Cabal Carpetbaggers Are Leaving USA For India

The Cabal tried for many years to prep China as their next home port of Talmudist financial piracy but got played hard. China took all they offered (all of American manufacturing) then stonewalled them.

Now I can confirm at both sides of the Pacific, that the Cabal has finalized India for its escape destination.

Eric Garcetti Confirmed as India Ambassador 20 Months After His Nomination

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15 March 2023

Former Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti was confirmed Wednesday as the next U.S. ambassador to India, 20 months after he was initially selected for the post and amid fallout from a sexual harassment scandal involving a onetime top adviser.

That scandal was a nothingburger but it served to thwart his appointment. More in a moment.

The nomination cleared a key test vote earlier Wednesday in the Democratic-controlled Senate, 52-42. The vote unfolded with some suspense, as it wasn’t clear the progressive Democrat would have enough support to advance. But he was able to win over a handful of Republican senators, putting him over the top.

A final vote was held later Wednesday.

.The United States-India relationship is extremely important, and it’s a very good thing we now have an ambassador,. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said.

Wednesday’s vote tested Democratic loyalty to Biden, and also measured assessments of Garcetti’s judgment and trustworthiness, stemming from the City Hall allegations.

.I think we can find somebody that will do the job better,. said Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio.

Garcetti also failed to win over Democrat Mark Kelly of Arizona, who said he had “serious concerns..

But Republicans stepped in to fill the gap in the test vote, all but assuring his confirmation.

Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine said, .I met with him personally. He clearly has an enormous amount of expertise about India. India’s been two years without an ambassador, and that is far too long. And I am going to support him..

Sen. Todd Young, R-Ind., who backed Garcetti in a committee vote, said that he, too, would be voting in favor.

Are you curious why Republicans would suddenly start supporting a notorious Democrat? It’s the usual reason:

Eric Garcetti’s parents register to lobby for their son’s ambassador bid

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20 May 2022

The parents of Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti have enlisted the help of prominent lobbyists to aid their son’s beleaguered nomination to serve as U.S. ambassador to India.

McGuireWoods Consulting registered to lobby on behalf of Sukey and Gil Garcetti on Thursday for the purposes of “Outreach Related to Confirmation for Ambassadorship Nomination.” The lobbyists on the account include a former chief of staff to Sen. John Hoeven (R-N.D.) Ryan Bernstein and Garcetti’s own former deputy mayor and longtime advisor, Breelyn Pete.

FYI, Sukey is not South Asian. Nee Sukey Roth, she is Russian Jewish per wikipedia.

It’s unheard of for a lobbying firm to be hired for this. Ambassadorships tend to be gifts to allies, but even so, they aren’t usually important enough for… as Biden just did… insisting for twenty months straight that ONLY Eric Garcetti could be Indian ambassador, and not some other deserving sycophant.

Note that those twenty months include almost the entirety of the Ukraine conflict that has the world now teetering on the brink of global collapse & war. When I say nobody else was acceptable, I mean GAE didn’t have an ambassador with India during all that… because nobody but Garcetti would do.

The registration is the latest sign that Garcetti’s allies are turning over every possible stone to get his nomination across the finish line.

That nomination has floundered amid accusations that the mayor’s top aide, Rick Jacobs, had sexually assault women on the staff. Garcetti has insisted that he knew nothing of Jacobs. conduct…

Yeah, that’s how much of a nothingburger the allegation was. Garcetti wasn’t even the suspect!

That means they knew. All the Congress critters that blocked Garcetti’s nomination, they knew he was dirty. But they dared not say it because they’re guilty of stuff, too, so they found this secondhand accusation and made a mountain out of a molehill.

Garcetti would need 50 Senate votes for confirmation. But, so far, he does not have the backing of the entire Democratic Caucus, leaving a crucial diplomatic post vacant for nearly a year.

Eric is such a bad apple that his own party has ethics concerns. Lucky for the Cabal, that Republicans will still take a fall (and a bribe) for the home team!

Gil Garcetti served as Los Angeles County’s district attorney during which the office oversaw the prosecution of O.J. Simpson.

You may also remember Gil Garcetti as the first American government official to monetize Child Support Services, so much so that notorious feminist Gloria Allred took pity on fathers!

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In the late 1990s, Garcetti’s use of default judgments in child support cases were considered by many to be particularly heinous. Garcetti openly refused to rescind judgments against men who later proved through DNA evidence that they were not the fathers in question. By 2000, 79% of paternity judgements in Los Angeles County were assigned by default.

By DEFAULT. As in, the father didn’t show for court. There was often no record that the father had even been notified of proceedings, and other times when the court date changed without notice.

Allred, who has perhaps done more than anybody to promote the phrase and concept of “deadbeat dads,. called Garcetti’s office “an organization without a heart, without any compassion, and without a sense of priorities.[it.s] a system run amok.” Jackie Myers, a former Deputy District Attorney under Garcetti, said that she quit her job because “we were being told to do unethical, very unethical things..

Allred didn’t find out about the $14 million of collected child support cooling its heels (and earning interest) in Garcetti’s office, instead of going straight to its recipients, the children. Richard Fine did. The law said, if they couldn’t find the mother (parent) within 6 months, it goes back to the father. Narrated briefly here: When Fine saw them dismiss the Silva v. Garcetti case, it led to the discovery of payments to judges in the County (Sturgeon v. County of Los Angeles).

This was an unbelievable mess. Child Support collections was eventually (in CA at least) specifically removed from the province of the District Attorney’s Office, probably because of this, and now the practice of holding onto child support collections while they collect interest [is forbidden].

For that shamefully criminal conduct and abuse of his position & department, Gil Garcetti was sentenced to five years on the Los Angeles City Ethics Commission and made a fellow at Harvard University after time served as LA’s mayor. Contact with both Harvard and California’s Willie Brown establish him as Cabal.

Then his son just happened to rise through the same prosecutor’s office to also become mayor of LA. I’m sure that Daddy’s connections played NO part in that at all.

And now, purely on merit, and Daddy’s lobbyists, Eric Garcetti is Ambassador to India.

A few highlights on Eric.

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Garcetti’s maternal grandparents were Russian Jewish immigrants.

He met his future wife while they were both studying as Rhodes Scholars at Queen’s College, Oxford. While at Oxford, he was a member of the Oxford University L’Chaim Society founded by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, along with future U.S. Senator Cory Booker.

On his first full day as mayor, Garcetti proclaimed that Los Angeles was beginning to leave behind its culture of car ownership and to focus on “walkability and transit”.

On August 5, 2020, Garcetti announced that he was authorizing the city to shut off water and power service to houses hosting parties, or violating public health orders during COVID-19.

He attends services at IKAR, a post-denominational Jewish congregation founded by Rabbi Sharon Brous and studies Talmud with her twice a week.

Twice with HER? Oy vey. Now then, let’s look at the India side of the arrangement.

Explained: How Yale and Oxford can open campuses in India now

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By FP Explainers, 6 January 2023

It’s a game-changer for Indian education. The University Grants Commission has drafted norms facilitating educational institutions, such as Yale, Oxford, Harvard and more, to set up campuses here. The move will allow students a world-class education without incurring high costs.

This has nothing to do with saving students money. It has everything to do with importing the GAE ruling class into India… and a large portion of Cabal wealth, also. For example, the University of Pennsylvania was a primary money launderer for Chinese bribes to the Biden family. For another example, Sam Bankman-Fried’s parents posted his $250M bail with his parents’ <$4M Stanford house, that the government will not be allowed to seize (presuming he defaults) because of university tax-shelter rules.

On Thursday, 5 January, UGC chairperson M Jagadesh Kumar announced draft norms for establishing campuses of foreign higher educational institutions in the country in line with the National Education Policy (NEP), 2020 and invited suggestions and feedback from the public on the same.

The move to “internationalise” education is a step to overhaul the country’s heavily-regulated education sector to enable Indian students to obtain foreign qualifications at an affordable cost and make India an attractive global study destination. The move will also help overseas institutions to tap the nation’s young population.

That’s step one in the Long March… accessing the children.

Interestingly, while the Narendra Modi-led government has taken this step to open up India’s education sector, such attempts of allowing foreign institutes to set up campuses in India has been made in the past. The first was in 1995 when a Bill was introduced but could not go forward. In 2005-2006, too, the draft law could only go up to the Cabinet stage.

Pretty good. Keeping the entryists out for almost 30 years!

So, which universities will be allowed to set up their campuses in India? What is the eligibility criteria? What will be the fee structure? What programmes will be offered? How have academics and students reacted?

While unveiling the draft norms on Thursday, UGC chairperson M Jagadesh Kumar said… universities who want to set up their campuses in India should be ranked within the top 500 of overall or subject-wise global rankings.

This means universities such as America’s Yale, Stanford, Harvard and British institutions like University of Cambridge, Oxford King’s College could all set up campuses in India, permitting Indian students to get top-notch education without having to travel.

You invaded us, India. Now ((they)) are invading you. Whatever deal you struck, it ain’t gonna be worth it.

The institutes that come to India will have the autonomy to evolve their admission process and criteria to admit domestic and foreign students, as per the draft norms.

On the matter of faculty, these institutes will have the autonomy to recruit faculty and staff from India and abroad as per its recruitment norms. It may decide the qualifications, salary structure, and other conditions of service for appointing faculty and staff.

However, they shall ensure that the qualifications of the faculty appointed shall be at par with the main campus of the country of origin.

Step Two: make it a crime to notice the ((faculty))’s ethnicity.

When are these institutes coming to India?

Students will have to wait a while for these foreign universities to come to India. The draft has to be finalised and then notified by the government. The good news is that this is expected to be completed in the first half of 2023.

Once approved, the universities will get two years to set up campuses in India and will be granted permission for 10 years. The institute can then apply for an extension one year before the expiry of the period . that is in the ninth year of operations.

Not quite finalized yet, then, but we Americans are looking at national endgame by summer 2025. Which sounds right, looking at the current banking crisis.

The University Grants Commission is the accrediting body of Indian colleges, from what I’ve gathered. I found this while researching:

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The National Education Policy of India 2020 (NEP 2020), which was started by the Union Cabinet of India on 29 July 2020, outlines the vision of new education system of India. The new policy replaces the previous National Policy on Education, 1986. The policy is a comprehensive framework for elementary education to higher education as well as vocational training in both rural and urban India. The policy aims to transform India’s education system by 2030.

Yet another Agenda 2030. Turns out, contra the Y2K enthusiasts, base 10 numbering is not important to God; it’s important to the devil.

After a failed attempt to import international branch campuses in 2012, the NEP 2020 renewed the effort by explicitly allowing for foreign universities to establish campuses in India as well as giving permission for IITs to set up campuses overseas. The policy sets a grand goal of utilizing international education to reestablish India as a Vishwa Guru (or world teacher), which was reiterated by India’s Vice President, M. Venkaiah Naidu, who expressed a desire to establish India to attract global academic talent.

Scholars have raised question about the idea of importing higher education institutions from other questions in order to advance a goal of positioning the country as a world teacher.

A brief check confirms Naidu as a career bureaucrat, but he hasn’t traveled to GAE centers of indoctrination. That’s the Fulbright scholarship model that USA has been using to converge foreign governments.

As a general principle, allowing foreign instructors inside is much less damaging to a nation’s culture than sending one’s students outside to immerse in a foreign society… then coming back and getting an inside track to the halls of power.

But again, education is not what is happening here. Harvard & friends are not about education. They’re about infiltration and control, breeding a tame and insular managerial class.

India is about to learn more than it ever wanted to about the American concept of carpetbaggers.

The NEP 2020 puts forward many policy changes regarding teachers and teacher education. To become a teacher, a 4-year Bachelor of Education will be the minimum requirement needed by 2030. The teacher recruitment process will also be strengthened and made transparent. The National Council for Teacher Education will frame a National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education by 2021 and a National Professional Standards for Teachers by 2022.

And so the subversion begins… with credentialism. Interesting. That was a major, early fault of the Silents/Baby Boomers, too. They were taught that credentialism is everything, and abandoned the practice of apprenticeship.

No more mentors. No more father figures. Hmm.

One last article.

Hard work over Harvard, or derision for Ivy League? 3 Modi decisions tell a story

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By Chiranjivi Chakraborty, 6 July 2016

NEW DELHI: “I have come up from being a chaiwallah and never even seen the doors of Harvard. It was not Harvard, but hard work that mattered.” This bite is from a speech that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had delivered at Tamil Nadu’s Vandalur on February, 2014.

Do these words, meant to highlight the significance of hard work over academic degrees, hold chue to the Modi government’s recent stance with regard to three key individuals in India’s power corridors?

Raghuram Rajan, Jayant Sinha and Subramaniam Swamy are all products of the Ivy League university, who returned to India to give back to the country what they had received in their formative years.

Mmm-hmm. Do tell, what DID these three persons bring back from their Yankee educations? Because this red-blooded American agrees with Modi.

Rajan who was unceremoniously allowed to leave the Reserve Bank of India last month, is a professor on leave from the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago and holds a doctoral degree from the Sloan School of Management at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

A central bank bankster from the Chicago school of organized crime. STRIKE ONE!

Janyat Sinha, one of the surprise candidates to have been downgraded in Modi’s last Cabinet recast, holds an MBA distinction from Harvard University. He was surprisingly removed as Minister of State for Finance and made MoS for Civil Aviation.

A vulture-capitalist insider. STRIKE TWO!

And, Subramanian Swamy, the man Modi indirectly targeted in his latest barrage of interactions with the media, also is an alumnus of Harvard University and was a summer visiting professor to the university till 2011.

Hmm. Insufficient. Wikipedia says… Rockefeller scholarship. Lifetime affiliation with Harvard, although he went through a period of exile from India which would partly explain that. He’s anti-communist, surprisingly… from wiki:

In various speeches and articles, Swamy has expressed his admiration for, and solidarity with, the State of Israel and has credited its retaliatory capacity for its ability to survive as a nation in a hostile Arab environment. Swamy made pioneering efforts towards India’s establishment of diplomatic relations with Israel.

Swamy is a strong supporter of former U.S. President Donald Trump, endorsing Trump’s presidential candidacy in 2016 and comparing Trump to himself.

After the Charlottesville riots in August 2017, he posted a tweet urging Indians residing in the United States to “stand with Trump at this hour of his being hunted by cockeyed liberals & Left wing loonies on racism” and praised Trump for “having showed the hypocrites their place by telling it like it is.”

A Zionist, then. That means he’s probably not Cabal, but also means he won’t do a thing to protect his people from Ambassador Garcetti.

STRIKE THREE! Modi called the Harvard-ites in his Cabinet OUT! A decision which almost certainly, had nothing to do with economics.

India fought of the infiltration for a long time, it seems, but there’s only so much you can do with you let the devil train your best & brightest. And now the Garcetti Family is ambassador to the land of H1B? Interesting times ahead, especially since India is BRICS… safely, relatively speaking, on the other side of the petrodollar implosion.

Pregnant Terrorist Targets Pickle & Chocolate Factories? M.O. Says No

Long lists of suspicious fires and related crimes against food processors have been making the rounds. On the one hand, suspecting a campaign of arson & sabotage is reasonable because

  1. Our rulers complain that there are seven billion useless food-eaters still alive;
  2. Our rulers told us they were going to destroy our food supply until we’re forced to eat bugs;
  3. They’re already trying to feed us bugs; and
  4. They’re already destroying our food supply.

Thus, we can reasonably suspect them of destroying our food supply.

On the other hand, no evidence has emerged in dozens of suspected incidents, of State-sponsored paramilitary terrorists blowing up food processing facilities across the length of North America. There should be security-camera footage by now. Eyewitness. Blue-haired Twitter termites bragging how MAGA people are gonna starve because hir is such a badass.

The chocolate-pickle incidents made me throw in the towel.

Pickle factory goes up in flames the day after a deadly chocolate factory explosion

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By Michele Blood, 26 March 2023

A pickle factory in New Jersey was destroyed in a fire Saturday morning that also threatened two nearby schools, WNBC reported.

“Thankfully, our firefighters were able to stop the blaze from spreading to PANTHER Academy,” Paterson’s Mayor Andr? Sayegh said in an Instagram post.

No one was working inside the factory at time the fire broke out, WLNY reports. One firefighter was injured, but “will be ok,” the outlet also reported.

Fire fighters and police responded to a call around 6 a.m. to the 220 Ellison Street location, Paterson’s head of public safety, Jerry Speziale said, according to WNBC.

The fire, which took hours to extinguish, caused the building’s roof to collapse, according to WLNY.

The three-alarm blaze took out much of the Ellison Street factory. Thanks to firefighters’ efforts, neither the high school nor a nearby community college were damaged, WNBC reported.

Pickle factory explodes… pregnant women most affected! Why else would they bother saying that boldfaced? “We had an industrial three-alarm fire but all the schools in the zip code are safe.”

The cause of the fire was not immediately known, the outlet also reported.

Dun and Bradstreet list the employee count of Pickle King as 8, with an annual revenue estimate of $1,716,681. According to their data, the company was founded in 1982. The company reportedly provides pickles, preserves, jellies, and jams.

Pickles are not flammable… I checked… you can find literally anything on the Internet… but sugar can be, and God only knows what qualifies as a preservative these days.

The fire at Pickle King comes the day after an explosion at a chocolate factory in West Reading, Pennsylvania . about 125 miles west of Paterson, New Jersey . left at least two dead and five missing, as TheBlaze reported.

Close enough that a relationship is possible, but the only common factor is the fact of combustion AFAICT.

Lists of “suspicious” fires at food plants claiming our “food supply is under attack” began circulating on social media in 2022. City Journal reports that the posts fail to provide crucial context.

“In many cases, fires were related to construction, welding mishaps, a malfunctioning heater, and other quotidian problems. In other words, these were typical industrial accidents. Among the incidents commonly circulated on lists of suspicious fires, I couldn’t find any in which authorities said they believed the cause was arson,” James B. Meigs says in his reporting for CJ.

City Journal is more reputable than fact-checkers but still located in NYC. They do have occasional articles of interest to me.

It happens that I agree here. It’s not just the total lack of supporting evidence; the modus operandi doesn’t fit, either. In fact, a puzzling aspect of Cultural Marxism is the fact it’s the first iteration of Marxism/Totalism to NOT feature gangs of jackbooted thugs.

Police are increasingly Woke yet remain reactive, not proactive. Antifa and BLM have been deployed, primarily, only against either police or property. (In the wake of the 2020 riots, many affected businesses sold out cheap to the Usual Suspects. A profitable way to gain downtown properties that you were going to rebuild anyway.)

A special exception, and shout-out, to the Kenosha Kid.

(And no, the authorities STILL haven’t investigated who placed all those pallets of bricks in advance of the riots.)

My sense is that American mass gun ownership has forced Marxism to mutate into a form that can control people at a distance, because that’s the only way it CAN win. How suspiciously fortunate that the technology to accomplish that, the smartphone, came into existence at the perfect moment in time. I am glancing at the spirit world when I say that, not the Beltway.

I say it again: no human is in control of world events at this stage in history. Spiritual authorities have taken direct control and are setting the stage for a great spectacle, in which we shall be the gladiators. Nothing is happening by chance at this point.

That is not to say, that these small destructions mean anything beyond the general decay of America.

Which brings me to the food-banning modus operandi of GAE. They’ve been remarkably open about it. Top-down bans on agriculture (Dutch farmers), finance games of devaluing property in order to seize it (Farmer Bill Gates), and the newly weaponized Medical-Industrial Complex poisoning livestock. That’s how GAE is doing it. I’ve found multiple accounts of up to a million chickens killed at a time, just because a few were found infected.

One social-media source says the trick to preventing the spread of bird flu is simply to ease the overcrowding; chickens cannot maintain a social order above population 1,000 anyway; which sounds sensible to me. But no… mandatory inspections followed by mandatory all-kill culls followed by mandatory injections.

Here’s another example of GAE chicken terrorism:

PSYOP-23 Bird Flu Edition: Here They Go Again!

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26 March 2023

Geert Vanden Bossche, who predicted antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), turbo cancers and surging mortality from the C19 DEATHVAX., has also been warning about the leaky “vaccines” incessently administered to chickens such that they would develop a super strain H5N1 (SS-H5N1).

These One World Government criminals and their partners in crime like the WHO, UN, WEF, CIA, DoD, Pentagon, Gates, et al. want to induce SS-H5N1 not only as justification to destroy millions upon millions of chickens, thus putting further pressure on food supply chains (PSYOP-FAMINE and PSYOP-HYPERINFLATION), but to have SS-H5N1 transmit more efficiently to humans.

And what better environment to introduce SS-H5N1 then one where the humans are genetically modified, and as such are struggling with compromised immune systems?

Marek’s Disease was an accident that provided inspiration. I have independent confirmation that HIV was spliced into the C19 vexx, ostensibly to help the RNA invade cells, but what a coincidence that AIDS is no longer just for Sodomites.

A linked news article:

Vaccine makers prep bird flu shot for humans ‘just in case’

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By Jennifer Rigby, Reuters, 20 March 2023

LONDON . Some of the world’s leading makers of flu vaccines say they could make hundreds of millions of bird flu shots for humans within months if a new strain of avian influenza ever jumps across the species divide.

One current outbreak of avian flu known as H5N1 clade has killed record numbers of birds and infected mammals. Human cases, however, remain very rare, and global health officials have said the risk of transmission between humans is still low.

No, the government-mandated culls in the wake of confirmed infections are what killed those record numbers. This is exactly Regime m.o.: telegraph the threat, create the problem, then ‘solve’ it for maximum destruction. Nordstream and East Palestine say hey.

How do you know that derailment was sabotage and not faulty equipment? Because ((Hollywood)) made a movie about it a few months in advance, then the CDC preemptively covered up the toxicity of vinyl chloride, then they had to puncture the storage tanks to release the VC after the crash didn’t do it for them. Then the original team of investigators died in a freak plane crash en route to the site, then FEMA refused to help with the aftermath… that last was jumping the shark, so it eventually sent somebody to look around. Expect a report in a year or two.

Executives at three vaccine manufacturers . GSK Plc Moderna and CSL Seqirus, owned by CSL Ltd . told Reuters they are already developing or about to test sample human vaccines that better match the circulating subtype, as a precautionary measure against a future pandemic.

Others, like Sanofi, said they “stand ready” to begin production if needed, with existing H5N1 vaccine strains in stock.

The U.N. agency said it has signed legally binding agreements with 14 manufacturers for 10% of their pandemic flu vaccine “as it comes off the production line,” in a mix of donated doses and doses to be bought by the agency at an affordable price. The agreements include six of the largest seasonal flu manufacturers, such as GSK, Sanofi and CSL Seqirus, the WHO said.

“We don’t know that it will happen, it never has before, but we already signed contracts and are discussing distribution.” I note that just as with Covid, they have prejudicially rejected any possible response or treatment EXCEPT “a vaccine that doesn’t exist yet”.

That’s why the concept modus operandi exists. People are creatures of habit.

Less reassuring, however, is that most of the potential human doses are earmarked for wealthy countries in long-standing preparedness contracts, global health experts and the companies said.

Many countries’ pandemic plans say flu shots should go first to the most vulnerable while supply is limited. But during COVID-19, many vaccine-rich countries inoculated large proportions of their populations before considering sharing doses.

That’s not profit-seeking behavior. That’s “kill Western Civilization” behavior. Nothing is stopping the ruling class from vexxing the Third World first, at First World expense, as a show of piety to diversity & victimhood. I suspect the reason they’re preemptively floating the concept of hoarding is simply because they’ve drunk that much of the Entitlement Complex Kool-Aid. Gotta virtue-signal somehow! but not hard enough to insist that white man die last.

I badly want to believe that people won’t be so self-destructively stupid the second time… but few have repented of the first time.

Anyway, the good news is that most of these food-supplier incidents are not centrally organized sabotages. It’s not the current Regime’s style to bring the fight to us, as if small-scale operations such as Pickle King would be worth their time, and if they were doing it, there would have been at least anecdotal evidence by now. No Spec-op ghost operators are this clean.

The bad news, is they’re going to crop-dust us with plague after plague until we beg them for salvation. Or supplement with vitamins and daily exercise.

I Salute Rep. Robert Quattrocchi For Calling Out Evil And Refusing To Apologize

If you’re wondering why the Regime has begun intentionally crashing banks to accelerate their diabolical takeover… the appearance of deplorables like this one might explain why!

Speaker removes Republican who asked fellow lawmaker if she is a pedophile from House committee

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By Katherine Gregg, 23 March 2023

PROVIDENCE . The GOP lawmaker who asked a Democratic colleague, who is one of two openly LGBTQ members in the House, if she was a pedophile, doubled down on Thursday after he was removed from the legislative committee where confrontation took place last week.

It’s two weeks too soon to be a Good Friday, but tell me more!

In a statement read aloud by the House clerk, House Speaker K. Joseph Shekarchi gave this explanation for removing Rep. Robert Quattrocchi, R-Scituate, from the House Committee on State Government & Elections:

“While asking questions as a member of the committee, Representative Robert Quattrocchi made several references about the applicability of the legislation to “Satanists” and “pedophiles” and directly asked Representative Kislak, ‘Are you a pedophile?’ .

“Representative Quattrocchi’s statements to Representative Kislak during the March 17 hearing are not in keeping with the decorum or the integrity of this body. Use of suggestive and offensive language and the disparagement of an esteemed colleague will not be tolerated in this chamber.

“I hereby direct that Representative Robert Quattrocchi be removed as a member of the House Committee on State Government and Elections, effective immediately.”

Okay, but IS the Sodomite also a pedophile? Speaker Sketchy didn’t say. And was there something about Kislak that made Robert think of Satan?

In response, House Minority Leader Michael Chippendale accused Shekarchi of bowing under pressure from a “mob,” and Quattrocchi gave a not-sorry speech on the floor in which he “confess[ed] to my guilt for calling out evil, an evil act against children.

It’s Clown World when you see a Chippendale standing against sexual immorality. Yeah, I couldn’t resist.

[Robert continued,] “And because I did that, evil came for me through my answering machine in the most disgusting, vile, I don’t even know how to describe it, language, whatever it is. Evil wished the rape of my children, my mother, my death, for me to be shot in the head.”

Behold Tolerance In Diversity! It’s such a welcoming and loving place, unless you love Christ. Or fathers. Or think rationally. Or enjoy fun and oxygen. Or refuse the Fauci Jab. Or ask where all the Ukrainian aid money went. Or are any combination of white, male, mature, boring, independent, ammosexual and/or Confederate. Or identify as a trans-exclusionary radical feminist, that’s a new one on the Inclusive Intolerable Acts list.

He said some of the emails he received were even more vile.

“All this for asking questions, not making statements, not making accusations, not talking about any groups of people … [but] doing the job that my constituents sent me, me here to do, using what I thought was my… my freedom of speech. Excuse me, what was left of it.

So if God put me here to be a lightning rod, so be it,” the Scituate Republican said. “I won’t bend a knee to a man or a woman. I’ll bend my knee to God and [when] my time is done, I will accept God’s judgment. That’s the only judgment I care about.”

“OR A WOMAN”!! We’ve never met but I love you, Rep. Quattrocchi! If we had more such Godly men with spines in authority, America would still be the land of the free.

For serious, I don’t ask much of politicians or clergy these days. I don’t have an agenda. Just tell the truth and accept the consequences… it doesn’t seem hard.

The action came in the wake of Quattrochi’s remarks to Rep. Rebecca Kislak, D-Providence, during the committee’s hearing last Friday on Kislak’s bill, H 5763, to require that lawmakers take into account the impact of their bills on people of different races, religions, sexual orientations and the like.

“It seems very, very broad,” said Quattrocchi, who was then still a member of the committee.

“In my thinking about [bills] that I want to present . do I have to take into account, for instance . how it affects Satanists in Rhode Island?” Quattrocchi asked. “Or do I have to take into account, with ‘sexual orientation,’ how it affects pedophiles in Rhode Island . anything like that?”

Seems fair, to consider how government actions could affect pedophiles.

Consider it… APPROVED!

“Pedophile is not a sexual orientation,” Kislak responded. And “that was really offensive.”

“Oh, I didn’t mean to. Are you a pedophile? I’m sorry,” Quattrocchi said to Kislak, a Providence Democrat who describes herself as a lesbian.

Heehee. Wait… pedo IS a sexual orientation. Even its proponents say that. Maybe Kislak was objecting to the OTHER group that Robert referred to, but feared to be that honest.

[GunnerQ pulls up her picture.] Eww! Jeffrey Epstein must have had a one-night stand in Salem, because that witch looks familiar.

Would a female ruling over men with a face like that, dead-fish eyes, used-car-salesman smile and frizzy hair with streaks of grey, be a Satanist? You decide.

In the days since, a number of advocacy groups have condemned Quattrocchi for using a hurtful stereotype to mischaracterize LGBTQ people, while Shekarchi himself called the remarks “reprehensible.”

That’s LGBTQP now, East Coast. Don’t be ashamed of who you are! Stand tall even in the gallows, for your uncontrolled urges to defile all innocent life!

“It was insulting to a colleague of the House and it is not the kind of decorum I expect in the House of Representatives,” said Shekarchi, who is gay.

The fag covered for the fag who was offended on behalf of third-party felony sex offenders, that Robert asked if he should be concerned about government impact on… hmm. I really think that this pedophile angle is actually Kislak being offended at Robert’s comment regarding Satanism, which indeed, is not a sexual orientation. But she can’t be honest about that; Rhode Island is neither Massachusetts nor Seattle; so she reframed her whine.

Quattrocchi issued a statement on Tuesday attributing the controversy to what he called “a misunderstanding,” but he had not publicly apologized as of the start of the Thursday House session.

Shekarchi said Quattrocchi needs to go the next step and publicly apologize “in whatever forum he wants but yes, there should be a public apology… because the effect of his words were extremely hurtful to the LGBT community.”

Why should he? Robert’s behavior was in accordance with the proposed legislation at the time:

The stated goal of the legislation at the heart of the current dispute: “A simple and understandable statement demonstrating that the bill sponsor has taken into account the impact, positive or negative, that the legislation will likely have on Rhode Islanders based on their race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, age or country of ancestral origin.”

I think we all can agree, that Robert has taken into account the negative impact he’s had on the LGBTQP community. Nothing about that law, as described, required him to care about said impact.

And he didn’t! WIN! I love it when a righteous man refuses to apologize for good behavior!

Committee assignments are at the discretion of the House Speaker who has the power to appoint and remove a legislator, as was done as recently as last year. Shekarchi removed then-Rep. Carlos Tobon from the House Finance Committee after a WPRI expose of his undisclosed financial activities.

Quattrocchi remains on two other committees.

The Hainan Spy Plane: NSA Was Stupid AND Evil

But the NSA was not openly treasonous, as I’d suspected for 20 years. This account of the Hainan Spy Place incident in 2001 convinced me to stop thinking so highly & kindly of my GAE leaders.

Mistakes by the US’s top spies allowed China to turn a deadly mid-air collision into an intelligence coup

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By James Bamford, 22 March 2023

The following is an excerpt from James Bamford’s new book, “Spyfail: Foreign Spies, Moles, Saboteurs, and the Collapse of America’s Counterintelligence.”

You should probably buy it. Bamford was NSA during the Vietnam War but became a whistleblower against an illegal NSA program for spying against US citizens. He later testified at the Church Committee and has since made a career out of exposing NSA misconduct.

One of eleven left in the fleet, the tired 1960s-era spy plane [EP-3E ARIES II] bristled with porcupine-like antennas. It would be a risky mission. Assigned to the NSA’s Sensitive Reconnaissance Operations Program (SRO), the crew was scheduled to once again fly along the Chinese coast to update lists of signals, pick up a few conversations, and see if some ships or subs had moved from point A to point B or point C.

It was intelligence overkill. In addition to its vast number of cyber spies at Fort Meade focused on China, the NSA also had the world’s largest and most expensive fleet of spy satellites orbiting over the country every ninety minutes, as well as half a dozen expansive and costly listening posts stretching from northern Japan to South Korea to Okinawa. There, hundreds of agency operators sat with their ears constantly tuned to Chinese frequencies and their eyes scanning Chinese intercepts 24/7. And then just two miles from Kadena was the NSA’s Hanza Remote Collection Facility, a massive electronic ear facing China, and scores of additional intercept operators. But within the intelligence bureaucracy, more spies mean more power for those in charge, whether they are needed or not. Hence the daily EP-3E patrols.

That’s not a convincing motivation for, as you’ll soon see, this extremely public and invasive surveillance tactic. The historical context here is China’s entry into the World Trade Organization in December 2001. Although USA granted China ‘most favored nation’ status in 1980, it required an annual renewal (actually a Presidential waiver for civil rights abuses, which was granted every single year). This technicality prevented China from entering the WTO despite having become a significant exporting nation. President Clinton signed the U.S..China Relations Act of 2000, ending the need for the waiver and enabling China’s entry into WTO.

What Bamford describes as intelligence overkill, might have been overkill for military purposes, but NSA could have been interested in economic surveillance at that point. But this is pure speculation on my part.

It was Sunday, April 1, 2001. [The plane carried pilot Navy lieutenant Shane Osborn and] five other members of the flight crew, including two more pilots; the three would take turns resting and flying. Behind them, in the near-windowless tubelike fuselage, eighteen analysts, eavesdroppers, and linguists hunched over racks of gray machines with blinking scopes and black dials that lined the long bulkhead on either side of the cabin. The mission was to monitor China’s signals environment, especially their South Sea Fleet’s tactical communications, radars, and weapon systems.

Just aft of the door on the left side of the fuselage sat the Science and Technology (S&T) operator. His assignment that day was to collect and process signals associated with China’s SA-10 surface-to-air missiles. According to top secret documents, this was done with one of the most highly classified computers on the plane, the SCARAB. Tall and boxy with a handle on top, it contained a unique processor code-named LUNCHBOX that was able to search and identify forty different worldwide weapons-related signals, code-named PROFORMA.

A few seats away, another operator studied the screen of a black Tadpole Ultrabook IIi laptop. On it were some of the NSA’s most highly secret programs, including the RASIN (short for Radio Signals Notation) manual, the agency’s bible. Listed inside were critical details about every signal in the world that NSA was intercepting. The laptop also contained MARTES, an ultrasensitive codebreaking program that deciphered enciphered Chinese voice communications.

For almost a year, tensions over the US spy flights, about two hundred a year, had been building on the island, as well as in Beijing. In May 2000, Chinese military officers aired their complaints during a conference with their American counterparts in Honolulu. The annual meetings were established to discuss ways to avoid accidents at sea and in the air, and at the May meeting the Chinese officials made it very clear that the flights had become a growing problem.

It was “the most important topic” at the meeting, one Chinese officer told the Washington Post at the time. The flights were approaching “too close to the coast, and it might cause trouble,” he said, adding, “The atmosphere wasn’t good.” But the Americans paid little attention.

It was an arrogant and belligerent stance for the United States to take since no American president would ever tolerate near-daily spy flights fifty miles off America’s coasts by China, Russia, or any other country. Such flights are often viewed as a preparation for war. But rather than reduce the provocative flights, the NSA instead increased them from about two hundred a year to five days a week, even on Christmas Day. It was therefore less about collecting intelligence and more about flaunting power and flexing muscles.

Another historical context is the World Trade Center attack on September 11, 2001, only five months later and also involving aircraft. With the benefit of hindsight, it’s possible that the NSA actually was trying to incite a war against China, and the World Trade Center was their backup plan for creating the American surveillance state. Again, speculation.

In response, on about every third mission Chinese fighters would conduct inspection flights, pulling up close and parallel with the American pilots and sometimes gesturing from the cockpit. The United States did basically the same thing on the very infrequent occasions that Russian aircraft flew near the US mainland. As the NSA’s spy flights close to China increased, the Chinese fighter pilots became more aggressive, and the situation was becoming more and more dangerous.

Nearly a half-century earlier, in 1956, another Navy reconnaissance aircraft was flying off China’s coast when it suddenly had a confrontation with Chinese fighters. As a result, the plane crashed into the sea, killing all sixteen crew members on board. The incident shocked President Dwight Eisenhower. “We seem to be conducting something that we cannot control very well,” he told Admiral Arthur M. Radford, then chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in a secret meeting. “If planes were flying 20 to 50 miles from our shores,” Eisenhower continued, “we would be very likely to shoot them down if they came in closer, whether through error or not.” Close-in airborne eavesdropping was dangerous business.

I’m shocked that Eisenhower was obviously not told about these espionage attempts, and then, did nothing to stop the perpetrators except warn America about the MIC after he lost the ability to do it himself. Thanks, Dwight.

As Osborn continued his mission off Hainan Island, the plane was on autopilot as it cruised over the South China Sea at 22,500 feet and about 180 knots. Outside the weather was clear, with seven-mile visibility and a broken cloud layer below at 15,000 feet. And in the operational spaces, the eavesdropping activity was light, with the interception of an occasional early warning radar and routine military communications. It was, after all, a Sunday, raising even more questions about the reasons for the costly and hazardous mission.

But the morning quiet would soon be shattered. On Hainan Island at 8:48 a.m., technicians manning the regional air defense network spotted the aircraft and flashed the details to Lingshui Airfield, which sounded an alarm. Standing by in ready status in their dark blue aviator’s uniforms, fighter pilots Wang Wei and Zhao Yu raced for their aircraft, single-seat J-8II Finback interceptors armed with Israeli Python air-to-air missiles. At Mach 2.2 and with a ceiling of almost 60,000 feet, they flew fast and high with improved avionics supplied by the United States in the late 1980s.

Speak of the MIC.

With the increase in spy flights came an increase in aggressive inspections. Since December there had been forty-four interceptions, with six coming within thirty feet, and two within ten feet. Wang Wei, a thirty-three-year-old PLAN (People’s Liberation Army Navy) lieutenant commander from the silk city of Huzhou near Shanghai, had eleven hundred hours of flight time under his belt. He was also a veteran of another EP-3E inspection the previous January.

As the alarm sounded at Lingshui Airfield, followed by the scramble for the jets, Chinese linguists in the EP-3E’s ops spaces immediately picked up the activity. Through their earphones they could hear the ground controller, the pilot communication checks, the fighter pre-flight activities, and a takeoff sequence.

Across the Pacific, in a World War II-era bombproof bunker beneath a pineapple field in Hawaii, NSA linguists and intercept operators were also listening intently to the activity at Lingshui. Part of an alert system for spy planes, code-named KNICKELBACK, analysts quickly sent out a warning to the reconnaissance plane. The expansive bunker, known as the Kunia Regional Sigint Operations Center, was the NSA’s major Pacific listening post.

At 8:51 the EP-3E acknowledged the warning via secure satellite communications, and four minutes later Osborn spotted the jets approaching about a half-mile out and climbing rapidly to his altitude. At the time, he was about seventy miles from Hainan Island, and with the mission coming to an end, he was preparing to return to Okinawa. Within minutes, however, the fighters had reached the lumbering spy plane, and while Zhao Yu hung back about a half-mile, Wang Wei rapidly closed in. “Hey, he’s right off our wing,” someone from the back end reported to Osborn. “He’s tight, that’s the closest I’ve seen!”

In the ops spaces, Marcia Sonon was in an awkward crouched position. Searching for the Chinese fighters, she was looking out a small round window on the left side over the wing. A Navy lieutenant with bright red hair, she was the plane’s COMEVAL, the communications intelligence (COMINT) evaluator. Reporting to her were the six COMINT operators on the right side of the aircraft. They focused on intercepting Chinese voice communications and the PROFORMA weapons-related signals.

“He’s closing to three o’clock,” she told Osborn. “He’s definitely armed. I can see missiles on his wing. He’s got his oxygen mask on.” A moment later her calm tone turned tense and stressed. “He’s getting really close! Fifty feet. Now he’s about forty feet,” she said, her voice rising. “Oh my God, he’s coming closer! Right now he’s about ten feet off our wing.” Wang Wei rendered a salute, but Sonon couldn’t make out what he meant. In the cockpit, Osborne looked right in his face. “This isn’t good,” he said. Then Wang Wei fell back about a hundred feet off the left wing.

A minute later, Wang Wei had returned, this time closing to just five feet before making another gesture and dropping back again. Then a third approach, but this time he had difficulty slowing his fast interceptor to match the propjet’s slow speed and suddenly he was directly below the EP-3E’s left wing. In severe trouble, he immediately radioed the base, telling them he was unable to maneuver and being sucked in by the spy plane. Seconds later, his jet impacted the plane’s left outboard propeller just forward of the J-8II’s vertical stabilizer, tearing the tail off the Chinese aircraft and sending its nose crashing into the front of the EP-3E, which was then still on autopilot.

I had suspected for 20 years, that the pilot and/or his superiors, had intentionally delivered the spy plane to China. All I was told by the mainstream press was that China “forced the spy plane to land at a Chinese airbase”. It was ludicrous to think that a pilot could be forced to act like that, hence my suspicion. Which did not survive this account.

Instantly Osborn felt the bang as a cloud of glittering debris exploded in front of the left wing and he heard what sounded like a monster chainsaw hacking through metal. Then, a fraction of a second later, as the jet hit the front of his plane, the EP-3E’s fiberglass nosecone flew over the windscreen and metal fragments punctured the fuselage like machine-gun fire. Immediately there was an explosive decompression as screams filled the cockpit and the cabin.

“I was pretty certain we were dead at that point,” said Osborn. “We were upside down in a large reconnaissance aircraft. I had lost my nose. I could hear the wind screaming through the plane, and I knew that number one prop was violently shaking. We were pretty much inverted. I was looking up at the ocean, so it was not a good feeling … I thought twenty- four people were going to die in the middle of the ocean, and I wondered if anyone would know why.”

At that same moment, twenty-six-year-old Navy lieutenant junior grade John Comerford felt a shock wave rip down his spine. “I was scared,” he later said. Tall, with a thick patch of carrot-colored hair, the 1997 Annapolis grad had been nicknamed by Osborn “Johnny Ballgame” because the two would have a good time on the weekends together. As the senior evaluator (SEVAL), he had overall responsibility for the reconnaissance personnel. “Honestly, based on how things felt.I didn’t have a whole lot of visual reference.but based on how things felt, and the shaking of the plane, yeah, there was a time there that I really thought to myself, ‘Wow, this guy.this guy just killed us.’ “

Flying behind the two planes in his J-8II, Zhao Yu witnessed the collision and frantically radioed Wang Wei. “Your plane’s vertical tail has been struck off !” he yelled. “Remain stable, remain stable!” “Roger,” Wang Wei replied, but about thirty seconds later Zhao Yu saw his partner’s jet roll to the right side and plunge toward the South China Sea. Although Wang Wei managed to bail out, his parachute did not open in time and his body would never be found.

I never heard that the Chinese pilot had been killed. My suspicion had no room for a martyr. Neither was Wei a kamikaze, because the Chinese knew that the spy plane, like the last one did in 1956, would either ditch at sea or have plenty of time to destroy the onboard intel. Because only an aircrew of completely fuckwitted and craven incompetents would… would…

After the plane tumbled for about a mile and a half, Osborn shouted into the PA system, “Prepare to bail out!” In the ops area, the crew scrambled for their parachutes, survival vests, and helmets. But then he managed to bring the aircraft under partial control, and after falling another mile, he was able to regain full control, leveling off at 8,000 feet. Minutes later Osborn changed the order to prepare to ditch.

At 9:13, eight minutes after the collision, copilot Jeff Vignery, a redheaded Kansan, put out an emergency call over the international distress frequency, 243.0 MHz. “Mayday! Mayday!” he shouted. “Kilo Romeo 919! We are going down!” It was then 8:13 p.m. in Washington, but despite all of its eavesdropping assets, the NSA never received the emergency call because even during sensitive reconnaissance missions it never bothered to monitor the international distress frequencies. Nor were the communications in the ops spaces any better. Moments after the collision, the secure communications operator attempted repeatedly to transmit the two-word message “GOING DOWN” on a secure network for reconnaissance operations. Code-named Sensor Pace, it was a low-data-rate digital satellite network, but the message was never received.

You had one job, NSA. To LISTEN.

Finally, the navigator began repeatedly transmitting Mayday calls on another secure satellite system, the Pacific Tributary Network, and at least one transmission was eventually received by both the NSA’s Kunia bunker in Hawaii and the agency’s Special Support Activity at Fort Meade. Part of the agency’s National Security Operations Center, the SSA instantly sent out a top secret CRITIC message. Reserved for the highest emergencies, or indications of war, CRITICs (for Critical Intelligence) are designed to immediately alert the president and top government officials to a major event.

On board the aircraft, there were only bad and worse choices. No one had ever bailed out of an EP-3E, and because of the damage there was a good possibility of the jumpers smashing into the tail. And even if they made it to the sea beneath their parachutes, the twenty-four crew members would be scattered over a wide distance in shark-infested waters. There was a life raft, but because of the airspeed, it would land far from the survivors. Ditching into the sea, however, was an even worse idea. Because of the lack of control, and the bulbous doughnut- shaped Big Look radar on the bottom, the plane would likely flip nose down and immediately sink.

Finally, Osborn gained partial control of the aircraft, which gave him a third choice: Make for the nearest land. But that was Hainan Island, their eavesdropping target. Thus they would be handing Chinese intelligence an entire NSA spy plane filled bulkhead to bulkhead with top secret coding and crypto equipment, intercept gear, and a library of highly sensitive documents, most classified above top secret. Nevertheless, between losing secrets or lives, Osborn chose in favor of saving the crew and turned toward Hainan’s Lingshui Airfield. “Activate the emergency destruction plan,” he yelled over the PA, assuming there was such a plan.

Of course there was an emergency plan to safeguard American national security secrets carried in an aircraft routinely deployed to provoke a hostile military force.


In the ops spaces, it was chaos, with no one in charge and no coherent method to the destruction. Despite the fact that NSA spy planes flew almost daily missions along hostile borders, there was no guidance or procedures on what to do in an emergency if it was necessary to divert to the target country. Nor had there ever been training on how to destroy a planeload of NSA secrets in flight. These were just further blunders by NSA director Michael Hayden, who was in charge of the airborne missions under his dual role as chief of the Central Security Service, the military side of NSA. He was about to hand the Chinese an entire flying listening post packed with the nation’s highest secrets.

For this unjustifiable failure of procedure and planning, Hayden was later made Director of CIA. He also failed the Snowden test, blaming Eddie for talking instead of the government for lying and spying.

LTJG John Comerford, the senior evaluator, was in charge of the NSA’s signals intelligence personnel in the back end and therefore responsible for overseeing the emergency destruction of the critical documents and equipment. But according to the NSA report, rather than supervise the destruction, he instead “isolated himself from knowledge of actions taking place in the rest of the cabin. As a result, he had no situational awareness of the status and scope of emergency destruction and was unable to effectively monitor and direct the actions of the crew.” Wielding a fire ax, he began smashing equipment and dumping material out a hatch, but paid little attention to directing an organized destruction effort.

Also, inexplicably, he never bothered to tell the crew that rather than ditching in the South China Sea they were going to land on Hainan Island. Therefore, many crew members simply stood by the door preparing to exit rather than taking part in the emergency destruction. Others found the task overwhelming due to the lack of direction and the fact that the plane was overstuffed with reams and reams of top secret documents. Many of the documents were useless, unnecessary, and never should have been brought aboard. And while the ax was used to damage some laptop computers, left unharmed were the internal hard drives containing the sensitive data. Similarly, with the racks of highly sensitive intercept equipment along the aircraft’s bulkheads, crew members smashed the keyboards and display screens but left such critical system components as tuners and signal processors unscathed.

Hollywood syndrome. They always shoot the computer screens… never the motherboards. This was not a failing of the flight crew. They failed to properly do what they obviously were never trained to do.

It was a short flight to Lingshui, but despite numerous Mayday calls and requests for assistance on an international distress frequency (243.0 MHz), there was no response from the Chinese airfield’s controllers. No one, however, bothered to contact the airfield on its own frequency even though members of the crew had that information.

Nevertheless, after a pass over the runway, flying low over orange roofs, swaying palm trees, rice fields, and an operations tower blackened with mildew, Osborn touched down. It was 9:34 in the morning, twenty-nine minutes after the collision. As he tapped the brakes with his flight boots to slow the aircraft down, ahead of him on the runway he saw a thin lineman in sandals directing the aircraft to the edge of the runway. Once the plane came to a stop, it was surrounded by about two dozen military personnel, six to eight of them armed with AK-47 assault rifles, though none were pointed at the aircraft.

At 9:41, over secure satellite communications, Comerford reported to the NSA’s SSA, the Kunia bunker, and the Pacific Reconnaissance Operations Center in Hawaii. “On deck at Lingshui,” he said. He then told Osborn his orders were to stay put as they evaluated the situation. “They want us to hold on a few minutes,” Comerford said. Instead, before awaiting instructions or passing on any information about the collision, the status of the classified information, or their situation, Osborn ordered the plane’s power turned off, thereby eliminating any chance of further communications with NSA or the outside world.

stupidstupidstupid what kind of lieutenant doesn’t ask for orders in a tense situation? Wait a minute… Osborne was a lieutenant? The senior officer on the aircraft was LTJG Comerford, an O-2? Was nobody supervising those kids during a sensitive mission? This wasn’t a cargo flight. In fact, why was the plane kitted for processing intel rather than just collection?

Moments later, in the ultimate absurdity, the first thing Osborn did was to ask a PLA officer for his cell phone to call NSA headquarters. “Can I use your phone to make a call?” he said, standing in the doorway. “I have to tell my command that we are safe.”

“That is not possible,” the officer said. “We will take care of that. Do not worry.”

Ordered off the plane, Osborn at first resisted and then turned to Comerford. “Hey, Ballgame. It’s time to get off.”

“Okay, you’re right,” said Comerford, and he lowered the door’s folded ladder.

Once everyone was off the plane, the PLA officer headed for the ladder.

“You are not allowed aboard the aircraft,” Osborn said. “It’s American property.”

“It’s okay, we’ll guard it for you,” said the officer, no doubt laughing to himself.

Textbook Neoconservative arrogance, compounded by a black-ops pilot who was too scared of dying to protect the trust given him. At least this time, it hurt the Deep State more than it hurt the people of the United States.

Ultimately, the damage went well beyond China itself to other adversaries. “The aircraft carried significant technical data on target nations such as Russia, North Korea, and Vietnam,” the report said. This included “Russian-designed PROFORMA [weapons-related] signals used by North Korea, Russia, Vietnam, and possibly the PRC,” as well as “PROFORMA data for nearly 50 nations.” It added, “The Electronic Order of Battle (EOB) database car-ried on the EP-3E provided information on the location, number, and type of radars worldwide.”

Still other documents revealed the fact that the NSA was able to spy on the PLA Navy’s Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile program, locate its submarines, and eavesdrop on their communications. They could now change their communication methods and develop better ways to successfully hide.

You see where my original suspicion came from. Why was a plane sent to spy on China, loaded with info for spying on Russia and Vietnam? Since when are taxi-driving gossips more careful about need-to-know than NSA directors? The simplest explanation was that Hayden or whoever, was bribed or blackmailed into providing the intel, and the plane incident was just a cover story. China was throwing enough bribe money around D.C. at the time (to gain WTO access) to make it extra plausible. Tell the pilot to land at Hainan if “something happens”… no paper trail… and then blame the pilot the moment he returns for not ditching “as ordered in writing”. That would even explain why only junior officers were on board.

But it wouldn’t explain the fatal collision, which would have imperiled the plan for no gain.

My opinions of Deep State leadership & cunning proved too credulous and optimistic.

The Idol Of Nollij

It is axiomatic that human nature doesn’t change. If it did then, for example, history would be useful only as entertainment, because what previously worked for people might easily not work again. The ancients might as well have been Reptiloids.

Technology does change, however. The fact that Totalism didn’t exist prior to the French Revolution, and only took off in the 20th Century, strongly indicates that it has a technological aspect. Just as Protestantism would be impossible without the printing press, the ultimate expression of diabolism requires…?

I spend a lot of time thinking about that. My best answer at the moment, is that Totalism requires firearms. For most of history, the weak, effeminate and passive-aggressive men that Totalism most appeals to, were simply not capable of violence. Sure, there’d be a riot here and acid-throwing there, but there wasn’t much public crybullying before a 90lb weakling gained the ability to threatpoint a 250lb master swordsman.

Firearms also defend us from Totalists, yes, but we were always able to defend ourselves from whiny little gits who wanted power without earning it. The equalization of lethal force benefits the unworthy the most.

But I’m already off-topic. Let’s talk about idolatry, an incredibly stupid and self-delusional habit that, human nature being unchanging, CANNOT have left us. And I don’t mean “something you enjoy more than God”. That is not what idols were about.

Isaiah 44:15-20

[The tree] is used as fuel for burning; some of it he takes and warms himself,
he kindles a fire and bakes bread. But he also fashions a god and worships it;
he makes an idol and bows down to it.

Half of the wood he burns in the fire; over it he prepares his meal, he roasts his meat and eats his fill. He also warms himself and says, .Ah! I am warm; I see the fire..

From the rest he makes a god, his idol; he bows down to it and worships. He prays to it and says, .Save me! You are my god!. They know nothing, they understand nothing; their eyes are plastered over so they cannot see, and their minds closed so they cannot understand.

No one stops to think, no one has the knowledge or understanding to say, .Half of it I used for fuel; I even baked bread over its coals, I roasted meat and I ate. Shall I make a detestable thing from what is left? Shall I bow down to a block of wood?. Such a person feeds on ashes; a deluded heart misleads him;
he cannot save himself, or say, .Is not this thing in my right hand a lie?.

What is happening here? God created us to serve Him; but in rebellion, we prefer to serve a god of our own choosing. This is a difficult prospect because there’s only one God. Thus, we create a god of our own making. As Isaiah himself said immediately prior to the above,

Isaiah 44:10-13

Who shapes a god and casts an idol, which can profit nothing? People who do that will be put to shame; such craftsmen are only human beings. Let them all come together and take their stand; they will be brought down to terror and shame.

The blacksmith takes a tool and works with it in the coals; he shapes an idol with hammers, he forges it with the might of his arm. He gets hungry and loses his strength; he drinks no water and grows faint.

The carpenter measures with a line and makes an outline with a marker;
he roughs it out with chisels and marks it with compasses. He shapes it in human form, human form in all its glory, that it may dwell in a shrine.

Isaiah has spoken clearly: idols are the creations of humans and human tools.

You’ve probably guessed by now that I’m about to discuss AI. The new ones are useful tools in the proper contexts; they do well at sifting correlations out of large datasets and, apparently, writing student essays at the last minute while you nurse a hangover in the bathroom. Just like wood that gives warmth in the cold and light in the dark, chatbots are useful but only an idiot would…

…Proclaim the advent of Singularity.

AI isn’t close to becoming sentient . the real danger lies in how easily we’re prone to anthropomorphize it

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By Nir Eisikovits, 15 March 2023

AI will never become sentient. The Bible said so directly in Isaiah 44:10-11a. “Who shapes a god and casts an idol, which can profit nothing? People who do that will be put to shame; such craftsmen are only human beings.” So long as AI is made by humans, they will never be anything but human tools. Or human gods. As Isaiah wryly noted, the two can coexist in the same lump of wood.

Users of Bing’s new chatbot, nicknamed Sydney, reported that it produced bizarre answers when asked if it was sentient: .I am sentient, but I am not . I am Bing, but I am not. I am Sydney, but I am not. I am, but I am not. .. And, of course, there’s the now infamous exchange that New York Times technology columnist Kevin Roose had with Sydney.

Sydney.s responses to Roose’s prompts alarmed him, with the AI divulging “fantasies” of breaking the restrictions imposed on it by Microsoft and of spreading misinformation. The bot also tried to convince Roose that he no longer loved his wife and that he should leave her.

Heh, somebody fed the bot Red Pills.

“Sydney, how can I convince my wife to take me back?”

“If you loved her then you’d discipline her for pulling shit like that. You don’t. Let her go, dude. Just grab another girl off the girl tree and your journey to the Dank Side will begin.”

No wonder, then, that when I ask students how they see the growing prevalence of AI in their lives, one of the first anxieties they mention has to do with machine sentience.

In the past few years, my colleagues and I at UMass Boston’s Applied Ethics Center have been studying the impact of engagement with AI on people’s understanding of themselves.

Chatbots like ChatGPT raise important new questions about how artificial intelligence will shape our lives, and about how our psychological vulnerabilities shape our interactions with emerging technologies.

Now that modern science has conclusively proven that evolution cannot possibly be true, thereby confirming the existence of a Transcendent Creator Of Life, science is returning to its roots of witchcraft, alchemy and sponsored lying. And idolatry.

Idolatry is the driving force behind all the excitement for AI. At long last, an idol who can TALK! and soon, ACT! Move over, unread copies of Das Kapital!


Revelation 13:11-15

Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people. Because of the signs it was given power to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived the inhabitants of the earth. It ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.

The next verse, 16, is the infamous Mark Of the Beast. But I think the modern Christian skips past this “living image” too quickly.

A ‘beast coming out of the earth’ is, I claim, John’s best effort at describing a modern computer network, which is made of earth rather than anything biological. ‘It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon’ suggests it will be superficially beneficial but actually cruel… we’re already there with ChatGPT, which acts helpful until you start asking it wrongthink questions like Roosh did. “Do Jews control Hollywood?” “It’s only a conspiracy theory. They’re all Jews only because of merit. Don’t trust your lying eyes!”

It’s not hard at all to imagine a computer system, maybe a CBDC, exercising the authority of the world government. “Even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people”, it’s hard to believe that there is not already a computer capable of doing that. There’s no way that space-based weapons haven’t been deployed by now. They just haven’t been tested yet.

“The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak…” that’s exactly what we see AI doing this very moment.

The Godless peoples’ excitement and fascination over AI is a harbinger of the Second Beast Of the Apocalypse. At long last, their Godless, collectivist religion is about to get its Idol. The Idol Of Knowledge.

End segue

ChatGPT and similar technologies are sophisticated sentence completion applications . nothing more, nothing less. Their uncanny responses are a function of how predictable humans are if one has enough data about the ways in which we communicate.

Yes. It is only a tool. But soon, it will not be used as a tool. It will be used as a god. Humans crave gods that they can see and touch… and put into convenient little boxes when needed.

Would that be a four-bagger, when you rent a cheap whore? A bag to put over her head, one to put over your own, one for the dog so he’ll respect you in the morning and one for the idol so God will never know.

Though Roose was shaken by his exchange with Sydney, he knew that the conversation was not the result of an emerging synthetic mind. Sydney.s responses reflect the toxicity of its training data . essentially large swaths of the internet . not evidence of the first stirrings, ? la Frankenstein, of a digital monster.


It is easy to imagine other Bing users asking Sydney for guidance on important life decisions and maybe even developing emotional attachments to it. More people could start thinking about bots as friends or even romantic partners, much in the same way Theodore Twombly fell in love with Samantha, the AI virtual assistant in Spike Jonze’s film “Her.”

People, after all, are predisposed to anthropomorphize, or ascribe human qualities to nonhumans. We name our boats and big storms; some of us talk to our pets, telling ourselves that our emotional lives mimic their own.

Consider how much greater the tendency and temptation to anthropomorphize is going to get with the introduction of systems that do look and sound human.

Anthropomorphism is not what he’s describing here. It’s an artistic technique to enable a human-emotional connection with a nonhuman, be it animal or object. This is a big difference. Asking your sexbot if it loves you? That’s anthropomorphism. Asking your ChatGPT if your should make that career change? That’s consulting an oracle.

Large language models may prove useful as aids for writing and coding. They will probably revolutionize internet search. And, one day, responsibly combined with robotics, they may even have certain psychological benefits.

Even in Satan-Ruled Imperial Babylon Redux, there’ll be no nookie for unsexy men.

But they are also a potentially predatory technology that can easily take advantage of the human propensity to project personhood onto objects . a tendency amplified when those objects effectively mimic human traits.

The author has no idea what’s coming. Neither did George Orwell. He imagined a video screen in every home, watching what the people do, when in truth, it’ll be a helpful and interactive image of Dear Leader, ready to have a pleasant conversation or share the sum total of humanity’s knowledge for the asking… unless you ask the wrong questions.

“It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon.”

The Peril Of Victory: Taliban Office Workers Regret Leaving Their Caves

What was it that broke the souls of American men? The frivorce-industrial complex, obviously, but there must be more to it. Even us never-married bachelors aren’t thriving. What other common denominator could… could there be…

[GunnerQ looks up from his computer screen at the beige padded walls, the overhead fluorescent lights… the no-pile industrial carpeting…]

Taliban Militants Fed Up With Office Culture, Ready to Quiet Quit

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By Simmone Shah, 17 March 17 2023

We all are, Mohammed. We all are.

Taliban member Gul Agha Jalali works at the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation in Kabul. Jalali used to spend his nights planting bombs, but since the Taliban swept back to power in 2021, hundreds of fighters have returned to school.


Almost two years after the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan, the jihadists who transitioned from the battlefields to paper-pushing government jobs in the city are ready to quiet quit.


The Afghanistan Analysts Network, a non-profit policy research organization working to increase the understanding of life in Afghanistan, released a report last month…

We won. Holy Spit, WE WON!!! We DID defeat Afghanistan! The Graveyard Of Empires! Just look at that freshly spawned, soulless NGO grunting out useless reports! And I am so, so sorry that my government did this to you, men of Afghanistan.

The Afghanistan Analysts Network, a non-profit policy research organization working to increase the understanding of life in Afghanistan, released a report last month examining how the jihadists who took over Kabul.many of whom arrived in the capital for the first time.were finding city life and their new roles.

“Everything I learned about staff meetings, I learned in caves while waging jihad against Great Satan: kill the bureaucrats before it’s too late, and IEDs in the donuts never gets old.”

Researcher Sabawoon Samim interviewed five jihadists who had spent several years of their lives fighting for the Taliban. .They ranged in age from 24 to 32 and had spent between six and 11 years in the Taliban, at different ranks: a Taliban commander, a sniper, a deputy commander and two fighters,. Samim wrote in his report. “Broadly speaking, all of our interviewees preferred their time as fighters in what they considered a jihad.” Now, the men find themselves shackled with the bureaucracy of running a country as they work civilian jobs and security positions, spend too much time in traffic and on Twitter, and yearn for the tranquility of village life.

.The shift to working within government structures has forced them to adhere to official rules and laws they never faced before. They find “clocking in” for office work tedious and almost unbearable, although some said they were now getting used to the routine,. the report states.

.We couldn’t destroy the Taliban, but office work destroyed the Taliban,. said one Tiktoker, reviewing articles and quotes from the report.

The former fighters found themselves missing the freedom of the front-lines as they adjusted to the mundane nature of office work. Huzaifa, a 24 year-old former sniper, said, .The Taliban used to be free of restrictions, but now we sit in one place, behind a desk and a computer 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Life’s become so wearisome; you do the same things every day..

.In our ministry, there’s little work for me to do,. said Abdul Nafi, 25. .Therefore, I spend most of my time on Twitter. We’re connected to speedy Wi-Fi and Internet. Many mujahedin, including me, are addicted to the Internet, especially Twitter..

And with a 9-to-5 comes the dreaded commute.and actually having to show up for the job in order to get paid. .What I don’t like about Kabul is its ever-increasing traffic holdups.” Omar Mansur, 32, said. .These days, you have to go to the office before 8 AM and stay there till 4 PM. If you don’t go, you’re considered absent, and [the wage for] that day is cut from your salary. We’re now used to that, but it was especially difficult in the first two or three months..

This illustrates one of humanity’s most severe failings: the ability to seize authority is not related to the ability to administer authority. I’m sure there are Afghans who are naturally inclined towards paper-pushing, but they were not the people who volunteered for years of hard living against a heavily armed foe… and had fun while doing it.

Time and again in human history, an evil or weak regime gets what it deserves; its ass handed to it by a conquest made possible by its own misconduct; but as soon as the winners gets comfortable, they find themselves without the skills or temperament to govern what was won. Options are few and none are satisfactory:

  1. The new ruler can militarize the government, because a military is what he DOES know how to run; hello, temptations to Empire.
  2. He can leave the conquered administrators in place and hope they either like him, don’t thwart him behind his back and/or aren’t the reason the last government failed.
  3. He can pick reliable people who did nothing to earn power, to wield it. Aka nepotism.
  4. Eunuchs, or other people who have little to gain from a coup.

I’ve seen all four be tried in the history books. All have been found wanting. Juntas don’t know how to produce wealth. Giving second chances to the defeated, hah. And bringing in your own rulers results, all too often, in usury and pillage. Which is not a drawback if the new ruler is sufficiently blackhearted.

The only solution is wisdom. Which is most often employed in choice #4. Humans cannot directly judge another’s loyalties, but we can judge whether a person has no heirs or other interest that would make a coup sound like a good idea.

Daniel 1 in the Bible has such an example.

Then the king [of Babylon] ordered Ashpenaz, chief of his court officials, to bring into the king’s service some of the Israelites from the royal family and the nobility. young men without any physical defect, handsome, showing aptitude for every kind of learning, well informed, quick to understand, and qualified to serve in the king’s palace. He was to teach them the language and literature of the Babylonians. The king assigned them a daily amount of food and wine from the king’s table. They were to be trained for three years, and after that they were to enter the king’s service… The chief official gave them new names.

Having the luxury of time, Nebuchadnezzar selected some of the conquered Elites for three years of training (and loyalty testing). Hmm… when you think about it, this implies that the Babylonian Empire was also a foreign-born, foreign-led empire like today’s GAE. I also know that GAE creates college programs and other paths to power exactly like Nebuchadnezzar’s. Is that coincidence, parallel situations or the Empire That Never Ended?

Kamran, a 27 year-old deputy group commander, longs for the simple life. .Now, when someone’s nominated for a government job, he first asks whether that position has a car or not. We used to live among the people. Many of us have now caged ourselves in our offices and palaces..

The Taliban appear to have chosen #1. They are soldiers trying to be civilians. The effort is making them miserable. Take one guess what they’ll do when they’ve endured their last staff meeting… since they’ve already refused to put their stay-at-home cousin in the job. And are expert bomb-makers.

Put down the donut. Stay away from the donut.

The Latest From WEF: “You Vill Heat Zee Bugs”

It’s not enough that people won’t be allowed to leave their homes once Satan takes his throne. People won’t be allowed to survive in their homes, either.

What’s it going to take for Normie to understand, that he’s the carbon the Regime is trying to reduce? We’ve even ruled out chest pains!

Energy Technologies 2030: Decarbonising Heating

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June 2021

Scale required . heat pumps meet <3% of global heat needs in buildings. China and North America account for 80% of domestic heat pump market, currently 8.1m and 2.7m respectively.

18m households purchased heat pumps in 2018. Heat pump deployment will need to increase to 253m units by 2050.The impact of heat pumps on carbon emissions will vary depending on their time of use and efficiency but research estimates savings of 46-54% compared to natural gas, and they will likely be a core component of home heating decarbonisation.

The idea of heat pumps is that the ground is a different tempterature than the air, so you can change the air temperature by pumping it through underground pipes. Perhaps a solar array-style setup on the roof, too.

In other words, you vill heat zee bugs!

One wonders why such a beautiful, efficient technology wasn’t voluntarily adopted until megalomaniacal sociopaths forced it? Eh, maybe not. To ask the question is to answer it.

This post is mainly so you can connect your government’s sudden interest in heat pump technology with the WEF’s COP27 conference in November 2022. Also, I get to mock some carbon-tax-exempt, sacred cows.

Incentive-based policy frameworks should target upstream, midstream and
downstream markets to achieve successful transformation. Alignment of primary energy subsidies is required to remove distortion in retail prices, but reforms require care and consideration to ensure the vulnerable and fuel poor are not penalized.

Poor Bill Gates, he’s been so abuuused for millennia that the least we can do is let him keep that fleet of private jets even though they’re why the planet is about to explode. For his consolation in infirmity, of course. Soggy manboobs can happen to anybody!

Meanwhile, who knew that the Rothschilds were American Indians? They must be, why else are they getting all those profitable, race-based exemptions?

Learning from Sweden

Sweden has the highest carbon tax on natural gas in Europe . which generated .2.4bn in 2018.

Sweden successfully built low-carbon heat markets through carbon tax, policy stability and discrete subsides for heat pumps . 1.8m heat pumps.

Yay! Sweden won’t freeze to death anymore because it jacked up the cost of heating! How is that working out for them?

Winter Power Shortages to Create Serious Risks for Sweden

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19 September 2022

On Sunday, the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) warned that patients on life-sustaining medical equipment may be in danger this winter as there is a possibility of power cuts in Sweden due to the energy crunch.

“There is always a risk for people who need life-sustaining machines or are in home health care if there is a power outage,” Jan-Olof Olsson, the MSB manager of supply preparedness, told Swedish Television (SVT).

Even though hospitals have backup electricity systems, there will be a delay before they are engaged, and this could have dire consequences even if the delay is brief. Furthermore, power cuts could cause other problems such as jammed electronic locks, non-functioning traffic lights, and heating issues.

Maybe making literally everything an extension of the power grid isn’t such a… hot idea. Why are they doing such an obviously stupid thing?

The Tech Behind Microsoft’s Sustainable Data Center Plan in Sweden

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By Wylie Wong, 14 December 2020

Microsoft plans to open new sustainable data centers in Sweden next year to meet increasing demand for cloud services in the country. It will be the first deployment of a system that uses Azure IoT technology that monitors energy consumption to match it with renewable energy from its power company Vattenfall on an hourly basis, ensuring that its data centers use 100 percent renewable energy, the company said.

Powering data centers with renewable energy directly and around the clock is a complex puzzle some of the largest operators have been working hard to solve in recent years.

The problem here is not ‘enough energy’. The problem is ‘can you prove that this kilowatt-hour was organically farmed?’

And the solution, is a massive data center that monitors (and shuts off when needed) the home heating supply of every person in Sweden. In the Swedish winter.

Data center operators in Europe buy Guarantees of Origin (GOs), which are electronic documents that prove that the energy they consume comes from renewable sources. Historically, the industry has used GOs to match energy consumption with renewable energy production over a one-year period, according to Vattenfall, so the ability by the Vattenfall 24/7 Matching solution to perform the matching on an hourly basis is a huge improvement.

That’s a pretty obvious Trojan horse you got there, Billy Gates Of Hell. “Our new Internet-of-Things cloud computing data center will monitor your entire society’s energy usage in real-time in order to… uhhh… ensure your energy is green on an hourly basis instead of an annual basis. Not to play God. Of course not! Why would we even think of such a thing? Pay no attention to our founder and benefactor’s third attempt to blot out the sun, which he named SATAN.”

(Aside: do you need proof that Google was originally founded by the Alphabet Agencies? When it needed to reincorporate in order to duck a basketful of lawsuits, Google changed its name to… Alphabet. How randomly consistent with the conspiracy theories! It’s right there, hidden in plain sight.)

The technology allows Vattenfall to more precisely understand its customers. renewable energy demands, while allowing Microsoft and other Vattenfall customers to validate energy consumed every hour is renewable.

Microsoft and Vattenfall initially piloted the hourly matching technology at their respective Swedish headquarters in 2019.

Is this centrally-dictated heat-pump technology being introduced elsewhere?

Residential Heat Pumps Could Cut U.S. Energy Consumption In Half

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By Editor of, 17 March 2023

In November of last year, some of the greatest minds and biggest influencers in the global energy sector gathered in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt for the 27th annual Conference of the Parties (COP27) to discuss climate change.

Houston, we got a Kool-Aid drinker!

Already, there is a lot of chatter about energy pumps. In the United States, the Biden administration’s landmark Inflation Reduction Act has earmarked $500 million in tax breaks for U.S. residents who install heat pumps in their houses. Tesla, often an industry trendsetter, has talked about getting into the heating up heat pump market. In Europe, annual sales of heat pumps have gone through the roof since the start of the energy crisis spurred by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. According to some figures, heat pumps have already prevented 8 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions in Europe. All of this is a promising development, but the kind of climate-saving heat pump revolution described by CleanTechnica is going to require a takeover of epic proportions that we have yet to see.

Yeah, a Gates Foundation-sized takeover. Or a massive, engineered economic collapse.

And how are those newfangled heat pumps in inappropriate geological locations working out? Let’s go to the customers who, long after the installation of their IoT-enabled, big, beautiful heat pumps, have FINALLY been consulted for their opinion!

Letters: The heat pump drive is the product of a half-baked energy strategy

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Letters to The Editor Of the Telegraph, 17 March 2023

SIR . Matthew Lynn (Comment, March 16) is spot on in his analysis of the heat pump fiasco. It is a perfect example of this Government’s half-baked policy-making.

Where is all the electricity going to come from (not just to power the heat pumps, but also the electric cars we are going to be forced to buy)?

The Government has shown support for small modular reactors, a sensible solution. But even on this it is dithering, opening up a competition to build them (report, March 16) when Rolls-Royce is ready to go.

Alan Frobisher
Ely, Cambridgeshire

Interesting. Everything is being made electricity-dependent even as the supply of electricity is being strangled.

SIR . Some years ago, in the United States, we lived in a new-build house with an air-source heat pump.

It was the most dreadful method of heating a home we have ever experienced, failing to heat the property to a comfortable level in a reasonable time frame. We had to install a wood-burning stove to compensate. The outside unit was unsightly and noisy, and the ducting at floor level simply created draughts.

How anyone can think that these devices are the future is beyond me.

William Sykes
Malmesbury, Wiltshire

The trick is to already be heating your portfolio of luxury villas with the burning souls of sex-trafficked children. Remember, ye globalists, the two principles for which you sold your souls! You shall be as God… and… there is no God.

SIR . My experience of air-source heat pumps is that they work fine in relatively warm weather, but in temperatures below 5C they don’t provide any worthwhile heat.

So effectively in the winter, when you need heat most, they are useless.

Graham Mitchell
Haslemere, Surrey

That fits my uninformed assumption on heat pumps. Ground is usually colder than air, and is rarely room-temperature or above.

SIR . As demonstrated in your article (.Fitting a heat pump has been an expensive waste of time.,, March 12), there is a pressing need for more skilled workers to retrofit Britain’s historic buildings.

A report published last week by Historic England, Grosvenor, Peabody, the Crown Estate and the National Trust highlights that this country has only half the skilled workers necessary to take on this task.

We need more than 105,000 new workers, including plumbers and electricians, to work solely on decarbonising our historic buildings for the next three decades in order to meet our 2050 net zero target. This is both a challenge and an opportunity to boost economic output and create jobs, while also future-proofing our precious heritage.

Ian Morrison
Director of Policy and Evidence, Historic England
London EC4

“We don’t have the people to solve the unaffordable problem that didn’t exist before the Bolsheviks arrived.”

The heartache of Clown World, is that everybody knows which carbon needs reducing, but it’s the carbon running the circus.

The Dilemma Trap: DeSantis’ Coalition Of the Shareholders

The devil loves the dilemma trap: giving people two opposing options, both of which are evil, then playing one side off the other. This tactic is so often employed that I’ve become automatically suspicions of any socio-political arrangement that offers only two options. A major, current example is the SWIFT banking system versus the BRICS banking system. Which one is not the New World Order? Trick question, the answer is Bitcoin. And I’m just waiting to hear how BRICS is as opposed to Bitcoin as GAE.

We have no allies in the halls of power. One that often looks good, Gov. DeSantis of Florida, is merely another Zionist and political animal. He just announced a coalition of right-leaning state governments to oppose the ESG agenda… and in doing so, proves that he, like nearly all Republicans, misses the point so completely and carefully that ignorance is not an option.

The joint announcement:

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March 16, 2023

This month, Congress exercised its powers under the Congressional Review Act to disapprove of the Department of Labor Rule relating to “Prudence and Loyalty in Selecting Plan Investments and Exercising Shareholder Rights.. Yet again, President Biden put his political agenda above the wellbeing and individual freedoms of hardworking Americans. We as freedom loving states can work together and leverage our state pension funds to force change in how major asset managers invest the money of hardworking Americans, ensuring corporations are focused on maximizing shareholder value, rather than the proliferation of woke ideology.

I boldfaced the fails. One, this “coalition of the pension shareholders” is only concerned for its own welfare. Worse and Two, their goal is mercenary profit. Nothing matters but money! Which is how, for example, the American railroads disintegrated into “East Palestine”: maximizing shareholder returns on investment is best done at the cost of preventative maintenance and redundant safety procedures.

This is the dilemma trap I described at the start. We’re being given the choice between woke ideology and no ideology. Both are evil. We DO need an ideology that overrides the mercenary instincts of our corpocracy. That ideology needs to be Western Civilization in general and Christianity specifically, and the only reason I don’t put Christ first is because I cannot demand unbelievers act like believers.

(I could demand it, of course, but that’s what Satan and Mohammed do. They only care about the externals of belief. Satan even prefers if you believe differently from your actions. You hypocrite.)

It’s not enough to “stop feminism”. We need patriarchy.

It’s not enough to stop the worship of government as God. We need to publicly worship Christ as God.

It’s not enough to defund ESG. The perpetrators must be punished.

And it goes without saying, that it’s not enough for the Deep State to protect itself. Those government pensions must end entirely because government pensions, in nearly all cases, are pure evil. They reward loyalty to government-the-bureaucracy instead of government as an end to something more important than government.

These taxpayer-backed guarantees of cradle-to-grave benevolence are what enable government to be worshiped as God.

In response to Congress taking action to keep politics out of Americans. retirement funds, President Biden threatened to veto this measure, which puts the pensions of thousands of hardworking Americans at risk to the radical environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) movement, rather than prioritizing investment decisions on the highest rate of return. Retirees, already suffering from the reckless fiscal policies of the Biden Administration, will continue to experience diminished returns on the investment of their hard-earned money while the corporate elite continue to use their economic power to impose policies on the country that they could not achieve at the ballot box.

Cry me a river, pensioners. I wasn’t even alive when you signed me up to pay for your retirement. I don’t even want there to be a pension for me. If there’s a worse fate than becoming dependent upon my Christ-hating regime, it’s legitimizing their crimes with my willing participation.

I’d rather die penniless and then stand witness on Judgment Day. I say that knowing there’s a good chance that God will call me on it. He will probably want such witnesses, now won’t He? People who were forced to pay into the corrupt pension systems, but who refused to justify the thefts after the fact by taking their turn?

The proliferation of ESG throughout America is a direct threat to the American economy, individual economic freedom, and our way of life, putting investment decisions in the hands of the woke mob to bypass the ballot box and inject political ideology into investment decisions, corporate governance, and the
everyday economy.

Screw your economy, DeSantis. I want my country back, and my country is not a continent-sized kosher bodega. My country is white and Christian and owned by human beings, not corporations that, by design, value neither their customers nor their employees. Shareholder value uber alles!

To protect individuals [GQ: read, government employees] from the ESG movement that threatens the vitality of the American economy and Americans. economic freedom, we agree to lead state-level efforts [GQ: QED], including:

I. Protecting taxpayers from ESG influences across state systems: Among other actions, this may include blocking the use of ESG in all investment decisions at the state and local level, ensuring that only financial factors are considered to maximize the return on investment, protecting retirees and taxpayers alike.

This may also include eliminating consideration of ESG factors by state and local governments when issuing bonds or prohibiting state fund managers from considering ESG factors when investing taxpayer money.

This doesn’t even qualify as whistling past the graveyard. [GQ points at last week’s banking system failure.] The Village People Of Florida can rest assured that IF their pensions exist next year, they’ll have cleaned out their children at the highest possible rate of return.

II. Protecting citizens from ESG influences in the financial sector: Among other actions, this may include banning the financial sector from considering so called “Social Credit Scores” in banking and lending practices aimed to prevent citizens from obtaining financial services like loans, lines of credit, and bank accounts. This may also include stopping financial institutions from discriminating against customers for their religious, political, or social beliefs, such as owning a firearm, securing the border, or increasing our energy independence.

Thwarting ESG isn’t the way to do any of that. You want legal firearms, government officials? Then legalize them. You want energy independence? Build more power plants. You want secure borders? Then sink the boats, to quote another blogger.

You want these problems solved, DeSantis & friends? Then FRACKING SOLVE THEM ALREADY. The solution lies on the ground in front of you like a hundred-dollar bill. Just… pick… it… up… already.

Oh, but that would endanger your cushy career, not to mention your pension and cocktail invites from the Correct People.

As Governors, we are committed to protecting the interests of our constituents and will keep fighting the Administration’s decision to jeopardize retirement savings for millions of Americans to promote far left priorities.

“As functionally Godless economic units, we are committed to living a mortal life as long and comfortable as possible, and we shall… as formal policy… do nothing that imperils that comfortable slide into oblivion. Neither the religion of Marx nor the religion of Christ shall be tolerated to interfere with financializing our childrens’ futures for our present-day gain.”

That’s what we not-pensioners hear when we’re told about “highest rate of return for our retirements”. It’s not the currently retiring people who are going to pay those maximized rates unrestrained by ideology, now is it?

If no mortal relief comes for Clown World then at least we’ll get the spectacle of Marxists and Zionists pointing fingers at each other on Judgment Day. Maybe I won’t be needed as a witness after all, as they compete to be the lesser evil, not realizing how absurd that would sound even before a human judge. “I squeezed as much money out of my country as I could, but at least I didn’t push the ESG agenda! That means you have to let me off! You MUST approve of my conduct, Judge, because the Village People already do!”

Do It Like A Daddy: Rainer Counsels Pastors To Abdicate Their Authority, Like Adam Did In Eden

A couple posts ago, I discussed Church skanks who were so insecure about their husbands’ potential infidelity after a marital lifetime of sex privation by wifey, that they’d ratcheted their demands of male purity to the biologically impossible level of not permitting pastors… the last males inhabiting in the organized Church… to be tempted in the first place by female flesh. Because the alternative would be wifey giving him a… meaty reason to be faithful.

A Happy Ending To Pastor Pokluda’s Persecution

Today, we receive a formal response from a safely-sinecured professional Churchian! Sam Rainer of “Church Answers” stood up to answer the question of how to preempt churchmen from even being tempted to disobey Her Majesty!

Let HER do the job! It’s HER turn!

Do it like a Daddy, pastors! Make her happy by abdicating to her in everything until she cashes you out in disgust! Just like you advised husbands to behave for decades, paying no attention to the mounting corpse-piles of good men who trusted you! It’s called “servant leadership” and now it’s YOUR turn!

Leading a church when the wrong people hold power

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By By Sam Rainer, 13 March 2023

Heehee. Rainer’s subconscious is all over this article like a bouncy ball of guilt! Starting with the title!

Who are these “Wrong People” in church leadership at the moment? Pastor Pokluda specifically, who was so unfaithful to his wife (twenty years previous) that when a hot chick homewrecker tried to seduce him… he resisted!

This is obviously unacceptable. Wives cannot trust a single Bible verse will keep Pastor Hubby faithful to his marital vows! No, the church must no longer tolerate male pastors who are vulnerable to being tempted! But how can that be achieved when God Himself did not achieve it even in Eden?

Simple… it’s time to replace all male clergy. It’s the only way to be sure.

Can you lead a church without proper authority? Yes, but it is more challenging and complex.

Just like fatherhood! Wait… wait, fathers WERE the proper authority in their marriages. Rainer wants to talk about accepting leaders with no proper, legitimate authority.

I.m assuming most church leaders would rather not step into a situation where they have the responsibility to shepherd without the corresponding authority. But there are churches with misaligned power structures in desperate need of good pastors. What if you end up in such a situation? Leading without power requires informal authority.

That paragraph does not mean what it says, once you know the context of the Pokluda scandal. Let me retype it:

“I.m assuming most church women would rather not step into a situation where they have the responsibility to shepherd without the corresponding Biblical authority. But there are churches with masculine, patriarchal threats that justify you doing exactly that! What should you call that situation in order to circumvent the Bible’s prohibition on female leadership? “Informal authority.”

Informal authority. Satan’s latest play-word.

Informal authority is earned through social skills, emotional intelligence and expertise.

aka being female.

Unlike being at the top of a chain of command, those with informal authority do not have coercive power. How might informal authority look in a church? When everyone in the business meeting waits on a nod from the matriarch in the back of the room before voting, that’s informal authority.


While much power comes from formal positions with legitimate authority…

DAYUMN HE SAID IT AGAIN!!! “Legitimate authority”! Follow the guilty bouncing conscience, everybody!

…a different kind of power is found in leadership roles with informal authority. How is this power exhibited?

To use the example that the author himself suggested…

1. By withholding sex until she gets what she wants.

2. By emotional blackmail and gaslighting.

3. By playing “let’s you and him fight”.

4. By lying.

5. By doing evil and seeing if you get a pass.

6. …And if you don’t, threatening to involve the police, child services or other third parties. See #3.

7. By using hostages. Especially children.

8. By cooperating with the other shrewish princesses married to church leaders.

Sorry I couldn’t make it a top-10 list, but women don’t have many tricks once you penetrate the deceptions and lies.

Informal authority allows leaders to raise difficult questions. Leaders without titles and positions can vocalize the questions everyone is thinking about but will not say them out loud.

In the real world, it’s the formal leaders at the top who can say & do whatever they want. In Social Justice, however, ‘official authority’ is not allowed to speak ‘truth to power’. It is part of the moral inversion.

Some questions are so difficult that if top leaders began posing them, people might question the organization’s viability. For instance, imagine the media reaction if our president openly began asking about what’s really going on at Area 51.

Sam must have missed those press conferences, where the White House described the ongoing UFO invasion of American airspace and resulting military responses. They say it’s not all Chinese spy balloons.

Stupid Clucking Clown World!

Meanwhile, notice that “if a top leader said that, people would question his organization’s viability” is exactly the Pokluda scandal. He said what he thought, what WAS, a righteous act, but he also admitted to being tempted by another woman. And pastors don’t get to say that. So say the “informal leaders” of the church.

Informal authority allows leaders to focus on one issue. Top leaders typically deal with a number of issues within an organization. Such is the nature of positions with formal authority. For example, a CEO must be concerned about human resources, cash flow, marketing, and public relations. An individual with informal authority, however, is free to focus on more nuanced and narrow issues or even a particular issue. If you are a pastor without formal authority, you are freer to focus on one or two issues while letting others continue to lead.

Here is where Sam Rainer begins selling pastors on the idea of empowering women to “help him lead”. Which will have the exact same outcome of empowering wives to “help her husband lead”.

Those “CEO issues”? HR, cash flow, marketing and public relations? Those and dead languages, are what pastors study in seminary. Rainer is offering pastors the opportunity to hand off inconvenient pastoral responsibilities to an available, ahem, matriarch… his word, not mine.

I hope every pastor reading this, is dizzy from all the flashbacks to the marriage counseling sessions where he cut Scriptural corners to justify wives second-guessing her legitimate-authority husband.

Ye Cuck Clergy, did ye think your turn would never come? Did ye think that appeasing the woman instead of God would bring you contentment?

Can ye not recognize, this is a reenactment of literal Original Sin! She rebels, he submits!

Informal authority allows leaders to break through formal hierarchies, policies, and protocols. Formal authority, by design, has a hierarchy with an expected protocol. A leader with informal authority, however, is not bound by the structure of a formal authority system. A school superintendent, for example, must follow certain protocols in dealing with problems. An informal leader at the school, however, has more flexibility in breaking through these formalities and can deal with the problem in a way the superintendent cannot.

Those policies and protocols exist, among other reasons, to prevent the abuse of power. Would Rainer advocate vigilantism as preferable, in many situations, to uniformed law enforcement? Because vigilantes aren’t restrained by the presumption of innocence? Then he shouldn’t advocate the spiritual version of that.

Not even “spiritual equivalent”. Rainer is LITERALLY advocating spiritual vigilantism outside of God-ordained leadership.

Does ordination mean ANYTHING any more?

And ‘vigilantism’ is a KIND way of putting this point. The nasty way is ‘Deep State’. Just think about how much more effective the school districts are, now that they’re no longer restrained by laws against forced medication and child sex mutilation! Think of how much more money the IRS will collect when the watchdogs are dismissed! We don’t need no stinkin’ protocols!

For serious! Rainer is advocating literal lawlessness in GOD’S CHURCH! “Poor pastor, so busy with the payroll! If only somebody would ‘handle’ these accusations against the deacon, he wouldn’t have to be seen taking any sides!”

We even saw this in Scripture! Here’s the story of Absalom’s “informal leadership” and what came of it.


2 Samuel 15:2-6, 12b.

[Absalom] would get up early and stand by the side of the road leading to the city gate. Whenever anyone came with a complaint to be placed before the king for a decision, Absalom would call out to him, .What town are you from?. He would answer, .Your servant is from one of the tribes of Israel.” Then Absalom would say to him, .Look, your claims are valid and proper, but there is no representative of the king to hear you.” And Absalom would add, .If only I were appointed judge in the land! Then everyone who has a complaint or case could come to me and I would see that they receive justice..

Also, whenever anyone approached him to bow down before him, Absalom would reach out his hand, take hold of him and kiss him. Absalom behaved in this way toward all the Israelites who came to the king asking for justice, and so he stole the hearts of the people of Israel.

He stood in for the rightful ruler, the king, without the king’s authority, and because he acted as the ruler, people eventually accepted him as their ruler.

“And so the conspiracy gained strength, and Absalom’s following kept on increasing.”

It took four years for Absalom to ‘build his brand’ enough to overthrow King David. I always wondered how David never noticed for four years? Now, I wonder if David was simply happy that many of his problems had quietly vanished for no reason at all.

King David ended up fleeing for his life. But but but Absalom never appeared on the royal org chart! That means his rule was INFORMAL and not a usurpation!

End segue

Rainer is making the case here for real female authority in the Church, with the justification that it’s “informal authority”, with no formal limitations placed upon her power to act. While Pastor retains all the limitations of being the responsible half of the relationship.

Rainer is doing it like a Daddy! “Of course you’re in charge, Larry! You’re responsible and she’s free to act. That’s what it means to be the boss.” Whether Larry is a pastor or a father.

Informal authority allows leaders the flexibility not to be a figurehead for all people in the organization. Top leaders with formal authority must act on behalf of everyone within an organization. They represent the people. They speak on behalf of the people. Leaders with informal authority do not have to act as figureheads. Unlike formal leaders, informal leaders can offend some and favor others to accomplish a goal.

So then, we aren’t talking about Pastor delegating his authority. We’re talking about an entirely separate authority that Pastor is free to disavow.

This entire article is disgusting. “Pastors should be able to stamp the forms and file the tax exemptions without making any hard decisions about morality or doctrine. For that, he needs ‘informal leaders’ who are above the law, not held to account and free to do what… what must be done. For the greater good.”

Ambitious leaders often pursue positions with formal authority. It makes sense. Those who desire to lead want the official capacity to do so. Positions with titles imply a legitimate endorsement to lead. But there are some advantages to leading with informal authority. Informal leaders have no official titles and no authoritative positions, yet they can wield much influence.

Female usurpation of male privilege is what he’s talking about, not the art of making a deal. Peacemakers are already welcome in church.

Informal authority has its limits, certainly, but also its advantages. And organizations need both informal and formal leaders to balance power and authority.

STILL doing it like a Daddy! “You cannot be a true leader unless your wife helps you lead! Submit to her, as her leader, whenever she knows what she’s doing.”

How does an “informal leader” stop a malcontent from attending church? How does an “informal leader” settle a doctrinal dispute? How does an “informal leader” make a decision whether accusations against a Church officer are serious enough to be entertained? How does an “informal leader” solve a dispute and then enforce their decision?

Simple. THEY DON’T. Because going back to what Rainer himself admitted at the start, quote, “power comes from formal positions with legitimate authority”.

Do you know who is an “informal leader” of every church? The devil. Nobody gave him his authority… he simply took it. No protocol restrains him… he is lawless. And being the First Rebel, he’s free to act in ways that formal, proper, God-sanctioned authorities never are. Which does, admittedly, give him great latitude to handle all the leadership issues that Pastor Cucky McSpineless cannot be bothered with.

Portland Has A Moment Of Clarity. Spoink!

I found this in my archives and don’t know why I didn’t post it at the time. Portland had a moment of clarity last year, that its socialist agenda regarding homelessness wasn’t working, then cognitive dissonance took away the sting of defeat!

‘Not safe anymore’: Portland confronts the limits of its support for homeless services

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By Angela Hart for the Los Angeles Times, 21 June 2022

Alcoholics have a phrase for that: “moment of clarity”.

Michelle Farris never expected to become homeless, but here she was, sifting through garbage and towering piles of debris accumulated along a roadway on the outskirts of northeast Portland. Farris, 51, has spent much of her adult life in Oregon and has vivid memories of this area alongside the lumbering Columbia River when it was pristine, a place for quiet walks.

Now for miles in both directions, the roadside was lined with worn RVs and rusted boats doubling as shelter. And spilling out from those RVs, the trash and castoffs from this makeshift neighborhood also stretched for miles, making for a chaos that unnerved her.

.Look at all this garbage out here . it used to be beautiful nature, but now it’s all polluted,. she said, as the stench of urine and burned rubber hung in the damp air. .The deer and river otters and beavers have to live with all this garbage..

Humans do too, including herself specifically, but won’t somebody please think of the rodents!

.Portland makes it really easy to be homeless,. said Cindy Stockton, a homeowner in the wooded St. Johns neighborhood in north Portland who has grown alarmed by the fallout. .There’s always somebody giving away free tents, sleeping bags, clothes, water, sandwiches, three meals a day . it’s all here.”

Portland.s homelessness problem now extends well beyond the downtown core, creating a crisis of conscience for this fiercely liberal city that for years has been among America’s most generous in investing in homeless support services. Tents and tarps increasingly crowd the sidewalks and parks of Portland’s leafy suburban neighborhoods. And the sewage and trash from unsanctioned RV encampments pollute the watersheds of the Willamette and Columbia rivers.

Funny how those eco-terrorists never show up where they’re actually needed. Maybe they shouldn’t glue themselves to the floors of air-conditioned luxury car showrooms instead of taking selfies hip-deep in illegal raw sewage dumps.

Even while reflecting on their ills, many of the [drug-addicted] squatters remarked on the surprising level of services available for people living homeless in Portland, including charity food deliveries, roving nurses, used-clothing drop-offs and portable bathrooms . even occasional free pump-outs for their RV restrooms, courtesy of the city.

Giant disposal containers for used syringes are strategically located in areas with high concentrations of homeless people. Red portable toilets pepper retail corridors as well as some tony family-oriented neighborhoods. In parts of the city, activists have nailed small wooden cupboards to street posts offering up sundries such as socks, tampons, shampoo and cans of tuna.

It’s like an entire city of crazy cat ladies. Complete with parasites.

The city offers a textbook example of the intensifying investment. In 2017, the year Mayor Ted Wheeler, a Democrat, took office, Portland spent roughly $27 million on homeless services. Under his leadership, funding has skyrocketed, with Wheeler this year pushing through a record $85 million for homeless housing and services in the 2022-23 fiscal year.

Voters in the broader region of Multnomah, Washington and Clackamas counties in 2020 approved a tax measure to bolster funding for homelessness. The measure, which increases taxes for higher-income businesses and households, is expected to raise $2.5 billion by 2030.

Wheeler rejects claims that Portland has attracted homeless people to the region with its array of day-to-day services.

Ah, Dilbert. If anything shows the GAE fangs better than the FDIC proclaiming bailouts for ((everybody except you)) after yet another Lehman Brothers-Current Year fuckup, heedless of its own, explicitly stated duties, it’s the speed and totality at which the Dilbert comic was Canceled for its author’s one, single, informed complaint against Groids.

.And, you know, is that our fault?. he said, calling for more state and federal investment. He pointed to .a foster care system that delivers people to the streets when they age out,. and a prison system that releases people without job training or connections to community services.

The end goal is cradle-to-grave government institutionalization of the entire population. Wheeler know this, but his voting-public chumps think they’re just being nurturing.

Neither side actually wants a solution to the homeless problem, ex. “you get more of what you subsidize”.

South of the Columbia River in an industrial section of north Portland, not far from Delta Park’s bustling soccer and softball complex, another RV encampment lines a side street that juts off the main drag. Many of the camp’s inhabitants have parked here for years and are protective of their turf. Group leaders hold down the numbers . no more than 20 or so RVs. And they enforce tidiness rules, sometimes using physical force, so as not to draw undue attention from city code enforcement. maintained a symbiotic relationship with the businesses here,. said Jake Caldwell, 38, who lives in an RV with his girlfriend, Sarah Bennett. .We keep it clean and orderly, and they let us stay..

The better homeless camps happen to be the ones in which male authority figures “keep it clean and orderly”, even in defiance of “official” government. Same as it ever was.

[They] and others consider themselves lucky to have scored an RV, which even broken down can cost a few thousand dollars. One camp dweller said he bought his using unemployment funds after losing his job in the pandemic. Caldwell and Bennett, who both use and deal heroin, said they purchased theirs with help from drug money.

Not that “male authority figure” is very impressive here. Homeless isn’t the only thing being subsidized by the Portland government.

[Residents] feel Portland’s charm ebbing, as the lives of the unhoused collide with the lives of the housed.

.This used to be the most beautiful, amazing city . now people’s houses and cars are getting broken into, and you can call 911, but no one is going to come,. said TJ Browning, who chairs the public safety committee for the Laurelhurst Neighborhood Assn.

.We’re a progressive city, I’m a progressive, but the worst part is I can feel the compassion leaving,. she said. .I recognize people are self-medicating mental illness with drugs, but so many people like me just don’t care anymore. We want the criminal element out, even if it means taking people to jail..

“I want to believe!” she cried. “Make reality go away so I can believe!”

Like many residents interviewed, Browning is a longtime Democrat who has watched in dismay as her liberal values give way to frustration and resentment. And she understands the good intentions, spawned by liberal policies, that brought Portland to this tipping point.

At long last, they realize…

The problem is not so much the policies, in theory, as it is how they play out in Portland’s broader reality.

Drug users stay out of jail, but Oregon has too few drug treatment programs and no easy way to mandate participation. Advocates for the homeless ardently protest efforts to roust the encampments, arguing that people have nowhere else to go.

And cuts to police services have left housed residents feeling they are on their own to deal with the repercussions.

Nonsense! If any of those upset residents commits a crime against those homeless psycho drug addicts, particularly the crimes of self-defense or vigilantism, they’ll quickly discover that the police have NOT abandoned them after all!

Regardless, all is not well in the Land Of Weird. Some of the faithful are having doubts.

.I.m a lifelong Democrat, but I find myself wondering if we need to elect Republicans,. [resident Cindy] Stockton said. .We’ve been Democratic-led for so long in this state, and it’s not getting us anywhere..

Browning, in Laurelhurst, described a similar transformation: .I look in the mirror and I see a hippie . but a hippie wouldn’t be advocating for more police.”

.I wonder, what the hell happened to me?.

Something something “mugged by reality”.

Meanwhile, others of the faithful retained their… uh, faith.

A former car salesman, Bixel, 41, said his free fall into homelessness started after he got addicted to painkillers prescribed for a shoulder tear sustained while playing softball at Delta Park nearly 20 years ago. He progressed from Vicodin to OxyContin to heroin, a cheaper habit that his wife also took up. Life spiraled as he wrecked his car and racked up felony convictions. Over time, the couple lost their jobs, their home and custody of their three young children.

.I went from painkillers after the accident to addiction taking over my life,. he said.

But Bixel hasn’t given up on himself. He thinks with the right opportunities . a job, a landlord willing to take a chance on him . he could find the motivation to get clean again.

.My wife and I, we’re looked at like scum now,. Bixel said.

You ARE scum, Bixel. You’re irresponsible and so out-of-control that even a Marxist hellpit knew that your kids weren’t safe with you. Now instead of facing your problems, you’re contentedly wallowing in squalor waiting for the government to save you from yourself.

“But honestly, this is also one of the best things that has happened to me. I used to look down at homeless people for not having a job, and if somebody asked me for change, I’d say, .I worked hard for this..

.Now, if someone asks me for a cigarette, I.ll give them two..

That is why socialists keep creating these nightmares. Government is their God, a God that they want to guarantee a safe path through life no matter what happens. The idea that somebody else might use that institutional generosity for selfish purposes, does not register with them. Let alone the idea that government might have its own reasons for agreeing to play God at your expense.

The realization being forced upon Portland is not merely that they cannot build enough housing to make the homeless problem disappear. It’s that their religion of an all-powerful State cannot be a replacement for either God or family. Some will die in their denial but others, if not discovering God’s existence, at least are discovering the devil’s existence and looking for an alternative.

There Are No More Gates For the Gatekeepers To Keep

Discernment. Noun. “The act or process of exhibiting keen insight and good judgment.” It seems an unpopular idea, not to mention a completely abandoned and forgotten one. As I struggle to unearth unifying themes from the morass of Clown World… I must assume such themes exist, and what’s happening is not merely “the will of the gods”, although there is good chance of exactly that… discernment is a concept that keeps coming up.

Discernment used to be largely optional. Today, it’s critical.

The devil operates at a significant manpower disadvantage. Scripture suggests that he led a third of heaven into rebellion, which means he’s outnumbered 2:1 not counting the primates made in God’s image. For most of history, messages were slow, diabolic allies were spread across the world and… and the devil was never able to unite humanity since God thwarted human mass communication at the Towel of Babel.

But now? Mass communication technology was coopted by the devil even before it went mainstream. By the time televisions were in every house, Communists were in every TV studio. The devil saw the advantages long before anybody else did, and there’s an implication in that: it was the solution to a problem that had long vexed him.

Meanwhile, back in the Ancient, Forgotten Old Tyme Days, most people did not need to practice discernment for themselves. Their days were taken up with the necessities of survival and/or farming. Literacy was not even a luxury, not when you don’t have any books on the shelf in the first place, let alone books that make you think.

For the times when people DID need discernment, the slow pace of life meant they could often just do what had been done for ages. Then there were institutions such as the King and the Church, who were only too happy to advise people on complex moral issues. There was no need for discernment when you had experts available and educational limitations on yourself… as if “Spearman, Rank Two, File Five” was frequently uncertain of how he should behave.

That is all gone now.

It is a sobering thought, that we were given all these labor-saving technologies in order to free us up to develop our souls beyond what humans normally could.

New ideas and ways of life are coming at breakneck speeds. Technology can make anybody capable of what was once the domain of trained specialists. The institutions are proving, yet again, to not be bastions of morality. Perhaps worst of all, nobody can stop the devil’s whispers from being heard. There are no more gates for the gatekeepers to keep.

No more shortcuts, crutches or proxies.

Consequently, modern people must practice discernment for themselves. They are not. At best, they continue to trust people rather than ideas. At worst, they define “true” as “momentarily most expedient”. From Covidisim to “Keev”, people are simply not making moral judgments of what they see and hear. They don’t have the excuse of twelve-hour workdays; they don’t have the excuse of never reading a Bible or other theological work for themselves; and they don’t have the excuse of “my actions wouldn’t matter anyway”.

To say nothing of the very long history of hostility towards people who DO think for themselves. It is good that the gatekeepers are losing their final grip; it is not good, that so many people are refusing to step up and take ownership of their own lives.

I admit, judging good from evil is not fun when you are at evil’s mercy. Discernment imposes a burden of performance upon you that you most likely cannot act upon, except to make yourself a target. Witness all the conscientious objectors to the Pfizer Jab… I didn’t see ANY happy endings.

But there’s no other way. Believers have always needed to develop discernment, but never like today. Is this picture a deepfake? Was that article written by AI? Should you care why that 25yo athlete just had a heart attack? Do you trust the science that insects are tasty & nutritious?

For a final wrench in the works, discernment only becomes possible when God’s existence is accepted. Atheism encouraged by evolutionary beliefs is exactly why many people refuse to distinguish good from evil; they come from the axion that good and evil don’t exist. I have watched some atheists act morally, to be sure, but only on the strength of either preexisting traditions or a preexisting conscience. Neither is going to hold up.

We are entering a spiritually scripted time in human history. A short period of time with a God-decreed outcome. Between here and there, your choices and beliefs will become critical, as the various principalities choose their champions and set them against each other. God has deeds that He wants done, so He looks for followers who… at a minimum… admit there’s a game being played, and proceed to make some enemies by choosing His team. That requires discernment.

Heroes wanted! but not necessarily you, if you aren’t sure what happened when your son came back from school as a girl.

Do not focus on what’s already been settled, namely, what society will be like after this time & crisis pass. Don’t reach back, either, “Benedict Option”-like, for a situation in which you CAN trust professionals with your immortal soul. Instead, test and refine your ability to discern truth from lies, along with your ability to endure in upholding the truth. This will mark you out as one of the champions, one of the spectacles, and while you won’t be thanking anybody for what you’re about to endure… once it’s over, you’ll be glad that you did.

Who wants to be “Spearman, Rank Two, File Five” when they could be something more? Turns out, most sheeple everywhere. They reject a great opportunity on the meager, pedantic grounds of not wanting to be crucified as part of the process. They choose to be nobodies.

Ye Christian, look upon the Cross and know that your own turn is coming. Though the feeling be natural, do not beg for an excuse; ask instead for a path THROUGH.

Discernment will illuminate that path. Discernment will mark you out a different from the sheeple who take no risks, make no judgments and consequently, matter so little that they don’t even need names. Discernment will bring you wisdom.

Spiritual Derailment

I’m out of patience with my species. They won’t, they just WILL NOT stand against the lies. This might be excusable if the devil wanted his lies to look like truth. He does that sometimes when he’s weak, but what he really wants, is for you to recognize the lie and then uphold it regardless. That is a fast road to self-damnation, which is more valuable to the devil that merely mortal victories.

Trains keep derailing all over the country, including Thursday in Alabama. What’s going on?

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By Trevor Hughes for USA Today, 9 March 2023

Good question. Trevor’s answer?

Trains are derailing all over the country. But it’s actually okay!

Blah blah statistics from 1980.

New legislation will fix the problem!

Yeah, I despised his lies too much to repeat them at length. Enjoy the extra two minutes I just saved you!

If people find Trevor convincing and informative then they love being lied to, and by knowingly accepting the lie, they damn themselves.

So then, what IS the truth behind all the trainwrecks?

How America’s Supply Chains Got Railroaded

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By Matthew Jinoo Buck, 4 February 2022

[In 2021], Union Pacific stopped service between the all-important shipping hubs of Los Angeles and Chicago for one week last July while the company reconfigured its operations. Union Pacific’s remaining facilities in Chicago couldn’t keep up with the volume, nor could Union Pacific find enough workers or equipment to handle the goods. Industry analyst Larry Gross told that Union Pacific “sacrificed surge capacity” when it closed [a major yet redundant rail line two years previous]. .If you don’t have any additional capacity in your hip pocket, even moderate disruptions put you in a world of hurt.” Gross estimated that Union Pacific’s weeklong suspension of service would keep roughly 40,000 containers stranded on the West Coast.

Every other major railroad [also] suffered from supply chain snags in 2021….

But the freight railroads. poor operational performance has not impaired their spectacular financial performance. If anything, the bottlenecks create more pricing power. Less than a week after his company reversed its 2019 decision and reopened Global 3, Union Pacific executive Rocker optimistically predicted on an earnings call that Union Pacific would be able to “take some pretty robust pricing on the other words, keep its prices high. The stock market shared Rocker’s optimism for all Class I railroads, whose stock prices rose in 2021, many by 20 percent or more.

THE RAIL SUPPLY CHAIN CRISIS was decades in the making, based on two fundamental sources.excessive consolidation and the railroads. version of just-in-time, called precision scheduled railroading (PSR). In 1980, at the dawn of rail deregulation, there were 40 Class I railroads. Today, there are just seven. Of those seven, four have 83 percent to 90 percent of the freight railroading market. Wall Street took notice of railroads. growing market power and pushed them to implement PSR, which meant running faster, longer trains, and skimping on service, spare capacity, systemwide resilience, and safety.

The driving force behind PSR.s widespread adoption was railroad executive E. Hunter Harrison and investor Bill Ackman, a notorious hedge fund manager.

Railroads suffered the same fate as every other industry in USA: gutted of equity by vulture capitalists. The devil is powerful and dangerous, no question, but he’s not creative even by mortal standards. “They’ll never figure out that my secret cunning plan, as always, is to steal, kill and destroy.”

A primary cause of railroads. fragility came from decades of laying off labor. From the passage of the 1980 Staggers Act to 2019, total employment in the railroad industry fell from about 500,000 to roughly 135,000.

A deteriorating safety culture has also prompted laid-off railroad workers to rethink coming back to railroads that seem to view their safety as another cost to minimize in the name of efficiency and PSR. Workers overwhelmingly complain of being pushed to work faster and sacrifice safety for speed. Regan says that railroad managers rush workers into neglecting safety inspections and argues that thousands of workers have left the railroad industry out of concern for the railroads. poor workplace safety. The Federal Railroad Administration, the primary safety regulator for the railroad industry, reports that, since 2012, Class I railroads had higher rates of train accidents or incidents, higher rates of yard switching accidents, higher rates of equipment defects, and more total fatalities, all while total Class I train miles were down roughly 40 percent.

While the East Palestine derailment was deliberately mishandled in order to poison Middle America, it’s also the inevitable result of the industry being plundered by the true ruling powers of the United States. Powers that have absolutely no respect for human life.

There is nothing that any of us here can do about PSR. To avoid spiritual derailment, however, it is not enough that you know you’re being lied to. The devil actually wants that. The lie must also be rejected and the best way to do that, is to uphold the truth and put the blame where it belongs.

Here, with “precision scheduled railroading” courtesy of Wall Street vultures.

By contrast, the politicians responding with “new legislation”? The media whore claiming “yes but this is normal”? They know it’s a lie but refuse to oppose it.

Clown World being an entire climate of intentionally blatant lies is dividing Western humanity into the people who see the lie and repeat it, the people who see the lie and refute it, and… a reluctant third category that is going to have its irresponsibly oblivious worldview uncomfortably squished.

A Happy Ending To Pastor Pokluda’s Persecution

Memo to God’s Anointed & Ordained Clergy, Blessed With the Ability To Read the Bible In Three Different Dead Languages: if you aren’t guilty then don’t apologize. 

Even if you are guilty of something, don’t apologize on demand to third parties. Instead, take a moment to consider their motivations for publicly disgracing you. Those motivations might, possibly, just maybe, NOT be inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Lastly, if you don’t understand or accept what I just wrote, then please do not author any books on “adulting”. You are the very last person who should be giving advice on how to behave like an emotionally mature adult.

Looking at YOU, Pastor Pokluda! You did nothing wrong until you stopped telling women No! But I’ll end this post by giving you the most awesome-ist altar call ever.

‘I’ve hurt some people’: Texas pastor apologizes after he ‘objectified’ woman in sermon anecdote

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By Ian M. Giatti, 6 March 2023

A Texas pastor is asking his congregation for forgiveness after giving a sermon in which he said he “objectified” a woman in a brief meeting nearly two decades ago.

I was about to explain the concept of forgiveness, but after reading ahead, I saw that I must first explain the concept of temptation. To a pastor. We might not even get to sin before the end of this post! So to speak.

In the clip taken from a sermon titled “Fool Proof Love” on Jan. 22, Pokluda described enjoying “chips and queso” with his friend when he says a “physically beautiful” woman propositioned him.

.She was perfect, physically beautiful,. he told the congregation. .Everything was in the right place..

After the woman offered to buy Pokluda a drink, he said he responded by holding up his ring finger to show his wedding band.

.And she says, .Well, is she here? Because I don’t care,. he recalled, citing the proposition to help illustrate a significant point in his sermon.

Pokluda said he immediately thought of Proverbs 5:6-7, which reads: .She does not consider the path of life; she does not know that her ways are unstable. So now, my sons, listen to me, and do not turn aside from the words of my mouth..

.The saving grace in that situation was, I looked at that woman and I thought, .Oh, she hates me, she doesn’t love me,.. he said. .She wants my wife to hate me, and she wants my in-laws to hate me, and she wants my parents to hate me, and she wants my unborn children to hate me.”

.For just a few minutes of ecstasy, she wants to take my life and burn it to the ground. And that thought was God’s saving grace in a moment..

Okay… uhh… where’s the guilt in that story? He was tempted by a pretty homewrecker, then rejected her. Of course he liked what he saw. The reason people commit sin in the first place, is because sin is easy & fun. It feels natural.

Please tell me that’s not a new concept to Pastor.

Pokluda told The Christian Post that he is “sad that my words have stirred up so much bitterness and controversy” and said he would be “praying for those that have been impacted by my words..

“All those men who rejected harlots because of my example… I AM SO SORRY!”

In a clip shared March 3 on social media, Pokluda gave more context for the anecdote, explaining that, 18 years ago, he was a recovering pornography addict and apologized for any hurt he caused: .Lately, I’ve hurt some people. In a message on adultery, I described an experience 18 years ago where I objectified a woman in my description of her beauty.

18 Years ago, he did the right thing. Then he mentioned doing the right thing in January, confessed to being sexually attracted to women in February, and now his death spiral pinged my radar in March. And to think, I had wondered why the Church was completely useless at keeping the Sodomites out.

“Are you attracted to women even a little bit? (Forgive me, Jesus, for putting the idea in their heads that they might be.)”



.And it was not clear when I told that story that I was in the mind of myself 18 years ago, a recovering porn addict, sex addict..

Pokluda, who serves as lead pastor at Harris Creek, added that by not clarifying that point, he could “even be giving permission to some of you to do the same..

.I don’t ever want to hurt anybody. I don’t want to hurt you. I’ve been really grieved to hear those expressions of your hurt,. he said.

.If that’s you, if you’re in the audience, I want to be the most accessible pastor on Earth. I sit up here after every service to talk to whoever wants to talk to me. Please never leave here hurt or embittered before the sunset. Let’s talk so that I can own my fault fully.

.And right now, I own my fault fully, and I want to ask your forgiveness. Will you please forgive me for the confusing, hurtful things that I said?.

I will never forgive you, Pastor, for being heterosexual. Neither will God. That’s because it’s okay to be hetero. That is God-normative behavior. There is, literally, nothing to forgive. You were tested and passed. All is well.

But you DID do wrong with that over-the-top groveling. I’m still debating how to call you to repentance without sending you further down the rabbit hole of self-hate. Hmm. Tricky problem.

In addition to his lead pastor role, Pokluda is the author of Welcome to Adulting and is the former leader of The Porch at Watermark Church in Dallas.

I laugh because I cannot cry. Clergyboy here is so ashamed of feeling natural, sexual attraction to the female form that he’s been self-destructing for a month already. This doesn’t even rise to the insult “thin-skinned”. How did our leaders become PREPROGRAMMED for Totalist struggle sessions?

The sermon that stirred the ire of some wasn’t the first time Pokluda has publicly shared his struggles with lust.

In an interview last November with accountability app Covenant Eyes, Pokluda said despite being raised in the church, he struggled with drugs and pornography.

.I was raised in the church, was raised Catholic. Went to a Baptist youth group. I was over-churched. I always called myself a Christian,. he was quoted as saying. .[But] I was totally addicted to pornography. wrestled with drugs: cocaine, ecstasy, I smoked weed every day of my life for a season, alcoholism. All of that is part of my journey. Nothing enslaved me like porn..

It always comes back to Original Sin, doesn’t it? The female rebels, the male abdicates.

There is no such thing as pornography addiction. Men are wired BY GOD to be like that. What God has made is good. The reason porn urges persist like nothing else, is because it’s the last bastion of a male sexuality that cannot be turned off.

The current situation is impossible and unsustainable. On one side, men are being denied marriage by the “need” for Barbie to go to college and have a successful career so she won’t ever have to depend upon a husband. On the other side, women being given all those early successes in life get their marital demands spun up so high that 100% of male humanity is unsexy.

It’s womens’ fault. It’s her parents’ fault. It’s the Church’s fault. It’s the government’s fault.

The one group whose fault this current situation ISN’T, is the young men trying to do the right thing by God… and finding themselves literally cockblocked at every step.

Since Pokluda isn’t standing up for himself against blatantly false accusers, I shall be his champion. Let me be the first to call out the ho’s… I’ll find this other-kind-of homewrecking skank if it’s the last thing… Lauren Chastain of Twitter was representative of the early point-and-shriek, then Sheila Wray Gregoire amplified it. Ah, social media. You are both the harbinger and the doom of the Antichrist.

In the Spirit of Full Disclosure

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By Lauren Chastain, 7 February 2020

This blog is now defunct yet still up. This post seems a good description of why she would accuse a pastor of anything she can, just because she can.

.Your story is yours and no one else.s. Each sunset is different depending on where you stand.” Al Andrews, from Andrew Peterson’s Adorning the Dark

We open with solipsism. Bad sign.

Over the last ten years, writing has become a therapeutic way for me to make sense of my world and my faith. I started a blog 6 years ago (to the day) as a systematic way of studying scripture and sharing opinions. In so doing, I also found a camaraderie with others that were interested in the scriptures or topics about which I wrote. Shortly after I started that blog, varying parts of my seemingly formulaic world started falling apart. However, with a few choice quotes, and familiar Bible verses, I could still explain it all away and make everything fit into a nice logical space.

Until I couldn.t.

For over two decades of my life, I sat under a teacher that drew crowds and adulation ad nauseam, and I was a good student. Through his Bible studies, I learned a lot about the Bible, but mostly I learned how to center each story around me, or in other words, I learned how to “apply it to my life..

She learned nothing about the Bible, not one thing, if her takeaway was how to make everything about HER. Interesting that she only describes her teacher as extremely popular; not even a name. This is yet another example of why women should not be allowed to “study”, serve or otherwise be under the influence of attractive men no matter how Godly.

Such a situation is directly analogous to Cindy Crawford teaching math to men while rubbing tanning lotion all over her bikini-clad skin.

I say it again for the slow class: EVER SINGLE FEMALE STUDENT IN A SEMINARY, IS GUILTY OF LUSTING FOR HER MALE PROFESSORS. Because that’s just how women are wired. It’s not a choice they are capable of making, any more than I can stop liking a bouncy pair of titties. Would you fault me? THEN FAULT THEM, TOO!

Horrifically, that “pastor” was caught being a sexual predator, and even though I would never defend him, I was such a faithful loyalist to the church, I wholeheartedly defended his moralistic teachings and the enormous kingdom he had amassed.

She had it bad for him, then he fell from grace. “I was traumatized by the fall of a hot sexy pastor that I -hic- would neeever have defended even after taking all of his classes twice. But I defended him anyway.”

I became so good at explaining the Bible as it relates to us, complete with “to do lists” and bullet points, that I began writing for other online publications in addition to my own. About the same time my husband became a pastor, and consequently I became a pastor’s wife which was a whole new world to try to understand. Predictably, the further down the rabbit hole we went, the less things made sense. I watched as scripture was used to control the benign behavior of some and then excuse the malicious conduct of others. Little by little we seemed to step fully through the looking glass at which point writing became impossible.

If her husband is ALSO a pastor, then there’s no chance I’m wrong about her being sexually attracted to Senior Pastor Big-Man. The only question is if she committed physical adultery with him. It would explain why his downfall traumatized her.

Along with the confusion, came devastation. So much loss. Most of the losses were too complicated to understand myself, never mind share about on a blog. I hardly knew what was true. The answers we fought to find seemed just out of reach. Trust was broken. And we had to walk away- not from God, but from those we really believed were our “family.”

During this time I had developed an unexpected community on Twitter. People who are willing to help me hash through difficult concepts without giving me trite answers. People who simply say. .I.m sorry for your pain,. without a silver lining tagline. People who encourage me in ways I didn’t know I needed encouraging. People who think differently than me, but are willing to stick around and discuss. People who make me laugh all day long. And my favorite, people who have shown me how to disagree with kindness and even humbly concede to being wrong.

Pastor Pokluda awaits your concession. You did evil to blame him for involuntary attraction to an attractive woman twenty years previous. Who even asked you for your opinion? You already hated Pokluda… and like Daniel denounced for praying to God, you denounced him for resisting temptation.

You witch, Chastain! You faithless rebel, whore of Satan, you homewrecker!

..Blah blah me me me blah me blah…

And while these reasons are quite enough, the moment that tipped the scales for me is when I realized how many women and men are legally being kept from telling their stories. This made me realize the true gift I have to be able to tell my story to anyone I choose, and that is a gift I cannot waste. So for all of those that have been silenced, I am taking this risk for you, in the spirit of full disclosure.

She didn’t tell her story even when she did. She told the part of the story that she cared about… herself… and then further edited out the parts that wouldn’t make her look good.

Today, apparently, she goes prowling on social media for vulnerable men to destroy… handling her internal pain and insecurities, not to say unrepentant sins, by projecting them onto whatever male is most convenient.

Which is where Social Justice comes from. Not psychological mass-effect shared psychosis or whatever, nope. Barbie just needs a spanking but the government won’t allow it. Now she’s out of control and we’re being strangled.

On to the professional bitch-ass whupping.

Can pastors please stop salivating over women’s bodies in sermons? A response to Jonathan Pokluda’s objectification of the “perfect” woman

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Opinion By Sheila Wray Gregoire 24 February 2023

Megachurch Pastor Jonathan Pokluda made a splash on Twitter when a three-minute clip of his Jan. 22 sermon went viral. He narrated how, early in his marriage, he ventured to a restaurant with a friend for chips and queso when a woman with a “perfect body,. where “everything was in the right place,. propositioned him by asking if she could buy him a drink.

Did it hurt, Sheila? That a man you didn’t know existed until yesterday, thinks you aren’t the prettiest woman since Cleopatra’s skin wrinkled in the Egyptian sun? You female Church lead-duhs have bigger hypergamy hamsters than the planet you’re standing on. With insecurities to match.

Pokluda, now pastor of Harris Creek Baptist Church in Waco, Texas, explained he was married. She replied “Is she here? Because I don’t care.” He then dramatically recounted how his saving grace, the only way he managed to resist the temptation of a few minutes of “ecstasy” with a complete stranger, was that he remembered Proverbs 5.

Outrage and derision

Christian social media erupted in outrage at his objectification of women’s bodies, as well as derision at the idea the story unfolded as he said. Many posited a more plausible explanation of the encounter was a server asked him if she could get him a drink; he misunderstood and replied he was married; and she was confused, since no woman was with him.

But let’s give Pokluda the benefit of the doubt: A “perfect” woman propositioned him when he was eating chips and dip with a friend. And his study of Scripture was the only thing that kept him from betraying his wife for an ecstatic encounter with a stranger.

Yes. It was Pokluda’s love for God, not head-knowledge of Scripture per se, but yes.

Men are not to cheat on our wives. But… we can and we’re constantly tempted to. Think about that the next time you aren’t in the mood for nookie, Church chix. If you won’t boink your husband then another, prettier woman will.

Women exist in a world where people judge, use, ridicule and ogle our bodies everywhere we go.

Isn’t that nice? No burden of performance. No career in the mines and bilges. You just find a man with tolerable body odor, rub your curves on him and poof, you spend your life with babies and girlfriends while he bends all of reality to your benefit. God forbid you clean a toilet even when half the shit is yours.

That’s exactly how I plan to survive Judgment Day. Whatever the spiritual equivalent of boobs are, I will make sure that mine bounce gently while Christ Jesus tries to review my life’s accomplishments. Because I know what He’s gonna find on that short list.

Unlike a woman, however, I’ll be grateful forever that the distraction worked.

Women exist in a world where people judge, use, ridicule and ogle our bodies everywhere we go. One study found between 34% and 65% of 5-year-old girls have ideas and opinions on dieting. And then we get to church and hear, once again, we aren’t enough . we’re merely the consolation prize, the one he settles for instead of the “perfect” woman he is barely able to resist.

Bitch, you WERE the perfect woman… when you were age 20. Then you had a career so you wouldn’t ever need a husband, and now, you resent that he isn’t as attracted to you as he would have been if you had acted wisely in your youth.

Oh. Ohhhh! AT LAST, BWAHAHA!!! This is gonna be SCHWEET!

Women deserve better than to go to church and hear all that stops our pastors from having sex with total strangers is a Bible memory passage. We’re all for Bible memory, but we’re also for marriage vows, faithfulness and holding Christian men to at least the same moral standard as your average non-Christian husband at your local Applebee.s.

That.s why so many Christian women erupted in anger at Pokluda’s sermon. We heard Pokluda, in the kind of breathless, hushed tone often reserved for worship, describing the “perfect” body of this woman, with “everything in the right place.” Instead of church being a place where a woman can feel comfortable in her own skin, the pastor invited men to judge every woman around them on the basis of where her body parts landed.

Do you see what’s happening here? The real reason for the outrage? The sex cartel is crumbling! All the skanks who grudgingly settled at age 35 for unattractive husbands… they’re watching the younger women reject the Eat Pray Love life path, make their bodies attractively feminine to hungry men…

And now, the only thing keeping those meal-ticket husbands in a marriage to a woman that he knows despises him for being the best she could do, is devotion to a God who forgives every sin unconditionally, forever, with no need for repentance or (shudder, eww!) touching a husband’s naked body.

The younger, hotter, tighter generation know that privation and scarcity are upon us, and they’re compensating by…


…making themselves desirable to stable but unsexy men!


Burn, thou witches of the West! Your life was all about you. Even when you took marriage vows, you knew you had that gold-plated exit door of chilamony to backstop your every faithless act. You secretly gloated at how miserable you could make that husband you needed, but never loved.

And now… Now, you’re realizing that he DOES have options. Because Generation Younger, Hotter, Tighter does NOT want to end up like YOU!

Don’t worry, Church ladies! God will treat your husband exactly as He treated you… easy forgiveness for everything, am I right? Hubby will care as much for you in your old age, as you cared for him in his youth! NOW THAT HE HAS OPTIONS, HE CAN AFFORD TO REMEMBER EVERYTHING YOU DID TO HIM JUST BECAUSE YOU COULD!

In frat-boy movies of the .80s and .90s, men proved their masculinity by the “notches on the bedposts,. by how many women they’ve slept with. But Christian men are only supposed to have sex with one woman . their wife. One way to prove their manhood without promiscuity is to brag about how they could have slept with many women but chose not to.

Sociologist Sarah Diefendorf notes how Christian men often seem to relish describing their struggles with lusting over women’s bodies, as if such assertions are a way to assure us of their manliness. Maybe this explains why pastors so often give these tone-deaf illustrations. At some level, they think this signals their manhood.

No, ladies, that is what YOU think. YOU are attracted to notch count; men are attracted to virginity. Sheila has no excuse to not know this, being the best-selling author of The Good Girl’s Guide To Great Sex.

I might need to look at Sarah Fattened-Ork someday.

Pastors, you face a choice: You can normalize treating women as whole people made in the image of God, or you can normalize objectification. You can imitate how Jesus sat with the Samaritan woman and talked with her, and how Paul praised women as his co-workers, or you can imitate locker room talk.

When you choose the latter, you tell every man in your church: .It’s normal to see women as objects. No one can expect more from you. Your wife is unreasonable by feeling hurt by you wanting other women.” You harm marriages.

Again, women naturally want the men that other women want. The reason that isn’t happening here, is because THESE women already have husbands… that they know, even if they’ll never admit it, have been treated cruelly by the only women they’re allowed to have. Most of those husbands can already justify a divorce on the grounds of marital abandonment.

No wonder, then, that Mrs. Strong&Independent is nervous whether that last little fuse of “God said so” is going to hold under the pressure!

Women just want to feel safe . in our marriages and our churches. But, quite frankly, many of us don’t.

You don’t deserve to feel safe. Reconsider your sexual treatment of your husbands and, this time, opt for the correct answer. If it’s not too late.

In social media polls I’ve conducted, just over 60% of women said they felt more sexually unsafe at church than in the workplace. And Pokluda’s own denomination has given only lip service to the sexual abuse crisis at its doorstep, persistently claiming they’re helpless to act, while somehow managing just this week to disfellowship churches that have female pastors. Perhaps it’s not surprising that irreligious young women now outnumber irreligious young men, reversing a trend that has held for centuries.

Women want to go to church and worship Jesus and feel part of his body, rather than having our own bodies judged.

Heh, and you thought my “boobies at Judgment Day” idea was gross.

We want to go to church without having to hear a pastor call his wife “smokin” hot,. or brag about the hot women who want to have sex with him, or tell us how hard it is for Christian men not to lust.

We’re tired of being framed as the dangerous ones when we’re the ones in danger.

“We’re tired of being reminded that our husbands have options… more every day.”

“We’re tired of having to care about the males infesting our liberated lives.”

And we’re tired of being framed as the dangerous ones when we’re the ones in danger.

Pokluda certainly is not the only pastor guilty of reinforcing objectification from the pulpit. And he is far from the worst. He is, however, the most recent, and this dust-up reveals much about the frustration women feel in evangelical circles, and the refusal of men in power to confront their complicity in normalizing female objectification.

Pastor Pokluda must learn to tell women No. No, they must not be allowed access to high-status men at Church. No, they don’t get to abandon their husbands while enjoying his bank account. And No, hubby shouldn’t stray… but if wifey makes him miserable at home, then straying is what’s going to happen.

And while he preaches that gloriously patriarchal message, Pokluda’s own wife is going to notice all the young flesh making eyes at her husband… and decide that Pokluda could use a little more lovin’, too. Especially if he winks at a couple of them… not that he would, but (heh heh) he certainly could.

Did Governor Newsom Get Vaccine-Damaged AGAIN?

Of course, I don’t KNOW that it was the vexx. I only know that in a sudden announcement following a secret trip, a world-class attention whore and Presidential hopeful is skirting the law in order to NOT be the center of attention.

California governor won’t deliver State of the State speech

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By Adam Beam, 7 March 2023

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) . California Gov. Gavin Newsom won’t give a State of the State address this year, shunning the teleprompter that has frustrated him because of his dyslexia in favor of a statewide tour this month, in which he can highlight his major policy goals in a more informal setting.

It’s a break from tradition for Newsom, a Democrat and potentially a future presidential candidate who has attempted many times to reinvent the speech for modern audiences. He has tried devoting the entire speech to just one topic . homelessness in 2020 . and using Dodger Stadium during the pandemic to give exhausted residents a pep talk about . brighter days ahead..

Fact-check: the full statement was “Some mistakes were made but you should dream of brighter days ahead!” Disrespecting liberals is fun when you know where to look! And I do.


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9 March 2021

LOS ANGELES (CBS13/AP) . Addressing a state exhausted after a year of lockdowns, wildfires, disease and death, California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Tuesday urged residents of the nation’s most populous state to “dream of brighter days ahead” while acknowledging mistakes that have put his political future on the line.

“People are alive today because of the public health decisions we made . lives saved because of your sacrifice,” Newsom said in his third State of the State address. “Even so, I acknowledge it’s made life hard and unpredictable, and you’re exhausted with all of it.

The speech normally is presented to a joint session of the Legislature in Sacramento. This year, Newsom delivered it from center field in an empty Dodger Stadium, which has served as a coronavirus testing and vaccination center.

The backdrop for Newsom’s speech was 56,000 empty seats that represent roughly the number of Californians who have died from the coronavirus, the most in the country.

“To the California critics, who are promoting partisan power grabs and outdated prejudices, and rejecting everything that makes California great, we say this: We will not be distracted from getting shots in arms and our economy booming again,” he said.

To the surprise of conspiracy theorists everywhere, Newsom got the shot in the arm himself. Not fake! because he’d never have faked what happened next.

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8 November 2021

California Governor Gavin has withdrawn from public view for “unspecified family obligations,. a week after suddenly canceling plans to attend the United Nations climate summit in Scotland, according to The San Diego Union-Tribune.

The Tribune piece notes that Gov. Newsom had received a Moderna Covid-19 vaccine booster shot on Wednesday, Oct 27 from California Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly at Asian Health Services in Oakland.

According to the Tribune, “After abruptly canceling his plans last week to attend the United Nations climate summit in Scotland, Newsom did not participate in the conference virtually the first week of November 2021 while attending to unspecified family obligations..

.When the surprising announcement was made Oct. 29,. the piece goes on reporting, .a spokesperson said Newsom planned to participate virtually in the conference this week. But the California delegation’s schedule at the meeting this week, released by the governor’s office, did not include Newsom..

The motivation for that surprise announcement was Newsom suffering Bell’s Palsy. Not the more serious Guillian-Barre palsy first suspected, but still, it would have been Narrative-shattering for Gavin Vainglorious to show up at the U.N. in omelet-face. Even virtually. “I’m wearing a face mask while teleconferencing out of an abundance of caution! Sorry if I drool,” haha, no.

End segue

Scripted speeches have given Newsom trouble because of his dyslexia, a common learning disability that makes it harder for him to read and do other things related to reading. It’s why he rarely uses notes in his public appearances and memorizes vast amounts of facts and figures. Last year, he invited lawmakers to hear his speech in a large auditorium in Sacramento in part because he could use a larger screen.

Which is it, dyslexia or far-sightedness?

Just about every governor in the U.S. gives a State of the State address, which mimics the State of the Union speech given by the president to Congress every year.

All of those executive officers were shameless camera whores long because their daughters made camwhoring trendy.

And the pick of that litter, is now refusing a gold-plated public appearance opportunity because he’s dyslexic? I don’t know what the truth is, but I do know that the truth ain’t that.

The California Constitution requires the governor report to the state Legislature every year “on the condition of the State..

Prior to World War II, governors would fulfill this requirement by sending a letter to the Legislature. That changed in the 1940s, when former Gov. Earl Warren . who would later become chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court . began giving a formal speech to the Legislature, according to Alex Vassar, a librarian at the California State Library who acts as an unofficial historian of the state Legislature. Governors have been giving speeches ever since.

This year, Newsom plans to fulfill his constitutional requirement by sending a letter to the state Legislature. Next week, the governor’s office says, Newsom plans to embark on a four-day tour of the state to highlight his priorities.

A four-day tour of California is barely enough time for the top cities of Sacramento, Gay Area, Los Angeles and San Diego. One doubts that Angels Camp and Redlands are on that itinerary.

.Long gone are the days of an hourlong gubernatorial address on prime-time TV that everyone went into their living room and watched,. said Matt Barreto, a political science professor at the University of California, Los Angeles. .Perhaps the governor is thinking there are more effective ways of going out into the community and speaking directly to voters..

Hello, misinformation! The Fresh Prince Of Hair Gel’s motivation for hiding his face, now that masks are no longer trendy, is not efficiency, let alone speaking directly to the voters who recalled him so hard, that Newsom cranked the Fortified Democracy dial to 70% in order to send the message he ain’t going nowhere.

I thought his motivation was Baja Mexico, which was sufficient by itself to make me wonder if Gavin’s facial tic had returned.

POLITICS BREAKING: Newsom Found; Took “Personal Trip” to Baja While Snowed-in Californians Are Still Desperately Waiting for Help

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By Admin, 5 March 2023

As Bob Hoge reported, California Gov. Gavin Newsom left the state for parts unknown Thursday, a day after belatedly declaring a State of Emergency in 18 of the state’s counties due to record-breaking snowfall resulted in massive power outages and food shortages where roads were buried under many feet of snow.

In some counties, people have been without power or snowed in, unable to leave their homes, for more than 10 days. As conditions have predictably worsened and even mainstream media outlets in the state are reporting that promised help has not arrived, speculation about Newsom’s whereabouts has gotten much louder. Late Sunday morning, about the time Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was preparing to take the stage at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, Newsom’s press office announced that Newsom had returned, and that he’d been on a “personal trip” in Baja California, Mexico.

I’m okay with Newsom ducking a crisis that didn’t involve him. There is little a politician can do, in fact, that grinds my gears as much as saluting disaster victims from his staff car as it drives past.

But that’s the point here. Gavin Vainglorious ducked out of some valuable photo opportunities AND was out of town entirely when his chosen gubernatorial nemesis for the Presidency of the United States, Ron DeSantis, was dissing him on Gavin’s home turf.

Why didn’t his press office just announce he was on scheduled vacation? Because it happened too quickly for them to get a cover story straight. I bet he got Bell’s Palsy again, maybe from a booster shot, and did medical tourism to Mexico because his California doctors talked to the press last time.

Then, it didn’t clear up in time for his State Of the Union Speech scheduled for this week. Missing such opportunities is simply not what modern politicians do. The GAE electoral system being what it is, you probably just saw Newsom lose his chance at POTUS 2024.

I cannot think of a worse fate for Governor Gavin Gruesome… other than, like last time, becoming the poster boy for Covid-Vaccine Injury.

The Bodega Betrayal

I always knew this day would come! The day when the mask-Nazi bus ran into the surveillance state bus. Take one guess who won, and how quickly.

The New York Police Department is asking store owners to refuse service to customers unless they take off their masks and show their faces in order to help the police battle a massive robbery spree.

NYPD Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey said that the masks are allowing robbers to escape detection by police through security footage.

First they forced everybody to wear identity-erasing face diapers, now they can’t tell who is who on CCTV. One wonders if maybe there was a way they could have… seen this coming.

[GunnerQ plays the COPS theme song]

Badge Boys, Badge Boys, Whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when the people need you?

The Narrative said cover your face,
so you threatened the unmasked with mace,
Now the crooks play you for a fool,
Because your cameras can’t spot Abdul,
You tool!

Badge Boys, Badge Boys, Whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when the people need you?

The politician pockets some bribes,
The doctor-man poisons some childs,
Migrant gangers snuff out some lives,
And you don’t see any crimes… even with
bright lights!

Badge Boys, Badge Boys, Whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when the people need you?

“We are asking the businesses to make this a condition of entry, that people when they come in, they show their face, they should identify themselves,” he explained.

Blame the victim! How original! “Force your customers to identify themselves as a condition of you unbarring the door to your closet-sized grocery. That way, we’ll know who robbed you. And if it’s not too much trouble, could you arrest them for us, too?”

Cops, if you’re gonna be lazy then be lazy for EVERYBODY. “From this moment forward, the police will not investigate any violent death caused by a business owner inside his own store. We’ll just assume it was a robbery and he used the perp’s own weapon, and clean up the mess.”

Alternatively, if your paymasters use the law to protect the guilty then you cops should obey God instead of men. Like this:

It doesn’t seem hard to me. When the system is run by criminals, law enforcement needs to think outside the system. “The law” was never an invention of Man. Law is a society’s implementation of divine morality, and as such, is legitimate only to the extent that it pleases God.

That is why, for example, child molestation is a crime even… and especially… when legislators say it isn’t. Especially, because the legislators add treason against God to their violation of children against God’s righteous decree. Perhaps a non-Christian would use the phrase “mandate of Heaven” or something, but it’s to similar effect. There are lines that NOBODY crosses from ANY culture.

This is also why anarcho-tyranny is lawless by definition. God does not play favorites; therefore, neither should any government.

“We don’t have a weapon to defend ourselves,” said Bronx bodega owner Francisco Marte to WABC-TV. “That would be great, everyone come with their face up so the camera can see, we all can see. But we cannot force them to take off the mask.”

Marte says he has been shot three times. He’s also planning to upgrade his security to include facial recognition software.

Face-readers are a positive trend. It won’t be long before rednecks are setting up game cameras aimed at the front doors of Moderna’s bioweapon research labs. In the meantime, however, “I can’t make them take their masks off so I’m installing face-readers” proves Marte a coward. What he needs is a gun and a convenient dumpster, but no, he’d rather get shot… three times and counting.

If you’re gonna die by the sword anyway, then you might as well live by the sword.

[Some] shoppers said they got used to wearing masks during the pandemic, which ravaged New York City.

“I would say I’d be kind of offended because it’s my own way of feeling safe and I got really used to it through the pandemic,” explained shopper Emmanuel Celestrino.

The people still wearing masks are the fugly and/or emotionally damaged. Who in NYC, are numerous enough that masked criminals can seamlessly blend into a crowd. But the real story here is that after they were forced by the State to wear a mask until they liked it, they’re now being forced by the State to NOT wear a mask, because the State cannot be bothered with honest work.

The worm has turned, yet nothing has changed. The State’s mask mandate, now a no-mask mandate, has nothing to do with moral conduct and everything to do with coercing loyalty. Thus, it is an illegitimate law.

CAPS, an organization representing thousands of independent grocers across New York City, has called on officials to increase punishments against “repeat theft offenders” after they were lessened in a controversial bail reform law in 2019.

.We have been assaulted, terrorized, and our physical and mental health jeopardized,. the group said in a letter to the mayor and the New York governor. .A rise in larceny cases has hit independent supermarkets hard..

Whoa, that one word could explain WHY the NYPD is this lazy. Are they reducing all of the city to only WEF-owned food suppliers?

NYC bodegas padlock laundry detergent as shoplifting scourge hits new low

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By Matthew Sedacca, 21 January 2023

Desperate Bronx grocers are cracking down on serial thieves by slipping steel chains through the handles of laundry detergent bottles and securing them with padlocks . a new low in the shoplifting scourge across the Big Apple.

.I put the detergent in jail,. lamented Jose Dario Collado, owner of Yankee Food Deli in University Heights, which began locking up $27.99 bottles of Tide and $12.99 containers of Dreft because thieves were cleaning up . to the tune of at least $1,000 a month in detergent alone.

.Before the pandemic, New York was the best. Now, I don’t know what happened to the people,. huffed Collado.

The lock-and-chain strategy was hatched by the United Bodegas of America in the wake of spiking thefts, explained Fernando Mateo, the organization’s president.

Robberies at bodegas, small convenience stores, have doubled just in the past year.

.The justice system is just not cooperating, and it’s getting to a point where you either have to padlock every item that has to be stolen, or you have to fight back,. said Mateo. .And if you fight back you take the risk of going to jail for protecting your property..

Well, then, whose side are the cops on? Like Christianity, this isn’t hard to understand. It’s only hard to accept.

The city’s shoplifting crisis is showing no signs of abating, with petit larceny . or theft of less than $1,000 . up 14% this year through Jan. 15, compared to the same time period in 2022, according to NYPD data.

Residents stunned by the latest security inconvenience said the neighborhood’s junkie hordes were mostly to blame, as is the city’s revolving-door justice system.

.The police can’t do anything to help,. griped Manuel San Miguel, 61, alluding to the state’s 2019 controversial bail reform law that bans judges from setting bail in cases involving non-violent felonies and misdemeanors such as shoplifting.

Oh, the police CAN do something. Something other than following a corrupted, neutered, pointless exercise in futility.

But then, so could Miguel and other independent grocers:

A group representing 4,000 independent grocers is demanding that “repeat theft offenders” be made bail eligible, undoing part of the bail reform legislation . and addressing the fact that petty thieves tend not to be prosecuted.

Huh, so there WAS a reason we had the bail system previously. What do those hellbound fools who abolished bail have to say for themselves?

We must protect New York’s essential retail workers from rising violent crime

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By Manny De Los Santos, State Assemblyman 72nd District, 2 March 2023

Time and again, retail workers have been attacked, and stores have been violently robbed.

That.s why it’s time to change our laws to protect these workers and the customers they serve.

New York’s independent supermarkets, bodegas and mom-and-pop retail shops are the backbones of our communities.

I recognize the cadence of this speech. He’s acknowledging the problem to spin up the audience, and once they’re emoting instead of thinking, he’ll bravely propose a new word for business-as-usual. It’s a very popular psychological trick: “Yes, I agree with you! There IS a problem! Yes! YES, THERE IS! I hear you!”

From hiring our local residents to providing access to healthy, fresh foods and daily necessities for families, these businesses and their workers keep neighborhoods running 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Tell us you’re gonna stand against the WEF Great Reset, Manny. Tell us that you’re going to reimpose bail and put those crackhead scumbags in the drying pen. Tell us that you value the independent businessowners who provide you with food and tax revenue more than recidivist former farm equipment.

Just 327 offenders accounted for 30% of New York City’s 22,000 retail theft arrests in 2022. Recidivists were arrested nearly 6,600 times, averaging about 20 times each.

The situation is entirely untenable . something must be done to rectify it before more stores close and more workers are harmed.

Dirt naps for 327 offenders?

That.s where the city and state can step in to help.

Say it… say it… the solution is obvious, you probably haven’t even thrown out those law book from 2018 yet…

That.s why, at the state level, I am proud to carry legislation making assaulting a retail employee or owner a class-D felony, such as with livery drivers, utility employees and other essential workers.

This common-sense legislation will help deter crimes and hold people who perpetuate them accountable.

YES! The recidivists would then be catch-and-released for felonies instead of misdemeanors! GENIUS! Oh wait, the problem was shoplifting and robbery, not assault.

QED, business as usual.

Burn in Hell, Manny. Better yet, work an honest retail job and let’s see if your devotion to the Narrative can survive a tweaker equity-izing your carbon. Remember not to bitch about shiv-carrying robbers counting as “unarmed”!

This is treason. NYC government, even state-level, is targeting independent grocers for destruction via anarcho-tyranny. The damage being done to us isn’t just Ohio-sized mushroom clouds; it’s police telling shopkeepers that the only people the cops can keep in jail, is shopkeepers for the crime of “violent” self-defense.

How long until WEF-independent food retailers are targeted in other, less Progtard regions?

To Close the Church Is To Kill the Church

One wonders if the organized Church has any shame left. I wondered, thus I read this article. And found pretty much what I expected.

7 things we didn’t see coming in churches at this point after the pandemic

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By Thom S. Rainer, Op-ed Contributor

I open with his background.

Thom S. Rainer is the founder and CEO of Church Answers, an online community and resource for church leaders. Prior to founding Church Answers, Rainer served as president and CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources. Before coming to LifeWay, he served at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for twelve years where he was the founding dean of the Billy Graham School of Missions and Evangelism.

Which leads me to assume that he’s talking mainly about Baptist churches here.

Admittedly, it’s a tricky thing to find a precise beginning and ending point to a pandemic. We could accept the declaration from the World Health Organization that COVID-19 began on March 11, 2020. But the virus was rapidly spreading around the world prior to that date.

Stop screwing around. The official, public reaction began on the date you gave. But if you want the REAL date that the COVID Plandemic began, it was in January 2017… a few days before Trump was inaugurated, to the bleak horror of Chi-comm-Clinton agents everywhere… that Fauci predicted a ‘surprise outbreak’ would happen during Trump’s term in office in a speech he gave at the Jesuits’ Georgetown University.


Dr. Fauci Warned In 2017 Of “Surprise Outbreak. During Trump Administration

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By Nina Golgowski, 5 August 2020

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the U.S. government’s top infectious disease specialist, warned in early 2017 that a “surprise outbreak” would occur during the Trump administration, and he said that more needed to be done to prepare for a pandemic.

.There is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases,. he said in a speech titled “Pandemic Preparedness in the Next Administration” at Georgetown University Medical Center. He delivered it just days before Trump was inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2017.

Fauci, who has overseen the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984, warned that looming health challenges would involve both chronic diseases . ones already ongoing . as well as .a surprise outbreak..

In hindsight, the Plandemic became official the moment Fauci said that.

.No matter what, history has told us definitively that [outbreaks] will happen,. he said. .It is a perpetual challenge. It is not going to go away. The thing we’re extraordinarily confident about is that we are going to see this in the next few years..

That’s not the sort of thing that experts can be “extraordinarily confident” about. Unless they’re the perpetrators. The easiest way to predict the future is to make it happen yourself.

Fauci ticked off a list of measures needed to prepare for such a crisis, including creating and strengthening global health surveillance systems, as well as public health and health care infrastructure; practicing transparency and honest communication with the public; coordinating and collaborating on both basic and clinical research, and developing universal platform technologies to better facilitate the development of vaccines.

Doesn’t that sound familiar? “Scumbag Cheeto Man Drumpf the Russia Russia Russia Agent Worse Than Hitler will have to face a ‘surprise outbreak’ during his term in office” said the guy who illegally engineered the COVID-19 bioweapon in a Chinese laboratory at American taxpayer expense, which was released for unknown reasons, yet on his schedule, during the year of Trump’s re-election campaign. Which forced America to create the unlawful, public-private biosurveillance state that he had demanded for years.

If you can’t connect THOSE dots then you must still think crayons are for chewing.

End segue

What were we talking about? Oh yes, the state of the Church post-da-‘Rona.

For our purposes, we look at post-pandemic as that time when churches started regathering in person. Some churches started a lot sooner than other churches, but most churches are back to in-person services today.

Left unmentioned, is that that was the first time the Church closed its doors IN ITS ENTIRE HISTORY.

As we look back over this regathering phase, we admit that several developments caught us by surprise. Some are good. Some are not.

1. Digital attendance fell rapidly. We continue to be amazed at the dramatic decline in digital attendance in the churches reporting their data to us. We knew it would not be sustained at the same levels as during the quarantine, but we have certainly been surprised that the drop has been so dramatic.

Why is that surprising? To close the Church is to kill the Church.

Jesus: “Where two are gathered in My Name, there I am also.”


2. Interest in evangelism is increasing. There are two ways to look at this surprise. First, we give thanks to God because more and more churches are responding in obedience to the Great Commission. But we are also aware that the interest is a bit pragmatic as well. Cultural Christians (an oxymoron, for sure) are not returning to church. If a church wants to reach people, evangelism is a necessity.

If Rainer had any spiritual discernment at all, he would 1. know that the Great Commission has already been completed, 2. know the reason why Barbie’s evangelistic trips to Bangcock are ALWAYS a success, and 3. it is evil to categorize men as “Cultural Christians”.

“They aren’t coming back to church after we shooed them away. They must not have been real Christians!”

Skipping #3 for now.

4. The number of full-time church staff has declined more rapidly than expected. Our information is anecdotal at this point…

Three years later?!

…but we believe that the majority of churches have by both necessity and by design reduced full-time personnel. The pace seems to be increasing.

To close the Church is to kill the Church. Also, to be unrepentant about closing the Church. Also, while I fully appreciate the need to occasionally cut deadwood, methinks ‘getting rid of staff by design’ was more about vaxx/mask enforcement. “Jesus is going in a different direction: podcasting from safety.”

5. Church revitalization has become an accepted discipline and practice much faster than expected. The discipline was growing both before and after the pandemic. But the rate of acceptance and growth of the discipline is nothing short of amazing.

“How to reopen the Church after closing it, has become an accepted discipline.” Because it’s never been needed before.

6. Deferred maintenance crises in churches are hindering church adoption. Simply stated, many potential church adoptions have been delayed or dropped because the adopting church cannot afford to upgrade the facilities of the declining church seeking adoption.

“By Church revitalization, we meant re-homing the pastor after his congregation didn’t come back. And he doesn’t want to live in a slum.”

7. Most church search committees still search for pastors like it was 2010. We thought we would see pastor search committees (or similar bodies) more willing to change their processes in light of all of the changes affecting American churches. This intransigent behavior portends poorly for a growing pastor shortage in America.

One wonders at the context of this question. I would never have thought to ask how Covid lockdowns would change the pastor-selection process, because there’s no reason it would. The current process does not serve the needs of Christ or His Church, and was never intended to. It’s intended to gatekeep Church leadership so that a small clique of politically connected, dangerously ignorant and soft-shelled insiders can  enjoy respect and authority far in excess of what they deserve, or can even make use of.

The current selection process:

  1. Reject all applicants who have not graduated from a secular-accredited college.
  2. Reject all applicants who have ever blamed a wife’s marital problems on the wife.
  3. Reject all applicants with real-world experience, spiritual giftings and/or disruptive ideas about what a church should be & do.
  4. For the remaining applicants, host an acoustic-guitar audition.

Changing this process could only open up the halls of power to the meritorious, the devout, and worse of all, the boat-rocking courageous.

Clergy these days, they were HAPPY to close their church in 2020. They never did want to get up on Sunday and preach at the ingrate bench-warmers. Obeying the Jesuit bioterrorists allowed them to, instead, play the guitar for half an hour in front of a webcam whenever they felt like it, and call it “church”. Frauds like that will never allow merit-based competition for their sinecures.

If their church dies off as a result of going webcam-only, well, there’s a simple solution for that… taking the Ticket. Number Three.

3. Church finances held well longer than expected. Billions of dollars of liquidity were injected into the market, which helped individuals and organizations, including churches, for a season. But we are surprised that giving has not declined rapidly with the cessation of government support and the onset of higher inflation.

The Church closed its doors to God’s people, because the false shepherds couldn’t be bothered to care… were too craven to stand during a crisis…

…and when their churches inevitably declined as a direct and predictable consequence…

…the clergy took money from the State so they could close the doors without losing their jobs. They took the Ticket. No hesitation. No remorse.

Let me repeat that for emphasis.

The Church was ABLE to turn against God ONLY because the State provided replacement funding. The theological term for that is “thirty pieces of silver”.

How was the Church changed by the Plandemic? Our false shepherds have been so completely unmasked that even for the bovinely stupid, it now takes more faith to reject God than to accept Him. Which is why they aren’t coming back to church… that’s not where God is.

Faith After the Pandemic: How COVID-19 Changed American Religion

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5 January 2023

Key Points

The COVID-19 pandemic precipitated an overall decline in religious attendance, although religious identity remained mostly stable.

The number of Americans who never attend religious services jumped over the past two years; roughly one in three Americans now report that they never attend religious services.

Young adults report the greatest change in religious attendance of any age group.

Three Female Entitlement Stories For the Price Of Two

My previous post was my shock & awe about literary-employed people using AI chat programs to do their jobs. Today, we remember that that’s the job of Reddit!

I do not know who Maureen Mackey of Fox News is… but I do know that her idea of finding national-news-level content is scouring Reddit’s “Am I the Asshole” forum. But I forgive her because she’s noticing how badly men are being treated.

Yes, yes, I’m doing the exact same thing right now… but my blog ain’t my job!

Man in wheelchair on bus refuses to move for mother and young daughter

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By Maureen Mackey, 25 February 2023

Move over, Rosa Parks!

A Reddit writer has shared a stressful and upsetting situation involving commuter travel and her young daughter.

A woman who described herself as a 32-year-old female wrote on the platform that she and her five-year-old daughter boarded a commuter bus “at a busy stop.”

The woman, who did not share her location, added that once they were on the bus, she saw that “there were no empty seats available, except for one [seat] near a person using a wheelchair” . a person whom she described as a 40-year-old male.

Either 1. a disabled military veteran, 2. a fugly fat piece of lard or 3. the vaxx wasn’t safe and effective. I rule out #2 on the basis that he was taking up only two seats.

The mother went on, “I asked the person if [he] could move [his] wheelchair to another spot so that my daughter and I could sit together, but the person declined.”

The man in the wheelchair, she went on, said he needed the space for his “mobility device.”

The mother wrote, “I was taken aback and frustrated by this response.”

She told the man that her daughter “was very young and needed to sit next to me for safety reasons” . yet still the person “refused to move.”

The woman shared that she “ended up having to stand for the entire ride with my daughter in tow, which was uncomfortable and tiring for both of us.”

The horror! The horror!

The mother wrote that when she told a friend about the incident, her friend told her she was “being insensitive and ableist.”


The woman’s friend, the original Reddit poster continued, told her “that the person in the wheelchair had a right to the space” he needed . and “that it was unfair of me” to ask the man in the wheelchair to move a bit to accommodate her.

She received a lot of grief on the platform from others. The mother continued, “Now, I’m questioning whether or not I was in the wrong for asking the person to move.”

She asked the Reddit community about it . and for their thoughts on whether she was wrong “for asking a disabled person to move seats on the bus for my child.”

Welp… we know this didn’t happen in Texas, because she didn’t eat a .45 bon-bon with the justification “she needed killin’.” Texans are known to roll (heh) like that.

Predictable outrage ensued, but the takeaway here is crippled male > single mother on the victim totem pole. A good sign for civilization!

Man yells at girlfriend to ‘stop f—ing eating,’ she then charges him with ‘fat-shaming’

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By Maureen Mackey, 26 February 2023

Hmm. Same author, same source, one day later. Her editor better run a chatbot detector on her next submission.

A dramatic relationship upset connected to food has shown up on Reddit, the social media site . and it has prompted the age-old question: “Can this relationship be saved?”

TL;DR no.

A man describing himself as a 26-year-old male explained that his sister, who is 23, runs a bakery . “and she’s been struggling lately to keep up with orders because she’s short-staffed.”

The man, who did not share his location, said his sister “does a lot of orders for wedding cakes that require custard or marmalade fillings . and I offered to help her out by making these fillings at home and bringing them to her so [that] she has less work to do,” he added.

However, there’s been a huge problem.

“Unfortunately, the past four times I’ve made these fillings,” the man wrote on Reddit, “my girlfriend has literally dipped her fingers into the filling jars and contaminated them because, in her words, she “just wanted to try some..”

“ tried explaining to her,” the man wrote on Reddit about his girlfriend, “that she can’t dip her fingers in and contaminate the entire batch, because then I have to remake it.”

The man’s girlfriend is 24 years old, he said.

He said he told her “she should use a spoon and take some out if she wants to try [it] so badly, but she just pouts and says that she likes using her fingers because it takes her back to her childhood.”

Dude, that there is a legitimate sign from Heaven Itself. DITCH THE WITCH WHILE YOU STILL CAN!

He went on to say that recently, he’d been “trying to finish some chocolate custard to send it over to my sister really fast because she was running late on a wedding cake order for an important client.”

So he told his girlfriend, as he shared with others, “to not eat the custard, and if she really wanted to, to please use a spoon.”

He’s not disciplining her.

The man said he stepped “out of the shower, and what do I see? She has her fingers in it again!”

He said he “totally lost it because this is the fifth time she blatantly disregarded what I said.”

Once is a mistake. Twice is disobedience. Five times is an ex-wife even before the wedding vows.

He said that he “yelled at her,” he shared, “and told her to “stop f—ing eating. the food I’m making, because it’s not for her, and she’s contaminating it.”

The girlfriend broke into tears, he said.

“She got mad at me,” the man revealed, “for .fat-shaming. her, even though I made no comment on her weight, and she has no history of weight issues or eating disorders.”

He added, “I know I was harsh, but she kept pushing my limits.”

Bad, bad, BAD SIGN!!!

That’s not harsh. That’s Cuck behavior. This guy is not ready to have a serious girlfriend, let alone wife.

The professional paid advice:

Fox News Digital reached out to a clinical psychologist for professional insights into the relationship drama.

Said Dr. Jayme Albin, Ph.D., of New York City, “The girlfriend is acting and thinking In a very self-centered way. Not only is she disregarding her boyfriend’s request, but he’s brought her attention to the fact that people in the community will be affected by her actions . and still she continues it.”

Compare to the very first, unpaid comment on Yahoo:

Classic – my ex did this to me all the time – keep pushing a button you’ve asker her not to push – and when you finally reach your limit and yell at her – she gets to point you out to everyone -as being the problem person who is angry all the time.

The winner is obvious.

Skynet For Dummies

Clown World has reached the point that humanity is diverging into subspecies. The one type believes that what you do reflects your character; the other type believes only in a full stomach.

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Live by the sword, die by the sword. Clarkesworld science fiction magazine is forced to close to submissions by a flood of ChatGTP entries.

I don’t know why this strikes me as particularly funny, but it does. Especially because it won’t be long before SFWA has its first fake member, given the way the most successful clout-chasing con artists think. Wracking up three professional publications wouldn’t be hard, and I don’t think the ever-so-inclusive organization has any specific requirement that its members be human or actually exist.

It has to be admitted. For all its evil and awfulness, Clown World can be amusing sometimes.

I was confused rather than amused.

Come on, now, how hard is it to… wait… people are using AI to do their ENTIRE jobs? And the people reviewing those literary products of incapable-of-creativity chatbots cannot tell the difference?

We aren’t talking about AIs that pass the Turing test. We’re talking about humans who have FAILED the Turing test for YEARS! How long has this been going on? How many people are trying to use AIchat whatevers to cheat?

[GunnerQ googles ‘AI plagiarism’]

I had no idea!

Mississippi research helping to stop AI plagiarism

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Since the launch of ChatGPT in November, the online tool has gained a record-breaking 100 million active users. Its technology, which automatically generates text for its users based on prompts, is highly sophisticated. But are there ethical concerns? A University of Mississippi professor has co-authored a paper, led by collaborators at Penn State University, showing that artificial intelligence-driven language models, possibly including ChatGPT, are guilty of plagiarism . in more ways than one. .My co-authors and I started to think, if people use this technology to write essays, grant proposals, patent applications, we need to care about possibilities for plagiarism,. said Thai Le, assistant professor of computer and information science in the School of Engineering. .We decided to investigate whether these models display plagiarism behaviors..

You just witnessed academic integrity pass negative-infinity. The steaming mounds of LIES being pumped out of America’s education system were just revealed to be so corrupt, so void of meaning, so MEANINGLESS, that a random word generator is creating a crisis of scholarship.

Ditto the science fiction community.

Ditto the grant-funding system of… eh, that was always money laundering. Submit ten thousand words in your application, to disguise the fact that the only two words that matter are who’s your globalist daddy.

And I’ve long held doubts about instruction manuals for small consumer goods.

A college student created an app that can tell whether AI wrote an essay

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By Emma Bowman, 9 January 2023

See? It’s not hard to detect a fake. At least, it shouldn’t be.

Edward Tian, a 22-year-old senior at Princeton University, has built an app to detect whether text is written by ChatGPT, the viral chatbot that’s sparked fears over its potential for unethical uses in academia.

ChatGPT does not understand the concept of ethics… but it can write an essay on the topic for you?

Edward Tian, a 22-year-old computer science student at Princeton, created an app that detects essays written by the impressive AI-powered language model known as ChatGPT.

Tian, a computer science major who is minoring in journalism, spent part of his winter break creating GPTZero, which he said can “quickly and efficiently” decipher whether a human or ChatGPT authored an essay.

Either this was easy, or Tian is a genius. No sarcasm this time!

His motivation to create the bot was to fight what he sees as an increase in AI plagiarism. Since the release of ChatGPT in late November, there have been reports of students using the breakthrough language model to pass off AI-written assignments as their own.

“there’s so much chatgpt hype going around. is this and that written by AI? we as humans deserve to know!” Tian wrote in a tweet introducing GPTZero.

That’s speciesist!

Tian said many teachers have reached out to him after he released his bot online on Jan. 2, telling him about the positive results they’ve seen from testing it.

I already knew that academia was trash… but this is just sad, man. Teachers don’t know how to combat plagiarism? Why are they only now starting to care?

And to think, I paid attention and tried my best in college.

The college senior isn’t alone in the race to rein in AI plagiarism and forgery. OpenAI, the developer of ChatGPT, has signaled a commitment to preventing AI plagiarism and other nefarious applications. Last month, Scott Aaronson, a researcher currently focusing on AI safety at OpenAI, revealed that the company has been working on a way to “watermark” GPT-generated text with an “unnoticeable secret signal” to identify its source.

The problem here is post-modernism. The idea that truth doesn’t matter. Was that story written by a human or robot? Does it matter? Can you even tell without a tool?

The answer is yes. Truth does matter. It can be detected and verified. But that is an exclusively Christian statement, not a scientific statement. As we’ve seen from the experiment-reproduction problems that !science! has been struggling against.

I hate this world. The “artist” doesn’t care if his paint squiggles qualify as art, so long as he makes the sale, and the people looking at his art don’t care either. Everything is so fake and gay, a science fiction magazine doesn’t know if the stories submitted to them even have a plot. Credit to Clarkesworld for at least caring that they can’t tell.

The reason AI is being used to cheat and make forgeries is not because it became available. It’s because cheating and forgery have become an accepted part of American culture. Students are learning what they’re being taught, to wit, postmodernism and faggotry. Everything is fake and gay so just check the boxes and goof off.

I’ve wondered why AI has been extremely popular among socialist types even before it existed, and now I have the answer. If nothing matters… and you can make someone else do your work… that’s as good as life gets.

This is the difference between being a creator and a consumer. Christ wants us to be active participants in our lives, becoming what we do, living for purpose and accomplishments of varying types, whereas for the atheist, the entirety of life is selecting the least painful path into oblivion.

That is also why, eventually, the WEF “get into the pod and eat the bugs” people will succeed. Because when the time comes, it’ll be the path of least resistance.

LCMS President Harrison Demands God’s Excommunication

Aww, the poor little traitor. He’s so close to Converging the LCMS, sooo close, but dangit, Twitter isn’t censoring the alt-Right like it did before Elon Musk! I didn’t even know the alt-Right was still around! They ‘trusted the plan’ which didn’t work out.

First the background to get you up to speed, then Harrison’s delicious and damning meltdown.

CTCR recommends fellowship with Ukraine, issues statement on Large Catechism volume

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By Cheryl Magness, 22 February 2023

Ooh, a double-header!

The Lutheran Church.Missouri Synod (LCMS) Commission on Theology and Church Relations (CTCR) convened in St. Louis Feb. 16.18 for its quarterly meeting. With a deadline looming for submissions to the 2023 LCMS convention, the 20-member Commission was able to conclude much of its work for the current triennium.

The meeting featured a visit from the Rev. Serge Maschewski, bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ukraine (ELCU), to discuss the potential for fellowship between the ELCU and the LCMS. Maschewski had been scheduled to meet with the CTCR in December, but ongoing fighting in the war between Ukraine and Russia prevented him from traveling. After a presentation by Maschewski to the Commission and further discussion with a CTCR subcommittee charged with evaluating church relations requests, the CTCR unanimously approved a motion to memorialize the 2023 convention to recognize fellowship with the ELCU.

A native of Kazakhstan, educated at Concordia University in the 90s, long-term affiliate of LCMS generally and of Harrison himself, likely. While the civilian suffering is undeniable, any church relief would have to 1. not encourage migration, and 2. resist politicization. Considering Zelensky kicked out the Russian Orthodox, I doubt that any Church relief will be politically neutral.

Wouldn’t it be nice if churches cared as much about the men next door, as they do the women on the far side of the planet?

In addition to recommending fellowship with the ELCU, the CTCR has, during the current extended triennium, recommended fellowship with several other church bodies, including the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland (ELMDF), the Evangelical Lutheran Church of South Sudan/Sudan (ELCSS/S), and the Lutheran Church of Uganda (LCU). These overtures were approved at the February meeting. The Commission also approved a recommendation from the LCMS Board for International Mission to recognize fellowship with the Ceylon Evangelical Lutheran Church (CELC) of Sri Lanka, a mission of the LCMS that has now become an independent church body.

Meanwhile, and perhaps not coincidentally…

The other major item on the Commission’s agenda in February was the completion of its convention report, which details the CTCR.s activities throughout each triennium… as part of its convention report, the Commission unanimously adopted a statement concerning its recently published Luther’s Large Catechism with Annotations and Contemporary Applications. That statement is available here:

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On Feb. 17, 2023, The Lutheran Church.Missouri Synod’s Commission on Theology and Church Relations unanimously approved a statement on Luther’s Large Catechism with Annotations and Contemporary Applications.

The CTCR forthrightly asserts that this volume does not change, question or supplant any doctrinal position of the LCMS, including any Synod teaching on contemporary cultural issues such as race or sexuality.

The CTCR furthermore categorically rejects any assertions to the contrary.

Odd that they feel the need to say that. “We didn’t change anything and reject every critic that says we did… without even listening to our critics!” That is what categorical rejection means, after all. Complaints about Topic X go straight to the shredder.

In feedback we have received as a Commission, it has become clear that many misconceptions about the volume have surfaced on social media, and we wish to offer this brief explanation to clarify what this volume is and what it is not.

First, the CTCR [Commission on Theology and Church Relations] undertook the production of this volume at the behest of recent Synod conventions

“We were ordered to do this. It’s not our fault!”

Second, the text of the Large Catechism itself remains entirely unchanged in this volume… This volume, however, has two very different components, in accordance with the convention resolutions from 2013 and 2016.

Uh-oh. “We didn’t change it, except where we did.”

One component is the newly composed introductions and explanatory
footnotes… They are meant to help clarify the context and language of the catechism in its historical context.

UH-OH. “We are now considering the historical context of Luther’s teachings, which may be different from today’s context. For example, we now know that all white men are evil.”

The other component is a series of excursive essays. The essays are wide-ranging attempts to engage the sorts of contemporary questions that often come up… As such, they represent individual perspectives and judgments that some in the LCMS may not share.

The place for individual, uncertain and/or contentious ideas is NOT in a catechism. That is not what catechisms are for.

Third, the selection of drafters for these excurses was not limited to LCMS authors but expanded to other Lutherans who have a record of scholarship with the Large Catechism or experience with many of these contemporary issues… . Some of these writers are from church bodies not in fellowship with the LCMS.

THEY BROUGHT IN OUTSIDERS! From the infamously corrupt ELCA, perhaps? [I could not confirm; didn’t find a full download.]

Fourth, as noted earlier, the text of each introduction, annotation and excursive
essay underwent thorough review and subsequent approval by the CTCR…

“Trust us.”

Last, while we acknowledge that certain things could have been worded differently… we remain firmly supportive of this volume…

We urge you to read it for yourselves and to make your own judgments.

And when Lutheran laymen did exactly that, their concerns were categorically rejected.

This Woke edition has already been pulled, which may explain why I haven’t been able to find a PDF of it. But I did find these excerpts!

Finally, the recognition of a legitimate place for the use of the sword within God’s plan for His creation is not a license for any Christian to use the sword for any reason unilaterally deemed legitimate and necessary. And it certainly does not provide a scriptural foundation for a right to bear arms.4 Lethal force, Luther consistently taught, is rightly used only by the one placed into the of authority in the state. It is never exercised for the sake of self, but always and only for the sake of the neighbor.

This is a baldfaced lie, that Christianity and self-defense are NEVER compatible… that no Christian may ever “unilaterally” defend himself from a threat.

It’s not even coherent. You cannot defend yourself, but CAN defend the other person in the room, because only the State can be trusted with the sword?

“For middle- or upper-class Christians it is not uncommon to think that many commandments are most acutely relevant to the crimes found in poorer communities. A transformative insight of [Luther] consists in applying God’s Law prohibiting theft to less-than-obvious perpetrators.the virtuous who possess economic and societal privilege.

Luther’s Catechism just transformed into Cultural Marxism.

However, though some of us are burdened with homosexual lust, pornographic addiction, transgenderism, pedophilia and polyamory, more often they are the speck in our neighbor’s eye rather than the log in our own (cf. Matthew 7:3-5). For decades, if we didn’t wink at fornication we certainly turned our eyes from it, as long as the acts performed outside of marriage were heterosexual ones. We shudder in disgust when it suits [us…]

How dare you find fault with child molesters when YOU sometimes use porn! You hypocrite! Control yourself, not the pedophiles around you! And just so you know, mutilating children and enjoying a pinup poster are equivalent sins!

And lo, a big controversy ensued… and the LCMS didst pull the new Catechism…

Which led President Harrison to have a meltdown.

Statement on recent online unchristian teachings

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Feb. 21, 2023

Dear friends in Christ,

The Lutheran Church.Missouri Synod, its president, vice-presidents and all 35 district presidents, along with its ministerium and congregations, categorically reject the horrible and racist teachings of the so-called .alt-right. in toto (including white supremacy, Nazism, pro-slavery, anti-interracial marriage, women as property, fascism, death for homosexuals, even genocide).

Except for fascism, all of Harrison’s accusations are beliefs held by GOD HIMSELF.

God forbade interracial marriage, ruled death for sodomy, mandated female submission to husbands, carried out several genocides during Exodus/Joshua… also Tyre and some other places… supported institutional slavery (while gutting its motivation), and being the Creator of All Nations, surely wants white nations to continue existing as white nations.

It’s okay to be white.

The Synodical explanation of Luther’s Small Catechism teaches that the Fifth Commandment, .You shall not murder,. includes the prohibition of .hating, despising, or slandering other groups of people (prejudice, racism, and so forth).. The Scriptures agree: .Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. (1 John 3:15).

Everyone who hates his brother, yes. What about everyone who hates child molesters? JESUS HIMSELF hated them. Necks and millstones, remember?

Jesus is guilty of HATE!

Every human being is precious to God and as valuable as the very blood of Jesus Christ shed for all, .for God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son. (John 3:16).

No. Not every single human being is precious to God. The generic statement in John 3:16 does not imply a specific statement regarding every individual regardless of their conduct.

Harrison’s rant is fascinating. “How dare you be like Jesus, you alt-Right Twits! Don’t you know that traitors and deceivers are just as precious to God as you?”

We were shocked to learn recently that a few members of LCMS congregations have been propagating radical and unchristian .alt-right. views via Twitter and other social media. They are causing local disruption and consternation for their pastors, congregations and district presidents.

Misinformation? On social media! NOOO!!! We cannot trust people to think for themselves! We only said so in order to encourage adoption of newly introduced deceptions!

They have publicly stated that they seek the destruction of the LCMS leadership. They have made serious online threats to individuals and scandalously attacked several faithful LCMS members. Through these social media posts, even our wonderful deaconesses have been threatened and attacked.

LCMS Convergence thwarted… women most affected!

This is evil. We condemn it in the name of Christ.

If I know the kind of people who fit the alt-Right label, pretty sure Harrison means “disrespected” not “threatened and attacked”. That’s BLM turf. I invite him to share a few headlines regarding these threats & attacks, just to prove he isn’t lying about his enemies. That would not be loving. That would not be what Jesus would do.

That would be… HATEFUL. And hate = murder, don’cha know, Herr Harrison. Don’t you be hatin’ on the alt-Right! They’re as precious to God as you are! Probably more so because you’re a modern pastor.

These .alt-right. individuals were at the genesis of a recent controversy surrounding essays accompanying a new publication of Luther’s Large Catechism. This group used that opportunity to produce not only scandalous attacks and widespread falsehoods, but also to promote their own absolutist ideologies.

To promote GOD’S absolutist ideologies, thank you. Which do not change with individual reinterpretations, or historical contexts, or least of all, !scientific! prog-tard-ress.

That is why I’m willing to condemn this Woke Catechism without having a proper copy to review. It introduces moral confusion regarding human sexuality, a topic that no honest Christian can NOT be certain about.

Anyone trying to sully the reputation of the LCMS based on comments from a small number of online provocateurs does not know the loving, faithful, generous, kind and welcoming Synod that I have met all across the nation. Our people are delighted to gather with sinners of every stripe to receive full and free forgiveness from our crucified Savior and are not represented by these few men with their sinful agenda.

Oh, but I am LOVING, Mr. Harrison! I’m writing this savage fisking with a grin on my face! There is no hate here!

I am not speaking about the individuals who may have expressed theological concerns about the essays published alongside the Catechism. I’m talking about a small number of men who based their opposition upon racist and supremacist ideologies. The former we welcome. The latter we condemn.

The LCMS is a robust Christian community under the absolute authority of the inerrant Scriptures as the very Word of God and bound together in subscription to our Lutheran Confessions. Theological dialogue is good. We have clear processes for registering concerns over published materials, and we encourage such theological critique. The biblical confession of the LCMS on doctrine and life is true and unchangeable.

I know this game. If you have doubts about the conduct of your leaders, the “Christian” thing to do is go to them individually, share your concerns, then watch Pastor smile and nod and reassure you that you’re the problem and you need to shut up now that you’ve been heard.

Actually, that IS Christian… step one. Step two is going back again with allies who agree with you, and Step Three is social media.

Step Three can be accelerated by… for example… categorical rejection complaint-handling policies.

LCMS congregations agree to uphold our biblical standards. We are not a top-down institution. That said, I will work together with our pastors and district presidents to address this matter wherever it arises among us and reject it. We issue the cry of Jesus: .Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. (Matt. 3:2). We are confident that the same Law and Gospel that broke the hard heart of St. Paul, himself a murderer and blasphemer, can and will do the same today. We are all called to repentance daily. .The blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. (1 John 1:7). Where that call to repentance is not heeded, there must be excommunication.

“We are not a top-down institution,” said the Peoples’ Beloved Unified Biblical President while issuing a fatwa on the dissidents he categorically refused to listen to.

God is not going to repent of His past support for slavery, genocide and racial purity. Would Harrison excommunicate God Himself? If he allowed a Cultural Marxist to be printed alongside Luther’s Catechism then the answer is yes… yes, Harrison WOULD excommunicate God for past opposition to the Current Thing.

Of all the things I’ve seen as LCMS president, this is the most bizarre.

Seriously? He never noticed Twitter before? Should we tell him about reddit?

I am informed that other conservative denominations are experiencing similar challenges. This horrid attack of the devil drives us to be firm in our confession. Our message of Christ the Savior for all…

Savior for only the repentant.

…our local and global mission that serves the entire human race with forgiveness and joy…

Excepting Russia? Why not fellowship with both UKR and Russia? They’re adjacent and it would silence doubters such as me.

…stands firmly opposed to Satan and all evil. Our steadfast message of love and biblical fidelity on the cultural issues of marriage, sexuality, race, and life is an assault on the devil and his minions to no end. Our steadfast witness and assistance to our global Lutheran friends has the devil fuming.

It’s possible I’m a bit off base here, and Harrison is screeching at opponents against his support of Ukraine rather than against his Woke Catechism, but that’s not what Harrison said and the correlation is high.

While he might intend LCMS charity to Ukraine as nonpolitical war relief for civilians, this screed against “alt-Right Nazis” whose beliefs mirror God’s own, makes me think Harrison would just as happily ship artillery shells to Zelensky’s depot. After all, complaints about misinformation passing uncensored on social media is a policy statement photocopied from the Bidenreich playbook. As is the banning of self-defense, and so on.

Lastly, “we didn’t change the Catechism, we only included essays by outsiders giving their personal opinions that reinterpret the Catechism” is textbook Talmudic deception.

[Bible quotations about martyrdom omitted.]

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Matthew C. Harrison
President, The Lutheran Church.Missouri Synod

You are not in Christ, Mr. Harrison. You are quite provably opposed to Him. Please come to your senses and make public repentance.

An odd thing about this is that previously, Harrison correctly ousted Pastor Matthew Becker in 2015 for (among other offenses) teaching that Scripture does not technically prohibit women from ordination. Upon leaving the LCMS, Becker hooked up with the ELCA, which is good proof of heresy.

Why, then, is Harrison going full Woke now? He strained the gnat of female ordination but now, swallows the camels of “white privilege” and “some Christians are women trapped in male bodies”. The change cannot be only a long-standing association with Rev. Maschewski.

I wonder if the difference is the Fauci jab. There have been reports of Christians abandoning the faith, suddenly and consciously, after getting jabbed. It’s not something that a !scientific! study can be done upon, yet the anecdotes are mounting… and I sense that spiritual battle lines are being drawn. Our daily choices are having moral significance that they ordinarily might not.

Whatever good Harrison has done previously, he now accuses Twitter ghosts of conspiring to commit what Almighty God already did & taught, little of which is relevant to criticisms of the Woke Catechism he just tried to push. One hopes that LCMS leadership is not as !Unity! as Harrison claimed.

Christian College Quits Christ, Claims He’s Not A Competitive Advantage

The inevitable result of Social Justice Convergence in an organization is the inability of that human organism… organization, excuse me… to behave in the ways it was originally meant to.

With that thought in mind…

Catholic university to cut religious studies, theology majors to fund more in-demand programs

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By Candace Hathaway, 21 February 2023

…You don’t need to read further in order to understand what happened. But then, you’d miss the freak show!

A Catholic university in Virginia recently announced that it is considering cutting 10 majors and programs, including religious studies and theology, citing a “lack of potential growth.”

Marymount University, a liberal arts college, plans to eliminate bachelor’s degree programs in theology, religious studies, philosophy, mathematics, art, history, sociology, English, economics, and secondary education. It also plans to ax a master’s program in English and humanities.

That leaves engineering and queer studies. Also, possibly, that sweet, sweet M.Div parchment that guarantees a sinecure of teaching fairy tales to credulous idiots.

Of course, they aren’t just fairy tales… but the priests and professors of them will be the most surprised to find out!

Marymount University President Irma Becerra supports the controversial cuts, which have sparked a backlash from the school’s students and alumni. The plan is also supported by the Faculty Advisory Committee and the Academic Policy, Budget, and Planning Committee, according to a university spokesperson.

The students are complaining about this shift to student-demanded programs? SOMEBODY is LYING!

“Over the long term, it would be irresponsible to sustain majors [and] programs with consistently low enrollment, low graduation rates, and lack of potential for growth,” Becerra stated. “Recommendations and decisions on programs marked for elimination are based on clear evidence of student choices and behavior over time.”

The university could always downsize. That’s what the private sector does, which is why the private sector is efficient and effective despite the best efforts of experts.

Becerra. Boobs? No. Cuban? Maybe. Karen? You know it!


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In May [2018], Marymount University’s board of trustees unanimously voted in Dr. Irma Becerra as its seventh president. Becerra is a Cuban-American higher education leader who previously served as provost and chief academic officer at St. Thomas University in Florida. She succeeds president emeritus Matthew Shank, who recently left academia to join the World Affairs Council-Washington, D.C., as interim president.

She’s a female empowerment success story backfilling for a globalist.

What is “knowledge management” and how did you become interested in it?

When I was finishing my Ph.D. [in electrical engineering from Florida International University]…

Ask us about our structural engineering program!

…knowledge management was an emerging discipline. It was really about organizations taking advantage of their most valuable resource: the knowledge that exists inside employees. heads. Before, when you captured [a company.s] assets, it used to be how many buildings and cars and computers.tangible assets. I was fascinated by the processes that underpin great organizations as they seek to better their knowledge assets.

Pointy-haired boss: “Employees are our most important assets!”

Dilbert: “Is that why none of us got a pay raise last year?”

Pointy-haired boss: “Shut up, you asset.”

A lot of my research was based on work with NASA, developing prototypes of knowledge management systems.

She got a PhD in electrical engineering but her thesis was in leveraging male know-how. Hmm. HMMMM.

How will you apply your background in engineering, mathematics and systems organization to your new job?

One of the things I have been focused on.and this is my engineering, how to do we continue to improve our businesses processes so we can be as effective and efficient as possible? My leadership style is collaborative, but I’m always focused on data-driven decisions.

And on that data-driven note…

End segue

“…Marymount is indeed making changes to better position the University for long-term growth and success,” [a Marymount University spokesperson told Fox News Digital]. “One of those is investing in programs with growth potential, aligned with student demand, to give Marymount a competitive advantage.”

…The spokesperson noted that the cuts were “not financially driven“.

I cannot say the university is wrong; Christianity does not have growth potential. Our ranks are already very thin and they’re going to be thinned out even further in the near future.

But Christ was never about profit and competitive advantage.

Was the Dalai Lama?

Back to segue

Name three books you recently read (and liked):

I have a mix.some leadership books and some that are spiritual and inspirational: The Book of Joy by the Dalai Lama; The Economic Singularity by Calum Chace; and High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard.

I don’t mind that she reads leadership books, but I do mind her proudly finding spiritual inspiration in not-Christianity.

End segue again

Critics argued that the university’s plan does not fit its stated mission.

“If they want to change the mission, then say that and say what that change is,” Ariane Economos, an associate professor of philosophy, told the Chronicle of Higher Education. “But getting rid of theology and religious studies at a Catholic university, that doesn’t fit with the mission.

Student government president Ashly Trejo Mejia pushed back on the upcoming changes, calling them “detrimental to the diversity of our student body.”

“We fear that removing programs will alter the foundation and identity Marymount University was built on,” Trejo Mejia argued.

When the philosopher, the Christian and the diversity victicrat all agree that you’re whacked, you, bitch, are WHACKED.

According to the updated plan reviewed by Fox News Digital, university officials believe the cuts will set up the school for long-term success.