Choose the Form of the Destructor 9!

Three Yale girls want to stop fraternities from harassing women… by joining them! “He groped me! Let me live in his frat house as punishment!”

Women claiming sexual harassment at Yale fraternities take unexpected legal action

By CBS News, 12 February 2019

Three female students are suing Yale University and nine of its fraternities, asking a federal court to force fraternities to accept women as members. They accuse Yale and the fraternities of allowing “dangerous environments in which sexual misconduct thrived.”…

Anna McNeil, Ellie Singer, and Ry Walker said they’ve had enough of inappropriate behavior by men at Yale fraternity parties. Asked whether they’ve ever been sexually assaulted at one of the parties, all three raised their hands.

Place your bets! Are these women attractive enough to be raped?

“Someone came up from behind me and started grinding on me and then actually pulled up my skirt,” Walker said.

“I was groped from behind. A lot of people were grinding against me from behind, I couldn’t see them,” McNeil said.

Women Sue Yale Over a Fraternity Culture They Say Enables Harassment - The New York Times

Left to right, Anna McNeil, Ellie Singer and Ry Walker. I can believe Anna was groped–long hair, big boobs–but Walker is lying about being desirable. Nobody wants a fat Diversity case with a Halfro. Ellie’s crudely cut hair is proof she hates men.

In a lawsuit, they alleged “female undergraduates risk sexual harassment and assault by attending fraternity events.” They said men “deny female students admission… based on their appearance, verbally harass them, grind against them, grab them, and grope them.”

“Why do you want to be part of a culture that you’re alleging promotes sexual misconduct?” Oliver asked.

Damn good question! If you’re that unwelcome then why not stay away? Why make a literal Federal case out of a few groups not wanting you as live-in members?

“A fraternity party wasn’t any of our first choice, but it was kind of the only choice for the first couple of months at school,” McNeil said.

I want to party!

“It speaks to the way that fraternities dominate the social culture at Yale,” Walker said, adding, “Those are the places that are open late at night. And those are the spaces that some of our friends are hosting parties in.”

I want to party late with my friends!

“Fraternities offer a vast network of privileges to their members. They offer connections, they offer help networking,” Singer said.


“Some people might argue sororities do the same thing,” Oliver pointed out.

“Sororities don’t tend to have nearly the same connections as fraternities. Fraternities often have people, I think, in higher positions of power. And certainly on campus, they occupy a much higher social space,” Singer said.

Despite all 9,000 female-centric initiatives, departments, laws and related organizations? Women are catered to so much, are academics even a thing anymore?

Their lawsuit against Yale and nine fraternities argues “‘separate but equal’ Greek life reinforces gender norms, stereotypes, and prejudices.” They’re seeking class action status, asking the court to award damages and to order policy changes, including “fully integrating women” at Yale’s fraternities.

I can hear the Yale recruiter: “We don’t have any financial aid to offer you but the first thing we teach in Women’s Studies is how to collect punitive damages from innocent men via frivolous lawsuits. Think of all the dick you’ll get when the boys realize you can be as mean as them!”

CBS News legal analyst Rikki Klieman said the case is “enormously complicated.” She’s confused by what she sees as the lawsuit’s contradictory goals.

“If I am someone who goes into a party at the only place available for me to socialize, which is a fraternity, and I am being groped and sexually assaulted and in an environment that I think is unsafe, why do I want to join the fraternity? Why don’t I want the fraternity banned?” Klieman said.

“I think I speak for all of us when I say that banning fraternities isn’t counter to our objectives. We’re adopting the kind of gender-integration model because we think it’s one that’s, you know, more feasible, that’s worked similarly in other contexts in the past,” McNeil said.

This is a variation on the age-old prostitution debate. Are they victims of male oppression or empowered wimmin being equal with men?

The women are part of a group which has repeatedly filed complaints asking Yale to regulate fraternities. “Yale’s response has been deliberately indifferent. Yale has known about the problem of fraternity-related discrimination and sexual misconduct for at least a decade,” said their lawyer, David Tracey.

David Tracey | Sanford Heisler Sharp, LLP

Mr. Tracey. Male Feminist is becoming a physiognometric template. A good case of diplomat ears… see how the middle of the inner ear cup pokes out past the outer ear cup? For the rest of his face… well, a mullet would be as good as a sex change. I’m paying attention to the flattening of the lower eyelid while the upper eyelid remains rounded. That seems common on male feminist faces and is, I think, a precursor to both the squiggle-eyes of pedoface and the heavy lidding/crows-feet of sexually unwanted men. Don’t quote me yet, though. This is original research. What universities used to do.

Pledges of one fraternity allegedly posed for a photo outside the Yale women’s center with a sign reading: “We love Yale sluts.”

Allegedly, hell. The Internet never forgets!

Yale University "Sluts" Strike Back At Sexist Frat Boys

Peaceful protests of love bring a tear to my eye. Next time, bigger sign, lads! You’re doing this for posterity!

Another fraternity was banned after pledges reportedly paraded around chanting “no means yes.”

Generation Z will be A-OK.

A third fraternity faced allegations of turning away women of color because they wanted “white girls only.”

This is Ry Walker’s whining.

Singer said the optimal outcome of the lawsuit would be a “paradigm shift.”

“Right now, students are forced to make a choice between having a social life and not feeling safe at parties or feeling safe but barely being able to go out at all. We want Yale to take decisive action to make that change so people no longer are forced to make that choice,” Singer said.

Only a skank could have trouble deciding between being safe and getting molested for a social life. There are other options, like homework! I’m being serious! This is a university! You aren’t supposed to stay up late getting drunk & groped! Aw, man, I just dated myself.

I dug a bit deeper and found out these three women are part of a student group called Engender, today’s reminder that witch burnings were a good idea. Engender has been trying to break open male fraternities while technically but not actually advocating the breaking of sororities.

Women attend SigEp rush events

By Hailey Fuchs & Britton O’Daly, 23 January 2017

Over the weekend, dozens of women attended the first set of rush events for the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity, which voted over winter break to open its rush process to female students, but will not offer them bids because of the organization’s national regulations.

The female students in attendance were mostly members of the student group Engender, which was created last fall to advocate for a more inclusive social environment on campus. The group currently has 50 members, only a portion of whom are women, according to Will McGrew .18, a SigEp member and Engender co-director.

That’s sad, man. Women don’t want women’s rights as badly as some men want to give them those rights. Wait… McGrew was a frat member and Engender co-director simultaneously?

Will McGrew

Treacherous mole. Per his LinkedIn, he’s a co-FOUNDER of Engender. He betrayed his fraternity in the name of Convergence.

.[Rushees] were curious to know what the goal was,. said Larissa Martinez .20, another Engender co-director, who attended a rush event on Friday. .Most of them gave me positive feedback on it..

Brief segue:

McKinney Boyd High Valedictorian Larissa Martinez went viral this month when she revealed her undocumented status in her graduation speech. The 19-year-old says her decision to talk wasn’t hers alone.

.I am one of the 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the shadows of the United States. I decided to stand before you today because this might be my only chance to convey the truth to all of you that undocumented immigrants are people too,. Larissa told her graduation class.

Nobody accused you of not being a human being, you trespasser. You gonna pay for that education?

There is a system to help young, undocumented immigrants who are called Dreamers. DACA, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, lets qualified students avoid deportation for a time. Larissa doesn’t qualify because she arrived three years too late. Miguel Solis, a Dallas school trustee who also helps train Hispanic leaders, says she should qualify.

You have to go back, Solis. You refuse to obey our laws.

.By her telling her story,. Solis explains, .I can guarantee you there.ll be a multiplier effect for even more undocumented students who know the system isn’t working for them, to come out of the shadows and say we demand something different..

That’s exactly what the people of the United States are afraid of. You want the trespassers to band together and make demands of we who belong here.

End segue.

The fraternity’s change in policy came after a group of female students expressed interest in joining. Tyler Morley .18, the president of SigEp, declined to comment for this article, but told the News in a statement last week that his organization hopes that the inclusion of women at rush events will allow the fraternity to become a more welcoming place while adhering to the bylaws of their national organization that confer membership only to men.

Okay, I see what happened here. Morley chose to let women in even though the rules said the frat was men only, making his the only frat to let women even try in 2017, and the parent organization won the resulting battle. This time around, Engender is resorting to a Federal lawsuit to break in.

Good on the parent organization for crushing the entryism effort. One quick quote:

“SigEp allowed several Engender members to rush events, but the fraternity ultimately denied them membership due to national chapter restrictions on accepting women.”

According to Engender’s leadership, male rushees at the events were open to discussing why women were in attendance.

McGrew noted that the move has sparked on campus conversations about exclusivity as well as the motivation behind those women rushing SigEp. However, McGrew questioned why the actions of these women are seen as “strange.”

Bald-faced lying. Women pushing into a never-before-violated male space is exactly the sort of thing that ought to be seen as strange. Especially when she wants in and simultaneously claims to have been rayyyped inside, although the lawsuit was a couple years after this article.

A registered student organization, Engender hopes to start dialogue about implicit inequalities in Yale’s social life. Co-Directors McGrew, Martinez and Genevieve Esse .19 said that while the women’s requests to rush mainly challenge fraternities as male-dominated social spaces, Engender’s mission applies to all exclusive groups on campus.

.Engender supports open access to social events for Yale students regardless of gender, race, class or sexuality,. the group said in a statement to the News. .We hope to work with as many of Yale’s fraternities and other student groups as possible to develop a more inclusive and equitable campus climate..

You meant sororities, did you not, when you said “fraternities and other student groups”? I bet there’s a lot of horny young men who’d like to be the first into Barbie Central.

Eh, maybe not. Chicks are fun sport but any intelligent guy would lose his mind living among them. That’s why men abandon male spaces when women push in.

Esse added that the group will soon have an official website and plans to publish an op-ed in the News this week.

For the curious, here’s a link. Might not have been what she was referring to, however.

Female students interviewed who attended or planned to attend rush events at SigEp expressed caution, saying that they would feel uncomfortable in a social setting where they would not be seen as potential brothers, unlike men rushing the fraternity.

First the women are forced to apply, then the men are forced to accept them. Convergence’s work is never done.

.I am interested to see how women approach rush differently because they don’t have the same social motivations as their male counterparts . the women rushing risk social alienation, whereas the men rushing can expect a degree of social inclusion,. said Anna McNeil .20, who plans to attend future rush events this semester.

She also noted that SigEp’s rush process seems less “hostile” than that of other Yale fraternities because it consists of more rush meals and fewer parties.

Surprisingly, she didn’t become a fatso.

The Federal case has no legs. Not only is this an obvious freedom of association issue, but the women making the complaint admit that getting what they want would expose them to high risk for sexual victimhood.

Oh, so that’s the game. Eternal victimhood.


Santa Gave Me A Riot Shield!

Every year I get a new gun. Sacramento times every bushel of new legislation to take effect on the new year and every time, the only thing I can do in response is buy another gun. But how many guns does a man really need? Either you win your first gun battle and loot your enemy’s gun, or you lose your first gun battle and the bad guys will appreciate your stockpile over your dead body.

So this time around, I decided to buy into some gun defense. Bulletproof vests are legal in California, which surprised me (I suppose “vestmen” never commit crimes), but were expensive and had a shelf life of five years or so. Also, I don’t have the storage space for anything that could be described as a “system”.

But then I discovered bulletproof shields.

Currently starting at $300.

The basic Alpha model gives Class IIIA protection, which means it’ll stop any handgun round up to .44 Mag and you might get lucky against a rifle, but that’s sufficient for indoors. Zero maintenance, no shelf life, easy to store and don in the dark, better optics than a paramilitary vest and best of all, it’s also useful in civil unrest situations against thrown rocks and bottles of Antifa piss. This and my hard hat should be an effective SHTF defense without breaking the bank. Especially since I’m a pistolero anyway.

I even found some impressive youTube videos like this one.

Downside is, it’s a lot of weight for most people to wield. I’ve got the size to not feel it but potential buyers should wave a 20lb dumbbell around to get the feel. Pairing it with a hat that can take a headlamp is a good idea, or you can get one of those flashlights that doubles as a taser to carry in your free hand instead of a firearm. The shield doesn’t make a good gun rest, it’s too thin and the handle doesn’t allow a natural supporting-arm position, so either practice one-handed at the range or get the Bravo version, which is designed for tactical use over home defense (at 4x the cost but rated for rifles). The Alpha’s handle makes shield edge strikes easy for the martial artist but of course, it’s not protecting you that way.

I got the Alpha Plus size and it does a good job of covering my critical bits… me being 6’3″.

Next Christmas: titanium shin guards?


Hybristophilia: Amy Murray

Death Row Fan Club is real. A murder in backwoods Missouri illustrates the danger of allowing women to guard dangerous felons.

Wife allegedly used antifreeze to poison husband: Woman planned to marry inmate

By Deborah Kendrick, 8 February 2019

IBERIA, Mo. – Miller County authorities are investigating after a woman is accused of poisoning her husband, then setting their home on fire.

Authorities initially received a call on Dec. 11, 2018, about a house fire on Janice Drive in Iberia, where Joshua Murray’s body was found inside the residence.

The Missouri State Fire Marshal and the Miller County Sheriff’s Office said the fire was determined to be started by Murray’s wife, Amy, after she allegedly poisoned Joshua with antifreeze.

An autopsy showed Murray died of poisoning, and Amy was charged with first-degree murder and armed criminal action.

Amy allegedly started the fire, then left the home and went to a McDonald’s in Osage Beach [GQ: 22 miles away] with her 11-year-old son and dogs. When she returned to the home, she said the house was on fire, and the smoke was too heavy for her to go inside, according to a probable cause statement.

I can’t say she’s a cold-hearted bitch because she brought the dogs to McDonalds. She didn’t want to leave them in the fire. Which is both humane, heh, and evidence of premeditation on the arson. But I can say her lover was not her husband.

The wife. She has a prostitute’s eyes.

joshua murray

Husband Joshua Murray, taken from his obituary.

eugene claypool

Lover Eugene A. Claypool, convicted murderer. Hmm, their faces are similar enough that Amy could have squinted and pretended that Eugene was Joshua’s bad boy twin.

The population of Iberia is 750 so Amy was probably bored, too.

Court documents revealed Amy had worked as a nurse at the Jefferson City Correctional Center and had a romantic relationship with an inmate.

In recorded phone conversations Amy told the inmate, Eugene Claypool, she didn’t want to be married to her husband anymore and she could marry Claypool because Joshua was deceased and “out of the picture,” the documents said. Claypool previously pleaded guilty to second-degree murder.

The Missouri inmate database provides this information about Claypool:

Sentence Summary Life (Life, 10, 15, 7 CC)
Active Offenses MURDER 2ND DEGREE

I tracked down how this burglar turned to murder.

Man Pleads Guilty to Lottery Winner Murder

17 May 2002

SPRINGFIELD, Missouri — As reported by the Associated Press: “A young man who had been expected to withdraw his earlier guilty plea in the Christmas Day killing of a lottery winner decided instead to accept the state’s plea bargain.

“Jeffrey Williamson, 18, pleaded guilty Wednesday to second-degree murder and Greene County Circuit Judge Henry Westbrooke sentenced him to 20 years in prison.

“Williamson also got concurrent sentences of 10 years for armed criminal action, 15 years for first-degree burglary and seven years for first-degree tampering.

“.Co-defendant Eugene Claypool Jr., 21, was sentenced last October to life in prison for second-degree murder and he’ll have to do 25 years before becoming eligible for parole.

“.The two men are convicted of killing Donald Hardwick, a 72-year-old invalid who had won a $1.7 million Missouri Lottery jackpot in 1998. He was slain at his home on Christmas Day 2000.

“Authorities said Williamson and Claypool broke into Hardwick’s Springfield home searching for $10,000 they believed he had there.

“.Prosecutors say Williamson and Claypool searched the house for several hours before going into the room where Hardwick was sleeping.

“The feeble Hardwick, who couldn’t walk without using a walker, awoke and authorities say Claypool tried to restrain him. Williamson reportedly held a couch cushion over the man’s face while Claypool stabbed him multiple times in the chest and throat.

“A Bible was left on the victim’s chest. When his wife, Edna, got up on Christmas morning she noticed a broken kitchen window. She went to tell her husband, who slept in a separate room, but found him dead.”

Home invasion robbery on Christmas Eve, when any loose cash would have already been spent if I’m familiar with that holiday, and when they couldn’t find the dough they took their frustrations out on a cripple. Then tossed a Bible on the victim’s chest which was either mocking God on God’s birthday or Jeffey in a fit of remorse. Either way, bring back the death penalty!

I wonder if Eugene told Amy that he’d found the money? Joshua died at 37 so not much time to make bank from construction, although he was a supervisor. Amy torching the marital home and not being able to collect life insurance isn’t going to help her future financial problems, either. Dreams of an Alpha with Beta Bucks could easily have triggered hypergamy.

State-mandated beliefs that men are the same as women cannot override reality. Amy gained access to sexy-because-dangerous men through prison work, found “twu wuv” with a convicted murderer who resembled her husband and murdered hubby in order to replace hubby with lover.

What did Claypool get out of it? Assuming he claimed to have that $1.7M lottery money hidden away… but couldn’t access it in his current situation…

Amy talked about getting an attorney to get Claypool released from prison early.


Los Angeles City Hall Overrun By Vermin!

Not just the politicians! Actual vermin, from rats the size of possums scurrying around on desks to flea-infested carpets that have already caused at least one case of typhus in a government official. Just when you think God doesn’t care, you discover that your worst enemies have been voluntarily living in Third-World squalor because the alternative is speciesist immigration control and the usage of not-green pesticides.

L.A. City Hall, overrun with rats, might remove all carpets amid typhus fears

By Dakota Smith, 7 February 2019

At a Halloween celebration at City Hall last year, a rat gnawed through a pumpkin put out for decoration.

That wasn’t a Halloween stunt I saw? Eeew!

In another incident, city workers found a dead rodent decomposing in an office ceiling. And then there were the rat droppings spotted on at least two different floors of the downtown building.

L.A. City Hall has a problem with rats . and leaders, fed up with the problem, are calling for an investigation.

City Council President Herb Wesson on Wednesday submitted a motion asking the city to report back on the “scope of vermin and pest control issues” at City Hall and adjoining city buildings.

.Employees shouldn’t have to come to work worried about rodents,. Wesson said in interview. .I intend to do whatever it is we need. to solve the problem.

Starting with a press release announcing the submission of a motion to form an investigative committee to issue a report on the scope of the issues, when your employees can smell the pawprints on their desks. Burn in your self-made bureaucratic Hell, Herb Wesson! Bwahahaha!

The council president said he’s had a series of problems with vermin in his fourth-floor office, as well as fleas in the carpet. Things got so bad that he moved his entire staff out of City Hall to a district office for a few days over the holidays, he said.

HE IS! He’s burning in his own self-made Hell! There is a God in Heaven after all!

2015 Los Angeles County Elections Candidate Guide |

Herb Wesson, melted pedoface.

Wesson also wants the city to come up with a policy to require employees to secure their food after hours and for custodial services to throw out food that’s left out.

If “custodial services” hasn’t been throwing out uneaten food then I found the problem. City Hall hired vibrant migrants instead of their own countrymen for sanitation services and now wonders why its sanitation standards are fixed at “Nicaragua”.

Vanessa Rodriguez, a onetime Wesson spokeswoman, said late last year that she discovered tiny paw prints on papers on her desk. Rodriguez … no longer works for the city.

One smart government employee. All the others are keeping their eyes on the pension while the tide of fleas climbs ever higher on their legs. Only twenty-two more years to go!

That there’s a few pensions we won’t have to fund.

When Elizabeth Greenwood, a deputy city attorney, came down with typhus, she said she suffered a 102-degree fever, spells of vertigo and “the worst headache I have ever had in my life.” She works in City Hall East, a building connected to City Hall.

Greenwood, whose illness was first reported by KNBC-TV, believes she contracted the disease while working in the downtown office. She has not returned to work since November, she said.

.I am actually terrified of entering the building again until they do something.”

While I don’t blame her for not going back, after three months of goldbricking Greenwood should have been fired.

Mayor Eric Garcetti’s spokesman, Alex Comisar, said the mayor “is concerned about recent reports on this issue, and supports the council president’s effort to get to the bottom of it..

Uh-oh. I bet Garcetti would be the Leftoid candidate against Trump next year. If he gets typhus before the debates begin then I’m gonna lose my shirt.


The Nancy Mace Quote

Nancy Mace is a rising star in Republican circles. Women can do as well as a man if only she gets the chance! But the truth is tragic. Nancy Mace’s father, a decorated war hero, wanted a son, didn’t get one, and dirtied his reputation, as well as America’s military traditions, to enact that very belief that there’s no difference between a woman and a man.

This is a comment Nancy recently made in reference to Trump’s SOTU speech and related feminist theatrics. I’ll give the comment in its entirely then go through it again to roast the beans out of it.

https://www facebook com/photo.php?fbid=10155852898697019&set=a.382904607018&type=3&theater

I.m a mom, a businesswoman and a state legislator serving South Carolina. At a young age, I was determined to forge my own path through life. And nearly 20 years ago I became the first female graduate of The Citadel after following in my father’s footsteps. I also have experience starting my own business and in 2017 ran for – and won – a seat in the state legislature, on my own terms.

As women we make a fundamental mistake when we make our identity as women the WHOLE story.

The point of breaking glass ceilings is so that, after they’re broken, it doesn’t matter anymore. The American experiment is built on the premise that if you set a goal, show up on time and work hard, then success is within reach. We can ALL achieve the American dream regardless of our gender.

The identity politics being overplayed by liberal women in Washington, on display last night during the president’s State of the Union last night, further sets women back rather than advancing our futures. Acting like we just earned the right to vote and are held back strictly because of our gender is an enormous disservice to women everywhere.

We don’t need to dress alike.

We don’t need to think alike.

We don’t need to act alike.

We simply need to be present and be working for ALL of the people who elected us.

To business. *GQ dons surgical gloves*

I.m a mom,

The first way you describe yourself is as a mother, to convince other people that you’re someone worth listening to. That’s good. Women being mothers is why the species still exists, not to mention the deep personal satisfaction motherhood gives women. What a waste of resources, however, that motherhood wasn’t enough for you. You had to achieve secondary, workplace accomplishments at the cost of a man having those positions to provide for his family. YuGo girls want to do it all so they don’t have to submit to a husband. YuGos like Nancy.

a businesswoman and a state legislator serving South Carolina.

No submissive woman seeks authority over men. Looking at her busy schedule of graduate school, gossip-startup company and multi-term State official, it’s obvious she’s a mother only in the biological sense. Kids need their mothers but “mom” Nancy had a career to nurture instead.

I presume hubby stayed home with the kids. That’s getting to be a pattern of the New World Order.

At a young age, I was determined to forge my own path through life.

No, you were taught that by your father… wrongly and in violation of your own biology. See, your father, Brig. Gen. Mace, wanted a son and so far as I can tell, you’re his only child, Nancy. No problem, he thought. If he couldn’t have a son then he’d just make one out of you. What could go wrong?

And nearly 20 years ago I became the first female graduate of The Citadel after following in my father’s footsteps.

Care to guess how Nancy broke through the glass ceiling at the Citadel? How she managed to be the first female graduate from a proudly and historically all-male institution? HER FATHER WAS THE COMMANDANT OF THE CITADEL AT THAT TIME!!! No man gave her grief because she were the Boss’ special snowflake, that’s how she broke through the “glass ceiling”!

More than that, the first class of women had four members. How did Nancy manage to be the first of them? By graduating a year early. Magna Cum Laude, no less. That was shameless, blatant nepotism on her father’s part and it was well-known, too.

Photo Archive | The Citadel External Affairs Office

“Tomboy” doesn’t begin to describe Cadet Nancy. She was essentially a transsexual.

Here’s an excerpt from Brig. Gen. Mace’s retirement honorarium:

Whereas, Brigadier General J. Emory Mace was appointed commandant of The Citadel in 1997 several months after The Citadel admitted its first class of women cadets; and

Begging the question of whether Mace took the job specifically to push his daughter through.

Whereas, his leadership during a dramatic period of transition from an all-male to a coeducational Corps of Cadets proved invaluable to the school as it adjusted to the change; and

I detect an undercurrent of sarcasm here.

Whereas, Brigadier General Mace’s own beloved daughter, Nancy Mace, became The Citadel’s first female graduate in 1999; and

Everybody knew Nancy was Commandant’s little girl.

Whereas, under his able leadership and watchful eye, ninety-five women have graduated from the cadet program and currently the 1900-member Corps of Cadets includes about one hundred twenty women; and

After refusing to tell his own daughter NO, Commandant had no grounds to tell any other man’s daughter NO.

Whereas, in addition to spearheading the evolution of The Citadel, he also managed to strengthen and improve military training at the institution; and

Is there precedent for giving backhanded honorariums to brass who royally screw up?

Whereas, he instituted tougher physical fitness requirements of the Corps resulting in ninety-seven percent of all cadets passing the Army Physical Fitness Test; and

I ask because a military prep academy should have this level of basic military fitness from its founding. The Army PFT is a minimum standard, yes?

Daddy ruined Nancy’s life and the institution of the Citadel by pushing her though so fast and “honored” that she’s either Cadet America or a fraud perpetrated by the highest military rank. Had Daddy given her the chance and then washed her out, however, then everybody would have known that women don’t belong in the military.

But even giving her the chance ruined the Citadel’s reputation forever. “The first female cadet was the Commandant’s daughter! Favoritism!”

Because of an entire generation of such fathers, young men today have no place in their own society and as a direct result, are hated by the young women who whore themselves to “noble savages” out of disgust at the men who did not succeed because they were not allowed to try. The seat Nancy took at the Citadel was one that a man didn’t have, and when men aren’t allowed a chance to participate in society, they tend to… not participate in society.

Speaking of men, here’s Nancy’s husband:

Those haunted eyes! Deep, lidded eyes and crows-feet are becoming common on the faces on men these days. I wouldn’t describe any of them as high-SMV. Meanwhile, Nancy is developing that “Mommy Frog-Lips” look of women who don’t raise their own kids. Notice she’s posed higher than her husband, dominating this family portrait.

I also have experience starting my own business and in 2017 ran for – and won – a seat in the state legislature, on my own terms.

First you displace men, then you take power over men… so you can fix the social problems created by your refusal to submit in the first place. Before society pretended men & women were the same and babies came from India & Mexico, we didn’t have so many social ills that most schools now have a permanent law enforcement presence.

Her business was a gossip/marketing/networking setup like every other empowered businesswoman without an in-house male nerd. Coincidentally, several politicians made use of it prior to Nancy stepping into politics herself in 2013.

As women we make a fundamental mistake when we make our identity as women the WHOLE story.

It’s not a mistake. Women need to be victims of “the system” because women can’t survive in a merit system. Nancy herself couldn’t survive except for Commandant Daddy’s support. This is something cuckservatives can’t accept: women can’t survive without men. That is the WHOLE story of what’s wrong with modern society.

A kind man will not give women even the chance to prove her merit because 1. she is almost certainly inferior to a man, 2. men are tempted to rig the system for woman’s benefit, 3. the number of women who can compete against men is so small that gender integration isn’t worth the effort and 4. men can’t have babies.

The point of breaking glass ceilings is so that, after they’re broken, it doesn’t matter anymore.

The point of breaking glass ceilings is to force your way into male spaces, Nancy, to usurp male authority. Having done so yourself, you don’t want anybody to follow you and dilute your glory & status. Male Privilege much?

The American experiment is built on the premise that if you set a goal, show up on time and work hard, then success is within reach.

The American experiment is not showing up on time for gender-confused nepotism. It is 1. the freedom to worship Christ as a man sees fit, 2. liberty, the combination of authority with responsibility and 3. small, weak, local government.

You, Nancy, are disobedient to Christ (if you even claim to follow him) because you seized authority in defiance of your responsibilities as a mother and don’t tell us you became a legislator to shrink budgets and fire headcount. That’s not what you have been doing.

We can ALL achieve the American dream regardless of our gender.

Gender is a part of your identity and capability. You might as well claim that the America dream can be achieved regardless of our species. Meanwhile, if your “gender” is neither cis-male nor cis-female then I hope your version of the American Dream includes growing warts on your privates.

Speaking of, the American dream is not the American experiment. The American dream is a man keeping HIS family in HIS home and none shall make him afraid. Wow, we’ve come a long way, baby.

The identity politics being overplayed by liberal women in Washington, on display last night during the president’s State of the Union last night, further sets women back rather than advancing our futures.

Overplayed? Identity politics was never supposed to be how America did government in the first place. Given the chance, I would set you women back to 1780 Colonial and you would like it because as much as you envy us men our “privilege”, what will give you lasting happiness is keeping our homes in good order. That, or a bottle of cheap wine a day. Your choice. For now.

Cuckservatives are not helping women by helping women act like men. They are not men.

Acting like we just earned the right to vote and are held back strictly because of our gender is an enormous disservice to women everywhere.

You women NEVER earned the right to vote. You were given power far in excess of your responsibility because Adam chose to encourage Eve’s rebellion instead of remaining loyal to God his Creator and Benefactor… but the Church forgot to teach that for a generation.

We don’t need to dress alike.

But you women do anyway.

We don’t need to think alike.

But you women do anyway.

We don’t need to act alike.

But you women do anyway. It’s who you are. You are women, not men. Heck, you women even LOOK alike, especially you feminists.

Nancy Mace Gets Tea Party Nod | FITSNews

5 Questions: Senate primary candidate Nancy Mace - South ...

She could have passed for Nancy Pelosi before that witch went liche. The flat, dead eyes, jutting chin, thin lips, high cheeks. It’s like both Nancies were pressed from the same mold, or at least, the same graduate school of political science before taking the same path into politics. (Okay, Pelosi’s eyes are much worse.)

Nancy Mace, Cindy Boatwright duel in S.C. District 99 ...

For comparison, on the left is Cindy Boatwright, Nancy’s recent election challenger. Freaky how their physiognomies agree.

Celebrating Citadel Diversity Milestones in the 50th and ...

Since I’m showing pictures, here’s Nancy Mace’s cadet photo. It’s painfully obvious that her father had wanted a son. But she tried to please Daddy and now, she has as little femininity as the average reptile… referring to gender dimorphism, not cold-bloodedness. The latter is just testosterone.

We simply need to be present and be working for ALL of the people who elected us.

You don’t work for us, Legislator. You work for Christ first and the American experiment second. The “people” don’t need a State-powered mother figure… least of all the people who actually want one.

Because, you see, the people often want what isn’t good for them, just like your father. He twisted you into a parody of a son while the modern voter twists government into a parody of a god. It is the job of healthy government, and healthy manhood, more often than not, to tell the people NO. No, God doesn’t want that. No, this isn’t healthy. No, we can’t afford that.

No, Nancy, you are not a man and never were. But because you tried, you weren’t much of a woman, either.


Trump Pardons Alice Marie Johnson: Baby Momma, Drug Lord, False Priest

Trump sold out in his State Of The Union address, currying the approval of enemies that have no approval to give. (He listened to Kim Kardashian, seriously?) It’s fitting that he backed out of his Building the Wall gov’t shutdown in order to give the speech in the first place.

A specific case highlighting Trump’s fall is ACLU cause celebre Alice Marie Johnson, a helpless, unfortunate black grandmother who by making a couple bad life decisions in desperation, ended up an innocent with a life sentence in Federal prison.

Yeah, right.

This Single Mother is Serving Life Without Parole for the Most Absurd Reason You Can Imagine

By Gabriel Grand, 16 November 2013

When Alice Marie Johnson was convicted of drug conspiracy and money laundering in 1997, she had never before seen the inside of a prison cell. Her haunting story sheds light on the lives of the thousands of Americans . most of whom are black and come from poor backgrounds . sentenced to die behind bars for nonviolent drug-related crimes.

Masterminding a cocaine-smuggling and money-laundering operation for the Cali Cartel does not sound like an absurd reason for life without parole.

A single mother struggling to make ends meet for her five children, Johnson was married and had her first pregnancy at age 15. Though the school board of her high school in Olive Branch, Mississippi tried to force her to drop out, Johnson refused, graduating with honors two years later before going on to college.

Ghetto trash baby momma. Here are her victims: her own children! “You should quit school, marry the father and raise your kids.” “Eeevil patriarchy! Muh edducashun is more important! This girl’s gwan to colledge! Now gimmie some child care and WIC papers!”

Things went downhill for Johnson in 1989, when she and her husband divorced. The following year, she lost her job of 10 years at the FedEx Corporation due to a gambling addiction. With no way to pay her bills, Johnson filed for bankruptcy in 1991 and her house was foreclosed on. In a moment of tragedy for the entire family, Johnson’s youngest son, Cory, was killed in a scooter accident in 1992.

Let’s read between a few lines. Her husband interfered with her gambling habit so she frivorced him out of “her” house. Then her gambling habit ruined her anyway. Take the victimhood out of “she lost her job of 10 years at the FedEx Corporation due to a gambling addiction” and it becomes “she lost her job of 10 years at the FedEx Corporation when she was caught embezzling funds to fuel her gambling addiction, but then she played the race card to avoid prosecution”. That money laundering conviction is coming into focus.

Having hit rock bottom, Johnson began to associate with people who were involved with drug dealing. She became wrapped up in a lucrative operation that transported cocaine to Memphis, Tennessee for distribution. In 1993, she was arrested and accused, along with 15 others, on various drug and money laundering charges.

Being a ghetto rat with no moral compass, Johnson called up the Chads she knew and got involved in interstate cocaine trafficking. Baby needs a new pair of shoes!

At trial, prosecutors convinced 10 of her co-conspirators to testify against her in exchange for reduced or, in some cases, dropped charges. Johnson admits she acted as a go-between, relaying coded messages like “everything is straight” by telephone, but says that she never personally made drug deals or sold drugs.

The leaders employ disposable minions to do the risky parts of the business. The money laundering conviction means Alice wasn’t a message courier who never carried the dope; she was handling the money in addition to communications. That sounds a LOT like management. Ten of her 15 associates agreed.

Even the Federalist got this one right. The following link, which I won’t go into, describes Alice exchanging millions of dollars for tons of Colombian cocaine. That FedEx experience paid off!

Nevertheless, while the co-defendants who testified against her were given sentences ranging from probation without jail time to 10 years, Johnson was sentenced to life in prison without parole, plus 25 years.

Sounds normal. Prosecutors are more interested in the higher rungs of organized crime than the lower rungs because they’re politicians. Busting a kingpin is good public relations. Putting an endless succession of “nonviolent” vibrant losers in jail, not so much.

Johnson is now 58, and her 16 years of incarceration have taken a toll on her and her family. “It feels like I am sitting on death row,” she says. “Unless things change, I will never go home alive.” Meanwhile, Johnson has been unable to care for her mother, who has Alzheimer’s disease. Her only son dropped out of school and is now in prison himself.

Her only surviving son followed Alice’s example into crime. Whose fault is that, Alice? Not society’s. Not Daddy’s either, he wasn’t there.

Anna Marie Johnson is just one of more than 110 case studies of prisoners serving life without parole for nonviolent offenses from a recently-released ACLU report, titled, “A Living Death.” Her daughter’s words echo the anguish expressed by countless relatives of those doomed to die behind bars for low-level, nonviolent drug and property crimes.

They keep beating the “nonviolent” drum like it means something. As if drug and property crimes can’t destroy an innocent man’s… life… oh. Right. Women aren’t effective at violence, which means criminalizing only “violent” crime is a sneaky way to criminalize being male. “Nonviolent crime” is a pussy pass. If some male Dindus also benefit then that’s fine so long as Ghetto Barbie wants to hump him.

If nonviolent property crimes were evil then frivorce would be evil.

“The punishments these people received are grotesquely out of proportion to the crimes they committed,” said Jennifer Turner, ACLU human rights researcher and author of the report, in an ACLU press release. Possession of a crack pipe, acting as a middleman in the sale of $10 of marijuana, possession of a bottle cap containing a trace amount of heroin too small to weigh, selling of a single crack rock, and shoplifting a $159 jacket were among the crimes featured in the report that resulted in sentences of life without parole.

Wait for it…

The ACLU report identifies more than 3,200 prisoners in nine states and the federal system who are serving life without parole. Four out of five are Black or Hispanic. Virtually all come from poor backgrounds…

Wait for it…

…and many committed one or more (mostly nonviolent) crimes prior to their conviction.

Ah, there it is. Three strikes laws can be a bitch, eh? One carjacking and one “snitches get stitches” and the next thing you know, you’re doing life in prison for shoplifting a jacket. I bet Alice had a record prior to her interstate produce deliveries. Those unfortunate gambling debts, y’know?

In many cases, “three-strikes” laws and other habitual offender statutes gave judges no choice but to issue the harshest possible punishment aside from death. For more than 80 percent of the people surveyed by the ACLU, a life without parole sentence was mandatory.

“I think a life sentence for what you have done in this case is ridiculous; it is a travesty.” said Federal District Judge James R. Spencer while sentencing a man for selling small amounts of crack cocaine in a run-down section of Richmond, Virginia to support his own drug addiction. “I don’t agree with it, either. And I want the world and the record to be clear on that. This is just silly. But as I say, I don’t have any choice.”

Judges like Spencer are why voters pass mandatory sentencing laws in the first place. We’re tired of revolving-door justice and hippie Leftoids believing every claim of victimhood and rayyyycism they hear.

As for my charge of being a false priest, Alice is repeatedly described as an ordained minister. What more needs to be said? She openly defies God, in God’s name. But I couldn’t find which denomination ordained her… not the Pentecostals, not the mainlines, not the ELCA. Per the following link:

Alice was ordained by proxy at God’s Millennium Women’s Conference. Meaning, she couldn’t make parole to go on the cruise. Looking them up, they seem to be a conference/convention company sponsored by Mary Kay cosmetics, not any kind of denomination. I noticed this about their leader:

Charlyn Singleton is a much sought after Bible teacher, motivational speaker & health advocate. Charlyn was licensed and ordained to the Gospel ministry by her husband, Pastor Chuck Singleton, Sr. Pastor Loveland Church, in Ontario, California, where she serves as First Lady & as an associate pastor.

You God-Damned Adamic CUCK, Pastor Singleton! You ordained your wife in rebellion to God and she promptly made a career of female minister empowerment.

Candoclemency also has this: [Alice was] ordained in prison Horn of Oil Ceremony by Dr. Linda Holliday of I’ve Chosen Ministries International;

Linda Holliday & Bill Belichick: 5 Fast Facts to Know ...

Married to Bill Belichick of the New England Patriots? No, wait…

Apostle Dr. Linda Holliday's Page - Black Preaching Network

Apostle Linda Holliday. “Horn of Oil anointing” is a generally Charismatic practice, done in reference to Samuel anointing David with a horn of oil. Charismatics do it in hopes of giving the recipient supernatural power and authority. Such efforts to usurp or coerce God’s authority are why the Charismatic Church is dead in its apostasy.

Let me digress on this. 1 Samuel 16:1 “The Lord said to Samuel, .How long will you mourn for Saul, since I have rejected him as king over Israel? Fill your horn with oil and be on your way; I am sending you to Jesse of Bethlehem. I have chosen one of his sons to be king.” Samuel gave David the anointing only under the direct command of God. Charismatics don’t wait for God’s direction on who to set up as a leader or prophet (they often conflate the two roles), they just reenact the little “horn of oil” ceremony as a cargo cult way of forcing God to give them freebies. That is what Saul did, offering the pre-battle sacrifice because the priest Samuel was late in coming, because Saul needed God’s blessing on his schedule and not God’s.

Which is why God sent Samuel to anoint David as Saul’s replacement in the first place. Why do Protestants not read the very Bible we proclaim?

A thirst and a hunger for God, has always been a plight of Sis. Linda. Making that solemn pledge to God by an outward showing of water baptism at the age of 8 years old; at the Starlight Baptist Church where the late Rev. William Nelson McCarty was her tutor in the word and an inspiration to her life. At the age of 14 years she heard the call of God for the ministry, but it was years later that a word of God, in a born again experience, came thru Pastor Howard Richardson of the “Gates of Glory Church.” She deserted religion and entered into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and in her times of prayer, fasting, and consecration she received the confirmation from God thru his word in (John 15:16.Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that you should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, he may give it you). After hearing that word, she forsook the things of the world to dedicate her life to Jesus and his people.

She heard a call to ministry at the onset of puberty. Not promising. I couldn’t track down Rev. McCarty/Starlight Baptist but Gates of Glory is still under Pastor Richardson. A typical Charismatic church, complete with apostles and prophetesses in its ranks screeching God’s Prophetic Word Salad to the people.

Word for the House (Aug. 2015) - Pastor Howard Richardson, Gates of Glory Church - YouTube

The best pic I could find of Howard Richardson. Not good enough for physiognomy but the gold watch, diamond pinky ring and purple neon in the background are not indications that he’s a humble man of God. As a general rule, pastors shouldn’t have hair styles popularized by the Grateful Dead.

She deserted religion and entered into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ“, unbelievable. Holliday abandoned the basics of Christianity–the rules and practices God gave us for our protection and general education–to focus on becoming one with God… with something that called itself a god, anyway.

Pastor/Evangelist Linda Holliday is now a modern, end-time messenger of God’s Holy Word. She has traverse the United States, Africa, South Korea, Europe, Switzerland, Canada, and the West Indies.

She got her “self-exploration” feminist merit badge.

The anointed power of the Holy Ghost flows thru her with a prophetic word and the gift of knowledge, that brings healing and deliverance to all that will receive. There are no boundaries. She crosses every walk of life as she goes behind prison walls, to the homeless on the streets, children’s homes, schools, communities and to churches of all congregational sizes. Her ministry to women (.God.s Millennium Women.) has been profoundly life changing. Many have been ordained and have come to the revelation of the call of ministry on their lives.

Including unrepentant gang boss Alice Johnson.

Dr. Linda Holliday has attained many accomplishments. She was ordained by Pastor Annie White of Dallas, Texas and is under charter granted from the state of Texas 1953 AD, licensed through Victory New Testament Fellowship International, Pastor Donald Skelton. She holds a Doctor of Divinity degree in the field of Evangelism from Rialto Community Bible College in Rialto, California.

Pastor Annie White installed at St. John?s Lutheran - My Gateway News ? Serving Elmwood, Spring ...

Pastor Annie White’s first day on the job. Her eyes are coldly rational and if I have the shape right, the bridge of her nose indicates strong willpower.

Johnson was ordained by Singleton & Holliday who was ordained by Annie White who was ordained by the Victory New Testament Fellowship International. It’s an interdenominational organization whose only purpose, apparently, is ordaining people who can’t get ordained by their home denominations. “MINISTERIAL CREDENTIALS FOR MEN AND WOMEN CALLED BY GOD”, as they put it.

Victory New Testament Fellowship International is a group of evangelical Christian ministries and churches with an emphasis upon the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit in the Church today.

It was originally organized in 1953 and has offices located in the Dallas/Ft Worth Metroplex area. VNTFI ministers come from many different denominational backgrounds, but all endorse the VNTFI.s Statement of Faith. Members of the VNTFI have a wide variety of theological and Biblical training; many are seminary graduates. Others are Bible college graduates, and some have received training through theological education by extension or mentoring at the local church level. We do not believe that God limits His call to those who have had the opportunity to attend seminary.

Seminary isn’t the example Christ set but neither is this. Direct apprenticeship and mentoring was Christ’s example, not any certification organization.

Our goal is to love, serve, encourage, and help enable those who serve in front line Christian Ministries. We believe in recognizing the gifts and calling of God in lives of all who serve Him. Therefore, we ordain women as well as men. It is our desire to bring God’s Word to the nations.

Oh, you worthless, hypocritical scam artists. God’s Word says women don’t lead men. You’ll bring God’s Word to the nations without obeying it yourselves.

At the end of this chain of nonchurches ordaining women, pastors ordaining their wives and female apostles ordaining their Toxoplasma Gondii-carrying disciples is the apparent future of Christendom: Alice Marie Johnson, ghetto rat, ruined gambler, failed mother, rebel against her husband, convicted cocaine trafficker, convicted money launderer, Kardashian cause celebre and President Trump’s guest.

A reasonable portrait of the State of America’s Union.

I had such hopes. The government shutdown was working! Useless Federal employees were begging food in the Burger King parking lot! Then Trump caved in and instantly death spiraled to bestowing Presidential favors upon skank celebrities.

Why has nobody looked up Alice Johnson’s ex-husband for his opinion? The guy doesn’t even have a name, so far as the media have said to date.


Star Trek: Mansplaining

These are the voyages of the starship Manhood. Its continuing mission: to find extra space on mass transit seating. To enforce Privilege upon new life and new civilizations. To boldly tell Mary Sue what she already knows!

It’s the Final Frontier, to be sure. Ironically, Star Trek V bogged down on “Why does God need a starship?” whereas the new ST:D series simply gave her one and loosed her upon a hapless galaxy.

Viewer discretion advised: Star Trek: Discovery’s acronym is appropriate.

.Star Trek: Discovery. Murdered a Guy Mid-Mansplaining in the Season 2 Premiere

By Meghan O’Keefe, 18 January 2019

Star Trek: Discovery’s Season 2 Premiere had a lot of balls. I’m not talking about the audacity of re-introducing the original captain of the starship Enterprise, Captain Christopher Pike (Anson Mount), but the fact that this show straight up murdered a guy mid-mansplaining. I knew Star Trek: Discovery was the most progressive Star Trek show to date, but was this a hilarious step too far? (Eh, maybe not.)

I was this close to giving a female an approving nod. Her article’s title was excellent but then she agreed with it.

In case you missed last night’s Season 2 premiere . and don’t mind being spoiled .

Of course we missed it. Who wants an ST:D episode?

here’s how it all went down. When Captain Pike beams aboard the Discovery with an engineer and a science officer, Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) is shocked to discover Evan Connolly filling her brother Spock’s place as said science officer. We soon learn that Spock peaced out and took some time off for mysterious reasons, leaving Connolly to fill his spot.

From the get go, Connolly is a buzzkill. Sarcasm is one thing, but Connolly keeps going out of his way to neg Burnham. Part of the problem is that Pike compliments Burnham on finding a succinct simile to describe a weird phenomenon…

Evan the Science Officer: “Our computers keep resetting when we try to scan the astronomical phenomenon.”

Mary Sue: “Like a compass at the North Pole?”

Captain Pike: “You go, girl!”

That’s how I heard the scene described.

…but part of the problem is that Evan sucks. He does not have the Federation collaborative spirit. He doubts Burnham’s qualifications, to the point of even suggesting that she is lying about her success as a test pilot for the pods.

Previous Star Trek series used Jews Ferengis for this sort of thing. It’s all fun and games when a stand-in race is used so nobody takes it personally but here, they might as well have used an actual Trekkie instead of an actor.

Oh, yes, the pods. About halfway through the Star Trek Discovery Season 2 premiere, the Discovery follows a mysterious red signal to the other side of the galaxy. When they jump out of hyperspace, they are confronted with a dangerous debris field and an unresponsive medical ship called the Hiawatha. Worried that there could be Starfleet officers stuck on the medical ship, Pike leads an away team to scout the Hiawatha for survivors. To get there, he, Burnham, Connolly, and another Enterprise officer fly pods through the debris field.

That’s pods, not shuttlecraft, because the parent studio did not allow ST:D full access to the Star Trek canon. That is news to me, proof that ST:D should have been aborted at conception and an indicator that Star Trek’s vaunted Diversity & Inclusion has not been the sort of Diversity & Inclusion the Elites want to see. In hindsight, no wonder: Ben Sisko was a black man yet the DS9 writers NEVER brought up reparations or O’Brien’s White Privilege! What a missed opportunity for Convergence!

In fact, between Kirk and Picard, this white man thinks Sisko was the best captain. That’s how hard the DS9 creators didn’t try to hate me into oblivion.

It.s a dangerous journey that Connolly doesn’t seem to take seriously. At one point, Burnham tries to warn him that he’s in trouble, and Pike concurs. Connolly shrugs this off boasting that he’s made the proper calculations for getting through the debris. When Burnham warns him again, Connolly smugly begins to boast about how much smarter he is.when some of said debris smashes into his pod killing him.

An event neither tragic nor surprising. The character was over-the-top obnoxious, unpleasant and arrogant from his introduction. That means the audience had no interest in his survival and consequently, no interest in his flaming death. Leftoids cheer the subtle-as-a-Taco-Bell-fart insult towards mansplaining without realizing that there’s no art here, no storytelling. Not to mention that the average Trek fan perfectly fits the description of Evan the ‘Splainer.

Hey, let’s make a caricature of every Star Trek fanboy and show him getting mindlessly killed for being obsessed with technical details like science officers are supposed to be! That will make us popular and reprogram white male Trekkie brains to obey black wimminz!

I don’t know if that counts as mockery. They might actually believe it. They might actually want to see white men everywhere declaring, “Star Trek SUCKS!”.


HR 1: What Happens In California Doesn’t Stay In California

Fueled by control of the Congressional House and amygdala seared by three years of Trump Derangement Syndrome, the Democrats’ first move in post-midterm Congress is to revoke the voting rights of non-Democrats. House bill HR 1 will enact on a Federal level the vote fraud recently perfected in Oregon, New York and my home California.

Get Ready: California-Style Elections Are Coming to Your State

By Ellen Swensen, 25 January 2019

If you thought the 2018 elections in California were a mess, you were right. Dangerous new election laws and lax practices contributed to that mess, and now they want the rest of the nation to suffer the way Californians do.

First, the mess. Election Integrity Project, California (EIPCa), a group of concerned citizens in California, has been documenting problems in the state’s election system for years. We have done the hard, messy work on the ground to catalog the problems.

California election officials and legislators have turned our elections into a free-for-all, with few safeguards, all in the name of “voter access.”

Recent initiatives include “top two” primary elections, automatic voter registration, allowing non-citizens to vote in local elections, allowing mail ballots to arrive after Election Day, rejecting voter ID, removing restrictions on who can handle and return mail ballots (aka ballot .harvesting.), same-day registration and voting, allowing voters to “cure” their mail ballot signature mismatches via the honor system and, in 2020, providing all registrants with mail ballots.

Democrats are the ones who benefit from universal suffrage because human nature is selfish and egotistical. The bigger the mob, the easier it becomes to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

Similarly, voting by mail is popular with Dems because there’s no witnesses. When voting is done in person at centralized locations, that’s when IDs and residency can be easily verified. But ballots that show up at a post office, how can one know whether they were individually filled out by the person they were purportedly mailed to?

Also, note that motor vehicle records are not related to residency status. Nobody barred from voting is automatically restricted from driving on the roads.

The article goes into several case studies of how these changes result in vote fraud. Example:

…These voters had no ballots to surrender and were forced to vote provisionally on Election Day, resulting in an unprecedented surge of provisional ballots in many counties. Los Angeles County, for example, had to process about 400,000 provisional ballots compared to 100,000 in the last midterm. They attributed most of the 300,000 ballot increase to mail voters who had no mail ballot to surrender, illustrating the magnitude of the problem.

Which is how several counties had more than 100% voter turnout in the past election.

Let’s move on to HR 1 as described by Huffington Post.

States And Cities Have Already Shown Democrats. Election Reforms Will Work

By Paul Blumenthal and Sam Levine, 10 January 2019

A sweeping reform bill that House Democrats say will be their first priority after ending the partial government shutdown is filled with policies that would fundamentally alter the nation’s voting and campaign finance systems. These policies are not coming out of nowhere. Most of them have been implemented and tested in cities and states across the country.

.Within the last five or six years, you just got more and more of these solutions happening at the state and local level,. said Rep. John Sarbanes (D-Md.), the bill’s chief sponsor. .It’s not a unicorn. It’s not like we’re talking about something that exists in the atmosphere of Jupiter. This is happening in America..

…Democrats. H.R. 1, which they’re calling the For the People Act. The bill’s campaign finance provisions on public election financing, dark money disclosure and democracy vouchers have all been field tested. The same is true of automatic voter registration, felon re-enfranchisement and the use of independent, nonpartisan redistricting commissions.

Automatic Voter Registration

Since 2015, 15 states and the District of Columbia have adopted automatic voter registration, a popular reform among advocates who believe it can significantly expand the number of people on the voting rolls in the United States.

Oregon, considered the model for automatic voter registration, was the first state in the country to pass it in 2015. While it’s still relatively early to assess the impact, the early evidence is encouraging.

AVR has been around for barely two elections and its own supporters admit that it’s early to assess the impact. But we should make it national policy because:

…In a little over a year and a half, the policy added 375,000 people to the voter rolls. A 2017 analysis from the left-leaning Center for American Progress found over 116,000 people had been added to the rolls who wouldn’t have otherwise registered.

Automatic voter registration also went into effect in California last year, where it added 727,924 new voters to the rolls since its launch in April and updated the addresses of 269,365 people. (There were around 5.5 million eligible but unregistered voters in the state as of October.)

They mean new votes, not new voters. There’s a difference.

Automatic Restoration Of Voting Rights For People With Felony Convictions

Forty-eight states don’t allow people with felony convictions to vote while they are incarcerated, but states have widely different policies on when and how ex-felons can get back their right to vote. …

The For the People Act aims to fix this problem by automatically restoring voting rights once someone is released from prison. Currently, 13 states and the District of Columbia do this, but having a federal statute would help make the process easier for everyone involved.

They don’t care about making the process easier. They care about making it mandatory.

Dark Money Disclosure

The Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision led to an explosion of undisclosed money spent by nonprofits, trade associations and corporate entities in elections. Congress attempted to fix the court’s collateral damage to transparency with the Disclose Act in 2010, but it fell one vote short of clearing a Republican filibuster in the Senate.

States have since stepped in to pass their own Disclose Acts or to issue regulations to stop dark money in state elections.

Democrats want to know where their enemies get their funding.

Democracy Vouchers

This one was new even to me, which illustrates how quickly the Democrats are moving on these fraud-facilitating initiatives.

A little-noticed provision in Democrats. big reform bill would create a pilot program for “democracy vouchers. . a proposal to provide every citizen with vouchers that can be used as small-dollar political donations. These vouchers would come in $25 increments, but could be used to give donations as low as $1.

The “democracy vouchers” idea was first proposed by constitutional law professor Bruce Ackerman decades ago, but had never been adopted until Seattle voters backed a 2015 initiative to implement the idea. The program has already enabled a large number of people who would otherwise be incapable of affording political donations, including homeless people, to participate in the political process by contributing to candidates.

What’s the only thing better that lots of money in politics? Lots of TAXPAYER money in politics to be spent by not-taxpayers! Why should Democrats have to do their own fundraising?

Early Voting And Same-Day Registration

The For the People Act would require states to allow people to register on the same day they vote and to allow voters to cast ballots for at least 15 consecutive days before Election Day. It would require poll sites to be open at least four hours each of those days and, to the greatest extent possible, that they be located near public transportation.

Twenty states and the District of Columbia have approved some form of same-day registration. It’s seen as a reform that can greatly drive up voter participation rates because people start paying more attention to an election the closer it gets. Federal law currently lets states cut off voter registration 30 days before an election. Activists also embrace early voting because it gives people more time to go to the polls at their convenience.

Yes, America has a serious national problem: millions of eligible voters refuse to vote except on Sunday afternoons. /sarcasm Seriously, the real purpose of this is allowing people to vote twice thanks to the impossibility of coordinating who voted when, where, on a national scale, accurately enough to prosecute fraud before it alters the outcome of an election.

The proof that this initiative is exclusively to facilitate vote fraud is that the abovementioned “motor voter” ruling would make same-day registration moot.

Independent Redistricting Commissions

H.R. 1 would require states to create independent commissions that would be responsible for drawing congressional districts. State lawmakers currently have the power to draw districts once a decade, and both parties have manipulated that process to their advantage. In 2011, Republicans saw an opportunity to take control of state legislatures, control the redistricting process and lock in an electoral advantage for the next decade. They executed that plan extremely precisely and well.

Six states . Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Montana and Washington . use independent redistricting commissions to draw lines for state or congressional districts.

Which means 44 states don’t like the idea and House Democrats want to override how they’re allowed to run their own state government. Meanwhile, Democrats love the idea of independent government anything because it’s an absolution of responsibility. They can put in place all the “checks and balances” they pretend want but the truth is, whatever result these independent commissions come up with can’t be overridden no matter how lopsided.

Small-Donor Public Financing

The For the People Act’s main campaign finance reform is the creation of a small-donor matching system to publicly finance congressional elections. It is based on the decades-old public financing program run for New York City elections.

Even more taxpayer money in the hands of registered parasites!

New York adopted a small-donor matching system to publicly finance its elections in 1988 in response to a series of corruption scandals throughout city government. At the time, the system provided a 1-to-1 match for donations of $1,000 or less. A candidate received $1 in public funds for every $1 of a contribution up to $1,000. But the system has changed to boost the power of small donors over the years.

Nothing the New York gov’t does… either state or NYC… is something your state should be doing. One exception for broken-window policing.

New York City’s system has enabled candidates . especially those from less affluent neighborhoods . to more consistently rely on small donors in their districts.

“Less affluent” = “not middle class”

Trump’s Presidency has been great for convincing the enemies of Christ and Country to stand up and be recognized, but unless they get punished for their massive crimes and conspiracies then the agitation of Trump Derangement Syndrome will only have served to hasten America’s death.

We are quickly running out of time to Build the Wall and Drain the Swamp.


MGTOW Life: Original Sin

A Churchian named Bnonn, covered here before, has produced a newsletter that contains the usual man-shaming screeds dialed up to 11. Feels good. The cucks will get more shrill yet as their meatshield headcounts approach zero and the cucks take their own turn suffering for their civilization-destroying practices.

In the process, Bnonn’s screed does an excellent job of demonstrating the link between MGTOW beliefs and Christianity. The most fascinating part of Red Pill & Manosphere teachings for me has been the independent rediscovery and confirmation of Original Sin. Indeed, I believe that MGTOW is at heart a specifically Christian attitude and belief.

Eve was created to be Adam’s assistant and companion. All was well. Then Chad the Snake came along and convinced Eve to rebel against God & Adam. Eve chose the snake over God and when Adam found out, he followed Eve into damnation even though he knew from personal experience that God was the smart choice.

Eve envied God His status as a deity and seized a shortcut to Godhood. Adam listened to his little head instead of his big head. The resulting curses? Women would be always tempted to envy men and need to be controlled, while men would have to earn their food.

So now, how did our modern society fail? The Communists of the ’50s and ’60s convinced women to rebel, aka free love and grrlpwr, and the Silent & Baby Boomer men/fathers prided themselves on indulging female liberation… to the destruction of their own sons, then their own country’s sovereignty, then their own ethnic group’s survival, and soon, humanity’s ability to live in safety from Satan’s Throne of a unified world government. To be sure, the problem was always lurking in the background… which Scripture predicted and history confirmed… but modern telecommunications have permitted the weaponization of humanity’s first flaw on a global scale.

Meanwhile, female envy and usurpation of “male privilege” is not only uncontrolled, it’s actively encouraged, and the winners of our current way of life demand that the losers do the work so the winners don’t have to. The curse is rejected.

On that note, let’s fisk Bnonn’s newsletter. I only indented the text to preserve his italicization. Hat tip to 7817 and princeasbel on Dalrock’s blog for the linkage.

Feminism is the assertion that men are evil and naturally want to harm women, followed by pleas to men to solve all of women’s problems. .Dalrock’s Law of Feminism

This saying is true, and worthy of full acceptance. But there are Christians fighting feminism who are inclined to an opposite error. It is in some ways a much more serious one, because it implicitly denies what even feminism implicitly affirms: that men are, by nature, in charge.

The is classic Churchianism: “you might be right but we must be careful to not be too right”.

It is therefore important to reprove Christians who are falling into this error, and exhort them to true biblical manhood.

We can state the error simply as the inverse of Dalrock’s Law: the belief that women are evil and naturally want to dominate men, followed by demands that women solve this problem by submitting to men.

In Dalrock’s Law, the error is in the first clause.that men in general want to harm women.while a certain truth is recognized in the second.that men are the ones with the power to achieve feminism’s goals.

Bnonn establishes that the problem today is Dalrock and offers an alternative to Dalrock’s Law. One wonders if he plans to waste a single breath condemning feral women and the men who encourage them.

“The belief that women are evil and naturally want to dominate men” is straight outta Genesis. I despise all self-identified Christians who uphold the Bible as God’s Word yet cannot agree with it past chapter 3. (If they think evolution is true then they didn’t get past chapter 1, verse 1: “In the beginning, God created…”)

Similarly, the “demand that women solve this problem by submitting to men” is God’s demand to women, not mens’ demand to women. It is exceedingly difficult to force submission on those who wish not to submit; God learned that Himself with the Israelites.

Bnonn’s Inverse Dalrock’s Law is redundant with basic Christian theology.

But in the Inverse Law, a certain truth is recognized in the first clause.”your desire shall be for your husband”.but a much more serious error is implied in the second.that women have the power to achieve the biblical ideal of patriarchy. The reason we don’t have patriarchy now, in other words, or the reason the church (not to speak of society) is imploding under feminism, is that women are not submitting. If they would only return to their proper place, patriarchy would be restored.

Patriarchy is not an agenda that needs deliberate enactment and enforcement by a government or other body of men. As I’ve said many times, the purpose of the Christian life is to become a certain kind of person, not achieve a certain kind of outcome. Any woman who restrains her envy of men and submits cheerfully to her father/husband is a patriarchal woman, approved by Father God Himself.

Women can do it on their own.

This relocates the locus of control from its biblical center in men exercising their innate father-rule on behalf of God, to an ironically feminist-sounding and entirely false center in women’s virtue. It is a functional denial that patriarchy is actually built into creation; that men are always the ones with the power, even when that power is being bent toward the aims of women.

Innate father-rule? Even those of us who aren’t fathers? Most of the men reading this are not in any position of authority. What does Bnonn expect us to do, walk into CEO Barbie’s office and inform her that her reign of terror is over and the patriarchy’s back in town?

This attitude is exactly why MGTOW is a thing. The demands being made of us are impossible. We are blamed for situations we didn’t create and ordered to fix them with authority we don’t have. The only winning move is not to play.

Correction. The only winning move is blaming these arrogant Churchians midwits for holding us down while the gynocracy mugs us in the devil’s name.

In this way, many of those fighting feminism fall into a mirror image of it. Just as genuine gender equality is most useful to feminism when it remains an ideal that is never realized.let alone lived out.the same becomes true for patriarchy under those fighting feminism. Claiming to believe in patriarchy, to paraphrase Paul, they nonetheless deny its power.

This self-contradiction is especially obvious if one suggests that men need to take responsibility for women submitting to them. How often will this be glossed as blaming men for women’s faults (which is indeed a common problem in the church among those afraid to criticize women). But holding men accountable to the role God gave them is not equivalent to winking at women’s sins. On the contrary, calling men to require women’s submission is exactly to hold women accountable to submit!

Here, the author refuses to grant legitimacy to the men who do the good work of pushing back against feminism, men such as Dalrock. “Do it my way or you’re as bad as they are! My way is to blame you for the problem until you magically make it go away!”

Consider a recent example of Christian confusion on this point. In The Love of the Game, Cane Caldo argues that the exhortation and reproof of men is both ubiquitous and ineffective in fighting feminism:

The truth is that American Christians have raised at least four generations of brassy whores and all we can do is talk about how to be the kind of men brassy whores prefer to marry. Throughout these generations Christian leaders and men have been exhorting one another to virtue and godliness with the same terrible results.

But the first sentence and the second sentence are clear and flat contradictions. Either four generations of Christian fathers (we use the term not just biologically) have been exhorting one another to virtue and godliness, or they have been raising brassy whores and talking about how to be the kind of men brassy whores prefer to marry. Virtuous, godly men don’t raise brassy whores, nor marry them; effeminate, gyneolatrous men do. And effeminate, gyneolatrous men are living in rebellion to God’s word and creation, and are not virtuous or godly at all.

Blame the victim, how original. Two words: Job’s wife.

What anti-feminist Christians give with one hand, they take away with the other. They rightly charge that men must reestablish their rule, but if we then reprove the men in rulership for effeminacy.bishops, pastors, elders.we are accused of blaming men for a problem caused by women.

He lies. We don’t advocate that “men reestablish their rule”. We advocate both men and women confronting the sex-specific evil inside their souls. We aren’t demanding some Heaven on Earth, we’re demanding you practice the very religion you preach at us like a magic spell.

It sounds good, rhetorically. You can see the irony of us pointing to men, rather than speaking to women, because it seems to match up to the narrative of how no one is willing to call women out, and instead take the safe route of lambasting men.

It’s not irony, Bnonn. It’s you following women in their hatred of honorable men, as your fedora-tipping forefathers did.

(We’d also add that really, calling out women online, behind a screen, anonymously, isn’t any braver or harder than anything else keyboard warriors do. Calling out women in real life is.)

A call for self-doxxing. It’s a sign you’re useless to God when you aren’t worried about the likes of Antifa paying you a house visit.

As we’ve noted, when you establish a position in reaction to an error, there is a serious risk of becoming the mirror image of the thing you hate. In this case, anti-feminists have simply inverted feminist hypoagency. Under feminism, women are never responsible for’s always men’s fault. “Weak men are screwing feminism up,” as Dalrock correctly quips. Under anti-feminism, the situation simply gets reversed, and men get the default hypoagency through the imputation of hyperagency to women. “Brassy women are screwing patriarchy up.”

Dalrock didn’t say that as a true statement. Again, this is a common way for Churchians to claim the moral high ground without ever having to risk their comfy pensions: “If you oppose them then you’re no different, because they oppose you! We must find the Middle Way!”

Hmm, doesn’t that demon hotel Jordan Peterson call for exactly that? I can’t be certain because the guy produces more word salad than a dictionary in a shredder.

But the fact is, the situation we face is not an either-or, zero-sum game.

Christ or Satan, Bnonn. There is no spiritual Switzerland.

It’s not that either rebellious women are the problem, or effeminate men are.and since rebellious women are the problem, it’s not effeminate men.

It’s both-and. Rebellious women are the problem and effeminate men are.

Having first misstated our position, Bnonn faults that position. He even tries to slip in “effeminate men”, which is not our complaint of men who encourage women in their envy and rebellion against men.

The two halves of Original Sin are feral women and the men who follow them into Hell, working together against the two halves of men who stand aloof and the women who follow those men into Heaven. Notice the one is a complete inversion of the other… of God’s natural order.

There are not two problems here. There are two sides of a spiritual war, Right and Wrong. It’s time to pick a uniform and burn a bridge, Bnonn.

Ironically, treating patriarchy as an unrealized ideal rather than a natural reality (whether from cynicism or naivety), is to adopt a masculine hypoagency which is the very pinnacle of effeminacy. It is to replace real masculine virtue with narrow, performative masculinity in anonymous sandboxes.playing make-believe at being men telling women no, rather than actually going out and telling women no.

Bnonn imputes authority to (other) men that they clearly don’t have so he can blame those men for not exercising said authority. That is what’s called “male privilege”, a nonentity that must exist because otherwise, men are innocent.

The fact is that toxic matriarchy requires male cooperation and enablement. Men just do have the power, and the only way for women to get it is for men to give it to Dalrock’s Law rightly observes. Patriarchy is built into the structure of creation.

Who fell from grace first, Adam or Eve? Eve. Adam didn’t “give her his power” to do that.

So if we now find ourselves in a situation where the church is falling to pieces from being overrun by power-hungry brassy whores, whose fault is it?

The church is not being overrun by power-hungry women. It’s being overrun by men who worship women instead of God, in God’s name. Men who then blame all other men in order to hide their own guilt. Men like Bnonn.

Well it’s certainly the fault of the power-hungry brassy whores for taking the power.

But who gave it to them?

It’s not rocket surgery. Weak men and brassy women are both screwing patriarchy up. Indeed, it’s so obvious as to be uninteresting. We’re not here to endlessly reiterate the problem. We want to fix it.

Who will do that?

Who should we appeal to?

Who should we reprove and rebuke and exhort and train in righteousness?

If we have to choose, should it be the men of God, or the women of God?

For fuck’s sake. Bnonn the AMOG is wondering who he should appoint to solve the problem of feminism so he doesn’t have to. Well, don’t look at us MGTOW. We didn’t create this problem. We aren’t sustaining the problem, either. How could we? We aren’t even in the room.

We don’t believe there’s even the slightest question about this decision. The answer is always the men.

The answer is always YOU OTHER men. Not me! I’m too righteous and virtuous to be the problem!

Caldo suggests that for “any leader who wishes to be taken seriously,” “no less than half of his engendered instructions should be directed at women to be quiet and have some respect.” But this flies in the face of the basic dynamic of power. A 50/50 split makes no sense because there’s a fundamental 80/20 here. Pareto’s Principle alone would tell us that if we’re trying to fix a structural problem within a hierarchy, we should start with the people who have the actual power to fix it (not the perceived power). And since God built patriarchy into creation, that means the men. Men are the ones who have the power.

Which is it? Do we have patriarchy or matriarchy? If patriarchy then the men can solve the problem of feral women… but the problem doesn’t exist. If matriarchy then the men who are getting torn up by feral women aren’t able to fix the situation because THAT’S WHY THEY WERE VULNERABLE IN THE FIRST PLACE!

Women are never in control of society. When they’ve given authority, they give it to evil men in turn, just as Eve did in Eden. She didn’t take control of Adam, she accepted the snake as her new master. For his part, Adam chose to follow Eve instead of God. All creation has been subject to the devil ever since.

How then, to fix the situation? Adam must refuse to follow Eve and her enablers into damnation. Adam must… go his own way. MGTOW is the solution, the bridge between the gynocracy burning itself out and the beginning of a new, healthy society. Or as God described MGTOW, “When the wicked rise to power, people go into hiding; but when the wicked perish, the righteous thrive.” Proverbs 28:28.

The problem we face is not caused by brassy women taking power. By definition, they don’t have the power to do that, or they wouldn’t need to take it! It’s caused by soft men raising up brassy women, who then demand power, which the soft men trip over themselves to give.

Soft men raise bad women? Or do women choose to go bad? It’s not like Daddy is the only influence upon her life. From peers & social media to the cash & prizes of frivorce, there’s a lot of temptation for a girl to go wrong. Bnonn does very ill to blame the man for the woman’s behavior.

Thus, to solve the problem, we must speak to the men. We can either treat the symptoms, or we can treat the disease; we haven’t the energy to do both. The symptoms are brassy women who demand power. The disease is fathers.pastors, leaders, husbands.who raise them up and capitulate to them.

So the question is simple: which will more effectively prevent and reverse the problem we’re facing?

Brassy women becoming submissive and no longer demanding power, while the men remain weak and still want to give it to them?

Yes. Women must learn to control their feral instincts, which they have despite being raised by either strong men or weak men.

Weak men becoming strong and no longer giving women power, while brassy women still demand it?

You want us weak men to become strong, Bnonn? Take your boot heel off our faces. Instead, blame our persecutors… as Cane Caldo taught.

Obviously (1) is preferable to nothing, and a combination (1) and (2) is ideal.but if we have to focus on achieving only one, it’s not even a contest. (2) is a dead ringer for stopping the problem in its tracks, while (1) will result in complete failure. This is because the backbone of the with all patriarchy; not submissive women. If men just say no, women can demand until they’re blue in the face, but they will get nothing, and patriarchy will remain intact. The same is not true if women are just submissive, because patriarchy can collapse all by itself without any woman doing anything. This is the risk of belaboring the is men who have the power, and so it’s men who ultimately decide whether they’re going to be patriarchs or not.

The Church is always a patriarchy because “God said so”; therefore, if any evil happens it’s because you weak male pew-warmers allowed it to happen! Sheesh. Matriarchy is not “female rulers”. It is “warlord rulers”. Powerful, evil men who maintain female support by crushing the male have-nots around them.

And that is why men go MGTOW. It’s not because we want to. It’s not because we want to see society die. It’s because our society has turned cannibal. If we go back to the plantation, we’ll be cut down by petty warlords needing to perform for female approval. If we don’t go back, those petty warlords will start cutting down each other in a twisted version of a Viking funeral.

Bnonn isn’t one of those warlords. He’s one of the Adams who is horrified by Eve’s choice but enables her because the alternative is following God… and never getting to be a god himself.

By contrast, MGTOW refuse to follow women into evil and self-destruction. What Adam should have done. He should have turned his back on Eve and started over with the next female God made for him.

All Adam in Eden had to do was nothing. Sit poolside. We’re sitting poolside, too, watching our leaders turn on each other because they cannot feed off us anymore. It’s not the victory we want but it’s a victory we can get. And the floor show promises to be spectacular!

Patriarchy is built into you. You cannot hide from it, and you cannot exercise it by simply sharing incisive online analyses of what is wrong with the world.

You have to actually take command of that world, starting with yourself, and those under your fatherhood.your wife and your children.

Again, Bnonn imputes Male Privilege to us so he can demand we solve problems we didn’t create, don’t maintain, don’t profit from and can’t solve. But Male Privilege does not exist. It’s merely the only way he can keep blaming us who have never even had a seat at the table.

Toxic matriarchy requires men’s cooperation. In the majority of cases (the minority being much more serious), the only price for not cooperating is social awkwardness brought on by Gillette shavers realizing they have no power over you. What kind of man is afraid of awkwardness?

Weak men of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains and your meaningless little lives! Oops.

True, it sometimes won’t go your way.that minority of cases is a real killer. Your many small victories may be dwarfed by your colossal defeats on the most important and life-changing issues. There is an army of white knights who will fight you on behalf of women, and many of them have real power.pastors, employers, police, judges, bureaucrats. It sucks, and we have every sympathy for you if you are defeated; but war is hell, and this is war.

ARE YOU SERIOUS? “It sucks and we’re sympathetic but hey, this is war and your destruction is a risk we’re willing to take”? I meant my “weak men of the world unite” comment as a snark but… that’s how you TRULY think of us?

I don’t need to advocate for MGTOW. It’s enough quote the opponents of MGTOW.

We’re not promised personal victory; we’re promised cosmic victory (2 Tim 2:12; Rom 8:17; Rev 20:4). The kingdom of the world will eventually become the kingdom of our Lord (Rev 11:15).but it happens by taking up the sword of the spirit and the word of truth and discipling the nations to obey Jesus’ commands.

The only way to do that is individually, day by day. You must do it. We must do it.

Holy shit, he IS serious!

In victory or defeat, you are in command of your own life. It is your responsibility to teach your daughters to live quietly and reverently. It is your responsibility to call your wife to submission. It is your responsibility to tell her no when she is rebellious. And if you have a wife who will call other men to fight and defeat you when you tell her no, that’s because of a bad choice you made.




Very likely you made it in ignorance, and your situation is unjust.but you are still called to face it, and if necessary to suffer through it.

In the same way, if you’re a pastor whose congregation will not hear you telling women no, if they will find a way to remove you from leadership, you are called to stand firm. You will suffer, and you may lose your job, but is it better to be a weak man, scratching their itchy ears to save your paycheck? Of course not. Have you been beaten and scourged and stoned for standing firm before rebellious women and their white knights? Have you defended the Lord’s table with your very body, demanding that brassy whores take your life rather than take the sacrament to defile it? The apostles, the Reformers, our other spiritual fathers endured in such a way. You’re afraid to lose your livelihood; they were unafraid to lose their lives. You cannot fear God and fear man. You cannot serve two masters.

Sounds nice but he opposed Cane Caldo for preaching exactly this. Which is it?

Yes, we’re telling anti-feminist Christians to step up or shut up.

Are we trying to alienate men by saying this?

No. We are trying to separate the wheat from the chaff. 2 Timothy 4:2.4 says:

…preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.

The irony of Bnonn quoting this passage while telling the itchy ears of rebellious women that their evil is mens’ fault.

As we’ve said, fighting feminism risks coming the mirror image of feminism. So what must be our response? It must be to call men to genuine, biblical manhood by preaching the word.

The Bible is not a spellbook. There is nothing magical about preaching it at other people. The purpose of preaching it, especially back when illiteracy was common and books were not, is so the people (NOT the preacher) could apply the Bible to themselves.

I just blew the fuse of every Churchian who thinks leadership is preaching the Bible at people for forty years and then retiring in comfort. They don’t even check if anybody is still listening.

Step up because God commands it of you. It’s what he made men for.

Step up because defeating feminism will not happen by sitting on your loins. God requires you to gird up those loins for action. He requires you to stop being intimidated by the perceived power of women. He requires you to stop being fearful and negative, and to stand firm, and to suffer for him if necessary.looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who did the same thing for the joy of bringing victory out of defeat.

God requires you to do as I say so I don’t have to do it myself! Hardly the example Christ set. Feminism will defeat itself, just like fire and for the same reason: it can only exist by consuming more, more, ever more. By saving ourselves, we MGTOW pass through the fire able to rebuild the world. You’re welcome, world.

And for those who will not, for the grumblers and the malcontents following their own sinful desires, for the loud-mouthed boasters showing favoritism to gain advantage.our words will encourage them to expose themselves, so we can relegate them to the gloom of utter darkness as quickly as possible.

The sinful desire of not ending up a smear on the tank treads of Feminism because AMOGs like Bnonn can’t survive without our sacrifice. Heh, he even threatens us with going to Hell if we don’t do as he says. Bnonn doesn’t hold those keys and we already left the room. Just like he wanted?

Either exercise the power God gave you and stop giving it to brassy whores, or stop whining about brassy whores taking power. It’s your choice. Not theirs.

God gave us no power. Thanks for checking. You gave us no power either, Bnonn, so we MGTOWs make the one choice we can: live free or die.

Christ has called us to freedom. He died so we wouldn’t have to. Bnonn, stop preaching the Bible at others and preach it at yourself instead. You are the one who needs to hear it.


Ted Bundy’s White Privilege

How was infamous serial killer Ted Bundy able to rape & murder three dozen women in the ’70s? White privilege! And by white privilege, we mean Trump Derangement Syndrome.

The main article is just some colored victicrat’s tragicomic hysteria that got picked up by Yahoo! News. But it’s entertaining enough and an excuse to recap Ted Bundy, whose history is surprisingly relevant to Christian Manosphere interests. As a bonus, I will also discuss his tricking Dr. James Dobson on the evils of pornography.

Ted Bundy Wasn’t Special Or Smart. He Was Just White.

By Ashley Alese Edwards of Refinery29, 28 January 2019

Refinery29 'Money Diaries' Post Leads to Fight About Who ...

Ashley is a Negress whore, since we’re being so “anti-racist” as to blame white privilege for serial murder. Notice the wine glass at the bottom of the pic, indicating that Social Justice is perhaps bringing Ashley less fulfillment than the family she’ll never have.

Ted Bundy, though dead for 30 years, is again having his moment in the spotlight. In 2019, the serial killer . who brutally raped and murdered at least 36 women . is the subject of a new four-part docuseries on Netflix, Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes, and will be portrayed by a chiseled Zac Efron in the film Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile, which will be released in theaters on January 26.

Who is the target audience for this documentary on an infamous criminal? I learned from vampire subculture that what women find interesting about violent crime is not remotely what men find interesting about violent crime.

In both the docuseries and the film, Bundy is painted as an artful, handsome, and exceptionally intelligent man; one whom you would never, ever think was capable of bludgeoning women to death and then having sex with their corpses. In the movie’s trailer, Efron’s Bundy smirks, winks, seductively takes off his shirt, and passionately rips off a woman’s blouse.

Female target audience. They repackaged a necrophiliac Dark Triad into a bodice ripper. See, a man would have been interested in the thrill of the manhunt, in the building of suspense as Evil Personified does his evil deeds even as they help Justice close in. But Ashley is unhappy with Bundy being sold as a sex symbol? Honestly, after Fifty Shades of Gray there’s no point in dissembling on this kind of kink.

Bundy.s image in 2019 is not much different than what it has been since he was first arrested in in 1975. News media at the time depicted Bundy as charming and charismatic. (Here’s Dan Rather calling Bundy “intelligent” and “articulate” the day before his execution in 1989.) In Conversations with a Killer, PBS correspondent Ed Hula says “the lurid nature of the case, the depravity of the violence, and the personality of Ted Bundy combined to make this something that the media could not ignore.” Marlin Lee Vortman, a friend of Bundy who met him when they both worked on the campaign for a Utah Republican gubernatorial candidate said Bundy was “the kind of guy you want your sister to marry.” This perception of Bundy as a bewitching Lothario, who was able to hide his evil double-life so well because he was almost supernatural, has been the inspiration for dozens of TV specials, documentaries, and movies; Buffalo Bill, the serial killer from Silence of the Lambs, was based loosely on Bundy’s supposed ability to outsmart law enforcement. Positive descriptors like .good-looking,. .clean-cut,. and, of course, .charming,. are used countless times in reference to Bundy throughout Conversations with a Killer.

Bundy being desirable fits the facts, Barbie. It’s hard to get away with crime when you look & act like a drug addict and hard to get female trust when you look & act like a creep.

But the Ted Bundy of America’s consciousness is a myth. Bundy was not special, he was not smarter than the average person; he did not have a personality so alluring that his female victims could not help but simply go off with him. He did not have a superhuman skill to be one step ahead of the police. What Bundy did have was the power of of being a white man in a society that reveres them and has implicit faith in their abilities. This privilege gave Bundy the ability to make even the most heinous of crimes take second place to his personality. Bundy isn’t even exceptional when compared to other American serial killers. So why is his legacy treated with fascination and twisted admiration rather than condemnation?

You asked, I’ll answer. Because Bundy was sexy.

A monochrome photograph of a expressionless man with piercing eyes

Ted Bundy

Gary Ridgway Mugshot 11302001.jpg

For comparison, Gary Ridgway aka Green River Killer, a contemporary of Bundy. He didn’t have groupies at his trial despite being the more accomplished murderer.

In “Handsome Devil,. the first episode of Conversations with a Killer, which is based on taped deathrow interviews of Bundy by journalists Stephen Michaud and Hugh Aynesworth, a rosy Bundy paints a rosy picture of his own childhood growing up in Tacoma, WA. .First grade I was a somewhat champion frog-catcher,. Bundy said. .I mean, I was a frog man.” By Bundy’s own words he was a normal kid. But, slipped between the macabre praise of Bundy’s personality is his childhood friend Sandi Holt’s take on who Ted really was: He didn’t fit in, he couldn’t do anything right, and at one point he was teased for a speech impediment. .In high school, he wanted to be something he wasn.t. He was gonna be president,. Holt said. .He was going to show the world that he was the one to be dealt with and it was a lot of blowhard talk. He tried to fool you and lie to you. He wasn’t athletic. He wanted to be number-one in class but he wasn.t.. He was listed as “illegitimate” on his birth certificate and there is reason to believe he was abused as a child. From the beginning, he was creating his own mythology.

This is an excellent example of the difference between hating someone and wanting to hate someone. Is it not enough that Bundy was an infamously evil murderer? Must he also be a lifelong misfit loser since childhood?

Per Wikipedia, “Bundy was born Theodore Robert Cowell on November 24, 1946, to Eleanor Louise Cowell (1924.2012; known as “Louise”) at the Elizabeth Lund Home for Unwed Mothers in Burlington, Vermont. His father’s identity was never determined with any degree of certainty. His birth certificate assigned paternity to a salesman and Air Force veteran named Lloyd Marshall, but Louise later claimed that she had been seduced by “a sailor” whose name may have been Jack Worthington.”

Sounds like a very close call for likely-cuck Lloyd Marshall. Bundy’s mother was a shameless, unwed harlot. Does Ashley have any condemnation for the misconduct of Bundy’s mother? *crickets*

The docuseries and coverage of Bundy in general selectively frames his credentials and his crimes. That Bundy went to law school is popular knowledge; that he got mediocre scores on his LSATs and eventually stopped going to class altogether is not. Casting heartthrob Zac Efron to play Bundy would make one believe he was a ladies’ man, when in reality he had few girlfriends and was dumped by his affluent and successful college sweetheart because he was directionless and insecure. While the docuseries makes note of these facts, they are overshadowed by non-stop dialogue about Bundy’s appearance and his alleged hypnotizing effect on those around him. While on trial in Utah for the kidnapping of Carol DaRonch (who escaped), Bundy wore nice suits, had his hair coiffed, and playfully bantered with reporters about finishing law school. The media ate it up, but the brave eyewitness testimony of DaRonch canceled out Bundy’s lies and he was convicted and sentenced to prison.

I wouldn’t expect a for-entertainment documentary to be the most accurate account of… anything. Is there any reason a defendant wouldn’t be allowed to make himself presentable at court? Ashley has some personal issues to be this unreasonably spiteful.

Even the journalists who somewhat enabled Bundy’s false narrative had to admit the truth: .The man’s a wimp. I mean, people that sneak up on women and kill them . what else can you say?. Hugh Aynesworth, one of the journalists who interviewed Bundy while he was on death row, said on the day of his execution in 1989.

Wimps don’t hunt and kill prey. Those are the actions of a predator, not a Whole Foods shopper. Enough with the disqualification!

But because Bundy, with the help of the media, was seen as just a young man who may have lost his way, he was allowed shocking levels of leeway that were unlikely to be afforded to men of color, particularly those who are Black. The same year Bundy was executed, Donald Trump took out full-page ads in four New York City newspapers calling for the execution of the Central Park Five, a group of Black and Latinx young men ranging in age from 14 to 16 years old, who were accused and convicted of raping a white woman in New York City. The teens, who were called “savages” and compared to animals in the press, were later exonerated by DNA evidence.

TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME! Every single time. Trump didn’t call for Bundy’s execution because Bundy was already dead. Execution was 24 January 1989 and the rape/near-murder of Trisha Meili was 19 April 1989.

Does Ashley hate all white men because Donald Trump is President? There’s probably some truth in that. Scary.

Judge Edward Cowart, who was presiding over the trial, toured Bundy’s cell and ordered he be moved to a different one after a petulant Bundy complained of not having enough light to read. The judge would often refer to Bundy, who was then 33 years old, as “young man” and .partner.” To watch footage of the trial is to see in action the infantilization of Bundy in front of America despite his monstrous acts, simply because he was white and conventionally attractive to the dominant culture at the time, while Black men and women accused of crimes are sexualized and made into violent caricatures as a default.

There’s her reason. Ashley hates white men so much that watching Ted Bundy be treated politely is a racial injustice. Because the blacks who invented “my race right or wrong” never give their own any slack!

This kind of race-baiting is stupid. I even despise my own doing it but instead of taking the high road, I need practice this stupid game that stupid blacks like Ashley want to play. Doesn’t matter what the game is, I just want to win.

.It.s a tragedy to see such a total waste, I think, of humanity that I have experienced in this court. You’re a bright young man. You.d have made a good lawyer,. Judge Cowart said as he sentenced Bundy to death by electric chair. .I.d have loved to have you practice in front of me, but you went another way, partner. Take care of yourself. I don’t have any animosity to you, I want you to know that..

I boldfaced Ted Bundy’s white male privilege.

And therein lies the crux of the Bundy myth: Even when convicted of the most depraved crimes, a white man’s supposed potential will supersede reality. From the time he was first arrested, to when he was strapped to the electric chair, to present day when he is being romanticized into some machiavellian Romeo , Ted Bundy was given the benefit of the doubt.

No, Race-Bait Ashley, the benefit of the doubt does not include being executed for murder. The judge sentenced Bundy to die, as was right and lawful, and Bundy was put to death. You’re projecting your “my race right or wrong” attitude onto the Bundy case, where it obviously does not fit.

We don’t need Ted Bundy to be reminded of the white male privilege so embedded in American society. We see it when white men are given lenient sentences for rape and manslaughter because they have promising futures or because they were raised with such affluence, people think they shouldn’t be held responsible for their actions.


We see [white male privilege] when dozens of people are shot dead in churches, schools, and newsrooms and lawmakers take no meaningful action because the perpetrator isn’t Brown or from the Middle East.

Many links omitted. When white shooters kill white victims, it’s white privilege because all white people weren’t disarmed in the aftermath.

How stupid do these #BlacksLoveMisery think we are? We know the disarmament they demand is only the prelude to the Zimbabwe treatment. Let me make a prediction: America ain’t gonna go quietly like South Africa.

We see it when women are targeted because they left an abusive relationship or turned down a man’s advances and it barely makes a blip in the 24/7 news cycle. We see it when Ted Bundy’s name is cemented in pop culture but his victims remain supporting acts in his story.

Victimhood mentality, anybody?

Ted Bundy should not only be left in the past, the story of who he really was needs to be accurately rewritten.

Social Justice Warrior confirmed. The future is certain, the past is subject to change!

Washington Post writer Joel Achenbach wrote in 1991, .The imaginary serial killer is a powerful creature, brilliant at his craft, an implacable death machine. He’s like a shark, driven not by mindless hunger but by an elaborate malevolence . evil, if you will..

That’s actually a good description of non-imaginary serial killers.

He continued: .Real life is not so gothic. When police bag a serial killer, he is usually a weak man, cowardly, not terribly savvy, and a failure at most everything he’s ever done in life. He’s a loser.” In 2019, it’s time to undo Bundy’s delusions of grandeur and remember him as he should be: as a gutless creep who could only feel power by preying on the vulnerable.

That’s provably wrong. Okay, whose bitch is this?

Joel Achenbach. Maybe pedo, definite male feminist. A brief detour:

Post reporter Joel Achenbach suspended for 90 days for “inappropriate workplace conduct.

By Paul Farhi, 10 January 2018

The Washington Post suspended reporter Joel Achenbach on Wednesday for what it called “inappropriate workplace conduct” involving current and former female colleagues.

Achenbach, a veteran reporter, is the first Post journalist to be disciplined for misconduct of this kind since a wave of sexual-harassment allegations began roiling through news outlets and other organizations in the wake of revelations about Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein in early October.

The Post said Achenbach would be suspended for 90 days without pay, the most severe newsroom punishment the paper has handed out in recent years for violations of its workplace or journalistic standards. His suspension began immediately.

The paper’s top news managers declined to describe Achenbach’s misconduct in detail and said the investigation into his behavior took two months.

Achenbach also would not elaborate in an interview on Wednesday. He instead referred to a statement: “I’m very sorry to say that I’ve behaved badly and have been suspended by The Post for three months for inappropriate workplace conduct. I’ve said and done things that were unprofessional, and I apologize to the women affected by this and acknowledge their courage in speaking out.”

If he’s right and serial killers are weak, cowardly losers, then WaPo better double down on that investigation. In the meantime, Ashley continues the proud female tradition of not being able to identify potentially abusive men. I bet every man reading this had a quick “uh-oh” reflex at his pic… Ashley quoted him as a credible source.

As for Bundy, his white privilege got him righteously executed in a courteous and lawful fashion. One could wish all violent criminals to be so privileged. “If thou art comfortable, milord, we shalt begin thine righteous punishment, that Almighty God might see fit to forgive thine soul its mortal transgressions.” *BZZZT*

Homeless men on the sidewalk? White privilege! False accusations destroying a scientist’s life? White privilege! Ted Bundy meeting Old Sparky? White freaking privilege! But we know what this is really about: white privilege got Trump elected! White privilege and Russia!


Ted Bundy gave a famous Death Row interview to Dr. James Dobson on the evils of pornography and how it led him to death-spiral into rape, murder and necrophilia. I was told about it repeatedly in my 80s childhood and lots of other church guys were, too.

But it didn’t turn out to be true.

Let’s be honest, every healthy male reading this who isn’t VERY lucky in love either has or had a significant porn habit. It’s the Internet Age, real women are trash and testosterone doesn’t have an off switch so go figure. And yet, the number of us who have turned into Bundy-style monsters is nil; in fact, the most violent among us tend to be the ones who insist on (unattainable) real women.

Ted Bundy lied to Dobson about the dangers of porn use and Dobson bought into it completely. The first rule of deceit is saying what the chump wants to hear. A quote from Wikipedia: “I wish I could believe that his motives were altruistic,” wrote [biographer Ann] Rule. “But all I can see in that Dobson tape is another Ted Bundy manipulation of our minds. The effect of the tape is to place, once again, the onus of his crimes, not on himself, but on us.”

You want to prevent Ted Bundys from happening? Then advocate intact, patriarchal families. Don’t blame porn, that was just Bundy getting a last laugh in God’s face.

By the way, guess how Theodore Robert Cowell got renamed Ted Bundy? Again to Wikipedia, “In 1950, Louise changed her surname from Cowell to Nelson, and at the urging of multiple family members, she left Philadelphia with her son to live with cousins Alan and Jane Scott in Tacoma, Washington. In 1951 Louise met Johnny Culpepper Bundy, a hospital cook, at an adult singles night at Tacoma’s First Methodist Church. They married later that year and Johnny Bundy formally adopted Ted. Johnny and Louise conceived four children of their own, and although Johnny tried to include his adoptive son in camping trips and other family activities, Ted remained distant. He later complained to his girlfriend that Johnny wasn’t his real father, “wasn’t very bright,” and “didn’t make much money.””

Do. Not. Play. Captain Save-A-Ho.


Oregon Cops Whack Antifa!

A heartwarming story with bonus bodycam footage! Gender-confused Charlie Landeros threatened to kill cops then got drilled in the face by cops when he pulled a gun on them in an aborted school shooting, having run afoul of the very frivorce-industrial complex he once advocated for.

DA: Officers ‘legally justified’ in killing man outside Cascade Middle School

By Staff, 24 January 2019

EUGENE, Ore. – As police attempted to place Charlie Landeros under arrest after removing him from Cascade Middle School amidst a child custody dispute January 11, Landeros pulled a 9mm handgun from a hoster and pointed the weapon at Officer Steve Timm, investigators determined based on video evidence and witness statements.

University of Oregon faculty endorse shutdowns by ...

Problem glasses, disorderly hair… what’s wrong with his mouth & chin? Definite triangular face, which I’ve found to be a strong indicator of Gamma SMV. Eyebrows indicate intelligence but an unlined forehead suggests he didn’t try hard to use it.

As Officer Aaron Johns tried to take control of the gun, Landeros again pointed the gun at the school resource officer and fired two shots, investigators said.

As Johns called for help, Timm fired a shot that hit the pavement and went toward the parking lot, the investigation found.

“Officer Timm recognized that the situation was dangerous and needed to be controlled. Both were in fear of their own death or the death of other bystanders or students in the area,” District Attorney Patty Perlow wrote. “Officer Johns said he knew that if he let go of Landeros. hand in the struggle, they were going to be killed. Officer Timm fired one bullet directly at Charles Landeros, striking Landeros in the temple, which was the cause of death.”

Lonewolf180's Profile

Landeros enrolled a child at Cascade Middle School the week of the incident, the investigation found. The child started school there on Thursday, January 10, a day before the shooting.

Landeros did not provide any information to the school about the child’s mother, who shares custody and lives locally, according to the investigation.

Passive-aggressive much?

The child’s mother went to the school on Friday, January 11, to see if the child was enrolled there.

The “mother had a copy of divorce and custody paperwork from 2013,” according to investigators. “School personnel called the school resource officer, who was en route, and then texted the officer that child’s father, Charles Landeros, had been called and was on his way as well.”

Passive-aggressive doesn’t work.

Investigators described what happened next:

Timm, the school resource officer for Cascade and other Bethel schools that share a campus, called for assistance.

Johns responded to the scene.

Officer Timm met with the mother and reviewed the court paperwork. He then, separately, advised Charles Landeros that the custody paperwork provided by mother indicated mother had shared custody and exclusive control over where child attends school. Charles Landeros confirmed that was the only court document regarding custody. The conversation was respectful between Officer Timm and Charles Landeros, though Officer Timm reported concern that there would be a problem if Landeros was present if the mother exercised her right to remove the child from the school.

When Charles Landeros indicated he would not answer any further questions, he was asked to leave the school. He was cooperating with exiting the office but remained in the hallway to express his view that the police did not have jurisdiction and only the principal could ask him to leave.

Gamma Boy tried to work up the courage for a cop-killing by escalating the situation to the point where cop-killing would be his only option. Said escalation continued:

Officer Timm explained that he is the school resource officer and has authority to ask people to leave the property.

Landeros became more agitated and animated. Officer Johns began escorting Charles Landeros from the building and advised Landeros he would be arrested if he didn’t leave.

At that point, Landeros. child arrived in the hallway by coincidence. Charles Landeros began yelling at his child to “go” repeatedly. Charles Landeros was physically removed from the building and advised he was under arrest. Both officers confirmed when interviewed that they believed they had probable cause to arrest Charles Landeros for disorderly conduct and trespass. There were students in the hallway and in a nearby classroom.

When Johns attempted to place Landeros under arrest, a struggle ensued. Timm tried to help Johns take Landeros into custody; that’s when Landeros pulled the gun, according to investigators.

“There were two civilian eye witnesses who confirmed that Landeros drew his weapon and fired first. Charles Landeros. child was also a witness to the struggle and the shootings,” according to the DA. “There were no other witnesses who reported seeing the shooting.”

Perlow said the firearm Landeros used was a Taurus 9mm. Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosive records show the weapon was purchased by Whitley Landeros from her husband Joseph Landeros. business Community Armaments and Supplies in December 2018.

Joseph Landeros is the brother of Charles Landeros, investigators said.

I hope those investigators were hardline BATFE auditors investigating that gun store for arming, and being directly related to, a school shooter with known ties to a domestic terrorist organization. Somehow, I doubt it.

The weapon had a factory magazine designed to hold 18 rounds, but was equipped with a “PLUS 2” bottom plate which extended the capacity to 20 rounds in the magazine. With one round in the chamber, the handgun is capable of holding 21 rounds.

Investigators recovered two empty 9mm casings at the scene and found 18 rounds in the magazine and another in the chamber after the shooting.

“Landeros also had an additional magazine on his belt and a third magazine in his vehicle, all of which were loaded with ammunition. He was wearing a backpack which contained additional ammunition of a different caliber,” according to the DA.

He carried 41 bullets but only used two, both missing the target zero feet away. That’s the end result of a passive-aggressive approach to lethal force: the other guy wins with spectacular optics.

Silly rabbit, killing is for wolves.

Landeros was carrying the weapon legally.

“It is not illegal for someone with a concealed handgun license to carry a concealed weapon into a school,” the DA wrote. “Landeros had a CHL issued in February of 2018.”

You can thank the FBI for Landeros being able to carry legally. Interdepartmental cooperation at its finest:

“In 2018, the FBI received information on a tip line that Charles Landeros was posting violent anti-government messages on social media,” according to the DA. “The information was referred to the local FBI office, who concluded there was insufficient information to substantiate that a crime had been committed.”

On January 9, two days before the deadly shooting outside the school, police in nearby Springfield received a screenshot of a Facebook comment on a story about a man shot and killed by police in Portland.

A comment posted by “Charlie Landeros” read, “Time to start killing pigs,” investigators wrote.

Then on the morning of January 11 – about an hour before the incident at Cascade Middle School – someone alerted the manager of Springfield Police Facebook page that someone named “Charlie Landeros” had commented “Death to all pigs” on a post on the department Facebook page about a California police officer shot and killed while investigating a traffic crash.

“Charlie Landeros” turned out to be Charlie Landeros. Who could have guessed?

“When the Facebook manager attempted to locate the comment, it had been removed,” the DA wrote. “The SPD employee found an account for a ‘Charlie Landeros’, but it was private. Later that day, the Facebook account of ‘Charlie Landeros’ had been deactivated or deleted.”

Thus proving the existence of either premeditation or an accomplice.

Perlow concluded by explaining her reasoning: “It is unknown why Charles Landeros chose to use deadly force in this circumstance, but he clearly had no regard for the lives of the police officers or the students or staff present, including his child. Officer Timm saved the life of Officer Johns, himself and perhaps many others given the number of rounds Charles Landeros had loaded in his weapon. There is no clearer circumstance that the use of deadly force is justified than this.”

But Antifa wouldn’t still exist if they didn’t have legal teams of their own:

Civil Liberties Defense Center response to DA statement: “We know that issues involving a person’s child are already tense and delicate situations with the potential to escalate. We also know that people of color are disproportionately the victims of police violence. We know that Charlie, as an activist against police brutality and a descendant of Mexican and Filipino parents, was aware of this.

Should we send Charlie back to Mexico, the Philippines or his ex-wife? Never mind, he just immigrated to Hell and I don’t mean Canada.

“We do not know, however, what was going through Charlie’s mind when they were shoved out of the door in front of their child and pinned to the wall. We also do not know why Officer Timms felt the need to aggressively shove Charlie through the door and against the wall as Charlie appears to exit the school.

We also do not know why Officer Timms felt the need to harm a gunman who was trying to murder him and his partner in front of witnesses at a middle school with a high-capacity assault gun. But self-preservation and the defense of innocent children are good guesses.

“The investigation by the Interagency Deadly Force Investigation Team is not complete and Charlie’s family will be retaining police practices experts to conduct an independent investigation to review the use of deadly force that resulted in the tragic death of their loved one.”

Don’t wait! Do your own independent investigation right now:

Notice how Charlie kept his right hand inside clothing that could easily (and did) conceal a handgun? That’s a red flag that Charlie was already intending to kill the police but was having trouble committing to the act, hence his escalating until the police were practically ripping the gun out of his hand. His shirt “smash the patriarchy and chill” is also not a good choice for meeting police in their professional capacity. Not that I’m complaining; a more courageous Antifa goon would have been a double cop killer.

After the incident, Charlie’s friends apparently doubled down on his passive aggression. Hat tip to pjmedia for the connection.

Bomb squad: Suspicious items near Eugene Police headquarters were ‘incendiary devices’

By Staff, 29 January 2019

EUGENE, Ore. — Eugene Police Department reports that maintenance crews located suspicious items near police headquarters on Monday.

Members of the Eugene Metro Explosive Disposal Unit responded and found the items to be incendiary devices, according to the report.

They were rendered safe, police said.

The investigation is ongoing.

“I don’t know what kind of damage they could have done,” Lt. David Natt said. “This is not a hoax device. These are very serious matters.”


Goon1: “My bomb’s in place! Go ahead and set the timer.”

Goon2: “You didn’t set your timer?”

Goon1: “I thought you would want the honor of smashing some fash.”

Goon2: “You drew the short straw! You have to set the bombs off! Both of them!”

Goon1: “Don’t talk to me like an alt-Righter! We each set off our own bombs!”

Goon2: “Okay, okay. On the count of 3. Ready? One… two… two and a half… … …”

Goon1: “What’s taking so long?”

Goon2: “Just checking something. Okay. On the count of 3. Ready? One… two…”

Goon1: “COP!!! A cop is coming!”

*Approaching gardener watches two soyboys in ski masks run away from suspicious packages*

We can win this coming civil war. Wild guess here: some components of those bombs were purchased at Community Armaments and Supplies.

MGTOW Life: The Wages of Sex Dolls

There’s a dustup happening on YouTube that’s on the level of Vox Day and Dalrock parting ways. I’ve mentioned Turd Flinging Monkey (TFM) on this blog several times and a longstanding ally of his is DDJ… Doomsday Jesus, not a promising handle but he’s proven himself solid gold. He’s the author of “The Feminist Lie”, required reading for the Manosphere, and his paralegal work on behalf on men wronged by the frivorce-industrial complex has prevented more suicides and broken families than all the world’s hotlines combined. His YouTube channel is Misandry Today.

Among his concerns is TFM falling from a MGTOW to an Incel mental state. He credits TFM’s sex doll Celestina with that deterioration. It happened so gradually that I myself didn’t notice despite personally disapproving of the Sex Doll Path but the case DDJ makes is convincing and well worth analyzing.

A brief background: TFM was one of the Manosphere’s first adopters of sex dolls. Also the first to run (extensive) advertising for a sex doll manufacturer. He eventually:

1. Named it Celestina.

2. Realized his “times spent” with Celestina were creating an emotional bond. He shrugged and let it happen.

3. Made a separate YouTube channel for Celestina. At the time, TFM was getting many strikes on his main channel so making a backup channel was sensible.

4. Made an Instagram account for Celestina. I remember rolling my eyes at his pimping a robot. Hello, Blade Runner!

5. Regulars at his TFM shows could pay a small fee to have Celestina interrupt the show with a brief message, on topic or not. TFM always stopped the show to listen and respond. It was annoying as hell, I hate skewball interruptions, but it didn’t click with me that TFM might have been doing it to give Celestina a personality by proxy. I thought it was just a fundraising gimmick.

6. Discovered an AI program that could provide a casual conversation. TFM got into the habit of calling the AI program on his smartphone and having “conversations” with Celestina. Red flag time but I apparently didn’t know the half of it.

Below is the video of DDJ staging an intervention for TFM followed by a transcription of the relevant portion.

Hey, everybody, I just wanted to say right away this video is in no way meant to disparage anyone in either the MGTOW community or the Incel community with one exception, which will be described later on in the video because frankly, unethical people in general don’t deserve respect.

That’s how DDJ rolls, arrow straight and brass tacks. Mister Exception won’t concern us today.

Now, let’s start with the differences between red pill and blue pill. The red pill and its opposite the blue pill are a popular cultural meme metaphor representing the choice between the red pill knowledge freedom, uncertainty and the brutal truths of reality. Now, the blue pill is security, happiness, beauty and the blissful ignorance of illusion. So really, the red pill is the brutal, often bitter truth whereas the blue pill is the comfortable lie.

Okay. The Red Pill is unpopular for the same reason Christianity is unpopular: people need the truth but they don’t want it, for reasons both sensible and absurd.

Now, let’s talk about the differences between Incels and MGTOW or men going their own way. Incel is a person who is not sexually active despite desiring to be and sometimes, the Incel is a member of a mostly online subculture typically of misogynistic straight men who define themselves by being unable to find a sexual relationship despite desiring one. On the other hand, MGTOW, men going their own way is a way of life which refuses to defer to women in defining the worth of men. Instead it focuses on positive male aspects inviting men to go their own way in life… the concise definition of men going their own way.

So, the main difference is that Incels desperately want sexual intercourse with a woman and are frustrated they can’t whereas a MGTOW man never defines his worth by a female’s measure. That said, another important point to make is that Incels often become so frustrated by their inability to be sexually active with a woman that they become so hateful that they no longer want a woman’s companionship and want women to be their slaves.

It’s MGTOWs who reach the point of no longer wanting a woman’s companionship. Incel’s very definition is “involuntary celibate”. If you don’t want it anymore then your celibacy is now voluntary, a healthy improvement. What happens, then, when Incels use sex dolls in the place of women? Is that MGTOW or white knight? No easy answer.

Now, why is this important? It’s because when I first joined TFM on the TFM show and for at least six months thereafter, TFM’s position was pretty much the same as what I just read. In fact, he used to call out Incels for focusing their life around women rather than living for themselves. Unfortunately, at some point TFM changed. Instead of being the voice of MGTOW wisdom and male mentorship, he morphed into the Incel Whisperer.

What do I mean by that? I mean that he changed gears and started saying that Incels were MGTOW even though, to use TFM’s own words, the verifiable facts and the observable reality clearly demonstrate that Incels were not MGTOW. Now, I understand his point. He wants to help men, even Incel men, and this is commendable. However, Incels will stay blue pilled until they start living for themselves, free from female validation rather than continuing to desperately whine about not being able to get laid.

TFM’s advice was always “just get a doll”. Is a man still Incel if he’s no longer celibate thanks to regular use of a sex toy that he treats as a person?

Today, TFM has a single prescription for every problem in the world. Do you have diarrhea? Are you an Incel who can’t get laid? Do you refuse to stay in shape at a healthy weight because you liked processed high-calorie food? Well, there’s a solution for all of that and more! According to TFM, just take women’s rights away and your diarrhea will stop, all your male insecurities will magically go away!

I’ve noticed this about TFM also. It would have been hard not to. He regularly calls for “Take womens’ rights away”, “repeal the 19th Amendment” and similar demands for women to no longer control society, to prevent society’s collapse. While I agree with the mechanic of ending female suffrage, I have an entirely different motivation. I believe God created woman to be the servant of man. Forcing woman back into that service is a kindness. It’s an end to a powerful temptation and I honestly wish women well when I seek to take their vote away.

Simultaneous with that, men need to not grow bitter against women even though I sympathize. TFM using a sex doll appears to fit that bitterness against women. He isn’t letting go of female validation, he’s using a substitute path to female validation.

Let me explain why this at best is a blue pill Incel’s dream. Cucked men put women into power. What does this mean? it means that men will not vote to take women’s voting rights away or any other rights for that matter because most men cuck to women. TFM understands this. Now, he’s been asked many times how to take women’s rights away and he always responds with something about how do the jihadis do it? Well, let me answer that they do it by physical force, kidnapping, violence and intimate assault.

Which is why Islam is peak feminism, not peak patriarchy. Women enjoy the violence, the cruel exploitation by brutal men, being harem slaves and especially the polygamy. But rewarding brutality and winner-take-all has proven to be a horrible way to make a civilization worth living in. The patriarchal ideal is a principled, self-controlled, one-wife man who is concerned for those who depend upon him, from livestock to family.

TFM predicting Islam is our future if we don’t control our women as they do is consistent with DDJ’s words.

What TFM is saying is very passive-aggressive. I might add, whether he realizes it or not is that to take women’s rights away men need to physically force women into slavery… which by the way, is exactly what Incels have advocated for for years now. To TFM’s credit he admits that this is not a MGTOW concept or philosophy and he’s absolutely correct but here’s the rub: not only is this not a MGTOW concept it’s not even red pilled. It’s an insult; in fact, he’s calling for a gender war whether he realizes it or not and consequently the Incels love it.

The TFM I once knew, the man who I will always deeply admire and consider my friend would tell men to walk away from any blue pill idiot who told anyone to sacrifice their lives for sexual access to women, whether through marriage or attempts to enslave women by taking their rights away.

Taking women’s rights away is, in reality, seeking female validation through force.

Well said, in the absence of Christianity. But then there’s nowhere to go. Allow women to rule? Do not allow? Part of what I omitted is DDJ advocating for equating social authority with social responsibility but that fails on several levels, primarily that men and women are different. Even when you find a woman who is able to perform tasks as well as a man, she is still female and not male. Her brain is different, her body is different. This is why all those career wimminz end up as alcoholic herpes harpies. Give a man money and opportunities from an early age, along with all the mentoring he could possibly want, and he’ll enjoy his career immensely. But do the same for a woman and more likely than not, she’ll be too bitter over the family she never had to appreciate being a titan of industry.

Christianity is the only way out of the devil’s lies. Women belong in this sphere, men in that sphere, with these obligations towards each other. It’s not enough to fix one aspect of the problem such as revoking female citizenship. The shape of society generally must conform to the Creator’s ideal and that’s the point at which TFM, DDJ and all other atheists fail. Life isn’t about selecting outcomes. It’s about becoming a certain kind of person.

I find myself agreeing with DDJ that TFM has developed an Incel’s attitude towards women. Merely revoking womens’ suffrage does no good if manginas still get to vote. Places in authority must be given, gratis, to unsexy and independent men. That will be a paradigm shift, not a legislative correction.

TFM needs help but honestly, I’m not sure if he’s strong enough to accept it. Let’s talk about cars, trucks, boats and guns, in other words, material possessions. When you buy a car that you like, you take care of it. When you buy a boat, you name it. When you buy a gun, you customize it, you clean it. No matter what you own, you use it and if you care about it then you spend time and money maintaining it and upgrading it. If you keep the particular possession long enough then you develop memories and nostalgia that is associated with it.

Yep. I cried when I traded in my first car. It had been my only constant companion during the formative years of young adulthood. But it was only a car.

Why is this important? It’s because of Celestina, TFM’s doll. Now, I completely and unabashedly support [sex doll makers] but they sell dolls. Inanimate objects, not relationships. These dolls are tools of adult gratification. They aren’t people even though they look like them yet with TFM’s doll Celestina, he attempts to have an emotional relationship with it like humans do with each other. He’s even gone so far as to get an AI app for it so he could pretend he’s talking to his girlfriend who is an inanimate object. This is not a joke, this is a real thing.

TFM has admitted this and talked about it in great detail over many videos and livestreams. Not only has he created a YouTube channel for his doll where he gets her to pretend she’s talking, she has an Instagram. It’s so bad that when I had to move on from co-hosting the TFM show and the 4/20 show due to scheduling issues, TFM still considered his doll as his other co-host. He even publicly says he feels protective of his doll in the same way mainstream men are protective of women and if that wasn’t enough, TFM has become socially isolated.

In his response, TFM said he isn’t socially isolated so much as not being able to be himself in public. I sympathize with that isolation as a Commiefornian but don’t see how infatuation with a sex doll could cause it. Improvising ways to have conversations with a sex doll indicates that social isolation is preexisting.

A related issue DDJ raised is TFM’s support for a kiddie-porn-anime convention. TFM sees it as freedom of speech whereas DDJ is concerned it meets the legal definitions of child porn despite the characters being fictitious. Acceptance of one form of sexual immorality inevitably leads other forms, eventually resulting in the very sexual destruction of society that MGTOWs rail against. (Trust a Californian on this.) This is an example of how dangerously blind TFM’s sex doll habit has made him to the concept of healthy human sexuality.

I don’t believe TFM’s sex doll habit made him contemptuous of women. However, I do believe that TFM embracing this alternative sexuality has ruined his moral compass and possibly damaged his ability to see reality correctly. His mind acknowledges Celestina isn’t real but his heart appears desperate to believe she is, hence his efforts to give her a personality and social life by proxy.

TFM is pedestalizing his sex doll. This would categorize him as a Mens’ Rights Activist not an Incel, because he’s trying to make a better world for his love.

Sex dolls are not the answer to male sexual needs. But it was a very interesting experiment to watch. The wages of sex dolls are emotional investment in the gynocracy.

Vlog comments aren’t promising:

Turd Flinging Monkey

Turd Flinging Monkey:

I’m going to give you a chance to delete this video and apologize before I embarrass you.

You have 1 hour

Misandry Today

Misandry Today:

I guess I was wrong about our friendship. I’m not gonna self censor to appease you. Well I guess I was right… the relationship ends when the investment stops… not when the people part ways. What you fail to understand is I don’t care about whatever you do to lash out MGTOW are immune to shaming… you should know this. I said my piece… and your response tells me its time to stop trying to get you to see sense.


I held off a day on posting to hear TFM’s response vlog, which he made. They’ve parted ways. TFM’s key comment was at the 10:30 mark for those caring to look it up, when he comments that it does no good to go MGTOW if society still collapses, and so he’s reaching for enduring solutions. That is a fool’s errand. MGTOW is only a reaction; society has already abandoned us men. The only enduring solution is for society’s leaders to accept us back. There is nothing we can do to force that acceptance other than, well, force. Which is the Incel path outlined above by DDJ. “I want sex, I won’t be given sex, how can I take sex for myself?”

Men don’t need society. Men built every one and if the current one dies then we’ll build the next. We didn’t choose to destroy this current society, we chose to call this society’s bluff.

TFM has backed down from calling that bluff… for love of his sex doll? If it’s love hormones that drive men to feminize society then acquiring those love hormones by artificial means would be as damaging. Love isn’t just a feeling, after all; there’s behavioral changes that go along with it. Apparently, even when “she” isn’t real.

Leftoids Are Failing Faster

You already know China is expansionist and genocidally racist. You might not know that they’re already targeting their American allies for removal.

Duke Director Of Graduate Studies Steps Down After Asking Chinese Students to Speak English

By Tom Ciccota, 28 January 2019

This is the first time I’ve ever edited the title of an article. Original was “Duke Professor” but that simply doesn’t do credit to the magnitude of this incident.

A professor at Duke University has stepped down from an administrative role after an email in which she asked Chinese students to speak English went viral online.
According to a report from Insider Higher Ed, Duke University Professor Megan Neely has stepped down from her position as the Director of Graduate Studies after an email she sent to Duke graduate students went viral online.

In the email, Neely said that there are “unintended consequences” for students who are speaking Chinese in campus buildings.

“PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep these unintended consequences in mind when you choose to speak in Chinese in the building. I have no idea how hard it has been and still is for you to come to the U.S. and have to learn in a non-native language. As such, I have the upmost respect for what you are doing. That being said, I encourage you to commit to using English 100 percent of the time when you are in Hock or any other professional setting.”

Neely isn’t even a battleaxe of a feminist. Pudgy and a New York City haircut is the worst physiognomy can say. I would trust her to bring cookies to a staff meeting but not crack the whip of academic standards. See what happens when the men are chased away? Standards go right out the window.

She encouraged foreign students to commit to using English in campus buildings, allegedly for the purpose of increasing their comfort level with English as their second language. .They were disappointed that these students were not taking the opportunity to improve their English and were being so impolite as to have a conversation that not everyone on the floor could understand,. Neely added in the email.

Recalling my own college days in Commiefornia, foreign students refusing to speak English is unprecedented even in Lefty Land. Why go to a foreign nation, for education no less, to not learn the language? A German exchange student I was close to spoke German in private but never in public.

The Asian Students Associated fired back at Neely for the email, calling it “discriminatory and threatening..

Discriminatory, sure. Speak English or shut up if you’re going to live in America. But threatening? Neely practically begged on her knees.

.Sending such emails to the entire department with discriminatory and threatening language is in no way an effective and appropriate approach to achieve a quiet public work space that is respectful for everyone,. the group said in a statement. .For graduate and international students who are already in precarious situations, depending on education or employment to stay in the country, these “recommendations” are doubly forceful and coercive..

So precarious was their position that they openly attacked the Director of Graduate Studies. “Depending on education or employment to stay in the country”? Chinese nationals who insist on speaking Chinese in professional settings complain that their stay here is temporary? They obviously would rather be in China. They need to go back.

But of course, Duke U doesn’t work that way.

The email was sent on Friday. By Monday, Neely had already stepped down from her position. Neely is still employed by Duke and will likely continue on as a professor of biostatistics.

So fast, so brave, one wonders if Neely didn’t like her admin position anyway. Regardless, Chicomms are coming to America to colonize us.

I don’t want America to die like this… the men giving away my home to the women, then the women giving my home away to the first arrogant foreigner to demand it. Every Chinese grad student at Duke needs their visa cancelled yesterday.


Witnessing Whiteness

Hatred of white people in America has reached the point where Coloreds can’t tolerate our existence long enough to reeducate us. Thus, white feminists have been empowered to race-police white men… in order to lock us all into the same room.

The book cum workshop series “Witnessing Whiteness” is authored by a Shelly Tochluk of Mount St. Mary’s College. Its gimmick is creating all-white “facilitated workshops” for examining white privilege, raising awareness of racial identities and other buzzwords that mean “gimmedat” and/or “blame whitey”. I can’t find a proper review of it but let’s discuss its implementation by the Young Women Christian Association of St. Louis, because they answered the burning question of how is a whites-only racial discussion not racist?

The cucking of Christianity has been, if anything, understated. Just look at these they-don’t-call-themselves-Christian leaders: (boldfaces mine)

Adrian E. Bracy, MBA, CPA, began as the chief executive officer for YWCA Metro St. Louis on Aug. 17, 2009. Although she moved here from Arizona to assume the position, she is no stranger to St. Louis having previously worked for more than a decade as an executive for the St. Louis Rams. She left to become chief financial officer for the Arizona Cardinals in 2007.

Adrian Bracy, CEO

What brings her back to St. Louis is what she says is her calling: .to inspire and make a difference in the lives of women and girls.” The YWCA mission, .eliminating racism and empowering women,. is the right fit at the right time in her career and life.

Bracy has received numerous awards throughout her career including: the African-American Women of Distinction Award; Black Enterprise 50 Most Powerful Blacks in Sports Award; Black Enterprise 50 Most Powerful Black Women in Business; St. Louis Business Journal Most Influential Business Women Award and the YWCA Leaders of Distinction Award in Corporate Management.

She is a lifetime member of the National Association of Black Accountants and the National Black MBA Association.

This professionally racist cunt is in charge of “eliminating racism” in St. Louis. What a joke. Hey, where’s her experience as a Christian? Isn’t that kind of important for the leader of a Christian organization? Did the Arizona Cardinals lead her to Jesus?

She and her husband, Vernon, have one son.

Sounds like she stuck the feminist landing. Does anybody think poor Vernon wears the pants in his family?

Racial Justice Consultant
Mary R Ferguson currently serves as the Racial Justice Consultant for the YWCA of Metro St. Louis. Her background includes teaching and administrative positions at a number of private and public institutions. Most recently Mary was Diversity and Inclusion Leader at Washington University Medical School in St. Louis, after serving as Indiana State University’s Diversity Officer from 2009-2011. She has also been on faculty at Webster University and University of Missouri-St. Louis. Mary came to higher education after spending year in preK-12 education, adult and community education, arts education, and English Language learning.

I made attempts to track down the origin of “Diversity & Inclusion”. It sounds standardized, as if a certain (((billionaire))) was backing it, but there were too many false positives from diversity together with inclusion.

For now, my best guess is that “Diversity & Inclusion” is an iteration of #MeToo, doing for not-Whites what MeToo did for not-cis-males.

Want to understand what?s behind protests in St. Louis? Here?s a reading list | St. Louis Public ...

I can’t do physiognomy with this bad a picture of Ferguson but that smile… that’s a cuck’s smile?

Mary brings extensive knowledge of the non-profit and human services world to her work as well. She has held positions with Big Brothers Big Sisters of America and the American Youth Foundation. In St. Louis, Mary has been associated with every major community-based equity organization including the National Conference for Community and Justice, the Anti-Defamation League, FOCUS St. Louis, and the Diversity Awareness Partnership. She provided training to the Ferguson Commission and remains connected to the work of Forward through Ferguson.

Together, these two feminazis have implemented the “Witnessing Whiteness” program. Now the question we’ve been waiting for, how is a whites-only “facilitated discussion workshop” not racism?


(Why do we meet as a group of white people?)
For many, it sounds contradictory: .Isn.t it racist if just white people to get together? Isn.t that segregation?. The following are our reasons for organizing as a white anti-racist community:

1. People of color shouldn’t always have to be the ones to educate white people about racism and oppression. We are taking responsibility for learning about racism, our own white privilege, and how to challenge it as white people.

2. In order to challenge racism and dismantle white supremacy, white people need to unlearn racism and discover the ways we enact white privilege. This is a long, difficult, and sometimes painful process. It’s helpful to have a space where other white people engaged in this process can support and challenge us, without having to always subject people of color to further undue trauma or pain as we stumble and make mistakes. Having a community of white anti-racist people gives us hope, helps us grow our practice, and gives us strength to stay in it for the long haul.

3. A commitment to anti-racist identity and practice as a white person can sometimes mean increased alienation and conflict in our lives, especially with other white friends and family who disagree with us. This is a space where we can get support from people who are experiencing similar struggles as anti-racist white people.

4. It’s a space for white people to figure out what it means to be an anti-racist white person and challenge racism in all areas of our lives. We cannot expect people of color to have all of the answers for us on how to transform ourselves and other white people. As white people we are well equipped to understand what it means to be a white, as well as a white anti-racist.

5. It’s a place where white people can begin to build a new culture of white anti-racism, and learn the skills needed to transform the larger white community.

6. This group is a supplement to, not a replacement for, multi-racial dialogues and activism between white people and people of color. It’s important that white people give space in their lives to learning from and bearing witness to people of color’s experiences of racism.

7. A white space serves as a resource to people of color who want to work with white people but don’t want to have to spend all their energy dealing with the racism of white people.

Translation, People of Color want to get rid of their white feminist allies. As identity politics take center stage, as planned by our own leaders since 1965, it’s coming time for all white people to go… not just white men. White feminists are buying into this effort wholesale, fantasizing about holding little reeducation camps without noticing that Blacks are segregating ALL whites away from them by doing so.

Fuck You, Daddy! is about to become Fuck You, Whitey!

www/ This document was created and revised by AWARE-LA through a cyclical process that included small group dialogue, brainstorm, and discussion. It has been used by many to help explain why we do our consciousness raising work with the white community.

The acronym stands for Alliance of White Anti-Racists Everywhere-Los Angeles. How brainsick must one be to call herself a white anti-racist?

Enough to not realize her Allies of Color are quietly nudging her onto the same plantation as the white men she hates. Did Barbie notice, in those seven reasons above, that the phrase was “white privilege”, no longer “male privilege”?

If there’s one good thing about Communism, it’s what Commies do to their useful idiots when their usefulness is gone.


Florida Man’s Sidekick

You’ve met the imbecile, now meet his match!

The emotional support alligator that helps a York County man deal with depression

by Jason Nark, 24 January 2019

Joie Henney, 65, said these things about Wally, the 5-foot long, 60-pound alligator that lives in his York County living room, but the words don’t sink in and certainly don’t make sense while you’re sharing a couch with said alligator. When the flight or fight panic fades, though, it does appear that Wally is snuggling with Henney on the other end of the brown sectional, often resting his snout on his lap instead of tearing off his ear with a trademark death roll.

.He likes to give hugs,. Henney said.

The emotional support alligator that helps a York County man deal with depression

Wally is Henney’s registered emotional support animal, like a golden retriever, but cold-blooded. His story is the latest, and perhaps most extreme, in the growing world of ESAs, which are often approved by doctors and granted access to restaurants, businesses, and even airplanes. An emotional support peacock was banned from a flight last year.

NOTHING like a golden retriever.

A man who answered an e-mail from a reporter about Wally from the web site Service Dog Registration of America said, “Our therapist would never approve a client to have an alligator as an emotional support animal. “

Good doc!

Henney.s doctor did.

.My doctor wanted to put me on depression medicine, and I hate taking medicine. I had Wally, and when I came home and was around him, it was all OK,” he said. .My doctor knew about Wally and figured it works, so why not?.

Bad doc! I know antidepressants have a bad rep in the Manosphere but Wally is not the alternative one should be looking for.

The depression rolled in quickly like a summer storm, with the death of three close friends in rapid succession. The feeling sat over Henney, and he feared it would never move on.

.Three lifelong friends,. he said, taking a long pause and reaching for tissues.

Sometimes, it’s normal to be depressed. I don’t think Henney mourning his friends will last as long as Wally’s growth into half-ton maturity.

Henney grew up on a farm nearby in Dover, York County, nursing injured owls back to flight. He was in the Marine Corps and rode bulls in the rodeo and broke wooden boards in half as a skilled martial artist. He made a living in construction and, later, hosted a hunting and television show locally.

The three men who died within days of each other were all weaved into those decades, he said. Somehow, Wally filled the void, the camaraderie he lost. One day, he came and slept with him when he was sick.

.We caress and wrestle. He loves to wrestle,. Henney said. .He whacks me with his tail..

alligator hug | animals | Pinterest | Animal, Amphibians and Animal kingdom

A photo of two gators fighting to the death in Florida. Just sayin’.

Henney has five children and 18 grandchildren, and most of them, he said, are fine with Wally.

.I kept my distance at first from him,. said Henney’s girlfriend, Liz Caswell.

We may safely conclude that Henney is, as an evolutionist would say, an r-selected Baby Boomer. I think Wally is a good fit for him… grave sites are so expensive. Speaking of feeding Wally,

Wally, who will be four in July, was rescued from just outside Orlando when he was 14 months old. Henney said Wally could grow anywhere from 14 to 16 feet long and weigh 900 to 1,100 pounds. Wally eats chicken wings and shares a 300-gallon plastic pond, indoors, with Scrappy, a smaller, younger alligator the family has also rescued.

It’s like watching SJW Convergence happen in Reptile World. Willful blindness to the threat, allowing the entryists to recruit allies at great cost to the host organization…

Joie Henney, 65, sits with his emotional support alligator, Wally.

Wally enjoys “finger food” and being petted. Hmm. Probably because of this bad experience getting food from cans:

Joie Henney's emotional support alligator, Wally, rummages through the pantry inside his York County home.

Alligators are undeniably dangerous, though more so for dogs and cats than humans. Florida, home to 1.3 million alligators, has tallied 410 unprovoked bites and 25 fatalities between 1948 and 2018. In one infamous case, a young boy was snatched and drowned by an alligator while on vacation at Disney World. That boy, Henney pointed out, was not eaten.

“Sorry, kids, you’ll still have to pay money to bury me!”

Wally’s favorite programs to watch on television, of course, are Gator Boys and Swamp People. He also likes to watch The Lion King.

Nothing says Boomer like teaching reptiles to watch television.

Wally, Henney cautioned, is still a wild animal, one that could tear his arm off now, and do worse later. But he doesn’t think that will happen. Wally has appeared at senior centers and minor-league baseball games in York. He’s got a meet-and-greet at York’s Central Market next month.

R-selected. So very, very r-selected. “He’s dangerous and could kill us all, kids, but don’t worry, he’d rather be petted with chicken wings. Fingers, I mean. Hands. Just ask my 18 grandkids!” Not to mention that sending Wally back to Florida when he grows up will require… hmm, at a weight of 1,100 pounds… licensed “support animal”… four plane tickets and a nervous air marshal with a shotgun.

Speaking of chicken wings, we go now to Popeye’s Chicken, which is a franchise you should patronize because of their awesome trolling of PETA and SJWs everywhere.

Popeyes Made ‘Emotional Support Chicken’ To Make Holiday Travel Better, And The Boxes Are Actually Hilarious

by Maya McDowell, 18 December 2018

Traveling is stressful in general, but traveling during the holidays is an entirely different level of stress. Between the massive crowds, long lines, and weather delays, holiday traveling can make you feel like you need emotional support, if you will. Popeyes clearly understands our woes. The chain just launched “Emotional Support Chicken”, “to provide a good-hearted laugh most need to get through stressful holiday air travel,” according to a press release.

Beginning today, travelers going through Philadelphia International Airport will have the chance to get their very own “Emotional Support Chicken” carrier, to conveniently bring their fried chicken on board their flights. What a time to be alive, folks.


The “Emotional Support Chicken” is labeled in big, bold letters, and has an entertaining description printed on the front: “This chicken provides comfort and nourishment during stressful air travel. Unlike other chicken, it is marinated in real Louisiana spices for 12 hours and must be permitted to fly without restriction. Do not leave unattended, as Popeyes is not responsible for lost or stolen chicken.”

The “Emotional Support Chicken” will be available for the three-piece tenders combo while supplies last from Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen in Terminal C. May the chicken ease all your worries!

Troll 9/10. Profitable, proven effective and tasty! Only lost points for not catching on. And now for the Leftoid response:

Popeyes’ ‘Emotional Support Chicken’ Is Receiving Backlash For Being Insensitive

by Maya McDowell, 21 December 2018

Only three days per the bylines.

Recently, Popeyes launched “Emotional Support Chicken,” a chicken-shaped carrier that allows passengers traveling through Philadelphia International Airport to bring fried chicken aboard their flights. The purpose of the “Emotional Support Chicken”, per Popeyes, is “to provide a good-hearted laugh most need to get through stressful holiday air travel.” Not everyone is laughing, though.

PETA, for one, has taken major issue with the carriers. The organization tweeted a photo of its own version of the “Emotional Support Chicken” carrier, with a very sad looking chicken and a different message on the box. This one says, “This Chicken Needs Emotional Support.”

Troll 0/10. No sense of humor or irony. I am shocked, shocked I say, that Popeye’s Fried Chicken is not an advocate for chicken rights.

“Ableism as a gimmick for capitalism”, y’know, she isn’t 100% wrong. Capitalism is the idea that you should be paid for your accomplishments, which is a terrible system for useless people such as Miss Dingle. Heh, “Dingle”. Her disabilities aren’t the only part of her mocked by the neighborhood kids.

A petition on Care2, “the world’s largest community for good”, is calling for Popeyes to apologize to the “disability community” for the “Emotional Support Chicken.” … The description quotes Popeyes’ chief marketing officer, Hope Diaz, who said that holiday travel can be “frustrating.”

“You know what’s frustrating, Hope? Living in a world where people make fun of emotional support animals, who provide a vital service to their human partners, whether they’re furred or feathered,” Care2 writes.

Or scaled, cold-blooded carnivores.

“This ‘joke’ definitely doesn’t have wings, and it should be withdrawn from circulation with an apology to the disability community, which is constantly fighting stigma on the subject of emotional support animals.” Care2 also asserts that Popeyes should donate to an organization that improves farmworkers and poultry processors lives or a mental health advocacy group.

Better yet, CMO Diaz could give these parasites Wally’s siblings from Florida. It’ll prove she cares! And Florida knows they have enough ableist gators to spare.



Gillette Now Targeting Children for Reeducation

They’re starting by poisoning the well of the Boys & Girls Clubs of America, the most popular replacement for fathers in the United States.

Separating the Men from the Boys: Gillette? Campaign Inspires Men to Re-Examine What It Means to Be Their Best

Gillette Press Release dated 14 January 2019

BOSTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Thirty years after first introducing the tagline “The Best A Man Can Get,. Gillette (NYSE: PG) is taking a fresh look at what it means to be “the best” and how we continue to portray those ideals in a modern way. Because in a world where the actions of the few can taint the reputation of the many, we know there’s work to be done . together.

.Gillette believes in the best in men,. said Gary Coombe, president, P&G Global Grooming. “By holding each other accountable, eliminating excuses for bad behavior, and supporting a new generation working toward their personal .best,. we can help create positive change that will matter for years to come..

They intend to blame men for the behavior of other men. That’s a classical conditioning behavior, most commonly association with basic training. It promotes a collectivist attitude. That’s great for both fighting as a unit and thinking as an NPC.

Today, Gillette is introducing a new marketing campaign and charitable program dedicated to celebrating the stories of men making a positive impact, and to inspire others in the process. The program-leading short film , entitled We Believe, begins with a compilation of actions commonly associated with “toxic masculinity..

That’s the infamous two-minute commercial. Apparently, it’s actually a kickoff short movie for a new campaign on goodthink male behavior, not a standalone derp.

More importantly, it then showcases examples of how men can take actions large and small to create meaningful change for themselves, their loved ones, their peers and set the right example for the next generation of men. Because it’s only by challenging ourselves to do more that we get closer to our best.

In addition to debuting the short film, Gillette is taking action by committing to donating $1 million per year for the next three years to non-profit organizations executing programs in the United States designed to help men of all ages achieve their personal “best.”

Through this commitment, we want to both deliver and inspire more:

RESPECT . Demonstrating respect and fostering inclusivity for all, including genders, races, religions and orientations.

The perverts, Muzzies and child molesters demand the respect of cis-men.

ACCOUNTABILITY . Ending phrases like “Boys Will Be Boys” and eliminating the justification of bad behavior.

Fixed notions of masculine behavior will be thrown out as a matter of first principles.

ROLE MODELING – Inspiring men to help create a new standard for boys to admire. We want boys to see and admire traits like honesty, integrity, hard work, empathy and respect . words that people across the U.S. use when describing what a great man looks like.

They will start by corrupting our children.

.In our last decade of work on the theory of masculinity in modern America, we’ve sought to understand both the internal and external forces that shape men’s attitudes, beliefs and actions,. said Drs. William Seymour, Ramel Smith, and Hector Torres of the Building a Better Man Project. .We’re honored to partner with Gillette as they seek to champion causes that can make a positive impact on men and boys..

Guess what, all three founders of the BBM Project are American Psychological Association members. Let’s segue to the APA’s coverage of them:

According to the trio, all members of APA’s Div. 51 (Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity), American society socializes boys and men to conform to a definition of masculinity that emphasized toughness, stoicism, acquisitiveness and self-reliance. And that, they say, leads to aggressive, emotionally stunted male who harm not just themselves but their children, partners and entire communities.

You know what causes emotionally stunted boys? The death of marriage that has been so complete that these fools now use the term “partners” instead of “wives”.

To address these issues, the trio has launched an awareness campaign plus a pilot program that brings middle school and high school-aged boys of different ethnicities together in eight weeks of facilitated discussions. Their goal?

Mind control?

To teach boys and men to keep that’s positive about traditional masculinity while jettisoning what’s bad.

Yep, mind control. Bad for who, one wonders? Who feels threatened by men being the family breadwinner and thinking for himself instead of what community guidelines specify?

Eventually, [the psychologists] also hope to include girls and women in the conversation. “We want to start the conversation men to men,” says Torres. “At a certain point, we’ll have to integrate more females into the conversation so that they can help us with their insights and understanding.”

That answers my question perfectly. Behold the wet dream of female territory marking!

In the meantime, Stephanie A. Shields, PhD, president of APA’s Div. 35 (Society for the Psychology of Women) thinks the group should rethink what it means to be a woman as well as what it means to be a man.

“As they guide men to understand the positive side of power and assertiveness, it will be important to help men understand that women, too, can be powerful,” says Shields, a professor of psychology and women’s studies at the Pennsylvania State University. “Instead of seeing strong women as a threat to masculinity, the new masculine identity will accept and work with strong and powerful women in constructive ways.”

The American Psychological Association has become a SOURCE of psychological dysfunction. Back to the main article,

Our first partner in this effort is The Boys & Girls Clubs of America. Positive experiences at Boys & Girls Clubs provide young men with the important social and emotional skills they need to communicate effectively, to work with others, and develop coping mechanisms in order to face challenging situations. These skills are critical in everyday life and to the success of young people. With more than 4,300 Clubs across the country, Boys & Girls Clubs. singular mission is to ensure that youth in America have the opportunities that set them up for success so that they graduate on-time with a plan for their futures, where they live healthy lifestyles and give back to their communities.

This isn’t the first time the Boys & Girls Clubs organization has been tapped for social engineering. Per Wikipedia, Disney donated $1M of Black Panther profits to the BGC for encouraging girls towards STEM. That’s as sadistic towards girls as teaching boys to be enablers of Strong&Independent women.

It’s the Garden of Eden as public policy. Eve MUST take charge of society. Adam MUST pander to Eve’s feral instincts, in rebellion to his own biology and his God-given place in Creation.

.As the world’s largest marketer to men, we knew that joining the dialogue on “Modern Manhood” would mean changing how we think about and portray men at every turn,. said Gary Coombe, president, P&G Global Grooming. “As a starting point, and effective immediately, Gillette will review all public-facing content against a set of defined standards meant to ensure we fully reflect the ideals of Respect, Accountability and Role Modeling in the ads we run, the images we publish to social media, the words we choose, and more. For us, the decision to publicly assert our beliefs while celebrating men who are doing things right was an easy choice that makes a difference..

Methinks the Sales Justice Fairy will be visiting Gillette before he can finish up with Dick’s Sporting Goods. *checks* Hmm, grooming products are already down 5% in Q4 2018 per Proctor & Gamble’s latest report to investors. This was not the way to save that product line.


In preparation for this initiative, Gillette conducted a national study* of U.S. men and women to understand how they would define the attributes of a man “at his best.” The results emphasize the outsized importance of “soft” skills in today’s modern man . and most particularly the application of those skills to the role of fatherhood.

First they swore to reinvent masculinity, then they held a poll to figure out what masculinity is. I can’t unpackage all the wrongness in that.

The four traits that define a “great man” for the majority of respondents, regardless of gender, are:
Honesty (64%)
Moral integrity (51%),
Hard-working (43%),
Respectful to others (41%).

Men and women universally agree that being a good father is one of the most important things a great man does (95%).

Great men impregnate women! *Chad smirks* Yes, thank you Chad. Ahem. Great men raise womens’ babies!

Other positive actions for “great men” include: Setting a good example for others (96% agree),

It’s okay for women to not set a good example for others? That explains so much!

Stepping in and taking action when he sees someone in need (95% find this important).

STEM Barbie needs help doing her job!

As Gillette and our partners work together in the development of national programs that will inspire positive actions in men everywhere, we encourage you to visit to and @Gillette social channels for information on getting involved, and to share your stories. Because in taking actions both big and small together, we can collectively live up to what it really means to be The Best A Man Can Get.

Now that fathers have been removed from families and organizations like the Boys & Girls Clubs are the new guardians of healthy child development, false “mental health experts” are stepping up with Converged corporate funding to ensure that even the memory of fatherhood is lost to humanity forever.

Satan laughs.


Surveillance Capitalism

I’m a terrible macroeconomist. All the fancy words, metrics and graphs make my head spin. What I do in such cases is draw analogies from related behavior that I can understand. That allows me to make more progress than a hundred pundits can manage. Example, what is quantitative easing? It’s inflation. That’s obviously not 100% accurate but 99% is close enough.

Which brings us to the monetization of information and the Internet of Things, two “new and life-changing” ideas that pundits love to talk about. Well, no. When it comes to humans and their managers, the behavior dynamics are no different than the schoolyard and slavery. Technology is a new tool for the same old conduct. This article would be almost impossible to read unless you knew that the author was a Marxist. The book author wants to discuss the “new concept” she discovered, the columnist wants to explore the implications and I want to point out how history has already recorded what’s about to happen.

‘The goal is to automate us’: welcome to the age of surveillance capitalism

Shoshana Zuboff’s new book is a chilling expos? of the business model that underpins the digital world. Observer tech columnist John Naughton explains the importance of Zuboff’s work and asks the author 10 key questions

Nine key questions. Naughton counted wrong.

By John Naughton, 20 January 2019

We’re living through the most profound transformation in our information environment since Johannes Gutenberg’s invention of printing in circa 1439. And the problem with living through a revolution is that it’s impossible to take the long view of what’s happening. Hindsight is the only exact science in this business, and in that long run we’re all dead.

My just-described method is much superior to hindsight. The key is that human nature doesn’t change; thus, the key to understanding a new technology is first understanding default human behavior. Replace your technology columnist with a theologian for best results.

Printing shaped and transformed societies over the next four centuries, but nobody in Mainz (Gutenberg.s home town) in, say, 1495 could have known that his technology would (among other things): fuel the Reformation and undermine the authority of the mighty Catholic church; enable the rise of what we now recognise as modern science; create unheard-of professions and industries; change the shape of our brains; and even recalibrate our conceptions of childhood. And yet printing did all this and more.

The priests knew what the printing press would do because they knew they weren’t obeying Scripture. A new invention to make Scripture accessible to their chumps was clearly going to have the effect that it eventually did. That’s why Luther’s greatest offense against the Vatican wasn’t the 95 Theses against indulgences, it was translating the Bible into German so ordinary people could read it for themselves. A good opening example of how new technology’s impact can be predictable.

Why choose 1495? Because we’re about the same distance into our revolution, the one kicked off by digital technology and networking. And although it’s now gradually dawning on us that this really is a big deal and that epochal social and economic changes are under way, we’re as clueless about where it’s heading and what’s driving it as the citizens of Mainz were in 1495.

Yes, we can network better than ever before. No, it’s not revolutionary. We had the Sears Roebuck catalog before Amazon and pen pals before blogging. Tech facilitates human behavior but doesn’t create new behaviors.

Which is why the arrival of Shoshana Zuboff’s new book is such a big event. Many years ago . in 1988, to be precise . as one of the first female professors at Harvard Business School to hold an endowed chair she published a landmark book, The Age of the Smart Machine: The Future of Work and Power, which changed the way we thought about the impact of computerisation on organisations and on work.

Nobody has heard of that book, which proves how much of a Rosetta Stone for the future it wasn’t. This seems a good place to discuss Zuboff:

Whoa, nelly! The saying is “hoop earrings are where her feet go during playtime”. That, her manjaw Jaws-jaw and flat chest proves she’s a high-T slut.

Her ring finger is longer than her index finger. Testosterone confirmed! Meanwhile, she keeps her hair thick to accommodate all the frizziness… indicating a major case of disrupted thinking. A female amongst the Harvard Elites proves she’s socialist, feminist and generally an enemy of all men who once could have made a good husband for her.

[The earlier book] provided the most insightful account up to that time of how digital technology was changing the work of both managers and workers. …

And now [her new book] has arrived . the most ambitious attempt yet to paint the bigger picture and to explain how the effects of digitisation that we are now experiencing as individuals and citizens have come about. …

Her story is that Big Data is not so much about the nature of digital technology as about a new, mutant form of capitalism that has found a way to use tech for its purposes. The name Zuboff has given to the new variant is “surveillance capitalism..

It works by providing free services that billions of people cheerfully use, enabling the providers of those services to monitor the behaviour of those users in astonishing detail . often without their explicit consent.

.Surveillance capitalism,. she writes, .unilaterally claims human experience as free raw material for translation into behavioural data. Although some of these data are applied to service improvement, the rest are declared as a proprietary behavioural surplus, fed into advanced manufacturing processes known as “machine intelligence., and fabricated into prediction products that anticipate what you will do now, soon, and later. Finally, these prediction products are traded in a new kind of marketplace that I call behavioural futures markets. Surveillance capitalists have grown immensely wealthy from these trading operations, for many companies are willing to lay bets on our future behaviour..

Monetizing human behavior has been done before. It’s called slavery, not surveillance capitalism. Slavery is an economic institution, not a political institution. It’s an umbrella of systems for underpaying people for services rendered.

While the general modus operandi of Google, Facebook et al has been known and understood (at least by some people) for a while, what has been missing . and what Zuboff provides . is the insight and scholarship to situate them in a wider context. She points out that while most of us think that we are dealing merely with algorithmic inscrutability, in fact what confronts us is the latest phase in capitalism’s long evolution . from the making of products, to mass production, to managerial capitalism, to services, to financial capitalism, and now to the exploitation of behavioural predictions covertly derived from the surveillance of users. In that sense, her vast (660-page) book is a continuation of a tradition that includes Adam Smith, Max Weber, Karl Polanyi and . dare I say it . Karl Marx.

That evolution of capitalism is a badly incorrect sequence. Just as an example, America’s capitalism shifting from mass-produced goods to a service-sector economy was not an evolution. Our manufacturing base was intentionally dismanthed by free trade. Service jobs can’t be sent overseas, hence they became the dominant sector of the economy.

That didn’t have to happen.

Let’s begin the questions.

1. John Naughton: At the moment, the world is obsessed with Facebook. But as you tell it, Google was the prime mover.

Shoshana Zuboff: Surveillance capitalism is a human creation. It lives in history, not in technological inevitability. It was pioneered and elaborated through trial and error at Google in much the same way that the Ford Motor Company discovered the new economics of mass production or General Motors discovered the logic of managerial capitalism.

Surveillance capitalism was invented around 2001 as the solution to financial emergency in the teeth of the dotcom bust when the fledgling company faced the loss of investor confidence. As investor pressure mounted, Google’s leaders abandoned their declared antipathy toward advertising. Instead they decided to boost ad revenue by using their exclusive access to user data logs (once known as “data exhaust.) in combination with their already substantial analytical capabilities and computational power, to generate predictions of user click-through rates, taken as a signal of an ad’s relevance.

I disagree. After the craziness of early dot-com investment, Google reached the point of needing to turn a profit. The simple answer, back when payment processors were neither sophisticated nor fraud-resistant, was the precedent of radio. The consumers of radio broadcasts can’t put quarters in their home jukebox so the stations got their revenue from the other side, via advertising.

AOL had pop-up ads long before Google did. Google leveraging its databases to improve advertising was only a variation on the theme.

2. JN: So surveillance capitalism started with advertising, but then became more general?

SZ: Surveillance capitalism is no more limited to advertising than mass production was limited to the fabrication of the Ford Model T. It quickly became the default model for capital accumulation in Silicon Valley, embraced by nearly every startup and app. And it was a Google executive . Sheryl Sandberg . who played the role of Typhoid Mary, bringing surveillance capitalism from Google to Facebook, when she signed on as Mark Zuckerberg’s number two in 2008. By now it’s no longer restricted to individual companies or even to the internet sector. It has spread across a wide range of products, services, and economic sectors, including insurance, retail, healthcare, finance, entertainment, education, transportation, and more, birthing whole new ecosystems of suppliers, producers, customers, market-makers, and market players.

No, it’s limited to the Internet sector. Outside it, recording every person’s individual decision and thought is extremely difficult. This is the purpose of the Internet of Things: those who want to track human behavior want to track it in real life, so they push for “Internetting” everything from dollars to grocery lists.

The bait is convenience. The hook is behavior control, which can only happen with the precedent of behavior observation. More on that later.

3. JN: In this story of conquest and appropriation, the term “digital natives” takes on a new meaning.

SZ: Yes, .digital natives. is a tragically ironic phrase. I am fascinated by the structure of colonial conquest, especially the first Spaniards who stumbled into the Caribbean islands. Historians call it the “conquest pattern., which unfolds in three phases: legalistic measures to provide the invasion with a gloss of justification, a declaration of territorial claims, and the founding of a town to legitimate the declaration. Back then Columbus simply declared the islands as the territory of the Spanish monarchy and the pope. …

Google began by unilaterally declaring that the world wide web was its to take for its search engine. Surveillance capitalism originated in a second declaration that claimed our private experience for its revenues that flow from telling and selling our fortunes to other businesses. In both cases, it took without asking. Page [Larry, Google co-founder] foresaw that surplus operations would move beyond the online milieu to the real world, where data on human experience would be free for the taking. As it turns out his vision perfectly reflected the history of capitalism, marked by taking things that live outside the market sphere and declaring their new life as market commodities.

Zuboff’s Communist colors showed in that question. Google’s collection of data, at least initially, was voluntary and later became a monopolistic practice. Her comparison to Spanish colonialism came out of nowhere. No surprise that a hardened feminist’s first step in understanding a complex topic is looking for a villain to blame.

As an aside, conquest is the Communist model, not the capitalist. The latter is driven by market incentives; the former is driven by envy.

4. JN: Then there’s the “inevitability” narrative . technological determinism on steroids.

SZ: In my early fieldwork in the computerising offices and factories of the late 1970s and 80s, I discovered the duality of information technology: its capacity to automate but also to .informate., which I use to mean to translate things, processes, behaviours, and so forth into information. This duality set information technology apart from earlier generations of technology: information technology produces new knowledge territories by virtue of its informating capability, always turning the world into information. The result is that these new knowledge territories become the subject of political conflict. The first conflict is over the distribution of knowledge: .Who knows?. The second is about authority: .Who decides who knows?. The third is about power: .Who decides who decides who knows?.

In keeping with her Communist outlook on life, Zuboff is trying to build a framework for a Proletariat Revolution. She’s also setting up for a Hegelian dialetic between one side which controls the information and the opposing side which IS the information. Per history, her synthesis will be a political class that rules Big Data on behalf of the unwashed masses.

Aside from that, there’s no need for new words such as “informate” here. The previous version of translating things, processes, behaviours and so forth into information was three-ring binders of standard operating procedures.

5. JN: So the big story is not really the technology per se but the fact that it has spawned a new variant of capitalism that is enabled by the technology?

SZ: Larry Page grasped that human experience could be Google’s virgin wood, that it could be extracted at no extra cost online and at very low cost out in the real world. For today’s owners of surveillance capital the experiential realities of bodies, thoughts and feelings are as virgin and blameless as nature’s once-plentiful meadows, rivers, oceans and forests before they fell to the market dynamic. We have no formal control over these processes because we are not essential to the new market action. Instead we are exiles from our own behaviour, denied access to or control over knowledge derived from its dispossession by others for others. Knowledge, authority and power rest with surveillance capital, for which we are merely “human natural resources.” We are the native peoples now whose claims to self-determination have vanished from the maps of our own experience.

There’s the other half of the Hegelian dialetic she’s setting up.

While it is impossible to imagine surveillance capitalism without the digital, it is easy to imagine the digital without surveillance capitalism. The point cannot be emphasised enough: surveillance capitalism is not technology. Digital technologies can take many forms and have many effects, depending upon the social and economic logics that bring them to life. Surveillance capitalism relies on algorithms and sensors, machine intelligence and platforms, but it is not the same as any of those.

It’s actually quite easy to imagine surveillance capitalism without the digital. “Papers, please”? Every despot gathers extensive information on the people he oppresses in order to control them. Even the American government has a decennial census for keeping track of its population, dating from the 18th Century.

The Information Age has facilitated that behavior but not created that behavior. Of course, it’s not capitalism of any kind. It’s just surveillance.

6. JN: Where does surveillance capitalism go from here?

SZ: Surveillance capitalism moves from a focus on individual users to a focus on populations, like cities, and eventually on society as a whole. Think of the capital that can be attracted to futures markets in which population predictions evolve to approximate certainty.

Now Zuboff’s humanist roots are showing. She imagines having enough information to literally play God. Unfortunately for her, the deity she doesn’t believe in exists so I don’t think much of her well-ordered Utopia. To say nothing of the fallen angel pulling her strings.

This has been a learning curve for surveillance capitalists, driven by competition over prediction products. First they learned that the more surplus the better the prediction, which led to economies of scale in supply efforts. Then they learned that the more varied the surplus the higher its predictive value. This new drive toward economies of scope sent them from the desktop to mobile, out into the world: your drive, run, shopping, search for a parking space, your blood and face, and always. location, location, location.

Which is why the information “what I had for breakfast and where” is valuable. Knowing my behavior is the first step towards controlling my behavior. The Goolag’s real goal is not coupons for breakfast burritos.

If more data was good data then science wouldn’t be having its reproducibility crisis. I looked into that crisis and the gist of it is that scientists were reporting correlations between statistics instead of deriving and testing the underlying principles.

They seek to control, not to understand. A very common theme in history.

7. JN: What are the implications for democracy?

SZ: During the past two decades surveillance capitalists have had a pretty free run, with hardly any interference from laws and regulations. Democracy has slept while surveillance capitalists amassed unprecedented concentrations of knowledge and power. These dangerous asymmetries are institutionalised in their monopolies of data science, their dominance of machine intelligence, which is surveillance capitalism’s “means of production., their ecosystems of suppliers and customers, their lucrative prediction markets, their ability to shape the behaviour of individuals and populations, their ownership and control of our channels for social participation, and their vast capital reserves. We enter the 21st century marked by this stark inequality in the division of learning: they know more about us than we know about ourselves or than we know about them. These new forms of social inequality are inherently antidemocratic.

This is a good time to mention that when a Communist like Zuboff talks about democracy, she’s talking about Marx’s proletariat not a representational system of government. USA could ban all women and socialists from citizenship and still have a democratic system of government.

My Hegelian synthesis prediction is looking good.

This antidemocratic and anti-egalitarian juggernaut is best described as a market-driven coup from above: an overthrow of the people concealed as the technological Trojan horse of digital technology. On the strength of its annexation of human experience, this coup achieves exclusive concentrations of knowledge and power that sustain privileged influence over the division of learning in society. It is a form of tyranny that feeds on people but is not of the people. Paradoxically, this coup is celebrated as .personalisation., although it defiles, ignores, overrides, and displaces everything about you and me that is personal.

I agree that Big Data is a form of tyranny but not where she says it’s “not of the people”. Slaves want tyrants as surely as tyrants want slaves. This is why so many people accept the digitization and monetization of their daily lives, because many of them WANT to be monitored and controlled.

Human nature is to be ruled by God. For those who believe God does not exist, a tyranny of information-driven micromanagement is a comfort, not a burden. “If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him.” -Voltaire

8. JN: Our societies seem transfixed by all this: we are like rabbits paralysed in the headlights of an oncoming car.

SZ: Despite surveillance capitalism’s domination of the digital milieu and its illegitimate power to take private experience and to shape human behaviour, most people find it difficult to withdraw, and many ponder if it is even possible. This does not mean, however, that we are foolish, lazy, or hapless. On the contrary, in my book I explore numerous reasons that explain how surveillance capitalists got away with creating the strategies that keep us paralysed. These include the historical, political and economic conditions that allowed them to succeed. And we’ve already discussed some of the other key reasons, including the nature of the unprecedented, conquest by declaration. Other significant reasons are the need for inclusion, identification with tech leaders and their projects, social persuasion dynamics, and a sense of inevitability, helplessness and resignation.

The proletariats are unfairly oppressed by the factory owners! How original.

9. JN: Our societies seem transfixed by all this: we are like rabbits paralysed in the headlights of an oncoming car.

SZ: Despite surveillance capitalism’s domination of the digital milieu and its illegitimate power to take private experience and to shape human behaviour, most people find it difficult to withdraw, and many ponder if it is even possible. This does not mean, however, that we are foolish, lazy, or hapless. On the contrary, in my book I explore numerous reasons that explain how surveillance capitalists got away with creating the strategies that keep us paralysed. These include the historical, political and economic conditions that allowed them to succeed. And we’ve already discussed some of the other key reasons, including the nature of the unprecedented, conquest by declaration. Other significant reasons are the need for inclusion, identification with tech leaders and their projects, social persuasion dynamics, and a sense of inevitability, helplessness and resignation.

Translation, we’re helpless without a Communist Party seizing the reins of Big Data on behalf of the workers.

Surveillance capitalism is a human-made phenomenon and it is in the realm of politics that it must be confronted. The resources of our democratic institutions must be mobilised, including our elected officials. GDPR [a recent EU law on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the EU] is a good start, and time will tell if we can build on that sufficiently to help found and enforce a new paradigm of information capitalism. Our societies have tamed the dangerous excesses of raw capitalism before, and we must do it again.

Boom, right on schedule. Substitute New Socialist Worker’s Party for “elected officials of our democratic institutions” and Zugoff’s impenetrable logorrhea becomes not only clear, it becomes a reiteration of last century’s Communism.

It’s all about patterns. Zugoff sees Big Data and the people it monitors as Marx’s factory owners and peasants. I see eggheaded Elites with a new lever by which to control us for their doomed-to-fail social experiments, again a very common pattern in history. Don’t let the glamour fascinate you. The Brave New World is the Same Old Shit.

That’s because human nature never changes. It can’t change. We’re wired. Programmed by a Creator. We can fight against that programming and repeat history, or we can accept that programming and make the most of life… and repeat a happier part of history.

You don’t have to be a subject matter expert to recognize a pattern. “Surveillance capitalism” is just non-gov’t… well, not-yet-gov’t… tyranny. The Goolag intends to enslave us and this is not news to anybody with an understanding of history.


Keep Portland Unstable!

Portland is ready to rumble in the next earthquake but White Privilege has reared its ugly head!

NAACP blames ‘white supremacy’ for Portland earthquake signs

By – Associated Press, 6 January 2019

PORTLAND, Ore. . A new city policy requiring public signs on brick buildings warning they might collapse in an earthquake is part of a long history of white supremacy aimed at forcing black people to move out of neighborhoods, the NAACP of Portland, Oregon, says.

The group on Thursday decried the policy affecting some 1,600 unreinforced masonry buildings that are on average 90 years old, many in areas with a predominantly black population, The Oregonian/OregonLive reports.

They already do this in Commiefornia. I’ve never understood the point. Do they expect people to not go inside because the Big One Earthquake might happen in the next five minutes? “I’d love to buy your coffee but your building is an unreinforced masonry structure! Maybe you can take my order from the parking lot? My car is underneath the big oak tree.”

The policy “exacerbates a long history of systemic and structural betrayals of trust and policies of displacement, demolition, and dispossession predicated on classism, racism, and white supremacy,. the group said.

It’s comments like this that make me cheer the Mexicans firebombing the blacks out of Los Angeles. The browns don’t blame us for everything and the weather.

The NAACP said the policy will make it tougher for owners of brick buildings to get loans and will discourage investment. It says that means buildings will have to be sold, and that developers will demolish and redevelop, increasing the cost to live there and forcing current residents out.

.It speaks to our houses of worship and everything about the black presence in the North-Northeast area,. said the Rev. E.D. Mondaine, a pastor at Celebration Tabernacle Church in north Portland and president of the Portland NAACP chapter.

He’s a clear-cut violation of Church and State. If only my clergy would notice that it’s okay to be political in the pulpit… what isn’t okay is being conservative anywhere.

City officials say the ordinance approved in October is part of an effort ultimately aimed at upgrading old buildings to withstand an earthquake, though seismic upgrades likely wouldn’t be required for at least 20 years. Such upgrades could cost brick-building owners millions of dollars.

If it bothers them then they can do what Californians do and have those unsafe structures declared Historic Sites. Then the gov’t won’t be allowed to demolish them even when they become unlivable because real history is piles of rubble! Like Stonehenge and Detroit.

Experts say Portland is at risk because there’s close to a 50 percent chance of a giant earthquake along the Cascadia Subduction Zone off the Oregon coast in the next 50 years.

I don’t recall that one… *checks* ah, it’s offshore. More of a tidal wave concern but okay, Portland has a front row seat to the Pacific Ring of Fire and its gov’t wants to become quakeproof. That’s a legitimate purpose of gov’t, enforcing a building code suitable for likely natural disasters.

If that means your ghetto get foreclosed on as a safety hazard then too bad.

The warning signs and a requirement that building owners must file a record of compliance is “really just a disclosure,. said Alex Cousins, a spokesman for the city Bureau of Development Services. .That’s the purpose behind it..

The warning signs are to go up on public buildings this month, and on most other buildings by March 1. The warning on them says: .This is an unreinforced masonry building. Unreinforced masonry buildings may be unsafe in the event of a major earthquake..

Yep, that’s verbatim the California sign. Must be the same manufacturer.

In related action, a nonprofit coalition of Portland brick building owners recently filed a lawsuit seeking to block the ordinance, arguing it’s unconstitutional under free-speech and due-process rights.

.The government is forcing private property owners to basically broadcast the government’s message instead of their own,. said John DiLorenzo, an attorney for the group.

Also, a coalition of music venues called MusicPortland has sided with the NAACP, saying the ordinance threatens some 30 of its music venues.

I can see them winning about the signs… but I can’t see them winning about the building code. Yo, MusicPortland, the city isn’t required to give you years of notice. Give them trouble, maybe they’ll give you no warning.

One sad truth about parasitism is that parasites can’t see the future, indeed, anything past the needs of the moment. Portland blacks have 20 years to figure out how to accommodate earthquake safety standards but instead, they’d rather live in squalor and blame whitey for trying to replace unsafe structures with safe ones… and later on, blame whitey for the collapse of their unsafe structure that they didn’t allow to be replaced.

This is also why they love debt spending. The bills never come due! Where did these bills come from?

That parasitical attitude isn’t unique to the NAACP. If our enemies were honest enemies, they’d realize that genociding American whites… an incredibly gullible and wealthy demographic, on the whole… would be horrible. Much better to close the border and allow enough consideration to whites for the free welfare carousel to spin for decades. Alas. From women burning Betas to Hondurans riding free buses to the Promised Land of Freebies, all the parasites want is whatever they want, when they want it, until the Collapse.

Which could easily be triggered by the Big One.



Mel Magazine Complains of YouTube Red Pills

A fun article I found out about on Dalrock’s blog. The feminists are complaining about us! Grab a seat, it’s great reading.


What it’s like to watch, terrified and helpless, as your partner becomes radicalized by hate on the fringe right

By Hussein Kesvani, 16 January 2019

Right off the bat, SJWs are blaming YouTube for content produced by not-YouTube is so very typical of Convergence. No dissent must be tolerated! So decree the Tolerant.

I love it when my enemies fight each other.

Sarah (a pseudonym), 30, had met Craig while she was studying for her master’s degree in psychology. He worked at her local pub near in Holborn, West London. Craig, who had voted for the Conservative Party in 2010 but .wasn.t interested in politics. worked odd jobs . as a bartender, as a bouncer at a nightclub, on contract at a recruiting firm . earning just enough to pay his rent and bills. They bonded over their unwavering support for the Chelsea Football Club, Al Pacino movies and late-night runs to McDonald’s for Chicken McNuggets and barbecue sauce. On the nights when she studied late, Craig would meet her outside the university library to walk her home. When she was sick, he’d bring her spicy dumpling soup from her favorite Chinese restaurant.

An inverted marriage, with Wifey the dominant breadwinner and Hubby the attentive helpmate. That is not God’s Will for humanity and a notoriously unstable situation.

.He was a really chilled-out guy for the first couple of years we were together,. Sarah tells me when we meet at a cafe near her place of work. Small and slender, with bright blue eyes and dyed blonde hair, Sarah looks down at her cup of tea as she recalls the best moments of her relationship, the ones she tried to fixate on during those nights when Craig would shout at her, claim she was a “bitch” and a “whore” and send her text messages calling her an .anti-English,. .dumb liberal..

That sounds very unlikely. Did you beat your wife after taking the Red Pill? Yep, didn’t think so.

.Our relationship started normally: We went for walks, saw films, went out for dinner. Most of the “arguments” we’d have would be where to go out on a date. When I moved in with him after graduation, the arguments were about who would do the washing up or the cooking that night,. she says. By the end of their relationship in September, though, she found herself having to not only try to get Craig to do his share of the laundry, but to justify why people should be allowed to speak languages other than English in public, why removing taxes for tampons isn’t unfair, and more bizarrely, why being a feminist isn’t the same as being a Nazi.

That DOES sound likely. This is England, people should speak English. Women wanting free stuff is not fair. Realizing feminism is female rebellion against God and men does foster a negative attitude, albeit one that doesn’t instantly resort to Nazi comparisons. And laundry is totally womens’ work.

.Nearly all the arguments came from YouTube videos he was watching,. Sarah tells me. “Because he’d work at night, he’d spend the day on the internet. He’d be watching them, and send them to me throughout the day on WhatsApp, over email, anywhere really.” During one work meeting in 2016, she received videos from him about a “migrant invasion into Britain, orchestrated by Angela Merkel and Barack Obama,. which showed Libyan refugees getting off a boat carrying large bags and shouting, .Thank you, Merkel!. played over dark orchestral music. Other videos supported Donald Trump’s proposed ban on Muslim immigrants, diatribes on feminism “threatening traditional families” and “scientific evidence” suggesting that white people have higher IQs than black and South Asian people.

With each, he’d ask what her view on it was. Sometimes, she.d say she didn’t know, and he’d “send me more videos, or explain why they were correct.” Other times, when she.d disagree . for example, when it came to whether abortion should be legal . he’d get angry. .He would start off by saying I was wrong, demanding I explain my view . during a work day! When I wouldn’t respond to him immediately, he’d tell me that my view was stupid and idiotic and that I was just another “dumb leftie” who didn’t know what they were talking about..

That doesn’t add up. The guy worked nights so instead of sleeping, he called his girl at work? Smells like a pity play. She was probably distracted at work by breakfast conversation.

The ability to create good arguments is not universal. It’s okay to rely upon others’ arguments so long as you agree with them.

In the year leading up to their breakup, Sarah tells me she desperately tried to help him stop watching the videos he was slowly becoming obsessed with. .I tried to take him to parties I was invited to, to be around him more. I sent him messages every hour while I was at work to say that I loved him. I thought that having human contact, to know that he didn’t have to be so angry all the time, that he was loved by so many people, would be enough to get him away from all that material..

Take notes, ladies. Controlling behavior like this doesn’t work.

Sarah and Craig’s relationship isn’t atypical in 2019, a time in which it’s not uncommon for women to find themselves with male partners who have been .Red-Pilled,. or radicalized online by misogynistic, far-right content and communities.

Overton Window much?

In particular, on online forums such as the U.K.-based “The Student Room,. users have posted stories like this one: .My boyfriend views relationships as a manipulation game and brags about stuff that never happened with elaborate lies. . He believes girls are evolutionary programmed to want to be treated like shit, but have developed clever adaptive methods to deceive men..

The term Red Pill refers to the internet’s .manosphere,. a collection of male-dominated subcultures that ranges from “incels” (involuntarily celibate men who believe that Western liberalism and feminism prevents them from having sex or securing long-term relationships) to .men’s rights activists. (who believe that liberal, left-wing politics have waged an all-out war on white, heterosexual men by “promoting” abortion, immigration and LGBTQ issues).

The clueless meter just blew a fuse.

In 2016, The Guardian described Red Pill communities as a network of groups that collectively envisioned .a reality that women run the world without taking responsibility for it, and that their male victims aren’t permitted to complain.” Popular mantras used on Red Pill message boards include “Feminism Is Cancer,. the same phrase used by right-wing provocateurs like Milo Yiannopoulos and Infowars. Paul Joseph Watson.

On Reddit, where Red Pill pages have more than 200,000 members and are among the most vibrant communities on the platform, men, often those who are socially awkward and emotionally vulnerable, are told that “women are, by nature, manipulative, attention-seeking, inconsistent, emotional and hypergamous. Accept this truth. Once you do, you can game women for what they are. not what you want them to be..

If they thought Reddit was bad then they haven’t discovered us yet. Such lazy reporting! I’m peeved the Christian Manosphere didn’t even warrant a mention in this article. Sunrise Hoodie is on YouTube, they surely noticed him.

.The “manosphere” consists of a large number of groups . whether it’s incels, .Men Going Their Own Way. or .pick-up artists. . that all push the same kind of message, that the men who go to their pages are being hard done by women and society at large,. says Annie Kelly, a PhD student at the University of East Anglia who researches the impact of digital culture on the far right.

Kelly is earning a PhD on our blogs! That’s awesome.

She adds that while there isn’t a single reason why men would be attracted to Red Pill communities, as a hyper-networked online subculture, it’s able to transmit its messages and philosophies to a much wider audience. All of which means that “grievances related to lack of sexual and romantic partners are located in the same spaces as right-wing propaganda around the refugee crisis and trans issues. When they’re reinforced in these groups, as well as by mainstream media outlets on Facebook and YouTube, people are more exposed to them, and they end up buying into some of the maxims without realizing it. The online world becomes part of their lived world..

Check Out The NPC Meme Finalists รข?? Winner TBA

* * * * *

Last week, the Huffington Post ran a feature about Nina Kouprianova, the wife of U.S. neo-Nazi and alt-right leader Richard Spencer, detailing instances of verbal, psychological and physical abuse she endured while married to him and assisting him in his goal of establishing an all-white ethnostate in the age of Trump. Kouprianova claims that she denounces Spencer’s ideology and was simply providing assistance to her ex-husband out of love and care for him, rather than his movement.

As the article made its way around the internet, many people found themselves asking the same question: How much sympathy should we have toward women whose partners lurch further to extremism during the course of their relationship . especially if these women tend to be the ones held responsible for bringing the men back from the brink? Indeed, in knowing the views and attitudes of social conservatives in regard to issues like immigration, rights for minority groups and LGBTQ issues, should these women have avoided dating such men entirely?

This is the situation Ellen, 24, found herself in as she watched her boyfriend, 30-year-old Steven (his name has been changed at Ellen’s request), become more and more entrenched in right-wing online content. Speaking over the phone, Ellen tells me that at times, she felt “hypocritical” being in a relationship with Steven. (As a long-time socialist, Ellen uses her social media accounts to post anti.Conservative Party messages, memes about the failures of capitalism and support of anti-racist organizations.) Her and Steven, however, had been childhood friends, having grown up in the same small town in the south of England, the kind of place where families all know each other, drink at the same pub and play soccer on Sundays. .I knew he had some controversial views before we started going out,. Ellen explains. .Maybe that should have been a warning. But we also had a family history. He worked in my mom’s office. And to me, he was always the attractive guy next door..

Nor did Ellen pay much attention to Steven’s views when they first started dating in early 2017. At the time, she was a university student, and he was between jobs with aspirations to work in finance. .He was interested in conspiracy theories . the kind of thing that most guys are into . and I actually felt that most of his .anti-establishment. persona leant more to the left.” Steven enjoyed talking about these theories with Ellen, and Ellen was happy to discuss them with him. .I enjoyed the intellectual side of the relationship,. she says.

Translation, his insanities made him hawt. Conspiracy theorists have the best pickup lines!

Things changed quickly, however, when, according to Ellen, Steven returned to their hometown after losing his job in London. With few friends around him and Ellen at university, he spent the majority of his time online, learning how to trade foreign currency via obscure blogs and YouTube tutorials before wading into more political waters. .It started off fairly mild,. Ellen says, with a slight laugh. .He would WhatsApp me Jordan Peterson lectures about “social justice warriors” on university campuses. Sometimes I’d just ignore them, or say that I didn’t agree with what they were saying. Eventually, he moved on to more extreme material. He would send me videos by Stefan Molyneux about the links between race and IQ, or how it was scientifically proven that Conservative women were more attractive and left-wing women like me were fat and ugly..

Heehee. That’s because only conservative women value being attractive to men. Burn!.. that body hair!

Ellen thinks some of Steven’s behavior was born out of wanting to be provocative, but she also says that as he spent more time alone, the deeper he got stuck in this rabbit hole. .I didn’t know any of these right-wing characters until we started dating, and he kept sending me videos from them,. she tells me. .I had to learn about what they were saying, quickly, so that I could try to debunk his view, or at least challenge them. And usually when we would debate these topics, it would end up in tears.” That’s because, .When I would try refute him, he would flip out. He would say that I was hysterical, that I was stupid and acting on my emotions rather than the facts, that I didn’t want to open up my mind to anything other than my left-wing views..

“He” flipped out? Come on, now. Be honest.

.While most Red Pill groups tend to focus on single men, there are sub-groups like Married Red Pill where men who are married are trying to get their wives to see the world in the way they do,. says Julia Ebner, a research fellow at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue and author of The Rage: The Vicious Circle of Islamist and Far-Right Extremism. .A lot of the time that will be influenced by things the men see on social media, but also the images that these kinds of groups [conjure] up. They use a lot of iconography from the 1950s to advocate for “traditional” families and “traditional” gender roles, and they’re using new technologies to try achieve that..

Julia Ebner on BBC Panorama - ISD

There’s a shortage of pretty girls in the world. It’s a shame that Julia got educated.

Similarly, they provide guides on how to better convince skeptical or unwilling partners of the husband or boyfriend’s newfound beliefs. .These guides provide resources and subjects designed to help ease their partners into Red Pill ideologies,. Ebner explains. .Some of the tips employ techniques like neuro-linguistic programming to achieve this, or other aggressive “psychological techniques” that are common in pick-up artist communities..

Though the various techniques differ, Ebner suggests that the goal is the same: By recruiting women to the movement, they gain more legitimacy.

Dangit, that’s the third blown fuse in the clueless meter. Red Pill has no legitimacy because it has no female approval for its claims that society only cares about women!

* * * * *

Ellen and Steven have now broken up. She has blocked him across all her social media accounts, and goes back home much less than she used to. Surprisingly, though, it wasn’t Ellen who broke up with Steven. After another fight over right-wing YouTube videos he sent her, he ended the relationship, claiming that Ellen was no longer intellectually stimulating for him. In fact, she was an “idiot” who was incapable of understanding the “facts” that are right in front of her.

She was left heartbroken. .I gave my whole self to him, to try help him, to support him. I compromised so much of my convictions and beliefs to help HIM. And he rejected all of it for these YouTube people. He rejected one of the only genuine relationships he had..

For Sarah, similar feelings remain. Though she hasn’t been in contact with Craig for several months, reminders of him are everywhere, especially when she works on the computer they once shared. .I was listening to Coldplay when I was cleaning the other day,. she laughs. “And the next video YouTube had scheduled for me was one of these right-wing talk shows in America about how abortion clinics are being secretly funded by George Soros. I see these kind of videos on my recommended pages all the time..

It turns out she can’t seem to escape them either.

Because nothing is both sexier and more threatening to a woman than a man who knows his value. (Per Rollo Tomassi.)


Good False Flags Are Hard To Find

I didn’t find many stories about the Womens’ Marches lately but this article was interesting. Is it a near-miss or manufactured nonissue?

27-year-old man, citing virginity and constant rejections, threatened to kill ‘as many girls as I see’

By Karma Allen, 21 January 2019

Police arrested a Colorado man over the weekend who allegedly threatened to kill “as many girls as I see” in a mass shooting.

Christopher Cleary, 27, allegedly told police that he planned targeting women in a public shooting because he’s a virgin who has been rejected too many times, according to the Provo Police Department.

He told police he was planning to commit a mass murder? Nobody who does that is actually planning a mass murder.

Police located Cleary in Provo, Utah, on Saturday and questioned him in connection with various threats made online, including one in which he allegedly said he was “planning on shooting up a public place soon,” according to a probable cause statement.

“All I wanted was to be loved, yet no one cares about me,” he wrote in a Facebook post, according to police. “I’m 27 years old and I’ve never had a girlfriend before and I’m still a virgin, this is why I’m planning on shooting up a public place soon and being the next mass shooter.”

That statement is as plausible as Nancy Pelosi demanding a border wall. But what’s his motive for blatant self-incrimination?

Police said the investigation concerned several agencies in Colorado.

“An additional concern had to do with several Women’s Marches taking place in various locations throughout the state today, including a march in Provo, and another in Salt Lake City,” the arresting officer wrote in a statement. “The Probation Office contacted me and let me know that this is a pattern of behavior with Cleary.”

Cleary, who was on probation for stalking and threatening a woman, was arrested for violating probation and making threats of terrorism, according to police.

He allegedly admitted to making the threats while in custody, telling officers he was upset and not thinking clearly when he did so, police said in the statement.

This guy was known for poor attitude towards women and was actually on parole when he got picked up for terrorist threats on Facebook and then told police, in custody, that he was a killer waiting to happen. Hmm.

Cleary also made suicidal comments and told investigators that he had some kind of “impulse disorder,” according to the statement.

Either Cleary was a false flag who couldn’t work up the courage for more than harmless statements or police picked up a known troublemaker on parole as a safety precaution. What can physiognomy tell us?

 Christopher Wayne Cleary is pictured in this undated photo released by Utah County Sheriff's office.

Chris Cleary. Disorderly hair for disorderly thoughts. Ears seem neither flattened nor prominent. His forehead is weird, it’s like an eraser was rubbed across the middle of it. I don’t know. Wide eyebrows can indicate a lax, unplanned attitude towards life.

The right (outward-looking) eyebrow is considerably higher than the left, suggesting he’s emotionally vulnerable to the outside world. Upper and lower eyelids are rounded so more emotional than rational in outlook. Nose is upturned for mildly positive sociability; unsure about the nostrils but they certainly aren’t large enough for generosity.

The Chinese say that a man with a higher right eyebrow will be henpecked in marriage. Maybe Chris doesn’t really want what he wants.

Mouth is obviously that of a pessimist… again, notably on the right side. The philtrum, vertical lines running from the cupid’s bow of the mouth to the nasal septum, is present so there’s sexual energy but the lines aren’t far apart, which would have denoted strong sexual energy.

I can believe he’s unlucky at love and has some mental baggage. He isn’t faking his attitude towards women so as insane as telling the cops IN PERSON that he wanted to kill is, that’s probably what happened. His physiognomy does not appear to be organized enough to do anything planned but there’s always the chance for a mental “wardrobe malfunction”.

So, Chris got picked up and da wimminz marched in safety. A cautionary tale of what happens when one does not adjust to the inevitable rocks of misfortune, hard as adjusting can be. If women don’t like you then walk away. Find something else to do. You’ll only enter a death spiral by demanding acceptance from people who have already rejected you. Life is too short and cellblocks too small for holding grudges.