Corporal Kneecapper

This is my ideal of an officer-involved shooting:

Quick summary: police in Iron County, Utah responded to a couple suspected thieves in a parking lot. The female was brandishing a screwdriver. The morons repeatedly refused to obey police orders to disarm(her) and step out of the way for safety’s sake(him).

One officer eventually pulled out his taser and deployed it on the female. Didn’t work. The officer sighed, switched to his pistol and kneecapped the female in cold blood.

What makes this incident more than the usual dopamine hit of watching idiots get hurt is that it represents the flip side of police/civilian interaction.

On the one hand, innocence must protect the civilian; otherwise, he has no incentive to be innocent and society unravels. On the other hand, when a civilian refuses the protection of innocence then he refuses the protection of law. The officer must still follow established procedures but that’s it. Here, Barbie brandished a deadly (if improvised) weapon despite police repeatedly making the reasonable request to put it down, a weapon that probably doubled as a burglary tool, and insulted the officers. At that point, the officer’s concern properly switched to the bystanders instead of the suspect and he dropped her before she could make an attack.

No bystanders were endangered.

No police were endangered.

And Barbie survived. That would probably not have happened had the police waited for her to rush them or something. This is an ideal outcome. The innocent were protected and the guilty were harmed.

The investigating DA said the officer was unjustified but charges wouldn’t be filed. I believe the shoot was justified because the cop protected society from a potential threat. “Society” would have included the female had she chosen to abide by the law when the law was threatening to shoot her.

We don’t need police brutality but we also don’t need police who assume verbally abusive, disobedient suspects with shivs are law-abiding citizens until a jury says otherwise.

Mazie Hirono, Globalist Commissar

The #MeToo train has no brakes. Hawaii’s latest gift to the United States Senate, Mazie Hirono, has been busy practicing what could be construed as criminal entrapment of Trump’s court nominees.

Dem Sen. Mazie Hirono invades judges. privacy by prying into their sex lives

By Jerome Woehrle August 7, 2018

…Senator Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) is asking people nominated to become federal judges intrusive questions about their sex lives, as lawyer Scott Greenfield notes in .Hirono’s perjury trap.” Hirono asks nominees a confusing compound question that conflates merely asking your spouse for sex with serious acts of sexual harassment:

Since you became a legal adult, have you ever made unwanted requests for sexual favors or committed any verbal or physical harassment or assault of a sexual nature?

This question deliberately lumps together two very different things. A request to your spouse for sexual favors is not illegal, even if your spouse says he doesn’t want sex; by contrast, assault of a sexual nature certainly is illegal, and should preclude anyone who commits it from ever being a judge.

There is no way to be certain about whether a request to your spouse for sex will be “unwanted” before you make the request. And asking your spouse or romantic partner whether they want to have sex can be useful in ensuring that they do, in fact, consent, thus preventing “unwanted” sex from happening.

Of course, it is impossible for a man to never make unwanted requests for sex. Hirono is not asking in ignorance, good faith or due diligence. When an ugly, bitter woman in authority over you asks questions about your personal sex life, it’s only because she wants you dead and is searching for a way to shift the blame of your upcoming summary execution.


The more things change, the more they stay the same. Commissars in particular.

But Mr. Woehrle didn’t dig deep enough to showcase the utter wickedness of this latter-day fifth columnist. Let’s go to an article by New Proletariat Revolution, better known as NPR:

The Quiet Rage Of Mazie Hirono

Nina Totenberg, 7 June 2018

Mazie Hirono used to be known as the “good girl” of Hawaii politics.

She was seen as polite, never in-your-face, not a boat-rocker. But now, that view has changed.

As one Hawaii columnist put it, she is a “badass.”

“I always was,” Hirono said in an interview with NPR. “I just wasn’t very noisy about it. I’ve been a fighter all my life. I just don’t look like that.”

That certainly puts “model minority” in a new light. Turns out Easterners are as racist as any other ethnic group except whites. They just have our patience.

The Senate’s only immigrant takes that fight to President Trump, whom she openly calls “xenophobic” and a “liar.” “To call the president a liar, that is not good, but it happens to be the truth,” the soft-spoken Hawaii senator told Time recently.

“Senate’s only immigrant”, WTF? Did Hawaii secede from the Union before California got the chance? Per Wikipedia, Hirono was born in Japan but got American citizenship from her mother. A Japanese woman called Trump a xenophobe? Was she complimenting him?

The Democrat also takes that fight to Senate Judiciary Committee, as it weekly considers a tranche of Trump judicial nominees, abandoning long-standing rules that guaranteed significant time to examine each nominee’s record.

Longstanding rules to not allow right-wing judges, they mean.

That doggedness will be even more important this summer because Republican leader Mitch McConnell has just canceled most of the August recess, mainly to push through more Trump judicial nominees before the midterm elections. McConnell’s aggressiveness about judges is galling to Hirono.

Kudos Mitch McConnell. *GQ does a double take* Republicans aren’t trying to lose anymore?

“The word hypocrisy comes to mind,” she said, adding that McConnell just wants to get “more right-wing, ideological judges” onto the courts. The Republican-controlled Senate has already confirmed 21 Trump appeals court appointees, compared with nine Obama appointees when the Democrats controlled the Senate at an equivalent time.

Fuck your hypocrisy and fuck your mother, Japanese-Marxist-Pretending-To-Be-An-American. You liberals picked the game. We’re just playing it.

“As long as we’re going to be here,” Hirono said with a twinkle, “maybe we should pass something important like DACA or an infrastructure bill.”

Or impeachment of a Senator? Some criminal justice could impose a “chilling effect” upon America’s Commissariat.


Ban Him Again, I Dare You!

Alex Jones is who Rush Limbaugh would’ve been had he gotten addicted to uppers instead of downers. How did I miss him for so long? I never thought of him as more than a shock jock until yesterday when he got banned in a smoking-gun-level collusion of Big Tech companies. Trump should start antitrust proceedings. (It’s overdue anyhow but when Zuckerberg was called to testify before Congress, it was embarrassing. Maybe voters shouldn’t reelect politicians beyond the limits of embalming?)

I like this sort of persecution much more than the last version, which consisted of 4am visits from secret police and kids reporting their parents to the Commissariat. As pushback, I’ve added Infowars to my blog sidebar and discovered Jones is kinda fun to listen to at work. Because of Jones’ persecution, he gained a listener and more notoriety. Getting banned will probably lift Alex Jones’ show to new heights. Well done, FAGS! (Facebook, Apple, Google, Spotify. h/t Kallmunz commenting on voxday.)

Speaking of Vox Day, his perspective is the correct one here: it’s inevitable that Leftoids will kick us off their platforms so don’t get mad. Use that backup plan and get even.

The 21st Century is weird. The enemy of my enemy is GAY FROGS!

The Elephant Union in the Bedroom

Signaling the Democrat Party’s transition from “working men” to “MS-13 slave traders” are their reactions at watching trade unions, once their breadbasket, change political loyalty to President Trump. An op-ed hit piece:

https://www.nytimes com/2017/04/08/opinion/sunday/the-unions-that-like-trump.html

8 April 2017

Mr. Trump and his advisers know that his “America First” message resonates with autoworkers and other blue-collar workers. The Trump team also knows that if it can win over some of the nation’s major labor unions . they’re usually a pillar of Democratic campaigns . that will badly weaken the Democrats for years to come. …

Sean McGarvey, president of North America’s Building Trades Unions, came away applauding Mr. Trump’s plans for the Keystone Pipeline and other projects, which could mean more than 100,000 new jobs. .So far so good . our concern is basically the economic trajectory of our membership,. Mr. McGarvey said. (Though when President Trump spoke last week to the construction unions. legislative conference, some union officials . unhappy about his push to repeal Obamacare and his rolling back of some worker safety regulations . booed him and held up signs saying, .Resist..)

Ah, old-school politics: ‘more jobs’ versus ‘more freebies’. That world is gone. There will soon be no more freebies for anybody, only weaponized identity politics. Then was Left vs Right. Now is Nationalist vs Globalist. Anybody who wants health care isn’t going to get it from Obamacare. It’s an unworkable mess and don’t unions offer their members health benefits anyway?

Although labor unions have declined in size and might . just 10.7 percent of American workers belong to unions, down from 30 percent under President John F. Kennedy . they still pack plenty of political punch. Many labor leaders were mortified that Hillary Clinton narrowly lost in three longtime union strongholds, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin; they say that if she and labor had campaigned a bit smarter in those states, she could have won them, and the White House. One reason she lost Wisconsin is that union rolls there have plummeted . from 15 percent of all workers in 2009 to 8 percent today. A big reason: Gov. Scott Walker moved aggressively to shrink Wisconsin’s public-sector unions.

Dems have doubled down so hard on free trade and mass immigration that they’ve lost control of their historic base. Their choice is to either apologize to their constituents or (continue to) replace their constituents. This graph is rather more informative than those statistics:

Image result for union membership by year

Notice private union membership went down a whopping 60% beginning around 1975… concurrent with the start of mass immigration? And public sector union membership doubled in 1962, that’s interesting. From Wikipedia:

Executive Order 10988 is a United States presidential executive order issued by President John F. Kennedy on January 17, 1962 that recognized the right of federal employees to collective bargaining. This executive order was a breakthrough for public sector workers, who were not protected under the 1935 Wagner Act.

No wonder the Left idolizes JFK. He did more with that one executive order to build the Deep State than any politician since the Butcher of the South. Back to the op-ed,

…The nation’s unions are divided into three camps regarding Mr. Trump.

The construction trades are the most pro-Trump. Many liberals have criticized Mr. McGarvey’s enthusiastic words for the president, but he said it’s smart to work with politicians. .We’re working on creating a building trades majority, Democratic and Republican, whether state or national,. he said. .We never want to be in a position where losing an election changes the economic trajectory of our membership..

The strongly anti-Trump camp includes the Service Employees International Union, the National Education Association and several federal, state and municipal employees. unions. These unions oppose the federal hiring freeze, the proposed budget cuts and repealing Obamacare and are aghast at Education Secretary Betsy DeVos’s antagonism toward traditional public schools. .The budget they’ve put forward is horrible, and DeVos is on a path to destroy public education,. said Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers.

Then there’s the ambivalent, middle camp, including the autoworkers, steelworkers and machinists unions. They applaud Mr. Trump’s withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact and his vows to bring back factory jobs and renegotiate Nafta. Dennis Williams, the U.A.W..s president, applauds Mr. Trump’s tough stance on Mexican trade . .We’ve been hollering about this for 20 years. . and at the same time slams his policies on immigration and Obamacare.

Translation: the not-offshoreable-trade unions love Nationalism, the Gimmiedat Communist Agitator unions love Globalism and the transnational-corporate-employee unions would generally prefer their factory-enclaves to be located within their home country.

Gary Chaison, a professor of industrial relations at Clark University, said some unions have accepted a Faustian bargain. “Aside from somehow creating jobs for some members, what do you get in return?. he asked. .You can forget about having any labor law reform to make it easier to unionize, and you can kiss goodbye a $15 federal minimum wage..

You don’t have a job anymore but if you did, you’d be a millionaire. Vote for me again so I can keep my job!

Professor Chaison said union leaders understand Mr. Trump’s type of personality. .That’s the reality they deal with every day . C.E.O.s who are often arrogant,. he said. .They know how to deal with them.” Still, the language many labor leaders use toward Mr. Trump is more modulated, not their usual muscular talk. Perhaps they are scared of his wrathful tweets or his history of retaliating against critics.

Heehee, a tenured Marxist professor of greed called somebody else arrogant.

Mary Kay Henry, the president of the Service Employees International Union, said that labor is not nearly as divided as some say. Her union is working closely with the steelworkers to promote environmental protection and green jobs, and numerous unions banded together to try to block Neil Gorsuch’s nomination to the Supreme Court and to battle Republican efforts to pass “right to work” legislation in Missouri (where it was enacted) and in New Hampshire (where it was defeated).

Reading between the lines, her union is circling the wagons to prevent steelworkers from supporting Trump’s protection of their industry. I’m sure that won’t backfire at all.

.The Trump administration is just another step in a 40-year attack that’s been waged against unions,. Ms. Henry said. .The American labor movement is bound together by our deep desire to create good-paying union jobs. We’re not going to support any agenda that seeks to divide unions from each other..

Unions do not create jobs. Unions provide collective bargaining services to people working for businesses.

.I.m grateful he was able to keep 730 Carrier jobs here in this country,. [Chuck Jones, president of the steelworkers local in Indianapolis] said. Some union members challenge his skepticism that Mr. Trump will be a friend of blue-collar workers. .He’s fought against unions,. Mr. Jones said. .He’s filled his cabinet with big-business people.” But he acknowledged he was pleased with Mr. Trump’s comments on manufacturing and trade, although he wants to see what the president does next. .I.m encouraged that he pulled out of T.P.P., but it was pretty much dead anyway,. he said.

The Trans-Pacific Prosperity abomination was not “pretty much dead”; it had been a high priority for Globalists for many years.

Mr. Jones said he wasn’t surprised that many union members backed Mr. Trump. .He was singing the right message on jobs and manufacturing,. he said. .Hillary didn’t have a message for labor. People bought into Trump..

This last comment is significant. The Democrat candidate for POTUS had nothing to say to labor unions? Was that a massive election oversight or did she have a replacement constituency in mind?

A more recent sign of Big Labor panicking over their membership joining Trump is seen in their opposition to SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

…Legal experts say that while [Kavanaugh] has taken a more overtly pro-business stance than some of the other leading candidates on Trump’s list, his rulings on such issues are unlikely to push the court much further to the right than with Kennedy on the bench.

Labor unions . including the AFL-CIO, the country’s largest federation of unions . and workers’ rights groups are still concerned, however.

“Judge Kavanaugh routinely rules against working families, regularly rejects the right of employees to receive employer-provided health care in the workplace, too often sides with employers in denying employees relief from discrimination in the workplace and promotes overturning well-established U.S. Supreme Court precedent,” AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said in a statement.

Working families, not workers? That’s a bad misstep these days. Legal American workers are not keen on seeing courts double down on Duluth.

For a humorous digression, Kavanaugh sided with orcas in denying employees relief from being eaten in the workplace.

Killer whales perform for crowds at SeaWorld San Diego. Brett Kavanaugh inset.

In 2014, President Trump’s pick to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy sided with the Orlando-based theme park company in the case of a $70,000 OSHA fine involving the 2010 death of SeaWorld trainer Dawn Brancheau by the killer whale Tilikum.

Kavanaugh dissented in a 2-1 decision that upheld the fine. (The majority were D.C. Court of Appeals Judges Merrick Garland . President Obama’s doomed pick for the high court . and Judith Rogers.)

In her majority opinion, Rogers didn’t accept SeaWorld’s argument of a precedent in a San Diego case. Cal-OSHA hadn’t issued a citation for killer whale hazards after Kasatka bit and dragged a trainer underwater. The trainer, Ken Peters, [had] suffered a fractured left foot in that 2006 incident at SeaWorld San Diego.

…On Tuesday, a blog post by Jordan Barab, the Obama-era deputy assistant secretary of labor at OSHA, quoted former OSHA Assistant Secretary David Michaels.

.In his dissent in the SeaWorld decision,. Michaels said, .Judge Kavanaugh made the perverse and erroneous assertion that the law allows Sea World trainers to willingly accept the risk of violent death as part of their job. He clearly has little regard for workers who face deadly hazards at the workplace..

Too funny. San Diego is a surprisingly conservative city. Coincidentally, they’re also the closest metro to Mexico. Back on topic,

Daniel Goldberg, legal director at the progressive advocacy group Alliance for Justice, was even more blunt than Trumka.

Goldberg said that while every name on Trump’s list of 25 Supreme Court candidates poses a threat to Obama-era health-care laws and the abortion protections enshrined in the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling, Kavanaugh in particular represents a “who’s who of protecting the wealthy and the powerful.”

Considering that labor unions have had notoriously high pensions and benefits for decades, why should union workers care about Obamacare? Once again, it’s Nationalism vs Globalism.


While Trump is not accomplishing any permanent solutions, his willingness to be pro-America at all is opening the door for union activists to join us in protecting our nation from globalist thieves & arsonists. People are getting mighty tired, even frightened, of these monsters. But will they themselves repent of their lust for other peoples’ money?


MGTOW Life: Food Is Good

I spent the weekend in my kilt watching the Scottish Heavy Athletics and buying a new belt for my kilt because I outgrew the old one–all muscle from the gym, at least, but what’s a guy to do when the weight for height is 56lbs?

Image result for scottish weight for height

(Not me, not the Monterey event)

While there, I got sold on some gourmet mustard. The guy had a spicy variety he’d tamed with vinegar and citrus and I thought to myself, “vinegar? Seafood”. So I bought it, baked some rainbow trout with a Parmesan crust, spooned the mustard on as a spread and it was really good. Not too spicy, kept the trout from tasting dry, a hint of orange flavor to the flesh and not a gram of added sugar!

I’m going back to the fairground next weekend for “Monterey Baconfest”. Honestly, I didn’t even know Baconfests were real. Gonna load up on bacon, some precooked burger patties, add a chipotle mustard I bought at Scottishfest and have gourmet bacon cheeseburgers for work-lunch for a solid week. A different bacon every day!

I haven’t had this much fun eating as a bachelor since a couple years ago, when I impulsively bought 20lbs of assorted steaks for an entire summer of cookouts. Pre-seasoned peppercorn is awesome. *checks* Hey, they’re still in business. If you’re a barbecue-dude near Fresno or Medford then try .

And they say MGTOWs don’t know how to have fun!

On a related note, did you know that one way to curb invasive species is to eat them?

Can We Really Eat Invasive Species into Submission?

The tale of a giant Amazon fish reveals the promise and peril of .invasivorism.

A story of Bolivian farmers who began eating the endangered yet invasive species named “Paiche”, the world’s largest freshwater fish at a weight up to 400lbs.

Can We Really Eat Invasive Species into Submission?

Seems the bugger got flooded out of its natural habitat and began consuming all the other freshwater fish it could find. Bolivians retaliated by putting it on the menu. But now environmentalists fear it’s become too profitable to be endangered anymore.

Bolivia is now faced with a controversy that, for the last decade, has been a central debate in the young field of invasion ecology here in U.S.: Could human hunger help control the spread of invasive species or will the rules of capitalism, combined with our unquenchable thirst for more, only make matters worse?

The article doesn’t answer the question so I will: The profit motive will ensure both that it doesn’t go extinct and that its reign of terror upon nonnative habitats will not go unpunished. Behold! A problem being solved without massive, punitive, centralized, totalitarian gov’t policies implemented top-down from U.N. Headquarters! And the worst that can happen is the Paiche is forced to go back!

There’s no pleasing eco-Nazis. First they complain it’s endangered, then they complain it’s everywhere, then they complain that folks are pan-frying them for fun, profit and a re-balanced ecology. Here’s a typical, if slightly dated example of their whining:

It seems like whenever an edible animal becomes an invasive pest, someone suggests that getting people to eat it will solve the problem. For instance, in 1998 the state of Louisiana induced famous New Orleans chefs to develop recipes for nutria, which are eating away the state’s coastline. Even highly visible invasive plants inspire dreams of a gastronomic solution . there are at least four kudzu cookbooks. These schemes have never worked: Nutria continue to gnaw away at Louisiana (and Maryland and Delaware), and kudzu occupies 7.5 million acres in the U.S. and is spreading by some 125,000 acres annually. …

Why not? If the species is there, not supposed to be there and capable of being sold for $5 per pound then that’s a strong economic incentive to “reduce the population”. That’s much more efficient than paying a legion of botanists to kill it and NOT eat it.

However, even if the public could be convinced that an invasive species is a delicacy, a gastronomic approach to management is problematic for four big reasons.

First, it might not work. For dining on an invader to lower its population size, mortality must exceed the birth rate. Often mortality from harvest is simply what wildlife biologists call “compensatory” . it removes individuals that would have died anyway by old age or other means. Even if harvest mortality is not just compensatory, it must impose a huge, consistent toll on reproductive individuals to overcome reproduction, and a characteristic feature of invasive species is a very high reproductive rate.

Cry me a river, wide and deep. Eating it might not kill all of the species so, what? Eating it must not be attempted? Why should we discourage economic incentives for killing invasive species even if it’s not a Final Solution?

Second, creation of a market for an invasive species provides an incentive to maintain the species in order to sustain the market, or even to spread the invader in order to improve profits.

Um, wouldn’t these supposed farms not come into existence until after the wild population is controlled? You don’t have to farm kudzu to get more of it. You only have to close your eyes and count to ten. That’s why it’s an invasive species: we can’t easily restrict its wild growth.

Illegally introducing fish in order to create a sport fishery is common practice and suggests the sort of spread that marketing an invasive for food can produce.


Third, if a nonnative species becomes an integral part of regional cuisine, it may become a revered cultural icon. Introduced wild boar are ecologically disastrous to the Hawaiian Islands, eating and rooting up endangered plants, causing massive erosion, and producing breeding pools for nonnative mosquitoes that carry malaria and pox that threaten the existence of several native bird species. Yet attempts to eradicate or even control populations of wild boar engender heated, heartfelt opposition from Hawaiians who have feasted on them for generations and view them as a valued part of their culture.

This is why we call them eco-Nazis. Yo, environmentalists, if the locals don’t want you micromanaging their ecology then guess what? You don’t get to micromanage their ecology. Let them enjoy their mosquitoes & malaria, if wild boar truly is what’s causing the problem.

I’ve spent time on Kauai. They have chickens there, chickens everywhere. A chicken coop was left behind during the Hurricane Andrew evacuation and by the time the natives returned, the wild chicken population was established. Today, Kauai is the least bug-infested island in Hawaii and the natives are content to have a self-sustaining, emergency food supply for the next hurricane. An invasive species improved island life for both locals and tourists.

Fourth, U.S. law prohibits widespread transportation and marketing of most invasive species. Conservation laws forbid buying, selling, possessing or transporting any federally designated invasive plant or animal. Food laws forbid selling meat that is not properly inspected: wild-caught nutria, for example.

“Existing laws didn’t take this situation into account” is not a reason for anything except ignoring existing laws. Those prohibitions on transporting invasive species probably don’t apply to dead specimens processed into sushi and if they do, they need to be changed to encourage the scorched-earth extermination of the edibly unwanted.

If you want to get rid of a species then make it profitable to hunt & kill. California has success stories of this sort: sardines during WW2 and sea otters are prominent in local history.

So, environmentalists, what does invasive lionfish taste like?

On the plus side, lionfish are tasty . the flesh is white, firm and mild. This has led restaurateurs to feature lionfish at premium prices.

Mmm. *Gunner breaks out the gourmet mustard, fantasizes about SCUBA spearfishing his dinner among the coral reefs of the Bahamas.*

There is no evidence that this market has dented lionfish populations, but popular media reports about it have had the unfortunate effect of spreading the idea that a market can help control invaders, with virtually no discussion of efficacy or downsides.

The only downside mentioned in this article is the locals taking advantage of a new, tasty, plentiful food supply hasn’t yet resulted in the food supply’s disappearance. If that’s a problem then get out of my way, hunger-striking hippies. This MGTOW loves all of God’s creatures… fajita-style… and there’s money to be made. I wonder if Monterey Baconfest will feature invasive species? Everglades Tegu bacon?

Call me Invasivorist!


Wolves Talking About Sheep

You can learn a lot about an animal by studying the creatures that prey upon the animal. How they go about getting food illustrates the animal’s strengths and weaknesses. A second article from the Soros-funded Demos think tank discusses the magical “working class” that Communists love to prey upon.

Defining the Working Class by Tamara Draut, 16 April 2018

Social scientists use 3 common methods to define occupation, income, or education.and there is really no consensus about the “right” way to do it. Michael Zweig, a leading scholar in working-class studies, defines the working class as “people who, when they go to work or when they act as citizens, have comparatively little power or authority. They are the people who do their jobs under more or less close supervision, who have little control over the pace or the content of their work, who aren’t the boss of anyone.” Using occupational data as the defining criteria, Zweig estimated that the working class makes up just over 60 percent of the labor force.

The second way of defining class is by income, which has the benefit of being available in both political and economic data sets. Yet defining the working class by income raises complications because of the wide variation in the cost of living in the United States. … The third way to define class is by educational attainment, which is the definition used in this paper.

How interesting that the old definitions of “working class” no longer apply. No occupations are reserved by the Elites and income is so fluid that ‘Old Money’ is a concept no longer in use. One would think Communists would declare success at such an achievement even if it be the achievement of their enemies.

Instead, Tamara seeks to redefine “working class” by education. That’s an odd choice because higher education is so massively subsidized by gov’t and banks that a massive student debt bubble has formed. It’s not like med school is a hopeless dream even for ghetto rats today; you only have to sell your financial soul. Just like the preppy whities do! Equality! Fraternity! Bankruptcy!

Education level has the benefit of being consistently collected in both economic and political data sets, but, more importantly, education level is strongly associated with job quality. The reality is that the economic outcomes of individuals who hold bachelor’s degrees and those who don’t have diverged considerably since the late 1970s. While people with bachelor’s degrees experienced real wage growth in the 30 years between 1980 and 2010, incomes among those with only a high school education or some college declined precipitously.

This is entirely false. The middle class has been hollowed out since the 1970s. Bachelor’s degrees are not worth more today than when the Baby Boomers were young. Indeed, outsourcing/immigration is so heavily used to suppress wages that most economic growth recently have been in the trades because those jobs can’t be “offshored”.

Today having a college degree is essential (but no guarantee, of course) to securing a spot among the professional middle class. As unionized manufacturing jobs got sent overseas, the once-blurred lines between occupation and class grew quite sharp. The blue-collar middle class is an endangered species, shrunk to a size that makes it no longer identifiable in national surveys.

The blue collar was never the ‘professional middle class’. It WAS the working class, back when America had a manufacturing industry. That entire working class died… and they know the Communists are responsible for that. They know what you did to them. Every time you scream for more sanctuary cities, sanctuary churches, sanctuary universities, sanctuary STATES and the wholesale abolition of the Border Patrol, they remember why they don’t have jobs anymore. M.a.s.s…I.m.m.i.g.r.a.t.i.o.n.

America’s manufacturing sector used to be a Democrat stronghold. Unions bought many, many elections for tame politicians. When immigration was weaponized and free trade implemented, the unions screamed at their congressmen to stop it all. The unions knew what would happen to the manufacturing sectors, including themselves personally, so they pulled every string to stop the globalist agenda.

And every politician they owned, every single one, to the last man, openly defied the unions. Those Democrats preferred unlimited immigration and Third World sweatshops to bushels of reelection money. That was an early “oh, shit” moment for me. Politicians don’t do that. They don’t betray longtime supporters with endlessly deep pockets. Except they did… for the globalists.

The downside of using education to define the working class is that education is not a perfect proxy for establishing the power or autonomy one has in the workplace or society.the traditional definition of class. There are definitely well-educated workers who hold menial jobs or jobs that pay low wages, just as there are less well-educated workers who have jobs with great autonomy or power. It is a blunt definition, but in the aggregate it is a reasonably accurate way to distinguish between the working class and the middle class.

Today, the Commies are desperately looking a “working class” they can champion, to replace the old “working class” they betrayed for Soros shekels. Might be hard to “bluntly define” such a group into existence.

“In this brief, .working class. is defined as individuals in the labor force who do not have bachelor’s degrees. This includes high school dropouts, high school graduates, people with some college, and associate.s-degree holders. It includes the unemployed, who are counted as still in the labor force as long as they are actively looking for work.”

Nope. Not seeing it. She’s smoking the good stuff. Her self-contradictions drag on for several more paragraphs, omitted.

There is no doubt that the United States has a serious voter turnout problem. Over the past 4 decades, turnout in presidential elections has hovered around 60 percent. In 2016, 61 percent of eligible voters cast a ballot. And among that meager percentage, wealthier and white voters show up in greater numbers than others. In 2016, 48 percent of people with incomes below $30,000 voted, compared to 78 percent of people with incomes above $100,000.

It’s like the wealthy care more about being looted than looters care about finding victims. That might be because the gov’t helpfully does the looting for them. No need to get off the couch and smash a storefront window; just wait for the monthly check.

Why is low voter turnout a problem, anyway? It increased the voting power of those who do care to vote. This is a good thing; the only people who should have a say in gov’t behavior are people who care enough to suffer mild inconvenience.

But yes, liberals love, LOVE increasing voter turnout. Absentee ballot abuse is a good demonstration of why. We have “motor voter” laws in California to make voting anytime, anywhere possible. (In fact, voting absentee has recently been made opt-out mandatory.) What typically happens is a ghetto gets its ballots delivered in the mail. “Community organizers” hold a rally to incite the dupes to vote their way and pressure them to fill out their votes on the spot. That way, the vote is cast the way they want even if the voter has second thoughts after calming down.

And contrary to popular perception, voters with incomes below $30,000 overwhelming cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump, by 53 percent to 40 percent.

HAHAHA wishful thinking, Barbie! All those manufacturing people remember who screwed them out of an INDUSTRY! Even her numbers are serious. Trump promised no freebies and still got 40% of the freebie-loving demographic? Perhaps liberals shouldn’t have backstabbed Bernie Sanders quite so enthusiastically.

Since 1972, the difference in the policy preferences of voters and nonvoters about government’s role in our society have widened, with voters much more aligned with conservative preferences and nonvoters more aligned with progressive policy preferences. Missing voters, who are more likely to be low-income, are more liberal on questions of redistribution in particular, specifically on the need for government to provide jobs, services, and health care.

The low-income are most likely to be dependent on gov’t freebies? You didn’t need a think tank for that finding. This is a major motivation behind tax-and-spend, the impoverishment of taxpayers. You rob (er, TAX) people until they can’t make it on their own anymore and then offer them the chance to fleece the next guy like they were themselves. “It’s your turn, dude! Free money! Let me help you screw the rich!”

Politicians focus their campaigns, and all of their polling, on motivating “likely voters” to cast their vote for them. But structural barriers, including burdensome registration procedures, combined with an enthusiasm gap means that the working class is more likely to be missing from the pool of “likely voters.” And so the agenda is set by an electorate that is more white and more affluent than the nation as a whole.

This is a very telling insight into the Commie-vulture mindset. Aren’t these the tolerant, color-blind people I’ve heard so many good things about? How quickly they drop the act in order to discuss marginalizing whites in gov’t and encouraging the politics of envy.

Whites are the most productive race so if we lose gov’t power then we’ll be looted into oblivion. Along with successful non-whites, let me note.

A study of 85 democracies found that higher voter turnout leads to higher total revenues, higher government spending, and more generous welfare state spending.

One could conclude from this research that the recent conservative attacks on voting rights, from requiring photo identification to shortening early voting opportunities, both of which dampen turnout among younger, lower-income, and voters of color, are clearly designed to preserve an ideological hegemony that doesn’t reflect the needs of all the people in our democracy.

In saner times, the police would be allowed to investigate Tamara and Demos for vote fraud based on this paragraph alone.

It.s all too common to hear a political pundit say that most Americans identify as middle class. But it isn’t true. Part of the problem is that many polls don’t even include the option of identifying as “working class,. instead offering only upper, middle, and lower class as options. It turns out that when polls offer “working class” as an option, just as many people self-identify as working class as middle class.

Are you upper class, middle class, lower class or a Loyal Citizen?

Peeking under the hood of Leftoid HQ is relieving. They’ve exhausted their prey and are scrambling to find more ways to get their tyrannies enacted. The old ways of class division and income “inequality” have entirely collapsed thanks to ruthless implementation of globalism. They’re now reduced to courting college dropouts (like Bill Gates?) who have no control over their working conditions (in violation of OSHA?) and the prospects are so meager, they want to not only extend voting privileges to all illegal immigrants but FORCE THEM to vote as well.

Somebody is on the wrong side of history.



Demos is a Soros-funded think tank that, inexplicably, publishes its work publicly on the Internet. I found a couple insightful articles. Today, here’s a report they published of a national study to determine how they should phrase their totalitarian policies to be more agreeable to the American voter.

Click to access LRP%20Report.Race-Class%20Narrative.National%20C3.Final_.2018.05.08_4.pdf

Let’s look at a few excerpts:




On one hand, this feels depressing. This is cynical mind games to trick the average voter into supporting elitist agendas he would reject if he took the time to understand them… and to a degree, it probably works.

On the other hand, that cynicism cuts both ways. The Soros clowns know they’re selling pure evil designed to kill those they’re tricking into purchasing it and consequently, they aren’t even trying to be understood. They’re doing studies to find the most convincing lie and probably doing so on a rotating basis as one lie after another becomes ineffective, like viruses exposed to sunlight. That sounds like a lot more work than upholding Christ & Country while not caring if anybody notices you upholding them.

The very existence of studies and think tanks like this one is very good news for our side.

These Jedi mind tricks don’t work. In the last panel, where oppositions (read: non-Marxists, non-gullibles) increased their support for illegal immigration from 39 to 48%, did they actually change their beliefs due to a simple changing of language? Of course not. They were tricked into giving a good answer to the poll, not a good vote to the ballot. This is the face of liberal desperation: expensive Mk-Ultra-lite thought experiments designed, like most modern research, to foster the illusion of progress instead of actually progressing. Even atheists want to see miracles.

These charts are like watching Crossfitters do kipping pull-ups. The purpose of the traditional pull-up is to strengthen the body. The number of pull-ups one does is secondary; you can get measurable benefits just from hanging on the bars in a pull-up position. But the Crossnutters do kipping pull-ups in order to bypass the purpose of the pull-up (build strength) in favor of the metric (I just did 150 pull-ups! -Twiggy the Soyboy)

Similarly, polls are useful for measuring what people already believe… but this kind of “what can we do to make the numbers look better” polling is not something polls were ever intended to do. In statistics class, the changing of numbers due to how questions are phrased is considered a source of systematic error… and come to think of it, nowhere in the report did I see error analysis.

These guys are gaming their patron, Mr. Soros.

Face it, liberals, fooling low-information voters is one thing; keeping them fooled long enough to wander into a voting booth is another; and there’s nobody left to fool you into thinking the world will be more fair after you deceive your Brave New World into existence.


Meet America’s AMLO

White people are the most productive race on the planet. When whites are ruled by nonwhites, it’s only a matter of time before Gimmie-dat-ism sets in and whites (together with well-behaved nonwhites) are robbed/exiled/killed off. Even whites who want to see America dead, don’t want to see America DEAD.

Which brings us to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes (ALOC). A hardline Marxist and rising star in the Democrat Party, so radicalized that even Democrats are sounding warnings about her:

Democrat Pollster Hits Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Over “Promises of Free Everything.

By Joshua Caplan, 30 July 2018

The focus on “promises of free everything,. is a losing strategy for the Democrat party, according to pollster Ken O.Brien.

O.Brien told Hill.TV host Joe Concha on Monday that he believes Democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is wrong to make “promises of free everything,. heading into the 2018 midterm elections.

.I disagree with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on many points, and also on a condition of four percent unemployment or so, we don’t need to be guaranteeing jobs,. O.Brien said when asked about Ocasio-Cortez.s policy proposal to make college free. .There’s still a lot of economic opportunity out there, and I think that’s where the Democratic Party needs to focus, rather than promises of free everything..

Ocasio-Cortez campaigned for one-time student debt cancelation, claiming the policy could see annual GDP growth on average from $86 billion to $108 billion.

O’Brien either doesn’t understand why ALOC is advocating free stuff or can’t be honest enough to admit the truth: ALOC is promising anything in order to get elected. She wants in the door and lacks the old-guard Democrats’ occasional concern for the future. Let’s push ‘Gimmiedat’ to the firewall, baby!

Breitbart’s article gives clues to her ulterior motive:

When she’s not calling for tuition-free public college or the abolishment of ICE, Ocasio-Cortez is crisscrossing the country in support of progressive Democrat candidates. Over the weekend Ocasio-Cortez appeared at a “My Muslim Vote” rally in Dearborn, Michigan alongside Women’s March co-founder Linda Sarsour and Democrat Michigan gubernatorial candidate Abdul El-Sayed in support of progressive congressional candidates Fayrouz Saad and Rashida Tlaib.

Interesting to watch a Puerto Rican Communist seek an alliance with Arab Muslims. Reminiscent of Obama’s overnight rise to power, her being farmed out to make all these connections in preparation for… hmm.

Democratic National Committee (DNC) head Tom Perez annointed Ocasio-Cortez the “the future of our party” in a recent interview with left-wing radio host Bill Press. The 28-year-old is a dues-paying member of Democratic Socialists of America’s New York City chapter. The far-left group recently called for the abolishment of prisons and national borders.

DSA is obviously the current incarnation of Communist Party USA. Huh, I thought the Communist Party had disbanded after the Democrats co-opted their entire platform. Per Wikipedia, DSA is an offshoot of Socialist International–like NAMBLA, who do the authorities allow such a criminal organization to even exist, let alone operate publicly?–DSA split off in 2017 with the accusation that SI had adopted laissez-faire economics. Chicomm economics, I suspect they mean.

The DSA is not only by far the largest socialist organization in the United States in the 21st century, it is also the largest socialist organization in the United States in over a century.[22][23]By the end of 2017, membership in the organization had risen to 32,000, primarily due to the influx of youth in reaction to the presidency of Donald Trump. As of July 2018, membership stood at 47,000[2] and the number of local chapters had increased from 40 to 181. The median age of its membership is 33, compared to 68 in 2013.[25] In the 2017 election, fifteen candidates who were members of the DSA were elected to office in thirteen states, most notably Lee Carter in the Virginia House of Delegates, adding to the twenty members already holding elected office nationwide.[26] Wikipedia.

That’s some serious growth. Let’s read between the lines. Average age 68 in 2013? DSA was about to die off, just a collection of bitter, diehard Cold War Commies and their trust fund-sniffing relatives. Then in 2017, globalists moved in, Converged the DSA–my irony is tickled–broke ranks with Commie-Nationalists such as China and now own a political juggernaut holding at least 35 political positions, specifically including the one ALOC just usurped… and that position is why I use the word “juggernaut”.

The Democratic Socialists of America show their muscle in New York congressional upset
By Hunter Walker and Christopher Wilson,Yahoo News June 29, 2018

The primary defeat Tuesday of Rep. Joe Crowley, D-N.Y., who was both a top-ranking House Democrat and the head of one of New York’s last political machines, is an upset that is still sending shockwaves through the Democratic Party.

Crowley was taken down by a 28-year-old political rookie named Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who won in part by denouncing Crowley’s brand of old-school machine politics. But she had a campaign machine of her own, an outside group known as the Democratic Socialists of America. In the avalanche of coverage of Ocasio-Cortez.s win, the logistical support and manpower she received from the DSA has drawn relatively little notice. But the group is poised to make its presence felt in the midterms.

More than 100 volunteers from the DSA had flooded the streets of the 14th Congressional District, which includes parts of Queens and the Bronx, for months.

This reeks of George Soros cleaning house. Joe Crowley was apparently made an offer he COULD refuse and didn’t get the Arkancide treatment, which rules out the Clinton Machine. Neither does he have pedoface physiognomy so he isn’t in that crowd, either. He’s probably as the article describes, an entrenched political princeling.

I wonder if the Elites’ problem with Crowley is simply that they didn’t have iron control over him. That would explain wanting him quietly gone in an election instead of scandal or homicide, if he was one of the inner circle but with no dirty secrets.

Ocasio-Cortez certainly needed all the muscle she could muster to take down Crowley, who spent just under two decades in Congress and hadn’t faced a primary challenge in 14 years. In addition to his local power, he was a high-ranking member of the Democratic caucus, and multiple sources have confirmed to Yahoo News he was maneuvering to succeed the party’s longtime minority leader Nancy Pelosi. …

While Crowley was hardly a household name nationally, his political influence was immense. Along with his seat in Congress, Crowley chaired the Queens Democratic Party for over a decade, and presided over a system that picked the borough’s judges . including the ones in coveted positions that gave them control over funds from residents who died with no heirs.

WTF? How is this not a grand jury indictment on racketeering? Oh right, the gov’t said that what the gov’t did was legal….

Crowley, whose campaign manager did not respond to multiple requests for comment on this story, was widely credited with helping to pick the speakers who lead the city council, and hopefuls regularly paid him personal visits. Late last year, the Wall Street Journal reported that Crowley had six of the eight most recent speaker candidates literally dance for him on stage as he played guitar at an event. The paper noted “very little gets done in the city without his blessing.” And in Washington D.C., Crowley led the House Democratic Caucus, and multiple sources confirmed to Yahoo News that he was maneuvering to succeed the party’s longtime minority leader, Nancy Pelosi.

Houston, we have a motive. Crowley was getting too big for his britches. Read that linked article for yourself; it’s amazing in how open the authors are about the backroom dealings in Leftoid World.

Wrapping this up is what Wikipedia has to say about ALOC:

Ocasio-Cortez campaigned in favor of tuition-free universities and public schools, saying that “for the cost of the GOP.s tax bill, we could forgive ALL the student loan debt in the United States.”

Ocasio-Cortez is a self-described hardliner on climate issues. She advocates for the United States to transition by 2035 to an electrical grid running on 100% renewable-energy production and end the use of fossil fuels. She also calls for a Green New Deal in the United States, in which the federal government would invest in the construction of large-scale green-infrastructure projects.

Ocasio-Cortez supports transitioning to a single-payer healthcare system, calling healthcare “a human right”. She says that a single government insurer should ensure that every American has insurance, while reducing costs overall. On her campaign website, Ocasio-Cortez says “Almost every other developed nation in the world has universal healthcare. It’s time the United States catch up to the rest of the world in ensuring all people have real healthcare coverage that doesn’t break the bank.”

Ocasio-Cortez supports abolishing the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE), calling it “a product of the Bush-era Patriot Act suite of legislation” and “an enforcement agency that takes on more of a paramilitary tone every single day”. She has called immigration detention centers operated by the Department of Homeland Security “black sites”, citing limited public access to those locations. Two days before the primary election, Ocasio-Cortez attended a protest at an ICE child-detention center in Tornillo, Texas. She supports a “path to citizenship” for immigrants who entered the United States legally and illegally.

Impeachment of President Trump
On June 28, 2018, Ocasio-Cortez told CNN she would support the impeachment of President Trump, saying, “I think that, you know, we have the grounds to do it.” She cited Trump’s violations of the Emoluments Clause.

Social issues
Ocasio-Cortez is supportive of the LGBT community, thanking its members for their role in her grassroots campaign. She spoke at a Black Lives Matter rally in 2017.

ALOC is a self-described totalitarian globalist allying with non-whites and non-Christians, promising anything to gain more power… specifically including the death of USA’s infrastructure. She’s promising everything to everybody left-side of a frivorced taxpayer in order to seize power.

I predict ALOC is being groomed to run against Trump in 2020. You heard it here first, folks!

Image result for alexandria ocasio-cortez

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Physiognomy has nothing good to say about this face. She must sneer a lot to have a mouth like that.


The Wall Has Been Built!

…In the ritzy community of Bel Air.

Kathy Griffin has revealed that she built a special wall to separate her sprawling California mansion from her neighbor’s home, after he began screaming insults over to her in the wake of her controversial decapitated Trump picture.

During a video posted on Shane’s channel, which detailed how the intimate at-home meeting came about, Kathy gave the group a full tour of the Bel Air property, and explained as she took them out onto a large terrace that runs across the back of it why she ‘had to build a wall… as Trump would say’. …

‘We kind of built, like a little… As Trump would say, we built a wall. I’m not a Trump supporter, but we built a wall.’

Yeah, Barbie, walls are great for keeping out poorly-behaved neighbors, now aren’t they? Speaking of poorly behaved neighbors, the article continues:

While Kathy didn’t identify the man she discussed in Shane’s video, she and her neighbor Jeffrey Mezger, the 63-year-old CEO of KB Homes, have been involved in a legal battle since last year.

In September 2017, Jeffrey was caught in an audio recording lashing out at Kathy’s boyfriend Randy, referring to the comedienne as a ‘bald dike’ and a ‘cunt’ after Randy filed a noise complaint against Jeffrey’s grandchildren, as reported by the Huffington Post at the time.

In January this year, Kathy and Jeffrey faced off in a Los Angeles court after each filing a restraining order against each other.

Wow, Trump Derangement Syndrome has liberals building walls to keep out Trump supporters who tease liberals about not letting Trump build a wall to keep the neighbors out! I no longer understand my own species.

Let’s do a side-by-side physiognometric analysis of this little feud:

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Mezger’s face is all straight lines and right angles, indicating a very non-emotional approach to life. Even allowing for fatness (he’s fat), those are some impressive jowls. Combined with a broad, prominent chin, narrow eyes and thin lips, he probably has a very forceful personality. The article’s quote of his frank assessment of Griffon’s sex past confirms this. Here’s a guy you want to negotiate/enforce your contracts… not a guy to handle delicate whiners with grace.

Griffin’s face is nearly an exact opposite. Everything was rounded before it was stretched until the elastic broke. Her wrinkles have wrinkles and her smile is as fake as a politician’s promise to cut spending. I’d guess she spent the first half of her adult life in constant orgasm and the second half abusing Xanax to silence the voices. The fakeup makes it hard to be sure but I’d wager money she’s alcoholic. Not a smoker, though.

Drugged-up Psycho-Barbie and “My way or my lawyers’ way” CEO is an inevitably bad neighbor-pairing. He can’t back down and she can’t stop acting impulsively. I’m surprised Griffin decided to build the wall first. She must have had walls on her mind… hmm, Mezger does look like Trump, now doesn’t he?


The Looming Birth Rate Learning Curve

It’s practically axiomatic that Tradcons Never Learn. Today, they don’t learn about the causes of low birth rate. Michael Barone is a fairly typical specimen of the Old Guard who predicts/hopes the birth rate is about to rise because the economy is good:

By Michael Barone, July 27, 2018

Sometimes a society’s values change sharply with almost no one noticing. In 1968, according to a Gallup survey, 70 percent of American adults said that a family of three or more children was “ideal” . about the same number as Gallup surveys starting in 1938. That number helps explain the explosive baby boom after Americans were no longer constrained by depression and world war.

Those values and numbers didn’t last. By 1978, Gallup reported that only 39 percent considered three or more children “ideal.” The numbers have hovered around there ever since, spiking to just 41 percent in the late-1990s tech boom.

He disproves himself right off the start, as Tradcons are wont to. 1978 was one of the Carter years in which President Jimmy Carter worked such economic magic that economists had to invent a new term “stagflation” to describe the misery. And people then had the same opinion of family size as during the heights of the tech boom? It seems that contra Baby Boomer philosophy, birth rate beliefs were NOT based upon the state of the economy.

Similarly, the 1970s showed sharp increases in female workforce participation, divorce and single-parent households, as well as decreased participation in voluntary organizations . all unanticipated.

He obviously senses the connection because he brings this up yet doesn’t go anywhere with it, unlike his pundit peer John Hawkins, recently covered here.

Birth rates typically drop during recessions and rise a bit during booms. They did drop notably from 2007 to 2009. But the latest data don’t show a rebound, despite significant growth and record-low unemployment.

Barone is astonished that people act as though there’s more to the reproduction decision than the next four years of economic prospects. What more does a man need to make babies than extra money and a crib in the spare bedroom? A young, fertile wife that won’t abandon him when she gets unhappy? A gov’t that won’t take his children away in violation of anything that might possibly be called due process? Nah, that’s crazy talk.

The trend varies among demographic groups. Native-born Hispanics and blacks used to have birth rates above the replacement rate (2.1 births per woman). Now they’re below replacement, almost as low that of as native-born whites and Asians, which are down only a bit. The immigrant birth rate remains above replacement level among blacks, but only barely above among Hispanics, and below among whites and Asians.

One possible consequence: Those often-gleeful predictions that whites will soon be a minority will not be realized so soon, or maybe ever. Nor is it clear, as sociologist Richard Alba has suggested, whether often-intermarrying Hispanics and Asians will see themselves as aggrieved minorities.

It’s as if all the government’s social policies for the last couple generations have been human extinction, not just white extinction. Rarely does a good economy overcome a centralized bureaucracy.

During the sluggish 2008-2013 economy, young Americans stayed put in tiny child-unfriendly apartments in hip central-coastal cities like New York and San Francisco, and paid high rents resulting from stringent environmental restrictions. This was hailed as a move toward progressive attitudes. But evidently not. As Newgeography proprietor Joel Kotkin has noted, since growth returned, young people have been heading to child-friendly suburbs and exurbs, ditching subway cards for SUV fobs.

Barone thinks Democrats are poor people who will vote Republican once they get a better job. There is no ideology, there is only the economy?

The paragraph doesn’t even make sense. Young Americans didn’t have much money so they lived in trendy, artificially high-rent areas? Then they moved to the cheaper suburbs when good economies provided more money?

All of which raises the possibility of current stubbornly low birth rates being on the verge of a rise, away from the economically and culturally divided low-birth-rate society described in Charles Murray’s “Coming Apart,. and toward something suggested by Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again..

For the moment, these countertrends are just possibilities. But since persistently low birth rates lead to population loss, economic stagnation and low creativity, let’s hope some of them come true.

The words of a pundit afraid that the bread and circuses aren’t working anymore. News flash, even an awesome economy cannot compensate for women being too busy with careers and envy of men to bother with having babies. Children are not SUVs, they do not come from factories. It takes a marriage to produce children. Housewives. There is no substitute.

Instead of hoping that a better economy will produce a higher birth rate, Michael Barone should hope the gov’t will stop punishing men for having kids. He should possibly even advocate for patriarchy, if low birth rates bother him. But instead, he sees the economy improving and hopes men will start… start… asexually producing babies unto their own destruction? Sharp learning curve ahead, Mr. Barone.

The epitaph of William Buckley conservatism: money couldn’t buy love.


Ted Hickman Is On A Winning Streak!

Continuing the saga of a moral, outspoken Vice Mayor in tiny Dixon City, California, we see the long-awaited defenders of health and Christ emerge:

Updated July 25, 2018 12:10 PM

Citing First Amendment rights, the Dixon City Council announced Tuesday at its meeting that it has decided against stripping Ted Hickman’s title as vice mayor after a controversial column he wrote in the town’s newspaper . calling for a Straight American Pride Month and using a derogatory term to refer to gay men . went viral.

Before the decision was announced, Randy Thomasson of Save California . a group that describes itself as a .pro-family organization: working, speaking and fighting the good fight for your values. . announced that he was going to speak at the meeting.

As a result, a small group of Hickman supporters and another, larger group of advocates for LGBTQ rights descended on the City Council meeting.

.Our society needs to defend its foundations, there’s no such thing as a homosexual culture that is everlasting,. said Don Grundmann shortly before the meeting. .When you break down the family unit, you’re hurting the children and it’s only a matter of time before you produce psychotic broken children, which is the whole idea of the so-called LGBT movement..

You haven’t reached status as a legit California conservative until you’ve stood with Don Grundmann. He’s possibly the most successful third-party politician California has ever produced and is well worth the occasional check to see what he’s up to. He somehow manages to be on the ballot every election and I vote for him every time.

Tom Ruppel, a longtime Dixon resident, was carrying a sign that said “We stand with our LGBT neighbors.” He clashed with Grundmann almost immediately after they both arrived holding signs for their respective movements.

Grundmann isn’t your typical, slick car-salesman politician who reaches across the aisle to find his own spine. His intolerance of politically correct bullshit has incited two political third parties to self-destruct rather than support their own stated principles. More below.

Thomasson spoke in favor of the council’s decision and said that Hickman spoke the truth.

.The intolerant left has picked a fight with Ted Hickman, they don’t think he had the right to say what he said in a column, and they don’t think the newspaper that published it had the right to publish it,. Thomasson said. .Well, both accusations are completely false . we have a Constitution in our country: the First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech for individuals, and freedom of the press for all publications..

Thomasson showed onlookers graphic photos of gay men at pride parades, and eventually submitted the photos to the Dixon City Council for review.

Kaboom! Go back in the closet, you freaks.

.Ted Hickman doesn’t want this in Dixon, and the majority of people in Dixon don’t want it here, either,. Thomasson said of the photos.

Discussions between the two groups were heated before the meeting started, with both inside and outside City Council chambers arguing over their respective group’s values.

There were discussions because the good guys won. Had the bad guys won, the city council would have ordered compliance to the New Morality and sent the police to arrest dissidents for thoughtcrimes. Hate crimes, I mean.

There were a couple class acts going on in Dixon. The Reporter has more:

Hickman roused ire when he published a piece in the Independent Voice newspaper about homosexuality, calling for Straight Pride American Month (SPAM) and referring to gay people as “tinkerbells” and “faries” (sic).

The Recall Ted Hickman group mobilized about 75 people to show up at the council meeting for a “pizza party” on the lawn in front of the building to reiterate their opposition to Hickman’s words. They sat on picnic blankets and played songs on their phones like “Over The Rainbow” and “Born This Way” by Lady Gaga.

“Pizza party” is code for pedophilia in this context.

.I.m here in opposition to the LGBT agenda,. said San Leandro resident Don Grundmann, a member of the Constitution party who ran for president in 2016 and the senate three times.

Asked if he supported Hickman’s use of pejoratives to describe gay people, Grundmann said that it was a “cover story..

.The real reason they’re upset is he’s advocated for Straight Pride Month,. he said, holding up a sign that said “Straight Normal Healthy Sane/Sanity Rational, Support Ted..

Grundmann said that Hickman’s idea was in opposition to “Sodomite pride marches..

Honest politicians give me hope for the future… hope that sometime in the future, I’ll find a second one.

Most vocal was California’s MassResistance organizer Arthur Schaper, who carried a “one man, one woman. marriage sign. Schaper confronted protesters on the other side and journalists, and he filmed the entire event on a hand-held camera. Schaper asked people why they would “get a man fired” for exercising his First Amendment rights.

.What happened to Love Trumps Hate?. he asked a counter-protester.

Schaper attempted to talk to Councilman Devon Minnema, asking him about comments he made to The Reporter about how most of the counter-protesters were not from Dixon, and why that mattered. Minnema demurred and made a hurried retreat, with Schaper calling out, .He needs to really pick it up if he wants to lose some of that weight..

I like his style! Yes, I too would like to know why so many nonresidents of Dixon are protesting the legal, peaceful, moral behavior of Dixon residents. Don’t they realize heterosexuals were born this way? *snicker*

The MassResistance group eventually moved into the council chamber, awaiting the meeting. People from Discovery Bay, Oakley, Sacramento, and Alameda jointed their ranks. Schaper continued to film and raise questions, rousing some of the crowd enough for a man to confront him for his words.

Amelia Lacey, 14, sat near the MassResistance crowd unaware of their stand [GQ: yeah, right], and said that she was shocked at their commentary. As she listened to them discuss the health hazards of homosexuality and hold up pictures of men dressed as fairies in gay pride parades, Lacey, who is gay, began to cry.

.Fake tears!. said a woman sitting with the MassResistance group to Lacey.

.How lowball do you have to be to come after a 14-year-old girl?. asked Lacey.

HAHAHAAAA! THE PUSSY PASS IS EXPIRED! Cry, little girl, cry me a river wide and deep for being upset that we show pictures of what the faggy fairies are doing in public celebrations!

At the end of public comment, each councilman asserted that they did not support Hickman’s words, with Mayor Thom Bogue asking the city attorney to draft a resolution stating that the council is in opposition to Hickman’s article and that it .doesn.t represent our voice.” Hickman also addressed the crowd, saying that he appreciated how both sides of the argument seem to respect the First Amendment, and left it at that.

Sigh, well, it can’t all be good news. Regardless, I feel better about the future of California than I have in awhile. People are getting big-time fed up with the freaks and I suspect the names we’ve seen here will come up again. is something I must look into. Any organization with the strength to maintain its beliefs in the face of a whiny little girl is stronger & more successful than, apparently, the entire Christian Church.


The Evil of Public Pensions

Debt is a key factor in the implementation of Communism because the easiest people to rob are the people who don’t yet exist to complain about it.

It’s time for a conversation on government pensions. They need to be ended immediately on the grounds of no taxation without representation.

Pensions devour school budgets, flatten teacher pay

.California.s public schools have enjoyed a remarkable restoration of funding since the bone-deep cuts they endured during the recession, but many now face a grave financial threat as they struggle to pay the escalating costs of teachers. pensions,. reports Jessica Calefati on CalMatters.

More than half of the new money will go to pension costs, estimates the state Department of Finance and Legislative Analyst’s Office. “Some districts are predicting deficits and many are already bracing for what’s to come by cutting programs, reducing staff or drawing down their reserves even though per-pupil funding is at its highest level in three decades and voters recently extended a tax hike on the rich to help pay for school.”

Regulars here know I don’t give a single care for the survival of California’s public school system. It’s been twisted into a factory for grooming child rape victims and indoctrinating the mindless minions of tomorrow. However, being a flagship laboratory of leftoid social experiments does make it a splendid example of the old using pensions to exploit the young.

An economic downturn could lead to disaster, said Michael Fine, CEO of the Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team.

.Building maintenance could suffer, grounds care could suffer, class size could suffer, instructional coaches could suffer, athletic programs could suffer, technology could suffer, intervention programs could suffer,. Fine said.

What is happening here is that in the recent past, the Communists made an agreement with the Baby Boomers: give us votes now and we’ll give you free money later. The unsustainability of this is clear; less clear but equally true is that the “free money later” will be taken from people who were not parties to this agreement.

When did parasites become the most protected class? Notice all those single mothers are content to see wealth transfers be more valued by the schools then even the pretenses of concern for her school-aged children. It was never about equality. It was never about the welfare of children. Feminism was a grab for male power and resources from the beginning.

This is what MGTOW in politics would look like: “I did not agree to to this pension. I refuse to fund it. You should blame the people who promised you this instead of me.”

The rapid rise in pension costs . 269 percent over 15 years . is one reason teacher salaries are flat, writes Chad Aldeman of Bellwether Education Partners on The 74. …

Even teachers who spend their careers in the classroom and eventually collect a pension will be losers, writes Aldeman. .This is essentially a giant transfer of wealth from one generation to the next, and no current or future teacher wins from this arrangement..

He nails the problem almost square on the head. Government pensions are a giant, involuntary wealth transfer between generations. Current and future voters have been sold into financial slavery by past voters.

The Founders made a mistake. They allowed government to carry debt. This has since been exploited massively, first by the (illegal) Fourteenth Amendment forcing its debt upon the former Confederates, then by the Nineteenth Amendment granting women, and their sexual attraction to other people’s money, the vote, and lastly by Communist infiltrators who funded their rise to power by deferring the price onto their dupes’ own children.

The only legitimate basis for gov’t financial activity is cash up front for goods and services rendered. At most, short-term debt instruments in times of existential need so that the generation of voters authorizing the debts are the same generation repaying it. Today, however, we are saddled with massive public pension systems that WILL destroy the United States. Even if taxpayers today wanted to pay these debts, we simply cannot. The Communists were too greedy and delved too deeply.

Either our government repudiates all debts, pensions and other wealth transfers, and henceforth proceeds on the basis of cash & carry, which would be the political death of all career bureaucrats, or we will end up the next Venezuela with physical death for everybody. There is no third option, not even a Collapse. The poor will always be with us… and the parasites, too.


Choose The Form Of The Destructor!

A heptatitis outbreak in San Diego among homeless populations coincided with the banning of cheap, disposable, plastic bags.

Plastic-bag ban led to hep A health crisis?

.The plastic bag ban is the main reason for the hepatitis outbreak,. says [Marty Graham,] the homeless man who writes the Homeless Survival Guide. .The hepatitis outbreak was completely predictable . it’s why I left San Diego..

Homeless people learned long ago that pooping in plastic-bag-lined containers meant you could wrap the session up and dispose of all the stuff without touching it, he said in a long email. So when it got harder to get the bags after the ban went into effect late last year, it became harder to find the bags and people who were able to keep things clean had to work a lot harder.

This is also a basic hygiene practice in camping and survival contexts so I’m inclined to agree. Digging latrine trenches is not always practical in urban environments.

Plenty of people discounted the plastic-bag theory but San Diego County Public Health Officer Wilma Wooten was not one of them.

.Yes, absolutely, we know people use the bags for that,. she said. .We know people don’t have bathrooms and they can put bags in cans and buckets and maintain good hygiene. That’s why we put plastic bags in the hygiene kits we’re handing out. That’s what we expect people will use them for.. …

Gibson, who is the executive director of the Regional Water Quality Control Board. Gibson doesn’t think it’s as simple as a lack of plastic bags.

.Given what I saw at the Grantville encampment and other smaller ones, I doubt very much that plastic bags would have made much difference,. he said. .I saw firsthand multiple buckets of waste, most likely fecal, at the Grantville site and no shortage of plastic bags. Moreover, at many sites fecal wastes can be found on the ground in the riverbed encampments as well as in and around parking lots with no shortage of bags then or now..

At the outbreak’s core is the truth that homelessness is “not a healthy way to live for many reasons,. he added. .Not being able or willing to practice basic hygiene measures we take for granted in our homes and businesses is a key part of the public and environmental health issues that transcend something as simple as a ban on plastic bags..

Of course homelessness isn’t healthy. Until it goes away, however, what do you do for homeless sanitation that’s cheaper than free bathrooms everywhere at taxpayer expense?

Amy Gonyea, the chief operating officer with the Alpha Project (which runs shelters and programs that include transitional and permanent housing for homeless people), said she’s been hearing it’s the lack of those once-plentiful bags that’s spreading the virus among homeless people.

.We have heard the same thing from our clients and our outreach team,. Gonyea said. .We’ve heard it on numerous occasions. Our staff hears it from our clients, and we think they know what they’re talking about..

The ban was approved in June 2016 and officially took effect in November, about the time the first cases definitively tied to the outbreak showed up. So far, 15 people have died out of about 398 confirmed cases. …

Detroit and (to a lesser degree) Santa Cruz are also in the midst of hepatitis A outbreaks, Wooten said.

Maybe the Big One won’t be an earthquake. Maybe it’ll be an outbreak of super-gonor-herpol-hepat-AIDS. If that dark day comes and the good liberals of California are forced to choose between plagues and plastic bags, which form of their Destructor will they choose? Will they sacrifice their own childrens’ health or the tender feelings of environmentalists? The horror!


In My Warm, Soft Fingers

The Ninth Circus, aka Dante’s Ninth Circle, formally the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, has just ruled that open carry of loaded firearms is part of the Second Amendment. Sweet, let’s hope it sticks. The San Francisco Gate was especially butthurt.

A federal appeals court ruled Tuesday that the Second Amendment protects the right to openly carry a gun in public for self-defense.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 that Hawaii officials had violated George Young’s rights when he was denied a permit to openly carry a loaded gun in public to protect himself. …

If the ruling stands, it could lead to more guns in public in the few western states under 9th Circuit jurisdiction where they are currently restricted.

Heehee, the “few Western states under 9th Circuit jurisdiction”. That would be Hawaii, California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Arizona, and Alaska. Only a third of the USA’s landmass & population. Just a “few western states”, y’know.

“We do not take lightly the problem of gun violence, which the State of Hawaii ‘has understandably sought to fight,’” Judge Diarmuid O’Scannlain wrote. “But, for better or for worse, the Second Amendment does protect a right to carry a firearm in public for self-defense.”

Hmm, O’Scannlain is actually a white male American. With a name like that, I was expecting a Nigerian prince or something. He’s a pro-gun judge on the Ninth? And he achieved senior status in 2016? Interesting.

Feels nice when my cynicism turns out to be unfounded.


John Hawkins Can’t Sleep

I’ve been following this Tradcon lately. He’s begun to wake up to the reality of gynocracy despite his best efforts. This is a good time in the unplugging cycle for a fisking.

5 Ugly Truths About Women That Young Men Need to Recognize

I love women. Not in the social justice warrioresque “We must praise women as strong, capable CEOS and STEM graduates who can do anything men can do, but in heels. way, but in an old-school way. It’s easy to respect a mother who watches out for her children, a wife who is loyal to her husband, or a sister who cares for her brother. I love a beautiful woman. I love a sexy woman. I love a woman who gives off that amazing feminine energy. As a man, being around a woman like that is just good for your spirit.

He turbo-cucks right at the start because what’s coming is going to be more true than he’s willing to say in print. One day, he’ll look back on such “I love women so please don’t hurt me, women” pronouncements as missed indicators of a dysfunctional relationship.

All that being said, this is not about the more wonderful traits of women. To the contrary, it’s the kind of warning about women that fathers used to give their sons, but that’s frowned upon today. You see, in our society we can hammer home the faults of men until they become stereotypes, but we’re not supposed to point out the similarly damaging, but often very different flaws of women that young men need to worry about.

Hot damn, an established pundit is about to warn his sons away from damaged women! We are halting the stopwatch at… 49 years since Woodstock?

1. Beauty fades

Men don’t like to admit this, but the first thing they think about when it comes to women is beauty. Not only are we drawn to it, but it’s a status symbol. When a man has an attractive woman, other men think more of him. In fact, it can become such a powerful draw that some men put beauty first and second . and whatever comes third doesn’t matter. This is a mistake if you plan to be with her beyond a date or three because beauty fades for all of us, but it fades faster and harder for women. Moreover, beauty in and of itself only attracts for so long. As the old saying goes, .No matter how good she looks, someone out there is tired of her sh*t.. Point being, make sure you judge a woman on a lot more than beauty alone because the time is going to come when one way or the other, that beauty is going to fade in your eyes.

Close. Hawkins is still arguing from the female perspective. Female beauty is sex, male beauty is status. (Ironically, he assumes this for the rest of the article.) Any man who’s learned “chicks dig jerks” knows that the ability to attract hot women is a strong indicator of criminal & antisocial life choices. We admire Trump because he’s a billionaire celebrity who likes America, not because his wife is Ivanka.

Also, female beauty doesn’t fade if she’s done a good job of keeping her husband happy in bed. She can be an ugly hag to the rest of the planet but hubby with stay with her to the end.

2. After your relationship ends, you may be surprised at the ruthless treatment you get

Men tend to be famously ruthless about relationships a few dates in when women fall for them way too early and the men only care about sex. On the other hand, women tend to be much more ruthless than men when a relationship is ending. This is hard for a lot of men to believe because they can’t imagine the sweet, uplifting, nurturing woman they were in a relationship with is taking them to the cleaners in divorce court or using their kids as a bargaining chip after the divorce.

It’s like the first sentence is the “before” gym picture and the rest of the paragraph is the “after” picture.

3. Women are much more status-oriented than men

Women tend to put the same kind of emphasis on status that men put on beauty. That doesn’t mean it’s the end all and be all of everything, but it does mean status is a lot more important to women than it is to men.

Hawkins, stop undermining your own arguments. This Tradcon habit drives me nuts. Learn to be confident in your expressed beliefs.

What that means is that as a man, if you ever stop performing at the level your woman is accustomed to, you may lose her regardless of everything else. Lose your job, get demoted, take a big pay cut, lose your moxie somehow and women are much more likely to walk away than a man would be with a woman in the same situation. That doesn’t mean it’s a given, but it does mean that going backward in status as a man risks your relationship with a woman.

He came so close to admitting in public that frivorce is real and unjustified.

4. Women are not as stable as men

There are exceptions to every rule, but the most stable woman is as emotional as an unstable guy. Women are more emotional, more hormonal than men. Women are, at best, more tolerant of drama than men and at worst, they seek it out. They will become upset for no good reason, act irrationally, and are more prone to things like anxiety than men. The point of this is not “women are unstable and bad,. it’s that women are very different in this area and you need to be ready to deal with it. At times there’s going to be crying, no matter what you do. At times, your girlfriend / lover / wife is going to become angry at you even though you’ve done nothing wrong. Wise men learn that there are times to ignore things women say rather than get in a fight because ten minutes later, their mood will improve. To men who aren’t used to it, all of this can be freaky, but it can also help keep things fresh and exciting once you learn to navigate it.

Good, good. He’s accepted that men & women are fundamentally different and must be treated differently.

5. Women may come to hate you for your weakness

If your woman is stronger than you, she may still date you. She may love you. She may even marry you one day. However, on a fundamental level, she will not be able to respect you if you are not strong and competent enough to lead her. Women don’t want to be the ones who make all the decisions and wear the pants in the family and if you force her to do that, it will wear on her and she will come to resent you. How will that resentment play out? At best, probably unhappiness and at worst, cheating, divorce or contempt that’s so bad that you wish you were divorced. I’m not telling you to be a jerk, but I am telling you that if you are not a stronger person than your woman, you will ultimately be sorry.

An important step he didn’t quite finish. Admitting that women despise weak men is progress but he’s still hanging the blame on men being weak instead of women being rebellious.

John Hawkins still isn’t free of cuckservatism but by this date next year, he might be.

Edit, it broke on Dalrock’s simultaneously with my posting this.


Mohammed Again

Police released the name of the Toronto Danforth shooter: Faisal Hussain.

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The Quebecois need to go back?

Toronto Danforth mass shooter identified as Faisal Hussain

According to a source who has met the family, Hussain was the son of Canadian parents of Pakistani origin who have been struggling through major challenges.

Hussain.s sister died in a car accident and his brother is hospitalized following a stroke, the source said. Hussain worked in retail and would accompany his mother to the hospital to visit her infirm son.

Hussain didn’t have a criminal record, according to a police source, but he did have a history of mental health concerns from 2010 onwards.

A good migrant boy living the American Canadian dream but depression and poverty forced this kindhearted soul to unfortunately go on a killing spree. Perhaps my readers would know, is there bad blood between Pakis and Greeks? This sounds to me like ethnic gang violence.

“A history of mental health concerns” is the exact same thing as a criminal record in any super-liberal area. More here and it surely isn’t unique:

Edit: His physiognomy based upon this picture indicate against emotional/impulsive behavior. Level, well-defined eyebrows and fairly level eyelids indicates level, well-defined reasoning. This compared with full lips suggest high in-group preferences. The smooth forehead (and also well-defined eyebrows) indicate low-average intelligence. The broad nose and low ears indicate mild greed/concern with money but not necessarily to a criminal level. Eyelids have some lidding but not enough to indicate sociopathy; but knowing what we do, perhaps he’s too young to have fully developed the symbol.

It bears mentioning that physiognomy across racial lines is not reliable. The slantedness of Asian eyes is the classic example of how benign race differences can be false indicators. Here, Faisal’s beard on a white guy would indicate an intentional attempt to appear friendly but such beards are so common in Arab circles that it’s no more meaningful than wigs on an Victorian Englishman.


MGTOW Life: An Exit Analysis

A major symptom of Churchian contempt for men is not caring when men give up and leave the Church. Wouldn’t do for me to be guilty of the same crime so when I came across this youTube upload “Why I Walked Away From MGTOW”, it’s time to take notice and reflect. Transcripts by me and are not verbatim; I can’t type fast enough.

Itachi Uchiha, 22-July-2018.

As time goes on, I’m starting to see how a vast majority of supposed MGTOW men are not much different from the average blue-pill man. Just saying you’re going your own way is not enough. You aren’t making a difference in the world. You’re not really impacting anything. Before, you know, my ex-fellow MGTOW brothers say, “Well, you know what, bro, we’re not trying to make a difference. We’re just going to go our own way and let it burn. We just want to let it burn.”

Well, it’s not true. You want your reality to become the reality for the masses. Otherwise, guys wouldn’t ask me, “Bro, do you think MGTOW is growing? Do you think most of the Blue Pilled men are going to wake up?” You want the world to be your way the same way the Blue Pilled want the world to be their way.

I wouldn’t expect much difference in behavior between the Blue- and Red-Pilled. We both like food and video games. Knowing somebody is a gymbro doesn’t indicate their leanings on feminism. Even Neo in the Matrix perceived the same reality as the normals. The Pill difference is mainly perceptions and goals concerning women… motivations rather than methods.

As a rule, men don’t (certainly shouldn’t) go MGTOW because it’s a more rewarding reality. There is only one reality and going MGTOW is the process of realizing our gynocentric society does not value men and deciding how we respond. We do want society to be more accepting of men so we can rejoin society but whence this talk of changing the world? Most men are in no position to do so; we will let it burn because we must, not because schadenfreude.

What’s going to happen with MGTOW, my prediction, you are still vastly outnumbered by Blue Pill men. So the simping will go on, the Blue Pill mentality will go on.

God predicted as much. Human history can confirm. There has always been simping in every culture; there has not always been patriarchy.

Women will always find a way to get pregnant, even if it’s by the worst of the worst men. MGTOW walking away and not passing on your seed, you’re gonna die out, right? Die out in 20-50 years but guess what, the whores are going to continue growing. There’s going to be more Blue Pill men being born. You aren’t going to win that battle by walking walking away. Walking away isn’t close to enough. My problem with most MGTOW men, although we see the world in a similar way, is they’re content being at Level 1. Seeing how the world works and not wanting to be a part of it. That’s one very small step in the right direction but not nearly enough to live a fulfilled life.

The Blue Pill is not a genetic condition. Every man starts out Blue Pill; that’s what we Christians call Original Sin. The false religion of evolution teaches that breeding is the solution to every social ill because it has nothing else to offer. It is disgusting to see eugenics making a comeback. If evil could be bred out of humans then Jews would be Angels. Memo to Dispensationalists, they are not angels.

Itachi doesn’t give enough respect to men going “Level 1”. That requires confronting the darkness in the human soul; the vast majority of men prefer Matrix Cypher’s solution of “let me eat steak, even if it be a lie”.

Let’s pretend you don’t want to change the world, fix people or heal people or whatnot. As a man, you’re never truly fulfilled unless you’re running on all cylinders and chasing your purpose. Simply walking away from women and leading an average life of consuming and hoarding resources is not enough to truly feel like a man and do what you were put here to do. You have a deeper calling. You could be a healer of some sort, curing people of sicknesses. You could have a number of purposes. But many members of MGTOW use it as a crutch to be lazy, mediocre men, not doing anything that matters. Your lives don’t matter. You aren’t making anybody’s life better. You just keep making these videos hating women and that’s good to a degree but it’s not the end goal. You aren’t trying to make anybody’s life better. Not healing men and women.

I slam evolution as much as I do because in addition to being a disproven lie, it promotes exactly this existential hopelessness. Going MGTOW doesn’t prevent one from following any pursuit of happiness one might care for… with the single exception of wife & kids. The atheist, having no hope of life after death, still tries to cheat death via reproduction even when he knows the attempt will destroy him and perpetuate the very misandry he despises. That makes MGTOW life a difficult exercise in nihilism.

Can any man escape the gynocracy without resorting to the divine? If breeding is one’s only source of enduring purpose and meaning then “we have the babies” women will always be in control. Most men are mediocre. That’s statistically inevitable and good. Keeping society peaceful and prosperous is not often an exciting job requiring herculean achievements. But it does mean that few men can access the other source of atheist immortality: being written into the history books.

With no kids, no God and no fame, Itachi coughs up the Red Pill:

A lot of MGTOW have the laziness and mediocrity of the Blue-Pilled and the shaming and exclusivity of the feminist. If you fused a BP man with a feminist then that’s a MGTOW. So many men in MGTOW reject content that is not exactly aligned with what their conditioning says. If I create content that steers things in a different direction, I get backlash. You have to be working towards something that matters. You say “we don’t want to have kids”, that’s a reactionary attitude like a feminist that don’t need no man.

Down deep, most of us would have loved to have a loving wife, loved to have kids, to live in healthy societies. You’re reacting the same way feminists react. The average man has been raised to be a BP faggot and women can’t trust & be attracted to that kind of man, so they become feminazis and hate men. That’s the same as being a Level 1 MGTOW saying “fuck these women, I don’t trust them, I’m keeping my distance”. You have to be working towards something that matters.

It’s the old “weak men created feminism”, sigh. Hypergamy, Itachi. A woman trapped for a week in the locker room of the Dallas Cowboys would find most of them weak men to be shunned. There is no comparison between feminists, who actively seek to enslave and persecute men, and MGTOWs, who try to salvage what they can out of the modern West’s shit sandwich.

I can guess where Itachi is headed: he’s going to knowingly wife up the best female he can find, have kids and hope it all works out because that’s the only form of immortality he can conceive (heh). Maybe it will work out. I honestly wish him the best.

But most likely, he’re going to end up a statistic. MGTOWs complain about women to help each other resist the broken, natural impulse to serve women. Feminists complain about MGTOWs because we’re ugly men escaping the slave collar. There is no comparison and no possible peace.

We Christians can thank God we’re spared the psychic pain of a meaningless life. A believer can spend life in solitary prison and still believe, correctly, that God has a reason for that. The Godless must wife up the pink-haired in fear of being forgotten entirely.


Suicide Help-Line For Men?

Question: What do you get when a suicide-prevention nonprofit expands its services to include domestic violence services? Answer: Ugly.

Context from Wikipedia: Lifeline is a non-profit organisation that provides free, 24-hour Telephone Crisis Support service in Australia. Volunteer Crisis Supporters provide suicide prevention services, mental health support and emotional assistance, not only via telephone but face-to-face and online.

29 April 2018

Suicide prevention group Lifeline is being lobbied to remove controversial feminist Clementine Ford as the keynote speaker of domestic violence awareness forum.

A petition argued her previous tweets saying ‘kill all men’ and ‘all men must die’ made her unsuitable to address the ‘Recognise, Respond, Refer’ event in Melbourne next month.

Incredibly, Lifeline was reluctant to tell a woman calling for the violent deaths of all men that she’s unsuitable to participate in events hosted by a suicide prevention organization.

…’It is common place for a range of views and perspectives to occur in a discussion panel,’ [Lifeline] told Daily Mail Australia.

‘Lifeline does not necessarily agree with any particular panel member or commentator’s views.’

Clementine Ford said she had ‘addressed the intention behind these statements numerous times’.

‘If we lived in a world where women were murdering men en masse and men genuinely had reason to fear they might be murdered in their beds by a gang of marauding feminists, I would agree with your concern,’ she told Daily Mail Australia on Monday.

‘As it is is, we live in a world where it’s women who are being murdered by men at a minimum rate of one a week in this country, not to mention the countless circumstances of sexual violence, physical harassment and ongoing domestic violence perpetrated against women.’

The author of ‘Fight Like A Girl’ has also previously tweeted ‘I bathe in male tears’ and last year wrote ‘Have you killed any men today? And if not, why not?’ in a book signed for a fan. [GQ: I found it; added below]

Image result for clementine ford kill

Ms Ford… is due to speak at the State Library Victoria on May 29 at the ‘Recognise, Respond, Refer’ forum moderated by former Ten and Sky News presenter Tracey Spicer, who is spearheading the ‘Me Too’ movement against male workplace sexual predators in Australia.

I was never curious to see what would happen when a suicide hotline got Converged by #MeToo. Maybe the same nonprofit that convinces suicidal men to continue living shouldn’t simultaneously call out men as sexual predators?

THEY FINALLY AGREED! A petition to shut down the event succeeded with 14,342 signatures. Lifeline gave the follow apology:

“The employees and officers who duped us into hiring a spokeswoman who repeatedly called for the deaths of all men have all been fired immediately for sabotaging Lifeline’s very purpose for existing. To prevent this from happening again, we pledge to immediately terminate all association with anybody who makes public, genderwide death threats or is known to ever have made false accusations of rape or domestic abuse. Such behaviors contribute directly to the male hopelessness and despair that we wish to heal.”

Sorry, it must be Friday afternoon. That was incorrect. Here’s the real apology:

MAY 14, 2018 . Thank you for letting us know how the panel membership for the DV Alert forum event has impacted you. We appreciate it has been an issue that has triggered strong emotions and reactions. As such, we have reconsidered the event.

The forum, including a panel discussion, was intended to be the final event in a month long series of activities. We were open to various ideas being considered in the discussion. However, we are concerned that the forum will not be able to be conducted in the spirit intended and to continue with it will cause some people further distress . and may impact on our ability to offer support to all people in our community. We do not see our role as one that should ever promote conflict or distress and have, therefore, decided to not proceed with the forum.

Lifeline.s mission is to support all Australians in crisis and to do so in a non-judgemental and respectful manner. We do hope that you understand our decision regarding this event and that you continue to support Lifeline and our vision for an Australia free of suicide.”

The Feedback Support Team
Lifeline Australia

That is no apology. It’s a windy notice of event cancellation. Refusal to admit any wrongdoing just means they’ll be back next year with more government funding.

Men are under such incredible pressures these days that we can’t even use a suicide hotline without a real danger that the person on the other end will be a #MeToo activist. God grant that the Manosphere will help those the authorities can’t be bothered with.

Speaking of hotlines, I’ll close with this.

Clementine Ford used to be a phone sex operator

23 September 2017

It appears her motivation for doing so was partly money, and partly due to the fact that no boys found her attractive or wanted to have sex with her. It is believed that this was the main reason she became a feminist. …

Surprisingly, she even felt sorry for some lonely men she received calls from who didn’t even want to talk about sex. Such a contrast to her vile .kill all men. speech today.

“But it was unbearably sad to receive calls from men not even interested in sex. Lonely men with no one to talk to, who wanted someone not only to share in the minutiae of their day but also their passions and dreams at a starting price of $3.95 a minute. All these years later, it still makes me sad to think that there are people for whom human contact is in short supply.”

Oh, My Funking Alley Dog

First, let me sanitize this post for WordPress Reader:

Okay, now for some ugly truth. As of July 11, 2018, San Francisco’s new mayor is a black woman named London Breed.

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She’s… she’s wearing a red flag… dear Lord, I can’t even… sputter…

Has Obama taken a thousand miles of cock, too? He has the same smile.


London Breed was just elected San Francisco’s first female African American mayor in a historic California election. Breed narrowly defeated a rival who was seeking to become the first openly gay man in the position.

In a landmark election, Ghetto Rat has been declared a higher state of victimhood than Fudge-Packer.

Politico describes Breed as a “product of the tough Plaza East public housing project in the city’s Western Addition.” She told Politico that she once considered herself .hood,. after growing up in poverty, watching her sister die of a drug overdose and her brother get hauled off to prison. …

Breed is a proud, native San Franciscan who was raised by her grandmother in public housing, according to her campaign site. She graduated from Galileo High School with honors, and attended classes at the University of California, Davis. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science/Public Service with a minor in African American Studies. She continued her schooling to receive a Master’s in Public Administration from the University of San Francisco.

That doesn’t sound like growing up in poverty. That sounds like growing up in polygamous atheism.


.About 70 percent of the people estimated to be homeless in San Francisco were actually housed in San Francisco before they became homeless,. she said. .We have to make sure people who live here, [and] sadly, people who are homeless here, that they are also held accountable for taking care of our streets..

I doubt that. Wild guess here, 70% of SF homeless were given bus tickets there by Californian police departments who didn’t want bums shitting on their streets.

It.s unclear how Breed will hold public defecators accountable. She said Friday that harsher penalties for offenders are not on the table.

Instead, she directed her criticism towards homeless advocacy groups, who she said aren’t doing a good enough job teaching their clients how to keep the streets clean.

Atheists always talk like that. They talk like if anybody does wrong, it’s a lack of education. Here, Madame Muumuu talks about stopping homeless from shitting in the streets by teaching them how to clean up their shit? Does she believe those adult Americans don’t already know how?

And she’s been in office all of one week.