Brenda Snipes Didn’t Do No Vote Fraud

In Current Year America, certain crimes seem to no longer exist. Treason and vote fraud top the list. Today, Broward County’s Election Supervisor, Brenda Snipes, just took back her resignation in the face of criminal investigations. But not only was she appointed by Republican Jeb Bush, the charges she faces do not include vote fraud.

(CNN) ? Brenda Snipes has submitted her resignation as the supervisor of elections for Broward County, Florida, after the completion of a recount that brought renewed scrutiny of her tenure.

Such pretty cutting eyelids, a truly excellent example, indicating high narcissism and deceptive behavior. Fully half the pupils & iris are covered. Wild hair indicates disorderly thoughts, although black women generally have more hair trouble than porcupines. The rest of her face… no, let’s talk about her clothes. She has an elephant on a pink background. Should we interpret that as the feminization of Republican cuckservatives or go straight to the traditional definition of pink elephants?

“Seeing pink elephants” is a euphemism for drunken hallucination caused by alcoholic hallucinosis or delirium tremens. The term dates back to at least the early 20th century, emerging from earlier idioms about snakes and other creatures. An alcoholic character in Jack London’s 1913 novel John Barleycorn is said to hallucinate “blue mice and pink elephants”.

Either shoe fits.

By Katherine Rodriguez, 2 December 2018

Disgraced Broward County Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes took back her decision to resign as the county’s elections chief on Saturday after Gov. Rick Scott suspended her from her duties.
Snipes. attorney announced at a Saturday press conference that her client would be rescinding her decision to resign from the post in January and vowed she would be “fighting this to the very end..

.We believe these actions are malicious,. said Snipes. attorney, Burnadette Norris-Weeks, telling Broward County voters that Scott’s appointment to the post could affect the predominantly Democratic county in the 2020 elections.

The List: Meet Our #WLPower15 Miami Honorees â?? Walker's Legacy

Burnadette looks exactly like what Brenda Snipes probably did in her youth. Diversity is our strength!

Scott suspended Snipes via executive order on Friday, appointing his former general counsel, Peter Antonacci, to the post to serve out the rest of her term. Antonacci would serve until November 2020, when voters will choose Snipes. replacement.

State law requires the Florida Senate to vote on removing or reinstating county officials if the governor decides to suspend them.

She decided not to wait, then her cronies rallied to her defense in order to keep Broward County in the Leftoid family, now she’s demanding due process despite having already quit and been replaced.

The outgoing Florida Republican governor cited her .misfeasance, incompetence, and neglect of duty. during the recount for the 2018 U.S. Senate and gubernatorial races.

Say it with me, Republican Gov. Scott: The Democrat committed VOTE FRAUD. Which is a crime. The punishment for vote fraud is not allowing them to walk away unpunished.

The 75-year-old Broward County elections supervisor initially resigned from her position after her office came under fire for botching the vote count in the November 6 elections, specifically the recount of a tight Senate race between Scott, a Republican, and incumbent Democrat Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL).

She didn’t “botch” the vote count. She falsified it:

Broward County failed to meet the state’s deadline for turning in recount results in the midterms, misplaced thousands of ballots, and opened 205 provisional ballots before they were determined to be valid or invalid.

The disgraced elections supervisor also had a history of illegally destroying voter ballots in a 2016 Democratic primary for a congressional race between Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL) and Democratic challenger Tim Canova and had been accused of not removing dead voters from voter rolls.

The following is sourced from wikipedia and breitbart for Snipes’ professional history:

On November 20, 2003, Snipes was appointed supervisor of elections for Broward County by Governor Jeb Bush to take over for her predecessor, Miriam Oliphant, after Oliphant was removed from office for irregularities and fraud in the handling of ballots in the 2000 United States presidential election in that county.

Sounds familiar.

Miriam Oliphant | South Florida Times

Another black. Wikipedia says Broward County is 12% and we’re looking at the black replacement for a black employee being represented by a black lawyer. Black privilege!

Identity politics is mind-numbingly stupid but if that’s the game they want to play then fine, let’s play. Alex, I’ll take “What are the odds?” for a one-in-a-thousand bucks.

2004 General Election: Loss of 58,000 ballots

In the 2004 general election, thousands of absentee ballots were lost in Broward County. County election officials said that approximately 58,000 absentee ballots were delivered to the Postal Service to be mailed to voters, but the Post Office claimed to have never received them.

2012 General Election

Close to 1,000 uncounted ballots were discovered a week after the election.

2016 General Elections

The election results were released 30 minutes before the polls closed. Florida State Law says “any supervisor of elections, deputy supervisor of elections, canvassing board member, election board member or election employee who releases the results of any election prior to the closing of the polls in that county on election day commits a felony of the third degree.. The law does not address the issue of intent, one way or the other. However, Broward County prosecutors declined to process, stating, “There is insufficient evidence that anyone purposely intended to post any elections results prior to the closing of the polls.”

In May [2018], a judge ruled that Snipes had violated state and federal law after she destroyed voter ballots in the state’s 2016 congressional election. In the race, former Democratic National Convention (DNC) Chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz won re-election by less than 7,000 votes against Democrat primary challenger Tim Canova.

The next year, when Canova asked to review the paper ballots in the race, it was revealed that Snipes destroyed the ballots only 12 months after the primary. Federal and state law mandates that ballots not be destroyed until 22 months after an election.


Snipes. office was taken to federal court by the American Civil Rights Union, represented by the Public Interest Legal Foundation, after being accused of keeping felons, noncitizens, and dead voters on the voter rolls in Broward County and at one point allegedly having more voters on the rolls than actual voters in the county.

2018 General Election

Prior to the 2018 primary elections, a public polling location was moved inside a gated community. Voters complained that they were required to show their ID to security guards to get through the gates, despite that ID is not required to vote in Florida. Voters were questioned, and some turned away. Complaints were lodged with Snipes’ office at the time of the primary elections, but the situation was not resolved before the general elections. Snipes’ assistant told a reporter that she (the assistant) was not aware of any complaints.

What a good idea for covert ID checks! Maybe California would pass a law saying you have to drink beer while voting, without noticing you need ID to buy beer.

Florida Law states that county election departments must release the total number of ballots counted within 30 minutes of poll closings to facilitate accountability and oversight. Six days after the election, the total number of ballots had not been reported. The Election Department is also expected to post the current tallies every 45 minutes after the polls close.

By the Friday after the election, there was still no declared winner in the U.S. Senate race and votes were still being counted. As more votes were counted, they seemed to favor the Democratic nominee. Scott filed suit the Friday after the election, claiming that Broward County was violating the law. The judge ruled in Scott’s favor, ordering Snipes to disclose the number of ballots cast in Tuesday’s midterm elections, broken down by absentee, early, and election day votes, as well as the number of ballots still to be counted by 7:00 p.m. that day. Snipes did not comply.

Why did the judge not order her arrest? The election overseer is not allowed to be ignorant of election procedure.


After the election current Governor and U.S. Senate candidate Rick Scott has asked the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to investigate and that no evidence of fraud was found. While it is true that Scott asked for the investigation, he did so verbally. Because there was no formal written request filed, as of November 9, 2018, no investigation was initiated.

We didn’t obey the governor because he didn’t file the correct form? Florida’s problems go deeper than Broward County.

Almost two weeks after election day, Scott was declared the winner, officially becoming Senator-elect after Bill Nelson’s concession.

On November 19, 2018, Snipes submitted her resignation effective January 4, 2019 after Senator Bill Nelson conceded the highly contested Senate race the day before.


Environmentalists Unify the Church

Two articles today, both illustrating how the world’s religions, and Christianity in particular, have been reduced to intercompatible, UN-recognized, faith-based NGOs. While these articles are from a Catholic perspective, the Protestant Church is also wholly invested in environmental activism. I remember driving past a local Lutheran church a couple years after giving up on it. There was a sign about the kids planting Earth Gardens to learn about caring for the environment.

God does not care about the environment. He has described, in graphic detail no less, how He will destroy it all. And why not? This reality is the diaper of our spiritual infancy. We aren’t going to live here forever and God did not exhaust His imagination with the creation of Earth. It was one week of effort, as He described it.

The Christian concern is for the souls of our fellow people. Environmental issues, the ones that aren’t crypto-globalist wealth redistribution conspiracies, are important only to the degree that they impact the welfare of humanity. If flattening the rain forest is the price of cheap food then God’s Will is for us to flatten the rain forest. Goodbye, three-spotted arroyo smelt fairy frogs! Science never knew ye.

Religious Leaders in Colombia Unite for “Prophetic Task” of Environmentalism

By Thomas D. Williams, 29 November 2018

People gather to watch images projected on the facade of St. Peter's Basilica, at the Vatican, Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2015. The Vatican is lending itself to environmentalism with a special public art installation timed to coincide with the final stretch of climate negotiations in Paris. On Tuesday night, the facade ??

This photo is from the linked article.

Dystopian reality: GameStop now taking your fingerprints before you can trade in used games ...

This photo could have been.

A group of leaders from different religious traditions in Colombia have united in a common quest to protect the tropical rain forests and the land rights of indigenous peoples.
Last week, Catholic, Anglican, Buddhist, and evangelical leaders, along with scientists and indigenous people, met for three days at the Jesuit-run Pontifical Xaveriana University and inaugurated a coalition known as the “Interfaith Rainforest Initiative..

In a joint declaration at the end of the conference, the faith leaders embraced “the sacred task of curbing the environmental impact of climate change” especially as it affects the deforestation of tropical rainforests.

The article has a link to the published document but I can’t read Spanish.

This task “unites us with a concern and a commitment that transcends the frontiers of our religions and spirituality,. the declaration states.

Full stop. CHRISTIANS are saying that protecting the environment is more important that worshiping the correct deity? “I personally don’t think you should be sacrificing chickens to Baphomet but we’ll overlook that and coexist if you make a financial contribution to the world government in the name of Rainforest Biodiversity.”

This is exactly the paganism of the Roman Empire. You can worship any deity you want so long as you also worship Caesar.

.We believe that one of the most urgent issues in our country today is the protection of tropical forests and all those who have been born and grown up in them and continue to form part of the equilibrium of their ecosystem,. the signers stated.

The “prophetic task” of caring for creation, its flora, fauna, and its natural riches “is part of a global effort that is being developed with the support of U.N. Environment Programme and international cooperation,. the statement reads.

The leaders of the different faith traditions said they had been inspired by the 2015 encyclical letter Laudato Si, written by Pope Francis on the care of the environment.

.The earth, our home, is beginning to look more and more like an immense pile of filth,. the pope wrote. .In many parts of the planet, the elderly lament that once beautiful landscapes are now covered with rubbish..

In that text, Francis also decried new environmental “sins” by which man disrespects nature, such as the destruction of “the biological diversity of God’s creation,. the degradation of “the integrity of the earth by causing changes in its climate,. as well as “stripping the earth of its natural forests or destroying its wetlands..

I won’t say all Popes are antichrists but I will say this one is. His speeches are globalist talking points, when he isn’t ordering his own bishops to stop investigating child molestation accusations against clergy. That was the USCCB in a recent Baltimore meeting.

For “to commit a crime against the natural world is a sin against ourselves and a sin against God,. the pope said.

Per Scripture, the only sin that is against our selves is sexual sin. Frankie Boy might think about that the next time he announces a press conference to dialogue about how he is deeply, deeply thinking about being concerned about for the people who are noticing all the clerical bugmen in the system.

In their declaration, the religious leaders assembled in Colombia said that faith traditions have much to contribute toward the care of the environment.

.We need to add a moral, ethical and spiritual dimension to the defense of tropical rain forests,. the statement reads. “And we need to spread that message among members of our religions and spiritual groups..

.We are losing topical forests at a speed that has no precedent,. said Juan Bello, Colombia director for U.N. Environment. .We need new kinds of leaders who complement the work that governments and NGOs are already doing to prevent deforestation..

A regional UN director is the spokesman for churches? China isn’t the only government trying to write “the State is you new god” into the holy texts.

Next article, same news website:

In response to global warming, the idea of personal sacrifice resurfaces

By Dennis Sandowski, 1 December 2018

He’s talking about our leaders making personal sacrifices, right? The people who want to save the rainforests are the ones who will be forced to give up their homes to live in recyclable cardboard housing at 1400 calories a day, right?

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A major scientific report by 13 federal agencies that concludes that climate change poses dire economic consequences to the United States and already is affecting the well being of people serves as a warning that demands action to protect the earth, Catholics working on environmental concerns said.

Personal response can encompass the simple or the complex, but some action is required of everyone if the consequences foreseen in the 1,656-page report are to be avoided, they told Catholic News Service.

You can be sure that every one of those 1,656 pages predicting the near future’s drastic, life-ending weather changes are completely without error… because the government said so? The same government that assured us in the ’90s that banning chlorofluorocarbons from our hair spray would be sufficient to prevent this? I want my CFCs back… AND my DDT, the only good thing we ever sent to Africa.

.We really have to wake up and get serious about tackling this issue, particularly reducing our energy consumption and reducing greenhouse gas emissions,. said Dan Misleh, executive director of the Catholic Climate Covenant. .We need to realize if we don’t get really serious about this soon our children and grandchildren will seriously suffer..

Yes, let the living today suffer on behalf of a vaguely defined future people. Question: If I refuse to have kids then do I get to enjoy all the benefits of all the suffering of my ancestors? Because your system is currently arranged to make ME suffer for YOUR kids.

The congressionally mandated Fourth National Climate Assessment, released Nov. 23 by the White House, projects that climate change will cost the country hundreds of billions of dollars a year by 2090. It points to worsening health, reduced farm production, stressed natural areas, lost work and classroom hours, and widespread destruction of coastal and inland property if carbon emissions are not reined in.

Dude, they’re called seasons. Winter rain cost my company two days of reduced productivity just this past week. It was not a disaster. Frankly, a little relief in the workload was welcomed. And I saved ten bucks on a car wash.

Do you know what else causes billions of dollars of lost productivity, stresses natural areas and reduces work & classroom hours? VACATIONS!

Elderly and poor people, children and minority communities are the most vulnerable, said the report, which was developed by more than 200 scientists and environmental experts from the U.S., Canadian and Mexican governments, national laboratories, universities, research institutions and the private sector.

If we eliminate the old… and young… and every minority… then we get… middle-aged white men, who by decree of the chilamony courts are never poor. Were 200 experts from a continent’s worth of governments, national laboratories, universities and research institutions truly needed to reach this conclusion? Don’t lie about the private sector being a willing participant in this. They’re the only people who know that the real causes of lost productivity and resources are… the existence of governments, national laboratories, universities and research institutions.

President Donald Trump dismissed the assessment, saying simply, .No, no, I don’t believe it,. in response to a reporter’s question about the projected economic impact of global warming. He claimed Nov. 26, without citing evidence, the U.S. air and water are “the cleanest we’ve ever been and that’s very important to me..

Trump’s dismissive attitude is a legit example of heroic leadership in Current Year. The bar should not be that low but it is.

Trump.s response falls in line with a series of policy changes during his administration. New regulations and laws in at least 49 areas related to the environment – from vehicle mileage standards to emissions from coal-fired power plants – have been enacted or proposed since 2017, according to Harvard Law School’s Environmental Regulation Rollback Tracker.

They might as well shed that skin suit of “this isn’t about totalitarian redistributionist socialism”. It’s been stinking of rot for a long time.

.Earth.s climate is now changing faster than at any point in the history of modern civilization, primarily as a result of human activities,. the report said. .The impacts of global climate change are already being felt in the United States and are projected to intensify in the future – but the severity of future impacts will depend largely on actions taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to adapt to the changes that will occur..

This means that for the good of humanity, either Al “An Inconvenient Truth: I Invented the Internet” Gore will be forced to give up his three private jets and four mansions, or I’ll be forced out of my tiny apartment to live in a van by the river. Note: Al Gore’s 200 friends wrote this.

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops acknowledged the challenges posed by climate change in a 2001 statement, .Global Climate Change: A Plea for Dialogue Prudence and the Common Good..

The statement noted that climate change .is not about economic theory or political platforms, nor about partisan advantage or interest group pressures,. but rather “about the future of God’s creation and the one human family . about the human stewardship of God’s creation and our responsibility to those who come after us..

Dude, seriously. That rotting skin suit of yours makes my eyes bleed. Throw it out already.

.We are brother and sister to one another. In that context, don’t you sacrifice for the one you love, especially if the one you love is hurting? That means we have to live differently. We have to do a radical shift,. Lasky said. [Father Michael Lasky, a Conventual Franciscan who serves as director of Justice, Peace and Care for Creation Ministry for the order’s Our Lady of Angels Province based in Ellicott City, Maryland.]

Apparently not, Father. Apparently, I sacrifice YOU for the one I love, which might be my pet crested gecko from New Caledonia. Because its homeland is endangered by the unprecedented amount of hot air being released from your hometown’s think tanks on the far side of the planet.

Don’t worry, our trashing your home and job and life will be nothing personal even though you’re an Evil Man for what you’re unknowingly doing to the environment.


The Sales Justice Fairy Visits Dick

Breitbart reports that “get woke, go broke” is true. Dick’s Sporting Goods went full SJW retard on gun sales after Broward County’s Parkland school shooting. Progress has been swift and sure ever since! For recaps:

And now the fall quarterly sales report is in!

Corporate Gun Control Fail: Dick’s Sporting Goods Sales Slip Again

By Awr Hawkins, who obviously enjoyed writing this article, 29 November 2018

On February 28, 2018, Breitbart News reported that Dick’s was ending sales of commonly owned semiautomatic rifles and “high capacity” magazines. They also raised the purchase age for long guns to 21 years.

On April 17, 2018, Breitbart News reported that Dick’s was destroying unsold commonly owned semiautomatic rifles rather than sending them back to their respective manufacturers. Dick’s also made clear it would destroy its unsold “high capacity” magazines.

Now another sales quarter has passed, and Dick’s continues to be hurt by its gun control stance. The Washington Examiner reported, “Sales at Dick’s Sporting Goods dropped in the past three months amid backlash against tighter gun-sale restrictions following a mass killing early this year at a Florida high school.”

The Examiner added, “Revenue dipped 4.5 percent to $1.86 billion amid challenges in the company’s hunting business during the quarter through Nov. 3. Sales at stores open at least 12 months — a key metric for the retail industry — fell 6.1 percent compared to the prior year.”

Losing 4.5% of revenue in the current growing economy is disastrous.

The company plans to raise prices in 2019. It says the higher prices are due to expenses incurred via President Trump’s tariffs on products made in China.

YES! Keep the streak alive, Dick! Suck it harder!


The Sound Of A Feminist Passing Gas

“I will gut you!” …seriously! And I couldn’t resist the headline wordplay. What do they put in the water in Broward County, Florida, anyway?

Florida woman accused of pulling knife on customer she offended when she passed gas

Usually, when you pass gas in public, it results in blushing and embarrassment, but one Florida woman ended up arrested over the ordeal.

Shanetta Yvette Wilson, 37, of Dania Beach, Fla., was waiting in line at a Dollar General when she passed gas. The customer standing by her, John Walker, allegedly took offense and the two got in a verbal dispute “in reference to the defendant farting loudly,. according to the Broward County Sheriff’s Office complaint affidavit.

Dollar General, the only place in America where gas is 99 cents.

In response, Wilson allegedly pulled a small “lock back knife” from her purse, opened the knife and told the victim she was going to “gut” him. According to the police report, she pulled back her right hand, which was holding the knife, in a position to attack the victim.

According to the affidavit, Walker was “in fear that he was going to be stabbed by the defendant.”

Actually, he didn’t take the knife threat seriously because he knew Wilson was only full of hot air. I must give credit for that to commenter “kittyskyfish”.

The woman was found by deputies walking in the area near the store and identified by Walker. She was arrested and taken to the Paul Rein Detention Facility in Pompano Beach. She has been charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill, and her bail was set at $2,500.

The Broward County Sheriff’s Office did not immediately respond to Yahoo Lifestyle’s requests for comment.

I’m surprised they responded at all to a black woman acting entitled with a pocketknife. Only guns can kill! And Trump isn’t going to sue himself.

Shanetta Yvette Wilson Mugshot - Shanetta Yvette Wilson Arrest - Broward County, FL - Booked for ...

Even in her mugshot, she looks like she’s gonna blow chunks. She might have cutting eyelids but it might just be glare, seeing how brightly lit the rest of her face is. There’s speculation that those marks next to her right eye are teardrop tattoos, which would indicate either two homicides or ten years in jail. More award-winning comments:

New meaning to cutting in line.

Yahoo didn’t need to put Florida in the headline. I had already guessed the location.

I’m glad she didn’t pull a cigarette lighter.

Keeping it classy Florida!

She’s just misunderstood. She’s a ‘good girl’ who just had some bad food!

The pictures were slow to load, but when I saw name Shanetta, I knew I wouldn’t be disappointed.

I.m just glad Yahoo got wind of this story and passed it on to us.

As the in-store music played that Bette Midler classic “You are the Wind Between my Knees.”

Any chance she’s single?

Likes flowers and long walks.

Bowel Movements Matter

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” – MLK


My apologies, readers. That was Shanetta’s PREVIOUS mugshot photo from 2017, possession of cocaine with intent to sell. The July arrest for cocaine, mind you, not the March arrest for cocaine. This is her current mug:

“He” has lost some weight! $2,500 bail for a repeat drug dealer seems awfully low. Maybe Broward Sheriff is hoping she’ll pay it and jump it, and save them the cost of a cot.

Whoa, wait up. I gotta list this out:

January 2012: Parole violation (can’t find earlier records)

April 2013: Unspecified charges, County Jail.

March 2014: Fort Lauderdale (copypasting because damn, girl, slow down):


    STATUTE: 316.614(4)(B)


    STATUTE: 320.02(1)


    STATUTE: 320.261


    STATUTE: 322.03(1)


    STATUTE: 316.646


    STATUTE: 893.13-6b

    BOND: $100


    STATUTE: 901.36-1




June 2016 Possession of cocaine with intent to sell in Broward County

March 2017 Possession of cocaine with intent in Hollywood

July 2017 Possession of cocaine with intent, jurisdiction: the Courthouse???

November 2018 Assault with deadly weapon, Broward County



The Sound of A Feminist Passing Infinity

In my recent post on Governor-Partner Newsom, I wrote, “Just when you think Commie politicians can’t get any worse, they come out of the closet as disciples of Michael Moore as well as Bill & Hill. Sometimes, I wonder if we’ll ever pass infinity and have such a messed-up celebrity child that they end up being great.”

You know me, dear readers: I checked on that. And I found a great one, but not a good kind of great. This is the face of the Apocalypse:

Carin Canale-Theakston is the CEO of Canale Communications Inc., where she also serves as the chief culture officer, principal strategist and resident sommelier. I’m not even guessing that last one, although it’s obvious from her eyes, age and name that she’s alcoholic. I’m quoting her company website bio. More on her company later.

Why the California women on boards law is flawed

By Carin Canale-Theakston, 21 November 2018

On Oct. 1, I woke up to the news that diversity is now a mandate. Gov. Jerry Brown had just signed a bill requiring all publicly traded companies headquartered in California to have at least one woman on their boards of directors by the end of 2019; boards with six or more directors will need to have three women by the end of 2021.

On one hand, I wanted to celebrate the new law. The spirit of this legislation is on target: Boards of directors are woefully under-representative of women and minorities. In fact, one in four public companies in California have zero women on their boards. That’s unacceptable.

Why unacceptable? Why do you get to come out of nowhere and demand the end of these male spaces? What gives you the right to order random strangers to do what you want and why do I not get to order you about the same way? You’re a female CEO; that’s unacceptable!

But I give her credit, she practices what she preaches. More on her representation of women and minorities when I cover her company.

But on the other hand, I wanted to cry. This bill is not the way to solve our diversity problem. In fact, boards are not the problem . they’re the outcome of it.

I am a longtime life sciences executive who has worked with hundreds of emerging biotech and digital health companies. I am often in board rooms or around executive tables where I am an .N of 1. (a single patient clinical trial) . an incredibly frustrating experience. The irony is never lost on me, considering that women, who are traditionally the chief care decision-makers at home, aren’t able to make these decisions at the highest level in the health care and life sciences industries.

If she can boss her kitchen bitch around the home then by Dagon, she can boss men around from the throne itself! Not that she ever had a family and home to know what she’s talking about.

But hey, she realizes that forcing boardrooms to arbitrarily change their gender content isn’t going to help women in the workplace. Impressive.

Wait, what’s that in the sky? Is it a bird? A plane?

Boards are too late . we need to start much earlier in solving this problem.

For starters, when building a new company, diversity should be a priority from inception and should continue through all stages of development . long before a public board of directors comes into view. This includes when you raise your first external financing, as a company is inevitably required to give board seats to several of its venture capital partners . and the vast majority of the VC world is male-dominated. In addition, board seats often come with requirements around executive-level experience and prior board experience. If women lack C-suite experience, their chances of making it to the board level are greatly diminished.

CRACK-BOOM! This feminist just shot past infinity like Superman LARPing as God. We shouldn’t give women unearned boardroom seats AFTER the company is formed! We should earmark those seats BEFORE the company is formed, so the women can get the command experience they need while displacing the venture capitalists from their Male Privilege!

And let’s not forget about the women executives this bill aims to please. As a female CEO surrounded by female executive peers and clients, I can confidently say that none of us want a seat at any table that is granted on the basis of gender. At best, the bill is misguided. At worst, it’s insulting.

Yeah, right, Barbie. Unearned status & pay, spending her life among peak Alphas while an executive team of eunuchs obeys her every command? That’s the female dream. Perhaps this CEO resents the imminent competition?

As a gay woman, I’m particularly concerned at how the focus of this bill will affect other marginalized groups. Gender is an important aspect of diversity, but it’s not the only one. We should not elevate women as a priority over ethnicity, age, or sexual identification.

CRACK-A-KABOOMA!!! SHE PASSED INFINITY TWICE! She resents the imminent competition from her heterosexual female peers! “Women in the Boardroom” is bad because it isn’t “Lesbians in the Boardroom”!

A great example of where the industry can enact change without a mandate is BlackRock. Earlier this year, the world’s largest money manager said it would not invest in companies without at least two female directors. To me, this is a far more powerful statement than a piece of legislation because it’s an industry leader and influencer stating that diversity is a key performance indicator much in the way a company must be revenue-generating, or have a smart business model, or solid data.

Scripture told us about the Mark of the Beast but this… this is not the form I ever expected it to take. I solemnly swear to die before I accept the mark “Kitchen Bitch” on my forehead or hand.

No wonder the Churchians will accept the mark!

The California board law does not address what our industry really must change in order to achieve diversity.

To drive true, lasting change, our industry needs more movement and momentum than what the law offers. We need anti-bias training for senior executives and hiring managers. We need better and equitable maternity and paternity leave policies. We need equal pay. And we need the venture capital community to prioritize diversity where it has lagged behind.

Let.s not use this law as a free pass to avoid adopting a comprehensive approach to diversity, for everyone, so that we enact, true, felt change . not just at the board level, but at every level within an organization and, as BlackRock attests, with everyone it does business.

Ugh, what a bipedal sewer of hate for white, heterosexual, productive men. But Carin’ Carin Canale-Freakston has gone one better and built herself a Converged company from the ground up. Let’s have a look at Love Canale Communications, her vision for the future of corporate America. Barf bag recommended.

At CanaleComm, life science is our single focus and always has been. It’s what gets us going in the morning and keeps us up way too late at night. Having worked with more than 250 biotech, medtech and pharma companies at virtually every stage of development, our team intimately understands the industry landscape and is uniquely equipped to translate your company’s business objectives into a communications strategy that works.

Communications. Marketing. Social media pimping. The company produces nothing of value.

Our Team

Six men to do the work and eighteen women to yap on the phone. Second row, left man is a confirmed SMV Gamma (Marvel comics in Current Year in his bio). Third row, left man is the only one whose physiognomy isn’t questionable and he’s the website admin.

Feral women are the ultimate parasite. They invade male space and reproduce while strangling the host. That roster is the endgame: enough eunuchs to keep a useless company running while women tackle real-world problems such as forcibly imposing diversity, locking down resources in the finance industry and… sexually violating their own children.

You probably thought Carin was divorced because of her hyphenated last name. I did too but when I looked for the unfortunate hubby (I thought “Mister Canale” had formed the company and his wife got it in the divorce), I found… Hillary Theakston. On the left; can’t confirm the middle man.

Xconomy: San Diego Meets the Xconomists 2015: An Experiment in Networking

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After being together almost 10 years, Carin and Hillary Canale Theakston are finally the family they wanted to be: a married couple with a baby.

Being married [since June 2008] was important to Carin and Hillary, both of whom work in marketing and met at a convention. Both are Type-A personalities, Carin said, so they had to feel everything was in place.

.I didn’t want people to think, .Oh you’ve been married for a year,. because if we’d had the opportunity, we’d have been married for eight years, instead of registered domestic partners,. Carin said. .It’s important to me to show that marriage is just a continuation of our life together, not the beginning of a second stage in our relationship..

Carin became pregnant, because she wanted to carry a baby and because, in Hillary’s words, she has the right hips.

…One neighbor, upon hearing that they were pregnant, exclaimed, .Oh what a lucky baby to have two mommies!.

This is what happens when a society tolerates sodomy: the kids get sodomized, the freaks join forces against the normals and marriage loses all meaning.


European Jews Claim to Be Oppressed while Making Demands of Christianity

I don’t believe in any conspiracies, including Jewish conspiracies to destroy Christianity, unless I can see it for myself. There’s plenty enough of those to keep me busy. Here’s the latest:

Jewish leaders call for new editions of the Bible and the Koran to carry trigger warnings highlighting anti-Semitic passages

By James Wood, 23 November 2018

Jewish leaders are calling for new editions of the Bible and Koran to carry warning messages which highlight anti-Semitic passages in the holy texts.

The recommendations have been made in a new document called “An End to Antisemitism! A Catalogue of Policies to Combat Antisemitism..

It was produced following an international conference organised by the European Jewish Congress, at which academics gathered to discuss how prejudice and discrimination can be tackled.

Obviously, by forcing the rest of the world to speak well of you by means of whatever threats, coercions and mindfucks you can impose. There’s no better way to show how kind and trustworthy your people are! A wiser people would consider their own behavior first.

This sort of thing is why Jews are living proof that money can’t buy love.

The document reads: ‘Translations of the New Testament, the and other Christian or Muslim literatures need marginal glosses, and introductions that emphasize continuity with Jewish heritage of both Christianity and Islam and warn readers about antisemitic passages in them.

Okay. The new subtitle for the Holy Bible is now “Why God’s chosen people murdered Him when He claimed they weren’t nice people”. That lets everybody know what’s inside!

‘While some efforts have been made in this direction in the case of Christianity, these efforts need to be extended and made consistent in both religions.’

There are several themes in the New Testament that have come under fire for their use as justification for anti-Semitic attitudes.

These include the blame of Jews for the death of Jesus and the seemingly stubborn nature of the Jewish people and their disloyalty to God.

Holy Facepalm by RoninHunt0987 on DeviantArt

Let’s retry that sentence. These include the blame of Jews for the death of Jesus, even though the Jews claim Jesus deserved execution to this day, and the seemingly stubborn nature of the Jewish people and their disloyalty to God, known collectively as the Old Testament. They would have to put a trigger warning on Moses coming down the mountain with the Ten Commandments. Golden calf, anybody?

We would have to get rid of the entire Bible to appease these chuckleheads. Notice they aren’t even accusing the Bible of being wrong. It just doesn’t make them look good… something it has in common with their current behavior.

While there are some negative remarks about Jews in the Koran, and negative portrayals of the people.

The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has previously spoken of how religious texts can be exploited or misinterpreted to promote discriminatory attitudes.

Wait, is the Archbishop Jewish? What was he doing there? No doubt explaining that God’s chosen people murdering God is a fantastic illustration of the human condition…right? Right?

The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has previously spoken of how theological teachings have in the past been used to spread anti-Semitism. He spoke of how it had 'infected the body of the Church'

Caption: The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has previously spoken of how theological teachings have in the past been used to spread anti-Semitism. He spoke of how it had ‘infected the body of the Church’

Is that pedoface?

Anglican Ordinariate | Conger

Yeah, about 75% pedo. It’s not actually a common face type but wow, it keeps turning up in the halls of power these days.

Writing in a collection of essays published in 2016, he said: ‘It is a shameful truth that, through its theological teachings, the church, which should have offered an antidote, compounded the spread of this virus.

‘The fact that anti-Semitism has infected the body of the Church is something of which we as Christians must be deeply repentant. We live with the consequences of our history of denial and complicity.’

The document, which was produced by academics including Dina Porat and Lawrence H. Schiffman, also calls on all antisemitic texts and passages in the heritage of Christianity and Islam ‘to be identified and rejected’.

Other recommendations include religious leaders and thinkers ‘publicly denouncing as unholy writ’ canonical or quasi-canonical writings of religious anti-Semites.

The justification for these changes, the documents states, is because divine messages are always communicated through human beings and therefore subject to error.

In a more civilized age, the Archbishop would have been burned at the stake for that lie. The justification doesn’t even make rational sense. Why would God, if He bothered to communicate with us, not care to be understood?

It reads: ‘God.s revelation is thus marred by human fallibility. Beginning with the New Testament, divine revelation expresses itself in Christian holy texts that also express a form of hatred.

‘The manifestations of this hatred resulted in a tradition of antisemitism that gave moral legitimacy to crimes against the Jewish people, the epitome of which is the Shoah.’

We know we didn’t understand God correctly because what He said makes the Jews look bad? I know these fools went through seminary learning about Judeo-Christ but this is Judeo-Instead-Of-Christ. Perhaps that’s what they were always working towards?

God’s dim opinion of the Jews throughout Scripture is one of the reasons I believe He wrote it. Had it been a purely man-made document, the Jews would have said only good things about themselves. Just like they’re trying to do right now, in fact. SJWs aren’t the only group who can regret having ever been honest and decent people.

Other areas highlighted, following the conference, include addressing anti-Semitism online and within research organisations and academic institutions.

This includes ensuring internet search engines privilege positive depictions of Judaism and accurate descriptions of the history of anti-Semitism.

Do they own Google or does Google own them? Either seems possible.

Academics have been reacting to suggested recommendations laid out in the documents.

Dr Christine Joynes, a theology lecturer at Oxford, told The Times that she had ‘some sympathy’ over the suggestion of an annotated bible.

But said: ‘The whole Bible needs a health warning to read it through the right critical lens and in historical context.’

Pastor Gunner of the United States underscored the need for such measures.

He said: “You bagel dogs murdered Christ because you’re the children of the devil, and you prove you’re still the children of the devil with this very document at this very conference on this very day… trying to alter two thousand years of history just to protect your delicate collective ego from the light of truth.”

While Muhammad Abdel Haleem, professor of Islamic Studies at the University of London, and also speaking to The Times said that the Koran is entirely negative towards Jews.

He said: ‘If someone wants to get involved in antisemitism or anti-Islamic behaviour, they will do it whether or not you add warnings and footnotes.’

Oops, one of those academics shouldn’t have been italicized. But y’know, all three came pretty close to saying the same thing. A female theologian, a Londonistan imam and a crank from Commiefornia each got closer to the truth than the Archbishop! For shame, Archbishop Welby.

If the Jews of Europe are upset that antisemitism is rising then maybe they should help us white Goyim reverse the immivasion. That would do much more to improve their public image than deplatforming the Crucifixion from social media.


Meet California’s New Governor

Not Gavin Newsom… his wife. The Los Angeles Times breaks the story that Jennifer Siebel Newsom will be sharing her husband’s rule to remake the state’s cultures into the feminist Narrative.

Jennifer Siebel Newsom will be California’s “first partner.” Her agenda is cultural change

By Melanie Mason, 24 November 2018

Even jaded old me twitched at that headline. Equality means two governors for the vote of one! California is officially post-democracy because I’m reasonably certain nobody voted Jennifer for Governor.

It was Gavin’s big moment. But first it was Jennifer.s.

An hour after her husband was elected California’s next governor, Jennifer Siebel Newsom took the stage alone at his Los Angeles victory party to extol his win, and welcome . in English and Spanish . all Californians to their extended family.

How long until English is banned in order to make Hondurans feel more at home? For that matter, how long until indoor plumbing is banned?

It.s not uncommon for a political spouse to play election-night emcee. Less common was the message staring back at her on the electric-pink T-shirts of a cluster of audience members: WE LOVE GAVIN + JEN.

California.s first couple now finds themselves navigating notoriously thorny territory: political spouses who share double billing. The Bill and Hillary Clinton era showed how “two for the price of one” could simultaneously evoke a power couple’s combination of talents and a presumptuous elevation of an unelected wife.

Team Bill and Hillary worked great for Hillary. I hope Gavin has better luck with his mistresses. (He already didn’t. Gavin had a major mistress scandal while he was dating Jennifer, that’s how much she cared to touch his body.)

And it gets even thornier. Siebel Newsom, who has built her public persona as a documentary filmmaker and advocate focusing on gender relations, is becoming California’s first lady at the moment gender politics in the country is at its most raw and combustible, after #MeToo and the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh.

Just when you think Commie politicians can’t get any worse, they come out of the closet as disciples of Michael Moore as well as Bill & Hill. Sometimes, I wonder if we’ll ever pass infinity and have such a messed-up celebrity child that they end up being great. Other times, I remember Trump is President.

So, she’s a moviemaker? Off to IMDB, the Internet Movie Database:

7x7 San Francisco Magazine (July 2005)

California’s First Lady during her “heroin chic” days.

Newsom is the writer, director, and producer of the 2011 Sundance documentary film Miss Representation (2011), which explores how the media’s misrepresentations of women have led to the under-representation of women in positions of power and influence. Miss Representation made its national broadcast debut on OWN: the Oprah Winfrey Network on October 20th, 2011.

Before I check, I predict the current leader of the Sundance Film Festival is a pedoface. *checks*

Sundance Institute Keri Putnam Stock Photos and Pictures | Getty Images

Nose, eyes & mouth yes, ears probably no, didn’t expect a female senior director. Here’s the highest-level male:

John Cooper?s Stealth Direction of Sundance Film Festival - The New York Times

Pedoface. Physiognomy is real. Anyway, these are the people who approved of Mrs. Newsom’s movie on female sexuality.

Coinciding with the distribution of her film, Newsom launched, a call-to-action movement that gives women and girls the tools to realize their full potential. Newsom serves as the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of

As an actress, Newsom appeared in numerous films and television shows including In the Valley of Elah (2007), Something’s Gotta Give (2003), Rent (2005), Life (2007), Mad Men (2007), The Nanny Express (2008), Trauma (2009), and Numb3rs (2005).

Emphasis mine, heehee.

Prior, Newsom worked on assignments in Africa, Latin America, and Europe for Conservation International, a global environmental organization, where her primary focus was providing micro-enterprise opportunities to women.

She’s directly connected to the Globalists. I’ve covered on my blog how charity organizations prioritize helping women over men in order to feminize Third World societies during times of vulnerability. It is a despicable practice.

Returning to the Times article,

Siebel Newsom doesn’t project much nervousness about the high-wire act that awaits her. She looks forward to seizing the platform and to making California the incubator of cultural change she has preached for years.

.We obviously have a long ways to go,. she said, sitting in Newsom’s campaign bus during the final days of the race. .We have tremendous inequality. But because Gavin wants to pri-or-i-tize that. . her over-enunciation echoing her husband’s speaking style . “and I’m in the process of finishing a film that I think shows a path forward . to right the wrongs of the past and shift toward a more equitable society, I really think we could actually do that here in California.

.It.s a matter of priorities and a matter of political will. And I think we will have that in California with Gavin’s leadership and our partnership..

Go on, bitch. Spit in God’s face. Claim you have the right to decree what the little people think and do because because you became their owner when you husband got elected with the Child Molester vote. Find out how eternally wrong you are.

Then she laughed, with the satisfaction of a filmmaker recognizing a good soundbite when she hears it.

.That sounded good!.

I bet it didn’t.

Siebel Newsom, 44, is a California native, one of five daughters in an affluent, politically conservative family from Marin County. She was a high achiever as a youth: academics (a bachelor’s degree and master’s of business administration from Stanford), athletics (a nationally competitive soccer player) and altruism (international aid work in Africa and Latin America).

Daddy was a DODO. Altruism and Africa do not belong in the same sentence.

And acting, which she decided to pursue full time after business school. But she found herself typecast in Hollywood as the trophy wife or the icy Hitchcock blond. Her age . a geriatric 28 . and her education were seen as a detriment, which led her to produce and eventually make her own films with a focus on gender dynamics in society.

Now Siebel Newsom has two under her belt . .Miss Representation,. which explores the over-sexualization of women by the media, and “The Mask You Live In,. which looks at the corrosive social pressures that boys face. A third film, .The Great American Lie,. a study of economic immobility through the lens of gender, is slated to debut in January.

Yeah, Barbie, economic immobility is horrible. If only a woman forced to marry a future state governor because she was born to rich parents would make a documentary about our plight!

Here’s the timeline of her life:

June 1974 born. Father was an investment banker, mother co-founder of a childrens’ museum in Sausalito.

1996 Graduated Stanford

2001 Stanford MBA awarded, focused on rain forest preservation and Third World infrastructure

2002 moved to Hollywood to begin acting career (age 28, bad time to start). Gaps in IMDB employment suggest she mostly lived off Daddy’s money.

July 2008 married Gavin Newsom (age 34)

2011 Won Sundance Film Festival, launched

2014 Impact with The Wall (age 40)

So, the new First Lady of California is a spoiled Daddy’s Princess, tried to become an actress celebrity when she timed out on her MRS degree, failed in film because she didn’t have enough beauty to offset her lack of talent and connections, and then married into wealth/power in order to attack the men who never appreciated her attention-whoring and shallow gestures of goodwill.

Newsom, who has appeared in all of his wife’s films and has incorporated “toxic masculinity” into his political vocabulary, acknowledged that the #MeToo reckoning had stirred up raw emotions.

Balls in a jar. Let me segue to explain exactly how cucked-up Gavin Newsom is, by quoting his wife on her movie about male masculinity:

Meet the 2015 Sundance Filmmakers #79: In “The Mask You Live In,. Jennifer Siebel Newsom Confronts Our Narrow Definition of Masculinity

By David Canfield, 31 January 2015

Her chest is flatter than Florida. Face is plain. Was this 34-year old, washed-up actress the best wife that then-Mayor of San Francisco Gavin could attract? He had an entire city’s worth of famous harlots to choose from. Maybe word got out after his first marriage cratered.

After making a splash with “Miss Representation” in 2011, Jennifer Siebel Newsom is back with a new documentary at Sundance. Keeping in the spirit of delving into American notions of gender, Siebel Newsom’s “The Mask You Live In” shifts the focus to men and masculinity. This probing and insightful accounting of the role of American social life, media and pop culture in gender formation exposes the damaging effects that come with limited interpretations of who and what a “man” can be. But Sundance is only a starting point: Siebel Newsom hopes to spread the word beyond Park City.

What.s your film about in 140 characters or less?

See what Twitter did to America?

.The Mask You Live In. explores how America’s narrow definition of masculinity is harming our boys, men, and society.

Now what’s it REALLY about?

Best. Second. Question. Ever.

.The Mask You Live In. follows boys and young men as they struggle to stay true to themselves while negotiating America’s narrow definition of masculinity. Pressured by the media, pop culture, their peer group, and even the adults in their lives, our protagonists confront messages encouraging them to disconnect from their emotions, devalue authentic friendships, objectify and degrade women, and resolve conflicts through violence. These gender stereotypes interconnect with race, class, and circumstance, creating a maze of identity issues boys and young men must navigate to become “real” men. Experts in neuroscience, psychology, sociology, sports, education, and media also weigh in, offering empirical evidence of the “boy crisis” and tactics to combat it. .The Mask You Live In. ultimately illustrates how we, as a society, can raise a healthier generation of boys and young men.

Apparently, by dumping estrogen in the ground water. Oh shit, she’s in a position to make that happen.

Now-Gov. Gavin Newsom chose to appear in THAT movie. I’ll guess he wasn’t the villain.

Back to the Times,

Still, Siebel Newsom has spent much of her time exploring pain. Her films and public statements focus heavily on trauma, that of her subjects as well as her own, including abuse she says she suffered from a childhood coach and Hollywood film producer Harvey Weinstein.

She talks like a victim but Harvey’s Stained Casting Couch is the only reason she ever appeared in more than a commercial.

Siebel Newsom is quick to assert she does not consider herself to be her husband’s political equal.

.But,. she added, .I see that we complement and support each other, and I’m obviously a thought partner of his . and the main thought partner..

She’s not his equal. She’s his owner.

…Allies say Siebel Newsom’s most refreshing quality is that she speaks her mind, political politeness be damned. Crystal Strait, chief executive of Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California, which made the GAVIN + JEN T-shirts, recalled Siebel Newsom joining several prominent male politicians at a recent protest against the Trump administration.

Dear God, either show up already or drop an asteroid on Sacramento. Why would you warn us with stories like Ahab and Jezebel, the original power couple, and then not allow us the chance to avoid the same fate?



Proud Boys Not Extremists per FBI

Contra all the headlines flying around, I’m not convinced the FBI has categorized the Proud Boy organization as an extremist group. All the journalists are claiming that based on a leaked memo from the Clark County, Washington Sheriff’s Office. I looked on the FBI webpage and the search function turned up no results for Proud Boys at all. Very curious… but I am speaking of the journalists’ overreaction to this not-confirmed news. The FBI willingly admitted to classifying the Black Identity Movement as extremist last year so they aren’t necessarily the SPLC’s toady.

So why is a country sheriff breaking this story and why is the lamestream media latching on so quickly to the notion that Proud Boys have been denounced by the FBI?

Ah… the Proud Boys allowed girls into their clubhouse.

FBI labels Proud Boys an “extremist group.

20 November 2018

Most commonly seen scrapping in the streets with Antifa, the Proud Boys have now been designated as an “extremist group with ties to white nationalism” by the FBI.
According to a document from the Clark County Sheriff’s Office in Washington state, the FBI has labeled the Proud Boys an extremist group, and “warned local law enforcement agencies that the Proud Boys are actively recruiting in the Pacific northwest.”

.Proud Boys members have contributed to the recent escalation of violence at political rallies held on college campuses, and in cities like Charlottesville, Virginia, Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington,. the report continued.

The report stemmed not from an investigation into the Proud Boys themselves, but from the association between a female Clark County deputy and the group, which was found to violate sheriff’s office policy. Antifa groups had circulated a picture of the deputy in a Proud Boys sweater, and threatened to reveal her personal details.

That’s rather suspicious.

Pro-Donald Trump group holds a rally

Looks like New York Antifa are sore losers. They went hunting for a weak link and found one. Here’s a better picture of Erin Wiley:

Related image

Thousand cock stare. We don’t have to feel bad about her being fired from the Sheriff’s office. Hmm, she has hair in the right photo. That may have been a picture from her cadet days.

The FBI told The Guardian that it would not “directly address the designation,. adding that it “regularly assesses intelligence regarding possible threats” from a multitude of groups. Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes told the Gateway Pundit that he thinks .it’s just local cops trying to cover their asses if she sues. for being unfairly disciplined.

A fraternal organization, the Proud Boys was founded in 2016 by McInnes. Soon after, its uniform of a black and yellow Fred Perry polo shirt began showing up at protests and rallies across the country, including the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, last August.

Excellent reporting by! And what they found is the FBI did NOT state the Proud Boys were an extremist group even when asked.

So, what happened? Who’s the broad? Let’s look at the leaked internal memorandum linked to in the article. The memo is dated 10 August 2018, before any of the Proud Boy shenanigans in NYC. And it’s only breaking now that the PBs are allegedly extremists per the FBI?

Probationary Deputy Erin Wiley was fired for her off-duty conduct, to wit: associating with a Proud Boy without disclosing it on official documents between 2017-2018. She was accused of… designing and selling women’s apparel for them. The “Proud Boys’ Girls” line of clothing.

Pro-Donald Trump group holds a rally

Not a good look for a “fraternal organization”.

The Columbian Newspaper learned of Erin’s Proud Boys and Proud Boy Girls affiliation and contacted the Sheriff’s Office. The Columbian submitted on July 2, 2018, a formal public disclosure request for Erin Willey’s employment information and anything the Sheriff’s Office had related to the Proud Boys. In the process of responding to the Columbian’s public disclosure request, Undersheriff Mike Cooke learned that the newspaper staff had received from a source, a side by side photo of Erin wearing Proud Boy Girls apparel and also a photo of her wearing a patrol uniform.

This investigation later determined that Erin’s Graham Jorgensen was the likely source of the Columbian’s photo and that he sent this photo as a form of retaliation, because Erin ended their relationship.

Graham Jorgensen is a Proud Boys member.

Dayumn. We know who the bitch was in THAT relationship. Erin’s boyfriend sent her pictures to a newspaper to get her fired, and the Sheriff’s office was so excited at the prospect that they accused the entire organization.

But… perhaps not without cause. Poking around, I discovered Jorgensen had an arrest for domestic violence/stalking in May. That was probably Erin.

Prior to this inquiry by the Columbian Newspaper, no one at the Sheriffs Office was reportedly aware of Erin’s past or present involvement or affiliation with Proud Boys and Proud Boy Girls, or the depths at which Graham Jorgensen was now threatening her or the Sheriffs Office with that past affiliation.

The information provided by this analysis is not meant to outline every detail known about Erin Willey’s private or professional life. This review will not explore Erin’s political, personal beliefs.

Additionally, this review is not intended to be an in-depth look at the Proud Boys or Proud Boy Girls organizations. Them is no active investigation by the lnternal Affairs Unit on any other current or former member of the Proud Boys or Proud Boy Girls. Graham Jorgensen has not been interviewed by lnternal Affairs. …

That makes this memo very not-authoritative when it claims the FBI has imposed an extremist designation.

The photograph appears to show Erin Wiley posing for a selfie style picture wearing a black hoody style sweatshirt with a Proud Boy Girls logo. The Proud Boy Girls logo is a lipstick and a switch blade knife crossing each other to form an X. There is blood dripping off of the knife. The symbol has been interpreted by activists on both sides as a way for an individual or group to communicate their solidarity with the League of the South (LOS). a far right southern nationalist group.

Man, that’s weak. Crossed ‘whatevers’ is an incredibly common design. Although the bloody knife is not good for her in any context. Here’s the LOS symbol:

Image result for symbol league of the south

Crossed just-about-anything could resemble that. Including, apparently, lipstick.

At this time we do not know if the Proud Boy Girls intended their logo to form an as a means of showing that solidarity with the LOS, or if it was just a coincidence. There are also the letters PBG representing Proud Boy Girls. And Finally the logo contains a picture of what is generally viewed as a cartoon style heart.

For shame. The author is trying to kiss up to the SPLC, or somebody. The memo goes on but it’s only relevant to Erin’s employment situation.

Every time the memo mentions the FBI, it mentions the SPLC. Vancouver/Clark County being next door to Portland, I think this is simply an Antifa point-and-shriek that took off. I can believe the FBI would put the Proud Boys on an “extremist” list but only when the FBI actually says so.

As weak as this citation of FBI behavior is, it was sufficient to convince Gavin McInnes, founder of Proud Boys, to shed his skin and slither away.

In his final appearance as the group’s public face, McInnes argued that he “was never the leader, only the founder” and that the term “stepping down” cannot apply to him.

Bullshit. He was its spokesman, its public face.

Regarding his motivations for ditching the group, McInnes said that he was told by his lawyers that him disowning the group could help “alleviate sentencing” for nine members of the group who were arrested by the NYPD following a brawl with Antifa in October. The clash erupted outside the NYC Republican headquarters with both sides engaging in acts of violence. Three left-wing activists were subsequently arrested on misdemeanor assault charges.

Not credible. The court would consider McInnes a third party whose post-arrest conduct was irrelevant to the case in question. Besides, they’re likely to go free because they were charged with headline-grabbing “rioting” instead of simple assault. For more, I covered that incident on my blog:

McInnes said that, while he was following the lawyers’ advice, he was doing “all of this reluctantly,” blaming “terrible journalism, rumors and lies” for penetrating the court system and demonizing the group.

Bullshit he’s doing this reluctantly. How could he attend the political rallies he did without expecting “terrible journalism, rumors and lies” to try a few hatchet jobs at his expense? Refusing to stand his ground on this, and trying to whitewash the surrender with “it’ll help our guys in jail” lying is going to burn his reputation more completely than anything Antifa could have done. Similarly, I think McInnes now has more to fear from the guys with “Proud Boy” tattoos than the feminazi footsoldiers.

Couldn’t happen to a more deserving “leader”. I suppose the Proud Boys will now fall apart, their reputation tarnished by some aggressive thugs and their leader hitting the fire escape at the first hint of a Federal case against him.



The Brocksom Murder

Things are reaching the point where “Husband Convicted of Murdering Wife” stories fall into one of only two categories: “Thugbait broke his toy” or “father turns violent after exhausting peaceful alternatives”.

Kenosha man guilty of ex-wife’s murder in Gurnee: ‘It was his plan to go back there and kill her’

By Jim Newton, 15 November 2018

In less than two hours, a Lake County jury convicted David Brocksom of first-degree murder and home invasion Thursday in the 2015 shooting death of his former wife, Beata Brocksom of Gurnee.

Two hours, wow. Was his lawyer a no-show?

The jury also found that the state had proven Brocksom fired the gun that killed his ex-wife, and that the act was committed in a premeditated and calculated manner, both potential factors in enhancing his prison sentence.

Using a firearm is a sentence enhancement? Is every weapon a sentence enhancement in Illinois or do Leftoids think long knives and baseball bats are kinder? Maybe they just want to crack down on amateur murderers… looking at you, Chicago.

Wisconsin Man Charged With Killing Estranged Wife In Gurnee « CBS Chicago

I haven’t covered this face shape before. It’s the pear shape–your first guess, probably. Such people have social insecurities that they handle by being sociable and agreeable with others and having strong expectations of being treated the same in return. If you encounter the pear-shape face in real life, turn up the friendliness and concern for him personally, and you’ll make a fast friend.

The “Santa Claus” beard is his attempt to hide this vulnerability. He doesn’t want to be perceived as the soft squeeze he is.

Which makes a BPD, manipulative wife his greatest existential threat, an abomination of all he holds dear. I predict a lot of “wronged father” murderers will have pear-shaped heads.

Beata Brocksom

This is a poor picture for physiognomy but I’ll try. She’s quite emotional to judge from high, arched eyebrows. See that hinge point at the top of her nose? Looks like her forehead extends straight almost to mid-eye before the nose proper begins? That suggests high willpower. Emotional plus strong-willed equals manipulative. At least her lower eyelids aren’t flattened to confirm that impression. She’s clearly reaching the wall to judge from the emergence of her cheekbones but not yet “ugly hag”. This plus the kids being aged 5-10 years means she’s in the danger zone for pushing the frivorce button.

She’s not BPD crazy, that’s the good news. She’s a typically ungrateful American skank, that’s the bad news, no doubt regretting her marriage to an ordinary guy who wants to be nice to her and demands to be treated nice in return. Where are all the good men who will treat her like the whoring bitch she is?

Brocksom faces up to life in prison, and Judge George Strickland set Dec. 14 as a tentative sentencing date for Brocksom, who has been held in the Lake County jail with bail set at $3 million since his arrest. At the request of prosecutors, Strickland also revoked his bail.

“I set bail at $3M.” “He might be able to afford that, your honor.” “Oh, well, then no bail.”

Judge Stan Strickland Stock Photos and Pictures | Getty Images

Not a bad face for a judge, although the upturned nose suggests an excess of trust.

.Justice has been served,. Mary Marquez Berrera, who had been a close friend and neighbor of Beata Brocksom, said after the verdict. .It’s been a long three years. It felt like she was here today..

.She was here with us,. said Eva Hajnos, another close friend. .I.m very happy. Beata, this is your day..

Hajnos said Beata Brocksom loved lilies of the valley and gave her some of the flowers for her yard. She said she was also a talented seamstress and dress designer.

The Sisterhood approves. This rules out thugbait as effectively as real evidence.

Beata Brocksom, 43, died in the early morning hours of Sept. 27, 2015, outside of her Gurnee home after being shot in the neck.

Prosecutors said David Brocksom had taken his children to a resort in the Wisconsin Dells, but left in the middle of the night wearing black “from head to toe” and drove to Beata Brocksom’s Gurnee home alone, arriving at about 4 a.m.

Assistant State’s Attorney Jason Humke said David Brocksom planned to kill Beata Brocksom and make it look like a suicide, and might have gotten away with it if she hadn’t awakened when he arrived at the house.

Police and prosecutors said a major struggle erupted between the two, and at some point, Beata Brocksom was shot in the throat before fleeing out a window and being followed by her ex-husband.

A kinder man would have slit her throat, per firearm sentence enhancement laws.

Although he had remained quiet throughout the almost two-week trial, Brocksom, 46, who chose not to take the stand, had a brief outburst Thursday morning as Humke was addressing the jury in closing arguments prior to deliberations.

.I went to the Gurnee police in 2013 and they didn’t do anything,. Brocksom shouted, in what appeared to be a reference to his allegations that Beata Brocksom had molested their daughter.

Oh, hello! I wonder why the defense didn’t bring that up?

In interviews after his arrest, Brocksom told investigators his daughter told him Beata Brocksom had molested her, which led to his driving to Gurnee from the Wisconsin Dells in the middle of the night to ask her about the accusations.

This might have been why. Nobody goes to their ex’s home in the middle of the night to talk about felony accusations.

But in a video interview, the girl said she had not been molested and had not told her father that she had. The allegations had previously been raised years earlier during divorce and custody proceedings.

There it is. Frivorce & custody dispute. Ex-wife hasn’t hit the Wall yet so you know she’s monkey-branching.

Strickland immediately admonished Brocksom and said he would be removed from the court if there were another outburst.

It’s possible Brocksom was under a gag order to not mention his dealings with law enforcement.

Humke told the jury that when Brocksom, of Kenosha, had taken his two children to the Wisconsin Dells and was already planning to use that as his alibi, hoping to get away from the home and back to the Dells resort after killing his former wife.

Brocksom.s plan, Humke added, was to make Beata Brocksom’s death look like a suicide by gunshot, but that she awakened when he entered her Pacific Avenue home, then fought back as “her will to live” destroyed that plan.

The prosecution wasn’t much more competent. There were no signs of forced entry so either David politely rang the doorbell and she let him in, unlikely, or let himself in quietly enough to not wake her. What woke her up at 4am?

Humke suggested the motive was an ongoing bitter child custody dispute that had left both parents struggling financially, with ill will growing quickly between the two.

.It was his plan to go back there and kill her,. Humke said. .It was the solution to all of his problems..

Humke said the results left Beata Brocksom dead and the couple’s children without a mother.

If we’re going to play that game then law enforcement’s results left the couple’s children without a father. Bad cops! No donut!

.He thought he could get away with it. He failed, but she’s still dead,. he said. .He thought he was the man with the plan..

Humke also showed slides and address lists Brocksom made in a spiral notebook later recovered by police through his girlfriend. A things-to-bring list included black clothing and a “bag of GSR,. which prosecutors said stands for gunshot residue, and that Brocksom planned to put it on his former wife’s hands after killing her to make the death look like a suicide.

A things to do list included “Key, Open, Do it, Prints tools and bags, leave, lock doors.”

Humke also said that Brocksom’s claims that his wife let him in the house were .ridiculous,. adding that she had told friends she was afraid of him. Humke added that Brocksom showed up at her home at 4 a.m. dressed all in black “like some ninja..

Prosecutors have suggested he had a key copy made, possibly by using one of the children’s keys.

Defense attorney Gabe Conroe began his closing arguments to the jury by apologizing on behalf of Brocksom for his outburst, stating that it was unacceptable but brought on by the emotional toll of the trial.

Conroe said the death of Beata Brocksom was a tragedy, but also that she was .a troubled woman with rage, and that rage was focused on (David Brocksom)..

According to Conroe, Brocksom went to talk with his ex-wife about what his daughter allegedly had told him, and that she let him in the house but then struck him with the gun she was eventually shot with.

That’s a pathetic story to tell the jury. I have no picture of Conroe but per my search, he was apparently practicing traffic law as of 2013. My guess is he was willing to represent Brocksom for cheap in return for his first murder trial.

Me not being a lawyer, I would have have repped Brocksom by painting the ex-wife (and police, if there’s any truth to his outburst) as an emotional vampire that drove him to desperate measures to defend his kids… which is likely the truth. More below.

He said there were no signs of forced entry to the home, and that the narrative Brocksom gave to investigators was largely collaborated by evidence. Specifically, he noted that Brocksom said he was bleeding profusely as the two struggled and fell onto a bed in the living room where Beata Brocksom was shot.

Conroe said tests showed that blood on the bed, the nightstand and a lampshade next to the bed all came from David Brocksom.

This proves David was a tyro at violence. He had every advantage over her and HIS blood ended up splattered everywhere?

David Brocksom said the struggle continued after Beata Brocksom was shot in the neck, and that he initially thought he had been shot.

Brocksom told investigators that after he believed his former wife had died outside of the house, he moved her body closer to some bushes, cleaned up his wounds in the house and then drove to his mother’s Kenosha home where he was living to shower before driving aimlessly for hours until he turned himself in to Gurnee police that evening.

She got the house in the divorce.

We can paint the picture. Barbie went feral for cash & prizes right on schedule, with the kids aged 5-10 and the Wall looming near. After a bitter custody battle, they ended up with shared custody of the kids. David became convinced she (or her new lover) was sexually abusing his children. Going to the police didn’t help. David was left with three options: 1. Give up and watch his kids suffer for years. 2. Devote his ruined resources to years of court proceedings that, at best, would protect his kids too late. 3. Butcher the pig. Done in a day.

David chose #3.

But David didn’t want his kids to be orphaned. He also didn’t want them to grow up knowing “Daddy murdered Mommy”. So, instead of planning a smart murder–just cap her, hide the body and hope police don’t find enough evidence to prosecute until the kids grow up–he came up with a hopelessly elaborate scheme to make it seem like a remorse-motivated suicide. That would have fit well with his personality.

Once he was standing over her with a handgun in the dark, however, that same personality kicked in and he chose to ask “why did you ruin us all” one last time. She having the heartless soul of a woman, seized the chance to defend herself and nearly pulled it off, so in love was David with her STILL. But a lucky, hasty, unaimed shot by David to her throat ended up fatal.

David cooled off, realized with his mashed face that there was no chance the police wouldn’t solve the murder before lunch and turned himself in, hoping that one day his kids would understand.


The Brocksom Murder

Things are reaching the point where “Husband Convicted of Murdering Wife” stories fall into one of only two categories: “Thugbait broke his toy” or “father turns violent after exhausting peaceful alternatives”.

Kenosha man guilty of ex-wife’s murder in Gurnee: ‘It was his plan to go back there and kill her’

By Jim Newton, 15 November 2018

In less than two hours, a Lake County jury convicted David Brocksom of first-degree murder and home invasion Thursday in the 2015 shooting death of his former wife, Beata Brocksom of Gurnee.

Two hours, wow. Was his lawyer a no-show?

The jury also found that the state had proven Brocksom fired the gun that killed his ex-wife, and that the act was committed in a premeditated and calculated manner, both potential factors in enhancing his prison sentence.

Using a firearm is a sentence enhancement? Is every weapon a sentence enhancement in Illinois or do Leftoids think long knives and baseball bats are kinder? Maybe they just want to crack down on amateur murderers… looking at you, Chicago.

Wisconsin Man Charged With Killing Estranged Wife In Gurnee « CBS Chicago

I haven’t covered this face shape before. It’s the pear shape–your first guess, probably. Such people have social insecurities that they handle by being sociable and agreeable with others and having strong expectations of being treated the same in return. If you encounter the pear-shape face in real life, turn up the friendliness and concern for him personally, and you’ll make a fast friend.

The “Santa Claus” beard is his attempt to hide this vulnerability. He doesn’t want to be perceived as the soft squeeze he is.

Which makes a BPD, manipulative wife his greatest existential threat, an abomination of all he holds dear. I predict a lot of “wronged father” murderers will have pear-shaped heads.

Beata Brocksom

This is a poor picture for physiognomy but I’ll try. She’s quite emotional to judge from high, arched eyebrows. See that hinge point at the top of her nose? Looks like her forehead extends straight almost to mid-eye before the nose proper begins? That suggests high willpower. Emotional plus strong-willed equals manipulative. At least her lower eyelids aren’t flattened to confirm that impression. She’s clearly reaching the wall to judge from the emergence of her cheekbones but not yet “ugly hag”. This plus the kids being aged 5-10 years means she’s in the danger zone for pushing the frivorce button.

She’s not BPD crazy, that’s the good news. She’s a typically ungrateful American skank, that’s the bad news, no doubt regretting her marriage to an ordinary guy who wants to be nice to her and demands to be treated nice in return. Where are all the good men who will treat her like the whoring bitch she is?

Brocksom faces up to life in prison, and Judge George Strickland set Dec. 14 as a tentative sentencing date for Brocksom, who has been held in the Lake County jail with bail set at $3 million since his arrest. At the request of prosecutors, Strickland also revoked his bail.

“I set bail at $3M.” “He might be able to afford that, your honor.” “Oh, well, then no bail.”

Judge Stan Strickland Stock Photos and Pictures | Getty Images

Not a bad face for a judge, although the upturned nose suggests an excess of trust.

.Justice has been served,. Mary Marquez Berrera, who had been a close friend and neighbor of Beata Brocksom, said after the verdict. .It’s been a long three years. It felt like she was here today..

.She was here with us,. said Eva Hajnos, another close friend. .I.m very happy. Beata, this is your day..

Hajnos said Beata Brocksom loved lilies of the valley and gave her some of the flowers for her yard. She said she was also a talented seamstress and dress designer.

The Sisterhood approves. This rules out thugbait as effectively as real evidence.

Beata Brocksom, 43, died in the early morning hours of Sept. 27, 2015, outside of her Gurnee home after being shot in the neck.

Prosecutors said David Brocksom had taken his children to a resort in the Wisconsin Dells, but left in the middle of the night wearing black “from head to toe” and drove to Beata Brocksom’s Gurnee home alone, arriving at about 4 a.m.

Assistant State’s Attorney Jason Humke said David Brocksom planned to kill Beata Brocksom and make it look like a suicide, and might have gotten away with it if she hadn’t awakened when he arrived at the house.

Police and prosecutors said a major struggle erupted between the two, and at some point, Beata Brocksom was shot in the throat before fleeing out a window and being followed by her ex-husband.

A kinder man would have slit her throat, per firearm sentence enhancement laws.

Although he had remained quiet throughout the almost two-week trial, Brocksom, 46, who chose not to take the stand, had a brief outburst Thursday morning as Humke was addressing the jury in closing arguments prior to deliberations.

.I went to the Gurnee police in 2013 and they didn’t do anything,. Brocksom shouted, in what appeared to be a reference to his allegations that Beata Brocksom had molested their daughter.

Oh, hello! I wonder why the defense didn’t bring that up?

In interviews after his arrest, Brocksom told investigators his daughter told him Beata Brocksom had molested her, which led to his driving to Gurnee from the Wisconsin Dells in the middle of the night to ask her about the accusations.

This might have been why. Nobody goes to their ex’s home in the middle of the night to talk about felony accusations.

But in a video interview, the girl said she had not been molested and had not told her father that she had. The allegations had previously been raised years earlier during divorce and custody proceedings.

There it is. Frivorce & custody dispute. Ex-wife hasn’t hit the Wall yet so you know she’s monkey-branching.

Strickland immediately admonished Brocksom and said he would be removed from the court if there were another outburst.

It’s possible Brocksom was under a gag order to not mention his dealings with law enforcement.

Humke told the jury that when Brocksom, of Kenosha, had taken his two children to the Wisconsin Dells and was already planning to use that as his alibi, hoping to get away from the home and back to the Dells resort after killing his former wife.

Brocksom.s plan, Humke added, was to make Beata Brocksom’s death look like a suicide by gunshot, but that she awakened when he entered her Pacific Avenue home, then fought back as “her will to live” destroyed that plan.

The prosecution wasn’t much more competent. There were no signs of forced entry so either David politely rang the doorbell and she let him in, unlikely, or let himself in quietly enough to not wake her. What woke her up at 4am?

Humke suggested the motive was an ongoing bitter child custody dispute that had left both parents struggling financially, with ill will growing quickly between the two.

.It was his plan to go back there and kill her,. Humke said. .It was the solution to all of his problems..

Humke said the results left Beata Brocksom dead and the couple’s children without a mother.

If we’re going to play that game then law enforcement’s results left the couple’s children without a father. Bad cops! No donut!

.He thought he could get away with it. He failed, but she’s still dead,. he said. .He thought he was the man with the plan..

Humke also showed slides and address lists Brocksom made in a spiral notebook later recovered by police through his girlfriend. A things-to-bring list included black clothing and a “bag of GSR,. which prosecutors said stands for gunshot residue, and that Brocksom planned to put it on his former wife’s hands after killing her to make the death look like a suicide.

A things to do list included “Key, Open, Do it, Prints tools and bags, leave, lock doors.”

Humke also said that Brocksom’s claims that his wife let him in the house were .ridiculous,. adding that she had told friends she was afraid of him. Humke added that Brocksom showed up at her home at 4 a.m. dressed all in black “like some ninja..

Prosecutors have suggested he had a key copy made, possibly by using one of the children’s keys.

Defense attorney Gabe Conroe began his closing arguments to the jury by apologizing on behalf of Brocksom for his outburst, stating that it was unacceptable but brought on by the emotional toll of the trial.

Conroe said the death of Beata Brocksom was a tragedy, but also that she was .a troubled woman with rage, and that rage was focused on (David Brocksom)..

According to Conroe, Brocksom went to talk with his ex-wife about what his daughter allegedly had told him, and that she let him in the house but then struck him with the gun she was eventually shot with.

That’s a pathetic story to tell the jury. I have no picture of Conroe but per my search, he was apparently practicing traffic law as of 2013. My guess is he was willing to represent Brocksom for cheap in return for his first murder trial.

Me not being a lawyer, I would have have repped Brocksom by painting the ex-wife (and police, if there’s any truth to his outburst) as an emotional vampire that drove him to desperate measures to defend his kids… which is likely the truth. More below.

He said there were no signs of forced entry to the home, and that the narrative Brocksom gave to investigators was largely collaborated by evidence. Specifically, he noted that Brocksom said he was bleeding profusely as the two struggled and fell onto a bed in the living room where Beata Brocksom was shot.

Conroe said tests showed that blood on the bed, the nightstand and a lampshade next to the bed all came from David Brocksom.

This proves David was a tyro at violence. He had every advantage over her and HIS blood ended up splattered everywhere?

David Brocksom said the struggle continued after Beata Brocksom was shot in the neck, and that he initially thought he had been shot.

Brocksom told investigators that after he believed his former wife had died outside of the house, he moved her body closer to some bushes, cleaned up his wounds in the house and then drove to his mother’s Kenosha home where he was living to shower before driving aimlessly for hours until he turned himself in to Gurnee police that evening.

She got the house in the divorce.

We can paint the picture. Barbie went feral for cash & prizes right on schedule, with the kids aged 5-10 and the Wall looming near. After a bitter custody battle, they ended up with shared custody of the kids. David became convinced she (or her new lover) was sexually abusing his children. Going to the police didn’t help. David was left with three options: 1. Give up and watch his kids suffer for years. 2. Devote his ruined resources to years of court proceedings that, at best, would protect his kids too late. 3. Butcher the pig. Done in a day.

David chose #3.

But David didn’t want his kids to be orphaned. He also didn’t want them to grow up knowing “Daddy murdered Mommy”. So, instead of planning a smart murder–just cap her, hide the body and hope police don’t find enough evidence to prosecute until the kids grow up–he came up with a hopelessly elaborate scheme to make it seem like a remorse-motivated suicide. That would have fit well with his personality.

Once he was standing over her with a handgun in the dark, however, that same personality kicked in and he chose to ask “why did you ruin us all” one last time. She having the heartless soul of a woman, seized the chance to defend herself and nearly pulled it off, so in love was David with her STILL. But a lucky, hasty, unaimed shot by David to her throat ended up fatal.

David cooled off, realized with his mashed face that there was no chance the police wouldn’t solve the murder before lunch and turned himself in, hoping that one day his kids would understand.


John Hawkins Channels Roosh Into the Mainstream

It’s always heartening to see a guy realize the shit sandwich of modern life and begin to respond rationally. Even more so when Manospherians are helping him do it. We’ve been watching Mr. Hawkins for some time now and he’s so close to waking up, it’s not fair to him.

5 Reasons Americans Are Living Through a Sex Recession

By John Hawkins, 19 November 2018

We the Red-Pilled know it’s just the one reason–women are encouraged to favor Alpha Tingles over Beta Bucks–but Hawkins has a thing for “5 Reasons for Whatever” articles.

No civilization in human history has been as sex-drenched as modern-day America. … Yet, intriguingly, according to a much-discussed article in the Atlantic, Americans are in the middle of a sex recession.

It seems straightforward. When one of the basics of life is denied, society gets obsessed with it. “Why do you talk about sex but never do it?” “Because it’s too expensive and risky. Same reason I watch extreme sports but never ride a bicycle off a cliff.”

Meanwhile, the U.S. teen pregnancy rate has plummeted to a third of its modern high. When this decline started, in the 1990s, it was widely and rightly embraced. But now some observers are beginning to wonder whether an unambiguously good thing might have roots in less salubrious developments. Signs are gathering that the delay in teen sex may have been the first indication of a broader withdrawal from physical intimacy that extends well into adulthood.

What happened in the 1990s was the Internet allowing men to start comparing notes on female behavior. “Where are are the good chumps?”

Over the past few years, Jean M. Twenge, a psychology professor at San Diego State University, has published research exploring how and why Americans. sex lives may be ebbing. In a series of journal articles and in her latest book, iGen, she notes that today’s young adults are on track to have fewer sex partners than members of the two preceding generations. People now in their early 20s are two and a half times as likely to be abstinent as Gen Xers were at that age; 15 percent report having had no sex since they reached adulthood.

Nota Bene, San Diego State University is America’s top-ranked party college. Professor Twenge is in a position to do hir research just by trawling the cafeteria and making weekend trips to Tijuana with the boys.

Another Nota Bene, this is Professor Twenge:

Psychology professor Jean Twenge tracks the rise of narcissism among Millenials. - The San Diego ...

I would trust hir on sex trends and maybe hormone therapies. Nothing else.

If we could chalk all of this up to a revitalized Christian church that was inculcating old-school moral values into kids, that would be good news. However, if anything, the church in America is in decline.

The church is supposed to be providing the healthy alternative. It’s not just in decline, it’s part of the problem.

So, if we’re talking about sex more than ever, focused on sex more than ever, and there are seemingly fewer impediments to having sex than ever, why are we not having more sex? The Atlantic has some theories, but I think that for the most part, it missed the boat on the real reasons behind this.

The Atlantic wouldn’t be able to pronounce MGTOW even with a Speak & Spell.

1. Pornography

*sigh* Of course.

There are all sorts of arguments and counter-arguments about whether pornography is physiologically detrimental to men. I’m strongly inclined to believe that it is, but wherever you fall on that particular argument, here’s what can’t be argued: it’s training men to become sexually aroused by something other than normal sexual contact with a woman.

That’s a bold statement for a simulation of normal sexual contact.

Furthermore, while pornography has been around as long as mankind in some form, porn-streaming websites are a completely different animal than what humans have been exposed to throughout their history. We now live in an era where a man can see a hundred different naked women of varying colors, sizes, ages, and body types performing an unlimited number of different fetishes before breakfast. He doesn’t have to buy them dinner. He doesn’t have to talk to them for three hours. He doesn’t even have to get out of his underwear and ratty t-shirt to get sexual satisfaction. Does that make pornography a replacement for women?

Yes. Totally. For the very reasons he mentioned.

No, but it’s very easy to see how it makes interactions with women less natural, less exciting, and less necessary.

He’s still blaming the men but wait, he’s about to admit the cracks in the Matrix.

2. The proliferation of entertainment choices

That’s what the following is titled… but what Hawkins actually talks about is economics:

There’s a concept in economics called “opportunity cost.” Basically, it just means that you can’t use the same resources for two things. You can’t use the same $100 to buy groceries and gas or you can’t buy $100 worth of groceries and use the same money to invest in stocks. In other words, to take advantage of one opportunity, you have to forego the other. Think about that concept in regards to entertainment. … When our ancestors had a choice between sitting at home watching the fire until it burnt out or going out somewhere where they could meet girls, it was a pretty easy decision.

They would fuck at home until the fire burnt out. The appeal of not having to “go meet girls” to get action remains today. As he continues to say:

For a lot of Americans, watching Walking Dead marathons and trying to get to level 92 so you can save the princess from the Big Boss is often more appealing than going out somewhere hoping to meet a girl.

Bowser never gave Mario a social disease then cried rape. And he always showed up on time!

3. Less socializing in person

Irrelevant. Men shouldn’t socialize platonically with women for their own sanity. I remember the few times I’d been on a date. She talked nonstop about God only knew what & why, while I kept thinking about the distance between a first date and jumping in the sack. A couple years to proof each other–a formal courtship–she better not be a Bridezilla–no nookie before the ceremony–back to the start if she doesn’t work out–I can’t do this. I gotta hump NOW!

Then she said, “you look uncomfortable.”

Not. Fun.

4. Less attraction to the opposite sex

Feminism has made women more masculine and thus, less attractive to the opposite sex. Similarly, for a variety of reasons, men have become more feminine, thus making them less attractive to the opposite sex. Additionally, both sexes have gotten much fatter than they used to be. For example, compare Americans to the Japanese,

Only 3.6 percent of Japanese have a body mass index (BMI) over 30, which is the international standard for obesity, whereas 32.0 percent of Americans do. A total of 66.5 percent of Americans have a BMI over 25, making them overweight, but only 24.7 percent of Japanese.

This is because, last I heard, the Japanese maintain their ancestral practice of harpooning their whales.

The farther we move away from the sexual ideals of the other gender and toward being a bunch of overweight girly men and chubby butch chicks, the less sex we’ll be having.

Except it’s the girly men who get sex. Exhibit A: Gay Frogs. Exhibit B: Professor Twenge.

5. Female ego inflation

When I interviewed the notorious pickup artist Roosh, one of the things we discussed was how ego inflation has impacted women.

STOP THE PRESSES! Hawkins listened to Roosh about female ego inflation! And admitted it in public!

What.s ego inflation? Well, imagine that you’re an attractive woman 100 years ago. There’s no Internet, no social media, and no online dating websites. You probably don’t travel a lot and large cities aren’t as prevalent. How often do you hear that you’re attractive from the opposite sex? A few times per week? Maybe? Now take an equally attractive woman today. She puts up a picture on Facebook or Instagram and gets hundreds, maybe thousands of likes. Guys she doesn’t know are sending her pictures of their junk every week. She gets on an online dating website in a big city and gets 100 responses per day (or several hundred in a month in a smaller city). Even an average woman gets far more ego inflation in a day than an attractive woman used to get in a month in your grandmother’s generation. So, what happens? Well, because these women dramatically overestimate their value in the sexual marketplace based on the overwhelming response they’re getting, they reject the sort of men they could reasonably land and hold out for men who aren’t going to be interested in them.

Hawkins makes it sounds like the situation isn’t her fault but it totally is. I saw a group of pretty girls at the grocery the other day and realized it was the first time I’d seen pretty girls in public in months. Girls don’t go out anymore. They don’t want to meet real men. They revel in the online ego inflation while lining up for Alpha cock, monetizing their bedroom camera and keeping vampire hours on the nightclub scene. At no point in the process is acting feminine and meeting real boys valuable to her. In fact, being seen with unsexy men will, to the female mind, reduce her attractiveness, as will being randomly hit on in public by “creeps”.

But Hawkins isn’t trying to isolate himself in denial and Sunday school. He’s coming around.

Gov. Kim Reynolds Targets Iowa’s Children

Why do I stay in Commiefornia? Today’s answer: the alternative is Iowa.

Reynolds' Statement On Branstad's New Job In China

This is Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds.

Kim Reynolds - Wikipedia

This is Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds on drugs. She probably needs them to sleep at night, no sarcasm. Her concave and upwards-pointing nose indicate she started adulthood with an open, emotional, fairly typical feminine personality. Now that her career has reached apogee, however, she’s become the empowered feminist dream of a bitter, alcoholic dyke.

Exactly the person to trust with your children’s mental health!

Iowa children would be routinely screened for mental illness under new state plan

By Tony Leys, 16 November 2018

Iowa children would be routinely screened for mental health issues, under a proposal delivered to the governor and top legislators Thursday. The plan also would expand and organize services for children showing signs of mental struggles.

Testosterone? Homophobia? Christianity?

The recommendations came from Gov. Kim Reynolds’ children mental health board. The governor has emphasized the need to bolster Iowa’s spotty system for helping children with mental illnesses, such as depression or anxiety.

That board was created by Reynolds’ Executive Order 2 and told Reynolds that what she planned to do anyway was critically, urgently necessary. “Spotty” means “decentralized”. For fun, here’s her EO #1:

Gov. Kim Reynolds, joined by Lt. Gov. Adam Gregg and state business and education leaders, signed Executive Order No. 1 on Monday establishing the Iowa Clearinghouse for Work-Based Learning. .We have to think longer term about how to help all K-12 students connect what they learn in the classroom to future careers,. Gov. Reynolds said. .Expanding work-based learning is an essential step in that direction..

If their public schools aren’t already preparing kids for the working world then the system needs to be shut down, not reinforced with more staff and programs.

And EO #3:

Gov. Kim Reynolds signed Executive Order No. 3 Wednesday, creating the Governor’s Empower Rural Iowa Initiative. … .I.m a product of rural Iowa, and I’m driven to create opportunity throughout this state,. Gov. Reynolds said. .I believe the heart, soul and spirit of Iowa will always remain in our small towns and rural communities. That’s why I’m creating the Governor’s Empower Rural Iowa Initiative. I want concrete solutions for the unique challenges of rural Iowa in order to maintain its vibrancy and ensure there is opportunity everywhere..

The initiative establishes a partnership with the Iowa Rural Development Council to identify needed legislative, regulatory and policy changes.

Wow, she created a new gov’t department to identify the parts of rural Iowan life that need more gov’t. “Your job is to create your next job!” That’s even scarier than “maintaining the vibrancy of rural Iowa”.

Three executive orders, three new gov’t think tank oversight committees. For a supposed Red State, Reynolds has a lot of white knights kissing her ass. Back to the original article,

Three previous committees in the past seven years have proposed improvements to Iowa’s mental health system for kids. None of those plans were carried out.

But Reynolds’ human services director, Jerry Foxhoven, predicted Friday that the new proposal will win unanimous approval in next year’s Legislature.

That’s, um, that seems optimistic given the history. But that’s Leftoids for you, they always try again until the insanity is legalized. Using taxpayer funds for these efforts prevents donor fatigue.

“Now’s the right time,” Foxhoven told a Des Moines conference of the National Alliance on Mental Illness. “If we don’t do it now, we’re just a lost cause. Because right now we have the will . from legislators, the governor, across the board . of saying, ‘We need to do something. It’s urgent.’”

It’s urgent, why? Because of all the killing sprees in Des Moines lately? No, because Iowa Dems must have done well in the election and have this window of opportunity. This is the perfect moment to do what’s good for the people even if they’ve shot it down three times already. Imagine how grateful the general public will be once they adjust to your New World Order!

Have you ever noticed that leftists think about mental illness much more than we do? As if it’s a common problem for them.

Critics have complained for years that Iowa has few services for children with mental health issues and that the available services are scattered. Families are left to flounder, trying to find help for kids before relatively minor behavioral issues lead to school failure, family ruptures or even suicide.

Those are the typical consequences of broken homes/fatherless children. Memo to Leftoids, mental illness isn’t randomly acquired like the flu. Especially “illnesses” like depression and disruptive behavior in public school horror factories.

Does “critic” mean “single mother”?

Foxhoven said the new children’s mental health system would be overseen by the board, but it would be run by regional boards. The new children’s mental health regions would mirror 14 regional authorities already overseeing mental health services for Iowa adults. That would allow the two systems to share staff members and coordinate assistance for children as they grow into adults, Foxhoven said.

Translation, the new system would centralize the current system, steal its staff and appropriate its budget. Did somebody say Convergence? “Identify a respectable institution, kill it, gut it, wear it as a skin suit demanding respect.”

The new plan still needs funding. The proposal released this week says money could come from Medicaid, private insurance, county property taxes and the state’s general fund. It doesn’t estimate how much would be needed.

Translation: Money could come from whoring out to the Feds, whoring out to Big Pharma and raising taxes.

Foxhoven said the new costs should be relatively low in the first year or two, as the system is being set up, but he said the costs would grow as services ramp up. He said he’s confident legislators will find money for the project.

A shameless liar… who likes being around children? You wouldn’t think he’s…

SCJ EXCLUSIVE: Iowa DHS head says Woodbury County can't form its own mental health group ...

Not Pedoface but he’s got some marital/sexual problems to judge from his baggy eyes and crows-feet. I would guess marital from the stress fold over his left eye. Bulbous nose indicates concern with wealth, flat ears with conformity, thin eyebrows with chameleonic personality: an opportunistic bureaucrat. I’ve noticed rectangular glasses are much more popular with bureaucrats than rimless or round ones, although it’s not a strong tell. The lipless mouth denotes a lack of affection. Hair is orderly and accents the square-ness of his head. The Chinese associate square face with diplomacy, reliability, stubbornness and ego.

*checks* He was a Drake University law professor prior to gov’t service. No public info on his marriage.

The committee deliberately left many details out of the new plan, to give legislators and administrators room to tweak it, Foxhoven said. For example, it doesn’t specify at what age the new mental health screenings would take place or how they would be carried out. But he said the screenings should have broad participation, so signs of children’s mental struggles are caught early, and kids who are being screened aren’t singled out and stigmatized by their peers.

While Foxhoven isn’t Pedo, he’s absolutely a shameless liar. Details get left out of such plans because the authors are more eager for it to be approved than understood. The appropriate reaction to such treachery is a firing squad.

He said Iowa may still face the challenge of finding mental health professionals to provide care for children. But he predicted professionals would be drawn to Iowa if it builds a national reputation for setting up an innovative system.

Predators, not professionals. Predators go where the food is and if Iowa centralizes the supply of exploitable kids then it’s child sex predators that will be attracted.

Hey, isn’t Iowa the land of corn? What unique mental health problems do their kids have? Boredom watching the crops grow? No Somali neighbors available to enrich their lives? The first detail I would want to hear of these new centralized institutions is exactly what problems they’re looking for, that aren’t known to be directly linked to frivorce, and the second detail is what kind of sex crime ombudsman they’ll permit to oversee a gov’t operation whose primary purpose is identifying emotionally vulnerable children for “intervention”.

In an age with sexual perversion is pandemic and being normalized by many governments, a feminist dyke unilaterally implementing a centralized system for identifying vulnerable children is a sickeningly horrible idea. If the RCC can go as badly wrong as it has at this kind of activity then one hates to imagine the consequences of a Godless, feminized State gov’t doing it.

Iowa, they are coming for your children RIGHT NOW. But you won’t do anything about it for the same reason we Californians didn’t. You have no representation in the halls of power. The Baby Boomers put their full trust in the State and abandoned any kind of citizen oversight. Once lost, the chance for citizen oversight is hard to regain.

Which is why there’s nowhere to go.


The Federalist Society Is Controlled Opposition

I first heard about the Federalist Society when profiling Judge Tim a couple posts back. Then I saw it mentioned again in a comment on Dalrock’s:

Perusing their website, it appears to be the loosely knit think tank I expected. Wikipedia has a more informative description than their own portal:

The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies, most frequently called the Federalist Society, is an organization of conservatives and libertarians seeking reform of the current Law of the United States in accordance with what the organization says is a textualist or originalist interpretation of the U.S. Constitution. Founded in 1982, it is one of the nation’s most influential legal organizations…

The society began at Yale Law School, Harvard Law School, and the University of Chicago Law School in 1982 as a student organization that challenged what its founding members perceived as the orthodox American liberal ideology found in most law schools.

That screams “controlled opposition”.

The society was started by a group of some of the most prominent conservatives in the country… Its membership has since included Supreme Court justices Antonin Scalia, John G. Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, and Brett Kavanaugh. The society asserts that it “is founded on the principles that the state exists to preserve freedom, that the separation of governmental powers is central to our constitution, and that it is emphatically the province and duty of the judiciary to say what the law is, not what it should be.”

No mention of God. The state exists to be the secular implementation of God’s Will for humanity. It does not exist for “freedom” or other such nebulous, morally neutral terms.

Libertarianism is already a dead letter, its adherents having failed to even test their ideas. Doesn’t help that most outsiders have trouble understanding the concepts of libertarianism, which is why the bulk of their voting membership has been the Legalize Marijuana people.

In The Federalist Society: How Conservatives Took the Law Back from Liberals by Michael Avery and Danielle McLaughlin, the authors write that every federal judge appointed by both President George H.W. Bush and President George W. Bush was either a member, or was approved by members of the society.

“We’re responsible for the Bushes!” is not a resounding endorsement. Those judges have done nothing, often less than nothing, to drain the Potomac swamp.

Well, what does the Federalist Society itself have to say?

Law schools and the legal profession are currently strongly dominated by a form of orthodox liberal ideology which advocates a centralized and uniform society. While some members of the academic community have dissented from these views, by and large they are taught simultaneously with (and indeed as if they were) the law.

So they demanded those Commie ideologues be kicked out of their tenure, yes? Or did they continue learning from the Leftoids under protest?

The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies is a group of conservatives and libertarians interested in the current state of the legal order. It is founded on the principles that the state exists to preserve freedom, that the separation of governmental powers is central to our Constitution, and that it is emphatically the province and duty of the judiciary to say what the law is, not what it should be. The Society seeks both to promote an awareness of these principles and to further their application through its activities.

Again, no mention of God or morality. This is classic Cuckservatism: the problem with Totalitarian monsters is they don’t follow due process when implementing tyranny. We should fix the process without disturbing the monster!

This entails reordering priorities within the legal system to place a premium on individual liberty, traditional values, and the rule of law. It also requires restoring the recognition of the importance of these norms among lawyers, judges, law students and professors. In working to achieve these goals, the Society has created a conservative and libertarian intellectual network that extends to all levels of the legal community.

“Traditional values”. Why should we want “traditional values”? Back then, the American people believed in God the Creator and Christ our Savior. They had Christian values, not “traditional” values. They were also known to use words such as “evil”. But these days, there’s no evil. The destroyers of God’s institution of marriage are “proponents of non-traditional values”.

Why should we want “rule of law”? In California, the legislators have warped the law so badly that morality increasingly requires civil disobedience to the law. When the Federalist Society was founded, Cali was a conservative state. Now, it’s the Treasonous Terrorist State. Am I consider myself obligated to obey laws that violate Christian morality?

They won’t call evil by its name.

And that’s the sum total of their “about us” page’s content. I tried looking at a few publications for more insight into the organization but every article was prefaced with

The Federalist Society takes no positions on particular legal and public policy matters. Any expressions of opinion are those of the author. Whenever we publish an article that advocates for a particular position, as here, we offer links to other perspectives on the issue, including ones opposed to the position taken in the article.

The Federalist Society is a controlled-opposition product of the Ivy League that is so Cuckservative, it preemptively refuses to side with its own authors. Are they willing to publish papers that violate their principles? Apparently so, else that notice would not be needed.

No wonder President Trump has been having trouble with its judicial appointments, if Trump has been relying on FedSoc for a supply of candidates. He would do better to offer senior judgeships on Craigslist in Des Moines.


Le Mort de Paradise

My eyes are tearing up over the fate of the town of Paradise… because of the smoke in the air. No real pity for those who lost their homes/lives. It’s the cost of life in California and what can be done, is being done. Someday the Big One Earthquake will hit and I’ll have my turn in the news.

Since I can’t go out to play this weekend due to air quality, let’s discuss how a fire wiped an entire town off the map. The New Neo has the gist of it:

Paradise is a many other California towns in the foothills.that was an old mining town built on a high ridge. The roads leading out.the only ways out.all followed natural paths downward that were relatively narrow. This was because of the given of the area’s geography. Paradise wasn’t like a town in most flatter places, where there can be a great many ways to get out, and broad highways can be built. And in the case of Paradise, some of the roads out were closed early by the fire, and the main road was clogged with what amounted to a goodly portion pf the population of 27,000 trying to get out all at once.

This is a big reason why I’m a fan of “sheltering in place” disaster preparation. California’s typical disasters can happen with little or no warning. East Coast people don’t know how good they have it, seeing death coming on the weather radar days in advance. Me, I once worked on a rural house that was gone two minutes after its occupants noticed there was a fire.

That sounds like a bad example of “sheltering in place” but here are the details. Like Paradise, it was built on top of a ridgeline. The retaining walls that supported its foundation were untreated wood. The house itself was “historic”, meaning “tinder box”. And the only road out was a thin line of asphalt sprayed onto a cliff face like graffiti. He didn’t give himself the option to bunker up and endure.

Concrete and stone would have not only enabled his house to survive, but he wouldn’t have had to risk his neck a second time by navigating the Switchbacks of Torment while the Pacific Ring of Fire closed in–windshield wipers keeping enough ash off the Jeep that he could see.

Multiply that dude by 20,000 and call it Paradise.

Another issue is that a lot of those towns built around the Sierra Nevadas were temporary towns following the mining work. (White Man was a minority in California prior to the Gold Rush and Transcontinental Railroad.) Low-quality construction not intended to survive more than a hard frost. Many such towns were abandoned when the work ran out, like New Idria. Others thrived; you get one guess how the San Jose Mercury News got its name.

And some became glorified retirement complexes, resort towns and/or hobby farm communes. Like Paradise. Having started as a temporary town, however, it was poorly planned; as a mining town, it was poorly placed; and to be blunt, the cost of living there was low because living there was stupid.

I don’t blame them. Pay your dollar and pick your poison, there’s no “this is the right choice” option in the mortal world. However, when I hear of guys wanting to go off the grid into Nowheresville hoping that the troubles of life will pass them by, I look at a map of the world and think about all those little towns that aren’t on it anymore. Perhaps they’d be better off facing the threats they know instead of trading them for a different set of threats.

Today, I fear that FEMA and charity funds will be used to rebuild this town in the same spot. That would be a poor allocation of resources, specifically my tax money. Let the town die, its survivors starting new chapters of their lives in different locations. Only heaven is our permanent dwelling.


Activist Judge Timothy Kelly

Yet another of Trump’s judicial nominees turns out to be a bad apple. If only there was some way he could have known that Timothy Kelly would shiv him in the back… besides Kelly’s lifelong ambition of being a henpecked Deep State microtyrant.


Trump-appointed Judge Timothy J. Kelly acknowledged that the White House credentialing process has a First Amendment component, and that the government must give Acosta due process before revoking his press pass. …

.CNN, represented by Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher partner Theodore Boutrous, pointed to instances where Trump publicly criticized Acosta and CNN as “fake news.” Kelly appeared to question whether the decision to revoke Acosta’s credentials was driven by the content of his coverage.raising First Amendment issues.or instead by his conduct at a press conference on Nov. 7, which the White House cited as the reason.

.Why now,. after previously criticizing Acosta’s coverage, was the White House revoking Acosta’s press pass? Kelly asked Boutrous.

Any physical access to the White House is a privilege, not a right. Whoever disagrees can wander off the tour and get tased by Secret Service. Please take selfie-video because I’m too cheap to pay for my passive entertainment.

Earlier this month while asking Trump about a northbound migrant caravan making its way to the southern US border, Acosta challenged Trump’s characterization of the group as an “invasion.”

Acosta asked “Why did you characterize it as such?. to which Trump replied “because I consider it an invasion. You and I have a difference of opinion..

.Do you think that you demonized immigrants?. Acosta shot back.

.Not at all, no . not at all,. Trump replied. .I want them to come into the country, but they have to come in legally. You know, they have to come in Jim through a process. And I want people to come in, and we need the people..

Acosta then questioned Trump on a midterm advertisement showing “migrants climbing over walls and so-on,. to which Trump fired back: .They weren’t actors..

After more barbs were exchanged between the two, Trump said: .Honestly, I think you should let me run the country, you run CNN, and if you did it well, your ratings would be much better..

Burn, CNN! Burn like Malibu!

Acosta then refused to sit down, leading to a standoff in which a White House aide tried to take his microphone.

The White House banned him for that? Good and proper. The purpose of the WH press corps is not to make POTUS look bad. But Judge Tim Kelly decided, on an “emergency basis”, that Acosta has a First Amendment Right(R) to play Trump for a fool until he pulls it off, however many tries it takes. What Kelly should have done is tell powerful, influential Acosta to wait in line 3-5 years for a ruling like Joe Sixpack has to.

Nothing I read suggested the WH prohibited CNN from sending a replacement for Acosta. This was a naked power-play and the Federal judge making a rushed ruling on it doesn’t get to claim he didn’t know.

timothy kelly, judge timothy kelly, timothy j kelly, judge timothy j kelly

Judge Tim Kelly. My first impression was “underground boxer” not “respected, high-level judge”. Small mouth, low/small ears, thick brow, wide face, thick neck and a slightly squashed nose suggest he prefers action to talk. The tilt of his head makes the cutting eyelid of sociopathy possible but indeterminate.

But then, he worked his entire life to have power over other people so we know from work history that he’s a bully at heart.

Proceeding to, which is becoming my go-to website for easy profiles of celebrities:

Judge Timothy Kelly: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Kelly, 48, was appointed to the federal bench by President Donald Trump and approved by the Senate [94-2] earlier this year.

3. Kelly Previously Served as a Top Aide to Senator Chuck Grassley Who Called Him a “Talented Attorney. Who Is .Well-Liked by Staff & Members on Both Sides.

.Tim is a very talented attorney and is well-liked by staff and members on both sides of the aisle,. Grassley said on the Senate floor before the vote, according to Courthouse News. .His collegiality and ability to get along with folks will serve him well on the bench..

Translation, Tim is reliable controlled-opposition who paid his dues. The 94-2 confirmation vote proves this.

During his vetting process, Democrat Senator Sheldon Whitehouse asked Kelly about how his work with the Senate Judiciary Committee changed his view of proper judicial behavior, to which he responded:

I do not think my work on the Senate Judiciary Committee has had a major impact on my view of proper judicial behavior. If I am fortunate enough to be confirmed, my role as a district judge would not permit me to make federal law in any way, but would instead require me to faithfully interpret and apply federal law passed by Congress to cases and controversies before me.

Turns out, Kelly lied during Senate confirmation hearings. This Acosta ruling is a judicial precedent for the WH Press Room to be entitled to second-guess and undermine the sitting President if he doesn’t follow the Narrative.

Kelly also lied about his work on Senate Judiciary not having a major impact on his view of proper behavior. Work history is valuable for the exact opposite reason of his claim: what you’ve done in the past shapes who you are in the present.

5. Kelly Lives in D.C. With His Wife, Who Works the City’s Department of Human Services & Their 2 Young Daughters

Judge Kelly is a DODO, Dad Of Daughters Only. Worse:

[His wife, Sharon] Kershbaum works as the chief operating officer for D.C..s Department of Human Services, according to her Linkedin profile. In his Senate questionnaire, Kelly said his wife’s office “provides federal benefit eligibility determination and enrollment services for D.C. residents, as well as services for residents experiencing homelessness.” He said if a matter related to the department comes before the District Court in D.C., he would self-recuse himself from the case.

Bogus, dude. Self-recusal from any blatant conflict of interest does nothing to change the fact that Kelly’s influence as a Federal judge will inevitably impact the Department of Human Services. Also, his marriage proves Kelly will never oppose the Democrat agenda because his wife would nag him to death in retaliation.

If the Powers That Be were concerned about conflicts of interest then they wouldn’t be constantly screening professional brown-nosers from their alma maters.

She is a graduated of the University of Pennsylvania and also has a master’s degree from Penn’s Wharton School.

Deep State power couple living in the Beltway bubble.

Along with her work in Mayor Muriel Bowser’s administration, Kershbaum was the deputy budget director for the city of Philadelphia from 2000 to 2004. She also worked for Fannie Mae from 2004 to 2007 as a director/chief of staff, and then returned to government…

THE BITCH! 2004-2007 was when the housing bubble formed and Fannie Mae was directly involved with those bad loans! She ejected right when the problem began to explode.The shameless, economy-destroying, responsibility-ducking, director bitch!

What a small world it is, when you scratch below the surface of the ruling class. Truly, they are not our people even when they wear the same color of skin.

Kelly has belonged to St. Peter’s Catholic Church on Capitol Hill since 2013, according to his questionnaire and has been a part of the Interfaith Families Project of Washington, D.C., since 2007.


Founded by four “founding moms” in 1995, the Interfaith Families Project has grown into a vibrant, active community of approximately 300 adults and children, one of the largest interfaith programs in the country. The core value of IFFP is respect . for each other, for Judaism and for Christianity. As a community, we celebrate, explore, question and enjoy both religious traditions equally. IFFP members neither reject our religious backgrounds nor seek a new religion that is a mixture of Christian and Jewish belief. Instead, we believe it is possible . and desirable . to honor our distinct religious traditions and to share those traditions with spouses, partners and children.

A Judeo-Christian pseudo-church founded by feminists. We can safely conclude that Kelly is the bad kind of Catholic, the kind who worships worldly success and power instead of Father God.

Few people can honorably (and voluntarily) act against their personal beliefs. What you believe influences what you do, from objective vs. subjective morality to whether humans have a Creator to whether your wife is your “better half”.

A few more interesting bits from an article linked to:

Timothy Kelly – Nominee to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia

Timothy James Kelly was born in Glen Cove, NY in 1969. After getting an A.B. from Duke University in 1991, Kelly joined the New York office of Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton as a legal assistant, working there for two years.

Ivy League, graduated age 22 on schedule, went straight into a New York law office.

In 1993, Kelly left his position as Cleary to work as a staff assistant for the U.S. House Committee on House Administration. During this position, Kelly also worked as a waiter and doorman at the popular Capitol Hill bar, Hawk “N” Dove.

I was right about his face. Upscale bars have doormen, downscale bars have bouncers. Regardless, even his “private sector” work experience was a job suitable for networking and hobnobbing amongst the government Elites.

The seat Kelly has been nominated for opened on May 18, 2016, with Judge Rosemary Collyer’s move to senior status. On September 6, 2016, President Obama nominated Abid Riaz Qureshi, a litigation partner at Latham & Watkins to fill the vacancy. Qureshi, who would have been the first Muslim to serve as a federal judge, never received a hearing on his nomination.

Proving the legitimacy of complaints that President “Hussein” Obama was a closet Islamist. Not that female judges are better.

In 2010, Kelly was part of the legal team prosecuting former CIA agent Jeffrey Sterling for his unauthorized disclosure of classified information to journalist James Risen. Before Sterling’s trial, the prosecution missed a discovery deadline imposed by Judge Leonie Brinkema, submitting key impeachment evidence one day late. Judge Brinkema sanctioned Kelly and the other government attorneys for the missed deadline by striking two government witnesses. The Fourth Circuit, in a 2-1 decision, overturned this sanction as an abuse of discretion, noting that the government conduct was not made in bad faith.

Kelly’s team attempted to sabotage the prosecution of a CIA agent for cooperating with the press, apparently in participation with Judge Brinkema. “Oops, we just barely missed your deadline.” “Then that’s inadmissible and you can’t call your witnesses to the stand, either!” “Okay.”

US District Judge Leonie Brinkema (Eastern District, Virginia).

Picture sourced from “Federal court rules against Trump’s immigration order because it discriminates against Muslims”.

Kelly, a Republican, has a relatively short record of political activity. In 2008, Kelly made multiple contributions totalling $1200 to Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) (who was then running for president).[10] In 2012, Kelly contributed $1250 to Mitt Romney’s presidential candidacy. Further, in 2014, Kelly traveled to Iowa to canvass and make phone calls for the successful candidacy of Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA).

Association with known Controlled Opposition.

Kelly has an unusually well-rounded resume for a federal district court position. Having worked in private practice, as a federal prosecutor, and in the legislative process, Kelly will approach the bench with a broad array of legal experience. Furthermore, Kelly also has experience working with indigent clients, as he spent a year representing low income residents of Washington D.C. in cases involving public benefits, landlord-tenant, and family law.

I bet his wife made him do that. Forget controlled opposition, Kelly is Castrated Opposition.

It says much about the arrogance of our ruling class that Kelly was unusual for having done so much as “private practice” litigation in his rise to power. Which, let me point out, is not the real world that we non-Ivy Leaguers have to live in.

Given these factors, and the lack of any controversial stances in his background (although like most other Trump nominees, Kelly is a longtime member of the Federalist Society), Kelly should face a relatively smooth path to confirmation.

Hmm, that’s worth looking into, if Trump is using this Federalist Society to prescreen his appointees.

If nothing else, Kelly’s time as a committee staffer should help grease the path. After all, who knows Kelly better than those who work with him every day.

The answer, apparently, is an amateur physiognomist with an Internet connection on a lazy Friday afternoon. Let’s recap all the red flags Trump missed when he appointed Kelly:

  • Ivy League education
  • No real-world career
  • DODO
  • Wife is high-status feminist Jew
  • Face of a bully
  • Worked for feminist causes
  • Praised for being “popular with both sides of the aisle”
  • False statements under oath during confirmation
  • Had to promise to recuse himself from expected conflicts of interest
  • Played Deep State courtroom games
  • Supported John “Frat Boy” McCain and Mitt Romney without regret

For fuck’s sake. For America’s sake!

Like most ordinary Americans, I’m past weary about career government toads constantly recruiting totalitarian wannabes from Ivy League prep schools. I just want the other shoe to drop already. The danger is blindingly obvious to everybody but those who perpetuate it.

On the upside, Trump got burned. It’s not often that a highly placed fool suffers for his own decision. Trump does at least have a tendency to learn from his mistakes. Let’s hope he remembers what a mistake Judge Kelly was every time Jim Acosta snarks at him.


Draining the Swamp: Trey Glenn and the EPA

Once upon a time, a young man thought I was playing politics when I claimed centralization of health care was evil, that it simply wasn’t the way I personally would prefer the world to work. My reply:

“Suppose you were in charge of national health care. Some guy in Wisconsin needs heart surgery. Your son this morning has the flu. Which person would you care about more? Your son, of course, because you care more about the people you know and see than Claim Filer #2014-123456 in Podunk. You’re not evil. You’re normal.

“When the Russians centralized their economy, they created a department to set fair prices… for over five million products from stucco to submarines. It took up a giant office building. Those guys were very sincere and truly wanted to do right for society… but they didn’t give themselves a chance. You could have filled that building with the smartest, most trustworthy people on the planet and they wouldn’t know how to set those prices. They don’t have the info. They don’t know the business. They have no context. They can’t predict the future that precisely. And there were only 24 hours in a day. It just couldn’t be done.

“Now here’s the question: what kind of person would INTENTIONALLY structure society in a way that could not possibly work even in theory? A good man or an evil man?”

Credit to him, he was convinced.

Trey Glenn: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Trey Glenn: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Trey Glenn was appointed by President Donald Trump to serve as a regional administrator for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). On November 13, he was indicted by an Alabama grand jury for violating ethics laws while he served as the state’s Environmental Management Commissioner, reported. Glenn has denied any wrongdoing.

Trey Glenn

He’s too young to be a Baby Boomer but is otherwise cut from the same Statist mold. My only comment is his left eye is more guarded than the right, suggesting he’s as dirty as… well, as his professional history suggests.

We can ignore Fast Facts 1-4.

#5 Glenn’s indictment comes after EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt was forced out amid mounting ethics violation complaints, The New York Times reported. Pruitt was under at least 14 separate investigations over his spending of taxpayer dollars, conflicts of interest, and management of the agency. Among the violations was a condo he rented from a lobbyist at a highly discounted rate and large raises he gave to his aides against the orders of the White House.

Pruitt.s replacement Andrew Wheeler, a former coal lobbyist, is already under fire for meeting with his former clients at least three times after he was sworn in as Pruitt’s deputy, which Democrats said violated Trump’s ethics pledge and Wheeler’s own promise to avoid conflicts of interest related to his previous job, HuffPost reported.

Honestly, I don’t hate these guys for being dirty. They are the inevitable product, not even by-product, of the EPA’s design. What’s going to happen when a government bureau is created specifically to micromanage the larger part of a continent’s environment? It’s not going to do a good job. It can’t. Is the delta smeltfish of Central California a valuable species? Is it actually endangered? Should a thousand small farms be condemned to protect it? Whatever the best answer is, how are the occupants of a D.C. office building going to find out?

Answer, by getting personally involved. If they have time. In the process of involving themselves, they’ll be in the position of picking winners and losers. It’s their job, not their personal agenda. Sometimes the right thing to do comes with a free vacation to the Bahamas. Half the time, they don’t know what the right thing to do is anyway because they can’t predict the future and lack detailed knowledge of specific geographies.

Not knowing what’s best for America, they fall into the trap of doing what’s best for themselves. Therefore, I don’t care if Trey took a bribe. I care (at the micro level) if his decisions are defensible. That’s the best any human is going to do.

Neither do I fault Trump for picking these scoundrels. Anybody who gets fed into the hopper will come out like this, from Trey Glenn to Jeff Sessions. Trump has got to realize that until the machinery of the centralized, authoritarian civil service is dismantled forever, none of his reforms or reformers are going to endure.

At the macro, policy level, the EPA must die. It is not capable of performing its mission because a centralized, distant organization is the wrong tool for the job. Big Government making local decisions is like a sculptor carving a statue with a hundred-pound sledgehammer. The sculptor may be very talented, he may try very hard to succeed but he’s going to end up with rubble every time.

At some point, he’s going to start a gravel company on the side. Corruption? Yeah, I guess so. Out he goes and let’s pretend his replacement will be different.

Meanwhile, the people who WANT this kind of centralization are evil because they don’t want it for the betterment of mankind. They want it in order to either feed their lust for power or to make government their hope and dream for a better future. Which is the same thing, really. The king want to be worshiped by the pawns and the pawns want to worship the king. The one will create the other. This is the false religion of atheism and Christianity is its greatest enemy.


SJW Nikki Delamotte Is No Loss

Straight outta Cleveland, another crazy-ass bimbo, hooked up with her uncle in the trailer-park jungle. Cue a double homicide that her skank-ho mother saw coming. I love a true-crime mystery and this one is special because… why? Why is a no-name “culture reporter” in flyover country getting killed in some domestic incident national news?

Nikki Delamotte

Nikki Delamotte was a hang-fired fat grenade. The pin has been pulled–classic SJW glasses, lower eyelids flattened into a reptilian stare, manjaw, young career as a college-brainwashed “style and culture” journalist, getting chunky around the biceps–yet no explosion yet. Her hair is still long and she uses makeup, so she still wants to attract male attention. Probably was trying to fuck her way to the top of the journalism world.

It’s good that she’s dead because this was destined to be her future:

SocialJusticeWarriors -Trigglypuff by KurtMetz

SocialJusticeWarriors -Trigglypuff

Check out Kurt Metz’s other works on Deviantart. His parodies of comic covers are awesome and spot-on.

Popular Cleveland reporter, 30, shot dead in trailer with uncle

A popular Cleveland reporter was reportedly found shot to death Monday inside a trailer with her uncle, who she recently reconnected with following her grandmother’s death.

Wow, that said so much! Let’s unpack: Nikki was alienated from her father and his family after her mother’s frivorce. Mommy (JoAnne Ullman) used Nikki as a meal ticket until she grew up, after which she lived with her grandmother and got paid to care for her in old age (while starting a ‘career’ in food, alcohol, clubbing, fad dancing and marketing). When Granny died of old age and with Mommy unable/unwilling to support her, Nikki decided to reconnect with her extended family because she still doesn’t have a husband at age 30. Maybe one of them would pay her to care for them in old age.

The bodies of Nikki Delamotte, a 30-year-old culture reporter for, and her uncle Robert J. Delamotte, 67, were found inside a trailer in Perrysburg Township in Ohio, about 10 miles southeast of Toledo, reported. Police told the news site the death was being investigated as a homicide investigation.

120 miles away from her hometown per Google Earth. I doubt a 67-year old trailer parker was enthusiastic about a new, legal-age mouth to feed.

Delamotte recently traveled to Wood County to reconnect with her father’s brother following the death of her maternal grandmother. She met up with her uncle last month and the two made plans to meet up again Sunday at a bar to watch football, JoAnne Ullman, Delamotte’s mother, told

.So she was going go over and they were going go to some neighborhood bar and watch the game,. Ullman said.

If I ever reconnect with my long-lost, beloved family, it’ll be while watching television in a sports bar. I never miss a game.

Ullman reported the 30-year-old reporter missing Monday after she didn’t get a response to text messages. Someone also reached out to Ullman on Facebook and was also concerned about Nikki Delamotte, reported.

Text messages that were sent Sunday night. On the one hand, I want to say that’s a suspiciously fast report of a missing person. On the other hand, maybe it really was unusual for a young, college-educated, cock-seeking, attention whoring, skanky “culture journalist” like Nikki to go more than four hours without social media activity even in her sleep. This is the 21st Century.

How much longer until young wimminz’ Tinder accounts directly alert law enforcement that their user’s life signs have suddenly stopped during a one-night stand? I hope when the feature is added, it also directly updates law enforcement with her consent status. Maybe it could update her lover with her consent status, too. He has a need to know.

Ullman said she went to the trailer and found her daughter’s car with her cell phone and wallet inside. Police soon arrived at the scene and confirmed two bodies were inside the residence.

She got there before the cops–a trip of 120 miles–and apparently went through her daughter’s car. I doubt Nikki left her wallet on the car seat.

.I.m sorry to tell you they’re both dead and they both had gunshot wounds,. she recalled an officer saying.

I hope the cop’s next words were “hold out your hands. I need to test them for gunshot residue.” Because Occam’s Razor says Mommy was jealous of Nikki getting extended-family support money without getting a piece of the action herself. Uncle might have been willing to help Nikki but probably not the bitch who ruined his brother’s life. This explains 100-miles-away Mommy reaching the scene before the local cops did.

It’s not plausible that this second meeting/reunion just happened to be the night a home invasion robbery went bad. My money’s on Ullman with a new insurance policy because Uncle capping his niece at hello is just too fast. Most murder-suicides are premediated. I wrote this before knowing the conclusion; make your guess and find out at the end!

Delamotte.s colleagues remembered the reporter as the “embodiment of kindness” with .a knack for telling stories that highlighted Cleveland’s diversity..

Translation, she was the office mattress. To confirm/deny, let’s go to her home paper’s eulogy. culture reporter Nikki Delamotte found shot to death in Wood County

By Evan MacDonald, 13 November 2018

CLEVELAND, Ohio — Nikki Delamotte, a culture reporter whose passionate storytelling and kindness left an indelible mark on her community and newsroom, was found shot to death in a suspected homicide Monday in Wood County. She was 30 years old.

… editor Chris Quinn said Delamotte was the “embodiment of kindness” and never failed to leave an impression on people. She also had a special ability to tap into pop culture trends.

.What I appreciated most were the unique perspectives she brought to brainstorm sessions — her ability to make me see things I would not have considered otherwise,. Quinn said. .She had strong positions and backed down from no one, but she did so with gentleness and, always, respect. She was such a bright light, and Cleveland has a dimmer future for her loss..

Chris had been fucking her. There’s no other way an aspiring Trigglypuff with strong positions, who backed down from no one, could be considered gentle and respectful by her direct superior.

Delamotte, who attended Springfield High School in Holland and graduated from Cleveland State University, also worked previously at Allied Integrated Marketing in Cleveland.

How did she get her big break into journalism from marketing, one wonders? Intelligence and work ethic are less valuable in a “culture reporter” than, how can I phrase this, experience in festivity participation. “I’m an expert in nightclubbing!” said no virgin ever.

She drove out to Perrysburg Township last month and saw her uncle walking along the street. She stopped and talked with him, and they made plans to meet again to catch up Sunday, to watch the Miami Dolphins vs. Green Bay Packers football game at a bar, Delamotte’s mother, JoAnne Ullman, said.

That was a shameless lie. Why would Nikki’s mother lie about this reunion?

Delamotte had also talked to coworkers about trying to get tickets to go with her uncle to an upcoming Bob Seger concert in Toledo.

Now gold-digger detected. The Manosphere tropes are lining up.

Delamotte was at Ullman’s house before she headed to Perrysburg Township on Sunday. She planned to drive to a bar to watch football with her uncle, because she did not drink, Ullman said.

BULLSHIT! A “culture reporter” for a major city doesn’t drink? I bet she didn’t plan to have sex, either. We know how this story goes. “I’m too drunk to drive home.” “You can crash at my place.” “Thanks! …He raaaaped me! I want his money!”

.So she was going go over and they were going go to some neighborhood bar and watch the game,. Ullman said.

Delamotte did not return to Cleveland on Sunday night. Someone familiar with her movements reached out to her mother on Facebook early Monday after not hearing from Delamotte.

When women date mystery meat, they send texts hourly or so to a trusted friend in case her hunky noble savage is more savage than expected. Men don’t do this because our big head stops us from doing stupid in the first place and our little head stops us from NOT doing stupid. All or nothing, baby.

Ullman, who said her daughter did not return a text message sent at 10:30 p.m. Sunday, called police to report her daughter missing. She said she arrived at the trailer park before police. Once officers arrived, they were able to get inside the trailer, she said.

Mommy was Nikki’s slut-safety? Or, did Mommy put Nikki up to this meeting? Nikki probably didn’t have any memory of her uncle, having been ten years old twenty years ago with no contact since.

Investigators from Perrysburg Township and the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation were in the trailer park for several hours on Monday, collecting evidence from a search warrant signed by a municipal court judge. Neighbors said they did not hear any commotion coming from the trailer where police found the bodies, and that her uncle mostly kept to himself.

If I know trailer parks, Uncle could have detonated a dirty nuke and neighbors would not have heard any commotion.

Delamotte had a knack for telling stories that highlighted Cleveland’s diversity, and took great pride in shining a light on important people and issues in the community, said Mike Norman, entertainment editor.

She viewed her last feature for, about La Plaza Supermarket expanding its in-store restaurant, as a success story for the local Latino community.

Did she cover any success stories for the local White community? Bueller?

She was also proud of a recent story she wrote about mental health and addiction in Northeast Ohio’s restaurant and service industries in the aftermath of the death of celebrity chef and TV host Anthony Bourdain.

Facepalm. Bourdain wasn’t mentally ill, he’d caught his wife cheating on him and it broke his heart. never met a journalist with a kinder heart,. Norman said.

Norman was fucking her, too. You can even see it in her problem glasses-framed eyes: Nikki does not have a kind heart.

She loved to tell stories about the underdog, and often gave a voice to lesser-known artists, musician and restaurant owners in Greater Cleveland. She RSVP.d to every Facebook event she got invited to, even if she couldn’t attend; she did that because she wanted to support artists their creative endeavors, said Kris Wernowsky, crime and courts editor.

.Her articles were the ones most shared by Cleveland creative folks on social media. And they were always fun to read because she took the time to learn and understand what she wrote about,. Wernowsky said. .Her natural curiosity and her love of everything artistic was evident in everything she wrote..

That wasn’t curiosity. That was Barbie living the high life.

Delamotte was beloved among her coworkers and in the community, but she was humble, reluctant to acknowledge the impact she had on others, her colleagues said.

In 2016, she was concerned no one would show up to the release party for her book, “100 Things to Do in Cleveland Before You Die,. at the Superelectric Pinball Parlor in Gordon Square. But the line of people who came to see her stretched out the door, said Troy Smith, an entertainment reporter for

I have to ask, how far did she get herself? *checks* 40, judging from this article (in photo format):

.Nikki was a rock star, only she didn’t know. Or, maybe more accurate, she would never admit it,. Smith said. .So many people in the community knew and loved her. Yet she was so humble and accommodating to all people.”

Troy was fucking her, too. Such a kind, humble, gentle-hearted Social Justice Warrior interrupted between pulling the pin on her fat grenade and true greatness. Perhaps I’m being too cynical… no, her huge manjaw indicated high testosterone and sex was how she got started as a journalist in the first place.

The impact she had in the community was evident Monday as Cleveland organizations, artists and venues — such as the Cleveland Institute of Art, the Beachland Ballroom, Cleveland Flea and Mahall’s — reacted to her death.

N count approaching Avogadro’s Number. Those organizations have no reason to even remember who did the article mentioning them, let alone offer a eulogy, unless she was personally and Biblically known to the higher-ups.

Delamotte approached many of her stories with gentleness, but she was never afraid to stand up for herself and what she believed in, colleagues said. She had her own voice, and was not afraid to be heard, said web producer Mike Rose.

.Days in the office will definitely be a little dimmer without her here to brighten them up,. Rose said.

Because Mike was fucking her, too.

The same qualities that made Delamotte a cherished friend also helped her stand out as a reporter. She was a great listener, and had a personality that made anyone feel comfortable about opening up to her, entertainment reporter Anne Nickoloff said. never met anyone with as much empathy as Nikki, and I wanted to be more like her,. Nickoloff said. .I still want to be more like her..

Empathy? A battle-hardened SJW? Anne must… be speaking well of the dead.

Delamotte loved animals, and cats in particular. She was always the first person to “like” cat photos that her colleagues posted on Facebook. She memorably served as a judge for “Cutest Cat” contest in 2017, arguing the merits of thousands of cat photographs sent in for consideration.


.When we reminded her we needed to pare it down to just 100 [cats], she would argue that they were all cute in their own way, and made the world a better place by just being,. said Brenda Cain, a member of Best Of team. .There was no getting around her that day..

Brenda was not having sex with her.

She was equally kind to her coworkers. When crime reporter Kaylee Remington had a surgery that left her hospitalized, Delamotte was among the first to visit her. She continued to check on Remington almost daily.

.She sat with me and I didn’t have to speak at all. She brought stuffed animals and all things that would make me comfortable,. Remington said. .Her words: .Well, you look adorable in that hospital gown. I’m just saying…

Nikki didn’t have a real job anyway. I’m just saying.

Marc Bona, a features reporter, said Delamotte offered to buy a copy of his book “The Game Changer” even though she did not like sports. She just wanted to support a coworker, he said.

.The last email I received from her was an unsolicited comment a few days ago pulling out a line from a story I wrote, telling me it was her favorite part,. Bona said. .She did that all the time. That was Nikki..

Not buying it. She was trying to impress Marc… and the most common way for sluts to impress high-status men is sex.

The Exciting Conclusion

A highly regarded young reporter in Cleveland, Nikki Delamotte, who was found dead with her uncle in his trailer, died of multiple gunshot wounds in an apparent murder-suicide, authorities said Wednesday.

Police in Perrysburg, Ohio, about 100 miles from Cleveland, found the two bodies Monday morning after Nikki Delamotte’s mother reported her missing and drove to the scene, where she discovered her daughter’s car parked outside the trailer with her phone and wallet still inside.

An autopsy showed Nicole Delamotte had three gunshot wounds: in the left chest, right side, and in the head. Her uncle, Robert J. Delamotte, 67, was meanwhile found to have died of a single gunshot wound to the head and appeared to be self-inflicted, according to police Wednesday.

There goes my Mommy Did It theory. This is why I’m not a betting man.

Investigators are looking at the case as a murder-suicide, but have not determined a motive.

Here it comes:

Nicole Delamotte, 30, had only recently gotten in touch with her uncle on her father’s side after losing touch with him when her parents divorced, her mother, JoAnne Ullman, told NBC News on Tuesday. …

After the recent death of her maternal grandmother, “Nikki was trying to reconnect with the small family left and did detective work to find her Uncle Bob on her father’s side,” Ullman said. …

…A GoFundMe page that was set up to help her boyfriend and mother with memorial costs had raised more than $15,000 by Wednesday morning.

Ullman can’t afford a burial?

Sounds like Uncle had some “unresolved feelings” about watching JoAnne destroy his brother’s life. When Nikki came into the picture trying to dig into his pocketbook just like her mother had done 20 years before, that may have been the final straw.

As for Nikki, she lost her source of income and tried to monkey-branch to estranged-for-good-reasons relatives, proving that 1. her journalism job wasn’t paying the bills, 2. her mother was equally irresponsible with money and 3. her boyfriend is a Chad Cock not an Ernie Engineer. We could add 4. Nikki’s SJW education apparently taught her the wrong things to say to a male relative not doing well in this feminized world. We’ll never know if her last words were “pay up or I’ll cry rape at you!”


Small-Time Pastor Keith Mannes Discovers Realpolitik

Most clergy never think outside the box. Most of them ARE the box, at least on Sunday morning. But here’s the story of an ordinary pastor who decided to dip a toe into the world of politics… and scurried home not understanding what he saw. Credit to Keith for daring to take his first step into the Real World but let me help him understand what he saw. The article is a bit dated but finding any clergy who care to care doesn’t happen every day.

When This Pastor Got Political

“I thought a town hall meeting would be the perfect venue to fight for justice. I was oh-so-wrong.”

By Keith Mannes, pastor of East Saugatuck Christian Reformed Church of Holland, Michigan, May 2017

Two months ago I went to a town hall meeting sponsored by our district congressman.

Never have I been the kind of person to do this. Although I’ve always had relatives or friends from the .zealot-fringe. who got frothed up about their party or their cause, I typically rolled my eyes at their Facebook posts and moved on. I am a pastor from a faith tradition that, on the one hand, believes on a theological level that Christians should engage in and redeem the political sphere, but on the other hand, prefers that pastors shut up and stay out of politics when speaking from the pulpit. For 30 years in ministry, I have neglected the former and abided too much by the latter.

For thirty years, he was either deliberately useless or a Pharisee. What’s worse: “The best way for pastors to redeem society is to not participate in it” or “Thank God I’m above the petty politics of the Little People”? Well, better late than never.

Over the last five years, and with special intensity in the last two, things have been changing within me. Things we politely call “social issues” or “justice issues..the kinds of things which, like the priest and the Levite in the parable of The Good Samaritan, I have “passed by on the other side..well, these things now keep me awake at night. My soul is grinding and churning to make some kind of Christian sense of it all, and I am lurching by fits and starts down a road I have never traveled. I am desperately trying to get it right, and I have the terrible sense that for most of my life I have gotten it wrong.

He never mentions Donald Trump and the timing isn’t perfect for Trump Derangement Syndrome, so I don’t know what event spurred him to go explore. Doesn’t really matter. Keith will be a better human being even as a NeverTrumper than a smugly enthroned AMOG in Podunk because for the first time ever, he now gives a damn about the outside world.

I am a little preacher serving quiet churches on country roads. But now I feel restless. I want to rise up and do something that matters. Every day I get wrapped up in the news, and I pack and un-pack these things with equally troubled pastors. I have gone to marches and painted signs. Sometimes when I pray, I discover tears in my eyes, and I look down to find my fists are clenched.

And all of this soul-churning is leaking out of me when I preach. I am going out on untested limbs in my sermons, and the people of my congregation, most of whom have accepted opposite political conclusions, can feel it. This has resulted in some delicate meetings in living rooms and coffee shops with members of the church I serve, and a few sweaty-behind-the-knees discussions with our elders, as they fulfill their duty by trying to understand what’s happening with me.

The guy has gone thirty years without this kind of delicate conversation? I notice he tried to remain politically neutral even in this article about getting politically involved.

Then I saw my chance to make a difference: a town hall meeting moderated by my congressman. I had left phone messages at the congressman’s office.both his local office and his office in DC.but now I wanted to stand and speak in person to one of the powers of earth. I had a little speech outlined in my head, and because our congressman is from my faith tradition, I planned to “let him have it.. I thought he was a coward and a hypocrite, and I expected more. And in these sentiments, I was most certainly united in heart and spirit with the majority of people in attendance.

Ah, the naive optimism of going to the Congressman and changing his mind by telling him off. We all start there. Pretty quick, you start wanting just twenty seconds to make your point and go home.

The Town Hall Meeting

The middle-school auditorium was packed with nearly 1,000 people. Many lined up against the walls, and 250 more gathered in an overflow room. While waiting in line to get in and then waiting inside for the meeting to start, I talked with a lot of people. It was a standing-room-only circus. At first this was, I admit, edgy and exciting.

I’ve been told that young female SJWs are most likely to give their orbiters pity sex in the wake of a political rally because her emotions are riled up and she needs to express them. Did Keith see any edgy, excited soyboys there? I bet he did.

Why were there 1,200 people at a town hall meeting? Because government now controls the bulk of peoples’ lives and daily picks winners and losers. People care about the leaders who functionally run their lives. There would not be four-digit turnouts if the Federal gov’t limited itself to infrastructure and foreign affairs like it’s supposed to.

Then the meeting started.


The congressman took a handheld mic and offered it to a young woman who stood up to speak about her uterus and its rights and insurance and its impact upon her uterus. Someone behind me, who had apparently been calculating the medical costs of her indiscretions with her uterus, yelled out that condoms were cheaper. Then another man jumped up from behind the congressman, grabbed the mic from his hand, and started yelling about what would have happened if his wife had been aborted. It was, from the get-go, like an episode of Jerry Springer.

Heh, the very first speaker was a bitch demanding free stuff because pussy. Get used to the sight of that, Keith, and welcome to the real world. Of course the attendees were badly behaved. These events are attended mostly by liberals who have the time and motivation to demand free stuff from their G-man, best done with a temper tantrum. The disciplined men who keep the world turning are busy putting the kids to bed in time to rest up for another workday.

The last time I went to a town hall meeting was to complain about the local gov’t eminent-domaining a profitable business in order to create a park. When I arrived, I learned that public comment on that had been scheduled for the five minutes preceding the dinner break, if the previous three hours didn’t run five minutes too long. I didn’t wait. That’s typical of real mens’ experience with gov’t: we want gov’t to stop creating problems rather than fix our personal ones.

The people seated in the row behind me offered loud, running commentary. They had been to the congressman’s town hall in a different locality the previous week. (This, apparently, was what they did instead of staying home and watching Netflix.) They would call out, .That’s not what he said last week,. and then a few minutes later, they would yell, .Oh, c.mon; you said the same thing last week.” When the congressman offered details on a subject (and I had to admit, he was pretty intelligent), the couple would say, .T-M-I! T-M-I!.

If the congressman talked too long, people would yell, .You’re stalling!. When the subject was health insurance, people shouted, .What about Russia?. And when the subject turned to Russia, someone yelled, .What about taxes?. So the congressman started to explain taxes, using his own tax-life as an example. Someone shouted, .We’re not here to hear about you!. Others chanted, .Tax the rich!. Name a subject, and everyone in the place could locate and yell out some related subject about which they were enraged. It was like a loud, strange word-association test.

This reminded me of my children’s sermon from the week before, when I said, “Fish” (as in, fishers of men), and a kid raised her hand to talk about Cheerios. But then, at least the child had raised her hand. No, this . this thing happening in the school auditorium was like a spark floating around in a fireworks store. Any particular word might ignite a series of explosions.

Because they’re bored and didn’t bring a coloring book. If Pastor Keith thinks that behavior is troubling then somebody should drag him to live-action Mexican wrestling. It ain’t WWF.

Most people never mature past high school.

The Human Pi?ata

The congressman himself became a pi?ata. For a long time, only hearing about him and never hearing him speak, I thought him an arrogant jerk. Now I could see that, although I still almost completely disagreed with his policies, he was smart, gracious, and tough.and really quite fearless. No matter what he said, he was going to lose every time, but he would say it anyways.

Most Congressmen are master manipulators of people and desperate for attention, even negative attention. That’s the personality that wins the female vote in direct-democratic elections. That’s the personality that wants town hall meetings in the first place. Did you think he was there for civic duty’s sake?

Congressmen are not supposed to be the gestalt mouthpieces of every person back home. That’s not even possible; the typical Representative represents over 400,000 people, to say nothing of Senators; but they love to act the part. See, the Liberal draws his virtue from being the designated representative of people who aren’t present. That gives him both power and plausible deniability.

On the subject of education, he made the mistake of disclosing that he sent his kids to a Christian school. People spat out, .That’s because you can afford it.” When he said he was on the government health care plan, people grimaced and said, .Yeah, ri-i-i-ight.. People would try to pin him to the mat with questions about complicated issues, then jab a forefinger at him and say, .Yes or no?. So he would openly state his position, which only (as he knew it would) brought forth more opposition.

Keith himself came in expecting to “pin him to the mat”. Good for him that he realized it’s both disrespectful and useless.

Is Keith surprised at this cynicism? Public schools are trash everywhere. Congressmen have their own, Congress-only health care plan which predates Obamacare and wasn’t replaced by Obamacare. Our leaders don’t live like us, don’t want to live like us and don’t consider themselves to be one of us. Just like our pastors.

And then, strangely, in the middle of talking about a subject for which they hated him, he would mention a small thing they liked. Then they stood to applaud. They were like split-personality dogs. They would mostly bite, but sometimes, with a different synapse tweaked, they would jump up, lick you, and pee on your leg.

Crowds are fickle like that. Always have been. Don’t worry, your Congressman is an experienced professional at working a crowd. He knows what he’s doing, just like an animal handler sticking his head in a crocodile’s maw.

The congressman stuttered once, and the people around me, some of whom were there to advocate for the weak, chuckled and sneered. When he took a break to sip some water (the meeting was nearly three hours long), people viewed it as a sign of nervousness and called out, .Stop stalling.” At one point, the congressman asked one of his aides to bring a mic to a woman and made the unfortunate, split-second choice to say, .Jack, grab that woman, will ya?. Lots of people booed at this, interpreting it as a sexist offense. The woman next to me said, .Ha-ha! Yeah, right. Freudian slip, for sure..

Speaking of the woman next to me, I had talked with her for a while before the meeting, so she decided we were comrades. Throughout the meeting, at every juncture, she turned her head and talked to me in conspiratorial tones. At first I politely smiled and nodded my head, but after a while I just stared at the speaker and pretended not to hear.

Grasshopper learned quickly.

King of the Tiny, Melting Mountain

Eventually the meeting ended because the building needed to close. But the congressman remained with a crowd of 40 people who wanted to talk to him (as did I). I listened from a distance to all sorts of people with pet causes that had gone unaddressed, insights to share from their research on the Internet, or personal views on the economy and how to fix it.

When the building closed, I left without an opportunity to ask him about my concerns. A woman, a total stranger, walked out with me. Her car was parked on the same stretch of sidewalk as mine. She didn’t get to speak her mind in the meeting either.about her cancer, insurance, and bankruptcy. She was struggling with a difficult issue and needed to be heard. This was life-and-death for her. As we said goodbye, she added, .Well, at least I got to tell it to you..

She expected Congress to help her with her cancer, insurance and bankruptcy because Congress has seized unlawful control of health care and finance… with zero positive results, as predicted by everybody who wan’t a socialist parasite. Back in the day, when Keith was young, she would have gone to her husband and been cared for.

My guess is, most of the people at the town hall meeting came because they felt the injustice of the world.

Wrong. They wanted free loot from the local Santa Claus. Surely the pastor of even a modest church has encountered this type in his thirty-year career.

These noble desires, however, disintegrated into . well, this is lousy to say, but after three hours it all seemed petty. The poorest among us in that room were among the most privileged humans in the world, but we still felt ripped off. Nobody wanted to hear of the multiplicity of needs, or the limited resources, or the complicated choices. Everybody forgot whatever their higher goal may have been, and instead they chose to yell about their piece of the pie.

Why does Keith think the attendees had a higher goal than petitioning the God-Government to care for their needs with a little entertainment on the side? Does he not know the simpleminded joy of seeking pleasure and avoiding pain?

Alone in the dark of my car on a side-street, I just felt sad. I, too, had lost my bearings.

Because if there was a hypocrite in the room, it was me. There in the meeting, I was looking down on everyone, including the congressman. I was making snap judgements, as if I were better or more put together. And I had been yelling, too.

Many times, when someone attacked the congressman on an issue, I stood up and yelled and clapped. Once, when the congressman was five feet from me, I raised my hand and held it in his face, pressing myself forward to be recognized. Any observer would have been reminded of an elementary school kid who had to go to the bathroom really, really badly.

The previous Sunday, I had done a sermon about the kingdom of God. To portray the kingdom of Earth, I showed a picture of the last un-melted snow in a parking lot, covered with dirt and surrounded by debris. I talked about how the kingdom of Earth has always been about trying to be King of the Mountain on this soon-to-be-gone pile of ice and dirt.

Putting my car in drive after the meeting, I felt like we had all just lived that out, clawing and ripping at whatever or whoever we perceived was at the top of that melting pile. In some nameless way, everyone was thirsting for righteousness, but without thinking much of its source. And I had done the same. It hit me that I had never even thought of offering something of eternal faith to that woman with cancer before she got into her car and drove away.

I wondered, the winter road humming beneath my car, if this empty feeling within me was why the apostle Peter, the apostle Paul, and even Jesus seemed so frustratingly detached from political things. For the first time on my new political activist road, I felt in my gut that I had used my freedom, if not for evil, then at least for a human and vengeful purpose.

Detached from politics? Jesus? Ex-Pharisee “Pinata” Paul the Roman Citizen? Keith has not read Scripture in a long time.

Maybe that’s what people in our church were feeling, lately, in my sermons. I had been thinking, all along, that I was being prophetic, but really, I was angry. This anger was not always about the larger biblical issues or even the politicians. I was angry because I didn’t understand how people could see these issues so differently. Many Sundays I had come pretty close, right there in our sanctuary, to . er, um . yelling at them.

Pastors should become relevant to their laity by sharing the life experiences of the laity, not by pretending they’re an Old Testament prophet-advisor who draws his secret knowledge from sheltered living and privileged access to the Big Guy.

Then it came to me like a brick into my chest: I am going to die. And no one in government, good or bad, can fix that. Tragedy strikes and sickness comes and sometimes there is no way to stop it. Some people have a lot, and some people have less, and it is never fair. This is fallout from the Fall.

I can’t accept this at face value. No way is mortality a revelation to a guy at least 50 years old. Neither is the idea that government officials cannot have a powerful influence upon society. Does Keith not know a religious event when he sees one? More at the conclusion.

A Little Preacher on a Country Road

I feel, now, happier to be a little preacher on a country road. Whatever I do or say, I realize, doesn’t matter much to the big world, but even in my sphere, there is an everlasting kingdom to talk about. And while I’m pointing to Christ, vengeful, wild anger must have no place in this preacher’s heart.

This concern over the state of being angry isn’t Christian. Anger is an emotion that must be channeled like any other. How any clergyman can contemplate society today and not be honestly furious is beyond me. Well, no, they’re just spineless warm bodies working towards retirement as their preferred form of redemption.

Still, if there is another town hall nearby, I will likely go. The concerns and convictions of my soul that took me to the first one are even more pressing than before. I will still call my congressman and urge action. (I have his number programmed in my phone.) I will still address the issues of the day in my sermons.

Being relevant is a massive improvement. Rubbing shoulders with ordinary people is another massive improvement. If Keith brings along notions of Christian justice & morality then he’ll have a trifecta.

But I need to keep my soul in the right place while finding greater ways to advocate for justice.and to actually do justice. I need to keep engaging, but with an equanimity and a dignity that reflect the confidence of someone whose existence rests in the “life that is truly life..

I am just a little preacher, but the church and its message, which seemed at one time to be so small, now rise within me as the true hope of the world.

You will fail at that, Keith. The moment you start swimming against the feminist current will be the moment the world takes aim at you for nonconformity.

Do you know what you saw at that meeting? That was Sunday morning for atheists. A religious gathering. They worship Government the way Christians worship Christ. Remember how passionate the people were? How they wanted just a moment of the Prophet’s time, so he would notice them and solve their problems? Surely you see the parallel to God & Church.

I said that woman you talked to didn’t want your Savior. That’s because she wanted the God of Results, not the God of Truth. Truth is not very popular these days and Christ would rather we endure suffering than live sheltered lives. But when G-Man descends from the Potomac Swamp to hear petitions for free stuff, people sure get excited and line up to beseech his favor.

Don’t be one of them, Keith. Go, see, learn, but don’t allow yourself to ever consider your local Congressman as a stand-in for God. You will be tempted to.


Keith doesn’t have much of a web presence but still writes for Christianity Today. I don’t disagree with him about prepping for the Apocalypse:


Democrats Misspell “Unusual”

Democrats: .Cruel and Unscientific. to Define Legal Sex by Biology

By Neil Munro, 11 November 2018

It is “cruel and unscientific” to define a person’s legal sex by their biology, says a complaint signed by 98 Democratic House legislators.

Here’s the letter Congress wrote:

Click to access Final-HHS-Title-IV-letter.pdf

The Democrats. statement was sent to President Donald Trump’s administration after the New York Times reported that the administration will formally clarify that the sex of people involved in sex-discrimination legal fights will be based on their male or female body.

Trump.s biology-determines-sex policy “makes it clear that members of this administration are willing to ” solidify an archaic, dogmatic, and alarming view of the world,. the Democrats complain their letter to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Trump is an amazingly good President because he claims gender is based in reality… and that’s not even sarcasm. That’s how bad things are today.

The Democrats instead want government agencies to let people define their legal sex by declaring their internal feeling of male or female “gender identity,. regardless of their male or female body and biology.

Yet there is no scientific or legal measure of “gender identity.” For example, one gay advocacy group defines gender identity as .One’s innermost concept of self as male, female, a blend of both or neither.” So any person could claim to have an opposite-sex “gender identity” and become a member of the other sex at any time, for as long or short a time as they wish.

By that logic, gender identity doesn’t have ANY measure. Like victimhood.

This identity-beats-biology change would erase any recognition of biological women and biological men from the law. For example, the transgender ideology says the idea of “women” would include men and women who say they have a female “gender identity.” Women who insist they are women would be redefined as .cis-gender women,. say transgender advocates.

In other words, normality is outlawed. It’s hard to reach any conclusion but that the Left wants to outlaw normal, healthy human behavior in favor of anything and everything else.

When my parents told me I could be anything, they probably didn’t mean “aromantic iso-female”. In fact, they probably assumed my gender. I’m a victim!

If gender defines sex, the nation’s anti-discrimination laws will force agencies, civic organizations, and cultural groups to bar recognition of the partly-different and complementary preferences and attributes of males and females.

This revolutionary change would have profound consequences. For one minor example, a female theater director could face an anti-discrimination lawsuit if she repeatedly chooses women to play the female leads in Romeo and Juliet, even when the show is aimed at a female audience. In November, the company that sells Victoria’s Secret lingerie products was slammed because it does not use a mix of interchangeable men and women to model their clothing for women.

HAHAA! How did I miss such a juicy story?… Oh, it’s on Jezebel. My sewer snorkel doesn’t go that deep but I left the link for readers of Questioning gender.

Already, women are being erased from women’s sporting competitions when supposedly “transgender” men muscle their way to the winners. podium.

Pre-operation “Rachel” McKinnon sheds her man card to become a winner in the female bicycling world. A sad day for the clans of Scotland.

Canadian Rachel McKinnon Becomes 1st Transgender Woman ...

Post-op Rachel McKinnon now identifies as a Martian.

It’s not unusual. It’s unscientific!

…Trump.s biology-determines-sex policy would preserve the nation’s existing law and culture that accepts the near-universal view that that women and men are legally equal but also different and complementary. For example, the Pentagon has dropped former President Barack Obama’s pro-transgender policies and is now using the “bright line” of biology to determine each soldiers. male or female status.

Quick segue to that article:

A Pentagon survey shows fewer than 25 servicemembers have used former President Barack Obama’s transgender rules to request free cosmetic genital surgery, even though progressive activists have argued for several years that 14,000 people in the military want to be treated as members of the other sex.

14,000 Young female nurses?

The 25 people represent just 0.0012 percent of the 2.1 million soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines in the active and reserve military. That transgender percentage is just one person among every 84,000 servicemembers.

The Pentagon report also noted that only 388 military members . or 0.0184 percent of the military . are taking opposite-sex hormones. That percentage is just one person among every 5,400 servicemembers.

Back to the original article,

This very low rate of surgery . despite the massive media coverage . is a close match to the very low rates of transgender surgery outside the military.

Massive media coverage appears to be the constant in all these situations. It’s almost as if the mainstream media has been taken over by a small, wealthy, elite cabal that is eager to pervert the natural order of human identity.

Transgender activists want each person’s legal sex to be determined by their personal but unverifiable feeling of “gender identity,. not by their verifiable biology or genitalia. This focus on “gender identity” means that a person can be legally male in the morning and legally female in the afternoon.

This is factually impossible. One cannot legislate something that cannot be defined, especially something as temporary as feelings. LGBTXYZ advocates try to get around this by banning normal behavior. Which is the worst possible use of law imaginable.

Next up, a ban on breathing oxygen, selectively enforced.

The transgender ideology is deeply unpopular, especially among women and parents. In 2017, Obama told NPR that his promotion of the transgender ideology made it easier for Donald Trump to win the presidency.

In practice, the transgender ideology requires women to silently accept men who claim to have a female “gender identity” in women’s bathrooms, showers, and sports clubs. It also requires parents to stand aside when their children decide to begin a lifetime of risky and self-sterilizing medical treatments to help them pretend they are members of the opposite sex.

Which begs the question why these parents aren’t hanging transgender ideologues on gallows, if the Powers That Be require them to stand aside and watch their sexually innocent children be twisted into freaks. For America, I can only say that every single leader has betrayed God and Country. That is unnatural. Reality isn’t real anymore and the Pod People are in control. An insight:

Multiple polls show that most Americans wish to help and comfort people who think they are a member of the opposite sex, even as they also reject the transgender ideology’s claim that a person’s legal sex is determined by their feeling of “gender identity,. not by biology.

Most Americans don’t know what they believe. “What they’re doing is wrong but we don’t want to hurt their feelings over it” is… is…

YouTube: Hamster se transforma en Godzilla y destruye una ciudad [VIDEO] | Youtube | Redes ...

Hamster Godzilla!

The article closes with a collection of links and this:

The progressive push to bend Americans. attitudes and their male-and-female civic society around the idea of “gender identity” has already attacked and cracked many of the popular social rules which help Americans manage the cooperation and competition among and between complementary, different and equal men and women.

And that is why society is going to burn. The same people who are horrified at the consequences of “different and equal” are simultaneous unwilling to give it up. So much easier to not connect the dots and hope “somebody” can make it work.

Nobody can make it work. Women are entirely inferior to men. That is a good, God-created situation that humanity is in lockstep rebellion against even as it fears the imminent impact of “this is what you asked for”.


George Barna Despises MGTOW

Ah, the sweet sound of Elites screeching at their slaves escaping their plantation.

The Disengaged Are Destroying America

By George Barna, 14 March 2018

There is no shortage of emotion on the part of the two-thirds of American adults who harbor strong feelings about the condition and direction of the country. During the past decade, in particular, activist conservatives and liberals have been feverishly pushing their ideals and desires for the nation in full view of the public.

The clash of worldviews represented by those two factions has created something that feels like an angry stalemate in which America is not making any progress. Some have called it a (mostly) non-violent civil war. We are definitely in a time of agitation, desperately seeking resolution.

People don’t know their terms. What we have coming is a persecution, not a civil war. One can’t fight a war without government backing and no government in USA dares even to be civilly disobedient when nobody is watching.

So if we are in a democratic republic, why aren’t things changing for the better?

Because women vote and democratic republic is an oxymoron.

One reason is that we lack leadership that is coalescing the people around a positive, shared vision of America. We experience that paucity of leadership everyday, as Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, Christians and non-Christians, Millennials and Boomers, whites and non-whites express their divergent perspectives and refuse to give an inch. Without strong leaders casting a compelling portrait of a superior future and shows us how we can move forward, that existing animosity will not end.

He’s cucking. The Left has excellent leadership whereas Cuckservatives act like the only joy they can experience anymore is betraying their constituents.

But another crucial component of our national stalemate is the large share of the voting-age population that is disengaged from the multifaceted battle of worldviews. These people are the tiebreakers. But they refuse to show up.

Hello, MGTOW! When the Left is hardline Left and the Right is hardline Left then the only winning move is not to play. #NeverTrump, anybody?

There are two key segments of the disengaged. The first is those who have moderate views . i.e., obstinate ambivalence . on both politics and theology (31% of the adult population). They will not take stands on the important issues of the day, from immigration to abortion, from the veracity of the Bible to the role of Jesus Christ in modern life.

The second segment is people who are not registered to vote and pay little attention to political news and information (21%). There are times when all of us get frustrated with the political system and its players, and harbor ill-will toward the biased media. But rather than work through the garbage and distortions in the pipeline, the disengaged retire from the game altogether.

Obviously, these two groups are kissing cousins. In total, 35% of adults fit one or both of those categories.

Their ambivalence is obvious when you see that:

-They are less likely to feel angry about the state of the nation: 47% vs. 70% among other adults
-They are less likely to have an opinion about President Trump’s current job performance
-They are more than twice as likely as other Americans to give President Trump a middling grade (a .C.) or to have no opinion about his first year’s performance in office
-They are much less likely to claim that they are actively working for the positive transformation of American society

The first bullet point is the critical one. People don’t quit and stop caring because they CAN make a difference, they stop caring because they realize they can’t. Barna disagrees:

Why are such a bland feelings and lack of participation a problem to harp on? Because, unfortunately, this group of absentee citizens may hold the future of our nation in their hands.

We are essentially in a political impasse and they hold the tiebreaking vote. Imagine if the U.S. Senate had an evenly-divided floor vote and the Vice President refused to show up to cast the deciding ballot. What would we call the VP? Irresponsible. Abandoning his civic duty. Wreckless. Uncaring. Derelict in his duties.

We would say the VP wanted the vote to fail without taking the blame for it. When the President does this, it’s called a pocket veto. All Presidents do it and none have ever been called reckless or derelict for it.

Conservatives and liberals want to change America. But the Disengaged, through their apathy and ignorance, are effectively destroying it.

Good riddance. Neither side cares about us, therefore we don’t care to take a side.

Let me make this even clearer. The latest ACFI survey asked people to summarize their feelings about capitalism, socialism, and democracy.

Republicans, Democrats, conservatives, and liberals agree on very little. But three-quarters of them expressed positive feelings about democracy.

That’s the problem. They all agree that democracy is a good thing even though it leaves us productive men without representation.

The Disengaged? Just 37% of them had positive feelings about the basis of American civic life. A majority said they were either undecided on the matter or had no feelings at all.

When asked to make a choice between capitalism and socialism, conservatives overwhelmingly opted for capitalism, liberals vied for socialism. The Disengaged? A majority of them (56%) said they had no preference.

No preference between conservatives and liberals, he means. Both of them want socialism in fact but not in words. Feminized democracy is always a transition state to socialism.

Part of the challenge may be their lack of information. Whereas two-thirds of the engaged population follows news about politics and governance .a lot. or “quite a bit., few of those who are Disengaged pay attention to such information.

These are the people who don’t know and don’t care. Their failure to participate in the battle for the nation’s future is paralyzing us all.

Most of us stop being informed because the news is too regularly pessimistic for mental health. I have never known hope for my society in my entire adult life.

On the one hand, I hate to have these cultural sluggards shift the direction of the nation one way or the other. Will they be as irresponsible in their choices as they have been through their disengagement?

On the other hand, if they do not engage, without vibrant leaders suddenly emerging to put the nation on course, we will all continue to suffer. If the Disengaged would man-up and uphold their civic duty to participate in national life, we could break out of our political paralysis. Wouldn’t it be better for the nation to move forward than to continue our agonizing slide into the quicksand of ambivalence and throes of political chaos?

Wouldn’t it be better if you wondered why we disengaged instead of complaining we won’t pick a side on America’s Bifactional Ruling Party? You’re a professional pollster. You could ask us. And not like this:

If you are among the one out of every three Americans who fit the description of the Disengaged, would you please invest yourself in your own (and everyone else.s) future by getting involved in the society around you? We know you’re busy and overwhelmed; the rest of us are, too. Hiding from cultural controversies or not “taking a stand” is not helping you or your countrymen. There is no real value in staying neutral. Please, spend a little time studying the state of the union and the opportunities and challenges that lie before us. Figure out what you believe and how to translate those views into positive action.

No, you don’t have to be a brain surgeon or rocket scientist to take your obligation to your country and freedom seriously. Less than one percent of us are in those heady professions yet we’re engaged in the admittedly messy sociopolitical process, trying our ragged best to make the world a better place. We need your help!

Ah, there it is. You need our help… but you didn’t give us a reason to help. This entire article, Mr. Barna, you’ve complained how we aren’t carrying water for anybody yet never suggested why we should. A special thanks for telling us it’s okay to be stupid if only we do as we’re told.

You won’t get our help until you give us MGTOWs a seat at the table. A reason to care. You’ll find us poolside, looking after our own affairs whenever you’re ready to give a damn. Please have payment ready in the forms of money, respect and virgin daughters.

Because right now, whether Liberals or Conservatives win, we will lose. They are both globalists. Even Trump, despite being a massive improvement over the Magic Negro, acts like America’s problem is elements of the bureaucracy rather than the bureaucracy itself.

In closing, Barna gives away what solution he wants with his talk of political strongmen. We experience that paucity of leadership everyday… Without strong leaders casting a compelling portrait of a superior future… without vibrant leaders suddenly emerging to put the nation on course… for the love of God! Does he not realize what he’s calling for? He’s calling for a powerful, despotic leader who will force solutions to our society’s leadership-inflicted ills upon us all. This upfront refusal to allow ordinary men to live their own lives is EXACTLY why MGTOW is a thing.

George Barna despises men who check out and don’t contribute while simultaneously calling for the Antichrist to show up. Would it kill him to make a better offer than help me enslave all humanity?