Anti-Militia Collusion At the Mexican Border

A recent arrest of a border militia leader uncovers a nest of Convergence snakes colluding against President Trump and working to discredit the Militia movement yet again. We start with my favorite tabloid, Heavy.

Larry Mitchell Hopkins: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

20 April 2019

The FBI has arrested Larry Mitchell Hopkins, the head of a militia group that has been detaining would-be migrants at the US-Mexico border. The FBI announced that Hopkins, 69, had been arrested on April 20 in Sunland Park, New Mexico on charges of being a felon in possession of a firearm and ammunition.

Sweet, Americans are doing the job that Congressmen don’t want to. We all know what comes next!

Hopkins, who often goes by the name of Johnny Horton, is the leader of a militia called the United Constitutional Patriots. The group says it has detained thousands migrants at the border in the last month alone, most of them children. United Constitutional Patriots regularly releases videos of their detentions; the videos show militia members wearing military fatigues and carrying guns. The militia members say they are fighting to defend their flag and their country, but human rights groups, like the American Civil Liberties Union, have denounced the group as a “fascist militia organization..

*checks* Hmm, the UCP is such a fascist militia that youTube doesn’t even have age restrictions on their publicly posted videos of human rights-violating terrorist militia actions. Their algorithm probably thought their balaclavas meant they were black supremacists instead of white supremacists. Seems a small organization, however. I would think that safely detaining large groups would require double-digit personnel.

They also have a radio program that makes frequent references to Qanon and… well, we’ll get there.

larry mitchell hopkins mugshot

Here’s Larry. His eyelids are heavily hooded, indicating longstanding emotional issues. Confirmed with a pessimistic mouth and sunken cheeks. Frizzy hair suggests emotional/mental instability. However, the right side of his face is the more guarded side, so his issues are directed more at the outside world than the inner world. Chin looks strong enough that he won’t be passive-aggressive about his issues, whatever they are.

Here.s what you need to know about Larry Hopkins:

1. Hopkins Has a Criminal Record Dating Back to at Least 1986 & Has Been Convicted of Impersonating a Police Officer

FBI agents arrested Hopkins on April 20 on charges of being a felon in possession of a firearm. He has a long arrest record, dating back to at least 1986, when he was arrested and convicted of the “felony of false pretenses,. or fraud, in Midland County, Michigan. Decades later, in 2006, Hopkins was arrested in Klamath County, Oregon on charges of impersonating a police officer and being a felon in possession of a firearm.

According to the arrest report filed in Klamath County, police found Hopkins at a gas station showing off a gun to a group of young people. The arrest report says that Hopkinns was also showing the group of juveniles a badge that said “special agent” and was telling them that he was a police officer. Hopkins pleaded guilty to impersonating a police officer and to one count of possessing a firearm.

Not a promising history for a militia type. He appears to be the leader of the UCP, which explains how he avoided a background check turning up “convicted felon”.

[Edit: As my research progressed, I reached an ENTIRELY different conclusion about Hopkins’ relationship with law enforcement, one which suggests a more ominous reason why no background check turned up a felonious background.]

2. Hopkins Says He Has a Long-Standing Relationship with President Trump & Claims His Militia Shares Information with the Government

Hopkins has repeatedly said that he has sources in the US government that pass along information to him. He told the Southern Poverty Law Center that he was getting tips “from the very top” of the government. He said he didn’t want to tell the SPLC where exactly he was getting his information.

There are many reasons why people impersonate police. Larry’s reason appears to be “attention whore”. Not only does he have delusions of significance in the halls of power, but he’s apparently willing to speak directly with the freakin’ SPLC about his militia activities to garner publicity. We already know how THAT turned out for him.

But later, in a radio interview posted by The Renegade Network, Horton said that he had a long-standing relationship with President Trump and that he and the president were in close touch. He said that the president listened to his radio show and that they were exchanging information about the US border . Horton said President Trump was especially interested in the northern border. Explaining where he first met the president, Horton said, .When I was doing music, I met Trump and his first wife when he had the casino in Las Vegas, and I played there numerous times. OK?. Hopkins said. .That’s how I knew him. And Trump and I have kept in touch ever since..

I doubt Trump befriends many of the folks who perform in his casinos, especially if they aren’t in the D-cup range. Sure, Larry probably got a handshake from the Don at some point. It may have gone to his head.

3. Hopkins Calls Himself an “Entertainer” & Uses the Name of Country Music Legend Johnny Horton

Both on social media and on his YouTube videos, Hopkins uses the name Johnny Horton Jr. It’s a reference to country music legend Johnny Horton, who died in a car crash in 1960. Hopkins describes himself as an “entertainer” and also performs music.

Per Wikipedia, Horton did honky-tonk country. My first though was that Larry had an exceptionally weak personality to coopt a successful guy’s identity but his chin didn’t look nearly that weak. On further reflection, I wonder if it wasn’t just a nom de plume. It’s not like my own name is… um… Q.

Anyway, I doubt Hopkins used the Horton Jr. name professionally. That would have been an easy lawsuit.

4. United Constitutional Patriots Says They Detained Over 3,500 People at the Border in March

Hopkins is the leader of a militia group called United Constitutional Patriots. On April 1, Hopkins wrote on his Facebook page about the group’s recent activities at the border. He said the militia had detained over 3,500 would-be migrants in the past month alone. He added that most of the detainees were children whom, he said, were being trafficked by adults. The April 1 Facebook post reads:

.i am off of the border until after the 11th , people need to see the truth of whats going on on our border please go to the united constitutional patriots new mexico border ops page on face book , live streamed videos of what we are up against and why we need your support, in the last month our group of patriots have stopped over 3500, mostly kids being trafficked by adults , plus a lot of young men that are wanted criminals, i will be going back to the border soon we need help, GOD BLESS YOU ALL..

Horton.s Facebook page includes photos and videos of heavily armed members of his militia standing beside American flags. Many of the men are wearing camouflage; others have bandannas tied around their faces.

This got me thinking on motive. A militia group stopping a couple migrants here and there, cooperating with the Border Patrol, nobody would care much, but if this group is actually reaching four-digit monthly interception rates then notice might be taken… and an example made.

5. New Mexico’s Attorney General Called Hopkins a “Dangerous Felon. Who Should not Have Weapons

After Hopkins. arrest, the attorney general of New Mexico, Hector Balderas, issued a statement praising his arrest. The statement said, .This is a dangerous felon who should not have weapons around children and families. Today’s arrest by the FBI indicates clearly that the rule of law should be in the hands of trained law enforcement officials, not armed vigilantes..

And with a name, I started digging deeper. There had to be more to this story because why did the FBI arrest Hopkins instead of state/local cops or the Border Patrol? The charge of “felon with a gun” strikes me as a jurisdiction-neutral accusation, not even a parole violation. Why didn’t the NM Attorney General issue his own warrant for Hopkins’ arrest?

I’ve assembled my results in chronological order. Hopkins’ arrest was in retaliation for a specific incident, for reasons that made the UCP uniquely vulnerable to Leftoid pressure.

Video: Hundreds of asylum seekers surrender to armed civilians at New Mexico border

By Oscar Margain, 16 April 2019

WESLACO, Texas . Hundreds of migrants were captured on camera walking in the middle of the night across the New Mexico-Chihuahua border.

The video was taken by Jim Benvie, a member of a volunteer group called United Constitutional Patriots. The group has been camping out in the Chihuahua desert for two months.

The video . streamed on Facebook Live . shows droves of asylum seekers comprised of men, women and children, walking up a dirt road just after midnight Tuesday. They crossed through a border fence gap in Sunland Park, New Mexico, to turn themselves in to Border Patrol, but they came across Benvie’s encampment instead.

The link is still live. Hopkins may have been an ex-con but his organization appears to have been professionally run. Aside from giving too many interviews to media types. No offense, Kens5 TV.

.I literally walked out and I looked, and all I saw was hundreds of people coming at us,. said Benvie.

Benvie and three other men had been scouting the area Monday night before encountering what the U.S. Border Patrol estimated was 300 migrants.

.We held them there until Border Patrol came,. said Benvie. “And once they came then we did what we do, and that’s to help Border Patrol get them to the processing van. So, everybody is safe..

The KENS 5 Border Team first met the UCP two weeks ago, and was shown what Benvie identified as gaps in border security at the corner where the borders of New Mexico, Texas, and Chihuahua, Mexico meet.

Benvie has documented their encounters with smugglers and asylum seekers for the last 60 days.

.We’re just Americans. We’re veterans, we’re ex-law enforcement, we’re people that care about our national security,. he said. .We’re people that care about our strained Border Patrol..

Border Patrol said it’s aware of the presence of the UCP but does not condone the group’s actions. Actions Benvie described as peaceful . and the guns they carry . purely for self-defense.

Never having been fired in fear or anger, to judge from the lack of media reports. No doubt whatever that the Leftoids looked.

.There’s danger that goes along with this,. admitted Benvie. .We do have the cartel here. We are interfering with their business. We don’t think that we can save the border, we’re down here because we want to show America the truth. That’s why we’re making these videos..

Next, the Leftoids appeal to amenable authority.

18 April 2019

SUNLAND PARK, NM – Today, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of New Mexico sent a letter to New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham and Attorney General Hector Balderas asking them to investigate an armed vigilante group currently engaged in the unlawful detention of hundreds of migrants near New Mexico’s southern border.

Excerpted from the letter:

.Two nights ago, on April 16, 2019, an armed fascist militia organization describing itself as the United Constitutional Patriots arrested nearly three hundred people seeking safety in the United States, including young children, near Sunland Park, New Mexico. Other videos appear to show arrests in the past few hours. The vigilante members of the organization, including Jim Benvie, who posted videos and photographs of the unlawful arrests to social media, are not police or law enforcement and they have no authority under New Mexico or federal law to detain or arrest migrants in the United States. Their actions undermine the legitimate efforts of our state’s law enforcement officials to keep New Mexico families safe and they erode community trust.

Reading between the lines and taking a lot at face value, the UCP intercepted a shipment of trafficked children headed to a high-level government/NGO “recipient”.

The Trump administration’s vile racism has emboldened white nationalists and fascists to flagrantly violate the law. This has no place in our state: we cannot allow racist and armed vigilantes to kidnap and detain people seeking asylum. We urge you to immediately investigate this atrocious and unlawful conduct..

Speaks for itself. The ACLU acted on behalf of foreign nationals attempting to bypass national border security as part of their personal hatred for the President. Interesting that they talk like they believed Hopkins’ statements about being close with Trump. They may have hoped that hurting Hopkins would also hurt President Trump.

Bad move, Larry. Claiming the association brought inevitable trouble, which was hard to endure because the association didn’t actually exist. The worst of both worlds.

“They Killed Us”: Crowdfunding Sites Have Cut Off An Armed Militia Detaining Migrants At The Border

By Salvador Hernandez & Adolfo Flores, 19 April 2019, Updated 22 April

A right-wing “patriot” group that detained hundreds of migrants at gunpoint at the southern border this week after raising thousands of dollars online was notified by crowdfunding giants PayPal and GoFundMe that its fundraising campaigns have been shut down, dealing a major blow to the militia’s operation.

Known as the United Constitutional Patriots, the militia has been patrolling a remote stretch of the New Mexico desert near the Mexican border for months with heavily armed members reportedly detaining dozens of migrants a day.

The group has used the thousands of dollars donated online to supply food, gasoline, propane, and a portable toilet at a camp in Sunland, New Mexico, but by Friday members of the militia learned they would no longer be able to use PayPal or GoFundMe to raise money.

“They killed us,” Mark Cheney, who described himself as the commander of the United Constitutional Patriots, told BuzzFeed News in a phone interview. “I have to find some other way for people to donate.”

This is at odds with Larry Hopkins being the UCP leader as reported by others.

On Friday [19 April], the militia was notified that both their PayPal and GoFundMe campaigns had been shut down for violating the crowdfunding sites’ policy on the promotion of hate or violence, and in at least one instance allegedly using the funds to buy firearms. Cheney denied that the group used donations to purchase weapons.

National border security is “hate”. Gotcha. And since when is legally purchasing firearms a crime?

“The account associated with United Constitutional Patriots has been closed due to a violation of our Acceptable Use Policy,” a PayPal spokesperson told BuzzFeed News in a statement. “We do not allow PayPal services to be used to promote hate, violence, or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory.”

That decision, Cheney said, dealt a significant blow to the group’s operations in a remote area near the southern border, where costs can quickly add up.

“As the commander, it’s my responsibility to find some way for people to donate,” he said.

On Monday [22 April] a third company, Cash App from Square, confirmed to BuzzFeed News that it too had shut down efforts by the group to raise money through its service.

Hence the article update.

“Square does not tolerate our products or our platform being used for hate,” the company said in a statement. “When we determine accounts violate our terms of service, we take swift action.”

Members of the group have been camped near the border since November, hoping to shut off the flow of people crossing the border they have called an “invasion,” echoing the hardline rhetoric by President Trump. Leaders say in that time they’ve detained more than 3,000 people, and members have posted dozens of videos online showing migrants, including young children, held in detention near the border.

Crowdfunding is, of course, a notoriously Converged sector of finance. God help us Christians when Visa & Mastercard gets Pozzed. One would like to believe somebody would always be willing to take our money.

An armed militia was “detaining” migrants at the border. The FBI arrested its leader.

By Kayla Epstein, Lindsey Bever and Eli Rosenberg, 22 April 2019

The leader of an armed militia that scours the southern border for undocumented migrants was arrested by the FBI on Saturday, days after a video of the group holding migrants against their will sparked outrage.

Larry Mitchell Hopkins, 69, was arrested in the New Mexico border city of Sunland Park on charges of being a felon in possession of firearms and ammunition, the FBI said.

The charges stem from the discovery of weapons at Hopkins’s residence in 2017, after the FBI received a tip about “alleged militia extremist activity” connected to Hopkins, according to a federal court complaint that was unsealed Monday. Elizabeth Martinez, a spokeswoman for the U.S. attorney’s office in New Mexico, declined to comment on the long delay in charging Hopkins.

Damn, that’s scary. The FBI held dirt on Hopkins for two years in case he became politically useful. One wonders if they tried to use him as an informant/mole in the militia movement. It’s not like the FBI has a second play in its playbook… assassinating a sitting President not having worked well the first time they tried it.

The FBI said it had found nine guns when it searched Hopkins’s home in November 2017, including a 12-gauge shotgun, long rifles and handguns. Hopkins told agents at the time that the woman with whom he was living owned the weapons.

Yeah, I can easily see Hopkins being honey-trapped into being a mole for the FBI. But I can also see him repeating the prior offense of con with gun. Speaking of that prior offense:

Hopkins was indicted on one count of impersonating a police officer and two counts of being a felon in possession of a firearm [in Klamath County] but, in the end, did not serve a sentence, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

That’s all kinds of interesting. Prosecution should have been a slam-dunk. Methinks there is much to be learned about Larry Hopkins.

The FBI said it had been given information that Hopkins had “allegedly made the statement that the United Constitutional Patriots were training to assassinate George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.”

Either the FBI is lying shamelessly… or Hopkins is an FBI mole.

The United Constitutional Patriots came to public attention this month after the emergence of videos that showed men stopping and detaining people crossing the border. In an April 16 video, posted to Facebook by a woman who goes by Debbie Collins Farnsworth, a large group of migrants, including several children, were seen sitting on the ground and huddled together in the darkness, some of their faces illuminated by flashlights.

.This is crazy, everybody, totally crazy,. a voice that appeared to be Farnsworth’s narrated as she walked the perimeter of the group, claiming that it consisted of “hundreds” of people. .I don’t know what to say about this, other than the fact it’s got to stop,. she said.

A few minutes into the 45-minute live video, Border Patrol officers arrived and ordered the migrants to sit down before telling them to begin walking. The migrants were shepherded through the night by Border Patrol officials while Farnsworth followed behind.

Adults walked past holding children’s hands. .See the way they hold their kids? I don’t think those are their kids, honestly,. she said. .They’ve got grips on their wrists. It’s crazy..

Farnsworth.s video had garnered more than 100,000 views and 2,700 shares as of Sunday afternoon.

Everything comes back to this incident. The fanciful part of me wonders if it was a “shipment” of trafficked children heading to somebody in particular, but more likely it was the cozy, effective relationship between these militias and the Border Patrol. A quick pic by the UCP via buzzfeed:

A member of the United Constitutional Patriots poses with two Border Patrol agents.

That’s a UCP member posing with Border Patrol agents. They seem happy to work together and that must burn in the SJW’s craw. SJWs normally love public/private partnerships.

.This is a dangerous felon who should not have weapons around children and families,. [New Mexico Attorney General] Balderas said in a statement after Hopkins’s arrest. .Today’s arrest by the FBI indicates clearly that the rule of law should be in the hands of trained law enforcement officials, not vigilantes.”

This statement of his was already mentioned above but either Balderas knew the arrest was actually a two year-old, sealed indictment or he was too happy to hear about the UCP looking bad to do his homework.

After Hopkins’s weekend arrest, one of the militia’s members, Jim Benvie, addressed the recent charges in a Facebook Live video, saying that the UCP was not breaking any laws and that Hopkins would be exonerated.

He asserted that Hopkins was “set up” by Grisham and Balderas based on the ACLU.s .false, baseless allegations against the group..

.This was their first attack,. Benvie said. .They want to create a narrative that there’s a bunch of reckless criminals out on the border..

He’s not wrong about the narrative but I fear he is wrong about Hopkins being set up. I would like to be wrong but Hopkins is most likely the UCP’s Judas.

On 16 April, UCP busted a large group in partnership with ICE. 19 April, the ACLU brings in its allies, the governor and AG of New Mexico. (Soros is well-known for preferring to fund lesser offices such as attorney general than top positions of governor and such. Remember it was a Soros fundee that let Jesse Smollet go free on hate crimes then lost his entire criminal file. I just checked if Balderas was a Soros fundee but the search engines are already clogging up with Hopkins claiming the UCP was training to murder Soros. However, the other recipient of the ACLU’s letter, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, has received at least $11k directly from Soros in 2018.)

Also on 19 April, UCP gets its funding deplatformed by multiple crowdfunding sites.

And on 20 April, the FBI arrests Hopkins, a leader of the UCP who apparently had an indictment of Damocles hanging over his head when he allegedly made claims of the UCP training to assassinate celebrities… when in truth, what they did was peacefully make the Border Patrol more effective.

That’s a lot of attacks in all of four days’ time. Collusion much?


MGTOW Life: Cars

The car, the penultimate symbol of personal freedom in America. Or is it? This Baby Boomer provides an amusingly wrong analysis. Pro-tip, any lifestyle claim that’s consistent with U.N. Agenda 21 is probably not a voluntary one for most people.

US Love Affair With Cars Nearly Finished

The Wall Street Journal has an interesting article that strikes right at the heart of the auto industry: Driving? The Kids Are So Over It.

The linked article is paywalled so I skipped the link. This excerpt will suffice:

About a quarter of 16-year-olds had a driver’s license in 2017, a sharp decline from nearly half in 1983, according to an analysis of licensing data by transportation researcher Michael Sivak.

Whereas a driver’s license once was a symbol of freedom, teenagers are reaching their driving age at a time when most have access to ride-hailing services such as Uber and Lyft to shuttle them around town. At the same time, social media and video chat let them hang out with friends without actually leaving the house. When they reach their 20s, more are moving to big cities with mass transit, where owning a car is neither necessary nor practical. And of those who do buy a car, many more than in older generations opt for a used one, according to J.D. Power.

A new mind-set among many Generation Zers.roughly those born after confounding parents and stumping auto makers at a time when new-vehicle sales in the U.S. are slowing. J.D. Power estimates that Gen Zers will purchase about 120,000 fewer new vehicles this year compared with millennials in 2004, when they were the new generation of drivers.or 488,198 vehicles versus 607,329 then.

.That freedom of getting your own wheels and a license.and that being the most important thing in gone,. said Brent Wall, owner of All Star Driver Education in Michigan, a chain of drivers.-ed schools. He said the average age of students in his class is rising. .It used to be the day they turned 14 years and eight months, everybody was lining up at the door. Now I’m starting to see more 15- and 16-year-olds in class.” He frequently hears from parents that they’re the ones pushing their children to enroll.

End linked article quote. This is well-answered by a subsequent graph from J.D. Power. The relevant bit:

Share of drivers buying used cars by generation (2018):

41% Boomer

47% Gen X

51% Gen Y

63% Gen Z

At first glance, that’s alarming. But remember this is a breakdown by age. The wealthiest demographic is always the oldest demographic. (Implication, our political problem is not female voters but pensioned voters.) Although I don’t doubt that young people are having trouble affording cars… student debt alone guarantees trouble with that.

Cost vs Convenience

Cost is an issue. Detroit is busy churning out SUVs that cost well over $30,000. The cost of insurance is rising.

One can forgo a car but not a place to live. Housing costs have risen far more than the stated rate of inflation.

Actually, the reverse is true. Men are known to live out of their cars. Were I to advise a young man on career choice, RV mechanic is looking very good right now.

I expect to end up in an RV myself. Partly because of artificially inflated rents, partly because of natural wanderlust, partly so I can pull a Lot Out Of Sodom as needed and partly because new home building has been outlawed along with fun and oxygen.

Death of the SUV

So who has been buying all those large SUVs? Retiring boomers and those flush with assets from the latest Fed-sponsored bubble.

Also, anybody living on roads maintained by politicians who think too many people own cars. In California, they call it a “road diet”: if the roads get bad enough then nobody will want to drive on them. Nothing could possibly go wrong with intentionally allowing critical infrastructure to deteriorate, right? More on this later.

Boomers won’t live forever. Nor will the stock market bubble. And just around the corner are fleets of driverless cars and a wave of new services around those cars.

The insurance liability of driverless cars alone is sufficient to ensure they never catch on. It’s a persistent setback on the road to world domination, the globalists’ inability to get rid of all those unsexy male commercial drivers.


At the heart of this shift is huge change in attitude about cars and housing coupled with amazing technological advances.

Attitude change: Car = House. Again, I see RVs cropping up all over. Here’s a couple graphs:

Remember what happened in 2009-2010? The housing bubble.

Just more of the same?? - 361 Capital - Commentaries - Advisor Perspectives

Millennials and Generation Z saw what happened in the the Great Financial crisis and the first few years of the rebound. They saw their parents arguing over debt in fear of losing their house. They do not want to fall into the same trap.

Yes. Absolutely. We saw how land ownership could become a deathtrap and are increasingly opting for housing solutions that don’t come with a million strings attached. The worst that can happen with an RV is you lose your home… we remember the poor sods who couldn’t afford to lose their home. Never mind all the legal mandates attached to property transfers.

One guy I know, he recently wanted to add a detached unit to a rural house property he owned. One of the permit costs was a $30k grant to the school district… for adding a granny unit to his home in the boonies.

Most importantly, especially if you buy used, you can OWN an RV. It’s not much of a home but it’s YOUR home, by thunder. And you can take it across state lines faster than the gov’t can tax it.

That’s huge.

We boomers…

This explains a lot about his mis-analysis.

…did not have social media outlets when we were in high school and college. Nor did we have cell phones. If you wanted to do something you had to drive or get your parents to take you.

I spent countless hours as a high-schooler, even on weekdays, just driving around going nowhere. Gas was 20 cents a gallon.

Thank God that kind of boredom is gone. Yes, driving for entertainment has lost its luster for most people. Especially me after I nearly killed myself rubber-necking on Highway 1 in Big Sur. Gorgeous place to die. Many have.

The Future

The auto industry will soon not look like what it does today. Cars will be smaller, lighter, electric, and self-driving. Boomers will be gone. Those living in big cities will not need to own a car at all, and most won’t.

Cars will be homes on wheels, with cash-strapped working poor migrating between job opportunities and rents priced like commodities. The Boomers intend to enslave us into corporate enclaves of soullessly efficient economics but we still want our freedom. Real freedom, not the “driving around going nowhere at 20 cents a gallon” freedom.

Yeah, that DOES explain a lot about the Boomer concept of freedom.

Bullshit that people in cities won’t need cars. I’ve actually done the “commute to work on your bicycle” thing and let me tell you, half an hour of biking on rolling hills and a just-eaten breakfast until you’re already sweaty at 8am is not as much fun as it sounds. Oh look, there’s rain in the forecast!

Anybody who thinks mass transit is the answer to individualized travel needs should be forced to wear only one size of clothing, the size worn by the mayor of San Francisco. Currently, London Breed, as fat as her name suggests.

Boomers are the primary force keeping the current auto trends alive. Demographically-speaking, it won’t last.

So long as roads are the dominant form of long-distance travel infrastructure, people will continue using cars. The gov’t maintains the infrastructure, from roads to rails to canals, and the people make use of it. That’s the pattern everywhere.

If the Left were serious about centralizing the population then it would start replacing freeways with railroads, which are much easier to control and automate. A few of them have tried, mostly the True Believers in Climate Change, but the truth is that Leftists are parasites. They can’t build new infrastructure. They can only cannibalize existing infrastructure or skim money off funds for new infrastructure. Thus, they want driverless cars that their R&D monkeys can (theoretically) code in a weekend.

Expect massive change within a decade, on multiple fronts, including outright ownership.

Mike “Mish” Shedlock

Expect the Boomers to not have a clue about the future.

Let me end with a discussion on road diets. Officially, it’s reworking a street for safety purposes:

A roadway reconfiguration known as a Road Diet offers several high-value improvements at a low cost when applied to traditional four-lane undivided highways. In addition to low cost, the primary benefits of a Road Diet include enhanced safety, mobility and access for all road users and a “complete streets” environment to accommodate a variety of transportation modes.

“Low cost” is never a reason to do something. Merely a reason to favor one action over another.

A classic Road Diet typically involves converting an existing four-lane, undivided roadway segment to a three-lane segment consisting of two through lanes and a center, two-way left-turn lane.

Road Diet on Edgewater Drive, Orlando, Florida, before and after reconfiguration

I don’t object to this as a safety measure. However, notice that four lanes are now two. This is why it’s called a “road diet”, it limits the ability of cars to use roads, although you won’t see any “approved” sources admit to that.

The resulting benefits include a crash reduction of 19 to 47 percent, reduced vehicle speed differential, improved mobility and access by all road users, and integration of the roadway into surrounding uses that results in an enhanced quality of life. A key feature of a Road Diet is that it allows reclaimed space to be allocated for other uses, such as turn lanes, bus lanes, pedestrian refuge islands, bike lanes, sidewalks, bus shelters, parking or landscaping.

That reeks of centralized urban planning. “What about all the poor people who want to commute on their bicycle on a sunny day? We’re forcing them to use the sidewalk!”

Why consider a Road Diet? Four-lane undivided highways experience relatively high crash frequencies . especially as traffic volumes and turning movements increase over time . resulting in conflicts between high-speed through traffic, left-turning vehicles and other road users. FHWA has deemed Road Diets a proven safety countermeasure and promotes them as a safety-focused design alternative to a traditional four-lane, undivided roadway. Road Diet-related crash modification factors are also available for use in safety countermeasure benefit-cost analysis.

Fewer lanes is a terrible way to handle the problem of increased traffic volume. But I admit, the new congestion will reduce high-speed traffic collisions.

As more communities desire “complete streets” and more livable spaces, they look to agencies to find opportunities to better integrate pedestrian and bicycle facilities and transit options along their corridors. When a Road Diet is planned in conjunction with reconstruction or simple overlay projects, the safety and operational benefits are achieved essentially for the cost of restriping. A Road Diet is a low-cost solution that addresses safety concerns and benefits all road users . a win-win for quality of life.

Yeah, no. Those new bus lanes get special bus traffic lights, bus shelters are electrified so new wiring goes in and don’t claim those “pedestrian refuge islands” are as cheap as restriping.

These are all ways of justifying the reduction of driving to an unpleasant, if not outright difficult, chore. Instead of government trying to facilitate the way most of its members want to live, it decides on what we secretly want, usually without asking us, then forces it upon us and waits smugly for our admission that it was right to do so. Dissent punished by deplatforming.

Also, consequences punished by silence. Consequences like the Paradise fire. Via wikipedia:

As the Humboldt Fire ravaged Butte County in 2008 evacuations out of the communities of Paradise and Magalia bogged down in gridlock. Fleeing residents were trapped in their cars, flames boiling on both sides of the road. Many fled on foot, barely escaping with their lives. …

After the 2008 fire a grand jury investigation identified serious constraints on the region’s evacuation routes. Their final report noted there are only four roads of escape for 40,000 people in Paradise, Magalia, and Upper Ridge, three of which are narrow, two lane mountain roads. Those roads have “significant constraints limiting their use as evacuation routes during a major event, especially another event of multiple fires..

The only major route out of the area is Skyway Boulevard, a state highway that connects the mountain communities with the city of Chico. The grand jury recommended, .immediate modification of Skyway, from Paradise to Chico, as an emergency evacuation route, by removing trees and brush and creating fire barriers on both sides of the road..

Instead, in 2012 the county decided to narrow Skyway. It removed traffic lanes and installed bike lanes, bulb-outs, and other traffic calming measures throughout Paradise.

This is how ideology defeats common sense and costs lives. For the grand jury’s report was prophetic: The lack of adequate shoulder space to park disabled or abandoned cars contributed [to] gridlock so severe that people abandoned their cars by the thousands and fled on foot. Many of them didn’t make it.

According to Paradise resident Chuck Kessler, the narrowed roads contributed to the horrific gridlock that turned the evacuation into a death march. And Paradise evacuee Jennifer Morris said it took her and her two children more than five hours to escape. Similar stories abound in evacuation centers.

The same scene played out in Los Angeles last year. In the summer of 2017 the city installed a road diet on Foothill Boulevard, which is the main evacuation route for Shadow Hills and Sunland Tujunga in north L.A. The highway is particularly critical due to the area’s geography…

The halving of capacity on Foothill bottlenecked a critical intersection with Sunland Boulevard, severely impeding evacuations during the 2017 La Tuna Fire. [A] resident says that thanks in large part to the road diet, for several critical hours Foothill Boulevard became “virtually impassable, both for rescue equipment and evacuees.” She said that at one point the police department resorted to sending motorcycles into neighborhoods, because “they could drive on the sidewalks..

For disaster preparation, the danger to “bug out” plans are obvious. Part and parcel of intentional population demobilization.

The dangers of road diets are not limited to massive emergencies. Throughout Los Angeles emergency responders routinely bog down on newly narrowed streets. A senior official with the Los Angeles Fire Department, speaking on condition of anonymity, said, .Taking away lanes, and drivers. ability to pull right, impedes emergency response. We all have gripes.removing lanes has added another detriment in responding to emergencies at times..

So much for road diets being about safety.

Cars are an important part of modern life and the freedom to travel, obviously of value to we who live on the outskirts of society. The use of cars is indeed changing, from Boomer attitudes of casually meaningless freedom to MGTOWs wisely choosing alternative forms of housing to totalitarian Nanny Staters hiding the evidence of how their Utopian plans are, once again, getting innocents killed.




Review: Alt Hero: Q #1

At long last, Arkhaven Comics has shed its inaugural habits of Disneyesque kung-fu princesses and emphasizing political statements over plot and background. Alt-Q is a real achievement, offering a story that can be enjoyed on its own merits. A welcome change if, like me, you like to read to escape from modern life rather than to virtue-signal Right or stockpile tiny land mines about the house to shorten the visits of the easily triggered.

The first issue of AHQ introduces us to Roland Dane, a Treasury agent who runs afoul of a mysterious conspiracy and swiftly ends up presumed dead and short on friends. Most of the associated cast don’t last long, as one would expect from the synopsis, but the authors still manage to create three-dimensional characters with limited working space. This is a welcome change from Alt-Hero’s habit of starting in media res with no satisfactory explanation of how so many superheroes have gotten halfway through life undetected by superhero-seeking authorities, or even who they are as the ordinary people they’ve presumably lived as. I’m sure I learned Dixie Girl’s name at some point but there’s just no character to attach it to.

The artwork is also excellent. Many comics I’ve read in recent years are either too poor, too stylish or simply too cramped to communicate settings and action sequences. AHQ threads the needle and the story’s presentation flows smoothly.

There are a couple minor issues, for example the name Roland Dane should be attached to a bearded Viking rather then the clean-cut squarejaw the comic presented. Probably a result of trying to establish the character via name choice; that’s reasonable for a short story but in the long term, such choices tend to restrict freedom of character development. Still, Roland Dane is less heavy-handed than introducing Alt-Hero’s Michael Martel by showing him cracking Muzzie rape gang skulls. That character was born in a literary straitjacket.

I look forward to the next issue of AHQ much more than I did for Alt-Hero and recommend its purchase to comic lovers who perhaps are not fully on-board with alt-Right politics. Roland was left in a bad situation with Q-uestionable allies (sorry, couldn’t resist) and a good storyteller always leaves the audience wanting more.

The Bank Of Land

Today we talk economics. Like history, it’s a boring subject only if you have a bad teacher. Vox Day gets me started on the topic:

This destruction of the housing stock by rich foreign owners is the sort of consequence the free traders never factor into their “it’s good for the economy” arguments when considering the free flow of capital:

Drained whirlpools, decaying walls and foliage creeping up the stairs can be seen on a North London street called Billionaires’ Row. Bishops Avenue in Hampstead, north London, is one of the most exclusive roads in the country, but many of its 66 mansions lie vacant. Footage taken by ‘urban explorers’ shows moss growing up the once pristine white walls of the huge rooms and swimming pools with a shallow layer of murky water. The gardens rise high and in many the decor is clearly a few decades behind.

They include a selection of residences worth ?73 million, reportedly bought for the Saudi royals between 1989 and 1993. In those days the homes caught be purchased for a cool million, now prices rise to around ?20 million. In 2014, an estimated ?350 million worth of mansions could be found on the prestigious street, the Guardian reported.

An Iranian resident told the paper: ‘Ninety-five percent of the people who live here don’t actually live here. It is a terrible place to live really.

So, the best housing stock in the most desirable areas is being destroyed, but on the plus side, the natives can’t afford to live there anyway. And the cycle will only continue as new developments are built to house the people who now live elsewhere and are building up a desirable neighborhoods that will attract more foreign “investors”.

Living where I do, I assure the reader that the same is true of America’s Pebble Beach. The occupancy rate tops at 17% or so when a major event like a golf tournament passes through. The homes are extremely valuable but not enjoyed. There are more security guards there than residents and from what I’ve heard, more illegal immigrants than security guards as live-in staff.

“An Iranian resident told the paper: ‘Ninety-five percent of the people who live here don’t actually live here. It is a terrible place to live really.”

I once worked the streets of a wealthy neighborhood in Los Angeles. It reeked of sewage because the area was remote enough to rely upon septic systems which, thanks to absentee ownership, weren’t always well-tended. The value of investment properties doesn’t depend (much) upon the condition of the homes there. They tend to get remodeled with every change of owner.

So, the land isn’t being destroyed even when the homes aren’t being kept up. It’s very hard to destroy land short of strip-mining. But that’s the thing about land: it isn’t going anywhere.

When you have a region like Pebble Beach, the Hamptons or here, Billionaires’ Row, what you actually have is a bank. It’s a place to keep your money safe from inflation and other currency manipulations.

So far, so good. Wealthy people are always going to have more nice things than they can realistically enjoy. I don’t want to fault them for that because someday, I’d also like to have more wealth than I can enjoy. Sounds like fun!

But here’s something interesting. Now that every government in the world uses fiat money, most particularly the United States as the global reserve currency, inflation and other currency manipulations will inevitably and swiftly eat away at one’s savings. That makes the Bank of Land Ownership very attractive today.

So, wealthy folks the world over are putting their money in land, in preparation for the global economic collapse that everybody but welfare addicts sees coming. But wealthy types don’t like static value. What can they do to increase the value of the land they own?

(In fact, not liking static investment values is practically the definition of being wealthy. Beyond a certain point, proper management of your wealth becomes a full-time job… and eventually, a job employing multiple managers & analysts. If you buy a fancy house and make a home out of it then you’re paying a whopping lot of upkeep for something you’ll be emotionally reluctant to sell.)

They can do mass immigration. There’s no better way to drive up the value of land than the inevitable demand increase from millions of new arrivals per year… and although I lack the language skills to confirm this, I bet the lands they’re coming from are cheap, cheap, cheap right now, and motivated to sell. I’ve heard that some regions in Mexico have lost fully half their population to El Norte.

Buy low, sell high.

Perhaps one reason for the Elites’ focus on identity politics is waiting until they buy up the lands of Honduras or wherever so they can “repatriate” the migrants onto newly built plantation estates. Actually encouraging the migrants to go native could leave them reluctant to return. Or worse, fill their heads with Western concepts of Christianity and limited government.

They need to go back regardless. But if you’ve ever wondered why rent prices are skyrocketing then wonder no longer. The Elites don’t trust national currencies anymore and are looking to max out the value of their investments held in the Bank of Land.


Cher Falls For Donald Trump

These are the crazy years. Lies are better than honesty and tabloids are better news than newspapers. I no longer believe that’s a coincidence, having figured out how Trump behaves. A recap of his latest trolling:

Cher: Los Angeles .Can.t Take Care of Its Own, How Can It Take Care of. More Immigrants

By John Binder, 14 April 2019

Pop icon Cher said Sunday that Los Angeles, California, .can.t take care of its own. residents, much less newly arrived illegal and legal immigrants.
Cher said she failed to understand how the city of Los Angeles in the sanctuary state of California could afford to admit and take care of any more immigrants when city officials have failed to care for homeless, veterans, and poverty-stricken Americans.

.I Understand Helping struggling Immigrants,but MY CITY (Los Angeles) ISNT TAKING CARE OF ITS OWN.WHAT ABOUT THE 50,000+Citizens WHO LIVE ON THE STREETS.PPL WHO LIVE BELOW POVERTY LINE,& HUNGRY? If My State Can’t Take Care of Its Own(Many Are VETS)How Can it Take Care Of More,. Cher said.

The post came after President Trump threatened to bus border crossers and illegal aliens into sanctuary cities and states, like California, if the country’s asylum laws were not changed. White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders confirmed that the White House is considering the plan.

In response, Democrat mayors across the country . like New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and Oakland, California Mayor Libby Schaaf . have welcomed bringing illegal aliens and border crossers to their cities.

While left-wing mayors say they will continue to admit any and all illegal and legal immigrants, Los Angeles is home to the second largest homeless population in the country, second to only New York City. About 50,000 residents of Los Angeles are homeless and about 7.5 percent of California’s American Veteran population is homeless.

On one hand, Trump’s enemies fell over themselves virtue-signaling one way or another. Fun, if you’re rhetorically (feminine) minded. On the other hand, if you aren’t then like me, you probably had a moment of terror that Trump might actually have done what he threatened to do. The border is already catastrophic so “crashing the system” would be a way for Trump to punish his enemies… in the short term… at the expense of us innocents.

But don’t worry. The U.S. President never meant what he said.

Christ teaches us to let our yes be yes and our no, no. I never thought that was an important teaching until recent years. Don’t be a liar, sure, but what do you call it when being right or wrong is irrelevant?

It’s comparable to the situation at Notre Dame right now. Was the fire an accident or was it Muslim arson? It doesn’t matter. The French government’s long pattern of protecting Muslims vandalizing churches means that its investigation into the fire’s cause is worthless. The Muslims are celebrating the fire as if they did it and the French people won’t believe any evidence that the 601st church desecration was the 1st accident. Nor should they. It’s all come down to identity politics. Truth, lies, they all work fine, whatever’s good for me & mine.

What a great world we’re living in, when the value of a man’s words are whether they make his enemies look bad. News flash, Trump, we already know that Hollyweird actors are NPCs and the immivasion generals are traitors to America. So, what are you going to do about it with the authority the American people have given you?

Embarrass America’s traitors instead of giving them perp walks? Give washed-up Cher the vapors? Thanks for nothing. Meanwhile, people who would otherwise be well-inclined towards you have learned you can’t be trusted about anything you talk about for several days. Awesome leadership!

Lack of trust has consequences more severe than the benefits of winning at word games. Empty threats and shallow gestures are not how Christ taught us to speak.


The Alpha Widow of Crossfit

I’ve waited SO VERY long to do a takedown on the Crossfit phenomenon. The Starbucks of gymnasiums, it was inevitable that its combination of franchising high-intensity interval training to unqualified operators with trendy slogans and merchandise would reveal dark secrets beyond how to use your calves as Pogo sticks. The wait was worth it!

We begin with its founding per Wikipedia:

Greg Glassman and Lauren Jenai founded CrossFit, Inc. in 2000.

Already, you see it coming…

The original CrossFit gym is in Santa Cruz, California, and the first affiliated gym was CrossFit North in Seattle, Washington.

It’s TOTALLY coming…

Glassman obtained complete control over the company after a divorce with Jenai [in 2012].

There it is. If she doesn’t seize your last name like a drowning swimmer seizes a life preserver, divorce is inevitable. Living in Leftoid Land indicates he was probably okay with & prepared for inevitable divorce. In fact, when the judge gave him a tiny window of time to buy out his ex, he pulled $16M out of his ass an investment firm.

Next, what was the Florida Treehouse Murder?

Caption: This is the tree house on Laurel Avenue on Stock Island where police say three people were living when the murder took place. In San Jose, that would rent for $1,200 monthly.

Photo per

The robbery of a treehouse turns deadly with the slashing of a good Samaritan

By Larry Kahn, 23 November 2017

Two more men, one from Key West and one from Marathon, were arrested Wednesday night in connection with a homicide last Friday on Stock Island.

That brings to three the number of men charged in the stabbing death of Mathew Bonnett, 59, during a botched robbery.

Franklin Tucker, 46, of Key West is charged with two counts of armed robbery, one count of felony murder, two counts of wearing a mask while committing a felony, three counts of aggravated battery and with tampering with a witness. Following the crime, Tucker allegedly threatened someone who was cooperating with detectives in their investigation, which led to the tampering charge, according to the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office.

Remember this turd.

John Johnson, 39, of Marathon, reportedly the planned getaway driver, is charged with two counts of robbery and with felony murder.

So, Florida has accomplice liability laws.

Rory Wilson, 49, of Stock Island was arrested Wednesday morning. He’s charged with murder, two counts of armed robbery and two counts of committing a second-degree felony while wearing a mask.

Wilson is black but the other two are white. Mixed-race gangs are uncommon.

The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office says Bonnett was a good Samaritan intervening when Paula Belmonte, 53, was being robbed by Tucker and Wilson while Johnson waited in his pickup truck outside. It went down at Belmonte’s home at 5650 Laurel Ave.

Sheriff Rick Ramsay said Belmonte’s home is a tree house. .Yes, it was a tree house,. he said.

Either she was psycho or Stock Island rents are very high. *checks* Could be either. Stock Island is immediately outside Naval Air Station Key West. Did somebody say drug trafficking?

Agency spokeswoman Deputy Becky Herrin said investigation revealed Tucker, Johnson and Wilson planned the robbery after hearing there might be a large amount of cash at Belmonte’s home. Herrin said Johnson drove the two other men to the scene of the homicide in his black truck and waited for them outside.

Tucker and Wilson, dressed in black and wearing masks, went inside just after 8 p.m. and held at knifepoint Belmonte and a male friend who was visiting. During the robbery, Belmonte’s neck was slashed, police say. Tucker and Wilson fled and encountered Bonnett, who was going to help Belmonte after hearing the ruckus, on the stairs.

.They got into an altercation with him during which Bonnett was stabbed multiple times,. the sheriff’s office says. He later died of his injuries.

Bonnett got murdered for White Knighting a crack whore. What makes this special is he went in unarmed! He had to have known it was a drug house, being a neighbor, so at a bare minimum he should have kept a 12-gauge by the front door.

Johnson, who was sitting in his truck outside during the robbery, saw someone running from the residence yelling .Police, police. and “decided not to wait any longer and he took off,. Herrin said.

Suggesting this was less inter-gang rivalry than three drinking buddies with gambling debts.

And now, what is the connection between the Crossfit founders on the West Coast and a drug-related murder on the East Coast? Twu Wuv!

Franklin Tyrone Tucker & Lauren Jenai: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Franklin Tyrone Tucker & Lauren Jenai: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Franklin Tyrone Tucker and Lauren Jenai

Lauren Jenai, a multimillionaire who says she co-founded CrossFit along with her former husband, plans to marry her former high school friend Franklin Tyrone Tucker, who is currently awaiting trial on a murder charge.

Jenai and Tucker, who had been living in Key West, connected over Facebook following her divorce. Their entire relationship has been over video chat because the Monroe County Jail in Florida, where Tucker has been in custody since December 2017, does not allow in-person visitation. Jenai lives in Oregon.

At first, I thought this was hybristophilia. Instead, Jenai is an Alpha Widow.

They had planned to get married following a bond hearing in January of 2019, but the judge denied bail. The plan now is to tie the knot at the detention center. Jenai has said she has no intention of drafting a prenup.

No point in prenups, honestly, but here it’s good that a reporter was sane enough to ask a WTF are you doing? question.

More evidence of Alpha Widowhood:

Jenai . who reportedly sold her CrossFit shares for up to $20 million as part of her messy split from Glassman in 2013 . had told us how she fell for Tucker during their video chats.

.We hadn’t seen each other in 30 years ….. We started having feelings for each other ….. We’re going to get married,. she said.

STARTED having feelings?

She.s hoping the nuptials will be this summer [2019], in part so she can begin to medically advocate for Tucker, who she said suffers from two hernias.

She added she won’t have Tucker sign a prenup: .Our relationship is very open and we are a team. I trust him. I love him. My house is his house. A prenup feels a little inappropriate..

However, there’s even more pressure for them to be together because Jenai’s been barred from video visitation with Tucker for a whopping 100 years, after an incident in February.

.I got a little risqu? ….. I was touching my boobs,. she admitted.

Half of American men are incel/forever alone/generally unwanted by the female sex. But after her divorce, Jenai looked up the thug she lost her virginity to, who after thirty years still excited her so much that she masturbated to the sight of him while his jailers watched.

Even more:

.We met when we were 15, 16 years old. in Philadelphia, Jenai told us of Tucker, whom she calls “Ty.” Their clique was “the kinds of childhood friends who last forever. We had established a pretty strong bond..

Easy to read between those lines. Homeschool or die. Homeschool or THIS!

Then around 1989, .He went to college,. then “went into finance and started a family.” Jenai wound up in Santa Cruz, Calif., creating CrossFit . a brand eventually valued at $4 billion by Forbes in 2015 . with her then-husband Glassman.

The Alpha dumped her. She ran away heartbroken to the other side of the continent. Married a Beta who got rich through hard work. But never forgot the Alpha. Sounds familiar.

Years later, each had marital difficulties, including Jenai’s “very messy, expensive divorce. from Glassman (which dragged on from 2009 to 2013, and as part of which Jenai sold her CrossFit shares). Meanwhile, Tucker “ultimately landed in some unfortunate situations financially..

The old friends later “rekindled a friendship” via Facebook. But then, Jenai recalled, she received a disturbing friend request informing her, .I.m a friend of Tyrone and he may need your help. He’s gotten arrested for murder..

There’s no friend. She lied. Jenai secured Beta Bucks with a California frivorce and then looked up the Alpha Fucker she lost her virginity to. Incarcerated for murder is no barrier! She has the money to break him out:

She began researching the crime from her home in Portland, Ore., and contacted Tucker. .We spoke on the phone a couple times,. she said. .To visit [an inmate] in Key West, you actually have to do it through a video service . I set up video visitations. We hadn’t seen each other in 30 years.. When they spoke via video, .We turned into little high school kids together.” She added of the murder case, .I did a lot of research [and thought] something’s not right here . I took a role becoming his advocate..

She hired a private investigator to review the case, as well as brought in power attorney Robert Hantman, and in August wrote an affidavit to Florida Circuit Chief Judge Mark H. Jones on Tucker’s behalf, requesting a bail hearing and defending his innocence.

She also became his girlfriend. .I’ve been single for a long time, but it’s really fun to connect and laugh,. the fitness guru told us. .We started having feelings for each other through the process, and developed a really special relationship. Now the plan is when he bonds out, he’s going to live with me in Portland. We’re going to get married. We are engaged..

Shameless lies, endless payments. When the money runs out, Jenai can sue her ex-Beta for MOAR! If I was Glassman, Belize would be looking good right now. No way that divorce is “final”.

Close friends and her own mom have been supportive of the relationship. .People who know Ty, like my mom, she knows the whole situation and she’s very supportive,. she said. .People who don’t know him . who don’t see my relationship with him. aren’t as enthusiastic. .I can tell they think it’s a bad idea and they think I’m crazy,. she said. .Especially my ex-husband..

Apples don’t fall far from the tree.

I’ll wrap up by discussing Mr. Glassman. As they say, it takes two to tango.

King of CrossFit - CBS News

Those lower eyelids… crows-feet like gills! She put him through Hell. Forehead lines indicate intelligence but large upper eyelids suggest he was in business, not rocket science. He has a bulb on the end of his nose; lots of finance types have that. Large nostrils indicate generosity. Very disordered hair, controlled by a baseball cap worn backwards, indicate Mr. Glassman himself is a couple McNuggets short of a Happy Meal. With thick eyebrows indicating lateral thinking, I’d guess he’s a contrarian at heart.

Greg Glassman on the 'Anthos Model'

I would not accept a fitness guru with a body like that. You can judge a bookbinder by the cover, know what I’m saying?

Do Not Cross CrossFit

By Burt Helm, July/August 2013 issue of Inc magazine.

He was in Seattle on business. The calendar that morning said Thursday, but Glassman’s gut said the mall, and the day had meandered from there. He had bought himself and his pilot new blaze-orange parkas at Mountain Hardwear, and taken his girlfriend to Tiffany’s to buy her a diamond pendant for her birthday.

His divorce was finalized in 2013… and he was already buying diamonds for his new girlfriend?

At first, the Tiffany’s staff had eyed him suspiciously: With his faded jeans, his parka, and the backward red baseball cap over his scraggly wisps of gray hair, the 56-year-old looked as if he had wandered in from a tailgate party somewhere or might whip out a hammer for a smash-and-grab.

A common reaction. Pick out the California Millionaire owner of a $4b athletics business from this lineup:

They really do dress like that here.

But then, it turned out the saleswoman was one of them. Her sinewy body should have been a giveaway. “Greg Glassman!” she said, looking at his credit card. “My husband was with you last night!”

Glassman is getting used to this kind of surprised recognition. The man who invented the WOD, the world’s most beautifully addictive workout, doesn’t look like a paragon of clean living. He doesn’t look like a paragon of anything. But then, Glassman enjoys defying conventional notions of good sense and good taste and good practice. And yet the business succeeds. So far, phenomenally.

Looks like I nailed his contrarian nature. *looks back* I don’t think his ears stick out enough to qualify as nonconformist but maybe. Hmm.

Glassman grew up in Woodland Hills, a suburb of Los Angeles in the San Fernando Valley. In the Glassman household, education trumped everything. Glassman’s father was a rocket scientist at Hughes Aircraft and an all-around hard-ass who lorded math and the scientific method over Glassman, his younger sister, and their stay-at-home mom. Arguments with the old man inevitably required data sets, says Glassman–“Any point you made had to be measurable, repeatable”–and Glassman clashed with his dad frequently.

I was hoping to hear about his father. Sounds like the guy had deep-seated insecurities which he handled by overinvesting his ego in his intelligence. I didn’t know how right I was with the “not rocket science” bit.

Glassman escaped into athletics and fell in love with gymnastics (the source, he says, of his pronounced limp), weightlifting, and cycling. After dropping out of several colleges and junior colleges, Glassman began working in fitness full time, as a personal trainer at local gyms.

He developed wacky routines: He had clients race their way through repetitions on a weight machine, and at one facility, he had them scramble up a 30-foot column in the middle of the room. Eventually, the owner of that gym welded disks to the pole to make him stop. “They added a hazard 15 feet up,” Glassman cracked to clients, before signaling them to go up anyway. He got kicked out of that gym. He got kicked out of several gyms. “I’ve never wanted to be told what to do,” Glassman says. “I think it’s genetic.”

I think it’s Daddy Issues.

In 1995, as Glassman was burning the last of his bridges at local gyms, he got a call from a friend who worked at the sheriff’s department in Santa Cruz. The department had heard about him and wanted him to train officers.

Badges aren’t brains. In fairness, cops do have special fitness needs such as jumping barricades that would have made Glassman’s unconventional workouts seem appropriate. Until the rhabdomyolysis sets in. (For the curious, it’s when your muscles break down from overuse. The dead muscle fibers clog your kidneys. Like flushing a newspaper down the toilet, one page at a time won’t back it up but the Sunday Edition will.)

Glassman, who was in the middle of a breakup with a longtime girlfriend, decided to go. He set up shop in a health center called Spa Fitness and taught his own brand of fitness training, which he had begun calling CrossFit, to officers and anyone else looking to buy 60 minutes of sweat.

A trend of girlfriend-hopping emerges. Crazy chicks love a dude with Daddy Issues.

Glassman began refining his approach. He favored gymnastic and powerlifting moves he knew from growing up, and functional calisthenics (squatting, pull-ups) that forced the body to use large muscle groups together, like in real life. He liked the idea of throwing exercises at clients seemingly randomly, believing it resembled the way early humans had to overcome daily physical obstacles. To goose participants’ natural competitiveness, he mandated that the workouts be for time, or for as many rounds or reps as possible in a set time period, so that no one slacked off.

You don’t train for knife fights by actually fighting with knives. The entire point of training is to safely develop such capabilities without the physical trauma of actually doing them. As if primitive hunter-gatherers had to regularly crank out 50 pull-ups at a moment’s notice anyway.

It’s one thing to tap competitive instincts, it’s another thing to set arbitrary fitness goals for a large group of people. When the military does that in basic training, it sets a minimum goal, not a “hard as possible” goal, and ensures that the drill instructors are trained to recognize & manage problems. On that note:

Glassman attracted a little flock. “I was looking for a trainer, and a friend of my wife’s went to Spa Fitness,” says Ben Elizer, who today is CrossFit’s chief information officer. He went to Spa Fitness and was told he had his pick of two: “one guy who is really nice and not that good, and another guy who is really good but super-opinionated and arrogant”–Glassman, of course. Glassman’s crew was tight-knit. He even ended up marrying one of his clients, a hairdresser named Lauren Jenai.

She does have nice tits underneath the ink… and below the Skrillex haircut…

When the Spa Fitness owner inevitably showed the CrossFitters the door…

That’s another pattern emerging. Glassman has a self-destructive streak that’s absolutely inappropriate for a physical trainer.

…and they leased a corner of a jujitsu studio, Lauren would manage the books and teach CrossFit classes herself. Soon they outgrew that space, and the Glassmans took their motley little group of cops, jujitsu fighters, and tech-company commuters to a 1,250-square-foot truck garage on a remote road three miles out in Soquel. In 2000, a number of clients asked if Glassman could put the WODs online so they could do them when they traveled, so he put up

An early client of Glassman’s described the CrossFit experience as “agony coupled with laughter.” Glassman liked that. It was as if his increasingly fit posse had a subversive secret: combinations of exercises that seemed strange and reckless and maybe dangerous to the ignorant. When Elizer, who volunteered to build the website, asked Glassman if he had a logo in mind, Glassman thought about the idea of agony mixed with laughter, then thought about thumbing his nose at all the ho-hum personal trainers he had ever endured. He came up with a vomiting clown. He called it Uncle Pukie.

It’s hard to believe this guy founded a fitness empire.

In December 2005, The New York Times ran a story about the budding CrossFit craze. The reporter interviewed some of the original CrossFitters and chronicled their fitness accomplishments, which were considerable. But the part of the article that grabbed the most attention was the opening anecdote: A first-time CrossFitter named Brian Anderson had experienced a true mess-you-up moment–he had ended up in the emergency room after his baptismal WOD. Repeated kettlebell swings had torn up his lower back to the point that he could barely stand. In intensive care, he was told he had rhabdomyolysis, a condition wherein muscle tissue breaks down to the point that it starts poisoning the kidneys. Rhabdomyolysis is rare as a result of athletics; ultramarathoners sometimes get it, but ER doctors are much more accustomed to finding it in cases of crushed limbs or massive third-degree burns. Anderson didn’t need dialysis, but he spent six days on an IV drip in intensive care, followed by two months of physical therapy for his back.

…But in the Times article–headlined “Getting Fit, Even If It Kills You”–Glassman used the kind of tough-guy talk he used to shout at CrossFitters during their WODs. “It can kill you…I’ve always been completely honest about that,” he said. “If you find the notion of falling off the rings and breaking your neck so foreign to you, then we don’t want you in our ranks.” Punctuating his blunt attitude, he had led his October journal article with a cartoon of a new clown, Uncle Rhabdo, who stands exhausted before a dialysis machine, his kidneys splattered in a pool of blood. The Times mentioned that, too.

It was within this context that Glassman began ramping up his affiliation program. This was growth without a safety net: Anyone who passed his two-day seminar could apply to open a box, call it CrossFit, and then rush paying customers through squats and snatches or whatever crazy WOD they dreamed up. To Glassman, himself a passionate libertarian, this was the right thing to do: He wants his affiliates to be free to open up a box in a garage or a warehouse or wherever else, and train how they want, and charge what they want. They should have the opportunity he had. He detests supposed experts who say their certification or education makes them better than him or his people. At the end of the day, he believes, the free market will provide all the necessary quality control.

The free market is one thing. I can also respect distrust of government licensing. But this is bordering on a persecution complex. Mocking the injured ain’t cool, either; here’s Uncle Rahbdo:

Why Pukie the Clown Isn?t Funny | Breaking Muscle

Why Pukie the Clown Isn?t Funny | Breaking Muscle

And here’s photographic proof that CrossFit is a cult:

Why Pukie the Clown Isn?t Funny | Breaking Muscle

Someday, random dude, your orthopedic surgeon is going to see that and laugh and your stitches will come out uneven. You will not get a settlement.

It was in Glassman’s own divorce case, though, that the CrossFit defense arsenal launched its full firepower. Lauren and Greg’s marriage hit the rocks in 2009. Lauren became pregnant with twins and could no longer travel to the seminars.Greg, wrapped up with CrossFit, became more and more distant. Rumors of infidelity swirled. Soon the two were living in separate houses.

My guess is that she needed both the drama of both Glassman’s mentally uneven aggression and the status of “co-founder” of Crossfit. The latter is unlikely; she started a competing chain called which, per its website dated 2016, has one physical location in Scottsdale, Arizona. Glassman is definitely the brains behind Crossfit’s success.

But as skilled as he is in business, Glassman is dangerously vulnerable to broken women who swarmed him even when he was a nobody.


Adam W. Greenway and Kevin Ueckert Unperson Paige Patterson, Other Baptist Conservatives

A series of stained-glass windows commemorating the Baptists’ Conservative Resurgence has been removed from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS) immediately after Adam Greenway was made president… after being talent-scouted by the people who gave his predecessor Paige Patterson the #MeToo treatment.


Southwestern Seminary removes stained glass windows depicting Patterson, other SBC leaders

By Carrie Brown McWhorter, 11 April 2019

The stained glass windows in the MacGorman Chapel of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS) have been removed.

The windows featured Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) leaders who figured prominently in the denomination’s conservative resurgence movement, including former SWBTS president Paige Patterson; Paul Pressler, considered one of the architects of the conservative resurgence; and several past presidents of the SBC.

In an April 11 email to The Alabama Baptist, SWBTS spokesperson Colby Adams confirmed what had been circulating on social media for several days: .The stained glass windows have been removed from MacGorman Chapel and we are working with donors to finalize plans for relocating the windows..

No reason for the removal of the windows was provided.

A letter dated April 3 sent to “ministry partners” and signed by Kevin Ueckert, chairman of the SWBTS board of trustees, stated in part:

.After much prayerful consideration and discussion, we have concluded that it is in the best interest of the institution to remove and relocate the stained-glass windows installed in our J.W. MacGorman Chapel and Performing Arts Center. Expenses to remove the windows are minimal and will be covered by the seminary. . The seminary will safety store the windows until we have a chance to discuss with you the next steps..

Where have we heard that before?

The first of several stained glass windows were installed in the chapel in 2013, according to an article in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. The Star-Telegram reported then that the windows were the dream of Patterson’s wife, Dorothy.

.My dream was to portray the 20-year history of the conservative resurgence of the Southern Baptist church,. Dorothy Patterson was quoted as saying.

An Oct. 19, 2015, SWBTS press release stated a similar purpose of the windows:

.In order to pass along the story of the SBC.s Conservative Resurgence, Southwestern has dedicated stained-glass windows in MacGorman Chapel to those who played a major role in turning the convention back to a high view of Scripture..

That establishes the motive for removing the windows. Erasing ungood history!

The seminary fired Paige Patterson May 30, 2018, following weeks of news reports about the “handling of an allegation of sexual abuse against a student during Dr. Patterson’s presidency at another institution and resulting issues connected with statements to the board of trustees that are inconsistent with SWBTS.s biblically informed core values,. according to a statement by the executive committee of SWBTS trustees.

The windows became a topic of controversy on social media during that time and in the weeks that followed Patterson’s firing, with many calling for their removal.

Patterson’s firing was for charges trumped up by Trustee Chairman Kevin Ueckert. An excellent review of the charges is available here:

FBG | Kevin Ueckert

Kevin. A remarkably triangular face shape in addition to the stress lines about his eyes.

Thomas Wright, executive director of missions for the Mobile Baptist Association and president of the SWBTS Alabama Alumni Association, noted that observers can only speculate about the reasons for the decision to remove the windows.

.Southwestern has not commented specifically why the McGorman chapel memorial windows are being removed,. Wright said. .It is appropriate for history to document the impact that individuals made during the crucial conservative resurgence transition. Perhaps some of the window subjects illustrate why institutions tend to memorialize those whom history has confirmed finished well. Some would contend we are best served remaining focused on biblical heroes of faith and practice..

Oh, we can do more than speculate, Mr. Wright. This sort of vandalism could not be done without the approval of SWBTS’ leadership. I checked for recent leadership changes and guess what? On 27 February, Adam W. Greenway was seated as SWBTS President after being selected by a search committee including Kevin Ueckert. On 6 April, five weeks later, give or take a day, the murals of Kevin’s enemies came off the seminary’s walls.

Don’t tell me that’s a coincidence.

Greenway elected 9th president of Southwestern Seminary

By Alex Sibley on 27 February 2019

Adam W. Greenway has been elected the ninth president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. The election occurred during a special called meeting of the seminary’s board of trustees on the Southwestern campus, Feb. 26-27.

Greenway, 41, comes to Southwestern from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky., where he served as dean of the Billy Graham School of Missions, Evangelism and Ministry. Greenway’s election signifies a return to Southwestern, as he completed his Master of Divinity on the Fort Worth campus in 2002.

2002? Paige Patterson was installed as President in 2003. Curious timing.

Greenway was selected as a candidate by Southwestern’s Presidential Search Committee, which was chaired by trustee Danny Roberts. Other members were Denise Ewing (IL), Jamie Green (At Large, search committee secretary), Guy Grimes (CA), Todd Houston (NC), Tom James (KY), Philip Levant (At Large), Andre Palmer (NY), and Calvin Wittman (CO, search committee vice chair). Trustee chair Kevin Ueckert and vice chair Connie Hancock served on the committee ex officio.

Connie is the male pastor of Springboro Baptist Church. However, Denise is female so I doubt Greenway is a Bible-thumper. Philip Levant and Jamie Green were rewarded with an appointments to the seminary’s board of trustees upon Greenway’s installation. (I think that’s right. There’s a lot of “trustees” in SBC land.)

During the special called meeting, Roberts recommended to the board that Greenway be elected president as well as professor of evangelism and apologetics. The board affirmed the search committee’s selection, electing Greenway the seminary’s ninth president.

Trustee Bart Barber, speaking on behalf of the Academic Administration Committee, then recommended that Randy L. Stinson become the provost and vice president for academic administration of Southwestern. The board then elected him to this position.

…The meeting concluded with the board gathering around Greenway and Stinson for a time of prayer. Danny Roberts voiced the prayer on behalf of the board, asking for the Lord’s blessing upon Greenway and Stinson’s families and ministries, the Lord’s guidance through the coming months, and a bright future of Great Commission fulfillment by the Southwestern family.

So, who is Adam Greenway? He’s a former professor of applied apologetics yet hasn’t written anything for me to review. What I have found is standard Churchian fare… he’s a cloistered, professional bureaucrat with a license from God… hmm, he’s a licensed parliamentarian. That means he’s an expert in Robert’s Rules of Order As Amended, perhaps the best non-chemical sleep aid ever. It also means he’s an extraordinarily manipulative bureaucrat.

Here’s an article on his first actions as SWBTS President:

TRUSTEES: SWBTS to ‘recalibrate,’ ‘strengthen core’–swbts-to-recalibrate-strengthen-core

By Alex Sibley, 11 April 2019

FORT WORTH, Texas (BP) — Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary is looking to “recalibrate and to reposition” itself in “every way to strengthen the core of what we do,” SWBTS President Adam W. Greenway told trustees during their spring meeting, April 8-10.

Business included approving the budget for the 2019-2020 academic year, approving a change to Scarborough College’s degree offerings, electing a new vice president, and approving a change in the administration of the seminary’s endowment.

Addressing Southwestern Seminary’s full board for his first-ever president’s report, Greenway stressed the importance of recalibrating the seminary in order to return the institution to its core priorities — chief among them residential theological education.

“At the end of the day,” Greenway said, “our core of strength is what we do right here on Seminary Hill. It is the experience that happens here in the classroom and on this campus. Theological education in the context of a vibrant, worshiping, learning, living together community — that is of first importance.”

Greenway personally committed “to do everything I can to make sure that we have the resources and are making the investments to strengthen our residential theological education and to reprioritize our core degree programs of strength,” which he identified as the master of divinity, the master of arts in Christian education and master of music.

Very vague and bureaucratic. Education & music degrees are ways to slip women into church authority so I have suspicions but no proof.

“In a time where we must be extraordinarily judicious in conserving the resources entrusted to us by our Southern Baptist Convention of churches, by the donors and friends who believe in our work and are willing to invest in us, [and] by the tuition dollars we receive from our students, we must make sure that we steward and shepherd every dime in a way that is going to enable our seminary to flourish and thrive in an increasingly challenging environment and world,” he said.

Also boilerplate but hold on, let’s combine it with this:

The board approved the recommendation that funds managed by the Southwestern Seminary Foundation be moved to GuideStone Financial Resources for management as soon as feasibly possible, and that once said action is completed, the Southwestern Seminary Foundation be dissolved.

Originally known as the Harold E. Riley Southwestern Foundation, it was a gift from a banker type (Harold) to support Baylor and Southwestern Seminaries.

Seminary delays movement of $90M to management firm

By Staff, 23 October 2006

FORT WORTH, Texas (BP)–Trustees of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, delayed the transfer of $90 million away from the Baptist Foundation of Texas to the seminary’s own foundation during their semiannual meeting Oct. 16-17 after questions surfaced about the investment strategy of the company that would manage the money.

The Southwestern Seminary Foundation had retained the services of The Investment Fund for Foundations (TIFF) -. a Charlottesville, Va., company .- as a primary fund manager, but several Internet blogs posted information about TIFF.s management of the seminary’s endowment funds shortly before the trustee meeting had begun. Bloggers claimed that the use of TIFF by the seminary foundation would violate the Southern Baptist Convention’s recent resolution calling for Southern Baptists to oppose the production and sale of alcohol.

TIFF, which also manages endowment funds of the American Bible Society, Baptist Community Ministries of Louisiana and the Virginia Baptist Homes, invests in thousands of stocks and bonds to reduce risks. But among its investment holdings are multiple “sin stocks,. or stocks in alcohol and tobacco companies including Coors, Heineken, Kirin Brewing Co., Tsingtao Brewing Co., Foster’s Group, Carlsberg Brewery of Malaysia, British-American Tobacco of Asia and Japan Tobacco.

In Greensboro, N.C., last June, messengers at the SBC annual meeting went on record as expressing their “total opposition to the manufacturing, advertising, distributing, and consuming of alcoholic beverages..

Note it was the SBC itself that had investment concerns, not the seminary.

How Internet bloggers were leaked information about the use of TIFF — information meant only for the seminary’s trustees -. is uncertain, but Marty Duren, moderator of the SBC Outpost blog, posted information about the company Oct. 15, the day before the trustee meeting was scheduled to begin. Duren said he wondered if the members of the trustee board had been “made aware of the specifics of this situation..

Heehee. They’ve stopped asking themselves how we get the info and proceeded with shadowbanning and deplatforming. It’s a poor age to have secrets, eh? Marty Duren sounds like he’d be right at home in the Manosphere.

Duren claimed that the use of the company, in addition to violating the alcohol resolution messengers adopted in Greensboro, also would run counter to a statement issued by the participants of the Joshua Convergence, which said they opposed “the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages. Throughout its history, our Convention has stood against the evils of alcohol. The present generation can in good conscience do no other..

…Instead of proceeding with the transfer of the funds, Southwestern trustees adopted a recommendation from at-large board member Geoffrey Kolander during the meeting. That statement read:

.Southwestern Seminary Foundation shall make a conscientious effort to steward investments which are consistent with the biblical, moral, and ethical standards embraced by Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and its parent organization, the Southern Baptist Convention..

The Foundation operators respected the wishes of the SBC over potentially lucrative investment opportunities even though they didn’t have to. That is a good sign. Adopting this recommendation probably obligated the Foundation to respect the SBC’s wishes in perpetuity.

…In many cases, Baptist schools, organizations and churches look to GuideStone Financial Resources, formerly the SBC Annuity Board, for the management of retirement funds. The group also has an endowment fund for needy annuitants. Blogger Art Rogers asked on Duren’s blog why GuideStone could not manage the seminary’s funds in order to better facilitate the ministry of the seminary.

How interesting! The news article just happens to name-drop GuideStone Financial out of nowhere. Thirteen years later, the new seminary president moves quickly to shift funds from the Foundation to GuideStone. Yes, it’s a former department of the SBC but surely there are alternative financial service providers for wealthy colleges and denominations?

In response to questions Baptist Press posed to the seminary, Paige Patterson, Southwestern’s president, wrote that investing with GuideStone is an option and that the decision to delay would give trustees more time to consider all options.

Patterson said the initial move to transfer funds was not due to dissatisfaction with the Baptist Foundation of Texas but added that the seminary would “eventually do better in our yield.” He said the seminary was “given a foundation and need[ed] effectively to use it..

Patterson added that Southwestern’s primary concern is to limit exposure to so-called sin stocks and noted the difficulty in avoiding them in equity markets. .Southwestern wishes to expend every effort to honor God in investments as well as ministry,. he said.

Well said, Mr. Patterson.

Duren concluded that Southwestern Seminary’s decision to postpone the transfer of its funds to its own foundation and the management of TIFF was the result of “the openness and accountability that is being provided in the blogosphere,. which he claimed was working for the benefit of Southern Baptists.

Duren wrote that in the past, investment transactions like this transpired “without second thought,. stating that bloggers raised questions that had to be considered, showing the importance of conducting SBC business in the open. “Closed door sessions, except in extreme circumstances, tend toward trouble,. he said.

Patterson & friends voided the transfer to respect SBC morality… and when he was slandered out of office, his replacement swiftly transferred the money to GuideStone which is independent of SBC per its website.

GuideStone provides general financial services to many Christian organizations, specifically retirement investment/planning, and sponsors a charity, Mission: Dignity, which provides living incomes for retired yet impoverished clergy. GuideStone should be called GoldenParachute. Hmm, it was started up with a $1M John D. Rockefeller check but I digress.

What happened here is that with Patterson out of the way, Adam Greenway & Friends are maneuvering to become financially independent of the SBC by shifting assets outside the SBC’s control. Starting with their retirements. I’ve seen this happen before with the Ruth Soper fund:

Notice that Patterson himself didn’t pursue the GuideStone option when he had the chance. Despite his diplomatic words, he apparently didn’t believe it was the right path. But his enemies do, badly enough to immediately go for it.

That’s their idea of “conserving the resources entrusted to us by our Southern Baptist Convention of churches”.

I smell war.


Physiognomy: Baltimore Book Fraud

Die already, April Fools’ Day! This may not be trickery but the Baltimore mayor is a total fool for thinking she could get away with this.

Catherine Pugh Takes Lead Over Dixon in Mayor?s Race

This time, let’s start with her physiognomy and background. Definite triangular face shape, which in men I associate with Gamma SMV tendencies. Thin-skinned, obsessive personality, which is great for mastering an intellectual topic but not for relationships.

Large upper eyelids, rounded lower eyelids and thick lips indicate a heavily emotional attitude towards life. Hoop earrings indicate a promiscuous past and frankly, her lips look like she sprained them making duckfaces. However, there’s no cupid’s bow on the lips so actual sexual interest may be lacking.

I suspect that’s a wig she’s wearing. Thick and glossy hair isn’t commonly associated with flesh that emaciated. But if it’s real then her general health is good.

According to my only source (Chinese school) on moles, that mole on her left upper lip indicates trouble with children… halfway between “uterine failure” and “abortion”. The mole on her right cheek, if it is a mole, means “prone to accident with water”. For your entertainment:

The nose is wide, denoting ‘sociable with money’. The nose root is as wide as the rest of the nose, I don’t know what that means. Let’s see if I can look up her nose… the things I do for my art…

Candidates for Baltimore mayor ? minus Catherine Pugh ? clash in radio debate - Baltimore Sun

Big nostrils, meaning financially generous, with significant flanges/wings, indicating guardedness towards money. Thus, her nose says she wants to hoard wealth for social gain.


Catherine Elizabeth Pugh (b. March 1950) is an American Democratic politician serving as the 50th and current mayor of Baltimore, Maryland. Pugh has been involved in Maryland politics since 1999 when she served on the Baltimore City Council. She has also held office in the Maryland House of Delegates and the Maryland Senate, serving as the Majority Leader from 2015 to 2016. She first ran for Baltimore City mayor in 2011 and lost the primary to Stephanie Rawlings-Blake. Pugh ran again in 2016 and won the primary against former Mayor Sheila Dixon. Pugh then won the mayoral election on November 8, 2016 with 57% of the popular vote, and took office on December 6, 2016. She is Baltimore’s third consecutive female mayor.

In April 2019 Pugh announced she was taking an indefinite leave of absence to recover from pneumonia. The announcement coincided with a scandal over a “self-dealing” book-sales arrangement, whereby organizations allegedly purchased large quantities of Pugh’s books in exchange for contracts with the city.

That last was one quick update. Let’s begin!

Baltimore Mayor To Take Leave Of Absence Over Questionable Children’s Book Sales

By Ryan Grenoble, 2 April 2019

Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh announced Monday she plans to take a leave of absence amid a children’s book-selling scandal that’s prompted calls for an investigation and threatens to derail her career.

For pneumonia.

At the center of the scandal is a series of “Healthy Holly” children’s books that Pugh herself authored and sold at least 140,000 copies of between 2011 and 2018. Pugh sold the majority of the books to government partners, but she also sold around 20,000 to a private company seeking a multimillion dollar contract with the city of Baltimore.

The Baltimore Sun first reported on Monday that health care provider Kaiser Permanente bought around 20,000 of the “Healthy Holly” books for distribution in and around Maryland from 2015 to 2018, paying Pugh $114,000 in the process.

And in a bit of troubling timing, Kaiser’s payments to Pugh overlapped with a $48 million contract the company signed with the city of Baltimore in September 2017 . a contract approved by a board Pugh controls.

Per the Sun, it’s the latest in a string of lucrative children’s book contracts involving Pugh and “Healthy Holly” going back to 2011, when she sold 20,020 of the self-published books to Baltimore City Public Schools.

Pugh also had a $500,000 deal from 2011 to 2018 to sell 100,000 books to the University of Maryland Medical System, where she.d previously served on the board of directors. Pugh resigned from her position on March 18, days after the yearslong deal came to light.

Pugh seems very avoidant to stressful situations. That didn’t come out in my reading. Could be a function of the triangular face’s passive-aggression on women… there are gendered differences in physiognomy.

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) asked State Prosecutor Emmet Davitt to investigate the “deeply disturbing allegations. Monday afternoon:

Pugh initially dismissed the Sun’s inquiries into her book deals as a “witch hunt.” But at a news conference last Thursday, she called the arrangement with the University of Maryland Medical System .a regrettable mistake. and apologized “for any lack of confidence or disappointment” it may have caused. She didn’t take any questions.

I bet not.

.Every day, we get a little bit more,. Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) remarked to CBS Baltimore after the press conference. .It raises more questions than answers..

Baltimore public schools told the Sun the district can’t verify if it received the full order of books, shipments of which it called “unsolicited.” The school system has 8,700 .Healthy Holly. books in storage.

In an emailed statement to HuffPost, Kaiser spokesman Scott Lusk said the company has offered a health plan to Baltimore City employees since 1986 . long before the September 2017 contract was agreed to.

And more importantly, before the late ’90s when Pugh entered politics.

As for the books, Kaiser said it purchased copies of “Healthy Holly” as part of a broader program to distribute health-centered literature that’s been ongoing since 2013.

.We purchased Healthy Holly books because we believe residents would be inspired by a book about health and wellness authored by a member of the Baltimore community,. the statement read. .In light of the issues that have been raised, Kaiser Permanente is reviewing the process through which books are selected and procured..

Translation, Kaiser will cooperate with the prosecution. It seems that pay-to-play isn’t always a mutual benefit.

In fact, Pugh is going to get NUKED on this issue:

8 April 2019

The entire Baltimore City Council on Monday urged Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh to resign amid mounting pressure over sales of children’s books Pugh authored and sold to government partners.

Her response, essentially: No thanks.

That thundering sound you hear is all of Baltimore’s professional crooks running for minimum safe distance from the mayor.

.The entire membership of the Baltimore City Council believes that it is not in the best interest of the City of Baltimore, for you to continue to serve as Mayor,. the Monday morning memo reads. .We urge you to tender your resignation, effective immediately..

…Citing her health, Pugh has been on a leave of absence since early last week. She doubled down on that explanation for her continued absence in a followup statement Monday in which she rejected the council’s call for her to resign.

.Mayor Pugh has taken a leave to focus on recovering from pneumonia and regaining her health,. the statement read. .She fully intends to resume the duties of her office and continuing her work on behalf of the people and the City of Baltimore..

Good luck, good-bye and good riddance, Mayor Pugh. And take your childrens’ books with you!

Hmm, what’s her children’s book series about, anyway?

[Mayor Catherine Pugh’s] self-published books, dubbed the “Healthy Holly” series, were distributed to schoolchildren and daycare centers. So what do they say?

The books follow the life of a young African-American girl named Holly. She loves to jump rope, pick out fruit from the grocery store and play with her little brother, Herbie.

She introduces herself to readers, saying: .The fun part about exercise is that you can do it by yourself or with family and friends. . Welcome to my world where exercising is fun!!!.

That’s the point at which every non-brainwashed boy rips the page out of the book, folds it into a paper airplane and gets some exercise. If you want boys to play outside then get out of their way, Public Education System! But no, you school authorities buy these female-centric “go do what we won’t let you do” books instead of dodge balls.

Holly.s day is filled by outings with her parents, who often talk with their daughter about the importance of staying healthy.

.Exercise is when we walk and ride our bikes. It is when we play tennis. It is when we swim,. Holly’s father says on page 8 of the first installment, .Exercising Is Fun,. as the family plays tennis with an anthropomorphic ball wearing glasses.

Props for the book having a father in the family. I can’t believe America has sunk that low.

In book two, titled .A Healthy Start for Herbie,. Holly’s parents bring home a little brother named Herbie. .This book is all about Herbie growing up healthy,. the introduction reads.

When Holly first meets Herbie, she is curious about his small size. .When will he be able to exercise?. she asks her dad. The family gives the baby milk and fruit to help him grow.

I’m getting flashbacks to Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, in which the castes are verbally indoctrinated in their sleep. “Exercise is fun… how soon until I can exercise again… I think exercise is fun…”

The third book in the series is called “Fruits Come in Colors like the Rainbow.” Holly accompanies her parents on a trip to San Francisco, where she’s kidnapped and sexually educated by all thirty-two genders.

Okay, that was a shameless lie. Mostly.

The third book in the series is called “Fruits Come in Colors like the Rainbow.. Holly accompanies her parents on a trip to the grocery store where, as a surprise, she gets to pick out the produce. She places apples, bananas and kiwi straight into her family’s shopping cart.

Heehee. .Fruits Come in Colors like the Rainbow.” Oh, I am SO going to use that line.

There is another book in the series titled “Vegetables are Not Just Green..

Oooh, another one I can use! Catherine Pugh, you have a future on the comedy circuit!

The roughly 20-page books end with tips for parents on how to keep their kids healthy.

Healthy Holly

“According to the National Institute of Health, children should be doing a certain amount of exercise according to their age…” What happened to my country? Orwellian Institutes of Bureaucracy are lecturing us how to live our lives! Defund them AND their pensions!

On a closing note, this meme I found, hat tip to “Justin Fenton”:

Pay-to-play fraud in order to support Social Justice? I came pretty close with that nose.


Harry Potter and the Teenage Witch

A defining mark of the Churchian is his inability to recognize evil. Or hers; I didn’t realize this coming review was written by a female until the very end. I haven’t watched this show which makes reviewing it problematic, but I’m actually interested in the reviewer missing the real Evil for the fake one.

The Problem of Evil in “The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.

By S.D. Kelly, 5 April 2019

It has been two decades since the Harry Potter series emerged as a cultural phenomenon. When the story of the boy wizard who attends the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry began to dominate children’s literature, evangelicals wondered if it was okay to allow their children to read the books.

It was okay because magic was just a gimmick, another word for engineering. Magic has been in stories since before Greek mythology. In hindsight, the anti-Potter crowd’s problem was the witch stuff being unavoidably public. Probably hit too close to Daddy’s suspicions about what little Princess was most likely learning in college… not differential equations.

I remember being suspicious that Mrs. Dudley was vocally anti-magic to the point of maltreating young Harry, she being an otherwise typical housewife, but Mrs. Weasley was also a housewife (and of much higher quality) so my suspicion that the Dudleys were a metaphor for the ills of traditional family life didn’t pan out.

That sort of thing is what real evil looks like. Human behaviors twisted away from God’s designed standard. Horns and hooves are very secondary.

As the series continued, however, it became increasingly clear that the mechanical nature of the magic practiced by Harry and his friends carried with it very little of the occult. Ultimately, Harry Potter seems more concerned with matters of the material world than the spiritual, despite the occasional contention with ghosts.

You know what the major difference is between the material and spiritual worlds? The material world is rigidly right and wrong, actions and consequences. Masculine. But the spiritual world is murky, poorly defined and experienced not studied. Matriarchal. Not feminine, because the feminine appreciates the masculine. Only feral wimminz despise male headship.

So for the majority of Christians, the question of whether or not Harry Potter was a sort of gateway drug for the harder stuff of real witchcraft fizzled into nothing. Evangelicals, just like everyone else, waited eagerly for each new book to be released, doing their part to enhance the series. sales, currently pegged at around 400 million copies.

On the one hand, the books aren’t good enough to stand the test of time. (Especially with Rowling retconning sodomy into the series.) On the other hand, kids started reading books again. So, a net gain for society.

Now a new generation is experiencing their own moment of cultural resurgence when it comes to wizardry and witchcraft. Only this time around, it doesn’t seem quite so benign.

We’re Not in “Potterville Anymore.

This fall, Netflix released The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (with a bonus Christmas episode released in December). The series, which returns for a second season today, is based on the comic books published in 2014 by Archie Horror, which were a darker take on the character of the young witch Sabrina Spellman. Since first debuting in an Archie comic in 1962, Sabrina has made multiple appearances in various pop culture media, her fortunes rising and falling with the corresponding interest in the supernatural in pop culture. Before The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, the most well-known of the recent iterations (among comic books, TV shows, and animated series) of Sabrina was the popular 1990s sitcom Sabrina the Teenage Witch, starring the bright-eyed and chipper Melissa Joan Hart.

Doesn’t sound much different from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. More on the 90s sitcom at the end.

The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina may be similar to the .90s sitcom in that it features a 15-year-old protagonist (the compelling Kiernan Shipka), but this is no show for kids. True, Sabrina Spellman is dealing with some ordinary teen problems in her beloved town of Greendale: the ups and downs of her relationship with her boyfriend, Harvey, her social life at Baxter High, and confronting the school’s smarmy principal as he refuses to stop the bullying of one of Sabrina’s best friends (who, in one of many of-the-moment plot threads, is attacked for not conforming to gender expectations). Domestic considerations are in play as well. Sabrina is the product of a love match between her high-born wizard father and her human mother. Orphaned as a young girl, she lives with her two aunts and her cousin, who, fittingly, are in the business of embalming and interring the dead as proprietors of Greendale’s mortuary.

This gave me a chuckle. Strong&Independent wimminz successfully breaking the glass ceiling into the funerary-industrial complex! Enjoying the Male Privilege of embalming Baby Boomers! Then I noticed her antagonism with the (apparently) only father-figure in her life, the school principal. If that principal didn’t protect a “trans-gender” kid from being bullied for claiming to be a freak then he’s a good guy. The openly-committed sexual violation of children called “transgenderism” is one of several reasons that barring plague or starvation, I expect to see Aggro Jesus work out some frustration upon the planet before I die.

Yo, clergy. God made us male and female, yes? Remember reading in the papers that mothers are forcing sex changes upon children as young as infants? Are you not connecting the dots? Because they hate God, they want to deny that God made us male and female. First upon themselves, then upon those they can force themselves upon.

Sabrina’s conflict with her aunts ranges from the usual issues with curfew to the slightly more unusual: her strong desire to avoid pledging her life to Satan.

In healthier times, she could complain to the local priest, who would confirm the accusation of witchcraft, burn the witches at the stake and help Sabrina find adoptive parents who won’t sacrifice her to the literal devil in a world made safer for kids by the intolerant servants of the Cross. Or maybe the principal she doesn’t like but is the legitimate leader of the school? That’s a show I’d watch.

Who does the author think IS watching this show? And why? Serious questions.

Sabrina is just days away from her 16th birthday, which happens to fall on an important day for her family and coven: the convergence of a blood moon and the holiday of Samhain. It is also the date of her dark baptism, when Sabrina will renounce her humanity and pledge her soul to the devil. This pledge is sealed by cutting her hand and using her own blood to write her name in Satan’s Book. This act can never be revoked, and Sabrina will have to obey every wish of the dark lord for the rest of her very long, sordid life.

This is where the red flags start. A girl’s 16th birthday is the milepost of sexual maturity. Engineering crossed with magic isn’t a concern but sexuality crossed with magic absolutely is.

Also, that’s a disturbingly negative portrayal of marriage, a lifetime commitment to a guy who will command her obedience forever. Forget Satan, this slander against marriage is the True Evil in this picture.

The show is (sort of) set in the 1960s of the original Archie comic, although with plenty of anachronisms (a reference to the 1985 movie The Goonies, for instance). More to the point, Sabrina also borrows liberally from other entries into the witchcraft genre, with Sabrina’s admission into a boarding school for witches as a central conceit.the Netflix version of Hogwarts. The show also borrows from other, more disconcerting sources: a statue of Satan stands in the inner courtyard of the school, an exact replica of the very showy statue of the goat-headed Baphomet that the real-world members of the Satanic Temple have placed in front of the Arkansas capitol building. (The free publicity notwithstanding, this tribute, complete with adoring children gazing up at the devil, was not well-received by members of the Satanic Temple, who initially sued Netflix for copyright infringement before eventually settling out of court.)

Posting occult symbols in public can easily backfire on the perpetrators. Similar to the “Piss Christ” art installation which came close to ending the National Endowment for the Arts, such symbology reminds people they need to choose one side and fight against the other. For us Christians, everything is easier when it’s exposed to the light.

In spite of all this, for much of the series The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina manages a light touch. The show does not lose sight of the fact that it is ultimately intended as a piece of pop culture. The fast-paced dialogue and whip-smart acting (a combination of Gilmore Girls and Buffy the Vampire Slayer) bring a wryness that is a welcome contrast to the dark.very dark.imagery. Sabrina herself is bright and cheery, if annoyingly earnest. When she’s not contemplating whether or not to be the bride of Satan, she is taking on moral crusades in the hallways of Baxter High, outwitting her principal to found a school-sponsored book club for girls. The name of the club is long and confusing, but succeeds in forming the acronym W.I.C.C.A. Subtle, Sabrina is not.

Subtle enough to fool you. Per this account, the WICCA club came into existence by thwarting legitimate male authority. That’s the evil. Not the name.

Imitating Life

But neither is the real world. Something of a resurgence of interest in witchcraft is taking place in our culture, even though it hasn’t reached mainstream levels. Over an 18-year period beginning in 1990, Barry Kosmin of Trinity College conducted three studies on American Religious Self-Identification. Research indicated a sharp increase in the practice of Wicca, with the self-identified number of Wiccans growing from 8,000 in 1990 to 340,000 in 2008.

“Even though it hasn’t reached mainstream levels”? Satanism doesn’t start with voodoo dolls or dancing around pentagrams with sacrificial chickens. It starts with destroying fathers, leaving children vulnerable to a predators & sexual perversion… for the second phase. By the time a female reaches the point of open declaration, she’s long past the Slut Event Horizon.

Fatherhood is a symbol of Father God. Thus, female independence/empowerment is rebellion against God. Monogamy is a symbol of Christ and the Church. The death of monogamy is blasphemy against Christ. Only after a full generation of such hatred against God is society beginning to sprout idols of Baphomet.

Connect the dots, clergy. It’s only your job.

Still, even at its verifiable peak, this represents a tiny fraction of the American population, and it is unclear if the numbers have increased as dramatically in the decade since data from the last study was released.

Per the study, Wicca grew 4,150% in 18 years. Be honest, author: it hasn’t fallen just as quickly. Don’t pretend it might have. Heresy and blasphemy are becoming so obvious that you church box tyrants are having trouble keeping your incompetence and disengagement secret from the sheep.

“Why are all the men leaving Church?”

“Don’t worry. When they repent, I’ll forgive them.”

“What should we do about gender-neutral bathrooms and sodomy being elevated to a civil right?”

“Don’t worry, that’s happening outside the Church.”

“They just installed the Arch of Baal on the Capitol lawn!”

“It’s only a protest.”

“My daughter just asked for a Satan-themed birthday party!”

“Uh… uhhh… it’s a… metaphor… Don’t blame me! What did I do?”

That said, the sense that interest in the practice of witchcraft is spreading is fueled by the anecdotal and increased disaffection with organized religion…

She blames the people who abandoned the Church because it didn’t confront the rising tide of evil, for causing the rising tide of evil? increase in Etsy sales of sage bundles and crystals, and a pop culture boom.

The reason it’s spreading is not crystal knickknacks being on the market. “How pretty! What’s it for?.. Shrug, sure, I’ll try to summon Hastur. What could go wrong?” No. Just no.

Similarly, magic has been everywhere in literature since before Greek mythology. It isn’t evil until it’s twisted into an evil pattern.

Writer and filmmaker Alex Mar wrote of the rising profile of witchcraft in her 2015 book Witches of America. Initially taking on the detached perspective of the documentarian, Mar becomes increasingly attracted to the practice of witchcraft by meeting witches who convey a sense of purpose and self-fulfillment.qualities Mar longs for. She decides to study … witchcraft, with the goal of becoming a full-fledged, practicing witch.

Something easily predicted from her name, the masculine-sounding Alex Mar, her home, New York City, and her husband, who doesn’t exist. Real witchcraft is the religion of female rebellion, God without intermediary, power without rules. Not the religion of some neo-paganism.

As a thoroughly secular person, one studiously raised to be open to all truths and committed to none, Mar longs for the certainty and reassurance of belief. In the end, she is struck by the religious aspect of witchcraft. .To have a legitimate, unpretended connection to God or Goddess or an entire army of godlike forms,. Alex Mar writes, .to have sincere religious beliefs at have to connect on a level that is more than intellectual.” In the end, Mar cannot commit.

The chick crack of You Shall Be As God.

The real-world Alex Mar is never confronted in the same way as the fictional Sabrina Spellman: No one asks her to pledge her soul to the Prince of Darkness himself. But she does come to realize that she is being asked to believe. The practice of witchcraft is to take on and attempt to channel the power of a force outside of ourselves, one we cannot understand.

The chick crack of Taming the Unicorn.

This truth, in a way, is the great gift that The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is offering to a culture increasingly enamored of witchcraft. The series does not sugarcoat what is happening to the characters; it does not wrap Sabrina’s dilemma in a charming veneer of quirky house elves and Bertie Bott’s Every-Flavored Beans. Sabrina cannot gain the this case, the magical world.without losing her soul.

Correction, Sabrina cannot become Strong and Independent if she gives in to the temptation of marriage.

This is a choice Harry Potter never has to make. His dilemma is framed more generally as being between light and darkness, of choosing the noble Dumbledore over the wretched Voldemort. Sabrina, on the other hand, faces the nature of evil itself head-on.

The choice between light and darkness IS facing the nature of evil. This world has one truth and ten million lies. Although I admit, Harry never had a choice. When the villain tried to murder you once and is Jonesing to do it again, choosing Good is easy. One reason Harry Potter will never be taught in literature classes.

*checks* I take that back.

Satan in Sabrina is not somewhere offstage, an unseen dark force animating a range of haunted house villains. In this story, Satan is front and center, and he has not been rehabilitated for a secular, 21st-century audience.

He’s been reinvented to represent the evil of monogamy rejected by a heroic, newly sexually active girl.

Yet as a pop culture artifact in keeping with its times, the show still cannot resist glamorizing Sabrina’s eventual decision to throw in her lot with him. That decision, according to TVLine, gave her .a new look, a new attitude and a new outlook on the screwed up world around her.” The show’s star, Kiernan Shipka, says, .It’s the right amount of heartbreaking and sexy and intriguing,. and suggests that the character’s new power may help her beat Satan at his own game, even as she has taken a blood oath to serve him forever.

She gives in to marriage intending to twist the marriage against her husband and break her vow.

The references to sexiness come from this show being at least half a soap opera.

But underneath the sexiness, Sabrina’s story is still a dark, disturbing tale, one reminiscent of the foundational human story found in the Garden of Eden. We are all asked to choose, The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina seems to be saying, between good and evil, between God and ourselves. But while the show evokes the temptation of Eve in the Bible (in a scene with Sabrina plucking an apple from an ancient tree in order to gain knowledge), Sabrina never truly confronts the very human dilemma of choosing between God and the self. Instead, Sabrina’s trouble is framed as that of choosing between different kinds of self-empowerment: her life lived according to the dictates of her own power or one in which she submits her power to Satan. In this way Sabrina’s dilemma is, perhaps, a false one, since she is choosing her self either way. The concept of submitting to a good God is never even mentioned, let alone framed as an option.

Like I said above, ten million lies. One truth. Should Sabrina submit to an evil marriage or live free and selfish? The correct answer is not even hinted at.

The choice Sabrina makes.regardless of the nobility of her motives and the resulting increase of her power through her self-knowledge.means that she cannot, in the ultimate sense, possibly do good.

The chick crack of Not Her Fault.

And if The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina continues to be honest about the devil’s purpose…

It hasn’t begun to be honest. We just discussed how it set up a false dilemma.

…it will eventually have to acknowledge that all the glamour and empowerment in the world can’t enable us to use his power for our own ends. .You cannot serve two masters,. Jesus said. We can cloak the choice in vagaries and obfuscation, in fantastic stories of fulfilling destinies and personal empowerment, but, in the end, we must make an answer, and there is no middle ground.

Remember the questions I asked above? “Who does the author think is watching this show? And why?” It’s young women watching it because it ties in with, simultaneously, their healthy desire to get married and their unhealthy desire to not submit. Watching it be portrayed as one evil balanced against another absolves her of consequences while indulging fantasies of either Eat, Pray, Love or Tame the Unicorn. During which, she snubs men in authority over her because they deserve to be snubbed.

Original Sin is female rebellion and male capitulation. The devil appears in this show only to illustrate the hatred feminists have for the institution of marriage.

The Harry Potter series didn’t try to depict marriage as a terrible evil. Harry had respect for the men in his life from Dumbledore to even (grudgingly) Mr. Dudley. Chilling Sabrina does depict marriage as evil. It does show disrespect for men. That’s why the Potter series is harmless and Sabrina is not. Not because the devil makes an appearance.


Postscript, the comparison with this older sitcom “Sabrina” is telling. Wikipedia helps me out:

Season 1:The pilot episode opens with Sabrina asleep on her 16th birthday, levitating above her bed. In the morning, her aunts reveal to her that she is a witch, but Sabrina does not believe them until she has a magical talk with her father from inside a book, where her father reveals that he is a witch and her mother is mortal. It is also revealed that Sabrina cannot see her mother, who is in Peru for two years, or her mother will be transformed into a ball of wax. After a rough day at school, Sabrina accidentally turns Libby Chesler, the most popular girl in school, into a pineapple. Fearing that she will appear “weird” to her crush, Harvey Kinkle, Sabrina asks the Witches Council to let her relive that day. The first season follows Sabrina as she tries to keep the balance between being a teenager and having magical powers.

Sabrina learns self-control.

Season 2: At the beginning of the second season, Sabrina turns seventeen and learns that she must earn her witch’s license or otherwise lose her magic. However, she neglects her aunts’ warnings to study for the test to obtain the license and consequently fails it. She then has to attend witch boot camp to earn the chance to take a makeup test. She passes the makeup test, but only receives a learner’s permit. Her aunts explain that she will be able to earn her license when she turns eighteen (“when she can pay for the insurance”) and that she will be tested throughout the year by a Quizmaster, a witch whose job is to instruct witches earning their licenses. Also introduced during the second season are Sabrina’s neurotic friend Valerie and the new school vice principal Mr. Kraft, who finds Sabrina to be very odd and has a crush on Hilda.

Sabrina has to earn a license, like driving a car. Responsible. The sentence about the school VP makes me wonder if Chilling Sabrina is a shameless reboot of this series.

*winces* I must know…

*clicks on a YouTube trailer*

Yep, it’s a reboot.


Oh, Gawd. It’s just like Star Whores. You think Jar Jar Binks is the worst ever, then you want to go back to those happy days of innocence.

Season 3: At the beginning of the third season, Sabrina earns her license, but then learns that in order to use her license, she must solve her family’s secret. (“Every member of the Spellman family is born with a twin”).

She must invest in family.

Season 4: At the beginning of the fourth season, Sabrina is assigned to be a mentor, which is like a Quizmaster, except “Quizmasters get paid”. Sabrina’s charge is Dreama, a witch newly immigrated from the Other Realm. A new student, Brad Alcero, who is also Harvey’s best friend, transfers to Sabrina’s school. Because Brad has a witch-hunter gene (which allows him to turn a witch into a mouse if the witch reveals his/her magic), Sabrina must keep herself and Dreama from using magic in front of Brad. Also, Sabrina begins working at Bean There, Brewed That, a coffee shop, where she meets and is attracted to Josh (played by David Lascher), a college student who is the manager of the shop, which leads to her kissing him and thus cheating on Harvey, who ends their relationship, but they soon get back together. Both Dreama and Brad are written out of the series without explanation over the course of the season. At the end of the season, Harvey reaches his “spell quota” (meaning that no spells can be used on him anymore) and discovers that Sabrina is a witch, and later breaks up with Sabrina off screen and is written out of the show prior to the start of the next season.

Older women teaching younger women is even Biblical, although I see why the audience left at this season. Rights were sold off and the series rebooted with:

Seasons 5 & 6: [Irredeemable soap opera trash].

Season 7: In the series finale Sabrina calls off her wedding with Aaron and runs off with Harvey, her soul mate… In the last scene of the series, Sabrina and Harvey ride off on his motorcycle to the song “Running” by No Doubt, Sabrina’s favorite band.

She gets married after suitable sitcom theatrics. A standard love triangle.

Obviously a worthless and completely immoral show, but I’m talking about the soap opera-ness and not the magic, which was a vehicle to drive the plot. To the extent that witchcraft was a central issue, it was something Sabrina had to control and direct as part of her maturity, and not just sexual maturity. All was well with puerile, low-brow entertainment.

New, Chilling Sabrina is a Third Wave appeal to the fallen female id of rebellion and romantic-sexual indulgence. Overt demonic activity is only used to vilify marriage.

What a difference a couple decades makes during Convergence. But you already knew that from Star Whores.


Adieu, California GOP!

I’ve ignored California’s branch of Useless White GOPes for so long, I didn’t notice they shut down permanently in February. No reason anybody should have noticed, of course, they’ve been irrelevant for a long time.

I noticed when I looked up Travis Allen, a politician so good that Governor Gavin Kitchen-Bitch singled him out for a lawsuit in his inaugural State of the State speech. How was Travis doing? Did he manage to recruit allies? Fighting the good fight? Was his district holding the line? There’s only a couple Cali politicians worth watching and he’s one of them, so…

He’d been shivved by his own party.


The following is an article by Republicuck shill Edward Ring, proud co-founder of the California Policy Center, a free-market think tank in 2013, thus a worthy subject for an autopsy of Cali-GOPe skinsuits. We begin with the perfect picture to express my hatred of Cucks… to express all that is wrong with the Republican Establishment:

Those are an assortment of past California Republican leaders… every one a Boomer Cuck… mooning over the newest Cal-GOP chairman chairperson, Jessica Patterson, a Latina and Ocasio-Cortes lookalike. How proud they are, to finally end all white male representation in California state politics.

Patterson, the new face of California’s “conservatives”. What is it they conserve, one wonders? Not even themselves per the Orange County Register: “With just 24 percent of voters in California now registering as Republicans, the party is No. 3 in the state, trailing Democrats and No Party Preference.”

California.s GOP Plays it Safe When Safe Equals Death

By Edward Ring, 25 February 2019

In September 2016, Michael Anton published an influential essay entitled “The Flight 93 Election.. It compared the 2016 election to the tragic Flight 93 of 9/11/2001. Anton’s essay opened with this: .2016 is the Flight 93 election: charge the cockpit or you die. You may die anyway. You.or the leader of your party.may make it into the cockpit and not know how to fly or land the plane. There are no guarantees. Except one: if you don’t try, death is certain..

Good Gawd, did he date himself. 2001 was eighteen years ago. Kids who were born after 9/11 are graduating high school now. But George Bush heroically retaliating for 9/11 by building Muslims a new caliphate is the only good PR Republicans have produced in two decades so he didn’t have much to work with.

And he didn’t get the analogy right. Flight 93’s lesson is if your enemies are going to kill you anyway then the best thing you can do is thwart their plans so they don’t win, either. Also, don’t hope that giving your enemies an easy win will ensure good treatment of you.

California.s GOP faced a similar existential choice this weekend at their semi-annual state convention, when they had to elect a new party chairman. California’s GOP, like Flight 93, faces certain death. Many would say it is dead already. A new term has been coined to describe the status of the GOP in California, a “mega minority.” Whereas a “super minority” means your party holds less than one out of every three offices, a “mega minority” means your party holds less than one out of every four offices. That would describe California’s GOP these days, where they control a mega minority in the State Assembly, the State Senate, California’s Congressional Caucus, and the higher state offices such as Governor, Lt. Governor, etc., where they are not represented at all.

Three people rose to the challenge of flying California’s GOP into 2020, hopefully not crashing on the way. Firebrand populist and 2018 Gubernatorial candidate Travis Allen, who is openly supportive of president Trump, the thoughtful veteran Steve Frank, who served as the party’s vice chair and is senior political editor of the California Political Review, and Jessica Patterson, who served as 2010 gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman’s statewide field director, and more recently as CEO of .Trailblazers,. an organization that trains GOP candidates.

Travis Allen was a fighter. Newsom chose him for his precedent-setting lawsuit forcing local governments to obey Moscow on pain of destruction. There’s no higher compliment for a good guy than to be hated by the devil himself.

Steve Frank was a guaranteed failure representing the Boomer Voting bloc.

And Jessica Patterson was the Entryist Woman of Color that will do to the Cal GOP what the Muslim terrorists did on Flight 93, grab the controls in order to kill you all. Does this mean that Ring is calling for Jessica’s ousting By Any Means Necessary? Of course not, as we’ll soon see.

As it turned out, on Sunday morning the establishment candidate, Patterson, received 651 delegate votes on the first ballot, which at 55 percent meant a second ballot was unnecessary. Allen got 366 votes, Frank got 175. It wasn’t close, but it wasn’t a blowout, either. If just 55 more delegates, out of 1,192 total, had gone with an insurgent, California’s GOP might have had a Trump supporter running the state party.

You GOPes installed female leadership in violation of God’s Will for human behavior. You instilled a nonwhite because they’re nonwhite. None of you, not even the political dynasties, raised a son of America to replace you. You have already entered Fatal Error 0E land. You’re done, you worthless, spineless, ball-less simps, and done by a very wide margin.

Travis Allen was your future. Steve Frank was your past. Jessica is your DEATH.

That.s the challenge that’s been handed to establishment favorite, Jessica Patterson, a thirty-something professional political operative whose first big job was working for Meg Whitman. Meg Whitman. Remember Meg Whitman? This is the business executive who ran for governor back in 2010, burning through $178 million . including well over $30 million from donors who were so embittered by her disastrous failure that they never came back.

Jessica isn’t going to lead. Women don’t lead, they follow. Who is Jessica going to follow? Not a Republican, now that she’s the top Republican.

You can go all the way back to the special election of 2005 to find examples of California’s GOP tepidity. It’s easy now to forget the excitement incoming Governor Schwarzenegger generated among the GOP faithful in California. Here was a candidate, as far removed from the establishment as Trump was a decade later, sitting in the guest’s chair, telling Jay Leno and half of America that .it’s the unions that are breaking California, and I’m going to terminate them.” And he tried for a full legislative season, during his first year as Governor, and he got nowhere. So in 2005 he took his case to the people, filing four initiatives . a balanced budget, redistricting reform, lengthened evaluation period for teacher tenure, and paycheck protection. The consultants, what a surprise, talked him out of a fifth . pension reform. And what happened?

There Schwarzenegger was, on television again, saying it was up to the people to save California. But he said it by himself. Alone. Where was California’s GOP during that entire election season? Instead of tapping into the populist momentum that had put Schwarzenegger into office, and giving it voice, most of them were running away from Schwarzenegger as fast as they could. Nobody who condemns Schwarzenegger for later pivoting left should forget that back in 2005, while the unions spent well over $100 million to defeat his initiatives, the GOP and its donors did not step up to match them in money or, more importantly, in their tone. They went to their safe spaces, protected their safe seats, and continued as the minority party, the dwindling opposition. Bleating haplessly. Losing.

His own party didn’t want him to succeed. Your party, Mr. Ring. Don’t blame the “donors”. I was here… I was watching.

These are the people who run California’s GOP. They’ve lost their mid level donors because mid-level donors can’t afford to support, over and over again, tepid, losing campaigns. They’ve lost most of their big donors because big donors would rather move their money into states where they can win.

Your big donors left because you were useless. Your middle donors left because you were useless. And your small donors…

And as of Sunday, February 24th, they’ve lost their grassroots support. That part is probably just fine; political consultants working for California’s GOP don’t care much for the grassroots.

The nice consultants . most of them . view grassroots activists with bemused tolerance. Others view them as an annoyance. On February 24th, they were more than a nuisance, they were a threat, crushed with moderate difficulty. Tragedy averted.

But the plane is still in a nosedive.

…can no longer pretend you give a care.

Do you think you’re any better than your peers, Mister Ring? Do you think you are not yourself seated in the cockpit, screaming praises to a false God as you betray the innocent? I will not allow you such blissful ignorance. The remainder of your article is advice to Jessica Patterson on how to “fix” California. It’s a joke but nobody is laughing:

All of [my coming suggestions] address the greatest inequity that Californians confront, but never solve . the criminally high, utterly contrived, scandalously avoidable, punitive cost-of-living in this state.



Enact school choice. Don’t just fight a rear guard action protecting the beleaguered charter schools. Approve school vouchers and allow competition between traditional public schools, charters, parochial schools, and private schools. Quit tiptoeing around this issue. California’s public schools are a ridiculous mess. Turn the state into a laboratory for education, and let parents choose which schools their children will attend. A lot of pedagogical debates would be settled pronto, if principals and teachers were able to run their schools any which way they wanted, yet were held absolutely accountable by the parents.

Ring wants to give Sacramento total control of ALL education in California because partial control hasn’t worked. “School vouchers” means “government funding”. So long as government is the middle man, they can easily attach all kinds of mandates and requirements to the money that vouchers would “force” them to provide. His advice is guaranteed to erase all differences between public, private and Christian schools through the magic of political centralization.

Instead, shut down public education entirely. It’s obviously not working and entrenched unionization means reform is practically impossible. Also, why should the childless be forced to pay for your children’s education? That is not their responsibility. Also also, the school are full of child molesting monstrosities. Drain the Swamp!

End all discrimination and base college admissions purely on merit. Expand STEM curricula so it represents 50 percent of college majors instead of the current 20 percent.

Insufficient. Ban all women from higher education so they focus on family instead. Men need young wives for sex and can’t have kids. This will also protect certain people… you Republicans, mainly… from the temptation to put your thumbs on the scales of ‘merit’.

Similarly, ban all Muslims and Subcontinental Indians from higher education. They are not the people of America. They do not belong in North America at all.

In all publicly funded institutions of higher education, fold all of ethnic and gender “studies” majors into the traditional fields of history and sociology.

Expel with prejudice all ethnic/gender students, faculty & administrators. For California’s sake, how can you be this stupid? The problem with Grievance Studies is NOT that it hasn’t been properly integrated with history!

Criminal Justice and Immigration

Restructure the penal system to make it easier for prisoners to perform useful public services. For example. along with working the fire lines during fire season, they could work all year clearing dead trees out of California’s forests. Use high-tech monitoring devices to reduce costs. Reserve current prisons only for the truly incorrigible.

The truth comes out. Switching the focus of criminal justice from “punishment” to “rehabilitation” was never about reducing crime. It was about fostering prison labor gangs. How can you look at our prison system and fantasize about all the work they could be doing for free? That is an abomination against Christ!

Punish crime such that the criminals don’t do it again. That is what the word “punishment” means. Don’t pretend that exploiting inmates is justifiable because they broke a law. One evil does not excuse another evil.

Support comprehensive federal immigration reform that includes merit based legal immigration, and attenuates chain migration.

That’s what the Democrats did when they declared California a sanctuary state. They legalized all immigration, documented or not. Good news, Mister Ring! You got your wish! This means California no longer has an immigration problem, right? Because it’s all government-sanctioned now? Just like you demanded?


Add at least one lane to every major interstate in California, and upgrade and resurface all state highways. Widen and upgrade roads up and down the state. Kill High Speed Rail.

Wow, such thinking outside the box! Try harder.

Begin investigating and facilitating private sector rollout of next generation transportation solutions, including coordinating development of aerial taxi corridors as well as high speed “hyperlanes” for next generation smart electric cars. Prepare for the advent of flying cars, self driving cars, share cars, ride hailing, micro-transit companies, and high speed cars.

What? | Reaction Images | Know Your Meme

Dammit, now *I* got my wish. He tried harder to think outside the box.


*Several ideas already shut down by environmentalists omitted.*

Work towards a grand bargain on water policy where environmentalists accept a few more reservoirs and desalination plants in exchange for plentiful water allocations to threatened ecosystems, farmers pay more for water in exchange for undiminished quantities, and taxpayers bear the burden of some new debt in exchange for permanent access to affordable, secure, and abundant water.

Better idea: get rid of the environmentalists. If you haven’t noticed yet, they are not pro-environment. They are anti-America. Notice how they haven’t been screaming about the ecological damage and spread of disease & parasites caused by our porous national border.

Don’t try to accommodate them. Don’t try to make peace with them. By your own analogy, they should be treated like Muslim terrorists who are happy to die if only they can kill us with the same effort.

Housing and the Homeless

Unlock open land for development. Quit acting like there’s not a single square mile of open space that isn’t sacred to the environment. California has over 25,000 square miles of cattle ranch land. If just 20% of that land were developed, California’s urban footprint would double. Enough already. Then subsidize practical new public infrastructure (i.e., roads, not “light rail.) throughout new regions opened up for land development.

Just like the Democrats, this guy is playing God with the power of gov’t. Sorry, cattle ranchers, I’ve decided that 20% of your land now belongs to developers serving the homeless. From each according to his ability, to each according to his need. You’ll get what we think is fair compensation if you don’t force us to spend the money litigating you into oblivion instead.

Two words: South Africa. One word: Zimbabwe.

Allow police to enforce vagrancy laws, even if it means expensive corrective litigation going all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. Build inexpensive tent cities for the homeless. Some cities in California have already had success with this tactic. The corrupt and futile opposite extreme is to construct “permanent supportive housing” which in Los Angeles has cost over $400,000 per apartment unit.

Better idea: insane asylums. Many of the homeless need to be locked up & treated for severe psychological issues. Also, many of your political opponents. Also, the American Psychological Association. I’m not joking.

Pensions and Infrastructure

Require California’s public employee pension funds to invest a minimum of 10 percent of their assets in infrastructure projects as noted above. They could issue fixed rate bonds or take equity positions in the revenue-producing projects, or a combination of both. This would immediately unlock approximately $80 billion in construction financing to rebuild California’s infrastructure. At the same time, save the pension systems by striking down the “California Rule” that prevents meaningful pension reform.

Quit your whining over how YOU would appropriate the money. Those pensions are an act of theft. The government back then promised that taxpayers today, who were not voters back then, would be held liable for expenses they didn’t, and could not have, authorized.

Shut down CalPERS. Completely. Overnight. That’s not fair to a lot of people but continuing it isn’t fair to a lot of other people. The sooner a financial scam ends, the less damage it will do. Ain’t nothing else to be done at this point.

Vision and Leadership Will Save California’s Republicans

Not donors and voters?

The establishment GOP fought off an insurgency on February 24.

You fought off Travis Allen because he was bad for the status quo. Not because he was a treacherous infiltrator.

Their new chairman, Jessica Patterson, called for all the factions to join together and work as a team.

Ladies and gentlemen, behold visionary leadership! My brain hurts from all this derp.

But until California’s GOP is willing to embrace bold policies that will offer California’s struggling middle and low income communities opportunities for upwards mobility, they will remain irrelevant.

Seriously, STFU about the stupid economy!

It isn’t enough to secure some reliable flow of donor support. To thrive, a political party needs to have a distinct vision of the future, a policy agenda that will achieve that future, and leaders that understand and can express that vision.

There it is. “It isn’t enough to secure some reliable flow of donor support.” Cali Republicans aren’t even interested in attracting back the donors who’ve ragequit or the voters who’ve been betrayed one time too many. They don’t want to win. They’re just a club of out-of-touch Elites who pride themselves on their “Vision and Leadership” while watching their business investments and whining about being perceived as losers.

And when faced with an obvious entryist reaching ascendancy, Ring decides to offer Jessica Patterson advice instead of denouncing her as an existential threat.



They Punked George Washington!

George Washington University students approve measure to dump Colonials nickname

By Jennifer Kabbany, 1 April 2019

A slim majority of George Washington University students voted on Thursday to dump the school’s “Colonials” nickname, represented as a mascot of President George Washington.

According to the university’s website, the nickname “Colonials” came into use in 1926, and “George” has been its mascot since 1948.

But students “voted narrowly in favor of a controversial referendum calling on GW to abandon the Colonials nickname, with 54 percent of voters supporting the effort,. the Hatchet campus newspaper reports.

.The use of .Colonials,. no matter how innocent the intention, is received as extremely offensive by not only students of the University, but the nation and world at large,. the petition read. .The historically, negatively-charged figure of Colonials has too deep a connection to colonization and glorifies the act of systemic oppression..

Morons. Hate for “White colonialism” has reached the point of hating white colonists who resisted rule by a European nation. They probably don’t know that the American Revolution was the one that showed many other ruled peoples that it was possible.

The petition had suggested alternatives such as hippos, riverhorses and revolutionaries.

The latter sounds appropriate. *GQ does double take.* HIPPOS?! For a woke sports team?

Yes. Please, God, YES! Make them name themselves after a mammal so fat that it spends most its life in the water just to take the weight off its limbs.

Administrators, who likely have the final say on any change, have yet to weigh in publicly on the referendum results. However, campus leaders have already been weighing the issue.

What the administrators should do is expel every student who signed the petition, then expel every administrator and professor who supported the petition, then circulate a petition objecting to the mass expulsion. Then, have a second mass expulsion of the people who supported that petition. Then, create a mandatory, no-credit, pass/fail class on why America is the best nation to ever exist in human history and expel everybody who fails to understand why America is a good idea.

Teachers, teach the kids right or go home. Our universities were not created for your amusement or political activism, let alone your hated for the nation of your citizenship.

The university’s Young Americans for Freedom chapter stated that .a colonial is a unifying symbol of American resistance; it represents the American attitude to stand up to those who seek to defy liberty and justice for all. The referendum is an effort to divide the GW community..

Fail. Colonials were America’s founding people, not a ‘unifying symbol’. This was not an effort to divide the community, it was an effort to rewrite good white men out of the history books.

Expel the Young Americans for Freedom. The American experiment was not “liberty and justice for all”. I might have been less harsh had they included the phrase “under God” but my tolerance for thinking America was invented to be some kind of Utopia is exhausted. The entire reason we had separation of powers and the Bill of Rights enshrined in the Constitution is because people cannot be trusted to make a better society for OTHER people. We are inherently selfish creatures.

America became a near-Utopia, briefly, only by the grace of God and the devastation of the World Wars.

And George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley also spoke against the effort.

.The name Colonials is being stripped of its own historical meaning and wrongly treated as synonymous with .colonialism,.. he told Fox News earlier this month. .Not only were the colonials not a manifestation or celebration of colonialism, they were the very symbol of resistance to colonialism. They fought the British Empire to secure self-rule. In doing so, they defeated the greatest world power of its time..

Pass! Professor Turley gets it right. Unexpected for his profession. The colonials fought for self-rule. Not for Liberty, Justice and Other Neat-Sounding Stuff.

Jonathan Turley | GW Law | The George Washington University

Hmm, I’d have expected Deep Stater from his physiognomy. Lots of right angles to his face, an easy test for highly rational personality types.

While the measure to scrap the nickname passed, it’s unclear if it truly represents a majority opinion, given that only about 5,000 students voted in the election, while about 12,000 undergrads attend the private institution.

Doesn’t matter. We in California learned that one butthurt homosexual is more important to the Elites than 500,000 voters. Speaking of butthurt grievance-mongers, by coincidence this year saw the hiring of GWU’s first diversity director, black female Jordan S. West. The debate over the ‘colonials’ name predates her but she’s a perfect symbol of how things will be in the future… the very near future.

Jordan S. West Headshot

Jordan S. West, PhD (pronouns she, her, and hers)…

…is currently serving as the Inaugural Director of Diversity & Inclusion Education at The George Washington University in the Office for Diversity, Equity and Community Engagement in the Office of the Provost. In this capacity, Jordan is responsible for creating and implementing educational opportunities across the institution that inform people and practices, in order to continue shifting the campus towards a more positive and just climate.

You see why I called for the expulsion of Young Americans for Freedom. Justice is nebulous, self-rule is not.

Jordan completed her PhD in Cultural Foundations of Education and received her Certificate of Advanced Studies in Women and Gender Studies, both at Syracuse University. Jordan earned her Master’s degree in College Student Affairs . with an emphasis on social justice in higher education at The Pennsylvania State University and her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology at the University of Maryland College Park.

Psychology=mental illness. Social justice=original sin. Women and Gender Studies=she ain’t coming back to Sanityville.

Jordan.s experience and continued research interests focus on campus climate, narrative and storytelling as a method, and how People of Color and individuals from historically marginalized identities work towards liberation while in higher education through the lens of Black Feminist Theory and Critical Race Theory.

Jordan can be proud of her Negroes when I can be proud of my Colonials. Funny how all the professionally diverse people have exactly this kind of educational background.

Come to think of it, perhaps it IS time for Mascot George and the Colonials to be put away. The real George wouldn’t want to be associated with this crowd. Just change the university name while you’re about it. How about “People’s Liberation University”? Home of the Basketball Hippos!


*Another double-take a day late* Her Master’s degree in COLLEGE STUDENT AFFAIRS?


April Fool’s Day, Jussie Smollett Style

Liberals are THIS stupid? Or they think we’re this stupid? Or, maybe this was an April Fool’s Day prank… that they took to the level of a false police report… I can’t tell what’s real anymore.

Sword-carrying man wearing MAGA hat allegedly slashes pedestrian’s hand: ‘There was a river of blood’

By Elise Sole, 1 April 2019

A sword-carrying man wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat allegedly slashed the hand of a pedestrian on a busy San Fransisco street.

Yeah, no. Not a chance. *Gunner Q sheaths his concealed carry katana.*

San Francisco is consistently misspelled throughout the article.

David Miles, who runs The Church of 8 Wheels, an alcohol-free, family-friendly roller skating rink on Fillmore Street, took a picture of the blood-streaked aftermath and posted it on Facebook. He was inside the venue at the time, but when he heard a man on the street was injured, he ran outside.

David Miles Jr

David Miles. His business may be young but he’s been an SF roller skating enthusiast since at least 2011.

.I assumed someone had taken their skates outside and fell, but I saw a man kneeling over . there was a river of blood. I said, .Stop the blood, ask questions later,’. Miles told Yahoo Lifestyle. He pressed paper towels on the man’s wounds until the police and the paramedics took over.

Miles told Yahoo Lifestyle that other customers reported a man outside using homophobic slurs.

A statement like “You roller-skating fags!” could be taken in a couple different ways. I encountered this homo on a bicycle the other day… or was it a hobo? I hope the bystanders heard me correctly.

From David Miles’ Facebook:

Caption “Tonight is the first time I have ever experienced how utterly crazy T-rump people really are!!! A guy wearing a MAGA hat attacked people in the street with a sword!!! This is right in front of the Church of 8 Wheels!!!”

Worst. Fake. Crime. Scene. Ever.

A representative of the San Fransisco Police Department told Yahoo Lifestyle the victim walked by the suspect and the man’s hat came off his head. The suspect took out his sword, cut the other man’s hand and ran away. The victim was treated in the hospital for non-life threatening injuries, and the suspect and his weapon are outstanding.

Well, that’s one shred of plausibility, if the victim knocked the suspect’s hat off then got knifed. Knifed, not fricking bastard sworded on the hand. But the shred of plausibility dies a swift death:

Sam Sweeny, a 24-year-old witness, told the San Fransisco Chronicle the suspect called him homophobic names. .In my mind, I didn’t think it was a real sword until we came out later and police were on the scene and there was blood and the hat on the ground,. he said.

Before police cordoned off the area, Miles took a photo of the bloody ground. .I didn’t realize a MAGA hat was laying there until later,. he told Yahoo Lifestyle.

If you’re going to commit a violent crime in SF, why not bring a MAGA hat in your pocket for a little misdirection? Even if you get caught, you’ll be famous! And Smollett proved you won’t get convicted if caught.

Miles said now his business of five years is affiliated with politics.

.We don’t give a damn who you voted for,. he told Yahoo Lifestyle, “as long as you voted, period..

That’s a total lie. “Get out the vote” types are hardline Leftists these days because they have popular support but not regional support. Hence their efforts to dismantle the Electoral College. Nobody is politically neutral in Sodom Francis-Is-A-Sicko.

This obviously stinks of a hate crime against Trump supporters. Only a crisis actor would put on a MAGA hat, pick up a *sword* and walk around downtown SF making homophobic slurs in public. My guess: two fags had a lover’s tiff or a bad drug deal. Somebody contaminated the crime scene with a MAGA hat before the police arrived.

But it happened just in time for April Fool’s day. There are no coincidences?


Tribalism and Moon Landing Hoaxes

I can’t believe that the Moon landings are being denied by people on the Right. First by Owen Benjamin, a guy who became a conspiracy theorist the honest way by pursuing an acting career in Hollyweird despite being a decent human being. Then published an anonymous it’s-a-hoax post. Vox Day jumped on it, too, and off it goes, in time for the 50th anniversary of the Moon Landing on June 20.

It’s stupid. One can see the equipment and even footprints left behind. The moonwalkers are still alive as well as thousands of supporting workers. Evidence against the landings happening: the US gov’t lied to us about everything else so they must be lying about this, too. They couldn’t have honestly done something impressive.

There are many reasons to indulge in the conspiracy theory subculture from mental illness to Walter Mitty. This time around, it’s tribalism. Identity politics. These moon hoaxers want to hate the US gov’t so badly that they looks for excuses to hate it more and invent those excuses as needed. Just like CNN. That’s a moral trap, wanting to hate your enemies. If ever you’re disappointed that your enemies aren’t as evil as you originally thought them to be then you’ve got a serious problem.

Not to mention, if you ever speak words without care of whether they’re true in order to achieve a desired outcome. That’s what the snake did in Eden.

Vox Day’s usual curtness makes his commentary on the coming article an excellent example of that kind of evil: “I always reject every Official Story endorsed by the U.S. government on principle, because it has always – ALWAYS – proven to be less than entirely true for one reason or another.”

This from the same guy who uses and IIRC, coined the meme “You can trust biologists because physicists get amazingly accurate results”. Distrust the CIA? The FBI? The State Department? Okay, but why blame NASA, too? They’re staffed with nerds, not liars and king-makers. Let’s fisk the Unz.

The Moon Landings: A Giant Hoax for Mankind?

By “Moon Landing Skeptic”, 1 April 2019

Coming up is the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. In 2016, a survey showed that 52 percent of the British public thought that Apollo missions were faked. Skepticism is highest among those who were too young to see it live on TV: 73 percent of aged 25-34 believe we didn’t land on the moon, compared to 38 percent of those aged 55 or more. These numbers seem to be rising every year. British unbelievers were only 25 percent ten years ago. It is not known how may they are today, but a 2018 poll by the Russian Public Opinion Research Center revealed that 57 percent Russians believe that there has never been a manned lunar landing. The percentage rises to 69 percent among people with higher education: in other words, the more educated people are, and the more capable of rational reasoning, the less they believe in the moon landings. In the US, the percentage seems much lower: A 1999 Gallup poll indicated just 6 percent Americans doubting the moon landings, and a 2013 Pew Research showed the number to have risen to a mere 7 percent. Not surprisingly, then, a 2010 Pew Research poll showed that 63 percent of Americans were confident that NASA would land an Astronaut on Mars by 2050.

Polls are not evidence of anything. NASA could land an astronaut on Mars by 2022 if it wasn’t bogged down in finding women clothing for spacewalks and getting the Vibrant Dindu Module attached to the ISS. The science is there, the Christian white male space that bridges science into reality is not.

The moon hoax theory was almost unheard of before the spread of Internet and gained momentum with the development of YouTube, which allowed close inspection of the Apollo footage by anyone interested. Before that, individuals who had serious doubts had little means to share them and make their case convincing.

That’s actually a very good insight into why Internet kookery is a thing. The Internet is great for getting together with like-minded people from across the planet… and that’s a bad thing if you mind is paranoid schizophrenic wanting validation instead of pills.

One pioneer was Bill Kaysing, who broke the subject in 1976 with his self-published book We Never Went to the Moon: America’s Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle. He may be called a whistleblower, since he had been working for Rocketdyne, the company that designed and built the Apollo rockets. Then came Ralph Ren? with his NASA Mooned America!, also self published.

Kaysing quit Rocketdyne in 1963. His book questioning the Moon landings was published in 1976. According to this website maintained by his daughter,

Mr. Kaysing moved his house boat to Oakland, California. It was here in the harbor area, that he met some Vietnam War veterans. The conversations he had with these disillusioned veterans inspired him to research the then recent USA Moon Landing.

As I’ve reported on this blog, the primary way California was corrupted was the military discharging convicted homosexuals into San Francisco, being the most convenient port for its Pacific Ocean operations. The Navy in particular… and Kaysing was living in a houseboat? Why did he got involved with the homo crowd?

Bill Kaysing Tribute Website - Gallery

I can believe he’s homosexual but his physiognomy isn’t a smoking gun for it. He has those huge drooping lower eyelids I’m still trying to figure out. Ears stand out from his skull as I’d expect for a conspiracy theorist. The vertical lines between his eyebrow mark him as a very determined personality; his chin looks like he clenches it a lot, also. This is a face that thrives on facing opposition. makes it sound like Kaysing was fired from Rocketdyne for whistleblowing. That was not the case. Only when he went fringe, Oakland style, a decade later, did he ‘realize’ the hoax.

After the death of his wife Ruth, Bill moved to Henderson, Nevada. He had always loved the beauty of the desert. It was here that he dedicated the last years of his life to helping his dear friend Sylvia Renee Lyss run an abandoned cat sanctuary.

HAHAHA! Okay, not homo but the guy had problems.

Per Wikipedia, “On August 29, 1996, Kaysing filed a defamation lawsuit in Santa Cruz County Superior Court against astronaut Jim Lovell for calling his claims “wacky” in an article by Rafer Guzm?n for Metro Silicon Valley. Lovell is quoted:

“The guy is wacky. His position makes me feel angry. We spent a lot of time getting ready to go to the moon. We spent a lot of money, we took great risks, and it’s something everybody in this country should be proud of.

“The case was dismissed in 1997.”

Kaysing didn’t have enough evidence to sustain a defamation suit.

Back to Unz,

Then came Ralph Ren? with his NASA Mooned America!, also self published.

Unlike Kaysing, Rene had no association with the Moon program or formal education, although he did hold a couple minor patents. He managed celebrity status a la Bill Nye the Science Guy.

Research gained depth and scope, and disbelief became epidemic around the 30th anniversary of Apollo 11, thanks in great part to British cinematographer David Percy, who co-authored the book Dark Moon with Mary Bennett, and directed the 3-hour documentary What Happened on the Moon? An Investigation into Apollo (2000), presented by Ronnie Stronge. It remains to this day greatly valuable for anyone willing to make an informed opinion.

Per Wikipedia, “[Percy] is the main proponent of the ‘whistle-blower’ accusation, arguing that mistakes in the NASA photos are so obvious that they are evidence that insiders are trying to ‘blow the whistle’ on the hoax by knowingly adding mistakes that they know will be seen.” That’s the worst hoax theory I’ve ever heard. They wanted the world to know it was being faked but never actually said so?

Then there was the much shorter A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Moon (2001), directed by Bart Sibrel, which brings in valuable insight into the historical context. Sibrel also went around challenging NASA astronauts to swear on the Bible, in front of the camera, that they did walk on the moon, and he compiled these sequences in Astronauts Gone Wild, together with more useful footages of embarrassingly awkward statements made by NASA astronauts who are supposed to have walked on the moon but sound hardly competent and consistent; Alan Bean from Apollo 12 learning from Sibrel that he went through the Van Allen radiation belt is a must-see.

Discount Howard Stern.

First of all, we need to be clear about the aim of such an inquiry. We should not expect any conclusive proof that Neil Armstrong, or any other Apollo moon-walker, didn’t walk on the moon. That cannot be proven, absent some indisputable evidence that he was somewhere else (orbiting around the earth, for example) at the precise time he claimed to have spent on the moon. In most cases, you cannot prove that something didn’t happen, just like you cannot prove that something doesn’t exist.

They can prove that Van Allen radiation is so toxic that any astronaut going through it would have died quickly. They can find the movie studios where the pictures were supposedly taken. They can look at the blueprints and explain how the equipment was inadequate for the job. They can identify the sources of the Apollo radio transmissions, which were monitored from multiple sites across the globe. They can convince one of the many high-level participants, most of whom were engineers not Deep State swamp creatures, many of whom are still alive, to fess up and explain how the faking was done.

And one of the other nations with space programs can blow the whistle. Several of them are strongly motivated to make ‘Murica look bad.

“We cannot know the truth” is post-Christian existential bullshit.

Just like children of abusive parents, decent citizens of abusive governments will tend to repress evidence of their government’s malevolence. And so, people choose to believe in the moon landings, without even asking for proofs, simply because: .They wouldn’t have lied to us for more than 50 years, would they? The media would have exposed the lie long ago (remember the Watergate)! And what about the 250,000 people involved with the project? Someone would have talked.. I can actually hear myself speaking like that just 10 years ago. All these objections must indeed be addressed.

A reiteration of the Vox Day quote above, yet wordier. Our elected officials lie all the time! That means NASA lies all the time! And NASA said the Moon landing was real! THEY LIED!

Sorry we haven’t found conclusive proof yet despite years of searching. But you know it’s true! Signed, Robert Mueller.

But, first of all, can the NASA provide hard evidence of the moon landings?

Rock-solid evidence from Antarctica

Yes, they can. They brought back pieces of the moon: roughly 380 kilograms of moon rocks and soil samples, all Apollo missions combined. Moon rocks prove the moon landings, don’t they? Yes they do, but only if it can be firmly established that they were not dug out from the earth. And that is the problem. As explained here, .meteorites have been found in Antarctica which have proved to have the same characteristics as the moon rocks.” It may be helpful to know that in 1967, two years before Apollo 11, the NASA set up an expedition to Antarctica, joined by Wernher Von Braun, the leading NASA propagandist for the lunar missions; Antarctica is the region of the earth with the biggest concentration of meteorites, but it is not known whether the expedition included geologists, nor if meteorites were brought back. In fact, it was not until 1972 that lunar meteorites were officially discovered in Antarctica; their lunar origin, of course, was determined by comparison with the moon samples brought back by Apollo crews (Wisnewksi 202).

Von Braun made a trip there but the only people I found claiming it was a NASA project are the conspiracy theorists. Why send Von Braun? He was a rocket scientist, not a geologist. If the idea was to find a bunch of rocks then claim later that they were moon rocks then Von Braun wouldn’t have been capable of more than color-matching some gravel.

No official I’ve heard of uses the rocks to prove the Moon landing. They use other evidence like photography and telemetry. Speaking of:

The photographic evidence

What other proofs does the NASA have of the moon landings? The films and photographs, of course! The films are notoriously blurry, which makes their examination difficult. How, for example, can you be sure that astronaut David Scott from Apollo 15 is dropping a real hammer and a real feather to demonstrate Newtonian gravity in an atmosphere-free environment, when you can hardly see the objects? We do have a clear photo of the hammer and the feather on the ground, but how do we know they are the same as the blurry objects dropped in the film?

Blurry images are not evidence of anything. Why not look for a better example? Segue:

The missing flame
Claim: There was no exhaust flame from the lunar module when it blasted back off the moon. Therefore, it was a model pulled up on a wire.

Why it’s nonsense: The Saturn V rocket burnt liquid oxygen and kerosene on blast-off, which provides a fiery plume. The lunar lander ran on nitrogen tetroxide and Aerozine 50, which doesn’t. Its exhaust gases were transparent.

The absent stars
Claim: Space is full of stars, so why do they not appear in photographs taken on the moon?

Why it’s nonsense: The astronauts took pictures of brightly lit, shiny white objects. In these conditions, cameras need a fast exposure time and small aperture, making it impossible to capture faint background objects. Guardian photographer Graeme Robertson says: “They would have used a really fast shutter speed so everything in the background would just be black.”

End segue.

Had the Moon landings been faked by the likes of Walt Disney and Stanley Kubrick, there would likely have been visible flames and stars in the background… what non-technical people would have expected to see.

What would be helpful for a proper investigation is the original NASA footage. Researchers have been asking for access to these films for decades, under the Freedom of Information Act. In 2006, they were given an answer. Here is what you can read on Reuters:

.NASA admitted in 2006 that no one could find the original video recordings of the July 20, 1969, landing. Since then, Richard Nafzger, an engineer at NASA.s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, who oversaw television processing at the ground-tracking sites during the Apollo 11 mission, has been looking for them. The good news is he found where they went. The bad news is they were part of a batch of 200,000 tapes that were degaussed . magnetically erased . and re-used to save money..

When Hillary Clinton loses a server full of national security secrets the day after getting subpoenaed, that’s suspicious. NASA finding out years after the fact that the original tapes had been overwritten by an under-funded engineer for reuse, not so much. Do these conspiracy theorists have a reason to believe that the originals were crystal clear yet every copy of them was not?

Fortunately, we have the photos. Besides planting a US flag and collecting rock samples, the astronauts spent much time taking photos on the moon. And let’s be fair: in 2015, the NASA released to the public thousands of them in high resolution. They are accessible here, and can be examined in detail. Most of them are remarkable for their quality.

So, the evil masterminds wiped the film to hide telltale imperfections yet forgot about the photographs entirely? High-quality ones at that. Which we would expect, 1960s motion cameras not being on par with still cameras.

If anything, it’s the photos that would have been wiped and the film left alone.

[Technical complaints about photographic equipment excluded. The author is suspicious that the astronauts knew how to use the cameras they brought.]

More to the point, is there any evidence that these pictures were shot on the moon? None whatsoever. They are easy to make in studios. As a matter of fact, the NASA went to great length to train the astronauts in indoor settings reproducing the condition of the moon surface as they imagined it, fabricating tons of “moon dust” for that purpose (even before anyone had seen real moon dust), and even simulating the black sky. Some of the photographs taken in these movie-like studio settings, such as the following one from NASA archives, would be hard to distinguish from the “real” thing, if framed differently.

That’s exactly what I would do if I was going to fake the Moon landing. I would make as good a simulator of moon conditions as possible… in public for the world to see.

By the way, theorists, where do you believe the fake Moon landings were filmed? Because we know they weren’t filmed in those simulators. Remember Apollo 13? They used the simulator to work out solutions to technical problems while 13 was in flight.

Let.s face it: there is no proof that any of the Apollo photographs are genuine. That may not be enough to destabilize the believers. But what should is that quite a few of these photographs are “replete with inconsistencies and anomalies,. in the words of David Percy, who proves his point in What Happened on the Moon? The film contains an interview of Jan Lundberg, the Project Engineer for the Apollo Hasselblad. When asked to explain some of the inconsistencies concerning shadows and exposure (for example, astronauts fully lit despite being in the shadow of the lunar module, as in the photo reproduced on the cover of Wisnewski’s book), he answers: .I can’t explain that. That escapes me. why..

I would like to read that full quote before accepting it as legit. Even at face value, that is consistent with the Moon landings being real. The last thing a forger does is intentionally give people reasons to doubt his work. Had every last tiny detail about a photo shoot in an unprecedented, extreme location had a smooth explanation then that would have been suspicious. “I don’t know how the picture came out that way” is not “I screwed up the Photoshopping.”

I can think of a couple plausible ways that could have happened. That would be speculation on my part, which also isn’t proof, but I don’t even speculate because I’m okay with not having every last detail explained to my total satisfaction. It’s similar to my attitude towards Christians who claim that all versions of the Bible are unreliable except the original Koine Greek and Aramaic. If lots of people work on the same problem, some together and some independently, and all arrive at basically the same conclusion, then I can trust the conclusion. Don’t whine to me that a few holes and discrepancies cropped up. I’m not going to dedicate my life to either a triple PhD in dead languages or a triple PhD in the rocket sciences to know for absolute certainty that the fool talking to me does not have a valid point.

Incidentally, Lundberg’s embarrassed admission is the perfect illustration of how compartmentalization may have made the moon hoax possible. Like the hundreds of thousands of people involved in the project, he worked on a “need to know” basis, and had no reason to suspect he was working for something else than what he was told, at least until someone challenged him to explain impossible pictures.

That fails on two grounds. One, citation needed for the space program being “need to know”. The only secrecy was to keep the Russians a step behind. Two, Lundberg was commenting on a topic inside his “need to know”, being the project engineer for the camera.

To take another example, hundreds of thousands of people worked on the Manhattan Project, which remained completely hidden from the public until the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.

Is the Manhattan Project still secret? The designs for our nuclear weapons were leaked by the Rosenbergs in 1944-1950. We couldn’t keep Manhattan controlled for one decade but the faked Moon landing is 5 decades and going strong?

If the Apollo crews had photographed the moon’s starry sky, that could have served the NASA to counter the accusation of fraud. For back in the 1960s, it would have been very hard to make the computer calculation to make the stars constellation consistent. Unfortunately, no one thought about it at the NASA. The astronauts were asked to look down and collect rocks, not to look up and study the stars. It is as if the NASA were a congregation of geologists who despised astronomy. And to think that they spend billions of dollars sending telescopes into earth’s orbit! To be fair, I have read about a telescope installed by the Apollo 16 crew, but it seems that no one has ever seen what came out of it. In any case, not a single picture of the NASA archives show any star in the sky.

*checks* I assume he means the Far Ultraviolet Camera. Color me shocked if a UV-spectrum camera didn’t produce images visible to the human eye.

The official explanation? There simply were no stars visible in the moon sky. Period. It is so incredible that even some “moon hoax debunkers” prefer to explain the black sky in all Apollo photographs as resulting from low exposure. But they are wrong: the astronauts saw no stars with their own eyes. All of them, from Apollo 11 to Apollo 17, consistently declared that the sky was completely black, “an immense black velvet sky ” totally black,. in the words of Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man on the moon.

I found the full quote by Mitchell:

“When I went to the moon, I was as pragmatic a test pilot, engineer, and scientist as any of my colleagues — But there was another aspect to my experience during Apollo 14, and it began with the breathtaking experience of seeing planet earth floating in the vastness of space. The first thing that came to mind as I looked at earth was its incredible beauty – a splendid blue and white jewel suspended against a velvet black sky. How peacefully, how harmoniously, how marvelously it seemed to fit into the evolutionary pattern by which the universe is maintained. In a peak experience, the presence of divinity became almost palpable and I knew that life in the universe was not just an accident based on random process. . It was knowledge gained through private subjective awareness, but it was – and still is – every bit as real as the objective data upon which, say, the navigational program or the communications system were based. Clearly, the universe had meaning and direction . an unseen dimension behind the visible creation that gives it an intelligent design and that gives life purpose.”

The Unz author’s dishonest usage of this quotation is clear.

Edgar Mitchell dies; Apollo 14 astronaut had 'epiphany' in space - U.S. - Stripes

Mitchell, Apollo 14. Horizontal lines on his forehead and vertical line between the brow indicate intelligence and determination. Flat lower eyelids and thin mouth indicate rational outlook on life. Eyes are recessed but with the lids still visible, suggesting he was introverted yet sociable. Visionary eyebrows (heavy on the inside) suggest independent thinking, which helps explain the poetry in the above quote. Thin, non-flanged nostrils suggest he was emotionally generous but not financially generous. Square face shapes suggests a life of practicality and endurance. An excellent face for an astronaut.

Was it because the luminosity of the moon surface was too strong, so that their eyes couldn’t adjust (a day on the moon lasts 27 earth days, so the astronauts who landed on the illuminated side of the moon never experienced a night on the moon)? If that was the reason, then at least, the astronauts should have seen plenty of stars when travelling between earth and moon. They didn’t report seeing any. When they orbited around the moon and passed in its shadow, they found themselves in pitch darkness, and saw no stars. Michael Collins, who orbited around the moon several times in the Command Module while Aldrin and Armstrong were on the moon, declared in their 1969 press conference: .I can’t remember seeing any!. That is one of the weirdest remarks you can think of from an astronaut, but the whole press conference is a bizarre experience to watch.

Citation needed. I reviewed their 1969 post-mission press conference on youTube and the only mention of not seeing stars was in the context of landing the lunar module. Question for the author, are you claiming that none of the Apollo astronauts ever saw stars at any point in all their respective missions?

Don’t ask Neil Armstrong

Neil Armstrong’s November 1970 interview is just as bizarre. It has been used by several skeptics as evidence that he is lying. I highly recommend this very professional analysis commissioned by Richard D. Hall of RichPlanet TV from by Peter Hyatt, a nationally recognized expert in deception detection. I find it devastating for the credibility of Armstrong.

I don’t even care to watch the linked video. Suffice to say, nobody goes to all the trouble of a hoax the size of the Space Program and then lets the star of their show get pantsed in an uncontrolled interview shortly afterward. The Swamp did better than that with David Hogg.

Peter Hyatt sounds interesting, however. I might peruse his blog some lazy afternoon.

Fasten your Van Allen Belt
We set out to find out if there is any proof that the moon landings were real. We have not found any.

You did find proof but you found it lacking. That’s different from “no proof”.

Instead, we have found evidence that they were not real. But in fact, it was hardly necessary: NASA engineers themselves tell us they are impossible, for the simple reason that the astronauts would have to travel through the Van Allen Radiation Belt, which would kill them, and damage the electronic equipment as well. Listen, in the 10-minute video below, to astrophysicists and astronauts inadvertently admitting that the technology to send men beyond lower earth orbit is not yet available.

So, all our unmanned probes are hoaxes also? Again, WE HAVE EQUIPMENT ON THE MOON. We have wheel tracks. We had radio communications throughout each mission, through that radiation belt. Our electronics worked just fine.

He asserts, with no evidence, numbers and surely no personal knowledge, that the Van Allen Belt would have be fatal to human life despite the shielding of the time. He doesn’t know that’s true… but he needs it to be true. Because if landing on the Moon was possible then this might not have been a hoax as he wants to believe.

Why does the author want to believe it was a hoax? Because he wants to hate America’s Deep State of the post-WW2 years:

That may be the reason why, since the presidency of Tricky Dick, no manned mission to the moon, or even beyond low earth orbit, has ever been attempted. Remember, the International Space Station is orbiting at a distance of 250 miles from the earth, whereas the moon is about 237,000 miles away. On January 14, 2004, President George W. Bush, speaking at NASA headquarters, announced a new endeavor to “gain a new foothold on the moon” and beyond, remarking: .In the past 30 years, no human being has set foot on another world, or ventured farther into space than 386 miles.roughly the distance from Washington D.C. to Boston, Massachusetts. (quoted in Wisnewski 329).

Alternative reason: why bother? The Moon is a barren, gigantic rock. No economic value. No political value, less the Chinese “me too” missions duplicating America’s success. Going there was never cheap and as a tourist destination, the Mojave Desert is prettier. Awesome bounce house, though.

No manned mission to the moon came out of this announcement.

Translation, no funding came with this announcement. Baby Momma needs her monthly check!

Time is working to the advantage of the moon hoax theorists, for every year that passes makes people wonder: .If it was so easy to send a man to the moon between 1969 and 1972, why has it not been done again ever since?. Less that half of the British and Russians still believe in the moon landings. Among the educated, this percentage is falling fast. What will happen in twenty years, when Americans realize hardly anybody but them believes it? Will the United States of America survive the exposure of this giant hoax?

Teaching lies about your enemies is a classic element of identity politics. As Western Civ transitions from Christianity to tribalism, the desire for reasons to hate and discredit America increase sharply. The reasons don’t have to be real, merely the results they bring. Hence the increasing popularity of “USA lied about the Moon Landing” among people with either always hated USA or were raised by teachers who hated USA.

Magic spells: words that must be spoken to produce desired results. I don’t expect better from the Communists or pagans but it’s unfortunate to see the alt-Right employing the same evil.

Manufacturing belief

If the Apollo moon landings were faked, serious questions ought to be asked about the NASA, to start with. Then, there is a need for some deep thinking about what has become of the United States since World War II. And beyond that, the moon hoax is the ideal starting point for reflecting on the hypnotic control that television and the news media have gained over our mind. It is not just a political issue. It is a battle for our souls.

A serious question for the author, what if the Moon landings were real? Would you feel relieved that it wasn’t a James Bond-level psyop and the American people weren’t that badly brainwashed? Would you happily admit that your enemies were not as evil as you had believed? Or would you be upset that the people still haven’t woken up to their brainwashing?

The first step is to grow out of our infantile beliefs about the NASA, and do some basic study on what it is all about. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration was founded in 1958 by President Eisenhower. Many people today commend Eisenhower for warning Americans, on leaving office, against the growing threat of the military-industrial complex, and the “potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power.” Ironically, the foundation of NASA was itself a giant leap for the military-industrial complex. There is no question that NASA.s so-called “civilian space program” was first and foremost a cover for a military program. The NASA Act of 1958 made explicit provisions for close collaboration with the Department of Defense, and in practice, the Pentagon was involved in all decisions regarding the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs. Erlend Kennan and Edmund Harvey documented this point in Mission to the Moon: a critical examination of NASA and the space program, as early as 1969, and concluded:

It’s not a cover when it’s an official, publicly stated purpose. Thank God the author spared us the hysterical “NASA was a haven for Nazi scientists!” conspiracy. Which is actually true. Wernher Von Braun was only one of about 1,600 German scientists who traded their knowledge for a ticket to the only Western nation not shelled into the Dark Ages by World War 2.

The early astronauts were Air Force test pilots. Kennedy gave his Moon speech in response to Russian space achievements. Don’t talk like NASA’s DoD origin and Cold War motivation was some kind of closely guarded secret.

The para-military purpose of NASA is essential to understanding the Apollo hoax. For in matters of military programs, .what the public knows is also known to the enemy. This means that in principle the public and the enemy can be seen as essentially one and the same thing. (Wisnewski 7). Therefore, we should understand that deceiving the American public was not a perversion of NASA.s original purpose, but an integral part of it.

Paramilitary purpose? Is Cape Canaveral a training camp for Muslim insurgents? Does the Houston Space Center spy on Americans for the NSA? Have our astronauts attempted a “regime change” in the International Space Station yet? If anything, NASA has ended up an overly tame dog-and-pony show for tourists.

Wisnewski (130-139) provides a spectacular parallel showing how breaking news related to the Apollo program conveniently turned the American public’s eye away from Vietnam war crimes. Apollo 11 landed on the moon two months after the media revealed illegal bombardment in Cambodia, and the Apollo program stopped just after the official end of America’s involvement in Southeast Asia.

Distractions don’t work if they need a month or two to activate. For the cost of the Space Program, the Deep State could simply have bought all three television networks and the Associated Press. Or, y’know, actually witch-hunted the Communists giving them bad press over Vietnam.

This Wisnewski guy might have been the author of this post, so completely does the author buy into his writings. I couldn’t track him down but didn’t try hard, either. I wasn’t going to buy his book.

Indeed, travelling to the moon and coming back alive is a feat of mythical proportions. It is tantamount to travelling to the Other World and coming back to the world of the living with your physical body. That makes the NASA astronauts the equals of ancient supernatural heroes, immortal demi-gods, and that semi-divine quality reflects on the USA as a whole. Such was the significance of the Apollo moon landings: it was about a new world religion that elevated the United States above all other earthly nations.

That’s a blatant, shameless lie. Ask most people to name the pantheon of NASA astronauts and you’ll get Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Tom Hanks. A Baby Boomer might score John Glenn.

The author hates America’s success and is speaking the magic words that he hopes will destroy our accomplishments. He’s ten pounds of sorcerer shit in a five pound-bag.

But yes, an increasing number of people will believe his words. Not because they’re true… because they’re useful. They want their own people to be the world’s winners and the easiest way to look good is to make everybody else look bad. Because math is hard and going to the Moon, extremely hard and very impressive.

The kicker is, there’s no need to believe the Moon landings are a hoax. Our Elites have done so much wickedness that I only believe in documented conspiracies just to keep from being overwhelmed. Is it not enough that the Deep State is 95% evil? Must we lie to each other until we believe the Deep State is 100% evil?

Why is winning more important than the truth?


Yoga Pants Always Double Down

Sexual competition in universities is accelerating as ever fewer men are tolerated. “Sorry, boys, it’s Woman’s turn to rule the world! Now then, ladies, what do you to study in college?”


.Think of the mothers of sons.: Notre Dame mom begs female students to stop wearing leggings, sparking protests

By Antonia Noori Farzan | The Washington Post

Yeah, “think of the mothers of sons”. Not the sons themselves.

While attending Mass at the University of Notre Dame last fall, Maryann White saw something that horrified her: Leggings.

A group of young women, all clad in tight, clingy Spandex and short tops, were sitting directly in front of her and her family.

At Mass, no less. Make Whippings Happen Again! Maryann is a mother of four sons, no daughters, and to judge by her culture shock, her son got into Notre Dame on merit.

.I thought of all the other men around and behind us who couldn’t help but see their behinds,. the self-described Catholic mother of four sons wrote in a letter to the editor that was published by the Observer, Notre Dame’s student newspaper, on Monday. .My sons know better than to ogle a woman’s body . certainly when I’m around (and hopefully, also when I’m not). They didn’t stare, and they didn’t comment afterwards. But you couldn’t help but see those blackly naked rear ends. I didn’t want to see them . but they were unavoidable. How much more difficult for young guys to ignore them..

That’s why they do it, of course. I spent my young adulthood inventorying ceiling tiles when standing in the grocery line surrounded by Cosmo Magazine and staring at the gym mats in martial arts. The effort paid off and today, I can ignore a naked Trigglypuff even when she farts.

That was a lie. I can’t ignore the stench.

Debates over whether it’s appropriate to wear casual, form-fitting yoga pants outside of the gym have been raging for years. Numerous high schools have courted controversy by banning leggings in recent years, claiming that they are “distracting” for male students and teachers. But college campuses, for the most part, have remained a safe haven for those who choose to wear comfortable Lycra or Spandex bottoms to class, meals and campus activities.

Comfortable? Let’s check that. Her letter ran on Monday, March 25 and Notre Dame is in South Bend, Indiana. The weather was sunny that day with a high of 46F and low of 27F. Leggings are mighty thin for those temperatures. Sunday (for Mass) was warmer but with evening rain.

Also, one word: “wedgie”.

In her letter, titled “The legging problem,. White described the pants as .a problem that only girls can solve.” She claimed that the depiction of women in movies, video games and music videos made it harder for Catholic mothers to “teach their sons that women are someone’s daughters and sisters. and should be treated with respect. Though she acknowledged the main reason college students like to wear leggings . namely, they’re extremely comfortable . White went on to imply that it wasn’t too different from walking around without any clothes on at all.

She must know why young women throw the cat. Not spelling it out, however, cost her greatly. She instead tried to defend her (unsexy) sons to a group of wimmin who hate, HATE unsexy men.

.We don’t go naked because we respect the other people who must see us,. she chastened her readers, adding, .I.m fretting both because of unsavory guys who are looking at you creepily and nice guys who are doing everything to avoid looking at you..

That line of argument didn’t go over too well on the South Bend, Indiana, campus.

Of course not! Girls don’t go to college to become tomorrow’s engineers and medical specialists, they go there to fuck high-status bad boys. Which Maryann’s son, being a Poindexter from the land of Modest Attire, was not.

Maryann: Those yoga pants will surely attract perverts while driving away the nice guys!

Notre Dame coeds: YES! IT’S WORKING!

.Join in our legging wearing hedonism!. one student wrote on Facebook, informing the “legging lovers of the Notre Dame community” that Tuesday would be “Love Your Leggings Day” at the university. .Or not, because what you wear is completely your own choice!.

*Gunner Q pulls out his white hood.* It’s very comfortable!

A student group, Irish 4 Reproductive Health, similarly declared Tuesday to be “Leggings Pride Day.” On Facebook, the group explained that White’s letter, though well-intentioned, .perpetuates a narrative central to rape culture. by implying that women’s clothing choices are to blame for men’s inappropriate behavior. People of all genders were invited to “make a conscious choice to wear leggings and thus affirm your right and ability to do so,. then post photos on social media.

While more than 1,000 people responded to the group’s Facebook event, it’s unclear exactly how many took part. Dani Green, a doctoral student in English at Notre Dame and a founding member of the group, told The Washington Post in a Twitter message that it had been .a little difficult to tell what was protest and what was everyday legging-wear,. in part because the two aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive.

None of it was protest. All of it was peacocking for the bad boys. As male students shrink in number, women fight ever harder against each other for the Pareto Principle top.

Green May 2018 2

She is not feminine. Per ND’s English Department, “Dani Green is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of English, and is also completing graduate minors in Irish Studies and Gender Studies. She specializes in British and Irish literature of the long nineteenth century, with interests in queer theory, space and materiality, and narrative theory.” She’s also the proud author of “”Bookish Space: Criminalizing the Domestic and Domesticating the Criminal in Oliver Twist.”

What chump is sticking his dick in that?

Yet another informal demonstration took place on Wednesday, the Observer reported. Named “The Legging Protest,. it was organized by Kaitlyn Wong, a senior who wrote, in parody of White’s letter, .I.m just a Catholic woman who feels the need for one specific type of pant that provides utmost comfort: leggings.. She asked people of all genders to express their solidarity by wearing their favorite pair of leggings that day. Again, more than 1,000 people expressed interest.

Kaitlyn Wong

She’s everything that’s wrong in Christendom these days. Including a liar.

While some online commenters suggested that the letter could have been the work of a troll trying to stir up outrage, or an early April Fools. Day joke, Green told The Post that it was “unfortunately [ . . .] kind of on brand. for the campus community. She pointed to a 2011 letter to the editor titled .Ladies, be decent,. in which a then-junior man railed against an unnamed woman who supposedly displayed a “lack of class and common sense” by wearing a skintight outfit to the dining hall. .[I]f a woman apparently doesn’t respect herself enough to present herself in a non-risqu? manner in everyday life, I cannot trust her to respect me,. the letter said. .I.d be wary about pursuing anyone like that..

*Gunner Q salutes Kevin Brainard.* It’s no joke to stand against institutional evil at a young age.

.To my female classmates, wear what you want,. Shane Combs, a senior at the university, wrote in a letter to the editor that was published on Wednesday. .How you dress for Mass is not a reflection of your character, nor does it disqualify you from dignified and respectful treatment from the rest of us..

Shane is too stupid to be college material. How one dresses for church DOES reflect one’s character. Nobody, least of all Father God who invented clothing to cover our nakedness, is going to respect a slut who shows up in underpants hoping a trust fund baby with Daddy Issues will like what he sees.

Shane Combs

A mullet on the baseball and football teams. Big jaw indicates good physical prowess. Pessimistic to judge from the corners of the lips. Left eye entire side of his face is guarded. Being a senior at this time, he’s probably sick of the never-ending female drama & antibiotics. I would guess his N count at three digits and his grades (aerospace engineering, poor sod) at a gentleman’s B.

Amid the flurry of letters condemning White’s views, two freshmen did spring to her defense, arguing that her complaints about leggings were simply representative of a generational divide, and not an indication that she believes that women who wear revealing clothing are asking to be sexually assaulted.

They sound like Churchians.

.Custody of the eyes and chastity of thought are difficult to accomplish for any man,. Maria Keller and William Gentry wrote. .We members of the Notre Dame community have obligations of love to one another, which includes being our brothers. keepers. It is no assault on women’s rights to suggest that we ought to dress modestly to help our brothers out, just as we should consider what we eat around our Muslim friends when they are fasting for Ramadan..

Yep. Churchians. This is America, not Saudi Arabia. Here, the MUSLIMS owe respect to the CHRISTIANS.

.Women find male chests and abs attractive like men find women’s legs attractive,. [Heather Piccone, a mother of a student] wrote in a letter published Tuesday. “By her own definition and logic, any male out playing on a sunny day at the park with his friends should be ashamed of himself, and as a mother she should have properly raised her son not to tempt my daughter with his body..

No, women don’t, unless the male is ripped like Hugh Jackman. Also, shirts vs leggings is a false comparison. We should compare female leggings to David Bowie.

Labyrinth: An Appreciation | Hodderscape

We can all agree that that is not appropriate for Mass, either.

But I don’t want to let Maryann off the hook. Here’s an excerpt from her letter:

A world in which women continue to be depicted as “babes” by movies, video games, music videos, etc. makes it hard on Catholic mothers to teach their sons that women are someone’s daughters and sisters. That women should be viewed first as people . and all people should be considered with respect.

Sexless, platonic respect. Until it’s your turn.

I talk to my sons about Princess Leia and how Jabba the Hutt tried to steal her personhood by putting her into a slave girl outfit in which her body became the focus. (That.s the only scene in the whole franchise in which Leia appears in such a way . and it’s forced upon her.)

This is an excellent example of how Churchianity sets up laypeople to fail. The Churchians try to desexualize male/female interactions, which results in either overt rebellion or quiet despair. Leia wasn’t chained to a giant slug because he wanted to victimize her. She was chained to him because she was highly, visibly, valuable. Had Jabba the Hutt appreciated Leia for her accomplishments instead of “her meat” then he’s have fed her to the Rancor for treachery.

Leia would never dress attractively for men to enjoy her! Never mind that pose she struck for Luke in the detention center. Remember, he walked in and was so stunned by her… Irish Studies degree?.. that Luke forgot he was rescuing her.

Princess Leia too easy - Imgflip

Leia survived because Jabba liked her body. Women have been surviving that since Adam was “lonely” and God actually designed women to be enjoyed like that. Boys can’t win. First they’re pressured to deny their raging hormones, then they either get rewarded for rebellion against “God” or punished forever as sexual losers who eventually inherit a man-hating battleaxe. They aren’t even allowed to enjoy Star Wars without a lecture on “don’t think about her body”.

Her son is not going to enjoy his college days at Notre Dame, not least because Mommy tried to fight his battles for him… although the ability to ignore female temptations will save him much grief in the long run.


NASA’s Wardrobe Malfunction

Women, why do you need so many clothes? Why do you keep changing them? Do hormones really make you that bloated every month? Do fad diets make your weight yo-yo? I have utterly no interest in the answer but am asking for a friend, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

NASA nixes 1st all-female spacewalk due to suit-sizing issue

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) . NASA has nixed the first all-female spacewalk over a spacesuit sizing issue.

Astronaut Anne McClain was supposed to float out of the International Space Station this Friday with newly arrived Christina Koch, to replace old batteries. But McClain pulled herself from the lineup because there’s not enough time to get two medium suits ready for them. Koch will go out with a male crewmate, Nick Hague.

NASA spokeswoman Brandi Dean said Tuesday that McClain trained before flight in both medium and large spacesuits. She wore a medium when she went out on her first spacewalk last Friday and was supposed to switch to a large this week. But after last week’s spacewalk, she decided that a large would be too big.

I’m too fat! Make it bigger! Oops, changed my mind. It makes my butt look too big for posterior. Posterity, I mean.

It would have taken 12 hours to get another medium spacesuit ready and potentially compromised safety, according to Dean. These spacewalks are months late, and with cargo deliveries coming up, NASA wants to keep everything on track.

Honey, we’re running late! Just put on whatever fits and let’s go!

*dirty look from wife*

In 54 years of spacewalking, women have only gone outside with men. That’s because men have always outnumbered women in space. As women continue to make up a greater percentage of the astronaut corps, more gender records will be set and not just in spacewalking, Dean noted.

It’s not a record when you achieve it by being something instead of doing something. Welcome to Man’s World, Barbie.

McClain, Koch and Hague are part of NASA.s Astronaut Class of 2013, the only time there have been the same number of women accepted as men. NASA chose four women and four men that year.

Is that because NASA suddenly noticed how awesome women were, because their funding requires gender integration or because they wanted to control hypergamy in sexy women by trapping them where only nerds are available for mating? *checks* Anne is fugly so not the latter. Wardrobe malfunction means not the former.

Koch and Hague will continue the battery-swapping work that McClain and Hague began last Friday outside the space station. Old nickel-hydrogen batteries in the solar power grid are being replaced with new, powerful lithium-ion batteries.

NiMH batteries are proven reliable. LiPo batteries, not so much. I hope they know what they’re doing… but thanks for buying the hardware off the shelf instead of spending seven digits reinventing the Baghdad Battery. The money saved will buy SOMEBODY a space blouse.

McClain will get another shot at spacewalking April 8 when she ventures outside with Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacques. There are six U.S. spacesuit tops on the station . or hard upper torsos, as NASA calls them . with two considered spares. Both Hague and Saint-Jacques take large.

Six suits and nothing to wear? Tell me that’s not a female problem. And comment of the week from the article’s comments, hat tip sickofitall:

yes but when is the gay Muslim gender fluid transvestite going to walk?



I am Pleased That Charges Were Dropped Against Jussie Smollett

Because True Evil is about to be revealed! When a Marxist corruptocrat like Rahm Emanuel joins with both law enforcement and Trump supporters, you know it’s time to make popcorn.

I would be glad to see Smollett get away in return for bracelets on… Michelle Obama.

Mayor Emanuel blasts prosecutors’ decision to drop charges against ‘Empire’ actor Jussie Smollett: ‘This is not on the level’

By Megan Crepeau, Madeline Buckley and Jason Meisner, 26 March 2019

In a stunning reversal, Cook County prosecutors on Tuesday dropped all charges against “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett for allegedly staging a phony attack and claiming he was the victim of a hate crime.

Calling it .a whitewash of justice,. Mayor Rahm Emanuel blasted the decision, emphasizing repeatedly that a grand jury had chosen to bring 16 counts of disorderly conduct against Smollett.

.From top to bottom, this is not on the level,. Emanuel told reporters at an afternoon news conference.

A Chicago mayor siding with cops and Trump supporters against a homosexual Negro celebrity? The Earth just stopped rotating!

.After reviewing all of the facts and circumstances of the case, including Mr. Smollett’s volunteer service in the community and agreement to forfeit his bond to the City of Chicago, we believe this outcome is a just disposition and appropriate resolution to this case,. [the State Attorney’s Office] statement said.

A $10k fine, basically. This decision was so indefensible that lamestream journalists got off their asses and did all the needed work in less than a day. I need only sew together a few threads… my wheelhouse.

Area Central Detective Cmdr. Edward Wodnicki, whose detectives led the investigation, said prosecutors gave no heads up to police that charges would be dropped. He also expressed concern that it left it looking as if police mishandled the investigation. Detectives uncovered “overwhelming” evidence against Smollett, he said.

This is why I’m expecting shock and glorious awe. The police are desperate to take down the prosecutor/judge before they take the nuclear PR hit. The mayor is in the same position; if he stands by this action then there ain’t enough vote fraud in Cook County to keep his ass in power.

How did a B-list actor and political pariah convince the prosecution to die for him?

Smollett.s attorney, Patricia Brown Holmes, said the defense reached no deal with prosecutors. Smollett agreed to forfeit his $100,000 bond “so he could go on with his life and get this over with,. she said.

Even his attorney took a step back.

For unclear reasons, Judge Steven Watkins ordered the public court file sealed.

There had been no clue that prosecutors planned the about-face before the announcement. In fact, there likely would have been no reporters in the courtroom if it hadn’t been for a publicist for Smollett’s attorney alerting the news media Tuesday morning that Smollett was already in court for an unscheduled emergency hearing.

Journalists love the smell of cover-ups in the morning. Whatever they paid that publicist mole was worth it, to thwart this attempt at star chamber injustice.

The stunning decision to drop the 16 counts of disorderly conduct was presumably made without the input of State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, who recused herself from the case last month after revealing she.d had contact with Smollett’s representatives early on in the investigation.

Foxx is the first black woman to serve as Cook County’s State’s Attorney. Not even the Chicago Tribune could believe that Narrative, hence this final paragraph:

Foxx declined to provide details at the time. Communications later released to the Tribune, however, showed Foxx had asked Chicago police Superintendent Eddie Johnson to turn over the investigation to the FBI after she was approached by a politically connected lawyer about the case.

Foxx reached out to Johnson after Tina Tchen, former chief of staff to first lady Michelle Obama, emailed Foxx saying the actor’s family had unspecified “concerns about the investigation.” Tchen, a close friend of Mayor Emanuel’s wife, said she was acting on behalf of the “Empire” actor and his family. A relative later exchanged texts with Foxx.

The exchanges began Feb. 1, three days after Smollett claimed two men approached him near his Streeterville apartment building, yelled racist and homophobic slurs, hit him and put a noose after his neck. It would still be 2 1/2 weeks before he was charged with making the story up, but some media outlets were already starting to question the actor’s account, citing unnamed police sources.

HOLY FUCK! The Tribune blatantly linked Foxx to Michelle Obama and her high-powered lawyer, Tina Tchen! We may safely conclude that Mayor Emanuel owns the Tribune.

“Spoke to the Superintendent Johnson,” Foxx emailed Tchen back on Feb. 1. “I convinced him to Reach out to FBI to ask that they take over the investigation.”

The same day, Foxx texted with Smollett’s relative, whose name was blacked out in copies released by her office.

Quick quote from : Kim is the first and only prosecutor in the country to make felony case-level data available to the public. … Her goal is to make the Cook County the most transparent prosecutor’s office in the country. Not likely.

“Spoke to the superintendent earlier, he made the ask,” Foxx wrote. “Trying to figure out logistics. I’ll keep you posted.”

“Omg this would be a huge victory,” the relative replied.

“I make no guarantees, but I’m trying,” Foxx wrote back.

Kiera Ellis, a spokeswoman for the state’s attorney’s office, said Smollett’s relative was specifically concerned about leaks to the media that purportedly came from the Police Department.

I found her statement here:

Chicago Police Union Now Attacking Kim Foxx Because She Questioned How The Jussie Smollett Case Was Handled

Three days after Smollett was allegedly attacked on Jan. 29, Foxx asked Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson to give the case to the FBI. She was reportedly concerned about the leaks about the case that were reportedly coming from the police.

Now, according to WGN 9, the Chicago Police Union was “calling for a federal investigation into the Cook County State’s Attorney’s actions in the Jussie Smollett case. to determine if she broke the law. Foxx recused herself from the case as soon it was reported that Smollett was a possible suspect. …

Kiera Ellis, a spokeswoman for the state’s attorney’s office, offered a response on behalf of Foxx.

.When she initially engaged in the communications, Mr. Smollett was still believed to be the victim of the crime,. Ellis said in a statement. “As the investigation started to change and it became a possibility that he could actually be a suspect, that is when she made the decision (to recuse herself)..

This is not plausible. Prosecutors are politicians. Successfully prosecuting a hate crime committed by Trump-cheering white Nazis lynching a famous black would have given Foxx a seat in the history books. The only reason she would have given up the case to the FBI, let alone a subordinate we’ll discuss soon, is if she was informed Smollett was the culprit before the cops knew… around the time Obama’s lawyer contacted her.

The FBI has proven VERY good at making evidence disappear and crimes go away. But Chicago police apparently wanted to do their job.

tina tchen

Tina is in the lower right corner of this Oval Office photo. She was Michelle Obama’s chief of staff. Hat tip to

Also not plausible is the FBI being less leaky than the Chicago Machine. And why would “a relative of Smollett” be afraid of the truth getting out a little early unless they knew in advance it was going to come back on him? Foxx’s excuse for the down-low correspondence is unlikely.

Foxx was warned by the Obamas and Smollett’s “relative” that Smollett was a fake. She tried to dump the coming shitstorm upon the FBI but when the local cops reached for glory instead, Foxx assigned a white male subordinate to take the coming blame instead of her.

Let’s discuss him.

Joseph Magats: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Joseph Magats is the Cook County prosecutor who made the decision to drop all charges against “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett.

Magats took over the case after Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx recused herself from the case after it was reported that she tried to convince Chicago Police Supt. Eddie Johnson to turn the investigation over to the FBI following calls from influential Smollett supporter Tina Tchen, a former chief of staff for former First Lady Michelle Obama, according to the Chicago Sun-Times.

The Sun-Times ain’t buying this Narrative, either. The Leftoid house is divided against itself!

Magats told The Sun-Times that his decision to drop the charges against Smollett, who is accused of staging a fake hate crime, should not be “interpreted that Smollett did not do what police and prosecutors have alleged,. the outlet reported.

He added that dropping the charges does not mean Smollett was the victim of any crime, as the actor had alleged.

DAYUMN! The prosecutor actually said in public, in so many words, “he’s not innocent but I dropped all charges anyway”. I don’t know what leverage his boss Kimberley Foxx has on Magats but it made political suicide on the national stage the easy way out. Is Magats a… pedoface, by chance?

Joseph G. Magats

It’s not a very good picture but the only one I can find. Not surprising; prosecutors make a lot of violent enemies and therefore tend to shun social media. I confess to expecting a Vatican-level freakfest of a pedoface but Magats looks normal. The bags under his eyes don’t stem from sexual stress; no crow’s feet. Earlobes poking out like his are considered bad luck by the Chinese, for what it’s worth.

So, I don’t know why he would take a nuclear hit like this. (Other than the old “I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse”.) But I can show that he should have seen this coming:

Foxx.s team takes shape with hires

By David Thomas, 24 January 2017

Cook County State’s Attorney Kimberly M. Foxx announced on Monday the appointment of four new bureau chiefs as well as an incoming reorganization of the state’s attorney’s office.

At the risk of getting ahead of myself, Foxx was elected with Soros money and immediately began this reorganization.

As part of her efforts to bolster the county’s civil legal team, Foxx named Chaka M. Patterson, a Chicago-based partner at Jones Day, as the Civil Actions Bureau’s chief. Patterson will take over sometime next month, Foxx said.

Chaka M. Patterson

Our first pedoface. Also, black.

Kimberly M. Foxx

Kimberley Foxx, since I haven’t shown her yet. Black female.

Foxx said she plans to use [Patterson’s] office in different ways, beyond things like defending county ordinances or representing county officeholders and agencies in litigation.

.We’re going to be looking at innovative ideas and thoughts on how we can use our bureau to actively go after those who are harming the county, or where we’ve been aggrieved and seek remuneration for that. That’s one of the things we have to be proactive about,. Foxx said, noting the office’s fiduciary duty to the county.

The Convergence is getting seriously ugly. Targeting dissidents has now become a priority for the Cook County prosecutors’ office. Soros got his 30 shekels’ worth.

Foxx also continued to express interest in creating a “gun unit” within the office that would handle the caseload of gun crimes. However, she demurred from indicating who would lead this team and how it would fit within the larger office.

Marny Zimmer

Marny Zimmer, Special Prosecutor, Gun Crimes Strategies Unit, is the most likely person. White female. Fairly normal face, actually, although Borderline Personality wouldn’t surprise me.

Foxx noted the former chief of the Special Prosecutions Bureau . Michael P. Golden . is now working with the Chicago Police Department and the U.S. Attorney’s Office and is “embedded” in the areas that have been the hardest hit by gun violence.

Moderate Pedo with a Catholic background, sits on the Anti-Defamation League board.

Risa R. Lanier, an assistant state’s attorney, was promoted to deputy chief.

Jussie Smollett is released on bail | Daily Mail Online

Black female. I’ve heard of people with a pad of flesh between their eyebrows but never seen one, except possibly now. It indicates extreme stubbornness, the emotional equivalent of scarring on boxers’ knuckles. Upward-slanted eye canthus and prominent cheekbones also suggest an aggressive, dominant attitude. Oddly, the upturned nose suggests openness and/or gullibility. She might once have had a pleasant attitude… long ago.

On Feb. 6, former Cook County Circuit Judge Maryam Ahmad will join the office as the chief of the Juvenile Justice Bureau.

Cook County judge mounts write-in campaign for bench seat vs ex-law clerk fired for ...

Cutting pupils AND mild pedoface on a woman! Very rare… and she works with vulnerable children? That’s not a little disturbing. Black female.

Foxx also shared that Jennifer F. Coleman, previously a supervisor in the state’s attorney’s office, and Steven A. Block, a former federal prosecutor, were promoted to lead the Narcotics Bureau and Special Prosecutions Bureau respectively.

No picture for Coleman. Female.

Steven Block | LinkedIn

Steven Block. Severe pedoface.

These appointments will join the team Foxx assembled early on in her tenure: Eric H. Sussman, the first assistant state’s attorney

Image result for Eric H. Sussman chicago

Fairly normal. Involved in a lot of transnational litigation which I guess Chicago could be a hub for. Face is more diplomat than techie, however. Note the rounded, non-recessed eyes and high-maintenance hair. White male.

April M. Perry, Foxx’s chief deputy and the office’s chief ethics officer;

No picture. Female.

Jennifer M. Ballard, Foxx’s chief of staff and the office’s diversity officer;

Jennifer M. Ballard

Black female, two check marks for diworsity. Hmm, they all have prominent cheeks and most have jutting jaws. This one has a NYC feminist haircut.

and Kathleen A. Hill, the office’s director of policy, research and development.

Again, no picture. Not mentioned in this particular article is Charise Valente, chief of special prosecutors.

Police Board: Stress and bad legal advice led to discrepancies in cop?s shooting story - Chicago ...

With Police Supt. Johnson on the right for the interested. Charise is standard feminist physiognomy, not special. Thin, downward lips indicate she’s no fun to work with.

And lastly, Joseph Magats. One of two cis-white men I could identify out of a total of 13 top-level members of the Cook County prosecutor’s office and…

During the interview, Foxx said she has promoted Joseph G. Magats, a deputy chief, as new chief of the Criminal Prosecutions Bureau. Risa R. Lanier, an assistant state’s attorney, was promoted to deputy chief.

.Joe.s been in the office for 25 years. . I will be his fifth state’s attorney,. Foxx said. “And through it all, Joe has maintained a level of credibility and work ethic and expertise that his colleagues, and those who come up under him, can be inspired by his work ethic..

The only old-timer, who didn’t come into the prosecutor’s office with Foxx. She staged a purge of leadership as soon as she entered office in 2016. Magats may be the last brass to go. Foxx didn’t call out the credibility and work ethic of her other hires, although of course she praised them in other areas, so I’m guessing those qualities in her #2 kept her up at night until she could yank him in front of a bullet.

Identity politics, folks. Whites get along with other races. They don’t get along with us. If your new boss is a colored with a chip on her shoulder, understand she thinks you’re the same race as her toilet paper.

Magats is at high risk of an Arkancide. He did the dirty deed they somehow blackmailed him into doing and now, the only thing he could possibly do is talk about it with all that credibility and work ethic Foxx mentioned.

Back to the Heavy article,

.It.s a nonviolent crime. He has no felony criminal background. If you start looking at the disposition in the case, in every case you need to look at the facts and circumstances of the case, and the defendant’s background,. [Magats] added.

Smollett tried to ignite a race war by paying two homies to put a noose around his neck… simultaneously committing sedition against the sitting President of the United States… that wasn’t violent?

More from Heavy,

Kim Foxx & Tina Tchen: Jussie Smollett Case Contact Explained

Foxx.s campaign was funded in part by George Soros money, according to Politico, which wrote, .Soros next piled money into two of the biggest jurisdictions in the country: Houston’s Harris County (his lone losing effort so far) and Chicago’s Cook County, where he funded one of several groups that helped Kim Foxx defeat incumbent state’s attorney Anita Alvarez.” The primary focused on the police shooting of Laquan McDonald.

Laquan was a 17yo with an “extensive record”. Police responded to reports of a vibrant breaking into cars. One cop opened fire with his entire magazine, killing Laquan, who at the time was carrying a knife and had PCP in his blood. But the cop was charged with first-degree murder, partly because none of the other four cops fired their weapons and partly because he didn’t wait long enough to learn Laquan was wanted for armed robbery.

Start at the five-minute mark. It happens pretty quick, no audio. Yeah, the shooting probably wasn’t justified. No, the cop did nothing wrong. I’d rather have Officer Van Dyke on my street than Laquan any night of the week. 16 of 17 shots hit the vibrant at 15 feet on the run, that’s good trigger discipline.

Soros has, per Politico and other sources I’ve found, been funding quieter political races such as Attorney and Secretary than prestigious and expensive Governor and Mayor campaigns. That could be a second reason Mayor Emanuel is swinging for the fences against Foxx, if he isn’t on Team Soros himself. Which is probably true; he didn’t claw to the top of Chicago crime to lick another man’s boot heel.

Of course, Magats didn’t act alone. is really going fast and furious on this topic, I’m truly impressed.

Judge Steven Watkins: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Judge Steve Watkins

Watkins on the left. Not good enough for physiognomy. On the right, Smollett has an excellent pair of cutting eyelids. If you look at his ear, notice the inner ear ridge is almost non-existent? That indicates trouble separating one’s inner life from his exterior life. I predict Smollett will commit more false flags/accusations even though his credibility is nil. He can’t stop doing evil, he’s a sociopath with no brakes. Thus, a problem the police will solve soon enough.

Judge Steven Watkins is a Cook County judge who oversaw the Jussie Smollett case. Smollett, who was accused of making false reports to Chicago police after reportedly staging a hoax hate crime, had all charges against him dropped Tuesday.

Smollett previously pleaded not guilty to 16 counts of disorderly conduct after he was accused of hiring two men to beat him while yelling “This is MAGA county.” The plea was entered just hours after Judge Watkins was assigned the case, Fox News reported.

On Tuesday, Smollett arrived in court for an emergency hearing in which Watkins ruled that the charges against him would be dropped.

The Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office did not say why the charges were dropped. Smollett will forfeit the $10,000 he posted as bail after his arrest. …

Smollett.s attorney Tina Glandian entered a not guilty plea on his behalf hours after Watkins was assigned the case. …

Judge Watkins granted a motion to seal the case.

Watkins is serving his first term as a judge in the Cook County 2nd Subcircuit… He ran unopposed in the [2014] election and is up for reelection in 2020.

He isn’t getting reelected. He might go to jail for accessory after the fact.

I get a feeling, looking at his photo, that Watkins’ true crime is being gullible. Without being able to see any particular features of his face, it is very rounded, which as a very general rule indicates emotional over rational. Also, his predecessor Judge Lyke (below) didn’t hand off this high-profile hand grenade to a first-term judge because he liked the kid. Watkins trusted somebody he shouldn’t have and will find out who his friends are next year. 2020 Presidential election is gonna be fun.

Watkins attended Howard University and later earned his J.D. from DePaul University School of Law.

Uh-oh. Judge Watkins didn’t attend the right schools to be “in”. Identity politics are not exclusively about race.

Recap: *Updated 3/27*

29 January: The Incident.

30 January: National outpouring of support.

1 February: Foxx wrote to Tchen “Spoke to the Superintendent Johnson. I convinced him to Reach out to FBI to ask that they take over the investigation..

2 February: Smollett gave a speech at a concert in West Hollywood, California, saying he went ahead with the show because he couldn’t let his attackers win.

13 February: Chicago PD catch Smollett’s accomplices. Foxx may have have recused herself at this time.

19 February: Foxx’s office announces her recusal.

20 February: Smollett indicted on one count of felony false police report.

21 February: Judge John Fitzgerald Lyke Jr. sets $100k bail, paid by a friend of Smollett’s.

Judge Lyke Is A Judge We Can All Like By Ina R Bochian - SCENE Chicago

Judge Lyke had the right connections to duck this hit. Eyes are suspicious but thick glasses prevent a good look.

22 February: Smollett admits ecstasy drug problem, possibly forced by jail drug testing.

8 March: Full indictment of 16 counts felony false police report.

14 March: Not guilty plea entered, Judge Watkins presiding.

26 March: All charges dropped in an emergency meeting, records sealed, no explanation.

27 March: All sealed records mysteriously disappear from Foxx’s office, no explanation. Chicago PD helpfully announces it made backups that Foxx didn’t know about and distributed copies to the general public.

Smollett was guilty, the blacks knew it early, tried to derail/cover it up and when trial became inevitable, they reached for some ablative minions instead of letting “their” Smollett be rightly punished for his hate crimes.

Let’s see if the FBI convicts him of the mail fraud charge. Wait… that’s Post Office turf. The Postal Inspection Service investigates mail fraud. Why would they turn over this high-profile case to the…


Hey, cops, did Tina Tchen call the Post Office recently?


Jussie Smollett’s “Community Service.: 18 Hours with Jesse Jackson’s Organization

The title says it all and color me shocked, but whoa… their pic of Jesse Jackson has our old friend Bill Clinton with him. And just above is the pic I found of Slick Willie helping Judge Lyke get elected to the bench. What a small world Chicago is!

Jesse Jackson (Scott Olson / Getty)

He wouldn’t be Billy if he didn’t scope every female ass in sight. Look at the expression on his face… he’s enjoying the show much more than Jackson.

How To Get Around Female Voting

I had an idea while preparing a comment on Bryce’s blog. We know how modern society is falling apart because the consumers (women) can vote themselves money more effectively than the producers (men) can oppose them. Leftoid vote fraud makes this worse in ways that are increasingly and intentionally difficult to detect.

Women aren’t going to vote themselves away from the taxpayer money pie so we’re doomed to the Collapse. Or are we?

What if we revived “no taxation without representation” by linking one’s tax return to one’s vote? We already did it with driver’s licenses. Specifically, what if you could choose which government departments/programs would be permitted to use any of your personal tax money, or possibly, which one department would be prohibited? Leftoids could refuse to fund the military while conservatives could refuse to fund the welfare state or Dept. of Education, while the Baby Boomers would fund Social Security in their ever-dwindling numbers.

The best part of this is it locks the “undocumented” voter out of the system entirely. If Leftoids falsified tax returns as well then it’d be much more work and if every government on Earth has one area of competence, it’s catching tax frauds.

The ultimate freedom: deciding who gets to use your tax money!

Not likely to pass, of course, but this could be an interesting way to black-knight some of the Leftoids’ talking points such as overturning the Electoral College and the aforementioned “motor voter” treachery.


Peak Hamsterbation

A minor incident at a high school gives a postcard-perfect image of all that is wrong in the modern American public education.

High school students caught circulating list on social media that ranked female classmates by looks

By Hope Schreiber, 19 March 2019

That’s right, a couple boys ranking the attractiveness of female classmates made national news.

Some male students at Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School in Maryland have been disciplined after it was discovered they created and shared a list on social media on which they ranked their female classmates based on their looks.

According to school officials, the students targeted 18 senior girls by creating a list with their first names and a rating beside each.

In a letter sent to parents and students on March 9, according to Washington, D.C., news station NBC4, Principal Donna Jones said, .This incident has been very upsetting for students, staff and families. B-CC High School has no tolerance for bullying. Our school strives to create a sense of belonging and respect for all students. This incident does not reflect those values.” Jones did not immediately respond to Yahoo Lifestyle’s requests for comment. …

According to Corcoran, a group of 50 boys circulated the list for a year before a female student saw it open on a laptop in class two weeks ago.

Bullying? It took the female sex a year to even notice the “incident”. What Poindexter let Barbie “borrow” his laptop to find out what he was laughing about?

Astroturf Ocasio-Cortes wants her buckteeth back.

.I think, honestly, the consensus was that it wasn’t an OK thing at all, and all the girls, they kind of banded together and took it on as a team because it was really hurtful to a lot of people,. a female student told NBC4.

Hurtful to 17 of the 18 girls. News flash, boys routinely act without “consensus”.

.I don’t think [the administration] handled it well at all,. senior Jane Corcoran, whose name was on the list, told Bethesda Magazine. .Basically, what admin did, in my honest opinion, by dismissing it and not giving the boys a strong punishment, is saying, .Boys will be boys and that’s OK. We can’t get them in trouble for something immature guys do.. .

I bet her name wasn’t at the top of the list. The yearbook was not available for a mugshot; I only know that she’s on the track team. Those girls tend to be stick figures.

Pro-tip to Jane: instead of attending college, spend the tuition money on a boob job and massage certificate. It’s much cheaper and a happy husband in your youth will be more rewarding than castrating men with your law degree because none of them will marry your student debt.

Female students told the news outlet that one male student was the .ringleader,. and he received a brief in-school suspension, whereas the rest of the boys were not punished.

The Alpha refused to commit.

Corcoran said that a meeting was organized for the girls involved to share their feelings while the boys “sat and listened.” To the student, it .wasn.t good enough..

A meeting for sharing feelings? Was there toenail-painting involved?

.It was like seeing everything you are insecure about brought to you by someone else. Putting a number on a girl like this is the same as any other slur . a homophobic or racial slur. It’s a way to degrade women,. she said.

Although Jones said that the students were disciplined based on the school system’s code of conduct, some students believe more should have been done.

Bethesda Magazine has more about that “meeting”.

B-CC Students Say Rankings List Discipline Wasn’t Enough

Students planning to do more to address “cultural toxicity.

By Caitlynn Perez, 19 March 2019

Several Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School (B-CC) students who say they were named in a list that ranked females based on their appearance say more needs to be done to resolve the issue. …

About 18 girls in the International Baccalaureate program were listed in a spreadsheet, ranked in order of physical attractiveness, Corcoran said, and a group of about 50 boys had maintained the list for a year before a female saw it open on a laptop during class two weeks ago. The list had been shared in a group chat, according to B-CC Principal Donna Redmond Jones.

While some students have said the list is a form of “freedom of speech” or common teenage boy behavior, Corcoran said it’s ignorant to devalue women.

Forget about dissenting from tyranny, we men need freedom of speech just to express our opinion about a woman’s hair.

A school system spokesman said he is unaware of similar incidents in other Montgomery schools, but said it’s possible other rankings lists haven’t been turned in to school administration.

.We understand people were offended and have concerns, but we have a student code of conduct to distribute punishments fairly based on what has happened, rather than based on the community reaction,. said Derek Turner, the spokesperson.

Thank God that the one man involved was not a mangina.

The school system’s student code of conduct outlines possible disciplinary actions for bullying that range from community service to expulsion. Bullying is defined as intentional verbal physical, written or electronic communication that creates a hostile educational environment by interfering with a student’s physical or psychological well-being.

I remember when bullying was black eyes and spilled blood.

Corcoran said a meeting was convened after the list was brought to the attention of B-CC administration with the roughly 150 students involved in the IB program, designed for students who wish to pursue college-level courses in high school.

College-level courses in Womens’ Studies. Gotta hook ’em young.

The meeting allowed the girls involved to share their feelings. The boys “sat and listened,. Corcoran said, but “it wasn’t good enough..

They forced the boys to attend a bitching party because the Code of Conduct and involving the media wasn’t enough punishment? And then didn’t even let them talk? No better way to teach boys to hate all girls.

Not than Jane Corcoran cares about anything but being popular.


MGTOW Life: Killdozer!

In the recent Manifesto post, a commenter doubted whether right wing extremism is a thing. It is and generally looks like the culprit is righting a wrong as opposed to inciting rebellion or, God help them, signaling virtue. A splendid (if dated) example quickly pinged my radar. How did I ever miss the story of Marvin Heemeyer and his Killdozer?

Marvin Heemeyer?s Armored Bulldozer ? The Armored Patrol

Behold the face of a Mad Max movie! right wing extremism. Premeditated, directed and provoked, here, by frustration with City Hall… or should we call it City Crater?

True story of Marvin John Heemeyer, a man who bulldozed his town (17 pics + 2 video) -

Marvin’s face was Sun shape, egg-shaped with the slightly pointier end at his chin. Such people are socially neutral; if invited to the party, they’re great fun, but if not invited, they don’t feel left out. They tend to have only a few strong principles but overreact to the violation of them. Very easygoing so long as one knows where not to step.

Lots of right angles to his eyes, nose ears and mouth, so a very disciplined and logical type. The picture is a bit vague but he appears to have the visionary triangle: a line across the bridge of the nose plus two arcing lines between the brows, making a triangle. It indicates creativity. This face won’t scream at you but might spend two years building a battletank for renegotiating a land dispute in tiny Granby, Colorado, deep in the Rocky Mountains.

Marvin John Heemeyer (October 28, 1951 . June 4, 2004) was an American skilled welder and owner of an automobile muffler shop. On June 4, 2004, frustrated over a failed zoning dispute, Heemeyer plowed his homemade armored bulldozer into the town hall, a former mayor’s home and other buildings in small-town Granby, Colorado. When the bulldozer’s radiator and hydraulic system failed, he killed himself with a shotgun. Heemeyer used an armor-plated Komatsu D355A bulldozer to destroy 13 buildings in Granby, Colorado.

Heemeyer had been feuding with officials and individuals in Granby, particularly over fines for violating city ordinances and a zoning dispute regarding a concrete factory constructed opposite his muffler shop that destroyed his business. Heemeyer is notable partly because his rampage made the national news and also because some have cast him as an anti-establishment folk hero.

Heemeyer lived in Grand Lake, about 16 miles away from Granby. According to a citizen who knew him, Heemeyer moved to town about 10 years prior to the incident. Friends of Heemeyer believed that he had no immediate family in the Granby-Grand Lake area.

Other sources confirm Heemeyer never married. He served in the Air Force during the Vietnam years, 1969-????.

MGTOW confirmed.

John Bauldree, a friend of Marvin’s, said that Heemeyer was a fun-loving guy who liked to play hard and work hard. Ken Heemeyer said his brother Marvin “would bend over backwards for anyone.” While many people described Heemeyer as a likeable guy, others said he was not someone to cross. Christie Baker told the Denver Post that Heemeyer threatened her husband after he refused to pay for some muffler work.

Other sources claim Mr. Baker repaid the approx. $150 via intermediary. So far, consistent with my reading.

Heemeyer bought two acres of land from the Resolution Trust Corp., the federal agency set up to handle the assets of failed savings and loan institutions. He bought the land for $42,000 subsequently agreeing to sell it to the Docheff family, which wanted the property for a concrete batch plant. The agreed upon price was $250,000 but according to Susan Docheff, he changed his mind and upped the price to $375,000 and at some later point demanded a deal worth approximately $1 million. This negotiation happened well before the rezoning proposal was proposed to the town council.

I found no context for this part and presume Heemeyer was trying to make enough to guarantee a comfortable retirement in lieu of close family. That, or the Docheffs stepped on one of his principles.

*checks* The Docheffs are a regional dynasty of dairy farmers with about five generations’ history in central Colorado.


“I just think he set things up to the point where you would have to say no.’” said Susie Docheff in an interview with the Sky-Hi News. “He probably set you up to say no’ just so he could get mad at you.”

Unlikely. He most likely wanted to sell; speculation, he got a competing offer that fell through.

Business owner is sentenced to five years in prison for stalking

28 March 2012

An east Longmont electrician and son of a prominent dairy family in the area will spend the next few years in prison and parole for a stalking conviction in February.

Weld District Court Judge Thomas Quammen on Wednesday sentenced John Docheff, 50, owner of Docheff Electrical Service in east Longmont, to five years in prison followed by two years of parole in a case in which a fight with his wife last July escalated to stalking through November while they were involved in a divorce. Docheff filed for divorce in August. His home and business sits just east of the county line separating Boulder and Weld counties.

Granby is in Grand County, two counties west of Weld.

Docheff, who is one of five sons of the prominent Docheff dairy family in Longmont, was visibly upset at the prison sentence, muttering, .Son of a bitch,. as Quammen discussed his sentence. A deputy had to drag him out of the courtroom as he continued to try to talk to his large family, who was there to support him. The maximum sentence he could have faced was eight years. …

Quammen expressed surprise at Docheff’s criminal history, replete with third-degree assault and domestic violence charges in Boulder County, and that he always receives deferred sentences.

.I don’t think I’ve ever seen a case where every case for which he was charged . he was received deferred judgment and sentences,. Quammen said. .There doesn’t seem to me that there has been much, in terms of any punitive sanctions for all these past incidents..

Quammen said Docheff was still serving a deferred sentence for another domestic violence crime at the time of this crime, which made the case that much more aggravating.

Docheff was convicted in February of the felony stalking charge and two misdemeanor charges of obstruction of telephone service and criminal mischief for the events involving his wife of two years. A jury acquitted him of a felony menacing charge.

They aren’t all bad. Joe Docheff, currently managing a dairy farm and John’s brother, has been sticking to his guns in water rights disputes against Boulder County municipalities as recently as January 2019. The Leftoids who ruined the water supplies of California shouldn’t be allowed to do the same in Colorado. However, the fact that Joe CAN fight against the Leftoids is proof that his family has serious clout in Colorado. I have family stories from Washington State about how furiously the Leftoids are “socializing” the ownership of groundwater in the Western US.

End segue.

In 2001, the zoning commission and the town’s trustees approved the construction of a cement manufacturing plant. Heemeyer appealed the decisions unsuccessfully. For many years, Heemeyer had used the adjacent property as a way to get to his muffler shop. The plan for the cement plant blocked that access. In addition to the frustration engendered by this dispute over access, Heemeyer was fined $2,500 by the Granby government for various violations, including “junk cars on the property and not being hooked up to the sewer line”. Heemeyer sought to cross 8 feet of the concrete plant’s property to hook up with the sewer line.

Having failed to secure Heemeyer’s land, the Docheffs got a neighboring property rezoned & purchased knowing it would cause Heemeyer heartburn. I doubt the siting of a concrete plant was that location-critical.

There’s a legal requirement that all properties must have access to a public right of way. If the sale of this land closed off access to Heemeyer’s property then the zoning commission acted illegally. The subsequent fine for junk cars (at a muffler shop?) and no sewer line (I presume Marvin didn’t live in his shop) reeks of pay-to-play at the Planning Commission.

Incidentally, Marvin’s $2,500 check had “cowards” printed on the memo line.

As a last measure, Marvin petitioned the city with his neighbors and friends, but to no avail. He couldn’t function without the sewer line and the cooperation of the town.

Marvin may have had few friends yet clearly was not a psychotic hermit sitting in his own filth. “Couldn’t function without the sewer line” is vague; I presume his business was declared noncompliant because it had no sewer line because he wasn’t allowed to build one.

…With the bulldozer he bought for the job around this time.

Soon, Heemeyer leased his business to a trash company.

Hence my ‘noncompliant business’ suspicion. He wasn’t allowed to continue operating in a zoning catch-22 so he began cashing out. Here’s another paragraph description of the zoning issue from the same article:

On top of that, Heemeyer was fined $2,500 by the fine Granby government for various violations, including “junk cars on the property and not being hooked up to the sewer line”. Heemeyer sought to cross 8 feet of their property (the concrete plant’s) to hook up with the sewer line. He wanted to install the sewer line, but because the town let the concrete plant in, and the plant would not allow Heemeyer to cross their land with the pipes, he had no way out. He couldn’t function without the sewer line and the cooperation of the town. In April 2002, Judge Richard Doucette dismissed Heemeyer’s case. When he paid the fine, he enclosed a note with his check saying “Cowards”.

Doucette was an FBI special agent for five years out of law school. He retired as a judge in 2003, lucky fellow, and reportedly now works in mediation. Continuing in original sequence,

Heemeyer ended up selling the property several months prior to the rampage. The new owners gave Heemeyer six months to leave, and it was apparently during this time that he began modifying his bulldozer. Heemeyer had bought a bulldozer two years before the incident with the intention of using it to build an alternative route to his muffler shop, but city officials rejected his request to build the road. Heemeyer complained the concrete plant had left dust on, and blocked access to, his business.

Notes found by investigators after the rampage indicate that the primary motivation for Heemeyer’s bulldozer rampage was his fight to stop a concrete plant from being built near his shop. The notes suggested Heemeyer nursed grudges over the zoning issue. “I was always willing to be reasonable until I had to be unreasonable,” Heemeyer scribbled. “Sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things.”

“This is MY home, MY life and MY work” was probably one of his tightly-held principles.

Heemeyer took about a year and a half to prepare for his rampage. … On June 4, 2004, Heemeyer drove his armored bulldozer through the wall of his former business, the concrete plant, the Town Hall, the office of the local newspaper that editorialized against him, the home of a former judge’s widow, and a hardware store owned by another man Heemeyer named in a lawsuit, as well as others. Owners of all the buildings that were damaged had some connection to Heemeyer’s disputes.

Grand County Commissioner Duane Daley said Heemeyer apparently used a video camera and two monitors found inside to guide the dozer. Authorities speculated Heemeyer may have used a homemade crane found in his garage to lower the armor hull over the dozer and himself. “Once he tipped that lid shut, he knew he wasn’t getting out,” Daly said. Investigators searched the garage where they believe Heemeyer built the vehicle and found cement, armor and steel.

Despite the great damage to property (13 buildings were destroyed, most requiring hundreds of thousands of dollars to be replaced), no one besides Heemeyer was killed.

Police used over 200 rounds and three grenades down the exhaust pipes to stop Killdozer without success. Or dent. The plating was concrete sandwiched between two half-inch steel plates. Cody Docheff came closest to defeating Killdozer when he defended his family’s concrete plant with his own loader. Ain’t no cowards in the Docheff family.

Hat tip to

No deaths had to have been intentional, although there are reports of Heemeyer firing at police trying to stop him. And at Cody Docheff, no surprise. He also took potshots at power transformers and the gas station tanks with his .50BMG through gunports. While inside a thirty-ton steel can? I bet his corpse was bleeding from the ears.

“God built me for this job,” Heemeyer said in the first recording made on April 13, 2004. He even said it was God’s plan that he not be married or have family so that he could be in a position to carry out such an attack. “I think God will bless me to get the machine done, to drive it, to do the stuff that I have to do” he said. “God blessed me in advance for the task that I am about to undertake. It is my duty. God has asked me to do this. It’s a cross that I am going to carry and I’m carrying it in God’s name,” he said.

Not likely. However, this is a splendid reason why corrupt Elites hate MGTOW in general. We just don’t have much to lose. Not only are we free to snap… we’re free to WALK AWAY. Heemeyer had the skills to start over elsewhere. The best revenge is a life well lived, not an armored rampage on the six o’clock news.

But according to some sources, Heemeyer was diagnosed with cancer at the same time he started welding Killdozer so maybe he couldn’t walk away and start over. Although his autopsy was reportedly clean.

Heemeyer’s actions were apparently a political statement. In the audio tapes, he states “Because of your anger, because of your malice, because of your hate, you would not work with me. I am going to sacrifice my life, my miserable future that you gave me, to show you that what you did is wrong”.

No, it was undeniably personal. That’s a left-right difference. To the Lefty, it’s all about politics, all about the Narrative, all about being popular (postmortem). To the Rightie, it’s all about retaliation. Personal. You did me wrong and I’m not letting it go.

Investigators later found Heemeyer’s handwritten list of targets. It was not just a list of buildings and businesses, police say. His list also contained the names of at least 10 individuals and a local Catholic Church.

Coverage of Heemeyer’s rampage in the print and broadcast media was almost universally negative. However, some see him as a David and Goliath-style folk hero, and many Web sites celebrate him as an anti-government patriot.

Heemeyer’s rampage didn’t kill anybody but himself. One wonders if there might have been a more efficient form of revenge but none can deny his style or mad welding skillz. But justice did come later:

GRANBY, CO, JUNE 04, 2004 - (l-R) County Commisenor James Newberry, Gov. Bill Owens , Granby Mayor Ted Wang and Ex Dir (CO Dept of Local Affiars Michael Beasley looks over the remains of the town offices in Granby, CO. (DENVER POST PHOTO BY CRAIG F. WALKE : News Photo

Front row, left to right: County Commissioner James Newberry, Gov. Bill Owens , Granby Mayor Ted Wang and Ex Dir (CO Dept of Local Affairs) Michael Beasley

Granby mayor doesn’t really want to hear all voices

20 March 2008

To the Editor:

I was interested to read that Mayor Ted Wang’s proposal to ban future pawnshops and tattoo parlors in downtown Granby was based on his desire to listen to the voice of every citizen. He said a .half-dozen. people had commented about such businesses to him and he felt their voices, even if a minority, should be heard. He has since rescinded his request to ban such businesses in the wake of a large public outcry against his proposal.

…I had asked the board to consider three options for providing sewage treatment to my new home that was under construction east of Granby. The town has some authority over what types of sewage treatment I am allowed to provide even though my home is in the county and not within the town limits of Granby.

My wife and I were barely half way through our presentation to the board when Mayor Wang piped up, interrupted my wife and said he had heard enough about the options for my house. Our presentation was cut short and we didn’t have a chance to present completely our point of view to the board of trustees. His interruption could have cost us a considerable sum of money since two of the options being considered by the board would have required us to complete considerable extra work and spend lots of cash.

…I urge a vote for positive change in the upcoming municipal election.


This is only a letter to the editor but remember how Heemeyer’s zoning issues were also about sewage disposal? Turns out this was Wang’s first term as mayor but he also served 15 years in the Planning Commission.

Granby.s mayor fights for job as 475 vote in recall election

April 4, 2006

Granby . Mayor Ted Wang, who rose to national prominence after a madman destroyed much of the town with an armored bulldozer, was fighting a recall election Tuesday brought by disgruntled business owners.

Ballot counters worked late into the night to handle the unprecedented municipal-election turnout of about 475 voters with no preliminary results available.

Kirk Arnold, a lead proponent of the recall and the only alternative candidate if it passes, said the effort has at least created a discussion about the direction the town is headed.

.That was one of the main objectives was to get people involved,. said Arnold, who owns an insurance company and claimed Wang’s personal style . more than the substance of any decision . is detrimental to town affairs.

Wang, a former ski patroller and business owner who retired when he was elected two years ago, became the public face of the town after disgruntled resident Marvin Heemeyer went on a suicidal bulldozer rampage in June 2004, destroying the town hall, library and numerous other buildings.

.I have always kept the town’s best interests at heart,. Wang said in his official statement against the recall that was printed on the ballot. .I weigh the facts carefully, make educated decisions and have done my best to ensure that the people have been informed..

Wang was not actually removed until he came up for his second term as mayor in the April 2008 election, losing 264-45 to Jynnifer Pirro, Granby’s first female mayor.

Newberry Plead “No Contest” and Resigned From Office in November 2015

Fifth District Attorney’s Office, 8 January 2016

HOT SULPHUR SPRINGS, CO . Former Grand County Commissioner James Newberry today was sentenced to two years supervised probation, ten days in jail and 130 hours of useful public service in the Grand County District Court for embezzlement of public property. He also must pay restitution of $4,841.39.

Newberry, who had been in office since 1996, plead “no contest. (treated by the Court the same as a guilty plea) to embezzlement of public property (a class five felony) in November 2015. As part of the plea agreement Newberry was required to resign from his position and will be barred from running for office during the probation period.

.The public’s trust in government is undermined when elected officials break the law and enrich themselves,. said Fifth Judicial District Attorney Bruce Brown. .This sentence shows that no person is above the law and that there are serious consequences for defrauding the government,. Brown added.

Newberry admitted to several instances of double billing Grand County government for mileage reimbursements between 2009 and 2013. The DA filed a misdemeanor case in April 2015 based on evidence of duplicate billings for travel related to Newberry’s work as the Grand County representative to the Colorado River Water District Board.

Local Republicans reportedly requested Newberry’s travel reimbursements, found discrepancies and walked next door to the district attorney. $5k of double billing isn’t much but….

In September 2015 investigators added felony charges when they discovered that Newberry submitted reimbursements for meetings he did not attend at the Northwest Colorado Council of Governments. The additional charges resulted in a fifty three-count complaint.

FIFTY-THREE criminal fraud charges upon formal investigation is a bit much to overlook.

Grand County is in the Fourteenth Judicial District of Colorado, however the District Attorney requested that a “special prosecutor” be named to avoid any potential conflicts of interest. Fifth District Attorney Bruce Brown was appointed to serve as the prosecutor in the Newberry case.

Sounds like serious corruption indeed. Newberry didn’t serve hard time but at least he’s gone.

For eighteen months you built Killdozer, Mr. Heemeyer, knowing it would be your tomb, when all you had to do to hit back was request some records.


Physiognomy: 2019 Align Relationship Conference

In a recent post, I mentioned that Pastor John Gray, the Platonic form of Mangina clergy, would be hosting a relationship conference in September 2019. Let’s meet the speakers about to teach the Christian Church on healthy relationships!

DeVon Franklin Co-Hosting "This Is Life Live" On TLC

The crow’s-feet indicate marital/sexual stress. Tribalist nose. The middle third of the face is dominant, indicating goals of ambition & status. High cheekbones and prominent chin suggest dominance/assertiveness in social contexts. His hair & beard are organized so mentally stable & unimaginative, yet the thinness of the beard makes me suspect low testosterone.

DEVON FRANKLIN is an award-winning Film & TV producer, best-selling author, renowned preacher and spiritual success coach. Variety Magazine named him one of the “Top 10 Producers to Watch,. Ebony Magazine has distinguished him as one of the “Top 100 Influential African-Americans in America,. and even Oprah has called him .a bonafide dynamo. a different kind of spiritual teacher for our times.” Franklin serves as President/CEO of Franklin Entertainment, a dynamic multimedia entertainment company with a first-look film deal at 20th Century Fox. As a filmmaker, Franklin is producing the inspirational true story BREAKTHROUGH starring Chrissy Metz in theaters Easter of 2019. Additionally, he produced the hit animated film THE STAR and the hit film MIRACLES FROM HEAVEN. Along with his work as a producer, Franklin is the author of the upcoming book The Truth About Men, to be published in February 2019, as well as The Hollywood Commandments, New York Times bestseller The Wait (co-written with his wife award-winning actress Meagan Good) and Produced By Faith.

Is this Align Conference sponsored by Relentless Church or Oprah? Nota bene, Oprah Winfrey is a co-founder of the Oxygen Network.

About his book The Truth About men:

We hear it all the time. Men cheat. Men love power. Men love sex. Men are greedy. Men are dogs. But is this the truth about men?

In this groundbreaking book, DeVon Franklin dishes the real Truth About Men by making the compelling case that men aren’t dogs but all men share the same struggle. He uses the metaphor of a dog that needs training as a way to explore why behavior persists in men that can lead them to act against their vows, their integrity and even their character.

DeVon provides the manual for how men can change, both on a personal and a societal level, by providing practical solutions for helping men learn how to resist temptation, how to practice self-control and how to love. He argues the same discipline that drives men in their professional lives needs to be applied to their private lives. DeVon is also transparent about the challenges he faces daily as he endeavors to “Master the Dog” within.

Kirk looks more masculine than DeVon, no known relation. His lower lip is bigger than the upper, indicating masculine energy, and the philtrum (parallel lines from nasal septum to upper lip) indicate sexual energy. The recessed chin indicates against social dominance, however, and the left eye is more guarded than the right indicating personal problems. Several other pics I checked show he has “new moon” eyes, in which the lower eyelid is convex to match the upper eyelid. That’s a significant indicator of deceit/infidelity.

His wife has enough fakeup to be a porcelain doll. Let’s try a better pic:

Tammy Franklin Pictures - 13th Annual BMI Trailblazers Of Gospel Music Awards Luncheon - Zimbio

Not much better, but we can confirm high cheekbones and an aquiline nose. The latter indicates distrust and self-reliance. The jaw is not too pronounced to believe she’s a battleaxe but the flatness of the lower eyelids confirms the nose’s indication of self-reliance. Hoop earrings = whore.

Kirk & Tammy Franklin
Relevant, authentic, and transparent, are just a few words that come to mind when you think of Kirk and Tammy Franklin. These are the driving forces (along with the importance of their faith) that has sustained their 23 year marriage. The fun loving couple resides in Fort Worth, Texas and together they have four children ranging from ages 18 to 30. Kirk Franklin a Ft. Worth, Texas native is known as an incomparable artist, speaker, a New York Times best selling author, businessman and humanitarian, and after more than 25 years as the top selling artist of inspirational music, multiple Grammy award winner, and he shows no signs of slowing down. But Kirk Franklin believes his greatest accomplishment is being the Husband and best friend of his wife, Tammy. Tammy Franklin grew up in Arlington, Texas and is passionate about marriage, family and women. Tammy has a desire to nurture, encourage, and equip women of all ages to be who they are created to be. Believing that when women come together to share both their triumphs as well as their failures, an atmosphere of real authenticity is created! Together Kirk and Tammy are enthusiastic about marriage and equipping couples, as well as individuals to walk in freedom, with a pursuit of a personal relationship with God. Believing it is through intimate relationship with His son, Jesus that we are able to obtain direction for every facet of our lives.

From Wikipedia,

A native of Fort Worth, Texas, Franklin was raised by his aunt, Gertrude, having been abandoned as a baby by his mother. Gertrude collected and resold aluminum cans to raise money for Kirk to take piano lessons from the age of four. … Despite his strict religious upbringing, Franklin rebelled in his teenage years, and in an attempt to keep him out of trouble, his grandmother arranged an audition for him at a professional youth conservatory associated with a local university. He was accepted, but later he had to deal with a girlfriend’s pregnancy and his eventual expulsion from school for behavioral problems.

After the shooting death of a friend at the age of 15, Franklin returned to the church, where he began to direct the choir once again.

On January 20, 1996, Franklin married long-time friend Tammy Collins. When they wed, they each had one child from previous relationships…

In 2005, Franklin appeared with his wife on The Oprah Winfrey Show to discuss how he ended his pornography addiction.

The cure for pornography addiction is a frisky wife. Either Franklin was porn-free since Jan. 20, 1996 or his wife is a failure.

His recessed eyes and dominant upper third of face mark him for a logical mind. Scraggly beard can mean low testosterone but with all of his head shaved that way, it might just be the look he affects. Notice his hairline is in an “M” shape? That indicates a spiritually-minded outlook on life. That doesn’t just mean religion; people with spiritual faces tend to have very high, very personal standards of behavior that make them hard to get along with. This guy might have something legit to teach about marriage.

The wife had gab lines. There’s one arcing line from the nostrils around the mouth to the chin. Everybody has that but not everybody has the secondary line parallel to that. That’s the gab line, or depending on the subject’s body mass, the flab line.

She likes to talk. He likes to think. Cue some very standard relationship problems, a refreshing change from… from the next person on the program.

Pastor Clayton & Ashlee Hurst
Clayton and Ashlee have been married for over 20 years and have 3 children. They have been on staff at Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas since 2004 where they currently serve as the Marriage Pastors. For many years Clayton and Ashlee struggled in their marriage not understanding how to have a successful union the way God intended. As they began to work on their marriage by focusing on how to love and communicate with each other more effectively, their relationship became stronger. Clayton and Ashlee don’t have a perfect marriage but today they have a strong marriage and have a passion to help others. At Lakewood Church they lead pre- marriage and marriage classes, marriage life groups, and marriage retreats that have hundreds of couples participating regularly. For the last few years they have hosted Lakewood’s Spark Marriage Conference with thousands of couples from around the world in attendance. They are the authors a marriage book from Emanate Books & Thomas Nelson Publishing is called Hope For Your Marriage.

Lakewood Church is Joel Osteen’s home so this couple does ministry under his direction.

I checked on the book and don’t have any strong criticism of it, although reviewers compared it to that “Love Languages” book. No strong optimism, either. This couple seems like ordinary Churchians, no major flaws and floating with the current culture. They’re also experienced conference campaigners and probably the brains behind this show.

Holy spit! Her repentance was insufficient for a change of wardrobe, let alone a change of heart. Studded biker leathers and crucifixes down the cleavage need no interpretation. She shaved her head and dyed the mangled remainder so she’s damaged in ways that make her a most unreliable expert on how to be a feminine, submissive wife. But maybe I’ll be surprised?


Uh-oh. This lesbian played down her sexual degeneracy for this Church-friendly photo. Oxygen Channel has this:

Same leather jacket.

Kim Pothier
Kimberly Jones-Pothier, known as Real Talk Kim, travels the world fulfilling her passion and purpose of loving people back to life. She is a wife, mother, pastor, entrepreneur, best-selling author, entertainer and most importantly a worshiper after God’s own heart. Pastor Kim and her husband Mark Pothier are the Senior Pastors at Church of the Harvest in Fayetteville, Georgia and together have four sons. She is a human rights advocate with a passion for giving back and believes in the compassion of the Holy Spirit, delivering it to those who need it most. Pastor Kim is an advocate partner with Rock Paper Scissors Foundation, a Non-profit organization, which exists to foster healing and give a voice to those who have been silenced from all forms of abuse and human trafficking.

It’s all there in the first sentence. She’s a mother who travels the world fulfilling her passion of clearly-not-her-children. Helpmeets do not live the jet-set life. In fact, thus far none of the female speakers for this event are housewives. They’re all clergy. Which itself is a violation of Scripture.

Rock Paper Scissors Foundation is a Social Justice NGO advocating space spaces for women.

By wearing a band-aid during the month of October (Domestic Violence Awareness Month) we aim to start the very uncomfortable conversation about domestic violence.


Wear a band-aid every day in October. When asked about the band-aid, engage in a conversation with them about Domestic Violence to create awareness to the epidemic.

“Real Talk Kim” also leads an organization called Conquering Hell in High Heels. Talk about making peace with worldly ways.

Forgive my memeing, I couldn’t resist. The guy is a Nu-Male template of oversized smile to indicate servility, crows-feet indicating ISSUES and a wispy beard & trendy haircut making conflicting attempts to blend into a crowd of Millennials. Good dentist, though. The Eighteenth Century would be jealous.

She’s got too much fakeup. Might have a Goth background, just because she wears black and parts her hair in the middle. I can imagine her trolling a Magic: the Gathering tournament for a husband.

Pastor Chad & Julia Veach
Chad Veach is the Lead Pastor of Zoe Church in Los Angeles, California. He is best known for his humorous, faith-filled and joyous approach in presenting the message of Jesus, his practical leadership teachings, and his love for people. He has also authored two books: Unreasonable Hope: Finding Faith in the God Who Brings Purpose to Your Pain and Faith Forward Future: Moving Past Your Disappointments, Delays and Destructive Thinking. Chad and his wife Julia have four beautiful children: Georgia, Winston, Maverick, and Clive. Julia Veach, along with her husband Chad are the Lead Pastors of Zoe Church in Los Angeles, California. Though both hers and Chad’s influence have grown over the years, it’s their daughter Georgia’s story that has captured the attention of the world. Since she was diagnosed with a rare brain disorder in 2012, thousands have stood with Chad and Julia and shown their support. Julia now leads the women’s movement HER within the Zoe Church community and often travels to speak. Julia and Chad have four beautiful children: Georgia, Winston, Maverick, and Clive.

Hmm. The author of Finding Faith in the God Who Brings Purpose to Your Pain and Moving Past Your Disappointments, Delays and Destructive Thinking is described as humorous, faith-filled and joyous. Denial is the first stage of grief but Chad could also be Stage Three, Bargaining.

I hope the double mentioning of their kids is a typo. Chad wouldn’t be the first father to have the life goal of “first the kids grow up, then I can slit my wrists. But first, the kids grow up. They need their father”.

Forget their faces. Look at that body language. It’s the Leaning Tower of My Husband Disgusts Me.

Pastor Rich & DawnCher? Wilkerson
Rich & DawnCher? Wilkerson are the lead pastors of VOUS Church in Miami, FL. Rich and DawnCher? are the founders of VOUS Conference, an annual gathering in the heart of Miami centered on encountering God, equipping the church, and empowering the next generation of leaders. Rich is the author of two books.Sandcastle Kings: Meeting Jesus in a Spiritually Bankrupt World and Friend of Sinners: Why Jesus Cares More About Relationship Than Perfection. In 2015, they offered a peek inside their world with their docu-series, Rich In Faith, a 10-episode feature on the Oxygen network. And in 2018, after eight years of trusting God through infertility, Rich and DawnCher? welcomed their son, Wyatt Wesley Wilkerson, into the world.

The Oxygen network AGAIN? This reminds one of that Simpsons episode in which Rev. Lovejoy’s church is taken over by the Mafia and run for profit. “Rich In Faith” is, get ready for this, the Christian Gospel packaged in the form of a reality TV show.

American culture has sunk to the depths of THIS:

Hipster Church: Reality Show ‘Rich in Faith’ Is a Little Too Real

By Caroline Barnett, 16 February 2016

Rich Wilkerson Jr. is no ordinary pastor. He rose to fame as the pastor who officiated the wedding of Kanye West and Kim Kardashian in 2014. Because of his good looks and famous friends, Wilkerson was dubbed by entertainment news outlets as the “hottest holy man around..

That answers a question I never thought to ask: what clergyman perjured himself before God Almighty to the point of locking a Kardashian into ‘lifetime’ matrimony? Officiating at any Hollywood celebrity marriage ought to be grounds for clerical malpractice and defrocking. Let the Elvis Impersonators handle it!

In his new reality show Rich in Faith, Rich Wilkerson Jr. tells his fellow pastor, current boss, and father Rich that he’s planning a worship service at a venue called The Stage, a trendy local bar . that yes, has a liquor license. In this clash of generations, Wilkerson Sr. is shocked that his son would lead a worship service in place marked by the trappings of “moral debauchery.” He questions the decision, then jokes about it, but ultimately agrees to come see the first service.

That’s right! I won’t attend any church that doesn’t have a two drink minimum! This could be the revival we’ve been looking for!

Rich in Faith, which debuted in December on Oxygen Network, tells the story of Wilkerson Jr. and wife DawnChere as they start a church plant in downtown Miami, Fla. Following the rise of Wilkerson’s status of “celebrity pastor,. this show frames the story of Wilkerson as butting up against the establishment, the tradition and order of Christianity, all manifested in the megachurch his father planted. Based on this interaction alone, Wilkerson Jr. is a rebel, a visionary, and mapping “new” ways of practicing Christianity.

In a press release from August 2015, Oxygen Network announced that, .Rich is smashing stereotypes about religion with his successful young adult ministry,. and the couple is “eager to share their innovative and thought-provoking ministry..

Please stand clear of the fireballs from Heaven. Any time now, Jesus… with my blessing.

But despite the narrative of being different than “old” Christianity, hipster Christianity and the “celebrity” pastors that lead it are not the first to find themselves in the intersection of fame, Christianity, and new media.

Within the last sixty years, numerous pastors have used new forms of media . beginning with television . to reach thousands of people eager for their message. Pat Robertson founded the Christian Broadcasting Network, which continues to appeal to millions of people around the world. Joel Osteen’s ministry is broadcasted into every U.S. television market. And Billy Graham, arguably one of the most famous evangelical pastors, started radio and television programs, as well as numerous books, a magazine, and a syndicated newspaper column. Before hipster Christianity was on Instagram, these televangelists utilized methods of evangelizing considered new and strange.

And looking even further back . specifically, New York during the 19th century . I found a prototype of hipster Christian pastors in Charles Finney. Finney shook up American Christianity during the Second Great Awakening with emotional preaching and an evangelical fervor that led thousands of people to convert to Christianity. Finney rubbed against “traditional” forms of Christianity and practiced innovative forms of worship . sometimes holding worship in the forest rather than in pews.

Finney used the forest because he needed the space and wasn’t always welcome in local churches. Wilkerson uses the Oxygen network because he needs the advertising revenue to pay for his liquor bill license. Big difference.

While I’m not opposed to churches using social media, doing so for profit is a serious moral risk.

Instead of being innovative, hipster Christianity and its portrayal in Rich in Faith feels like more of the same . the same as televangelists that used new media to spread their message of prosperity, the same faces of young white men who get lifted up as the singular voices of generations. From Rich Wilkerson Jr. in Miami to Chad Veach in Los Angeles and Carl Lentz in New York, hipster Christian pastors, who are gaining massive followings like their televangelists ancestors, all have similar messages . and similar looks.

Surprise! We just talked about Chad immediately above Wilkerson here. This must be a HIPSTER relationship conference!

In framing Rich in Faith as “new and innovative,. the show denies not only the historical foundation that led to its arrival, but also removes the diversity of voices that exist within Christianity. Trendy evangelical worship led by cool young white men does not begin to touch the breadth of diverse practices in the Christian world, nor does it lift up voices of those who do not fit our current mold of what a pastor looks like.

The people featured in Rich in Faith are not all white, nor all male, but that does not make up for the larger issue of white men being the centerpiece of this “new” Christianity. If hipster Christianity, as its branded, is for anyone seeking a relationship with Christ, why do the people popping up on reality TV, getting book deals, and being called the new face of Christianity all look the same? What exactly is new or different about that?

Rich in Faith is meant to be easily digestible and entertaining. It is a reality TV show, after all. It focuses on things we can relate to on some level: family dynamics, work-life balance, growing up. But it is all done through the lens of one good-looking charismatic person. By calling itself new and innovative, the show ignores the way its story, as well as the phenomenon it represents, is not so different from the white-washed, male-dominated world we live in.

What da funk? The article ends by claiming the problem with hipster culture is being white male-dominated? What bitch wrote this article?

Caroline Barnett, Editorial Assistant to Sojourners. Hair is very obviously cut. Lots of cleavage showing off how little boob she has. A self-uglified white female is angry that white men are dominant? Sounds like somebody had a college education.

A transplant from the Midwest, Caroline grew up in Kansas City and went to school at Kalamazoo College (yes, Kalamazoo is a real city). There, she studied Religion and Anthropology/Sociology with a focus on American Christianity, feminist theology, and conceptions of religious and secular space. While at school, Caroline spent a lot of time in the basement of the Chapel, learning to love messiness of interfaith work.

She studied Satanism and spent a lot of time getting laid by Commies & Muslims in the chapel’s basement… on the spare altar?

An avid member of the Presbyterian Church (USA), Caroline has served the Church as a Ruling Elder, an intern for the Covenant Network of Presbyterians, and an Advisory Delegate to the PC(USA) 221st General Assembly. She has also helped keynote Presbyterian youth conferences. None of this would have been possible without the profound examples of grace the PC(USA) has continually demonstrated to her.

Profound examples of Original Sin, she means. According to the Presbyterian Outlook, Barnett enrolled in the Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary in 2016, so probably just graduated. Yet another female leader-pastor slash living abomination lusting to infect Christianity with Social Justice.

Just like every female speaker at this relationship conference.

Looks like their message of friendship with the world and Fuck You Sky Daddy is getting heard.