Why Whites Hate Whites, A Monkey’s Perspective

This is a very insightful video by Turd Flinging Monkey.

To summarize, he believes that it’s generally unnatural for people to refer to themselves by race. It’s usually by nation. I’m American, he’s English, she’s Australian. We’re all white but that’s not normally the way we think of ourselves; there’s significant differences between USA, UK and AUS even when we’re the same language and religion. Similarly, in America the blacks are “the blacks” because they don’t know what nation they’re from. Nigeria? Congo? Tunisia? When they do know, they’re known by their nation, for example the Somalis infesting Minnesota.

Similarly, the Jews were “the Jews” because Israel didn’t exist. Now that it’s returned, there’s a big difference between Israelis who have skin in the game of nationalism and Jews who see themselves as a nation-independent voting bloc.

Why do globalist whites betray nationalist whites? Because they’re Team Global attacking Team USA. They don’t consider themselves Americans and therefore will savage America at will and whim. As was the case in medieval Europe, when whites regularly went to war against whites because France is not Prussia is not Italy. It only looks like intraracial war because across the planet, the war is now between globalism and nationalism.

This leads to the prediction that by the time white peoples finally discover a common racial identity, we won’t have any nation to call our own.

We already knew that the loss of one’s nation is the loss of ones’ identity. “White”, “brown”, “Asian” and so on are either oversimplifications for bureaucratic necessity or default identities when we can’t name the culture we identify with.

And the Elites are pushing miscegenation so we won’t even have skin to differentiate us. Generic cattle for the slaughter. True NPCs.

In return, the best way to counter the Elites is to hold on to your culture/nation or at least adopt one. Understand it, celebrate it and be familiar with it. They would rather you forget.

For the Founders… and toga parties!

Scottish rugby team do surprise haka at wedding | Daily ...


Concern Trolling, Incorporated

The Cult of Nice is the most popular religion in America. Don’t hurt anybody’s feelings, especially if they’re neither American nor Christian, unless wimminz claim to be victimized by them. But all is not well in Niceland. The priests have noticed a great surge of civil unrest and wish to remind everybody that polite discourse requires constant goodthink.

Be nice again, America, national group urges


By Washington Post, 12 Jan 2019

WASHINGTON — A president slams a table and walks out of a meeting. A longtime Congressman consistently makes racist comments. A gubernatorial candidate threatens to stomp on his opponent’s face with golf spikes. Family members no longer speak because of political differences. Twitter fights. Cable news panels filled with shouting.

I doubt the president walking out of a meeting belongs on that list.

While it might seem that civility has been completely lost in politics and significantly eroded in both public and private life, one organization is trying to push back against the tsunami of toxicity and contention sweeping the country. It’s a development that, according to polls, Americans desperately want.

Only one organization is doing what Americans desperately want? That would be California’s Howard Jarvis Tax Foundation engaging in conservative politics because Cali Republicans have quit the field.

The National Institute for Civil Discourse is urging Americans to be respectful of one another again. The institute and its new executive director, Keith Allred, are behind a push to engage elected officials and citizens toward civility at a time when discourse is degrading, with the hope that people will remember how to disagree with one another in good faith.

Thank God the acronym is NICD, not E. I was this close to quoting from CS Lewis’ That Hideous Strength.

Keith Allred does not appear to be related to Gloria Allred, notorious feminazi.

“It’s not the difference of opinion on policy that makes us bitter,” Allred said. “But thinking they’re a bad person.”

A double miss. The West’s problem is a surplus of niceness, not a lack. There is no common ground between Christ and Satan; we should never have pretended there was, and neither should Allred.

Allred created the group CommonSense American, a bipartisan organization that weighs in on issues such as immigration and campaign finance reform. It is a national offshoot of a group he created in Idaho, which worked with the state legislature. The group’s staff creates policy papers it sends to citizen members, who then contact their elected officials. The goal is to arm people with information about various topics, and have them weigh in with elected officials in an authentic way, without the use of canned talking points or vitriol.

Another Non-Government Organization, working in partnership with Government, to set policy that all citizen members must be properly educated in how to communicate respectfully with Party elected officials. By the sacred boot heel of Saint Orwell, put a fig leaf over your abomination!

The institute has gone into communities to train more than 12,000 people in civil discourse and has been hosting more than 500 “civility conversations” nationwide, part of statewide initiatives in Arizona, Iowa, Maine and Ohio.

“We’ve polarized not only our political discussion, but our personal interactions,” said former Congressman Jim Kolbe, R-Ariz., who is on the organization’s advisory board.

This is the False Ally tactic. The Right has an uncivil attitude because the Left has uncivil behavior.

Normie: Okay, I let you win on this. Now let me win on that, as agreed.

SJW: Screw you, chump. *total betrayal, victory party in the NY Times building*.

Normie: Screw you back! I will never trust you again.

Allred: Whoa there, Normie, you have serious trust issues! Let’s work through those at my reeducation seminar… for you, half price!

Putting people of differing views together is more crucial than ever, said Carolyn Lukensmeyer, a former executive director of the group. As people retreat into their corners on social media and increasingly live in places where they are surrounded by the like-minded, talking to those on the opposite side of political arguments often doesn’t happen.

Some of us would be going on killing sprees if we didn’t have our last few, remaining congregations of like-minded people. What if Nice behavior requires Not-Nice outlets for verbal frustration?

Lukensmeyer said the efforts have included weekly discussions at breweries and coffee shops among people holding differing views. The institute has filmed interactions between people with differing backgrounds and opinions to show how they can respectfully disagree and find common ground. It is looking for a streaming service to distribute the series.

Respectful disagreement is mutually exclusive with finding common ground.

“Once they’re in an environment where they meet, they have more in common than expected,” she said.

Sure. Democrats want to win and Republicans want to lose. If they can look past the frustrated screams of Normal Americans then there’s a lot of common ground to be discovered.

Polls show that Americans want to see a return to civility. Ninety-one percent of registered voters said the lack of civility in politics is a “serious problem,” according to a 2018 Quinnipiac University poll. Sixty-eight percent of those surveyed in a Pew Research poll from July said it was “essential” for people in high political offices to maintain a tone of civility and respect in politics.

Tom Daschle, D-S.D., the former House Majority Leader and a member of the institute’s board, said the fate of America rests on a return to civility, both in politics and public life.

“It’s about keeping this republic,” he said.

It’s about whitewashing the ugly history of these former Congressmen, more likely. One can imagine the likes of Daschle wanting to repackage their treacherous conduct as incivility and miscommunications rather than selling out their countries for fun and profit.

A finding that ninety-one percent of registered voters agreeing that America’s serious problem is people not thinking nice thoughts about their leaders works to confirm that. Perhaps selling one’s soul for a retirement dacha in the woods isn’t such a good deal, after all.

To nudge along elected officials, the institute created a program called Next Generation, in which it shows state legislators how to work across the aisle. Despite its intense polarization, Congress even has a civility caucus, with members visiting one another’s districts to see what life is like and to learn from a different set of constituents.

God, thank you for Trump. He’s been so effective that Cuckservatives are signing up for remedial lessons in “how to reach across the aisle”. They’ve forgotten how to lose and 2020 is coming!

The group was founded in 2011, months after a shooting in Tucson that killed six people and wounded 13, including former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz. Days before she was shot, Giffords had discussed creating an organization at the University of Arizona to study how to make conversations about politics more civil.

The shooter, Jared Lee Loughner, was declared unfit for trial because of paranoid schizophrenia. A class in Niceness could not possibly have prevented the incident, neither was the motive a desire to be rude. (After a year of forced medication, Loughner plead guilty to avoid Arizona’s death penalty.)

Nice mug, Jared. We were just talking about the split-face thing last post. Heh, per Wikipedia: [Loughner] attempted to buy additional ammunition for the pistol at a Walmart on the morning of the shooting, but the clerk refused to sell it to him based on his appearance and demeanor. Physiognomy is real.

Citing this incident as a founding motivation for reconciliation between White America and White America’s Destroyers reeks of partisan politics. I didn’t find a scorecard on NICD or CommonSense America’s results but it’s a safe guess that very few of their interventions ended with Leftoids admitting that Trump has valid points about America’s need for a wall.

Now for Keith Allred.


Keith Allred… earned a BA in American History at Stanford and a Ph.D. at UCLA. An internationally recognized expert in negotiation and conflict resolution, he was a professor at Columbia University for three years before joining the faculty at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government where he taught for seven years. Since moving back to Idaho, Keith has continued to teach in short programs for senior public and private sector executives at Harvard and Oxford. He was the 2004-2005 Church Distinguished Professor of Public Policy at BSU.

As a professional mediator, Keith has helped manage and resolve many disputes, particularly focusing on conflicts unique to the American West including disputes involving public lands, hydroelectric dams, water, and Indian tribes.

…An active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, he served a mission to northern Germany and has served as a bishop twice.

Bishop of the Church of Nice, anyway. Mormonism means Allred has no skin in America’s survival as the nation of the Founders, which frees him to play the “can’t we all just get along?” game. A professional concern troll.

Keith Allred's Issue Positions (Political Courage Test ...

His face shape–squarish head with pointed chin, large cheekbones–is one people easily accept for leadership. No intelligence or determination lines on the forehead, uncommon for that level of education but his studies weren’t exactly quantum physics. His mind is orderly, however; no frizzy hair or poor hygeine.

An SJW near-miss, his college-induced lack of objectivity enabled him to leverage his social skills and logical mindset into a profitable career of negotiation and arbitration. I would prefer a mediator with a large lower third to his face, denoting practical focus, over a large upper third, denoting intelligence. An intelligent mediator is likely to be a manipulative mediator, steering events to the goal he’s already chosen.


Proctor & Gamble’s Judas: Robert McDonald

You heard about the Gillette Company going full retard with its recent anti-masculinity advertisement. But you didn’t hear why they would do such a stupid derp. I can put a face on the reason… a pedoface! Meet the CEO of Gillette’s parent company:

CEO in Action: Robert McDonald- The Procter & Gamble Company


Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Procter & Gamble Company

Dated 1 March 2012

Obama Taps Former Procter & Gamble CEO Robert McDonald to Lead Veteran Affairs

P&G Launches New D&I Strategy

Critical to our growth strategy is diversity and inclusion. As a company, our continued success and growth is dependent upon a deep understanding of the diversity of our consumers. To do this, our employee population must reflect the diversity of our markets and consumers. This helps us have empathy for them. Empathy leads to life-improving innovations.

Innovation is connecting two seemingly unconnected ideas. Diversity provides the disparate nodes to connect. We purposely try to put diverse groups of people together to create more opportunities for innovation. There is a correlation between the diversity of our organization, our innovative capability, and our ability to realize our purpose of improving lives. This is how we develop the brands and communications that resonate with the people we serve and want to serve.

I am a firm believer that diversity and inclusion is a competitive advantage for our organization and I am personally committed to continuing to foster a culture of inclusion at P&G. We have no hope of touching and improving the lives of the world’s consumers if we don’t first begin with touching and improving the lives of P&G employees.
About a year ago, we launched P&G.s global diversity and inclusion strategy. With the new strategy, we took three new steps:

1) Appointed a Chief Diversity Officer to oversee the Global Diversity & Inclusion Strategy (Linda Clement- Holmes).

P&G CIO Linda Clement-Holmes

A sexually damaged and feral woman–shaved head and hyphenated last name, respectively. But Lesbo Negress is high on the Diversity Totem and that’s what counts. Let’s segue into this Board Room Annie Oakley with two excerpts from this interview:


When I was the diversity officer, we spent a lot of time talking about unconscious bias. We spent a lot of time with a professor out of Harvard, and her whole premise is around dealing with unconscious bias. …

When you think about it, particularly from a gender standpoint, culturally and socially women tend to carry more of the burden socially when it comes to the household. Whether that is right or wrong, that is not the point, but socially that tends to be the case. If you translate that then to the workforce, and you think about it as women and men on the same starting line of the race, a male employee may have a spouse at home taking care of everything and they may have the same skills of the woman on the starting line. The woman may begin the race wearing a backpack, which contains arms and legs of kids and husbands and other kinds of things, even if there is somebody at home helping out. It is a social dynamic that we live in culturally as well. If you think about taking that backpack off that woman, think about how fast they would be. By nature, gender-wise, women have a lot of capacity to be able to carry things. Getting people to think differently about it is what I do a lot of times.

Women are heavily burdened by their family, think of how fast they’d be if they took off that “weight”? What a horrible image of family life she has. But wait, she’s all about her kids:

Most of my [boardroom] experience prior to Cincinnati Financial had been on non-profit boards. A lot of that had to do with personal passion more than anything else. Because I believe in making choices, for years because I had two sons, I would only work on boards that I could do with them or for them. If it had to do with children, that is what I would do. It just so happens, I was also usually the IT person on the board as well. What it gave me was the opportunity to learn what it was like to be the IT person, or see what the IT operations were like, at a company other than P&G that does not have the resources that we do. The way I normally would do things was totally different. I had to learn that they could not do it that way because they did not have the same resources. You learn that from a non-profit. At the same time, you also learn the things that are not IT related, which is important when moving to the for-profit world.

She worked at nonprofits because she cared about her deadweight children holding her back from greatness? And she learned to do IT the goodfeelz way rather than the technical competence way. Proctor & Gamble, meet Equifax.

Returning to previous article:

2) Added key focus on inclusion, with aim to maintain a diverse workforce, a diverse leadership pipeline, inspiring employees to perform at their peak, knowing that they are included, respected and valued.

None of which is related to making good products.

3) Created global Inclusion and Diversity Council, with the aim to renew our overall Diversity & Inclusion efforts, measure results against our goals, and drive accountability throughout the organization.

Externally, we want to be and be recognized as a global leader in diversity and inclusion. Internally, we want to ensure we are fostering a culture of inclusion so that diversity is culturally embedded in all we do.

I am inspired each day by the ways P&G employees are putting their passion behind our diversity and inclusion strategy and bringing it to life. As we continue to embrace diversity and truly make it a part of all we do, the results of the company will be inseparable from the characteristics of diversity that make up our global operations. This is how we will continue touching and improving lives, now and for generations to come.

When an entryist reaches the top these days, it’s like a volcanic explosion of Convergence. The SJWs are entirely done with pretenses.


Dated 6 June 2012

During his acceptance speech, McDonald remarked, .I am very honored to take on the role of chair of the US-China Business Council. The Council is fortunate to have a strong and diverse Board of Directors and the engagement of a large number of American companies involved with China. We all share a common vision to build and strengthen the bonds between China and the United States – two great nations with the two largest economies on earth that are mutually and positively interdependent..

He’s an enemy of the United States. More on McDonald from Wikipedia:

On July 7, 2014, U.S. President Obama nominated McDonald to the Cabinet position of United States Secretary of Veterans Affairs. Obama cited McDonald’s business background with P&G and experience revitalizing organizations in his decision. … McDonald was approved by the United States Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs and the full Senate by unanimous vote.

That looks like a major conflict of interest, the CEO of a pharmaceuticals giant transitioning to head of the VA system.

One of McDonald’s first decisions in September 2014 was to increase salaries for physicians and dentists to close the pay gap with the private sector and to make VA an employer of choice. McDonald personally visited several medical schools to recruit new medical personnel in the early months of his tenure at VA. As of June 2015, VA had increased onboard staff by more 12,000 including over 1,000 physicians, 2,700 nurses, and 4,600 other select critical occupations.

He threw money at the problem. Typical bureaucrat.

On February 23, 2015, McDonald admitted he misspoke trying to engage a homeless veteran on January 30, 2015, about his serving in the U.S. Army Special Forces, a conversation that was recorded by a CBS television news crew accompanying him during a nationwide count of homeless veterans. “I have no excuse, I was not in the special forces” he told The Huffington Post, which first broke the story.

This seems to be the only Stolen Valor incident in his past but he still likes to mention his West Point education and Army Ranger qualification.

On May 23, 2016, Secretary McDonald stated that Disney does not measure wait times at its amusement parks, arguing that VA wait times are not an important measure. This statement was viewed as both insensitive to patients and incorrect, as Disney does measure wait times. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan criticized McDonald’s comments on Twitter and in a blog post, saying, “This is not make-believe, Mr. Secretary. Veterans have died waiting in those lines.” He apologized the next day.

At the time, wait lines for veterans were 7 days for primary care and 10 days for specialists. But McDonald repeatedly went on record opposing the privatization of the VA.

To see what sprouted from McDonald’s Diversity seeds, we go now to P&G’s 2018 Citizenship Report. Boldfaces are mine. (Dear God, did You put George Orwell among the Prophets?)

Click to access pg_citizenship_report_2018.pdf

CEO’s Introduction

We made significant progress in each area of P&G.s Citizenship work in fiscal year 2018, and we continue to actively build Citizenship into how we deliver our business results. …

We continue to make positive impact in each area of Citizenship: Ethics & Corporate Responsibility, Community Impact, Diversity & Inclusion, Gender Equality and Environmental Sustainability. Importantly, our efforts in these areas support nearly every objective outlined in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

-Along with our NGO relief partners, we helped those impacted by disasters around the world. For example, we provided more than 2,000 personal care kits and washed more than 2,300 loads of laundry to help those impacted by hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria. We also activated our emergency response efforts to aid victims of the earthquake in Mexico and assisted with Syrian refugees in France, Germany and Turkey. And while this report is on a fiscal year basis, it’s important to note that we’re actively involved in relief efforts for those affected by recent natural disasters in the U.S. and Indonesia.

-We increased representation for women, now at 46% of all P&G managers globally, and we increased our U.S. representation and workplace satisfaction of African Ancestry, Hispanic and Asian Pacific American employees.

We used our voice in advertising to promote important conversations about a full range of equality, diversity and inclusion topics with the “The Talk,. .Love Over Bias. and “The Words Matter.. We sparked important conversations to motivate positive change along racial, ethnic, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability and gender lines.

And now an infamous Gillette commercial. Nobody noticed when P&G was sucking up to women & non-Whites, telling them how special they were, but openly hating White Men has thankfully had a different effect. Now for various excerpts:

Message from Shailesh Jejurikar

.This year, we took a major step in renewing our commitment to environmental sustainability. In April, we launched new, ambitious goals for 2030 that focus on where we know we can make the most meaningful difference.our brands, supply chain, society and employees. We’ve already achieved many of our 2020 goals, and we’re committed to stay on track so we can deliver the remaining goals. However, achieving these goals is not enough. We know our stakeholders want and expect more. With our global reach, our understanding of the five billion people we serve and our innovation and supply chain capabilities, we have a unique ability to drive positive impact in the world. We can be a force for good and a force for growth, but we know we cannot do this alone. We will partner with consumers, industry, governments, civil society groups and academics so that, together, we can make an even greater impact..

They don’t call it Convergence for nothing. Blur all the lines until no possible resistance is left!

Our Commitment to Respect Human Rights

In 2014, P&G published its Human Rights Policy Statement that communicates our
support for the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, which are
drawn from and reinforce the principles of internationally recognized human rights
consisting of: those rights expressed in the International Bill of Human Rights (i.e., Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenants on
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; and Civil and Political Rights) and the principles
concerning fundamental rights as set out in the International Labor Organization (ILO)
Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

We recognize that it is the sovereign state’s duty to protect against human rights abuses by establishing and upholding appropriate laws and policies. We also recognize that some states do not have adequate legal and regulatory frameworks, enforcement mechanisms or have laws that conflict with these internationally recognized human rights. Wherever this is the case, we will always try to do the right thing by respecting human rights consistently across our global operations. We expect these same commitments to be shared by our business partners, and we strongly encourage our business partners to share these same expectations with their business partners.

These Non-Government Organizations are sure handy for helping governments rule like Good Citizens.

Using Our Voice: Generation of Firsts

Our Always brand continues to tackle societal barriers for women around the world. Saudi Arabia is at the cusp of transformation as Saudi women are coming into their own, challenging expectations in careers and at home. In April 2018, Always launched the “Generation of Firsts” campaign, which celebrates Saudi women achievers. Through this campaign, Always is supporting women to embrace being the first to achieve a career ideal that had been traditionally challenged. The film was made with not only an all-Saudi cast and crew, but with an all-female Saudi cast and crew.an unprecedented undertaking. The film was viewed more than 1.5 million times and generated a social media flurry with more than 1000 stories, pictures and videos of Saudi girls proudly posting what they were the first in their families to accomplish.

I never thought to feel sorry for those Christian-murdering jihadists but feminism found a way. Hmm, it looks like Gillette isn’t the only brand weaponized against masculinity:

Ariel France

By highlighting the important role parents play in role modelling, this Ariel ad challenges the idea that laundry is a woman’s job. French authorities have called it “the first time that an ad explicitly points to sharing responsibilities in the home. It is an evolution of our society..

Revolution, people. The correct term is revolution. These are the French. They don’t “evolve” anything. Ask the Yellow Vests.

Joy Japan

In Japan, while 60% of married couples today have careers, 90% of household work is performed by women. .Sharing the housework . job to JOY. encourages family members to talk about sharing chores and uses male and female perspectives to tell a compelling story.

Do you know what most women do when they get jobs? Housekeeping, child care, nursing, cooking… the same things they’d do at home for nothing.

Olay North America

From being told they are “too emotional” to “too ambitious,. women constantly face conflicting expectations for how they should look, feel or behave. An Olay campaign is ready to put an end to that by encouraging women to “Face Anything.

Another case of P&G putting itself out of business. What will happen if P&G convinces women to not care about their appearance? Women will stop buying cosmetics such as Olay. It’s no different from the Gillette ads implying that Real Men don’t have enough testosterone to be able to shave.

Olay China

Olay is encouraging all women to be fearless about their age, using meaningful numbers instead of years to tell their story: .59., for instance, because she has won 59 championships, or .8., because she has been a singer for 8 years.

China wimminz would be better advised to do the Baby Boomer style:

Using Our Voice: Sesame Street Muppets Fuel Girls. Aspirations

Chamki is a vibrant, five-year-old girl Muppet on Galli Galli Sim Sim, the Indian version of Sesame Street. Chamki loves school and dreams of becoming a scientist one day. The Growing Up Chamki series airing on TV in India explores issues of gender equity in child-relevant ways, with girls and boys role-playing different careers and family roles. This teaches girls and boys alike that they can aspire to be anything they want to be.

P&G partnered with Sesame Workshop to produce the episodes and make them available to Sesame Street co-productions around the world, aiming to set a new expectation that values girls. education, so that both boys and girls can reach their full potential. Empowering girls is critically important because they face barriers boys do not. Early marriage, gender discrimination, lack of adequate sanitation and differences in how parents value education for girls versus boys often keeps girls from enrolling and staying in school.

Fuck off and die, Proctor & Gamble, for mutilating my childhood memories of Sesame Street.

P&G will continue to support Sesame Workshop, local educators and producers in developing engaging, inspiring female Muppet characters around the world. These characters appeal to both children and adults, and they encourage audiences to respect girls, appreciate their diverse likes and dislikes, advocate for their education and support their dreams.planting the seeds for societal change. …From Chamki in India to Zari in Afghanistan and Lola in Latin America, these, and other girl Muppets, have become the most popular characters among girls and boys alike.

FUCK OFF AND DIE!!! Nothing is sacred to you! No race, no culture, not even the innocence of children!

Men Advocating Real Change

At P&G, we believe that the requisite skills to succeed as leaders in 2018 and beyond include the ability to be empathetic and inclusive. Given the critical role men play in advancing women and in achieving gender equality, we have partnered with Catalyst on their MARC. (Men Advocating Real Change) initiative. Through this effort men better understand the impact that stereotypes, unconscious bias and male-dominant culture have on women’s career progression. In less than two years, MARC workshops have reached almost 800 P&G managers across more than 15 countries, with plans to expand further in 2019. Several other Fortune 500 companies, invited to join the P&G-hosted workshops, have been inspired to launch their own MARC initiatives.

And so it goes. Proctor & Gamble is a fully converged monstrosity of national government subversion to U.N. principles. As for their actual products, this report documents how sustainable their product lines are being made rather than how popular or competitive they might be. Honestly, what kind of pathetic mangina cares if the recycled plastic of his shampoo bottle is 10% ocean trash-sourced?

Ever-higher prices with neither Whites nor Men welcome. I do not see a bright future for P&G.



Doctor Doom Spoke Truth To Power

Coming to my attention a year late is Marc “Dr. Doom” Faber, an eccentric economist, low-quality prophet and awesome, kick-ass pundit. Doom was Converged out of his work in October 2017 for unrepentant race realism.

‘Dr. Doom’ Faber: ‘Thank God white people populated America’


Market doomsayer Marc “Dr. Doom” Faber has launched a racially charged diatribe in his latest newsletter, alleging that the U.S. is great primarily because it is ruled by white people.

The eccentric Gloom, Boom & Doom report author, who often speaks on CNBC and other financial media, generally forecasting some type of market downturn, focused his latest comments on the racial conflicts happening around the country.

(A CNBC spokesperson said it will not book him in the future.)

How mature of them. The only thing worse than CNBC punishing a man for speaking well of its own white customers is the fact that many of those white customers probably couldn’t accept the compliment at face value:

“And thank God white people populated America, and not the blacks. Otherwise, the US would look like Zimbabwe, which it might look like one day anyway, but at least America enjoyed 200 years in the economic and political sun under a white majority,” he wrote.

“I am not a racist, but the reality . no matter how politically incorrect . needs to be spelled out.”

Reached for comment via email, Faber did not back away from his statements to CNBC.

Yes, this is how you do it. Speak truth and do not apologize. Doom still got deplatformed but that was the worst the SJWs could do to him.

“If stating some historical facts makes me a racist, then I suppose that I am a racist. For years, Japanese were condemned because they denied the Nanking massacre,” he told CNBC in an email.

In the newsletter, Faber’s comments address the confrontation in Charlottesville, Virginia, directly. Protesters clashed in August over a white nationalist rally called Unite the Right in Charlottesville, where officials were debating the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue from the University of Virginia campus.

The violence sparked a national debate over race and monuments that honor prominent Confederate figures that Faber decided to weigh in on.

Faber called the monuments “statues of honourable people whose only crime was to defend what all societies had done for more than 5,000 years: keep a part of the population enslaved.”

Ouch. Putting aside the fact that the War of Northern Aggression wasn’t about slavery, Faber has an excellent point. Most societies are at least partly feminized and women don’t accept equality. All men are either above them or below them, and the easiest way for a man to be sexy is to cut down all the men around him. This is the driving force behind slavery in all of its history and forms.

Per Wikipedia, Faber was subsequently asked to resign from the boards of Ivanhoe Mines, Sprott Inc. and NovaGold Resources. U.S-based Sunshine Silver Mining Corp, Vietnam Growth Fund managed by Dragon Capital, and Indochina Capital Corporation also dismissed him, Faber told Reuters. CNBC, Fox Business, and Bloomberg TV said that they do not plan to book Faber in the future. Faber continues to stand by his remarks.

His article isn’t available on the Internet but Business Insider published the relevant excerpt:


In the October edition of his report, which is available only in print and was seen by Business Insider, Faber focused on the economic policies of major governments.

In a section of the report discussing “Free Markets and Capitalism Versus Socialism,” Faber variously decried the tearing down of Confederate monuments as well as what he called the “liberal media” and New York City’s “righteous socialist” mayor, Bill de Blasio.

Faber said contemporary society focused too much on issues like the monuments rather than on issues such as the growing amount of outstanding debt and “unfunded government pension liabilities.” The report then went into an aside regarding his thoughts on the Confederate monuments.

From the report:

I don’t want to enter into a serious discussion of the tearing down of monuments of historical personalities, but I cannot omit mentioning how the liberal hypocrites condemned the Taliban when they blew up the world’s two largest standing Buddhas (one of them 165 feet high), situated at the foot of the Hindu Kush mountains of central Afghanistan, in 2001. But the very same people are now disturbed by statues of honourable people whose only crime was to defend what all societies had done for more than 5,000 years: keep a part of the population enslaved. And thank God white people populated America, and not the blacks. Otherwise, the US would look like Zimbabwe, which it might look like one day anyway, but at least America enjoyed 200 years in the economic and political sun under a white majority. I am not a racist, but the reality . no matter how politically incorrect . needs to be spelled out as well. (And let’s not forget that the African tribal heads were more than happy to sell their own slaves to white, black, and Arab slave dealers.)

Well, THAT clears the picture. He didn’t just thank God for White America, he outed the SJWs as hypocritical terrorists and remembered that Black Americans were originally sold into slavery by their own people. Doctor Doom bit the hand that fed him but it was likely coming anyway. Some of his economic predictions from Wikipedia:

Faber is credited for advising his clients to get out of the stock market before the October 1987 crash.

So, he did have accomplishments early in his pundit career.

In 2000s … In December 2008, Faber said, “I think a recovery will not come in the next couple of years, maybe in five, 10 years’ time”. Subsequently, the S&P 500 index rose by 48% from 865.58 on January 1, 2009 to 1282.62 on January 1, 2011.

In 2009, Faber predicted with 100% confidence that the Federal Reserve’s policy of keeping interest rates near zero would lead to hyperinflation approaching levels seen in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe’s inflation rate reached 89 sextillion percent in a previous report.

It seems Faber also accurately predicted the 2010 housing bubble. What he didn’t predict was the lengths the Obama administration went to in order to prop up those insolvent banks. While the S&P 500 Index gained 50%, I worked five different jobs to put food on my table.

In 2012, Faber claimed that there was a “100% chance” of a global economic recession later that year or in early 2013. Subsequently, the average world product grew steadily by 3.4% in each of 2012, 2013 and 2014, and 3.5% in 2015.

In 2012, Faber predicted that the S&P 500 index would fall at least 20% within 6.9 months following the re-election of Barack Obama.[19] Subsequently, the S&P 500 index rose from a low of 1359.88 on November 16, 2012 to 1480.40 as of January 1, 2013, 1570.70 on April 1, 2013 (up 15% from the November low, 6 months after Faber’s prediction), 1668.68 on July 1, 2013 (up 22% from the November 2012 low) and 1783.54 on November 1, 2013 (up 31%).

After those impressive banking gains during America’s Second Great Depression, these statistics have been cooked beyond all possibility of accurately measuring economic reality.

On March 27, 2013, Faber said that the U.S. is creating nowhere-to-hide bubbles in many emerging economies such as Indonesia, Philippines, and Thailand (up four times from 2009 lows).

On September 23, 2014, Faber said we have “bubbles everywhere”.

Those banking gains had to come from somewhere. Maybe Doctor Doom was a better predictor of “economics assuming no globalist intervention”:

On January 14, 2015, Faber predicted that gold prices will rise by 30% in 2015. Gold prices subsequently fell by 14% from $1234 on January 14, 2015 to $1060 on December 31, 2015.

Gold is a famous hedge against inflation and uncertainty. Per the following website, gold stayed high in 2015 until 19 June at $1,200. It then dropped steadily and didn’t rise back above $1,100 until 10 August. It stayed above $1,100 until 5 November, when it quickly but erratically dropped to around $1,060.


What Faber didn’t predict was Donald Trump. Trump announced his Presidential campaign on 16 June. Election day was 3 November.

Faber has been long term bearish about the American economy for a number of years, and continues to be so. He concluded his June 2008 newsletter with the following mock quote:

“The federal government is sending each of us a $600 rebate. If we spend that money at Wal-Mart, the money goes to China. If we spend it on gasoline it goes to the Arabs. If we buy a computer it will go to India. If we purchase fruit and vegetables it will go to Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala. If we purchase a good car it will go to Germany. If we purchase useless crap it will go to Taiwan and none of it will help the American economy. The only way to keep that money here at home is to spend it on prostitutes and beer, since these are the only products still produced in US. I’ve been doing my part.”


Marc Faber, aka Dr. Doom, sticks to stock-swoon call - MarketWatch

Marc Faber?s forecast for the U.S. stock market is frightening - MarketWatch

Oh, wait. Doctor Doom might not have been joking about the whores and ale. Not only is his left eye considerably more guarded than the right, look at those unequal determination lines between the eyebrow. Even his nose is unequal. When you have a face that is lopsided and not because of damage, it’s because there are two faces on the same skull. One trick to analyzing a face like this is mirroring. I began with this, the most front-facing pic I found:

And then I copied one side of his face, flipped it and overwrote the other side of his face. My apologies for this being poor quality; Doom is not actually a fathead with respect to the outside world.

His personal life has more determination lines, thinner nostrils (less social energy), eyes practically buried behind squinty defenses and a lower corner to his mouth. His legendary pessimism comes from his personal life, not his professional life. Had his external outlook been pessimistic, he would likely not have wanted to become a talking head.

In closing, a couple awesome quotes via Fortune Magazine:


When Faber was asked about his opinions on the abilities of African Americans and their capacity to “deliver economic progress,. he simply replied, .May I suggest you travel extensively through Africa and you will find . hopefully the answer..

When asked for comment on the Post report and the backlash over his comments, Faber told Fortune that, .If this is the only sin I committed in my life I would feel like a saint..


Choose the Form of the Destructor 8: Venice!

Leftoids are warming up to Trump’s idea of Build The Wall to keep out undesirables… but only for their own neighborhoods, so far. Reality stalks the dark streets of Venice, Los Angeles like a meth addict!

LA’s Battle for Venice Beach: Homeless Surge Puts Hollywood’s Progressive Ideals to the Test


by Scott Johnson and Peter Kiefer, 11 January 2019

Venice, aka Venice Beach because of its marina, is east of Malibu and south of Santa Monica. (Per Google Earth, Malibu still exists post-inferno.)

With swelling transient encampments abutting seven-figure homes, the beachside enclave has emerged as a flashpoint for the inequality shaping Los Angeles . and a real-world test case for the liberal ideology of the area’s showbiz residents.

Let’s keep score of Liberal Ideology versus Reality! 0:0

After the first attack, Randy Osborn figured it was just his turn. Tire slashings in his east Venice Beach neighborhood had become commonplace.

Crime just happens, yo. 1:0

But when his vintage Land Rover was hit a sixth time in the course of a few months, Osborn, who runs a small virtual reality company and has lived in Venice for seven years, began to worry he was being singled out.

“It may have been random, but it sure felt targeted and concentrated,” says Osborn, who now protects his tires each night with a jury-rigged plywood-and-chain contraption that has so far deterred the assailants. Every time he takes his family out of town, he worries about his house being robbed. “It’s not a very fun way to live,” he says. A lot of residents within Osborn’s 15-block area just east of Lincoln Boulevard . where actor Viggo Mortensen owns a home and director Jon Favreau is opening a production office . have similar stories. And though they can’t say for sure, Osborn and others suspect the crime is tied to several homeless encampments that have sprung up nearby in the past 15 months.

1:1. I remember liberals buying “The Club”, metal bars that locked onto your steering wheel to prevent theft. I remember some would-be carjacker getting kneecapped by one. I remember The Club quietly disappearing after Leftoids saw how a five-pound pronged steel bar could be used as a weapon. Ladies and Gentlemen, world-famous Ronco presents: The Woody!

Los Angeles is grappling with a homeless epidemic. “It’s the worst human catastrophe in America,” says Andy Bales, a pastor who runs the Union Rescue Mission on Skid Row. Faced with a growing crisis, city leaders last year budgeted more than $100 million for affordable housing, addiction treatment, job placement and mental health services.

You get more of what you subsidize. 2:1

And yet, as L.A.’s real estate prices soar, so does the city’s homeless population. And nowhere have the twin forces of inaccessible housing and inequality created a more explosive mix than in Venice Beach, a hotbed of entertainment executives and talent where the median home price is $1.9 million. Many of these residents are now grappling with a quality-of-life issue that defies their own liberal ideals.

They SAY they want equality but what they DO is $2M private estates. 2:2

Sleepless in Seattle and Community producer Gary Foster, who moved to the area two years ago from Westwood and works with the homeless advocacy group The People Concern, says he was surprised by the number of residents who expressed exasperation with . if not outright disdain for . the transient population.

He lied to defend the Narrative. 3:2.

“They tend to be liberal, they want to do good in the world, but they’re balancing their beliefs with how that might impact the value of their real estate,” says Foster, who began his activism after producing The Soloist, about a journalist who discovers a musical savant living on Skid Row.

Find any prodigies amongst the homeless lately, Foster? 3:3. First quarter’s done and it could be anybody’s game!

“There are actually [residents] advocating driving the homeless out of Venice . shipping them off somewhere, which is such a proto-fascist move,” says television writer Evan Dunsky, a 27-year resident of the area. “And then what? Do we have to build a wall around Venice?”

He’s more worried about the consumers than the producers. 4:3.

On Venice Boulevard in front of Vice Media’s offices, a chain-link fence was erected to prohibit tents from going up. Residents around Penmar Golf Course have started a GoFundMe page and have hit their goal of raising $80,000 to fill a pedestrian pathway with native plants and landscaping . a project being called the Frederick Avenue Pass-Through but whose real objective is to deter the large encampment that has ballooned there.

BWAAAAHAAAHAAAA!! Trump’s enemies built a wall to keep the beggars out! Grand slam home run for Team Reality!! 4:7!

Venice is now home to the largest concentration of homeless anywhere on L.A.’s Westside, with nearly 1,000 non-domiciled people. During the past 18 months, several encampments have swelled in more residential areas where homes can easily sell for eight figures and up. Tents, many of them equipped with mini refrigerators, cupboards, televisions and heaters, vie with pedestrian traffic.

Residents who live near the encampments say mail regularly goes missing. Break-ins have jumped. Hypodermic needles and human waste are appearing on sidewalks and at local playgrounds. Residents have complained to police about harassment and even physical assaults. “This is more of a criminal problem than a homeless problem,” says Carly, who lives next to the so-called Frederick camp adjacent to the Penmar Golf Course and who declined to give her last name out of safety concerns.

There’s no correlation between homelessness and petty crime? 5:7.

“There are crime problems in Venice,” concedes Mike Bonin, whose Council District 11 includes Venice Beach. Bonin has come under intense criticism for his handling of the homeless crisis by Venice residents displeased with his support of a measure to introduce a massive, $5 million transitional housing project in their city.

The residents demand safety, not subsidies! 5:8.

At the same time, Bonin says, “I can’t accept the idea that there is an inextricable link between crime and homelessness. It is wrong, it is not backed up by the data, and it leads to bad policy.”

It’s there, the data back it up and it leads to happy, clean neighborhoods. 8:8. Tied again at halftime!

Disagreements over the potential causes of the crimes have begun to factionalize Venice’s neighborhoods. “It was six months of terror, absolute terror,” says radiologist Maria Altavilla, who lives in east Venice. She says that the period of increased health and safety concerns coincided with the expansion of the homeless encampments the past year. She recently arrived home with her two children to find a woman shooting up in her yard. Lately, her husband has expressed a desire to move because of his frustration with the encampments.


Several residents shared an unconfirmed theory . suggested to them by a local patrolman . that certain assailants were using the social media app NextDoor to monitor which residents are most vocal about their opposition to encampments and then targeting those individuals for retribution.

Only in America would the homeless coordinate over social media. 8:10.

Hmm, that sounds exactly like Antifa’s modus operandi.

As the problem worsens, homeowners are banding together to try to reclaim patches of sidewalk in an effort to deter future encampments. At the corner of Millwood Avenue and Lincoln, bulky wood planters now hog much of the sidewalk. Those planters emerged mysteriously two months ago outside a Staples office supply store that was once a popular resting spot for a handful of tent dwellers. The same pattern can be seen on another block, further south on Palms Boulevard, where similar metallic planters have recently appeared.


“Honestly, I think we are a step and half away from vigilantism,” says a talent manager who has lived in the area for two decades. “I feel like this is heading toward a Guardian Angels type situation that you saw in 1970s New York. Someone is going to go out there with a lead pipe and give someone a serious beatdown. It’s awful to say, but I don’t see what prevents that from happening.”

The Unlikely Rise of an Alt-Right Hero | The New Republic

8:12 and if it ever happens, victory by a knockout. Or three!

Life in Venice Beach has always come with its own distinct form of urban grittiness. Unlike its bougie neighbors to the north in Pacific Palisades and Malibu, Venice has embraced its counterculture past. It’s the land of head shops and street art that celebrates icons like Jim Morrison, Dennis Hopper and Jerry Garcia. And, to a degree, that grittiness added to the area’s allure, helping turn Venice into one of L.A.’s most desirable neighborhoods. Venice now counts as residents actress Emilia Clarke, screenwriter Mark Boal and Participant Media’s David Linde, among many others in the industry.

Some girls have shredded jeans. Emilia Clarke has a shredded home! Her acting work on “Game of Thrones” is about to pay dividends in real life. 9:12.

The area also has become “Silicon Beach,” home to tech giants Snapchat and Google.

Now that’s just creepy, how Big Tech spawns neighborhoods of incredible economic inequity in its wake:

Dunsky has witnessed Venice’s transformation from a battleground for gangs to one that boasts several Michelin-starred restaurants. A self-proclaimed progressive, Dunsky says he fears that recent gentrification has altered people’s sympathies. “There is a fever of money in Venice that has nothing to do with its past. Whatever progressive elements were historically here have dwindled, and they’re being replaced by tech money.”

That’s right. Big Tech is not your friend any more than homeless druggies are your undiscovered artists. The score is 9:13 coming into the homestretch!

“It’s worse than it’s ever been,” says Tami Pardee, Venice’s top real estate broker, who moved to the area in 1993. “But sometimes it has to get like this for a real movement to start.”

Viva la Revolucion! 10:13.

Compass’ Mark Kitching says that in the past year, four buyers he worked with opted out of purchasing after unpleasant encounters with homeless residents when touring the area. “The Palisades is looking way more attractive when you are thinking about schools and cleanliness,” he says.


The most common refrain heard when discussing the cause of L.A.’s homeless crisis is soaring housing costs. But there are other forces at play in Venice and throughout the city involving various laws and ballot measures that date back more than a decade. A 2006 ruling by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Jones v. City of Los Angeles required that law enforcement and city officials no longer enforce the ban on sleeping on sidewalks anywhere in the city until a sufficient amount of permanent supportive housing could be built.

That was a massive judicial overreach even by the standards of the Ninth Circle. But no civil disobedience! A double header! 12:14.

Further complicating matters were two state ballot measures that voters overwhelmingly approved in 2016 . Propositions 47 and 57 . which decriminalized certain felonies to misdemeanors in an effort to address the state’s overburdened prison system. Officials, including Bonin, admit that those measures have complicated matters for law enforcement, who make arrests only to see the same perpetrators back on the street days later.

Prop 47 passed 60-40. It minimized penalties for drug possession. Prop 57 passed 65-35. It facilitated early parole for nonviolent drug offenses. Still think the Drug War is a bad idea? 14:14.

The people living in the encampments say they have been unfairly maligned, even as they admit there is little policing when they do break the law. … “We get away with a lot,” says Randy “Dee” Collins, 25, who adds his family has long owned property in Venice and that he has chosen a life on the street against their wishes. The Frederick camp, home to about a dozen tents and twice as many people, is littered with nine weeks’ worth of trash. These homeless people say neighbors are openly hostile to them. Collins says he offered one resident money for water but “she didn’t want to participate in anything that would help us.”

One and one. 15:15.

John Maceri, executive director of The People Concern, takes issue with residents who complain about the problem and then go on to criticize every proposed remedy. “The criminal element needs to be dealt with, but statistically, homeless people aren’t committing more crimes than other people, it’s just more visible and they are easier to blame,” he says.

In the context of Big Tech Elites, this could be true. Foul ball!

Things reached a boiling point at a packed town hall meeting in October, when residents got a chance to address the city’s plans to open a 154-bed transitional (“bridge”) housing shelter set to be built on a former Metro bus yard at Sunset and Pacific avenues (the plan was approved by the City Council in December). At the four-hour meeting, Bonin and Mayor Eric Garcetti were targets of angry chants and tirades that effectively centered on whether Venice was being asked to unfairly shoulder the burden for the entire Westside’s homeless population.

Bad photo op for the Garcetti 2020 Presidential campaign. 15:16.

Even the homeless woman at the Frederick camp says the city’s housing plans aren’t a viable long-term solution. “I’m not going to rub my tummy and jump through hoops just to live inside,” she says, “I shouldn’t have to go through that much of an act just to get housing. People should be allowed to live how they want.”

Shiv, baby, shiv! 15:17! The crowd is on its feet! Hear the roar! Reality is ascendant!

Bonin alleges that critics of the city’s efforts are resorting to hyperbolic, inflammatory language in an effort to smear the homeless. “The similarities in the language used when referring to the homeless and how Trump refers to immigrants is startling.”

Touchdown! order: Latest news, Breaking headlines and Top stories, photos & video in real time ...

Bonin denounced his own constituents for having MAGA attitudes! What a game! Happy Friday!


The American Psychological Association Whores Itself to Every Victim Group in North America

How can a psychologist treat your mental problems if they start out believing there are no problems, only differences? And why should you trust a psychologist whose ethical standards include a “subject to change without notice” clause? Presenting the “APA GUIDELINES for the Psychological Practice with Boys and Men”

Click to access boys-men-practice-guidelines.pdf


Boys and men are diverse with respect to their race, ethnicity, culture, migration status,
age, socioeconomic status, ability status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and religious affiliation. Each of these social identities contributes uniquely and in intersecting ways to shape how men experience and perform their masculinities, which in turn contribute to relational, psychological, and behavioral health outcomes in both positive and negative ways.

Translation, there is no “normal” male psychology. This is a scary opening assumption for a purportedly medical organization. How can they fix your mental problems if they start out believing there are no problems, only “differences”?

Although boys and men, as a group, tend to hold privilege and power based on gender, they also demonstrate disproportionate rates of receiving harsh discipline, academic [failings], mental health issues, physical health problems, public health concerns, and
a wide variety of other quality-of-life issues.

WHICH IS IT, MOTHERFUCKERS? Do men have special privileges or do we slit our wrists after getting kicked out of school after our grades fell when the constant male-bashing depressed us?

As much as I despite The Last Jedi, it’s informative for being the feminist manifesto performed for the silver screen. Recall that the all-male villains were simultaneously a deadly evil with every advantage and clownish buffoons easily manipulated by every bitter twat smaller than a Trigglypuff.

Same behavior here. Feminists hate men, they WANT to hate men. Even in the middle of discussing modern male problems of addiction, school failings, mental illnesses and fricking suicide, wimminz and their manginas won’t give up their accusation of male privilege. They need us to have male privilege even as they reduce us to empty, lifeless shells because if we didn’t have privilege then we’d be victims… of wimminz, no less.

Additionally, many men do not seek help when they need it, and many report distinctive barriers to receiving gender-sensitive psychological treatment.

They also report distinctive barriers to refusing gender-sensitive psychological treatment. Strike that, preteen children aren’t old enough to legally speak for themselves.


The development of guidelines for psychological practice with boys and men may help
to attend to the barriers that lead to the aforementioned disparities. Indeed, the American Psychological Association has developed guidelines for psychologists working with specific populations such as gay/lesbian/bisexual clients, racial and ethnic minority clients, older adults, transgender and gender-non-conforming persons, and girls and women.

Is anybody missing from that list? White… male… men… not including Baby Boomers.

The APA also has developed guidelines for psychological practice in health care delivery systems, forensic psychology, and psychological evaluation in child protection matters. These guidelines serve to improve service delivery among populations, stimulate public policy initiatives, and provide professional guidance based on advances in the field. Accordingly, the present document offers guidelines for psychological practice with boys and men.

Revisiting my opening question, the purpose of the APA has shifted from treating mental illnesses, malfunctions and other abnormal issues to implementing the feminist and globalist agendas. The Convergence of the APA is complete. It is nothing but a skin suit for the enemies of Christ.

Purpose and Scope

Professional Practice Guidelines are statements that suggest or recommend specific professional behavior, endeavor, or conduct for psychologists. Guidelines differ from standards in that standards are mandatory and may be accompanied by an
enforcement mechanism. … Guidelines may be superseded by federal or state laws…

Why is that? If a law requires malpractice, should the psychologist act according to his personal expertise or the whims of legislators? Why doesn’t a professional organization even pretend that its members are more likely to be knowledgeable about its own field than elected officials?

Answer, because the purpose of the Converged APA is now to implement gov’t policy, not to promote mental health.

In addition, consistent with the recommendations and procedures outlined by APA (2015b), these guidelines will need to be periodically reviewed and updated at least every 8 to 10 years, from the year of acceptance by the APA Council of Representatives, to take into account advances in research, changes in practice, and the effects of changing contemporary social forces and context. Hence, readers are advised to check the current status of these guidelines to ensure that they are still in effect and have not been superseded by subsequent revisions.

As I said in this post’s beginning, these guidelines on ethical conduct are subject to constant review and updating, and Good Citizens must check them regularly to ensure Narrative compliance.

The beneficiaries of these guidelines include all consumers of psychological practice including clients, students, supervisees, research participants, consultees, and other
health professionals.

Goodbye mental illness, hello mental health consumers!

Rather than offering a comprehensive review of content relevant to all areas of practice, this document provides examples of empirical and conceptual literature that support the need for practice guidelines with boys and men.

Yes, give us examples. Continuing:

Gender refers to psychological, social, and cultural experiences
and characteristics associated with the social statuses of girls and
women or boys and men, whereas sex refers to biological aspects
of being male or female


Cisgender is used to refer to people whose sex assigned at birth is aligned with their gender identity. These guidelines address conflict that cisgender, transgender, and
gender-nonconforming individuals may experience due to societal expectations regarding gender roles.


Truth refers to statements intended to convey a socially acceptable perception of reality.


Cistruth is used to refer to truths whose social acceptance is aligned with objective reality. These guidelines address conflict that cistruths, transtruths, and truth-nonconforming statements may experience due to societal expectations regarding morality.

Okay, I slipped in the second two.


The term gender bias refers to beliefs and attitudes that involve stereotypes or preconceived ideas about the roles, abilities, and characteristics of males and females that may contain significant distortions and inaccuracies. Psychologists have an ethical obligation to recognize and confront these biases.

An ethical obligation to defy Christianity.


Masculinity ideology is a set of descriptive, prescriptive, and proscriptive of cognitions about boys and men. Although there are differences in masculinity ideologies, there is a particular constellation of standards that have held sway over large segments of the population, including: anti-femininity, achievement, eschewal of the appearance of weakness, and adventure, risk, and violence. These have been collectively referred to as traditional masculinity ideology.

A cistruth!

Additionally, acknowledging the plurality of and social constructionist perspective of masculinity, the term masculinities is being used with increasing frequency.

Not that I’ve heard. The Left gives out new words like candy.


Oppression includes discrimination against and/or systematic denial of resources to members of groups who are identified as inferior or less deserving than others. Oppression is most frequently experienced by individuals with marginalized social identities; is manifested in both blatant and subtle discrimination in areas such as racism, ageism, sexism, classism, and heterosexism; and results in limited access to social power.

Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be the Whole of the Law. -Aleister Crowley. Anything else is oppression!


Privilege refers to unearned sources of social status, power, and institutionalized advantage experienced by individuals by virtue of their culturally valued and dominant social identities (e.g., White, Christian, male, and middle/upper class; McIntosh, 2008).

I left in this professional reference. Following are the ten guidelines followed by an excerpted paragraph of my choosing.


Psychologists strive to recognize that masculinities are constructed based on social, cultural, and contextual norms.

This is a religious statement, not a scientific statement. “‘There is no Creator God to define how humans should behave.” Also, “sex hormones are a social construct”.

Many men are socialized by friends (e.g., mimicking behaviors and interests), family (e.g., imitating parent and sibling behaviors), peers (e.g., conforming to group social norms to avoid ostracism), and society (e.g., adhering to media portrayals of gender conformity) to adopt traditional masculine ideals, behaviors, and attitudes. Yet for some men, this dominant ideology of masculinity has inherent conflicts. For instance, dominant masculinity was historically predicated on the exclusion of men who were not White, heterosexual, cisgender, able-bodied, and privileged. Moreover, the ideal, dominant masculinity is generally unattainable for most men. Men who depart from this narrow masculine conception by any dimension of diversity (e.g., race, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression) may find themselves negotiating between adopting dominant ideals that exclude them or being stereotyped or marginalized.

If “stereotyped or marginalized” means “cast into Hell by an Angry Christ” then I agree.


Psychologists strive to recognize that boys and men integrate multiple aspects to their social identities across the lifespan.

Refugee and immigrant boys and men often have different experiences from boys
and men born in the United States as their development is shaped by traumatic experiences. Moreover, the painful experiences associated with becoming the target of racism and inequality can lead some minority males to avoid identifying with their cultural heritages.

Skin suit, I tell you. They’re working illegal immigration into their model of masculinity.

Boys and men who are members of more than one minority group may have an especially difficult time resolving identity-related conflicts. For example, gay boys
and men of color may experience racism in the LGBT community…

…While the Left continues eating their own.


Psychologists understand the impact of power, privilege, and sexism on the development of boys and men and on their relationships with others.

Several controlled experiments have found that adult men who endorse sexist male role norms are likely to aggress against male and female participants who violate those norms.

Anybody with moral standards are more prone to “aggress” the violators of said moral standards than people with no moral standards. In fact, you can’t have group standards of any kind if you don’t insist that others follow them, which ironically is the APA’s motivation for this very handbook.

Additionally, traditional masculinity ideology encourages men to adopt an approach to sexuality that emphasizes promiscuity and other aspects of risky sexual behavior, such as not learning a partner’s sexual history or engaging in sex without protection from pregnancy or disease transmission. Indeed, heterosexual men’s adherence to traditional, sexist aspects of masculinity has been connected to sexual assault perpetration, as well as decreased condom use and increased casual .hook-up. sex.

They blame heteros for the behavior of homos. Sodomy is beyond disgusting, diseased and N>1,000 but I must admit, monogamists don’t use many condoms. Just one more, #2 is so good to fisk:

In addition to increasing the possibility of engaging in violence, men who accept sexist constructions of masculinity are often restricted by codes of conduct that inhibit their ability to be emotionally vulnerable and form deep connections in adult relationships. For instance, although the isolating effects of these beliefs likely depend on a variety of social and ecological contexts, numerous studies have provided evidence that endorsement of sexist male roles is related to men’s fear of intimacy and discomfort with physical affection with other men.

Sexist constructions of masculinity are badthink because they discourage sodomy. Speaking of, societies that are notorious for punishing sodomy tend to have lots of physical affection between men. They know it isn’t about feeling out the other guy’s arse.


Psychologists strive to develop a comprehensive understanding of the factors that influence the interpersonal relationships of boys and men.

Did NAMBLA write this handbook? Boys are not men. They should not be grouped with men for a psychologist promoting “masculine behavior”. But nearly the entire handbook talks as if “boy” is a synonym for “man”.

Psychologists strive to use a variety of methods to promote the development
of male-to-male relationships. Toward addressing this goal, psychologists recognize and challenge socialization pressures on boys and men to be hypercompetitive and hyper aggressive with one another to help boys and men develop healthy same-sex friendships.

Friendships based on emotional intimacy and freedom from traditionally normative sexual behavior instead of mutual respect and shared experiences. We can read between those lines. If NAMBLA didn’t ghost-write this then they must have been underbid.


Psychologists strive to encourage positive father involvement and healthy family relationships.

Yes, let’s talk about the involvement of fathers in their families.

Provided that positive paternal engagement and inclusive communication tend to
have long-term emotional and psychological benefits for both children and fathers, psychologists strive to promote healthy father involvement and father engagement in treatment with their children and families.

Instead of promoting fatherhood, the APA promotes “healthy father involvement, provided it brings long-term benefits”. Aside from this, the article only mentions “nonresident fathers” and “changing demographic trends” without anything about how the new nonresident, nonbreadwinner father might not have been a voluntary choice on Daddy’s part.

Incredibly, the word “divorce” does not show up once in the entire handbook.


Psychologists strive to support educational efforts that are responsive to the needs of boys and men.

They mean institutional educational efforts specifically. Since when is gov’t-controlled K-12 schooling an imperative of mental health?

The provision of a high-quality education characterized by a safe and supportive learning environment, a challenging curriculum, and systematic career education
and counseling enhances the intellectual, emotional, and social development of individuals and helps them to prepare for their future roles in the community and

In the bad old days of patriarchy, we built schools so that people would be able to understand God and the natural world He made. Today, the gov’t builds schools to produce well-behaved, profitable worker bees. This is now a priority for the American Psychology Association.

Dept. of Education delenda est.


Psychologists strive to reduce the high rates of problems boys and men face and act out in their lives such as aggression, violence, substance abuse, and suicide.

Aggression and violence are morally neutral… not “problems” except to tyrants and passive-aggressive anklebiters. (Feminists are both.) Substance abuse and suicide are what’s happening to White America as their options for resisting this mindfuckery are closed off.

Although the vast majority of males are not violent, boys and men commit nearly
90% of violent crimes in the United States (United States Department of Justice,

Because women aren’t strong enough to be violent, not even against each other. Female cat fights are harmless entertainment whereas when men lay into each other, bones break and blood spills. It is recorded that female police use their firearms much more often then men do; given the chance, women will be MORE violent than men because they haven’t had the incrementally aggressive experience of male adolescence to understand the morality of great power.

In fact, one criminal justice theory of street gangs is that they’re prone to violence because the boys haven’t been allowed the chance to learn second-order masculine behaviors such as respect and patience. That comes partly from learning the healthy limitations of what violence can accomplish. Being male isn’t just that I can make serious threats against you; it’s that you can, too, so maybe we should cooperate instead of finding out who would win in a dark alley.

Childhood physical and/or sexual abuse victimization has been found to be a significant precursor to aggressive behavior in boys and men.

They are shameful hypocrites for saying this immediately after their Guideline on the promotion of “intimacy” between boys and men.

Other risk factors for aggressive behavior include poor parental and teacher supervision, low academic achievement, frequent viewing of violent media, and living in high crime neighborhoods.

This is a correlation implying causation argument. If unsupervised boys act violent then is that because they end up feral or because they would be violent if not restrained? Do violent games cause violent kids, or do violent kids enjoy violent games? And OF COURSE a person is more likely to be violent if they live in a violent neighborhood. One guess where all the violent people are concentrated!

I learned about correlation implying causation in high school. These frauds have PhDs and decades of clinical practice.


Psychologists strive to help boys and men engage in health-related behaviors.

Do they mean mental health? No, they mean socio-sexual-politico-racial-economic-health-related behaviors. Everything BUT mental health:

In addition to social norms that impact most men’s health behaviors, the health challenges for men from historically marginalized groups (e.g., men of color, men with disabilities, gay and bisexual men, transgender men) are long rooted in sociopolitical, sociohistorical, and sociostructural forces that oppress and stigmatize individuals. Men and boys of color suffer from higher rates of HIV, cancers, heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, diabetes, and other health conditions compared to their White counterparts. Insensitivity to racial stereotypes, the interaction of race and gender, cultural values and mores, immigration status, and social and economic conditions have a significant impact on the health of men of color as well as those who live in poverty.

The NAMBLA study group has had its turn to talk, now it’s the NAACP study group’s turn.


Psychologists strive to build and promote gender-sensitive psychological services.

Simultaneously, psychologists worry about increases in child sex abuse.


Psychologists understand and strive to change institutional, cultural, and systemic problems that affect boys and men through advocacy, prevention, and education.

Please, you busybody neckbearded Ivory Tower lunatics, just leave us alone. Don’t advocate for us, don’t control our behavior and to Eternal Hell with your worthless education.

Some men encounter institutional, cultural, or systemic barriers to their well-being, as evidenced by societal problems wherein men are disproportionately overrepresented. For instance, one of the major areas affecting boys and men is the high incarceration rate in the United States.

Move over, law enforcement! The psychologists have arrived to show you how your job is done. This must be talk time for the Crime Is Society’s Fault study group.

For example, men account for 93% of all adults in federal prison to date, and although African American and Latino males constitute approximately 7% and 8% of the general population, respectively, they make up 37% and 34% of the federal prison population. Native American men are imprisoned at more than 4 times the rate of White men. These racial, ethnic, and gender disparities may be the result of racial, ethnic, and gender stereotypes.

Or, they may be the result of an impartial criminal justice system applied to different races with different ideas about what is acceptable behavior.

Although most violence is perpetrated by men, most men are not violent. Consequently, men are often stereotyped as aggressive and violent.

One final act of shameless hypocrisy to tie off this fisking. The APA releases an entire handbook dedicated to combating the violence of hegemonic traditional masculinity and then admits, down at the bottom, that most men aren’t violent.

Stick a fork in the APA, God. They’re done. Then throw one of them lightning bolts at the fork. Such hypermasculine aggression will serve to impose Your hegemonic notions of don’t rape boys upon the emotionally sensitive hindquarters of Your enemies.


Gunner Q Wants Out of Commiefornia

Everything has aligned and it’s time for me to GTFO of California. I had plans that are no longer feasible and don’t want to be on the Left side when the Shitocalypse happens.

But where to go?

I do civil engineering so I need a urban area, either large town or small city, and of course I prefer to live among white people resistant to Convergence. Having rivers or other water bodies nearby would be a plus. Can my readers recommend a region to look at? Most of my family is on the Left Coast so I don’t have contacts in flyover country. But it needs to be a place you know for yourself. Statistics are like rugs, they lie everywhere.

I once lived in Colorado and would go back but it sounds Californicated.


MGTOW Life: Sex Made Them Stupid

I pride myself on being tough but fair so today’s Dindu is a white Okie.

Grandfather of Oklahoma teen killed by homeowner in burglary says AR15 made for ‘unfair’ fight


2 April 2017

One would think there’s be no more to this than the headline… but lo and behold!

Three Oklahoma teenagers were killed last week when they broke into a house and were met by a homeowner with an AR15. Now the grandfather of one of the teenagers is speaking out about his grandson’s death.

According to KTUL-TV, Leroy Schumacher, grandfather of 17-year-old Jacob Redfearn, believes the death of Redfearn was unjustified because the homeowner’s AR15 gave him an unfair advantage over the three burglars.

Speaking to KTUL, Schumacher acknowledged that breaking into a house was “stupid,” but death was not the appropriate consequence.

“What these three boys did was stupid,” Schumacher said. “They knew they could be punished for it but they did not deserve to die.”

“Brass knuckles against an AR-15? C’mon. Who was afraid for their life?” Schumacher said.

Being stupid is not a crime but acting stupid can be fatal.

The homeowner who pulled the trigger has not been charged with any crimes because police say he acted in self-defense. But Schumacher reinterated his belief that the consequences literally did not fit the crime.

“There’s got to be a limit to that law, I mean he shot all three of them . there was no need for that,” he told KTUL.

So far, another Saturday night in flyover country.

In addition to Redfearn, 19-year old Maxwell Cook and 16-year old Jake Woodruff were also shot and killed in the home invasion. Getaway driver, 21-year-old Elizabeth Rodriguez, was uninjured but later arrested and charged with three counts of first-degree murder, one count of first-degree burglary and one count of second-degree burglary.

Police also say Rodriguez admitted to planning the burglary.

Whoa. Their female getaway driver was the boss of that little gang? She must have been hawt sexy! *checks* *PUKES*

elizabeth marie rodriguez, elizabeth rodriguez, elizabeth rodriguez oklahoma


Three teenagers dressed in black and wearing masks and gloves were killed by a resident when they broke into a home, Oklahoma authorities said Monday.

A fourth suspect, the alleged getaway driver, now faces first-degree murder counts in their deaths, authorities said.

The 23-year-old son of the homeowner fired the fatal shots from a AR-15 semiautomatic rifle, officials said. One suspect had a knife, and another carried brass knuckles.

The boys were aged 19, 17 and 16. The girl bossing them around was 21. Apparently, Rodriguez recruited them with sex and then convinced them to rob houses for her.

The Heavy confirms she was sexually active with Cook. Also, that she was a mother of three by age 21, no known father. Was baby-trap blackmail involved?

Elizabeth Marie Rodriguez: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

In her “About Me” section, she writes, …B.A.D..; Mommy to three little monsters; beautiful crazy disaster; living it day by day..

Not even good sex is worth dying for and no way was she good sex. The Thirst is Real, lads. Do not ever be That Guy. Or in this case, Those Three Guys Who Died For Miss Piggy.

As of 4 April 2018, Rodriguez pleaded not guilty to triple murder. She is not repentant.


Transsexuals Want To Be Normal Again

Do you know why California criminalized efforts to cure sexual perversion? Because many perverts want to be cured. To Social Justice, that’s a problem.

The new taboo: More people regret sex change and want to .detransition., surgeon says


Five years ago, Professor Miroslav Djordjevic, the world-leading genital reconstructive surgeon, received a patient at his Belgrade clinic. It was a transgender patient who had surgery at a different clinic to remove male genitalia . and had since changed their mind.

That was the first time Djordjevic had ever been contacted to perform a so-called “reversal” surgery. Over the next six months, another six people also approached him, similarly wanting to reverse their procedures. They came from countries all over the Western world, Britain included, united by an acute sense of regret. At present, Djordjevic has a further six prospective people in discussions with his clinic about reversals and two currently undergoing the process itself; reattaching the male genitalia is a complex procedure and takes several operations over the course of a year to fully complete, at a cost of some euros 18,000 (pounds 16,000).

Those wishing the reversal, Djordjevic says, have spoken to him about crippling levels of depression following their transition and in some cases even contemplated suicide. .It can be a real disaster to hear these stories,. says the 52-year-old. And yet, in the main part, they are not being heard.

It seems that contra Social Justice, human sexuality is NOT a social construct. The implications of that are fatal to the SocJus agenda of reinventing human sexuality.

Last week, it was alleged that Bath Spa University has turned down an application for research on gender reassignment reversal because it was a subject deemed “potentially politically incorrect..

No way that’s a real uni… ah, it’s in Bath, England. No idea about “Spa” but at least it isn’t “Salts”.

James Caspian, a psychotherapist who specializes in working with transgender people, suggested the research after a conversation with Djordjevic in 2014 at a London restaurant where the Serbian told him about the number of reversals he was seeing, and the lack of academic rigour on the subject.

According to Caspian, the university initially approved his proposal to research “detransitioning.” He then amassed some preliminary findings that suggested a growing number of young people . particularly young women . were transitioning their gender and then regretting it.

But after submitting the more detailed proposal to Bath Spa, he discovered he had been referred to the university ethics committee, which rejected it over fears of criticism that might be directed towards the university. Not least on social media from the powerful transgender lobby.

Speaking this week, Caspian described himself as “astonished” at the decision, while Bath Spa University has launched an internal inquiry into why the research was turned down and is at present refusing to comment further.

Launching an investigation must be 21st Century language for “of course it’s true”.

Until the investigation is complete, Djordjevic, who performs around 100 surgeries a year both at his Belgrade clinic and New York’s Mount Sinai Hospital, is unwilling to give his exact opinion on the apparent rejection, but admits he is baffled as there is a desperate need for greater understanding in reversals.

.Definitely reversal surgery and regret in transgender persons is one of the very hot topics,. he says. .Generally, we have to support all research in this field..

Djordjevic, who has 22 years. experience of genital reconstructive surgery, operates under strict guidelines. Before any surgery, patients must undergo psychiatric evaluation for a minimum of between one and two years, followed by a hormonal evaluation and therapy. He also requests two professional letters of recommendation for each person and attempts to remain in contact for as long as possible following the surgery. Currently, he still speaks with 80 per cent of his former patients.

That’s a respectably high level of professional concern. For him to be encountering clients with post-op regret to the point of suicide despite rigorous screening, the actual problem must be much worse.

Following conversations with those upon whom he has helped perform reversals, Djordjevic says he has real concerns about the level of psychiatric evaluation and counselling that people receive elsewhere before gender reassignment first takes place.

Djordjevic fears money is at the root of the problem, and says his reversal patients have told him about making initial inquiries to surgeries and simply being asked to send a cheque in return.

.I have heard stories of people visiting surgeries who only checked if they had the money to pay,. he says. .We have to stop this. As a community, we have to make very strong rules: nobody who wants to make this type of surgery or just make money can be allowed to do so..

Money isn’t the problem. Coercive sexual perversion is the problem. Trannies who want to go back to normal are living disproofs of the modern, Godless zeitgeist. Djordjevic doesn’t know it yet but he just discovered God is real.

To date, all of his reversals have been transgender women aged over 30 wanting to restore their male genitalia. Over the last two decades, the average age of his patients has more than halved, from 45 to 21. While the World Professional Association for Transgender Health guidelines currently state nobody under the age of 18 should undergo surgery, Prof Djordjevic fears this age limit could soon be reduced to include minors. Were that to happen, he says, he would refuse to abide by the rules. .I.m afraid what will happen five to 10 years later with this person,. he says. .It is more than about surgery; it’s an issue of human rights. I could not accept them as a patient as I’d be afraid what would happen to their mind..

Referrals to adult and child gender identity clinics in the UK have increased dramatically over the past 10 years. In April, the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, the only clinic for adolescents in England, reported 2,016 referrals to its gender identity development service, a 42 per cent rise compared to the previous year, which in itself marked a 104 per cent increase on the year before that.

Are these child-clients being discovered or manufactured?

The clinic stresses the majority of its young referrals do not end up receiving physical treatment through the service. While NHS guidelines state young people should not be given cross-sex hormone treatment until 16, concerns have been raised about the lack of regulation, particularly in the private sector.

Earlier this month, it was revealed a Monmouthshire MP, Dr Helen Webberley, was being investigated by the General Medical Council (GMC), following complaints from two GPs that she had treated children as young as 12 with hormones at her private clinic, which specialises in gender issues.

Webberley insists she has done nothing wrong, and there were no “decisions or judgments” made on the claims against her. .There are many children under 16 who are desperate to start what they would consider their natural puberty earlier than that,. she said this month.

Djordjevic feels differently, and admits he has deep reservations about treating children with hormonal drugs before they reach puberty . not least as by blocking certain hormones before they have sufficiently developed means they may find it difficult to undergo reassignment surgery in the future.

.Ethically, we have to help any person over the world starting from three to four years of age, but in the best possible way,. he says. .If you change general health with any drug, I’m not a supporter of that theory..

Djordjevic is proof that non-Christians can still be moral, honorable people.

These are profoundly life-changing matters around which he . like many in his industry . feels far better debate is required to promote new understanding. But at the moment, it seems, that debate is simply being shut down.

Miroslav Djordjevic - Wikipedia

Miroslav Djordjevic. I think the hoodedness of his eyes is merely ethnic. The cleft chin is associated by some with artistic talent, which I’m inclined to believe because of his concave nose… not what one would expect of a bookish type of surgeon. The nose tip is mildly bulbous, an indicator of desire for financial achievement.

He approaches his work as a cosmetic surgeon from the perspective of making a good living off artwork rather than biological or mechanical interest. Not a bad fit and he takes his art seriously, as would be indicated by his dimpled septum.

By contrast…

Ask a Sexologist - Online Sexologist 24/7

Helen Webberley. Sourced from https://www.doctorspring.com/ask-a-sexologist. Frizzy hair and it’s colored both unnaturally and carelessly… good indicators of an unstable personality. If that’s the best smile she can manage, she has a deeply unhappy personal life. She has no logical/rational traits in her face; rounded eyes, upturned nose, dramatic eyebrows, I would not expect such a face to be highly educated. The stethoscope is an obvious prop; those aren’t scrubs she’s wearing, another inconsistency in her appearance. High cheekbones is associated with assertiveness.

She’s largely incompetent as a medical doctor, which explains her ending up on an advice website, and her willingness to hormonally mutate children away from a normal life is more than enough confirmation of a poor mental state.

About that Doctorspring.com website. Here are the doctors standing by to advise you on “sexology”:

Five Hindus plus Helen Wobbly. Is this the face of polyandry? It’s almost as creepy as five male Japanese doctors and one tentacle. They tell you of true path good sex!

The contrast between a male Serbian artist wondering about the consequences of his life’s work against a British Borderline Barbie chemically castrating children against medical advice & ethics could not be more stark. And between them, Bath Spa University is worried about its reputation should it disapprove of the visibly deranged.

Not only does Social Justice not want to allow trannies to regret giving up their normal, God-given sex, it wants to poison children into transsexuality before they even know what “normal” means.



70 Is the New 30

Bumming on the Baby Boomers never gets old. Apparently, neither do Baby Boomers. The NY Times sucks up to the last people on Earth who respect the Old Grey Lady:

Am I .Old.?

https://www.nytimes com/2018/12/13/well/mind/age-aging-old-young-psychology.html

By Steven Petrow, 13 Dcember 2018

A few years ago at a college reunion, I listened transfixed as the silver-haired philanthropist David Rubenstein urged us “to accelerate” as we entered the last chapters of our lives. Pick up the pace? So many of my contemporaries were stopping . if not stooping . to smell the roses.

With his admonition in mind, I recently spoke with Mr. Rubenstein, now 69, and asked him if he considers himself old. .Sixty-nine seems like a teenager to me,. he replied. Coincidentally, just a few days earlier, a 68-year-old poet I know, in between surgeries to help her mend after a fall, told me point blank, .I am an old lady now..

What makes one sexagenarian identify as old when another doesn’t? And what is .old,. anyway?

Having turned 61, this is a question very much on my mind . and likely to be on the minds of the 70 million baby boomers who are 50-plus (yes, even the tail end of the boom is now .middle-aged. or .old.). Dinner conversations are now hyper-focused on how to stay young or at least delay old.

If you’re wrinkled and spend more on doctors than food, then you’re old.

Certainly the definition of “old” is changing, as life spans have grown longer. .Someone who is 60 years old today is middle-aged,. said Sergei Scherbov, the lead researcher of a multiyear study on aging. When does old begin? I asked.

Dr. Scherbov says for Americans, it’s roughly 70 to 71 for men and 73 to 74 for women, though, as he has written, .your true age is not just the number of years you have lived..

Tell it to the Social Security Administration. Why are old farts not looking to the government for answers to these essential questions? They thought gov’t was the solution to everything else.

.The main idea of the project,. he told me, .is that an old age threshold should not be fixed but depend on the characteristics of people.” Factors such as life expectancy, personal health, cognitive function and disability rates all play a role, he said, and today’s 65-year-old is more like a 55-year-old from 45 years ago.

We’ve heard that reasoning before… somewhere…

As with beauty, the meaning of “old” also depends on the person you ask. Millennials, now in their 20s and 30s, say that old starts at 59, according to a 2017 study by U.S. Trust. Gen Xers, now in their 40s . and no doubt with a new appreciation for just how close they are to entering their 50s . say 65 is the onset of old. Boomers and the Greatest Generation pegged 73 as the beginning of old. Clearly, much depends on the perspective of who’s being asking to define “old.”

To that very point, I was curious to see how my friends who are 50-plus defined old . and asked them on Facebook. Among the dozens of responses, two made me smile: .Old is my current age + 4.. And this: “Tomorrow” Always tomorrow. Never today.” Perhaps the one most difficult to hear: .When you get called .ma.am instead of “miss.” (That will never happen to me, although I’m constantly called “sir” these days.)

Other friends pointed to various physical milestones as the visible line in the sand. A colleague posted: .When you can’t jog a 15-minute mile.” Another friend said, .When I have to stop playing tennis.” Others ominously noted cognitive benchmarks: .When you stop being interested in new information and experiences.” Many focused on “memory issues” as defining the onset of old.

The bottom line: “old” is subjective, a moving target.

We’ve heard this reasoning before, too. Nihilism? Existentialism? Hmm.

That.s why David Rubenstein, 69, the board chairman of both the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and the Smithsonian Institution and co-founder and co-executive chairman of the Carlyle Group, can claim he’s not old, while my poet friend, a year younger than he is, refers to herself as old.

That’s why Judge Ginsburg “isn’t too old” to serve on the Supreme Court.

.Negative ageist attitudes toward older people are widespread,. a 2015 analysis by the World Health Organization confirmed in a survey. Nearly two-thirds of the respondents, 83,000 people of all ages in 57 countries, did not respect older people, with the lowest levels of respect reported in high-income countries like the United States. Even more damning: These views adversely “affect older people’s physical and mental health..

They wouldn’t be Boomers if they were self-aware. “We ruined Western Civilization for fun and cash… why don’t you useless, worthless, easily replaceable kids respect us?”

The good news is that those views can be altered. .Like sexism and racism, changing social norms is possible,. wrote John Beard, WHO.s director of aging and life course. .It is time to stop defining people by their age..

Hear, hear!

Which brings up this post’s point. Let me re-quote the WHO director of aging… can’t even believe that office exists… “Like sexism and racism, changing social norms is possible”. Jesus is dead but Social Justice will save us!

Unbelievable. Well, no, the generation that abandoned Christ made no preparation for the eternal souls they don’t believe they have. That’s consistent. But by worldly standards, they won. Yes? They got everything they wanted in the world, less one Orange Man. There is virtually nothing left for them to consume.

And yet, they’re sufficiently upset about dying to comically defy the inevitable. Why not? Did they lack any good thing except “more”? Do they believe death is anything but quiet, painless oblivion in which nothing matters?

Why do they care that they aren’t respected? Is there something more to life than the power and wealth they eagerly consumed? If so, they when aren’t they belatedly embracing it now?

The fool said” there is no God” and now at the end of his misspent life, he’s terrified by a thought he won’t allow yet must deny. Ah, sweet schadenfreude.

Am I old yet? I say .no,. emphatically. I have every intention of staying active and engaged at least into my 70s, 80s and I hope longer. But my good intentions could be derailed. I have cardiovascular disease and suffer from depression, and cancer runs like a river through my family. My “go get “em” attitude could change with a single CT scan, car crash or loosened plaque in my arteries. Which means I may always be only a step or two away from crossing the threshold to old. All the more reason to pick up the pace now.

He’s not ready to die. That is a colossal mistake, not being ready for the most predictable event of one’s life. Like a whore in her twenties, he’s spending life as hard and fast and fun as he can in defiance of inevitable reality. Good thing he knows God isn’t real and will never call him to account!

Seems that God tolerates being mocked better than Death does.


Boba Fett Strikes Back

To the great surprise of socialists everywhere, California’s bail enforcement industry is not going quietly to its centrally decreed death. More than that, the situation has brought to my attention a Soros-level threat to Western Civilization: the Arnold Foundation. That’s John D. Arnold of the Enron scandal fame.

California Replace Cash Bail with Risk Assessments Referendum (2020)


The California Replace Cash Bail with Risk Assessments Referendum (#18-0009) may appear on the ballot in California as a veto referendum on November 3, 2020. The veto referendum seeks to overturn Senate Bill 10 (SB 10), a bill that made California the first state to end the use of cash bail for detained suspects awaiting trials. Instead, SB 10 instituted a system of risk assessments to determine whether a detained suspect should be granted pretrial release and under what conditions.

I didn’t find a news article announcing the fact that “Repeal Senate Bill 10” qualified for a voter referendum so had to use Ballotpedia.

California Gov. Brown (D) signed SB 10 on August 28, 2018, and the veto referendum to overturn the bill was filed on August 29. The American Bail Coalition, a nonprofit trade association, organized the political action committee Californians Against the Reckless Bail Scheme to advocate for the veto referendum.

I love your PAC’s name. Methinks bail bondmen don’t kiss much political ass.

SB 10 would go into effect on October 1, 2019. On November 20, 2018, proponents reported filing 576,745 signatures with election officials. At least 365,880 (63.44 percent) need to be valid for the referendum to appear on the ballot. Counties have until January 17, 2019, to conduct a random sample of signatures. Should enough valid signatures be certified, SB 10 would be put on hold until voters decide the bill’s fate in 2020.

What was SB 10 designed to change about bail in California?

SB 10 was designed to replace the state’s cash bail system with risk assessments to determine whether a detained suspect should be granted pretrial release and under what conditions. SB 10 was set to go into effect on October 1, 2019. The risk assessments would categorize suspects as low risk, medium risk, or high risk. Suspects deemed as having a low risk of failure to appear in court and low risk to public safety would be released from jail, while those deemed a high risk would remain in jail, with a chance to argue for their release before a judge. Those deemed a medium risk could be released or detained, depending on the local court’s rules. SB 10 would exempt suspects of misdemeanors, with exceptions, from needing a risk assessment to be released.[1]

SB 10 would require the countywide superior courts to establish pretrial assessment divisions, which would be tasked with conducting risk assessments and making recommendations for conditions of release. The Judicial Council, the rule-making department of the state’s judicial system, would decide which risk assessment tools are valid for use. SB 10 would not itself mandate what factors the tools need to consider, but the bill would state that the tools need to be accurate and reliable, as based on scientific research.

Naturally, I was very curious what these “risk assessment tools” might be. Is anybody surprised that a philanthropic organization with heavy Obama, Clinton and Enron ties just happens to have one ready to go? That’s the Arnold Foundation and they already provided their risk assessment tool to San Francisco gratis several years ago, to test it.

That testing became known as the Twin Peaks Killing.

Suspect in Twin Peaks killing released from jail days earlier


By Vivian Ho, 8 August 2017

Lamonte Mims, 19, is accused of killing 71-year-old Edward French in an attempted robbery on San Francisco's Twin Peaks on July 16, 2017. Photo: Courtesy, San Francisco Police Department

Lamont Mims, accused of murdering photographer Edward French

Fantasy Decuir, 20, is accused of killing 71-year-old Edward French in an attempted robbery on San Francisco's Twin Peaks on July 16, 2017.

Fantasy Decuir, also accused of the murder (and actually pulling the trigger). Note cutting eyelids and frizzy hair. Mims could have chosen a saner girlfriend.

One of two people accused of killing a 71-year-old film scout and photographer on San Francisco’s Twin Peaks last month had been arrested days earlier in the city for allegedly being a felon in possession of a gun, but was released from jail through a pretrial diversion program, records show.

City officials are now questioning the release of Lamonte Mims, a 19-year-old former resident of Patterson (Stanislaus County), who was on probation for burglarizing cars on Twin Peaks.

Mims was booked Monday and appeared in Superior Court on Tuesday to face charges including murder in the July 16 shooting of the film scout, Edward French, which occurred in the early morning during an apparent robbery attempt. A second suspect, 20-year-old Fantasy Decuir of San Francisco, did not appear in court after being hospitalized for an undisclosed reason, Assistant District Attorney Michael Swart said in court.

So, Mims was convicted on felony burglary charges, paroled and then violated parole by carrying a gun while associating with “another man” also illegally carrying a gun.

GQ risk assessment tool: Prior felony criminal record plus weapon-related probation violation plus probable gang association equals “lock him up for sure”. But San Francisco had a better idea:

In May 2016, San Francisco began experimenting with a computer algorithm that seeks to improve on the system of setting bail based on alleged crimes, taking into consideration whether a defendant might pose a public safety or flight risk.

The risk-assessment tool, developed by the Texas-based Laura and John Arnold Foundation, weighs a number of factors including the pending charges, the person’s age and rap sheet, and their record of showing up to court. The tool then makes a recommendation for or against release, which is sent to a judge who can follow or ignore the advice.

Though District Attorney George Gasc?n was a proponent of the tool, prosecutors and defense attorneys said they have seen assessments with which they did not agree. Alex Bastian, a spokesman for the district attorney’s office, said Tuesday there have been “many instances of contention..

.As it relates to this case along with many other cases, we have a disagreement with how that risk assessment is being calculated,. Bastian said. .They suggested release with certain conditions, and the judge carried out that recommendation and this defendant was released..

The Pretrial Diversion Project and the Arnold Foundation did not immediately return requests for comment Tuesday. …

San Francisco police said they linked Decuir and Mims to French’s killing while investigating a separate armed robbery that occurred near the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption at Geary and Gough streets on the morning of July 28. A 53-year-old man and a 33-year-old woman had been robbed of their cameras and wallets at gunpoint.

In court Tuesday, Swart argued against Judge Donna Hitchens. decision to set bail for Mims and Decuir at $5 million, calling it “an insult.” He asked for $10 million, citing Mims. prior convictions and the murder charges against them. Hitchens kept the bail at $5 million.

A video by NBC states that Mims was categorized as a “moderate risk” by the Arnold system. Note that closing comment about a bleeding-heart judge giving Mims lower parole? On the one hand, the judge might have simply thought that Mims wasn’t going to pay a $5M bail in stolen cameras anyway. On the other hand, this excerpt from Wired Magazine paints a more ominous picture:



By Tom Simonite, 17 August 2017

IN JULY, SAN Francisco Superior Court Judge Sharon Reardon considered whether to hold Lamonte Mims, a 19-year-old accused of violating his probation, in jail. One piece of evidence before her: the output of algorithms known as PSA that scored the risk that Mims, who had previously been convicted of burglary, would commit a violent crime or skip court. Based on that result, another algorithm recommended that Mims could safely be released, and Reardon let him go. Five days later, police say, he robbed and murdered a 71-year old man.

On Monday, the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office said staffers using the tool had erroneously failed to enter Mims. prior jail term. Had they done so, PSA would have recommended he be held, not released.

It’s hard to believe that staffers “forgot” Mims had a prior felony record. In fact, it’s hard to believe the PSA would have accepted “probation violation” without the original conviction.

As programmers say, Garbage In, Garbage Out. No risk assessment tool can be immune to being intentionally provided false information. Apart from Arnold Foundation conspiracies, the use of algorithms puts the power of determining pretrial release in the hands of anonymous gov’t employees… underneath the plausible deniability of “this is what the algorithm said”. The Social Justice Warrior’s native habitat, power over others without responsibility.

*Checks* Judge Donna Hitchens is now retired and a proud founder of the National Center for Lesbian Rights. Hmm, which civil rights are lesbian-specific? But that goes off topic.

Mims. case highlights how governments increasingly rely on mathematical formulas to inform decisions about criminal justice, child welfare, education and other arenas. Yet it’s often hard or impossible for citizens to see how these algorithms work and are being used.

San Francisco Superior Court began using PSA in 2016, after getting the tool for free from the John and Laura Arnold Foundation, a Texas nonprofit that works on criminal-justice reform. The initiative was intended to prevent poor people unable to afford bail from needlessly lingering in jail. But a memorandum of understanding with the foundation bars the court from disclosing “any information about the Tool, including any information about the development, operation and presentation of the Tool.. …

The Arnold Foundation says it no longer requires confidentiality from municipal officials, and is happy to amend existing agreements, to allow officials to disclose information about PSA and how they use it. But a representative of San Francisco Superior Court said its contract with the foundation has not been updated to remove the gag clause.

Color me shocked. However, the Arnold Foundation did acknowledge the nine “inputs” that its algorithm uses:


The factors are:

  • Whether the current offense is violent
  • Whether the person had a pending charge at the time of the current offense
  • Whether the person has a prior misdemeanor conviction
  • Whether the person has a prior felony conviction
  • Whether the person has prior convictions for violent crimes
  • The person’s age at the time of arrest
  • How many times the person failed to appear at a pretrial hearing in the last two years
  • Whether the person failed to appear at a pretrial hearing more than two years ago
  • Whether the person has previously been sentenced to incarceration.

One wonders why individual judges cannot do for themselves what Arnold is building a national infrastructure to accomplish. They already have access to this information. Then, one remembers that most judges today are Social Justice Warriors like Donna Hutchins, who crave deniability no matter how personally powerful they are.

The major media haven’t said anything about the Arnold Foundation acting behind the scenes of SB 10. They certainly didn’t cover the active lawsuits against their pretrial algorithm:

Arnold Foundation Hires Bill Clinton’s Former Lawyer to Clarify The Foundation’s Complete Lack of Neutrality on Bail Reform.


by Jeff Clayton, Executive Director, American Bail Coalition (undated)

The Public Safety Assessment, a proprietary algorithm created by the Laura and John Arnold Foundation (hereinafter, “Arnold Foundation.), with the stated intent to use big-data to “moneyball” the criminal justice system, has been presented to public officials in numerous jurisdictions as simply an additional tool to help judges make better bail decisions by incorporating the risk of the defendant into such decisions. The Foundation posits itself as merely the neutral data-scientists helping to collect and analyze such information.

“Big Data” usage–statistical mining of massive datasets to make “discoveries”–is one of the primary sources of non-repeatable scientific studies.

Former U.S. Solicitor Paul Clement recently filed a lawsuit against the State of New Jersey, arguing that the new no-money bail system, which uses the Arnold Foundation tool, instead violates the federal constitution. That case is Holland v. Rosen, now pending before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, one level below the U.S. Supreme Court. Of course, in another federal case, Rodgers v. Arnold Foundation, et. al., the Arnold Foundation is being sued for products liability and wrongful death in New Jersey because their risk-tool counted a prior felon in possession of a firearm with a record a mile long as low-risk, only to be released on his own recognizance and then brutally murder another man days later.

I don’t see how any third-party algorithm provider can avoid endless lawsuits over product liability. Judges and related law enforcement personnel are given special legal immunities because their work would be impossible without them. It would be a very bad idea to extend those legal immunities to third parties.

The Arnold Foundation, however, recently made it clear in a legal filing that it has no respect for the state or federal constitutional right to bail, and that if it had its druthers, it would force the national implementation of what it describes as the “widely successful. New Jersey system.

In the Arnold Foundation’s now-unveiled quest to end money bail using a secret, proprietary algorithm, the Arnold Foundation has now opened up their significant war-chest to hire Bill Clinton’s former Solicitor General of the United States to advocate in favor of New Jersey’s no-money bail system. In the filing dated December 15, 2017, the Former Solicitor General Seth Waxman, a known supporter of progressive causes, makes clear what we knew all along.the Arnold Foundation produced its research and designed its algorithm in order to eliminate monetary bail in the United States by implementing the New Jersey system. In addition, the Arnold Foundation makes it absolutely clear that is against all use of the private bail system in the United States of America.

Yet, there is one big problem.most states have not and will not change their state constitutions or state statutes to embrace the Arnold Foundation’s ideologies, ideologies it shares with groups funded by billionaire George Soros such as the Pretrial Justice Institute. Elimination of the constitutional right to bail requires the changing of such constitutions, which now the Arnold Foundation has revealed it absolutely supports. …

Clearly, the fa?ade of neutral and unbiased science over at the Arnold Foundation has now evaporated more quickly than scarce water in a drought.

I’ll conclude with some Arnold Foundation highlights sourced from Wikipedia.

The Laura and John Arnold Foundation (also known as LJAF and as the Arnold Foundation) is a private foundation run by John D. Arnold, an American hedge fund manager, and his wife Laura Arnold. The organization was founded in 2008, the same year that the Arnolds signed the Giving Pledge, a pledge by some high-net-worth individuals to donate a large fraction of their income to philanthropic causes during their lifetimes.

The foundation has focused its donations on the issues of K-12 education reform, public pension reform, criminal justice reform, dietary policy, and improving reproducibility in science.

That last one is very odd for a philanthropic organization. Meanwhile, turns out that Soros, Arnold and friends are neck-deep in trying to seize control of floundering pension systems across the United States. I don’t have the economic skill to make sense of it.

In the period 2011.2016, LJAF made $684 million in grants, distributed as follows: $75 million for criminal justice, $206 million for education, $147 million for evidence-based policy and innovation, $1.5 million for planning, $81 million for research integrity, $5 million for science and technology, $56 million for sustainable public finance, and $112 million for new initiatives.

Anne Milgram worked as the Attorney General for the state of New Jersey where she worked to bring data to bear on the New Jersey state justice system and became a professor at New York University; she was recruited by the foundation to become its vice president for criminal justice. In a 2013 TED talk, she explained her work at LJAF creating tools to capture and use data to make the justice system more effective and efficient, which she called “Moneyballing crime”.

HAS 16 Keynote Anne Milgram: Data and Criminal Justice

Anne Milgram. With a face that, she could be the next director of the Sundance Film Festival. Alongside her Arnold Foundation duties, she’s a technical advisor to Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. This explains a lot about that show.

An overview of criminal justice reform in the United States by GiveWell listed the Arnold Foundation as one of the top foundations in the United States working in the area, along with the Open Society Foundation, The Pew Charitable Trusts’ Public Safety Performance Project, the Ford Foundation, Atlantic Philanthropies, the Public Welfare Foundation, and the Smith Richardson Foundation.[9]

The foundation funded continuous aerial surveillance of Baltimore, Maryland.

We all knew the aerial drone craze was going to result in that.

The foundation is also linked to questionable criminal justice practices. In 2016, The Baltimore Sun reported that the foundation donated $360,000 to fund a controversial surveillance program in Baltimore conducted secret, warrantless aerial surveillance of Baltimoreans on behalf of the Baltimore Police Department. The BPD conducted the surveillance without informing elected officials or the general public, suspending the program after public revelation.

Laura and John Arnold are listed as one of the biggest benefactors to the Wikimedia Foundation.

That’s a fun fact pairing.

The foundation has funded various politically-oriented 501(c)4 organizations, including Engage Rhode Island. Many of these organizations advocate pension fund reform, encourage state and local governments to reduce benefits to workers and to invest assets in riskier investments such as hedge funds. Some have criticized the foundation’s efforts, saying that hedge fund managers collect generous sums in fees for managing the funds, while the workers are left with reduced pensions.

Okay, maybe I do have the economic skill to understand why Enron’s hedge-fund wunderkind would want to charitably help pension plans invest in hedge funds. CONFLICT OF INTEREST, hello? INSIDER TRADING? Do we even have a Securities & Exchange Commission anymore?

LJAF’s attempts at pension reform have been met with hostility, and critics have argued that they have bought out groups such as the Pew Charitable Trust, the Public Broadcasting Service, and the Brookings Institution. In March 2014, the Chronicle of Philanthropy reported that Pensions and Investments had asked the Pew Charitable Trust to stop taking money from the LJAF because of the LJAF’s support for pension reform.

pew trusts arnold foundation

This political cartoon was found at the link in that paragraph.

One of the first projects funded by the foundation was research into obesity, which was drawn to Arnold’s attention when he heard an interview with Gary Taubes on the EconTalk podcast. Subsequent conversation between Arnold and Taubes led to the foundation funding the Nutrition Science Initiative in San Diego, where Taubes and Peter Attia and are trying to find the cause of obesity.

The cause can be found on the dollar menu of McDonald’s. They can track gym attendance too, if they feel a need to be all science-y about the topic.

The Deep State’s massive size is increasingly visible as entities like the Arnold Foundation emerge–organizations funded by shady market manipulations who exist to give cover to SJW allies in government. It’s all connected. Replacing bail with an algorithm that has already proven capable of delivering whatever results are wanted is a crucial step in forging ties between criminals and Elites.

How can we control our own communities when the likes of Arnold decide who gets out of jail free?


Deep Stater: Eric Orts

My last Deep Stater was from the NeoCon faction. This one is from the TDS faction. Dear Lord, TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME! Hillary Clinton must have been the True Antichrist, there’s no other explanation for all the enemies of Christ and America losing their minds over Donald Trump so completely that they’ve forgotten the importance of maintaining plausible deniability where the normies can see them.

The Path to Give California 12 Senators, and Vermont Just One

Maybe the two-senators-per-state rule isn’t as permanent as it seems.


By Eric W. Orts, 2 January 2019

Whoa, we got unpacking to do just from the title of this one. Why would Vermont losing representation be a good thing to a Democrat? Vermont is a Democrat stronghold.


When the Constitution was being drafted, there was debate over how the colonies would be represented in Congress. Powerful ones such as Virginia wanted representation proportionate to their headcount because they really liked the status quo of them being the big guys. Weak ones such as Rhode Island complained that that would leave them with the very “taxation without representation” that they’d just fought a war over.

The compromise was allowing both solutions and dividing legislative power between them. The representational House let the Big Boys have their populist pulpit while the Senate was “two per State” with longer terms of service, to ensure the smaller states wouldn’t be looted by the unwashed masses.

Which is why House members are called “Representatives”, not “House members”. They’re the ones who actually represent the American population while the Senators represent (at the time) the state governments not the people.

A law school would have charged you a year’s pay for that history lesson and then blamed it for Trump being President. Specifically, Wharton Law School at U. Pennsylvania. Orts’ bio from them:

Eric Orts

This is the only pic I have. It’s not enough for physiognomy.

Eric Orts is the Guardsmark Professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He is a professor of legal studies and business ethics with a joint appointment in management. He serves as an academic co-director of the NASD Institute at Wharton Certificate Program for compliance and regulatory professionals and directs Wharton’s Environmental Management Program. His primary research and teaching interests are corporate governance, professional ethics, and environmental management. His scholarly work is widely published in academic journals (mostly law reviews) and books.

Emphasis mine. A entire life spent in academia… academia that he doesn’t even value if it gets in his way, as this article proves. How ethical of him.

The article

In 1995, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan declared, .Sometime in the next century the United States is going to have to address the question of apportionment in the Senate.. Perhaps that time has come. Today the voting power of a citizen in Wyoming, the smallest state in terms of population, is about 67 times that of a citizen in the largest state of California, and the disparities among the states are only increasing. The situation is untenable.

House representation isn’t nearly that bad. He must be talking specifically about Senate representation but Senators were originally not elected by popular vote at all, but by their State legislature. They represented their State government directly. This changed with the 17th Amendment, championed by globalists such as William Jennings Bryan, SecState under Woodrow Wilson.

Pundits, professors, and policy makers have advanced various solutions. Burt Neuborne of NYU has argued in The Wall Street Journal that the best way forward is to break up large states into smaller ones. Akhil Amar of Yale Law School has suggested a national referendum to reform the Senate. The retired congressman John Dingell asserted here in The Atlantic that the Senate should simply be abolished.

One call to erase Statehood (and by extension, Federalism) entirely. Another call for a Constitutional Convention, which is the only national referendum permitted to override the U.S. Constitution. And a former Congressman who thinks he’s funny.

Nice friends you’ve got there, Eric. Did anybody you know vote for Trump?

There’s a better, more elegant, constitutional way out. Let’s allocate one seat to each state automatically to preserve federalism, but apportion the rest based on population. Here’s how.

The Constitutional way out is Senators representing none of their constituents. True equality!

Start with the total U.S. population, then divide by 100, since that’s the size of the current, more deliberative upper chamber. Next, allocate senators to each state according to their share of the total; 2/100 equals two senators, 3/100 equals three, etc. Update the apportionment every decade according to the official census.

Using 2017 census estimates as a proxy for the official one coming in 2020, the Rule of One Hundred yields the following outcome: 26 states get only one senator (having about 1/100 of the population or less), 12 states stay at two, eight states gain one or two, and the four biggest states gain more than two: California gets 12 total, Texas gets nine, and Florida and New York get six each. This apportionment shows how out of whack the current Senate has become.

In the new allocation, the total number of senators would be 110. The total is more than 100 because 10 of the smallest states have much less than 0.5/100 of the U.S. population but are still entitled to one senator each.

Why would they be entitled to Senate over-representation? If you’re going to argue thus then at least be consistent.

The obvious reply is, .This is impossible! The Constitution plainly says that each state gets two senators. There’s even a provision in the Constitution that says this rule cannot be amended.” Indeed, Article V, in describing the amendment process, stipulates that “no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate..

This seems like a showstopper, and some scholars say it’s “unthinkable” that the one-state, two-senators rule can ever be changed. But, look, when conservative lawyers first argued that the Affordable Care Act violated the Commerce Clause, that seemed unthinkable, too. Our Constitution is more malleable than many imagine.

The Supreme Court’s ruling was that mandating ACA did violate the Clause but taxing people for nonparticipation didn’t. When Trump ended that tax, a federal judge then declared it unconstitutional under the SCOTUS ruling, which is why Commiefornia is trying to set up an independent version of ACA.

First, consider that Article V applies only to amendments. Congress would adopt the Rule of One Hundred scheme as a statute; let’s call it the Senate Reform Act. Because it’s legislation rather than an amendment, Article V would.arguably.not apply.

Eric is a lying sack of shit. The reason the 17th Amendment was passed in the first place is because this exact reasoning is illegal. Illegal as in, lawbreaking.

Second, the states, through the various voting-rights amendments.the Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Nineteenth, Twenty-Fourth, and Twenty-Sixth.have already given their “consent” by directing Congress to adopt legislation to protect equal voting rights, and this delegated power explicitly applies to “the United States” as well as the states. The Senate Reform Act would simply shift seats according to population. No state or its citizens would lose the franchise.

True equality is when nobody gets a vote in Senator election… everybody is equally zero… which is what the Founders wanted. I demand equality!

Note that even states that did not ratify the voting-rights amendments have, functionally, consented to them, and thus also to the constitutional logic supporting a Senate Reform Act. As Justice Clarence Thomas explained in 1995, .The people of each State obviously did trust their fate to the people of the several States when they consented to the Constitution; not only did they empower the governmental institutions of the United States, but they also agreed to be bound by constitutional amendments that they themselves refused to ratify..

Remember, too, that the Constitution is a complex framework document that has evolved over the course of more than two centuries. The Civil War inaugurated a century of ever-increasing recognition of voting rights through the aforementioned amendments, which created a new constitutional principle that “the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State” on specific grounds of race, color, sex, or age. All of these amendments include exactly the same enforcement provision as well: “Congress shall have the power to enforce this [amendment] by appropriate legislation..

The War of Northern Aggression put to death the idea that D.C. rules with the consent of the governed. Ironically, that made an actual Civil War in America possible. Remember that war started when the South withdrew its consent to be governed? “Consent of the governed” meant a Civil War wasn’t needed to sort out national issues; the dissenter could just leave. Although Stinkin’ Lincoln didn’t allow that to happen.

Now that we don’t have the option to peacefully leave, we’re buying lots of guns as if Civil War is inevitable. Telling us that we today approved the Democrats’ current agenda 200 years before they wrote it because they titled it c-o-n-s-t-i-t-u-t-i-o-n is a great way to force this particular issue.

Race and what W. E. B. Du Bois called “the color line” are crucially at issue here because the current Senate allocation is heavily biased in favor of small states with predominantly white populations, and against large states where whites are in the minority or close to it. For example, in California, 38 percent of citizens are white. In Texas, that figure is 43 percent. Compare the two smallest states: Vermont is 94 percent white…

I’d wondered why he singled out Vermont in the post title. It was a Bernie state in the 2018 election. (Yes, in 2018 Vermont elected Bernie to… the U.S. Senate?! Is Bernie Derangement Syndrome a thing, too?) The whites there are very liberal but, per Eric, still need to be demographically decimated because they’re too white. Hmm, this puts a recent post in a darker light:


But continuing with today’s article:

…and Wyoming is 86 percent white. A comprehensive empirical review comparing the national population of whites, blacks, Latinos, and Asians with the median representation in each state found that “whites are the only group that Senate apportionment advantages.” Other, statistically smaller inequalities are present with respect to sex, age, and other constitutionally protected categories, such as sexual orientation.

Why is majority whiteness a problem? We’re tired of your “white man bad” game. You Leftoids had us fooled because surely a fellow white wouldn’t betray us so coldly and completely… well, now we know better.

Constitutional originalists will surely argue that the Founders meant “equal suffrage” in Article V to mean one state, two senators, now and forever. But the Founders could never have imagined the immense expansion of the United States in terms of territory, population, and diversity of its citizens.

Eric Orts needs his citizenship revoked. He doesn’t consider himself an American. His residency status should reflect that.

Remember also that even if one takes original intent as definitive…

Anybody who doesn’t has no business practicing law, let alone teaching it.

…the intentions informing Article V at the founding must be balanced against those behind the voting-rights amendments adopted a century or more later. These amendments clearly and repeatedly authorize Congress to protect “the right of citizens of the United States to vote” against any abridgement “by the United States.. The plain dictionary meaning of abridge is to “reduce the scope” of a right or to “shorten the extent” of it. Unequal Senate apportionment abridges the voting rights of citizens in large states, including nonwhite citizens in those states. This kind of inequality is within the delegated power of Congress to address.

Laurence Tribe of Harvard Law School has recommended that when an earlier constitutional text conflicts with later textual amendments, we should follow .time’s arrow.” We should keep in mind that the original one-state, two-senators rule was written and ratified by property-owning white men, almost half of whom owned slaves, and that the voting-rights amendments were adopted after a war to end slavery.

Damn, this white guy HATES whites! What did we ever do to you, Eric, to justify your genocidal wish list? Some of our ancestors using slave labor instead of prison labor, when slavery was legal and criminals were hanged? Since I couldn’t read Eric, I’ll read his friend Laurence.

Harvard Law's Laurence Tribe tells CNN viewers how to ...

Grandma? Whoa, Doppleganger alert. Anyway, very lined forehead for intelligence. (Had the lines been broken, it would indicate many intellectual interests, but this guy is focused.) Conformist ears except the tops poke out, which these days means vision problems. (It’s wearing glasses that turns the ear tops out.) At his age, the lines around his eyes don’t mean much; marital/sexual problems would have left deep furrows by now and some of those lines can indicate organ dysfunction. Problem glasses. Chameleon (thin, hard to see) eyebrows. Thin lips means poor emotional expression yet his eyes are rounded, giving mixed signals. A weak chin but with jowls: in youth he had a less forceful personality than later in life. Low nasal septum means he identifies closely with his preferred work. Slight bulb on the end denoting interest in wealth/prestige. Uniformly pale face. Triangle face shape, which I find correlates well with Gamma tendencies.

Conclusion, he’s a born rebel. Smart and steady enough to pursue a goal but lacking much in the way of emotional ties, so he can make and abandon allies easily. He reached celebrity status at a relatively late age but spent his entire career, as much as he could, in pursuit of what was truly important to him. (Marxism, apparently.)

*checks Wikipedia* Straight shot through law school, clerked around a couple years, went back to Harvard Law and got tenured almost immediately, where he played Spider In the Web ever after.

Frederick Douglass said the Civil War was fought to “unify and reorganize the institutions of this country,. and otherwise would have been “little better than a gigantic enterprise for shedding human blood.” He was right. Equality of voting rights is an essential constitutional principle that emerged from this struggle.and it’s been expanded since then in women’s suffrage, the civil-rights movement of the 1960s, and beyond.

Every civil war in history was fought to “unify and reorganize the institutions of this country.” Maybe that’s why Leftoids are now pushing hard for civil war against whites.

There are therefore two strong constitutional arguments in favor of a Senate Reform Act. It protects the equal right of every American citizen to a rough mathematical equality of voting weight and power in their national government.with a constraint, recognizing the virtue in federalism, of allocating one senator to every state at a minimum. And it corrects a heavy, unjustified bias favoring white citizens in the Senate. It doesn’t go too far to describe the current Senate apportionment as a vehicle entrenching white supremacy.

As I said in the introduction, Trump Derangement has the Left pushing their agenda so hard that they’ve forgone plausible deniability. What does Eric expect all those “muh Constitution and civil rights” useful idiots to think about him describing a Constitutional Senate as “a vehicle entrenching white supremacy”?

We don’t have to warn the middle anymore. We only have to quote the Left.

An additional argument supporting the plausibility of a Senate Reform Act is that the Supreme Court might see fit to stay out of the mix. The unelected, nonrepresentative justices might revive an old but good doctrine against overturning a federal statute unless Congress makes a “clear mistake” about its constitutionality. Or the Court might defer to Congress on this issue by invoking the “political question” doctrine, which requires treading lightly in areas where a democratically elected branch has been explicitly granted constitutional power.

Somebody is butthurt about Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

Several other structural benefits would follow from a Senate Reform Act. It would automatically mitigate the unrepresentativeness of the Electoral College, which allocates presidential electors to each state equal to the number of its congressional delegation.that is, the total number of representatives and senators. (I should point out also that if this reapportionment had, hypothetically, occurred prior to the most recent presidential election, the result would not have changed. Red gains in Texas and Florida would have offset a blue gain in California, and blue losses in New England would have balanced red losses in lightly populated western states.)

In large states, the election of multiple senators could allow a broader spectrum of political representation.e.g., both Ted Cruz and Beto O.Rourke.which might help reduce the poisonous polarization that characterizes our politics.

Way too little, way too late, Mister “the Constitution is whatever gets rid of white people the fastest.” You whine about “poisonous polarization” IMMEDIATELY AFTER SEETHING AT STILL-WHITE AMERICA’S EXISTENCE! EVEN LIBERAL WHITE AMERICA!

Last but not least, a new minimum of one senator for small states could ease the path toward statehood for the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, which are currently unrepresented in Congress. Adding one senator for each of these new states to a Senate of 110 would prove less difficult politically than adding four to 100.

The immediate political likelihood for passage of the Senate Reform Act is not great, in large part because it’s not only more democratic than the status quo, but more Democratic, too.

That capital “D” is his, not mine.

Taking the Trump electoral victory map of 2016 as a template, and applying it to the 110 senators created under the reform, yields a gain of plus-eight senators for Democrats and plus-two for Republicans. From a political point of view, then, Democrats should favor the reform.and one can imagine it passing in some alternative future, even if some Democratic senators from small states would have to vote in favor of fairness and principle rather than parochial and racial privilege. Republicans in large states might also be hard-pressed to vote against their own citizens. prospects for fairer and broader representation.

If a Democratic wave continues into 2020, then who knows, a Senate Reform Act could make America a democracy again.

Their hate for us is in the open now. Feels good. No more lies.



Choose the Form of the Destructor 6 AND 7!

Women in Northern California are too white to be feminists. Indeed, the Womens’ March political movement is falling apart in many ways as Care-Based Morality assumes the sale of feminism and moves on to non-feminist agenda items.

Women’s March event canceled over concerns of being ‘overwhelmingly white’


By Louis Casiano, 31 December 2018

Organizers of a Women’s March rally slated for Northern California next month have canceled the event, saying they were concerned that participants would have been “overwhelmingly white.”

In a news release, organizers for the march in Eureka . about 270 miles north of San Francisco . said Friday the “decision was made after many conversations between local social-change organizers and supporters of the march..

.Up to this point, the participants have been overwhelmingly white, lacking representation from several perspectives in our community,. the news release continued.

Have these people noticed how white their Antifa goons are? Maybe they should be more careful about disrespecting their own footsoldiers. Hey, Antifa, it’s okay to be both MGTOW and Orange Man Bad!

It’s okay to be white, too. Unless you’re Women’s March.

According to Census Bureau data from July, Humboldt County, where Eureka is the county seat, is 74 percent non-Hispanic white.

.I was appalled to be honest,. Amy Sawyer Long told the Washington Times. .I understand wanting a diverse group. However, we live in a predominantly white area . not to mention how is it beneficial to cancel? No matter the race people still want their voices heard..

That’s why it’s called the Womens’ March, so men can be heard too. Ah, silly me. Men are not people.

The rally, which had been planned for Jan. 19, would have commemorated the third anniversary of the original Women’s March, which was held Jan. 21, 2017, the day after President Trump took office.

Trump Derangement Syndrome again. Womens’ March isn’t just a movement. It’s a bowel movement!

The group said it is exploring shifting the rally to March to celebrate International Women’s Day.

The Women’s March movement has been marred by complaints from some black and Latina women, who’ve raised concerns that their input is often disregarded or overlooked, the New York Times reported.

Do they have a different way of hating Trump? Maybe they’re racist against Orange?

The cancellation of the march in California follows a previous one in Chicago.

Women’s March organizers in that city cited high costs and limited volunteer hours as reasons for nixing the annual rally, the Chicago Tribune reported.

.There’s no march, there’s no rally,. said Sara Kurensky, Women’s March Chicago board member. .We’re going to provide ways for people to organize and take action in their local communities..

Form of the Destructor 7: Taxes are too high to protest Donald Trump!

Meanwhile, the Women’s March national leadership has faced accusations of anti-Semitism because of ties to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

In a speech in February, Farrakhan praised a Women’s March co-President Tamika Mallory and declared “the powerful Jews are my enemy..

Leaders of Women’s March Inc. have come under scrutiny for not condemning Farrakhan’s rhetoric fast enough. The Nation of Islam is considered a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Earlier this month, a Washington state chapter of the Women’s March disbanded in protest because of the national group’s links to anti-Semitism.

Troll 11/10. We should take notes!

Marches and rallies are still planned for Jan. 19 in Washington, D.C., and dozens of other cities nationwide and internationally.

Free Cyntoia Brown! But not around me, please. I don’t have a man to protect me from her:



Bnonn’s Household Theology

A blogger named Bnonn has recently arrived on Dalrock’s radar by accusing him and associates of being woman-hating cultists. Not the most original accusation ever made against us but one commenter thought Bnonn was reasonably patriarchal, anti-feminist and pro-Scripture. Having already made light of the guy threatening to make a website against us, I felt obligated to check and see if perhaps the guy was a potential ally who got started off on the wrong foot with us.

Well… he has problems I have trouble even defining despite years in the Manosphere. On the one hand, Bnonn took the Red Pill. On the other hand, he coughed the Pill back up and invented “household theology”, my term, to justify women holding authority over men in violation of plain Scripture… which is the feminist agenda and surely not patriarchy from any perspective.


The nature of the sexual marketplace today is very different than throughout most of human history. In most cultures and times, it is not a cold, brutal fact of life in some winners-and-losers sense. Focusing on the United States, even thirty years ago it was extraordinarily uncommon for anyone to remain unmarried. Somehow, everyone seemed to find a spouse; by the age of 30 over 85% of people had married, and by the age of 45 over 95% had.See Percentage of U.S. women never married, by age, 1980 & 2015. Although the numbers do wax and wane through US history, the times when they were especially low were the result of war. But today, in the space of one peacetime generation, these numbers have changed dramatically: at age 30, over 40% of people are still unmarried; by age 45, they’ve just managed to catch up with the 30-year-olds of 1980. That’s a huge shift, but the fact that it has shifted should illustrate that it’s not pairing off per se which is the issue. Something else is going on.

That’s an odd conclusion. How did he come to think that people are still pairing off yet not getting married? The situation is obviously not common-law marriages replacing licensed marriages.

What is that thing? Most simply, I think it is the teardown of the household.

He has this theology about the household being the building block of society… not meaning the nuclear family because nations also count as households. It sounds a lot like Papism but he wants it applied Old Testament-style, not apostolic-succession style. A Papist Judaizer?

It is not the teardown of marriage, as you will generally hear Christians lament. That is too reductionistic. If it were merely marriage which was under attack, Christianity would offer a more effective bulwark.but lots of Christians value marriage, yet marriage rates in the assembly are down and divorce rates are up.

Wild idea here… maybe the institution of marriage isn’t supernaturally off-limits to the devil. Marriage must be fine because the Church would never allow marriage to be torn down! /facepalm

Neither is it the teardown of the patriarch, as many red pill pundits say. If that were so, then the mere reinstatement of patriarchy would solve the problem.but it typically produces cultism instead.

This is probably where his tweet of us being cultists comes from. We think men should wield authority; he thinks the household should wield authority. And women are part of the household. Hmm.

Memo to Bnonn, patriarchy is men having authority over women. It’s not about resurrecting the Biblical Patriarchs or installing new ones. In a few moments, in fact, you’ll be the one calling for Priest-Kings.

Rather, the effects we’re seeing today are the result of the household itself suddenly collapsing after over a century of having its key structural elements progressively weakened and removed. Tearing down the household obviously does involve tearing down marriage and the patriarch at the same time, but it’s a mistake to conflate the struts with the structure. When we do that, we miss the forest for the trees.

This is him spitting up the Red Pill.

For instance, I believe this teardown began much longer ago than most people realize: it started with the rejection of biblical republicanism in favor of flat democracy, rather than with what we’d today think of as egalitarianism or liberalism or feminism. Once social order began to be determined entirely at the individual level, with each person exercising equal, autonomous .micro-rule. through their personal vote, everything we’re seeing today inevitably followed.

Sigh. He certainly talks like a Papist, one of those people so cognitively dependent upon Church structure that he still thinks Protestants are the root of all evil. If only we would obey the authorities properly then we’d all have nice domestic wives… or something to that effect.

By the way, I’ve noticed Papists in Protestant circles also. I don’t use the term to mean the RCC specifically. There’s a certain mindset that just can’t handle life without an externally provided framework. Thus, I now distinguish between Catholics who follow Christ and Papists who follow Rome (or in Prot Land, Christians who always obey the State).

Bnonn’s Theology of the Household


To know what is appropriate for women in business, we need to first go back to what is appropriate for women in the household, and then figure out how business relates to that.

This is because the household is the primitive unit of society. It is the originator of order in the world. Adam’s household was also the original kingdom. As God’s son, Adam was a vassal king, representing God’s rule in creation.

This is the literary crime of eisegesis, the process of interpreting a text or portion of text in such a way that the process introduces one’s own presuppositions, agendas, or biases into and onto the text.

God is the originator of order in the world; I’ve never heard Him be described as a household in Scripture or even Trinitarian theology. Similarly, “Adam’s household” is a concept created by Bnonn, not Scripture. Adam & Eve never even had a marriage, so far as we’re told. Adam was God’s creation, not God’s son. Only Christ is God’s son; the famous John 3:16.

Bnonn claims these are households in order to support his preexisting household theology.

[Adam’s] house’s mission was to expand and carry on God’s work of establishing right order in the world.

No. The command was “be fruitful and multiply”, not “restore right order”. The best way for Adam to have achieved the latter would have been to refuse to reproduce and died for his crime, as justice demanded. Intentionally breeding more humans condemned to sin, that was God’s Will but not restoration of “right order”.

Furthermore, if that command was to all humanity then God contradicted himself in Christ’s teaching about eunuchs, that one could be a voluntary eunuch for God’s sake.

Furthermore, God imposed curses on Adam & Eve that they were powerless to undo.

(compare how Jesus, in the gospel which especially emphasizes his sonship, repeatedly speaks of doing only what the Father has given him to do)

Yes. God sent Christ to undo the works of the devil, which all humanity from Adam to now could not. That is why Christ is my savior and Adam is not.

So a household is a kingdom in microcosm. As it expands and becomes many households, the kingdom in turn expands into its fullness. But it does not fundamentally change form; it only grows into maturity. This is why Israel as a national kingdom is still called the “house of Israel. (e.g. Exodus 40:38).

This is the crux of his theology and is obviously not based on Scripture.

The purpose of marriage is to symbolize the ideal relationship between Christ and the Church. Wielding authority over third parties is not part of that symbolism. A man’s authority over his wife is not a king’s authority over his subjects.

God usually chooses evil men to wield power in this reality. He was the one who raised up Pharaoh to disobey Him, who chose Saul and Rehoboam and other disobedient and rebellious people… Jonah and Samson being notable. Having power over other humans, even having supernatural powers, is NOT REPEAT NOT an endorsement of virtue or proof of divine favor.

Israel was the literal father of the nation Israel, something made possible only by God’s careful planning. Defining nations by genealogy in the New Testament era is a hopeless task. The genetic permutations and combinations simply cannot be unraveled.

God carries his rule into the world through the fathers of households.

Scripture disagrees. When God acted through human intermediaries, He did so through men without regard to their marital status. Genesis Patriarchs, Moses, priests, prophets, kings, apostles and even His enemies. Only the accounts of Ruth, Hosea and Jesus involved a household and that by biological and genealogical necessity.

As a fast counterexample, Jeremiah surely carried God’s rule into the world yet God explicitly forbade him from marrying. Apostle Paul was also an element of bringing God’s kingdom into the world and he was glad to NOT be married at the time. They were not households.

Every father rules his own house, and as these houses multiply, the wiser fathers work together to rule their clans and tribes, all the way up to the national level.

That… is astonishingly wishful thinking. Which is it, “work together” or “rule their clans and tribes”? These are mutually exclusive concepts of gov’t. And why, in light of recorded history, does he think the wiser fathers rise to the top?

Notice he slipped in “up to the national level”. I think Bnonn doesn’t understand that nations are different entities from tribes. One is ethnically defined and the other is politically defined. He assumes that God wants all nations to resemble ancient Israel, conveniently forgetting both that Israel was uniquely designed for specific purposes and that the New Testament did away with any concern for genealogy and its related tribalism. “God can raise children of Abraham out of these rocks!”

The purpose of this is always right order: establishing and maintaining the relationships between people and God, and between people and people. A father is a priest and a king. This is the system we see Moses establish in Exodus 18; indeed, the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31 is married to a town patriarch who sits in the gate to judge disputes among the people, and to ensure the right order, the shalom of the houses under his care.

“A father is a priest and king?” Only within marriage, to honor the symbology of it but again, that situation does not involve authority over third parties.

What’s this about Exodus 18? That chapter describes Moses delegating his judicial responsibilities on the advice of his father-in-law. The criteria for new judges, per verse 21, was “capable men from all the people.men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain”. No mention of fatherhood at all. Also, no mention of allowing female judges. Also, no mention of priests, which in Moses’ time were Aaron and the Levites only.

Bnonn is twisting Proverbs 31 to claim that her husband’s household included ruling the town. This sort of eisegesis is how he claims all human authority is a “household”.

This brings us back to women in households and businesses. The virtuous woman of Proverbs 31 is a businesswoman. She assesses and buys a field; she plants a vineyard and sells the produce; she produces linen and trades it to merchants. But she does all this not as her own boss, nor as an employee, but as a wife. This is because the household was, until very recently, the basic unit of both order and production in society.

This is such a twisted reading of Proverbs 31 that I don’t hardly know where to begin. She’s a businesswoman who only does business as a wife, which makes no sense, and she operates a textiles factory but not as a boss or employee, and her household is full of both children and commercial vineyards.

The household is the basic unit of production in society? No, MEN are the basic unit of production. Don’t pretend women can work the mines or ranches. They need to keep home with the kids and make life more pleasant for her family, that’s what Proverbs 31 tries to say.

When the Bible speaks against women ruling, it is speaking against them representing God as father and king. It is speaking against them having priestly jurisdiction over how we must relate to God or others. But it is not speaking against them representing God at all, since otherwise they would not be the image of God! Women are made expressly to complete man’s representation of God, by filling and refining the world.

Translation, it’s okay for a woman to have authority over men so long as some man, somewhere has authority over her. This is what all his wordiness was leading towards.

Churchians do this same thing with marriage counseling. “Is your wife not obeying you? I shall intervene as God’s representative and determine whether she is right to disobey you!” Bnonn’s contribution is replacing the local priest with President Trump. That is not progress.

Bnonn is lying about women being made to complete man’s representation of God. God made Eve because Adam was lonely, not incomplete… remember God actually removed a rib from Adam in the process… and this “completion” was the person who led Adam into rebellion against God.

In fact, Adam being lonely is an image of God being lonely. He does not need humanity but He desires our company very much… enough to endure the Crucifixion to secure our freewilled loyalty.

For a woman to have authority in business is fine, because production is both a masculine and feminine mandate. A female executive is not representing God’s father-rule. But the business world itself is demented in that it has torn a rift between households and production, and this creates some very thorny difficulties for women to negotiate.difficulties they often negotiate poorly, and end up regretting when they are older. It masculinizes many women.short hair, power suits, bossy attitudes.and makes them both unattractive and miserable. If it is at all possible, it is far better for a woman to focus on stewarding the production of her own household than of an emaciated household-knockoff.

Let me close by simplifying this paragraph: Bnonn is unwilling to tell women No. Just like Adam in the Garden. Just like the complementarians. Just like the feminists.

Women are not to wield authority over men. Full stop.


SF Mayor London Breed’s Murdering Brother

London Breed (what a ghetto rat name! Imagine Ocasio-Cortes with an extra hundred pounds of blubber) has petitioned Governor Moonbeam for amnesty for her misunderstood brother who because of poverty and a childhood history of crack flu, murdered his getaway-driver girlfriend while fleeing the cops after the armed robbery of a restaurant.

Moonbeam, furiously signing blank checks in his last few hours before retirement, has ordered new DNA testing for Breed’s brother. I’ll start with the news article and then cover the true-crime story of Napoleon Brown. Suffice to say, the DNA retest will not possibly be enough.

SF Mayor Breed seeks brother’s release from prison


By Lauren Hern?ndez and Dominic Fracassa, 19 December 2018

San Francisco Mayor London Breed has asked Gov. Jerry Brown to release her brother from prison, where he has served nearly two decades of a 44-year sentence for a manslaughter conviction in the death of a San Francisco woman, according to the mayor’s office.

Breed.s brother, Napoleon Brown, now 46, pushed 25-year-old Lenties White from a getaway car on the Golden Gate Bridge after an armed robbery in June 2000. She was struck by an oncoming drunken driver and died.

Breed sent a letter to Gov. Brown on Oct. 23 asking him to “consider leniency” and commute her brother’s prison sentence. The letter appears to have been sent on personal stationery, but the heading and the body of the letter reference her position as the city’s mayor.

Breed.s status as mayor could raise questions about whether the letter constitutes an improper attempt to use her status to influence the governor’s decision.

Ya think? This is what our society has sunk to, now that concepts like “evil” have been replaced with concepts like “optimal from an evolutionary perspective”.

.I am very sorry for all the people I hurt with my crimes 18 years ago,. Napoleon Brown wrote in his letter to the governor, in which he details his efforts toward self-improvement while in prison. Though he blames his “crimes and bad behaviors” on addiction, he wrote, .I still take full and complete responsibility for all my actions.” And he asks for the opportunity to re-establish a relationship with his children.

Not good enough. Addictions don’t shove people in front of moving cars.

In her letter to the governor, Breed said that “Napoleon struggled early on with a sense of hopelessness. And like many others, he developed a bad drug problem at an early age. His drug addiction led to a young life of crime..

Some kids get chicken pox. Other kids get crack cocaine. Life happens, yo.

Breed has often portrayed her impoverished upbringing in Western Addition public housing as an example of overcoming obstacles to succeed in life, especially in a city with stark income disparities. In that narrative, she has mentioned that her sister died of a drug overdose and her brother was in prison.

Would Daddy Issues have made London Breed tougher on criminals?

Breed, 44, is two years younger than her brother. Her letter to the governor apparently contains the most information she has made public about his situation.

It was enough for people to notice that she lied to cops on behalf of her brother. More here, although I won’t cover it:


.Although I don’t believe the 44-year sentence was fair, I make no excuses for him,. Breed wrote. .His decisions, his actions, led him to the place he finds himself now. Still, I ask that you consider mercy, and rehabilitation..

Which is it, Breed? Either no excuses or no punishment.

Before she died from blunt force trauma and blood loss at a hospital, White told officers that Napoleon Brown had pushed her out of the getaway car she was driving, according to court documents filed in 2014 related to the case.

And now the story of Napoleon Brown.


On May 10, 2005, a San Francisco County jury found petitioner guilty of murder, four counts of robbery and carjacking, and found true robbery and carjacking felony-murder special circumstances, and personal use of a firearm and arming enhancements except as to the carjacking count. The trial court granted petitioner a new trial on the murder count and he was sentenced to 44 years and fourth months on the other counts. …

On November 29, 2011, the prosecution amended the murder charge to involuntary manslaughter and petitioner pled no contest to involuntary manslaughter and was resentenced to a total term of 42 years and four months in state prison on all counts.

Even the new, reduced sentence is still “unfair” per the current SF mayor.

On June 19, 2000, between 12:00 a.m. and 12:30 a.m., two African-American men entered the Johnny Rockets restaurant on Chestnut Street in San Francisco as three employees were closing the store and preparing to leave. One of the men, later identified by two of the employees as [petitioner], was carrying a chrome semi-automatic handgun. The other wore a red bandana over his face.

Which one was the genius mastermind, I wonder? “Bro, wear this ski mask so nobody can see your face.” “Okay but I’m still gonna bring me my special piece. I just had it chromed!” “Eh, you can forget the ski mask, then.” “Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about! Let’s go fuck some shit!”

The men forced the employees to the basement and made them lie face-down on the floor. The man with the bandana took money from each of the employees while [petitioner] escorted one of the employees to the safe and demanded that he open it. About this time, a fourth employee returned to the restaurant. The man with the bandana forced the employee to join the others in the basement and removed money from his pockets. [Petitioner] removed at least $7,200 from the safe before leaving the restaurant. Once the men left the premises, the employees called the police and reported the robbery.

Shortly after 12:30 a.m., Officer Gary Watts noticed two African-American men walking briskly towards him on Chestnut Street. One was carrying what appeared to be a red bank deposit bag. About 30 feet from him, they turned a corner and ran to a parked car in the next block that appeared to be waiting . . . with the taillights on.

Getaway girlfriend. Don’t cry for her.

The men got into the passenger side of the car, which immediately sped off. Watts ran to his unmarked police car, returned to the area in his car, and saw a vehicle two blocks ahead-the only vehicle in sight. As he pursued the car, he heard a radio dispatch concerning the robbery at the restaurant. He relayed what he had seen and reported that he was in pursuit of a car with the license plate number 4JLK910, later determined to be a Ford Escort. As the car approached the Golden Gate Bridge, Watts pulled next to it.

Cool, this went down on the Golden Gate! America’s #1 suicide destination.

He saw an African-American man in the passenger seat and an African-American woman driving the car. He could not see into the back seat because of the heavily tinted rear windows. Watts sped past the Ford and called for the Highway Patrol to stop the car. Watts waited in the bridge parking lot for the Ford to pass him and followed it on to the bridge. He did not activate his lights or attempt to stop the car.

Suddenly, the Ford pulled into the buffer lane in the center of the bridge and stopped. Watts stopped his car about 75 feet behind the Ford. The driver’s side door of the Ford opened and the female driver fell out, as if she had been pushed or kicked from the car. She tried to break the fall with her hands and rolled into the oncoming lane of southbound traffic, where she lay face-down, crying hysterically. As Watts got out of his car, a man exited the passenger side of the Ford. Watts yelled for him to get down on the ground but he ignored the command, entered the driver’s seat of the Ford and drove off. Watts had no doubt that the man he saw was codefendant Thorn. He could not see into the car and did not know if [petitioner] was in the back seat.

As the car drove away, Watts saw headlights approaching in the southbound direction and yelled for the female to get up. The woman, later identified as Lenties White, did not rise from the pavement before being struck by the oncoming car, which did not break or swerve before hitting her. Using videotape from the bridge surveillance cameras, Watts estimated that approximately 19 to 24 seconds elapsed from the time he pulled up behind the Ford until White was hit by the oncoming car.

Huh. I have to say, that wasn’t really murder. Manslaughter was the more appropriate charge. It might even have been the only suicide on the Golden Gate to not involve a swan dive.

At 12:57 a.m., Watts broadcast that the woman had been hit and that the robbery suspects were headed towards Marin. Minutes later three additional officers arrived on the bridge. Officers Michele Aschero and Keith Pasquinzo approached White, who was lying gravely injured on the road. Aschero asked the woman her name and date of birth and the woman identified herself as Lenties White with a birth date of May 17, 1975.

Good thinking on the cops’ part. Testing her memory validated that her statement was coherent enough to be admissible in court.

When Aschero asked her what had happened, White responded that S.B. threw me out of the car. The officers asked her to repeat the identity, and both officers clearly heard her say S.B. White also told the officers that S.B. lived at the intersection of McAllister and Fillmore and she asked them to contact her mother Sandra McNeil. The paramedic who responded to the bridge described White’s level of consciousness and awareness as remarkable, noting in his report that despite her traumatic injury, she remain[ed] oriented times two throughout transport. White died at the hospital later that morning from blunt force trauma and the resulting blood loss. She had a significant amount of cocaine in her system at the time of her death.

Keeping her conscious and aware despite no blood left in her body. An unpleasant death for a misspent life.

Meanwhile, at approximately 1:09 a.m., Highway Patrol Officer Paul Perez spotted the robbery suspect’s car traveling northbound on Highway 101 past Marin City. He activated his emergency lights and with four additional patrol cars followed the car on a high speed chase. The car was eventually stopped and the sole occupant, Thorn, was arrested. Inside the Ford, officers located two Johnny Rockets security cards. Thorn had $46 dollars on his person, but no money was found in the car.

Moron were still on Highway 101 (which crosses the Golden Gate Bridge) ten minutes later.

At trial, Samantha Jefferson claimed to remember very little about the morning of June 20. Her interviews with the police were admitted as prior inconsistent statements.

The girls never testify against the bad boys. Fortunately, they’re never cool-headed word ninjas either. The trick is asking them the same question twice.

In those interviews she told police that [petitioner] appeared at her home at approximately 5:00 a.m. that morning asking about White. He indicated that he thought something might have happened to her and he told Jefferson to turn on the news because he thought White was dead. They watched news coverage about the accident on the bridge involving a woman whose identity had not yet been released. [Petitioner] told her that White had been taken hostage while trying to buy cocaine. Jefferson told him she did not believe him, but [petitioner] insisted he had nothing to do with White’s death. Jefferson also told the police that [petitioner] used the nickname S.B.

Smooth Bastard? Shiny Browning? Skinny Banana? Meanwhile…

Kermit Allen was the driver of the car that hit White on the bridge. When Allen voluntarily surrendered at the toll plaza, officers determined that he was under the influence of alcohol and arrested him. Allen’s blood sample at 3:15 a.m. had an alcohol content of .10 percent. Highway Patrol Officer McClellen testified that based on his reenactment of the accident, he believed even a sober driver would have struck White.

Happiest DUI conviction ever.

Police recovered a red bandanna in the lobby area of the Johnny Rockets restaurant. DNA testing matched [petitioner’s] DNA to samples taken from the bandanna.

Oh, so Brown did bring a bandanna. What’d he do, take it off to eat an order of french fries while casing the joint?

Brown: … ..mumble.. …… …. ..mumble!… ..

Employee: Huh? I can’t understand you.

Brown: *rips off bandanna* Reach for the sky, muthafuckas! *throws it down to grab the employee’s shirt collar*

On June 20, 2000, Police Inspectors Anthony Camilleri and Antonio Casillas interviewed [petitioner’s] sister, London Breed. She told them that [petitioner] was known as Sonny or Sonny Boy. She thought he might also use the name S.B. While the interview was in progress, [petitioner] called Breed and spoke briefly with Camilleri. He told Camilleri that he used the nicknames Sonny and S.B. and acknowledged that he had been with White the previous night until about 10:00 p.m. Camilleri urged defendant to come to the police station to make a statement and [petitioner] agreed to call [him] later to make an appointment. Breed called later that day, however, and told Camilleri that [petitioner] would not be coming to the station.

Related image

No problem, that’s what arrest warrants are for.

Luette Harris, who was with [petitioner] at the time of his arrest, also knew [petitioner] to use the nickname S.B. [Petitioner] lived on Eddy Street near Webster, which is about three blocks from McAllister and Fillmore.

On August 6, 2000, [petitioner] was arrested on a warrant. He tried to flee but was apprehended without incident.

Dying girlfriend: Sonny Boy did it! *gack*

Next day’s girlfriend: Yeah, everybody calls him Sonny Boy.

Employees: Yep, that’s him! The only robber stupid enough to take his bandanna off.

DNA test confirms bandanna was his.

London Breed: I have him on the phone… yeah, he’ll come give a statement. … oops, sorry, he changed his mind.

Brown: *resists arrest*

Brown: *years later* I plead no contest, your honor.

And today, Moonbeam ordered a retesting of the DNA. I don’t think that could possibly be sufficient to exonerate him. At least it’s only taxpayer money.

Now for a lovely postscript:

Napoleon Brown, London Breed’s Brother: 5 Fast Facts

Last year [2017], Brown was convicted on an additional drug charge . he was found with heroin while in prison. That added another to years to his sentence. He will now be eligible for parole in the year 2032.

I don’t think he’s ready to “rebuild a life with his kids”.


Sheriff Adam Christianson Calls Out the Sacramento Traitors

California officer’s killing reignites sanctuary law fight


By AP, 29 December 2018

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) . A man suspected of killing a California policeman was in the U.S. illegally and captured while planning to flee to his native Mexico, a sheriff said as he all but blamed the state’s sanctuary law for the officer’s death.

Last I heard, ninety percent of all murders in Los Angeles are committed by illegal immigrants. At the time, they would simply offer themselves up for Federal deportation before the local police caught up to them.

A two-day statewide manhunt ended Friday with the arrest of Gustavo Perez Arriaga, who came out with his hands up as a SWAT team prepared to raid a home in Bakersfield, about 200 miles (320 kilometers) southeast of where Cpl. Ronil Singh was shot before dawn Wednesday.

Singh had pulled over a suspected drunken driver in the small town of Newman when he was fatally wounded and managed to fire back but didn’t hit the attacker, authorities have said.

Sheriff Adam Christianson, who led the investigation, blamed California’s sanctuary law for preventing local authorities from reporting Perez Arriaga to U.S. immigration officials for deportation after two previous drunken driving arrests.

.We can’t ignore the fact that this could have been preventable,. Christianson told reporters, asking why the state was “providing sanctuary for criminals (and) gang members. It’s a conversation we need to have..

Yes! Tell it like it is, Sheriff!

Image result for sheriff adam christianson

Image result for sheriff adam christianson

He has the oblong face shape, sometimes called “metal” face shape. Logical, efficient, loves to plan… not spontaneous, not much fun at a party. Good chin for assertiveness. The dramatic eyebrow and “diplomat ears” (when the middle part of the ear cup pokes out the most) suggest more social skill than his recessed, extremely flattened (read, logical) eyes would normally predict. Thin lips, too… that plus the eyes and face shape, don’t expect emotion from this guy. The top third of his face is dominant but with only faint concentration lines. Taken together, this is a guy of moderately high intelligence who focused on understanding and controlling people rather than understanding and controlling ideas. A very good face for a law enforcement higher-up.

Perez Arriaga crossed the border in Arizona several years ago and had worked a variety of jobs as a laborer, including at several dairies. The 33-year-old had gang affiliations and multiple Facebook pages with different names, Christianson said.

Multiple Facebook pages implies he was sexually active. There aren’t many other reasons for a male to be highly active under many aliases on social media. Well, maybe drug dealing, but dude, pot is legal in Cali now.

Gustavo Perez Arriaga

I have no idea what’s going on with those earlobes. Per the Chinese school, he will have ungodly horrible luck in the later part of his life. Well, we already know he’s unlikely to be a free man at that point.

The middle third of his face is dominant, indicating orientation towards status & ambition. A fleshy tip of the nose indicates concern for money… there’s a reason “Jew Nose” is a meme… which confirms the middle third of the face.

The mouth corners are turned downward, indicating an angry/pessimistic outlook on life. Lips are relatively thin but with a solid Cupid’s Bow, indicating sexual energy only. The right eye is more protected than the left (notice you can see part of the left upper eyelid) which suggests his personal life is well-ordered. I can’t be sure but think the nose is pointing downward, another indicator of selfishness or pessimism.

I’ve seen that face shape described in Chinese face reading but don’t know how to translate .. They are reputed to be practical, stubborn and family-oriented.

The shooting came as the political fight over immigration has intensified, with President Donald Trump and congressional Democrats at odds over funding for a border wall that has forced a partial government shutdown.

Trump tweeted about Singh’s killing Thursday, saying it was “time to get tough on Border Security. Build the Wall!.

Arrest the Traitors!

California.s statewide sanctuary law limits cooperation between local authorities and U.S. immigration officials and has drawn scorn from the Trump administration. It includes more than 800 exceptions for violent crimes and felonies and bars police from asking people about their citizenship status.

Gov. Jerry Brown has said the law strikes a balance between protecting families and ensuring consequences for serious criminals. His spokesman said Friday that if the suspect was a known gang member, police could have informed federal authorities.

“Serious criminals” means males convicted of multiple violent felonies. Moonbeam is willing to let them be deported only when the alternative is life in prison, which helps them escape justice once again while saving the state gov’t a fortune on incarceration.

.California law fully permits the sharing of information on dangerous gang members,. spokesman Evan Westrup said.

But only “dangerous” gang members, which this guy apparently wasn’t.

Former state Sen. Kevin de Leon, the Democrat who wrote the legislation, said it’s “highly irresponsible” to blame the law for the officer’s death.

.The type of tone and attitude that Sheriff Christianson has taken instills fear and panic in all immigrant communities. that could make people afraid to report crimes, de Leon told KNX-AM radio in Los Angeles.

Kevin de Leon is a member of the La Raza terrorist group.

Authorities have arrested seven other people, including Perez Arriaga’s brothers, 25-year-old Adrian Virgen and 34-year-old Conrado Virgen Mendoza; his girlfriend, 30-year-old Ana Leyde Cervantes; and a co-worker, 27-year-old Erik Razo Quiroz, authorities said. Three people were arrested at the home near Bakersfield.

All are accused of helping Perez Arriaga, who’s expected to be arraigned on charges Wednesday, authorities said.

Yep, Perez is a family-oriented guy.

Singh, 33, was also an immigrant, coming legally from his native Fiji to fulfill his dream of becoming an officer, authorities said. Singh had a newborn son and joined the 12-officer Newman police force in 2011.

Newman Police Chief Randy Richardson called him a patriot.

.This is a man that loved his country. This is a man that worked hard for what he believed in. He believed in this community,. the chief said at a community vigil Friday night honoring Singh.

I don’t like even legal immigration these days and why did he need to come all the way to North America to be a cop? But he came legally, wore the uniform well and was murdered in the line of duty, and that’s more than enough to get a pass from me.

Sheriff Christianson made my day. Let’s read more about him giving Migramento the riot act.

Stanislaus sheriff slams California sanctuary policies after arrest in officer’s slaying


By Evan Sernoffsky, 29 December 2018

Hmm, somebody must have confused the URL on this article?

A day laborer with gang affiliations and past arrests for drunken driving, who was in the country illegally, was captured outside Bakersfield in the high-profile killing of a Stanislaus County police officer, officials announced Friday.

But while the arrest of Gustavo Perez Arriaga, 32, ended a statewide manhunt in Wednesday’s killing of Newman police Cpl. Ronil Singh, revelations about the suspect’s immigration status and criminal history reignited criticism of California’s sanctuary state policy.

At a news conference Friday, Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson echoed President Trump’s calls for stricter border security as he railed against the state’s sanctuary law. The policy, pushed by Democrats and signed in 2017 as SB54, prohibits local law enforcement from notifying or sharing detained immigrants. information with federal immigration agents, when they are not accused of serious criminal charges.

It has been established by Broken Window police methods that not punishing criminals until their crimes are severe is both a bad idea and a short wait.

Christianson, a Republican, has been a vocal critic of the policy and met with President Trump at the White House in May to speak out about the bill. The sheriff appears in a YouTube video posted by the White House seated beside Trump during the meeting.

Trump interviewing for his next Secretary of Defense? He could do much worse.

On Friday, the sheriff said, .The last thing in the world I want to do is politicize the death of officer Singh.” He then used the case to criticize California’s law and suggested it led to the deadly encounter.

The butthurt, it burns! How dare a Republican act like a Democrat! Shiv, shiv…

.We were prohibited . law enforcement was prohibited because of sanctuary laws and that led to the encounter with officer Singh,. Christianson said at Friday’s news conference. .The outcome could have been different if law enforcement wasn’t restricted, prohibited, or had their hands tied because of political interference..

Take a memo, politicians: it IS possible to both be honest and keep your job, at least if your character is of a certain minimal quality. Take another memo: you are not the solution.

Christianson never said when Arriaga was arrested, but records show . and officials confirmed . that he was picked up for a DUI in Madera County on June 5, 2014 . years before the state’s sanctuary law prohibited local law enforcement from cooperating with federal immigration authorities.

It was unclear Friday whether officials in Madera County knew of Arriaga’s immigration status or alerted immigration authorities.

It was in Madera County that Chowchilla police arrested Arriaga on a speeding violation on June 5, 2014, and found he was driving with a blood alcohol level of more than .08 percent and without a license, Chowchilla Police Chief David Riviere said Friday. At the time, Arriaga also had a warrant out for his arrest for driving unlicensed and having no insurance, Riviere told The Chronicle.

Undocumented immigrants are poorly documented.

.As far as immigration status, I can tell you we do not ask those questions. We have no reason to,. Riviere said. .He was stopped for a traffic violation and found to be DUI..

Seriously, Chief Riviere? Ask your officer how that traffic stop went. “Why don’t you have a driver’s license?” “They won’t give me one.” “Why not?” “Oops. Yo no hablo ingles!”

It also remained unclear Friday whether Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents had ever encountered, arrested or deported Arriaga. Because of the government shutdown, ICE officials were unavailable Friday for comment on the case.

It’s good that they furloughed the press department first but methinks nobody wanted to swim in this media frenzy anyway.

.We’re not here to enforce federal immigration law . that’s not our job,. Christianson said at the news conference. “But law enforcement should be able to turn people over to ICE who are gang members who victimize and exploit others..

The sheriff’s comments came a day after Trump seized on the killing in his fight over border security and demanded Congress fund a U.S.-Mexico wall. The fight has been at the center of the government shutdown that began on Dec. 22.

.There is right now a full scale manhunt going on in California for an illegal immigrant accused of shooting and killing a police officer during a traffic stop,. Trump wrote on Twitter. .Time to get tough on Border Security. Build the Wall!.

Supporters of California’s policy pushed back on Christianson’s pointed statements Friday, underscoring that the law was written to encourage cooperation between law enforcement and immigrants, who may be reluctant to come forward if they are crime victims criminals.

Fixed it for you. And memo, Newman PD doesn’t want more cooperation between law enforcement and your favorite “immigrants”. Stanislaus County is looking sadface, too.

.This situation is more about what this person’s state of mind was and how he got into this situation, and it has less to do with the fact that he’s not a citizen,. said Bill Hing, a San Francisco immigration attorney and University of San Francisco law professor.

You need to go back, Mister Hing. I don’t care how long you’ve lived in North America; you are not an American. It’s not enough that you shit in our toilets and newspapers. You have to actively support America’s Founders, people, principles and way of life.

The Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Department additionally arrested Arriaga’s brother, 25-year-old Adrian Virgen, and a co-worker, Erik Razo Quiroz, 27, on suspicion of aiding Arriaga’s attempted escape from the country.

.They intentionally lied to us,. Christianson said of of the latter two suspects. .They tried to divert us off the investigation. They misled us. They provided information that was false all in an attempt to protect their brother..

Arriaga was a known associate of the Sure?o street gang, Christianson said, and was pictured on one of his various Facebook pages posing with a gun and machete.

The Sure?os are on Facebook? Law enforcement’s job just got easier.

Deputies brought Singh’s handcuffs down to Kern County to place on Arriaga before he was transported to jail in Stanislaus County.

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MGTOW Life: Upfront Pricing for Medicine!

Part of MGTOW life, especially for those inclined to go monk or ghost, is not having medical insurance. Obamacare was a nightmare in that regard and even on a good day, health insurance is a misnomer. A health service plan, more like.

The medical industry has been notorious for refusing upfront pricing. That’s one reason for HMOs, they negotiate for decent prices with the folks who tell you to close your eyes and open your mouth. But many MGTOWs prefer to simply pay cash.

There are many benefits to cash. Men have fewer health problems than women and being able to cash is a reward for clean living. There are no middlemen. Many providers will give discounts for cash customers.

But the main barrier to using cash is that doctors never want to talk about the costs. This is now changing with the Trump administration:

Hospitals required to post all prices online beginning January 1


26 December 2018

WASHINGTON (AP) . Medicare will require hospitals to post their standard prices online and make electronic medical records more readily available to patients, officials said Tuesday.

The program is also starting a comprehensive review of how it will pay for costly new forms of immunotherapy to battle cancer.

Blah blah cancer, whatever. Price transparency has finally arrived! What a pity it had to be forced upon the industry by the Feds.

Seema Verma, head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, said the new requirement for online prices reflects the Trump administration’s ongoing efforts to encourage patients to become better-educated decision makers in their own care.

.We are just beginning on price transparency,. said Verma. .We know that hospitals have this information and we’re asking them to post what they have online..

Hospitals are required to disclose prices publicly…

So they say, but so I’ve never yet seen.

…but the latest change would put that information online in machine-readable format that can be easily processed by computers. It may still prove to be confusing to consumers, since standard rates are like list prices and don’t reflect what insurers and government programs pay.

Patients concerned about their potential out-of-pocket costs from a hospitalization would still be advised to consult with their insurer. Most insurance plans nowadays have an annual limit on how much patients must pay in copays and deductibles . although traditional Medicare does not.

This could revolutionize medical payments. Instead of joining an HMO or health insurance company, one could theoretically prepurchase likely tests… at a package discount? Even with business as usual, comparative pricing will do much to invoke Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand.

Likewise, many health care providers already make computerized records available to patients, but starting in 2021 Medicare would base part of a hospital’s payments on how good a job they do.

Using electronic medical records remains a cumbersome task, and the Trump administration has invited technology companies to design secure apps that would let patients access their records from all their providers instead of having to go to different portals.

I’m less thrilled about electronic records in an age of Goolag surveillance and social media monetizing my daily life. In fact, when California implemented Obamacare several tech giants offered to build a centralized State medical record hub for free, out of the goodness of their hearts. My paranoia is still twitchy at that.

Verma also announced Medicare is starting a comprehensive review of how it will pay for a costly new form of immunotherapy called CAR-T. It’s gene therapy that turbocharges a patient’s own immune system cells to attack cancer.

Immune system T cells are filtered from the patient’s own blood and reprogrammed to target and kill cancer cells that had managed to evade them. Hundreds of millions of copies of the revved-up cells are then returned to the patient’s blood to take on the cancer.

Though only a couple of such treatments have been approved for blood cancers, the cost can exceed $370,000 per patient.

.It.s a new area for the agency,. said Verma. .We haven’t seen drugs priced at this level and we’re having to think about our strategy..

This is a different issue from price transparency but one for MGTOW minimalists to consider. Without considerable savings or misfortune, the end of one’s modern life is more likely to be a function of money than a function of health care. It would suck to die knowing there’s an unaffordable cure that could have given you a few more years of life. Of course, it would suck even more to pay into the System for decades and then end up in the same place. Money can’t buy happiness but money can rent it.

If you don’t live minimalist then your tax money will purchase some Baby Boomer a $400k cancer treatment. Trump hasn’t yet improved health care enough to thwart that. In fact, a major reason doctors don’t like to post prices online is because if they’re denied full reimbursement from Medicare & third parties then they need to make up the loss elsewhere in order to stay in business. Which means men with few health problems. Which is why men go MGTOW.

What must ultimately happen is patients guaranteeing payment to their providers then filing their own paperwork for reimbursement. Sadly, the unwillingness of wimminz voters to pay their own bills like that is exactly how Medicare got enacted in the first place.

Meanwhile, I must give Trump credit. He’s getting a lot of bureaucracy cut away while waging war over building the Wall and draining the Swamp.

When the news media isn’t slandering the President, they’re hushing his accomplishments.


She Nags!

This post was some time in coming, as personnel issues in the workplace are something to think twice about discussing on a public forum. However, I could certainly use advice.

I’ve had a female subordinate for several years. One that is willing to get dirty and do math, therefore the higher-ups are glad to have her on the payroll. I’ve worked closely with her on and off as work requires. Previously, she’s been professional and cooperative, if short on endurance in the field.

Over the last eight months, her attitude has disintegrated into what appears to be a personal vendetta against me. Endless criticism, endless argumentation, complaints that come out of nowhere, which broke into outright insubordination just before the Christmas break. Unacceptable, intolerable conduct.

The simple way to handle this would be reassigning her outside my supervisory control but I’ve already explored that option.

I’m not worried about getting #MeToo-ed. I’m well-defended and one defense I’ve activated is a paper trail in preparation for her termination if her insubordination continues. I have very limited tolerance for drama in the workplace; however, the powers that be don’t want to lose a STEM Girl so the situation is becoming political.

There are several potential factors:

  1. Her age is late 30s and her beauty has begun an obvious decline. Math aptitude notwithstanding, she’s an EPL girl with N>10, no interest in marriage and a growing collection of rescue pets.
  2. She lived with her father her entire life until several months before her behavior problems started. Office gossip didn’t give an exact date but said she wanted to “live more independent”.
  3. She occasionally cries at her desk and otherwise indicates via body language and habits that she has serious personal-life issues. I don’t know what and can’t safely find out.

My gut reading is that she’s targeting me because I’m the only male authority figure remaining in her life, and she’s been goading me in hopes that I’ll… God only knows… that I’ll be her surrogate Daddy or emotional tampon or something. What I’ve actually done thus far is patient endurance for the personal-life issue to pass, with a couple direct discussions to try and clear the air. With men, that works if they’re at all interested in continued employment. Not her.

So, my Red-Pill readers, what am I missing? Are there any solutions to be pursued other than getting her terminated for cause? (I don’t have authority to terminate her directly.) One thought I’ve had is contacting her father on the quiet but that could explode badly. Part of my sexual harassment shielding is the fact I’ve never shown the slightest personal interest in her.

Dear God, life is not worth living when it’s shared with a nag. I need a plan for the New Year.


Only Stupid People Leave California

So claimed the Los Angeles Times this holiday weekend. This promises to be a most interesting whitewashing of the latest census figures, aka Hard Reality.

Who moves to California? The wealthier and better educated, mostly


By Margot Roosevelt, 21 December 2018

Caption: Alexandra Bede, a supply chain manager for an e-commerce firm, and Paul Jordan, who works in venture capital, in their San Francisco neighborhood. They moved from the East Coast in April for tech jobs. Picture: slightly modified.

High taxes. Stifling regulations. Exorbitant housing costs. Freeway gridlock. Fires and floods.

Hand-wringing over an exodus of disillusioned Californians may be a Golden State pastime, the subject of political punditry and strung-out social media threads.

But the latest data are far from dire. The U.S. Census Bureau, in its newly released surveys for 2017, shows that California’s net migration remained fairly stable. Since 2010, as the economic recovery took hold and housing prices skyrocketed, departures accelerated . but the number of newcomers rose steadily as well.

That is consistence with housing prices going up. A strongly negative net migration would lower housing prices.

The state attracts a steady stream of college graduates, especially from the East Coast, even as many less-educated residents move to neighboring states . and to Texas . in search of a lower cost of living.

Interesting that the States consistently feeding into California are places with horrible weather. In 2010, the people moving out were headed for California-like climates with conservative politics. In 2017, it seems that people simply wanted to Get Out by the minimum distance necessary.

Then, it was about politics. Now, it’s about survival.

Consider that in 2017:

-More people left California (661,026) than arrived (523,131) from other U.S. states. But for the nation’s most populous state, with 39 million residents, that amounted to a tiny fraction in net departures: just 0.35%.

More like, 1.7% of the population was willing to risk everything to leave. In one year. Watching “net” departures obscures the reality of Sacramento’s population replacement agenda.

Among the 25-years-and-older set, the state lost a net 86,890 residents without bachelor’s degrees, and just 4,443 with a four-year degree. It gained 11,653 people with graduate degrees.

In 2017, the group without four-year degrees is called “men”. Of course the female parasites want to stay. Also, the people who allowed themselves to become dependent on credentialing and other fake, gov’t-backed certifications of competence… collectively known as “PhD candidates”.

No state boasts more loudly of its attractions than Texas. Indeed, 63,174 people relocated from California to the nation’s second-most populous state, more than to anywhere else in the U.S. But it’s also true that no state sent more people here than the Lone Star State . 40,999.

From all accounts, Texas is still a poor place to be a social parasite.

.The cost of living, especially housing, is what stops the whole world from moving to California,. said USC demographer Dowell Myers, a longtime census expert. .Otherwise, who wouldn’t prefer California? We have superior weather. We have mountains and oceans. And we have better jobs . better paying and more specialized, whether in tech, entertainment, the arts or medicine..

Better to say, the superior climate is why people tolerate massive gov’t shitstorms. There are many jobs here but as many newcomers have found out, they’re overwhelmingly terrible jobs… working for Big Tech hoping to enslave the world, entertainment/arts micromanaged by shamelessly Christ-hating homosexuals or medicine destined to fail like every socialized State medical system in human history.

The parasites never learn. They only consume.

In the 1980s, Myers said, .millions of people came to California . too many . and that created an anti-growth backlash. But California has been losing people to other states since 2004. We lost people in the bubble because housing prices were so high. We lost them in the recession because our job market was worse than the rest of the country..

In the housing bubble, housing costs were artificially too high. The recession should have corrected that but the gov’t didn’t allow it to. Skip to the conclusion for the meaning of this.

Ask people why they came or left, and the reasons are often multifaceted. A few of them shared their stories:

Six years ago, Keith Johnson and Sandra Martinez-Johnson felt the lure, moving to Whittier from New Braunfels, Texas, outside San Antonio.

.On paper, the decision looked great,. said Johnson, 50, who got a job renting out construction equipment for a Downey firm. .You.ll make more money, live the West Coast dream, go to the beach, whatever. Then you get here and reality sets in..

Two weeks ago, the couple packed their possessions to move back to Texas with their 6-year-old son, Javier.

.I.m making a good living,. Johnson explained. “But it doesn’t translate into a good quality of life. Everything costs more, from a gallon of gas to a gallon of milk. And it is impossible for an average person to buy a house..

Yeah, that sounds like a lot of newcomers to California. “They offered me $100k per year… rent in San Jose was $60k per year. Screw that.”

For Paul Urcioli and his wife, Sasha Smith, who were living in Pelham, a New York City suburb, the tipping point came in the winter of 2015.

.I had a 90-foot gravel driveway to shovel by hand,. said Urcioli, 54, who taught drama at New York University and acted in television shows and commercials. .We.d had five snowfalls of at least 8 inches deep..

Their twin sons were in preschool at the time, and “it was hard to find something interesting to do every weekend,. he recalled. .You.d bundle up the kids to go outside, but it was so cold they wanted to come back in after 10 minutes..

One day Smith went to Los Angeles on business. .Within 12 hours, I got an all-caps text saying, .WHY DON’T WE LIVE OUT HERE?. . Urcioli said.

Another predictable story, this time from the happy couple’s last names. Bitch Barbie wanted a better life without giving up her feminist ways. Hello, Los Angeles! It’s not the snow keeping your kids inside here, it’s the homeless camping in the local park. Wait, this couple has a NINETY-FOOT DRIVEWAY near NYC?

After Texas, New York was the largest source of migrants to California in 2017, with 34,278 arrivals . a 63% jump from 2010. Unlike Texas, more people moved to California from New York than vice versa: a net increase of 9,296. Departures from the Golden State to the Empire State remained flat over the eight years.

Consistent with the term “flyover country”.

Today the Urcioli and Smith family is ensconced in Rancho Park, a leafy Los Angeles neighborhood. Urcioli takes the bus to USC, where he teaches, and Smith, a digital specialist at a talent agency, can walk to work.

Rancho Park is between Beverley Hills (fancy) and Culver City (not fancy). *Checks Zillow.com* house prices between $1.5m and $3m. How does a “talent agency digital specialist” make that kind of money?

By being female?

.For so long, I identified as a New Yorker . with a certain chauvinism,. Urcioli said. “But here, we can still go to museums and try new restaurants. And the weekend after Thanksgiving we can go to the beach, or, if we want snow, we can drive to Big Bear..

It’s neither here nor there, but Big Bear is only for snowboarding. I tried skiing there a couple years ago and even the bunny slopes had snowboard rails on them.

While New Yorkers made a continental leap, slightly boosting California’s population, the three states accounting for the Golden State’s highest net losses in 2017 are along the border: Arizona (which gained 32,326 Californians), Oregon (29,561) and Nevada (23,745).

When people are making minimum-distance relocations, they’re going From rather than To. Example:

Paul McDermott, a Philadelphia native, first visited California in 1995. .I rented a convertible Mustang,. he recalled. .A friend took me to Newport Beach and we did something called rollerblading. Then and there I decided I wanted to move to California..

But in October, McDermott, 59, a manager for a security guard company, and his fiancee moved to Henderson, Nev. “After 22 years in California, the politics, restrictive gun laws and the ridiculously high cost of living drove me out,. he said.

He was paying $1,900 a month to rent a two-bedroom apartment in Huntington Beach. Now he pays $1,500 a month at a newer complex in Henderson. And Nevada has no state income tax.

The census report doesn’t reveal why people leave, but economics, lifestyle and culture may all play a part.

McDermott chose Nevada in part because of the warm weather. But also, he said, he was irked at the red tape involved in obtaining a concealed weapon in California, one required for his job. And then, he said, .there was the whole California mind-set: The final ‘straw,’ if you will pardon the pun, was when they restricted straws in restaurants…. I mean, seriously?.

I’ve begun straw-smuggling myself… packing plastic straws whenI’m going out to dinner. La Vida Commiefornia.

On the other hand, Aimee Imlay, a 38-year-old San Diego social worker who recently moved to Lexington, Ky., for graduate school to study economic inequality, says emphatically, .I did not choose Kentucky based on weather and politics, to be sure..

Rather, she said, the University of Kentucky’s stipend “is similar to what the UCs offer and my money goes so much farther here..

This useless Commie-bitch is why Californian expats have a bad reputation. No American would mind having Mr. McDermott for a neighbor… but a social worker studying economic inequality is a different study.

Memo to Sacramento, not all educations are equal.

At the same time, immigrants from China, India and other Asian nations are moving to California in greater numbers. Between 2012 and 2016, 58% of new California immigrants came from Asia, according to the Public Policy Institute of California, while just 28% came from Latin America.

.Many Asians come for technology jobs,. Myers said. .Also, they can handle the housing prices better than Mexican immigrants..

Chinese money laundering. Not to mention colonization.

Neena Moorjani, 45, moved from her native Hong Kong to California to attend college at Biola University in La Mirada. After gaining her bachelor’s degree, she worked in public relations, moving to Washington, D.C., then to Singapore and, two years ago, back to the Golden State.

In Sacramento, Moorjani took a UC Davis course to become a certified financial planner, but now, she said, high taxes and rising housing costs are driving her out. She is moving to Virginia to be closer to family. .I need to buy a home soon and homes there are half the price,. she said.

How does a Hong Kong native have family in Virginia of all places? California isn’t the only gov’t encouraging population replacement.

For college graduates, California’s high-tech economy is a powerful draw.

Paul Jordan, 28, and Alexandra Bede, 27, moved from the East Coast to San Francisco in April. The couple rent a one-bedroom apartment in the hip Potrero Hill neighborhood for $3,740 a month.

.The rents are ridiculous,. said Jordan, a Duke University graduate who works for a venture capital firm specializing in sustainable energy and industrial innovation. But he and Bede, a supply chain manager for an e-commerce firm, can afford it with their six-figure salaries.

A report from the state legislative analyst’s office in February found that “although California has had net out-migration among most demographic groups, it has gained among those with higher incomes ($110,000 per year or more) and higher levels of education (graduate degrees)..

.Families with kids and those with only a high school education predominate among those moving from California to its top destination states,. it said.

Or vocational education. Four-year degrees from Commie U are not a good metric of smartness.

From 2012 through 2017, Myers said, newcomers with bachelor’s and graduate degrees poured into California from other states, showing a net increase of about 76,000 over those leaving. At the same time, those with less than a four-year degree left in droves . a net loss of more than 400,000.

The only reason I can afford to live here, as a career professional and supervisor, is because I don’t have family to feed… or protect from the State.

Education sterilizes women. Social Justice Warriors don’t want to live with normals. All the feminists come in to take advantage of the hard-Leftoid State and… why am I still here?

Because there’s nowhere to go. Nowhere that isn’t growing feminists and pretending that a Master’s degree in social inequality isn’t money well spent. Kentucky, remember?

The imbalance may not be entirely positive. .We need low-skill workers too . hospital orderlies, school bus drivers, nannies and gardeners,. Myers said.

Did somebody say illegal immigrants?

It’s pretty obvious that Sacramento’s Brave New World is the world’s Elites being serviced by a slave class of mongrel savages. That might not be what they say they want, but it’s what is happening as a direct result of their policies. If only a pro-America state in the Union would be as careful & deliberate in its own immigration policies!

Elites want expensive land and cheap labor. Normals want cheap land and expensive labor. When the costs of living start getting jacked sky high, it’s either because of economic disaster or the Elites seizing full control. Remember how housing prices didn’t go down when the 2010 bubble burst? Remember how the Feds bailed out the banks instead of letting them go out of business on account of all those terrible loans?

Remember California declaring itself a “sanctuary state” in direct, open violation of Federal border control efforts?

Not hard to guess what the truth is for California and its Progress towards being a land of wealthy superintelligents and an impoverished underclass. Although let us note once again, that neither education nor wisdom count as intelligence.



Christ, Not America, Is Great

Instapundit linked to this, an immigrant’s spectacular failure to understand Western Civilization in general and America in particular. He was impressed with her attitude but she completely failed to give God the credit He is due.

I Am an Immigrant and this is Why America is Great

https://medium com/@s.g.cheah/i-am-an-immigrant-and-this-why-america-is-great-5d009ae8b532

By S.G. Cheah (A female self-identifying as Malaysian Chinese. Her physiognomy is too exotic for my skills to read.)

Recently, as I was reading about a protest in Malaysia against a United Nation’s treaty on racial discrimination, I am reminded again of why America is the greatest and most moral country I have had the fortunate privilege of leaving Malaysia for.

Assuming this protest was the big one in late November, Malaysians were protesting their leader, Prime Minister Mohamed, promising to impose the globalist UN Declaration of Human Rights without the approval of most Malaysians. We Real Americans would side with the protesters here. For a quick recap, use this link:


So, right from the start she’s speaking about America being great and moral because it doesn’t resist the UN globalist agenda. That’s a slap in the faces of Mount Rushmore.

.America is great because America is good. Alexis de Tocqueville writes. a sentiment I wholeheartedly agree with.

Are we using de Tocqueville’s definitions of great and good, or Machiavelli’s? De Tocqueville wrote that Christianity was an integral part of daily life in young America but the author didn’t bring that up.

A good society isn’t one with few problems or high standard of living. A good society is one that respects Christ and implements His moral code. She probably means “good” as in “wealthy decadence”. Wealth is fun but it ain’t a moral code.

I would add to Tocqueville’s observation that America is great because it exemplifies all the great ideas of Western Civilization, but with one additional aspect which most of Western history lacks. That aspect is the American ideals of individualism, demonstrated in her sanctity for individual rights. The protection of individual rights is the remarkable aspect of America and is what makes the American experiment fundamentally different from the rest of the world.

Let me count all the ways she went wrong here:

  1. America didn’t invent anarchy. The Founders did not expect us to practice it. Most people in Europe had at least partial control over their lives.
  2. Our individual rights are restrictions on gov’t power, not entitlements to be exploited.
  3. We wanted weak gov’t because we trusted Christ Jesus as our deity of choice. Notice that atheists, every single time they build a society, empower the State to be their man-made deity.
  4. America feared God and allowed her men to seek God as best he could individually determine, with no powerful centralized gov’t to “help” him. That freedom of religion was freedom to worship Christ as we individually wished, not to worship Allah or Jupiter or ourselves.
  5. The American experiment is not “do what thou wilt”. It is the distribution of power such that any one wicked man rising to power will be too limited in power to inflict the usual cruelties. This was a result straight from the Reformation.

It is indeed different from my experience growing up in Malaysia because the concept of freedom and individual rights is detested in favor of collectivism through the bondage of social determinism. You see, I was born into an economically successful minority race in Malaysia (the same race as the infamous “Tiger Mom. Amy Chua), and hence my future was sealed. Racial politics argued that my race’s economic success were the results of our exploitation of the natives in Malaysia. That argument justified the subjugation of my life under racially discriminatory policies; officiated in law by the Malaysian government.

I wonder that she found America to be much different from her homeland. Were she Christian, she would not accept the American situation of persecuting a gov’t-specified minority any more than she accepted the Malaysian situation of persecuting a gov’t-specified minority. We Americans have this odd habit of believing that right and wrong don’t depend on whether we personally end up the winner… a perspective straight from Christ who gave up His Godhood to right a wrong that wasn’t even His.

Social Determinism
Social determinism claims that we are all a product of society. Since it is society which determines the course of a person’s life, it rejects the idea that personal accomplishments is connected to individual responsibility. Like others in Malaysia whom shared my race, we weren’t necessarily wealthy nor economically successful as the stereotype suggested. However, we were still subject to the discriminatory affirmative action laws in the name of “social justice., going back to when the idea of “social justice” wasn’t even part of the popular American lexicon like it is today.

The injustice was so egregious in Malaysia that Thomas Sowell wrote about it in his book, “Affirmative Action Around the World.. For instance, because of my race, I wasn’t able to attend public university despite my outstanding academic achievements. For those like me who are discriminated against, our only means of attaining higher education in Malaysia was to fork out exorbitant amounts of money and pay for private colleges that caters to second class citizens like us.

Again, why does she find modern America much different?

It wasn’t until I attended a class in American History (in one of these private colleges) when I understood the meaning of liberty and the importance of individual rights. America’s founding in the spirit of individualism was unprecedented in human history and unlike anything I’ve ever encountered before.

Liberty is the combination of freedom and responsibility. The freedoms are given by our Savior, Christ, and the responsibilities are defined by one’s citizenship and position in society. That position may not be of one’s choosing. It’s merely guaranteed to not be of the State’s choosing.

The idea of individual rights…built upon the idea of individual responsibility…was contrary to the idea of social determinism which the Malaysian society was built upon. The repressive discriminatory legislation against the “wealthy Chinese” were justified on the basis that since the Malaysian Chinese were predominantly more successful, it is their race’s responsibility to take care of the poorer and “victimized” groups. welfare. It’s the reason I am allegedly responsible for the poverty and pain of those I victimized with my “Chinese privilege.” My American History class taught me the opposite, for “all Men are created equal” and my life wouldn’t be bounded by the limits of my race if I were in America.

Note that’s “all men are CREATED equal”, not “all men are equal”. (I take what she says about Malaysia at face value.) If Malay Chinese are more successful then they do have a God-given duty to help the less successful. But the gov’t should not compel them on how to do it. That is what she should have meant by “individualism”… we count ourselves slaves of God instead of the gov’t. Result, we need much less gov’t than Malaysia.

Clearly, America is great, no qualms about it.

Because our gov’t has become more powerful than any other? That’s anti-America. Because we built a near-utopia based upon Christ while in conflict with the so-far largest, hardest-trying Godless, humanist empire? Absolutely we’re great. But only because we honored Christ.

Notice how quickly America has gone downhill since embracing apostasy.

Suffice to say, I worked and saved up everything I could to make my voyage to America. Immigrating to America was worth all the effort and hoops I was made to jump through. It is a nation borne of individual liberty and man’s free will, not of social determinism. Culturally, the mere thought that a person’s fate was determined by external forces divorced from the individual’s own actions and choices is detested because America was the nation of the .self-made man..

It’s all very nice to have a self-made life but here’s two hard truths: One, everybody on the planet makes their own life out of their opportunities and abilities. Two, women are dependent upon men. I would not be surprised if this female author ends up drinking herself into a cold bed every evening… at least it’ll be a “self-made life”!

There’s a massive difference between the idea that humans are fallen creatures created by God and the idea that humans are interchangeable robots with “self-made programming”. America was based on the former, as demonstrated by the Constitution distributing powers with checks and balances… and the Constitution not allowing women to vote.

Unexpectedly, it seems the current American cultural climate is paradoxical to the idea of America as I remembered from my American History class. My understanding was that Americans strongly rejected the ideas of social determinism because it’s contrary to the American spirit of self-determined individualism. As I observe today, the opposite seems to be true. American society is shifting away from individualism towards the tribalism of collectivism. You can witness this tribalism through the popular emphasis on racial and class issues like “Black Lives Matters., the rise of the alt-right, Harvard Asian student lawsuit, Latino Dreamer rights, etc.

Unexpected for an atheist. “I don’t need God to be good. I just have to choose to be good. Whoa, where did all this evil come from?”

This dreadful trend is mostly noticeable in the tendency of a person shifting blame to the wider social-political environment for their own personal failings and problems. This is a celebration of the victimhood mentality because the victims are entitled to the expiation of their victimhood from their .oppressor.” The justification behind America’s “social justice” is practically the same nightmare of social determinism that I wanted to escape Malaysia for to begin with.

Such is the consequence of free-willed women doing what they’re good at. For missing the actual persecution of white men, she gets no points for noticing the fake persecutions.

Biological Determinism

The bad news is, America is descending into a worse form of tribalism, namely that of biological determinism. If you ever wondered where today’s obsession with “race as a crucial part of a person’s identity. originated from, look no further because you can trace its roots to the idea of biological determinism.

We have more important forms of group identity such as religion and nations. But once we proved that Christ was essential for a high-quality society, white atheists have been soft-genociding white Christians by replacement migration and financial misconduct… everything short of giving us a physical target.

Biological determinism, as the name infers, is the idea that a person’s thoughts and action are determined by the person’s biological makeup. It is the idea that a white person can’t help but act in accordance to his white race, an Asian to their Asian race, the African to his African ancestry and so on. It is perhaps the most unadulterated form of determinism, since an entity’s action is determined by the entity’s biological composition. Biological determinism sets the foundation for today’s identity politics.

No. Rejecting religion and nations as group organizations set the foundation of group identity to the most simple, least deniable form: skin. This author herself, she came to America but doesn’t consider herself an American. She never speaks of loyalty to her new country, never mentions the debt America owes Christ even while quoting de Tocqueville. Perhaps she was merely that badly educated but the fact remains, she came to America to be selfish, not American.

But credit to her, she bothered to learn English.

The ideology of biological determinism is how the regressive haters of Western civilization belittle the achievements of Western history. By arguing against the self-determinism of an individuals. free will, identity politics can section out a group of people and simply call that intersection “dead white males.” This work to discredit the individual accomplishments of great men like the American Founding Fathers, the Enlightenment thinkers and the Western philosophers whom inspired them. Without free will, man is essentially denigrated to the level of an animal and thus incapable of bettering themselves. This is the “Return of the Primitive” as noted by novelist Ayn Rand.

Wrong again. Individuals seeking their personal benefit is not how America prospered as a nation. It was seeking Christ and family, God and Country, no king but Jesus… and Jesus was our King.

Free Will

Come on, female. You had free will back in Malaysia. You used it to decide to come to America in the first place, remember? Nobody made you do that.

A lot of the misconception against “free will” began from a mistaken translation of the original phrase in Latin liberum arbitrium which actually translates as, .free judgement. (a subject for another essay).

I see no significant difference between “free to do as you wish” and “free to decide as you wish”.

The reason why it is supremely important to unify the concept of human nature to the idea of free will is because as Ayn Rand stated….Dictatorship and determinism are reciprocally reinforcing corollaries: if one seeks to enslave men, one has to destroy their reliance on the validity of their own judgments and choices..

Rand was wrong. To enslave men, encourage their women to rebel. Original Sin: works every time.

It never matters what people say you’re capable of, only what you actually are. Which might easily be less than you would wish.

Determinism is a breeding ground for dictatorship because determinism naturally revokes a person’s autonomy, along with his individual liberty. If America is to remain free, her defiance against tyranny must be fought against the erosion of individual rights. The battle of ideas lies in defeating the corruption of America by leftist identity politics because the act of placing individuals into differing groups, clumps the individual onto a collective where it undermines the principles of individual rights.

The author’s own Malaysia does not appear to be a dictatorship. One does not become a dictator of Africa by noticing Africans have low intelligence.

When the Leftists decided to corrupt America, our churches were a primary target. You can reverse the damage and ingratiate yourself to the True and Living God at the same time!

Most damagingly, identity politics is contrary to the principles of individual freedom. Identity politics was the reason I was desperate to escape my situation in Malaysia and emigrate to America. I understood America to be a land where a person can forge his own destiny and not be bounded by his given group identity. It is the reason America is exceptional in it’s uniqueness. The principle of individual rights being paramount and protected in America is the virtue which makes America great to me.

I suspect the truth is this female didn’t want to be low on the group identity totem pole and changed countries to where she’d be high on the totem pole. First she had responsibility without power, now she has power without responsibility. Both are great evils but only one of them is great fun.

In America, as I happily live my life as an individual with the liberty to exercise my free will, I am reminded often of how there is such a thing as greatness and goodness in this world…as Tocqueville stated. And as I celebrate Christmas this year, I shall also celebrate the greatness of America.

IS she going to celebrate Christ’s birthday? When she didn’t even credit Christ for America’s greatness? I’m sure she will enjoy the gift-giving, which symbolizes Christ’s gift of eternal life to us, and the Federal holiday off work, a many-times-removed symbol of God commanding the Israelites to hold holidays–holy days–in His honor, but like America’s individual liberties, she seems to have a cargo cult mindset about it all.

Many Godless people do. Many Godless people expect America can/will continue as a great nation without them bothering over the slanders against God incited by entryists, globalists, witches and their useful idiots. It will not happen, any more than a light bulb can shine without energy.

Lord Jesus, Light Of the World, happy birthday! We thank you for the kindnesses you have shown our nation and only wish we could rekindle the devotion our neighbors once had for you. Know that Your absence is sorely felt, Our King and Savior.

And to all humanity, a Merry Christmas!