Don’t Go There

From an commentary exchange on

We begin with a blood-boiling excerpt of National Review’s Kevin Williamson on the plight of impoverished rural whites:

If you spend time in hardscrabble, white upstate New York, or eastern Kentucky, or my own native West Texas, and you take an honest look at the welfare dependency, the drug and alcohol addiction, the family anarchy . which is to say, the whelping of human children with all the respect and wisdom of a stray dog . you will come to an awful realization. It wasn.t Beijing. It wasn’t even Washington, as bad as Washington can be. It wasn’t immigrants from Mexico, excessive and problematic as our current immigration levels are. It wasn’t any of that.

Nothing happened to them. There wasn’t some awful disaster. There wasn’t a war or a famine or a plague or a foreign occupation. Even the economic changes of the past few decades do very little to explain the dysfunction and negligence . and the incomprehensible malice . of poor white America. So the gypsum business in Garbutt ain’t what it used to be. There is more to life in the 21st century than wallboard and cheap sentimentality about how the Man closed the factories down.

The truth about these dysfunctional, downscale communities is that they deserve to die. Economically, they are negative assets. Morally, they are indefensible. Forget all your cheap theatrical Bruce Springsteen crap. Forget your sanctimony about struggling Rust Belt factory towns and your conspiracy theories about the wily Orientals stealing our jobs. Forget your goddamned gypsum, and, if he has a problem with that, forget Ed Burke, too. The white American underclass is in thrall to a vicious, selfish culture whose main products are misery and used heroin needles. Donald Trump’s speeches make them feel good. So does OxyContin. What they need isn’t analgesics, literal or political. They need real opportunity, which means that they need real change, which means that they need U-Haul.

Novaseeker proceeded to support him: On Williamson he wasn’t saying he wants whites to die, he was saying he wants whites in downscale blighted communities to leave them and go to parts of the country where there are more opportunities for them, and a less dysfunctional local culture. This is not necessarily bad advice from a life perspective for people from such places. Of course, it does mean that such places “die off., but that’s happening now anyway, just with more dysfunction and suffering than if the people who are born there leave for greener pastures.

Me: What parts of the country offering opportunity? Can you name a few?

Novaseeker: That.s easy. The places in the country where white folks from the upper midwest and industrial northeast, as well as rural areas, have been moving to for the past few decades . mostly growing metros in the southern tier: Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, Austin, Nashville, Charlotte to name a few, never mind coastal metros that have had huge influxes of whites in the same period like the DC. I am sure there are other areas I am not thinking of, but these places aren’t hiding, and it’s no mystery that the boom in population they are seeing is largely due to internal migration from older industrial areas as well as more rural ones. What Williamson is saying is: leave the blighted industrial and rural areas and go to one of the places that is booming with growth and development.

That is the globalist agenda and Novaseeker is hardly the only voice in the Manosphere to commit this snub. I don’t mean mistake; I mean, it is arrogant to tell people with no options that they should abandon their homes and go live in the cities where the jobs are.

First off, poor whites aren’t just whining. As I said in the linked article, First the Elites imported 30 million low-class Dindus in a single generation, then they exported every factory they could to China, now they fault low-class whites for complaining they don’t have jobs anymore while pushing mass-transit projects that would make even fast food joints at exits off the Interstate unprofitable.

We are not talking about the local mine being played out or lazy workers not following the factory to its new location in Pittsburgh (or today, in Pakistan!). The Elites are waging white genocide. They are starving out the white poor.

Additionally, the Elites want to centralize the population for ease of control. The advice to “just uproot yourself and go live in the cities” plays directly into this. It’s not a coincidence that all the economic growth just happens to be in metro areas. This is by legislative design.

Putting aside the globalist agenda, why the hell are Manospherians recommending people move to areas where they themselves don’t live? Novaseeker is in DC and tells poor people they should go to Texas and Georgia. He literally does not know what he’s talking about. I do not tell people where they should live except when I have personal experience there. Demographics and statistics do not define a neighborhood. The behavior of a roomful of legislators in the capitol does not determine what your neighbor will be like. I found a pleasant place in Commiefornia and the pundits would say that’s impossible because the governor 200 miles away is a jackass.

Speaking of personal experience, I actually followed that advice. Twenty years ago and unemployed, I went all-in and moved to the Denver area to find work. (Colorado was solidly Red-state then and I could tell where California was headed.) The effort coincided with one of the recessions preceding the Second Depression. My money ran out after a year of not even landing a burger job… just one contract gig that didn’t last… and if my parents back in Cali hadn’t kept my bedroom free, I would’ve been FUBAR.

I was “wealthy” enough to have family that could take me in. Not all poor men have that option. “Listen, Pa, San Antonio isn’t working out. At all. Can you float me bus money back to upstate New York? No? You were actually thinking of selling out and joining me? No, don’t join me… I’ll find something.” Poor people have to think about such possibilities before loading up the car and driving 1,000 miles to a place that statistics and pundits say is a sure thing. Statistics and pundits don’t lie, right? Unskilled labor is highly paid there, right? Apprenticeships galore?

You think my story is unique? There’s a documentary “The Overnighters” you should watch about poor men who followed everybody’s advice to the oilfields.

You think the rural poor should relocate to follow work? Then how about you open your garage for their use as a crash pad so they have a reliable place & contact to get started in an unfamiliar area? Would it kill wealthier whites to care enough about their lesser brothers to lend a hand along with the dismissive advice? I accept it’s difficult to identify trustworthy people so far away from you… but now you see the problem. You don’t know how the other half lives or even who the other half is. They don’t either.

Lastly, all of North America is going down. It’s completely feminized. It’s completely buried in debt. Completely Godless. Completely vulnerable to Dindu colonization. Everybody hates Californian expats because it’s easier to blame those who reached the feminist destination than themselves still making the journey. If your women vote then you’re next to suffer our fate. It’s that simple.

Maybe the poor of Appalachia are better off digging in and going off the grid than waging their meager savings on an all-or-nothing shot into urban Leftoid strongholds. That’s not for me to say. It’s for them to consider but I won’t let them be buffaloed into a rash decision by people with uninformed opinions.


Circling The Convergence Drain

A good quote from Devon35 on Dalrock’s blog got me thinking.

“Mainstream writers aren’t going to talk to incels or anyone outside their little circle. That’s why they were so surprised when Trump won. The US has the laziest worst journalists (if they can be called journalists) anywhere and they wonder why they aren’t trusted.”

The truth is simultaneously worse and funnier. As we know, Convergence/Social Justice requires total, blind loyalty to the Narrative. Journalists are at the forefront of this effort and thus spend their time forcing samethink among their peers and repeating the Narrative.

But here’s the rub. Computers are much better repeaters than humans. Also much cheaper and even less capable of remembering that we weren’t always at war with Eurasia.

Result? Journalists are compelled by their fanaticism to destroy their own jobs. They won’t deviate from the script but computers are unable to deviate. News editors try to be naught but mouthpieces for the Anointed Ones but are still more free-willed than silicon chips.

A game I play while traveling is to look at the local newspapers side-by-side with the national papers at the grocery or wherever. It’s funny how the headlines are often identical. Being exactly like your competitors is an obviously bad business model yet it’s also the goal of Convergence.

Then there’s the fundraisers I see on occasion. Nothing warms my twisted, bitter heart than watching a radio station solicit charity because nobody wants to buy their product. “By supporting local radio, you keep us available to report when major disasters take out your Internet connection!” I couldn’t find a current fundraiser for an example but this ongoing solicitation is typical:

YOU are KPCC.s largest and most reliable source of funding. KPCC brings you comprehensive, unbiased coverage because listeners like you have shown their support. When you become a monthly Sustainer, you’re also ensuring the future success of 89.3 KPCC, 89.1 KUOR and 90.3 KVLA. Contribute today.

KPCC, Southern California Public Radio is a registered 501 (c) (3) charitable organization.

EIN / Federal Tax ID: 95-4765734

Hey, they’re 501c3 just like my church! Are they a religion, too? What’s next, “Become a monthly Sustainer of Dick’s Sporting Goods, a 501c3 charitable organization! We bring you comprehensive, unbiased sporting knickknacks that are totally incapable of harming spotted owls, fish and Guatemalan drug cartels!”

Journalists are an unhappy bunch these days. By the time they purge themselves of independent thought, cease to keep the public informed about anything important and become Kool-Aid drinkers of Associated Press & Reuters, people can save a buck by going straight to the press feeds themselves. We’re missing naught but comics, coupons and obituaries.

Or better yet, we go on the Internet and talk to the people who are on the spot of breaking news. Computers are great repeaters; they can give a single man a global voice. Which is simultaneously what journalists fear and work furiously to achieve.

Journalists could justify their continued employment by doing in-depth research, tracking important trends and the other stuff I do for free on my blog. Last time I tried to read the local paper was when California’s drought was forcing major water policy issues. I didn’t know who the players were, who was proposing what solution for whatever reason, how funding was going to magically appear or how endangered species I’d never heard of or cared about would be affected. Instead, the typical story on water issues was “Larry of Q Agency made a proposal to amend proposal document 2363377-ZD. Susan of WY-Corp disapproved”. The only thing I learned from that story was that a certain local reporter must play a lot of “Fruit Ninja” on her slutphone during conferences.

The Convergence eats it own because once all diversity of thought is gone, once all curiosity is dead, once all information is sourced exclusively from the Lizard Queen’s throne, there’s no reason to have humans involved in what is already a mindless, automated process.

Journalists aren’t lazy. They are required by their chosen religion to extinct themselves. I like God’s sense of humor.


Suck It, Dick!

Last month, I covered the convergence and sellout of Dick’s Sporting Goods to Social Justice. Pleased I am to report that Dick’s is now Screwed.

Hat tip to Instapundit for getting this train rolling.

[Dick’s Sporting Goods] made some news last month when they first pulled from their shelves, and then destroyed, what they characterized as “assault-style” guns in their inventory.

That stunt followed their statement earlier this year at the time that they pulled the guns from the shelves that they were “committed” to several new gun control objectives. …

Now it has come out that the corporation hired D.C. lobbyists to push for stricter gun control legislation. Consequently, and rather reasonably, O.F. Mossberg & Sons Inc., the company that owns Mossberg guns, announced on Wednesday they would no longer be selling their products to the chain.

Click to access Mossberg-Terminates-Relationship-With-Dicks-Sporting-Goods.pdf 

Effective immediately, O.F. Mossberg & Sons will not accept any future orders from Dick’s Sporting Goods or Field & Stream, and is in the process of evaluating current contractual agreements.

.It has come to our attention that Dick’s Sporting Goods recently hired lobbyists on Capitol Hill to promote additional gun control.. said Iver Mossberg, Chief Executive Officer of O.F. Mossberg & Sons. .Make no mistake, Mossberg is a staunch supporter of the U.S. Constitution and our Second Amendment rights, and we fully disagree with Dick’s Sporting Goods. recent anti-Second Amendment actions..

Consumers are urged to visit one of the thousands of pro-Second Amendment firearm retailers to make their purchases of Mossberg and Maverick? firearms. Firearm retailers can be found through the Mossberg Dealer Locator….

Meanwhile, from

MKS Supply, LLC, exclusive marketer for American-made Hi-Point Firearms and Inland Manufacturing, values the customers that it proudly serves and the God-given freedoms that they enjoy. Because the right to keep and bear arms was recognized by our founding fathers to be a fundamental right, they ensured its protection under the Second Amendment.

Just as we show our commitment to our customers by standing behind our products, we believe it is equally important to show our commitment to our customers by standing behind their Second Amendment rights.

In recent months, Dick’s Sporting Goods and its subsidiary, Field and Stream retail stores (unrelated to Field & Stream Magazine), have shown themselves, in our opinion, to be no friend of Americans. Second Amendment. …

Dick.s Sporting Goods and Field and Stream, in purportedly doing all of these things, have demonstrated that they do not share our values.

MKS Supply, Hi-Point Firearms and Inland Manufacturing are standing by the American people by refusing any further sales to Dick’s Sporting Goods & Field and Stream stores.

We are proud of our products, we are proud of our customers, and we are especially proud of the freedoms secured by our great U.S. Constitution. We are committed to all three.

Springfield Armory, another gun manufacturer, also dropped Dick’s last week, writing on its Facebook page that the decision was because the retailer had hired lobbyists but also citing Dick’s decision to destroy the firearms it wasn’t selling and raise its gun-purchasing age.

Oh yes, in case you missed it, Dick’s destroyed its firearm inventory instead of merely returning it. I’m sure the stockholders & investors don’t care that the CEO destroyed good inventory because the alternative was exchanging them for money.

Trade and advocacy groups have already shown where they stand too. The National Rifle Association tweeted that Dick’s was “punishing law-abiding citizens.. …

Last week, the National Shooting Sports Foundation announced it would revoke Dick’s membership. In February, it said it was “disappointed” by Dick’s decision to stop selling assault-style weapons and raising the purchasing age to 21. This time around, it’s distancing itself completely from Dick’s because of “conduct detrimental to the best interests of the Foundation..

So many more guns to buy! Stack isn’t the salesman Obama was but props for trying. Speaking of the CEO, let’s hear his response.

The CEO of Dick’s Sporting Goods said he’s forging ahead with his new gun sales policy, even though he expects to lose customers.


“There’s going to be some pushback and we expected that,” said CEO Edward Stack, in an earnings call with Wall Street analysts. “There are going to be the people who don’t shop us anymore for anything.”

Following a mass shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida, last month, Stack announced that he would stop selling assault-style rifles, high capacity magazines and raise the minimum age to buy any gun from 18 to 21.

He said he made this decision after he learned that alleged shooter, Nikolas Cruz, 19, had bought a shotgun at one of his stores, though he didn’t use it at Parkland.

He won’t sell assault-style rifles because Nick Cruz didn’t buy one?

The company said its decision was met with support from customers, some of whom sent flowers and donuts to store employees.

Pro-tip #1: outdoorsmen don’t do gifts of flowers and donuts, gun-owners or otherwise. We tend to gift meat, if you know what I mean. Those are non-customer SJW activists celebrating your martyrdom for their benefit. Pro-tip #2: Your employees don’t want to be paid in flowers and donuts.

But on Tuesday, Stack said the decision is “not going to be positive from a traffic standpoint and a sales standpoint.”

Ya think? YA THINK? Didja ever think?

While the company said it had a quarterly increase of 7% in sales compared with last year, and a 4% rise in net income, same-store sales have been slumping and are expected to stay that way for another year, according to the company.

Stack said it was too early to measure the impact of the new gun policy on sales, but said it was “baked into” the full year guidance of $2.80 to $3 earnings per share.

The share price for Dick’s (DKS) was down 2% following the call.

My next post on the topic will be CEO Stack’s resignation. “I remain committed to the forcible disarmament of the unequal bourgeois gaijin gentile pigs living in the sticks,” he’ll say. “And thank you, stockholders, for my $50,000,000 severance check.”



The concept of focusing education upon STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) is a dangerously utilitarian approach to raising men. Michael Walsh on American Greatness has an interesting insight:

In Monday’s speech in the beautiful new Visitor Center, I located a signal change in the Western education system that, at the time, looked like an advance: the American reaction to the launch of Sputnik in 1957. Suddenly, America felt it was losing its technological edge over the Soviets so American schoolchildren became acquainted en masse with the wonders and joys of the slide rule and the hard sciences. The effect was immediate: we quickly regained and maintained our advantage over our antagonists, but it came with a price: the downgrading of the importance of the arts as a civilizing and ennobling force in American public (and private) life.

So while the emphasis on tech eventually resulted in the creation of the personal computer and the iPhone, it also reduced the literary and plastic arts from essential elements of nationhood to “entertainments” for the wealthy; triggered the coarsening of society and, worst of all, cut both America and, shortly thereafter, the Western European nations from the wellsprings of their shared patrimony. This may not entirely have been by design, but it was seized upon by the nascent philosophy of the Frankfurt School, which by this time had been transplanted from pre-Nazi Germany to Columbia University in Manhattan and quickly spread throughout the American system of higher education.

The result? To take just one example, the New York City public school system went from offering a model education in music and the arts to needing police officers in the schools.a reflection of the overall changes in demography, to be sure, but also of the decivilizing effect the loss of a democratized high culture entails. More Mozart, fewer metal detectors.

There’s nothing Western or American about math and science. Yes, we’re better at it than other nations but nothing about it is explicitly our culture the way Shakespeare or, well, Westerns are. It makes sense that abandoning the arts to focus on science was a bad decision in the context of the Soviet infiltration of USA. They easily twisted a culture that we had put on the shelf “for the moment”.

It isn’t an accident that the Marxists coined the phrase STEM while purging our history and humanity to the point of weaponizing children. Science is their religion because science tells us how to do anything without ever telling us if we should. In fact, the failure of science as its proponents embrace atheism is remarkable. Those who believe there is no objective truth have trouble describing how reality works? Heh.

What did you learn about courage in school or college? Probably nothing. What did you learn about morality? Don’t get caught. Self-discipline, foresight, kindness? Survival of the fittest. It’s our stories and legends that teach virtue and give us examples of good men (Marxists: Dead White Men!) to follow.

In true rebellious fashion, modern society has become little more than “There is no God; we must become Gods ourselves”. Morality is punished while mortal power & success is championed. The STEM nation reduces human life to logistics, utility and appetites. This is why I don’t believe China will be the winner of the 21st Century. Yes, they’re turning out lots of engineers & technicians. Yes, their atheist gov’t plays to win unhindered by compassion or honor. No, their “will to power” will not succeed… because God is real and still involved with humanity. They left that out of their calculations. A fatal mistake.

For the MGTOW, one of the benefits of unplugging from the rat race and “everything for muh children” lifestyle is that one is freed to enjoy the unproductive things of life such as literature and music. Not just the consumption of culture but the creation of it, too. Who we are is not a question likely to put food on your table… but your soul will wither without identity.

Remember your past, celebrate your ancestors’ achievements, read the Greats of philosophy & literature, seek to understand Christ instead of merely claiming membership in His Country Club. Cheap and effective and it even doubles as entertainment, because understanding who you are and acting as you should feels good. The only way history can be boring is if you have a bad teacher because they are us, only a couple steps removed.

The STEM nation is a road to Damnation. Don’t leave God out of your plans; don’t accept that it’s Current Year and the past is dead; and never neglect your soul just because the microscope can’t see happiness.


Why Whites Hate Whites

Amerika website has a post on a question I’ve pondered for many years. (Hat tip Sigma Frame.) This will be a fisking but not of my usual sarcastic type; there’s so much hit & miss that I need to untangle it and my own conclusions remain unsatisfactory.

For years, white nationalists have pondered the question, .Why do whites not unite in our own interests?.

Part of the answer can be found in realizing that ethnic diversity is as destructive as racial diversity. People do not seek to unite with those who are not like themselves, even if a near-miss, because that, too, will be erasing themselves.

I can’t see this. White men hate their own children, hello Baby Boomers, and it’s hard to see an Irish marrying a German as being miscegenation on the level of a Japanese marrying a Hindu.

Also, this hasn’t been historically true. We certainly worked together to create the British Empire and the Roman Empire before that.

Rather, I think white man’s non-racist tendencies work against him. We lack that us-versus-them instinct that almost other races have, which is obviously a strong cohesive force.

Another answer is caste. White nationalism is a form of ethno-bolshevism, magically rebranding every white as equal, which is useful for caste-climbers but destructive to the hierarchy itself. The higher-IQ types naturally resist this because it would allow a French Revolution within the white race.

Being a higher-IQ type myself, I’d much rather live next door to white trailer trash than Latino/black trailer trash. There’ll be drug & welfare culture either way but whitey won’t despise me for being white. Also, no mariachi music.

Perhaps the biggest elephant in the room can be found in the enmity between whites. We detest the rest of them . whoever that is . because most of what we struggle against is other white people doing stupid and self-destructive things.

I’m listening. (Looks at Baby Boomers, cucks, neocons, Churchians & manginas.)

At this point we get to the core of the issue: white people have been infected by a virus, which we might call careerism to separate from the complex term individualism, in which each person wants to accrue as much power as they can independent from decency, or an understanding of the natural hierarchy within us.

This applies on two levels: those who have the chance of success want zero obligation to work toward making a thriving society, and those who have no chance of success want free handouts with money taken from the successful. These two groups slowly tear society apart in a sawing motion, back and forth between extremes when any internal motion is destructive.

This is class warfare, not race warfare. Financially successful coloreds don’t like funding their own losers, either.

Successful people or those who can be successful tend to look at the steaming pile of chaos that our society has become and formulate a simple response: get as much as you can, take it out of society, and then get yourself out by buying into some form of high-end gated community in a stable area.

We might categorize this, as the Leftists did, as bourgeois because it focuses entirely on the individual and what they want, and leaves zero room for regard of civilization, culture, history, values, or even the future of their children. A true bourgeois individualist sees someone who cares about anything larger than himself as a sucker.

Who would fight for this? There is nothing left to salvage. We are not protecting future genius here; no more genius, despite the “geniuses” the media fawns over, is coming out of this. Nor will it rise again to be a great civilization like Rome or Athens. It is a failed ruin, and the successful just want out.

Uh-oh. People who think individualism is the root of society’s problems are either Papists or Communists. Note that “buying into a stable, gated community” is the exact opposite of “taking it out of society”. This is not a coherent position.

Unfortunately, our society wholly validates their view. Our institutions are sodden with legal corruption, or the type of bureaucracy that delays every activity to siphon off wealth to a legion of clerks and lawyers. Our leaders are generally insane or idiotic, our mass culture is garbage, and every public figure seems generally foolish.

This comes close to where I currently stand. The damage inflicted by the Baby Boomers is incalculable, their treachery so unnatural that I’d call it literally inhuman. Humans do not behave like Boomers. Who betrays their own children hoping foreigners will appreciate them for doing so? Which suggests supernatural influence but that is not a productive line of inquiry.

Unsuccessful people or those who cannot be successful have one thing in common: they view the world through a filter of themselves. They are, usually by limitations in IQ, oblivious to the world outside them, the future beyond the next paycheck, and the implications of any action. …

This social science requires the manufacture of benefactors and scapegoats. A benefactor is someone to whom they can appeal for good things in lieu of acting to achieve those things themselves. If the crop fails, maybe the fertility god will help. A scapegoat is someone they can blame when this does not happen. The fertility god tried, but the rich man in the next village cast a witchcraft spell on the crop.

For these drones (cf. prole/pleb/serf/thrall) life consists of finding reasons to externalize cause and effect so that the drones can continue doing what they always do, which is to live at a subsistence level while loudly blaming others for their plight. They cannot do otherwise; this is their nature.

Again, this is class warfare not race warfare. Irrelevant.

Our aristocrats suppressed careerism for centuries. They roped the successful into a social order that required them to participate in the running of civilization, even informally. They oppressed the unsuccessful because the proles are uniformly awful in their judgment and will ruin any organization in which they are given power.

The aristocrats roped themselves into a social order? Dumbass, the reason society has problems is NEVER because ordinary men have free will. Society’s reason for existing in the first place is to serve the people for the people’s benefit, not oppress them into a socially approved mold. The government’s job is maintaining order and keeping water in the taps, not forcing me to have enough babies to keep its welfare state from collapsing.

Now then, back on topic, please. Why whites lack racial cohesion.

[skipping noblesse oblige, democracy & voting habits]

When they look out at those white prole faces, they want them dead. They are correct. Every dollar they make over $48k a year, the proles want to take. Every task a successful person undertakes, proles line up to do work slowly, point out union rules as if impressed by their own stupidity, or otherwise graft, grift, and leech.

The successful see the vast array of social programs we have and realize that white proles are the ones who demand these, which means that the successful are not successful; they are slaves. They work half of the year just to support the proles for being . well, it’s not brilliant, is it? . alive and breathing.

This is wrong. The welfare state foments women against men, not lower-class whites against upper-class whites. Now we’re talking gender warfare. Skipping on:

Let us face it, white people: we hate each other. The vast white herd always does wrong. Those who try to escape become corrupted by the democratic ideal of the individual as a demigod. The harder we try to fix our society, the more rules we add, and the worse it becomes. We are in a death spiral.

Democracy is hostile to individualism. Neither is a race issue. Look, these can’t be motivations for intra-white animosity because it’s in our own best interest to group up against vibrant outsiders today, as South Africa is learning this very second. The Dindus want us dead, the Chinese are buying up our land and the Latinos are accepting all the free money our gov’t will take out of our wallets. We have every socioeconomic incentive possible to group up.

And yet, we aren’t grouping up. That’s a very interesting and urgent issue… but not an economic issue, political issue or a “you’re too French for this Scotsman” issue. It isn’t a death spiral, either. Me hating a white legislator who decrees our common race’s extinction is hardly me hating whites.

Enough with the conflations, please. The article’s conclusion:

When we break free from this illusion [of Utopia], and recognize that we need not “white unity” but an internal hierarchy to white people, and a purpose to which we all work as a duty, then our future begins. Our future begins when we reject the ideals of this time but do so in favor of an organic ideal, where we work unequally toward a goal.

Whites never unified because whites are not the same. We are divided by ethnicity, region, and social class. We can work together toward a similar goal, such as (cough) restoring Western Civilization, because it benefits all of us, unequally and independently. We can make our future.

While my knee-jerk reaction is re-pointing out that whites HAVE unified in the past, there’s something to be said about division by region. Tolerance of other races isn’t a vulnerability when other races are far away. Perhaps hatred of outsiders is the necessary price of having the entire planet no more than 24 hours’ flight away?

We have no unity. We need no unity. Instead what we need is a purpose, a goal. In that, we can work together despite being different, and through that, we can make greatness. All that stands in our way is the pretense that we are equal. When that dies, Western Civilization rises, and through it, so do we.

I suspected this solution when the author made digs against individualism. White nationalists talk a good game but at the end, all they can offer are the usual power games. Unifying all whites by denying them equality with you is not going to work out. Remember how frightfully good the white man is at war.

Meanwhile, we whites still aren’t grouping up. I offer three causes:

1. Treacherous leadership. It’s unbelievable how every last single white gov’t official in the entirety of North America, UK and more than half of Europe is anti-white in matters of immigration and encouraging diversity. Of course we won’t band together when every possible leader is a known race traitor.

2. Decline of Christianity. I take pride in how Christianity has fit into white cultures the best of all cultures in the world and our devotion has carried us to great accomplishments. Not surprising, then, if our accomplishments fall apart with the mysterious death of organized Christianity.

3. Our women think we’re boring. White cohesion died paralleling the rise of female emancipation. I suggest that white men are so self-controlled, intelligent and dispassionate that our women would rather fuck a Maori lice hotel. Consequently, we’re so busy salvaging our homes that there’s not much gas left in the tank for salvaging our culture.

The solution is simple. In white areas, white people matter the most. That’s all. But even white nationalists want to enslave fellow whites to their personal agendas. Nobody wants to be our peer; everybody wants to be our tyrannical master. Even our own people.


Cracks In Reality

Jordan Peterson again. This post is going to get weird because prophetic dreams is a topic I have some knowledge of. Vox Day turned me on to the prelude of JP’s “Maps of Meaning”.

The preface is an autobiography of how Jordan Peterson became infected with supernatural corruption and death-spiraled into a worst-case scenario of how to NOT explore the supernatural. It is most educational. I start on page 9:

My religious convictions, ill-formed to begin with, disappeared when I was very young. My confidence in socialism (that is, in political utopia) vanished when I realized that the world was not merely a place of economics. My faith in ideology departed, when I began to see that ideological identification itself posed a profound and mysterious problem. I could not accept the theoretical explanations my chosen field of study had to offer, and no longer had any practical reasons to continue in my original direction. I finished my three-year bachelor’s degree, and left university. All my beliefs . which had lent order to the chaos of my existence, at least temporarily . had proved illusory; I could no longer see the sense in things. I was cast adrift; I did not know what to do, or what to think.

As I covered in my recent post about JP, this is typical of a Godless man who faces the consequences of Godlessness. For whatever reasons, he neither submits to God nor embraces rebellion against God and so finds himself adrift. I thought this was the root of his newfound popularity.

But now, I think that popularity also comes from JP’s experience with the supernatural. God has been absent for so long that people are desperate for some, any contact with the Divine, and this is going to expose a lot of people to seriously bad shit. Christ would have me prevent this so I offer myself as an alternative guide to the likes of JP.

I’m a Christian mystic, just a dreamer of small accomplishment. No Lotto numbers. But I’ve taken some strange turns in life and might be helpful. For this article, I’ll give a perspective on what happened to JP, my interpretation of his dreams and how one can take precautions if he finds himself suffering a similar fate. If there’s demand then I can show a proper gateway to the supernatural. God is real and has given us access but Christian mysticism is an entirely optional, poorly defined field of theology. You don’t need it. It won’t make you happy. But if people are going to explore the cracks in reality anyway… sigh.

Buckle up.

JP accidentally exposed himself to the occult while visiting a prison:

Some of the prisoners, who weren’t dressed particularly well, offered to trade their clothes for mine. This did not strike me as a great bargain, but I wasn’t sure how to refuse. Fate rescued me, in the form of a short, skinny, bearded man. He came up to me . said that the psychologist had sent him . and asked me to accompany him. He was only one person, and many others (much larger) currently surrounded me and my cape. So I took him at his word. He led me outside the gym doors, and out into the prison yard, talking quietly but reasonably about something innocuous (I don’t recall what) all the while. I kept glancing back hopefully at the open doors behind us as we got further and further away. Finally my supervisor appeared, and motioned me back. We left the bearded prisoner, and went to a private office. The psychologist told me that the harmless-appearing little man who had escorted me out of the gym had murdered two policemen, in cold blood, after he had forced them to dig their own graves. One of the policemen had little children, and had begged for his life, on their behalf, while he was digging . at least according to the murderer’s own testimony.

This really shocked me. … I experienced a recurrent compulsion. I would take my seat behind some unwitting individual and listen to the professor speak. At some point during the lecture, I would unfailingly feel the urge to stab the point of my pen into the neck of the person in front of me. This impulse was not overwhelming . luckily . but it was powerful enough to disturb me. What sort of terrible person would have an impulse like that? Not me. I had never been aggressive. I had been smaller and younger than my classmates, for most of my life.

Exposure isn’t possession, merely exposure, therefore it’s something that can happen to both Christians and non-Christians. It’s a taint, a connection. An unnatural compulsion that ‘isn’t like you’ after a soul-disturbing incident is how it usually turns up. Not permanent. That’s how you handle it. Resist the impulse, focus on something healthy and remind yourself that the compulsion is temporary. It should pass in a few months at most.

Don’t convert to Christianity just to cure exposure. Probably it won’t work; worse, it’ll work, you’ll lapse back into Godlessness and then you’re stuck if it happens again. Kinda like antibiotics. You should only become a Christian when you believe God is real and you want to accept Christ’s offer.

The most common instance of spiritual exposure today is teenage boys wondering if they’re homosexual. What with all the junk the schools teach these days, it’s almost inevitable that homosexual feelings will crop up during the awkwardness of adolescence. Don’t stress over it. Just wait patiently and don’t feed those feelings. A few months of reminding yourself that sodomy is unnatural & unhealthy and chicks will be hawt again.

What you must not do is embrace the exposure. That’s what JP did.

I went back to the prison, a month or so after my first visit. During my absence, two prisoners had attacked a third, a suspected informer. They held or tied him down and pulverized one of his legs with a lead pipe. I was taken aback, once again, but this time I tried something different. I tried to imagine, really imagine, what I would have to be like to do such a thing. I concentrated on this task for days and days . and experienced a frightening revelation. The truly appalling aspect of such atrocity did not lie in its impossibility or remoteness, as I had naively assumed, but in its ease. I was not much different from the violent prisoners . not qualitatively different. I could do what they could do (although I hadn.t).

This discovery truly upset me. I was not who I thought I was. Surprisingly, however, the desire to stab someone with my pen disappeared. In retrospect, I would say that the behavioral urge had manifested itself in explicit knowledge . had been translated from emotion and image to concrete realization . and had no further “reason” to exist. The “impulse” had only occurred, because of the question I was attempting to answer: .how can men do terrible things to one another?. I meant other men, of course . bad men . but I had still asked the question. There was no reason for me to assume that I would receive a predictable or personally meaningless answer.

At the same time, something odd was happening to my ability to converse. I had always enjoyed engaging in arguments, regardless of topic. I regarded them as a sort of game (not that this is in any way unique). Suddenly, however, I couldn’t talk . more accurately, I couldn’t stand listening to myself talk. I started to hear a “voice” inside my head, commenting on my opinions. Every time I said something, it said something . something critical. The voice employed a standard refrain, delivered in a somewhat bored and matter-of-fact tone:

You don’t believe that.
That isn’t true.
You don’t believe that.
That isn’t true.

The “voice” applied such comments to almost every phrase I spoke.

I couldn’t understand what to make of this. I knew the source of the commentary was part of me . I wasn’t schizophrenic . but this knowledge only increased my confusion. Which part, precisely, was me . the talking part, or the criticizing part? If it was the talking part, then what was the criticizing part? If it was the criticizing part . well, then: how could virtually everything I said be untrue? In my ignorance and confusion, I decided to experiment. I tried only to say things that my internal reviewer would pass
unchallenged. This meant that I really had to listen to what I was saying, that I spoke much less often, and that I would frequently stop, midway through a sentence, feel embarrassed, and reformulate my thoughts. I soon noticed that I felt much less agitated and more confident when I only said things that the “voice” did not object to. This came as a definite relief. My experiment had been a success; I was the criticizing part.
Nonetheless, it took me a long time to reconcile myself to the idea that almost all my thoughts weren’t real, weren’t true . or, at least, weren’t mine.

Yes, hearing voices in your head is bad. Doing what they say is worse. I don’t mean to categorize this stuff but at this stage, the spiritual corruption is infesting you and not likely to leave. The only way to handle this level is to ask for help because you yourself have lost contact with reality. Go to the Catholic Church–we Protestants are unfortunately deficient in this area–make confession and take the priest’s referral.

As a general rule, you shouldn’t confront the supernatural solo. There are Things out there; why else are you exploring, except that you hope to find one? If you wouldn’t SCUBA dive alone then why swim in stranger tides alone?

I began to dream absolutely unbearable dreams. My dream life, up to this point, had been relatively uneventful, as far as I can remember; furthermore, I have never had a particularly good visual imagination. Nonetheless, my dreams became so horrible and so emotionally gripping that I was often afraid to go to sleep. I dreamt dreams vivid as reality. I could not escape from them or ignore them. They centered, in general, around a single theme: that of nuclear war, and total devastation . around the worst evils that I, or something in me, could imagine:

Before going into this, dreams are the simplest level of supernatural contact. That’s because most dreams are your brain sorting the day’s experiences for storage. Unnatural events and feelings tend to ‘loom large’ in comparison with eating your usual breakfast cereal. Dreams are the most likely moment you become aware of what you can’t really process with your senses… or what you can’t process with your conscious mind… which is their main usage in exploring the supernatural.

Such a rationalist, Western explanation. Eh, I’m a product of my culture.

What this means, for practical purposes, is that the first, safest step in exploring the supernatural is to keep a dream diary. See if you can match dreams to events or recognize any recurring symbolism. If your dreams begin scaring you then change your course. Job 33:14-18 is relevant here even for unbelievers.

First Dream Interpretation

My parents lived in a standard ranch style house, in a middle-class neighborhood, in a small town in northern Alberta. I was sitting in the darkened basement of this house, in the family room, watching TV, with my cousin Diane, who was in truth . in waking life . the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. A newscaster suddenly interrupted the program. The television picture and sound distorted, and static filled the screen. My cousin stood up and went behind the TV to check the electrical cord. She touched it, and started convulsing and frothing at the mouth, frozen upright by intense current.

A brilliant flash of light from a small window flooded the basement. I rushed upstairs. There was nothing left of the ground floor of the house. It had been completely and cleanly sheared away, leaving only the floor, which now served the basement as a roof. Red and orange flames filled the sky, from horizon to horizon. Nothing was left as far as I could see, except skeletal black ruins sticking up here and there: no houses, no trees, no signs of other human beings or of any life whatsoever. The entire town and everything that surrounded it on the flat prairie had been completely obliterated.

It started to rain mud, heavily. The mud blotted out everything, and left the earth brown, wet, flat and dull, and the sky leaden, even grey. A few distraught and shell-shocked people started to gather together. They were carrying unlabelled and dented cans of food, which contained nothing but mush and vegetables. They stood in the mud looking exhausted and disheveled. Some dogs emerged, out from under the basement stairs, where they had inexplicably taken residence. They were standing upright, on their hind legs. They were thin, like greyhounds, and had pointed noses. They looked like creatures of ritual . like Anubis, from the Egyptian tombs. They were carrying plates in front of them, which contained pieces of seared meat. They wanted to trade the meat for the cans. I took a plate. In the center of it was a circular slab of flesh four inches in diameter and one inch thick, foully cooked, oily, with a marrow bone in the center of it. Where did it come from?

I had a terrible thought. I rushed downstairs to my cousin. The dogs had butchered her, and were offering the meat to the survivors of the disaster. I woke up with my heart pounding.

In the context of JP’s preceding autobiography, the interpretation of the dream is easy enough. JP had a normal childhood… single family home in small town America, bucolic and safe. His cousin was the Holy Spirit of Christianity. He’d grown up with her in the family but didn’t consider her an intimate–a cousin, as he said, but very beautiful. He had an aesthetic appreciation of Christianity. She died when she touched the television, a symbol of information and modernity. His faith in Christ was killed by his faith in Science, which he found to be in violent opposition. (The electrocution.)

JP’s safe, ordered life ended instantly. He lost the entire world he’d known when God died to him and never saw it coming. Nothing remained but his basement: his hindbrain, a human animal of needs and fears. A few fellow ‘survivors of Christianity’ offered him inedible beliefs and philosophies to fill the gap left by the demise of his worldview. They were unpalatable and in real life, JP found the atheism which had killed Christianity for him was itself an inedible, barren wasteland.

Dogs are a very common dream symbol of demons. Upright dogs resembling Anubis, climbing up from the depths of JP’s subconscious, offering cooked slices of the Holy Spirit’s corpse… like I said, an easy interpretation. The violent death of his cousin followed by the violent death of his entire world is a common problem for early-stage Communists. They assume the consequences of Christian morality are a natural state of the human soul, cut away Christianity in favor of Godless humanism and are then horrifically surprised when men turn into despicable monsters instead of unchained saints.

Searching for this interpretation, JP comes across Jung:

“The psychological elucidation of. [dream and fantasy] images, which cannot be passed over in silence or blindly ignored, leads logically into the depths of religious phenomenology. The history of religion in its widest sense (including therefore mythology, folklore, and primitive psychology) is a treasure-house of archetypal forms from which the doctor can draw helpful parallels and enlightening comparisons for the purpose of calming and clarifying a consciousness that is all at sea.”

Let me digest this for the reader: Philosophers offer questions. Theologians offer answers. But Jung and JP both lack belief that God is real, therefore they treat religion as a “cargo cult that they know won’t work but they’ve exhausted every other solution”.

Second Dream Interpretation

My interest in the cold war transformed itself into a true obsession. I thought about the suicidal and murderous preparation of that war every minute of every day, from the moment I woke up until the second I went to bed. How could such a state of affairs come about? Who was responsible?

Not a dream, but being infested with corruption meant he was certainly an unwilling participant in the greatest Cold War ever, the unseen war for souls between Christ and the Devil. He probably used the USA-Russia Cold War as a proxy for the one he couldn’t rationally explain.

I dreamed that I was running through a mall parking lot, trying to escape from something. I was running through the parked cars, opening one door, crawling across the front seat, opening the other, moving to the next. The doors on one car suddenly slammed shut. I was in the passenger seat. The car started to move by itself. A voice said harshly, .there is no way out of here.. I was on a journey, going somewhere I did not want to go. I was not the driver.

JP was searching for meaning, trying one vehicle (symbol for philosophy, solutions, ways to make it through daily life) after another. He inadvertently tried Evil and Evil trapped him and took over.

If you don’t get Christian help when hearing disembodied voices then at least get help when your recurrent dreams tell you your life has been hijacked by the voices. At this point, if you still refuse to admit God is real after realizing the devil himself is in your driver’s seat then nobody can help you. You’ve made your choice, JP. You chose to explore what it meant to be evil, were noticed and did what the voices told you to because the alternative was submission to Christ Jesus.

JP is not the first academic type I’ve seen be spiritually corrupted. The previous was Arthur C. Clarke. I read a lot of sci-fi when I was younger and never really “got” ACC. You probably watched 2001: A Space Odyssey and had similar what the hey? reactions. That famous quote of his: “Any science sufficiently advanced is indistinguishable from magic”? That was not a comment that all apparent magic has a rational basis. That was Clarke justifying his worship of demons. Read his book Childhood’s End, no doubt in your local library within reach of little kids, and see if it doesn’t disturb you on a very deep level.

A couple last thoughts.

College campuses are becoming nexuses for unclean spiritual activity. The people running them are deranged enemies of Christ and casual sex is a notorious transmission vector of spiritual corruption. If you choice of career requires a college degree then don’t have sex while you’re there and if you won’t believe Jesus is real then at least believe the darkness is real. Stay away from the darkness.

If you want to explore the supernatural then why are you not a Christian? You think you can be spiritual Switzerland or something? That’s an obvious lie and the proof of it is that exploring the supernatural at all is extremely difficult for us. How will you fight off a shark if you can barely swim? Humanity is not spiritual Switzerland, we are spiritual Poland. Desirable and indefensible. We WILL be conquered, either by Christ or the Enemy. Your horse cavalry is nice and pretty and against the Wehrmacht, totally worthless.

Look at all the gods on offer today. Do any of them care more about you than Jesus? He shed His own blood to rescue you from your self-destructive ways! Are you holding out for a better deal than that? Don’t be stupid.

David French’s Hit Piece On Incels

Hat tip to innocentbystanderboston for finding this gloriously fiskable article. David French is a nasty piece of work even by Churchian standards.

Citation needed and we haven’t even reached the article’s dateline. This one feels special!

Terrible movements often intrude on our lives through the acts of terrible men.

In point of fact, most terrible movements are known to be terrible long before they reach Stage Weathermen.

And so it was on April 23, when a man named Alek Minassian drove a van on Toronto city sidewalks, deliberately ramming pedestrians. He killed ten and injured 16 before he stopped his rampage. Minassian, it turns out, was part of the so-called “incel rebellion,. a vicious online community of men who are angry that women won’t have sex with them.

Question, does that sound like what a sexually frustrated man would do? Try to kill 26 random people? Wouldn’t robbing a bank then visiting a whorehouse be rather more plausible? This circumstantial evidence suggests anger was his god, not sex.

In fact, I even have unanswered questions concerning Eliot Rodgers. When that story broke, my immediate reaction was “angry sodomite” and I’m still not convinced that his problem was that women wouldn’t bang him rather than all his male friends preferring women over Eliot.

No, really, that exists. “Incel” stands for “involuntarily celibate.” And self-described “incels” have developed an entire theory for their lack of sexual prowess . a theory that essentially blames women for being attracted to strong or rich men.

Or Charles Manson. Death Row Fan Club is more than real, I would expect it to appear on reality TV any day now if I ever watched TV. I don’t because this is exactly what passes for quality programming today.

“And it’s a theory that’s steeped in sexual entitlement, the belief that men somehow have a right to have sex.”

You’re close, Frenchy. Men have a need to have sex. Not quite the same thing; in fact, from the Tradcon perspective it’s worse because men don’t naturally want to wait until menopause ends Barbie’s life as a cum dumpster for bartenders.

Most incels aren’t violent: As Zack Beauchamp wrote in an interesting Vox piece, many are “simply sad and lonely men, suffering from extreme social anxiety or deep depression.” Others, however, have translated their heartbreak into rage and violence. Alek Minassian is one such man. Another is Elliot Rodger, a California man who went on a killing spree in 2014.

You wish, French. Most incels are remarkably honorable, stable, normal men. You think incels are losers with serious mental health problems because the alternative is questioning your daughter’s motivations for rejecting them. You know what you’ll find; that’s why you aren’t asking.

Earlier this week New York Times columnist Ross Douthat wrote a characteristically thoughtful piece noting in part that this sense of frustration and despair is a natural consequence of the sexual revolution. This revolution, .like other forms of neoliberal deregulation,. created “new winners and losers, new hierarchies to replace the old ones, privileging the beautiful and rich and socially adept in new ways and relegating others to new forms of loneliness and frustration..

Hmm. First David French credits Vox’s Zack Beauchamp then the New York Times‘ Ross Douthat. Is French entirely happy with life among the Republicans? *checks bio* Ah, David French is a NeverTrumper. No, in fact he is NOT comfy with life on the right.

Begin Rant I remember, back in the day. I remember when pro-life advocates joined with abortionists when the idea was floated that women should be held responsible for killing their babies. After all, every single abortion happens only with the mother’s written approval. That was a world-stopper for me. Actual vertigo. One of the most polarized issues of the time (1980s-2010s) and it suddenly turned out that both sides were playing for the same team. Team Feminist.

You NeverTrumpers are every bit as disgusting & unworthy as those pro-lifers. You ‘courageously’ stand against the evil Democrats, forcing them to do slowly what they’d otherwise do quickly, but when you get a powerful candidate in the most powerful Federal position you join forces with the GAWDDAMNED NEW YORK TIMES to sabotage your own party’s success.

Trump is barely passable. He acts as though the main threat to USA is individuals within the civil service when in fact, it’s the civil service itself. The bureaucracy. A heroic, America-loving President would have reduced Federal headcount by at least 50% at this point and welfare by 100%. But no, Trump wasting time prosecuting child molesters and building a piddling little wall the Mexicans will simply crash with trucks is too radical an agenda for your tender, pinkish amygdala.

At least violent gang ‘migrants’ never pretended to be my friends. That makes Muzzie terrorists better people than you, you NeverTrumpers. Show some honesty and openly sneer at your supporters for being dumb enough to listen to you. End Rant

When it comes to incel, this is a new twist on an old story. Strip transcendence from the culture, replace the greater thing (genuine faith) with a lesser thing (sexual indulgence) that is not universally available, and the recipe for human misery is complete. When sex is the new god, what are the sexless to do?

It’s the same old story, no twist. If you young men want a chance with my daughter then jump through my hoops first. All of them! And I found some new ones while you were jumping through the old hoops! But if you refuse any of my demands then God hates you!

French has zero sympathy for male need for sex. Do old men forget how horny they once were or does National Review screen for dried-up prudes?

Substitute sex for wealth or status, and you see that this temptation has ancient and enduring roots.

A starving man worships the food he doesn’t have? A gong farmer gloats in his authority over day-old sewage? Wanting something very badly is not worship. You gonna change your religion to oxygen the first time you get waterboarded?

Ross is certainly correct that a conservative response dedicated to “reviving or adapting older ideas about the virtues of monogamy and chastity and permanence and the special respect owed to the celibate” is “not the natural response for a society like ours,. so I’d suggest a modification. Celebration of monogamy and chastity should be the result of the intended, much larger transformation. Put simply, one cannot locate his sense of transcendence in chastity or monogamy but rather in the obedience to and reverence for a living God.

HOLY SHEET, HE TOOK MY RANT’S ADVICE AND IS SNEERING AT HIS READERS! I knew this article was going to be special! “Get back on the Churchian plantation, you unsexy men, and great will be your reward of special respect owed to the celibate!”

The truth of Ecclesiastes 3:11 . that God set eternity in the hearts of men . has rarely been more obvious than in the present age. The truth of Ecclesiastes 3:11 . that God set eternity in the hearts of men . has rarely been more obvious than in the present age. And the endless, futile quest to replace the eternal with the temporal is crushing the human spirit. And, there is of course a Christian analog to this secular pursuit . the legalism of fundamentalism of all stripes, a legalism that places devotion to virtue over devotion to God, that makes, say, monogamy or celibacy the purpose of life rather than the consequence of pursuing the larger purpose.

We who grew up in the Church have heard this advice before. “God will give you a wife when she, er, He is ready! No need for you to feel any sexual desire before your wedding night and honestly, it’s for the best if you don’t feel any desire then, either.” It’s as unjustifiable, cruel and dismissive as ever.

If David French thinks sexual continence and lifetime monogamy is legalism then he’s either a closet Satanist or smoking crack.

The men of the incel movement are pursuing a god they can’t have. They’re in fact pursuing a god that will disappoint them even if they obtain what they want the most. And so they do what sinful men have done throughout all of human history. They lash out at the objects of their desire.


No woman should feel the least bit guilty for not desiring any man . no matter how many movies or television shows teach them that the nerd is the true prize, and the lonely man is the best catch. Instead it is the responsibility of the lonely man to find meaning apart from women. And that meaning happens to be found in a resurrected Christ who . unlike any other false god . can be found by any person who seeks His face.


I bet David French is a DODO, Dad Of Daughters Only. Per Wikipedia, he has 2 daughters of 3 kids and one daughter is an adopted Ethiopian… close enough. French isn’t just a closet Marxist, he’s a race traitor. I don’t just mean miscegenation, I mean going far out of his way to virtue-signal hostility to his own, white race.

The Right will not miss him.


Moonbeam Left His Border Open! Wife Not Ravished


Homeless man breaks into California governor’s residence, says he’s an ‘open-door policy kind of guy’

A homeless man who was arrested last month after breaking into California Gov. Jerry Brown’s home in Sacramento reportedly said he only tried entering the mansion because he figured the sanctuary state politician was “an open-door policy kind of guy.”

The California Highway Patrol said 51-year-old Steven Seeley was arrested April 19 and treated at a hospital for cuts he received while breaking a window to get out of the home in downtown Sacramento, located about 10 blocks from the Capitol.

.He.s an open-door policy kind of guy, so I figured the door would be unlocked, or else I wouldn’t have ran over there if I thought the door would be locked,. Seeley told KCRA.

In an interview from the Sacramento County Jail on Thursday with the Sacramento Bee, Seeley said he has never been diagnosed with a mental disorder, but said he does experience delusions and may be confused about the series of events.

“I was looking for the security staff, but I didn’t see anybody,” he told the paper. “I thought the governor was in trouble, I thought he was in danger of being attacked by the wild animals, so I walked in. I yelled ‘Jerry!’”

Once inside, Seeley told KCRA he hid in a closet after hearing growling again, and then jumped out a window into the fenced-in yard and fled. He then cut his arm climbing back over the fence and was taken by a Good Samaritan to a local hospital, where he was later arrested by police.

The 51-year-old said that he is an almost daily methamphetamine user, and sleeps inside a shuttered hotel located across the street from the governor’s mansion.

CHP spokeswoman Fran Clader told the Associated Press that Brown was not home at the time, but California First Lady Anne Gust Brown was upstairs. She didn’t have any contact with Seeley, according to Clader.

Clader told the Bee the property is monitored and there is “a robust on-site security presence at the residence 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”

“The safety of the first family continues to be our top priority and enhanced security measures remain in place,” she said.

The Golden State’s homeless population of more than 130,000 people is now about 25 percent of the nationwide total, and cleaning up after the surging group is getting costly — topping $10 million in 2016-17, according to the state’s department of transportation.

The “first family” protects its home but not its State, but then they don’t even do that so I can’t be angry at the hypocrisy. Here we are, talking like it’ll take Civil War 2 to restore the country while a middle-aged meth head pantses the State Governor from his flop next door.


Jordan Peterson’s Non-Christianity

The phenomenon du jour, Jordan Peterson, has flown under my radar mainly because he doesn’t write. I generally can’t stand vlogs because they’re a painfully slow, hard-to-index form of communication. Better to read in two minutes what could easily take a video half an hour.

I HAVE A LIFE TO LIVE, youTUBERS! The existence of my blog notwithstanding.

But JP is a very popular Canuck who, according to reliable sources, is misleading and deceptive. And he claims to be Christian? Time to check that.

0-0:25 JP self-identifies as a deeply religious man. That’s a bad start because Christians aren’t religious, we’re Christian. The only time we call ourselves ‘religious’ is to distinguish ourselves from people who feel the love of God while practicing the seven deadly sins.

0:45-1:30 JP claims religious truth is not scientific truth. One can stop here, I suppose. Science is not truth, it’s one of several ways of discovering truth. (This is why science is regressing at the same time its practitioners are abandoning the idea that God is objectively real.) The classic counterexample is history. History is not subject to observation, let alone experimentation, yet we know that some things happened on a certain date and other things did not… even if we lack the details. Meanwhile, there is no conflict between Christianity and science because reality was created by Christ. Every time I tried to argue this back in the day, the atheist would make a case that Christianity is not scientific (true), therefore it is in conflict with science (false).

If you believe truth comes in different flavors then you are not a Christian. There is One God, Christ Jesus, Creator of Reality, Author of Life. Substituting your personal ‘truth’ in place of that one will make you look very stupid on Judgment Day. “You can’t punish me for rebellion, God! I CHOOSE to not allow you to punish me! Ow!”

It took me less than two minutes to disqualify JP as a Christian. And yet, he’s popular. People are clearly getting something out of him. Sigh, I’ve already dirtied my guns so let’s do this. The following JP quotes are manual transcriptions of mine and I don’t guarantee they’re verbatim accurate. Time stamps are approximate, too. *GQ settles in.*

2:40-3:30 “Between order and chaos, chaos is so complex you can’t handle it, order is so rigid that it’s too restrictive. In between is a place where you’re partly stabilized and partly curious.” In other words, the horror of an uncaring universe compared to the shackles of an opinionated God.

5:00 “Christ is a meta-hero who sits at the foundation of Western Civilization.” Not a Savior.

7:30 JP’s interviewer reveals himself a half-wit, claiming Constantine wrote the Bible in its current form. SCRATCH THAT! This was an excellent, first-class shiv. JP is trying to find moral inspiration (but not truth) in the Bible and the interviewer points out that JP himself believes the Bible was a man-made book of fairy tales. JP hilariously uses comic books as a comparison. If only the interviewer had followed up with Hollyweird’s reinvention of those tales! Are those remakes lies? Standalone truths “but not my truths”? We’ll never know.

9:50 “Thor and Loki are actual gods, hostile brother archetypes like Christ and Satan, Batman and Lex Luthor.”

11:00 JP argues for Hegelian dialetic.

12:30 “J.K. Rowling became the richest person in England for presenting this truth.” I would have guessed E.L. James, English authoress of Fifty Shades of Gray, for her successful presentation of ‘truth’. But I suppose she has only three published books.

13:45 “In the 1800s, we blew the metaphysical foundations out from underneath our culture. Now we’re between the extreme right and extreme left.”

Okay, I’m stopping here. I know what’s going on. JP has both realized that atheism is a dead end and refused to accept the existence of God as the only alternative. He’s trying to form a “third-option” synthesis in which God is real and loves us and kisses our scraped knees without ever forcing us to do anything we disagree with.

All atheists end up at one of two destinations. Either they butcher dissidents in ever-increasing quantities in order to bring about their bloodsoaked Utopia or they do the Hegel thing and try to find a middle ground between rebellion and submission. JP chose the latter. He has a huge following because there are many young people who have been raised to follow the god of Evolutionary Psychology, found it a miserably empty existence, rejected Christ because His Church has also embraced Evo-Psych and now found a guy who offers an Evo-compatible God they can fit in their pocket. They neither have to recant everything they’ve been taught to believe nor submit to a God whose plans might not intersect theirs.

Or as put it:


I’ll close by showing you JP’s destination before he gets there:

1. A god exists who created and ordered the world and watches over human life on earth.

2. God wants people to be good, nice, and fair to each other, as taught in the Bible and by most world religions.

3. The central goal of life is to be happy and to feel good about oneself.

4. God does not need to be particularly involved in one’s life except when God is needed to resolve a problem.

5. Good people go to heaven when they die.


Malignant Housing Tumors

Some good news out of Sacramento for a change. Senator Scott Wiener’s heavy-handed effort to impose Google-esque housing campuses upon the entire state has been shot down in committee.


After months of public wrangling and amendment, San Francisco’s State Senator Scott Wiener finally brought his signature transit-housing bill SB 827 before the Senate Transportation and Housing Committee in Sacramento Tuesday, where it stalled on a 6-4 vote that leaves it in limbo.

SB 827 would have radically changed how California cities zone for height and density by making it illegal to place height limits below four to five stories (depending on the locale) along major transit routes.

Thanks to San Francisco’s extensive bus network, this would have applied to virtually every parcel in the city. But even cities with far less skin in the game, like Lafayette and Berkeley, complained that the bill redirected too much control from local municipalities to the state.

Calling local control “important but not biblical,. Wiener again labored on Tuesday to frame the bill as a necessary step given the scope of the crisis.

The Mercury News provides some context:

A polarizing housing bill that would force California cities to allow taller apartment buildings by BART stops and other transit hubs has been pummeled with opposition from local officials . a group that now includes former colleagues of the bill’s author, San Francisco Democrat Sen. Scott Wiener.

In the latest blow to Senate Bill 827, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors on Tuesday voted to oppose Wiener’s bill, joining smaller cities such as Lafayette, Cupertino, Palo Alto and Milpitas. A week earlier, the Los Angeles City Council took the same stance, unanimously, with one councilman calling the legislation “insanity.”

.I think this is the craziest bill I’ve ever seen,. said Los Angeles City Councilman Paul Koretz.

It’s a bad sign when Los Angeles gov’t wonders if you’re a crazy legislator. A very, very bad sign.

The sharp opposition from two of California’s largest and most iconic cities is a setback for the new bill, which has attracted national media coverage but has yet to have a committee hearing in Sacramento. Carried in response to the housing crisis and the failure of some cities to approve enough new housing near booming job centers to meet rising demand, SB 827 would require cities to allow apartments of roughly four to eight stories to be built around major bus and rail stops throughout the state.

Boldface mine.

On the simplest level, there’s a reason the Bay Area doesn’t have the massive density of the New York skyline: New York has bedrock underneath it.

Image result for hayward fault map

Wiener’s plan would predispose his hometown for worst-case geological Armageddon.

But his plan would be statewide, overriding local zoning regulations everywhere to permit high-density housing within half a mile of “mass transit”, meaning your local bus stop. The potential for land speculation & related fraud is obvious.

More than that, this plan would destroy suburbia. Single-family homes. Land values are skyrocketing primarily due to environmental regulations and water shortages, meaning suburbia has trouble expanding any more, and this bill would allow/force massive centralization of populations in suburbia regardless of the will of the residents.

The trademark of a tyrannical government is not allowing the people to control their own fates. Spreading House-A-Dindu projects everywhere the State and its corporate friends can find cheap land would resemble cancerous tumors spreading through a victim’s lymph nodes.

It’s always been a globalist wet dream to reinvent cities as a network of factories connected by mass transit to massive dormitories. This because the Elites then have total control over the means of production, the means of transportation and, if not the souls, then the living conditions of the people. Humans in cattle cars being shuttled from barns to milking pens. Elites can select workers from a menu and ship them in with zero humanitarian or cultural concerns. Google & Apple are running test campuses for this arrangement and what a surprise, most of their dormitory inmates resemble migrants.

Hence my boldface above: “the failure of some cities to approve enough new housing near booming job centers”. Uh-huh. A child can read between those lines.

Ironically, the bill was shot down partly because it didn’t do enough to achieve this globalist vision. Insufficient provisions for “low income housing” and rent control. But it was also shot down partly because even its supporters didn’t want that Brave New World in their own backyards.

So, we’re safe for today.


Hiring Rant

Work’s been keeping me busy, including a hiring cycle that just ended. This is a rant I hope won’t come back on me but it needs to be said.

We’re booked heavily enough to hire a part-time fieldworker. Nothing requiring experience but if workload keeps up, it’ll become a full-time position. Great way to introduce a new guy to the career. I’m heavily involved in the hiring process but not the decision-maker. I’ll call that guy Boss for this rant’s sake. (Boss is a white male Baby Boomer.)

Boss had me post a job notice on Craigslist. I screened four candidates for him, from a kid who paid for his AutoCAD certificate by working as a security guard to a Post Office retiree supplementing his income. He instead interviewed #5, a Hindu from the local community college, and hired him despite his not being able to start work for a month while he finishes his graduation finals and responsibilities as a goodwill ambassador to the United Nations.

Now it’s my responsibility to train him in June, when I need a guy NOW, and I (over ten years’ experience with the company) will be changing my schedule to accommodate the intern’s summer plans.

At least it won’t be forever. The Hindu has already committed to getting a bachelor’s degree in another career field starting in the fall so if the position becomes permanent, we’ll still have to hire & train someone else anyway.

This is how the white genocide happens, and why white male me once came close to killing myself in despair over ever being able to get a job. I gave Boss four good options. I doubt all were white; frankly, I wanted that bootstrapping security guard regardless of race. He showed initiative, self-reliance & aversion to debt and I like that. Boss ignored them all, not even an interview, in order to hire a H1bbie baby who’ll be available to work ‘soon’. Briefly. On his terms.

Why do Baby Boomers do this? Why? Perhaps because, in hindsight, none of my four candidates went to college. They were competent without college and I guess that’s a bad thing?


Tattoos are Good Because They’re Bad

A recent offering from the Federalist makes plain why Conservatism(tm) is an entirely spineless… philosophy? Fraud, perhaps. But we aren’t even discussing politics today.

We’re discussing tattoos. The Federalist’s Mark Hemingway isn’t just a talking head, he’s their book editor and a “senior writer” at the Weekly Standard. Clearly, he must be a skilled communicator? Let’s find out.

For a variety of personal and professional reasons, I did an epic amount of travel in the last year, across thousands of miles and several states, and there was one cultural constant: Everywhere I went were lots of people with tattoos.

Yep, tattoos are everywhere now. Not news. They’re known to be unhealthy indicators of impulsive behavior. Also not news. Why are men getting tattoos? Because chicks dig tats and men can’t get sex the old-fashioned way of being a responsible, undamaged, boring male human. Hemingway tries to touch this fact with a ten-foot pole:

If tattoos ever had a singular redeeming quality, the fact they are now inescapable has robbed them of it. Before everyone had one, seeing one was at least exciting. And you had good reason to surmise there was a story behind it. Maybe your uncle’s career as a salesman at IBM didn’t exactly scream international man of mystery, but when he wore the wifebeater at family cookouts you just knew that guy had some tales to tell about what happened on shore leave.

Of course, tattoos were also seen as exciting in more, um, stimulating ways? I think it was Halloween of .97 when a sorority girl in a non-regulation Catholic school uniform leapt up on a table at Rennie’s Landing to show us her tattoo. She was what today’s brosephs would refer to as a .smokeshow,. but alas, this act of youthful abandon was not for my benefit.

While I’d like to claim that the force in the universe responsible for equitably distributing female attention is, to recontextualize Tennessee Williams, a hideous b-tch goddess, the truth is that life’s not fair. My buddy Gordon, sitting next to me, is good-looking enough to have been a male model. However, Gordon was halfway inside a bottle of Wild Turkey and, handsome S.O.B. that he was, so inured to hot girls throwing themselves at him that he left my male gaze unchallenged for the big reveal.

He comes soooo close to acknowledging most men get tatted to draw female interest but then pulls back with:

Now, of course, it bears mentioning that as forty year-old man with daughters, the symbolism involved here makes me more than a bit uncomfortable. If you’re really looking to round out the Freudian implications of this little Halloween tableaux, it helps to know that, aside from her being dressed as a schoolgirl, I was wearing zombie make-up. And besides, finding out she had a small heart tattooed on her pelvic bone just below her waistline seems more than a little anti-climactic.

Why the pre-apology? You’re so busy claiming to not have been excited by the whore dropping her panties for the guy sitting next to you that you can’t come out and say that this sexy hanky panky is the reason for modern tatting in an article about modern tatting. Make you point, Cuckservative. Stop with the navel-gazing.

[Several extraneous paragraphs skipped]

“Now I realize that inveighing against tattoos in twenty-first-century America is the Little Big Horn of the culture wars, not in the least because so many of you reading this have tattoos and are probably annoyed by this cranky string of get-off-my-lawnisms. I understand people get tattoos for deeply personal reasons. Not all of those reasons are bad or merit the judgment of others.”

Dude, we already know what your opinion is about tats. Your article is titled “We All Need To Admit That America Has A Tattoo Problem”. Why are you backpedaling? Are you afraid to stand up for your beliefs? Are you afraid that somebody, somewhere, might have a point while disagreeing with you?

This speech pattern is damning. Today it’s something minor like tattoos, tomorrow it’s something major. “America gets too many abortions. Now, I know there are many legitimate reasons some people seek an abortion and you must believe I’m a cranky old fart because I’m still beating this dead horse but I personally don’t believe we need as many abortion clinics as we have. Vote for me because I’m pro-life and here’s my lunch money as an apology to those I’ve accidentally offended.”

Think I’m joking? Keep reading:

“But I still stand by my general assertion that Americans have too many tattoos, even if I understand the impulse to get one. In fact, I think my aversion to tattoos stems, in large part, from the fact I seriously considered getting one. In college, I went through an angsty PoMo literature phase and I thought it would be great to get a tattoo of the muted postal horn symbol from Thomas Pynchon’s inscrutable novel, .The Crying of Lot 49.. … I do, however, think my tattoo desire would have been satiated by getting a Pynchon T-shirt.”

Conviction! I feel it! This is a man who will not compromise his principles!

“Along these lines, I refuse to believe even a sizable percentage of tattoos have been worthy decisions. For some select people, maybe tattoos are small part of their grand plan to live life to the fullest. But the vast majority of people should be encouraged to lead exciting and meaningful lives without needing to, in some cases literally, tattoo their personal vanity and insecurity right on their forehead. Fortunately, for now forehead tattoos still make you a bit of a pariah.after all, even the Air Force still has some standards.”

Why are tattoos bad decisions? Did you cover that? I think you tried when you were talking about your friend getting bar pussy while being so drunk he didn’t notice but I… honestly… can’t… tell. You spoke many words and communicated nothing. Very Cuckian.

This is how a real man speaks: I give my opinion on tattoos:

Tats on women are a sign she is emotionally damaged and overly familiar with foreign objects penetrating her body. Tats on men are a sign he wants sex and is willing to risk his future health to get it.

This is useful knowledge. When I see tats on a chick, my balls know to hide behind my kidneys. When I see tats on a dude, I know he’s overly concerned with chasing tail and am grateful he’s willing to warn me away. Done.

My word count: 83. Zero confusion about where I stand.

His word count: >2,700. Not counting requests for clarification.

Cuckservatism isn’t just about politics. Find your spine and dare to be unpopular, and you’ll never end up as a highly paid pundit.


Circular Logic Is Circular

I read the text of AB2943 so you don’t have to… and noticed right away that the bill begins by justifying itself with statements from organizations such as the American Psychiatric Association. The typical statement says conversion therapy is based upon prejudice against LGBTs, seeks to propagate that prejudice and offers false hope that curing sexual perversion is possible. (That last bit enabling consumer protection laws to be applied. That’s as sensible as a doctor saying “I might be able to cure your cancer but the treatment might hurt and not work, therefore I’m not allowed to treat you”.) But these organization themselves previously believed homosexuality to be abnormal until pressure from LGBT organizations changed their policies.

Translation, the justification for AB2943 is a massive circular logic loop of LGBTs forcing organization to say there’s nothing wrong with being LGBT, therefore it’s okay for LGBTs to force organizations to say there’s nothing wrong with LGBT. I’ll fisk some of the highlights.

(a) Contemporary science recognizes that being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender is part of the natural spectrum of human identity and is not a disease, disorder, or illness

This one’s just a lie but it needs to be exposed. Not listed among the assenting organizations of “contemporary science” is the Center for Disease Control.

“Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) have been rising among gay and bisexual men, with increases in syphilis being seen across the country. In 2014, gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men accounted for 83% of primary and secondary syphilis cases where sex of sex partner was known in the United States. Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men often get other STDs, including chlamydia and gonorrhea infections. HPV (Human papillomavirus), the most common STD in the United States, is also a concern for gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. … Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men are 17 times more likely to get anal cancer than heterosexual men. Men who are HIV-positive are even more likely than those who do not have HIV to get anal cancer.”

Contemporary science, specifically contemporary social science, assumes the existence of a category called “normal”. LGBT is not what normal humans do–the plug goes in the socket, not the toaster, for 98+% of us. Therefore, LGBT is abnormal. That is a purely scientific statement.

(b) The American Psychological Association convened the Task Force on Appropriate Therapeutic Responses to Sexual Orientation. The task force conducted a systematic review of peer-reviewed journal literature on sexual orientation change efforts and issued a report in 2009. The task force concluded that sexual orientation change efforts can pose critical health risks to [LGBTs]

I found that report.

This quotation from page 54 will suffice for the casual reader: The appropriate application of affirmative psychotherapy is based on the following scientific facts: Same-sex sexual attractions, behavior, and orientations per se are normal and positive variants of human sexuality … There are no empirical studies or peer-reviewed research that support theories attributing same-sex sexual orientation to family dysfunction or trauma

It’s a work of hopelessly biased academic fraud. Given that sodomy is healthy, are efforts to end sodomy healthy?

(d) The American Psychiatric Association published a position statement in March of 2000, stating [among other things]: anecdotal reports of “cures” are counterbalanced by anecdotal claims of psychological harm.

Make up your mind. Are anecdotes trustworthy or not?

(g) The National Association of Social Workers prepared a 1997 policy statement, stating: .Social stigmatization of lesbian, gay and bisexual people is widespread and is a primary motivating factor in leading some people to seek sexual orientation changes. Sexual orientation conversion therapies assume that homosexual orientation is both pathological and freely chosen. No data demonstrates that reparative or conversion therapies are effective, and, in fact, they may be harmful..

If homosexual orientation is freely chosen then there would be no market for conversion therapy. But there is, proving that homosexuals themselves believe it is not freely chosen, so their advocates deny freedom of choice to LGBTs in order to claim LGBTs have no choice.

(i) The American School Counselor Association issued a position statement in 2014, stating: .It is not the role of the professional school counselor to attempt to change a student’s sexual orientation or gender identity. Professional school counselors do not support efforts by licensed mental health professionals to change a student’s sexual orientation or gender as these practices have been proven ineffective and harmful..

We professionals are incompetent at solving the problem, therefore any attempt to solve the problem will be proof of professional incompetence.

(l) The Pan American Health Organization, a regional office of the World Health Organization, issued a statement in May of 2012, stating: .These supposed conversion therapies constitute a violation of the ethical principles of health care and violate human rights that are protected by international and regional agreements.” The organization also noted that reparative therapies “lack medical justification and represent a serious threat to the health and well-being of affected people..

You can trust Big Brother because Big Brother doesn’t trust you. Does a Catch-22 count as circular logic?

(q) California has a compelling interest in protecting the physical and psychological well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals.

That what conversion therapists want, to. California is protecting LGBTs from those who want to protect LGBTs. Does California have a compelling interest in protecting the physical and psychological well-being of back pain sufferers from chiropractors? Scoliosis victims are normal people!

Sacramento’s real compelling interesting is that homosexuals aren’t born. They’re recruited, most often through homosexual child abuse. Conversion therapy is a direct threat to recruitment… to the enduring sexual violation of the innocent.

The reason for AB2943’s very existence is fradulent.

MGTOW Life: Incel Jihad?

Commenter Hmm found an interesting article about the latest mass killing in Toronto. (Sigh, I can’t tell the difference between a terrorist attack and a slut who dropped her smartphone. It’s all driving on the sidewalk.)

Actual article for discussion

“Hours before the Toronto van attack, a post on the Facebook profile of the chief suspect declared that “the incel rebellion has already begun, we will overthrow all the Chads and Stacys..

The message has brought new-found attention to the so-called incel movement, one of the stranger offshoots of the “alt right., and led to calls for the attack to be recognised as an act of far-right terrorism.”

What is ‘incel’? Explaining the cryptic Facebook message allegedly left by Toronto attacker

The post reads in full: .Private (Recruit) Minassian Infantry 00010, wishing to speak to Sgt. 4chan please. C23249161. The Incel Rebellion has already begun! We will overthrow all the Chads and Stacys! All hail the Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger!.

Frankly, it’s a lot of hot air over a special-needs Sperg who, according to Turd Flinging Monkey, once tried suicide by cop with a toy gun. But the pundits are wagging the dog so there are some profitable comments to be made.

First, calling “incel” a movement is like calling irritable bowel syndrome a movement. It’s only true in the absolute most technical sense of the word. Nobody volunteers for involuntary celibacy but if you find yourself there, you can connect with guys having the same problem.

Second, the incel forums don’t offer solutions. MGTOW is a solution. PUA. MRA. Some religions. We’re the people who internalize our incel status in order to gain control over it. They are the people who externalize incel status. Just like the Antifa student activists I sometimes hear howling at the moon, they are people who find power and pleasure in nurturing grievances against society. It doesn’t even matter what the grievance is. Your women won’t hump me! They don’t hire enough blacks! Somebody clubbed a baby seal in Nepal!

Third, it’s cruel to force intelligent men to live without licit sex… but self-destructive to force stupid men to live without sex. A guy who can’t think his way out of his problems is likely to fight his way out instead. Can you be honestly surprised that violence is the result when you back into a corner a man for whom violence is the only clear solution?

Men are breaking under the strain of modern life. The dimmer bulbs like Minassian are the first to pop but it’ll get worse, when highly intelligent yet frustrated atheist men finally accept that the only way they’ll get sex or attention is to take it by force.

It won’t be me. I’m Christian. God has promised to reward me should I endure a sexless life and it’s a comforting thought. Father will repay me for “the years that the moths have eaten”. Atheist men have no such hope & comfort. Great work, you Christ-hating fools. Your own people become your enemies even as you pursue our destruction.

For the incel men reading this, I can tell you as a fellow incel that things will improve. Your body throttles down beginning around age 35. There will come a time when you wouldn’t accept sex if you were offered a perfect 10. There are two tricks to getting here. One, don’t get discouraged. Try to keep clean of immorality like porn—you’ll fail repeatedly, this is normal, just keep trying. And two, do something else. Sex isn’t everything. Nurturing grievances is a common alternative to sex because it engages your emotions almost as strongly… but keep looking. You want a healthy alternative, not a murderous alternative.

At a minimum, go hit rocks with a stick. It feels surprisingly good when you’re in a foul mood.


Book Review: Clone Republic Series

Image result for clone republic

This is a remarkably good military science-fiction series I discovered through random sampling at the bookstores in my area. Humanity is well into the early stages of exploring and colonizing the galaxy thanks to the invention of Broadcast technology–basically stargates. The unified government is still headquartered on Earth and is patterned after the United States Constitution with two exceptions. One, all planet representatives must be native to Earth, creating a ruling class. Two, the military keeping the galaxy under Earth’s control uses cloning. (Much better implemented than Star Wars’ Clone Wars.) Life is stable, prosperous and as things turn out, incredibly fragile.

Not all soldiers are clones. Some are orphans, raised alongside the clones to perpetuate the illusion that clones are real people, too. (Clones are kept loyal by being programmed to die if they realize they’re clones.) The protagonist is one such orphan named Wayson Harris, newly graduated from Marine Corps basic training with top marks and then mysteriously deployed to the ass end of nowhere.

A fairly typical setup. This ain’t Shakespeare. But the genius of the series lies in its execution and believable characters. A minor interplanetary incident quickly snowballs into World War Galaxy. Heroes and villains emerge, the heroes with believable flaws and villains with believable motivations. The goals and behaviors of various factions are relevant to modern events yet kept at a sufficient distance to never take political sides. There are no heavy-handed monologues or political strawmen in the series.

There is a lot of action and the author Steven Kent does an excellent job of using the action to drive the character development, the high-quality opposite of what one normally finds in military sci-fi. The scale runs from Harris coming to terms with not only being a clone, but a model of clone that was discontinued for heinous war crimes, to fat cat politicians who end up fighting a nightmare Nemesis that shares their “winning justifies everything” morality. Add to that shifting alliances, technology employed in space-opera fashion, interesting moral issues and an astronomical bodycount: indeed, it’s almost as if the series ends because there is nobody remaining to die.

Through all the twists and treacheries, the series is kept on track by Harris’ inherent decency. He’s not blind to the fact that he’s often led by criminal scum and struggles with resentment–he attempts to retire at one point–but he’s a Marine and there’s fighting to be done, and ultimately Harris becomes an unlikely savior of humanity.

Most surprisingly, THERE ARE NO FEMALE WARRIOR PRINCESSES IN THE ENTIRE SERIES! Unheard of today. There are only a couple female characters and incredibly, the women behave like women.

The series is actually 10 books long but trust this reviewer and pretend the last three don’t exist. Kent obviously wrapped the series up at #7 and then was offered a bushel of money for three more trips to the well.

The books are easy reads. Only the first one attempts to be philosophical (Plato’s Republic), after which the author wisely gives up and proceeds with the good stuff. But the series isn’t mere war-porn, either, because the characters and plots are simply that memorable. And no kung-fu princesses!


Enemies Of Christ AB2943

The following California Assemblymen and Senators are guilty in the sight of Christ of advocating sexual perversion and interfering with the peaceful practice of Christianity, proven by their authorship of California Assembly Bill 2943.

Images from California State website.

Evan Lowe

In addition to authoring AB2943, on April 5, 2018 The California State Assembly passed Assembly Concurrent Resolution 172 today to apologize for the state’s past discriminatory laws that oppressed and persecuted the LGBT community. ACR 172 is authored by Assemblymember Evan Low (D-Silicon Valley), Chair of the California Legislative LGBT Caucus, and co-authored by all members of the California Legislative LGBT Caucus. ACR 172 is supported by Equality California, the Human Rights Campaign, the ACLU, and the Los Angeles LGBT Center.

.California has a long history of enacting legislation that discriminated against LGBT individuals,. said Assemblymember Low. .This will not undo the decades of persecution and oppression that our community has faced, but it is important to recognize these injustices so that we as a state can move forward and lead with love..


Assembly co-authors:

Sabrina Cervantes

Susan Eggman

Todd Gloria

Senate co-authors:

Toni Atkins

Cathleen Galgiani

Senator Cathleen Galgiani

Ricardo Lara

Senator Ricardo Lara

Scott Wiener

Senator Scott D. Wiener

Christ Jesus created humanity male and female exclusively. There are only two genders of human and gender is a fact of biology, defined by the pairings of X and Y chromosomes. The followers of Christ call upon these persons to repent of their denial of observable reality and God’s design of humanity, and to repeal existing state legislation that prohibits the voluntary treatment of sexually damaged and sexually confused people.

Assemblyman Lowe is specifically called upon to cease apologizing for California’s history of basing its laws upon Christian morality.

Furthermore, the American followers of Christ demand these persons remember that they are the servants of the general public, not the masters, and that the peaceful practice of Christianity as defined by the Christian Bible and practiced throughout the entire history of the United States of America, shall not be regulated or restricted by any American government.


David French Indicates Boomerism

I’ve been waiting to cover Sacramento’s latest effort to ban Christianity because the real story is not Sacramento. They’ve been banning Christianity for years and the Church has yet to give the first damn about it. Humanity is fortunate if the Church even notices its own persecution. That’s the real story: how the Church will react to what could effectively be a direct ban on Christianity.

The answer thus far: David French.

David French, David French, David French. That guy is quoted more than the law in question (Assembly Bill AB2943). Who is David French? Some guy who talked about it on National Review.

Lots of people are talking about the bill so why is French the bad penny that keeps turning up? Occam’s Razor says the Church is taking its cues from National Review.

This is an established character trait of Baby Boomers. When television was limited to the Big Three networks and newspapers weren’t yet mouthpieces for Reuters and Associated Press, people became loyal to their preferred source of info. (To the point of literally arguing at the television.) But there’s no excuse for such info-loyalty today. Sane people don’t choose who to blindly trust. Willfully ignorant people who don’t want the responsibility of being human do.

I hate to think that the national priorities of every church organization in USA is dictated at least partially by the content of William Buckley’s secular, controlled-opposition National Review. But it does explain a lot.

Me being a lifetime Californian who is not dependent upon others for my beliefs, let me give the straight facts about Sacramento’s shenanigans: the Church here banned the Bible years ago. When I was a kid, people brought Bibles on Sunday. There were five Bibles per pew for those who didn’t. Watch your step or you’ll trip on a Bible.

Today, no Bibles in the pews. No hymnals. Nobody brings their own. It’s all projected on the screen. Why object to the banning of Bibles when your church no longer uses them?

Sacramento banned professionals from helping people heal their sexual damage years ago. The Church didn’t care. Why does it care now that we’re banning amateurs? If they were okay with not trusting professionals then they shouldn’t trust amateurs, either. Answer, they still don’t care. This is just a little theater in case somebody asks an uncomfortable question.

The ultimate fallout, assuming this gets implemented, is that all churches will be pleased to universally adopt the NIV Bible translation, that is, the feminist Not-Inspired Version and continue worshiping Boyfriend Jesus and his inclusively pansexual parent-deity. Because if they choose any differently, they’ll be sharing a prison cell with Bubba the Untreated Homosexual. Or worse, they’ll have to start paying taxes on their income.

Any church that won’t directly involve itself in politics is a church that doesn’t give a damn about what the politicians do.


Deep Stater: John Creamer?

It’s a sign of the Information Age that good answers have become less important than good questions. I had time this weekend to ask the Internet some very pointed questions about current events… and a name came up.

We begin with Commifornia’s non-deployment of National Guard to secure the Southern border.

WASHINGTON . President Donald Trump attacked California on Thursday for doing what he and his administration asked it to do: agreeing to deploy state National Guard members to help the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency.

The president tweeted that California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) had agreed to send the troops to the border with Mexico “to do nothing.” He was referring to Brown’s commitment on Wednesday to dispatch 400 troops, as ordered by Trump, but with the caveat that they would not conduct immigration enforcement or build a wall. Trump said he wouldn’t fund .Brown’s charade.. …

Government officials told reporters in Washington on Monday that the guard members would be helping CBP in ways that don’t involve direct contact with unauthorized immigrants. They will instead be aiding with aerial surveillance, monitoring cameras, operating and maintaining equipment and other administrative tasks, the officials from CBP, the National Guard and the Department of Defense said.

On the surface, this is petty political bickering. But the context is the Honduran Asteroid of Refugees that’s current rolling through Mexico to crash Trump’s border immigration reputation Alinsky-style. Moonbeam is sending Cal-National Guard to the border with orders to, given the opportunity, let them in. This would be an act of treason on the level of opening a castle’s gates during a siege.

So, what’s happening with the Asteroid today?

Irineo Mujica, a caravan coordinator with the transnational humanitarian group Pueblo Sin Fronteras, praised the Honduran’s ambassador’s solidarity walk, saying it gave him a taste of the hardships migrants have faced since leaving Chiapas in southern Mexico, and what thousands of other migrants continue to face.

The annual caravan, which at one point swelled to as many as 1,600 migrants after being flooded with families fleeing from Honduras, was expected to end Thursday, after drawing the ire of President Donald Trump, who in response has ordered National Guard troops deployed to the Southwest border to help stop illegal immigration and drug trafficking.

But Leonard Olsen, organizer with Pueblo Sin Fronteras, told The Arizona Republic via text message that “the caravan continues strong” and on Friday “the plan is to continue our journey north.”

Rivera Montes’ march with the migrants struck some experts as a stunt.

The scene Wednesday in Mexico City appeared disingenuous considering the Honduran government’s lack of response to the economic and political crisis forcing people to flee, said Cecilia Menjivar, a University of Kansas sociology professor and expert on Central American migration.

“This is quite an awkward act on the part of the Honduran government … because the Honduran government is doing nothing to protect the people who have been forced to migrate in this caravan,” she said in an email. “Not only does the Honduran government do nothing, but in many ways, they have been actively engaged in making life impossible for the people who live in Honduras and who have no other choice to survive than to flee that country.

“So it is quite the political theater to accompany the migrants fleeing the country (and the government) that the ambassador represents.” …

The Honduran ambassador to Mexico, dressed in a suit, tie and dress shoes, joined the migrants in a 9-mile walk from the Honduran embassy in the Condesa neighborhood of Mexico City to the Casa de Peregrino near the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mexican news media reported.

Photographs on Mexico’s El Universal website show Rivera Montes walking with Central American migrants, at times carrying a baby in his arms, in what the newspaper described as a “sign of solidarity” between the Honduran government and the migrants traveling in the caravan.

The Honduran ambassador also posed with Central American migrants in front of the Basilica [of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mexico’s most important religious site], according to Excelsior.

Rivera Montes promised to provide Honduran migrants traveling with the caravan humanitarian assistance and to assist them in the process of applying for proof of nationality documents during their journey, according to La Silla Rota.

Gawddamned baby-kissing photo-op politicians are the same everywhere, it seems. But what an interesting notion, that the Honduran gov’t first cruelly drove them out and now is kindly helping them along towards what is shaping up to be a definitive international incident. How did this Honduran Asteroid get started? What did the Deep State do in Honduras to generate 1,200+ refugees on short notice, if this is indeed a DS plot? This turned out to be a good question.

…What changed this year was an explosion of migrants from Honduras, an impoverished country of 9.3 million people where gang violence has made the murder rate one of the highest in the world.

The gang violence has been compounded by a political crisis triggered in the wake of November’s presidential election that many Hondurans believe was stolen by the U.S.-backed president, Juan Orlando Hernandez, who won a razor-thin victory over his main rival, Salvador Nasralla. Several days of violent protests followed.

“I expected (the caravan) to be bigger,” but not this big, said Alex Mensing, an organizer with Pueblo Sin Fronteras, the group that has organized annual migrant caravans including this year’s. “The percentage of Hondurans is way higher. It’s been like 75 or 80 percent. … That is way higher than it’s ever been.”

The size of the group caught organizers off-guard, and triggered a negative reaction from the United States far bigger than any the organizers expected, even from a president already well-known for his hard-line stance on immigration and promise to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. …

Days of tweets culminated with Trump’s decision to deploy several thousand National Guard troops to assist the Border Patrol along the southwest border to stop illegal immigration and drug trafficking.

Oh, hell. U.S.-backed presidential election in Honduras is suspected of being fraudulent and thought to have triggered the Migration. That’s the CIA playbook.

ON FRIDAY, THE U.S. congratulated Juan Orlando Hern?ndez on what it said was his re-election as president of Honduras. The U.S. State Department’s congratulations to Hern?ndez came a month into a standoff between the government and the opposition over the vote tally, and five days after the Honduran electoral commission, which is controlled by Hern?ndez-installed allies, declared him the winner.

The State Department message came amid continuing vote-fraud allegations by the opposition, journalists, and foreign observers. The Organization of American States had announced on December 17 that the purported victory was .impossible. to verify, and called for a new, clean election.

Despite the U.S. embassy’s calls earlier this month for a .transparent, impartial. and .credible. vote count, the U.S. has been working behind the scenes for weeks urging the Honduran opposition to shut down protests calling for a full recount or a new election.

Salvador Nasralla, the opposition candidate who held the lead when the public vote count was halted, told me on December 7 that U.S. officials .don’t want there to be any demonstrations. . .ellos no quieren que haya manifestaciones,. he said in Spanish.

Nasralla said that he had been meeting with Deputy Assistant Secretary of State John Creamer as well as with Heide Fulton, the acting U.S. ambassador to Honduras who Nasralla said he had spoken to by phone hours before our interview in Tegucigalpa. Creamer is a former top aide to retired Gen. John Kelly, the influential White House chief of staff who has referred to Hern?ndez as a “great guy” and a “good friend.. (Hern?ndez has responded in kind, calling Kelly a “great friend” and “someone who opens many doors..)

When I asked Nasralla if the U.S. officials wanted him to stop the marches, he replied, .Yes, [they want] that they be stopped, that we calm the people down.. (In Spanish, he said, .S?, que paren. Que tranquilicemos a la gente..)

As we spoke, Honduras was under a state of siege and a 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew. The U.S armed-and-trained Honduran armed forces had begun tear-gassing and shooting protestors.

Nasralla told me, .The United States is going to have, in Salvador Nasralla, an ally,. but that, nonetheless, he wouldn’t stop the marches . and probably couldn.t, even if he wanted to. .What I in my personal capacity as a comfortable person may be asking for, that is one thing,. he told me. “But another is what the mass of 6 million poor people want, and that is something I can not impede . that the people will go to the streets..

Nasralla.s account of meeting Creamer and Fulton was confirmed by U.S. officials in Washington who were briefed on the conversations.

When I asked Creamer if he or other U.S. officials had urged Nasralla to stop the demonstrations, he referred me to the State Department’s public relations office, which referred me back to Creamer’s office. Creamer’s staff replied that Creamer was not available for an interview. Fulton, reached on her cell phone, declined to comment.

We have a name. John Creamer. Let’s keep digging…

[Biography from U.S. State Department]

John Creamer is the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Cuba, Mexico, Central America, and Western Hemisphere Regional Economic Policy and Summit issues.

Mr. Creamer is a career Foreign Service Officer with 30 years of experience. His overseas tours include service in Nicaragua, South Africa, Haiti, Argentina, Colombia, and Bolivia, where he served as Charge d’Affaires. Mr. Creamer has also served in Washington, DC, as Senior Desk Officer for Brazil, South Africa, and Colombia, Deputy Director of the Office of Andean Affairs, and Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs.

Prior to assuming the role of Deputy Assistant Secretary Mr. Creamer served as Consul General at the U.S. Consulate in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and then as Civilian Deputy to the Commander and Foreign Policy Advisor, U.S. Southern Command, Miami, FL where he was responsible for overseeing the development of USSOUTHCOM regional strategy, as well as the Command’s strategic communications, public affairs activities, and human rights programs.

Mr. Creamer is a career member of the Senior Foreign Service with the rank of Minister-Counselor. He has been awarded the State Department’s Superior Honor Award four times as well as numerous Group awards.

Before joining the Department of State in 1986, Mr. Creamer received a Bachelor’s degree in Government from Georgetown University, as well as a Juris Doctor from Georgetown University Law Center. He also holds a Masters in National Security Strategy from the National Defense University. In 1985, Mr. Creamer received a Fulbright Scholarship to Malaysia. He speaks Spanish and Portuguese.

Photo of John S. Creamer

That could be a stereotype for a Deep Stater biography. Career bureaucrat/diplomat/lawyer from famous gov’t-preparatory university (what’s with the Jesuits these days?) to military-industrial complex ties to senior-level political connections. Fulbright scholar. Nothing to indicate he ever held an honest job.

This is interesting timing:

http://mx usembassy gov/deputy-assistant-secretary-creamer-visits-mexico-underscores-vitality-relationship/

Mexico City, August 4, 2016 . John Creamer, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Mexico and Western Hemisphere Regional Economic Policy and Summit Issues, visited Mexico August 2-4 to underscore the importance of the bilateral relationship and promote a broad range of areas of cooperation. Creamer met with high-level government officials, representatives from the private sector, academia, legislative, press, and civil society organizations to discuss bilateral cooperation in human rights, security, and economic development.

Appointed to his position in March, this is Creamer’s first trip to Mexico since assuming this role. During the trip, Creamer met with government officials from the Foreign Ministry, the Secretariat of Energy, the Attorney General’s Office, and the National Migration Institute. Creamer also participated in a roundtable with the business sector.

.Mexico is one of our most important bilateral relationships. Mexico is our neighbor, our friend, our partner, and our family,. said Deputy Assistant Secretary Creamer. .I was very pleased to meet with government officials, civil society leaders, activists and the business sector to continue advancing many issues of paramount importance for both of us, including economic opportunity, security, immigration, human rights, and the fight against corruption. We have much to share and the right mechanisms for sharing it..

So, Deputy SecState Creamer meets with Mexican civil rights leaders concerning immigration, security & human rights in August… turns up affiliated with what stinks like a CIA-backed coup in Honduras in November… this in February:

[NOTE: Google-translated from original Spanish]

Assistant Deputy Assistant Secretary of Western Hemisphere Affairs, John Creamer, meeting with President Juan Orlando Hern?ndez declared his country’s support “in the fight against organized crime, violence, also gang 13 and neighborhood 18.”

The high official of the State Department described as “impressive what Honduras has achieved in reducing the homicide rates.”

“At the same time, we talked about the need to continue supporting the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the MACCIH and the fight against corruption.”

“There is a need to launch a national dialogue, to meet the demands expressed in the elections last November. We encourage Hondurans to participate and thus implement electoral reforms. “

“On Human Rights, the US will continue to help Honduras on that issue.”

“It was a very productive and important meeting,” he added.

Creamer also expressed support for a “broad, credible and transparent national dialogue” with the support of the international community.

“We talked about various issues, security, DD HH, justice, economy and culture.”

“The US will continue to support Honduras in its fight against organized crime, the fight against corruption and impunity.”

…and the Honduran Asteroid ‘just happened to occur’ in March.

There is circumstantial evidence, which is neither proof nor an accusation, that John Creamer could be a ranking member of the Deep State and currently orchestrating a campaign to destabilize and discredit the sitting President of the United States.


ACLU Is Governor Moonbeam’s Attack Dog

The Empire of California Strikes Back against the rebels opposing its reign of white genocide:

The American Civil Liberties Union sued the city of Los Alamitos on Wednesday, alleging its move this week to exempt itself from California’s sanctuary laws violates the state constitution and wastes taxpayer money.

The lawsuit filed in Orange County Superior Court comes two days after the Los Alamitos City Council approved a precedent-setting ordinance that exempts its police department from following the California Values Act, which limits police cooperation with federal immigration authorities.

While several Orange County cities and the Board of Supervisors have voted to challenge the state’s sanctuary laws, Los Alamitos is the only city to pass an official ordinance.

In a news conference outside of Los Alamitos City Hall, ACLU lawyer Sameer Ahmed said the city can’t simply decide to exempt itself from laws.

.The Los Alamitos City Council cannot pick and choose which state laws it will and will not follow,. he said.

City officials said they passed the ordinance because the state laws conflict with federal laws.

But in its lawsuit, the ACLU says “California law does not allow local officials to unilaterally declare a state law unconstitutional and decline to follow it on that basis..

Plaintiffs in the lawsuit include Rev. Samuel Pullen of the Community Congregational United Church of Christ of Los Alamitos and members of the group Los Alamitos Community United.

Los Alamitos Mayor Troy Edgar said Wednesday that he had anticipated the lawsuit and will be estimating legal costs, though he said he believes the legal expenses are “worth it..

.My mind hasn’t changed,. he said. .The state has overstepped its boundary on this very important constitutional issue..

Los Alamitos pays outside counsel, Costa Mesa firm Woodruff, Spradlin & Smart, $225 per hour.

To help with legal expenses, Edgar created a GoFundMe page that has so far raised more than $11,000 . with a goal of $100,000.

The mayor said he has received contributions from both inside and outside the city.

The fundraising effort raised criticism from Councilman Mark Chirco, the lone opposing vote on the ordinance.

.I don’t think government by GoFundMe is a responsible government,. he said, in the Monday night meeting.

The American taxpayers are fed up with being ordered about and their lives controlled by statist drones with names like SAMEER AHMED. Go home, Ahmed. You are not a citizen if you think the American people are not allowed to dissent and organize against tyrants.

Edgar can stay. He’s doing a GoFundMe campaign instead of raising taxes or debt-spending? I like his style. Maybe it’s time for me to start tithing again.

Oh, hey, did you catch that? The ACLU is suing a government for wasting taxpayer money.




Utopianism In One Paragraph

A comment I prepared elsewhere that took on a life of its own.

This is the fire in which we burn: Humans are self-perfectible. The only things holding us back are some inefficient and hurtful habits. Once the brave new set of habits are adopted, everybody will be perfect and happy. But some people don’t want to adopt the new habits. We need a strong authoritarian power to force good habits upon those holdouts. Any failure in this plan is proof that we didn’t get rid of the holdouts fast enough because we personally have already been perfected, so the failure could not possibly have been our fault in any way.

Behold the Hegelian triple synthesis of arrogance, blindness and Daddy Issues.