger, shame, identity, sexuality and relationships.

He’s heavy on cognitive therapies and behavior coping mechanisms, which sounds promising. Too many shrinks are pill pushers.

Commitment to Research

With the assistance and enduring commitment of Dr. Colin Ross, we expect to engage in significant research in the diagnosis and treatment of trauma-related disorders. By no means do we expect to have all the answers. However, we do make the commitment to contribute as much as possible to the growing body of knowledge in this field.

More about his research in a minute.

The Problem of False Memories

Our position at the Ross Institute is that patients need to be responsible for their own thoughts, feelings, behavior, and memories. It is not our task to either “validate” memories or conclude that they are not real. We work with the patient to help him or her sort out the reality of the past as best as possible. The content of the memories is not our primary focus; the healing elements of the treatment are in the process and structure, not in the content. We adopt the principle of therapeutic neutrality, described in Trauma Model Therapy, with respect to the accuracy of trauma memories.

I can see both sides of this. On the one hand, the patient needs the ability to discriminate between true and false more than a set of corrections. On the other hand, reality is objective. False memories are a problem because they’re FALSE.

Upcoming Workshops & Events
Dr. Ross will be a speaker at the Higher Thought Institute Conference in Philadelphia September 26, 2019.

For once in my life, I want to attend a professional seminar. Let’s proceed to this “Higher Thought” Institute.

Higher Thought Institute: Mission Statement
To provide mental health care providers with the resources for continuing education, inspiration and higher learning through conferences, online courses and professional exhibitions.

Okay. Translation, they’re a company that specializes in professional continuing education. If you have a professional license then you know the type.

To bring leading authors, speakers and advocates in the mental health care field together with practicing professionals for the exchange of knowledge and for fostering career development.

Okay. Ross is definitely a leader in his field and as we saw above, interested in teaching the next generation.

To maintain the spirit of higher learning by always being inquisitive, inventive and unwilling to accept limitations based on fear or lack of understanding.

Uh-oh. That’s atheist-speak for “we don’t accept religious objections to our methods”. Why might we Joneses fear their latest treatment for Multiple Personality Disorder?

Because it was inspired by MK-ULTRA research?

There are seven other speakers at this conference. If Bryan Casius was Ross’ peer then, who are Ross’ peers today?

Harville Hendrix, Ph.D. Conflict-seeking angled eyebrows and sharp jawline & chin. Face is fleshed out by maturity from SJW-ish.

Harville Hendrix, Ph.D. was a couple’s therapist with more than 40 years. experience as an educator, clinical trainer and lecturer whose work has appeared on Oprah 17 times.

Why am I not surprised? Because Oprah attracts spiritual corruption like garbage attracts flies.

Harville and Helen LaKelly Hunt, Ph.D. are partners in life and work.

Hardline atheists. No hint of marriage.

They are the co-creators of Imago Relationship Theory & Therapy…

As seen on Oprah. Seriously, I looked up the website and that was the first complete sentence. Go look:

Imago Relationships Worldwide

They are the authors of three New York Times best sellers (Getting The Love You Want; Keeping The Love You Find; and Giving The Love That Heals), Making Marriage Simple, and six other books.

Home |

John Briere, Ph.D. A face like a battle tank. The square face shape is reliable and solid. His inner face is much smaller than his face outline, so very thick-skinned. All right angles from eyebrows to chin; that plus thin lips means he’s exceptionally rational. Middle third is the smallest, so he rose high without being ambitious, suggesting great capability.

My only concern is his personal life; left side-guarded.

[He] is a Professor of Psychiatry at the USC Keck School of Medicine, and Center Director of the USC Adolescent Trauma Training Center of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network. A past president of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies… He is author or co-author of over 140 articles, chapters, and encyclopedia entries, 18 books (published or in progress), and 11 trauma-related psychological tests.

A serious psychiatrist, sounds respectable.

In 2015, Dr. Briere was the trauma consultant for the film Room, working with actor Brie Larson and director Lenny Abrahamson.

I spoke too soon?

Ronald D. Siegel, PsyD. Pedoface/SJW face shape. Einstein-level disorderly hair and curly, too, an indicator of sexual energy. I’m surprised he would be a peer of Briere.

Dr. Ronald D. Siegel is an Assistant Professor of Psychology, part time, at Harvard Medical School, where he has taught for over 35 years. He is a long time student of mindfulness meditation and serves on the Board of Directors and faculty of the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy. He teaches internationally about the application of mindfulness practice in psychotherapy and other fields, and maintains a private clinical practice in Lincoln, Massachusetts.

He’s not a peer of Briere. I’ll take Ross’ background of seven years in the Yukon wilderness and returning mildly psychotic over a game-the-system suit who hasn’t left a college campus since the Carter administration.

Kathleen Parrish, MAMFC, MARE, LPC. With those jutting cheeks & chin, and otherwise a standard feminist, I’d call her a witch except she’s probably not leading a church.

Kathleen Parrish, MAMFC, MARE, LPC is a Licensed Professional Counselor and the Senior Director of Clinical Operations and Community Outreach at Cottonwood Tucson. She has been an employee of Cottonwood Tucson since 2002. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology in 1991. She earned a Master of Arts degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and a Master of Arts Degree in Religious Education from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1999.

Well, well. Speak of the devil-spawn.

Kathleen is an approved Clinical Supervisor for the Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners. Kathleen’s work with trauma survivors spans over 25 years, using EMDR, Narrative Therapy, and Mindfulness. She has written articles for Counselor, Addiction Professional, Addiction Today and Arizona Together magazines. She is the co-author of “The Essence of Resilience: Stories of Triumph over Trauma,. (HCI Books, 2016). She has presented seminars on trauma in the United States and Europe.

At best, she’s a diversity hire. Most likely, she doesn’t heal trauma, she willfully inflicts it upon the innocent.

Her weak credentials mean she’s got no business teaching the experts of psychology.

Pamela Harmell, Ph.D. is developing Kathleen’s cheeks, not a good sign. Social, rounded eyebrows are the only non-rational element on her face, which is generally bad. Such women are the most likely to use emotion as a weapon.

Dr. Harmell is former Chair of the California State Ethics Committee…

We can skip the rest. She is pure Evil.


Karen Kissel Wegela, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist in the State of Colorado (Lic.#1592). She has been a professor at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, for nearly 37 years and served as the department chair for 15 years. She began working as a psychotherapist in private practice in 1977 and continues to see therapy clients now on a half-time basis. She is the author of three books: What Really Helps: Using Mindfulness & Compassionate Presence to Help, Support, and Encourage Others; The Courage to Be Present: Buddhism, Psychotherapy, and the Awakening of Natural Wisdom (Shambhala, 2009); and Contemplative Psychotherapy Essentials: Enriching Your Practice with Buddhist Psychology (W. W. Norton, 2014).

Her only qualification for speaking at this seminar is to introduce Buddhist thought as a replacement for Christian thought in psychology.

John Arden, Ph.D., ABPP has some pedo elements and disorderly hair, which makes him as unlikely a trustworthy shrink as Ronnie Siegel up above. I like his forehead, however. That little triangle in the middle indicates capacity for insight and problem-solving. The heavy brow indicates stubbornness that, hopefully, helped him shed any SJW passive-aggression.

John Arden, PhD, ABPP is the author of 15 books including, Brain2Brain, The Brain Bible, Rewire Your Brain, and Brain-Based Therapy with Adults. His new book is entitled Mind-Brain-Gene: Toward the Integration of Psychotherapy. He recently retired from Kaiser Permanente where he served as the Northern California Regional Director of Training where he developed one of the largest mental health training programs in the United States. In this capacity he oversaw more than 150 interns and postdoctoral psychology residents in 24 medical centers. He has presented in all US States and 28 countries.

I think Arden is like Ross in that he started out wanting to cure his own demons and proceeded from there to curing others. That’s honorable so long as they DO cure themselves before trying to cure others, so there’s a tight needle to be threaded. When it happens, you get an ace therapist who both understands and sympathizes with you, with a track record of success.

When that needle doesn’t get threaded, you get Bryan Casius, treating drug addicts while carrying a hip flask of Vicodin that’s never full.

Two legit experts, three witches, two SJWs and a protege of Oprah Winfrey. The circus is coming to Philly! To teach you how to act normal.

To conclude, I believe…

1. Ross really is proceeding with MK-ULTRA inspired methods.

2. He’s sincerely trying to succeed and fix people as he, apparently, fixed himself. Not to rule the world by dumping LSD in the drinking water or something.

3. Being atheist, he’s less concerned about ethics than results.

4. Having Bryan Casius available was useful to his research.

5. The Higher Thought Institute is True Evil and using Ross (and Briere) for a veneer of legitimacy.

Ross isn’t a Blofeld. He’s a Faust.


The Swedish Reusable Condom

All betting is closed, we have a winner for Best Loser among the recent mass shooters. Sweden’s Philip Manshaus tried to shoot up a mosque but his kill count was stopped at zero by a wedgie from a grandfather.

Not counting his pre-murdered teenage stepsister. Which is all the family background you really need.

philip manshaus

This is the sexiest pic of him that I can find. I’m glad he was stopped but regardless, a moment of silence for the lost manhood of Sweden.

htt ps://

Philip Manshaus [age 21] has been identified as the suspect in a terror attack on a mosque in Baerum, Norway, near Oslo, that wounded one person, Nettavisen reports. Manshaus was taken down by members of the mosque before anyone else was shot, according to police.

Manshaus is also suspected in the murder of his 17-year-old stepsister, Johanne Zhangjia Ihle-Hansen, prior to the Baerum mosque shooting, police said.

There were only three elder members of the Al-Noor Islamic Center in Baerum inside the building when the attack occurred. The victim wounded in the shooting was 65. He is expected to survive. The three men inside the mosque were preparing for Sunday’s Eid-al-Adha celebration. About a dozen people had been praying inside the mosque about 10 minutes before Manshaus arrived, but most had left before the attack began, according to CNN International.

Oopsie #1. He was too late to kill anybody but the cleaning staff, so to speak.

According to Norway’s TV2, Manshaus was armed with two shotgun-like weapons and a pistol when he entered the mosque. Police said that multiple weapons were found inside the mosque, and that they all belonged to the shooter, but did not specify what type of guns were used.

[Manshaus] was wearing body armor and a helmet when he stormed the Al-Noor Islamic Center mosque in the Oslo suburb of Baerum, Norway, NBC News reports. Manshaus shot through the locked glass door of the mosque, where three men were inside, according to police.

He walked though an empty parking lot to unload on the locked door instead of checking back the next day or something? Oopsie #2.

Manshaus was stopped by the three men inside, including 65-year-old Mohamed Rafiq, who overpowered Manshaus and suffered a minor injury, a mosque representative said.

Rafiq held Manshaus in a chokehold until police arrived.

.Mohamed acted immediately when the shooter entered the room. He toppled the shooter and pinned him to the floor, (and) sat on top of him,. a mosque spokesman told reporters, according to CNN International.

Wedgie! And #3.

Manshaus posted on Endchan, an anonymous image posting message board similar to 4chan and 8chan, before the shooting. In the post, Manshaus referenced three other attacks carried out by far-right gunmen. The post referenced the Christchurch, New Zealand, mosque shooting that left 51 people dead on March 15, 2019. It also referenced the April 27, 2019, mosque shooting in Poway, California, that left one dead and three injured, and the August 3, 2019, El Paso, Texas, Walmart shooting that left 22 people dead. All three have been investigated as terror attacks. … The Christchurch gunman streamed his attack live on Facebook. He and the El Paso shooters both posted about their shootings online before carrying out their attacks.

Thusly inspired:

[Patrick] tried to post a Facebook Live video stream, but it did not work.

Oopsie #4. You’re pathetic, Mister Manshrink. You wanted to run with the big boys but now that there’s neither footage nor victims, the cops have to take your word for it that you’re a terrorist.

According to The Guardian, someone reported Manshaus to the Norwegian police service, the PST, in 2018, but they did not investigate further. .There was nothing in that tipoff that suggested there was danger of an act of terrorism or that planning of an attack was under way,. Hans Sverre Sj?vold said, according to The Guardian.

Police in 2018: He’s not a threat to general society.

Police in 2019: We told you so.

Manshaus is facing attempted murder charges in the mosque shooting, which is being investigated as a terror attack. He is also under investigation for murder in the death of his 17-year-old stepsister, according to police.

Manshaus smirked to the cameras during his first court appearance.

My take on this: Manshaus murdered his sister for ‘family’ reasons then quickly tried to murder a bunch of Muslims so he’d have enough street cred to survive in prison. He’s going to be in for life anyway, see, and “badass international Muzzie butcher” is a better fate than “reusable condom for the actually violent inmates”.

But I don’t think he’s gonna clear that burden of proof:

philip manshaus

He already looks like a “battered prison wife” if you get my drift. The inmates aren’t waiting to see how much cred he returns from trial with. They might have already decided from his… as I reconstruct the events… messing with his goPro until the mosque closed, then unleashing his firepower on the glass door, then getting tackled by the 65yo Muzzie while reloading, then being trapped under the weight of Grandpa and his own body armor until the police arrived, arrested him and put a band-aid on Grandpa’s booboo.


MGTOW Life: The Best Revenge

Sometimes I take my own advice and get fresh air in the great outdoors. Which means I keep up with events & related media. Which is how I found this note from the editor of Adventure Sports Journal outlining his plot to thwart cis-Christians from having fun.

Editor.s Note: American Jedi Bodhisattvas

Editor’s Note: American Jedi Bodhisattvas

By Matt Niswonger, Issue #110 Aug./Sept. 2019

An important conversation is happening within the outdoor industry right now, and this conversation revolves around outdoor inclusion.

How can you get more inclusive than walking out the door? Is this going to be a fat acceptance screed? “My door frame doesn’t accept me!”

Simply put, outdoor inclusion means opening the benefits of the outdoor lifestyle to everyone. For decades the outdoor industry has been recognized as a leader in the area of environmental sustainability, but when it comes to diversity there is much less to get excited about.

In my mind, the first step towards inclusion is stepping back to see exactly who gets to participate in the outdoor lifestyle. When I paddle out to my favorite surf break in Santa Cruz, who do I see? When I go to the climbing gym, who do I see? When I stand in line for a lift ticket at a ski resort, who do I see? When I go mountain biking, who do I see? Mostly I see other white people just like myself, and that’s a problem. In order for the outdoor industry to thrive and reach its potential in the coming decades, this needs to change. We need to make other groups feel welcome.

You God-damned ungrateful treacherous passive-aggressive SJW cockroach. If the existence of people like you is a problem then eat a gun already. Better men than you do it all the time these days. I bet you’re proud of our suicide rate.

In the last issue I talked about my yearning for an updated version of Jesus, a “Green Jesus” who comes to save nature and tells humans to spend more time playing outside. This version of Jesus is all religions, all races, all genders and all body types and s/he is pissed off right now because all we do is hang around indoors and make each other wrong on social media. Instead we need to challenge ourselves in the great outdoors and climb, bike, ski, and surf until we reawaken our natural sense of awe. Only then will we be in a position to save nature; when it comes from the heart. If only white people feel comfortable playing outside, then everyone else is cut off from the simple joy of reconnecting with nature.

Your version of Jesus is the government-issue Jesus. Not much else to say, except you don’t know how right you are about how pissed off HE is these days.

The message of Green Jesus is that outdoor adventure is a basic human need, and the current dysfunctional state of humanity can be traced back to the fact that so many humans have been cut off from their truest selves. Through Green Jesus we see that inclusion and environmental sustainability are two sides of the same coin. In other words, in order to save nature we also need to save humans.

Reading this is like watching Satan at work. In his windowless cubicle at Buzzfeed.

Inclusion is the right way to approach this problem, and that presents the outdoor industry with an important responsibility. That said, we can’t just give lip service to this issue and pat ourselves on the back. We need to start asking tough questions and we need to start having some difficult conversations. For example, why aren’t more white CEOs of large outdoor companies stepping aside to allow more diversity in leadership positions?

I dunno, Matt. Why aren’t you stepping aside as founding editor of ASJ so a Section 8 Somali can take your place? I bet it’s the same reason.

Why are all the outdoor clothing catalogues filled with skinny people and no plus-sized athletes?

I could just say “spandex” but it’d be more fun to show you why.

Getting Started Running For Fat Or Obese Beginners. Tips On How To Start Jogging Overweight.

What kind of corporation buys advertising on the manboobs of an “athlete” like that? *checks* Fondital manufactures aluminum radiators. Okay, I bet he sweats early and often so that’s a lot heat ‘radiated’. Lampre produces plastic-coated steel, which makes a weighty kind of sense.

…I can’t finish my lunch.

Rafaella Carrá bailando un pasodoble en un Tractor Amarillo o la música en las bodas

Hey Baby, that’s a nice… line of sportswear you’ve got. Makes me wanna shop at Wal-Mart, too!

Put down the high fructose corn syrup. Step away from the high fructose corn syrup.

Buy our shoes for diabetic marathon bikers!

Right now, sincere efforts are being made to invite women, persons of color, the LGTBQ+ community, plus-sized individuals, and non Judeo-Christian faiths into the great outdoors. That said, we are only at the beginning of this process and it’s already difficult. Not everyone agrees that inclusion is the right way forward. Some people say that public lands are already too crowded and all the conversations about racism and white privilege are just making things awkward.

This is the first time I’ve seen JUDEO-Christianity punked. J-Xianism is supposed to be this great, faith-based NGO while Christianianty is toxic masculinity like you wouldn’t believe. Methinks it’s getting to be a bad time to be a Jew in North America.

In Buddhism, bodhisattvas are enlightened beings who postpone their own salvation in order to help others achieve enlightenment. Here at Adventure Sports Journal we are American Jedi bodhisattvas designing a life that revolves around outdoor adventure. We were lucky enough to discover the adventure medicine at a young age, but we are not content to live a life of joy and freedom while others wallow in misery. We seek inclusion because one of the hallmarks of authentic happiness is also wanting happiness for others.

In Lovecraftian mythology, cultists are enlightened beings who postpone their own consumption by feeding the innocent to the unspeakable abominations. Which one is Matt? Let’s just say, it doesn’t take a lot of “enlightenment” to follow a colored deity that you admit you just invented a couple issues ago.

We seek inclusion because nobody wins until everybody wins.

Cthulhu will eat me last! Everybody wins! Everybody I care about.

Do you believe the outdoor industry should work for inclusion or do you believe opening the outdoors to everyone is unrealistic, utopian, and possibly dangerous?

Ahhh, the sun setting over the mountains as I warm myself by the campfire, surrounded by the sounds and scents of God’s Creation, far away from the miseries of daily life… do you know what would make this moment perfect? A transsexual Jedi calling me a Nazi.

If you have an opinion either way, please drop me a line at We value your input and try to include as many letters as possible in every issue.

No, he doesn’t. Hey Christians, do you think it would be a good idea if we got rid of half of you for the sake of getting rid of half of you? I’m just asking because it’s what my own, personal, Green Jesus thinks will create a utopia.

Soros eyelids on Matt, even allowing the the lack of detail. No surprise there and his wife has a better jaw than a certain James Bond villain. And… and I might be wrong, but I think they posed for this pic in a studio. The lighting difference between the people and background is stark.

He’s not even an outdoorsman! Not anymore, anyway. Too busy being a “journalist”, I suspect.

Which is why we have little to fear from his anti-Christian agenda. These people are passive-aggressive parasites. That’s why they aren’t outdoors in the first place, because freedom, self-reliance and planning for the future are to them what sunlight is to a vampire. Come to think of it, sunlight itself is probably a shared allergy. I didn’t see any tan lines on Miss Ass above.

So, why is Matt trying to converge us? Knowing that the last thing a fugly trannie atheist wants to do is follow the healthy into a remote location in order to hate on them where the police would never find their body and is probably uphill to reach, anyway?

Because he hates watching us have fun. Remember the reason he gave for wanting us torn apart and infiltrated: “We seek inclusion because one of the hallmarks of authentic happiness is also wanting happiness for others.” Yeah, that was SUCH a lie. But he’s not wrong about our happiness being his problem.

We’re happy when we unplug from their cultural zeitgeist for a few days of peace and sanity, and appreciate the works of God while getting fresh air and exercise.

Living well is the best revenge. Every moment you are happy, healthy and at peace with Father God is a moment the Matt Niswongers of this fallen world grind their teeth in frustration. And that’s more fun than shoving whiny Communists off a cliff.


California Bans Discrimination Against Hair In the Workplace

Feminism has not yet begun to peak! *Gunner Q goes to jail for hating on widow’s peaks.*

Gov. Newsom Signs Law Making California 1st State to Ban Discrimination Against Natural Hair

Gov. Newsom Signs Law Making California 1st State to Ban Discrimination Against Natural Hair

By Associated Press, 3 July 2019

Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law Wednesday a bill making California the first state to ban workplace and school discrimination against black people for wearing hairstyles such as braids, twists and locks.

The law by Democratic Sen. Holly Mitchell of Los Angeles, a black woman who wears her hair in locks, makes California the first state to explicitly say that those hairstyles are associated with race and therefore protected against discrimination in the workplace and in schools.

You know what’s coming:

California Senate Bill Would Prevent Use of Grand Juries in Officer-Related Shootings | Davis ...

Holly’s hair looks like earthworms fried into spaghetti. I gotta say it while I can. On the bright side, mocking Trump’s hairdo will be illegal just in time for his reelection. If Cuckservatives can ever be bothered to do a thing.

They must be so proud of themselves, that America has been reduced to this.

.We are changing the course of history, hopefully, across this country by acknowledging that what has been defined as professional hair styles and attire in the work place has historically been based on a Euro-centric model . based on straight hair,. Mitchell said.

Stephanie Hunter-Ray, who works at a makeup counter, says she typically wears her hair braided or in an afro, but one day she showed up to work with it straightened and styled in a bob. Her manager told Hunter-Ray her hair had never looked so normal.

.It bothered me,. Hunter-Ray said in an interview at the hair salon she owns in Sacramento that specializes in natural hair styles. .What do you mean by .normal?. Your normal is not my normal. My normal is my “fro or my braids..

Alikah Hatchett-Fall, who runs Sacred Crowns Salon in Sacramento, said she’s had black men come into her salon asking to have their hair cut off because they can’t find jobs.

Employers don’t like applicants who resemble gangsters or worse, rap artists? I’m shocked.

The law, she said, .means that psychologically and mentally people can be at ease and be able to get the jobs they want, keep the jobs they want, and get promoted at the jobs they want..

Barbie thinks jobs are fruit trees that grow money and status. “Daddy, let’s get apricots and Army Rangers!”

California.s new law, which takes effect Jan. 1, is significant because federal courts have historically held that hair is a characteristic that can be changed, meaning there’s no basis for discrimination complaints based on hairstyle. The U.S. Supreme Court recently declined to hear the case of an Alabama woman who said she didn’t get a job because she refused to change her hair.

They… they tried this once already? And it went to SCOTUS?

This is a perfect picture of our leaders’ disrespect for law. It’s already been ruled against and for good reason but they don’t care, they’ll just keep trying (with other peoples’ money) until they get their selfish way.

The issue burst into public view last December, when a black high school wrestler in New Jersey was told by a referee that he had to cut off his dreadlocks if he wanted to compete. California’s Democratic governor said the video was a clear example of the discrimination black Americans face.

You think that’s discrimination? Try being white with dreadlocks. Hell, try being white.

.His decision whether or not to lose an athletic competition or lose his identity came into, I think, stark terms for millions of Americans,. Newsom said before signing the bill alongside Mitchell and half a dozen advocates. .That is played out in workplaces, it’s played out in schools . not just athletic competitions and settings . every single day all across America in ways subtle and overt..

No, his decision was whether to participate. Spare us the hysterics.

Though California is the first state with such a law, New York City earlier this year issued legal guidance banning discrimination against someone based on their hairstyle. The beauty company Dove is part of a coalition pushing for more hairstyle protections, and Mitchell said she hopes other states follow California.

Opposition funded by Rogaine.

Mitchell.s bill adds language to the state’s discrimination laws to say that “race” also includes “traits historically associated with race,. including hair texture and protective hairstyles. It further defines protective hairstyles as braids, twists and locks.

But not baldness? *checks* Nope, the bill is worded such that this new “civil right” only benefits blacks. Poofy blacks.

The term locks, or .locs,. is the preferred term to dreadlocks, which has a derogatory connotation.

Yah, dey be called dreads, mon.

At Hunter-Ray.s studio, Exquisite U, on Wednesday, her stylists and customers reflected on the new law.

Shereen Africa, who was having her hair re-braided by Elicia Drayton, said she used to work at a television station in Mississippi where a black anchor quit after facing resistance to wearing her hair in locks.

Gawddamned fucking vibrant pissant crybaby, it wasn’t even her that quit. Here, Gavin, you can have my guns. I don’t need them. I just insult your hair and you faint on the spot.

All those Trump hair jokes are reeeallly coming into focus.

Africa said she did not wear her hair in braids at the job, even though she wasn’t on air, because the environment wasn’t supportive of it.

.If I’m in a professional setting, I won’t wear my hair in certain ways,. she said.


An anchor at a different Mississippi TV station made national news when she said she was fired after she stopped straightening her hair.

.You want to go to work and feel free,. Drayton said. .You don’t want to have to feel like you have to put on a wig or you have to have your hair straight to please someone else..

As 25 melhores ideias de Curly hair quotes no Pinterest | Black hair products e Lema de vida

You haven’t reached peak feminism until the following qualifies as a typical, State-level legislative session. And it’s probably still not as bad as things can get.


No, no, that montage was serious. From Senator Mitchell’s social media:

The “Create a Respectful and Open Workplace for Natural Hair” Act. AKA the Hate Whitey Act.


SECTION 1. The Legislature finds and declares all of the following:
(a) The history of our nation is riddled with laws and societal norms that equated .blackness,. and the associated physical traits, for example, dark skin, kinky and curly hair to a badge of inferiority, sometimes subject to separate and unequal treatment.

(b) This idea also permeated societal understanding of professionalism. Professionalism was, and still is, closely linked to European features and mannerisms, which entails that those who do not naturally fall into Eurocentric norms must alter their appearances, sometimes drastically and permanently, in order to be deemed professional.

(c) Despite the great strides American society and laws have made to reverse the racist ideology that Black traits are inferior, hair remains a rampant source of racial discrimination with serious economic and health consequences, especially for Black individuals.

(d) Workplace dress code and grooming policies that prohibit natural hair, including afros, braids, twists, and locks, have a disparate impact on Black individuals as these policies are more likely to deter Black applicants and burden or punish Black employees than any other group.

Bitch, that’s OSHA you’re bitching about. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Long hair while operating machinery, yah? Even that wrestler mentioned above, it’s not good for him to provide convenient handles for his opponent nor for his opponent to risk impalement on God only knows what pins and ties he stuck in those hoses.

(e) Federal courts accept that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on race, and therefore protects against discrimination against afros. However, the courts do not understand that afros are not the only natural presentation of Black hair. Black hair can also be naturally presented in braids, twists, and locks.

Afros are the only unique presentation of black hair. *double take* Afros were ALREADY a civil rights issue? The things I don’t notice as a balding Scotsman.

(f) In a society in which hair has historically been one of many determining factors of a person’s race, and whether they were a second class citizen, hair today remains a proxy for race. Therefore, hair discrimination targeting hairstyles associated with race is racial discrimination.

That’s what females call logic. Aristotle just rose from his grave as a misogynistic liche.

(g) Acting in accordance with the constitutional values of fairness, equity, and opportunity for all, the Legislature recognizes that continuing to enforce a Eurocentric image of professionalism through purportedly race-neutral grooming policies that disparately impact Black individuals and exclude them from some workplaces is in direct opposition to equity and opportunity for all.

In the name of fairness and equality, whites are ordered under penalty of hate crime prosecution to accept any hair style worn by blacks, because blacks are tired of white people being seen as the successful, cooperative ethnicity. The next time you get your earthworms done, Mitchell, read a dictionary for the definition of “irony”.

Let’s meme the curls out of this one! Because sometimes, all you can do is laugh.

Every time I see the bad guy's hair in the Black Panther movie trailers. : funny


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El Paso Shooter Patrick Crusius: Worse Than MK-ULTRA

With a link to the PDF of his thankfully brief manifesto. I first thought that two shootings back-to-back shortly after the Gilroy shooting was some Deep State MK-ULTRA Clinton/FBI conspiracy but the truth was even more disturbing: his stepfather was a hallucinogen-addicted occultist who marketed the voices in his head.

Right off the bat, cutting eyelids and triangular jaw/chin with feeble facial hair. Left side is more guarded, always a bad combo with any mental issues. Middle third is dominant so status/ambition oriented. Low, level eyebrows for rational thought. Small mouth, not much of a talker. The cupid’s bow of his full-lipped mouth, combined with carefully curly hair, make me suspect he’s got passion underneath the car hood, however. Hair is orderly which confirms rational, orderly thoughts.

He’s disciplined at what he does yet doesn’t care for other people beyond their value to his feelings. Physically weak and is concerned about it but doesn’t care enough to hit the gym. Possible drug use/psychopathy/broken home. I would expect he enjoys either manual arts or low-level tech work, but neither with enthusiasm.

htt ps://

Patrick Crusius was identified as the suspect in the El Paso, Texas, Walmart shooting that left 22 dead on August 3. Crusius, 21, is in jail facing capital murder charges. Officials said during a press conference there were 20 people dead and 26 injured.

Crusius was “very much a loner,. Leigh Ann Locascio, his former neighbor, told the Los Angeles Times.

There’s two ways I reach “loner” in face-reading. One is indicators of an active mind/self-absorption, and the other is indicators of emotional walling off. The former is not threatening; their brain is simply so active that they get preoccupied with it. Which is why so many computer experts have social skills that wouldn’t impress a robot.

Eyebrows that are not only thick but have a lot of trailing hairs on either end are the best sign of an active mind (which is not always high-IQ; think RPMs compared to actual horsepower in a car). If someone has a thin line of hairs connecting both eyebrows, making a unibrow, their mind is so active that insomnia is predicted.

Here, Crusius has a small mouth & ears so he isn’t verbal. But there’s only the eyebrows to indicate intelligence while low-testosterone, those eyelids and left-side-guarded are good indicators for emotional issues.

The shopping area, near Cielo Vista Mall, is close to the United States border with Mexico. It is a popular location to shop for people on both sides of the border. License plates from both the United States and Mexico appear in the parking lots, NBC reported.

A Wal-Mart holding a back-to-school sale. Although I strongly oppose immigration, this isn’t the kind of situation that made our border into an existential crisis. Mexicans want a day trip to buy from our stores, why not?

Why don’t these knuckleheads ever shoot up a welfare office or Section 8 housing? Where the parasites hang out, y’know? Maybe a white-hating local official? But no, they always target little kids and working-class people.

El Paso Police Chief Gregory K. Allen said during an evening press conference, .he surrendered to approaching officers..

Consistent with his idol, Brenton Tarrant. Patrick even wrote a manifesto, mainly, I think, to emulate Tarrant.

Click to access patrick-crusius-manifesto.pdf

In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion.

Boldface is classic psychopath refusal to take responsibility for his actions.

Any other ethnic group and he might have had a point but dude, they were here first. It’s our land now, of course, but Latinos and specifically Mexicans are the ethnic groups most easily assimilated into USA. Part of why I stay in California is that coexisting with Mexicans is easier than nearly all of the alternatives.

My motives for this attack are not at all personal.


In short, America is rotting from the inside out, and peaceful means to stop this seem to be nearly impossible. The inconvenient truth is that our leaders, both Democrat AND Republican, have been failing us for decades. They are either complacent or involved in one of the biggest betrayals of the American public in our history.

The takeover of the United States government by unchecked corporations. I could write a ten page essay on all the damage these corporations have caused, but here is what is important.

What’s important is “when I had the chance to kill the people responsible, I decided to kill little kids at a back-to-school sale instead.”

Even if other non-immigrant targets would have a greater impact, I can’t bring myself to kill my fellow Americans. Even the Americans that seem hell-bent on destroying our country. Even if they are shameless race mixers, massive polluters, haters of our collective values, etc. One day they will see error of their ways. Either when American patriots fail to reform our country and it collapses or when we save it. But they will see the error of their ways. I promise y.all that.

You intentionally spared those most responsible while butchering children who never had a choice and the Mexicans lawfully and peacefully visiting? Even Hell is too good for you but Hell is what you’ll get.

Fuck his manifesto. *toss* So, how did he end up like this? We know because Daddy already wrote the book! Well done, Daily Mail.

EXCLUSIVE: El Paso Walmart mass shooter Patrick Crusius’ father admits to nearly 40 years of drug addiction which tore apart his family and claims he has spoken directly to Jesus

By Ryan West and Josh Boswell, 4 August 2019

The father of the 21-year-old man arrested for the El Paso shooting massacre was a drug addict for almost 40 years and is now an energy healer who claims to have had visions of Jesus Christ and his dead grandmother, can reveal.

Patrick Crusius allegedly killed at least 20 people and injured 26 on a gun rampage which began in a Walmart parking lot in El Paso, Texas on Saturday morning before he was arrested by police.

His father, Bryan Crusius, 63, revealed in a 2014 memoir details of the broken home his son grew up in, confessing to decades of drug and alcohol abuse that led to the breakup of both his first marriage and his 18-year relationship with the alleged shooter’s mother.

A child from a broken family. I would’ve won that bet had anybody been dumb enough to take it. Although technically, his parents never divorced while he personally was alive.

The book offers some insight into the mass shooter’s upbringing – but not what turned him into an apparently white supremacist-inspired multiple murderer who was cold-blooded enough to make sure he was taken alive.

Au contraire! A shank-ho Momma shacking up with a divorced man hearing the voices of that’s-not-Jesus in his brain while sharing peyote with his Commie-public-school-educated son explains everything.

Patrick Crusius' father Bryan Crusius, 63, (above) wrote a memoir of almost 40 years of drug and alcohol addiction which he says tore apart both his marriages

Cause above, effect below.

Patrick Crusius allegedly confessed to opening fire on a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, on Saturday afternoon, killing 20 people and injuring 26 more

*GQ looks at previous post of Patrick* Huh, I hadn’t noticed the lopsidedness of the ears. I’ve never seen that before. Using the tools I have, he’s conformist in general society but screwball in his personal life. His lips changed significantly, too. A possible link to spiritual corruption?

His father’s book at least suggest that lengthy and rambling postings are in the family.

His 2014 memoir Life Enthusiasm: A Path to Purpose Beyond Recovery pictured above

Dayumn, the kid might actually have a legit insanity plea if this was Daddy’s “how to raise kids” manual.

Crusius Sr, who now works as a licensed therapist and “energy and sound medicine practitioner” in Allen, Texas, claims in the rambling memoir to have had a conversation with Jesus in a vision and had a spiritual encounter with his dead grandmother, Mabel.

The book, entitled Life Enthusiasm: A Path to Purpose Beyond Recovery, reveals how Crusius Sr struggled with mental health problems that impacted his four children – the son from his first marriage, Austin, who he left in California with his ex-wife Kathleen, and his three children from his second marriage to Lori – Patrick; his twin sister Emily; and their older brother Blake.

A teaser on the back of the $12.95 book’s cover says that before writing his memoir he had “descended into a profound and unsustainable apathy in which life no longer seemed purposeful or worthwhile” after .thirty years of dependence on mind-altering chemicals..

The therapist, who says he has now kicked drugs and drink, through .a unique synthesis of traditional talk therapy with multiple energy modalities. which he says “infuses spiritual principles, sound healing, guided meditation, life force energy, and other eclectic methods with traditional talk therapy..

Case closed.



Feminism Conquers Saudi Arabia

What the Crusades could not accomplish, the International Sisterhood just did.

Saudi Arabia Allows Women over 21 to Travel Without Male Permission

By Edwin Mora, 2 August 2019

Saudi Arabia passed a new law allowing women over the age of 21 to travel abroad without a male guardian’s permission, the Sunni kingdom announced this week.
The move ended a restriction that drew international ire and forced women to flee the country.

Travel restrictions forced women to flee the country? Hmm.

Constraints on Saudi women’s ability to travel had long been a symbol of the country’s fundamentalist Islamic rule and profoundly patriarchal society.

Yes, the Internet assured me that Islam is a badass Alpha religion! Are you saying they can’t control their wimminz, either?

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reports:

“The new laws, published Friday by the kingdom’s official legal record, allow women over the age of 21 to obtain passports and leave the country without securing the consent of a guardian.

The Eat, Pray, Love lifestyle is now legal. Also, abortion on demand. It’s legal somewhere on the planet.

The amendments to travel rules, the labor law and civil-status law will come into effect by the end of this month, earlier than previously expected.

“The move to change guardianship follows international scrutiny after a series of young Saudi women fled the country and sought asylum, complaining that the kingdom’s laws and customs made them slaves to male relatives. .The custom of giving women a male guardian for life is a deeply held tradition in Saudi Arabia and is unlikely to change overnight for the large majority of the country despite the law.”

Oh, it’ll change FAST now that feminism is the law of the land. I would have gone straight to the WSJ for this post but paywall happened.

According to [Agence France-Presse], the changes “also grant Saudi women what has long been a male entitlement ” the right to officially register childbirth, marriage or divorce and to be recognized as a guardian to children who are minors..

This legalizes single motherhood.

Saudi Arabia’s recent changes are part of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s (MBS) unprecedented effort to enhance women’s rights as part of sweeping reforms to modernize the country. The new laws, however, came after the MBS administration launched a crackdown last year on women activists fighting to end the country’s male guardianship system.

The crackdown was arresting a couple feminists. Looks like the American Empire won yet another war not worth winning.

Despite the new laws, women must still obtain permission from a guardian to get married, enroll in the army, exit a prison, or even leave a shelter for victims of abuse.

Saudi Arabia has reportedly gone farther than any other Muslim country in codifying the guardianship system into law.

Under MBS, however, the Saudi government granted women the right to drive last year…

Ah, so that’s how they were able to flee the country to enlist the International Sisterhood.

…enroll in the security forces with the consent of a male guardian, open their own business without male permission, and attend soccer games alongside men.

Financial independence from men. How long until the welfare office opens? Don’t say it won’t happen. The crazy train has no brakes.

MBS has also curbed the power of its feared religious police force known for harassing and even jailing women for how they dressed. …

Women activists in Saudi Arabia have reportedly faced sexual harassment, torture, and other abuses while imprisoned and during their interrogation.

You demand regime change in Muzzie Land, you go to a Muzzie prison. Stop crying and stop acting surprised that people who “abuuuse their wives!” also “abuuuse their prisoners!”

The Sunni kingdom has long used force to silence women who dare stand up to its unjust law and patriarchal gender customs.

Our women are much happier than their patriarchy-oppressed peers! Antidepressant sales receipts don’t lie.

U.S. President Donald Trump has expressed support for the Saudi crown prince’s unprecedented reform efforts.

Despite his entertainment value and negotiating skill, Trump is not our ally. Even putting aside the need for patriarchy as a social stabilizer, we got no business telling the Saudis how they should live.

I always got annoyed at those Internet voices who kept predicting Islam was our future. With Saudi Arabia in full retreat, however, we can now see the real future of the human race: mud huts and bastards.


Barbie STILL Can’t Do Math

There’s been another massive data breach in the financial sector, at Capital One. Fortunately, the hacker is believed to have done it for giggles rather than profit… actually, she probably did it to fund her boyfriend’s bomb-making. But the Mainstream Media says giggles and the FBI got a happy surprise when they served the search warrant, so don’t worry.

A female hacker named Paige Thompson reportedly left herself a backdoor from previous work there and went back to grab up to 10,000,000 Social Security numbers. Then she bragged about it to her peers at GitLab, Scribd and other online forums. Then SWAT kicked her door in.

Weird. Normally it’s the other way around, like Susan Mauldin, who became Equifax’s CIO by mastering the piano then fucked up her job as badly as she could, short of letting Hillary manage her servers.

Interestingly, in both Equifax’s and Capital One’s case the data breach occurred via cloud computing. Maybe that’s not the right technology for highly sensitive financial information.

Anyway, women can’t code. Not one in 100 of them, so have we found a Unicorn Hacker? *checks* Eww, twig & berries.

Paige A. Thompson, a transgender woman who used the online handle .erratic., was charged on Monday with a single count of computer fraud and abuse in federal court in Seattle after FBI officials linked her to online posts detailing the massive data theft on Twitter and Slack, court documents show.

Looks like the MTF trannies have learned to game more systems than just the athletic field.

“Erratic” doesn’t begin to describe her. reports she’s had 8 jobs in 12 years, the FBI reports she was living with convicted murderer-for-hire Park Hung Quan, an ex-con who apparently slept on an arsenal of illegal firearms like a dragon on a hoard…

And Paige Thompson reports she was going to use his illegal firearms to go on a killing spree at an unnamed social media company.

Park Hung Quan: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

You gotta read the article for yourself, it’s profusely illustrated, but here’s a quote:

Quan and his four roommates, including Paige Thompson were “temporarily restrained outside the residence” while FBI agents searched the home on July 29. .FBI agents heard Quan say that he had not yet gotten the chance to mix the precursors for .RDX,. prompting one of the housemates to say, .shhhhh, shut up.” Shortly thereafter, Quan said that he should have moved the acetone, prompting the same housemate to say, .Shut up, man..

As prosecutors explained in the court record, RDX is an explosive chemical compound and acetone is a chemical precursor.

And yes, Quon is a convicted bomb-maker.

Thank you, “Erratic”, for showing off you l33t haxxor skillz before murdering a bunch of innocents.

paige thompson

Frizzy hair, dark-circled eyes and thin lips. Bad combo. Trying to code while shooting up estrogen also seems to be a bad combo.

Remember, folks, women didn’t learn know how to code until men learned how to grow boobs. And never stick your dick in crazy.


Gilroy Garlic Shooter: the Iran Connection

The Gilroy shooting last weekend was in my backyard; I’ve even attended the festival before. No, I wasn’t there this time. It’s a very family-oriented event so if you don’t have kids, then you either don’t live local enough to bother or are tired of the smell. Gilroy is the Garlic Capital of the World, you see.

Security is tight at the festival. They check visitors for weapons and have multiple roving security patrols. Regardless and don’t ask how I know, but the event is well-attended by off-duty police, military vets and other Real Americans with CCWs. Although it hasn’t been reported thus, I daresay the cops who drilled Legan within seconds of the shooting’s start were off-duty in plainclothes who only waited so they could get a clean shot.

California isn’t all like Berkeley. You just have to get out of the Gay Area.

So, let’s get to the reporting. As usual, it was heavy on hysterics and low on facts and then the FBI got involved, but even so the Legacy Media did a terrible job of assembling the pieces. Let me paint you a picture of Santino William Legan, 19yo mass murderer… and tool.

htt ps://

Police say Santino William Legan, 19, shot and killed three people and wounded several others in a mass shooting at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California, according to CBS News. The shooting Sunday night on the final day of the annual charity event at Christmas Hill Park in Gilroy left three dead, 12 injured and the suspected shooter, Legan, killed by police. Several others were injured in the chaos after shots were fired, but were not shot, authorities said.

Indicator 1 of his being pressured into doing this: he waited until 5:40pm on the last day of the festival that closed at 6pm.

He had trouble getting his courage up.

The dead include 6-year-old Stephen Romero. Romero’s grandmother and mother were also shot, but are expected to survive. A GoFundMe was established to help the family pay for the child’s funeral. The two others killed are Keyla Salazar, 13, and Trevor Irby, a recent college graduate.

Police said Legan was armed with an AK 47-type assault rifle that was “purchased legally” in Nevada on July 9. Legan had rented an apartment in the Nevada desert, hundreds of miles away from his hometown of Gilroy.

Indicator 2, 19 year-olds don’t rent apartments in other states just to buy a rifle. Who paid for this? And no, it’s NOT legal to bring an AK 47-type weapon into California. Most gun banned here are banned only because they haven’t passed stupidly-difficult “safety” testing, which means possession and transfer are legal but purchase is not. (So stupid.) Rest assured, however, that the home of “OMG ASSAULT GUN!!!” thinking does not allow possession of any military rifle without an FFL.

Police had been hunting a second suspect since the shooting, but as of Monday morning, police not only have not announced a capture, Smithee said “we really don’t know. if there is a second suspect. And by Tuesday, authorities were certain that Santino acted alone.

Witnesses reported a second suspect but he didn’t fire any shots. Possibly hysteria, possibly an observer/handler who hid in the crowds.

A motive for the shooting has not yet been made public, but a search warrant executed at an apartment he’d rented in in Walker City, Nevada found a a gun light, knife, bulletproof vest, gas mask, empty ammo boxes, gun pamphlets, an empty Valium bottle, electronic devices and media on white supremacy, according to the Mineral County District Attorney’s Office. State and federal officials and agents believe he may have had plans for a larger attack.

There’s no Walker City per Google Earth but Walker Lake in Mineral County is extremely remote. County population 4,800 per the 2010 Census and it ain’t no tiny postage stamp of land.

An ideal location for a paramilitary training camp.

I’m pretty sure that stuff in his apartment was planted because why would any shooter purchase a bulletproof vest then not wear it on the big day? They aren’t cheap, either.

The search warrant also turned up what’s reported to be a “mysterious letter from Virginia.” That could be Virginia Holden, Legan’s grandmother. The adopted daughter of actor William Holden, Virginia married Legan’s maternal grandfather, an Iranian-born economics professor. Legan’s mother is the daughter of Virginia Holden, which makes Legan the great-grandson of actor William Holden.

Was somebody trying to be mysterious? Virginia was the daughter of Holden’s second wife, is why she was adopted. A handsome movie star played Captain Save-A-Ho after getting divorced… sigh.

Legan opened fire at about 5:40 p.m. local time at the garlic festival, which was to end at 6 p.m. In a creek near the park, police found a bag of ammunition and in his car, a shotgun.

On the day of the attack, one witness who told reporters they.d come face to face with the gunman and asked why he was doing this was told, “Because I’m really angry..

What organized group in California, especially near the Bay Area, is made up of angry, directionless young men who politics make them want to lash out at the world?

If Santino William Legan has an online social media presence, it’s well camouflaged. So it’s more inexplicable that he should choose to create an Instagram page just a few days before the mass shooting police said he perpetrated. The Gilroy Garlic Festival is a time-honored fair that celebrates the centuries-old bulbous cousin of the onion used in food preparation and as a medicine.

Why anywhere, but why in particular did he choose to open fire at the garlic festival?

Probably because he grew up in Gilroy. There’s no evidence that he traveled much before inexplicably renting an apartment in Nowheres, Nevada.

In his page with just three posts, including one post made days before the shooting and two posted on Sunday, the one most disturbing appears to have been posted shortly before the shooting, minutes perhaps.

First post: I’m an Italian-Iranian! Second post: Read this famously fascist old book! Third post: Let’s do a shooting spree! Then somebody takes the site down after he’s dead.

No Narrative here, folks!

I’m not convinced Santino even knew about the website. No manifesto, no self-video and…

How many people use their full legal name on social media about their upcoming murder spree?

Notice the passive-aggression of the statement “when you get too wasted and accidentally shoot up the festival”. White nationalists usually admit their shit.

In this post, which came directly after the previous one, Legan suggest viewers read the far right and very fringe book Might Is Right purported to be written by the pseudonym-named Ragnar Redbeard. The work, reported to have been written in 1890, is a known white supremacist manifesto that individualist anarchist, revisionist historian and Holocaust denier James J. Martin called, of the most incendiary works ever to be published anywhere..

Call me cynical but I have trouble believing today’s kids read books enough to believe one of them found an 1890 work of fascism without already being so white nationalist that the neighbors were tired of it. Reports from everybody who knew of him, while typically sensational, all had nothing to say about his white nationalist views. Nobody knew about his pro-white beliefs, then they led him to a mass murder of whites & Americanized Latinos… and he never explain his reasoning beyond a link to Amazon?

That’s what one would expect the content to look like if it hadn’t actually been created by Legan. There’s no writing style to recognize.

.Read “Might Is Right” by Ragnar Redbeard,. Legan wrote. His caption further asked rhetorically, .Why overcrowd towns and pave more open space to make room for hordes of mestizos and Silicon Valley white twats?.

Is that sentiment pro-white or anti-white? Whites killing whites is what leftie whites do, not rightie whites. And why would a kid who doesn’t use social media care about Silicon Valley? I live in the area and there’s no particular anti-San Jose sentiment. Gilroy is too far away for commuter sprawl and inexplicably, all the tech giants want to headquarter next to each other at any price. Silicon Valley isn’t encroaching on Gilroy beyond road improvements, which the locals appreciate. A couple death-trap intersections have been fixed.

According to “Modern Satanism: Anatomy of a Subculture,. the book “Might Is Right” is said to expand on German philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche’s “theories of master.slave morality and herd mentality ..

.Might Is Right. is described as espousing social Darwinism and includes misogynistic and racist principles “claiming that the woman and the family as a whole is the property of the man and proclaiming the innate superiority of the Anglo-Saxon race. The book also contains many strong anti-Semitic statements..

Yes, I too always reach for “Modern Satanism” whenever I want a synopsis of Nietzsche-inspired, pro-white books. /sarc

santino legan instagram

Grandpa Iranian died shortly after he was born? Then they couldn’t have been close family yet Santino identified himself as an Italian-Iranian on his Instagram page and posted a pic of him. That makes no sense… even less, if he actually was a white nationalist. He’d be downplaying his maternal grandfather, not honoring him with a killing spree.

But this makes sense if Legan was pushed to do it. Remember that a month ago (roughly mid-June to mid-July), when this incident was being planned, the Deep State had been pushing hard for war against Iran to the point of piracy against oil tankers. Maybe Legan was the best “Iranian” they could pressure into a mass killing on short notice.

Some have said he cannot be a white supremacist since he has an Iranian ancestor, but as a quick look at a globe reveals Iran is located in the Caucasus region.

Try harder, Heavy. Englishmen are white yet haven’t live in the Caucasians for centuries, now have they?

Ali Baylor, his grandfather, married Virginia Gaines Holden. [The] couple had a daughter, Ardis Baylor; Santino William Legan’s mother. Virginia Holden is still alive and lives in New York City.

Connecting Legan to both NYC and Hollyweird, although his nuclear family appears to be apolitical fitness types. Now, that “letter from Virginia” comes into focus as planted evidence.

Legan.s brother is a … San Jose PAL boxer with more than 65 fights. Legan also has two other brothers.

Santino Legan’s father Tom Legan was a championship track and field runner. A longtime friend and coach wrote about him just last week.

Unusually for shooters, Legan lived with his father. His mother has been absent in the reporting thus far.

Legan.s paternal grandfather was Tom Legan, a West Point graduate who died in May 2018. According to his obituary, the elder Legan served as a “captain in Korea as a Nuclear Weapons Officer and completed his military service in Germany. As a civilian, Tom was Western Regional Marketing Director for Kaiser Cement and was thereafter appointed and then elected as Santa Clara County Supervisor for two terms..

A potential Deep Stater then local, DIRTY politician. He retired a captain from the Army in 1970 and worked for Kaiser Cement from then until entering politics in 1982. He died almost exactly a year ago, May 2018.

I worked hard to discover why Legan’s work for Kaiser Cement was such a big deal to be quoted by so many news organizations. I think they were simply lazy and repeated all three facts on his Linkedin bio, which hasn’t been taken down postmortem because *ahem* he’s dead.

But I found this credible comment from the following linked article:

Vested Rights Granted to Lehigh Cement in Santa Clara County

From 1941 until 1995 the land was owned by publicly traded Kaiser Aluminum, which manufactured magnesium for incendiary bombs, ferrosilicon, phosphate fertilizer, and extruded aluminum products. This company also had its run-ins with regulators. In 1989 it was fined $79,392 for improper storage and handling of hazardous materials leading to impacted ground water. While the company did import mined materials such as dolomite, serpentine, bauxite, and phosphate rock, the company did not mine on site, so it did not have vested rights to mine.

Echoing Los Altos and Los Altos Hills council member misgivings over bias, as the county derives tax revenue from the facility, angry speakers demanded that Supervisor Liz Kniss recuse herself. Political enmeshment with this quarry and cement plant is longstanding. In 1985, the State of California Fair Political Practices Commission reversed county counsel opinion and ruled unanimously that Supervisor Tom Legan, employed by the facility, could not vote on his own proposal that would financially benefit his employer. In 1996, supervisorial candidate and 8-year Cupertino council member (and Bay Area Air Quality Management District board member) Barbara Koppel was fined for accepting too much money from Hanson and failed to accurately report $500 from Assemblyman Jim Cunneen . who is now a consultant to Lehigh Hanson. Last but not least, former Cupertino Mayor Sandra James is now employed as the company’s community affairs and public relations manager.

Tom Legan entered politics as a crony capitalist for his former employer. The site, now [I think] called Permanente Quarry, is a toxic mess per Wikipedia.

So many environmentalists in Santa Clara (read, San Jose). All discarded once the State was done with them. At least Apple Headquarters got bargain-priced cement.


17 March 1987

All five of Santa Clara County’s supervisors were sentenced to jail terms Monday for violating a judge’s order to provide more jail cells for male inmates. But retired Alameda County Superior Court Judge Spurgeon Avakian, the fourth judge to handle the 6-year-old suit against the county, dropped his threat to fine the county $9.3 million for failing to come up with a plan to provide 96 one-man cells for violent inmates. Four supervisors–Chairwoman Dianne McKenna, Zoe Lofgren, Suzanne Wilson and Tom Legan–were given 10-day sentences and fined $2,000. Supervisor Rod Diridon was given only five days because, Avakian said, he made an effort to comply with one of his orders. He was fined $1,000. Avakian gave the supervisors until April 16 to serve the sentences and said he would allow them to stagger their jail terms in order not to paralyze county government.

However, none of the supervisors will go to jail immediately. Gov. George Deukmejian last week signed a bill by state Sen. Dan McCorquodale (D-San Jose) giving the supervisors an extra 30 days before they will be required to report to jail.

Judge Spurgeon Avakian was the father of Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA since 1975. Spurgeon tried to incarcerate government leaders without trial for violating his judical decree, which was a shameless violation of due process as a perfect example of how the Communists weaponized the judiciary.

Padre Legan was a dirtbag but he was OUR dirtbag, ya Commie swine!

(If you’re wondering, Avakian is Armenian, not Iranian.)

And lastly, in 1998 Tom Legan’s eldest daughter accused him of raping her while his wife was on a trip to Las Vegas with the man who soon would become her second husband. Saucy! This is recent enough to be a false rape accusation so it probably was, but that means Santino Legan’s aunt is THAT hardcore of a feminist. (Tom was acquitted after a hung jury was sent back to try again.)

Santino’s got some female crazy in his family. The picture begins to clear, why his father has custody of all the kids in as liberal a place as California.

To summarize my findings, Santino Legan turned 18, joined an unnamed, left-wing paramilitary organization, was sent to Walker Lake for training (he enjoyed being physical, being described as sparring with his boxing brother; his father was an athlete), and was brought back to shoot up the Gilroy Garlic Festival with evidence planted to inflame tensions with Iran.

But the Iranians and/or Trump handled the diplomatic incident well enough that the situation was defused before the Garlic Festival was held, which was chosen because Santino grew up in the area. For whatever reason, instead of canceling the operation they decided to plant evidence incriminating white nationalists along with the Iran stuff and proceed. Santino was so unhappy at this (or naturally afraid to die) that he almost didn’t do it.

But he did so burn in Hell, Santino. Whoever put you up to it, that was YOUR finger on the trigger.


Christians Against TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP Christian Nationalism

A faith-based lobbyist in D.C. has exposed a dark, secret underworld of Christians who like Trump, think other religions are inferior, want to Make America Great Again and believe America is supposed to be a pro-Christian nation… exactly what racist, dead white male NOT-SEEs once believed! REEE!

While the statement itself doesn’t directly reference Trump, most of the articles covering it did and several of the endorsing celebrities are known for hostility to Trump. But let’s go to the source!

Christians Against Christian Nationalism

As Christians, our faith teaches us everyone is created in God’s image and commands us to love one another.

That’s why you insist on the death penalty for violent crime, yes? “Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made mankind.” Genesis 9:6.

As Americans, we value our system of government and the good that can be accomplished in our constitutional democracy. Today, we are concerned about a persistent threat to both our religious communities and our democracy . Christian nationalism.

America was never meant to be a democracy. Prot Christians are not supposed to build religious communities. Organizations, yes, but our first principles–not to mention reality–dictate that walling ourselves off from the outside world is neither desirable nor feasible.

Since we must engage with non-Christians, either we impose Christ’s morality upon them or they impose their morality upon us. Christ’s Will brings light and relief even to those who don’t appreciate it. (Loyal wives, honesty instead of lies, punish the thief.) Transgenderism brings suffering even upon its most devoutly mutilated adherents.

Christian nationalism seeks to merge Christian and American identities, distorting both the Christian faith and America’s constitutional democracy. Christian nationalism demands Christianity be privileged by the State and implies that to be a good American, one must be Christian. It often overlaps with and provides cover for white supremacy and racial subjugation. We reject this damaging political ideology and invite our Christian brothers and sisters to join us in opposing this threat to our faith and to our nation.

We Christians would be happy with being tolerated by the State. Meanwhile, how does Scripture provide cover for racial subjugation? Which is it? Does Christianity teach that we’re all made in God’s image or does it designate lesser races for exploitation?

Notice that this entire statement does not contain one single Bible reference.

As Christians, we are bound to Christ, not by citizenship, but by faith. We believe that:

People of all faiths and none have the right and responsibility to engage constructively in the public square.

No Christian believes that Satan deserves equal time & respect with Jesus. The righteous and wicked hate each other. Coexistence with the devil is simply not an option.

Patriotism does not require us to minimize our religious convictions.

What religious convictions? You who believe all religions are nothing more than social tools to be Trumped (ha!) by the State, do you even understand the concept of a religious conviction? It’s when you defy human authority in service to God.

One.s religious affiliation, or lack thereof, should be irrelevant to one’s standing in the civic community.

Frigging Communists don’t care what you believe so long as their government remains free of your morality. Remember, all religions are equal but nonreligion is more equal than religion.

Government should not prefer one religion over another or religion over nonreligion.

Hah, they even said it!

Religious instruction is best left to our houses of worship, other religious institutions and families.

Translation, the place of Christianity in society is safely boxed up and far away from our pandering, kleptocrat micro-tyrants. Get your laws off my body! I got babies to kill!

America.s historic commitment to religious pluralism enables faith communities to live in civic harmony with one another without sacrificing our theological convictions.

Again, I don’t think you know what a religious conviction is. Hint: it is not a fashion statement about how you waste your spare time.

Conflating religious authority with political authority is idolatrous and often leads to oppression of minority and other marginalized groups as well as the spiritual impoverishment of religion.

Some religions–namely Islam and Hinduism–do encourage the exploitation of marginalized groups. But you are only whining about Christians.

Shouldn’t your organization be called “Faith People Against Faith in Nationalism“? You keep talking like all religions are interchangeable but complain about Christians specifically. Which is it? Should all religions be treated equally or is it okay to single out specific ones for specific treatment?

We must stand up to and speak out against Christian nationalism, especially when it inspires acts of violence and intimidation.including vandalism, bomb threats, arson, hate crimes, and attacks on houses of worship.against religious communities at home and abroad.

Now you’re just slandering us. We Christians are the religion LEAST likely to do any of that. And you, you are atheists, the worst-offending religion of them all for senseless bloodshed.

Whether we worship at a church, mosque, synagogue, or temple, America has no second-class faiths. All are equal under the U.S. Constitution. As Christians, we must speak in one voice condemning Christian nationalism as a distortion of the gospel of Jesus and a threat to American democracy.

Sheet, mon, you don’t know jack about Jesus if you think His followers will speak with one voice about anything except the most basic tenets of the faith, and even then we have lying infiltrators like you to deal with. That’s how diverse we are.

And you’re so di-worse, you think it doesn’t matter what anybody believes so long as they obey you with no religious conviction hangups.

You really should learn about “religious convictions”.

Who are “you”, anyway? Eighteen chuckleheads this time… the ride never stops. A grab bag of male feminists and the feral skanks who use them. Interestingly, many are cast-offs of the Southern Baptist revival in the 90s:



Overcredentialed, aging Baby Boomer.

The CBF splintered off from the Southern Baptists in response to Paige Patterson & friends bringing the denomination back in line with Scripture in the 90s. One of the founding tenets of the CBF is acceptance of female clergy.



Hey, look! Female clergy! Talking smack about Trump, if you look at those signs.



Mild pedo, very loud/angry to judge from the jowls.

What is RLC?

By calling ourselves Red Letter Christians, we refer to the fact that in many Bibles the words of Jesus are printed in red.

That’s neither Biblical nor Traditional, to believe that only Jesus’ exact words are authoritative. The red printing is, I hope, done only as a show of respect to Christ. It shouldn’t mean “this is the only part you have to believe”.

What we are asserting, therefore, is that we have committed ourselves first and foremost to doing what Jesus said. Jesus calls us away from the consumerist values that dominate contemporary America. Instead, he calls us to meet the needs of the poor.

Virtue-signaling : consumerism :: Pride : greed.

He also calls us to be merciful, which has strong implications in terms of war and capital punishment. After all, when Jesus tells us to love our enemies, he probably means we shouldn’t kill them.

Even though that’s what Jesus said to do in Genesis 9:6? My mistake, that’s what God said. Not Jesus. Big difference?

We should blow Tony’s brain by send him a Bible written in all-red text. The “Gloria Allred” Bible? Never mind.


The words of Jesus are authoritative and compel us to believe:

1. All people are made in the likeness and image of God.

Atheists really like that idea. They must not realize that being made in God’s image is why they’ll be damned to Hell instead of merely destroyed like a bug.

5. Diversity and collaboration make us stronger, not weaker.

For his birthday, I shall send Tony an e-mail written in the Urdu language because it will make him smarter. Then I’ll ask Baal to send him a Buddhist to teach him more about Jesus.

9. We embrace and work alongside people of different faiths, erasing the lines of “us vs” them..

THAT IS THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT JESUS TAUGHT, YOU FRAUD. “I am the way, the truth and the life. Nobody comes to the Father except through me.”



That’s an impressively bulbous nose (wealth-seeking). He’s also got serious sexual stress lines from the lower eyelids practically to his ears. Ascetic living isn’t working out for him.



Negro pedo. This is the chucklehead who presided over the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Which tells you everything you need to know about CACN. It also confirms that Prince Harry’s marriage is a plot to discredit the royal family and by extension, UK nationalism, which we already knew was the only possible reason for his choice of bride.

headshot square paula dempsey.jpg





Problem glasses and a beard shoring up a weak chin make me suspect SJW.






Negro mild-pedo.



Physiognomy has nothing to say but Hawkins is a Charismatic. Not just PCUSA.

darin moore larger.jpeg


You can trust an African-Methodist-Episcopal to have weak religious convictions. It’s the only way to daisy-chain one’s beliefs like that. Wide (‘visionary’) eyebrows and very concave nose (social) make me think he wouldn’t be much of a Bible-thumper anyway.



Not a witch on the technicality of not being clergy. But a definite feminist. Resting bitch face, if that’s her best attempt at a smile.



Problem glasses. Honest enough about his Social Justice to not lead a church, I guess, but he still falsely identifies as Christian.




Amanda speaking at SCOTUS tight.jpg



What’s BJC? I think “Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty”, to be covered at the end.



Looks like pedoface but the profile shot makes me uncertain.



A coal-burning witch? I don’t know what to make of a MAN with a hyphenated last name. Maybe I assumed her gender.



I saved the biggest name for last. This pic is hilarious! It’s so dark that only three things are visible: his face with a smirk-smile, his left hand showing off a watch and his right hand showing off his wedding ring while simultaneously covering his balls. A status-conscious, wife-pleasing cuck with a grifter’s “trust me” look.

And they say you can’t judge a book by its cover.

The accompanying blurb makes me think he’s the founder of CACN, or at least the guy who wrote their statement.

.Nationalism is not just a love for country; rather, it pits the power of one nation against others, often with ideologies of racial superiority, and has led to the worst violence in human history. There is no Christian nationalism; nationalism is unchristian. I am grateful to BJC for bringing faith leaders together to jointly proclaim that no nation is above another in God’s eyes, and that our nation must never put one religion above another or privilege religious people above those who do not follow any religion..

The CACN website doesn’t say anything about its founders or financiers but this paragraph makes me think it’s the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty, aka BJC. They also had a falling out with the Southern Baptists in the 90s/late 80s and now preach exactly this kind of globalist message. What a surprise that BJC, a “faith-based” lobbyist in D.C. is worried about the insidious, growing influence of Christianity. One supposes that few God-fearing politicians want thirty pieces of silver.

Five seconds on was sufficient to confirm that Jim Wallis is a victim of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

It should go without saying that any self-identified Christian who refuses to revere Christ above other religions is a blasphemer. Those who also give women authority over men are heretics and Original Sinners, too.


SEAL Eddie Gallagher’s Accusers: The Sewing Circle

Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher was recently acquitted of all charges. (Cry me a river over that selfie.) Now that the American Special Forces Trial of the Century is over, we can look back and piece together the real story of an SJW Convergence gone so wrong that I half expect the next Portland Antifa rally to be crashed by SEAL Team Six.

A jury found decorated Navy SEAL Edward “Eddie” Gallagher not guilty Tuesday on almost all charges he was facing, including murder and attempted murder, in the killing of a teenage Islamic State member in Iraq.

Gallagher was accused of stabbing to death a 15-year-old ISIS fighter in 2017 and posing with the corpse for photos. …

He faced seven criminal charges in all. Six of the most serious charges included premeditated murder, willfully discharging a firearm to endanger human life, retaliation against members of his platoon for reporting his alleged actions, obstruction of justice and the attempted murders of two noncombatants. On all of those charges, the jury in San Diego found him not guilty.

Jurors did find him guilty of the seventh charge, posing for a photo with a casualty, considered the least egregious of the crimes, which carries a maximum prison sentence of four months.

“We have a sentencing to do, but the maximum sentence of what they’re about to sentence him on is much less than the time that they’ve already had him in the brig,” defense attorney Tim Parlatore said. “So he is going home.”

Full vindication so far as I’m concerned. I suspect the selfie accusation was included only for insurance against a total dismissal of charges because a morbid picture does not remotely warrant a court-martial. “We accuse you of capital murder, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and expired vehicle registration… WE GOT A CONVICTION! Justice!”

Now what’s this about his being accused by a sewing circle?

Navy SEAL Trial Exposes Divide in Normally Secretive Force

By Julie Watson, 1 Jul 2019

It was called the “The Sewing Circle,” an unlikely name for a secret subsect of Navy SEALs. Its purpose was even more improbable: A chat forum to discuss alleged war crimes they said their chief, a decorated sniper and medic, committed on a recent tour of duty in Iraq.

The WhatsApp group would eventually lead to formal allegations that Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher fatally stabbed a wounded Islamic State captive in his care and shot civilians in Iraq in 2017.

Gallagher, 40, has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

A jury of mostly combat Marines will ultimately decide the fate of the 19-year-veteran and Bronze Star recipient charged with murder, attempted murder and conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline for posing with the corpse for photographs.

Thank God for that jury of Real Men. What should a senior enlisted guy do if he sees his peer murdering innocents in cold blood?

A. Alert the chain of command.

B. Kill the peer in media res on behalf of innocents.

C. Play along, wait a couple years then gossip about it post-deployment on social media until the NCIS visits.

None of the Sewing Circle’s members has a picture available for physiognomy, sadly.

“SEALs, it seems to me, have been seeing themselves as God-like on the battlefield, and there is a real danger in taking that view of one’s unit or one’s self,” said Gary Solis, a former military judge and Marine Corps prosecutor who teaches law at Georgetown University. “I think this will alert the SEAL community that the rules apply to them.”

On the practical level, that would end the utility of special forces. On the Convergence level, that establishes the motive for prosecuting Eddie Gallagher. Had Gallagher been convicted, it would be directly analogous to the LAPD being demoralized by the Rodney King incident. Recall that while all four four police officers were acquitted of criminal charges, they were later punished in civil court and an infamous consent decree was imposed upon the entire LAPD to remake its leadership by judicial fiat.

I don’t suppose the Clinton Foundation can locate some ISIS family members to whine about their cousin’s civil rights being violated by SEAL Team 7. Not today, at least.

The case has laid bare challenges among U.S. special forces as the United States increasingly relies on such troops, which make up only 2% of the military yet carry out most of its battles around the globe.

A number of special forces members are on trial this year. A U.S. Navy SEAL last month pleaded guilty to hazing and assault charges for his role in the 2017 strangulation of a U.S. Army Green Beret in Africa.

For those interested, the strangling is here.

Summary, SEAL Adam Matthews & two friends were upset at the Green Beret unexpectedly leaving their convoy in an ambush-prone urban environment and thought a scare & chokehold was in order. But the victim didn’t wake up from the chokehold. Matthews was repentant and pled guilty so it’s hard to see this as anything more than unfortunate horseplay between proud men selected & rewarded for aggression.

The scandals have prompted a review by the Navy’s top commanders into the behavior of the special warfare teams. During Gallagher’s trial, it was revealed that nearly all his platoon members readily posed for photos with the dead militant and watched as Gallagher read his reenlistment oath near the body in an impromptu ceremony.

Lt. Jacob Portier, the officer in charge, has been charged separately for overseeing the ceremony and not reporting the alleged stabbing.

Yep, it’s the goddamned LAPD Consent Decree School for Social Justice.

The trial also has shown the struggles of military courts in prosecuting alleged war crimes. The lead prosecutor was removed after allegedly tracking the defense team’s emails to find a news leak, and the lead investigator acknowledged on the stand making mistakes.

Translation, the SJWs running this farce turned out to be incompetent boobs. The only pic I can find of anybody besides the Gallaghers is the (original) lead prosecutor Cmdr. Christopher Czaplak:

Army decide removes prosecutor accused of misconduct in ...

Very punchable overall. Looks like rounded eyebrows for social mindset and while the hat hides the forehead, I’d guess the middle third of the face is dominant, indicating a desire for status & ambition. I’ve never quite seen cheeks like that before. Prominent yet thinly padded suggests he’s socially dominant yet doesn’t attract followers, an unusual combination. Upturned nose with visible nostrils is an aggression indicator but he doesn’t have the chin to back that up well.

Conclusion: he’s a self-righteous politician and his coworkers warn each other about him behind his back.

I’ll have much more to say about Czaplak in a minute.

“The Sewing Circle,” the WhatsApp group chat, formed with a select few members of Alpha platoon after they returned to San Diego from their deployment in 2017.

In the thread, Gallagher was referred to as “El Diablo,” Spanish for “the devil.”

“Not sure how to handle him,” [Corey] Scott texted. “But he is ready to fight and kill.”

Gallagher’s lawyers say the group chat was used to orchestrate a smear campaign to bring down their demanding platoon chief. A SEAL troop commander told the court that the allegations, which he took no action on for months, were suspect because they came about as Gallagher was being considered for a Silver Star and a promotion. Platoon members testified that the team was fractured, and the running joke was that if something was missing from a care package, Eddie took it.

But his accusers said it went beyond the theft of sunglasses and snacks. …

SEAL sniper Dalton Tolbert told the court he did not recall who started the chat group but that the intent was to talk with others who were disturbed by what they saw on the deployment and decide what to do.

“I shot more warning shots to save civilians from Eddie than I ever did at ISIS. I see an issue with that,” Tolbert texted others.

After plans were discussed about going to the commodore, an investigation was opened and Gallagher was arrested.

This is not correct. The Sewing Circle never filed charges. They were contacted by NCIS. I’m leaving discussion of the prosecutors for after my coverage of the Sewing Circle, however.

A medic testifying in the trial of Navy SEAL Edward Gallagher . who is accused of killing an injured ISIS prisoner of war in Iraq . shocked trial observers when he testified Thursday that he, not Gallagher, was responsible for the Islamic militant’s death.

Special Operator 1st Class Corey Scott, a SEAL Team Seven medic, revealed during cross-examination in the courtroom at Naval Base San Diego that he killed the fighter by asphyxiation. Scott testified that he saw Gallagher stab the fighter, but then he himself held his thumb over a breathing tube that had been inserted into the militant’s mouth.

.Did Chief Gallagher kill this terrorist?. Gallagher’s attorney Timothy Parlatore then asked Scott.

“No,” Scott replied.

.Why did you kill him?. Parlatore asked Scott during one point of the cross-examination.

.Because I knew he was going to die anyway,. Scott answered. .I wanted to save him from what was going to happen next to him..

Scott … told the defense counsel that during his time serving overseas, he had witnessed the Iraqi Emergency Response Division .torture, rape and murder prisoners..

.Is this why you asphyxiated him?. Parlatore asked. .Yes,. Scott replied.

In other courtroom testimony that seemed straight out of a Hollywood movie, the Navy prosecutor opposite Parlatore raised his voice at Scott, charging that only now he was offering this testimony because he had immunity and he wanted to keep Gallagher out of jail. He accused Scott of never mentioning his role in the death during prosecution interviews that took place ahead of the trial.

.You never said that you covered the tube, did you?. asked Lt. Brian John, the prosecutor.

.You said he maintained vital signs until he stopped breathing,. he continued, reading off an interview transcript, accusing Scott of changing his story “only now, after you’ve been granted testimonial immunity..

.You can lie about the fact that you killed the ISIS prisoner because you don’t want Chief Gallagher to go to jail,. Lt. John continued.

.I don’t want him to go to jail,. Scott shot back.

The courtroom drama continued to unfold as Parlatore — a tall, imposing Navy veteran — stood facing the navy prosecutor seated inches from him, accusing prosecutors of stopping short of ever asking Scott what the cause of death was. The reason, Parlatore charged, was because they had one goal: the prosecution of Gallagher.

This was a hand grenade dropped into Lt. John’s lap by his predecessor, Cmdr. Czaplak, after his removal for illegally wiretapping the defense. I’m getting ahead of myself but the main reason the prosecution failed was that SJWs set up a false accusation against Gallagher and after the mastermind’s removal from the case, he was prosecuted by a (more) honest lawyer who had no idea the evidence was largely fabricated.

Which is how he went so spectacularly wrong here. I suspect Czaplak’s plan was to submit the lopsided testimony of Scott without letting Scott take the stand.

Defense: “What was the cause of death?”

Scott: “Me.”

Defense: “Did Gallagher kill this man?”

Scott: “No, I did.”

Prosecutor: “Why did you change your story?”

Scott: “I’m not changing my story. I told this to NCIS in the first interview. But wait, NCIS did a second interview with me in which he didn’t ask about cause of death… and this is the transcript from that second interview. Did you see the transcript from the first interview?”

Prosecutor: “Huh?”

Defense: “What? WHAT?!”

Prosecutor: “Um, well, why did you kill him?”

Scott: “Because our allies the Iraqis were going to torture, sodomize and murder him like they always do. It was a mercy killing but, y’know, technically premeditated murder so I held out for legal immunity.”

Prosecutor: “Your Honor, I need a recess and a drink.”

Again, I’m getting ahead of myself. We’ll discuss the NCIS but first, let’s continue with the Sewing Circle.

NAVAL BASE SAN DIEGO . The main thing to remember about Navy SEAL Chief Craig Miller’s testimony on Wednesday is that he didn’t seem to remember a lot.

Miller, considered a key witness in the trial of Chief Eddie Gallagher, testified that he saw his former platoon chief stab the wounded ISIS fighter but was unable to recall a number of details surrounding that event. Gallagher is accused of murdering the wounded fighter and separately firing on innocent civilians during a deployment to Mosul, Iraq in 2017. He has pleaded not guilty.

Under direct questioning by prosecutors, Miller spoke about what happened on or around May 3, 2017, when Iraqi forces brought in a wounded ISIS fighter to the SEALs’ compound. Miller, then the leading petty officer of SEAL Team 7 Alpha Platoon and on his third deployment, told a packed court room that the fighter looked “scrawny” and “young” when he was hauled in on the hood of a Humvee.

No fat old guys on the front lines? Say it ain’t so.

“I remember Chief Gallagher arrived after that,” Miller said, adding that he was then eating lunch at a nearby vehicle. The SEAL said the fighter, who was speaking, had a leg wound but no other noticeable injuries.

Gallagher then began assessing the fighter’s wounds. When he put pressure on the man’s leg, the fighter raised himself up, seemingly in pain, and screamed. Miller testified that he used his boot to push him back down before leaving the scene to go back to the vehicle.

About 15 minutes later, Miller testified, he returned and walked around a Humvee where he saw SEAL medics working on the fighter from about 12 feet away. Gallagher, he said, was kneeling down on the fighter’s right side.

“I kept walking and I saw him stab the prisoner in the neck,” Miller said. He pointed to the right side of his own neck to show where the stabbing occurred. Gallagher stabbed him “once or twice,” Miller said.

Afterward, Special Warfare Operator 1st Class Corey Scott, one of the medics, “jumped back a little bit,” Miller testified. He also said that blood came pouring out of the fighter’s neck, which “looked similar to a baby throwing up.”

Corey Scott disagrees, as covered above.

Miller testified that he then immediately went looking for the SEAL platoon commander, Lt. Jake Portier. In a bombed out building, Miller said he told Portier what he had just seen.

Soon after, a reenlistment ceremony for Gallagher was carried out near the body, Miller testified. Then they all took a group photo with the body, which included Miller. It was “not okay” that he participated in the photo, Miller admitted, since it was “unprofessional” and could be used in ISIS propaganda.

Your CO murdered the kid, then you voluntarily posed with both of them? Seems there were a lot of pictures taken with that corpse.

Later that evening, Miller testified, the SEALs had a meeting to discuss the day’s events. Miller said, “I told them what I saw and I asked if anybody was okay with it.” Towards the end of the meeting, Gallagher walked in and pulled Miller aside, and the junior sailor testified that he told him, “Eddie, the guys are not good with this,” When Gallagher asked which guys, Miller said, “I’m not good with it.”

Miller being the assistant leader of SEAL Team 7, his hostility towards Gallagher explains much of the team’s poor morale and conduct.

Besides recounting events in Iraq, Miller also said Gallagher threatened him in a parking lot soon after they returned from deployment. In a meeting Miller testified that he attended along with Lt. Portier, Chief Gallagher, and Lt. Thomas MacNeill, he quoted Gallagher as saying he “had shit on all of us” and if we said any more “he’d take us all down.”

What kind of blackmail shit did he have, one wonders.

Under cross examination, the defense went on offense against Miller, who seemed at times to be rattled during questioning by attorney Tim Parlatore.

After asking how many times Miller had met with prosecutors and NCIS agents (“several”), Parlatore asked whether he hated Gallagher. “I think I don’t trust Eddie Gallagher,” Miller said. He then admitted that he told others that Gallagher was “evil.”

Hearing “I don’t remember” seemed to be a common theme for much of Miller’s testimony.

As former Special Warfare Operator 1st Class Dylan Dille testified that morning, some SEALs in the platoon were part of a WhatsApp text message chain called the “Sewing Circle.” When asked about this, Miller said he couldn’t recall much of what was discussed and he did not know specifically which members of the platoon were on the text chain.

Additionally, Miller said he did not remember the ISIS fighter’s age. Other things he did not remember included who in the platoon wore helmet cameras, who a person named Mike was that he mentioned to NCIS agents, or, really, much of what he had told NCIS.

“I got pretty worked up” during the NCIS interview, he explained.

When asked what he specifically told Portier after the stabbing incident, Miller said he couldn’t “remember everything” but that it amounted to, “we should pack up and leave because I felt we were combat ineffective.”

That doesn’t sound like “I just saw Eddie murder a POW for giggles”.

Parlatore then asked what happened next. Answer: I don’t remember. Frustrated, Miller told Parlatore, “sir, this process has been a very long process. I don’t remember every conversation I’ve had.”

Parlatore then pivoted back to the reenlistment ceremony, asking him whether he knew the oath of enlistment. He had heard it before . he was on his second enlistment . and had been at other reenlistment ceremonies. But he could not remember it then. “Right now I just can’t,” he said.

When asked whether he had any medical issues that affected his memory, Miller said no.

Meanwhile, Parlatore asked whether Miller had played with a drone after the reenlistment ceremony that had followed the ISIS fighter’s death. After Miller said he did not remember, Parlatore played a video for him to refresh his memory, which was not seen by the jury.

Though jurors did not see the video, they listened as Parlatore described what it showed during his questioning. In the first video, taken from a SEAL’s helmet camera, Miller is seen controlling a quad copter before turning toward the SEAL filming and smiling. In the second video, someone other than Miller is controlling the quad copter, which can be seen moving close back and forth across the ISIS fighter’s body . now covered with a green blanket . before it is bounced off “the ISIS terrorist’s head,” Parlatore said.

“I do not remember seeing that,” Miller said. “I do not remember the drone stuff.” When asked whether the fighter’s body was in the same place the next day, Miller also said he didn’t know.

Parlatore tried to further chip away at Miller’s credibility by questioning his recent application for a concealed carry permit in San Diego, in which he indicated he had received death threats. He said that since the case was so politicized, he was told there had been threats against him but they did not come directly from Gallagher.

“You ever live in New Mexico?” Parlatore then asked.

After Miller said no, he was questioned extensively on why he had applied as a volunteer police officer in New Mexico, despite not living or working in the state. Further questions and answers seemed to indicate that Miller was among a number of current and former SEALs who had participated in a scheme cooked up by a small town police chief to hand out badges that allowed them to conceal carry weapons in all 50 states, in exchange for a $400 annual fee.

That was some seriously good homework by Parlatore.

“Did you do anything other than get a badge?” Parlatore asked. Miller said no.

Miller was also asked about SEALs drinking in Iraq. The SEAL’s assistant officer in charge, Lt. Thomas MacNeill, had testified on Tuesday that he had “drank with most, if not all, of the enlisted SEALs on the roof” of their safe house, and had also “played DJ.”

“I did not drink up on the roof,” Miller said. “Chief Gallagher was there.”

When asked whether Lt. MacNeill had found empty beer bottles in a Humvee, Miller said he didn’t remember. Did Gallagher talk to you about it? Parlatore asked.

I didn’t drink and drive,” Miller answered. Noting that Miller was the vehicle commander, Parlatore asked him whether he allowed others to drink inside the vehicle. “Yes or no?” he asked.

Miller said he did not remember.

Now Dylan Dille.

While under cross examination on Wednesday morning, former Special Warfare Operator 1st Class Dylan Dille was questioned at length about a private WhatsApp group chat he and his fellow SEALs used to pass along information within their unit as well as news about the Gallagher case.

In the thread named “The Sewing Circle,” the SEALs . who were apparently concerned with war crimes allegedly committed by Gallagher . tried to distinguish themselves as their own “Brotherhood” in contrast to what supporters of Gallagher have called the “Real Brotherhood.”

Secret kings. Gamma behavior.

In his testimony, Dille said “there’s a clear line in the sand” between both camps of current and former SEALs on what is acceptable behavior in combat.

“It ain’t over until we’re sitting on a front porch with six shooters and the ‘Real Brotherhood’ comes knocking,” Dille wrote in one text message. “I look forward to laying down some lead again on that occasion.”

Defense attorney Tim Parlatore then asked, “Who is the “Real Brotherhood?”

“People who are okay with war crimes,” Dille said. He went on to describe them as an “angry mob” of the entire conservative media and former SEALs. Dille and other SEAL witnesses have said in testimony that they have received online threats.

Confirming Dille as an SJW.

Parlatore then brought up text messages in the thread sent by SO1 Dalton Tolbert, who was a sniper for SEAL Team 7 Alpha Platoon during their 2017 Iraq deployment. Gallagher has been accused of murdering a wounded ISIS fighter and using his sniper rifle to indiscriminately fire on noncombatants.

Did [Tolbert] say he “worked with a bunch of people who don’t care about killing civilians?” Parlatore asked.

Dille said yes.

“Where does he work?” Parlatore continued.

Dille, clearly uncomfortable before responding, then said, “Development Group.”

Naval Special Warfare Development Group is the name of the classified unit of SEALs commonly referred to as SEAL Team 6.

At that point, the judge, Capt. Aaron Rugh, shuffled members of the jury and Dille out of the courtroom and had a private discussion with Parlatore and the prosecutor.

Once court resumed with the jury present, Parlatore then asked whether Tolbert had ever said in text messages that he “was going to burn this motherfucking court room to the ground,” a reference to where the trial was taking place at Naval Base San Diego.

“Yes,” Dille said.

Parlatore also said Tolbert had disparaged defense attorneys and the judge in text messages, though he did not go into specifics.

However, a screenshot of a text message thread obtained by Task & Purpose showed that Tolbert had referred to Rugh as “this shady ass judge.”

According to a source familiar with the matter, Tolbert also wrote in the text message thread, “what a fucking joke. Somebody fire this pussy ass fucking judge. Who’s fucking courtroom is this? Time to man the fuck up fags.”

“If the motherfucking courthouse burned down, I did it,” Tolbert wrote, according to the source. “Then they can go fuck themselves with the pussy footing bullshit.”

In his testimony, Dille told Parlatore he took the supposed threat against the courtroom as a joke.

Tolbert is expected to testify on Friday.

That’s right, folks, a member of SEAL Team Six threatened to murder Judge Rugh and burn the courtroom. The other members of ST6 were surely not amused.

Now for Dalton Tolbert.

Two Navy SEALs testified Friday that their platoon leader gunned down a young girl and an old man in Iraq in 2017 from his sniper’s perch, though neither witnessed him pulling the trigger.

The SEALs said shots came from the tower where Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher was posted and they watched through their scopes as the civilians fell to the ground.

Dalton Tolbert said he and another sniper were in a neighboring tower in Mosul on June 18, 2017, and had fired warnings shots to scatter civilians by the Tigris River because the Islamic State was operating in the area.

I don’t believe that our snipers fire warning shots. It gives away their position and the entire point of using snipers is precision killing. Besides, killshots work as well as warning shots for scaring away noncombatants.

An old man in a white tunic began running and then Tolbert heard a third shot come from the neighboring tower where Gallagher was positioned and saw the man fall.

Over the radio, he heard Gallagher say: .You guys missed him, but I got him..

Not credible. “I got to murder the helpless old guy!”

The defense said the testimony was unreliable because no witness reported seeing Gallagher pull the trigger.

Motivation for making up the radio confession. Alternatively, motivation for a guilty murderer to NOT make a radio confession. If Gallagher had been so far into Chaotic Evil that he was narrating his killing sprees to the world then this would have been a slam dunk prosecution.

Attorney Tim Parlatore accused the SEALs of organizing a smear campaign through a group text that pressured fellow SEALs to coordinate their stories and get Gallagher ousted permanently.

Tolbert was so upset that when he returned from deployment, he texted members of SEAL Team 7 to say he wanted people to speak up about Gallagher’s behavior.

.I shot more warning shots to save civilians from Eddie than I ever did at ISIS. I see an issue with that,. Tolbert texted others.

Bullshit. Had that been true and Gallagher that deranged, Eddie would have capped Tolbert’s trash for scaring his victims away. Not to mention silencing a witness.

Another witness, Joshua Vriens, said on another day that he saw Gallagher shoot at a group of adolescent girls in floral hijabs, hitting one in the stomach and sending two scattering.

Vriens said he watched through his scope as a fourth girl dragged the wounded girl over a berm and under a bridge to escape.

During cross-examination, Vriens acknowledged he reported to a superior that day that the Islamic State was shooting civilians.

The defense, however, countered that the Islamic State used civilians, including women, to provide supplies.

No paper trails on any of this, so far as I could find. Mention to the boss in passing that Eddie’s on a murder spree, then don’t write anything down, let Eddie keep killing and whine a couple years later that no followup was done.

Which is curious, as other witnesses including the Iraqi liaison officer who handed the victim to the SEALS have said no knife wounds. There is the possibility that despite his claims of a mercy killing, Corey Scott has a snuff fetish. A medic playing God with human life is dodgy at the best of times.

Or, maybe a guilty conscience provoked him to take a fall for Gallagher.

So, that’s the Sewing Circle. Corey Scott murdering Gallagher’s supposed victim, Craig Miller remembering the murder but not what he told NCIS about the murder, Dylan Dille protecting Iraq from a deranged murderer without stopping the murderer or even filing a report on him, Dalton Tolbert threatening to arson the trial then crying about losing his spot with SEAL Team Six when the judge found out, and Joshua Vriens who saw Eddie shoot civilians while he was watching the civilians instead of either Eddie or the Iraqi snipers he knew were around.

And all of them crying about Eddie stealing their lunch money just in time to thwart Eddie’s Silver Star.

America’s best, my butt pimple.

What kind of prosecutors brought such a worthless, undocumented mess to trial?

Marc Mukasey, one of Gallagher’s lawyers, accused Special Agent Joseph Warpinski of misconduct, which he said began as soon as the Naval Criminal Investigative Service began its investigation in 2018…

Mukasey accused the investigator of engaging in improper practices, alleging he lied to witnesses about the anonymity of their initial testimony.

.You let him believe he would be a confidential source,. Mukasey said of an interview with Navy Seal Chief Craig Miller, the first witness interviewed by Warpinski. Miller testified last week he saw Gallagher stab the detainee.

.You told him his name would be protected,. he said. .You told him this so he could go to town on Eddie Gallagher.because nobody would ever find out..

Miller was the amnesiac of the Sewing Circle, remember, who couldn’t recall anything about this conversation.

Raising his voice throughout questioning, Mukasey accused Warpinski of drafting SEALs “to get on the “Screw Eddie Gallagher Train…

.Jump on the train, come on aboard,. Mukasey jousted.

He said the investigator sided with SEALs who testified against Gallagher during NCIS interviews. Warpinski denied that, until Mukasey showed him an interview transcript.

.Did you or did you not tell Chief Miller you already had your take on the investigation on the first day?. Mukasey asked.

.I stand corrected,. Warpinski replied.

.You didn’t know what Chief Miller did in Iraq, what his agenda was,. Mukasey said. .You had no idea whether he was trying to frame Eddie Gallagher or not..

Mukasey cited another interview in which Warpinski told a SEAL the case was “black and white..

.It was just an expression,. Warpisnki said. .I was trying to build a rapport with him..

The defense attorney also blasted Warpinski for encouraging witnesses to talk to each other during the investigation.

.Did you take everything you learned at the Federal Law Enforcement Academy and throw it in the garbage?. Mukasey charged. He later accused the investigator of getting too friendly with SEALs.

.You’re not supposed to be the witness. pal,. Mukasey said. .You’re supposed to be an independent, unbiased fact finder..

While Warpinski defended the integrity of his investigation, he admitted to some bad practices in the case. .Sure, I made mistakes,. he said.

.You never asked Corey Scott for a cause of death, did you?. Mukasey asked. .I didn’t say it in those exact words,. Warpinski replied.

Let’s help Miller remember how this ball got rolling.

With a new team of prosecutors, the Navy takes a final shot at SEAL Eddie Gallagher

On April 10, 2018, Naval Special Warfare Operator 1st Class Craig Miller sat down in an interview room in San Diego.

Naval Criminal Investigative Service Special Agent Joseph Warpinski introduced himself and his partner, Seth Goodwin. He told Miller he was “going to take some bio information for you” but first he wanted to explain what was about to happen.

He didn’t say that nearly a week earlier Cmdr. Kevin Golden, the Staff Judge Advocate General at Naval Special Warfare Group 1, had reported allegations of war crimes committed during a 2017 deployment to Iraq by Chief Edward Ryan “Eddie” Gallagher, the senior enlisted sailor in Alpha Platoon, SEAL Team 7.

Those accusations included the possible stabbing to death of a seriously wounded teenage prisoner of war who had fought for the Islamic State in Mosul.

Instead, Warpinski began the interrogation of Miller by telling him that everything he’s about to say will be filed under a “source number. . and .won.t go into a case file. . and “our reports are going to reflect that,. according to a recording of the NCIS interview obtained by Navy Times.

.It.s not like they could look at this recording or interview or anything like that,. Warpinski said.

Yet 14 months later, Miller’s name peppers the pages of numerous public legal filings in two war crimes cases and he’s slated to become the star witness for the prosecution on Wednesday, two days after jury selection begins in Gallagher’s court-martial trial.

So, Miller had a bunch of grievances and petty accusations, and he sat down with Warpinski to talk smack about Gallagher. Warpinski drew up a multi-charge murder case out of the gossip he’d been told and consequently, Miller suffered severe yet specific amnesia.

He told the special agents that nearly a year earlier, on May 3, 2017, he saw a lightly wounded Islamic State fighter brought into the SEAL compound near Mosul. He described the prisoner as conscious, not combative, with no apparent injuries to his throat.

Miller said that he left the scene, returning minutes later to see the detainee on the ground and Gallagher plunging a knife into his neck, a fellow SEAL SO1 Corey Scott “freaking out a little bit over what Eddie just did..

That became the basis of Gallagher’s premeditated murder charge but Miller continued with more allegations of the senior enlisted SEAL shooting at innocent civilians with his sniper rifle . although Miller also conceded he didn’t witness any of that.

On Friday, Navy Times contacted both Miller and Warpinski in San Diego to ask them about that fateful moment that kicked off a criminal probe by NCIS that’s turned SEAL Team 7 upside down and shined an international spotlight on American military operations in Iraq.

Now a chief, Miller declined comment.

Warpinski never responded at all.

And now for Czaplak, same article.

Citing constitutional violations committed against Gallagher, 40, by NCIS and a government attorney tied to a warrantless spying operation on defense lawyers and Navy Times, Navy judge Capt. Aaron Rugh removed lead prosecutor Cmdr. Christopher Czaplak from the case.


The lead Navy prosecutor in the war crimes case against a decorated Navy SEAL has been removed from the case by the judge for spying on defense teams and a Navy Times journalist.

Navy Cmdr. Christopher Czaplak was ordered off the case against Special Warfare Operator Chief Edward “Eddie” Gallagher by the judge, Navy Capt. Aaron Rugh, on Monday after Czaplak admitted emailing 13 defense attorneys and paralegals, as well as Navy Times editor Carl Prine, a tracking beacon in an effort to find the source of leaks to the media.

The defense attorneys have asked the judge to dismiss the charges against Gallagher or remove prosecutors because of the surreptitious effort to track defense emails without court approval.

Brian O.Rourke, a spokesman for Navy Region Southwest, confirmed in an email to Navy Times Monday evening that Czaplak was removed from the case.

.The senior trial counsel will be replaced by a qualified military judge advocate,. he said, adding that no name has yet been introduced.

Cmdr. Jeffrey Pietrzyk.

.Chief Petty Officer Gallagher is entitled to a fair trial and the Navy is committed to upholding that principal,. the Navy spokesman said.

Last week, Rugh unexpectedly released Gallagher from custody as a remedy for interference by prosecutors.

Rugh removed Czaplak because the threat of an investigation into Czaplak could create a conflict of interest.

The judge did not make any decision on the allegations of prosecutorial misconduct.

.While it is not within the purview of this court to conclude whether actions of trial counsel violated the rules of professional responsibility, the court must determine whether the fear of, or potential danger of, a professional responsibility complaint and follow-up investigation, is sufficient to create such a conflict,. Rugh’s motion read, according to a Navy official not authorized to speak on the record. “Conceding that this area remains both nuanced and unresolved under the ethical rules, still the court concludes that the danger of investigation is sufficiently real that any trial counsel so situated might be motivated by factors unrelated to his position as trial counsel..

Tim Parlatore, Gallagher’s attorney, said he was in the middle of a deposition when Czaplak was told to leave by Rugh as a result of the spying.

In a court hearing last month, Czaplak said the code embedded in the emails recorded nothing more than where and when messages were opened by recipients. It was part of an NCIS investigation into unauthorized leaks to the media.

Czaplak said the tracking ended May 10 after he was confronted by defense lawyers who discovered the code secretly embedded in an unusual logo of an American flag with a bald eagle perched on the scales of justice beneath Czaplak’s signature.

In court, Czaplak said the code was similar to what marketers use to see when an email is opened and on what device.

I congratulate Czaplak on his future career as a spam e-mailer. A good choice for his moral compass. End segue.

Another segue for a quote from the abovementioned law professor Gary Solis:

Gary Solis, a former Marine Corps prosecutor and military judge who teaches law at Georgetown, said he’s never heard of anything like this, saying Czaplak’s decision to track defense attorneys’ emails was “contrary to legal ethics and common sense.”

“Unprecedented is too tame a description for what he did,” said Solis, who applauded the ruling. “Unwise is overly optimistic … His conduct has been entirely inappropriate.”

End segue.

[Judge Rugh] also yanked Gallagher from restricted quarters . President Donald J. Trump already had freed the SEAL from pretrial confinement in San Diego’s Naval Consolidated Brig Miramar.

Gallagher claims he was treated worse in restricted quarters than in the brig. Parlatore filed motions against Capt. Rosenbloom, details here but I won’t cover it. I couldn’t connect Rosenbloom to any of the primary actors.

Navy SEAL Gallagher’s attorney calls out Capt. Rosenbloom’s ‘unlawful command influence’

And then Rugh made it easier for his lead civilian defense attorney, Timothy Parlatore, to pick a panel more favorable to Gallagher, who steadfastly has professed his innocence.

In the wake of Czaplak’s demise, another deputy was pulled for other reasons.

By the Marine Corps, not by Judge Rugh, but I have no references handy.

Gallagher.s prosecution is now overseen by Cmdr. Jeffrey Pietrzyk, who was transferred hastily to San Diego from Washington, D.C.

Before he was booted by the judge, Czaplak offered Parlatore a plea deal, agreeing to cap the SEAL.s prison term on the murder charge at 25 years.

Parlatore told Navy Times he rejected both Czaplak’s offer and a Saturday afternoon bid from Pietrzyk for Gallagher to cop to a manslaughter charge and await a potential pardon from Trump.

That’s a classic SJW tactic. “I just want an apology and then we can put all of this behind us. It’s just an apology! It won’t cost you anything.” Never apologize. Never accept false guilt.

Incidentally, Defense attorney Marc Mukasey mentioned above is a personal attorney of President Trump’s. The New York Times used him joining the defense team to plant a rumor that Trump was going to pardon Gallagher pre-conviction. That would have been a fatal mistake for Trump, as good an admission of guilt as a conviction.

Parlatore predicted the combat-hardened veterans on the military jury will exonerate Gallagher, who insists a tiny cabal of Miller-led “Mean Girls” in his former platoon failed to tell NCIS investigators the full story about what really happened in Iraq in 2017.

.If you look at communications between them and their SEAL command early on, they wanted Gallagher to go away, but not in a way that would’ve had to have gone forward as a criminal case,. Parlatore told Navy Times. .They were using the weapon of the rumor mill, generalized statements without having to put their names on anything.

I concur.

.When that didn’t work, they were coached by their command on what was needed, and that’s how we ended up here..

Naval Special Warfare officials have declined to weigh in on those issues but instead blasted Navy Times for finally revealing the names of Miller and other SEAL witnesses who are scheduled to testify against Gallagher.

.I.m not going to comment on information that has been provided outside of the courtroom proceedings,. wrote Naval Special Warfare spokeswoman Cmdr. Tamara Lawrence in an email to Navy Times.

.While we realize some names will become public in the courtroom, to release them prior to the proceedings is irresponsible. As a matter of security we do not release names of special operators as it potentially endangers current and future missions, the operators themselves, their teammates and their families..

Navy Times told Lawrence and other Navy officials last month that once the case was set for trial, this publication and others would stop cloaking the names of witnesses, a policy that applies to every other military court case.

Not to mention, the Navy Times figured out what everybody except Pentagon-level bureaucrats figured out, that this was bullshit from the beginning.

Parlatore believes the SEALs who went after Gallagher had a number of motives for bringing the chief down, including derailing his advancement to senior chief and a proposed Silver Star medal for combat valor.

Others seemed to want to get him fired from a training position Gallagher held, according to legal filings provided to Navy Times.

.They wanted Gallagher removed,. Parlatore said on Saturday. .Reputations are everything on the SEAL Teams, and they were worried about what he would tell people about their performance in Iraq.

.He was calling them “cowards” in country, mostly just to motivate them to get off their asses and fight, and they resented that and worried he’d do that in California “that what happened on deployment wouldn’t stay on deployment.

.They didn’t understand that he wasn’t going to do that..

Parlatore suspects that after NCIS started interviewing them they began to realize that they were stuck with stories they had to repeat, or face charges for lying to investigators.

A good way to phrase what I’d been wanting to say. The Sewing Circle was just whiners. The actual conspiracy to Converge the SEALs was officer-level. Warpinski cleverly boxed the chumps into a legal “kill or die” position.

Remember Czeplak embedding trackers in e-mails? My suspicion is that he was worried about the Sewing Circle contacting Parlatore to escape Warpinski’s trap. He wouldn’t need to know the content of the e-mails, just who was talking to who.

And then on Jan. 22, military prosecutors indicted Alpha Platoon’s officer in charge, Lt. Jacob “Jake” Portier, for allegedly helping to cover up Gallagher’s misconduct, accusations the Navy officer also strongly denies.

.Jake is collateral damage and they didn’t want to become collateral damage themselves,. Parlatore said.

Both the Navy and U.S. Department of Justice provided them immunity deals against prosecution in exchange for their testimony against Gallagher and Portier.

.This is a case that never should’ve been brought in the first place,. Parlatore said. .The prosecution and NCIS utterly failed in their duties to properly investigate this case and find the truth. Because of their failures, an innocent man is going on trial.

.But we’re confident that the jury will see the truth and Eddie Gallagher will be found not guilty. The days of these witnesses hiding in the shadows to try to destroy their chief’s life with their lies are over and they now have to answer for their false statements..

And they did, thank God. Eddie Gallagher is free.


Because You’re a Lovely Bunch of Hypocrites, You Jesuits

“So, you might ask, after 110 years of opposition to communism, why are we publishing an article in this issue that is sympathetic to it?”

Slowest softball pitch ever. *GQ cracks knuckles* The Jesuit-run magazine American just published an article “The Catholic Case for Communism”. It’s less subversion and more spiking the football in the faces of God’s remnant. But it’s interesting because the article is so shameless that the senior editor of American published his justification for publishing the heresy, simultaneously with the heresy itself.

Here’s the heresy. I won’t cover it except for one paragraph, just so you know I’m not off the rails.

In fact, although the Catholic Church officially teaches that private property is a natural right, this teaching also comes with the proviso that private property is always subordinate to the common good. So subordinate, says Pope Francis in a truly radical moment in “Laudato Si.,. that “The Christian tradition has never recognized the right to private property as absolute or inviolable, and has stressed the social purpose of all forms of private property..

Whatever you say, Forktongue.

But here is President and Editor-In-Chief Matt Malone, S.J., trying to justify that blatantly vile article IN THE SAME AUGUST 5, 2019 ISSUE. This, this is worth covering.

Why we published an essay sympathetic to communism

By Matt Malone, S.J. 23 July 2019

One of the finest hours in the history of the Catholic press occurred in the late spring of 1954, when this magazine, along with several others, published an editorial denouncing Senator Joseph R. McCarthy’s witch hunt against communists, which was then reaching its ugly zenith in the infamous Army-McCarthy hearings. “Catholic Weekly Assails McCarthy,. read The New York Times headline.just one among several national stories about the editorial.

So, American magazine has been fully Converged since at least 1954.

America.s comments about Senator McCarthy generated a great deal of interest for a couple of reasons. First, Senator McCarthy was a prominent Irish Catholic, and he had powerful friends in the Catholic community, including several bishops. Second, America had spent much of the previous 50 years loudly denouncing communism in its pages. As early as 1934, my predecessor John LaFarge, S.J., who later served as the sixth editor in chief, had even introduced a detailed plan for how American Jesuits should attack the growing threat of communism in the United States. So the fact that the anti-communist America magazine was now critical of Mr. McCarthy created an “only Nixon could go to China” moment, lending great credibility to the anti-McCarthy forces.

While proving McCarthy right. So, Converged between 1934 and 1954.

John LaFarge, S.J. | America Magazine

LaFarage. Big nasolabial “disappointment” lines suggest an unhappy life. Triangular, narrow nostrils suggest a lack of social energy. Thin lips confirm a lack of passion. Per Wikipedia,

LaFarge was plagued by ill health throughout his youth, and the completion of his M.A. degree left him severely exhausted. His superiors advised him that he probably couldn’t support the rigors of life as a scholar. He moved into pastoral work, spending fifteen years (1911.26) ministering to mainly African-American and immigrant communities in rural St. Mary’s County, Maryland, along Chesapeake Bay. His work here deeply shaped his attitude to race relations and to racism, which he considered a sin. He spoke out publicly against the conditions under which African-Americans lived, and he demonstrated special interest in furthering education for disadvantaged communities. In 1926 he founded an industrial school in southern Maryland for African-American boys, the Cardinal Gibbons Institute.

In 1926, LaFarge left his pastoral work in Maryland to become assistant editor of America, a leading Jesuit weekly magazine in the United States. He went on to become its fifth editor-in-chief in 1944. Acknowledging that he was not a great administrator, he stepped down after four years and assumed the position of associate editor. All told, he worked on the magazine for 37 years, and he is credited with establishing a progressive editorial tone that the magazine has largely retained. He described himself as a priest who was also a working journalist…

He didn’t converge the magazine but his race attitude suggests he laid groundwork. Probably unwittingly; parasites don’t voluntarily step down from the reins of power. That was an impressively humble move on his part. Or, impressive leverage.

So, you might ask, after 110 years of opposition to communism, why are we publishing an article in this issue that is sympathetic to it?

Because you’re a lovely bunch of hypocrites who targeted, infiltrated and Converged the organizations successfully warning people against your poisonous beliefs.

Well, for one thing, you should not assume that America’s editorial position on communism has changed very much. It has not.

Oh come on! You wrote this article to explain why you DID change!

What has also not changed is our willingness to hear views with which we may disagree but that we nonetheless think are worth hearing. And we could not have picked a better author for such an article. Dean Dettloff [GQ: author of the heresy linked to above] has made many fine contributions to these pages as our Toronto correspondent.

Cult of Nice thinking. “Wait, wait, wait, don’t judge Karl Marx so harshly. While it’s true that some people have said bad things about him and a few might even be right, some of his ideas are actually interesting and legitimate!”

| America Magazine

Detloff is a good pedoface.

This sort of thing is also not a first for America. One year before Father LaFarge declared his red alert, the saintly Dorothy Day appeared in these pages, defending the values of the communists she knew, if not their political program. .The trouble with many Catholics,. Ms. Day wrote, .is that they think of Communists as characters from E. Phillips Oppenheim’s international mystery novels.” In other words, she thought Catholics were missing something of value amid all the legitimate criticism.

That “legitimate criticism” is that Communism is Godless EVIL.

Could the same be happening today? It is possible. Socialism is much in the news. One presidential candidate says he is a socialist, and several others don’t mind sounding like one.

My reading of Catholic social teaching, especially the commentary of recent popes…

The post-Vatican II ones that spawned a functional church split in the RCC? Maybe the current, Jesuit Pope Judas specifically?

…is that it has many good things to say about capitalism while always reminding us about the bad that comes with it. At the same time, it has many bad things to say about socialism while always reminding us of the good that comes with it. For my part, I don’t like ideological .-isms. of any kind, except for Catholicism, which is nothing like an .-ism. in the sense I mean here.

Blurring the line between good and evil. It’s one thing to make a specific complaint; I can even respect complaints that Christianity caused the fall of Rome even though I disagree; but this vague “everything has good parts and bad parts, we should hesitate to judge it all at once” is the hissing of demons.

For what it’s worth, my general view of economics begins with the fact that markets, for all their downsides, are the greatest force for economic empowerment that the world has ever seen. But that is just my opinion and, therefore, not the point.

Freeze frame. Right here. That paragraph. The wicked have a curious yet frequently observed compulsion to tell the truth about their wickedness even at the cost of self-destruction. That’s what Matt just did. He tells us that he believes capitalism has many downsides but is the best the world has done… in an article written to justify telling us about Communism.

Remember how Communists love to claim that Communism “has never actually been tried”? That’s how Matt is disguising outing himself as a Commie here. “Capitalism is the best the world has ever seen BUT WE CAN DO BETTER.”

It is entirely the point of this “Why we published an essay sympathetic to Communism” article that Matt thinks Capitalism is the best we’ve yet done but has many downsides. Every Communist everywhere thinks that.

Mr. Dettloff’s piece is in this issue not because I agree with it but because I think it is worth reading, just as I did with Arthur Brooks’s article in defense of free markets that we published in February 2017 and just as we did when we published Dorothy Day in 1934.

Matt obviously agrees with it. He, too, wants to Converge the Catholic Church to Communism but he doesn’t want anybody to notice, so he wrapped it in a fog of “our good people were not all good, our evil people were not all evil. Mr. Dettloff is not that evil if you listen to him.”

America, in other words, is not a journal of Father Matt’s opinions. Not even I would want to read such a magazine. This is a journal of Catholic opinion, and Catholics have differing opinions about many things.

It is a journal of Jesuit beliefs, not the opinions of random Catholics. And apparently, it is a journal specifically of Communists masquerading as Christians in the Jesuit organization.

Catholics have differing opinions about many things. They do not differ on the compatibility of Communism with Christianity. It is impossible to be Communist and Christian at the same time.

See what Matt is doing? First he attacked the concept of universally good/evil people (who don’t exist, as we saw above with LaFarage; humans are complicated and internally conflicted), now he’s using that to attack the concept of universally good/evil beliefs. Which absolutely exist.

The evil of Communism, both its ideology and history, is not a matter of opinion. As if we were debating breakfast cereals instead of whether the Kulaks deserved to die.

Our job is to host a conversation among Catholics and our friends in which people can respectfully and intelligently disagree. Accordingly, we publish something in almost every issue with which I personally disagree. I hope we publish something you disagree with, too. If not, we are not doing our job.

What about God? Do you ever publish something with which Father God might personally disagree?

It will be interesting to monitor reactions to Mr. Dettloff’s article on social media. I have followed folks on Twitter long enough to recognize certain patterns. While you who are reading this will know what we are up to, many among the Twitterati can be counted on to be uninformed, unreasonable and uncharitable. I can see the tweets now: .This Dettloff piece! So typical of that left-wing America magazine!. “America shows its radical tendencies again!. Well, that’s just claptrap.

For the Communist, it’s always a short trip from “please listen to me” to “silence the dissidents”

I once said that being an America reader requires you to engage with opinions that are different from your own. It occasionally requires something else, especially when browsing social media: the ability to spot what this family-friendly magazine will call male bovine fecal matter.

Your “family-friendly” magazine is now preaching an anti-Christian religion that has torn innumerable families apart, the wives feral and husbands disgraced, from Beijing to NYC to Stalingrad, and inspired the One Child policy of China… the largest single mass murder in recorded history.

By the way, I traced the Convergence of American magazine to LaFarage’s successor Robert C. Hartnett, S.J, who edited American from 1948-1954. Surprisingly for a main opponent of McCarthy, he has almost no existence on the Internet. I was forced to use American Magazine itself for information on him.

Robert C. Hartnett, S.J., came to America as editor in chief on Nov. 30, 1948, his new doctoral degree in philosophy from Fordham University in hand.

Red flag: he jumped directly from college graduate to editor-in-chief of an established magazine.

A tall, broad-shouldered man, Hartnett had the ability to write nuanced essays accessible to readers without a Ph.D.

Skip flowery praise.

As editor in chief, though, Hartnett was an autocrat of Shakespearean dimension. In theory he saw the other editors as advisors, but in practice he had a tendency to treat them as debate opponents, giving no quarter to their ideas and demanding that his own interpretation be applied to most everything they wrote. Little seemed to satisfy him; according to the magazine’s board of Jesuit overseers, he would make “tactless comments like “No one on the staff can write.. and often rewrote editors. copy.

He was either chosen to perform a top-down Convegence or was so insecure in himself that he made a point of tearing down the more successful around him. Both is possible.

When Senator Joseph P. McCarthy stood up at a meeting of the Republican Women’s Club in Wheeling, W.Va., in February 1950 and claimed to have in his hand the identities of 205 Communist infiltrators working in the State Department, he was an unlikely candidate to become the favorite son of American Catholics. Although McCarthy was a lifelong practicing Catholic, a veteran of World War II and a Marquette University-educated lawyer, his career…

Skip McCarthy slander. This article is dated 2009, long after Editor-in-chief Reese finished the Convergence by embracing sodomy. Speaking of…

Thomas Reese, S.J. (@ThomasReeseSJ) | Twitter

Thomas J. Reese. Great pedoface! But I digress.

But in February 1950, McCarthy’s accusation tapped into festering American anxiety. … American Catholics had a special investment in this conflict. Church encyclicals had long condemned specific propositions of Communism; even so, the political status of American Catholics remained in some quarters an open question. Blanshard’s screed against American Catholicism was a bestseller in 1949 and 1950, as well as a Book of the Month Club selection. When the Yale Law School sponsored a public debate between Blanshard and Hartnett in early 1950, the question posed was: .Is the Catholic Church fundamentally hostile to American democracy?. For a group still being asked to prove its trustworthiness, anti-Communism was a means of signaling loyalty. For many Catholics, McCarthy’s relentless pursuit of traitors over the next four years expressed the passion of their commitment to the United States.

To this day, McCarthy serves as a litmus test between those who realize the Communists won the Cold War, the Communists themselves, and the chumps. Using him for that today, Hartnett’s pattern of claiming anti-Communism while attacking McCarthy at every opportunity defines him as a Cuckservative at best and more likely, a Fifth Columnist who feared McCarthy was about to expose him.

At the inception of McCarthy’s hunt for Communist subversives, America was open to both sides of the question… they stated, .we ought to be very careful.not to identify ourselves too closely with anti-Communists like Senator McCarthy, who has never identified himself closely with the Catholic social movement..

Then, in late 1952, McCarthy publicly referred to Adlai Stevenson, the Democratic presidential candidate, as .Alger, I mean, Adlai, Stevenson,. and said that the Communist Daily Worker had just endorsed Stevenson’s candidacy. Hartnett espoused many of the ideals of the Democratic Party; in fact, some critics had accused him of being in President Harry S. Truman’s pocket. Hartnett found that The Worker had made no such endorsement. So he took McCarthy on, calling the insinuation a “cheap stunt” that exemplified “what are euphemistically called McCarthy’s .methods…

This was a bold move; in 1952 one risked much, even one’s career and livelihood, in attacking McCarthy. He responded in kind, calling Hartnett’s criticism “completely and viciously false” and condemning the magazine for having failed in its “heavy duty to the vast number of good Catholic people who assume that at least in a Jesuit-operated magazine they can read the truth.” In private he also put pressure on McMahon, the provincial, to rein Hartnett in. McMahon offered only a polite reply, saying he had read McCarthy’s letter “with interest.” Hartnett, however, published McCarthy’s letter in America and wrote a detailed response to his every criticism. McCarthy’s address, he said, was a “tissue of innuendoes..

The action of a man with something to hide, risking his career to discredit someone over a trivial issue.

The magazine then returned to its prior equilibrium, discussing McCarthy along with a range of other issues, and frequently calling on anti-Communists to be concerned not simply with the domestic scene but international issues as well.

Yep, that’s the sort of Convergence Forktongue that we just saw today. “What will the neighbors think if you oppose Communism too hard?”

In a piece on April 18, 1953, about academic freedom, Hartnett condemned academia for the “inexcusable mistake” of “rallying to the defense of “persecuted” professors, including (so it turns out) the pinks and even the Reds..

I don’t have this article so it could be a counterexample to my theory. It could also be that the accused professors were innocent and Hartnett used them as cover. The fact of his attacking and discrediting McCarthy, combined with the praise from American post-Convergence, heavily favors the latter.

Then, in October 1953, McCarthy began an investigation into possible Communist infiltration of the Army, including the secretary of the Army. This new move provoked consternation even within his own party; to take on the secretary was implicitly to attack fellow-Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

The next spring Hartnett wrote an editorial opining that McCarthy’s actions encroached upon the jurisdiction of the executive branch, and calling on President Eisenhower to protect the balance of powers. Two weeks later a second editorial by Hartnett argued that anyone who asserts that his or her approach is the only approach regarding Communism has lost perspective.dangerously so.

Again, sounds like today.

It took the letter columns of two successive issues to present the responses to these editorials. Reactions ranged widely from .I am proud of America. to “It is my conviction that your charge to the effect that Sen. McCarthy is splitting the Republican party, etc., is a lot of first-rate potash.” Hartnett himself proved unable to hold back from the fray, attacking critics for considering theirs the only orthodox point of view. .The McCarthy issue is one of conflicting opinions,. he admonished.

Yeeep. Heard that one before, too.

A month later Hartnett returned to the issue again. In substance his editorial reworked old material, suggesting that the McCarthy hearings challenged the balance of powers. But he took the further step of suggesting that McCarthy’s actions amounted to a “peaceful overthrow” of the presidency. Hartnett published this editorial without showing it to any other editor.

That was a step way too far. He was scared of McCarthy revealing… something.

The piece was political dynamite. The Associated Press immediately picked up the story. America’s phone lines were flooded with calls, and letters poured in, many of them written on the back of America subscription cards: .Remember McCarthy in your prayers, not scandalize him in your weekly.. .Wake up. You are not helping the faith.. .No irony when I say that I would not have your paper as a gift.. .I WANT NO MORE AMERICAS..

Even among Jesuits there was backlash. The Brooklyn Tablet and other publications were host to numerous, strong criticisms of America by Jesuits who wanted it made clear that the magazine did not speak for the Society of Jesus. In some Jesuit communities in New York City the divisions were so strong that the topic of the McCarthy editorials simply could not be broached.

On May 29, 1954, McMahon informed Hartnett that America was not to write about McCarthy for two months: “America has stated clearly its position. We think it is best for America to let the matter rest there, at least for the present.” He also reassured Hartnett of the board’s backing. .We do not wish you to interpret this Directive as a vote of no confidence. It is not that. You are not asked to retract or change your position. You still have our support.” McMahon even left open the possibility of America writing about McCarthy in the future, subject to the board’s approval.

Sounds like his handlers were having trouble protecting their little firebrand. That’s John J. McMahon, head of the New York Province of the Jesuits and…

…professor of philosophy at Fordham University.

Where Hartnett got his PhD in Philosophy immediately before becoming editor in chief of the American upon graduation. McMahon hired his own student instead of promoting in-house.

I don’t have the timelines to verify this, in fact there’s almost nothing about McMahon online either, so this is as far as I can go.


Revisiting the New Zealand Gun Grab: They Have Not Yet Begun to Ban

A reader KAK was kind enough to comment on my post about the post-New Zealand Mosque Shooting’s gun banning efforts and the locals’ noncooperation from a local’s perspective. The article that was the basis of my post appears to have been flawed. She also picked up on my ignorance of NZ culture. It’s true but while reviewing the material she provided, I was struck by how NOT ignorant I actually was. What’s happening in NZ has many parallels with what’s happening in USA.

First is two corrective articles concerning the ban, then I’ll fisk her response for cultural comparison.

US “fake news” hits NZ gun buyback efforts

By Mark Daadler, 25 July 2019

On July 8, American Military News ran a piece in its ‘Controversy’ section entitled “Less than 1 percent participate in New Zealand gun buyback.” The article used the same flawed logic as Guns America and was shared more than 7000 times, including by a major Canadian gun lobby group.

(After being notified by Newsroom about omissions in its article, American Military News significantly updated the piece. In an email, editor Laura Widener insisted: .It was not our intent, nor is it ever our intent to intentionally mislead people..

To explain the error, Widener said, .New Zealand’s data on guns is obscure and even difficult for experts to estimate, as I assume you’ve also noticed in your research. We believe all estimates and solid data on the issue should be discussed in the effort of full disclosure..)

The update seems to have only involved stripping out the statistics. Quotes from NZ organized resistance to the banning remain. Here’s the link but I won’t get into it:

700 guns voluntarily surrendered in New Zealand before ‘assault weapon’ ban takes effect

The Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights shared the AMN article on both its Facebook and Twitter pages, leading to dozens of angry comments and more than 100 extra shares.

The greatest coup, however, came later on the same day when Reason, the US conservative magazine with a circulation of 50,000, ran an article stating: .Noncompliance Kneecaps New Zealand’s Gun Control Scheme.” While Reason avoided citing the misleading 1 percent figure, it still failed to note that the buyback had yet to actually begin at the time of writing, which would contextualise any claim about non-compliance.

That was the article I linked to. Seems the gun ban doesn’t take effect until Dec. 20 and the buybacks are a preliminary measure. In America, first the guns are banned then buyback-style programs are offered as a form of amnesty. This could explain the original assumption of mass noncompliance.

The entire saga has led to a complete misunderstanding of New Zealand’s gun culture and gun buyback among international firearm enthusiasts.

Gun rights activists enthusiastically congratulated Kiwi gun owners for their “strong resistance” and for “refusing to turn over their firearms to the government.” At the same time, others characterised the nascent buyback effort as a failure and used this characterisation to inform their own policy views.

[Dr Catherine Strong, a senior journalism lecturer at Massey University who studies social media and fake news] believed that was the goal of the articles – to portray New Zealand’s gun reform efforts as a fiasco. .They want it to look like it was a failure. This is going to really ramp up..

Another alcoholic feminist. No, “Lecturer of Social Media”, it was not a vast, right-wing conspiracy. We were wishing you Kiwis the best, wanting to believe that you were resisting gov’t tyranny. Now that we’ve learned you’re largely cooperating with your own disarmament, arguing only over the reimbursement price of your enslavement, American respect for our NZ cousins will be… reduced.

She also thought gun lobby groups could well be behind the articles, saying they were known for spreading fake news.

According to Strong, political groups like the United States. National Rifle Association use New Zealand “as a patsy”.

“They can say a lot of things about New Zealand because there’s no way of really proving or disproving it..

According to Gun Control NZ, the buyback has been far from a failure.

Between Strong and now Gun Control, this is obviously a leftward-slanted piece even by journalism standards. Although the original reporting was indeed flawed.

.The early signs are pretty positive,. said co-founder Nik Green. .The feedback we’ve had is that people feel pretty good about the prices. the Government is paying out for now-prohibited weapons.

Even David Tipple, the outspoken CEO of Gun City, believes the buyback – or, as he terms it, the “seizure” – is proceeding well.

.Police expect that the rate of seizure will increase following positive reports of those who have surrendered their guns and received prompt payment,. he said, adding that once gun retailers were able to receive the guns in lieu of the police, it would be “more palatable” for owners.

The police agree. .Following the first successful collection events in Christchurch last weekend, Police is very pleased by the reaction from Canterbury firearms owners,. a NZ Police spokesperson said.

Police declined to comment on the articles being shared overseas.

And now

Gun buyback working because ‘people just want to do the right thing’ – police

By Heather McCarron, 21 July 2019

Please, God, they can’t possibly be that stupid.

Police hope firearm owners who have had a positive experience with the buyback scheme will spread the word to others.

Seven-hundred people attended collection events throughout the country on Saturday, and more than 1000 firearms were handed in. More than $1.7 million was compensated to owners.

Southern District Commander Paul Basham was pleased with the steady turnout in Dunedin, deeming it a success.

“The systems have worked. I think people overall have interacted really well with us, and been broadly happy with the outcome – particularly in terms of some of the price points that have been offered for the weapons.”

Collection events were held in Te Aroha, Ohope, Hastings, Palmerston North, Upper Hutt, Hokitika, Rolleston and Dunedin. Well over 2000 parts and accessories were also handed in on Saturday nationwide.

Basham was pleased to see more than 100 people turn out in his patch, despite many having a “sentimental attachment” to their weapons.

“Overwhelmingly, people just want to do the right thing.”

“As word gets out it is a positive experience in terms of the engagement with us… and the compensation that’s being offered by way of the schedule, hopefully that will have a positive impact.”

Whew, it wasn’t an actual quote from the people being disarmed. This isn’t going to end well in New Zealand any more than it has ended anywhere else. Disarmament is always, ALWAYS the first step of enslavement. But that’s no excuse for the targets to be cheerful about it.


Now we get to KAK’s comment about the culture of New Zealand vis a vis America. My blogging philosophy is that mistakes are an essential part of the learning process. Thus, I would rather be wrong than silent, and when criticism comes from a more knowledgeable source I should review it very carefully to refine my beliefs. Hence my fisking. It was insightful for how similar our cultures are. Totalitarian Communism appears to unify disparate cultures as effectively as McDonalds or Microsoft.

(Christianity has not been effective at unifying cultures. As if God is pleased with a diversity of human races and cultures rather than insisting on shoehorning us into a universal mold. It never fails to amuse that the Tolerance in Diversity bunch are the ones lusting for uniformity to the extent of gender-neutering. But I digress.)

I.m not sure whether to be impressed that you’re writing about my country without understanding the culture here, or absolutely disgusted that you’re writing about my country without trying to gain even a basic understanding of the culture here.

I’m so mean!

Here, we don’t have guns to protect ourselves. It’s not even legal to use guns in self-defence. We’re not allowed to carry them in public, unless we’re in the bush hunting. Guns and ammunition have to be locked away at all times, separately.

None of this is much different from my California.

Farmers and hunters are the main gun-owners here. We don’t have a big “gun culture” like the US does. Even our Police are unarmed . except for the days immediately after the shooting when they carried guns . but it’s gone back to normal now.

The vast majority of New Zealanders are in full support of the ban on semi-automatic weapons. Those that don’t, are mostly upset that the buy-back is a set amount, no matter the price of the original gun, and the cost of modifications since. Many gun owners will lose money. We’re also pretty annoyed that the Police, who are in charge of this gun buy-back scheme, have allowed so many of these guns to be stolen from the Police Stations, after law-abiding gun-owners have handed their guns in. These guns are now in the hands of criminals. The gun owners kept the guns safely locked away, and used them responsibly, but the Police didn’t. THAT is why many of us here are upset.

HAHAHA!!! “Turn your guns in, we don’t trust you with guns anymore, oops we lost them.” And you people STILL cooperate with this gun ban? STILL?!

gun demotivational posters.

Hunting is huge here . but we don’t have any squirrels (you knew that, right?)

Heli-hunting, particularly, is very popular with tourists. The locals just get out in the bush and do it . deer and pigs, mostly. But tahr up in the Southern Alps and the odd chamois. Ducks, in season. And rabbits, of course. All country kids cut their teeth on shooting rabbits with a slug gun. But nothing that a semi-automatic weapon is needed for.

A classic mistake, that the gun banners will stop with only “military assault” guns. Trust a Californian on that.

If you knew anything about the history of NZ you would be impressed by the fighting ability of the Maori. They were warriors. Fighting had to be put on hold while the English brought in more soldiers, even though they had far superior weapons. And the atrocities done to the Maori by the English are absolutely abhorrent. Sometimes, I’m actually ashamed that my ancestors were one of “those.” Also, if you knew anything about my country, you would know that our government is still trying to right the wrongs done way back then, with breaches of the Treaty of Waitangi and land theft.

If you knew about America, you would be impressed by the fighting ability of the American Indians. We certainly were, enough that our counties, streets and sports teams are still named after them out of respect. Except where the Communists decided our doing so was “hateful”, when the historical truth was “respectful”.

Despite that respect, they were cavemen living a lifestyle so primitive that coexistence was impossible. They should have been grateful to be conquered by us because we gave them a gold-plated opportunity to be part of the greatest nation in human history. They chose instead to be ingrates, many of them to this very day.

Why are you ashamed of what happened a century or two ago? That was not your fault and their descendants deserve nothing today on account of it. The Maori should count themselves lucky to be conquered by the British instead of the Chinese or Japanese. So what if there were a couple atrocities involved? Millions of people from incompatible cultures encountering each other over decades, how could that possibly have been handled flawlessly?

Heck, the British Empire committed atrocities against us Colonial Americans. We overlooked that (and the War of 1812) to become close allies for many years.

Sonny Fatu is right. Gangs here are really only violent with rival gangs. Mongrel Mob members regularly come into the shop that my husband and I own; we deal with them on a weekly basis. They are always friendly, polite. Even as a female, in the shop alone, I have never felt unsafe with them. They are just part of the community. The only people who have anything to fear from them, are rival gangs, at specific times. The Mongrel Mob, especially, are anti-establishment. Not anti-white people.

That is good to hear. They’ll be protecting you from your own government in a few years, seeing as they wisely refuse to disarm. Although Fatu’s tolerance of Islam is a bad sign.

Also, at no time were the Mongrel Mob members criticized for “supporting Islam” as you seem to think. I’m really not sure where you’re getting your information from, but it’s not correct.

From the other article I linked to in that post. That was a quote from it.

Mongrel Mob members did provide security outside the mosques, and did their best to make the Muslim worshipers feel safe as they congregated to pray. They performed haka’s outside, as a gesture of respect. Many, many people of NZ, of all nationalities and cultures, united in their grief and solidarity, sung songs, left flowers, prayed, outside the mosques as a gesture of support. It wasn’t just gangs that did this. My children’s schools (in fact, most schools around the country) put on various assemblies to show support for the mosque victims. Many of us, all over the country, drove Muslim women to the supermarkets etc. in the weeks after the shooting and escorted them wherever they wanted to go, because they felt unsafe.

That was stupid of your people. Once the Muslims reach critical mass, you will convert or die. Islam does not even have the concept of “civilian”.

You get more of what you subsidize, both financially and culturally. My fellow white Americans, especially the older ones, suffer white guilt the same as your whites apparently do. It is proving to be the death of my country. I fear it will be the death of yours, too.

This is New Zealand. Nobody should live in fear in NZ. We all did what we could, to help make all NZers feel safe again. Muslims are part of our community here, and we were united in showing them that they are welcome here, and should feel free to practice their religion without fear. Freedom of religion is one of the backbones of my country.

That sentiment has been revealed in America to be a genocidal fever. The illegal immigrants, the militant Muslims, even the women who murder their own children must all be accommodated to “feel safe again”. All the enemies of America must be welcomed until there’s no place left for actual Americans.

Whatever. You’re female. You won’t heed my complaints about care-based morality.

But this is what was criticized . that gangs (criminals . because to be a Mobster you have to have done time in jail) who wear patches specifically to intimidate people, were acting as protection officers instead of letting the Police do their job. It was a well-meant gesture, but the NZ public found it offensive that criminal organisations were trying to be heroes.

That’s a point of cultural difference between us. America has never lacked for underdogs & antiheroes.

My original thought was that the gangs and Muslims were cooperating to traffic methamphetamine, which the Mongrel Mob has been long associated with per Wikipedia, and police were unwittingly protecting their warehouses. It would have been ironic if Tarrant had walked inside a mosque building to kill innocents and accidentally caused an explosion in a meth lab. I’m still not sure that I’m wrong, but if your society is generally that altruistic then I probably am.

You have to remember, that for a country as small as ours, this was a pretty big event. On a per-capita scale, this shooting for NZ was as big as 9/11 was for America. Adjusted for population size, the same number of people were affected, roughly. We were ALL shocked. And all of us, no matter our backgrounds, banded together to say “this is not who we are. This is not us.” We did it in different ways, but our message was the same. It’s really sad that you can’t see that.

About 9/11. It was indeed a powerful unifying event in America but it fell apart when our government retaliated against neutral Iraq instead of guilty Saudi Arabia. Most of the hijackers were Saudis, all of them practiced Wahabbi Islam funded by the Saudi government, Osama bin Laden himself was Saudi royalty, but we went after Saddam Hussein instead… the secular government keeping Saudi Arabia and Iran separated. It’s like we punished them by building them a caliphate.

Today, we’re watching your NZ unite against socialist white nationalism… and you socialist government is now using the opportunity to disarm you, you who obviously had nothing to do with the Mosque Shooting, EXACTLY AS BRENTON TARRANT HAD HOPED IT WOULD.

The parallel is obvious. Like us, your government is seizing the opportunity to force something unrelated upon you that you would never have agreed to beforehand.

Unfortunately, Sonny Fatu is right that racism is deeply entrenched in this country. Maori make up 14% of the population, yet they account for more than 50% of the prison population.

Heh, in ‘Murica we call them blacks. News flash, some races are more prone to lawless violence than other races. Yes, it’s racism to believe that, and that’s why every reasonable person on the planet is a racist. Because REALITY, baby.

We don’t have to look very hard to see that if a paheka commits the exact same crime, 9/10 they won’t go to jail, but the Maori will.

That might be a result of so many Maori having prior convictions. Per your own statistic just now.

Crime is not society’s fault.

If we look at the statistics of Oranga Tamariki (our child welfare agency) and the uplifting of babies, the vast majority of them are Maori. It is frightening. We are working hard to rectify it, but it is going to take a long time. When the gang leaders talk about entrenched racism, they’re not talking about Tarrant. They’re talking about historical grievances. Current grievances.

Again, we have parallel situations in America. Good news, you can fix this problem in two simple steps AND save taxpayer money in the process! One: DEFAULT PATERNAL CUSTODY. Two: NO WELFARE TO WOMEN.

[Prime Minister] Jacinda Ardern is very popular here…

Consistent with widespread acceptance of both Islam and Communism. That’s been America’s experience with female leaders, too.

…and the vast majority of New Zealander’s support the tightening of the gun laws, and the abolition of semi-automatic weapons.

As for banning gangs, studies have shown that’s not particularly effective. In many places, wearing patches in public is prohibited. In my small town, a number of signs on shop doors have a sign saying “no gang patches.” Gangs respect the signs, and leave their jackets in the car.

Banning guns is not effective, either, but that hasn’t ever stopped the gun banners. London banned all guns many years ago and is now so violent that they teach schoolchildren first aid for knife wounds in health class.

Nobody benefits from a gun ban except the government. And if the government bans your guns, Occam’s Razor and recorded history agree that it’s probably because you would object very strenuously to what the government will do to you after the ban.

Well, don’t worry, I’m sure all those criminals with guns and gangs with guns will never take advantage of the fact that after this year, all of their potential victims will not have guns. Vulnerability guarantees safety!

America is very different to New Zealand. You can’t use American logic and American culture and try to apply it to New Zealand. It just doesn’t work.

Telecommunications, cheap & fast travel and sharing the UK as a parent nation appears to have resulted in minimal cultural differences between USA and NZ, at least as far as the politics of firearm ownership go. International Communism/globalism appears to have enjoyed the same benefit, with the result that NZ is falling to the exact same ideology/religion that the United States is.

I wish I could say something to wake up my cousins.