William S. Lind Hopes to Weaponize Christianity

The fact that William Lind’s blog is “traditionalright.com” is alone sufficient to mark him as a Tradcon. Like the Left, Tradcon interest in religion is mostly in how its tenets can be Converged to humanist purposes. Although Tradcons are a good deal less cynical while doing so.

A Second Reformation?


By William S. Lind, 10 Oct 2018

Rome has fallen.

Beginning in the 1960s, most mainline Protestant churches fractured over two divergent understandings of Christianity. In one camp are those who believe Christianity was revealed in the person of Jesus Christ, in Holy Scripture, and in the traditions of the early church. The duty of present-day Christians is to pass that heritage, unaltered and undiminished to future generations until the Lord comes again. In the other camp are those who believe the faith must reflect the Zeitgeist, altering itself as necessary to maintain a broad appeal. They see revelation as an ongoing process in which new commandments can override old.

In other words, the Prot Church split into loyalists and apostates. That was healthy and no split at all, the apostates no longer being Christian.

Under a veneer of unity, this same tension has been present within the Roman Catholic church. With the release of Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano’s recent letter attributing priestly pedophilia to a widespread toleration of homosexuality among Roman clergy, the fracture is in the open. The Zeitgeist has proclaimed homosexuality normal and, as in the mainline Protestant churches, the faction within the Roman church that follows the Zeitgeist must follow suit. To traditional Christians this is anathema. Rome appears headed for schism.

To ALL Christians, sodomy is an abomination. Anybody who disagrees, disagrees with God. There’s a lot Christians can argue about with each other but God’s design of human sexuality is not one of them. Again, those Christians who accommodated the world were apostates, not Christians.

This may be good news.

It is not. It is not even “new” news. The devil always tries to subvert the Church when destroying it is not an option.

A schism within the Roman church and the emergence of a sizeable Roman “continuing church” would create the possibility of a second Reformation, with the difference that this Reformation would unify rather than divide. “Continuing church.” Protestants and Catholics would have more in common with each other than with modernizers in their own denominations; the same would be true for the other side. It is conceivable that Catholics and Protestants could unite in two new churches, one reflecting Zeitgeist, the other upholding traditional Christianity. Given the number of both Catholic and Protestants traditionalists, a new, united “continuing church” might be the larger/large enough to wield substantial cultural and political power.

I’m shocked this guy understands even the concept of nations. Prots and Cats are both Christian but sacrificing what makes us distinct is to sacrifice our God-provided identities. Just as Americans and Englishmen can be brothers without the former adopting Parliament in place of the Constitution and the latter abandoning all titles of royalty. There is no Platonic form of either “white man” or “Christian”.

To be sure, the obstacles would be significant, especially for the traditionalists. Traditional Protestants and Catholics would each have to look back before the Reformation to find common ground. Protestants would have to accept a Catholic understanding of the Eucharist and adopt a valid liturgy for their communion services (even some Baptist churches had liturgy up into the early 1900s). Catholics would have to share the Apostolic Succession with non-Catholic male clergy and forego requiring that Protestants accept the innovations arising out of the Council of Trent, Vatican I and Vatican II. The Holy Spirit would have to do some heavy lifting to make a union come about.

Lind’s ignorance of Christianity is showing. Catholics depend upon a centralized Church structure and the Protest of Protestants is trusting Church centralization. Which side is going to win in a merger?

The Church will be unified when Christ returns. Only then will Cats give up Apostolic succession and us Prots loosen our deathgrip on Scripture. Until then, unification of the Christian Church is a Globalist priority, a Satanic priority. Not a Christian priority. Why can’t Lind see this? In the same paragraph, he complains about the Vatican becoming the greatest child molestation conspiracy in human history then hopes that fact will encourage divided, hostile elements of the Church to unify into a similar, globalized organization. To repeat the cycle?

What might be the strategic implications of such a second Reformation? Since the end of the Thirty Years. War in 1648, the West has discounted religion as a strategic factor. But at present, the primary strategic weakness of the West is that it no longer believes in itself. Western culture’s will to live died in World War I, in the mud and slaughter of the Western Front. After the Somme, Verdun, and Passchendaele, the best lacked all conviction. Fascism attempted to recover by exalting the will, but fascism failed, felled by its own errors. And so today as the old West, Europe, is invaded by hordes of mendicants from strange cultures, the European elites offer their countries as doormats.

AS MANDATED AND ENFORCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION! The nations of Europe sacrificed parts of their identity into the EU and within one generation, the EU decided to exterminate all of Europe’s identity, culture and demographics. Many nations now want their individuality back but the globalists are unwilling.

Why should we Christians do the same? Why sacrifice parts of our identity, our humanity, to form yet another global organization? Historian Lind, do you not yet see a pattern?

As Russell Kirk wrote, .Culture comes from the cult.” Religion has been at the heart of most, perhaps all cultures since human culture arose. While the First World War collapsed the West’s faith in itself, the religion at the core of Western culture had long been under assault by rationalism.

Rationalism? Let’s clarify that term. Christians basically invented science. We’re the ones who believe the world is comprehensible, not the “rationalists” who value Godless reason because they think it can reason away God. Look at the current state of science to see the result of that ‘rationalist’ approach, where Pussy Pass is now more important that scholarship. Actual science, understanding Nature in order to understand Nature’s God, has given way to STEM: practical applications of what has already been learned (and not yet forgotten).

Rationalism, like Evolution, is the belief that there is no God; that in fact, there is nothing beyond observable reality. Although both rationalists and evolutionists have been increasingly uncomfortable with observable reality, too.

Fractured by the first Reformation, the church could no longer speak with the united voice necessary to reply convincingly (about this, see Brad S. Gregory’s recent book, The Unintended Reformation). To Descartes. “Cogito ergo sum,. a united church would have answered, .Non est. Dues cogitavit, ergo es..

Here, Lind rejects truth as a basis for morality in favor of authority as a basis for morality. Neither Prots nor Cats accept any human authority as the basis of morality. Whether by Scripture or established Tradition, Creator God is the source of morality because He designed us before telling us how we should live. Nothing about the Reformation invalidated God as humanity’s guiding light.

How can Western culture recover the will to live when, in Europe, the churches are empty because most of the clergy no longer believe the Nicene Creed, while in the U.S. many of the most popular churches preach a therapeutic narcissism that has little to do with taking up your cross and following Jesus? Among the ruling elites in both Europe and America, Christian faith is regarded as spiritual eczema, an unfortunate condition to be covered up in public. It can have no role to play in strategy; the very notion is absurd.

You cannot make bread without flour. This is “Christian faith”: God is real and the Creator of all. The way to restore Western culture is not to give up our uniqueness in order to form the New and Improved, and Mandatory, Pan-Catholic-Protestant Church (PCPC). This is the way: humans are a Created species; evolution is a lie. The institution of marriage was designed by God and altering it in any way, including general sexuality and gender roles, is blasphemy against reality. All men, specifically the unsexy boring ones you don’t care about, are worthy of the Elites’ respect. Believe in this and the Creator who decreed this, and you will embody all that made the Christian West great. No NGO required.

If Lind would see the West become Christian again then he can start by preaching people should believe in Christ because He is the one true God and His teachings are correct. Not by twisting Christianity into a path to power. Here’s the flour for your bread, Mister Lind: God is real!

Lind claims religion is the root of human culture but he doesn’t believe that himself. Nowhere does he uphold Christian beliefs; his only interest is in seeing us create yet another 501c3 Political Action Committee for the purpose of reenacting the secular environment he one enjoyed. Why won’t we bitter dregs unionize per the globalists’ rules? It would bring us worldly power at the low, low price of freedom of belief! We could be the next Vatican! Oops.

This, then, is the potential strategic significance of a second Reformation, one that unites all traditional Christians in one church: the West’s recovery of the will to live. Far from being strategically unimportant, religion is now as it always has been, one of the most powerful strategic factors, a lesson the Islamics teach us regularly on our own soil. Culture comes from the cult, and a united church, marching as to war, could revive Western people.s. belief in their culture and in themselves. Deus vult.

This is the practical strategic significance of a second Reformation, one that unites all traditional Christians in one church: instead of having to physically hunt down every last believer in Christ, the devil can simply co-opt our global(ist) command structure and tell us what to believe about our “Christian faith”. China is already doing this, rewriting the Bible for use by all “official” denominations. For all his education and accomplishments, William Lind is as much a cargo cultist as the original, illiterate Polynesians.

He mentions Islam and the lesson it regularly teaches us. That lesson would be “if you’re squatting on endless oil fields then it doesn’t matter what kind of lying bullshit you believe”. Muslims are unstoppable conquerors because their globalist handlers buy them bus tickets and order local police to stand down. Their marriages stay intact because they’re exempted from divorce courts. They worship a Prophet who couldn’t be bothered to practice the very religion he preached. The best ways to get into paradise are murder of unarmed unbelievers and being killed by a falling building. And paradise? It’s the place where drinking booze never makes you drunk and Twinkies never make you fat and the women are always virgins no matter how many times and holes you use.

Does that sound like any kind of revelation or truth? Or even strength? It sounds like Mohammed polled a hookah den. It is Islam that needs a Reformation, a Re-formation into Christianity. But everybody loves a winner and the Petrodollar Muzzies are the Elites’ current favorites. Does Lind wonder why we Christians won’t be more like that?

Why would we want to be? We follow Christ to be CORRECT. The truth will survive all tests, specifically including death. Christ guaranteed that with His own resurrection.

Meanwhile, Mr. Lind wants us to hold a Second Reformation to build a Global Church capable of physically conquering the world for God. Because the Almighty needs our help? God is the male in His relationship to humanity. God is in control of our situation and it’s pure arrogance to think the Almighty will ever fail because we followed Christ’s example of not casually slaughtering unbelievers. It is the devil, not Christ, who will punish us for being politically weak.

The strength of the Church is Christ. Not political solidarity, not ruthless savagery, not petrodollars and *facepalm* not in temporarily sacrificing our identity in Christ for realpolitik. That is not Christ’s example to us. He isn’t here today but one day He will return and the world will get the merciless, conquering, successful tyrant it always demanded Him to be.


Jason Yungbluth

It took Vox Day less time than my night nap to lock down a potential third party instigator for IndieGoGo shutting down AH:Q then lying about the reason being a freshly discovered violation of terms of service.

Related image

Jason Yungbluth. Wide, cupped ears denote an extreme nonconformist. Nose is thin and (AFAIK) straight, indicating rational over emotional. I believe he has the line on his septum which indicates his work must be personally meaningful to him, even at the cost of money. A bulbous nose is a general indicator of profit motive, which isn’t here to balance that out. Eyes are mostly neutral. Eyebrows are almost nonexistent, indicating a chameleonic personality. Determination lines on the brow. Top third of the head is dominant so he exists mainly in the intellectual plane, neither the ambitious middle-third nor the well-grounded lower third… although I see his choice of beard tries hard to give him a more masculine jawline. In other pictures of him, it’s hard to see if his jaw needs the help.

Nonconformist, organized inner life, chameleon, some determination, his chosen work will reflect his personality. This guy doesn’t conform to social norms, is happy about that and (determination plus septum line) will try to make a living off violating social norms… but in an intellectual capacity… artist/cartoonist fits.

Image result for Jason Yungbluth

About that chosen work. What’s the first thing you think about with that picture? Charlie Brown, because of that unique shirt. Yungbluth was advertising a comic of his when he admitted to possible tortious interference between IndieGoGo and Vox Day, links below. The name of that comic is… Weapon Brown.

Image result for Jason Yungbluth

Image result for Jason Yungbluth

Violating social norms much? And look at Mister Weapon’s forehead. That’s as unique as the shirt.


Money quote: “What am I butt hurt about, exactly? I got Vox Day’s IGG campaign cancelled, and now is worried its going to blow back on him. You’re welcome.
– Jason Yungbluth, Twitter, 6:44 PM, 12 Oct 2018″

https://twitter com/IAmDeathRay/status/1050925256171511808

It wasn’t hard to locate Yungbluth’s general opinion towards VD. I’ll give the article a fisking. (Why do VD’s enemies feel compelled to use his real name? My guess is that doxxing him was the only time they scored a clear-cut victory off him. Calling him by his real name will give us power over him!… if we try it just one more time…)

The Menace of Doc Vox!

https://medium com/@Death_Ray/the-menace-of-doc-vox-b5b070a8af4c

30 Oct 2017

I wonder if there are physiognometic indicators for arrested childhood development. This is a well-drawn caricature spoiled by at least four sexually infantile gestures. Like the kobolds of fantasy roleplaying, SJWs have real talents that would carry them far in the world, if only they would give up huddling in dark warrens and anklebiting the surface world of emotionally healthy people.

Lack of a disgust reflex will have to suffice.

This past Sunday, Theodore Beale, a science-fiction author who pens under the name Vox Day, concluded a month-long crowdfunding campaign he has been running to raise money for a project designed to make superheroes great again.

Beale, you should know, is not only an author, but also a well-established B-lister in online racist politics. And while he is ostensibly a man of letters, his driving purpose in recent years has been to gain glory for himself in any way that does not involve impressing the literary community with his work. Now he hopes to also not impress anyone with his new line of comic books, titled .Alt-Hero..

Beale, you should know, is a doubleplusungood cismale. Just so you know. Because you should know that you shouldn’t like him at all.

Do “men of letters” never seek glory for themselves? And why should he try to impress the “literary community”? Do liberals not occasionally value profit over artistic success?Hello, Michael Bay! What you did to my childhood’s Transformers was a profitable crime… and also had a masturbation scene, much like Yungbluth’s opening caricature.

Beale began blazing a trail of infamy in 2013 by losing an election for the presidency of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writer’s of America organization, and subsequently being expelled from that body for tweeting bigoted insults to some of its members. He has turned defaming and trolling the author John Scalzi (his unrequited crush) into a personal Manhattan Project, dipped his toe into #Gamergate (that effort by chauvinist gamers to harass female game designers with threats of violence and rape) and most recently ran the “Rabid Puppies” campaign to stuff the ballots for the annual Hugo science fiction awards, yet another trolling campaign, one designed to get obnoxious and unqualified authors listed as finalists.

A useful scorecard for Vox Day’s rise to Dark Lord infamy, if a little one-sided. Remember, folks, the winning comes first. Only then do you get to write the history books.

Beale pitched Alt-Hero “which is about a world populated with bigoted superheroes…as a poke in the eye to Marvel and DC ; punishment, you might say, for allowing a leftist social agenda to creep into their products. …

That is not what Vox Day said. This is the promotion fallacy, if I remember my SJWs Always Double Down correctly. First they attribute motives and statements to you, then they attack you for those motives and statements.

There is no punishment VD could inflict on Marvel & DC that could match their self-inflicted wounds. The big names abandoned their core market and VD smelled money. It’s that simple. VD isn’t trying to prove a point. He’s trying to score bushels of money while you morons are too busy warping beloved old comics into loathsome parodies to be concerned with profit. Good grief, Charlie Brown!

Beale crowdfunded his comic book through a fly-by-night operation called Freestartr. Freestartr is run by a couple of reactionary dingbats who are minor names in the alt-right movement: Charles C. Johnson and Peter Duke. Freestartr’s handful of open campaigns have raised almost no money (although the site does falsely claim to have generated hundreds of thousands of dollars for people who actually raised their funds through one of Chuck Johnson’s other enterprises). Beale’s campaign is a notable exception.

Freestartr is badthink because it chose to associate with Beale. It’s a total failure except for Beale’s successful campaign.

Predictably, Freestartr’s buggy platform lacks the features that anyone who has funded a project through Kickstarter would expect, such as a ready means to enter international shipping data or to add or remove money from a pledge. Beale’s campaign was equally sloppy, offering no project overview, no breakdown of the costs, and no ETA for the project to be delivered (.It will be done when it is done,. Beale told me in an e-mail). There was little production art to speak of, and what was on display ran the gamut from “not bad” to “godawful.”

Freestartr and Beale did such a horrible job that the crowdfunding was doomed to fail, except it exceeded its target goal by 900%. A smarter humanoid would look at why it succeeded and if perhaps such metrics are these weren’t necessary, instead of dismissing it all as yet another profitable exception in a long list of profitable exceptions, all by the same guy.

The SJW would rather envy the success of others than try to duplicate it.

The stories that Beale was teasing, about white vigilantes beating up immigrants, and evil “cucked” superheroes doing battle with a nationalist European vanguard, sounded like something cooked up by a lifer at San Quentin.

Yungbluth is offending ME with this, not VD. I’m the comics customer, the awkward white male with lots of spending money because I don’t have a girlfriend, the nerd with so much cerebral horsepower that playing in a fantasy world is fun, a ordinary guy who bitterly clings to God and guns and neighbors who look & act like me.

With all these strikes against the project you might think that Beale would have had trouble raising the $25,000 he was asking for. NOPE! The project raked in $244,565, donated by a total of 2190 anonymous backers, including $47,500 from a handful who pledged between $1500 and $5000 for a chance to appear in the comic or to design a character for it. (I.ll pause while you rush to the toilet.)

Businessman: HOLY SHIT there’s a huge, untapped market here!

Social Justice Warrior: HOLY SHIT people I don’t like are even stupider than I thought!

You can’t argue with success, and you also can’t argue with Beale’s fan base, whose servility would embarrass Jim Jones. After prowling his blog’s comments sections it became clear to me that many of his fans, if not most, cared little for the product they were funding, and were motivated more by their politics and the satisfaction of trolling a fandom that could not give a rat’s ass. They thrilled to the idea that Beale’s gay villain (sigh..he.s called .Rainbow.) will portray homosexuality as deviant, and they were highly animated by the fact that Alt-Hero features a superhero who smokes (a swipe at Disney’s decision to remove all cigarettes from Marvel’s comics and movies). This, they think, will blow the comic book world’s little mind.

Will these manchildren be proven right? Is the world of soopy-doopy heroes about to receive a hot lava enema from the villainous “Vox Day.?

New RIDDICK Images

Through the benefit of a career spent publishing comic books and running Kickstarters, I will now do that which Teddy would not and let his fans know exactly how their money will be spent.

On a quality finished product comparable to the first two Alt-Hero series which, for all my complaints about ninja female protagonists, were expertly executed with an interesting plotline and delivered in a timely fashion despite not having an explicit shipping date. The moment VD’s comics grow beyond juvenile fan service is the moment I install a new bookshelf. If this offends you, Mr. Yungbluth, then stop despising me, my people, my culture, my country and Father God in everything you do.

Speaking of ninja female protagonists, I was going to skip this part of the article but now it’s relevant:

Sadly, I can fap to this. I love big, rubbery tits.

Tragicomic. Yungbluth admits the visceral appeal of VD’s work in the midst of vomiting his bile at it. He wants to like it but Social Justice demands he reject it. Misogynist! Confederate Nazi! but that’s the kind of woman I want NONONO I must be loyal to the Narrative! Fuck me, Trigglypuff!

tumblr.com | Ssbbw, Big and Big black woman

What’s it like to live on your knees, Mr. Yungbluth? You’re a white male, too. You know the gov’t has officially declared you to be a second class citizen in your own society. You know the SocJus demands replacement-level immivasion from now until whites are exterminated from North America, just as in Rhodesia and South Africa and England and Canada and Australia. The only reason you aren’t in a concentration camp a la Japanese Internment right now is because fellow white men like me own guns… but given the chance, you’d turn me in to the Rainbow Gestapo before thanking me for you living free enough to betray me. I know you would. You fantasize about doing it in your comics, when you fantasize about destroying or twisting all that we hold sacred… and then literally pissing in our breakfast cereal. As you did in your caricature of Vox Day.

The article continues, I may discuss Yungbluth’s dislike for Chuck Dixon later, but what I covered is the portion relevant to his attitude towards Vox Day.

VD is indeed a cold-hearted bastard but unlike you, Mr. Yungbluth, he understand the concept of valued customer. Guess whose work I’m going to purchase.

#GamerGate #ComicsGate #YouWontTouchMyMoneyBecauseImWhiteMaleAndThatsRacistGate


Gunner Q & Vox Day Join Against IndieGoGo

I’m a backer of the Alt-Hero: Q project of Vox Day’s. While I’ve criticized his early comic ventures for being based around Kung Fu Princesses, which is First-Wave Feminism in my book, the simple fact is there’s nobody else in today’s publishing industry that gives even a first thought to patriarchy and good storytelling, let alone relevance to current events like illegal immigration. AH:Q looks like quality and its protagonist does not have boobs so I gave it my backing.

IndieGoGo Shuts Down Vox Day and Arkhaven Comics. Alt-Hero Q Crowdfund Campaign

By John F. Trent, 11 October 2018


Crowdfunding website IndieGoGo shut down Vox Day and Arkhaven Comics. Alt-Hero: Q crowdfunding campaign. The comic book series which is being written by Chuck Dixon with art by H?lix Haze and colors by Arklight Studios had trended #1 on the site when it first launched.

While the main IndieGoGo page has been suspended, backers for the project also received emails indicating the campaign had been shut down and transactions had been refunded, and once again stated the campaign didn’t comply with IndieGoGo’s Terms of Use.

I have trouble believing that this was not IndieGoGo’s plan from the moment they heard Vox Day was associated with the project but this is plausible:

The termination of the campaign comes after Bleeding Cool ran an interview with Vox Day. In a livestream, Vox Day believes Bleeding Cool readers lobbied IndieGoGo to get the Alt-Hero: Q book pulled from IndieGoGo.

In a separate blog post, Vox Day writes:

.We.ve got everyone’s email addresses and so forth, so if we have to set up our own crowdfunding platform, we will do so. However, in light of the fact that Indiegogo has done this retroactively, we are already looking into the legal aspects of their actions. I am not yet aware of any reason, in fact, I do not even know if the scheduled payment for the campaign was delivered on schedule or not two weeks ago. I assume not, but I won’t be able to confirm that until tomorrow..

Vox also indicates he’s spoken with a lawyer and is likely to take action against IndieGoGo.

.I.ve already talked to The Perfect Aryan Male, the architect of our lawsuit against GT Interactive. Suffice it to say that the band is back together!.

Vox specifically told us:

.Looking into legal redress. If we have a good case, we will pursue it..

Unlike Leftoids, I know VD isn’t joking when he says that. Watching the SJWs go after him is like watching a self-cleaning mousetrap. They accuse him of being a cruel, cold-hearted sadist who won’t play fair with them and every time he proves them right, they double down as if success will scare him back onto the plantation that they kicked him off of a decade ago. Yo, you Sick Joke Wankers, why don’t you quit while you’re still behind? *GQ munches popcorn as another wave REEEs into the mousetrap*

Lemmings Animal Jumping Off Cliff

As soon as VD connects with me on the next wave of crowdfunding, I’ll be upping my commitment by tapping my entertainment budget. The ride never stops and in this circus, the show isn’t started until the fat lady sings.


She’s Nuts

How does The Onion stay in business? Headlines these days mock themselves, like “Brett Kavanaugh Survives #MeToo Witch Hunt, Hires All-Female Support Staff”. Or this one:

“Emotional support” squirrel and its owner ousted from Frontier Airlines flight


By Kate Gibson, 10 October 2018

A woman told Frontier Airlines she was bringing an emotional support animal along when booking a flight from Orlando, Florida, to Cleveland. But the airline says she neglected to mention a key detail: Her animal companion was a squirrel.

Cats and dogs are allowed in the cabins of Frontier flights, but squirrels and other rodents are not. The carrier said police were called when the unidentified woman boarded with a squirrel and refused to leave the plane after airline employees explained the policy to her Tuesday night.

Exotic support animals first came to my attention with a sea lion support animal but that turned out to be an April Fool’s hoax. Too much, too soon…

Flight 1612 from Orlando to Cleveland was delayed nearly two hours as law enforcement arrived on the scene…

As she is taken off in a wheelchair, the woman tells onlookers to “shut up” before raising her middle finger. Amid scattered applause, she gives a thumbs up and thanks those watching, the video shows.

Other accounts say specifically that the applause was what prompted her to throw the bird with one hand while carrying the rodent in the other.

The airline said in its statement that police were called after the passenger was advised of the policy but refused to exit the craft.

The online attention is reminiscent of that received by a woman’s attempt in January to bring her emotional support peacock on a United Airlines flight from Newark, New Jersey.

United and other carriers have since restricted the types of comfort animals allowed on planes, and Frontier is limiting emotional support animals to a single cat or dog as of November 1.

CBS didn’t name her in order to respect her privacy, which Mizz Nutzz promptly threw away with public complaints about the flight’s passengers cheering her departure. Or should I say, Cindy Torok of Cleveland:

Flipboard: Woman kicked off flight over emotional support ...

I don’t doubt that she needs an emotional support animal but I am surprised that a wimmin of her body mass hasn’t yet crushed little Daisy the squirrel like crackers in a fat man’s bed.

Yeah, that’s Cindy. She may have been inspired by none other than… Florida Man!

Florida man fights eviction over ’emotional support squirrel’


By Fox News, 14 November 2017

A Florida man has been served with an eviction notice over his emotional support squirrel.

Ryan Boylan, 40, of Clearwater, says he needs Brutis to deal with anxiety from a long ago car accident but Island Walk Condominiums says the squirrel needs to vacate the premises because she is putting other residents at risk.

“There’s absolutely no way I would give her up. I’m not sure how an animal that weighs less than two pounds can harm anybody,. he told WFTS-TV.

Boylan told the station he fell in love with Brutis after nursing her back to health after Hurricane Matthew more than a year ago. The squirrel has the run of Boylan’s apartment. One of her perches is the ceiling fan.

The condo board found out about Brutis in April when a dog chased the squirrel up a tree, WFLA-TV reported Friday.

Boyland was served with eviction papers last month.

Ryan Boylan claims his squirrel Brutis is a support animal for his PTSD.

I can sympathize with Ryan. That’s a plausible backstory, PTSD is no joke and a support animal in one’s home is not the same as a support animal in a confined space with a hundred other people. His phyiognomy strongly suggests a warm-hearted kind of guy rather than a ZFG commando. He needed someone to care about, rescued an injured squirrel and they bonded? Okay.

But the homeowner association has GUIDELINES!

.It.s just like with any animal, you can have the nicest dog and they could bite somebody, it’s no guarantee,. Sherry Arfa, a former condo board member, told WFLA. .If it was a gerbil or something that your grandkid had hiding under the bed, I’m sure that would be fine. But a squirrel is a wild animal..

Her reasoning makes no sense. An animal’s threat to humans is physical as well as behavioral. If it can’t penetrate your tennis shoe then you’re safe. Hmm… I should check that… in 2015 worldwide, the human death toll by squirrels is three German squirrel breeders. That’s three higher than I expected. Also, one attempted murder in 2008, link here:

I can’t find a picture of Sherry Arfa but anyway, it’s very rude of her group to try and kick a man out of his own property for having a pet so dangerous that it once got treed by a dog.

Meanwhile, has Chunky Torok had her rabies vaccination?


California Assembly Shirley Weber Demonstrates How Women Ruin Government

Tracking the blizzard of news Cali laws that have been enacted is so difficult, I decided to experiment with reviewing them by author than subject. Assemblymember Shirley Weber quickly popped up on the radar for her colossal, facepalm-worthy ignorance of both #MeToo and human sexuality. Ten of her bills were signed into law. Let’s do a Top Ten Countdown!

Planned Parenthood Action Fund Endorses Shirley Weber for State Assembly â?? Voice and Viewpoint


10. AB 1215: Mental Health Services Act. This bill would require a county mental health program applying for state funding under the Mental Health Services Act to consider research of the brain and its physical and biochemical processes that may have broad applications for treating mental illness.

Doctor Psychiatrist, that crazy guy you’re examining? He might, you know, have something wrong with his brain, yes? You should look at his brain. In fact, state law requires you to consider thinking about the possibility that his neurochemistry is at fault for his eating his victims’ livers. I’m telling you, you so-called expert, the problem for his behavior is his brain! Why are you looking at me like that?

What this law actually requires is mental health workers to make use of something called Cal-BRAIN, a U of California pet project. It’s apparently being underutilized by people who work for a living.

9. AB 1894: College Student Hunger Relief. This legislation builds upon previous legislation AB 1747 (2016) and AB 214 (2017) by Assemblymember Weber to address the growing crisis of hunger among California’s college students. This bill would allow greater access to the CalFresh food assistance program on college campuses.

Maybe college students wouldn’t be malnourished if they ate real food instead of soyburgers and street tacos and vegan WTF. If money is the problem then maybe the State could lower tuition?

8. AB 2133: Access to State Summary Criminal History Records. AB 2133 authorizes an attorney who is representing an individual accused of a criminal offense to access California’s Criminal Justice History Information database to obtain clients. information on prior offenses.

Why is this bill needed? “I want you to represent me but don’t ask any questions about my criminal history. I’m not in the mood.”

7. AB 2172: Census 2020 Facilitation. Will require the California Department of Corrections to provide the Citizens Redistricting Commission information on last known address of inmates, their race/ethnicity and the facility where they are incarcerated.

You can’t properly gerrymander ethnic neighborhoods without info like this.

6. AB 2289: Student Parental Leave. This bill establishes the right for a pregnant or parenting K-12 student to take eight weeks of parental leave, and requires schools to provide excused absences for students to take care of a sick child.

It takes a lot of sex-ed for kindergartners to get pregnant. This bill was a huge risk for Weber; she’s sponsored by Planned Parenthood.

5. AB 2458: Parcel Tax Exemption Transparency for Seniors & Disabled Homeowners. This bill creates a simple uniform process that will allow seniors and persons with disabilities to more easily find information on applying for a parcel tax exemption.

I despise this kind of Saul Alinskyism. First the libturds create welfare safety nets “just in case” then they tell the world so as many people sign up as possible in order to crash the system.

4. AB 2601: Sex Education in Charter Schools. This bill extends to charter schools the requirements of previous legislation, AB 329 (Weber, 2015), requiring school districts to ensure that all students in grades 7 to 12 receive updated and comprehensive healthy relationship, sexual health and sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention education.

*GQ looks at #6 above* Teach the kids how not to screw up then prohibit any punishment if they do? Frigging care-based morality!

3. AB 2657: Student Restraint and Seclusion in Schools. Prohibits the use of restraint or seclusion on any student except when behavior poses a clear and present danger to the student or others. It also prohibits using for the purpose of coercion, discipline, convenience or retaliation, and requires data collection and reporting on the use of restraint and seclusion to the California Department of Education.

Don’t discipline the kids until they go on murder sprees. Remember to act shocked!

2. AB 2988: Evidence Retention: AB 2988 provides that court exhibits containing biological material are retained exclusively in the control of the courts so that evidence remains available for post-conviction testing.

Because DNA tests are best when properly aged, like venison. Pro-tip: don’t use the breakroom refrigerator at the courthouse.

Aaaand *drum roll*:

1. AB 2550: Dignity for Incarcerated Women. AB 2550 seeks to improve the treatment of women who are incarcerated and reduce potential for trauma by implementing policies that enforce gender specific practices.


California Law to Ban Male Guard Pat-Downs of Female Inmates

Male prison guards in California will be prohibited from pat-down searching of incarcerated women and viewing them while they are not fully dressed under a new law signed by Gov. Jerry Brown.

By SOPHIA BOLLAG, Associated Press, 18 Aug 2018

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) . Male prison guards in California will be prohibited from pat-down searching of incarcerated women and viewing them while they are not fully dressed under a new law signed by Gov. Jerry Brown. …

The measure, AB2550, bans male guards from entering areas such as bathrooms where women are undressed. The bill authored by San Diego Democratic Assemblywoman Shirley Weber contains exceptions for emergencies when female guards aren’t available. It also permits male guards to pat down search female inmates at risk of escaping or harming themselves or others when a female officer is not available.

In the age of #MeToo, any male guard who was already doing this is a complete and total fool. Um, is it possible to have an inmate who is NOT an escape risk? “You look escape-ish today. Bend over!” *snaps on latex glove*

The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation will have to adjust its policies to comply with a requirement in the law that requires reporting when male officers pat down search incarcerated women or enter prohibited areas, department spokeswoman Vicky Waters said. But for the most part, the new law codifies the department’s existing practices, Waters said.

Translation, we’re already trying to use female jailers for female inmates but women don’t want to work labor-intensive shifts in geographically isolated concrete warehouses. Women only sign up for high-status, social work like department spokeswoman. Like me!

Oh, to be on the all-male SWAT team inevitably tasked with retaking Playbunny State Prison. You know the crazy chicks give the best head!

Assemblywoman Shirley Weber neither knows nor cares how the real world functions. She only wants to care about babies and wimminz while simultaneously hating and fearing male strength.

Postscript, continuing the US News article:

Reality TV star Kim Kardashian West elevated the bill’s profile by tweeting her support for it in July, using the hashtag #DignityForIncarceratedWomen. The celebrity has drawn headlines recently for her advocacy on criminal justice issues.

In preparation for her imminent trip to rehab, no doubt.

Earlier this year, Kardashian West successfully lobbied President Donald Trump to commute the sentence of a 63-year-old woman serving a life sentence for drug offenses. The woman, Alice Marie Johnson, served more than 20 years in federal prison after she was convicted in 1996 on eight criminal counts related to a Memphis, Tennessee-based cocaine trafficking operation.

Wild guess here: Kim Kardashian’s favorite hobby is snowballs.


A Quantum of A Fag

For the funny files, a quick repost I found from David Thompson.


As If Millions Of Physicists Suddenly Cried Out In Terror
Our beloved state broadcaster [the BBC] brings tidings of intersectional joy:

“Reading about quantum physics has really helped me understand my queer identity… It is in this model of space-time as a series of entanglements that I’m able to piece together all of the fragmented sects of my identity . being able to identify as British and Iraqi, as queer and Muslim, as someone of many genders and potentially no genders at all.”

Readers may wish to imagine the faces of, say, Erwin Schr?dinger or Max Planck on hearing their field being compared with the staggering intellectual heft and rigour of “queer theory.” By a chap with blue eyebrows, fake boobs and voluminous pink acrylic hair.

Followed by commenter Surreptitious Evil: To paraphrase: “If reading about quantum has helped you understand anything, you haven’t understood either quantum or anything else.”

You can totally use this in future conversations with trail mix (vibrant mixtures of dried fruits and nuts).

I clicked on the link. My eyeballs need bleaching!



The Garcetti Crime Family

The midterm elections are coming up. A local issue called California Proposition 6 would repeal an expensive gas tax and put controls on Sacramento to make increasing vehicle/gas taxes and related fees more difficult. Coverage of it gives me a good window to introduce the Garcetti crime family of Los Angeles.

The family tradition began with the Mexican Revolution. From the LA Times,


Eric Garcetti invokes Latino-Jewish ancestry in mayor’s race

Garcetti prides himself on his ease with L.A.’s diverse cultures. He hopes to weave a multiethnic tapestry of voters in a city that often votes along ethnic lines.

[Eric] Garcetti has Mexican roots through his father, former Dist. Atty. Gil Garcetti. Eric’s grandfather, Salvador Garcetti, was born in Mexico and grew up in Boyle Heights, [California]. Salvador was brought to the United States as a baby after his father, Massimo Garcetti, a judge who had emigrated from Italy, was hanged during the Mexican Revolution that began in 1910, Garcetti says. Eric’s grandmother, Juanita Iberri, one of 19 children in a family that migrated from Sonora, Mexico, was born in Arizona.

I didn’t find much online about Massimo. From Wikipedia on the Mexican Revolution,

D?az created a formidable political machine, first working with regional strongmen and bringing them into his regime, then replacing them with jefes pol?ticos (political bosses) who were loyal to him. He skillfully managed political conflict and reined in tendencies toward autonomy. He appointed a number of military officers to state governorships, including General Bernardo Reyes, who became governor of the northern state of Nuevo Le?n, but over the years military men were largely replaced by civilians loyal to D?az.

…The political acumen and flexibility that D?az had exhibited in the early years of the Porfiriato began to decline. He brought the state governors under his control, replacing them at will. The Federal Army, while large, was increasingly an ineffective force with aging leadership and troops dragooned into service. D?az attempted the same kind of manipulation he executed with the Mexican political system with business interests, showing favoritism to European interests against those of the U.S.

The citation for that last sentence suggests that Diaz was attempting to leverage Catholics against Protestants. From all this, I theorize that Massino Garcetti was brought over as part of that power play, carpet-bagging for Diaz late in his reign. A reader more knowledgeable about the Mexican Revolution is welcome to comment.

Continuing the LA Times article,

On his mother’s side, Garcetti is a descendant of Jewish immigrants from Russia, Poland and the Ukraine. They too settled in Boyle Heights in the early 20th century. Garcetti’s maternal grandfather, Harry Roth, turned the family’s Los Angeles clothing business, Louis Roth & Co., into a major national brand of high-end suits for men.

Eric Garcetti and seven relatives now oversee the Roth Family Foundation. On its website, it has reported giving $5.9 million in grants since 2000 to hundreds of organizations, among them the PUENTE Learning Center, Planned Parenthood LA and the Silverlake Conservatory of Music.

The Roth Family Foundation’s website hasn’t been updated since 2015. A blurb on its main page says it all: The Foundation’s mission is commitment to progressive social change. The foundation invests in organizations that inspire hope, dignity and creativity, primarily in the Los Angeles area. Grounded in a legacy of social justice and civil rights, the Foundation helps connect communities to the services, opportunities and tools for self-empowerment and self-expression.

But I’m getting ahead of myself concerning Eric. Next up is Massimo’s grandson Gil Garcetti, who was a Los Angeles district attorney… apparently favoring his Mexican side of law over his Jewish side of business. The two main events of his service were the O.J. Simpson trial… of which I am still too weary to talk about, twenty years later… and an unbelievably cruel crackdown on “deadbeat dads”. As district attorney, Gil began assessing child support against randomly chosen men and prosecuting them in absentia. I see that the Wikipedia entry has forgotten but others have not:


Los Angeles, CA–The story in my recent blog post Outrageous Injustice: Man Jailed 4 Times over Failing to Support Someone Else’s Kid—where a man was “thrown in jail four times, lost his job, become estranged from his four children and spent more than $12,000 to support the child of another man” because the child support system wrongly targeted and entrapped him—reminds me of what former Los Angeles County District Attorney Gil Garcetti did. In 1998 Garcetti declared a ‘get tough’ campaign against so-called ‘deadbeat dads,’ sending out thousands of summonses for paternity cases. The men were given only 30 days to respond. Many of the summonses targeted the wrong men, and many never reached the intended parties. Eighty percent of Garcetti’s paternity judgments were made by default, locking the men into 18 years of child support. Many took DNA tests proving that they were not the fathers of the children they now had to take second jobs to support. Others were assigned huge support arrearages by mistake. Many became unable to support their own children. Some of their marriages broke up, and some of the men landed in jail. Garcetti created so much chaos and heartache that even diehard feminist attorney Gloria Allred protested. Allred, who has perhaps done more than anybody to promote the phrase and concept of ‘deadbeat dads,’ called Garcetti’s office ‘an organization without a heart, without any compassion, and without a sense of priorities…[it’s] a system run amok’… Jackie Myers, a former Deputy District Attorney under Garcetti, said that she quit her job because ‘we were being told to do unethical, very unethical things.’ Garcetti later acknowledged that many of the men had been mistakenly targeted but refused to relent, instead blaming the men for not responding within 30 days. ‘The law is the law,’ he told CBS’s Bernard Goldberg. Incredibly, in 2002 Garcetti was appointed to the Los Angeles City Ethics Commission.

When Gloria Allred publicly criticizes you for being shamelessly misandrist, you’ve gone way too far. Or at least, too soon. Nevertheless, Gil Garcetti’s unlawful cruelties earned him a retirement to the LA City Ethics Commission, where he was just so ethical that by total coincidence, certainly neither shameless nepotism nor institutional corruption, his son is now the youngest mayor in Los Angeles’ history. How random!

Eric Garcetti Celebrity | TVGuide.com

Eric Garcetti. When the middle portion of the ear pokes out to make a kind of triangle, that’s indicative of a diplomatic personality. Wide, flared nostrils indicates tribalist attitude. Crow’s-feet at the eyes indicate marital trouble, which will be confirmed soon by upcoming pictures of his wife. Thin lips indicate against sociability; upper eyelids neither confirm nor deny this. The absence of a cupid’s-bow on the upper lip or vertical lines between the lip and nose septum indicate either low sex drive or buggery. His wife makes either seem likely. The double lines along the sides his mouth indicate he has the “gift of gab”. Overall conclusion, this guy is great at telling you what you want to hear.

Eric Garcetti (Jordan Strauss / Associated Press)

Here, Eric Garcetti self-identifies as a member of the 187th Street Krips. Okay, I made that up. The photo is taken from this article documenting Mayor Garcetti being ‘forced to try harder’ to defend a massive, unpopular tax hike. Oh, the poor trust fund baby-mayor…

LA Mayor Eric Garcetti Goes All-In to Stop Gas Tax Repeal


By Chriss W. Street,

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti was forced to go all-in starting Wednesday to oppose gas tax repeal on the November ballot that would save the average family $779 a year.

Yeah, sure. The Chicomms were waiting just outside the camera’s view with AK-47s at port arms because there’s no other way a fourth-generation crony bureaucrat in a notoriously corrupt city would insist on taxing the Little People.

When Eric Garcetti succeeded Antonio Villaraigosa as Mayor of America’s second largest city in 2013, he was called a “Boy Scout” by the LA Weekly. Garcetti has worked hard to craft an image of being a frugal people’s mayor by giving up the limos, gala balls and $500 bottles of wine that his predecessor was famous for.

Two seconds and an Internet connection pops THAT illusion. 2013, they say? That resolution didn’t last two years:

Eric Garcetti - LACMA 50th Anniversary Gala | 3 Pictures | Contactmusic.com

Eric Garcetti at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art’s 50th Anniversary gala with his wife, Botox Garcetti, 18 April 2015. Sponsored by Christie’s.

Los Angeles Philharmonic's Walt Disney Concert Hall Opening Night Gala - Red Carpet Arrivals ...

Eric and Botox at the Los Angeles Philharmonic Opening Night Gala, 29 Sept 2015. Red carpet treatment confirmed.

Sam Nazarian and Eric Garcetti Photos Photos - Zimbio

Eric at… a pedo convention? No, the Make-A-Wish Greater Los Angeles 30th Anniversary Gala on December 4, 2013 in Los Angeles, California. That “frugal” election reputation didn’t even make it to Christmas. The things you find during image searches. Sam Nazarian in the middle, per Wikipedia, is a Jewish-Iranian-American businessman, investor (in Qualcomm, a major tech company) and philanthropist (mostly in nightclubs). He is the Founder, Chairman and CEO of SBE Entertainment Group. Man on the right is Thomas Barrack, Jr… interesting… he’s a frontman for the Saudis, a Deep Stater since Nixon and the owner of Harvey Weinstein’s balls in a jar.

Take a second look. That’s a Jewish-Mexican politician, a Jewish-Iranian megabankster and a billionaire Saudi agent who could be their cousin. What are the odds they’d be hanging out at the same fundraiser for sick children instead of the Four Seasons Hotel in NYC?

The Case for Investing in Commercial Real Estate - Deal Journal - WSJ

Closeup of Thomas Barrack Jr. Most excellent pedoface! And just in time for Halloween. He deserves his own post.

CNN reported in April that after Garcetti racked up an economic revival record in one of America’s most diverse and liberal city, his exploratory 2020 presidential campaign was meeting with Democrats in the early primary states of Iowa and South Carolina.

Here’s a timeline to document Eric’s meteoric rise to power, followed by the reasons for it:

2001-2006 Member of Los Angeles City Council (age 30 at beginning so fresh out of law school).

2006-2012 President of Los Angeles City Council

2013-now Mayor of Los Angeles

2020 President of United States? He’s already self-promoting for that. Looks like being mayor of the biggest-by-area city in North America doesn’t keep him busy.

How’s that for a promising political career? Any faster and he’d be a nobody off the street. Why so popular? As we saw in the LA Times article, Eric is a Jewish-Mexican-Italian-American which is an amazing scorecard now that identity politics are operating in the open, He was also raised by an hardline feminist father with connections. There aren’t many totalitarian Jewish-Mexican-Americans to pick from. Also, per Wikipedia Garcetti is an ally of the Clintons and at least one Saudi prince, a proven opponent of border control and most importantly, a record-setting fundraiser.

But with the “Yes on Prop 6. campaign to overturn the gas tax having raised over $2 million mostly from small donors since January and launching sustained radio and online advertising campaigns, Garcetti is being forced to actively campaign for a tax that hammers the working and middle-class voters he has politically depended on.

Garcetti was the key speaker on Wednesday at a press conference adjacent to a LAX rail station in Westchester that received $150 million from the gas tax. The Mayor who drives tried to justify the painful tax by claiming .I.d rather pay a few pennies at a pump than pay lots of dollars at my mechanic,. according to the LA Times. …

But preserving the gas tax that will raise about $5.4 billion a year for the next decade may require a hard sell to the public that is painfully aware of the additional 12 cents per gallon on gasoline, 20 cents per gallon on diesel, and up to $175 in annual car licenses fees. Californians now paying 95.5 cents per gallon in taxes and fees, or an average of about $17 per fill-up.

Although Garcetti is trying to paint the gas tax as a local pro-jobs program to improve roads and bridges, huge amounts of gas tax cash are going to the type of expensive light rail projects liberal Democrats embrace, such as the $581-million metro station at 96th Street and Aviation Boulevard to connect the Crenshaw and Green lines.

Of the “No on Prop 6. campaigns $30,664,794 in fundraising, 8 donors have given checks of $1 million or more and about $4.5 million has come from out of state interests, according to the September 22 campaign disclosure.

And there it is. $2M, mostly from small donors, to get rid of a gas tax whose funds are being expended on Libturd mass transit wet dreams, compared to $30M to keep it up, half of which came from eight persons and… foreign investment??? In keeping a local tax enacted? I took a look at those disclosures:


Mostly construction companies, some individuals. Not a list of ordinary people who are delighted at the thought of keeping a tax alive. More like a list of municipal contractors who like the idea of their “client” having lots of money to throw around. Many of the big donors are NGOs. Supporting Prop 6 is the sort of list of people one would expect to see of a population that would rather not be taxed so heavily, plus several associates of the Howard Jarvis anti-tax group. Click around on CalAccess and see for yourself.

Why does one single commuter-metro station cost half a billion dollars?

California Reform leader Carl De Maio on Wednesday filed complaints and evidence with the District Attorney offices of San Francisco and Sacramento counties, and the US Department of Transportation Office of Inspector General. De Maio alleged that state and local government officials are using taxpayer funds to illegally target vulnerable Republican members of Congress who have backed the Prop 6.

Us not being a court of law, we can notice that it would be well in keeping with the family history to play that kind of illegal political hardball.

The latest claims of misuse of taxpayer funds in a political campaign come just weeks after a criminal complaint was filed against Caltrans for openly using contracted transportation workers in San Diego to openly campaign against Prop 6 by stopping traffic to hand out “No on Prop 6. brochures.

Yeah, Californians are so eager to be taxed heavily that we’re swayed by government employees who tell us they need more money while obviously not doing their job our current taxes pay them to do. I wonder if that stunt was authored by a highly-placed black knight.

That makes a good overview of the Garcetti crime family to date. Interesting on their own merits but their curiously mixed “Russian Jew meets Italicized Latino” ancestry is very well-timed for Eric to be the Democrats’ best choice for uniting the multi-cult against Trump in 2020.


MGTOW Life: How to Lead Without Followers

Dalrock has another excellent post criticizing the “servant leadership” concept of modern Churchians, link below. However, he too missed the point of a Scriptural passage, focusing on a tangent of Dread Game.


Dalrock quoting Douglas Wilson:

.But Jesus called them to him and said, .You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant. (Matt. 20:25.26, ESVOpen in Logos Bible Software (if available)).

Those who are great in the kingdom are those who have given themselves away like this. So a man who wants his authority to be recognized in his home.whoever would “be great..must pursue that authority the way Jesus says to do it. But when he pursues the role of servant, he is pursuing genuine authority. He is not pursuing the status of “nullity” or .milquetoast.” And when he pursues this under the blessing of God, the very first person to see it will be his wife.

No, that is not what Christ meant. Why do Godless men seek power? For the sake of having power, getting the seat of honor and being remembered in the history books. In other words, for his personal benefit. Why should a Godly man seek power? To accomplish deeds, to follow Christ’s example, to raise a healthy family, to do well at his job. In other words, for the benefit of others.

Consider a Colonel in a banana republic. He has a company of soldiers under his command, logistics/wealth, a great deal of power. Living amongst corruption, he is often offered money for mercenary activities, everybody from local governments seeking priority to drug cartels wanting to purchase protection. What should he do with the power he has?

Most such Colonels will act in his own best interest. By the time he retires, he will have a fortified compound staffed with personal retainers. Money, status and harems are what he deserves because he’s a Colonel! He’s too busy looking out for himself to care about the long-term consequences of his actions.

The Christian Colonel, however, understands that responsibility came with his position. He must defend taxpayers in general and his nation from foreign threats specifically. He might still take mercenary work–he might well need to, to feed his men–but he is guided by a purpose outside of himself. The world doesn’t revolve around him.

Mission focus. The mission comes first. That was the point Christ was getting at. It is also a major sexual difference. Women are solipsistic; they seek power to hoard power, to patch their personal weaknesses, for their benefit. Men want to accomplish, to do things outside himself that will outlast him like the works of a sculptor.

Wilson is the Godless Colonel. He’s a winner in his society and if you want to have success like him then you need to become a winner, too! But unsaid is that if you actually try, well, the company can have only one Colonel and he’ll assassinate the upstart before risking replacement.

By contrast, the Christian Colonel isn’t threatened by the success of others. He doesn’t want to get killed/replaced either but understands that he can’t hold his position forever and will look after his own interests only after securing his chosen mission’s success.

What is the significance of this for the common MGTOW with no position in society? Mission focus. Develop a skill or position or bank account or something that can be of use to others and then seek a worthy student.

Martial artists teach that mastering an art involves three steps: Learn It, Do It, Teach It. Christ’s example of discipleship follows the same recipe. Seek power and proficiency and however much you achieve, use it for the benefit of others. This is selfishness, not selflessness. You are learning, doing and teaching what you want for who you like. Neither Christ nor MGTOW philosophy has any use for a martyr.

It’s your life, see? Spend it however you want but SPEND IT before Death takes it away. Do this and you’ll be Christ’s ideal of a leader even if nobody follows.

Christ reiterated His above teaching with the Parable of the Shrewd Manager, Luke 16:1-9:

Jesus told his disciples: .There was a rich man whose manager was accused of wasting his possessions. So he called him in and asked him, .What is this I hear about you? Give an account of your management, because you cannot be manager any longer..

.The manager said to himself, .What shall I do now? My master is taking away my job. I’m not strong enough to dig, and I’m ashamed to beg. I know what I.ll do so that, when I lose my job here, people will welcome me into their houses..

.So he called in each one of his master’s debtors. He asked the first, .How much do you owe my master?.

..Nine hundred gallons of olive oil,. he replied.

.The manager told him, .Take your bill, sit down quickly, and make it four hundred and fifty..

.Then he asked the second, “And how much do you owe?.

..A thousand bushels of wheat,. he replied.

.He told him, .Take your bill and make it eight hundred..

.The master commended the dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly. For the people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light. I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.”

This parable bothered me for a long time. It sounded like God was endorsing criminal conduct. The correct understanding is not whether the original accusation against the manager was accurate; it was that the manager made use of the authority he had, while he had the opportunity, to improve his own situation by improving the situations of others.

Do likewise.



Women Ruin Everything, Active Shooter Edition

Imagine Jerry Springer going on a shooting spree in a police station in front of a live studio audience. That would not be as strange as the latest major shootout in Florence, South Carolina, in which two separate men, both emotionally castrated by their women, got seven cops shot while serving a child molestation search warrant.


Seven law enforcement officers were wounded [one fatally and another terminal] during a shootout in suburban Florence, South Carolina on Wednesday afternoon.

The shootout took place at an address in the upscale Vintage Place subdivision . at a home belonging to Florence, S.C. family law attorney Cheryl Turner-Hopkins and her husband, 74-year-old Vietnam War veteran Frederick Hopkins.

Deputies with the Florence County sheriff’s office were in the process of serving a search warrant at this address at around 4:00 p.m. EDT when they were fired upon by a suspect within the residence. According to our sources, the search warrant sought information related to an ongoing child sexual assault investigation. One of the female deputies caught up in the initial round of gunfire is a criminal sexual conduct investigator. Another is a forensic technician.

All told, four Florence police officers and three county deputies were wounded in the shooting.

Right off the bat, this isn’t just a “search warrant”. This is a multi-jurisdiction force knowing what (who) it would find.

The three deputies were reportedly shot during the initial hail of gunfire, while the four city police officers were shot as they responded to assist their fallen comrades. A roughly two-hour standoff ensued following the gunfire, during which time the wounded deputies were rescued with the assistance of an armored vehicle and transported to a local hospital.

Eventually the suspect . who reportedly used a high-powered rifle during the incident . agreed to surrender after speaking with a hostage negotiator. A young, white male in a pink shirt with close-cropped brown hair was seen being led from the home in handcuffs following the incident, however we are told his individual is not believed to be the suspected shooter.

Other accounts report the official shooter, Fred Hopkins, is comatose in the hospital with a head wound and “unable to talk with police”. For there to have been a two-hour standoff with no additional injuries, there was more than one shooter involved despite media claims. Not to mention, the other people at the house obviously weren’t pro-cop.

In addition to the law enforcement casualties, a 20-year-old male was wounded inside the home. Several children were also inside the home at the time of the shooting, but thankfully none of them were hurt during the incident. …

The disclosure of information related to this particular officer-involved shooting . the 29th this year . has been less coordinated that usual due to a most atypical law enforcement response. In a bizarre break with protocol, agents of the S.C. State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) . who lead nearly all investigations of officer-involved shootings in the Palmetto State . were told to leave the crime scene by Florence County sheriff Kenney Boone. In fact, a SLED special weapons and tactics (SWAT) team initially dispatched to respond to the shooting was actually called away from the scene.

What gives? Readers of this news outlet are well aware that Boone has been sparring with SLED over an investigation involving his personal life. According to our sources, Boone summoned investigators with the Richland County sheriff’s department to investigate the shooting after dismissing SLED. Richland County is the only other law enforcement agency in the state that does not permit SLED to lead investigations into its officer-involved shootings.

Okay, that’s the official-story-so-far. I waited to see what the updates would have to say:


A 74-year-old Vietnam War veteran and disbarred lawyer has been identified as the primary suspect in a Florence, South Carolina shooting that left one police officer dead and seven people (including six other law enforcement officers) wounded on Wednesday.

Frederick Thomas Hopkins is being held by local law enforcement in connection with the shooting, according to reporter Meg Kinnard of The Associated Press. He has yet to be transferred to a detention center for booking and arraignment because he reportedly sustained a head injury during yesterday’s attack.

Hopkins was hospitalized at Carolinas Hospital System, which was placed on lockdown in the aftermath of the shooting.

A local law enforcement source told us the alleged shooter is “crazy” and has been involved in several domestic incidents.

Is your Google broke, you lazy journalists? Per the freakin’ AP news feed:


“According to public court records, Hopkins. charges include two in 2015 and 2017 for “running at large,. an offense related to not restraining one’s animals.”

Probably big dogs like rottweilers or German shepherds. I don’t suppose the neighbors would have complained about a teacup poodle cruising the neighborhood. Criminals like to own dangerous animals and let them run free. If the dog kills a cop then the crook only gets a slap on the wrist. These laws are often intended to thwart such behavior.

Now a quick visit to:


Shows him arrested on third-degree assault & battery in 2013. Starting fights at age 69? Hmm. And

Frederick ‘Fred’ Hopkins: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

In 2002, Fred T. Hopkins, acting pro se, sued two men over the building of his home. The court dismissed his case because he refused to participate in mediation as required by court order, the documents say.

And most damningly of all, this “crazy guy” with an arrest record is apparently a foster grandparent. From the same AP URL,

Kirby says officers were trying to serve a warrant involving an accusation that a 27-year-old person at the home sexually assaulted a foster child in the home.

Does Child Protective Services TRY to give little kids to bad guys? Ah, but the wife is a successful divorce attorney…

As we noted in our original coverage, deputies with the Florence County sheriff’s office were in the process of serving a search warrant at the home of Hopkins. wife . Florence, S.C. family law attorney Cheryl Turner-Hopkins . when they were fired upon.

Cheryl Turner-Hopkins was not at the home at the time of the shooting.

Probably intentional on the cops’ part. A good attorney can throw up all kinds of legal objections during a search warrant. Generally a dick move but here, I wholeheartedly approve.

.According to our sources, the search warrant sought information related to an ongoing child sexual assault investigation,. we reported yesterday.

That information has now been confirmed.

According to Kinnard’s report, the search warrant “involved an accusation that a 27-year-old person at the home sexually assaulted a foster child who lives in the home..

That individual has now been identified as Seth Hopkins, who was wounded during the shooting. Seth Hopkins. Facebook page indicated he was employed by his mother’s law firm.

.The search warrant was only for Seth’s room and for Seth’s things,. a source familiar with the situation told us. .(Frederick Hopkins) set up his rifle and ambushed the officers..

Freddy gunned down seven cops who weren’t even looking for him specifically. Knowing cops, they would have announced this fact at the very start of their presence at the house, which means Freddy knew his grandson was guilty.

And an ambush with a rifle? Not indoors. Freddy would have had to set up outside his home and shoot through the windows. There’s no way he would have downed all seven in one go–which again, means there was a second shooter on the inside.

Three Florence County deputies . all females . were wounded in the initial hail of gunfire. When officers of the Florence, S.C. police department responded to reports of shots being fired at the residence, they also came under fire.

One of those responding officers . 52-year-old Terrence Carraway of Darlington, S.C. . was killed when a bullet struck him in the head.

Yep. One shooter takes out three, the remaining cops take cover from the first and are shot from behind by a second shooter. Maybe one of the cops dropped Freddy; that would jive with a two-hour standoff followed by that’s-not-Freddy being frogmarched out, and Freddy having taken a head wound. Look at the size of his (wife’s) house:

Related image

As of this writing, two of the deputies were in critical condition with gunshot wounds to the upper torso while another was in stable condition with a gunshot wound to the leg. According to our sources, one of the wounded deputies .isn.t doing well. and reportedly coded . or experienced cardiopulmonary arrest . twice after being hospitalized.

Meanwhile, a Florence police officer reportedly had to have a part of his skull removed after getting struck by a bullet.

Sounds like the final count will be two cops murdered and a third with permanent brain damage. Double capital murder, five-time attempted murder, even his neighbor got winged, all with special, sentence-enhancing circumstances that will put paid to taking his chances with a jury. I hope the jailers mistakenly put Freddy in general population.

But as always, the real story is the people not the actions. Let’s start with old Freddy. Continuing the article,

Hopkins is a trained shooter. Recent posts from his Facebook page . which was taken down late Wednesday . showcased his various weapons. Meanwhile, Hopkins touted his proficiency as a shooter.

In a 2012 post, he wrote of entering a shooting competition in an effort to “get my old form back. . citing his victory in the previous year’s .3-Gun Silhouette. championship. A three-gun championship is a competitive shooting event in which participants use rifles, pistols and shotguns at varying distances and from various positions.

.I have been shooting competitively since 1984 and lovin. it,. Hopkins wrote in one post back in 2014. .I just love the smell of gunpowder in the mornin.s..

This sounds like it could be used as propaganda against gun ownership but it won’t be, because… I’ll get to his wife.

Hopkins boasted of owning an M-14 automatic rifle, which was the primary combat rifle issued to American soldiers during the Vietnam War (until it was replaced by the M-16).

Hopkins claimed to have been exposed to Agent Orange . a herbicide used during the Vietnam War in an effort to deny food and vegetational cover to the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam (a.k.a. the Viet Cong). This exposure led to a cancer scare for which he received treatment at a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) hospital in Columbia, S.C.

.I was exposed to heavy doses of “Agent Orange” while performing combat duties with the 101st Airborne Division in Viet Nam in 1969-1970,. he wrote in one post. .I have been fighting this disease for five years on my own and the VA finally found out why I had pain and swollen nodules in my neck..

Did you know that the Vietnam Conflict produced fifteen times more crippled servicemen than actually served? Liberals of a certain age loved to self-identify as maimed Vietnam Vets because they got to self-righteously blame ‘Murica and throw a pity party at the same time.

It is not immediately clear what prompted Hopkins to allegedly open fire on deputies and police officers .

Buckle up.

Those confounding second lower eyelids again. I was expecting pedoface but no. A pessimist’s mouth. Masculine chin so capable of decisiveness but not jutting as I would expect for an aggressive man. Very inside-loaded eyebrows indicate a “start but don’t finish” personality. His upper eyelids are visible which combined with slightly upturned nose, this guy is sociable/emotional. Sunken cheeks indicate a lack of (perceived) control over personal circumstances. No brow indications of stubbornness or determination. My read is he has a decent amount of masculinity paired with an unfocused anger at the world.

Now his wife:

Katie Hopkins advises Cheryl Fernandez-Versini to 'reach ...

Cheryl Turner-Hopkins. Female pedoface! Unusual. We already know she’s a divorce attorney so no soul. Her hyphenated name proves she wears the pants in this marriage.

Care to guess how these two met? Professionally.

A Supreme Court decision from 2000 indicated that Fred Hopkins was married before to a woman named Carol Hopkins and that Cheryl Turner Hopkins, his second wife, helped him with the divorce.

.Mother and Father were married in 1967; they divorced in May 1983,. that court case said, referring to Fred and Carol Hopkins. .They had two children: (a son), born May 26, 1972, and (a second son), born December 4, 1969. Father was ordered to pay child support of $350.00 per month. In November 1986, Father was found to be $18,693.00 in arrears in his child support, and an order garnishing $432.60 per month of his military disability payments was entered..

The court case continued: .The younger son.went to live with Father for approximately 5 months, from late April, 1990, through September, 1990. In early May 1990, Father instituted the instant action seeking custody of (the son); a hearing was held on May 13, 1990, three days prior to (the son).s 18th birthday. Father sought termination of support for his older son “claiming he was over age 18 and was not entitled to post-emancipation support; Father did, however, request Mother be required to pay post-emancipation support for (the son). The family court gave Father temporary custody of (the son) but required Father to continue making his child support payments pending the final hearing..

The documents indicate: .he was represented at trial by his current wife, attorney Cheryl Turner Hopkins..

Fred Hopkins was disbarred from practicing law in 1984 for stealing $18k from a client:

Click to access 282_sc_130_318_se_2nd_11_1984.pdf

$18k Is a suspiciously petty amount to lose one’s career over. However, this is one year after his divorce was final. Apparently, Freddy was so screwed over by the divorce that he’d begun tapping his clients’ accounts to pay the costs.

Cheryl married him but apparently didn’t love him, as proven by both refusing to take his last name and by the fact that two years later in 1986, Freddy was still almost $20k behind on his child support. She apparently wasn’t helping him with it; allowing his pension to be garnished made him financially dependent upon her. Cold-hearted bitch. Look again at that big plantation house the family lived in… she had money.

Her husband Freddy is a white knight, so desperate for female validation that he fell in love with his divorce attorney while his first wife was in process of divorcing him. He wasn’t protecting himself in this shooting; he was protecting an evil wife and (grand)sons from justice. She maltreated him and he was predisposed to project his frustrations onto the world.

One interesting case of Cheryl’s is a Hindu in South Carolina whose arranged marriage descended into double homicide (probably with a hitman). Read here:


Hindus in the Carolinas? Damn immivaders. But I digress.

To sum, Freddy got married, had three kids, got divorced, married his divorce attorney, was financially ruined to the point of being her “house husband”, lived angry at the world and fiercely protective of a woman who didn’t deserve or need protection. When a squad of police arrived to follow up on a suspicion of foster child sex abuse, he did his best to murder the cops with the assistance of one of his sons/grandsons. The combined actions of his two wives had reduced Freddy to a frothing pit bull on a leash.

BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE! Remember what I quoted above:

In a bizarre break with protocol, agents of the S.C. State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) . who lead nearly all investigations of officer-involved shootings in the Palmetto State . were told to leave the crime scene by Florence County sheriff Kenney Boone. In fact, a SLED special weapons and tactics (SWAT) team initially dispatched to respond to the shooting was actually called away from the scene.

That’s the stuff conspiracy theories are made of. But this one isn’t a theory: Sheriff Kenney Boone hates SLED because they investigated credible death threats made against… Sheriff Boone… by his fiancee’s first husband… whose second wife is a SLED agent. Getting that Jerry Springer feeling yet?


The chaotic situation surrounding Florence County, South Carolina sheriff Kenney Boone is about to get crazier . to the extent that’s possible.

When we last tuned in to this unspooling soap opera, the S.C. State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) had deferred its investigation into death threats allegedly made against Boone to detectives of the Richland County sheriff’s department. At Boone’s request. .

As we exclusively reported last week (and followed up on here), the ex-husband of Boone’s fianc?e, Anna Hovey (below, with the sheriff), is accused of threatening to kill Boone during a verbal altercation…

Complicating matters? [Alex] Curlington’s current wife . Genia Curlington . is currently employed by SLED and allegedly witnessed the exchange between her husband and the sheriff.

That’s not a love triangle. That’s a love rectangle. Genia watched Alex threaten Kenney because Alex’s wife Anna was cheating with Kenny, so Genia moved in and married Alex as soon as Anna left. Anna regretted leaving Alex for Kenney and started leaning on Kenney to get Genia fired as both payback and to monkey-branch a return, which is why she hasn’t yet tied the knot with Kenney… OW MY HEAD!!!!

Anna and Kenny. Kenny’s eyes are very horizontal and recessed. He’s emotionally controlled and guarded, which makes him seizing another man’s wife a very curious behavior. Anna is no Helen of Troy, to be fought over by Alpha males; her face is stretched out from years on the cock carousel and a couple bottles of Xanax. Her chest is flatter than Kenney’s reelection polls will be after he abandoned seven cops to die because he feared his fiancee’s former husband’s wife’s employer might end up looking good.

Kate Kula Curates "What's in a Meme?" at the Art Gallery | Art History & Archaeology

Happy Friday! If you need more weekend reading then peruse fitsnews. I was entertained and informed by them.


Return of Kings Goes Down

Well, indefinite hiatus. The site itself is still up but per Daryush Roosh its operator, recent SJW attacks have rendered it unprofitable and he personally is feeling burned out after years of running it. He’s got other things to do.

That’s life. Things come and go. I don’t fault Roosh for wearying of the attacks he’s taken; some of them have been huge. He also experimented with new stuff and that’s a rare personality trait that’s vulnerable to burnout.

Monetizing the Internet is a tricky thing. It destroys your anonymity and makes you dependent on the popularity game. If I get 20 views a day, eh, but if my blog was my primary income then it’d be go-time for desperate measures. So, you make your website your secondary job but then you have two jobs. That’s only fun until it isn’t.

In fact, almost no for-profit Manosphere websites have survived even one year. Aside from RoK, I can only think of various PUA sites and the associated controversies of selling false hope to determined blue-pillers.

I will never monetize my blog. Money is traceable and ruins anonymity. I take one single cent and a monstrous hydra of taxmen and business regulations will instantly rear its ugly heads.

RoK was a second-tier visit for myself. Jew-baiting is very tedious* and while it was a rich vein of sarcasm and putdowns, much refinement was necessary. But unlike liberals, I don’t feel threatened by the success of others. Life is not a zero-sum game, non-Christians have valid contributions to make concerning our shared problems and RoK’s authors occasionally had good content so I linked to them.

Now, I need to update my linkages and don’t know of any decent big-name sites. Kids these days seem to prefer streaming audio-video to written blogs so maybe there aren’t any to be found. Kinda sad. I know Earl advertises my blog (thank you, Earl!) but for me, it feels awkward to do drive-by “check out my blog!” posts like a spambot.

*This is why I don’t link to heartiste even though he’s the guy who turned me on to physiognomy. Seriously, it’s like Stormfront uses his blog for a backup server. Heartiste will write an article about social dynamics and the first comment will be “(((da J00Z))) Every Time!!!”


Physiognomy: A California Conservative

Bonus, Brett Kavanaugh in the postscript. John Moorlack came to my attention as being one of only two California state senators who tried to fix the crashing Calpers pension system without asking a belligerent, expansionist, Communist nation for help.


What kind of personality does it take to swim in the #4 American matriarchy (behind Massachusetts, New York and Florida Man)? Being popular enough with wimmins to get elected yet without losing one’s soul? Let’s see.

John Moorlach

And a profile pic:

Legislators including San Diego's Shirley Weber are getting two government checks a month - The ...

The profile pic helps apply physiognomy to the entire shape of the head. For example, a large forehead generally denotes intelligence but can vary depending on whether the forehead is sloped back or near vertical.

And one more pic:

OC Politics Blog | Moorlach to cut ribbon at opening of new O.C. Mental Health Campus

Taken during a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the opening of Orange County’s Mental Health Complex. No direct relevance to this article but what a great background for memes!

The Chinese would say he has an excellent Moon face–large head, rounded at top and bottom but not a circle-head like Charlie Brown. Such men tend to have many children and tendencies towards idleness, business, novelty and food. Short-term business negotiations are a stereotypical behavior.

By contrast, the Western system would describe his face as pear-shaped, the Peacemaker. He has his emotion carefully under control and values consensus with others. A good advisor-type, he is helpful when consulted and insulted when ignored, because he would not ignore you.

A quick reading technique is to divide the face into horizontal thirds. If the upper third (forehead, crown) is prominent then he’s a thinker. (Not necessarily smart; could be artistic type, etc.) A prominent middle area, eyebrows to nose tip, denotes focus on ambition, status and luxury. Mark Zuckerberg is an example of this.

Mark Zuckerberg: Focus On The Change You Want To Make

And a prominent lower area denotes practicality. If no band is prominent then ignore this and move along. Here, I’d say Moorlach has no prominent area but he chose his style of beard to emphasize the lower band. He wants to be seen as practical. (Facial hair should generally be viewed as a subconscious yet intentional effort to alter one’s physiognomic appearance.)

With a profile pic, we can look at the face concavity. Moorlach’s forehead is mildly swept back but the rest of his face is vertical. A jutting chin indicates aggression while a receded chin indicates aversion. Neutral generally means self-directed, or self-controlled, with no predispositions. Somewhat paradoxically, mentally organized people have swept-back foreheads while emotionally organized people have swept-foreward foreheads. Moorlach’s profile therefore presents as intelligent and self-directed, someone interested in tangible results.

Think of eyebrows as being the ‘bandwidth’ or ‘pipes’ of the mind. His eyebrows are very thin, suggesting single-mindedness and vulnerability to criticism. (One topic at a time, not much ‘insulation’ on the wiring.) They are spaced wide, suggesting mental farsightedness as opposed to close-eyebrow nearsightedness.

See the line on his septum, the bottom of his nose? That indicates a need for work that is personally satisfying, even if it comes at a loss of income.

The crow’s-feet at the outsides of his eyes denote serious marital trouble in the Chinese school. They can also indicate pedophilia so I personally (and for now) consider them to be general indicators of sexual problems.

I rather doubt Moorlach is a black hat given a brief review of his activities. Example, in 2016 he authored an enacted bill that helped fathers not be kicked out of their homes during divorce proceedings.


To conclude, this guy is intelligent, far-seeing and an extrovert who is very interested in keeping matters running smoothly, who tries to be a “down to earth” guy but has trouble making unpopular decisions, whose career could have been more financially successful than it has been by his personal choice, who if married is not happy. Not the worst type to end up in high office but not the man to face down the Social Justice freaks, either.

Let’s check wikipedia.

Born Johannes Meindert Willem Moorlach in Groningen, Netherlands, Moorlach’s family came to the United States when he was four years old. He grew up in the Orange County cities of Cypress and Buena Park. He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in business administration from the California State University, Long Beach in 1977. He is a certified public accountant and certified financial planner. Before entering public office, he was vice president of accounting firm Balser, Horowitz, Frank and Wakeling, and the administrative partner of its Costa Mesa office. With his wife, Trina, he has three children.

Well, not divorced. That’s something. A successful career as a CPA, probably lucrative. He rose high in management.

Moorlach first came to public attention by predicting the largest municipal bond portfolio loss and bankruptcy in U.S. history while campaigning for the office of Orange County Treasurer-Tax Collector against incumbent Democrat Robert Citron in 1994. Citron resigned in disgrace later that year and was replaced on an interim basis by Tom Daxon. On March 17, 1995, Moorlach was appointed to fill the vacancy, was elected by the voters in 1996 to complete the unexpired term, and re-elected in 1998 and 2002, serving nearly twelve years.

He is recognized as a leading expert on municipal bankruptcies. He received phone calls regarding a looming municipal bond crisis in Jefferson County, Alabama.

Cool! The septum was right! He left private practice to become a leading expert on municipal bankruptcies. Not as lucrative but very important and possibly very satisfying.

Gov. Brown was a moron to reject Moorlach’s plan for pension reform. Then again, he’d already brokered a deal with the Chinese. Why tighten the belt when you can betray your people one last time before retiring to endless, insulated luxury?

Postscript, Moorlach’s face-reading is comparable to Brett Kavanaugh’s.

Judge Brett Kavanaugh is Trumpâ??s nominee for the Supreme ...

Brett Kavanaugh: Apocalypse Now | National Review

Less cheeky and his nose is straight, so more introverted. In the lower pic you can see a vertical determination line between the brows. Nose is similar but no septum line so Brett isn’t as deeply invested in his work. Clean-shaven so more comfortable with how he’s perceived; confirmed by his eyes being the same size. Same crows-feet but smaller; probably insignificant.

His grooming is not perfect; notice the hair over the tops of his ears and hair down to the collar. He isn’t vain.

The horizontal line across the top/root of his nose indicates burnout.

Disciplined, intelligent, concerned for facts over social approval, not concerned with notions of legacy. He will likely continue judging according to his currently held principles and resign at a relatively young age.


The Chinese Gov’t Chooses Defeat

Hat tip to commenter Wayne! It seems the smart money these days is on China, ruled by totalitarian Communist despots who are xenophobic and murderous enough to keep their nation intact despite the actions of globalists. In many ways, they’re the alt-right’s ideal of a tribal ethnostate. Their collusion with California’s tech giants for total information control of society is ominous and guaranteed to succeed beyond their wildest dreams. American leaders are desperate to sell out to China at any price, giving Chinese-operated companies control over everything from power plants to pension plans.

But in the process of rising to a superpower in the wake of America’s globalist-induced suicide, the Chinese gov’t has made a fatal error.

They decided to erase God.

China Trying to ‘Rewrite the Bible,’ Force Churches to Sing Communist Anthems


By Samuel Smith, 28 Sept 2018

WASHINGTON . The Chinese government is supervising a five-year plan to make Christianity more compatible with socialism in which there will be a “rewrite” of the Bible, a prominent religious freedom activist has told Congress.

The Rev. Bob Fu, a former Chinese house church leader who immigrated to the United States in 1997 and founded the persecution watchdog organization China Aid, provided great detail during a House hearing Thursday about a plan enacted by leading state-sanctioned denominations in China to “Sinicize” Christianity.

As China’s crackdown on religion has seen many house churches demolished and thousands of crosses removed from churches nationwide, Fu warned upfront that what is happening right now in China represents the highest degree of persecution for independent faith groups the country has seen in decades.

“Religious freedom in China has really reached to the worst level that has not been seen since the beginning of the Cultural Revolution by Chairman Mao [Zedong] in the 1960s,” he told members of the House Foreign Affairs’ Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations.

For the interested, the Cultural Revolution also saw the near-loss of Chinese physiognomy. Chairman Mao apparently didn’t like the idea that humans were not interchangeable cogs to be molded arbitrarily. Intentionally forgetting history has always been one of socialism’s priorities but God will be a little harder to tear down than Prospector Pete.

At the center of this new level of persecution is China’s new regulation on religious affairs that was released last year but enacted on Feb. 1. According to Fu, the revision of the religious regulations are to actively guide religion to “adapt to socialist society.”

In a written testimony, Fu said that under the new regulations religious activity sites will “accept the guidance, supervision, and inspection of relevant departments of the local people’s government regarding the management of personnel, finances, assets, accounting, security, fire protection, protection of relics, health and disease prevent and so forth.” …

He explained that the CCC and TSPM held a seminary last July for preliminary discussion about the five-year plan. He added that the plan outline was finalized at a meeting this March.

I found the outline of that plan so we’ll switch articles at this point. But first, a quick reading.

Texas pastor drives support for blind Chinese dissident Chen

Usual caveat for reading a non-white. I think his head shape is Jade Face, noted for high optimism, sociability and carelessness (with details). Not a bad fit for a major evangelist and his concave, upturned nose confirms the sociability. Eye corners run downward but mouth corners are level so he’s not as pessimistic as one might expect. Huge nostrils means high energy level. Nonconformist ears and by Asian standards, a firm chin. Eyebrows are thin, high and wide; I suspect he’s expert at Christianity and not any other field of interest. His forehead has a defined brow and vertical lines above the nose predicting determination. He wants to help you and will bend the rules to do it but neither a chump nor a quitter.

Full text.China’s Policies and Practices on Protecting Freedom of Religious Belief


By (Nameless Comrade), 3 Apr 2018

I. Basic Policies in Protecting Freedom of Religious Belief

China adopts policies on freedom of religious belief, manages religious affairs in accordance with the law, adheres to the principle of independence and self-management, actively guides religions to adapt to the socialist society, and unites religious believers and non-believers to the greatest extent.

This is a running theme throughout the article: you are free to believe in any religion you want but State interests come first and your religion is no better nor worse than anybody else’s. The only people who can believe that are atheists who think, as Marx did, that all religion “is the opiate of the masses”. But not all religions are equal, as China has surely discovered for itself in its dealings with the Uighur.

Adopting policies on freedom of religious belief. Respecting and protecting freedom of religious belief is a basic policy of the CPC and the Chinese government. Every citizen enjoys the freedom to choose whether to believe in a religion; to believe in a certain religion or a denomination of the same religion; to change from a non-believer to a believer and vice versa. Believers and non-believers enjoy the same political, economic, social and cultural rights, and must not be treated differently because of a difference in belief. The state respects citizens. freedom to religious belief and protects their normal religious activities. In exercising their right to free religious belief, believers should not interfere in the lawful rights of other people, or force others to believe in any religion. Believers should not discriminate against non-believers or believers of other religions. No one shall use religion to interfere in the lawful rights and interests of citizens. Believers should respect public order, customs, cultural traditions and social ethics in exercising their freedom of religious belief.

The boldfaced part is utter bullshit. What you believe matters. If you’re atheist then you’ll spend your life looking out for yourself because there’s no life after death. If salvation is by good works a la Islam then you’ll pay your dues and then do whatever. If you’re Christian trying to be a certain kind of person then you’ll do good even for your enemies… a concept entirely foreign to the Muslim and Communist.

Saddam Hussein hired many Christians to serve in his inner circle because Christian sectarian differences were placid compared to Islam’s and Iraqi Christians felt obligated to serve Hussein in fear of God rather than because he had to regularly bribe them. Christianity did not invent the term “assassin”.

It’s obvious why an atheist government would want to capitalize on a religion that teaches its members to expect only a postmortem reward; and it’s obvious why that government never profits when it tries to do so. “You’ll work for me forever and expect God to reward you after death? You moron! But sure, I’ll totally take advantage of you!” They make a point of repaying evil for good, for as long as they can, because they believe they’ll go unpunished by God.

And now you understand more about why God forces us to live these mortal lives. He doesn’t want to take our loyalty by force. The taking would make it worthless.

Managing religious affairs in accordance with the law. The state treats all religions fairly and equally, and does not exercise administrative power to encourage or ban any religion. No religion is given preferential treatment above other religions to enjoy special legal privileges.

They totally should give special status. Give us Christians freedom to follow Christ and we’ll serve a despot happily. This is a missed opportunity. But following Christ involves pointing out evil to the powers that be. Not even punishing that evil, we don’t even have to protest loudly, but cockroaches still can’t stand the light.

The blood-soaked Saddam Hussein could. That’s a pretty low standard.

Adhering to the principle of independence and self-management. Religious groups and religious affairs are not subject to control by foreign countries; this principle is enshrined in the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China. The Chinese government supports all religions in upholding the principle of independence and self-management, allowing religious groups, clerical personnel and believers to manage religious affairs themselves in accordance with the Constitution and law. This principle is a historic choice made by Chinese religious believers in the Chinese people’s struggle for national independence and social progress, as Catholicism and Protestantism, which were known as foreign religions in China, had long been controlled and utilized by colonialists and imperialists.

A reasonable complaint, although no credit is given to the benefits of Christianity. Among which is respect for authority and the belief that the world, created by a God of Reason, exists to be understood. The latter will become a problem for Chinese scientists when they can no longer steal tech from USA.

Chinese preference for their own culture is likely why Protestants vastly outnumber Catholics in China. There are benefits to the RCC’s way of doing things but it has a very distinct and exclusive culture.

Actively guiding religions in adapting to the socialist society means guiding religious believers to love their country and compatriots, safeguard national unity, ethnic solidarity, be subordinate to and serve the overall interests of the nation and the Chinese people. It also means guiding religious groups to support the leadership of the CPC and the socialist system; uphold and follow the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics; develop religions in the Chinese context; embrace core socialist values; carry forward China’s fine traditions; integrate religious teachings and rules with Chinese culture; abide by state laws and regulations, and accept state administration in accordance with the law.

There’s the deal-breaker. What these socialists do to the Bible will prove to be no different than America’s socialists tearing down historical statues. An obviously gutted parody of what once was more majestic than Current Year termites could ever dream of.

Father God has not allowed the Bible to be changed since the Apostles. Christ the Word of God will not tolerate the rewriting Scripture to direct worship of Him to another. If China implements this then the Communist PRC will have no more than one generation left to live.

Not that the atheist is even capable of heeding such a warning.

II. Legal Guarantees for Freedom of Religious Belief

The socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics is continuously being improved, with enhanced implementation of the rule of law in protecting freedom of religious belief and increasingly standardized governance of religious affairs, providing stronger guarantees for the lawful rights and interests of its religious believers.

Eternal Progress! Because the previous socialists didn’t try hard enough! This time we will succeed because… reasons!

Freedom of religious belief is protected by the Constitution. According to Article 36 of the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China, “Citizens of the People’s Republic of China enjoy freedom of religious belief. No State organ, public organization or individual may compel citizens to believe in, or not to believe in, any religion; nor may they discriminate against citizens who believe in, or do not believe in, any religion..

This is the end of Tolerance’s path: believe in whatever god you want, it doesn’t matter so long as you remember Caesar is your other god. Tradcucks like to talk about the “marketplace of ideas” where you can pick the Narrative you like best; but Christ teaches there is only one Truth hidden among ten million lies. The idea of allowing ideas to compete against each other is to test them for truth content.

Here, China is outlawing the idea that objective truth even exists to be found. They say with a straight face, IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT YOU BELIEVE. IT IS ALL EQUALLY VALID EVEN WHEN BELIEFS OPPOSE EACH OTHER. YOU MUST NOT CLAIM TO BE RIGHT AND THEM, WRONG.

Administrative regulations regarding religious affairs are improving. The revised Regulations on Religious Affairs released in September 2017 strengthen the protection of Chinese citizens. freedom of religious belief and the lawful rights and interests of religious groups, bring government’s management of religious affairs under due procedures in accordance with the law, and add provisions on safeguarding national security and maintaining social harmony.

I suppose they intend to use religious morality to explain why people should obey the State. Let’s explore that. Does Jesus want you to obey your government? Yes; the Commies will leave that in. Did Jesus require government to obey Him too? Yes, but that’ll get thrown out. Result: Jesus 2.0 wants you to obey the State even when the State openly disobeys Jesus 2.0 and puts words in his mouth like he’s a puppet. Which he is.

Either morality is objective or it isn’t. Either lying is always wrong or it’s okay if you can avoid punishment. King Comrade puts thieves to death while using tax money to purchase another luxury mansion… sickening hypocrisy that the people will notice.

Religious extremism and violent terrorist activities are dealt with in accordance with the law. The Counter-Terrorism Law of the People’s Republic of China states that China opposes all extremism that seeks to instigate hatred, incite discrimination and advocate violence by distorting religious doctrines or through other means, and forbids any discriminatory behavior on the grounds of region, ethnicity and religion.

Sounds exactly like America’s crop of leftoids. Wait… “forbids any discriminatory behavior on the grounds of ethnicity”? BWAHAHAAAA! The Han are already notorious genocides. Didn’t take them long to decide objective morality was a Biblical “translation error”.

IV. The Role of Religious Groups Has Been Fully Developed

China encourages all religions to keep pace with the times and adapt to the socialist society, and contribute to economic growth, social harmony, cultural prosperity, ethnic solidarity and national unification.

Everybody wants the benefits of religion (and exercise) without paying the costs.

While maintaining their basic beliefs, core religious teachings and etiquette system, the Buddhist and Taoist communities hold sermons, the Islamic community carries out work interpreting the classics, the Catholic community encourages the running of its religious work in a democratic manner, and the Protestant community conducts theological construction, all in an attempt to interpret religious teachings and rules to conform to the national conditions and demands of the times.

That doesn’t sound like Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism or Protestantism. Which is the end goal of both Party leaders and Lucifer: our humanity reduced to a gray goo, our bodies and souls treated as livestock, bled out in service to a faceless bureaucracy demanding change, always change, moving from one lie to another so quickly, with minds so dimmed, that the light of Truth can no longer be seen.

Rev. Fu calls this the Sinicization of Christianity but we know Convergence when we see it. This is no different from the Tradcucks’ gender-neutral Bible. The Chicomms are SJWs.

Father God is jealous of His achievements. He has sworn that his Word shall not be changed. By embarking on this campaign to rewrite the Word of God into Mao’s Other Little Book, the Chinese Communists have declared themselves to be Ground Zero for God’s Wrath.

The 21st Century shall NOT belong to China.


Goodbye, Green Bay

If not Goodbye, NFL.

Green Bay Packers used banners instead of flag before, but won’t do it again


By Richard Ryman, 1 Oct 2018

My eyes are rolling in disgust and I haven’t even started.

GREEN BAY . The Green Bay Packers’ use of a patriotic banner instead of an American flag during the national anthem Sunday had social media all atwitter.

Packers director of Public Affairs Aaron Popkey said the Packers used banners before when other pregame activities take up part of the field. On Sunday, the University of Wisconsin Marching Band, which played the national anthem, occupied half the field.

.The banner used during Sunday’s pregame ceremony supplemented the three U.S. flags on the roof of the stadium and the flag carried by the color guard on the field,” Popkey said.

“We’ve used such displays from time to time in the past when other pregame elements take up a significant portion of the field. To avoid causing confusion, we will not be using such displays in the future..

The lying little shit thumbed his nose at America then told us ‘I did nothing wrong but I won’t do it again’ so we wouldn’t make him cry. Let me guess his appearance: Chinese ‘wood face’, squarish top and middle thirds narrowing to a receded, feminine chin; ears that stick out; problem glasses; wide, thin eyebrows; rounded eyelids; weak facial hair, probably tangled or otherwise poorly groomed.

Verdict on Aaron Popkey:

Live at Lambeau with Aaron Popkey - YouTube

Three courses | Green Bay foodies pick their Restaurant Week favorites


Wood face, glasses, eyebrows and ears confirmed. Miss on eyelids and hair. (I should have known; a high-level media professional will always be groomed.) The chin seems recessed but otherwise masculine so a tie. The middle third of his face is the prominent third, denoting ambition & status-seeking, which one would expect in his position.

He’s more organized and disciplined than a typical SJW but despite that, the Packers don’t need the bad press that Popkey’s intentionally anti-American stunt is causing them. Fire his ass yesterday or Green Bay’s pro-American fans, the ones remaining after previous stunts, are gone.


Cleveland Diocese Cleans House

Here’s a ray of hope on the Catholic side of Christianity and a confirmed pedoface.

Catholic minister says he was fired over Facebook post about friends’ gay marriage


By Mark Osborne, 30 Sept 2018

Keith Kozak says he was simply supporting his friends’ marriage, but now he’s out of a job with the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland.

Kozak was a campus minister at Cleveland State University and provided Catholic outreach to the school community, but now he’s out of a job because he claims the diocese fired him for “liking” a friend’s post about their gay marriage on Facebook in mid-September.

He believes a congratulatory post with a photo of him at another friends’ gay wedding in September 2017 also contributed to his firing.

There were TWO homo ‘marriages’ amongst his friends in one month? What kind of people is he associating with?

PHOTO: The Diocese of Cleveland is located on East 9th Street in downtown Cleveland. (Google Maps)

PHOTO: The Diocese of Cleveland is located on East 9th Street in downtown Cleveland. (Google Maps)

This photo was in the article. They don’t often give the exact address of a suitable target for Antifa protests. “Hold your anti-hate rally here, by the bus stop!”

Such lazy journalism. They didn’t even visit the diocese; just screencapped Google Earth.

“I really wasn’t even thinking about it at the time, that it would be anything detrimental,” Kozak told Cleveland ABC affiliate WEWS about his “like.” “[It] really feels discouraging that this is still happening.”

He’s lying. All the homosexual perversions coming out in the RCC today and he thought he’d be above it despite being a perpetrator of it? To say nothing of his blatant disrespect for the Will of God as known to every branch of Christendom.

Kozak says he was called into a meeting with his supervisor and a human resources person at the diocese a week ago. Kozak, who says he was up for a promotion, assumed the meeting was good news — until they began questioning him about the photos on social media.

“They sat me down and they said we had seen some things on Facebook and Twitter and that would like to talk to you about that,” Kozak told WEWS.

He admitted to “liking” the photo his friend posted about his wedding on Sept. 13 and sharing a few photos from the reception he attended last year at a different friend’s gay wedding.

“The very next day, I received a letter that said I was terminated,” Kozak said.

When reached for comment by WEWS, the Diocese of Cleveland refused to discuss specific personnel matters, but did cite ministerial exception for allowing such personnel decisions. Ministerial exception refers to a Supreme Court ruling that exempts religious institutions from anti-discrimination laws in their hiring practices.

The diocese told WEWS in a statement it was confident his firing was appropriate.

With good reason.

Kozak, who is gay himself, said the firing was a “wake-up call,” but he still considers himself Catholic.

How did his career as a priest of God survive one day after coming out a Sodomite in defiance of God?

“It’s a wake-up call for me,” he said. “It’s a wake-up call that I didn’t really realize the Catholic Church would act like this.”

More lies. He knew what the (real) Christians would do to him given the chance. Props to the diocese for cleaning house.

Keith Kozak (@keithkozak) | Twitter

Keith Kozac. Ugh, those glasses get in the way of face-reading… and are creepy themselves.

Kozak, Keith Alan Biography

There we go. Hmm, once again those lower eyelids draw the attention. The Chinese would call those “New Moon” eyes (the lids make the eyes look crescent-shaped) and not trust him. See the crows-feet at the outside of his eyes? One Western physiognomist describes those as jadedness or lack of gullibility but they’re more developed in the Chinese system, which says that’s proof he’s destined to be a failure at marriage. Vertical crows-feet are a particularly negative marital sign and Kozac has a vertical line almost reaching his jaw. When the tops of the ears are turned out, it usually only means the person wears glasses (as is the case here), but in the first photo you can see they’re alsp cupped. Most pedos seem to have that.

Also, his left eye is more closed than his right. His personal life is more guarded than his external life; a bad sign.

This isn’t physiognomy but his teeth make me think “vampire fangs”.

How do I know Kozac is a pedo? Because 1. Cleveland State University has the youngest, barely-legal boys available and 2. men naturally prefer younger lovers. Also, he’s a Satanist so why not. Defiling the innocent in God’s house probably gives him a special thrill. He didn’t infiltrate an enemy organization to make them look good.

Kim Kozak - Address, Phone Number, Public Records | Radaris

Kim Kozak came up in my image search. If she’s his wife then maybe he’s already in Hell. God sometimes starts early.


Physiognomy: Linus Torvalds

Mr. Torvalds’ sudden cucking out to the forces of Social Justice is a shock after so many years of successfully holding the line. Can physiognomy help explain why? I’ve never yet looked at Torvald’s appearance… figured he was a typical pasty-skinned computer geek with thick glasses, rounded shoulders, a server rack-sized forehead and a bad haircut. Who wants to see that?

Linus Torvalds

Hmm. Pasty skin, glasses, shoulders, check. Forehead, not really, and haircut is generic.

He has jowls and a strong jaw, indicating an aggressive/determined personality. Also, see those vertical lines between his eyebrows? That’s another good indicator. His ears are tight to his skull, typical for confromist (rules-favoring) people, but lower than his eyes, which is an indicator against intelligence and introversion.

Neither does his forehead appear intelligent–it is proportional to the rest of his face and has no horizontal lines on it, a routine feature of men who think for a living. That doesn’t guarantee he’s low-IQ but between common intelligence and a forceful personality, I suspect his achievements came through hard work and high standards rather than true creativity. Ain’t no shame in that.

His choice of eyeglasses–no hard edges–suggests self-awareness of how unpleasant he can be towards others.

His nose is not at all what I was expecting. It’s very wide and the tip is turned up, indicators of sociability. The nostrils are huge, suggesting a high energy level. That’s the nose of a family man, not a cloistered academic.

Perhaps Torvald’s genius is more in convincing nerds to cooperate with him on large-scale projects rather than being a visionary innovator. That would explain “family-oriented guy with no tolerance of rule-breaking”. So far, so good, but this is not a man I would expect to suddenly break with a lifelong habit of giving a damn about tender feelings over rigorous codework.

Let’s look at his family.

Family photo

Holy estrogen, Batman! Torvalds is a DODO! Dad Of Daughters Only. This pic was sourced from a VERY interesting article biographing the highlighted daughter.

Torvalds 2.0: Patricia Torvalds on computing, college, feminism, and increasing diversity in tech


By Rikki Endsley, 3 August 2015

At 18, Patricia is a feminist with a growing list of tech achievements, open source industry experience, and her sights set on diving into her freshman year of college at Duke University’s Pratt School of Engineering. She works for Puppet Labs in Portland, Oregon, as an intern, but soon she’ll head to Durham, North Carolina, to start the fall semester of college.

Incoming frosh in 2015 means she’s now a college senior in the Poison Ivy League at Duke U. More than time for the feminazis to corrupt a girl whose father wasn’t redpill.

In this exclusive interview, Patricia explains what got her interested in computer science and engineering (spoiler alert: it wasn’t her father), what her high school did “right” with teaching tech, the important role feminism plays in her life, and her thoughts on the lack of diversity in technology.

What made you interested in studying computer science and engineering?

My interest in tech really grew throughout high school. I wanted to go into biology for a while, until around my sophomore year. I had a web design internship at the Portland VA after my sophomore year. And I took an engineering class called Exploratory Ventures, which sent an ROV into the Pacific ocean late in my sophomore year, but the turning point was probably when I was named a regional winner and national runner up for the NCWIT Aspirations in Computing award halfway through my junior year.

The award made me feel validated in my interest, of course, but I think the most important part of it was getting to join a Facebook group for all the award winners. The girls who have won the award are absolutely incredible and so supportive of each other. I was definitely interested in computer science before I won the award, because of my work in XV and at the VA, but having these girls to talk to solidified my interest and has kept it really strong. Teaching XV.more on that later.my junior and senior year, also, made engineering and computer science really fun for me.

She was first interested in biology, the science of choice for raising babies & tending to hurting people, until she got her first hit of I’m Special Because I’m Female in Male Space.

What do you plan to study? And do you already know what you want to do after college?

I hope to major in either Mechanical or Electrical and Computer Engineering as well as Computer Science, and minor in Women’s Studies. After college, I hope to work for a company that supports or creates technology for social good, or start my own company.

Reading this is like watching a train wreck in slow motion. She never cared about the tech, only in being the center of attention (“start my own company”) or care-based morality (“supports or creates technology for social good”). The door is open for Social Justice mindfucking.

My daughter had one high school programming class.Visual Basic. She was the only girl in her class, and she ended up getting harassed and having a miserable experience. What was your experience like?

My high school began offering computer science classes my senior year, and I took Visual Basic as well! The class wasn’t bad, but I was definitely one of three or four girls in the class of 20 or so students. Other computing classes seemed to have similar gender breakdowns. However, my high school was extremely small and the teacher was supportive of inclusivity in tech, so there was no harassment that I noticed. Hopefully the classes become more diverse in future years.

Entryist teacher more interested in results for social good than encouraging women to act feminine.

What did your schools do right technology-wise? And how could they have been better?

My high school gave us consistent access to computers, and teachers occasionally assigned technology-based assignments in unrelated classes.we had to create a website for a social studies class a few times.which I think is great because it exposes everyone to tech. The robotics club was also pretty active and well-funded, but fairly small; I was not a member. One very strong component of the school’s technology/engineering program is actually a student-taught engineering class called Exploratory Ventures, which is a hands-on class that tackles a new engineering or computer science problem every year. I taught it for two years with a classmate of mine, and have had students come up to me and tell me they’re interested in pursuing engineering or computer science as a result of the class.

Such social programs intended to interest (female) students in STEM are as much a part of Feminism 2.5 as the Satanic sex cults. They exist to pervert girls away from their natural biology at an early age, comparable to homosexuals raping boys as a form of recruitment for Leftoid causes.

Student teachers is also a bad idea. Encouraging students to help each other with coursework, fine; assuming that a 16yo can teach a class as well as an adult, not fine. One can see this even at the university level with staff & faculty soliciting student input on how the university should do its business. That’s not unlike a businessman asking a customer what price he should set. Great way to go out of business.

However, my high school was not particularly focused on deliberately including young women in these programs, and it isn’t very racially diverse. The computing-based classes and clubs were, by a vast majority, filled with white male students. This could definitely be improved on.

Brainless bitch. She hates her own people. With all the institutional hatred directed at white men, it’s not hard to understand why a feral white female would prefer a vibrant “winner”.

It’s a safe bet Patricia is already burning coal. *checks* Whoops. Asian cock. She’s minoring in East Asian studies. Bangkok, Thailand!

Growing up, how did you use technology at home?

Honestly, when I was younger I used my computer time (my dad created a tracker, which logged us off after an hour of Internet use) to play Neopets or similar games. I guess I could have tried to mess with the tracker or played on the computer without Internet use, but I just didn’t. I sometimes did little science projects with my dad, and I remember once printing “Hello world” in the terminal with him a thousand times, but mostly I just played online games with my sisters and didn’t get my start in computing until high school.

Well done, Mr. Torvalds. He obviously took an interest in his children not getting addicted to the Internet. Many, many parents fail here, nerd parents conspicuously so. Sounds like Daddy had her under control until her high school SJW teachers got their hooks into her hamster.

Homeschool or die.

You were active in the Feminism Club at your high school. What did you learn from that experience? What feminist issues are most important to you now?

My friend and I co-founded Feminism Club at our high school late in our sophomore year. We did receive lots of resistance to the club at first, and while that never entirely went away, by the time we graduated feminist ideals were absolutely a part of the school’s culture. The feminist work we did at my high school was generally on a more immediate scale and focused on issues like the dress code.

She was young, hot and tight, and feminism gave her the freedom (from dress codes) to flaunt it while she had it. While Mr. Torvalds was a responsible father, he must have been dangerously ignorant about female sexuality. A common problem for both his generation and DODOs in general.

Personally, I’m very focused on intersectional feminism, which is feminism as it applies to other aspects of oppression like racism and classism. The Facebook page Guerrilla Feminism is a great example of an intersectional feminism and has done so much to educate me. I currently run the Portland branch.

Portland, Oregon. Possibly the largest enclave of SJWs in America outside of NYC and Sodom Francisco. Torvalds’ daughter operated it since her high school days. The picture begins to clear, what could have forced Torvalds to drop his guard against SJW entryism. Patricia betrayed her father in the name of Social Justice, just like Soviet children used to turn in their parents to the Commissariat.

Feminism is also important to me in terms of diversity in tech, although as an upper-class white woman with strong connections in the tech world, the problems here affect me much less than they do other people. The same goes for my involvement in intersectional feminism. Publications like Model View Culture are very inspiring to me, and I admire Shanley Kane so much for what she does.

Shanley Kane is founder and CEO of Model View Culture, a publication dedicated to forcing Social Justice into tech spaces, apparently defunct since 2016. It’s possible she used Patricia’s admiration of her as a weapon against Torvalds. Here’s a quick quote from a recent article of hers demonstrating her mental sickness:

.Here.s To The Crazy Ones.: Stigma Against Mental Illness in Tech

By Shanley Kane, 31 August 2015

You.ll notice from my notes that I, like many other marginalized people suffering from mental illness, don’t or cannot separate the mental illness from the effects of past and ongoing trauma and stigma. I cannot parse it out from anything else any more, if I ever could at all. The anxiety stems from the trauma and makes the trauma worse, and fear of the trauma at times is more unbearable than trauma itself. The way I am stigmatized and the ableist and misogynist abuse I receive dramatically lowers my chances of a good long-term mental health outcome. My life as a hypervisible woman in tech reverberates with violence, the strumming chord through my past and future, the string in the theory. It is impossible to know where one stops and the other begins, rather they ebb and flow together in ways that deeply impact my overall and long-term levels of happiness and fulfilment, and have a direct and specific impact on my work both today as a founder and in my previous work in the field.

A woman, floating or levitating above a bed, dark lights reaching from the mattress while she floats in light.

This picture is part of her article. That’s not a picture of mental illness, that’s a picture of witchcraft. Don’t think I’m being sensational when I talk about stuff like Satanic sex cults. Such atrocities have become a typical part of the young adult experiences of women such as Patricia Torvalds.

Back to the interview:

What advice would you give parents who want to teach their children how to program?

Honestly, nobody ever pushed me into computer science or engineering. Like I said, for a long time I wanted to be a geneticist. I got a summer internship doing web design for the VA the summer after my sophomore year and totally changed my mind. So I don’t know if I can fully answer that question.

I do think genuine interest is important, though. If my dad had sat me down in front of the computer and told me to configure a webserver when I was 12, I don’t think I’d be interested in computer science. Instead, my parents gave me a lot of free reign to do what I wanted, which was mostly coding terrible little HTML sites for my Neopets. Neither of my younger sisters are interested in engineering or computer science, and my parents don’t care. I’m really lucky my parents have given me and my sisters the encouragement and resources to explore our interests.

Props again to Mr. Torvalds for not pressuring his kids to follow his footsteps. That’s another difficult step for parents.

Still, I grew up saying my future career would be “like my dad’s”.even when I didn’t know what he did. He has a pretty cool job. Also, one time when I was in middle school, I told him that and he got a little choked up and said I wouldn’t think that in high school. So I guess that motivated me a bit.

Patricia admired her father… how cute and appropriate… before she dove deep into intersectional feminism and ended up saying this:

What suggestions do you have for leaders in open source communities to help them attract and maintain a more diverse mix of contributors?

I’m actually not active in particular open source communities. I feel much more comfortable discussing computing with other women; I’m a member of the NCWIT Aspirations in Computing network and it’s been one of the most important aspects of my continued interest in technology, as well as the Facebook group Ladies Storm Hackathons.

I think this applies well to attracting and maintaining a talented and diverse mix of contributors: Safe spaces are important. I have seen the misogynistic and racist comments made in some open source communities, and subsequent dismissals when people point out the issues. I think that in maintaining a professional community there have to be strong standards on what constitutes harassment or inappropriate conduct. Of course, people can.and will.have a variety of opinions on what they should be able to express in open source communities, or any community. However, if community leaders actually want to attract and maintain diverse talent, they need to create a safe space and hold community members to high standards.

The boldfaced sounds EXACTLY like Torvalds’ infamous management style.

I also think that some community leaders just don’t value diversity. It’s really easy to argue that tech is a meritocracy, and the reason there are so few marginalized people in tech is just that they aren’t interested, and that the problem comes from earlier on in the pipeline. They argue that if someone is good enough at their job, their gender or race or sexual orientation doesn’t matter. That’s the easy argument. But I was raised not to make excuses for mistakes. And I think the lack of diversity is a mistake, and that we should be taking responsibility for it and actively trying to make it better.

Three years later, a mysterious somebody forced Torvalds to drop his meritocratic standards and allow intersectional feminist entryism to replace the meritocracy he’d furiously defended from outsiders… exactly the entryism his daughter Patricia had been calling on tech industry leaders such as Torvalds to allow.

The knife in the back cuts deepest.


China Now Controls the Government of California

It’s official. Breaking news via Breitbart:

The California Public Employees. Retirement System named Yu Ben Meng, a former portfolio manager with the largest U.S. pension, as its next chief investment officer Monday.

Calpers is the largest public pension fund in the United States, managing about $360 billion. It has been described as one of the most influential pension fund investors in the U.S.

Here’s a typical example of Calpers flexing its muscle:


Due to a ruling from CalPERS, the city of Atherton has been forced to announce that Interim City Manager John Danielson must resign from his position. The pension fund denied the city’s request “filed back in December.to extend his contract so that it could have more time to find a replacement. CalPERS denied the request because Danielson is collecting pension payments. The Daily News notes that “State law prohibits someone receiving a CalPERS pension from working more than 960 hours in a fiscal year or more than 12 straight months. Danielson was hired in December 2010 and received $15,000 a month for filling in as city manager, while collecting $9,772.72 a month in retirement pay..

While I’m not crying over Danielson (the City of Atherton couldn’t find somebody to be city manager for $180k/year? I smell corruption), Calpers is able to dictate the behavior of pension-drawers in spheres of influence it was never (originally) intended to reach.

You can research the “Calpers effect” for more examples.

Meng has spent the last three years as the deputy chief investment officer at China’s State Administration of Foreign Exchange, which is both its foreign exchange regulator as well as a massive sovereign wealth fund. SAFE operates under a veil of secrecy but is charged with carrying out the Chinese state’s economic strategy.

Between his position, his citizenship and the timing, it’s like he was being groomed for this position.

Here is how the Mercator Institute for China Studies, a leading German think tank, described China’s investment strategy:

China pursues an outbound industrial policy with government capital and highly opaque investor networks to facilitate high-tech acquisitions abroad. This undermines the principles of fair competition: China’s state-led economic system is exploiting the openness of market economies in Europe and the United States. Chinese high-tech investments need to be interpreted as building blocks of an overarching political programme. It aims to systematically acquire cutting-edge technology and generate large-scale technology transfer.

Between massive funding of Silicon Valley, control of public pensions, Chinese/Google collaboration and other “investments”, the PRC doesn’t even need its navy to conquer us.

Meng was born in China but is a U.S. citizen, according to a statement by Calpers announcing his hire. Calpers did not respond to inquiries by Breitbart News about how the pension fund had become comfortable handing over such an important role to a current Chinese government official amid escalating trade tensions between the two countries.

He’s a Chinese man in highly trusted, top-tier standing with the Chinese Communist Party. The letterhead on his birth certificate means less than nothing about his loyalties. It means Meng is a traitor to the USA. There is no way, none, that Meng will prove to be an apolitical civil servant of the American people.

To give some perspective on how control of Calpers will become a financial threatpoint to control California’s local governments, here’s an article from the Sacramento Bee on the measures that were being considered before our Elites decided to let China handle the problem:

Cost-of-living adjustments for California state worker pensions are safe, for now


By Adam Ashton, 24 April 2018

Future state workers, your pension cost-of-living adjustments are safe, and you won’t get to choose between a CalPERS pension and a 401(k) plan anytime soon.

Both proposals were shot down on Monday by a Senate committee that rejected a pack of bills aimed at reducing the risk taxpayers face if an economic crisis cripples the state’s public pension funds.

Most of the bills came from Republican Sen. John Moorlach of Costa Mesa and Democratic Sen. Steve Glazer of Orinda, who argue that the rising cost of public pensions could drive local governments into bankruptcy when the next recession hits.

John Moorlach

John Moorlach. A face so interesting and detailed, I’m going to study it before an analysis.

.We need to right-size the system. We need to restore public trust, because we’re going off a fiscal cliff,. said Glazer, the former Orinda mayor who sponsored the bill that would have allowed state workers to choose to participate in defined contribution 401(k) plan instead of the defined benefit plan offered by the California Public Employees. Retirement System.

California.s two largest public pension funds, CalPERS and the California State Teachers. Retirement System, each have about 71 percent of the assets they.d need to pay all of the benefits they owe to public workers and retirees.

Baby Boomers are maintaining their deathgrips on all the entitlements they voted themselves at their childrens’ expense. Perhaps they are desperate to keep their bloated pensions because the alternative is becoming dependent upon those children.

…But Glazer and Moorlach could not convince the Senate Public Employee and Retirement Committee that the looming crisis they see is dangerous enough to tinker with pension commitments made by the state and local agencies to millions of people.

This is taxation without representation. It is criminal, the very crime that led to this country’s founding. The people required to fund those pensions weren’t old enough to vote against its imposition.

This is also the face of the Deep State. Not so much a cabal of child-raping sadists as a legion of no-talent career bureaucrats who reject the God of Truth in favor of the Nanny-Goddess of painless success. While I’m not happy that Father God makes a point of inflicting suffering upon the innocent, I can appreciate that our willingness to endure it gives us a maturity and strength that the parasite class will never enjoy. They worship whoever signs their paycheck; we worship the Truth without compromise.

The pension overhaul bills the committee rejected were:

. Moorlach’s Senate Bill 1032, which would make it easier for local governments to separate from CalPERS without paying the hefty termination fees that CalPERS charges to fund pension obligations for defunct agencies. If an agency quits CalPERS without paying the fees, CalPERS slashes the pensions it provides to the agency’s former workers.

. Moorlach’s SB 1031, which would prohibit pension funds from providing cost-of-living adjustments to retirees if the pension fund has less than 80 percent of the assets it would need to pay the benefits it owes. Most retired public employees can receive cost-of-living adjustments of 2 percent each year, but some contracts allow up to 5 percent. Moorlach’s proposal would have applied only to state workers hired after Jan. 1, 2019.

. Glazer’s SB 1149, which would have allowed new state workers to opt for a 401(k) plan instead of a pension. The concept is attractive to younger workers who do not intend to be career civil servants. The University of California is offering a similar plan, and 37 percent of new workers are choosing 401(k) plans instead of pensions.

The bills are essentially dead for this legislative session, although they could be revived if enough lawmakers want to bring them back from reconsideration.

Nope. What a surprise.

A long line of union representatives spoke against each bill. Terry Brennand, a lobbyist for SEIU California, called the Glazer bill a “disaster waiting to happen..

Ted Toppin, a lobbyist for state scientists and engineers, called the bill to waive CalPERS’ termination fees an opportunity for employers to “stiff” their workers in retirement.

Your union benefits aren’t going to spend in Hell, thug-boys. Give them up before God damns you for inciting fiscal Armageddon.

So, a hard recession (such as the 2010 housing bubble) is likely to cause the pension funding issue to consume so much of the revenue of California’s city, county and state governments that they’ll collapse into bankruptcy. Is there an organization with hundreds of billions of American dollars that it doesn’t need? China, of course, thanks to massive trade imbalances.

Year 2018 was when the Baby Boomers completed their betrayal of California. They looked at the desperate, needed measures of Moorlach & Glazer and rejected them in favor of a Faustian bargain with the yellow devil.

I don’t have the details. I don’t need them. Yu Ben Meng, China’s deputy director of “foreign investment”, now controls Calpers… and by extension, the labor unions & parasites, and by extension of them, the voting public of California.


Monetizing Mommy

Enjoy the authentic ethnic food but don’t be surprised when you find out botulism is all-natural and organic. Continuing its blizzard of new laws and assaults upon the common Californian, the State Legislature has legalized “kitchen microenterprises”, an act with profound Red-Pill significance. Presenting AB 626.


This bill would, among other things, include a microenterprise home kitchen operation within the definition of a food facility, and would define a microenterprise home kitchen operation to mean a food facility that is operated by a resident in a private home where food is stored, handled, and prepared for, and may be served to, consumers, and that meets specified requirements, including, among others, that the operation has no more than one full-time equivalent food employee and has no more than $50,000 in verifiable gross annual sales.

Fact, women are naturally resource-seeking. Fact, women are naturally domestic. Fact, the Elites want/need women to be economically independent of men. Hence this bill. Single mothers can now run mini-restaurants out of their homes with minimal regulation, up to 30 meals per day and/or $50k in annual receipts.

It used to be that women did this for free, for their families, and they were beloved for it. But today, women need new sources of income to replace the men going MGTOW (or to debtor’s prison). Hence this bill. What Mommy used to do for love of her family, Baby Momma now does for money.

When you think about it, microkitchens are a variant of prostitution. “Working women” selling love for money.

The bill would … exempt a microenterprise home kitchen operation from various provisions applicable to food facilities, including, among others, provisions relating to handwashing, sinks, ventilation, and animals.

This was the main reason for gov’t regulation of restaurants in the first place, ensuring sanitation. It would surely be sexist to hold a menopausal cat lady to the impossible hygenic standards of McDonalds.

If this proves popular then established restaurants with higher costs (because they suffer higher industry standards) will be hard-hit. I don’t think that will happen outside the barrio, however. Like the seat belt, people would insist on health-inspected eateries even if the law didn’t mandate them. A few Typhoid Marys and accounts of food poisoning will see to that. Not to mention all the cat hair in Old Biddie’s “stew of the day”. Also not to mention parking and seating issues, as the County of San Bernadino pointed out in a formal letter of opposition:

Click to access AB626-AsAmended5-2-17_Oppose.pdf

The County of San Bernardino is writing in opposition of AB 626, microenterprise home kitchen operations. This bill would allow for the sale of food directly to consumers from private homes and could present new challenges to our local public health and environmental health departments.

The causes of foodborne diseases include, among other things, bacteria and bacterial toxins, viruses, and parasites. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that each year 48 million people get sick, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die of foodborne diseases in the United States. In California, between 2013 and 2015, there were 3,235 illnesses, 149 hospitalizations and three (3) deaths of which 354 reported and confirmed illnesses and 16 hospitalizations arose from food prepared in private residences. Furthermore, in San Bernardino County, over the past two years, more than 700 foodborne illness complaints were received by our Environmental Health Division. The passage of AB 626 could lead to an upsurge of complaints, hospitalizations and deaths due to foodborne illnesses.

Additionally, the operation of these enterprises in residential neighborhoods raises a number of other issues relating to parking, noise, wastewater, and fire hazards, making enforcement and oversight difficult for local governmental entities including local health departments, land use services, fire services, and public works.

Baby Momma’s fish taco stand is now legit! Buy her product because now that she threw away her bicycle, Madam Poisson needs money for a skateboard.

Meanwhile, women who trust in her husband’s provision will have the pleasure of being appreciated for her cooking instead of literally being patronized. Either way, ladies, welcome to the kitchen that feminism promised to ‘free’ you from.


MGTOW Life: An Incel Profile Scheme?

Stay away from the Reddits or you’ll find stuff like this:

https://www.reddit com/r/virginvschad/comments/8ey6de/virgin_united_incels_vs_chad_rinceltears/

Pic credited to RampageRiley98 in April 2018. One thing I envy the Left for is their opportunity to live exclusively among like-minded people, where members can be honest with their beliefs and need not routinely listen to their enemies explaining what all is perceived wrong with them. I don’t embrace Leftism to get that because the cost would be my soul, my freedom, my emotional stability and Newton’s Third Law.

Similarly, the ‘problem’ with incels is not that they cannot get sex. It’s that the price of sex, either in dollars or opportunity costs or mental health, is too high. But regardless, let’s see what truth there is in RampageRiley’s Incel profiles:


Hopelessly insecure of the fact that he’s in his late 20s and can’t get laid. Will project his own faults onto others and blames women as the root of all evil as a scapegoat. Doesn’t bother to improve himself and lacks the motivation to even try at this point.

Don’t be too quick to blame the incel for having faults. The demands never stop and the rewards never come. Guys who reach the point of realizing that work ethic & emotional stability are the reasons they’re sexless are in a bad place. Were they motivated to fix these problems, chicks would be lining up at their Death Row prison cell. But no, they’re emotionally stable.

Society is stupid to punish the men who do right.


Spent his high school years watching anime instead of socializing and now is angry at the world for his celibacy. Vents his inner turmoil [towards porn and sex dolls].

More likely, he’s angry at real women not living up to his anime-induced high standard of women being thin, long-haired, gentle, loyal and affectionate. Porn warps your brain by tricking you into thinking a woman is smiling at you for a reason other than looting you.


Doesn’t believe in God because a benevolent being would have certainly given him a gf by now. Is the first to go into rants of misogyny and systematic death camps for all women.

This one made me angry. Yes, there’s a type of incel who ended up that way because he trusted God as represented by the Churchians. The punishment for these false priests cannot be too harsh.


Completely pins the fact that he can’t get a woman on being a 5’7″ manlet. Is ignorant of the fact that there are shorter women out there who don’t only care about height but his personality is shit anyway.

This is a thing. It annoys me because I’m 6’3″ and a total zero with women. I think that was mainly because social media first became a thing for my generation and I was never on social media.

In hindsight, the red flag was young women adopting smartphones faster than nerds.


Uses the gym as a healthy cope. Starts to break down and cry silently when he sees happy couples at the gym together. Tries so desperately to become a Chad that it’s just embarrassing at this point because of his narrow shoulders and wide waist.

Why is a guy like this being mocked? It says much about society’s attitude towards unsexy men that a guy who tries & fails is lumped together with those who don’t try at all.


[Attributes] his lack of success with women to the fact that he is a minority. In reality, he only goes after white women with high standards and refuses to date his own race. Unironically thinks race is more important than height, face or frame.

Race ought to be more important. Mudsharking women cause nothing but trouble.

The ethnicel sounds like an American Hindu specifically. While I despise their trespassing in North America, India isn’t nicknamed “Cuckistan” for no reason. No surprise that a Hindu would accept even a bitchy fat white skank over the literal ball-busters of the Ganges.


Gets tons of lulz out of reading the incels pathetic threads and comments. Has harnesses the unbridled power emitted by their sexual tension into endless quality entertainment.

The men who enjoy schadenfreude like this are the kind of men who try to forget their own misery by wallowing in the misery of others. Not the guys busy enjoying women.

His pristine genetics [prevent him from grasping] the autistic wails of inferior subhuman manchildren.

This one’s hilarious. Women instinctively breed with only the genetic best of men because otherwise, evolution wouldn’t be true. And we know evolution is true! Therefore, we should allow ourselves to be cuckolded by sociopaths and cruelty artists for the genetic good of humanity because chicks dig jerks.

In conclusion, nothing to see here. Incels are still hated for being unsexy by bitter men who got married thinking marriage meant wifey wanted to touch his body. The Chads themselves are oblivious to this noise, only asking themselves “who do I fuck next?” and “why does it hurt to pee?”

It hurts because unlike the incel, Chad paid the price for getting laid.


#Me Tear Down Statues, Too!

From Associated Press:

LONG BEACH (AP) . California State University, Long Beach, will move its half-century-old “Prospector Pete” statue away from a prominent place on campus because of the impact the 1849 gold rush had on indigenous people.

A new record! We couldn’t go one paragraph into this Leftoidism without encountering rank hypocrisy. Why was the 1849 gold rush bad for the indigenous people? IMMIGRATION! MASS IMMI-FUCKING-GRATION!

From wikipedia:

Following the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (February 2, 1848) that ended the war, the westernmost portion of the old Mexican territory of Alta California soon became the American state of California, and the remainder of the old territory was then subdivided into the new American Territories of Arizona, Nevada, Colorado and Utah. The lightly populated and arid lower region of old Baja California remained as a part of Mexico. In 1846, the total settler population of the western part of the old Alta California had been estimated to be no more than 8,000, plus about 100,000 Native Americans, down from about 300,000 before Hispanic settlement in 1769.

Is this why liberals love Mexican immigrants, because the Mexicans were genociding the locals before whites got the chance? More:

In 1848, only one week before the official American annexation of the area, gold was discovered in California, this being an event which was to forever alter both the state’s demographics and its finances. Soon afterward, a massive influx of immigration into the area resulted, as prospectors and miners arrived by the thousands. The population burgeoned with United States citizens, Europeans, Chinese and other immigrants during the great California Gold Rush. By the time of California’s application to the US Congress for statehood in 1850, the settler population of California had multiplied to 100,000. By 1854, over 300,000 settlers had come. Between 1847 and 1870, the population of San Francisco increased from 500 to 150,000. California was suddenly no longer a sparsely populated backwater, but seemingly overnight it had grown into a major US population center.

And China! Those ‘coolies’ built the Transcontinental Railroad that drowned the indigenous Amerinds in whites. Boycott China! Look, they’re still doing genocide TODAY!

Maybe mass immigration isn’t such a good idea for the locals… but then, why is CSU Long Beach removing a ‘symbol of oppression’ while supporting the exact same oppression themselves?

Back to the original article:

A statement on the university website said the gold rush was .a time in history when the indigenous peoples of California endured subjugation, violence and threats of genocide..

According to the university, the bronze statue formally named “The Forty-Niner Man. evolved from the creation of the original college in 1949 and founding President Pete Peterson’s references to having “struck the gold of education..

The statue, unveiled in 1967, shows a rugged-looking, bearded man sitting on a rock. It features no gold mining or panning tools.

Perhaps they mean this Pete:

Image result for prospector pete mascot

OHMIGAWWWWD! Misogyny! The wimminz kneel to the hunky white man!

In recent years, university athletics have moved away from the college’s traditional .49er. and “Prospector Pete” sports team and mascot names in favor of the nickname “Beach.”

Wait up, “Beach” is his new name? That’s racist against white men!

Related image

The university said the statue on a plaza will be retired to a campus area dedicated to alumni, but no further details were provided.

“No further details available” seems to happen frequently with these statue removals.

University President Jane Close Conoley announced the decision in an email Thursday after more than a year of controversy over whether the statue should be removed, the Long Beach Press-Telegram reported .

The campus about 20 miles (32 kilometers) south of downtown Los Angeles was once the location of an ancient village of the indigenous Tongva people.

The newspaper said the university’s Associated Students organization worked since September 2017 on a resolution to move the statue.

The resolution , which passed in March, said that prior to the gold rush era “the people of the Tongva Tribe were enslaved by settlers to build missions in the greater Los Angeles area” and were forced to assimilate.

Here, the university admits they’re blaming the gold rushers for what the Tongava suffered prior to the gold rushers’ arrival.

There’s a brief timeline of the Tongva at the following link. As I expected, the Tongva were no strangers to initiating violence against the newcoming Spanish & Mexicans. By 1849, they had no villages or land of significance.


I did find institutional hostility towards them in the early days of California statehood but that would be government persecution of them, not the gold rushers persecuting them. Oppressive gov’t is a bitch, eh, liberals?

It added that more than 80 percent “of the Indigenous American population were killed in the twenty years following the gold rush era due to malnutrition, enslavement, murder..

Quoted from the preceding link: 1832-33 It is estimated there were around 300,000 California Indians in the 18th century, in about 250 distinct Indian cultures and California Indians spoke over 300 different dialects of some 100 languages. In 1832-1833, the Hudson Bay Co. sponsored a fur trapping/scouting expedition to California. The expedition introduced smallpox, influenza and measles to the Indian population. This single expedition resulted in a 50 percent reduction in the entire California Indian population, destroying entire villages and tribes. In the 1850s, the Gold Rush further devastated the Indian population. By 1860, less than 20 percent of the original Indian population remained.

So, that 80% figure is for all California Indians between 1832 and 1870 and the majority of casualties were from smallpox and related diseases rather than “malnutrition, enslavement, murder”. No rounding up the Tongva tribe in concentration camps.

Malnutrition and murder were hardly unheard of among the 49ers themselves.

In place of the statue, the resolution said, should be .a recognition of our shameful previous association with prospectors.” It suggested a plaque.

These God-damned race traitors can turn in their American citizenships right now. If you’re ashamed of America then America is ashamed of you! How dare they hate on people trying to honorably improve themselves, at great risk, for their own eventual benefit! It’s a safe bet that some of these resolution drafters at a major California university are direct descendants of 49ers. They hate their own people.

Earlier this month, a statue depicting an American Indian at the feet of a Spanish cowboy and a missionary was removed from the city of San Francisco’s 1890s-era Pioneer Monument near City Hall.

Which begs the question, are these jokers tearing down their own statue because it’s what the cool kids are doing or because they fear the consequences of not following the Narrative? Or, because they want white America to disappear in shame “by any means necessary”?

More to come but I need to do some transcription.


Physiognomy: Bunker Beckwitt!

Here’s a tragicomic, one-of-a-kind story of DIY urban prepping gone wrong.


Guy on the left: Eyes normal, lower lip more prominent than the upper and his curved eyebrows suggests sociability and willingness to please. Nose (I think) is not wide and flat, suggesting a weaker tribal orientation than normal for negroid. Hair & clothing is orderly so a tidy mind. Well-defined shoulders suggest he works out but not enough for arm hypertrophy. If he has a thin mustache then he’s slightly insecure about his masculinity. A decent guy, somewhat unremarkable.

On the right: Nice brainpan. His eyes and ears really stand out. Ears are tiny, suggesting he listens to himself much more than other peoples’ ideas. In most people, the right eye is slightly more recessed than the left because we’re slightly more on guard against our outside world than our inside world. But this guy, that’s inverted. He freaks himself out. Untreated acne suggests he’s a loner. Is he wearing a painting smock? Doctor’s outfit? His skin never sees daylight; that and a big brain suggests he’s a server jockey.


BETHESDA, Md. – A Maryland millionaire will soon be out on bond as he fights charges of “depraved heart” murder in a bizarre chain of events that led to a 21-year-old man’s death. News outlets report that a judge set day trader Daniel Beckwitt’s bail at $100,000 in the death of Askia Khafra.

Beckwitt had hired Khafra to dig tunnels beneath his Bethesda home. Prosecutors say the tunnels were supposed to be part of a bunker Beckwitt wanted to create because he was worried about nuclear war with North Korea.

In September, officers responding to a fire at Beckwitt’s residence found Khafra dead in the tunnels. His cause of death was listed as smoke inhalation and thermal injuries. …

CBS affiliate WUSA reports that according to court documents, the tunnels beneath Beckwitt’s home were discovered approximately 20 feet down from a hole cut into the basement’s concrete floor, and branch out approximately 200 feet in length.

The station also reports that court documents reveal Beckwitt told police he would pick Khafra up at his home in Silver Spring, Md., drive him to Manassas, Va., make him put on black-out sunglasses, and then drive back to Beckwitt’s home in Bethesda, Md. Beckwitt reportedly told Khafra that he was taking him to an undisclosed location in Virginia. Once in Beckwitt’s basement, Khafra was allowed to remove the glasses and would dig the tunnels for intervals of days at a time.

Montgomery County officials reportedly ordered the demolition of the home in January, saying that the tunnels threaten the “support and stability” of the home. And investigators said that the home had “hoarding conditions,” with the home containing human excrement, discarded items, saturated materials and piles of garbage.

These conditions, according to investigators, made escape from the home difficult as the hoarding conditions led to maze-like pathways throughout.

“The substantial electrical needs of the underground tunnel complex were served by a haphazard daisy-chain of extension cords and plug extenders that created a substantial risk of fire,” said Montgomery County Detective Michelle Smith in a court affidavit.

In March, Montgomery County sued Beckwitt and additional homeowner David Beckwitt after officials say they failed to safely demolish the home, as well as deal with the tunnels and hoarding.

There’s more in this followup article:

Hours before the fire, Khafra texted Beckwitt to warn him it smelled like smoke in the tunnels. Beckwitt flipped a breaker that turned off lights in the tunnels but turned the power back on after Khafra said he couldn’t see, Wink said.

Beckwitt ignored those “obvious signs” of danger, the prosecutor told a judge.

Wink said Beckwitt had a “paranoid fixation” on a possible nuclear attack by North Korea. Beckwitt’s lawyer compared his client’s concern to “the days of the Cuban missile crisis.”

Bonsib said Khafra posted photos of himself in the tunnels on social media, suggesting he was proud of the work.

“He kept coming back,” Bonsib said.

Beckwitt’s lawyer described him as a successful “day trader” who has made millions trading stocks. Dia Khafra said his son was impressed by Beckwitt’s wealth.

“I think Askia was very trusting,” he said. “He believed in the guy.”

Dia Khafra said he only met Beckwitt once, when he dropped off his son at their home. He seemed shy.

“He said he made his money off bitcoins,” Khafra recalled.

Beckwitt lived with his parents at the Bethesda house until college. He enrolled at the University of Illinois, where campus police arrested him in 2013 on charges including computer fraud. He was suspected of installing keystroke logging devices on the Urbana school’s computers. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to two years of probation, according to online court records.

The conviction didn’t steer Beckwitt away from computers after he moved back to Maryland. In 2016, he spoke at a hacker convention using the alias “3AlarmLampscooter” and wearing a fire-resistant suit and visor that obscured his face.

Wink said Beckwitt was teaching his audience how to make thermite bombs to destroy computer data “in order to get away with hacking.”

Bonsib said his client’s use of a pseudonym and disguise was harmless, typical of the “weird things” people do on the internet.

County officials sued Beckwitt over his property’s condition, calling it unsafe and a “public nuisance.” Wooden boards now cover the doors and windows of the house, which is surrounded by a chain-link fence and police tape.

The NSA should pick this guy up fast. I once knew a security guard there, actually, who protected their code-crackers from terrorists and (mostly) themselves. They were freaks. One (actual) genius was nicknamed Spiderman because he rubbed along the wall while walking down the hallway. My friend joked, “How can you tell if your guy is an extrovert? He looks at YOUR shoes when he’s talking.”

A bit unkind but my friend didn’t mean it that way. High intelligence is good but sky-high intelligence interferes with your ability to be a normal human being. There’s a special class of manager at NSA that, basically, helps their best and brightest function in the real world. Sounds like Beckwitt.

That being said, Beckwitt didn’t make his fortune day-trading bitcoins. That’s bullshit ripped off headlines. I’m guessing family money combined with a sweet computer gig. I’ll also guess that Beckwitt is going to get an even sweeter gig thanks to publicity and paranoia.

I feel bad for Khafra. Too trusting. Cool assignment, I know why he’d dig a secret bomb shelter for a summer job but he ran past many red flags. Stupid kid. I was young and stupid once, too.

There’s a book about computer hackers that reminds me of Beckwitt. The Cuckoo’s Egg by Clifford Stoll. It’s an interesting true-crime read of one of California’s first serious cybercrimes. One thing you’ll learn from it is how real-deal computer geniuses are very “differently rational”, including the author.