Border Patrol Matthew Bowen Bonks the Tonk

He’s a cop cis-male who spoke ill of New Americans flooding our border at the behest of America’s enemies. After many years of service, Bowen finally did something technically punishable.

A year after that, Leftoids noticed this now-former cop didn’t like crooks. Scandal!

I approve of this guy. He’s symbolic of how many police today are put into no-win situations, caught between the violently lawless, the pathetic virtue-signalers and Social Justice-educated, thought-policing superiors.

Many Leftoid publications have covered him in the last 24 hours. This one is only half a hatchet job:

Border Agent Charged With Hitting Migrant With Truck Called Them .Subhuman,. Feds Say

By Pilar Melendez, 20 May 2019

On Nov. 20, 2017, Border Patrol agent Matthew Bowen rage-texted his colleague about their professional inability to stop migrants: .Mindless murdering savages. PLEASE let us take the gloves off trump!.

Nothing wrong with this attitude. They ARE mindless murdering savages and drug/child traffickers besides, and the hour is late for the C-in-C to stop this madness.

.Disgusting subhuman shit unworthy of being kindling for a fire,. the 39-year-old Arizona agent said in another text to a colleague who at the time was facing criminal charges for allegedly shooting an unarmed Mexican teenager through a fence.

This is a trend in the stories you can find on him. Lots of discussion about his attitude, almost none about his actual crime.

Two weeks later, Bowen allegedly hit a Guatemalan man with a government truck and then lied about it in a report, according to a court document filed last month in U.S. District Court in Arizona. The filing was first revealed Sunday by the Arizona Daily Star.

Federal prosecutors alleged that the text messages demonstrate Bowen’s history of racial tirades and “great disdain” for the migrants he is responsible for apprehending and asked permission to use the messages in the agent’s August trial.

Felony assault with deadly weapon, okay, he can be tried for that. But why are the prosecutors bringing his ATTITUDE into evidence? Frustration with the border situation is hardly “I wanna kill Niggaz”.

Bowen.s defense attorney, Sean Chapman, argued in a May filing that his client’s sentiments are actually “commonplace throughout the Border Patrol’s Tucson Sector,. adding that his texts are “part of the agency’s culture..

.[The texts] could be perceived as racist or offensive,” Chapman wrote in a May 5 filing, adding they would not help a jury determine “whether [Bowen], on this occasion, set out to use excessive force to apprehend the alleged victim..

In another text message sent on Nov. 21, Bowen allegedly ranted to another colleague how Border Patrol was a “fucking failed agency” because “we are treated like shit, prosecuted for doing what it takes to arrest these savages, and not given appropriate resources to fully do our job..

Heehee. Entering his personal texts into evidence could backfire badly on the prosecution because it frees the defense to introduce other personal texts for the jury to see. His defense lawyer didn’t sound worried.

One begins to suspect this is more about optics & drama than an actual rogue cop.

.I feel like I would def miss certain aspects of it,. said Bowen, who joined as an agent in 2008. .The chase of hunting down shitbags with your crew, defeating somebody who thought they were faster than you..

That’s one of the rewarding parts of police work. Shitbag thought he’d get away with fill-in-the-blank, ends up begging for a lawyer because he crossed your path. Feels good.

May the Good Lord spare us from cops who want to sympathize with lawbreakers. Or who fear to trade punches.

On Dec. 3, 2017, a U.S. Customs and Border Protection camera operator spotted Antolin Lopez Aguilar, a 23-year-old Guatemalan native suspected of having jumped the border fence, sprinting to a nearby gas station. Bowen and two other agents immediately responded in separate vehicles, according to the federal indictment, and found Lopez hiding under a semi-truck.

While one agent exited his car to approach Lopez, Bowen allegedly circled the station in “his government-issued Ford F-150 truck. and “accelerated aggressively” when the migrant tried to run back toward the border, hitting Lopez twice from behind. According to prosecutors, Lopez was treated at the hospital and sentenced to 30 days in federal prison for the misdemeanor of entering the country illegally.

Prosecutors say that Bowen later filed a false report about what happened that morning, claiming he had been unfamiliar with the car he was driving and wasn’t certain if he actually hit the Guatemalan native.

The day after the crime, however, Bowen “admitted he intentionally hit. Lopez with his truck in a text message to another agent, claiming he just did “used a F-150 to do a human pit maneuver on a guat running from an agent..

That’s pretty weak but honestly, I don’t see a problem here. Methinks that if Bowen actually ran an F-150 over Lopez, Lopez wouldn’t be whining about it to American reporters the next day. This article doesn’t have the hospital receipt but I bet it’s “five stitches and bruise”.

Bowen was probably being a cowboy and bonked him with the driver’s door. Whatever. If you don’t make work fun then it’s work, y’know? And I have less than no sympathy for a border trespasser.

Three days after the incident, Bowen texted a fellow border agent, saying if he had tackled Lopez, he would still be writing up the incident in “memos and shit..

.I wonder how they expect us to apprehend wild ass runners who don’t want to be apprehended,. Bowen bemoaned.

A very legitimate question, one that might even play a part in the trial. How WAS he supposed to take down the uncooperative? By definition, criminals don’t obey orders.

The Cult of Nice has infected law enforcement.

Police brutality happens, I don’t deny it, but in this case I don’t see it.

After he was indicted in May 2018, Bowen was put on indefinite leave without pay. He has pleaded not guilty to the charges of deprivation of rights under color of law and falsification of records in a federal investigation. His lawyer and the Tucson Sector of the Border Patrol did not immediately respond to The Daily Beast’s request for comment.

Bowen will be okay. He was antifragile and already had a side gig set up with a couple of his friends. Proceeding to the next article,

Matthew Bowen: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

20 May 2019

The court document listing text messages Matthew Bowen sent to other agents indicate that he was thinking about leaving the Border Patrol before charges were filed against him. He talked about taking classes to become a real estate agent. His attorney, Sean Chapman, also referred to a “trucking business that Mr. Bowen in fact started with two other agents..

That’s how you do it, if you’re a good guy in Current Year. Never let yourself become dependent on the System. Always have a backup plan.

According to the Washington Post, Bowen began working at the Border Patrol in 2008. …

Matthew Bowen has reportedly been known to use force often in his role as a border patrol agent. Prosecutors, cited by the Arizona Daily Star, listed several incidents dating back to 2012 that they planned to talk about at the trial should Bowen testify.

A Border Patrol Agent developed a bad attitude halfway through Obama’s administration? That’s not a crime; that’s longer than I would have lasted.

The incidents prosecutors mentioned in a court memo included a case from 2012 in which Bowen reportedly pulled a man out of his vehicle and tossed him onto the ground.

In March of 2015, prosecutors said Bowen tackled an illegal immigrant after the suspect had stopped running. His attorney says Bowen received a verbal reprimand at the time. In September of 2015, Bowen was accused by an anonymous agent of bragging about how aggressively he had arrested a juvenile migrant. That accusation of excessive force was never proven, says Bowen’s attorney.

*sigh* Did the WaPo mean “use of force” as in “cruelty against the helpless” or “use of force” as in “using force”? The latter is part of law enforcement’s job description.

Matthew Bowen is facing two federal charges: Deprivation of rights under color of law and falsification of records in a federal investigation. Prosecutors wrote in the indictment that Bowen had “assaulted” the suspect “through the use of a dangerous weapon” and caused bodily harm.

Excellent work on Heavy’s part, acquiring the actual indictment and related court documents. Lo and behold, Bowen has NOT been charged with felony assault with a car! He’s charged with denying a Squatemalan’s civil right to enter USA without required documentation. Which was his JOB.

There might be substance to lying on record but I give a pass because his superiors were obviously so damn nervous about their line agents’ behavior. Not hard to believe that Bowen was scolded for tackling a suspect so guess what, the next time he used a car door.

“Look, boss! I took him down without touching him, just like you wanted!”

“You’re fired.”

Prosecutors are pushing to have specific messages shown to the jury that they say are evidence of Bowen’s mindset toward migrants.

Turns out, the law enforcer had a generally negative opinion about the law’s breakers.

Bowen wrote on December 7, 2017, .The tonk was not injured at all. he didnt want to go to the hospital but they made him. Its all gotten blown up bc I guess the port director was watching with their cameras.” The term “tonk” is reportedly an acronym for “temporarily outside native country,. according to the Arizona Daily Star, and used in a derogatory way to describe illegal immigrants crossing the border.

TONK! We can totally use that!

Lopez-Aguilar suffered abrasions to his knees and right hand and was taken to a hospital in Nogales, Arizona. He later spent 30 days in federal prison for illegally crossing the border.

As I suspected, five stitches and a bruise.

The incident for which Bowen is facing charges occurred in early December of 2017. He was suspended after the charges were filed in May of 2018. His trial is scheduled to begin in August and Bowen has pleaded not guilty.

May of last year. The outrage occurring right now–both of the linked articles are dated yesterday–was apparently triggered when prosecutors filed the evidence of Bowen’s “hateful” texts in court documents filed on 4 April 2019. Although I’m not sure why the additional month of delay… *checks* Ah, the court documents were only made public by the Arizona Sun newspaper on 19 May. Cue the outraged virtue-signaling of Internet NPC mobs.

All the sudden drama over Bowen concerns only his attitude towards the vibrant trespassers he was supposed to take down, but was not allowed to take down. Which in that context, was actually rather good.


The Wages Of Socialism: Los Angeles

I’ve mentioned before that Los Angeles is a dangerously unstable place to live, no hyperbole whatever, in large part because of its tyrants’ social engineering projects. They prepare to double down on their anarcho-tyranny one… last… time.

L.A. County juvenile halls are so chaotic, officers are afraid to go to work

By Matt Stiles, 19 May 2019

The detention officer’s email described “chaos” inside one of Los Angeles County’s juvenile halls.

Her words were desperate, describing unruly, violent youth and fed up detention officers . enough to prompt a surprise visit by Joe Gardner, president of the county’s volunteer advisory panel, the Probation Commission.

Inside the Barry J. Nidorf Juvenile Hall in Sylmar, he found shattered windows, smashed walls and tiles ripped from the ceilings. Phones in common areas were busted and debris lay scattered on the floors. Gang graffiti had been scrawled on the walls. The staff were overwhelmed.

L.A. County juvenile halls are so chaotic, officers are afraid to go to work

.I was stunned,. Gardner said of the facility, where about 200 youths are housed behind a sturdy, red-brick wall topped with circular barbed wire. .Some of the damage appears to have taken time to do. It appeared there really wasn’t the oversight that there needed to be..

The “chaos” in Sylmar is far from an anomaly. Officers have long argued that their workplaces are becoming more violent . and data backs that up. But internal reports and photographs obtained by The Times show just how dangerous and dysfunctional Los Angeles County’s youth detention operation has become.

The L.A. County Probation Department is facing a series of serious problems, including bursts of violence among detainees, plummeting officer morale and the organizational headaches from closing several detention facilities. Six officers also were recently charged with child abuse and assault over the unreasonable use of pepper spray on several teenagers, putting even more political pressure on the department to stop using it by the end of the year.

That kinda says it all. On one hand, police are on the front line of America’s decaying social fabric. On the other hand, anything they do to “the children” can and will be used against them in a court of law. The badge is all responsibility, no authority.

The fathers of America sympathize.

.We have way more than enough staff. The problem is people aren’t coming to work because they are afraid,. said Stacy Ford, a veteran detention officer and an executive on rehabilitation camp issues for the rank-and-file union, AFSCME Local 685.

The rehabilitation camps are rural work camps where inmates can either be put to work maintaining fire breaks in the tinder-dry mountains around Los Angeles… you watched Malibu and a couple other local places burn recently… or be warehoused in miserable heat on the cheapest land available. Their choice.

In recent months, the department has acknowledged large fights involving multiple youths, including one last month at Camp Rockey in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains. In that incident, young detainees engaged in two separate fights, requiring staff to call in reinforcements to help restore peace and supervise the facility, the department said. Two staff and one detainee required medical attention.

If they mean offsite reinforcements specifically then this was a prison riot.

In March, a female detainee leaving a court facility in Compton began to kick the seats and windows of her transport van. The officers struggled to control her, and she repeatedly spat on them. When one officer tried to block the flying saliva, the youth lunged forward and bit the officer’s hand, breaking the skin. She continued to kick, yell obscenities and resist. The officers had to repeatedly call for assistance en route to their destination, according to the report.

That sounds more normal, actually. Drugs and kids, a combination that should never happen.

In April at Central Juvenile Hall, three youths refused to enter their rooms after eating, delaying a second group’s entrance into the food hall for dinner. At the same time, officers reported they could sense tension coming from the second group related to a previous incident, in which one youth refused to hold a door for another. An officer tried to cool the tension. But they refused to calm down and words involving “gang activity” were exchanged. The officers eventually had to use an upper-body restraint to keep the enraged youths apart.

This is an insightful incident. What would have happened a couple generations back? A couple whacks to the ass, maybe a frog march. Done. But here, an officer tried being nice and eventually had to *gasp* physically restrain one of the kids. That shouldn’t have been a significant use of force.

Such incidents occur almost daily. When they do, detention officers say the recent backlash over the use of force inside the facilities, including an overreliance on pepper spray, has made them increasingly worried about being subjected to internal discipline.

Over time, officers have become reluctant to physically restrain youths to control tense situations, allowing eruptions to occur that have led to injuries or property damage.

Classic anarcho-tyranny. They have to control the situation but anything they DO to control the situation will be judged mercilessly by the Ministry of Love. Not allowed to do your job, can’t eat food without your job. The only winning move is… not to show up for work.

In Sylmar, the conditions were so alarming that Gardner penned a three-page letter to the L.A. County Board of Supervisors. In it, he described the officer-turned-whistleblower.s concerns about staff working to a “breaking point. because of officers calling in sick and the intense conditions requiring forced overtime among those who did report to work.

The officer worried about staff fatigue and injuries, saying that fights and assaults were daily occurrences . and that the officers were confused about how best to prevent them.

.There are significant problems at the facility,. she wrote in the email to Gardner. .The facility is significantly understaffed each day. Employees are stated to be quitting.. …

Part of the strain on detention officers is because the Probation Department continues to close facilities amid falling youth crime rates and a shift away from incarceration, while also grappling with an increasingly troubled population that has suffered from trauma, county officials say.

Inside facilities such as Barry J. Nidorf, where as many as 90% of the youths have an open mental health case, according to the county’s Department of Mental Health, the existing staff are expected to provide more intense, one-on-one supervision. But that can leave their colleagues without immediate backup, and so the department has begun asking officers from other facilities to volunteer for overtime shifts.

No. As many as 90% of the youths have NO FATHER. Fixed it for you.

This mix of factors has contributed to an increase in violence among detainees and assaults against the detention officers in recent years. Systemwide, there were at least 88 instances of youth-on-youth violence and another 46 direct assaults on staff in March, according to data the department began publishing recently.

An average of over four violent incidents per day, one involving staff.

Indeed, the officer who emailed Gardner was concerned that Barry J. Nidorf Juvenile Hall was becoming overcrowded by the arrival of youths from another hall, Los Padrinos, which is slated to close in July. That perception of overcrowding persists, even though county statistics show the hall’s population has remained relatively constant in the last year.

That tells us the brass is cooking the books hotter than the meth lab next door. They’re responding to the crisis by denying there is a crisis.

At the same time, the Probation Department has faced criticism recently over the excessive use of pepper spray by some detention officers . incidents that prompted the Board of Supervisors to phase in a ban and recently resulted in criminal charges against several county employees.

That has fueled additional staff anxiety about losing a tool they feel helps them maintain control, even though youth advocates contend pepper spray is inhumane and inhibits rehabilitation.

This has to be intentional. They want to crash the criminal justice system. There’s no way they can be this stupid, this long. This is pure evil.

Probation Department officials downplayed the reports of chaos.

.Are you going to have incidents? You absolutely are,. said Deputy Chief Probation Officer Sheila Mitchell, who oversees the department’s juvenile supervision efforts. .When we do, we respond quickly. We make sure that the children and the staff are in good stead..

Opportunities for Systems Change to Support the Youth Development and Youth Justice System ...

Ohhhh shiiiit. The woman in charge of supervising the juveniles is a black with cutting eyelids and hoop earrings.

She acknowledged the recent incidents involving unruly youth at the Barry J. Nidorf facility, but said the damage was isolated to one area and not indicative of the county’s overall operation, which includes two other juvenile halls and a network of seven rehabilitation camps from Malibu to San Dimas.

Shameless liar confirmed. Sociopath is likely.

Last week, for example, three football players from the Los Angeles Chargers visited Central Juvenile Hall with their coach, Anthony Lynn, in an effort to inspire the youths there.

What… what does that have to do with breakdown of order in juvenile detention?

Mitchell said the department has moved to adopt a more therapeutic model for the youth in the system by eliminating solitary confinement, relying less on institutional incarceration and enabling more home-like settings for supervision.

Found the problem. Sociopathic utopian negress in charge.

Ford said officers no longer have the option of penalizing youths for acting out, such as by limiting their activities in common areas or reducing their allotted time for outside calls. The department only recently began seeking new charges against youths for assaults, he said.

They didn’t punish assaults on the staff?

Members of the Board of Supervisors have been aware of problems in juvenile detention facilities for some time. In addition to voting for funding a comprehensive study…

Not a solution.

and voting to phase out the use of pepper spray…

SOOOO not a solution.

last year they launched the Probation Reform and Implementation Team…

Not. A. Solution.

which has for months held hearings about the department’s use of force, staffing, finances and other issues.


Led by Saul Sarabia, a consultant hired by the county, the team is expected to unveil plans for a permanent new civilian oversight panel that will replace Gardner’s Probation Commission.

Not only do they not want to fix the solution, the Supervisors are creating a new bureaucracy to take the blame for the imminent crisis.

Let’s segue to learn about Saul Sarabia:

Sa?l Sarabia

Sa?l Sarabia has worked for more than 25 years to strengthen the self-determination and power building efforts of people who are stigmatized by the law and by society. In 2012, he established Solidarity Consulting to partner with people who are fighting for racial justice and social change. A Queer Raza cis-man living in the Van Nuys neighborhood of Los Angeles, he is the youngest son of Mexican immigrants from the state of Durango in northern M?xico.

Saul is a member of the treasonous organization La Raza, a homosexual and a fake American. They’re having an open homosexual redesign juvenile hall administration?

From 2005-2012, he served as the director of the UCLA School of Law’s Critical Race Studies Program, where he counseled a new generation of civil rights lawyers and social justice advocates. These efforts created the largest expungement clinic in Los Angeles and produce a new team of lawyers and residents using litigation and policy advocacy to challenge discrimination against people with criminal records. Sa?l is currently an advisor to Legal Services for Prisoner with Children’s Los Angeles chapter of All of Us or None, which organizes formerly incarcerated people to change laws and policies that discriminate against them.

Lovely. The LA Supervisors chose a socialist who wants to end the criminal justice system to fix their criminal justice system.

Background Picture: My family roots are in the mountains of Durango, Mexico, where I took this photo.

Go home, Saul. You are neither American nor Christian. You do not belong in America.

End segue.

The team is also synthesizing recommendations from years of reports about the troubled system to draw up a reform plan to guide the newly created commission.

Still not a solution.

Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas, a leader on juvenile probation issues during a decade on the board, said his hope is that this latest effort will solve the department’s challenges.

You aren’t even trying to solve the problem. You’re actively trying to make it worse then duck accountability.

Supervisor?s Biography ? Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas

Another black leader of a major American city. Hmm, his head is uncommonly pointy. It certainly marks him as intellectually driven, not that he’s put that intellect to good use.


Supervisor’s Biography

Supervisor Ridley-Thomas went on to receive his Ph.D. in Social Ethics from the University of Southern California focusing on Social Criticism and Social Change.

Worse than a Marxist, he’s a Marxist from the University of Spoiled Children.

He is married to Avis Ridley-Thomas, Co-Founder and Director of the Institute for Non-Violence in Los Angeles.

Sounds like no support for a whipping post. Sadly, that’s probably all the system needs to be fixed. Half those kids wouldn’t even be there if they’d had a father to spank them and teach them right.

End segue.

.I have not seen as much tumult as is currently being witnessed,. he said. .It makes the case for substantial change being warranted..

For now, Gardner said he hopes his letter prompts management to transfer more staff from other facilities and to continue training for those learning to do their jobs without tools such as pepper spray.

He said he remains hopeful that the system can function better, making it easier to help the kids avoid a lifetime of crime.

I’m sure your total refusal to punish them for doing crime will convince them to avoid a lifetime of crime.

.We don’t want them to recidivate,. Gardner said. .The commission has always been focused on the humane care and treatment of those who are in the care of the department . all with the main goal of giving the kids the tools they need so they don’t return to the system or the adult system..

Cuckservative. He’s no concept of right vs wrong, good vs. evil. He just wants everybody to play nice. That’s not how humans work.

It is not the 11th hour for Los Angeles. It’s the 12th hour. Police are deciding, right now, whether to quit in despair or take orders from insane Utopians who are more concerned with exterminating Christ than punishing crime.

I suppose a revolt and law enforcement junta is out of the question.


The Name Is Bond. Fleabag Bond.

Move over, Blofeld. James Bond has finally fallen prey to an insidious global conspiracy… to replace all male spaces with bitter feminist battleaxes. A loser hag of a failed screenwriter and darling of all 32 “critics” who watched her BBC show has been picked to co-write the new James Bond movie script… to ensure the feelz de wimminz are respected.

Phoebe Waller-Bridge to make James Bond’s women feel ‘real’

9 May 2019

The Fleabag and Killing Eve creator is part of the writing team for the 25th film in the spy franchise.

Bond – played by Daniel Craig – has been criticised down the years for its objectification of its leading ladies.

That’s the critics talking. The fans have instead been talking about Bond’s new coalburning habit:

Lea Seydoux, director Cary Joji Fukunaga, Ana de Armas, Daniel Craig, Naomie Harris and Lashana Lynch attend the Bond 25 film launch at Ian Fleming's home in Jamaica

I had hoped that Halle Berry would turn out to be a one-time incident. Note that both white women have that part in her hair that’s only one step away from the boner-busting Skrillex:

skrillex hair- check | Skrillex Girls | Pinterest

Waller-Bridge said her contribution would be “mainly about making them feel like real people, you know?”

Speaking on The Hollywood Reporter’s Awards Chatter Podcast, she said: “It’s really exciting. The film they’ve got is such an exciting story. It’s just been a joy to work on.”

They already wrote the story and are retconning wokeness into it? Who gave actor Daniel Craig creative control? Actors are not paid to think! They’re paid to make faces in front of a camera.

The end began with Casino Royale. I’m always nervous about a reboot but that film felt very much like what a Bond movie should be. Until the ending, when Bond walks away from a successful mission to find Twu Wuv with his female interest du jour. It felt tacked on to a completed storyline and at the time, I didn’t understand why they did it.

Now in hindsight, the powerful man falling in love with a woman to the point of serving her and being consumed by grief when he loses her is a trope of Original Sin.

I saw the movie after that and for the first time ever, James Bond was… forgettable. That had never happened before. There was no conspiracy, no absurd commentary on current events, just Bond grief-stricken over the woman he lost in the previous movie. Come on, 007, just grab another girl off the girl tree, as the PUAs say, and do something interesting.

Asked whether she would bring some of the “female, feminist humour” evident in her two signature shows to date, she added: “Well, we’ll see, we’ll see what I can sneak in.”

This is the tail end of the conspiracy. The end result. But how did it begin? To help answer that, Robert Shrimsley, the editorial director of the Financial Times, gives us insight into the conspiracy’s thought processes while publicly tearing up his man card.

robert shrimsley (@robertshrimsley) | Twitter

Decaf latte, frothed not foamed: a James Bond for our times

by Robert Shrimsley, 3 May 2019

I must confess that I’ve never really got James Bond, even before I understood that the movies were pass?, predictable and paleolithic. I can see the films had a certain 1960s appeal, a throwback to a time when men were men and women were spray-painted gold and left to suffocate.

How can you not appreciate James Bond? Hot guns! Hot chicks! Hot cars! Hot dice! British accents! One-liner putdowns! Saving the world by breaking the rules! How can any man not relate to such visceral, hormonal appeal?

Even in the 1970s, they were already long, shallow and devoid of storyline. They were a few iconic bars of a soundtrack; .Bond, James Bond.; .shaken, not stirred. and any number of other self-reverential clich?s. As a child, I somehow could never muster the sense of anticipation a new Bond film was supposed to engender, even in an era when fine food, fast cars and fast women were not widely available . well, not to me anyway.

As a child, you weren’t supposed to understand the appeal. Boys aren’t men. But then you became a man… and you still don’t enjoy James Bond boinking hot chicks? I understand if you don’t allow yourself to enjoy the hot chicks because religion or principle… but you say you don’t get it at all?

What’s wrong with you?

It was not as if my life was one long cavalcade of Bond-like sophistication. Fine dining was the Angus Steakhouse in Wembley Hill, where the wine waiters wore burgundy blazers and served a very palatable Tafelwein. A fast car was my mate’s Capri and, as for fast women, well, perhaps I should have worn more Denim aftershave.

Sour grapes… no, that’s not the real reason he doesn’t like Bond. Either he’s a manling, in the literal sense that his masculinity was somehow arrested in development, or he’s a manling, in the figurative sense that he’s so eager to please women that he sees James Bond as an example of everything wrong with healthy men, or he’s a Pharisee who hates watching other men have fun.

Man up, Robert, and learn to enjoy James Bond before it’s too late.

So the sight of Daniel Craig posing with a bevy of Bond beauties to promote the latest movie would not ordinarily have set me aquiver with anticipation. But then I read the news that this was going to be a Bond film for the #MeToo era and now, frankly, I’m interested. The presence of Fleabag and Killing Eve writer Phoebe Waller-Bridge only adds to the sense of excitement.

It’s too late. Robert gets excited by watching lesbians wallowing in their egos. The homo meter is redlining “Fairy Fag”.

Even so, you have to wonder what a Bond stripped of misogyny and casual violence brings to the party. .The name’s Bond, James Bond, and this is my assistant Susan, who will be accompanying me on all private conversations with the ladies so you can be sure I won’t try to force myself on you in the way that we both know you want. Barman, I’d like a decaf latte, frothed not foamed . oh, and hang on, I’ve got a loyalty card..

Heh. Even this mondo soyboy realizes how pathetic the previous paragraph was. So, like a Cuckservative, he mocked himself then doubled down regardless.

I.m sure Waller-Bridge can do something with him if she’s allowed to do more than pep up the dialogue of the female characters. Killing Eve’s Villanelle was a masterpiece in homicidal humour. It must be possible to construct an all-action hero, attractive to women, who doesn’t talk and stalk like the office perv at the Christmas party. Still it’s a challenge.

Only one man on the planet is thinking about office perverts when he talks about James Bond. That man is Robert Shrimsley.

The Fleabag writer may start off thinking that perhaps the bad guy can be a sleazy film big shot who forces himself on beautiful women and discards them afterwards, and then she.ll remember, oh no, hang on . that’s the good guy.

Those poor, helpless women, flinging themselves onto the pike of a casually murderous master of intrigue. How dare James Bond be sexy! How dare he order vodka martinis instead of soy lattes! How dare he not give up his life to please his latest conquest… oh, okay. The ending of Casino Royale (Remake) now makes sense.

On the other hand, a #MeToo Bond, a tongue-tied gent more in the mould of, say, Hugh Grant in Four Weddings, might be closer to something men like me can work with. It’s a more attainable, more metrosexual form of masculinity. .Now listen here Blofeld, in the immortal words of David Cassidy…….no wait a minute, that’s not right..

How can I mock a guy who begs for “attainable metrosexuality” in his action heroes? Is anybody taking him seriously? If these cultural arsonists weren’t in control of big piles of other peoples’ money then this global gender-neutering conspiracy wouldn’t exist.

If I had money to invest in entertainment, I wouldn’t mess with the James Bond formula. I’d pump out Bond-style movies constantly and let the critics sneer at me all the way to the bank. Maybe some of my movies wouldn’t even have scripts. I’d just collect all the stuntmen in a room, choreograph a 75-minute stunt reel and set them loose in a harem for the “climax”. The bloopers would go in the credits as a special bonus.

Jackie Chan, I miss you.

But there is a bigger problem. The entire notion of James Bond is clich?d and archaic. It’s not just the obvious issues such as attitudes to women, which, when you think about it, are not much better than the idea of icing prostitutes in Grand Theft Auto. Its vision of manly perfection no longer rings true. The Ian Fleming sense of sophistication is utterly outmoded.

Bond.s success was based in part on bumper budgets that delivered old-world glamour and over-engineered action. In their day they were the biggest show in town and so Bond was the pinnacle of sophistication. Now we know that Macau casinos are the height of kitsch not cool, no more the zenith of chic than the Burj Dubai is a World Heritage site. As for Eton, have you looked at parliament recently?

Some of the more recent films tried harder . Skyfall was not bad if you can pass over the treatment of one particular female character. But Bond has gone from being a recognisable and, I guess, aspirational stereotype to being little more than a cartoon character in an era of Marvel comic-book movies with which it cannot compete. For all the gadgetry, Bond is seriously analogue.

Boob-Thor cannot compete with a turkey sandwich.

But perhaps Fleabag’s Waller-Bridge, who notably wrapped up her show after just two series, can bring the Bond franchise the one thing it really needs: a conclusion.

Boom. First Disney killed Star Wars, now the likes of Shrimsley want to kill James Bond. Part of twisting men into women is destroying the icons of masculinity that remind us of what it means to be a man. And what better way to do that than the Disney way?

The conspiracy is real.

Here’s Phoebe Waller-I’m-not-affiliated-with-my-husband-Bridge:

Phoebe Waller-Bridge Ruined Her Downton Abbey Audition by ...

Looks like she’s already had a close call with a giant laser.

One of the above is a feminine action hero. The other is a disgustingly androgynous emotion vampire.

That’s what we need, James Bond fighting a vampire to teach young men how to handle such monsters: two to the body, one to the face then chop the neck to be sure. Mustn’t forget the one-liner! “Let’s make it a dinner date next time. I’ll bring stakes.”

Phoebe both wrote and starred in the BBC series “Fleabag”. Rotten Tomatoes says this:

A sexually-liberated, irritable woman navigates modern life in London in this comedy. Based on Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s play of the same name.

…And gives it a 100% approval rating. I found the following review on the second and so-far final season. Suffice to say, that approval rating is bogus.

.Fleabag. Season 2 Review: Phoebe Waller-Bridge Ascends to New Heights in Divine Amazon Sequel

‘Fleabag’ Season 2 Review: Phoebe Waller-Bridge Ascends to New Heights in Divine Amazon Sequel

By Ben Travers, 7 May 2019

.Fleabag. reestablishes itself as one of television’s elite series well before an insightful therapist (played by the all-powerful Fiona Shaw) asks Phoebe Waller-Bridge.s eponymous Bag, Flea if she wants to “fuck God.” But I dare anyone to imagine a more idyllic setup, let alone produce a story that can actually live up to it. That’s what the “Killing Eve” scribe and future Bond writer has done in the brilliant follow-up and savvy update to her 2016 breakout. Think about it: an emotional paradox in which the lead protagonist of a TV show wants to. fuck. God? And does she? Does she literally want to sleep with Him? Is she angry with Him? Is it both?

I think Phoebe wasn’t acting when she cast herself as a sexually damaged, priest-corrupting blasphemer.

Fleabag Season 2 Phoebe Waller-Bridge Andrew Scott

So many questions arise from the existential proposition, and Waller-Bridge manages to answer each one with the playful flick of her eyebrows or a fervent, frustrated frown.

Human sexuality is so well-defined by God, as any half-competent theologian can explain, that there’s nothing about this “existential proposition” to explore.

.Fleabag. evolves gracefully in Season 2, mowing through its six half-hour episodes with an efficiency rarely seen in prestige TV and a responsible creativity to be admired.

That explains how this feminist-porn series lasted two full seasons: a season is six half-hour episodes.

[At the season’s beginning], she reveals it’s been well over a year since Season 1 ended. Fleabag hasn’t seen her sister Claire or her husband Martin in that time. The two are still steaming over Martin’s attempt to kiss Fleabag, in part because the guilty party is still insisting Fleabag tried to kiss him.

I just lost my male audience’s interest. Any man who thinks men and women are the same has never tried to watch a soap opera.

Meanwhile, the sisters. father is still seeing their Godmother, and the unwelcome partners are hosting the dinner to celebrate their engagement.

I can see the new movie’s title: James Bond Has Two Mommies.

Fleabag insists she’s doing fine . both to her family and the audience watching. Her cafe is doing well, after securing the small business loan at the end of last season, and she’s no longer using sex as a distraction from her pain. …

Or so she thinks. The curveball of the meal arrives in the family priest, simply referred to (like so many critical “Fleabag” characters) as The Priest (and played with a rascal’s jittery charms by Andrew Scott.)

Talentless hacks have trouble with character names. I was going to give Phoebe a pass because Fleabag (a seedy, rundown hotel or other lodging place) is so apropos a descriptor of her soul.

New to the parish and the priesthood, the Catholic father will mark his officiant’s debut at Godmother and Dad’s wedding. But Fleabag is smitten early. Surprised by his frank honesty and less-than-holy demeanor (he drinks, smokes, and even swears), Fleabag knows she’s in trouble well before her therapist asks the pointed question: .Do you really want to fuck the priest, or do you want to fuck God?.

What the Hell kind of train wreck writing is this? How did this twat get selected to co-write James Bond #25? Can Daniel Craig not find a better mistress than a flat-chested dyke who only fucks to dull her pain, AS SEEN ON TV?

This movie script won’t need an editor. It’ll need an exorcist. Or…




This Is Your Public Defender On Drugs

Journalists and even Presidential hopefuls are rushing to the defense of Brian Carmody. Who? The freelance journalist who leaked the truth about San Francisco’s Vibrant Public Defender dying of a drug overdose with a prostitute. Oops.

Public Defender Jeff Adachi dies

Public Defender Jeff Adachi dies

By Tim Redmond, 23 February 2019

Jeff Adachi, who built the San Francisco Public Defender’s Office into one of the best in the country, has died at 59.

His death, apparently of a heart attack, shocked his friends, staff, and supporters. Adachi was a champion of the downtrodden who hired the best young lawyers, trained them to become superb defense attorneys, and created an office where people who don’t have money would get as good a legal defense as they could get at the city’s big law firms.

Technically a heart attack, yes, but I believe “speedballing” would be more accurate.

He also developed programs like Mo Magic and Bayview Magic aimed at keeping young people of color out of the criminal justice system.

He became the only PD in California to add an immigration defense team to help undocumented people.

He was a filmmaker, an outspoken advocate, and someone willing to take on anyone . including the SFPD, the BART Police, even the local judiciary . in defense of his clients.

His clients meaning illegal immigrant race mongers, not people who can’t afford lawyers.

He was also an inspiration to his staff and made the PD.s Office a great place to work. I have spoken to (and become friends with) many of Jeff’s employees over the years, and never met a single one who didn’t respect him and enjoy working with him.

Adachi was one of the few elected public defenders in the country. He won the job in 2001, when then-Mayor Willie Brown “in a blatantly political move ” appointed the daughter of then-state Senator John Burton to the after longtime PD Jeff Brown left to take a job on the state Public Utilities Commission.

Everyone in town knew that Kimiko Burton was utterly unqualified for the job. But Brown did what Brown would do, and Burton soon pushed Adachi, who had worked in the office since the 1980s, out, fearing a potential rival. He then ran against her and won.

Kimiko now runs SF’s Child $ervices equivalent.

Poor Adachi, noble defender of non-Americans. His office was best known for… forcing guilty people to plead innocent?

Did late SF Public Defender Jeff Adachi keep plea deals secret from clients?

By Heather Knight, 8 March 2019

In the two weeks since Public Defender Jeff Adachi’s shocking death, admirers of the larger-than-life attorney have praised his aggressiveness, his brashness and his never-give-up courtroom style.

At his City Hall memorial on Monday, he was eulogized as, .Our sansei Superman … fighting for truth, justice and the American way..

During a Board of Supervisors commemoration the week before, Supervisor Hillary Ronen said Adachi told attorneys in the public defender’s office, including her husband, .to fight with everything they’ve got for every single client . to take risks, to push boundaries..

There’s no question that Adachi pushed enough boundaries to turn the office into the premier public defender’s unit in the country. It is funded and staffed to match, and often trounce, the district attorney’s office.

But did he ever cross those boundaries? This happened to be a matter I was looking into shortly before his death and one that was the subject of my last interview with Adachi.

At issue were court records suggesting attorneys in the Public Defender’s Office failed to tell their clients of plea deals offered by the district attorney, instead insisting the cases go to trial. Failing to convey plea offers is an offense so anathema to proper legal conduct, it could get an attorney disbarred.

Robert Joy said it happened to him.

On Jan. 29, 2016, Joy, then 21, was driving to a hospital where his pregnant wife was in labor. Joy was speeding and struck a traffic control officer, who sustained minor injuries. Joy was quickly arrested and missed the birth of his daughter.

He was charged with two felonies, later dropped to two misdemeanors and an infraction, and was represented by an attorney in Adachi’s office. The case went to trial, and a jury found Joy guilty on all counts on Dec. 18, 2017. He faced up to a year in prison and hired a private attorney, Alexander Guilmartin, to appeal the conviction.

Guilmartin sought a new trial on the grounds that Joy’s public defender had failed to convey a plea deal the district attorney’s office offered days before the trial started. Under the deal, if Joy pleaded guilty, paid a fine, completed 80 hours of community service and took a driver’s safety course, he’d be left with just a single misdemeanor vehicle code violation on his record. He’d also avoid jail time.

“Mr. Joy proceeded to trial in complete ignorance of this plea offer,” Guilmartin wrote in court records. “Mr. Joy was similarly unaware of the long-rumored policy of the San Francisco Public Defender’s Office to encourage trials in misdemeanor cases, thereby filling courtrooms and forcing favorable resolutions in felony cases.”

The theory is that Adachi wanted his misdemeanor attorneys to go to trial to take up courtroom space and judges. time. That would mean felony trials would take longer to schedule and that witnesses. memories could fade, they might move or they could die, resulting in better outcomes for the public defender’s clients charged with the most serious crimes.

Bureaucrats have always made looking busy into an art form but this would still be epic.

.That.s ridiculous,. Adachi told me several weeks before he died. .That we would try misdemeanor cases for the purposes of delaying felony cases makes absolutely no sense. The clients are completely separate..

Perhaps he meant the felony defenders aren’t the misdemeanor defenders?

He did admit . proudly . that his office takes a lot of misdemeanor cases to trial, more than public defender’s offices in other California counties.

.We do spend a lot of court time trying misdemeanor cases,. Adachi said. .We spend a lot of time training our attorneys to go to trial, and we encourage our attorneys to go to trial..

Encourage might have been an understatement.

Adachi set myriad targets for his attorneys each year, including 10 trials each for misdemeanor attorneys. Failure wouldn’t necessarily get an attorney fired, but .we’re going to examine what you’re doing,. he said.

He said when he arrived at the Public Defender’s Office in 1986, it was a .plea-bargaining mill,. with clients encouraged to take whatever deal the district attorney’s office offered. Now, he explained, most misdemeanor cases are still settled, but taking some cases to trial keeps his attorneys sharp.

This makes no sense. The rationale for plea bargains, that it encourages the guilty to confess and saves everybody the effort of trial, is legit. Did Adachi pressure guilty clients to reject plea bargains for the sake of continuing education for his employees?

But going to trial isn’t only good for his attorneys, it’s also good for his clients, Adachi said, because the ultimate verdict is often better for them than the original plea offer. He provided statistics showing the outcomes after trials . of misdemeanor cases and felony cases combined . were better than the plea offer 59 percent of the time last year and worse just 15 percent of the time. The rest of the time, the outcome matched the plea offer.

The District Attorney’s Office does not track that data but said it was dubious the statistics were correct.

Me, too, but even taking the statistics at face value this is an obvious effort to thwart justice rather than ensure a fair trial. A common issue for public defenders everywhere, of course, but Adachi took pride in how little punishment his clients served regardless of whether they did the deed.

There are two crimes against justice: the innocent being punished and the guilty going free.

Brian Pearlman, managing attorney of the public defender’s misdemeanors unit, answered more of my questions after his boss. death. He was adamant that attorneys always convey plea deals and that doing so is .a very clear standard in the office..

That said, he readily acknowledged that attorneys often try to persuade their clients to reject plea deals and go to trial instead. He said he sometimes spends up to 30 hours over many jail visits trying to persuade a client to reject a plea offer.

He gave a hypothetical example of a mentally ill or high man dropping his pants to urinate on a sidewalk. A woman passing by might think he was masturbating, and he could be charged with indecent exposure. But pleading guilty to get out of jail quickly could mean he would have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life.

.The system is set up as a plea mill where they want people to come in, plead guilty and go home,. Pearlman said. .We empower our attorneys, and in turn, they empower their clients to fight these cases..

But that IS indecent exposure! He dropped his pants in public! Or did SF rewrite indecent exposure laws so homeless bums could… eww. Now we know why the streets of San Fran are an open sewer.

But clients can’t be talked out of accepting a plea offer they never knew about in the first place. And that’s the allegation from Joy and a few other clients.

There was the case of a man . who talked to me on the condition he not be named because he feared losing his security job . who was at a Beyonc? concert at AT&T Park in 2014 when he swiped tickets for the next night’s concert from an office desk.

The case dragged on . it required dozens of court appearances, he said . before he dumped his public defender in frustration and hired a private attorney.

Only then did he learn that the district attorney’s office had offered him “pretrial diversion.” If he had taken 12 classes designed to discourage theft, including learning impulse control, his case would have been dropped. Emails reviewed by The Chronicle show his public defender rebuffed the offer of pretrial diversion two minutes after receiving it.

The private attorney sought to have the case dismissed because of ineffective counsel by the Public Defender’s Office. At a hearing, two public defenders who.d worked on the case testified they did convey the offer and the judge did not dismiss the case.

Still, the district attorney’s office was convinced the defendant was telling the truth and moved to drop the case.

In the 2017 court hearing to end the case, Judge Kay Tsenin said to the defendant, .I have my own issues with the way public defenders handle cases in court. I have for 20 years. … You are speaking to the choir..

Wow. The district attorney argued for charges to be dropped while the public defender insisted the conviction was legit. That’s not just wrong, that’s 180 degrees from right.

Adachi had said that in the Beyonc? case and the Robert Joy case, the men simply weren’t telling the truth. They had been informed of the offers and rejected them, he said.

.It.s not unusual for a client to have second thoughts,. Adachi said. .I.m 100 percent certain our attorneys completely complied with our office’s procedure that each and every offer be conveyed..

“I regret choosing NO jail time and NO criminal record” is very implausible.

In a third case, defendant Benjamin Chase was convicted of multiple crimes related to a home burglary. Chase requested that the court appoint a new attorney because his public defender had failed to tell the prosecutor that he had accepted an offer to plead guilty to one count of residential burglary in exchange for two years in state prison.

.I at no time wanted to ever go to trial,. Chase said in court, according to a transcript.

The Court of Appeal sided with Chase in May 2018 and granted him a new trial. The district attorney’s office agreed to allow Chase to take the original deal of two years in state prison.

Adachi said his attorney had been deep into another trial and immediately left for an international vacation, thinking the offer would still be on the table when she returned. But in the meantime, a different prosecutor was assigned to the case, and the offer was removed.

Court records show similar patterns in a few other cases, though Adachi had explanations for each one.

He wouldn’t be a good Public Defender if he couldn’t excuse bad behavior at the drop of a hat.

So, Adachi is beloved by his employees and has an established history of both wasting time and intentionally misrepresenting clients.

Bryan Carmody: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

15 May 2019

Bryan Carmody is a 49-year-old freelance videographer in San Francisco who was recently arrested for obtaining and selling a police report that detailed the final moments of well known Public Defender Jeff Adachi. The police are currently investigating who leaked the confidential police report on Adachi as part of a criminal probe. A Judge signed off on search warrants which justified the search by stating officers were investigating “stolen or embezzled” property.

A lieutenant and Sergeant stopped by Bryan’s house weeks before the raid and asked him to reveal his source but he politely declined. After the police obtained the warrant, they returned to his home, broke down his door with a sledgehammer, and confiscated his notebooks, cellphone, computer, hard drives, and cameras. They also raided his “newsroom” where they seized a thumb drive, CDs and the leaked police report about Adachi’s death which was kept inside of a safe. …

After the Los Angeles Times broke the story initially, journalists united to show their support for Carmody. They believed the raid violated his rights as a journalist and would lead to more intimidation tactics in the future. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also came to his defense and emphasized the importance of the first amendment.

How ironic, because what that leaked police report says could take down the entire San Francisco Public Defender’s Office. A bastion of Leftoidism teeters on the edge of exposure and they’re cheering the journalist exposing the mess!

After police officers broke down his door with a sledgehammer, they handcuffed Bryan for 6 hours from 8:22 a.m. to 1:55 p.m while they searched his home and collected his personal belongings. The search warrant said the SFPD officers and FBI agents were there investigating “stolen or embezzled” property.

Bryan is a legal gun owner, which may have been the cause of him being handcuffed the entire time. But the Los Angeles Times reported that the guns were in a safe at the time of the raid. Also, officers took off their bulletproof vests during the raid due to the heat, showing they were not scared of gunfire from Bryan or anybody else.

Police officers obtained the second warrant for his newsroom while he was cuffed.

ABC 7 paid Bryan’s asking fee of $2,500 for the report so you don’t have to:

In the police report obtained by the I-Team, officers responding to the scene had suspicions about the handling of the case. Here’s the timeline:

5:41 p.m.: Female named “Caterina” calls 911 using Adachi’s cellphone

5:51 p.m.: Paramedics arrive and begin performing CPR

6:29 p.m.: King American ambulance #11 departs with Adachi

6:39 p.m.: Ambulance arrives at CPMC

6:54 p.m.: Time of death, as pronounced by Dr. Chandra

But, for some reason yet to be explained, police were not called to the scene until 8:37 p.m., nearly three hours after that 911 call first came in. And as officers were en route, dispatch canceled the call. Officer Adrian Payne wrote in the incident report, “Based on the suspicious nature of the call, I phoned the medical examiner.”

Cop of the Year, right there. In February!

Director of Operations for the Medical Examiner’s Office Christopher Wirowek told Payne, “He did not have reason to believe 46 Telegraph Place contained a crime scene but the death was still under investigation.”

Based on that phone call, officers rushed to the location, “to locate a possible crime scene”.

After police arrived, Wirowek brought witness Susie Kurtz, a San Francisco realtor, who explained she provided keys to the apartment upon Jeff Adachi’s request.

As the I-Team reported Saturday night, Kurtz explained to police the woman identified only as “Caterina” told her that Adachi and Caterina were out to dinner when the public defender complained of stomach pain. They took an Uber back to the apartment and Adachi became unresponsive. In addition to calling 911, “Caterina” called Kurtz who told police that “Caterina sounded hysterical and told her something was wrong with Jeff.”

Kurtz told police that “Caterina was left alone in the apartment after she and all other medical personnel had gone”. So, Caterina had sole access to what police considered to be a possible crime scene for approximately two hours before police arrived.

By that point, she was gone and police sources tell Noyes they have been unable to locate her.

So, I have no pic of her but here’s Adachi’s good friend Susie Kurtz:

The coroner’s report was included, but I had to get it from an alternative site.

Cocaine played role in SF Public Defender Jeff Adachi’s death: reports say

SAN FRANCISCO . A toxic combination of cocaine and alcohol caused the death of beloved San Francisco Public Defender Jeff Adachi last month, according to media reports.

Heart disease also played a role, reported KGO-TV, this news organization’s media partner.

.The cause of death is acute mixed drug toxicity with cocaine and ethanol, with hypertensive atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease as a contributing factor,. the San Francisco Medical Examiner concluded in a cause and manner of death report obtained by the station.

Adachi, a noted police watchdog and vocal advocate for bail reform, died Feb. 22. He was 59. …

According to the cause and manner of death report, “At some point, most likely during the dinner, his already compromised heart could no longer sustain the amount of cardiac stress caused by these stimulant substances and became ischemic with death resulting a few hours later..

San Francisco Supervisor Matt Haney said he still plans to propose renaming Gilbert Street in the South of Market area after the public defender, .to honor Adachi’s legacy and incredible contributions as a champion for justice..

.The autopsy report doesn’t change that at all,. Haney said.

*checks Google Earth* Not crooked enough but I approve.

Katy St. Clair, a spokeswoman for the public defender’s office, told this news organization on Saturday that, .out of respect for his family, our office is not commenting on what we believe to be a private medical issue..

Bullshit. The top public defender dying in a whore’s arms of a cocaine overdose is not a private medical issue. He’s at least as dirty as his clients.


The police photos show the apartment interior, an unmade bed, empty bottles of alcohol, cannabis gummies, and two syringes that may have been left by paramedics.

The coroner’s report makes this unlikely. That cocaine came from somewhere.

A San Francisco Police spokesman tell ABC7’s Dan Noyes, “The OCME (Office of the Chief Medical Examiner) is the lead agency in the death investigation. SFPD is assisting. This is a death case with cause to be determined. There are no signs of foul play.”

One curious picture from the police file, a receipt in Spanish for two t-shirts from a shopping mall in Bogota, Colombia, purchased just this past Wednesday.

What was this champion of illegal immigration doing in Bogota just a few days before his death by cocaine overdose? This case should have gone Federal by now.

Lastly, the fallout:

City Hall Up in Arms Over Police Leaks in Adachi Investigation

By Joe Kukura, 27 February 2019

Police reports on active investigations are not usually made public, but the widely leaked confidential report on Jeff Adachi’s passing has sparked calls for hearings and investigations.

Tuesday.s Board of Supervisors meeting opened with a truly heartfelt memorial lovefest for SF Public Defender Jeff Adachi, who died of a sudden heart attack Friday night. In accounts described by SF Weekly, Adachi was eulogized with superlatives like “the epitome of cool,. (Sup. Peskin), .a genuine superhero,. (Sup. Mar), and “walking in the Tenderloin with Jeff was like walking with Steph Curry or Beyonce. (Sup. Ronen).

But the supes are simultaneously furious that a number of personal details in the case were leaked to the press in the immediate wake of Adachi’s passing, presumably by the San Francisco Police Department. The Examiner reports that the supervisors have now called for hearings on how Adachi’s police reports were made public. …

SF Weekly notes that “Every member of the Board of Supervisors cosponsored this hearing ” with the exception of Supervisor Catherine Stefani, who the POA endorsed in her recent race for supervisor.” The supervisors aren’t the only ones calling for hearings while calling out the SFPD.

.You’re trying to balance the massive interest in information about the death of an elected official,. acting public defender Matt Gonzalez told the Examiner. “But on the other hand you don’t necessarily have to just put out details that nobody wants to hear..

Even the San Francisco Police Department itself vowed to investigate the SFPD leaks.

Everybody in SF City gov’t is freaking out over the release of…

Some of the more personal, and pretty clearly unnecessary details leaked to the press included the street address of the apartment at which Adachi suffered his heart attack, information about the woman he was with at the time [still not identified], and reports of .alcohol, cannabis-infused gummies and syringes [of cocaine]..

The guilty flee though none pursue, but they also flee the light of day.


Schoolteacher Nooses are Racist

Even when the teachers are threatening to lynch… themselves? As a back-to-school prank? The rabbit trail leads us to the true racial history of California.

Linda Brandts is a California elementary school principal suspended after sharing a photo of her teachers holding a noose in a mass email, Fox 11 reports.

Brandts, the principal of Summerwind Elementary School, and the four teachers pictured in the photo, were suspended, the school district said in a statement.

Linda Brandts

Whoa, Nelly. That’s not a picture I would pose for, let alone for mass distribution. And the principal was reportedly suspended for getting a chuckle out of this. What’s going on?

We have a manjaw/NYC haircut feminist on the far left. But the teacher to the right looks normal, the next is so old that her wrinkles could mean anything and the rightmost is a serial killer of only donuts. This ain’t the KKK.

Fox 11 reported that Brandts was under consideration to become the district’s next superintendent.

Okay, that’s a motive for… what’s the crime? Besides bad taste?

.This afternoon it has been brought to the Palmdale School District’s attention that an incident involving the discovery of a noose and possibly inappropriate responses to that discovery occurred at Summerwind Elementary School,. Palmdale School District Superintendent Raul Maldonado told Fox 11. .The Principal has been placed on administrative leave pending an investigation of the matter..

So far, sounds more like a witch hunt than a lynching. But there’s still that noose. Interesting.

Brandts, the Summerwind Elementary School’s principal, sent the photo of the four teachers holding up a noose and a separate photo of the noose handing in an office to her entire staff, Fox 11 reported.

There was nothing written in the email.

Ah, so Brandts isn’t one of the teachers pictured.

The photo sent by Brandt was reshared on social media where it was discovered by parents.

Denise Royal, whose three children attend the school, told The AV Times that “it looks like a noose, a noose used to hang my ancestors from trees. black people..

Even more interesting. The pic was popular enough to be shared by third parties and the first (only?) group to take offense was the blacks.

Parent Darrin Harper said he was furious when he saw the photo and said it was a racist gesture invoking lynchings.

.You hate them little black babies. You hate them little Spanish babies. All them little minorities. You hate em!. he told Fox 11.

This is Darin Harper:

'You hate them little black babies. You hate them little Spanish babies. All them little minorities,' upset Darrin Harper expressed

Looks like an upstanding citizen to me. Perhaps he’s camera-shy.

Breyon Clemmons told the outlet that racism has been a “prevalent” problem at the school and that teachers singled out black and Hispanic kids.

Get real. If three Neo-Nazis are in a room at the same time then two of them are moles.

Teacher Michele Lemaire told the station that black students made up about one-third of the student body and Hispanic students made up another third but the vast majority of teachers at the school are white.

This incident is just minorities (blacks) doing their usual ray-ciss routine. But that still doesn’t explain tweeting a noose. I had to hunt for an explanation… most “professional” journalists couldn’t be bothered to give the most basic of context. New article:

While some suspect the photo may be have been a ‘back-to-school necklaces’ . an insider joke among educators that suggests they want to kill themselves just thinking about returning to their job after the school break . the picture has been slammed as insensitive or outright racist by others. …

Parents had become outraged after learning of the collage, which showed a pair of nooses jokingly dubbed ‘back-to-school necklaces’.

The classroom collage also included a pink smiley face sticker, and the words ‘ha ha’ and ‘#yes.’

It was apparently in reference to an insider joke among educators that suggests they want to kill themselves just thinking about returning to their job after the school break.

According to Urban Dictionary, the phrase ‘back to school necklace’ is another name for a noose.

‘This is due to the utter despair you feel when school starts back up again,’ the entry for the term reads.

Our public schools are clearly FUBAR. Forget racial grievances. When even the principal is laughing about lynching herself instead of teaching kids for another year, there’s clearly a crisis-level morale issue.

But like the Godless fool said, never let a crisis go to waste.

Parent Breyon Clemmons said that one of the teachers in the image has been the subject of racial controversy before.

Parent Breyon Clemmons said that one of the teachers in the image has been the subject of racial controversy before. Her daughters were taken out of class

Breyon. An example of “Ocasio-Cortes” face?

Clemmons said her younger daughter is now having issues with a teacher at the school.

I can’t imagine where the kid picked up that attitude.

She told Fox 11: ‘I’ve requested that my kid be taken out of one classroom because that teacher, in particular, has shown prejudice discrimination against my kid and when I requested the black teacher I got grief for that.’

Now I can. You want to see grief? Watch a white parent demand a white teacher.

Clemmons let her fourth-grade daughter skip class Thursday as they held a protest.

Baby’s first protest!

I was surprised to learn there’s still an enclave of blacks in California outside Oakland. A little research on the community’s history gave this. Heavy cut&pasting was done on the coming article.

SUN VILLAGE : Black Enclave Withers Amid Antelope Boom

By Sebastian Rotella, 27 August 1989

The pioneers of Sun Village, a small black community founded 40 years ago in the Antelope Valley, tell of struggle, hope and change. Their stories in some ways evoke the shifting ethnic and racial landscapes of urban America.

The eastern Antelope Valley has become the bustling frontier of a housing and population surge that has turned Palmdale and Lancaster into 1980s’ boom towns.

But the pioneers have watched Sun Village fade amid the growth, the black population shrinking from its peak of 2,000 in the 1960s to 500 today. The shops and bars that once formed a small center of town at 90th Street East and Palmdale Boulevard are boarded up.

As far as the U. S. Postal Service and many others are concerned, Sun Village does not exist. The area is considered a neighborhood in the northern part of unincorporated Littlerock, a longtime agricultural community.

Narcissa Homes has built 500 homes in Sun Village since 1984 and is building about 200 more. But Richard Deebs, a manager at the firm, said he had never heard of Sun Village.

“I think it’s a dying name,” he said.

He called the community Littlerock and described it as an attractive, ethnically mixed area where ranch-style homes on one-acre lots sell for between $120,000 and $160,000, double the price of three years ago.

Google Earth still has the place listed. Littlerock and Sun Village are essentially the same location, consisting of the east side of Palmdale. Palmdale itself had more rattlesnakes than humans until Los Angeles’ urban sprawl finally managed to outgrow the mountain range bordering its north side. I know some folks there and it’s a great place to live, if you’re a millionaire who likes a dry heat and four hours of commuting per workday.

[The] pioneers have watched Sun Village fade amid the growth, the black population shrinking from its peak of 2,000 in the 1960s to 500 today. The shops and bars that once formed a small center of town at 90th Street East and Palmdale Boulevard are boarded up.

Longtime residents discuss the influx of newcomers with emotions ranging from resentment to acceptance. They see signs of hope, and they cherish the institutions that endure–the Chamber of Commerce, a women’s club, churches clustered on the prairie, a park named after another pioneer–baseball star Jackie Robinson.

[Then-County Supervisor Warren Dorn] had grown up with Jackie Robinson in Pasadena, and he agreed with residents that naming the park after the first black baseball player in the major leagues would be fitting. Robinson attended the ceremonies in 1964. A plaque was unveiled that said Robinson would be remembered not only as an athlete but “as the proud crusader against pompous bigots and timid sentinels of the status quo–as the symbol of a new Negro American.”

Black hatred (envy?) of whites has apparently not dimmed from that day 55 years ago to last week’s scandal. That attitude defined this community.

Melvin Ray Grubbs, a black lawyer-turned-real estate agent from Chicago’s South Side, was the community’s principal founder. He came to California in the 1940s and joined forces with a white family named Marble, who owned Sun Village Land Corp. The company owned 1,000 acres occupied mainly by Joshua trees, jack rabbits and snakes.

With Grubbs in charge of sales, the Marbles became perhaps the first landowners in the Antelope Valley to sell to blacks.

“Blacks couldn’t live in Palmdale,” recalled William Shaw, president of the Sun Village Chamber of Commerce and former superintendent of the nearby Wilsona School District, who came to Sun Village in 1957. Palmdale residents “would tell you that directly to your face.”

THAT is INTERESTING. Why, if one’s race is unwelcome in a certain area, would you want to force your way in despite the locals’ wishes? I asked the question about Jews forcing their way into wealthy La Jolla near San Diego and I ask it here, too. At least La Jolla was valuable land whereas Palmdale pre-urban sprawl was not. Blacks might share Jewish ethnic solidarity instincts but apparently not their business instincts.

Whites actively opposed non-whites moving into their communities as recently as the ’50s and ’60s. This has been scrubbed from modern history books.

The racial climate outside the community, like the desert’s harsh physical climate, was less than perfect.

“Some of the older whites and older blacks had the same old Mississippi ideas,” said the Rev. Henry Hearns, 56, a sharecropper’s son from Mississippi who for 24 years has been pastor of First Missionary Baptist Church on 100th Street East. Hearns, also chief environmental engineer at Edwards Air Force Base, designed the church, which was built in 1975.

Sun Village’s transition accelerated in the 1980s. Residents said change has brought occasional pains, such as the tension between young whites, blacks and Latinos that has flared intermittently at Jackie Robinson Park. New and old residents have also reacted differently to the area’s board-and-care homes, whose wandering residents draw complaints from new, young families seeking rural tranquility.

Longtime residents agree that some homes have not been well-run, as shown by a recent state and county crackdown on unlicensed facilities. But some say the homes have been accepted partly because they were one of the few ways to earn a living in Sun Village.

Africa in a nutshell.

During the past several years, Sun Village has been a focus for protests against alleged bias and harassment of blacks in the Antelope Valley.

One case that caused an outcry involved Ava Casey Brown, a Sun Village woman with no previous criminal record who was sentenced in 1987 to five years in prison for forcing her daughter’s car off the road during a car chase, injuring a teen-age passenger. A state appellate court ruled her sentence was too harsh and ordered her release after nine months.

That’s gotta be a good story! Per the LA Times:

You have reached this month’s limit of free articles.

Fuck! Not now! But here’s the blurbs:

Brown, a nurse’s aide and Sunday school teacher, ran her daughter, Renee Casey, off the road in a car chase after Casey stayed out late without permission. Brown pursued Casey at speeds up to 80mph and bumped her car at least twice, causing a crash in which Casey was uninjured but a teen-age passenger in her car suffered a broken collarbone.

A Lancaster judge Thursday sentenced Ava Casey Brown to five years probation, [throwing out the original five-year prison term].

Either Brown got a pussy pass for the attempted murder of her own daughter, or the passenger’s name was Romeo and the judge decided she was Parent of the Year.

Either way, this was not a racism issue.

Sun Village residents also protested the death of a black woman transient armed with a butcher knife who in April was shot 18 times by deputies at a Lancaster fast-food restaurant.

Swift, proportionate justice is always a good reason to riot against Whitey. Thursday is also a good reason to riot against Whitey.

[Pastor] Hearns, who has worked to smooth relations between the Sheriff’s Department and the community over the years, called that shooting “totally unwarranted.”

But he expressed strong support for the Sheriff’s Department and said he does not believe that there is a racial problem in the Antelope Valley.

Hearns’ church, which began with 30 members in the 1950s, has nearly 1,000 members and continues to thrive despite Sun Village’s shrinking black population.

“There is life here; there is energy here,” Hearns said as a gospel group rocked the adjoining chapel.

Hearns’ parishioners come from all over the Antelope Valley, where the black population has increased from 3% to at least 5% since 1980, according to county statistics. Hearns said Sun Village has changed partly because blacks can now live where they choose.

It’s a point I’ve brought up before. Mass migration means nobody gets to live among their own people. What’s happening to all that abandoned land in Honduras right now? It’s hard for me to check because I don’t speak Spanish and they aren’t online like ‘Murica is, but wouldn’t it be something if all those abandoned homes are being bought up cheap by globalist Elites?

One new idea is Mabel’s, a restaurant that will open in November across the street from the desolate ruins of the 90th Street shopping area. Owner Douglas Cross, whose wife is a Lancaster physician, describes Mabel’s as a ” ’50s’ restaurant, serving American food with a touch of soul.”

Cross acknowledges that he is something of a pioneer in a culinary wilderness. But he said he has studied the area’s growth and is confident that the local black community will join residents of all races in making Mabel’s a success.

The Cross family power couple is the new normal. Nobody is winning the forced race-mixing of Current Years. We’re all at risk of losing our history and identity.


Trump’s Spiritual Advisor: The Bride Of Cain

I didn’t even know President Trump had a spiritual advisor. I never thought the Don was a Christian–why would a billionaire celebrity and top-level politician need a Savior? What does he need saving from?–and were he anything else, I would surely have seen the headline.

Well… this might explain a lot about how Trump turned out to be little different than the usual Elites. Note that Paula White is now Paula White-Cain as of 2015. She’s wife #4 to Hubby #3. Already you know that this Pastorette should not be teaching Christianity to ANYBODY.

Paula White: the pastor who helps Trump hear ‘what God has to say’

By Jessica Glenza, 27 March 2019

Paula White, Donald Trump’s spiritual adviser and personal pastor, re-enacted a moment at a private White House dinner last month which would eventually make headlines for showing the president’s hardline stance on abortion.

The evening before the National Prayer Breakfast, Trump approached the US senator Chris Coons, a Democrat and Presbyterian, about an expansion of abortion rights in New York state. The law is reviled by evangelicals like White.

Trump thrust his face over the Democrat’s shoulder, so they were nearly cheek to cheek, and said in his ear: .So, you can do that to a baby . And that’s not a human, is it? And you have no problem?. He followed up: .Isn.t it called murder?.

Trump was “just right in his face, and I was like, .Whoa,.. said White, leaning over the ornate dining room table in her nearly 6,000-sq-ft home in Florida.

That story doesn’t sound right. Yes, abortion is murder; yes, Coons is a hypocrite for being both pro-abortion and Christian; but no, Trump has never acted like a significant threat to abortion. For example, at any time in his Presidency, he could have cut off funding to Planned Parenthood by executive order on grounds it subsidized infanticide. That would have been much more effective than singling out a politician who obviously has no use for Christ beyond shilling for low-information votes.

Like Coons, Trump identifies as Presbyterian. Segue:

Donald Trump & Catholicism: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

One major part of the Catholic faith is the idea that we are all sinners and must ask for God’s forgiveness. Trump does not feel this way, and he says that he does not feel like he must be forgiven by God for anything.

.I am not sure I have [asked God for forgiveness],. Trump said in 2015, according to CNN. . I just go on and try to do a better job from there. I don’t think so. I think if I do something wrong, I think, I just try and make it right. I don’t bring God into that picture. I don’t.. …

On the campaign trail, Donald Trump said that the Bible is his favorite book of all time, with the second favorite being his own The Art of the Deal, according to Real Clear Politics.

A good measure of his oversized ego. End segue.

White runs a megachurch in Florida, and is a link between the evangelical community, which she has navigated for decades, and a president whom she describes as not speaking .Christian-ese.” Although she has evaded the constant scrutiny of some in Trump’s circle, she is nevertheless a controversial figure, who said she has regular calls with the president and ministers to his family.

This makes her the only female leader of a megachurch that I’ve heard of. Plenty of them allow women in positions of leadership but here, she’s the top dog. I wish this was as controversial in Christian circles as the Guardian claimed it to be.

That White chose to tell this story underscores why she might be useful for Trump, whose past as a Manhattan playboy with multiple marriages might not have obvious appeal to the Christian right.

Yes, thank you. That’s another reason the opening story didn’t sound right. Trump is nobody’s idea of a moralizing zealot.

Like many people Trump surrounds himself with, White is a controversial figure. She is alternately described as the woman who “led Trump to Christ” and a .charlatan.” Her Florida ministry and televangelism made her a millionaire, and attracted scrutiny from congressional investigators. Some political observers see the alliance between Trump and the evangelical community as a marriage of convenience: he needs their votes, they need someone to carry out their agenda.

I like to think that after protecting his personal empire, which is the likely real reason he ran for office, Trump is inclined to listen to Ordinary Americans instead of parasitic squatters on what else needs doing. After all, Ordinary Americans don’t want to tax the wealthy into oblivion.

But White does not see it that way.

.He genuinely cared about the [evangelical] community,. she said. She recounted a 2011 meeting when Trump asked her to “bring a group of pastors to pray” about whether he should run for president.

.We had about 25, 30 pastors come up, and we prayed for six hours. in Trump Tower, she said. Trump, she said, prayed for about half that time. .He genuinely wanted to hear . what does God have to say? . To really make America great is real to him, that’s not a slogan, [it.s] genuinely so..

Christians, particularly Protestants, don’t do that. If we want God’s guidance then we ask God directly. Maybe ask a couple friends to weigh in also. But God is not impressed by the worldly credentials of who’s asking. “Behold, mortal, thou shalt not get thine answer because thine search committee came to Me with but 30 pastors instead of 35.”

White has come a long way from her first church, a storefront ministry in Tampa, Florida.

White.s home now is in Bluegrass Estates in Apopka, Florida, near her Pentecostal ministry, New Destiny Christian Center. The loop of million-dollar homes with private stables is in a gated community across a highway from algae-covered trailers. Security is tight. When I first entered Bluegrass Estates, I was followed by a Cadillac Escalade outfitted with flashing blue lights.

.Who are you?. a man rolled down a tinted window and demanded. .I.m asking you a question,. he said, and threatened to call the police. When I mentioned White’s name, he called her a “nice lady..

This is an extreme example of being out-of-touch with the lives of ordinary congregants even by the standards of professional clergy.

White has no formal religious training, but said she had a vision from God when she was 18 years old that told her to go preach the gospel. She had her son, Brad Knight, the same year. She was divorced soon after. For two years she “did nothing” but study the Bible, and soon began a ministry with her second husband, Randy White.

Eat, Pray, Preach, Love?

In the early 2000s, as the church gained prominence, Randy told the Tampa Bay Times that churches needed to “believe in their product.” He said: .My product is Jesus..

That’s either too much honesty or too little.

By then, White was broadcasting across regional Christian television . which also broadcast to Mar-a-Lago . and on BET. Her church had grown to nearly 20,000 members, making it one of the largest in the country. She said Trump called her out of the blue one day, repeated three of her televised sermons .verbatim., and said she had the “it factor..

Harvey Weinstein wants his casting couch back.

Part of the controversy surrounding White, and perhaps why she appealed to Trump, is because she teaches “prosperity gospel., which holds that faith and donations to religious causes will boost adherents. financial wellbeing as well as their spiritual health. As recently as last year, White encouraged members of her congregation to send their first month’s salary to her ministry to enjoy God’s blessings.

Fraud! That money belongs to a government!

White is now married to Jonathan Cain, the keyboardist from the rock band Journey, and the two often travel together, including to DC to see the president. Two congressional investigations, one in 2004 and another in 2007, ended without findings of wrongdoing.

Sweet Manosphere tropes!

Elvis? Is that you?

Those Congressional investigations were by Senator Grassley. We might as well end this article here, she goes on only to offer her services “across the aisle”, and discuss them.

Chuck Grassley official photo 2017.jpg

That’s a pedoface but interestingly, Senator Chuck Grassley has worked against sex trafficking using the Al Capone tactic of charging the traffickers with tax dodging and openly criticized the FBI for sexual misconducts over a 16-year period. He also expressed frustration with Reagan for botching Robert Bork’s confirmation to the Supreme Court and other actions that mark him as one of the best the Senate has to offer. His use of Congressional authority to investigate several megachurches for fraud came on the heels of successfully using his authority to investigate the United Way for the 9/11 fraud. He even supports Trump today despite having investigated his now-spiritual advisor for tax evasion.

I didn’t know the U.S. Senate had any decent people left. For a fact, he was right to investigate a Prosperity Gospel megachurch’s finances. We don’t need another Jonestown.

Paula is a train wreck of a “Pastor”. Let’s hear more! *popcorn*

Paula White Breaks Silence on Probes, Divorce, Benny Hinn

By Lillian Kwon, 1 April 2011

Pastor Paula White broke her silence Thursday night, addressing all the scandals that she has been associated with since her [second] divorce in 2007.

It all began in 2004 when the IRS launched a nine-year investigation into the personal and organizational finances of White and her then husband, Randy.

Separate from Grassley’s probe.

Just two years earlier in 2002, White had written in her journal: “I’m living heaven on earth. Life cannot get any better.”

“I’m above the struggle and beneath the radar. I love my husband and my husband loves me. And we do. The kids are doing good. And millions of dollars in the bank. Not sick,” she recalled feeling at the time.

And every dollar had “In God We Trust” on it. The irony!

White had risen to prominence as a preacher, motivational speaker, author and TV personality after co-founding what is now Without Walls International Church with her husband and starting her own ministry.

She was living her dream life, as she described to pastors at the Orlando conference.

But after the IRS investigation began, she began to face challenge after challenge to the point where she wanted to and even tried to quit. …

Listing the numerous trials she went through, White said she experienced a midlife meltdown, compassion fatigue, her friend being falsely accused and sent to prison, a stroke, addiction to the prescription medication she was given following her stroke, and problems in her marriage.

Her husband had similar problems after the divorce, getting addicted to Xanax.

Continuing, she added that her church staff split in the middle with some turning on the Whites and going to the media.

She maintained that the articles written based on allegations from former church staff were “mostly, totally unfounded” and “lies.” The Whites were accused of being all about money and fame.

“Mostly”. Yes. Truth is good.

She also indicated that the staff turned on the church because they couldn’t “supply the staff with the lifestyle that they were used to.”

Family problems were added when White found out that her son had a drug addiction and was sexually abused by another male at a staff member’s house. She then had to experience the pain of her non-biological daughter battling brain cancer. Kristen, Randy’s oldest daughter, died in 2008 at age 30.

Dammit, another child harmed inside the Church. They will pay. Dearly.

In the midst of all this, White said she was being pressured to preach and prophesy and fulfill her role in the church.

“[Bishop] Randy, Pastor Paula, give me a word, marry me, bury me, pay these bills, prophesy. Why aren’t you doing this? Why isn’t it like it used to be? We don’t like the music. We leaving the church because you didn’t know our names and you didn’t come have lasagna with us,” she said, mimicking the demands and criticisms she was met with.

They’re called paying customers, sweetie. It’s only what you were preaching to them.

White noted that it was under “that kind of pressure” and “in a really weak moment” that she and her husband made the decision to divorce in 2007. The split was amicable.

According to White, her husband closed up to her. While she traveled the world preaching, she pondered, “Why can I win the world and not go home and win the one that I love?”

It’s called eternal damnation, sweetie.

She recounted a time when Randy took her into a dark room, placed a mask on her, spun her around and told her to find her way out. With tears, White said she sat there for half an hour, scared and calling out to him. He took off her mask and informed her that that is what he felt like he was going through.

When the two announced their split, Randy had agreed to take the responsibility. And “God told me to keep my mouth shut,” she said.

God, or your lawyer. The confusion is understandable.

Randy, who no longer co-pastors Without Walls, is now writing a book, she noted.

But she added, “I’m proud of him. He never quit …. God or anything else.”

The trials continued even after the divorce when White and televangelist Benny Hinn were pictured last summer in The National Enquirer leaving a hotel in Rome holding hands. They were accused of having an affair and being engaged.

On Thursday, White flatly denied that she ever had an affair.

“They’re going to talk about you and write … because it sells ragtag magazines,” she said. “They’re going to lie on you but God’s going to tell you to keep your mouth shut.”

One of my red-pill awakenings was that God reads the National Enquirer. They’re better than most so-called reputable news sources.

Paula: I didn’t have an affair!

NE: *shows picture*

The Dunamis Word: Paula White ~ "You betta recognize!"

Paula: It’s not what it looks like! I would never be unfaithful to my second ex-husband!

NE: *smirks*

Benny Hinn was one of the other megachurches investigated by the good Senator Grassley. He went after half a dozen of them bad apples.

There was also the so-called Grassley investigation. Sen. Charles Grassley launched a Senate probe in 2007 into six influential ministries, including White’s, following complaints of opulent spending and possible abuse of nonprofit status.

The probe came to a close in January of this year. With little cooperation from most of the ministries, which called the investigation an attack on their religious freedom and privacy rights, Grassley’s office was unable to make any conclusion about the spending of the ministries and handed out no penalties.

White interpreted that to mean her ministry was cleared.

My interpretation: “choir practice” has two meanings.

“The church better recognize, it should be thanking six ministries for fighting for the body of Christ for saying ‘we are not going to let you dictate to us how we interpret Scripture’ and you can’t tell us ‘because Jesus rode in on a donkey’ because if you start telling us how to interpret Scripture in one way, you’ll tell us how to interpret it in every way,” White said in frustration. Grassley had referred to Jesus’ humble entrance into Jerusalem to make the point that ministers today don’t really need Bentleys and Rolls-Royces to spread the Gospel.

BURN, BITCH! Thumbs up, Senator Grassley!

“I preach in countries if I say ‘Jesus Christ is the only way, the truth and the life,’ they’ll arrest me.”

They didn’t arrest you. Hmm.

“And don’t think America’s that far away.”

You’re right one way or the other, Pastorette.

“Unless the people of righteousness stand up and say ‘we’re not going to allow for this because you cannot take what is our First Amendment rights. You can’t do that!” White asserted. “We pay taxes. We work hard. We do it by the books. We have integrity. But you’re going to make a public misery and mess out of it like something’s wrong!”

If taking the Rolls-Royce on a spin through Mar-A-Lago didn’t comfort you in your Congressional investigation then maybe you SHOULD re-think your life’s priorities.

Stressing that her church gave $9 million to mission in January 2007, built education centers in Pakistan, put students through college, fed and continue to feed thousands every week, and helped transform countless lives, White said, “Are you serious? You want to fight over a $50,000 what? Excuse me?!”

$9m in virtue signaling, WTF was she doing in Pakistan, she put wimminz though college so they wouldn’t ever need a husband, fed the illegal immigrants and transformed countless suckers into paupers. Then “lost” as much money as I make in a year, repeatedly. That about the size of it?

Her long, emotional testimony was met with applause and support from the thousands of pastors in the conference room in Orlando.

Burn it down, God. Burn it with fire. It’s the only way to be sure.

Though at the time, she wondered whether she would be able to overcome the trials, she now says what the devil meant for bad, God has turned around to work for the good.

“God uses every enemy, every lawsuit, every lie, every betrayal, all the brokenness,” she stressed.

“It’s not over. I got my bounce back. That’s my message.”

Trump got you your bounce back.

Pastor Paula White | Powerful women who inspire me | Pinterest

That was then. This is now:

You can see the damage female empowerment has left on her face. Thicker nose, thinner cheeks, but NYC haircut forever.

I close with this:

Paula White Cain Announces Her Son Will Pastor Her Church

By Jessilyn Lancaster, 6 May 2019

Speaking about authors with funny-spelled names, Paula’s megachurch is reportedly majority black. Paula White has no White Privilege, really?

Paula White Cain is now the oversight pastor at City of Destiny and her son, Brad Knight, is the senior pastor along with his wife, Rachel. The church, New Destiny Christian Center, is now legally known as City of Destiny.

“So today, I am officially installing Pastor Brad and Pastor Rachel as the senior pastors of over City of Destiny,” Cain says.

Her son and his wife. Pastor Brad Knight, from her first marriage.

“Everybody stand up on your feet, because this is God’s plan. I am moving to what I call oversight pastor, but let me explain that. That is apostolic, but I just haven’t embraced the title, though. … But as apostolic overseer of City of Destiny, today officially, it’s all been done legally, officially, we are City of Destiny. Welcome to your new beginning.”

Oversight pastor? Did she or did she not pass on the leadership of the megachurch? *checks* She founded Paula White Ministries to advise Congress and other world leaders on ethics without the interference of ordinary people asking for spiritual leadership.

Cain says she received a prophetic word in 2005 about the pastoral transition that didn’t make sense until 2019.

She thought about putting her son in charge one year into a multi-year tax fraud investigation so she could duck out to enjoy the millionaire life? That’s a cold heart.

Mister President, you can do so, so much better for a spiritual advisor than Paula Knight White Cain. She never knew Christ.


Vatican Trains Protestant Exorcists

On the one hand, this is an encouraging example of inter-Christian cooperation. On the other hand, it’s the wrong problem for organized Christianity to address.

Rome opens up exorcism course to all major Christian faiths to fight rising demonic forces

By Leonardo Blair, 9 May 2019

For the first time in 14 years, the Roman Catholic Church has opened up its annual exorcism class in Rome to all major Christian faiths in a bid to stem the rising tide of demonic forces around the world.

.The idea is to help each other, to establish best practices if you will,. Father Pedro Barrajon, 61, one of the organizers of the 14th edition of the “Course on Exorcism and Prayer of Liberation,. taking place at the Pontifical University of Regina Apostolorum, told the Telegraph. .This is the first time that different denominations have come together to compare their experiences on exorcisms..

The one week course which is taught in Italian at a cost of approximately $450 is being held May 6- 11.

Thanks for telling us when the course starts, three days after the course starts. Journalists do this all the time, reporting information and events only when it’s too late for people to get involved if they’re so inclined. Ah, well. I don’t speak Italian anyway.

It is described as the first course in the world that proposes careful academic and interdisciplinary research of exorcisms.

.Expelling the devil goes back to the earliest origins of the Christian Church,. Barrajon said. .The Catholic rite is very structured, whereas some of the other churches are more creative, they don’t use a precise format..

To put it mildly. Protestant exorcism is mostly taught on the apprenticeship model, which is the standard Christ set, but I don’t have an issue with classwork on this particular topic. Even Scripture documents how easy it is to get yourself hurt doing this and it’s not like one can keep a possessee in the basement for monthly practice.

Of course, there’s always Sodom Francisco for your hellbound bodycount needs.

More than 241 people, both lay and religious, from more than 40 countries signed up for the course this year, Crux Now reported.

.I’m here to understand the Catholic perspective. We are fighting the same enemy in the name of the Lord, even if there are some parts of the Anglican Church that have lost belief in Satan,. course participant Benjamin McEntire, a Protestant priest from Alaska, said.

Protestant priest? Not a pastor?

McEntire is an Anglican priest and chaplain in the Air National Guard. I should’ve remembered the mainline denominations aren’t dead everywhere. He’s either still young or to judge from the lack of lines on his face, limited in his life experiences. Most face lines come from stress, determination, conflict and such. “It’s not the years, it’s the miles,” so to speak. Mildly narrow neck and lack of suntan confirm a sedentary, bookish lifestyle.

If his nose is concave in profile then he’s an uncommon mixture of bookish and extroverted. That could be a useful combination in the context of exorcism. He also doesn’t have prominent cheekbones so may lack excessive ambition. Also useful.

They all agree that growing secularization has led to a proliferation of satanic groups, especially among young people through social media.

Protecting the homosexual child rapists among you might also be a contributing factor. Sexual abuse is a much faster path to spiritual corruption than social media.

.Many young people display a certain attraction and interest toward themes tied to esotericism, magic, the occult, Satanism, witchcraft, vampirism and contact with a presumed supernatural world,. Italian Professor Giuseppe Ferrari, founder and secretary of the “Social and Religious Research and Information Group,. said during his introductory speech at the event.

.Some end up accepting as spiritual leaders these characters who, while proposing a flawed liberty and false freedom, only aim at taking hold of their existence,. he explained.

Sounds like every third clergyman ever. Who’s this clergyman?

Tutti i dubbi sull'appetito dei bambiniVideochat col prof. Giuseppe Ferrari - La Stampa

Not a pedo. That’s a good banker’s face, especially the bulb on the end of his nose. Angled, “dramatic” eyebrows mark him as more likely to be a leader than just an analyst. His upper eyelids are both exposed and his forehead has a magnificent set of intelligence lines, so he probably owns his area of expertise and is very comfortable discussing it.

Sunken cheeks are typical of people who feel they have no control over their lives but they also occur as a natural result of old age. Interesting that the right, “external life” cheek is more sunken than the left, “inner life”. Confirmed by his right eye being more guarded than his left eye, which by itself is unremarkably normal.

While critics of the course have argued that the study of exorcism has no place in modern society, organizers of the event have emphasized a multidisciplinary approach to exorcism that tackles psychology, medicine, law, sociology and criminology in order to help students better understand the changing dynamics and reality of Satanism.

.This view [that exorcisms has no place in modern society] not only displays ignorance and a restricted view of reality, but underlines the conditioning by ideologies that tag as superstition everything that eludes their preconstructed schemes,. Ferrari said of critics.

The implication of that multidisciplinary approach is that the course’s leaders agree with the critics, if devil worship is something to be understood by the fields of psychology and criminology. It’s also a prime example of why STEM is a limiting concept. Science can’t understand the PATTERNS. Spiritual worship is done by patterns. The pattern of marriage. The pattern of men going bald and women going covered. The pattern of creating with your hands as worship for the Creator.

The pattern of women frivorcing their husbands. The pattern of redefining evil as good. The Satan-worshiping pattern of the False Accusation.

But what do I know? I haven’t taken the course. I’m not a licensed therapist. I only know Scripture and its Author.

Indeed, a report in The Christian Post last fall highlighted the astronomical growth of self-identified witches in the U.S.

Consistent with the increase in female empowerment. Let’s discuss this pattern. Women are not meant to be strong. Men are meant to be strong. This is why God created men stronger, smarter, more honorable, more creative and more spiritual. Women are to appreciate men and be loyal, just as men are to appreciate God and follow Him.

When women live on their own “like a man”, what happens is The Wall. The only power she has over men is her beauty and that’s a very time-limited power to be spent in securing a future for herself… the Godly pattern of humanity preparing for eternity with the advantages of a brief, mortal life. What happens, then, when her only strength fades? She tries to find a new power over men… but no old maid is going to outsmart or outlift us guys.

And that’s why Strong&Independent women turn to witchcraft. They go searching for unnatural sources of power in their envy of men because the natural sources are reserved to us. It’s not happening out of curiosity or boredom. They aren’t being tricked into the occult.

Incidentally, that’s why one doesn’t often hear about male witches. We have so many paths to power that one more isn’t a big deal.

I just saved you at least a couple days’ worth of conference.

Ahead of the first annual Christian witches convention in Salem, Massachusetts, in April, internationally recognized Prophet Calvin Witcher argued that Jesus was a sorcerer and the Bible is really a “book of magic..

The journalist reached for a counter-opinion. Why? This is the Christian Post. Why is their journalist giving the devil any time at all?

.Some believe that this return to exorcism and prayer of liberation is derived from a distancing from God,. Barrajon told journalists.

Ferrari explained that efforts are now underway to assess the number of exorcists in the United States, Canada, England, Ireland, Italy, Spain and Switzerland and monitor the number of requests they receive for exorcisms and prayers of liberation.

.We don’t yet have a reliable number,. he said but he believes that many people who believe they are demon possessed may also be suffering from psychological issues.

For San Jose at least, the number is “Code Red”.

It’s good and timely for the Christian Church to begin taking such matters seriously but frankly, they would do even better to reintroduce marriage and crucify the pedos. I cannot help but believe that the motivation for this course is clergy desiring the heroism of confronting pure evil while cravenly refusing to confront the female rebellion that so often opens that door.

By all means, screen for thyroid disorders and paranoid schizophrenia during the initial interview, but at the same time start asking where is your husband and have you been loyal to him? Who have you been having sex with?


Gay Chickens Coming Home

A brief post on how the Christian Church is a full participant in modern corruption. Brian Sims is the first openly homosexual state representative in Pennsylvania.

Brian Sims: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Sims put up a Periscope of himself talking to a protester at the Planned Parenthood in his district in southeastern Pennsylvania. Sims walked up to the woman, telling his viewers that she was “an old white lady” who was afraid to show her face on camera, even though, he said, she had been talking to every woman who walked into the abortion clinic.

.Shame on you,. Sims told the woman. He added, .what you’re doing is disgusting. and he reproached her for protesting outside the clinic instead of praying for children at home. He asked her how many children she.d clothed and fed that day, implying that, if she really cared about children, she.d be caring for them in that way. Sims repeatedly tried to get her to talk to him, but she kept her head bowed and did not address the camera.

What a lovely personality.

The anti-abortion group Live Action reported on Sims. video on Sunday, May 5. After Live Action tweeted about Sims, the Pennsylvania state representative tweeted back at the group, calling them “Bible bullies” and urging them to “bring it.” Sims wrote, Bring it, Bible Bullies! You are bigots, sexists, and misogynists and I see right through your fake morals and your broken values. #BeReal

Sims later put up a video in which he didn’t exactly apologize, but he did imply that he had done something wrong. Sims said that that “two wrongs don’t make a right. and that he could do better. He also vowed to keep fighting for the rights of women. He said, .I will fiercely protect a woman’s right to make the best choices for her health & her body, unimpeded. I also know that two wrongs don’t make a right, especially on the front lines of a civil rights battle. I can do better, and I will do better, for the women of Pennsylvania..

Hardcore feminist and anti-Christian. Although it’s interesting that he backed down a little.

Back in April, Sims took to social media to talk about his use of Truvada, which is a drug used to avoid contracting HIV. Sims, who is openly gay, put up a Facebook post about his use of the drug, writing, .Starting this day off smart, proactive, and in control! How about you? #PrEPsavesLIVES..

Openly self-destructive.

Sims got some push-back from critics after he put up the post, with some people apparently saying hat he was “flaunting” his sexual orientation. He responded on Facebook by writing “Think this is an invite to talk about my sex life? It’s not,. he wrote. .Think it’s an invite to shame me or anyone else? Grow up. “Stigma” is the thing our enemies want us to be stunted by. It literally kills us. It’s stupid and we control our own fate. No shame in this game. Just Pride..

Yep, really doesn’t like Christians.

Sims is often photographed with his long-term partner, Brandon. He has described McMullin as a “Disney prince of a boyfriend” and says that he loves exploring Philadelphia with him.

Eww. Flagrant homo.

Brandon on the right is an obvious pedoface but interestingly, Brian on the left is not. Triangular nostrils is a sign of distrust and ill temper. Full beard is often to conceal weakness, particularly the chin. But neither is a red flag. Hair seems orderly enough that I wouldn’t expect a self-destructive streak. Pragmatic face shape. Neck is thick enough to indicate healthy testosterone and fitness levels.

Back in June of 2018, Sims put up a tweet in which he gave the vice president the finger, urging him to “get bent and get out” of Philadelphia. Sims wrote, .OFFICIAL WELCOME: @MikePenceVP let me be the first to officially welcome you to the City of Brotherly Love and to my District! We’re a City of soaring diversity. We believe in the power of all people: Black, Brown, Queer, Trans, Atheist, & Immigrant. So.get bent, then get out!.

The tweet, along with Sims. more recent posts outside the Planned Parenthood clinic, have some conservatives asking why Sims hasn’t been banned from social media. The Washington Examiner ran a piece asking why many on the right . like Alex Jones and Milo Yiannopoulos . have been banned from Twitter and from Facebook, while Sims hasn’t faced any such ban.

The question is trivial but the picture is not. Yes, that’s a very rude gesture towards a sitting Vice President but when was the last time you saw a man in a business suit make that gesture? Also, the previous picture was inconclusive but here, the left side of his face is much more guarded than the right. He took Pence’s Christian reputation extremely personally, when most feministas would have the right side guarded, Pence obviously being an external enemy. This mismatch between his physiognomy and his behavior intrigued me to look deeper.

From Wikipedia,

Sims was born in Washington, D.C., the son of two Army Lieutenant Colonels of Irish descent. Sims was raised in the Roman Catholic Church but stopped attending church at the age of 16.


Sims lived in seventeen states before settling in Pennsylvania in the early 1990s. He later completed his undergraduate studies at Bloomsburg University, in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania in 2001. In 2000, Sims was the co-captain of the Bloomsburg University football team, and was recognized as a scholar athlete. During the 2000 season, the longest season in the Division II school’s history, Sims came out as gay to his teammates.

Per the link, he actually didn’t. A jilted lover informed on Sims to get him in trouble. Sims didn’t deny it and the team decided to be supportive of him.

Not hard to read between those lines. In my experience, the truly unreachable, the people with real, vile hatred of Christ are the people who were wronged in His Church. Sims was surely raped by pedo priests. He quit Christianity in self-defense then without a moral compass, partly a result of his rootless military childhood, he gave in to the sexual damage.

Then, when his secret sin came to life, instead of getting condemnation he was rewarded and accepted. Rewarded for his deviancy and violated for his devotion, he ended up a Christ-hating LGBT battleaxe with not a kind word to say about healthy sexuality. The people espousing it are, to his perspective, loathsome hypocrites.

That explains his behaviors above. Sneering at virtue, championing perversion, hating devout Christians even old women. Why he’s a raging homo yet with normal physiognomy. (Eye damage is beginning.) He’ll persecute us all given half a chance and be thinking of Priest Pedo while he does it. “I see right through your fake morals and your broken values.”

I can’t hate him for attacking us. Not until he comes full circle and begins violating children himself. A vicious cycle and it started in the Church.

For the record, Sims has said that he quit Church for no particular reason. But people don’t hate for “no particular reason”. Physiognomy and history both indicate against him being the SJW type.

I can’t wait until it’s time for some in-house cleaning. Stories like this should never happen.


Homeschool Or THIS

A high school girl in Stockton gets interviewed by her school paper, the Bruin Voice, about her decision to go into the “adult entertainment industry” within days of turning 18. The interview ignited a controversy over child pornography/corruption which in turn, exposes what kind of feminist battleaxe is teaching the children these days.

Caitlin Fink: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Caitlin Fink, a Bear Creek High School student, told her school newspaper that she was in the process of entering the porn industry. The publication of the interview is the source of huge controversy in the Lodi Unified School District in Stockton, California, reports the San Francisco Chronicle.

Caitlin Fink

Nose booger means she’s a slut. It would be illegal to test that many cosmetics simultaneously on a lab animal but I’d guess the bags under her eyelids are much bigger than that. I’m still not decided on the physiognometric implication but am leading towards “chronic pain”. Which would be very plausible in Fink’s case.

Caitlin Fink

She tramp-stamped her TONGUE? Was it an 18th birthday gift? Where have I seen that rainbow hoodie before?

Flipboard: Video: Why Arundhati Katju, one of â??Time ...

This is Nigel Shelby, a child who suicided as a direct result of LGBT-motivated child molestation forced upon him by his single mother.

The controversy was over whether or not the interview, which was done by junior Bailey Kirkeby, should be published at all. It could also result in the firing of the Bruin Voice’s faculty advisor, Kathi Duffel. The issue is due to be published on May 3. Kirkeby told the Chronicle that the interview is not really about sex but is about Caitlin “as a person.” Kirkeby added that the story focuses on Fink’s struggles and that criticism of the piece goes against the newspaper’s first amendment rights.

A barely-wimmin slut was interviewed about porn by an underage wimmin journalist under the supervision of a wimmin faculty advisor. Look at this crack team of journalists investigating the “other” Deep Throat:

A story on a teen porn worker could cost a high school journalism teacher her job - Alton Telegraph

An all-female school journalist team. Kirkeby is second from right.

I will fisk the issue at the end of this.

The controversy over publication exist primarily because Kirkeby won’t submit her interview for parental, er, district review prior to publication. She claims it’s a First Amendment issue but more likely, it’s a criminal justice issue because she’s underage for learning about the porn industry. If the contents were made known to authorities then faculty advisor Duffel would face prosecution for contributing to the delinquency of a child.

Kathi Duffel. Not a good picture but safe bets are thousand cock stare, heavy lower eyelids, manjaw and disorderly hair. Botox would be a reasonable guess.

Fink, 18, told the San Francisco Chronicle regarding the scandal, .People see the porn world as taboo. But I see it as a natural thing. You’re just taking off your clothes. It’s the human body. I’m 18, what I’m doing is legal, and I don’t see why everyone is making such a big deal out of it..

Classic hamster spin.

The Chronicle report also mentions that in the midst of the controversy surrounding the article, a police officer came to Bear Creek High to ask Duffel questions about sex trafficking.

Good to see law enforcement taking an interest. I don’t think Duffel has a bright future ahead of her. A faculty advisor who encourages her kids to learn about the porn industry? From a sex freak classmate?

2. Fink Has Signed a Contract With PornHub: It’s Unclear if She Will Adopt a “Porn Name.

Caitlin Fink is fine.

Fink went on to tell the newspaper that she has sold naked videos on Snapchat and PornHub and is in the process of trying to become a stripper in San Fransico.


Fink is reported to have signed a contract with PornHub. It is unclear if Fink, given her notoriety already, will adopt a pseudonym for her porn career. Fink said that she has not been yet by PornHub as she hasn’t hit the viewing figure necessary to qualify for compensation. Fink went on to say that her first official porn shoot was canceled after the filmmakers asked her to get rid of her body acne.

Great way to kick your viewership stats in the moneymaker, Barbie, telling the world about your body acne the moment you became (in)famous. You may already be selling nudie videos but you obviously don’t know jack about show business.

In her interview with the Bruin Voice…

The interview was approved for publication after an independent lawyer reviewed it for compliance with child abuse legislation. Repeat: a high school newspaper got pro bono legal assistance with skirting child abuse laws. No wonder that cop was nosing around.

…Fink said she began in porn by selling photos on Kik and Tinder. At one point, Fink said she made $475 in three hours. From there, Fink said that she auditioned at a strip club in San Francisco and subsequently began working there. Fink says, .The only hard thing so far is making sure I have enough money. Other than that, I’ve honestly been doing really good with myself..

The slutwalk life must be very addictive for women. This is a good point to ask, Where Is Daddy?

3. Fink Is Estranged From Her Family

Shocker. Wait, is that even legal? Did her family literally shove her out the door on her 18th birthday? No info was offered and no way am I Googling “Fink family”.

Fink told the Stockton Record in an interview that she is estranged from her family. … In the same article, Bailey Kirkeby is quoted as saying that Fink began associating with the “wrong group of people” in her freshman year. Kirkeby also said that Fink now “has a successful career and is living on her own money ” she is self-reliant..

She got away from the “wrong group of people” to make a successful career in porn? Were those people Christians or a street gang that lost a turf war?

Fink has numerous posts on her Twitter page that see her asking money from “Sugar Daddy.s. who will support her. In another tweet, from March 2019, Fink asks if Pornhub or Brazzers, another porn company, would be interested in signing her. On another social media profile, a user seemed surprised saying, .i.d thought you.d be more sexual?. Fink responded by saying, .I see it as strictly business.” Posts on that page also indicate that Fink is a lesbian but that she plans to perform in straight pornography after she leaves high school.

Wow, at age 18 she’s already into Starfish Sex and going Lesbo out of total disgust for her male customers. Yep, she knows NOTHING about show business.

Speaking to the Columbia Journalism Review, Kathi Duffel said that Fink told her, .Everyday on this campus, people say things about me, sometimes very hurtful things and I would really welcome the opportunity so that people understand that I’m not just the girl who does porn, but that I’m a real person..

Kathi is lying. What hurtful things? How could such thoughtcrime exist in the quasi-police state of a California high school? WHERE ARE THE BULLIES?

Duffel also told the publication’s website that Fink and Bailey Kirkeby share a class together. Duffel added that she hoped the story would result in “maybe every boy who reads the story is going to think the next time they’re on one of those sites like Pornhub, that the woman he is viewing is a person. She has bills to pay, she has rent, she has utilities, and she’s not just some object for their pleasure. She’s a real person..

I’ve heard those same words even from Christian mothers. How dare you young men be sexually attracted to a woman! She’s a real person! Now pay her $500 to drop her panties but don’t you dare treat her like meat!

Time for a closer look at Kathi Duffel.

Unsung Hero: Kathi Duffel

By Elizabeth Roberts, 11 April 2015

STOCKTON . Kathi Duffel is sort of the Norma Rae of newspapers.

Norma Rae is a fictitious union activist. Think Leftoid Oliver Twist.

She led the way as her staffers at Bear Creek High’s Bruin Voice made headlines around the world, battling for the right to report controversial news and clinching the high school equivalent of the Pulitzer Prize along the way.

Her students have landed jobs all over the country in journalism, public relations and law . four-year alum Shani Hilton is now executive editor at BuzzFeed, among the Web’s most clickable sites.

For shame! Buzzfeed is not serious journalism and the only way a woman reaches the top of a big company at age 22 is sex & blackmail.

A latecomer to the world of the press, it wasn’t until joining the Pacifican at University of the Pacific at her roommate’s urging that Duffel split her major between English and journalism. She never looked back. Now in her 23rd year as the Voice’s adviser, she was honored in March with the 2015 James Madison Freedom of Information Award by the Northern California Society of Professional Journalists for her work educating the next generation of news gatherers.

.When I first learned about it, I emailed the former editor, Mikala Bussey, and I told her I really shared this award with her because it was her story,. said Duffel, who teaches Advanced Placement and pre-AP English as well. Bussey’s front-page 2013 story on the school’s outdated safety plan led then-Principal Shirley McNichols to confiscate the issue until Lodi Unified officials directed her to release it. The story made headlines as far away as Australia, and McNichols banned the newspaper’s staff from interviewing any of the school’s administrators .ever,. Duffel said. McNichols and her vice principal were asked to resign later that month.

Recap, Principal McNichols held a post-9/11 school safety drill that gave extremely negative results. The school itself was a hotbed of black street gang violence in the ’90s so lockdown drills were not as hypothetical as is generally the case. Before she could address the results, Duffel’s newspaper did a full expose on the negative report. Claiming security issues, McNichols confiscated the newspaper. Then she and her vice principal were forced to resign.

I couldn’t find the Bruin Voice article itself; in fact, Principal McNichols has apparently been scrubbed from their archives, which itself is suspicious; but this is a reasonably obvious smear campaign, if not a simple cat fight. Naming security vulnerabilities before they’re fixed, in a school with a history of violent gang activity, is unethical conduct. Had any bad guy taken advantage of the info, Duffel could have been regarded as an accomplice in the eyes of the law.

“Because you can’t stop me” is the most suspicious answer a journalist can give for publishing something that gets somebody fired. At least say that somebody needed to be fired, yes? Honest motivations don’t hide behind “the people need to know”.

In fact, this could have been a copycat crime. Remember the New York newspaper that outed all firearm owners in two counties, including addresses? That was just a few months prior.

Begin segue.

Where the Journal News Went Wrong in Mapping Gun Owners

In the wake of the mass shooting at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Conn., the Journal News in Westchester County, New York, made freedom of information requests for pistol permit holders in its home county and neighboring Rockland County. The paper published the permit information, including the names and addresses of the permit holders, in an interactive map Dec. 22 [GQ: 2012].

Publisher Janet Hasson [was unrepentant].

The ethical concerns are apparent, and the Journal News could have done many things to mitigate problems presented by publishing the data.


According to the Rockland Times, a competitor to the Gannett-owned Rockland County Journal News, editor Caryn McBride is among the casualties of a recent purge at the Journal News.

The report said 17 journalists were among a total of 26 staff members at the Journal News who were let go.

End segue. So, Duffel got this James Madison award for either a hatchet job on her boss or copycatting the unethical release of information valuable to criminals. Yessiree, this is why the Founders allowed freedom of the press!

It wasn’t the first battle for Duffel and her staff. A previous principal, Daryl Camp, resigned in 2011 after a run-in with the Voice, a battle prompted by a request Camp made for prior review of the paper when he learned the staff was pursuing a story about master keys he lost that cost the district thousands of dollars in rekeying costs.

Embarrassing, but this is a story that should have been kept quiet at least until the locks were rekeyed. I don’t know if this was the case. The Bruin Voice doesn’t index records this far back.

.Then we had the kids fighting the social media policy,. she said of a district contract athletes and club members were being asked to sign beginning in fall 2013. Students and parents took little notice of the new policy until a Bruin Voice story spelled out potential penalties; it was subsequently rescinded. .I think all of the kids in the district are indebted to the journalism students for standing up for their First Amendment rights..

Let’s check on that social policy. Begin segue:

The social media policy of the Lodi Unified School District is eliciting strong protests from students at Bear Creek High School in Stockton, some of whom voiced their concerns at the board meeting Tuesday night.

The students represent more than 300 students who signed a petition against the district-wide policy on social media for high school students participating in extracurricular activities.

“This is important to me because it’s a matter of protecting the First Amendment right to free speech,” student Jacob Williams said. “We are outraged the district is attempting to do what they’re trying to do.”

According to the contract, the district is trying to “foster good sportsmanship” and deter the need to suspend students from games and practices.

Bear Creek Principal Bill Atterberry told KCRA 3 the policy combats cyber-bullying.

“Online bullying is a problem, and we are looking to safeguard our students, because it is rampant,” he said.

Online bullying is a stupid concept. Just unplug. We aren’t talking about determined efforts to get a man fired or doxxed, we’re talking about the cool kids talking smack about the ugly kid.

Students must sign a contract if they want to join clubs or sports. Among other things, it forbids unprofessional public profiles, posting illegal activities and making threats.

Zachary Denney, another student who organized protests, said he was concerned about the “vagueness of the wording, and the idea that anybody who likes, retweets, and subtweets anything can get in trouble..

Some students wonder why this policy only applies to students in extracurricular activities.

Wild guess here, because extracurricular activities are opt-in. Requiring students to sign this kind of agreement just to continue attending law-mandated classes would be clearly unenforceable. Apparently, they couldn’t make this an official policy, perhaps because of the punishments:

As it stands, if a student signs a contract and behaves inappropriately, he or she could get benched or suspended on the first offense. On the second offense, the student could get removed from the team or activity for the season.

Unenforceable policies are stupid policies so opposing this doesn’t reflect badly on the Voice as I’d expected it to. Huh. Wait a minute… the Bruin Voice student newspaper, which is led by a feminist, opposed the feminist priority of anti-bullying legislation. Hmm. And the paper had an online presence by this time.

Is… Is the Bruin Voice an extracurricular activity that would have fallen under this policy? And risked punishment for online bullying-style behavior as a result?

Duffel opposed this policy to protect herself. She manufactured the opposition.

End segue.

That year, the National Scholastic Press Association named the Bruin Voice the top high school paper in the nation, honoring staff with the elite Pacemaker Award for overall excellence and a Best of Show for an issue that reported on how student protests led to the social media policy being rescinded.

She got a medal for it, too!

.She doesn’t believe in allowing anyone to stifle freedom of speech,. said Bear Creek grad Trishna Chandarana, whose story “Fight over Plan B.s availability for teens turns political. took first place in The Record’s annual High School Journalism Contest in 2013 and counts Duffel among her all-time favorite teachers. .In that sense, she tries to help her writers fight through censorship when necessary. She is a firm believer in the freedom of speech and freedom of the press and pushes students to get the truth out of every story . the real truth..

Abortion for underage girls is not a free speech/press issue. It’s a parental rights issue. Scratch that. Abortion is homicide.

Speaking of parental rights, I lost the reference but this controversy began when a school administrator informed Caitlin’s family of the interview. Her parent(s) raised the alarm. So, Caitlin is probably a runaway, which implies a bad boy, which implies gang activity.

.It makes me feel good,. Duffel said. .I.m just really lucky to have been able to work with some really incredible students..

Students who believe everything Duffel is teaching them about porn being a legitimate career, chemical abortion being a civil rights issues and using one’s “freedom of the press” as a weapon to humiliate and undermine people you don’t like.

On that note, our feature presentation.

Risky business: starting a career in the adult entertainment industry

Risky business: starting a career in the adult entertainment industry

Bailey Kirkeby, Managing Editor, News Editor
May 3, 2019

Throughout their high school years, students are often told to follow their dreams and pursue what they love. Despite encountering obstacles . such as a difficult freshman year and leaving her house . Caitlin Fink, an 18-year-old senior at Bear Creek who recently started a career in adult entertainment, is doing just that.

Stupid Baby Boomers still push that rot. Instead, find something profitable & moral to do that you’re naturally good at. Following your dreams is easier when you can afford them.

Fink had a rough start to high school, admitting that she had a low GPA and associated with students who were poor influences on her.

.I didn’t start high school the way I wanted to,. Fink said. .I didn’t take the right classes I needed to take to get in the university I wanted to, I hung around the wrong people, [my GPA was around] 2.6 or 2.8 and I wasn’t really trying that much..

Occam’s Razor, Fink ran away from home to fuck the bad boy that Daddy, if Daddy exists, didn’t approve of. Then the bad boy dumped her. Pity there’s no journalist available to investigate this kind of thing. Inquiring minds want to know!

If Fink is already selling her body for food then she doesn’t need to worry about attending university. As she’s already discovered, you don’t need caw-widge to make a buck.

Unfortunately, Fink’s struggles did not end in her freshman year. On New Year’s Eve 2018, Fink left her house and is now living with her friend’s family and paying them approximately $300 a month for her food, utilities and rent.

That’s all kinds of wrong. On one hand, her original home may have been abusive. On the other hand, she openly associates with LGBT sex freaks. Either way, friends don’t charge friends rent when they’re 18, on the skids and trying to just finish high school.

.The only hard thing so far is making sure I have enough money,. Fink said. .Other than that, I’ve honestly been doing really good with myself..

Fink.s career in the adult entertainment industry started when she began selling erotic photographs of herself on the instant messaging application Kik. She then expanded to selling photographs on Tinder and other applications used for communication.

.When I first started selling, it was just for money,. Fink said. “But then I liked the attention I got, [such as] being called beautiful. I enjoyed it because it made me feel good about myself..

Fink says she generated a substantial amount of money doing this, once making $475 in three hours.

In Hell, they call that bait.

However, Fink also admits that she has made plenty of mistakes throughout her career that have helped her grow, such as dealing with scammers and not understanding how Paypal . an online money transfer service . works.

.I used to sell my content first before receiving any sort of payment, and when I asked for the payment, [buyers would] save my content and block me,. Fink said. .I’ve also had to put my name on pictures sometimes because people would try and sell them, claiming them as theirs..

More recently, Fink became a verified member of Pornhub, a pornographic website in which members can post erotic videos for others to view. After becoming a member, she signed a contract with an agency so she is able to partake in professional pornographic scenes.

Fink says the industry has policies in place . such as mandatory two-week sexually-transmitted disease (STD) tests typically paid for by agencies . to prevent workers with STDs from performing in scenes while infected.

.I still have the scars on my arm [from getting blood tested],. Fink said. .[The phlebotomist] poked me four times in one arm, and she couldn’t get any blood out of it, so she poked my wrist for the blood. Four [phlebotomists] tried to get blood from me, and they were like .I don’t know what’s wrong; it’s not working. I swear I had it!..

No, that’s not why she has needle tracks on her arm.

Fink was scheduled to shoot her first professional pornography scene in March, but the scene was canceled at the last minute when the company that booked her saw her body acne.

.[The company] has 4K camera quality that is crisp and clear, so they wanted me to get my body acne cleared before they shot a scene with me,. Fink said. .[My agent] told me the scenes I was going to be doing, too. I was so excited..

If they can hide the needle marks then they can hide the acne. Does Fink already have a disease?

Fink says she has not made money from Pornhub yet because members have to hit a certain view count before receiving compensation. However, she provides insight into how members are paid.

.You can choose how you get paid,. Fink said. .It usually goes by view count, or you can sell your videos if [users] want to download them. There is also a tip option on [member.s] profiles. Pornhub sends money to your PayPal..

On April 10, Fink had her first audition at a strip club in San Francisco, another path in the adult entertainment career that she hopes to pursue.

.When I auditioned at a strip club, I made $80 in what felt like five or six minutes,. Fink said.

Although Fink makes a livable income through her adult entertainment career, as well as her second job as a dish washer…

That is not the definition of a livable income. Why does somebody making $475 in three hours with $300/month rent need a second job? Drug addiction.

Oh, that’s right. She also got that tattoo on her tongue.

…she admits the industry is not always glamorous; workers are constantly at risk of being taken advantage of due to their occupation.

.People assume that just because you’re in the industry, you would do sexual things with anyone, and that isn’t true,. Fink said. “Adult entertainment is a job just like any other job. There’s always that risk of getting kidnapped or possibly not even knowing what to do after your career is over and trying to find work after that..

In fact, Fink says she has had people threaten her if she did not do something they wanted, such as send them provocative photographs.

Fink says that people often view pornography as a taboo topic that should be pushed under the rug, leading people to make assumptions about her and other adult entertainers.

.I.m a lovey-dovey, old school romantic, and people just assume things about me,. Fink said. .They don’t really know me or take the time to know me. I’m extremely nice. I won’t even say anything if people cut in front of me in line..

You’re a shameless, feral skank-whore. There have never been more safety nets for women down on their luck than in modern California, never. You ran past them all to sell your ass to everybody with a buck. When I come across your rotting corpse in the back alley of a red-light district, I’ll phone it in to roadkill abatement, that’s what a useless hominid meat sack you are. Either you permanently give control of your life over to a husband or it’s all your fault.

Fink also says that failure to openly talk about pornography . especially between parents and children . gives children and teens an unrealistic expectation of sex.

Wrong. The unrealistic expectation is that any man’s son will ever get licit sex from a woman who’s never bartered her ass on Pornhub. You shameless, feral whores punish good men and reward evil men.

.When kids watch porn, they think that’s how you have sex,. Fink said, referring to unrealistic and sometimes outlandish activities depicted in pornography. .That’s not how it works!.

Fink.s main goal is to start modeling, which has always been her dream. She plans to move to Los Angeles . where her agency is based . and eventually stay primarily in Florida, where her friends live. In the meantime, Fink stays busy while establishing her career.

.I travel to San Francisco a lot, and I don’t have to pay anything because someone pays for the expenses, which I’m grateful for,. Fink said. .I’ve been trying new things, going out of my comfort zone and meeting new people..

She’s a zombie. Already dead but still moving, her body rotting even as she lurches towards her fate. This is not legitimate journalism. Kathi Duffel’s student has not demonstrated any awareness of the purpose of journalism, which is to serve as a social conscience and exposer of evil. Instead, she explored the fatal life decisions that a damaged freak-girl is making as quickly as she can with no commentary on how the situation came about or where it will likely lead. (Aside from the one paragraph on constant STD testing, which itself was a coverup.) No hard questions asked.

The Voice could have discussed how she ended up this way. Fatherless? Daddy issues? A bad boy that broke her heart (and hymen)? How did you really get needle tracks on your arms? But one thing the Voice should not have done, something entirely immoral and unethical, was present sex work as a valid, normal career choice to impressionable high school girls still underage. We do not allow freedom of the press for the amusement and schemes of journalists.

Duffel has failed Caitlin Fink. She didn’t help the principal who lost the master keys, she didn’t help the principal who sensibly reviewed school security, she didn’t help expose any bullying until the district reached for additional rules and now she isn’t helping a days-legal, drugged-up prostitute escape Hell. She’s too busy being awesome to be useful.


Burger King DGAF About Your Blue Pissed Yees

In the spirit of the 21st Century, I have offshored today’s snarking to the Miami New Times.

Burger King Says F**k Happy With Its New Real Meal Line for Mental Health Awareness Month

By Laine Doss, 2 May 2019

For a huge corporation, Burger King has always had a bit of a wild streak . especially compared to its fast-food rival, McDonald’s.

In the past, the Miami-based burger chain has released a beef-scented cologne, rolled out a food truck, and featured its mascot King in bed with people, staring at people, and generally acting very creepy.

Recently, however, the company has been implementing some advances for the 21st century. After testing the meat-free Whopper made with Impossible meat, the company has announced it will begin offering the sandwich nationwide by the end of 2019. Burger King, by the way, has always offered a meat-substitute burger for its vegan and vegetarian customer base.

Coinciding with CNN promoting the consumption of cockroaches, termites and weevils as a better source of protein than beef. I will never try a meat substitute again.

Begin segue.

Lobsters are not pretty. Dip these unsightly creatures into warm butter, and they instantly become a different matter to most of us. Why, then, do we gag at the thought of eating insects?

One Australian researcher hopes to change that. University of Queensland Meat Science Professor Louwrens Hoffman is exploring how maggots, locusts and other “alternative” proteins might be used or added to a range of specialty foods.

So why turn to bugs when you could have, say, a tasty steak? Quite simply, Hoffman believes conventional livestock will not be able to meet the global demand for meat, so alternatives are needed to replace or at least complement traditional protein sources.

“The biggest potential for sustainable protein production lies with insects and new plant sources,” he said in a statement.

Studies show that Western consumers who may recoil from the idea of eating insect-based meals will try insects if they are processed and disguised — tucked inside familiar favorites as it were, Hoffman said.

“For example, one of my students has created a very tasty insect ice-cream,” he said.

End segue. Impossible(tm) meat claims a soy protein foundation. We’re safe… for the moment. However, Burger King has recently gone public about a new link between its Whopper sandwich and poor mental health:

Now Burger King has introduced a line of “Real Meals.” The boxes come in a variety of moods . and they are distinctly not “happy.” The available moods include Pissed, Blue, Yaaas, Salty, and DGAF.

It's OK to be blue.

The limited edition “Real Meal” boxes include a Whopper, French fries, and a drink, and are available in Miami Burger Kings. Other cities participating in the “real” deal include Austin, Seattle, Los Angeles, and New York City.

All hardline-leftist cities. Somebody is putting his thumb on the scale of advertising feedback.

While some may say this is another alternative marketing campaign by Burger King, designed to take a friendly knock at rival McDonald’s Happy Meals for kids, the promotion is actually a nod to the fact that not everyone is happy all the time . and that’s perfectly fine.

The Happy Meal is rayyycis! It discriminates against salty people!

Burger King has partnered with Mental Health America on the campaign, which launched May 1 . the beginning of Mental Health Awareness month. Burger King also produced a poignant video that stresses it’s OK to feel your way, and that self-care and being aware of your mental health are just as important as taking care of your physical health.

And, of course, there’s a hashtag: #FeelYourWay. So, next time your boss or roommate annoys you, don’t stress too much. Just offer to buy them lunch . and present them with a Pissed Meal.

Burger King 'Real Meal' counters McDonald's Happy Meals ...

Remember, revenge is a dish best served with a Whopper and fries.

Laine Doss is the food and spirits editor for Miami New Times.

Miami stole my thunder!

Edit: Oops, I said Yees when I means Yaaas.


Judaizing San Diego

In the wake of the John Earnest shooting in San Diego, I learned that Jews were originally banned from the San Diego region but forced their way in with assistance from Roger Revelle. Who? The guy who invented the global warming hoax.

My journey down the rabbit hole began with a vague memory of the Mount Soledad Cross. I visited Mount Soledad Presbyterian (PCUSA) with friends for something or other and learned about the nearby cross, which was facing heavy litigation for being (oh, the horror!) a symbol of Christianity on gov’t land. From Wikipedia:

Three differently shaped Christian crosses have been constructed since 1913 on city government property at the apex of Mt. Soledad (Mt. Soledad Natural Park) in the community of La Jolla. The original wooden cross on Mt. Soledad was erected in 1913 by private citizens living in La Jolla and Pacific Beach, but was stolen in 1923; later that year it was affixed back in the ground in Mt. Soledad Natural Park and later burned. The second cross was erected in 1934 by a private group of Protestant Christians from La Jolla and Pacific Beach. This sturdier, stucco-over-wood frame cross was blown down by blustery winds in 1952. A windstorm damaged one of the side bars in 1955 and the concrete structure had to be repaired.

The present cross, 29 feet (9 m) tall on top of a 14-foot (4 m)-tall stepped platform, was installed in 1954. It was initially called the “Mount Soledad Easter Cross” and Easter services were held there every Sunday for 40 years. The word “Easter” was dropped in the 1980s. It is now known as the Mt. Soledad National Veterans Memorial.

For many years, Jews were denied opportunity to purchase a home in La Jolla. This was enforced by “The La Jolla Covenant” among all local realtors. However, the arrival of the University of California’s campus in the early 1960s helped to gradually put an end to this residential discrimination.

What an interesting non sequitur! I left nothing out of this three-paragraph history. It jumped directly from describing the Mt. Soledad cross to “Jews weren’t welcome in the area until the University of California arrived”. An interesting topic in itself.

For reference, La Jolla is an expensive beachfront residential area and the location of UC San Diego. The Ernest shooting happened in Poway twenty miles inland from La Jolla.

I followed the links:

The End of Covenant, by Sue Garson

For years, La Jolla was infamous for its genteel anti-Semitism: Jews could visit but they couldn’t buy homes here. But the combined efforts of UCSD and determined Jewish buyers eventually broke the “The Covenant.” Now La Jolla is the center of San Diego’s Jewish community.

Sounds like… colonization? Cultural appropriation? ‘Dis gonna be good.

Nowhere does modern Jewish life thrive locally today as it does in La Jolla, which has become San Diego’s largest Jewish enclave with around 12,000 members of the tribe (according to the United Jewish Federation). Even though most of La Jolla’s Jews are unaffiliated, evidence of Jewish religious and cultural activities dot La Jolla’s luscious landscape. There are New York style delis, bagel shops and a large Kosher Food Section at Ralphs. In addition to a lavish Jewish Community Center, there are two Chabad centers, three large synagogues, the annual Jewish Film Festival, and an annual Jewish Book Fair where comedian/raconteur Alan King appeared last November. Menorahs are displayed on public land during Chanukah. On Shabbat it is common to see families walking rather than driving, their payis and tzit-tzit blowing in La Jolla’s gentle breezes; covered-up women wear wigs or headscarves even on the hottest summer days. No, this is not Crown Heights with palm trees – but the recent addition of a mikvah on La Jolla Scenic Drive certainly lays claim to La Jolla as the Jewish center of San Diego.

Emphasis mine, as usual. That hypocrisy pissed me off. From Wikipedia on Mt. Soledad:

On August 21, 2006, the American Civil Liberties Union representing the Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America filed a separate lawsuit against the U.S. government and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, charging that the continued display of the Mt. Soledad Latin cross on federally owned land unlawfully entangles government with religion…

The original complaint from socialist Philip K. Paulson was separate from this. His complaint was merged with the Jewish War Vets a month later.

Even apart from this specific case, people today (especially high-level politicians) fear to offend Jews yet think nothing of defying and outlawing Christian beliefs.

The longest hatred

“The greatest danger of Jewish Power lies in their large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio, and our government.”
-Charles A. Lindbergh, Jr., cherished American Aviation Hero for whom San Diego’s International Airport is named.

Lindbergh was an American hero for both aviation and fascism. Despite his support for the Third Reich, when USA entered WW2 Lindbergh served as a pilot in the Pacific Theater with honor.

La Jolla wasn’t always Jewish turf. Less than 50 years ago, Jews were unwelcome, barred from buying homes by a large-scale conspiracy among realtors and homeowners, the shadowy and infamous “La Jolla covenant.” But the systemic anti-Semitism in La Jolla was only the genteel side of an uglier, more threatening force that has plagued Jews for centuries.

A long list of anti-Semitic incidents dating back to Caesar Caligula omitted. John Earnest isn’t the only guy walking around with a head full of indexed racial grievances.

La Jolla’s version

In the late 1950s, local realtors told plasma physicist Marshall Rosenbluth (who went on to receive the National Medal of Science in 1997) they would lose their jobs if they sold him a piece of La Jolla real estate. This was part of the well-known covenant, or “Gentlemen’s Agreement” among realtors and La Jolla residents who attempted to keep their exclusive community free from undesirable elements. Jews were considered a threat to La Jolla’s status quo of genteel W.A.S.P. tranquility. Although discrimination was unenforceable, those La Jolla real estate brokers who belonged to the REBA (Real Estate Brokers Association) developed methods of thwarting purchases by potential homebuyers they considered undesirable.

Unenforceability came from the 1948 Supreme Court case Shelley v. Kraemer. Such restrictions were not actually outlawed until 1968.

The 1947 film Gentlemen’s Agreement tackled this thorny issue. It (ironically) starred La Jolla native, actor Gregory Peck, one of the founders of the La Jolla Playhouse. Peck portrayed a Gentile posing as a Jew who tried to get jobs and accommodations and was met with constant rejection.

Using cinema for propaganda, are we? Maybe Charles Lindbergh had a valid point. And this was a big issue in 1947? Why were Jews trying for decades to live in a place that didn’t want them? I can’t answer but this seems relevant:


In 2008 & 2009, La Jolla had the most expensive housing in America. Land speculation might have driven the behavior. However, the migration attempts in the ’40s & ’50s significantly predate the UCSD campus which is surely a major factor in property values.

But the primary tactic to keep Jews out was an agreement among realtors not to sell to Jews. In addition to using coded language in brochures that described certain La Jolla communities as “exclusive” and “discriminating,” no “For Sale” signs were put on La Jolla properties, which made it impossible for Jewish clients to know which properties were actually on the market.

This sounds like a defensive action, not an act of aggression. If they don’t want you there, and you have no roots there, then you shouldn’t go there.

Scripps Institute of Oceanography circumvented the problem by creating Scripps Estate. In 1951, Roger Revelle, then director of Scripps, and a group of associates bought land on the hillside above Scripps Institute of Oceanography and created the Estates on beautiful ocean view lots so that its faculty – many of whom were Jewish – would have affordable housing near Scripps. Scientists Ed Goldberg and Leonard Liebermann were among the first homeowners at Scripps Estates.

Revelle used the company he directed to stealthily create a Jewish enclave. Convergence! “Many of whom were Jewish”? Jews are almost nothing of the US population. If we’re talking on the order of 30+% of new hires being Jews then Revelle was a straight-up race traitor, sabotaging his fellow people’s efforts to keep out the unwanted. But I don’t have actual hiring numbers.

By the early 1960s, the situation had eased a bit but buying real estate in La Jolla was still difficult for Jews, according to Ralph’s wife, Johnnie Stahl. By 1962, though, there was a growing Jewish community in and around La Jolla as a result of talk of establishing UCSD and a loosening of the real estate restrictions that had been rigidly observed for the past half century. Many of the new families lived in La Jolla Scenic Heights, a defiantly non-restricted development of 80 homes built by Leonard Drogin and financed by Harry Sugarman. This became La Jolla’s “ghetto.”

It’s one thing to be forced into a ghetto when your neighbors’ attitude changes. It’s another to build a ghetto in a place where you were never welcomed in the first place and had to endure years of organized opposition just to establish a foothold.

The Stahls were one of the “ghetto” families. When the Stahl’s 6-year-old son Daniel began asking about his identity, rudimentary Jewish education in La Jolla was born. At first Daniel was sent to the home of Professor Jason Saunders, of Sugarman Drive, who was teaching his two young children Jewish observances and traditions. “After a few weeks, Saunders complained that he was putting too many hours of preparation into this small class,” recalls Jonnie Stahl. Within two weeks Jonnie provided more than 20 young recruits and classes moved to the Stahl residence, in four different rooms. “Jason was supplemented with student volunteers from UCSD. After classes there was a sumptuous lunch – deli mostly – at the house. That seemed to make their work worthwhile,” she explains. This grass roots informal arrangement became known as the “Sabbath School.”

Using student volunteers from the new university to provide private education for one’s kids? That sounds like a bad idea, not to mention Saunders possibly exceeding his authority as a college professor.

“One of our special treats was a visit from Isaac Bashevis Singer,” Jonnie Stahl continues, “Our students gathered at my home where he told us some of his stories. He said he was a vegetarian and that when he died, there would be all the chickens he didn’t eat to greet him in Heaven and that they would lay him the biggest omelet he had ever eaten.”

Yep. Bad idea to use student volunteers.

The first Jewish doctor on staff at Scripps Clinic was Joseph Feldman who came to La Jolla with his family in 1961. The Feldmans were courted by Scripps and managed to rent a house in La Jolla, knowing that because of the restrictions, they couldn’t own property there. Like other Jewish families, they didn’t even try to buy a house because so many others had met with failure. “Within a year, we fled,” recalls Feldman’s widow, Nomi. “As adults, we were better able to handle the slurs,” she remembers, “but it was very hard on the children to come home from a school where ‘Dirty Jew!’ and other familiar epithets were used.” The social climate was very uncomfortable. “We especially didn’t like it when our daughter took art lessons at the secular La Jolla Community Center and came home singing Christmas hymns,” Feldman continues. The Feldmans moved back to La Jolla in the late ’60s after the covenant was broken. “UCSD brought Jews to La Jolla and that changed everything,” she says.

The racial slurs were bad but her daughter praising Christ was worse.

UCSD changes everything

Although Jonas Salk and the Salk Institute For Biological Studies brought many Jewish scientists and their families to La Jolla, most agree that the agent of change was UCSD. Spearheading the effort was one of the twentieth century’s most eminent scientists and recipient of the National Medical of Science, Roger Revelle. (He is often referred to as the “Father of UCSD.”)

Although REBA (established in 1925) facilitated La Jolla’s early anti-Semitic housing restrictions, through Revelle’s forcefully charismatic persuasion, brokers began to realize that they had a lot to lose financially if they continued discriminating against Jews. Revelle ultimately forced a choice among REBA members between maintaining the covenant and having a university. You can’t have both, explained Revelle in a fiery speech at a La Jolla Town Council meeting. He made sure they understood that a university couldn’t exist without having a significant number of Jewish professors whose children would be attending La Jolla’s schools.

Although realtors eventually saw the light and welcomed the economic expansion that a new university would bring, many settled homeowners wanted to preserve the status quo. Some of them left La Jolla and moved to Rancho Santa Fe, which today has a notable, although less visible, Jewish population.

Colonization. Cultural appropriation. Roger Revelle continued using the institutions he controlled as Trojan horses to expand the Jewish presence in La Jolla until the article date of 2008, at which time Judaism is ascendant in the area per the Jews.

Looking back before 1960, it was common for Jews to anglicize their names and describe anything Jewish in whispered tones. “Today when I look out my window I see Jewish institutions as prevalent as hospitals,” muses Jonnie Stahl. “Where you have science,” she concludes, “you have Jews!”

And it only took half a century.

The current scandals on Ivy League universities bestowing shameless favoritism upon Jews suggests that their dominance in science is less achievement than gatekeeping.

For Revelle’s efforts he received an award from the American Jewish Committee. As punishment for his efforts, Al Hutler speculated that Revelle was denied the first chancellorship of UCSD, which went to Herbert York instead.

*checks* Both Revelle and York are Marxist graduates of UC Berkeley so I doubt it mattered. Let’s focus on Revelle.

From his Wikipedia entry:

Roger Revelle was born in Seattle … and grew up in southern California, graduating from Pomona College in 1929 with early studies in geology and then earning a Ph.D. in oceanography from the University of California, Berkeley in 1936. While at Cal, he studied under George Louderback and was initiated into Theta Tau Professional Engineering Fraternity which started as a mining engineering fraternity and maintained a strong affinity for geology and geological engineering students. Much of his early work in oceanography took place at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) in San Diego. He was also Oceanographer for the Navy during WWII. He became director of SIO from 1950 to 1964. He stood against the UC faculty being required to take an anti-communist oath during the Joseph McCarthy period. He served as Science Advisor to Interior Secretary Stewart Udall during the Kennedy Administration in the early 1960s, and was President of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (1974).

I didn’t find anything on Louderback’s politics but his physiognomy is fascinating:

He’s got Soros-sized lower eyelids and heavy crows-feet denoting marital or sexual stress. A very sharp chin combined with a thick vertical line between his brows indicates a forceful personality, one that surely pursued a political agenda (he served in many high-level positions) that somehow didn’t become common knowledge. His ears are probably the result of wearing large-framed glasses for years.

Between his eyeborws, he also has the “visionary triangle” lines and interestingly, that horizontal line between the eyes & across the nose is the “burnout” line.

Look at his upper eyelids. Total mismatch! The left upper eyelid is normal enough but the massive hood on the right –practically obliterating the eyebrow–indicates exceptionally poor temper. A desire to not feel connected to his external environment.

Lastly, see how those nasolabial lines are heavy around flared nostrils? The guy is practically sneering at the camera. His mustache makes it hard to tell if his mouth is pessimistic but the mustache itself gives the perception that it is.

This is the face of a man who is exhausted from attacking his world.

Stewart Udall was a proponent of forced race integration, expanding government influence over culture and an early alarmist on environmentalism. Multiple members of his family are in high-level politics.

Nice mentors you had, Revelle.

Hans Suess was recruited by Revelle, and they co-authored a 1957 paper using Carbon-14 isotope levels to assess the rate at which carbon dioxide added by fossil fuel combustion since the start of the industrial revolution had accumulated in the atmosphere. They concluded that most of it had been absorbed by the Earth’s oceans, contrary to the assumption made by early geoscientists (Chamberlin, Arhenius and Callendar) that it would simply accumulate in the upper atmosphere to “lower the mean level of back radiation in the infrared and thereby increase the average temperature near the earth’s surface.” There had been little sign to date of this greenhouse effect causing the anticipated warming, but the Suess-Revelle paper suggested that increasing human gas emissions might change this. They said that “human beings are now carrying out a large scale geophysical experiment of a kind that could not have happened in the past nor be reproduced in the future.”

This is not true. Volcanic eruptions are chemically relevant.

Revelle told journalists about the issues, and testified to Congress that “The Earth itself is a space ship”, endangered by rising seas and desertification. A November 1957 report in The Hammond Times described his research as suggesting that “a large scale global warming, with radical climate changes may result” . the first use of the term global warming. A biographer of Suess later said that, although other articles in the same journal discussed carbon dioxide levels, the Suess-Revelle paper was “the only one of the three to stress the growing quantity of CO2 contributed by our burning of fossil fuel, and to call attention to the fact that it might cause global warming over time.”

Interesting that the creator of global warming hoaxes is the same guy who acted as a Trojan horse to give Jews the foothold in La Jolla they’d wanted for many years.

In the November 1982 Scientific American Letters to the Editors, Revelle stated: “We must conclude that until a warming trend that exceeds the noise level of natural climatic fluctuations becomes clearly evident, there will be considerable uncertainty and a diversity of opinions about the amplitude of the climatic effects of increased atmospheric CO2. If the modelers are correct, such a signal should be detectable within the next 10 or 15 years.”

Well, the signal wasn’t detected, no global warming happened and the human race didn’t go extinct as a direct result of the American bourgeois-industrial complex. This is good news, liberals! Aren’t you happy you were wrong about global warming? It’s the sort of dire prediction that one should be happy about getting wrong.

But no, you just moved on to “climate change”.

During the late 1950s, Revelle fought for the establishment of a University of California campus in San Diego. He had to contend with the UC University Board of Regents who would have preferred merely to expand the University of California, Los Angeles campus rather than create an entirely new campus in San Diego. He also conflicted with San Diego politicians and businessmen who believed the campus should be established in San Diego proper, such as near San Diego State University or in Balboa Park. The decision was made in 1959, with the first graduate students enrolled in 1960, and the first undergraduates in 1964. …

When at Scripps and while building UCSD, Revelle also had to deal with a La Jolla community that refused to rent or sell property to Jews. In addition to battling the anti-semitic restrictive covenant of La Jolla real estate, Revelle helped found a new housing subdivision for Scripps professors, partially because some of them would not have been allowed to live in La Jolla.

In light of the preceding paragraph, one wonders if Revelle didn’t choose the location of UCSD… even the very existence of UCSD… specifically to benefit Jewish colonization.

Revelle left Scripps in 1963 and founded the (now defunct) Center for Population Studies at Harvard University. In his over ten years there as its Director, he focused upon the application of science and technology to the problem of world hunger. In 1976 he returned to UC San Diego as Professor of Science, Technology and Public Affairs (STPA) in the school’s political science department.

Communist confirmed, as if refusing to take oaths of loyalty to America and authoring the global warming scare weren’t proof enough. Heck, let’s add one more layer of proof, just for humiliation… ex post facto:

Around the Pier: Gore: Roger Revelle Was My Inspiration

By Al Gore, 1 June 2007

Former Vice President Al Gore visited La Jolla May 21 to pay homage to the half-century of contributions Scripps Institution of Oceanography has made toward furthering the understanding of climate change for the world. Gore’s visit to Scripps and UC San Diego was especially significant because it connected his contemporary climate change platform to the original visionaries at Scripps who brought the issue to light more than 50 years ago.

He still calls himself “Former Vice President” because he’s done nothing with his life but politics. Which has left him so sheltered, he STILL doesn’t realize “former vice president” means “loser”.

The former vice president [snort] may be widely recognized as the spokesperson on this hot topic, but Gore credited Scripps repeatedly for its critical role in framing climate change as a modern societal issue. Gore made acknowledgement of his former teacher and legendary Scripps climate science leader Roger Revelle, whom he recognized as his inspiration for his global warming public awareness crusade.

While in town, Gore attended a special VIP reception at the Birch Aquarium at Scripps marking the opening of its new climate change exhibit, .Feeling the Heat: The Climate Challenge.. …

Gore joined Haymet, San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders, UCSD Chancellor Marye Anne Fox, Birch Aquarium Executive Director Nigella Hillgarth, and Ellen Revelle, widow of Roger Revelle, to cut the “Keeling Curve” ribbon to celebrate the opening of the exhibit.

Plus, it's easier than taking responsibility and actually doing something - Imgflip

Roger Revelle, you didn’t just invent global warming alarmism.

You didn’t just force San Diego to accept unwanted Jewish invaders who proceeded to tear down a famous cross (unsuccessfully) while placing their own icons on public land.

You didn’t just use the organizations you led as Converged tools for your socialist politics.

You inspired “Former Vice President” Al Gore to copycat you.



White Nationalism Vs. Christianity

John Earnest in San Diego is a Brenton Tarrant copycat except that unlike Brenton Tarrant, Earnest was such an incompetent mass murderer that he barely made the newspaper. He walked into a San Diego synagogue during ceremonies, killed one person out of roughly 100 in the room with a rifle (who was so old that she probably had poor health anyway), was chased out by an unarmed attendee and quickly arrested without incident.

I’m disappointed for two reasons. One, somebody was dumb enough to copycat Brenton even with the benefit of hindsight that his killings accomplished nothing. Two, Ernie claims a Christian motivation for attempted mass murder.

Ethno-nationalism’s definitive trait is that there are no individuals. An attack on one is an attack on everybody, and you behavior must prioritize the group even over yourself. I remember a story on, IIRC, Saddam Hussein. When somebody of Sect 1 attacked somebody of Sect 2, he retaliated against a randomly chosen person or business of Sect 1 in order to discourage further attacks. That made no sense to me, punishing the innocent for the crimes of the guilty, but it worked because the sect leaders then pressured the guilty party to stop. Hussein saved himself the police work. But sometimes, the Sect doubled down on the guilty’s behalf and Hussein moved up to assassinations or confiscating property.

That’s how business gets done in a context of identity politics. It doesn’t matter what your specific target is responsible for, he’s just a tentacle of his family/clan/faction. The Ranchers tore down your fences and let the cattle eat your crops, so you steal 100 cattle as reparations. If Larry’s cattle are easier to steal than Bob’s cattle who actually did the damage, whatever, they’re both Ranchers and you’re a Farmer with a righteous grudge.

The problems with this are blindingly obvious. And yet, that’s how people want to live, from nostalgia for medieval guilds to today’s grievance-mongers who never forget a slight.

Yes, the Jews regard Christ as a heretic prophet at best. Yes, they put Him to death. No, that is no excuse for genocide. One need look no further than the Book of Acts, when Paul responded to the Jews’ hatred, lies and troublemaking by Going His Own Way rather than leading a jihad.

Don’t allow people with incompatible beliefs to have power over you, of course. But that’s very different from “kill them where you find them”. Christianity gives no support at all for ethno-nationalism. This was a hard teaching at the time. Saint Peter had to be given a divine revelation before he accepted Cornelius the Roman Centurion. The other (Jewish) Christians did not accept Cornelius, either, until Pete explained his revelation. Finally, Pete backslid against his own revelation and began shunning Gentile Christians until publicly confronted by Paul.

Ernie could profitably have read the story of Jonah, too. Forget the stupid whale, the real story is a perfect indictment of the idea that God has a favored people.

White Nationalism is not compatible with Christianity. God is not EVER on your side. You are welcome to be on God’s side but that means your loyalty is to a God of order and rules and no favoritism.

Ernie wrote a manifesto similar to Brenton’s, even less impressive and coherent thanks to a large measure of rage. But a couple excepts do a good job of demonstrating a WN invoking Christ while missing the very point of Christianity.

I didn’t archive it because Ernie is a whiner.

To my family and friends. I can already hear your voices. .How could you throw your life away? You had everything! You had a loving family. You had great friends. You had a church. You were doing well in nursing school. You could have gone so far in your field of study. You could have made so much money and started a happy family of your own.. I understand why you would ask this. But I pose a question to you now. What value does my life have compared to the entirety of the European race? Is it worth it for me to live a comfortable life at the cost of international Jewry sealing the doom of my race?

Ethno-nationalism does not believe in the individual. WNs see men as having two purposes, breeders and drones. Ernie didn’t have a wife & kids, thus he believed himself disposable, this he attacked the enemies of his ethno-group like he was supposed to.

Christianity would say instead that Ernie’s life has value apart from headcount and killcount. And it did. The purpose of mortal life is preparation for the eternal life, not conquest and winners persecuting losers. Ernie traded the immortal for the mortal, and not much of the mortal, either.

.How does killing Jews help the European race? The European race is doomed? What are you talking about? These Jews were innocent!. Every Jew is responsible for the meticulously planned genocide of the European race. They act as a unit, and every Jew plays his part to enslave the other races around him.whether consciously or subconsciously.

There’s the lack of individuality inherent in ethno-nationalism. Christ loves the idea of punishing guilt but He never imputes guilt. He’s an individualist. You die for what YOU did, exclusively.

I’m a 19 year old nursing student from the depths of Commiefornia for fuck’s sake. I had my whole life ahead of me. …

.Do you hate other races?.
I hate anyone who seeks the destruction of my race. Spics and niggers are useful puppets for the Jew in terms of replacing Whites. Of course, they aren’t intelligent enough to realize that the Jew is using them and they will be enslaved if Europeans are eliminated. Do they actively hate my race? Yes, I hate them. Are they in my nation but do not hate my race? I do not hate them, but they aren’t staying. Are they out of my nation and do not hate my race? Fine by me.

At first I despised Ernie for throwing away a happy family, young career and a warm San Diego beach. But upon reflection, this is an important indictment upon the Republican traitors. They have no explanation for this. Economically, Ernie had it all, or at least enough. No unmet material needs. No economic misery. And yet, he tossed it all for a self-delusion of racial identity. That wasn’t a stupid act, that was a human act.

As Scripture puts it, “man does not live by bread alone”. The New World Order cannot survive the lack of meaning caused by atheism. People aren’t wired that way. The consumerist culture cannot satisfy the soul. Ernie’s life was apparently prosperous and hopeless.

Even more importantly, Ernie’s motivation wasn’t victory. He did it hoping to be copycatted but by his own admission, he wasn’t trying to right any specific wrong and knew his failure/death would be completely insufficient. He tried to kill because he wanted to belong in society that badly.

Anyone who denounces violent self-defense against the Jew is a coward. He may know the crimes of the Jew, but subconsciously he knows that ACTUALLY taking action would mean sacrificing the bread and circus. It might mean that he won’t live comfortably anymore.

Gratitude is not a value recognized by ethno-nationalists. The Jews didn’t recognize it when Christian America treated them kindly in the wake of the Holocaust and Ernie doesn’t recognize it today when he gave up what God gave him to be Disposable Minion #2, Brenton Tarrant Era.

.Why so much hatred?.
There is no love without hatred. You cannot love God if you do not hate Satan. You cannot love righteousness if you do not also hate sin. You cannot love your own race if you do not hate those who wish to destroy it. Love and hate are two sides of the same coin. I may be filled with hatred, but I am also filled with love. Most people are empty inside.unspiritual and shameful dopamine fiends devoid of all love, honor, and purpose. I cannot imagine a more pathetic existence.

Love for God is obeying His commands, not genociding His ethnic group. We’re to hate evil and hypocrisy, not unbelievers who occasionally do us wrong. Notice Ernie ended with a statement implying deep dissatisfaction with the “it’s the economy, stupid” bread-and-circus diet our Elites feed us.

I wouldn’t be happy lounging poolside either, if it was only about hedonism.

If Ernie had real faith in Christ then he wouldn’t have resorted to desperate measures to prolong a personally useful status quo. If God wants America restored then it will be. If God wants America destroyed then it will be. Either way, Ernie would have the assurance of Heaven and knowledge that he was going to outlive America anyway.

More than anything I wish I could’ve seen your faces and fought alongside with you on the battlefield

Mr. T meme ?? Waterfront Properties Blog

My battlefield is sitting poolside, defying the enemies of Christ by being happy, grateful and following Christ’s example. That takes effort these days. Ernie’s battlefield is destroying himself in order to kill his enemies in retaliation for 2,000 year old crimes that even the victim did not demand retaliation for. How can that NOT serve the devil? How can that fail to make things worse?

White Nationalists have no God to live for and thus, their last gasp for identity in this globalist, atheist world is ethnic identity. They would rather copycat those responsible for the current situation than honor the deity whose name they appropriate… the one single deity that all SJWs, Sodomites, globalists, Muzzies, Jews and other Tolerants refuse to tolerate.

We do have a civic duty to push out the migrants, Jews and other inevitable misfits from our country. But a civic duty is not a religious duty. I don’t invoke Christ’s name when I say they have to go back. Neither will I blacken my immortal soul with murder and terrorism just to maybe hold America together.

Do us Christians a favor, WNs, and stop claiming Christian motivation. Christ would be ashamed of you. Now then, do yourselves a favor and stop doing what doesn’t work.

For a postscript,

The man who fired a semi-automatic weapon inside the Chabad of Poway synagogue in San Diego on Saturday froze, dropped his gun and sprinted to his car when he saw Oscar Stewart come barreling toward him, yelling so loud the priest at a neighboring church could hear.

Oscar Stewart (@stewart_oscar) | Twitter

.Get down!. Stewart yelled, according to his wife and others who were at the scene. .You motherfucker! I’m going to kill you!.

Others who were there later told him it sounded like four or five people were shouting. He thinks maybe an angel was standing behind him and speaking through his voice. When the shooter ran, he immediately gave chase.

Stewart, 51, told The Daily Caller on Sunday he doesn’t remember any conscious thought from the moment he heard the gun shots until it was all over . he just acted on instinct to stop the shooter and prevent him from leaving so he couldn’t hurt more people somewhere else. The Iraq combat veteran said his military training kicked in.

.I knew I had to be within five feet of this guy so his rifle couldn’t get to me,. Stewart said. .So I ran immediately toward him, and I yelled as loud as I could. And he was scared. I scared the hell out of him..

Stewart served in the Navy in explosive ordnance disposal from 1990 to 1994, then enlisted in the Army in 2001 because of the Sept. 11 terror attacks.

Why can’t more Jews be like Oscar? I’d have a much different opinion of them.

.Looking back, it was kind of a crazy idea to do, but I did it.” He was deployed to Iraq in 2003 and left the military in 2004, as a staff sergeant. He’s now in construction work.

Earns his food. Served my country in the military. Okay.

When the gunman opened fire, he was in the back of the synagogue. By the time he got to the lobby, the shooter had killed one woman, blown the finger off of a rabbi, and injured two others.

.I heard gunshots,. Stewart said. “And everybody got up and started trying to get out the back door, so I . for whatever reason . I didn’t do that. I ran the other way. I ran towards the gun shots..

.When I came around the corner into the lobby area, I saw the individual with a gun, and he fired two rounds. And I yelled at him and I must have yelled very loud, and he looked at me, and I must have had a really mean look on my face or something, because he immediately dropped his weapon and turned and ran. And then I gave chase..

Stewart said he chased him all the way out to his car and began pounding on it . the shooter had managed to lock himself in. When Stewart saw him reach for a rifle, he punched the side of the car as hard as he could, intending to figure out a way to drag him out of the car. That’s when a Border Patrol agent who attends the synagogue came running out to the parking lot, yelling for Stewart to get down because he had a gun.

Stewart says this man may have saved his life and pointed to his use of a civilian’s gun as evidence that gun control isn’t the answer to these kinds of tragedies. Stewart was off-duty and was apparently handed the weapon by someone else on the scene.

He adopted American principles of government. His people should take notes on this guy. Oscar doesn’t have to go back. Part of being Christian means I’m willing to grant individual exceptions to general rules and sincerely wish the Jewish communities in general weren’t standoffish, Christ-hating Leftoids. Which, sadly, makes the immivasion difficult to combat. Which in turn is why our enemies are doing it.

After he sped off, Stewart ran back into the synagogue and found a woman he knew, 60-year-old Lori Gilbert Kaye, unresponsive on the floor in the lobby. He began CPR and continued trying to bring her back to life as a couple of doctors arrived and began to assist him. She didn’t make it. The two had talked occasionally, and he remembers her as a passionate and kind woman.

.She had different political views, so we had interesting discussions when we talked,. he said. .We didn’t just talk about the weather. It was kind of cool. She was a very loving woman..

She probably had to go back but this isn’t the way I would have wanted it. Israel’s a perfectly fine, first-world nation. I hear they even pay the relocation costs.

.He was in the act of shooting when I saw him,. Stewart said. .When I yelled at him he turned and looked at me, and he like froze. And then the look on his face was one of amazement at first, and then one of fear. He saw me coming, and I was ready to do whatever I had to do to stop him..

I like my people but white cowards are cowards. No cracker pass!

For his part, Stewart doesn’t attribute the shooter’s actions to a larger agenda and was reluctant to connect him to a larger political context. He doesn’t blame President Donald Trump and expressed hope that people don’t try to blame anyone else for the man’s actions. .He was an individual acting alone,. he said.

.If you’re ignorant and you don’t know what people are like, you don’t know that I’m a person just like you. I go to work every day in a manual labor job. I’m not some, you know . supposedly he said in his manifesto that the Jews control this and that . I don’t control anything. I go to work just like you every day. He didn’t know that..

.If he had gotten to know me, he would know that I’m a great person, that I’m a nice guy, that I’m a very caring person,. he continued. .My apprentices . they all love me. They say that I’m the best teacher in the world, you know, that I care, that I try to teach them, and if he had known any of these people, like the lady Lori who died. She would go give Easter baskets to kids and that’s not even a Jewish thing, you know. . She was just a warm person..

Sadly, it isn’t ignorance that’s driving the situation but a breakdown in social cohesion. A very deliberate, very calculated breakdown that is ruining everybody.


Chicomms Try To Cultivate Alpha Males

A common misconception about Sexual Marketplace Value (SMV) rankings is that “Alpha” means you’re a successful human being. In truth, it means women like to throw their bodies at you. This means most millionaire tech geniuses are less “Alpha” than their part-time pool boys.

But don’t feel bad, ye who tried to be “Alpha” in order to become a worthy man. The People’s Republic of China is also struggling with the definition.

To fight K-pop.s influence in China, a club teaches young boys to be alpha males

By Robyn Dixon, 26 April 2019

I tried… briefly… to learn what K-pop is in order to put this article in context. Five words: Korean hip hop fairy fags. But now I now know what “Gangnam Style” means.

It is 14 degrees the morning two dozen boys gather at a Beijing park to be transformed into alpha males. A reluctant winter sun casts silver light between treacherously cold shadows. The wind bites, worsening nerves as the boys . the youngest 7 . prepare to strip to their waists for a run.

One of the watching mothers is worried. She wants her son to grow into a macho male, but it’s so cold. She tells him he can keep his shirt on, or perhaps skip the run through Olympic Forest Park.

A good example of how even well-meaning mothers can’t teach a boy masculinity. This is Mother Chen and we’ll see her again later on. Not that being macho is a promising start for learning leadership, skill or courage.

This is the kind of “feminine” parenting that coach Tang Haiyan fears can ruin boys. Tang, a former schoolteacher, founded the Real Man Training Club to combat what he and others in China see as a masculinity crisis . part of a backlash against the makeup- and earring-wearing male TV, film and pop idols who have gained immense popularity here.

.If you are promoting these effeminate figures,. Tang said, .it’s a calamity for our country..

In a nation where men dominate political and business leadership and campaigns for gender equality have gained little traction, the debate over what is “effeminate” has become a popular pastime among older conservative residents, and mostly among men.

Little traction? When men wear makeup and jewelry? The Chicomms have reason to be concerned.

Influenced by K-pop idols in Korea, China’s boy bands and celebrities . with their delicate beauty, dyed hair and haute couture wardrobes . have a massive following among women here. But China’s state-run media condemns the young idols, calling them “sissy pants” and “fresh young meat..

The backlash deepened after a back-to-school TV program featured the boy band F4. Angry parents attacked the Education Ministry’s decision to hold up the cosmetics-wearing young men as role models; state media warned that a “sick” and “decadent” culture threatened the future of the nation. This year, a Chinese videostreaming website started blurring earrings worn by men.

In nomine Karl Mark! They are already Converged to the point of boy bands! Our Elites said the Backstreet Boys weren’t a sign of the Apocalypse. They lied!

.The gender stereotyping is not just about gender identity itself,. said an author and researcher on Chinese masculinity. .It’s about the reproduction of the nation and how to properly cultivate the next generation..

Song Geng of the University of Hong Kong said the fear partly reflects deep-seated insecurity about Chinese power, after historical humiliations such as the opium wars and domination of Chinese rulers by foreign imperial powers.

They aren’t over that? Yes, the opium wars were a shameful piece of British and French history but it’s been two centuries. Grudges are like dumbbells, they weigh you down only if you hang on to them.

Chinese culture is not globally competitive today but that’s a result of Communism, not China. America is suffering the same fate right now as SJWs burn our culture from Robert E. Lee to Star Wars.

.They’re worrying that if Chinese men are so effeminate. then we will become a weak country in future and we cannot compete with our rivals,. he said. .There’s anxiety about the virility of the nation being harmed by those effeminate male images..

Screenwriter Wang Hailin says the young men resemble male prostitutes sought after by some affluent older women. .We need to be aware of this effeminacy before it’s too late and deal with it,. said Wang, 48.

He has berated fellow screenwriters, saying they portray men as .wimps, cowards, losers and idiots. and that China should look to Hollywood for strong alpha male characters.

Oh Gawd, that’s the last place they should look.

.It.s created the impression that Chinese men are all weak, irresponsible and indifferent,. he warned. .Male actors represent national ideology. We cannot encourage the younger generation to look up to them as role models..

Chinese military leaders seem to share fears about the nation’s men, with the army newspaper People’s Liberation Army Daily complaining that 20% of recruits were not fit enough to pass the fitness test for admission because they were overweight, watched too many cellphone videos, drank too much or masturbated too often.

Ah, I see. The opium wars never ended and McDonald’s Hamburgers is to blame. Or, single mothers?

.Reserve for alpha males.

Tang likens his club to a “reserve for alpha males..

On the morning of the shirtless run, the boys arrive clad in down jackets, but one by one the layers come off. Each boy dons a headband with the words “Real Man.” Their track suits and shirts display slogans in English such as “Power Leader” and “Anything is Possible..

Tang and other male mentors lead the boys in chest beating and slogan shouting.

Huddling nearby, parents . mainly mothers . shuffle from one foot to another as if to dance the cold away, taking cellphone photos of their sons. They say the boys chose to take part in the club, which offers weekly activities including American football, wrestling and boxing, and annual treks through the desert and mountains.

Those are good sports for a man. If this is a non-pozzed Boy Scouts then they’re on to something.

The boys box the air and run in place; a few look self-conscious, their movements slow and awkward. The boy whose mother said he could skip the run is with them. In this club, boys who cry are ignored; for the 11-year-old, opting out would have brought a monumental loss of face.

.I think it’s a good opportunity for him to gradually cultivate a macho character,. said his mother, who gave her surname as Chen. She described her son as shy and introverted and said participating in outdoor camps boosts his confidence.

.If you are a male, you are supposed to have those male traits. If you are a girl, you tend to be softer,. Chen said. “But I don’t think the entertainment industry has shown good role models for the society because the celebrities they put on the big screen exhibit a more feminine side of men. That’s the problem..

Yep, I can see that. And Mother Chen is right that she isn’t the one to teach her son masculinity. But going shirtless in cold weather isn’t Alpha. It’s begging to get sick.

Li Chao, 21, lives in an plush outer-Beijing apartment with two assistants and a brown toy poodle named Coffee. He is the kind of man many conservatives despise. His hair is artfully mussed, and he wears a subtle rose shade on his eyelids, a natural lipstick and pale foundation. He makes $30,000 a month live-streaming himself applying makeup, an extraordinary sum for a young man without a degree.

I couldn’t find a picture unless Li Chao is also the chessmaster Li Chao. Asians have such similar-sounding names that the directory people must have nightmares about the Pacific Rim. “Do you spell your name Chang, Cheng, Ching, Chong or Chung?”

At school, troubled by pimples, it bothered him that boys were not supposed to care about their appearance. He got himself some concealer and started asking girls how to apply makeup.

.I felt delighted because every day I would wear makeup, and I felt really fresh and really great,. he said. .It put me in a good mood..

His father was horrified.

.He would get angry, and he would question me. He said you should not do girlie things. You should not look like a girl,. Li said. .He.d say: .Stop wearing that. Stop it. You should go outside and play sports..

.I.ll never change him..

To avoid arguments, Li applies cosmetics with a light hand when he visits his parents, but he rejects the attacks in state media and by conservatives. He hates some of the posts on his blog, such as one telling him the only color men should wear is camouflage.

It’s true!

.The whole premise of those comments is to judge someone based on their appearance,. he says. “But in modern society, you can’t judge us for not looking masculine enough. How do you know we are not masculine enough?.

Other Chinese men are also increasingly using cosmetics and facial products. A taxi driver in the eastern city of Linhai faced internet notoriety when photos of him driving while wearing a moisturizing skin mask went viral last year. Chen Yiqun was suspended from work for three days and was the butt of social media jokes, but he also found fans online who applauded his facial regimen.

.What.s wrong with having a much more diverse image of men?. Li asked. .It’s common these days for men to care about their appearance..

Giving a professional appearance is a sign of mental health, physiognometrically speaking. But driving a taxi while wearing a hockey mask of moisturizing cream because working a job makes you exfoliate, that’s disturbing, not professional. Might as well pick your nose in public, too.

The image-cautious man, later identified as 25-year-old Chen Yiqun, was spotted applying a sheet mask behind the wheel last Friday in Taizhou, Zhejiang province

Excuse me, Jason-san, I your servant will take the next taxi.

Li has 1.5 million followers on the video-streaming site Kuaishou and 2 million on the social media site Weibo, mostly girls and women, from 12 to 30.

He waded into the debate on Weibo after the controversial back-to-school TV program, with many sharing his views: .We should create a tolerant and diverse society. Men should focus on having an independent soul, a righteous heart and a strong sense of social responsibility..

Researcher Zheng Jiawen from Nanjing University’s School of Journalism and Communications contends that .China’s real crisis of masculinity isn’t “sissy pants..

.It.s a generation of men anxious and insecure about their declining social status and their desperation to cling to power,. Zheng wrote on the Shanghai-based website Sixth Tone.

.We must all learn to accept the fact that a delicate face does not mean a weak heart, slender shoulders do not reveal a fragile soul, and a “betrayal” of outdated masculine stereotypes is not a betrayal of the nation..

Now we get to the meat of this article. Masculinity isn’t about external appearances. It’s a question of possessing and using power. Men are supposed to be strong, confident and disciplined. But it’s hard to teach those values when the State rules with such a heavy hand that dissent is not tolerated, to say nothing of actual pushback.

You can crush a woman’s spirit and she can still have a happy life because God wired women to serve. Crush a man’s spirit, however, and it doesn’t matter if you let him use mascara. He’ll be a shell of who he might once have been.

Men need peers, not authorities. This is why China will have trouble creating masculine men in the future: the Party tolerates no dissent. It’s a pity because allowing its Christians some breathing space would pay off handsomely in self-discipline and moral courage.

World view divided by gender roles

Tang, who founded Real Man Training Club in 2012, has a world view that is divided into traditional gender roles: Boys are rough, boisterous and energetic. Girls are quiet, studious and groomed.

The former school teacher, whose class included troubled, low-achieving boys, said Chinese boys are betrayed by an education system dominated by risk-averse female teachers who reward girls. “good” behavior and punish “bad” male behavior.

They don’t sound ANY different from America.

Tang designed the club . which he says fluctuates between 2,000 and 3,000 members . to get boys to face tough physical challenges “in a manly way,. which he defines as being brave, responsible and committed.

He said he was inspired by his love of American football and a visit to California in 2006 to see how teams were trained. He came away with the idea that U.S. parents wanted their sons to play football “so they could become alpha males.” He decided the sport could transform Chinese boys.

Physical strength is only one dimension, however. At some point, these young “alphas” need to be given authority to exercise, taught how to wield political power as well as physical power. No Alpha by any definition is content to be a servant.

Beijing.s watery sunshine does nothing to take the bite out of the morning air, but it’s time for the boys to strip off their shirts. They hand them to their mothers, giggling and bouncing about, arms huddled to their chests, as their parents whip out phones for more photos.

The boys form into two military-style lines and run for about 10 minutes around the park. They run stoically, in lockstep with their coaches, as the low morning sun paints their long shadows on the ground:

.One, two, three!

.Who.s the best?

.We are!

.Who are we?

.We are real men!.

Conformity is not the path they, or we, should look for. You can’t have new leaders without giving them something to lead, which means our current Powers That Be need to delegate their power and respect to potential rivals. Which is why nearly every government in human history has despised the self-made man.


The Sports Illustrated Swim-Burkini Issue

Get your boners ready, young lads! Here it…Halima Aden

…comes. Ugh, what is that? A quilted mannequin?

Halima Aden Becomes First Swimsuit Model to Wear Hijab and Burkini in “SI” Swimsuit Issue

By Warner Todd Huston, 29 Apr 2019

For the first time, the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue has featured a model in full burkini and hijab.

Halima Aden, a Somali immigrant who came to the U.S. when she was seven and who was born in in the African nation of Kenya, was photographed at her birth nation’s Watamu Beach by photographer Yu Tsai.

.I keep thinking [back] to six-year-old me who, in this same country, was in a refugee camp,. Halima said. .So to grow up to live the American dream [and] to come back to Kenya and shoot for SI in the most beautiful parts of Kenya.I don’t think that’s a story that anybody could make up.

.Sports Illustrated is proving that a girl that’s wearing a bikini could be right alongside a girl that’s wearing a burkini. And as women we can come alongside each other and be each other’s biggest cheerleaders,. the model told ABC News.

They’ve taken away our whores! This means war!

Halima made news when she became the first contestant to wear a hijab on the Miss Minnesota pageant. She became a semi-finalist and earned a contract with the IMG Modeling agency.

Miss Mogadishu-on-the-Mississippi.

Since joining the agency, Halima has appeared on the cover of Vogue, has been featured on the catwalk at New York Fashion Week, and was included as a UNICEF ambassador.

SI Swimsuit editor MJ Day insisted that beauty “knows no boundaries” and that Muslim modesty can also be beautiful.

I could describe MJ Day… but here’s her bikini pic off Instagram:

.I admire Halima,. Day said, “and I consider her an inspirational human for what she has decided to use her platform for and her work with Unicef as an ambassador. She is, in my opinion, one of the great beauties of our time, not only outside but inside. When we met, I was instantaneously taken by her intelligence, enthusiasm, and authenticity.

.We both believe the ideal of beauty is so vast and subjective,. Day concluded. .We both know that women are so often perceived to be one way or one thing based on how they look or what they wear. Whether you feel your [sic] most beautiful and confident in a burkini or a bikini, YOU ARE WORTHY..

Boner. Test. Failed. So, SOOO failed!

Churchians have railed against the SI Swimsuit Issue for many years. Turns out, the way to kill it isn’t shaming the men. It’s including some “after divorce” pictures then bragging about how desirable-but-absolutely-not-a-sex-symbol a Kenyan migrant in a Muslim pantsuit is to America’s young men.

How can they be this colossally stupid? Do they WANT us ordinary men to root for an extinction-level asteroid impact? They chop our dicks off and tell themselves we like it.


SF Port Commissioners Betray the People

Plans for a new homeless shelter on the San Francisco Embarcadero, one of the most valuable properties on the SF bay, have been finalized despite near-total opposition from residents. The American Thinker believes it’s a land grab, an intentional effort to depress land values for the superwealthy to snap up at a bargain price. What can physiognomy tell us?

In poop-covered San Francisco, the super-rich prey on the Left’s merely wealthy

By Monica Showalter, 25 April 2019

San Francisco is a city covered in excrement, and now even the wealthy inhabitants of its Embarcadero are going to experience more of it, up close to home and quite personal.

Here’s the news from the Guardian:

“Authorities in San Francisco have approved plans for a homeless shelter that had faced fierce protests from wealthy local residents.

Tuesday’s unanimous vote by San Francisco’s port commissioners was the culmination of weeks of contention that began with residents of one of the city’s most desirable waterfront neighborhoods raising more than $101,000 in a crowdfunding campaign to pay for an attorney to fight the construction of the Navigation Center.”

They got steamrolled. This comes despite what locals say was “nearly 100% opposition,” along with a swift raising of more than $100,000 from a GoFundMe campaign to legally fight the coming nightmare. They’re about to learn they’ve become the latest sacrificial lambs, because they’re now the low men on the San Francisco totem pole. They’ve become the new peasants, and they probably don’t even know it.

But they do know that something has gone wrong. The Guardian continues:

“We believe that in the mayor’s haste to meet her campaign promises, she has failed to follow the law,” he said. “It’s pretty disrespectful to the people who live there to shove it down their throats like this. I have been practicing law in this city for almost 30 years and I have never seen so much disregard for the feelings, thoughts, and opinions of thousands of people.”

This is classic Leftoidism. I’ve said it before, most Californians are disgusted by what’s going on but we’re completely frozen out of the halls of power. Yes, elections are still being held. No, they don’t matter worth a dime.

Maybe they should have thought of that before they elected an incompetent weakling like Mayor London Breed based on color considerations, or passed Proposition C in that same election, taxing big businesses to pay for More Homeless programs. The residents aren’t the most sympathetic people out there, given their voting patterns. All the same, this could be some kind of watershed, widening a new fault line on the left, given that tech billionaires were the ones behind this, making a sort of warfare on the merely wealthy. After all, in San Francisco, there’s no one else left.

I also confess to little sympathy but only because most of them are not long-term residents. You come here to knowingly take advantage of the systematic looting and corruption, don’t cry when your turn comes. And it will.

The city already spends $77,000 per homeless person (the money going to activists and nonprofits), which is higher than the mean average income of the average U.S. resident, wrote Rich Cibotti in a data-filled 2017 piece for the Daily Wire.

You get more of what you subsidize. One should not apply the presumption of innocence to these Elites who could give the homeless a middle-class salary for nothing and still save money.

The Embarcadero people, who likely have extended themselves financially to live there…

“Buy a house as quickly as you can!” they said. “Why pay rent when you can build equity by paying off a mortgage instead?” Reason one, paying off interest isn’t equity. Reason two, you’re committed to living in a society whose government doesn’t care about you.

…aren’t going to be happy about going underwater on their mortgages as the homeless move in. But on the left, money talks, and these poor souls just don’t have the political clout it takes in San Francisco to keep the homeless off their doorsteps the way the super-rich do. They are, after all, merely wealthy, not tech billionaires.

Now, the measure was opposed by residents, but it was loudly supported by the super-rich, such as Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff (formerly an Oracle biggie), who are fully sheltered from any ‘interaction’ with the city’s abundant homeless or their “byproducts.”

Benioff loudly supported Proposition C, which is likely to drive businesses and tax revenue from the city, but apparently not his company, which will have to shell out only $10 million in new taxes. The company itself paid $7 million to get the measure passed. (Dorsey opposed it.) …

Does it sound as though someone wanted to lower property values, chasing the local residents out, and then cleaning up later? The homeless center is, supposedly, “temporary,” with a lease to be renewed or not in two years. It almost sounds as though the super-rich are seeking to drive enough residents out by ruining the quality of their lives as they pay high costs, driving their mortgages under water, and getting the market low enough to make a killing. The super-rich can do that; the merely wealthy cannot. Makes you wonder why Benioff and Dorsey were just so enthusiastic as advocates for the homeless industrial complex. They seem to be using the homeless as guided weapons targeting the merely wealthy hoi polloi.

This is the Bank of Land that I’ve mentioned before. Property ownership is a good hedge against inflation but its value, like everything, is subject to change… and by extension, market manipulation & collusion.

Let’s bring in physiognomy by looking at the Port Commissioners. I’m expecting pedos, feministas, banksters and a First Black Female Whatever. *pulls out bingo card*

Kimberly Brandon, President

Commissioner Kimberly BrandonCommissioner Kimberly Brandon was appointed to the Port Commission by Mayor Willie L. Brown, Jr. in August 1997. She was first elected president of the Commission in 2000…

Ms. Brandon is the first African-American woman to serve on the Commission.

First Black Female Whatever! I was a bit worried about that one. She might have been a worthless Second.

She recently retired as senior vice president at Morgan Stanley. She previously provided strategic investment management advice at Bank of America Private Bank and worked with high net-worth clients at Wells Fargo.


She also spends numerous hours serving the community on various boards and is immediate past chair of the Board of Trustees of the Museum of African Diaspora and an active board member of PACT, Inc, Metta Fund, Vice Chair, San Francisco State University’s Board of Trustees, The San Francisco Foundation’s Koshland Committee and Professional Advisor’s Committee, The Bethel Heritage Foundation and a member of the San Francisco Chapter of The Links, Inc, where she serves on the Finance and Investment Committee of the Links Foundation, Inc.

She’s quite the influence peddler.

Ms. Brandon is a graduate of San Francisco State University. She has completed Cannon Financials Certified Wealth Strategist Mastery Program and holds the National Association of Securities Dealers Series 7 and 66 licenses. She is a native to San Francisco.

So Kimberly has skin in the game but being a senior investment manager and deal-maker for the superwealthy is quite the conflict of interest.

San Francisco Port Commission Elects New Officers

Kimberly is on the left. Cutting pupils and “new moon” eyes mark her as exceptionally untrustworthy.

On the right is the next guy, Willie Adams. His physiognomy is unremarkable, actually. Gab lines about the corners of his mouth (those are the second parallel lines, not the first) suggest he’s a talker. Nose tip is bulbous so some financial interest/experience. None of that’s a hard guess since I already know his background.

Willie Adams, Vice President

WillieAdams2014Commissioner Willie Adams was appointed to the Port Commission by Mayor Edwin M. Lee in July 2012. …

Mr. Adams was named the President of the International Longshore & Warehouse Union (ILWU) in 2018. Mr. Adams’s long history with ILWU started in Tacoma, Washington in 1978, where he worked on the docks as a longshoreman for 24 years. In 1998, he was elected by co-workers to serve on their local union Executive Board and chosen in 2000 to serve on the union’s International Executive Board. Mr. Adams was also elected to serve as one of three Trustees who oversee the ILWU.s finances. Mr. Adams has represented the ILWU during visits with workers in South Africa, Australia, Spain, Cuba, Vietnam and China.

A union boss, which is synonymous for political corruption, but he earned some calluses doing actual port work so I can’t be too hard on him. He probably does the real work of the Commission while President First Negress handles the photo-ops.

Mr. Adams also serves on the Board of TransAfrica, where he works closely with Board Chairman Danny Glover and Board member Harry Belafonte. He is a passionate cultural advocate. He produced “Celebrations of Black History and Labor” programs in Tacoma, which featured cultural and political figures including Danny Glover, Paul Robeson, Jr., Yolanda King (Martin Luther King Jr..s daughter), hip-hop icon Chuck D, and Betty Shabazz (daughter of Malcolm X). He is also executive producer of several documentary films, including one exploring the life of African American writer Langston Hughes, “Hughes” Dream Harlem,. and “The Black Composers,. which tells the story of African American film score composers. Mr. Adams is currently involved with a full-length dramatic film exploring the life of labor leader Harry Bridges. Mr. Adams has resided in San Francisco since 2003.

A blacktivist.

Doreen Woo Ho, Commissioner

Commissioner Doreen Woo Ho was appointed to the San Francisco Port Commission by Mayor Edwin M. Lee and confirmed by the Board of Supervisors in May 2011 and was elected President of the Port Commission in 2012 and 2013. She currently serves as a member of the U.S. Bancorp Board of Directors. … She is a retired seasoned executive with over 35 years of commercial and consumer banking experience. She is the former President, Chief Executive Officer and Director of United Commercial Bank and President of Community Banking.

Serious bankster.

Prior to UCB she was engaged by Wells Fargo & Company (1998-2008) as the President of the Consumer Credit Group and also was an EVP responsible for Enterprise Marketing, Student Loans and Corporate Trust. She was also a member of the Wells Fargo Management Committee. Ms. Ho managed a portfolio of over $100 Billion in assets with nationwide distribution in multiple channels. Prior to Wells Fargo, she was a Senior Vice President with Citibank, holding multiple management positions in corporate banking, marketing, retail banking, consumer & mortgage lending, and small business banking. Before joining Citibank, Ms. Woo Ho was a correspondent for Time magazine and CBS Radio News based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.Ms. Ho is a graduate of Smith College and Columbia University.

Wow. I can’t believe she wouldn’t manipulate a housing market for personal gain given the chance. It’s only been her life’s work.

A resident of San Francisco since 1974, she is married to James K. Ho, Board President of Chinese Hospital and former Deputy Mayor of San Francisco.

On one hand, she’s a resident. On the other hand, mondo conflicts of interest. Can the superwealthy truly be residents of any particular place?

Board of Directors - U.S. Bank Annual Report 2014

Keeping exclusively to the Chinese school here, long, high, rounded eyebrows indicate a pleasant attitude and friendliness. “Slightly squished from round” eyes indicate cunning and shrewdness. A big-tipped nose indicates a big ego. Invisible, large nostrils indicates great courage in making money with a possible streak of selfishness.

The raised cheekbone is considered stubborn, tenacious or even treasonous. The Western system is more charitable, regarding raised cheeks as an indicator of general dominance. Because her eyebrows don’t fit with the rest of her face, I wonder if they’re fake.

Gail Gilman, Commissioner

Commissioner Gail Gilman was appointed to the Port Commission by Mayor Mark Farrell in April 2018. She has previously served on numerous housing and homeless tasks forces and was appointed in 2017 by Governor Brown to California’s Homeless Coordinating and Financing Council. She previously served on the commission for the San Francisco Department of Building Inspection.

Ms. Gilman has over 25 years of non-profit experience and extensive experience in real estate development of residential housing, land-use policy, activation of commercial spaces in supportive housing, social enterprise, economic development, homelessness, social services, public policy and community organizing. She has been chief executive officer at the Community Housing Partnership since 2010. She is extensively involved in regional and national public policy efforts related to housing and homelessness. Ms. Gilman received a Master of Non-Profit Administration from University of San Francisco and lives in the North Beach neighborhood along the waterfront.

A homeless advocate, of course she supported a new homeless shelter. More money for her the poor!

The “Mommy Frog-Lips” face of women who breed kids then are too busy with a career to raise them. (I couldn’t confirm or deny this for Gail.) Thousand-cock stare doesn’t raise my opinion of her personality. One eye larger than the other can indicate estrangement from parents. Regardless, she’s a feminista!

Victor G. Makras, Commissioner

Commissioner Victor Makras was appointed to the Port Commission by Mayor Mark Farrell in April 2018. Mr. Makras previously served on the boards for Permit Appeals, Public Utilities Commission, Police Commission, Fire Department, and the San Francisco Employees Retirement Board. He also volunteers his time with additional organizations including City College of San Francisco Mission Advisory Board, Willie J. Brown Institute and the California International Relations Foundation.

Another associate of Willie Brown. Willie’s burning ass is probably the first thing you’ll smell in Hell, for those who end up in the Other Land Down Under. Among other accomplishments, he supported Jim Jones of Jonestown Massacre infamy, was one of the first State leaders to give preferential hiring to Sodomites and his protege was now-governor Gavin Newsom.

An established Real Estate Broker in San Francisco and the Bay Area, Mr. Makras previously was president of the San Francisco Association of Realtors. He spearheads Makras Real Estate Group, a leading San Francisco real estate group specializing in buying and selling residential properties and property management. Mr. Makras is a benefactor of several charitable organizations, including On Your Feet Foundation, the Aids Emergency Fund, and the Mission Housing Development Corporation. He received training in real estate from College of San Mateo and is a member of the National Association of Realtors.


Port Commission | Port of San Francisco

Problem glasses! Pedoface! And confirmed by his support for the AIDS Emergency Fund.


Three Port Commissioners are high-level Wall Street types, one is a homeless advocate and one is the token cis-male who works for a living. If a super-Elite actually was trying to manipulate property values to build himself a new kingdom, he would assemble exactly this kind of team. Three to work the system, one to manage the homeless being used as foils and one to oversee day-to-day port operations.


Johnny Eric Williams Got Tenure By Hating Whitey

Tenured Sociology Professor Johnny Eric Williams has recently called for the extermination of White people… again. In fact, calling for our deaths is what secured him tenure.

Trinity Professor Johnny Eric Williams Calls White People 'Inhuman A-holes' Says 'Let Them Die ...

His eyes are naturally so narrow that I don’t know about drooping eyelids or even which side is dominant. He seems to have the pear-shaped head that suggests desire to both respect and be respected but this is not confirmed by the middle third of his face being dominant. Instead, it’s dominant lower third, which denotes practicality… which is not what I would expect of a college professor.

A nose that looks like a plucked turkey tail–wide, bulbous and in profile, angled downward–is correlated with social deviancy but don’t take that as gospel just yet. It’s something I’m still looking into. Physiognomy research is hard.

For what it’s worth, Buddha ears (banana-shaped) indicate good luck in the Chinese system, unless the earlobes poke out sideways, then it’s “die young”.

Trinity College Professor: .Whiteness Is Terrorism.

By Tom Ciccotta, 27 April 2019

According to a report from Newsweek, Trinity College Professor Johnny Eric Williams is making waves again. Breitbart News reported in June 2017 that Williams had argued that first responders should have let Representative Steve Scalise die after he was shot during a practice for the congressional baseball game. Williams also shared a blog post by an anonymous author that asked black people to withhold life-saving help from white people in need.

.If you see them drowning. If you see them in a burning building. If they are bleeding out in an emergency room. If the ground is crumbling beneath them. If they are in a park and they turn their weapons on each other: do nothing,. the post read.

That’s cold, man. Yeah, I want blacks shipped back to Africa but that won’t stop me from saving the life of an innocent black given the chance. I don’t hate you guys. I’m just frustrated at 200+ years of failed efforts at integration. It’s you, not us.

I hear that attitude annoys non-Whites across the planet. A story I read somewhere had a NATO observer expressing frustration that American soldiers would invade a village only to put out a structure fire and heal the burned, then come back the next day and torch the opium fields. *shrug* I don’t see the contradiction.

More recently, Williams tweeted that “whiteness is terrorism.. [GQ: On Easter Sunday.] Now, he’s defending those comments. In a conversation with Newsweek, Williams said that his tweets are only controversial to white people.

.They’re not controversial in the academy. They’re not controversial within the black community. I don’t think they’re controversial at all,. Williams said, defending his tweet. .I think they’re controversial with people who see themselves as white, because it reveals in a telegraph that they’re immersed in that whiteness to a point where it’s hard for them to see anything else..

I believe him. I also believe that’s why blacks have to go back and our gov’t-funded college system, shut down entirely.

.I.m referring to whiteness as an ideology, which everyone in the United States is immersed in because we live in a white supremacy society,. Williams added. “Because there are people walking around believing that they’re white and acting as if they’re white, when there’s just the human race..

If indoor plumbing is whiteness, and whiteness is terrorism, then we’ll not only send you back to Africa, we’ll track you down by the stink of you. Even our dogs will be happy the see you gone. And if some whites also reject toilets because toilets are white then I guess they can go with you. Bon appetit, ya savage.

I was curious about his 2017 suspension by the administration, in light of his claiming that his behavior was not objectionable to them. Here’s the announcement:

From Trinity President Joanne Berger-Sweeney

June 26, 2017

To the Members of the Trinity Community,

As a follow-up to my note from last week, I write to inform you that Professor Johnny Williams has been placed on leave, effectively immediately. We’ve determined that a leave is in the best interest of both Professor Williams and the college. The review by the Dean of the Faculty of the events concerning Professor Williams will continue.

Very well. Sounds like standard procedure.

Meanwhile, I want to take care to note that the principles that underlie this particular set of events go far beyond the actions of any one person.

Whoa, what? We’re talking about the words of one person, Professor Williams.

These involve principles that concern how we think about academic freedom and freedom of speech, as well as the responsibilities that come with those fundamental values. It’s true, too, that as scholars and citizens, and as individuals and as a community of higher learning, our roles in and relationship to social media and the public sphere are complicated.

No, they’re simple. You college types teach young adults high-level skills and beliefs.

We must be able to engage in conversations about these difficult and complex issues, and Trinity College and other places like it are precisely where such conversations should occur. I, for one, welcome them.

Conversations such as “abandon them to die, even if it costs you your job”? I agree. In the ’90s, there was a famous tenured eugenicist, Peter Singer, who publicly argued that killing malformed babies post-birth was healthy behavior. There were many calls for his dismissal but me, I thought it appropriate that America’s future leaders got the chance to learn firsthand that evil doesn’t come with horns and hooves and reeking of sulfur. It comes in a business suit with a pleasant speaking voice and convincing arguments.

Sadly, without the moral compass of Christianity my position proved to be… counterproductive in hindsight.


Joanne Berger-Sweeney
President and Trinity College Professor of Neuroscience

June 2017. But Williams’ LinkedIn profile says he got tenured in… July 2017. Hating whites got him IMMEDIATELY PROMOTED. Time for a look at Joanne, and that hyphenated name probably says it all.

Trinity College President Joanne Berger-Sweeney.

She needs to go back… to Innsmouth. Pedo eyes, hey, the same plucked-turkey-tail nose as Williams, lips are thicker than standard pedo but it might just be lipstick. Yeah, she’s got some sex freak in her closet and I don’t mean her disrespected husband.


By Janell Hazelwood, 27 March 2014

On Tuesday, March 25, the Trinity College Board of Trustees elected Joanne Berger-Sweeney, Ph.D., its 22nd president, making her the first African American and female to hold the post in the institution’s more than 190-year history. A leading scholar, neuroscientist and administrator, Berger-Sweeney will transition into the position from her current role as dean of the School of Arts and Sciences at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts.

Three years into her position, the first black and first female to lead Trinity College rewarded calls for the murder of innocent whites and assassination of conservative politicians with tenure… practically on the spot.

.We are confident that Joanne Berger-Sweeney is the right leader for Trinity. She is a world-class educator and scientist, who during her career has run a lab committed to Alzheimer’s research,. Cornelia Parsons Thornburgh, chair of the school’s presidential search committee, said in a statement. “As dean of Tufts. School of Arts and Sciences, Dr. Berger-Sweeney is an accomplished administrator who knows the NESCAC well, manages a $311 million annual budget, and oversees a school of 5,000 students and a 385-member faculty. She is a collaborative innovator with a student-centric focus. She values our position in Hartford, recognizing it will be a key element in defining our future. .

It’s a rare person who is good at science AND good at administration, even among whites and Asians. Joanne is either a supergenuis or a diversity fraud.

Berger-Sweeney brings more than a decade of educational and administrative experience to the post, having served as an assistant professor in the Department of Biological Sciences and Allene Lummis Russell Professor in Neuroscience at Wellesley College. A graduate of Wellesley, she also holds an M.P.H. in environmental health sciences from the University of California, Berkeley, and a Ph.D. in neurotoxicology from the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. She completed her postdoctoral training at the National Institute of Health (INSERM) in Paris, France.

Yep, diversity fraud. UCB in particular means she’s been vetted for Narrative loyalty.

Let’s look at Joanne’s research in neurotoxicology, specifically alcoholism. Now, I’m not a neurotoxicologist but as a college-educated everyman, I understand the primary mechanic of drunkenness at the molecular level is prevention of sodium ion neuron reuptake, which prejudices the electrical conductivity of various synapses. What does PhD Joanne say about the causes of drunkenness?

Trinity College Leader Sees Diversity as Stemming the Alcoholism Tide

By David Desroches, 2 February 2015

Alcoholism and sexual assaults on college campuses continue to make headlines across the country, but for one college president, part of the solution could involve simply increasing diversity among the student body.

Stop laughing, comrade! The PhD neurotoxicologist from the French National Institute of Health is speaking.

Joanne Berger-Sweeney, president of Trinity College in Hartford, told WNPR.s Where We Live that by actively creating an environment that reflects the diversity of the state’s capital, students would be exposed to different values that might alleviate some of the social and cultural pressures that lead to alcohol and drug abuse, as well as sexual misconduct.

.We have to try and break the culture of privilege on our campus,. Berger-Sweeney said. How does she plan on doing that?

.I think we do that best by making sure that we have a diverse campus of students that come” to Trinity, she said. “Because when you let a particular class dominate . as if they are the entire social scene . I think that’s when you have the problems..

White people cause alcoholism! Negroes hold their liquor so much better, doncha know?

Trinity has not traditionally been recognized as a diverse school, although the percentage of white students dropped from 73 percent to 65 percent between 2001 and 2015, according to the college’s Office of Institutional Research. The percentage of Hispanics attending Trinity dropped by half during that time. This happened while the Hispanic population in Hartford jumped by over 3,000 people, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Most of the change in demographics involved people identifying themselves as an “other” race or having multiple racial identities, school data showed.

Whites aren’t stupid. When administrators say “we need more diversity”, white students hear “we want to get rid of you” and given the chance, identify as “other” or “multiple”. Sure, I’m part Tanzanian… somewhere in the past… probably. Heck, the professor of evolution says I’m part fruit fly.

Interesting that Latinos also reached for the “other” dodge. Maybe they listened when the Powers That Be called Asians the model minority?

As the student body diversifies, Berger-Sweeney suggested that some social problems could be alleviated. The same type of pressure that may drive students to drink could be reversed in a more diverse cultural context, she said. This means that students would be pressured to avoid drugs and alcohol, though she suggested that this method works better for alcohol abuse than it does for drugs.

I heard a story about a black guy on a predominately white college campus. He paid for his education with drug dealing. When caught and interrogated, he said, “I just wanted an education. But everybody kept coming to me asking for dope so what the heck, I found a supplier and did what everybody expected me to do. I didn’t advertise or nothin’, just kept a few bags with me and sold it when asked.” Is this the sort of thing Joanne meant by diversity being “better for alcohol abuse than drugs”?

Known as a “Little Ivy” due its high academic standards and $40,000 in-state tuition price tag, Trinity has also earned a reputation as a party campus.

Which is it? High standards or party campus?

This status was likely intensified by allegations last year regarding a college fraternity that faced “serious alcohol violations,. according to an email from the school’s interim dean and obtained by WFSB News.

Berger-Sweeney acknowledged the connection between class privilege, alcohol/drugs and sexual misconduct, and noted that one of her first priorities upon taking the role of Trinity’s president last summer was to establish a task force to focus on sexual misconduct prevention, which she chairs.

I easily found drunkenness incidents and similar frat pranks going back to 1991, so it’s “party campus” not “high standards”. But here’s an interesting segue on Trinity College frat life:

…Officials at Trinity College in Connecticut aren’t thinking about today’s standards. They’re thinking about the standards of 2023. That’s why they’re requiring Greek life to go coed.

It.s part of a strategic plan to improve the sense of community and image of the college, where students tend to run in cliques, retention rates have declined slightly, and social culture has grown out of proportion to academic life, said Frederick Alford, dean of students. At the outset of the planning, the president asked officials to ponder what they wanted Trinity to look like in 2023, the year of its bicentennial.

The president of Trinity College of Connecticut, Joanne Berger-Sweeney, announced in a campuswide email Friday that the institution was ending a controversial plan to force Greek organizations to become coeducational. The plan, adopted prior to Berger-Sweeney’s appointment, has been opposed by many on campus, especially those affiliated with the fraternity system. In her note to the campus, Berger-Sweeney said that half of the campus fraternities would lose their charters because their national organizations do not permit coeducational chapters. Further, she said that she was not convinced the plan was achieving its goals.

“I have concluded that the coed mandate is unlikely to achieve its intended goal of gender equity,” she wrote. “Furthermore, I do not believe that requiring coed membership is the best way to address gender discrimination or to promote inclusiveness. In fact, communitywide dialogue concerning this issue has been divisive and counterproductive.”

Go Team Fratboy! Seriously, kudos to the national Greek dudes for telling the wimminz NO. Note this decision happened the semester after Joanne thought that “increasing diversity” would end alcoholism. Strange that Joanne backed down from forced integration so soon after claiming diversity would be their strength.

More frat shenanigans at Yale for the interested:

End segue.

.It.s not just a legal issue, this is moral issue,. she told Where We Live. .I have an 18-year-old daughter who will go to college next year. I care about these issues a lot. I care very much that we are, at Trinity College, on the cutting edge of some of these issues and not just following..

Ohhhh. That’s why Joanne backed down from forced integration. Her daughter will be attending next year. Having skin in the game changes everything, doesn’t it?

Sexual assaults tripled on Trinity’s campus between 2012 and 2013, according to a Hartford Courant analysis. This happened while Berger-Sweeney was still at Tufts University. The college certainly has a responsibility to handle these allegations appropriately, she said, but preventing and handling these incidents takes cooperation. Law enforcement agencies are also on the hook for pursuing claims with vigor, which is sometimes not the case, she said.


At Trinity College, the number of reported “forcible” sexual offenses climbed from 8 in 2012 to 25 in 2013.

Fred Alford, Trinity’s dean of students, said in an email that he believes the “increase in the number of reported sex offense incidents shows progress toward creating a safer and more responsive environment at Trinity for students to disclose incidents.”

Definitely not the “one quarter of college women are raped” statistic we’ve heard about. I agree with Mr. Alford that the increase is probably due to encouraging the reporting of such incidents rather than an actual increase. Interesting that this heightened awareness of female sexual assault happened only 1-2 years before the first female President was installed. Almost as if some pozzing was going on within the administration.

There’s a pattern that when Baby Boomers finally wander off, they appoint vibrant wimminz to replace them. They will never stop virtue-signaling on this side of the grave.

Meanwhile, I present this chart without comment:

End segue.

At the end of the day, Trinity is a place of learning, and it looks to broaden its reach. With the recent purchase of the former Travelers Education Center on Constitution Plaza for $2 million, Trinity is poised to not only expand its footprint and student offerings, but lead the way toward a less dangerous undergraduate educational experience, Berger-Sweeney said.

Pay no attention to the Sociology professor calling for your violent death, white boy. Or the President who thinks only whites are violent alcoholics.


Shake Your Money Maker Degree

UCLA celebrates “Sex Week” by testing the waters for a Bachelor’s Degree in Exotic Dancing. I approve. There’s no more effective and honest way to teach what women think of as “biology”. This should free up a lot of laboratory space for men while helping women pay off the ever-inflating costs associated with the YuGo To College, Girl lifestyle. Get your popcorn ready!

Class strips stigma from pole-dancing, trades fetishization for self-expression

By Eva Kaganovsky, 17 April 2019

Students will pole-dance to find their inner power on Friday, said TaMisha Greathouse. In honor of this year’s Sex Week…

For fuck’s sake. Literally.

…a beginner pole-dancing class will be held in Kerckhoff Art Gallery. Hosted by the UCLA Sexual Health Coalition and UCLA Housing, the event is targeted toward students who have not previously pole-danced. Greathouse, co-chair of Sex Week, said students are encouraged to enter the space with any motive they choose, whether that be improving fitness or exploring their sexuality.

.The goal with pole is to get in touch with yourself through movement,. Greathouse said. .We want students to leave with a better understanding of their self and more confidence for themselves than they came in with..

This must be her daily mantra of “I am not a whore. I am not a whore.” Pole dancing is even worse than belly dancing for intentional, hormonal voyeurism. No girl who “tries out” the pole is thinking about quietly enjoying an evening to herself with a more space-efficient hobby than yoga.

Instructor Candace Cane, who has been teaching pole classes since 2013 at venues around Los Angeles, said she plans to begin the class by allowing students time to get acclimated to the pole. They can then discuss any emotions the apparatus might elicit, from fear to excitement. Initiating open lines of communication will be effective in developing confidence, Greathouse said.

Chicks gossiping about their feelings. Current year has completely failed to change instinctive human behavior.

Elle Mendelson, a first-year molecular, cell, and developmental biology student, said she is attending the event because pole-dancing has many unacknowledged merits, including sexual empowerment and combating objectification.

Though pole-dancing can be thought to increase objectification, Mendelson said it actually decreases it by highlighting that women can be sexy, but are also human beings with emotions and personalities. Having had body dysmorphia for as long as she can remember, Mendelson said pole-dancing might help her move past her insecurities because the classes provide a safe space in which she feels a sense of belonging.

Body dysmorphia = fat. “Molecular, cell, and developmental biology” = getting pregnant.

.Having a pole-dancing class available to students gives them a way to take control of the way they present themselves, and in that way people are able to take back the objectification,. Mendelson said. .People are able to be like, .Hey, I am here, and I am sexy and a human being…

She wants to attract the Alpha and repel the Beta. That’s the “taking control” mentioned here.

[RELATED: UCLA Sex Squad’s performance aims to spread sexual health awareness through humor]

That was an ad link I included because you wouldn’t believe me if I said California’s flagship University of California, Los Angeles had a professional Sex Squad teaching the students how to… laugh.

Meanwhile, Greathouse hopes to convey the idea that pole-dancing is not a method of pleasing other people, but a form of self-expression. There are acrobatic and aerobic aspects to pole-dancing despite its sensual roots, she said. She hopes the class will help eradicate the negative stigma surrounding pole-dancing, including the ideas that it only occurs in strip clubs or is restricted to promiscuous people.

She just shot down the one good aspect of universities teaching pole dancing, that it’s a marketable, in-demand skill that can pay off student debts so quickly that the IRS might investigate.

.Pole-dancing is for anyone, at any age, with any body type or any gender affiliation. Literally, if you have limbs . even if you are missing a limb . you can still pole-dance,. Cane said. .People with only one leg, one arm, women, all genders, robust women, small women . everyone is able to pole-dance if they allow themselves to..

Once a pole dancer | Funny | Funny pictures, Humor, Old women

If you ever see me dancing on a pole, it’ll be because the rebar wasn’t safety-capped at the construction site when I slipped off the edge.

Public education needs to be shut down immediately and permanently. It’s been compromised by circus freaks at every level.


Where Are Nigel Shelby’s Bullies?

Parents shouldn’t raise their boys to be suicides by sexually confusing them.

Jeff Graves: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Nigel Shelby was a 15-year-old Huntsville High School student who committed suicide on the afternoon of April 19. Nigel, who had been battling depression and struggled with his sexuality, also endured constant bullying at school. .Nigel was the sweetest child. He was so outgoing. He was always so full of joy full of life,. Nigel’s mother Camika Quintay recalled.

Flipboard: Video: Why Arundhati Katju, one of ?Time ...

Nigel. He never had the chance for a healthy, normal life because his mother raised him to be a sex toy for older men.

Quintay isn’t sure if any acts of bullying occurred at school on the day that Nigel took his own life but acknowledged that bullying had been an ongoing issue for her son. .Depression is really a disease and when you are to have a kid is really depressed and going through a lot emotionally, free to call him names that you shouldn’t call him you know or say stuff to them it sometimes has a worse effect then it would on a child who is not struggling with depression,. Quintay shared with WZDX. A GoFundMe page has been set up to help Nigel’s family.

On April 20, Principal Aaron King wrote on the Huntsville High School PTSA Facebook page, .We were saddened to learn this morning of the death of Nigel Shelby, one of our 9th grade students. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family during this difficult time.” He said that counselors would be on hand to help Shelby’s grieving classmates. The school’s Facebook also posted resources for students and their families.

On April 22, Huntsville City Schools Superintendent Christie Finley spoke at a school board meeting and implored listeners to “treat one another as you want to be treated.” She asked the community to embrace “values of acceptance, kindness, generosity, helpfulness and basically, just being a human.” She said that adults should not just teach these values, but model them as well.

You know what’s missing from this story? Besides the father?

The bullies are missing.

I looked through a lot of news stories on Nigel’s suicide and not a single one had a single example of the bullying that supposedly drove Nigel to suicide. Schools are practically prisons today, guards and cameras everywhere, with Social Justice drones on hyper-trigger for the slightest badthink. In fact, I’ll give an example of that at the end to finish on a high note.

But no bullies. Not one account of bullying in school records, not one anti-Nigel statement in social media. I trust that the NPC crowd have scoured those records more thoroughly than I ever could have. In fact, I even swam into the sewer of LGBT activists in search of the REAL story… and found this. No link, I don’t associate with this kind of site… the Faustian things that I do, sigh… but the mainstream media don’t like to give the full picture of an unwilling child’s prematurely forced sexual experiences. The Sodomites are always more honest among their own kind:

Nigel Shelby “struggled with his identity., mother says

Shelby.s mother explained: .I knew he was struggling. I knew he was depressed. We were going to see doctors on a regular basis. He was going to see a psychiatrist. I’m still shocked that my baby’s not here anymore.

.With Nigel’s situation he was already struggling with his identity, so he was going through some stressful times. And depression is real. A lot of people don’t understand that depression is a disease.

.And when you have a kid who is already depressed and going through a lot emotionally, for you to call him names that you shouldn’t call him or say stuff to them, it sometimes has a worse effect than it would on a child who is not struggling with depression..

She added: “Coming out at such a young age, it can be hard. You don’t know if you are going to be accepted. He didn’t know if I was going to accept him. He’s my child. I love him. I know him. I already knew..

She admits that Nigel’s real problem was struggling with the sexual perversions his mother was forcing upon him. Which leads us to the truth:

Nigel suicided because his mother used him as an unwilling subject for transsexual experimentation. At age 15, Nigel should be just beginning to be sexually aware, at odds with his “coming out at such a young age”. Camika Quintay is a child abuser who drove her son to suicide and then invented “school bullying” so people wouldn’t get the wrong idea about sexual predators… or her.

The principal? Superintendent? They’re helping with the coverup even though doing so opens them up to a wrongful death lawsuit. If schoolyard bullies really did drive him to suicide on their watch then they’ll lose their jobs at best. Come on, a high schooler wearing a MAGA hat is national news these days, let alone a team of LGBT persecutors. But that was apparently the easier way out than telling a ghetto rat baby momma that she done wrong.

The LGBT community? They know the score yet they’re milking the case for publicity and money. At age 15, Nigel had almost certainly begun to be raped by homosexuals.

Nigel Shelby’s suicide is a total lie. No school bullies, all sexual violations, yet the world celebrates him as a martyr for the very perversions that made suicide the easy way out.

May God damn the wicked in Nigel’s name.

Ending on a higher note, you probably wonder why the above article’s title was a guy named Jeff Graves. That’s Deputy Graves and a flippant comment from him gave the predators trying to hush up Nigel’s death an excellent distraction.

Cop Posted Homophobic Comments About Nigel Shelby, Who Killed Himself After Allegedly Being Bullied In School

Cop Posted Homophobic Comments About Nigel Shelby, Who Killed Himself After Allegedly Being Bullied In School

A police officer in Alabama was not fired after he posted a homophobic Facebook comment about a 15-year-old boy who had recently committed suicide after being bullied in school for being gay. Instead, he was only put on administrative leave for his despicably vile social media activity that falls well outside the scope of protecting and serving a community.

.Liberty Guns Bible Trump BBQ That’s my kind of LGBTQ movement. I’m seriously offended there is such a thing such as the movement. Society cannot and should not accept this behavior,. Madison County Deputy Jeff Graves wrote in the comments section of a Facebook post by a Huntsville TV station about Nigel Shelby to raise awareness about bullying of LGBTQ people.

Heh, and Jeff didn’t just make that up, either. It was a briefly lived clothing line from Kentucky.

A food truck owner faced backlash after advertising a T-Shirt that said, "I support LGBTQ. Liberty, guns, bible, Trump, BBQ." (Photo: Facebook)

Segue to

A food truck owner in Williamstown, Kentucky faced backlash for selling a T-shirt advertising his business on social media; however, the additional attention has caused the controversial swag to sell out.

Bell’s Smokin’ BBQ owner, Jamie Smith, shared a photo of the shirt on the business’s Facebook page on Thursday, and the message quickly went viral. The shirts in question read, “I support LGBTQ: Liberty, Guns, Bible, Trump, BBQ,” and people weren’t just offended because ‘BBQ’ does not start with the letter ‘Q’ and that’s not how acronyms work.

Can you spot the Gamma tell in that last paragraph?

“The first thing I thought when I saw it was what a bad idea,” Chris Hartman, the Louisville Fairness Campaign director, said. “What a bad business model, to automatically isolate not just a segment of your potential customer base, but all of their family and friends.”

SJWs love to advocate on behalf of people who aren’t present. It gives them authority without responsibility. But don’t whip out your credit card. Bell’s BBQ did the one thing you never, ever do. NEVER APOLOGIZE TO SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS! NEVER!

“Belles Smoking BBQ apologizes if we have offended and groups, organization or individuals with our shirts. We respect all beliefs and lifestyles and want no ill will towards anyone.

And if you do make the mistake of apologizing, don’t talk like you’ve lawyered up in fear.

We know each person has their own thoughts and beliefs but we are hurt that the people who are saying ‘stop the hate’ are the ones coming at us with the harassing messages and threatening phone calls.

And if you do lawyer up and grovel, don’t beg for mercy like that. The position of victim doesn’t come cheap with this crowd. You gotta fight for it, and that’s hard when you’ve already grabbed your ankles.

Again we apologize for any hurt feelings and thank our supporters who truly know us.

End segue.

A sheriff’s office spokesman vowed a full investigation would be taking place.

.The Sheriff’s Office holds all its employees to high standard, and the public can be assured that a thorough and complete audit will be conducted and appropriate action will be taken,. Madison County Lt. Donny Shaw said in a statement. .The involved employee has been placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of the audit..

A paid vacation for the heat to die down. Jeff is probably on a beach in the Gulf, beer in one hand, phone spewing death threats in the other hand, with a shit-eating grin in between. That’s how you handle the easily triggered.

The fact that anyone who is supposed to protect and serve would say this under a post about a child is disgusting. Chances are this deputy is not the only one in his department who feels that way.

WITCH HUNT! Because we don’t want people to notice that nobody can find the schoolyard bullies.

Jeff Graves

Here’s Graves. A stereotypical “cop” face, squarish with thin lips and a solid jaw. Not a donut hound, that’s good. Sources say he has a background as a school cop, K9…

Deputy placed on leave after homophobic comments has worked as school resource officer, mental ...

and something called a Crisis Intervention Trainer, so he knows about dealing with the mentally ill. The “investigation” hasn’t finished yet but he should be okay, being experienced with handling psychos.

Deputy Graves, could you do me a favor and start asking where those schoolyard bullies are?


On Behalf Of State Involvement In Marriage

Many in the Manosphere believe the State has no place in marriage, no marriage license or other gov’t certification, just “you, me and God”. But speaking for myself, I would not get married unless the State IS involved in marriage… because it should be.

Any partnership of two cannot be a partnership of equals. One or the other must be in charge, to solve the inevitable 1-1 voting ties. God has declared that the man is to be in charge and the nonreligious-yet-sane are generally on board with that.

But here’s the thing, God is not going to show up and assert the husband’s authority.

Similarly, the couple can go off in the woods and make a private marriage contract or covenant, just the two of them. Great. But when breach is committed, who enforces the terms? If wifey cleans out the bank account, grabs the kids and moves to Papua New Guinea for the Eat, Pray, Love lifestyle, what can the man do to stop her? The contract/covenant is just a piece of paper. Not an avenging angel.

It is the God-given duty of the State to punish evil. Therefore, it is the God-given duty of the State, its natural function, to enforce the terms of marriage. Specifically, the husband’s authority.

Boxer, Derek and a few others have been trying to cheerlead for marriage recently, which prompted this post. It’s all tone-deaf noise to me. I do not care how good marriage MIGHT be. I do not care how well it CAN make me happy. Too many men exactly like me have been utterly ruined.

I want a guarantee that a wife would respect and obey me. Already, I know from experience that I’m not attractive to women. That can’t be compensated for with vetting and upping my Charisma statistic.

A guarantee is unreasonable in terms of realistic expectations but entirely reasonable for a man who’s spent his entire adult life watching family life burn because of everything from dead-bed marriages to the utter ruin of men exactly like me. I do not dare to live in a world of hopes and maybes.

Only a government can offer a guarantee of enforcing the husband’s authority over his wife. In the past, “government” meant local politicians and priests, which I assume is what the men who “want government out of marriage” actually want. You want a marriage with no human authorities involved at all? Then just start porking her and find out the hard way if she stays loyal for the rest of her life.

More than my personal demands, I believe the inability of modern husbands to threatpoint their wives is exactly why they are considered unsexy. Women respond to fear, not opportunity, and we’ve learned from the Red Pill that women even take a measure of comfort in the occasional spanking, smackdown or general frame-grab. The only two ways we can regain husbandly threatpoint is the State empowering fathers or the State turning a blind eye to domestic violence. Both are decisions the State must make, so this is a decision for the State to make.

Yes, the State today has weaponized marriage against the innocent. The State has weaponized everything against the innocent. My taxes keep going up and being used to fund outrageous perversions. Property ownership is encumbered to the point of “the working homeless” becoming a common term. That doesn’t mean that all State oversight of the institution of marriage is inappropriate, it means that our current crop of parasites and cultural arsonists need their necks stretched.

Yeah, I don’t react well to treachery. A major reason I can’t risk marriage.

I close with an example of what a healthy marital threatpoint might look like. Once per week, a husband can have the police put his wife in the stockade for a day. No questions asked, just drop her off in the morning. (Or call for a pickup if she won’t go quietly.) She spends a day in discomfort and public humiliation, but no actual cruelty, under the watch of a dispassionate jailer rather than a potentially enraged hubby.

Wives would respect their husbands more if they knew he could make that call and they’d have no recourse. Not unlike what’s happening now, actually, which suggests threatpoints are a primal way of how women think. Men don’t like the idea of using leverage against their wives, being more likely to attempt reason, outwait the problem or thug out upon her. Which is why the State should provide a threatpoint like this one as a marital convenience, to promote happy and healthy marriages among its constituents.



I found an interesting chart on the Daily Kos that said 11 state politicians have changed political loyalties since the 2018 elections barely six months ago. I don’t mean turncoats in the pejorative sense today; Left vs. Right has become meaningless, now that the real battle is globalist vs. nationalist. Then again, this is an awfully short time after the elections for the pols to reveal themselves as not who the people voted for. Let’s have a look at their reasons and physiognomies.

Johnny Tadlock, Oklahoma, Dem->Rep, 6 Dec 2018

Oklahoma State Rep Switches Teams?? | The Lost Ogle

The bulb on his nose suggests interest in money/finance. He’s probably decisive with a square, jutting chin like that; indeed, his career was in law enforcement rising as high as Sheriff before entering politics. Heavy crows-feet at the corner of his eyes but not extending across the lower eyelids; an unhappy marriage, perhaps, or police work may have aged him prematurely. A generally square face indicates a pragmatic, high-endurance personality.

As Democratic rural losses increase, state Rep. Tadlock says he is changing Parties, not changing sides

Oklahoma City . State Rep. Johnny Tadlock, first elected as representative from Oklahoma House District 1 in 2014, delivered the political equivalent of a trembler at the state Capitol last week.

Tadlock switched his party affiliation from Democrat to Republican. The Idabel legislator cited conservative policy beliefs as the reason for the change.

In comments sent to The City Sentinel on Thursday (December 6), Rep. Tadlock said, .This to me is not at all about party affiliation. This is about representing the people who live in my district to the best of my ability and making sure their voice is heard at the state Capitol. To do this, I feel I would have better success in the majority party.

.I have not changed my beliefs. As a Democrat, I was endorsed by the National Rifle Association. I have always been pro-life. I have cared about safe and decent roads and bridges, public safety, free and fair public education and health care that reaches those in the rural communities. These are still the issues with which I will be concerned..

Not a conservative worthy of the label. But his switch leaves OK Democrats with almost no presence outside of the cities.

State Rep. Emily Virgin of Norman, recently elected as the Democratic House Leader, sent a statement soon after Tadlock’s party switch was announced. She said:

.Whether the legislator from House District 1 is a Republican or a Democrat, the Democratic Caucus is going to continue to fight for legislation that benefits towns like Broken Bow and Idabel.

For the last decade, Republican policies from healthcare to education have been devastating to rural Oklahoma so while we don’t understand Rep. Tadlock’s decision, we wish him the best of luck..

She didn’t scream at him for homophobia and Russia connections so I conclude it’s a reelection ploy done early.

Barbara Bollier, Kansas, Rep->Dem, 12 Dec 2018

Barbara Bollier

A textbook feminist face. Masculinized chin/jaw, sunken eyes, thin lips, New York City haircut, flat chest. I’m surprised she ever identified as a conservative.

Barbara Bollier: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Barbara Bollier is a Kansas state lawmaker who left the Republican Party to join the Democrats. Bollier said her frustration with the party had been building for years but the final straw was the inclusion of anti-transgender language into the party platform, The Shawnee Mission Post reported.

Bollier has been an outspoken critic of her own party for years, even backing a Democratic candidate in the Kansas 3rd Congressional District election and the state’s governor’s race.

Bollier had been punished by the party by losing her position on the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee.

.Once I was removed from my committees, it no longer made sense for me to try to represent my constituents as a Republican,. she said.

Entitled termite bitch. She attacked her own party from the inside. Good that her peers removed her from positions of leadership but they should have kicked her out entirely before she had the chance to leave. They didn’t want to lose their meaningless edge against the Democrats, most likely.

Dinah Sykes, Kansas, Rep->Dem, 19 Dec 2018

New Member Spotlight: Dinah Sykes | Rotary Club of Lenexa

Not fully feministized. The accessories are Leftoid–haircut, glasses–but she could probably be rehabilitated to live a normal life. Smiles that bare the gums indicate a belief that the subject self-perceives as desirable.

Compromise, common sense and listening to all sides of an issue don’t seem like countercultural values. Certainly, in the home I grew up in they weren.t. My parents belonged to separate political parties, and those values were part of the air I breathed.

But in my state’s Republican Party, such values have become increasingly difficult to find. And that’s why I’ve decided to leave the party.

Impressive. Okie Republicans found their spine!

I ran for office because I strongly believe that elected officials should serve the people they represent. They should take the time to hear from those on all sides of an issue and consider how people’s lives are affected by policies. I didn’t see this from the incumbent, so I ran for a seat in the Kansas legislature.

That’s not how gov’t leaders serve the people, by giving them what they want. Fear God, punish evil, keep the infrastructure intact. It doesn’t matter how many soccer moms are inconvenienced by State prohibitions on divorce.

There, I identified with and developed friendships with moderate women in both parties who embodied this kind of principled compromise and common sense. Despite the work of then-Gov. Sam Brownback, a Republican, to purge state government (and the Republican Party) of moderates, I believed the best way to fight for my state was to work with my moderate friends to try to reverse those changes; in fact, that’s what I had been elected to do. It’s what the people wanted. However, I quickly discovered during my own service what many of my moderate friends already knew: The changes were deeper and much more pervasive than I thought. To many in the Republican Party, “bipartisan” had become a dirty word.

Bipartisan IS a dirty word. Meanwhile, Dinah found sisterhood with the Dems.

I witnessed party bosses reinforce this message numerous times by punishing caucus members who disagreed with their leadership. I was even threatened early in my first session for advocating an end to Brownback’s failed tax experiment, a key issue in my campaign and one that the people of my district supported. When a fixed ideological position was put ahead of the people I serve and their wishes, I knew that was unacceptable.

Brownback, the previous Kansas governor and proponent of trickle-down economics, pushed massive tax cuts into effect. State gov’t revenue fell dramatically with education, transportation and abortion most notably affected. In fact, the State gov’t’s credit rating was downgraded in part for financial stability concerns. Sounds good to me but he’s considered to be one of the least popular governors in Kansas’ history. He is now President Trump’s “U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom” over loud objections from the ACLU, CAIR and the LGBT faction.

Sounds like there’s quite the cold civil war in Kansas politics today.

Stephanie Clayton, Kansas, Rep->Dem, 19 Dec 2018

The same day as Dinah. Looking forward to this one… on the right:

Sen. Dinah Sykes and Rep. Stephanie Clayton, both moderate Republicans, said Wednesday they are becoming Democrats. They join Sen. Barbara Bollier, who left the Republican Party earlier in December.

A very smooth face in a pic most likely indicates cosmetics; truly unlined faces at midlife have led sheltered lives. On a woman, curved (emotional) eyebrows combined with rational eyes & lips indicate emotional manipulation. This is perversely confirmed by her long, maintained hair. Committed feminists (which I admittedly didn’t learn from her face) who don’t cut their hair are breaking partly with the herd, which means they have practical advantage to gain from long hair–manipulation or sleeping to the top, stuff like that.

Also, her smile strikes me as predatory. I’ve seen it in a few other pics I sampled so it’s not just for this one.

Two more Kansas lawmakers are leaving the Republican Party to become Democrats, shrinking the ranks of GOP moderates after the Legislature grew more conservative in the November election.

Sen. Dinah Sykes and Rep. Stephanie Clayton, both moderate Johnson County Republicans, said Wednesday they are becoming Democrats. They join Sen. Barbara Bollier, who left the Republican Party earlier in December. …

Clayton, of Overland Park, called out what she described as “recent moves to support chaos in public policy” that she said had caused her great concern. She said she first ran for office in 2010, when her daughter was in first grade, because of a lack of stable funding for public education.

A perfect example of why women don’t belong in politics.

.Leaders in the Kansas House and Senate have now indicated that they will seek to scrap the bipartisan education plan achieved over the last two years, just as we are so close to solving this problem and ending the cycle of school litigation,. Clayton said in a statement.

.My Republican Party, then, seems to no longer represent or serve the interests of the 19th District, Johnson County, or the State of Kansas,. she said. …

The Kansas Supreme Court has largely signed off on a five-year plan to ramp up annual school funding by $525 million approved last spring, but faulted the Legislature for not accounting for inflation. Additional funding to address that could require roughly $90 million more a year, and the court expects lawmakers to act during the upcoming session. …

In addition to Sykes, Clayton and Bollier, departing Rep. Joy Koesten has also become a Democrat. The Leawood lawmaker was defeated in the Republican primary in August.

The new Democrats may help boost [Democratic Gov-elect Laura] Kelly, who will need votes not only for her agenda but also to potentially uphold vetoes of Republican-driven legislation.

That’s what I expected would be the motivation of most turncoats, voting politics, but damn… Kansas Republicans are kicking da wimminz out of their party!

Donald Marean, ME, Rep->Indep, 4 Jan 2019

Maine State House Rep Don Marean leaves GOP - News Growl

I don’t have much to say about this face. It’s too much like every Establishment politician ever. Large ears could indicate gullibility but there’s nothing confirming that. (The larger the ears, eyes and mouth are in proportion to the head, the more sensitive the person tends to be to life experiences.) If you draw a circle around his nose/eyes/mouth, notice that’s far inside the circumference of his face? That indicates a thick-skinned personality.

Recently re-elected Maine lawmaker quits Republican Party

AUGUSTA, Maine . A state legislator from York County left the Republican Party on Thursday without explaining his decision to unenroll, reducing the party’s minority in the Maine House of Representatives to 56 and becoming the seventh independent in the chamber.

Rep. Don Marean confirmed that he left his party in a Friday text message, but he said “out of respect” for House Republicans, he had no comment on his decision and would let it speak for itself.

.We were informed by the speaker’s office yesterday that he has unenrolled,. John Bott, spokesman for House Republicans, said Friday. .We do not have any details on his decision..

It’s one thing to not give a public explanation, another to not give ANY explanation even to your peers that you’re abandoning.

Marean is term-limited from running in 2020 after six overall terms in the Legislature. He won his seat in 2018 with 56 percent of votes and represents his hometown of Hollis and parts of Buxton. He was recently assigned to serve as the ranking Republican on the Legislature’s tax committee.

Marean has been a moderate member of a conservative caucus. Last year, he was one of four Republicans who opposed former Gov. Paul LePage’s veto of a bill to ban conversion therapy, a widely condemned and pseudoscientific treatment that attempts to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity.

He’s not a pedoface. Maybe he’s just pulling the cord on a golden parachute. *checks* Fewer than 10 years in politics so that seems unlikely, too.

Brian Malenschien, California, Rep->Dem, 24 Jan 2019

Brian Maienschein.jpg

There’s our pedoface. My California, of course. *Sigh* *checks* Per wikipedia, he’s proudly endorsed by LGBTs and a volunteer children’s coach. Doin’ the Boy Scout thing, eh? Interestingly, he authored legislation permitting but not requiring youth programs to do background checks on children’s coaches.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. . A moderate California Republican state lawmaker switched parties Thursday while criticizing the policies and leadership of President Donald Trump, whom he said has led the party “to the extreme..

Assemblyman Brian Maienschein said he and the Republican Party have moved in different directions since he was first elected in 2012.

Right off the start? Republican unwillingness to police its membership for loyalty, not to mention sabotage, is a major reason it’s useless except as controlled opposition.

He represents the border city of San Diego and said he differs with the Republican Party on immigration as well as health care, gun control, abortion and gay rights.

No Sodomite is ever going to advocate Christian morality. Is there something Brian AGREED with his peers about?

Maienschein said he has been a Republican all his adult life, but is changing in part because “Donald Trump has led the Republican Party to the extreme on issues that divide our country..

.As the Republican Party has drifted further right, I and my votes have shifted to the left,. he added. .Over the years I’ve often been at odds with the Republican Party, and even when the GOP disrespected and ignored me, I crossed the aisle to vote for my values..

Maybe that’s WHY the GOP disrespected and ignored him. Brian will not be missed.

Dawn Addiego, New Jersey, Rep->Dem, 28 Jan 2019

Dawn Marie Addiego has served in the state Senate since 2010.

Central Casting feminist face. The nose appears to be concave which would indicate higher emotional expression than average.

In a rare and unexpected move, longtime Republican state Sen. Dawn Marie Addiego of Burlington County announced Monday she is switching parties and becoming a Democrat.

.As gridlock in Washington dominates the news, it has become increasingly clear that in order to effect change you have to be part of the discussion and not on the outside looking in,. Addiego, who has represented South Jersey’s 8th District since 2010, said in a statement she released on Facebook.

.The people of the 8th District did not elect me to be content in the role of loyal opposition,” the 56-year-old attorney added.

The “loyal opposition” part is interesting. The article gives several possible reasons for the move. This one is my guess:

Addiego.s decision could also be wrapped up in a Democratic Party civil war between Sweeney, D-Gloucester, and the more liberal Murphy, with whom the Senate president sometimes clashes, most notably on fiscal issues.

Addiego, a longtime moderate Republican, is likely to be part of a relatively moderate South Jersey voting bloc aligned with Sweeney, which could come in handy as another fight appears to be brewing between the Senate president and governor, over the next state budget.

That also means Addiego likely won’t have to stray too far from her past votes.

Sweeney says New Jersey is facing a financial crisis and is suggesting more cuts to public-worker pensions and health benefits to help save the state money.

Murphy, a major union supporter, has not lent his support and could seek more tax hikes instead to pay for pensions . something Sweeney says he’s against.

Sweeney told NJ Advance Media on Monday that Addiego is .a good friend” and will be “another vote” for the party.

.I know she’s not a liberal,. he said. “But she’s been moderate on a lot of social issues. It’s a good thing. … She.ll bring a view and a voice that.ll strengthen our team.”

I can see a low-commitment Republican changing teams if that’s what it takes to stop a major tax increase. As things stand, New Jersey is nearly as lost to the GOPe as California. No harm done here.

Bryce Edgmon, Alaska, Dem->Indep, 14 Feb 2019

Another squarish face indicating pragmatism and endurance. Horizontal eyes & brows indicate a very rational outlook on life, contrasted slightly with a mustache whose purpose, I think, is projecting more masculinity than he actually feels. Combined, he doesn’t strike me as a man of strong convictions. Even his glasses are rimless.

Bryce Edgmon reregisters as ‘Undeclared’


Lifelong Democrat Rep. Bryce Edgmon of Dillingham quietly reregistered as an “undeclared” yesterday, Division of Elections records show.

It may be part of a plan Democrats and three Republicans are hatching to nominate him as Speaker of the House, allowing him to return for another two-year term.

Today, two Speaker nominees were turned down by House members. Republican Dave Talerico failed on a 20-20 vote, and then Republican-in-name-only Gary Knopp, who has flipped to work with the Democrats, also failed to get the votes.

With the Republican side in disarray today, Edgmon’s change of party status appears to be the next move to organizing the House.

Edgmon is said to have consulted with Democrats in his heavily partisan district, and won their nod of approval to change his party in order to build a bipartisan coalition.

His official page at the Alaska Legislature still lists him as a Democrat.

I agree, this stinks of coalition building. Pure politics. Also, I verified that he still unofficially considers himself a Democrat.

Steve Holland, Mississippi, Dem->Indep, 1 Mar 2019

House votes to nix civil service protections | Mississippi Today

He could be Pink Mafia in the Vatican with a face like that. Bulb on nose tip indicating money. I think he has small nostrils, indicating low generosity, which is a bit disturbing when linked with the nose and those beady, hooded eyes. Is he originally from New Jersey? He looks like New Jersey.

*checks* No, but WTF? Um… never mind, let’s stay focused. I might do a post later.

Steve Holland (Independent) is a member of the Mississippi House of Representatives, representing District 16. Holland is running in the general election on November 5, 2019. He was first elected to the chamber in 1983.

Holland switched parties from Democratic to Independent on March 1, 2019. Daily Journal noted that this was most likely to avoid a primary challenge in 2019. “This, however, is a seeming maneuver to avoid a primary fight with former justice court judge Rickey Thompson. Holland has outspokenly identified as liberal. Thus, regardless of the outcome of the House District 16 race, the winner looks certain to caucus with Democrats,” wrote Caleb Bedillion.

Just a reelection ploy. Move along.

Nick Bain, Mississippi, Dem->Rep, 1 Mar 2019

I’m hoping this guy is a sane one but he’s the same day and state as Holland.

Hahaha! Forgive me, but that’s Trump’s hair he’s wearing and he looks so happy about it. Nice NRA pin. The crooked teeth stand out. Chinese reading says that indicates skill at public speaking. His face shape is too squat to count as triangular (often meaning SJW), so his face is probably Venusian: rounded at the upper corners, gently pointed at the middle bottom, sometimes called a “lozenge” shape. He’s a lover or at least, passionate about his interests. That extra fold of flesh around his jaw/neck is a Chinese indication of good luck. Still, he’s guarded on the left side of his face so his personal life is not all in order. Protruding cheekbones give his a slight air of dominance without which, he’d probably be considered ugly. That itself could be the personal life problem; his face has a lot of asymmetry so he might have been shunned until he learned to present himself well. Thick eyebrows with trailing hairs on both ends indicates an active mind.

Per Wikipedia, “In 2013, Bain introduced a bill to ensure that all Mississippi children would be screened for speech impediments.” I nailed his being passionate and a public speaker! *victory lap*

A late-breaking defection guarantees that Republicans will flip at least one seat in the Mississippi legislature this election cycle.

State Rep. Nick Bain is in his second term as a Democrat, representing House District 2, which includes Alcorn County. He announced re-election plans earlier this year, but not until Friday, the last day of qualifying, did it become publicly known that he will change parties and run for re-election as a Republican.

Ah, so that’s why they both switched on the same day: last-minute qualifying. I bet Mississippi regularly has party flipping on 1 March.

A Republican, DuJuana Frazier Thompson., had previously qualified in that district to challenge the Democratic incumbent.

Following Bain’s party switch, Thompson promptly dropped out of the race.

Bain.s decision apparently took Democrats by surprise, and no Democrat qualified, leaving Bain unopposed for re-election.

It worked.

In a press release issued by Speaker of the House Philip Gunn, Bain justified his switch by stating a desire to have more influence in the state capitol.

.I.m tired of sitting on the sidelines,. Bain said in the statement. .I.m ready to be part of the policy-making in Mississippi. I have always been conservative in my voting record concerning Second Amendment rights and social issues like protecting the sanctity of life and family values. With this switch, I know I will be able to better help my constituents of Alcorn County in House District 2..

Blah blah blah, it worked.

Andy McKean, Iowa, Rep->Dem, 23 Apr 2019

Longest-Serving Iowa Republican Ditches Party Over Trump ...

Pedo. He’s also got those bad-luck earlobes and… is his jaw dislocated? A second picture seems to confirm. That might mean he grinds his teeth which, when combined with being guarded on the left side, indicates major personal issues. Or, maybe Trump Derangement Syndrome causes teeth grinding. I’m guessing TDS from being a male Dem->Rep.

Report- Iowa's Longest-Serving Republican Switches to ...

This pic confirms crows-feet. The inner ear cup is flush with the outer ear, indicating he has trouble separating his inner life from his outer life. Huh, those earlobes are like cancer tumors. A theoretical interpretation: a small tragus gap indicates introversion. It would be interesting if McKean is naturally extroverted but so easily triggered in old age that he turned inward with so much effort that his earlobes grew to squeeze the tragus shut. A similar effect to stuffing one’s fingers in his ears to blot out unpleasant sound. But this is highly theoretical.

Andy McKean: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Andy McKean is the longest-serving Republican legislator in Iowa. McKean, a lifelong Republican, announced that he would switch parties to the Democrats over his opposition to President Donald Trump’s policies.

Trump Derangement Syndrome. Grinding teeth explained? Frankly, I expected more than two TDS patients but Trump has been in office three years already so maybe most of them are gone. McKean probably only lasted this long by being entrenched Establishment. Iowa has been going Blue swiftly on his watch; looks like we have the reason why.

McKean is a retired attorney and square-dance caller, according to his official bio. He served in both the Iowa House and Senate between 1979 and 2003. He returned to run for office in 2016 and says he plans to run for re-election as a Democrat.

Do male dancers tend to be homosexual? Dancing used to be a masculine thing, back when we sent the Redcoats home, but when I tried dancing a couple times (hey, I was desperate to meet girls. They said to go where the girls are. I ruled out anything alcoholic. That left dancing) it was strictly for make-out purposes. One class even assumed from the start that only couples would show up. Then they did the “grope”.

Then #MeToo ended any chance of me putting my arms around an unknown female ever again. You win, wimminz. Enjoy me not being there for you.

McKean, who had been appointed to head the House Ethics Committee, said that he left the Republican Party, in part, because he believed Trump’s spending was “reckless” and his foreign policy was “erratic” and “destabilizing.”

.I believe that his actions have coarsened political discourse, have resulted in unprecedented divisiveness and have created an atmosphere that is a breeding ground for hateful rhetoric and actions,. McKean said. .Some would excuse this behavior as “telling it like it is” and the new normal. If this is the new normal, I want no part of it..

Says the treacherous, bipartisan RINO.