Brenton Tarrant’s Manifesto

I haven’t yet found decent pics for face-reading and the New Zealand Mosque Shooting is still early days; however, his manifesto is available for our perusal. (Archived here in PDF.) TL;DR: He’s a Commie turned White Nationalist. Not a false flag, though. He identifies as an environmental fascist and swings Left too many times for globalists to have planned this. Indeed, we could use this to black-knight the globalists if deceit and false accusation were how we did business.

All formatting is mine. I had to extract the PDF’s text with OCR so it’s a bit rough.

Click to access brenton-tarrant.-2019.-_the-great-replacement_.pdf


It.s the birthrates.
It.s the birthrates.
It.s the birthrates.

If there is one thing I want you to remember from these writings, its that
the birthrates must change. Even if we were to deport all Non-Europeans
from our lands tomorrow, the European people would still be spiraling
into decay and eventual death.

Every day we become fewer in number, we grow older,we grow weaker.
In the end we must return to replacement fertility levels, or it will kill us.

To maintain a population the people must achieve a birthrate that reaches
replacement fertility levels. In the Western world this is roughly 2.06
births per woman.

There is not a single Western country, not a single white nation, that
reaches these levels. …

This crisis of mass immigration and sub-replacement fertility is an assault
on the European people that, if not combated, will ultimately result in the
complete racial and cultural replacement of the European people.

To see this in full effect, you only have to look at the population statistics
in Western nations for the year 2100.

This is very unwise, to assume today’s demographic trend will continue as is for 80 years.

To return to replacement fertility levels is priority number one. But it is
no simple task.There are myriad reasons behind the decline in fertility
rates and the destruction of the traditional family unit.
We must inevitably correct the disaster of hedonistic,nihilistic
individualism. But it will take take some time, time we do not have due to
the crisis of mass immigration.

Due to mass immigration we lack the time scale required to enact the
civilizational paradigm shift we need to undertake to return to health and
Mass immigration will disenfranchise us,subvert our nations, destroy our
communities, destroy our ethnic binds, destroy our cultures, destroy our
Long before low fertility levels ever could.Thus, before we deal with the
fertility rates, we must deal with both the invaders within our lands and
the invaders that seek to enter our lands.

We must crush immigration and deport those invaders already living on
our soil. It is not just a matter of our prosperity, but the very survival of
our people.

This is a triple miss. One, upping the fertility rate does no good when it’s the white leaders who want white people gone. They’ll just get more “proactive” about it. Two, peaceful mass de-immigration is still on the table. I’ve said before that ending the welfare state plus free bus rides to the border will solve most of the American immigration problem non-violently. And three, I doubt the white race will go extinct in any future scenario.

Answering possible questions

1.In general

Who are you?

Just a ordinary White man,28 years old. Born in Australia to a working
class,low income family. My parents are of Scottish,Irish and English stock. I had a regular childhood, without any great issues. I had little interest in education during my schooling, barely achieving a passing grade. I did not attend University as I had no great interest in anything offered in the Universities to study.

It is interesting that the Manifesto is in the form of a catechism. I suspect he was raised Catholic, although he definitely abandoned the faith at an early point.

I worked for a short time before making some money investing in Bitconnect, then used the money from the investment to travel. More recently I have been working part time as a kebab removalist. I am just a regular White man, from a regular family.
Who decided to take a stand to ensure a future for my people.

Kebab removalist? From urbandictionary, “remove kebab: An internet meme that serves as another way of saying “stop islam from taking over Europe”. … The term originated from a silly civil war video, but the modern meaning of the term has nothing to do with civil war.” I found the video… it’s Serbian polka?

He’s lying here. “I’m an uneducated nobody who made enough money mining bitcoin to tour the world getting rid of Muzzies for a part-time job”? My guess is he got recruited by a paramilitary Leftist organization like Greenpeace or something. This would explain “I’m one of the poor little people” and “I somehow got enough money to travel the world”.

Lamestream media reports his money was inheritance after his father died of asbestos. That doesn’t sound like sufficient resources for years of aimless globetrotting.

Why did you carry out the attack?

To most of all show the invaders that our lands will never be their lands,
our homelands are our own and that, as long as a white man still lives,
they will NEVER conquer our lands and they will never replace our

*GQ looks at all the white male dhimmi leaders getting fitted with headscarves, shakes head sadly.*

To take revenge on the invaders for the hundreds of thousands of deaths
caused by foreign invaders in European lands throughout history.

To take revenge for the enslavement of millions of Europeans taken from
their lands by the Islamic slavers.

To take revenge for the thousands of European lives lost to terror attacks
throughout European lands.

Don’t lie, Brenton. Nobody takes revenge on Person B as a way to get back at unrelated Person A on the far side of the planet. But Leftists have a strong compulsion to position themselves as the humble servants of a vaguely defined, large group of people. They need the emotional comfort of the rabbit warren.

Right-wingers like Timothy McVeigh don’t publish manifestos and claim to be championing the little people. “They needed killing” is peak oratory.

To take revenge for Ebba Akerlund.

More plausible, but who? One of five casualties of a 2017 Stockholm terrorist attack. Muslim & ISIS wannabe Rakhmat Akilov plead aloha snackbar to driving on the sidewalk for the glory of Allah.

In this manifesto, Brenton talks like he was physically present at that incident. Which would be very interesting if true because at the moment, nobody thinks “Muzzie driving on the sidewalk” is preplanned to the point of multiple paramilitary groups being present at go-time. So, he’s probably making an emotional appeal here.

To directly reduce immigration rates to European lands by intimidating
and physically removing the invaders themselves.

To agitate the political enemies of my people into action, to cause them to
overextend their own hand and experience the eventual and inevitable
backlash as a result.

To incite violence, retaliation and further divide between the European
people and the invaders currently occupying European soil.

“Let’s you and him fight!” Burn in Hell, Brenton, but at least you practiced what you preached.

To avenge those European men and women lost in the constant and never
ending wars of European history who died for their lands, died for their
people only to have their lands given away to any foreign scum that
bother to show up.

To agitate the political enemies of my people into action, to over extend
their own hand and experience the eventual backlash.

To show the effect of direct action, lighting a path forward for those that
wish to follow. A path for those that wish to free their ancestors lands
from the invaders grasp and to be a beacon for those that wish to create a
lasting culture, to tell them they are not alone.

This is Leftist thinking. If a Red-Pill guy decided to rampage against immivaders then he wouldn’t write a manifesto claiming noble motivations then livestream the actual killing in hopes of encouraging others. He would just do it and be done with a minimum of fuss or caring about the opinions of others. None of this grandstanding. It just ain’t how we think.

Finally, to create conflict between the two ideologies within the United
States on the ownership of firearms in order to further the social, cultural,
political and racial divide within the United states. This conflict over the
2 amendment and the attempted removal of firearms rights will
ultimately result in a civil war that will eventually balkanize the US along
political, cultural and, most importantly, racial lines.

Dude, I’m Californian. I could have told you not to flush your life down the toilet because they’re already banning guns as hard as they can. There’s not going to be a glorious civil war, either. The way it’s working out is our guns are legal until we ping the Left’s radar, and then our guns are seized on a one-off basis. No jackbooted thugs going door-to-door at 4am.

Your pipe dream of forcing me to go on a killing spree of “not the whites who caused and are still driving this immigration problem in the first place” has completely failed. At least you were, by your own account, disposable.

Who do you represent?

Millions of European and other ethno-nationalist peoples that wish to live
in peace amongst their own people, living in their own lands, practicing
their own traditions and deciding the future of their own kind.

The above is inconsistent with the below. Again, Lefties need external vaidation/justification for their behavior… which explains much.

Are you a part of any political group or movement?

I am not a direct member of any organization or group, though I have
donated to many nationalist groups and have interacted with many more.

Another missed opportunity for a false-flagger.

Did the groups you support/are aligned with order or promote your attack?

No.No group ordered my attack, I make the decision myself. Though I
did contact the reborn Knights Templar for a blessing in support of the
attack, which was given.

I’m guessing this is a reference to Anders Breivik. However, Breivik has not had much contact with the outside world for a long time.

Did you carry out the attack for fame?

No, carrying out an attack for fame would be laughable. After all who can
remember the name of the attackers in the September 11 attack in New
York?How about the attack on the pentagon? The attackers in the plane
that crashed into the field on the same day?
I will be forgotten quickly.
Which I do not mind.
After all I am a private and mostly introverted person.
But the aftershock from my actions will ripple for years to come, driving
political and social discourse, creating the atmosphere or fear and change
that is required.

The guy published a manifesto hoping to inspire copycats and foment race wars across the planet, then livestreamed the actual shooting, but nooo, he wasn’t interested in fame. Nope. Not a bit.

Why did you target those people?

They were an obvious,visible and large group of invaders, from a culture
with higher fertility rates, higher social trust and strong, robust traditions
that seek to occupy my peoples lands and ethnically replace my own

Muslims do not have high social trust. Their traditions are strong only because they murder dissidents. Which itself is their oldest tradition, dating back to Mohammed murdering his uncle.

But everybody loves a winner. The globalists buy their passage then pay them to breed, and everybody else acts as if Muzzie Arabs and Subcontinental Manginas are Evolution’s Finest.

Meanwhile, subsequent mainstream media articles suggest that Brenton thought New Zealand was the most pleasant place he found during his travels.

Were/Are You A Christian?

That is complicated. When I know, I will tell you.

That means no, he is not a Christian. Christians are required to confess their faith when asked and salvation by faith means we don’t live in “maybe” land.

Were/Are You A Fascist?

Yes. For once, the person that will be called a fascist, is an actual fascist. I am sure the journalists will love that. I mostly agree with Sir Oswald Mosley’s views and consider myself an Eco-fascist by nature. The nation with the closest political and social values to my own is the People’s Republic of China.

That’s another point against this being a false flag. The PRC would not appreciate being dragged into this.

Oswald Mosley was a British Fascist during the World Wars, infantry in the first and parliament in the second. Wikipedia didn’t say anything about environmental initiatives but like Brenton, Mosley was uneducated, impatient and changed party loyalties several times.

Were/Are You A Supporter Of Donald Trump?

As a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose? Sure. As a policy maker and leader? Dear god no.

I must confess to holding a similar attitude.

Are You Intolerant?

Sure. The last virtues of a dying nation are tolerance and apathy, and I
want none of it.

I agree about tolerance but not apathy. We should offer Congress double pay in return for no new laws.

Were You Taught Violence and Extremism By Video Games, Music, Literature, Cinema?

Yes, Spyro the dragon 3 taught me ethno-nationalism. Fortnite trained me
to be a killer and to floss on the corpses of my enemies. No.

For the curious, from a Gamespot review: “As in Spyro the Dragon and Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage!, Spyro: Year of the Dragon casts you as the lovable purple title character. It seems that dragons can never rest, as the nefarious plans of some evildoer or other are always in need of thwarting. This time around, the namelessly wicked Sorceress and her henchgirl Bianca have eggnapped all the unborn dragons in the land, and retrieval duty has fallen to Spyro. The eggs have been hidden throughout all kinds of environments, so Spyro has a lot of diverse ground to cover in his search for the missing youths.”

Fortnite is a cartoonish battle royale game.

Did You Always Hold These Views?

No, when I was young I was a communist, then an anarchist and finally a libertarian before coming to be an eco-fascist.

His anarchist days are not far behind him. Of all the people on the Right I’ve heard advocate for identity-based violence, none of them advocated copycatting as Brenton hopes for elsewhere in the manifesto. That’s very much a Leftoid, rabbit-warren form of thinking.

Why Do Your Believe You Will Be Released From Prison?

I do not just expected to be released, but I also expect an eventual Nobel
Peace prize.As was awarded to the Terrorist Nelson Mandela once his
own people achieved victory and took power.

Yeah, that was a shameless one. But the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize to Yasser Arafat was even worse IMO.

Are you a Fed/shill/mossad agent/false flag/patsy/infiltrator/antifa/glow in the dark etc?

No, but the next person to attack could be, so a healthy scepticism is a good thing. Just do not allow your scepticism to turn to paranoia and keep you from supporting those that want the best for you.

You’re A Bigot, Racist, Xenophobe, Islamophobe, nazi, fascist!

A. Compliments will get you no where.
B. That isn’t a question.
C. What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll
have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve
been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over
300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper
in the entire US armed forces.

This screed is really bizarre and the only emotional outburst in the manifesto. Even “gorilla warfare” is suspicious in being the only misspelling.

You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.

Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


Violence Isn’t the Answer, Why Are You Using Force?

There is no nation in the world that wasn’t founded by, or maintained by,
the use of force. Force is power. History is the history of power. Violence
is power and violence is the reality of history.Wake up.

Neglecting the moral difference between military action and vigilantism.

Why Focus On Immigration And Birth Rates When Climate Change Is Such A Huge Issue?

Because they are the same issue, the environment is being destroyed by over population, we Europeans are one of the groups that are not over populating the world. The invaders are the ones over populating the world. Kill the invaders, kill the overpopulation and by doing so save the environment.

I once used a similar argument to Red-Pill a Leftoid coworker. He was coming around to agree with me on conservative/nationalist politics when something snapped inside him and he quit to help Barak Obama get elected for no pay. Almost like he was doing penance for thoughtcrime.

The lie of birth rates overwrote his preexisting lie of climate change. People go from one lie to another but rarely to the truth.

To Conservatives

Ask yourself, truly, what has modern conservatism managed to conserve?
What does it seek to conserve? The natural environment?Western Culture?
Ethnic autonomy? Religion? The nation? The race?

Nothing is conserved. The natural environment is industrialized,
pulverized and commoditized.

Western culture is trivialized, pulped and blended into a smear of
meaningless nothing, with the only tenets and beliefs seemingly held to
are the myth of the individual, the value of work (productivity for the
benefit of your capitalist owners) and the sovereignty of private property
(to ensure none of us get grand ideas of taking the unearned wealth of our

I was prepared to nod in agreement with conservatism’s inability to conserve even the ladies’ bathroom until this. We are individuals, not tribe members owing ethnic loyalty to the tribe chief. Work is valuable by decree of God, who worked six days and rested on the seventh. And private property is the single most important concept separating us from mud huts.

Ethnic autonomy? Destroyed in the name of cheap labour, whilst they
may publicly object to the illegal immigration of the third world masses,
privately they push for as much migration as possible, anything to
decrease the labour cost of production and line their pockets with the
profits. They removed the Europeans peoples autonomy and sovereignty
for their own lust for power and wealth.

Religion? What remains? Empty churches and full shopping centers?
Drive through confessionals and no fault divorce? Any religious ideal that
stood between the wealthy and wealth generation was downplayed,
sidelined and quietly dismantled. All so that they could line their pockets
without complaints or objections

Why do you care? You aren’t religious. Like most Communists/atheists, Brenton talks like religion is just another human behavior to be harnessed for Social Good.

The nation? What nations do we have to conserve? What our own nations
now based on? Their is no shared culture, ethnicity, language, values or
beliefs. Anyone can be a member of our nation, as long as they have the
paperwork. They need not be born here, share our race, our language, our
culture or our beliefs. Hear the conservatives cry, as long as they are
willing to WORK, let them in! Let them earn our wealthy benefactors
their second yachts and their fifth properties!

The Race? They don’t even BELIEVE in the race, they don’t even have
the gall to say race exists. And above all they don’t even care if it does.
It.s profit, and profit alone that drives them, all else is secondary. The

notion of a racial future or destiny is as foreign to them as social

Not a thing has been conserved other than corporate profits and the the
ever increasing wealth of the 1% that exploit the people for their own

Conservatism is dead. Thank god. Now let us bury it and move on to
something of worth.

To Christians

.The people worthy of glory, the people blessed by God Our Lord, moan
and fall under the weight of these outrages and most shameful
humiliations. The race of the elect suffers outrageous persecutions, and
the impious race of the Saracens respects neither the virgins of the Lord
nor the colleges of priests. They run over the weak and the elderly, they
seize the children from their mothers so that they might forget, among the
barbarians, the name of God. That perverse nation profanes the
hospices . The temple of the Lord is treated like a criminal and the
ornaments of the sanctuary are robbed.

.What more shall I say to you?

.We are disgraced, sons and brothers, who live in these days of calamities!
Can we look at the world in this century reproved by Heaven to witness
the desolation of the Holy City and remain in peace while it is so
oppressed? Is it not preferable to die in war rather than suffer any longer
so horrible a spectacle? Let us all weep for our faults that raise the divine
ire, yes, let us weep. But let not our tears be like the seed thrown into
the sand. Let the fire of our repentance raise up the Holy War and the
love of our brethren lead us into combat. Let our lives be stronger than
death to fight against the enemies of the Christian people.”


Pope Urban Who? I’m Protestant so pardon my ignorance… *checks* Oh, the guy who started the First Crusade by promising Christ’s salvation as a reward for military service instead of repentance from sin. That sort of thing is exactly why I’m Protestant.

A lot of people want to weaponize Christianity into a tool of ethnic nationalism. Yes, the races of man are different. Yes, some races are superior to others. No, there is no Biblical mandate for nation-building, ethnic cleansing or butchery of outsiders. That was ancient Israel and remember Solomon importing all those foreign wives? Over a thousand of them as I recall.

Israel survived that. The white West will survive the current crisis as well if it be the will of God and if not, we aren’t going to defeat Him.

Who Is Truly To Blame?

The people who are to blame most are ourselves, european men. Strong
men do not get ethnically replaced, strong men do not allow their culture
to degrade, strong men do not allow their people to die. Weak men have
created this situation and strong men are needed to fix it.


That’s a kind of bullshit so common, I’ve seen it praised in the Christian Manosphere. Strong men perform! Weak men fail! Choose to be strong! But life ain’t like that. First off, it trivializes God’s involvement in human affairs. The fastest runner doesn’t always win the race.

Second, blaming losers and rewarding winners is how one perpetuates tyranny. The weak haven’t just failed, they deserve to fail, thus you can undermine them all you want. But the strong, God loves them, you better help the strong do what they want because they’re strong! Sigh.

The idea of the strong helping the weak, or the old teaching the young, or the winners of life giving the losers help, is hated with such a religious hatred that the devil entered Judas’ heart the minute Jesus taught that.

Third, evolution is wrong. Fertility rates and headcount aren’t everything. The purpose of nations is to be a happy place for its citizens. Not for its government to have a renewable source of money and manpower for its rulers’ idle wishes. Vox Day recently gave a Darkstream in which he talked about a poll of government approval rates. The people who most approved of their government, according to the poll, were the Chinese. Vox cited that as proof that material success and strong government were what all people wanted. I would have cited that as proof that people will say they like you if you put a gun to their heads. The Chicomm government doesn’t think twice about butchering its own citizens… doesn’t think once, else it wouldn’t have done that One Child Policy… but hey, they’re xenophobic towards outsiders! More slaughter of outsiders means room to accommodate high Han birth rates! That must be why they’re popular with the people! Winner!

This is what happens when one starts believing in evolution, in demographics is destiny, in Might Makes Right. Human life ceases to have intrinsic value and we become highly capable livestock.

And that was Brenton Tarrant’s fatal error. He thought demographics is destiny and thought sudden, violence change would make a better future for his kids. (I assume he has kids.) Had he realized that a man’s life has inherent value, and that nations exist to serve their citizens, he might have accomplished something more useful than the butchering of a people who by his own admission, can easily replace their losses.

I’ll close with a few more of his screeds. There’s a lot of people who think like he does.

The Lightning March through the institutions

While the lefts march through the institutions was long and ultimately
successful we must achieve the same, but in a much shorter time period.
Due to the threat of ethnic replacement and our own horribly low birth
rates, we do not have 150 years or even 50 years to achieve positions of
power. We must be intrinsically leveraged into the political, militaristic,
judicial, educational and economic institutions, and within 25 years.

We do not have the luxury of time like the left had, we must be ready to
act, and act soon. That means those that can, or have the ability should
look to ingrain themselves into these institutions and climb as far up the
power hierarchy as possible, in the shortest time possible. When the time
comes you must be ready to act.


We do not have the luxury of time if we want to preserve the status quo. Methinks that ship has sailed.

I sometimes think that God is culling back the white race because we’re so good at technology. Had He allowed us to continue inventing then the stupid races would be able to cause that much more havoc. Cheap nukes, tailored-virus warfare, killer robots… maybe it’s best if whites cease inventing such miraculous horrors, and maybe our leaders’ betrayal was supernaturally decreed for such a reason.

I take great pride in the apparent fact that the devil can only ascend over my people’s dead bodies… but no joy in the apparent fact that now is the time for the devil’s ascension.

Emotions rule over facts

Stop trying to persuade the general population with statistics, charts,
tablets and figures. A a one-point-seven percentage point difference may
mean something to a few, but a ingeniously worded expression or
brilliantly crafted poster will convince the many.

Humans are emotional, they are driven by emotions, guided by emotions
and seek emotion expressions and experiences. Monotonous repetition of
immigration facts and statistics will simply bore the masses, and drive the
people away from the stale and uninspired speakers that propagate them.

Be creative, be expressive, be emotional and above all be passionate.
These are the things that speak to people, connect people, drive people.
Paint, write, sing, dance, recite poetry. Hell, even meme. Create memes,
post memes, and spread memes. Memes have done more for the
ethno-nationalist movement than any manifesto.

Above all, just don’t be stale,placid and boring. No one is inspired by Jeb


BWAHAHAA! Nicely played. And Brenton’s right here. Humans are easily led sheep, just like God said. Sadly, this is a major reason why mass murder and terrorism are becoming commonplace, because people react to that much more strongly than to a well-reasoned argument. The wise listen to reason over hysteria.

That is, I think, a major reason God hides the supernatural from us. He wants people who THINK, who try to understand, not people who bounce from one emotional state to another with every shift in the wind.

Protect your people, remove the poison

Poison sellers and toxin spreaders are free to proliferate their baneful
products completely unchecked by law or society. Each year these
degenerates are responsible for tens of thousands of deaths, in our own
cities and across the globe.

Both illegal and legal drug dealers are our racial enemies, ruining the
health, wealth, family structure, culture and future of our people.These
peddlers of filth are active in every nation and behave without any
thought of their impact on their societies.

Find where they are in your cities,plan your attack, destroy them.Protect
your people and protect your children.Be the Antidote to their poison.


This illustrates Brenton’s Communist/atheist heritage. The rule of law requires that those who follow the law be protected by the authorities. Why be innocent if innocence does not protect? I myself do not call for the persecution of legal marijuana dealers even though I believe legalization was a bad idea and would undo it given the opportunity. They’re obeying the law, therefore punishing them is wrong. That’s rule of law in a nutshell.

But for the Communist, the Narrative is always more important than pesky little rules.

Don’t leave the cities, Run towards the fight, Not away

Run towards the cities, run towards the conflict,run towards the enemy,
fleeing from the enemy is cowardice. The countrysides are already ours,
as they have always been. The people of the countrysides are already
traditional, already close to nature, already supportive of their people.

Its the cities where the struggle lies, its the cities where the invaders have
massed, its the cities where the marxists have poisoned the institutions, its
the cities where the traitorous media and corporations lie and its the cities
where the anti-white politicians and the NGOs make their homes.

Invade the cities, take the cities, battle in the streets for the cities. The
cities are the economic, judicial, political,ethnic and cultural battleground
of our people and it is there we shall wage our war.

The countryside can wait, the cities need you, your youth needs you.
Despite how many of you may feel living amongst the pollution, amongst
the cultural filth, crammed into tiny apartments in the city sprawls, far
flung from mans natural environment. But it is there our future will be
made and it is there the battle for our peoples future will be fought.


I’m oddly pleased to see him admit that urban centers are more important than rural communities, believing that myself nearly in isolation. However, he gets there by romanticizing rural life. I got two words for everybody who thinks rural life is naturally resistant to evil: satellite dishes. Every rural household is wired for television because their alternative is watching crops grow. In the city, you have many social alternatives to the lamestream media.

Next time you go to a house in the boonies, look for the satellite dish. You’ll find it much more often than not.

Accept Death, Embrace Infamy

Death is certain, you may die in service to some grand crusade or pass
away in a hospice, either way you will die.
What matters is your actions during the brief time between birth and
death. The worth of your life is not measured by the length of your life,
but your actions during it.

Ask yourself now, are you willing to shirk your racial responsibilities?
turn your back to your people? ignore their demise? All in the hopes of a
peaceful death?

Accept death:as it is as certain as the setting of the sun at evenfall. Only
when you embrace death and the only thing you will have left to fear is

Embrace infamy: the enemies of your people will beset upon you, on all
sides. The media will paint you as villains, the state will name you as
traitors, the globalist forces will name you as criminals and the traitors
amongst your people will name you as enemies. You will be infamous
until victory is achieved. Take it with a smile.


Translation, the lives of men have no inherent value. They exist to serve the State (or an authorized competitor) and be expended like munitions. This is the fundamental error of white nationalism. Who should I fight and die for, the Commies who demand my unpaid service or the ethno-nationalists who demand my unpaid service?

Christ teaches human life, including male life, is inherently valuable. Evolution teaches demographics is destiny. I follow Christ. Brenton does not.

NGOs are directly involved in the genocide of the European people

Beholden to no one and hiding their true intent behold a faux-religious
facade, these NGO groups ferry the invaders to European shores aboard
their own vessels, directly shipping this vast army straight into European
nations to plunder, rape and ethnically displace the native European

Meanwhile they badger, trick and guilt-shame the European people into
forfeiting their own hard earned income and giving it directly to their
peoples cultural and ethnic competitors, many of which have the only
intent of conquering and destroying the European peoples.

This stripping of wealth and prosperity in order to feed and develop our
cultural competitors is an act of civilization terrorism resulting in the
reduction in development and living conditions of our own people for the
benefit of those that hate us.

More often than not these NGOs hide their true intentions behind a facade
of religiosity and only once you investigate into the leadership and
governance of the NGO itself do you find the people running the show
are in fact far from religious themselves and more often than not are
actually atheistic cultural marxists using naive Christian Europeans to
both labour and fund fund their own attempt at class and racial warfare.

These NGO.s are the modern money changers inside the church, and
must be driven out, by voice or by whip.
It may upset many, but the truth of the matter is these people are directly
responsible for the current invasion and sacking of Europe and their
treachery has damaged European prospects greatly.

Crush these traitor NGOs, kill their leadership, burn down their buildings,
bomb their ships, tear down their posters and destroy their membership.
Drive them from your lands and give the traitors what traitors deserve: a
traitors death.


Brenton is right and should have listened to himself. Taking a run at a high-level NGO would have been more productive than killing random people.

So yeah, Brenton is a white nationalist who acted according to his beliefs. The alt-right and other ethno-nationalists will probably claim he was a false flag in order to protect themselves because Brenton said what they say and then actually did it. There’s only so many times a group of people can say “demographics is destiny” and “Saint Breivik, pray for us” before somebody takes the logical next step.


Magic: The Convergence

They have learned NOTHING from Gamergate! Kotaku has partnered with a shameless, lying harlot of an entryist and the very creators of Magic: the Gathering to make the most popular game in human history, bar chess, into yet another femcunt swamp. Pro-tip: short the stock of any company that complains “we have too many cis-male customers.”

The Makers Of Magic: The Gathering Say They’re Trying To Make It Less Of A Boys Club

By Luke Winkie, 13 March 2019

When-23-year-old Jess Estephan made history with her team as the first woman to win a Magic: The Gathering Grand Prix last year, press and the Wizards of the Coast mothership were thrilled. Grands Prix are the largest Magic tournaments in the world.over the course of three days, aspiring pros descend upon a convention hall to grind through a grueling Swiss bracket for cash prizes and promo cards. You.d think Estephan would be equally as elated.but that’s not how she described the first few days after her victory.

Quick Question #8: What card are you most looking forward to playing at the Prerelease next ...

Fat. Unruly hair indicates mental instability. Eyebrows are thicker on the inside, suggesting good attention to detail which MTG requires… but they might be fake eyebrows. Clothing suggests she’s familiar with Goth subculture.

.After we won, I was not happy,. she wrote in a blog post for Magic community conclave Channel Fireball four months later. .I spent days having panic attacks and feeling terrified whenever a notification popped up on my phone. I turned my phone off to try and concentrate on work. I begged friends to stop showing me the hateful comments. I closed my DMs on Twitter and unfollowed people to revoke messaging privileges…I was called fat and ugly, with many iterations of both. I was told I didn’t deserve the attention and the win because I wasn’t a photogenic physical ideal. In other words, screw the hard work I’d put in.I wasn’t pretty enough to be good at a game I loved..

That’s either shameless lying or she revealed something while the press was swooning over her victory as mentioned in the previous paragraph. Women who win in male events get lots of POSITIVE attention from the Betas, not NEGATIVE. Especially since she had, by her own implicit admission, already granted these purported Neanderthals messaging privileges.

Jessica Estephan Becomes First Woman To Win A Magic: The Gathering Grand Prix ? Sound Books

Do either of her co-winners look like they’re about to fat-shame (or win-shame) her? That’s a frickin’ nu-male Bonobo on the right! Complete with lean-in body language.

The shock and trauma of the championship sent her into a doleful state.not eating or sleeping, and feeling far less confident than usual. What eventually rallied Estephan were the spare messages of encouragement from other women that share her dream. They reminded her that no matter what anyone else says, she’s the one with the Cup.

Okay, then: shameless lying. “I’m a victim because I won the tournament!”

.It reminded me of why I’d started doing all of this in the first place. If I gave up now, they.d win,. continued Estephan. .On a personal level, I promised myself that I’d take this and become a better person too. At this point, I’d spent a lifetime trying to prove myself. To whom or what? To everyone who told me I couldn.t..

Female territory marking, check. Female envy of men, check. Weaponized victimhood, check. Entitled fat chick, check.

Today, Estephan is undeterred. She’s inked a sponsorship deal to stream the free-to-play Magic The Gathering: Arena, Wizards of the Coast’s ambitious attempt to buy into the esports industry and supplant Hearthstone as Twitch’s card game du jour.

That’s exactly what I would do in an industry full of people who hate me so much that my health failed: become a professional, highly-visible announcer and talking head. Because if I quit and did something fun instead then the Saudi terrorists would win.

But her fraught rise to fame is an effective symbol of what Wizards finds itself up against as we enter Magic’s 26th year as a commercial product: Estephan remains a stark minority in her field.

Thank God. One fat Goth skank is one too many. My own game store remains a stubbornly male space despite the efforts of fugly entryists and thirsty Omegas.

Mark Rosewater, head designer for Magic: The Gathering, estimated in 2015 that 38 percent of the game’s playerbase identifies as female. Despite that, Meghan Wolff, a community voice and organizer, ballparked that women constituted between “one and five percent” of the game’s competitive scene. In December, when Wizards of the Coast unveiled the roster for the first season of its ambitious Magic Pro League, each of the 32 invitees were men. There’s a roadblock somewhere in the ecosystem. What happens to the other 32-plus percent?



Meghan Wolff (@MegTheWolff) | Twitter

I kinda expected this from how “Meghan Wolff” spells her name. Aren’t weirdly intentional misspellings of names supposed to be a black thing? Maybe it’s actually a feminism thing.

I don’t play MTG because one, it’s too much like work, and two, my closest friend who used to play tells the story of how he sold his card deck (at a loss) for enough cash to buy a new truck. But the physiognomy of its faces just made me a Reason Number Three.

Simone Aiken, a lifelong Magic player, has a highly specific approach to the problem of increasing women’s participation in Magic tournaments: If more women play, more women will win.

And if more gerbils played Magic then more gerbils would win tournaments? Or are the biological differences between men and gerbils significant enough that gerbils just aren’t going to rise to the top even if they do learn how to shuffle a deck?

GP New Jersey Day 1 Highlights | MAGIC: THE GATHERING

Simone “Mr. T” Aiken. I didn’t find a pic of her hands for confirming testosterone levels. I’ve begun noticing a new female trend of wearing her hair long in front on one side and hidden in back on the other side. The effect is a Skrillex haircut without the commitment of actually shaving her head. The first woman I saw it on was an emotional vampire and I wouldn’t be surprised if that was true here.

Aiken.s approach has roots in a study the Royal Society published in 2009. Its conclusion is that the lack of female chess grandmasters can be almost entirely blamed on participation rates. If you plot the raw numbers of men and women competing in competitive chess on a bell curve, the stats shake out evenly independent of demographics. .In chess, there’s 16 men for every woman. That’s way better than Magic. We have 50 men for every woman,. she said, over the phone. .You’re not going to see very many women at the top of chess simply because the population is smaller. The study said that 96 percent [of the disparity] was completely explainable by relative numbers, as if you were taking left-handedness, or green eyes..

This argument is based on probability. If there’s no biological difference in chess ability then this would be true. However, the fact of there being a 16:1 participation ratio even at the lowest tier of performance (wanting to play at all) strongly indicates a profound sexual difference in interest level alone.

But we know from government decree that there’s no biological differences between men and women. Therefore, there must be an invisible force of Male Privilege that keeps amazingly smart and coincidentally, very masculinized women from being chess grandmasters.

Speaking of Male Privilege Force Fields,

It.s a revelation that shouldn’t come as a surprise unless you believe in the questionable phrenology of the superior Male Gamer Brain, but it’s given Aiken a concrete target: Increase the basic participation rates in Magic tournaments, and non-male winners will follow. Simple as that. It’s a reassuringly approachable formula.

So in 2017, she started Play It Forward, which could be reasonably described as a “Magic nonprofit.” Its praxis is simple; at every Grand Prix, Play It Forward offers a supplementary prize for women and nonbinary competitors: Of that group, the player who makes it the farthest takes home a custom-designed playmat and is immortalized on the Play It Forward website.

I bet her nu-male Bonobo co-winner already signed up. Which illustrates her imminent problem: any cis-man can claim her Special Privilege by trading in his man card. Which in turn is the true priority of the devil in this context, convincing us to deny that God made us male and female.

This is a standard entryism strategy. First make an optional alternative to normalize the deviancy, then make it mandatory.

If the mechanics and metagaming of Magic aren’t keeping women out of the competitive scene, the blame likely falls on issues of social bias. Autumn Burchett, a nonbinary player who won the Mythic Championship 1 in Cleveland back in February, said via email that it’s always going to be an alienating experience to be one of the very few non-male players at a tournament. .This leads to women and non-binary people not going to competitive Magic events, which in turn makes it hard for them to start attending the next set of events when they see that the situation hasn’t improved at all,. they said. Burchett explained that this environment brings out unfortunate cultural deterrents.

You didn’t have to be a freak, “Autumn”, unless you have an extremely rare chromosomal disorder. First you chose to be a freak, now you’re upset that people treat you like a freak. Get over yourself, you freak.

.For example, I’ve heard stories of women being unable to find players they trust that they can share hotel rooms with because the men who they.d be sharing with have girlfriends that would be uncomfortable with this,. they continued. .The women players in this scenario can’t room with others as easily as a result and end up having to pay a lot more for accommodation, which presents an economic barrier that affects men less and means that women on average aren’t able to afford to attend as many tournaments. These sorts of barriers are really subtle and hidden until you’re actually in that position or know someone who has been..

The female desire for Free Stuff rears its ugly head and vomits shameless lies. Male Magic players don’t have girlfriends and female strangers don’t approach them with offers of sharing her hotel room for a tournament weekend. Since when is it an “economic barrier” to pay for your own lodging?

This is what Aiken is trying to change. She wants to counter those negative incentives with something that non-male players can get excited about the next time they’re at a weekend GP.

.Most of us are the best women players in our local communities, and we’re kind of used to being the best woman in the room. You get lazy. It’s a trap of low expectations. Everyone says, .Oh yeah, Simone is amazing,. and there’s this unspoken, .for a girl.” You internalize it,. she said. .[Now] you’re motivated, you want to come out, because you want to get the playmat, or some are trying to get their second. You see huge changes. I hear people saying, .Before, I only went to one Grand Prix a year, and now I’m going to three or four.” Even if we’re not getting new players, the best guys are going to 15 to 20 GPs. So we’re getting a larger population and greater participation..

Of course those institutional problems shouldn’t distract from some of the more direct prejudices. Talk to any women in Magic, and they can recall a bad attitude, or a lecherous intention, that’s turned them off from the scene. Those experiences add up. It’s hard to fall in love with a game without a sense of solidarity from your practice partners, which can have a chilling effect on the global Magic competitive field.

Now hypergamy rears its ugly head. “I forced myself uninvited into this male space with help from LGBT organizations, industry leaders and the news media but now it’s eww, there’s unsexy cis-men everywhere staring at my boobs! Make them stop, Congressperson!”

Where demographics particularly swoon, explains Aiken, is in card games like poker and Magic. Not only is the environment in a card room less inviting than an open range, but a significant part of success in Magic is left up to chance. That opens the door to some uncharitable interpretations regardless of whether a woman wins or loses a match. .You can try your hardest, you can play perfectly, and you can still lose. And when you lose, and you’re the woman, you’re going to have a lot of people saying, .It’s not because mana screw happens, it’s because you’re bad at Magic,.. she said. “And when you win… You get people writing you nasty emails about how you totally lucked out..

Now the female preference for cooperative play rears its ugly head.

Teresa Pho, an aspiring Magic pro in Cincinnati who attended her first Grand Prix in 2017, cut to the root of these issues when I called her to ask if there’s anything specific about the competitive Magic infrastructure she.d like to see improved for women. In short, she’s looking for a role model.

.I think a lack of mentorship is a barrier for women,. said Pho. .I think it’s really hard for us to find other good, competitive players that want to see us grow and succeed and hit that really high-level place. That’s an area that’s really lacking..

Now the demand for disposable male mentors. This is like a Manosphere Greatest Hits of Women Ruin Everything.

It.s a self-fulfilling prophecy. Demographic barriers keep women from getting started in competitive Magic, which means precious few women orbit to top-of-tournament brackets. When Pho got her start, there wasn’t the same bulwark of pros willing to take her under their wing as there is for male pros. The situation is likely to stay that way until the same traditions and institutions are established for female players.and with it remains the question of what should be done.

Hitler called that the Jewish Question. These wimmin reached a similar conclusion:

Elaine Chase, the vice president of esports at Wizards of the Coast, is aware of all these issues. Representation is a corporate priority, she said in a call, and the company has made a concerted effort to increase the diversity of the on-camera interview and analysis talent of Magic tournament broadcasts. .We saw our numbers go up in those events, more women playing,. she explained. .We looked at our competitive structures themselves, and we put more emphasis on the community gathering [around Grands Prix]. The Grand Prix tournament is still the showcase of the event that happens that weekend, but tons of people show up that don’t even play. They’re there to meet friends, or do side events and things like that. The more that women show up, the more it becomes normalized..

Now the herd instinct rears its ugly head.

Elaine Chase. Another pseudo-Skrillex hairdo. The folds of her upper eyelids indicate chronic sexual/marital stress. It’s not natural for people to smile so wide that the entire mandible is visible, gums, molars and all.

Wizards has been trying to lay a groundwork for representation for at least the past few years. They even tapped two prominent women from the competitive scene, Jackie Lee and Melissa DeTora, to design and balance new cards. Those hirings were actually met with some mild, good-hearted abrasion from Magic players; two of the best women in the world, who exhibited the best chances for a non-male player to scale the competitive circuit, were plucked from organized play for good. (Chase understands that, but she reiterates how important it is to keep the internal culture of Wizards diverse.)

Diverse=no white cis-males. AKA their customer base.

When I reached out to Estephan for comment over email, she was adamant that she’s been mostly satisfied with how the company has established its ethics.

.[Wizards] really dedicated themselves to increasing both visibility and representation within the community at higher levels of play, which is really important. Seeing women both on coverage and on commentary has been wonderful, and a personal driver in my engagement within the competitive scene,. she wrote. .It would be great to see more women involved in high-level Magic, and to see more women competing. I believe that the aforementioned visibility and representation is a key to increasing these numbers..

However, that 32 men were invited to the Magic Pro League seemed incongruent with those ideals. For a game that’s been around for so long, it was strange that Wizards didn’t bridge the gender divide in one of their biggest competitive investments ever. Chase told me that this was a question she agonized over.

.It was very serious consideration. We had a lot of different approaches how to build that roster, but at the end of the day we decided to take the top-ranked players from last year. Starting from number one, and going down to 32,. she says. .It was very sad to us that there were no women in that list today. We’re trying to figure out what the MPL looks like next year. I very much want there to be women in next year’s MPL. I want there to be a system that encourages that kind of play. But for the very first time out, as we’re trying to transition from the tabletop world to the esports world, we thought it was important to take the top-ranked players..

Like Hitler, these wimmin are answering the Cis-Male Question with our extermination.

Her sentiment reminded me of what Estephan wrote in her blog post, about how being the center of attention.the first woman on the moon.was for more harrowing than it was rewarding. I brought the quandary to Chase: How worried was she about putting a woman in that same position?

.It was a key part of our decision making. We actually talked to a female Magic player as we were forming the MPL, if we could fit her in. If we could fit others in. How we could make that work,. continues Chase. “And ultimately, her feedback was, if we are going through a system where we’re picking number one to 32, and we have to dip down to number 200 on that list, it would deem her a grave disservice. It would be setting her up to be a target of you’re only here because. And it would derail all the positive things you’re trying to do. So ultimately, we moved away from it. It was tough for us..

Aiken, who has committed an entire organization to fighting the raw statistical balance in Magic representation, shared the sentiment. As she works tirelessly to bring equity to competitive Magic, the number one thing she’s concerned with is not being cruel.

Now care-based morality rears its ugly head.

.It would depend on who they chose. It would vary wildly. I think one [woman player] would be a mistake. If you were going to do it, you.d want at least three,. she says. .It’s like, if I’m the only woman at a thing, and I top-8, that says one thing. If I’m the only woman and I hit the middle, that says another thing. If I’m the only woman and I finish at the bottom, that says another. If you do one, you’re putting intense pressure on her to represent all women. She has no cover. That’s going to degrade her happiness and her performance..

Given what Estephan went through, it is perhaps unsurprising that she concurred: .It would have been met poorly by the community as a whole and made it only harder for competitive female players to be taken seriously..

For the love of God and Country and your own cushioned asses, if you’re afraid to win then don’t fight. Oh, wait, they’re aren’t being afraid to win. They’re afraid of winning so little that people think it’s a fluke. The entire ranking system must be Converged! Their enablers are on the job:

Wizards of the Coast is currently trying to fix the imbalance in other ways. At the forthcoming PAX East in April, the company will host the Mythic Invitational.pitting the MPL roster against a variety of invited streamers and personalities, including seven women. (One of them is Jess Estephan.) The reaction from the community was mixed. Some players were irked that spots in a tournament with a million dollar prize pool were being offered up to Twitch stars and casual players, rather than the people grinding away in the tournament slag mines.

The paying customer revolt begins.

There were also some reports that the streamers in question had deactivated their socials to shield themselves from vitriol. Integration in the MPL, if and when it does happen, is going to be an uphill battle.

Then why force the issue? MTG is currently the second most profitable game in human history while having as low a percentage of female winners as the #1 most profitable game in human history. Why is the latter so critically important to the game’s makers that they’ll risk the former?

How can listening to the rebellious Eve be so much more rewarding than life in harmony with God in Eden? MTG is a printing press of money but no, the Wizards of the Coast would rather sniff skank twat.

.The thing is, the vast majority of the Magic community shares the same ideals that Wizards of the Coast does. The vast majority of the community is awesome, and welcoming, and supportive,. says Chase. .When you move things out to the internet, when you have a community as large as Magic, you’re never going to get 100 percent of people that all believe the same thing. The problem with harassment is that it only takes a couple hundred..

.To me, that’s the question of the human condition..

The Convergence of Magic: the Gathering will not stop until there’s not even a couple hundred dissidents left among the paying customers. Get woke, go broke.


Jordan Peterson Expounds On the Devil’s Agenda

Hat tip to Vox Day for this transcript of Jordan Peterson speaking at a Trilateral Commission meeting in November 2018. However, what VD dismisses as bafflegarble is actually a coherent statement of how modern democracy should be harnessed for the Satanic goal of world government… once you get past the doublespeak and factor in the context of a globalist power meeting.

Instead of a fisking, this will be my translation of Jordan Peterson’s statements. His words are italicized and my personal observations are in brackets. It’s rather bold to tell people what a popular figure actually said in a public speech but Peterson speaks specifically to not be understood by his enemies.

Q: What can we do in order for democracy to survive? So I would like that to be the main theme for our conversation and I can simply leave it with an advance, and ask you, so what does it take, and, and what can you do?

Q; What can we globalists do to maintain control of the Converging democratic process?

A: Well, I should tell you first what I’ve been talking to people about. So my wife and I have been on a hundred-city tour since January, and I’ve spoken to about 250,000 people over the course of that in Australia, New Zealand, and throughout the U.S. and Canada. Some in Europe, mostly in the UK, in the Scandinavian countries, I’m coming back here in March, then to go through the South in them and the East.

[Thus establishes that for today’s purposes, we’re talking about the Western world.]

When I speak to audiences I always watched people one by one because I never speak to the crowd and always listened to the entire audience, because what I’m trying to manage when I’m speaking is to put everybody in the same place so that there’s dead silence. Because if there’s dead silence, that means that everybody’s concentrating on the same thing and that everybody has come to a collective agreement that that thing is up substantive importance, and the most reliable means of silencing an audience of 2,500 people, regardless of where that is around the world, is to make a strong case for the relationship between suffering, meaning, and responsibility.

Translation, if we punish dissent then nobody interrupts and we have the appearance of consensus. This is an example of what I’m about to say.

And the, the case for suffering, I think, is quite obvious, because one of the things that I point out to my listeners is that life has a tragic element and we all are perfectly aware of that, and then we’re subject to that as fragile and finite creatures, and that, that tragic element is amplified by the human proclivity for malevolence, psychological level and at a social level and that’s the reality that we find ourselves confronted with, eternally in some sense, and that the proper antidote to that is not the pursuit of happiness, and it’s not even the existence of the individual rights that are part of the substructure of democratic society, but the willingness to accept voluntary responsibility for those preconditions and then working to rectify them. And the corollary of that is that it’s almost inevitably the case that people find the meaning that sustains themselves through suffering, and that enables them to be motivated sufficiently to constrain their own malevolence is to be found in the adoption of responsibility, and it’s surprising that a message that has that much weight, let’s say, and that little frivolity, because there’s no frivolity, let’s say, in that silence, is people, can democracy survive?

The case for suffering is obvious. Life is suffering, we all know this, and inflicting suffering upon each other is normal human behavior. People do not respond to feelings of hope or lofty principles, they seek pleasure and avoid pain. Democracy works when it gives people the ability to inflict suffering upon their neighbor in order to escape their own suffering.

Corollary: people find meaning and motivation in their suffering. Therefore, they can be taught to lick the boot that kicks them… to value democracy even when it brings them ruin.

Well, first of all, if you ask the typical person in the democratic society whether they would like it to survive you’re going, the resounding answer to that, it’s going to be yes. The people who are working to undermine it are a tiny radical fringe on both ends of the political distribution, let’s say, with a disproportionate amount exposure and power, and the people in the middle are lost in some sense without a uniting narrative. And a huge part of the narrative that is united democratic countries, since their foundation isn’t the doctrine of rights, and it’s not the doctrine of individual happiness, it’s the doctrine that the individual is the sovereign foundation of the, of the polity, and maybe of the cosmos itself, which is something that I happen to believe given the important rule that consciousness plays in existence itself, and that it’s useful and necessary to call to people to remind them of their responsibility as sovereign individuals.

As an example of licking the boot, if you ask most people if they like modern democracy then they’ll say yes. The people undermining this happy situation are inconsequential fringe dwellers who yet manage to be existential threats to our Narrative. They typically insist that the purpose of democracy is individual happiness, a law-abiding society or some other goal counter to the Narrative, that is, the New World Order.

The way to defeat this threat is reminding people that the individual is to be sovereign. It sounds good to people, sounds useful and necessary, when in fact it de-legitimizes any organization that could be a threat to us.

And so I’m encouraging people to adopt, to develop a vision for their life, to adopt full responsibility for themselves, in a manner, and not in a manner that’s that pertains specifically to their narrow self-interest or happiness, but to something that’s much broader in scope, to think that each person should take on the voluntary requirement to take care of themselves, but also their future self, because each of us is a collective that stretches across time. And whatever you do impulsively in the present merely means that you sacrifice yourself in the future, and that’s not a sustainable or intelligent solution, and you want to take on a responsibility for yourself and your future selves in a way that’s of maximal benefit to your family, if you can manage that, and then, perhaps, if there’s something left over in terms of your capability, then you can do both of those things in a way that maximally supports and serves the community. And for many young people that’s something they’ve never heard is that we’d be in a very bad case too, we’ve made a very bad case, all of us, I would say.

We must preach responsibility to the people in order to override their narrow self-interest or happiness. Teach them that living for their personal benefit today will be harmful to them tomorrow [climate change]. They must sacrifice themselves for their families, for their communities, ultimately, for us. It would be fatal for any of them to believe that what we do ought to be beneficial to them. [MGTOW]

I would say that each of these people, each person has that sovereign responsibility, and that if they adopt it, that actually constitutes something of singular importance, and that’s an old religious idea, in some sense, that each person has a soul, let’s say, that is somehow a center of reality itself, and that that needs to be manifested in life itself, and that if it isn’t manifested, then something of tremendous value is not brought forward. And worse, and this is the end of the case, let’s say, and worse, to the degree that that’s not brought forward then something hellish moves in to take its place.

Remember that “do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law”. If we do not manifest this innate rebelliousness in the people then our own rebellion against the old institutions is imperiled.

And people understand this sort of thing a lot more clearly than you might think, if you explain it to them as if they might understand, and then it gives them a seriousness of purposeness that straightens out their life. And so my sense is the way that you revivify democracy is by remembering its fundamental insistence that the individual is at the cornerstone of the state, and then everything you can possibly do to fortify the individual, simultaneously, the individual is the eyes of the state, the living individual is the eyes of the dead state, and the living individual revivifies the state.

People know they have this innate rebelliousness. Convincing them that it’s a virtue to be embraced, not a vice to be controlled [evolutionary psychology], is the cornerstone of our New World Order.

And to the degree that we forget our concentration on the sovereignty of the individual, right, the divine sovereignty of the individual, for that matter, then we undermine the foundation on which democracy is based and then people look for alternatives. They search for meaning elsewhere, extremist movements of one form or another, or they collapse into a kind of nihilism that’s completely counterproductive. And so, well, so that’s been my experience.

Again, we MUST preach that the individual is sovereign! If we don’t then the people begin searching for meaning and purpose outside the democracy Narrative. They discover God or history or other forms of objective reality, all enemies of the Narrative, or they see their wicked soul for what it truly is and despair. Very unproductive.


Pastor John Gray’s Emotional Affair

Remember the pastor who bought his wife a $200,000 Lamborghini in December? He announced a marriage conference at his megachurch in January shortly after admitting he & his wife have been considering divorce for two years. Now in March, he’s confessed to having an emotional but not physical relationship with another woman… and Oprah Winfrey doesn’t count.

The previous story here:

We begin.

After being on brink of divorce, Pastor John Gray and wife to host relationship conference

By Leonardo Blair, 4 January 2019

Months after megachurch pastor John Gray revealed that he and his wife were on the verge of getting a divorce, the couple announced that they will be hosting a relationship conference, billed .Align,” at their South Carolina church next month.

I didn’t know at the time of my previous post that Pastor Gray had already been openly discussing divorce, although it comes as no surprise.

.ONE OF THE MOST IMPACTING RELATIONSHIP CONFERENCES OF 2019! Join me @myrelentlesschurch and let’s bring in the New Year with a new you! Register for the @thealignconference happening February 7-9th, 2019. Married, singled or divorced, this relationship conference has something specifically for you,. Gray and his wife announced on Sunday via their Instagram accounts.

The conference announcement comes weeks after the celebrity preacher, who leads Relentless Church in Greenville, was forced to defend his decision to purchase his wife a $200,000 Lamborghini Urus for their eighth wedding anniversary.

Gray cited Ephesians 5 as part of the fuel that drove him to lavish Aventer with the expensive gift.

*checks* Per the following links, the conference is Thursday, Sept. 12 evening and Saturday, Sept. 14 morning. Nothing on Friday or Sunday? I’m confused if this is a second conference in 2019 or if it’s only registration that happened in February.


Let’s see if their marriage lasts long enough for them to tell others how to do marriage right. I have doubts. So does the Christian Post:

It also comes months after he admitted to his church that he had marriage troubles. Last summer, Gray opened up about their marital challenges explaining that for about two years they had been contemplating divorce.

.What they didn’t see is that for the last two years we weren’t sure if we would even make it. This is what the people saw,” he said while fake smiling, “but they didn’t see the tears at night. They didn’t see the times when one of us was sleeping on the couch because the argument. We had to keep smiling because even though we were struggling and even though I was failing as a husband, I was already in front of the people and the people can’t receive my brokenness because where do leaders go when they bleed? Because sheep don’t do well with blood so I had to bleed alone,. Gray said.

This is exactly why I want pastors to stop their pathetic AMOGing in the spotlight. Once they accept they’re just like us laymen, merely doing a different job, and they’re nothing special, then they’ll be able to relax and trust us, and we’ll be able to help them out, each according to our God-given gifts. I don’t demand this because I’m jealous of their “success”, as if I’d ever accept an invitation to appear on the Oprah Freaking Winfrey Network. I demand this because I want the best for God, them and me. This kind of burnout is avoidable.

Despite their problems, Gray said God kept moving in their ministry.

.What.s strange is that I traveled the whole world and the Holy Ghost showed up and me and my wife just kept smiling and nobody knew that we were getting ready to get a divorce. Because as long as I kept producing nobody cared what was happening at home. Because as long as we can use you, we will and when you fail we’ll find someone else. Just do me a favor, keep smiling, keep producing, fly all over the world, fight for everybody else’s family while your own marriage is falling apart. While your kids are crying for you every night, wondering when daddy’s coming home but you’re doing the best you can to provide,. he said.

Was anybody allowed to care whether your home was in good order? You just finished admitting you couldn’t trust anybody to see your weakness.

Gray didn’t specify how he failed as a husband but he explained that when his wife discovered that he had started “listening to the wrong voices and let some people get too close ” she set it off just like a good wife should..

Aventer Gray then revealed to the congregation that she chose not to leave her husband despite being upset by her husband’s unspecified actions. She refused to allow the devil to have her marriage.

Whoa, they were doing this together on stage?

.I prayed for them and him and then the devil loses,. she said to applause. .’Cause what’s not gonna happen is you tell me that I’m gonna lose my purpose because somebody whispered to a 16-year-old John? The devil is a liar. I’m staying with my husband and you can go back to the pits of Hell where you came from.”

She added, “So you want me to leave my husband because you spoke to the 16-year-old that couldn’t get a date? And he listened. So I’m supposed to leave my husband because you spoke to a place of brokenness that had not yet been submitted back to the Father? But because I know the tricks of the enemy and I’m learning them every day, I can stand here in boldness for everybody that tried to sneak in, thank you, because I got closer to God because of it. I got in that word . come on devil, you don’t want it with me.”

The BITCH! Sigh, John, you need major, major help. I’m talking cult deprogramming help. The wimminz who raised you, plus your wife, have completely mindfucked you into an empty shell of a kitchen bitch. Readers, what she’s talking about here is Pastor John’s self-description of how getting married turned him into a real man. Segue:

[John Gray] said, .I married a woman two sizes too big. I have to grow into Aventer. She’s a coat. I still can’t fit her. She’s bigger than me and she’s had to cover me while I grow up. I gotta grow into her. She’s a covering, not a lid. Because if a man marries a lid she.ll stop your dream. But if you marrying a covering, she.ll push you to your destiny. Let me tell you something, my wife has endured more pain birthing me than both of our children. She has sacrificed these last eight years, uncovering the painful areas of my manhood and covering the areas that could have exposed me..

Women aren’t men, John. They cannot teach a boy how to become a man. All that Aventer ever “taught” you was If Momma Ain’t Happy.

And she’s five sizes too big. No healthy-sized woman ever resorted to a trench coat:

That’s why Aventer talked about another woman getting involved with “the 16 year-old who couldn’t get a date”. The happy, free-willed, hopeful John who hadn’t yet learned his place in the matriarchal pecking order.

One should note that the reason John’s marriage is failing is because he can no longer meet his wife’s ever-ratcheting demands. Not because he’s actually done anything wrong. However, he internalizes all the blame as he’s been raised to do. This dysfunction will continue under positive feedback to its inevitable conclusion. John is currently at Stage 8, trying to do all work and all kids at the same time under his wife’s stiletto heel:

Le mariage au 21ème siècle

Back to the previous article,

Aventer Gray later spoke of a “strange woman.”

.I put Scripture on that strange woman,” she shouted. “I put Scripture on that strange woman. She don’t want it with me and she don’t want it with y.all, amen!.

That’s not how Scripture works, Aventer. It couldn’t even stop you from unlawfully claiming to be a pastor. And because Gray isn’t a natural lounge lizard, if he’s looking to other women it’s because you are failing as a wife.

In fact, John is very obviously a low-level, henpecked Delta. My previous post established he also felt guilty for how his father & grandfather treated women, while being raised by women. He’s got a martyr complex wider than Asia.

She noted that she indeed was heartbroken and had him sleep on the couch, among other things. But she did not want to give up on her marriage.

She had him sleep on the couch. In HIS home. Among OTHER THINGS! But she did not want to give up on his money her marriage. Lamborghinis are nice.

“However, when the word is inside of you and you know what your position is, everything else is false. I know who I am. I am the rib that God took from him. I’m his rest in brokenness . RIB . rest in brokenness,. she said as the congregation shouted and applauded.

Your husband disagrees, if he’s looking at another woman to cope with the stresses of dealing with you. You pushed too hard, witch; your husband has given up on ever being able to please you. Cue the infidelity, yours or his, that triggers the inevitable divorce.

Speaking of infidelity,

Pastor John Gray Says He Never Had Sexual Relations With “That Strange Woman.

Pastor John Gray Says He Never Had Sexual Relations With ‘That Strange Woman’

Back in January, Pastor John Gray appeared to confess that he had an affair with a “strange woman.” His wife, Aventer Gray even said, .I put Scripture on that strange woman! She don’t want it with me and she don’t want it with y.all, amen!.

Now, Gray is saying he didn’t cheat at all and only had an emotional affair.

.Over a year ago, my wife and I were in a very difficult place in our marriage, and in that time, I began to converse with someone . other than a counselor, other than a pastoral leader, which is where I should have taken my issues and challenges . and began to converse, and I was even in the presence of that person one time,. Gray said while talking to the ladies of “The Real” on Monday. “But being in the presence of someone is not the same as sleeping with them. I did not sleep with anyone..

He also addressed rumors that he got a woman pregnant.

.There’s no baby, none of that. It’s important for me to take responsibility for the areas where I did come up short,. he said. .Sharing things about my marriage, outside of my wife and outside of trusted counselors, is an emotional affair. It was wrong. I take responsibility for that. But I will not take responsibility for that which I did not do..

I’m inclined to believe him. John is obviously lonely and cracking under stress but part of his martyr complex involves not fathering children out of wedlock. Which is good as far as it goes. His failing is a very easy step for men whose wives are total pests. They remember the happy young days and it’s an easy trap to re-create them with a cute new thing who acts as if she likes him.

Gray feels guilty for being “in the presence of that person”. I’m pretty sure he means “getting approval from that person”. Female approval, after all, is the goal of his martyr complex. Having exhausted any chance of getting approval from his wife, he’s naturally looking elsewhere… and validation feels as good as sex because sex itself is a form of female validation when she’s free to ‘have a headache’.

Of course, this pattern would only have repeated had he indulged the emotional affair. His root problem is that damn martyr complex. Until that gets fixed, there is no solution, only reboots and eternal chasing of that hit of female approval… destined to end as soon as “she” gets her fangs into his wallet.



The Trinity Love Jones Murder has become my favorite source of investigative journalism. Their work on the Trinity Love Jones murder is solid… and confirms who murdered 9-year old girl Trinity, stuffed her into a duffel bag and tossed her on the roadside as surely for me as a jury of sex offender peers.

Police have “detained two persons of interest” but withheld their identities.

The story broke today just as I was proofing this post. Turbo speed,! Police have now filed formal charges against the usual suspects: bio-Mom and her new boyfriend.

Taquesta Graham, Trinity Jones’ Mother: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Taquesta Graham, who goes by the name “Dior Racks” on Facebook, is the mother of murdered child Trinity Love Jones. She has a serious criminal history and is a registered sex offender.

Her boyfriend, Emiel Hunt, a convicted child abuser, now stands accused of Trinity’s murder. Authorities announced those charges on March 12, 2019.

Cutting eyelids, probable sociopath. Previously reported on,

On Facebook, Trinity’s mom goes by the name of Dior Racks. She also indicated on Facebook that she was in a relationship with Hunt. In one Facebook post, Hunt posted a photo that called Dior Racks the “wifie” of Emiel Hunt. He wrote that they had been in a relationship since December 2017. She wrote under a Valentine’s Day photo with Emiel, .love you and this pic..

Emiel Hunt’s Facebook profile reads, .#DEFINITELY 1 OF THA REALEST (N word) TIL THIS DAY! 100%….

His top post is a ribald joke about R. Kelly in prison. He mostly shared other joking videos to his page. On her page, .Dior Racks. mostly posted selfies.

R. Kelly, real name Robert Sylvester Kelly is an American singer, songwriter, record producer, former professional basketball player, sex cult founder and child pornographer. A quote from his Wikipedia entry, emphasis mine:

While investigating the photographs reported in the Chicago Sun-Times, Polk County Sheriff’s Office conducted a search of Kelly’s residence in Davenport, Florida. During the search, officers recovered 12 images of an alleged underage girl on a digital camera . wrapped in a towel in a duffel bag . which allegedly depicted Kelly “involved in sexual conduct with the female minor.” According to the Chicago Sun-Times, the girl in the images obtained from Kelly’s Florida home also appears in the videotape which got Kelly indicted in Chicago. Kelly was arrested in January 2003 on those charges. In March 2004, these charges were dropped due to a lack of probable cause for the search warrants.

Trinity Jones, age 9, was probably murdered while Hunt reenacted this kiddie porn. At least Emiel Hunt probably wasn’t setting up his own sex cult. As the Heavy article continues:

Authorities say they found [Hunt] sleeping in a car at the San Diego airport. He’s a convicted child abuser out of San Diego, they say, a charge that dates to 2005.

He is the son of a church elder in San Diego. According to NBC San Diego, Hunt’s father begged him to attend church and change his life after his child abuse conviction in 2005, for which he spent significant time in prison.

That conviction was twelve years for felony child abuse and torture. No time off for good behavior, apparently. Or prison overcrowding. Or “first offense”.

.He wanted to do what he wanted to do and we have rules and regulations here. He couldn’t abide by rules and regulations so we don’t have any contact [for years],. Hunt’s father said to the station. .He needs help. If he did this, he needs help. I’ve already prayed for him..

Hunt doesn’t need help. Hunt needs his internal organs processed into dog food. Sad to say, not even child torture could get Hunt the death penalty in modern California. Our corruptocrats are so afraid of being punished with death for their own crimes that they are no longer willing to punish any evildoer with death.

Taquesta Jones the bio-mom has not yet been charged, possibly because she has outstanding warrants.

Taquesta Graham, 28, is a registered sex offender. KTLA reported that Trinity’s family members “want to know why the girl was allowed to be in the custody of her mother, Taquesta Graham, who is a registered sex offender. They also want to know more about Graham’s boyfriend, Emiel Hunt..

That was probably bio-dad Antonio Jones. He was the one who cooperated with police, identifying Trinity’s body by a chipped tooth and donating DNA for confirmation. Taquesta didn’t even file a missing persons report.

According to California’s sex offender registry, Taquesta Graham is a registered sex offender for the offense of enticing a minor female for prostitution. Her conviction was in 2009 and her release was in 2016. San Bernardino County court records say she received a suspended prison term, time served in jail, and probation. There was a hearing to revoke her probation. The charges involved a minor under age 16.

Sigh, pussy pass strikes again.


A quote from her Facebook account in 2016: .My momma didn’t raise a fool. A f*cking psycho maybe, but no fool..


A court order to not get friendly with male strangers. Typical for convicted prostitutes. Also typical in general for countries that expect their women to behave. Also typical for women who don’t want road maintenance workers to find their bodies in a shallow grave. It’s like we men had a good reason for oppressing women in the ways we did.

In 2010, Graham was accused in San Bernardino County of living in a house “of ill fame” and disorderly conduct . prostitution. She received a fairly short jail term. … She also has charges in Fresno County, including a warrant and accusation of loitering.

2009, a suspended sentence for prostitution. 2010, fresh charges of prostitution. Is anybody surprised that refusing to punish crime is ineffective rehabilitation? Maybe all whores should be locked up until they hit the Wall at age 40. But that still wouldn’t stop them from getting elected to Congress after 40.

In a Facebook Live post, [bio-dad] Antonio Jones thanked people for showing love and support for his daughter. .That was my baby they found,. he said.

His youngest of three daughters, making him an apparent DODO. More details are not available, likely because of age issues. It’s possible he was Taquesta’s john but Trinity had his name, raising questions of adoption or an amazingly brief marriage.

This story is a typical scene for the black community and increasingly common in the white community. Our government’s willful destruction of marriage continues to have predictable and inhuman consequences. Which explains why child predators are no longer treated with ruthless efficiency. If the monsters who take advantage of the fatherless deserve to die, how much more the politicians who deliberately made them fatherless so this predation could happen?


MGTOW Life: Who Will They Tax While We’re Gone?

ROBOTS, of course! Because automation is totally not something that men do. Move over, Donald Trump, my comic relief now comes from Astroturf Ocasio-Cortes.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: .We should be excited about automation.

In a talk at SXSW, the New York Congresswoman notes that automation is a net positive when the government offers a social safety net.

By Katherine Schwab, 9 March 2019

Robots have put half a million people out of work in the United States, and researchers estimate that bots could take 800 million jobs by 2030. But New York congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says that widespread automation is an exciting long as some kind of government safety net is in place to equitably help the people who are displaced.

Thus proving that the female priority is gathering resources, not giving a damn about the men who produce resources.

At the SXSW Conference in Austin, Texas, today, Ocasio-Cortez attributed widespread fear of robots taking jobs to the failure of underlying systems that should mitigate income inequality and economic precariousness. .We should not be haunted by the specter of being automated out of work,. she says. .We should not feel nervous about the tollbooth collector not having to collect tolls. We should be excited by that. But the reason we’re not excited about it is because we live in a society where if you don’t have a job, you are left to die..

It’s great motivation. Wimminz don’t realize, men don’t clock in the long hours and hard work strictly because it’s fun. We too would rather put our feet up and waste time blogging on the Net, albeit with fewer selfies. Thinking about the coming winter is rewarding in the long run. Thinking about the small-chested commissar waiting to execute us behind the wood shed after it’s full, not so much.

Of course, our welfare hammocks are full to bursting of never-been-fatter residents. The only people being left to die these days are *checks suicide rates* middle-aged white men. The most profitable and apparently, least desirable demographic.

So how do you ensure that automation doesn’t decimate the working class? Ocasio-Cortez cited Bill Gates’s idea that you could tax robots at 90%. (Of course, she says, this really means “taxing corporations at 90%, but it’s easier to say, .tax a robot!’.) Another proposal suggests that those who are displaced would receive a universal basic income, an idea that a 2018 Gallup poll found was supported by 68% of Democrats and 28% of Republicans.

OF COURSE! GENIUS! Give the jobs of men to robots and tax the the robots instead! That will free men for lots more leisure time than we’re currently getting. We should automate everything and live in a paradise of endlessly puttering with 3d printers in our garages like our Chevy pickups from the good old days of stainless steel land yachts.

Sigh, who am I kidding? Astroturf is just another HUA UBI POS chanting “then we’ll tax that, too! Then we’ll tax that, too!” Wimmin want men gone and think that our replacements can be taxed as easily as us. Never mind that we’re the only sex capable of building, maintaining and operating robots. Barbie wants her money and if she can’t squeeze it out of a man, she’ll squeeze it out of an automated turnip.

.Whether its a tax rate, whether it’s distributing wealth that’s created by automation.if we approach solutions to our systems and start entertaining ideas like that, then we should be excited about automation because of what it could potentially mean,. she says.

She painted a picture of what automation should do for society if government systems ensured that the wealth it creates lifted everyone up instead of just a select few: It would enable people to spend more time on education, creating art, and scientific research and invention..more time enjoying the world we live in,. Ocasio-Cortez said to cheering crowds. .Not all creativity needs to be bonded by wage..

People = wimmin

Select few = the men who get shit done

Education = female empowerment

Creating art = selfies + gossip

Scientific research = invading male spaces

Creativity bonded by wage = tangible results

Let’s try that paragraph again.

She painted a picture of what automation should do for society if government systems ensured that the wealth it creates lifted everyone up instead of just the men who get shit done: It would enable wimmin to spend more time on female empowerment, selfies, gossip, and invading male spaces..more time enjoying the world we live in,. Ocasio-Cortez said to cheering crowds. .Not all creativity needs to be bonded by tangible results..

Much better!

It.s the classic techno-futurist dream, one that Gates has also championed. But we don’t live in that world right now. .We should be working the least amount we’ve ever worked, if we were actually paid based on how much wealth we were producing, but we’re not,. she said. .We’re paid by how little we’re desperate enough to accept. And then the rest is skimmed off and given to a billionaire..

Who won’t pay a cent for your bucktoothed, arrogant twat. REEE! How dare those resources be gathered by a man that Astroturf must please before she’s allowed to tap them! First the workingmen kept the money we earned, now the factory owner keeps the money his robots earn! What about the wimmin, er, the children?

Communism always fails. The Communists always say that’s because they didn’t try hard enough. This time, they’re going to try hard enough by taxing robots until they’re as unprofitable to employ as a welfare rat on maternity leave. Ninety percent tax bracket!

Memo to Karl Marx, the worker is worth his wages. That means the unsexy men who do your work or alternatively, the robots built, maintained and operated by unsexy men who do your work. It doesn’t matter how you tax the productive, only that you’re punishing the productive on behalf of… those who believe in you.

That is why men are checking out and we might as well take our robots with us, hilarious as it is to watch government assess child support against a programmable ladder-logic controller.


Little Rock Officer Charles Starks Is Why Big Brother Doesn’t Work

There’s little point in setting up a surveillance state when the police who act upon the info are left hanging when they become politically inconvenient. Little Rock, Arkansas successfully used a license plate reader and a city’s worth of cameras to track down a stolen car. Officer Charles Starks was dispatched to make the arrest. He ended up mag-dumping into an extra-vibrant Dindu who decided to run over the uniformed cop to escape. Starks now faces murder charges and an overzealous FBI.–1/?news

Video released Thursday from a Feb. 22 police shooting that left a Little Rock man dead shows the first responding officer firing his weapon at least 15 times, including 12 times after he stepped in front of the car the victim is driving.

Thirteen days after officer Charles Starks made a traffic stop involving a stolen vehicle, the Little Rock Police Department released audio and video footage of the shooting that killed 30-year-old Bradley Blackshire.

Bradley Blackshire Arrest Photo

Bradley Blackshire’s 2016 mugshot for parole violations and failure to comply. Also:

August 2012: Possession of firearm/probation violation, resisting arrest

April 2015: Criminal trespass, probation violation

Oct. 2015: Nonpayment of traffic ticket, misdemeanor

April 2016: Contempt of court

Jan. 2018: Failure to pay child support $10k-$25k

Sept. 2018: Drug possession with intent to sell, possession of firearm, poss. of firearm and drugs at the same time, failure to pay a fine on a previous misdemeanor.

Feb. 2019 (not filed): Grand theft auto, Possession of firearm/probation violation, felony aggravated assault on a police officer, failure to comply (proved fatal)

And that’s just in this one county. Little Rock is a better place because this thugbait got lead poisoning.

Before releasing the video, [Mayor Frank] Scott allowed Blackshire’s family to view it and provided copies of it to attorneys for Starks and Blackshire’s family. Omavi Shukur, an attorney representing Blackshire’s family, said the video confirmed his office’s “assessment that the officer used an unreasonable amount of force when he fired into a slowly moving vehicle.”

Shukur, a Harvard-educated lawyer specializing in grievance politics and founder of Seeds of Liberation, a racist organization providing lawfare and political activism services. I doubt it’s a coincidence that the FBI got involved shortly after he did.

Blackshire died at the scene, according to previous reports.

According to procedure, the department placed Starks on administrative leave on Feb. 22. Four days later, the department confirmed that Starks had been relieved of duty, and had surrendered his gun and badge.

Officers placed on administrative leave can continue to work in some capacities at the department. Officers who are relieved of duty cannot.

Four days to recruit a high-end lawyer, perhaps?

Scott said FBI officials informed Little Rock police a “few” days after the shooting that they intended to review the investigation “from a civil-rights perspective.” Scott said he had no further information about the scope or purpose of the FBI’s review.

Does a “few” days mean four? Sounds like this Shukur has an entire harem of “please don’t call me racist” political dhimmis on speed-dial. The FBI has no jurisdiction here so they’re getting involved as a “favor” to Shukur.

On Monday, Blackshire’s family requested that the Arkansas State Police investigate the shooting. Scott said Thursday that the Police Department reached out to the state police, but the agency declined to investigate because it was called so long after the incident.

So far as I can find, the State police told him to go pound sand.

Bill Sadler, a spokesman for the Arkansas State Police, said his office declines to investigate use-of-force incidents on principle when the agency is not immediately called in. Taking on such a case would mean that investigators would have no access to the original shooting scene and the sources would have already been interviewed.

“We just weren’t there at ground zero, and that’s what you need to have an accurate investigation,” Sadler said.

The dashcam footage coming up plus the “victim’s” extensive history of drugs, violence and lawlessness should have made for a very short use-of-force review. That it didn’t is pure politics.

Shukur said he did not want to comment on the Blackshire family’s reaction to the video, but there was “nothing to indicate Mr. Blackshire knew why he was being approached by Starks in that manner.”

That’s not how police work. First cops take control of the scene, then they have a pleasant conversation with everybody. Turns out in this case that Blackie was illegally armed while driving his parents to dinner in a stolen car, which is exactly why police don’t do things the other way around.

Shukur said the next step for his office will be to wait for the prosecuting attorney to decide if filing criminal charges is appropriate in the case.

The spokesman and president of the Little Rock Black Police Officers Association did not return requests for comment Thursday evening.

Fortunately for Officer Starks, not every not-Negro authority figure involved is grabbing for his tiny little balls.

Ronnie Morgan, president of the Little Rock Fraternal Order of Police, said he and the union’s executive board watched the video before it was released on social media. In a news release last week, Morgan expressed support for Starks and his family. Morgan said Thursday that his position has not changed.

“We still feel the same way,” Morgan said. “We support officer Starks.”

The national Fraternal Order of Police offers insurance that provides legal assistance if an officer is involved in an incident while working in his official capacity, and Morgan said Starks, who is a Fraternal Order of Police member, has filed a claim with that agency.

The video. 7min-9min is the highlight. The preceding is an interesting insight into the surveillance state that cities are turning into.

Now that you have the facts, let’s cover how hard even a high-powered attorney like Shukur must reach to make this sound like it’s the cop’s fault.

Family of Bradley Blackshire, man killed by LRPD officer after traffic stop, calling for state police investigation

In a press conference Monday afternoon, civil rights attorney Omavi Shukur, representing the parents of Bradley Blackshire, shared details of the family’s “preliminary” investigation into Blackshire’s fatal shooting death on Feb. 22 by LRPD Officer Charles Starks and asked the community to come forward with any information or video footage of the incident…

Shukur, who is an attorney with the Chicago-based Loevy & Loevy civil rights law firm, said the family has seen “nothing that indicates” that Blackshire knew the car he borrowed the day of the shooting was stolen.

But Momma knew Blackie was a parolee and warned the cop that Blackie still had his gun when she got out. “Hey, Ma, just so you don’t panic, if the cops pull us over it’s because this ride is hot. Now where you want go for dinner? I’m driving.”

“What we do know is that Mr. Blackshire lawfully turned into the parking lot, backed into a parking space, and within seconds, was looking down the barrel of Starks’s gun,” Shukur said. “Mr. Blackshire was not given the dignity of being treated as if he was presumed innocent of the nonviolent crime that he was suspected of committing.”

The cops can lawfully presume that somebody operating a stolen vehicle knows it’s stolen.

Shukur said LRPD Officer Charles Starks, who has been relieved of duty by the department…

See, this is why optics matter. Being put on administrative leave is standard policy for officer-involved shootings but when the police brass decided to give in a little to pressure, Starks began looking guilty, friendless and vulnerable.

…did not ask Blackshire if he knew that the car he was driving was stolen upon pulling him over, but instead “immediately pointed his gun” at an “unsuspecting” Blackshire. Shukur said Blackshire’s car then began to roll forward, but “Mr. Blackshire did not slam on the gas, Mr. Blackshire did not run over Starks, he did not run over anybody.”


“The car was moving so slowly that when the fender of the car made contact with Starks. left thigh, Starks did not fall to the ground,” Shukur said.

Ladies and gentlemen, the best of Harvard Law.

“Starks remained standing and the car immediately stopped upon making contact with Starks’s left thigh.

One person cannot hold back a moving vehicle even at low speeds.

… When the car initially came to a stop, Starks did not move towards the driver’s side door and demand Mr. Blackshire to get out of the vehicle. Instead, Starks foolishly stepped in front of the vehicle and shot Mr. Blackshire repeatedly. The car then rolled slowly towards the back of the parking lot.”

This is the face of the new identity politics in America. Blacks were the ones to teach us “my race, right or wrong”. Someday, my people will learn that lesson. Or not, seeing as how the police chief and mayor didn’t quickly step up to defend a cop who got run over while ending the life of an armed drug dealer violating his parole for at least the third time.


Mollie Tibbetts. Electra Complex

This is the first case I’ve seen in which an accused, illegal immigrant criminal has formally demanded a jury of his homeland “peers”. But the real story is the victim’s father. No NPC meme can do this story justice!

Illegal Alien Accused of Murdering Mollie Tibbetts Requests Hispanic Majority Jury Pool

By John Binder, 4 March 2019

The illegal alien charged with murdering 20-year-old college student Mollie Tibbetts is now requesting that jury selection for the September trial be moved to a county in Iowa with a Hispanic majority population.

In August 2018, Bahena-Rivera, an illegal alien from Mexico, was charged with Tibbetts. murder after police said he admitted to confronting and chasing down the young woman after her body was found in a cornfield in Poweshiek County, Iowa. The illegal alien lived in a region of Iowa that was surrounded by sanctuary cities, as Breitbart News noted, and worked on a dairy farm using a stolen ID and Social Security card after allegedly crossing the U.S.-Mexico border as a child.

Surrounded by sanctuary cities? Huh, per the following link, Iowa is as sanc-timonious as New York. Powesheik County is east of Des Moines along the Interstate.

The yellow dots are sanctuary counties, the red dot is a sanctuary city, Iowa City. President Trump, is this not the face of insurrection?

Mollie Tibbetts - Bahena Rivera

In a motion filed by Bahena-Rivera.s attorneys and obtained by the Des Moines Register, the illegal alien requests that the jury selection be moved out of Poweshiek County . where the alleged murder took place . to a county in Iowa with a larger Hispanic population.

.Without venue where a minority population is substantially represented, [Bahena-Rivera] cannot be fairly tried and any jury pool chosen will have to be stricken,. the motion states, asking that the illegal alien’s Mexican nationality be taken into consideration when picking a new county for jury selection.

Bahena-Rivera.s attorneys claim .a fair and impartial trial cannot be preserved with a jury selected from [Poweshiek] county,. due to alleged negative perceptions of the Hispanic community in the area, the attorneys write citing online comments from news stories with no verification of whether the commenters live in the county.

The defense is also wanting to move jury selection to a minority-majority region…

This should be logically impossible.

…because they claim Hispanic witnesses are concerned for their safety about testifying on Bahena-Rivera.s behalf.

The lawyers who filed this should be disbarred in shame. The reason for change of venue requests are to avoid a tainted jury pool, for example a high-profile crime that was widely but locally circulated or a locally famous defendant. But the reason for this request is SPECIFICALLY to taint the jury pool! “They don’t feel safe cooperating with police near whites. They only feel safe living and working near whites. I hope Your Honor will grant this racially motivated request without bringing up race issues.”

The Founders’ intention of “jury of one’s peers” was to prevent professional juries. A subversion which has been floated by America’s termites many times during its history.

.These individuals fear reprisals from locals who hold strong opinions concerning Latinos following [Rivera] being charged,. the defense attorneys write.

The illegal alien’s attorneys said widespread media coverage of Tibbetts. alleged murder and national attention surrounding the case helped to “further fanning the flames of prejudice and jeopardizing the fairness of these proceedings against [Bahena-Rivera],. and therefore the jury selection should be moved to a more Hispanic dominated county.

Because Hispanics don’t follow the news, while their very presence in this country is dependent upon the outcomes of said news?

.The death of Ms. Tibbetts, it can be seen from this group, still very much remains in the forefront of the Poweshiek County community members. minds,. the defense attorneys write.

The population of Poweshiek County is only 19,000. A change of venue for that reason would be plausible (any crime in rural Corn World would be major news) but their true motivation came out in demanding a venue with lots of Mexican nationals.

The request to move jury selection to a minority-majority county is just the latest plea that Bahena-Rivera has made to the court. As Breitbart News reported, the illegal alien had initially requested that he not be called an “illegal alien” and his attorneys have said that he has a “constitutional right” to receive $5,000 in state taxpayer money to hire an independent investigative team for his defense.

Better idea: $5,000 of Mexican Embassy money.

According to prosecutors, Bahena-Rivera was the last person who saw Tibbetts jogging on the evening of July 18 in Brooklyn, Iowa, security camera footage reveals. That is the night Tibbetts went missing.

The illegal alien told police that Tibbetts was jogging when he saw her, according to prosecutors. That is when he said he approached Tibbetts and started talking to her. After Tibbetts told Bahena-Rivera that she would call the police if he did not stop following her, the illegal alien allegedly chased her and says he “blacked out” after this.

Just plead guilty, you fuckwitted vibrant.

Police believe Bahena-Rivera stabbed Tibbetts to death, then drove to a cornfield where prosecutors say Bahena-Rivera placed corn stalks over her to hide her body. The illegal alien has been held on a $5 million bond and the [first-degree] murder trial is set for September.

But wait, there’s more! The grieving family responded to Mollie’s death by taking in Rivera’s cousin-in-law after Rivera’s parents abandoned him while fleeing to Illinois.

The mother of Mollie Tibbetts, the University of Iowa student whose disappearance and killing attracted national attention, has taken in the son of Mexican immigrants who worked with her daughter’s accused killer, according to a Washington Post report.

In a story published Friday, the Post reported that Laura Calderwood has brought into her home Ulises Felix, a 17-year-old boy whose parents worked alongside murder suspect Cristhian Bahena Rivera at a dairy farm in Brooklyn, Iowa.

After Bahena Rivera’s arrest, Ulises’ parents fled town for Illinois and left behind their American son, a high school boy, according to the Post. When Mollie’s younger brother, Scott, asked Calderwood if they could take in Ulises, the 55-year-old woman wondered what her daughter would do, Post reporter Terrence McCoy wrote.

Ulises has been living in a spare bedroom in Calderwood’s house. Mollie’s brother, Scott, also lives there.

There are no words to describe this level of white guilt. Astonishingly, and not to be outdone by his ex-wife, Mollie’s father Rob Tibbetts wrote an opinion piece for the Des Moines Register begging people not to see her murder as an immigration issue.

Ten days ago, we learned that Mollie would not be coming home. Shattered, my family set out to celebrate Mollie’s extraordinary life and chose to share our sorrow in private. At the outset, politicians and pundits used Mollie’s death to promote various political agendas. We appealed to them and they graciously stopped. For that, we are grateful.

Yes, you should be allowed room to grieve. No, you do not get to pretend that this sort of thing is not directly relevant to illegal immigration. To their shame, some people can’t see a problem with xenophilia until blood gets shed. To YOUR shame, you can’t see a problem even then. And you forfeit your room to grieve when you went on public record voluntarily.

Why do my people have a death wish?

Sadly, others have ignored our request. They have instead chosen to callously distort and corrupt Mollie’s tragic death to advance a cause she vehemently opposed. I encourage the debate on immigration; there is great merit in its reasonable outcome. But do not appropriate Mollie’s soul in advancing views she believed were profoundly racist. The act grievously extends the crime that stole Mollie from our family and is, to quote Donald Trump Jr., .heartless” and “despicable..

Mollie is now violently dead but hey, nobody can say she was RAYYYCISSSS!

Make no mistake, Mollie was my daughter and my best friend.

Cuck confirmed.

At her eulogy, I said Mollie was nobody’s victim.

Leftoid confirmed. “Crime is society’s fault! Including my daughter’s premeditated murder!”

Nor is she a pawn in others. debate. She may not be able to speak for herself, but I can and will. Please leave us out of your debate. Allow us to grieve in privacy and with dignity. At long last, show some decency. On behalf of my family and Mollie’s memory, I’m imploring you to stop.

Throughout this ordeal I’ve asked myself, .What would Mollie do?.

Turbo-Cuck confirmed. Since when in human history has a man’s peak-SMV young daughter had better judgment than him?

As I write this, I am watching Sen. John McCain lie in state in the Capitol Rotunda and know that evil will succeed only if good people do nothing.

You did nothing to protect your daughter and evil succeeded. If you don’t want to talk about immigration then how about frivorce leaving children vulnerable to predators?

Both Mollie and Senator McCain were good people. I know that both would stand up now and do something.

Does he feel as bad about the death of John “Songbird” McCain as he does his own daughter?

The person who is accused of taking Mollie’s life is no more a reflection of the Hispanic community as white supremacists are of all white people. To suggest otherwise is a lie. Justice in my America is blind. This person will receive a fair trial, as it should be. If convicted, he will face the consequences society has set. Beyond that, he deserves no more attention.

“Justice is blind but coloreds who come here illegally shouldn’t be punished!”

To the Hispanic community, my family stands with you and offers its heartfelt apology. That you’ve been beset by the circumstances of Mollie’s death is wrong. We treasure the contribution you bring to the American tapestry in all its color and melody. And yes, we love your food.

Speechless Guy | Meme Generator


My stepdaughter, whom Mollie loved so dearly, is Latina. Her sons . Mollie’s cherished nephews and my grandchildren . are Latino. That means I am Hispanic.

No, it means you remarried a barrio rat in Fresno. More in a minute.

I am African. I am Asian. I am European. My blood runs from every corner of the Earth because I am American. As an American, I have one tenet: to respect every citizen of the world and actively engage in the ongoing pursuit to form a more perfect union.

You cannot be both American and globalist. By the brass gates of Hell, there are commissioners in San Francisco with a better grip on reality!

Given that, to knowingly foment discord among races is a disgrace to our flag. It incites fear in innocent communities and lends legitimacy to the darkest, most hate-filled corners of the American soul. It is the opposite of leadership. It is the opposite of humanity. It is heartless. It is despicable. It is shameful.

We have the opportunity now to take heed of the lessons that Mollie, John McCain and Aretha Franklin taught . humanity, fairness and courage. For most of the summer, the search for Mollie brought this nation together like no other pursuit. There was a common national will that did transcend opinion, race, gender and geography. Let’s not lose sight of that miracle. Let’s not lose sight of Mollie.

Mollie Tibbetts' father Rob Tibbetts talks about the search for the missing 20-year-old University of Iowa student during an interview Thursday, Aug. 2, 2018, in Grinnell, Iowa.

Mollie Tibbetts' father heading back home to California | The Gazette

Rob Tibbetts. Face shape is trapezoidal, I think. That shape is known for practicality and time-consciousness… very meticulous. Many middle managers, not to mention Deep Staters, have that face shape. I see determination lines between his eyebrows and the eyes are mildly recessed, so he’s got some grit. At the same time, however, his irises are very large which indicates sensitivity to the outer world. Strong emotions under control, and not directly expressed because of thin lips. Close, conformist ears. (Notice the tops of the ears turn out. That usually indicates he wears glasses. I actually checked if those were McCain’s favorite style but McCain didn’t wear glasses.)

I wonder if his nostrils are triangular? That would be an indication of confrontation. But his chin isn’t strong enough for him to be a natural at confrontation. His hooded left eye suggests he’s received plenty of confrontation from his wife.

Together, this is a good NPC face. He takes his original programming and defends it harshly from the outside world, but rarely in the form of direct action. He was probably raised by Neocons and now will take his Neocon programming to his grave.

Not his daughter’s grave.

I found one more source that makes me believe there was an Electra complex between Rob and Mollie Tibbetts.

Rob Tibbetts, Mollie Tibbetts’ Dad: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Rob Tibbetts recently remarried, and Mollie was a key part of the wedding, which occurred June 3, 2018 in California.

The father told The Des Moines Register that the family “took a boat ride” and started diving into a lake from a large rock. Mollie screamed but jumped in, he told the Des Moines newspaper, adding that Mollie was his “best man” in the wedding.

..I.m your best man, I’m going with you,.. Tibbetts told the newspaper Mollie said. .She was my best man, and she was every bit the best man..

His daughter from Marriage #1 was the best man at Marriage #2?

Rob Tibbetts is a member of the board of directors for the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce [but lives in Fresno].

Well, at least Rob Tibbetts got to suffer the consequences of the illegal immigration he’s pushed upon my homeland. Rivera murdered Mollie so shamelessly that he can’t even lie about it but her blood belongs on her father’s hands.


Miss Manners Addresses A Godly Wife

This was a quadruple take. Once for why it appeared in my daily trawling for content in the first place, again for a modern wife being concerned that her husband isn’t being shown proper respect, a third time for me having relevant personal history and lastly, a Michael Jackson doppleganger gave decent advice.

Judith Martin. Big jowls, a flat bridge leading into the nose and flanged nostrils indicate an aggressive, judgmental personality which she tries to soften with lipstick to signal emotional openness. Well, not really aggressive because the upper eyelids are showing and eyebrows are arched; her emotions aren’t well guarded. Thick eyebrows indicate intelligence; forehead lines, too, but she’s old enough to have lines everywhere. Ears seem to be flat/conformist with a mild ridge between the inner and outer ears, showing balanced inner/outer life.

A good face for a Miss Manners.

DEAR MISS MANNERS: I am long married to a wonderful, brilliant, kind and adventurous gentleman who uses a wheelchair. I happily push him on our many adventures.

Regularly, people interrupt us to tell me how special I am. Frankly, he is a great deal more than special . he’s spectacular, and I am lucky to have been in love for these many years. had people touch my back “looking for angel wings,. ask me questions about his condition, compliment me on “how you treat him,. and generally ignore him, as if he neither can hear these comments nor speak. When we are talking, they interrupt us with these “compliments.”

I often say, .I.m the lucky one to be married to such a fantastic man,. and move on.

Well done, lady, and she deserves the term “lady”. I bet your husband grins every time.

Additionally, staff ask me what he wants to eat in restaurants. I reply, “Ask him . he’s an applied mathematician. I’m sure he can handle a dinner order..

I find these compliments intrusive and disrespectful both of our privacy and our space. I sometimes wish I had a snappy one-size-fits-all response. Can you suggest one?

She should look at her husband and loudly ask, “Master?” That’s snappy and forces the third party to confront their internal sexual bias against men. I bet she’d see some great facial expressions.

I’ve seen this happen at work, especially on the occasions I do fieldwork with a female coworker. Everybody wants to talk with her. They initiate conversations more often and on more casual topics than with me. Which I appreciate, generally, as Barbie can speak to the lonely, nosy neighbor while I get the work done. When anybody does speak to me, me generally being the ranking guy on-site, it’s brief and business.

The worst such incident was a retired utility worker running over to us on our lunch break and congratulating my female coworker on succeeding in a man’s world. Straight outta nowhere. This was after I’d red-pilled so I would happily have decked him for shameless Original Sin while she ate it up. Frigging Baby Boomers, thinking they know how the world works better than the twenty previous millennia of humans.

Another time, my supervisor briefed the pretty office girl on my new job then wondered about my confusion the next day.

Maybe this husband being in a wheelchair made the problem even worse, as people tend to equate physical weakness with mental weakness and Barbie pushing Ken around is visually dom/sub.

GENTLE READER: This is such an appalling . but common . form of ignorant rudeness that Miss Manners is going to allow you to illustrate what it is like to ignore someone.

Stop responding. Why should you speak for your husband, when he is there to speak for himself? The waiters should be given, at most, a shrug while you turn to him to give his order.

As for those treacly complimenters, Miss Manners recommends locking eyes with your husband and sharing a sexy laugh to demonstrate how little they know about your relationship . and how far from their business it is to comment.

Anything that doesn’t encourage their behavior is a good response. Although locking eyes with the guy in the wheelchair you’re pushing is physically awkward.


China Discovers the Alternative To Christianity

And it ain’t Karl Marx.

China warns party members to stick to Marx, not ‘ghosts and spirits’

By Ben Blanchard, 27 February 2019

BEIJING (Reuters) – China’s ruling Communist Party warned party members to stick to Marx and Lenin and not believe in “ghosts and spirits” or practice .liberalism., in the latest effort to root out superstitious practices and further tighten party control.

“China officially guarantees freedom of religion for major belief systems such as Christianity, Buddhism and Islam, but party members are meant to be atheists and are especially banned from participating in what China calls superstitious practices such as visiting soothsayers.

We nullifed the Uighurs and wrote God out of the Bible but dammit, people just won’t stop believing in the supernatural! You have a new God, the State! It is much superior to your old deity. You can see the State and hear it and touch it and be led by it! Why do you go back to pagan ways?

There have been numerous scandals in recent years where senior party members have been accused of involvement in superstition.

A lengthy statement on how best to strengthen the party’s role and its leadership, issued on the official Xinhua news agency on Wednesday, said Marxism was the guiding thought for China and the party. .Resolutely prevent not believing in Marx and Lenin and believing in ghosts and spirits, not believing in the truth and believing in money,. the party statement said.

I guess the Chicomms believing in money as God was more fun before Trump renegotiated some trade agreements.

.Resolutely oppose all forms of mistaken thought that distorts, misrepresents or negates Marxism,. it said.

President Xi Jinping said last year the party’s decision to stick with the political theories of Karl Marx remained “totally correct.” He was marking the 200th anniversary of the German philosopher’s birth.

There is no god but Karl and Engels is his prophet! Return to the fold, O faithless believers! Or is that faithful believers? Oops.

Chinese people, especially the country’s leaders, have a long tradition of putting their faith in soothsaying and geomancy, looking for answers in times of doubt, need and chaos.

The practice has grown more risky amid a sweeping crackdown on deep-seated corruption launched by Xi upon assuming power in late 2012, in which dozens of senior officials have been imprisoned.

The founder of modern China, Mao Zedong, banned fortune telling and superstition in puritan, communist China after the 1949 revolution, but the occult has made a comeback since the still officially atheist country embraced economic reforms and began opening up in the late 1970s.

Interesting tidbit, Chinese physiognomy (Siang Mien in Chinese) was one of the fortunetelling superstitions that Mao attempted to exterminate. Unlike the Western schools, the Chinese school of face-reading focused mainly upon fertility, happy families, skill at business and luck. The luck indicators can be assumed to be all facial features that indicate an abundance of food.

In one of the most famous recent cases, China’s powerful former security chief Zhou Yongkang was jailed for life in part due to accusations he leaked undisclosed state secrets to a fortune teller and healer called Cao Yongzheng, known as the “Xinjiang sage” after the far western region where he grew up.

Begin segue

Also by Ben Blanchard.

A court in central China on Friday jailed for seven years [GQ: and $10m] on corruption charges a man identified by Chinese media as a fortune teller and healer connected to China’s disgraced former public security chief Zhou Yongkang. …

Cao said he accepted the judgment and would not appeal, the court said, without elaborating.

It was not possible to reach Cao or a lawyer for him for comment.

Yep, that sounds like Communism.

Dubbed the “Xinjiang sage” by Chinese media, after the far Western region where he grew up, Cao garnered a following in celebrity and official circles in the 1990s for his purported knack for fortune telling and curing untreatable ailments.

Cao’s talents allowed him to cultivate contacts that reached into the upper echelons of the country’s ruling elite, respected business magazine Caixin has previously reported.

China’s officially atheist Communist Party brooks no challenge to its rule and is obsessed with social stability. It has particularly taken aim at cults, which have multiplied across the country in recent years. Demonstrations have been put down with force and some sect leaders executed.

I can’t complain about the Chicomms harshly punishing the giving of state secrets to the equivalent of a celebrity Voodoo priest. But if they’re truly interested in social stability then Christianity is a very useful and practical religion. All that inherent goodness that the Chicomms, and Marx before them, assumed was normal human nature? Nope, that was Christian goodness specifically. Free my Christian brothers and they’ll make the best citizens you can hope for.

But the price is not having total control over their lives.

I hope they arrested the shirt, too. Are all Chinese dissidents careful to put “last seen” timestamps on photos of their leaders?

End segue

Xi has also sought to tighten party control more generally, and the statement also warned against .individualism, decentralism and liberalism. and the forming of cliques. It also said party members must not deviate from the party line.

.It is absolutely not permitted to agree outwardly but disagree inwardly with the party center and be a two-faced person and a double-dealer, or to fake loyalty,. it said.

But Xi, atheism gives them no reason to obey you so long as they can get away with it.

The party’s anti-graft campaign has focused increasingly on those whose political loyalty is found lacking or who express doubt in public or private about party policies.

That didn’t work the previous ten million times but hey, you’re special, Xi. You’re nothing like those other Commies who did exactly what you’re doing. And Wednesday is a lucky day to try something new! *Gunner Q ducks a sniper shot*

The party’s top graft buster has said it would target “political deviation” this year, which is marked by a series of sensitive anniversaries that include 30 years since the bloody crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrators in and around Tiananmen Square.

The harder they try to crush devotion for the supernatural out of the human soul, the more it finds expression. God wired us to believe in Him. Atheism is only ever a waypoint between God and “so, who should we believe in now?”

And like America, the Chinese answer is multimillionaire celebrity cultists. I’m so depressed.


Reactor Officer Snowflake

The fuss over Warhorn Media’s interview with Dalrock is dying down, at least for me. Everybody’s had their chance to speak and matters have devolved into each side doing their own theater. It was interesting that Pastor Tim Bayly came along and weighed in, however, because his defense of a old debate point actually made him look worse today. Because this is a separate issue from the actual interview, I make it a post on my blog. Quoting Bayly from the following link:

I like good back-and-forth, but not ever anonymously.particularly when for fifteen years I have suffered much for the Name of the Lord Jesus and His Words and know how privileged I am for doing so and how much strength it lends to the work to which all believers are called.

Bayly claims to be a super-Christian survivor of the front lines of spiritual war. A dubious claim for any clergyman with a pension and book deal but he gives an example:

…At the same time as I was writing, a student at IU decided to go into the Navy as an officer responsible for nuclear reactors. I loved her and told her she should not do so. We’re still friends and she’s always known I think she was not obeying God in this. Full stop.

This is just one of many, many examples of my fulfilling my responsibility as husband, father, and pastor to say “no” to women, and rebuke them.

I agree with Bayly that Snowflake did evil in the sight of God. Original Sin’s curse upon Eve was that she would envy men their “male privilege”, to use modern terminology, and Reactor Officer is a top-status job in the Navy. She’s obviously feral and seeking authority over men, not to mention almost certainly unqualified for that kind of highly technical work.

God does not want a woman to have authority over men. That’s an ironclad rule for the Church and the exceptions permitted in the secular world, for example Lydia the cloth merchant and widows continuing their husband’s business affairs, are not comparable to a military officer’s power of life and death over his troops. It’s not acceptable to believe God hates female leadership in the Church and approves of it everywhere else. But how to handle Snowflake’s rebellion against male headship?

Bayly: “God doesn’t want you to do that.”

Snowflake: “I refuse to obey God!”

Bayly: “I still love you, just like Jesus does! Let’s be friends.”

Beloved Spear: October 2010

Pastor GunnerQ: “God doesn’t want you to do that.”

Snowflake: “I refuse to obey God!”

GunnerQ: “We’re done, you disobedient witch! How dare you claim to be a Christian yet live as God’s enemy! I will have you publicly shamed. Don’t put one foot in my church ever again.”

See the difference? One of us acts like God is Real and the other acts like Love is God. This is why Churchianity is utter, total filth. It won’t ever tell a woman no and even when the word “no” is actually spoken, consequences are prohibited.

I don’t care about Bayly authoring a General Assembly statement in 2002 or whenever. People can change over fifteen years. By his example today, however, Pastor Tim Bayly is as Cuck as he ever was. He should have read the riot act to Snowflake, then when she proceeded in feminist rebellion against God, held her up as a bad example to the general Church and sent her a courtesy link to guarantee humiliation.

Biblical Precedent, Mister Oedipus of 1 & 2 Corinthians.

Pastor Bayly rebuked a woman for disobeying God and when she didn’t change her evil behavior, bragged about still being friends with her.

I’ll end with this quote from the same link:

One last thing: for fifteen years I’ve been online saying that the only thing the feminists have given men is the right to cry, and Jesus already gave us this right.

The definitive behavior of Churchians is self-sabotage. Bayly is probably trying to be funny but saying feminism is useless because Jesus already gave men the right to cry like women is… very consistent with Bayly not laying down the thunder on Reactor Officer Snowflake.

For the sake of God, male humanity, the United States Navy and her own soul, I hope Snowflake washed out of the nuclear program in shame and dishonor.


Charity Starts With False Rape Accusations

The American Psychological Association quickly doubled down on the heels of its “toxic masculinity” discovery by helping a professional Trump hater equate charity with political activism. Free money never came with so many strings attached!

American Psychological Foundation Establishes Grant Honoring Christine Blasey Ford

Press Release, 23 January 2019

WASHINGTON . The American Psychological Foundation has launched a fund in honor of Christine Blasey Ford, PhD, to support research by graduate students and early career psychologists on understanding and treating individuals who have experienced traumatic events such as sexual assault, sexual harassment or rape.

Ford is a prominent psychologist who testified before Congress last year that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her when they were teenagers.

So much wrong crammed into a single sentence! Ford is a nobody who told Congress but not police that she might have humped a man who might have been Kavanaugh and was so traumatized by it that she said nothing for decades until Orange Man nominated a potential anti-abortionist to SCOTUS.

Deep Stater: “You went to the same school as this man. Did you ever have sex with him?”

Ford: “Probably. I fucked through most of my yearbook but the drugs made keeping score hard.”

Deep Stater: “We’ll give your dead-end career a huge boost if you say yes to Congress.”

Ford: “Ohmigawd he raaaped me!”

Deep Stater: “SMOKING GUN!!!”

On that note…

.We are honored to launch the Dr. Christine Blasey Ford grant at APF. As more survivors come forward and speak about their abuse, the science of psychology can help us better understand how to address their trauma,. said APF President Terence Keane, PhD, an expert in trauma psychology. .We are grateful to Professor Heidi Feldman and all the donors who made this grant possible and to Dr. Ford for her contributions to the field..

The grant was initiated with a gift generated via a GoFundMe campaign started by Heidi Li Feldman, JD, PhD, a professor of law at the Georgetown University Law Center. The idea came to her while watching Ford’s testimony during Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination hearings, she said.

Heidi M. Feldman

Heidi Feldman. Hair is… turbo-frizzy… hoop earrings… jutting chin… those eyes!

.Watching Christine Blasey Ford testify, I realized her professional skills as a collaborator and educator bolstered her ability to participate so effectively. I also feared that she would not be recognized, remembered and valued for her professional achievements as well as her keen sense of civic responsibility,. said Feldman. “As a fellow academic, an endowment of some sort seemed the natural way to commemorate and honor Dr. Ford and make sure her work was recognized, as well as her commitment to our civic good..

An endowment of other people’s money, of course. Here’s the campaign for the interested:

One reason she chose the APF to administer the grant was that its grants often go to early career researchers, who have begun to prove themselves but need to do more work before being able to get larger grants.

Another reason could by the APA’s newfound hatred of sexually normal men.

.Funding researchers at this stage of their careers keeps the pipeline of top-notch work flowing,. she said.

The grant will be part of APF.s Trauma Fund, administered by experts in the field of trauma psychology. Donations are still being accepted through the APF website.

Founded in 1953 as the philanthropic arm of the American Psychological Association, APF is an independent non-profit foundation supporting early career psychologists and graduate students using psychology to solve important problems and improve people’s lives.

Experts in the field of trauma psychology? The only trauma Ford endured was police asking for details. Anyway, Heidi teaches torts at Georgetown School of Law. Out of morbid curiosity, let’s hear from her students, the Future of America:

“At first glance I was really intimidated by Feldman. People have a lot to say about her, and many complaints – but she is an amazing feminist presence on campus. Her cold calls seem tough at first, but that is just because she cares. She is patient, and will stick with a student until they truly get it. Quirky, and inspirationally unapologetic.”

1 found this useful, 14 did not.

“Her goofy humor is entertaining, but the schtick loses its charm once you realize that you’ll be teaching Torts to yourself (DON’T follow her ridiculous advice to not use supplements). She doesn’t answer emails, she’s scatterbrained, and – whether intentional or just a product of being out of touch – she hides the ball and gives bad study advice.”

10 to 2. Somebody isn’t taking her pills like Doctor Peterson said to!

“Worst professor I’ve ever had. It’s not about if you have thick skin or not. She doesn’t teach law & she’s crazy! Focuses on insignificant facts (wastes time with students acting them out. Even had a student barking like a dog). The only good teaching that came from her class was from her TA. You definitely won’t learn negligence. Should be fired!”

11 to 2.

“She’s great. Many can’t handle her sarcastic sense of humor but if you have thick skin you’ll be fine. If you pay attention you will know negligence better than anyone on the planet and you’ll learn to think like a lawyer. Oh and she’s a great dancer!”

0 to 14.

Wikipedia has little biographical data. Broadening the search:

Heidi Li Feldman is Professor of Law at Georgetown University Law Center, with a courtesy appointment in the Philosophy Department at Georgetown University. She has written major articles on tort law and on legal ethics. Her scholarly expertise includes the U.S. civil justice system more generally. Currently, Dr. Feldman’s scholarship focuses on how and whether U.S. cities and states can protect civil rights and strengthen civil society. Beyond the academy, Dr. Feldman is politically active in the in the effort to resist Donald Trump and those who enable him.

A Georgetown Law professor can openly commit sedition? Tenure must be nice.

Dr. Feldman seeks to bring her knowledge of U.S. law, politics and history to a broad public and to bring a grassroots perspective to the legal academy. Dr. Feldman regularly speaks to U.S. and foreign press on topics ranging from U.S. gun regulation efforts to women’s support for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 candidacy to political efforts to oppose the current Republican agenda. She has been quoted by the New York Times, the Washington Post, Reuters, Bloomberg, and CBS News; extensive interviews with her have aired on CBC (Canadian) radio and television.

Hillary Clinton loves her. Her paying students hate her.

Dr. Feldman is active on Twitter. She helped start the “Grab Your Wallet” boycott of retailers selling Trump brands and she raised consciousness about the silencing of Sen. Elizabeth Warren during the debate over Jeff Sessions. nomination as Attorney General. Dr. Feldman mentors progressive Georgetown law students interested in running for office, especially at the state and local level, and students interested in staffing such campaigns. She is developing a series of workshops for such students, a co-curricular program she intends to serve as a model for other law schools.

She’s a Deep State talent scout.


Legal: tort law, U.S. civil justice system, compensation law, gun litigation and legislation, lawsuits pending against Trump administration. Special familiarity with suits brought by state attorneys general; habeas corpus petitions related to immigration enforcement; and complaints arising from breach of the Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is now a sub-specialty of the legal profession!

Politics: current U.S. politics, the interrelationship between state and municipal level political activity and national politics, U.S. political and legal history, political philosophy, governmental and legal ethics. Particular familiarity with law, politics, and history of presidential impeachment in the United States; Democratic Party presidential primary system, presidential nomination system.

Well, we already know that academia is as partisan as black churches.

What’s this “Grab Your Wallet” boycott?

Whoa, its front page is a timeline of Trump-Russia collusion! These people need help and not the 2020 Election kind. Ooh, Zappos is on the list! They’re the Internet retailer that I buy shoes from. Excellent service and effortless return policy so you can try them on AFTER you buy! My Big & Tall readers should accept no substitute. Amazon is also on the list. I don’t think they’ve yet noticed they’re being boycotted.

Here, Feldman talks about Remington using Chapter 11 proceedings to dodge the Sandy Hook lawfare attack. It’s actually good coverage:

Here, Feldman opposes Jeff Sessions for his advocacy of free speech.

Georgetown Law students and faculty protest speech by Attorney General Jeff Sessions

By Debbie Truong, Sarah Larimer and Susan Svrluga, 26 September 2017

Dozens of Georgetown University students gathered Tuesday on the steps of McDonough Hall to protest an address from Attorney General Jeff Sessions that lambasted schools for infringing on students. free-speech rights.

The students were joined by faculty members who initially took a knee and later linked arms.

They took turns speaking into a bullhorn, decrying Sessions, the process the university used to bring him to campus and posing questions they would have asked the attorney general had they been allowed into the event.

.We, the disinvited, find it extraordinarily hypocritical that AG Sessions would lecture future attorneys about free speech on campus while excluding the wider student body,. third-year law student Ambur Smith said into the bullhorn.

Uninvited, not disinvited. Unless security got to take out some trash.

Some of the roughly 100 protesters who gathered outside at Georgetown’s law school wore duct tape over their mouths. They held signs that proclaimed, .DEPORT HATE,. FREE SPEECH IS NOT HATE SPEECH,. and “Sessions is afraid of questions..

Georgetown law professor Heidi Li Feldman was one of about 40 faculty and staff members who joined students on the steps of McDonough Hall.

40 staff, 60 students? That’s a curious ratio. Adults usually behave better than children.

.A law school is a place for people to learn about the deepest principles that undergird our democratic republic. Those principles are trampled upon by Attorney General sessions, in particular, and Donald Trump,. she said. .You cannot invite people who so thoroughly threaten the basic premises of American law to a campus and not speak up if your mission in life is to educate people about the American legal system..

And here’s Professor Feldman Uncensored:

https://medium com/ @HeidiLiFeldman/racism-sexism-xenophobia-misogyny-bigotry-ec6d79196afb

10 June 2016

Racism, sexism, xenophobia, misogyny, bigotry. Because of Donald Trump these terms are now, and will be through November at least, part of American daily life. And not in a good way…not, that is, only to be mentioned as traits, attitudes, sentiments that must be rejected, all the time and every time. The way in which these terms will be mentioned often, it seems, is when various GOP pols try to parse them very closely so as to deny that they apply to their party’s presumptive Presidential nominee. The parsing is certainly annoying…sometimes maddeningly…disingenuous, which is bad enough. But it is also dangerous.

It is is dangerous because it obscures the important issue, which is not whether Trump is a chauvinist, a sexist or a misogynist or whether he is racist or xenophobic. The real issue is that Trump expresses hatefulness and disrespect antithetical to the values that preserve a vibrant pluralistic democratic polity. He gives voice to atavistic, primitive emotions that other, functional members of such a polity work hard to overcome, guard against, and hope will eventually be conquered by an enlightened culture.

Behold, a feminist who admits that all the name-calling is beside the point! Their real problem with Trump is that he’s a threat to the globalist, anti-Christian agenda.

If you agree then there might be some grant money in your future.


Monkey Muzzie

This is probably the last time I’ll discuss Turd Flinging Monkey. Completing his moral degeneration is his acceptance of Islam as I predicted in my previous post on him. A case study of what happens when victory becomes more important than truth. [Heavily formatted by me from transcript.]

The next group I’m going to be addressing is religious traditionalists. … Ideally, I want a society where there is a secular kind of philosophy because one of the problems I see with religion is the supernatural. Because it relies on the existence of the supernatural, once there’s doubt of the supernatural people tend to throw out the baby with the bathwater.

I offer the standard objection to any materialist replacement for religion. If I can profitably violate your philosophy, and escape punishment for doing so, why shouldn’t I?

It really is that simple. If evil is a human-defined concept then it is human-RE-definable. The choice is God or humanism.

For example, in the New Testament Jesus cast out demons from people like the guy who thought he had demons in his body and he cast them into some swine and all that stuff, right? There’s all these stories of these people who are possessed by demons and Jesus cast them out and you know, there’s a lot of there’s a lot of miracles and stuff in the New Testament. In fact, the New Testament relies on the supernatural, the resurrection of Jesus and so forth, this is probably the most important thing to Christianity.

This is true. If God In Heaven isn’t real then we’re screwed. If Jesus didn’t return from the dead then neither will we.

In the current year, we know about things like mental illness, schizophrenia, stuff like that, so if you’re like, “wait a minute, this is just people with mental illness which has probably existed for thousands of years but people didn’t know what mental illness was and it’s not that they were possessed by demons, they were just insane, they had these these problems with their brain.” If you can cure demonic possession with a pill then clearly it’s not demonic possession. Christianity is so reliant on the supernatural that once you lose faith in one supernatural aspect, like Jesus casting out demons, then it’s really easy to throw out your belief in all the supernatural aspects of the Bible like healing the sick and being raised from the dead.

TFM should apply this logic in the reverse. If demon worship keeps turning up even in the Information Age then that’s good evidence of extradimensional Evil that should not be dismissed just because it can’t be viewed in a laboratory. In point of fact, we’ve achieved the astonishing status of a society that builds moon rockets while sacrificing babies to Baal. Literally!

As if some things never change… as if some unseen entity is putting the same whispers in peoples’ skulls in Current Year that it did in 30 AD.

My point is, the downfall of the West is because Christianity is what built Western civilization after the the Dark Ages. If you have a religion that is very reliant on supernatural and then the supernatural gets questioned people have a habit of throwing out the baby with the bathwater. “Well, if this child had epilepsy and wasn’t demonically possessed then that means men and women are equal and communism is a good idea”. It doesn’t sound like it should make sense but when your morals are tied to the supernatural and you question the supernatural, people throw out the morals and they throw out the good with the bad.

How strange that a religion of fairy tales and ignorance was so good at producing truth that it debunked itself while creating the best societies in human history alongside modern technology.

This is why I advocate a secular philosophy rather than a religion, something that instills in people the desire to become their their best self and to aspire to virtue and excellence in beauty. That would be the best solution. I also feel the same way about anarcho-capitalism. It’s a great idea, it’s morally correct, it’ll never work in reality because of human nature.

I’ve come to the same conclusion when it comes to religion. As much as I would love such a secular philosophy, aspiring to beauty and excellence without belief in the supernatural just like anarcho-capitalism is impossible because of human nature. People are far too stupid to accept a secular philosophy… too self-interested and short-sighted.

People are too stupid to be good; therefore, we who understand good should command them what to think? Hardly an original thought.

In fact, I’ve seen this myself. I’ve talked to people who they watch my videos such as “Into the Wasteland” where you have to find your own meaning and purpose and they literally don’t even know where to begin. They knew exactly what I was talking about and they have no problem finding their own meaning their own purpose and, you know, going on that journey and they find great fulfillment and Worth.

I always assumed these guys were talking about breaking the blue pill conditioning. There’s a reason the Manosphere uses Matrix references: reality is not what we have been told it is, for the length of our lives. I hope none of these guys were instead looking for a substitute Goddess to worship.

But, there’s also a lot of people who don’t have the faintest idea of what that looks like or how to do it and they just want someone to tell them what to do. I don’t think they’re stupid, I just think that they have a mentality which doesn’t lend itself to that level of individualism. Like I said, people are sheep. [GQ: Jesus said it first.] They want to follow. Only the man at the top can truly think critically.

Put down the Nietzsche. Step away from the Nietzsche.

Here’s where the paradigm shift comes in. I follow a lot of Nietzsche…


…and philosophy like the ubermensch he mentioned, the herd and the higher man and everything like that. and I originally believed that the problem was herd morality so that if people could reorient their morals, see the herd morality for what it was, a system of control, and aspire to a higher personal morality then they could build their meaning and purpose off of that.

Then, they could find that meaning and purpose which would give their life meaning. They could aspire to be their best selves and and then they wouldn’t need a religion or a political organization or anyone telling them what to do.

He’s not wrong about the herd mentality. Not everybody is a leader; not everybody is a follower. Trying to correct that was possibly his first doomed experiment in Utopianism.

His next doomed experiment will be forcing people to think good thoughts. That can’t be done so the next best thing is forcing people to act good actions. Which is the main difference between Christianity and Islam. Christians are saved by grace because we accept the truth despite persistent evil in our behavior. Muslims are saved by going through the motions of the Five Pillars while secretly believing whatever they want.

A secular philosophy without religion, without the supernatural is simply not going to work. The average person needs their morals and their ideals to be externalized. They are utterly incapable of internalizing a moral system they need. You know how if you try to explain to a child the concept of going to prison and how it’s gonna ruin your life because you gonna be in prison for twenty years and by the time you get out your life’s gonna be effectively over and you’ll never be able to recover, that’s the end of your life, they won’t understand that. They can’t even conceptualize of what that means. But everyone understands an ass-whooping.

The end is people making good decisions. The means is overriding people’s ability to make their own decisions. The problem is obvious. Or not?

I’ve accepted that basically religion is kind of inevitable and it’s the best solution. Again I base everything on what will work not necessarily what I think is ideal we have to do what works first and then apply our ideals in principle second.

TFM proudly fornicates with sexbots but this is the first time I’ve been disgusted by him, watching him choose from a buffet of lies, asking himself which lie will bring him the best result for the least effort. We’re done, TFM. You really should have listened to Misandry Today sounding the alarm over your mental health. Nietzsche is going to get a roommate.

So, how do we create or rather, how do we reform a religion which will work the best? I came up with three ideas and this actually proves why Islam is winning and why Christianity is getting its ass kicked and Judaism is treading water.

Christianity is doing fine, thank you. We remain the only correct religion on the planet. Granted, our popularity is waning, but nothing about Christianity is falsified by a lack of worldly power or prestige.

It’s because of three things. Number one, Islam is the most patriarchal. Patriarchy is what creates successful societies.

BULLSHIT! Look at the Mideast, it’d be a squalid hovel of mud huts if it wasn’t for oil. Muslims haven’t been a net contributor in any other society that’s taken them in, either. Polygamy and despotism are not masculine; that’s what women want. Men want to get the job done, keep what they earn and deal with each other as equals. Excepting, typically, the ones who want to impress women or are straight-up evil.

Christianity is the least patriarchal. Christianity’s absolutely tied itself to feminism and gynocentrism in order to keep their nonprofit status, in order to attract women. If you’re a Christian, you may remember this movement a few years ago, seeker sensitive.

It’s where churches act like the culture, adopting customs and practices and stuff, to try to get people to be comfortable going to church but basically defeating the purpose of church because if you’re just going to be the culture then what’s the point? So anyway, Christianity is losing hard.

Seeker Sensitive is what churches do after they no longer believe Christ has anything to offer humanity. Does TFM not realize that he holds their same position? “Christianity is losing to modern culture, therefore Christianity must be useless.”

Judaism is kind of treading water and then Islam is is just fucking destroying everything.

No, Islam isn’t. The globalists opened the border gates for them and bought them bus tickets in and gave them massive welfare payments and ordered law enforcement to stand down and let them run feral. It’s the globalists who are destroying everything, including their own childrens’ future, that’s how “patriarchal” they are.

Even Judaism is doing better than Islam from the perspective of winning. They leveraged Holocaust guilt into the genocide of all Christian civilization. And look, Israel’s back on the map!

Jesus and Christianity is the most dependent on the supernatural not only because of the resurrection but also because of the gift of the Holy Spirit. Yeah, you have the story of Moses and the Passover and all the miracles in Egypt but there’s no modern equivalent in Judaism to the gift of the Holy Spirit. Jews don’t believe in like modern miracles the way Christians do.

This is curious, an unbeliever objecting to the Holy Spirit’s existence. If a dead guy coming back to life is a deal-breaker then why bother about the other, harder teachings? The answer:

Muhammad himself really didn’t perform any miracles. There’s no supernatural underpinnings there. … The reason why religion is vulnerable is because if you rely on the supernatural and then science comes behind you and disproves a supernatural aspect of your religion for example the boy had epilepsy but in the Bible he had a demon, well, if demonic possession is just mental illness and epilepsy then what else is the Bible lying about?

TFM wants a religion that cannot be disproven because he believes going in that all religion is a lie, Marx’s opiate of the masses. He doesn’t want a religion that might reveal him to be a liar and manipulator by making crazy claims about the supernatural.

Yep, Christianity is a suck choice for THAT.

One benefit of living in this fallen world is you can see the effects of evil upon others without risking your own soul. TFM was fascinating to watch. He started out optimistic and helpful to many people. Then, he chose to believe that human sexuality was a mere appetite and it didn’t matter how the appetite got fed. Now, he believes that the human desire for God is a mere appetite, one that stubbornly won’t go away, and it doesn’t matter how we feed the appetite. Islam is today’s winning religion so why not. We’ll just trade up religions as needed to continue humanity’s self-actualization.

TFM is now a child of the devil, spreading whatever lies he thinks will accomplish his mission. He has proven, by negative example, that humans are not mere animals. It does matter how we feed our appetites.

Man does not live by bread alone.


Trailblazing the Green New Deal

I finally looked up the Green New Deal to have a laugh at Leftoid antics. Leftoids claim there is no God, re-create government to be God and then wonder how God can ever go Broke.

What is the Green New Deal and how would it benefit society?

By Emily Holden, 11 February 2019

So what is the Green New Deal?
The proposal outlines the broad principles of a plan simultaneously to fight inequity and tackle climate change. It does not contain policy details or advocate for specific ways of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. But with a broad brush it aims to make the US carbon-neutral . net zero carbon emissions . in 10 years.

10=8+2. President Leftoid will have 8 years to crash the North American system, then his predecessor will be left holding the bag for midterm elections. Needless to say, North America’s entire power grid is not going to be torn down and rebuilt in 10 years.

The Green New Deal recognizes that transition would require massive change. It endorses ways of ensuring that vulnerable populations . including the poor, people of color, indigenous populations and communities already facing environmental degradation . take part in the planning process and benefit from the green economy.

One notices that Christian white men who like indoor plumbing have no place in this literal New World Order.

Would it end the use of coal, oil and natural gas?
No. But it would aim to offset any remaining greenhouse gas pollution with forests that absorb carbon dioxide, for example.

Here, the Guardian lied outright. Just trust a Commiefornian on this, they intend to gut the infrastructure.

How ambitious is the Green New Deal?
Incredibly ambitious, both on climate change and with its reimagining of society.

The fact that this environmental plan calls for more social engineering than environmental engineering should be very telling.

US climate efforts so far have focused on the power sector, which is probably the easiest to decarbonize. Many states and localities have continued that work even as the federal government ignores climate change.

Yes indeed, many states and localities have followed the blueprint for energy wokeness:

*Promise your dupes constituents that destroying factories and power plants (whose labor unions fund your opponent) is a great way to make money and jobs*

*Ban all local cheap energy*

*Build windmills and solar fields. Skim reelection funds off the grants and subsidies*

*Go on a screaming fit when power interruptions start. Act surprised when your advisors explain that solar panels don’t work at night.*

*Beg neighboring power grids for energy*

*Complain about price gouging*

*Punch a Nazi for laughing at you. Or smiling at you. Or standing around at you.*

Additionally, climate advocates and policy experts across the country have not typically tried to address every contributor to global warming at once or while addressing other societal issues. This kind of system-wide thinking and planning would be difficult to adopt.

Dude, those advocates and experts don’t try to address even China. Biting the Yellow Hand that funds them would indeed be “difficult to adopt”.

The energy shift would require a major investment, as would the social programs highlighted in the Green New Deal. The resolution does not suggest a source for that money.

No shit, Sherlock!

The politics of the plan are also difficult, with Republicans in control of the Senate and the White House vehemently opposed to it, and with some Democrats split over whether it is the right approach.

If not everybody is on board with this total restructuring of North America then maybe we should hold off.

How would it fight climate change?
The goals of the document include a .10-year national mobilization.…

What would the Green New Deal do for people?
The proposal lays out numerous .crises., including declining life expectancy for many Americans, as well as wage stagnation and income inequality.

None of those “crises” are either Green, New, or solvable by any kind of Deal.

The Green New Deal calls for:

a guaranteed job with fair pay, family and medical leave, paid vacations and retirement security

Mo’ money

universal high-quality healthcare

Mo’ money

free higher education

Mo’ money

access to affordable, safe and adequate housing

Mo’ money

stronger labor, workplace health and safety, anti-discrimination, and wage and hour standards

Mo’ money

the clean-up of hazardous waste sites

Fig leaf! We care about the planet!

access to clean water and air, health and affordable food, and nature

Mo’ money

The article ends, so appropriately, with the Guardian begging for money because its ideology is not profitable:

Since you’re here.
. we have a small favour to ask. … The Guardian is editorially independent, meaning we set our own agenda. Our journalism is free from commercial bias and not influenced by billionaire owners, politicians or shareholders. No one edits our editor. No one steers our opinion. This is important as it enables us to give a voice to those less heard, challenge the powerful and hold them to account. It’s what makes us different to so many others in the media, at a time when factual, honest reporting is critical.

Such pure idealism! Such inconvenient reality! Here’s the sad, sick truth: people are okay with journalists being biased if only they’re honest about their biases. I’m okay with the Guardian. First it endorses these totalitarian nationfuckers and then it hits the same roadblock that they will: running out of other peoples’ money.

I bet the Guardian wishes it could force people to give them money.


Kenneth Wayne Thompson: Scientology Is Worse Than Twinkies

The Twinkie Defense worked. Excusing double murder with aggravated circumstances by claiming “Scientology made me do it” did not for Kenneth Wayne Thompson. He would have done better to admit the truth: “my wife made me do it”.

Scientology defense fails as jury returns first-degree murder verdicts in Prescott trial

By Richard Ruelas, 20 February 2019

He tried to convince jurors that his brutal slaying of two people in a Prescott Valley home was understandable when viewed through the lens of his Scientology beliefs.

The jury did not buy it and, after just two hours of deliberation, found Kenneth Wayne Thompson guilty of first-degree murder on Wednesday.

Two hours of deliberation in a double-homicide case? It takes 45 minutes for the jury to pick a foreman and find the donuts. Kenny should have just pleaded guilty and been done with life.

Jurors will return on Friday to begin the sentencing phase, said Shelly Bacon, a spokeswoman for Yavapai County Superior Court. Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty in the case.

Thompson.s attorneys used Scientology as part of a bid to spare their client the first-degree murder conviction and the possibility of a death sentence. They argued that Scientology explained why Thompson drove from his home in the Ozarks region of Missouri to the northern Arizona house of his sister-in-law that turned into a bloody and charred crime scene in March 2012.

Thompson used a hatchet and knife to kill his sister-in-law, Penelope Edwards, and her boyfriend, Troy Dunn, according to court testimony. He then poured acid over the bodies and set the house on fire before fleeing the scene.

And then claimed religion compelled him against his will to do so? That’s not just dishonest, that’s a bad guy attacking religion while walking the road to Hell.

Thompson, according to court testimony, aimed to rescue a child in the couple’s custody who was being subjected to behavioral-health treatments, including the use of anti-depressants. As a person raised as a Scientologist, Thompson believed that psychiatric treatment was damaging to the child’s eternal soul.

“(Scientologists) think psychology is evil and a scam,” defense attorney Robert Gundacker told jurors in his opening statement. He also invoked the name of Tom Cruise, the movie actor and Scientologist who famously railed against psychology during an interview on NBC’s “Today” show in 2005.

Many people think psychology is evil and a scam. In fact, after the APA got woke it’s possibly the majority opinion of men. But Scientologists do the Sigmund Freud thing, too, so this is all hypocrisy. I’d rather take my chances with pills than quacks.

For the background information that leads me to suspect Thompson’s wife was Thompson’s real motivation, we go now to the Daily Beast.

Did Scientology Drive Kenneth Wayne Thompson to Commit Bloody Murder?

By Tarpley Hitt, 19 February 2019

You can tell from the date that the guilty verdict hadn’t yet been announced, hence my giving the other article first.

n March of 2012, according to court testimony, a 28-year-old man named Kenneth Wayne Thompson told his wife and two kids he was taking a quick trip away from their home in Doniphan, Missouri to Memphis, Tennessee. Thompson’s mother and stepfather had died in a motorcycle accident eight months prior, leaving him with a small sum of money. The trip, he allegedly told his wife, had something to do with their estate. But after Thompson left his family, he didn’t go to Memphis. Instead, he drove 1,400 miles west to the small mountain town of Prescott Valley, Arizona, where he bludgeoned Penelope Edwards and Troy Dunn.his wife’s sister and her fianc?.to death with a hatchet, poured acid over their bodies, and set the house on fire.

I think the recent death of his parents played a role, just not the role of an alibi.

This month, in the opening arguments for a major, lengthy trial which could send Thompson to death row, defense attorneys laid out a daytime-soap subplot of an argument for Thompson’s detour: the Church of Scientology. Alongside the legalese of standard court documents, Thompson’s defense includes the Scientology “tone scale,. a diagram which purports to sketch the full spectrum of human emotion, multiple mentions of the phrase “eternal soul,. and the name Tom Cruise.

The lawyers. thesis hinged on the fact that the female victim’s son was receiving psychiatric treatment. Scientology, a religion the practice of which involves regular one-on-one meetings with a counselor to talk through emotional and mental problems (a ritual they call .auditing.), has a long, bitter opposition to psychiatry.a church spokesperson told The Daily Beast that the industry is “brutal” and rife with “human rights violations.” Thompson’s lawyers claim their client is a practicing member of the faith (the church denies any affiliation), whose opposition to mental health treatment led him to intervene on his nephew-in-law.s behalf.

Notice the “nephew-in-law”. Most familial homicides these days are bio-dad versus bio-mon & stepdad/boyfriend/Sugar Daddy/pimp/ISIS reject.

Of course, the Scientologists refuted the notion that anything about their beliefs leads to homicidal urges. That would be more convincing except that the wife of current Scientology leader, David Miscavige, Shelly Miscavige, hasn’t been seen in public since 2007.

The victims, 35-year-old Penelope Edwards (n?e Rhoads) and her fianc?, 38-year-old Troy Dunn, had been trying to start over. For more than a decade, Edwards had struggled with drug addiction, abusive partners, and managing both while parenting two young kids, Devynn and Ben (The Daily Beast has changed his name because he is a minor). In 2003, when her 5-year-old daughter confessed she had been molested by her stepfather, Edwards did not take any action. .She just hit him and cried,. Devynn said. Later, relatives reported the incident to the local sheriff, ultimately sending the stepfather to prison, and landing Edwards with a charge for failure to report.

Holy shit! They prosecuted a wimmin for hybristophilia! The local cops probably had a pool on what fate this particular family was going to meet. I can find only one blurry picture of her, from the linked article.

If her nose has no ridge and is just a smooth S shape, that indicates very weak willpower.

[Devynn Rhoads, the daughter of the woman Thompson allegedly murdered] told The Daily Beast that neither sibling had known their legal uncle particularly well. Both Rhoads and her brother had lived with their aunt for four years, but in that time, .Kenny was only in the picture for the last two months,. she said.

Thompson didn’t have a personal relationship with the kids. No financial motive, either, not that the prosecution found. Therefore, he committed the murder on behalf of someone else… and as mentioned earlier, his parents had died eight months previous. He didn’t do it for them.

That leaves his wife. Does she have a motive for wanting her sister dead? Or a motive for wanting to claim her sister’s kids? Besides the stepfather being arrested for child abuse?

Around that time, Edwards also lost custody of her kids. In 2004, after a period in state foster care, Devynn and Ben went to live with their mother’s sister, Gloria Rhoads, first in Arizona, and then in Alaska, where Gloria would meet her future husband, Kenneth Wayne Thompson.

The kids. time with their aunt, now known as Gloria Thompson, was fraught, Devynn recalled, in part because both siblings were traumatized by their unstable early years. Ben, who would later get diagnosed with reactive attachment disorder, a condition which develops when children have no secure parental bond, was prone to angry, violent episodes. (.For a while, people were concerned about whether [he] was going to be the next Ted Bundy,. Devynn said). But the 20-year-old also said problems stemmed from Gloria and Edwards, who had a “terrible relationship” and whose childhood rivalry had grown into “pure sibling hatred.. (.Gloria was the only sibling that my mom never talked to or about, really,. Devynn said. “And every time Gloria talked about my mom it was mean, hateful, angry..) Gloria did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

Yep, double motive. She hated her sister and had a barren womb. No mention anywhere of her own kids.

Just before Edwards regained custody of her kids, Gloria met a man on an online dating site. Thompson, a boxy white man with reddish hair and a soul patch, took the kids. aunt out several times before they met him. .She told us about him a lot, how she wanted us to meet him,. Devynn said. .One time, it was a full weekend that he came over to meet us, and he spent most of the time in the bedroom with Gloria with the door closed. We weren’t really getting to know him..

Captain Save-A-Ho at least got lots of sex… so much sex that the traumatized children living with their unmarried aunt while bio-mom and stepdad were in jail felt neglected because of it.

Father God, thank you that my own online-dating efforts came to nothing.

Not long after, Edwards regained custody of the kids, and they returned to Prescott Valley, Arizona. The young mother had gotten clean, rented an apartment, and started seeing a man she.d met online, Troy Dunn. Life wasn’t exactly easy; there was still some shuffling around.Devynn said she spent her seventh grade year living with family in a nearby town. But when she returned, Edwards had moved into a house with Dunn. .For the first time in our whole entire lives,. Devynn said, .we had our own rooms, had our own bed that we got to pick out. We got to pick out all of our own furniture. We had dinner like a family pretty much every night that we were all, Troy, Mom and [Ben]..

Edwards started taking parenting classes at a local clinic. She starting going to therapy with each of her kids, and sought treatment for Ben, who still suffered from behavioral problems. .She got better at learning how to.I won’t say subdue him because that sounds dramatic,. Devynn said, “but how to just slow him down safely so that he wouldn’t hurt himself or anyone else.” Ben’s treatment involved medication, periodic stays at a local respite home, and occasional trips to the mental health clinic at Phoenix Children’s Hospital, which is where he was on March 16, 2012, when Thompson is alleged to have arrived and beaten his mother and her boyfriend to death. When police examined the body, Edwards had 22 bodily wounds, some showing “signs of chopping,. according to the Arizona Republic, and a severed jugular vein.

Two ghetto rats hated each other, then one of them started pulling her life together. Hell hath no fury like watching an inmate escape. Strange, however, that a man who arrived on the scene only recently would be so passionate in the crime. A double-tap with a low caliber pistol would have gotten the victims just as dead as two dozen chops with a hatchet.

Thompson cleaned up the crime scene by dumping acid on the bodies and burning the house down. I can believe he came up with the latter–it’s a stupid but plausible way to destroy evidence, therefore appealing to the stupid–but I can’t believe he came up with the former.

Long, thick eyebrows and orderly hair indicate he’s not low-IQ. He should know that if you kill someone in their own home then there’s no point in mutilating the body. The police will just assume the victim is the homeowner and be proven right within the week when the homeowner’s employer and family file missing persons reports.

So, who gave him the idea to pour acid on the bodies of (to him) total strangers? Occam’s Razor: his BPD girlfriend, stringing him along with lots of crazy sex, because she saw it in a movie.

And for the smoking dick gun, here’s the story of how Thompson’s arrest went down.

…An Arizona Department of Public Safety Officer named Matt Bratz noticed a white Ford Taurus with Missouri plates on the I-40 near Flagstaff, Arizona. As Bratz saw it, the driver was acting visibly weird. He was, as the trooper later wrote in his report, .staring straight ahead with both arms locked out and gripping the steering wheel.” In court testimony, the trooper explained that he began following the vehicle from a distance, and eventually pulled them over. The man behind the wheel was Thompson.

That is one awesomely eagle-eyed state trooper.

From the window of the Taurus, the trooper saw a red gas can and smelled solvent. His K-9 unit caught wind of a substance and began barking, although the trooper would not find any evidence of drugs. As Bratz spoke to Thompson, he would later tell jurors, the defendant’s behavior grew increasingly anxious. His hands shook and his chest heaved, according to Arizona Republic accounts of court testimony. Apropos of nothing, Thompson launched into an anecdote about visiting a wildlife park and observing an employee feed the wild animals raw meat. Some blood from the meat had splashed onto his pants, Thompson reportedly said, forcing him to change clothes.

The wicked flee though none pursue. A cop’s favorite Bible verse.

When Bratz searched Thompson’s car, he turned up the bloody pants, a bloodier hatchet, a sample of human hair, and a handgun. Bratz handcuffed him. As they waited by the side of the road, Thompson asked the trooper if prisoners in Arizona could get conjugal visits.

Why was he thinking of continued sexual access to his wife when arrested on the way home from the double murder of his wife’s hated sister? Because that had been his motive for doing it. He was so thirsty for sex that he did a gruesome double murder in return for continued access to a feral skank’s used crotch.

With his parents dead and no kids of his own, he didn’t have much to live for anyway. Grief and depression may have played a role in his emotional state. Meanwhile, nobody is looking at prosecuting wifey. She manipulated Thompson into doing this for her, now she can cut him loose forever and monkey-branch to a new chump. I bet Scientology has a great Sunday Morning Nightclub. The men are prescreened for vulnerability to mind games.


Newsom Didn’t Cancel High Speed Rail Because the Feds Hadn’t Stopped Paying For It

I recently gave Newsom some hate in his State of the State speech for giving up on high-speed rail except for a useless corridor through the poorer regions of California’s Central Valley. Turns out that the reason for it is there’s different definitions of “the money is spent”.

Trump to Use “Nuclear Option” to Recover $2.5 Bn More from California’s Failed High-Speed Rail Project

By Joel B. Pollack, 22 February 2019

The Trump administration announced this week that it was canceling nearly $1 billion in grant money for California’s now-defunct high-speed rail project . and President Donald Trump is coming for the other $2.5 billion.

The $2.5 billion has already been spent . but California has failed to deliver the high-speed rail (on time, or at all) as promised.

Therefore, the Trump administration argues, the state has to repay federal taxpayers.

Yeah, sure, but everybody’s been talking like the $3.5b was already spent? Quoting Newsom in his State of the State speech, “And by the way, I am not interested in sending $3.5 billion in federal funding that was allocated to this project back to Donald Trump.” So, his wording turned to to be deceptive. Why is nobody surprised?

The Los Angeles Times quoted Stanford law professor David Freeman Engstrom, a Stanford law professor, describing Trump’s effort as a “nuclear option..

The practice of recovering money after a breach of contract, while common in the private sector, was virtually unheard of in government, he explained.

One supposes that, for government, balancing the budget and protecting the innocent from the guilty would be “nuclear options”. Engstrom has a typical male feminist face, not to mention tenure at a celebrity university, so it’s understandable why he would consider competent leadership and fiscal responsibility to be threatening concepts:

Whistle-blowing Kasowitz Firm Seeks Billions From Chemical Giants (Corrected) - Media Coverage ...

On Tuesday, the Federal Railroad Administration of the U.S. Department of Transportation wrote to California’s High-Speed Rail Authority, informing it that it had breached the terms of its contract with the federal government and that $928,620,000 would therefore no longer be available to the project.

Newsom objected, again: .This is California’s money.” He also claimed Trump was taking revenge for California’s leading role in filing a federal lawsuit against Trump’s national emergency declaration to build the “wall.”

I’m more inclined to think of it as funding the wall rather than retaliation for prohibiting a wall. If Trump had actually cared to retaliate for the anti-Wall omnibus bill Congress forced upon him then he would have arrested sitting legislators for treason. Not to change the subject, but I’m eligible for jury duty again. Hint hint, Mister President.

Anyway, Trump could flush that spent-but-not-yet-spent billion dollars down the toilet and it’d be a better use of it than anything Sacramento would have done.

I wonder how long until the pretense of a mini-high speed rail is dropped.


Unpersoning Takes Two Days: Goodloe Sutton

At first I thought this a publicity stunt, then just a sad tale of dementia. But the real story is in the reaction. Goodloe Sutton, a has-been journalist with a tiny readership in the South, called for the KKK to ride on D.C. Two working days later, he was unpersoned by his peers.

Goodloe Sutton: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

By Ellyn Santiago, 19 February 2019

Goodloe Sutton, the 79-year-old editor and publisher of a small Alabama newspaper founded by his father a century ago suggests that the Ku Klux Klan should robe up and ride into Washington D.C. under the cover of darkness and lynch Democratic lawmakers, elected officials he claims are actually “socialist communists..

Sutton.s paper is the Democrat-Reporter, a small weekly with a circulation of around 2,000. It wasn’t always struggling and once had a much wider readership, but not unlike many newspapers in small local markets, it’s struggled to survive, it was reported. It’s a relic. And now some are saying good riddance.

This is what he wrote (this report has not been edited):

Time for the Ku Klux Klan tonight ride again. Democrats in the Republican Party and Democrats are plotting to raise taxes in Alabama. They do not understand how to eliminate expenses when money is needed in other areas. This socialist communist ideology sounds good to the ignorant, the uneducated, and the simpleminded people.

People who do not understand the constitution do not like to be responsible. Slaves, just freed after the Civil War, were not stupid. At times, they borrowed their former masters. robes and horses and rode through the night to frighten some evil doer. Sometimes they had to kill one or two of them, but so what.

This is the same so what used when Democrats got us into World War I and World War II. Then they got us fighting in Korea. Next when the industrial northeast wanted more money, they got us in the Vietnam war, and now in the Middle East war.

If you haven’t noticed, they did away with the draft so their sons would not have to go into battle. Seems like the Klan would be a welcome to raid the gated communities up there they called him compounds now. Truly, they are the ruling class.

On first blush, it’s something a newsman might publish to get enough sensation to keep his 2,000-circulation paper in business. But if this is the original grammar then the guy’s obviously not doing well between the ears. His wife died in 2003, too. The kind thing to do in this situation is ignore the boor, let him rant and die quietly. Probably not even a long wait at this point.

Small-town publisher hopes to hold on until century mark

But the Left is displeased!

Editors at nearby small papers, including a collegiate one, saw the editorial.

The Democrat-Reporter in Linden, Alabama doesn’t have a website; it’s strictly ink-on-paper for the couple thousand readers. When the Montgomery Advertiser called Sutton to confirm if he, in fact, wrote the editorial that ran in his paper last week, he said yes, it was him.

Sutton told the paper, .If we could get the Klan to go up there and clean out D.C., we’d all been better off..

.Asked to elaborate what he meant by “cleaning up D.C.,. Sutton suggested lynching.

.We.ll get the hemp ropes out, loop them over a tall limb and hang all of them,. Sutton said.

When asked if he felt it was appropriate for the publisher of a newspaper to call for the lynching of Americans, Sutton doubled down on his position.

.. It’s not calling for the lynchings of Americans. These are socialist-communists we’re talking about. Do you know what socialism and communism is?. Sutton said..

Well, Sutton isn’t wrong about them not being Americans. *Gunner Q points at Ilhan Omar and Mazie Hirono.* But his ranting doesn’t add up because the KKK were Democrats organizing against Republican carpetbaggers. This is like asking Antifa to bike-lock Hillary Clinton. Awkward!

Heck, there was a time people were relaxed enough about politics to enjoy cranks like Sutton. Who amongst my readers is not entertained by Sutton’s October 2017 editorial about the NFL’s kneeling scandal? Here it comes:

Let Football Boys Kneel

“Some 20 years ago, watching professional football became as much fun as watching professional wrestling live on Channel 5. That was the Mobile [Alabama] channel we could get on our black and white fuzzy gray television set in the 1950s. The wrestlers put on a good show. Football players put on a good show, too.

“Some of the news programs are making a big to-do about black football players kneeling in the stadiums. That’s what black folks were taught to do two hundred years ago, kneel before a white man.

“Is that it? Let them kneel!”

Feel the burn, Colin Kaepernick! Or this editorial from March 2017:

Thank You, Russia

“Northeastern Democrats are now claiming the Russians fiddled around on the internet to keep Hillary Clinton from becoming president of the United States. True or not, we don’t blame the Russians if they did. America could not survive the incoherent babbling the little Miss Piggy. Also, if America didn’t survive, neither would Russia.

“Thank you Russia for helping us, if indeed you did. More than half the women who voted voted for Donald Trump. It boils down to Hillary just wanting to satisfy her ego. Nothing else, just to be the first.

“Again, thank you Russia, or God, or whoever cut out the little fat oinker.”

Mister Sutton, the Onion is on Line 2. They want to offer you a monthly column. And 4chan is still holding on Line 1.

Alas, Sutton’s peers were less amused.

Sutton and his wife Jean, also a journalist and who passed away in 2003, were graduates of The University of Southern Mississippi. The school of journalism inducted them into their Hall of Fame in 2007.

.Southern Miss graduates, Goodloe and Jean Sutton, lived their lives and shared their journalism careers together, beginning when they both worked on the staff of The Student Printz, Goodloe as an executive editor and Jean as a business manager,. the University wrote. .In 1964, they went to work for The Democrat-Reporter in Linden, Alabama . Goodloe as editor and publisher and Jean as a reporter.. … Southern Miss said the couple was “well respected civic leaders in Linden and in Western Alabama..

That was 2007. This is 2019:

Tuesday afternoon, the University removed Sutton from the Journalism Hall of Fame per the Clarion-Ledger: .The University of Southern Mississippi’s journalism department has removed an Alabama newspaper editor from its Hall of Fame after news broke he wrote an editorial calling for the return of the Ku Klux Klan and lynching…

That’s two working days from publishing the KKK editorial to being unpersoned thanks to President’s Day. And the Heavy’s article ends with this:

This story has been updated to reflect Sutton’s removal from the University of Southern Mississippi journalism Hall of Fame and to reflect that he is not a trustee nor a member of the Vestavia Chamber of Commerce. His name, and other information about Sutton were listed on the website, but the page was removed after this story was published.

It gets more tragic as we proceed to Wikipedia. Sutton was once a real-deal investigative journalist in line for a Pulitzer.

In 1998, Sutton received widespread acclaim for articles exposing corruption in the Marengo County Sheriff’s Office; he always credited his wife, Jean, “with laboring over courthouse records”. These articles, many written by his wife, led to guilty pleas by Sheriff Roger Davis for extortion, soliciting a bribe, and failure to pay state income taxes on the extorted money, for which he received two concurrent 27-month sentences.

For the series of articles with accompanying documentation Sutton was threatened; the Sheriff, according to Sutton, “started telling anyone who would listen that my oldest son was involved in drugs, my wife was having affairs and I was drunk all the time.” He received death threats and lost circulation and $50,000 per year in advertising in his newspaper; a local church official told him to “lay off the sheriff”. A deputy, Wilmer “Sonny” Breckenridge, threatened to plant drugs in Sutton’s home, according to Sutton. He and his wife were randomly pulled over and harassed, as was their oldest son.

His articles led to a federal undercover investigation, which in turn led to the arrest of 68 people in a drug raid. Breckenridge, who was Marengo County’s chief drug enforcement officer, was convicted of conspiracy to sell drugs and was sentenced to life in prison without parole.

That’s a very respectable achievement and Sutton was duly honored:

As a result of his reporting and editorials Sutton was awarded the Hugh M. Hefner First Amendment Award and the Society of Professional Journalists’ Sunshine Award. He was inducted in 2007 into the University of Southern Mississippi’s School of Mass Communication and Journalism Hall of Fame. In 2009, he received the Distinguished Community Journalist Award from Auburn University. Alabama representative Earl F. Hilliard, an African African, read on the floor of Congress a declaration praising him, saying: “His story is a shining example of the best and the brightest which occurs in America when a single citizen has the bravery to stand alone, in the face of mounting pressure and odds, and stands up for justice and equality.” He and his wife were also the subject of a People magazine article.

Two admiring readers submitted his work for the Pulitzer Prize for journalism, and he had supporting letters from other journalists. When the awards were to be announced a Fox News crew, a TV reporter, and a variety of other reportees were waiting with him, but he did not win.

On the same day Southern Miss removed him from its Hall of Fame, the Auburn’s Journalism Advisory Council rescinded its award for his legitimately courageous journalism. Also, “the Alabama Press Association censured Sutton, saying he “brought disgrace upon newspapers in Alabama and the profession,” and suspended the Democrat-Reporter”. Why? Because while forgotten in his dotage, he swung Left.

That’s the sickness of Social Justice. It doesn’t matter who you were yesterday; if you’re outside the Narrative today then you must be destroyed. Loyalty means nothing to the very people who constantly demand it.

Alabama political columnist Kyle Whitmire, who had worked at the Democrat-Reporter as a young man, published a column in which he speculated that Sutton, now 80, had gone into sharp decline since the death of his wife and might be suffering from dementia or alcoholism.

More than likely, for a celebrated journalist to have grammar as bad as Sutton’s. Shame on the little fat oinkers for sending Boxer to the glue factory!


Judge Claims Nothing Wrong with HIV in Military Personnel

We all knew it would come to this… “We” being the Red Pill-aware plus all registered Democrats.

Federal judge temporarily blocks military from forcing out HIV-positive airmen

A federal judge on Friday blocked the military from forcing out a pair of HIV-positive airmen, saying she had seen no evidence that the disease should prevent them from serving.

.These are the kinds of people that it seems to me the military wants to keep in the service,. Judge Leonie M. Brinkema of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia said in court while issuing an injunction. She elaborated in a memorandum, chastising the government for providing “no evidence, whether anecdotal or otherwise, of the effect of HIV on a servicemember’s medical fitness or the military’s readiness..

Her ruling allows the two airmen who sued to remain in their posts pending trial. Both would otherwise have been terminated in the next few weeks.

An incurable, contagious disease is all the evidence a sane person needs to know that HIV-infected people are unfit for work in a career field that specializes in bloodshed. The plaintiffs are Air Force so there’s the usual debate over whether they should be categorized as military personnel or civilian contractors but that’s not relevant to Judge Brinkema’s ruling.

.We’re absolutely thrilled,. said Scott Schoettes, an attorney for the airmen from the LGBT civil rights group Lambda Legal. .We look forward to trial in this matter, where we can show HIV status has no bearing on an airman’s ability to serve..

Schoettes. There’s no picture of Judge Brinkema but courtroom sketches indicate nothing that would surprise my readers.

Both active-duty airmen began antiretroviral treatment after testing HIV positive in 2017, and doctors deemed them asymptomatic and physically fit to deploy. Their commanders agreed. But in November, they were told they would be discharged because personnel with HIV are barred from deploying to the Middle East.

Former defense secretary Jim Mattis pushed to cut from the military anyone who was not deployable worldwide. Schoettes argued in court that the policy was arbitrary because several other HIV-positive airmen have been retained. The airmen also maintain that they can serve in the Middle East and manage the virus with a pill a day and blood tests every few months, which could be sent to a lab. They pointed out that the military does not categorically bar from combat zones people who take daily medication for asthma, hypertension or dyslipidemia.

So much to unpack here. First off, deployability is a critical issue for a military with an active, global presence. Second, the retaining of HIV-infected airmen in any capacity would only be a consequence of pro-Sodomite policies. It’s like saying female Army Rangers are as good as male ones because there are women wearing authorized Ranger tabs.

It goes without saying that “he’s perfectly healthy so long as he gets his daily medication, has blood tests flown back to CONUS for monitoring, isn’t exposed to anything his weakened immune system might not be able to handle and refrains from sexual behavior like he hasn’t been” does not mean “he’s perfectly healthy”. I know the thought is inconceivable to a modern American princess but there are dangers of servicemen becoming stranded overseas for reasons from “prisoner of war” to “domestic economic collapse”.

Neither asthma, hypertension nor dyslipidemia are infectious diseases. The latter is a related condition to cholesterol, if I read the description right.

And lastly, who is Judge Brinkema to tell the military how it should run a deployment? I checked and she’s never served a day in uniform… probably not even a cheerleader’s uniform. Her experience with military issues is limited to declaring the civilian courts are good enough.


Fed. judge says courts can handle Gitmo cases

By Matthew Barakat, 2 April 2009

A federal judge who presided over the trial of a 9/11 conspirator said Thursday that civilian courts are capable of handling the cases of Guantanamo Bay detainees.

U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema told a gathering at the University of Virginia law school that the courts’ ability to handle even the most complicated terrorism cases was demonstrated by the prosecution of terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui in her courtroom.

She also said the government should not abuse classification procedures to suppress information about mistreatment of detainees. She said it’s been her experience that much of what the government seeks to keep classified has more to do with avoiding embarrassment than divulging secrets.

“As embarrassing and as ugly as some of this information might be, it is not in my view national security information,” she said.

End segue.

Brinkema said in court that she was inclined to agree based on the medical evidence. .We’re not talking about a complicated problem,. she said. .It’s probably less complicated than sleep apnea..

How many hundreds of billions of dollars have been flung at cutting-edge retroviral research for GRIDS to not be a early death sentence? Soldiers used to cure sleep apnea by sewing cannonballs into the backs of pajama tops. Curing GRIDS has proven to be rather more complicated.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert Norway said in court that the military had to consider a .worst-case scenario. . if the medication was lost, a person’s viral load could rise to detectable levels. Because the two men are younger, he said, they are more likely to be sent to the Middle East than those who were not terminated.

Washington Litigation Lawyer Robert Norway

Best pic of Norway I could find.

Brinkema said studies found that would take weeks; Norway countered that it could take “as little as nine days..

A smarter lawyer would have argued that because the plaintiffs were obviously active homosexuals, they would be at severe risk of being put to death by Arabs who prefer goats. For their safety and the prevention of cultural appropriation, they cannot be deployed!

However, Brinkema questioned why the government had provided no recent medical research to defend its position while the plaintiffs had. In her ruling, she noted that a military-published study from 2015 concluded HIV .has gone from an untreatable disease. to one “that is compatible with active service throughout a full career in the U.S. military..

Whoever wrote that study either lied or qualified it to being just as dishonest. One reason “scientists” have begun falsifying their research is so it can be used to justify inhuman decisions like Brinkema’s. “They won’t become contagious fast enough to make a difference” has got to be in the Top 10 Stupidest Reasons To Approve Military Service.

In court filings, the government also expressed concern about “transmission of HIV on the battlefield,. including from a “battlefield blood transfusion.” Brinkema dismissed such fears, writing that .HIV is not as easily transmitted as many people believe. and cannot be transmitted at all when a person’s viral load is suppressed by medication.

Would Her Honor care to prove this by accepting a small blood transfusion from a plaintiff?

.Defendants have not identified a single recorded case of accidental transmission of HIV on the battlefield, which is unsurprising given the uncontroverted evidence that even without effective treatment, the risk of transmission through nonintimate contact such as blood splash is negligible,. she wrote.

Unless the blood splashes in the eyes, nose, mouth or a skin cut/abrasion, as frequently happens on a battlefield. She’s not even trying to make a case, she’s just trying to handwave the objections away while issuing her dictat.

A servicemember who knows himself to be HIV positive, she acknowledged, could not give blood, but “many servicemembers cannot give blood for various reasons” and are still deployed.

Are any of those “various reasons” incurable, fatal diseases?

The two airmen filed suit using the aliases Richard Roe and Victor Voe to avoid the stigma of publicizing their HIV status. Voe, who Brinkema noted has deployed to the Middle East twice, came to court Friday in uniform.

.I.m really excited,. he said after the hearing. .This is the first time in two years I’ve had hope..

Hope of getting your Combat Infantry Badge? Then why did you join the Air Force? Hope of being banished from the First World to a Godforsaken wasteland again? Probably not. We already know he isn’t close to retirement. What, then, is he hoping for? Scroll back to the top, to the third italicized paragraph:

Her ruling allows the two airmen who sued to remain in their posts pending trial.


Gavin Newsom’s SOS

I fisked New California Governor Gavin Newsom’s recent State of the State speech. It’s full of toxic Leftism as one would expect but there are points of interest. Allies, enemies and best of all, Newsom repeatedly confessing his incompetence to govern. Boldface are mine for reference.

12 February 2019

Mr. Speaker, thank you for being a champion for all Californians . and for welcoming Jen and me into your house today.

Madam Pro Tem . thank you for your commitment to collaboration, which has helped make our first month together so productive.

I also have the honor of saying for the first time ever in this chamber: thank you Madam Lieutenant Governor for that very kind and short introduction.

To all the constitutional officers and legislators assembled here today . thank you for your service to our state.

And let me reassure everyone: our son Dutch is not here. We learned our lesson at the inauguration.

Segue for context:

Gavin Newsom’s 2-year-old son, Dutch, stole the show at his father’s inaugural address.

Carrying a blanket and pacifier, Dutch wandered on to a stage outside of the California Capitol and wouldn’t leave it as his father delivered remarks to an audience of lawmakers and former governors.

No way that happened accidentally. The Governor used his own son as a political prop to endear himself to the wimmin. Strike that, it was probably Co-Governor Jennifer Newsom’s idea. I like to think that even Gavin has enough manhood to not see his child as a meal ticket. Either way, how unprofessional.

Governor Gavin Newsom is interrupted on stage by his ...

The governor scooped Dutch up in his arms and continued delivering his speech. Dutch rested his head on his father’s shoulder as he spoke about sanctuary cities and immigration policy.

“I promise you, my fellow collaborators against the United States, that my own son here will grow up to be a persecuted minority in his own homeland.”

End segue.

Today, I want to talk about how we can do that together.

By every traditional measure, the state of our state is strong.

We have a record-breaking surplus. added 3 million jobs since the depths of the recession.

Wages are rising.

Who is this “we”, kemosabe?

We have more scientists, researchers, and engineers, more Nobel laureates, and the finest system of higher education anywhere in the world.

All of whom are working in poverty at Walmart.

But along with that prosperity and progress, there are problems that have been deferred for too long and that threaten to put the California dream out of reach for too many.

We face hard decisions that are coming due.

The choices we make will shape our future for decades.

This is what I want to talk about today, as frankly and directly as I can:

The tough calls we must make together on rail, water, and energy. How we protect migrants, care for seniors, and help the homeless, and how we will tackle the affordability crisis that is coming to define life in this state.

I won’t pretend to have all the answers. But the only way to find them is to face these issues honestly.

If you don’t have the answers then you shouldn’t be Governor. GTFO so somebody competent can do the job. Gawddammit, *I* have the answers to all of those problems and I’m a nobody. Christ, Country, Fatherhood and don’t spend more than you earn. Boom, done.

Let.s start with the fear mongering from the White House about the so-called “emergency” at our border.

For me, this is an echo from 15 years ago.

I was a new mayor sitting in the gallery at the State of the Union when President Bush said LGBT Americans should not be able to get married.

It was an attack on our friends and neighbors, and on California’s values.

Interesting that Newsom equates immigration with LGBT perversion acceptance. The true “emergency” from his perspective is opposition to Globalism.

I was so proud to watch brave Californians answer those attacks with love and courage. Phyllis Lyon and Del Martin made history when they were married 15 years ago to this very day.

They were married by Gavin Newsom in violation of California law. His mention of those two women exposes a history of California’s sodomization that I’d never known before. I will post on them! For now, this passage from Wikipedia: “They were married on February 12, 2004, in the first same-sex wedding to take place in San Francisco after Mayor Gavin Newsom ordered the city clerk to begin providing marriage licenses to same-sex couples, but that marriage was voided by the California Supreme Court on August 12, 2004. They married again on June 16, 2008, in the first same-sex wedding to take place in San Francisco after the California Supreme Court’s decision in In re Marriage Cases legalized same-sex marriage in California.

Ah, the love and courage of Californians… overturned by judicial fiat so fugly Lesbians can fornicate in public.


Del Martin in 1972. Eww! Only a woman could want to wife THAT up.

Now, just like back then, we must stand up for those maligned, marginalized, and scapegoated.

Because last week, we heard another president stand up at the State of the Union and offer a vision of an America fundamentally at odds with California values.

He described a country where inequality doesn’t seem to be a problem, where climate change doesn’t exist, and where the greatest threat we face comes from families seeking asylum.

I don’t see any Russians storming our borders, Gavin. And climate change? First it was nuclear winter, then it was global warming, now it’s climate “change” because you Leftoids can’t keep your lies straight.

Just last night, he went down to El Paso and said it again.

Let us state the facts. We are currently experiencing the lowest number of border crossings since 1971.

In California, like our nation, our undocumented population is at its lowest level in more than a decade.

Some 550,000 fewer in our state alone.

“The border situation isn’t an emergency because we have fewer illegal immigrants than ever… but don’t worry, I plan to fix that.”

Immigrants, both those here legally and those without documentation, commit crime at a lower rate than native-born citizens.

And those families, women and children, seeking asylum at our borders, are doing so lawfully.

Even the Mexicans whose land they merely pass through don’t agree with you.

Those are the facts. The border “emergency” is a manufactured crisis and California will not be part of this political theater.

We’re not backing down. Just yesterday, I gave the National Guard a new mission . one that will refocus on the real threats facing our state.

A third of our forces currently on the border will be redeployed to help prepare for the upcoming fire season by joining CAL FIRE in prevention and suppression. Work, ironically, the federal government curtailed during the recent shutdown.

This is an act of treason. Newsom is overriding Federal control of the California National Guard and taking them off the border for the specific purpose of thwarting national border security. It goes without saying that California’s fire problem… exacerbated by California’s infrastructure problem… is a State issue, not a national issue.

Another third will boost the National Guard’s statewide Counterdrug Task Force by redeploying up north to go after illegal cannabis farms, many of which are run by cartels, are devastating our pristine forests, and are increasingly becoming fire hazards themselves.

Marijuana growing is no longer a Drug War concern. It’s a taxation and zoning concern post-legalization. His willingness to use the military on civilians is a problem of a different sort… unless, of course, those cartels are the illegal immigrants committing fewer crimes that he mentioned.

The remaining third of our Guard will focus on stopping criminals smuggling drugs and guns through existing border checkpoints.

Probably a smoke screen to avoid prosecution for treason.

A wall that stretches thousands of miles through the wilderness will do nothing to stop this threat.

For a laugh, neither will the wall around the California Governor’s mansion:

This is our answer to the White House: No more division, no more xenophobia and no more nativism. We suffered enough from that in the nineties with Props 187 and 227.

Next, let’s level about High-Speed Rail. I have nothing but respect for Governor Brown’s and Governor Schwarzenegger’s ambitious vision. I share it. And there’s no doubt that our state’s economy and quality of life depend on improving transportation.

But let’s be real. The project, as currently planned, would cost too much and take too long. There’s been too little oversight and not enough transparency.

Right now, there simply isn’t a path to get from Sacramento to San Diego, let alone from San Francisco to LA. I wish there were.

The former trip is half again longer than the latter. Gavin is probably thinking of his own personal convenience here. I remember a scandal in Los Angeles in which a high speed rail line to Las Vegas was scrapped when the Mayor’s wife turned out to be spending taxpayer money on Vegas gambling trips. Let me see if I can find that story… *Gunner Q misclicks*

Begin segue:

22 September 2015

The trip from LA to Las Vegas may only take an hour by air, but the hassles associated with air travel have seen numerous proposals for a high-speed rail link between the two cities floated over the years. Lack of cash has usually proven the insurmountable hurdle, but after failing to secure a US$5.5 billion federal loan, XpressWest has found another way forward by teaming up with China Railway International USA in a joint venture that could see the link begin construction in late 2016.

Sigh, that’s way too recent to be the scandal I was thinking of but thanks for the reminder of how welcomed China is with its billion-dollar investments in California’s infrastructure. If Newsom had any loyalty to the United States, this sort of collaboration with foreign powers would concern him. I’ve had the same thought about Trump but credit where it’s due, his trade war against the PRC has dried up the funds for such insidious behavior. For the moment of his Presidency. Still nobody doing perp walks.

End segue.

However, we do have the capacity to complete a high-speed rail link between Merced and Bakersfield.

I know that some critics will say this is a “train to nowhere.” But that’s wrong and offensive. The people of the Central Valley endure the worst air pollution in America as well as some of the longest commutes. And they have suffered too many years of neglect from policymakers here in Sacramento. They deserve better.

A recent post of mine handled this but let me say in passing, nobody in Central Valley has a commute worse than the Interstate 405 Parking Lot in Los Angeles. Newsom is lying his head off here and I’m not sure he even has a reason for doing it.

High-Speed Rail is much more than a train project. It’s about economic transformation and unlocking the enormous potential of the Valley.

Much more than a train project, it’s also about corruption, political favor-trading, money laundering, economic centralization and control of the population.

We can align our economic and workforce development strategies, anchored by High-Speed Rail, and pair them with tools like opportunity zones, to form the backbone of a reinvigorated Central Valley economy.

Here’s a money laundering and population control example. “Opportunity Zones” are a concept straight from a Judge Dredd comic. Regions are targeted for “investment” by gov’t-bankster consortiums.

Merced, Fresno, Bakersfield, and communities in between are more dynamic than many realize.

“Vibrant”, he means. With land devalued by the cities being turned into giant barrios, the land can be bought up cheaply to create new, tiny kingdoms for the politically connected. Feudalism returns!

The Valley may be known around the world for agriculture, but there is another story ready to be told. A story of a region hungry for investment, a workforce eager for more training and good jobs, Californians who deserve a fair share of our state’s prosperity.

Look, we will continue our regional projects north and south. We’ll finish Phase 1 environmental work. We’ll connect the revitalized Central Valley to other parts of the state, and continue to push for more federal funding and private dollars. But let’s just get something done.

And there’s the corruption and favor-trading.

For those who want to walk away from this whole endeavor, I offer you this:

Abandoning high-speed rail entirely means we will have wasted billions of dollars with nothing but broken promises and lawsuits to show for it.

Sunken costs fallacy.

And by the way, I am not interested in sending $3.5 billion in federal funding that was allocated to this project back to Donald Trump.

HAHAHAAA! You don’t have a choice. It’s THEIR money given for a project YOU mismanaged and abandoned.

Nor am I interested in repeating the same old mistakes.

Today I am ordering new transparency measures.

We’re going to hold contractors and consultants accountable to explain how taxpayer dollars are spent . including change orders, cost overruns, even travel expenses. It’s going online, for everybody to see.

The hypocrisy between this and not repaying that $3.5 billion to the Feds is astonishing.

Now we come to Newsom’s latest hiring decisions.

You’re also going to see some governance changes, starting with my pick for the next chair of the High-Speed Rail Authority, Lenny Mendonca, my Economic Development Director. Because, at the end of the day, transportation and economic development must go hand in hand.

*checks* Mendonca is a low-profile, billionaire globalist specializing in “real estate investments”. Or depending upon who you ask, a poor farmer’s son who love for America got him into Stanford. His physiognomy is Deep State. Especially that smile:

CNN Contributor Maria Cardona, Civic Leader Lenny Mendonca ...

We also need a fresh approach when it comes to meeting California’s massive water challenges.

We have a big state with diverse water needs. Cities that need clean water to drink, farms that need irrigation to keep feeding the world, fragile ecosystems that must be protected.

The entire planet is so fragile, it will explode if these Leftoid tyrants are ever removed from power. /sarc

Our water supply is becoming less reliable because of climate change.

And infrastructure decay, as funds are diverted to welfare.

And our population is growing because of a strong economy.

And massive, uncontrolled immigration.

That means a lot of demand on an unpredictable supply. There are no easy answers.

Again, he says that. Again, an admission that Gavin doesn’t know how to solve California’s actual problems. Let me assist. California borders the Pacific Ocean, the largest body of water in the world. California is narrow; its distance from said Ocean is shorter than the currently existing aqueduct system. Desalination is a proven, mature technology and nearly all of California’s major cities are close to the ocean… but sadly, it’s the sort of work that illiterate Hondurans, single mothers and totalitarian globalists don’t want to do.

But let me be direct about where I stand:

I do not support the Water Fix as currently configured. Meaning, I do not support the twin tunnels. But we can build on the important work that’s already been done. That’s why I do support a single tunnel.

He’s talking about this:

I’m not familiar with it. It reads like an infrastructure upgrade to the aqueduct system, which is conceptually a dubious idea. A gigantic aqueduct network running through earthquake country is not an optimal choice for a city’s water supply but that’s how a large chunk of Los Angeles & outlying areas gets by.

Los Angeles is doomed. But you knew that already.

Gavin doesn’t have an answer to the water shortage but doesn’t like the answers other people found. You knew that already, too.

The status quo is not an option.

We need to protect our water supply from earthquakes and rising sea levels, preserve delta fisheries, and meet the needs of cities and farms.

We have to get past the old binaries, like farmers versus environmentalists, or North versus South. Our approach can’t be .either/or.. It must be .yes/and..

We must have Unity of vision! My vision!

Conveyance and efficiency. And recycling projects like we’re seeing in Southern California’s Met Water District, expanding floodplains in the Central Valley, groundwater recharge, like farmers are doing in Fresno County. We need a portfolio approach to building water infrastructure and meeting long-term demand.

To help bring this balance, I’m appointing a new chair of the California water board, Joaquin Esquivel.

Prior to his appointment to a State Water Board, Esquivel was a legal assistant to Senator Barbara Boxer. A politician who can’t win an election but has plenty of favors to trade.

Now, let’s talk honestly about clean drinking water.

Just this morning, more than a million Californians woke up without clean water to bathe in or drink. Some schools have shut down drinking fountains due to contamination. Some poorer communities, like those I visited recently in Stanislaus County, are paying more for undrinkable water than Beverly Hills pays for its pristine water.

These are three different problems. In order, 1. Homelessness caused by gov’t subsidies for homelessness, 2. gov’t infrastructure neglect and 3. gov’t corruption. Oh, okay, they are one problem after all. Our current gov’t.

This is a moral disgrace and a medical emergency. There are literally hundreds of water systems across the state contaminated by lead, arsenic, or uranium.

Solving this crisis demands sustained funding. It demands political will.

It demands the gov’t do its freaking job and stop milking infrastructure problems like cash cows.

Next, let’s talk about our energy future . and PG&E.s bankruptcy.

We are all frustrated and angry that it’s come to this. PG&E didn’t do enough to secure dangerous equipment or plan for the future. My administration will work to make sure PG&E upholds its obligations. I have convened a team of the nation’s best bankruptcy lawyers and financial experts from the energy sector.

They will work with my strike team to develop a comprehensive strategy that we will present within 60 days. We will ensure continued access to safe affordable power. We will seek justice [GQ: money] for fire victims, fairness [GQ: money] for employees, and protection [GQ: money] for ratepayers. We will continue to invest in safety, and we will never waver on achieving the nation’s most ambitious clean energy goals.

The problems we face are far greater than PG&E. Climate change is putting pressure on all of our utilities.public and private, north and south. Edison and San Diego Gas & Electric both recently had their credit ratings downgraded.

From what I’ve heard by word-of-mouth, PG&E installed automatic reboot systems into its transmission lines. Most interruptions are caused by animals grounding the line which is a brief, one-time interruption as the critter is fried into charcoal and falls. Automating the reboot procedure makes it happen quickly enough to prevent interruption of service, compared to the older system of manually reconnecting a circuit breaker.

Unfortunately, tree branches brushing against power lines is a recurrent grounding, not a one-time event. Bzzt-reboot-bzzt-reboot happening quickly enough (say, in high winds) gives the same sparking effect as a flint firestarter.

The municipal equivalent of replacing a household fuse with a wire because the fuses keep blowing.

I don’t know what kind of R&D was done on the reboot equipment but it sounds like a technical problem, not a credit rating problem.

This pressure comes at a time when the entire energy market is evolving. From roof-top solar and wind generation to smart grid technologies. From Community Choice Aggregators to direct access service. More and more of our electricity now is procured outside of investor-owned utilities.

And procured by gov’t-mandated and -subsidized, expensive, eco-unfriendly, inefficiently low-scale utilities instead. Progress!

Regulations and insurance practices created decades ago didn’t anticipate these changes. We must map out longer-term strategies, not just for the utilities. future, but for California’s energy future, to ensure that the cost of climate change doesn’t fall on those least able to afford it.

They would be the parasites who produce nothing of value. They have trouble affording all kinds of stuff.

Now let me turn to education.

The teachers. strike in LA is over . but the need to confront its underlying causes has only just begun. Understaffed schools, overcrowded classrooms, pension pressures, the achievement gap, and charter school growth . these stressors are showing up all over the state, right here in Sacramento, in Fresno, and Oakland.

Heh, charter school growth is a problem! Because the gov’t can’t directly control charter schools.

Districts across the state are challenged to balance budgets even in this strong economy, and at a time when we’re spending more on schools than ever before.

Seven years ago, we invested $47.3 billion in our schools. Next year, with your support, we’ll invest more than $80 billion . that includes $576 million for special education.

But it’s not enough. We’re still 41st in the nation in per pupil funding. Something needs to change. We need to have an honest conversation about how we fund our schools at a state and local level.

Shouldn’t we be measuring pupil achievement, not money spent? “Our schools are failing because we spend only half as much money as neighboring states for the same result!” raises interesting questions of priorities.

But at the same time, let’s remember that the measure of a school system’s excellence is more than the sum of its budgets.

We need clear and achievable standards of transparency, more information sharing, and accountability for all public schools . traditional and charter.

Transparency. He keeps talking about that. Newsom’s greatest recurring theme in this speech is concern that somebody, somewhere, might be secretly doing something he doesn’t approve of. The devil constantly tests his people for rebellious beliefs because he assumes they’re just like him: a shameless rebel.

We need a new President for the State Board of Education, to lead the way and work alongside State Superintendent Tony Thurmond, and to lift up all of our students. And my pick for that position is nationally recognized education expert Linda Darling-Hammond.

The Linda Darling-Hammond Guide to Educational Leadership ...

Phyiognomy: bitter feminist archetype. Confirming the hyphenated last name.

There’s another urgent moral issue we must confront: the homelessness epidemic.

So many of California’s homeless . whether they’re families, veterans, victims of rent spikes, or survivors fleeing domestic violence . are invisible and left behind by our society. Too many on the streets are suffering from bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or paranoia. Many are self-medicating with drug or alcohol as a consequence. Our homelessness crisis has increasingly become a public health crisis.

Last year, there was a Hepatitis-A outbreak in San Diego. Recently, there was an outbreak of Syphilis in Sonoma. And now, typhus in Los Angeles. Typhus. That’s a Medieval disease. In California. In 2019.

We didn’t have these diseases when CONSERVATIVE, GOD-FEARING HOMOPHOBES ran the government! Maybe we should go back to what worked. Speaking of disease and homophobia, it’s interesting that Newsom didn’t mention the STD rates of San Fransicko. He worked hard to achieve that, yo!

Mayors, county supervisors, and city councils around the state are working hard to reduce homelessness and its underlying causes. We’ve got to have their backs.

Their feces-tracking apps have thus far failed to reduce homelessness. I don’t think feeding & housing the homeless will get rid of them, either.

But they can’t do it alone. To help lead this discussion, I’m appointing a new Commission on Homelessness & Supportive Housing, led by Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg.

Darrell Steinberg - Wikipedia

Good pedoface. I admit, we haven’t yet tried molesting the homeless until they leave. Quick Wikipedia quote: “In 1997, the City of Sacramento engaged in a lawsuit against Loaves and Fishes, a private charity providing food to the homeless. The free lunches began to draw thousands of homeless people which had become a nuisance to local business near the shelter in North Sacramento. Former Mayor Joe Serna and then Councilmember Steinberg were the only two members to vote against the lawsuit.

With your support, let’s put half a billion dollars into immediate funding for navigation centers . emergency shelters with services on site, and another hundred million for Whole Person Care to replace a fragmented approach to services with one that’s more integrated and comprehensive.

How much would it cost to authorize police to hit them with sticks until they go away? Asking for a friend.

And while cities and counties are on the front lines, this challenge will only be solved regionally. We need to work together as a state to focus on prevention, rapid rehousing, mental health, and more permanent supportive housing . because while shelter solves sleep, only permanent supportive housing solves homelessness.

The other 49 states in the Union will thank you as they bus all their homeless to your doorstep… at my expense.

Now, let’s talk about something too often overlooked:

The Golden State is getting grayer. We need to get ready for the major demographic challenge headed our way.

Yes, let’s talk about funding because pensioners and Squatemalans don’t pay the bills.

For the first time in our history, older Californians will outnumber young children. Over the next decade, our statewide senior population will increase by 4 million. In 25 years, it will double. And more than half will require some form of long-term care.

This is a direct result of killing marriage and banning fatherhood.

Growing old knows no boundaries . aging doesn’t care what race you are, your economic status, or if you’re single with no other family support. had some personal . and painful . experience with this recently. I lost my father over the holidays, after years of declining physical health and dementia. He was determined to live out his days with dignity. He also happened to be a retired public official with a pension and a support circle of family and friends.

Everybody won when he died. His own pain ended, the taxpayer had one less mouth to feed and you got a talking point for your speech. First you used your toddler as a political prop, now your dead dad. Thank God I’m not related to you.

Even with all those advantages, it was a daily challenge to meet his needs so he could live in place and maintain a good quality of life. Millions of Californians share a similar story, and the numbers will only grow.

It.s time for a new Master Plan on Aging. It must address: person-centered care, the patchwork of public services, social isolation, bed-locked seniors in need of transportation, the nursing shortage, and demand for In-Home Supportive Services that far outpaces its capacity.

This is not a government problem, how people handle their own old age. I had hoped Gavin would be talking about how to fund his $$$,$$$,$$$,$$$ moonbeams with an aging population, not how he could throw even more $$$ at retired Baby Boomers.

Forget women, let’s take voting rights away from the AARP.

And we can’t talk about aging without focusing on Alzheimer.s.

Too many of us have seen the crushing grip this disease has on our loved ones . and especially on our wives and mothers . two-thirds of new Alzheimer’s cases are women.

[Gavin glances nervously at his wife and self-appointed Co-Governor, Jennifer the failed actress who was talent-scouted by Harvey Weinstein.]

Today, I am launching the Alzheimer’s Prevention and Preparedness Task Force, bringing the most renowned scientists and thinkers together to develop first-of-its-kind research in this area. It will be headed by a leading advocate for families dealing with Alzheimer.s, our former first lady, Maria Shriver. She is here today and we are grateful for her continued service.

Poor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Like Trump, his Governorship started off promising. Arnie even publicly accused Sacramento of being “girlie men” during budget season and it was awesome. (“Girlie men” used to be an insult.) But he backed down afterwards and became a forgettable governor.

At the time, I thought he was unwilling to lose popularity in Hollywood. But maybe his wife undermined him instead. Marrying Shriver was not a smart move on his part.

You’d think Arnold an okay guy if you ever met him but he isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer. He’s manipulable.

Tying together many of the hard challenges we face is the broader cost crisis. In a recent survey, 61 percent of young adults in California said they can’t afford to live here. California should never be a place where only the well-off can lead a good life.

I’ve seen the Section 8 rent-controlled properties that California does. The parasite lives well here, too.

It starts with housing, perhaps our most overwhelming challenge right now. We all know the problem. There’s too much demand and too little supply. And that is happening in large part because too many cities and counties aren’t even planning for how to build. Some are flat out refusing to do anything at all.

That.s why I have committed $750 million for a major new incentive package for communities to do the right thing. $250 million in support to cities and counties to update their housing plans, revamp their zoning process, and get more housing entitled. $500 million more in grants when they achieve these milestones.

You… you’re going to pay bureaucrats to do the job they’re already paid to do? Can you please be a little less overt with the bribes? The other States in the Union are already staring at us.

If we want a California for All, we have to build housing for all.

I want to support local governments that do what’s right, like Anaheim and Santa Rosa. But there must be accountability for those that don’t.

There’s that Unity of (My) Vision again. Newsom wants to centralize political control of California. Northern California is particularly notorious for hostility to Sacramento, although it rarely reaches the point of civil disobedience. The region around Mount Shasta regularly tries to secede and create the state of Jefferson, IIRC.

I’ve said it before, there’s a lot of Heritage Americans in California who don’t like the way things are going in this state. Looks like Newsom hates us as much as his predecessor did.

Two weeks ago, the state of California sued the city of Huntington Beach for failing to meet its obligations on affordable housing. Let me tell you, as a former mayor, the last thing I wanted to do was start my term by suing a city. But they left us no choice.

Gavin Newsom’s target here is Travis Allen, who led Huntington Beach and Los Alamitos in opposition against Sacramento’s treason in declaring sanctuary statehood. I blogged on this before:

Travis Allen.jpg

Travis Allen is a California hero. He ranks with Don Grundmann for “most sane California politician”. Sickening that a lawsuit against him for loyalty to America was one of Newsom’s first priorities as governor.

This isn’t about picking on Huntington Beach, they happened to be first because of a statute of limitations. There are 47 other cities across California that are not complying with their planning requirements in one way or another.

“Their” planning requirements?

Some cities are trying, like Clovis. But others are not, like Wheatland, Huntington Park, and Montebello. I am inviting these cities. leaders to sit down next week for a candid conversation. I don’t intend to file suit against all 47, but I’m not going to preside over neglect and denial. These cities need to summon the political courage to build their fair share of housing.

Fair share of housing? Wheatland’s population is 3,400. They grow walnuts there. Newsom is making open threats against the tiniest of his political opponents.

What’s the real reason you are going after these people, Governor?

I also want to acknowledge other factors beyond city planning that have limited our ability to provide housing.

In recent years, we’ve expedited judicial review on CEQA for professional sports. It’s time we do the same thing for housing.

That’s the California Environmental Quality Act, a 1970s laws that allows environmentalists to shut down private construction projects at will. If you’ve ever heard of “Environment Impact Reports”, CEQA is their daddy. The “expedited review for professional sports” refers to fast-tracking environmental approval of new pro sports stadiums, a critically underfunded infrastructure crisis in California. /sarc

I want to applaud the efforts by home builders and labor leaders, who together are working to forge a compromise to accelerate production.

But there is no way we can achieve our ambitious targets unless we train a skilled workforce big enough to meet this challenge . and those workers deserve wages high enough to support their families.

Good thing you have all those Mary Sue Single Mothers on retainer. I’m sure they’d love to build you some tract housing and aquifer wells in thanks for all the welfare you’ve given them.

Let.s encourage this progress, bring more people to the table, and get something big done. And while we’re at it, let’s not forget the commitments many of us made after Prop 10 failed last year.

The pressures on vulnerable renters didn’t go away after the election. We need new rules to stabilize neighborhoods and prevent evictions, without putting small landlords out of business. I want the best ideas from everyone in this chamber. Here is my promise to you, get me a good package on rent stability this year and I will sign it.

Gavin Newsom is self-admittedly incompetent. Even his existence is illegal per new State laws against bullying.

Next, if we’re serious about taming the cost crisis we need affordable healthcare for all Californians.

OH MY DOG ARE YOU KIDDING ME? We need socialist health care in order to keep costs down??? He’s not honest enough for even a snarking.

[skipping ahead]

That.s why our budget devotes more than $1 billion to increase rates and address the [medical] provider shortage.

This investment will also allow us to increase access to preventative health measures like -immunizations, trauma screenings, and mental health services. And it provides $100 million for reproductive health and family planning.

More “transparency” into the lives of proletariats, more $$$ for welfare queens.

As we pursue the long-term goal of single payer financing, let us make a down-payment now by expanding Medi-Cal coverage to all Californians up to age 26, regardless of their immigration status.

The definition of treason is aiding and abetting foreigners in defiance of Federal policy.

[skipping ahead]

Despite our rising wages, working families in California today barely earn more than they did a decade ago.


That.s why, with your support, we will provide a cost of living refund by expanding the earned income tax credit to a million more Californians who need it the most. For families with kids under the age of six, they.ll see their benefit go up by as much as three times.

What if I refuse to give my support? Will you back down on this or incarcerate me?

It.s time to develop a new modern compact for California’s changing workforce. This is much bigger than Dynamex.

Dynamex was a company that reclassified all of its employees as independent contractors to get around labor laws. Read more at the link below. I have no strong feelings on it myself but the case was influential… I believe Lyft/Uber use the same business model.

California needs a comprehensive statewide strategy to uplift and upskill our workers, to ensure technological advancements in AI, blockchain, big data, are creating jobs, not destroying them, and to reform our institutions so that more workers have an ownership stake in their sweat equity.

I thought we already had a super-educated workforce. Did those PhDs not come with marketable skills?

We will appoint a new Commission on California’s Workforce & Future of Work. We will bring together leaders from labor and business . both the public and private sectors. Their assignment is to come up with new ideas to expand worker opportunity without extinguishing innovation or flexibility.

You incompetent turd bucket, Newsom. You didn’t see Trump begging other people to solve his problems, did you? You will never be one-tenth the leader that Orange Man is.

[skipping ahead]

At my inauguration, I quoted the Sermon on the Mount about a house that did not fall in the face of floods and storms, because it was founded upon a rock. … As St. Paul said, .we are many parts but one body.” We are all diminished when one of us struggles to lead a good life.

Newsom ends his speech by invoking Scripture to justify his humanist rebellion against God. No, he’s not even doing that. He’s just mocking God during a victory lap.

Remember the story of the registered nurse in Paradise who was sitting in traffic, trying to escape the fire, as flames started to engulf his car. He thought, .this is it.” He recorded a goodbye video for his family. Then a miracle occurred: a bulldozer cleared burning cars out of his path. At that point, he could have driven away as fast as possible. That’s what a lot of people would have done.

Remember the town of Wheatland that Newsom is threating into compliance with the Globalist agenda? It’s less than 100 miles from Paradise.

Instead, he turned his car around and drove straight to the hospital in the middle of town, where he worked in the ICU. He and his colleagues started treating injured people. Then the hospital caught fire. They moved patients to a helipad 100 yards away as fast as they could.

Every single one of them was safely evacuated.

When he was asked why he did this . why he drove back through the fire when he could have saved himself . he shrugged and said, .This is what we do..

There ain’t gonna be much more of that male martyrdom in the future. One wonders how Newsom plans to retaliate against us. Probably not at all; he probably expects us to keep showing up and dying.

I believe in our state. And I know that the best is yet to come.

Thank you.

You will go to Eternal Hell, Gavin Newsom, for the many crimes you commit against God and California. Your speech was nothing but admissions of incompetence, promises of betrayal against national security, promises of loot to feral women and foreign nationals, threats against cities great & small who peacefully oppose your illegal, immoral, genocidal agenda and a Utopian vision of Government as God that is, by far, the most violent and bloodthirsty religion in recorded history.

Humanity will never reach its best until you reach your final destination. You and your LGBT cronies.

On the bright side, thanks for calling out some of your enemies. Now I know where to look for allies… and the stories the lamestream media won’t cover.


High Speed Rail Refund!

This story is likely to get buried under the national emergency declaration but Trump did something new: after Cali Governor Gavin Newsom cancelled a hideously mismanaged high speed railway project connecting Los Angeles to San Francisco, Trump demanded Newsom’s administration repay the billions given him for the railway by the Federal gov’t.

Trump Demands Gavin Newsom Return $3.5 Billion for Canceled Bullet Train; Newsom: It’s .California’s Money. Now

By Joel B. Pollack, 13 February 2019

President Donald Trump demanded Wednesday evening that the State of California return $3.5 billion in federal funds after Gov. Gavin Newsom canceled most of the state’s high-speed rail project, saying it was too expensive.

.California has been forced to cancel the massive bullet train project after having spent and wasted many billions of dollars,. the president tweeted. .They owe the Federal Government three and a half billion dollars. We want that money back now. Whole project is a “green” disaster!.

I like Trump’s “management by Twitter” style. Not only does it fit the average voter’s attention span, most topics are simple enough to be explained or rebutted in 140 characters or less.

This is an attack vector even I hadn’t thought of: Require state gov’ts to finish whatever they take Federal money to do or hold them accountable! Bwahaha!

Newsom responded that it was .California’s money.:

“Fake news. We’re building high-speed rail, connecting the Central Valley and beyond.

“This is CA.s money, allocated by Congress for this project. We’re not giving it back.

“The train is leaving the station . better get on board!

“(Also, desperately searching for some wall $$??)”

Lame! “This is CA.s money, allocated by Congress for this project” is an oxymoron. But I love Newsom’s feeble heckle.

Newsom devoted the opening portion of his first “State of the State” address Tuesday to attacking Trump and his policies on the border. Yet he then bowed to conservative criticism . and, arguably, to fiscal reality . by canceling the high-speed rail project championed by his predecessors.

I just gotta fisk his SOS speech.

The governor added that while the bullet train would no longer connect San Francisco and Los Angeles, as first envisioned, the state would still continue “phase one” of the project between the rural towns of Bakersfield and Merced. .I know that some critics will say this is a “train to nowhere,’. he said. “But that’s wrong and offensive..

Not only is it right, but this is exactly why Sacramento wants to criminalize being “offensive”. Telling politicians they’re lying sacks of shit is offensive… and backing it up with photographic evidence like this, doubleplus thoughtcrime offensive:

Newsom added that the state had to continue the project if it wanted to keep the federal funds it had taken: .I am not interested in sending $3.5 billion in federal funding that was allocated to this project back to Donald Trump..

There it is. He’s not shutting down “Phase 1” because if he did, he’d have to repay the money to Congress that he claimed doesn’t belong to Congress.

The money was granted to California as part of President Barack Obama’s stimulus, which set aside .$8 billion in federal stimulus money to create 13 high-speed rail corridors,. the New York Times reported at the time.

Obama pressured states to take the cash . which Democrat-governed states eagerly did. But the Republican wave of 2010 brought new governors to office, and several rejected their state’s high-speed rail plans as costly and unnecessary.

State governments said no to free Federal money? How did THAT story not break?

Hmm… $8b for 13 rail corridors. $3.5b of that went to 1 rail corridor in California. Maybe Obama wanted massive concessions of authority while offering most gov’ts barely enough money for a gift basket in return.

California has already spent over $5 billion on the high-speed rail project . roughly the same amount that Trump had requested for the border wall.

So, we’ve already spent $15b, not $5b. Always triple the official figure. *checks* Wikipedia claims we’ve spent $10.6b. Only double? Shrug, okay. It’s only zeroes.

Wikipedia also gives the official length of the Bakersfield-Merced line at 110 miles so the cost thus far, nothing operational yet, is $100,000,000 per mile. That’s at least two orders of magnitude away from justifiable.

Now if Trump wants to win my heart, he’ll seize $3.5b worth of California assets as collateral. How much is the land along the Mexican border worth? Outside of San Diego, I’m guessing not much. Might be enough left in the budget for a new military base across the street from the Capitol building, to visibly remind California’s leaders who they owe loyalty to. We could call it Fort Sacramento. Or Fort Sack-A-Mental.
